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No. 432617
Post women you find overrated or ugly when they're shilled as beautiful. Is it her awful personality shining through? Is it her weak bone-structure or weird thumb? Is it her PR team brain-washing the whole planet into worshiping her?
Lesbians, bi and straight women are all welcome to contribute!
Previous threads from oldest to latest.
>>>/g/360179>>>/g/167304>>>/ot/381271>>>/g/78217 No. 432744
File: 1727219172117.jpg (66.86 KB, 963x1124, viral-blonde-cashier-jenna-ren…)

Why was she trending on TikTok?she's just another basic blonde white girl.her eyes are creepy tbh.
No. 432745
>>432744blondes with blue eyes are so rare in america now that they're worshipped as living gods/goddesses
doesnt help that billions of self hating
poc blow smoke up white peoples asses all day
No. 432816
File: 1727235584539.jpg (236.4 KB, 930x523, caseyanthony_wide-b1ba8604adbc…)

This fucking monster that keeps popping up every couple years trying to maintain relevance. She's got crazy eyes and gremlin ears, actually she looked like a randomly generated Millsberry character, yet most (moid dominated) media coverage was like "b-but she's super hot! How could she be a murderer?"
No. 432843
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>>432826>>432838>>432816She was definitely considered hot at the time. I think society's beauty standards have just become increasingly high due to the internet and constant overexposure to uncannily perfect faces tbh.
These women were considered America's top beauty queens in the 1920s for instance. As humans get more internet and porn addicted the higher our standards become.
No. 432922
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>>432816Dobby looking ass tramp
No. 433073
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I'm not sure if this counts since only 4chan and political yts shill them as attractive, but I always thought the majority of e-girls on there were funny looking or average
No. 433225
File: 1727373548494.jpeg (625.39 KB, 1754x2048, licensed-image.jpeg)

She's not ugly but holy crap she's fucking overrated as hell.tired of seeing her face everywhere.she wasn't even a good Barbie.
No. 433380
>>433375>>433351>>433349>white radfems show their true racist colors againi'd like to see proof that the angry
femcels ITT are brown lol. how do you know its not just jealous beckies?
No. 433436
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Het face looks retarded, no hips, no ass and her tits don't impress me since i have the same size
No. 433438
>>433420post hand
she doesn't have anything special, but thinking about how hawk tuah girl has become famous too, maybe it's related to the fact that todays women beauty standards and clothing are so ridiculous and over the top and always wanting to be the special number #1 most unique and quirky girl (never woman), maybe we are going back to point 0 where being basic and simple is allowed and preferred again.
(infight bait) No. 433483
File: 1727466613199.jpg (139.39 KB, 731x1000, 458593_18.jpg)

>>433436she looks better than 90% of women, not that that says much since most women are horrendously ugly. if you put her next to someone like mylene jampanoi i agree she does look downsy.
No. 433734
File: 1727550419242.jpg (897.49 KB, 2809x3420, jennifer_english.jpg)

Moid Obsession with unattractive voice actresses never ceases to amaze me.
No. 434061
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>>433073nonnas who say iris is super cute are dumb, she is kinda ugly but has nice clothes.
No. 434069
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>>434066iris is not hideously ugly but she looks like a black 15 yo boy and has acne I don't know what you see in her
No. 434089
File: 1727609044477.png (2.16 MB, 2069x1161, Screenshot 2024-09-29 at 12.22…)

Nose job, boob job, labiaplasty, genital bleaching, what hasn't she had done. Always looks somewhat dirty. She also has an ugly clunky, donkey-like lower face (maxillary prognathism?) and fat face which she shoops to look more v-line/delicate. Perfect proof of how retarded men are that they fall for angles shoop and makeup.
No. 434093
File: 1727609450976.jpg (845.59 KB, 1800x1980, 1723187584240.jpg)

>>434073she rejected a black older moid (based since he was a coomer freak and asked iris what type of porn she liked on a youtube live stream) and found an asian boyfriend. I wish she stopped trying to please anonymous white pedos for the sake of being an e-girl and gave her boyfriend more attention, she would be happier.
No. 434097
File: 1727609737436.jpg (140.7 KB, 1080x1080, negative xp.jpg)

>>434095No, her asian boyfriend is not negative xp it's other person. Picrel is negative xp and I think he is dating a white twitter e-girl
No. 434104
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>>434098if you are a local r9k user you will see iris / siri making annoying rambling posts crying because she is not famous/ white and asian almost every day, here is a screenshot example in case you are too lazy to lurk
No. 434107
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>>432617her eyes are so blue and scary they feel like they are piercing through my soul.. also her makeup is too heavy idk why everyone loves it
No. 434112
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I don’t find her ugly but she’s sort of average looking to me and the cosmetic procedures she’s had are badly done imo. Her makeup is also very basic so I’m unsure as to why so many people online begged for her routine.
No. 434121
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>>434107I agree, the makeup she's wearing these days is way too heavy and makes me itch for a makeup wipe. She looks really sweet and pretty with less makeup. These photos are from a few years ago.
No. 434130
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I think she’s a 4.5/10, I say this also as a skelly pale white girl. She has an empty looking bland face, a pig nose, and blotchy blemished skin. I don’t get it, her sister looks so much better yet Elle is known as the beauty?
No. 434135
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Never got the Monica Bellucci hype, she's conventionally attractive I guess but I have a weird dislike of the mediterranean type in general.
No. 434141
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>>434130I think she’s beautiful but I’m looking at her now and just thinking…she looks like like so many women I’ve known in the small town I grew up in in England, only skinnier with better styling. Shes beautiful but in an average way. I think this is why she looks so good in period films. She’s like someone you’d see in a renaissance painting.
>>434135>>433991Who the hell IS beautiful to you?
No. 434248
File: 1727660182534.webp (38.81 KB, 640x640, lolwhat.webp)

why do people on this website get so mad when you say she's ugly?
No. 434253
>>434248She's a very average basic looking woman who you'd see 10 of in the supermarket at any given time so I guess all the people here with similar very common faces feel personally attacked when she gets called ugly because it's basically like calling them ugly.
Plus she gets babied in general for reason. It's ridiculous.
No. 434266
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>>434263>I’m curious if people like this also find dark hair ugly, and think only blonde blue-eyed pale caucasians are beautiful.Let me introduce you to someone
No. 434271
>>434263Of course. I'd say like 80% of people are strongly biased against dark skin, if they're being honest about it. The other 15% dont mind it then the other 5% have a fetish for it.
Attractive white people will always be at the top of the racial hierarchy, this is just fact. Followed by pale kpopified whitewashed Asians, Latinas, then Arab women, then dark Asians, then Indian women, then Black women. When I've catfished men almost all of them ranked women as such, regardless of their own race. Even when men fetishize women of other races they almost always want the most whitewashed version of that race: ie a black girl with 'Caucasian' facial structure, an Asian girl with paper white skin and big eyes, a MENA woman with light/green eyes, 'North Indian' women who look more Med than Indian etc etc.
(racebaiting) No. 434290
>>434271What is a “caucasian” facial structure? Don’t white women have heavier brow bones and wider jaws and that jazz, hence why 4chan incels shill oh-so-neotenous East Asian women kek. It’s interesting how the world groups features, especially when the most attractive features on white women tend to be more common on other races and/or “dark” whites and non-Anglos, the exception being the blonde/blue-eyed obsession.
So to answer my question, it’s the darkness that’s ugly to you? So dark hair too?
>>434280Nta but black hair isn’t brunette to me either
No. 434358
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>>434130agree with you but shes not even skelly
No. 434380
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>>434347You're literally brown. Stay mad.
(racebaiting) No. 434393
>>434380this shit is so lame, i can't believe women have the "i must compete for men" mindset. if you need to compete for a moid you already lost and it's not worth it.
what living in a heterogeneous shithole does to a mf, thinking race is an acceptable card to be a retarded pickme.
No. 434398
Typical faggotry coming from self-hating twitterfags and tiktokfags who don’t even know how to intergrate. Nobody cares that you find white people more attractive
>>434380Kek at the asian on the bottom though. Whenever they mention “no guy” they meant white men, because that’s primarily what they’re attracted to because their ESL asses have fallen for the fakest scrote PR shilled 24/7 in their countries through pirated dvds and music. It’s so cringe jfc,
POC women are always clambering to be chosen by the ugliest most beta of men on the planet, why can’t they just be happy with their female friends and women they love??
No. 434399
>>434393>she’s white i can’t compete Well duh bucktooth-chan, it’s almost like people of the same race are likely to find others of the same race attractive. I think it’s just the typical ignorance of straight women and
poc women thinking their pedophile baiting “adorableness” despite them being old enough for it to be tacky should grant them the prize. We’ve truly fallen for the most insidious ugly man psyop of them all: thinking scrotes are the prize that must be fought over and to tear your own female allies apart and through all of this time you still won’t even be able to get one that hasn’t hit the wall with male pattern baldness.
No. 434480
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>>434393Asian and Indian women are the worst for it. You even have Asian singers like Mitski writing music about how Chad picked a blonde girl over her. White women don't even really think about
woc whereas
woc have a raging hateboner towards white women.
(racebaiting) No. 434481
File: 1727731451196.jpg (3.93 MB, 8894x5919, 1000002332.jpg)

>>434480Can't even blame white women because white women haven't done anything to Asian women. Also, it's not even internalised racism or whatever, because many of these self hating
poc pickmes admit to wanting to be white since they were tiny kids, even though nobody was racist to them as children.
(derailing/racebaiting) No. 434495
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Why does she make herself even more ugly
No. 434507
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Her and Cardi B look like characters from Doug
No. 434533
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>>434526I don’t think there are many who shill Cardi B as attractive (though I guess she’s not ugly), but Megan is just very pretty. Even in the photo that was posted
this thread is crazy kek, I bet 50% of the posters here have an ugly scote they simp for too No. 434538
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>>434205You're right Belle does look like a smug rat kek.
But she also has this ugly, projecting maxilla thing with her jaw, where the upper palate comes forward too much, that she shoops too. It gives a rat vibe also.
No. 434575
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>>434135I agree. I think she looks too matronly.
Adding Sofia Vergara (also matronly).
No. 434738
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>>434093Based and redpilled. Can't stand that porn addicted neet loser
No. 434747
>>434149>>434135This is entirely just a you problem. Maybe an Italian man and woman made fun of you as a kid which you gave you some weird unresolved hatred of Mediterranean types because Monica still looks good even in your supposed "shill" picture.
>>434575This too, what does "matronly" even mean? And how does it work as a knock against attractiveness?
No. 434901
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i will never, EVER understand ANYONE who defends jenna ortega in the year 2024 post whatever buccal fat removal she got
No. 434903
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if you told me this was a tim id believe you
No. 434950
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>>434901This is all I could see watching Wednesday. Without the hair she looks marginally better, but I still don't think she's all that attractive
No. 435331
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I will never forgive chappig for being fake gay. Now i’m being psyoped into thinking i should be attracted to this thing
No. 435771
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kylie jenner is so annoying looking I can't explain it
No. 435900
Why would we call Britney white trash when she was modeling herself after Janet Jackson who was considered a sex symbol!? Do your research idiot. Also there was nothing for “ethnics” to be jealous of when it came to Britney we have Beyoncé who was born the same year. It was her white female contemporaries and fans calling her a whore and a slut and WHITE TRASH. Pepperidge farm remembers. ethnics were busy trying to drive Beyoncé crazy by calling her a witch and illuminati Princess we were BUSY
No. 436018
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I swear Lady Gaga ruins everything she's in.
No. 436144
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I find her really attractive but if i look at Rosalia for too long she starts to look like an overgrown baby, kind of offputting
No. 436222
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Tired seeing her everywhere as well
Wtf is that head shape?
No. 436234
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I hate her sm I don't even want to but this pretend quirkyness act really grinds my gears
No. 436284
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>>434538her mouth/chin is so ugly even after her braces and jaw surgery plus nose job that should have balanced it out
looks apelike/neanderthalish
No. 436285
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>>436284Ron Perlman has a similar lower face kek
No. 436612
>>436609You don't even know how to follow a conversation and you're making shit up to infight, leave already if it
triggers you to hear that the racesperg(s) shitting up the thread are retarded.
No. 436631
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>>436614Why is Megan still the topic of convo days later can we move on kek. Anyway when Pippa Middleton was shilled for like a month straight as being an insanely beautiful woman with the best butt in London I thought I had entered the twilight zone. Her flat ass was talked about more than the wedding at one point. My mom and I were so confused. I’m not saying her body is gross but it wasn’t newsworthy either
No. 436647
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>>436631Yeah, this was cringy. It almost feels like they set her up to get mocked and nitpicked. She's never been ugly, and I like her style, but I've never seen anyone call her attractive except the occasional female BRF stan trying to be polite, or when it's to talk about her aging, so tabloids bringing up her ass (and body in general) feels incredibly passive-aggressive. They've called her things like "Waity Katy" and slammed her for all sorts of things too.
It's almost like when publications like the Daily Mail post headlines like "Aubrey O Day STUNS on pap walk" with photos like this. They know what they're doing, kek.
No. 436657
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>>436647That’s Aubrey!? Omg Diddy must’ve traumatized her really bad. She was so slim during danity Kane. But Diddy used to bully and sexualize her the most on the making the band. I wouldn’t be surprised if her gaining so much was a defense mechanism from her time in the industry. Hope she and the danity Kane girls are okay
No. 436664
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>>436649They did it to Katie Price, too. The word "resurrection" with a photo like this makes it so obvious, just giving British moids free chances to bash unfortunate women.
No. 436708
>>436234oh my god thank you she's so fucking ugly it's unbearable, her music too. the whole shtick is such an obnoxious manic pixie marketing plot.
>>434141i guess it's her natural features but she looks so bogged to me
No. 437170
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Fish face
No. 437428
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>>436018I've never seen anyone say she's attractive…
and I've been compared to her No. 437637
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>>437629oh my god shut up
No. 437655
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>>437637That’s very clearly edited anon
No. 437660
>>437655Why is her butt red in the center in picrel?
>>437656She honestly looks ok here
No. 437666
>>437664Do people mistake you for a man in a wig often
No. 437679
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>>437677try supporting other women
No. 437755
>>437750Nta but why would nona referencing her insisting SNL write jokes about her fucking dogs mean they're a "bitter black
femcel"? Does thinking beastiality jokes are degenerate somehow make people automatically bitter, black and
No. 438081
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No. 438150
File: 1729179690012.jpeg (306.79 KB, 1170x574, IMG_9111.jpeg)

I’m so sick of people shilling Jenna Ortega as attractive, she doesn’t look like a child, she looks like Machete (Danny Trejo) or David cross. I don’t get the hype for her and I’m sick of everything cool coming out she’s front and center in it.
L- David cross M- Jenna Ortega R-Danny Trejo
No. 438186
File: 1729188073169.jpg (251.86 KB, 1805x1363,…)

i suspect this is an extremely unpopular opinion but i think jennifer connelly was very ugly when she was young, as she got older she became much more attractive though. to me she's a good example of how women "hitting the wall" at 30 or whatever is the opposite of the truth.
>>437679sydney is a huge butterface, also why would anyone support or even care about random rich celebrities selling their bodies in hollywood?
No. 438214
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Roided women with no waist-to-hip ratio are so gross looking. If you’re already fucking yourself over with hormones you might as well get a hip augmentation.
No. 438234
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>>438146she definitely has much worse pictures and i agree with the other nonna she looks like a whoville reisdent
No. 438312
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Not a fan of her angular blockhead
No. 438313
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>>438312something in her eyes looks very soulless
No. 438320
>>434107I can't be the only
nonnie who's reminded of Dolly Parton when I see Sabrina
No. 438361
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No. 438366
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>>438146That wasn't my intention, and even in her best photos and videos she still looks weird to me. Like a chipmunk mixed with a whosville resident as the other anon said
No. 438486
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>>438475im the anon who originally posted her and im so glad this isnt a hot take i feel like less of a schizo
she genuinely was pretty with soft features before she botched herself (pic rel from 2019) and now i cant even stand to look at her. i dont know how she fucked herself up so bad only changing her jaw i think its because she
triggers the same uncanny valley trannies do in me now
No. 438512
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>>438278>>438214the abs are impressive, but I think this could be natty attainable with good genetics and a lot of training. Calling her “roided” so confidently reeks of either jealousy or demoralization
No. 438786
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emrata, both real and current face
No. 439041
File: 1729466681367.png (98.41 KB, 220x330, IMG_3644.png)

I will never understand the hype behind Alix Earle, she’s so horsefaced and has an extremely bland personality to boot
No. 439450
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Kate Moss’s spawn is so ugly. I get that objectively she’s more on the mediocre side, but there’s something so punchable about her moon face. It’s laughable that mommy got her into modeling because she looks like every other Slavic peasant girl.
No. 439521
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>>439503Lmao please, she's nowhere near the level of older VS models. If her mother wasn't Kate Moss, she would be laughed at in most agencies.
No. 439523
>>438475Thank you! I thought I was going crazy! Everyone on the internet was going crazy over her when Wednesday came out, i especially found it annoying that they “gave her such creative control” like whatever.
>>438486Yes! Someone made that girls face and chin so disproportionately long and large. She was so cute before her buccal fat removal, they turned her into machete!
No. 439544
>>439450Agreed. She’s honestly ugly to me especially by VS standards, just so pasty and doughy faced. I actually do think she could be a model in high fashion publications if she was taller, though, since those models tend to be weirder-looking.
Lots of people have suggested that Kate Moss might have only agree to walk VS runways if Lila was allowed to walk as well, but I’m also confused as to why VS wanted Kate Moss so badly besides the fact that she’s famous? She’s never exemplified their brand aesthetic and she was always more of a high fashion model, not a lingerie model. I guess that’s an off-topic discussion though
No. 440057
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>>439041Another one done wrong by bad cosmetic work
No. 440360
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Leni Klum disturbs me. She's like 20 and it looks like she's had extensive lipo and ab etching. I have no idea if her breasts are implants or not, but tbh, I'm leaning towards them being implants.
No. 440983
File: 1730014329448.jpeg (796.18 KB, 3264x2150, IMG_1153.jpeg)

Playboy models are all just so fucking samey looking. Same surgery. Same styling. I fucking hope Hefner is rotting in hell
No. 440986
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>>440360With the way her mom is thrusting her into the spotlight and she's doing these weirdo mother daughter photo shoots with her she probably encouraged her to get surgery.
No. 441182
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>>440991>>441012Well, imo she has a clear case of lipo and ab etching. It's not like she has a "natural" narrow skinny build. Lol whatever do you mean? Her Instagram photos are filtered to death and back even when she was young. It's hard to find any actual photos of her that are unedited. This is a photo of her walking in 2021. Her chest size is completely different. I will say that she looks far better brunette than blond.
No. 441184
File: 1730084167077.png (496.34 KB, 461x672, leniklum2.png)

>>441182What is also weird is how she has no cleavage. It's just sort of hard for me to fathom. Lipo belly is super obvious in this photo posted on her IG from this year
No. 441187
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>>441184more bad PS. Anyway my point is I think it's hard to tell what she actually looks like. Getty images are not what they once were in terms of people being able to verify how celebrities look.
No. 442570
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No. 443745
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>>433073She looks like a moid from an emo band but fat
No. 443902
File: 1731290851878.jpeg (172.18 KB, 976x1390, IMG_1896.jpeg)

more blockhead phenotype
No. 443904
File: 1731290956394.jpeg (119.03 KB, 866x1390, IMG_1897.jpeg)

>>443902Basic blonde white women live life on easy mode I swear to god
No. 444210
File: 1731455639250.png (1.22 MB, 750x853, 2565919_1633271883534.png)

According to eddit it's a 10
No. 444212
File: 1731455778664.jpg (35.75 KB, 330x440, hoyeon-jung-wearing-louis-vuit…)

She looks masculine
No. 444274
>>434107Came here to post her, her styling and fillers make her look terrifying
>>436018Imo doesn’t belong here because I don’t think she’s ever been shilled as attractive. I remember her being aggressively shat on for her looks and being called a man during her heyday, she was never pushed as being beautiful like current popular singers are
No. 444670
>>444268If she had dark hair and dark eyes she'd still be a blockhead with squinty eyes but she'd be considered significantly less attractive because of something as simple as that.
Butterface weird looking blonde light eyed women live life on easy mode and are considered more attractive because of something as simple as colorism and white supremacy I said what I said
No. 444898
File: 1731740675555.jpg (366.33 KB, 1100x1318, BGUS_2787290_001.jpg)

No. 444955
File: 1731778147514.jpeg (211.3 KB, 1026x1280, IMG_0177.jpeg)

>>444210You picked a bad picture on purpose kek. Also it’s “she” not it. She looks like a doll, I love her.
No. 444965
File: 1731780678739.jpg (120.5 KB, 1065x1700, depositphotos_281460346-stock-…)

She looks like another basic Burtenne white girl, I don't understand why they treat her like she's the second coming of Aphrodite.
No. 444967
File: 1731781253791.jpg (18.29 KB, 192x283, blanca-soler-at-yves-saint-lau…)

Another basic looking girl that moids are obsessed with, I know she like any european girl. She also has the head shape like a minegraft block.
No. 444971
File: 1731781634746.jpg (121.39 KB, 975x1390, venice-81st-venice-internation…)

Moids have an obesevion with Gio, I don't see the appeal. She also looks masculine, she looks like one of those tiktok eboys.
No. 444972
File: 1731781693679.jpg (53.54 KB, 640x966, gemma-ward-in-mid-2000s-austra…)

That bitch look like a Alien nota angelical
No. 444973
File: 1731781788136.jpg (39.23 KB, 566x566, 935b22f963f7246398babfcedb4c16…)

Another Alien looking bitch
No. 444974
File: 1731781951888.jpg (121.03 KB, 1200x810, YYEKCUXPL5HNFPBAU7V4CUZ22A.jpg)

She has a strange looking nose, she's just a basic brunette I don't understand the moids' obsession with her.
No. 444976
File: 1731782058624.jpg (264.76 KB, 1020x1530,…)

Look like a tranny
No. 444977
File: 1731782131040.jpg (66.84 KB, 599x900,…)

Her eyes scary me
No. 444979
File: 1731782214266.jpg (36.6 KB, 401x612, gettyimages-88498398-612x612.j…)

Tranny looking bitch
No. 444981
File: 1731782322595.jpg (32.64 KB, 380x496, 51qIQ35up6L._AC_SY780_.jpg)

>>444977Her smile scared me
No. 444982
File: 1731782505198.jpg (148.08 KB, 859x1390, natalia-vodianova-attends-the-…)

She looks like she has down syndrome.(calm down)
No. 444984
File: 1731782870848.jpg (44.83 KB, 480x600, b87febd3d0f62e8e702e2a07105e20…)

Alien looking bitch
No. 444987
File: 1731783277209.jpeg (67.06 KB, 735x555, IMG_2105.jpeg)

>>444979She reminds me of Dr. Girlfriend for some reason.
No. 444993
File: 1731783853055.jpg (49.16 KB, 736x736, 11c70ae86134083f50bbed11dbbdd2…)

Basic Becky, I saw several tiktoks where they praised her saying that she looked unreal.
No. 444994
File: 1731784016740.jpeg (7.98 KB, 168x300, images.jpeg)

She looks like a tumblr ftm.
No. 444999
File: 1731785247925.jpg (40.79 KB, 410x625, b22f3bcf7b4949b46aa541bb154c75…)

>>444995Even natural redhead models are ugly
No. 445000
File: 1731785459766.jpg (378.77 KB, 700x1050, Miranda-Kerr-Blonde-Highlights…)

She looks like she has extrachromosomal
No. 445001
File: 1731785613264.jpg (48.48 KB, 429x594, 09366faf08b20c92c1ffa4060c8652…)

Man face with Fake duck lips
No. 445002
File: 1731785952195.jpg (324.28 KB, 1200x1600, 5837665.jpg)

Eyes far apart like that of an alien
No. 445003
File: 1731786069684.webp (64.03 KB, 930x690, Lea-Seydoux-une-femme-fatale-e…)

Justo ugly with retardo face
No. 445004
File: 1731786437590.jpg (46.81 KB, 550x827, 5a848f6ac906603b5aec0e81673ea5…)

horse face bitch
No. 445005
File: 1731786542162.jpg (133.6 KB, 701x1024, 1670611490-jennifer-connelly-y…)

No. 445015
hello, I'm the truth nona, my opinions are scientifically correct so I'll judge this thread
>>432744just sort of plain, but I get the appeal.
>>432816ugly but not horrible.
>>433073mixed batch, some of these are really cute while other look likr goblinas.
>>433225she's attractive.
>>433436she's very attractive.
>>433734she's pretty.
>>434061she's really cute.
>>434089Belle Delphine is a retard e-whore but she's also stunning, there's a reason why she's so popular.
>>434107She's pretty, I agree on the makeup.
>>434130She's pretty.
>>434248She's ugly.
>>434575She's stunning,
>>434901The buccal fat removal is tragic but I still find her pretty.
>>435771Plain Jane with enough money to get every procedure there is, despite that she still remains unremarkable to me.
>>436018She's plain not ugly, if she was a suburban housewife then she'd be the hottest mom on the daycare pickup.
>>436144She looks odd.
>>436222She's stunning.
>>436234She's attractive.
I got bored, I'll share more truths on another day.
No. 445205
File: 1731874576133.png (945.4 KB, 1200x1200, britney-spears-dancing-in-biki…)

I always found her ugly,I'm glad she isn't as famous as she was 10 years ago anymore.
No. 445210
File: 1731878060856.webm (7.04 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io__oilsaiiii_173187781…)

She looks botched and creepy. Nigeria was much more beautiful.
No. 445211
File: 1731878151980.jpg (885.4 KB, 3333x2600, victoria_kjaer_miss_universe-e…)

>>445210Her smile scared me
No. 445242
File: 1731893543679.jpg (111.09 KB, 1200x900, 1731604104416.jpg)

>>445237Koreans pay to have their jaw reduced, on average Asians have a wide jaw.
No. 445267
File: 1731905159242.jpg (778.36 KB, 817x1024, 04.jpg)

>>445205Disagree. She was cute before the meds, drugs and mental illness
No. 445312
File: 1731933252689.jpg (219.95 KB, 1440x1440, alla-bruletova.jpg)

This Russian bitch looks botched and weird without editing.
No. 445318
File: 1731936715670.jpeg (40.96 KB, 409x587, 1702488119523.jpeg)

>>445252Anons ideal type right here
No. 445337
File: 1731954296573.jpg (191.7 KB, 1067x1690, victoria-s-secret-candice-swan…)

She looks like a trashy bimbo barbie doll. Even in her prime she had those nasofacial folds and that ugly nose.
No. 445347
File: 1731958636874.jpg (421.57 KB, 1080x1350, 431774257_792290676096919_2045…)

>>445210This year is for the basic white girls.
No. 445400
File: 1731980042421.jpeg (47.44 KB, 1280x720, IMG_2273.jpeg)

>>444978NTA, there's a few of us who call some square shaped women blockheads ITT, I'm one of them, but there's at least one other blockhead anon
It's weird how I find Margot way more attractive than Emma Mackey despite people saying they look like sisters, it's not just the hair and eye color, there's something off putting about her face compared to marg that makes her less attractive
No. 445405
File: 1731982731863.jpg (13.91 KB, 205x300, Renee Simonsen.jpg)

>>445380Doutzen Kroes, Renée Murden, Bridget Hall, Birgit Kos, Grace Kelly, Olivia Hussey, Blanca Soler, Stephanie Corneliussen, Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Anna Speckhart, Holly Earl, Taylor hill, Barbara Bouchet Ruslana Korshunova, Laetitia Casta, Farrah Fawcett, Liv Tyler, Paulina Porizkova, Valeria mazza, Ana Paula Arósio, Vanessa Hessler, Denise Richards, Julia Saner, Emily DiDonato, Monica Bellucci, Aurélie Claudel, Marion Pascale and Claire Forlani. They're goddesses and mog to other Stacies except Adriana Lima.
No. 445406
File: 1731982771402.jpg (69.56 KB, 735x1104, 1c49130af7e68cacf18c272e7efaf8…)

>>445400Women with square jaws can be very beautiful.
No. 445408
File: 1731983104391.gif (477.73 KB, 500x261, 3710844_tumblr_lrlkv1FaH71qe29…)

>>445405She's so perfect.
No. 445416
File: 1731987169699.png (1.17 MB, 1000x1000, trueabouttroons.png)

>>445413Troon wish like to have a block head
No. 445417
File: 1731987211753.jpg (321.79 KB, 1200x738, Rhea-Singha-Miss-Universe-Winn…)

>>445210Miss India was prettier imo she shouldve won
No. 445431
File: 1731995840625.webp (301.88 KB, 1900x2533, 1000001064.webp)

>>445380Elsa hosk. Isn't she the girl that moids compare to Jordan Barrett? They say that she gives off the same "gay alien" vibes as him. Ngl, if someone showed me this pic then told me she's cosplaying an extraterrestrial lesbian in the year 3000, I'd believe it.
No. 445434
File: 1731996443757.jpg (67.18 KB, 800x800, gummi-eyeballs.jpg)

>>444977For some reason her eyes remind me of these eyeball gummies
No. 445475
File: 1732016125937.jpg (224.73 KB, 1200x1200, 0_Top-pic-template-copy.jpg)

>>445416not even trannies would like to look like this
No. 445487
File: 1732019188251.jpg (113.57 KB, 736x1012, 52b6a93e48c0313df7bdbfe50d3d5c…)

>>445421Women with horse faces still have a tiny skull compared to the large skull typical of men.
No. 445491
File: 1732019577320.jpg (38.84 KB, 411x612, Brookeshields1985.jpg)

>>445475There is no tranny that reaches such a level of beauty not even with cosmetic operations.
No. 445536
File: 1732036402828.jpeg (88.85 KB, 500x562, IMG_2320.jpeg)

>>445534I've been on this site for years you fucking retard and it doesn't matter because again, I've said it a thousand times, the generic blonde will always be viewed as more attractive than the brunette, whether or not the brunette is actually the more attractive one
Like if you haven't lived life as a generic looking or ugly brunette or even a pretty brunette woman without Eurocentric features I don't want to fucking hear it.
(personalityfag sperging about blondes again) No. 445539
>>445537Is it Carreyanon? That explains it.
>>445536>>445538Carreyanon stop worshiping one of the world's ugliest, most psychotic and STD-ridden men and your blond problems will eventually be resolved.
No. 445542
>>445537I’ve talked to her before on /ot/ and I’m 100% certain this
>>445538 is her despite her “idk who you’re talking about” strategy. They talk about the same exact things and both say they’re Jewish and that why they can “never be as beautiful as a blonde woman”. Neurosis. And not even entertaining neurosis.
No. 445543
File: 1732036986003.jpeg (159 KB, 1200x1175, IMG_2324.jpeg)

No. 445860
File: 1732188935616.jpg (132.92 KB, 1500x1000, blake-lively-gossip-girl-08082…)

I just don't get her appeal
In gossip girl she's supposed to be that super hot irresistible woman but I just don't get it, never found her beautiful
She has small eyes, very accentuated nasolabial folds, a long face
Sure she's pretty but for example Blair, who's supposed to be the dull boring-looking one, is much prettier
No. 446098
File: 1732314946886.jpg (104.13 KB, 714x1199, 392889bd897a7623080c9e44290387…)

>>446097yeah ok i get it… she does have great legs and big boobs
No. 446101
File: 1732316541741.webp (192.75 KB, 1920x1080, 45719e4a4804-taylor-and-blake.…)

>>445860Blake's face looks horsey and not feminine at all.
Also, here is Blake next to Taylor Swift for comparison.
No. 447940
File: 1733123447457.png (268.26 KB, 449x440, 66fba8f9ec0f4~2.png)

No. 447969
File: 1733145921470.jpg (365.31 KB, 1440x1800, GIUw5w0XgAABMSb.jpg)

No. 447993
File: 1733158074422.jpg (60.67 KB, 736x736, 415a3a6a4aebc56d17e9da4e682c8c…)

>>447969She was prettier before getting lip filler and plastic surgery. She destroyed herself. I don't understand why women in hollywood are being encouraged to get these uglifying proceedures.
No. 448022
File: 1733168388099.jpg (230.47 KB, 1080x1440, 782080_v9_bc.jpg)

She's better suited for a "nerdy girl" acting role. How she was casted to play a "pretty charismatic" girl in that god-awful new trending movie is beyond me
No. 448825
File: 1733507018084.jpeg (421.56 KB, 438x985, IMG_3237.jpeg)

Holy shit…
No. 448833
>>448827Newfag who keeps using “tbf” integrate already or just kill yourself
>>448828Then get the fuck off our website then, this is going to be like tiktok where you all giggle and support each other like school girls trading friendship necklaces, you’re free to get the fuck off if you can’t handle words on a screen
No. 448834
>>448833You know it isn't that simple kek it ain't just a few words on a screen when some of these anons are parroting straight up moidy bullshit like sex objects.
>>448833Nta but tbf that's kinda dumb tbf
No. 448855
File: 1733514869696.webp (64.03 KB, 992x662, two-little-mad-angry-girls-sis…)

>>448833Tbf is used literally everywhere on this site are you out of touch
>>448844Nta but I love how you anons whine about people being newfags or underage but every fight is just
>ackshually i'm pretty!>no you're ugly!>no YOU'RE ugly!What is this middle school shit
No. 448857
File: 1733515234068.webp (222.29 KB, 1420x946, bf786e2f65365467cd1001414533c3…)

I understand how her features (feline upturned eyes) looked uniquely pretty but now she just looks like a Trisha Paytas type level of FASD retard.
No. 448879
>>448870Agreed. I may not always agree that the people posted itt are ugly, but it's really annoying to check this thread and see people arguing and trying to change someone else's taste in beauty (which is a really subjective thing and they have the right to think that whoever's getting shilled by Hollywood isn't all that).
Especially because half the time the arguing is over the most genuinely average of women, like that blockheaded blonde woman posted a few weeks ago or the chinlet that caused a big infight in the last thread.
No. 451723
File: 1734129600987.jpg (121.7 KB, 736x1104, Gd8OVpAWkAAOGw2.jpg)

No. 451771
File: 1734133203454.jpg (221.08 KB, 933x1245,…)

>>451731Why am I not allowed to find an unattractive model? I find her to be strange looking in a bad way. She looks like those aliens from that movie.
No. 454598
File: 1734544402693.jpg (32.79 KB, 500x335, michelle-skins.jpg)

never understood it watching the show
No. 454965
File: 1734606215415.jpeg (71.36 KB, 640x760, klvux0u2bjkc1.jpeg)

perhaps shes not as commonly "shilled" as other posts in this thread, but I personally can't scroll 5 posts on my social media of choice without seeing a thirstpost about her. I do not get it…
No. 455641
File: 1734651720056.jpeg (67.5 KB, 420x560, IMG_4776.jpeg)

Not ugly for sure, but I never got people who called her one of the most beautiful women in the world.
No. 455918
File: 1734676417437.webp (36.99 KB, 1000x563, IMG_4860.webp)

>>455641Kek I didn’t look closely enough and thought this was Ana de Armas at first. I don’t think Ana is ugly, she’s cute when she doesn’t have a heavy makeup look on, but I don’t get why she’s shilled as one of the most attractive women in existence. Maybe it’s the light colored eyes.
No. 456011
File: 1734699013001.jpeg (88.12 KB, 492x660, IMG_2139.jpeg)

No. 456064
File: 1734707337178.jpg (24.66 KB, 310x420, is-ana-de-armas-a-good-example…)

>>455918I just think her nose job is egregious.
No. 458353
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No. 459859
File: 1735251195416.jpeg (554.08 KB, 2000x2400, IMG_4817.jpeg)

She is kinda average but generally good looking with blonde hair, but brown really highlights how weird her chin is and that she’s not really pretty. Someone who should never dye her hair dark for sure.
No. 460151
File: 1735311955010.jpeg (808.08 KB, 1600x2000, iMrQdLu.jpeg)

>>460121I guess that goes to show you how much taste differs because I think her older sister is ugly and generic but she's gorgeous. I love her smile and huge eyes. I think young Demi Moore was also boring and ugly though.
>The monster got on the stage and talked for like 5 minutes before someone stood up to the full and screamed in supposed terror? The moment the monster's face was shown someone would've screamed while sitting down. this is what made it funny though
No. 460204
File: 1735321596208.jpeg (113.75 KB, 736x1120, IMG_3567.jpeg)

She has a weird nose and her face is too small. I don’t get how she was casted as the main girl except to be a self-insert for plain janes.
No. 460243
File: 1735327526340.jpg (7.83 KB, 292x173, images.jpg)

>>460204her head is kind of small too.
No. 460250
>>460121kek I only made it a few minutes into the movie but had already watched Skincare and that also seemed like AI trash so didn't have much tolerance for it. I'm
never pleasantly surprised by these stupid movies. Your description is at least funny and probably more entertaining than watching it
No. 460309
File: 1735336266164.webp (48.83 KB, 1024x576, IMG_4824.webp)

>>460204Oh wow, I genuinely thought she was one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen in early seasons of TVD. Small oval face, beautiful almond eye shape, arched brows, small ski slope nose, heart-shaped lips… It’s baffling how different and old she looks now, she’s only 35 but looks like she’s in her late 40s.
No. 463727
File: 1735867239188.png (836.64 KB, 618x840, Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 2.18.…)

I think she's pretty at a glance but if you look closely she's ugly
No. 473527
File: 1737348999979.jpg (3.62 MB, 2348x3932, Hashimoto_Kanna_at_Opening_Cer…)

She's not ugly at all, but I don't think I'll ever understand the obsession
No. 473534
File: 1737349534936.png (833.01 KB, 958x852, Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 12.04…)

this isn't bait, i am so extremely serious. i hate how greasy her skin looks, i hate her lip filler, and I find the way her nose looks extremely odd.
No. 473636
>>473547did you assume mikey madison is asian like the other 2 or something
>>473534she's cute but the surgery is just too obvious
No. 476624
File: 1737859556720.jpg (38.79 KB, 610x500, nina-dobrev-eyelid-surgery.jpg)

>>460309She botched herself, that's not just aging. She had eyelid surgery that ruined her look.
No. 480112
File: 1738647378213.png (600.77 KB, 800x622, Screenshot 2025-02-01 at 11.09…)

>>445860She looks like Sean Penn
No. 480127
File: 1738651359251.png (1.53 MB, 828x930, View recent photos.png)

i know she’s been posted before but i always think about how over shilled she was. she was literally called the sexiest woman for a while. her body is amazing, don’t get me wrong, but just because she has blue eyes doesn’t mean they’re nice. the rest of her face is very asymmetrical and her features are not ‘classically beautiful’ at all. if i saw this woman in the street i would probably just think her eyes were too intense and not give her a second thought. its gross how she was so hyped purely because she has nice boobs though.
also, she would look a lot prettier with brown eyes. i think a lot of female celebs with blue eyes would look better with brown eyes
No. 480134
File: 1738654490005.jpeg (85.08 KB, 640x641, IMG_9291.jpeg)

hailey bieber is so ugly to me. she looks like she has no eyelashes in the newest rhode beauty photoshoot
No. 480137
File: 1738655446883.jpg (6.99 KB, 178x283, images (1).jpg)

>>455918>>456064She looks like a woman version of Emile Hirsch.
No. 480140
File: 1738655864302.jpeg (37.32 KB, 554x554, IMG_8066.jpeg)

>>480134i’ve thought the same and realised its because she got a lot of her dads features
No. 480150
File: 1738659833637.png (341.74 KB, 349x524, blonde elena.png)

>>460204She would look better if she were blonde
No. 480152
>>454661Her brazilian side is full italian
>>454710One of the most attractive people are Anglos (Megan Fox, Miranda Kerr, Margot Robbie, Elizabeth Taylor, Tom Cruise, David Gandy,)
No. 480475
File: 1738715823484.jpg (59.84 KB, 640x640, 3322968_1550516077962.jpg)

>>480429You cut an Asian woman's hair and she easily looks like an Asian man.
(racebait ) No. 480507
File: 1738722350881.jpeg (60.37 KB, 1080x607, chinese-medical-tourists-who-v…)

>>480429>Broad face with masive jaw>small eyes>wide nose>shorter legs with hella calves>flat bodyLmao
File: 1738841975254.png (146.61 KB, 370x307, ew.png)

she's fucking hideous lol
No. 482109
File: 1739026794354.jpg (39.81 KB, 636x382, 1000001262.jpg)

Her hooked nose is ugly as hell to me. Every makeup look as well. Even with her new plastic surgery face she looks better with no makeup
No. 482239
>>482109She's one of the least attractive popstars at the moment. Even Chappell with her doughy face and mime makeup looks better than this one. How she was chosen to be the next blonde sex kitten I'll never know, her natural face is so plain and forgettable and her new face is actively off-putting between all the filler and awful 2016 makeup. It would be understandable if she was actually talented but she can't sing, can't dance, her songs are average songs with bad lyrics anyone could have released, her humour is that of a 12 year old boy, her charisma is non-existent and she just comes across as awkward when trying to do the sex bomb schtick like a 14 year old trying to be sexy, and she doesn't even at least have a good figure despite lacking the ability to serve face or vocals, she's slightly taller than a midget and has no curves whatsoever unless she uses extreme hip padding and abuses photoshop.
It really pays to be a nepo niece because she would have had absolutely zero chance at becoming a popstar otherwise considering how unimpressive she is in every way.
No. 482265
File: 1739042425327.jpeg (392.89 KB, 1000x1366, IMG_7471.jpeg)

>>482109The makeup she wore during her Singular era flattered her face much better. Also whatever surgerys she's gotten since then don't flatter her either
No. 483639
>>473527At this age (I think 17) Japanese scrotes were already calling her fat, old and ugly lol
She got really viral when she was like 13/14 from a fan photo online and pedoscrotes attached to her quickly then turned against her soon enough as she aged
No. 484229
File: 1739395219630.jpg (98.42 KB, 1500x1000, alex cooper.jpg)

this chick literally looks like a fish while also looking like a man. no idea how she has pulled as many rich high profile men as she has, including a lot of athletes. I guess the only thing men care about at the end of the day is if you're blonde and skinny. she looks good with red carpet level makeup and hair but that's it. she's also fucking annoying and a terrible podcaster, she screams over her guests and can't get through a single sentence without saying "like" at least 10 times. she's also an awful person, she had HPV for almost a decade and spread it to plenty of men without telling them (who probably then spread it to even more unsuspecting women). she has said some incredibly rapey things like saying if a girl is making too much noise in bed the guy shold punch her to knock her out and just keep fucking her. 0 charisma or likeability either, I'm 100% sure she's on the autism spectrum too. she absolutely does not deserve the amount of fame and money she has, no idea how she got there. the fact that she got to interview kamala is just embarrassing. all of that is beside the point, but still
No. 484232
>>484227sorry I deleted and reposted, I had to add to my unhinged rant. but
>men love extremely autistic womendo they? that's news to me
No. 484274
>>484257yeah I have to agree with this, she's an ex athlete herself so I guess there's that
>>484258I disagree, the way she talks and yells feels reminds me a lot of other people I've seen with autism including some of my family members. regardless, that has little to do with why I can't stand her, if it was just that I would probably think it was endearing but combined with everything else it just becomes annoying
No. 486032
File: 1739680934621.jpg (2.24 MB, 3264x3264, Fraud vs candid.jpg)

Alice Pagani, Gio Scotti and Dasha Taran look good on camera but are meh in candid. They are more like the brunette next girl door.
No. 486038
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>>486032All soft pretty women look better in selfies (esp since theyre in a fixed and posed expression and they always facetune), I think it gives unrealistic expectations for what they look like irl. As for Alice Pagani, I think she's so cute but I also never saw her socials and only her in movement in that TV show so I haven't built some idealistic version of her based off photos. Even the most beautiful looking women in photos are way more human/normal in person. When I was a teenager, I didn't understand how some women managed to look so unbelievably ethereal and now as an adult I know they were editing their skin texture and very careful with posing. Any time I see a super pretty picture of a woman but there's no signs of pores or skin texture, I know it's just a filter. They're still pretty, just not as carefully curated.
No. 486042
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>>486038All the influencers and celebrities are frauds and give people high expectations.
No. 486067
>>486042>>486038>>486032Something I've realized is that 1) photogenic specific beauty really is a thing and 2) looking good in candid pics is really really hard. There's a reason models get paid for it.
I know absolutely gorgeous women irl who usually look like shit in candid photographs. Meanwhile homely women can look good in candids if they have symmetry and decent bone structure.
The nona who said soft beauty women tend to look better in selfies is right. Soft beauty women often don't look as good in distanced pics. Probably why most models are very manfaced. Strong faces photograph better from a distance.
No. 486599
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Put a cardigan and jeans on her and leave the frumpy hair on, and she becomes a very normal girl next door
No. 486702
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No. 489995
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Normally I find Chappell quite cute (sorry lesvestigating nonnies) but just saw this and wtf? She looks awful. Did the same people who think short haired Katy Perry is butch style her here?
No. 490047
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>>489995she always looks like shit in that ridiculous drag queen makeup. idc if it "is ironic" or "is to repel men". it repels women too. she's a theater kid clown. looks so much better natural.
No. 490945
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I typically find her attractive but high potential didn't do her justice at all. I get they were trying to style her as a low income single mom in LA but they ended up just making an overgrown Hannah Montana
No. 491034
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Genuinely I do not get it. She looks like every frog faced fat German girl at my old high school. Is this one of those cases where the woman gets hyped just cause she's blond? ugly fucking pug face.
No. 491035
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Granted with this one it's mainly her brainwashed underage fans I see calling her pretty, but what the fuck happened to her? (rhetoric question ofc, surgery and she's obviously anachan). I never liked her looks, even back in her Disney days, but nowadays she just looks demented. Like the after picture from one of those lobotomy photos. And they let her in a movie? Who wants to look at that thing for any extended amount of time?
No. 491038
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>>491035The movie made her look even worse
No. 491279
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>>491034Why is styling so bad in the 2020s? It's like designers and artists got together and decided what could they do to make women look the ugliest and went with that
No. 491456
>>491447Nta but people talk about her looks all the time. Usually her shit styling and the way her mouth is always hanging open.
Why do people open this thread then fling shit when exactly what it says in the OP is occurring
No. 491608
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>>491605also it makes them look like a retarded mouthbreather rat
napoleon dynamite vibes
No. 491647
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>>491447>>491279Taylor was so beautiful when she was younger, and her styling was perfect. I remember thinking she was one of the most gorgeous girls I had ever seen when I was like 8, kek. Unfortunately she has now pumped herself full of fillers, messed with her eyelids, and insists on doing shitty winged liner and red lips for some reason. It makes me sad, she looks so rough these days
No. 491686
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>>491038Oh my god she looks like a retarded duck. Wtf did you do to your face girl?? She should've stayed with the Blackiana/Latiana look honestly. I always thought her bangs looks were kind of cute. Blonde is such a no for her.
No. 491698
>>491647>>491647>she looks worse nowyes its called ageing retard…those pics were from 17 years ago.
have you seen her landwhale mom…thats Taylor in 10 years
No. 491729
>>491035She's admitted she's been going to therapy about her time at Nickelodeon. It's probably brought up a ton of bottled up trauma of being raped and molested by disgusting scrotes during her time at Nickelodeon and she's lapsed into anorexia from the emotional stress.
She's also pretty much hated by everyone now for stealing a brand new mother's husband, so people theorize she's going blonder and paler and skinnier to look more innocent and childlike (even though she just looks like a sickly Sicilian grandma now kek).
Also she's one of the most textbook cases of bpd I've seen, so this is her current identity now I guess. She's always been a cringey kind of theater kid who was obsessed with the 50s/60s and hinted at that a lot through the years. That 50s styling only enhances her 90 year old Sicilian Nona look and ages her. The baddie look was a music company marketing ploy to make her look more grown up and sexy compared to her Sam and Kat and Victorious days.
No. 491794
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Never understood it, even during her prime in OITB and that 70s show. She could've definitely played up the cute butch angle but then decided to channel an abusive Midwestern step mom who refuses to touch a potato chip but will get fillers and complete botched rocks of breast implants.
I still found her face extremely plain either way - but "plain" being the beauty standard, people forget, is a good thing and a sign of a society that has a healthy body image
No. 491829
>>432744She is beautiful. Well not model that gives you WOW reaction but she is obviously attractive. 7/10 or more.
The thing is… She looks extremely young like 15-20 max.
Here is your answer why moids love her…
No. 492527
>Maybe you just aged like shit, anon.? where the fuck did that come from kekkkk
No. 495199
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She looks like Michelle Trachtenberg if she was autistic
No. 495213
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Never understood her fan base. She looks like bizzaro world version of grimes mixed with Ariana grande
No. 495280
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>>495199This is all I see when she smiles. Gigantic mouth. But she got a great body, gotta admit that.
No. 495283
>>495199she's 10 billion times prettier than Trachtenberg, get your eyes checked
>>495213she was pretty before all the surgery
No. 495618
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>>473547>>480429>>480475>>480484>>480507Why are so many scrotes in this thread? Fuck off to r9k and kiwifarms, fucking retarded losers. Rope and rot away in your room, scum.
No. 495620
>>495619I wish we had cards or something to prove we're actual females.
I'm sick of these morons spreading their cancer everywhere, scrote scums.
No. 495656
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>>480134honestly this entire thread seemed pointless to me because women arent shilled as attractive the same way men are, but this is the only woman that i agree fits here. Like everyone goes on and on about how cool she is and how great her skin is when her image is the generic influencer package, her skin looks exactly like all the million other celebrities with thousands to spend on expensive treatments, and honestly her face is just ok. Like shes not ugly by normal people standards, but shes just mid. Do people actually think shes beautiful? she just looks like an average woman why is she a model..