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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

File: 1740435574076.gif (1.01 MB, 360x202, 1739232272153.gif)

No. 2416900

No. 2416926

File: 1740436390687.mp4 (18.76 MB, 720x1280, c1b228ef7607451ea6d52c8259085e…)

>im not actually queer at all i just say that shit because its a funny joke
>im gonna shoot up some queers
very interesting specimen @clowngamingmedia

No. 2416927

Am I going crazy or did we already have a thread?

No. 2416930

op and i thought so too but i can't see anything in the catalog

No. 2416934

I deleted it because the quality was trash for some reason.

No. 2416937

is everyone cool with this threadpic? i just used what that nona suggested in the last thread

No. 2416940

I'm not cool with middle aged man trynna be cute but it fits with the title.

No. 2417629

File: 1740456375942.png (307.39 KB, 597x793, z1upg6M.png)

>bl artist comparing the "butt babies" from her yaoi series to real human children

No. 2417656

This doesn't even make me cringe, it makes me want to commit acts of violence.

No. 2417658

Fucking ew

No. 2417666

Aw I’m the anon who made the threadpic. I’m honored it was chosen. In celebration here is the video I clipped it from which should be a great addition to the thread.

No. 2417675

These guys are so ugly

No. 2417683

File: 1740458184021.jpg (43.04 KB, 565x406, car.JPG)

I like the threadpic but hope you don’t get banned for posting jpop. Seems like farmhands are lenient with the idol cringe gif threadpics because they’re just too good.

No. 2417705

File: 1740459290311.jpg (23.04 KB, 736x707, 61e46f332da144ea0fd4142e5e3f7f…)

But it's cringe and relevant to the op, also half of the song and duo is Japanese

No. 2417728

I had finally gotten this out of my head… fuck you

No. 2417731

Since when is jpop banned? I thought it was just kpop

No. 2417806

File: 1740466134757.gif (6.27 MB, 640x360, ezgif.com-optimize.gif)

i love this stupid song and dance so much kek, the hair under the glasses kills me

No. 2417810

This made me hate buttlers more than i do.

No. 2417844

It’s so funny to me that kpop is heretic here. I just know theres some serious lore behind it.

No. 2417854

kpopfags were so insane they got exiled to their own image board

No. 2417877

I'm going to kill myself

No. 2418092

>hes an orange guy, and we dont really have to like him ey

No. 2419693

File: 1740566612128.mp4 (5.35 MB, 720x1280, qsP_I9cLD1Ea2tcU.mp4)

No. 2419721

She's so right for that

No. 2419728

They are (and too old) kek which makes this much more funny and cringe to me

No. 2419811

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No. 2419818

Kek this is so adorable. She has a point though. I saw "goth" and "emo" kpop fans at university who flaunt their kpop photocards. I don't understand how could someone dress alternative without listening to the genre.

No. 2419873

Alternative fashion is just mainstream now, many pop groups/artists dress in it too, so it only makes sense that a lot of fans also would.

No. 2420151

File: 1740598639834.jpg (73.61 KB, 571x960, 1000033207.jpg)

This poem from the author of Ready Player One, fucking kek

No. 2420174

not like other boys

No. 2420176

This is still my favorite thing. I love when it comes on at night.

No. 2420178

She's right though.

No. 2420282

She's right and also reminds me of ancient Venus with her way of talking

No. 2420992

cringed so hard i got scoliosis

No. 2420995

It's a little odd that she needs to look over at a script to rehearse what she's going to say but she's right.

No. 2421005

Covert cringe. I hate you anon kek

No. 2421006

I was about to say this. What's the male version of a pickme?

No. 2421015

A simp/orbiter

No. 2421160

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No. 2421165

File: 1740635318652.mp4 (5.62 MB, 540x960, output_video_67bffba09a5770.01…)

I couldn't survive the first second

No. 2421166

Ive seen tons of conversative goth people though… I guess thats because im actually into that community

No. 2421168

If i saw this in person, i'd want to die. Especially the middle one, he needs to be flogged.

No. 2421171

This isn’t nearly as bad as the average group of theater kids at 2am in a 24 hour restaurant. Middle should lose weight though.

No. 2421419

is this a porno?

No. 2421431

Kek one time I was playing Moonspell at a cafe I worked at and I overheard two seated customers laughing and making fun of the music for being weird but they were wearing the whole Instagram "alt" getup: platforms, all black, black lipstick, those those ugly ass pleather body harnesses etc. It was mind boggling to witness actually

No. 2421432

So the one on the right is the talented one but middle is the biggest attention whore who ends up thinking he's above the band. Left is the unpopular fag whose fans can only pity because he's "underrated!!1"

No. 2421918

Don't tell that kid that all the actual goths who were able to attend goth clubs when they were relevant are in their 40s, 50s, and 60s now. Guess they should be still dressing goth too and not looking like a normal grown ass adult.

Kek I like your analysis nona.

No. 2422053

File: 1740698447029.mp4 (1.37 MB, 540x960, 6971670-907c1563656e35eeb19b3b…)

Oh yeah

No. 2422055

Such a low bar

No. 2422061

He knew the only way he could gain a little traction is by ragebaiting with a nazi flag kek

No. 2422070

the down syndrome is potent in this

No. 2422074

Beholding the master race. Varg would be proud.

No. 2422119

average nazi

No. 2422124

they linked up (angel vs devil)

No. 2422125

He kind of looks like his oldest son kek

No. 2422178

He don't know what the fuck is on that wall. A "carer" is fully taking advantage of him.

No. 2422191

No she isn't because she's a poser, she's clearly a geeky nerdy shy girl and she's dressed like a normie.
I gasped after the first sentence. It's gross because any girl reading this who fits his descriptions would just feel objectified which is what he's pretending he hates.
This better be real.
In the Salvation Army?

No. 2423219

File: 1740766326491.mp4 (3.26 MB, 1280x720, 3097322-ba316b402feb46c839fe87…)

Unironically my favorite video on all of the internet
Someone should stream this on moovienight

No. 2423222

File: 1740766359750.mp4 (4.41 MB, 480x360, dom and sub marriage.mp4)

Me and who

No. 2423391

What the fuck did I just watch

No. 2424171

File: 1740811063945.mp4 (4.39 MB, 576x1024, naruto l.mp4)

these poor women

No. 2424176

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No. 2424632

What was she trying to say in the first place? She’d host a terrorist group?

No. 2424751

jesus the way you phrased this makes it sound worse than it actually is. nearly gave me a heart attack. still weird I guess

No. 2424877

i want to fucking kill myself

No. 2424881

Drake's latest grift

No. 2424882

Is femboy just code for 'tranny with anime avatar who doesn't even try to make his voice pass'?

No. 2424886

This video reeks of monkeypox and aids

No. 2424944

This is what gets money nowadays. These are the people who are suspiciously never targeted by moids who want to go postal, further proving that all mass shootings and tragedies are planned out false flags because they are people like Vtubers who are more bullet worthy than random people on the street.

No. 2424968

thanks for posting this nona, i cant fall asleep unless i watch it 4 times

No. 2425889

File: 1740924978827.mp4 (1.63 MB, 360x640, 1000046892.mp4)

Taylor Swift impersonator can't sing and gets ignored by kids.

No. 2425894

Wdym? She sounds exactly like her lol

No. 2425899

Didn't say the real Taylor could sing either

No. 2425903

No. 2425930

Reminds me of Shay trying to be sexy

No. 2426149

I mean, it's fine by me to have a celebrity impersonator in roller skates bad singing at my kids party, but has she have to me semi named to do so?

No. 2426339

File: 1740949015077.jpg (53.17 KB, 607x428, PzLoModvq7MM3iiR9KhFLv9mwcFsqj…)

You just know how the troons look (and smell) like under the anime avatars.

No. 2426628

File: 1740968228647.mp4 (2.78 MB, 540x960, output_video_67c5081a5e2be6.64…)

Gulf guy married to a white woman making these videos about how she's so feminine and spoiled
>don't you know how to wash dishes? You need someone to teach you?
>teaches her and explains the steps
She probably married him for money or something but this was so painfully cringy to watch because he's probably trying to show her off as some trophy.

No. 2426639

This makes me cringe because she completely, utterly, irredeemably, hopelessly, and terminally fucking mogs him. Ugly man psyop strikes again.

No. 2426643

Lmao she's pulling weaponized incompetence on him, making this based.

No. 2426648

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No. 2426650

File: 1740969732161.mp4 (2.87 MB, 576x466, okidoki (1).mp4)

No. 2426651

For the first couple seconds, I didn't know if she was speaking English or not.

No. 2426665

I lost. Peak autism.

No. 2426671

Man no wonder zoomers aren't dating

No. 2426844

They have to be ragebaiting chuds of women not knowing their duties anymore (and for dating a black moid of course.)

No. 2426993

thank you so fucking much anon, is there more? im so invested. i lost it when he just curled away into dust at the end
>well m'dear
lost immediately, didnt stand a chance
kekd at the motivational poster in the background

No. 2427222

You couldn't pay me to click on this, so I guess I lost.

No. 2427319

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No. 2427328

My humor is so rotted that I actually chuckled at this. Can’t wait to subject my friends to it as well, thanks anon.

No. 2427342

this shit was hilarious, god i'm retarded

No. 2427362

This felt like listening to someone read out Canterbury Tales because I'm old and have no context for 99% of what they're talking about.

No. 2427370

> is there more? im so invested
I really wish I could help you with that nonna but I found this vid in some kf thread long long time ago, I don't even remember what thread it was from unfortunately.
I want what they have

No. 2427376

File: 1741032375912.jpg (294.83 KB, 2048x826, ocforjustice.jpg)

Israel must be trembling

No. 2427384

File: 1741032825881.png (660.77 KB, 560x638, Screenshot 2025-03-03 at 21.12…)

I personally pay them their one way ticket to Gaza kek together with this women #fattiesforpalestine

No. 2427386

>"so you'll volunteer at the refugee camps then?"
>no! But my ocs will!

No. 2427505

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No. 2427528

somebody in class filmed this holy moly, good for the kids he´s wearing a mask kek

No. 2427595

kek at the zoomers agreeing with her. These people have always existed

No. 2427623

Kinda cute tbh, it's just harmless teen cringe.

No. 2427634

>Canterbury Tales
Kek. I'm with you anon I hardly understand what they're saying

No. 2427984

this is how the gta games look like to me

No. 2428033

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No. 2428036

File: 1741071466787.mp4 (4.21 MB, 576x1024, 1700133170817.mp4)

No. 2428039

Seeing attractive looking people being this cringe makes me feel better about myself

No. 2428050

kek of course she's using fucking breakfast club as an example for real people in subcultures

No. 2428074

I know this is just a light hearted thread but this makes me seethe so much. The way he talks about the women in porn is disgusting and already sounds like he's typing with one hand and the way he talks about "geek women" is no less objectifying. Moids like this don't see us as human, especially not the ones that cater to their fetish. I fucking hate men.

No. 2428130

this was hard to watch

No. 2428551

No. 2428619

really kawiwi. Props for the An Café font kek

No. 2428817

>all kinds of Japan

No. 2428913

I like the concept of the humiliation of old disgusting men for being old and disgusting.
Did a troon make this?
Strangely endearing
Same energy as Tumblr fujos holding up "let my gays marry" signs

No. 2428960

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No. 2428963

Anons, does he have the predator eyes or the prey eyes?

No. 2428968

Was that the fucking Among Us kill chord near the end of the video or am I just going insane?

No. 2428975

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No. 2428978

File: 1741132932257.jpg (120.48 KB, 375x500, 1000000738.jpg)

>just remembered an cafe after 20 years

No. 2428979

>Forced to apologise for joking that she would feed Hamas
>Not because they're murderous terrorists, but because she forgot their dietary restrictions

No. 2429001

The premise and ending is based but my god, I hate content like this where you can tell the scrote is obsessed with himself.

No. 2429011

File: 1741133927146.png (214.3 KB, 1008x720, wtf.png)

Roblox has gone too far

No. 2429021

Somehow both

No. 2429025

Nigga is trying to be "romantic" but won't even shave that poop beard to look decent and to eat her pussy out. L moid.

No. 2429033

This guy stalks booktok girls

No. 2429182

Of course it's an ugly pasty fat British pig who's misbehaving in a foreign country. Who would have guessed? I honestly lost

No. 2429196

I went back to watch the video in full and good god I think this one really takes it for me. I might be retarded for the rest of my life just for watching this.

No. 2429407

tapped out at 10 seconds

No. 2429504

Did you guys see the Argentinian guy with the retarded shit eating grin acting like a monkey on the train in japan? He looked so pleased with himself

No. 2429516

No, post it.

No. 2429738

Looking disgusting-nipples protruding-in his maroon shirt before Lolcow. Very Very Disrespectful

No. 2429774


No. 2429779

Always the same types of men who would probably exploit women in Thailand or Vietnam.

No. 2429780

30+ mom with a 15 year old. Wtf…She's closer to 40 then, unless she had her kids at 15.

No. 2429783

You know, if it wasn't for the retarded beard and hairstyle and tattoos and obvious romance novel monologue bordering too much on serial killer, I'd appreciate the sentiment.

No. 2429792

Not even surprised that this is a worthless bong acting like this

No. 2429947

Wy does he want to be Edward Cullen so bad? Also his face is kinda small, tif?

No. 2429954

The pillow shading on the abs makes it look like she has a pack of dinner rolls stuck in her underwear.

No. 2430201

File: 1741202746666.mp4 (2.55 MB, 720x1280, your life becomes a game.mp4)

Indian men am i right?
please don't ban me for racebaiting kek, that's not my intention

No. 2430399

He needs to shave his gorilla arms ew

No. 2431323

File: 1741254371291.jpg (421.1 KB, 1059x1965, 1000000727.jpg)

No. 2431326


No. 2431358

Tumblr and lana del rey were truly a devastating damage to humankind. Also not only the pic but the price is cringe too.


No. 2431359

yeah, the original concept referred to Indo-Iranian people, which is why it's a regularly used name and surname in India, it only took on the connotation of a "master race" after Nazism, but with globalization instead of accepting that it's a misinterpretation retarded Indian scrotes just pretend that it's them that the concept of a "master race" refers to acksually.

No. 2431362

Horrifying. Did you encounter this specimen in the wild?

No. 2431363

child sexual abuse as an aesthetic but no mafia concepts in kpoop kek

No. 2431369

>I originally paid $250
Is that normal or is coquette-chan possibly a dumbass?

No. 2431375

Likely running a scam

No. 2431384

File: 1741256454719.png (173.17 KB, 720x914, 1000033442.png)

>No mafia concepts in kpoop
Oh my god, I remember that. So dramatic kekaroo

No. 2431391

mama mia

No. 2431393

It is normal, but only within the last couple of years. The resale value of older liz lisa pieces is absolutely ridiculous. You would've been able to find the same skirt for like $5 on proxy sites not too long ago.

No. 2431480

File: 1741261819017.jpeg (89.12 KB, 960x801, IMG_777.jpeg)

No. 2431980

File: 1741292620230.mp4 (582.89 KB, 320x556, _1741292520949.mp4)

No. 2432006

Not to racebait but its so weird hearing based and red pill in a Indian accent, it's as jarring as the time I heard a Japanese man say periodt

No. 2432012

How does a South Indian peasant villager even find 4chan

No. 2432021

Average 4cuck poster nowadays

No. 2432155

File: 1741300180102.png (630.36 KB, 1017x935, 23182 .png)

Based and evolianpilled(soyjak)

No. 2432164

That is what made me actually cringe. I never saw LL go for that high of a price holy shit

No. 2432186

I bet other based and redpilled men are shitting on him, calling him a jeet and street shitter. This ilk is extremely racist, I'll never understand why non whites are drawn to this kind of subculture. It seems southeast asians and south americans form the biggest group of nonwhite redpill men.
Superb work

No. 2432220

I found the meme, I didn't do it.

No. 2432242

on 4chan int they have an revolving india general thread

No. 2432271

Listens to Drudkh once.

No. 2432288

Kek that man definitely doesn't listen to Drudkh

No. 2432294

Average day on Depop. They're also trying to sell Hollister and Abercrombie trash from the mall in the 2000s for like 400 dollars for one article of clothing. People are becoming more retarded.

No. 2432305

Nobody mentioned that his voice is too high pitched? He is incapable of being sexy just from that alone. Nasty, 0/10

No. 2432406

No. 2432502

I miss this era. The maplestory music makes it too nostalgic

No. 2432649

No. 2432665


Didn't know this type of autism weeb dances/idol groups still gets uploaded to youtube, I thought video was from 2014 kek

No. 2435381

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No. 2435383

>reeeee it's not my fault I'm a degenerate

No. 2435384

Why do all vtubers talk like they're retarded? It's a very specific and particular pattern of speech too so I wonder if it's just easier for the face rig to follow along with their audio.

No. 2435392

they try to talk like little girls to appeal to pedophiles probably

No. 2435395

Any little girl who spoke like that would be sent to speech therapy and relentlessly bullied for sounding like a tard.

No. 2435403

bonus of her cheating ex husband do the dance too

No. 2435409

>This ilk is extremely racist, I'll never understand why non whites are drawn to this kind of subculture
Men are terminal pickme's for other men, it's written in their DNA

No. 2435411

It sounds like she's doing an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression with a wad of cotton in her mouth

No. 2435495

this ugly mf cheated? good lord

No. 2435500

ew he's repulsive, that recessed chin…

No. 2435636

It half sounds like she has a sinus infection and was dropped on her heard repeatedly as a child kek

No. 2435670

Why does every inbred ugly male out there has what I like to call the anus lips?

No. 2435759

No. 2435768

I've never seen a man with such a small mouth before

No. 2435819

>Latin American
Also, it's because of internalized racism and an inferiority complex. They actually believe their ethnicity is genetically inferior, so they desperately want to belong to the "superior group".

No. 2436016

I want to physically beat the shit out of him

No. 2436431

Vtubers are genuinely insufferable.

No. 2436661

File: 1741544860380.jpg (76.79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

got curious and decided to look up this guy's face. this shit makes me physically feel ill

No. 2436679

where did you got this from?

No. 2436689

No. 2436693

No. 2436950

Big Bang Theory without the laugh track is some of my favorite shit.

No. 2437890

I thought he'd be fatter

No. 2437904

Ntayrt but there was a big vtuber doxsite where they gathered everyone's old selfies. That selfie is probably half a decade old.

No. 2437982

Why does he look like he'd be in a B-grade 2010s boy group

No. 2438088

would tbh. if he still looked like that

No. 2438126

So classic, thank you for interrupting the low hanging vtuber fruit

No. 2438441

No. 2438454

exactly the kind of writing i’d expect from a crowdfunded VN lmao

No. 2438513

>liquids with different gravities

No. 2438556

File: 1741633738827.png (9.99 KB, 674x112, 269024359867.PNG)

Men are such faggots holy shit

No. 2439152

File: 1741666266564.jpeg (180.34 KB, 609x1116, Xau0fjf.jpeg)

No. 2439156

someone should post it on 4chan

No. 2439175

Ah, this is one of my favorite videos kek

No. 2439183

I'm not sure if this was intended to be cringe-funny but I laughed out loud.

No. 2439187

booktok and it's consequences

No. 2439394

Women are so delusional when it comes to men. A man will literally not gaf about them and they'll be like "omg he's so mysterious… he wants me so bad". This is like abysmal, bottom feeding, rock bottom, bare minimum, absolute in the trenches bullshit yet I constantly see women convincing themselves of this.

No. 2440533

I got reminded of this guy's existence and hearing this song again killed me with cringe. I used to follow him thinking I'll learn something about music but realized quickly he was full of shit.

No. 2440559

omfg I forgot about this, I remember seeing him in iDubbbz' content cop video years ago, I looked him up and this was the first video I saw and I cringed so hard I couldn't finish it.

No. 2440560

Ironic line because he got accused of grooming

No. 2440562

I'm so confused why people ever liked his music, it's so bad.

No. 2440571

>I was not taught the laws for the country I live in
>and i didn't know it's wrong to groom underage women

No. 2440624

Man I hated this man so bad, he was so punchable but I felt crazy seeing him get thirst on Tumblr. Then there was that cringe as fuck stream where Corpse kept flashing his hand around this guy's face off-camera like it was a tease and he was goading fan girls. Cringe recognize cringe and flock together evidently

No. 2440633

time to heal childhood issues otherwise she's gonna be stuck in a loop

No. 2440638

It's cringe but I would love this song if I was 12 years old

No. 2440647

shoe0nhead classic

No. 2440663

File: 1741770913507.webm (1.92 MB, 224x400, 1741374723013.webm)

Dios mio

No. 2440678

I've seen examples of this in real life and the "chemistry" in question is always some fuckboy who only superficially interacts with them as long as it possibly leads to sex. Someone help my bpd sisters find some women-only place where they can get the love and attention they want, not from trashy XYs.

No. 2440768

Any grown man who says the word senpai ironic or otherwise deserves to be lined up by a firing squad and obliterated into the wall

No. 2440777

The weird filter that kicks in makes me crack the fuck up. It's like "senpai" is taking immense RADS damage and is on the verge of death from cringe

No. 2440879

Ok but does anyone know what character he's cosplaying in this? I wanna know what moe animu girl he's butchering kek.

No. 2440956

> I'm not Italian but European
I bet this is a burger

No. 2441020

Absolutely love how he's whining about not getting things taught in school that get taught in school lol

No. 2441026

File: 1741799188922.jpg (299.67 KB, 1039x1826, 96986959.jpg)

No. 2441041

>eat the rich
>posted by thrift store/antique scalper
I want to alog

No. 2441103

imagine ruining such a cute little statue like that, fucking retard

No. 2441171

File: 1741804180128.png (4.08 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_6423.png)

No. 2441174

What is the end goal with this behaviour

No. 2441176

this looks like something luna slater would have done in 2017

No. 2441181

attention from edgy pedophiles

No. 2441192

becoom the filter

No. 2441236

I don't even understand what she's saying kek

No. 2441293

>diapered suitfaggots
which one of you has this autistic fetish to justify the existence of this shit

No. 2441297

This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.

No. 2441834

I hope whoever buys it un-upcycle it and cleans it up from these toddler scribbles.
Can't comprehend a single word of this but I hate this makeup style.
It's so cringe it's funny. Let's hope it's a joke/satire of some sort but they're Japanese so I doubt it.

No. 2441851

Why do you do things like this to us nona

No. 2441862

She was straight up dissociating.
Me at 14 after a relationship that lasted a week
Fucking magnets how do they work vibes. He complains about not knowing a second language than immediately after complains about having learned French?

No. 2441877

Imagine becoming a Vtuber and intentionally attracting a deranged incel fanbase.

No. 2441879

Every time an autistic farmer posts what is obvious satire and takes it completely seriously I cringe

No. 2443114

yes sure its ''satire'' thats what dan schneider said with his toe 'jokes' too

No. 2443205

Japanese "humor", everyone.

No. 2443302

>I was never taught how to get a job
There are programs and agencies literally dedicated to helping people get jobs.
>but I know how to dissect a frog
Is it just me or is this something that's only done in movies and cartoons? I have never dissected anything in biology class, nor do I know anyone who has.
>i don't know how to do muh taxes!
Not a concern to gradeschool aged children. Also doing your taxes is like writing your name. You don't even need to really think about it.
>i don't know how to vote
British citizens are not eligible to vote until the age of 18 and it's literally just writing your signature on a piece of paper. Why would you need a guide for that?
>but what about muh health?
Basic hygiene is something your parents teach you.
>never had any lessons on current events
Just watch the fucking news, ffs.
>never taught laws
Civics often does teach about laws. Most laws boil down to common sense anyways. Don't kill people. Don't steal shit. Don't diddle kids. Don't work with a gang to sell fentanyl. Feels the need to repeat this asinine statement three fucking times.
>financial advice
Maybe if you'd paid attention in math you'd know.
>never taught human rights
Common fucking sense.
>trading stocks
That's something you learn about in college.
>how does money work durrrr
Math class literally teaches about currency. You're just fucking retarded.
>where does it come from durrrrr
Money is printed by the federal government. You'd know this if you paid attention in civics.
>muh budgeting
Don't spend too much on shit you don't need and save up for medical expenses/other emergencies. That's it.
>basic first aid
You can take classes on that.
>mental disorders durrrrr
Are you seriously fucking telling me you can't tell if someone has violent BPD or schizophrenia or not?
>preventable diseases
That's what pediatricians are for.
In this day and age, no one in their early 20s is buying a house unless they already come from a wealthy background, in which case they don't have to worry about that.
>practical medicines
Again, pediatricians.
>abuse and mental health
Teachers aren't therapists. Most schools have counselors who work with mentally unwell students.
>all this advice about using condoms
Because teen pregnancy is an issue and there are next to no teens who are both financially and emotionally capable of raising a child.
>language learning
Do they not have language classes in Britain?
>political systems
Again, not paying attention during civics.

No. 2443309

This guy got outted as a groomer

No. 2443317

I would say "this game walked so Class of '09 could run", but in reality it's more like "this game limped into an alleyway where Class of '09 jumped it, beat it to death with its own crutches, and then hobbled off to a crackden"

No. 2443385

File: 1741903977534.jpg (454.74 KB, 2048x2048, e2m0thi7v5yz.jpg)

This is super old but this is definitely the worst thing I've seen today, what the fuck. I hope this ugly pedo manchild dies. Poor Millie

No. 2443392


No. 2443427

File: 1741906562361.mp4 (2.95 MB, 640x360, videoplayback.mp4)

No. 2443430

into the woodchipper, NOW!!!

No. 2443431

3 threads and still nothing makes me cringe the way those kpop fags pretend to be puppies or whatever

No. 2443446

i thought speds werent allowed to roam the streets alone at night without a handler?

No. 2443450


No. 2443466

my mom told me

No. 2443475

Maybe a treadmill with a screen in front of it or something nona, if your mom is not a night person

No. 2443498

File: 1741911176722.jpg (51.53 KB, 848x942, shadman_drama_by_sno0pidity_dh…)

Here's more cringe from a pickme who can't let go of her favorite mediocre YouTubers who were involved with Shadman. Why are pickmes like this?

No. 2443529

Sounds like bri ish education sucks compared to superior burgerland

No. 2443543

Kek, to be fair when moids get caught they always start BAWWWing about how they totally didn't know it was wrong to groom people and it's actually everyone else's fault

No. 2443730

File: 1741931662644.webm (1.67 MB, 368x704, we're on your side.webm)

No. 2443733


No. 2443886

That is from blm riots.

No. 2445517

File: 1742048778164.jpg (51.4 KB, 713x713, 41b7d8fed6013a.jpg)

I found this tshirt while mindlessly browsing, if I saw a man wear this I'd fucking shove that nerd in a locker

No. 2445518

File: 1742048800869.jpg (111.95 KB, 713x1095, 41af16d753db12.jpg)

Here's a close up

No. 2445809

File: 1742062061477.mp4 (Spoiler Image,930.02 KB, 720x1280, ea276da9a4fe73f5b7d593b0fed474…)

The va sounding like shes being held hostage to do this crap mixed with the lazy coomer design hit me like a hiroshima bomb of cringe

No. 2446792

KEKK if I saw a moid wearing that I'd just burst out laughing at his face

No. 2448428

File: 1742217892364.mp4 (11.62 MB, 720x1280, 7082668-527a4503117357cfda5967…)

This is your nazbol gang, /pol/ chud

No. 2448467

This is the public image /pol/tards deserve.

No. 2448475

This reminds me of when some news station got its windows smashed in by "protestors" (not BLM, something else) and very quickly changed all their headlines to "riots" kek

No. 2448803

This is obviously satire

No. 2449098

I don't care, it's still cringe. Don't you love when your bro wears a maid dress and flies a nazbol flag ironically, it's so funny.

No. 2449463


No. 2449467

That's generally the point of satire.

No. 2449476

No. 2449480

File: 1742256397548.mp4 (2.88 MB, 480x360, 7080233-9b6d87a7d8334fd8be733c…)

Okay anon

No. 2449666

kek where the hell did you hear that nonna? was he gay??

No. 2449715

It was on a youtube video. He wasn't gay, he's a wigga/westaboo who just uses random English slang in his rambling videos

No. 2449749

File: 1742270562626.jpg (29.68 KB, 680x660, GBkSZjUWcAAgFox.jpg)

I liked Huniepop
15 year old me ate that shit up when markiplier played it. the second one plays like shit but I do like some of the girls

No. 2450055

picturing this as an open mic set. anime is my worst enemy made me lol

No. 2450078

pls link

No. 2450099

Kek I also played huniepop in high school but I wouldn't say that I look fondly on that time. I liked the redhead girl's outfits

No. 2450995

File: 1742343507093.png (1.92 MB, 1080x1558, 20318.png)

35 year old retarded troon, in a fugly cosplay and behaving like this in public. Yeah can't get anymore cringier than that.

No. 2451011

the way he’s anticipating for her to start screaming and hyperventilating like the other girls do kek

No. 2451014

How old is he? Why do males go on Omegle when they know it's just a bunch of 13-15 year olds?

No. 2451020

Ew kek what is wrong with his eyebrows

No. 2451026

He has bpd eyes

No. 2451274

File: 1742362690431.png (25.25 KB, 2383x188, sadasdadsadsad.png)

No. 2451473

>Japanese pickmeisha coming through to try and calm him down before another banshee scream
Kekked hard

No. 2451479

Imagine doing all this for a bum who threatened a pregnant to shoot a pregnant lady lol

No. 2451515

File: 1742383847143.mp4 (7.61 MB, 656x1280, 1000000814.mp4)


No. 2451518

File: 1742384213091.mp4 (10.82 MB, 720x1132, 1000000815.mp4)

I've regretted not sharing this one since the day I first saw it

No. 2451521

of course she's fat

No. 2451522

The way she says Crack cocaine and fkn insane, I'm obsessed

No. 2451785

What the fuck is this from?

No. 2452852

File: 1742435310018.mp4 (333.67 KB, 592x822, It's Fucking Pink, Bitch.mp4)

Huniepop is fun, I can not lie.

No. 2452868

Huniepop is so ridiculous that I can't really hate it. Plus I've heard that the Match 3/Bejeweled clone in it is actually pretty good.

No. 2452897

I haven’t seen true autism in a long time. The annoying attention whores pretending to have quirky autism on tiktok would stop if they knew what true autism really is.
>abhorrent ack of self awareness
>electroswing fan
>interest in edgy cartoons
>incapable of feeling embarrassed
>comfy autism shoes and shirt

No. 2452906

I admire the lack of self-awareness and inability to be embarrassed ngl. True autists are cringe but free like the guy who wrote a guide on documenting light poles in your city (always bring an adult!)

No. 2452914

as an autist i agree with her. How am i supposed t know who you are if you dont dress like who you are?

No. 2452979

Her song, 2 Shots of Patron. Her first name Sophie but icr the rest

No. 2453034

oh god that ricky berwick guy?? he's so gross, i hate him so much

No. 2453048

kek I've never seen this, that actually made me laugh out loud

No. 2453058

File: 1742445771461.mp4 (1.14 MB, 576x1024, fweekin gwinch.mp4)

No. 2453092

I fit 4 out of 5 on this list. nonas am I autistic? is this self-awareness or the lack thereof

No. 2453096

Holy kek, I lost. It just kept getting better
>the pan over to reveal other kids sitting there
>"Trevor you wanna speak over it or do u wanna, uh-"

No. 2453928

File: 1742498716575.jpg (159.47 KB, 1080x1026, 1740448021173339.jpg)

You think he pulled out his katana and fedora after posting this?

No. 2453930

I love it when moids post this type of shit unironically.

No. 2455483

File: 1742579032549.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.15 MB, 480x854, aEisJViyajKd1KtK.mp4)

No. 2455507

File: 1742580140069.gif (560.98 KB, 498x398, 0dkCFDN.gif)

No. 2456085

He's free

No. 2456090

worst thing is this obese fag thinks his lumps of fat are equal to boobs, disturbing

No. 2456142

File: 1742601438140.mp4 (7.54 MB, 592x1280, dirtyboy.mp4)

No. 2456151

>dirty little BOY.

No. 2456169

I feel dirty listening to this

No. 2456186

I mean at that point.. they are

No. 2456196

kekkk, honestly I am on the teacher's side just because I have had the misfortune of knowing male teenagers too.

No. 2456505

welcome back numa numa

No. 2459451

idk what's the best part, the nonsensical lyrics or her lisp

No. 2459684

This is kind of mesmerising

No. 2459934

I laffed unironically, sorry.
I can tell this man is a pedophile from the pfp.
Moidlet deserved to be humiliated but that was really weird and uncomfortable.

No. 2460304

No. 2461602

I challenge you to get past the first 2 minutes. Context is a cartoon youtube reviewer trying to pitch his cartoon idea to adult swim and gendy tartakovsky(creator of dexter's lab)

No. 2461671

File: 1742938529112.jpg (227.09 KB, 1120x1703, common-kenny-omega-w-v0-pmc20z…)

The guy who is holding the sign looks like a creepy pedo who kidnaps children.

No. 2461677

They yearn for the prehistoric chimp wars wherein they beat each other to death with rocks.

No. 2461685

I can't understand a single word but I'm laughing anyway, being a loser transcends borders

No. 2462014

The lethal levels of autism radiating from her troon, the meowing, girl run

No. 2462017

kek the guy in the back giving a thumbs down

No. 2462035

Ugly outfits too

No. 2462041

Ikr. The non troon looks like a grandmother in 1980 in both outfits.

No. 2462169

File: 1742972038301.mp4 (2.83 MB, 540x960, qok5yyQO9t1u5qa79.mp4)

No. 2462174

surprise that bitch with a hair transplant next time

No. 2463312

This video is legendary, arguably belongs in the chuckle thread.

No. 2463816

No. 2463837

They're both so uncomfortable. Troonie stays bc he wants sex, she stays for handmaiden points and the ego boost of being a true ally but they're completely bored with each other and have no chemistry

No. 2464016

Is that really how britbongs actually talk? he talks like a character from This Country.

No. 2464025

File: 1743090666427.png (546.29 KB, 935x897, image_2025-03-27_165028195.png)

No. 2464051

This isn't cringe, it's cute

No. 2464179

File: 1743097195000.jpg (359.66 KB, 1080x959, Screenshot_20250327_141552_Fir…)

No. 2464467

He sounds more like the stereotypical vallygirl fagcent than a bongcent imo

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