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No. 581474
First Thread: >>>/snow/381948Thread Summary: Mars Argo returned from hiding to slap Titanic and Poppy with a lawsuit alleging abuse and theft. They responded by releasing a flurry of passive-aggressive videos and then making allegations of their own towards a man named Josh Moran.
Essential Information:Titanic Sinclair is the stage name for Corey Mixter. Poppy is Moriah Pereira. Mars Argo is Brittany Sheets.
Titanic and Mars dated from 2008 to 2014. They created GroceryBagDotTv together, and then transitioned to making their own music. They only released one album,
Technology is a Dead Bird in 2009. They then began
Linden Place, which was canceled after their lead single was released. Most of their videos were deleted but can be found with a simple search as fans reupload them.
After their breakup, Titanic began seeing Poppy. Subsequently, Poppy’s looks completely changed from alternative, semi-Punk brunette to “kawaii, barbie, child” bottle-blonde. This look was strikingly similar to Mars'. Recently they achieved moderate fame for her strange youtube videos and Japanese-inspired pop music. The Poppy videos were directly inspired, and sometimes complete copies, from GroceryBagDotTv videos (such as “Delete Your Facebook”).
Poppy has intense, mostly unhinged fans who call themselves “Poppyseeds.”
SocialsTitanic LinksTweets Conversations PeopleJosh Moran: Poppy’s alleged ex, during the lawsuit Poppy tweeted a video of him smashing Titanic to the ground with ease
Debby Ryan: Disney actress who was friends with Poppy, and then Titanic
Max Landis: Friend of Mars, tweeted in defence of her in 2016
Tony Katai: Film maker who released the “Everybody Wants it All” (3:36) video of Mars with a gun, took Titanic’s side
Other Links uploaded by TMZ: No. 581493
File: 1526237929283.jpeg (299.13 KB, 750x1055, 3093A8D5-DE7E-4805-BEE1-3C9E77…)

>>581479Hah thanks but I stole it from the last thread because it’s too perfect. Props to that anon!
No. 582077
>>582045As far as he's concerned, Poppy involved him in her statement so he doesn't need to do jack shit in his opinion. He's 'above' that in his mind most likely.
Either way, he's completely irrelevant in anything he attempts to do because he's too ugly to do a solo career, he needs a woman to front his material in every way imaginable. That includes an apology.
It's pathetic really. An as
>>582054 said, even if the lawsuit isolated him directly, nobody would give a shit.
People only care about Mars Argo and Poppy. Fuck Titanic-what's his name for all they care.
I wonder how it feels to be at the absolute mercy of a dummy to work through to get even 2 minutes of attention in a 20 minute interview?
No. 582185
>>582084So, she's taking the their side? And even liked a video where they make cruel, passive aggressive taunts? Well and truly sad.
Grimes, if you're reading this (and I'm convinced she does come here, or at least on the side of Tumblr where this site at least gets murmured about because of Nicole and Ginger), please reconsider, and reach out to Mars for her side of things, if you haven't already. People like Titanic are convincing because they need to be. Please don't boost the careers of men who use and abuse women, then continue to psychologically abuse them after they go their separate ways. I want to believe you're better than this.
No. 582208
>>582023nah tits has specifically blocked playing of his videos on this website. i wonder who EMI Music Publishing is tho. doesn't sound familiar.
>>582028called it
>>582185i don't even know who grimes is, but she sounds grimey as hell
No. 582215
>>582077 you made me think, anon
i'm no law expert but i feel like mars made a mistake by involving moriah in the lawsuit so much. she should have focused the attention on titanic being an abusive ass. it's made this whole thing turn into "omg did poppy copy??" when it's really about tits stealing mars's ideas and forming another project based on them.
poppy's opinion or statement shouldn't hold any weight. she's dating an abuser. he can manipulate her words, and force her to say things. it's hard to tell if she's innocent while they're still together.
No. 582810
Since embedding has been disabled, if you find new videos that should be archived in this thread, please feel free to convert them into .webm files. You can upload these just like you'd post an image or a .gif on here.
For example: size limit for .webm uploads to lolcow is approximately 20 MB. Videos that are too large to post here and need to be archived can be emailed to
Good OP, OP.
No. 582821
>>582265ah, neat. thanks for clarifying anon
>>582798that's… vague, do you have any screenshots? it does sound kinda like her. could be a repost from when they started and were advertising on 4chan (supposedly)
No. 582919
File: 1526338313878.jpg (18.23 KB, 661x960, poppyblessmoms.jpg)

hey, i still follow poppy on twitter because im not very active there, and when i opened the app yesterday i saw this tweet and opened her profile to unfollow, but noticed i couldnt see it anywhere on her actual profile, just on my feed. i didnt think this was possible (hiding certain posts from public while having your account unlocked) but i guess thats a thing now(?). it would explain why her profile says she has 35 tweets, but only 9 are visible
(also, sorry if i fucked this reply up somehow, this is a first)
No. 583207
File: 1526356693268.webm (3.51 MB, 426x240, livingit.webm)
>>583143Webm before Titnic Thinhair and his DMCA claws get to it
No. 583262
File: 1526362289480.png (174.22 KB, 643x687, zzz.png)

poopy's over here tryina teach us a biology lesson tonight
>>583143this is really catchy, damn
No. 583263
>>583207Ooh I wonder will i ever break the spell of you
Ooh I wonder was there really nothing I could do
I’m living it, I’m swimming in it
I’m hiding from it all
Who am I to say I don’t need you
Who am I to be wrong
Not enough boys in my bed
Not enough of hollywoods friends
I wonder what it takes these days
Wonder if you read my mind
And The winner is so expensive
I’m living it ,I’m swimming in it
I’m hiding from it all
And who am I to say I don’t need you
Who am I to be wrong
Who am I to catch in the middle
And Who am i to be wrong
Not enough boys in my bed
Not enough Hollywood’s friends
And who am I to say I don’t need you
Who am I to be wrong
And who am I to catch you in the middle
Who am I to be wrong
And who am I to say I don’t need you
Who am I to be wrong
No. 583551
>>582185sage because ot, but it actually makes sense that grimes aligns herself with controversial figures as she is a self-made entity that is not necessary representative of her actual self (sound familiar?)
she has always propped herself up with controversy whenever she's about to release music a la kanye
No. 583604
>>583262"You are a sperm that grew up"
oh god. now i'm having kassiedill flashbacks. "I'm the sperm.
squeal" No. 583793
>>583551I guess it just bothers me because she's always espoused pro-woman talking points. Now, she's completely going against that to endorse two assholes who abused a woman to make their names, maybe because they have a YouTube following.
It'd make more sense to work with Mars because she's actually an independent female creative (the only issue being that she hasn't released new content, partly thanks to Corey's harassment). Like, how do you go from Janelle Monae to fucking Poppy and Tits?
No. 583799
>>583793No, I totally agree with you. I have been a huge Grimes fan since Visions came out and I was pretty shocked to see that she would be collabing with Poppy even before I started seeing a lot of the Mars Argo/Tits drama unfolding.
It's just a bunch of manufactured personalities trying to famewhore off one another for one reason or another. Grimes is usually pretty open about her production process so I'm hoping we get a little more insight as to how this project even came to fruition. She had a bunch of drama with her label that was never really explained so who even knows.
No. 583817
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In case anyone was still questioning, it's basically known that they use 4chan, pic related. I also remember seeing some weirdly passive-aggressive post about Poppy on /x/ once. Could've been someone LARPing, but it sounded a little too pissy and tryhard to not be Corey, I'll try to dig it up.
No. 583832
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>>583817Found it. It was in response to a thread comparing Nasim Agghad (a female shooter) to Poppy because of her weird videos. Someone said Poppy only wishes she could be "on that level", and this was the response.
Even the "she is only doing this to see you enjoy it" matches up with one of the Charlotte Twitter shitposts that went something like "I am doing this for my fans". It stuck out to me because I'd never witnessed that heavy a LARP based on Poppy on /x/, and it's exactly the sort of thing Tits would say in a bid to simultaneously sound mysterious and sanctimonious.
No. 584422
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way to avoid the question, tits
No. 585786
>>582215I think it was an inevitable choice to involve Poppy, from what I can ascertain; Margo will be leaving with at least some damages from the court case even if it's just isolating Titanic himself
He's hiding behind Poppy all the time, she is his front and she is culpable as a result. There was really no choice at the end of it all really when you get down to it, was there?
>>583207>I wonder will I ever break the spell of you>I wonder was there really nothing I could do>And who am I to say that I don't need you?Who am I to be loved?
>Who am I to catch you in the middle>Who am I to be loved>And you don't even have the time>I'm running from it all>Not enough Hollywood friendsTitanic was rolling around in the mess he had made knowing he was the victor in destroying her
I fucking hate this bastard with a fiery passion
Margo found him cheating on her directly. I wonder if it was with Poppy or some other whore he did it with to directly destroy her to see how far he could string Margo along?
No. 585787
>>582215Forgot to mention as I'm a bit drunk, Poppy has also made subtle insults directed at Argo making fun of her, not jsut in videos but also through interviews such as with that hillbilly hick
>I could bring my hologram here insteadIf that's not a dig at Mars Argo in a passive aggressive way where she's giggling at it at the same time as Titanic is also making pot shots at her at the same time, I don't know what more evidence there is than that
In a court of law however, it's all on a grey area. There is no direct "yes/no" result in terming it as a direct attack
It'll be an interesting case for sure, but I doubt Poppy will will get as much of a dent in her career as Titanic will.
That's a slight problem since nobody gives a fuck about Titanic and Poppy is merely his puppet in all of this. She is stil culpable however.
No. 586280
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what is that about?? who is laurel?
No. 586306
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No. 586868
>>586825I think it was something like "If money can't buy a penis then why is it so fabulous"I definitely remember it was some sort of shitty play on the lyrics to one of her songs.
Another thing I remember about the Poppy thread was that, besides my post, there was nothing but asskissing in it. Like I would expect the guys on pol to shit talk her because she's not ~aryan~ enough or some shit.
No. 587100
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i have no clue if this even means anything but i got curious and was digging around youtube for i dont even know what and poppy and titanic have a manager (i thought tits was poppy's manager and he was handling everything himself)
their manager is Nick Groff of geffen records (@nickgroff on twitter and insta). dug thru his twit an insta a little and he posted a small handful of stuff on poppy and titanic (mostly praising the fuck outta them)
also poppy has an address to send fan mail
No. 587604
>>586306This says he attended delta (a community college) and had plans to go to Columbia Chicago.
In his Adobe interview, didn’t he say he “thought about” community college but felt like he already knew everything in their curriculum so never went?
No. 587975
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I really hope all these jabs at Mars' content will count as evidence that this was all intended to be malicious. JFC
No. 588247
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I wonder if they’re proud their fan base is exactly what they mock and satarize in their work?
No. 588390
>>588330people have been wondering. they're sending out blessings at 3:36 pm and 3:36 am cali time but nobody has spoken up yet, seems like nobody received anything.
fans are finding stuff in the source code and stuff but nothing milky tbh
No. 588511
Highly bothered by her overbite/lisp combo video.
No. 588661
>>588625i'm watching the tag and there isn't a lot of people getting excited about it/looking for "blessings"..
the person posting the most in that tag looks like a literal child. they're gonna have to give hints, i bet they probably thought their riddle would be solved by now
No. 590070
>>590069Actually I saw some girls on Twitter say that only around 20 people get their invite every day, so they're just trying to look way more popular than they really are. That's pathetic.
Looks like it's just a character designer (like a pixel doll maker) and nothing else so far. They're about 10 years late with such a lazy, shallow, shittily-executed 'ARG' with this much build-up.
No. 590076
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>>590069Found on a superfan's twitter
No. 590591
File: 1526944141025.png (1.16 MB, 1904x1446, myfriendswritesongsaboutmyex.p…)

Speaking of "Pathetic". Here's a song that one of Tits' friend released. I get them tagging Tits a Poppy, but why have Mars Argo in the tags? little excerpt from the chorus:
"1460 days
Since we were alright
You're having trouble sleeping
And I think I know why
1460 days
Since we were alright
But now you're just Pathetic
I said it
You are Pathetic"
What a "coincidence" that it's been about that long since their breakup…
No. 591127
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Another Twitter find -
my wild theory is that they invite a bunch of users every day and they have to 'meet up' on the site and reach a certain amount of users until they can graduate to the next level or something like that. So it's pure self-serving bullshittery sugarcoated as a subversive viral "happening".
No. 591129
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>>591127They probably have to reach 336 users at 3:36 am or something.
No. 592123
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I saw a video of someone 'ascending' and it's the cringiest shit. You have to click self destruct to move on. I can't even put into words how bored I am with their shit. course they already had to backpedal on the whole aura of exclusiveness, not enough people were into it. lel
No. 592588
>>592478If I were a spiteful and less lazy person and it weren't borderline cowtipping, I'd set up an autoclicker/mouse tracker and just have it press it endlessly.
I have no patience to sit and refresh their geocities-tier habbo-hotel wannabe site and get entrance, though.
No. 594291
>>592794The last one who clicks the candle is the one who gets to ascend, and get a special status and points. So it's a game basically
>>594052Don't even doubt for a second that catholic cardinal X nazi officer outfit is like Chanel or Gucci or some other really high-end couture shit. That's all she's been wearing for months
No. 594394
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Poppy look exactly like Miz Cracker from RPDR, especially on that OP pic kek
No. 594406
>>594404Hi Titanic
>>594389It's deliberate, it's their edgy thing ever since their videos got boring
(hi [cow]) No. 594412
>>594389Poppy: "I'm not in a cult"
Titanic: "I'm not in a cult led by Poppy"
It's supposed to be/look like a cult
No. 594749
>>594406Why does nobody ITT get banned for constantly saying hi titanic? Shut up
>>594430Me too. People are trying to pump out “funny” shady posts and it just looks desperate and lame. But you know, we’re all Corey.
No. 595193
>>594851>>595033plus to add he's the one who released that song and then had the gall to call it stolen. someone called him out w "well then why'd you leak it". he didn't respond
i just can't even begin to understand the cognitive dissonance w that boy
No. 595257
File: 1527445449762.png (2 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-05-27-11-17-10…)

have there been any updates at all about the court case?
this was on poppy's instagram story yesterday. this picture seems so odd. paris honestly looks photoshopped into the picture. poppy's smiling which means this is probably meant to be out of character. whats on poppy's phone that they absolutely had to make sure to censor it out with a flower
No. 596309
>>595257probably her iphone lock screen is a picture of her and titanic.
Also her wig looks awful
No. 598931
While Poppy does look a lot older than she should, I also think platinum blonde hair and the heavy make up does pack on the years. Her skin just doesn't look as youthful with such a sharp hair colour.
>>595341Seconded. I reckon they're cigs too, but that would ruin her 'image'.
No. 599211
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Pt 1
No. 599281
>>599238Even assuming Moriah didn't come from rich blood, it's so easy to stay looking young for a long time in America for cheap.
Hit up the skincare aisle at Walmart and walk away with everything you need. It's as simple as that.
And Moriah and Tits are decently well off now while the money is still rolling in. They seem to spend it frivolously but they aren't poor and scraping by on rice
No. 599966
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Why is mars in this January 2015 post on tits’ ig
In the suit it says that’s when he was breaking into her home, why do you think she was still hanging w him
Just curious nothing else to add
No. 599997
>>599966it could be an old picture he had in his phone?
and maybe i didn't understand well but she ended their relationship but she still wanted to make music with him so maybe they were still in contact. even if they were still friends doesn't mean it's ok if he breaks in her house at night.
No. 600327
File: 1527970796377.webm (6.67 MB, 1280x720, videoplayback.webm)
>>594052Here is a back up. On the off chance it gets taken down.
No. 600348
File: 1527972987584.webm (6.65 MB, 1280x720, the_past.webm)
>>600332Here's something from her past.
No. 600360
File: 1527974466689.webm (2.42 MB, 1280x720, poppy_mars.webm)
No. 600362
>>600169>>600224I can see that. That’s sad :(
Titanic is a real piece of work
No. 600383
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No. 600397
File: 1527978165310.webm (6.28 MB, 1280x720, lawsuit.webm)
No. 600498
>>600494Imagine the hell of a life Poppy will endure once the day comes that she cuts Titanic out of her life
She's in for a ride
No. 600572
File: 1527996084952.webm (19.97 MB, 1280x720, full_control.webm)
>>600498Do you think that she will ever actually do that?
No. 601944
File: 1528143298906.png (127.36 KB, 640x1136, D92DA2CC-77C6-4BFF-A1CA-FD7DDA…)

Titanic decides to bitch about someone stealing his art while he is in the middle of a lawsuit, beautiful.
No. 601958
The artist Youknowlimbo sampled the beat from Poppy’s song “Let’s Make a Video”, now Titanic is harassing this artist. <—Poppy’s song <—Youknowlimbo’s song
No. 602042
File: 1528152054649.webm (6.3 MB, 1280x720, 3-36.webm)
>>591129Here. This might answer your question.
No. 602065
File: 1528154585683.webm (8.69 MB, 1280x720, delete.webm)
No. 602146
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No. 602151
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No. 602159
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No. 602165
File: 1528165844870.webm (19.57 MB, 1280x720, rock.webm)
No. 602170
File: 1528166479148.webm (10.86 MB, 1280x720, rockish.webm)
No. 602208
File: 1528174626778.webm (10.6 MB, 1280x720, disney_poppy.webm)
No. 602574
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>>602562Is something wrong?
No. 603110
>>603025God, her solo stuff (except for the Breezeblocks cover) is so milquetoast. I can see why she'd think she needs Corey if this was what she was coming out with.
The thing is, she really could've been unique and likable if she had just dyed her hair blond, only took a little bit of influence from internet culture, then incorporated mild cyberpunk elements, horror and existentialism into her aesthetics/lyricism. She could've essentially been "isolated, shy 2011 hipster meets Serial Experiments Lain", and people would've eaten it up.
Sucks that Corey drowns out any merit Moriah holds with his forced, painfully transparent, derivative, psuedo-intellectual BS and passive-aggressive, angry letters to Brittany.
No. 603159
>>603110how could she re in vent herself as a star now?
slav core underground rapper?
No. 603557
>>603120You're right that Corey mistook her basic affect for a perfect, blank canvas to mold into whatever he wants. On the other hand, I honestly think she could've sold the "blank, emotionless girl" angle well (and it wouldn't even be much of a character because it's not too far off from how she probably is normally). There's an intrigue and creepy sort of cuteness to a figure like that. Plus, not having a clear personality makes the few "relatable" parts of a person shine. The only thing is, such a character needs an external force to force them to behave human and show that side of themselves, and I doubt she's creative enough to come up with such scenarios on her own.
I agree that Mars had an almost authentic Manic Pixie Dream Girl thing going on, which actually made her special. Trying to use a girl with no clear "self" as a stand-in for that sort of energy just shows Corey's hubris, narcissism and sheer stupidity.
>>603159Escaped MKULTRA/cult-brainwashed pop star turned flower child. Market Titanic's sinking as "freedom from her main captor", create avant pop music that's basically indie acoustic music with theatrical darkness and some trip hop influence. Write lyrics inspired by early Ginger Bronson poetry (specifically during the "bedbones" era when she called herself Kayla Day). Push out Daniel Johnston-inspired art pieces and drawings of mazes with esoteric imagery. Serve some Neon Demon realness in music videos. Her first product outside of Corey's collaboration should be something like Kesha's "Praying", but more eerie and less overtly emotional, like she's still stuck in unreality somehow.
She could get in with the FKA Twigs and Grimes scene (without the collective disgust of Grimes' fanbase, I mean) if she just knew what narrative to push.
I should probably stop before they get any real ideas from this.
No. 603781
File: 1528336015483.jpeg (196.98 KB, 1241x2001, 16783B43-5388-4914-9EC0-8F1004…)

idk if it's just me, but literally all of those videos uploaded here in the last few days aren't showing up for me. Is it just because i'm on mobile?
also, does anyone else feel concerned that people are going to forget about this? even though it's a huge deal and a shitstorm i feel like 99% of what I've seen on twitter has been positive for poppy. It could just be because her fans are as batshit as melanie martinez followers (if not moreso) and they overshadow the mars supporters, but ever since the court case it's gotten so quiet and titanic/poppy have been able to go about their lives posting their usual tryhard, cringey tripe while mars is silent, and it bothers me so much. I really don't want this to be like how every other scandal seems to go, a la alice glass (though that case ended up pretty positive no one ever talks about it anymore) or timothy heller (i'm aware that contradicting info came out against timothy, but the situation is very similar), and the abusive fucks will go unpunished. people like titanic terrify me, i knew from the first time watching videos of him that he was some sort of narc or sociopath… it'll be fucked in a lot of ways if he wins
No. 603873
>>603781I’m on mobile too and it’s not working for me either, and I can watch .webm on my iPhone. Maybe they were baleeted? That was quick.
Anyone watch them? What was on them?
No. 605208
File: 1528474500042.png (77.22 KB, 812x329, prt1.png)

No. 605400
>>605216>>605214>>605212>>605210So… this is supposed to be evidence that she used the name Poppy before the Tits takeover? Or, if what she was like before the Tits takeover?
She's got the bottle blonde in some of the clips tho.
No. 608411
>>608006that's too coincidental to be an accident
No. 611052
File: 1529023170525.png (189.4 KB, 640x1136, 6F4B77DC-780D-49C7-8177-528CC6…)

Please kill me.
No. 611206
>>611052Jesus fucking christ. These people are rich enough, I’m sure they’ll manage without some kid’s four dollars.
Unrelated, but it reminds me of some people trying to get everyone to invest in Tesla stocks because they thought it would cheer up Elon Musk lmaaaaoooooo
No. 611210
File: 1529033114247.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.91 KB, 1024x597, e1276dbca92a232f10bb0131287064…)

>>611052>poppyseedWhat a disgusting fandom name. All I think about when I hear it is pic related.
Cringing so hard at the kid. I would feel sorry for her being so brainwashed but I bet she thinks that Poppy and Tits are innocent so nah. How can you be so blind to give what little money you have to fund an abusive piece of shit?
No. 614244
File: 1529348492084.png (86.65 KB, 804x449, tits.png)

Not sure how all this works, so my apologies, but it looks like someone wants to take legal action against Corey. This sounds pretty fucked up. No. 615323
The shills were caught stealing again.
There song “money” has a similar sound to a song called “Breakthrough” by Lemonade Mouth No. 615326
>>615310Nobody cares about her dead gramps, this is obviously Titanic trying to undermine the conversation and act like everyone is a weird stalker
(meanwhile you waited outside your ex girlfriends house and punched her in the face+broke into her window)
No. 617017
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No. 617020
File: 1529608822260.jpeg (127.48 KB, 640x1136, EE73FD5C-4BA0-4C1E-A024-F34E7B…)

No. 617025
File: 1529608893293.jpeg (132.04 KB, 640x1136, 90ECBF22-980E-4B1D-BA10-C31A71…)

All of these screenshots from makes me want to kill myself….
No. 617822
>>617025oh god i havent checked in weeks and didnt realize they switched from waiting on the hand every 336 seconds to just straight up clicking a button and applying whenever you want
i was wondering how these pricks were allegedly tracking their users on their social media for devotion and shit and thought that maybe they had some sort of tracker. nah, they ask you to link ur social media on ur own free will for them to add or subtract little points from. this is so pathetic for something they hyped up for weeks
No. 619385
File: 1529794333367.png (116.46 KB, 1440x1252, screencapture-poppy-church-app…)

No. 619395
File: 1529794760559.png (8.6 KB, 352x53, Screenshot at Jun 24 00-57-59.…)

Those babies censored Mars, Argo, Lawsuit and some other words lmao
No. 619396
File: 1529794793111.jpg (98.42 KB, 504x689, 20180623_145236.jpg)

These verses of "Using You" have been stuck in my craw for a while. I sense Titanic forcing B to puppet his words in a twisted attempt at self-reassurance & to cement certain selfish notions to her. And then for her to have toactually perform it is pretty fucked up. If this was the actual performance art it would be fantastic but it's not so it's just sad.
I kinda feel like it's probably not that deep but in this sitation, it may very well be?? Idk just my 2 cents:
>put myself on the line for a boy [how is this good]
>he put me in my place
>he…showed me how to enjoy myself [my eyes rolled into orbit]
>you're the only one who's making me come [forced reassurance?]
>never feel ashamed of using you [a demeaning jab?]
>am I naive? [gaslighting?]
>he could be the love of my life [more forced reassurance]
>how scared I am of losing him [forced reassurance/projecting]
>i don't care if I don't live another day [Tits-"i'M uNhINgED"/veiled threat]
>i love you in the worst way
>i love you and i hate you
>i'm losing my mind [Titanic being 3edgy uNhInGeD again]
>tell me all the time that this will pass and that i'm gonna be fine [abuse cycle much? what exactly 'will pass,' Tits?]
>you make me lose my temper
Yeah pretty much sounds like an abusive prick had a hand in writing this. It's supposedly referencing a girl suffering from MPD or whatever but I can barely enjoy the song anymore without the passive-aggression and projection in these lyrics slapping me in the head. Pretty sick if true.
Saged for old milk/speculation.
No. 619400
abuse is censored too
No. 619402
File: 1529795008147.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.88 KB, 480x800, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>619385Is this the artbro equivalent of a pair of brass testicles hanging off your lifted truck?
No. 619405
celebrity is censored because it contains
Brit like Brittany LMFAO
No. 624055

I'm not sure if this was already posted but here is a demo song from Tits circa early 2017 (or so the comments say) called "Bubble Baby." Lyrics are relevent lol.
You set me in your surprise
I love to watch the sun in your eyes
If we're dead they'll open wide
'Cause I trust you, I don't want to
But I have to say to you
If you show me, that you love me
If I showed I love you too
I can't wait for the cops to come for me
'Cause I think they'll save me
I can't wait for the cops to come for me
Well I think they'll save me
We saw the world end today
'N' I heard you say
I never wanted to stay
It was boring anyway
If you meant that, I can't relax
'Cause I hate to present the facts
It's just a dream, a movie scene
So let's scream for being sad
I can't wait for the cops to come for me
'Cause I think they'll save me
I can't wait for the cops to come for me
Well I think they'll save me
It's just a dream, a movie scene
So let's scream for being sad
It's just a dream, a movie scene
So let's scream for being sad
I can't wait for the cops to come for me
'Cause I think they'll save me
I can't wait for the cops to come for me
Well I think they'll save me
No. 624505
File: 1530303963195.png (1.99 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-06-29-13-23-04…)

from poppys instagram story
its posted as if they were given to her for free, but why would they give free shoes to someone who calls her style "kawaii barbie child"
No. 627191
File: 1530558853410.png (39.96 KB, 378x134, church.png)

Been using the website in case anything milky happens. Instead I'm just seeing a lot of this garbage. What a wonderful & respectable fanbase you have, Tits.
No. 628567
>>627696he is shit at writing, and all the drugs have deteriorated his voice as well.
Here's a bit from his song "Happy Today"
>Every morning, every day>I feel my heartbeat slowly fade away>And there is nothing I can do>To trick my body into feeling good
>But if I had a dad>I'd love him>If I had a dad>I'd love him>If I had a dad>I'd love him>I'm so happy todayOh the edge, I can feel the hypothetical papercuts. I fucking knew he had daddy issues.
No. 630386
File: 1530906707833.jpg (37.23 KB, 249x350, gonna lose me wig.JPG)

>>630376This won't be the only time you'll have to let someone know.
No. 630683
>>630276Figured he's a libertarian more than conservative
because of how degenerate he is, and the fact that he loves Ayn Rand. It's pretty funny seeing this guy argue with the typical Obama-loving Redditor in 2012. Brings me back to my own cringey defences of Mitt Romney on Reddit.
I assume he avoids touching any right-wing issues now due to possible outrage from fans/his bosses. Judging by his Reddit comments, his last political related post was around election time and pro-Trump.
>name something good trump has done.>tsinclair: Ummmm… employed over 34,000 people - with more black and Latino jobs than any other candidate in the race.lmao, he even knew the statistic.
Out of his tweets, I didn't get much of an anti-left vibe but that is likely because I personally cannot stand reading them; the "I'm trying too hard to be deep while simultaneously mocking those who are also trying too hard to be deep" thing he is going for on there kills me.
But anyways, his politics seem pretty typical for a white person who grew up in the Rust Belt. I was hoping for something milkier considering how many people have called him a nazi.
>>630386Their cover does not do Gary justice. Bland and monotone, just like their videos.
No. 631408
File: 1531025307630.png (617.44 KB, 844x486, coppy.png)

probably looking way too into this, but the sound and fashion choices are reminding me way too much like earlier lady gaga. the song (though a cover) is nothing like poppy's kawaii kyary pamyu pamyu knockoff and is reminiscent of the born this way album, more specifically like heavy metal lover. and the new outfit choices honestly reminded me of this from paparazzi but also a mix of some other 2008/2009 gaga outfits. are they trying to move her away from the kawaii barbie thing because of the lawsuit?
No. 631416
>>630768it was terrible.
>>631408titanic is so derivative
No. 631418
>>630768I think it's worse, the vocal fry is creepy in this one.
>>631408Not a reach at all, it's very similar. This new edgy pop aesthetic is recycled and seems forced. Maybe they are trying to make the project more diverse and broad-minded looking, I don't thin it's working out great. Better do only one kind of thing and do it well than do half-assed unoriginal pieces in various fields.
I like the headpiece tho, it's cute.
No. 632004
File: 1531104424648.png (1.07 MB, 1228x745, eyes.png)

>>631847really creepy shoop. contacts can only widen the iris, the photo for the video looks like they widened her actual eyes too
No. 632829
>>632314yeah, the second is a screenshot from
>>630350 since i didnt care enough to go searching for a high quality image to match the first for a quick comparison of the eyes
No. 633893
>>633356just scrolling through her instagram you can see the change in aesthetic pretty clearly. the change might just be for theme they are going for on this album, I dunno.
>>633753on top of that she's a complete oddball, and not in the cute way. wtf was that ventriloquist doll she always carried around, I literally had a nightmare about that
thing recently.
No. 635017
File: 1531444170799.jpeg (353.04 KB, 750x1075, D11D64F2-003F-4409-8276-7CFBBA…)

Big Bud Press is an indie designer from LA, really sad to see Poppy and Sinclair are shit through and through
No. 635018
>>635010this thing. it's in some of her music videos as well, in one of the Christmas songs.
maybe it's just my problem but that doll scares the shit out of me.
No. 635023
File: 1531444701859.jpeg (333.71 KB, 996x2047, B50E1C16-A0C0-4392-B13C-4AA6D6…)

Will they ever stop stealing!? Also, these stolen jumpsuits they’re selling goes for 150 dollars.
No. 635067
File: 1531447774422.jpg (5.73 KB, 213x160, 38991.jpg)

Old milk, but didn't see this posted in either thread. Corey's mugshot.
>8273* Driving on suspended, revoked, or refused license No. 635097
File: 1531450279138.png (254.5 KB, 640x1136, 1A4C6C66-E065-4C5C-920F-96E29A…)

Jesus fucking Christ…..
No. 635103
File: 1531450859033.jpg (66.39 KB, 640x1136, Dh8VbBjU8AACiZ4.jpg)

Looks like Brit still has a chance.
No. 635153
File: 1531455781315.png (305.19 KB, 1440x1568, Screenshot_2018-07-12-21-20-32…)

>>635103guess that makes these tweets him trying to make it look like hes coming out on top in the lawsuit. side note, its really creepy how many people are calling him dad in the replies
No. 635337
File: 1531486010979.jpeg (33.54 KB, 618x263, 3B9F1E1E-42E5-4119-97EA-AD9FEA…)

Hmmm! Someone on twitter posted this too, and said it was from when the news finally started picking up on people protesting the murders of black children by white officers.
Sage because not sure if it’s real.
No. 636130
>>635017lmao will they ever stop getting in trouble, this has started getting embarassing
>>635018so kawaii spooky weird style ~*~
No. 636672
>>636660I saw some comments saying something to the effect of “clothing patterns aren’t copyrighted. It’s just business.” Essentially, it’s legal. Sure it may be legal but it sure as shit isn’t good business and it’s not at all what a decent person would do. You burn a lot of bridges that way and your reputation takes a nosedive. Esp for professional creatives. They’re walking a very fine line here.
I truly wonder what will become of them in 5 yrs. Think of all the milk.
No. 636723
>>635023Wow,they really have no shame, huh? Stealing a pattern of someone you worked with?
>>636672They probably think they are "too big to be messed with" but judgind by how bad her last album was I doubt that will last long enough. In any way, that atitude will bite them in the ass later.
No. 636779
File: 1531634102860.jpg (5.26 KB, 146x301, mars.jpg)

No. 644012
File: 1532250551858.jpg (11.34 KB, 620x413, DipO4_NUEAA2Y5o.jpg)

holy shit i can't even begin to describe how bad tits looks
No. 644036
>>600348she sounds like that vine about indie girl singers
>bananies….and avocadiesEven so, I prefer her voice when she's not faking her poppy baby-esque voice.
No. 645888
>>644012I find it so funny that this ugly little man tries to put himself in the spotlight next to Poppy. My good bitch, absolutely nobody wants your face on anything.
I mean, Poppy’s a pile of trash, but at least she doesn’t look like she died ten years ago like tits.
No. 646681
>>645888it's pretty sad that poppy started off as a solo thing with moriah as the face of the rip-off art and then as soon as it found a following he started putting his ugly mug everywhere. he looks like a baby bird that got kicked out of the nest because mama bird knew he was retarded and unfit to live. yet somehow he managed to anyway. for a "handler" role that he's supposed to play he just looks like the other half of a duo now.
>>644012 here they look like a fake goth interpretation of some group from the 70s. they need to just quit already.
No. 652010
File: 1533045058726.png (139.62 KB, 1440x1131, Screenshot_2018-07-31-06-46-12…)

>>651356This interview was painful to read with her 4th grade reading level responses, but this is confusing me a little. The answer suggests shes not in character for the interview (and the album isnt going to be in character either) but her answers are so rehearsed and short. Its almost like moiriah cant remove herself from the persona anymore
No. 661571
File: 1533932233801.jpg (115.98 KB, 750x998, hawaii.jpg)

rip my sides
No. 664290
>>662684So they wrote a song further copying Mars Argo ("everybody wants it all"?)
I'm sure there are other references in this song but I couldn't listen to the whole thing. It's pretty bad.
No. 665529
>>665355He is deliberately using manipulative wording, which is a typical Titanic habit. I’ll translate for you.
>That’s not a Poppy song“That’s not a song that’s “canon” or “official” to the Poppy project.”
>I have nothing to do with it. It’s uploaded illegally “I did have a ton of involvement in this song, but I didn’t post or leak it online myself.”
No. 671818
>>671770>>671771yeah it's pretty fucking blatant. i like the mars argo one better but both are pretty generic and unremarkable tbh.
tits probably allowed to do this since he owns mars argo music too but it's kind of a bad look to do this while being sued for copyright infringment lol
No. 673603
>>672847This is so bad, lmao. When you're making a sci-fi themed video like this, you really need a high budget and the ability to wow your audience. Instead, it looks like they bought some wires, set up some strobe lights and a projector in a dark room, squandered the rest of the budget on the oddly-shaped dress and called it a day.
It's like they tried to rip off Janelle Monae's short film for Dirty Computer, and the dance party scene in Grimes' music video for Kill v Maim. It failed miserably, though, considering both are actual artists, while Tits and Poppy just aren't.
Speaking of, anything new on Grimes supposedly collaborating with Poppy? And Nicole Dollanganger?
No. 674072
File: 1535333581227.png (876.11 KB, 1440x1531, Screenshot_2018-08-10-17-12-06…)

>>673603This was the last thing that was posted about grimes on poppy's insta, but when i checked just now for the image it looks like it was deleted. This was posted August 10th and now the only thing left is the same image but without grimes. The post announcing the collab is still up, so maybe it was a publicity thing?
No. 674104
File: 1535337022281.jpg (61.38 KB, 375x500, pixelperfect.jpg)

This might be too deep of a cut but does anyone else remember that corny Disney channel movie where whatshisface creates the perfect pop star hologram? That's what this shit reminds me of.
No. 675848
File: 1535576926333.jpg (231.7 KB, 1222x854, poppy-wheeled-box-streamy-awar…)

I know we talked about this in the last thread and it's not new milk but I just still can't get over how buck wild this is.
No. 676004
File: 1535589188033.png (754.54 KB, 935x595, alicemars.png)

Mars can be seen in Alice Glass' newest Instagram post. It's good to see her out and about with friends after being forced to hide for so long.
No. 676079
File: 1535595411147.png (32.52 KB, 604x403, entete.png)

>>676004aw that's lovely!
she's also posted this tumblr ask on august 23rd, seems like she's slowly coming out of hiding. last thing she posted there, and on her twitter i believe, was the statement abt the lawsuit
No. 676244
>>676004she's just so naturally pretty and likeable. adorably sweet.
meanwhile poppy wears thousands of dollars in clothes, makeup and wigs and looks like
>>673502 No. 681528
File: 1536164096814.jpg (103.67 KB, 524x723, kewpie-doll-1__99176.151699769…)

>>675848i thought the kewpie doll was supposed to be the prize…
No. 682222
>>680643Considering she went into hiding and has been dealing with ptsd and trauma from an abusive relationship, and has been actively TRYING not to be in the spotlight, don’t you think not being talkative is kind of a given?
She has no intention to be a public figure at the moment. She has no obligation to act like one.
No. 683198
>>682222I very much agree, no artist has an obligation to make art or to please others beyond any clear commitments they make, like completing an agreed commissioned work.
There is a difference between artists and entertainers, though most people who appreciate art confuse the two. Entertainers tend to be strategic about making money via their art, are more likely to be pander to their audience and satisfy them. Artists more tend to challenge their audience and are not shy to make their audience uncomfortable with more of a focus on achieving an artistic vision over making money.
Being an artist vs. being an entertainer is more of a spectrum. Most people are not entirely one or the other, though there are exceptions (Emily Dickenson was an artist and not an entertainer, lip syncing can be entertaining without involving much art). I am not sure where Brittany falls in this spectrum, but the edgy and aloof roles she has played on the Computer Show gives me the impression that she is more of an artist than an entertainer.
No. 683222
>>680643She knows she's under a magnifying glass, and that certain people want to see her fall. Anything she says can and will be twisted for the sake of Corey's agenda. He's crazy on his own, but with the backing of a bunch of retarded 12 year old stans, /pol/ neckbeards and basic bitches? It's smart to lay low. Alice Glass stayed active on social media, and had to go through Ethan Kath and his psychotic fans running a huge smear campaign on her, her current SO and her independently made music all over Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr and 4chan. Mars probably doesn't want any of that.
Even replying to too many people individually just gives them a chance to accuse her of doing this all for attention and publicity.
No. 683265
>>683198>>683222their behavior around the lawsuit really shows that mars is more of an artist and corey is just an entertainer.
mars : gives a classy statement about the lawsuit and her experience with tits and moriah, goes on to being silent. presumaby is waiting for the lawsuit to be over so that her music/art can stand on its own
tits : gives out a statement throwing some random guy under the bus, makes multiple jabs at mars and the lawsuit in videos, vague spergs on his twitter, bragging about how happy and rich he is and the places he gets to travel to
No. 683708
File: 1536395411994.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1261x1904, 2C6DD3E3-9974-4E5E-BE93-3638E0…)

Titanic looking more and more like Tommy Wiseau
No. 683742
>>683708damn, he looks like a creepy 40 something year old drug addict.
not a good look hun…
No. 684699
>>684602you sound like you are
triggered cuz she did not reply to your spergout
otherwise, why the fuck do you care so much?
No. 685596
File: 1536631989117.jpg (589.33 KB, 2048x1271, pixlr_20180910182832160.jpg)

i feel like he lost his soul after drugs.
No. 685728
>>685596I was looking through his Twitter once for milk and he said he was diagnosed with DPD. He could be lying and I think he's narcissistic too but I do wonder if that's partly what causes such a blank and emotionless stare. It's unnerving.
Also doing too much drugs can bring on chronic depersonalization, js. Bet that's exactly what happened.
No. 686787 this performance, I'm confused as to why Titanic chose her to brand and try to make a name out of. She's so wooden and I get that she's supposed to be a robot, but all her actions down to the tiniest thing like when to hold up her mic were so calculated. I doubt the mainstream would ever like her.
If she's gonna be like that, they need to hire a better choreographer and put more production value into making it a show. I thought the dancers were gonna pop out of the tubes and there would be more of a story, but nope. Just hot garbage.
No. 688622
File: 1536993793540.png (505.62 KB, 491x649, rosary.png)

So, this is something they're selling as tour merch. This can't go wrong at all…
No. 699941
>>699927I am cringing so hard every time I see the album title. It's a fucking stupid attempt at riding the transtrender wave especially when they probably mean that she is not a girl but a computer god waifu or sthg smh
They should have stuck with
No. 700127
>>699928This is fodder made to be played once or twice at pride parades.
The lyrics and mixing are a rip-off of Marina Diamandis' style (and a little bit of "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga), while the vocals are copied from Grimes in certain bits.
Moriah doesn't have the range to pull off such an extra, theatrical song. Her voice is too naturally flat and generic. Kind of a shame, since I like the message and could see it working very well if a singer with actual presence and style had done it.
No. 705006
>>699941Compare “Immature Couture” with “American Kids”. In “American Kids”, her dad possibly being gay seems more a criticism. In “Immatue Couture” the point seems to be more about
triggering your parents thinking you are gay than actually being gay. I am not so sure that Poppy’s aim is to create a LGBT anthem. Suggesting that fashion is just a tool to
trigger people may be good for some laughs, but is not really telling people to be themselves with confidence.
No. 705146
>>705141The way she says "Thank you" at the end makes me realize why they keep having that video taken down, kek.
Also, that video was uploaded on September 8th without a hitch, and now it's October 5th. If it disappears soon, we'll know that Corey is
still circling this place like an ugly-ass vulture.
No. 708917
File: 1539188606499.jpeg (543.46 KB, 1242x1907, 8E60F0B8-5141-4641-991F-893E11…)

moriah, it’s time to move on. the poppy schtick is doing nothing for you anymore
No. 711588
>>711471Here's a recent show for others to watch, I wouldn't be surprised if she's lipsynching now. She has more "choreography" which probably makes her already horrible breathy singing even more difficult to do. Was she lipsynching before though? I checked an older performance from last year and in both videos during I'm Poppy she continues to mouth the words during the pitch changes but I can't hear her actual voice along with the track
Side note though, who the fuck thought this outfit was a good idea? The tit holes make her already flat chest look even flatter and they look exactly like it was taken from Mean Girls while the ratty unhemmed sleeve looks lazy as fuck
No. 711677
>>711588I like that even the still has the expression of "you scammed me into being a dumb pop star by saying it was an edgy, satirical art project, but everyone takes it on face value"
If they go more electronic and dark with the music it might save it from (entirely) becoming the thing it mocks. Which I hope is what is happening, with the sudden image change post-sue
No. 713524
File: 1539635408373.jpeg (294.95 KB, 750x1117, F1001F51-219A-49B3-9E0A-B745DD…)

Oof……. bad.
Is there legitimately a line that says “don’t need a man”? Ironic, considering how she got where she is lol.
No. 719037
File: 1540258180060.png (1.72 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-10-22-16-46-29…)

>>709082Speaking of which, this was posted earlier today. Looks like she has a new thing
No. 719452
File: 1540305950830.png (45.32 KB, 720x479, 44585369_745264355822469_39643…)

Mars just tweeted a simple hey. I hope she's doing well.
No. 719485
File: 1540308012144.png (530.84 KB, 638x549, oRE3ChY.png)

>>719452I really, really hope her tweet isn't related to this. Knowing Shane's inability to handle himself during those videos, that'd be a fucking exploitative shitshow.
No. 719532
>>719485fuck fuck fuck no Shane go fuck yourself
don't make these two dickheads look good ffs
I'm so mad rn, I liked shane before seeing this but he needs to fuck off, don't make them any publicity
No. 719543
File: 1540313584662.png (1.44 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-10-23-09-49-39…)

Poppy showed up to the Streamy's with people on leashes. Her Instagram story has videos of them acting like dogs
No. 720021
I went to check something on Poppy's channel and decided to see if this new album is an all around bust, but this one is interesting. According to the comments, the producer is the same person who produced Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" album (which i guess explains the major Electric Chapel vibes im getting) and a lot of the fans are catching onto a line that might reference Mars. Here's the part im really interested it
Am I a replica of someone that you love?
(Someone you made me to replace)
Am I a replica of someone that you liked?
(Someone you made me to replace)
Hard feelings, you got my circuitry bleeding
Am I a metal machine?
If I could never love, why do I have hard feelings?
Why do I have hard feelings?
Why do I have hard feelings?
If this album REALLY is a straight forward Poppy album instead of a concept for her character that was said in
>>652010 then it sounds like Poppy is getting mixed emotions about Tits
No. 720092
>>720021They are trying to defend Tits by referencing the Mars controversy and making it a part of Poppy narrative to keep you wondering.
Remember, you only see what tits wants you to see. It's not like Moira is getting crap under the radar and confessing her real feelings and doubts.
No. 721073
>>721043He is probably ass mad he can't shit on her on twitter anymore because of the settlement.
But looking at this
>>720021they are still using her for their lack of creativity.
No. 721307
>>721027>>721196Go back to cokeposting on Twitter.
>>720021I swear, only Moriah could make an instrumental that lush about as exciting as listening to a faulty air conditioner.
It's like a t.A.T.u. song, except with no charm or vocal chops whatsoever (watch Corey contact Ivan Shapovalov for production help after reading this post, kek).
No. 722594
>>722544oh man, is this a new sperg-chan?? praying to the admins that they eventually find out this is either Coppy or Tits. They're both so petty and weak-minded, I'll eat a dick if it turns out not to be.
Brittany dude, if you're reading this, you're clearly winning haha. I hope you are reading it and get a good laugh at how desperate they're getting after trying to ruin your life and fail <3
No. 725422
File: 1541180841832.jpg (80.46 KB, 540x810, sei_36357008-b31b.jpg)

>>719543Yeah, I was gonna say can we talk about this instead of whatever bullshit it happening in this thread now?
No. 725484
File: 1541188618716.jpg (1.69 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20181102_155524305.j…)

>>725445Her new album cover is exactly that!
No. 725488
File: 1541189007843.gif (773.73 KB, 480x352, range.gif)

>>725484>>725445>>725422Holy shit, it really is. Well, they probably can't skinwalk Mars anymore after all the fuss…so on to skinwalking Gaga? Imagine thinking you could be that fucking weird without the talent and chops to back it up like Gaga had
>she doesn't have the range No. 725511
>>725498Her hair must be completely destroyed at this point, a la Ariana Grande coming off of Victorious. She should have just done a wig from day 1, it would fit in the "artificial" persona she was going for, then it wouldn't look so weird now and she could have at least a slight separation from Poppy the character. You think Tits lets her go to the grocery store and shit or is he too scared that will ruin ~the illusion~
I realize as I type that what I'm describing is Hannah Montana. Oops.
>>725508Sauce? Not that I don't believe you, I've just never heard this before and would like to know more. Either way, it's just that much more boring if Poppy's a copy of a copy of a copy.
( No. 725532
File: 1541195281935.jpg (34.5 KB, 1280x720, kerYpvU.jpg)

>>725511>>725498That wig is an atrocity. I know they can't make too much money off of their teenybopper fandom, but surely they can get a lacefront shop to sponsor them a decent one? Get those affiliate codes, Tits! 10% off with code "WIGSNATCHED" to stay on top of the trendy lingo!
The Gaga shtick is so damn noticeable too. I'm convinced the lawsuit settlement was in Mars' favor (more or less) and that's why they've dropped all their old quirky shit and are now sweating bullets combing through Tumblr for their new aesthetic. The first music videos were definitely very much made for Tumblr since they had the exact colorschemes, pixel gifs and look that were popular for gifsets.
No. 725554
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>>725511Gaga infamously copied tons of people especially gay and genderqueer 90s club kids. The biggest celeb i think she mirrors is definitely Dale Bozzio though. And you can find the elements of Madonna, Kylie Minogue and Ace of Base and others Im sure if you google. Not saying Gaga is the only one guilty of doing it. Everything recycles and its hard to be original. But Poppy is no more guilty of it than she is.
No. 725556
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>>725511Nta but mods what's wrong with this post? Just linking to the rules doesn't give any info on what rule was actually broken. I can see where the question about Lady Gaga would need to be saged if it was on it's own, but the rest of the post is about Poppy, so what's wrong with it? And even then the Gaga question is still in the context of Poppy.
So if 95% of our post is about the topic and the last 5% of it is ot, we're still supposed to sage? What? Why?
No. 725563 a piece of drivel. The writer is totally snowed by these two, and the pictures look horrific - awkward, plastic poses with that fake hair. It screams "paid for," honestly. I loled hard at the use of the gender-neutral pronoun for Poppy.
The Vulture critique of her music is less vapid (but annoying in another way): No. 725574
File: 1541199447634.jpg (83.23 KB, 453x479, No_Fun_Allowed.jpg)

>>725568Ok but what about literally every other unsaged opinion post in this thread? Why was that one picked out? I love when mods arbitrarily ban whoever they feel like. What a stupid fucking rule.
>no discussion allowed on the discussion board!>talking about poppy isn't relevant to the poppy thread so sage it or you're banned! No. 725635
File: 1541207655382.jpg (23.19 KB, 310x310, Borns_and_Titanic.jpg)

Titanic Sinclair is friends with the musician Borns. He has written a couple songs for him and directed a video too. Borns has recently been accused of sexual misconduct and predatory behavior by multiple women. If this is the kinds of people that Tit's chooses to associate with that speaks volumes about the kind of person he is. Disgusting. No. 725637
>>725511Gaga is old news. She went into acting when she ran out of shit to rip off. here's your sauce comes Poppy to pick up where Gags left off
No. 725887
>>725445Poppy has /always/ tried to be what Lady Gaga was in 2008 and I can't believe it's taken this long for people to catch on. See: this video.
Of course none of this is original, but no pop stars were doing this before Gaga.
No. 725937
Grimes shitting on her collab with Poppy lost again, Titanic
(imageboard) No. 726379
>>726253Mars and her fandom is living proof of that
You can instantly claim that you're a victim of sexual assault/rape/abuse nowadays and use out of context images as proof and people will instantly belive and stan you without second thought. It's so easy to milk this entire ideology, and that's exactly what most of the #metoo movement does.
Although, I've got to say, Mars definitely learned a lot from her idol Timothy. I hope she also learned how to cope being a literal nobody. Her entire case is old news now.
No. 726388
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>>726387lol clair. I see you. AHAHAHHAHAHAHAhAAHAHAHAHAha!
No. 726394
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>>726393lol this is just a celeb bitch out thread.
>That's funny af tbh! No. 726404
File: 1541322998883.png (143.16 KB, 1309x646, 63458234726d4d1a5ece33496f809a…)

>>726400pls leave chester alone
>>726388>>726394>>726404Goddamn it hurts to see his photos suddenly.
Please stop doing that
No. 726420
>>726379"Old news" you somehow can't stop bringing up and sperging out over.
>her idol TimothyDrawing false connections worked out so well for you with the Josh Moran debacle. Please keep doing it.
No. 727062
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Look how original Copy is in her new video!
No. 727196
>>727108holy shit. it is! lmao i can't believe it. it's such a popular song.
>>727147i have to believe they're too young or sheltered af because it's so obvious!
No. 727199
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>>727111hooktube no longer works. pic related from their changelog.
No. 727210
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>>727147actually nope. they just don't care / are delusional
No. 727226
>>727147I wouldn't be surprised if they forgot or just don't even know. A lot of the stuff that's being blatantly ripped off is from either Gaga's concerts (only Monster Ball was recorded and broadcasted) or various outfits that eventually gets forgotten in favor of the meat dress or music video looks. Like, if
>>725887 wasn't posted I would have completely forgot how Gaga structured her concerts in the beginning (long, drawn out intro from a DJ with various video interludes to allow for costume changes backstage without dead stage time) and how Tits and Poppy ripped it off for the tour, and I was a massive fan at the time. It's been 10 years
No. 727305
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>>727226As soon as I saw her staging for that tour I thought of Gaga. If she was doing this in 2009 she would have been instantly labeled as just another copycat (there were a lot at the time). It went unnoticed because of how far Lady Gaga has distanced herself from that image. Titanic is an idiot though, Coppy’s aesthetic is supposed to be futuristic, so why does she look like 10 years ago?
No. 727382
>>727362Another day, another
triggering. All you guys know how to do is see vague similarities in what Poppy does and what other artists do, and instantly jump to conclusions that she "copied" it because you guys hate her with a burning passion and need to constantly validate your anger against her and her director by nitpicking every single thing she does. Because in Mars' Argo's world, taking inspiration doesn't exist so anyone who gets inspired by another artist is instantly copying or ripping them off. Poppy wore a pink dress? But Mars wore one too. Coppy and Titasink running out of ideas again loool!!
>>727108Firstly, the song is made my Fernando Garibay,someone who has worked on a lot of Gaga's songs. Secondly, the songs are in no way similar other than the drums used in both songs being the same and the opening line using an accent by both singers. Even Gaga fans take it better than you guys do and I find that both hilarious and pathetic>>727162Someone made a song inspired by a mixture of metal and sunshine pop? Babymetal(who isn't even the only band specializing in that kind of music btw) rip off!!!
(white knight) No. 727451
>>727411Fernando Garibay contacted Poppy because he liked her videos and asked her if she wanted to collaborate with him and she agreed.'s ridiculous how far you'll go to drag Poppy, even creating nonsense theories. Because to you, Poppy can only ever do something terrible and malicious.
No. 727473
>>727382>>727397>>727452It's funny you say that, considering all of Poppy's fans are either actual 13 year olds, basic 18 year olds with no style or taste in anything at all, or 28 year old neckbeards waifufags.
Sorry your bland fav is a skinwalker in a bad wig, but people will keep pointing it out.
No. 727550
>>727473>Poppy's fans are either actual 13 year olds, basic 18 year olds with no style or taste in anything at all, or 28 year old neckbeards waifufags.Mars stans are either emo tumblrinas who got into her for the mystery, whiteknighting #metoo retards who blindly belive and defend Mars at any moment possible, or people who hate poppy with a burning passion and now think they have a reason to and constantly act childish and petty over her (somehow even moreso than Poppy's 13 year old fans)
>Sorry your bland fav is a skinwalker in a bad wigHey, there's no need to feel sorry for me. At least my fav isn't Mars Argo. Tried to be successful with her bf and failed and broke up, and still relies on him for even the slightest fame. I'm at least glad that it seems that she has finally given up leeeching and actually tried to do something on her own with that movie role she has for next year. Let's just hope she makes it into the industry without throwing another lawsuit now.
If your joke is that Titanic couldn't buy Poppy a good enough wig, mine is that Mars couldn't hire a lawyer good enough and make a story believable enough. Both aren't funny, btw, but I suppose they're true
>but people will keep pointing it out.More like you people will keep being delusional. And that's fine, I'll also not stop finding what you speak to be ridiculous.
(ban evasion) No. 727627
File: 1541532625476.png (26.26 KB, 860x264, 1541388935701.png)

Tell your ~*goddess*~ to find some singing talent and a better wig.
Anyway, this still has me kekking. Even Nicole Dollanganger, princess of stanning shitty, abusive relationships couldn't stomach Corey and Moriah.
No. 727857
File: 1541570403849.jpeg (9.72 KB, 611x91, DrH3qt3WwAAE69M.jpeg)

>>727627I can understand why you didn't fully read what I said. MA stans do have the lowest iq after all.
And tell your totally innocent and abused queen to actually do something productive for once in her life. I hope that movie of hers doesn't flop hard. If it would, she'd probably accuse the actors or the director of sexual, mental and physical abuse and rape to get all the intended attention on her.
But not that it would matter as her gallant whiteknights would be ready to defend her at any instance.
No. 727890
>>727871>>727873Ah so you're here only for the drama? But the thing is, the drama has already been dead for 2 months so even that isn't a good enough reason.
Have to say though, you dedicate a lot of time of your life ranting about some jewtube celeb and every little thing they do. Poppy releases a new song? Welp, I've got to rant about how teribble she sings, how bad the song is, how uncreative she is, her wig sucks, her dancers suck, and how she "copied" x celebrity, for the thousandth time. Poppy gets interviewed? The interviewer is a liar who got paid by them. Poppy does a photoshoot? She's ugly ugh Mars is better ugh she look like plastic ugh photoshopped ugh.
If you were a MA stan, it would at least be justified by saying that you're just defending your fave by accusing her "abusers". If doing all of this is somehow pleasurable to you, I won't stop you.
No. 727902
>>727890>>727857>JewtubeOh, you're a neckbeard stan. That's why you keep coming back even after being banned, and calling everyone MA stans. To you, life can't go on without worshiping a woman who will never touch you, so of course you'd assume everyone else is the same way, and even want to "convert" them with cringy, psuedo-intellectual diatribes about how they shouldn't shit on your waifu.
Gross. Whiteknighting some e-celebrity because you're lacking something in life won't grant you anything. Go hang out on a subreddit and RP that her videos are deep and sarcastic, or whatever it is you do. Incels are such embarrassing humans.
No. 727924
>>727920>We are, and we will. Good on you, tumblrite cuck
>Stay pressed, incel. Go take a shower.Wow you really showed me. You used a buzzword on me. Look at me crying boo hoo. Also, nice projection
No. 727963
About the latest music video for "x" I thought this guy's commentary is worth sharing.'ve paraphrased it here:
"It's basically loud noise and obnoxious costumes. She's bathed in blood like it's a satanic ritual with s&m styled gimp-like rockers. Her level of behavior is that of a toddler and has basically children watching videos. Now she's going to disturbing worlds. She's got obsessive fans that leave comments like "it's just satire!" but it's not. You can feel the low level vibrations from her videos and music and it's not making the world a better place. It's hard to watch on every possible level. Can we just all agree that poppy is just horrible, demonic and just making the world a worse place?"
No. 727967
>>727963"Demonic" is a compliment, IMO. She and Tits have no creativity or real knowledge on esoteric symbolism, so they just copy shit they find on /x/ and Vigilant Citizen. They're trying to be mysterious and creepy, but anyone with even a smidgen of insight can see how tryhard and false it is.
People who think anything put out by Poppy is much more than recycled, bland, half-assed ideas are gullible. She's not an Illuminati slave/puppet, MKULTRA victim or even a cultist. She and her ugly boyfriend are just tryhards.
No. 728447
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Another Process logo that kind of resembles a swastika(Learn how to intergrate)
No. 728722
File: 1541696893275.png (952.09 KB, 1080x1620, Screenshot_20181108-090657.png)

I don't follow this thread so apologies if this has been posted. This is what comes up when you search "Mars Argo" in Amazon Music. It doesn't even specify "similar artists," it straight up lists Poppy under Mars Argo
No. 729504
File: 1541772912577.jpg (1.37 MB, 1920x1920, Photo Collage_20181108_2204245…)

Poppy's fans are so obsessive, it's disturbing. This one has a mannequin that they dress up in her clothes, like a giant doll.
Saged for not actual milk
No. 729701
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>>727108Does she really think no one will notice
No. 729762
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>>729504Poppy fans being extremely obsessive is so fucking creepy. On the upside, though, having real creepy fans means some of them managed to archive really old images and songs from her brunette/ThatPoppy phase in life, including stuff from when she was still living with Debby Ryan. There's tons of stuff, I haven't gone through a lot of it. Only thing I've really found was, for some reason, Debby called Titanic Titus when she knew him. A lot of the older stuff from Poppy's original Tumblr from when she was first starting out, which got deactivated for obvious reasons, or from Debby/other friends at the time
No. 729880
File: 1541826230987.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181109-235621.png)

>>729701Tinfoiling here…
I'm almost positive she stole this idea after seeing this picture that was posted in July 2009. This model did photoshoots that were really pushing the limit and was active back then. I believe lady gags ripped off a lot of ideas from her but clearly lacked the finess to pull it off.
No. 729883
File: 1541826839100.png (240.74 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181109-234840.png)

"my kind of woman" is one of Copy's early videos and a cover song. It seriously makes my skin crawl. The song, I believe, is something Tits told Copy to cover and dressed her up in their best Mars Argo skinsuit. Just look at these lyrics and tell me they were not directed at Mars.
The original song is by Mac Demarco where he is dressed as a woman, supposedly as the woman he loves. Whether that's an actual woman or his feminine side is up for interpretation, but what Tits an Copy made is downright unsettling to watch.
Also, here's the video link. No. 730026
>>729880Nana Rapeblossom was so cringy, kek. I remember her talking about wishing she would get raped so it'd ~*change her world view*~ or something.
Apparently she'd also lament not having it happen on LJ, because rape only happens to fat, ugly girls or something.
No. 731826
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Not sure if this is anything but have yall seen this? Someone "hacked" Moriah's youtube (Not the big Poppy one, but the one under her real name). It's a bunch of nonsensical videos, but all the comments are fans saying "she's crying out for help!!" and asking whoever to give Moriah her account back. No. 731882
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>>635019I'm guessing they either never took legal action or haven't had any luck with it since this was posted to Poppy's insta story earlier today
No. 732024
File: 1542209442135.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181114-102953.png)

>>731900Well that one poopyseed can dress up his dolly with it. And people are actually cosplaying as these sick fucks now too.
No. 732025
File: 1542209561566.png (707.44 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181114-102826.png)

I found a gem of a photo. She looks so stiff. And is her wig is on crooked?
No. 732212
>>732025It's from this hot mess of a music video. Have we really talked about this yet?
I almost feel like she's going for a Sharon Tate look? Which if that's the case, is pretty fucked up to have her covered in blood.
Apparently the lyrics are:
>Get me, get me bloody, please get me bloody>You can get down on your knees if you're naughtyBut to me it sounds like
>Gimme gimme bloody please gimme bloodyI didn't even question it, just assumed it was some nonsensical bullshit
No. 732216
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>>732212>>732025For reference. Imagine being Poppy and thinking you could pull off Sharon Tate, kek. Though Tits is about as shady as Roman Polanski, so there's that.
No. 732448
>>732216she's doing Cher tho…
I mean, I agree with you but it's definitely Cher
No. 732644
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>>732212To me it just looks like Sissy Spacek in Carrie. The song itself is awful, I don't see Sharon Tate anywhere though. If she had a rope around her neck in a bra and panties, maybe. This is cribbed movie iconography, not crime scene. Even the bits with the halo tiara thingy remind me of Sheri Moon Zombie in The Lords of Salem. All of it is other people recycled shit.
No. 732796
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>>732212Yeah, its honestly nothing remarkable. From a Twitter thread for people to ask about the album, Poppy replied that X was the last to be written and it shows. There's only one verse and a chorus and 3 different musical styles that are jarring and doesn't sound good together.
Does anyone remember how long it took Bleach Blonde Baby to reach 1 million views? X JUST hit it today and it was released 10 days ago
No. 733301
File: 1542392687299.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181116-125236.png)

>>732056Her stylist is Samantha Burkhart, who also works with Ke$ha, Sia, Billie Elish, and Lindsey Stirling. I found this out just after Kesha released the video for her song Praying because I was looking into the outfits she was wearing. Digging deeper I found that this stylist uses different pieces from the same designers for her clients. This made me lose interest in Poopy because she is not uwu quirky and independent. She's just some LA tart with a record deal trying to stay relevant so she can make good with her contract. She is a complete sell out, period.
These pictures are from an interview in W magazine.
No. 733316
>>732212No joke I thought she was saying 'gimme bloody' too.
That song sucked. I mean I like songs that dramatically change, but it just sounded like two random pieces thrown together.
This babymetal shit she's trying to do is awful.
No. 733345
>>733301i feel like if i were a famous artists, especially if i was going for the quirky original thing, i would just buy all my own shit, not be styled by a stylist who recycles other people's stuff
i agree with you thats definitely selling out in a way
No. 738089
>>732212you are such a moron for not getting the Carrie reference immediately
Sharon Tate, really?
No. 738344
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>>732644>>738089Jesus Christ, I'm wasn't talking about the bloody part, I was responding to a post about her normal makeup in the video, saying THAT looked like Sharon Tate. Honestly, can yall learn to read next time? You're not smart for thinking a girl covered in blood looks like Carrie, I didn't think I needed to specify that because:
A: yeah, duh
B: I was clearly responding to a picture of her not covered in blood
No. 738529
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$25 dollars for a plain ass shirt you can make for 1/5 the price
No. 741507
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I really don’t get how people can worship poppy…
No. 741509
File: 1543617267001.png (597.85 KB, 813x668, Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 2.15…)

so Grimes' new single "We Appreciate Power" came out the other day and all the poppy fans lost their fucking minds over the fact that it features Hana when it's rumored to be the song that was supposed to have featured Poppy originally - and that Grimes unfollowed Poppy, and NOW follows Mars Argo instead (which, honestly, good for claire? she probably either found out about all the seedy shit surrounding poppy/titanic late, or is switching teams after feeling guilty for supporting the wrong side for so long)
so twitter's already been obnoxious with poppyseeds REEEing @ grimes about the betrayal of their precious fave but today it's amping up at an exponential rate because poppy's decided to cry "I WAS BULLIED UWU" ……which is hilarious given her accusations that she expects anyone who isn't a stan to believe her. can't wait to see how this shit plays out and i personally hope it reaches like an azealia/elon/grimes level of messiness
No. 741546
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lol, your 15 minutes of fame are up girl
No. 741555
>>741509That's awesome; way upthread me and like two other Grimes stan anons were upset about the Poppy collab. Glad she saw the light.
Honestly that's probably why Poppy's pulling this crap; she hopes it'll get as big as the Elon Musk drama did. Too bad she and Titanic can't escape the fact that they're insane abusive copycat stalkers.
No. 741793
>>741509 “I was kind of bullied into submission by [Grimes] and her team of self-proclaimed feminists,” she says. “We planned the song coming out months ago, and she was preventing it. I got to watch her bully songwriters into signing NDA[s] and not taking credit for songs that they were a part of. She doesn't practice what she preaches. It's really upsetting to work with a female that is very outward about a topic, but behind closed doors, it's the complete opposite. It's actually very disheartening to people that are actually feminists and supporters of other females.”
KEK No. 742233
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No. 742526
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>>742233i think she already deleted this, can't find it
but damn i was just about to say that I don't think she'll address it at all since she pretty much pretended the azealia thing never happened, so glad she did. this makes way more sense and i really hope we learn more about what the situation actually was, i want nothing more than some facts to shut poppyseeds the FUCK up, because grimes and Hana actually standing up for their song on social media has only made them all louder
also grimes liked this at some point but i can't find it in her likes as of today, so i'm assuming their guess is close to what happened
No. 746586
>>746579It's funny that it's a subliminal going on about someone's boyfriend being responsible for their fame and creativity, when that's literally her and Titanic to a T. Projection from a talentless, basic bitch and a useless, derivative narcissist hungry for relevancy. Classic.
Coppy and Tits will never be able to hold a candle to any real artist. Last time I checked, Grimes was a creative, popular artist years before she got with Elon Musk. Musk even got with her
because she was so creative and intelligent. Where was Moriah? Oh, making shitty faux hipster music with 2009 teas and being completely unknown. And Corey? Running an unsuccessful YouTube channel with an ex he emotionally abused. And making shitty pop punk. Hmm….
No. 746603
>>746579>>746586Grimes and Elon Musk met because Elon was about to make a ~deep~ AI joke on Twitter, searched to see if anyone else had made it yet, and found Grimes tweeting the exact thing. She was already into AI futurism long before she met him and a famous musician in her own right. I don't like either of them, but credit where credit is due. Unless Musk got around to inventing time travel, that was all Grimes. that makes the new video absolutely hilarious and a massive self-diss.
No. 746675
>>746603Grimes put out like three or four albums before she ever met Muskrat. Yeah she’s sort of a mash-up of every Bjork-type ever, but videos like Genesis were iconic for the new generation of weird, and that was back in 2012. Also implying Elon Musk is anyone’s source of creativity is just odd considering the man-child has the personality of stale bread once you look past all his neckbeard fans calling him the “real life Ironman.”
So yeah. What a weird callout considering it’s not applicable to Grimes in like… any way whatsoever. They really are trying so hard, but it comes off as so disconnected from reality and just plain pathetic.
No. 751024
File: 1545214155074.png (Spoiler Image,47.51 KB, 1008x630, CbBLZt7.png)

gimme gimme cummies
No. 751156
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>>750870>she has a "secret" Wow. She's a real person with a private life outside of her coppy-floppy fake ass persona?!
Color me shocked!
sarcasm No. 751339
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Looks like she hasn't slept in 3 days lmfao
No. 751509
>>751498>wking an ugly, lego faced trannyew
poppy really could be his little sister though kek
No. 751510
File: 1545290891444.jpg (88.24 KB, 500x491, Another_poppy_rare.jpg)

This is a pre-titanic Poppy picture and look what's behind her, the same fur coat that brittany accused poppy of stealing. You're telling me she travelled through time just to steal a shitty coat from mars at a point in time when she didn't even know about her or titanic? Bravo, such a brilliant lawsuit, mars. I could make a better one in 30 minutes, and at least it wouldn't have a shit ton of holes like your version.
No. 751513
File: 1545291233531.jpg (143.21 KB, 640x632, tumblr_oaj4aezLP21t0mjzpo1_128…)

Matt Bennett, Poppy and Titanic's good friend also went to the same Fuji School that Mars went to. Mars and him even have pictures together
He brought Poppy and another one of their close friends, Debby Ryan to the school in 2016 as well. So what if Poppy went to the school because of him, and not to actually stalk Mars?
No. 751517
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Reminder that this is Mars' copyright claim
No. 751547
File: 1545310098174.png (1.1 MB, 799x830, tits.png)

>>751536Submission for the next thread image
No. 751600
>>751592Make a Mars Argo thread if you're so pressed about it, dont come shit up the Poppy thread with your white knighting bullshit. Just because Mars can be called out doesnt mean Poppy is suddenly rectified and in the clear of being a shitty person.
Sage 4 no contribute.
No. 751615
>>751612>>751592Who has even talked about the lawsuit or MA for the past month or so? Obsessed Poppy/Tits stans (and the two ogres themselves) are pathetic and can't stop frothing at the mouth thinking of Mars, I swear to god.
>And really, what has she even done? Mostly all of her stuff is controlled by Titanic so he should be the one blamed. Lmao, stan confirmed. No one forced a gun to her head to make him co sign his shit. She's in agreement with all of it, and is happy to lie and attack better female musicians, as we can see in her comments about Grimes.
Go blast "Lowlife" again to calm yourself down, no one here cares.
No. 751621
>>751618One Grimes album > Poppy's entire career.
This isn't even subjective, anyone with basic music taste and knowledge agrees. Only a stan would try to argue otherwise.
>And Grimes herself never defended herself from the accusations thrown by Poppy, not even in the response she posted and deleted shortly after. She didn't bother addressing the claims because it's a waste of time, and deleted the story because she doesn't get into social media drama (unlike cheap performers like Tits and Poppy). She didn't even respond when Azealia Banks was popping off, why would she waste her time lending relevancy to some vindictive singer and handler who are nobodies compared to her?
>Poppy released the song anyway and she couldn't stand it and she had to respond about that, but not about the NDA accusations, the actual big deal.Nope, she only responded after Poppy tried to slander her. Nothing would've happened besides the "meh" if Moriah wasn't such an attention whore who dropped character just to talk shit when leaking the song didn't start the fire she needed for relevancy.
No. 751625
>>742824Moving on from the Poppy WK, it's kind of funny how Poppy presents herself as a "real" feminist, but all the female artists who have worked with her (Nicole Dollanganger, Kailee Morgue, Grimes) have had nothing good to say about the experience. Two literally publicly cancelled, dipped out and unfollowed her.
I can't recall a single time she's ever even spoken about anything pro-woman, been part of any feminist causes, or simply defended other women.
No. 751627
>>751622What makes it extra hilarious is that in
>>746579 she tried to sneak diss Grimes, but she literally just ended up describing herself.
No. 751747
>>751509it's pretty common on here to say "x doesn't deserve this" when someone halfway decent is compared to whoever the thread's about
>>751536>>751547beautiful, also accurate regardless of whether it's tits or just a poppy stan shitting the thread up (and sage your mars hate-boner bullshit btw)
>>751625I thought it was particularly funny that even nicole fucking dollanganger is embarrassed to associate with poppy, that truly says it all
No. 751810
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>>751339Assuming manson hasn't toned down his partying ways, she's probably on a cocktail of drugs (tbh she'd probably be on a cocktail of drugs anyway). Lets be honest, here!
No. 761208
>>751810Yep! Isnt that why dita left him?
>>751821Indeed I was surprised killstar made a collection centered around him hes certainly got a creepy old man vibe.
No. 761260
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Not as exciting as the official lawsuit papers, but Poppy is planning on releasing a graphic novel
No. 761261
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No. 761348
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>>761196This settlement is super interesting.
According to this, Mars now owns the exclusive rights to all the music and videos they made together, he's no longer allowed to reference her or "harass, strike, threaten, assault, hit, follow, stalk, destroy the property of, or surveil" her, "or cause anyone else to do so". Also, and has to delete all of his potential revenge porn (pic related).
No. 761523
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ig post from Brit !
No. 761557
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>>761523It's sweet to see support from Alice Glass as well! I'm really happy for her.
No. 761570
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>>761348Thanks for the overview anon!
>>761523>>761565Glad she got all the past stuff, does this mean she can release some of their music now? Also I'm still kind of wondering what this means going forward or in the context of Poppy. Will Poppy have to delete any past work/videos/songs or change her character moving forward in any way or is that deemed completely separate?
No. 761603
>>761570who knows. titanic had a bunch of his ig posts deleted however that was already awhile back so not sure if that's related to the suit. i liked that nobody noticed his dramatic ass lol.
based on the wording of the settlement, i think it's going forward they're not allowed to reference mars anymore. so no more 3:16 shit i'm assuming to hype mystery (huge reason for their popularity) from this point on
No. 762660
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cant believe more ppl arent talking about this?! she basically got the best possible outcome u can get. evidence must have been damning.
were all of these threads just corey sperging out?
No. 762786
>>762660after the lawsuit began they started to shift poppy's image from cute & weird to more "Lady Gaga" which honestly isn't that interesting.
I am certainly glad Mars gets rights to the work she helped create, but at this point it doesn't really affect Titanic and Poppy as they've shifted their style to avoid the copying accusations.
No. 763909
>>762786How is Poppy like Lady Gaga now?
Gaga doesn't do metal.
No. 764717
>>763909Poppy doesn't really do metal either, except in a watered down way.
The same way Gaga does.
No. 764809
>>764798Whoa…that's pretty sad. They haven't been relevant since the early 2000s. Saddest collaboration ever.
>>764717Metallica is a gimmick at this point.
No. 764880
>>764696Don't know if it was him, but someone was majorly shitting up the thread and starting fights, to the point it got so derailed that I just started watching repzilla and stopped looking for milk on them. Sorry anons
The news is great though, so happy for Mars.
>>763907Fucking WWE. But I guess that's slightly less shady than their Saudi Arabia business.
>>764798Makes sense. Marilyn Manson is known for being super abusive to his exes. I bet he found out about them because of the lawsuit, and was like, oh shit, I'm gonna be best friends with these creepy fucks.
No. 765097
>>761261>Internet phenomenon Does she still think she's the shit? The weird videos at the beginning were interesting but who supports her now besides kids and people who don't see past her cringy copying and now boring image.
>>764846Poppy gets Tits and other people to design and write an AI novel that is all about how great her persona is that seems influenced by Grimes. Grimes makes an entire novel with a more interesting story with pop star ai's in a position to fuck over the main characters. Kek.
No. 765109
>>765097>>764846They probably both discussed it when they worked together, probably Grimes was first to suggest a book, but the whole premise of Poppy is she's human-ai, since 2014 I believe.
so Grimes' story is not original and seems like a direct reference to Poppy. She got beef
No. 767284
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God wonder what dumbass social experiment this could be for
No. 769843
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They just can’t help themselves, can they?
No. 770354
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just finished reading the thread. holy shit what a wild ride. good job girls
No. 770884
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Seems like Poppy's been busy doing a lot lately. New augmented reality experience to be premiered at Sundance
No. 770887
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No. 771172
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>>770884are you kidding me. this is the second time they've copied die antwoord. even down to the rats this time. they have no original bones in their robot bodies, or whatever the fuck their story is
No. 771352
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>>771172>they've copied>they have no original bones in their robot bodiesYeah. I wouldn't expect anything less from Copy&sinking-ship.
No. 772026
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>>772018So, this is how they're framing their tacky, unoriginal mess.
No. 774562
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Seems like they moved on to harassing Grimes instead of Mars. Jesus.
No. 774566
>>774381nta, but how is this necro?
no sage and no contribution maybe, but necro? the last post before that was only a week ago
No. 774626
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this got posted last week and just popped up on my recommendations. ugh
No. 774762
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>>774626Why does Poppy look like Randall from Monsters Inc
No. 774769
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>>774626God, that wig still just looks awful. Wonder what her hair looks like under it now? Must just be absolutely wrecked.
No. 783463
How come this is the only lolcow board that actually gives a shit about Titanic, Poppy, or Mars Argo?
Has Titanic or Poppy even have enough material to be classified as a lolcow? Titanic just has anger issues, a creepy bad attitude, and that domestic assault case. Seems pretty lowbrow compared to some other cows.
Poppy doesn't seem to have too much ti keep the folks at KiwiFarms interested.
And Mars Argo likely doesn't like people bringing this shit up to the public after the case was settled.
I know the folks at KiwiFarms tend to be just as mentally unsound as the people they follow, but they don't even seem interested in these people unless Titanic starts going the way of Onision which surprisingly he hasn't yet and/or he has only in the past.
It's kind of weird that this is the only thread on a lolcow site about all of this.
A KiwiFarms thread: No. 783470
>>783467I don't even actively come here. I found this place from a Google search. I was curious to see what lolcow communities think of these two and this is the only one that seems to be actively following them. The rest either don't care or find it interesting.
> Bad choice of thread focus. Rabid fandoms in pop are not new. Poppy and Titanic Sinclair themselves may be able to sustain a thread at some point, since they flipped out pretty hard during the Mars Argo lawsuit, and Titanic has inadvertently revealed a very Onision-like ego and tendency to mold his partners to his liking.I thought KiwiFarms would be all over this but they just kind of don't care.
No. 783476
>>783463>>783470This is the /snow/ board where snowflakes do not need to meet the standards that full cows do.
No-one cares about your feelings about Kiwifarms or whether they want a thread over there or not. Your autistic posts seem about their speed, though.
No. 783554
>>783472A group that makes shitty music and has a rabid retarded fandom. The lead singer thinks its cool to look like a used rusted heroin needle that smells like rancid gonorrhea leakage and festering open wounds covered in shit, and the fans defend her because ~its just le art shes actually really normal and sweet and the they're totally like..a normal family irl!!111~
Typical lame tryhard bullshit just like Poppy but even nastier and more repulsive to look at.
(A-logging) No. 784455
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She finally removed that bad wig and I'm kinda surprised that her natural hair isn't damaged
No. 787032
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No. 787083
>>787062The sad thing is, according to this thread, they do have a stylist. Samantha Burkhart, who also styled Kesha and Billie Eilish (Eilish's outfit is on her IG, and the celebricows thread in /ot/. It's just as awful-looking).
A "professional" sat down and decided that this is good styling.
No. 787189
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>>787083Billie's outfit for anyone wondering. Ouch.
No. 787196
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>>787032Is that makeup smudged up all over her hairline or a terrible dye job? What am I looking at?
No. 787201
>>787196definitely looks like spray foundation
either she did this herself or the makeup artist had a grudge
No. 787281
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No. 787283
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No. 787455
>>787341I highly doubt that. She fried the shit out of her hair when she first went blonde (look at her early vids, it looks terrible)
They probably got her a busted wig so she could grow the nest out while keeping her "bleach blonde bby" aesthetic and try again when it was all new growth.
I'm glad they've ditched it. Too bad her wig was the least of their problems.
No. 795353
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Desperate for money?
No. 795958
File: 1554764230335.png (1.54 MB, 1440x1909, Screenshot_2019-04-08-15-53-43…)

>>787455Didn't completely lose the wig after all. It's back in its crooked glory
No. 797955
>>797781I think the "omg who is this weird girl" factor isn't there anymore. On top of that, YouTube was promoting her like crazy in 2016-2017 and even put her in YT Rewind and hosted an album launch party at YouTube HQ.
I remember YouTube put one of her videos on trending like 3 months ago and it got more dislikes than likes. I have no clue where she's planning to go at this point, and if the radio continues to not play her music, it's pretty much over at this point.
No. 798148
>>797781 797805
Where it all went wrong? Careers have ups and downs. I have been surprised to see how little content Poppy has been making lately, especially considering the pace of material she was releasing before and during her tour. But then I remind myself that she just finished what was probably an exhausting tour and may be taking a well deserved break. Playing the role of Poppy must itself be limiting and exhausting, so it would not surprise me if she some day finds herself needing to transition to manage artistic control and freedom.
While Poppy and Titanic are probably not doing everything right, they have managed to build an envious career out of this project, so I give them credit. It is not easy to make money in the entertainment business and it is normal for a sophomore album to be transitory, so changes are to be expected.
I do agree, though, that team Poppy has mismanaged opportunities. The ARG that 797805 mentions is a good example where they built up the drama and intrigue, then seemed to just drop it with no closure and then go make a movie with a confusingly different backstory. The hidden clues are part of what made Poppy fun, but they lose momentum if the clues do not actually lead to the narrative or anywhere. That said, they do an amazing job of creating the veneer of mystery without actually providing any real mystery.
No. 801717
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>mfw tits is pulling poppy’s “impressive” numbers out of his ass when literal children pull 5x the views and interaction on a more consistent basis with nothing but tiktoks
No. 801796
>>801762Can’t wait ‘till you finally realize that you’re slowly being blacklisted in hollywood, luvs.
Oh and getting a mars 3.0 replacement, again, and “rebranding” for the 100,000th time will not save your reputation after all this mess kek. Have fun only being hired by rich daddies to direct shitty music videos for their teen daughters so they can play “famous” on YouTube in front of their friends for a day. Lol. Oh wait, you already do that.
No. 802156
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Tits should explain her Twitter follower count when he's saying the numbers are "impressive". God knows how far down their YouTube subscribers dropped, probably even more.
No. 802209
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holyy shit what is this eyeliner in the wednesday video. her makeup looks super rough earlier in the vid too. i think somebody's stylist quit
No. 802319
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No. 802812
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Does anyone else feel like the Poppy.Church she is promoting feels so cult like? I guess that's the creepy weird aesthetic shes going for. the website linked to it looks weird, with a chat room and such
No. 802852
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>>802812I tried signing up on the website for the heck of it. Is it really that exclusive?
No. 802858
Some guy on the Opperman Report podcast talks about Poppy. He noticed the youtube view counts seem to be fixed. amusing episode.
No. 803803
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these are little kids. thats so creepy
No. 806912
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shes lost SO much weight is she anorexic or some shit
No. 807088
>>806912I think her wig is on crooked again too. That corset is pretty nice though ngl.
I think the anon who made that "enter ana-chan" post ages back was onto something
No. 810711
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Funny that "don't be weird" is coming from Tits
No. 820633
File: 1560206504090.png (19.05 KB, 467x35, 2.png)

So I noticed this weird thing, and I'm pretty sure the leaked chat logs linked in the OP are fake?
< Here (from the leaked chat logs) Britt says that her ex boyfriend never would have done what Titanic did
No. 820634
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< But here (daily mail interview) Brittany says that Titanic was her first boyfriend. Meaning there could be no ex to talk about
No. 820710
>>820634It's daily mail, though. They're a trash publication that always misquotes people.
The headline was even something like "I was YouTube's BIGGEST star", but I really doubt she actually said that, lmao.
No. 826214
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Performing completely drunk? wtf?
No. 826290
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>>826214Maybe she wasn't drunk, but has no stamina because the anorexia rumors are true. I remember reading she is vegan, so it could also be a sign of the same thing that happens to anorexics - exercising severe control over diet as a coping mechanism for anxiety. She's always been thin. But you can really see the change around her collar bones from thin to skeletal, and now even her eyes are sunken and her rounded cheeks are gone.
No. 826373
>>826290I see no difference. Her skinniness looks incredibly unnatural, but it has since 2015, so whatever ED or drug issue she has seems to be an ongoing low-grade thing. The difference in her face looks like normal aging for someone in their 20s.
It's possible that she's trying to keep her body exactly the same as it was back in 2015, which is also a kind of ED, but nothing that is going to have immediate negative effects.
No. 829008
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No. 829608
this might be a bit of a stretch, but with the release of poppys new ep, i think ive caught a few subtle nods to mars argo
the "all systems are go" part in choke isnt grammatically correct, as well as it being spoken to sound like "argo". it doesnt make sense in context of the lyrics, and i wouldnt put it past them to include her name just because they can
another of poppys songs, the holy mountain, seems to reference the song wasted away by mars argo:
"he told me that the human race was wasting away again" from the holy mountain, in comparison to wasting away, where the opening line states "im wasted away again"
i have no idea if this was intentional or not, but its just something i noticed lmao
obviously the lyrics of choke (and possibly scary mask) seem to be about titanic, and there seems to be speculation that voicemail is about mars argo as well. the entire ep leads me to believe that poppy is unhappy with tits (and hes probably abusing her too lmao)
also the songs just sound really bad lol why are they so bad at making music
No. 829722
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Here we go again
No. 829867
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>>829728lol, guess she also stole her hairstyle from Coolio and her earrings from Katy Perry.
…Wait, I thought I was joking, but those are the same earrings.
No. 836547
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Lmao they fucked up big at vidcon
No. 840019
Sage because not that interesting, but it looks like Poppy and Tits aren't even trying to cover up the MA lawsuit anymore - Tits just retweeted a YouTube review of Poppy's Choke EP, and the video mentions Mars Argo and the lawsuit.
If anyone's curious, here's the video, and the lawsuit mention is at 1:12 seems weird that Tits is openly endorsing and promoting content that mentions the legal drama. You'd think he would want to keep that stuff hidden so less people would know what a scumbag he is.
No. 840021
File: 1563487283402.png (14.46 KB, 594x157, a.png)

Sage because not that interesting, but it looks like Poppy and Tits aren't even trying to cover up the MA lawsuit anymore - Tits just retweeted a YouTube review of Poppy's Choke EP, and the video mentions Mars Argo and the lawsuit.
If anyone's curious, here's the video, and the lawsuit mention is at 1:12 seems weird that Tits is openly endorsing and promoting content that mentions the legal drama. You'd think he would want to keep that stuff hidden so less people would know what a scumbag he is.
No. 842101
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Are the wigs just getting worse or what? From Vidcon apparently. Straight up looks like a cheap cosplay wig.
No. 842112
File: 1563784373814.gif (1.24 MB, 400x293, 89F0CE3D-10E2-4BC7-815D-1E11A5…)

>>842103Sorry, last samefag I swear. I hadn’t gotten to the “concert” yet — it’s just her alone on stage DJing her own songs? and remixes? I implore you to watch her clapping at 4:45, she looks like a Sim
I feel so bad for the dude in this vlog tbh, in a “please love yourself, you can do so better than this” kind of way. It’s like she’s doing the bare minimum and he’s still losing his shit. He gets so excited that she PLAYS Lowife. Not performs it, plays it. My expectations are low for Poppy as someone who comes here to point and laugh, but this is just sad. Like, c’mon, your fans deserve better than whatever that shit was.
No. 850135
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Another stolen merch item from Mars Argo. Now being sold for $30 on her website
No. 869908
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>>867413 Probably not, since this is how she replied when she was asked about new music on Tumblr the other day.
No. 886660
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No. 896089
>>896088He's still in charge of the visuals and has writing credits on her newer material but yeah.
Same as it ever was.
No. 898805
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>>898780Nta but she’s supposedly dating Ghostmane now. It’s all speculation for right now though.
No. 898807
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No. 898977
>>898948the ghostemane guy looks like a tryhard version of tits. poppy has a thing for
abusive dicks.
>skipped work, spent 3 hours on the road, payed $120 on tickets just for Ghostemane to threaten he was going to shoot up the venue because his opener talked shit to the sound guy. No. 898990
>>898977he always looks around six to eight minutes away from an OD too
at least Moriah doesn't have to worry about long term planning with this one
No. 899595
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Is he related to Tits? Same last name and Tits follows him on Instagram.
No. 900621
File: 1575311892157.png (251.12 KB, 1256x1194, ghostemane.png)

ghostemane has confirmed to multiple people that he is now in a romantic relationship with poppy (screenshots via instagram).
jazmin bean, who has mutual friends with poppy, has stated that titanic sinclair is not working with poppy anymore: No. 900822
File: 1575344651801.jpg (24.94 KB, 476x762, 1.jpg)

wow, i'm an idiot. i forgot to attach the images.
No. 900823
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No. 900831
File: 1575345735400.jpeg (113.07 KB, 1080x1920, 46B90919-0F1C-4E32-B07D-3C909A…)

whoops, one more thing from ghostemane!
No. 901224
>>901155 Extremely brief summary for those of you who don’t wanna watch a 30 minute video from this knucklehead.
Josh contacted Rep directly to share his side of the story. With this, he provided video proof of Titanic’s wineglass incident in Mars’ house. There’s another video of him sweeping up the glass and going on some delusional rant about Børns but it’s not super milky, just embarrassing. Josh also provided more info on the case where Poppy accused him of abuse. Titanic and Poppy have weirdly different narratives for what happened. I saw some fans doing handwriting comparisons and it looks like there’s a chance Titanic faked her whole restraining order request so he could use her to back him up in court. Didn’t go well though, Poppy skipped all her court dates and he never utilized her statement in the hearing. She doesn’t even come up once. Josh also claimed he saw Poppy and Titanic having a heated argument outside of the court room. He contacted Rep to try and clear his name because Titanic has been contacting anyone he can to try and ruin Josh's reputation.
I’m in a bit of a hurry so sorry for anything worded weirdly.
No. 901295
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She tweeted this and deleted it minutes later.
No. 901329
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>>901224>>901155>Josh contacted Rep directly to share his side of the story.Børns is a notorious scumbag, so that's nothing new but what was his angle there? He was definitely at Vidcon with her
>>842103 but she also seemed to be acting more normal there? I wonder when this all started falling apart. I wonder if Edwin is butthurt that Josh went to Repzilla instead of him.
I don't know this new dude, but he literally looks like one of those shitty tumblr "punk/goth edits" of Tits. I know we give Tits shit for having a type, but boy does Poppy have a type. And that type is….an inbred Malfoy who's never showered?
No. 901467
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>>901155Corey using the n-word in the middle of his cringy rant will always be the easiest way to shut down remaining Twitter stans.
Also, this part of the transcript was pretty funny.
No. 904135
File: 1576003999625.jpeg (125.07 KB, 827x896, 6CCC298D-B934-4DD3-837C-430D50…)

poppy recently (today) posted this photo of herself and ghostemane on instagram in which she is brunette. this has led to speculation that titanic was the one forcing her to be blonde, as she hasn’t been seen in anything except a mars argo-esque blond for the 5+ years she and titanic had been together.
No. 904391
>>904135Can't stand Poppy or Tits, but this does warm my heart a lil. It's just nice to see she's making some attempt at regaining her autonomy. This feels like the biggest "fuck you" she could do to Tits (though I'm sure her hair was just absolutely wrecked anyways). Not that Mars would want anything to do with her, but I hope now that she's away from Tits maybe Poppy will come to terms with the part she played in all of that and try and be less of a shitty person. At the very least she owes Mars an apology.
Completely unrelated but that Santa having a giant belt buckle that says "Believe" made me chuckle.
>>904349Not sure if I think she's ugly necessarily, but I do think the blonde worked well for her (actual hair, not that god awful party city wig). Not every brunette can go blonde and pull it off. I think the brunette just makes her look….boring? Like I think she has such a boring face (not necessarily bad) that the blonde gave her at least some noticeable striking feature. I wonder if she went dark to match her new bf's hair though? The same way she and Tits had the same hair? V single white female of her.
No. 905412
Omg haha.
>>797762 was me, I had no idea my comment led to Tits himself replying! I rarely check this thread and don't lurk a whole lot on this site. I came here after hearing Poppy finally broke free of that asshole. I can't believe I personally
triggered him so much. I really needed this today. I know it's been several months, but thanks, Corey! You owe an apology to the entire rat species for looking like them.
Needless to say, I'm thrilled he'll promptly be fading into irrelevancy. I hope Poppy comes around and makes a statement one day about her experience with Titanic. I am sure she will have one hell of a story to tell when she is ready to tell it.
No. 911014
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Poppy has made a statement. From her Insta story + official Twitter account
No. 911149
>>911014I mean, there's not a doubt in my mind that Tits was fucking with her the same way he did Mars but this statement is still so….underwhelming? like it feels like she can't make up her mind on what her excuse is
>He wasn't a puppeteer no way no how but also I was trapped and manipulated and brainwashed into excusing his actions>I defended him and justified his terrible actions but I wasn't an accomplice>I was a person who was abused and manipulated just like his other victims, but I'm not a victim>He's not a puppeteer but he's been manipulating girls for years and is about to grab another one>I wasn't an accomplice because I was also a victimThose aren't mutually exclusive concepts? You can be both at the same time? Just because you didn't help him murder the person doesn't mean you weren't manipulated into helping hide the body, and it doesn't mean you stopped him from dressing you up in the dead body's clothes and "Weekend at Bernies"-ing you around in it's place hoping no one would notice.
Also this still feels really shady to Mars? Like, she's trying to piggyback off of Mars' story and use her as proof for her own claims but she still won't even use her name? Calling her "echos from the past" and "one of his former partners" is still taking away agency and identity from her in this whole ordeal that Poppy played a huge part in.
>echos from his past too loud to ignoretranslation: omg his crazy ex was sooo obsessed with him she wouldn't shutup, you know the one so I'm not even gonna say it because she's not relevant anymore
>I was trapped in a mess that I needed to dig my way out of - and like I always do, I figured out how to handle it"translation: "Of course
I figured out how to deal with it, unlike some people
>I am not a weak victim" translation: I'm not like his
other victims, I'm not gonna whine about it all the way to court
It's like she's trying to say "Yeah I was a
victim but only because I was young and believed in him because I have a good heart, I was in control the whole time no really not like you-know-who". She's still young though (24) so maybe by the time she's had to deal with the repercussions of years of post-Tits stress disorder like Mars has (31?) she'll realize how shitty and immature she's been.
I don't feel like this cleared up any "misinformation about her character", I think this just proved she's kind of a bitch with or without Tits. Especially
>he's moving on to my former friendsbut she doesn't say "I'm worried for them/he needs to be stopped/I need to help them/I don't want this to happen to anyone else even 'former' friends", she says "just figure it out like I did, I'm happy now tho so don't @ me bye"
No. 911169
>>911149 i agree with you, but i do want to mention a few things -
i believe, by the “puppeteer” comment, she meant that he was not the mastermind behind poppy. she mentioned something similar in an interview recently afaik, saying that it seems like titanic is the one who invented and brainstormed all the music and video concepts, but that it’s actually 50/50. i don’t think she meant he wasn’t manipulative, just that he’s not the talent behind her art, since the rest of the paragraph surrounding the puppeteer comment was about how titanic makes him out to be more talented and greater than he actually is.
a lot of people have said that poppy was not abused or manipulated by titanic at all and that she was with him, not because she was forced to be, but because she was an accomplice for the fun of it. this is, in my opinion what the accomplice thing is in reference to. yes she helped his actions but she is seemingly stating that she didn’t do it willingly or for her own enjoyment like people claim. i’ve heard a lot of things over the past few months about him being really emotionally
abusive to her, and while most of it is just rumors/gossip, everything i’ve heard from people seems to back up her statement. i know people who knew titanic and nothing they’ve said made it seem like his relationship with poppy was at all healthy. i’m sure she was complicit in the mars thing and she should definitely be held accountable for what she did, but i also think titanic can be really manipulative and i don’t know if she would have done any of it without his influence.
also the reason she didn’t refer to mars by name is because she’s legally not allowed to, due to the lawsuit settlement, where mars, poppy, and titanic are legally not allowed to talk about/to each other publicly or privately. this is as close as she can get to a statement or apology for the mars situation without violating the settlement.
i agree overall that her statement was very weak and she came across as very bitchy.
No. 911258
>>911156This. She isn't being genuine at all. She basically copied Mars' statement, then tried to exploit the rumors while at the same time trying to make herself look good and aired some dirt on the guy to bury him even more (notice how Mars didn't do this. "oh look, he glorifies suicide what a sicko", what the fuck does that have to do with anything?). She clearly wanted to distance herself from his bad public image while taking the brand and making herself look like she actually had a hand in their work. Plus she did all this shit after getting a new boyfriend.
I don't buy this shit for a second. Titanic made her, she has zero talent, she was knowingly complicit in everything. She sounds like a bitch, I bet her career is going to take a deep dive after this.
No. 911259
>>911149She's avoiding using the names so it can't be called slander and be stuck in a boring court case with Tits
Even using Mars' name would be a direct tie to him. I don't blame her for how this was phrased
No. 911275
>>911169And manipulative. She comes off as trying to jump on the #metoo bandwagon to exploit it for her own benefit by hinting that she was "young" and was made into an accomplice unknowingly by this bad manipulative white man. But at the same time, she's such an egotistic bitch that she can't help herself and at the same time says tits isn't actually talented and that she was really involved in the creation of the content lmao its like pick a lane lady, you are either a gullible
victim or his equal. You can't be below and on top at the same time.
No. 911345
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>>911169>yes she helped his actions but she is seemingly stating that she didn’t do it willingly or for her own enjoyment like people claimI don't really know what difference that makes here. There's a big difference between "
I know what I did was wrong but I was in a bad situation and I'm sorry" and "
I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't have anything to do with it". The problem isn't wether or not she was manipulated (which I'm sure she was), the problem is she still won't acknowledge that what she did was wrong even when she's trying to use how wrong it was prove her point about how she was also wronged. Even if she didn't enjoy it, she still benefitted immensely for it.
Besides, if the she's claiming the creative partnership was 50/50 then she's also admitting she's as guilty as Tits was in the ripping off of Mars. Which one is it Poppy? Did you have nothing to do with what happened with Mars, or did you contribute just as much "creatively" as Tits did? Because those are contradictory ideas, and "50/50" for sure makes you an accomplice in that. Just fucking make up your mind on what your story is, because this aint it.
>>911259>>911169>this is as close as she can get to a statement or apology for the mars situation without violating the settlement>I don't blame her for how this was phrasedI do, I think that's what makes it even worse. She's going nearly as far as violating the terms of the settlement for a statement for the purpose of shading Mars. She could literally just say "
I regret my actions and I apologize to those I've hurt" or "
Titanic had a history of abusing/manipulating women, what happened to me was no different" and we would all know who she was talking about. There's a million ways she could have phrased this that would convey the information where she would be miles away from violating the settlement. Instead she's running up to the electric fence with Mars on the other side and screaming "
to whom it may concern but especially Titanic's "former partners" who were "too loud to ignore" I did nothing wrong and I'm not a "weak victim" like you were!". I wouldn't be surprised if she gets a call from her lawyer.
No. 911348
>>911345 yeah you're right, i wasn't trying to defend her or argue her statement was reasonable, i was just trying to interpret what she meant. i think she should have apologized or said something along the lines of what you said, but she's too proud to ever admit that she made a mistake or even call herself a
victim. i don't know if she's a bad person and i know titanic must have affected her a lot considering everything i've heard about him, but poppy seems really manipulative and egotistical.
No. 911398
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>>911348I mean, honestly I feel like what you said about her saying it's 50/50 (I'm assuming you're
>>911169 ) kind of explains it? If she was really contributing just as much to "Poppy" then Mars was effectively going after her just as much as she was Titanic in that suit (well, 60/40 maybe). Wether or not that was Mars' perspective? Who knows. I would guess she just thought she was going after Tits with Poppy as evidence.
I think she thinks she's making a bold powerful statement by saying Titanic wasn't the mastermind, but really she's just incriminating herself. iirc from the suit, Mars said the reason she up and disappeared was because she was afraid of Tits and didn't want him to be able to find her or stalk her online. Moriah probably thinks she's "stronger" than Mars for not "running away", but she also has way more of a leg up than Mars did because Mars paved that way for her. She has more resources and is more famous now than Mars was then, and I don't think she experienced the level of abuse Mars did.
I mean ffs how do you "misunderstand" a dude showing up at his ex's house and smashing her things and breaking into her apartment multiple times and threatening her? I don't believe she really thought he was just "misunderstood because she was young", I think she saw what Titanic was and weighed the pros and cons and decided that fame was more important. And I think the consideration was "This seems like a bad dude who may be a danger to me, is it worth it? Yeah probably", I don't think "believing Mars" or "supporting women and abuse
victims" was ever a factor to her (and still isn't clearly, because she doesn't seem to be all that concerned about her "former friends" being take on).
She really benefitted more than anyone in this ordeal by just ignoring his behavior. For all her talk of his manipulation she seems equally as miffed at Mars for not keeping quiet, probably because it made her job of ignoring his behavior that much harder. She's only mad about the abuse because it happened to her, she doesn't care about past or future
victims because she's excited to move forward!
No. 911425
>>911398> he's only mad about the abuse because it happened to her, she doesn't care about past or future victims because she's excited to move forward!I really doubt she was manipulated. She was 100% in on it. She's trying to play the
victim to ruin his rep, kick him out of the brand, distance herself and take it all for herself. I'd wager she cheated on titanic with ghostemane too. Total bitch. Not that Tits is an angel or anything, but they are all fucking rotten… at least he's talented. Moriah? Pft, IMO her career is over.
No. 911431
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Corey's alleged brother is doing an AMA on Reddit about things relating to Tits/Poppy/Mars.
No. 911437
>>911431Either his brother is just as off the rocker as he is, or Corey is helping him write these.
He calls poppy one of the worst people he has ever met and really hints that if there was any abuse it was mutual/was just normal couple fights, Corey probably begged him to defend his good name.
No. 911440
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>>911431>My brother and I have been in screaming matches growing up and we never once got physical. Brittany is like 5'2" and I don't give a shit how drunk Corey gets, he wouldn't do that.I have no trouble that a man who apparently grew up having regular screaming matches would beat his physically smaller girlfriend. Another dude would beat his ass and he knows it. Pic related. Fuck you Alex.
No. 911441
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Brother is trying really hard to defend Corey in the reddit AMA
No. 911444
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"she particularly hated Mexicans" actually made me laugh. I don't believe this dude for a second, but it's definitely amusing.
No. 911451
>>911441Oof. It's too bad he couldn't be less biased. Thet would have been better than someone just trying to prop Tits up.
The only things I believe from what he said is that I'm sure Brittany was also a
toxic person. But not nearly as bad as Tits. And I don't think she is as horrible as he and his bro want people to think. I don't feel like she wanted fame, that's more up Tits alley. And not necessarily fame in the "rich" way, just blowing up his so edgy ego. In the MA case I believe the project was creatively more shared, but Tits dominating. And their relationship was probably
toxic, again, with Tits being dominate in that aspect as well. They were younger and it was a different scenario, so while his shit isn't excusable it was a bit more understandable. Whereas with Poppy, you can tell she's just a bitch and they were probs both
Toxic af with eachother by the end of it but when she says she wasn't a
victim in it, I totally see that. I can see her riding the toxicity to get further and just to fuck around. Almost like it was fun for her if you know what I mean. Then after the lawsuit and shit she probs just got bored and done with Tits and thinks she can just take the Poppy shit and run with it on her own now that Tits built her up.
Which leads me to…
The only other thing that rings true is that Tits made Poppy. I full on fucking believe that. Poppy was very average and Tits used his leftover shit from MA to boost her. But in all reality Poppy isn't really that good lmao. He did get her to where she is and yet she wants to act like she did it mostly herself and shit. But in reality the project itself didn't get big fame so have fun with that Moriah. Either of them can take the credit for the Poppy thing but it ain't much to begin with kek.
No. 911453
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they're all fame hungry!!111!! titanic just acts abusive because he got too into his character!!!
Why do men think all women are just conniving witches waiting for the prime opportunity to accuse any unfortunate male that crosses their path of horrid deeds?
No. 911457
>>911451He talks a lot about abuse/
toxic behavior bringing out
toxic behavior in others in many of his responses, and I suspect Tits to be the type to bring that out in others.
No. 911461
>>911437No doubt they're both off their rockers but
>He calls poppy one of the worst people he has ever meteh, there might be some truth there
No. 911483
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>>911441>The part where he was trashing Borns, man that was hard to watch>Corey discovered BornsWait ???? Is he trying to brag on Corey's involvement with Borns? He's using Borns as evidence Tiddie is a good boy? Discovering literal sex crim Borns? Of course when you hate women as much as they clearly do, of course you'd find it much more offensive that Borns fired one man than Borns grooming and abusing multiple underage girls.
>Borns took off, he dropped everyone>Poppy is doing the same thing right nowHer peak was a few years ago, she's just been on a boring downward trajectory ever since. If she was going to drop him when she made it, that should have been years ago? If she's really just shed Poppy persona and fired everyone out of nowhere, sounds more like she's just had a mental break (probably from you know, working in close quarters with someone for years who thinks he can "decode" and "make" an ideal woman. But guys he abuses women IRONICALLY because he hates the industry of course, it's too meta you don't get it).
So according to him when two women want to become "pop stars" (a career probably 90% of people secretly want) they're heinous bloodthirsty users, but when a man is obsessed with "making" a pop star (a hobby I would only associate with money-hungry power executives trying to groom young women and turn them profit centers) it's just….uwu ironic art?
>The reason the projects are so similar is because it's the same guy doing both projectsAh, well clearly this is where the breakdown is. He doesn't understand that they're people and not "projects"? He's acting like we're talking about two movies directed by the same guy, and not actual living breathing human beings having their lives manipulated by Titanic to fit his ideal vision.
>I've always wanted to say something about it but I stayed out of it>and she found in necessary to publicly announce the suicide attemptOk so…why didn't he say anything when Tits threatened suicide with Mars? Cause that was public knowledge. If he was messaging multiple fans about it beforehand, then he literally "announced" it himself??
No. 911484
>>911477The whole AMA was deleted. It's almost like it was a bunch of bullshit and probably violated the protection order Brittany got against them. Isn't her dad an attorney?
And that shit about the wine glass incident just being pictures from a break-in is easily disproven by the fact that there's video of him breaking the glasses. No. 911490
>>911484Obviously it's stupid to say Tits did not break the wine glass.
But to play devils advocate, no one but Tits and Brit know the context. I'm sure it was him being a psycho, but we don't really know.
Tits is definitely the
toxic manipulator that brings out bad shit in others. Brit and him probably did fight a lot. I think with him and Poppy it was more of a toxicity high where they maybe even enjoyed being petty and shitty together because they're both bitchy lmao.
Funny he deleted the thread. It was so much biased bullshit. Entertaining though. Too bad. Not really sure what the point was anyway. Tits has been sunk. There's no saving his name.
No. 911492
>>911483 i'm one of the people who spread the info about titanic's suicide attempt back in october. one of the fans he messaged about it was a former friend of mine, and i'm one of the first people they told about it. it's been public information since october. the rumors spread like wildfire and then the screenshots leaked publicly. that's also around the time i started hearing rumors of emotional abuse. nothing in poppy's statement was news to me, nor the rest of the fanbase.
"alex" is acting like poppy leaked all this private info that no one had any idea about beforehand, but everything had been public info since october at the latest. btw alex is either titanic himself using a pic of his brother, or alex is on just as much crack as tittyboy himself lmao
No. 911494
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>>911484>>911490I think he's talking about this one. Which yeah, I get that just a picture of a broken window doesn't prove Tiddie did it because she didn't provide more proof (at least none in that document I think)…..but where's his "it wasn't Titanic because Brittany hated Mexicans and because they got a gun and because they got broken into one time" proof? Did he testify to that in court? Because so far Brittany still has more backing up that claim than "she hated Mexicans therefore Titanic couldn't have possibly broken that window dude trust me"
>It's almost like it was a bunch of bullshit and probably violated the protection order Brittany got against themOh shit good point. Someone's gonna get in trouble for all this, if not the Tits family than Poppy. Fucking idiots.
No. 911496
>>911492>the rumors spread like wildfire and then the screenshots leaked publicly>nothing in poppy's statement was news to me, nor the rest of the fanbaseHe's stupid as fuck to try and pretend otherwise. Of course if even one fan knew about it, everyone would know about it. I'm surprised we didn't catch wind here, but I guess the thread was pretty dead back then and none of us are particularly invested in his well-being. Do you still have those screenshots?
Are you an ex-Poppy stan then? Like, you were involved in the fanbase? What made you change your mind? (I mean, we know the obvious facts but most fans in any fandom turn a blind eye or refuse to believe their favs are less than perfect, let alone jump ship. Just seems like an interesting perspective)
No. 911498
>>911494You're right. I totally forgot about that picture. The way he worded it made me think he was talking about just the wine glasses.
I'm sure they would have had a police report on file if it were because of "Mexicans" breaking in and the exif data from her pictures could have been investigated.
No. 911502
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>>911496 i was pretty active in the twitter fanbase for a while. i mostly got into it because i thought the videos were funny, and because i had friends in the fanbase. the mars argo lawsuit made me really back off for a while, but i ended up getting involved again after the choke ep because i liked the music.
i actually thought about posting here once i found out all the things that would later be addressed in poppy's statement, but i didn't have much proof. here's one of the screenshots i do have, though! i'll share more if i can find them, but i don't have them all with me rn.
No. 911513
>>911509It's pretty clear poppy started skinwalking grimes right around when all that shit went down. She put out a comic very similar to one Grimes had been talking about. She's even making music similar to what grimes was doing. Recently she's been doing black fringe blond hair whereas grimes had black hair blonde fringe.
I wouldn't put it past poppy to blame tits for everything and try to work with grimes again.
No. 911517
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>>911513Samefag but this is what I mean. Poppy even named her comic "genesis 1" and started doing pop/metal music.
No. 911531
>>911524Yes, we know, we've been talking about it for like a month now. No one here has ever considered Corey to be in anything close to a "good light". Please learn to integrate.
>>911526Are you stupid or just brand new? Read the threads and don't ask to be spoonfed the entire lawsuit.
No. 911544
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>>911538classic reddit newb mistake.
I'd say he's very naive, on drugs, or both
>all three of them were in on it!! No. 911559
>>911502Yikes, this made my skin crawl. This is so shitty and manipulative. His brother can claim "guise he was depressed how dare you talk about it" all he wants but what if he
had died? How fucking traumatized would this person (and whoever else he did this to) be? Gotta wonder if he contacted any male fans with this shit, or if it was just all young fan girls.
and looking back someone did post it, just no one cared because they posted the link and not the actual caps, oops
>>898948Also random that someone asked about Alex a month ago for seemingly no reason
>>899595 No. 911659
>>911544I've read all the posts by his brother posted yesterday, I believe him 100%. It corroborates what I already thought about the issue myself. What I didn't know was about the Mars related things, which maybe they are true but its impossible to know either way. Anyway, anyone who bought Poppy's shitpost is a dumbass. Someone called her out on a post and this moron cried "
victim blaming". Poppy a
victim? Fucking really? She's an accomplice.
No. 911697
>>911659 at least one of his claims pertaining to Mars (Mars being blackout drunk on the LIBAW video shoot) is probably false. there is a vlog which shows the behind the scenes making of the LIBAW mv, it was deleted from the mars argo channel but there are fan reuploads on youtube, it should come up if you search “mars argo vlog”.
in this it shows that they all drank a little before they started filming LIBAW. but none of them were blackout drunk by any means. mars actually had a smaller shot than one of the other guys and wasn’t acting drunk at all - she seemed maybe a little tipsy at worst.
i think alex made up / exaggerated a lot of his claims or instances which he brought up but most of them aren’t provably false, he just seemingly forgot or overlooked that this one actually had a behind the scenes video to prove his story of her being blackout drunk wrong.
No. 911706
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>>911526>>911657>>911659>>911528These have a distinctly Mixter stink to them. Must be Alex because I think Tiddie at least learned how to sage in his past tantrums here.
>>911544>>911538>well actually if u read this book about how other men using women as objects for their own personal financial gain using similar techniques as tiddie then you'll understand why poppy and mars are actually the abusers????Why on earth would he think it's a good idea to go to the Poppy reddit to shit-talk Poppy? What did he expect would happen? If all press is good press and he loves being the most hated man on the internet, Tits must just be creaming his pants right now, so what's the problem? Or wait could it be…..he only like those things when he gets financial gain out of them?! He doesn't like it when people are mean to him for free? Better print new shirts that say "Titanic Sinclair Threatened Suicide To Me On Twitter".
>but the case flopped, and nothing happenedThis is patently untrue, the settlement documents are public. "Settled out of court" does not mean "flopped". You're for sure gonna get in trouble my dude.
>and nothing happened>she saw how effective it wasLiterally what was effective? Disappearing off the face of the earth? She got all her shit back and still didn't re-post any of it? No wonder Poppy and Tiddie worked so well together, they're both flip-flopping idiots who can't keep their own narratives straight. Alex, Corey and Moriah must have about 1 whole brain cell between the three of them.
No. 911717
>>911441>>911544defending Corey by comparing him to Borns
>accused of sexual misconduct by multiple young women>manipulation, grooming, and sexual aggression toward underaged fans, youngest being 16>dropped from festival because of allegations defending Corey by comparing him to Dov Charney (founder of American Apparel)
>company filed for bankruptcy >fired from his own company for misconduct>multiple sexual harassment lawsuits against him>used Woody Allen in adsdefending Corey by comparing him to Trump
>3rd president to ever be impeached>bankrupted multiple business ventures>proven to be a life-long sexual harasser/abuser of multiple women>yall already know this oneI truly can't wrap my head around how fucking stupid they are. I mean, the comparisons are apt but thinking that that's how to prove that Corey WASN'T an
abusive manipulator of women…..christ.
No. 911791
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alex mixter on poppy.
No. 911865
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Alex made a twitter (today?). Seems like he's been on today, looking desperate, getting in fights with people. This post literally made me laugh out loud.
>>911791>2:48 PM>Posted here 2:52 PMSo like… this just your personal convo with him? What even is the context? I don't doubt for a second Pops is a bitch but I don't understand what his reasoning is here? She's calculated and quiet and a sociopath because….the publishing company told Titanic not to pay Josh and said they'd handle it?
No. 911866
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>>911865Oof, he's loosing it. Didn't Repzilla do a Poppy series too? I've never been able to get through his videos, what was his stance on it?
No. 911904
>>911218How do you know she uses a ton of drugs? Other than the fact Tits is a junkie
I don’t think she’s anorexic. She is extremely frail but it seems like over the past few years she’s been slowly losing weight. She’s very active from touring, performing, being productive and has said she’s a strict vegan. That on top of her genetics I’m not surprised she lost weight.
No. 911909
File: 1577761685788.jpeg (509.7 KB, 750x1008, 999D4B9A-7D70-475D-9438-3D8668…)

Alex is off his rocker, but he’s not wrong about Poppy fans in that first tweet. Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if they did both legitimately hate their fans. I feel maybe like….7% of what he’s saying is true. Too bad it’s obscured by the rest of his bullshit.
He seems to imply here that Mars kicked him out? Didn’t he say in one of the AMAs that he quit the band because Mars was soooo crazy? So like, did he get fired/kicked out or did he quit? It seems so sus to me that he was only involved in the band for 1 year and then nothing else, only lived with them for 1 year and then nothing else(?). Doesn’t seem like he moved on to another band or is own music career or anything. Like his beloved brother whose hill he’s dying on right now didn’t like him enough to keep him around or what? Didn’t care that he was homeless, but somehow Alex is ride or die for Corey? Nothing he’s saying is adding up at all, he’s clearly hiding shit about what actually happened with them. If he hates Mars so much why didn’t he come out with all of these claims when she filed the lawsuit?
No. 911924
>>911909>You guys watch videos of her talking to a plant and then buy tickets to a concert. She thinks you're fucking stupid. Corey too.He's a biased nut, but I feel so vindicated seeing him confirm exactly what I thought.
Their videos are retarded and meaningless, and people who think they're "deep" are as shallow as puddles. They're also snide, arrogant people in general. They absolutely reek of haughtiness, but are ultimately basic and dull. You can tell they don't read, and aren't particularly learned (or even passionate) about anything they try to present. It annoyed me how their brain-dead Twitter stans and schizo, neckbearded waifufags couldn't see it.
Also, Corey definitely has racist leanings himself, so it's hilarious that his brother is trying to smear Mars by claiming she "hates Mexicans" and that Poppy is "ultra-conservative". Like attracts like, Tits. Just fake-deep, racist brainlet things.
No. 911934
>>911517Poopy could never settle on an identity. As a former fan, it was infuriating. Are you a pop star? Are you the new "metal queen?" Whatever it is, she's been all over the place in the last year. Could be she's doing it all by herself … could be she and Tits have been trying to corner a nonexistent "market" to bring in maximum money and attention. Whatever it is, it's so inconsistent and
very annoying.
No. 911995
File: 1577786370291.jpeg (217.14 KB, 640x929, 5B7931D8-6DE3-4B1A-A901-BF1CA3…)

He made another account on Reddit still trying to smear Poppy and Mars seems unable to accept his brother is a Pos abuser as a bonus the mods keep taking his posts down fucking kek
No. 911996
File: 1577786537316.jpeg (134.63 KB, 632x815, 8B0C1F18-649D-47F0-9E58-2357DD…)

Saged but here’s some of his comments though if you try to see the full thing they’ve been taken down the mods may of banned him
No. 911997
File: 1577787000492.jpeg (144.05 KB, 640x264, BB41409A-4457-415D-BD13-D6189E…)

And here’s what he’s saying about the previous account
Tinfoil but he might of been the one shitting up the thread with infighting he really seems like the type to start/stir shit and that ban evading anon was saying the same type of things about Mars before this Poppy mill
No. 912119
File: 1577825269379.png (150.66 KB, 662x609, vHFkbauyl6.png)

Twitter thread also says that Poppy's itunes account was deleted. Sneaky creepy bastard.
>>912044This thread got mega derailed at some point last year, I'm still convinced it was him
No. 912129
>>912119Is he really going full vendetta and taking down the wimmins accounts/videos
>you're nothing without me!!!He really is a cartoon baddie, huh
No. 912220
File: 1577848137174.jpg (228.51 KB, 685x1200, EM_UUCPXUAMs3qL.jpg) thread composed of many of Alex's posts. I'm linking it because there's a few I didn't see mentioned here, or even find in the archives of the Reddit threads. Dumping them now.
Here, he claims Brittany actually ripped off
his girlfriend, and that some of her lines in the scripts for their videos were taken from his text messages to Corey.
No. 912229
File: 1577849497214.jpg (257.31 KB, 1062x1200, EM_W5oEWkAMKwCJ.jpg)

No. 912453
File: 1577906705429.png (1.42 MB, 1167x592, alexgf2.png)

>>912202>>912423Yeah, I was gonna say how can he do this, legally? And why go after Mars right now? Poppy's the one he has beef with currently
>>912119Pretty sure he was the Chester Bennington anon, which is again….pretty rich of them to cry foul over people discussing suicide when that's how it's treated over here by some "anon" accusing another anon of being Grimes
>>726388>>726394>>912220>Here, he claims Brittany actually ripped off his girlfriendThis is interesting, because I was doing some deep snooping the other day trying to figure out what was real about his timeline and I found his flickr. He has pictures of a girl on there who I thought was Mars at first glance. to sound like a Mars stan but…
>did a shoot together once>that drove Mars from like 2011-2014How do you sustain an entire persona for numerous years based on a person you met once? Also, I'm pretty sure basically every ex-scene girl looked like that in in 2010/2011. They just grew their scene kid haircuts out to become shaggy art hipster kids pursuing a degree in printmaking or something and only wore musty thrifted clothes. It's not a unique look by any means for that time period. I was in college at that time and I feel like there were about 25 girls on campus that looked exactly like that.
>Because he put everything into Mars Argo>Corey was doing everything to make Mars Argo work>She was absolutely clueless>And sometimes he would have Brittany say those texts on videoWait so then….wouldn't it be Titanic ripping off his ex's aesthetic to drive "Mars Argo" from 2011-2014? Since it was his project entirely? And Titanic ripping off his brother's texts? Because Mars was too stupid to do anything?
Anyways, regardless of who's copying who….Mixter boys only have one type, eh?
No. 912454
File: 1577906767010.png (485.2 KB, 1037x552, alexgf.png)

>>912453All I found timeline-wise was he said he implies he was kicked out by Mars in July 2011
>>911909 , we know they lived in Chicago at one point
>>911444 and he also has a photo album about being fired from his job in July 2011 that also appears to be in Chicago. That doesn't make the timeline he's claiming any less confusing though.
No. 912486
File: 1577913007004.jpg (109.9 KB, 960x759, 1935856_4f3497ccec8d835a190000…)

>>912453Found the girlfriend's Lookbook. This is starting to look kind of funny.
No. 912494
File: 1577914230900.webm (2.51 MB, 640x1280, SVID_20200101_220605_1.webm)
New video of Corey on New Years, taken by a friend.
No. 912495
File: 1577914257390.png (2.7 MB, 2000x1234, waitwhat.png)

what do you guys think honestly. something is weird here.
No. 912497
File: 1577914707713.png (2.55 MB, 2302x764, 45678.png)

>>912495I don't know. I guess it could go either way, but it's suspicious for sure. Alex is obviously heavily biased, but maybe there's a grain of truth in some of his claims.
Even here, the "pink hair and graphic tee with cartoon characters" stands out to me.
No. 912502
File: 1577915072670.png (122.41 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lrwl4eIXLg1qbgut4o1_500…)

>>912497Pic related, Mars with the same combo going on for a video.
The two photos of Kali are from 2011.
If it's as Alex said, there's no way Corey didn't notice it, too, and we know from the Poppy stuff that he supports skinwalking (especially with girls that have spurned him).
No. 912506
File: 1577915589154.jpg (78.44 KB, 800x536, 4438804451_46b69438f1_c.jpg)

>>912495Bit of a stretch, but I have to laugh.
No. 912509
File: 1577915683105.jpg (33.14 KB, 698x456, copies-more-1.jpg)

>>912506Like…even the curtsy, lmao.
No. 912519
File: 1577916940565.jpg (19.75 KB, 512x288, stop.jpg)

>>912486>>912495>>912506Honestly, this is a reeeeal reach without without dates for anything. Just because you put Kali(?)'s pics on top of Brittney's doesn't mean Kali did them first or vice versa. The only reason that works for Mars/Poppy is because we know for a fact chronologically that Poppy came after Mars and they were not involved in any way together outside of Titanic. Like especially considering:
>>912489>by Mars Argothat just makes me think they were two girls who were hanging out together (because clearly they were hanging out together) being hipsters taking cute pics of each other. I don't assume malicious intent from this at all. There's a huge difference between "
girls hanging out together and sharing clothes because they like the same thing" and "
your ex giving your clothes to his new gf so she can look like you". Like
>>912488 even specifically says that's Brit's jacket, so what I would assume from
>>912486 is that they were taking pictures and Mars said "put this on it'll be cute on you" or Kali asked to borrow it because she liked it too.
Also not to be all pinkpill but unless we get more info from either girl (i.e. NOT the men who hate them) we gotta stop this line of thinking, because THIS is the problem. Alex and Corey are literally creating a narrative that turns these girls against each other by comparing them with no proof to back up that this was even remotely their relationship. And the only people who benefit from that narrative are Corey and Alex. Instead of looking at these pictures saying "Mars and Kali: which one's the skinwalker?!" we should be looking at those pictures saying "Alex and Corey: which one's the skinwalker?!" because I'm more concerned that one of the brothers saw the other's girlfriend and said "I want one of her too". They clearly have the same interests, for all we know Mars and Kali could have been friends long before Alex even entered the picture. Correlation is not causation.
No. 912523
>>912519>we should be looking at those pictures saying "Alex and Corey: which one's the skinwalker?!" because I'm more concerned that one of the brothers saw the other's girlfriend and said "I want one of her too". Yeah, this is what I was getting at in
if Mars copied her (your theory seems to be that they were friends, but I can't find any connection between them past 2012, so I'm personally leaning more on her being a copycat of an acquaintance here and there), if Corey had such a tight hold on the project, that means he was cool with this, which is creepy. The two of them really do have a type.
No. 912615
>>912535>but you could put that logic towards MAs complaint that she was copied too and her case/accusations fall apart. The same comparisons were important to her case against poppy, dont forget. The aesthetics either matter a lot or not at all.ntayrt but no, that's not how it works at all. It has nothing to do "a lot or not at all", because they both matter in both cases
>>912527 anon's point works for the Kali/Mars scenario because it's concurrent. It doesn't work for the Mars/Poppy scenario because that one is consecutive. It's not that hard to understand.
>>912581Did you never learn how to read? There's no plot twist, there's zero proof that anyone was copying anyone there. There's several posts explaining that right in front of you. Unless we hear from Mars or Keli themselves, you're just helping Corey and Alex spread baseless accusations.
No. 912636
>>912581Poppy accuses Tits of something bad
>b-but Mars!don't fall for it
No. 912921
File: 1578011827751.jpeg (219.76 KB, 749x1320, 5F6950C0-A590-448F-AAD9-F5D4AF…)

What do we think folks? Is this going to turn into Titanic pity party?
No. 912949
>>912926>some of you are putting way too much trust into alex's words>and suddenly everyone is siding with tittyboy and seemingly forgetting all about what he did….have we been reading the same thread? p everyone here thinks he's full of shit. Literally who is siding with Tiddie on this other than possibly Repzilla? and he's full of shit too so
>>912938>Tits isn't the Antichrist>Stop putting the pussy on a pedestalwe GET IT Mixters, you hate women. At least be more subtle about it.
No. 912962
>>912949>we GET IT Mixters, you hate women. At least be more subtle about it.Says Tits isn't the Antichrist, gets called a "Mixter" and a misogynist.
God this fandom is such fucking cancer.
Face it, you don't know if Mars wasn't as
toxic as Titanic. And Poppy was definitively an accomplice in shitting all over margo through their content. You literally can't prove otherwise, and one guy who knew both is telling you that is the case.
File: 1578028752048.jpg (71.07 KB, 1280x624, 5dbfcb17513de4b6aad696a21caa01…)

>>912962>Face it, you don't know if Mars wasn't as toxic as Titanic.You're right we don't know, what we do know is there's been no proof other then Alex throwing a temper tantrum about it. Provide some actual proof and we'll happily believe. There's no reason to believe otherwise.
>You literally can't prove otherwise, and one guy who knew both is telling you that is the case.Hooooly shit that's not how it works you absolute buffoon. It's "innocent until proven guilty" not "guilty because one man who knew her for a year 8 years ago who's spent all of his time talking about how much he hates her says it's true with no proof until proven innocent". You know what actually? Why don't you go ahead and bring that argument up in Mars
next lawsuit against you, the one for breaking all of the terms of the previous one. I'm sure the judge will absolutely accept "
my little brother says she's mean :(((" into evidence.
>God this fandom is such fucking cancer.I agree but you're talking about your own fandom that's turned on you, but we've never been a part of that fandom lmaooo. If the fandom is such a fucking cancer it's because Tittyfuck literally created it in his own image, right? Because he's the genius artistic mastermind that created that cancer?
You must be a Mixter because no other person can be this fucking dense. Did your dad leave both of your heads underwater too long on all those diving trips or something? Went just a lil too long without oxygen?
No. 913013
File: 1578031333141.jpeg (132.77 KB, 1474x1040, ENVHSnnWkAAH7gh.jpeg)

From Alex's twitter today:
>Here's my cameo in Lowlife, btw. I'm the driver of the car she gets into. I had to help pull the camera in far enough to get that shot right. Fun day!I guess being accidentally seen on camera from far away counts as a "cameo"?
>>913011>I've been lurking on here for daysif this were true you would have seen that we've been talking about these since
>>911431 and a lot of them have been posted already. At the very least read the rules and sage. No. 913020
File: 1578033075670.png (1.19 MB, 1040x1457, 0271.png)

I'm still not entirely convinced this dude isn't just Corey using his brother's name because he thinks he can't get in trouble that way. For what it's worth, none of the pics "Alex" has tweeted of himself with Mars are original to him.
>>911865 and the other one he tweeted are both easily found on the Mars Argo wiki. And obviously this one is just a screenshot
>>913013 The only one that's been original so far is
>>911431He's also tweeted pics of his cat and a guitar, but Corey's also been home with his family for the holidays so….I don't know. Could mean nothing, both Mixters could in fact be equally crazy, just thought I'd point it out either way.
>>913016>>913018"Discussing" is not the same as "entertaining", especially when what we're discussing is how unbelievable and stupid his claims are. And no one here is going to take you seriously either way if you keep adamantly refusing to read the basic rules of this website or even read the thread you're claiming you've been lurking on for days. You look like an idiot.
No. 913215
File: 1578085908337.jpg (150.79 KB, 1024x1201, imagennnnnn0.jpg)

Alex is sending pictures of Mars to fans.
This is the closest "proof" he has of her being an alcoholic abuser, I guess. Funny how Mars has nothing to do with this shit with Poppy and Tits, but the clown brothers find a way to shoehorn her in to attack her anyway.
No. 913216
File: 1578085996990.png (863.87 KB, 1022x766, kjnunknown.png)

>>913215Slightly better quality.
No. 913218
File: 1578086275324.png (727.6 KB, 1492x1320, 4567hiukj.png)

In other news, Corey is losing his shit on Twitter.
No. 913221
>>913218The milk floweth again from Tits.
What is it with psycho male cows and having twitter meltdowns when allegations come up? You think it would be smarter to just keep your head down during these times and not go insane in public. It seems to help your accusers' cases if you're acting like this.
No. 913234
File: 1578089766129.png (190.17 KB, 948x1008, 56u7t6utg.png)

He's so much like Onision.
No. 913263
File: 1578093209458.png (496.92 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20200103-171115.png)

>>913215 lmao im the person he sent that to. hope im not doxing myself here but welp. this is what i got when i asked for proof.
No. 913272
>>913263This isn't some big new concept. Alex doesn't have much experience with any other musicians but I guarantee you the majority of them drink before a show to loosen up.
Her drinking as a young 20-something almost 10 years ago doesn't invalidate the recent complaints against titanic Sinclair.
No. 913311
File: 1578099568217.jpg (113.75 KB, 965x876, 42930671_10215047094443903_670…)

>>913263>she had no confidenceHuh weird, was there like….someone constantly belittling and degrading her? Had someone been hammering it in her head that the's useless and wouldn't be able to function without them? Has someone now been sperging on the internet about how stupid and untalented she was?
>>913215>>913216>This is the closest "proof" he has of her being an alcoholic abuserWell shit send him this one back if all it takes is one pic of a person with alcohol to prove they're a raging alcoholic
No. 913325
File: 1578100856712.png (353.66 KB, 662x632, mawiki.png)

>>913263>>913215>>913216Another one that can be found on the Mars Argo wiki, not original to him at all.
>>913258>He got an interview with Alex which will be released in a sequel video coming out soonGod, why is he doing this to himself, honestly? He's going to wreck his own career for what? Alex seems to have a professional resume and a good job involved with the community, a fundraising project for a local historical house restoration….but fuck all that I guess he just really wants Repzilla to be the first thing that comes up when someone googles him, huh?
I wonder what kind of interview it will be? Like what is the likelihood it's video and we prove once and for all it's not just Titanic?
>>913272>Alex doesn't have much experience with any other musiciansOn twitter when he posted that first pic
>>913020 he replied saying he quit because she didn't pay them for that show. That show in a rundown bar in their hometown in January where it looks like there's less than 20 people there. Imagine thinking Mars was hiding the big bucks from a show like that. They probably had to pay the bar to even play in the first place, he so naive.
No. 914169
File: 1578287825286.jpeg (201.09 KB, 1536x776, 65A58709-8574-4FCB-B8FD-80E0E6…)

alex mixter just blocked a bunch of people on twitter who called him out on his bullshit. screenshots of dms with him have leaked from people who tried to get more info out of him, this one was really funny. does he realize how obviously fake and full of contradictions his narrative is?
No. 914633
>>914608Gracias, anon.
I'm currently watching it (little less than halfway through).
He seems to dwell a lot on the fact that Corey has 2 personalities, Corey and Titanic Sinclair. The Titanic personality is "dead" now, according to Alex, but he was in the driver's seat for a long time, kind of forcing Corey to be a bad guy??
Sounds like if he's trying to stick up for his brother, he's doing it wrong. Cuz that sounds messed up.
Sure, Brit could be a bitch, and probably was, but being a Jekyll/Hyde madman is a little worse imo.
No. 914983
File: 1578445105971.jpg (90 KB, 736x920, IMG_20200107_140212.jpg)

sage for ot but do you guys think poppy is anorexic/bulimic? i know her weight has been discussed here before and it seems very plausible that she may struggle with some kind of disordered eating. also i found this pic of her that i believe is from mid to late 2018 and her knuckles appear very callused. at first i thought it was makeup/part of her costume but upon further inspection it doesn't look fake imo.
No. 914997
>>914983it's definitely plausible, she's had some drastic weight loss even for someone who seems to have always been super tiny naturally, has looked very sickly, face gets notably puffier occasionally, but it could just as easily be because of drugs. either way it gets brought up pretty often but it really isn't relevant or important to any of the drama at all.
ALSO i'm not one to nitpick skinwalkers but god, she is very very obviously wearing flesh without blood era Grimes' skin in this pic lol
No. 915221
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>>914521Comments left by Brittany's cousin.
No. 915280
File: 1578513131270.jpg (223.66 KB, 1008x1362, 1806-Poppy-cover.jpg)

She's on the cover of this months Kerrang. It's an extremely popular British magazine that covers alt music.
No. 915322
File: 1578521122041.jpg (189.87 KB, 1080x871, 80090942_160708018531000_69522…)

Ghostemane replaced Tianic at this at this year's Manson birthday party
No. 915327
>>914521He says that even though Corey was doing the bullying/kicking out/bad things to him, Alex just knew who was "pulling the strings" and making him do those things. It was, of course, Brit.
I don't see how he could blame Brit for things that his brother did to him! It doesn't make sense unless you're delusional, and is also borderline misogynistic.
Also the things that Brit "abused" him for seem to be laundry? He was 19 living with some older kids. Seems reasonable that she'd be frustrated with him for not picking up his laundry.
All arguments against her as a person are super weaksauce. And even when he's "defending" Corey he's actually making him seem like a terrible person.
No. 915483
Poppy put out a song about Mars.>Sorry for what I've become>Because I'm becoming someone>Your hand on my neck, you call up the press>Die for the attention, you pray for a reaction>I'll stop when it's no more fun>If this is the start, then let's see how far>You're gonna take this one
>You shouldn't be anything like me>You shouldn't be anything like me>You'll never be anything like me[…]
>This isn't a fight to be won>Go on and give up the gun>If this is a test, with all due respect>You're not gonna fool no one>I'm everything she never was>Now everyone's out for my blood>Stop, you're making a scene>You're coming at me with blood in your teeth No. 915484
File: 1578554334675.jpg (86.79 KB, 1382x667, PoppyBloodInline.jpg)

>>915483In case it wasn't immediately obvious:
>You're coming at me with blood in your teethIt's kind of funny, because I don't think anyone wants to be anything like someone who can only skinwalk.
No. 915486
File: 1578555482507.png (49.57 KB, 478x257, Screen Shot 2020-01-09 at 6.36…)

This is just… so tryhard. Makes me wonder whether part of their break up was becuase tit still talks about/compares her to brit
No. 915536
>>915366Yes. He and Manson are buddies.
Of course Tit's brothers would call Mars Argo crazy and pinpoint all the fault on the women and not on his brother, but Poppy is as nasty as Tits is when it comes to what they did to Brittany and I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't came out with new music last year because of Poppy still.
I find it also funny that now she is trying to morph into Grimes after what she said about her too. She doesn't have one original bone inside of her. Even her "metal" music is practically a copy of Baby Metal.
No. 915565
File: 1578587465603.jpg (138.1 KB, 1080x880, 1548676083767-1.jpg)

>>915322>>915366>>915536Someone x-posted this in the J-Rock thread. Last year Tits and Poopy both went to MM's party but Yoshiki had his Russian sugar baby there last time. This year Tits (and the SB) is gone, Poppy is trying to lay on Yoshiki and Ghostemane looks like a cuck (stolen from the other thread bc it's true, lmao).
>>14863>>915486Poppy still seems very lowkey conceited without Tits imo.
No. 915569
>>915280So she's gonna Alt the fuck out and go for creepy, bloody, spoopy shit instead of "parody"-pop singing Stockholm Barbie?
How did this girl ever get famous simply for being a living puppet to creepy white guys??
No. 915661
>>912486Lmao the copy saga continues, Feb 2012 is before the Mars leopard jacket pic, I think.
But I too have worn leopard jackets and taken polaroids. The claims about stolen style in the lawsuit were kinda ridiculous in the first place, the aesthetic wasn't very unique and "quirky" videos in a white room are derivative anyways. Corey must have been delusional to think there was anything sooo interesting about the project to the point were the new gf had to take on an identical role.
No. 916236
>>915327Damn dude, I don't want to give tiddy any credit for being anything more than as dumbass abuser….but like, IS he a brainwashing mastermind? If he even has his brother fucked this bad? Like, the fuck is this guy doing? What is he putting in the water?
>>916159Oof, that hairline tho. That bleach fucked her up bad.
>>915569>How did this girl ever get famous simply for being a living puppet to creepy white guys??You've answered your own question
No. 916274
>>916236it looks more like the hair was lifted off around the forehead from removing wigs and wig glue, since she spent most of her Titanic phase with long blonde wigs on. The rest of her hair seems thick and healthy.
The AMA was terrible, just one-line responses of which of her own songs are her favorite.
No. 916305
>>915280Dang Kerrang has really dropped in quality
>>916274Fr, where people not allowed to ask questions about her 'persona' or anything along those lines?
No. 916813

>>916244>its a reach and even that's one lineAnon…You can't be this blind.
>I feel her heart beating in me. Get her out of meTitanic is obviously not a "her".
>Your hand on my neck, you call up the press. Die for the attention. You pray for a reactionObviously referencing the case. Titanic didn't go to the press about things, he just told his fans. Mars actually did.
>I'm everything she never was, now everyone's out for my bloodThis speaks for itself.
>This isn't a fight to be won, go on and give up the gunReference to Mars' video, 3:36, which Poppy and Tits referenced multiple times to fuck with her in the past.
Even her own commentary on it:
>The hook, “You’ll never be anything like me/You shouldn’t be anything like me,” the significance [is] it’s about a personal trial and what I went through. I think it’s one of the ones if you know, you know. I don’t really want to explain too much.She also wrote this song
with Tits (look at the writers list on the Genius page) and had it in the track list before the split with Titanic.
No. 918352
So, someone's making a movie based on the Mars/Tits/Poppy drama. It's called Into The Dark: My Valentine. description for the film is
>Pop singer whose songs and artistic identity have been stolen by her ex-boyfriend and shamelessly pasted onto his new protégé” I was about to gather screencaps and post them all by hand, but noticed Edwin made a video with the long and short of it, with all the caps.
tl;dw: They denied the similarities, even though the writer, Maggie Levin, Tweeted about the Mars Argo/Poppy drama years back and called it "bizarre" (and deleted the post for obvious reasons). Mars seems to have found out and unfollowed Anna Akana, one of the actresses in the film (and one of its defenders).
No. 920069
File: 1579352425272.jpg (98.48 KB, 439x640, image1.jpg)

This is the Mars Argo-iest Poppy picture I've found yet
No. 920514
File: 1579464265450.jpg (1.62 MB, 1024x1544, image3.jpg)

>>920509Mars continues to attack in 2013
No. 920740
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>>920509It's interesting how you can see her become progressively more conceited and jaded with each year. There's never been anything particularly interesting about her, but her earlier photos had a sort of life in her eyes that she completely lacks now.
Anyway, this is her sans everything that makes the Poppy persona.
No. 921447
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the using you mv is back up but it's now copy claimed by poppy/her label
No. 921462
>>921447What the fuck?
1. "Mad World" isn't Poppy's song
2. her cover of "Mad World" is nowhere to be found in that video, not even instrumentally
No. 921658
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Titanic's possible new girlfriend?
No. 921712
>>920740Wow, she looks nice here imo.
>>921658If this is his new gf she either doesn’t know that he’s a trainwreck or doesn’t care because she wants the social media attention Titanic could possibly get her. What do you anons think?
No. 922722
>>922650You know Alex fucked up his whole 15 minutes of chasing his brother's tiny fame train when someone's mental response to this is "not him again."
He's lied a lot in the space of a few weeks, like really obvious lies he contradicts whenever the next fool gives him a platform.
No. 923031
>>922650Almost 40 minutes of nothing. He doesn't say anything we don't already know (except that Poppy supports Trump), or even build a case to justify all his sperging about Brittany, who's been unrelated to this mess for a while. He just rambles on about himself, says Poppy is manipulative (duh) and asserts that he did this "for family". He and Edwin also vaguely mention something about Alex and Brittany making content, and Brittany supposedly apologizing, but they don't get too detailed on it.
Also, anyone else find it funny that Alex (and Corey's fans) are trying to make Titanic into a
victim over Poppy allegedly cheating on him, even though Corey himself cheated on Brittany?
No. 923491
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Via Tit's story. This dude is so salty it's unbelievable. What a baby.
Where are they getting the money to travel to Hawaii? Isn't he broke?
No. 923500
>>923491Wow, holy subtle boob-shot, batman.
Yeah, we get it, you're hanging out with a real human female and "enjoying life." JK, We all know you're miserable, and always will be.
No. 923680
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>>923677you can be registered without voting.
No. 923720
>>923593Alex mentioned that she's "ultra-conservative" on Reddit.
She and Corey also made multiple videos passive-aggressively shitting on people who don't like Trump. She was also taking the piss out of the whole gender thing with "Am I A Girl?".
Corey has always seemed kind of "off", honestly. He made a similarly passive-aggressive video criticizing those who speak out against police brutality on his own, dedicated an entire MA/grocerybagtv video to saltily talking about how much they don't care about Beyonce being pregnant, but then put out another video expressing concern for Amanda Bynes, used the n-word in the middle of an insane rant, etc. There was probably all sorts of shady shit on his Twitter before he erased it.
I can buy that Corey, Moriah and Brittany are all republican-leaning and generally prejudiced, up until they're the
victims of anything. Birds of a feather.
No. 923743
>>923720sage for absolute big brain retardation/speculation.
i know he's kind of been absorbed by normies now but wasn't anthony fantano kind of associated with anti-sjwism a while back? i remember seeing something about him doing a collab with tits and poppy years ago and i was still very sjw-y at the time so I made a mental note that there was potentially something ~
problematic going on with them. they weren't really working with other youtubers at the time so I thought it was interesting that they ended up working with him.
No. 923749
>>923743fantano is very vocally left leaning. titanic is definitely a right libertarian that votes trump. poppy seems to be an easily influenced dumbass. i buy completely that she voted for trump and was/is a republican. my guess is tho that whoever ghostemane votes for is who she will vote for, this time around. she's just too weak of a person.
btw, haven't seen much in the threads but it seems the metal transition is also something she didn't plan. her interviews seem fake as fuck. like, no offense but she seems like a fake metal fan pandering
No. 923868
>>923749Edwin mentioned in his stream that Alex claimed his whole family is conservative (or republican, can't remember the exact wording), and commented that it'd make sense if Corey's SO was, as well.
He also said Grimes supposedly publicly mentioned fusing metal and pop ages before Poppy took on that concept, so even that idea isn't really hers. You're definitely right about the fake metal fan pandering. Honestly, I can't think of a single thing this girl displays a true passion for, other than being thirsty foor fame.
She doesn't create art, but she definitely has the narcissism of someone who thinks they do.
No. 924167
>>923680Poppy was 15 when she noped off to California, and reportedly isn't on good terms with her family. I think if she registered as Republican when she turned 18 that was her own choice.
I find it hilarious that her fans do mental gymnastics like this to reconcile any hint Poppy doesn't share their political worldview. Honestly, anytime she does something
problematic, their justification is someone else must have made her do it. Congrats Moriah; your fans think you have no agency!
No. 924185
>>924167>Poppy was 15 when she noped off to Californiawasn't she raped by a family member when she was underage? i can't find a source on that but i remember reading that somewhere which could be why she moved out at such a young age.
>Congrats Moriah; your fans think you have no agency!this is definitely intentional. she spent years crafting an image of titanic as this puppeteer and herself as his brainwashed
victim, only to turn around and pretend he was forcing her to do that. i wouldn't be surprised if she likes making herself seem more vulnerable and less intelligent than she is; she can pull the "i was brainwashed!" card whenever she does something shitty and her fans think she's this easily manipulated idiot since she spent so long acting like one.
No. 924263
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What a scammer.
No. 924264
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No. 924315
>>924264this is so fucktarded looking. how is it that all these tweens don't nope out due to masses of cringe?
eta: the beached whale wearing a nun's habit on, wth? is she still working the shitty faux church angle?
No. 924319
>>924264ngl i think this concept could be kind of cute/funny if it was like, an actually beloved and famous goth.
poppy isn't goth nor is she beloved enough to get away with awkward shit. she reminds me of a slightly less retarded lillee jean in that she thinks if she acts famous and acts like people give a shit about her, people will all eat it up. there are random youtubers with bigger crowds at their meet and greets yet she acts like she's a full on celeb
No. 924368
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Guess they're confirmed dating.
No. 924369
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>>924368They were all over each other's IG, as well.
No. 924443
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>>924368>>924369We know he lurks this thread, has he been lurking all of /snow/? Did he see PnP and fall madly in love? Great terf bangs tho
>>751547Next thread image pls?
No. 924493
>>924490Oh wait, I reread it and that was the exact point you were making.
I have to say I love the absurdity of this meet and greet
>>924263 No. 924607
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>>924490>>924493I mean, I wouldn't say PnP is more busted because they look identical (which is to say….they both look busted)
>>924263>>924264>>920740I love how even from hella zoomed out far away you can tell how busted her hair is. That like, white stripe of hairloss. NASA can see that shit probably. Has she always had such an intense widow's peak? That seems like something she almost have to shave off to wear a light colored wig. Or is it just that her hairline is completely obliterated and growing back in weird patches?
>>921447Looks like at the very least the Song/Artist are back to correct, but I'm not sure about the labels.
No. 924902
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>>924443>>924490>>924493lmfao great now i literally can't unsee it
No. 925045
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The beautiful cover art
No. 925283
>>925041>Isn't this kind of thing against the lawsuit settlement?I'd say it's against the spirit of the law, if not the letter. She's clearly being cagey with remarks like "If you know, you know" without directly using the name Mars Argo/Brittany Sheets, which would definitely be grounds for violating the settlement. I think all this bullshit violates it too, but it's a lot harder to prove to a judge because you can say it's just art, and not related to Mars, even if we can see obvious inspiration.
Poppy can act all innocent, but putting out "Anything Like Me" shows her true colors as a vindictive bitch.
No. 925949
>>923680I always got a conservative vibe from Poppy tbh (I was a Trump supporter myself, and I can usually sniff out my fellow white Brazilian conservatives). The total mockery of social media and hipster culture does not read as typically liberal. Since the very beginning she was singing country music, again, not typically liberal. Poppy is total type A personality, strong convictions and very driven, so I also doubt she would've tolerated someone with completely polar views for 5 years (Tits was open about voting for Ron Paul if I recall correctly).
We tend to stick with the politics we grew up with, and even if she did have a bad relationship with her family it that does not automatically equal rejection of everything her parents value. Her folks might not have been very political to begin with.
Even if someone has a particular set political values solely because they were socialized in a certain environment, rarely do we attribute our beliefs to that. Basically, I believe in "X" political ideology because it is the most rational and logical way to achieve "Y" goal. So in a sense, your political values are something that can be divorced from any negative familial associations without much effort.
Another factor is the timing of her moving to LA. She was just a teenager when she moved, so whatever vague political values she had at the time were most likely the conservative lingerings of her upbringing.
If you move to a very liberal city like LA as someone who is even slightly conservative, you become hyper-aware of your politics because of how polarized that environment is, and as a result her beliefs probably were cemented and became more radical. Again, she is a very driven person, and I have no doubt she lies about her politics and her feminism to get ahead in her career.
No. 926384
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Chelsea without fillers. Same kind of aesthetic as Mars, just with dark hair.
No. 926618
>>926384He definitely has a type.
>>926530I don't know, some of the friction in Mars/Tits relationship came from Mars having a family that could support her financially while Tits did not. He probably made enough riding Poppy's coattails these past 5 years to afford the trip.
I do think it's funny he ran home though, since he ragged on Mars so hard for "running home to Daddy" because "she couldn't hack it in L.A.".
No. 928114
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titanic and chelsea have already started the subliminal messages/referencing of poppy and ghostemane
← ghoste posted this on the 10th of january
No. 928116
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>>928114and chelsea just posted this today, also comparing it to a pic of her and titanic
No. 928118
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samefag again but i also found this and i thought it was interesting (the post is from august). according to my friends who use insta more than i do, ghostemane and titanic actively interacted with each other's posts up until it was announced that ghoste dated poppy.
this makes alex's claims really suspicious to me. alex said that titanic was aware for a few months that poppy was cheating on him with ghoste, but tried to keep the relationship alive until oct 2019, when he attempted suicide. however, the claim that the cheating had been going on for months (and that titanic was well aware of it) is basically proved wrong by the fact that he and ghoste were mutuals and often interacted on insta until oct 2019. alex either lied about when titanic found out about being cheated on, or the cheating never happened altogether. either way it's pretty sketchy.
No. 929394
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>>918352it looks like the movie anon mentioned has just been released, someone on twitter summarized it (pic attached). haven't watched so can't confirm. it's such a blatant copy.
No. 929984
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>>929394I watched it. The most interesting thing I can point out is that they did a little shout-out to imageboards.
I wonder if the director's been lurking this thread, or just /mu/ on 4chan.
No. 930037
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>>930023anna akana knew mars, they were mutuals on twitter and insta + both acted in a short film (Wrestling Isn't Wrestling in 2016). they weren't best friends but were on friendly terms. however, once the film was announced, mars unfollowed anna on social media, implying she wasn't happy about anna being involved.
also, one of mars's actual best friends, asianivan (who hangs out with mars all the time irl, she's on his insta story fairly often) just posted to his insta story that the movie isn't ok.
No. 931131
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possible nitpick but poppy's makeup artist on tour has been using Mac makeup on her, a brand known for unethical animal testing. Poppy has tagged the brand in her pics too so she's fully aware. so much for that uwu 'sorry satan but i'm vegan' bs
No. 931315
>>929394The most disturbing fact for me is that they specifically said that Valentine accused Royal of breaking in through the window like it happened to Mars, and in the video they say she was lying and didn't Titanic's bother said something similar? Saying that she was scared of mexicans or something similar.
I mean, they could have said whatever but they kept the window stuff.
And how Trezzure act all dumb but at the end she was as evil as Royal. This episode was overall disgusting, even if it was an "happy ending" I understand Mars Argo for unfollowing her friend.
No. 931574
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No. 932711
>>931131You don't need to
be vegan to eat a vegan diet.
I doubt Poppy doesn't wear fur and leather.
No. 932719
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It's painful how much she wants to be Grimes.
No. 932782
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>>931577Looks like
>>932711 might be right, this was posted the other day on Poppy's Insta story
No. 937207
>>937117Chelsea has actually explicitly stated she's not an entertainer and doesn't want to do business with Corey (on Insta). I don't think she's a new project, or at least she doesn't intend to be. She seems less naive than Brittany and she has more of an identity than Moriah, so I think Chelsea's and Corey's relationship will probably be short-lived.
>>936909Learn to sage pls.
Honestly though, I feel like the milk is drying up here. Corey seems to have quit socials, it looks like Chelsea has no intention of being a new project, and Moriah finally seems to have learned that keeping her head down and shutting up is good for her public image. The last time something interesting happened was when Alex started white knighting for Corey, but he seems to have shut up too. I'll be interested to see if Corey tries to restart his career as a director/producer after this though.
No. 941218
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Someone on Twitter made an "exposed" thread on Chelsea. Apparently Chelsea was shit talking Poppy in a group full of Poppy stans (kek) and made an alt to argue with said stans. It seems like she could be quite the cow. No. 941429
File: 1583440231710.png (2.02 MB, 3264x1409, 1.png)

>>941218When sharing a twitter thread, it's important to share the embedded images too, especially if they're receipts or proof of something. In your screenshots, the images are basically impossible to read. Remember that Twitter posts get deleted all the time, so it's important to save their contents before that happens.
Here are the embedded images, part 1/3.
No. 941431
File: 1583440338926.png (127.42 KB, 583x681, 3.png)

This is their reasoning for believing that the alt account is run by Chelsea.
No. 941696
>>941431Thanks anon, that gives the posts relevant context that was missing.
lol at Chelsea calling Poppy an "it".
No. 944120
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Alex continues to sperg on Corey's behalf.
No. 944184
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>>944120 The same person posted this, kek
No. 948851
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on recent instagram post
No. 949689
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According to a stan who has come up in this thread before for talking to Alex and Chelsea, Poppy is threatening legal action against the Mixters.
No. 949967
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What is with him and being condescending and slightly unhinged-sounding toward "haters" in his own comment section? Isn't he supposed to be in therapy?
No. 949970
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>>949969>I'm above nobody. I learned that. They think they are… still.>[babble] you've totally been lied to and manipulated to be mad at me!!!This one reads like he got
triggered by seeing Brittany's face in the person's profile pic and started talking to the commenter the way he talked to her whenever he was trying to manipulate her.
No. 949973
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>>949972>I weigh less than you and I'm an adult maleWonder if he talked to Poppy (who has an ED) this way.
No. 949978
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>>949977>I see you as a human and I forgive you.He really does have some kind of "cult leader"/god complex.
No. 949979
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>>949978Bitching about Poppy changing the password to the YT account (like Mars did) and making money (even though they both financially benefited from the project).
No. 949987
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>>949979>imagine a world where I didn't make any money off of it because I thought it was an experimentNon-existent, he's bragged about being paid "way too much" to do this shit before, and literally admitted to getting paid to take photos of Poppy in
He can't even keep his lies straight.
No. 959719
>>957675same. the music's good fun pop. i think she's a
victim and it prob contributed to her ed but fact remains she played a part in the torment of mars too. since she broke free of tits she said people would think he was the brain behind the project and she was an actor so nobody wanted to talk to her. she said she was a part of the project and the writing so that means she was part of bullying mars. she can't say she was collabing on ideas and not have part in that. wonder where they got the idea that tits was the puppet master and poppy was the puppet? maybe from the recycled content they took from mars and the way they tried to play mars going silent as a part of what they were doing. that's also exactly how they played it with tits talking in interviews saying he was a tech making sure there was no malfunction. idk just seems stupid af to have that in your history then try to claim complete innocence. she even tried to shift blame to mars by saying she was involved with someone that had abused her in the past. pretty scummy tbh. glad she's no longer abused by tits but she's a manipulator too so fuck her. may she find a good therapist.