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No. 300350
>>300321Can you explain the diagram? Are those two different cervix opening shapes? Or is one doing that because of menstruation? Is one bad? I'm guessing you just chose a random image.
>le google it!!!!Kys
No. 300355
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>>300350Nulliparous or nonparous is the cervical opening of a woman that hasn't given birth to a child.
Parous is the cervical opening after a women has given birth.
The type of cervical opening is just an indicator that show whether or not a women have given birth and doesn't have any affect on the body afterwards.
No. 300389
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Funny how this thread was created at the exact hour I started my period. Cheers nonas!
>Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross
why tho
No. 300394
>>300324I don't think there's anything to do but wait it out, I just wanted to say I relate hard to this anon. As a straight woman who's never been on hormonal birth control I've always been very affected by ovulation. I low-key can't wait to hit menopause so this obsession will end kek (jk).
Also I am obsessed with the way my bf smells. By now I think he is used to me nuzzling his armpits, but he hasn't been with a lot of girls so I'm afraid he thinks I am just a weirdo lol. Yesterday I sat down and leaned in to smell him first thing in the morning because he smelled so good, but sadly he became self-conscious and went to change his shirt because he thought he was a bit sweaty. To make things worse I was compelled to ask him if I could have his old shirt in my backpack so I could "smell it at work haha jk". He didn't give it to me.
No. 300457
>>300423Getting off any pharmaceuticals they give you in an attempt to “regulate” your cycle is the first step! The second step is tracking and regulating your circadian rhythm, eating a steady healthy diet made up of foods that aid in hormonal health (
carrots, protein from all kinds of animals, root vegetables, aromatics, lots of ginger, red raspberry leaf tea, saturated fats), and instead of imprisoning yourself into some kind of strict workout routine make it a habit to walk as many extra miles as you can daily to shake up your guts a little. I hope this helps!
No. 301091

>>300648The whole "size 1" "size 2" thing is kinda bullshit it just has to do with how active you are, how heavy your flow is, and most importantly, YOUR BODY. Theres no way a T-chart will be able to tell you for certain what size is best for you. If its "falling out" it may be that its too big? Dont worry about whether your a virgin or not. Its a learning curve, I'd say give it about 3-4 periods to get familiar with, and if it still doesnt work, try another brand/size. Depending on the brand you got (or if you bought it on Amazon), you may be able to get your money back.
I really recommend the Period Nirvana Youtube channel, she has a lot of videos that address newbie questions. Also it may just be that the cup isnt 100% your thing (but dont give up so early in the game!!)
r/menstrualcups is also a good resource to talk to other women trying the same products as you: discs and period underwear are also great options. I notice you said you wanted to stop using pads, I found period underwear to be the best substitute, and its not as gross as people think tbh. I usually use it as a backup to my disc/cup. I hope you can make these products work for you cause they can really be life changing when you figure them out. Gl
No. 301099
>>301091>>300350I’m not the OP who made that thread and I started googling it but maybe this helps?
>The size and shape of the cervix vary widely with age, hormonal state, and parity.
>In the nulliparous female it is barrel shaped with a small circular external os at the center of the cervix. (fig. 2a).
>In parous women, cervix is bulky and the external os becomes slit-like (fig. 2b).(page 6 in the PDF)
I also got a feeling the image for the thread was chosen randomly.
No. 301101
>>300350And I’m not a native English speaker but just found out that “parous” means “ having produced offspring”, so looks like the difference is women who haven’t give birth vs those who did (different shape).
(samefag for second post + sage)
No. 301372
A few months ago I started getting vaginal cramps during my period; it sucked, but the internet said it was normal. Now the cramps are happening outside of my period and I've had them today all day, non-stop, alternating between very sharp jolts of pain and an overall soreness. I have no other symptoms at all (no weird discharge, no pain during sex, no spotting, no bloating) so I have no clue what's going on (I do have a lot of PCOS symptoms and would like to ask for an assessment but I'm reading that it should give you pain in the ovaries, not the actual vagina itself?).
I'm calling the doctor tomorrow if it doesn't stop by then, but getting appointments and then tests done takes so long. Painkillers don't work, a hot water bottle only helps a little, walking/stretching helps temporarily but my college classes require me to sit all day.
Do any of you nonnies get weird vaginal cramps? Do you have any advice on how to alleviate them?
No. 301469
>>301385>>301140I ended up going to ER kek, you can read about my experience in the vent thread
>>>/ot/1422511 I don't want to scare anyone from trying the cup but be careful if you have vaginismus
No. 301898
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>>301897Honestly, I know you're saying that you're craving attention, but my best advice would just be to lay low and sort of stay away from everyone during your worst days. Just have some cozy days at home if you can, with your favorite soothing things (movies, tea/snacks, music, lil creative hobbies). Just ride it out while minimizing harm to yourself and others.
No. 301905
Wanna give some general tips that I wish I knew earlier. Hated that I was a woman for so long because of PMDD symptoms :(
Certain supplements can help with regulating your cycle: Vitamin B6, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, and Vitamin D
Learn about the menstruation phases and start tracking them. When you are on your period focus on low impact workouts (long walks, swimming, dancing, etc…)
Eat for your cycle. High nutrient food, aromatics, and protein are all great when menstruating. Raspberry tea is helpful for a lot of women. Tea with tumeric, ginger, honey, and lemon is good. If you don't like ginger normally consider getting ginger pills. Avoid cold food.
Sleep more and learn how to sleep quickly. Muscle relaxation techniques are helpful, if you are paranoid about blood stains get some designated period sheets and a mattress pad. Consider a weighted blanket and heat pack. Learn to do 10-20 minute long power naps.
If weed is available try CBD I like to place a couple drops of CBD oil on my stomach and inside my vagina. If you need additional pain management drugs naproxen is better as an anti-inflamatory med.
Orgasms can help reduce period pain.
If nothing helps and your period feels unmanagably painful, causes depression, and actively harms your work and personal relationship then go to your doctor. They will be dismissive or try to immediately put you on birth control. Advocate for yourself as hard as possible. Menstrual disorders like PMDD, Endo, and PCOS are more common than you think. Your period might suck but it shouldn't push you to suicide.
Give yourself the kindness you would give a friend. You don't need to be at 100% when you are in pain
No. 302998
>>301905Thank you nona, very appreciated. I want to add: Dong Quai. I'm not one to believe in natural supplements and all that woo stuff but Dong Quai does wonders for me, it basically gets rid of all of my PMS symptoms and makes my actual period less severe. The only problem is built up tolerance, I need to stop taking it for a few cycles for it to have the desired effect again.
Another tip I wish I knew sooner: Take your painkillers before the actual pain starts. Especially if they are anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic. They are more effective that way.
No. 303719
>>303674same here nona (including wearing the incontinence pants). I bled so much once I had to go to hospital and whilst I was there they gave me some tranexamic acid and told me to ask my doctor for a repeat prescription. i highly recommend it. basically it promotes clotting (you only take it the days you bleed) and results in a much lighter period. I still get the worst cramps though.
I've never heard of the separate hymen before. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of problems we face due to our reproductive systems. So many things can and do go wrong, it's a nightmare.
No. 304036
>>304030sounds like it could be endo. if they offer an exploratory laparoscopy, please do it. Healthy organs can be damaged by untreated endo
the surgery is done outpatient and i recovered quickly from it. they only make 3 tiny cuts and hide them well. i can barely find mine anymore.
No. 304776
>>304596Update again, my period started today! Very relieved.
>>304604Oh it might have been that, I was eating less recently without realising.
No. 305936
>>305123So, update, I just started bleeding. It is way lighter than how my periods usually start, and my period isn't due until I think mid January. How do I know if it's implantation bleeding, a miscarriage, or my period coming early?
I feel so weird using Lolcow for medical advice haha but I have no one else to turn to! Thank you to the anon who responded to my earlier post!
No. 306573
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Good morning nonnas, I'm a bit worried mostly because this hasn't happened to me before:
So, on 21st December I got my period but it was super light and had no cramps, which is unusual for me. Usually my periods are a bit heavy for the first 2 days including manageable cramps and some clots, then they drop off and my period usually clears up by day 4. However, this December period was barely one at all, and it was very short. I assumed this was just a one-off and carried on with my day, I didn't have any unusual pain or felt extremely weak or anything.
But then this morning I woke up bleeding pretty heavy. I woke up naturally, not because I was in pain (I'm still not) but I'm obviously concerned as I don't know if this is just my period finishing itself off/starting again or another problem. The blood is quite dark so it's fresh, not that bbq sauce old blood stuff. I've already tried to ring the doctors but there's a massive queue atm. I don't know if this is normal or something I need to go to the hospital for? I don't feel like I'm about to die or anything kek, nor am I in pain or dizzy or anything, I'm just bleeding as if it was my period all over again.
Thank you nonnas.
No. 306593
>>306573is it possible on the 21st you ovulated? (it's not out of the question for me to bleed during ovulation - for a couple days even) That would mean this heavy bleeding is your actual period.
Sometimes women get follicular or "functional" cysts in the ovary. These are normal and tend to just go away, but occasionally one can cause some bleeding and period-like symptoms at ovulation when it resolves itself.
I used to be really alarmed at ovulation bleeding but then I learned many women have it.
No. 306695
>>306573It's 100% ovulation bleeding like
>>306593 said, it sucks but it's normal. It's suprising to me how few people know this can happen, not criticizing you nonita, please don't take it the wrong way, I'm just once again dissapointed at the lack of education on women's health.
No. 306758
>>306593>>306695Thanks for responding nonnas. It might be that, I was just confused because the 21st december was when my
actual period was supposed to come, not this light short bleeding stuff. It just didn't feel like a period at all, although it was due. I guess it could have been a late ovulation, then? God it's confusing.
I'm still bleeding today but it's slightly less heavy. I spoke to a woman through the NHS last night and she has arranged for me to call a doctor on Monday if things don't start to clear up by then.
I really hope it's just a hormone fluctuation that's fucked my cycle up - I get really traumatised just thinking about people inspecting my vagina/cervix etc so I'm hoping it's nothing. Fingers crossed and thanks for your answers nonnas.
No. 311414
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>>311367High t doesn't always mean PCOS. I'd ask for a copy of your hormone level tests since a lot of doctors label women has high t when their testosterone isn't even close to being high
No. 311444
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i'm so tired of hormones. my face was fine two days ago, and today it looks like an exploded landmine from all the acne. decided to also pick at milia with a (sterile) needle, cause why the fuck not, it's not like any more redness will make a difference kek. day 2 of your period is the fucking worst in all aspects tbh.
No. 313577
>>313563Yes I also have terrible poops
>>313482Yes. I probably have PMDD because on top of my mental issues and not being medicated properly (not my fault, can't afford) my hormones flare up and I literally feel like sappy, horny death who is constantly sullen and lonely and affected by everything around me
>>313425Pain everywhere
No. 313585
>>313482yes. It can last as long as over a week for me before I get my period and then it becomes less, it sucks and you’re definitely not alone with this.
>>313577same my doctor offered me hormones to threat it but I‘ll try with sports etc and stress reduction first because I have no idea how my body will react to such an intervention seeing that pms/pmdd is an issue with the way your brain reacts to hormone changes and not necessarily the hormones itself if I understood it correctly. Wish I knew about it earlier. anyone else here has bad PMS and didn’t notice it for a long time? I legit thought I was insane before I started to track my cycle and recognized the pattern.
No. 313945
>>313931I always takes baths on my period, I've never had issues. Never heard of it damaging the uterus lining, how does that even work? It's the same level of people saying not to use soap on your vagina, yeah obviously don't scrub
inside but use soap to wash the outside of yourself. If you aren't purposefully directing water inside to clean yourself it should be fine.
No. 313967
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Will night sweats from progesterone cream ease up? I am in my early 30's, nonmenopausal. I got some progesterone cream because my libido has been zilch for 10+ years and I was suck of it. It fucking works but I'm sweating buckets at night. Am I going to die or get cancer bc I did this without a doctor? Will my hormones level out after this inital period of time? I don't want to go back nonnies
No. 314055
>>313967Update: saw my OB today and she prescribed me some progesterone in the form of the "mini pill" birth control. I noticed that the progesterone cream has 21mg, while the pills only have .35 mg. Huge difference. I also fuckin forgot to ask about the night sweats but there aren't studies (that my doctor was aware of) on women in their 30's taking progesterone supplements. Obviously the pills are nice because the dosage will be the exact same every time; the cream comes out in pumps and I can never be sure exactly how much is in a pump (product settling, etc.).
Also sorry if this isn't the correct thread, I'm not using this for birth control so this seemed more fitting.
No. 314461
>>314411I have had my hormones checked & everything seems normal. My doctor literally said that it's not worth going over & that hormones have very little to do with this. That sounds wrong but ok… I do not have any gyno illnesses or complications aside from some cysts on my ovaries that I've been told are normal and nothing to worry about.
Side note, when I had my bilateral salpingectomy, the doctor gave me photos from the cameras they used for the surgery and I was able to see the cysts which were tinyyy, I was shocked. I thought they would be bigger even though mine are apparently not bad. I also got to see in the pics the process of burning off/removing the fallopian tubes which was cool, and I always wondered what my uterus actually looks like- a small round organ, not like the perfect triangles you see in medical diagrams [which is normal, obv it's gonna be perfectly flat & laid out in a diagram]. Was super interesting. Anyhoo thatks for the reply nonna
No. 315092
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Why am I getting my period twice a month? This is hell on earth. Now I can only go 1-2 weeks without ibuprofen because the pain is that bad (both during and before the period). Is it because I'm eating more burgers lately? I can't think of any other huge lifestyle changes.
No. 315103
I don't need a reminder app because it always happens right after the full moon, I can just look at the sky to see when it's that time again. Life is pretty good sometimes.
>>315092I'm sorry nonna that sounds horrible, I'm not sure what to say except quit the burgers and see if it makes a difference? Otherwise go to the doctor, it's not normal to have it twice a month and I imagine awful as well. Hope it gets better
nonnie ♥
No. 316777
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HELP nonnies my period makes me a literal incapable retard
>get first period 5 years ago
>epic, i am now a certified and licensed Woman
>my Woman license comes in the post, I get 69 xp and get a new rank and extra buffs for my character, very happy
ffw to now
>just before period: depressive and reclusive, hopeless, intermittently horny and then depressive/anxious
>during period: incredibly fatigued, want to nap every day, no energy to hang out with people, don't do as well at the gym
>look clapped: face is puffy
>feel sad and hopeless
>i feel mentally 'slow'
Does anynonny here have any way to combat this? Any supplements I need to take, any lifestyle changes? I don't want to be btfo by mother nature any more. I mean ONE WEEK per month? That's ridiculous. I can't slay only three quarters of my fertile life. I want my energy and mental stability back.
No. 316815
>>316800not a scrote, just retarded
please help. i am fatigued and mentally unwell during this phase of the month
>>316803anon…wtf? how can you lose that much blood? please see a doctor. i hope you're ok. if it's endo or pcos so many people go through it that you will be understood and helped.
No. 316823
>>316777>5 years agodid you start late or underage…
It's natural, your hormones fuck things up, I'm sure you know about PMS.
Just make sure you're getting enough iron I guess.
No. 316842
>>316815Ok retarded anon. All of what you're experiencing is very normal, but if you have it quite severely you may have PMDD. I find what helps me is a generally healthier lifestyle. Eat more nutritious food, cut down on your alcohol consumption, stop smoking. Time your exercise with your cycle - do more high intensity exercise when you're in the first phase of your cycle and have more energy, transition to chilled exercise like walking, yoga and pilates with your luteal phase. As for supplements, if you have some kind of vitamin deficiency you'll definitely feel worse during your period and PMS so it may be worthwhile looking at your vitamin D, iron and B12 levels, even if just for your general health. Otherwise, you can look at taking magnesium, omega 3, evening primrose oil. All of this won't eradicate your pms, but it might help lessen it. You have to learn to live in sync with the shitty effects of your cycle and be mindful of it.
No. 316849
>>316777When you menstruate, not only is estrogen lower than in other phases of the menstrual cycle (and this affects your energy and mood as well), but since you lose a lot of blood it makes you iron levels drop, which obviously makes you more fatigued. It's completely normal and if you don't eat enough foods with iron in your regular diet to compensate, you can get anemia over time. Of course, if you already have an iron-rich diet (complemented with vitamin C), then you could be bleeding more than the average which would cause even more fatigue, but if your symptoms are truly unbearable to the point every time you are about to have your period you literally can't work or go to school, you might have PMS. Just being aware of these hormonal changes and how your period affects your vitamin and mineral levels can prepare you to deal with the effects of menstruation and make it more tolerable and easier to deal with.
I don't know how you haven't learned or noticed this in the 5 years you've allegedly been capable of menstruation, or how you're posting here when you're obviously pretty young, but I'm choosing to believe you are an 18 year old woman who started to menstruate at 13 and had a really shitty sexual education or whose female family members were absent or just ignorant/prudish.
Now promise you'll stop posting in such a retarded way No. 316926
>>316842Ah anon…this was so helpful. I don't drink or smoke but I will try to pick up omega 3, iron and b12 supplements. I'm going to start tracking it, and living in sync like you said
>>316849Alright, I'm going to get more iron in. Nawww i didn't really hear much about periods, was embarrassed to talk about it.
>Now promise you'll stop posting in such a retarded wayn-no…sorry senpai… No. 318717
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I just bought some boob tape and I'm literally salivating at the thought of THE RELIEF of taping them a certain way during PMS breast tenderness. I swear, SALIVATING.
No. 318848
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samefag but i'm on my period and i am raging inside. i have a literal fire going inside me and everything is pissing me off. it makes me think about how much worse the world would be if men ever had such huge fluctuations in hormones like this, because women are capable of being self-aware enough to not take it out on everyone around them, i think men would go on violent sprees a lot more often than they already do if they had to deal with a monthly cycle
No. 318895
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>>318848I've once read somewhere during certain parts of the cycle testosterone peaks and makes women more aggressive and angry aka acting more like men. Men just can't control their fucking violent emotions like animals
Slightly related: Has anyone here gone through the process of being diagnosed with PMDD? Im seriously considering going get tested for this, even though it only affects like 5% of women. I've never gone to a gyno or had taken birth control
never needed a reason to, sad kek and have the usual pms symptoms the week before my period but never thought my depression/mood swings the rest of the month outside my period could be connected to this. I lived for years like it is normal to just be really depressed and think about suicide daily for part of the month and be (somewhat) more stable for a few days. Is this something I'd go to a general doctor for or have to see a gyno about? I know I will have to see a gyno eventually anyway, should I bring this up as something I'm possibly dealing with or will they assume I'm just trying to diagnose myself?
No. 318905
>>318895You should go to the gyno, nona, especially since you have never gone before. Just go get checked and ask the gyno all the questions you may have.
I went to the gyno a few months ago for the first time and I don't regret it one bit. I discovered that I have polycystic ovaries, and that has helped me understand my body and menstrual cycles a lot. The woman was very kind and made sure I was comfortable through the entire process. She also answered all my questions about anatomy, pms, etc. If you can, try to ask for a female gynecologist, since I've heard some horror stories about male gynos. All the best luck to you.
No. 319088
>>319068Do you just have weak pain tolerance or does it really hurt? The only time I ever felt like puking from pain it was kidney stones.
sudden changes = doctor etc.
No. 319595
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anyone else get the most unhinged and insane thoughts right before the period? like having a full mental breakdown and convincing yourself that youre suicidal and telling close people about it weeping but then your period starts the fucking next day…
and now youre not sure which part was the messed up hormones or your actual feelings?… happened to me but also happened to my older sister so i felt a lot less retarded when she told me lol trying to do the same for a nona who needs it…
No. 320017
I get so incredibly horny while PMSing which lasts like 1-2 weeks, to the point of frustration because nothing satisfies me and it happens several times a day. It takes too long to feel satisfied and I usually "lose it."
Then my period finally hits and it's so excruciating I'm stuck in bed for a week, or else I risk collapsing from the pain or being a burden to whoever I go out in public with. I have to wear pads too because some fucky shit happens with my vaginal muscles, or I'm just too tight, and I can't fit a tampon or cup in there, so I'd take the bleed risk over very bad vaginal/cervical pain any day.
I'm suffering and will continue suffering because I'm on week two of PMS and know the worst pain ever is gonna fucking destroy any chance I have of enjoying this week (and maybe next week)
No. 320465
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there is a settlement about pfas in thinx underwear, settlement covers purchases from between November 12, 2016 and November 28, 2022. have to submit by the 12th of april, so six days from now.
>Dickens, et al. v. Thinx Inc., No. 1:22- cv-4286-JMF id share in case any amerinons want to make a few bucks back. technically you need to have purchased but you don't need to provide proof, you just gotta be ok with lying that you 'attest to purchasing under penalty of perjury' kek
>Cash reimbursement: You may receive a $7.00 refund for each purchase of up to 3 pairs of Thinx Period Underwear reflected in Thinx's records, or for which you provide a valid proof of purchase (for a total of up to $21.00). Your Claim Form will indicate whether Thinx has a record of your purchases or you need to provide proof of purchase.>Cash reimbursement without proof of purchase: You may receive a $3.50 refund for each purchase of up to 3 pairs of Thinx Period Underwear that are not reflected in Thinx's records and for which you do not have proof of purchase (for a total of up to $10.50), but which you attest to purchasing under penalty of perjury.>Voucher: You may choose to receive a voucher for a discount of 35% off future purchases of up to $150 of Eligible Voucher Products in a single purchase transaction on the Thinx website ( (maximum discount $52.50). Please see below for a list of Eligible Voucher Products for which the voucher can be used: No. 330182
My period has been due for a very long time now, I'm cramping really bad like I'm on it, but my body is not bleeding. I bled a very, very small amount three days ago, it completely stopped. It happens again today, and there's no blood an hour later. None even got on my pad. I have all the other period symptoms, it hurts excruciatingly like I am, but nothing. I had all the premenstrual symptoms, and it's fucking up. They hurt. I want to know what the fuck is going on, because my ultrasound came back completely normal, and my previous vitamin D deficiency is now at a normal level. Does anyone know what might be the problem? I'm a lesbian and a virgin, so it isn't pregnancy.
No. 330481
>>330413Sure! I mentioned I thought I might have PCOS to a doctor while I was being tested for something else that might be connected. Doctor was reluctant at first since I'm not overweight/don't "look" like the type, and since I'm on birth control I had to go off of it for a while to let my hormones levels go back to whatever is their natural level. I waited three months, made the request again. I got two separate blood tests; one at a random point in my cycle that showed elevated androgens, then a second one on the first day of my period to compare with the first one. That came up too high too, so I got the diagnosis.
I did get a pelvic scan later and they only found very small cysts, but I was told PCOS is no longer diagnosed from scans since women can have it without having large cysts/overly large ovaries, especially when you're on the pill.
Overall it sucks and most doctors do not take you seriously if you're not visibly obese/extremely hairy (and the male GP who referred me for the scan made things up in my letter saying I'm not hirsute and don't have painful periods, despite never meeting me or asking me about it). I think a lot of doctors that are well-meaning also just don't know much about it as PCOS is still very underdiagnosed, so it's possible they missed something.
No. 332387
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Hey nonnas, I went on the cerazette micro pill some years ago. I have lost maybe three stone in the last two years and whilst I would have rarer and lighter periods, I'm now pretty regular and have a heavy bleed most months. Is this normal? My doctor has said the pill should still be working and my partner fucked me right before my period this month and it occured to me to check with nonnies after intrusive thoughts but I wondered if anyone else has had similar experiences. Thanks!
No. 333761
>>333614Not sure how much time you have before your flight but have you thought buying about period underwear?
Maybe take away a lot of the stress about changing a pad/tampon in those tiny airline bathrooms.
No. 334601
>>334589What's your washing routine?
Any laundry that involves bodily fluids (period panties, cloth diapers, stuff with vomit on it) benefits from being washed first in cold water with a detergent/stain remover with enzymes in it. And then washed again in warm water with your usual detergent
No. 334701
>>334589Modibodi. A pair a day. Rinse and squeeze blood out under the cold water tap until they have been running clear for a few minutes. Immediately hang up inside out in the bathroom. Leave them there until my period is over then wash them on a 30 degree wool/hand wash with 100ml wool detergent. Hang up inside out again until fully dry (1+ day) before packing away. Never had an issue. I use wool detergent because one of the gusset layers in MB that combats smell is wool and that's what the company says should be used or they'll stop working over time.
Did you ever soak them? You're not supposed to. You might have ruined some inner material which is why they stopped working? Next time, I would rinse out with cold water until clear then chuck them in a 40c (warm) wash with normal, enzyme detergent. Maybe every so many washes they need a deeper clean?
No. 335530
>>334709what dosage are you currently taking?
is it simple quercetin or dihydroquercitin/taxifolin? i've seen the second one being sold a lot more than the first
never heard of quercitin for allergies before though, maybe i should try them, and reducing the menses sounds even better
No. 335604
>>335540>Is a period-tracking app even remotely worth the massive invasion of privacy?No.
>is there an alternative, analog way to do this?Buy one of those tiny paper calendars people use as bookmarks and circle your period days. Or use a notebook, as the other anon suggested, and write down the dates.
No. 336175
Where can I get good cloth pads? There’s a ton on etsy but idk about buying from there.
>>335642That’s a good idea, I always forget to mark my physical calendar
No. 337235
>>337232>could it be an indicator of overall poor healthYes. Yes, it is. Eat healthy food, get your 8 hours of sleep, and practice moderate exercise. Daily. Then your period should stabilize on its own.
I'd check up on the thyroid problem as well, if I were you.
No. 337259
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>>337213Damn we were both hoping to avoid that since I became a retarded mess on bc and I don't want her to experience the same. Thank you for the reply though
nonnie No. 337293
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I used to get typical but not too bad periods— cramping toward the beginning, painful cramps and heavy day one, maybe two, then light flow and smooth sailing for the other two days
Now I’m getting light to very light periods with no pain, no cramps at all.
I’m not complaining but is this something I should be worried about? I’m 33 and I’ve gained weight this last year (not overweight but not thin)
No. 338188
Idk if this is the right thread but it is hormone related so I guess I will try. When I was younger I started my period pretty early, around 9 or 10. It got really super heavy a few years later, my mom wouldnt believe me at the time how heavy kek but that was the heaviest periods of my life. I also grew a thick moustache. Hormones tested, testosterone too high, got cysts on my ovaries, all that fun stuff. Insurance covered laser for the stache though so I got to leave early from school in 4th grade every few weeks for my 'spa' treatment kek. Helped a lot, but its definitely still thick and noticable. At the time I was a bit overweight, like bmi 27ish. By the time I was no longer a minor I got my weight under control and my period evened out some. Ditched the bc they rxed me. Over the next years my period stabalized more and I got almost what one would call shredded. Probably a touch of orthoexia truth be told. FF to covid, lockdown, etc and the past several years I quit the gym entirely. I gained back the weight. I am bmi 27.5ish I think. Not obese but overweight for sure. Always had 1 or 2 dark chin hairs, slowly got more over the years. This past year my chin(well under it) has turned into a neckbeard. Thick dark hairs sprouting all over. They make deep dark blackhead looking spots I have to dig them out in order to pluck. It looks awful. I have 2 thick patches on either side beneath my jaw, and thick blonde hairs like a goatee around my actual chin. A few darker not yet black hairs there too. Wtf? I am not yet 30. I know older women (menopause?) get those hairs commonly but I am too young for it to be this way. Is this all due to the weight gain? If I go to a doctor they will rx me birth control and I refuse to ever take bc again. My period is predictable and shorter now finally. 1 really heavy day, 3 to 5 medium/light spotting days. Couple bad cramps but nothing worrying. No cyst issues that I am aware of and no crazy period/hormone issues like I used to have. My menstrual cycle feels extremely normal (finally). I used to not care about my body hair at all but at this rate I might actually look like I took T within the next year kek. Idk. Anyone else experience this/lost weight and it resolved/have advice other than 'doctor'?
No. 338200
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>>338188I have not experienced exactly what you're going through but when I gained weight as an adult (I put on 25-30 pounds when I was 27) I experienced much worse hormonal acne and breast tenderness and mood swings than ever before. When I lost the weight it improved. When I went back up in weight a little last year it started happening again so I'm back on my healthy living, I can't deal with insane bacne and insane moods and all that. If I recall correctly being overweight affects hormones significantly so my non-doctor opinion is Yes, it's the weight. picrel one thing I've heard of that sounds a bit like what you've got going on
No. 338210
>>338188It's probably hormonal,
nonny. When I was around the same age my periods just stopped and I started experiencing the same symptoms as you. I also started ballooning up in weight to a point of having pregnancy scares. Stopped caffeine and sugar, it went back to normal but much slower than before.
No. 338364
>>338200Ayrt makes sense, I feel like I havent put on enough weight for it to occur but maybe I have kek. Still need another 10, maybe 15 lbs to be considered obese, but there is no denying I need to weigh less. I read the cap, and I realized that some meds I started a little over a year ago have the side effect of increasing hgh, which probably increases testosterone too. (It is also one reason for gaining weight because it is a sedative and I will do the ambien thing and binge eat sometimes while barely concious..but Ive finally made some progress on that at least kek still a ways to go though.)
>>338210Glad to hear that with your hard work some of these things reversed for you. Motivation for me.
>>338316I hate to hear that, the other anon said it did help her to be in better shape but sounds like it might vary by genetics. On the bright side its a bit fun to get high and pluck the thick hairs/blackhead things out…. I guess. I suspect that if I get in better shape maybe the hair will stop multiplying? But I have my doubts it will go away for me too. I should get that gym membership ive been putting off. Thanks for sharing.
No. 343522
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Why does my menstrual cup start leaking randomly? I don't know what's happening to break the seal, maybe I don't empty it enough but it's never full when I take it out…
No. 343870
>>343785Raspberry leaf tea. Not guaranteed to
trigger a period but it can happen, especially if you drink a couple cups a day.
No. 344986
>>344968I mean yeah, it's bodily dejection in the end. While it's not from ingesting food or drinks, it's still the unfertilized ovule that is being expelled by your body. And I guess since the ovule is made of cells and cells have some protein in them (if chemistry class memories serve right), it'd make sense for it to have a "rotten meat" like smell.
It would be more curious if it didn't smell, because only dead cells on the surface of the skin don't have a bad smell when naturally shedding (whenever on your body itches and you scratch it is the naturally shedding moment).
No. 345367
>>345224Please tell us you went to a hospital! Holy shit!
God damn I really wish we were given more info on what to expect with a medical abortion as standard, it can be so dangerous. I was on the phone to my friend while she was aborting and she was describing symptoms of hypovolemic shock to me. She wouldn't call an ambulance because she 'was fine' and 'just a bit dizzy' (confusion and delirium are some of the symptoms). I called an ambulance for her and she was still protesting as they carried her out. Her bathroom looked like she'd legitimately been murdered and paramedics said she was an hour away from bleeding out.
Sorry not to trauma dump or put anyone off a necessary medical abortion but it's just another way women are failed. Please do your research and have someone stay with you while you're aborting.
No. 345426
>>345425another moron. good luck with your possible cancer or something.
>i wonder if something is wrong with me no shit sherlock
No. 345428
>>345426 is just being a dick, a lot of things can change your period including gaining/losing a lot of weight, stress, other meds you take. It's always good to get it checked if you're worried. Ask a doctor for advice before going directly to a gyno if your past sexual abuse makes you fear it too much. They might recommend going to one but they may also catch some other obvious explanation that makes the gyno visit unnecessary
No. 345431
>>345429>she's been bleeding on and offyes that is in fact how a period works. how about you don't call rape
victims morons for being scared over approaching medical help, which i suggested she does in a more helpful way and without being a rude ass dick at the same time
No. 345436
>>345430still, they are not responsible for what the pills might do to you.
even if it gets better on its own, do not let the relief change your mind and please please please go to the hospital. good luck anon.
No. 346783
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>>346504You should probably try to read up more on your specific birth control method. Read actual studies, not what manufacturers say about it because much like the puberty blocker sellers claiming those are "safe and reversible" they have no shame and will straight up lie to us. I don't know the specifics, but it's definitely true that ALL medicine has negative side effects, and that women's bodies specifically are ignored and understudied. So it wouldn't be surprising to me at all if there are hidden negative health effects that society doesn't give a shit about because it's only harming women.
No. 346862
>>346783Thanks nona, you're right. I'll do some research.
>>346820Sorry, I should have clarified that I've had it replaced every 3 years.
No. 349902
>>349758Use a cream that contains "Benzoyl peroxide". Be careful and only use a small amount in the pimple.
It's a chemical used to treat acne, you can use in the face or body, but it can burn the skin, so be really careful, specially considering the area.
>>349811I'm happy for you nonna. I've never had a period like that before, I can't imagine how could you manage!
>>349819I have no idea what are you talking about and I don't know if I'm going to be brave enough to search that thing.
No. 352285
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>crying and trying not to scream in pain while curled up on the floor sweating through all my clothes, fainting, throwing up, feeling like there are rusty scalpels in my stomach during periods for 10 years
>heavy bleeding, blood clots
>started bleeding out of my fucking ass and hemorrhoid creams are not working
>suicidal thoughts and rage before periods so bad i can't function, pretty much all PMDD symptoms
>visit gyno
>NOTHING on the ultrasound, get prescribed basic painkillers and told bye bye
This has been going on for too long. I always tell people to follow their gut instinct but haven't done it myself. Something just isn't right, and I'm gonna try my hardest to get a laparoscopy. I've been drugging myself with heavy pain meds at the beginning of every period and thought I could live like that forever, but I've now learned endo could damage other organs. No fucking way I'm having this shit grow for another 10 years and ending up with a stoma bag or some shit. Why didn't they fucking tell me that it sometimes doesn't show up on ultrasounds? They just don't give a fuck. I can feel that something's wrong and I'm the last person to feel any kind of health anxiety.
No. 352299
>>352285Yeah this isn't normal. I agree with
>>352289 that they need to keep testing. I was exactly in your position for years and only last year got my endo diagnosis from a completely unrelated abdomen MRI. It had never shown up on ultrasound. Go figure, but it's worth a try.
No. 352341
>>352289>>352299>>352300Thanks for the support nonnies. I've been trying to read more about this stuff lately, and I'm just raging on behalf of other women suffering from this as well. Just read about this one lady getting ignored by several doctors until one actually listened to her. She ended up with a stoma bag because she had gone untreated for too long. Holy shit if that happened to me, I would empty my shitty little stoma bag in the doctors faces.
>>352299Thank you, I'll ask for an MRI as well. I'll demand it actually, because it seems like that's what you have to do.
No. 354101
>>345425 here idk if anyone cares but i figured i could update in case anyone else has a similar problem
i’ve been to the gyno, it was terrifying. a male gyno who wasn’t listed in my information email turned up and did most of it, i was so scared but i found out what was wrong.
it wasn’t anything dangerous. it turned out i have an unusually large mucous membrane that prevented blood from leaking out during my periods over a long time, causing blood to build up in my uterus until it started leaking out all the time because it was so full. i got meds against it and am now bleeding several periods in one which is absolutely unbearable but also far better than if something had been seriously wrong with me. everything else was healthy and i’ll be fine.
thank you so much to the kind anon who offered me advice and wasn’t bashing me for being scared to go to the gyno. posting my little story here in case anyone else has use for it.
No. 355248
>>354503I'm the original, funny I was just checking this thread again because I just started my period again now and I'm cramping terribly.
I'll give you a quick rundown Mona.
My period was missing for awhile (not preggo either) so I figured what the heck, let me take a plan B and see if that will jumpstart my cycle again and also make a gyno appt while I'm at it.
Got my period exactly a week after the pill, my appointment went well and I'm all fine, Dr said its normal after BC but to only worry if you go longer than 3 months w/o a cycle. Minimum of 4 cycles a year. Otherwise back on the pill or hormone injection, no thanks.
My cycle is now just going back to on the dot regular every month, but wow the first day is excruciating. I hope some of this info helps you nona!
No. 355250
>>355248Also sorry stupid me for double reply, but I asked the same thing about PCOS potentially and the Dr said the "treatment" would still be the same.
Maybe try taking a plan B (generic, name brand overpiced) and see if that will jumpstart you like it did me nona
No. 355702
>>355524the pill itself can cause PCOS so it obviously isn't a good option to those who have it
i also notice a lot of doctors are reluctant to start treatment that is likely to fix all of pcos issues (metformin and spiro) where as birth control only really helps period related pcos but not acne, weight loss, mood, etc plus the pill has way more shitty side effects than spiro or metformin
did they even talk to you about a laparoscopy? PCOS can cause massive and painful cysts that need to be monitored or removed frequently.
doctors for whatever reason refuse to properly educate women about pcos and it boggles my mind
No. 357391
>>357380I exercise 3 - 4 days a week and it's mostly a walk/run 1.5 miles and doing a couple reps for 30 minutes. My work consists of me walking 2ish miles over the duration of 8 hours so maybe that's considered part of the exercise. I don't smoke so I can factor that out.
>>357388I'm gonna up my calories. I started eating a bit of a larger portion for my breakfast so maybe I'll see some positive outcomes soon.
No. 357437
I do, and with heating pads and painkillers, I am drinking teas for relieving pain and all that but this cycle is just hitting harder than usual ones, not just physically but mentally too. Hope it calms down tomorrow.
No. 359708
>>359339Maybe you have a very low cervix? So your tampon settles up in your vagina, past your cervix. That's what I have anyway. My tampons would often have blood on one side, running down to the string
I've tried cups but use a disc now. I've found them to be the most comfortable to wear and leak-free. It does require me to be very "hands-on" though, because it takes some fiddling to make sure the disc is in the right position; tucked around my cervix
No. 359786
>>359708>past your cervixWhat do you mean by this? That’s impossible…a tampon could be next to your cervix I guess and probably is most of the time but past it? No. Having a low cervix is fake.
>>359770No it won’t be a problem you’re normal.
No. 360052
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Has anyone tried chasteberry supplements and seen any positive effects? I have not been officially diagnosed with PMDD, but my periods are horrible. About a week before bleeding starts, I get bad depressive mood changes and body aches, among have other negative symptoms. Though right now I'm not able to go to a gynaecologist, I want to try to improve my well-being and mitigate symptoms. I heard that chasteberry supplements are often prescribed by doctors in Germany for women with menstrual problems. Does anyone in this thread have any experiences with it? I know herbal remedies can't substitute medicine, but right now I don't have many options aside from rest and ibuprofen.
No. 360053
>>359339Nonnie, I have a similar problem, I did a cervical ultrasound for unrelated reasons, they ended up seeing I have a retroverted uterus, maybe it's something you have as well?
>>359361>>359786I still bleed through a cup, and it feels uncomfortable inside most of the time, tbh I've given up and just stuck with pads or the tampon + pads
No. 360077
>>359786Past as in up in the vagina above you cervix. Not pushed through your cervix into your uterus
nonnieAnd how the fuck is having a low cervix fake? Some women need to reach their whole finger in to touch theirs and others just a single digit
No. 360197
nonnie. That's useful to know. It finally came yesterday, so about 6 days late for a 31-day cycle. I shave less pain and bleeding lighter in general. I'm not sure if that's a common side effect. Honestly, I love it, though. I'm just hoping this is my new normal. I hated having a short cycle and bad cramps.
No. 360239
>>360053 you might have a retroverted uterus. No lie, my gynecologist off-handedly mentioned I had it one day after 5 YEARS of going to her, and that was only when I complained about some sex positions hurting SMH. It's worth it to ask. Dumbass doctor shit aside, a retroverted uterus is not that big of a deal! Many women have it and getting tampons to fit correctly is a matter of trying higher or lower insertions. Hope it's something as mundane as that for you
nonnie, hugs.
No. 361584
>>361583Samefag, just to clarify as some nonas in this thread seem to have endo without anything showing up on the ultrasound. My vaginal ultrasound showed that everything looked normal but because of similar experiences as
>>352285 they insisted I have endo. So don't give up! A good doctor (like my hipster looking female gyno kek) will still help you even if your ovaries look fine.
No. 377608
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I usually have short, painless extremely light periods but this time around I’ve been bleeding gallons for 7 days straight. Am I shedding an entire years worth of blood?? Divine punishment for having it too easy period wise?
No. 378174
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I always had lower back pain on my period but lately my joints have been hurting too, particularly my hips and knees. Auntie Google confirms this is A Thing due to lower estrogen levels during menstruation which bodes for a particularly awful menopause experience for me in later life. Men truly have no idea the hell we go through while just going about our day to day lives like we’re not in complete agony.
No. 384014
>>383991Masturbation usually does it for me, penetration not necessary.
>>382446I've noticed in the lead up to and in the beginning of my period I've been getting really bad nipple pain to the point I can't wear a bra sometimes. I never used to get this before and my period symptoms are usually not consistent but this have been my last 4-5 period.
No. 384181
I'm not sure if this fits here, but I need to vent. For a year now, I've been having debilitating hot flashes and my cycle has become a mess. I have to take multiple showers every day, I bring changes of clothes anywhere I go, and it's gotten to the point where my bf has told me that I get so hot my skin actually burns him and I'm too hot to touch. It feels like I'm running a fever, but it will come and go randomly throughout the day and night. Besides that, or related, my period is a nightmare. I'll bleed for 2 months straight, then skip a few months, then have random spotting. I can't track my cycle at all. My body is intolerant to BC of all types, and each gyno I've seen (I've now seen five) won't take me seriously and continue to prescribe BC even though I tell them my body rejects it and when I'm on it, it feels like I'm being poisoned. I'm so tired of not having control over my body temperature, and I can't figure out what's happening to me. Each doc I've seen has flat out told me "I don't know what to do about your hot flashes". I'm so tired, and just want to stop trying because no one believes me. What do I do? have any of you nonas experienced anything similar? btw I'm in my 20s, have a healthy bmi and am fairly active.
No. 384188
>>384181Sounds like either thyroid issues, probably hyperthyroidism due to hot flashes, or more rarely early menopause. Both will cause hot flashes and wreak havoc with your cycle.
I'd get your thyroid and sex hormones checked, also a thyroid ultrasound might be useful.
My friend had similar symptoms and it turned out she had Hashimoto's, once she got put on pills her period went back to normal and she stopped having hot flashes.
No. 384911
>>360077>>359786Cervix position also depends on menstrual cycle. It's literally 2-3 cm away from the entrance when I'm on my period. When I'm ovulating though it gets so high, I can't reach it at all, especially if I'm aroused.
>>382446Mine got better actually, they last around 4-5 days with painful day being just the first one. The pain isn't excruciating as it used to be, I literally suffered as a teen, throwing up a lot, passing out from pain and having hot flashes. At some point I couldn't stand because my leg muscles were all fucked up, I was afraid periods will render me disabled lmao. More often than not I don't even take painkillers.
Not sure what changed, but I became sexually active, work out a lot too which fixed my muscles, changed my diet quite drastically and I usually spend the first day of my periods drinking herbal teas or water only, eating the blandest food, and masturbating whole day. I noticed it helps better with cramps, might be because orgasm makes the uterus contract in some way that helps pushing out bloody chunks. But even if I don't reach an orgasm, just merely pressing on the clit relieves the pain, sometimes I sit with a vibrator for hours (I don't reach an orgasm from it alone, something that a lot of people were surprised to learn. It just gives some slight pleasant sensation that helps with cramps.)
What I can't get rid of however is feeling like I'm poisoned. I feel dizzy, confused, sleepy, and may get acid reflux if I don't watch what I eat. Like
>>382397 just merely thinking about chocolate makes me sick, and it's really bad for acid reflux anyway lol. I get super sensitive to smells too. I use it for my advantage, started my period yesterday and burned some ginger oil to relieve nausea. Nice smells in general help in general too, another weird thing I noticed is I feel relief from my cramps when I take deep breath of fresh, cold air.
I just recalled, I switched to reusable pads long ago and that's when I noticed my cramping reduced significantly! Not sure if it's a coincidence, but I read a lot about commercial pads containing various dangerous chemicals.
No. 386042
>>386028You could try tinkering with your diet. Women’s immune system is less active during the latter part of our cycle. This happens because your body is still preparing for a pregnancy, so it downregulates the immune system to avoid it attacking a potential fetus. This means if you have any food sensitivities at all, they will be more pronounced during this part of your cycle. A lot of people have some food sensitivity without knowing, an infamous one being gluten/wheat. It can lead to cognitive symptoms including poor sleep, brainfog, forgetfulness, bloating, dizziness, fatigue etc. Symptoms can appear as late as 1-3 days after eating something containing wheat, so it can be hard to connect the dots unless you do an elimination diet.
You are going to have less energy during this part of the month no matter what due to hormonal fluctuations, but if you have some food
triggers then limiting those foods at least during the latter part of your cycle can help alleviate some of it.
No. 388426
Following up on a post from another thread
>>>/g/387987 to say I got my second period since going off birth control and starting my vitamin regimen and it is also painless and mild. Maybe I cracked the code. Maybe not, I don't know only time will tell. Never had a painless period in my life before this, what a great feeling for it to be mild and not a bloodbath of agony.
No. 388914
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Has anyone ever used these portable heating pads? I was thinking of getting one to use it during work because burning the shit out of my lower stomach is the only thing that works to stop my cramps.
No. 388915
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>>388914Yes I got one for xmas .
Pro’s- cute, decent heat
Cons- not a large enough area, battery life is shyt + takes forever to charge, massage feature is weird and useless, too bulky to wear outside home (unless weather permits a comfy hoodie.)
I think you’re better off using the packets that heat up for back/neck pain. They make them for the lower stomach now, the brand is Thermacare. Midol has branded ones but I think their shape sucks.
The thermacare patches stay sooo nice and warm and soothing for 6-8 hours, are flat under anything you wear, and are convenient.
If I’m at home I’ll just wrap up with my plug-in heating pad, so I don’t feel bad about using a disposable one 1-2x a month.
YMMV but I hope this helps and am wishing you a swift, less painful cycle.
No. 392713
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>get ready to finally fix your fucked up sleep schedule and go to sleep earlier
>"ok I still only need to wash my menstrual cup"
>hand in vagener
>get a good handle on the stem and pull slightly
>stem breaks
>scared I might have to actually go to the ER
>use every finger combination imaginable to try to grip the cup
>twist yourself into pretzels trying to find a workable position
>in a moment of desperation, try to use tweezers
>stab vegane, cry
>finally manage to pull the cup out with lube-soaked fingers
>took me an hour
gotta go get a new cup tomorrow kek
No. 393723
>>384911How do you use reusable pads ? For the whole day I mean because I too want to switch to reusable pads but the idea of wearing one for the entire day is not attractive to me
However, even if you change, how do you carry the dirty pad with you ? Where do you put it ?
No. 394110
>>393887Thin reusables? Yes absolutely. Just make sure you get the right length for the flow, if it's too short and your flow is heavy it may shift and you'll bleed onto your underwear.
Thickness depends on who makes them, some brands make them out of very thick fabric/with too many absorbent layers so that they border on diapers. They're a bit comfier but bulky for storing multiples away in a pouch, and I'd personally feel self-conscious wearing them with tight pants but they're good for sleeping in.
No. 394189
>>394183>ending or the beginning of the month>initial pain I sometimes confuse with stomach issue because it also comes accompanied by diarrhea>makes me very sleepy and tired>day 1: not too much blood but my pussy hurts like it ran a marathon sometimes>day 2: lots of blood, no pain>day 3: almost over, little blood, sometimes don't even bother to wear a pad>sometimes there is no day 4 or 5, either way no pad anymore.I'm currently on my 2nd day and it seems tomorrow will be the last day but I'll wear a pad cus my panties are new and I don't want to ruin them so soon.
Wonder whats up with the pussy hurting and the diarrhea, I didn't use to have any of it nor feeling this tired before, everything changed as soon as I turned 30.
No. 394261
>>394183>pre menstural: heavy cramping and diarreha, i swear the whole area becomes swollen but that might be in my head>day 1-5: heavy bleeding and clotting, rotating pads like every 1-2 hours>day 6-7: no clots and flow is alright>day 8-9: something that resembles spottingyeah i should go to the doctor
jealous of you guys with 5~ day periods
No. 394311
>>394183TMI but I'm on my period rn, fell asleep at 6am and im in fucking PAIN, can't take my usual ibuprofen meds atm because I have some stomach issues, if I could it would make things easier
> day 1: crippled, cramps, diarrhea (I try not to eat too much because the fucking cramps will intensify) , HEMORRHOIDS (seriously I can't be the only one, because of the constant feeling of needing to poop everything is so inflamed) ,spend at least 3-4h on the toilet (not actually doing anything those 4 hours but because of fucking prostaglandins and the havoc they wreck, hell I had a 1h++ toilet break before I could finish this post), spend all day and night contemplating my existence as a woman, if my period comes in the first part of the day I know I'm fucked because cramps will start in the late evening> day 2: pain goes away around 70%, very rarely will i still have cramps> day 3: freedom>during ovulation: I am a horny wild beast and I hate being single kek, I also look my best>PMS, around 1 week before period: sometimes bloated, constipated (HATE IT) slightly emotional and VERY VERY HUNGRY No. 395434
>>376847My period gets irregular once a year too. For at least the past 3 years once a year my cycle would be extremely long. It would regularly be within 28-32 days and then be around 45 once a year.
I used to have long cycles like that years ago as the norm. It's strange that it happens only once a year. And frustrating because I get extremely anxious that I'm pregnant.
No. 395463
>>394183>high anxiety and aggravated before period starts, diarrhea sometimes (happened this time)>Day 1: lucky if I use the bathroom and notice blood early, bleeding usually heavy by the end of the day>Days 2-3: Super heavy bleeding and have to change fem products every couple hours, cramps if I'm not active enough>Day 4: Can use one or two pads for an entire day >Day 5-6: If I feel safe I'll just wrap some TP in my underwear and replace it whenever I go to the bathroom I only buy nighttime/super pads so it weirds people out sometimes if they ask if I have a spare. But if I use smaller ones I'll bleed through my underwear and whatever pants or shorts I have on.
>>393723I had a bit of a hassle wearing reusable pads whenever I was at work, so I use them if my period is during time off. It made it easier to rinse/clean them.
No. 413543
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I love doing a deep squat when I'm on my time and feeling the clots and pieces of meat slide out when the muscles relax kek(ai shit outside of containment )
No. 416913
>>414302The brand is called period. Idk how much is too much, but the pairs I bought were about $8 each.
>>416890Yes, I wore them all day in a white skirt and had no bleed through.
No. 419610
My PMS always starts a week or 2 before my period, but recently, it's starting along with my ovulation? I get the boob pain, constipation, open appetite, cravings, over sleeping, mental fog, daily stinky armpits that I wash 4 times in a row and still stink, and other stuff almost all month now. Only the week after my period am I free. What should I do about this? I don't want to take medications that can ruin everything.
A bit pathetic but the brain fog made me unable to think about my husbando like I used to before this started and it kinda makes me sad. I can't get horny for him or fantasize about him or work on art projects related to him anymore because I feel too tired and stressed and depressed to do that. But this also is affecting my work life. I can't see a doctor for this though because I don't have the means of transportation to go there and my family won't drive me there for this because my mom, who suffered the same stuff and worse her whole life and got breast cancer from it as well as from brith control, insists it's normal and not a health condition at all.
I've been eating pumpkin seeds to try and balance by hormones, but it's not working whatsoever.
No. 419626
>>419610Definitely go see a doctor nona and get your hormone levels checked, this sounds very concerning! In the meanwhile start doing yoga every day and see if there is any relief (there are certain poses you shouldn't do while menstruating - look into that).
Also look into practical ways of lowering cortisol like breathwork because that might be causing some of the symptoms you've listed.
No. 420289
>>420286RIP I'm a burgerfag, so I can't get this.
I've contacted an IVF clinic to see if they could test me. Fingers crossed it's similar pricing.
No. 421791
>>300379Bringing back this, can we discuss this. I can smell men too and i hate their scent. I thought it was really rare/ not many other woman can do those. I've brought it up with friends but they don't really get it.
No matter the age/ type, they always have a scent. Though, teen-young men and old men smell the strongest to me. When I was a baby (and up until I was 8 years old) I was repulsed by men. My mother and aunts used to laugh about it as I grew up. I never let a man/boy who wasn't my father or my older brother touch me. I was even intensely afraid of my uncles.
I haven't experimented to see if it's more intense at different stages of my cycle.
>>300419Same nonna, I'm a lesbian. While I don't really go too crazy over the scent of women in general or my ex-girlfriends, they do smell way better.
On a weird note, I can't stand the smell of pregnant women particularly when you are lactating. To me it's a weird overly sweet-fatty/buttery smell. I can't stand it! It makes me sick to the point of wanting to vomit.
No. 422338
>>422336>Do I just masturbate and hope I can at least stop the bleeding?what
Just get a diva cup or menstrual disc
No. 422484
>>420659I hope you see this: take a pregnancy test. Nothing we say will reassure you compared to that.
>>420113it takes bit of time to regulate, you're fine
No. 430745
>>430732You can always get pregnant because sometimes you randomly release eggs but I’ll tell it to you straight. I’ve had lots of unprotected sex and I’ve not gotten pregnant and I’ve always paid attention to
My cycle, my temperature, if the moid precums and to not get it inside.
Best of luck if you do get pregnant tho I’m just insane
No. 434759
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Does anyone know what might be going on here?
I don't usually have any significant symptoms besides mild cramps, although I frequently get some pain in my calves… specifically the calf, not the whole leg or pelvic region. No significant lifestyle or diet changes I can think of, at least nothing that aligns with the graph, tbh I had much more stress before the irregularity started. Before I started recording I had very regular (if a bit heavy) periods even as a teenager. I am not sexually active and the only medicine I take is ibuprofen on occasion.
I just began my 31st cycle (not graphed because it's in progress) and I had much more significant, intrusive pain so I began wondering if the irregularity should be a more serious concern. But I'm not sure what a doctor would even do and I have a fear of doctors and medicines so I just want some advice about what might be happening and what might be suggested before I see one.
No. 435669
>>435661Sorry, I don't have any advice for you
nonnie but I'm in almost the same exact situation with my Slynd. I've been spotting and bleeding for 2 weeks, almost 3 now and it's been really frustrating. The only advice my doctor gave me was to either wait it out or stop/change the birth control which is also out of the question for me due to my pcos. I hope we can both make it through this.
No. 441206
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Does anyone have stomach issues during PMS/menstruation? Every time it comes around I get super queasy and end up vomiting until about the 3rd day of my period. My tubes are removed so I’m not pregnant, this has been going on for a while. Will getting back on birth control help? I’m tired nonas and I don’t want to be the next corpse husband my voice is husky as it is.
No. 442011
>>437183Your case sounds severe enough you should ask a doctor about iron infusions or taking birth control to give your body a chance to build up it's iron stores
>>441206Sometimes but not as bad as you. It's possible that anti-spasmodic muscle relaxers will help if you don't want to take birth control.
No. 444602
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I know it's inevitable that we all smell a little on a period, but for me it's not so much the smell as it is the strength of it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I shower every day during my cycle with extra care around my crotch area (but not inside it obviously), I change my pad frequently/regularly, dry myself extra well after using the toilet, keep my pubes trimmed either very short or nonexistent, but still I swear the smell of my cooch spreads far out enough that if given the chance could rival nuclear warfare. It's been like this for my entire life. Some months it's fine and then other times it's horrible. My mom used to nag at me about it when I was a kid (precocious puberty, to compound the awkwardness of it all). She seemed to lack the understanding that I couldn't control it as much as she thought I could. She would change the wastebasket in the bathroom much more frequently when I was bleeding and living at home, and it would make me super embarrassed.
A few months ago while on my period, my nigel went to use the bathroom right after I used it, and evidently I stunk it up and he teased me about it. He apologized afterwards though after I told him about how I knew about it and the situation with my mom.
Was I just born cursed with a stank cooch? Is there a secret that I'm not aware of to tame the odor better? It's not an infection, my hormones have been tested and came back normal. I might have endo but I have to get more testing done.
No. 444638
>>444017you probably have endometriosis which is a common but not well known cause of period pain
ask for flurbiprofen, it should work for the pain
you should get diagnosed with an ultrasound
but if your doctor really doesn't want to prescribe you one and you can't Switch doctors, the treatment is the pill
so you can treat your own endometriosis : you'd have to take the pill uninterrupted, in order to achieve amenorrhea (absence of menses)
after a few months without any period, the pains should get better
summary of the treatment of endometriosis :
- flurbiprofen in case of pain as an acute treatment
- the pill to block the menses as a long term treatment
No. 444639
>>444638if you can't grt a script for flurbiprofen, you can try milder medication of the same family such as ibuprofene that might be available otc
it's not the best but it could work
No. 444642
>>444638when i say you should take the pill uninterrupted, i mean you should not take the 7 placebo pills that are supposed to be the ones for your menses and go right onto the next tablet
like only take the active pills uninterrupted
No. 445619
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Has anyone here had GnRH-analogue injections for PMDD? My doctor is starting me on them after the other primary care interventions didn't work (birth control, antidepressants, oestrogen patches) and I'm nervous about my body being put into a chemical menopause. The plan is for me to eventually have a hysterectomy, and that terrifies me. I need to know if this kind of treatment had been helpful to nonnies who suffered from PMDD?
No. 446292
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Ever since I started doing ab wheel rollouts the pain and cramps before my period became unnoticeable to the point that after 3 months of using the ab wheel, I started to forget about my period completely. I used to have cramps so bad that I couldn't do anything and had to lay in bed all day.
No. 449234
>>449199that happens to me a lot. I think it's like a huge clot or chunk of lining. I have terrible cramps when they pass thru cervix, but my periods are like 2-3 days of bleeding
this has been happening for years and I'm otherwise healthy so I think it's normal. I think it helps to exercise, I feel like that helps "break up" the clots or whatever they are
No. 449913
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Why the fuck did my pad do this to me
No. 449959
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I only just realized this late in life (27) I have PMDD and I get crazy horny at the same time. My most insane diary entries match up just before my period. FML
No. 451585
nonnie. Yeah it does sound a bit messy but I'm curious, never heard of discs before. Is there a brand in particular you recommend?
Also I wonder if there are ones that have applicators to make the process easier? Sort of like how a tampon works
No. 452523
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I use period underwear, my favorite is from this brand called Aerie (
I want to buy more, its only available online, but its been out of stock in my size forever. I like them because the fabric is a cotton and the cut of them is really nice, there's a good coverage and the waistband doesn't leave red marks.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a similar brand/material make up and cut that's more affordable and in stock?
No. 452655
>>451585I use a Lumma, with the stem trimmed down to a little nub. What I love about discs is they don't create a vacuum, making them much easier to pull out. I picked after seeing a positive review on it by Period Nirvana on instagram.
Seriously check her out if you're interested in cups and discs. She has a great website with tons of info about many different brands. A webshop too although it might be more expensive to buy from her depending on where you live
Re: applicator. Honestly an applicator seems like way more trouble than just plopping it in with your hands. Insertion is super easy: just fold it double and slide it in. Once it's past the narrow bit the disc unfolds itself. The tricky bit is just due to my anatomy, not the disc itself. I have a very low cervix (another reason cups don't quite work for me) and after insertion I have to ensure the disc actually sits around it, rather than having slipped passed it. Which require a bit of digging for me. YMMV
No. 459668
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Does anyone else get really depressed while on their period? It honestly makes me so hard to be productive.
No. 463834
>>454672I had the same experience. Normal periods before, then 4 days of heavy flow and passing out on the bathroom floor from the pain. I took it out after a year of suffering. Wasn't worth it.
my periods now are a very predictable 2-4 days, regular flow, and minimal cramps 1 day only
No. 475782
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Thanks Chinese otome game, I'd actually never heard of there actually being a scale before.
No. 475834
>>475783>>475809Yeah, it's Love and Deepspace.
The new update added an optional period tracking function so they wrote a little in universe article about period tips and advice.
I thought it was cute and surprisingly informative.
No. 477925
Big shot in the dark, but does anyone else have an MTHFR gene mutation? I recently found a new doctor to help me with PMDD, we did a blood panel, and everything came back normal except for FUCKED b-9 processing (hence the MTHFR speculation), abnormally high estrogen, and abnormally high inflammatory response. My periods are usually extremely short, with very bad mood swings especially the week before my period, which pointed me to PMDD. It's happened since I started getting periods.
Poked around and it sounds like all of this can be caused by that mutation alone, but I'm curious if anyone else found out they had this and what helped them, or if it affected their cycle too.
I'm re-testing tomorrow for that specific mutation, and another hormone test to rule out lab errors. Currently doing a month-long panel to see how bad it is. I'm hoping it's the mutation and not cancer.
>>477177You're not alone.