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No. 300321

A thread to talk about everything related to your menstrual cycle and ovulation! Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross however discussion of sexual feelings during different times of your cycle is acceptable as long as you’re not being egregious or overdescriptive

No. 300324

Made this thread because I’m suffering from ovulation libido really bad and don’t know what to do because my husband is at work! Literally makes me want to scream how badly i just want to be at least smelling him

No. 300350

Can you explain the diagram? Are those two different cervix opening shapes? Or is one doing that because of menstruation? Is one bad? I'm guessing you just chose a random image.
>le google it!!!!

No. 300353

I think they’re the different ways your cervix can look throughout your cycle? That was how I interpreted it but I could definitely be wrong. I apologize for my lack of knowledge

No. 300354

Why do so many of you talk about ovulating like you are a literal animal. You do not need to smell your musty husband that badly!

No. 300355

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Nulliparous or nonparous is the cervical opening of a woman that hasn't given birth to a child.
Parous is the cervical opening after a women has given birth.
The type of cervical opening is just an indicator that show whether or not a women have given birth and doesn't have any affect on the body afterwards.

No. 300356

we are literally animals, Nonique, wtf are you talking about

No. 300362

just venting but my period is due to start in a few days so i've broken out all over my chin and jaw. i fucking hate hormonal acne so much. acne patches are a life saver but i go through almost 48 patches (2 cosrx master patch sheets) in a month. :( i really hated taking birth control and i don't want to experiment with spiro so i guess this is my life. i started using tretinoin last month so i'm hoping i'll get some improvement but it's still discouraging seeing these little pustules cover my face. i hit my second puberty at the start of this year before i hit 25 and it has not been fun. why does being a woman suck so bad(:()

No. 300371

spiro is the only thing that ever touched my hormonal acne and it cleared up in weeks (comes back if i skip too many doses though). i take it without bc because i would sooner take stomach ulcer medication for horses than have a baby. anyway highly rec experimenting with the spiro, wish i'd tried it at 25

No. 300379

I hate the smell of men so I cannot relate

No. 300389

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Funny how this thread was created at the exact hour I started my period. Cheers nonas!
>Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross
why tho

No. 300394

I don't think there's anything to do but wait it out, I just wanted to say I relate hard to this anon. As a straight woman who's never been on hormonal birth control I've always been very affected by ovulation. I low-key can't wait to hit menopause so this obsession will end kek (jk).

Also I am obsessed with the way my bf smells. By now I think he is used to me nuzzling his armpits, but he hasn't been with a lot of girls so I'm afraid he thinks I am just a weirdo lol. Yesterday I sat down and leaned in to smell him first thing in the morning because he smelled so good, but sadly he became self-conscious and went to change his shirt because he thought he was a bit sweaty. To make things worse I was compelled to ask him if I could have his old shirt in my backpack so I could "smell it at work haha jk". He didn't give it to me.

No. 300396

Joe Biden typed this

No. 300397

Thanks that is very interesting

No. 300401

you are a weirdo

No. 300419

I don't think it's related to your cycle, I am obsessed with smelling my gf at all times of the day, every day.

No. 300423

anybody wanna share any helpful ways to naturally regulate your menses? i don't even know what's wrong with me, i've been to the gynecologist multiple times…there was this pill that i had a prescription for from a general doctor that gave my periods back, but it also gave me the absolute worst body oder and then my body got used to the pills and stopped giving me my periods, so i had to change up when i took them, so in the end i just stopped taking the fucking things

No. 300431

Did you have any blood tests done? Did you get your hormone and thyroid levels checked? What about a physical exam? Ultrasound?

No. 300454

It’s actually very healthy to be attracted to your husbands pheromones, or something like that. I don’t know the actual science but I do know that it is completely normal to feel that way when your reproductive system is trying to get you to reproduce kek

No. 300455

I have no idea why people try to share when they have thoughts like that

No. 300456

My cycle lasts for eight days. Heavy bleeding at the first to third day along with immense stomach and lower back pain on the first day and second. The bleeding will lighten up halfway however it gets to the point where I think it is finished and then oops you're still on your period, sorry about underwear!
I get envious when I hear about other women having their periods only for three days.

No. 300457

Getting off any pharmaceuticals they give you in an attempt to “regulate” your cycle is the first step! The second step is tracking and regulating your circadian rhythm, eating a steady healthy diet made up of foods that aid in hormonal health (carrots, protein from all kinds of animals, root vegetables, aromatics, lots of ginger, red raspberry leaf tea, saturated fats), and instead of imprisoning yourself into some kind of strict workout routine make it a habit to walk as many extra miles as you can daily to shake up your guts a little. I hope this helps!

No. 300461

Anecdotally, I've always adored my husband's scent, and it certainly played a role in being attracted to him. When we started trying for a baby, we got it on the first try.

No. 300462

just want to rant. i'm back on birth control, because my hellish periods gave me anemia, and this time round my body reacted so differently to it. i have had heavy "breakthrough bleeding" for almost 3 weeks now and severe cramping. i'm speaking to the doctor about it but seriously fuck this. the reason i went back on the pill was to bleed LESS to stop my anemia and have a break from the horrible period pains i get. has anyone else had this breakthrough bleeding bullshit? how long did it take to stop?

No. 300504

I used to get breakthrough bleeding every once in a while when I was on the pill and it drove me crazy. If you just started the pill then it's normal to have break through bleeding in the first few months. If it's nonstop and doesn't go away after your the placebo week, then maybe look into a different pill.

No. 300543

>on my period
>use a menstrual cup
>go running before work, temperature is below zero so I wear long underpants under my gym shorts
>cup leaks massively, fml
>back home i try to empty it, hands are still too cold to grab it properly
>sit several minutes with hand up my cooch trying to get the damn cup out
>finally empty it and shower quickly
>i need to get dressed but have no other warm underpants than the ones I bled into
>"they're under my regular pants, no-one's gonna see them"
>wear the bloody pants to work
I have reached a new low but idgaf anymore.

No. 300549

Ayrt. I hear you, I meant I relate to anons other feelings regarding ovulation libido, I'm sorry I was a bit unclear. I'm glad you dig your girlfriends scent! I think it's important. There's been some research on body odor's part in mate attraction, but I think it's often overlooked when people talk about attraction in day to day life. Maybe because there is some stigma around having body odor. I've posted about it on lolcow before, but I used to have a bf who had no body odor, and it was hard on me. He was very good looking and I loved him a lot, but my body just wouldn't respond sexually to him.

No. 300557

This is a weird question but my mom is menopausal and is having withdrawal from her HRT running out (there’s a national shortage now, probably due to all the trannies, because incel scrotes should get priority for hormones over actual women ofc)
Does anyone know where I can buy oestradiol/progesterone pills for menopausal older women online? Preferably in europe or Russia. She’s really suffering with arthritis pain and I’m worried about her mental state, the only thing that helps is hormone therapy (oral/pills only, the patches don’t work for her at all).

I don’t know if any of you nonnies may have gone through early menopause and could help.

No. 300561

this is why i cannot deal with menstural cups. so fiddly, uncomfortable and prone to leaks and spillages. sorry, environment. and especially if it's below zero… no, fuck that.

No. 300562

Idk the regulations for your country but I have been able to buy prescription drugs from other countries through various online pharmacy sites and I'm sure hrt is one you can get that way (unless the shortage is THAT bad). I even bought a tube of antibiotic ointment off Etsy once because the shipping was cheaper. It feels very sketchy but I haven't been burned yet.

No. 300569

Ah that’s great to know thanks nonny. I found some Eastern European pharmacies that stock it but they only accept crypto for foreign customers, I guess I’ll have to keep looking. It does feel pretty shady but she really needs it. I just hope they don’t seize it at customs.

No. 300570

No. 300578

Try India

No. 300604

ayrt, avoiding the ones who only take crypto is probably smart. when i got the antibiotic through etsy the seller was in my country so those kinds of sites might be worth checking out for that reason if your customs is a big hassle

No. 300648

nonnies this is a dumb question but how the fuck do i put a period cup in. ive never had sex before so idk if thats why im struggling. i bought the cup for women who havent given birth too so i know its not the wrong cup. i tried folding it and pushing it in but it feels so uncomfortable and i feel like its going to fall out. is that normal?
I did try this towards the end of my period when my flow was lighter so im wondering if thats why it was also hard…. I don't want to wear pads anymore. I can insert tampons most the time and it doesnt hurt but putting the cup in sometimes hurts so idk if its just a matter of getting used to or what.

No. 300814

I got Covid and now my period is messed up. In the early days of testing positive my period came a full 2 weeks early. My period has ALWAYS lasted only 5 days with the majority of the bleeding being on day 1 and 2. It’s now been 8 days and I’m still bleeding. It’s not heavy like a day 1 or 2 but it’s still moderate. Wtf? Has Covid done anyone else’s cycle in?

No. 301067

Any nonnies here get blood clots with their period? I noticed I started getting them this year but it was a gradual thing, not suddenly passing them. I've heard that it's normal when your period is heavy and mine is for the first 2 days which is when I get them. After those 2 days they just disappear. My periods are slowly changing when I get older, slowly getting heavier but it's not extreme and I'm not going through lots of pads.
They're not bigger than a 20p and they don't hurt when they come out but god damn does it feel uncomfortable. It feels like I'm sliding jelly out of there but it's also weirdly fascinating to see it.
I'm wondering when/if I should see a doctor about it though - like what are the warning signs that it's a problem vs just normal clotting. I guess I'm a little concerned because I never got them until this year, but apart from the clots there's nothing really unusual or new about my periods.

No. 301073

Do blood clots ever mean anything negative? Anyway it sounds like you're normal. I don't think it is unusual to not get clots each time you have your period; maybe getting them recently indicates a change in diet/hormones/activity idfk. Nothing dangerous probably

No. 301090

My cup has been in for the past 24 hours. I can't get it out! I'm pinching it but the seal doesn't break and I can't pull on it, it's like it's glued to my cervix. What do I do ?? The more I try the more my vagina gets irritated. I want to yank it out fuck

No. 301091

The whole "size 1" "size 2" thing is kinda bullshit it just has to do with how active you are, how heavy your flow is, and most importantly, YOUR BODY. Theres no way a T-chart will be able to tell you for certain what size is best for you. If its "falling out" it may be that its too big? Dont worry about whether your a virgin or not. Its a learning curve, I'd say give it about 3-4 periods to get familiar with, and if it still doesnt work, try another brand/size. Depending on the brand you got (or if you bought it on Amazon), you may be able to get your money back.

I really recommend the Period Nirvana Youtube channel, she has a lot of videos that address newbie questions. Also it may just be that the cup isnt 100% your thing (but dont give up so early in the game!!)

r/menstrualcups is also a good resource to talk to other women trying the same products as you: https://www.reddit.com/r/menstrualcups/

Menstrual discs and period underwear are also great options. I notice you said you wanted to stop using pads, I found period underwear to be the best substitute, and its not as gross as people think tbh. I usually use it as a backup to my disc/cup. I hope you can make these products work for you cause they can really be life changing when you figure them out. Gl

No. 301099

I’m not the OP who made that thread and I started googling it but maybe this helps?


>The size and shape of the cervix vary widely with age, hormonal state, and parity.

>In the nulliparous female it is barrel shaped with a small circular external os at the center of the cervix. (fig. 2a).

>In parous women, cervix is bulky and the external os becomes slit-like (fig. 2b).

(page 6 in the PDF)

I also got a feeling the image for the thread was chosen randomly.

No. 301101

And I’m not a native English speaker but just found out that “parous” means “ having produced offspring”, so looks like the difference is women who haven’t give birth vs those who did (different shape).

(samefag for second post + sage)

No. 301106

I've been getting them since puberty, usually whenever my cramps are extremely bad then once they come out the cramps decrease a little. My doctor said it's normal apparently.

No. 301139


No. 301140

nonnie did you have a bath yet? or try aternating temperatures to tighten/expand and break the seal? try some freeze thaw action on your vag

No. 301141

oops forgot to tag >>301090

No. 301372

A few months ago I started getting vaginal cramps during my period; it sucked, but the internet said it was normal. Now the cramps are happening outside of my period and I've had them today all day, non-stop, alternating between very sharp jolts of pain and an overall soreness. I have no other symptoms at all (no weird discharge, no pain during sex, no spotting, no bloating) so I have no clue what's going on (I do have a lot of PCOS symptoms and would like to ask for an assessment but I'm reading that it should give you pain in the ovaries, not the actual vagina itself?).
I'm calling the doctor tomorrow if it doesn't stop by then, but getting appointments and then tests done takes so long. Painkillers don't work, a hot water bottle only helps a little, walking/stretching helps temporarily but my college classes require me to sit all day.
Do any of you nonnies get weird vaginal cramps? Do you have any advice on how to alleviate them?

No. 301385

Someone here told me to birth my cup when this happened to me, and it was good advice. Push out, and use one finger to press the whole cup against your vaginal wall, then drag it out.

No. 301469

I ended up going to ER kek, you can read about my experience in the vent thread >>>/ot/1422511 I don't want to scare anyone from trying the cup but be careful if you have vaginismus

No. 301574

I have problems with the start of my period. Most of the time I sleep through the first hours fine but the few times I wake up right when it's starting, I get extreme cramps, nausea and fainting symptoms when I stand up (weakness, black vision, muffled hearing).

No. 301669

Suicidal thoughts, nightmares, night sweats, crying, binge eating. Then I realize my period comes in 3-4 days. When I finally start bleeding I feel such a relief, like I was drugged and my mind's suddenly clear and rational again. But then I have terrible cramps for the first 1-2 days of my period. I've finally found decent meds that numb the pain for the most part, but they leave me foggy, tired and drugged to the point where I can only manage laying in bed meaning I have to skip work 1-2 days a month.

Without meds the pain is so bad I'll literally cry and howl curled up on the floor for hours during "attacks". It's so intense I start sweating and there's been a few times I've unironically prayed for god to kill me. Yet, the suicidal thoughts are worse. It's so so heavy even though I know it's just hormones. If I ever kill myself it'll definitely be one of the PMS days that finally sent me over the edge.

No. 301897

i really need some advice. how do you all keep yourselves under control emotionally while on your period ?? i feel like my emotional state during my period is a rare case just because its so fucking bad. to the point where it has caused actual issues within my social life because of how much lack of control i really feel that i have. my self sabotaging tendencies get 10x worse, i feel suicidal, i lash out on everyone and then go to ridiculous lengths for attention and comfort that i crave like a drug. its fucking embarrassing and i am hurting not only myself but my poor friends as well. i really feel like i turn into a completely different person and i hate it, and i dont know what to do, i dont know how to fix it. for my friends and family's sake, i want to fix it, so fucking bad, but im really at a loss about where i need to go from here. im on antidepressants right now which help me generally but havent been successful in helping with suicidal thoughts during my periods. should i try birth control ?? would it help with my mood ? is there something else i could try and get a prescription for ? what do i do :(

No. 301898

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Honestly, I know you're saying that you're craving attention, but my best advice would just be to lay low and sort of stay away from everyone during your worst days. Just have some cozy days at home if you can, with your favorite soothing things (movies, tea/snacks, music, lil creative hobbies). Just ride it out while minimizing harm to yourself and others.

No. 301905

Wanna give some general tips that I wish I knew earlier. Hated that I was a woman for so long because of PMDD symptoms :(

Certain supplements can help with regulating your cycle: Vitamin B6, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, and Vitamin D
Learn about the menstruation phases and start tracking them. When you are on your period focus on low impact workouts (long walks, swimming, dancing, etc…)
Eat for your cycle. High nutrient food, aromatics, and protein are all great when menstruating. Raspberry tea is helpful for a lot of women. Tea with tumeric, ginger, honey, and lemon is good. If you don't like ginger normally consider getting ginger pills. Avoid cold food.
Sleep more and learn how to sleep quickly. Muscle relaxation techniques are helpful, if you are paranoid about blood stains get some designated period sheets and a mattress pad. Consider a weighted blanket and heat pack. Learn to do 10-20 minute long power naps.
If weed is available try CBD I like to place a couple drops of CBD oil on my stomach and inside my vagina. If you need additional pain management drugs naproxen is better as an anti-inflamatory med.
Orgasms can help reduce period pain.

If nothing helps and your period feels unmanagably painful, causes depression, and actively harms your work and personal relationship then go to your doctor. They will be dismissive or try to immediately put you on birth control. Advocate for yourself as hard as possible. Menstrual disorders like PMDD, Endo, and PCOS are more common than you think. Your period might suck but it shouldn't push you to suicide.

Give yourself the kindness you would give a friend. You don't need to be at 100% when you are in pain

No. 301918

I started getting pain during ovulation a few months after my period came back postpartum. Kept getting worse and worse and now I’m getting mild cramps randomly every single day too. Finally went to the doctor yesterday and apparently you can just develop endo randomly as an adult! What the fuck! This fucking sucks!!

No. 302013

this is a lifesaving post, bless you noni

No. 302970

It took almost 15 years, with almost three years of not having them, but for the first time in my life, I think my periods are regular, not just back. Three months in a row now like clockwork, this can't be a fluke. It used to be once in a half year or nothing for years.

No. 302986

I don't know what has changed but I leak out of my pads without fail every single time. Every. Single. Time. Meaning I have to wash bloody underwear every day for the duration of my period. I don't know what I'm doing wrong because it's not that my flow is heavy, it's moderate. The pad doesn't even 'fill up', it just leaks out of the sides while the center is almost pristine. I've tried different pads, different underwear, different ways to fuckin' sit but it doesn't help. I'm so tired, reeee. It wasn't like this before. I can't do with things that I have to insert, so should I try period underwear or something?

No. 302998

Thank you nona, very appreciated. I want to add: Dong Quai. I'm not one to believe in natural supplements and all that woo stuff but Dong Quai does wonders for me, it basically gets rid of all of my PMS symptoms and makes my actual period less severe. The only problem is built up tolerance, I need to stop taking it for a few cycles for it to have the desired effect again.

Another tip I wish I knew sooner: Take your painkillers before the actual pain starts. Especially if they are anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic. They are more effective that way.

No. 303004

This started happening to me too anon. Period underwear helps a lot but be aware of how much it can hold or else you'll overflow those too. They're a good investment either way. I just sit/sleep with a towel underneath and let the inevitable happen now.

No. 303136

thank you nona, also thyroid issues can mess up your cycle. I have an underfunctioning thyroid and take levothyroxin (my doctor at the time figured out I had it because of my far apart periods) if you are taking thyroid meds make sure you're taking them right. levothyroxin has to be taken on an empty stomach and wait at least 30 minutes before eating and take it at the same time every day, I had been taking it at different times every day and it messed up my cycle among other things

No. 303140

>Another tip I wish I knew sooner: Take your painkillers before the actual pain starts. Especially if they are anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic. They are more effective that way.
NTA but ime this never made a difference, even though I've been doing this method for years.

No. 303229

I bleed properly for two or so days, which I don't mind, but then I get horrible brown sludge for a week after. I wish it would end properly instead of being drawn out like this.

No. 303237

NTA but this only works with muscle relaxants for me.

No. 303664

Weird one but I woke up a couple days ago with really intense tailbone pain. Spent 2 days having to be careful with how I sat, lay, got up etc. Couldn't move without having to carefully plan it lol. It was as if I'd had a really bad fall on it but I hadn't.

Thismorning I wake up with it feeling better. I stood up out of bed and my period started. While I was googling causes of tailbone pain alot of it was talking about it as a pregnancy thing. I'm obvs not pregnant but can tailbone pain be a hormonal/pre menses thing? I might just be reading into the timing too much but thought I'd ask.

No. 303674

My period is so heavy that I have to use overnights daily and sometimes even those leak. I've even gone as far to try adult diapers for people with bladder issues just to make sure the blood doesn't get on my pants at work. It's been this way forever and it's a real medical issue, yet the doctors claim there isn't anything they can do because "no hysterectomy since I haven't had kids". It also doesn't help that I have a septate hymen so I cannot use tampons without worrying I'm going to rip my hymen upon removal.

No. 303719

same here nona (including wearing the incontinence pants). I bled so much once I had to go to hospital and whilst I was there they gave me some tranexamic acid and told me to ask my doctor for a repeat prescription. i highly recommend it. basically it promotes clotting (you only take it the days you bleed) and results in a much lighter period. I still get the worst cramps though.

I've never heard of the separate hymen before. It never ceases to amaze me the amount of problems we face due to our reproductive systems. So many things can and do go wrong, it's a nightmare.

No. 303748

Samefag, I just passed a clot where in twenty years of having periods I've never seen anything even close to this. I'm not usually squeamish but fuck me I wasn't prepared to ever see something like that. I guess my inability to move the last few days makes sense now.

No. 303927

Tysm for the tranexamic recommendation. Next time I go to my physician I will ask about it. Hopefully it'll make life easier.

No. 304030

Hey, anons, I need help. I went to the ER on Tuesday because I was having period pain that was so bad that my over the counter meds wouldn't help. I used to never have pain during my cycle, but I've developed it in the last year or so and it's gotten gradually worse. The ER said I MIGHT have PID, because my left ovary kinda looks inflamed, but the doctor didn't want to diagnose it because I'm a mega virgin and wouldn't touch moids with a ten foot pole. The CT scan notes say that my uterus has a "very shaggy appearance" and I have a lot of free fluid in my cul-de-sac. I'm a bit worried that I might have endometriosis since the rest of my examinations were clear (no cysts, no STDs). I've been bloated 24/7 since October and my entire body just feels like something is off. I see my gyno tomorrow. What do you guys think?

No. 304036

sounds like it could be endo. if they offer an exploratory laparoscopy, please do it. Healthy organs can be damaged by untreated endo

the surgery is done outpatient and i recovered quickly from it. they only make 3 tiny cuts and hide them well. i can barely find mine anymore.

No. 304037

samefag but the bloating is common for endo. My story is similar to yours - increasing pain, feeling off - things escalated much more before i got real help. i should not have waited.

No. 304046

See an endometriosis specialist and get an MRI. Don't get a laparoscopy so soon, if you don't have endometriosis they'd be cutting you for nothing. I have endo too and they could see mine on both an ultrasound and an MRI.

No. 304068

just so you know, they couldn't see mine that way, but I have stage 4 endo

No. 304404

My period is almost a week late, why might this be the case? It's never been this late in the past few years. It isn't that I'm pregnant, nor is it stress, everything in my life has been rather normal. I'm getting a lot of cramps today so it might start, but even so, I don't get why it's happening so late.

No. 304596

Update, it still hasn't started. I've been drinking turmeric tea, using a hot water bottle, eating berries and peppers, etc. Sigh

No. 304604

Changes in your diet or excersise perhaps? I've noticed that when I eat less sugar, my cycle gets extended.

No. 304776

Update again, my period started today! Very relieved.

Oh it might have been that, I was eating less recently without realising.

No. 304920

I can't WAIT to stop bleeding!! My period is a fucking curse. I woke up the other day horny and checking my calendar to see how many days I have until I get my period. I was so excited until I got up and used the bathroom and the blood showed up on the toilet paper.
My emotions have been a wreck this cycle. Horniness turns into frustration turns into shame. I woke up my boyfriend crying laying over him trying to say goodbye to head off to work. Even little stressors during the day I started tearing up. I cried while at work because my friend spent $20 on something useless. I came home from work crying because I tried doing too many things at once and I got frustrated and I was thinking about my future as a mother and the thought of me being a neglectful mother had me crying. I guess it's just one of those months. Thank God, it's almost over.

No. 304953

I can't be the only one who gets intracranial pressure during her period, right? And it's cold af outside so I'm chalking this shit up to barometric pressure. It's like I've got a migraine but I don't.

No. 305123

Does anyone have experience taking pregnancy tests before you've missed your period? Google says you should wait until you miss your period but I want to know as soon as I can. I had unprotected sex which was so stupid and he pulled out but I feel like my boobs are sore and bigger than usual and my period's not due for another two weeks. I don't know if there would be changes to my body this early anyway. Pls advise!!!
Not sure if this is the right thread but "Baby Talk" seemed like it was all mothers and women who want to conceive and /vag/ seemed kind of dead.

No. 305124

I should have mentioned it's been 8 days. I didn't take plan B.

No. 305202

Does anyone else deal with emotionally terrible PMS? My life is pretty stable and my hormones are normal, I'm healthy and diet and exercise, my actual periods tend to go smoothly. But like clockwork every month, I get suicidal and hopeless about life before I start my period. I tend to cope by distracting myself with my hobbies and basic CBT/DBT techniques, I really don't want to take birth control or medications (even when I was on heavy antidepressants I still had this problem) for this one thing but it gets overwhelming sometimes.

No. 305223

I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant via ultrasound before my missed period but I also have long cycles (35 days)

No. 305224

Yes. Before and during my period I feel like im losing my mind, I feel like a completely different person.

No. 305232

What did you do

No. 305253

AYRT. I wish there was a way to treat it without screwing with hormones/brain chemistry, when I'm otherwise in decent health. My "tells" for PMS is if I try to hurt myself. My other coping skill is sleeping, but I can't always take a nap when I have a full work shift.

No. 305255

Simply start expecting when your period is going to come. It gets hard because you're trying to push away the feelings rather than allowing them to come and go. You're aware the feelings are present, but you're focusing too much on trying to keep them in the back of your mind, yet you are doing the complete opposite and giving them too much of your time. It's a lot to understand what I mean. Claire Weekes does a pretty good job explaining.

No. 305260

Was supposed to have an ultrasound anyway for unrelated reasons and there was a baby in there. If you're in the US there's pregnancy clinics that offer free ultrasounds for 1st trimester but some will give you it anyway even if your test was negative. Ultrasounds are the only foolproof way since pregnancy tests never work for me for some reason and I've been pregnant multiple times

No. 305289

I've never had any menstrual pains all my life and I'm 30 already so I've been through many periods and suddenly today I'm in so much pain, for hours now… I took drotaverine medicine but it didn't help at all, is there any chance it's still just menstrual pain, maybe brought by bad diet and stress i'm in lately as opposed to anything serious??

No. 305300

AYRT. I do, but the reason I manage with "pushing it away" because sitting in them leads to being more suicidal. I 100% know that it's irrational, hormonal, and temporary, but before I used my other coping mechanisms I've self harmed or missed work. I wonder if I have PMDD, honestly.

No. 305301

Is the pain located on one side, front or back?

No. 305310

Front… I guess if it was side we could suspect appendix? Doesn't seem like it though

No. 305347

It's more likely to be your appendix than one strange painful period out of nowhere. Get it checked out, even if the pain passes. A burst appendix is no joke.

No. 305350

Hopefully not too late but I would get that checked out, just like other anons said itt it might be your appendix. Sometimes intense pains might be symptoms of a cyst popping and you would have to get an ultrasound to see if you have anymore. I found this out the hard way while ovulating and having a sharp on my left ovary.

No. 305360

Nona did you died? Are you okay?

No. 305368

What happens to the uterus when you have amenorrhea? The lining just stays the same? Or is there no lining at all?

No. 305375

Still alive, was still in a lot of pain after the night but then later in a day it passed (roughly 24h since it started); I'll get it checked nonetheless, thank for your advices nonnas

No. 305733

Do any of you keep an excel spreadsheet to track menstruation and symptoms? I want to make one but not sure of the most efficient way to organise it.

No. 305760

from /2x/ how to make your own period tracker http://www.alizaaufrichtig.com/period-tracker

No. 305790

amazing. exactly what i needed thank u

No. 305936

So, update, I just started bleeding. It is way lighter than how my periods usually start, and my period isn't due until I think mid January. How do I know if it's implantation bleeding, a miscarriage, or my period coming early?
I feel so weird using Lolcow for medical advice haha but I have no one else to turn to! Thank you to the anon who responded to my earlier post!

No. 305947

Is your period otherwise regular? Did you have the usual symptoms like sore breasts, moodiness, etc?

No. 305948

did you find out what it was?

No. 305949

Implantation bleeding is usually very light and lasts 1-3 days. It should happen a few days before your missed period. I had an early miscarriage recently and it was like a more painful period, except it started with 3 days of light bleeding and ended up lasting 10 days. Everyone's body is different though. I'd suggest testing when your period is actually due as pregnancy symptoms are so similar to PMS.

No. 305971

Ok so I misread my tracking app and apparently it would be early but not crazy for my period to start today and it's definitely not implantation bleeding, feels like a period, so either it's that or I'm miscarrying lol but either way not pregnant!!! Thanks everyone <3

No. 305973

What do you do when you get sudden sharp abdominal pain? It's the worst kind of pain tbh especially while walking. I just hate it is there anything you can even do about it?

No. 306064

I've had all of these. Implantation bleeding is usually watery and thin (for me), it almost feels like freshly cut blood. Miscarriages are extremely painful, clotty and you can barely walk. If you're curious about a miscarriage it is possible to get tested in a hospital if that option is available to you

No. 306573

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Good morning nonnas, I'm a bit worried mostly because this hasn't happened to me before:

So, on 21st December I got my period but it was super light and had no cramps, which is unusual for me. Usually my periods are a bit heavy for the first 2 days including manageable cramps and some clots, then they drop off and my period usually clears up by day 4. However, this December period was barely one at all, and it was very short. I assumed this was just a one-off and carried on with my day, I didn't have any unusual pain or felt extremely weak or anything.

But then this morning I woke up bleeding pretty heavy. I woke up naturally, not because I was in pain (I'm still not) but I'm obviously concerned as I don't know if this is just my period finishing itself off/starting again or another problem. The blood is quite dark so it's fresh, not that bbq sauce old blood stuff. I've already tried to ring the doctors but there's a massive queue atm. I don't know if this is normal or something I need to go to the hospital for? I don't feel like I'm about to die or anything kek, nor am I in pain or dizzy or anything, I'm just bleeding as if it was my period all over again.
Thank you nonnas.

No. 306593

is it possible on the 21st you ovulated? (it's not out of the question for me to bleed during ovulation - for a couple days even) That would mean this heavy bleeding is your actual period.

Sometimes women get follicular or "functional" cysts in the ovary. These are normal and tend to just go away, but occasionally one can cause some bleeding and period-like symptoms at ovulation when it resolves itself.

I used to be really alarmed at ovulation bleeding but then I learned many women have it.

No. 306596

Is it on one side? Could be an ovarian cyst, feels like a rock stuck in there esp when walking. Real sharp pain

No. 306695

It's 100% ovulation bleeding like >>306593 said, it sucks but it's normal. It's suprising to me how few people know this can happen, not criticizing you nonita, please don't take it the wrong way, I'm just once again dissapointed at the lack of education on women's health.

No. 306758

Thanks for responding nonnas. It might be that, I was just confused because the 21st december was when my actual period was supposed to come, not this light short bleeding stuff. It just didn't feel like a period at all, although it was due. I guess it could have been a late ovulation, then? God it's confusing.
I'm still bleeding today but it's slightly less heavy. I spoke to a woman through the NHS last night and she has arranged for me to call a doctor on Monday if things don't start to clear up by then.

I really hope it's just a hormone fluctuation that's fucked my cycle up - I get really traumatised just thinking about people inspecting my vagina/cervix etc so I'm hoping it's nothing. Fingers crossed and thanks for your answers nonnas.

No. 308192

I've been spotting for 20 days and I'm not on birth control. I'm so scared

No. 308327

Take a pregtest! Its scary but better to know now. Idk what your choice is but for abortions in some places you have to be before a certain gestation.

No. 310381

My period's been going on for almost a week now. This isn't normal for me and I'm drinking gallons of ginger tea but it's still going strong. I've had to cancel plans I've made for this week because it's so heavy that pads are made pointless. I'm beginning to feel worried and a little scared that something's wrong

No. 311128

I want to buy a menstrual cup, but I'm a virgin and I'm afraid that it would hurt me. I'm not brave enough to insert anything inside me. I guess I'll just get reusable pads instead.

No. 311367

my periods are always super short like 2-3 days of bleeding max. i just found out i have high Testosterone and i wonder if that's the cause, maybe i have PCOS

No. 311371

trying different birth controls and then going off them has fucked up my cycle, so now I have heavy bleeding for a few days, then light to no bleeding. one of them completely got rid of my period and the other made me bleed lining. I was on the former longer. I take after my moms side who has bad hormonal issues, but not quite pcos.

I'll worry about birth control when I break my celibacy streak again. till then I'm poor and what's the point

No. 311387

Apparently women who don’t use hormonal birth control are attracted to different “mates” depending on where they are in their cycle, and using hormonal birth control can also affect partner choice. I feel like this is true in my case. I don’t use birth control and I am attracted to my bf all the time, but in the part of my cycle leading up to ovulation I am extra attracted to him. He is so ALPHA, masculine, perfect, smells delicious, I just wanna jump on his dick 24/7. Then leading up to my period I’m still attracted towards him but he is also a bit annoying, emotionally unavailable and maybe we should just break up because we might not be such a good match after all kek. I don’t get horrible PMS or periods or anything, but it still sucks to feel like my sentiments are so influenced by hormonal fluctuations.

No. 311390

I used a period cup when I was a virgin, it is possible. If you want to try insertable products maybe just tampons first?

No. 311414

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High t doesn't always mean PCOS. I'd ask for a copy of your hormone level tests since a lot of doctors label women has high t when their testosterone isn't even close to being high

No. 311444

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i'm so tired of hormones. my face was fine two days ago, and today it looks like an exploded landmine from all the acne. decided to also pick at milia with a (sterile) needle, cause why the fuck not, it's not like any more redness will make a difference kek. day 2 of your period is the fucking worst in all aspects tbh.

No. 311450

>my periods are always super short like 2-3 days of bleeding max
i'm jealous tbh

No. 311474

Mine are the same, afaik it's just kind of genetic for me. It was the same for my mom and my gramma. The difference is that our menstrual cycle is shorter(read: we get periods more often). I know for a fact I don't have any hormonal issues. Obviously go to a gyno if fertility is a concern for you though.

No. 312203

Does anyone know a way to speed up the end of a period? I started two days ago and seem to be reaching the end of "active" bleeding but I know old blood tends to linger for a while. With Valentine's day next week, I don't really want old blood left and getting in the way of sex. I did period sex with my boyfriend once and we agreed to not do that again.

No. 312237

Are women really expected to be horny during pregnancy? Wtf

No. 313425

does anyone else's period cramps manifest as back pains rather than stomach pains? I have talked to a few doctors about it and they all say that while it isn't the norm it isnt uncommon either and it's nothing to worry about but I have never meet another woman who get cramps in her back during her period and I never hear anyone being it up when the discussion of period symptoms comes up. I do on rare occasions get stomach cramps but I always get back pains every month

No. 313481

I get pain in both areas (and in legs and joints too)

No. 313482

I just got my period today and I feel awfully lonely. I haven't had this feeling before when on my period, did anyone else go through a similar phase? Like i feel so sad and dissatisfied

No. 313484

I get both. However it's always the first day and rarely the second day were I feel like I'm dying and am often toilet bound because of constipation.

No. 313486

ayrt my legs and joints cramp too. My cramps usually also only last the first two days

No. 313563

I must ask, does anybody else need to piss excessively when they are on their period? When i last had my period, this was the case for me for my first day, which is also the day i have cramps.

No. 313569

yep on all the days, and also the week before it starts

No. 313577

Yes I also have terrible poops

Yes. I probably have PMDD because on top of my mental issues and not being medicated properly (not my fault, can't afford) my hormones flare up and I literally feel like sappy, horny death who is constantly sullen and lonely and affected by everything around me

Pain everywhere

No. 313585

yes. It can last as long as over a week for me before I get my period and then it becomes less, it sucks and you’re definitely not alone with this.
same my doctor offered me hormones to threat it but I‘ll try with sports etc and stress reduction first because I have no idea how my body will react to such an intervention seeing that pms/pmdd is an issue with the way your brain reacts to hormone changes and not necessarily the hormones itself if I understood it correctly. Wish I knew about it earlier. anyone else here has bad PMS and didn’t notice it for a long time? I legit thought I was insane before I started to track my cycle and recognized the pattern.

No. 313599

has anyone heard of this white and red cycles thing? if u have a red moon cycle, you bleed during the full moon, and ovulate during the new moon. the opposite is for the white moon cycle

No. 313612

Anyone elses lips peel and bleed during period? My cycle is a bit irreguar, so thats how I know I'm getting my period that day, if my lips suddenly start flaking and cracking. I wonder if its the same hormones that releases the lining in my uterus that affects my lips and makes them shed as well

No. 313615

yep. my bladder can't hold much when I'm on my period. getting my period on long car trips is a hell because I always have to pull over at every gas station

No. 313616

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No. 313687

Spiro helped because me and the women in my family have imbalanced hormonal levels to begin with, not quite on the level of pcos but pretty damn bad. Even during my skinny, crunchy, post anachan healthy years I still had awful PMS and periods. Now I'm a lot more reckless and unhealthy with the added bonus of no meds. I'd like to return to a healthier lifestyle one day. You shouldn't introduce your body to anything you're not comfortable with, but it's also not bad if you eventually do want to try spiro either

No. 313931

Tips/experiences for taking a bath on your period? First day for me and I’m on my period and have a bad cold, so I’m going to do it. I’m not afraid of bathing in my uterus lining, I don’t see what would be unhygienic about it. I’d love to hear your thoughts though

No. 313936

I have it too, it has something to do with more weight being in that area during your period and your lower back muscles being dominant as opposed to your abdominal

No. 313945

I always takes baths on my period, I've never had issues. Never heard of it damaging the uterus lining, how does that even work? It's the same level of people saying not to use soap on your vagina, yeah obviously don't scrub inside but use soap to wash the outside of yourself. If you aren't purposefully directing water inside to clean yourself it should be fine.

No. 313967

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Will night sweats from progesterone cream ease up? I am in my early 30's, nonmenopausal. I got some progesterone cream because my libido has been zilch for 10+ years and I was suck of it. It fucking works but I'm sweating buckets at night. Am I going to die or get cancer bc I did this without a doctor? Will my hormones level out after this inital period of time? I don't want to go back nonnies

No. 314055

Update: saw my OB today and she prescribed me some progesterone in the form of the "mini pill" birth control. I noticed that the progesterone cream has 21mg, while the pills only have .35 mg. Huge difference. I also fuckin forgot to ask about the night sweats but there aren't studies (that my doctor was aware of) on women in their 30's taking progesterone supplements. Obviously the pills are nice because the dosage will be the exact same every time; the cream comes out in pumps and I can never be sure exactly how much is in a pump (product settling, etc.).
Also sorry if this isn't the correct thread, I'm not using this for birth control so this seemed more fitting.

No. 314304



Yeah same. I don't get stomach cramps at all. Only discomfort in my lower back. Sort of a pressure. I guess I'd call it a dull pain maybe. And yes, it's totally normal. The way we experience period pain and/or discomfort really varies.

No. 314402

Do orgasms during your period really help it end faster? I've noticed that a lot of blood comes out at once right after an orgasm.

No. 314411

Mini pill is a birth control method givento women who are 40+ or have recently given birth. It has less side effects than normal birth control and has low dosage so you probably will have lesser symptoms, though I don't know if it'll do anything for your libido. Have you gotten your hormones checked? Do you suffer from any gyno illness that

No. 314461

I have had my hormones checked & everything seems normal. My doctor literally said that it's not worth going over & that hormones have very little to do with this. That sounds wrong but ok… I do not have any gyno illnesses or complications aside from some cysts on my ovaries that I've been told are normal and nothing to worry about.
Side note, when I had my bilateral salpingectomy, the doctor gave me photos from the cameras they used for the surgery and I was able to see the cysts which were tinyyy, I was shocked. I thought they would be bigger even though mine are apparently not bad. I also got to see in the pics the process of burning off/removing the fallopian tubes which was cool, and I always wondered what my uterus actually looks like- a small round organ, not like the perfect triangles you see in medical diagrams [which is normal, obv it's gonna be perfectly flat & laid out in a diagram]. Was super interesting. Anyhoo thatks for the reply nonna

No. 314679

I was on birth control for most of the years since I got my period and my hormones have only recently gotten back on track for me to have regular periods after coming off of it. I've recently experienced some nipple discharge and I think I'm about to have my period. Could the two be related? I'm going to my GP tomorrow anyway to be safe, but I'm still worried in the meantime. Any thoughts?

No. 314809

It's always made my cramps worse tbh

No. 315092

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Why am I getting my period twice a month? This is hell on earth. Now I can only go 1-2 weeks without ibuprofen because the pain is that bad (both during and before the period). Is it because I'm eating more burgers lately? I can't think of any other huge lifestyle changes.

No. 315103

I don't need a reminder app because it always happens right after the full moon, I can just look at the sky to see when it's that time again. Life is pretty good sometimes.

I'm sorry nonna that sounds horrible, I'm not sure what to say except quit the burgers and see if it makes a difference? Otherwise go to the doctor, it's not normal to have it twice a month and I imagine awful as well. Hope it gets better nonnie

No. 315116

Go see a doctor, having a period twice a month can be caused by a medical issue that needs to be adressed.

No. 315688

I have endometriosis and a really strong hormonal cycle, like I can easily spot the differences now in my 20s when my hormones are making me feel sad, but I feel like in the research world everyone dismisses that and doesn't want to call women "hormonal" because of these shifts.

My usual "symptoms" are feelings of guilt, insecurity, increased anxiety and worrying, it doesn't affect my job or interactions with people but I just feel awful for a whole week and birth control doesn't completely remove these feelings, it just softens them by like 30%

No. 315704

I've missed my period. Either that, or it's really really delayed. I'm not pregnant so I'm not sure what's causing this. My uterus felt sensitive as you'd expect before A period starts, nothing has actually happened. I've felt this way for about 2 weeks now. My period didn't come last month either.

No. 316777

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HELP nonnies my period makes me a literal incapable retard
>get first period 5 years ago
>epic, i am now a certified and licensed Woman
>my Woman license comes in the post, I get 69 xp and get a new rank and extra buffs for my character, very happy
ffw to now
>just before period: depressive and reclusive, hopeless, intermittently horny and then depressive/anxious
>during period: incredibly fatigued, want to nap every day, no energy to hang out with people, don't do as well at the gym
>look clapped: face is puffy
>feel sad and hopeless
>i feel mentally 'slow'
Does anynonny here have any way to combat this? Any supplements I need to take, any lifestyle changes? I don't want to be btfo by mother nature any more. I mean ONE WEEK per month? That's ridiculous. I can't slay only three quarters of my fertile life. I want my energy and mental stability back.

No. 316800

>woman license
>69 xp
>slay only 3/4 of fertile life

Begone scrote.

No. 316803

I've been on my period since february first and i'm getting kinda sick of it now. I wish there was a way to make it stop.

No. 316815

not a scrote, just retarded
please help. i am fatigued and mentally unwell during this phase of the month
anon…wtf? how can you lose that much blood? please see a doctor. i hope you're ok. if it's endo or pcos so many people go through it that you will be understood and helped.

No. 316817

I don't know if I'm just spotting or what. I ended my period a week ago and three days ago I started cramping. I thought I was bloated from eating too many Brussels sprouts until I saw brown blood after 12 hours of cramps. From then, I've had a little brown blood accompanied by dark brown chunks mixed with discharge only when I sit down to wipe. There's no release of blood in between and it doesn't leave behind marks on my underwear. I have to keep sticking a finger in me to check if I'm still bleeding or not. Anyone else had this before?

No. 316823

>5 years ago
did you start late or underage…
It's natural, your hormones fuck things up, I'm sure you know about PMS.
Just make sure you're getting enough iron I guess.

No. 316842

Ok retarded anon. All of what you're experiencing is very normal, but if you have it quite severely you may have PMDD. I find what helps me is a generally healthier lifestyle. Eat more nutritious food, cut down on your alcohol consumption, stop smoking. Time your exercise with your cycle - do more high intensity exercise when you're in the first phase of your cycle and have more energy, transition to chilled exercise like walking, yoga and pilates with your luteal phase. As for supplements, if you have some kind of vitamin deficiency you'll definitely feel worse during your period and PMS so it may be worthwhile looking at your vitamin D, iron and B12 levels, even if just for your general health. Otherwise, you can look at taking magnesium, omega 3, evening primrose oil. All of this won't eradicate your pms, but it might help lessen it. You have to learn to live in sync with the shitty effects of your cycle and be mindful of it.

No. 316849

When you menstruate, not only is estrogen lower than in other phases of the menstrual cycle (and this affects your energy and mood as well), but since you lose a lot of blood it makes you iron levels drop, which obviously makes you more fatigued. It's completely normal and if you don't eat enough foods with iron in your regular diet to compensate, you can get anemia over time. Of course, if you already have an iron-rich diet (complemented with vitamin C), then you could be bleeding more than the average which would cause even more fatigue, but if your symptoms are truly unbearable to the point every time you are about to have your period you literally can't work or go to school, you might have PMS. Just being aware of these hormonal changes and how your period affects your vitamin and mineral levels can prepare you to deal with the effects of menstruation and make it more tolerable and easier to deal with.
I don't know how you haven't learned or noticed this in the 5 years you've allegedly been capable of menstruation, or how you're posting here when you're obviously pretty young, but I'm choosing to believe you are an 18 year old woman who started to menstruate at 13 and had a really shitty sexual education or whose female family members were absent or just ignorant/prudish.
Now promise you'll stop posting in such a retarded way

No. 316926

Ah anon…this was so helpful. I don't drink or smoke but I will try to pick up omega 3, iron and b12 supplements. I'm going to start tracking it, and living in sync like you said
Alright, I'm going to get more iron in. Nawww i didn't really hear much about periods, was embarrassed to talk about it.
>Now promise you'll stop posting in such a retarded way
n-no…sorry senpai…

No. 317069

How often do you guys change a cup out during heavy flow? I never had a problem until now but I guess I've been having heavier flow recently because I can't go more than like 4 hours without it getting super full and leaking. Or maybe I'm not inserting it correctly…? I'm not sure whats happening. My last 3 periods were fine and it worked like a charm. Its difficult for me to change it constantly while im at school because I either have long classes back to back or the bathrooms I can use are fucking mixed gender (thanks university.) So I get uncomfortable using it. Should I just switch to pads or something for heavier flow days?

No. 317075

Three times. When I wake up, around mid afternoon, and when I'm going to sleep.

No. 318717

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I just bought some boob tape and I'm literally salivating at the thought of THE RELIEF of taping them a certain way during PMS breast tenderness. I swear, SALIVATING.

No. 318726

Wait…what do you get out of taping the tatas…how does this help

No. 318831

does anyone during an ovulation or period cycle notice their nipples change color or white spotting around them? i'm googling up down and sideways. the things I can find related to small white spots are mostly regarding pregnancy and herpes, neither of which I am, but it also said white bumps can appear during your cycle

No. 318847

nona they're called montgomery bumps or something like that, they supply extra sebum to keep the nips lubricated when breastfeeding, so whenever your breasts swell during your cycle, the bumps can get bigger/start showing up. i've had them since puberty and had to see a doctor bcus it freaked me out since i had no idea what they were but they're harmless

No. 318848

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samefag but i'm on my period and i am raging inside. i have a literal fire going inside me and everything is pissing me off. it makes me think about how much worse the world would be if men ever had such huge fluctuations in hormones like this, because women are capable of being self-aware enough to not take it out on everyone around them, i think men would go on violent sprees a lot more often than they already do if they had to deal with a monthly cycle

No. 318895

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I've once read somewhere during certain parts of the cycle testosterone peaks and makes women more aggressive and angry aka acting more like men. Men just can't control their fucking violent emotions like animals

Slightly related: Has anyone here gone through the process of being diagnosed with PMDD? Im seriously considering going get tested for this, even though it only affects like 5% of women. I've never gone to a gyno or had taken birth control never needed a reason to, sad kek and have the usual pms symptoms the week before my period but never thought my depression/mood swings the rest of the month outside my period could be connected to this. I lived for years like it is normal to just be really depressed and think about suicide daily for part of the month and be (somewhat) more stable for a few days. Is this something I'd go to a general doctor for or have to see a gyno about? I know I will have to see a gyno eventually anyway, should I bring this up as something I'm possibly dealing with or will they assume I'm just trying to diagnose myself?

No. 318899

>I've once read somewhere during certain parts of the cycle testosterone peaks and makes women more aggressive and angry aka acting more like men.
Testosterone alone doesn't make you aggressive and angry though. In fact it's supposed to lead you to engage in activities that increase your social status. Men chimping out has nothing to do with them having high testosterone (and in fact, you see many low test men who chimp out), XYs are just defective by default.

No. 318905

You should go to the gyno, nona, especially since you have never gone before. Just go get checked and ask the gyno all the questions you may have.
I went to the gyno a few months ago for the first time and I don't regret it one bit. I discovered that I have polycystic ovaries, and that has helped me understand my body and menstrual cycles a lot. The woman was very kind and made sure I was comfortable through the entire process. She also answered all my questions about anatomy, pms, etc. If you can, try to ask for a female gynecologist, since I've heard some horror stories about male gynos. All the best luck to you.

No. 318908

okay nona thank you, gyno never pointed out they were harmless when I went, maybe my hormone levels are weird

No. 318909

If I get the flu during my period again I might kms for real this time. This is the third time within a couple of months, wtf did I do wrong? I literally drank more oj the weeks before it happened each time. Years ago this flu-period combo only happened every once in a while.

No. 318961

Are you a smoker? I used to get the flu and other respiratory illnesses all the time when I smoked. Stopped smoking and stopped getting sick.

No. 318962

Nope, never smoked.

No. 319068

I was ok for so many months and now this period I started throwing up again. It's not even nausea I just feel pelvic pain and then I puke.

No. 319088

Do you just have weak pain tolerance or does it really hurt? The only time I ever felt like puking from pain it was kidney stones.
sudden changes = doctor etc.

No. 319143

Don't think you're doing anything wrong in particular. Or I'm doing it wrong as well. A dip in my immune system is one of the telltale signs my period is coming. I will at the very least get a slightly sore throat, if not worse, the day or so before I start bleeding

No. 319490

does anyone else get intense sexual thoughts, fantasies, and baby fever around their ovulation or period? i find myself incredibly down bad for no reason when I'm ovulating

No. 319499

Yes this is 100% normal. It's when you are fertile so evolutionary speaking it makes sense. I don't get baby fever, but am extra horny leading up to and during ovulation. Despite not wanting kids ever my body is telling me to go get knocked up lol.

No. 319523

I start fawning over kids more when I see them, it's this insatiable desire to want a baby. I'm nowhere near ready or responsible enough yet kek

No. 319595

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anyone else get the most unhinged and insane thoughts right before the period? like having a full mental breakdown and convincing yourself that youre suicidal and telling close people about it weeping but then your period starts the fucking next day…
and now youre not sure which part was the messed up hormones or your actual feelings?… happened to me but also happened to my older sister so i felt a lot less retarded when she told me lol trying to do the same for a nona who needs it…

No. 319599

I get a really strong feeling of hopelessness with suicidal thoughts. I also have random crying fits throughout the day. Weirdly enough it took me literally years to realize that my mood swings are connected to my period

No. 319602

Not really but I hit people

No. 319616

That's got nothing to do with your period, that's just you being a prick

No. 319988

First day of my cycle and holy shit, I haven't pooped this bad in years. Going on 8 times today. My asshole is crying, it's so sore. I'm afraid to drink or eat anything more because it's going to make me poop and I can only handle so much. I think I have a hemorrhoid. Is there any remedies to this?

No. 320017

I get so incredibly horny while PMSing which lasts like 1-2 weeks, to the point of frustration because nothing satisfies me and it happens several times a day. It takes too long to feel satisfied and I usually "lose it."
Then my period finally hits and it's so excruciating I'm stuck in bed for a week, or else I risk collapsing from the pain or being a burden to whoever I go out in public with. I have to wear pads too because some fucky shit happens with my vaginal muscles, or I'm just too tight, and I can't fit a tampon or cup in there, so I'd take the bleed risk over very bad vaginal/cervical pain any day.
I'm suffering and will continue suffering because I'm on week two of PMS and know the worst pain ever is gonna fucking destroy any chance I have of enjoying this week (and maybe next week)

No. 320059

yep. the pmdd is crazy, i've been aware of it long enough that i can feel it creeping in a few days before my period. all my deepest most irrational insecurities start to reappear, i get extremely irritable and get very unhinged thoughts about myself and others. i get a lot of vivid thoughts about various ways i could kill myself and it tends to keep me up at night in that period of time. i bother my boyfriend a lot with paranoia and have been very close to self harming while it's happening. but the day my period starts, my mind feels fresh and fine and i am always incredibly relieved

No. 320336


I've had worse pains unrelated to my period. I have only ever puked in my life when my period starts.

No. 320369

i know sore/swollen boobs are a thing before/during your period but does anyone else get it intermittently? one month I’ll barely feel a difference and then the next it hurts to run, and they ache to touch. I’m about to be on my period soon and my boobs are so heavy and sore this time around that, I’m worried it’s something else?

No. 320465

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there is a settlement about pfas in thinx underwear, settlement covers purchases from between November 12, 2016 and November 28, 2022. have to submit by the 12th of april, so six days from now.
>Dickens, et al. v. Thinx Inc., No. 1:22- cv-4286-JMF

figured id share in case any amerinons want to make a few bucks back. technically you need to have purchased but you don't need to provide proof, you just gotta be ok with lying that you 'attest to purchasing under penalty of perjury' kek

>Cash reimbursement: You may receive a $7.00 refund for each purchase of up to 3 pairs of Thinx Period Underwear reflected in Thinx's records, or for which you provide a valid proof of purchase (for a total of up to $21.00). Your Claim Form will indicate whether Thinx has a record of your purchases or you need to provide proof of purchase.

>Cash reimbursement without proof of purchase: You may receive a $3.50 refund for each purchase of up to 3 pairs of Thinx Period Underwear that are not reflected in Thinx's records and for which you do not have proof of purchase (for a total of up to $10.50), but which you attest to purchasing under penalty of perjury.
>Voucher: You may choose to receive a voucher for a discount of 35% off future purchases of up to $150 of Eligible Voucher Products in a single purchase transaction on the Thinx website (thinx.com) (maximum discount $52.50). Please see below for a list of Eligible Voucher Products for which the voucher can be used:

No. 320843

I've been on the minipill for almost exactly a year now and haven't really had a period the entire time. Haven't really had any other side effects either. This monday I started spotting/got a (very light) period/idk either way I bled out of my vag, it went on until thursday, stopped, and started again today (sunday). Anybody else had this happen? Google says any new symptoms after being on the pill this long is cause for seeing a doctor, so I suppose I'll make an appointment, but idk how worried I should be.

No. 321574

i know it's common but why is my period black as tar with the lightest flow ever right now? so random, this hasn't happened to me since the first day i had my period when i was 12. today's the second day and barely anything has come out, like it's not over a quarter way covering my pad. usually i'm overflowing kek what's going on? is there a reason for my blood to just randomly be old and oxidized? at least it's painless

No. 322075

What's it mean when you're period is three days late, but you still have some minor period cramps here and there and pregnancy tests are negative? It feels like it wants to drop, but then decides not to.

No. 323567

same anon as this, my period fully ended literally five days ago and my boobs are already swollen stiff and painful. wtf is going on?! they weren't like this yesterday and now they are so uncomfortable i'm actually in pain. this only happens to me before i get my period so i'm wondering if that was spotting that coincided with my cycle and that my real normal period is near. who knows anymore also i'm technically an exercise bulimic if this helps, like maybe i fucked up my hormones by working out to malnourishment?

No. 323592

Should i be concerned that my menstrual flows are now lighter than usual? It used to have a heavier flow and I had a lot of cramping but these pass few months I didnt get my usual symptoms. I dont have sex whatsover so pregnancy is out of the question kek

No. 323627

It's normal for your cycle to change over the years. When I first got my period it was heavy and a full 7 days and now it's lighter and 5 days but more painful. You should be fine as long as you're still having it regularly.

No. 323636

normally my period is very heavy and lasts over a week, but this month I've just had incredibly light infrequent spotting for a few days? And it actually sucks so much more like just start the torrential flow already

No. 330182

My period has been due for a very long time now, I'm cramping really bad like I'm on it, but my body is not bleeding. I bled a very, very small amount three days ago, it completely stopped. It happens again today, and there's no blood an hour later. None even got on my pad. I have all the other period symptoms, it hurts excruciatingly like I am, but nothing. I had all the premenstrual symptoms, and it's fucking up. They hurt. I want to know what the fuck is going on, because my ultrasound came back completely normal, and my previous vitamin D deficiency is now at a normal level. Does anyone know what might be the problem? I'm a lesbian and a virgin, so it isn't pregnancy.

No. 330273

Have you had your hormones levels checked? You can have PCOS without having large ovarian cysts at all, for example. I have it and my pelvic scan was completely normal but I get weird period-like cramps and other symptoms weeks before my period actually starts, especially when I'm not on birth control.

No. 330335

No, I haven't, none of my doctors are willing to do a hormone test, and my other bloodwork was seemingly normal, unless they did the hormones with everything else, which also seemed normal. Weird either way

No. 330349

>none of my doctors are willing to do a hormone test
demand it from them

No. 330356

I keep seeing all those "I'm ovulating owo" posts, and they weird me out. Is it common for ovulation to have zero effect on libido?

No. 330360

I will at my next appointment. I refuse to take estrogen if they suggest it, however. I will never take it, was prescribed estradiol once and had a rather bad mental breakdown on it, on multiple occasions, which stopped after dumping it

No. 330413

Can you share some of how you were diagnosed with PCOS? I haven't had a period since October. My newest doctor actually seems to care about it but my bloodwork was normal

No. 330481

Sure! I mentioned I thought I might have PCOS to a doctor while I was being tested for something else that might be connected. Doctor was reluctant at first since I'm not overweight/don't "look" like the type, and since I'm on birth control I had to go off of it for a while to let my hormones levels go back to whatever is their natural level. I waited three months, made the request again. I got two separate blood tests; one at a random point in my cycle that showed elevated androgens, then a second one on the first day of my period to compare with the first one. That came up too high too, so I got the diagnosis.
I did get a pelvic scan later and they only found very small cysts, but I was told PCOS is no longer diagnosed from scans since women can have it without having large cysts/overly large ovaries, especially when you're on the pill.

Overall it sucks and most doctors do not take you seriously if you're not visibly obese/extremely hairy (and the male GP who referred me for the scan made things up in my letter saying I'm not hirsute and don't have painful periods, despite never meeting me or asking me about it). I think a lot of doctors that are well-meaning also just don't know much about it as PCOS is still very underdiagnosed, so it's possible they missed something.

No. 331709

I've got the PMS shits right now, at least I'm no longer bloated though. I literally look like I've swallowed a ball when it gets to the bloated phase of the cycle, makes me spiral so much thinking I've gained loads of weight. Also my cycle is all over the place since I started eating meat again and exercising a lot more, but it's no longer cripplingly painful so I guess you win some you lose some.

No. 331916

Kek I get what it's like. Cured my horrible period pain, got what you call PMS shits instead. I've never been this happy while sweating on the toilet.

No. 332387

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Hey nonnas, I went on the cerazette micro pill some years ago. I have lost maybe three stone in the last two years and whilst I would have rarer and lighter periods, I'm now pretty regular and have a heavy bleed most months. Is this normal? My doctor has said the pill should still be working and my partner fucked me right before my period this month and it occured to me to check with nonnies after intrusive thoughts but I wondered if anyone else has had similar experiences. Thanks!

No. 332409

Hello, why is my period blood light pink this time around? Usually when I wipe the fresh stuff's the color of blood, but it is light pink instead.

No. 333368

I'm looking for a period tracker app that doesn't have cringe TRA propaganda. I uninstalled Clue because it called women "people who menstruate".

Can you nonnies recommend me anything? Thanks!

No. 333376

I use log28

No. 333385

Could be just more mucus in the vagina than usual, especially if you did something like double-ovulate (which is how fraternal twins or the more freaky "twins with different fathers" happen, expecially if there are a few days between popping ovum #2 off the ovary)

No. 333387

Weirdly the time when testosterone is highest in the female (adult human) body is right on ovulation. Some women are more sensitive to the hormone and get super horny and energetic, and some just don't. So it might be just one of those things.

No. 333394

i just use the ios health app, i'm not sure if there's a similar feature on android

No. 333612

when I do exercise that my body finds strenuous (and it’s not very intense, think biking an hour a day or so), my period just doesn’t come. I always have to stop doing my activities for a week or two and then it strarts. Does anyone know what this means? When I google it it says professional athletes sometimes lose their periods but i’m nowhere near that. It’s very annoying when I’m trying to become stronger. It’s been this way since somewhere in high school.

No. 333614

Im going to be on an international flight for 16 hours while on my heaviest day, any advice to manage a really heavy flow and cramping without going insane? I'm also worried i'll have the period shits and fuck up the bathroom on top of being miserable. I'm weirdly nervous about this tbh

No. 333624

Not enough calories.

No. 333688

500 mg Naproxen has helped me survive 10hr shifts at work on my worst cramp days. Just make sure to not take it on an empty stomach. As for the flow I’m not sure how bad it is for you, I’d just take the biggest pads I could find and change often. Also if you can sleep on the flight you’ll save yourself from lots of discomfort.

No. 333761

Not sure how much time you have before your flight but have you thought buying about period underwear?

Maybe take away a lot of the stress about changing a pad/tampon in those tiny airline bathrooms.

No. 334589

Nonas who use period panties: i have this issue where they end up stinking really bad pretty quickly and I feel like I have to wash them several times afterwards to get rid of it. Is this normal? Should I get new ones? How long do you keep a pair? Should I just change them more often? I have 3 pairs I try to rotate but I have to stay on top of laundry to make sure they're clean and dry quick enough.

I can't smell it unless I pull them down and it doesn't seem like anyone else can smell it, but it still makes me feel gross from how incredibly vile the smell is. Just the smell of blood i guess, but it's so intense! Other than that I can't see myself ever going back to pads or tampons because I've never felt so secure and comfortable during my period before.

No. 334601

What's your washing routine?
Any laundry that involves bodily fluids (period panties, cloth diapers, stuff with vomit on it) benefits from being washed first in cold water with a detergent/stain remover with enzymes in it. And then washed again in warm water with your usual detergent

No. 334651

I've never used period underwear, but I know that white vinegar is good at eliminating bodily secretions and smells that result from them. You can just pour it right in your washing machine with the laundry soap.

No. 334691

I've been doing cold water only (since that was the instruction for them), often at least twice to get the smell out. I guess I should try doing a warm run afterwards too, thanks nonas

No. 334696

I hate my period so much tampons hurt and gross me out but pads are such a hassle wish I could just stop having a period altogether no disease no surgery no drugs just stop

No. 334701

Modibodi. A pair a day. Rinse and squeeze blood out under the cold water tap until they have been running clear for a few minutes. Immediately hang up inside out in the bathroom. Leave them there until my period is over then wash them on a 30 degree wool/hand wash with 100ml wool detergent. Hang up inside out again until fully dry (1+ day) before packing away. Never had an issue. I use wool detergent because one of the gusset layers in MB that combats smell is wool and that's what the company says should be used or they'll stop working over time.

Did you ever soak them? You're not supposed to. You might have ruined some inner material which is why they stopped working? Next time, I would rinse out with cold water until clear then chuck them in a 40c (warm) wash with normal, enzyme detergent. Maybe every so many washes they need a deeper clean?

No. 334702

*wool/hand wash is an option on my machine.

No. 334709

I'm taking quercetin supplements for allergies regularly for the 1st time and I'm having the weirdest period. Cramps barely hurt, a lot less bloating, and for the 1st time ever I got cramps before the blood came down. It's been hours and still no blood.
I googled it and apparently quercetin is good for people who suffer from heavy painful periods and endometriosis. Good to know.

No. 334723

Is this good for women with only painful cramps and not heavy blood?

No. 335530

what dosage are you currently taking?
is it simple quercetin or dihydroquercitin/taxifolin? i've seen the second one being sold a lot more than the first
never heard of quercitin for allergies before though, maybe i should try them, and reducing the menses sounds even better

No. 335540

Okay so my period just fucking caught me out again and I nearly lost a nice pair of underwear. So here are my questions:
1. Is a period-tracking app even remotely worth the massive invasion of privacy? (Or is there an alternative, analog way to do this? My periods are never "just" 5 days, they're always wonky.)

2. Some femanon told me she wore daily liners every day so that she'd never risk staining her underwear, period or otherwise. I tried it for a week and couldn't take it (the… smell). Has anyone tried this? I like my cute underwear and don't want to destroy it, but I feel like its inevitable.

No. 335600

>Or is there an alternative, analog way to do this?
Yes, a notebook.

No. 335604

>Is a period-tracking app even remotely worth the massive invasion of privacy?
>is there an alternative, analog way to do this?
Buy one of those tiny paper calendars people use as bookmarks and circle your period days. Or use a notebook, as the other anon suggested, and write down the dates.

No. 335635

Wearing lines all the time is not healthy for you. Can cause yeast infections.

No. 335636

my hormonal implant has been causing me to have my period continously for 6 months causing me to be very anemic rn.
i finally got it removed rn and gonna take iron supplements.
Im so tired of constantly bleeding holy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No. 335639

Does anyone know why I get "manic" right before the first day of my cycle? As in, thoughts racing, making a lot of plans, talking to friends a lot more, able to get 10 things done at once- things like that. Come to think of it, I also just made a purchase that I maybe should not have, so add impulsiveness to that list. What hormone is responsible for that? Also, is it common to feel like your hormones run your life? I feel like I barely have a say in how I feel most of the time because of these devilish hormonal fluctuations. Is that pretty normal or no?

No. 335642

>period-tracking app
It's not analog, but I use my Google Calendar and use a custom label and color for menstrual tracking events. When my period starts I write in "PS" and when it ends I put "PE", and tag/label the entries. That way I can see them at a glance, or I can use the search function to show all of those events at once. I also track PMS symptoms this way from time to time. Might be something to consider. You can name/color the label anything, obviously, so it can be relatively discreet.

No. 335809

This happens to me too so I'm keeping an eye on your post anon.

No. 336093

AYRT, I'm stupit. Lol thanks guys.

No. 336175

Where can I get good cloth pads? There’s a ton on etsy but idk about buying from there.
That’s a good idea, I always forget to mark my physical calendar

No. 336187

This is EXACTLY what happens with me too, oh god, I thought I was the only one. One day before my period, I get this productivity devil unleashed and I want to do everything and I become very impulsive.

No. 336875

My aunt came back from a trip to thailand and she brought me back this "cooling" pads and my coochie feels like it was blasted by ice and toothpaste KEK

No. 337202

Has anyone here experienced extreme nausea and lightheadedness during pms and how do you deal with it?
My sister suddenly started developing severe general nausea and she went through all sorts of medical check-ups, she's completely healthy. She always had painful periods but they never impacted her ability to work to this point. It sucks because during that one week it can happen randomly so it only stresses her out more.

No. 337213

yeah, the only thing that has ever helped manage it is hormonal birth control unfortunately. otherwise I just puke and pass out the first couple days of my period.

No. 337232

How bad is it to not get your period? Like I stopped getting my period sometime during covid when I put on a ton of weight and started drinking a lot. Now I'm leading a more healthy lifestyle and trying to lose weight again but my period still doesn't come very often. I can go without my period for 3 months even. I don't want kids so infertility doesn't necessarily bother me but could it be an indicator of overall poor health?

I'm also diagnosed with an underactive thyroid since childhood so it's possible that's the reason but my period used to be more regular.

No. 337235

>could it be an indicator of overall poor health
Yes. Yes, it is. Eat healthy food, get your 8 hours of sleep, and practice moderate exercise. Daily. Then your period should stabilize on its own.
I'd check up on the thyroid problem as well, if I were you.

No. 337259

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Damn we were both hoping to avoid that since I became a retarded mess on bc and I don't want her to experience the same. Thank you for the reply though nonnie

No. 337281

Is your thyroid checked and meds upped regularly nonna? I was diagnosed as a teenager and feel like my medication is upped at least once a year to help keep things stable. Sorry if this is an obvious response, but just in case.

No. 337293

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I used to get typical but not too bad periods— cramping toward the beginning, painful cramps and heavy day one, maybe two, then light flow and smooth sailing for the other two days

Now I’m getting light to very light periods with no pain, no cramps at all.

I’m not complaining but is this something I should be worried about? I’m 33 and I’ve gained weight this last year (not overweight but not thin)

No. 337626

Why does my period take so long to end I could tell it’s ending cause it’s brown and light but it is like this for 2-3 days

No. 337704

Does anyone experience a delay in their period after extended hot tub or sauna use?
My period has been on a regular 28-32 day cycle for over a year except on the two months I was sitting in hot tubs and saunas all day. Not sure if it's a coincidence or not.

No. 337707

For me it was PCOS but the thyroid issue could be the culprit too, hope you get better soon nonners

No. 337975

I sing better then too. I like my voice best right before I get my period.

No. 338188

Idk if this is the right thread but it is hormone related so I guess I will try. When I was younger I started my period pretty early, around 9 or 10. It got really super heavy a few years later, my mom wouldnt believe me at the time how heavy kek but that was the heaviest periods of my life. I also grew a thick moustache. Hormones tested, testosterone too high, got cysts on my ovaries, all that fun stuff. Insurance covered laser for the stache though so I got to leave early from school in 4th grade every few weeks for my 'spa' treatment kek. Helped a lot, but its definitely still thick and noticable. At the time I was a bit overweight, like bmi 27ish. By the time I was no longer a minor I got my weight under control and my period evened out some. Ditched the bc they rxed me. Over the next years my period stabalized more and I got almost what one would call shredded. Probably a touch of orthoexia truth be told. FF to covid, lockdown, etc and the past several years I quit the gym entirely. I gained back the weight. I am bmi 27.5ish I think. Not obese but overweight for sure. Always had 1 or 2 dark chin hairs, slowly got more over the years. This past year my chin(well under it) has turned into a neckbeard. Thick dark hairs sprouting all over. They make deep dark blackhead looking spots I have to dig them out in order to pluck. It looks awful. I have 2 thick patches on either side beneath my jaw, and thick blonde hairs like a goatee around my actual chin. A few darker not yet black hairs there too. Wtf? I am not yet 30. I know older women (menopause?) get those hairs commonly but I am too young for it to be this way. Is this all due to the weight gain? If I go to a doctor they will rx me birth control and I refuse to ever take bc again. My period is predictable and shorter now finally. 1 really heavy day, 3 to 5 medium/light spotting days. Couple bad cramps but nothing worrying. No cyst issues that I am aware of and no crazy period/hormone issues like I used to have. My menstrual cycle feels extremely normal (finally). I used to not care about my body hair at all but at this rate I might actually look like I took T within the next year kek. Idk. Anyone else experience this/lost weight and it resolved/have advice other than 'doctor'?

No. 338200

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I have not experienced exactly what you're going through but when I gained weight as an adult (I put on 25-30 pounds when I was 27) I experienced much worse hormonal acne and breast tenderness and mood swings than ever before. When I lost the weight it improved. When I went back up in weight a little last year it started happening again so I'm back on my healthy living, I can't deal with insane bacne and insane moods and all that. If I recall correctly being overweight affects hormones significantly so my non-doctor opinion is Yes, it's the weight. picrel one thing I've heard of that sounds a bit like what you've got going on

No. 338210

It's probably hormonal, nonny. When I was around the same age my periods just stopped and I started experiencing the same symptoms as you. I also started ballooning up in weight to a point of having pregnancy scares. Stopped caffeine and sugar, it went back to normal but much slower than before.

No. 338313

My IUD is causing me acne every cycle and it makes me so depressed on top of everything. It also lowers my sex drive and worsens my PMDD. I told my Nigel after this one I’m done but that’s not until fall of 2025. Can’t fucking wait

No. 338316

I also have PCOS and hoped birth control and getting fit would get rid of my chin hair patches (which sound just like yours, they make dark spots and are on either side) but they didn't. I honestly didn't notice a difference in my chin hairs at all when going from significantly overweight to a little swole, they got worse with age regardless of my weight.

No. 338364

Ayrt makes sense, I feel like I havent put on enough weight for it to occur but maybe I have kek. Still need another 10, maybe 15 lbs to be considered obese, but there is no denying I need to weigh less. I read the cap, and I realized that some meds I started a little over a year ago have the side effect of increasing hgh, which probably increases testosterone too. (It is also one reason for gaining weight because it is a sedative and I will do the ambien thing and binge eat sometimes while barely concious..but Ive finally made some progress on that at least kek still a ways to go though.)
Glad to hear that with your hard work some of these things reversed for you. Motivation for me.
I hate to hear that, the other anon said it did help her to be in better shape but sounds like it might vary by genetics. On the bright side its a bit fun to get high and pluck the thick hairs/blackhead things out…. I guess. I suspect that if I get in better shape maybe the hair will stop multiplying? But I have my doubts it will go away for me too. I should get that gym membership ive been putting off. Thanks for sharing.

No. 338430

I just can't use menstrual cup or tampon. I feel like I can't push them deep enough despite everything (lube, applicator, positioning, etc). It feels uncomfortable or even sore and whatever muscle inside me is trying to push them out. The area around them will be sore even moments after I pulled them out. I spent hours trying to figure menstrual cup out and it didn't work. A shame since I want to reduce cost of period products by using menstrual cup because pads that don't make me itch cost more. I'm taking antihistamines to prevent the pad for causing hives.

No. 338467

Have you tried cloth pads? Maybe you could find ones made of less itchy material.

No. 338471

>>338467 yes, sadly still itchy with the ones I tried. I'd love to try more brands but most I found only sell it in packs. Thanks, I should look more into it.

No. 339697

Okay nonas, forgive me if this should maybe in the BC thread instead

How long did it take any of you for your period to come back normally after stopping BC? I was on the pill for three years and stopped in January as I finally realized how horribly it was affecting my mood/mental. I've only had one actual period 3 almost 4 months ago now and nothing since, not pregnant either.

No. 339889

cotton pads are good too

No. 340168

Currently dealing with pre-period cramps that feel like I’m being stabbed continuously which is fine but, unfortunately the period diarrhea is here this time as well. I’m meeting a friend tomorrow to do some window shopping for god knows how long and I really don’t want to be endlessly running to the bathrooms to shit my guts out. Is there anyway to prevent it ? What if I just skip breakfast (& coffee) and only drink water? Or is there something I can eat that will help keep it at bay, even just for an afternoon/evening? Please, any advice is appreciated!!

No. 340231

I'm getting bad nausea in the morning and bad back/side pain like a full week even before my period has started and I can't deal with it anymore nonas, I'm literally considering suicide every month because of it including right now. It's just not worth living if I have to be female and suffer like this.

No. 340256

I'm probably late for your plans but if you can keep an otc med like imodium/loperamide on hand its good for when period shits coincide with busy days.

No. 340296

this sounds like endometriosis (I have it and used to get this nausea a lot more often before I had surgery). Have you been to a doctor recently? Do you have other symptoms and what is your menstrual or premenstrual pain like?

No. 340413

Im feeling extremely depressed and anxious. Ive noticed that maybe a year ago I started getting emotional symptoms with pms and I dont think I had before. Wasnt sure what my deal was then I noticed ot happens around a week to 10 days before my period starts. Its very strange. I know now that in a day or two I will feel 'normal' and a few days after that, maybe 1 week, I will start bleeding. But it hits like a train. A deep sense of doom, feeling like I need to cry (I cried yesterday quite a bit trying to figure out some work stuff) a sense of despair so strong it feels like the air is heavy. I feel like I could panic if I let myself. Really panic. Like I have so much sorrow and hopelessness. I dont really have any question I guess. Just sorta wanted to ramble…but if anyone else has had an experience like this youre welcome to share… I think it has something to do with just getting older…but idk. My period itself has changed a bit too as well as the other stuff like sore boobs and cramps.

No. 340416

>but if anyone else has had an experience like this youre welcome to share…
I do. In my case it was vitamin D deficiency. Could also be the hormones, which can be fixed, at least that was the case with one of my friends.

No. 340500

The day before my period, like clockwork, my mood tanks, I’m furious about everything and every frustration is offered the solution of: kys. Logically I know that’s ridiculous and overreacting but holy shit, it’s like every bad feeling I’ve had in my life comes at me at once and suddenly my brain just breaks and is like: “yep, spilled water, better kys.”
Do any other nonnies have this problem? How do you deal? I normally just isolate myself, chill out and cry, my husband is always alarmed but I don’t know how to explain to him that it’s “normal” for me because how is that normal!?
On the other hand when I’m ovulating I just get maudlin and suddenly everyone hates me in my mind, why am I like this? Why do my hormones illicit these kinds of intense bursts of emotions? I’m a pretty cynical/rain cloud kind of person normally but I’m able to think around it and recognize the negative thoughts and disarm them. When my period/ovulation hits thought it’s like all my higher brain function is consumed by my emotions. It’s kind of alarming. Does anyone have any insights or recommendations?

No. 342672

My whole down region smells like peaches at certain points of my cycle, I don't remember that being a thing when I was younger so I'm not sure if it's normal or not?
It kind of seems like it's my sweat? It's literally just around the genital/ass area though and not the rest of the body, tmi but my ass crack sweat has the smell too. It's VERY noticable if I smell it, way more so than my normal sweat. It's not too bothersome to have your ass smell like peaches, but I'm worried it's a sign of some medical issue

No. 342673

Do you eat a lot of sugar? Throwing out a guess here that it may be related

No. 343522

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Why does my menstrual cup start leaking randomly? I don't know what's happening to break the seal, maybe I don't empty it enough but it's never full when I take it out…

No. 343529

Nonnies how do I know when I'll ovulate after taking plan B? I've heard that plan B delays your ovulation for another 5 days but I use a calender to track my menstrual cycle and I have no idea when I'll have my fertile days in the future (like next month when my cycle is supposed to be normal again). I feel so dumb for not knowing this but I never thought I'd be in the position where I'd have to take plan B.

No. 343530

I have the same problem and stopped using it because of it. I remember reading it could be because of a wrong size cup but those things are expensive.

No. 343733

It always happens to me when it doesn't fully open up after being inserted, you can try different ways of folding it, maybe they will work better for you? And as other anon says, it may the the issue of size / firmness as well.

No. 343785

How do I jumpstart my period three days early? I really, really need it. Do I take a large dose of vitamin C? Lift heavy shit?

No. 343870

Raspberry leaf tea. Not guaranteed to trigger a period but it can happen, especially if you drink a couple cups a day.

No. 344962

If I eat 1200kcal/day, I don't get my period, but if I eat 1300, I do. Aside from a couple of times when I did increase my daily intake, I hadn't gotten my period for like 3 years.
At the beginning of June I increased it to 1300kcal/day and am now on my second period since, yet I'm already fed up with the cramps, the blood and the period diarrhea.

How bad would it be if I went back to no period? Aside from the prospect of osteoporosis, it was honestly a dream..

No. 344967

I find masturbating a lot helps. There are also some herbs and teas you can take like black cohosh, parsley tea etc.

No. 344968

Is it normal for your blood to stink kinda bad towards the end of your period? I always find it’s almost odourless for the first day or two but on the last day and my spotting day afterwards it smells like off meatloaf or something and it’s gross. I’ve already had a swab done for a bacterial infection and it came back negative so idk why it smells so bad, it’s been like this for years, idk.

No. 344986

I mean yeah, it's bodily dejection in the end. While it's not from ingesting food or drinks, it's still the unfertilized ovule that is being expelled by your body. And I guess since the ovule is made of cells and cells have some protein in them (if chemistry class memories serve right), it'd make sense for it to have a "rotten meat" like smell.
It would be more curious if it didn't smell, because only dead cells on the surface of the skin don't have a bad smell when naturally shedding (whenever on your body itches and you scratch it is the naturally shedding moment).

No. 345000

Thanks for the scientific explanation nona, that a bit more reassuring. I have heard that menstrual blood becomes stinkier on contact with oxygen so maybe I should start to use tampons or something idk. I was wondering if other girls get this too or if I’m just a stinky freak. But then, I bought some Polish and Korean sanitary pads and both said they had an odor guard/neutralizer built in, so I assume a lot of women struggle with menstrual odor if it’s on mainstream pad packaging. I basically have to take 3 showers a day by the end to keep the smell at bay, it’s quite annoying.

No. 345043

I mean, mine never smells rotten. Just sort of musky and metallic.

No. 345057

I don't think tampons will help because I use a cup and my blood still smells pretty strong. Not exactly rotten but very metallic and sort of earthy. Also, I don't know what the "neutralizer" in those pads is, but at least the chemicals in scented pads are pretty horrible for you so you should be careful with those.

No. 345224

Ok so I did a medication abortion four days ago and don’t know if I’m okay in terms of bleeding and pain

I’m in a lot of dull aching pain down there, and the bleeding hasn’t let up at all. It’s just as heavy as it was after I took the pills. And it is not stopping or getting lighter after four days.

I haven’t seen much tissue pass, when I stand I basically pee myself with blood. I’m starting to get dizzy and quite weak. A jumbo tampon lasts maybe one hour.

I really don’t want to go to a hospital, and I start work again tonight. Has anyone experienced this? It’s not normal bleeding for me. It’s heavier than a bad period, and nonstop. I’ve been on the couch for days.

No. 345265

>I really don’t want to go to a hospital
but you have to

No. 345344

I hope you are in a hospital right now.

No. 345367

Please tell us you went to a hospital! Holy shit!

God damn I really wish we were given more info on what to expect with a medical abortion as standard, it can be so dangerous. I was on the phone to my friend while she was aborting and she was describing symptoms of hypovolemic shock to me. She wouldn't call an ambulance because she 'was fine' and 'just a bit dizzy' (confusion and delirium are some of the symptoms). I called an ambulance for her and she was still protesting as they carried her out. Her bathroom looked like she'd legitimately been murdered and paramedics said she was an hour away from bleeding out.
Sorry not to trauma dump or put anyone off a necessary medical abortion but it's just another way women are failed. Please do your research and have someone stay with you while you're aborting.

No. 345375

My sister had something very similar where her Fallopian tube ruptured and began haemorrhaging and she almost died because the doctors were all scrotes and said it was probably just her period being particularly heavy (yeah like losing 2 pints of blood through your hooha is totally just a normal to heavy flow) she refused to go home and probably would have died if she hadn’t stayed in the hospital, I’m not saying that’s what this is but bleeding that profusely is absolutely not normal please please fucking go to the hospital nona this sounds serious

No. 345381

Got down to 19 BMI (by normal moderate restriction and not starvation), period, where did you fucking go? That's normal weight. My uterus gotta be kidding

No. 345417

Anon, are you okay? I'm waiting for an update.

No. 345419

Anon from abortion pill post - I didn’t go to a doctor because it slowed for 12 hours, but I’m at work now and I suddenly got cramps and pain from hell and bled through my pants and clothes and am dizzy as hell and stuck here waiting for relief at work. Probably going to the hospital soon. The abortion pill people (online ordering) said to take two more pills to empty my uterus more but I can’t take any more pain or bleeding, taking more pills would hurt me so badly right now

No. 345422


No. 345425

i’m on my period almost all the time it feels like but this past 6 months only a little comes at a time and it varies between being obvious red period blood and being more brown. it’s not exactly all the time but it feels like it, i have to wear a panty liner at all times in just in case because it comes and goes

it fucking sucks and i wonder if something is wrong with me

i’m too scared to go to the gynecologist, it’s retarded of me but i feel so vulnerable and exposed and humiliated and almost violated when i go and someone pokes around down there, just thinking about it is turning my stomach i haven’t been since before i was raped maybe that’s why

No. 345426

another moron. good luck with your possible cancer or something.
>i wonder if something is wrong with me
no shit sherlock

No. 345428

anon >>345426 is just being a dick, a lot of things can change your period including gaining/losing a lot of weight, stress, other meds you take. It's always good to get it checked if you're worried. Ask a doctor for advice before going directly to a gyno if your past sexual abuse makes you fear it too much. They might recommend going to one but they may also catch some other obvious explanation that makes the gyno visit unnecessary

No. 345429

>a lot of things can change your period including gaining/losing a lot of weight, stress, other meds you take
she's been bleeding on and off for 6 months. don't make her feel like it's not a big deal.

No. 345430

It’s an online abortion service that delivers medication abortion pills bc you know, Roe v. Wade but yeah, I have to go to a hospital. I had a medication abortion once before and it sucked, it was the same process and medications but it was nothing like this in terms of bleeding and prolonged pain

No. 345431

>she's been bleeding on and off
yes that is in fact how a period works. how about you don't call rape victims morons for being scared over approaching medical help, which i suggested she does in a more helpful way and without being a rude ass dick at the same time

No. 345433

thank you so much for being so helpful nonna! i have been extremely stressed and i take a lot of medication so i think that could play into it. i’m currently trying to get in touch with a nurse on phone to get advice and hopefully help to get an appointment with a doctor. i really appreciate your advice!

No. 345436

still, they are not responsible for what the pills might do to you.
even if it gets better on its own, do not let the relief change your mind and please please please go to the hospital. good luck anon.

No. 345457

Yeah. I almost passed out at work and I’m rly out ofit now. I had been monitoring blood pressure at home and before I made the decision it’s time for ER I saw my blood pressure dropped from 110/76 to 91/62 over the last 12hrs. I think under 90/60 is going into shock so it’s time to go. This sucks because the bleeding completely stopped for a while and I thought the blood loss was ending but fell asleep at work and woke up to blood soaked clothes this sucks. I shouldn’t have done the pill abortion method idk what’s even going on. Thank you everyone who answered

No. 345460

I hope you get decent treatment at the hospital. That's so scary, take care of yourself.

No. 345735

I haven't had my period in 4 months, but recently I have been spotting for the past couple of days. It's brownish pink blood and it's not much. I'm not pregnant or having a miscarriage. I'm planning on going to see a doctor about this if it persists though I am curious if anybody had their period show up after spotting for a couple days. I am prone to ovarian cysts that delay my period and I read online that it could be PCOS causing me to spot. The thing is that I have no other symptom other than the irregular periods. Every time I get checked for PCOS, I come out negative and my thyroid is normal. I have minor uterus pain, the ocassional cramp here and there. Does anybody have any input?

No. 345888

I have a question that kind of spans over into more than just my period but maybe a knowledgeable nonnie can still assist.

I've always had irregular periods with sometimes months in between. We were pretty closed off in my family growing up about bodily functions so not until I was an adult did I do some tests and discover that I had a tiny tumor on my pituitary gland that causes increased prolactin production. I've had the Mirena IUD inserted for a while now, and have no period at all (which I like, I'm not gonna lie and say I miss the uncertainty of never knowing when I was going to start) but I'm worried that this has some consequences that I haven't thought of. I've read bits and pieces about birth control and female health and sex drive that I'd like to avoid if possible while also having a more cohesive relationship to my menstrual cycle. Any tips?

No. 346504

Hi nonas. I haven't had a period in years because I have the Nexplanon implant. I got it in when I was 16 because I hated having periods and it's been 11 years since then. I've hardly had a single one since then. I saw some anons talking in another thread about how apparently this will really fuck you up down the line. Is this true?

No. 346783

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You should probably try to read up more on your specific birth control method. Read actual studies, not what manufacturers say about it because much like the puberty blocker sellers claiming those are "safe and reversible" they have no shame and will straight up lie to us. I don't know the specifics, but it's definitely true that ALL medicine has negative side effects, and that women's bodies specifically are ignored and understudied. So it wouldn't be surprising to me at all if there are hidden negative health effects that society doesn't give a shit about because it's only harming women.

No. 346820

Don't those things only last 3-5 years before they should be replaced?

No. 346862

Thanks nona, you're right. I'll do some research.

Sorry, I should have clarified that I've had it replaced every 3 years.

No. 347487

have had irregular periods in the past but in recent years its been pretty consistent, almost down to the exact same date the past months but suddenly today, 13 days early, I went to use the toilet and found blood in my underwear. I don’t take birth control or any medication, just supplements, have no implants, and can’t work out why this would happen. is it just my body being strange and nothing to worry about? why is this freaking me out so much??

No. 348240

I worked up all my courage and told a (male) doctor I was worried about my irregular period that gives me cramp even off my period and he just told me it's normal and not to worry because it's always been that way for me so it's my "normal". I'm completely crushed and don't know what to do. I hate the pain, I hate bleeding all the fucking time with no ability to predict when it comes or goes.

No. 348257

Sorry for late reply but stress can do that! So can hard exercise. Did you bleed for more than one day? If so, it is most likely nothing to worry about as long as your next cycle is normal. If you think it could be related to an STI or something, best to get checked out but if there’s no way that could be the case, I genuinely wouldn’t worry. I’m like you, very predictable periods down to the day but every so often being very stressed or exercising too hard has given me some breakthrough bleeding or even thrown my cycle off by a week. Sending you good vibes, nonna!

No. 349079

So my period lasts about 4 days but it’s weird
It’s in full force in the first day but it gets lighter and turns brown the second day and it’s like “ending” for 3 days it’s just light and brown and barely there.

No. 349093

Totally fine. Fortunate for you that you have a “light flow”. Unless this is a sudden change from a heavier flow I wouldn’t worry about it.

No. 349095

i've had the same flow for so long and it seems absolutely normal, no health issues or such

No. 349097

Don’t feel bad about what he said, he’s an idiot and a dismissive doctor. Saying something like you’ve always felt pain so it’s normal is something a doctor would do, that’s why they’re useless for anything but the most basic tasks like drawing blood or writing a prescription. They rarely actually want to help. You have to advocate for yourself so much to get them to do anything complicated. You would probably have better luck with a female doctor but sometimes they’re dismissive too and you just have to keep asking them to do more until they do. Not to be a bummer but treatment is limited even if they do diagnose you with endo or pcos or something like that… but there are things that can help so it’s worth getting medical advice if you can. The best gyno I ever had was a female “DO” (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, deals with whole-body health and are better at patient interaction or at least she was) so maybe look for one of them if you can.

No. 349758

this is so gross but I keep getting pimples around the labia and butt area during my period and they're so deep and painful and ugly they make me want to cry. I don't know what to do about it, I feel like even if I talk to a doctor or gyno they'll just be like "well the hormonal changes that cause them are normal so it can't be helped". There's never a ton of them but they're huge and painful so even having 1 is a massive disruption. I really don't know what to do and I'm scared to be dismissed. I've never been someone who got a lot of pimples anywhere else on my body , it just had to be on my fucking crotch area

No. 349781

Is it like pimple-pimples or like a rash? Because it sounds like it's from your pads if anything. Maybe try tampons or a cup?

No. 349791

Not a rash at all, they're proper pimples. I get them in places the pads don't touch too so I doubt that's it

No. 349811

I’m so happy my periods are not the heinous bloodbaths of pain they once were. I’ve never been able to use hormonal BC, and IUDs aren’t necessary for me since I’m a lesbian, but when I first started my menses (12) they were HEINOUS. Like day one, it was baseball seized clots and blood blood blood for four days before it would taper. The pain was so intense I could not walk sometimes. Nothing ever showed in MRIs and ultrasounds and exams so I literally just was like, imbalanced? It was prob a lot to do w the stress of my home life too, but all the way until my pregnancy 2 years ago my periods were the worst point of the month. Then after they came back normally post partum, they still are blood heavy but way less giant clots and the heavy bleeding is only for 3 days before it tapers, and the cramps are so much less horrible. I feel so blessed. I genuinely like getting my period now, it feels healthy. It comes exactly on the predicted day every month too, 26 days apart every time. I’m on it right now and just thinking of how relieved and happy I am makes me want to cry tears of joy. It’s so much more manageable than it was.

No. 349819

anyone else think the blood clots loook like those weird homonculus videos on youtube they're freaking me out

No. 349902

Use a cream that contains "Benzoyl peroxide". Be careful and only use a small amount in the pimple.

It's a chemical used to treat acne, you can use in the face or body, but it can burn the skin, so be really careful, specially considering the area.

I'm happy for you nonna. I've never had a period like that before, I can't imagine how could you manage!

I have no idea what are you talking about and I don't know if I'm going to be brave enough to search that thing.

No. 350568

Can stress cause your lining to become extremely thick/cause heavy flow the next time you have your period? This month has been so heavy. I've had a ridiculous amount of lining that I've been passing. At least the clots aren't super huge, but I'm just wondering how the fuck is there so much lining when the uterus is so small? My period is never like this at all. The only culprit I can think of is that I've been especially stressed this month. I've also started using those heat pads you wear against the top of your underwear for the first time, could heatt also cause heavier flow?

No. 350646

Anyone else ever feel like a spider spinning silk when you're ovulating?

No. 352285

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>crying and trying not to scream in pain while curled up on the floor sweating through all my clothes, fainting, throwing up, feeling like there are rusty scalpels in my stomach during periods for 10 years
>heavy bleeding, blood clots
>started bleeding out of my fucking ass and hemorrhoid creams are not working
>suicidal thoughts and rage before periods so bad i can't function, pretty much all PMDD symptoms
>visit gyno
>NOTHING on the ultrasound, get prescribed basic painkillers and told bye bye

This has been going on for too long. I always tell people to follow their gut instinct but haven't done it myself. Something just isn't right, and I'm gonna try my hardest to get a laparoscopy. I've been drugging myself with heavy pain meds at the beginning of every period and thought I could live like that forever, but I've now learned endo could damage other organs. No fucking way I'm having this shit grow for another 10 years and ending up with a stoma bag or some shit. Why didn't they fucking tell me that it sometimes doesn't show up on ultrasounds? They just don't give a fuck. I can feel that something's wrong and I'm the last person to feel any kind of health anxiety.

No. 352289

I can't believe we have to deal with this shit still. Wishing you strength nona, go in there and refuse to leave until they've done every test, that isn't normal and you shouldn't let them tell you it is.

No. 352299

Yeah this isn't normal. I agree with >>352289 that they need to keep testing. I was exactly in your position for years and only last year got my endo diagnosis from a completely unrelated abdomen MRI. It had never shown up on ultrasound. Go figure, but it's worth a try.

No. 352300

You have the a classic case of endo and even reading your complaints at the start was enough for me to suspect you have it so I'm shocked no doctor diagnosed you before. It won't do major damage like you imagine, you'll be prescribed birth control probably to stop the tissue growing and bleeding there. You won't die or suffer from any consequences so try to relax a little, blood coming out of orifices is a very serious symptom and I'm horrified the doctor didn't research more or give you a good enough explanation. I'm sorry you went through that, hope it gets better soon.

No. 352341

Thanks for the support nonnies. I've been trying to read more about this stuff lately, and I'm just raging on behalf of other women suffering from this as well. Just read about this one lady getting ignored by several doctors until one actually listened to her. She ended up with a stoma bag because she had gone untreated for too long. Holy shit if that happened to me, I would empty my shitty little stoma bag in the doctors faces.

Thank you, I'll ask for an MRI as well. I'll demand it actually, because it seems like that's what you have to do.

No. 352408

Holy shit anaon, medical discrimination is real. I hope you get more tests soon and maybe find a better doctor in the future. Wishing you all the best!

No. 354101

>>345425 here idk if anyone cares but i figured i could update in case anyone else has a similar problem

i’ve been to the gyno, it was terrifying. a male gyno who wasn’t listed in my information email turned up and did most of it, i was so scared but i found out what was wrong.

it wasn’t anything dangerous. it turned out i have an unusually large mucous membrane that prevented blood from leaking out during my periods over a long time, causing blood to build up in my uterus until it started leaking out all the time because it was so full. i got meds against it and am now bleeding several periods in one which is absolutely unbearable but also far better than if something had been seriously wrong with me. everything else was healthy and i’ll be fine.

thank you so much to the kind anon who offered me advice and wasn’t bashing me for being scared to go to the gyno. posting my little story here in case anyone else has use for it.

No. 354149

My periods are like this now that I’m anemic and 30+. My periods used to be 6-7 days of extremely heavy flow, to the point I would need to sleep with two pads and an extra thick towel folded twice under my ass to catch all the blood at night. When I take iron supplements my flow gets heavier again which I hate, so I have to choose between being kinda dizzy all the time but with lighter periods, or having extreme heavy periods but less anemia symptoms.

No. 354151

My periods use to be quite painless but the last couple years I keep getting extreme pain for the first couple days. It helps a bit if I do a womb massage or masturbate and have an orgasm which seems to help the cramping, but I’m scared somethings wrong with me, does it sound like fibroids?

No. 354166

like masturbating during your period? it could just be excess tissue growth as orgasming can make the tissue expell faster

No. 354174

Is a newly inconsistent cycle a cause for concern if you're not sexually active and don't have any negative symptoms?
I always had a super predictable cycle of 29 days (with an error of like 1-2 days) but now it's sort of all over the place, from 32 days for my 2nd last one to 48 days for my last one. I can't reliably predict it anymore and there's a general trend of the cycles getting longer over the last year-ish?
All the info I find says it's a red flag and you need to watch for other symptoms to determine what abnormal thing is happening but I feel literally fine. I'm healthy, haven't changed up my lifestyle at all, and the periods themselves aren't more than mildly uncomfortable. So is this ok? I'm 20 if that matters

No. 354175

Have you had any life stresses? That is a pretty big change, especially that you have had almost 50 day cycles. I would say go get a checkup from the GYN to be safe, you wouldn’t wanna ignore it and have it be something you could have nipped in the bud. You’re EXTREMELY young to be in perimenopause but if you aren’t sexually active and don’t have other symptoms idk what the hell it could be. Perhaps a more knowledgeable nonna could weigh in?

No. 354207

I always found orgasms makes cramping worse, even during ovulation. The harder I cum, the more doubled over in pain I am. I wish it didn’t since those are the only times I ever want to masturbate

No. 354503

How are things now? I came off the pill in July after seven years. I've had one period since then and I'm a bit worried. My periods were pretty regular before the pill. Has the pill given me PCOS or something?!

No. 355248

I'm the original, funny I was just checking this thread again because I just started my period again now and I'm cramping terribly.

I'll give you a quick rundown Mona.
My period was missing for awhile (not preggo either) so I figured what the heck, let me take a plan B and see if that will jumpstart my cycle again and also make a gyno appt while I'm at it.

Got my period exactly a week after the pill, my appointment went well and I'm all fine, Dr said its normal after BC but to only worry if you go longer than 3 months w/o a cycle. Minimum of 4 cycles a year. Otherwise back on the pill or hormone injection, no thanks.

My cycle is now just going back to on the dot regular every month, but wow the first day is excruciating. I hope some of this info helps you nona!

No. 355250

Also sorry stupid me for double reply, but I asked the same thing about PCOS potentially and the Dr said the "treatment" would still be the same.

Maybe try taking a plan B (generic, name brand overpiced) and see if that will jumpstart you like it did me nona

No. 355300

>I asked the same thing about PCOS potentially and the Dr said the "treatment" would still be the same.
any doc that tells you the only treatment for PCOS is estrogen/progesterone you need to find a new doc

No. 355524

It was my first time with this doc, and I'd probably agree. Could you enlighten me as to why anon?

No. 355702

the pill itself can cause PCOS so it obviously isn't a good option to those who have it

i also notice a lot of doctors are reluctant to start treatment that is likely to fix all of pcos issues (metformin and spiro) where as birth control only really helps period related pcos but not acne, weight loss, mood, etc plus the pill has way more shitty side effects than spiro or metformin

did they even talk to you about a laparoscopy? PCOS can cause massive and painful cysts that need to be monitored or removed frequently.

doctors for whatever reason refuse to properly educate women about pcos and it boggles my mind

No. 355715

I didn't get my period this month. I'm not sexually active. I did have more stress and I've been working out 2-3 hours every other day. Could that be why I didn't get my period? Usually I'm very regular

No. 355721

It's pretty common for stress or high activity to affect the menstrual cycle, things should be fine if you relax some more.

No. 357377

I've started exercising, weightlifting and jogging and eating at least 1500 calories a day, and I'm becoming irregular. Last month I was 7 days late, this time I'm 18 days late. It's worrying me because I have became regular for the first time in my life 3 years ago up until these past two months.
On top of starting to adjust my diet and exercise routine to lose a pound a week, I got out of a stressful relationship where I reported him to police half a year ago, broke the lease to move into a new apartment, and I just started getting back into dating and found a guy who wants to legitimately settle down and get married.
I think the latter is stressing me out more, since becoming regular I've been excited to finally have that window of opportunity to conceive. I'm thoroughly believing I may be not eating enough calories so I'm going to start eating a little bit more than usual in the coming month, so fingers crossed that may fix it. Could there be any other factors?

No. 357380

Stress and also hard exercise if it’s too hard. Things like pre workout can also affect your cycle even though they’ll lie and say they can’t. If you use weed at all that can fuck with your hormones. From your post I would guess maybe you’re just exercising too hard and maybe experiencing latent stress from your last relationship. How many days a week and how high impact do you do?

No. 357388

Cardio and weightlifting and only eating 1500 a day sounds like a recipe for your body to shut down, up your calories or lower your exercise.

No. 357391

I exercise 3 - 4 days a week and it's mostly a walk/run 1.5 miles and doing a couple reps for 30 minutes. My work consists of me walking 2ish miles over the duration of 8 hours so maybe that's considered part of the exercise. I don't smoke so I can factor that out.
I'm gonna up my calories. I started eating a bit of a larger portion for my breakfast so maybe I'll see some positive outcomes soon.

No. 357399

Did it start when you met this new guy? Being around a man and having sex after a long period of not having sex always messes with my cycle.

No. 357419

Had my first 10k race on Sunday and it was just on the night before my period. I ran and got my PR and everything but now I am experiencing worst period cramps ever along with bloating and gases.
Kill me.

No. 357422

Oh goddddd my sympathies are eternally with you. Do you have a hot pad/rice filled sock? It’s the only thing that provides even a sliver of relief for me.

No. 357434

No, I met this guy barely a month ago. Maybe it's just the not having sex part. We haven't had sex yet so I'm guessing my body is attempting to wait until I have sex again? I can only assume it's just another factor to add to the pile.

No. 357437

Thanks nonnie~
I do, and with heating pads and painkillers, I am drinking teas for relieving pain and all that but this cycle is just hitting harder than usual ones, not just physically but mentally too. Hope it calms down tomorrow.

No. 357444

Ugh I’m so sorry, but congrats on running the 10k! Awesome as fuck!!

No. 357672

I've been dealing with stress since the beginning of the semester so I was expecting longer cycles and worse PMDD. I started jogging around the time my classes begun, only 15 mins three times a week during October and 5 times a week in November.Surprisingly the 2 periods I've had so far have been pain free, I didn't have to take any medication at all. Psychological symptoms of PMDD still persist but my joints and legs don't hurt or feel restless at all. I've also been eating a lot of oatmeal, although I've reduced my daily calorie intake a lot. This is now my prime motivation to push harder on my training.

No. 357697

Just need to vent here. Ever since I got my covid vaccine my cycle has been fucked up. My period takes forever to 'break through'; I will get all the PMS symptoms, brown discharge, but then the bleeding doesn't actually start. It all stops, and then finally like 4 days later I do start my period. But the whole 4-6 days that I'm not-quite-yet having my period I get hormonal migraines. Before covid this was reserved to just the couple of hours leading up to the start of the bleeding.
I've already talked to my gp about but other than "yeah a lot of women report problems with their cycles" she had nothing meaningful to tell me. So now I've started an experiment where I'm taking contraceptive pills for 3 months straight, just to see if I can get my cycle to reset somehow. The first couple of weeks were absolute hell with extreme fatigue and migraines, but things seem to be stabalising a bit now. In the back of my mind though I'm worried my cycle is permanently fucked, and one of the reasons I'd like to get things under control is because I would love to have another daughter. I'll be 36 soon though and the clock is ticking. Fuck

No. 359134

I started taking 300 mg magnesium every day. It’s been over a month and I haven’t gotten my period. I used to be super regular every 24-26 days. I wouldn’t mind having a longer cycle, but this irregularity is weird. Don’t think I’m pregnant either. Have any nonnies experienced this?

No. 359148

I've been taking magnesium supplements for over a year and my cycles are also long (almost 40 days), but they've always been like that, never under 31 days. Is there any other irregularity you've noticed? Less pain or less clots?

No. 359152

My pussy stinks so damn bad near the end of my period when the the blood is turning brown and I hate it

No. 359159

Does anyone elses vagina feels like its getting sucked off your body when youre on your period? Its how I image a pussy pump would feel like. Awful

No. 359339

somehow, i keep bleeding past tampons. i don’t know if they’re in at the wrong angle, or if i have a weird cervix, or what. but i swear every time i insert one the blood like only coats half of it and then runs out of me anyway. does anyone else have this?? or am i just built different.

No. 359361

Have you considered using a cup instead? They have a wider "mouth" to catch the blood and make an airtight seal

No. 359708

Maybe you have a very low cervix? So your tampon settles up in your vagina, past your cervix. That's what I have anyway. My tampons would often have blood on one side, running down to the string
I've tried cups but use a disc now. I've found them to be the most comfortable to wear and leak-free. It does require me to be very "hands-on" though, because it takes some fiddling to make sure the disc is in the right position; tucked around my cervix

No. 359770

I think I have a low cervix because I can touch it relatively easily and it gives me the ick. Is it bad in any way? Will it interfere with sex?

No. 359786

>past your cervix
What do you mean by this? That’s impossible…a tampon could be next to your cervix I guess and probably is most of the time but past it? No. Having a low cervix is fake.
No it won’t be a problem you’re normal.

No. 360052

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Has anyone tried chasteberry supplements and seen any positive effects? I have not been officially diagnosed with PMDD, but my periods are horrible. About a week before bleeding starts, I get bad depressive mood changes and body aches, among have other negative symptoms. Though right now I'm not able to go to a gynaecologist, I want to try to improve my well-being and mitigate symptoms. I heard that chasteberry supplements are often prescribed by doctors in Germany for women with menstrual problems. Does anyone in this thread have any experiences with it? I know herbal remedies can't substitute medicine, but right now I don't have many options aside from rest and ibuprofen.

No. 360053

Nonnie, I have a similar problem, I did a cervical ultrasound for unrelated reasons, they ended up seeing I have a retroverted uterus, maybe it's something you have as well?
I still bleed through a cup, and it feels uncomfortable inside most of the time, tbh I've given up and just stuck with pads or the tampon + pads

No. 360057

my doctor recommended I use this, I've been taking it daily for a few months. hard to say whether or not it's doing anything for me. I have what seems to be a very mild form of PCOS and this is an attempt to regulate my periods, and they've definitely become more regular, but it could also be the inositol I take which is reported to have similar effects. ymmv I suppose, I think it's worth a shot

No. 360077

Past as in up in the vagina above you cervix. Not pushed through your cervix into your uterus nonnie
And how the fuck is having a low cervix fake? Some women need to reach their whole finger in to touch theirs and others just a single digit

No. 360197

Thanks, nonnie. That's useful to know. It finally came yesterday, so about 6 days late for a 31-day cycle. I shave less pain and bleeding lighter in general. I'm not sure if that's a common side effect. Honestly, I love it, though. I'm just hoping this is my new normal. I hated having a short cycle and bad cramps.

No. 360239

Seconded >>360053 you might have a retroverted uterus. No lie, my gynecologist off-handedly mentioned I had it one day after 5 YEARS of going to her, and that was only when I complained about some sex positions hurting SMH. It's worth it to ask. Dumbass doctor shit aside, a retroverted uterus is not that big of a deal! Many women have it and getting tampons to fit correctly is a matter of trying higher or lower insertions. Hope it's something as mundane as that for you nonnie, hugs.

No. 360376

Updating, the day after we first have sex, my period decides to start. Maybe a coincidence, but it seems like my cycle only wants to function when it expects me to sexually active. Given, the periods between previous relationships was 3-5 months, so possibly not something to question on that part lol. Most likely stress and diet.

No. 360850

>>357697 nona I'm in the EXACT same boat. Did a 4 month course of combo pill BC to reset my cycle, which did work (although I found my body responded differently to the bC than it did before vaccination, v scant flow) Discontinued the BC a few months ago and my cycle is irregular again, almost like my body isn't capable of pushing through the necessary hormones to get it going. I brought the concerns up with my GP who sent me for blood work at the 2 week mark to check my levels and was told they are "within normal range" and to stfu basically.

No. 361156

Every couple of years/months it seems like my period symptoms get randomised. Currently I entered the "serious constipation before period" era. I didn't shit in 4 days and I look pregnant. I got my period today so I'm hoping my usual scheduled 8am poop will happen.

No. 361172

Shit nona, I'm sorry to hear trying to reset your cycle with BC hasn't worked out for you. I've got a little over two weeks left before my pills run out, and now I'm a little nervous it's all going to be for nothing. I asked my GP about getting my hormone levels checked, but she wasn't on board. To get the full picture I would have to have to get tested like every 2 days or so to see which hormone gets to what level. And even then if the culprit is identified my doc said it wouldn't necessarily mean we'd have a way to fix it. But mauybe she's just full of shit and it's just too expensive to run these tests. That's public healthcare for you

No. 361583

Just got told I have endometriosis by my doctor! I feel a bit lost and didn't get that much info. Any nonnies who has endo and can give me some general advice, tell me your experiences and what to expect?

No cysts found on my ovaries so I think my fertility should be fine? I'm reading my country's state owned health care website that has some information that mentions increased cancer risk and fertility issues. I'm also learning that the pain I've felt before, during and after my period really wasn't normal at all. I thought all women experienced period pain like that all the time but just that mine was a bit more painful.

No. 361584

Samefag, just to clarify as some nonas in this thread seem to have endo without anything showing up on the ultrasound. My vaginal ultrasound showed that everything looked normal but because of similar experiences as >>352285 they insisted I have endo. So don't give up! A good doctor (like my hipster looking female gyno kek) will still help you even if your ovaries look fine.

No. 361609

I take magnesium too and it doesn't affect my cycle but helps with my period cramps a lot.

No. 367029

how did you go about getting a diagnosis? did you just tell them you think you have it and ask them to check? i've been having the hardest time getting any doctor to take me seriously. ive seen them about severe cramps, bloating and extra heavy periods multiple times and they pretty much just brush me off every time, downplay what i'm telling them and send me home with Tylenol equivalent prescriptions. also tmi but ive been having unprotected sex for 7+ years and havent ever had even a scare, so i'm also a bit worried i might be infertile

No. 367343

Does anyone know how to make pooping less painful on your period? I just started mine and ai need to poop so bad but it's literally too fucking painful. Every strain makes my uterus feel like it's about to prolapse.

No. 367344

does anyone know how to induce a period ? i've been eating and drinking vitamin c and cinnamon because that's what i grew up hearing and it usually works, but now it's been two months and still nothing. help !

No. 367458

Not super helpful but I find drinking a lot of water helps, like a lot more than usual so the stool is smoother and no need for straining. Also whiskey lol but that’s not a healthy option

No. 367464

Like the other anon said, staying extra hydrated is important here, and I recommend metamucil for the duration of your period if straining is the issue. I do 2 tablespoons a day dissolved in a big cup of cold water

No. 376800

My cycle has been weird - last month my period was a week late and it just came like 3 days earlier than predicted by my tracker. My tracker app says the variation is 10 days, should I be worried? I'm in my early twenties.

No. 376823

Is your period normally regular? I don't worry about slight irregularities because they've been the norm since I got my first period (and stress fucks up everything), but if yours is mostly like a clock and you notice other symptoms I think you should do some online research. Talking to close female relatives could also help, maybe they've been through the same.

No. 376847

No other symptoms. I am mostly regular but once every year or so my cycle will go irregular. Just has never been 2 cycles in a row. Think it might be stress related but unsure.

No. 376909

I think you shouldn't worry about it if you consider it's due to stress. If you notice anything weird in your period when it comes (too heavy or light, too thick, strange color/odor) it's probably normal as well. But follow your intuition if you remain uncertain and ask a doctor.

No. 377255

Every time, for the 2-3 days before my period I get extremely suicidal. I don’t have PMDD, apart from the suicidal thoughts the only bad PMS symptoms I have are nausea and fever, which I assume are pretty normal. But every. Single. Cycle. without fail, I want to die. I stopped self harming habitually, but I always end up doing it during these days. Idk what to do. I don’t wanna be put on any meds because of something that happens two days a month, but I also don’t know what to do because I’ve been close to attempting at least twice these past year. Does anyone else go through something similar?

No. 377301

Suicidal thoughts before your period sounds like PMDD to me. I understand not wanting meds (I didn't for like 10 years kek) but please talk to your doctor if you feel like it's affecting your life. Low dosage Escitalopram can help and you don't have to take them every day. With hormone related mood problems you take it from ovulation until the first day of your period. Birth control pills with Drospirenone + Ethinylestradiol can also help. It sucks but it's better than taking a gamble with PMS. Hope you find something that helps you, nona.

No. 377305

I feel extremely sad the day or two before my period and I usually cry for a while. idk I just try to get through it knowing the feeling will end soon. I tell myself 'it's just a bad day, not a bad life'

No. 377608

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I usually have short, painless extremely light periods but this time around I’ve been bleeding gallons for 7 days straight. Am I shedding an entire years worth of blood?? Divine punishment for having it too easy period wise?

No. 378174

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I always had lower back pain on my period but lately my joints have been hurting too, particularly my hips and knees. Auntie Google confirms this is A Thing due to lower estrogen levels during menstruation which bodes for a particularly awful menopause experience for me in later life. Men truly have no idea the hell we go through while just going about our day to day lives like we’re not in complete agony.

No. 382397

I'm cranky, crampy, tired, bloated, depressed, and bleedy. At least I had chocolate.

No. 382446

Does anyone find their periods feel worse the older they get? I never felt any different than normal on a period, but these days I'm getting cramps during most of them

No. 382601

Yes, mine are more painful and heavier.

No. 383981

Late, Nona i had the same issues, my joints in my elbows, knees, fingers etc were super inflamed and hurting so bad, after yeaers of pain, i was diagnosed with celiacs disease.

No. 383991

does anyone have advice on inducing your period?

No. 384014

Masturbation usually does it for me, penetration not necessary.
I've noticed in the lead up to and in the beginning of my period I've been getting really bad nipple pain to the point I can't wear a bra sometimes. I never used to get this before and my period symptoms are usually not consistent but this have been my last 4-5 period.

No. 384181

I'm not sure if this fits here, but I need to vent. For a year now, I've been having debilitating hot flashes and my cycle has become a mess. I have to take multiple showers every day, I bring changes of clothes anywhere I go, and it's gotten to the point where my bf has told me that I get so hot my skin actually burns him and I'm too hot to touch. It feels like I'm running a fever, but it will come and go randomly throughout the day and night. Besides that, or related, my period is a nightmare. I'll bleed for 2 months straight, then skip a few months, then have random spotting. I can't track my cycle at all. My body is intolerant to BC of all types, and each gyno I've seen (I've now seen five) won't take me seriously and continue to prescribe BC even though I tell them my body rejects it and when I'm on it, it feels like I'm being poisoned. I'm so tired of not having control over my body temperature, and I can't figure out what's happening to me. Each doc I've seen has flat out told me "I don't know what to do about your hot flashes". I'm so tired, and just want to stop trying because no one believes me. What do I do? have any of you nonas experienced anything similar? btw I'm in my 20s, have a healthy bmi and am fairly active.

No. 384188

Sounds like either thyroid issues, probably hyperthyroidism due to hot flashes, or more rarely early menopause. Both will cause hot flashes and wreak havoc with your cycle.
I'd get your thyroid and sex hormones checked, also a thyroid ultrasound might be useful.

My friend had similar symptoms and it turned out she had Hashimoto's, once she got put on pills her period went back to normal and she stopped having hot flashes.

No. 384191

I was at a lost to what that nonna was experiencing but this is great fucking advice. It blows my mind that most doctors don't check TSH in women. Also OP, if your doctor refuses to order the test for whatever reason, you can order and pay for it out of pocket through Labcorp or Quest, if you live in burgerland.

No. 384212

Parsley tea. Chop up as much parsley as you can stand, add about one quart/one liter boiling water, brew for 10 min, and then slowly consume over the course of several hours. If that doesn't work, try another mild herbal emmenagogue.

No. 384911

Cervix position also depends on menstrual cycle. It's literally 2-3 cm away from the entrance when I'm on my period. When I'm ovulating though it gets so high, I can't reach it at all, especially if I'm aroused.

Mine got better actually, they last around 4-5 days with painful day being just the first one. The pain isn't excruciating as it used to be, I literally suffered as a teen, throwing up a lot, passing out from pain and having hot flashes. At some point I couldn't stand because my leg muscles were all fucked up, I was afraid periods will render me disabled lmao. More often than not I don't even take painkillers.
Not sure what changed, but I became sexually active, work out a lot too which fixed my muscles, changed my diet quite drastically and I usually spend the first day of my periods drinking herbal teas or water only, eating the blandest food, and masturbating whole day. I noticed it helps better with cramps, might be because orgasm makes the uterus contract in some way that helps pushing out bloody chunks. But even if I don't reach an orgasm, just merely pressing on the clit relieves the pain, sometimes I sit with a vibrator for hours (I don't reach an orgasm from it alone, something that a lot of people were surprised to learn. It just gives some slight pleasant sensation that helps with cramps.)

What I can't get rid of however is feeling like I'm poisoned. I feel dizzy, confused, sleepy, and may get acid reflux if I don't watch what I eat. Like >>382397 just merely thinking about chocolate makes me sick, and it's really bad for acid reflux anyway lol. I get super sensitive to smells too. I use it for my advantage, started my period yesterday and burned some ginger oil to relieve nausea. Nice smells in general help in general too, another weird thing I noticed is I feel relief from my cramps when I take deep breath of fresh, cold air.

I just recalled, I switched to reusable pads long ago and that's when I noticed my cramping reduced significantly! Not sure if it's a coincidence, but I read a lot about commercial pads containing various dangerous chemicals.

No. 386028

I don't know if I qualify for PMDD. But halfway through my cycle I start to feel like ass and then the week before my period my sleep is lower quality, I get too hot, have more brain fog, and am more distracted. I currently take magnesium supplements regularly (was taking magnesium glycinate, now trying magnesium malate). What other supplements or advice should I try? I hate my doctor so I don't want to go to her if not necessary. My worst side effects are the mental aspects, the physical ones are not so bad or unnoticeable.

No. 386042

You could try tinkering with your diet. Women’s immune system is less active during the latter part of our cycle. This happens because your body is still preparing for a pregnancy, so it downregulates the immune system to avoid it attacking a potential fetus. This means if you have any food sensitivities at all, they will be more pronounced during this part of your cycle. A lot of people have some food sensitivity without knowing, an infamous one being gluten/wheat. It can lead to cognitive symptoms including poor sleep, brainfog, forgetfulness, bloating, dizziness, fatigue etc. Symptoms can appear as late as 1-3 days after eating something containing wheat, so it can be hard to connect the dots unless you do an elimination diet.

You are going to have less energy during this part of the month no matter what due to hormonal fluctuations, but if you have some food triggers then limiting those foods at least during the latter part of your cycle can help alleviate some of it.

No. 386799

Why does orgasming cause my period to begin? This is the second month in a row.

No. 386812

Vaginal contractions push blood out. This is also the trick to getting your period to end sooner. I masturbate for a an hour or 2 on the first day I bleed and my period is over in 2 days.

No. 386828

Not sure why but I always get a small cramp or two a day or so in advance as a warning.
It's convenient, but I wonder if anybody else gets that.
I also get really shitty back pain, I'll be walking around like an old lady.

No. 386835

All the time, except the pain starts a full week in advance before mine and not only extends to my back but also knees and legs.

No. 386860

HBC maked me so so sad. i get upset at things then just retreat to myself to cry and cry and cry because im mad i got a little upset in the first place at whatever the trigger was. why isnt there is anything better,

No. 388423

I have a tattoo appointment in two weeks and my retarded ass didn't see that I'll be on my period. Now I'll either have to learn how to use a tampon or reschedule. I'll be laying on my back and I'm worried the pad will leak.

Someone please tell me that tampons aren't the devil and easy to use. The idea of having anything inside gives me anxiety even tho it's not that complicated and low risk.

No. 388425

I always found them quite easy to use. Worst issue I have is occasionally not putting it in place and it's uncomfortable (since it's so absorbent it can be too dry and chafe if placed to close to the opening, however if it's fully inside you it's totally fine). If that happens just take it out and try a fresh one if you're nervous. You can also reschedule your appointment.

No. 388426

Following up on a post from another thread >>>/g/387987 to say I got my second period since going off birth control and starting my vitamin regimen and it is also painless and mild. Maybe I cracked the code. Maybe not, I don't know only time will tell. Never had a painless period in my life before this, what a great feeling for it to be mild and not a bloodbath of agony.

No. 388431

So basically the main thing is to learn how to insert it, and if all's good I shouldn't feel it. Sounds simple enough. Hope 2 days will be enough practice kek

No. 388438

yeah if it's all good you shouldn't feel it. should be good for a few hours at a time (depending on flow). wear dark pants if you're worried.

No. 388472

don't stress, they're super easy to use. if you have any problems you can try propping one foot on the toilet when you're standing up and that can make inserting it easier.

No. 388660

You can always wear a nighttime pad

No. 388914

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Has anyone ever used these portable heating pads? I was thinking of getting one to use it during work because burning the shit out of my lower stomach is the only thing that works to stop my cramps.

No. 388915

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Yes I got one for xmas .
Pro’s- cute, decent heat
Cons- not a large enough area, battery life is shyt + takes forever to charge, massage feature is weird and useless, too bulky to wear outside home (unless weather permits a comfy hoodie.)
I think you’re better off using the packets that heat up for back/neck pain. They make them for the lower stomach now, the brand is Thermacare. Midol has branded ones but I think their shape sucks.
The thermacare patches stay sooo nice and warm and soothing for 6-8 hours, are flat under anything you wear, and are convenient.
If I’m at home I’ll just wrap up with my plug-in heating pad, so I don’t feel bad about using a disposable one 1-2x a month.
YMMV but I hope this helps and am wishing you a swift, less painful cycle.

No. 388926

Thanks nonna! Those were all my concerns kek the patches look more convinient, the only con is the price point, but I guess it's not that bad if I'm only using them once or twice it's not that expensive

No. 389459

Has anyone had any experience with cycle syncing? I'm really interested in trying it out.

No. 389575

I keep reading stories about women taking a long time to get an endometriosis diagnosis because their doctors did not take their pain seriously and/or convinced them that they had mental issues causing them to exaggerate their period symptoms. Is it true that doctors are that bad when it comes to period pain?

I got diagnosed with endometriosis at 21 with no issues getting surgery.

No. 389614

Yes. On average it takes 10 years to get a diagnosis.

No. 392003

I’ve been on birth control for years as part of treatment for endometriosis. Something I’ve noticed is that occasionally, I will start bleeding a week earlier before my placebo pill week. It happened again this week, while I was still taking my pills. I’m not supposed to have my period for another 9 days. I hate when this happens because it throws me off and I don’t know if I still need to take the pills despite bleeding, or stop the pills. And do I still take the placebo pills the following week, or skip to taking the real pills since I already had a “period”? Also does anyone know what causes this? Twice now it’s happened after I had sex.

No. 392049

I always had mild periods (still pain and blood but not excessive) But now that I’m in my early thirties, I barely bleed and have no pain?
Seems great but now I’m really worried I’m in perimenopause or something? I doubt I’m just lucky or something

Also my pms consists of the worst, darkest depression you could imagine, like lying in bed all day nonstop crying wanting to off myself depression, and nothing else. People have suggested pmdd but I feel like I don’t have enough symptoms?

No. 392421

Why do I get moodier when my period is about to end even though I physically feel better? it's like the pmdd ramps up even though I'm barely bleeding. I spent the past few hours crying out of nowhere, then getting very angry, then crying again, repeat, for no reason. This has been going on for the past few years and it's always either at the very end or very start of my period but I never heard of anyone else getting this during the end.

No. 392457

kek. periods can just change, your body is always fluctuating. i got my period when i was 11 and it was hell on earth, but they died down in my teens, nothing to do with menopause. even if you were getting it super early the symptoms are more to do with irregular periods and negative symptoms like hot flashes.

No. 392458

samefagging, have you talked to the doctor about your pms?

No. 392713

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>get ready to finally fix your fucked up sleep schedule and go to sleep earlier
>"ok I still only need to wash my menstrual cup"
>hand in vagener
>get a good handle on the stem and pull slightly
>stem breaks
>scared I might have to actually go to the ER
>use every finger combination imaginable to try to grip the cup
>twist yourself into pretzels trying to find a workable position
>in a moment of desperation, try to use tweezers
>stab vegane, cry
>finally manage to pull the cup out with lube-soaked fingers
>took me an hour

gotta go get a new cup tomorrow kek

No. 392730

This is my new fear. Pads it is.

No. 392873

I just need to know I’m not the only one with such crippling PMDD/periods that I frequently miss class and fall behind at these points in my cycle… I’m working on balancing my hormones, but it is truly a work in progress and such a struggle to become “unwell” so often. I wish there was more recognition for the reality of the hormonal troubles that women face, and perhaps accommodations

No. 393723

How do you use reusable pads ? For the whole day I mean because I too want to switch to reusable pads but the idea of wearing one for the entire day is not attractive to me
However, even if you change, how do you carry the dirty pad with you ? Where do you put it ?

No. 393727

You can just squeeze the very bottom just above the stem and the suction seal breaks and you can pull it out with ease with or without stem. You can pull it out pinched between your pointing and middle finger if you need the extra length. I'm pretty sure you're not even supposed to tug on the stem without breaking the suction seal first because supposedly that isn't great for your pelvic floor.

No. 393754

Ziplock bag?

No. 393765

Get thin ones you put in a plastic or nylon pouch. There’s a way you can roll them up very small and snap them closed so you fit quite a few in there. Once at home, I first rinse or soak (rarely needed but if you have a really heavy flow) mine clean then wash with underwear.

No. 393887

nta but are the thin ones even absorbent enough for heavier flow?

No. 394110

Thin reusables? Yes absolutely. Just make sure you get the right length for the flow, if it's too short and your flow is heavy it may shift and you'll bleed onto your underwear.
Thickness depends on who makes them, some brands make them out of very thick fabric/with too many absorbent layers so that they border on diapers. They're a bit comfier but bulky for storing multiples away in a pouch, and I'd personally feel self-conscious wearing them with tight pants but they're good for sleeping in.

No. 394183

Nonnies, what are your cycles like? On mine rn and I'm just curious, here's mine:
>always at the end of the month
>day 1: the worst cramps, heaviest flow
>day 2: regular flow
>day 3: deceptive ending, don't bleed at all for a day
>day 4: resumes bleeding
>day 5: sometimes a panty liner just in case, but it's usually done

No. 394189

>ending or the beginning of the month
>initial pain I sometimes confuse with stomach issue because it also comes accompanied by diarrhea
>makes me very sleepy and tired
>day 1: not too much blood but my pussy hurts like it ran a marathon sometimes
>day 2: lots of blood, no pain
>day 3: almost over, little blood, sometimes don't even bother to wear a pad
>sometimes there is no day 4 or 5, either way no pad anymore.
I'm currently on my 2nd day and it seems tomorrow will be the last day but I'll wear a pad cus my panties are new and I don't want to ruin them so soon.
Wonder whats up with the pussy hurting and the diarrhea, I didn't use to have any of it nor feeling this tired before, everything changed as soon as I turned 30.

No. 394225

>Pre-menstrual syndrome: mild depression, feeling anxious/insecure, negative, become stressed easily
>Day 1: very lethargic. It usually starts with a bit of spotting that quickly turns into a lot of blood. Very rarely I get cramps for a couple of hours. As I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate the beginning because it means my suffering will soon end and also I'm not pregnant.
>Day 2: a lot of blood
>Day 3-4: normal flow until it tapers off
>Day 5-7: I may still get some spotting the last few days
>After my period ends: horny week is upon me. This can last 1 - 1.5 weeks until I assume I have ovulated. I become more energized, fun, happy, creative, assertive. Feel borderline hypomanic, constant horny tingling in my lower abdomen. Unfortunately I may become very coombrained.
>After ovulation: a brief period of homeostasis until PMS gradually sets in again.

No. 394261

>pre menstural: heavy cramping and diarreha, i swear the whole area becomes swollen but that might be in my head
>day 1-5: heavy bleeding and clotting, rotating pads like every 1-2 hours
>day 6-7: no clots and flow is alright
>day 8-9: something that resembles spotting
yeah i should go to the doctor
jealous of you guys with 5~ day periods

No. 394311

TMI but I'm on my period rn, fell asleep at 6am and im in fucking PAIN, can't take my usual ibuprofen meds atm because I have some stomach issues, if I could it would make things easier
> day 1: crippled, cramps, diarrhea (I try not to eat too much because the fucking cramps will intensify) , HEMORRHOIDS (seriously I can't be the only one, because of the constant feeling of needing to poop everything is so inflamed) ,spend at least 3-4h on the toilet (not actually doing anything those 4 hours but because of fucking prostaglandins and the havoc they wreck, hell I had a 1h++ toilet break before I could finish this post), spend all day and night contemplating my existence as a woman, if my period comes in the first part of the day I know I'm fucked because cramps will start in the late evening
> day 2: pain goes away around 70%, very rarely will i still have cramps
> day 3: freedom
>during ovulation: I am a horny wild beast and I hate being single kek, I also look my best
>PMS, around 1 week before period: sometimes bloated, constipated (HATE IT) slightly emotional and VERY VERY HUNGRY

No. 395205

>Day 1: Extreme pain, absolutely heavy flow, full a pad in less than 2 hours. Fatigue
>Day 2 A lot of flow, barely pain
>Day 3 Less flow, no pain
>Day 4 and 5, the most horrendous pain, I end up puking of so much pain, feels like a rag being rung out + last of bleeding.

No. 395226

>days before the storm: horny, affectionate, insecure, want to kms
>day 1: mild cramping, but at least I don't want to kms anymore. Almost no blood, just brown discharge
>day 2: mild flow and period shits, cramps
>day 3: heavy flow
>day 4: mild flow
>day 5: almost nothing
>day 6: won't bleed until I change into nice new underwear and lose the panty liner, then my body will find a way to stain the nice new underwear no matter how long I keep using panty liners

No. 395294

So, I took plan B for the first time ever, condom broke. Happened one week before ovulation and I wasn't that worried but I had to make sure anyways. All the symptoms came a week after and I bleed for three days, first and second day heavily. I wasn't sure to consider it a period (My periods usually last that long, at most I have pink stains during the fourth day) or just ''spotting'' (It was too much to consider it spotting). Now I shoud be getting my period, but I don't know if I should wait for it or not… Anyone has experiences with it? Is that bleeding you get just spotting or can you consider it a period?

No. 395434

My period gets irregular once a year too. For at least the past 3 years once a year my cycle would be extremely long. It would regularly be within 28-32 days and then be around 45 once a year.
I used to have long cycles like that years ago as the norm. It's strange that it happens only once a year. And frustrating because I get extremely anxious that I'm pregnant.

No. 395463

>high anxiety and aggravated before period starts, diarrhea sometimes (happened this time)
>Day 1: lucky if I use the bathroom and notice blood early, bleeding usually heavy by the end of the day
>Days 2-3: Super heavy bleeding and have to change fem products every couple hours, cramps if I'm not active enough
>Day 4: Can use one or two pads for an entire day
>Day 5-6: If I feel safe I'll just wrap some TP in my underwear and replace it whenever I go to the bathroom
I only buy nighttime/super pads so it weirds people out sometimes if they ask if I have a spare. But if I use smaller ones I'll bleed through my underwear and whatever pants or shorts I have on.

I had a bit of a hassle wearing reusable pads whenever I was at work, so I use them if my period is during time off. It made it easier to rinse/clean them.

No. 395503

Is it normal to get burnt out easily or lose motivation while ovulating? I have work to do and my mind is somewhere else, I can’t bring myself to do it. I used to get really suicidal during ovulation but it’s got better now. Now I get migraines and nausea.

No. 395992

Is it normal to experience cramping while feeling horny? It feels as if I am ovulating but that's not possible since I am on hormonal birth control.

No. 395994

I sometimes get tired as FUCK. I sleep like 15h straight a day and have no motivation to do anything else.

No. 398280

Gonna meet a doctor about my PMDD again soon. I've tried SSRIs to help with the mood swings with very little help and most recently I went on hormonal birthcontrol but it didn't work out either. Is there anything I could suggest to the doctor that might be helpful?

No. 398941

I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible cramps. When I got up to take some advil I decided to change my tampon because I expected it to be full. When I started pulling it out I felt a little nauseous but by the time it came out my vision was dark and I had to brace myself against the counter to not fall over. I managed to make it back to bed but I had ringing in my ears that kept getting louder for a few minutes and I was sweating like crazy. I considered calling 911 because nothing like this happened to me before but it got better after around 10 minutes. Could this be caused by an iron deficiency? I'm going to call a doctor today.

No. 398950

A long time ago my old psychiatrist recommended taking large doses of B vitamins during my pre period week (so for me about 9 days before my due date as mine are ULTRA to the day regular) and it has worked pretty well for me provided I remember to do it and that I also have a normal level of it to begin with. B6 and B12 especially. I use these little lozenges just one or two a day like a hard candy and I definitely notice a dulling of the worst symptoms like my insane mood swings and ultra enhanced BDD kek

No. 400092

are there any threads specifically about abortion hate to be spoonfed just can’t find anything and would benefit

No. 400420

Calcium and vitamin D are recommended to reduce PMS/PMDD symptoms, B can be helpful too. There's a calcium deficiency during a luteal phase and it causes some PMS/PMDD symptoms, including depression. It kind of helps me, I'm not really consistent with it though. I also tried Vitex and I didn't have mood swings when I was taking it.

No. 400638

Just learned I have endometriosis and apparently my two treatment options are either get on birth control uninterrupted or get a surgery, and both scare me, but having the lesions continue growing inside me scares me too

I don't see how it could not be bad for my fertility to permanently block my menstrual cycle,
Endometriosis is bad too
For surgery, I've already assisted a surgeon that does these procedures and he was a fucking psycho so I'm NEVER going under the knife (removed a complete ovary for no reason, one day he removed a fucking LUNG LOBE for no reason and the whole surgical team disagreed with his decisions) plus even with a good surgeon I don't want scars

I'm fucked whatever I do and I hate this!

No. 400649

i had sex 5 or so days ago and all of a sudden ive gotten my period yesterday, im not due for a couple of weeks to get my period. is something wrong? i have a copper iud so im wondering if its just that causing me to bleed at a weird time

No. 400666

it's probably not much but i'd still do a pregnancy test on your next period

No. 402350

Should i be concerned if my period was 9 days late?

No. 402351

Sorry more context, i never have sex.

No. 402352

No, but maybe you have a hormonal imbalance.

No. 402396

honestly no.

No. 403460

Why is my blood so clotted wtf?

No. 405178

For ladies who use pads I recommend you use a thick moursturizer around the sides of your thighs so your pad doesn’t make your skin raw or dry, I finally started doing that after having my period for 13 years

No. 405179

Sorry i’m 19 days late but i think vagina general would be the closest thing

No. 405372

Does anyone else feel horny at the beginning of their cycle, then as the cycle goes on, the sex drive gets less and less until like day 5-7? I always experience a stronger sex urge on the first few days of my period, but usually by day 4 or even late day 3, it's worn off and it's just constant painful cramps and sweating. Does an one else experience that on their cycle?

No. 405412

Is there a way to not feel so unbearably suicidal and depressed when it's around the time my period starts? My doctor has given me progesterone and 'dim' to take for this and also other issues, but it's been like 3 months since taking them both and there's no change. If anything it's gotten worse since it isn't helping. I can't manage to get an appointment with her for atleast another month and I don't want to deal with the hassle of finding a new doctor just to go through the whole process again. Does anyone else even have this issue?

No. 405424

Idk but I have this too and it’s only gotten worse with age. I tried some Chinese medicine and it seems to have helped but it was making my breath stink so I stopped

No. 405425

What was the name of the Chinese medicine? I'm getting desperate. Also I think these feelings are called PMDD but not too sure since I've been to nervous to ask my doctor about it.

No. 405635

my boobs are so massive right now i’m on the third day of my period and it’s really just bothering me. the skin feels tight and sensitive like it’s swollen and i can’t stand it.

No. 405645

Honestly, the only thing for me that actually works to get rid of those depressive episodes before a period was regular exercise.

No. 405673

I wonder why that works. Maybe because it releases dopamine or endorphins or whatever and then your mood is better?

No. 405681

I feel like my doctor isn't taking my period cramp pain seriously, I need advice. I'm in constant agony for the first two-ish days but so far I've been prescribed useless and weak medications that haven't lessened the pain even a little bit and I've been seeing her for this issue since early this year. I even brought up my concerns of endometriosis since it runs in the family and she just prescribed me hormonal pills that haven't helped either.

I'm a full time student, I don't have time to take days off just to cry in bed from her prescriptions not working. Does anyone have any recommendations for relieving intense and long-lasting period cramps? Should I see a different doctor? I feel like this has gone on for too long and that I'm being treated as an experiment.

No. 410536

has anyone successfully gotten a hysterectomy for endometriosis and adenomyosis as a childfree woman?

No. 412956

why doesn't anyone ever teach us about how important it is to replenish nutrients while on our periods??

No. 412958

I’ve had old people tell me it’s important to eat red meat when I’m menstruating but I’ve never been taught anything specific other than you need iron containing stuff like red meat. Usually again from the older generation but never in school or anything. Kinda weird that it was never taught in school.

No. 413000

Male Run world doesn't give a shit and thinks we're just being lazy when we're actually suffering from anemia. It's the most common deficiency in the world and its mostly suffered by women. Google some iron rich foods and find something that fits in your diet. I eat spinach and prunes.

No. 413207

all of these are necessary. it's so dumb we are not taught this stuff in school.

No. 413543

File: 1720677802592.png (313.22 KB, 626x351, nn.png)

I love doing a deep squat when I'm on my time and feeling the clots and pieces of meat slide out when the muscles relax kek(ai shit outside of containment )

No. 413731

HUH? Meat? Boi wut da hell

No. 413760

>coomer pic
>AI slop
Male detected

No. 413775

1) I googled "anime yoga" to find a photo of a cartoon lady in a deep squat (just like what I described) 2) How is it coomery she's just sitting, if you somehow find that sexual then you likely are projecting sexual feelings unnecessarily 3) Sorry you don't appreciate how I described big blood clots but if you don't want to read about period shit then maybe don't come into the period thread.

No. 413912

>how is it coomery
Don't be obtuse, she's drawn in a ridiculous ass/boobs pose.

No. 413914

What does "ass/boobs pose" even mean. She's just squatting with her hands on the floor. The pearl clutching at such a neutral photo is just annoying

No. 413971

She's obviously depicted as shoving her boobs and ass forward, nobody does yoga like that. Try to recreate that pose and see if it feels normal.

No. 414212

i sit hunched over like that in a squat on my bed all the time anon. i'm actually doing that right now

No. 414270

No. 414302

Can any nonas here recommend a good period panties brand that won't kill my wallet? I've got a pair of Knix right now and they're on their way out, kek

No. 416890

Do period underwear actually work? I’m worried about the blood soaking through into my pants. Used to wear tampons but won’t anymore because of the recent heavy metals scare and pads don’t stick to my panties very well so I always end up getting blood on them anyway

No. 416913

The brand is called period. Idk how much is too much, but the pairs I bought were about $8 each.
Yes, I wore them all day in a white skirt and had no bleed through.

No. 416917

I have a very high flow and honestly they work but on the first day you'll have to change them often. The risk isn't so much them soaking through but them "overflowing" if you lost too much blood

No. 417837

Do other anons have sinus issues before their periods? I swear every time in the week leading up to it I get what feels like mild sinusitis. At least for 1-2 days I'll get a big sinus pressure headache, and in general I get the uncomfy feeling of pressure or fluid moving around my face when I shake my head or bend forwards a little. It feels like a toothache at times due to the closeness of some of the sinus cavities near the nose/jaw. It happens regularly right before so it seems to be related. Maybe my immune system is just more stressed in general around that time, leading me to get more allergies or mild bugs. I know hormones work in strange and mysterious ways.

No. 417887

Yep. I often think I’m coming down with something and then I remember it’s close to that time of the month.

No. 419610

My PMS always starts a week or 2 before my period, but recently, it's starting along with my ovulation? I get the boob pain, constipation, open appetite, cravings, over sleeping, mental fog, daily stinky armpits that I wash 4 times in a row and still stink, and other stuff almost all month now. Only the week after my period am I free. What should I do about this? I don't want to take medications that can ruin everything.
A bit pathetic but the brain fog made me unable to think about my husbando like I used to before this started and it kinda makes me sad. I can't get horny for him or fantasize about him or work on art projects related to him anymore because I feel too tired and stressed and depressed to do that. But this also is affecting my work life. I can't see a doctor for this though because I don't have the means of transportation to go there and my family won't drive me there for this because my mom, who suffered the same stuff and worse her whole life and got breast cancer from it as well as from brith control, insists it's normal and not a health condition at all.
I've been eating pumpkin seeds to try and balance by hormones, but it's not working whatsoever.

No. 419626

Definitely go see a doctor nona and get your hormone levels checked, this sounds very concerning! In the meanwhile start doing yoga every day and see if there is any relief (there are certain poses you shouldn't do while menstruating - look into that).
Also look into practical ways of lowering cortisol like breathwork because that might be causing some of the symptoms you've listed.

No. 419632

Ofcourse. All of this started when I started my internship and now I have something to worry about 24/7 and I have shit sleep. Thank you for your advice, I appreciate it.

No. 419634

No problem! This is my go to video to lower cortisol with breathwork but Wim Hof breathworks also help

No. 419863

Can you not just hire a taxi or an Uber?

No. 420109

Not allowed to go with one.

No. 420113

I stopped taking the pill because it was giving me weird side effect and my period hasn't come back in four month, I'm going paranoid I went into early menopause

No. 420147

Anyone else with premenstrual nausea? What do you do?

No. 420284

Nonnies, any advice on how to get a fertility test? I keep seeing places that focus on the treatment. I just want to know if I'm fertile or not so I can move forward with being in a relationship with a guy who doesn't want anymore kids. If I am fertile, I'd like to know that too so I can find a relationship with someone who does want children.

No. 420286

No. 420288

Are you at the lower end of a healthy weight? Even when I've got a BMI solidly in the normal weight range, I skip periods a lot more than when I feel like I could stand to lose 10 lbs unless the pill is giving me one artificially.

No. 420289

RIP I'm a burgerfag, so I can't get this.
I've contacted an IVF clinic to see if they could test me. Fingers crossed it's similar pricing.

No. 420659

ok im giong paranoid i need reassurance

i had been taking birth control and had sex. 2 weeks after the sex, i had my periods (7 days of bleeding, with blood clots and period pains)

Is it absolutely certain I am not pregnant? Because my breasts have been feeling tender and I'm kind of anxious

No. 420914

If you're a month late to your period are you stuck in the premenstrual/proliferative phase?

No. 421791


Bringing back this, can we discuss this. I can smell men too and i hate their scent. I thought it was really rare/ not many other woman can do those. I've brought it up with friends but they don't really get it.

No matter the age/ type, they always have a scent. Though, teen-young men and old men smell the strongest to me. When I was a baby (and up until I was 8 years old) I was repulsed by men. My mother and aunts used to laugh about it as I grew up. I never let a man/boy who wasn't my father or my older brother touch me. I was even intensely afraid of my uncles.

I haven't experimented to see if it's more intense at different stages of my cycle.

Same nonna, I'm a lesbian. While I don't really go too crazy over the scent of women in general or my ex-girlfriends, they do smell way better.

On a weird note, I can't stand the smell of pregnant women particularly when you are lactating. To me it's a weird overly sweet-fatty/buttery smell. I can't stand it! It makes me sick to the point of wanting to vomit.

No. 422243

Started my period eariler than usual and it seems like I lost too much blood or something. My feet have been numb all day. I had red meat, chicken, and tahini (sesame seeds are rich in iron) in hopes it would help. Should I be concerned or is this normal? Or is it just a coincidence that my feet are numb 3 days into my period? It's still numb even when I walk or stretch it. That doesn't seem normal. Should I take some vitamin B?

No. 422260

You should go to the emergency room imo better get it checked out

No. 422261

I have a presentation to do today and don't have time to, but thank you for the advice.

No. 422336

I'm going to start my period right before my vacation. I'm going to be in a fucking hot ass humid environment, so I'm going to be sweaty and miserable. Is there any bc I can take just for this week? Do I just masturbate and hope I can at least stop the bleeding?

No. 422338

>Do I just masturbate and hope I can at least stop the bleeding?

Just get a diva cup or menstrual disc

No. 422483

You can take regular BC for just the week, it won't kill you just mess up your next cycle.

No. 422484

I hope you see this: take a pregnancy test. Nothing we say will reassure you compared to that.

it takes bit of time to regulate, you're fine

No. 422485

I just bought period panties and a menstrual disc. Let's hope things work out this cycle!

I remember recently seeing some chart comparing the popularity of different menstrual products and I was surprised at how popular cups/discs and period panties were, guess I'm late to the game.

No. 422493

I hate how suicidal I am in the 3-4 days before my period starts, even when I set alarms for it I always manage to forget that I experience this and genuinely start believing my life is ruined for no reason kek

No. 422529

Omg same nonita. My paranoia gets really bad before my period, and I tend to delete fucking everything  off my social media accounts kek

No. 423450

I swear to god I don't radically change my diet or lifestyle from month to month, so why is it that sometimes it's just so incredibly painful? Jesus h christ it feels like a bunch of juggalos are having a hatchet throwing competition in my uterus right now.

No. 428657

My period has always been heavy, thankfully I have never experienced anemia or anything like that, but it had a psychological impact on me because during my period I would not wear anything cute with fear of staining my clothes and also had to use 40 pads during the 6-7 days it lasted. I got Jadelle and so far I've been doing great, other than having like 3 periods (just period stains) per month but finally no heavy flow! I buy less pads now and can sleep without anxiety and washing everyday my underwear despite wearing two pads at once. I've had absolute 0 sexual desire though, pretty noticeable but now I feel so happy and comfortable, it's like I don't need that dopamine anymore, I've been focusing my time on thinking about fashion and shopping for outfits. It has changed my life for the better I think.

No. 428919

Samefag, well my period came 2 weeks early unexpectedly so I bought a couple pairs yesterday and wore them to work today and my god this is my best purchase of the year. This is so much better than pads or tampons, it holds so much liquid I was able to work a full shift with them. So much nicer than having to stop working to change a pad/tampon. And the blood didn’t leak at all! I swear by these now

No. 428931

Same my anxiety goes through the roof before my period, I have so much aggro could start a fight in an empty room, and I want to kill myself. It's insane how badly period hormones can affect your mental health.

No. 430732

Nonnies if you have unprotected sex only on the first day of your period what even is the chance you can get pregnant? Isn’t it almost slim to none? is this the secret that big Nigel doesn’t want you to know about

No. 430736

The chances are never 0

No. 430743

So I’ve been super healthy for about 6 months now but this menstruation I started eating whatever I want and holy shit, my knees are super painful and my digestion is fucked. I can’t believe how much nutrition impacts the ease of the hormonal cycle.

No. 430745

You can always get pregnant because sometimes you randomly release eggs but I’ll tell it to you straight. I’ve had lots of unprotected sex and I’ve not gotten pregnant and I’ve always paid attention to
My cycle, my temperature, if the moid precums and to not get it inside.
Best of luck if you do get pregnant tho I’m just insane

No. 430845

I already posted this in the stupid questions thread but I'll post it here too: I had protected sex with my boyfriend 11-10 days ago, and we were extra careful (we used thicker condoms, changed them after he finished and we went for round two, he pulled out when he finished, checked if the condom was broken etc). That was 2 days before my period, so again I tried to make sure it's as safe as possible. Yet it's been 8 days since my period should've started, I have had some mild cramping yesterday and today, and I feel no pregnancy-like symptoms. I took a pee test yesterday and it came out negative. I don't understand what's going on? Should I do a blood test? Does anyone have issues with their period when they have sex right before it? This past month has been quite stressful but my period has been pretty regular this past year.

No. 430862

One of my periods I started like 10 days late even though my ex had a vasectomy. Sometimes your body is just unpredictable that way, I’m sure it’s fine nona.

No. 432305

I'm back with an update- I just got my period today! (13 days late). I had a rough month (travel, massive diet change, big life events, etc) so in hindsight I probably shouldn't have been so feral over my period being late two weeks.

No. 434759

File: 1727836234314.png (42.17 KB, 742x452, cycle.png)

Does anyone know what might be going on here?
I don't usually have any significant symptoms besides mild cramps, although I frequently get some pain in my calves… specifically the calf, not the whole leg or pelvic region. No significant lifestyle or diet changes I can think of, at least nothing that aligns with the graph, tbh I had much more stress before the irregularity started. Before I started recording I had very regular (if a bit heavy) periods even as a teenager. I am not sexually active and the only medicine I take is ibuprofen on occasion.
I just began my 31st cycle (not graphed because it's in progress) and I had much more significant, intrusive pain so I began wondering if the irregularity should be a more serious concern. But I'm not sure what a doctor would even do and I have a fear of doctors and medicines so I just want some advice about what might be happening and what might be suggested before I see one.

No. 434768

Could be covid related if you were sick around the time it started. Covid is known to be able to affect reproductive organs including the ovaries. There are lots of anecdotal reports from women being thrown into menopause or experiencing changes to their cycles. The vaccine also led to irregular cycles in some women, but seeing as it's been a while since those were mandatory I think an infection is more likely. Otherwise I have no idea, there are probably other causes, but a doctor/obgyn can check your hormones and ovaries to see whether anything's off. I'm not aware of any non-medical treatments.

No. 434805

I never got covid as I was basically NEET at the time but I did get the Pfizer vax as it was mandated in my country and it knocked me out really bad both times, never thought about that. But I think I got them earlier than that time so idk if it'd be relevant, I guess I could bring up vaccination history in a checkup

No. 435661

I think this is the right thread to discuss but I need birth control advice!
I’ve been taking Slynd (fourth gen mini pill) for eight months, never missed a pill but have taken up to two hours late on some nights. I’ve been spotting for three weeks now and I’m sick of it!!
My doctor knows I take it continuously to stop periods bc I have endo but every time I tell her about the spotting she just shrugs and say to tough it out. The general advice is to have a withdrawl bleed to “reset” the uterine lining but with endo that’s a whole ordeal of a week off work. I just want to stop spotting, is there anyone out there in a similar situation or have experienced this and how did you get it to stop? This is the fifth birth control I’ve tried, I’m not committing to an iud, and coming off birth control is out of the question.

No. 435669

Sorry, I don't have any advice for you nonnie but I'm in almost the same exact situation with my Slynd. I've been spotting and bleeding for 2 weeks, almost 3 now and it's been really frustrating. The only advice my doctor gave me was to either wait it out or stop/change the birth control which is also out of the question for me due to my pcos. I hope we can both make it through this.

No. 437183

I've been severely anemic for years now, and my period is constant(I'm talking only 4 days each month where I don't bleed) and mostly light, yet the blood is more brown than red.
I finally ordered some iron pills and 3 days later I'm leaking out of my cup in 5 hours. Is this normal or should I be worried? I know iron pills take a while to work, but I'm thinking my body is under the impression I have enough iron to bleed 'properly' again.

No. 439571

does anyone find that wearing period products makes their period longer and heavier?

i got so tired of pads that a few months ago around the 4th day i said fuck it and just used tissue. pads irritate me and make me feel like i’m wearing a diaper and i don’t like tampons or cups. i noticed almost immediately that my period lightened to 4 days. then i stopped at around the 3rd day and it lightened even more. i now wear them for 2 days and a tissue for 1 or 2 days after and my periods are much lighter and painless.

nothing else in my life has changed. i’ve always had disgustingly heavy periods. is it the pads? am i somehow placebo effecting my period into being lighter and shorter?

No. 439988

I got off the pill (generic tri-sprintec) a couple months ago after being on it for a couple years. It didn't give me any terrible symptoms, I just wasn't needing it for the control part and I wanted to give my body a rest. I mainly started it because my cycles were VERY irregular (3-6 weeks at random).

My first cycle off was on time. Now…it's been almost 4 weeks past the due date for my period. I had a couple instances of protected sex (and used the Ella pill once, which can supposedly prolong your period by week or two) so I tried to give it some time. I've been feeling very faint twinges and my acne is flaring up like it usually does during pms for 2 weeks now. But I ended up buying some tests. The first one came out negative, but now I'm anxious I drank too much water or took it at the wrong time of day so I'll do a second tomorrow. I hate the guessing game my natural cycle makes me go through.

No. 441206

File: 1730092626658.jpeg (36.39 KB, 320x350, 5883785F-CCE4-41FA-AD79-77EE69…)

Does anyone have stomach issues during PMS/menstruation? Every time it comes around I get super queasy and end up vomiting until about the 3rd day of my period. My tubes are removed so I’m not pregnant, this has been going on for a while. Will getting back on birth control help? I’m tired nonas and I don’t want to be the next corpse husband my voice is husky as it is.

No. 442011

Your case sounds severe enough you should ask a doctor about iron infusions or taking birth control to give your body a chance to build up it's iron stores

Sometimes but not as bad as you. It's possible that anti-spasmodic muscle relaxers will help if you don't want to take birth control.

No. 442041

is it normal to constantly get high fevers and heart rate/pressure days before your period starts? to the point of being sent to the hospital more than once. or is it just a coincidence

No. 442056


I gave my dumb ass hypothalamic amenorrhea despite not being underweight (was eating in a moderate deficit but then added overexercise and pushed my body past its limit) and I might have to deliberately gain all the weight back to avoid osteoporosis, cognitive decline, etc.

No. 443832

it's crazy how diet affects the menstrual cycle. yesterday i was craving salmon so i bought some/ate it with brussel sprouts

today my period came this morning and ive had no period pains whatsoever, only like slight soreness. usually by this point i would've taken 2 advils by now but its really not even that bad. and then i was reading omega3 is really important before periods. dont know why these kinds of things are never taught to us during puberty

No. 444017

I've gotten SEVERE period cramps since I was 14 years old where I can do nothing but curl in the fetal position on the floor and groan. I'm in so much pain right now like why won't doctors give me medication that works or at least do FUCKING TESTING. I literally just took my cat's medication as a last resort to see if it helps at all. At least if it works I can get treated through the cat. I have so many stories of retarded "doctors" I've seen about this issue

No. 444602

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I know it's inevitable that we all smell a little on a period, but for me it's not so much the smell as it is the strength of it. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I shower every day during my cycle with extra care around my crotch area (but not inside it obviously), I change my pad frequently/regularly, dry myself extra well after using the toilet, keep my pubes trimmed either very short or nonexistent, but still I swear the smell of my cooch spreads far out enough that if given the chance could rival nuclear warfare. It's been like this for my entire life. Some months it's fine and then other times it's horrible. My mom used to nag at me about it when I was a kid (precocious puberty, to compound the awkwardness of it all). She seemed to lack the understanding that I couldn't control it as much as she thought I could. She would change the wastebasket in the bathroom much more frequently when I was bleeding and living at home, and it would make me super embarrassed.
A few months ago while on my period, my nigel went to use the bathroom right after I used it, and evidently I stunk it up and he teased me about it. He apologized afterwards though after I told him about how I knew about it and the situation with my mom.
Was I just born cursed with a stank cooch? Is there a secret that I'm not aware of to tame the odor better? It's not an infection, my hormones have been tested and came back normal. I might have endo but I have to get more testing done.

No. 444609

I'm just going based off one of my friend's experiences, but the smell might be a result of your period blood interacting with the chemicals inside pads rather than anything being "wrong". Using something like a reusable cloth pads/period cup/period disc could eliminate that interaction altogether.

No. 444630

Did they give your cat real pain meds, or was it pregabalin/gabapentin? Cause that won't work.

No. 444633

Have you asked for muscle relaxers? They aren't controlled the same way pain medications are controlled and they actually fix the painful cramping instead of masking it. I use cyclobenzaprine but it was prescribed for muscle spasms in my back, I don't know if you could ask for these for menstrual cramps.

No. 444638

you probably have endometriosis which is a common but not well known cause of period pain
ask for flurbiprofen, it should work for the pain
you should get diagnosed with an ultrasound
but if your doctor really doesn't want to prescribe you one and you can't Switch doctors, the treatment is the pill
so you can treat your own endometriosis : you'd have to take the pill uninterrupted, in order to achieve amenorrhea (absence of menses)
after a few months without any period, the pains should get better

summary of the treatment of endometriosis :
- flurbiprofen in case of pain as an acute treatment
- the pill to block the menses as a long term treatment

No. 444639

if you can't grt a script for flurbiprofen, you can try milder medication of the same family such as ibuprofene that might be available otc
it's not the best but it could work

No. 444642

when i say you should take the pill uninterrupted, i mean you should not take the 7 placebo pills that are supposed to be the ones for your menses and go right onto the next tablet
like only take the active pills uninterrupted

No. 444763

I am DONE drinking coffee. I've never had this problem before but all of a sudden recently, if I drink it, it kickstarts my period no matter how far away from it I am. I've never had a problem with this until now. Changed my diet because I initially thought it was a combination of coffee + diet but now that I'm eating basically nothing but veggies and fruits, I know for a fact it's just the coffee. Fuck my life.

No. 444764

Ngl, I used to drink 4 coffees a day at minimum, then I went cold turkey and completely stopped craving them altogether. Your body will thank you for it.

No. 444802

Usually my periods hurt a lot but this month there was absolutely no pain at all. The only thing I can think of that might've caused this is that I started eating sardines lately for other health reasons. Been eating them almost everyday. I'm definitely not stopping now.

No. 445098

I hope you have brought this up with a doctor

No. 445547

For the last week I've been feeling like I'm juuust about to get my period. My boobs hurt and I feel bloated and I have cramps. Turns out I'm pregnant. I've never had an abortion before. I just spent the last 3 hours calling around everywhere and filling out forms and surveys and everything. The receptionist at one of the most outspoken abortion clinics in my area was extremely rude to me and hung up on me when I was talking about payments. I'm only 3 weeks pregnant right now so I don't have any issue legally but I also don't have insurance. I have no idea what to expect. They said on the phone that there will be protesters there. I'm already really emotional and I don't know how to hold it together until Friday.

No. 445619

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Has anyone here had GnRH-analogue injections for PMDD? My doctor is starting me on them after the other primary care interventions didn't work (birth control, antidepressants, oestrogen patches) and I'm nervous about my body being put into a chemical menopause. The plan is for me to eventually have a hysterectomy, and that terrifies me. I need to know if this kind of treatment had been helpful to nonnies who suffered from PMDD?

No. 445666

have you tried vitamin B6? I know of a user on Tumblr with treatment resistant PMDD who ended up getting prescribed vitamin V6 and it made a massive change for her. afaik there's an emerging belief that PMDD may be immune-related and the B6 addresses that. I was prescribed it for a similar reason by my breast surgeon for really sore breasts, incidentally I also go fucking insane and suicidal before my period and it improved things (not sure if I had PMDD but yeah). Something to look into before you go down the route of chemical menopause and hysterectomy. Sorry that might not be the answer you want to hear/you've already tried that angle of attack as well.

No. 445773

I don’t quite have this anon’s problem but I wanna induce my period too, as soon as possible. I’ll be traveling by car this weekend to Mexico and would rather have my period sooner than deal with it over there. Any tips?

No. 446292

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Ever since I started doing ab wheel rollouts the pain and cramps before my period became unnoticeable to the point that after 3 months of using the ab wheel, I started to forget about my period completely. I used to have cramps so bad that I couldn't do anything and had to lay in bed all day.

No. 447696

Are the side effects of birth control worth it to stop my period?

No. 447769

For me it wasn't worth it. Ofc it's individual but my period is not unbearable enough to justify being on meds that make me a zombie with no libido. Stopping BC was comparable to stopping SSRI meds, their effects on me were very similar.

No. 448941

I've had no period for three years because I'm underweight. It came back unexpectedly for a couple days, very lightly. Why?
My weight has been in the same 1 kilo range for most of those 3 years, and I haven't gained anything above that recently.

No. 448948

Yes. Although anecdotally over time your period may come back in spite of the birth control. Happened to me, then I got off bc and tried some supplements which worked great too.

No. 449199

Every period I've had for the past like 6 months maybe has had a huge chunk of tissue/ flesh/ meaty stuff come out at once. I kinda dismissed it and just thought it was a "heavy" period but I've played with that shit and it is like the texture of raw meat. I found out what a decidual cast is (all of the uterine lining coming out at once) and think it might be that? I haven't decided to play with it until it resembles a small uterus like all the pictures I see, but it seems pretty similar.

Do any other nonas have this? Should I be concerned? I've never been on birth control or had sex so there couldn't really be anything conspicuous causing it.

No. 449234

that happens to me a lot. I think it's like a huge clot or chunk of lining. I have terrible cramps when they pass thru cervix, but my periods are like 2-3 days of bleeding

this has been happening for years and I'm otherwise healthy so I think it's normal. I think it helps to exercise, I feel like that helps "break up" the clots or whatever they are

No. 449413

First time posting here, my back is killing me and my stummy hurts and ive never had this much pain!!!!!!!! I am so lucky its my day off cause idk what id do at work like this!!! I took a pain killer and am massaging my stomach.

I've never been in this much pain i am so close to crying. My back!!!!!!!

No. 449913

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Why the fuck did my pad do this to me

No. 449916

kek mine always looks like that but flipped. I put my pads on way father back to counteract the fact that my butt magnetizes all the blood towards it for some reason.

No. 449932

this shit pisses me off so bad. when i wake up in the morning and i see this i know its a bad omen

No. 449957

This brings back memories.. Just use a menstrual cup omg

No. 449959

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I only just realized this late in life (27) I have PMDD and I get crazy horny at the same time. My most insane diary entries match up just before my period. FML

No. 449963

Lmfao same. I get super horny and masturbate before and even during my period.

No. 450817

Does anyone know if I should be worried about my cycle getting longer for seemingly no reason? For most of my life it's been consistently around 30 days, but in the last year, my cycles are now 40-45 days long.

No. 450827

did you lower physical activity or sun exposure? Get your hormones checked.

No. 451583

So I just got my IUD removed without replacement earlier in the week and my period has come back with a vengeance today. I have not had a full proper period in 7 whole years and I feel like I'm 13 again trying to relearn the whole process. I'm only used to using pads and tampons.

Have there been any new period products on the market that are worth it? I'm curious about period panties though the concept seems gross. I'm not sold on menstrual cups because seems messy to deal with. What's good?

No. 451584

I love my disc. So comfy to wear. Just empty it every 12 hours and forget about it for the rest of the day. Tried for the longest time to get cups to work but I was never able to go a single period without any leaks. With my disc, not a single spot. It does require a bit of digging inside your vagina to place it right/remove it (well, for me anyway). So if blood on your fingers is a no then this isn't for you.

No. 451585

Thanks nonnie. Yeah it does sound a bit messy but I'm curious, never heard of discs before. Is there a brand in particular you recommend?
Also I wonder if there are ones that have applicators to make the process easier? Sort of like how a tampon works

No. 451586

Menstrual cups changed my life, they are easy to use and you can just forget about your period. Just get one with a loop and they are super easy to remove compared to a disc and don't spill over your hand.

No. 452412

Why does my period keep starting earlier than it's supposed to? Feels like I can't catch a break

No. 452523

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I use period underwear, my favorite is from this brand called Aerie (https://www.ae.com/us/en/p/aerie/undies/period-underwear/aerie-real/9442_6835_073?menu=cat4840006&bvstate=pg:2/ct:r&gQT=1)

I want to buy more, its only available online, but its been out of stock in my size forever. I like them because the fabric is a cotton and the cut of them is really nice, there's a good coverage and the waistband doesn't leave red marks.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a similar brand/material make up and cut that's more affordable and in stock?

No. 452655

I use a Lumma, with the stem trimmed down to a little nub. What I love about discs is they don't create a vacuum, making them much easier to pull out. I picked after seeing a positive review on it by Period Nirvana on instagram.
Seriously check her out if you're interested in cups and discs. She has a great website with tons of info about many different brands. A webshop too although it might be more expensive to buy from her depending on where you live
Re: applicator. Honestly an applicator seems like way more trouble than just plopping it in with your hands. Insertion is super easy: just fold it double and slide it in. Once it's past the narrow bit the disc unfolds itself. The tricky bit is just due to my anatomy, not the disc itself. I have a very low cervix (another reason cups don't quite work for me) and after insertion I have to ensure the disc actually sits around it, rather than having slipped passed it. Which require a bit of digging for me. YMMV

No. 454672

I never used to have period cramps. I’d bleed heavy, but no real cramps. I got a copper iud earlier this year and since then, my periods have been hell on earth. The pain starts a day before my period and is genuinely debilitating. Right now I’m at work hiding in the bathroom so I don’t cause a scene. It comes in waves so it’s okay to manage in between peaks, but at the height of a wave I genuinely can’t move and am almost brought to tears. Is this what it’s supposed to be like? How can I manage this? I’m considering getting my iud out because it is genuinely so excruciating. Does anyone else have this experience and if so, how do you handle the pain?

No. 459559

i perioded on a WHITE chair at Christmas dinner. killing myself shortly.

No. 459668

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Does anyone else get really depressed while on their period? It honestly makes me so hard to be productive.

No. 459670

Reusable pads time

No. 459676

Didnt they(ur dr) tell you it causes heavy periods ?

No. 459685

It's not supposed to hurt so much and you should take it out. One of my friends almost died from this, go take it out holy shit

No. 463792

I'm so sorry nonny

No. 463834

I had the same experience. Normal periods before, then 4 days of heavy flow and passing out on the bathroom floor from the pain. I took it out after a year of suffering. Wasn't worth it.

my periods now are a very predictable 2-4 days, regular flow, and minimal cramps 1 day only

No. 466241

Does anyone ITT have endo and also become a total retard on their period?
I usually call in sick for work because I make really dumb mistakes like forgetting how to attach a file to an email or calling people by the wrong name.

No. 467242

Is it normal for painkillers to never do anything unless your cramps are a literal 7+/10? I always take them at the sign of any shitty cramps but I've noticed they have pretty much never made any difference except the few times my cramps were the WORST. Like when I'm actually puking on myself, sweating, switching between sitting on the toilet or bending over it every few seconds, rolling around in bed every few seconds wishing someone would put me out of my misery, etc. I rarely get cramps that bad but I've noticed it is literally the only time painkillers ever seem to make any difference.

No. 467507

I have the same experience but I only take ibuprofen when I’m cramping really bad. I kind of like the feeling of light cramps.

No. 469117

Has anyone here had any luck with treating your pmdd symptoms with antihistamines (like pepsid ac)? I’ve seen some women talking about how it’s helped them, but I’m not sure if it actually works or has a placebo effect.
The symptoms I deal with that really affect me are feeling suicidal, depressed, easily irritated, and overall I hate my life so much and think my life is ending. After I get my period and onwards it’s like my head gets cleared and I’m overall pretty happy with my life, but a weekish before my period it all comes back. If any nonnies want to see if it worked for me I’ll be back in a few months and tell you if it’s been working. I’ll either be trying pepcid ac, or maybe midol since it has some antihistamine effects.

No. 469149

I don't think that's normal. Have you tried a painkiller with a different active ingredient than you usually do? Might make a difference.

No. 469190

My period went from five days with a moderate flow to about light three days with a barely there trickle on day four. Mucus after my ovulation phase. I stopped taking spironolactone for my skin as I've read it causes temporary infertility, but it could also be due to my overweightness. Thankfully my skin has held the line just fine.

I hope it's not pre menopause or something crazy, I'm only 33 but it's a scary thought as I've read that can happen. No endo or any abnormalities with my productive system as far as I've been told with a CT scan back in the summer and a gyno visit in October. I know I was preggo two years ago (aborted) so I know I have the ability to but I've never had such a period change before. I'll see if this cycle during this month goes back to normal…this is so weird and it's been like this for the past 3 cycles.

No. 472468

Anons that have gotten ‘the bar’ (at least that’s what we nickname the implant in your arm here), what were your experiences like? I’ve heard both good and bad. One friend had it with no problems straight away and it stopped her period perfectly whilst another got sick for months after and had to remove it. 50/50 on giving it a shot

Potentially undertaking a new job that will have me away from home in somewhat limited/remote conditions for a few months at the start. I can bring my birth control pills with me, but if I can forgo having to worry about taking them it’d be nice. If I got stuck etc then not having to try and arrange a refill would be good too

No. 472656

I had an arm implant for a year. No menstrual bleeding but I became very depressed. The lesson learned from that experience is to track your mood when taking new medication.

No. 475782

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Thanks Chinese otome game, I'd actually never heard of there actually being a scale before.

No. 475783

May I ask, in what context is an otome game getting into period blood flow scales? I must know

No. 475809

Nta, this is probably Love and Deadspace if I'm not mistaken. In a way I think it's kinda cool that a womn-oriented game has women healthcare and wellbeing tips. But it's also a bit out of place.

No. 475834

Yeah, it's Love and Deepspace.
The new update added an optional period tracking function so they wrote a little in universe article about period tips and advice.
I thought it was cute and surprisingly informative.

No. 477134

I've had the implant for 5 years, and I really like it. At first I had some random spotting for maybe a month or two, but then my period completely went away for 6 months. After that I'd get my period every few months. My period was significantly lighter and with less cramps. I had my implant for 2 years before I actually became sexually active, and after I became sexually active I started getting my periods every month again for some reason. I don't mind it though, because it's still significantly lighter and I get no cramps meanwhile before I had horrible cramps. I'm not sure if it is from the implant or if I've always had it, but I have terrible PMDD now. Other than that I really have enjoyed the implant, and I'm not even sure if my PMDD was caused by it, because I never tracked my moods with my cycle before my implant.

No. 477159

Does anyone get jaw pain/swollen neck with PMS? What do you do about it?

No. 477177

The week before my period is hell. I live a happy and content life for 3 weeks of the month, but the week before my period I’m completely blinded to that. It makes me hate my life so much. It makes me hate myself so much. It makes me mad at my nigel and constantly want reasons to be mad at him. I hyper focus on the most retarded things. I’m negative about everything. I’m very easily irritated. My mind is just a constant state of hate and anger. I feel so justified to the feelings I feel, and I feel stupid afterwards that I got tricked by my emotions once again month after month. I wish I wasn’t like this.

No. 477925

Big shot in the dark, but does anyone else have an MTHFR gene mutation? I recently found a new doctor to help me with PMDD, we did a blood panel, and everything came back normal except for FUCKED b-9 processing (hence the MTHFR speculation), abnormally high estrogen, and abnormally high inflammatory response. My periods are usually extremely short, with very bad mood swings especially the week before my period, which pointed me to PMDD. It's happened since I started getting periods.
Poked around and it sounds like all of this can be caused by that mutation alone, but I'm curious if anyone else found out they had this and what helped them, or if it affected their cycle too.

I'm re-testing tomorrow for that specific mutation, and another hormone test to rule out lab errors. Currently doing a month-long panel to see how bad it is. I'm hoping it's the mutation and not cancer.

You're not alone.

No. 478842

how the hell do i cure hypothalamic amenorrhea. I regret my anachan ways, but exponential weight gain doesn't have to happen rigghht

No. 478857

I had the implant and it killed my emotions and sex drive, gave me never ending utis and fragile tearing vaginal walls, bleeding for a year straight, and made me feel so hollow inside I tried to kill myself just to see if I would feel anything.

No. 484669

My doctor just asked me if there was any chance I might be pregnant at the exact second my awful day three period cramps started. no ma’am no chance of that right now, kek

No. 487935

I’m in a period of very high stress (lost my job due to musk) and it seems to have fucked something up with my uterus. I’ve always had very regular periods. I had a normal period that ended a bit after the start of this month, it stopped solidly for several days, and then the high stress started and I started “bleeding” and cramping again not quite a week after the end of my last period. I put “bleeding” in quotes because it’s dark brown, thick and not liquidy at all. I’ve occasionally had a day or two here and there in the past where that happened, but what is concerning me is that although I expected it to stop quickly as usual, it has continued now for almost 2 weeks straight, and I’ve also never had it be this…much. It’s usually just a tiny bit. But this is like the flow of an actual period, but just fucked up and weird. I have completely ruined so many pairs of underwear atp. And it just won’t stop. There was around one day in the midst of this where the blood turned more red, but still a dark red still incredibly thick, then within 24 hours went right back to the weird blackish brownish thick and stringy onslaught.

I lost my insurance due to being terminated, and I have no income because I can’t even get unemployment because DOGE lied and terminated all of us “for cause” against the will of our supervisors, so I don’t know if I should spend the money to go to the doctor or not.

Has anyone ever had something like this happen? Was it due to stress, and how long did it continue for?

No. 488085

Nona did you find anything more out? You sound a lot like me. My periods are extremely short and I become suicidally depressed about a week or so before they start, and it eases up usually on the day my period starts or a day after.

An extra problem for me is my periods are extremely irregular so I can’t plan for it. I’ve had an ultrasound but they couldn’t find any reason for the irregularity aside from “are you stressed lol”

No. 489426

Tested positive for covid the same day my period started and it's weirdly made the period not as bad. Due to endo & pcos I usually have agonizing heavy periods but this week has been no pain at all and almost no bleeding. It's like the covid killed my period kek. Also this is my third time getting covid. Anyone else had this ever happen?

No. 489745

For the first time in my life since I started my period at 12, I have had ZERO cramps. My cramps are so bad they usually have me crying in fetal position if I wait too long to take ibuprofen. My sister is living with me and we got our period at the same time, and she also had no cramps.
The only thing we're both doing is eating lots of protein power. Could this be the reason why we're not getting cramps? Our cycles have been syncing for 4 months and this never happened before.

No. 489765

Yes, I've had similar symptoms. My dad died in an accident and I had massive health problems attributed to stress including menstruation abnormalities. I'm just now starting to recover.

No. 489786

My cycle did a 180 and now my premenstrual symptoms are ovulation symptoms except the depression and cramps. I've been having insane cravings and eating a lot, and my boobs are very sore. What can I do to reduce the pain in my boobs?

No. 490622

So sorry to hear that. I guess it's safe to assume that it's just stress then. I hope it stops soon because it's been almost 3 entire weeks and it's still going. Like come on uterus, I know times are tough but this is not the way

No. 490756

For the last few cycles I have felt a very slight tightness in my lower abdomen after (what I’m assuming) is ovulation (based on mucus). It lasts until my period, I have a short follicular phase, then it returns again. It feels like gas kinda. I really hope nothing is wrong. I’m going to a doctor to see.
In addition I have brown discharge often but I think it’s from fingering myself to check for the mucus lol.

No. 490763

I want to go back on birth control after being off it for 8 years. I just don't like worrying during/after sex, although I always use a condom. I have aura migraines so I know progesterone is the only option but last time I tried it, I bled like the elevator in The Shining and I had to stop taking it. Any Nonnas have had similar issues and solutions?

No. 498535

does anyone get cysts from birth control? i'm on nexplanon and ever since i got on it, i've been having bilateral pain in my ovaries, along with tailbone/lower back pain. i don't think i've ever had a cyst before, but google says bc shouldn't cause cysts? the pain has been happening daily now

No. 498556

Update about this stupid ass shit ass nonsense. 1 month. The period lasted for an entire month. I am eating iron pills like they’re candy so my hair doesn’t start falling out again. So now I’m constipated from that and taking (osmotic) laxatives every night.

No. 498571

nonna make sure you're getting lots of vitamin C, it helps the iron absorb into your bloodstream better. Hope you feel ok soon

No. 498701

my period ended 5 days ago and i also had very light cramps this time for some reason. i didn’t have to take ibuprofen at all which i was pleasantly surprised by. my flow was typical though i did pass a very big clot near the end of it, like my biggest one in months

No. 498706

Try liquid iron, I take a polysaccharide iron complex and it doesn't give me digestive issues like other types of iron did. Take with 1000 mg of vitamin C. Also once your iron deficiency resolves, your bleeding may fix itself too. I don't quite understand the science behind it, but ironically, iron deficiency makes your flow heavier. To the point where my doctor thought I had some sort of clotting disorder and ordered tests for it (I didn't). I hope you get better soon, nonna.

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