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No. 980242
A thread for YouTubers/Vloggers that don't warrant an entire thread, but are still involved in drama. Previous topics discussed include:
>Felix Kjellberg aka PewDiePie>H3H3 aka Ethan & Hila Klein>Emilia Fart>Drama Channels>Vloggers>Lifestyle Bloggers>Family Bloggers>LetsplayersPrevious Thread:
>>>/snow/816850Community/General Threads:
>Pet Youtube: >>>/snow/730730>Beauty Community: >>>/snow/806516>Game Grumps/ProJared: >>>/snow/812124>Shane Dawson & Collaborators : >>>/snow/697489Youtuber Specific Threads:
>Taylor Nicole Dean: >>>/pt/666025>Onision: >>>/pt/661493>Cyr & Dasha: >>>/pt/616102>Trisha Paytas: >>>/snow/54084>Baylee Jae: >>>/snow/748723>shoe0nhead: >>>/snow/756206>Poppy & Titanic Sinclair: >>>/snow/581474>Venus Angelic: >>>/w/46865>Kelly Eden: >>>/w/46240>Grav3yardgirl: >>>/snow/483139>Nikocado Avocado: >>>/snow/361206Please don't feed the PewDiePie trolls. Just a rule reminder:
>7. Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting) No. 980335
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No. 980348
>>980335Influencers are trash, youtubers are trash.
In a different context (i.e one that isn't monetized) I'd be more empathetic and understanding, but this bitch and her shitty family just took the money and ditched the kid. Just absolute shitstains.
No. 980388
>>980374Holy shit, he was only 2 and more importantly is autistic? He probably has a whole lifetime of similar 'stimming' behaviours ahead of him! You can't torture those behaviours out of an autistic person. It's a source of fucking comfort, he's self-soothing.
Shit on here rarely pisses me off this much.
No. 980406
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>>980403non video spilt tea
>someone who used to work for Keem gets on the drama thread and says he abuses his wife and is verbally abusive to her with his workers present on the regular>someone else brings up the time he tried to scam a 12 year old to do free labor for him on Minecraft>Keem was a part of the CSGO lotto scandaland was making money out of it, which was the reason he stayed quiet about it>Keem convinced an adult woman to masturbate in front of kids on cam on the channel he had before drama alert>Keem has doxxed random people who thought they were his friends when he got mad at them, never admitting it was him behind it and playing sympathetic to the people for getting doxxed> No. 980417
>>980403>>980406thanks anon, appreciated! Honestly I have no idea how 1) he still has a platform 2) he has defenders. Why is it so easy to cancel non-
problematic people for some minor shit but someone legitimately evil to the core like Keemstar still operates happily? Blows my mind there are people on his side.
No. 980439
>>980406Wasn't the fact that he abuses his wife already known? I remember in Idubbbbz's song about Keemstar he mentioned Keem "slapping his girlfriend" and this was years ago.
However, Keem really is bottom of the barrel trash. I see people being all against Ethan (who is a dick, for sure) but this dude is 10 times worse, how does he still have supporters?
No. 980446
>>980417It is completely mystifying to me as well. I can only imagine his fans must like the fact he is so hated?? They are the kind of people who thrive on negative attention from the "mainstream" because it validates their view of being brave rogues or some shit.
Ethan is meh.. He is personally not my cup of tea but he is infinitely more tolerable than "clownstar." But like this is all so stupid, nothing is going to happen it is just making people hate each other.
No. 980451
>>980439Everyone I've seen defending Keem justifies it like "well he's an asshole but at least he doesn't pretend to be anything else!" as if that's a good reason.
I guess they view him as like a heel in wrestling. It's stupid.
No. 980632
>Why is it so easy to cancel non-problematic people for some minor shit but someone legitimately evil to the core like Keemstar still operates happily? Blows my mind there are people on his side.Because you have expectations or standards for most creators.
If they fuck up, their fans will be disappointed and expect better.
Keem built his entire platform on shameless dramawhoring, so literally nobody who knows him cares or is surprised by his history.
No. 980720
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>>980711Anon you took the words out of my mouth. Keemstar wasn't taken down when youtubers with much cleaner reputation presented evidence that he is a sociopathic piece of shit, Ethan thinking that he will be the one who is going to deliver the final blow.
Gokanaru's original video getting removed under suspicious circumstances, Ethan refusing to acknowledge it and pretending he doesn't know his name (while blocking it in the comments) and now the fact that youtube auto-removes his video even when it's edited to be fair use just gave Keem even more fuel and now everyone is focused on how will Ethan fail next.
Pic related won't help either, he can't really defend himself over what was shown in the video and the other option is admitting he is a piece of shit. Either way, Keemstar is gonna keep cockroaching
No. 980747
>>980730there’s comments on this from before gokanaru’s video pointing out how uncomfortable the podcast felt, feel free to slog through the podcast and judge for yourself (the debate discussion is around 46 minutes according to the comments)
As for edited/fake screens, can you point them out? I haven’t seen anyone talk about them so I’m curious, I wouldn’t be able to tell since I stopped following Ethan a while ago
No. 980752
>>980748Ethan can fuck off for all I care. This all seems like ClownStar trying to divert the narrative from him causing people to get assaulted irl and encouraging people to kill themselves into "my dudes Ethan is like way worse than me, he got a video deleted off of jewtube".
>>980743Almost all of their podcasts are cringe. Almost all of youtuber podcasts are cringe infact. Infact, they can all fuck off.
No. 980764
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>>980756Yeah, but the point is people Keem has caused to go suicidal or encouraged straight up kill themselves whilst in maniac state or otherwise mentally very unwell.
>FouseyTube was having a bipolar breakdown and Keem went out of his way to encourage him to kill himself (theres a clip of him shouting to Keem about it in the video)>Etika got encouraged to kill himself continously by Keem>Keem went after Boogie and told him he's weak and just needs to stop being sad>Bashuverse got encouraged by Keem to just kill himself after Keem decided to accuse him of being a pedophile with no proof>Toby Turner/Tobuscus rape claims that Keem pulled out of his ass because he found a random google article that turned out to be fakeEthan is a broken clock, right twice a day.
No. 980781
>>980764Keem has done some seriously shitty things in the past. The brevity of his accusations for the sake of drama was not something he (or anyone else, really) thought about a few years ago. He's done shitty things and his history with Pyrocynical is a perfect example of Keem throwing out the pedo accusations for views and to jerk off his own dick.
However, Etika was a fan. He shouted out Keem directly with love in the video he uploaded as a suicide note.
The Toby Turner claims were fake, but not faked by Keemstar. Keemstar took advantage of a "
victim's" story for views, and the backlash ended in Toby getting cancelled. The
victim was iirc a dramatic ex with a vendetta.
Boogie is a complicated character in everything because he's a fence-sitting and self-pitying blob who difficult to sympathize with. Being a fat mentally ill righteous YouTuber doesn't immediately warrant applause.
And FouseyTube? They BOTH exploited his mania for laughs. Ethan completely disconnects from the people who are his entertainment or his audience's entertainment. And when he apologizes (lol the handful of times) he's not totally genuine. His Tourette's eyebrows are his giveaway. Whenever he has to remind himself of a point to make that he doesn't want to, maybe it's because he doesn't agree with it or it's filler that has to be said, he gets the twitches.
I don't agree with this VS shit. What's important now is whether or not commentary and similar channels will have a leg to stand on, given the constant boohoo mommy mommy help exploitation of YouTube's anti-harassment policies.
No. 980797
>>980784His ex girlfriend and mom said not to blame Keem, people don't care about that. Ethan is using a dead man's body for some fucking wack ass drama.
They are ALL trash.
Both don't deserve a platform and Boogie is CONSTANTLY suicide baiting and is known to do this to people.
Neither side is innocent, but it's pissing me off how Ethan brings up Etika and Keem, when people close to him want it all to be let go.
Ethan's fans even bullied his GF and caused her to lock her account for speaking out.
Regardless of anything, it's fucked up.
No. 980798
>>980784Etika's girlfriend and mother have both stated that, no, Keem did not have anything to do with Etika's suicide, and yes, Etika did like him. Stop this bullshit narrative, nobody (not even his loved ones) knew how bad Etika's mental health really was.
Etika's girlfriend came out and tweeted this but of course H3's fanbase caused her to delete them from all their sperging. It's the same as when Ethan blamed teenage kpop stans for the recent suicides of some idols.
Keem is a manipulative snake, Ethan is a manipulative snake.
No. 980807
>>980784From what my basic bitch ass understands Etika was a young man dealing with a form of Bipolar while working towards being the controversial avant-garde entertainer that made others laugh and think. He wasn't just a mentally disturbed dude who may have been out of his mind every time he opened his mouth. Etika was well respected and his videos were hilarious, especially when reacting to Asian Jake Paul. And, for his own reason, he made the decision to end his life by jumping off a bridge.
People are not always "not in their right mind" when they commit suicide. Call the act whatever you want but people can be perfectly lucid when they off themselves. It's a terrifying reality that people LIKE ETHAN who supported the BetterHelp data mine do not understand because they don't know shit about mental health.
Or, they don't care besides their own quick anti-anxiety relief so they can sing about their own p00r mental health problems. They're all fake ass bitches pushing the positivity horseshit without an ounce of education on the matter. Any YouTuber who sells any kind of self-care #bekind merch or shills for a big company that preaches good intentions without receipts is just as dead-eyed as the main greedy contenders on the platform.
No. 980812
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>>980808Ethan became so fucking bad. He always was immature, but now he's absolutely out of touch
The fact that he invites gross ppl like no neck ed on the show, befriend them and defend them is disappointing
And that keemstar drama is cringy on both side, even tho keem is a piece of shit
No. 980843
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>>980335Saw some more shit about this situation. They’re disgusting and I hope they lose all major sources of income.
No. 980898
>>980843My god, such a fuss about him watching people eat. He's toddler age so it's hardly even strange. Why exactly are they seeking out autistic children specifically when even totally expected/typical toddler behaviours like thumb sucking
trigger them
No. 980909
>>980843Wow, she really asked "what's actually easy but looks hard" so she can adopt a seemingly difficult child and look like such a saint.
And how is it annoying that a toddler is watching you eat? Every kid does weird shit like that. Maybe they shouldn't adopt any more kids if that drove her husband so "bonkers."
No. 980947
>>980730>It also included edited screens and fake screensIf there had been anything presented disingenuously in Gokunarus video
someone would've called it out and backed up their claim with evidence. No one ever did. It's obvious Ethan didn't like being exposed and chose to censor him by tattling to his friends (rats) at YT corp. Ethan's two faced.
No. 981117
>>981097I don't understand why hila is so fucking brain dead, i know a lot of people like her but jesus fucking christ, why is she so fucking passive over all of his bs when she seems to actually be open minded
I couldn't handle living with such a manchild who tries really hard to pander to an audience mainly made of young adults.
His weird pseudo ironic obsession with belle delphine was also super creepy
I also don't like one of the guy who works for him, idr his name but he is the ginger one with the beard; he's as equally out of touch as ethan
No. 981129
>>981128It's always acknowledged that keem is a piece of shit, and there have been so many efforts to get him off youtube that haven't worked. I think he has done more harmful things than Ethan, but Ethan is not "harmless". Look at how he treated Shoenice.
Nobody is giving Keem a pass, but what is there left to talk about? Unless new information is surfaced, he sadly won't be affected. Pushing back against Ethan is way more entertaining, rehashing shitty things Keem has done is boring and he is already "cancelled" in the eyes of most normal adults. His and H3's kiddy fans don't care either way, they won't truly ever go away. This is petty drama that doesn't need moralising, it's not like anyone will win or lose.
No. 981135
>>980335>>980843I'm an adoptee myself and reading about this made me really mad.
It's clear that nasty woman has some kind of white savior complex. They adopted the kid and made tons of money of him via their youtube channel.
They used him for youtube bucks and ego boost.
Myka Stauffer shouldn't be allowed to adopt anyone.
LSA user Dragon PoTANTUM summarized all the shitty details in this case:
"- The family accepted money from fans to help fund this adoption…
- Still were able to do a $700K renovation on their home while also mentioning that therapy for their autistic soon was ~too expensive~ and also showing off $500 Golden Goose shoes.
- They duct taped this little boy's thumb to his hand to keep him from sucking it and it's my understanding that the older bio children sucked their thumbs and never received this punishment.
- Myka was active in adoption groups on FB. They wanted to adopt again soon after Huxley. She specifically asked the group what kind of special needs are out there that look hard but are actually easy.
- One of the posters in one of the groups mentioned that while the Stauffers claimed they never knew Huxley was special needs until after the adoption, apparently they knew full well about Huxley's autism.
- She also asked about adopting out of birth order (adopting a 9 year old child from China) even though that is strongly discouraged (they would be older than their bio children as well).
- The kid disappeared from YT and other social media channels a few months ago. Any and all comments asking where he was were deleted. Apparently around the time they said Hux was "trying out some families" the rest of them went on a tropical jaunt to fucking Bali.
- She says in her video that Huxley has been adopted and has a great new mommy…HE IS STILL IN FOSTER CARE. It is my understanding that the foster family is actually making moves to officially adopt Huxley which is great news. But currently he is in the US foster care system."
Abandoned kids adopted from overseas are in very vulnerable position. There is article about how the system and adoptive parents has failed those kids: No. 981504
>>981136They could have started off fostering in-need children from the US as a starting point to see if full adoption was the right fit for their family. It's absolutely blatant that they went for the most clickbaity option they could, which is adopting a cute Asian boy with disabilities from the other side of the world.
Adoptions can and do fail, sadly, but I have never heard of one failing after nearly three fucking years of attachment.
From what I can see from clips of their videos, and I know they probably show only the happy moments, but Huxley seems like a sweet kid, with problems sure, but not ones that couldn't have been dealt with with the correct care. He's only like 4-5 years old, for fuck's sake. Plenty of time to develop.
No. 981518
>>981488I generally dislike Ethan but I think this was a fair response.
All I would say is that Shoenice apparently had left a comment on Gokanaru's original video actually thanking him, so I'm skeptical of what he said when he called in to be honest. Instead of passing off the blame of the video's deletion to the first person saying they flagged it, I think it would have been wise of Ethan to say he doesn't think it should have been deleted. His reaction to the final skit was exaggerated imo, but that's to be expected of his ego.
Gokanaru is making a response, I presume he'll bring the shoenice thing up. I'm just bored of this now if I'm honest, as predicted basically nothing has changed after this shit-flinging fest. At least Gokanaru got some exposure and we'll finally see William as a proper guest on the show.
No. 981528
>>981504Well now Huxley himself is in the foster sytem in the US. Myka tried to tell us he's in his 'forever home' already but people found out he's in a foster placement. I've seen some say that the only good thing to come from this is that he got to leave china and he is a responsibility of the US system now which will hopefully work out better for him. I'm not from the US so I don't know if US foster care is seen as generally superior or not.
Been watching clip of his progress that she shared while still keeping up the 'happy family, thriving Huxley' facade and she talks about him learning several hand signs to communicate and him getting up in the morning and pulling the blinds open, arranging his pillows and putting his dirty PJs down the laundry chute. He was doing some small chores independantly. Like yeah myka he really sounds like a handful??
No. 981596
>>981528The US foster system is a massive shitstorm of
abusive foster families in it for the money. That poor kid was thrown to the dogs.
No. 981620
>>981504>They could have started off fostering in-need children from the US as a starting point to see if full adoption was the right fit for their family.They could have if it was something they actually cared about, but you can't put videos or images of kids you are fostering on social media, so they wouldn't have been able to milk clout or adsense coins out of one.
Take this with a pinch of salt because it isn't verified, but someone who claims to have worked with the husband contacted this youtuber and provided more background info.
No. 981712
>>981670The fact that they had another child after taking in huxley seems like terrible family planning. She claims they were struggling with all sorts of issues behind the scenes so why have a baby so soon? A crying baby would be a sensory nightmare for him and would put further strain on the bonding process with him. She always appeared to overestimate her own abilities though. She completely exaggerated her experience in nursing so I imagine she has to be aware that she's putting on an act. Oh and she wanted to adopt another child, again she wanted that child to have a disability.
Also strange that she was the one who had to beg and convince her husband to open up to adoption and then once they had hux it was the husband that he seemed to bond with. Maybe it's old fashioned to think this but it set off alarm bells to me when she mentioned this way back. The bonding issue was exclusive to her and he had attached himself to dad just fine. She posted on fb about some of his behaviours 'driving my hubby mad' or whatever but he was still the one huxley bonded with. I imagine that hurt her ego.
No. 981935
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Sorry for the potato quality. Screen grab from a YT video.
I wonder if they knew Huxley had reactive attachment disorder when they adopted him (as the hashtag seems to claim)? Not excusing them being shitty "parents," but RAD is extremely difficult to handle, and these children can be downright scary, killing pets and other children.
No. 981992
>>981935I'm pretty sceptical about her claims that he had reactive attachment disorder. How can someone confidently diagnose a nonverbal autistic 4 year old with that? He also has a brain cyst and tumor to complicate things.
The main symptoms of RAD and ASD overlap massively. A lack of eye contact is present in autism, difficulty connecting with people..autism, and emotional outbursts or what look like tantrums. She showed him having what were clearly autistic meltdowns from sensory overload and she labelled his autistic meltdowns as tantrums? That lovely clip of her telling him to 'get over himself' is her mistaking a very common and easily recognised autism behaviour and then literally saying "look everyone Huxley has been tantruming all day" He likely does struggle with some attachment issues like a lot of adoptees (and again a lot of autistics and nonverbal kids) She's insanely uninformed about autism despite him definitely being diagnosed with level 3 autism. Tbh I think she realised that based on that level of autism alone he'll need some sort of support for life and she noped out on realising that.
No. 982020
>>982016Speaking of Trisha she has been in some drama with a thot called Nina unrated.
Nina basically made videos saying how she got so much money from trisha because trisha used her affiliate link to sign up for onlyfans.
Trisha then saw that and cancelled all the affiliate money.
Now Nina says she wants to sue Trisha over that.
Now the reactions are mixed I see some people blaming trisha and I see some blaming Nina.
No. 982193
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>>981935Holly shit, I was reading about RAD and one of the symptoms is showing more affection to strangers than to the caretaker and it fits so well with her saying he 'wanted to be re-homed' because he showed more affection to other people in their weird underground re-homing thing.
Shit, this woman is a monster.
No. 982327
>>982193 > it fits so well with her saying he 'wanted to be re-homed' The problem is though.. you can't believe anything she says. I mean the whole reason this story blew up is because she made that video shifting the blame onto everyone else including 'docs telling her to rehome him'. If she was just honest and didn't bullshit her way through the vid we might not of even heard of this. She was caught lying about alot of the details already. She wanted to adopt him so badly, her and her husband are the only ones responsible for taking him in in the first place and her and her husband are the decision makers behind him being given up.
This is the same woman who claimed he's 'in his forever home' and when people looked into it he was found to be in foster care. She's trying her hardest to paint a narrative where she didn't damage or further traumatise this child. That can't be true. This kid has no say in where he goes. It wasn't too long ago that the husband while filming a vlog of huxley said that he had a mental age closer to one than to four.
No. 983366
>>983364holy shit what
"womb cancer"
i can't take the hyperventilation
No. 983682
>>983364I hate to say this given the new diagnosis but.. she got so much support after the ER trip and so many kind comments with 'haydur reaction channels' even going easy on her and wishing her well.. and then she made another video where she complains about people being 'sociopaths and sadcases' if they dare to critisise her.
It's very hard to sit through being told 'you're all jealous and pathetic pieces of shit with no lives' in one vid and to then cry for her now.
No. 983752
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No. 983767
>>982020Trishas annoying and dumb but tbh does this girl really think she can sue someone because she's not getting free money from someone else's popularity on onlyfans kek.
Is trisha really obligated to stay signed up with an affiliate link if she doesn't want to? Its certainly petty but I don't think she has any ground to sue someone just because she's butthurt she's not getting east money anymore. Trisha didn't sign a contract with her.
No. 984112
>>984091YDHB has still been crapping on amber during all this, saying shit like "even horrible people don't deserve cancer" Gorl just say amber doesn't deserve it without calling her horrible at the same time?? Seriously can't understand what personal issue young dumb bitchy hun has with her.
I mean I've seen all the stunts ambie has pulled over the years and still can't fathom the level of hate this woman clutches to. It's been days since the cancer diagnosis, have a fucking heart or some awareness on when it's best to shut up.
No. 984168
>>984091Her ego has doubled ever since she started doing her face reaction videos and more cash started pouring in
Out of all the reaction channels, YDHB comes off as the most vain and money hungry, i don't know if it's that she trolls Kiwifarms or that she developed a vendetta over the years but you can tell how much she detests Amberlynn on almost to point that she's just no longer reacting but just straight up bullying like she's in high school or something
No. 984912
>>984879I think the initial compliments she received after her face reveal gave her a false sense of confidence. Congratulations, you're the most average looking person in the Haydur Nation.
Being a soft 6 (with makeup) in a group of 3s and 4s isn't an achievement. And neither is trying to one up a morbidly obese person with mental health issues
No. 985130
>>984930trisha thinks this is the ultimate insult bc she gets attention and validation for her "sex appeal" (vomit). afaik most ppl think she's ugly af and pathetic and just laugh at her gross patreon and horrendous boob job.
trisha is probs just jealous of all long-term relationships bc she's a sugar mama cum dumpster who can't get a man to stick around
No. 985184
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>>984912Yeah the compliments really went to her head, like you pointed out the haydur nation isn't exactly made up of beauty queens. Seeing her without makeup on a Livestream lately was interesting… Got me wondering how she'd feel if people took still frames of her looking like a potato and made line art in the same style she did with amber?
No. 985453
>>985184She isn't ugly, but she has a punchable face due to her permanently smug expression.
If she hadn't tried so hard to seem like a bad bitch she might have skated by with her dry personality. But instead she ruined her future career prospects for some quick coins
No. 985537
>>985453Funny seeing her now scramble to find new things to react to, ambers cancer sure is getting in the way of that easy coin
She's suddenly covering family channels, child abuse, DID and playing up her knowledge on psychology cos y'know she took a class on it.. I can easily see her getting in more drama by overestimating her knowledge on these topics.
No. 985583
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>>985537The psych content is cringe. No one with an undergrad degree in psych is remotely qualified to educate others or speculate about a stranger's mental health. There's been a huge surge in true crime and psychology content on YouTube, but 95% of the people just use Wiki or basic psych resources to pass as experts.
I can't speak for the UK, but her online footprint would be a huge red flag to any reputable psych grad program. She has no empathy, the most important tool for psych.
But on a more basic note, she's so into herself she posted this pic on Twitter herself. Nice to see how painfully overdrawn her lips are in natural light…
No. 985594
>>985583Ffs, she should just get fillers instead of wasting time and effort (shoddily) overdrawing them. It’s so obvious. Her natural lips aren’t even thin or anything.
Anyway, I always laugh when she chimps out on her community posts when god forbid, anybody has any criticism about her, she’s a major cunt.
No. 985622
>>985594You can tell she's pretty insecure under all that posturing she does. I mean she had that whole rant of
> I'm an educated woman, I have a boyfriend and my skin is clear, honey!Why would any secure woman need to rant like that? or constantly compare herself to a 5 hundred pound woman. Yes ydhb we are all doing better in life than amber, that goes without saying and is hardly a brag.
No. 985651
>>985583I genuinely don't understand why people always call her pretty, even when critiquing her. She looks like a smug below-average ethot or even a younger Moo.
>>985594>>985626She's obviously such a massive bully because she's insecure about herself, and if she picks on an easy target (aka someone as easy to dislike as ALR) she knows she can get away with it without much pushback.
No. 985663
>>985651>>985660YDHB seems to genuinely hate Amber, whereas most casual viewers just find her amusing or pathetic. To be that emotionally invested in someone on the internet is weird.
She uses X/Y/Z excuse to make videos about Amber because she's a "bad person" for things she's done years ago, but the truth is it's because she's fat. The Haydur Nation is about making fun of fat people, even as they try to virtue signal about ~mental health~. And all of them are about to get reamed by the new YouTube TOS
No. 985678
>>985668In the livestreams with less makeup on she looked younger and plain imo. She controls her angles to flatter but has slight jowls in the angle shown on stream.
Got to wonder though, if all she has to do is put on a bunch of make up to soak up compliments.. then what is she so bitter about? Very early on into watching her I remember wondering what her upbringing was like because something clearly isn't right with her.
No. 985687
>>985683 > ydhb is the ultimate retarded psychology studentThis. I looked through the comments on a couple of her latest vids expecting people to point this out, but I'm guessing she watches her comment section closely.
I watched her early videos where she only did narration and she could barely string a sentence together at times. She comes out with the same retarded shit that amber does where she mixes two different popular phrases together or muddles up two words to make a whole new one.
No. 985696
>>985663Eh, I think this is disingenuous. There are plenty of morbidly obese YTers who don't get constantly talked about by haydur nation. People like ALR and Chantal are legitimate cows: they're bitchy, train wrecks, and manipulative. They are, of course, incredibly fascinating to watch, as they're literally eating themselves to death on the internet for thousands of people to see, but they certainly aren't hated because they're fat. That logic is what bitter fat women come up with as a sad excuse to condemn haydur nation.
The sheer magnitude of their fatness is certainly fascinating, but that alone isn't enough to make reaction videos to. It's the cow-behavior that makes them perfect targets.
I think Charlie Gold and YDHB are huge cows themselves, but I digress.
>>985683Big facts. She acts so "enlightened" and she's still in fucking undergrad. It's actually so cringe that she speaks about mental health as if she has any authority on the topic whatsoever. Newsflash: any of us can read some psychology textbooks, and we'd be just as qualified as your dumb ass.
No. 985715
>>985696Of course they're cows, but they're fat cows. If the haydur nation had diversified their content (before all of the recent events) and covered non-fat cows I would get it. But there's a very obvious common dominator in the majority of their targets.
But yeah, some of them turned in to cows themselves and earned their own threads on the other farms.
No. 985718
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>>985583Sometimes I feel like YDHB and Amberlynn give off the same vibe.
Especially when people called out/criticised ydhb for selling her ugly amberlynn line art, her reaction is basically how Amberlynn would react to her "hayders"
ydhb and amberlynn are basically have the same ego, wannabe bad bitch personality, lack of empathy and money hungry.
The only contrast is the 400 pounds difference, Amberylnn is hungry for food while ydhb is hungry for compliments.
No. 985885
>>985723He is the best, I hope he takes care of his mental health.
I don't think he will be making any more content he said :( hope i am wrong, he makes me smile!!!
No. 986047
>>985723>>985885 What do you guys think of michaelbepetty/michael lawrence?
He can be really fucking mean but I think he's the funniest haydur. Zachary Michael is wholesome and I love seeing his dog judy in his videos.
No. 986060
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>>986042I'm on mobile so forgive me if this isn't the best summary but a photo surfaced of the editor in chief, Adam Rapoport, in what some people are calling "brown face." Soon afterwards one of the chefs, Sohla, came out and revealed that white editors are paid for their video appearances whereas she and other people of color were not. This has led to an avalanche of employees past and present corroborating Sohla's experience and voicing their own stories with regards to BA's
toxic work culture and lack of representation/diversity, as well as people digging through other employee's social media for dirt. One chef, Alex Delany, is currently being canceled after people found a picture of a confederate flag cake he made on his tumblr and a vine where he uses the f slur. So far Rapoport and head of programming, Matt Duckor have stepped down and many of the chefs are refusing to appear in videos until the situation is resolved.
No. 986065
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>>986060Here are Sohla's IG stories where she denounces Rapoport and calls out BA and a link to the buzzfeed article she spoke about the situation in which provides a bit more info: No. 986068
>>986060I don't think he deserves to be canceled for the cake, he was a teen when he made it and it seems he made it as a joke for his friend who was moving down south, like to make fun of her kinda? The vine is fucking ridiculous though, he would have been 21 when he made that and should have known better. Of all the test kitchen chefs to do some dumb shit like that, it'd be him that does it.
The stuff about Sohla does my fucking head in though. I've watched hours of test kitchen vids and never would have guessed she wasn't even getting paid for her work.
No. 986070
>>985537>>985651>>985660>>985663Honestly I found YDHB through her shitpost ytp-style Amberlynn parodies which I thought were pretty funny, and I didn't have a problem with her until it started to become clear that she didn't just find Amberlynn amusingly pathetic, she definitely hated her and it was weird watching her trying to justify her hatred through her ignorant Psych videos when in reality, she's just as immature as Amber. People were once calling her for saying that her viewers love her so much and were requesting personal life videos (ie grwm videos), when in reality she gets only a few thousand views at most on the videos focusing on herself and tons of views on the videos focused on Amber.
Also gotta point out how much she facetune her thumbnails, clicking on her thumbnail and then seeing her mildly chunky, average and flabby face in the actual video is kind of jarring. But she'll say the people who point that out are jealous, I'm sure.
No. 986104
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>>986068The drama is crazy it's like a circular firing squad going on! The myth of a quirky workplace just imploded in a mater of days. Someone conveniently has dirt on someone else. It's like high school but with knifes Apparently Andy had someone's story almost get shelved because he didn't like that Antoni Porowski was the subject.
No. 986112
>>986047I used to enjoy watching them, but Michael became a lot less funny over time. I also thought it was weird how angry he got when Amber pointed out he wasn't losing weight in a passing comment. Even when she apologized, he wouldn't accept it and continued to be salty.
He shouldn't be that fragile when he makes snide comments about literally every aspect of her life. A lot of it is still funny, but it just revealed how insecure he probably is about his own weight gain
No. 986117
>>986104We can only guess but imagine Andy getting passed over for Queer Eye and holding a huge grudge.
The Bon Appetit clickbait homemade choco taco 40 minute videos had really started to get to me. Even the cooks seemed to know the videos have no reason being that long.
No. 986156
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>>986145Most of the Facebook and Reddit pages were taken down for bullying, causing the slightly less obese women to wring their hands about where to post their Torrid comparison pictures. There were some hilarious ones, but I could only find a pic from the other farms
This is why YDHB sees like a 10/10 in their community
No. 986158
>>986112> I also thought it was weird how angry he got when Amber pointed out he wasn't losing weight in a passing comment.Yeah, this made me start to find him weird for sure.
>>986145YDHB is absolutely chubby, she just uses angles but she has no knuckles or wrists.
No. 986175
>>985583This is my first time hearing about YDHB but she literally has a neck tattoo, a wire mesh at that, you can hardly get any trashier than that, so why is anybody even listening to her, one would think that the people shitting on Amberlynn would rip somebody like her apart as well.
I never found Amberlynn funny as a cow, it was always obvious that she wouldn't grow old, cancer or not. There are so many videos with thousands of views solely about counting how many calories she eats, who is entertained by that?
No. 986214
>>986047I am a Judy fan too!
I have never watched Michaelbepetty is he worth watching?
No. 986227
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>>986175She also has tattoos that say "not yours" and "erotica" under her tits and posted it on the internet, as if her neck tattoos aren't cringe enough.
No. 986350
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Not sure if this is necessarily the right thread since they are youtubers but also have their own site, but has anyone been staying up to date with everything going on with Rooster Teeth? Does anyone else here care about the drama? If not, I'll see myself out tbh. There's just no where to talk about it without the fans getting butthurt if you dare criticize them.
Mica makes tweets regarding the company being racist and allowing racism in the community. Was told they cared more about her famous dad, essentially. Then Fiona goes on podcast and claims "if you don't find me funny, you are racist and sexist" which seems to make BLM somehow about her unfunny ass when it's a much more serious issue. THEN we find out co-founder Joel Heyman is leaving the company after "a thing" happened, meaning some bad blood since they apparently just stopped bringing him in.
I don't know, I want more details about all the drama inside the company but they seem to keep things very closed off and hard to get answers for. The company definitely seems on it's last fucking leg at this point, though. In the past year they laid off, what, 15% of their company? Then blamed it on the fans for not being there. After they priced jacked their sponsorships. Geoff crying about having to fire people because the fans essentially didn't support them enough. The whole company is a sinking ship and it's a real disappointment.
No. 986444
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In regards to BA drama, apparently Carla has been caught up in it too, though it’s iffy. I haven’t seen the email for myself 1/2
No. 986454
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>>986444Here's the email, which Carla posted. I honestly don't think the email itself is that bad, but the fact that Delany got the same email and yet continued to break the rule without consequences is definitely representative of the culture at BA which Carla herself said in one of her tweets about the issue
No. 986459
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>>986158>>986145not wking her but come the fuck on, she isn't chubby. Focus on her shitty behaviour instead of nitpicking her weight.
No. 986475
>>986459She has babyfat (or whatever it's called) in her face and like another anon said she wears oversized sweatshirts so as someone who just followed her on yt and not on other social media I was never sure what size she is.
If she's slim it's even weirder that she does the constant comparison thing with amber. We know that most other reaction channels are projecting their own fat-hate into her but what shit is ydhb projecting? Cos it very much feels like a form of projection.
No. 986516
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>>986459Not trying to be an ana-chan, but she heavily face tunes almost all of her instragram posts. Sure, she's not obese, she just has an unfortunately round face and is an in-between size that looks chubby in baggy clothing
No. 986692
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No. 986720
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>>986534>>986459>>986516why would she post that when people could clearly see how she really looks like. If you’re gonna deceive people at least be consistent
No. 986883
>>986350I know it's literally not the point, but imagine LeVar Burton coming for you and your company publicly because you couldn't be normal to his daughter damn! I was a big RT fan until around 2012 when I just sort of grew out of it, and every update I hear about the company is more insane the last.
>>986358lmao anon please check out the threads on sheena here before you cry any tears for her.
No. 987047
>>986883NTA but I used to be really into RT back in the day and IDK what Mica expected since she used her dad to get noticed by the company in the first place. She was just a normal fan but then they started noticing and talking to her after she chose to send them a signed headshot of her dad and even before she started working there she got on their big extra life stream cause she brought her dad with her.
She's all talk too if you look at her feed half of her BLM posts are her talking about how it affects her and calling other people to action while doing the bare minimum. She's so obviously a spoiled rich girl who never worked for anything in her life.
No. 987214
>>986516What I hate about this bitch is, she changed the offensive merch without ever taking any real criticism for it. All was forgiven a day later. But even now, weeks later, any other youtubers who dared to say the merch was offensive are still being harrassed by charlie G and her mob.
Gainingground has been dealing with it for weeks, I watched a couple of livestreams where he's mad from all the harrassment and people are labelling him manic for simply being pissed off. There are fake claims that he's racist and a fucking pedo. They're baiting him and then using his annoyance to make out like he's mad.
Right after he spoke about the merch he had brand new twitter accounts being created and tweeting at him all day. He tweeted back at one real account saying she should spend time with her kids instead of spending hours on him.. that's somehow escalated to him being 'obsessed with my kids, someone needs to check this mans harddrive' Charlie gold liked the tweet. Oh and they've found his address, tweeted it out a bunch of times and told his employer that he's a pedo. That is the insane snowball effect of not agreeing with her shitty merch or with these peoples opinions.
No. 987238
>>987214Those psychos just doxed GainingGround yesterday too. When Charlie was doxed, everyone flipped their shit, but all off the sudden its ok to do it to a man that has done nothing except comment on some ugly merch? Kek. He is one of the few reaction channels who I can tolerate. He doesn't sperg out with hateful comments that go way too far like most of the others.
Also, just to mention, Michaelbepetty is gross. The guy can't get on camera with a clean shirt on ever. Funny how he berates obese women when he himself is obese, and he looks like he has been doused in all sorts of food grease.
No. 987252
>>987047Same. Her entire time ar RT had multiple people going "She's only there because her dad's famous and they like him" only to be met with "No, she's there because she' talented, funny, etc" and this… kind of just proves she was hired on because of who her dad is. I tried to like her when I still watched AH, but she wasn't anything special and didn't really seem to bring anything to table.
( I did, however, like her when she did OWL post-match interiews.)
I am curious as to what happened between Joel and the rest of RT. I liked him. I remember a few years back I had a conversation with him on Twitter where we exchanged cat gifs for, like, two hours.
No. 987254
>>987238I wonder how many of those fake accounts are actually charlie (or the others) I mean pedo allegations out of nowhere..I don't even see diehard charlie fans being that invested. His mother has dementia and he has troll accounts asking him whether his mom recognises him today or if she's dead yet.
All this because he disliked young dumb honey buns merch and because his style of reaction is a little kinder and more humor based, haydur nation is acting unhinged at this point. They can't attack cancerlynn so I guess they're just directing their hate anywhere now?
No. 987847
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Anyone else think Creepshow Art is kind of a cow? She's 26 and married yet constantly liking tweets that are against her, even if they're from small accounts. Plus her bio speaks for itself.
No. 988805
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dunno if anyone here gives a shit, but PeachSaliva/Paige (girlfriend of Pat Boivin/PatStaresAt, formerly of Two Best Friends Play) posted a vaguetweet about being assaulted by a prominent youtuber, and another about her and Pat taking another prominent youtuber to court. I still follow Pat and Woolie post-TBFP-breakup so I'm dying to know who it is lol. I definitely remember there being a time when Pat missed the Super Best Friends Podcast because he was in court.
No. 988806
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>>988805post about Paige and Pat taking someone to court
No. 988807
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>>988806and some speculation taken from kiwifarms
No. 988821
>>988805I don’t think the person they’re talking about is that popular of a YouTuber since the people the TBF group is pretty small.
My only guess would be someone from normal boots?
No. 988843
>>988805Did she say when this happened?
Ughh, my heart still aches from the TBFP breakup. I wonder what happened that led them feel like they can no longer make videos together
No. 989008
>>988877is that it? because I understood the total opposite, that matt was starting to zone out of TBFP and pat/matt were having increasing arguments and disagreements. Considering Woolie was the common link between them, it reads like they were never really friends to begin with; not to mention Liam vs. Pat going poorly, Liam hangs out with Matt still and I think he may hang out with Woolie, but he avoids Pat
I think Matt wanted to put more control and creativity in his solo channel for reviews + crymetina his wife would encourage this (idk some people have some bad feelings about her and I'm on the fence but she seems overall harmless just maybe a "yes man" to matt) + the liam thing + he wasn't getting on with pat
No. 989119
They've never talked publicly about what caused the breakup so it's all speculation.
Liam is the only window with his salty tweet (now gone) about Pat being hard to work with.
As for Paige, I don't think it would be hard to figure out which YouTuber did this.
1. Most of them aren't relevant anymore
2. She said it was the "fake positivity" type
3. It was at a con that not only Paige but Pat also went to. Considering how little Pat goes out, this means it's likely MagFest, which narrows it down but I'm having trouble finding lists of past guests aside from the musical acts
No. 989579
>>986350On the heels of this: Burnie Burns is leaving RT but still doing contract work for them. However, he's also moving out of the US.
That leaves Gus, Matt and Geoff left as the originals.
I was really sad to have seen Bruce and Lawrence go from FH.
No. 989580
>>987847she's a total cow but to save myself a spergfest ill copy and paste this reply from one of the previous bad artist threads (18 i think?) that summed up a lot of shared feelings pretty well:
I'm gonna sperg for a moment but I honestly prefer her not having her own thread. Don't get me wrong, I despise her unfunny pickme ass, her inconsistent stories, her obvious clickbait and bullshit uploads for attention, and her obvious lurking on here which she consistently brings up to show how 'self aware' she thinks she is, but giving her her own thread is exactly what she wants.
i don't even think it's about her being boring either. her voice is annoying, her videos are poorly made and mass-produced and she doesn't even use her own shitty art for them anymore, so many of her stories are obvious exaggerated, pure bullshit, or her putting herself in an angle to where her edgy preteen fans who believe anything she says will continue to push the narrative that she's a
victim (even though most of her drama she starts or inserts herself into). I'm sure if someone cared enough to look into her stories or claims, she'd have plenty of milk.
but she barely makes art, creepshow art as a name at this point means nothing because all of her videos are clickbait surface level drama channel bullshit with art that isn't even hers playing behind it. she obviously lurks here for ammo to use, so giving her the relevance of having her own thread or mentioning her is just feeding her ego. i'd rather she just stay in the corner looking like the irrelevant clout chaser she is
No. 989592
>>989574If Pat's the unreasonable one, why are he and Wollie still working together and Matt is solo?
Common sense people.
No. 989598
>>989370 and I definitely think Matt's worse because he's sensitive and a downer, it's just easy to see why people would burn out working with Pat. Woolie has the personality to put up with him and is also able to clown on him and call him out without sounding like he's going to cry (see: Liam).
No. 989612
>>989509well its not as complicated as "untouchable comedy gods", they've just been making comedy bits since before youtube even began. fans have been following 10+ years of content of podcasts, sketches, vlogs, side channel stuff, etc, so there's a lot of inside jokes the community has and quite a bit of lore you can learn w them. oddly they also shaped a lot of the early internet, but you'd never really know that. also they have really good merch
i guess the other end of it is theyve done a really great job at keeping their personal lives out of their work, unless you're a buddy or they randomly mention their personal lives on recording you'd never really know anything about the members
skit-wise i think a lot of people are aware they fell off around 2014, but really badly after adpocalypse in 2016. they dont have good patreon content, and their content that got them popular doesnt do well anymore since youtube ruined the western world. i think people respect that they died because of landscape, not because they had drama
No. 989626
Anyone else interested in Leafy? He isn't really milky anymore but I find him fascinating.
>>989580I don't think she deserves her own thread either, but she's still a relatively new e-celeb so who knows what the future holds. I read somewhere that "Creepshow" came from a schoolhouse bully that called her that, so she made it into her brand. Props to her for owning all of this, but it comes off as very insecure and reactionary to make your brand so reliant on haters. Especially at her age, I kind of feel sorry for her because it seems like she isn't truly over whatever bullying she suffered as a child. It seems like she's still compensating for it a lot. She'd fare a lot better not making it so obvious in every online interaction she has.
No. 990509
>>989612Speaking of Mega64, was Rocco still creepshotting videos of people at Disney World before the lockdown?
I remember him doing that constantly and posting it to one of his alt YouTube channels, and at least a few were focused on kids which was super uncomfortable.
No. 992553
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Repzion is getting called out for a clip that surfaced of his experience living in the "ghetto" of "Africa"
I don't know how to link Twitter videos
No. 995313
>>995294Jenna has been on her way out for awhile. Her lack of interest in the platform has been very apparent for at least a year now.
I am honestly worried about her mental health… To be so sensitive about so many things that she makes hour long apologies for fish dying and quitting after being called out for things that happened almost a decade ago. I hope she is in therapy.
No. 995319
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>>995317>>995318Nicki Minaj impersonation and also she did a whole asian bit in the bounce that dick video
No. 995323
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>>995319this is literally it. she quit because of these.
No. 995348
>>995337YouTube has become a pretty
toxic environment where only extremely
toxic people like all of the aforementioned can flourish without having any of the drama drastically affect them. Those who are more stable and healthy eventually move on specifically because they aren't shitty people, and realize that it's become a burden on their mental health.
Honestly, at this point I think it's a sign of maturity and genuine self-respect when a popular YouTuber steps down from their platform to focus on something else, regardless of whatever it was that led them to do so.
No. 995367
>>995320be real anon, if this wasn't Jenna Marbles you'd think this person was being at least a little
problematic, right? The coincidence of her being nearly black in skintone when doing a Nicki Minaj impression, come on. Not that I really care because I do believe people can change and grow, but if people are getting cancelled for things they did and said in the past then it should be applied equally, right?
No. 995371
>>995294For a more thorough read on Jenna's
problematic YouTube past, here's this Reddit post from 2 years ago that goes into deeper detail about the videos Jenna listed: No. 995380
>>995337The sad part about her leaving is that she actually became a better person unlike the rest of these people. She got better and nicer and doesn't wanna do anything bad like she said in her video.
>>995367 like I just said, I think the thing is she actually changed unlike Jeffree and Shane who did awful things and don't really seem to feel guilty and in Jeffree's case still does say shit like he said in the past. I don't think she deserves to be cancelled for it but I think it should have been addressed without her leaving possibly forever. I hope she lives a happier life without feeling any guilt about that.
No. 995407
>>995294I’m really sad to see her go. I rediscovered her just a few years back when she was really leaning into the “I’m gonna make silly and ridiculous shit because I want to” sort of videos, and it’s great content. She’s stayed in her lane all these years and while she isn’t perfect, I appreciate seeing her grow as a person and using her platform to just try and put out silly, wholesome content instead of capitalizing on drama. It’s a shame that she’s still probably friends with Shane.
I also wonder, since she said she was going to leave “this” channel, will she continue her podcast and twitch? I know money is no issue for her and I’m not concerned for her future income, but it’s just something I noticed when she said it.
No. 995459
>>995294I'll be sad to see her go, and she's definitely a YouTuber who's changed a lot over the years, mellowed out and grew up. But I think it's because she's matured like a normal 30-year-old that she's thinking about leaving compared to someone like Shane.
It seems like she's going through a lot personally, probably mental health, so quitting/a break is a good decision for her.
No. 995487
>>995294kek I had just unsubbed from her last week because I found her videos boring. I can’t say I’m surprised, she seemed kind off disinterested? with YT lately, so I guess she probably needs a break. I wonder if she’ll keep streaming though.
It does suck that someone who actually changed and became a better person is leaving YT because people brought up her old stuff she had already apologized for while people like Shane, Jeffrey probably haven’t even considered taking a break.
No. 995516
>>995487Jeffree is a narc so he's going to stay until the bitter end, and Shane seems like someone who couldn't emotionally function without YouTube.
Jenna has seemed less enthusiastic about her videos since the pandemic so I think this current drama is more a contribution to her decision to leave rather than the actual reason. She might have been looking for a sign to step down or take a break and this was it.
No. 995728
>>995294Idk, I thought her content was really boring. I don't care if she stays or not. Personally I'm just getting sick of millionaires crying on YT.
>>995516J* is like a cockroach, I can't stand him.
No. 995767
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Ready2glare got doxxed for considering making a video about ED Twitter
No. 995792
>>995705Your hot take sucks. She was overly apologetic about shit that doesn't even matter. These people bend over backwards to appease you easily
triggered drama-mongers but nothing they do will ever be enough. The only winning move is to ignore people like you.
No. 995844
>>995792I really don't give a shit about her being
problematic in the past especially when it was so many years ago. My point was that the efforts to cancel her were negligible and could've easily been ignored - but she was just looking for an excuse to quit youtube
No. 995853
>>995844You're probably right that she wanted to leave anyway, I interpreted your claims she didn't take enough responsibility as you caring about her being
No. 996033
>>995294Perfect time to leave that dumpster fire of a platform.
>>995844100% agree. Her content is really low effort now. I would say she’s being shrewd if I didn’t know she’s naive and kinda dumb. Both she and julien seem super uneducated for college graduates
No. 996108
>>996059I used to enjoy her, but her content is a bit hit or miss now and a lot of it is reading articles verbatim with a bit of commentary.
I also think it’s weird she takes such strong stances on bullying and EDs but is friends with MichaelBePetty and other people in the Haydur Nation.
That ana girl jumped the gun though
No. 996139
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i know none of you care but a few days ago emma chamberlain uploaded pic and people got extremely mad, accusing her of yellowface/making fun of asians. she left it up for a while before deleting it and apologizing on twitter: lot of people have been coming at emma recently because she "hasn't posted enough" about BLM, which she has posted multiple times about on her twitter + youtube (very rare for her, her platforms are completely apolitical).
here is an image from one of old videos where she did a dollar store haul and unintentionally chose a dark shape of foundation: she apologized for that too: think this is bullying and it's concerning how she's been posting less and less and doesn't seem to be going out a lot. i think her depression is returning. she just moved into a big house further isolating herself from other people in the industry. she already gets comments every day about how she doesn't shower and is too basic and other nitpicks/lies. in her last video she talked about how she hasnt been getting up and dressing herself and she seemed low energy.
No. 996188
>>995294One thing that really pisses me off about this is her privating tons of her old content. Of course because this is mainly the content I enjoy, but Jenna's channel served as a history lesson of YT and now it's gone.
Her videos relied solely on her personality, creativity, and her humor. You had all kinds of varied content, what girls/guys do, drunk tutorial, what a girls blank means, comedy sketches, impressions, songs, or just sitting down ranting, which was entertaining just by the force of her personality. When YT was just normal people putting themselves out there for the world. It can show that just being yourself in the right place at the right time can change your life and make you a success.
You can see all that whither away and die on her channel. Her content became incredibly stale, boring, and low effort as the production increased, because she had to play it safe to keep her success. She went from a feisty, energetic, creative, funny, vivacious woman, to an extremely weak, depressed, timid, tired, low effort fucking slob shitting out videos of her dogs eating off the floor because she's lost. Watch you watch Tik Toks? Fuck off.
It's also disgusting to see her, a titan of the platform, leave with absolutely no fucking dignity whatsoever.
This is how you want to leave things? Delete almost your whole channel, grovel and beg for forgiveness over old videos that people are wrong about in the first place, cry, and just give up and admit defeat? Instead of admitting that you and YT don't work anymore, and bowing out with some grace. I didn't think she could get any more pitiful after crying at the fish bowl shit. This was a pathetic display.
Her fans have to have been in such denial to be in shock. I don't know how anyone couldn't just look at her and see this coming. Fans would tear you to shreds for suggesting something was wrong when clearly there is something terribly wrong with her. She's so successful and rich and yet has never looked or acted worse. She needs some kind of change in her life anyway. Sorry for the rant, I've been dying to get this off my chest.
TLDR; This is no surprise, it's probably for the best, but she's a fucking asshole for privating her old content. An entire history of YT gone.
No. 996264
>>996188I prefer the content she put out the past few years over any of her old stuff, personally. It seems like her old stuff was her trying very hard to get views while her attitude the past few years was more "I'm just going to do what I feel like" which seemed much more natural. A lot of people think she is depressed, and maybe she is, but as someone who is the same age as her I feel like maybe she just…grew up?
The melodramatics of her fish apology and the video yesterday was a bit much, but she just seems like a very sensitive person. I don't think she should have privated her old content. I just personally don't agree that she "withered and died".
No. 996289
>>996278Drama board
Talking about Jenna drama
Bummed/annoyed bc her old videos are gone
>uR aCtiNg aS iF uR LiFe iS oVeR!!!!lmao who pissed in your Cheerios, ya wretch.
No. 996297
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>>996188Couldn't have written it better myself Anon.
That video destroyed any dignity she had left, which wasn't much considering the amount of footage of her wearing the same pajamas for weeks, greasy hair on the brink of traction alopecia and dirty glasses, acting like an apathetic 80 year old narcoleptic. Crying so miserably like a little girl that got scolded, even tho she has enough support and influence to be the voice of reason on this. But nah, 16 years old allegedly find her
problematic so she bows and begs for forgiveness. It's disgusting.
Also anyone saying she was 'just doing whatever she wants!' is retarded. What kind of person has a breakdown bc they can't make a hot wheel go down their hair. Someone who has a happy life, friends, goals and dreams doesnt fucking do that. It's not even a fun video to watch OR make. And that applies to most of her recent stuff.
Sorry to sad fans but she's lazy and pathetic. I hope she gets a therapist with her millions, would get her out of the house at least.
No. 996298
>>996264That's totally fair. I know it's an extreme opinion and many people really enjoy her current content.
I'm very biased because old Jenna videos were more of my thing and also represents an era of YT that I loved. Jenna reminded me of good friends and the kind of girls I loved to hang out and party with. She was so vibrant and confident, and I found it painful to see her become so fragile.
Her videos were just fun and more real, and to see that phase out to a tired rich girl fucking around her McMansion with her dogs and annoying boyfriend just wasn't for me. I would watch because I'd watched for so long and get this feeling that something bad was going on behind the scenes.
There's nothing else quite like her old content anyway because of how different the Internet is in general, and I can't even re-watch it. And I fucking hate Gen Z humor so idk.
No. 996310
>>995294this bums me out, I mean she really meant no harm she and she is actually owning up to her past unlike pig dawson and lord voldemort over here. She is an example of how an actual apology is suposed to be made, ffs she even apologized for putting fish in a bowl that is not right for them, are you kidding me? she is the least
problematic person in the plataform, this shit is so tame compared to what other creators. Honestly it kinda pisses me off that onision, shane, projared and other retards are still out here living their best life on the platform. But then again maybe Jenna used this as an excuse to bounce off the platform, I hope she gets help because she does seem a bit distressed.
No. 996332
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>What kind of person has a breakdown bc they can't make a hot wheel go down their hair.What I find particularly fucked up about that was the comments of the apology video being like 'omg Jenna is so precious she LITERALLY apologizes for not being able to make a video what a wholesome queen she's so perfect at taking accountability blah blah blah.'
Like, really? Is this the fucking behavior that people want? That is absurd, how can you supposedly love this girl so much yet encourage her to have absolutely no self-respect and beg for forgiveness over nothing? Is this really where the platform is going?
Even now people are like 'even the way she quit YT is perfect, she apologized for everything omg' No. The Nicki Minaj shit she had a ton of spray tan on. The Bounce That Dick asian lyric is making fun of lazy rap lyrics. The what/guys girls do videos making fun of gender roles, I have no words for how retarded that is. The old slut shaming video, ok you had a different opinion like over 7 years ago, so what? She was
quitting and didn't even have the balls so stand up for herself one last time.
That fish bowl apology bullshit was the first time I was disturbed at peoples reactions. She was fucked the moment she did that because it let her audience knew they had her by the balls. It sets a precedent for how some people want YTers to act when in trouble. Why stand your ground when 'well Jenna made a 40 minute apology for a fish bowl, that's how it's done.' That's the standard now? Don't actually apologize, explain your actions, or defend yourself, just weep and grovel at your subs feet for forgiveness. Fuuuuuck that.
No. 996346
>>995920She kept stressing she is done with "this channel" aka she's not even quitting the internet or maybe YouTube in general. She just wants to make different content imo and was looking for an excuse to pull the
No. 996357
>Julien should get her pregnantEhhhh I highly, respectfully disagree. Very unpopular opinion but I don't think Julien is very good for Jenna. He seems quite comfortable in this neet lifestyle and has it made. Obviously we don't live with them and see everything but I don't know how he could see her in her current state (depressed, dirty clothes, dirty hair, shut in) and not say something or try to help her change. If anything I think he enables this lifestyle because it's comfortable for him. He got fame, the vlogging and twitch career he always wanted, and Jenna's fans kiss his ass 24/7, while Jenna deteriorates. At least their relationship could use some work.
I don't think Jenna wouldn't be a good mother, I know she has talked about it, and some actual purpose and reason to get up in the morning would be good for her, but having even more commitment with Julien doesn't sound like a good idea. Also, they probably aren't pregnant for a reason.
No. 996388
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No. 996396
>>996388my dude just say what you wanted to say
That you don't want to leave the internet like your sugar momma did
No. 996404
>>996385Damn, it feels good to know I'm not the only one. Just because they get along doesn't mean the relationship is good for either of them. You don't have to be in a screaming, fighting,
abusive relationship for it to be unhealthy.
>>996388>>996396But what about playing video games and cooking greasy vegan junk food all day? He'll actually have to acknowledge his girlfriends depression, neetdom, and zero life motivation he (probably) helped create instead of hopping on twitch? So precious.
No. 996416
>>996357Fucking thank you. I'm not a fan of "Julie", he's so fucking annoying, immature and seems to have stalled at the level of an 11-yo little shitweasel. As you said he's got it made - he's living in a McMansion with his rich shut-in girlfriend who wouldn't kick him out if she dumped him because she's so codependent on him. He's got her right where he wants her, not interacting much with the rest of the world, not growing her career, not changing as a person. It's really convenient for Julien that Jenna is so "sensitive" these days that she barely leaves the house or sees other people. She's changed so much, and not just for the better, since they got together and particularly after they moved into their "dream house" together.
I reckon they aren't married and don't have a kid for a very good reason, too. I know she's said it's just a piece of paper, but I think she's smart enough to know Julien would bounce with half her money sooner or later if they got married.
No. 996429
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>>995313jenna hasn't had much interest since her car accident which seems to have kinda fucked her mentally, so 2016
i miss when she actually made an effort with herself and wasn't desperate to get off youtube and have a baby that julien clearly doesn't want to give her
No. 996443
>>996437Christ, could you imagine? Julien gets praised for literally doing nothing and is put on a pedestal as a perfect boyfriend, at least on YT, obviously. Fans adored him and praised him for just doing annoying shit and acting like a child in Jenna's videos. Literally, the comments were amused, fake exasperation at how he is just a hyper child Jenna has to take care of, as if it wasn't the truth right in front of them.
I remember reading comments and being floored when people are saying 'I can't wait for them to have a baby! Jenna will have
two children to take care of!'
Can you imagine him as a father? Doing absolutely fuck all because he's just a big kid and Jenna is the grown up. Being a kid's playmate instead of a parent, and getting adored for it.
She's 33 and if she's going to have a baby she should do it soon, but with Julien?
Oof. The slob can't even take care of his girlfriend, at least from what we can see.
No. 996446
>>995319>>995323cancel culture is absolutely
toxic and BULLSHIT. You can't pull up receipts from 10+ years ago. if she apologised, then that's it. Unlike Jeffree star, shane, etc. Jenna hasnt posted anything offensive in a long ass time. 2006 youtube was a wild ride and i guess comedy is dead now because nothing is fun anymore. I'm shocked Niga Higa hasnt been cancelled.
No. 996485
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>>996460It's funny because the commenters saying that are the kind of 'woke' little girls who think they know shit about the real world and would totally be against sexism if it were presented to them.
It's that generation that seems think that that when you like someone's content, you have to absolutely adore totally and completely or else you're guilty by association if that person has flaws. They take shitty stuff they see right in front of them and spin into something quirky and charming and lovable. Jenna is so 'wholesome' (that word is a huge red flag for me now) and perfect and this weird relationship is 'goals.'
Yet somehow these appear to be the same people that froth at the mouth for any overt mistake she makes, and are only satisfied when she pitifully begs for forgiveness, then she's alright again.
That fish bowl video, Jenna (imo) should have simply said 'The guy at the store told me this is what I should get. I figured he would know. Now I know otherwise, returned it, and learned to do some of my own research first just in case so this doesn't happen. My bad.' Not 'oh god I'm so sorry I need to learn from my mistakes I don't want anyone else to do what I did, etc.'
To have to debase yourself to stay in your audiences good graces is really fucked up. Her audience sees her falling apart and in a fucked up relationship right in front of their eyes and twist it into something to admire. I've seen comments about her disgusting hair like 'Can we just appreciate that Jenna is so real she actually shows her dirty hair and doesn't feel the need to be perfect so amazing.' No, there is something probably not right if that's how she's looked on camera most of the time for over a year now.
Her relationship with Julien just doesn't seem right yet her fans delude themselves into thinking everything is fine.
No. 996492
>>996485>Her relationship with Julien just doesn't seem right yet her fans delude themselves into thinking everything is fine.For real. They aren't "goals" and it's been a minute since they seemed like they loved one another. I don't mean like lovey dovey shit but they seem like roommates at this point. Maybe they're meh about each other but both of them own the house together, IDK.
There's been something going on with Jenna for a long while now, and she hasn't seemed genuinely happy or interested to be filming in her videos for ages. That and Julien being a literal manbaby who has to be in her every video hogging the camera, being annoying and just pointlessly there… maybe she'll take this break to reconsider her content because she really needs to do that.
Unless she wants to spend the rest of her life "streaming" on Twitch in old dirty sweats with greasy hair, I mean.
No. 996721
I have been watching Jenna since 2011 and it has been depressing in recent years to see her falling out of love with her career. But I really can't say I blame her because I know a big part of the reason she is doing lame shit on her channel now is because JewTube has cucked its creators into being kiddy friendly 24/7. So it's either do more mid thirties Claire's Makeovers and TikTok reactions or say fuck it and be an adult and move on. It just isnt the same place anymore and I do agree with previous anons that are saying this was her out.
She has a lot of younger fans now and I don't think they can see how much life has been drained from her over the years. And wtf is going on with Julien? He looks like he is devolving into a 2edgy4u highschool fag and its pissed me off to the point that now I just see perpetual unfunny manchild.
I do agree with
>>996188 sentiment (your whole post but especially this):
>It's also disgusting to see her, a titan of the platform, leave with absolutely no fucking dignity whatsoever. This is how you want to leave things? Delete almost your whole channel, grovel and beg for forgiveness over old videos that people are wrong about in the first place, cry, and just give up and admit defeat? Instead of admitting that you and YT don't work anymore, and bowing out with some grace. I didn't think she could get any more pitiful after crying at the fish bowl shit. This was a pathetic display. I was also really put off by that. She knows these people are holding her up to a ridiculous standard but she "doesn't want to offend anybody"? what happened to the Jenna that was like "It's the internet and I don't give a fuck!" Gone. I wish they could gtfo out of LA but they bought a mcmansion there so I guess the cuckening wont end anytime soon. RIP.
No. 996728
>>996492idk they seem like a normal, longterm couple who both have bad habits to me, and julien seems like he plays a lot of his shit up for the camera. i think the two of them have just been mentally rough since the accident and never had actual therapy, plus like everyone else is saying, they're probably just sick of youtube altogether.
the work they put into rehabilitating bunny was probably the most worthwhile, productive thing they've done in years.
No. 996796
>>996728Yeah, I really don't get all the shit about Julien. He is annoying as fuck but they seem like a normal adult couple to me. Plenty of shitty couples get married or have kids, yet them having neither is a sign that something is wrong? Maybe they just don't feel the need. A lot of people don't get married nowadays.
Maybe she is depressed but shaming someone for not doing their hair or wearing comfortable clothes around their house? Idk, doesn't seem that deep. She seemed miserable and insecure when she was with Max, which was probably the time when she put the most effort into her appearance. It seemed like Julien stopped doing work outside their house more when they started looking into adopting Bunny, which makes sense. Yeah, it sounds like my WKing, but I don't get what Julien is actually guilty of other than being a horribly annoying showman.
No. 996877
>>996796>>996728It is because she seems unhappy while he seems content. That is a very unbalanced and thus bad dynamic.
Usually when there's such a dynamic, it's the man that's the problem, he is dragging the woman down feeding on her energy, and all she has to do to be content again is dump him.
I don't follow these two so I can't say for sure that's what's happening, but Occam's razor suggests that's the most likely case. Tread carefully on the razors edge, don't let your sympathies push you over it.
No. 997172
>>997146This. Not to White Knight lol but I listen to their podcast and watch their streams and they seem really happy, it's really just youtube that she seems down. She's been dropping hints forever that yt is hard on her, from being self-conscious to taking longer breaks. Look at the state of the world, she actually seems to care about what's happening, it's probably wearing her down.
We'll have to wait and see but it seems like it's depression and walking away from YouTube is probably for the best.
No. 997213
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What would cause these marks on someone’s legs? Is it from injecting?
No. 997215
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>>997213She has a lot of marks like this on her arms too but it’s hard to get a good picture, she edits it out a lot
No. 997219
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>>997215It's fleas or mosquitoes, maybe even bed bugs.
No. 997378
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>>997173We all miss the old youtube. The funny thing is overt racism still exists on the platform, so their over zealous policing of everything is just surface level at best. You can still find white nationalist videos if you look hard enough.
No. 997594
>>995337Agree 100%.
>>995367>>995319Fuck Nicki Minaj I still think that skit was funny. Adult public figures are fair game and frankly, the majority of them deserve to be mocked.
No. 997606
>>995616I hope so. This word police/overly PC retardation is more
toxic than anything else.
No. 997617
>>997594if it was black face she deserves to be called out (looks like black face) I wouldn't give a fuck if she just maked her but making her face that dark is black face which is fucked.
Either way, I think her apology was well thought out and unlike Shane I truly believe she's not that person anymore.
No. 997620
>>997617Mockedand also yes fuck Nicki Minaj but I'm not defending Nicki or saying not to mock her, Black face is wrong.
Not mocking Nicki.
No. 997644
>>997617For context
>>996332>The Nicki Minaj shit she had a ton of spray tan on. Jenna used to work at a tanning salon where she'd over tan the fuck out of herself. She literally came home from work one day and put on a wig, she wasn't trying to do blackface. lol
Also this
>>996188>It's also disgusting to see her, a titan of the platform, leave with absolutely no fucking dignity whatsoever. This is how you want to leave things? Delete almost your whole channel, grovel and beg for forgiveness over old videos that people are wrong about in the first place, cry, and just give up and admit defeat?Jenna had nothing to apologize for. Hers is a case of mob mentality/cancel culture horseshit.
No. 997971
>>997903"he didn't prove it but she thinks it's credible?
Also why the fuck is a possible rape being used as drama? Everyone knows something but no one gave a fuck until it was time to make a video and get attention.
I could swear that Blaire or James, were following eachother? Or talking?
James needs to start suing people at this point.
No. 998025
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>>997903Tinfoil but.. would J
be so cunning to push Blaire to do this video so the alleged victim would feel pressured to come out and divert all negative attention to JC, thus making J survive another round of cancellation?
No. 998091
>>998058I swear to god this man is some sort of warlock, he just has the weirdest power over people and plays them like a harp.
>>998087>I don't really get hating on himlol anon it's lolcow, it comes with the territory.
But honestly, the few times I have actually watched Jenna, Julien comes off as one of those dudes who isn't really bright and overcompensates for the lack of brain power by being really autistic and hyper. It's the same thing with Ethan. Average dudes always either act really goofy or try too hard to be edgy.
No. 998099
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>>997903I was gonna say JS sounds like as much of a manipulative, conniving douchebag as Onision, and then I saw Blaire's tweet. I know some people don't like Blaire and think she's fake but I personally haven't seen it. She's obviously done with JS and Shane.
No. 998228
>>998150Id watch more of his food content if he wasn’t trying to be all special with his camera angles.
No we don’t need 5 different camera angles for you to make mediocre vegan food
No. 998257
>>997173>id take shane dawson circa 2009 with his racist jokes The racist jokes are one thing, but he has video after video (now deleted on his channel) making legit sexual comments directed at either a specific child
>>997375 or children in general. That shit is above and beyond. If he hasn't raped a child he's definitely thought about it.
No. 998644
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From Blaire’s IG story
No. 998654
>>996721>She knows these people are holding her up to a ridiculous standard but she "doesn't want to offend anybody"? what happened to the Jenna that was like "It's the internet and I don't give a fuck!"I think that Jenna is legitimately depressed and has been for awhile now. She hasn't been herself for years. I agree with what others are saying that her content has become much more kid-friendly due to pressures from the community, but I remember when she used to be this vibrant, happy, funny person who dyed their hair crazy colors, wore lots of different kinds of make-up, etc, just because it was fun for them. She hasn't dyed her hair or worn make-up in years, it seems like. She's just looking…deader and deader. Her videos are dull and lifeless. It's sad.
I don't know if this is all related to aforementioned pressures, or if something else is going on additionally. Tbh I don't really get the impression that her relationship with Julien is
abusive, or anything like that. They just seem bored of each other. Maybe they've grown apart and can't admit it because they've both invested so much into the relationship?
I also remember her stating that she actually doesn't like LA, despite having lived there for years now. Having lived there for several years myself at one point, I can definitely attest that it inevitably sucks the life out of you if you weren't born and raised there and still have family there, or are a fame-seeking narcissist. LA is truly a different kind of hell.
No. 998678
>>998654She wears makeup quite often, and she stopped dying her hair because it was literally breaking off. How many people are putting on a full face of makeup just to putz around the house though? I don't really get that.
I do think she hasn't quite been the same since her car accident. I also think maybe she is just tired and wants to chill for once. Her and Julien seem happy and normal every time they are together on camera though. It feels like a lot of people are projecting their own dislike of him onto the relationship. I personally find him annoying as fuck but they seem very loving to each other in the tiny sliver of their relationship we see.
No. 998687
>>998678I can understand why people are offput by him, especially if they only see him through Jenna's videos, but he's significantly more tame in his own videos/on the podcast lol.
>I also think maybe she is just tired and wants to chill for once.I'm surprised she hasn't burnt out sooner. After years of doing weekly videos (which she admits is never planned in advanced, but filmed and edited all in one day), her radioshow, a weekly podcast, and now twitch streams, she's got a lot on her plate.
No. 998774
>>998654About the LA thing, I had no idea she said that? I no a lot of youtubers inevitably come out and say the same thing though, which is why I get so confused when so many of them choose to stay there instead of going somewhere better where there's equally a cool amount of new, cool things.
That being said, maybe it's just because I've never lived there, but I don't understand why they all hate LA so much? Is there a reason?
No. 998896
>>998344>Do you know how many black kids watched his shitty content It's up to parent's to teach their kids self confidence and human dignity, not some fucking youtuber. Youtube isn't a substitute for good parenting. There's "disagreeable" content all over the web, kids are going to find it regardless.
>can’t we just all agree racism and pedophilia are both disgusting?I don't condone child abuse or racism. I'm drawing a distinction between a joke said by a comedian however "offensive" it might be, and what Shane does (who's obviously NOT a comedian) who has video after video of him making sexual remarks about children, directly to a child, calling them "sexy", getting them to simulate fellatio on camera, and similar disgusting shit.
There's a difference between a comedian making a joke with words that might offend others, and someone like Shane using "it's just a joke bro" to cover over what's obviously a very serious mental problem.
There's a difference between a comedian standing up on stage using the N-word in the context of a joke vs going up to a black person and calling them the N-word to their face, that would be verbal assault and a hate crime. There's a difference between making pedo jokes vs someone like Shane pretending to masturbate to the image of a child and is recorded doing this very same thing over and over again, saying he googles pics of naked babies and jerks off to it. Shane obviously has serious psychological problems. No one would even know his fucking name had he never been on yt. He's never been funny, he has zero talent. I hope he fades into obscurity where he belongs.
No. 998904
>>998899Based on the mountian of evidence (Shane's own words AND actions), the case for him being a pedo is a lot stronger than the racist accusation imo.
A lot of people have done blackface or made "racially charged" jokes over the years, some were definitely racists, others were just dumb and did it for an edgy skit.
No. 998918
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>>998907Just to use one of many famous examples from recent history: I don't know if you've ever seen Tropic Thunder, it's a comedy. Robert Downey jr, a white man, portrayed a black character. Watching the movie back then I at no time got the sense it was supposed to be racist, and I feel the same way today. Nor do i think Downey intended to be or was a racist. It was just a ridiculous film not meant to be taken seriously. That's not to say blackface doesn't have a contentious history but that's another story.
Personally, most of the racially charged rhetoric I see on the net cracks me up. Not because I think hating another person for their ethnicity is hilarious but because the shit some of these people say is so incredibly stupid i can't help laughing at it.
No. 998927
>>998907>making shitty shaniqua stereotype jokesversus
>simulating masturbation in front of an actual 12 year oldif you think these are equivalent you are stupid.
No. 999276
>>998934Yes, it was made really clear in the Tropic Thunder script that Downey’s character was a racist asshole.
“What do you mean, ‘you people’?” he asks.
“What do YOU mean, what do you mean, ‘you people’?” asks the actual black dude.
No. 999277
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>>997644It obviously wasn't just her regular spray tan. And no, she wasn't being cancelled. Prior to the apology the only people talking about her old videos were a handful of twitter snowflakes with 20 followers who got (rightfully) ratio'd by her fans saying she's a changed woman. Look at the tweet upthread from June 12, it has 0 likes and 2 replies lol
>>998896>>998927Shane literally has videos of himself screaming the n-word at black people, and clips where he laughs at Treyvon Martin's murder. You realize we wouldn't even be here talking about the pedo stuff if black twitter didn't make the Willow Smith clip go viral? The two are linked and honestly it's a little psychotic to sit here and debate whether racism or pedophilia is worse, like it's some sort of competition. All this just to argue the point that we should go back to 2009 where all these "jokes" originated from… have some self respect.
No. 999341
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>>999331nintendo switch really wants to advertise on this eh
No. 999388
>>999377Tati cracks me up because she really is way too old for this shit, I lost a lot of respect for her with the James Charles thing. It's no surprise that a catty queen like Jeffree Star would be filled with drama no matter his age, but Tati had a nice thing going when she was just the older, luxury lifestyle lady. There aren't a lot of women her age on Youtube in the beauty community and she had a good niche. The stupid ass vitamins not withstanding.
No one was asking for Tati's stupid take, even if she is involved. She takes drama and makes it boring. That being said its tasty to watch Shane get cancelled, it was only a matter of time because before he became a queerbo innocent darling he was a YT edgelord.
No. 999390
>>999331She's incredible at playing the
No. 999463
>>999144Honestly this. She made her racist bullshit about herself and her widdle feelings, and because her fans really really love her, it becomes about Jenna feeling badly and not about racism… and then she takes her ball and goes home because she's upset??? And the whole thing becomes about her leaving Youtube and not dismantling racism lol
I dunno why I expected better from her, she didn't even encourage her fans to donate to bail funds or charity, just made it about her fweelingws. It's so fucking typical of white girls confronted about their racism - the tears come out and then everyone is supposed to feel bad for THEM and forget any fuckups ever happened at all
No. 999775
>>999463Why would she? She doesn't post anything political, she tried to appease everyone, she said it in that video too that she doesn't want to offend anyone.
She posts comedy/beauty/baking she doesn't have to get involved in politics to suit a percentage of viewers
No. 1000241
>>999463You're not dismantling racism by losing your shit over things people did years ago. If she encouraged people donating to charity you would be complaining how that isn't enough and how it's a gesture.
If you actually care about racism why don't you start with non-white youtubers who currently express racist beliefs, like nikita dragun.
No. 1000443
>>998918This is so fucking stupid and late but the character he's playing is a parody of ridiculous method actors (particularly Daniel Day Lewis) who go to absurd lengths to 'become' their character, instead of just doing their job properly and, you know, acting. DDL not only nearly fucking crippled himself for My Left Foot, but acted like a cripple the whole shoot and pissed everyone off because they had to take care of him instead of just stopping when the cameras aren't on.
The joke is that some actors are so self absorbed about their 'craft' and skill that one would go so far as to literally do black face and not realize how offensive and stupid that is because their ego comes first. It's a great piece of satire.
If you're going to use someting like this as an example, 'RDJ actually played a black man' stop and do some fucking research first. Just google it or watch the movie again. Stop putting out an outright lie.
No. 1000680
>>1000325wtf happened to markiplier?
did he lose half his iq when he moved to la?
why even bother making content if you dont enjoy it any more? he doesnt need the cash. hes loaded. if he uses it properly, hed be set for life.
No. 1000826
>>999144Jenna had nothing to apologize for.
>>999277I've seen dozens of her old vids where her skin tone varied and sometimes i thought she looked cartoonishly dark, that was how much she loved slathering on that stupid fake tan back then. You act like 2 ss proves something. Mocking Nicki Minaj in a video doesn't prove she hates black people, to imply otherwise is top tier retarded. "Oh no she wore too much fake tan in a video mocking a stupid cow, she's a racist." That's dumb sjw shit.
>Shane literally has videos of himself screaming the n-word at black peopleThen why wasn't he arrested? Isn't that verbal assault? Willow's family made the Willow Smith clip go viral lol.
It's not about a competition between pedo jokes or racist jokes, you're missing the point. Going up on stage using the N-word in a comedy routine isn't verbal assault. Making edgy pedo jokes isn't child abuse. Learn some context and nuance.
Shane was recorded calling a 6 year old he met IN PERSON, sexy, and that's just one of many many things he's done that obviously weren't in the context of a joke. Shane was never a comedian. He's a no-talent retard who got lucky on youtube. Only idiots think he was ever funny.
No. 1000832
>>999404Slick? lol. How are parent's not responsible for teaching their kids human dignity? How are parents not responsible for making sure they know what their kids watch? The parent's
should be a childs role model, not some asswipe on youtube.
If parents do their jobs their kids won't be watching people like Shane Dawson in the first fucking place. It's baffling that losers like him ever appealed to anyone.
No. 1000923
>>1000916there's a difference between making entertaining content that you enjoy that also makes you money, and completely shilling out. youtube videos are a product designed to entertain the viewer. like all products, they have to have a balance between what the consumer gets and what the producer gets. in youtube's case, that's entertainment and money, respectively.
i doubt anon cares that markiplier makes videos for money. they're upset that the balance between money and entertainment has been lost, and money has clearly been prioritized over everything else.
No. 1001691
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For once I’m actually extremely impressed with h3h3
Imagine helping to reinstate monetization to those “hate channels” you hate so much. Double amazing that creepshow in particular made a video dunking on idubbbz girlfriend lmao. Based.
No. 1001845
>>1001712Same. So what if she upset a few pc faglords who don't know what a joke is? I still laugh at some of her old vids when I catch them mirrored somewhere.
Youtube uses "safety" as an excuse to implement sitewide PC sanitization, and yet somehow they
still can't manage to get the pedo channels off their dumpsterfire platform. Retards in charge.
No. 1001928
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>>998920>>999565Saging for old milk, but Liam is the one who said that he and Pat weren't friends (and Pat was very upset about it because he thought they were, but just had conflicting personalities).
Matt and Pat both said that they started pretty much as mutual friends of Woolie, and over time became friends, but there clearly was strain after Liam left. I still have a tinfoil theory that Liam was stoking the flames while Matt was starting to have doubts because he CLEARLY had it out for Pat, but, as I said, just a theory.
No. 1001983
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>>1001928Matt and Liam are both pretty liberal and were more willing to be vocal about their politics than Pat. Pat's girlfriend Paige was a guest on The Dick Show, which is not exactly the most PC podcast, and the last episode of the Super Best Friends podcast had Paige as their special guest (and she also apparently plugged The Dick Show during her appearance). Liam undoubtedly aired his grievances with Pat to Matt when he left the show (he was sensitive as fuck tbh there are times during the podcast when he sounds close to tears arguing with pat about shit that literally doesn't matter), which probably started or built on Matt's growing resentment of Pat. Matt's wife Leana doesn't like Pat either and was openly shady toward him on twitter, which probably didn't help (in pic related you can see her subtweeting Pat after he innocently tweeted at Liam for context of the pic you posted).
ALSO my favorite bit of skim milk from this whole situation is that you can view an account's downvoted posts on Reddit, and on Liam's account he had downvoted EVERY post on the Two Best Friends subreddit involving Pat or his gf. It was so blatantly petty and childish and it totally supports your theory that Liam was stoking the flames.
honestly I feel the worst for Woolie out of all this, there's a clip of him on Twitch playing a kirby game shortly after the breakup and he starts flipping out at the game asking him to choose between his friends lmfao.
No. 1001988
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>>1001983samefagging with the woolie clip
No. 1002393
>>1001841Yep, that tweet pretty much confirms to me that Ethan lied out his ass when he said he had nothing to do with Gokanaru's video on him being hardblocked from the entire platform and pointed the finger at shoenice…
I find creepshow's voice unbearable on my ears even when she does something I have interest in (maybe because she seems like a pullfag lol) but it's nice to see Ethan do something kind for once, still really miss his older authenticity but I know it'll never come back.
No. 1002442
>>1000325i personally dipped out when Mark, a millionaire, asked his fans to donate 15K for a funeral for his niece. Did I mention he's a millionaire? And before that, I just realized (and got tired of) how fake he is on camera. Just gets annoying, same as Sean, when they always act so over the top, make dumb jokes every few seconds in attempt to be interesting, never seem genuinely interested in gaming, suck at all games (Sean can never play Hitman properly for instance), fake try not to laughs etc etc. Plus their opinions on social issues and politics are always so vapid and shallow and just an attempt to look good for the audience. I don't think they're horrible people compared to other Youtuber's though, but they have no appeal anymore once you see through their facade.
No. 1002510
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>>1001983>>1002027>>1002224Spent longer than I'd like to admit trying to refind this, but Woolie deserves the world, and Liam is still such an absolute cow in his own right. Imagine being
triggered because someone who you were supposed to be good friends with IRL was able to grow his brand with someone who hurt your feefees. I really have no doubts he got Matt on the obnoxious sjw train and thus HAD to get rid of the ultimate evil ginger baby.
No. 1002952
>>1002379I don’t find her
problematic either, she’s just boring as hell. Julien is such a try hard fuckboy I can’t stand him
No. 1003049
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>>1003017Majority of her videos have just become dumb thumbnails of her looking like an idiot staring into space
I can’t sit through any of her videos because she just looks…off.
She has very tiny beady eyes and her eyelashes make it more obvious
Her wigs also look very obvious and misplaced and her make up style in general really messed with her facial structure
In this photo without all that she looks way better and like an actual human being.
In these videos she also was more entertaining and laughing and smiling, it’s obvious she doesn’t enjoy making her content anymore.
No. 1003051
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She genuinely looks out of place here and in most of her recent videos
No. 1003067
>>1002510lmfaooo I hadn't seen these, thank you anon. What a fucking child and cowlet.
>im soery guys>literal crytypingincredible. this also reminds me of the time he apologized for misgendering someone…in a dream…
No. 1003079
>>980242>>1003025To me, I dislike her because her whole channel started as a result of her showing the "
abusive" messages she got off Onision after she stopped being a patron of his. The fact that she was giving him money in good faith to begin with is enough for me to be like yeah, nah.
No. 1003087
>>1003049>>1003051My main problem with her is that she doesn't put anything on her face other than foundation. I'm sure it's deliberate and she thinks it looks cool, but it just removes dimension from your face and makes you look old and lifeless.
Other than that, I do think she's annoying in general lmao
No. 1003098
>>1003017She's another talentless hack drama channel who makes money off pontificating about other people's slightly worse bullshit.
Can't stand channels like that as a baseline, but the fact that she used to be an Onion stan makes it even funnier. As if we ought to be listening to her as an intelligent moral authority lmao.
No. 1003221
>>1003025Could be a lot of things. She has a very stiff, grating voice. She always looks like an odd mannequin that was supposed to be female but the sculptor only knew how to sculpt males. She never gives any interesting or new information/opinion. Anything she says is very bland and standard, such as, "I cannot believe this happened." "Wow, that's so creepy." "How messed up do you have to be to do this?"
There's no extra effort made to make the videos interesting. No extra research to give insight. No theories as to what happened. Never any shocking or controversial opinions. It's basically a Suzy Lu-tier reaction channel, just for news articles instead of anime.
No. 1003241
>>1003025>>1003102>>1003221I'm glad other people feel similar to how I do about RTG. I swear I almost never think this about other women but she just gives me basic bitch vibes and for that reason I don't think she's well-suited to the type of content she makes. She annoys me because I really wanted to like her channel, I think she has some interesting video topics and features more niche things that don't have a lot of videos about them, but no matter what she's talking about she just bores me.
I have to hand it to her though, she's putting in the work, I just looked at her channel and didn't realize she had so many videos.
I probably wouldn't even give a shit at all about her but I'm very very salty at how much "internet analysis" youtubers have consistently disappointed me by being basic as fuck and giving normie ass takes no matter what. But I guess that's what I get for expecting more from youtube.
No. 1003288
>>1003017Never4get RTG received an email in broken english from someone claiming to be a counselor who just
had to inform one of her patient's random random e-pals that he had killed himself, fell for it hook line and sinker, kept defending him when he admitted to faking his suicide and accused her of scamming, and only disavowed him once he shitposted about her on lolcow and called her a pill popper.
>>>/snow/455803>>>/snow/454551>>>/snow/454720>>>/snow/455271Someone this gullible shouldn't be parading herself around as some sort of rational drama analyst and smug commentator. Same goes for her "wifey" CreepShowArt who loves to lurk LC for video material.
No. 1003851
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the fucking audacity of this dude…..
No. 1003852
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>>1003851I just feel like the bare minimum you can do is include the suicide prevention hotline number? or maybe not immediately try and sell crypto currency?
No. 1003853
>>1003017Holy shit, I always thought she came off as a bit gullible and stating-the-obvious in her videos - but I didn't realise she was an Onision patron haha, it all makes sense now.
She comes off as really annoying when she plays up this "oh, I just HATE pedophiles so much! You guys KNOW how much I just can't stand them" as if that's a personality trait? That and using "I gO tO cOlLeGe!" all the time to remind her audience of 12 year olds that she's smart and they should listen to her suface level psychoanalysis
No. 1003854
>>1003051it's her horrible wigs
her family is allegedly rich and she dresses horribly and gets crap quality wigs….do better, girl
No. 1003868
>>1003051She needs to drop the alt girl look because it makes her look so harsh. She has tiny eyes and a pretty meaty face, she should go for a softer look imo.
Also her content sucks. She never has anything worthwhile to say, nor does she ever present receipts that are new. Who needs her stale commentary on such nothing topics idgi.
No. 1004119
>>1003017I found her content hit or miss at first, but it's become even more boring these days. She reads from articles and reports almost verbatim, with only some commentary thrown in. It's barely transformative and her takes are always obvious ("He burned all of his clothes. Seems pretty suspicious"). Plus, being an Onion patron means you have to have a skewed sense of judgement.
Her constant rotation of cheap wigs is also getting on my nerves. It really doesn't suit her and seems wasteful.
No. 1004645
>>1004119>>1003098I didn't know she used to be an onision stan
>>1003288or about this, thank you anons for educating me
No. 1004673
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>>1004572honestly I see it
No. 1004698
>>996443>>996437>>996429Regarding a baby, I think it's pretty obvious Jenna/Julien are having fertility issues. If you watch some of their older vlogs (which I believe have now been taken down for some reason) you will see them both talking openly and enthusiastically about "WHEN" they have kids… all that casual talk stopped at some point. Around the same time Jenna put out a
now deleted tweet about "fertility issues", she also apparently had an ovarian cyst removed in hospital, and the car accident damaged her bladder (pretty close to the reproductive system). This makes the new dog adoption and the depression make a lot more sense. Fertility issues would be a
trigger for depression. The car accident clearly changed something in Jenna too. Being almost 34, it's pretty much crunch time if they want to have a kid. But instead they adopted a very high effort dog… I can picture her expanding the dog furbabies thing as a way to cope with not being able to conceive naturally.
No. 1004752
>>1004698I don't think the car accident alone fucked up Jenna. Accidents can be traumatizing (been there), but by her own admission she wasn't seriously injured beyond bad bruising/whiplash. It's been 4 years. She clearly has other shit going on. One car accident where everyone walked away relatively unscathed won't turn someone into a depressed hermit.
She's been conspicuously absent from twitter since around the time RawBeautyKristi (who had fertility issues) announced she was pregnant. They follow each other and Jenna likes and occasionally comments on her tweets, but has yet to congratulate her or like any of her posts about the baby. It was announced on like the 16th of June and Jenna hasn't posted or liked anything on Twitter since the 22nd. Probably a coincidence but yeah.
No. 1004822
>>1004752> It's been 4 years. She clearly has other shit going on. One car accident where everyone walked away relatively unscathed won't turn someone into a depressed hermit.That’s not true at all, a car accident could
trigger PTSD or agoraphobia. A relatively small incident can
trigger a mental health crisis lasting years in anyone, if the conditions are right (or wrong). Disproportionate reactions are kind of the hallmark of mental illness…
Since Jenna isn’t online at all now it may just be a coincidence that she hasn’t interacted with other people’s baby tweets.
No. 1004946
>>1004698Yeah, no. The car accident was unpleasant, but neither Julien nor Jenna got hurt beyond some bruising. Hell, Jenna made a point about how she was abstaining from pain meds "for personal reasons", so it wasn't too severe.
She's been pulling away from her social media account for years now. YEARS. Which she's absolutely entitled to - she's made more money than most people will in a lifetime of struggling, and she's done her time ass-kissing the whims of her fans.
No. 1005440
>>1005438>He sounds like he's getting choked up while addressing all of this which is really strange imo. He also keeps referring to her going through a "transition" whatever the fuck that means.Jenna FtM confirmed.
Joking, of course.Also bordering into tinfoil territory, but shit, maybe they're breaking up?
No. 1005451
>>1005440i wouldnt be surprised if jenna was ftm to be honest. remember that beard video? and she grew up as a tomboy who tried to overcompensate by being a blonde tan bimbo in college. i know a lot of trans people sometimes go hyper masc/hyper fem to hide their transness. not saying she is but i wouldn't be surprised.
but really, i just think she's depressed. maybe not an hero levels, but spending all of your young adult years in front of the camera on a platform no one expected to get so massive took a toll on her. i'll miss those ugly little dogs.
oh fuck me, i hope one of those ugly little dogs didnt die
No. 1005452
>>1005438Yeah, it's totally weird to choke up while talking about your partner struggling. It's not like having to address her fans and tell them she might never be back online is a difficult position to be in or something.
She's probably just hanging out playing ESO all day like she was before but without the burden of social media and content creation.
No. 1005454
>>1005451Jenna being trans is one of the most retarded tinfoils I've ever heard, christ.
I'm assuming she just has really bad depression. She's getting older, coming to a threshold in her life where a lot of things are going to start changing, specifically regarding the years she has left to become a mom. She did say once in a now deleted tweet that she was struggling with fertility issues, and that could be having a severely negative effect on her seeing how she so often talked about wanting kids. If anything, she's probably quitting the internet to focus on her physical and mental health so she can possibly have the chance to become pregnant one day and be a mom. Either that, or her and Julien aren't doing so hot as a couple.
No. 1005459
>>1005454I can't find any proof of this deleted fertility tweet ever existing. She could have fertility issues but ovarian cysts are fairly common and don't automatically mean fertility issues. Also there hasn't been any sort of hint that anything is up with their relationship. They always seem super affectionate towards each other.
I really think she is just depressed or burnt out. Also it's possible she just wanted to peace out before having to be constantly bombarded by people asking her why she is friends with Shane. Anyone who is openly friends with him is going to get some blowback.
No. 1005468
>>1005438How is it weird he's choked up? Watching a loved one struggle is hard, especially when there is nothing you can do to really help, and it's even harder to talk about. It'd be weirder if he wasn't emotional.
Even though he's being vague it's pretty obvious, and has been for some time, that Jenna has become more and more depressed. The last few years she's become a complete shut in. A lot of her videos you can tell she hasn't showered in awhile (dirty nails, greasy/flaky hair etc). She lives in sweatpants and hoodies even on the rare occasion she does go somewhere to the point where it became a meme and in one video from a year or 2 ago (the plant one I think?) she was actually wearing jeans and a nice blouse for once there were hundreds of shocked comments. Either way it's sad to see that she's struggling so much when she's one of the few e-celebs who doesn't bother anyone.
No. 1005598
>>1005438This is actually interesting, because Julien has relied on Jenna so much in terms of his online persona and his content - his Aries Manchild bullshit falls so flat when he doesn't have her to bounce off of. Maybe he'll zero in on gaming more, and do the odd greasy vegan junk food episode.
I'm still sad they trashed Last Minute Trips, that concept had something good going on and it felt fresh. Maybe this new oh-shit-what-now period will do Julien good and he'll get creative again. They've both been stuck in an algorithm rut.
Hope they both rediscover their spark. Jenna's upload schedule has been super regular for years and years, I just honestly want her to have a proper break for once, if nothing else.
No. 1005968
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Trans person I used to watch on Youtube. I know people change but I do recall them being dumber than a sack of bricks while in grade school. Even in the comments there are people asking if the degree is real without a reply which I consider strange due to how active/involved they usually are with their page. Tried looking up the school but not really finding anything. Should be California based if that helps.
No. 1006116
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>>1001691Damn, & to think I used to respect Creepshow Art…
No. 1006338
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Sorry this is soo stupid but it kinda irritates me Felix has been watching and doing commentary on this stupid reality TV show lately. From what I've seen it appears to showcase these completely surface level relationships where essentially the man "buys" a young hot wife and is then suddenly surprised when it turns out she doesn't actually care about him.
The most recent video posted he actually highlighted this comment which pissed me off tbh. I wonder if he feels that way about Marzia or his own mother? It has 6.6 million views in 3 days.
No. 1006520
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>>1006304>keemstar defended OnisionWhen did he do that? I wouldn't call doing a dogshit interview for $$ defending Onision. It's douchey but what else is new?
No. 1006550
>>1005468>>1005598Someone said Jenna pretty much cancelled herself and i agree. I think Jenna's been on autopilot for a while and now she's having the equivalent of a mid-life crisis. Julian mentioned that Jenna felt a lot of pressure and "building anxiety", I think part of that is because deep down she kinda hates what she does for a living and would rather do something actually fulfilling with her life. I enjoyed Jenna's content a lot more before youtube sanitized everything to appease a few pc lobomites. Youtube used to give creators reasonable free reign and now creators are penalized by the algorithm for swearing.
The censorship is why a lot of youtubers (including Jenna) resorted to making boring ass hours long podcasts because it was the only way to make decent $$/get ads on yt, so they end up neglecting their main channels like what happened with H3 ethan who became an insufferable shekel grabbing taint.
No. 1006599
>>1006526That's definitely not giving him credit. He's just saying that people didn't listen to Onision because he's shit, and so all the commentators defended Shane against Onision. But now, two years later, the commentators are making the same points Onision did because it's the trending topic.
He's calling out hypocrisy while also saying that just because Onision is shitty, that doesn't mean literally everything he says is immediately invalid.
No. 1006837
>>1006338He became as out of touch as Ethan, jesus christ.
Imagine lacking so much self awareness when it comes to your relationship that you like a comment saying "Women are more like spoiled little children now" wo realizing that your wife is the exact embodiement of that kek.
No. 1006891
>>1006655lol wut?
I'm responding to
>>1006599 here:
>He's just saying that people didn't listen to Onision because he's shit>He's calling out hypocrisy while also saying that just because Onision is shitty, that doesn't mean literally everything he says is immediately invalid.Where does he say either of these things in
>>1006526 ?
No. 1007008
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I used to like Gab so much, loved her old content where she translated indie japanese games.
She is so unfortunate looking and became boring after ditching the only thing that made her stand out, which was translation.
She always had a weird "not like the other girl" hypocritical vibe. I remember her saying that she would never wear makeup while streaming/making yt vids bc it was such a hassle, which is such a shit claim and a weird jab to all of the other streamers btw, and yet here she is now, wearing boomer tier makeup and shit drawn eyebrows in every vid and stream since she is with JSE. Wouldn't even be surprised if she ends up associating herself with entitled yt personas like pewdiepie and marzia bc of her new relationship
No. 1007067
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Has anyone else noticed that Dan Bell has started jumping on the ghost train after stating multiple times in the past he wasn't a really into the paranormal and would never make these kinds of videos?
No. 1007075
>>1007064>she looks really nice when she's open mouth laughing or smilingKek imo that's when she looks the worst. She has horse teeth and an overbite that gives her a weak chin
>>1007067Dan Bell content went downhill, so I'm not even suprised he went for it. I remember liking "Dirty Room" at first, but it became a shitshow rather quickly. Also, Rick doing disgusting shit isn't funny or quirky
No. 1007077
>>1006338these comments are so obnoxious, i hate pdp too but pretending that he acts any negative way towards women esp after all of his rightie drama hes had is just downright stupid
i went to one video to go find where he made whatever atrocious comment you're talking about and nearly the whole video he's criticizing the reality tv show people (first for.. being reality tv) and that its obvious the couple doesnt like eachother because they're both props only there for money/big tiddies
can you find something real to criticize instead of like out of context pulling a comment with no video link
inb4 "OoOoOaoO A stan god mad!!!"
no, theres just a lot more to criticize then a random one-off comment about some stupid tv show you've over analyzed and then didnt provide anything for anyone else to see
No. 1007083
>>1007079Idk, he always stroke me as an obnoxious and mean fat cunt just by the way he speaks to his ((friends))
>I know him and Will stopped talking after he had gone off about Will's girlfriendI have no idea what this is about kek. I did assume something went wrong considering Will got basically replaced by Brennen
No. 1007090
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>>1007083>>1007083>I have no idea what this is about kek. I did assume something went wrong considering Will got basically replaced by BrennenIt is really messy and confusing. It's hard to find info but apparently from everything I have put together: Will had been dating a girl (supposedly a fan) for a while and Dan didn't like her for whatever reason. He had gone off about her on his podcast and called her a bunch of names and some sexist shit, like that she was "controlling" Will and she was a manipulative bitch, etc. Just your typical gay male misogyny. Will was either already pulling away from Dan or had cut things off completely after the podcast meltdown. No one really knows as they don't talk about it and the fanbois get mad if you ask. No. 1007100
>>1007089My fav video of his was this one and it's insane to think about how he used to be regarded as the king of urban exploration only 3 years ago
>>1007090Ty, well this fat slob obviously had a crush on Will, thought they were actually together for a bit. if I recall correctly he kissed him in one video when the both of them stubbled upon mistletoe or something
No. 1007104
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his entire bulge is popping out oh god
No. 1007155
>>1007143Why do PDP stans flock here? There’s obviously a difference between living a traditional life and pandering to tradthot ideals with a husband that incidentally has a massive right wing/fascist following.
Pls go.
No. 1007158
>>1007052>femcelScrote detected.
>>1007055Are you also the newfag on /w/ sperging about how Marzia opens her legs for Pewdiepie in exchange for shit, even though this sounds disgusting because Marzia is HIS WIFE and therefore their sex life is not your business?
The one who says that Marzia doesn't deserve her success because you're an artsofartso and how you feel so jealous of her?
Yeah, you're a fucking loser. You're the cow here.
I don't even give a shit about Marzia.
>>1007143That anon is as mysogynistic as pewdipie probably, hence why they're so obsessed.
No. 1007231
>>1007075Awh cmon she's not ugly by a longshot, she looks better in motion than in pictures.
>>1007123He just collabs with his imo, way more entertaining friends, he gives me kinda off rude vibes, like a sad puppy hanging on a much cooler friend group
No. 1007238
>>1007154>>1007155>hes nazi>hes fascist>hes right-wingthis is my point, nothing different is said about pdp. theres a random joke with barely any information sprinkled in every 30 posts about how hes still some raging nazi rightie something or another. why can't you post content instead of ad hominem for days on end?
good content tho thx for the input
then (inevitably) when y'all reply to every single post you dont agree with, the jannies dont even ban you. wish u'd do the service of not replying to the thread 45056825 times to call someone a stan or nazi. frankly nikitas cock hanging out is more input then whatever this garbage is
>>1007158i dont get it because he clearly supports whatever she wants to do looks/dress/hobby-wise. doesn't mind supporting her financially and possibly.. perhaps.. emotionally.. otherwise she wouldn't of gotten married and moved to a different country with him?
just like pdp her parents are rich business/fashion people, shes wealthy with a family to lean on and has no reason to roleplay some weird trad petwife that people INSIST on saying she is
No. 1007252
>>1007077ITA and I like Felix and watch him regularly. I just didn't like that he put this comment up on his screen. (hell idk maybe it was sive?)
It's not that deep.. hence why I prefaced the whole post with "sorry this is soo stupid."
You sound exceptionally
triggered, might want to look into that.
No. 1007269
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Trisha tweeted this and I'm just….so confused about everything that's going on here.
>>1007238>why can't you post content instead of ad hominem for days on end?because he's a woman-hating nazi lmao
No. 1007343
>>1007264>White privilegedOof this thread is cancer
>>1007308 for making legitimate critisisms
No. 1007368
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>>1007308hell yeah dude good point
No. 1007420
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For the curious, I finally found some of the mean ass comments Dan made on Insta after he and Will fell out. Such a bitter bitch. No. 1007527
>>1007308>facist gfDidnt her family un ironically have dogs that are named after mussolini and his mistress claretta?
>>1007505They travel so much yet buy weird animals for the aesthetic. The pugs arent even fully house trained yet they both especially marzia have all the time in the world to do that
No. 1007591
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>>1007511His twitter is full of gross man angst. I remember he had this one disgusting ass tweet about how some underage boys could like do something sexually with him. I am trying to find that shit. Spoiler because I don’t want to ruin someone’s meal.
No. 1007595
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Simply Nailogical did a video with her dumbass boyfriend where he sits there talking about how toxic the beauty community is, whilst riding on the coattails of his gf by inserting himself in her videos/podcasts and making a living off of the community. He knows nothing about nails/makeup etc naturally, but for some reason his pov is important enough to her channel she started a podcast with him?
Honestly though, Simply Nailogical is awful at what she does. Someone convinced me to try her tips for strong nails video and it destroyed my nails. She has this whole thing where she insists all you need is a little bit of vitamin E and something else on your nails and you should never use nail strengthener because "none of them work" but then her nails peel and chip constantly and she admits she can't grow them too long because they bend kek
Her stupid nail topper is ridiculously overpriced, too.
No. 1007598
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>>1007591I hated doing it but just type in dan bell twitter dick or cock and you get dozens of tweets of him obsessing other other men’s penises.
No. 1007678
>>1007595funny how Simply was in Jeffree Star's ass and made a slick comment about him calling a make up "Snowflake" fuck her. Never liked her dusty ass.
>>1007104Imagine getting all this work done to look like a woman, in the hope of attracting men, but always looking lonely as fuck and sex-obsessed.
No. 1007687
>>1007595Kinda OT but god I hate Ben. He's way too fucking smug. Don't like Cristine much either tbh. I don't get the appeal of their channel and humour.
Plus what is it with so many youtubers starting podcasts? Simply, Kurtis, etc.
No. 1007706
>>1007687following the h3h3 trend. podcasts cost less money and take less time to make than regular vids. with all the sponsorships and ad breaks available it's a low effort way to cash in.
anyway Cristine seems nice and levelheaded but Ben is boring and takes all of his opinions from the reddit hivemind.
No. 1007714
>>1006879I can't tell if he too stupid to realize he's contradicting himself or if he's really throwing shade at marzia.
He said lip injections never look good while marzia had them, he said to stay away from women with brightly colored hair while marzia had pink and so on
>>1007505She wanted an albino pug too as if they weren't cursed already
No. 1007770
>>1007595Ugh. Simply Nailogical. Her channel started out with gimmicky nail tutorials, which worked well for her. Now it's mostly full of random gibberish. You can maybe watch one or two videos of hers without thinking anything is wrong, but after you start watching more of her videos she starts grating on you. Her voice, her unfunny humor, her stupid opinions, and especially the way she yells "Beeen" and makes him get her drinks.
She's never had a personality worth watching. People just watched for the gimmick. I don't know why she would make a podcast, or who would watch it.
And yeah. It should be obvious she doesn't know what she's doing. How many people do you know who have yellow nails because they managed to stain them with nail polish, who simultaneously refuses to buff or soak them to remove the stains? I certainly don't, and I especially don't know anyone who is supposed to be a nail authority who doesn't.
No. 1007961
>>1007158I found that post and it clearly doesn't say anything about her doing stuff in exchange for something, it literally just says that Marzia is being an idiot for thinking that just because she happens to spread her legs in front of someone who bought a house in Japan, she thinks she is now Japanese and the crap that she sells says that it was designed by "Marzia from Japan".
Bitch you are from Italy, you don't even speak Japanese.
No. 1008052
>>1008010He said in a video that Maya's (like most of the other pugs) nails grow really fast and he does cut them but not too short because it creates problems (bleeding). Maybe it's as short as they can go without bleeding.
I had to take care of a pug with similar-ish breed and their nails would grow super long in a span of a week. It would be a pain in the ass to make sure pug is okay.
Another (crazy imo) option would be to cauterize them after cutting them to a decent length, but for such old pug as Maya that would be too painful because this process
Hurts pugs a lot.
Never understood the hype around pugs, they look like sad gremlins and I always felt bad for them.
No. 1008084
>>1008079Lucky to be you, then. Nayrt but my stepdad is the same as Marzias opinion-wise.
Dont want to blogpost, but even twitter-chans are always whining and complaining over having racist (and such) family members. Good for you that yours aren't.
I am not QPMarzia or whatever her name is stan cause I never cared about her, but I hate it when people assume that if someones parents are shit, that means they are shit too.
Are you the same anon who kept showing her year-old milk and spregging on /w/? There are a lot more interesting cows to be obsessed with. She's cringe as hell, sure, but that's about it.
No. 1008102
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>>1008092Every ADR eps that I ever watched be like
>Rick getting drunk>Everyone spraying water on Rick>Everyone bullying Rick>Rick eating hand soap bar>Rick touching disgusting things with his bare hands>Dan gaggingYeah, nice ass show
>>1008052I'm going to be a dog moralfag, but standard pug breeding should be illegal, and I don't understand how most people still buy them and support this shit. Those dogs are so fucked up that they barely can function
>>1008084>I hate it when people assume that if someones parents are shit, that means they are shit tooYes I agree, you don't get to choose your parents. She's also Italian, and a good amount of middle-aged ppl over there are midly to downright racist.
I absolutely forgot that she also wrote a horror book, I remember that someone did a video review on it, saying that it was mediocre, and everyone got mad
No. 1008131
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>>1008092>>1008102Kek don’t forget all the times Rick has tried to give himself Hep C.
I don’t think we will be seeing much of his original content anymore. I am not sure if it was the money or the attention but he us fully on the ghost faggotry train.
He still bitches about Trapped and Terrified, which were the infamous fakes that he likes to act as though they don’t exist. No. 1008138
>>1008102But look dog ugly and make funny noises hahaa
For real though, as someone who lives close to someone owning a pug, these things look like they're suffering 24/7 and a lot of owners don't really give a shit, they just buy them because they're tiny and have huge eyes and a squashed-in face.
Also while I don't think Pewdiepie and Marzia are racists, they can be huge hypocrites. I can't take seriously someone who likes to preach about greek philosophers and criticize relationships and materialism while being a millionaire, owning multiple houses and designer clothes, buying exotic and weird pets without properly caring for them and having a not so good relationship himself.
No. 1008157
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>>1008131Baltimore is associated with criminality even in France. I don't think he even realises that by faking Trapped and Terrified he unnecessarily fueled its already bad reputation. Drug traffic issued from mind and wealth poverty shouldn't be treated as a spectacle, and shouldn't less be monetizated by some fat fuck wanting to impress its audience. I don't know, I kinda wonder what black people think of this.
If I remember correctly, he has a kind of storytime video on his channel in which he describes his childhood home, he seems to be from a rather privileged background. However it might be him bullshittin, the story sounds fake as fuck
>>1008138No I don't think they are racists either. But as much he likes to call himself "dumb-intelligent", Pdp really is dumb as fuck. He can read Plato all he wants, that won't fix his obvious lack of self awareness. He has the same overall vibe than men who unironically call themselves "Alpha" because they read Cizia Zike once. Funnily enough, this community also preaches greek philosophers to no end kek.
Oh yeah and he also unironically likes Elon Musk, right? How suprising. Is he also going to play the
victim and cry about how all the odds were against his success despite being a more than wealthy white person from the get go
saged for my palpable autism
No. 1008219
>>1006338>>1006849I watched it (it was banned here in Germany) and I'm so confused why his dumbass fans are harassing Anfisa over this shit. If you watch her yt videos, you can clearly see how much she has changed and improved over the years. Her social media is filled with cringy ass comments like "You're a golddigger" "Go back to Russia" and "You broke his heart and used him for the green card". Fucking pathetic.
Felix should know better by now, he has MILLIONS of followers, many of them are young and impressionable. If he talks shit about someone, you know that some of his dumbass fans are going to harass said person. This shit always happens and I'm so sick that he's doing nothing over it.
No. 1008528
>>1008052>>1008010Trimming pug nails is honestly the worst. They have really long quicks and their nails naturally curl and grow into the paw pads. That's not unique to their pugs. It's also so stressful for them that they can end up not breathing properly and dying. Most pugs I've seen have to be sedated (which you wouldn't want to do very often if the dog is older like maya) and need like 3 people to trim their nails. Not trying to defend them, but it's really the only thing regarding the pugs that's not their fault.
Chilling with poop around and being ok with your dog wearing a diaper 24/7 is actually fucked tho.
No. 1010068
>>1007238>hes nazi>nothing different is said about pdp.I see some speds autistically repeating the same barely coherent reee'ing like
victims of a fresh brain injury
(muh Nazis!/alt-right!), and much like the insides of their heads, there's nothing of substance to their screeching. As opposed to someone like this
>>1007505 who obviously possesses at least some fucking brain matter.
And before some retard calls me a PDP stan, I think his current content is lazy effortless crap. i know because I tried watching it a few months ago and clicked off after about 5mins. I don't know how he still gets millions of views. Probably bots.
No. 1010457
>>1010395That's fair. She talks about it often in videos (or at least she did years ago).
Obviously, she can do whatever she wants with her nails. But I really don't understand the mindset of refusing to give nail polish a rest from time to time. She says in her video that she doesn't because then she wouldn't be able to make nail tutorials often, but she only made a nail tutorial every few months anyway.
No. 1010790
>>1010291I get why she made this video as it must be annoying to have a horde of kids commenting about it on every video she made but at the same time she should have thought of a better way to get her point across
At the time of this video youtube recommended me another video about how to remove the stains and all the comments were from idiotic kids repeating the same shit: B-BUT YELLOW NAILS DON'T MATTER!
I don't really know if she is to blame tho… having literal kids and tweens as your audience must be draining
she keeps getting questions about marriage because for kids that's the logical next step for couples
No. 1010841
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>>1010754If you look in the comments people are mentioning how gross it is, and of course, her little fishies still defend her. If you actually have the patience to scroll through this quagmire. It is a lot.
No. 1010914
>>1010853I know anon. I apologize if it came off as I was picking on Lena being preggers; that wasn’t my intention. I was more looking at Trisha and her weird downward spiral, and the strangeness that surrounds her persona.
>>1010882Same, anon.
No. 1013687
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>>1007124>>1007678Everyone is clowning Nikita rn for getting more surgery done and for it looking terrible.
No. 1013850
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Sometimes I check in on Eugenia's channel and it makes my heart ache. She looks worse than before she was admitted. I wish her mother or anyone else who's close to her admitted her in a treatment facility but I don't think it will ever happen. It's like she's committing suicide in slow-motion and it's so sad
No. 1015627
>>1013850She is known only because she's anorexic, and as a Youtuber she's nothing without that. I'm pretty sure she likes the attention she gets, even if they're all comments by people trying to tell her to get help.
Besides, that's how treatment facilities work. They keep you there for like three months, then you're out, then you get in again after some time becuse you have a relapse and so on.
No. 1015630
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Does anyone else watch Kalel? I have a weird fascination with her and her constant identity-changes. I wonder what her latest persona will be
No. 1022547
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Not the usual cows we post here but, Imogenation posted a random ass vlog of herself and because she gets a ton of asspats for milking her "stomach condition" all the time, she had to include a segment of her taking a shit on the toilet, including poop escape face.
No. 1022553
>>1015630i used to watch kalel a lot and even back in the day with WULAS. it has been insane to watch her constant identity changes documented on the internet and even more insane to watch her fall from grace after breaking up with her last boyfriend. it's so uncanny to watch someone slowly wither away into irrelevancy. she mentioned in one of her most recent videos that she's been eating canned food; burning through all the money and potential anthony left her must feel so bad.
the last i heard from her she was still learning korean, so unless something changed (which is usually the case when she takes these extended breaks), she's probably still in her koreaboo phase.
No. 1024521
>>1019500omg i watch anxiety war and i was wondering what was happening that one of his vids kept getting taken down? i was wondering if he was going down the lawsuit route like before.
could you elaborate on what happened?
No. 1024701
>>1015630I was really looking forward to her downgrading faze but it’s still the same old shit. She only posts when she absolutely needs money/sponsorships.
Watching her is like watching a train wreck I love it
No. 1025006
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>>1024999hmm.. could it be about this? Him being a Trump supporter and showing his gfs ass on Insta? Strange choice
No. 1025036
>>1025006Trump is
at best the porn star fucking type of catholic conservative so everything checks out.
No. 1025800
>>1025411I'm not surprised, he loves guns and he has a big american flag in the back of his videos (not that that makes you a Trump supporter).
I find showing his girls ass on Instagram a weirder choice, cause he pretends to be super righteous going after perverts and hoeing out your girl for likes is kinda degenerate.
No. 1026012
>>1024532I wish them well but their podcast wasn't that good lol. I tried to sit through a few of J&J's casts, they were at best uninteresting.Youtubers didn't start doing these until
after YT changed monetization rules making it more difficult to pull decent ad rev through "normal" content. Most of these people don't actually give a shit about podcasting, which is why the majority are so boring low effort and not worth watching.
No. 1026016
>>1024919idk if they're going to split but there's definitely a weird aura around the whole thing.
>>1025084I get the sense her mental health's been deteriorating for awhile and she's been forcing herself to make content. Jenna's not unique tho when it comes to youtuber's getting too caught up in sm and the negative effect it ends up having on their mental stability. Youtuber's in general aren't exactly well known for their unproblematic mental states.
No. 1026864
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Leafy was terminated
No. 1026875
>>1026016>I get the sense her mental health's been deteriorating for awhile and she's been forcing herself to make content.Completely agree. Judge me if you want, but I loved Jenna's older content and still watch it sometimes. I loved how raunchy and unapologetic she was, yet never felt like she went too far with anything and was always well-intentioned. I haven't been able to sit through any her videos for years because it was so obvious that she wasn't into it anymore, and was struggling with something behind the scenes.
I'm actually really curious about the source of Jenna's depression. She always struck me as such a chill person who didn't have any serious baggage. Her bf is kind of annoying but he doesn't seem like the
abusive type. I wonder if it was just the Youtube culture in general that made her spiral like this. She was friends with some pretty nasty people like Jeffree Star and Shane Dawson long after they fell out of favor with everyone else.
No. 1026908
>>1026867I do. Not wk-ing Leafy but I don't see how his content was worse than half the retarded, subtly racist and "
triggering" content that was out there (drama channels, Idubbz+Filty Frank's old content that's still up using the n-word all the time, J-Star I giess)
No. 1026989
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>>1026948that's not even tinfoil it's probably true.h3h3 talks to the CEO of YouTube all the time and after one of there meetings alot strange "coincidences" happened.a popular video by a guy called gokunaru criticizing alot h3h3s shitty actions got taken down along with a a video leafy made on him. Those videos also got bot banned and anyone who tried to reupload the vids instantly got them taken down.alot of leafys newer vids got demonetized right after that too.also when leafys vids would hit the trending page they would instantly get age restricted and taken off. so obviously a ton of people started calling him out so what he did was he got tons of channels remonetized (not any of the ones that called him out). And he was pretty much like "look at how good I am, I would never abuse my clout at YouTube" but I'm pretty sure everyone saw through that Bs since he has been bleeding subs.
No. 1026998
>>1026875Jenna got into a car crash a few years ago so her physical health plumetted, she couldn't work out anymore despite being a total gym bunny and never started again. She probably has image and self worth issues because of it, her whole spiral down started from there.
I wish someone close to them would spill the beans.
No. 1027039
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>>1026864The ban was probably in combination with what he was saying outside of YouTube. He can’t claim to be commentary when he says things like this. And especially now that YouTube is “family friendly”
No. 1027053
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>>1027039>airsoft gungets me everytime
Everyone has such a thin skin now a days its getting a bit disturbing.
No. 1027144
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>>1027131what happened was keemstar and h3h3 were beefing for the millionth time but this time h3h3 got extra mad(probably because of all the videos calling him out and shitting on him) and told his fans to report bad things and controversies he had in the past to get his sponsors taken away. Then keenstar did the same but they both backed off and asked people to stop once tons of people who hated them realized they could get all there sponsors taken away. also it didn't stop anything all it did was start a trend of people getting rid of sponsorships for YouTubers they don't like.
No. 1027303
>>1027266the fact her Kairi cosplay vid is still up - the one that caused outrage for her to get help - speaks volumes.
She's never going to get help and i'm honestly waiting for all of the vids on drama channels about her death. It's really sad to watch.
No. 1027394
>>1027266At this point, her videos are literally going to be a timeline of her inevitable early demise. Her Kairi video was just awful to watch because she looked like she was at death's door at that point. The human body's ability to survive is amazing - but I wouldn't be surprised if her heart gives out at some point.
I think the saddest thing is that when she gained some weight after being sectioned, she was able to articulate her thoughts properly (less ums and all that), but you could tell she was unhappy because she barely showed any skin. Now that she's on the decline again, she's wearing revealing outfits and her ability to communicate clearly has gotten worse as well.
No. 1027481
>>1027266Horrific. She's almost back at her pre-hospitalization weight. She's not going to make it 'til Christmas
>Are her nipples somewhere around her elbows?I think her skin is super saggy from her weight fluctuation
No. 1027488
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>>1027266There are more and more comments like these…I wish she realized the effect she has on young girls who follow and look up to her
No. 1027516
>>1027288Yeah, I wish the constant barrage of onision-type comments on her instagram would stop, a total rando telling her "I'm so worried about how thin you are" just encourages her. It's not helping.
I'm not sure about her being dead by Christmas, she might hold on like Ashley Isaacs.
No. 1027521
>>1027516>she might hold on like Ashley Isaacs.Statistically unlikely.
Eugenia's restrictive type of anorexia is far deadlier than Ashleys binge/purge type. Survival rates for it are notoriously low. Ashley at least eats, even if she purges most of it, and that enables her body to keep functioning.
No. 1027552
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>>1027266>>1027292Pic related is from a short vid Edwin Generations did with Jaclyn Glenn.
EC's home life is real strange. According to Jaclyn, she's not allowed to go anywhere by herself. They hired a chauffeur to drive her around and keep an eye on her. There's more i can't recall rn but it almost seems to me like she's a captive in her own home. And yeah, she's in her mid-twenties but her bedroom looks like an elementary school child's? Jaclyn predicted she would relapse if she didn't move out of that house/get away from her family and that's exactly what happened. It's a
toxic place.
No. 1027556
>>1027266This bitch is never going to change. She loves to be like this and loves the attention she gets by being like this. At this point I don't feel sorry for her, her first hospitalization should have been her wake-up call but it didn't work, probably because she's enabled by her mother, or she's controlled by her but mistakes that for genuine affection. She's super happy being skeleton thin, look at how she smiles and shows herself.
Even after being discharged by the hospital, you could tell she was still insecure and full of issues. She made a make up video but refused to move those disgustingly long hair away from her face (she still does this too) and covered herself a lot.
>>1027488Attention-seeking cunts.
No. 1031930
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So Eugenia's latest video is basically 'haha guys, I've TOLD you my hair is REAL haha'
No. 1032352
>>1027556>her first hospitalization should have been her wake-up call but it didn't workNot at all surprising. Most anorexics are hospitalized and go to rehab at least a couple of times before getting better. The first one almost never takes cause they are usually forced to do it and rebel against it, then they try to get the weight off as soon as they are released.
Your low has to come within yourself. You have to realize that you are dying because you have been killing yourself for years and that you have done damage to your body that is irreperably unless you change NOW and that you want to continue to live. If you don't get to that point you won't change.
It's not like she is an anorexic 13 year old who has been starving herself for a couple of months. She has been doing this for years. It's a choice. Addicts who don't want to change will never change, their addiction is most important to them.
Anorexia has one of the highest death rates out of all mental disorders, it's like 20%. She is completely enabled by her tard mother and will continue to live like this until her body gives out. Maybe she has Isaacs skelly strength and chug along for a while… we'll see.
No. 1032403
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No. 1035247
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>>1027266I cannot fathom how she can think that she looks good like this. She looks like a ghoul that's trooning out.
No. 1035266
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>>1035196I feel you anon. That too was the moment I realised he was going to become the male equivalent of "not like the other girls". I hate being right sometimes.
No. 1035327
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Once again Creepshow most likely lurked lolcow until she found a new video topic. The celebricows thread where this was discussed is in /ot/, as is the artist salt thread where she is brought up sometimes.
No. 1035329
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>>1035327She also posts about KT, who is a total nobody only ever discussed in the Holly/Jared/GG thread
No. 1035369
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>>1035319anon i feel you
i guess this is what happens when you throw away your real life and focus on becoming twitch gamer funnyman
No. 1035636
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>>1035319>>1035369Everytime someone says he’s hot I remember this pic
No. 1035650
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God fucking damn. How is Ethan still mentally stable? Here, he’s doubling down on supporting a known doxxer and CP DISTRIBUTOR just so he can keep chasing that unreachable W against Keem, all the while blissfully ignoring his bleeding metrics.
You know, Keem is a cockroach, an ugly disgusting one at that, and this doesn’t excuse the awful shit he did, but this is a new low for H3.
No. 1035671
>>1035369His face is just OK but that hairstyle and facial hair is vile. Looks like he's really just given up. I don't mind his youtube strike shit but at this point he should just be a podcaster.
Unrelated, and I've only seen a couple streams with her, but does Charlie seem kind of mean and dismissive towards his girlfriend Tiana? He uses her for background chitchat and just kind of…talks over her or ignores what she says. The only time I noticed him being nice to her was when she unwrapped a yugioh card he wanted… I don't know what he's like with her privately but I hope he's not an asshole.
No. 1035698
>>1035671back when i used to watch him, I always felt he got annoyed whenever she would come in the room.
IDK Charlie seems full of himself and when I first saw him I thought he was gay, I was surpised he had a girlfriend
No. 1035882
>>1035369I have no idea who this is but this dude is waaay better looking here than here
>>1035266, that hairstyle and body is just icky to me and that apron just makes the whole picture 100% repulsive. Long hair always wins.
No. 1035933
>>1035882>>1035908long haired men are god tier
he looks like a gay porn star here kek
>>1035266 No. 1036023
>>1035882I don't think it's the hair that makes him look worse in the second picture…
and most men look like shit with long hair cause they can't take care of it.
No. 1036196
>>1035699Anon is referring to Britbong, a former YouTuber who Keem and ColossalIsCrazy helped deplatform a few years back. Back in 2017, this guy was behind him taking down a bunch of commentary YouTuber’s twitters. Keem apparently sent enough evidence that Brotbong was doing this to YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch for them to completely shut him down.
Also, he threatened to dox Colossal’s family.
And he sent child porn to Aiden.
No. 1036259
>>1035882I disagree. Gay apron aside, the guy in that pic looks like he takes care of himself. In the long haired pic
>>1035369 he's clearly let himself go.
No. 1036264
>>1035650idk if Ethan was ever truly sane tbh. He's been in a gradual decline for quite a while now. I still remember how salty he was when pewdiepie didn't invite him to his wedding lol he sperged about it in one of his casts.
>>1035699>>1036196Britbong is some unemployed 32 year old man living with his parents. His hobbies include doxing, false flagging people's sm and sending CP to minors. Pretty sure he's single, ladies.
No. 1036275
>>1035933Agree, I'd prefer a cute Jesus guy over a gay porn star.
>>1036259>takes care of himselfIt's too much. As long as a guy can take care of his hygiene, he doesn't have to style his hair like a 7th grader and work out to the point he looks like a gay Disney villain. Also, look at those forearms
No. 1036456
>>1036406yeah ethan doing that was the literal first event of ethans podcast downfall
threw him under the bus after defending idubbz' use/explanation of nigger when they were quite literally the same explanation, needed those reddit gold upboats
then went onto a few podcasts after to shit on his fans for the bad reaction to it lol
No. 1036676
>>1036275I don't think it's cute either when guys are
overly manicured/done up but imo he looks so much healthier here
>>1035266. I mean it could just be the lighting but his skin actually has color there lol. Hair length doesn't matter to me.
>>1036639imo the change for the worse in his content and the change in his appearance isn't a coincidence.
No. 1036739
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>>1036732I thought the clone thing sounded like a stretch but damn I was wrong
No. 1036742
>>1036715ppp is absolutely anachan, she looks like she's about to hurt her neck from the constant shoulder hunching to make her collarbones jut out
i think i remember her getting a tummy tuck and lying about it? someone on gurugossip got screenshots of the surgery scars during a bikini video she made
No. 1036750
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>>1036739Saging as I have nothing to contribute but damn, I'd be SO creeped out if I was Marzia.
No. 1036775
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>>1036770nta but she was overweight before so maybe she had loose skin or something
No. 1036945
>>1036776Anachan wannabe. She consistently tries to squeeze herself into a size 2 when it would flatter her to go up a size. She’s secretive about her weight loss but says she hates exercise
Her husband is so grotesque I can never stand to look at him
No. 1037298
>>1036759>They also named their pugs Benito and Claretta in honor of MussoliniWait what? Any sauce? I heard Marzia's parents were like the equivalent of far right but supporting fascism is news to me.
On a different note, I always got the sense that marzia's mother never liked felix. I remember watching a vid where marzia talked about breaking the news of their engagement and how everyone she contacted was so excited about it but when she texted her mother, the mom's only response was a thumbs up emoji lol.
No. 1037372
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>>1036715>>1036742>>1036770found the post on gg about the tummy tuck and took a screenshot of the video that was linked. the jury isnt out but considering she's lied about getting lip fillers in the past it wouldn't surprise me if she had it done.
No. 1037388
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>>1037372She used to be overweight and says she lost weight with keto. I get ana-chan vibes from her but it does seem like she lives a happy life (I guess it's biased since she controls what she shares) but still. I don't think someone who was quite overweight could hold her type of figure. Also in her last video (7/11 food) she didn't buy any snacks so I guess she's used to eating 3 small meals w/ no snacks.
No. 1037391
>>1037372Being a YTer & constant visits to Japan would probably give you self image issues
I wouldn't be surprised if she currently has weird body dysmorphia seeing that she used to be a fatty-chan and is now constantly trying to fit into J-fashion clothes.
No. 1037392
>>1037391Not even just from being in Japan but her comment section probably got to her too.
Maybe I am over analyzing but she got an entire nose job just because people kept commenting on her nose (which still looks giant and weird btw)
No. 1037393
>>1037372PPP seems like a person with unfortunate genes but is slowly fixing herself with YT money,
she doesn't seem to possess any cow features or has cow behaviour aside looking a little ana-chan.
I just wished she had a better nose job and I'm a little jelly about her constant Japan visits
No. 1037850
>>1037374Idk it's too odd to have your dogs named benito and claretta as Italians living in a region where alot of far right people are. It's like if you're german and named your german shepherds adolf and eva and you're caught liking far right nationalist pages. It's all just weird.
>>1037510Whole family is fucking weird. Who thinks that selling your quasi-internet famous sister's used underwear and swimwear is appropriate. The only normal one is the baby
No. 1038015
>>1037374>the dog names could just be a joke, like when people call a pet "Adolf" or "Cumlord" for funIf you call your dog Adolf in Germany you will immediately be called a nazi, that name has been ruined for everyone
Seriously tho, who the fuck cares about Marzia's parents political beliefs? Even if you don't hate Jews, H3 is a fucking maggot and I don't see why he would be invited in the first place. It's not like they do a lot together like Felix and JackSepticEye.
Marzia is a total leech with no talents and no personality tho so I wouldn't be surprised if her family are also idiots.
No. 1038190
>>1038074I'm calling vendetta
Nobody cares about her anon, she has no milk
No. 1038647
>>1038074>>1036715Not sure why you have such a hate boner for her, wanting her to be ana so bad. I don't get "body checking" vibes at all like I do when say, watching someone like Dr. Dray. It's a try on just like so many other YTers do, and you'd see that a lot of those videos show how fucking disastrous some of these clothes are in terms of practicality, too. Near-wardrobe malfunctions.
valid her bitching is for not being ad-friendly, though… I can see both sides a bit. YouTube is retarded in that regard anyway and has been forever, idk why she is surprised.
No. 1038668
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No. 1038670
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>>1038647I'm the anon that posted the second video, I just found it very cowish that she's blaming the demonetization on her being a woman when most of the time she was trying on the dress she was really close to having her tits out and in previous videos of hers she used to hold up or adjust any faulty clothes so shit like that didn't happen.
No. 1038958
>>1037750I saw it. He responded to the sperg emails Onion sent to him like a month ago. I couldn't finish the vid, too boring.
>>1037850>It's all just weird.Yeah idk if they legit support fascism or not but I'm pretty sure her parents didn't use those names to meme.
>selling your quasi-internet famous sister's used underwear That's news to me lol.
No. 1039100
>>1038963Natyr but he did had a website, however Pewds did not really promote-promote it. He followed it through twitter and like RTd once because they also asked him to be a part of some sort of event related to that, but over time this guy ditched his project because people were never interested in it and it was purely made to leech off her brother in law success because the website itself was about gaming (i think it also tried to be like steam store ??) and he made the website during the time when pewdiepie was making only gaming videos.
I might find it later if I won't forget. This project of CutiePieMarzias brother had maybe 500 followers on twitter or whatever so that'd be difficult.
No. 1039165
>>1038074I can't believe she made a whole ass video to complain that ads were restricted on her clothing haul where her tits were out half the time. Aussie YTers seem strangely vindictive
Also, she's half naked for basically all her vids. Idk how she gets any advertisements on them. Put on some clothes, girl. Everything she wears barely covers her ass and is 1-2 sizes too small. I can't believe she actually wears this shit in public. I'd be so embarrassed to be seen with her
No. 1039974
>>1038904Yeah seriously, this isn't any more sexual than seeing children playing at the beach without a shirt on. You can't flash your tits if you don't have any.
I don't see any milk in this bitch. She looks like Belle Delphine but with a meth addiction.
No. 1040293
>>1040281Is that really news? "Kalel has a new boyfriend" is like… thats just what she does. If you're gonna post anything about this boring bitch then post how much more she has botched her face by now.
>>1040234Yeah but the issue is that… nobody cares. It's not interesting or a revelation that youtube enforces its guidelines arbitrarily.
No. 1040560
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>>1039965Speaking of Trisha, she had posted a pic of her sister’s vag on her Onlyfans earlier this month lmfao. Some quick fingers on twitter got the caps. It is gross, but I did not do the black squiggle on her privates in case someone asks. They are all so strange. No. 1040766
>>1040618I ain't watching 40mins of this shit. Anything noteworthy?
>>1040651Apparently Ethan's using her to help him get back at Keemstar in their gay little feud since that 32 year old British incel he tried using, failed.
No. 1040840
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H3h3’s accusing James Charles of stealing merch designs
No. 1040841
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>>1040840James Charles’ reply
No. 1040852
>>1040618wow, he's super likable. just a normal guy which is a nice contrast to trisha. i typically can't make it through her videos but i feel like their dynamic is good and i like that he's comfortable disagreeing with her. i know trish is a weird ass person but i agree with
>>1040670 . i hope this is a healthy, normal, grounding relationship for her.
No. 1040858
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>>1040840hilarious if either of them think this is original, but man Ethan is an insufferable twat
No. 1040885
>>1040876Yeah Hila pretty much invented the 90s. Nobody ever wore anything like that before she invented it in 1989.
Lel. I had a windbreaker that looked exactly like that when I was a child. Also ASOS has been selling pastel colorblocking shit for years.
No. 1040887
>>1040880They do look similar, but to be honest it's hard for me to take Ethan serious with how this manchild acts. Also like
>>1040885 said, pastel color-blocking has been a thing for years.
No. 1040893
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>>1040618I don't know how true this is but a couple days ago it came out that she punched Moses. It's twitter rumors though, so take it with a grain of salt.
No. 1040895
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>>1040893The same window can be seen in both of these photos.
No. 1040901
>>1040840I know that Ethan is heavily insinuating with some read between the lines bull shit since that's how he is, but he does bring up a fair point that James' larger and younger audience that don't know about teddy fresh will think that they're the copy-cats.
Also yes color blocking is not an original idea but the specific color placement for the sleeves is pretty suspicious since that specific hoodie is the first one to pop up when you search color block hoodie and it's the one that's all over Tik-Tok and instagram, which you can tell is where James gets all of his style inspiration for his clothing line.
>>1040899Anon that means taking Ethan's words at face value, the dude has always been back and forth with his morals. He's been called out for his hypocrisy too many times to believe everything he says without question.
No. 1040902
>>1040901that's why I said "if ethan is speaking the truth", right now we don't know what happened between DMs except what they state on twitter
also JC is a shitty person who hasn't learned his lesson either and still gets himself involved in drama so they are pot calling the kettle black there
No. 1040905
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its more cringe the twitter comments simping for h3h3 saying they made it so popular , the teddy fresh colour block design SO ICONIC. i've seen weebs wearing these pastel colour block hoodies from zaful and aliexpress etc since like 2014 lol
but anyway all james charles design team would have to do is google image search colour block hoodie before making his design and at least change the colours around (since teddy fresh hoodie kinda ugly anyway)
No. 1040918
>>1040876This isn’t fucking art it’s fashion, literally nothing is original.
I would side with Ethan I’d it was 1 to 1 color block, but james has a different colored pocket, that differentiates the design enough for it to be okay. Legally you can’t pursue this case, but to try and solve it publicly instead of DMs is so fucking petty
No. 1041134
>>1041133are you a JC stan? he swears up and down he's "free of drama" and constantly gets involved in it by putting his foot in his mouth on social media, disregarding social distancing, and not knowing when to shut up on things he doesn't know about. He never actually learned his lesson after the J* and Tati fiasco
They are both shitty people, they just have an age gap.
No. 1041142
>>1041137it started in DMs. That we don't know about. Now it's public, and they are giving conflicting information, so one of them is stretching the truth a little for convenience
if JC really did say it "wasn't a coincidence" and behaved like a brat but tried to cover himself up in public then he's got more on the line. If Ethan is acting like it's a personal vendetta when it was just coincidence and he misinterpreted the messages, then it won't look good for him
Both have stans and both will be fine after this, this is not a career destroying moment. But it's pointless to say who is "right" and who "started it" like we're moms trying to figure out which sibling hit the other first. Let them be shitty out in the open
No. 1041151
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h3h3 is bored of tweeting constantly about keemstar now its james charles turn. lmao he gonna make a video about it next?
No. 1041243
>>1040840Pretty late with this, but have you noticed a trend that Ethan has been playing this retarded “the enemy of my enemy is my friend, the friend of my enemy is my enemy” game for the past few days? James Charles has had friendly interactions with Keem, Keem played a part in clearing James Charles name. James Charles isn’t exactly the most loved YouTuber out there. He’s the perfect target for h3 to prove to himself I that he can still vibe check another YouTuber. Plus, h3’s numbers have been in the negatives for months, it seems the only way he can bring himself into any relevancy is if he gets into drama with other YouTubers.
Let’s see how this goes, either h3 calls in his more popular friends like Idubbbz or cr1tikal to bully James for him because he’s a pussy, or the beauty community gives him the Shane Dawson treatment, and it’s the final nail in the h3 coffin.
Either way, fuck h3 and fuck James Charles.
>>1041133James Charles loves drama because at the end of the day, it’s more money in his pocket. He’s gonna drag this out and try to make it as detrimental to h3 as much as possible. He’s a piece of shit, but he’s a much smarter piece of shit than h3.
No. 1041245
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>>1041243 Bring himself into relevancy my ass. He’s still bleeding on Twitter, even today.
No. 1041551
>>1040880sorry anon defending h3s honor, this tweet is the one that sold me on how much of a coward this guy is to sit and pick fights with a dumb kid on the internet. completely agree with
>>1040918 and
>>1041133>>1041142the 35 year old dude with a kid seriously couldnt tell a 21 year old to change around the sleeve colors? i dont fucking care if james is acting like a brat, if youre going to sit and threaten legal action publicly you may as well send him a copyright notice privately for replicating the design scheme
>>1041243i honestly think jc knew ethan would reply so crazy if he acted like a cunt and did this on purpose, dramas only ever benefitted him. ethan doesnt do well at all in any moral battle even against the cockroaches of youtube so idk why he keeps trying
No. 1041598
>>1041551anon you're talking as if either JC or h3 are smart, mature men. If h3 had any common sense he'd privately consult someone professional in the legal industry who could say whether he actually had a case or not in making those claims before sending DMs left and right.
Both are bickering over a design that neither of them created. My sister had a fucking identical hoodie in the 90s. They are just flinging shit at each other publicly over something they can't claim credit for, it's hilarious
also "just change around the sleeve colors" how easy do you think that is? clothes aren't lego blocks, you can't just change it up on a whim as though there aren't other channels to work through first like fabric cutting, production, shipping, promo pics and marketing etc.
They are both ridiculous in how they are handling it, let them burn
No. 1041745
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Well he showed the dms and James does admit it’s an exact copy but blames his team and says he’s still going to sell them. I get everyone hates Ethan but it’s human nature if anyone rips off your idea you’d be mad about it and everyone acts like he’s not justified in defending his wife’s work and he should keep his mouth shut about it
No. 1041758
>>1041745Meh, on one hand it’s obviously an exact copy. I mean, just look at the pictures. But at the same time, I can’t help but shake the feeling that Ethan’s leaking the dms to try to get his first W in months. Didn’t he criticize Leafy for doing the same thing? I’m not even surprised. He’s already shown that he willing to fight dirty. If he was able to team up with Britbong, then what standards does he have?
Either way, James is definitely more in the wrong. More money in both of their pockets anyway, since their stans are gonna snatch them up like candy. But I’m more interested in
>>1041243 theory that JC will do the same thing they did for Shane Dawson. What’s stopping them, there’s a ton of shit that h3 did that they can pick at.
No. 1041774
>>1041745JC: I was trying to copy Nike, not you!
smh this is still too funny
No. 1041775
>>1041745Let's talk about how Hila is ripping off Ralph Lauren then. She even stole the idea with the teddy bears.
Let's be real colorblocking 90s hoodies are just not an original idea enough to say someone definitely stole it from YOU and not from one of the million other places that sell shit exactly like that.
No. 1041795
>>981117This is going to sound weird, but I've always thought that Hila realized at some point, "He loves me," and she's willing to let everything else go because of that
I belong to the camp that thinks Ethan is a shitass idiot, but I used to watch H3 a lot, and it always seemed apparent to me that he loves her in that weird would-be-whiteknight way that some men do
Maybe she thinks she's ugly, maybe she thinks she's boring; whatever it is, I think she values unconditional love over anything else, even her fat fucking retard getting into pissing competitions with other fat fucking retards
No. 1041798
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>>1041775yeah, Hila is hardly a creative powerhouse to have come up with a teddy bear and colorblocking.
No. 1041799
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>>1041798samefag, this Korean brand Teenie Weenie is all about bears. I don't really care and can believe James Charles may have been influenced, but it is also totally conceivable that he is influenced by the many many other colorblock things that are out these days in the wave of 90s nostalgia. Nike, like he said.
No. 1041843
>>1041817Yeah but his design team might have done it with general color block inspiration in mind and ended up overlaping. I don't think james would search the web for similar clothes before OKing to see if the team hadn't copied someone?
I think it's weird that one of the hoodies was exactly the same and i don't think it's farfetched to say one of the designers could have ripped it off from hila, but it's weird because surely they would know someone would recognize this?
Best thing imo would be for james to not sell the identical ones since nothing can really be proved.
No. 1041857
>>1040840Everyone on this merch fight is stupid. Ethan is the stupidest of all. How can any of these people “steal” this pattern. It’s literally been a thing since the 90s
This isn’t even so called tea, I feel like anything James does is suppose to be hated. I don’t even like James, I just think it’s stupid how everyone is trying to copy right a pattern “they created” when none of these people did
No. 1041903
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>>1040840Lmao I love everyone’s gonna start making their own color blocks just to fuck with Ethan.
No. 1041904
>>1041778The man who has been known for saying leaking DMs is scummy, tried to make james leak them, but since James didn't take the bait he leaked them anyways.
fuck h3h3 all my homies hate h3h3
No. 1041916
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Ethan’s incredible ability to make you just fucking want to disagree with him when you initially stood with his point is just amazing. He is so unlikable and insufferable.
No. 1041925
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>>1040905I have a strong hate boner for Teddy Fresh, shit is ugly and tacky as hell kek. Ethan sperging about JC "stealing" their precious colorblock hoodie is hilarious to me. Dude has seriously become out of touch, god forbid James make a
valid point that he didn't invent colorblock and not cave into Ethan's paranoid guilt trip. I'm sure his team looked at the Teddy Fresh website and thought "Wow people are willing to pay $85 for this bullshit? Lets just smack Sisters on it and call it a day lul"
No. 1041947
>>1041925The childish UwU aesthetic is SO fucking weird considering Hila was a soldier in the lebanon war or something.
Like haha look at my cutesy brand!!! Oh yeah here’s hila smiling holding her rifle midwar lmao
No. 1041963
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>people in this thread really defending ethan
>implying a prepubescent fag make-up millionaire youtuber really gives a fuck about some sperging millionaire manchild who makes content for redditors
No. 1042015
valid criticisms, only thing i have to add especially after seeing
>>1041745 is to the
>>also "just change around the sleeve colors" how easy do you think that is? clothes aren't lego blocks, you can't just change it up on a whimwouldnt matter if its "on a whim" or not, if h3 just sent any from of actual legal threat to james through an actual representative of law you bet your ass he'd switch the colors around
No. 1042029
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>>1040840Alright, I'm going to make a plaid red hoodie for my brand and make plaid popular again.
No. 1042082
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>>1042008Yeah you know, I see that argument a lot, that she was forced. But who forces her to pose and smile with a gun with friends?
Shouldn’t people buying into her brand know that it’s owner is pro israeli conflict?
No. 1042092
>>1041795I think Hila might be autistic. She sometimes says something smart, but most of the time she is incredibly awkward, doesn't make eye-contact and just laughs at whatever Ethan says and is a yes-man.
I mean I have never seen a person so devoid of any personality. I thought she was just EXTREMELY shy at first but she is on the internet so much now and in so many videos that even a super shy would have warmed up a little by now (or you know, figured out it wasn't for them and chose a life behind the camera).
Her being there is so forced and awkward, especially as Ethan simps for girls half her age. He is utterly disgusting. I know a funny guy can make up for a lot in the looks department and even tho I don't find him funny, maybe he is the most hilarious person to her. But the fucking simp shit would have pushed me over the edge of thinking "why are you having kids with this idiot?"
Like.. if you are gonna date an e-celeb guy it should be a guy who makes it EXTREMELY clear that he can set boundaries with women online, because the thots will throw themselves at everyone with even a little bit of clout and if your man can't patrol those thots then he can't be trusted and you will end up like… Heidi, June, that girl Mumkey Jones dated, Dr Disrespect's wife and all the other women who were with e-celebs who couldn't keep it in their pants.
It's only a matter of time.
No. 1042250
>>1042104It should be considered a feat of boredom when your Twitter account reads like h3’s account. No personality, nothing.
H3 runs Hila’s account?
No. 1042596
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>>1041903You were right anon. And who better than h3’s two arch rivals.(1/2)
No. 1042601
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No. 1042603
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>>1041903They don't even need to make them, just ship in all the cheap pastel shit that's already existed for ages but wasn't as clout-worthy.
No. 1042672
>>1042636I believe that more and more every time a big drama bomb turns into a nothing burger. There's no bad publicity (except for pedo proof) so everyone gets a pin drop of their relevance back until the Twitter masses get bored of the same shit on a different day. In saying that I doubt Ethan and Keem are friends, more like snakes of the same skin. If they see a crack that will stir some shit up they'll slither their way in. See
>>1042596 Lololol so funneh such ironic
sage for non-contribution
No. 1042980
>>1042636Ethan's legit an angry old man. He's so bitter about his yt career tanking, it's really obvious.
>>1042672Yeah i don't believe they're friends with Ethan behind the scenes. Leafy and Keem are taking the opportunity to clown on Ethan while also making some shekels in the process, rubbing salt in the wound.
No. 1042983
>>1042727So not only is this
>>1041925 $45, it's supposed to be adult apparel? This deserves to get shit on.
No. 1043220
>>1042977>How the fuck did he hook up with Trisha in the first place??? To get clout?? All men Trisha has "been in a relationship with" were business relationships where they both benefitted from it financially. Nobody has ever loved Trisha and nobody ever will, kek.
Ethan can't tell his brother what to do and some people are willing to go to desperate lengths (like fucking Trisha) to boost their online careers.
No. 1043380
>>1043054I don't think they would be ashamed. Most Israelis are brainwashed into believing it's their patriotic duty or some bullshit like that.
killing kids in Gaza is so patriotic uwu. Ethan reported Leafy purely out of spite, I seriously doubt he gives af about the guns. Remember his target practice with idubbbz in the desert?
No. 1043387
>>1043220>To get clout?I'm just wondering when/how they met. Was it in a darkly lit back room somewhere with Ethan and Susan Wojcicki presiding over the faggoty nuptials? I know he can't tell his brother what to do, just a friendly warning that he'd be in for shit like this
>>1040894 probably would've sufficed.
>>1043223Getting bruised up is a lot to go through for a LARP though.
No. 1043433
File: 1600823859601.png (1.15 MB, 1242x2688, 36346719-C2FD-476A-BE8F-84A607…)

Apparently, Ethan invited Jaystation on the h3 podcast. Tbh if h3 was willing to work with the likes of Britbong and Trisha Paytas, then I’m not surprised.
No. 1043577
>>1043387They probably met on twitter. H3H3 and Trisha had a (probably fake) feud going on for a while and she was on several of his podcasts and interacted a lot with him on twitter. Probably saw Hila's brother there somewhere and was like "this is how we stirr even more drama, perfect!"
It's all fucking fake. These people sit together eating chicken sandwiches and planning on what to do next to stay relevant. "Ok so then.. you go out on a date with Hila's BROTHER! And I pretend to be really upset about it… then…"
No. 1043974
>>1043433Kek this surprises anyone? One of the first people Ethan lambasted in one of his early videos (before vape nation or anything that made them extremely popular) was this creepy dude who would make pick up artist videos where he would basically corner women in public and harass them for "hugs" and etc.
Ethan shat on this guy and then that guy turned around and started mocking them on twitter which prompted Ethan to respond. He then sent Hila a dick pic which Ethan thought was funny and he said he wanted to do a collab with that freak. It was dejavu seeing him collab with a pickup artist he shit on years later.
Ethan has always been the type to skirt mortals for "content", he wasn't popular enough back then for the people he made fun of to take him seriously so no one knew all the people Ethan ruthlessly made fun of and called pedos/sexual predators he was 100% willing to have on his show as long as it meant content. He wants to be the "Howard Stern" of youtube.
No. 1045373
>>1043579lol wow that's even stupider than I originally thought it would be, thanks.
>>1043513Yeah too bad Ethan doesn't give a shit about any of the other creators who use the platform. I hear brit's not only harassing other youtuber's, he's making the rounds on twitch too, dm'ing CP and shit.
No. 1047491
File: 1601330609328.jpg (104.94 KB, 1334x750, lmao.jpg)

Boogie tried to shoot some yt guy who showed up to his house
No. 1047559
>>1047550Defenitely were, used to love their channel years ago. Beginning of the podcast was the point at which I realized there's not much of the appeal they used to have left.
The most recent collab with idubbbz is a perfect example when you compare it to the old collabs, the colorblind glasses commentary is still hilarious and even though the recent thing follows the exact same formula you can feel Ethan is not the same person anymore at all.
No. 1047653
>>1047520>>1047545jfc, that shit is crazy. You dont walk around with your finger on the
trigger unless you are willing to hurt someone. He could have had someone in the house call the police before even coming out to do this. I'm shocked boogie is still relevant
No. 1047872
>>1047653>I'm shocked boogie is still relevantThis. What does he even do nowadays? Is he still playing fence sitter to random e-drama/vidya shit or does he pull a wings and cry on stream about being a fat waste of space while playing the newest cod?
>>1047519Was it him or wings that wanted to get the surgery from some place in mexico because it was way cheaper compared to the us? Also, did he pay out of pocket for it or did his paypigs?
No. 1048095
File: 1601418873582.jpg (112.29 KB, 1280x720, boogie2988 wl.jpg)

>>1047655he definitely is still obese but he's lost a significant amount from his starting weight.
i can't remember, but he had the bariatric surgery a few years ago and seems to have hit a pretty major plateau / gained back
No. 1048126
>>1048095He’s definitely gained a ton back and refuses to post his weight now. He’s also a chronic liar
Btw I’m so sad that samandtolki got banned. That was a sub that kept track of his liar and pedo ways
No. 1048192
File: 1601431363025.png (476.38 KB, 585x561, dad7809faf7600d7740a72f59d2226…)

>>1048095he was definitely slimmer than this a few months back. Iirc he was hiding his body for quite a while to hide that he'd put a bunch of weight back on.
Frank is a retard but the picture of boogie holding the gun is top kek
No. 1048194
>>1048182He got banned of YouTube a couple months ago. Don’t really mind personally, lol.
>>1048192Some fantastic memes already out here, key.
No. 1048240
>>1047550Yes, wayyyy back when they were living in those shitty places in LA/NY/Israel. I miss that Ethan, he wasn’t such a
triggered little macaroni, or he just knew how to irl sage his autism. Now that him and Hila have money, he seems to be suffering from an acute case of affluenza.
No. 1048350
>>1047491None of this would have happened if they didn't have an audience watching it. Someone could have been seriously hurt, but neither thought rationally about it, the priority for both was showing off in front of an audience. These idiots threw everybody's safety out of the window for a sliver of internet clout. If nobody was watching, things would have went completely differently and probably wouldn't even happen at all. But no, let's each grab a camera and film ourselves, let's make a show out of it.
>IT'S MY LIFE, IT'S REALscreams Boogie while filming everything and sending it to DramaAlert. You're not behaving as if it's real life Boogie. Internet fame has turned their brains into mush, they're incapable of acting normally, everything they do is with their audience in mind, and that that ends in poor decisions like this.
Also, it's surreal how nonchalantly and quickly Keem used a shooting to promote himself. The man is a true drama machine.
No. 1048400
>>1048380I fucking hate her. I used to sympathize with her but I was naive. She's vile. I wish more farmers were interested in this cow but Eugenia Cooney is almost a taboo subject that
triggers a lot of anons every time she gets posted, for whatever reason.
No. 1048411
>>1048406She's always bodychecking in her videos, she promotes being dangerously underweight by doing so and she does it knowingly. She never replies to any of the comments pertaining to her weight or her eating disorder, she never replies to comments by people who are actually worried for her. She only ever acknowledges her asskissers, like people giving her compliments and comments from young girls who say they want to look like her. Aside from that, she has a lot of pedos and ana fetishists in her streams and on her discord preying on her underage fans and she obviously let this go on for YEARS. She's endagering young girls and pandering to pedos and she knows this. She acts naive and innocent but she isn't, she knows that this is happening but she cares more about looking skinny and "beautiful" (she thinks she does) and getting validated by old men on the internet than protecting her young fans.
This is an actual 26-year-old woman, anon.
No. 1048447
>>1048400I don't feel quite as strongly about her as you do but I agree that she's doing more harm than good due to her being so obviously unwell and not taking her mental and physical health seriously.
She has such a large platform with a fairly young audience, like imagine someone addicted to alcohol was in her position and continued to spend this much time publicly online and was making no obvious attempt to get better.
Even TND doesn't show off her mental health problems whilst being in complete denial like Eugenia does…
But yeah there are a bunch of anons in the pro-ana thread who spit the dummy if Eugenias name is even whispered in that thread despite her being milky af. Think they may be fans of her.
No. 1048453
>>1048380She checks the viewfinder slightly less than usual in this, although she still looks at it every few seconds she isn't staring at it as she usually does.
This is awfully scripted
No. 1048454
>>1048411I just don't necessarily know if she's promoting something harmful in the sense that her body/channel is a walking PSA for how hideous you'll look if you become anorexic. Girls that are ana or want to look like her are already seeking her and girls that look like her out, it's not like she's a part of a pro-ED community or a pro-ED channel. I don't think she needs a platform just bc she's boring and annoying, but like. I dunno, I think the ana-chans in the pro-ana scum and pro-ana twitter and tumblr communities are way, way more harmful than Eugenia existing. Poor girl needs to be institutionalized to be saved from her mother instead.
Inb4 WK, I don't care about her and have never actually watched her, just an outside perspective ig.
No. 1048460
>>1048454NTAYRT but have you ever had an ED or disorder eating or been close to someone who has?
Just trying to understand your perspective as to me she is worse than the pro ana scumbags because she has been doing this for many years and is just getting worse health-wise, but she continues showing off her body for views and is showing off the money and fame that her illness has essentially gotten for her.
It's like watching a heroin addict with a pretty face gain youtube fame whilst obviously still suffering from a severe addiction and making no real attempt to hide it, who shows off their sick, broken body constantly, and who gets money for doing so, and has fans for doing so.
She must be one of the most infamous anorexics on the internet at this point, her reach is enormous.
She is like 26 or something, she has a brain in her head and must know somewhere deep down how fucked up it is that she continues to feed her mental illness by displaying her body to a bunch of teenagers who probably found her channel because they were intrigued by her skeletal body.
No. 1048471
>>1048460I think she loves the attention. She also showed her vagina "on accident" during one of her lifestreams. She is far from as innocent as she portrays herself to be, it's all an act.
I do believe that she's borderline retarded tho and that's because her brain has been starved for years. I have been around quite a few seriously anorexic girls who started being anorexic as teenagers or children and you can tell their brains are underdeveloped, they are often scatterbrained and just… honestly come across really dumb cause they can't pay attention to anything you say, can't keep a train of thought, etc. (I have also seen some recover and gain back a lot of cognitive ability).
No. 1049113
>>1048795You make it seem like a bad thing lmao
She has a kid now, she’s doing onlyfans on the side, but she isn’t obnoxious as she used to be
No. 1049449
>>1048820That video with shane should never have been posted, shane should have seen that making a video like that with her would only take her focus away from her recovery.
I mean it seems like, if anything that docuvlog he made with her just fed into her mental health problems.
When it boils down to it, shane essentially took advantage of a severely mentally and physically ill person during what should have been a time when her mind and energy was focused on recovery.
No. 1049572
File: 1601591244821.jpeg (293.11 KB, 750x769, 20A5C25B-099D-4071-9DBA-F732B3…)

Who is this in jennas header? I tried searching but couldn’t figure it out
No. 1049685
>>1049478Boogs said the person in the mask was an HVAC repair person, who should have been wearing a mask in someone else’s house (as should Boogie and Chad to protect the HVAC dude) so that actually holds up as a story.
The whole thing is so pantyheaded ridiculous, though.
No. 1049922
>>1049685That being a repair person is actually one thing that doesn't add up. A complete stranger rarely picks up and holds your dog. No repair person I know would stay besides the owner and participate when a gun is pulled out.
Boogie said the gun was his roommate's. He asks the masked person besides him how the gun works before shooting, why would he ask a random repair person that and why would they know this particular gun and reply? That must be Boogie's roommate who had the sense to ask Boogie to keep his name out of the shitshow.
No. 1050132
>>1049922exactly, its probably all fake bullshit
if its not we can expect actual charges to take place, because you cant brandish and threaten with a weapon, and shoot a warning shot even on your own property, therefore boogie could very well be facing jail time if this guy decides to press charges
No. 1051170
File: 1601773801079.png (360.59 KB, 1347x930, image_2020-10-03_211112.png)

you're fucked when even vice does an article on you lmao.
No. 1051308
File: 1601787317347.jpg (Spoiler Image,722.93 KB, 1651x1842, 1601786304426.jpg)

someone on /pol/ just dumped hundreds of screenshots, pictures and videos of adam kovic and ryan haywood from rooster teeth nude and allegedly sexting underaged girls
here's the google drive No. 1051345
File: 1601794571123.jpg (1.77 MB, 3024x4032, ryan_haywood.jpg)

>>1051341Samefag, nevermind, did some digging because I've been a big fan of RT for year but have been disappointed in them already quite a while - this is just icing on a shit cake. Seems the only photo related to Ryan is this screenshot of a convo. People are saying it's a catfish but that IS his official Instagram, it's followed by other AH members. That being said, someone could have easily photoshopped this then taken a photo of their screen to make it look real, I guess. I really can't make any idea of it. Seems most of the controversy revolves around Adam, though, seeing as he straight up was sending homemade porn of him and his wife around. Fucking wild. Will the company make a statement, I wonder.
No. 1051349
>>1051308Please let the Ryan shit be fake… And jeez Adam is disgusting, I wonder if his wife knew he was sending videos of them fucking to other people?
Also, is there proof about this being sent to minors?
No. 1051386
>>1051345man i hope this is photoshopped, i always thought of ryan as the only decent guy in the group
i guess there's also a chance that they have an open marriage and the girl he's DMing isn't underage? still cringe though lol
No. 1051387
File: 1601803279470.jpg (497.65 KB, 720x1280, 1601800627250.jpg)

>>1051386All the pictures of the wife look like they were taken without her knowledge, so I doubt it.
No. 1051416
File: 1601807313966.png (5.93 MB, 1688x3000, 1601800448544.png)

>>1051345this and the one I'm posting are apparently the only things on Ryan in this leak.
No. 1051418
>>1049572You would think Corrina is super
problematic for small uwu Jenna
No. 1051499
File: 1601822260326.png (410.26 KB, 1500x1836, ryan.png)

>>1051492Someone on KF posted the story of how this leak happened
No. 1051502
>>1051492My theory is that it was probably a gay man posing as an underaged (or of age) woman catfishing these guys into sending nudes. Cause why the hell would a woman request to see things like him sucking a dildo, him shoving things up his ass? Makes no sense, that's something a gay man wants to see and it was first shared on a gay forum.
>managed to gain enough trust to get this sheer amount of dirt on two middle aged married guysMan are stupid and throw away their marriage/relationship and career over (underaged) fangirl pussy all the time. I don't think you even need to gain their trust, google "Big titty" and DM it to them and they will send you back dickpics cause their brain doesn't function anymore when they get an erection
No. 1051504
File: 1601822746657.png (12.5 MB, 3024x4032, 1601820164686.png)

>>1051345The reflection of the person taking a picture of this screenshot also looks like a man.
No. 1051506
>>1051308I never liked or trusted Adam. He reminds me of my dad,
who of course molested me. Just his face and whole aura, I hated his personality and I've seen every single Inside Gaming and FH episode.
This is no fucking surprise.
No. 1051643
File: 1601837979365.png (62.57 KB, 1830x316, 647J4.png)

>>1051633It's also illegal in California, where they live. I hope he eats shit for this, there are several videos of him having sex with his wife where it looks like she is not aware that shes being filmed.
No. 1051684
>>1051643his poor wife jfc. is that her in
>>1051387 ?? i doubt she had any idea that photo exists either. how fucking cruel and disgusting to do to someone you claim to love. this dude is irredeemable trash.
No. 1051836
File: 1601856765350.png (10.73 KB, 435x162, Capture.PNG)

this ladyboy is always saying dumb shit.
No. 1052117
File: 1601890204673.png (821.15 KB, 1408x652, howtoryan.png)

No. 1052128
This is some Nick Robinson shit that I'm living for.
>>1051506Honestly fuck Adam and by extension Khail. Khail knowingly stepped all over me to further his career to launch that stupid series he did with Adam on Machinima, Critical Flaw. They make me ill.
Fuck the lot of these gamers who take advantage of their position in the industry.
No. 1052129
File: 1601893033421.png (1.82 MB, 882x984, mosha.png)

Trisha Paytas and Hila's brother Moses have released OnlyFans content together.
No. 1052150
Damn, PULLfags still trying to cancel Marzia every other week over their little Youtuber crush
No. 1052158
>>1052112oh fucking hell. they’re not as bad as Adam’s but i’m still assuming his wife doesn’t know about this/they don’t have an open marriage because from the way he talks about her in Let’s Plays, they really don’t seem like the type.
the mods over at RT’s reddit seem to be deleting everyting related to this but it has finally made it over to twitter
No. 1052195
File: 1601905156298.jpg (126.54 KB, 719x540, disgust (2).jpg)

Is there such thing as an honest, genuinely good person on YT? I know everybody has their flaws, but ffs, even the ones that seem like they're upstanding people are doing the most scumbag, degenerate shit in their personal lives. They do everything to APPEAR like they're wholesome as a public image. Like I said, I get not being perfect and being a flawed human being, but man.
No. 1052204
>>1052195Welcome to 2020, its officially the death of the Celebrity Age (not that it's a bad thing.)
It's safe to assume anyone with online clout has skeletons in the closet.
No. 1052314
File: 1601918104944.png (58.87 KB, 448x250, 1601904806667.png)

>>1052243cause men don't know how to take an aesthetic picture of their privates
also here is the response of Adam's wive, what you you gals think she means by this?
>>1052299>little fangirlsmost of them are gay men, just like the one who catfished him lets be honest. No woman wants to see a man suck a dildo and shove things up his arse
No. 1052328
>>1052314I was talking about Ryan not Adam. Do we know if Ryan was texting a woman or man? Adam was the one who was spreading his cheeks and deepthroating, all of Ryan's stuff were just bog standard bad dick pics/videos.
Also it seems someone was sending a sex workers videos to Adam so… confirmed bi, I guess. My bet is Adam was messaging multiple people other than the leakers.
No. 1052362
>>1052129It's kinda cute, she should really censor here nipples all the time, it helps
>>1052195Yeah but they're all women, like jessix
No. 1052368
>>1052314Looks like she's being deliberately nonchalant about it and pretending everything's good. She left another comment saying "I think you overestimate our reach"
Off topic but her Instagram is full of unbelievably bad art. Kinda surprising she's trying to sell it as digital wallpapers.
No. 1052427
>>1052369>But not even gonna lie his nudes are pretty hot.Not shitting on your taste, there's someone for everyone after all, but I was surprised he even took nudes after looking at them.
With Adam it seems like he has a fetish for humiliation with all the assorted poses and scenarios so his exhibitionism made a bit of sense.
No. 1052447
>>1052368Engaging with trolls as your husband’s salacious hole pics and your own (potentially illegally recorded) sex tapes rapidly circulate the internet because your man couldn’t keep it in his pants and is too stupid to check he isn’t being catfished… embarrassing. Is this peak pickme?
Wouldn’t time be better spent talking to legal counsel and entering damage control mode? Nah, better to get some clap backs on IG in. Why not give defense lawyers plenty to work with? Is there something about being in or adjacent to video game communities that turns your brain into a rotted husk?
No. 1052512
File: 1601934647172.jpeg (Spoiler Image,209.87 KB, 750x1182, B415AF77-17A7-4B3C-9945-12058F…)

>>1052463Good lord.
I wonder if that’s actually TP or if it’s unfortunate reflection on some blonde ass hairs (wishful thinking, I suppose)
No. 1052525
>>1052299>Sure, Ryan is a DILF typeTo the anons who think this, look at his thinning hair, forehead and love yourselves. you deserve better
>>1052512How is that sexy or appealing. She does this yet from those vids that leaked from her OF with that big brother guy who had to wear a cockring and that other young kid who had to hit her to stay hard and from what Jason said about literally shocking his dick to stay hard with het, nobody is turned on looking at her.
No. 1052607
File: 1601944441443.jpg (760.44 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20201005-195643_Red…)

Achievement Hunter canceled their streams for the day, oh to be a "fly on the wall" of those discord meetings lmao also every one on the RT subreddit is kissing ass and boohooing over the "poor guys" involved. Gross.
No. 1052629
File: 1601946058675.jpg (47.55 KB, 598x506, leaf1.JPG)

this just in:
No. 1052635
File: 1601946225242.jpg (51.83 KB, 621x653, leaf2.JPG)

>>1052633bag it retard leafy got blocked by both hila and keemstar after this and its all hes tweeted for the past hour
No. 1052639
>>1052635who actually wants to interact with leafy though?
on the other hand, they may be in on it and it's all made up for views. i wouldn't put it past ethan or hila to purposely engage in drama at this point, but i don't believe for a second that keemstar fucked hila.
No. 1052643
>>1052635LMAO this is hilarious
I can’t wait to see the milk this will produce
- ethan’s impending public breakdown
- keemstar damage control
- hila social media accounts go dark?
- the podcast goes on a further decline, eventually he can’t host it by himself anymore and ends production
There’s probably a lot more like this going on. I hope this is the catalyst that causes all the skeletons to come out. It’d be funny if felix’s wife is cheating on him too. Or he cheated and slept with trisha paytas.
Or this could all be a PR stunt
No. 1052644
File: 1601946780112.jpg (75.31 KB, 603x817, leaf3.JPG)

and the last image ill produce for now is this
leafy's currently pushing a narrative that hila's son is actually keemstars, and not ethans.
i havent seen the child and i dont know enough of the timeline to really invest in his tinfoil but people in the twitter replies are saying that keemstar was on the h3 podcast in apr. 2017 and hila got announced pregnant in october 2018, the weird part is that hila has deleted her pregnancy announcement. does anyone know how long she was pregnant for? a 9 month gap is like, VERY significant
No. 1052661
File: 1601947942882.jpg (8.16 KB, 300x169, catbehavior6-300x169-1.jpg)

>>1052299>Sure, Ryan is a DILF type but>>1052369>not even gonna lie his nudes are pretty hot. >>1052499>his were very nice to see.
>fawning over a mediocre dude pulling a smug sameface expression and his mediocre body and cock because his online popularity clouds your sensesLadies, this is how ProJaredgate happened, learn from it. Contain yourselves. This is shameful behavior.
>>1052629And this too. I wish falling for obvious bait was a bannable offense. Today you disappointed me, farmers.
No. 1052666
File: 1601948443054.jpg (11.42 KB, 480x360, bullshit.jpg)

>>1052629Keemstar is the only reason people still remember this kid was once relevant. Money says he's gonna get off the internet to fade into obscurity and he's making one last ditch effort to stir the pot with some (pic related) bullshit.
No. 1052673
>>1052667>Like what was the goal?trolling
>I'm genuinely wondering the his intent.trolling
No. 1052677
>>1052667not super familiar with all their beef, but I assumed it was solely to humiliate Ethan, even at the cost of his friendship with keem. didn't Ethan go super hard at leafy?
but yeah, teenage boy fandom thinks being a cuck is one of the worse things you can be, so it's nearly impossible to recover from it - kinda like idubbbz's fall from grace
No. 1052698
>>1052629Pretty sure this is a coordinated effort by Leafy and Keem, and I don’t like the gnome…
But if he really fucked Ethan’s wife, than Keem wins, no ifs, ands, or buts.
No. 1052714
File: 1601955363695.gif (252.33 KB, 300x205, 1597097959738.gif)

>>1052629>>1052644>BROS KEEMSTAR AND HILA TOTALLY FUCKED>Sauce? Lmao dude, just trust me.I fucking hate twitter.
No. 1052762
>>1052661Ryan is so painfully average looking, I worry about the anons lusting after him. I know quarantine has been hard on some people, but goddamn lol
What sort of uggos are you surrounded by if that's a hot DILF to you?
No. 1052770
File: 1601965736596.jpeg (117.47 KB, 1080x1345, 300A78EF-8366-438C-B7DC-EC4138…)

>>1052762He has aged so poorly. It’s hard to believe this is the same person
No. 1052777
File: 1601967583109.jpg (86.33 KB, 1080x1344, a5596de7ee530c778be1f51dc33f47…)

>>1052770wow yeah he looked like a whole different dude tf. absolute milk.
No. 1052822
>>1052112>>1052117I love you anons for posting this. I almost suffocated by laughing so much.
But Jfc. What a fucking train wreck for his family. Family guy Ryan was among the last people I'd suspect to partake in this creepy degenerate shit. If someone who appears as stable, mature and decent as him is capable of stooping this low, then what of other men? Men are the scum of the planet.
What I thought was unbelievable has happened. This has opened my mind to many other possibilities and theories previously thought absurd. I might even become a conspiracyfag after this.
Anyway top kek at the complete destruction of 'perfect' bf Adam and family guy Ryan. What trash.
No. 1052838
>>1052822I've seen this exact thing happen so many times before (the one that upset me was when the CEO of the yogscast was fired for creeping on fans, he also had wife and kids) and tbh it seems like all men with e-fame do this. It's really eye-opening to me.
Never date a guy with even an ounce of fame, ladies. They can't handle it.
No. 1052881
File: 1601991148001.png (Spoiler Image,1.59 MB, 1256x738, alecpaul.png)

and another one bites the dust, I am not sure who this guy is and how he is related to the Adam and Ryan (he works at Cow Chop which is related to Rooster Teeth somehow?), but his pictures are on the same google drive and it is likely that the three of them were all catfished by the same guy also found the twitter of the girl whose photos and videos the catfisher used to send to them. It's @xHarleySpencerx.
No. 1052903
>>1052854what do you mean "maybe"??? (side note i dribbled all sorts of wine laughing from this, thanks anon i needed it)
I will shit if any of this isn't a massive troll, mainly because Ethan is so cunty seeing him cucked by someone who gives way less of a fuck than him would be (hila)rous but I just can't see it actually happening. reeks of gabbie hannah-tier dramamongering cashgrabbery
No. 1052909
File: 1601993847802.png (270.75 KB, 1479x580, adammessages.png)

imagine falling for this extremely low effort catfish (these are messages to Adam)
>that tongue deep inside me, fucking me
I can't.
No. 1052933
>>1052909Jesus Christ my sides
Men are fucking dumb
No. 1052950
File: 1601997062024.png (58.01 KB, 600x463, prov_02.PNG)

More accusations against Ryan.
No. 1052972
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>>1052839This is not proof anything physically happened, but I was particularly bothered by the "married father" line…just gross
No. 1052985
>>1052822> Family guy Ryan was among the last people I'd suspect to partake in this creepy degenerate shit.It’s the “family guys” who are usually the worst ones!
>>1052463Trisha has been treading hellfire a lot lately. She is either posting nasty booty pics or her sister’s cooch on her OF. I also saw around the time she was just starting to promote her sister’s OF on twitter, a few people were talking about her possibly doing legit incest porn and how they suspected Kalli was holding a dildo in one of Trisha’s videos. Or that Kalli or Lenna may be taking her photos.
I liked her better when she was an annoying troll/wannabe Playboy bunny pigging out on Taco Bell.
No. 1052999
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More Adam info
No. 1053070
>>1053049I'm pretty sure he was a friend of Alana who might've asked if he could come on.
Anyway Rahul is pretty great, not milky but very drama prone on Twitter. Glad he's not sticking up for anyone.
No. 1053075
>>1052690this. idk why farmers are so anal with leafy trolling, if its bait no one will care in 3 months and if theres radio silence regarding this issue then keemstar wins. its funny shit to watch in the background as real milk happens.
plus, i think its funnier if you consider the trainwreck of an online career h3 is having atm. like trisha really publicly fucking his brother on onlyfans lmao. what will a cuckold accusation do 5 years down the line when his casual audience dips off? have more fun farmers
>>1053000hope so, definitely said this somewhere already but they never gave me good impressions, especially cause they hawked the entire production side of the mega64 team.
like, they've (roosterteeth and mega64) always implied that they're just really good sister companies but they recently took their stream man and took basically 2 cameramen in the past few years. and its really obvious what effects its having on the boys
No. 1053256
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he's out
No. 1053264
>>1052908>what straight woman would want to see a guy shoving things up his buttso you've never been on /ot/
>>1053256holy shit, another one bites the dust. call me naive but i really hope nothing comes out about gavin or michael lmao. i bet the ones who left ages ago (ray comes to mind) are glad they got the fuck out before rt started going to absolute dog shit
also, here's the good old 'STOP HARASSING MY FAMILY.' as a way to emotionally manipulate people into feeling bad for him. that being said, trying to search twitter right now is hell since it's full of absolute right wing autists blaming this on rt 'going woke' or being 'soyboys' or whatever retard conspiracy shit they come up with. i can't imagine it's pleasant for him rn
No. 1053358
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This is horrifying.
No. 1053359
>>1053264Same, I haven’t watched any RT or AH content in a long time but I hope no one else turns out to be a piece of shit. So disappointing.
I would love to have a thread just for RT and AH, I want to know more about past drama with people leaving, like Joel.
No. 1053384
>>1053358Ah, I see he has taken Gokanaru's advice from the end of his "the death of h3h3" video.
Let me remember, Gokanaru said something like (I'm paraphrasing):
"this serious format (podcast) doesn't suit you, you should get back to your roots. You got popular by dressing like an idiot and acting goofy. Go back to doing that"
No. 1053400
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>>1053251Holy shit this fucking almost 40 year old guy met a teen fan and immediately thought about starting a relationship with her for sex. Seeing this picture of their interaction right before everything started made me actually feel sick. Why are men?
Wondering if any more damning evidence and chat logs will get released soon. Crazy to think all these conventions are a hunting ground for these creeps to find people to take advantage of. It’s hard to process the scope of this.
No. 1053418
>>980242>>1053373To add, it's not just the video as
>>1053374 mentioned which makes people say this. It's an inside joke based on a dream Meg mentioned having where she dreamed she was being harassed and Ryan swooped in and saved her. When the AH guys were told about this dream they would make fun of Gavin saying Meg must really be in love with Ryan, and probably banged. The KF farmers are just looking at old videos to find 'proof' if this actually happened, since with the allegations a lot of inside jokes and things the AH guys have said is being retexturized with this new information of Ryan being a sex pest pos. IE. 'He cheated on his wife, and they joke he fucked Meg. Could it be true?'.
No. 1053441
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>>1053437why is he so fucking childish
No. 1053485
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Some of the Ryan texts between fans leaked and god I hate scrotes
No. 1053495
>>1053256>rebuilding my family and lifetop kek.
Ryan's steps for 'rebuilding' his family/life
step 1. divorce wife and refuse custody of kids
No. 1053496
Step 2. change name, move to remote town and find a new
victim to 'rebuild' a family
No. 1053519
>>1053251>>lied about age>>knew he was married and had children>>joined a group that was invested in trying to sleep with celebs>>fat, ugly chick admitting to needing validation and attention>>participate in homewrecking behaviour>>didn't try to help his poor wife by outting him sooner>>wants sympathy ???Ryan is a piece of shit and so is she. Hope they all get whats coming to them. I think it was right of AH to let him go because clearly he abused his power. This girl deserves to get roasted a long with all the other clout chasers who participated. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Everyone here sucks. RT is burning to the ground. I was a long time fan but jfc let it burn, it's gone now.
>>1053495You think he'll become a total whore after the inevitable divorce? God men like this definitely wait til the coast is clear and the outrage dies down and go right back to being scumbags. I would put money he won't stop messing with fans after this. Once a predator always a predator.
No. 1053562
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>>1053376>>1053378There was one long ago for AH but it was dead because there wasn't enough milk
>>>/snow/523503There should def be a dedicated thread for the whole Rooster Teeth company and subsidiaries and include discussion of everyone who has previously worked for/with them them and anyone who has been in their entertainment circle. Someone competent please make one! Here's a little something I made that could possibly be used for thread image?
No. 1053609
>>1053519anon, she was only 17. physiologically her brain is far from becoming fully developed and the same applies to social and emotional maturity. It was completely on Ryan, the fully grown ass man to turn her down. Instead he took advantage of her precarious position. Let's not
victim blame, okay?
No. 1053613
>>1053519We live in a society run by creeper scrotes who think it's ok to take advantage of someone's vulnerability for personal gain as long as they consent up front to it, which is exactly how fucks like him think it's ok to sext a 17-18 year old and share private pics of his wife taken without her permission. Nobody with a significant following these days got it by being honest and hard working, they gor it by either nepotism or stepping over others.
She's a starstruck teenager who met her idol, and has probably never met anyone actually famous or noteworthy. She's not culpable here, it was his job to hit the brakes and say "hey date a guy your own age! I'm married with kids and a career!" but he didn't bc he's a scrote, and scrotes hate all women.
The posts implying all this is just the tip of the iceberg are stuck in my head, if more comes out about other AH/RT employees I won't be shocked at all & it'll probably be ablot of the same kinds of drama as Ryan.
No. 1053628
>>1053609no. she's a piece of shit like him. a 17 year old knows what a married middle aged man is. a 17 year old knows not to fuck a married man. there's a difference between
victim blaming and calling our retarded girls that clearly didn't have parents growing up.
No. 1053634
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I don't think a 17 year old should be held to the same standards as a grown man, but when I was 17 I was old enough to know that fucking married men is thottery of the lowest level.
If you're gonna cheat on your wife, just chose a woman your own age you met at a bar (and don't take any pictures of it) instead of fucking mentally ill tumblrinas who are just waiting and baiting for something like this to happen. Alternatively just kill yourself cause tbh cheaters deserve the bullet.
No. 1053729
A pretty simple thought experiment to prove the point made by
>>1053724 is to think about yourself as a 25-year-old. Would you consider some 16-17 kid an adult, honestly? As mature as a grown adult person? As somehow mistakable for a grown adult person? No you would not. Kids that age are still pretty fucking clearly kids. Teenagers, sure, but kids nonetheless.
No. 1053730
>>1053706This is what everyone always forgets whenever adults are caught sleeping with/dating teenagers. The rational part of the brain isn't fully developed until your mid-twenties. This doesn't mean teenagers are incapable of making decisions, it means they're probably going to make some bad decisions, (ESPECIALLY when it comes to people they admire, i.e. band members or internet celebrities) and adults need to leave them the fuck alone.
>>1053631You're either a scrote, in which case leave this female board, or a pickme, in which case grow up.
No. 1053784
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this poor literal goo goo ga ga toddler really is a victim and needs protection and empathy
No. 1053786
>>1053780I don't think you understand the fact that what the teen girl did was absolutely without a doubt stupid and wrong, no matter how you spin this
But she didn't get with a taken guy who is her same age, or her peers. She slept with a much older, married man who had status, clout, and was admired by her and thousands of others. The bonus of bagging a married man, someone who could choose anyone he wanted, someone who also chose HER, who would have given her compliments, attention, made her feel confident and sexy?
Yeah sorry, she made a big mistake, and she is responsible for hitting on him, but she is NOT responsible for how it continued. It takes two to tango and where she is making a fool of herself being an awestruck teen hitting on a married man, he gave her everything she wanted and more
Being an adult means you should have the wisdom to say "no" to someone so young and inexperienced. Being married means you should have the clarity of mind to say "no" because you respect the legal, emotional and religious bond you made to your spouse. Being a celebrity within your community should give you the maturity to say "no" because you understand there's a power play and always will be because she is not your peer, professionally
He had neither the wisdom, nor the respect to his wife, nor the maturity, and that's all on him. If he had, it would have stopped at a young teenage fangirl trying to flirt with him and he puts a stop to it. She'd feel embarrassed for a bit but ultimately get over it
No. 1053799
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>>1053784these cringy texts though…