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No. 346212

What are you watching? What do you recommend watching?
Discuss your favorite (or not) series ITT!

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No. 346228

I'm finally watching Breaking Bad, and I'm only on season 3 but I don't know why everyone online hates Skylar. She's the only reasonable character in the entire show kek

No. 346229

because she's a woman and she gets in the way of walt's gay moid power fantasy

No. 346230

I just started the prequel spin-off “better call Saul”. It’s been so long since I’ve watched BB but going to revisit afterwards

Exactly this

No. 346240

After months of refusing to do so because they changed the original story so much, I finally started watching Interview with the Vampire and I love it!

Or rather loved it, because Claudia is annoying af, I hope she will be gone fast. I get that casting a young adult to play a teen is easier than keeping the original child role, but did they have to make her into a walking quirky zoomer stereotype? Kirsten Dunst (who was great despite being super young) also made you hate her because she was an intelligent cunning little sociopath but new Claudia looks 18 yet behaves like a retarded 11yo boy who's stomping through the world. Her worries about never being a proper woman also aren't believable because she does look like a young woman? Especially a 100 years ago nobody would have refered to her as a little child, they might not even have bought that young-looking Louis could be her father, oftentimes they look more like a couple which is uncomfortable to watch.

It's interesting that back then Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt didn't even kiss, meanwhile now they can have sex and share a coffin…but it's nice that their love is shown more.
All in all it does seem like a high quality production to me, the costumes are nice and New Orleans is of course always lovely, no matter the century. Sometimes it's a bit too woke (e.g. why would they have used the word "queer" back then?) but in general the change from Louis being a slave owner to being a brothel owner was done well enough.

No. 346252

It's this >>346229 and I've seen a lot of moids infuriated that she had an affair on poor sick dying (abusive piece of shit drug lord) Walt

No. 346262

Skylar is my favorite character. She's based and and so brave to stand up to Walt's constant bullshit just to protect her family. He constantly gaslights her too and makes her entire family think she's some huge bitch but somehow moids side with Walt over her.

No. 346269

Is Tape Face kept in a cage beneath the Pasedena Civic Auditorium? It's as if AGT is his own personal purgatory.

No. 346301

Thanks for basically warning me not to watch this garbage

No. 346344

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I'm watching Sopranos for the first time and while I do love Melfi, especially after the ending of season 3 Episode 4, it's interesting to see just how awkward her approach to therapy is at times.
Obviously nowadays we have more guidance on how to go about certain situations, but I'm on the verge of pulling out my hair when she doesn't even bother to initiate a further conversation after Tony says something that has a lot of potential of getting him to open up.

No. 346360

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I just finished season 1 of this show called From. First of all it's a really stupid name, and it makes looking up discussions on an already less popular series pretty much impossible.
But anyways I think it's a nice concept I just wish there was even a small explanation of literally anything, but I'm gonna start watching season 2 and see what comes up lol. I think shows like this really benefit from being more typical 22 episode type shows, because there's so many characters, and they each get time to be more fleshed out, but somehow there was enough boring filler in these 10 episodes

No. 346365

Nta but anon's criticisms are so minor. It's a really good show outside of the things she mentioned. And I never personally got the impression that Claudia talked like a zoomer (though I agree thar her actress is too old for the part.) As someone who loved VC as a teenager, I was really happy with the show. It stays true to the characterization and themes of the book while also adding some fresh ideas.

No. 346370

>stays true to the characterization and themes of the book
Is that true? I haven't read the books but I watched the new show with a big Anne Rice fan and apparently the reporter is acting completely out of character right from the start because in the books he was obsessed with becoming immortal immediately after the events of Interview With a Vampire. Like he's so obsessed that after hearing Louis' story he immediately drives 24 hours or something to search for Lestat because he wants to be a vampire so badly (eventually he gets someone else to turn him) and the idea that he would have lived a normal life and let himself age into an old man when he knows vampires are real is absurd, he would have died trying.

No. 346374

I started watching it also for the first time a few months ago. I find the show a bit frustrating at times(just the characters not so much the show itself) and also expected it to be more violent , but I’m not complaining about that part. It’s an interesting show and I enjoy the dry humor of it.
I so badly wanted Carmela to boink the priest tho kek

No. 346390

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I watched 12oz Mouse for the first time the other day and a few episodes into the second season it started to click and now I can't get it out of my head.

I only watched the original 2 seasons, It was revived for a 3rd season in 2020 but we all know how that kind of thing goes and I heard it was no good so I'm ignoring season 3. There's a version of the first two seasons of episodes that was recut into a movie and I'd like to find that and watch it next.

It gets a lot of hate from animation nerds for being "low effort" but I came to realize that the low effort character designs and animation are part of the point, like how the play Our Town is performed on a bare stage. The writing and voice acting is also not what I expected at all, I imagined that the low-effort animation was meant to carry improv comedy like in ATHF or Home Movies but it's really not comedic and funny-haha as much as it is funny-weird and bizarre and unsettling. The pacing is extremely slow and the first few episodes are just throwaway gags, I had a hard time believing that it was David Lynch influenced but then at a certain point it really becomes more than the sum of its parts in a way I can only describe as Lynchian. It's a lot like Twin Peaks in how it throws random situations and visuals and characters and snippets of conversation at you and you kindof have to feel out what the point they're making is. There is a plot of sorts, but it's buried in all that other stuff and the plot isn't necessarily the point. Before you ask, no I was not smoking weed and that is not why I came to enjoy it.

Has anyone else watched this show and do you think you "got it"?

No. 346401

No pls watch it, it is still nice! lol

Imo she definitely behaves and also talks in a very stereotypical nowadays kid way, being bratty, sassy and they even have her do a vampire version of self harm. It's especially annoying and offputting because she still behaves that way years after becoming a vampire, like inside she's 25 and yet does things like smashing a macaron on the wall for fun…? Even if they now spoil her, she still grew up as a poor and abused black girl in 1900, in reality at 14 she would be basically considered an adult already, so it's just unrealistic that she'd turn this way immediately after becoming a vampire.
Book Claudia is smart and evil beyond her years in how she kills and gets her way, and this one is the total opposite.

I was so focused on the other 3 that I totally forgot that his story makes zero sense. You're absolutely right, he'd have rather killed himself than not becoming a vampire as soon as possible after the interview. I guess in my mind I kind of started mixing him up with David (he's very similar to him now, maybe this was even the shows intention?), so I thought Oh well, he will get turned before he's so old that he dies.

No. 346407

Claudia is devious and relatively smart in the book, but she was still impulsive and short-sided. Of the three leads, she's the most different from the books in terms of personality, but I just didn't get the impression that she was super anachronistic in terms of performance. I will say though that Kirsten Dunst gave a better performance.

I can't really argue with your point about Daniel, it's a pretty big difference that he chose to move on. However I think the show uses that difference as an opportunity to take his character in interesting directions. It makes the issue of his mortality more urgent, for one, and his jaded sarcasm while giving the interview is a nice contrast to Louis' narration. Idk, that's definitely subjective though.

No. 346492

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Has anyone here been keeping up with the new Percy Jackson Disney+ show? It was hyped up for so long by fans who wanted a decent adaption of the story after the movies dropped the ball, but it's turned out to be almost as divisive as the movies. The pacing is horrible, the acting is wooden and nobody behaves like a real life human, and the episodes are sanitized to hell and back with muddled conflicts and zero action even though they're each being made on a 10+ million dollar budget.

Picrel the entire fanbase is on turbocope mode about how badly the show has turned out. It’s become impossible to criticize any aspect of the show without the discussion going to shit because fans feel like they need to defend it. Whenever you want to point out a flaw, the response is always “it’s for kids, who cares if it’s lazy?” and “the author is involved this time, so we have to respect his vision!” As a kid who used to be obsessed with the series, I remember seething over how disloyal the first two movie adaptations were to the books, but honestly… the movies are much more watchable and coherent than this new show, which is insane.

Even though the show is trash, I feel bad for the child actors. They haven’t done very well, but I think that’s mostly the fault of a terrible script and even worse direction. There’s only so much they can do with what little they’re given. I think it was especially retarded to cast a black actress to play an unambiguously blonde-haired, blue-eyed character, but that’s not that little girl’s fault. If anything, Riordan set her up for failure. Annabeth’s physical appearance is mentioned constantly in the books, so it was incredibly naive to think a colorblind casting for this role wouldn’t receive any flack whatsoever. I can’t help but find it callous that he basically put a child in a position to receive so much racist hatred and his only real response to any of it was, “don’t listen to the haters, I chose you.” Like, thanks? What fucking good does that do?

Idk, I am pretty bummed out about this, and I was wondering what other anons had to say about it. I was holding out hope that this would turn out good because I have so much nostalgia for the books, but it might be a lost cause at this point. In my opinion, the PJO books are already very dated and don’t have any of the same timeless charm as something like Harry Potter, so maybe that’s why an adaptation was always doomed to fail.

No. 346551

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I need to go back to The Borgias, I was on season 2. I enjoy Jeremy Irons as Rodrigo and the political plots (some things are painfully stupid though), the costumes are great. I didn’t get to incest yet but I don’t like Lucrezia or Cesare that much so I don’t really care. Sucks that they cancelled it before last season, it deserved grand finale.

No. 346553

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Samefag, I’m also on the last season of Sex and the City. Can’t wait to finish it, the seasons 1-2 are good and have more gritty mood than the rest of the series, then it goes between clever and painfully stupid sometimes. I have couple more episodes left, then I’m hopping onto Girls (which has very mixed reviews).

No. 346554

Shit nona I loved 12 oz mouse, I really fucking miss the Adult Swim renaissance of the late 2000s

No. 346555

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I don’t want to nitpick but it’s SkylEr (sorry, the spelling with an a just particularly annoys me). And yes, she’s great and has one of the best lines in the show. Moids hate her because of the 'cheating' with Ted (which she was absolutely justified in) and because she doesn’t let Walt play up his little drug lord fantasy as freely as he wants to.

No. 346557

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Is anyone else watching The Curse? I had no idea what to expect going in, but I love it and can't wait to see where the story is going. It's a dark comedy/slow burn 'horror' (kinda) written by Nathan Fielder and one of the Safdie brothers (Uncut Gems) and it really shows. If you like anything Nathan Fielder has been involved with then you'd appreciate the cringe/humor/tension of the show.

No. 346559

Q: Is this released weekly? Because I'd love to jump on a Paramount+ account for a trial, or a month, just to watch everything in bulk.

No. 346566

Yes, they release weekly. It's almost at the end, I think tomorrow is the drop of episode 9 (out of 10 total)

No. 346577

My issue with Skyler is that she shouldn't have cooperated with Walt at all. If she knew Walt was a drug dealer and he wasn't going to stop, there wasn't any reason for her to not tell the police.

No. 346579

Thank you for the validation nona, I also miss those days! They took some wild chances on experimental ideas.

No. 346591

At first she didn’t want her kids to remember their dad as criminal and then the longer she knew the more complicit she was.I think? The lawyer explanation was too muddly for me but yeah, I don’t think her hands were that tied at the start. I enjoy her criminal shenanigans though, especially her intelligence and cunning in comparison to Walt getting progressively dumber.

No. 346602

Enjoy, nona! It's so worth it. Season 3 is when things really start to turn up.

I still haven't watched BCS but I really need to, so thanks for the reminder. I love Bob Odenkirk and his journey from comedy into prestige TV.

Anna Gunn is so brilliant as Skyler. In the famous "I am the one who knocks" scene she gives a thousand conflicting feelings without saying anything. Exasperated, over it, can't fucking believe Walt thinks he's cool or something, but at the same time still overwhelmed and scared and trapped.

No. 346607

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She is a great actress, I love Cranston and Paul but I’m kinda mad they got the most recognition while moids make fun of Anna’s weight gain (even though the guy who played Hank sports two chins now). Breaking Bad is a good show but it has the worst fanbase made up of Redditor/MRA moid types with jokes repeated to death.

No. 346648

I just finished breaking bad yesterday. Never understood why Skyler gets so much hate as she isn't the most annoying character in the series and a lot of her actions can be understood. Honestly, I think Jesse was the most annoying character for me.
And the opinion of moids does influence my decision. They hate Skyler but just love Jesse for some reason and excuse everything he did as "being manipulated".

No. 346979

Does it have any jumpscares? I'm such a wuss but i like Nathan Fielder's work

No. 347283

I'm obsessed with this skit show they are so funny

No. 347316

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Friends gets called overrated and basic but it's such a good comfort show/great for background noise. I got to the weird episode where Ross is thirsting over Denise Richards who plays his cousin, and what's going on with her pick me self and her OF daughter right now is just so wild. Like who would've thought back then

No. 347318

It's pure sexism. I watched the show a few years ago and while I enjoyed it, I noticed Skyler only got hate because she questioned Walter and his end goal. He was mean and gaslighting to her, as well as a liar. If he told her the truth from the beginning, they could have figured something out together. I also agree the worst character is Jesse, but moids would rather empathize with a literal drug addict/drug seller than a woman who makes sense. I bet they all cheered when Walter killed Jesse's girlfriend too. I fucking hate moids

No. 347320

Friends was a fun show, with good rewatchability. I feel like people just hated on it because majority of viewers were women.

No. 347324

It's been so long since I watched it. I watched a rerun on TV when I was in middle school with the French dub and I remember missing a lot of episodes. Someday I think I should rewatch it and some other American sitcoms I really enjoyed like The Nanny or Malcolm in the Middle but in English.

No. 347346

>I feel like people just hated on it because majority of viewers were women.
Or maybe some people just didn't find it funny. Can't you understand seeing people push the same show for decades, and when you finally watch it it's nothing? Same with The Office, Seinfeld, pretty much every show that's considered a classic.

No. 347990

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Not sure if this belongs in here or the anime thread, but was Scott Pilgrim Takes Off any good?

No. 348006

Nona, I was so into this show years ago, I hope you enjoy it. I'm severely disappointed that it didn't get a last season, the cast was great. I feel a bit disappointed that they didn't include Adriana de Mila but that's just my Borgia autism showing up.

No. 348087

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any other nonnas planning on watching this? i watched the other three seasons, the first one had a compelling storyline but the other two were underwhelming. i like jodie foster so i'm hoping it'll be good.

No. 348102

Season two was not as good as season one and season three was even worse. I still watched them though so I might watch this one. I wonder if jodie foster can save it?

No. 348136

I'm gonna watch it. I watched season 1 but not the others cus they seemed boring, I hope this one is as good as it looks.

No. 348215

No. 348462

Anyone else watching The trust rn? its pretty good and interesting to watch the social dynamics

No. 348478

Old news but I just finished Succession and yeah good series, really made by the actors.
ending was bad for everyone but also not really because they're all rich and comfortable so it's kinda fun

No. 348479

Just finished The Curse. What the fuck was that ending

No. 348781

I'm watching next in fashion and when gigi starts crying because the one person is eliminated you can kind of tell she liked them a lot and was hoping they'd make it further were her speech and stuff because she doesn't do it later for anyone else lol

No. 348867

There are many theories about it and strangely so many of them fit really well. Definitely a tv show i'll not easily forget.

No. 348967

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Ugh.I thought I'd have some laughs and revisit some nostalgia from my high school days, turns out Jackass was completely recut for Paramount/Amazon. There's a warning about "outdated social norms" at the beginning of every episode, kek. In just the first episode they removed Johnny being shot out of a cannon and used the intro to Episode 2 for Episode 1 instead, (and reused the same intro again for Episode 2…?) The entire Wee-Man segment is cut out. A ton of the stunts are cut out now like Johnny jumping over the LA river, Naked Dave is cut out. ALL of the music (CKY and everything else) was removed and replaced by stock music, even the added sound effects are different. It's weird and it sucks now.

No. 349028

i'm watching love & death, only at ep 1 but elizabeth olsen, i like her but she be shaking her head a lot in many scenes, which kinda annoys me. i noticed some american actors do that a lot, idk if actors in other countries also do that or not, i haven't really noticed

No. 349060

Who can we blame for this?

No. 349074

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I love the topic it brings up, especially for being the 90s. Being a surrogate thinking it will be fine, but mentally being scarred after. Turning 30 without a stable relationship compared to your high school friends. Reading a book about feminism and bonding with your friends about it. Yearning for motherhood and ending up being infertile. It’s just all such important conversations about womanhood. It’s also female friendship goals. I really want to be roomies with a girl group in my 30s!!

No. 349077

Streaming services. Netflix removed one of the best episodes of Community because of Chang dressing up as a Drow.

No. 349081

> new murder mystery show with high production values
> full frontal female nudity in a sex scene not even 15 minutes in

ugh i'm so tired, nonnies. it felt so sudden and out of place. it's "death and other details" on hulu.

No. 349123

I finally finished all episodes of Interview with the Vampire and the ending was so surprising to me! I can't wait for the second season now, hopefully it won't take long…

No. 349143

…episodes? The only one I know is the tom cruise and brad pitt version

No. 349242

man episode one…. i think we're in for some reddit shit unfortunately. the magic of s1 is in its subtlety, the moments revealing some unfathomable metaphysics are few and far between and all questionable as rust's unreliable perspective. its like he and us as the audience are taking sideways glances at something unknowable hidden beneath the grit and mundanity of human lives, human violence, human suffering. the fact that the script is always played unflinchingly straight is also so unique and special in a time of tv that seems to fucking mock you for watching it in its ugly shallow dialogue. this last point may be just a problem with trying to write realistic dialogue for this moment in time, where, it is true, people talk in stupid internet memetic cliches. they could work around the decay of contemporary language in the 2012 segments of s1 because rust and marty are out of touch and stuck in their past, unable to move forward, and rust is antisocial anyway.
i think the scope is also key to s1s success. episode one is laser focused on rust and marty and their relationship, and this is the core of the show. nothing happens that isnt important to that dynamic in one way or another, every interaction they have comes back to them.

already in s4e1 they have introduced way too many characters. our focal point is liz and navarro but i could hardly pay attention to what we were getting told about them because another fucking character and relationship and dynamic was introduced every two seconds.
wrt what i said about s1 dialogue, the dialogue was the first thing that jumped out at me as grating in this episode (aside from the music, whoever was in charge of that needs to be shot). fucking hell, "my spirit animal eats old white ladies like you"??? "how did i fall for a white boy"????? the entire interaction between the father-son cop duo at the fathers house??????? FUCKING "SHE'S AWAKE". just awful, stilted, weighed down so heavily by twitter memespeech or just shallow nothingness. there was not a single line in the episode that struck me with the same immediate charm and intrigue that was so engrossing in s1. the only ones that stood out for me were the former ones that made me physically cringe to hear. and like i said, i know that it is not uncommon to come across people who unironically speak like that in current year, so i dont really know how id work around it if i wanted to write realistic contemporary dialogue. but to be honest, s1s dialogue went way off the rails of realism nearly every time rust spoke lol. but it was only possible for that to work with marty as the ultranormie straight man to rust's depressive shit. s4e1 characters hardly even seem like theyre talking to each other at all. i dont know how else to describe it. its so self conscious.

the supernatural shit happening ever 2 seconds just tired it out too!!!! if i was editing that episode down, i would keep the supernatural stuff to the ghost husband interpretive dance thing happening right after the dead wolf moves a bit. that was great. maybe i would start the episode with that (the beginning with the native man watching those terrible CGI reindeer run away from a MYSTERIOUS SOMETHING was uninspired and gave kind of a noble savage impression in an odd way) and have the police discover the bodies of the scientists frozen in the ice, and then move to investigate the abandoned lab. thered be so much more space to actually establish characters. i did really like navarro's run in with the polar bear at the end so i'd keep that but all the other gay little supernatural bits begone. and jesus christ, CUT the "SHE'S AWAKE" crap that was unbearable. if they had done it ONCE i may have let it slide. but they had to repeat it a million times because they have no respect for the audience. even if this does become a plot point where those who heard it bring it up and talk about it, which it won't, it's just so uninspired. a way better way to use that phrase would be to cut all the audio of it and have it written on the whiteboard in the lab instead of we're all dead or whatever.

anyway i liked jodie foster's performance especially when she was doing a little police brutality and being mildly racist. shes so hot so ill keep watching but i will also keep complaining. i never watched s2-3 but if anything this is really making me feel good about that decision.

No. 349244

whoops didnt realise i sperged out that hard. anyway in my defence i was just really hoping wed get something with interesting problematic women leads who were treated with the level of complexity and respect as rust and marty and it simply doesnt look like things will turn out that way. but it was probably crazy to hope for that lol.

No. 349251

This shit is why I don't care about streaming. Even if stuff on broadcast isn't that great either the ratings board keeps the writers in check.

No. 349270

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kek sis where have you been? When they started filming there was quite some drama because they made Louis and Claudia black and they changed the setting to early 20th century. I thought it's gonna be trash and when I finally watched it there were some things that annoyed me >>346240 but in hindsight I loved it.

No. 349279

I refuse to watch this out of principle. Vampires should be ethereal 20-year-olds, not 40-year-old men who belong in a mid-tier police procedurals.

No. 349304

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so happy to see smack the pony here! my all-time favourite show and a huge inspiration to me as a kid during the turn of the millenium - seeing funny women behave like idiots on TV.

No. 349337

You're so missing out, the chemistry between Lestat and Louis is insane

No. 349409

autistic pet peeve but even if it's period appropriate i don't like that they have short hair

No. 349440

Saw this for the first time during our lolcow mooovie night and thought it was hilarious, I never knew there was a female-oriented sketch show on the bbc

No. 349467

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I'm about halfway through and wondering where the plot is going next. Hamish as Father Paul is really delivering with the sermons and sexy in his tight pants. the first couple episodes I was skeptical (the alcoholic convict main character is a little dry compared to the rest of the cast and Bev is an annoying Karen) if I want to continue but it picked up. If I end up enjoying the ending of the series I may check out the directors other works. I'm not usually big on shows where the episodes are an hour if they span too long but it's kept my attention.

No. 349471

>I'm about halfway through and wondering where the plot is going next.
I said the exact same thing when I was watching it. Keep going, you’re in for a treat.
I’m convinced the majority of people who were shitting on it never actually finished it.

No. 349472

I remember when I wast watching BB I wasn’t surprised that Skylar was hated she fits into that box of unfortunately being a woman who tries to sway her man from doing dumb shit but unfortunately the dumb shit is what the show is about.
She’s being rational and normal in a show about making and selling drugs.

No. 349474

Westerners have been getting conditioned for the better part of a decade to accept colour blind casting because ~ diversity ~ instead of just making black (lets be honest that’s really the only race Westerners really care about championing for) characters.
I’ve seen some fans attacking Viera …she drew Annabeth as blonde.
I’m sure the show will have a sizable dedicated audience but idk it doesn’t come off as an unpopular show. Funniest thing has been people praising the movies now lol

No. 349482

I recently went to watch the aristocats on disney plus because it was one of my favorites growing up and it had like a 10 second sign up saying how it had racist stereotypes in it and that instead of removing it they decided to keep it to educate people on america's racist history. disney apparently thinks we're so fucking stupid that we can't tell if something is racist or not or understand that the social and political climate was wildly different in the 1970's. I just wanna watch my goddamn cat movie, damn it.

No. 349485

three or four episode rule should apply to most series, even if it's a short. I find there are worse ways to waste my time than on a fairly brief show, and I complete things so episode 1-2 wont work a cutoff. Unless a show or movie is a total bore or lags in latter seasons if it's long I won't drop it

people are too accustomed to jumpscare horror, some slower burn horror is boring but not this one. also I have a strange fondness as a former church school kid for its subject of religion

No. 349733

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i'm watching sex and the city and it's so annoying and infuriatingly misogynistic but idk at the same time this is maybe a combination of what normie women are really like (i've never been friends with them) and a product of it's time, i wouldn't know. can't stop watching even though i'm not really enjoying it kek, i'm on season 3 right now. i found it at least more compelling than HBO girls shockingly, that one i quit watching about halfway in because i suddenly realized i wasn't interested in any of the characters and i wasn't engaged in the story at all. i just really love media surrounding female friendship and i'll admit it's refreshing watching a story about women in their 30s(+) having a good time (for the most part). wish there was a similar show today but also not really kek

No. 349750

Have you heard of Grace and Frankie? It stars Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin and is about two Golden Girls age women becoming friends after they get divorced and just dealing with life. It's more comedy than drama.

No. 349754

>can't stop watching
Yeah, that's SATC, it's so out of touch and fabulous it's addictive, and I think it's pretty funny sometimes.

No. 349757

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did anyone else watch season five of fargo? the finale aired a couple days ago. i enjoyed it. jon hamm played one of the most despicable moid characters i've seen in recent memory though he certainly gets his comeuppance in the finale kek

No. 349759

Seconding Grace and Frankie. It was really wholesome for me.

No. 349766

I don't get all the youtube vids atm making out like its so awful and problematic and the characters are terrible and everyone sucks through the super serious lens of current year like
> They were in their thiiirties though, they should've known better and picked better and been smarter and done this! Over 30! If they were 20 maybe but they..
So woke to be freaking out over women (characters) over a certain age not being perfect. How the changing times have improved us all and made us better.

Back then them having rabbit vibes and magic wands in episodes was the most controversial thing. You could show people having one night stands but a sex toy being shown and its a woman talking about it or shopping for it and she's not doing so at the request of a man.. That was worthy of endless news articles shaming it. Thats the time it was made in

No. 349875

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it was on channel 4 in the UK but there was another all-female sketch show on the BBC years before this one with French and Saunders. equally brilliant, but more 80s/early 90s. one of their sketches was actually the pre-cursor to Ab Fab (with Dawn French playing Saffy's character)

No. 349879

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I watched it all the way through recently. I was 10-16 whilst it aired so it was one of those shows that the girls at my school started to watch as they got closer to 16 and began to show an interest in sex. But I thought I was too much of an NLOG idiot so avoided it.
>wish there was a similar show today but also not really kek
I actually feel the same. it's hard to explain just how much I hate and enjoy it at the same time. there is something so warm about it even though it's soooo shallow and materialistic, and I cannot relate to them or their lives. maybe it's just a snapshot of that era that feels nostalgic for me idk. Did you watch any of the 'And Just Like That'? It's so fucking insanely bad that I actually became fascinated/obsessed. It makes SATC look like a work of art in comparison. and it destroyed Miranda's character by turning her from a smart, sarcastic woman who the audience respects into the most hated character imaginable.
I quite like Grace and Frankie but find the men really annoying, especially Sol (very punchable face) and Jane Fonda's surgery and filters become a bit too uncanny valley in the later seasons. Other than that, it's a cute and comfy show.

No. 350077

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Just finished Derry Girls and absolutely loved it. It’s nice to watch a show about teenagers just doing dumb teenage shit. Also I’m an ignorant American so I had no idea of the shit Irish people were dealing with because of the British so that part of the show was eye opening to me.

No. 350078

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I'm enjoying it plenty and I'm waiting to watch the final episode with my so. There's a one week delay on euro hbo. But I did sneak peek online. Ole Munch is hilarious.
Sidebar -I liked the first three seasons so much I embroidered the cover of Noah Hawley's book. I changed the text so it was our names instead and I'm using it as a personalized name sign for our apartment door. I try not to think about season four.

No. 350086

I've seen every Mike Flanagan show so far and this one was the worst. It was boring and to the end I was so annoyed that I was very happy it was finally over. I honestly don't get why people love the show, the end wasn't surprising at all

No. 350090

loved it too. the girls are hilarious (although I should say women as they're all over 30 years old IRL, which is mad)

No. 350091

replying late but I'm a wuss too and currently on episode 4. so far no jump scares. i get the feeling it's more psychological thriller/tension building, so there is a background feeling of dread but no sense that there will be anything to make you jump or scared. it's pretty good so far imo, lemme know if you end up watching it

No. 350092

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You might like Some Girls (2012-2014) too. Another show about some teen girls in the UK. They crack me up though I think I've only seen up until somewhere in the 2nd season. Also enjoyed seeing Mandeep Dhillon in an earlier role after liking her on-screen in After Life.

No. 350107

Girl they're in their 30s (same as Cruise and Pitt back then) and they're handsome. Not as hot as Queen of the Damned Lestat because that's impossible but nevertheless pleasing to the eye.
Armand's actor is a different color too but he definitely fits much better than Antonia Banderas back then lol

I felt so excited when they actually slept in a coffin together because that scene was cut out in the 94 movie and child me was so disappointed kek They have many scenes that portray how much they love each other which was clear in the novels yet not shown before.

No. 350143

I second Some Girls! The third series isn't as good as the first two but it has a nice nostalgic feeling that always reminds me of being a dumb sixteen year old.

No. 350450

OK I've just watched all 10 episodes. loved it but am also so confused. the ending was mad. felt like a nightmare i've had a few times where i felt like i was stuck on the ceiling. what did you think it meant?

No. 350457

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I need to watch his other shows, but I enjoyed it now that I'm done. Recommendations as to which Flannigan I should watch next? Was thinking of the Haunting series.

>mfw I mostly watched for hamish as sexy monologue priest and was not disappointed

No. 350580

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It’s dumb as a whole but it’s well written with good/funny dialogue, does heartfelt moments with ease and has realistic, well-acted characters. Some dating advice still holds up to this day (the „he’s just not that into you” ep should be essential watch for every straight woman), besides the main storyline of chasing the scrote who shows time and time again that he’s not interested in committing to you. I still love the fashion, even Carrie’s more eccentric looks because you can see the thought behind every of it, it’s not just putting random pieces together to be quirky. In summary it was a well-written and witty escapist fantasy with nice visuals which wasn’t pretending to be anything more than that, but still was revolutionary in some ways.
I’m looking forward to watching Girls tbh. I’ve seen some clips on YouTube and I love how trashy they all are and how shitty their friendship is, I also like Jemima Kirke.

No. 350658

I watched the shows in chronological order, starting with Hill House, than Bly Manor, Midnight Mass, The Midnight Club and The Fall of the House of Usher. I liked Hill House the most, followed by The Fall of the House Usher and Midnight Club, Bly Manor was okay, but too close to Hill House, so nothing new and I found Midnight Mass to be very annoying, probably because of the whole religious monologues, kek.
So yes, I would watch Hill House next, it's very different to Midnight Mass, but an enjoyable show and if you like easy, spooky stuff, you will like it.

No. 350776

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I'm a little late (it premiered in November) but I'm really enjoying Monarch: Legacy of Monsters. Wyatt Russell and Kurt Russell play the same character in different decades which is really entertaining to me kek

No. 350777

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speaking of Wyatt Russel if you haven't seen Lodge 49 I recommend it, just wish it had more episodes

No. 351721

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is there anything from a TV series that you find yourself referencing all the time?
I find myself yelling "parkour" when my cat starts jumping off the walls.

No. 351746

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Started watching Lena Dunham's Girls for the first time cause I saw pictures of Jemima Kirke and thought she was hot. I'm halfway through the pilot and haven't laughed or smiled once

No. 351749

Love this show. Can't bring myself to watch the final episode bc don't want it to end.

No. 351781

Don't worry, it doesn't.

No. 351789

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whenever i get a mosquito bite or something similarly itchy i think of paulie walnuts and his hysterical outburst over getting into poison ivy

No. 352041

I literally referenced this today with my cat kek
i couldn't get past the pilot either. i had high hopes but couldn't get into it.

No. 352697

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I've been watching Rome for a few days. It's very decent, I laugh quite a lot and enjoy the costumes and cultural ambience they managed to portray. It's a bit gore sometimes. Female character are interesting and complex, some male actors are hot, not bad at all.

No. 352763

I never got around to the second season but the first was a lot of fun. You could watch The Terror for another series with Tobias Menzies and Ciarán Hinds

No. 352827

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Absolutely insufferable, not sure if she was supposed to be an empathetic character? but i never felt any sort of sympathy for her or her retarded weeb degenerate son.
She was too dense, but i'm guessing it was to portray the religious looney mentality

No. 352831

You can instantly tell it's a show about rich women which makes it pretty unrelatable from the start, everything else aside. Flea bag had the same problem (I'm a britbong so it was extra obvious to me she was from a wealthy family) but unlike Girls, Fleabag actually made me kek a few times

No. 352832

Cobra Kai is so silly and funny

No. 352884

Thanks! The plot seems interesting and I actually really liked those two actors in Rome. I couldn't watch more than 8 episodes of Outlander because I didn't quite like the main characters but Menzies caught my eye right away, not sure if I'd give the Crown a go.

No. 352930

NTA but I'm embarrassed to admit that the main character of Fleabag being from a wealthy family completely flew over my head when I watched the first season. It was a little more obvious in the second when we got to see more of her family, though in hindsight there's no way she'd have been able to keep an unprofitable niche cafe open in fucking London for so long without a financial safety net.

No. 352936

Watched the first episode yesterday and was underwhelmed too. It's not as atmospheric as the first season, and these attempts at seeming more… modern?actual? gives "how do you do, fellow kids?" vibe a little. Is there no other way to show racial tensions in the community? These are people living side by side in a small town, not some randos talking on twitter. It's like they've just woken up and realized they're different and have different cultures. So far it kind of reminds me of Fortitude (which I didn't particularly like and watched only because of ex) and Mare of Easttown (which I liked), which is not bad but it's not what I expected.

No. 352939

i love this show but i hate how rushed the second season was. supposedly hbo was in a hurry to finish up rome so they could throw more money towards game of thrones and as a result what should have been at least a couple of seasons' worth of storylines were crammed into a single season. i read that a few of the actors from rome were so pissed over hbo's decision that they refused to appear in game of thrones but that could just be a rumor
seconding this excellent recommendation

No. 352949

That makes sense, I've only read that Rome was extremely expensive to make so it wasn't profitable despite it's success. Well, I'm enjoying season 2 so far but the first one is clearly better in terms of storytelling and character development.

No. 353930

have any of you guys seen this? the trailer came out 2 months ago and i havent heard a thing about it. it honestly looks better than most adaptations coming out these days but i dont really have high hopes, but i guess we'll see when it comes out.

No. 355363

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for any nonnas that enjoyed the first season of the terror i highly recommend the north water. i watched it when it was first released a few years ago and watched it again recently. basically the show follows a disgraced military doctor who has severely limited career options due to an incident in his past and has to take a job on a whaling ship. the journey is a rough, many bad things happen, and eventually the expedition goes horribly wrong. one of the whalers is a particularly nasty moid played by an unrecognizable colin farrell and he is the story's primary antagonist. i liked it so much that i read the book it was based on (overall it's a very faithful adaption).

No. 355425

Thanks for the rec nona! I finished S1 of The Terror and was wanting something similar, I'll have to give this a try soon.

No. 356626

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Is there any way to watch Nihon Touitsu with English subtitles online? Is it the same type of tacky cringe guilty pleasure that was Tokyo Dragon Chef?

No. 356628

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Currently watching SG-1 for the first time, on season 3 now. Very enjoyable cheesy 90s sci-fi, would recommend

No. 356631

Love this show! It’s fun to watch the styling change for the female characters (makeup/outfits) and the way the narrative style changes as censorship rules changed. Are you planning to watch Atlantis or Universe?

No. 356644

watching succession and i can't get over how poorly cast the role of comfrey was. how on earth did dasha get that role? her acting is so stilted compared to the rest of them and she doesn't fit in the show at all

No. 356648

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I love Jack O’Connell and I’ve read another positive opinion on this, definitely gonna give it a try.

No. 356650

>you planning to watch Atlantis or Universe?
Eventually yes

No. 356990

Watching season 1 of The Terror. Love the atmosphere of it and creepiness it oozes

No. 357015

The first season of The Terror was so good, I wish the showrunners could have had their way and just made a bunch of miniseries about disastrous ship expeditions.

S1 for anyone that still needs to watch it:

No. 357023

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It’s great I really liked it. I really want an explainer of exactly what was going on for parts of it but I also appreciate it didn’t spell everything out.
Season two is kinda garbage I don’t know why it’s the same show, it’s a totally different story and setting.

No. 357054

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This is my favourite show ever. I've rewatched five times so far. I really enjoyed the book too, it's not for everyone though.

No. 357073

Hey guys what did you think of the ending of true detective? I thought it was so underwhelming and the pace was all over the place, like, it started really slow and then went too fast but not in a positive way, it was more like things were happening all at once because they had no time anymore and it was disappointing. Also all the sex scenes really ruin it, it was the same during season 1, they have no need for that crap, call me prude all you want but that shit is so annoying and uncomfortable and it adds nothing of value to the narrative that you can't show without having some actors making nasty sounds and humping each other. Also christopher eccleston appears like twice only to have sex and act annoying kek he was better in the leftovers

No. 357321

they're making another season of it next year. it's about a man sent to an insane asylum in new york that's home to a demon but i'm not sure what time period it takes place in. i felt like season two had the potential to be quite creepy but put too much emphasis on drama for my liking.

No. 357379

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I can’t lie I loved Night Country. I think the season finale was great, it felt much like a “reveal” chapter in a detective story where cards get turned over one by one. The slow pacing IMO was a good choice for the setting of an isolated town seemingly frozen in perpetual night, where it seems like nothing happens, where its people live uncomplicated routined lives, but reality is entirely opposite. I felt very immersed in the cold, dark, isolated and harsh environment, it gives me a hypothermia-induced drowsiness like I could hibernate until the ice thawed. Every time it shows them driving on invisible roads in total whiteout darkness, it deepens the otherworldly mood. And by contrast I am made very aware of the warmth and passion the town people have for such a hostile depressing living environment and each other, they were here first.
For much of the season I was concerned about the overt supernatural tones, but after the resolution, it was close to a perfect amount of supernatural/sci-fi elements that I loved similarly in Fargo. I admit I wanted to see a lot more of the mine company, ancient DNA stuff, indigenous mystic stuff, I’m sure there were big narrative potentials that couldn’t be realized within 6 episodes. But the story about world-changing discoveries and related questions are meant for another show.
I’m not surprised that the reviews have been mixed. Maybe I’ve grown fatigued of limited series format where every episode has to be pumped full of actions and progress to retain viewing interest. I always felt True Detective was supposed to be character driven more than a gripping plot, I see Night Country gave good effort in doing that as “returning to form” of ss01 so to speak. I don’t agree that a character can only be “fleshed out” if we spell out their every trauma and sin. I could appreciate depth in most of the major characters even though we don’t get to know all their stories. What has happened is less important than how it has changed each town inhabitant.
Anyway it’s funny the rose-colored glasses people have about ss01, in spite of the scrotey shit and r/Iam14andthisisdeep cringe, saying this as someone who liked it a lot. Yes I did find some of the sex scenes uncomfortable, Danvers’ particularly bordered on sacrilege buuut in consolation, the mindbreak of Peter Prior was peak, made for the anons into cute boy suffering, completed with underwear fanservice. Sorry for sperg, the final note is probably that I like stuff that makes men mad.

No. 357657

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I just started watching The Terror because of this thread and it's so good, I've binged half of it so far. Any anons who liked it and also like video games should play Return of the Obra Dinn, it takes place in the same time period but you play as an investigator trying to find out what happened to the crew of a derelict merchant ship which mysteriously reappears after going missing five years prior. I'll definitely be watching The North Water, too.

No. 357954

Thanks for the rec nona!

No. 358733

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I finished The Terror. Shot to my top twenty, maybe my top ten. So tight and thrilling. I love Goodsir.

No. 358736

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man i miss succession

No. 358767

I never watched the last season, got tired of the repetitive nature of the plot. Does the dad ever pick a successor and die or not?

No. 358769

he dies suddenly and the second half of the season is spent trying to replace him. tom ends up becoming the ceo.

No. 358770

lmao! That fits. thank you

No. 359650

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my despair continues to grow as time passes by without any sign that uzumaki will be released

No. 359652

Were they making a live action Uzumaki for TV?

No. 359657

adult swim is releasing an animated series. it was announced back in 2019 but covid derailed it and now they're saying the current delay is so they can make as high quality an adaption as possible, which i do appreciate but at the same time i've waited so long already kek

No. 361280

Is euphoria worth the watch? I come from the era of Skins so I really want another show thats grungey and shows the dark reality of being a teen, but I read theres a troon in euphoria and I cant tell if it seems worth the time or not. Or if anyone knows any show that's like Skins that would be great.

No. 361286

>dark reality of being a teen
Euphoria has that deep social commentary thing going on, but if you're a real scholar you should watch Boku no Pico.(bait)

No. 361287

It's messy and enjoyable even though so many things are over the top; definitely a guilty pleasure watch for me. I'd say give it a shot.

No. 361316

the pedo anime??

No. 361365

>the dark reality of being a teen
Kek no, it's worse than Skins. Don't bother.

No. 361635

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Forget skins and euphoria, come watch degrassi, now that's the shit.
Degrassi the next generation was really good, it peaked on season 3 and 4 drake getting shot ftw, but a while after that it becomes a pile of flaming crap with only some episodes worth watching. Now if you're feeling the 80s, there is degrassi junior/high, it was nice too and some of the characters there are the parents of the kids in dtng, I mean the same actors and all (though the adult characters in dtng are boring as fuck, even when they try to make them interesting it fails. Very baffling when it comes to spike, and speaking of spike, emma is annoying, imagine going through all the hardships of teen pregnancy only to birth a little shit, yep, that's emma). Don't waste time with dtng post season 9 cus you get a troon but it's a tif at least (nice casting though, she looks exactly like most ssa tifs) but doesn't really matter as it's overall bad, it's not just the tif and she gets killed off later anyway. Then there is next class, don't watch that.

No. 361646

op here, sounds great and just what im looking for. So you recommend stopping at around season 5?

No. 362970

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I used to love Superstore, I think it's mostly accurate to the retail experience. However, after a few years of working retail it becomes depressing. I was very much an Amy and I met a guy who was so much like Johah…but realistically, Jonah doesn't actually like Amy. Jonah will abandon the store during 4th quarter, ghost Amy, and move to Wisconsin without explanation!!

No. 363852

What are some good vintage tv shows? I want to watch something like I Dream of Jeannie, in that kind of era

No. 363859

if you want really good 60s tv there's always the prisoner. it's a bit of a mindfuck though

No. 364409

I honestly really liked the original Star Trek. I remember liking Gunsmoke too but haven’t seen it since I was a kid, it’s a western.

No. 364449

Scifi - Red Dwarf (1988), Outer Limits (1963), Thunderbirds (1965) if you can tolerate goofy looking puppets, Lost in Space (1965)
Comedy / Sitcom - Laverne & Shirley (1976), Dad's Army (1968), MASH (1972), Only Fools and Horses (1981), Blackadder (1983), Father Ted (1995), Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970)
Drama - Columbo (1968), The Prisoner (1967)

No. 364951

>The Penguin Series
This is literally just a gritty mob story with a fucking Batman villain, but I mean considering the failure and fatigue of modern superhero shows, this could be actually somewhat interesting at least.

No. 367563

The twilight zone is great

No. 367621

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I'm currently watching The Bob Newhart Show (a sitcom) from 1972. It's from the same company that did The Mary Tyler Moore Show but it isn't remembered as much. I find it has a very cozy vibe.

No. 367762

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No. 368243

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Patricia Arquette and Joey King really knocked it out of the park with their performances in this show, and despite it being partially fictionalized I thought it accurately portrayed the impact of generational trauma so well, specially in the last few episodes that show Gypsy's childhood and Deedee's behavior with her own mother.

No. 368386

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I'm rewatching sex and the city after more than 5 years, it gets even better the older I get lol.
All of the women except Carrie are career goals. Charlotte has the style I love and I always liked how she looked.
Samantha is the absolute best though and the best friend out of the 4.

No. 369426

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I want to rewatch Malcolm In The Middle again, it's my comfort TV show but i'm a spoiled weeb who is used to not pay for what i watch and keep track of my watchlist on animu sites, ugh.

Everytime i try to watch it for free i forget at what episode i am and start again, also i'm a bit worried because i remember that the later seasons get kind of disappointing and i don't want it to ruin my perspective of the entire show…
I love a lot of different series but not when it comes to TV shows and i never loved something as much as this, it feels like i'm 8 and i understand the dialogue of Sims 2 characters.

No. 369429

you can't just bookmark the episode you're on? I feel like that's possible with most free streaming sites. or if you're downloading it can't you label the files with a color? just right click and add a red tag to it when you're done watching an episode.

No. 369433

Yeah the sites i've used didn't let me bookmark or in some cases they wanted me to create accounts and i didn't want to. The color label is a wonderful idea! But i can't really find how to do it, i just managed to learn about tags (which is weird because i've been trying to do it before kek) i think that i will just download it again and as i continue i'll put the episodes i've seen in another folder.

No. 369449

Nta, but you can probably bookmark in your internet browser.
There are also sites out there you can use to track western tv, just like MAL or whatever.

No. 369470

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I’ve been rewatching Desperate Housewives. It’s so fun with all the crazy plot twists and mysteries. I love how all the characters are multifaceted, they have their strengths and weaknesses, they don’t feel like caricatures even though it’s a comedy show. Definitely one of my favourite shows of all time.

My bf said he’ll only watch a couple episodes with me but here we are 6 seasons later, he’s invested now too kekkk

No. 369472

we're on the same wavelength nonnie i'm watching s1e17 as i'm typing this kek, carlos deserves to go to jail

No. 369475

Very based

No. 369824

I didn't like the new fallout. I liked the visuals at times when it wasnt cgi garbage but I hated the writing mostly.

No. 369828

I love a rewatch but I'm always sad Tom never gets his comeuppance for being a delusional moid and Susan never gets truly humbled, the closest she gets is when Julie is like 'actually I was the parent the whole time'. Susan should have died instead of Mike, then he finds his way as a single dad and stepdad

No. 369830

I tried to watch it but I couldn't keep going after one of them sleeps with the artist guy who secretly films all the women he sleeps with and she just watches his tapes like 'how risque and amusing!'. Also Carrie is just too annoying kek

No. 369854

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Rewatching Hannibal, I got to the middle of season 2 a few years ago and never finished because I have a bad habit of abandoning shows kek. The dialogue is a bit overwritten but it makes sense when all the characters are educated. I love red dragon/the hannibal books and while a lot of things are toned down for tv I think it really captures the essence of it well. Still disappointed that Clarice isn’t a character in it but I guess they couldn’t get the rights for her or anything in silence of the lambs. She was way more interesting than book will graham but I think they did a great job of fleshing out his character more (even if most of it is just taken from Clarice’s interactions with hannibal). And yes, I love that will and Hannibal’s romantic relationship is teased from the very beginning and they actually had the balls to go through with it. Apologies to ugly old man psyoppers but I genuinely think hugh dancy and mads mikkelsen were nice to look at

No. 369933

they gave Mads very good clothes in Hannibal, it was fashion eye candy.

No. 369997

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Really think you should finish the season. The finale of season 2 is probably my favorite episode of the entire series and it's something I go to rewatch just for it's beauty and emotional impact.

No. 370025

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did anyone watch The Regime? 6 episode HBO mini series starring Kate Winslet as the crazy chancellor of an unnamed central european nation. dark comedy and very strange but fascinating too. the reviews are so mixed, so i'm curious to see what nonas here thought of it.

No. 370027

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If you liked the Red dragon, stay with the movie adaptation. The Red Dragon in Season 3 looks so rushed and not worthy to watch, even if the fandom is so over it.

No. 370031

I disagree, the Brett Ratner movie is shit

No. 370078

Manhunter is a way better adaptation.

No. 370553

I’ve seen manhunter, it was pretty good. not as good of a movie as silence of the lambs though.
Haven’t gotten to s3 yet but that sounds disappointing, I wonder if it’s because they knew the show would be cancelled so they tried to wrap it up. I would’ve liked to see their take on the silence of the lambs if they got the rights eventually.

No. 370735

I just finished ep 6 and I like it so far myself! I’m not a Fallout purist by any means though so my view may be skewed to the ””normie”” audience who’s never played the games. I only finished FO4 myself kekk

Nooo I wasn’t that far in yet

No. 371556

I played Fallout 1 and 2 and New Vegas and I dread watching it tbh, Fallout stopped being Fallout a long,long time ago

No. 372155

>watch Fallout
>woman has short hair
>she's a thembie
of course

No. 372778

After watching all the episodes I'm not sure it was THAT good after all. Idk why but the final episodes weren't as good imo.

No. 372779

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On my early 2000s show era, started rewatching Weeds. It's been so long I have basically forgot the whole plot.

No. 374354

I fucking love Weeds

No. 374403

File: 1714255092852.png (3.54 MB, 982x1586, poster.png)

is this show good for people that like romance?

No. 374406

Idk what I thought Killing Eve was about but recently I learnt it was about a spy and assassin, now after watching the first episode I’m hooked. I remember it being really popular and fans of it being super excited when a new episode would be available so I’m cautiously optimistic that it’ll get better or hopefully maintain this level of interest and cohesion of character.

No. 374411

season 1 kind of blows, the "male rape" scene where she forces her whiney bitchboy to come inside her is based tho, libfems hate it. season 2 is much better, its a fun light romance romp. i'd start with season 2 imo

No. 374416

Nta, I don't remember that "male rape" scene.

No. 374555

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Does anybody know if Dead Boy Detectives gets better after the first episode? I wanted to like it, but the exposition was painfully redundant, and I'm not connecting with any character so far. I also heard it has a Riverdale-like tone and it's taylor made for Tumblr, so I'm wary about continuing the series.

No. 374985

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just watched picrel on netflix. It's about the abusive boarding schools for 'troubled teens' in the US. Host/director is a bit annoying but was otherwise really eye opening. I think if my parents did this to me I'd kill myself in front of them once I got out.

No. 375127

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i'm liking it so far but it's comically how tiny she is compared to the other BOS members. could she not have bulked up? she looks like one of the children in the camp. are there no standards for trans/nb actors

No. 375128

the drag king masc contouring is killing me

No. 375130

haven't watched it yet, but don't BoS use power armour, does it really matter if you have a small woman performing.

No. 375142

it's not about her being a small woman in the show, there are no females in the BOS in the show at all so it's pretending that she's also either a man or "transmasc" and that's respected lol

No. 375202

Oh i missed this, yeah i didn't like it either aside the visuals, i found the failed hero concept kinda original, sometimes i was expecting him to do more only to prove otherwise kek also why did they have to replay his flashback almost every time he appeared, it got really bad around the last episodes and i agree 100% with >>371556
The sausage ghoul had less charisma than any other ghoul in the games to me, and Lucy was kind of whatever but the way she would randomly offer sex sounds just fetishy because why would a young woman traveling in a dangerous and unclean territory for a quest act like that, i don't even know if she went raw with the first raider but whatever kek

The writing and characters were super flat but not even fun to me and this is a stupid nitpick but i was so salty that there were no deathclaws… in this season? anyhow i'm glad i didn't pay for it and at the end i just felt like it would be cool if they ever make a vault inspired cafe irl.

No. 375203

Interested in checking out baby reindeer but heard there’s a Tim. Is he a one episode character or like main cast

No. 375206

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Yeah like wtf was that? Not even a scribe? I was actually smiling a bit when i thought she was just some butch that was in the same category somehow but no she is uhh… a man.
And i was never a BOS fan but they all felt like religious highschool bullies in the show kek imagine if they would be okay with trannies? I think we are just supposed to pretend that she's just a guy. It's still weird how i really didn't see any woman in the BOS in the show or maybe i've missed it in the background characters.
Veronica and even that talking power armor would snap them all in half.

No. 375547

going down a 90s syndicated television nostalgia hole and I miss this show. I don't remember anything about it except I enjoyed every episode.

No. 375551

Earth Final Conflict was so fucking good oh my god I completely forgot about this. I remember having some issue with the ending though

No. 375590

Longtime Fallout fan, played all the main games, and I like the show. I wasn't sure how to feel at first but after a second watch I picked up on a lot more. I think they're doing some clever things with the writing despite having to appeal to normies.

There definitely aren't any women. If I was more of a conspiracy theorist I'd say the themlet was there to throw us off kek
The signs are pretty strong that the Brotherhood Chapter we see in the show is somehow influenced by Caesar's Legion. There would be no women legionnaires in this part of the country so it checks.

No. 375795

Thought she was a cute butch as well, but of course it’s a post apocalyptic world where women wore makeup and have perfect hair, yet all the males were dirty and ugly and old. They literally killed off the “hot guy” within the first 5 minutes. Silly of me to think a girl with facial hair would be allowed to exist, nope it’s a TiF who gets bullied by other males.

No. 375943

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same here anon. i was extremely cynical going in, and ready to hate it, but it won me over. and i'm one of those assholes who think NV is the best. speaking of that, i wish house had his voice he has in NV, but i was still screaming with glee when we saw him anyway. i took the fucking fanservice bait.
i'm glad we're getting a second season, i def want more. i don't really mind the timeline changes either and lol at moids who were mad that barb got to say the "war never changes" line
quintus even uses "they" prounouns. so BOS doesn't allow women, but they allow some tiny girl who calls herself nonbinary to be a soldier? makes no sense.

No. 377277

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Finished picrel about an hour ago. Not sure what to say other than this show is pretty fucked up. I would say you should be warned that it's very graphic, and if you have a experience with grooming, SA, stalking, sexual trauma - really make sure that you're in the right midset if you decide to take a peek. I dont have much experience with the subject matter but even so, I was sure that they had captured everything gut-wrenchingly accurately.
That being said, the show is really good. I'm definitely still thinking about it.
Here's the thing though - I'm not sure what exactly to think about. Maybe I'm not a very curious person when it comes to people, but the show spells out for you pretty clearly why all the characters behave the way they do if you have the ears to listen. When I'm trying to think of what to write about it, literally all I can say about it is "Man, that was so good. And fucked up. Good story". I suppose that that's merit enough. It did reinforce some things I already knew - CPTSD makes you do fucked up shit that makes your already-bad situation even worse, people striving towards fame are pathetic, grooming feels good in the moment.
Maybe this show wasn't exactly meant for me. I know not every story needs a lesson, but if you're watching it purely for the suspense factor, it might even come off as a little shock-porny. Because wtf do i do with this info now? It really does leave a mark on you, at the cost of your mental wellbeing with kind of few returns.
In a way, people that can relate may need to see this show the most. It might give you a lot of food for thought if you decide to watch.
Oh, and there are so many cringe moments standard for UK shows that it probably warrants a seperate content warning.

The TIM is a recurring character, I would call him one of the main ones. He's pretty tolerable for a trans character, the show brings that up only in actually relevant situations. And his character is a therapist. Kek.
The biggest gripe i had with him was that I found him to be an extremely mediocre actor (which im not surpised about at all for obvious reasons). He really looked like he was reading some of his lines off of paper - compared to the other amazing cast, it was like eating a bag of oreos when suddenly you accidentally bite into a really bland oatmeal cookie. Kind of takes you out of the show a little.

No. 383722

Upon rewatching the Fallout series I noticed there were a few women in the BOS. When we first see Maximus getting jumped one of the people jumping him is clearly a woman. Like she obviously has boobs and a small waist it's a black girl. After I noticed that I spotted a few more female background characters which to me felt weird as fuck like they're being inclusive for no reason. Like they bully Maximus but not any of the few women or the theydie? I feel like it was just done to appeal to people who never played the games and it low-key backfired because everyone I knew who saw it referred to that Dane character as a she because it's obviously a chick with peach fuzz lol

No. 383921

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I know nonnies don’t like it, but I just started watching Girls because I needed something with awful characters to cope with my own awfulness and it’s pretty funny. Some of the dialogue is try hard quirky and 'look how awful and self absorbed they are!’ but some of the scenes are instant classics for me tbh, I like how unapologetic it is. I may be trashy, but it’s also a realistic portrayal of female sexuality in 20 something women.

No. 383923

The pilot is dry and dragged out, it gets better with later episodes.

No. 383927

I thought the general consensus was that Girls is a good show but the creator is an insufferable cow with mental problems? I personally think she made a good show. I didn’t like the later seasons as much as the first couple but I watched them as they aired so it has been a while.

No. 383933

I remember that it was widely hated during its run, but sort of critically acclaimed and gained popularity among zoomers last year. As a zoomer, it feels sort of nostalgic for me because I remember all the discourse about millenials entering job market when it premiered and now it’s bittersweet being in the same position.

No. 383935

It was also wildly popular during its run… she did have a lot of haters though, always has.

No. 387995

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I'm watching the first season of Bridgerton and it is so retarded. How is a major plot point "my husband won't cum inside me and this is a betrayal!"?? Why did the show go out of its way to make being a Duke look like a real job that all the tenant farmers love him and need his guidance? I didn't know the aristocracy was funding netflix shows to increase their soft power kekkkk
It is just weird. I haven't watched a trashy show in a while I forgot they're like this.
The lead actress kinda reminds me of a young natalie portman sometimes – the netflix version though. sometimes when she's batting her eyes or making a pained expression her eyes don't look in the same direction. I'm actually watching this because I saw Nicola Coughlan in the trailers for the new season but she's barely in this one so that has been disappointing.

No. 388135

Can someone recommend some wholesome shows? I've been stuck in a rut for almost a year of just watching crime and scary shows and its starting to tip my stress levels over the edge. A few seasons for a show would be a great length. I don't mind animation either or anything vintage. Please help a stressed anon who loves TV.

No. 388228

Doctor Who! The 2005 reboot. My favourite show in the world.(excluding the recent seasons kek)

No. 388232

and all of the male actors are so ugly too

No. 388237

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it's short but over the garden wall is a cute wholesome show

No. 388242

Based anon. I agree wholeheartedly with you.

No. 388249

Derry Girls, Call the Midwife, The Bear, Pen15, A League of Their Own, Anne with An E, Teenage Bounty Hunters, Grace and Frankie
I try to think outside of sitcoms so some of these are not without stakes but they are feel-good and wholesome imo

No. 388288

Xena: Warrior Princess

No. 388310

I know this topic has been done to death but: I follow a few Breaking Bad meme pages and I'm so fucking sick of Skyler hate memes. It's been what, 16 years now? Get the fuck over it. It's the lowest IQ moid take..like how can you unironically support Walt and hate Skyler for being resentful of him?

What's even more bleak is the actress Anna Gunn gets a lot of hate because of her role and they always call her ugly and say she looks like Woody Harrelson. I wish people could separate acting roles with reality like a normal person. Notice this seems to only happen to female actresses too.

No. 388319

It's funny how people talk about Tony Soprano paving the way for Walter White in terms of being an anti-hero because Carmela Soprano paved the way for Skyler White being a fandom scapegoat and target for misogyny. Both were married to murdering scumbag criminals, yet their shortcomings are always somehow worse. Gee, I wonder why! I didn't know people hated on Anna Gunn though, that's so fucked up.

No. 388331

I don't understand why people harass actors just for playing characters they don't like. Another example would be the guy who played Joffrey in Game of Thrones getting harassed just because the character he played was an asshole.
I wonder if the people who do that actually have mental issues, because lacking a basic ability to separate fiction from reality sounds like genuinely insane behavior.

No. 388332

I'm just beginning to watch The Sopranos myself and I immediately thought of Skyler when introduced to Carmela's character and figured moids who were into the show in its time probably felt the same way. You're dead on. I'm only finishing up Season 1 and I see nothing negative about her whatsoever other than maybe intimacy issues with Tony but can you even blame her for that? kek. In fact a lot of the wives on that show hate the whole mob thing, but may come off as "naggy", yet it's completely understandable

No. 388333

You'd think it's mental issues, but I think some normies are just that genuinely retarded that they can't discern the two

No. 388343

I'll spoiler this in case you're trying to go in blind but if you're interested, these are Carmela's "worst crimes" according to fandom moids: Stealing $40K from Tony to invest as a nest egg for the family in case shit hits the fan. Falling in love with Furio (never consummated or even kissed him), and negotiating for Tony to fund her spec house (it was $600K for the land alone) when getting back together after the separation. Tony freely agreed to this as the more-or-less unspoken deal was that he would keep his infidelity more private than he had before. He only complained about the money for the house when he started losing money gambling. Other than that it's just the fact that she "nags" Tony and mollycoddles AJ. Even to this day, the subreddit and YouTube comment sections are full of moids vilifying her. She's a great character with just as much depth to her as Tony but it's seldom explored. Even "intellectual" filmbros like Sopranos Autopsy criticise her constantly. Being into stereotypical moid media is my cross to bear.

No. 388447

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Can somebody recommend some series with cute brunette male protagonist or one of main roles being sad and/or troubled, preferably in high school/suburbs setting? Props if he is older brother, or has older brother. I don't mind the animation nor old, obscure series. I know it's pretty specific, I don't watch series or movies at all, I just want some broken cuties to eat whump fanfics after.

No. 388453

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Saw a pitch for a Recess reboot. If anyone's interested I'll post more
>Diverse group blah blah modern issues blah blah
>Episodic A plot with a serialised B plot trying to get the old gang back together to stop the school being sold out to the prison industry
>Spinelli and Vince's kid is the main character
>TJ is a tech bro millionaire who spends all day depressed in his mansion
>Gretchen worked for a not-Musk and now is trying to get cars to run on dirt
>Gus is a troon
>Mikey is dead
>Randal is the principle
>The Ashely's all have girls called Madison. Ashely Madison, get it?

No. 388455

>Gus is a troon
lmao ok
>Mikey is dead
why though? because he's fat?

No. 388456

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In verse he died from a mysterious illness in India. Real life his VA passed away. This was pitched during Covid so I think is was pretty insensitive either way

No. 388457

File: 1717331043045.webp (160.14 KB, 1169x1490, Recess15.webp)

Gus was also a heckin valid tough trans army woman

No. 388459

>army to troon pipeline
it just keeps getting funnier. this is so trashy.

No. 388460

Who's middle right? He looks cute.

No. 388462

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Spennili went to college then joined Pussy Riot then became a cop then became a lawyer. Turned down TJ which made him become an incelly tech bro

No. 388463

File: 1717332336279.webp (77.05 KB, 1182x1518, 1717273853564.webp)

>The Ashely's all have girls called Madison.
don't forget the boys and enbies kek

No. 388465

File: 1717332612569.png (2.82 MB, 1172x5000, NewGang.png)

The New Gang
>Funny guy
>80s stoner
>Theatre kid
>Nerdy black guy
I will give them points for having the restraint to make only one of the gang related to the old one

Yep because a bunch of snobby upper class white girls are going to be totally progressive

No. 388472

Ntayrt but that's the nale lead from hereditary, actor's name is Alex Wolff.

No. 388561

I feel incredibly sorry for Anna Gunn, they won’t leave her alone even now and make fun of her weight gain, despite the fact that Dean Norris is even fatter. She’s such a good actress, Breaking Bad has one of the worst moid-infested fandoms that ever existed. There’s the fact that Skyler is supposed to be unlikeable in the first season but I have no idea how you can hate her after that point.

No. 389530

Brigerton nonnies: what Lady Whisteldown wrote about Colin was the biggest nothingburger and not scathing or scandalous at all. If he acts remotely butthurt about it later when I assume her identity will be revealed I will roll my eyes so hard. He can be ruffled about other things she wrote if he wants but if he even mentions what she wrote about him I will throw something. I was so disappointed she couldn't even write a real insult for him. Why don't you write he's been going to whorehouses in between the season's social events? Or write that he's completely wasting the time of eligible ladies because he's a cad and a noncommittal third son. GAWD.

No. 389623

she was way too nice to that dingleberry. that boy did no grovelling at all for being such a shitbag to penelope, and she let him off easy despite him being a shallow manwhore!! boy was fucking every woman in his path across europe and she doesn't think about him being rife with the clap or get jealous for a second? her jealousy towards him was at 300% before but now she just doesn't give a fuck that he's banged dozens of women? boy needed a metaphorical (or real) slap in the face so badly. and dont even get me started on how bland the fingering scene was. every other pairing got a much sexier scene and theirs was so blah. penelope deserves better, or at least deserves a man that can shut up and utilize his fat mouth god I hate collin

No. 389649

Yes! The male lead this season is a fuckboi who has definitely contracted every venereal disease known to man and no one has even so much as jokingly accused him of being a rake.

No. 390146

And Skyler was really smart in the show as well (he actually wrote her smarter after he realized how smart Anna Gun. was irl), she had some great comebacks, the IRS scheme, the money laundering was all her.

No. 390318

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the Queen Charlotte spinoff was better than Bridgerton. I was moved to tears a couple times.
The first scene with young Lady Danbury being fucked by her geriatric husband was so revolting I gagged. I started to get angry they showed it happening again and again since it was marital rape but at least it wasn't done in a salacious way in the slightest, it was genuinely upsetting. I was unhappy on principal that she treated him with kindness at times, like a pathetic old man, but it was pretty well done I think.
The story with King George was crazy, I was not expecting that at all.

No. 390535

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Umm… I don't know if you'll find the protagonist cute, but Norman Bates in Bates Motel is troubled, has dark hair and an older brother heh. And there's high school/suburbs setting, too

No. 390537

need names nao

No. 390558

If I didn't like the first season should I continue and try to give it a chance? Sex and the city was fun and cynical until later seasons and broad city wasn't particularly funny to me but women exploring new york shows grip the background tv watcher in me.

No. 391078

thanks for the recommendation anon I'm watching it now and loving it. I wonder if I should have dtatted with the 80s seasons but its okay, I may watch them after tng. Really loving this show though, the acting is a bit cheesy but its still cosy and the content matter is great.

No. 391105

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Anyone been watching The Bear?? I binged it in the last couple of weeks, new series coming out soon. it’s good shit, well written and believable characters (with the exception of like 1). It’s shot nicely as well, makes me hungry tho kek

No. 391639

Okay. I just finished watching it today. I have no prior knowledge of the game because I don’t play video games; I knew people who played it and I knew of it and have seen some ads and the mascot but that’s it. That character did not come across as a man. I’m sorry she didn’t remotely read as a male nor did anything shown make her male or enby, I don’t know what you guys are talking about. The dusty facial hair makeup was mildly confusing but honestly so forgettable if that was all the show creators were relying on they failed. No one referred to her as He or Brother as far as I noticed. I kept thinking about these posts the whole time I watched waiting for her to be shilled as a man but it never happened, that was a woman.

No. 391648

She was referred to with thembie pronouns

No. 392364

Like what, they/them? I'm bad at picking up on those. Sorry I was a little drunk when I wrote that so it wasn't very coherent. Guess I just wanted to say she simply looks like a woman and the normal default read on her would be "female" to a normal person. I literally watched it with someone and they didn't even notice her makeup beard until I pointed it out, when I told them she was supposedly not female they didn't believe me kek

No. 392490

I just started watching it a few days ago and i agree it's very well shot and written, but it makes me so stressed kek. it does a good job of capturing that extremely high stress environment.

No. 392621

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i was incredibly excited for the boys s4 but it's awful thus far. they must've changed directors because scene transitions are choppy, line delivery is extra corny, and the set up for everything is cheesy and cheap. also people are blatantly ooc, take picrel. do you really mean to tell me this ocd guy who's incredibly meticulous and cautious forget to mute his PHONE when meeting with the PRESIDENT and a cia agent that he heavily respects? i get that they wanted to show he's neglecting his personal life for his vengeance/goals but what a hamfisted way to do it.

homelander's also been cheapened. none of the crazy shit he says hits as hard as it did last season. it's also rushed, why did homelander and butcher meet up within the first episode kek. what are they doing

No. 392624

i guess they could've done it to show that he was just that stressed out and not thinking but that doesn't make sense either, i'm pretty sure he defaults to order and structure as a coping mechanism. i'll sit through it for sister sage black female villains are so rare but it's not looking good so far

No. 392847

i thought the plot point where the supes beat homelander's biggest fans to death with baseball bats and framed starlight supporters was so ridiculous that i can't believe they expect viewers to go along with it. of course i don't expect realism out of a show like this but the idea that anyone in the show's universe who isn't a conspiracy theorist would actually believe they were killed by people when their bodies looked like they'd been hit by cars is just too much to accept.

No. 393097

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I'm like 3 weeks late but the ending to this season of Hacks was so fucking good!! I love this show.
Also fucking KEK at Christina Hendricks' character in the golf ep. The "I would gladly let a socialist piss on me!" line killed me, that whole scene was retarded in a good way.

No. 393108

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i know its been a year since it last aired but i'm kinda sad no one is talking about succession anymore. that show was so good.

No. 393112

I just started watching succession and so far I’m really enjoying it

No. 393312

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not highschool setting at all but
watch hornblower

No. 393365

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wtf why is Horatio Hornblower this hot?

No. 393369

Honestly Kendal should have killed himself. It would have been a better ending.

No. 393380

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I liked that they left it ambiguous (and i like that the scene was a clear nod to the ending of godfather part II, picrel)
apprently jeremy strong was doing his usual "muh method acting" shtick so hard he nearly jumped into the hudson and the guy who plays the bodyguard had to stop him from going over the guardrail kek
would love to hear your thoughts on it!

No. 393383

is bridgerton worth watching or is it just herero nonsense for normies

No. 393386

Nonsense for hetero normies kek. I watched it to see why the fuck everyone kept talking about it, and even though I watched it on 2x speed (sometimes even 4x, kek) it was a huge waste of my time. I don't see the appeal

No. 393389

agreed. his life was nothing but misery, drug addiction, and failure.

No. 393390

damn i didn't know there was a new season, thanks nonnie. loved the first 2 seasons.

No. 393391

there was a whole thread dedicated to it which is kinda dead now >>>/m/289402 great show, i miss all the discussion around it too

No. 393392

agree with the other nona. i don't get the appeal at all, and i really tried to like it because everyone was saying how amazing it was. it's netflix garbage - all show and no substance, actually unwatchable for me.

No. 393458

It's basically a bodice ripper so if you don't want to watch that you won't like it. I thought the spinoff was better to be honest. The costuming and sets are gorgeous.

No. 393599

God I love men in uniforms, especially these 18th century military tailcoat things, unfff. I need to watch this

No. 393600

ntayrt but I was going to ask the same thing! I really like the Regency aesthetic and I keep seeing Bridgerton-themed collaborations with brands recently kek. Well, good to know I don't need to spend my time on it

No. 394872

But honestly there's no chance of there ever being a sexy scene involving Penelope, it's not the showrunners fault she's way too fat for that, every sex scene involving her almost made me throw up, there's also no chance that irl a men like Collin would be sexually attracted to her it's just gross, I wished they made her get skinny or just let her be a spinster(rattle rattle)

No. 394938

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I just started watching this show and knew I recognised the guy in the middle (picrel) from somewhere but couldn't place where from. Turns out he is Michael from Love on the Spectrum kek. Did anyone else watch that? He's actually really good in this, he's basically playing himself exactly, but it works.

This show, Austin, is about an author who gets cancelled for retweeting something from a right wing influencer, and at the same time finds out he has a son (played by Michael) he never knew about. It stars Sally Phillips and Ben Miller, but is set in Australia.

No. 394941

>there's no chance of there ever being a sexy scene involving Penelope
What are you talking about? There are multiple sex scenes with her she even does brief nudity. Colin is an absolute creature she could get a much hotter man. All the other female leads got hotter men, they really did her dirty with him.

No. 394942

Please don’t listen to someone who watched a show at 2x-4x speed and didn’t like it, that’s crazy.

No. 395495

tayrt. I didn't say there's no sex scenes with her, I said there's no chance the scene can be sexy or hot bc she's a fatty, and the only way she could get someone hotter is if she lost weight bc she actually has a pretty face but no one wants to fuck a pile of lard.

No. 395526

Men aren't people. They fuck dogs and corpses. Go back to reddit pickme-chan

No. 395536

there's so many hideous men on this show but the one fat woman is the problem?

No. 395811

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I've watched some random episodes and I really like it, maybe I'll watch it normally. It's funny but it would be even better of Frasier was a woman kek

No. 396406

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Anyone watching Interview with the Vampire? I remember there were some discussions about it when it was first announced but then I didn't really see anything.
I just gotta say I'm impressed with how good it is especially with how many creative liberties it took. I grew up reading these books so initially hearing about some fundamental differences (Louis' background, Claudia's age etc) i was really disappointed but then the showrunners proved their love for the source material by making every change really matter and add to the story. Honestly as a fan in the age of so many poor adaptations, I feel blessed we got something this well crafted.

No. 396416

scary, i was just shitposting about this on another ib…but yes, same situation, grew up reading the books and have been holding this at arm's length due to the fandom it attracted (i am so wary of anything praised as "queer") but it's honest to god great so far. louis being black feels natural. he's still himself, he's just different, which is really impressive. tumblrtards could never

No. 396418

I feel like I should watch this with the amount of posts the tumblr blogs I follow make about it, but I never hear about it anywhere else

No. 396420

Anyone else watched We are Lady Parts? I'm three episodes in and already obsessed. this scene killed me

No. 396421

actually my only complaint is that louis is so hairy…if he's the uke then why is he so hairy :((emoji)

No. 396422

Was watching it with a diehard fan of the books and we dropped it, he (sorry I’m hanging out with a man kek) didn’t like changes to the journalist (something book specific) and I wasn’t enjoying it as a non-book fan. I didn’t hate it but it wasn’t really grabbing me either. I thought I would keep watching it without him but I just let the episodes sit on my computer and never retuned to them.

No. 396423

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sherry, nona?

No. 396429

Middle woman is my friends when they pass me the aux and I play my metal music:

No. 396449

pretty tasteless to make louis a slave owner to a brothel owner. owning women to be raped is the acceptable alternative to writing a slaver in this shitlib hell, as if they are both not repugnant

No. 396452

i mean that's all he could manage as a black guy in the 1910s is how its explained in series which makes sense. and i hate to say it but prostitutes have featured pretty heavily in anne rice works (that one whore from armand comes to mind, i can't remember her name). why are you here

No. 396457

It was pretty rich every time he had a whole speech about freedom and being seen as a person etc when he was a pimp literally selling people but as far as changing slaver to brothel owner that’s pretty on point (it’s basically the same job I mean).

No. 396460

he has a breakdown in the confessional over this exact point, compares himself to a slaver and tries to kill himself out of guilt kek
>It was pretty rich every time he had a whole speech about freedom and being seen as a person etc
when does this happen

No. 396476

Just phrasing it poorly and haven’t seen it in a while sorry, but as I remember it he has some passionate scenes trying to express how society doesn’t see him as a full person because of his race which is what I was trying to reference

No. 396623

God forbid a character is problematic, lmao. Everyone in these stories is messed up in this way or another, this is not endorsement

No. 396966

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This is so fucking retarded, this is the first AHS season that I can't even finish under the guise of "so bad it's at least entertaining". For a few episodes I thought they were self aware about having tranny actors terrorize pregnant women but nope.

No. 396968

"Graphic design is my passion"

No. 396974

why make the change in the first place if the character was already problematic? so we can include more women getting abused for angst? fuck off kek

No. 398076

me too
i liked the ending. he never was going to kill himself, he baited his family for 4 seasons and probably has been doing that for his entire life, but he's too much of a faggot to actually kill himself

No. 398160

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Watching this and it's making me want to read Poe stories again.

No. 398162

That series unlocked a memory of a children's abridged version of his stories that I used to read, so I went to my parents place and re-read it after watching kek. Masque of the Red Death was the scariest both in the series and the book.

No. 398471

Yeah I just finished it and I'm so confused the cult was actually good in the book, genuinely good twist with the husbands affair stuff being the actual gaslighting going on Also weird to choose male actors in a cult where everyone has to get pregnant at some point.

No. 398473

Never stopped liking Mr Robot, there's nothing that hits like it. I consider it to be one of the most unique shows (despite it being a pastiche)

No. 398477

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the first season is amazing. unmatched style and drama. i wasn't as impressed by 2. should i bother with 3 and 4?

No. 398494

Hard to answer, I liked 1 and eventually, loved 2 but I think 3 has that sort of return to form, I think you'll like it, give it some episodes. It's my personal favorite or it has like a sequence of episodes that are my absolute top picks from the whole thing. Season 4….I don't know. It's too different, it's not as stylish in that same way, has the most ambitious episode and it's worth it for that alone but average, I like it but definitely below all the others.

No. 401612

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nonners i just binged all of the boys and i love it except 90% of s4 was bad, what the hell happened

No. 401830

this season is complete fucking garbage. the writing has become unforgivably lazy and they treat obvious, predictable twists like jdm being a figment of butcher's diseased imagination like startling revelations. they've also basically shit all over starlight for the entire season by dragging out the abortion storyline for far too long, having her go from a sheltered religious pageant kid forced to be her mother's show pony to a bully who spread graphic sexual rumors about other little girls, and having a scene where the actress wept over pictures of her pre-surgery face. i'm also sick of homelander's offspring and all this conflict over whether he's a good boy at heart or a scrotelet on the verge of becoming a monster. in the meantime everyone, including butcher, seems to have forgotten that the only reason he exists is because his mother was raped. i apologize for my sperging.

No. 401993

nah i feel the exact same way. i agree with everything you're saying. also the octopus thing is so unfunny and cringe, i hate sage/deep, i fucking hate firecracker, i hate hughie acting like a total retard (and sorry but his being assaulted played for laughs just isn't funny to me). all the stuff with starlight is really disappointing. it also feels like absolutely nothing is happening, somehow. at least s5 will be the end of it, maybe it can redeem itself.

No. 402250

the show's biggest problem is that it isn't funny anymore. it reminds me of a sperg who keeps telling the same joke over and over again because it got some laughs once and he's too retarded to realize that now he's just annoying everyone. the deep having a head-shaving breakdown after getting his gills violated and stuffing himself with junk food while watching his ex-wife talk shit about him on a talk show is funny because he's a scumbag who is getting a taste of his own medicine. the deep repeatedly fucking sea life and going on an outdated #metoo moid cancel culture rant is just cringey.

No. 402492

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The series has turned to relying on shock factor similar to the comic but the first two seasons suggested a more "serious tone" with a coherent storyline of trying to reveal the secret behind Homelander/the supes with some ""mature"" humor mixed in; but now it's mainly just juvenile humor and caters to fetish fuel.
Now that they somewhat achieved revealing the supes I feel like they no longer know which direction to take the story in. The characters overlook the fact that Homelander is a rapist, Butcher's character is getting more exaggerated,annoying and unrealistic, the sudden "Frenchie is gay with feelings" feels like pandering and is something they've made fun of with maeve's character in previous episodes, There are too many subplots and the tension between characters ends up being forgotten in later episodes.
The feral animal scene was stupid,
Firecracker is an annoying character I can't stand her fake accent and I feel bad for the actor who plays starlight as so many men who don't have a chance with her keep commenting about her face so much that she had to limit comments on her post along with other channels that post interviews with her, the reason they have such a problem with her new look is because she no longer looks like a teenager while the actor who plays mother milk looks completely different but no one comments about that because he's a man. Kimiko is still the best character though.
Sorry for the long rant kek.

No. 402809

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Any recommendations for TV series with hot male characters? I want to see beautiful men.

No. 402811

Do you like bl dramas?

No. 402814

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Finally got around to watching You. Just finished season 1, actually. Are the subsequent seasons worth? It has kept my interest so far.

No. 402815

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i fucking love scavengers reign more than anything, one of my favorite animated series thats come out within the last 10 years and i am so mad max dropped it, im praying itll pick up a lot more traction on netflix. i dont know how popular it is with the average person but the rich alien life and environments got me so good along with the robot character even if the arc is very predictable, ITS STILL DONE SO FUCKING WELL!!!!!! but anyways if this show doesnt get a season 2 i will kill myself.

No. 402915

is pretty little liars worth watching?

No. 402919

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just watched the final ep of s4. i really didn't think it could get more fucking stupid. literally spent all day being excited and hoping they'd pull something cool to redeem themselves, nope, let's just go back on everything we established the entire season what's the fucking point. starlight acting like hughie cheated on her is retarded, he also basically got raped again, butcher should have died, what the FUCK was the point in showing frenchie being gay holy fuck i hate frenchie/kimiko so much, how dare they kill nadia, ryan is annoying now, AND HOW DID THEY MANAGE TO MAKE HOMELANDER BORING????
i'm so mad

No. 403921

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I'm watching this right now, and I can't believe it's so good. My one complaint is the voice-acting. I've sort of gotten used to it at this point but Mizu's voice actress is bad. I wonder why they couldn't find a woman who could speak at a deeper register or at least sound more convincingly male. Like I'm able to do a better male voice than whomever is currently playing her…right now she just gives an awkward rasp.

No. 403922

I mean I'm definitely able to suspend my disbelief because everything else about the show is so kino to me but there's always this thought in the back of my mind like, "there's no way in fuck anyone thinks this voice belongs to a male, not even a boyish male."

No. 403924

Id prefer something straight

No. 403944

Sounds like a you problem

No. 403980

>My one complaint is the voice-acting
I find it funny that they were so concerned about having representation, yet there was only one Japanese voice actor and the rest were from other asian groups

No. 404617

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Cobra Kai is so fun, didn't expect it to be that good.

No. 407226

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Is this show anything worth watching or is it another wacky, lol you wouldn't get it, post-irony Adult Swim slopfest

No. 407227

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this show was silly as fuck and I loved every minute of it, I hate that they left the finale on a cliffhanger but hopefully Netflix will give it another season and not cancel it like they did with inside job

No. 410601

I want to watch a k drama, I've never seen one before and I honestly don't know where to start? I don't mind the genre honestly, just not too much cheese.

No. 410602

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>not much cheese
No such thing with these. I dropped them because of that. Majority of them is too focused on romance as well which imo ruins it. But the least bad one I watched was The K2 because of a kpop idol I liked at the time being the FL. The story is about some rich politician's wife hiring a bodyguard who doubles as a spy to spy on her husband and expose him cheating on her. But some dark secrets get revealed after this and it's kind of a sad story. There's some cheesy romance between the FL (kpop idol who plays the role of the illegitimate politician's daughter) and ML (spy bodyguard), but I kinda warned up to it because he helps her a lot throughout the story. There's also the funeral scene where the FL sings "Amazing Grace" and her politician dad and step-mom feel bad about what they've done to her and I admit I teared up to it, but the premise is so corny kek.
Another one I liked was W 2 Worlds, husbandofag female doctor gets to go to her husbando's world, dates him, and brings him into the real world.
I suggest avoiding fighting for my way though because it has lots of weird gross abusive relationship shit but it used to get shilled back in the day. There are also lots of old man x high school girl ones so avoid these as well. Hope you enjoy the ones I recommend though!

No. 414969

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Started Rings of Power S2 last night, after binging the first season last week. I really like it, even though I read that most people didn't. It's just a really beautiful world to escape to, I love the set and costume design. I think not comparing it to the books/films is best, just enjoy it for being a fantasy show with some characters you might know of. AND the best part is there's no sexual violence! Which is probably why all the moids hate it

No. 414980

Personally I'm a lil salty that the elves in the series don't look or behave like elves. The Amazon's elves are like the Shein version of Peter Jackson's elves. Peter Jackson's elves were noble, elegant and ethereal… quite consistently and believably elf-like. The Rings of Power elves on the other hand are just like ordinary human beings in elf costumes. They removed everything magical and ethereal about elves.

No. 414987

AYRT kek yes I know what you mean, especially Gil-galad! Definitely the main reason I had to stop comparing it to the films.

No. 415691

anyone watched secret lives of mormon wives? i need to share my hatred for the moids on the show.

No. 417813

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Other than these characters I rarely find Portlandia funny tbh, but it is very nostalgic to me.

No. 418059

Been watching x-files for the first time recently. Very good so far

No. 418063

>Peter Jackson's elves were noble, elegant and ethereal… quite consistently and believably elf-like. The Rings of Power elves on the other hand are just like ordinary human beings in elf costumes. They removed everything magical and ethereal about elves.
Wouldn't surprise me to find out they did this to avoid accusations of white supremacy from the same weirdos who think orcs are meant to be black.
I've been avoiding the show because it all kind of looks like shein-ified Tolkien, the only reason I can justify it looking so… cheap, despite having such a massive budget, is that there's some sort of money laundering fuckery going on.

No. 418087

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They really dropped the ball with Kimiko, I was invested in her story from the beginning but I got so sick of all of the Frenchie shit, especially with his random gay arc with her acting like the “supportive friend” and then it’s like oh just kidding I liked you all along! And then by that point I didn’t even care if they were together.
Starlight hardly got to do anything this season, the most exciting part where we actually got to see her act was the shapeshifter scene. And the writing was awful.
>Look, I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm here tonight, instead of rimming out AOC while shouting, 'Defund the police!' up her asshole.”
I physically cringed.

No. 418089

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this series supposed to be about the Elves/Middle Earth during the "glory days" before everything goes wrong and the Elves start to fade? If so it would make sense for them to be more cheerful and shit.

No. 418090

the thing about orcs is that they are also just elves, elves who have been corrupted by evil into twisted parodies of god's creation, Tolkien wrote about orcs being victims of what mechanised warfare does to a people
the brutish orcs who love fighting and violence for the sake of it aren't even from Tolkien. they're from warhammer, which based them off football hooligans, skinheads and neo-Nazis

No. 418091

> Orcs ARE actually based on a human racial stereotype just like xitter said
> it's white people
For some reason I find this information hilarious

No. 418123

At this point you might as well use "does this person think orcs are 'black-coded'?" as a litmus test for covert racists. Nothing about them is particularly "black-coded" and those who see them as such are just telling on themselves and their own perception of black people.

No. 418134

same with with gender. they claim to be progressive but then say a woman must be a man because she likes "boy things", like casual fashion or has a stoic personality.

No. 418528

I really don't understand why they chose Galadriel instead of their daughter Celebrian to be the protagonist. I know she doesn't hold a brand selling name like Galadriel does but that is an advantage since Galadriel has a lot of lore attatched and her daughter almost nothing, at least in the second age. They could have write all their fanfic in Celebrian. She would have fit better the warrior maiden narrative and they could feature Galadriel and her husband too in some scenes for fanservice.

No. 418611

Has anyone watched High Potential? It has Kaitlin Olson (Always Sunny) in it which was the main reason I put it on. It’s an American remake of a French series and so far they seem to follow close but I’ve only seen one episode and half an episode (I didn’t have much time to watch the French one but I do want to watch the rest of it).
It’s a crime procedural with a hyper competent intelligent consulting detective, only this time that role is played by a women. Which I’m tickled by. She’s not doing it for funsies, she has her own motivations and even though she’s a jerk (when the situation calls for it) she’s also compassionate. Idk I really like the main character but I’m also a sucker for shows where you don’t have to worry if it’ll get solved, you just enjoy watching them work it out and navigating how they’re going to prove their conclusions in a way that meets evidentiary standards.
It’s pretty rote in terms of plot and where things are likely to go (surely cop who plays by the rules and dislikes her getting involved is going to fall in love with her) but I’m still looking forward to watching more.

No. 419662

I just finished Sharp Objects, loved the beginning and the middle but the two last episodes where kinda meh. In my opinion Amy Adams acting was very good. I don't think I will read the novel tho. Also I was rooting for Camille to be a lesbian as I was watching the first episode, I thought it made sense in terms of backstory, I was very disappointed when it was clear that she wasn't.

No. 419689

I liked the novel, even if the series adapted it pretty well I would still recommend reading it. Can you elaborate? I think her past trauma fits the narrative. I never thought of a possibility of her being lesbian, but maybe that's because Camille reminds me of someone I know irl.

No. 420533

is anyone watching the wwf vince mcmahon docuseries mr mcmahon? i never really paid attention to wrestling and i didn't know how weird and campy it was. it is so heartbreaking when performers die in front of an audience. the sexism back then was so tame compared to today.

No. 420556

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Any other Venture Bros appreciators here? I'm just rewatching it again, the first 3 seasons are great

No. 420593

Pete White is my husbando.

No. 420624

Loved it. Shame they had to condense the final season into a movie. It's still better than a lot of shows get I guess.

No. 420672

Why he's ugly.

No. 420724

johnny bravo on steroids, trailer park fred jones, jimmy olsen and some grandpa

No. 420734

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I love Venture Bros. I love the writing. The episode where Brock kills all the henchmen nude probably kicked off my sexual awakening. I still love it, even if it made a weirdo.

No. 420826

Nonna I think you got the wrong thread.

No. 420827

oh shit for some reason I thought "TV shows and movies" kek

No. 420870

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I love venture bros, definetly in my top 3 cartoons. VB and duckman are the only cartoons that did the whole ''angry old cynical man'' schtick well. The Doc is what Bojack writers wanted Bojack to be. It's an overall extremely well executed show, i also love the extremely niche references to old shows like Johnny Quest. Now i want to rewatch it too, even thought the first seasons have a rough animation.
>trailer park fred jones, jimmy olsen
This is the intent of the characters funnily enough, the show is filled with references to 70s cartoons and classic comics.

No. 421593

you either like it or you don't, you will know after the first 11 minute episode. it makes me bust up laughing but your mileage may vary.

No. 421745

Okay I just finished watching Euphoria season 1 and 2 and I need to sperg about it.
Firstly. The show is SO graphic for a show that depicts minors, literally gratuitous sex on screen like they couldn't think of anything else to do with the runtime. Which is crazy because it also tried to do all these 2deep4u metaphors that didn't stick at all. I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be edgy and porny or deep and sophisticated, like it really couldn't make up it's mind. Now moving onto the characters…

Rue - Her back must hurt from carrying the whole show. Literally the only character worth giving a shit about. Her arcs were interesting and memorable and she was actually likeable. Too bad she's wasted on…
Jules - The fucking troon. He had some cute looks, like they were really trying so hard to make him look like a super girly effeminate teen but it didn't really work. This character is literally the worst, his whole premise is le edgy manic pixie dream girl and all the characters indulge his delusions. When he left Rue at the train station I wanted to kill him, fickle bitch.
Nate - The second worst character. Ugly scrote with no clear motive behind anything he does. He's supposed to be the villain but nothing he does makes any fucking sense. Waaah my dad is gay and cheating on my mom, time to beat the shit out of a random guy and blackmail people and beat my girlfriend. Retarded character all around. Would've been better if they just kept him as a dumb scrote himbo and stopped pretending he was a manipulative mastermind villain.
Cassie - Super dumb bitch. I hate this character so much. Fuck this girl, seriously. I'M GOING TO GO DATE MY BEST FRIEND'S ABUSIVE SCROTE BOYFRIEND; I HOPE HE CHOKES ME TOO!!! I'm so pretty and sad, love me! I want to a-log.
Maddy - Pathetic but at least realistic. She reminds of every 'bad bitch' wannabe instagram model straight girlfriend I've ever had. I just wish she had a true bad bitch glow up and tried to destroy her bitch boyfriend earlier.
Kat - Her first arc with the findomme shit was mildly interesting even if very uncomfortable for me since she's also a high school girl. But then they just randomly dropped it and pretended it didn't happen at all? Guess it was the backlash kek. I could care less about her second season arc with her bf.
Lexi - I don't even understand why she had an arc. Complete waste of time. They just wanted to pad runtime with this one.
Fezco - Am I the only one that felt like this character was completely out of place? He wasn't bad exactly but the show is supposed to be Gossip Girl and he feels like he came straight out of Breaking Bad. Kek. His little romance with Lexi was creepy as fuck given that he's an adult drug dealer with violent tendencies chatting with a teenage girl.
Nate's Dad - I don't feel sorry for this guy at all. Fuck this gay scrote.

All in all I feel like the show is beautifully filmed junk food. The shots are so amazing and the camera work, sets and lighting really set the mood but the writing was mid at best and sometimes incredibly aggravating.

No. 421751

It's literally just Sam Levinson's thinly-veiled excuse to film his fetishes, I can't believe you actually watched the entire thing. I feel bad for all the teenage girls who were exposed to all of its disgusting messaging.

No. 421947

i agree completely kek.
>the shots are so amazing
because the entire aesthetic vision was stolen from artist petra collins, she'd been developing this style her entire life. look into her work and you will be able to tell immediately.
>but the writing was mid
the part this scrote actually had to do kek. he was an abusive director too. his ego got too big by season 2 to tell a coherent story. he got so bold with it just being softcore pornography that he wrote a new character in to cast his favourite porn actress as. rue is the only well written one because she is autobiographical from his addict 'past'. he has the porn addict stare too.

No. 423252

I noticed that so many shows nowadays might be mediocre and have shitty writing but the cinematography always delivers, it's really weird.

THat super controversial star wars sequel movie sucks but the shots are so good. HOTD sucks but again has amazing cinematography (unfortunately shitty blue filter effects it)

Wouldn't surprise me if Joker 2 is the same

No. 423253

I want to finish watching because of Victoria but based on the lack of chatter about her in s4 I'm worried… I know she dies but idk she seems like a very cool character

No. 423256

I love it so much, it's hysterical.

No. 423611

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Did anyone watch this show

What are your opinions? I don’t care about history accuracy but if the show is good I’ll probably research midway through watching

No. 424564

Can anyone recommend some semi-decent sitcoms? I just like mindless TV.

So far I've watched:
>Malcolm in the Middle (Favorite)
>How I Met Your Mother
>Big Bang Theory
>Kim's Convenience
>Scrubs (Favorite)
>Modern Family
>Jane the Virgin
>Arrested Development (Favorite)
>Derry Girls
>It's Sunny in Philadelphia (Favorite)
>Everybody Hates Chris
>That 90's Show
>The Office

No. 424565

If you like Always Sunny and Arrested Development you may enjoy the classic Seinfeld (self involved people making life difficult for others but suffering the consequences of their own hubris) and Curb Your Enthusiasm (what is it to be a maladapted dickhead who has so much money he can do whatever he wants). If you liked Sunny you’re probably inoculated to these kinds of shows and will have no trouble getting the humor.

No. 424579

Always Sunny and AD are my favourites from that list! Assuming we have similar taste in comedy based on that, I'd suggest 30 Rock, Parks and Rec and Brooklyn 99.

Girls5eva is an underrated one I love and I rec that to everyone in this thread.

No. 424582

Peep Show

No. 425061

No. 425519

what are some 'iconic' shows I should watch? I've spent years watching strange old shows or cartoons and I feel like I missed out on a lot of iconic shows, like vampire diaries? Please send a list on what I should catch up on

No. 425523

Strongly seconding peep show, it's my favorite

No. 425557

Thirding. Peep show is top tier

No. 425711

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does anybody have any good drama reccs? preferrably ones that aren't modern (pre-2010), however, i do like modern foreign dramas. stuff like telenovelas and kdrama/jdramas, i'm fine with any.
something that's not too graphic (i don't mind light violence here and there but i can't stand stuff that overwhelms the viewer with sex, drugs and violence in every scene) and has a wide range of character personalities/characters that feel realistic or like actual people. i really love relationship dramas and larger casts

No. 425820

The Nanny
Battlestar Galactica

No. 425822

You should check out My Brilliant Friend nona it's an HBO show

No. 425834

thank you for the rec nona, i'll check it out!

No. 426619

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Im currently watching House and just started watching season 2. The second episode genuinely made me so uncomfortable that it's making me want to drop the show. Picrel, a 30 year old doctor, kisses a 9 year old little girl patient while alone with her because she says she's "never kissed a boy before". She's like dying of something, so what he did is being framed as a "kind act", at least based on youtube comments from people that watched that episode. I'm just so genuinely repulsed right now. Whoever wrote this episode is a weird fuck. Any nonnas here that have watched the show and think it's worth continuing? Maybe i should just skip the rest of this episode. Unless they have other pedophilic episodes im unaware of that I should also skip.

No. 426622

Yeah I was in the gym when I watched this happen kek. It’s weird but iirc no one in the episode approves, including Cameron, who’s mortified, and House. Honestly I don’t know what’s that was supposed to represent, but the rest of the show is good

No. 426623

to answer your question, the weird things that stand out in my memory is when a 17yo girl was hitting on house and he was disappointed to know it was because she had an illness that fucked up her brain and not because she really wanted him. then another episode where a boy was sa by his father in the past and house's team wasn't proactive in finding out why his mother didn't want the guy around when it was obvious, i don't remember exactly the episodes they're from. and i thought the kiss scene was awkward even as a teenager

No. 426624

There's a lot of goofy shit in House because that's what the writers thought would interest viewers. There's nothing that approaches that topic again though.

No. 426625

Yeah but keep in mind he never returned her advances. Or that episode with 15 yo Troon supermodel he judged the father hard. He doesn’t like not being right about what people’s intentions are tho, that’s true

No. 426626

the fact that hes even flattered in the first place is gross though. imagine being disappointed a teenager doesn't actually want to fuck you and you can't countdown to her being legal anymore

No. 426627

To be fair that second scenario is so retarded that it's actually very realistic.

No. 426628

I just remembered something about it he made that disease up so she leaves him alone. He just didn’t care she has a crush on him until Cudy told him he needs to cut her off because she kept coming to the hospital

No. 426630

sorry for the autism I just think house is one of the very few moid characters who exclusively gets involved and gets romantic interest in women his own age. Cudy, Stacy, etc.

No. 426636

That character was intersex, not troon

No. 426722

Update to this
Did anyone here watch it and how do you rate it?
I noticed some /tv/cels complaining that it's not actually about the penguin and it's about his daughter or something which sounds hilarious if true
But it just looks like the Sopranos to me

No. 426813

If you want something kind of like Degrassi there's a show from early 2000s from NZ called "The Tribe" that is kind of fun to binge watch.

No. 426921

kek watched the The Tribe (and New Tomorrow) as a kid, very corny teenage post-apocalypse show, no idea how it holds up but more people need to be exposed to it and its fashion choices so seconding this

No. 427236

thank you nonas, i'll check it out

No. 427589

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Is anybody watching "Agatha All Along" on disneyplus? It's a spinoff of Wandavision about a group of witches trying to get their powers back (basically). I'm really enjoying it and I even finally watched Wandavision because I like this show so much. My favorite thing is that it's an almost all female cast over the age of 40. It's been funny and sad and a fun adventure. Finale is next week, I'm excited for tv for the first time in ages.

No. 427829

I've really been enjoying the series and I'm not usually a TV show person at all. Not once have I been bored watching it. It's free from capeshit tropes, the story is great, the characters are well-written, and the cinematography is film-tier. Sophia Falcone (Carmine's daughter) does play a big part and even has an episode dedicated to her backstory but the show is still about the Penguin first and foremost. She's a really interesting character and the only people bitching about her inclusion are the moids of /tv/ who are probably butthurt that she said she was sick of being pushed around by men. If anyone is considering watching it, I think you should.

No. 427831

Late reply but Kate and Anthony are literally the only good and fun couple to watch and they barely even got the time they deserved in their own fucking season, this show sucks so much ass just for that alone.

No. 428144

Twin peaks

No. 428377

Which modern shows feel outdated? Which older shows were ahead of their time?

No. 428614

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I've been watching it over the past couple days (tis the season) and just finished the finale. For reference I'm a former Marvel slop enjoying who stopped caring after Endgame except Wandavision. So here's some quick thoughts
>Really enjoyed the almost all female cast.
>I liked the low budget aspect. A lot of the Disney+ shows have been flash over substance. I believe it might be the lowest budget Marvel show.
>Really creative trials.
>Agatha doesn't have a revelation and suddenly becomes good. She likes Billy because she reminds him of her son and it's built up slowly. They even show her backstory and it doesn't excuse what she does. She's still a wicked ghost witch.
>No laser beam end battle, they almost subvert it with Billy and Agatha vs Death.
>Kinda wish Disney hid the last episode. I didn't know both were dropping today until I saw it in the app.
>They didn't bring everyone back. I totally thought that was what Billy was going to do at the end.
>I want to join a coven
I know Marvel is going to continue the Wandavision show saga with Visionquest but I really hope they just leave this part of the universe alone. I think because this was so low budget they execs were pretty hands off and I want more of that

No. 428616

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Samefag. This show has a lot of tarot refs and I saw two in the last episode.
>The Moon. Spirituality, peacefulness, hidden danger, self reflection
>The Troon. Self deceit, ignorance, delusion, 41% chance of death.

No. 429534

I'm looking for something like Archer, would this show be similar? Or any other recs anons might have?

No. 430823

I watched Houses entirety as a teen and completely glossed over shit like that, you mentioning it again reminded me that I forgot about that. Yeah that is fucked. I actually tried rewatching House again a few months ago but bailed mid/late season one because I just found it boring and House way too unlikable to even enjoy watching. There actually are a few weird scenes like that, that border on pedophilic. There's one where a mom brings her little girl in to the clinic because she thinks she's epileptic but House informs her that her little girl is just masterbaiting. Another when a kindergarten class has been exposed to artificial hormones and House approaches some random little girl and asks her if "she has hair in her no no place" or something like that. Then smaller ones like Chase encouraging some kid to leer at Cameron's cleavage. I can't remember if I'm missing any, but yeah stuff like that also discouraged me from rewatching it, it's too weird to even enjoy the show in a fictional sense if none of the characters are even likable.

No. 430835

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I'm genuinely enjoying The Idol so far and I wanted to say why, don't come for me just yet I'm only one episode in. Starting off easy the soundtrack and cinematography is great, I'm easy when it comes to pretty scenes that also sound good. The acting so far also isn't terrible, I was surprised that it's not worse. Abel and Lily aren't great, but it seems an effort was put in and I appreciate that, I was also excited to see Eli Roth is in it. I dislike him as a person but I enjoy his movies and how much effort he puts into his roles. The obligatory troon was annoying, but it seems his part is small so I'm hoping he won't be seen much from this point on but it's not a deal breaker for me.

I'm already aware of the ending because I watched a few youtube reviews of the show before I decided to actually watch it, so from my understanding I believe Jocelyn is playing Tedros and using him to improve her music in some way. This is almost obvious from the first episode, even just in the way she speaks to him and about him. When her friend said his vibe was "rapey" she replies with casualty, saying that's what she likes about him. Painting her as someone who isn't naive to his creepiness, but hyper aware and unafraid of how he presents himself as some dominant force. There's also a scene immediately after she tells her friend she wants to invite him over, they're both watching an old movie and right before Tedros is shown at her front gate, the camera fixes on the TV where a man asks a woman "what happens?" and the woman replies with "she kills him." The foreshadowing seems almost too obvious, I know Jocelyn doesn't end up murdering Tedros, but the implication I got was that Jocelyn is very aware of how people will view her as someone vulnerable to be taken advantage of, and that she is not someone who will be easily played, and instead she will be the manipulator. I think this is also foreshadowed in the opening scene when the photographer is giving her instructions for the photos and we see her switch from one emotion to another. It could be assumed that her quickness to cry shows her fragile emotional state, and that could be true. But it could also be that she knows how to use emotion to get where she needs to be, and that emotion is something that is easy for her to control, leaning into the foreshadowing of her character being manipulative.

I found the comedy pretty on the nose, but I still enjoyed it. I remember seeing people disliked the way the humor mocked progressivism, and I can see where they are coming from. But for me it didn't seem totally one sided because a lot of jokes seemed to be lobbed towards the opposing side as well. I felt like the "mental illness is sexy" scene, where her manager or whatever explains that ugly men in the middle of nowhere will see a hot crazy famous girl as someone that could potentially fuck them, as opposed to an unattainable beautiful successful famous woman with stable mental health as too far fetched as a sexual fantasy, to be mocking men who feel like they can only be in praise of women they feel they have a chance with. And that 99% of men don't have a chance with celebrity women so they lie for cope to feel like they do have a chance with these women. I felt like there were enough scenes like this to sort of negate the idea that progressivism was the only side being mocked, because it felt like every side was being mocked at a certain point.

The nudity was pretty pointless, I'll say that. The scene with Jocelyn choking herself while masturbating was completely pointless and added nothing to the story or her character ark. However I will say some of it did convey the point it was trying to make, like in the beginning when she's very keen on showing her bare breasts on camera, and her team is encouraging of it as well. I felt like this set up the idea that she is being pushed into whatever is going to make the most money and get the most attention by everyone around her, including her best friend, and even herself. The fact she was more than eager to do so kind of shows the audience that her body and privacy has been so commercialized that she doesn't see nudity as something to even pause at. She just removes her dressing gown, not even giving it a second thought. This is also shown in her casualty about her private photo being leaked. My assumption from that scene is that she is either so numb to being objectified that she doesn't care anymore, or that she leaked the photo herself. This callousness is also reflected when she goes to the club and is almost naked, wearing a sheer dress that shows her breasts and thong, she doesn't even really cover her chest when her nipples are showing over the top part of the dress. I'm sure a lot of this is because Sam and Abel are sex pests who wanted her to be as nude as possible, but it did also add to this "exploited celebrity" story that's being told. A lot of it does seem pointless, especially the slow motion scenes of her during her dance practice. The idea of Jocelyn being objectified could have been portrayed without Lily being objectified, and the dance was being practiced without a camera so it wasn't as if the slow motion scenes were in the show, they were quite literally just for the audience and I'm assuming the men behind the production of the show.

I also don't like how one dimensional Jocelyn is right now. I'm hoping that changes throughout the episodes, but so far I find it very hard to sympathize with her because of it. We see that she is upset, but so far none of her upset seems irrational. She's tired and overworked, as stated by her, and she's grieving the death of her mother. She's also unhappy with the work her team is encouraging her to put out, so far her motivations seem very hollow. Perhaps she's bored and unhappy with stardom, but were not really given any drive or motivation she might have. We're told she's had an emotional breakdown, but we're not shown any of the aftermath or any hint of that at all really. She seems subdued and sad, but none of it seems out of place for the situation she's in. And her character just seems unfinished, like we aren't given much about her, and what we are given isn't enough to make any real judgment on. But I guess the same can be said about Tedros, I just wish Lily's character was given more depth considering she is the protagonist, and the story seems to be centered on her and her life. I really liked the first season of Euphoria, and while that's also a Sam Levinson show I find the differences are huge. And even just comparing Rue to Jocelyn, it feels like a big let down in the sense of character arch. While Rue can be unlikable, mean, selfish, even cruel. We're still given reasons to root for her, empathize with her, understand her motivations for the things she says and does, even if we disagree with or dislike the choices she makes. Maybe it's in part because Zendaya's acting is better than Lily's, but it's also because Rue's character is fully fleshed out. We get to know her likes, dislikes, what motivates her, what discourages her, her backstory, trauma, goals, interests, strengths, weaknesses. What she's willing to do for herself, for the people she cares about. We get to know her character and that makes the story compelling, but with Jocelyn it's just completely flat. She's sad, stressed, a little mean. We don't know what she likes, what she wants, what her goals or motivation is. We know she doesn't like the music she's making but we also don't know what kind of music she'd prefer to make. We know she doesn't want to be made fun of but at the same time she doesn't mind posing nude or having private photos leaked, it just seems her character is in it's first draft.

Anyway sorry for the length of this post I just felt like I had a lot to say because this show was so heavily scrutinized and I had so many assumptions going in I didn't expect to have my initial opinion changed. I might feel completely different by the end of the show or even the next episode but this is just my initial reaction so far. I was surprised the ratings are so low, I know there's a lot to critique but I feel like there's way worse shows out there. The nudity and sex scenes are a bit much but I like I can grant some curtesy because it's not marketed to kids or teens at all. But yeah feel free to call me retarded I just wanted to share how I feel about the show so far.

No. 430838

I watched the Idol and thought it was utter trash. I really don't see what you are talking about.

No. 430839

Has anyone seen Silo and did you like it? I want to start a new series and I'm torn between Silo or Penny Dreadful.

No. 430850

>There's one where a mom brings her little girl in to the clinic because she thinks she's epileptic but House informs her that her little girl is just masterbaiting.
I never watched that show but some people are so stupid it seems like a realistic situation to me. I've seen doctors online saying some of their adult patients are even more stupid than that. Like some reddit post I saw long ago about a couple trying to have kids and not understanding the guy isn't supposed to rub his dick on the woman's bellybutton to get her pregnant. For years. Is House the type of shows that has weird cases inspired by weird things happening irl?

No. 430990

What are the best adult swim shows or cartoons?

No. 430991

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

No. 431071

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No. 431074

Yeah I don't think it's like some masterpiece or anything monumental, or even great really. Just that I feel like, so far, it's not as bad as I initially assumed just from hearing about it online and the ratings on IMDB (4.4).

No. 431080

absolutely not all anime but trigun is definitely one of the best

No. 431102

ABSOLUTELY not all anime!! But anime is trending better, especially dubs. Agree that 90s Trigun is one of the good ones, even if the first 10-12 episodes are like 4 hours of Who Cares? before the show is actually a banger. I didn't see a lot of the new Trigun but I've heard excellent things. The art is worse tho imo… I miss the ugly hand-drawn 90s frames.

No. 431106

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I'm guessing you didn't miss the 'Vash looks like a lesbian now' shitposting and FtMs transwashing him and giving him breast scars…

No. 431184

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Streamed 2 Broke Girls because I needed some new background noise television, and I find sitcoms are great for that. Due to just putting it on in the background I cant give it a true review, but I overall liked what I saw of it and enjoyed that the plot stayed focused on the cupcake business instead of just throwing it away like many comedy series tend to do with plots established early in the series.

Unfortunately, this show came out in 2011, so there are a lot of outdated pop culture references that dont hold up at all.

No. 431186

I see clips of these on YouTube shorts all the time, and there's always a sex innuendo

No. 431188

It has a lot of shitty male-benefitting sex jokes for a lack of better wording

No. 431193

adult swim has a lot of good shows imo.. metalocalypse, china il, venture bros, king of the hill, joe pera, ballmastrz, harvey birdman, superjail, space ghost, MAWS, and morel orel are great. i guess samurai jack counts too now since they just consider the whole show adult swim now, not just season 5.

No. 431194

The remake of Trigun is a joke. I automatically assume anyone who likes that version has prounons and transally in their bio

No. 431234

China IL!!!!! I forgot about that show and the banger theme song

No. 431312

samurai jack is adult swim now?

No. 431351

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worst part is no milly
has been for awhile

No. 431614

I almost posted this in the Amerifag general, but does any other anon have a love-hate relationship with Saturday Night Live? It's extremely hit-or-miss, but that should be expected for a weekly show that has run for decades. Share your favorite SNL sketches.

No. 431615

celebrity jeopardy is still one of the funniest sketches i've ever seen and i rewatch every once in awhile for a pick-me-up

No. 431645

reaching back in time for this one but my all time favorite snl sketch is chris farley as a motivational speaker. i think old snl is generally funnier

No. 431687

did anyone watch the final season of My Brilliant Friend? the last episode aired last night. i’m depressed because i think they kind of butchered it

No. 431699

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this show fucks. complaints are retarded and consist of "wahhh a woman is being centered in one episode" and "where's batman" so who cares. it's highly rated by actual critics. sofia is a great character.

No. 431714

Ugh he used to be husbando material, the re-design is so moeblobshit.
The Idol could have been so much better if these two cumbrains didn't show up, the moid from euphoria and elfindesemana. You still can see the original vision that Amy Seimetz conceived for the show in that episode where Jocelyn has this meltdown after filming the music video. And Lily Rose has potential as an actress IMO.

No. 431778

Agreed, despite liking it I can't help but feel it could have been so much better if it weren't written solely by male perspectives. They always think they can write women realistically but it just ends up like a caricature. I've only ever seen or heard a handful of men be able to accurately describe a woman's experience or perspective and they were probably just hearing it directly from women and repeating it verbatim kek. I didn't know it initially had a woman in the mix of male writers, I googled it and I'm disappointed they cut her out. The scene you're talking about was one of my favorites throughout the show, it's the only time we get a glimpse into Jocelyn's mind. It made me feel a lot of empathy for her, a stark difference from that first episode where I said we don't get to know Jocelyn past a surface level at all. I actually got teary when she called for her mom a few times.

>And Lily Rose has potential as an actress IMO

I think so too, she did quite well considering some of the awkward and clunky lines they gave her.

No. 432034

Jocelyn character ended being a prop for elfindesemana self-insert shitty story. It was so ridiculous how shoehorned he was and how over the top Jocelyn was behaving, like you say, they don't know how to write female characters, they write sexual props. I hope he and the moid from euphoria don't get any work for a long time, since the idol was a fail for audiences and critics alike.
I think that in Nosferatu we'll see a better Lily Rose, in the trailers her acting seems fine.

No. 432107

I hated it as soon as I learned the blonde dude with the fuckboy hair is vash. I hate it even more now that I know millie is gone. Fuck that garbage ass remake.

No. 432187

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The H2O: Mermaid Adventures show is so comfy and soothes my brain when I'm feeling anxious.

No. 433297

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I recently started watching Het huis Anubis, so far I like it for being silly, its mystery and characters, despite being aimed for (pre)teenagers lol.
Any Dutch or Belgium nonnas who watched this growing up? or that watched their version like House of Anubis in English? As a kid I was not interested watching it (liked cartoons more) and was kinda scared it was too dark for me kek.

No. 433768

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Is this any good? I liked the second movie more than the first one and was curious to see what else they could do with this character/where the story would go.

No. 433995

based nona

season 2 is imo better and season 3 was worth it for me for more love quinn. it requires more suspension of disbelief re: joe getting away with it as it goes on. season 4 is the worst one.

yes! i watched house of anubis as a tween and loved it. i even wrote fanfiction of it kek.

No. 437413

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I watched the 2022 Interview With the Vampire series today. I like? Parts of it? But the ending scenes for both seasons are so dramatic they come across as comedic. I never read the books so I was going in blind, but even to me it was obvious what things they probably changed to make it acceptable for a 2022 audience.

No. 437477

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I started watching succession and the secondhand embarrassment from this guy got to me 5 minutes into the first episode, is the entire series like this?

No. 437479

No. 437481

Fuckkkkkk late but I need to rewatch the Tribe holy shit I thought that was a fever dream bc I’m American and caught it on that weird WAM! channel

No. 437495

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I've read the books. There are a handful of changes. In the books, Louis is a white creole man who inherits and indigo plantation (and slaves) from his family. The part where Louis is turned takes place in the early 1800s instead of the early 1900s. In the books, Daniel is still turned by Armand, but in the 80s when he's still a relatively young guy. In the book, the titular interview takes place entirely in the seventies, and Louis had long parted ways with Armand at that point. Some of the cheesy things (like Louis and Lestat embracing at the end) actually do come from the books, albeit the second rather than the first. They also changed Armand's age and race; in the book, he was a Russian, red-haired boy who was turned at 17. Claudia is younger (six iirc) and she never gets sexually assaulted. They didn't change anything about Lestat, though, aside from making him a few years older (which they did with pretty much everyone.) The show is slightly gayer than the books, but the books are pretty darn gay. Louis and Lestat are described as "blood spouses" at various times, which is basically vampire marriage.

I think the decision to change Louis probably started as a PC one, but they ended up taking it in interesting directions while still maintaining the core elements and essence of his character in the book.

No. 437501

yeah; some fans might try to sell him as a a tragic sadboi but he's supposed to be a cringy loser
there's a lot of cringewwory moments from him, greg and tom so if that isn't your thing succ probably isn't for you

No. 437550

No. 437641

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I should clarify what I meant. Even though I went in blind I was aware that Lestat and Louis were a couple and there was a plantation setting. I also was aware of Claudia coming into play later on. I didn't know any major plot developments other than that Lestat and Louis separate at some point. I don't think it's a bad adaptation. I understand the decision to avoid the plantation setting and slavery. Also aging up Claudia to be fourteen in the show rather than five. But it feels a bit like the pendulum swung almost too far in the other direction I guess.

The black, brothel owning Louis and Indian Arman are interesting reinterpretations, but the emphasis race now plays in the relationships feels a bit out of place? Out of touch? I'm not sure the exact phrasing, but it was a bit clunky and awkward at times. Especially with how other characters would address it. (Like when Daniel mentions to Louis how it made total sense for him to go to Paris to escape racism, because they were so accepting of Algerians or something.) It felt like a decision that was originally made to show how not-problematic this adaptation is than out of genuine interest to modernize the setting and characters.

I liked Claudia a lot but it took a lot of suspension of disbelief when other characters would comment how childlike she is in appearance. (Like when they told her to go play with the other kids when they were in Hungary kek) The 21st century setting and aged Daniel are good additions, I liked them. The themes of relationships, abuse, memory, and love were really well done. Great production value in the show overall. Also when I said the season endings were dramatic I wasn't referring to the embrace between Louis and Lestat, that felt very in place to me. Rather it was the quippy one lines we would get like Louis saying he owns the night. I know the source material is campy but it just felt so awkward as a season finale.

No. 437812

No. 438071

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Yeah, I am reconsidering.

No. 438091

NAYRT, I also thought is was so campy. In some aspects the show was really good (like with the historical setting, the art and the allegories) and in others so bad that it was good. I haven't watched season 2 though. Armand is the only thing I don't like since he looks so weak and twinky he has no presence to me, definitely can't compare to Antonio Banderas. In terms of attractiveness the show is a downgrade in every way from the 1998 movie, and Claudia being tagged as a child by strangers really made no sense, especially considering "teenagehood" was a concept invented in the 70s. The Paris thing is actually true, Josephine Baker for instance never managed to have a career in the USA throughout her entire life but was incredibly famous in France.

No. 438136

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He's supposed to be twinky. The whole reason he hates Claudia so much in the book is because he was turned at a teenager and feels that it's a profound injustice to turn non-adults into vampires. Neither the 94 movie nor the show portray him correctly. I respect the show's choice to change Louis' race and background, but Armand really should have looked more like his book version. In the books, the guy who turns Armand, Marius, is a Renaissance painter, and Armand (who is described as looking like a Botticelli angel, picrel) is his favorite apprentice. Their relationship is based on Da Vinci and his pupil/lover Salai. A lot of Armand's character development in the books has to do with how his perception of Marius changes in light of how fucked up their relationship was in retrospect.

No. 438149

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nayrt, I just think it's so funny how the closest to the book description Armand was in QotD where he has like 2 lines.

No. 438151

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I know that Paris was kinder to black people during the 20th century than much of America. My point was really how the show felt the need to highlight racial dynamics in at times awkward ways, which wouldn’t be really necessary if they hadn’t changed so many characters’ race. This felt like an overcorrection at times in an attempt to make the story more palatable to a modern audience. I think the changes to Louis’s character are interesting and the way they handle it for the most part is well done. But I do agree with >>438136 that changing Armand’s character so much didn’t really feel necessary. Honestly I’m more interested in the version they described than the one we get in the show. Debating if I want to read the first few books in the series even if it went off the rails later on. Also the fandom for this seems like absolute cancer even by modern fandom standards

No. 438154

I cant go into that show seriously after reading the book and growing up with the movie version. It's like a fanfic. Changing the races and settings of some characters– they might as well done their own thing. I hate it so much

No. 438169

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I was thinking about this last night. AMC IWTV feels like an AU rather than an actual adaptation of the book. If I wanted to recommend it to someone for the first time the AMC series is the most easily accessible and as far as TV goes is good. But if your goal is to get into the series as a whole then it’s difficult to switch from the books to the show, so maybe it’s best avoided.

Slightly OT but Sam Reid is a great actor and I keep thinking about certain scenes because of him. I know the 1994 movie is suppose to be pretty good but I think Brad Pitt is ugly and wonder if I could be as immersed in Tom Cruise’s Lestat as I was Sam Reid’s. Or if I should just read the book and then watch the 1994 movie.

No. 438185

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Sam Reid absolutely blows all of the other Lestats out of the water. I'm impressed that he manages to do a French accident without it sounding silly. He does a good job of capturing Lestat's insane, whimsical energy.

No. 438188

The first three books and the Vampire Armand are good. Even as a fan I wouldn't participate recommend any others.

No. 438211

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He’s in comparatively so few scenes in s2 but he steals the episode each time he shows up. Picrel, the bench scene, and the conversation before the embrace in the last episode are so wonderfully acted. I agree about the whimsy coming across, as well as the accent. I was pretty surprised to learn he was Australian.
By comparison Jacob Anderson isn’t a bad actor, but the delivery of a lot of his lines doesn’t feel nearly as impactful and just reads a bit cringe tbh. The wistful tone he would put on when recounting stuff in the Dubai apartment was so aggravating to me.
Thank you nonny this is the exact kind of advice I was looking for. I know reading all of the novels is a waste of time but I wasn’t sure which to prioritize.

No. 438221

diff anon, my book recs are definitely, Interview, Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned, Vampire Armand and (my personal fav) Tale of the body thief. Everything else is hit or miss, but those are my absolutely must reads for the Anne Rice vampire universe.

No. 438302

>he manages to do a French accident without it sounding silly.
Only if you don't actually speak French. I'm not French myself yet his accent was so cartoonish and an American's idea of what a French accent sounds like that it was comparable to ching-chong yo phone lingling levels of caricature. His Italian accent was even worse. I loved his character in every other way and he steals the show at every turn but this one really took me out of the story.

No. 439591

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Xavier: Renegade Angel is such an underrated series. Maybe because on the surface level it looks like a "lolsrandum" show, but it's actually written by geniuses of English language.

No. 439604

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Anyone recommending this book either hasn’t read it in quite some time or a low reading level. It’s so hard to slog through, honestly.

No. 439608

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kek I'm the anon who started talking about IWTV and asked for book recs. I actually tried to read IWTV over a decade ago since it was on a summer reading list, but I couldn't get into it at the time. I've picked it up again because of the series and I think my takeaway is that I just don't care too much for Anne Rice's writing style. I'm persevering but I'm not surprised I dropped it when I was younger.

No. 439622

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I watched dark years ago and I really enjoyed it. Anyone watched stuff similar? Mainly focused on how detail orientated it was

No. 439625

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I don't see anything wrong. I'm surprised you didn't use one of her half-page-long sentences as an example. I read these books for the first time when I was fifteen and I've read them a few times since. It's infinitely better than the YAslop all the other retards my age were reading at the time. Rice's writing style is kind of similar to GRRM's, which isn't for everybody for a lot of the same reasons. I don't understand why you would describe these books as "low reading level." If anything, they feel kind of dense.

There are some printing and spacing errors (quotation marks in places where there aren't supposed to be, and missing paragraph breaks) but that's specifically a problem with whatever digitized copy you're looking at. It's especially common with PDFs on Libgen. I own a physical copy of IWTV where none of these errors appear (picrel).

No. 439640

Based nona. I'd watch it with you

No. 441990

I'm in the middle of the white lotus season 1 right now. Everyone is so stupid in this show I have to pause the episodes sometimes.

No. 442068

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Squid Game season 2 is coming out in a couple of days. I'm surprised it took so long, considering how popular it was when it first came out. I feel like the heat for it is long gone.

No. 442072

best adult cartoon series ever. honestly one of the best tv series in general. except nobody has seen it kek. it had similar themes to bojack and rick and morty except funnier with actual likeable characters and it came out 10 years earlier. I desperately hope that it gets a random resurgence in popularity and gets picked back up by HBO or something. if any show deserves 10 more seasons it’s venture bros.

No. 442074

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has anyone seen this show? I remember watching it when it came out and being so excited that it got picked up for another season until it got cancelled due to Covid. Such a shame, I love kirsten dunst and she deserves to be in more stuff like this and not that schlocky civil war movie.

No. 442598

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I heard there’s a tranny in season 2, because of course there is. Hard pass. This show shit the bed at the end of season 1 and none of us asked for a season 2 anyway

No. 442601

Last season had Sangwoo (and his dynamic with the main character), the criminal scrote, the based trashy lady, the undercover cop, and the old man to carry the drama between the characters. I just don't see how they're gonna keep it interesting this time around.

No. 442602

i haven't seen much hype for it. the novelty and interest is gone.

No. 442604

The first season was barely good. The bad guys costumes was the best part, everything else was just slightly above mid.

No. 442605

Agreed. I honestly wish the three main women had been the protagonists, they were more interesting than the boring ass moids

No. 442611

I love how no one refers to them by their names, lol

No. 442612

Sangwoo was really hot.

No. 442869

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Randomly decided to watch Dexter Original Sin without having seen the source material and it sucks ass. There are so many cringe lines (the guy literally says "hello darkness my old friend" at the end of one episode) and I just hate the wannabe Joe Goldberg narration. Most of the reviews are positive though. They mention it really recaptures the vibe of the original so I assume it also sucks? It would make sense for this to be total fanservice. The way they talk about Dexter having a "code" or "dark passenger" without ever explaining those terms doesn't seem purposeful, more like they simply assume every viewer saw the original.

No. 442887

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Any other weird one off reality shows like this or Superstar USA?

No. 442897

this isn't from a comedy?

No. 442898

the original was a crime drama mystery, apparently. it did have comedy scenes here and there, though wether some were intentional…
well, duh anon - who the hell starts a series with the sequel and just expects to understand anything kek

No. 442899

Ok, I saw one episode of Dexter. It's not as cringe as this show but I just don't give a fuck about a low empathy autist whose only pleasure comes from killing people which he gets away with every time because he's so cool and smart. Feels like a weird moid power fantasy.

If it was well written it would've been understandable. I didn't have any issues watching Better Call Saul before Breaking Bad because the show works on its own. And isn't it supposed to be a prequel? What's the point if they don't want to explain how he became the way he is? And in case they already do that in the original, what's the point of making this at all then?

No. 443217

Any nonas who watched it? What do you think about it? It didn't feel as serious as S1 and the last episode felt a bit stupid tbh but I enjoyed it still. I think the biggest problem with it is that they split it into two seasons and the voting scenes being too long were unnecessary. The characters are not as good as S1 but they're not terrible either. I hope the grandma wins somehow kek.

No. 443448

I’ m currently watching the first few minutes of the last episode. I think it’s pretty fun to have a second season. i agree about the voting scenes. I like that they have more interesting characters in this season. So what did everyone think of the tranny character? did you just ignore him? give him a pass? I see lots of amerifags on twitter screeching about not having a real and honest troon play the character kek

No. 443556

I mostly ignored him.
>everyone participating is in huge debt
>he risks his life to get surgery and move to thailand
Fucking kek. Also, korean mad mikkelsen is hot

No. 443580

the bathroom scene was so weird. he added absolutely nothing to the scene, they just wanted him to go to the women’s bathroom I guess. I wish they weren’t trying to make him such a prominent character; there are way more interesting characters than him that have already been killed. wish he would just die already

No. 443661

Truly it was so boring. It's clear that they wrote one season but then wanted to split it into two so they dragged it out to make each half 7 episodes. The voting scenes are way too long (we know how they're going to turn out because otherwise the show can't progress), and none of the side characters are fleshed out very well. The games are also boring to watch. Season 1 was about figuring out if there was a way to beat the game. This season feels like there is no thought into the games at all.

It's a shame because I thought season 1 was really great (minus the very end, which took away from so much of the show). I don't blame the writer for doing a season 2, though. He barely made any money from S1 because of how Korean contracts are written (he doesn't get residuals or anything). I'd want a fat cheque from Netflix, too.

No. 443730

I hope this season is better than the last, the adult timeline really jumped the shark in s2.

No. 443807

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I've become addicted to Iron Chef (Japan) this winter holiday

No. 444014

The characters weren't as flashed out as the ones ones from the first season, which makes it hard to care about the moments that are supposed to be dramatic. The only good thing about this season was that they dove deeper into the salesman's character, but he barely lasted as an antagonist.

No. 444016

>I don't blame the writer for doing a season 2, though. He barely made any money from S1 because of how Korean contracts are written (he doesn't get residuals or anything). I'd want a fat cheque from Netflix, too.
Legitimately insane.

No. 444019

Dr. Phil's "House of Hatred" is the evil and malicious version of your picrel.

No. 444030

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Finally watched all of arcane. On one hand I enjoyed it, on the other it was like… why are they all conveniently lesbians, did they need to include moid gaze lesbian sex scenes? Why is the evil crazy girl obsessed with some scrote? It was nice to see a show that had a lot of interesting female characters in power and the fact that even sweaty gamer moids like the show without going "reee women can't be fighters this is too woke" but then those scenes are like "oh yeah, they included women getting beaten up and a hot lesbian couple because this show is still made for men and for troons to self-insert as a transbian" I just can't enjoy anything, I hate my brain

No. 444031

Some of this is just you being brain poisoned tbh, but the melodrama like Caitlyn dating that random ginger girl in season 2 was definitely eyeroll-worthy.

No. 444036

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The only thing I can't forgive is that the female characters are all so gorgeous and with interesting designs and the male characters are, well…

No. 444037

I like how they designed the "older" women, Cait's mother is so elegant.

No. 444038

Vi and Powder's stepbrothers were so repulsively ugly that I didn't feel anything when they got blown up

No. 444039

normally I'd agree with these takes but you're genuinely retarded. The lesbian sex scenes were so pg-13, not even boobs showed. And then on top of that they showed Vi's sexy butch back and tattoos, what moid would want to see that as opposed two skinny and young looking female characters performatively scissoring? Stop complaining so much you reject good representation, because you'll repeatedly deny yourself good gay and female representation because you're worried about how moids might use it/perceive it/enjoy it even if it's not blatantly fetishizing women.

You're handwringing about imaginary scrotes so much you forget to just enjoy it and be horny…ugh we have such a long way to go.

No. 444058

This is hardly anything to complain about, like the nona above me described it so well. There's legitimately 2 lesbian characters of note (3 if you count a season 2 complete background character only there to add some conflict to the main lesbian relationships). Or next are you going to say Mel and Jayce were lesbians? Or Viktor and his nerdy lab girl crush? Ekko's role???

Why complain about this over legitimate problems like the writing in the latter half?

No. 444071

Speaking of, Ambessa really got my attention. She embodies her culture so well. Now that's how you write a good character. Plus I liked the gender role reversal of her groping her boy toy or walking around naked. Alas, her death was devastating, she was wrong about nothing… Must suck having to die because of the incompetence or wishy washiness of others like Miss "Can't Pick a Side" Caitlyn.

No. 444079

To be fair I think Ekko is cute.

No. 444182

I haven't finished it yet but so far, I don't mean to be annoying but the female characters are so badly written, so far theres. Mother doing something for son, mother doing something for baby who's also mostly just been nice to children, a woman who's a flirt and suffers for it, a woman who's only shown interest is fashion and being vain and then dies

Like, there's so many nuances in the newer male characters and the female characters really stand out as just.. lame.

No. 444235

i just finished it and as a notorious troon hater i surprisingly ended up liking his character, im so used to troons being written as the most preachy characters imaginable but he is just kind of there and ends up being a useful player. at most when talking about being trans he just is meek and sad about it whereas in western media it becomes a fucking PSA and "learning moment". but this also goes to show that sk cannot write female characters because tell why does the man pretending to be a woman have more use, better writing/lines than all of the women combined…last season had such better female characters. i love you granny though i hope your neet son dies and you get everything

No. 444323

>the melodrama like Caitlyn dating that random ginger girl in season 2 was definitely eyeroll-worthy.
That was literally what I was referring to, I came here fresh after watching season 2 and I couldn't help but think "how convenient that she immediately hooks up with the other female in her close vicinity who just happens to also be a lesbian".
You can call me brain poisoned and that may be true but reminder of how this all happened: Vi and Cait finally meet again and have a fight (about Jinx), Vi betrays her and goes behind Cait's back and goes to free Jinx. Jinx locks Vi in instead, and Cait finds her there angry and crying about her sister betraying her. The two of them start fucking in the prison cell.
It was all just so fucking random and moid coded, her sister literally just betrayed her, she's so emotionally distraught. And Cait was also just betrayed by her, but suddenly that's totally fine and then they're both just down to fuck a second later. Jinx was just locked up depressed in that prison cell too.
Cait has no remorse over cheating on her new ginger girlfriend. That has no negative effects whatsoever on her, ginger girl or Vi. Then it turns out ginger was a spy working for the other side to make it so Cait never really cheated but that she was totally in the right because ginger was a bad person anyway!
Stupid. All of it was stupid.
>what moid would want to see that as opposed two skinny and young looking female characters performatively scissoring?
Like I mentioned; troons. The majority of troons are straight men aka transbians, don't act like that's news to you nona. Troons are the nerdy ass autist gamers targeted by this, it's not for women.

No. 445110

Just binged Better Call Saul, what a show! In addition to it being a fantastic drama, the cinematography was absolutely gorgeous. The last scene will stay with me for a long time…

No. 447859

After hearing lots of hype, I just watched Love, Death and Robots season 1, and while I liked it, am I the only one who found it disturbing how in almost every short episode they managed to cram in a naked woman, or at least imagery of nude women? Even in episodes that did not have female characters (one about the garbage lot monster, alternate histories, USA military werewolves, the Russian soldiers hunting creatures, etc) they managed to somehow show bare titties. It happened enough for me to take notice. Were the directors for all the episodes moids or what? Other than that, Zima Blue was my favorite episode, and the Helping Hand the most disturbing because wtf.

No. 447860

I didn't like episode one because it just felt like fingerwagging kek, but I really liked Bad Traveling. The animation and atmosphere was so good.

No. 448219

God I love Mad Mad House. I miss the early 2000s. That era cannot be replicated and the old alt vibes are immaculate.

Eric was the most insufferable moid, literally such a manipulative douchebag stereotype and Tim was equally disgusting for being an aggressive, sexist old hick scrote. What the fuck was up with Fiona too? She was a huge pickme, judgemental towards everyone including her fellow judges, and had the worst judgement of people. She was also obviously jealous of Nichole for some reason. So funny how she led that "feminist" wiccan ritual and the next episode she's licking Eric's balls and shitting on Nichole because Nichole is content with her life.

I'm happy Jamie won as she was really chill and needed it for her child and I thought Eric was going to win but honestly, Bonnie should have won. She took getting animal organs dumped on her like a champ and was incredibly sweet and open minded. I don't even see why they kicked her off? It had to have been related to her age? Also interesting to see the guys calling all the girls hot including Bonnie who's 50 and got called hot once. Today, none of those women would be deemed hot by the average porn addicted moid.

Anyway, I would fuck Art and Avocado kek. Don was kind of hot only when he was drinking blood but he is clearly autistic or something since his movements, speech, and interjections are often unnatural.
I looked Don up to see what happened with him and some woman on reddit said she used to be friends with him until he started sending her scat porn photos without context. So Don is a truly nasty mf. That's way more gross than drinking blood. I wish I knew some secret details about the rest of the crew too kek.

No. 448221

KEK nonnas, I love both of you so much. I've really enjoyed the 2000s BB UK(I'm not British) and I've been looking for something similarly tacky for a while

No. 448227

Samefag, it really pissed me off when I found a review of this caping for the obese scrote because "oh nooo they bullied him so much and he didn't do anything!" He literally allied with the violent white supremacist!!

No. 448302

What's your favourite series of 2000s BBUK nonna? I'm curious for a non-Brit's perspective (mine is BB6 with Makosi)

No. 448450

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…apparently this is the new Doctor Who. I’m glad I stopped watching after my crush on David Tennant disappeared

No. 448519

Why does the lady have such a nervous smile?

No. 449810

Are there any others here who didn't enjoy Fleabag all that much? The way is was so hyped online, I expected something truly revolutionary and fantastic, and it was just…ok. I laughed at certain bits, but tbh I tried watching it few times already, but had trouble getting past the first episode. 2nd season was surprisingly better than 1st, but if it was any longer than combined 12 episodes, I would not have finished it. It was just something about Fleabag's character, I could not relate to her at all, and for some reason I would have this ick-like feeling whenever seeing her on-screen, and I wasn't sure as to even why. Overall, I'd say it was a pretty decent watch, but compared to the raging reviews, I feel like I missed something.

No. 449812

Tardis looks like a hospital

No. 449851

College diversity pamphlet

No. 450190

I didn't like it and don't get the hype either. The humor is awkward and…forced? It was too tryhard to be funny.

No. 451426

I just finished arcane and fuck that final episode might just be the worst thing I’ve ever watched

No. 451534

What happened, nonnas

No. 452039

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Do any other nonnas watch Severance? Have you seen the second season? What did you think? Haven’t watched yet but am excited I only had to wait just under 2 years for it

No. 452102

I feel like the Doctor should be kind of ugly, this guy looks like he's in a Crest commercial.

No. 453349

Yes. I wanted initially to hold back so I could binge it but I couldn't do it. The two episodes that are out are really good so far, I'm so impatient for more. I only watched the first season about ten months ago luckily.

No. 453357

nta i only saw a few minutes of the premiere, just enough to see that Lumon had a woke reform. i was feeling like shit and didn't want to deal with heavy corruption themes at the time. is it super bleak or is it the same amount as before?

No. 454210

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I've started watching Desperate Housewives, I'm on S1 EP6. I really liked Gabrielle at first because what's there not to like (cunning, beautiful, luxurious, great outfits), but now she's starting to annoy me. She literally jumped over a fence for a highschooler and is now getting jealous of a teenage girl. I hope I warm back up to her, I can't see her relationship with John lasting beyond this season.
Anyway, I feel bad for Bri. She's hated for being perfect and a good wife/mother. Her family is a bunch of ungrateful cretins.

No. 454261

I hate her and her stupid shrek looking husband and that entire arc late season that I don't want to spoil but you sure gonna hate it too.

No. 454396

I'm now on episode 14, and honestly I hate that they're bringing the whole John/Gabby thing back. I will say though…I think I kind of figured out the little mystery.
I think in the past when Mary Alice was Angela, she had a child (Dana) with the guy who hired Mike to look for his daughter. Then, for whatever reason Angela/Mary Alice abandoned Dana and her father, moved, and changed her name, only keeping the baby blanket to remember Dana by. She married Paul, had Zach and had another baby. Dana grows up, finds her mom and something happens that leads to Paul killing her and putting her in that chest. Something kills the baby Paul and Mary Alice had, but Zach mistakes this baby as being Dana. Dana's dad doesn't know what happened to her but he knows she went to go look for Mary Alice
Some parts of this theory don't make sense, but coming up with half-baked conclusions is the fun of shows like this kek. Anyway, I wonder how no one in the neighborhood noticed that Mary Alice was pregnant, had a baby, and the baby suddenly disappeared.

No. 454602

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I'll always feel super bad for the original director who had her idea hijacked by Sam Levinson.

No. 454610

Watching Mind Your Language and I'm about to finish season 1, hilarious show and I'm actually learning some new English.

No. 454623

i hated susan most of all, the klutz thing was ok at first but a lot of the time she just acted like a complete retard.
bree is the best tho

No. 454641

I definitely feel you, Susan is very endearing to me but she ignores so many red flags about Mike. Plus, even after her Julie told her that she feels like the mother, she still continues to dump her adult problems on her. Right now Lynette, Edie and Bree are the only ones who havent annoyed me (besides Bree covering Andrew's hit and run, but that's her kid so I get it)

No. 454649

Not even close lol

No. 454685

late but I LOVED this show nonnie. The new season came out semi-recently and I thought it was just brilliant. The characters are so funny and interesting, and it's nice to see muslim women portrayed as just…. neutral. It still has political themes, which is unavoidable tbh, but the creator is a muslim woman who was once in a punk band so you can tell it really was a passion project for her.

No. 455912

I had to laugh. You are literally an insane person. Step out of your bubble. That anon's right your mind is poisoned kek.

No. 457479

I'm rewatching everything that's out right now after getting two friends to watch it as well and I love Helly and Irv so much best girls. I love the pacing the thing's theyre doing in the third episode of the season I'd expect them to be saved for the 3rd or 4th season It's crazy

No. 457608

Anyone else looking forward to The White Lotus Season 3? I liked the last two seasons, and this season is stacked. I was beyond excited that the masseuse from the Maui season was showing up again. In addition, Jason Isaacs, Walton Goggins, Lisa from Blackpink. I'm ready!!

No. 460614

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anyone watch the season three premiere of yellowjackets?
me! i binged the first two seasons last week.

No. 460618

I loved the first one, but just couldn’t get into the second one. Idk, the first episode was just so boring to me.

No. 461079

any recs for more educational shows, ones on nature or history? I'm looking for some comfy background content that's not fictional and isn't reality tv

No. 461083

Horrible Histories, it's hilarious

No. 462505

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Is anyone watching the new season of The White Lotus? I'm hype for this season, the setup is interesting so far. I've got some questions for those watching
>Opinions on the freaky fucking incest molestation sub-plot?
>Opinions on Lisas love interest being a fugly middle aged man?
>Opinions/theories on the british girl and walton goggins relationship? I think she's going to fuck the woman she met at the bar!
>What is up with the sister and her sneaky obsession with buddhism?

No. 462565

Lynette and Bree are my favorites. I hope you continue to watch and enjoy. I had a soft spot for Desperate Housewives and used to watch when they actually showed it on tv back in the 2000s.

No. 462712

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I don’t “get” this show and people’s love for it. Am I retarded, nonies or does the premise not make any fucking sense?

No. 462735

Genuine question, how old are you and have you ever had an office job?

No. 462741

You need to be a over 30 old fart with a office job like myself really.

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