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No. 806516
A thread devoted to all things related to the Youtube Beauty Community.
>Makeup>Hair>Fashion>Tutorials>Gossip/Drama/Tea>Beauty Drama Channels>Past and Future Dramageddons>Gurus, Personalities, Beauty VloggersPrevious Thread:
>>>/snow/268688Youtube General:
>>>/snow/460232Shane Thread for future Jeffree/Shane Content:
>>>/snow/697489FTC DISCLAIMER: This thread is Not Sponsored - I bought all this milk myself and there are no affiliate links No. 806518
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>>806516Dramageddon 2.0: (Previous thread discussion starts:
>Tati Westbrook (37) posts a 43 minute long video entitled "BYE SISTER …" ripping apart previous bff James Charles (19)>Tati and James previously had a very close "mother/son" like relationship, including James doing her makeup on her wedding day, and Tati taking credit for helping him gain popularity>This comes after James posts an ad for "SugarBearHair" gummy vitamins on instagram, claiming they helped him with security at Coachella>"SugarBearHair" is the main competitor to Tati's own vitamin brand "Halo Beauty", hence the perceived sleight>Claims that James has displayed predatory and inappropriate behavior towards "straight boys">James, as is the norm on youtube, releases a lack-luster response/apology video to Tati's allegations>Jeffree Star claims James was banned from his house and is a danger to society for his actions, despite Jeffree being in a long-term relationship with his "straight" boyfriend Nate>Despite James hemorrhaging subscribers, he still currently has more subscribers than Tati Current Follower Count:
Tati Westbrook: 9.4 Million
James Charles: 13 Million
(Wanted the keep the OP General since the last thread lasted 2 years. This is a tough topic to create a neutral summation of as it's very divisive. Feel free to add on anything missed)
No. 806553
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>>806551He basically is on good terms with the YT CEO, and she asked him to come alongside five other youtubers. There was actually a theory that the reason why Tati's video suddenly disappeared from trending was because of this very friendship. I have not found any confirmation of this though.
No. 806574
>>806567I never really followed Tati, in fact, I dont really follow any beauty gurus except Jenny69 because she actually knows what the fuck she is talking about when it comes to make up application.
But I went in watching Tati's video with neutral expectations. It's still a dramatic video so there is always room for fuckery but she never struck me as somebody who would intentionally blow something out of preportion for clicks.
After I watched the whole thing through I agreed with her choice. It wasn't just about vitamins, it was about James's behavior over all. Maybe Tati has a cunty side too but so what? Sometimes you need to be in that industry. Her and her husband did A LOT for James, and I do believe she really was trying to build him up because she did care about him. Why would she fly him to her wedding on her dime? Why would she allow him to do her make up for one of the biggest days of her life if she didn't believe in his abilities?
Plus she actually took the time to address everything and maybe I'm wrong but I don't think it's even monetized. Several people in the comments noticed there were no ads playing in her video, maybe another anon can confirm because I don't know how. But in light of Jame's lame apology that he quickly deleted, I don't know how people can really make Tati out to be the bad guy. She acted as a Mother figure and a role model to him and helped him when everybody else was quick to right him off for being
problematic. Sadly they were right and Tati ended up finally having to accept the truth about his character. She tried to guide him in the right direction but he is way too self centered to listen.
Maybe you can blame that on his age, but you also can't mature without having to face some shitty things about yourself. James comes off like a hugely entitled, spoiled brat so of course it's gonna take A LOT to humble his dumb ass. And if losing his subs at a free fall rate doesn't do the trick I don't know what the hell will.
No. 806577
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>>806567She's old, she's the "cool mom" of the beauty community. She's not YOUR mom, ew your lame mom would never understand why you need this $25 lipstick….she just doesn't get it!
Plus since she is older, it gives off the vibe of "too mature for the drama", which is why I think this video makes her look 100x worse than JC – how immature and insecure as a nearly 40 year old successful business woman do you have to be to be so threatened by a dumb horny teenager that you throw a temper tantrum and try to destroy their life? James is annoying as fuck and taking him down a peg certainly doesn't hurt but he's not the adult in the situation.
I love the part in the video where she whines about how she had to apologize to all her grown up friends for his behavior because if I saw that happening I would just think "
Ha, what a stupid teenager. I remember being that embarrassing. They'll grow out of that." But I was at a party and saw a grown ass woman publicly screaming at a teenager who's not her child about how terrible of a person they are I would think "
WHOA what the FUCK is she doing? Should we call the cops?"
Had to go back and find the quote from that one anon in the last thread
>Like who's the actual predator here? The one lurking on boys 2 years younger, or the one lurking on boys 20 years younger? No. 806593
>>806570Fucking this. Her whole defense of her being friends with J* was "well he's always been nice to ME"
She only cuts ties with people/companies when they do something to her personally. Like, she cut ties with Too Faced because Jared was mean to her a party of smth. She doesn't care about the rest of the shit, she just keeps the dirty laundry so when she does cut ties, people applaud her for it.
Like don't get me wrong, James Charles is awful and I'm happy people are seeing it, but Tati's just as self centered. She's just smarter about it.
No. 806594
>>806588Yeah not really. She didn't have the same relationship with Jeffree like she did with James. She doesn't call Jeffree family, but she considered James close enough to be considered family.
>>806577How is she being a cool Mom? If she was a cool Mom she would support Jame's innapropriate humor and possibly his behavior too. He is like 19/20, at that age I knew better not be grossly sexual at a birthday dinner…in fact I think MOST people at that age know better than to behave that way if they were raised right.
Y'all are really desperate to white knight this fool lol.
No. 806608
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>>806570Old milk but I’m sure J* hasn't changed at all, young gays learn this from old gays. It’s inherited arrogance and misogyny, part of the Catty Gay BFF trope.
No. 806613
>>806603What motive? It would be easier for her to remain friends with him for business purposes if that's what this truly is all about. She helped grow his career, opens her home to him, gets her husband to help him, and she isn't allowed to expect a little loyalty from him? He told her he didn't want to promote her brand because he has young followers, then proceeds to promote another brand's melatonin gummies for a sleep aid lmao. Yeah I would be pissed too. I don't give a fuck about their ages, they are both adults and James should be held accountable for his bullshit just as much as her.
Tati isn't a crone and Jame's isn't a toddler (even if he acts like one). If your Mom takes away your phone for not doing your homework do you tell her she is being immature? Probably lmao. Run a long little one.
No. 806618
>>806613>whiteknighting TatiNTA, but how can anyone be so blind? She's an opportunist.
>>806600 is right.
This was her way of punishing him for working with her rivals. It wasn't a "Mom scolds kid and takes away his phone" thing. She was never his mother, lmao. This was "I created you, and I can destroy you, too". She'd been sitting on all this dirt up til now without ever actually reprimanding him so she'd have ammo. If James is a predator, Tati is someone who capes for predators until they cross her brand.
She's like an aged Regina George. Manipulative and fake as fuck, lmao. All these people are like that, and if you can't see that, you're the "little one".
No. 806641
>>806594>How is she being a cool Mom?Holy shit you're stupid, that's the point she's not actually cool she just tried to pretend she's cool.
>He is like 19/20, at that age I knew better not be grossly sexual at a birthday dinner…in fact I think MOST people at that age know better than to behave that way if they were raised right.Again, holy shit you're dumb. James is absolutely a little shit but no 19 year old would act that way at a real dinner party, given the amount of success and money he's made at only 19 if nothing else it can be assumed he knows how to network properly. BUT being stupid and candid around someone who you think is a peer and a best friend makes perfect sense. If he's already THAT candid in front of his parents think of how much dumber teens act around their friends. I mean, look at his vids with Emma and the Dolan twins (back when they were friends lmao) they're dumb teens doing (the expensive youtuber version) of dumb teenager shit. The problem isn't that James was an idiot, he 100% was, it's that Tati threw her back out trying to be "the cool mom" with the teens and actually just outed herself to be the worst strict parent of all time.
Jeffree's the strict parent who's a giant hypocrite and severely punishes their kid for smoking pot even though they were the biggest pot-head and did WAY worse drugs at their age (and still does). Except instead of the old "do as I say, not as I do" refrain, they kick the kid out of the house and somehow use it as a sob story to sell their MLM leggings on facebook.
No. 806650
>>806618Did you even watch her video? She showed a clip where he called her Mom (it was brief because she was speaking at an event, but she was talking to him and you can see him saying "thank you Mom"). She also said he called her husband Dad. Yes I know she is not his bio Mom, but the point was that was the nature of their relationship. Try to pay attention to the subject material you're actually commentating on because I swear to God none of you took in a damn thing.
Tati didn't stay quiet for so long because she was carefully watching James and taking down notes so she could make an epic take down video someday and take all his subs… that's a real reach there. She stayed quiet because she cared and was hoping he would change, you know like most people would when it comes to family and friends. And she said very clearly that she DID express her concerns about his behavior MANY times before she made the video, but how would you know that when you didn't even watch it? Silly me.
Look I'm sorry you're favorite beauty guru is tanking as a result if his bullshit. I know it's got to be hard to be a James Charles fan right now. My condolonces fam, I'll take my leave now and let y'all cry over the consequences of his own actions lmao.
No. 806672
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>>806650What are you even talking about? No one was ever denying James called her Mom, Tati wouldn't shut the fuck up about it the entire video.
>she was carefully watching James and taking down notes so she could make an epic take down video>epic take down video>epicSo you're saying a 40 year old married woman was carefully watching a teenage boy? Got it. Are you one of those cringy middle-aged women
>>806647 was talking about? Seriously, why are you so obsessed with Tati? Haven't seen delusional whiteknighting this bad outside of the Jeffree cronies. No one in this thread has said James wasn't being stupid or he didn't deserve to be taken down a notch, but that doesn't mean Tati wasn't being an immature self-serving cunt though. The only one who's a clear fan of anyone specifically in this situation is you. Go take your Halo Beauty™ suppository and calm down.
No. 806677
>>806650Not to "hi cow", but this maniacal, illogical defense of Tati and screeching that everyone who sees things for what they are is a JC stan is looking a little off to me.
A woman in her 30s-40s who cries over some predatory gay male shilling someone else's fucking hair vitamin pills can not be classed as a hero.
Once you turn 18 or even get a little older (because I'm assuming you're
not one of the people involved here, just a dumb stan), you'll realize this.
No. 806720
>>806703I don't really see why it matters since everyone is talking about the predatory behaviour and not the vitamins. He's hated for so many reasons and that was just the
trigger for his reckoning which was always inevitable
No. 806752
>>806720that what i mean, everyone is talking about predatory behavior that was already plain to see that everyone talked about in collab videos.
It's fucking bizarre to me. Suddenly they need Tati to tell them something is bad? They sound like mindless drones that need youtube videos to tell them their moral compass.
No. 806826
>>806703Tati's vitamin scam feelios were hurt and she took the opportunity to ruin JC's life. An adult woman old enough to be his mother. I've said this a long time ago in an older thread but Tati really, really should stick to her makeup reviewer lane. Drama doesn't suit her, especially since she tries to pull the uwu innocent bean persona and it
really doesn't work when adults do it.
Gay men lusting after straight dudes is not a new thing. It's just like when men are too pushy about asking women out when they can't handle rejection. It can't be addressed without addressing what is wrong with
men at large.
No. 806864
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>>806799I don't see why it's creepy, I guess it could be putting herself in a role that is easier to manipulate at but this happens a lot. It's usually not white people, but if she felt like a role model and mentor who was giving help while maintaining a friendship the ”creepiness” is just nonexistent. I don't care for her and I think she's a two-faced, passive-aggressive, ”If I don't get what I want watch out” type who'd weasel free things from stores after asking to speak to the manager-but to imply its weird or somehow inappropriate when there's clearly no issue is a reach. She's a networker, she's using it to her advantage as a businesswoman and felt ”wronged”. She's a spoiled brat, but she's not trying to prey on teens. Is it because he's a guy and she is married to a man? I'm not sure what you're seeing there tbqh anon
No. 806867
>>806864NTA, but it gives me similar vibes to the "sonfu thread" on /m/, lmao. Nothing really
off, and could easily be completely fine/platonic, but just enough to make you go "Hmmm…".
I agree that this was probably just one of many social/business stepping stones for her, and she might've hammed up the emotional aspect just to get viewers on her side, but I can understand why some would find it weird.
No. 806869
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>>806867That's fair, I can see that.
I think it's definitely exaggerated especially when you can tell by her body language she is almost repelled by him if you watch their vids kek
Even in this thumbnail: Faked happiness that is more like a grimace as she faces away, hand not gripping back in any hug or awkward hug situation (hand open almost like she's blocking him, or ready to push him away)
He looks totally immersed in himself, if she was using him for popularity with younger subscribers he would be too self-invested to notice
No. 806870
>>806869all this armchair body language analysis.
perhaps she's turned away because she doesn't want to smash two faces slathered in makeup together. curving his energetic contact isn't that deep.
No. 806871
>>806775>>806799Obviously it's not okay to sexually harass anyone ever, but it's kind of gross that the Internet is rallying around the straight/straight-ish guys JC has preyed on without question while when sexual harassment
victims are female, they get scrutinized and questioned and not believed. And even here, everyone's whining about Tati. Sure, she's a cringey, materialistic YouTube shill, but that's not why we're here. We're here to drag a honking, mouth-breathing narcissist who thinks he's owed sex because he's "famous" and has never done a moment of introspection in his vapid life.
No. 806874
>>806864I’m not saying she’s definitely some sort of sexual predator but all the focus by her and her fans especially as a mother figure weirds me the hell out, like she should not be that invested in a random teenager for a professional relationship…
>>806871Actually we are here to talk about whatever we want in the YouTube beauty community, hence the thread name. The only reason anyone cares about him thinking he’s entitled to sex is because he thinks he’s entitled to sex
from men No. 806906
>>806775>>806795Okay, wheres the Jeffree Starr is cancelled thing? Oh yeah no one gives a shit.
No one is being consistent, they are all just being opportunistic vultures at an all girls highschool.
No. 806918
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No. 806926
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>>806799>1. How are there still people who haven’t learned the lesson of the decade after it’s been drilled into us over and over: never stan a manomg I hate JC so much now, what a loser!
omg I love Tati and her new collab with J* !!!
No. 806930
>>806906Are you fucking stupid? Did you read the previous thread at all? There's literally months of people talking about all the shit Jeffree does, but the second we mention Jeffree his goons come out of the shadows to try and divert attention and sperg about how
being openly racist isn't even that big of a deal you guys are just sensitive. Not to mention the Shane thread where there's also tons of discussion of how awful and disgusting Jeffree is. It's like how
>>806682 said, since Tati's aligned with Jeffree now the Jeffree goons come out for her in full force with zero logic to their whiteknighting at all.
Holy shit I can't get over how stupid and ignorant this comment is. Is today your first day on the internet?
No. 806937
>>806918>>806919They manage long texts and reply very quickly even when I'm invested in a conversation I don't manage multiple long texts in the space of a minute. Was everyone involved literally glued to their phones and doing nothing else?
(not flooding just redoing because I forgot to sage sorry mods)
No. 806949
>>806870>Armchair body language analysis Are you trying to assimilate? Keep it up buddy!
Body language is easy to read, even if you can't read minds using it. It’s also easier to decipher the meaning when actions have been taken after. She's not developing new feelings of disgust towards him, she was already embarrassed by him and and humiliated in front of her friends so badly she felt she should apologize.
She didn't owe anything to JC but she was also two-faced and condescending (Imo idc about the later I find him incredibly disturbing and he could Develop Shame). She was a ’frenemy’ caping as somebody who cared about him, she discarded him like a Narc.
No. 807002
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>>806996and thats why they get away with it.
No. 807008
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>>806934She won't, she's too smart to attempt that. That's the problem with Jeffree, he's the worst possible human being but he's also a PR genius and has dirt on EVERYONE. He befriends the drama channels so they can't speak negatively about him (
pic related: Peter Monn, PettyPaige, Rich Lux), bribes Youtube to keep his videos trending, and openly talks shit about people/brands so everything thinks "
omg he's the only honest one on youtube!". Take Rich Lux who used to openly talk about Jeffree drama, but since meeting (and doing a whole Mukbang with Jeffree and Bunny) completely takes his (and Shane, Tati and whoever's in Jeff's good graces) side, perpetuating the delicately crafted narrative that Jeffree never does anything wrong. Shane, despite having some ~18 million subscribers at the time, never had one of his videos given a spotlight/trending on Youtube – UNTIL he did his series with Jeffree Star. Tati, despite having waay less subscribers than James or Jeffree somehow manages to have her video about James explode to 40 Million, and Jeffree's right behind her the whole way. Jeffree outright admitted to bribing youtube to help videos trend in one of Rich's videos.
That's why it's so fucking stupid for someone to say something like
>>806906. People have been trying for years. Even on lolcow whenever we try to talk about Jeffree, whiteknights suddenly come out in spades to divert attention or "idk seems fake" every single piece of evidence. If Jeffree openly calls Jackie Aina a racial slur, suddenly everyone wants to talk about how bad Jackie Aina is. If HereForTheTea makes a video of completely
valid criticism of Jeffree, suddenly everyone wants to talk about how much of a jealous fatty she is. If some idiot hairdresser proves 7 different ways that his texts from Jeffree are real, everyone still says "idk seems fake" and changes the subject to him. If we have literal video and audio evidence of him screaming the n-word, "
he was screaming it at WHITE people, so that makes it ok" and "
being openly racist isn't even that big of a deal you guys are just sensitive".
Look what happened to everyone involved in Dramageddon 1.0 - everyone who went against Jeffree had their career destroyed EXCEPT Gabriel Zamora because he completely jumped ship. If you read the last thread at all, every single attempt to discuss Jeff's behavior get's overrun, and every defense is "fake news" "but I liked him on Myspace, so that excuses his behavior" or complete diversion to the other person's activity.
Anyone who's ever tried to come for Jeffree even with airtight evidence of his terrible behavior has been decimated. He's knows exactly what he's doing, and he's just that good at what he does. If Tati had any common sense at all, she would stay on his good side. He's un-killable, he has too many horcruxes in the form of dirt, money and influence. With Shane added to his army, he now has the support of people even outside of the beauty community. Jeffree is just taking out all of his competitors by turning them against each other (The Dramageddon group of best friends, James and Tati who were apparently like family) James Charles was easy prey, he's a young idiot kid who let his guard down and acted the way teenagers act with them because he thought Jeffree and Tati were his peers and "family". Jeffree and Tati were the predators in this situation.
No. 807020
>>807002He's gay, dude
Stop trying to make fetch happen, it's not going to happen
No. 807036
>>807027Yeah it's like, "omg shittalking Tati? That means you support JC!"
jesus everyone gets so caught up in picking sides in this garbage heap of humans.
No. 807039
>>807008Thank you. When I saw Jefree quickly jumping to say JC is a danger to society I completely saw through him finding this opportunity to tear more of his competition down. If you look at the number of subscribers and views James Charles was one of the only youtubers in the beauty community to rival Jeffree Star. He's pumping out videos since the JC downfall, if he keeps going it's going to be glaringly obvious. I don't think Jeffree Star plotted with Tati, he just saw an opportunity. And he would do it again with any other influencer that was of no use to him anymore. Tati better watch out, though her audience isn't in direct competition with Jeffree's so I doubt he cares.
James Charles is fucked up because he grew up surrounded by yes men adults and rich socialites with fucked up personalities such as JS himself who get anything they want and brag about it. When JC was underage he already was an opportunist and had pretty shit parenting (his brother who is even younger than him dropped out of school to also become a youtuber even though he had no other fame than by association to JC and his parents allowed it?), drop him to live on his own with the hypersexual instagram/LA beauty crowd while he transitions into adulthood and how else was he supposed to turn out other than a psycho?
Jeffree Star egging him on for years to then rip him a new one is some real disturbing shit. You can see from his tone that he relishes on the destruction of people he pretended to befriend, even when they didn't specifically target him (he had tweeted friendly comments to JC not long before blasting him. He has since deleted those friendly tweets so people wouldn't notice he was in good terms with him even post the supposed Nate situation). That to me is even more vile but since he is in the good side of things because JC does have very good reasons to eat shit he's being painted as the hero of the situation "calling him out". Drama channels are helping him/Nate look like a poor JC
victim because they're completely bought.
No. 807046
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>>807002>Men are much more predatory than women. Men are maybe
more often predatory than women, but a woman who displays predatory behavior is not any less predatory than a man.
>Tati also hasn’t done anything remotely sexual towards him.I agree Tati hasn't been sexual towards him, but behavior doesn't have to be sexual to be completely inappropriate or predatory. It's completely inappropriate for Tati to assume the role of parent in James's life, especially when James has 2 active parents of his own already. Her video is literally her deciding he needs to be punished for his behavior, because she doesn't think James' parents have raised him correctly. She is not his parent, that's not her choice to make. It'd be like if a kid was crying in the grocery store, and some other adult grabbed them and started spanking them because they thought that's how they needed to be punished. Completely inappropriate.
Say what you will about Tati's intentions, but James' parents have shown themselves to be extremely supportive and obviously want the best for their son. I think James is completely insufferable and definitely needed to be humbled – but the video he did with his parents doing his makeup is really sweet. His dad openly crying about how proud he was of James and his talent and the community accepting his son probably meant a lot to a lot of queer kids who didn't get that support and acceptance from their parents. They respected Tati as an adult mentor figure, and trusted their son with her. For her to use their trust in her (when she's talking about how James' mom thanked her for looking out for him) as ammo for destroying their son's career shows how low she'd sink just to make herself look better (and sell some vitamins).
No. 807053
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>>807043Men come in and completely fuck things up? Who'd have ever thought
No. 807076
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Sorry for doubleposting but also like, anons saying that Jeffree is still getting chances from Tati aren't totally wrong. Also this sounds like Tati was a victim of (an) assault.
No. 807082
>>807076How is it wrong that she is giving Jeffree chances? Seems like at best she’s just scared of him.
Also what does her being an assault
victim have to do with anything
No. 807177
>>807093Yeah, regardless of my opinion of her (Every beauty guru is a snake in some form, that's a dramatic group of people, but overall I find her pretty milquetoast) she is way, way prettier than most of the gremlins who call themselves beauty influencers.
That whole part of YouTube is a mindfuck
No. 807252
>>807048def. I HATE to bring this up but a perfect example in this is Momo kun cuz it was female on female crime. JC had everyone's consent and now he's being cancelled
Momo was caught sexually harassing people, admitted to it and there was proof she chased some of her
victims out of the community and bullied them after. But because it was girl on girl crime people thought what she did was sexy and almost busted a nut
No. 807271
>>807252The situation with JC is so expansive because most everyone on the internet at least knows his name, even if they don't know who he is. He had a social media range of 16+ million of multiple platforms and an audience made of a 12-14 girls. He was in stores, had major brand deals, "celebrity" friends, he was mass marketable.
What makes the situation unique is that unlike an actor or a musician who has the clout to sweep abuse under the rug, a youtuber, whose entire existence comes from the internet, is more easily "canceled."
Austin Jones got some media coverage, for doing the same sort of stuff ProJared was doing, but he only had like 500,000 subscribers. Ppl only care about what will give them clicks, and a big name is it.
No. 807484
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>>807370>What makes the situation unique is that unlike an actor or a musician who has the clout to sweep abuse under the rug, a youtuber, whose entire existence comes from the internet, is more easily "canceled." Completely untrue, see
>>807008. Also this isn't JC's first scandal by any means, in fact he's had way worse ones. It's only different this time because it had had the full force of Jeffree behind it. If Tati didn't have Jeffree supporting her on all this it would have fallen completely flat and JC's fans probably would have harassed her for being an old and jealous. In fact, youtubers bounce back from scandals like these and worse all the time, the notable exception being time and time again, Jeffree has something to gain from it (in the beauty space anyways)
James started at 16.5 Mil before all of this, meaning he had more than both Tati and Jeffree respectively. But, with Jeffree, Tati's take down now had the backing of her subscribers (~9 Mil), Jeffree's subscribers (~15 Mil), and Shane's subscribers (~20 Mil). There's no way this would have worked if it was just Tati alone.
I also wonder if Morphe comes into play at all. Jeffree just had his brush collection released with Morphe, but he also sells his palettes through them as well now. JC's Morphe palette has 39 shades for $39. Jeffree's palette are ~18 shades for $52. Maybe $52 for a palette is cool on his site or anywhere else, but on Morphe next to JC's palette it looks way overpriced. I think after the whole Jaclyn Hill scandal, James would be Jeffree's only real competition in the Morphe space. Jeffree stayed uncharacteristically quiet during the JH scandal, but that was also right around the time he was doing stuff with them as well, and Jaclyn basically took herself out in the that regard. Last bit may be tinfoiling, but I also wouldn't put it past Jeffree.
No. 807490
>>807485Nah, I could see that. I think she doesn't have the face for this type of makeup
>>807484. She's so normal/mild looking in comparison to other gurus, more natural makeup suits her better. I guess that would be part of her appeal? Not sure if she actually has nice skin, but at the very least her lighting/filming setup is very complimentary.
No. 807491
>>807464Is there any responses to this? Because I was thinking a lot of the same things …
But god, can this dude change out of his nasty sweaty shirt before making a video
No. 807541
>>807498You cant be serious anon, gabriel is the biggest fucking retard in this great dumpster fire ironic and hillarious name too fucking "gabriel".
His argument stems from some arbitrary opinion on how "most mens" sexuality works its ill defined and weak, its just plain stupid to assume the behaviour of any group of people men, women, gay, straight and to top it off he talks like a dumbshit ghetto stereotypical fag. He seems way too old to be as stupid and immature as he is. You're not an elite scholar of gay/bi people because you are one, endless factors can influence someones sexuality there is no "straight bois" that you have deciphered. Sexuality can be fluid and/or fixed its messy. I recall catty girls talking like this in highschool on snapchat and social media but a full grown man?
Surprisingly pewdiepie had a reasonable response to this incident though that is worth looking into if anyones interested. like anons have said ITT he says tatis video is an ad for her pills lol and tears apart of lot of the obscene fake mother personality shit she's trying to pull.
Its actually unfortunate that the comment section expectadly is just 10 year olds as usual. He really undersells the predatory behaviour of JC though which is my only gripe.
No. 807704
>>807498Gabriel's just mad that he and lots of other gay men can't prey relentlessly on straight men as was their wont anymore without backlash. They legitimately don't see anything wrong with it.
>>807617no Tati got absolutely shit on when she released Halo, everyone thought (and still thinks) they're snake oil. She used to get so incredibly butthurt about it. The only reason people are rallying around her is because they hate JC more.
I'm curious if, with the influx of new subs and publicity for her pills, she has gotten more sales for Halo too. It's all so very calculated.
No. 807711
>>807706yeah, her PR team is great but anyone with half a brain cell will realize she's full of shit. "oh, stop the hate, stop picking teams." obviously people are going to pick teams when you make a video alleging sexual misconduct and paint yourself as a
victim of a retarded, petty teenager.
No. 807716
>>807701I believe her for the most part tbqh, i really dont think tati is some master ruseman that predicted all of this would happen (who'd even predict his fans would turn on him so quickly with so little evidence?)
shes definitely milking it though, and i bet shes pretty happy about the 10mill subs, but she seems too basic to be 100% snake-like, in my opinion anyway.
No. 807748
I don't mind Tati's vitamin thing. Not even whiteknighting because I'm a stan or whatever, I think maybe there's just a difference in frame of reference that decides how people feel about it. I consume a lot of fitness-related media, so I'm used to youtubers serving informational videos with an appetizer and side dish of pillshilling. Almost every channel either wants to sell me a meal plan or a supplement. It's merch. As long as the main video contest stays good and they're not straight up lying about it ("it cured my ___!")(though I'll deal with "it helps with ___." for informational purposes.), I don't care. Most supplements are pretty harmless. But I can understand people who aren't as familiar being very up-in-arms at the idea.
But it's very normal that a supplement doesn't work for everyone or that some people might have a reaction. If the reaction rate is high, sure, that's cause for concern, but I haven't seen much there. Also yeah, some supplements can cause birth control to be less effective. Other things can too, like grapefruit juice. And yes, hypothetically vitamins are unnecessary anyway if you're eating a perfectly balanced diet. But people disagree on what "perfectly balanced" means exactly, it would vary from person to person anyway, and realistically, 95% of people just don't eat perfectly clean and balanced.
No. 807750
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>>807701>never in a million years did i think this situation would reach what it did>when i made that video i thought i would be the one to take the hit>i thought i would be the one losing subscribers for speaking up>stop the hate uwu>this was me trying to reach someone i thought was unreachable and i was trying to deliver the same message so many times Couldn't make it past 2 minutes, the martyr complex on this woman is out of this world. Tati's been vlogging since 2010, it took her almost 10 years to accumulate 5 million subscribers. She really wants us to believe she planned on sacrificing her beloved business and her entire livelihood that she spent nearly a decade working on over some horny teenage boy? There's literally no way she doesn't look like a massive idiot here. If any of this were true it would only prove that she cares more about bending the will of a teenage boy to her own values than providing for her family
>I'm gonna lose the subscribers and means of support that pays the mortgage for this house that my family lives in, but that's a risk I have to take….because people NEED to know what this 19 year old twink said about gummy bears, and he needs to be publicly punished. I'll be crucified for it, but I'll make that sacrifice :(((Also you don't get to make a 45 minute video telling people to hate this person and then go
>seriously u guys stop the hate this isn't what I wantedfor brownie points later. Should've just stayed in the DMs if that's not what she wanted.
>>807718Fair to say no one could have predicted how this would unfold, and maybe she believes her own story but it's utter bullshit. What was her backup plan for if this went south? He failed acting "career"? If she lost public support her beloved business would completely fold, people barely gave a shit about her vitamins as it was outside of controversy of her selling snake oil
No. 807770
>>807756Vile racists shouldn't be successful and loved just because they're gay and do makeup. I think most fields don't think racism is okay, either, which is how people end up getting fired for being that way. It's not unique to the skin care/makeup community.
Jeffree Star will never be cancelled because his fans are psychotic, though. It is what it is.
No. 807781
>>807756J* hasn't been "cancelled" bc he makes makeup that ppl really want to buy. When KVD exposed herself as an anti-vaxxer, she was easily blacklisted bc everyone had started being bored of her makeup released a long time before.
Then Shane Dawson gave him a redemption arc and flipped a lot of ppl who were on the fence in his favor.
No. 807782
>>807541Yeah my favorite part was
Tati: "I've got really big plans guys to bring you great content and products in the future"
PewDie: "Well… do it, don't just talk about it, what's stopping you?"
No. 807783
>>807750have you watched all her videos about this? Even her emotional instagram post, shes not blinking rapidly, like someone under distress, or stopping to think, she just delivers her spiel.
Also, I thought she closed this whole chapter and was being the mature one here? Maybe James was right about her loving the drama because it's going to boost sales.
No. 807803
>>807784>>807781>J* hasn't been "cancelled" bc he makes makeup that ppl really want to buy>she was easily blacklisted bc everyone had started being bored of her makeup released a long time beforeThey're both jackasses, but this argument makes zero sense. Jeffree's line has always been notoriously limited, he's literally just now starting to catch up to KVD in product type and availability after all these years but he's still nowhere close. Also the idea that makeup needs to be "new and exciting" to sustain or be profitable is also a very dumb, very youtube-ish idea. People aren't interested in buying a new foundation every single week, only youtubers do that. No one ever goes
>this foundation I like that's easily available and perfectly fits my skin tone and doesn't break me out is TOO BORINGIf this were at all true people would have stopped buying Nars Orgasm, Stila eyeliner, Urban Decay Naked palettes, that smelly Walmart Airspun powder and the million other cult classics (including KVD eyeliner) that are still best sellers years ago and those companies would have shuttered. KVD is an absolute idiot, but her makeup has nothing to do with her ability to be cancelled. Jeffree hasn't been taken down yet because of all the reasons
>>807008 said. She may get cancelled for being an anti-vaxxer, but Jeffree could release a new perfume that's actually just aerated measles and go on livestream and spray it on an innocent child and his fans would still come out and be like "that child was a cunt tho so i don't see the problem" or "I mean it's really easy to fake a full body measles rash, that child was just trying to use him for followers anyways"
No. 807810
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>>807806Nah, not at all. It's really the opposite of what
>>807781 said, everyone said she was cancelled, but they love that eyeliner and that lipstick too much. She's still putting out new products all the time. The worst they did was this shit (still makes me chuckle). I wanna say people are really into her perfumes as well? Could be wrong tho
There was also the whole nazi allegations that came out even before the vaccine stuff that people still didn't really care about. No one seemed to make a peep when she released her pink nudes palette called "Lolita" either. I know she's hispanic and Lolita is also the name of her cult classic lip color but c'mon…'s obviously a very culturally loaded word/name. It's one thing to sneak that in among dozens of other lipstick names, she didn't have to draw attention to it by naming a whole palette that as well. Maybe if she keeps it up she'll go the way of the Deere and be pushed out of her own company to save face
No. 807820
>>807750I feel like she’s displaying a lot of Narc behavior and it makes my blood run cold, not diagnosing her with NPD or anything but shes a pretty rich white girl who knows how to get what she wants and when people hurt her feelings she makes a giant deal out of it.
She says one thing and does the other, collects people and tosses them away in the worst way possible when shes done with them.
I didn't like her since she started whining in reply videos, “It’s not my fault your palette sucks I'm just being honest” or when people said her pills might react badly with medication (as a lot of herbal supplements can do) she said “I have the best doctors on this, the best blah blah, my reputation is being thrashed!!”
She could have done this privately, JC is trash and idc because he has friends and money to fall into the arms of during this but playing Mommy Dearest for years and then making a call out video? That’s what’s fucked up, not those bs theories she’s predatory or creepy. She destroyed their close relationship because he did an insta story sponsorship and because that wasn’t good enough to hurt anyone but her own ego she used all her stored up receipts to make the meat of it.
Scary shit.
JC on the other hand is an impulsive idiot, his stuff will blow over like Bieber’s drama and every other kid who got too much money and fame. I can’t find anything to like about him at all if i can be honest. He definitely deserves the backlash but the last straw being a Betrayal~ is so high school and ugly.
They both need therapy.
No. 807843
>>807837I still find it funny everyone is acting like "omg JC tried to force himself on straight guys! omg!"
Like did you just get into the beauty community yesterday? It was practically a meme at that point.
Suddenly everyone who subscribes to him and watches all his vids has a problem with the preying on straight guys they were hearing about in half his videos? lol
I feel like that whole drama is a complete smokescreen to draw away attention from the fact, JC lied to Tati and organized something with another brand, Tati found out and decided to fuck him up. The end.
No. 807844
>>807843totally, and jeffree suddenly developing standards about letching on straight boys, spare me. this is far more about business.
as for jc, he can learn to reel his fetish in a bit, contain himself to 'straight-acting' guys not the real thing, stop harassing guys who clearly aren't interested. I don't agree it's the end of the world for him, there are boys are still lining up to date him even though they're 'straight'.
No. 807847
>>807837reagan makes a lot of good stuff, glad she's getting a shoutout.
>>807843and in her video she was all "and it's not about the business aspect!" and "our relationship isn't transactional!" if that's true, why wasn't the straw that broke the camels back the allegations she made against james, not this? she even tries to shrug off the fact she even made the video on gabriel zamora (which is kinda fair?) in the new video.
No. 807850
>>807844Maybe I'm just crazy, but I think the reaction is disproportionate to the transgression here.
He… hit on straight guys? Wtf, why are straight guys in need of defending here? Where was this outrage all the times straight men have treated disinterested/gay women like this?
This is honestly coming across as a little homophobic to me. JC is annoying and snotty, absolutely, but this controversy is focusing on "the evil predatory gay" and the "poor innocent straight men" to an uncomfortable extent. As if straight guys don't do this shit to women every day and get off scot-free.
Call me when people decide to start holding straight men accountable for this behavior.
No. 807856
>>807853yeah he may have threatened him privately, but only because he was desperate for straight guy peen and throwing a last ditch thirst move.
If he had actually followed through on the threat? Imagine that shitstorm when that got out, followed up with Tati dumping on him, he'd be fucked.
No. 807868
>>807850Just because you have a problem with feeling bad for people that happen to be straight guys, it doesn't mean his actions weren't disgusting and just plain wrong (anyone who acts like this should be judged)
Still, I don't think that the predatory thing was the true reason Tati spoke about him, it was the SBH deal and refusing to promote her brand.
No. 807869
>>807850I know other anons have said the same, but it wasn't just that he hit on straight guys– he would flirt with "bi-curious" men and then drag them to filth after they told them they were straight. In the case of the waiter, he tried to tell him what his sexuality was. It was super gross. Additionally, he sicced his rabid fans on a dude who was just figuring out his sexuality.
However, I do agree with you in the sense that straight men do this shit all the time to gay women– you know, "Oh, you just haven't had the right dick yet." But even so, I don't think anyone is positing that straight men need defending: they're just calling out JC for being a nasty, horny fuck.
No. 807882
>>807701>shakes her head while saying "If I really wanted to cancel James Charles, I'd be at every studio and sharing every little detail that I could" >nods her head while saying "Just know that I didn't"This is something people often do when they're lying, moving their head in contradiction to the things they're saying (eg nodding when saying a negative, shaking their head when saying a positive).
I don't think she talked at any studios (probably), but she's definitely lying about her intent and how she planned to go about things. That's been obvious since the first video.
No. 807883
>>807541>>807704That isn't even what he was saying. He meant how the term "straight boys" is used for some experimenting.
>>807704Who was preyed on? The waiter and james met up, fucked around a bit and james acted like a little bitch when the waiter wanted out. James was rejected but don't pretend that making out with men is straight behavior.
Bottom line Tati made things seem way worse. Using your fanbase to personally go after people who reject you is cringey and awful because it can out closeted people, going after J*s man is just bad, being unable to sustain a conversation without mentioning genatalia is just tragic but some people are making it out to be like James sexually assaulted someone kek
Yes faking a panic attack for a sponsorship is sleazy but we've all known gurus to do it, all in all this is about a personal dig at tatis vitamins. A lot of people find JC unbearable anyways so this is a good excuse to jump ship but he didn't really do anything that different than what he's always done. Arguably the ebola scandal was worse.
No. 807934
>>807893The waiter is a classic case of someone with buyer's remorse. He could have blocked JC's ass and never even made first contact if JC was so off putting to him. I'll even grant that he was bicurious and realized he's straight after trying a man but… To paint this as sexual misconduct is extremely dishonest.
People with self esteem issues pursue people that don't love them back or are otherwise unavailable. JC chasing straight dudes is a pretty predictable thing and isn't some huge scandal. Tati's whole thing of "think of the children! think of the straight men!!" is so fucking dumb.
That being said I'm enjoying JC being cancelled bc he's annoying as fuck, popularizes ugly makeup and is making too much $ just for existing as a man in a female space.
No. 807970
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>>807953what you mean she needed to respond to this?
No. 807981
>>807956Do you guys think this whole thing might drive James Charles to suicide? I remember when the makeup community ganged up on Brandon Truaxe (ceo of the Ordinary) when Brandon was displaying obvious mental illnesses behavior, the humiliation was so horrific and disturbing, early this year he committed suicide by jumping off the balcony of his apartment.
This whole situation is eerily similar to what happened to Brandon, but this time it is even much worse because the damage and humiliation is bigger and James is still a 19 y/o not like Brandon (40) when Brandon committed suicide early this year.
No. 807984
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Ok honestly I can’t with the beauty community anymore, but even more so the hivemind of its audience. are seriously at this point where they can’t even think for themselves anymore and hold humans to these ABSURD standards. It’s almost like a fucking cult. They cancel Lisa Elridge because she used a KVD item in a tutorial? Jesus fucking christ get a grip. You can cancel every single human on this planet because of some shit we did sometime. These people act like like a crusade hounding people for retarded shit to feed some sort of superiority complex, idk it’s sick.
No. 808014
>>808009you can't succeed in that sort of field unless you are a narcissist. I mean look at Tati's video.
You're supposed to be calling someone out and then the video turns into an ad about herself and her product.
"I think I am a role model for people, I really do"
No. 808064
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>>808014This is so true, at that point narcissism can only be a positive attribute. I wish influencers had agents who helped them manage their images via impulse control more during the drama. It's always these sloppy outbursts. They don't know when to shut up and they definitely don't feel any shame.
Being a Youtuber must put them in this different perspective of reality like being in the Big Brother house, or maybe more like Lord of the Flies rn kek
Unrelated but can anons stop reading between the lines? It's exhausting to have to say in every post ”JC/Tati did this shitty thing but I don't like Tati/JC either” because it seems the majority of people here don't have a side and are just here for milk. Annoying that criticizing one person is seen as a defence of the opposite person or wking to some anons. Can we leave the wk complaints on posts actually defending a bias instead of posts that talk more about one person than the other?
No. 808073
>>808064This is why YouTube is fun because it's people not media trained and we get to watch what's usually bts become content lol.
I never watched Tati much knew of her and then subscribed to her after the JC stuff because I got caught in the hype and fun of unfollowong JC and seeing Tati get numbers because I figured the wee calculator JC was running the numbers.
Since finding out he feeds drama channels I wonder if he's on the stan sites too with his minions. This stuff is funny honestly imo. JC always rub me up the wrong way always discussing essentially his income he just came across very disingenuous. Yet he was sloppy so I followed him so I could catch his vents he's just a character to some people.
It'll be interesting to see when he comes back if he still has the same brand power.
No. 808178
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>>807984It's not just the beauty community though, that's just the nightmare timeline we're living in these days. I think the beauty community is just more prone to gossip and making and making a giant scene out of everything. Certainly some people do deserve to have their careers/lives ruined for their behavior, but more often than not no one's ever even given the chance to learn from their mistakes or grow as a human anymore. When people have learned from their mistakes and grown, the evidence that they were once a worse person is drudged up and thrown in their face. No one can ever win, except Jeffree because even though he continues to be an openly awful person, he gets an entire documentary series to prove he's slightly less terrible than he used to be and show off his shiny new character development to the whole world.
>>807819google is ur friend
>>807887>>80806410/10 perfect images.
>Annoying that criticizing one person is seen as a defence of the opposite person or wking to some anons. Can we leave the wk complaints on posts actually defending a bias instead of posts that talk more about one person than the other?I mean, this is obvious to most of us, no one here has any issue with debate/discussion. It's the Jeffree stans that do this to deflect any negative conversation with "omg why are u so obsessed with me??" Tbh I don't think mods give a shit about these threads because they let them be completely overrun the last thread and bury any convo despite numerous complaints and reporting. They stick out like sore thumb because not a single one of them has a legitimate argument for liking or defending Jeffree other than attacking the other person – same exact principle applies to Tati here (because they're likely the same audience). It's completely possible to have discussions about the rights and wrongs JC's behavior in this thread without mentioning Tati, but has there been any discussion of Tati at all that wasn't just "yeah but James!!!"?
So that's the question: can anyone give any reasoning for why it's acceptable for a 37 year old woman to abuse a trusted mentor/mentee relationship and publicly humiliate a teenage boy 18 years younger than her for her own personal and financial gain? Your answer can't have the word james in it, and since she insists it's not about her vitamins that can't be an argument either. Not saying it can't be done, I'd just like to hear some legitimate pro-Tati opinions.
No. 808303
>>807984Liberals, man. They're fucking retards. Imagine cancelling Lisa Eldridge because she used KvD? She donates all her money to a charity and youtube isnt even her main job.
They need to go outside, because no one else cares about this.
No. 808530
>>808500This makes Tati look like shit, and seems like Jeffree was really egging everything on behind the scenes (very believable)
I don’t see how there’s any comeback for this, if we assume that the screenshots were all real, even if we assume that he lied about the in person things
No. 808534
>>808500This is much better than the Laura Lee tier webcam video. He feels way more genuine in this.
Is Tati cancelled now? This is table tennis cancelling.
I can't wait for Tati to make a third video about this drama with her receipts, this is a shitshow! I love it.
No. 808553
>>808500>>808534>>808537So literally what everyone was saying about Jeffree and Tati organizing a take down was right.
Then people starting feeling a bit guilty because they thought he might kill himself, because his "family" turned on him and tried to turn all of his friends on him. "It's just business"
With friends like these who needs enemies
No. 808561
>>808555I still think the "I was being mobbed I felt unsafe, I forgot about my moms competitor" was a load of bullshit.
But I know now the whole reason Tati and Jeffree decided to fuck James up, is because he betrayed their little business clique.
No. 808572
>>808500He spends the whole video cancelling Tati and J*, speaking normally throughout the entire thing until he gets to the fake slow I'm so sad and hurt part for those sympathy points, and then immediately goes into a spiel about how cancel culture is
toxic lol
I don't know if I'm missing something here, but I didn't see anything genuine here. His only argument is they are lying trust me on this, or believe me I have no reason to lie.
No. 808574
>>808564I'm just tired of this shit now, they're all snakes anyway so who cares. This has proven that neither side is good!
We can just enjoy the trainwreck now.
No. 808575
>>808572I think this is how it actually played out.
JC got into Coachella, on the second day he was in VIP, he wanted to be in the "celebrity" area.
JC makes a deal to get in there and thinks he can get away with it.
Tati is fucking insane about her Vitamins and fucking loses it, tells Jeffree to help her fuck him up.
Jeffree pulls out all the stops and contacts everyone. It trends on Youtube, Twitter, MSM pick it up.
JC is being cancelled. People start making shit up for attention.
People start to get worried they might have gone too far. JC drops his vid and proves that Tati and Jeffree wanted to fuck him over breaking from the clique.
No. 808584
>>808576I wouldn't. You see the end of the video where he says they hope they can all be friends? Fuck off. No normal person would say that if people who were supposed to be your closest friends turned on you and then called the entire internet on you. They don't care about anyone else but themselves.
I'd tell them they are fucked up people and get help. But really, they are all fucked up people so they can't point fingers. All the smiles and kiss kiss hugs are just fake shit to keep their image.
They are all narcissists.
No. 808585
>>808575Agree with the other anon, I think Jeffree went rogue. If those texts are real that's fucking hilarious.
>man in his 30s telling a 16-year-old to "shut the fuck up" over nothing>lying about James hitting on Nate's brother (although it's weird that James didn't show their interactions if they were harmless)>messaging people calling James a predator and pedophile (??) for no reasonHonestly this situation is so tiring, I was siding with Tati initially but not it seems more like everyone involved is a socially dysfunctional asshole.
No. 808589
>>808584i feel like james was saying that to appear gracious and mature. this whole situation aside i despise jeffree starr and do not trust him at all. i would side eye the fuck out of any influencer who aligns themselves with him
sage for irrelevant
No. 808594
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No. 808607
>>808564I mean… literally no one gives a shit lmao. This video isn't getting traction the way Tati's video did because EVERYONE HATES JAMES. People have been dying to cancel him because he's fucking annoying no one gives a shit about the
problematic shit he's done. Screencaps of texts are easily faked so whoever wants to keep hating him will. This video does nothing. No one cares if Jeffree and Tati met up in an evil cave to take James down because people are likely grateful they did. James's subscribers are still dead and Tati and Jeffree are both doing fine.
Jeffree has been ripping people to shreds since Myspace and always wins because he's GOOD at it. I'm sure he'll put up a video exposing James with fake texts of his own and EVERYONE will side by him because everyone! hates! James! Get over it. They're all manipulative racist trash but James is just irksome for the most petty, trivial reasons and I'll be glad as fuck if Hitler rises from the dead and drags him into the gutter.
No. 808609
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James is regaining subscribers quickly. this shit is ridiculous. it's like they're all in on it and just doing it because they're bored
No. 808616
>>808500the only bit i agreed with him on is that people are using this as an excuse to be vaguely homophobic. the outrage over the poor liddol stwaight mens is ridiculous because straight men act like it's the end of the world when a gay man gives them the kind of attention they would to a woman. it's very much a part of
toxic masculinity and i'm glad he's bringing that up
No. 808618
>>808613lol i just said all the beauty gurus are sociopaths and all you could do was call me james?
Well thanks for proving my point I guess.
No. 808625
>>808617Literally everyone I follow is talking about how he's full of shit in the video lmao. Sorry. This video does nothing. He isn't gaining a fanbase nearly at the same pace as he lost it. There's statements from people who knew him in high school and that can't be undone. Him stating that people he had beef with used facts against him is hardly cause to come crawling back to him when the people who now hate him were never stans. And again: text messages are easily faked. This video is 30% possible evidence and 70% whining about how unfair him being thrown under the bus is. The DAY he was cancelled I saw thousands of people call out the hypocrisy in continuing to stan Jeffree and Tati over their own controversy. Because wow, shockingly, almost everyone who hates James is not an overly invested beauty guru lover. They just hate James Charles and were happy to see anyone, no matter how awful, remove him off the face of the Earth.
"We're all homophobic for James Charles" was THE relevant meme for James just before he was cancelled. And this was a joke that started in the LGBT community lmfao. He was being clowned to death for his shitty scam of a tour - how does this video undo that? Charging extra for babies? No one likes his ugly overhyped ass when he ain't cute, nice, or talented enough to justify the platform he was given for being the only beauty guru desperate enough to give KKW Beauty a positive review. It's the only reason he was invited to the Met Gala lmao the Kardashians practically own Anna Wintour. And they will make everyone they associate with seem like the most relevant. And the Kardashians sure don't give a fuck about this follow-up video. He's dead to them too. They're focusing on skincare now anyway.
No. 808631
>>808625you sound childish. Calm down. We're just discussing stuff, no need for a fist-fight
>>808629jesus. The only one left alive at the end of the day in this community gonna be Bretman Rock.
Currently there's a tweet gaining attention where it shows that the convos may have been edited because it shows May 2, May 3 and then May 2 again even though it automatically uptades time zones. Sorry for no cap.
No. 808635
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>>808622they're all scammers, literally all of them, but this is entertainment and like you said, a masterclass in pr.
>>808624someone on gg said maybe that was jeffree bluffing to scare james. but idk, shane is an absolute retard who'll go with whatever and believe actual abusers and racists, so.
>>808626same, and i didn't even agree with those who said "this is too harsh, let him learn", i was all "let him suffer he deserved it" and up until her 2nd vid thought tati was mostly genuine, i saw her game but appreciated her playing it against an annoying, over-exaggerated, sexual harasser.
>>808629game of fucking thrones, i tell you. this is delicious lol
No. 808637
>>808629>>808629did Jeffree still say he wanted to be friends with James a few days ago? Guess he changed his mind and has been sitting on some receipts when he saw his subscribers dropping.
Now he's a horrible sick person again.
No. 808647
>>808644you do realize the platform you're on, right?
i say let them burn
No. 808653
>>808585Apparently the reason nikita got cut off was for hitting on nates brother. Either the same thing occured twice or Jefree is recycling stories.
>>808607This. James is just so unlikeable lol
He's not a predator though that's just wild. He's a pathetic gay boy lusting after guys who don't want him.
>>808624I think shane is just coming from a friend PoV, when everyone was shitting on james he just made a statement about everyone being kind to each other.
>>808643This is pure cream
No. 808654
>>808585Apparently the reason nikita got cut off was for hitting on nates brother. Either the same thing occured twice or Jefree is recycling stories.
>>808607This. James is just so unlikeable lol
He's not a predator though that's just wild. He's a pathetic gay boy lusting after guys who don't want him.
>>808624I think shane is just coming from a friend PoV, when everyone was shitting on james he just made a statement about everyone being kind to each other.
>>808643This is pure cream
No. 808659
>>808652he can't sue, its a private message, that James exposed publicly.
Jeffree has to say he's a pedo publicly to defame him.
No. 808677
>>808661if it comes down to a game of fake text message screencaps jeffree is for sure gonna cook up better ones than james lmfao. jeffree was already exposed for all his beef and miraculously came out unscathed. he was lucky as fuck no one gave a shit about his texts to jackie because uh sorry to say all his fans are equally racist and don't care. but after that he was smart enough to not let himself fall into controversy again especially with his company growing.
rip james. he's got nothing. this is a game of gladiator at this point.
No. 808688
>>808661depends what kind of
shocking disgusting grr sister scandal Jeffree provides. Because from what I can see, most people really hate Jeffree right now, both big commenters and mere users.
First he got hit with the straight guys ricochet, now his obsessive weird texts to James came to light and people are mad he fought his lil brother (even tho he's not a child).
Twitter is fickle and full of hypocritical moralfags.
I don't think - despite what people say under his "receipts" tweet - that he's cancelled. He's been through much worse shit, as anon above said, and came out relatively untouched. But people won't side with him now, and will be more critical of what he bring in to the dramu table. He needs something BIG to get support.
Can't wait for his video, tbh. This is the best milk since a long time.
No. 808691
File: 1558220862440.webm (17.02 MB, 640x360, JEFFREE STAR SNAPCHAT 5-18-19 …)
I don't know, but Jeffree plans on releasing the video, hopefully soon. He made a snap about it.
I'm with the anons betting on Jeffree. He's been stirring shit since the MySpace days and knows how the game works. You can't cancel him. Jeffree can literally murder somebody and his millions of stans will say he did nothing wrong.
No. 808706
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>>808700Right, I believe Jeffree and Shane are collabing on an eyeshadow palette and they're also making another docu-series together. Shane's the true winner in all of this and I can't wait for his 24-part exposé lol.
>>808691And here's the Youtube link of Jeffree's snap for iPhone anons. No. 808745
>>808500I don't know anything about James Charles or those other two but this is insane. He didn't prey on straight guys let alone assault anyone. Pewdiepie's homophobic fans are out in full force. All these fragile straight men thinking their irrational fears about gay guys have been vindicated. The beauty community going along with it is even worse than anything I expected from them.
Also, Zara Larson is pathetic. First she pulls her homophobic dogwhistle while being an absolute hypocrite and then she just deletes her tweet without an apology.
No. 808772
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>>808768Maybe I just don't get their shitty memes but they're so gleeful about him losing subs, calling him "it", and buying into the whole gay predator thing.
No. 808775
Only people who fall for that are women. You cant manipulate straight men to have sex with men.
No. 808781
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>>808753>Jeffree's video detailing his concealer being stolen was trending>Tati's video exposing James was trending>James's isn't even on the listIt's because Jeffree has been licking Susan Wojcicki's (CEO of YouTube) cunt for quite a while now.
Notice how anybody who associates with Susan has their videos suddenly go viral, even with 100K views.
Since James Charles used to associate with Jeffree Star, this is how he always managed to land on the trending page. Now that their friendship is over, Jeffree told Susan to boost Tati and keep JC off the trending page.
It's that simple.
No. 808782
>>808776I mean… I can see it but not really? Never seen anyone call him trans or the community claim him despite his jokes. If you see him during his Myspace days it's obviously he was along the vein of a drag queen, and his humor reeeally reflects that. Either way people just like him and his content and no one is ready to see him go.
James was cancelled in the literal wake of his Met Gala appearance which broight an already negative response. There were memes about how he was kicked out for stalking Shawn Mendes so it was already attached to his reputation. That level of exposure is what got him cancelled so aggressively. Right now this "clapback" video comes from his descent into a cave. If he was smart he would've attacked when Jeffree was in a moment of high exposure himself.
Like I said, Jeffree's been doing this for years. He's smart. He made sure to drag Nikki supporting that concealer with a limited shade range IN his video reviewing the product.
No. 808784
>>808781Tati's video got taken off the trending page very quickly though. James also seems close with the CEO but I don't know anything about her or her motivations like I wonder if jeffree's video will trend or not
God this shit is so fucking stupid. they're all shitty friends. we're just watching the trainwreck on global news
No. 808798
>>808789>try harder stanJust because I'm not licking Jeffree Star's glossy butthole doesn't mean I'm a stan for anybody else. Try harder, retard.
>>808631I saw the tweet you referenced but it seems like people are calling JC's receipts fake because of the spacing, which happens whenever you send texts through iPhones a while after, as opposed to immediately, if that makes sense.
No. 808803
>>808784The idea of friendships with the CEO is pretty funny, like…its a corporation.
They may do favours if pressed but all these Youtubers are is cash cows.
In what world do people seem to think going for drinks with your boss secures special treatment, it’s management. Any Youtuber with a brain knows that and exploits it.
No. 808806
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>>808802You’d think they’d be quieter, considering when he was actually besties touring with a literal pedophile he was very quiet until it all blew up. Tired song and dance of 20/20 hindsight.
No. 808809
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>>808806Jeffree is in the big leagues now, I'm sure he hangs out with pedo ceos and producers regularly.
No. 808810
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I can't believe that newspapers in the UK are detailing everything that has being going on with the drama. Imagine being an old man waking up to read your daily paper and seeing this shite. No. 808816
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No. 808817
>>808783So, because he's "won", no one should (correctly) point out that he's a shitty person who isn't where he is from "being just that great", but by using shady tactics and hypocrisy?
I'm starting to believe being a J* fan is a red flag for just being a shitty person overall, lmao.
No. 808818
>>808816It's not going to be about Tati anymore. It's going to be a full on J* vs JC clash of the titans.
Considering how close they are in subscribers I'd say that's a pretty good metric to determine the winner but we won't know for a couple months.
No. 808840
>>808814It can happen.
I myself am a kissless, hugless, handholdless nineteen year old homovirgin. But I doubt James Charles has the moral integrity needed to pursue this path. Sex is too easy to come by if you're gay to remain a virgin, unless it's done willfully.
Then again, the fake-up is so disgusting maybe no one actually wants to fuck him.
No. 808844
>>808624Shane is joining the beauty comm, believe it or not. He is joining forces with Jeffree on a coming venture.
This video of James' is pure cringe. the sex assault allegations were unmasked as fake pretty fast and including them at any length is disingenuous. The ending is a pure appeal to 12yo, undeveloped brains.
No. 808932
>>808886Your speaking as if these people who profit off of the vultchers that pry on them getting cancelled are innocent, without social media they'd still be torn apart by the masses they owe as much to their drones to allow them to be shred apart, they profit hundreds upon millions from their accumulated fickle subs.
I hate to use the there's more important things going on fallacy but climate change is more of a concern than a few catty preteens the world's predicted to go into ecological decline in flux within the next 8 years.
No. 808956
>>808178>So that's the question: can anyone give any reasoning for why it's acceptable for a 37 year old woman to abuse a trusted mentor/mentee relationship and publicly humiliate a teenage boy 18 years younger than her for her own personal and financial gain? Your answer can't have the word james in it, and since she insists it's not about her vitamins that can't be an argument either. Not saying it can't be done, I'd just like to hear some legitimate pro-Tati opinions.This 300%. You don't have to make a public statement on why your friendship ended uwu, thats a choice and one that people make to monetize drama most of the time. Tati stans have
nothing to say besides "b-but james!!".
If you're so blinded by Tati's fake niceness then imagine if she were a man saying "Guise I got manipulated by this girl 18 years my junior! I was abused and I now have to decide to punish this girl publicly bc she needs to learn!! uwu". Sounds sinister, doesn't it. All Tati had to do was to tell him the stuff she said in the video
privately and then cut ties if he fails to respond in a non-retarded way. Make no public garbage about it. And no, she doesn't get to decide to punish someone else's kid. That is insane.
No. 809011
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>>808738Doubt J* stans are “sociopathic” but they’re just his brain dead army of skanks hoping to soak up some of the good grace (like Nate whose image is literally curated as ~poor Midwest boy who came up because he was so unconditionally loyal uwu~)
No. 809016
>>808298>but I don't really see what's there to discuss, especially without using the word "James" since this is about himHoly shit did you miss the entire point. Literally all I asked for was one reason why Tati wasn't absolute trash without that reason being "well James Charles is worse" and you made it the most about James you possibly could. Not only did you miss the entire point, you did the exact thing I pointed out as the problem.
>hey i think "x" is bad>"x" isn't bad, "y" is bad! can't believe you're such a "y" wk! "y" deserved it! why are you even bringing up "x", this is all about "y"????
No. 809041
>>809016As someone who dislikes all three personalities in this dramafest (four if you include Shane), I don't think what she did was trashy because "uwu 19 year old boy gets bullied by his mentor", I think it's because she has every right to cut someone off from her life and business for X/Y/Z reason and make an announcement about it, but instead of making it impersonal and vague she basically poured the oil and let the fans strike the match.
However I am enjoying the situation thoroughly. JC using these situations to highlight homophobia is hilarious. The haters in the past will still be haters, but he didn't have all those million subs and deals because of his godlike makeup skills. He got it because he used stereotypical personality traits to create a character. It brought him money. Now suddenly it's a curse upon him and his life? Nah.
No. 809096 an Imgur album for all the screenshots of the DMs etc James posted in his video
Personally, I don't know what to believe. Jeffree being a cunt who wants to be #1 is totally believable, but I can't quite process how Tati and Jeffree wold even plan this and backstab James like that (if every screenshot is real)
No. 809139
>>809096Ty for this anon, I cannot listen to James talk for more than 5 minutes without wanting to go deaf.
But are these really it? These are the receipts? How does this prove anything? I mean I guess it proves JC is a psycho, which we all knew. But these screenshots are clearly very one sided. Excited to see what Jeffree has to say tbh
No. 809142
>>808809I mean that's a given, he's thrived on the ”If I can't be cute I’ll be a catty drag queen gay bff! Bitches love that!” and t worked all the way from Myspace til now because the social media environment for that type of persona never changed.
At least he's not desperately trying to remain relevant on YT taking shots of his own jizz like Matt Lush
>>808812It's old milk, yeah. Hopefully, you're talking about J*? I’m just gonna assume you are.
It’s an example of a habit. It's repeated behaviour, he's quiet about things until he could be roped in by them. He's the loudest hypocrite in the room, clinging onto others who are praised publicly in a good light. He's a parasite. It's going to happen again and again because his brain is wired like an addict’s for the adrenaline rush drama gives him. He could benefit from a digital break more than anyone.
Also the idea that his stans aren't wking him is hilarious because even ITT people are saying ”J* is the best nobody can top him he's untouchable!”. He's only good at being a manipulative sociopath who’s not held back by emotions as he stomps over his collab guests to get a higher follower count.
No. 809150
>>807829according to literally who? he pays 25 million in taxes every year, he’s definitely worth a lot more than 50m.
>kiddooh fuck off. this thread is attracting you autistic redditors in fucking droves.
No. 809156
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Jeffrees fans are so cringy
No. 809213
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This is in his likes… I'm guessing he won't deliver milk.
No. 809256
>>809247>i dont have hate in my heart>i wanted to pull up TONS of receipts u guise>but its not healthy uwukek who fucking called it he doesnt have SHIT
No. 809264
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No. 809265
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2/2 tati's statement on the issue
did she delete her bye sister video?
No. 809273
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>>809247>>808500Can any kind anon provide tl;dw summaries for these vids? I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't stomach another 45 min video, and I can't even look at the preview of Jeffree trying to look
so sad uwu without wanting to puke. (Don't really want to contribute to their views either, not that it would make a huge difference).
Anyone who is surprised by Jeffree's manipulative sociopath behavior or thought he was incapable of being the puppet master here has been in deliberate denial. It's been predicted/called out by multiple anons in detail in this thread and the last for how glaringly obvious it is. This is why it's so infuriating that mods don't give a shit about this thread, despite this milk being even more mainstream than ProlapseJared and people complaining for months/over a year now. They've been letting the Jeffree army rush in and bury any negative discussion at all. Makes us look like we're just as brainwashed as the drama channels who he's buddied up with.
Anyways, all the anons who've been fighting to talk about how insane Jeffyboy(/Tati) is time and time again and been buried, yall da real MVPs.
>>808810 pic related
No. 809276
>>809150very wrong about me there, jeffree stan
>>809247soooo lawyers finally came into this. that's the only reason for this to stop.
No. 809281
>>809277Holy shit, again? Remember a couple of years ago when he put out the exact same giant proclamation
no more drama uwu in his racist apology video and then immediately started publicly shitting on TooFaced like, a few days later? Then when HFTT called him out on being a giant hypocrite everyone jumped on her for being a "jealous fatty"? He only "apologizes" and says he's too big for drama when he gets caught for his shady behavior.
Thanks for that summary at least anon, now I know since I saw his racism "apology" video years ago I don't need to watch this one. Drama channels, I know you lurk here, one of you needs make that giant cut of all the times Jeffree has said he wasn't going to be involved in drama anymore. It's free content.
No. 809294
>>809281it's the classic 'jeffree unfolds his angel wings' moment
>>809150imagine thinking cashflow and net worth are the same thing.
No. 809296
>>809247Crossing my fingers hoping this will ruin him once and for all, but at the same time I don't want to hold my breath because I know his rabid stans will support him and buy his products no matter what he does. I just hope that at the very least Twitter rips him to shreds and his reputation is tarnished a bit for trying to take down a 19 year old for no reason. I don't like James and his video felt artificial and manipulative, but no one can argue that he actually produced receipts and proved that he was the
victim in this situation. Fuck Jeffree and Tati's two-faced, horse-faced, wrinkly old asses.
No. 809302
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You were the chosen one! It was said that you would cancel jeffree, not join them.
No. 809322
>>809277M Night Shyamalan wants what this twist has
>>809302Although this means no more milk, this is he best outcome they all could have hoped for. I think when Ol’ Jeff saw his subscribers falling he decided to take the ”high road”
No. 809350
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>>809296We can all dream anon….but I just don't think it'll happen. He'll be weakened again but don't forget he's already got another Shane docuseries in the works right now. Jeffree's probably got a whole team of engineers crunching the numbers to determine the exact placement of a single eye drop to get him out of this as we speak. I mean we had straight up video of him screaming the n-word and other racist behaviors and that didn't kill him. James came with receipts, but so has every one else that came for Jeffree. James seems to have at least put a size-able dent in the armor at least.
>>809316no, see
>>807008I was surprised to see iNabber put out a video about him since he's been a Shane shill in the past, but I think like you said he's not in the beauty community so he doesn't know the implications of that. They're the only ones Jeffree couldn't put a hit out on, probably.
Probably more appropriate for the Shane thread, but Shane and Morgan Adams (Shane's sister-in-law) basically did a GRWM video, and someone asked Shane who his favorite guru was and he said
>Jeffree! We ALL say Jeffree! Don't say somebody else, we won't survive the night!He was obviously playing up panic for a joke, but then also later in the video someone asks Morgan something about youtubers and she basically says something like
>Am I allowed to say that Youtubers actually aren't nice? They'll be nice to [Shane] of course but not to meI kinda just assumed she was talking about Jeffree. He showers Shane/Ryland/Garret/Andrew with gifts but Morgan seems to have zero interest in him (or maybe he has zero interest in her because she's not man he can harass). Everyone else in the crew will be in head to toe Jeffree merch and Morgan didn't seem to have a single JS product in her bag. Even Ryland and Morgan's mom has Jeffree makeup and is a Jeffree shill now, but Morgan has nothing? Ryland did a video where his family was staying with them and he made them all put on one of the million Jeffree tracksuits they had and Morgan was super resistant to it.
>TL;DR Jeffree's probably a completely awful person to everyone he can't exploit for good PR, not a shocking concept to anyone I'm sure No. 809355
>>809302Legal agreements signed sealed and delivered, confirmed.
All three of the parties have something to hide, don't think JC is an angel either. His willingness to be silent speaks volumes. JS doesn't want a big lawsuit, and Tati overstepped herself.
No. 809372
>>809355and samefagging, said agreement goes something like:
1. Tati to take down 'Bye Sister'
2. Jeffree to make a public statement that some of his sources of information are 'rumour' or 'his interpretation of events' which he slips into his angelic video
3. James, Jeffree, Tati not to make further public comment = silence is golden
4. Everybody goes abut their business with no further revelations on any side
No. 809402

>>809355>>809372>>809382>don't think JC is an angel either. His willingness to be silent speaks volumesNo no no, this is 1000% the correct thing to do.
>JS doesn't want a big lawsuitJeffree loves to threaten legal action at the drop of a hat as evident by this fiasco (an others) that got swept under the rug. Basically he destroyed the career of a Filipino youtuber by sending his mass of fans harass her, because she used the word "Approved" in one of her videos. She was a small youtuber in a foreign country and he publicly threatened her with legal action, claiming that he held the copyright for the word "Approved" (he didn't, and even if he did it doesn't matter because she's not in the US). He did all of this 2 months before he was granted the copyright for "Jeffree Star Approved", but by that point the girl had already deleted her video and attempted several apologies to Jeffree. But he's so up his own ass he thinks no one in the entire world can use the concept of approval without it being linked to him. This is especially egregious and untrue because it's later pointed out that Tati already owned the copyright for "Tati Approved" 5 months prior to this. (But of course Jeffree's too busy being successful to engage in drama, as he's said 745 times before. That's not even getting into the racial aspect of going after a Filipino guru when every other white guru and even his own friends use "Approved" in their videos). Otherwise look at the fiasco with the artist who designed Jeffree's logo. They didn't have a contract in place and Jeffree was able to completely steal his design without paying him and escape completely unscathed
When it comes to Jeffree you need to have it legally mediated, otherwise he will bluff his way through publicly harassing and ruining your career like he's done before and tried and failed to do here. Jeffree doesn't want a big lawsuit maybe because he always gets away with just bullying people with the threat of legal action. Jeffree doesn't want to go to court because then he would have to admit under oath that he never has any evidence to back up the claims and threats he makes. I wouldn't be surprised if Jeffree scrambled to find something to sue over after JC posted that video outing how much of a liar he is.
This was the smartest thing James could have done here. Tati's also clearly losing her grip on reality with this situation as well, so having it in writing is probably the only way to ensure they would stop running their mouths and making false accusations against him. Otherwise it would just continue to be a back and forth of videos and responses. James got the last word here and he honestly comes out looking the best of anyone in this situation.
>>809400Dick pics of him were leaked years ago that he was apparently sending to people other than Jeffree, got swept under the rug as per usual. Can't remember if it was women or what though, not sure how it came into play with their open relationship or whatever they have going on. People think he's gay for pay or he's just with Jeffree for money, though iirc they've been together since before Jeffree started in on cosmetics and made money. imo I think that's giving him too much credit, otherwise this has been a real long-con for him. I think he's just not much of an on-screen personality and just keeps more to himself. Outside of Jeffree he just seems like your standard uninteresting straight white dude who just prefers fishing and hanging out with their dogs and playing video games to being shoved into Jeffree's spotlight all the time (Jeffree probably prefers it that way too).
No. 809409
>>809402James only comes out looking the best for a minute because he got the last word, and he sensibly cherrypicked his comeback to make sure everything he was talking about had a proper screencap (unlike Tati). He kept it legally accurate. You can be sure the things he DIDN'T talk about are quite interesting though.
Not a peep from the Dolan twins. There will be more chapters to James' life story I bet. He still lost his free business manager (Tati's husband) and that's the biggest blow to him of all.
Jeffree slimed on in and slimed on out, relatively unscathed. He truly knows the YT power game. Tati didn't really lose much imo, her reputation's about the same (overdramatic, silly pills) and her recent sub gains were artificial anyway. James was the one who needed to get his rep somewhat back and he did that to a large extent before they all went silent. Balance is restored.
Has JC got any deals other than Morphe? He might like to diversify his portfolio, and I don't mean singing..
No. 809422
>>809402Lol his trademark bullshit is the worst.
Remember when sent his stans to harass TooFaced and Laura Lee again because, you better sit down now, they had the nerve to bring out blue eyeshadow palettes after Jeffree revealed his Blue Blood palette?
He's nuts. He thinks he's the only one who can make a certain coloured eyeshadow palette. I actually can see him trying to find any loopholes as to, why Laura and TooFaced copied him (you obviously can totally produce an entire palette in a few days, just to anger Jeffree).
He think he owns everything, I bet he even tried trademarking colors and simple words like "star" lmao
No. 809425
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>>809409>sensibly cherrypicked his comeback to make sure everything he was talking about had a proper screencapI don't understand what you're butthurt about here, genuinely. Jeffree provides 0 receipts, Tati provides 0 receipts, James provides dozens of receipts, not just for himself but for Tati and Jeffree….and that makes him the one cherrypicking?
>You can be sure the things he DIDN'T talk about are quite interesting though. Ok but like what though? You could say this about literally anyone at any given time about anything. What about all the interesting things Jeffree hasn't said this whole time like….anything even remotely true?
>He still lost his free business manager (Tati's husband) and that's the biggest blow to him of all. How is this even remotely a blow? First of all James obviously wasn't JC's manager at all, or else he wouldn't have been outright ignoring all of his "client's" texts and attempts to get in contact with them following Coachella. Second JC says in his video he signed a contract with SBH, if James was professionally involved with him in any real way there's no way JC would have signed a contract without him taking a look at it or advising on it. If he wanted to stay in Tati's good graces he would obviously advise against it, which would not be in the interest of him or his "client" in any way. Thirdly, and most damning, if Tati's free business manager husband advised her to go out and make a massive idiot of herself against JC (also his client in this scenario you're proposing), putting her entire business on the line with zero proof to back up her claims, than he completely fucked over both Tati AND James, which would just fuck him over at the end of the day. You've basically just described the worst possible business manager from every angle.
>Has JC got any deals other than Morphe?Has Tati got any deals other than her own minimal business that people were already on the fence about? That she's now probably just tanked even more? JC has had his final word on it, he can move on back to his usual videos. Jeffree and Tati are the ones who will look like complete idiots if they try to just move on without acknowledging what happened in any way.
>There will be more chapters to James' life story I bet.I mean….unless he dies, yeah?
>Not a peep from the Dolan twins.Yeah, and Jeffree was the one who was claiming he had their support and was going to put them on camera, so if their silence is is damning for anyone it's Jeffree.
>Tati didn't really lose much imo, her reputation's about the same (overdramatic, silly pills)What about this scenario says her reputation is the same? Tati just got outed as basically a massive liar and manipulator, as did Jeffree (though we all already knew that). That video was only out for 10 days and she literally already had to hide the evidence of how badly she fucked up. That's Laura Lee levels of back peddling.
>Jeffree slimed on in and slimed on out, relatively unscathedNot even remotely true, stop trying to sweep Jeffree's part in this under the rug.
C'mon now, we've been through this a thousand times already. I get that you're trying to divert the attention from Jeffree like always, but at least be less obvious about it. Just say you like Jeffree or Tati or his makeup or whatever instead of making up complete nonsense to somehow try and make everyone around him look worse, no one gives a shit. Everyone in this scenario looks stupid, but if James somehow ends up being the adult in this situation it just makes them look that much worse.
No. 809432
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>>809410JC will probably hit 15M again today while Tati might fall below 10M. J* is barely affected at all.
No. 809437
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What a lie
No. 809453
>>809437>>809438I don't understand what's so hard to believe about this? A lot of people lose their virginity in their late teens/early 20s, and that's if they're straight and are surrounded by their also horny peers in college. Just looking at it logistically anal sex takes way more planning and hassle than vaginal sex, it's not something you could just do on a lark in the heat of the moment as easily. Also the entire issue here is that he's attracted to men who aren't interested in having sex with other men.
>>809441>>809446I don't think it's an unusual personality in the community, really it's that he's fucked himself over by making so many public proclamations about it
No. 809455
>>809445The only answer to this is J* is Cluster B. Anyone who has ever intimately known a Cluster B personality understood and identified those texts the second they saw them. That being said, I understand it would be really hard for someone with no experience with this personality type to get what's going on.
The easiest way to explain it is it didn't matter if he actually believed it or not. The opportunity to tear into someone he resented and was intimidated by the growing success of AND feel like he was being morally righteous in doing so was literally intoxicating to him. One thing that makes me believe JC's testimony is legit is that it's hard to fake how a Cluster B works themselves into an insane froth. I.e. The series of texts to JC where he gets more and more extreme each time, going from "I'm so disappointed but NOT surprised .." to "YOU DESERVE TO FUCKING ROT IN JAIL!!!!!!!!!" in like 5 texts without ever letting the other party get a word in edgewise. Those texts literally turned my stomach and made me feel slightly ill because they are so unmistakable. It is creepy how Cluster B behavior is so similar from one person to the next.
I understand that most of the world does not have close experience with a Cluster B personality. But for me, there is absolutely 0 ambiguity or room to debate on this topic. Regardless of what JC or any other party here did, this situation clearly demonstrated Jeffree is an out-of-control Cluster B and therefore untouchable. Morals, truth, and human decency are literally not concepts that actually exist in any real way to a Cluster B except when they can use them as a weapon against someone or as a defense to get out of some corner they painted themselves into. I am sorry that more people can't understand this about J* and continue to debate whether or not he "had receipts" but I also wouldn't wish the experience of dealing with one of these fucking literally inhuman monsters on anyone.
>what is sageing
>cLuStEr B, nOn-nEgOtIaBlEt. Armchair-Chan
>>809448while i understand the points Honest makes, he makes them so badly, interspersing his /arguments why/ J* is
toxic with his dummy opinions.
i'm still amazed how J manages to evade cancellation time and time again. how stupid is the rest of the beauty community if HE is the only one smart enough to survive direct drama.
No. 809457
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>>807756>thoughts on everybody who thinks Jeffree Star is racist?>thinks"I don't even need to go to Japan to be surrounded by yellow skin and eyes too slanted to see sun. Walking down the street becomes a gauntlet as little Asian schoolgirls do a woodwork popout. After all, it's called J*pop for a reason."
Sounds racist to me.
No. 809470
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No. 809478
>>809409>>809425So there was only like 2 things I’ve seen people say that James didn’t cover, and the only interesting one was Gage. Idk who tf Gage is, so if anyone could give a short run down or some sort of evidence that would be great.
There’s a bunch of stuff Jeffree has accused him of, by why anyone would put stock into anything J* says is beyond me
100% JC comes out looking the best. His video was also the only one I watched every second of (or even half of tbh) and was genuinely entertaining. I never watched one of his vids before and didn’t like him but now I’m impressed ( don’t worry I’m not gonna start stanning him though )
Fucking kek at how silent the Tati worshippers on reddit are — the ones who were present in 21 megathreads and thirsty for tea up until last night
No. 809480
>>809470If you ain't got an argument, just slander their political view
Who even is this irrelevant idiot?
No. 809488
>>809302he called you a pedophile, a rapist, a 'danger to society' and blasted you all over social media
i think james is scared. hopefully this has taught him not to associate with people like that in the future.
No. 809490
>>809472When you say you're a virgin, people expect you to not have had any sexual experience. Oral sex & masturbating one another until they come is sex.
It's a bit catfishy imo.
No. 809496
>>809470get a job phillip
>>809472>>809493please at least sage your off-topic shitposts
No. 809555
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>>807756>and your thoughts on everybody who thinks Jeffree Star is racist?Fuck off honestly, we've been going in circles around this for years every single time a new piece of evidence comes out. There's literal proof of his racist behavior provided by multiple sources multiple times. Jeffree's racist, he might not think he is, but he is. There's nothing to think about or talk about here, we've moved on. If you're genuinely asking about these claims, you're asking to be spoonfed years of info.
>>809445I mean, yeah he was absolutely bullshitting to take James out, but I'm just as confused as you are about how much of that he actually believed. My guess would be, as is the theme of this entire thread, teenagers are dumb idiots. One of them probably pulled an "omg he's like, sooo obsessed with me" and Jeffree saw the opportunity he'd been looking for and ran with it. I think he never actually thought he would need to back up his claims, because usually just threatening people is enough to make them crumble like
>>809402>>809496>>809480>If you ain't got an argument, just slander their political view>slander: verb, make false and damaging statements about (someone).This isn't slander, it's a literal screencap of her political views. If he hadn't provided proof to backup his speculation, then it would be. Even then saying "I bet someone is x" isn't saying "someone is x". But there's nothing false about it.
>>809494>>809409THIS would be an example of slander. Making damaging claims without anything to back it up. Either put up or shut up about this. Either provide some insight, ANY insight on these ~things James is HIDING~ or shut up. Otherwise you're just diverting the attention from Jeffree and Tati with baseless speculation.
All the Jeffree/Tati goons in this thread, yall aint slick. If you're going to try and pull a
>but her emails!!!on James to try and make J/T look better at this point, at least have something to back it up other than just "bUt JaMeS!!!", because so far James is the only one that's actually backed up his claims. We're all happy to talk shit about James here but you have to actually give us something.
No. 809582
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>>809576receipts produced:
>jeffree: 0>tati: 0>james: a bajillion>>809409>but james (no proof)>BUT JAMES (no proof)>bUt JaMeS (no proof)>jeffree is fine uwu (40 minute video with proof of their behavior, couldn't produce any of the receipts or threats he promised)>tati is fine uwu (40 minute video with proof of their behavior, had to delete her 45 minute video of lying)>BUT JAMES!! (no proof)>bUT james (no proof)lmao neutral analysis….sure jan, stop samefagging we're not letting jeffree out of gay baby jail as easily this time and tati has to serve her time as well, for all intents and purposes james has been cleared of all charges in this situation and is free to go, so unless you have some new milk to share there's nothing more to say, stop obsessing over him
No. 809584
>>809465eww, him going on about how him keeping his underwear on or only "servicing guys" when hooking up is him assuming women's role is so backwards and gross. just say you are an insecure bitch and need therapy and go.
how do flamboyant gays manage to be so regressive wrt women when women cape for them so much idgi.
No. 809588
>>809582lol im not that other anon, its just hypocritical that the entire thread has been eviscerating tati and jeffree (rightfully so) but the moment someone doesnt buy everything james says either its "omg SLANDER".
and there are still questions i have like whats up with that greyson guy, arguably thats the worse accusation of the "
victims" yet he didnt address it in the video. he never denied catfishing his entire highschool either (though thats no longer relevant as it was always just added fuel to the "predator" fire)
No. 809591
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I can't say I understand how people can "pick teams" in this whole mess, because they all seem like snakes (Jeffree most of all, but he's always been a piece of shit), but it's entertaining. What the fuck was Tati even trying to do, lying like that? She had to have known those texts existed. Should've just left it at the vitamin crying video and quietly blackballed him like real professionals do instead of spilling all that hyperbolic, falsified "predatory gay male" dirty laundry, but I guess her narcissism compelled her to try and publicly humiliate him as punishment for "betraying" her.
Jeffree really slid in thinking he could kill the competition with all that faux morality about "being a predator" and some extra lies on top, too. And of course, he had to slither back into his hole when he realized that whatever he was hanging over James' head after his response video would just blow up in his face, since we all know Jeffree's definitely done far worse things from the MySpace days (or even earlier) up til now.
I have to say, you haven't lived until you've witnessed a racist, lizard-looking gay man get defeated by the younger, less abrasive version of himself, lmao.
No. 809608
>>809588James is annoying as fuck but I’m not sure what you’re on about, he showed proof on everything that jeffree and Tati were accusing him off. I’m pretty sure the cat fishing in high school was confirmed to be faked by a girl who wanted attention. If Greyson was “molested” like jeffree said how come he hasn’t publicly come out? How come both twins called James? Jeffree has a huge fucking history of being a drama fag and being a shit person in general. If Grayson was molested again why didn’t jeffee/Grayson go to the police? They’re all egoistical people but holy shit Jeffree is awful compared to all of them.
>>809591Kek! He does look like a lizard. You’re right anon, jeffree didn’t have receipts and backpeddled.
No. 809628
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>>809588Jesus christ it's not that at all, I can't believe we have to keep explaining this. We've gone through this for
literal years in these threads with Jeffree: no one gives a shit if you like or dislike someone here, but it can't be…
>A: i don't trust person x>B: why?>A: WOW SO BUTTHURT CAN'T BELIEVE ALL THE X WK HEREor
>A: [irrefutable proof of person y produced by person x]>B: idk seems fake?? what about this thing person x did tho??>A: ok? doesn't make the proof they have any less real?>B: WOW SO BUTTHURT CAN'T BELIEVE ALL THE X WK HERE…over and over again. This is literally the story of every single Jeffree scandal, look through the last thread.
Jeffree calling Jackie Aina a racial slur:
>yeah but he was correct to call her a racial slur because look over here at how bad SHE isDaved proving 17 different ways his caps of Jeffree using slurs were real:
>idk seems fake he's just doing it for attentionHFTT calling him out on anything with dozens of videos of proof:
>well she's a jealous fattyVideo of Jeffree screaming the n-word at the top of his lungs:
>but context! they probably weren't even black women so it's not even racist!James Charles providing 45 minutes of Jeffree's lying, manipulating, and outright hypocrisy
>james cherrypicked all of that proof he had of jeffree being terrible, what's he hiding?? jeffree will be totally ok thoughThis is why he keeps getting away with this shit, so that's why it's gets called out. It has nothing to do with liking or disliking the accuser, and everything to do with not letting Jeffree's bullshit be swept under the rug for the 87th time.
Like saying you have questions about Greyson is totally reasonable, no one's mad at that. I don't even know what you're talking about with that or catfishing an entire school, so share that info so we can talk about it. (Though I guess I would be confused how him doing something in high school has anything to do with the current situation tbh) You can dislike James (or whichever person of the week has proof) all you want but it doesn't make the proof any less legitimate. It's the people who are trying to divert for the sake of diverting with no actual logic that get called out (like
No. 809653
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>>809608but it goes the other way too, why hasnt grayson come out to clear his friends name? and why did he block him initially? im talking about the screencap that james himself posted in his vid
>>809425i dont doubt that jeffree lied throughout this whole thing, but "molesting someone in their sleep" is a pretty big lie. but its true theres no real evidence and grayson hasnt said shit so its as good as nothing i suppose
>>809628you guys were the ones pointing fingers "WOW everyones a J*/tati stan!!" which made me think you guys were james stans too, but fair enough i havent been following these threads at all so i honestly dont know their history. i pretty much just jumped in recently for the dramu.
for the highschool thing i found it came from one tweet, so again 0 hard evidence. unless someone comes out with pics its just gonna be another rumor, but it seems everyone in james old highschool hates his guts regardless
No. 809667
>>809555>Fuck off honestly, we've been going in circles around this for years every single time a new piece of evidence comes out. There's literal proof of his racist behavior provided by multiple sources multiple times. Jeffree's racist, he might not think he is, but he is.I asked in the youtube beauty guru thread why so many (on the internet in general, not here) think hes an angel etc when theres been so much evidence that hes a shitty person idgi. I watched his racism video which was apparently a "apology" video and like…it wasnt? It was a fucking "boo hoo I was wacist because people were mean to be for being gay when I was younger so its excusable" it was a 20minute sob story and the comment section was like "aww poor jeffree hes had it the hardest in the world" like I laughed when jeffree went on about james being manipulative. All he had to do was say what I said before was shitty, I realised it was bad and wont do it again but just like with this drama it has to revolve around him and how hes been personally effected and how much he has suffered blah blah blah.
The issue that jeffree has with james I feel is that james is too much like him and he hates that. I was shocked when he talked about how nate identifies as straight bc I assumed he was either gay or bi and that hasnt changed, if hes fucking you jeffree, he aint straight. They are both two peas in a pod although from whats been presented only one has sexually assulted someone and it wasnt james. Oh and before I get any salty replies this is coming from someone who hates james. The kid is annoying, I thought he had his head up his ass for charging $500 to see him like bitch your a dlist celeb, but regardless when it comes to serious allegations then there best be reciepts and given how big jeffree talked this up before cowering and deleting the tweets he deserves to be dragged for this shit.
No. 809677
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>>809002Anon please dont make me laugh like that
No. 809729
>>809555>definition of slanderoh wow you just undid this whole gossip imageboard anon. we're all gonna pack up and go home!!
your boring moralfag posts are very obvious anon.
No. 809732
>>809628>>809729Samefagging- I can get behind your points about the racism evidence right here but then you go James wee wee wee again. It's like you can't accept some people can think Jeffree is racist and James also ain't great. You seem to think this is some vast moral crusade where we must. pick. a. side otherwise wee wee wee!
Your posting style is so distinctive that its against the rules and guidelines here, sister.
No. 809969
>>809874His twitter is still up
>>809900His own
>>809948They are on twitter just search gage James Charles
No. 809979
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>>809729>>809732ntayrt but jesus christ, we don't care if your feelings are hurt by Tati being a proven Trump supporter. Just go find another rich middle aged white woman to feel bad for and shut up, it can't be that hard.
Anyways, went to Tati's yt page to see if there were any updates and this was at the top of her page lmao. Not sure if it shows up that way for everyone or if it's random, but still made me kek.
No. 810215
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From gg
No. 810325
>>810215i hope this is bullshit. gg is next level autistic. who the fuck thinks it’s a good idea to call someone’s parents over internet shit?
>i didn’t know what to do with this information i’m scared waheither they’re lying or they’re actually that smooth brained. if you were really scared of getting assblasted by some rich guy’s lawyers, you wouldn’t be posting the shit online let alone contacting the woman in the first place. i don’t see what possible good can come out of it anyway, isn’t she homeless and mentally ill? this weird fuck needs to leave her alone and stop cowtipping
No. 810336
>>810215"She signed an NDA!"
"She was willing to breach the NDA to talk to some stranger from the internet!"
Uh huh.
No. 810403
>>809617I think Shane Dawson is a shit stirrer for the views! I'm not sure what the business is him and Jeffree and then thru Shane all his little cohorts. Ryland maybe, camera guy Andrew seems like he came in business first then friends since he only tweets when he gets paid (like about what he's filming or doing fan service for the the Adams).
I was put off when first hearing Shane wants to do now do make up after all the years of him clearly not having passion for the 1000s of girls products etc he tried. And now to suddenly be practicing and all promoting the shit and sad fans thinking its just a bunch of great gal pals. It's all business. Where was the energy when Shane was fucking a cat lol
The fact is Jeffree implicated Shane in those texts which made me think Shane and Jeffree are looking for a hook on their upcoming beauty guru docuseries where they'll be shilling the absolute fuck out of jeftee star and Shane products. Would have been even better if they could have taken out a competitor for the views too but no, they pounced too soon.
Now it seems all the media teams are getting involved now and organising meetings between clients not friends. This is all business but Stoner boy Jeffree gets his lines blurred a lot, flies off and says some shit. He thought he could help cancel James on rumours. Guess Jeffree must have taken a bigger hit on his stolen products earlier in the year.
No. 810411
>>810403I think it's all a business tactic.
Shane's a poor guy looking for acceptance from other people. He's easy to manipulate and wants to be liked.
Look at Jake Paul, he had an easy game, Shane was eating out of his hand and boosted his carreer.
Jeffree knows this too. He's showering Shane in gifts, deals etc because he knows 'Shane Dawson' is a big name on YouTube who brings him new subscribers and customers with every interaction.
If he releases a palette with Shane it could be the biggest bullshit, but millions of people are going to buy and love it because it's a Jeffree x Shane product.
Jeffree also tried a bunch of times to interact with Jenna Marbles.
Why not, getting a bunch of her subscribers and millions of views by doing her make-up or having all of their dogs play together would be a great deal.
Jenna's friendly with him on Twitter, but she knows better than to ever collab with him cause she knows how
problematic Jeffree is.
No. 810664
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>>810548There's this conversation in response to his deleted nudes post.
Don't know who this Nick is.
No. 810701
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that duping delight tho
No. 810790
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>>809589They're taking it out on her because she acted like a literal toddler who instigated all of this drama and set an angry mob on a teenager over gummy bears and wasn't even smart enough to remember not to completely lie about the entire thing. All because….why?
her feefees :(((. If she was one of these idiot teenagers it might be forgivable, but if at 37 years old she hasn't learned that her actions have consequences then she deserves it and she should seize this opportunity as her chance to learn that lesson.
>but officer you can't lock me up, I only murdered that man out of hurt feelings>>810536tbf he's an attention whore for voldemort too
No. 810827
>>810511Jeffree's heart was replaced by a platinum LV one a while back. I don't think he feels it.
>>810790Can you not lose the plot every time someone holds even a minutely different view to yours. Yes there are genuine whiteknights here but you also pounce on anyone and everyone with your rants.
No. 810856
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>>810839>>810827>>810760This thread is a goddamn mess. We all hate Jeffree and everyone is just screaming at each other for admitting we also hate other people too
>ur the jeffree stan>no UR the jeffree stan!!Can mods just make Jeffree wking bannable at this point, like we've been asking for since the last thread? So we can move on? This shit is exhausting, this happened because mods let the actual Jeffree stans from the last thread go unpunished
>>808863>>809494>>809409can you stop samefagging with this "james charles is hiding something u guise!!" shit unless you have some actual milk to share about any of them? because otherwise we still don't care that you think that and you're just derailing
No. 810865
>>810790Kek!! Thanks for the picture anon
>>810856Indeed, If James is hiding something we need proof other than that it’s just sperging, it’s annoying as fuck. Jeffree has many receipts from his past therefor he’s a
valid cow (not saying James isn’t completely we need actual milk than just hEs HiDiNg SOmEThInG”)
No. 811099
>>811010Every drama channel seems to be a Jeffree stan.
The only one I can think of, who actually doesn't like him is Here For The Tea, but she's a lying bitch, so…
No. 811282
>>811099>Every drama channel seems to be a Jeffree stan.tbh i just think everyone hates james and dont really… want him uncancelled. i dont follow anyone involved with the beauty guru community but the day tati exposed james my feed blew up but no one has posted any updates on this since.
im too embarrassed to watch tati anymore tbh. she seemed too serious for this. jeffree is already somewhat of a comedy act and looks like a literal clown so i dont think people will have a hard time keeping up with him after this. his career isnt dead for trying to take down a mostly disliked beauty guru when he came out unharmed after saying hed throw battery acid on a black woman to lighten her skin.
No. 811289
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>>810936>why do you keep posting in this retarded manner? why can't you handle any other point of view than one you write in your own essays?Holy shit I'm the anon you're replying to and that was my first post in this thread. I'm not whatever anon you keep accusing everyone of being, but I'm guessing you're the "BUT JAMES!!!" anon and
>>810827 because literally why would anyone be so buttmad about being asked to provide milk or stop derailing. Are you
triggered by greentext or something? Why don't you go take a timeout in your sensory sack and come back when your autism has calmed down.
No. 811303
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Not sure about much of the way Youtube's payment system work, but when a video is deleted does that mean she won't be paid for that month's monthly views?
I don't think it implies she'd owe them money, but I'm wondering if it genuinely impacts pay or is just social blade's keeping proper statistics.
No. 811380
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Keeping Shane-specific dramu in the Shane thread, but this bit from from Ryland's most recent vlog seems more relevant here. In the video Ryland says it's his birthday (May 14) when they're filming
>Ryland: Everytime I walk downstairs there's a beauty person on the TV talking about products
>Shane: Uhh…..God there's so many things I wanna say but I don't know when this video's going up. I thought the Jake Paul world was scary and drama filled….the beauty world's worse.
>Ryland: It is like so cut-throat and like everyone…..seems to be very manipulative…..
>Shane: Yeah
>Ryland: ….on all ends
If it was shot post-James video I wouldn't think anything of it, but he's literally trying to pull a "There's good people on both sides" even though he's still the #1 Jeffree shill at this point and has been for a long time. He's def trying to act like he had nothing to do with any of this even though he has the most followers of anyone involved and outright tweeted an ad for Halo Beauty right after Tati's video. They also include a lot of Rich Lux clips/references in the vlog…..who's just another Jeffree shill.
Oh and also there's this nightmare where they show their couch and they literally have a giant pillow of Jeffree's face. Just thought it was kind of a weird thing to do in given everything that's happened since the 14th.
No. 811414
>>811282>came out unharmed after saying hed throw battery acid on a black woman to lighten her skinOh yeah, I forgot about that one. Some ambitious person needs to just create a Jeffree Star master-post of all the caps of atrocious things he's said and done and gotten away with, there's just too many to remember. HFTT did that hour long video of JH that was supposed to be a series but then got cancelled cuz JH lost her shit over it or something but….couldn't she turn that energy towards a Jeffree takedown instead? There's easily hours and hours of milk, it could be the next big youtube docu-series. That's free content babeeey
>>810936>why are you reee-ing about 2-3 day old posts?>why can't you handle any other point of view than one you write in your own essays? nta but could you at least try to be a less obvious samefag? the 2-3 day old posts you're referring to all have the same one opinion, and you're the only one shitting over someone questioning that one opinion, lmao. (Greentext included for
triggering purposes only)
No. 811498
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>>811486It's a very small group of people who could claim on this. Seems like Tati has form:>>811414samefagging is replying to yourself in order to make it look (fraudulently) like others are in agreement, it doesn't refer to posts by the same person that you don't like.
No. 811875
>>811303She didn't delete it, it's just unlisted. You can still watch it: Not sure if embed works with unlisted videos.
No. 812567
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>>812003I doubt she lurks, there's plenty of much easier places to find people taking shit about her
She finally uploaded a new (prefilmed) video, anyone actually watch it? (I just don't really want to give her the views). Also what a weird/unflattering thumbnail.
No. 812588
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I'm a dumb bitch when it comes to how YouTube works but I checked's Wayback Machine to see if the video has been archived - it has been.
Now for me and apparently a few other anons, the video hasn't been available since last night. But the video has been archived twice today, with a difference of ~2,000 views within a few hours. Puzzling
>>812567There was nothing super notable about it besides how it got the same amount of views all of her other videos get despite the millions of new followers.
No. 812649
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This image can apply to all youtube drama atm. I'm sick of ''e-celebs'' using depression as their get out of jail card.
No. 813318
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Welp, here we are.
No. 813364
>>812859She acts (and looks, to an extant) like a 12y/o even though she's what, 30? I went through a period several years ago where I would binge watch her videos, I found her really funny. But she got old and boring fast.
I'm not sure if she really fits in the "beauty community" category though
No. 813392
>>807740Yeah this whole thing is ridiculous and honestly I’m pretty positive Jeffree was egging Tati on behind the scenes. He’d take out his biggest competition and his biggest competitions biggest supporter/‘mom’ Stan and also try to pull at the threads of her reputation. Tati met James’s family, she was just looking out for him and enjoying this part of her life by helping someone much younger; people do this literally all the time she’s not a fucking predator and that waters down the term. There is absolutely no proof of that very serious claim about Tati. Didn’t she basically just post a dramatic/emotional Instagram story about James supporting another product brand instead of hers? She could have been fucking up by tacking on James’s sexual comments, but men like Jeffree sling mud all the fucking time? Why is she getting torn apart, no one should care.
Sjw’s are going hella overboard to prove that ‘men’s sexual violence is treated equally’ yet this is a fucking circus of bullshit emotional responses that if anything weaken the argument. Men in and out of the industry constantly treat women like this openly, but it’s not a thing because they’re assumed to be straight and should just shut up and deal with it? Men literally make money just to have leverage on women’s sexuality is this real. Why does it have to turn into an argument of who should get more respect based on their gender roles and assumed sexuality when it’s supposed to be
equal treatment.
Dudes do what James has done constantly. I’m not saying who cares, but the only reason this is getting big is to ‘take him down’ and it’s really obvious and lame as hell people are so threatened by a teenager. I don’t even like him and really hope he figures out how to address this properly and fucks up Jeffree who is fucking 33. He’s closer in age to Tati than James yet he’s getting none of the heat for being a genuine real ass proven predator who brags about essentially raping drunk straight men
all the time.
Jeffree is a much bigger fucking problem, i want Tati and James to stop being little bitches about biotin pills and make up to save both of their careers.
No. 813522
>>813392James doesn’t need Tati to save his career. He’s fine.
I can’t stand this bullshit about letting Tati get away with what she did just because she’s not as bad as Jeffree. James Charles was the only
victim in this specific crime. This isn’t even the first time Tati has been an idiot, apparently
No. 813651
>>813355I find it ironic how a while ago she was shading Tati and her love for branded water but is now acting as though they're bffs suddenly during this very dramatic season and keeps mentioning her.
If anything, she's as bad as all these other people trying to social climb because she's doing the very same thing at this point while preaching 'woke' stuff. At this point people don't seem to care what she does because the moment she donates some money everyone goes 'oh wow! she's so wonderful!'
No. 814388
>>813522If I were Tati rn I would so fucking worried, Jeffreak is playing the
victim at the moment and how he was "mislead" about JC, I'm pretty sure he's going to do something and throw Tati under the bus to save himself and his trashy image.
I predicted this JC/Jeffreak fight since the first thread, but let's see if J* gonna drag Tati to save himself or not
No. 814594
File: 1559093830083.jpg (403.35 KB, 1080x1080, Mykie.jpg)

Mykie has had some Michael Jackson-quality pointy nose surgery as well as the full veneers installed lately. Pics related, from her stories today.
No. 814634
>>814625These are screencaps, in motion it's very obvious this is not a natural nose. She did admit to having surgery to smooth out a bump on her nose bridge, years ago, on her abandoned vlog channel. I think she admits to
some surgery but not everything, as of course people notice some change. It does seem the nostrils are slightly botched and asymmetrical compared to before, which makes me suspect surgery beyond what is confirmed. With the veneers she confirmed getting the vampire teeth/canines in, but didn't mention actually getting the whole set done as has clearly happened (at least this was not confirmed on Youtube, I don't watch her stories much so maybe she has referenced both of these)
No. 814636
>>814634Same anon, looking at her older pictures she did already have - what I can see now is an obvious fake pointed nose - but the asymmetry is worse now and it is even more pointed, so it seems like she did a revision which made it more obvious/worse.
(Now I can't believe I ever thought that was a natural nose tip).
No. 814684
>>813522Ew, wtf? How was James Charles a
victim, he got what he deserved, to be taken down a notch. Even if he wasn’t a predator exactly, he was still 1. Trying to force his sexuality into Gage 2. Trying to sell shitty and potentially harmful vitamins to his 12 year old fans and 3. A
toxic being in the community because of his exposé video on the community and his need to bully anyone who criticizes him. He was willing to leave Gage to the wolves and refused to ask his fan to stop attacking Gage. He’s just as much of a snake as anyone in the industry and if you want some truth TTTT, his video literally only worked to deflect attention away from himself and push it onto J
. I’m not saying J didn’t say some fucked up shit, but he really wasn’t the one on trial, no matter how annoying he was, and all James did was push the attention to Jeffree.
No. 814829
>>814684First, nice reading comprehension
>the only victim in this specific crime1. I’ve asked multiple times here and elwhere about this Gage drama. No one ever responds. The only thing that has actual info about it I’ve seen so farseems to be drama channel videos (I assume), which I prefer not to watch because obvious reasons. So if you could show me something? I might just watch the videos anyway but shit
>but ViTaMinS2. Fucking KEK that anyone can take this argument seriously. Tati’s vitamins have risks too on top of being snake oil. And why are we gonna act outraged about people being a bad influence for kids when they’re
fucking makeup gurus that are selling kids consumerism, body shame, sexual stuff, and products that are bad for their body
in every video they make3. All the beauty gurus are shit. Why does that mean that JC deserves to be called a predator any more than the rest of them?
No. 815812
File: 1559277342411.png (34.99 KB, 599x110, Screen Shot 4.png)

>>814829Don't take the bait anon, it's just the same "bUt JaMeS!!!"-samefag who refuses to actually provide any milk the 472 times we've asked already. They're just doing the ole' Jeffree song and dance of trying to divert attention, mods ignore our never-ending complaints, Jeffree goons destroy the thread, yada yada yada.
Speaking of, Jeffree's back on his bullshit trying to get people back in his pocket with his "generosity uwu". You'd think people would be wise to this by now, he's just throwing out a million lines that he can someday reel in as "I GAVE this person their career (
by sending them a PR package/RTing them) and all they did is BETRAY ME (
some benign action he can perceive as a slight directed at him later down the line)". I don't know why I'm surprised, but I thought this would finally be the one to topple Jeffree. I guess having a makeup brand people like is helpful though – can you imagine if Tati tried to pull this shit with her vitamins?
No. 815833
File: 1559282414749.png (38.84 KB, 1413x284, wiki.PNG)

>>815819>100m+ a year Source? I never really thought he made that much. I knew he was a millionaire but there's no way he's that successful.
I was reading his Wikipedia page looking for some answers and it's so poorly written it reads like it was written by one of his 15 year old stans lololol
No. 815848
>>815833A-anon someone in this thread said he's a b-billionaire
>>807821I'm sure he must be.
No. 816209
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>>815833>>816207samefagging to add i googled it and found this. not sure how accurate it is so take it with a grain of salt. looks like it’s actually 50m, not 150m. i also forgot he owns a lot more than just the cosmetics brand. it briefly mentions his weed line, that’s probably pretty profitable too even if it’s “small” compared to the makeup No. 816571
File: 1559437938007.png (1.44 MB, 1440x1048, MykieIG.png)

>>814594New photo on her IG: Yeaah this is new. She had pinched nostrils and a pointed shape before from the underside, but the tip was round. Now it's pointed. Pointed teeth and nose, she's gone elfin.
No. 816800
File: 1559492954096.jpg (575.41 KB, 1079x1847, Screenshot_20190602-182904_Ope…)

>>816571It's just the angle.
Pic is from October 2018.
No. 819950
File: 1560064920293.png (Spoiler Image,306.13 KB, 739x409, jaclyn hairy ass lipstick.png)

The Jaclyn Hill lipstick saga is wack. Chunks of plastic, gritty pieces, hair and holes in the lipsticks. Rawbeautykristi did an in depth video about it and Jaclyn is lying to cover her ass. Spoilered bc its fucking gross.
No. 819951
File: 1560065115200.png (109.57 KB, 623x564, Screenshot (46).png)

The hairs are embedded in the lipstick. How the fuck were they from latex or rubber gloves? And this was DURING quality control apparently.
No. 819972
File: 1560071185682.png (76.25 KB, 589x760, 2019-06-09 19_05_54-Tweets wit…)

Marlene (Makeup Geek CEO) has been going OFF about the JH stuff.
No. 819973
File: 1560071360514.png (326.52 KB, 579x672, 2019-06-09 19_08_35-Mᴀʀʟᴇɴᴀ Sᴛ…)

>>819972There's a lot more on her twitter, she's been ranting about it for days, but I thought her pictures were interesting. The plastic in hers resembles the little balls in the JH lipsticks.
At any rate, Jaclyn has got too much money to be cutting corners like this every time she launches shit.
No. 819977
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>>819969White gloves as in cotton or nylon product inspection gloves. They are not powdered.
No. 819978
File: 1560073464684.jpg (155.65 KB, 1241x854, Fibre-Charts.jpg)

>>819950Those fibers are far too thin to be human hair. Has anyone put them under a microscope to settle the matter?
No. 820214
File: 1560118707666.jpeg (335.02 KB, 1242x2038, C7866064-D7E9-4874-AFB7-E1E13D…)

Here’s a screenshot from a Jaclyn fan account that has a picture of the same Jaclyn lipstick on Jaclyn’s vanity from 2016. I wouldn’t be surprised if all these are from this same batch and she waited to launch until her divorce was finalized.
No. 820267
>>819994To me it looks like the mixture used to make those lipsticks was extremely botched. Like, amateur level. The tiny holes near the tips were 100% caused by air bubbles that were trapped in the product while it was still liquid, due to half-assed mixing process. Admittedly, my knowledge of moulding is basic, but one thing I know for sure is that if you don’t mix your stuff properly to remove air before pouring it into the mould, you’ll get bubbles stuck to every nook and cranny near the bottom, which means your finished products will be covered in holes on the surface, just like those lipsticks.
The grainy texture and mysterious beads are probably just ingredients like oils, waxes etc. that were also poorly mixed in, without being thoroughly melted first and later started breaking down because of that.
The fibers are just baffling though. Clearly, they got into the mix because there was zero quality control (cotton gloves, sure Jan. I’d be surprised if there were any gloves involved at all) but why is there SO many of them? Did they use some old dusty mixing vats that nobody bothered to clean first? I’d understand if one, maybe two lipsticks in a batch had a fiber embedded inside, shit happens during production. But nearly every single one? Fucking unbelievable.
I can’t even say the lipsticks were cheaply made because it’d be an insult to actual cheap lipsticks that are infinitely better quality than Jaclyn’s. She didn’t give a single fuck, nor did whatever Chinese backyard “factory” she got to make this trash.
No. 820488
>>820267this is my working theory. production was probably rolling along on these lipsticks and then abruptly halted by JH due to legal matters or otherwise. either the lipsticks themselves or the mixture from which they were molded was probably plucked off the assembly line mid-production and placed somewhere without cover or regard given to contamination because that costs $$ and both JH and the shoddy factory she was working with don't care about cutting corners at the consumers' expense.
this is what happens when dimwits with a camera suddenly think they can become business moguls just because they can apply eyeshadow halfway decently and have a horde of yes-men and gullible stans behind them.
No. 820867
>>819994Damn she was really trying to make these influencers look stupid. If she didn't know about the nasty lipstick, why did she have a completely different batch made up for PR?
The only opinion she needed was the opinion of the influencers to move that dirty batch. People buy it, don't like it, well it's cause you're a big dumb idiot because all these "pros" say otherwise. They'd all have her back saying "well mine was top quality so you must be lying or not know enough about makeup".
Bless this bitch for exposing this shit.
No. 820868
>>820860I realize that. I didn't say he filmed his summer collection video the day his dog died, my point is that at the time his dog passed he was hyping up his collection by retweeting stuff about it and was all happy and days later he baited with his "something to someone happened". He should've acknowledged it directly and not wait a few days to bait with vague tweets, but in his life there's a time for marketing and a time for real stuff. His dog died during marketing time so he ignored the thing
that broke his heart and waited a few days to address it in a video that will get millions of clicks
No. 820870
>>820850take the tinfoil hat off and do a little more research next time. first off, like another anon said, that shit was definitely prerecorded. second, animals
are family members. just because you don’t see it that way doesn’t mean most people don’t. hasn’t he had some of those dogs for like 10 years or something? that shit is devastating. yeah voldemort might be a raging cunt but jfc he’s still capable of feeling sad when his dog dies. i’ve seen other spergs saying the same thing about his “vacation snaps” and it turns out those were prerecorded too, so it looks like his story of being in hiding for 4 days is legit. also pretty sure he has an assistant that retweets/posts announcements and shit for him on his twitter just like every other iNfLuEnCer that’s popular enough.
No. 822421

>>820267Supposedly, her lipsticks were made in a factory out of California, which can mean anything in this world. I think her lipsticks were packaged in the US but not entirely developed here, which is a loophole a lot of companies use to make their products look more ‘authentic’ or whatever.
I’ve been following the drama since this is probably the worst beauty fail I’ve seen come out of the community, and I’ve been in and out of the gossip for a few years now. Some of her lipsticks honestly looked absolutely vile, especially the ones with the bubble shit on them. That made my skin crawl.
Honestly, I don’t get why so many of these gurus seem to always get contaminated, nasty, 99 cents store makeup launches with the money they make and how passionate they claim to be about the industry. Even when they partner with bigger companies who have more clout, somewhere someone discovers mold, shards of something, animal fur from a rat that got cooked in the production line, or repackaged shit from years ago. I know the US doesn’t have strict rules about cosmetics, but I just assumed most manufacturers monitored and tested products at some point to ensure nothing was wrong with what they are selling. These gurus literally release makeup that was sitting in a room somewhere and was scraped off the floor.
No. 830725
File: 1562084872290.jpg (460.93 KB, 808x1470, Screenshot_20190702-182153_Twi…)

Faggot king Jeffree's sending out his teen army to harrass an airline cause they lost his luggage in which he packed an $60K Birkin.
Love how he's threatening them. I hope he doesn't get his stuff back. "Karma"'s one of his favourite insults, now he got some too.
No. 831649
File: 1562204946891.png (602.99 KB, 625x689, 40e4e7497a035373714d00bf275fe9…)

>>830725God, there's something kind of hilarious about Jeffree trying to bully a Dutch airline over the internet, as if they know or care who he is at all. I'd bet money he already tried to pull a screeching "do you KNOW who I AM?" with them in person or on the phone to get his luggage back, and it obviously didn't work. I mean all 7 pieces at once is pretty sus, but how fucking stupit do you have be to be that irresponsible? #PrayForTheBirkin reeks of "Kim, there's people that are dying" energy.
>>831544>Why is he acting like a whiny little bitch about it? He keeps bragging about how much money he has, just buy a new one.And honestly…..would it even cost anywhere near $60k to charter a private plane? This is him probably throwing a temper tantrum over them not knowing who he was. If he can afford to replace the $60k bag (which doubtless, he can) then he can certainly pay to replace the drugstore makeup he's so heartbroken about
>literally threatens the airline over a bag>but it's the drugstore makeup u guise>i don't even care abt the bag :(((Prediction: he makes every single person who works at that airline's life hell, gets the bag back or compensation and then makes a big show out of selling it or donating it to charity because "i don't even care abt the money uwu it was never about the bag uwu" OR makes a big show out offering to hire to the employees he gets fired because "everyone makes mistakes uwu i'm bigger than that uwu"
No. 831807
File: 1562238541760.jpg (465.07 KB, 810x1688, Screenshot_20190704-130659_Twi…)

He nonstop talked about it and he got his luggage back.
Those poor airline employees probably got harassed nonstop for the last 48 hours on every platform
No. 831810
File: 1562238864793.jpg (761.34 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190704-131341_Twi…)

>>831807I don't know what happened to Nate, but boy does he look ugly with that hair.
No. 832237
>>831649>>831544>>831530y'all are pissing me off today.
"doesn't he have enough money?? just buy another??"
his grossness and cow-status aside, he was a paying fucking customer. had some twitter binch or nibba psoted about KLM losing their luggage y'all would've gotten out the pitchforks y'all bought over United-gate.
this isn't fucking milk. this is a person using social media to fucking stand up to a big company.
and to fucking top it off
>can't he just charter his own?y'all idiots should be thankful at least on this one flight he wasn't actually decadent enough to waste that much kerosene and emit that much carbon just to fly by himself.
i'll fucking repeat myself: he was a /paying/ customer. them losing his luggage wasn't ok, regardless of what ever the fuck he chose to put in there.
saged for advanced REEEaction
No. 832384
File: 1562343892168.jpeg (27.22 KB, 184x184, 1545977303417.jpeg)

>>832237holy shit calm down lmao
No. 832476
>>832237Man, I know Jeffree-stans miss the point on purpose, but y i k e s. He's a paying customer, most people are paying customers. He could have just kept it between himself and the airline's customer service – or did you miss the part where he publicly threatened the airline even after they already promised him they'd get his luggage back? They lost the luggage, they were working on getting it back, he literally says that in the first tweet
>>830725 There was absolutely no reason for him to throw a public tantrum about it, other than to get his way faster (which most paying customers don't have the luxury of) and to brag about his $60k bag.
No. 832883
File: 1562426752247.jpg (138.11 KB, 743x749, YdhNywA.jpg)

A bit OT but is anyone else following the drama between r/beautyguruchatter and the IG beauty guru Lillee Jean (@lilleejean)? Shit is getting real interesting.
Basically somebody on beautyguruchatter made a post calling Lillee out for having 1.1 million followers on insta but extremely low engagement. Most of her followers appear to be bots, but she's still gets sent pr. She's also suspected of running her own fan accounts, who are all either black, muslim, gay or trans.
In addition her mothers is insane as well and is claiming Lillee went to the Met gala and posted pic related on insta. She also claimed that Lillee has been on the cover of teen vouge.
No. 832896
File: 1562428304114.png (519.7 KB, 921x446, scary.png)

>>832883This must be the boldest attempt of pretending to be a "social media star" (like her bio says) I have ever seen. There is no way this girl has 1,1 genuine followers. The looks she does also are very poorly done, same goes for videos. There is almost no appeal to her content at all and she is in no way what the Instagram audience desires. Amazing.
No. 833237
>>833231I think she and her mom might soon deserve a thread. - caps of the mom’s autistic screeching at reddit.
No. 833268
File: 1562505148036.png (196.23 KB, 457x429, Screen Shot 2019-07-07 at 14.1…)

This is hilarious!
Her mom needs to stop trying to make her into a celebrity.
No. 833269
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Also I've never seen an IMDB page that doesn't actually have any credits on it before. Her mom wrote her bio too.
No. 833292
File: 1562508178301.jpg (587.01 KB, 1080x1794, Screenshot_20190707-095940_Ins…)

Holy crap, this has been going on for years. This is fucking hilarious.
No. 833356
>>833341Even the refund is shady. Most likely, she's only issued it so that the people who accept the money back have no chance of legal action against her in the future. It's more of a "here's your money back, now you can't sue me if my makeup injures you" move, rather than an apology.
The best thing would have been to recall the lipsticks, because once people started finding foreign substances (plastic/metal/cotton fibers) inside, no matter what reason Jaclyn gives for the substances being there, the lipsticks are contaminated and a health risk. Any foreign substance is contamination even if there's a "legit reason" for it to be there. If it isn't lipstick it shouldn't be in the lipstick.
also saying "sure they're not up to my standards, but they're still perfectly safe for use" is an incredibly stupid thing to say, a huge liability, and opens her up for lawsuits from anyone getting injured/sick from them. At every turn she has made the wrong move on this.
No. 833413
>>833341I get that people are annoyed the refund wasn't offered sooner, like she really wanted to avoid giving that cash back.
Her mothers post on Insta pissed me off. Thanking people for their 'ooh love and positivity at this hard time' and basically talking like J isn't a grown woman. Sounded like she sees J as a
victim here and no mention of the fact that accountability was all people really wanted here. Guess the positivity dried up after that cos she went private on Insta. It was such a biased 'my beautiful daughter' type mom-post
No. 833639
>>833292She legit looks like she's 12.
What is going on with her teeth >>832869 ? It looks like she still got her baby teeth.
Can someone please make a thread on her, I'd love to follow her bullshit
No. 833726
File: 1562597186133.jpg (623.25 KB, 1080x1620, PhotoGrid_1562596881055.jpg)

okay so the lilleejean bat shittery goes waaaaay deep, I haven't seen that many sock puppets with stolen pics in a long time. too much of a newfag myself but I'd love a thread too. the fake fan accounts follow each other. the reddit thread got locked but people were pointing out the blatant fakery (next couple replies will be caps) - this is excluding all the claims she got death treats, sperging in YouTube, trying (poorly) to dox people on bgc. the cow and mom are full of milk.
No. 833728
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No. 833729
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No. 833732
File: 1562597942268.jpg (265.81 KB, 1080x1080, PhotoGrid_1562597787036.jpg)

'fan' accounts - these are just the ones that were following the fake fakeboi stan account (infinitelilleejeans is an almost hilariously self-aware name) SHANIQUA is her pretending to be a black woman. she's got other every ethnic group or minority covered across the 'fan' accounts, race, religion, orientation.
No. 833812
>>833732>>833742>>833751I would love a thread too .. It seems like she bought all her twitter followers as well. She has 11.000 followers but the only people who ever like or comment on her tweets are her mom.
She also only has 2800 subscribers on youtube .. I guess YT subscribers are more expensive than IG followers kek.
No. 833816
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No. 833826
File: 1562614849898.jpeg (63.43 KB, 810x986, 2E0B071D-5D4E-4DF6-B26E-1070B3…)

a bit OT but enjoy her beautiful art
No. 833843
>>833816Hahaha, top fucking kek.
1 Million followers, 38 comments on average. Hilarious.
No. 837343
File: 1563041285220.png (777.96 KB, 998x722, Screen Shot 13.png)

So….what's the deal with Michelle Phan coming back but as one of those "lo-fi chill beats to whatever to 24/7" streaming radio channels? Video description:
>Hi. I missed you…
>Let's catch up soon ♥
No. 837352
File: 1563041492647.png (400.14 KB, 878x619, Screen Shot.png)

>>837343This is the first video on her channel in 2 years, but when if you search Michelle Phan on youtube, it seems like she's starting to reappear in other people's vids? Wonder what she's up to. Staging a comeback?
No. 837443
>>837352She said on the Off the Pill podcast that she doesn't really want to step back in because of the toxicity of the community. So she'd rather have the playlist on her channel so it can be a 'cool calm place for music lovers and new creators to share their work'
But then she also goes off on this weird fake woke, i took shrooms and found my soul in a forest, type rant on why Bitcoin is the future. Which is pretty milky on its own
No. 845583
File: 1564415506161.png (1.43 MB, 1603x964, graveyardgrandma.png)

this is from bunny's most recent video.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 857579
File: 1566680040415.jpg (Spoiler Image,235.23 KB, 1241x1886, ECwvR4rUUAEKvoe.jpg)

Did he photoshop his ass?
No. 857686
>>857622James is never going to transition, his whole tired "thing' is being a guy who wears makeup. If he becomes and transwoman, he wouldn't feel as "Special" if he was transgender. It'd be better for his straight man fetish though.
Maybe when Jeffree gets tired of sugar baby Nate, he can go with the newer model James.
No. 857716
>>857711I'd die if James weird fake lipped ass got with Nate's rapidly aging ass, it'd be hilarous.
Jeffreak claims with all his heart that Nate is Straight, I have no doubt James would do the same to whatever broke boy he gets to play his boyfriend.
So no doubt James would play by the same rules? Saying his boyfriend is straight yet they fuck him?
According to Jeffree he brings Nate women when he asks for them. Nates a kept man, so I'm certain he'd love an James if James would have him.
No. 868547
File: 1568463541482.png (977.48 KB, 1409x313, theresa.png)

>>868537no you're not the only one. even before she became famous i found her so grating and kelly-eden-tier annoying trying to be nerdy and kawaii and all the things.
congratulations, you have a symmetrical face. unfortunately, a personality doesn't seem to come with that so you just fake being a GENKI girl.
No. 868551
>>868537I liked Mykie for a while, but she's become really LA now and it's making her seem so inauthentic. She had Swarovski crystals cemented to her canines (which like, ok, cool, whatever) but then she decided fuck that and got whole veneers. Now her teeth look too big for her mouth imo I think it makes her look a little scary.
why are veneers like the new popular procedure to do? I know good teeth add a lot to your attractiveness, but it's horrifying what happens to your real teeth and I think they enter the uncanny valley more often than not
No. 868703
>>868574This. I'll take her with all her flaws over Jeffree, James and incoming stinky Shane.
I don't think she's a bad person & she doesn't make the platform look bad, but James & Jeffree's weird ass do.
No. 870851
>>868537Started watching a recent vlog (since when does she post vlogs on her main channel) which is just her getting her hair cut with her dumbass friends talking around her
Me: She looks kinda like an instathot, at least she hasn't resorted to sex work like every other pretty internet girl
skipping through video>5 minute bleeped segment where they discuss eating assOh. She had this whole cute sweet persona when she started, then ditched the SFX when she started getting demonitized, pivoted to low quality halfassed clickbait videos, and now is broadcasting her needy teenager "I do sex stuff haha, pls like me" vlogs at nearly 30
Has anyone noticed she makes friends with kinda fragile people and then drops them? Swoop, JKissa are the two examples. But also Boyinaband.
No. 871618
>>870851>Has anyone noticed she makes friends with kinda fragile people and then drops them? Swoop, JKissa are the two examples. But also BoyinabandI hadn't noticed that but I've never been the biggest follower of her. Totally believable though.
Also in her video about coming back to YT she said it was a "stressful full time job". Doing a fake high pitch fake voice while you do makeup in front of a camera is a stressful full time job? Try being an EMT, nurse or for fuck's sake even a teacher. Lmao done with this bitch. I'm so tired of the "being an influencer is so hard you guys just dont understand uwu" trend of making videos. If it's that hard, quit. No one is forcing you.
No. 874679
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>>874245>When are people going to call Jeffree outI mean….are you new? We've been trying, it never works.
>When I saw that fat asshole Rich Luxe in Shane's trailer I was shockedRich has been deep in Jeffree's pocket for over a year now at least, they've done multiple videos together. His videos have been straight up Jeffree/Shane propaganda forever now, it's nothing new.
No. 874836
>>874684I'm not new, I'm newish to Jeffree, in the sense of learning the sheer amount of shit he's done almost every year of he's been famous.
I'm just so sick of men especially shitty fucked up men, taking over & being the face of female industries.
Can we have anything? I'm black and I can forgive Laura for what she's said, but for Jeffree? No, I can't. I truly believe he's racist, sexist and
abusive. He's done not one thing to prove otherwise.
He's bragged about beating up women, we've seen him beat up women. We've seen him yell slurs, in music and in videos.
We've seen him be homophobic, we've seen him call women sluts & whores. We've seen him start SO much shit. I'm truly just beside myself that this ugly man can sit in women's clothing, accuse another man of molesting someone, say he's a pedo, say he's a "danger to society" , Say he needs to be "locked up", bully his underaged brother & then say after it all, "I was in a dark place".
I'd think that this last drama would be the end of Jeffree.
I'm positive that every woman involved in drama, gets it 20 times worst then Jeffree does for doing less.
I really hope, I truly hope that by bringing up James these two dickheads, cause people to look at the situation and/or James speaks up.
I do not like James AT all, but I truly hope he uses this to end Jeffree and don't let people forget what Jeffree AND dirty Shane did.
No. 875514
>>874643This is very sweet of Laura.
Glad she's still doing very well even after Jeffree "cancelling" her. Laura is definitely a better person than Jeffree and i'm happy for her she could move forward and close that chapter, unlike Jeffree who can never shut up about someone.
No. 876061
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Ugly Jeffree mad at Manny I suppose
No. 876088
>>876081He must not be getting enough attention from this "Documentary" he needs to grow up.
He constantly tells on himself how unhappy he is. Then people lap it up.
No. 878213
>>877836She is. All she ever did was tweet things everyone said around this time.
Laura isn't a manipulative sociopath who backstabbs everyone in her life while playing the good girl. She also doesn't attack brands to the point they're scared of her and kiss her ass, and she doesn't attack her own fanbase or sell them new crappy make up every month.
Laura is better than Jeffree, Manny is, Nikita is and everyone else who got dropped by skeletor.
"Bitch is bitter because we're better off without him" is too fucking accurate.
No. 878233
>>878213wait what? were you even around for her drama? she did a few stories on instagram where she ranted at her fans, attacked some of them on twitter and in the comment section of youtube. she started deleting old tweets in a desperate attempt to make sure nobody found more then deactivated the entire thing.
The drama was kicked off because she and her friends decided to continue exchanging pa jabs with the King of Petty himself. That entire drama was built around the fact that ALL of them are narcissistic backstabbing bitches.
The difference isn't that Laura's some poor innocent angel that got hurt by big mean Jeffree. The difference is Jeffree's been doing this so long and has built up such a powerful brand that he gets away with being that way. Jeffree fans just expect that he'll do "controversial" things and for some weird reason accept that. Laura's fan's on the other hand bought that she was just a nice southern girl until she revealed she was a southern racist manipulative girl.
No. 880222
>>874643Preach anon.
Ive always hated how much everyone ass kisses Jeffree. He's a raging narc and I honestly think some people are afraid to say anything remotely negative about him because of the way he reacts.
No. 886872
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IDK if this is lolcow worthy but anyone here aware of the Madeyewlook/ashleyhawmakeup drama?
@ashleyhawmakeup has been copying and pasting other peoples makeup and photos onto herself.
She somehow has 500k+ followers.She's been deleting/blocking anyone who calls her out and shes deleted alot of the badly shooped posts in question, the reddit thread has archived some of them. I'm too austistic to do a good write up but theres more info/photos on r/beautyguruchatter. She gives me LJ vibes, I think she could be cow potential.
No. 886941
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This is so bad…she has 500k followers which includes big brands. How do they not see how bad this is? I smell fake followers.
No. 886942
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Almost all of “her” Halloween looks have been deleted, this is the only other one that’s archived that I know of
No. 906043
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Anyone else following this garbage? So a couple of months ago Anthony Padilla (of Smosh fame) was dating a ex-Viner and LA comedian named Miel (they had been dating since 2015 I believe) and recently they made a giant flashy public announcement that he had been in a "secret relationship" with Mykie for some time.
Never been a Smosh fan but I follow Miel because she was one of two hosts of a comedy podcast I used to really like, and a couple of months ago everything seemed to really fall apart and crash and burn for her, but I'm not sure either of them ever actually admitted to or announced that they had broken up before this. So as far as I can tell it's been:
>Anthony and Miel are dating since 2015 (possibly living together?)
>A few months ago Miel starts pretty clearly having a breakdown, leaves LA to go stay with her parents in WA for several weeks (September-ish)
>Anthony and Miel unfollow each other everywhere and stop interacting on social media, but don't make any announcements
>Miel pretty abruptly up and moves from CA to NYC out of nowhere in September (right around Anthony's bday), which is when people start noticing and asking her if she's still with Anthony
>Neither of them seem to actually say anything about their relationship
>2 days ago, Anthony and Mykie announce that they've been in a secret relationship for some time
Hard to confirm because I'm pretty sure they've both (or Miel has at least) deleted any recent pictures/interactions with each other on social. But, from what I can remember Miel and Anthony were in Japan together as late as May. I feel like I remember her even posting about his birthday in September, but I could have made that up because if she did it’s gone now along with any trace of him from her twitter.
No. 906044
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As someone who doesn’t watch Mykie (because I find her insufferable tbh), I’m also confused by who Spencer Henry is in all this. Her posts make it seem like they’re dating, but he also seems to be her hairdresser so I can’t tell if this is standard straight white girl bullshit of treating a gay male like your boyfriend, or if she lead this dude on and then is throwing it in his face.
No. 906045
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>>906043>>906044Also he tweeted this and people seem confused and sympathetic that he’s not her boyfriend. Again, I don’t watch her videos, so I can’t tell what his deal is. Even in her announcement post she calls him her “fiance” (which is a joke obviously) but it’s not a very good one if that’s a straight dude who thought he had a chance with her.
Either way, it all just seems really trashy and gross to publicly announce your new relationship (when you never even acknowledged that you broke up with your previous long-term girlfriend) with a professional photoshoot where your new girlfriend (who you probably cheated on your ex with) is sprawled over you shirtless with her tits out. And of course since she’s a youtuber they had to do it in the flashiest way possible to get as much attention as possible.
(Wasn’t sure if I should post this here or in the Youtube thread, but I’m going by this one since there’s 2 beauty people involved, one OG youtuber and one who’s neither, if that makes sense.)
No. 906087
>>906045Even grosser is that Mykie called him like the "most emotionally intelligent person" person she knows in her video w/ him
I'm not exactly sure cheating on your girlfriend or immediately rebounding with another social media girl is "emotionally intelligent"
are all youtubers massive narcs?
No. 906147
>>906043Thanks for this intel. I was thinking they must've been dating for a year at least by the extremity of the posts. A few months? They are in the honeymoon phase and decided to go full public?
I used to follow Mykie, and based on her interactions with a few prominent Youtubers, in regard to how they talk about her and interact with her offline. She kinda grooms people for months/years. You can see in her recent videos: she does full charm on everyone she meets, big smiles, staring into their eyes, acting like they've been friends for decades.
She met this man for the first time years ago, so they could have been having some emotional cheating for years, with only a few months public. Still seems early days for the dramatic announcements. Her post talks about how amazing and unbelievable it is that he is consistently kind even on difficult days: it ain't that hard to put on the nice act for a few months. You can't make judgements about people based on only a few months of physical interaction.
Mykie turned from a relatable creative weird girl into a narcissist with veneers, obsessed with being Hollywood perfect without making any actual art.
Promoting vanity to your millions of followers is not particularly kind or helpful.
No. 906148
>the most wonderful human being I've ever had the pleasure of knowingSeems unnecessarily nasty considering he had a 5-year-long relationship immediately prior to this. Way to throw your ex under the bus.
No. 906157
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>>906126>gurugossip has the recieptsNo they don't? I was lurking that thread and both of them when it was all happening and it's only ever been speculation because neither of them actually acknowledged it. It was pretty obvious, but as far as I can tell there's been no actual receipt from either of them. The closest either of them got (before this Mykie shit) was that instagram post from Miel where she just said things had been hard and she was moving (stole the caption from GG because she's since deleted it).
>she also commented quickly on the breakup in one of her podcastsWhen she did WWYDM back in May they were definitely still together and she talked about how they were together and lived together, and I've never heard her bring it up on PUTJ (though tbf I haven't listened since Demi left). She only has one podcast of her own and Anthony was literally never brought up there even when they were dating (I honestly didn't even know she had a boyfriend for most of it). What episode/show are you talking about?
>they broke up shortly after the japan tripThey went to Japan in March, the WWYDM episode where she said they were still together was in May.
No. 906163
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>>906157Just for context, that Miel post was from 9/11/19, and Anthony had already been posting shirtless pics credited to Mykie in August.
Also the fact that Miel liked this picture makes me feel like they weren't 100% broken up at that point or there was just some kind of "break" going on because they have since completely ceased and contact and basically destroyed any evidence that they were ever even together. It just really feels like a clue to me because I know that right after Demi announced he was leaving PUTJ she seemed to take that very personally and unfollowed Demi on everything for the few months they weren't recording together. She and Demi seem like they're fine now and worked it out, but I just don't think there's a "medium" setting for her, so she must have thought they were still on ok terms.
No. 906168
>>906163The heartbreak/breakdown likely happened a few months after the breakup, possibly incited by him posting or messaging his ex garbage about how Mykie is the most fantastic person he's ever known, which seems fairly heartless in consideration of exes, friends, family members who have undoubtedly helped him in his lifetime.
>>906159Mykie seems to dial every relationship up to 500%, hence the confusion from many people in the comments to her videos in regard to the boyfriend-like or partner-like friendship she has with others, namely Spencer of late.
It kinda seems like manipulative or even BPD/NPD behavior on her part; I kinda feel sorry for those who fall for it. Several friends of Mykie's, like Jkissa and SWOOP have been left in the dust as she moves through contacts.
The anons in the thread who can't stand to watch her videos obviously have fully functioning bullshit detectors. It's like watching a female PUA.
No. 906715
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Looking back at some of the old GG discussion even back in 2018 they were talking about how Anthony clearly just completely adopts the style of whoever he was dating, and it's almost comical how obvious that is with Mykie. Like, with Miel he just looked like your standard cute hipster dude, now he's turned into a gold-plated fuckboy. They both look like rotisserie shit heads.
Also I don't understand how Mykie's hair can be so consistently fried to shit? Like I remember those big ole videos she did with Guy Tang back in the day where he was fixing her fucked up hair, and she's best friends with a hair dresser now and her hair STILL looks like this? How?
No. 906717
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>>906715Another one from a video Anthony posted. Like, her hair looks like that girl who shows up to high school in cookie monster pajama pants eating hot cheetos for breakfast in class that smells like cigarettes and clearly bleached her own hair….and that's for some fancy event?
No. 906823
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>>906750>she's always saying how hard it to so be a ginger and kinda uses it as an excuse for fried hair but like…you have the money to go to a good hairdresser?Wait what? I get the lack of visible eyebrows thing but what the fuck does being ginger have to do with having fried crunchy busted hair? Also she's literally hanging out with a hairdresser all the time now? She probably just pays him in "exposure" anyways so I doubt it's a money thing. If I were her gay hairdresser friend I would be so embarrassed to see she walked out of the house looking like this
>>906717>>906715When she tweeted pics her caption was:
>@anthonypadilla looks like a rockstar & I look like Dolly Parton probably because this dress was literally made for Dolly Parton.I guess that explains why the dress fits so poorly but the audacity of this bitch to compare herself to Dolly Parton. Also apparently she's getting dragged on twitter for wearing sandals with that outfit.
No. 906851
>>906755I remember when I started following her in 2014-2015 I commented that I enjoyed watching her videos even though I don't do makeup. She replied something like she was happy to hear that and that was her goal.
As it turned out, her goal as you said was to get attention and money whichever way she could. She completely dropped the creativity, art, and connection with her fans. Scrolling her Insta comments on her latest post she seems to just have dumbass fans who can't tell she has veneers ("how did you get your teeth so white/smile so large?") talking about their "hubby" and typical "stunning babe xx" facebook-style comments.
I bet you she lost all her makeup and artistic fans and just has vanity/fitness types left. I know she inspired many people to take up SFX makeup and then dropped it herself. She also made people confident about their own pale skin or freckles (freckle tutorial) before becoming a permatanned bimbo.
Like all the good she did has been erased as she fell into the Hollywood bimbo trap.
No. 906854
File: 1576630347831.png (186.24 KB, 1440x612, It's all natural baybeh.png)

>>906851A comment where she denies having cosmetic procedures, we'll just ignore the full veneers and multiple nose jobs.
Also just realized when naming this file: she dropped her "quirky" writing style she used to use, too.
No. 906890
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Anyone else find it cringey when couples do stuff like this? I feel like they're still in their honeymoon phase despite how much they both deny it.
No. 906946
>>906945They chose a somewhat flattering image for this thumbnail.
His hair reacts videos made me lol because he'd be overreacting to people damaging their hair when his own hair often looked like burnt nylon.
No. 906948
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>>906945>He also used the cruelty free bunny logo without the company's permission to sell more of his crapSomeone posted a pic of the back of the bottle on BGC and the one he has on there is the bottom-most rabbit (but without the "not tested on animals" text) but then right above it claims it's Vegan. With Brad though, I honestly believe he might just be stupid enough to not understand what any of that means. Seems like the type of dude who'd be like "ummm well there's no eggs or cheese in there so of COURSE it's vegan".
Why the fuck does hairspray need carmine in it anyways? Like, that's stuff that's usually used in eyeshadows to make it shimmery. It's just glitter hairspray?
No. 906952
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>>906948Pic from BCG.
>Australian logo>Made in the USADon't understand how that works exactly, but that seems incorrect.
He's also been in some other shit. There's a video where he tests out box dye vs professional dye and got called out for switching the mannequin heads midway through (to ensure the box dye looked worse). And it seems kind of unclear if his brother, who he claims is his twin, is actually just his brother….which would be the dumbest thing to lie about. But not confirmed either as far as I can tell, dude just seems dumb as hell.
Kind of ot but I do enjoy those older Jenna Marbles videos where she's cutting and dying her hair herself for shiggles, and I always enjoyed seeing Guy Tang and Brad in the comments begging to collab and let them "fix her hair ;)". They're soooo obviously thirsty.
No. 906988
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>>906952Don't forget about him bleach frying Snitchery's hair. Ironic since his main schtick is reacting to "bleach fails"
No. 907747
>>906854Wait, multiple nose jobs? I didn't know she had one, let alone multiple!
>>906945Yikes, I hope he pays for this. Be a good way to show YouTubers that just cause they're popular doesn't mean they're suddenly masters of their craft and that there's a reason you need to be a professional in certain fields to do things
No. 912384
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>>908934Yeah we've seen it, she's still full of shit though. So according to her this is her timeline:
>Early 2007: Terrible car accident, broken nose>2013: Nose Job #1>2017 Nose Job #2 to fix Nose Job #1She says in that video that her nose was visibly broken for years after the accident but she
didn’t care what it looked like of course uwu
she loved her fucked up nose and her imperfections uwu
it was just for breathing that's all I don't care how I look uwu
I told them to barely even do anything and THEY fucked it up?? That's clearly untrue, her nose looks perfectly fine post-accident (in fact it looked more broken after the 1st nose job). That's what I dislike about her so much: the pushes the "I'm not like other grils! I'm not like other youtubers!" shit SO hard, and she's just as vain if not more than any other youtuber. And the "guys I just tried fillers just to see what it was like just for the heck of it and then never again"? Just admit you wanted a nose job and fillers? Even in 2017 literally no one gave a shit?
Not to mention she posted that video a second channel, not her main one where everyone could see it. She said it's because that's her vlog channel but it only has 2 videos on there from 2 years ago, and she posts vlogs on her main channel.
No. 912385
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>>908319>>912384She's also very clearly had a boob job, which is rich because when she's posted about her weight loss/new body she insists that she's had zero plastic surgery.
I mean, this
>>906715 >>906044 >>906043 doesn't look human anymore. Where are all the imperfections she claims to love so much? She's sandblasted them away and still won't admit it. Judging by these and her new vid with Nikkie I would maybe guess she'd gotten veneers too. But sure, no plastic surgery at all guys.
No. 912388
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>>912385sauce for "no surgery" tweet
No. 912391
>>906945>>906988Brad lost ALL credibility when he murdered Snitchery's hair. She was too nice to call him out on it, but another hairdresser YouTuber Brittany Gray gave commentary and called A LOT of Brad's expertise into question.
He also claims to have like a decade of salon experience even though he's in his early twenties? Meaning he was licensed as a twelve year old? I'm not sure of the exact ages but it doesn't add up at all. I heard something that one of his parents is a celebrity hair stylist and Brad has been riding their fame to jumpstart his own awful career.
>>912385>>912387Yeah Mykie confirmed she got veneers, you can tell bc the implanted Swarovski crystals on her upper canines are gone. That last picture is absolutely meme-tier with the editing around her eyes, especially compared to the one above it. I never noticed the boob job until you pointed it out and sheesh it's obvious. You're right she gives off such a uwu freespirited lover of natural beauty vibe, when in reality she's been sneakily adding plastic for years.
>>906950Mykie said he's gay in the ~boyfriend reveal~ video so I'm not sure
No. 912395
>>912384Why do all these e-celebs go too far with the surgery and end up looking transgender? Like don't they do a mockup before they get their veeneers/fillers/nose jobs/etc?
She looked gorgeous in the 2008 one, why mess with what she had naturally? Idk whether constantly recording/photographing yourself is the fast track to Body Dysmorphia, but there's no way the current version is better than her natural self.
No. 912412
>>912395I think her natural teeth were absolutely fine and changing them removed some character from her face. they look too big now, so fake, like she's got someone else's teeth in her mouth.
I don't get why veneers are even a thing, they're permanent and scary af and need to be maintained or you'll be fucked
No. 912444
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>>912391>>912395>You're right she gives off such a uwu freespirited lover of natural beauty vibe, when in reality she's been sneakily adding plastic for years.Honestly I think there's a several reasons it's been harder to clock on her than others:
1. I think she has always been pretty, she's just been slowly turning up the dial to "uncanny valley" levels
2. She always has crazy hair/wigs so that's what draws your eye, and she's constantly drastically changing her look so minor changes are missed
3. In a lot of her videos she's only "bare-faced" for a very short amount of time (lit/filtered to hell and back) before she starts covering her face in wacky shit and blood and making so quirky uwu faces. I also think the lack of eyebrows is distracting so when bare-faced you don't notice the nose/lips/teeth as much.
3. She'll share (low quality) pictures of herself when she's younger making fun of herself, so she seems quirky and self deprecating and open, and her new nose looks much closer to her original nose than nose #1 did, so you're not jarred by the difference.
4. And of course, pre-filming and strategic releases. She didn't "admit" to the nose job until months after she'd already had it done and it was well on the road to healing. And of course when she's healing the video's lower quality, with the classic "youtuber wearing a grey hoodie sitting on the couch/floor having a serious talk with you" outfit
5. Just plain lying. Interesting how she keeps saying that her nose was visibly broken and lumpy, but doesn't show any pics of that in the video. Because she doesn't have any pics, because it never looked like that. Also interesting how she's obsessed with gore and blood and will gladly tweet pics of her hair just soaked in blood from hitting her head but doesn't have one single picture of anything related to the crash? (If it were any other youtuber that would make sense, for Mykie it doesn't).
6. Shooping/Filtering. She also says she has a prominent scar above her eye in that video from the car crash, which really just shows how much shooping/filtering she's doing because somehow the scar shows up on her lower quality vlog video with a full face of makeup sitting farther away from the camera, but it's almost never visible in her makeup tutorials when she's sitting bare faced right in front of a high resolution camera.
Also, she's deleted everything off of her twitter from before September 2018 which interestingly enough….September 2018 is when the first Dramageddon was in full swing, and people went back and found those racist tweets from Laura/Manny/etc from years before. Coincidence? So a lot of those receipts came from GG years ago. Basically nothing from the top row
>>912384 is on her twitter anymore or the pink bikini pic here
>>912385Basically she's much less chill/kewl/quirky/uwu and much more manipulative than she pretends to be.
No. 912589
>>912444So the Twitter deleting thing is interesting. What did she think she had on there that could get her canceled?
I agree she is a lot more manipulative than many people realize, the uwu quirky thing is all an act.
I didn't even notice the boob job. She measures her words carefully so she's not technically lying, and when she knows people may notice a difference, (teeth, nose) she admits to part of it (I just got fangs/I just had one nose job due to a car crash). She always wore circle lenses and heavily photoshopped her Instagram photos which might have led to confusion over what she really looks like.
No. 912764
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>>912589I searched her name on BGC and this is one of the only negative things I could find. I bet she’s said some questionable things about race, she seems awfully tone-deaf with some of that stuff and tries to play it off as “quirky xD”. Why else would you burn your entire twitter down when people were being called out for racist jokes in the past? Like remember when she did the makeup tutorial based off if that asian doctor who got pretty violently removed from a plane a few years ago? She got dragged to hell and back for that one. She’s also did the Sombra cosplay, which people weren’t too happy about iirc.
Speaking of, what’s the deal with her “video game/cosplay” shit now? I was looking at her videos and I noticed she did a Death Stranding one two years ago? I find it highly unlikely the girl has ever picked up a controller in her life. I think she’s desperate for anything non-beauty to do at this point (because she’s not vain like other youtubers uwu) since she said youtube demonetizes her bloodier stuff.
>>912659I mean, kudos to her for getting in shape I guess. I did enjoy that one video she made showing the process. I thought she looked great by the end of the video, but yeah this one’s hard to look at. She also kept claiming she was going to do swimsuit competitions? I know zero about body building and if that’s what’s supposedly happening here.
No. 912766
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>>912764Pic related. She also did that Harley Quinn/Joker video which was cringey as fuck.
No. 912845
>>912384Lmao, the good ol' "I only had a nosejob because I broke my nose!" excuse every semi famous person uses to cover their plastic surgery.
I wonder why did she even get veneers, her teeth look perfect in the before pics? Between the bad tan, fake teeth, clown makeup and fried hair, she looks like the Joker now. She really screams body dysmorphia, it's sad.
No. 913038
>>912764This is ridiculous.
"Boohoo Mykie had a nosejob and works out"
Go make a Miel rave thread on GG and take your bs there.
No. 913044
>>913038Did you mean to say "Boohoo Mykie got 2 nose jobs that she lied about and a boob job that she lied about and veneers that she lied about all while claiming to love her imperfections and never have gotten surgery and mass-deleting all her possibly
problematic shit"?
I mean, a Mykie-crony is kind of new and refreshing, it's usually only Jeffree cronies here. Boy though, the notion that calling Mykie out on the shit she's been blatantly lying about for years somehow means we automatically have something to do with Anthony's ex (who we weren't even talking about) is….an interesting reaction.
No. 913199
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Her face looks so scary
No. 913361
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>>913230Correct me if I'm wrong but admits to getting "fangs" (so like….2 teeth) that she got rid of almost immediately, not a full set of top and bottom veneers like she has now, right? Because even in that video it's all her original teeth except for the fangs.
Skipped around in the video and she says she's always liked her smile because it fits her face and was just "enhancing" it with the fangs to be more "gore". She also says there would be numerous health benefits like her migraine and grinding her teeth so like….
>I love my _____!>I want to keep all my imperfections, just enhance _____ to suit me better>It's mostly for the health benefits though????>does the thing which completely obliterates any trace of her original parts>luv urself uwuSo it's literally the EXACT formula she used when talking about her nose. Not only does she not admit to it, she specifically says she loves her teeth the way they are and would never want to change them?
No. 917546
>>917530It makes me go a little bit "oh woah so that explains everything" and "wtf I never knew".
Good on xir to start the year with many more views just when they stopped giving a fuck about pudgecake, though.
No. 917547
>>917528well that's unexpected.
good for her.
No. 917550
>>917528Am I the only one whose seen her in passing and always thought she was an transwoman?
I never looked to deeply into it but whenever I saw her, I either mistook her for that other star guy, Patrick Starr, or just assumed she was trans. I never looked into her more than pictures or anything though.
Good for her though, i'm happy for her.
No. 917556
>>917528I'm mostly shocked that my country allowes children to be on hormone blockers.
I always thought Nikki had quite a manly look, very tall and broad. With the excess fat smoothing everything out.
No. 917565
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very cis. much passing.
No. 917574
>>917562Why are you here?
>>917560This one>>917556I'm sad that the most subscribed dutch youtuber isn't a female, that's all.
No. 917577
>>917571Nope, people always would tell she is not feminine. I never accused her for being trans but this video makes sense now:
(use embed field) No. 917589
>>917574I'm disappointed because now all of the top beauty youtubers are male, I always thought she was the only girl left in that giant pond of gay men…
I also always defended her against ugly comments, because as a tall girl myself I hate the notion that "woman is tall? -> must be a tranny!" but I guess here it really is the case.
Did other youtubers who met her in person know? Or did she fool everybody? Especially as a kid she totally looked female to me.
No. 917596
>>917565Ironically, Nikkie would pass better as a woman than any of the people she's standing next to there (yes, I know Michelle Visage is a woman.)
It's honestly a bit funny seeing people trying to pretend
now that they ~always knew~ Nikkie was a man. Just admit you were fooled like the rest of us, it's fine. As other anons have said in this thread, it's far easier to appear androgynous if you're fat as well.
No. 917600
>>917528This is a tinfoil hat take but I think it's strange that this is coming out right after Jeffree Star broke up with his boyfriend that is into transgender women. I wouldn't put it past petty skeletor to be a bitter betty and lowkey threaten to out someone out of paranoia or bitchiness. Obviously no proof at all and it's pure speculation.
>>917555Same. I never clocked her. It's easy looking back on pictures now and recognising masculine features but tbh I never noticed. I knew she was super tall but I thought she was just big.
No. 917603
>>917600I'd fucking DIE if it was Jeffree, kinda hope it was. Who else would it be that people would believe? Unfortunately, that too wouldn't end the skeletors career. I hope Nikkie won't be too "classy" and will reveal who that was.
>>917555Ya I hung out with girls like this who played basketball with us. Defo weren't trans. Some girls just have unfortunate proportions especially Dutch.
No. 917604
>>917589I'm missing the days of Michelle Phan now lol. All the top beauty gurus are men wearing drag makeup. Who's left? Jaclyn Hill? Jackie Aina? Huda Beauty?
Hope the trends swing away soon so we go back to glossier/clean no makeup. Or focus on skincare gurus instead.
I thought she was manly with too much lip filler but it all makes sense with her heavy makeup techniques now.
No. 917608
>>917528Did anybody else think the blackmailers' reasoning was weird?
>They say I'm lying>that I don't wanna tell my truth>that I'm too scared for people to know my truthIt sounds less like a cash grab and more like somebody out there feels personally offended by Nikkie's secret?
No. 917621
>>917583This reasoning is almost always garbage anyway. Women have broad shoulders and are tall. Trying to own trannies by pretending you can actually tell if someone is trans are not based on shoulder widths just sound like skull measuring /pol/tards most of the time.
I bet if any of you posted pictures of yourselves on here we’d be able to pick apart dozens of reasons why you look like you’re tucking away a dick.
No. 917646
>>917608The theory above that it's Jeffree, the infamous spiteful bitch of the beauty community, who threatened her seems
very legit considering the vagueness and phrasing of the threats and the fact that Jeffree has a big platform. It can't be some random troll.
I'm pretty sure Jeffree was behind the initial Limecrime "hacking" situation which perfectly coincided with him releasing his competing product. He's such a nasty character he doesn't even try and hide it.
No. 917660
>>917654Puberty blockers are 100% reversible. You just stop taking them. It’s not like she could never go back once she started them. Estrogen is different. But blockers aren’t as big of a deal. Gender dysphoria is a treatable mental illness. Hormone blockers are the first step for treatment and it’s typical for kids to start them since they are reversible.
Y’all really think people should wait until they’re 18 to transition? After the shit you give to people who don’t pass?
(gendercrit discussion) No. 917664
>>917663No i wasn't defending him, I was just laughing at how funny it is to see this going around, I felt I was going to be the only one remembering what Jeffree said, but nope.
he's a shitty gift that keeps on giving. This makes him another level of shit if he did this to her though.
I could honestly see him doing it because there's been a lot of talk about his break up, the situations with nate and he's just a petty bitch.
All tinfoil though
No. 917665
>>917660I don't think feminine and gay teens that hate their bodies and are bullied for not conforming to the norm are trans.
I won't derail any further I don't want to fuel anything that's not related to Nikkie.
>>917664 and he still won't be cancelled I'm so done with his bullshit
No. 917682
>>917673Yeah, I'm not transphobic or anything but that does sound kind of…off. I'm not going to say anything else, it's so fucked up someone forced her to tell the world this.
It's always sad when people blackmail people into these kind of things, it's not our buiness at all.
No. 917683
>>917577I'm guessing she never really wanted to 'come out' so someone blackmailing her is what
triggered it.
No. 917686
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>>917575>Does anyone else think its kinda… interesting that so many of the bigger makeup/beauty youtubers are either male or transI mean….no? Gay Men/MTF have always been the ones changing shit behind the scenes setting the trends, especially in the makeup world. (When I say MTF I'm including Drag in that category, historically speaking). The only difference is that they're public now instead of behind the scenes.
>See: Kevyn Aucoin, Ben Nye, MAC (started by 2 men) just to name a few. Basically every makeup and fashion trend we have now was stolen from the drag community.
No. 917694
>>917680Why on earth would you need to specify that you're not transphobic to agree with that?
>>917689It's also not the thread to shill puberty blockers, but here we are.
No. 917711
I always thought she just had a weird ass voice but now that i think about, i should've known. She was on glow up recently and she went on this tangent that alluded to this ffs
>>917574 sorry for not knowing your cringy ass pronoun parodies, lmao.
No. 917714
>>917710Jeffree came to mind because the drama they had and how Jeffree brags about having dirt on everyone.
So I wasn't just going "Jeffree Star!" it was just a lot people remembered what he'd said about knowing things about her.
But he obviously didn't do it. He's just painted himself to be quit the villian tho.
On the finace, I know he has to have SO much pressure on him. Imagine if they broke up? I can imagine people not being to cool about it. Truly a messed up situation.
No. 917718
>>917716I think that she said they were "working through it" makes people think it's possible he didn't know.
and if he didn't know he was catfished tbh. We don't know what her vagina looks like.
No. 917723
>>917555Also explains the botox filled face and the deep voice.
>>917709That's fucking disgusting. Imagine your partner telling you someday that they're a tranny. How long have they been together? He should fucking leave Nikkie for that, you don't keep something like that from your (sex)partner.
No. 917725
>>917718>We don't know what her vagina looks like.It's not really about what it looks like, it's more about her vagina not being able to contract and the fact that it will have a physical "end" but that the end will be missing a cervix. It's possible he didn't really question the difference in feel when they had sex I suppose.
>>917716tbh I think he knew all along and that they're "working through" the blackmail, not the fact she's transgender. Her now being out might present a different set of problems for the couple. For example, he might not have told his family or they might want children and are looking for the best way to live that dream.
(gendercrit discussion) No. 917729
>>917716 I agree lol she must be post op and if he was fine with it then he should be fine with it now.
Men are fucking dense if they can't recognize a neovag and that's on him he's not a
victim lol
No. 917736
>>917655>is biting him in the ass everydayHow so? He's gotten away with all of it? He literally has never once had actual consequences to his actions? I wouldn't call that biting him in the ass.
>>917702>Jeffree tweeted his support of Nikkie's coming out video which would be a bold move for a blackmailer. Guess we have to put our tinhats away.Can you explain your reasoning why this would clear his name at all? Because blackmailer or not, why would he ever pass up the opportunity to make himself look kind and supportive of the LGBTQ community? (Especially since he's a such a homophobe). That's just basic business/marketing. The only one who would know it was a "bold move" would be Nikki herself, and it would honestly be smarter for her to hold on to that particular receipt, because then she would be the one with leverage. She probably knows better than to try and come for him, especially when he's at peak sympathy between Shane's series and his breakup. Even if she did out him he'd probably just twist it to "
I couldn't see Nikki living a lie anymore like that, in pain, she should be proud! All I did was was encourage her to live her truth uwu" or something and his fans would eat that shit up and praise him for his bravery. It would make no sense for him to not respond either way.
It would never have come directly from Jeffree of course, he never gets his own hands dirty. I mean look at Dramageddon 1 and 2, both just "conveniently" happened to revolve around the only people who posed a threat to him in any way and came away completely unscathed. Of course "Tati" was the one who risked it all to take down James (Jeffree's biggest competition). Of course "his fans" found the tweets that took down the only people who called out his shit. Of course all the drama channels downplay or ignore his behavior of their "own volition", and just always "conveniently" seem to dig up receipts on whoever he's arguing with. Of course whenever he does anything wrong we just happen to suddenly get flooded with "anons" who want to slander the other person or dig up their old receipts, of course all those "anons" only ever have "seems fake" to say with every new piece of evidence that comes out.
Of course he could have nothing to do with it, but you'd be stupid not to assume Jeffree had some hand in it, historically speaking. The odds are just in his favor.
No. 917770
>>917705>>917707>>917760>I honestly think it was just someone from Nikkies pre-fame life, maybe an ex or something.>I could see it being a ex, probably watched how big she got>It was definitely someone from her past extorting her, probably for revenge and money.Source? We have a decade's worth of proof of Jeffree's MO, where's your proof it was literally anyone else? Shouldn't be that hard if that's the truth.
>Don't think that anybody in the beauty (influencer) industry would gain anything from exposing this.Not gain from outing someone maybe, but they would literally
all gain from her stepping back or being scared away. The mechanism of how would have never come out if all went according to plan.
>>917708>yeah nah the tinfoil that another famous person is threatening to expose her is autistic to say the least. it’s 2020, outing someone would be complete career suicide even if they had the worlds most conservative audienceWhat about for Jeffree "
hates gay men, hates women, hates poc, only interested in traditionally masculine straight white men" Star? He's literally the most conservative of any of them, but his fanbase eats him up because it makes THEM feel woke to support him. It's not autistic or tin-foiling, it perfectly fits his profile and MO.
>>917709>>917723>>917684>>917692Source? What's GG's source?
>>917758There's no proof that she never told him or was dishonest in any way though?
>>917731What does any of this have to do with James?
No. 917782
>>917770It makes the most sense if it is someone who isnt super rich like J*. The point of blackmail is usually for money, and he doesnt need it. He also doesnt gain anything since she could easily be like lol this dumb guy thought he could black mail me. It wouldnt something he could walk back on especially since he has alluded to being not cis before.
It clearly is someone who wanted hush money, they were selling the story. The hope was that she was scared of being outed and they could spin it to how she was lying the whole time.
No. 917790
>>917772>hey can any of you provide literally any single piece of evidence that even one of these dozens of defamatory claims are even remotely true?>ur obsessed!!!1!!1!11same shit, different queer/female/poc jeffree would benefit from being knocked out of the spotlight.
You know all yall are doing is proving it was him, right? I didn't think much of the speculation, but yall ARE the proof. He only sends in the flying monkeys when people start pulling his receipts out from under the rug and asking reasonable questions. If you'd just stayed silent it would have died out on it's own, we've seen this song and dance a dozen times already.
No. 917817
What do you girls think of this video? I'm suddenly liking her new honesty.
>>917812>valley girlHe said he learnt english from watching the hills iirc.
No. 917821
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>>917817>uncanny valley"samefag" but can't delete my post and correct myself, oh damn i'm high on crack.
I kinda find her voice feminine sounding to be fair, it's just that her head is huge as fuck.
No. 917861
>>917686>Gay Men/MTF have always been the ones changing shit behind the scenes setting the trends, especially in the makeup world. (When I say MTF I'm including Drag in that category, historically speaking). >Basically every makeup and fashion trend we have now was stolen from the drag community.So, did they push themselves into industries made for us and change shit, or did we steal from them? You can't have it both ways…
It's just interesting to hear that men stealing from women and then pushing their bastardized versions of what we do is now us stealing and them inventing everything.
(>>>/2x/) No. 917862
>>917856She was put on puberty blockers which would explain why she looked feminine as a teenager.
Is anyone annoyed by the amount of comments on her YouTube praising her mother for being so supportive? I think it's absolutely bizarre right after birthing your son to assume he is going to turn out gay or trans. Sounds a lot like the other controversial cases that involve parents forcing transition on their kids.
No. 917867
>>917803It's just one person obsessing about Jeffree over and over. Yeah, he is a major piece of shit but how disconnected from reality do you have to be to think he is blackmailing another YouTuber about being secretly trans. It was probably someone Nikkie went to school with or an estranged family member.
I wouldn't be surprised if Nikkie's mother treated and raised her like a girl from birth. It sure sounds like it. She sounds like she really wanted a daughter.
No. 917886
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Nikki always looked really fishy and manly on selfies taken from others so i am not surprised. He can pass only as a fat, short woman which he is not.
No. 917919
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>>917913One simple Google search, and the rumors date back earlier from his town
No. 917939
>>917762 considering the person she was gonna marry didn’t even know until she was forced to come out I don’t know if she would have ever released this information public or privately tbh
I just hope people don’t expect her to be openly trans and shift her content to somethings she kept to herself her whole life now
plus It’s probably really uncomfortable for her to think/talk about these things after completing her transition and never having to worry about things most transgender people worry about every day .
I’m sure she was happy never having to worry about passing until now lol
No. 917944
>>917606no, its because women find gay men funny or more interesting. Like you gotta admit most female youtubers are mediocre or at best need to up their personality game to compete.
>Female drama sticks longer than the male dramaI think this is more of the case that so far, female MUA's tend to handle drama way worse - example; Laura Lee, Jackie Hill. Combined with the fact gay, sassy personalities are more likeable and thus forgivable? I guess? Or gays tend to show to be confident and uncaring? Manny MUA has no fucking personality but being gay or quirky, yet he's fucking around for some reason.
No. 917947
>>917939Thought that at first
>>917725Has a point. She did say “working through it” but doesn’t necessarily mean what. He could’ve known but maybe his family or friends didn’t. It’s one thing for your partner to know, and in her shoes her reaction was positive and smart. But I wonder how people will react to her fiancé now that they all know, time will tell.
No. 917951
>>917528I’m actually surprised. Literally had no idea. I’m not big in the whole beauty guru community but I’ve watched her videos on YouTube before (not for a couple years).
I like that she’s kept it to herself and not flaunted it for ~spechul points. People who have to remind everyone they are gay/bi/trans/non binary on the daily are obnoxious.
I agree with some anons tho saying her mom sounds like a big culprit in why Nikki is trans. Sounds like mama Nikki was hyped to have a girl, saw she had a boy instead, was devastated, and raised her child in a feminine atmosphere. I’m not surprised her mom was “super supportive”- she didn’t want a son.
No. 917959
>>917951 yeah, and neither did all the idiots here claiming otherwise. I get it now, but people have to remember the word 'troon' originally meant "a masculine bio woman that gets misclocked."
The 'my granny could clock Jazz Jennings from a kilometre away'; is bollocks pushed by fringe GC nutters. Nikkie was just huge, but I've met women that big, some having health issue that caused it.
No. 917975
>>917945lmao calm the fuck down anon and try to do a cost/benefit analysis.
Give me one good reason as to why a successful, rich man with no need for more money would risk his already tarnished reputation to blackmail another youtuber who's career is on decline?
Jeffree is a piece of shit and a petty bitch but he ain't stupid. Besides if Nikkies bf didn't know she's trans chances are that Jeffree didn't know either.
No. 917976
>>917975Can't believe anyone is trying to argue that Jeffree
wouldn't do this given his long career of being an utter asshole to everyone and spreading gossip like there's no tomorrow, but on the "other culprits" front, I saw some old screencaps on Twitter from a Dutch forum. Deleted now or privated, but there's a video on Youtube about it too. Basically a dutch beauty vlogger collabed with Nikkie a few years ago, and that vlogger apparently had a cameraman who spotted the "M" on her passport. However, what's the deal Dutch anons?
Wouldn't her documents say F if she had transitioned?
No. 917981
>>917976It's because at this point in his career he has no reason to. He is much more popular than Nikkie but also it seems like he is back on "okay" terms with her after the whole Too Faced drama. She isn't big enough or publicly shitting on Jeffree so why would he target her?
Also for me I think the most obvious reason it's not him is because why would he blackmail and force her to come out when it steals the spotlight he so desperately craves? You know he is fuming that she came out days after he released his video about him and Nate breaking up. It was the talk of the beauty guru world and he surely had plans to milk that shit until a new makeup launch. Now this news has completely overshadowed his breakup. I wouldn't be surprised if he anonymously leaked some more details about the breakup just to steal the spotlight back.
No. 917987
>>917976>Can't believe anyone is trying to argue that Jeffree wouldn't do this given his long career of being an utter asshole to everyone and spreading gossip like there's no tomorrowThis though. I also don’t understand how people act like money would be the only possible motivation for anyone to ever leak this kind of info.
As others have said: Jeffree would absolutely benefit from Nikki being intimidated and possibly starting to withdraw. I could even see him getting a kick out of having this much power over someone.
I‘m not, however, saying it’s not equally possible for it to be someone who isn’t in the public eye. Especially considering that it’s probably more likely for someone from her past/private life to have actual proof.
No. 917991
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Definitely didn't see this coming. I had no idea, but I'm not a fan (just indifferent) so I never heard the rumors.
However, it's so fucking autistic how many of you are insisting on calling Nikkie "he/him" now, though, when you were literally okay with calling her a woman two days ago. I understand lc is pretty anti-trans so I shouldn't be surprised, but Nikkie clearly isn't some cringe Tumblr fakeboi that deserves to have her identity ignored like that; this isn't a phase or something she did for internet points.
It's a catch-22. I've seen people saying, "Well, it was deceptive for her not to have told her audience, so she doesn't deserve my respect!" but when you purposefully misgender her because you have some autistic hatred for (legitimately) trans people… it's almost like she had a pretty damn good reason to want to wait. If she came out early in her career, ya'll would have been calling her a troon and misgendering her; now, she chose to keep this part of her life a secret to avoid the backlash, and she's deceptive. And gets misgendered anyway, lmao.
Just can't win. Admit you were fooled and move on. It's not like her XY chromosomes affect any of us in literally any way.
I keep reading rumors about Jarrod Blandino and his sister potentially being the blackmailers. I hope we find out soon. I love when the internet takes a shit on vile people.
No. 918033
>>917975I’m surprised no one has speculated that the person blackmailing nikkie could be her ex Ricky whom she was engaged too, they broke up because this guy cheated on her for a while with another woman. They were together from 2013-2018 and engaged, Nikkie was 19 back in 2013 which means she went through neovagina surgery kek soon before getting with him or after. the nastiness of the breakup and of this guy makes me think he’s related to this coming out. He must have trashed Nikkie with the other woman and then wait to blackmail nikkie for a while so they wouldn’t be blamed. What do you guys think?
Also this guy was freedloading nikkie, he’d drive all of her luxury cars and just live a lavish lifestyle funded by her.
No. 918188
>>917556Girl I'm from Holland as well and the reason why children are allowed to go on hormones at all is because of Dutch researchers. According to the ''Dutch model'', you can get puberty blockers at age 12, cross-sex hormones at age 16 and surgery at age 18. Dutch people invented this shit.
>>917575Most beauty gurus are female, but the males are the most successful ones. They're the ones with millions of subscribers making the most money. Whenever Jaclyn Hill releases bad makeup everyone turns against her, but when the JeffreexShane pallet turned out to be shit, people didn't care that much. Where were all the drama videos about that? They bullied Jaclyn off of the Internet yet whenever Jeffree or James Charles makes a mistake, people let it slide eventually.
>>917587Cross-sex hormones make you gain weight lol. He's super fragile. I'm from Holland and occasionally the press white about him. Last year he built his own gym, costing millions, because he was ''fat shamed'' at a regular gym. He also admitted hed has TONS of filler in his face.
>>917592I have met a few Dutch women who are like 185 cms but Nikki explained in the video he was put on hormones that stop your growth, meaning he was supposed to be even taller.
>>917603Nikki and Jeffree used to be friends but their relationship was eventually broken off and they never explained why. I think it's possible Nikki trusted Jeffree and Jeffree was like ''I'm gonna tell the entire Internet''
>>917610He used to have another boyfriend a few years ago, very likely they broke off because of the transgender thing.
>>917716In the video Nikki explained his fiance already knew, I hope he told him before sleeping with him or doing anything sexual
>>917753Nikki said he got surgery at age 19, and I believe he met his current fiance after that
>>917812He uses a lot of American Internet gay slang in his videos. In Dutch he speaks like a normal person lol. It's like listening to two completely different people.
>>917976Legal gender changes have been possible in every member of the Council of Europe since the 1980s I think. It started out with the case Goodwin/UK. So in short, it's very much possible to change your gender legally in Holland. We also put children on blockers so you know.
No. 918198
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>>918073No wonder that girl her ex fiancé cheated on with was trans too, just went digging and found this on that girls insta. I’m surprised none of us saw this coming lol
No. 918212
>>918203i wouldn't be surprised considering the collab drama, and the owners of too faced have been proven to be shitty people numerous times. it's gonna look really bad for their brand if it's true
>>918198well there goes my theory that it was her who did it
No. 918237
>>918138Thank you for your ad hominem. Your argument consisting only of "you must be retarded" just proves that your hatred for trans people is baseless.
Again: if she were some cringe, Tumblr fakeboi who made ~being trans~ her entire identity and constantly yelled about killing all cis men, then I'd be on board with you re: the pronouns. But she's not. Stay mad and unable to write a coherent argument.
>>918041>>918113I agree. J* is human trash but what would he have to gain? Dude's swimming in money. Why would he have to blackmail Nikkie? And, I feel like he's kind of in the same LGBT realm as Nikkie– he's not trans, but he's said before that he's okay being called "she" and certainly tries to present like a woman. Seems like a weird thing for him to care about.
(pronoun infighting) No. 918243
>>917528Just came here to post I never saw this coming either. Like, wow, lol.
>>917886I mean, I still don't really see it, anon.
No. 918281
>>918273They're not good at makeup though. Remember james charles deleting his awful makeup video with zendaya cuz he couldn't blend?
Nobody actually wears J* shit on a daily basis.
Nikki always used way to much foundation for that horrible mug, and always did drag makeup that wayne goss slammed in his awful trends videos.
Nobody actually tries to take makeup advice from these fools, it's just a bunch of tweens fawning over narcs.
No. 918347
>>918336I completely agree. Their content is targeted at a younger audience. Most adult women aren't going to pack up five eye shadow colours on their lids on the daily, let alone go out in public with a J*/Dawson makeup. I know I wouldn't, lol.
It's what teens wear for the most part and they fuel the stan culture. The vids are entertaining, fun, colourful and creative, but it's also in no way "good make up" unless your priority is to be a birthday cake ( I mean, be one, it's fine, lol ).
Not to mention like
>>918287 said, there are plenty female makeup gUrUs who are really good.
No. 918405
>>917852I don't buy it either, none of it seemed genuine. Usually trannies show picture of themselves as kids before their transitions and there was none of that. Just some half assed explanations about puberty blockers. It's very obvious that she's a natural female in that first yt video she posted from like 12 years ago. I work at a LAN center and see middle school aged boys every day. She was never male.
She's just a big ass bitch.
If it ends up that she's lying it'll obliterate her career. The resulting shit show will be glorious.
No. 918410
>>918405Lol a tinfoil about her lying about being trans is the dumbest shit ever. Why would she stake her entire career on a lie like that? Makes absolutely no sense.
She literally just came out as trans. Maybe she’s not exactly ready to showcase her childhood photos? She wasn’t ready to tell the world about her transitioning. Why would she just start throwing around photos of a time she said was extremely difficult?
No. 918472
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>>918470He's a leonardo dicaprio but even doughier type. Do tinfoilhats here think boys, dutch boys especially, are some glorious manly roman statues or something?
No. 918478
>>806516>>917528Wow, I was genuinely surprised. I know a handful of actual women with features like hers (very tall, overweight, kinda awkward) so I never gave it a second thought. Managing to sound like an actual woman helps a lot. Or maybe the threshold for passing is so low these days that any trans person not blatantly acting like a gay man in drag (i.e. Nikita Dragun) or an unhinged autogynephilic transbian troon slips under the radar.
To be fair, I don’t follow her too closely and have only seen her from the neck up in her tutorial videos until very recently. Now that I’ve seen a few full body shots, she’s got the same figure as Patrick Starr. The cis women I know who kinda look like her don’t have that pancake shape.
I also think she comes across as very insecure and trying to compensate for something in her videos, but I always assumed it was due to being bullied about her weight as a kid or something. This makes her fixation on being hyper-feminine (and that fact that her makeup looks are way more drag-looking than the average female MUA) make a LOT more sense.
No. 918491
>>918483It's probably easier to tinfoil about it than it is to accept it because the whole thing is next level and something the majority of us never saw coming. It's still completely unbelievable to me ( and next week it's going to be old news, yeah ).
Lying about this would have been a pr stunt 10 years ago, nowadays it would be a career/social suicide. Pretty sure she wouldn't risk that.
The only thing I'm not getting is how her partner didn't know. Like, is he really dumb? Was he a virgin? Is he just one of those guys who know jack shit about women's bodies? Are the Dutch
really advanced in the field of cosmetic surgery lol? So many q's.
No. 918517
Everyone is angry as fuck at Niels' teacher for calling him by his real name. Not really juicy milk, but he does really look like a Niels lel. And there's also some politician who finds him a brave woman. It's the biggest trending news currently in the boring swamp shithole called the Netherlands.
I really don't think he has been faking his coming out, to be fair. (It's obvious but then again I kinda get those who are in disbelief especially if they have followed him for years). No. 918518
>>918491He knew, big boy has dated gay men all the time.
Source: aside from the gay mug: of course Niels went into panic mode but couldn't say a word or else Nick would tell the whole story, so I guess they peacefully broke up.
No. 918533
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>>918518There are quite a few comments that were posted a year ago (I assume) talking about Nikki being transgender. If people knew I wonder why this topic never gained traction like it is now (unless it did?)? Does anybody know if she ever address this prior to her coming out video?
I don't follow Nikki so I really don't know anything about her or any news pertaining to her.
(Pic related.)
No. 918546
>>918533If you can't speak dutch, in the news video link I provided they say at the end that they tried multiple times to contact Niels/Nikkie but that he didn't respond, and neither did people in his environment (though they did apparently gossip a loooot about him lol, and obviously made fun of him behind his back).
Nicole is the other tranny Rick (his ex) cheated on with. People knew but nobody in dutch youtube community but one exposed her because reeee social justice but most importantly muh reputation canceling etc. Even this random kid who probably knows a famous dutch youtuber on this girl dress up forum said that she found out via an acquaintance that she's a man. Honestly for dutchies who followed him for a long time it's not as much of a mystery, especially if you've seen him in life in public.
And I heard on PULL someone made this rumor too, but that they "were full of shit". Not sure if bad / liar, but since this is pull out of all places, it could have been very much both since it's supposedly immoral to find someone manly looking.
also lol at mods banning me for not sageing even though it's an active thread.
No. 918549
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>>917709>>917723>>917684>>917692>>917975I just wanted to make sure this was clearly stated here since autists have just taken what was said out of completely context and run with it with zero evidence: Nikkie's fiance (Dylan Drossaers) knew she was trans before all of this. We don't know the specifics of the timeline of when she told him, because she's only said "I wish I'd told him sooner", but that could be anything. That could literally mean "I wish I'd told him the moment I met him and not 5 days later". Her saying "he was shocked" initially but also that he was totally supportive of her decision to go public implies that he had plenty of time to process and come to the conclusion that he still wanted to be with her. So, let's move on from this shit.
No. 918553
>>918549"I wish I'd told him the moment I met him and not 5 days later" sounds as possible as "he found out yesterday." Nothing was taken out of context.
Although, unless he has a degenerative eye disease he must have known about it when having sex with her.
No. 918563
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>>918553>sounds as possible as "he found out yesterday."Nope, you're just refusing to read here anon:
>Her saying "he was shocked" initially but also that he was totally supportive of her decision to go public implies that he had plenty of time to process and come to the conclusion that he still wanted to be with her.He knew beforehand, he literally couldn't have been supportive of her choice to publicly come out if he learned at the same time as everyone else. Provide actual proof that this is the case, or else move on because otherwise this is absolutely tinfoiling. Even if he did find out later rather than sooner, them still being together and him being supportive of her publicly coming out is proof that he was fine with it in the end, so why does it matter? It's just being used as incel/scrote ammo to sperg "
see? trans people only ever lie and trick people!!!" so they have justification for being deliberately inflammatory. Move on.
>>918208>>918533>>917919>>917906>>918546>I wonder why this topic never gained traction like it is now …..are you joking or really that stupid anon? It's "gaining traction like it is now " because she has a video where she deliberately draws attention to the matter, which has 24M views.
Also I find it wild that people are claiming a handful of comments is proof of "
it was an open secret, everyone knew it was so obvious!!!" when literally ANY woman who is over 5’9” or has any feature that doesn't fit into a specific idea of what they think a woman should look like gets accused of being trans or a man and made fun of (which includes making fun of the people who date them).
I'm not saying it's not possible people knew, in fact people did for sure know because she says herself having to always come out to multiple people over the years was difficult (pic related), so it's not as if she was hiding it. But this is the least convincing proof. Like how many times do you think Serena Williams or Gwendoline Christie or any female athlete really have been accused of being trans or a man? I bet you could find more comments in 5 seconds of them being called trans than what’s been posted here as “proof”.
The autists in this thread just can't even make up their minds between "
it was so obvious everyone knew" or "
she lied and tricked everyone" as their reasoning for being butthurt, because those are contradictory ideas.
No. 918569
>>918563don’t worry, the spergs ITT will lose interest in a few days and find some other topic to mindlessly tinfoil about. making good points is hard, so they just stick to repeating each other over and over with basically nothing to back it up. you can actually see in real time how the initial narrative went from “i wonder if she told him” to “SHE TRICKED HIM” just because a few anons were too retarded to actually watch the video and spend 30 seconds reading an article before jumping to that wild conclusion.
it’s so funny how they constantly call us “handmaidens” but then desperately throw themselves over the coals for some random scrote who clearly isn’t bothered by his gf’s gender identity.
No. 918576
>>918563>The autists in this thread just can't even make up their minds between "it was so obvious everyone knew" or "she lied and tricked everyone" as their reasoning for being butthurt, because those are contradictory ideas.I'm not any of those anons, and didn't really feel one way or the other or know much about NikkieTutorials before this thread (still don't), but have you considered that different opinions you don't like could be coming from different people? It makes sense that there'd be more than one type of reasoning behind negative reactions.
I'm not saying they're watertight (it doesn't really matter if some makeup artist is trans IMO), but lumping together everyone you disagree with and insisting they're self-contradicting when they have different arguments is kind of dishonest.
No. 918578
>>918569>“i wonder if she told him” to “SHE TRICKED HIM”No one was saying that, lol.
>>918563>so why does it matter?It doesn't, really. It's just that you're on a gossip imageboard where…anons…post…different opinions. You're getting way too worked up over this, lmao.
No. 918583
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>>918578next you’re gonna tell me i need to find five more examples before i unlock the true meaning of the thread and a genie appears
No. 918587
>>918583I was talking about the posts
>>918563 linked in their reply. I didn't go read back two days ago, because I didn't give a fuck about this two days ago, my mistake.
I don't get why you're turning this into a ThEy aRe HaPpY iT dOEsN't MaTtEr as if that was even an issue. Like, yeah it doesn't matter. None of us ( that you/the other anon were replying to, again ) mentioned anything about them suddenly not being happy.
Ah No. 918593
>>918587again, anon, i don’t care if they’re happy, he’s a chaser, or she has a nuke hidden up her ass. like i said before,
that wasn’t my point, my point was that the scrote is not a
victim and the small handful of anons implying he is are out of place. this is really simple shit anon
No. 918595
>>918576>>918572>>918578>where…anons…post…different opinions>but have you considered that different opinions you don't like could be coming from different people?Right but "
it was so obvious everyone knew" or "
she lied and tricked everyone" aren't opinions, they're being touted as facts from which you should form your opinions. Have whatever opinion you want, I truly don't give a fuck. But if it's that confusing of a concept, an opinion would be:
>It was obvious to me/I thought it was pretty obvious>I think it was dishonest that she waited this long to come outBut if your opinion of "
she/all trans people are terrible because she lied and tricked everyone!" is based on literally one anon saying "
her spouse didn't learn until their engagement"
>>917709 with no proof that that's even remotely the case, when actual proof exists that that's patently untrue….then you're either stupid as fuck and have no critical thinking skills OR you're deliberately trying to spread defamatory bullshit. Note that every post I tagged here
>>918549 stems from that one single anon, which was all I was trying to clear up. There's plenty of reasons to dislike her or her content without being too stupid to understand the difference between fact and opinion.
>>918587>None of us ( that you/the other anon were replying to, again ) mentioned anything about them suddenly not being happy.Except for the numerous anons claiming she tricked and lied to him? Literally the post you're replying to says "
he should fucking leave Nikkie for that", do you not know how to read? If you are admitting you "didn't go read back two days ago, because I didn't give a fuck about this two days ago" then why are you making broad claims about what has and hasn't been said in this thread that you clearly didn't bother to read? No one's going to spoonfeed you, read for yourself.
No. 918600
>>918595>But if your opinion of "she/all trans people are terrible because she lied and tricked everyone!" But no one was saying that, lmao. Or maybe they were two days ago, shit, but
I don't agree with that opinion. Jeez, anon.
>Literally the post you're replying to says "he should fucking leave Nikkie for that"Nope, wrong anon. Cheers to the sane one
>>918576 lol, I'm out
No. 918605
>>918600>Nope, wrong anon.What are you talking about? Anon, I genuinely think you need to get your eyes checked if you can't see that
>>918587 is replying to a post
>>918583 of a screenshot that very clearly says "He should fucking leave Nikkie for that". This is some next level spoonfeeding. Either that or you don't understand how this website works in the slightest.
No. 918609
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>next you’re gonna tell me i need to find five more examples before i unlock the true meaning of the thread and a genie appearsPoetry
No. 918968
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>>918675>what I meant was since (it seems) people been knew she was a tranny wayy before hand why hasn't it ever been talked about or talked about much.….it’s almost as if….it wasn’t anyone’s business but her own? Your logic doesn’t make much sense here either way. Like the op you’re replying to said, there’s been no real proof that people knew outside of a handful of comments here or there. The reason it appears as though people weren’t talking about it is because…they weren’t talking about it. Because clearly they didn’t actually know. It’s not that deep fam.
If you’re really desperate for a reason though, I guess you could say because BGC (one of the larger BG gossip communities on Reddit) doesn’t allow that specific type of speculation. It’s never been ruled out here or GG or LA though as far as I can tell so, again, all the evidence points to the conclusion that people didn’t actually know.
>Being accused of being a tranny is a huge thing and pretty scandalous plus she is "famous" so I was just surprised this wasn't a big thing before hand if that makes senseIt’s not a huge thing really. I think you’re vastly underestimating how much/how often women are accused of being trans, especially if they’re tall.
No. 919832
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>>917565No wonder she passes well, other than taking hormones young she is fat as fuck. If she lost weight it would be more obvious. And look at the giant tranny hands, they're kind of scary lmao.
No. 919891
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Does anyone remember when the entire YT beauty community bullied Jordan Byers a couple years ago? She was a little teen girl who said some harmless dumb shit and she could’ve been ignored but the now-disgraced 26 year old gay male Manny MUA decided to be the lesser person and go on a twitter rant about her. A bunch of drama channels covered it and her videos were dislike bombed and she was flooded with a ton of comments about how ugly she is or how bad her voice sounds.
No. 920047
>>919891Well tbh, she does look like a spoiled brat that needs to be put back in her place.
Manny was at least somewhat respectful and didn't go apeshit like Jafar would've.
No. 920058
Not gonna add the images since it's extremely aged milk, but noticed an amusing cow crossover in the old GuruGossiper threads.
Mykie apparently liked a series of incredibly dumb reverse racism Tweets by Onision back in 2015, the page is here if you want to see. No. 921987
>>921980Obviously. Her channel was crashing and her views have gone drastically the last year or so.
I'm not saying that she wanted to come out or whatever, but now that she was forced to she will probably milk it to the best of her abilities so she can get a couple of million views pr video again.
No. 922006
>>921996I'm not trans but personally I think if she makes being trans a central part of her identity, she won't add anything useful to the mix. It will turn into another stereotypical 'look I'm trans and have no personality beyond it' thing and it's just disappointing.
I also think, while it's sad she was blackmailed into coming out she really should not be specifying anything about the person. That's how you accidentally get someone doxxed or bullied
No. 922499
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>>921870Speaking of that Ellen appearance…
ooF. Ellen looks scaled down.
No. 924008
>>918237You guys don't get how jeffree thinks. He wants everyone to think he's smart, but he's not.
She probably toed out of line, he heard up the grapevine she spilled some petty secret or some shit and he was like "lol k, gonna leak the fact your trans" soley to hurt her.
he's a sociopath.
No. 924280
>>924008I kind of agree that it's Jeffree and several other sources have said so, too. He's blackmailed people before over some amazingly petty shit.
Also, I think the timing of the breakup and Nikki outing herself was interesting.
No. 924440
>>922006>I'm not trans but personally I think>It will turn into another stereotypical 'look I'm trans and have no personality beyond it' thing and it's just disappointing. Fascinating, because you seem to be trying to be turning not being trans into a personality. Who the fuck cares? Like
>>921996 said she'd be stupid to not cash in on that if people are offering it? That's just good business sense.
>she really should not be specifying anything about the person. That's how you accidentally get someone doxxed or bulliedAre you retarded? If they get doxxed or bullied not only is it their own fault but they deserve it for literally trying to destroy someone's life for their own personal gain? Why on earth would they deserve sympathy here? Or are yall just trying to backtrack now that its looking more and more like Jeffree? Jeffree sends his entire fanbase to maul his own fans over the most benign shit and has no personality or business outside of his gender identity either, and he's been milking it for over a decade now. It hasn't even been a full 2 weeks for Nikkie.
No. 924453
>>924442>I want to know more or if she's just trying to stir shit upI mean there could be more but I can't imagine anything would ever be as juicy as the trans tidbit? Unless she murdered someone or had a secret evil twin or something.
I bet any additional dirt TooFaced would have on her would probably be boring contract disputes or something. I bet we'll never hear about it because "she's still hiding things!!" sounds much more intriguing than the actual dirt would probably be.
No. 925065
>>921870I noticed a lot of commentary channels who, as far as i know have no biases in regards of the beauty community start whiteknighting jeffree saying that "you shouldnt be making up rumours that he is the one who blackmailed nikkie" which is ironic because a lot of commentary channels are aware of internet speculation (many of their videos are JUST about rumours) but now they are telling people to quit it. If anything that would just make people suspect him even more.
>>919832Its like with kat blaque who a few years ago passed, but now they lost 40lbs their face is now looking manly and they dont pass like they used to.
No. 925628
>>925463Can we get the butthurts off this thread?
This isnt a safe zone forum
No. 926802
>>925728>everyone thought nikki was a woman til he got outed, therefor he's a womanrachael dolezal passed 10x better as a mixed person than nikki does as a woman, yet no one in their right mind would ever say she was actually black because of that.
I couldn't give less of a fuck if people want to call nikki a she, but pronoun policing is just annoying as fuck. this is a goddamn gossip forum, it's not supposed to be politically correct. plus that if you're so confident nikki is a woman I doubt you'd be bothered that much by people calling him a he, js.
No. 930813
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>>930807what the absolute fuck happened to her face? Did all her fillers erupt?
No. 930816
>>930813Nta, but apparently it's from alcohol. She said in her video that she drinks to manage anxiety.
That said, I'm not buying the stupid palette and I'm also shocked that people are being so welcoming towards her. It's obvious that she only returned to promote another product and is going to piss off afterwards, lol.
Gullible stans.
No. 930834
>>930816>>930817Yeah alcohol causes water retention, also known as "beer bloat". Your face gets fat up to your eyelids. If she's drinking caloric alcohol she's gaining weight from that alone.
A lot of these girls get pillow face just because… they gain weight. And get lipo. But they can't get lipo on their face. The result is the bloated old Malibu botox housewife pillow face that Kylie currently has since she gained weight during her pregnancy. If you look at her unphotoshopped from the neck up she has the face of a fat girl.
No. 931523
>>925728He has always looked and acted like a burly yet ffeminate gay man.
The only reason he passed well is because he never mentioned being trans, so he just seemed like an unfortunately build and obnoxiously gay-acting woman.
If someone dyes their hair and never tells you, it's not your fault for thinking it's their natural colour.
No. 931690
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>>931619Nikki is fat as fuck and does makeup like a clown, despite having a decent portfolio. Nobody would ever suspect someone that fat. I'm not denying Nikki sort of passes, I'm sure she does for sure on youtube but in person it's kind of weird compared to actual women.
Anyone have thoughts on Jaclyn Hill's current state? I almost feel bad for her but this is karma. She's still trying to scam fans lmao
No. 931695
>>931690Stop minimodding when I'm contributing new recent milk that hasn't been discussed.
I think Nikkie does a great job of passing on youtube with a bunch of cake-faced gurus but let's be real, it's different in person. Get over it.
No. 931709
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Welp, Jeffree came out with a new palette recently too and tbh it looks like shit. 70% of the colours are washed out chalky colours. I was honestly expecting more vibrant purples rather than a bunch of pastel lilac tones. He spent more time and money coming up with the tacky boxing than making interesting colour shades.
No. 931733
>>931709I'm probably in a minority but I kinda like the palette and considering adding it to my small collection. I feel like you can do a lot of everyday looks with it as well as some more adventurous ones.
I get why people are unimpressed compared to Blue Blood and Blood Sugar. I do not get why he had to put the red in there though. Sticks out like a sore thumb. It should've been a deeper purple shimmer or something.
No. 931736
>>931733I kind of agree with you and I can see where he was going with it, but it’s really misleading to hype it up as a purple palette when MAYBE half the shades are purple?
I was initially excited because I love purple shadows, and this was a letdown. I might buy a mini palette if it had mostly the purple shades in it.
No. 931738
>>931709Blood sugar, Blue blood, royal blood, where did the blood theme even come from? I get that he was an edgy scene queen ~beauty killer~ back in the day but it's still irrelevant and adds nothing to the palette because it's pointless and incohesive?
All of his palettes look shit to me other than the packaging, I think that in terms of pomp and glamour he's definitely nailed the packaging and presentation, but that his themes and concepts feel… Off?
This just looks like he used Yzma from Emperor's New Groove as a muse, too
No. 931788
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>>931736At first glance, it looks more like a pink and pastel palette than a purple palette. With his other two, you can't deny the colour theme he was going for because it was in your face. This doesn't scream purple at all to me. ( Maybe I'm colour blind but only 4ish colours look purple the rest look pink )
No. 931790
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>>931709It looks similar to the colourpop lilac palette to me.
No. 931834
>>931709Would it kill Jeffree to make a color story that makes sense? 75% are lighter shades, with like 2 random midtones and a red and a real??? Plus that awful tarnished gold metallic that is completely pointless. Every time he releases a palette I struggle to find any cohesive looks in it.
>>931690Fillers are a mistake.
No. 932387
>>931709I really don't understand that red. I feel like half of those don't need to be in there
anyone know where I can get a periwinkle shade like 'scandal waiter', alter ego is sold out, I don't think it's getting restocked
No. 932399
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anthony and mykie were in a react video recently for valentines day and it was as cringe as you'd expect. from this i kind of get the vibe that anthony is in love with the idea of being in love, and like another anon said will adopt the same style and hobbies as his significant other. hes super mushy and shes just taking it in narc style
>this is the most softest thing in the world on the most beautiful woman on this planet!
calm down, you've been dating for like 5 months
No. 932556
>>932399They look like members of the Addams family (though I think Mykie wouldn't mind that comparison)
Just…matching red and black outfits. Wild hair. Bad makeup. She has naturally straight caucasian hair so why is it always fried to heck? She should leave it completely undyed as her natural ginger, any product = this disaster.
No. 933039
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People on GuruGossiper are guessing they're in the kink community due to use of words like "king" and "kitten" plus these weird photoshoots. My personal, no-evidence-tinfoil is she's poly with all the dudes who appear to gaze adoringly in videos, say strange things, buy her gifts and take couple photos (e.g. Spencer, Peter,) and this gross fella is her main.
Anyway, with all those theories in mind, please enjoy this digusting image Anthony posted on his Instagram.
No. 933136
>>933039You know people on gg love to shit on kalel for not being vegan anymore and having insecurity issues about her appearance. But Anthony isn't better. At least kalel is just on her own with her animals not bothering anyone. Anthony is here shoving these weird ass photoshoots on ig with a woman he hardly knows and getting into bdsm kek.
>>933093First thing I thought of with the was edgy hunger games cosplay
No. 933231
>>932399>and like another anon said will adopt the same style and hobbies as his significant other.God I mean they might as well be wearing the same giant ugly walmart sweater that probably cost them $3000
>>933039Ew, wtf what is this? If I was Miel I would be so embarrassed that I ever dated this dude. Fire to represent her burnt friend hair?
I have a hard time believing that would be true tbh. Mykie has always been such a tryhard edgelord type that I feel like if that were even remotely true we would never hear the end of it and she would shove it in everyone's face to make sure they knew she was truly "nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs xDDD".
>>933046Because always Mykie used him for cutesy couple pics encouraged people ship them and think they were dating up until she made him come out to her audience. She couldn't have made the big Anthony reveal without him doing that regardless of how obvious it was, because people still would go "wait what about spencer?! you lead him on you friendzoned him!!". I remember he tweeted something about how he'd never gotten so many dick pics after coming out in her video so obviously her fans didn't know and that's the way they liked it.
That always felt shitty/using of Mykie tbh. It seems like he was publicly out to his own fans and all that, but even so having to make another public announcement so some filler disaster straight white girl can make herself look better and so she can check her "gay bff" box probably sucks. And I'm sure she's more or less ditched him by now (like she's done with others in the past) in favor of her new boy who gives her more views.
No. 934549
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So I saw the top left comment and did some investigating. Mykie did some damage control after this event by befriending some adult people in Target on another day and posting about them in Instagram stories, so when you search "target glamandgore" on Twitter, an adult man's Tweet shows up saying "we were the Target family" which has 1k likes.
But this appears to be a convenient coincidence, since several days earlier, Mykie (or Anthony, I think it was Mykie) put bottom left on her Instagram stories to two million followers. The screencapped Tweet was easily found (now deleted) and she and Anthony also engaged in a Tweet conversation with the kid, yes the 14 year old kid, who made poor adult male Anthony so uncomfortable by taking a photo from a million miles away of him while he was in a public place. Anthony's pathetic Tweet top right. There was more to the thread, but it was basically the kid apologizing and some randos and these youtubers complaining about/attacking the kid. Half of it's deleted now, but search for the keywords in the screencaps and you can find it. Seems ironic that their whole career is founded off teenagers watching them on Youtube, yet when a teen sees them while he's out shopping with his family he's demonized.
No. 934677
>>933039>>934549i really, really cannot believe he left miel, a perfectly normal (if not slightly annoying 'woque' and whiny) grown ass woman with an actual career to do this weird shit with a talentless, obnoxious weirdo and look an absolute dickhead 24/7. he left smosh because he pretty much implied he grew out of it but he's genuinely reverted back to acting like a fucking spaz through this shit. it's so absurd!!!
>>933136kalel would probably have a thread on here if she was as active as she used to be with her wack skinwalking and her 2000 different personas a month lmao don't pretend she's a little uwu innocent private princess
No. 941783
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God sorry, this is from a month ago now but did anyone else watch Mykie's room tour video? It's like she's trying to do that quirky thing of doing a video with no makeup and being ugly, except she truly does not look human anymore between the lips and the teeth and these brows.
No. 941789
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>>941783I legitimately thought this was ollie london didnt know what thread i was on
No. 942580
>>942543On one hand, it is sad he got fucked by his accountant. That’s a horrible way to lose all your money (if true).
On the other hand, it is nice people are generous, but there’s probably a million others who also deserve a little support and will never get it because they’re not popular.
Well, I hope he is able to rebuild.
No. 942720
>>942717I think paying attention to the kid would have been enough. A kid that age shouldn't be alone long enough to the point where they have time to go search around the house alone (imagine if she found the stove on instead)
It's obvious this women prefers youtube/the internet to her own kid.
But also yes, getting her a kid palette and makeup could also help to distract her.
No. 945296
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I don't understand how Mykie can possibly look so dirty and splotchy all the time. She's obviously been an abuser of fake tan for years now, why can't she figure it out? Idk if it's her lighting setup or what but she looks like she has straight up dirt all over her neck and chest in her latest vid.
>>942711>>942732idk, I kinda disagree. Her face has been looking like a botched mess for a while right now, but I don't think it ever looked as bad as it does now with the giant alcoholism face as the back drop. She almost has like, prednisone-level face bloating now.
>>942710it was brought up in the Shane/Jeffree thread. Not surprising those are the types of fans the "Lipstick Nazi" himself attracts.
No. 946451
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>>945742>2 months agothis is just sad tbh
>>945296idk if this is just my personal pet peeve or what but how the fuck does she get her entire lips almost completely covered in full coverage foundation within 1 second of beginning to put foundation on? And she never cleans it off or anything, she always just puts lip product on top of it?
also she spent a good portion of this video talking about how a plastic surgeon tried to tell her how she could fix her chin and mykie told her "NO I would never because i love my imperfections!!!" so if we know anything about mykie's previous patterns, she's probably going to get her chin done soon
she also said she hadn't had fillers in like a year…..uh huh
No. 947562
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Mykie's twitter is an absolute goldmine right now, bitch must really be going through it in quarantine. I'm just scrolling through the last couple days and she's been spreading SUPER dumb misinformation/ unfounded theories on how she thinks she already had COVID-19 (when it was definitely just that really bad flu that was going around this winter) and believing James Charles of all people over the medical professionals in her replies. she also sperged out about how she was mistreated at an airline and allegedly they forced her then-boyfriend to clean dog piss off the bathroom floor
No. 947623
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>>947562Huh. This is confusing because I also thought we had confirmed cases at that time? But what do I know. But she definitely kept saying she thought she had it in this vid
>>945296 as well, so she's been obsessed with the idea for a while now. She also says in the video that her neck hurt so she was 100% convinced it was meningitis as well, so she really just sounds like a crazy person who needs to stay off WebMD.
Wether or not either of these people actually had it and beat it like the heroes they are (which I highly doubt) the fact that they're just running around on the internet going
>GUISE I THINK I HAD IT????? I'M PRETTY SUREis only feeding more into the mass hysteria. Just scrolling through Mykie's original tweet I've seen a dozen people saying "OMG ME TOO I DEFINITELY HAD IT". Do they not understand flu season? Or is it that because they all live in LA they're so disconnected from reality that they forgot what winter is and that people get sick in that time? She keeps saying "mystery viral respiratory infection" as if that means anything significant? I had one of the worst respiratory infections of my life a few years ago and basically all they could tell me was "well it's not pneumonia so that's good", so I'm pretty sure that's par for the course. All you can really do at that point is make sure it's not something more deadly and then you have to tough it out because it's viral.
This also fits Mykie's MO of saying something pretty mild and then somehow turning that into an opportunity to fight with people on the internet. YES we absolutely need more tests. But is the reason why we need more tests so that whiny privileged youtubers who never leave their houses anyways can waste everyones time and crucial resources because they can't handle a simple virus even after they've been told they'll be fine? No.
No. 947664
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>>947562Can confirm, her Twitter is a shitshow right now, talking about an airline ForCing her boyfriend to clean the flooor!!!!! Oh, the humanity, presumably forced by gunpoint, and then attacking this person with 150 followers for spreading MiSinFormation
No. 947674
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>>947667All these posts read like lolcow shitposts, yet she has 2 million followers on Youtube and Instagram. Is there a point you just stop caring about your online image and throw all caution to the wind? I can't imagine acting like this on my brand accounts?
No. 947753
>>947674>I've lost all autonomous cognitive abilities simply because I became someone's girlfriendPretty sure everyone was saying that about Anthony, not Mykie, Anthony's the one who just adopts the entire personality of whatever girl he's dating. Can you imagine being Miel seeing your shitty ex's current girlfreind have a public meltdown like this? Holy fuck, I always found Miel to be kind of annoying but this is some next level shit.
>>947664This is soooo embarrassing Mykie holy shit. I can't find what yall are talking about with the plane thing though, can anyone provide caps? Did her dogs piss on the floor of a plane or something?
No. 947822
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>>947753Here are the caps for the bizarre airline floor-cleaning story. Seems like she got compensation for her troubles (last cap coming up)
No. 947830
>>947826god when will this narcissistic malignant cunt actually bring some real fucking receipts? queen of saying absolutely nothing, and same to her retarded thickneck boyfriend who looks like a metrosexual rapist.
i fucking WISH they would’ve gotten corona.
No. 947860
>>947826>>947825This brainless cunt blocked out most of the context and only left enough to prove
her point not what actually went down. She needs to keep painting cake onto her face and stop talking.
No. 947963
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>>947824>>947826>While our Flight Attendant advised that he did not intend for your partner to fully clean the floor>SEE THEY MADE HIM GET DOWN ON HIS HANDS AND KNEES AND SCRUB THE FLOORAlso the rest of the part she left viewable
>providing courteous and efficient service to all Customers with disabilities and assisting them>SWA Customer contact Employees must complete initial and recurrent disability awareness trainingOk so clearly the part that she marked out here was that she was trying to claim she had some type of disability and this was a hate crime or something. Also I wonder how long ago this was because she says "my partner at the time", so not Anthony.
For someone who's so "Bernie-senpai uwu" this is honestly one of the most entitled and disconnected from reality things I've ever read. Her fans are just as fucking stupid and entitled as she is if they think a fucking APPLEBEE'S is the same as an AIRPLANE where you're all strapped into a dangerous machine that costs millions of dollars that everyone on board has paid hundreds of dollars to be on. Flight attendants have to go to rigorous training and meet specific physical demands and often speak multiple languages. They're there to ensure people on the plane are safe, they're not some high school dropout working as a dishwasher at Applebees that's there to clean up your kid's puke.
Fuck, I can't even wrap my head around how blatantly ignorant and entitled this is. What an absolute cunt.
No. 947969
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>>947963According to SWA's pet policy, your dog has to be inside its carrier the entirety of the flight. Here's what I think happened given what she's said: I think she broke the rules, I think she took her dog out of the carrier and maybe even walked to the bathroom with it. Maybe her dog pissed on the floor and they asked her to clean it up which is reasonable because A. your dog should have never been out in the first place and B. as a passenger YOU are responsible for your dog, not the flight attendants. Especially if you break the rules.
I think when she was told she had broken the rules, she then threw a tantrum and tried to claim her dog was an "emotional support animal" (a bullshit title that requires no training or regulation anyways) and that "muh anxiety" is a disability and therefore she was being discriminated against.
What reason would the flight attendants ever possibly have for assuming a dog secured in it's carrier like it's supposed to be somehow got to the bathroom and pissed on the floor? They would have no reason to think that unless she took her dog out or they specifically saw her in the bathroom with the dog.
And also
>Absolutely nothing on that floor. Except my significant other at the time.Then what's the problem here? If there IS piss on the floor, drop the towel on the floor and move it around with your foot and then spray the cleaner and do it again. You know, that thing that every single human being does when there's something gross on the floor we don't want to touch? If there's NOT piss on the floor, then drop the rag on the floor and move it with your foot, and they'll see that there's clearly not piss on the floor. There is no reality in which they made her SO get down on his hands and knees and scrub the floor, and no reality where they just assumed a dog in its crate somehow pissed on the floor apropos of nothing.
No. 948080
>>947969I think the same thing, the dog was probably out and standing on the floor and either pissed, or the host assumed it did.
The bizarre thing here is
hands and knees cleaning the
whole floor like just clean the patch and go? Or clean nothing since there was no damage? Or say no? It doesn't add up and makes me (tinfoil alert) wonder if she kinda trained her boyfriend to respond to instructions (see BDSM theories above) and he was dumb enough to just do anything anyone asks without question? You'd have to be in quite the mental state to knuckle down and start cleaning the whole floor in a public location upon suggestion. Every sane human would do as you described. Note this boyfriend in the story is her ex, not the current one.
No. 948492
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Idk if we need a Mykie thread at this point, but I've found out why she's been acting extra crazy online this week.
The duo recorded a short IG story clip rolling their eyes at Trisha's BPD video, (which seems unnecessary since everyone on the planet knows Trisha is a mentally ill troll and to ignore her), anyway this prompted a 13 minute rant from Trisha on her Insta stories and a Youtube video, see screencaps.
Anthony seems like a liability at this point.
No. 948641
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>>948493Mykie and Anthony are equally shit stirrers. They both made that video together which blew up and I believe Mykie is the one who filmed it. It was probably both their ideas but Anthony was the one the biggest butthurt about it because he made a video with someone who "supposedly has DID"
The thumbnail is so laughably stereotypical it reminds me when Shane tried to tackle personality disorders with that 99 cent store therapist. It's also nestled between Anthony "spending the day with a cam girl" so not sure why hes jumping from clickbait to being a psychologist as if they're one in the same. I dont think I have to explain this to anyone here but while DID is real it's a common idea to psychologists that they cant count their identities because they literally cant control when its happening. Anyone who claims they can record YouTube videos of their different alters and know their personality is bullshit.
Idk how an ex funnyman youtuber became the gatekeeper of mental illness with his splotchy blow up doll girlfriend. Their audience of teens sees these personality disorders like fun little thriller videos but have no actual concept of what mental illness really is. Actually they do and they cancel her and make fun of her kek Trishas probably the most real about her mental illness and she documents her mess of a life almost daily. It's not the spooky brand of mental illness just the annoying as fuck self destructive one (like most real mental illness manifests itself as) so they get a pass to rag on her because only the worthy chosen few get to be sympathized over their mental illness. When you have one that's shitty "oh gross ewww why would we ever want to learn more about a common annoying one".
No. 948729
>>948641Yeah, I mean tbh Trish is one of those people that's like….yeah she's a cow but she knows she's a cow and she's clearly being as much of a cow as she possibly can on purpose for attention… she's really not that interesting when it comes down to it. Mykie took the bait, what a dumbass.
>>948492Mykie and Anthony (Mykie in particular) is getting more and more detached from reality and she refuses to ever apologize or acknowledge she's ever done anything wrong. She's clearly lost her goddamn mind over the Coronavirus shit, I'd be totally down for a Mykie/Anthony thread.
I can write up the Mykie part no problem, if anyone has a good summary of Anthony tho that'd be helpful
No. 950885
>>950656dude seriously what a pos for pretending to be so generous with his bf when he just wants to buy shit for himself. js even said the color was nate's dream color like wtf what a stupid lie. the car is now a nauseating shade of pink.
nate probably had to sign an nda. js is definitely bitter enough to take back the home in michigan.
No. 953197
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Mykie couldn’t resist forcing Anthony to make a hokey video about her.
No. 973474
>>973325Mykie is the only woman
The beauty community is just sad.
No. 973823
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>>931619okay way late but whatever. The reason people didn't clock nikki before she came out is because she doesn't show her full body on video usually. Her body is a giant (literally) telltale sign she's trans. I'm dutch like she is and there's been rumors going around about her being trans among dutch social media before she came out, which makes sense because she appears in dutch media sometimes. She's also been a youtuber since her early teens, by which time she was already passing which also helped I'm sure.
Pic related, nikki on the far left, tell me you wouldn't pick her out as trans compared to the other women (and even the guys) in this pic
No. 974937
>>973864like the Miranda from the Miranda show
But idc they hencH as FUCK
No. 974940
>>973325Men always have been.
If it isn't fashion with the stereotypical queer man gloating about how a womans body should look.
It's a pile of trannies or twinks showing us women have to put on make up.
No. 974947
>>973325Everyone is so painfully false
I cannot -
No. 974985
>>974933Damn it was way underwhelming. I should have expected a shit ton of grey being freaking cremated remains related, but it was a snoozefest to look at. He kept saying how “gothic” he was and gothic inspired this palette was and there was only one fucking black shade and hardly any other dark shades. Also he kept saying shades were grey when they were clearly fucking brown/taupey colors? I don’t know why I expected anything good to come from this bitch.
Also lol at people being mad he’s releasing a “death” related palette during corona and trying to make money when many things were cancelled. Do we actually expect self reflection from this trashy hoe?
No. 975002
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>>974985Seems like his excessive take on the lime crime venus immortalis palette. Somehow all those extra shades he added doesn't make his version seem any more interesting than the lime crime one. There's only so much you can do with grey, maybe he could've made a smaller palette.
No. 975996
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>>975002Yeah, that lime crime palette looks better despite having way less eyeshadows.
Also saw pic related online and had to share, made me lol.
No. 993210
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Tati posted a cryptic tweet yesterday after being silent on twitter for over a month. It's sus that she posted after all the shit going on recently with James, Jeffree and Shane. Some people think it has to do with Karmageddon, some think it has to do with a death in the family. There's a rumor circulating she's going to come back and post a video soon. Only time will tell I guess…
No. 993460
>>993447>some of star's previous friends are accusing him of being a shitty person>trisha also calls him out >shane quits the makeup guru circle cuz he can't handle the drama. writes a long text about it.>basically text is sayin that the makeup guru circle are a bunch of narcs who live on drama, jeffrey included>jeffrey still obsess with james charles, rumor says he wants to see his "competitor" fall down>more and more people are believing that he straight out bullied james during dramageddon 1.0>pretty sketchy that he involved himself in the first place cuz it wasn't even his drama after all so, what's up jeffrey? u hidding something? kinda thing>shane quitting seems to announce new drama with stuff unrevealed during 1.0&2.0 >shane's brother and sis in law unfollow jeffrey on twitter>tati post cryptic tweet after long time inactive something's boiling behing the scenes, nobody knows what. I guess the kids were too calm during the pandemic
also i might have missed some stuff so just check out spilling tea video on YT if you're still curious.
No. 999329
>>999314she's been praying about this shit as a "woman of faith" fucking kek okay
i'm 5 minutes in and she has said absolutely nothing
No. 999332
>>999314Agreed. She's like 40 years old and blaming others for her actions? Seriously, you threw a hissy fit over vitamins on Instagram, of all places, and let that anger further cloud your judgement to the point where you tried to ruin a 19 year old's career.
I can't stand James Charles, but hell if I'm going to listen to some whack-job shilling placebo pills and posting shit about 5G on her twitter. Everyone in this community is legitimately retarded.
No. 999333
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>>999314she met with James to compare receipts, consulted lawyers and THEN decided to make her statement. its ogre for voldemort and piggy
No. 999335
>>999329the crocodile tears are real, and she had the audacity to say this "wasnt about vitamins" as if there arent multiple clips of her, a 30-something year old woman crying because someone else advertised snake oil candy that wasn't specifically her brand
i'm 15 minutes in and she's still only blaming other people and not herself, claiming she was gaslit into making that JC video (lady, it was almost an hour long, at no point in the process did you stop and think " maybe this is a bad idea"). at no point does she take any personal credit for doing any of this, its all crying and deflecting and playing the
victimshe's so disgusting, but at least we know shane and jstar will also come out with their videos doing the same
No. 999355
>>999333Shane Dawson having a meltdown on instagram live kek
here we go
No. 999375
>>999355Lmao good
I hope Jeffere is next.
No. 999382
>>999314You can't fuck around and falsely accuse people of shit, let alone doing so a grown ass 40 year old woman online. Pathetic.
>I am a woman of faithGood grief I fucking hate boomers
No. 999393
>>999384yup, she's in the video crying about how this entire situation made her frail and afraid for her life (which is a separate point), but pointing fingers and basically victimizing herself and pretending she didnt have her own thoughts and knew what this wouldve entailed
on another note, she alludes to the fact that she moved because she was afraid for her safety, and hints she has evidence that someone (jstar/shane/batshit crazy fans) were threatening her safety and making her unable to live in LA, and she has lawyers involved
if Jstar was actually threatening her physical safety, is this the final nail that will finally fucking take him down?
No. 999536
>>999314I'm not trying to wk any of these clowns but what I don't understand about Tati's video is her claim that Shane and Jeffree were trying to take down James because they were jealous of his rapid and huge success, and because "Shane didn't like that James wanted to do a documentary"?
Like I know these people all have serious issues, JS especially, but that's just so irrational and doesn't seem like it would have any meaningful benefit for them? Their careers were both going fantastic just as James was rising too. And even if they did take him down, surely they realize that they wouldn't be able keep new younger beauty/YT stars from eclipsing them forever? They are legacy internet personalities/YTers, and very fortunate ones at that, not even in the same category as James. I don't understand how James posed any real threat to them whatsoever. I get how they could have felt irrationally jealous or threatened but it boggles me how that could spiral into all of this.
I honestly don't know how much I believe her. On one hand people can be fucking insane and I do think Shane and JS are capable of being this terrible. On the other I just cannot wrap my head around what it would take to risk being exposed for something like this just to take down someone successful and keep your name in the discourse
when you're already massively successful by literally every measure.
If it's true how pathetic of them, imagine doing all that just to avoid having some perspective and gratitude.
No. 999636
>>999566Idk if y'all saw the subscription live counts last year, but as jame's went down, shane and Jeffree's actively went up more than a mill. They converted so many of his followers.
Also, they gained massive saviorism points for "stopping predator james!!!1"
No. 999701
>>999683the thing is a normal person getting "betrayed" wouldn't go scorched earth and set potentionally hundreds of thousands of fans on a person
besides, tati is an influencer herself, she 100% should understand how impersonal selling a product is, and although james shilling sugarbear vitamins is kind of scummy because he's her friend, it wasn't worth making a video destroying him over it
additionally, she literally mentions in the video she was concerned he was going to kill himself over her allegations and words, and yet still put the video out. that isn't something a "friend" would do and is hundreds of times worse than a "friend" selling some competitor's snake oil
i have zero sympathy for her, even to this day she barely has taken credit for anything she's done and instead just deflected blame and victimized herself. i agree out of the three (jstar, shane, tati) she is the least horrible, but a slightly smaller pile of shit still stinks just as bad as a big pile
No. 999725
>>999701Oh I'm not trying to defend her. I think the Halo Beauty drama is relevant because it helps explain why she reacted so extremely to James's behavior. I always thought her explanation that she just loved James so much and was so invested in him and was a mother figure to him etc etc was just not enough to justify her spergout.
I honestly don't know how Halo actually did in terms of sales but I know she got fuckloads of shit from her audience and the general beauty community when it launched, and this was when she was known as a notably uncontroversial guru. I want to say that Halo was the first scandal she was really involved in? Could be wrong tho. I'm sure the stress of such a relatively risky business venture was weighing on her from a financial standpoint as well. She chose to take the stress out on James, and also use him to improve her image, instead of handling her emotions and insecurities in an adult way. I'm sure she was legitimately hurt to some degree. But imo the spergout HAD to be motivated at least in part by this insecurity.
I also totally believe that JS and Shane egged her on and manipulated her too. But her motives need to be fully examined.
No. 999731
>>999725Samefag but also like. It's just really telling that I don't think she's brought up this factor at all (could be wrong). She doesn't want to draw attention to it. I wish she would be more honest and self reflective, it would only help her case against Jeff and Shane because it would make her more credible. I want to have more sympathy for her because I do think she was manipulated and hurt by these people but her recent video is still just too
No. 1000236
>>999683I feel like it was half the Halo beauty crap but she was saying that Jeffree and Shane told her all these
victims were about to come out after her video and showed her the voice memo that supposedly "outed" JC as a rapist or something? I kinda believe her when she had said she was scared for him (JC) and thought his career and freedom were in jeopardy. I can see JS and Shane constantly bringing up what a terrible, predatory person he had become. I could see her being betrayed but also freaked the hell out for what was about to come and she wanted to get the hell outta dodge.
I'm thinking this voice memo is fake and that's the reason why JS or the
victim won't come forward to the public. It's mighty suspect that JS is sharing the voice memo with YT nobodies like Blaire White upon first speaking to him, makes you wonder how many other people he just blabs it to but for some reason refuses to share it with the public even JC is a "danger to society"?
No. 1000243
>>999683So what about her hair vitamin drama do you think reframes the entire current drama? It seemed pretty straightforward to me. Here's how I remember the timeline
>Tati launches snake oil. >JC initially refuses to endorse any snake oil bc it's snake oil.>Tati is disappointed but lets it go.>JC is later seen promoting someone else's snake oil.>Tati is pissed and confronts him.>He is chickenshit so tries to avoid her but eventually explains that he basically just wanted free tickets.>She's seething so goes to JS to talk shit.>JS eggs her on and leads her to believe he's gonna cancel JC soon.>Tati feels vindicated, this confirms her feeling of feeling cheated.>She makes a video and people hate it.>JS tests the waters on cancelling JC but ultimately decides it's not the time as people aren't fully buying it. He retreats.>Tati is alone and fully thrown under the bus.Now she's back and is trying to cancel JS instead. I find it interesting that she claims JC wanted to be in the video but she wanted to do it alone. Kinda seems to me like she wants to keep JC at arm's length in case JS does have something on him and she has to walk some of her positive attitude towards JC back.
I acknowledge my outlook is cynical but this woman callously threw around weird ass accusations and tried to sell snake oil and got pissy like a child at her mature age. She is either stupid as shit or a big manipulator.
No. 1000252
>>1000236i kind of have the same attitude towards the situation. I don't encourage JS, but tati was weird in her vid. Also that part when she talks about Shane coming to her house and they have the weird empathy conversation and tati feels bless or whatever, which made her trust Shane more. The woman sounds off sometimes. That and the accusations, they are kind of weird. Like defamation because Shane said the guru circle are all narc? i mean…
She also stated that JS has receipts that he keeps in case of drama. i don't see how that's a bad thing? JS is a whore but at least when drama comes he stands up and doesn't let his reputation destroy his company. Tati should have move on i guess and work on her products. she really comes off as seeking attention. And in any case JC should be the one pursuing no?
No. 1000268
>>1000258The people relevant at the moment are above just regular beauty chatter
Why does Onion and TND and countless others get their own threads when they could just be in YTgen? This bs drama is gonna outsperg any thread they are in so might as well contain it imo. Parts of this were already posted in /celeb/ and ya'll batshit crazy if you think all parties involved are celebrities and/or make up gurus
Anyway yes I so think that J
will drop Shame real fast after this. He will be just say he didnr know he was a pedophile, dog molesting, creep and let Shame ruin himself in the downfall. Just like he did with Dahvie. Better to not get involved if he is* a part owner of morphe until people move on to the next scandal. I think its fitting tinfoil tbh
No. 1000305
>>1000298I honestly think the voice memo is fake, is very obvious JS is passing it around like a song if it was that credible someone would already post it or at least leak the
victim's name so the audience could put 2+2.
JS can easily pay someone to back up his story even find a day were JC didn't have a good alibi to make the story around that moment.
The amount of people who know who is the
victim are AT LEAST:
Jeffree Star
Blaire White
The three guys from the podcast (one of the is Fazebanks)
JS's close asslickers
Are you telling me none of this people haven't told to their friends, and those friends to other people?
No. 1000306
>>1000298Yes, a lot of people knew the recording existed, Ashyle Kyle a beauty drama channel was told about it by J*
Wonder how many people he actually played it for
No. 1000316
>>1000252Nta, normally I'd agree but my take is he manipulates people into compromising positions and that's what he equates as receipts, rather than unprovoked evidence. Otherwise I agree with you on all points and I don't feel my perception negates any of the responsibility from Tati, a grown ass woman.
Also have anons seen this? Maybe it's just conjecture but I've always suspected JS to be somewhat predatory. And I don't mean in nature, I mean sexually. Partially due to his own admittance, interactions with people/fans and associations with predators like Dahvie. I saw his hand in the attempted destruction of James Charles as being somewhat projection. He strikes me as the kind of person who would try to destroy someone for the very same behaviours he himself engages in. Idk how much anons are aware of his past, but to me it paints a very twisted picture that easily aligns with the allegations made in this video.
No. 1000346
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Insider says Jeffree does not have a stake in Morphe. Truth or damage control?
No. 1000347
>>1000332recording people without their permission is either illegal or not admissible in court
in the us it depends on the law where they were having the conversation, or if they were in different places it depends on where the recording caller called from, and there are exceptions and grey areas.
we don't know where they were recorded (jefferee might have been traveling), what setting they were recorded in (group conversations have less of an expectation of privacy and therefore can sometimes be exceptions), or if they might have given their consent for some reason (jefferee is a snake so who knows).
No. 1000439
>>1000431I think you're giving Tati too much credit. She's too stupid to be able to have hidden her racist tendencies for this long especially if shes a raging racist like you think. Look at how oddly preachy she gets in just basic tutorials, she cant help mentioning her faith/beliefs whenever possible. What ever Jafar has on her, I bet it relates to religion or shady business dealings.
Tinfoil: Tati is a Scientologist
No. 1000447
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Trisa with the fire, lmao.
No. 1000457
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>>1000447god i know she's a cow in her own right but my sides are in orbit rn
No. 1000459
>>1000365Farmhands just don’t want 2 threads talking about the same thing. Which makes sense. Just make a new YouTube beauty thread with the Shane OP pic when this one is full.
>>1000447Lmao. Seriously tho. So ass blasted over snake oil vitamins. As if the market isn’t over saturated anyways with that garbage.
No. 1000461
>>999314Idk about anyone else but she had me laughing a lot throughout this video.
The way she instantly scrunched up her face and croaking, and leaving in 'daddy said not to cry,' the whole 'I'm reading off of a script my legal team approved.' WHAT lawyer would be okay with their client making a fucking YouTube video saying 'you better watch out, we have dirt on you, we're watching and your time is coming.' Why? Why would you warn someone ahead of time if you're planning to wreck them in court? Would you want your lawyer to call up their lawyer and say 'hey bitch, this is what we're going to bring up in court, hahahaha, suck on that'? The 'I'm so grateful to my subscribers showing up to my launch party' while weeping, this lady lives on another planet and has no idea how ridiculous she sounds.
Seeing a nearly 40 year old woman trying to portray herself as so innocent and naive, and that Shane and Jeffree were in her ear and basically forced her to make that video, and then dropped her when she fulfilled her use , cracked me up. You're not a cute little girl to play that card. You're either a complete idiot who cannot tell when someone is fucking with you even though you're a mature woman, or you're just another bitter, vindictive bitch that threw a 'friendship' and someones reputation under the bus for the whole world to see over some fucking shitty gummies that no one wants because they suck.
There are so many other things she said that were absurd, but if she thinks people are going to eat this up like last time she's dead wrong. You only get one shot at this kind of thing, and now you've gotten on peoples nerves wasting their time with 40 minutes of pity partying and veiled threats, not a single receipt to be found. Doesn't matter how much people hate Shane and Jeffree, she's screwed herself with this.
>>1000447Trisha's video about this is actually pretty good.
No. 1000471
>>1000431i didn't "feel" for tati but thinking like this because of something that isn't even implied by any of the parties involved is so dumb. i feel like comments like this are from secret jeffree stans who are trying to instill tati hate when shit is going down.
tati isn't a fucking saint and no one says she is.
>>1000447i love this messy bitch
>>1000461if i was her lawyer my first rule would be "don't cry and don't fucking mention god" lmao.
>Would you want your lawyer to call up their lawyer and say 'hey bitch, this is what we're going to bring up in court, hahahaha, suck on that'?>not a single receipt to be found. but she's not flaunting what she's gonna take to court as evidence (if she's actually going to), so her not showing receipts fits the purpose of the video, she's basically stating her opinion and sharing her "experience"
i didn't like the video too much mostly because she took almost no responsibility, but i liked how loudly she blamed jeffree and shane by name and got the people talking, which was the purpose of the video. also got shane to have a meltdown on live so that's a bonus lol. you can't expect a youtuber to not be a narcissistic attention whore, and that's what tati is, that's what all of them are.
stop the narrative of "tati is equally bad" bc she's not. she's not a proven racist and pedo.
No. 1000476
>>1000471I'm just saying if I was her lawyer and something was actually about to go down in court, I'd tell her to not bother making a stupid YT video in the first place. If I was going to pursue a lawsuit I wouldn't want the other party to know it was coming, it seems stupid to make veiled threats.
On the other hand, this video was kind of a waste of time because she didn't show proof of anything, so this big dramatic video that just seems to have irritated people was a dumb move. All it did for me personally was make me laugh at her dramatics, and confirm that she is the type who just cries when she doesn't get what she wants, and makes everything about her.
I did enjoy Shane's shrieking and hysteria on live quite a bit as well, though. I do group Tati in with the others because to me, they are all the same useless narcissists that only care about fame and money and themselves, don't do anything good for the world, and kind of help ruin YouTube a little bit more.
No. 1000477
>>1000474Not even close. She's extremely full of herself and thinks she's way more important than she really is, enjoys licking her own asshole on camera and will gladly throw people under the bus and lie her ass off but she's not as bad as Jeffstein and his pet pig.
>>1000476This. Her video was an enormous waste of time but it got an amazing sperg out of Shane. She's such a dramatic pearl-clutching bitch.
No. 1000478
>>1000332>>1000347Cali is a 2 party consent state, meaning that generally speaking recording a private convo without both parties agreeing is illegal. So the theory that the recording hasn't surfaced because it's illegal is at least plausible. I wonder though, the fact that everyone refers to it specifically as a "voice memo" makes it possible that it wasn't a recording by Jeffree but rather a file that was sent to him. Maybe I'm dumb but that was my 1st thought.
>>1000465>She was very non-specific about her 'faith' in that video.This is a reach. I think she just wanted to avoid any suggestion of shoving Christianity in people's faces and distracting people from the point of the video.
No. 1000485
>>1000471Come on Anon, she hide her "repulsion" to JC for a long time before she exploded because he betrayed her with Sugar Bear Hair. If he had promoted her shitty vitamins she wouldn't have outed anything.
Also my shitty tinfoil but JS secret against Tati is that she married with her husband knowing fully well he is gay.
However I don't think JS will out anyone because at the end of the day he will look like the jackass who is blackmailing everyone.
No. 1000490
>>1000485>marrying a gay guy, knowing his is gayAm I weird for thinking that’s not even juicy? Maybe it would be for her family since she’s a “woman of faith”?
Also, of course jafart wouldn’t just whip out receipts …he would “leak” them anonymously.
No. 1000500
So I got curious about the charity Tati mentionned in her recent video, the Spirit Awakening Foundation. I thought it might be linked to scientiology if that's Tati's big secret. It turns out that a redditor did the work for me already and while the foundation is not linked to scientology, its founder is part of a cultish anti-science religion, the Churh of religious science.
Tati refered to the charity's leader as a spiritual advisor so it's likely that she's also a believer… link : No. 1000502
>>1000498Why does anyone care about his video anyway? Blaire did not say anything of note, and I hope James is keeping a list of people pushing these "reciepts" jeffree has and putting it in the air.
James needs to start suing people at this point.
No. 1000506
>>1000485Well he married her knowing he's gay, if thats even true (and bisexual men exist), I'm not seeing why it'd matter.
I don't know why people assume her talking about her "faith" means she's a biblethumping homophobic, who'd marry a rich gay man to stop him from being gay when she's in a community where every single man is gay and she's been around them with no issues about them being gay.
No. 1000507
>>999314I can't stand how explicit she is about certain things, like name dropping Shane and J*, but is vague about some other things.
Like the "I was afraid for my life, relocated several times, and have increased my security." Uh, could you be a little more specific about that? Are you honestly afraid that J* is going to have you killed? Is it his followers that you are afraid of? Are you just being really fucking dramatic? If it really is that terrifying of a situation and serious then why even say that at all? Come on, don't say that and not elaborate at least a little you sad old cow.
No. 1000520
>>1000516I feel like it was a quick easy way to bring validity to Jeffree's claims, he figured everyone liked Nate, no one would ask Nate to speak up and Zach was just nate's brother.
All these people Jeffree had control over.
No. 1000528
>>1000525I think she got really pissed at James and Shane and Jeffree just hyped her to make the video.
She's too emotionally immature and dramatic. Being almost 40, she should know better. Especially since she was James' mentor. She may not be as terrible as Jeffree or Shane but she's not what people are making her to be. Everyone fucked up and they are all just pointing fingers at each other now.
No. 1000532
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Ryland defending shane lol
No. 1000551
>>1000447wtf I love Trisha now
>>1000476>I do group Tati in with the others because to me, they are all the same useless narcissists that only care about fame and money and themselves, don't do anything good for the world, and kind of help ruin YouTube a little bit more.This, they're all as lame as eachother. Speaks to how out of touch with reality they are that they're still dragging this out in the middle of a global crisis. As an aside, anyone who still gives J* the time of day after all these years deserves whatever's coming to them.
All this because a teenager wanted some free Coachella tickets
No. 1000555
>>1000514I think it's very possible that the recording is of Nate talking about being uncomfortable. That could be why everyone is describing it as "disturbing … but nothing to report to law enforcement."
It would line up with the reports of Jeffree's behavior in the past, in that maybe he anticipated or wanted to egg on other people to come forward with "testimony" so in the interim he recorded Nate talking about his experiences just to have something to circulate to his confidants and drama channels.
It would also maybe explain why Jeffree has been privately circulating it but not making it public - maybe he no longer feels he can rely on Nate to back it up.
You really hit on something that could be a big part of this a lot of people are missing.
No. 1000566
>>1000559I’m a lurker but dear god this comment made me laugh out loud until I snorted. Shame and Voldemort - couldn’t be more accurate.
Pls kill me if I haven’t saged my shit right
No. 1000567
>>1000559HOLY SHIT
I LOOKED TATI’S MOM UP AND FOUND THIS this be about tati’s mom? The dates mentioned there are in the late 90’s when Tati was a teen, she probably grew up around this knobheads
No. 1000573
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Ok samefag. Someone on kiwi had done some digging before. This is weird.
No. 1000586
>>1000573I’m wearing this hat. The Smiths have denied being Scientologists, too.
I hope this doesn’t detract from Karmageddon though, because I would like to see Shame and Voldemort cancelled.
No. 1000594
>>1000589Yeah it's not accurate down to the number but it's enough for an approximate idea and if Krievins is that rare it probably is her.
>>1000573Why am I not surprised that Tati has this JonBenet Ramsay ass pic
No. 1000620
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Nikita wants in on the drama.
No. 1000626
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Kek, everyone is working hard to block his bag.
No. 1000631
>>1000590Some anons found what she said to be funny, doesn’t mean we are fans or think she’s anything other than a massive cow. Some farmers do like Trish. Personally I think she’s trash but she says funny shit sometimes.
>>1000620Everyone wants to bank in on the drama. 30 minute monetized videos from everyone I’m sure.
No. 1000731
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how the fuck does trisha go from making extremely good points, to talking about giving blowjobs for $5, to bringing up david dobrik, and right back to slinging out good points in one stream of consciousness rant
a broken cow is right twice a day farmers
No. 1000744
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>>1000731>a broken cow is right twice a day farmersI kek'd. I love how Shane "saved" all these youtubers from being cancelled when they had their terrible behavior exposed, and Trisha is the only one that's even remotely returning the favor now that it's his turn. Tana and Jake's most recent tweets have all been about BLM. I think that says a lot about Shane tbh, that shit is so funny.
No. 1000749
>>1000685>>1000711Seconded, Shane and his friends deserves their own thread. Shane (and was) never involved in the beauty community.. And aside from Jeffree, none of his friends or family are not part of the beauty communtiy either (Ryland, Trisha, Tana, Andrew, Garrett, Drew, etc).
>>1000731She's a troll so it's hard to take anything she says seriously. She was right about the vlog squad and dissociadid too lol. It doesn't surprise me at all that she making good points.
No. 1000783
>>1000718She's not saying anything about the situation with Jeffstein and Shame yet.
>>1000726So far this is true.
No. 1000795
The original thread has been unlocked since this one has filled.
>>>/pt/783058 YouTube beauty general will stay in /snow/ if anyone wants to make a new thread for that. Welcome to /pt/.
(Sorry to the anon whose "is it locked" post I deleted to fit this message in)