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No. 432617

Post women you find overrated or ugly when they're shilled as beautiful. Is it her awful personality shining through? Is it her weak bone-structure or weird thumb? Is it her PR team brain-washing the whole planet into worshiping her?

Lesbians, bi and straight women are all welcome to contribute!

Previous threads from oldest to latest.

No. 432744

File: 1727219172117.jpg (66.86 KB, 963x1124, viral-blonde-cashier-jenna-ren…)

Why was she trending on TikTok?she's just another basic blonde white girl.her eyes are creepy tbh.

No. 432745

blondes with blue eyes are so rare in america now that they're worshipped as living gods/goddesses

doesnt help that billions of self hating poc blow smoke up white peoples asses all day

No. 432747

There's so much space between her nose and lips it's distracting.

No. 432749

men like that as it gives her a slightly retarded look. ive noticed that men really like girls who look somewhat stupid and mentally retarded, they think its cute and sexually appealing. i think they all wanna rape tards and children honestly.

No. 432752

She looks like a 13 year old who bleached her hair for the first time. If she wasn't working as a barista I'd think she was a tween. Men are pedophiles.

No. 432773

Her philtrum length reminds me of Tati Westbrook

No. 432816

File: 1727235584539.jpg (236.4 KB, 930x523, caseyanthony_wide-b1ba8604adbc…)

This fucking monster that keeps popping up every couple years trying to maintain relevance. She's got crazy eyes and gremlin ears, actually she looked like a randomly generated Millsberry character, yet most (moid dominated) media coverage was like "b-but she's super hot! How could she be a murderer?"

No. 432822

Because she’s white. End of story kek, men don’t have standards and only care about symbols of false superiority(racebait)

No. 432824

Scrotes finding female psychopaths/criminals attractive is practically them begging to be murdered by these types of women. We should encourage this

No. 432825

holy shit sooo trueeee, it’s why they love those bug-eyed pale sickly looking egirl women that almost resemble femboys in appearance. faggotry, tard fetish and pedophilia, oh my!!!

No. 432826

who the fuck finds this attractive

No. 432838

Back during the trial men could not stop bringing up her alleged "hotness" in discussions. She fulfils the whole "crazy chicks are great in bed" fantasy. I found an clip of Howard Stern and his callers going on about wanting to fuck her and that throwing her in prison would be a waste. Some people try to bring up her nightlife/partying pics instead of court pics but she looks just as bad if not worse

No. 432843

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She was definitely considered hot at the time. I think society's beauty standards have just become increasingly high due to the internet and constant overexposure to uncannily perfect faces tbh.

These women were considered America's top beauty queens in the 1920s for instance. As humans get more internet and porn addicted the higher our standards become.

No. 432853

I think this girl is pretty, but she has a big jaw. But still I'd say she's a 7-8

No. 432902

normal people. She's beautiful

No. 432921

Ew she looks like a rat

No. 432922

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Dobby looking ass tramp

No. 433050

nta but most normal people aren't into murderers kek

No. 433073

File: 1727320958135.png (1.6 MB, 1080x1080, IMG_20240925_201258.png)

I'm not sure if this counts since only 4chan and political yts shill them as attractive, but I always thought the majority of e-girls on there were funny looking or average

No. 433074

the majority of male 4chan users and political youtubers are 3/10s…they fetishize girls who are 5-6/10s because those women are technically out of their league but still 'accessible' due to low self esteem and being pickmes who go for fat schlubby neckbeards

No. 433075

No shit. If they were genuinely pretty they would be gathering validation on Instagram and not on fucking 4chan.

No. 433080

agatha, hikkichan and wolgotto are super cute imo. I wish i could look like them, i like naturally cute girls.

No. 433082

to be fair most of them werent expecting moid attention, they were just women on the internet r9kfags latched onto like leeches. Agatha even shaved her hair and turned into a tumblirina stereotype to get away from her crazy 4chan moid stalkers.

No. 433083

I do think hikki chan is the better looking of the girls on this list. I also feel really bad for her, it's been 17 years and she's still being stalked by creeps online. Getting popular with zoomers certainly didn't help

No. 433088

>to be fair most of them werent expecting moid attention, they were just women on the internet r9kfags latched onto like leeches
but they kept posting more and more intimate photos of themselves and sending nudes to shitty 4chan discord moids who they knew were sleazebags and would leak them. theyre partially responsible.

No. 433097

Fair enough, I don't know most of them tbh, assumed they were like shoe. Feel bad for those women then.

No. 433101

You’re all seething and jealous kek.(infight bait)

No. 433103

bad thread(non-contribution, hide the thread if you don't like it)

No. 433129

I don't know who the girl in the bottom right is but I think she's really pretty. The rest are very average though

No. 433130

She's not a natural blonde, it's dyed. She's obviously pretty though and she'd get worshipped if she was brunette with black eyes as well. It has less to do with coloring and more to do with her having a conventionally attractive face, nice styling and cute haircut.

No. 433152

She could so easily look like a cute boy, her face is actually super androgynous but really just in the way that children sometimes are. She’s very mid to me because I went to a school full of Dutch reform Christian’s in America and they all look like this. Nothing about her features are stunning, nor does the whole evoke any kind of WOW reaction, but she is obviously cute.

No. 433215

Agatha and the two girls on the right are cute. Rest look like ugly trannies

No. 433225

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She's not ugly but holy crap she's fucking overrated as hell.tired of seeing her face everywhere.she wasn't even a good Barbie.

No. 433227

>and cute haircut
Anon please, it looks like the haircut of that white haired guy from dangarompa

No. 433228

agatha, rose, and iris are genuinely pretty

No. 433245

These women aren't shilled as attractive. They're thirsted over by loser men which is not the same thing.

No. 433248

Top row, 2nd from left and bottom far right (where it is halved) are cute. Top 2nd from left needs to get a better haircut.

No. 433251

Gosh she looks so uncomfortable here.

No. 433253

top four and bottom right are really cute to me

No. 433282

and COUNTLESS quantities of tumblr users want to fuck the white haired guy from dangarompa.

No. 433349

“Infight bait” it’s true. She is a teenage girl being harassed at work and thirsted over by loser moids and all of the black women and former discord kittens ITT can’t stand it. “Oh they only like her cos she’s white” notice how this is only said about attractive women and not teethy ogresses like Renee Rapp. It’s seethe and cope for ugly bitches.(bait)

No. 433350

shes so beautiful though? Damn

No. 433351

They’re jealous. She was being touted by white supremacist moids for a week or so and the discord kittens and salty black and brown women got insecure about it. They should be pitying this girl instead.(bait)

No. 433375

she's not that pretty but i guarantee the bitches making fun of her for being a "basic white girl" are jealous brown women who look 10x worse(racebaiting)

No. 433380

>white radfems show their true racist colors again
i'd like to see proof that the angry femcels ITT are brown lol. how do you know its not just jealous beckies?

No. 433395

They don't, it's just people acting weird. I've seen this exact same type of baiting with this same video of this girl spammed & paired with some comment of how black women are "seething" over her back when I used to go on 4chan.

No. 433410

Ok, I'd like to see proof that whoever made those posts is a radfem kek. Continue to cope Bleckie(racebait)

No. 433420

Why would a white woman say “they only find her attractive because she’s white”? That’s what black brown and Asian women say when they’re seething. They also say things along the lines of “because she’s light skin” or “because she’s white passing”. Ugly white women seethe as well but not like this. The ones shrieking about her philtrum are probably fat white beckies.(infighting/derailing)

No. 433436

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Het face looks retarded, no hips, no ass and her tits don't impress me since i have the same size

No. 433438

post hand

she doesn't have anything special, but thinking about how hawk tuah girl has become famous too, maybe it's related to the fact that todays women beauty standards and clothing are so ridiculous and over the top and always wanting to be the special number #1 most unique and quirky girl (never woman), maybe we are going back to point 0 where being basic and simple is allowed and preferred again.(infight bait)

No. 433445

exactly my point. i don't know how it's not racebait to call someone a basic white girl but pointing out that it's obviously non-white women seething over her race is? no sense(baiting)

No. 433456

she is out of this world beautiful and she's also a phenomenal actress. Put down the Haterade

No. 433472

>post hand!!!!!!
Fat white Becky detected. Nobody is ever going to shill you as attractive or even find you attractive. Get off lolcow and go to the fucking gym. Being a hater is making you even uglier.(infighting)

No. 433483

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she looks better than 90% of women, not that that says much since most women are horrendously ugly. if you put her next to someone like mylene jampanoi i agree she does look downsy.

No. 433484

>most women are horrendously ugly
Bet you’re a regular poster on unconventional male attractions

No. 433486

why are you self-owning this hard

No. 433488

we can't all be born beautiful, there's more to life you know

No. 433495

nta and don't care about her looks but "phenomenal actress" is a bit much kek, her skills aren't oscar or even emmy worthy and mostly plays the same dozen sexualized teen girl roles.

No. 433734

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Moid Obsession with unattractive voice actresses never ceases to amaze me.

No. 433996

Wow, I'd like to see her without the ridiculous makeup. I bet she's beautiful under it. Nice shoulders too.

No. 434001


No. 434003

Oh this is that one sperg that thinks people only like Anok because she's black as if there aren't millions of other (new) black models with nowhere near the same the same hype

No. 434006

I'm bisexual too and I think she's attractive, so what is your point. Also, Vinetria isn't full black.

No. 434013

Anok Yai is feminine looking but even if she wasn't, every SSA woman knows a lot of SSA women are not always attracted to super, ultra feminine women. Idk who's really the spicy straight here…

No. 434016

>instagram baddie style is the only type of femininity

No. 434023

Genetic disorder?

No. 434024

oh, I see. You're just a racist. Never mind.

No. 434027

>that is uncanny for straight women
So you ARE straight?

No. 434028

>Jordan Barrett
Holy shit I didnt need to see that

No. 434030

>>Just gay alien phenotype
But desert cunt no doubt goes for the most ugly vile scrotes imaginable and lies to herself about it.

No. 434031

Not attractive if shes chained to the stupid burka

No. 434032

Not all bisexual women have scrotey taste, anon.

No. 434037

>he's worse than barret.
Nah looks more acceptable. I don't get a nervous system reaction at least lol

No. 434039

>t. bihet

No. 434041

what is with the uptick of anons lately defining sexuality by how much femininity/masculinity you like in someone instead of being attracted to the same sex/both sexes/etc. (the latter being the literal definition of bisexuality)

No. 434048

They're moids

No. 434058

They're either moids, trannies or fucking retards.

No. 434061

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nonnas who say iris is super cute are dumb, she is kinda ugly but has nice clothes.

No. 434066

guess im dumb then

No. 434069

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iris is not hideously ugly but she looks like a black 15 yo boy and has acne I don't know what you see in her

No. 434073

she has a hideous personality and is always bashing other women out of jealousy, thats why nobody likes her. all she does is seethe about white and asian women and cries because racist incels dwont pick her.

No. 434075

Because there's some nutty lesbians who claim you can only be gay if you're attracted to fat ugly butches with short hair who dress in suits and try their best to look like ugly moids. And that if you like femme women you're just a hettie bettie with internalized misogyny. Which is retarded as fuck.

No. 434076

Her face is exactly my type. Shame to hear she’s a 4chan pickme

No. 434077

This girl is gorgeous though.

No. 434078

Are you ok. No one is saying that. It’s like someone posted a TIF in the lesbian thread once and then you dedicated your life to sperging out for the rest of you life about how masc woman ugly reeeeeee real lesbians like instathots

No. 434079

No. 434080

kek some of you are just straightup vendetta posting because your nigel casually remarked he likes one of these women, its painfully obvious. the cattiness of this site never fails to amaze me. imagine being mad at a woman for not being attractive when her very job is being a voice actor and not supposed to be looks based at all.

No. 434089

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Nose job, boob job, labiaplasty, genital bleaching, what hasn't she had done. Always looks somewhat dirty. She also has an ugly clunky, donkey-like lower face (maxillary prognathism?) and fat face which she shoops to look more v-line/delicate. Perfect proof of how retarded men are that they fall for angles shoop and makeup.

No. 434092

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No. 434093

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she rejected a black older moid (based since he was a coomer freak and asked iris what type of porn she liked on a youtube live stream) and found an asian boyfriend. I wish she stopped trying to please anonymous white pedos for the sake of being an e-girl and gave her boyfriend more attention, she would be happier.

No. 434094

I find her very cute on the right pic, e-girl makeup really was a product of scrotes’ mental deficiency.

No. 434095

isnt she dating that negative xp guy?

No. 434096

I couldnt care less how many scrotes she scams. She's an awful person mostly due to her pedobaiting, doing porn dressed as a girl scout etc. Glad she's irrelevant now.

No. 434097

File: 1727609737436.jpg (140.7 KB, 1080x1080, negative xp.jpg)

No, her asian boyfriend is not negative xp it's other person. Picrel is negative xp and I think he is dating a white twitter e-girl

No. 434098

post proof? I find this hard to believe

No. 434104

File: 1727612020589.png (193.54 KB, 2480x880, irisi.png)

if you are a local r9k user you will see iris / siri making annoying rambling posts crying because she is not famous/ white and asian almost every day, here is a screenshot example in case you are too lazy to lurk

No. 434106

i find her really cute (sadface), she has beautiful wideset eyes that give her face an interesting vibe

No. 434107

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her eyes are so blue and scary they feel like they are piercing through my soul.. also her makeup is too heavy idk why everyone loves it

No. 434112

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I don’t find her ugly but she’s sort of average looking to me and the cosmetic procedures she’s had are badly done imo. Her makeup is also very basic so I’m unsure as to why so many people online begged for her routine.

No. 434114

Plain girl with awful makeup and Shaynacore outfits. Yeuch.

No. 434117

Is she even posting nowadays? I always thought that her making bunch of money and then fucking off into obscurity wasn’t the dumbest move, still an awful person.

No. 434118

Her face doesn’t even look human she looks like that dachshund who ate a bee. I stand by thinking she was quite pretty up until a couple years ago when she decided to go for as much filler as a Kardashian. I wish she’d maybe go auburn/ginger w her hair and lean into pinup without the pedo ish and the fake tan has absolutely got to go. Like if you don’t get tan easily in the sun, don’t try to fake it either cuz it NEVER looks right kek she has a really cute body tho even if it’s short and stumpy

No. 434121

File: 1727618507087.jpg (609.26 KB, 1053x837, 1000031859.jpg)

I agree, the makeup she's wearing these days is way too heavy and makes me itch for a makeup wipe. She looks really sweet and pretty with less makeup. These photos are from a few years ago.

No. 434129

Kek right? This woman is gorgeous. So many jealous haters.

No. 434130

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I think she’s a 4.5/10, I say this also as a skelly pale white girl. She has an empty looking bland face, a pig nose, and blotchy blemished skin. I don’t get it, her sister looks so much better yet Elle is known as the beauty?

No. 434135

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Never got the Monica Bellucci hype, she's conventionally attractive I guess but I have a weird dislike of the mediterranean type in general.

No. 434136

Totally agree. I think it's because she is deliberately going for a new aesthetic now. She is trying to be a sex bomb whereas when she came out she was more the girl next door type

No. 434141

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I think she’s beautiful but I’m looking at her now and just thinking…she looks like like so many women I’ve known in the small town I grew up in in England, only skinnier with better styling. Shes beautiful but in an average way. I think this is why she looks so good in period films. She’s like someone you’d see in a renaissance painting.
Who the hell IS beautiful to you?

No. 434142

>Who the hell IS beautiful to you?
Monica Bellucci just looks very Italian and I'm not super fond of them in the first place, never got the Italy thing at all.

No. 434149

I don't have a Nigel I just interact with the fandom unfortunately.

No. 434152

I don't think she's ugly but I hate her nose job

No. 434154

To each their own- Monica’s darker “Italian” features are part of why she’s aged so well and is still exceptionally beautiful even though she’s almost 60.

No. 434172

Aww she looks kinda cute and retarded here

No. 434187

i think she's cute but pretty much all the black 4chan e-girls are weird about race. even here if you look at the black girl thread it's full of seething over non-black women

No. 434205

>She also has an ugly clunky, donkey-like lower face
Nah,it's more rat like tbh

No. 434207

Another run of the mill blonde white girl #732 yawnnnn.

No. 434208

They don't belong here,they are beautiful.

No. 434212

>Post women you personally find unattractive
It is a thread for being a hater I am sorry you needed to hear this from me.

No. 434222

She has dark features (dark brows, eyes, hair, lashes)- nothing to do with her skin tone.

No. 434239

Embarrassingly I’ve realised I share a similar type to 4chan incels… agatha is peak cuteness to me. But I think they just have a certain style they like. Neotenous, no/little makeup, thin. I think they’d simp for any 15-16 year old teenager though.

No. 434248

File: 1727660182534.webp (38.81 KB, 640x640, lolwhat.webp)

why do people on this website get so mad when you say she's ugly?

No. 434251

No idea because she is the definition of Midwestern butterface.

No. 434253

She's a very average basic looking woman who you'd see 10 of in the supermarket at any given time so I guess all the people here with similar very common faces feel personally attacked when she gets called ugly because it's basically like calling them ugly.
Plus she gets babied in general for reason. It's ridiculous.

No. 434263

I know this is bait but I’m curious if people like this also find dark hair ugly, and think only blonde blue-eyed pale caucasians are beautiful.

No. 434266

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>I’m curious if people like this also find dark hair ugly, and think only blonde blue-eyed pale caucasians are beautiful.
Let me introduce you to someone

No. 434267

the only time I've seen that happen was in a post where the poster was saying she herself was stunningly gorgeous compared to chappell so I think that's what did it kek, or when people are talking about her ass, which is very curvy in a way that a lot of women envy (though I know many women don't). as someone who thinks she's insanely attractive, I'll be the first to say it's about personality in a way where flaws and character only make her cuter, but yeah she's no anok yai or monica bellucci if we're talking the pure aesthetics of bone structure and ratios and that sort of thing.

No. 434268


No. 434269

Not true, men largely ignore brunettes and love blondes. Women prefer brunette women.

No. 434270

Not true, women prefer black haired women with beautiful black eyes and warm skin. Source: me and my objectively correct opinions

No. 434271

Of course. I'd say like 80% of people are strongly biased against dark skin, if they're being honest about it. The other 15% dont mind it then the other 5% have a fetish for it.

Attractive white people will always be at the top of the racial hierarchy, this is just fact. Followed by pale kpopified whitewashed Asians, Latinas, then Arab women, then dark Asians, then Indian women, then Black women. When I've catfished men almost all of them ranked women as such, regardless of their own race. Even when men fetishize women of other races they almost always want the most whitewashed version of that race: ie a black girl with 'Caucasian' facial structure, an Asian girl with paper white skin and big eyes, a MENA woman with light/green eyes, 'North Indian' women who look more Med than Indian etc etc.(racebaiting)

No. 434273

Black hair counts as brunette.

No. 434274

I think Monica Belluci is kinda overrated tbh. She's pretty yes, solid 7/10, but not the 11/10 goddess her strange internet simps claim her as.

No. 434278

No… no it doesn’t, anon… what.

No. 434279

> a black girl with 'Caucasian' facial structure, an Asian girl with paper white skin and big eyes, a MENA woman with light/green eyes, 'North Indian' women who look more Med than Indian etc etc.
This is ridiculous, you know that non-white people can also look like that naturally? Not every attractive person is "whitewashed."

No. 434280

nta but doesn't brunette literally mean "dark haired"? or at least that was the orgin. most black hair is very dark brown anyway

No. 434281

The exception is not the rule.

No. 434290

What is a “caucasian” facial structure? Don’t white women have heavier brow bones and wider jaws and that jazz, hence why 4chan incels shill oh-so-neotenous East Asian women kek. It’s interesting how the world groups features, especially when the most attractive features on white women tend to be more common on other races and/or “dark” whites and non-Anglos, the exception being the blonde/blue-eyed obsession.
So to answer my question, it’s the darkness that’s ugly to you? So dark hair too?
Nta but black hair isn’t brunette to me either

No. 434300

They think being healthy and having good genetics and beautiful features is a white-only thing for some reason.

No. 434347

You are fat, ugly and bitter.

No. 434349

NTA but even there, she's not bashing other women, she's just self-pitying and calling herself ugly. Why is Iris even important? I hate being reminded that LC attracts failed /r9k/ e-girls in competition with eachother for neckbeard attention, it's disgusting.

No. 434358

File: 1727698311084.jpg (132.34 KB, 800x1200, DoWVYJgXcAE12Kp.jpg)

agree with you but shes not even skelly

No. 434359

she's always looked like meryl streep to me

No. 434363

Finally, the first time I see someone who agrees with me on this. She is pretty, sure, but her facial features are boring and unremarkable to me.

No. 434379

She’s not attractive but there’s nothing really ugly about her. She’s an average woman, maybe slightly above average considering the average American woman is a lot fatter and has bad skin

No. 434380

File: 1727706856718.png (1.68 MB, 2114x1018, omfg.png)

You're literally brown. Stay mad.(racebaiting)

No. 434393

this shit is so lame, i can't believe women have the "i must compete for men" mindset. if you need to compete for a moid you already lost and it's not worth it.

what living in a heterogeneous shithole does to a mf, thinking race is an acceptable card to be a retarded pickme.

No. 434398

Typical faggotry coming from self-hating twitterfags and tiktokfags who don’t even know how to intergrate. Nobody cares that you find white people more attractive
Kek at the asian on the bottom though. Whenever they mention “no guy” they meant white men, because that’s primarily what they’re attracted to because their ESL asses have fallen for the fakest scrote PR shilled 24/7 in their countries through pirated dvds and music. It’s so cringe jfc, POC women are always clambering to be chosen by the ugliest most beta of men on the planet, why can’t they just be happy with their female friends and women they love??

No. 434399

>she’s white i can’t compete
Well duh bucktooth-chan, it’s almost like people of the same race are likely to find others of the same race attractive. I think it’s just the typical ignorance of straight women and poc women thinking their pedophile baiting “adorableness” despite them being old enough for it to be tacky should grant them the prize. We’ve truly fallen for the most insidious ugly man psyop of them all: thinking scrotes are the prize that must be fought over and to tear your own female allies apart and through all of this time you still won’t even be able to get one that hasn’t hit the wall with male pattern baldness.

No. 434400

samefag not calling you bucktooth, I’m insulting the retarded pickmes in picrel

No. 434401

Come back and post on this website when your frontal lobe has finally developed newfag

No. 434403

She looks like Jigsaw to me. Her aging process is going to be horrifying to watch, she will go out just like Madonna.

No. 434404

Someone in the celebricows thread said she looks like an aging 80s soap actress and it's so true. I never would have guessed she was only 25 if I didn't already know it.

No. 434430

You replied to me angrily with a tiktok screenshot because you know I'm right, kek. You are, in all likelihood, brown and ugly, while all but maybe one of those women are pretty, clearly know they're pretty and are fishing for even more compliments from men because "boohoo my race tho" is the easiest pity party. You are not the same. Stop blaming your race and work on your appearance if you're so obsessed with scrotal attention. If you have time to catfish, you have time to go jogging.
Worst case scenario would be if you're actually a bitter, unattractive white woman who needs this sort of thing to cope, but I don't think most white nonnies are that pathetic(racebait)

No. 434477

>dem paragraphs of butthurt
Enjoy your ban lol

No. 434480

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Asian and Indian women are the worst for it. You even have Asian singers like Mitski writing music about how Chad picked a blonde girl over her. White women don't even really think about woc whereas woc have a raging hateboner towards white women.(racebaiting)

No. 434481

File: 1727731451196.jpg (3.93 MB, 8894x5919, 1000002332.jpg)

Can't even blame white women because white women haven't done anything to Asian women. Also, it's not even internalised racism or whatever, because many of these self hating poc pickmes admit to wanting to be white since they were tiny kids, even though nobody was racist to them as children.(derailing/racebaiting)

No. 434482

You seem equally obsessed

No. 434486

The absolute state of the world when women are competing, shaking and crying about not being attractive enough for the gender that sorts every ethnicity into fetish boxes and spergs about other race's dick sizes. Next time you feel bad for not being "chosen" by some sunburnt, pre-balding scrote, just remember that he probably has brainspace devoted to the males of your ethnicity's genitals.

No. 434495

File: 1727733975163.jpg (441.58 KB, 1080x1123, Screenshot_2024-10-01-00-05-19…)

Why does she make herself even more ugly

No. 434499

Pathetic and obese(infighting)

No. 434500

You get it.

No. 434501

Exactly. I can't stand either pickmes or the loser women who feel threatened/defensive over "my menzzz".

No. 434507

File: 1727736356570.webp (17.36 KB, 640x530, IMG_2659.webp)

Her and Cardi B look like characters from Doug

No. 434508

File: 1727736405383.webp (35.03 KB, 428x604, IMG_2660.webp)


No. 434524

>posts the ugliest, off model photo of a pretty woman
>somehow it's proof that she's ugly

No. 434526

Cardi B is ugly though

No. 434529

You could said this about everyone itt

No. 434531

Nobody asked for your life story.

No. 434532

No nona, I don't need proof I am a haydur.

No. 434533

File: 1727744954227.jpeg (69.57 KB, 636x382, IMG_5488.jpeg)

I don’t think there are many who shill Cardi B as attractive (though I guess she’s not ugly), but Megan is just very pretty. Even in the photo that was posted this thread is crazy kek, I bet 50% of the posters here have an ugly scote they simp for too

No. 434535

I think meg is gorgeous but why is that 75% of the time on this thread someone always starts moaning because their fave got posted? Everyone is ugly to someone. Just don't read the thread if you can't handle someone's subjective opinion that your celeb crush ain't all that. Literally every time this thread gets bumped someone has to clog it up arguing over someone else's taste.

No. 434537

It’s no longer about taste when it’s a repeated thing in society to tear down attractive women’s looks while shilling ugly scrotes. This isn’t revolutionary. And some people are just objectively not ugly.

No. 434538

File: 1727745672146.jpeg (404.42 KB, 1786x2062, D31ED688-A404-436B-916E-F199FF…)

You're right Belle does look like a smug rat kek.
But she also has this ugly, projecting maxilla thing with her jaw, where the upper palate comes forward too much, that she shoops too. It gives a rat vibe also.

No. 434540

Bottom left is what Belle Delphine would look like as a man.

No. 434541

I don't understand why nonnies are write paragraphs about ugly white or white passing women but you cant call a black woman ugly without getting dogpiled, the anon who said a black model is ugly had all their posts deleted too. Feels like virtue signalling and participation award crap.(take it to /meta/)

No. 434547

This is the thread to be a fucking hater in? Why would you go and post in the thread about being a hater?

No. 434552

Who is shilling ugly men in this thread? And objectively attractive people can still be unattractive in someone's subjective opinion, yes.

No. 434560

NTA but this is such a weak response. Stop shitting up the thread and get a life already.

No. 434561

maybe its because this website is racist af first and foremost and a black person cant be posted without some racist sperging within 2 seconds. Maybe question that instead of crying about a non issue.

No. 434563

That person was a blatant troll who has been shitting up /ot/ and /g/ pretending to be a racist lesbian. Black women have been posted to this thread before without the poster purposely trying their hardest and failing to start a race war, open your fucking eyes and don't be so dense, recognise the true intentions of the words that appear on your screen. If you couldn't see that, you are problem no different from them.

No. 434573

In society. This board is a microcosm of that kek. Unattractive men being thirsted for while literal 9/10 women are posted and called ugly because “subjective beauty”. How do you not see how this is a part of a larger problem.

No. 434575

File: 1727759770777.jpg (307.38 KB, 1080x1440, 435166_v9_bd.jpg)

I agree. I think she looks too matronly.
Adding Sofia Vergara (also matronly).

No. 434576

She's one of the most attractive women ever to me, and just gets better as she gets older

No. 434603

matronly is such a misogynistic term, middle aged women arent supposed to look like children

No. 434604

Stop seething and replying then? Kek projecting self loathing retard.(infighting)

No. 434607

>ban evading just to rage and "n-no u"
Meds. This is sad.

No. 434608

>still samefagging 9 hours later
Holy fuck you are big mad lol. Calm your tits, retard-chan.

No. 434609

Where did I samefag? Are you new?

No. 434718

So you mean her regular face without makeup, and all of that fake glamour magic? Her regular face she was born with? So you admit she’s just normally ugly and then pretty when the makeup comes on? Kekkkk Megan’s shills are just as retarded as her

No. 434726

This is crazy

No. 434736

I wonder what you look like. Do you think you look better?

No. 434738

File: 1727828155221.jpg (44.57 KB, 828x827, 1668043996449.jpg)

Based and redpilled. Can't stand that porn addicted neet loser

No. 434747

This is entirely just a you problem. Maybe an Italian man and woman made fun of you as a kid which you gave you some weird unresolved hatred of Mediterranean types because Monica still looks good even in your supposed "shill" picture.

This too, what does "matronly" even mean? And how does it work as a knock against attractiveness?

No. 434777

I never said she looked bad, I just said I didn't get the hype. Why are you getting so overprotective over her anyway, she's not your mom or your wife.

No. 434804

yes ngl chadmarco content sucks ass

No. 434813

Why did I get tagged in this? I don’t give a fuck about Monica.

No. 434901

File: 1727918626696.jpg (105.66 KB, 727x484, 50734209_14361bc94b2c5f43b6aae…)

i will never, EVER understand ANYONE who defends jenna ortega in the year 2024 post whatever buccal fat removal she got

No. 434903

File: 1727918701596.jpg (131.23 KB, 1000x650, 96457da8940c1a74ec4400bca1613f…)

if you told me this was a tim id believe you

No. 434950

File: 1727975101753.jpg (43.76 KB, 420x320, aBrVDBN5_700w_0.jpg)

This is all I could see watching Wednesday. Without the hair she looks marginally better, but I still don't think she's all that attractive

No. 434960

why do women want to look like chads?

No. 435255

I think it’s because women who naturally have that bone structure are usually seen as attractive and model esque (ex. Olivia Wilde and Angelina Jolie are both examples of stunning women with large jaws and hollow cheeks) but it obviously looks odd when people literally just get their buccal fat sucked out because you have to have the face for it. Jenna is cute to me but she has soft, round features and would suit soft, round cheeks.

No. 435331

File: 1728156921113.jpeg (257.9 KB, 415x898, IMG_7675.jpeg)

I will never forgive chappig for being fake gay. Now i’m being psyoped into thinking i should be attracted to this thing

No. 435332

I don't think she's ugly, just very average and unremarkable. But it's annoying how every time a new kweer singer comes along lesbians online are expected to go wild over them.

No. 435403

I don't know, I don't really see any psy-op push to consider her sexy. I would go so far as to say she's got the least sexy persona you can have while still having your ass out on display all the time. people call her 'brave' and 'groundbreaking' (which, also not true) but they don't really call her hot

No. 435408

the people bashing her are just racist against people from the midwest

No. 435422

chappel would be better looking if it wasn't for her absolutely horrible aesthetic sense. i hate that theater kid fauxgay clothing and make up style, didn't like her knight costume either it was tryhard and tacky.

No. 435454

>racist against people from the midwest
You americans are hilarious.

No. 435468

ntayrt but i’m pretty sure they were being sarcastic

No. 435473

well the hatred towards southern and midwestern white girls from angry ethnics is real. these were the same people always calling britney white trash.

No. 435475

coraline button eyes ass

No. 435476

We don’t give a fuck that you find your irrelevant artist “gorgeous” when she’s fucking ugly. You can continue to flood this thread with your obvious PR but nobody is biting, let it go or you’re just a plain paid representative

No. 435492

White people call other white people white trash the most.

No. 435633

“angry ethnics” aren’t the ones who keep calling chappell roan ugly, it’s mostly straight white girls and men. the pearl-clutching surrounding britney was also mostly from suburban white women.

No. 435771

File: 1728324886027.jpg (242.48 KB, 1046x1047, kyllie.jpg)

kylie jenner is so annoying looking I can't explain it

No. 435890

This is such a lie and a cope, even Azealia Banks likes Britney Spears lol

No. 435900

Why would we call Britney white trash when she was modeling herself after Janet Jackson who was considered a sex symbol!? Do your research idiot. Also there was nothing for “ethnics” to be jealous of when it came to Britney we have Beyoncé who was born the same year. It was her white female contemporaries and fans calling her a whore and a slut and WHITE TRASH. Pepperidge farm remembers. ethnics were busy trying to drive Beyoncé crazy by calling her a witch and illuminati Princess we were BUSY

No. 435902

Please stop replying to the poltard moids nonas, it just encourages them

No. 436018

File: 1728426592273.jpg (151.73 KB, 1080x1349, 301888550_177674378121786_7127…)

I swear Lady Gaga ruins everything she's in.

No. 436020

Realest shit ever

No. 436035

Wow, her asymmetry is almost as severe as mine.

No. 436082

only after it became socially acceptable to like britney

No. 436112

Making yourself ugly is the genderqueer uniform.

No. 436136

she has an odd skull

No. 436137

Her original face was so cute imo, I don't think she's ugly now but it's still a downgrade.

No. 436144

File: 1728477611893.jpg (202.54 KB, 1600x900, rosaliaa.jpg)

I find her really attractive but if i look at Rosalia for too long she starts to look like an overgrown baby, kind of offputting

No. 436222

File: 1728502297376.jpeg (262.39 KB, 2048x1365, licensed-image.jpeg)

Tired seeing her everywhere as well
Wtf is that head shape?

No. 436234

File: 1728505610234.jpg (535.16 KB, 1080x1082, Screenshot_2024-10-09-22-25-13…)

I hate her sm I don't even want to but this pretend quirkyness act really grinds my gears

No. 436267

She has this really obnoxious twee doe-eyed thing going on, I wish I could like her but she just feels inauthentic and slightly put-on.

No. 436284

File: 1728515908244.png (141.6 KB, 414x353, Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 20.27…)

her mouth/chin is so ugly even after her braces and jaw surgery plus nose job that should have balanced it out

looks apelike/neanderthalish

No. 436285

File: 1728515946018.jpeg (187.29 KB, 1368x1023, E5B762CC-BB0B-47D2-83AE-106B06…)

Ron Perlman has a similar lower face kek

No. 436365

Jodi was hotter, and the judge still sentenced her. Sad, justice for jodi

No. 436375

No joke, Varg used to sleep with black girls before his mother forbade him from doing so and told him she would disown him if he kept doing it (his family is immensely wealthy).

No. 436418

men will fuck anything with a hole, that doesn't really mean anything

No. 436542

All white supremacist scrotes are into women of different races. His attacks on dark-featured women were copes, just like how he complains about "modern women wearing makeup and dressing like sluts" while posting AI slop of women in heavy makeup and liking/retweeting e-girl posts. These facts make brain-dead tradthots and racist women seethe and mald, but they deserve it, honestly.

No. 436543

NTA. It doesn't mean anything except that all women who worshiped that or any other moid because something something white aryan and spent time bashing black or brown women are retarded. This is how it always goes.

No. 436603

this whole thread is about bashing women retard

No. 436606

You're the only one bashing women on the basis of their race, pathetic femcuck

No. 436607

except that hasn't happened and you're schizophrenic. continue showing your insecurity

No. 436608

You realize people can scroll through the thread and see the racebait? Stop projecting and raging already, it's embarrassing.

No. 436609

you're responding to posts that have nothing to do with race. if you can't handle seeing women called ugly, get out of the thread

No. 436610

I have no idea how this thing works

No. 436611

Oh now I see how it works, uhhh>>436609 I just think it's a little unnecessary to be an ass though don't you think?

No. 436612

You don't even know how to follow a conversation and you're making shit up to infight, leave already if it triggers you to hear that the racesperg(s) shitting up the thread are retarded.

No. 436614

calling megan ugly isn't racism, go outside

No. 436616

Yup, you're definitely the schizophrenic one. Go to a psych ward

No. 436617

>All white supremacist scrotes are into women of different races.
This. Men are loyal to nothing.

No. 436618

>Varg used to sleep with black girls
source? thats funny as fuck

No. 436631

File: 1728637406210.jpeg (81.48 KB, 600x796, IMG_3607.jpeg)

Why is Megan still the topic of convo days later can we move on kek. Anyway when Pippa Middleton was shilled for like a month straight as being an insanely beautiful woman with the best butt in London I thought I had entered the twilight zone. Her flat ass was talked about more than the wedding at one point. My mom and I were so confused. I’m not saying her body is gross but it wasn’t newsworthy either

No. 436632

It was just crazy because she isn’t even shapely for the average white woman. I feel like the average white girl has a nicer bum than her. Am I crazy(samefagging)

No. 436633

I didn't really get it either. There's literally nothing to see back there kek

No. 436635

sloppy diaper BBLs aren’t attractive

No. 436637

NTA, but who said they were? Did you get surgery and regret it? That's not what this thread is about kek

No. 436638

nta but it doesn't have to be one extreme or the other, there's an inbetween

No. 436641

being a slim white woman puts you in the top 5% of the population, thats probably why.

No. 436647

File: 1728642195006.jpg (55.84 KB, 470x681, 05821384.jpg)

Yeah, this was cringy. It almost feels like they set her up to get mocked and nitpicked. She's never been ugly, and I like her style, but I've never seen anyone call her attractive except the occasional female BRF stan trying to be polite, or when it's to talk about her aging, so tabloids bringing up her ass (and body in general) feels incredibly passive-aggressive. They've called her things like "Waity Katy" and slammed her for all sorts of things too.
It's almost like when publications like the Daily Mail post headlines like "Aubrey O Day STUNS on pap walk" with photos like this. They know what they're doing, kek.

No. 436649

When the Daily Mail does it, they're definitely being passive aggressive and underhanded.

No. 436650

why doesnt this woman just hop on ozempic, shes a celebrity, no excuses

No. 436657

File: 1728644341590.jpeg (164.58 KB, 1920x2101, IMG_3609.jpeg)

That’s Aubrey!? Omg Diddy must’ve traumatized her really bad. She was so slim during danity Kane. But Diddy used to bully and sexualize her the most on the making the band. I wouldn’t be surprised if her gaining so much was a defense mechanism from her time in the industry. Hope she and the danity Kane girls are okay

No. 436664

File: 1728647395232.png (434.06 KB, 702x917, kp.png)

They did it to Katie Price, too. The word "resurrection" with a photo like this makes it so obvious, just giving British moids free chances to bash unfortunate women.

No. 436667

Even as a kid I didn't understand the hype about her butt. It just looked like a completely average butt.

No. 436669

I don't say this to pick on her, but I feel bad for women with square waists because they pretty much only look good if they're stick thin

No. 436673

this is the same person??

No. 436675

Katie Price is unironically considered hot by British moids though

No. 436682

Is this photoshopped? How can one breast be bigger than her fucking thigh? Her lower body looks like someone used the squish tool on it.

No. 436708

oh my god thank you she's so fucking ugly it's unbearable, her music too. the whole shtick is such an obnoxious manic pixie marketing plot.
i guess it's her natural features but she looks so bogged to me

No. 436709

I find her unattractive and her hair style atrocious, but does she really fit the thread? I've never seen her shilled as attractive, just shilled as a weird qUiRkY girl.

No. 436710

This is how posh spice would look without the anorexia

No. 436711

They pretend that she isn’t and act like they’d rather a classy, natural beauty but they’re lying, as moids always do. Men love fake plastic sluts. Don’t ever let them tell you otherwise.

No. 436721

I see plenty of posts everywhere on instagram about how cute she is and people sperging about it in the comments so I think so? Or if this thread for classical and hot women only, then sorry. I just find her so gross playing off the same quirkyness that a lot of girls were bullied for when growing up, but she is cute and lovable for it ig

No. 437170

File: 1728851075508.jpeg (220.74 KB, 1176x2048, FrHEdiZWcAA8Jiu.jpeg)

Fish face

No. 437192

I just don't wear revealing clothes, it hides the fridge body.

No. 437417

She looks like a baby

No. 437419

No, I don't like this kind of face. She reminds me of a cyborg.

No. 437420

way to brag about your boobs

No. 437428

File: 1728933475095.png (265.52 KB, 542x506, Screenshot 2024-10-14 121728.p…)

I've never seen anyone say she's attractive…and I've been compared to her

No. 437431

nona idk if it makes you feel better but i find her very hot.

No. 437629

Her waist and ribcage are larger than her hips, and her face makes her look mentally challenged. Someone in the celeb thread said her fans are all conservative men who follow sibs about troons and femboy porn, maybe they like that her body is more masculine looking. I know the slow face is a trend in porn, unfortunately

No. 437635

>big boobs
>biological female
>masculine body
lol jealous flatty patty detected

No. 437636

Her body doesn't look masculine at all, the fuck?

No. 437637

File: 1729002475790.webp (48.95 KB, 800x533, titans-star-deandre-hopkins-re…)

oh my god shut up

No. 437648

is the masculine tranny body in the room with us?

No. 437655

File: 1729006617246.jpeg (177.26 KB, 451x636, IMG_5284.jpeg)

That’s very clearly edited anon

No. 437656

File: 1729006675666.jpeg (55.54 KB, 393x570, IMG_5285.jpeg)

No. 437657

Refrigerator shaped anon detected

No. 437658

Giving Grimes energy

No. 437660

Why is her butt red in the center in picrel?
She honestly looks ok here

No. 437661

It’s the light

No. 437664

File: 1729009259250.png (53.59 KB, 244x307, Screenshot 2024-10-15 092013.p…)

>ermm thats clearly a man everybody knows that women have hips twice the size of their shoulders #realwomenhavecurves

No. 437665

I don't remember that F&H boss

No. 437666

Do people mistake you for a man in a wig often nonny?

No. 437667

women with natural big titties almost always have a big ribcage retard, you need space to support the magumbos. i don't like her but some of you really act like catty faggots

No. 437673

That isn’t true, breast size doesn’t correlate with frame size. I have big boobs with a small rib cage, as do the other women in my family.

No. 437674

Double post but she also has implants anyway, her scars are visible.

No. 437675

bottom line: Sydney is beautiful and anyone who doesn't like her is just a jealous hater

No. 437677

She’s plain with implants

No. 437679

File: 1729011316738.jpg (18.65 KB, 400x400, haterade.jpg)

try supporting other women

No. 437682

Supporting wine has nothing to do with thinking they’re attractive or not, and I’m not going to support someone who publicly jokes about fucking dogs as a minor, ew

No. 437684

*women not wine

No. 437687

Farmers hate Sydney and Sabrina because they are short. Sorry not every woman can be 6 feet tall

No. 437689

Sydney isn’t short, she’s an average height. Farmers hate her because she’s a pick me industry plant who fucks dogs and jokes about it to appeal to porn sick moids

No. 437690

I don't have a BBL Lipedema diaper and I'm very insecure about it. Oh well at least I can wipe my ass properly instead of having to dig through lard

No. 437692

that's not true, Sydney at least is plain and astroturfed her career with her boobs (whether they are fake or not, a la Scarlet Johansson). Sabrina is fucking ugly and has 0 sex appeal, you know it's true when moids don't even talk about her, not even faggots. she's the ultimate industry plant and only shilled by straight women

No. 437697

I am short but I hate both because they're pathetic pick mes who degrade themselves to appeal to scrotes

No. 437704

Honestly I wouldn't be mad about the new generation of starlets being shilled being plain/ugly if it weren't for the fact they sexualise themselves to pander to porn addicted moids. Men in the media have been average or ugly forever but yet are paired up with gorgeous women, so women with very average faces like Sydney and Sabrina getting big just makes things more equal. But unfortunately they sexualise and degrade themselves to ridiculous degrees to try and pander to moids despite their lack of good looks. It's especially pathetic in Sabrina's case because she completely failed at becoming a bombshell for straight men to drool over and attracted an audience of 12 year old girls instead. Sydney at least succeeded in her goal, even if the men who like her are openly admitting she's a butterface they like because of titties.

No. 437706

It's the same thing with Cher, only women like her and they always act like she's the most beautiful woman to ever exist.

No. 437711

why is only being liked by women a bad thing? as if men jerking off to someone is a better indication of attractiveness.

No. 437712

it's bad and pitiful when you promote yourself as a sex symbol and the target audience doesn't react as it should

No. 437716

why would successfully pandering to moids be any better than doing so unsuccessfully

No. 437718

And you're a butthurt retard

No. 437726

sydney sweeney wouldn't care if you died

No. 437731

No. 437735

pretty sure Sydney would be upset if one of her fans died

No. 437748

She fucks dogs, I doubt she’s capable of morality or empathy(ban evasion)

No. 437750

way to out yourself as a bitter black femcel

No. 437755

Nta but why would nona referencing her insisting SNL write jokes about her fucking dogs mean they're a "bitter black femcel"? Does thinking beastiality jokes are degenerate somehow make people automatically bitter, black and femcels?

No. 437762

because 'hurr white women fuck dogs' was a meme spread by bitter black women on lsa and black twitter, thats probably why it was referenced because shes seen as the typical all american white girl

No. 437781

White moids started that meme. It’s hilarious how you go from “support other women” to “I’m racist towards black women”. You can use feminist buzzwords all you like but you’re very transparent.

No. 437803

I'm the original pro Sweeney anon and it wasn't me who did the race sperging. But while I don't approve of racism you shouldn't have provoked racist anon by criticizing Sydney

No. 437804

yeah that meme is so obviously created by white 4chan moids, you know, the ones consuming bestiality porn… also i hate how socially acceptable that meme is, i saw it on like surface level twitter.

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