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No. 54278
>>54273yeah I actually have to admit I hate seeing fat people do well (if they are like trish, if they are like charity workers or something idc)
I just think they are gross and glutenous idk
No. 54321
Though I am sure they are also full of gluten.
No. 54350
>>54335ya but lately it's just been target shit; I miss the bingefest thousand bucks makeup hauls and shoes and purses or whatever.
I hate shopping and spending that much on 'haha I saw it and had to have this fukken $80 palette lol oh and this shirt, whatever' would PAIN me so I used to get this vicarious thrill watching her unload whatever she just felt like picking up at sephora.
No. 54354
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>>54335>>54350what I mean to say is I agree about having that much shit, but watching her compulsive spending turns me on a little.
No. 54378
>>54377Have you seen queen of Versailles?
I feel like that will be her life one day
No. 54453
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lol @ Trisha sending her fishie army to harass Roger Bart
No. 55586
Listen to her podcast with Shane Dawson. She fully admits she just makes things up and is a troll. mins onwards is the most specific part about trolling.
No. 56355
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Those lips are looking bad…
No. 56356
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No. 56613
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No. 57304
No. 58644
>>57236Wow. Just fucking wow. Fatlogic or something, because being thin must automatically make someone either ana or 'SKINNY GENETICS'
I know trish is trying to be funny, but that's just damn annoying. A woman cant just eat right and work out. Nope. There's no inbetween. You're either ana or a whale.
No. 59696
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No. 59748
>>57073Didn't she just declutter her flat like several months ago…? Oh well, that reasoning behind the new flat really tells how bad it's gotten. She buys so much stuff that isn't necessarily like pretty or fashionable (or whatever the proper adjective would be cba brain) or resellable either.
>>54161Yeah, american. Not in a bad way necessarily either, though she isn't something to aspire to be either.
All the junk and the shopping addiction and her being miserable about her weight or her fried short hair makes me feel sorry for her.
No. 76314
>>63563>I'm a computer programmerhmmmm…
She was also on My Strange Addiction much like our fav Venus. I think for a while she was trying to get famous this way.
No. 76387
why did I say bart baker, what the fuck.
mad at myself lmao
No. 76396
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Gonna be honest:
I like her, shes like that one stupid girl in your friend circle that just can't help herself sometimes but is still kinda cute
No. 77391
>>77377She is though. She lies all the time she even said so in Shanes podcast. But regardless of that some things appear to be a bit shady. How come she never sued? In the statement WCC released they said she changed what she wanted a few times. I honestly don't know what to believe in this case.
Still shitty what they did with the whole electrical thing and expecting her to drive it out in that condition.
No. 77848
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>tfw you really, really don't want to be a chubby chaser but then you see this bitch
No. 85302
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No. 85639
>>85615Real dating. It seems superficial though. All they seem to do is get drunk and have sex. However, her dancing has improved a lot (since he's a dancer/one of the back up dancers she hired from her music videos), and I feel like she's far more ambitious. I would not be surprised if she was more emotionally invested in him, than he was, and she comes with a video in about 1-4 months saying that they broke up.
I think from her time line, he's a rebound. I'm hoping, for her well being that the relationship is good.
No. 87527
>>85639I don't think they are really dating at all.
I've heard she's dating the guy she lost her virginnity to, some guy from Full House or something. People saw a photo on his insta where he's at her new year's party.
This guy is gay, Perez Hilton supposedly did an article on him in the past.
So… she goes arround rubbing her boobs and butt againts this guy while dating another… and she did the same when she was dating Roger Bart yet she wonders why no man would take her seriously
No. 87590
Sorry for double posting
>>87527this video really makes me suspicious about how genuine the relationship is.
No. 87598
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>>87589What makes her extremities so thick?
No. 87604
>>87590>>87589He seems…gay
I haven't watched the second video, just the music one and that was only for a few seconds, but I saw it and I instantly read "oh he's gay"
No. 87609
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Still my favourite gif of her
No. 87631
>>87606Looks like the same guy.
Sorry, I don't watch too many of her videos. I'll watch the haul stuff, or if a title catches my attention (but not the super attention whore ones) then I'll watch those.
I normally don't watch any of the videos with guys in them, because she dated bart baker (right?) for two years, but I know in that two year span she would post joke videos of her with guys and joke how they were her boyfriend of the time and be like "the secrets out it's him!! jk it's not" and I got tired of that.
This guy doesn't seem straight to me, I feel like he's using her for what little fame she has, because he has none and needs to climb the ladder in baby steps.
No. 87778
>>87766LMAO bruh I am the same person who said it earlier in the thread, too
I'm done
No. 87782
>>87767I think you're not the only one getting gay vibes off him, I looked at the comments and a lot of people are saying he seems gay or just not really into Trish. I think so too, though. Something off about him and Trish.
No. 87808
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I think they're both using each other for popularity. Living the Ken and Barbie fantasy.
She had Sean dressed up in a pink jumper, white tights and pink eye make up. I can't imagine anything more gay.
Merry Trishmas: think she comes off as real because she's living the materialistic dream.
No. 108652
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>>108647I'm gonna light a candle for her Dollar Tree Channing Tatum.
No. 115784
>>115781I think Shane likes her because he can use her energy for his stereotypical gay-voiced persona, but I don't get the vibe that Drew likes anyone at all
It's weird seeing a youtuber so visibly depressed, he's a natural comedian in that sense
Even if Trish is dumb af, she's still a great marketer and it's easy to see she's playing a character on her channel if you don't have aspergers
No. 117668
>>117667Trish will make murica great again.
God bless.
No. 119284
Wow Trisha just went on snapchat and said that things have just come to a head with her internet stalker and she's going to hire security + take a break from the internet for a while. She snapped a short clip of this video of who I assume the guy is, maybe its interesting. It was too autistic for me to watch, I kept zoning out.
His twitter: points for gamergate)
No. 119335
>>119284I'm trying Anon, i'm really trying. It's hard to get past all the mouth breathing though.
He seems a little out of touch about his behavior, i can tell you that much.
something tells me he doesn't have a lot of close friends.
No. 119339
>>119335samefag but i have no idea what this drama is about, sorry in advance.
does he know her irl?
if not, yeah. his behavior is out of hand. reminds me of the kind of people who convince themselves they are in love with their idols (and that the love is returned).
check out 11:18-12:00 to see what i mean.
No. 119349
>>11933913:18 and up is fucking terrifying, if he's just a fan.
poor girl.
No. 119357
>>119284He's autistic.
I don't feel bad for her since when he used to review her books and buy her stuff, she'd comment positively on his videos and interacted with him a lot.
No. 119393
>>119339>>119349He's just an online fan
>>119357Money talks, autism walks
No. 134726
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>>134562That's the case for the majority of fat girls out there claiming to be "curvy" when they're just lumps.
No. 162642
>>162640Probably because she does things for the sake of shock factor for years and it's starting to become weary
For future reference: Don't bump a thread unless you have relevant information for discussion. If you want this thread to stay active contribute news or images and people will come
No. 211835
>>211831If you look at this girl named Yasminestradaaa on instagram she posted that she physically saw him come into a gay club with with a guy and they kissed/held hands etc. She's a lesbian and said she only danced with sean "because he was gay" and would've never done so if he was straight.
I actually believe it. Trish has always been adamant that he's not gay and yeah she cries all the time, but she actually seems truly distraught this time. I feel for her TBH
No. 211933
>>211831Ya this is fake as shit
It was fake from the get go. Trisha is such a bad actress
No. 214528
>>214521Yeah, uppers are a type of drug, examples of uppers are cocaine, speed, meth, molly, crack, etc.
On the opposite end, downers are alcohol, benzos, opiates, etc.
No. 214544
>>214298she says she's had sex with both women & men this week - like she wasn't busy with her "breakdown". she nervously looks around everywhere. says there are "aspects" of lesbian sex she doesn't like, which just seems odd - you like vagina or don't trish. i mean, there are no set "aspects" to what lesbian sex is, really. she has made countless videos like "why i love dick", etc. about how much she loves fucking dudes while making no sign of being interested in girls ever till now that she's in trouble.
but now she's a lesbian, only two days after almost getting sued for outing his ex bf.
yeah, i'm not buying it for a second. i'm a lesbian and trish just strikes me as the bi-curious type that would never actually be in a serious relationship with a women.
No. 214551
>>214547Honestly, I'm just a passing anon and don't follow this thread or know anything about Trisha.
However, I watched the video out of curiosity and it's hard to say if she's on drugs or if it's just manic or anxious behavior. Her eyes do seem dilated, and she does seem to be almost having a difficult time focusing them, her eyes are quickly shifting around the room, etc.
Also, she's tired, but talking very fast, rambling, can't stay focused. Uppers can keep you from sleeping and kind of speed things up? Though again, it could just be her acting manically, or being anxious.
No. 214556
>>214551>>214547So I follow Trisha for a long time. She is addicted to opiates which makes her eyes pinned. When she's on them it's obvious because her speech is slurred and sloppy.
However I don't think she's on that in this vid. I think she did a line of coke or snorted some ritalin cuz her eyes are moving super fast and she's talking quickly in a monotone voice because her mind is moving faster than she's able to talk normal.
It's these subtle things. She's tired and drinking water. That's also a sign of uppers cuz it makes you tired since they wear off fast and makes your mouth dry as fuck. She does this annoying thing with the side of her mouth like it's too dry.
No. 214562
>>214298She posted this video yesterday as well, which I think answers the question of whether or not she's on drugs.
"A chiggen nugget doesn't…
feel social media's impact"
No. 214862
>>214565I've followed Trisha for years now. She pretty much follows the exact same formula every single time.
1) She breaks up with someone and has a complete online meltdown. She agrees with anything her fans have said about her ex, confirming that they were right and tells them they're her family and how much they mean to her blah blah.
2) As her meltdown continues, she mentions how lonely she is and how everyone just wants to use her and how she will be forever alone.
3) She meets a new guy and gets a sudden surge in confidence. She treats the fans she claimed were her family like complete shit during this stage. People who warn her that her new boyfriend is using her for fame/money, (in Sean's case) that he's gay or that he's cheating or even people who think the relationship is fake are told that they're not real fans but haters. She will go out of her way to make videos making fun of anyone critical of her relationship.
4) She becomes clingy and posessive over her boyfriend which drives them away. It might also have to do with the fact that she puts SO MUCH info about them online and has a camera in their face for every outing they go on.
5) the cycle continues
I do genuinely believe that she has some kind of mental illness (anxiety, paranoia, bi polar maybe) and I feel sorry for her in that aspect. It's hard seeing someone have a mental breakdown online every few weeks when you can relate. But at the same time, she treats her fans so fucking awfully and only really cares about them when she's bored between boyfriends. She emotionally depends on someone at all times and she doesn't care if it's a man, her fans or even the people she hires to do her hair and makeup (who she thinks are her friends…for some reason). It's hard to feel sorry for her when she's such a shit person who uses people herself.
I followed her originally because I thought her story was interesting as someone who moved to LA and became a stripper/escort and did so many shitty acting jobs. She came across a lot of interesting people, she's got every little girl's dream wardrobe/lifestyle and I used to like her old vlogs. She's the kind of personality that I love to hate. But her life is one big dramatic rollercoaster and she insists on putting every minute detail online, it's exhausting to watch now. Get a job, Trish. A real job.
No. 214910
>>214862She has bipolar.
Days of manic where she feels great and has so much energy and she can conquer the world.
That can last to a week or longer.
Then she has days of depression, crying, tearful, sad, can't sleep or eat.
It's bipolar. She has bipolar.
No. 214975
>>214544>she says she's had sex with both women & men this week - like she wasn't busy with her "breakdown". Trish is a sex addicted trainwreck. I don't think she's physically capable of going more than a couple of days without fucking someone.
>says there are "aspects" of lesbian sex she doesn't like, which just seems odd - you like vagina or don't trish.I bet she's talking about oral. It's slimy and doesn't necessarily taste/smell pleasant. There are tons of men that hate performing oral on women, and tons of women that hate performing oral on men or at least refuse swallow or refuse to let the guy cum in their mouth. Do you think all those men and women are secretly gay?
> i'm not buying it for a second.I don't know, it sounded more like she's realizing that she gets along with women more than men, which she's idiotically interpreting as meaning she's a lesbian, because seriously, Trish does not have any idea what healthy sexuality looks like. She can't objectively examine her own preferences because her desperate need to fuck overrides them. Lock her and a dog in a room for a month, and she'd probably start proclaiming herself a zoophile.
sage for armchair psychologist
No. 215011
>>214862Guru Gossiper were thinking histrionic personality disorder
I think she's on a video uploading rampage because Sean's suing her and she needs the money. Last break down I kinda lost my respect for her, so this time it's pretty hilarious.
No. 216072
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I think she's on meth tbh apparently it's something she was addicted to in the past and with all her recent paranoia about Sean release of secrets about her…
No. 219807
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jesus, trish.
No. 219808
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No. 219820
>>219808She needs to get off the Internet, ffs.
She needs some kind of treatment and exposing her life online is obviously just making shit worse.
No. 224805
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Anyone see her new "i have a concussion right now" video she posted recently??? She was whispering the whole time (I could barely make out what she was saying) and she legitimately acted like she was on drugs the whole time.
It has 3k+ likes and 10k+ dislikes, lol. This bitch needs HELP.
No. 224838
>>224805why are people still falling for Trisha Paytas? she's not even getting good views anymore, this thing is tired. why would you believe a "super real breakdown" from someone who became famous out of trolling videos and fake storytimes about sleepig with celebrities…i mean. are you dense?
the guy he was dating (he mentions him in the vid) was a gay dancer who never actually dated her and has been outed many many many many times by gay ex bfs and friends. trisha knew he wasn't dating him, and that they were playing it up for the views. the "breakdown" was damage control after there was video footage of him in a gay bar. He's still ragging on about it since she has no creatity or talent to get views any other way than by drama. even in her "sean is suing me" vid she used very weird ways to describe their relationship as a social media thing, cuz they were again just playing it off and both knew it wasn't anything else and didn't want to get in legal trouble by saying they were actually dating.
so no, she doesn't need help. she's just doing what she does for living. thanks for the wasted five minutes, she's still faking everything.
No. 224840
>>214975she's doesn't get laid as much as she says in her youtube. she even admitted it to shane in a podcast, she has absolutely faked relationships and therefore lot of those "Kinky sex" vids. that slutty persona is again just a persona and she has said so.
>I don't know, it sounded more like she's realizing that she gets along with women more than men, which she's idiotically interpreting as meaning she's a lesbian, because seriouslyso you just said i'm wrong for saying she's a dumb girl who is not a lesbian, and then began saying she's probably not actually a lesbian and that she is dumb… what for?
anyways, oral for lesbian women =/= oral for men but i'm not even going to bother with that fuck off
No. 224850
>>224838I never said I was "falling for Trisha," I just think this shit is entertaining, real or not. The most entertaining part is watching people slowly start to figure out she's legit trash and is doing a lot of this on purpose. And yes, I know about Sean. The whole "cheating "thing is when her breakdown videos started.
Although, her reaction (from my experience) seems to me like she's taking too much Xanax. This video in particular. I'm not jumping to the mental illness conclusion that many are (although I do think she has BPD), but I 100% think prescription drugs are involved.
No. 225039
>>225036This. I had acrylics for about 2 weeks and was so
triggered by how gross they were getting underneath that no amount of scrubbing with a brush seemed to cleanse. Makeup especially. I just couldn't take it.
I guess you could use toys exclusively but it seems weird/unnatural to never touch yourself or your gf (if you're a lesbian). Like at all.
No. 226855
this gem was in my recommended today for some reason
>>63563was going to post it, but it's posted above.
No. 228763
>>228732I love videos with Shane and Trisha too. There are two possible situations, either she did fake her relationship (I'd tend to believe that) or she's so stupid that she didn't realise that Sean was gay this entire time. She's pretty adamant that the former is untrue but imo the latter is way, way worse.
Like I know she's thick but how can someone be that thick? It just can't be possible. It was a fake relationship and now Sean is pissed because his little cover-up failed. Just own up Trisha, there's nothing you can possibly say that's more crazy than what you've already said in vlogs.
No. 228771
>shane says all youtubers end up depressed because they can't be themselves on camera. that most youtubers are nothing like you'll see them in their channel, which is funny because he's bffs with trisha known to fake her shit. he also admits later that years ago he was super fake and even had a fake voice he put on in his videos.>shane mocks youtubers making "2016 worst year ever!" when nothing bad even happened to them. 2015 was appereantly his most depressive year. i love him, he's a dick and when he collabs with trisha she doesn't edit it out.>trisha says "Vine was so pathetic". tru>trisha says she wanted to do reacting videos but she doesn't know how to edit said videos. (she doesn't how to put in the screen what she's reacting to)>40mins trisha says that she's told the drama channels that basically theres no future in what they do because people don't watch them for their personality, just the drama ("you're not wendy williams […] they all think they're wendy williams"). she and kuckian are friends and have talked multiple times so she was probably talking about him.>sanders tried becoming friends with her on twitter when she was going through her breakdown. suddenly, he blocked her and made a video "exposing her" out of nowhere.>she refers to one time stepanka and sanders met her at a meet & greet and hanged out. doesn't say stepanka's name but she has talked about it. ("i'm not going to say her name, she's very hateful"). they have made videos saying trisha ignored them, but here trisha says that she just doesn't hang out with many people and certainly not with someone she met at a meet & greet out of nowhere ("they got pissed because i didn't want to hang out […] its scary […] 'well, you don't want to be my friend? well i'm gonna EXPOSE you!'").>around the 47 minute they're still talking shit and theres a part where it cuts out and cuts back to trisha still talking about the subject, so i imagine they mentioned someone they shouldn't have and edited out.>she made videos about quentin tarantino back in the day, put them on myspace. six months later she met quentin tarantino.>she said something on twitter made her sad. they don't say what but shane hints that its soulcrushing when you have a falling out with someone and months later they unfollow you on twitter. so someone must have unfollowed her.>says jokingly that we should check out her podcast with shane. in that podcast she said that her life on youtube is fake, so now whenever she does something drama channels use that old "receipt". so she's mocking it and saying she hopes it becomes shane's most watched, i love shane videos, he always makes people get messy. trisha has been really fake in her videos lately, so it was nice actually hearing her.
No. 228783
>>228763its sad that they don't collab anymore because trisha seems very comfortable around him and does't hold back. like in those videos with where they randomly mention onision i nearly died, because they would have never done that in a normal video of theirs.
not sure either honestly. i don't think shane would play along with a lie like that so i was shocked when they mentioned sean. it seems so weird to see that she still insists that the relationship was real, just say that you were friends playing it up for the camera. i mean, they talked about how youtubers are fake and that they exaggerate everything on that video, how can we believe anything that happened with Sean?
No. 228950
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>>224996Anon I watched that show and didn't even remember her. Good eye!
No. 228956
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>>228950Her superhero name was Ms. Limelight, she was eliminated in episode 3. It's season 2 of Who Wants To Be A Superhero.
Episode 2 quotes from a fan wiki:
>Ms. Limelight was unable to articulate her superhero's abilities to Lee during her interview with him, and Lee felt that a superhero needed to be better able to perform under pressure.>[other superhero on show] spoke inappropriately to Ms. Limelight, stating that she was "putting on an act" (in his exit interview he clarified that he was only saying that her "ditzy" persona is more like one of "the roles we all play in life" rather than a deliberate deception, though at the time she and the other contestants — along with many viewers — took him to mean the latter). No. 229176
>>228960she wasn't. she was talking about "drama channels". there are drama channels dedicated to beauty gurus that for some reason make lots of videos regarding trisha (sanders, kuckian, i'm just here for the tea, karina, peter monn, lux). and its clear she was talking about them cuz she said "drama channels", and later said that they try to be "like wendy williams". she has also talked multiple times with kuckian and sanders so yeah she would know that they're beefing.
i don't know where you get that "vegan drama" from, trisha is known for lurking her GG threads and every negative video regarding her, she wouldn't really keep up with vegan drama. And if she did she would refer to them as "vegans", not "drama channels". Also when she talked about drama channels she literally referenced her relationship with Sanders later and did an explicit description of a video from I'm Just Here For The Tea.
Not vegan drama.
No. 229903
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Kiss ass
No. 235107
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>>235103I know its a cliche at this point and everyone comments on it but I swear to god this girl is so textbook bipolar. What she's describing sounds like textbook hypomania (saying she felt "gods presence" and all these weird religious delusions being a ~warrior of god~) and she claims she just came off of xanax and prozac which is like… the perfect combination to induce mania. She's at the age where it shows up. She's gonna ruin her life.
Even if it's all fake and an act, there's still something seriously wrong imo if you're going to such extents to fake something like that. I don't think her breakdown hallucination videos are real, like the vampire one she just posted, but ones like this… I think she's legit and it's kind of depressing.
sage for armchair diagnosis
No. 239791
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how is she even real she looks like a cartoon
also kek latest video implying she had a stroke/heart attack. guess all those "mook bahngz" are catching up to her
No. 242753
>>224996God she shows up in the most random shit, she popped up in an episode of Nathan For You too.
She was just there to distract a guy with her boobs.
No. 259726
>>259642probably her most genuine video about this situation
No. 289639
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>tries to twerk
>is barely able to lift her fat ass up from the floor
No. 617504
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>>617491Didn’t she get Lipo like a minute ago
No. 617550
>>617528that’s a fucking crazy way to start a relationship jeez. he looks so much older than he actually is i assumed all his kids were adults already
thank you for the summary
No. 617573
>>617523It got worsr the more I listened in, she turns comments like eating healthier to physically feel better, combines it with a self aware joke that she took as a personal attack and spins it off to all men wanting skinnier women while admitting she has deep seated insecurities. She has a skewed perspective on everything and can't fully commit to accepting that she needs to change so she cries, babbles about her insecurities while juxaposting all her interactions with jason to fit her wounded lamb narrative.
>I never thought i was fat, like I know im overweight but i thought i looked good She keeps saying delusional shit like this that directly goes against her whole youtube background of fat NOT being synonymous with unnattrative including her musical carreer. (but never forget early days trish in her bikini grabbing at her muffintop with pride)
If anything she has always been a cow that keeps on giving these past recent years and a big part i personally feel is the amount of enabling and support she has gotten from social media/content creators like shane. She herself basically admits nobody holds her responsible or confronts her about these mental health issues that clearly affect her physical life from plastic surgery to weight loss/gain. I wish she would just go bankrupt.
No. 617593
>>617573"I know I'm fat but I'm not THAT fat" is the common litany of a fatty in denial. Even though she always made references and songs to being fat and even got lipo, it was obvious that she never thought she looked that bad.
While I feel bad that that nasty old man took advantage of her insecurity and money, she needed a wake up call.
No. 617624
>>617601Go to 9:15 mark
TLDR: Her dad is rich and gave her some money for investment.
No. 617687
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>>617491Why is this making me laugh?
No. 618385
>>618030I agree, but that something may just be her being 30 years old and never going to therapy, never addressing or trying to fix her issues, and living her life surrounded by enablers that reinforce that it's okay to have catastrophic meltdowns over nothing every other week. She makes her living off of what is essentially tantrums (not to say she isn't suffering, because it's clear she is) and everyone around her just lets her. Does anyone around her actually say, "this is unacceptable; you cannot act this way."
I really believe that a year in CBT learning constructive coping mechanisms could lead her to a place where she can actually be genuinely happy instead of constantly miserable. Her talking about insecurities instilled in her in middle school, is just like… Girl. You should have dealt with this a long time ago.
Sage for longpost, I just genuinely really like her and I wish she would try to get better for her own sake.
>>618030 No. 618456
>>618409Kelsie: Trisha needs therapy, she's a mess.
Trisha: I DON'T LIE, OMG! here's 20 tweets sperging the fuck out about a fat joke. ALSO, I DON'T LIE!
No. 618463
I feel bad for her because I've been in a similar situation in the past, and it does really hurt to have your boyfriend call you fat, repulsive, etc when your self esteem is fragile. No one who cares about you should joke how fat you are, say that you would be hotter if you were smaller, etc. There are definitely more tactful ways to tell someone you're concerned about their weight/health.
BUT she's in total denial to go on this sort of meltdown over a fat joke. It's one thing to have a little cry in private, another film yourself bawling in the kitchen for the 50th time. He was cruel to her, but in the end, he's right. She needs to emotionally disconnect herself from her food and her weight, see it objectively, and help herself.
No. 618501
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For her sake I do hope she loses the weight and keeps it off, but I feel like it's more to "show Jason," not because she really feels like she needs to lose weight. Super emotional decisions tend not to stick.
No. 618584
>>618452Yeah, honestly I can see how he might be bothered watching her literally killing herself with obesity and heart-disease, as most people's partners would. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it's about more than just appearances, it's health too. Especially that one thing he said about turning 30, it didn't sound like a dig at her. Lots of people do have to change their diets as they get older and they're more susceptible to weight-related illnesses.
I could understand this level of delusion if she was just chubby, but she's literally obese. Then again, I haven't watched any of the videos with this guy so I dunno if he was actually treating her poorly.
No. 618618
>>618584Honestly she was treating him worse, if you watch their Videos. Flirting with all of the guys he lives with, waltzing around with her tits out. Talking shit about his ex wife and kids, and making fun of him for his age.
She also wanted to keep him far and gross like her so… Yeah.
No. 618690
>>618672yeah, that's the one thing that really throws his whole narrative off. he says over and over that he thinks she is genuinely beautiful the way she is in his response but trisha caught him on camera saying she'd look better smaller. maybe it was something said out of frustration (because the whole situation was already stupid with Trisha throwing a hissy fit about refusing to eat in front of him) but…it is a pretty awful thing to say, even in the heat of the moment.
who knows, they're definitely better off apart and hopefully don't get back together.
No. 618695
>>618692and there's 211225 videos of Trish calling him old and gay¿?
I feel like the entire situation is hypocritical and childish.
No. 618701
>>618695Childish for sure. Yes it’s rude as fuck and you’d be upset, but this reaction is extreme. She has major deep rooted problems that show in every one of her breakdown videos and she’s only getting worse. She ignores her problems and pretends them away and finds new guys to fuck and mask the pain with “love” when deep down she has no love for herself. Yes it would suck to be called fat especially if you were already struggling, but to react like this just shows she needs major mental help.
Their relationship was doomed from the start, the woman doesn’t know how to be single and she practically begged him to date her, and she didn’t take the red flags of him clearly not caring from the beginning.
I get feeling sad for her, but this extreme reaction happens all the time with everything with her and it’s getting old. You can’t help anyone who doesn’t want to help herself, and she doesn’t want to help herself.
No. 618748
>>618691she calls herself fat all the time and has a music video called "fat chicks".I don't understand how anyone thinks she has the right to be mad at him when she's sending all of these mixed signals.
Like, okay… Being called fat is your
trigger. Why are you calling yourself fat, advertising yourself as plus sized, showing off your body fat and always referencing your weight. It makes as much sense as the Tumblr whores who claim to be CSA survivors yet pander to DD/LG pervs.
It'd be totally different if she was actively trying to lose weight outside of lipo. A woman who has more than one 10,000 calorie mukbang challenges on her channel has no right to bawl about someone calling her fat.
No. 618754
>>618695He doesn't have the same issues surrounding being old and gay that Trisha does her weight. He (and his vlog squad) insulted Trisha constantly for lots of things and she clearly didn't care. She has specifically said not to make fat jokes.
>>618748He didn't just call her fat. He publicly insulted her. Anyone who watched 5 minutes of Trisha's videos would know she has huge issues. In his own apology HE does not even say "well she calls herself fat!" meaning no matter what, he KNEW it was most likely going to upset her. Trisha has SPECIFICALLY told Jason several times not to make fat jokes. Ignoring everything else, he stepped a boundary with her that she specifically asked him not to cross. Also, you said yourself, she does 10k calorie mukbangs, She clearly has food addiction. If someone had an alcohol problem would it be okay for their partner to, in front of other people too, make jokes about them being a drunk?
No. 618843
>>618385While she would benefit from directed therapy as you say, she admits her screaming fits and tantrums go back to being a small child. I personally think she has something neurological going one in combination with all the mental health stuff.
I don't know why she doesn't reach out to Dr Phil or whoever. I doubt she will resolve it if let on her own or in private, she seems to lack the skills or the inclination.
No. 618999
>>618761He literally made no attempt to help her, he just negged her. If he wanted to help her he'd lead by example (he's fucking fat himself) You don't "help" an alcoholic by grabbing the booze out fo their hand and calling them a drunk. You help by helping them fix the cause of the problem.
>>618774He said "overweight like me and Trisha?"
>>618972She literally fucking specifically asked Jason to stop making fat jokes and he kept going. He literally over stepped her boundary. If you don't understand how fucked that is you've never been in a relationship before.
No. 619002
>>618999Anon you sound like you’re taking this really personally.
Jason made a bad joke, Trisha blew up and is spiraling rather than handling it like a mature adult would who had their feelings hurt.
Take a break from this thread cause you’re just gonna tire yourself out trying to WK on a thread dedicated to talking shit
No. 619004
>>618748I get this argument but the fact that he just got mad instead of apologizing is the thing
I would break up with my bf too if he called me fat because like Trisha said, that would never go away. To someone without major self esteem issues it seems stupid but to someone who thinks about their appearance and weight constantly it is important, regardless of if she is public about calling herself fat and eating on camera. She said herself he was right. She obviously knows. But knowing that was how he thought of her too ruined it
No. 619006
>>619002If were gonna stick to 'Jason knew she was crAzy and just kept making nasty comments!!' Then Trisha should KNOW by now that hes another dudes shes keeping around with her money, she literally repeats the same mistakes over & over and its fucking retarded and each time she gets shielded because the other party did x y z, i mean she clearly was fucking ready for Jason to be a twat when shes out recording the fucker talking and claiming on twitter she doesnt want people to hate him. Im pretty sure shes ok with her body but blames body insecurities/mental health to keep her drama going. She does nothing but use her past and present problems as escape goats while banking on every click, repost and retweet because her whole career is the drama. Its what keeps her selling all this shit she pushes out. She's clearly self aware and in her twitter rant and the video she constantly makes contradictory statements. Shamu needs to stop.
The notion of wether or not the vlog squad should stop can be in another thread/Yt general because i bet they have their own milk.
No. 619007
>>619003No one is saying he’s not a bad guy, but she knew that going into this. She begged him to get together it’s in their early vlogs together. He was blatantly uninterested and was throwing up red flags from the beginning.
She is mentally unwell, it’s obvious. She needs help, that’s what most anons are saying. And she’s only gonna make herself worse staying with dudes like him.
No. 619069
>>619018Didn't she literally make a video bragging on how Eminem kept making sure she was okay with being the butt of a fat home in that music video she was in?? And said she was okay with it cause she knew she was fat?? And he jiggles her belly in said music video?? But yeah. Only anonymous people behind screens have ever made a fat joke about her.
And yes, I'm aware he told her she was beautiful and perfect and stuff after filming but jeez. She still consented to bring a fat joke and claims they've only happened in comments.
No. 619105
>>618999But he did! He's always talking about dieting because he's also fat and he doesn't want to die at 50 of a heart attack, he has kids and other things to worry about instead of just his appearance. He only eats salads, and work out constantly and he's always inviting her, but of course she won't do it. It was a bad joke, and i can understand why she could feel attacked but it was clearly not his intention. She keeps saying that he finds her disgusting all this crazy talk, it's all in her head and she won't admit it. I hope someone gets the real video to see the actual context of all of this.
I would get mad too if someone is putting all their crazy thoughts on me.
No. 619180
>>619003Trisha mocked herself. Jason literally has been handling her with kid gloves in regards to her weight. She's probably borderline, and like most borderline's, she cycles from hating how fat she is and wanting to change, to being fatass extraordinaire. That's confusing for anyone, so like anyone who gives half a shit, he encourages her to lose weight when she complains about it.
So what if she's ~sensitive~? she's not chubby, she's morbidly obese and at risk of dying before she even reaches Jason's age. Is he, or anyone, just supposed to let her eat herself into Oblivion?
I don't even think Jason is a good guy. He's a sleaze and a pushover. he let her talk shit about his ex wife, children, and his biPolar disorder. She constantly accuses him of being gay, she tried to make him over to look like her ex, made a video comparing the two of 'em, etc.
People are just defending Trisha because she's fat, and they're also fat so it feels like Jason personally attacked them.
No. 619221
>>619180I agree I don't think anyone's saying Jason is a saint in all this, but her reaction is way OTT when you consider that, yeah, she is fat (obese) and clearly has a serious binge eating problem that will lead her to an early grave. That's just reality, and time is honestly not on her side anymore. Younger people can get away with shitty lifestyles, but it catches up to you fast when you get older.
I don't think concern over her health had anything to do with that "joke", but regardless, she needed to hear it from someone real. All her friends and family are probably thinking the same thing but are too afraid to piss her off and end up in a video, it's not just anonymous haters online who are trying to "bully" her.
No. 619425
>>619000>if it agrees with my position it's valid>if it doesn't, it's meaningless. OK then
>do you really expect her self image to remain consistent?no. do you really expect people to watch her playing out her issues again and again and just go yeah, fair enough? I mean, you know what lolcow is, yeah?
>>619003whale-chan, the fact that you're taking it so personally is what is disturbing. She does this every time, but ~omg such victim~
No. 619824
>>619425To piggyback off your second point, I really think there needs to be a board-wide reminder that “we are not fucking talking about you.” Between this thread and Dasha’s thread, there’s a fuckton of farmers taking weight and body commentary way too personally. No one cares if you look like Trisha or think you look like Trisha or are secretly a 36” waist chan. It’s literally not about you. Stop taking it so personally.
Sage for complete OT irrelevance.
No. 620277
>>620197bitch you ARE fat! its not that deep! she's acting like this shit is an attempt on her life and not the obvious fucking truth. either but up and own it or accept it and lose weight, because wavering around between saying you're going to lose 50lbs before coming back to social media and insisting you're only chubby and he's wrong makes you look like the insecure idiot you always have been.
I have sympathy for her but this shit has been going on her entire career. it's time to face the music.
No. 620407
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>>620393Sage for samefag.
The left pic is from about a year ago when she had her procedure done and the right one is a week ago.
No. 621648
>>620390Ah okay, got ya.
>>620407Yep, I knew it. The chick has no self control hence why she gained most of the weight back in that area. It's just a waste of money trying to do a shortcut like that when you don't try to maintain it.
>>620480Taking a break would probably be good. She can't keep doing that forever. I'm sure she has made enough money to at least take a break for awhile while she gets some help.
No. 625695
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yeah right, totally legit and not staged…
they're both clinging to relevance so hard. trisha didn't need to do this tbh but nash is benefiting big time i'm sure, i had no fucking clue who this old fart was before the breakup drama arc.
No. 625854
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Looks like they're back together…
No. 625871
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No. 775008
>>775002Ive been waiting for milk to flow from this cow since the Jason called me fat ark and I was disappointed in the response to the video. (Considering how many cape for/stan creators like Shane, im not surprised lel)
She keeps making her normal egregious statements inbetween actual real life drama that could be used to prop up how the rest of the ""vlog squad"" (disgusting phrase) are as we all expected content hungry weirdos who will do whatever cringy act they can put together for clickbait but it all gets buried under her sausage lips repeating "pedophile" and "literal psychopath" while she cries.
As always, an extra hearty KEK at her being surprised the men she dates are garbage while never examining if maybe its because she is just as big of a dumpster fill herself who will never take a second to reevaluate her decisions and choices.
Tl:Dr: We back baby.
No. 775018
>>775002some people say shes overreacting because she jokes about cheating all the time, but apparently jason tried kissing tana once. couple that with the threesome jokes and it is going a bit far.
this vid is pretty insightful, it shows clips of the "vlog date" where the kiss happened, they talk about it at 12:56. i think this context makes trisha look actually right and not just a dramacow(but still a dramacow)
No. 775796
>>775002>>775018those videos now deleted, but this reupload of them talking about the whole thing is still up
trisha looks so fucking miserable here. i know she's crazy and toxic but i still feel bad for her. jason has always struck me as weird, and not less crazy than trish. him hanging out with people half his age is creepy enough. the tana clips were just beyond the pale.
No. 775803
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>>775798Repzilla wants to speak to your manager.
No. 775808
>>775803Repzilla kinda looks like a pedophile
idk, maybe his appearance reminds me of Austin Jones?
No. 775881
>>775845he is disgusting and creepy but i genuinely don't think he's a terrible person, just an opportunist who does everything for views because that's all he has. that's why he's david's lapdog, imagine being 45 and having a 21 year old (or however old david is) boss you around for clicks on the internet. he is just weak and a beta cuck, i don't think he's an actual creep or a predator. what he said about tana was likely just to spice up their boring autistic vlog.
i don't really hate trisha but it's clear as day she's an unstable manipulative cunt. the reason i don't hate her is because she seems mentally ill in so many ways and can't help it. but there are so many examples just from their vlogs of her being legit evil towards jason. calling him names, trying to make him jealous with his own friends, starting fights over the dumbest shit and breaking down, impulsively breaking up, pressuring him into marriage, talking shit about his ex wife and kids… she seems so kind and caring to her friends but in relationships she's 100% abusive. i don't feel bad for jason tho because he chose all this and it still benefits him financially.
No. 776139
>>776127I can agree with this, but Trisha also seems to stay with jason in a spiteful way. She knows he doesnt wanna marry her, so what does she do? Shit on him consecutively and very publically, has posted several (always later deleted) exposè videos with the standard crying on the floor format. This time going so far as to mention Jasons children and ex wife who have NOTHING to do with her and Jasons relationship to be honest.
You know Trisha is a cunt when she has to use "slut shaming" as a viable criticism for why a mother might not want a literal landwhale prostitute who has all her dirty laundry on display 24/7 and enabling Jason to continue to be a bottom feeder since Trishas content is on the same level of degeneracy as Davids. The ex-wife I very much understand might not fucking want that shit around, no matter how hard she talks about "but Jason roomies!!" As if shes so sure the ex is fine with that and might just not know how disgusting and careless Jason is? Half of it sounds like over dramatic lies sprinkled in with half truths she tries to twist in her favour. Cause who in the middle of 'outing' Jasons co-worker/friend/whatever as a pedo and talking about David being psycho do you have time to throw in that the ex-wife apparently lives with her bf, gives no fuck abt her kids (and supposedly Trish does?) and that shes after Trisha because….slut?
No. 776195
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I just found this under Repzilla's video. Can anyone confirm this?
No. 776313
>>776195Dom is a pedophile and a predator. It's so disgusting that someone
as big as David continues to promote him. I 100% believe this.
No. 776449
>>776443I mean she says she has Borderline but I think she’s just a narcissist who can’t handle conflict and doesn’t take the time to calm down or see a therapist instead of breaking down on a video.
I know blah blah armchair dxing internet people but from what I can tell her symptoms match up more with HPD, I think a lot of people get tunnel vision that BPD is the only option for extreme emotions. Additionally she might have bipolar or something and not getting proper help because they see self dx the same as getting help or coping because they have a label for their pain.
(1b Do not armchair e.g attempting to diagnose a subject.) No. 776675
>>776653>>776653I feel like this video only makes Brandon look worse.
<<<<I felt this video summed it up well but it does drag on.
No. 776831
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>>776790I finally figured out what pendant edwina is always wearing. Pic related.
No. 776933
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>>776929it's just a straight youtube embedder now, it no longer protects from views being counted.
No. 800023
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Has anyone had an eye on …whatever is going on here? Along with all the really weird Easter stuff- I used to watch her and stopped and got recommended one of her recent videos and I was seeing in the comments people were going “oh I guess your twitter and instagram weren’t hacked”
No. 800024
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>>800023I mean I see porn stars sharing some stuff and then telling folks to go to their websites but she’s been showing full tits - not in this pic obviously but i was a little terrified
No. 800059
>>800032>Either that or she wants more moneyI mean….yeah? Say what you want about Trisha but she's never really hid her intentions. She has no shame in anything she does or wants really….money, sex, plastic surgery, etc. She's been selling nudes privately forever right? Like through patreon or snapchat or whatever?
>>800023 makes sense to try and get new buyers, but I'm more surprised she'd post
>>800024 for free. That's just her straight up vagina.
No. 800087
>>800023Can't be that good if you can pose for a photo and create a Twitter post about it during sex
Also really? Are people still trying to clickbait/fool people with the "I fucked a ghost" story? That feels pretty low effort for Trisha, normally she trolls with more outlandish things. At the same time though that's probably for the best. At least pretending you fucked a ghost for views isn't going to damage you unlike dating total dicks who will use you and abusing food and drugs.
No. 800178
>>800024She's just a hoe, anon.
She always posted snippets of her naked body. Probably trying to find new members for her Patreon.
She even posted stuff like that when she was still with Jason.
She also started losing weight and needs validation from strangers, maybe she even wants Jason to get jealous and want her back.
No. 800478
>>800224Really? I thought she lost the weight because she's had lipo at some point, but I didn't know she got it again.
Lol what a cunt for telling her fans she's losing weight by just eating one meal a day, while she's got lipo again.
No. 800502
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>>800224>>800478I don't think she got lipo since the first time. Her weight has consistently been going down, like all the parts are slimming down together. She's definitely been losing weight and that her stomach is getting back into the shape it was post-lipo. It's hard to get a clear picture because of how she poses and editing, but it can't all be pinpointed to lipo. I don't think calf lipo exists. If it did, it would show. Plus she hasn't taken any time off for resting, minus this week. If anything were to happen it would be now.
No. 800697
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>>800502>I don't think she got lipo since the first timeYou really think the woman who eats massive amounts of fast food for a living and has an album called "Chicken Fingers & Lipo" has only had Lipo once? I kinda feel like the only milk she ever has is when it involves other people. I don't think it really counts as milk if the shit she says publicly about personal life is way worse than anything you could gossip about. iirc after whatsherface mirandasings had a baby Trisha did a vid with her where she offhandedly talked about having vagina surgery because her "vagina was too loose"
No. 801134
>>801060She's bragging about losing weight by going to the gym (like twice a week tops) and eating one meal a day (which is something like 15 fried shrimps)
She's barely going to gym, still eating trash (just less of it) and constantly tries new stupid diets.
She can't have lost weight like that but she's never lost one word about getting Lipo again.
She's bluntly lying
No. 803816
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new drama!
she's crying on the kitchenfloor about h3h3s new video where he talks about women heavily photoshopping their bodies and compares their photshopped pictures to how they actually look like.
Trisha's featured with her new braided wig and
that probably is what upset her.
She's totally missing Ethans point and it seems like she's just mad because she's in his video, but
it's totally not because he talked about her, she's heartbroken for all of the other young girls so she just repeats herself over and over again and cries the whole time. her video to vimeo in case she deletes it once she notices the backlash she's getting. She already has more dislikes than likes.
No. 803883
>>803816She has every right to be upset. When I was watching H3's video, I had to main reflections: "wow, Ethan is really pathetic at this point. Had no content ideas, so decided to jump on the trendy bandwagon of Instagram vs. Real Life that's been done to death. He even uses the same examples as everyone else" and "why did he use Trisha (by the way, he didn't even refer to her by name, I believe?) when she's so open about her natural looks and doesn't try to hide her natural state?".
Those "ugly" pictures of Trisha were ones she posted herself. Everyone knows how she looks without makeup. Yes, that photo of her with the braided hair looked a tad ridiculous, but if she has body dysmorphia, it's not that odd that she would sometimes feel the need to photoshop to the extreme in order to feel pretty.
The purpose of Instagram vs. Real Life is to show young girls how influences bend the reality. Ethan's comparing Trisha to a WWE fighter was completely unnecessary, extremely rude, and very much uncivil. Ew.
No. 803915
>>803883Trish is low-hanging fruit. She's easy to pick on. It's upsetting to me knowing that this is all very real for her and she does take it to heart. H3h3 wouldn't even ping Tana or Khloe Kardashian's radar, but Trisha takes literally everything negative anyone says to her and internalizes it.
Pardon my pity-boner. She makes my heart hurt.
No. 803994
>>803915Yeah, a lot of people see her as this confident chick who embraces her flaws, which is true to some degree, but they forget she really is just another girl battling with her insecurities that have haunted her since she was a young girl.
>>803982Eyeroll. She is crying because Ethan compared her to a man, laughed at her bare face, and whatnot (I don't want to watch it for the second time just to quote his exact words, point is he was a jerk). Yes, she has a tendency to dramatise and is probably aware that those crying-on-the-kitchen-floors videos are part of her brand, but that does not change the fact that Ethan is a burned-out asshat.
What weirds me out most is that in the video he acted as if she was some kind of random instamodel, didn't mention her name and addressed her as "this girl" (if I recall properly), but put her on the thumbnail knowing it would attract views. Does he have some issues with Trisha? Shady.
No. 804183
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>>803982Ethan is just pushing her even more judging by this tweet.
No. 804255
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>>804054that's what google is for, or actually watch her videos, read her tweets. her own twitter bio references woody allen, wtf is this laziness.
also i haven't ever seen her seriously publicly admit she uses facetune and she's constantly promoting scammy ~weight loss~ things, but let's call the wahmbulance b/c she got her feelings hurt when she's attacked plenty of ppl with the evidence uploaded to her youtube.
No. 804262
>>804255Its not laziness to expect you to back up claims you make.
That being said, that's gross.
No. 804622
>>804183so trisha facetuning the shit out of her pics, being openly
abusive to jason (whos also an asshat dont get me wrong) and is majorly narcisstic/unstable is causing less damage to young women than H3h3? LMAO
No. 804903
She's constantly promoting appetite suppressants she's not even using herself. This is way more harmful than Ethan making a few harsh comments while overall spreading a very positive message.
Trisha constantly picked on people's appearances but I guess that doesn't count!
She's pulling the "depressed and suicidal" card, completely making a fool out of herself while she didn't even watch his video and only skipped to the part about her (self centred much?)
Trisha's so dumb she doesn't even realize that the "message" she's spreading now is "it's fine if you hate your natural self and have to filter the shit out of your pictures to feel good in your body. . . YoU aRe EnOuGh"
Don't forget how she's trying to drag Ethan's heavily pregnant wife and their unborn child in this drama.
She's proving over and over again what a cunt she actually is.
No. 805788
>>804980I'm not watching half an hour of this blubberfuck but the intro seems fishy + Trish talking in an exaggerated "black woman" manner and knowing who Orlin is? Nick said this was before he got famous and had an ant-sized following…idk. Didn't she mention Cameo? Isn't Cameo like Fiverr for D-list celebs?
Neither is above acting like an embarrassing mess to get views, trust and believe. This is only gonna benefit both of them in the long-run. I still think it's staged as fuck.
No. 806159

how they broke up:
>she published the video about david and jason on a saturday and was expecting jason to break up with her, but instead he visited her and went to eat something with her and david
>they all talked about it and decided that they're all taking down their videos
>jason stayed with her until tuesday, everything was fine and they did the response video for his channel
>jason said "we're crazy, but i love her and i want to make this work"
>he's cooking pasta for her and trisha realizes that she doesn't want to mess this up again
>jason leaves on tuesday and trisha's invited to a jeffree star party
>at 7pm, right before her stylist adam arrives, she gets a facetime call from jason in which he said he got a lot of backlash for his video and he thinks they have to break up, because he can't do this anymore
>she takes some pills and chuggs every alcoholic thing she can find
>adam arrives and she totally breaks down, gets a panic attack and thinks she's going to die because she took pills and drank alcohol
>says she couldn't breath anymore, adam prayed for her and called 911
>she's at a hospital and texts jason what happened but that he shouldnt come
>jason comes
>a nurse asks trisha what's wrong with her and she says, with jason in the room, "i want to die"
>david enters the hospital and trisha starts screaming that he has to leave
(keep in mind, she wasn't in a room, they were in the entrance"
>the nurse tells trisha that they have to get her to a mental hospital and that she has to stay
>she breaks down because she doesn't want to "stay with the crazy people" and literally starts running out of the hospital
>security catch her, drag her back in and strap her down on a hospital bed
(jason's watching all of this, yikes)
>they give her a shot in her leg and she sees jason crying and sobbing
>next thing she knows is she wakes up with a note from jason, telling her he loves her and that they'll get through this
>she didnt see him often after this, but it was obvious that they were officially over
other stuff:
>she still loves jason so much and he was the love of her life
>she loves david so much and often went to his house out without jason
>she isn't sorry about what she said about Brandon and his girlfriend
>she was always creeped out when david was filming with minors because she doesn't really want to spend time with minors
>there are a lot of people in jason's live who don't want her to be around him
>she hopes he finds happiness and that she holdes no grudge against him
No. 806198
>>806159People wanna say trisha is just a "meme personality" when she clearly just is a completely FUCKED bimbo and im not surprised just disgusted that she keeps projecting this sick unhealthy shit to the public while literal teens and faghags alike try to defend her and her yt posse gliding down from their sub counts to "help" her when they're just as lowiq and emotionally stunted as her.
Whats the next rock bottom clickbait for her? "I started prostituting again :((" ? "I was in a pedo threesome with david l ;(("
"Killed jasons ex-wife because
i knew she was a bitch while not knowing her at all :))"
No. 806690
>>806671I just skipped through that video and holy shit, she really has zero friends. Everyone that came (except for Emilia) is doing something for her.
Her editors, her directors, her stylists, her manager etc
What about Shane and Jeffree?
No. 806695
>>806159Wow, that's crazy, but I feel bad for her. I think these men and her own behavior damage her and she's constantly re-traumatizing herself. The type of men she goes after, the things she puts up with, it's very sad. She's messy and so dumb and it's unfortunate because she could have a much better life if she wasn't so dumb and unable to realize how harmful certain truly
toxic things are. People do like to pretend she's not actually stupid and that the drama is less real, etc, but it's always been obvious she has been a messy, very unintelligent person from day one.
No. 806778
> "I just can't win the internet!!"> says she shouldn't be cancelled cos it's not like she's a sexual predator> deflects a lot > calls the situation "stupid bullshit"> went on a date with a nonce? i don't know what that has to do with anything but..> she isn't going to apologise for not wanting to meet up with someone > she says it wasnt smart to meet up with him cos he threatens his husband with a knife> he was coming to america anyway so it didn't mater they didnt meet up> she gets stood up by other people so it isn't a big deal she stood him up> she shouldn't feel bad for putting herself first> says nick harassed her by messaging so much> says its nick's fault that he brought his ticket after she stopped responding > says he should have gotten his ticket refunded> said the messages scared her. Says it's legitimate harassment. (in response to the messages he sent when he was in LA asking if he had done something wrong or if she was okay)> she reached out to her lawyers bc of the "harassment" and that she was SO scared> if she thought she was in the wrong, she wouldn't have made this video> made the cameo video to be nice, but didn't really believe what she said> says she doesn't harm people with her actions> being stood up is just a part of life> says she owes Nick nothing and never did> he didn't deserve any closure because it was his fault he flew out> she doesn't owe anyone an explanation> again she says that she shouldn't be cancelled cos she isn't a predator> she should get a pass because of the jason trauma. She says she is now damaged for life. That isn't deflecting.> says she is a good person > talks about inability to get pregnant?? she's rambling a lot.> nick just wants attention and clout> if you're offended by this then she doesn't care> people are allowed to change their minds on collabs!!> everyone needs to calm down> she's just a girl trying to get through a broken heart > she doesn't deserve any of this honestly this makes Trisha look AWFUL. The entire video is basically it's all his fault she was just protecting herself. She is the
No. 806792
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She posted on her twitter this video, saying that she received/watched videos from Nick that she didn't like, but this video was posted in 2018. When the drama happened in 2017..Why does she keep lying
No. 806793
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>>806792some comments from the same tweet
No. 806898
>>806778>she says it wasnt smart to meet up with him cos he threatens his husband with a knifeHis knife meltdown was 2018. Their drama was back in 2017 or earlier
>he was coming to america anyway so it didn't mater they didnt meet upSo she's admitting that they messaged each other and she knew he was coming anyway
>she gets stood up by other people so it isn't a big deal she stood him upOh, so if someone would rob her she were allowed to rob someone as well?
>says its nick's fault that he bought his ticket after she stopped responding Not true. He told her he's going to buy a ticket for Tuesday, she said that's fine with her.
> said the messages scared her. Says it's legitimate harassment. (in response to the messages he sent when he was in LA asking if he had done something wrong or if she was okay)Lmao what a fat cunt.
he asked me if I'm ok and if he did something wrong because I ghosted him when he went on a plane to meet me because I wanted to, I'm legit so scared for my life :'(
>she should get a pass because of the jason trauma.I knew she only made the breakup video to avoid talking about Niko
And her
tRaUmA who is she kidding. She's so fucking crazy security had to strap her down. If someone's having a trauma, it's Jason.
No. 810110
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>>809615Don't worry anon.
She still loses a lot of subscribers and gets flooded with avocado emojis and people who call her out. She even deactivated comments on her videos because of it.
Trisha is an ungrateful bitch, but sadly she will
never learn.
No. 815329
>>814865She's so evil, holy shit.
No wonder no one stays friends with, she backstabbs every single one of them for no reason.
I wonder when she'll be tired of her friendships with Jeffree, Shane and Emilia (if they're all still friends), but she can probably think that far to see that it wouldn't be a good idea to start shit with Shane or Jeffree.
No. 815504
>>815329None of these people are actually friends
They're all pathetic losers that only underaged people are "fans" of, and they pay eachother and give eachother expensive gifts to do collaborations. Its sad af. I do believe Emilia is genuine, but she's also extremely mentally unwell and naive. She's on Trishas radar(after treating her like absolute shit the first few times they met, calling her a weirdo and troll to her face ON camera for everyone to see) because Trisha sees her a redemption ark for her miserable channel now that everyone is severing ties with her. Most of these ~mega youtubers~ have no actual friends, and most of them dont even have relationships with the majority of their family. Hence why they turn to youtube for attention in the first place.
No. 815541
>>814865She's on a roll, I mean she's the
victim to a long list of meany men lately, or as she keeps calling them here 'grown men' Like Trish you're 31 and you regularly cry your eyes out as if your whole family have all just died in front of you.
Much as I really dislike the rewired soul, her behaviour screams bpd to anyone that's very familiar with it. She fully believes that her own emotional pain justifies her reactions and lashing out at people. Everything revolves around her feelings but she's hysterical like this every fucking week. Her manipulation showed when she mentioned her moms (past) breast cancer in this vid, it didn't even add much of a point.. just had to mention it!
No. 815575
>>815298Peter has been an addict himself, he has lost friends to it, has been sober for 24 years, in meetings for most of that time and has worked in treatment centres, he's not claiming to be a doc but he has enough experience to have some insight and the message throughout the video was a caring one, offering to connect her with services if needed..
In response she cried and sniffled and many people would be left with the impression that his video was an attack. He chose his words carefully and was kind and concerned.. you can't win with this woman
No. 815588
>>815575mte even if you dont like peter, its very clear he was just speaking from a place of concern
she always plays the
victim and sees everything as a ~personal attack~ despite context
did no one watch her on big brother?
No. 815809
>>815588Peter monetises that concern and he has a dinky massage therapist qualification. He's never going to be the good guy in this.
She was a complete mess on BB but even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day and it doesn't make her video inaccurate. The problem is making it in the first place, it's not even needed.
No. 815894
>>815809he has every right to monetize his own videos though
im not necessarily defending him as a person, but shes being overdramatic and retarded about things that dont even matter, kek
maybe she should go make some actual real friends in a therapist office or mental health facility, because thats where she belongs, not youtube
No. 816036
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No. 816221
>>816088>>816036Exactly my thought.
She's such an enormous brat, it's unreal. She probably truly can't understand why everyone won't accept her bullshit.
She gets in one drama after the other. Ethan, Nik, Peter and now Pewds. What is she even think– wait, she probably
isn't thinking and that's why she behaves so dumb..
What is she even trying to accomplish? More attention? Getting a new boyfriend or even someone willing to knock her up and marry her is going to be a tough one with that history of bullshit.
No. 816536
>>806159Is it bad that I'm just so pissed she did this? She shared other peoples stories.
I feel like I shouldn't be that surprised, but goddamn.
No. 816538
>>816294She posted this 3 years ago.
Though, of course there's this back and forth about possibly being pregnant or being ready for a baby.
I'd rather not have her reproduce though.
No. 816767
>>816538>I'd rather not have her reproduce though100%
She already abandoned the dog Jason got her (I know she didn't know he bought one, but he only bought it because she was taking non-stop about wanting a pom, after she saw Jeffree's)
She can't even handle an animal. Dog isn't allowed to touch her, she's always flinching and she clearly doesn't like it, I don't even wanna know what she'd do with a baby.
Trisha has a bad mom as well, so that baby would be fucked up for life.
No. 816771
>>816767She's way too much of a fucking mess to ever have a child. She's so unstable too. She'd wind up being a single mom because she can't hold onto a relationship.
I feel like if she had a kid she'd constantly cry on YouTube about how hard it is but also have videos of her and her kid doing all these wonderful and fun things!
No. 816881
File: 1559502376847.jpeg (521.06 KB, 2048x1536, D7r9eK2XsAA07tm.jpeg) about Trisha's new book "101 poems about my ex boyfriend"
She already took it off Amazon, but this thread is a goldmine of second-hand embarrassment.
She's so embarrassing and dumb, I'm positive she doesn't have one functioning brain cell.
!Thank!God! Jason got out of that, I'm sure she would've killed him at some point.
This must be so embarrassing for him…
Never, ever will someone put a ring on that.
Excuse my pettiness, but seriously Trisha, either get serious help or leave the internet and eat your 10K calories a day until you die - at least you're happy that way.
No. 816888
>>816881Just reading this cringey shit is making me suicidal.
>this is why I result to being a whore~YouTube Whore: The Musical~
No. 816897
>>816881Still better than Rupi Kaur.
That being said, yikes. She really is as vapid and shallow as she seems.
No. 816899
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She's such a nutcase.
>choose me or the mother of your children>you can't have bothJesus Trisha, she will always be in his life, just like his kids. No wonder his ex wife hated her guts, she knew exactly what a person Trisha is.
I find it hilarious that she's so jealous of David and Jason's ex. One of the few people she could've never gotten rid of.
No. 816910
>>816909I meant she's jealous of David and Jason's ex wife.
She was jealous of Liza as well? Lol, why am I not surprised, she even was jealous of Jason talking to David's mom.
No. 816915
>>816910she was jealous of every female member of the vlog squad lol.
It was so obvious watching the vlogsqaud footage of her
No. 816975
>>816910I'm not surprised that she's jealous of Liza. Personal bias here: Liza is pure.
She's a good girl, and definitely not a whore like Trish.
No. 818330
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She just can't make up her mind.
First she tries to kill herself, then she goes completely insane, then she's over him, then she writes the cringiest "poems" about him and now she hates him cause he supposedly cheated.
Cheating on her doesn't sound far off, but she's so full of shit and constantly lying to get attention for a while now.
The tweet that started all this was a woman named Rachel Page tweeting that she's attracted to Jason.
No. 818353
>>818334Not a fan of either of them but she's been caught in lies and manipulation before so you can't take her word for anything at this point. Whole relationship was a mess though so they can both say good riddance to it I guess
She's one of those people that uses 'I'm in therapy' as proof that she's trying to better herself, then she continues to act shitty towards the people closest to her and never changes a thing. All talk
No. 820510
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Next drama.
At this point I think she's just spinning her wheel of drama. She next be getting zero attention if that is how she spends her time.
No. 820518
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Is she playing subscriber limbo? She nearly lost 100K and still can't keep her mouth shut.
No. 820584
>>820510Now watch her pull the whole I hate you.. no wait I was only joking and I love you.. shit
She could almost do with going inpatient while she learns how to have normal interactions without mind games, manipulation and meltdowns. Therapy isn't cutting it when she's more dedicated to having an online presence than bettering herself.
No. 821507
>>816536If this were true, she'd just monetize a video about her experience while just breaking confidentiality. If she was an inpatient, she still wouldn't change.
No. 827129
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Shes super desperate for vlog squad attention. She should know by now that David isn’t going to pay any scandal attention if he doesn’t have to. She’s just making herself look crazy.