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No. 483139
New thread for Rachel (alias grav3yardgirl on Youtube and prefers to be referred to as 'Bunny') seeing as her original one
>>>/snow/13218 is considered a necro if its bumped and its full of white knighting and blatant sockpuppetry.
>From Houston, Texas>Began as a paranormal vlogger but then due to untold bad experiences, shifted focus to product reviews>Is often cited as a beauty guru despite knowing fuck all about skin care or cosmetics>Tween fanbase harassed Tarte into doing a palette collab with her despite aforementioned lack of knowledge/skills>Palette struggles to sell and was still sitting on store shelves for months only to go on clearance after one year2015 drama includes taking her mom on a shopping trip to get a Prada handbag which ultimately broke and was sent in for repairs. Rachel bitched about how long it was taking and so her fanbase once again descended upon another company and spammed their customer service email and social media accounts demanding the return of said handbag. Prada serviced Rachel's mother's order even though others were ahead of her in the queue and issued a public apology to the great and powerful vlogger while Rachel just threw up victory signs and thanked her fans for "their support".
>But her eyes!!1!1Photoshop.
Rachel has also oddly retconned many things about her life, such as a dead boyfriend she used to speak of and sleeping with her hairdryer on in the bed. This coincides with the drastic change she made when she stopped doing paranormal vlogging and opted for pandering to prepubescents by screaming into the camera for hours about shit nobody cares about.
Another notable and hilarious incident is when Rachel's fans asked her to purchase from Aliexpress. Rachel then made a video saying that her stuff didn't arrive, that she wasn't refunded quickly enough, and accused her fans of being scammers who weren't genuinely part of the swamp family. Again, most of her audience is underage.
Youtube: Gossip: Crap Store: No. 483165
>>483160The hairdryer and dead boyfriend thing is mentioned in this thread
>>>/snow/482774 and I'm currently still digging for those videos.
No. 483187

I'm really over the shit with her.
I haven't watched her in a long ass time and I can see why so many people unsubbed from her the moment she stopped paranormal vlogging, because whatever is here right now isn't the real Rachel.
I personally can't stand how she always looks like a crusty ass, disheveled mess in her videos but at the same time I can understand how that appeals to other people. So they stick around and all.
Then this uglier side started coming out. Yeah, she was annoying and fake most of the time but the real Bunny was still coming out now and then in glimpses so I peeped in here and there. And now, she has
completely devolved into this ugly combo of immature child-woman and self-obsessed money-grubber without any redeeming personality to make it worth putting up with. Every video is centered obsessively around how many views she can get and it shows. This isn't fun for her anymore. She's solely doing it for money and the whole time she does it, she thinks she's better than everyone and at the same time overly insecure about what people think about her. Vid related seriously what the fuck is this shit? She's tweaking the fuck out.
Her fans continue to enable her fucking bad behavior and its not even just the 10 year olds, its also grown ass adults on there with sparkle child syndrome who think that Rachel can do no wrong.
>>483173Something about her anxiety being bad and shit. She would talk about how she brings it to friend's houses and hotels when she sleeps and nowadays she's suddenly claiming she never slept with the hairdryer on.
No. 483216
>>483204I'll probably get shit for this, but I honestly do think its because she makes ugly girls feel better about themselves. But she isn't a beauty guru. Her foundation has never matched her face a day in her life, she constantly wears shit that showcases her leathery ass haggard skin or colors that do not flatter her, and impulse buys products that aren't suited for her skin type #fortheviews.
She also never offers any real opinion on any beauty products beyond
>i really like thisAnd then we never hear about it again.
No. 483225
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I’ve always heard you can tell a woman’s true age by her hands…in that case bunny has to be…..about 90
No. 483226
>>483220Christ, which one
I understand learning to accept and love small flaws regarding teeth like a gap tooth, but fuck that just seems like really shitty hygiene.
No. 483263
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I’ve always thought she looks like a slightly less genetically fucked version of these creatures
No. 483264

40 minutes of the same bullshit that all of her "honest" vlogs are
>weh my low view count>weh my sleep schedule>weh youtube algorithm>weh im anxious>weh im depressedIts been this way for
years and she refuses to get any help. Rachel earnestly believes that a doctor is just going to throw her some pills and kick her out and that isn't what happens. She needs to go to a therapist. She constantly bitches about the same issues and never does a thing to fix them.
>>483251Basically, yeah. This even happens on Guru Gossip. Someone always comes in asking why there are 19 threads on Rachel within the last 5-6 years because ~they enjoy watching her uwu it must be u guys with ur opinions~.
Also quirky? Its called being fake because that wasn't how she was years ago. She changed herself and retconned much of her life in order to pander to children and this is why many people unsubbed. Another reason is the constant whining yet lack of change on her part. When Rachel gets told that her plastic persona isn't entertaining at 27 years old she bitches that everyone wants her to be serious all of the time and that isn't what anybody wants. She can be animated without being a total trainwreck, but literally every video is
>screaming at the camera>ugly facial expressions>complaining about her life >complaining about views yet doesn't upload regularly I don't see why people feel the need to announce that they enjoy her in a thread clearly made for shittalking.
No. 483268
>>483264LOL I honestly don't care that much. I'm not an avid watcher. So I don't know what she was when she first started. I've never seen her old stuff or how she was.
Yeah she can be obnoxious. There are a lot of youtubers I think are obnoxious and still watch them sometimes. Matthias is also on the list lol
No. 483272
>>483268>LOL I honestly don't care that much. I'm not an avid watcher. So I don't know what she was when she first started. I've never seen her old stuff or how she was...Okay, so then why are you here?
Nobody cares.
No. 483275
>>483272It's a free country? I was reading about other folks and this was bumped up and I commented.
You must care if you are talking to me about it lol
>>483275Because the last thread had potential for milk but instead it was buried for three years no thanks to people such as yourself who feel the need to come in and say they like x cow when *nobody fucking cares about your opinion. At this point it doesn't even matter that you saged because you're causing derailment. Fucking hell its like some of you have a learning disability.
OT just ignore and report obvious stans.
No. 483295
>>483293Stop derailing. If you don't like the thread, don't post here.
Can the mods please step in before another thread gets shit up
No. 483306
>>483224I like how Tarte had to photoshop her face into oblivion to make her look good. That promo pic looks nothing like her on YT.
Also that palette was boring, and had at least on matte shade with chunky glitter in it. Get the fuck out of my face with that garbage. The fact that she, of all fucking people on YT, got a collab honestly pisses me off.
No. 483312
>>483306And all thanks to a horde of kids, too.
There were legitimate beauty vloggers who deserved it much more than she did.
Bunny uses her audience for sympathy and free shit and its disgusting that people justify her flashing around gifts from actual children. She now apparently has two houses full of her hoarding shit and since her doll shrine is finished she's doing a 90s shrine. What the fuck is next? A Shopkins shrine? You know since now she's suddenly all about Shopkins just like she was all about squishies, as seen on tv, Star Wars, designer handbags, etc?
No. 483325
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No. 483346
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No. 483349
>>483342She doesn't take care of any part of her body, it seems.
Remember when her lips used to be crusty as fuck and only when enough of her audience said something about it did she decide to care? Shit was gross to look at and I get that she wanted to have this ~natural~ laid back image, but there is a difference between being laid back and just being fucking gross. Her teeth are gross. Her skin is gross. Her hands are gross. Even her hair is gross. Not to mention she's killing herself with constant caffeine, sugar, and she says that she stays up all night and sleeps during the day sometimes even spending
days in bed. And that is apparently the reason why she cannot vlog regularly.
She needs help and she refuses to get it.
No. 483364
>>483356Clearly, considering she smeared the brightest red lipstick on for several years regardless of whether it flattered her tone and to this day wears colors befitting an infant's diarrhea.
Remember when she was sponsored by Lime Crime? That bright ass blue mess?
No. 483370
>>483364Fucking hell, yes.
I hate how everyone calls her a beauty guru and whatnot, but clearly she doesn't even know what an undertone is, or about warm, cool, and neutral colors. That's just basic color theory.
No. 483378
>>483370The market is saturated and nowadays everybody is a beauty guru even if they only do Instagram makeup
cough nikkitutorials
cough or if they simply do product reviews.
Bunny just likes getting free shit to satisfy her hoarding problem and we know its never enough. Just look at where we're at now.
>>483376Because Bunny thinks she's the shit due to yt money.
No. 483379
>>483356 Yea I know she is far off from
>>483353 but I think they have similar head/face, nose, and mouth shapes.Like if bunny actually did something about those horrible teeth and took care of her a cute haircut and learned to do her makeup properly, she could be pretty decent looking.
No. 483397
>>483378Nikki is genuinely an MUA though. Like, does makeup on people for money. (Although I hate her "style" and even her attempts at natural makeup are terrible.) Bunny can't even color match her own fucking face when it's as simple as picking pink toned foundation.
Also, I don't think Bunny shoops her eye colour so much that she just wears color contacts. Like you can see the contacts in her eyes, she just insists it's still her natural colour and we're supposed to just believe that lol. She has all this money and still uses a shitty camera that overheats and looks like ass instead of investing in her business, I sincerely doubt she can be fucked to use after effects on her eyes.
No. 483416
>>483410You mean just like when Guy Tang flew all the way out to do her hair? She was bitchy then, too.
And her house was probably too dirty and crowded. For real the lighting is constantly shit and her hoarding problem doesn't help things.
No. 483428
>>483414IMO there's no excuse for Bunny to not have a studio and a professional set up at this point. She has plenty of money but instead she still films in a dark hoarder room where you cant see shit.
I think her low view count inspite of having 7 million or so subs is really telling. Her kid fanbase is tired of her or moving on to other ~quirky/annoying and relatable~ youtubers, like Nailogical. Except Nailogical actually puts money and effort into her videos and has a pretty professional camera set up - and she doesn't even NEED to, because she already has a well paying dayjob. So what's Bunny's excuse when YouTube is all she has going for her?
No. 483445
>>483432She's currently 32 and yes, that's what she does. This has been her schtik since she stopped being a paranormal channel.
>>483441She has a laundry list of
triggers and phobias but yeah she's capable of doing drunk follow mes at 4am in a walmart to buy candy and be rude to employees.
No. 483458
>>483452I would feel bad for the child of any mother that watches Grav3yardgirl.
>>483421I would have at least expected a few earthy tones, maybe some golds or blues. It's all just shades of pink and purple.
No. 483479
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When someone said the ebay scamming video was too long.
No. 483480
>>483280Her face is much easier to look at from far away or at normal angles. Here, she looks almost normal, or just slightly ugly.
I guess when she's being filmed by someone else, she doesn't get to make herself look purposefully hideous.
No. 483489
>>483482Ah, just enough time for her to get a boyfriend and for him to die.
Not that I think it's funny, I really just don't believe that happened to her. If it did, that's awful, but she shouldn't milk it for views. And if it was during her breakup with dogman, I think she would have mentioned it.
No. 483492
>>483489>I had a black mass at my new boyfriend's house and my dead ex appearedI don't know anon, doesn't that sorta thing happen
all the time?lol
No. 483505
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It is absolutely sad how edited this is.
No. 483510
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Also if you've ever had any doubts of the kind of people who are in the ~swamp family~
No. 483557
>>483510This is exactly how I expected her fanbase to look
>high schoolDoesn't she mean, middle school? kek
No. 483574
>>483510Yep, definitely swamp family alright. The girl on the left shares some shrek-y features with Rachel.
>>483505It's sad that it's edited to hell and back because I personally find this yo be one of her better looks. Sure, the hair is shit and her eyelashes are tacky as hell, but the colors seem to do something for her at least.
No. 483595
>>483576>>483588I remember she made an old video years ago about being treated badly at F21. Her excuse was the employees didn't let her mom enter the same dressing room to help her change or whatever.
I don't know what F21's policies are, but I've worked at an H&M and we have those one person per dressing room rules set in place to prevent theft. Boyfriends tried to go in with their girlfriends all the time and do nasty shit, so we think about that too.
Bunny sounds like the female version of a manchild. She is 30 something years ago, so even a few years ago, she was at least 28 or 29 to make a fuss.
What 29 year old wants to change their clothing in front of their mom? Sorry, but that's weird af.
No. 483624
>>483595Someone who is as spoiled as Bunny was/is.
She was an only child growing up and her parents just let her do whatever she wanted so she expects that from the rest of the world now as a grown adult.
No. 483666
>>483656Bunny lied so she could get sympathy and free shit from her mostly underage fanbase. has screenshots in it of her showing off stuff that her fans sent her after the ~terrible incident~ occurred and even screenies of viewers pledging hugs and items to her.
No. 483746
>>483264Waitttt she's 27??
I was thinking maybe 38-39
No. 483775
>>483327These sound fake. Especially since Bunny recently talked about how she was pretty much addicted to coffee and stopped having so much tea in 2017. Unless these caps are from years ago. She also barely leaves the house as she is basically a hermit who is nocturnal so I have doubts on her going to get Starbucks for free at a store she considers her only escape from her personal hell and gives her a bit of socialization.
I haven’t seen her retcon her hairdryer addiction, she still has the video up explaining it from a few years ago.
No. 483823
>>483280Her hair could be so fucking pretty IF SHE JUST CARED.
Get her split ends trimmed, use a conditioner yada yada, like why does she even get her hair dyed if she will just let it go back to shit in no time anyway?
No. 483958
I followed her years ago when i was thinking about starting a paranormal channel. I kept watching her out of fascination. She was like a caricature of a person. She reminded me of the dorky girls in high school who wanted to hang out with the goths and punks, but listened to numetal and marilyn manson.
>>483226I mean, all my enamel is fucked and i had a brown tooth from years of heroin addiction and alcoholism. I was too fucked up to care about brushing my teeth. However, i got some professional toothpaste that helped.
Maybe there was a point in her life where she couldn't care less about her teeth and she's feeling the repercussions now. I just think she acts WAY too sensitive to act like she's okay with it. She hates her insecurities being pointed out and has to rant and rave about how she's totally okay with them!!!
No. 484066
>>483631hang on a second, bitch has a TESLA?
now im super pissed, they're super fucking expensive and she can't be assed to do her hair and makeup in a semi decent way or upgrade her set up?
>why do such shitty people exist in such cushy ass lives No. 484125
>>484066, it looks like a Tesla. Not a Toyota Tundra.
>>483775Oh yeah, anon.
Bunny has literally
never lied to people.
Also those screenies are from GG and the thread was literally a few months ago, so.. can you not? Thanks.
No. 484552
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"Cher from clueless"
No. 484837
>>484673>>484631She actually has a fear of brushing her hair(or did last I remember) bring it up in Guy's video.
No. 486352
>>484125Gg is not a source. Anyone can fake screenshots as we have seen before, you need to have better standards for milk. She talks about her coffee habit in
>>483264 and without any real proof of this so called person who works in the area it isn’t worth your time.
>>485018The idea is that it’s a weird comfort thing, and that she used to do a heater but that’s actually dangerous and commonly leads to accidents. Hair dryer is her safe option. Basically she is autistic and needs simulation.
No. 486396
>>484866>>484899it's like she has no ability to stand up for her decisions. she can't admit to just disliking something or not wanting do it, it's always that she CAN'T because of some phobia or vague anxiety. Even the things she does want to do, like buy a ton of shit, she's always making some excuse like it vaguely tangentially reminds her of such and such movie so she just HAD to buy it. Not enough of a spine to simply make choices in life, she has to pretend she has no other real choice.
i used to have more sympathy for her but she keeps getting older and her behavior stays exactly the same. it's gotten to the point where it seems like she's intentionally not self reflecting or improving because she feels like her wealth and fame mean she doens't need to, when in reality her neurosis obviously hurts her more than it hurts anyone else.
No. 486461
>>484057Alligators are very common in parts of Houston and we do have "bayous". She just doesn't have swamps to rule over. I think I remember her talking about a friend in Louisiana so that might be where fascination comes from.
Her accent reminds me of a character actor playing a Southerner. She would fit right in on "Mama's Family" or something like that.
No. 486564
>>484057Native Texan as well, I've got family that have real thick (almost comical tbh) southern accents from the panhandle area. People in little hick towns sound like her, but if she's born and raised Houston that's kinda weird.
Also, does anyone know what area of Houston she's from?
No. 486910
>>486750Because look at how people are treated when they criticise her. It's almost as if it's sacrilegious to say anything bad about her, even when you say it tactfully. There are few places online that call her out. Even PULL doesn't say anything about her beyond the fact that she screams in her videos.
When a thread was attempted on her three years ago it was derailed into submission and full of claims of jealousy even though Rachel is a shitty, shady person who knows how to work her followers to their utmost usefulness.
No. 487007
>>486914It'd be her dream job up until the rude/annoying customers (like her) start popping up.
>>483225she has too much money for her hands to be looking like this.
>>483416I remember when I got yelled at in the old thread for calling her a hoarder, but she even admits she keeps EVERYTHING people send to her. How are you not a hoarder at that point?
No. 487052
>>487007Because, again, sacrilegious. She has many stans and even people who aren't hardcore fans enjoy her because if someone with a mug like hers can make it then it gives them hope. So when you insult Rachel, they take it as an insult towards themselves. Just look at the old thread.
>WHATS WRONG WITH UGLY GIRLS FEELING GOOD!??!!1!LELEVENDYONENobody's saying for them to go an hero, but when their trash goddess' only claim to fame is being frequently unkempt, mentally unsound, hoarding things which she claims to not even clean and are growing mold, and demanding free shit from actual children then people cannot rightfully expect everyone to go, "Oh, okay! <3" Its gross. She is gross and she glorifies a disgusting lifestyle of refusing to get help for her issues under the guise of being ~uwu quirkay le innocentu~.
>>487050Allegedly, her obsession started with that tv show about swamp people.
No. 487255
>>487052I honestly don't think she's ugly tbh. Her jacked up teeth are, her hands are beyond saving and she has tons of wrinkles from contorting her face in the most retarded manner possible 24/7 but when she's styled I think she's quite pretty. Not gorgeous model material but cute.
But MUH ANXIETY so she can't use skincare or brush her hair or wait anything other than 10 year old t shirts, or she'll die.
No. 488381
>>487585Yeah i guess thats true. But than again… this represents her and she is representing the product. Undeniably she is connected to the product and even if she has no impact in the formula or whatever she is the one agreeing to have her name written on it. And also she is the one telling her audience that it is LE and eventhough it is not.
But i personally was really surprised how the shades had nothing to do with her at all. Like the colors were i would have connected to her.
She didn‘t agree to this contract/collab because she wanted her cool swamp fan to have a cool palette. She agreed to this collab because she‘s just another greedy as fuck youtuber like all the other ones on the platform.
No. 488395
>>488381>But i personally was really surprised how the shades had nothing to do with her at all.They're boring just like she is.
And she had to throw glitter in one in order to make it appealing, similar to what she does to her personality.
See? Totally works.
No. 488401
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It'd be nice if she would drop the obnoxious 90s kid thing already. How many videos has she done that were dedicated to muh 90s by now? She's just another annoying cunt who picked up a graphic tee from f21 that had the All That logo on it.
No. 489945
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>>489753In her defense, it appears to be legitimately from Doll Kill.
To counteract defense, this jacket is still insanely priced. Maybe not $14,000, but a $1,000 price tag? Investment piece my ass.
No. 489955
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>>489945I think they were talking about this one
No. 490027
>>489753She says she has "emotional conflict" from looking at a hello Kitty on her makeup bag. How delicate do you have to be to be thrown off balance by the mere image of a tear? She later apologises profusely for a small graze on her finger as she worries it will bother and
trigger her viewers. Describes said graze as 'recovering' as if she had surgery or some major injury. She has created such a fragile and fearful group to surround herself with that even the tiniest thing out of the ordinary disturbs her to the point of no return and leads to droves of fans telling her they felt personally victimised and had a panic attack due to said graze. That seems to be protocol whenever she doesn't give a disclaimer and apologise. I kind of feel for her as I would go insane too if I had to apologise for everything including things outwith my control, but she did this to herself. She made this vicious hugbox
No. 490053
>>489945..Nobody's talking about
that one. They're talking about
>>489955>>489959which has been featured in videos and photos before.
>>490027Damn anon, you got deep with this but you hit the nail on the head.
No. 490535
>>490255Because bunny has been doing this for years?
She gets free shit by crying at fans and companies so she tries to not ruin the image of le broke white trash?
No. 490752
>>490649I heard her say once that she was afraid of the dentist, too.
Still… pop a xanax and get it taken care of. It's nasty.
No. 491646
>>490995She has more than one dead tooth, anon. Its something that causes bad breath, pus in the mouth, and sometimes gum acne. Its fucking disgusting and she is a 32 year old woman saying in videos that she is "happy her tooth is brown because its just doing its own thing lols~"
Why are people acting like everyone is expecting her to get car salesman teeth just because her piss poor hygiene is made light of
No. 491783
>>491690Nobody is saying she needs paper white teeth. We are saying having brown teeth is unhealthy. You even say in you post SLIGHTLY yellow teeth are healthy, but teeth that look like an unflushed public toilet are not. I am sorry talking about basic hygiene got you
To get back on topic, I tried watching her latest video and it is just her getting upset about everything, even the taste of water. There is a lot of irony in the fact that she is a social media influencer who doesn't understand how facebook works.
No. 492182
>>492115she over explains everything, if she would just go to the point her videos would be at least 2 times shorter.
it's super annoying, aspecially when she's testing something - i get that maybe she wants to make a detailed review and with most of these shit she's testing there's not much to talk about, but like 80% info she provides is completely unnecessary and it's as if she was talking to mentally challenged audience that cannot understand basic things and make simplest conclusions
No. 492309
>>492182>it's as if she was talking to mentally challenged audience that cannot understand basic things and make simplest conclusionsThis…sounds like it probably describes her fanbase. Honestly if you've ever been in an authoritative position online it becomes very clear you need to over-explain, and I even changed my writing style many years ago as a result of people flipping out at innocent things I posted prior that. And what about Jenna Marbles having some sort of major breakdown because the Youtube community didn't like the fish tank she got from a pet shop. It's better to avoid calamity and step on eggshells with the general public, so I understand.
She just over-explains x10 everytime to the point where most people probably skip through her videos
No. 494007
>>492182>>492309>>492115Much of her audience are still children who are hypersensitive to everything. Like I've said before, go walk through her comment section and even the most tame criticism is met with 5 or 6 people jumping on the person about their 'negativity' and 'oh my god but watching this vid is so like optional like why would you like even be here like????' Even in that 'I saw something creepy' vid, she acts like a total retard because store employees were looking over at her. Bitch, you're in a Tesla of course they're going to look. People just have a natural inclination to look at nice cars and the people driving them, for fucks sake. Not everything is an attack on all you stand for.
She tries so hard to hide the fact that she's been blowing thousands of dollars on shit like jackets and handbags and a car.
Anyway, new vid.
More ZOMG IMA 90S KID GAIS XDDDD bullshit.
No. 494021
is a source when that is the place the screenshots are posted. And, what the hell are you on about people needing "better standards" for milk? That forum is the only place where there is any legitimate, long term discussion about Rachel's sketchy ass self because even Pull couldn't be counted upon to dig and keep tabs on her for all of these years. No one is allowed to talk badly about Rachel
anywhere or else people lose their minds or at the very least low-key defend her because "she seems nice". If
you don't personally find her to be entertaining then that's fine but other people want to discuss her.
No. 494311
>>494007I tend to try to avoid her comment section for that exact reason. She has this weird dichotomy of a fan base in that she has 6-13 year olds who wish they were her and love how ~relatable~ and exciting her videos are for them with loud noises and bright colours, fashion they'd never be allowed and someone who talks to them as if she too is a child. Then 40,50+ moms and grandmas who I feel may watch her as they see a very misguided, albeit by her own choice, she drove herself off that life path and in to the candy coloured fantasy land she's in now,child because she of course portrays herself that way as others have said. She wants to be helpless and cared for, so these mothers probably have a pang of desire to help her and therefore support her videos. Or they see themselves and wish they could wear 'fun' things like Rachel and be young and frivolous and let things like fashion and friendship be ephemeral, a life where nothing is serious or permanent. Apart from the crippling anxiety, depression, hypochondria and desperate desire to be not only special but the
most special human there ever was. That's pretty permanent. It's a bizarre mindset to have and to have a fan base who she encourages to join her in that mindset through her 'tea vlogs' when she tells them all about her phobias and fears, now these kids are in the comments crying over how scabs
trigger them or any mention of sadness just sends them over the edge and they become a screaming puddle on the floor. Major sage for fucking essay, sorry about that.
No. 498288
>>498242That must suck. We have a relationship advice thread if you want to post there, maybe someone else has some experience with something similar
>>>/g/70439But yeah, her hoarding is out of hand. Does she have a house tour that shows how bad it is?
No. 498564
…And she wants another collection. How? Why?
I am a doll and book enthusiast and her house makes me want to scream and tear my hair out. I would have understood if she had her collectors items in display cases, clean and restored to their original condition as much as possible. She just hoards JUNK and refuses to get it fixed! Some serious doll collector might have looked for those missing parts for years to restore their holy grail doll.
Also I wonder if she actually gets sick so often because of all the clutter and mold/rot on her PRESHOOS COLLECSHUNS.
It's not that it's only hazardous to her physical health, because most of those items can't be deep-cleaned or cleaned AT ALL, it's that living in dark cluttered spaces can contribute to worsening of your mental health A LOT.
Like, sry for blogposting, but I have OCD and germophobe/paranoid traits in general and they get so so so so so bad if my living space is not open and de-cluttered. Not to mention how much more depressed I become if my room and flat are filthy or have too many things sticking and laying everywhere.
She lives in a PIGSTY. All her mail packaging threwn all around, all the boxes of random crap. It's so dangerous and unhealthy and I think her mental conditions are partly her own fault.
Open the window, Bun, let the clean air in! Stay up with the sun, get some vitamin D, hell, vitamins at all! Clean out your moldy shit!
No. 499839
>>499608She has said before that she is sensitive to jewelry metals and it causes irritation, so I guess she just has a very sensitive skin. Maybe allergies?
Also not getting enough vitamins makes your skin sensitive.
It could also be that with her being blonde, blue-eyed and pale already it's irritation from the sun? Though I doubt she gets any.
Hands are def dried out from too much sanitizer though, yeah.
No. 501760
>>500546it's her parent's dog but she's helping "take care of it" and personally i feel like the dog is just another prop for her. this is a person who consumes large amounts of caffeine and makes rambling videos at random a.m. hours, i wouldn't even let her pet my dog.
it's cute tho and I hope it pees on her horde.
No. 502503
>>498564>>498564I totally get you, I am the same way. I can not focus on anything if there is clutter around the house. My S.O. doesn't help at all around the house. He just plays videogames all day and lives in his own bubble. I am grateful that after years of nagging he is finally going to therapy. I know OCD affects people differently, I have the germ / parasite / bactira phobias. My S.O has morbid obssesive thoughts that prevent him from throwing stuff out or cleaning. He is almost like a hypochondriac. Everything he reads online he thinks he has.
I swear watching her teavlogs listening to her think she has everything in the book and watching her behavior I am almost positive she has the same thing he does.
Difference is he is getting help and she isn't. Everytime I hear her say she doesn't want to see a doctor or get help for her weird behavior it pisses me off. She has so much influence on younger kids who may hear her say that shit and refuse getting help because of her.
(blogging) No. 576129
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Shane Dawson just released a video about Bunny and is apparently going to attempt to save her channel…
My guess is she'll receive a spike in views for a little while, but it will quickly die out once people are reminded why they stopped watching in the first place. This video is apparently the first part in the series.
he showed some posts from this thread in his vid around 17:20
No. 576180
>>576131Shane needs to stop trying to be captain save-a-youtuber already, he clearly does it for his own self-esteem more than anything else. And that's not me trying to be shady against Shane, I'm not saying he has any bad intentions with what he is doing but it just doesn't work out. People need to save their own channels.
Bunny doesn't get views anymore because unlike other youtubers she havent changed her format of videos for years, eventually people get tired of how you do things, even if it was all the hype at some point.
Shane should know this very well, being as his content has changed completely over the years to keep up with the demand.. the reason Shane is still so popular and other people who tried this isnt, is because he figured out you need to change your content but not your personality to get views.
Bunny is whiny and bratty and has done the same videoes for so long, who the fuck would wanna continue to see the same shit over and over and over AND also having to hear her complain for 10min of every video. She needs to grow up if she wants her audience back.
Ps. i love the good old "its gotta be youtube who isnt advertising me well enough anymore it cant possible be me" attitude lol.
No. 576205
>>576129As soon as i saw that shit I came running to see if anyone else saw it.
>>576180I agreed 100% with what you said until the last part: To be fair, she literally said in one of her videos "it's gotta be something I'm doing".
I think that she also screwed herself over by second guessing everything she does (the least thing that can happen when you refuse to take meds for your ~crippling anxiety~), in those "why don't I get as much views anymore?" rants she herself ended up answering her own question saying stuff like "I didn't make certain as seen on tv videos because some people made them first and i thought people wouldn't want to see a another video on that product". Popular products bring you views, doesn't matter if you are the 1st or 5th person trying the thing, people like to compare opinions and the more the merrier.
But also, I skipped watching many of her videos because I KNEW she wouldn't know how to properly use the goddam thing. Her reviews are pretty much fails because she refuses to read instructions and/or she's kinda slow when it comes to getting how to use them. It's pretty obvios most youtubers would research the product first and then do the demo but she, knowing that she's not good at these kind of thing, film a video without knowing wtf she was doing.
The reason for her channel dying are many and all of them are related to the depression/anxiety she refuses to treat TO THIS DAY. Even after Shane's visit. Like it's been said, thing won't get better unless she changes and she doesn't want to, so… her channel is destined to die.
No. 576907
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>>576896here's her in Shane's newest vid… she doesn't appear to be wearing contacts and I don't think she was a part of the editing for the video.
No. 576917
>>576915american colored contacts aren't any thicker or any bigger looking, so she may just be wearing those. not all contacts are circle lenses.
who cares though, there are many other issues with her that should be addressed.
No. 576922
>>576914also, incase anyone is wondering how she affords a tesla/etc when she's not making as much off of youtube:
pearland is really inexpensive to live in. it was literally nothing a few years ago until they started building 'bougie' houses at low prices as an incentive to move here. there's more POC living here than white people, and we also have really high crime rates. a ton of people here have 'big' houses and nice cars (which is really common in houston suburbs anyway). so her having that house and car isn't even comparable to if she lived in actual houston. she lives an hour away without traffic.
No. 576970
>>576936>>576932Cover her mouth and look at her eyes. She specifically wears that shitty garrish red lipstick because it makes her eyes look more blue. If you cover her mouth they're really not that spectacular.
Also to make blues pop is a simple slider in any editting program.
No. 577049
>>577039Wow, she looks old in that thumbnail. Like I know she's in her 30s but I thought her skin looked decent. She looks like a tired mom.
If she wants to revive her channel she suck it up and get some actual recording equipment and good lighting. A studio would be good too. She's been filming on the same tired shitty autofocusing camcorder for the last 10 years that "overheats". I don't watch her anymore because the camera constantly trying to autofocus with every movement she makes gives me a headache.
No. 577153
If I was her, this is what I would do moving forwards:
-develop a work schedule to make sure she is uploading consistently but not incessantly
-come up with core series she wants to do that are actual series, not hauls or unboxing or trying products
-for example, a vintage series on her collections where she goes into the history of the items, where she got them, why she likes them, interviews with other collectors. She needs to make an actual list of the items she wants to cover and commit to it.
-at least one series where she gets out of her house and explores. It doesn’t have to be paranormal. It could just be exploring the city or off the beaten path towns or famous landmarks. People want to see her doing something, not going to Starbucks. Casey Neistat became popular because people liked to watch him explore. She can do the same with her unique perspective and interests.
-research or plan her videos out so she can include interesting information and not just ramble. Her audience is older, and “factual” based videos are in. Even ones that are all bullshit like conspiracy theories are popular because people feel like they’re learning something from them. They want to gain something of substance from videos.
-edit. the. fat. It takes her ten minutes to get into a video. People are going to click away and not come back. Shane’s editing where he starts with a climactic scene and then takes you back in time might seem dramatic or silly, but it works. She needs to come up with a unique editing style and story which will lead her videos.
-she HAS to present her unique style. This doesn’t mean buying shit and hauling it. It means dressing nice for every video, styling her hair, and wearing makeup. This is her job. She is a full time entertainer. There is a certain presentability people expect. She needs to capitalize on how she doesn’t blend in. Her style is a breath of fresh air. She needs to highlight that.
-she needs to brand herself better, no more unattractive goofy thumbnails, they don’t work anymore, no more trying to be relatable by being gross.
-People expect mini tv shows at this point. The days of flipping a grainy camera on and talking shit for ten minutes is gone. Production value is up. She needs a proper camera, proper lighting, proper thumbnails, etc.
When I think “Bunny” or “Grav3yardgirl,” I think unattractive faces, gimmicky cheap products, lazy content. She needs to make it so people think “cute quirky goth girl exploring and educating.”
What would you guys do if you were her?
No. 577255
I like how in her google picks my makeup video she says people want more adult friendly videos. She then goes on to say that she doesn't know what that means and she still wants it to be family friend. What they mean, Bunny, is that your adult fans don't want to watch an adult women unbox kid's toys every single video.
>>577040Spill the milk or the comment you just made is useless.
No. 577268
>>577039I'm honestly eager to see the next video but I don't have my hopes high. She's uploaded a few videos after Shane's visit and she hasn't changed a bit. I actually don't get why people say she's so different in this video, it's the same old Bunny: awkward af, nervous wreck, teary eyed, lost child. What exactly is so different in this video?????
Aside from that I'm enjoying the series because it's like watching a crazy cross over episode special.
The next OMG INSANE CHANGE that's coming up in her channel, as she's announced, it's that the OOTD videos are coming back. (Which I honestly used to really like, but… seriously? That's the INCREDIBLY BIG CHANGE that this whole Shane thing inspired???…. No comments)
No. 577276
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She makes it so hard to root for her. She needs to up her game, this is her job. Using 2012 tech in 2018 is a losing move. Bunny, girl, get it together.
No. 577284
>>577153I really liked her "Does this thing Really Work?" series before it was just hair products and make up. No one wants to see those things, and she needs to stop pretending she's a beauty influencer. It's okay for that series to be sporadic, to wait for the right product. I think on that - since its what got her popular - I'd still do it, but not make it weekly. Do it when an interesting product rolls around.
She used to be into Ghost Stories and stuff when she first started (I've been watching her for awhile) but that stopped when the other stuff started getting popular. Nowadays, that ghost story/paranormal stuff is pretty popular and I think she should take that up again.
She needs to stop trying to be a beauty guru. She isn't one and THAT'S OKAY. I don't go to Bunny for makeup reviews, I go to other channels, I went to her for her quirky content. She has so much more to offer than trying to be yet another girl who does makeup. Her house is creepy and neat because she decorates it that why, why can't she do a series on her dolls like you said? Why can't she do a series on her looking for those weird items? I just don't understand why she went the make up route at all.
She needs to get her anxiety and depression controlled before any of this stuff, though.
I used to be a pretty big fan of her, and while I'm still subscribed, I don't really watch her videos anymore. I'd like to, but she started trying to blend in too much.
No. 577295
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>>577287Yeah not to wk or anything, but I actually think she cleans up really well. If she’d stop pulling stupid faces and start brushing her hair more consistently, two simple changes, Im sure her views would improve. And her self image.
No. 577309
>>577287>>577295But being ~SuPeR qUiRkY~ is her thing. That's why she can't stop making stupid faces or yelling or collect dumb useless stuff or doing her make-up decently and not like a clown, and definitely not get her
neurotic ass medicated because it would ~change her~
No. 577351
>>577295This. It's good that she felt comfortable making her videos with zero appearance effort put in, but as someone who has been in the zero-effort-appearance-boat fora while, it really adds to your depression without you even noticing. Her aesthetic has always been unique, and I like seeing pictures of her dressed up in outfits you can tell she loves, because they're always unique and give me nostalgia of when everyone tried hard to be different and not an insta thot.
Bunny's personality and videos have never been for me and I have never been a subscriber, but I am aware of her from the sidelines and her channel really has become "do the minimum work,maximum caricature, maximum money". I hope it changes.
No. 577828
>>577789She's constantly morbidly disgusted and anxious about shit. Like in her most recent video she was kinda freaking out about metallic powder being in her eyeball. is when she starts talking about the dust
No. 578236
>>576914part of me is super skeptical when people claim stuff like you are without posting any proof but, did you see her mention in the second video how she feels like the people at Starbucks are her only friends? She was saying you and your coworkers are basically the only human interaction she gets, does it come across that way?
>>577156I wondered about that too….
If it's about stalking or people finding out how much nice stuff she really has - I feel like it's definitely more about her just being paranoid though. The average viewer on youtube doesn't really care or even know about sites like this or GG, etc. but I think she really lets it get to her. But, I could also see a personality like Bunny attracting truly insane fans who think they're friends with her and overstep boundaries.
No. 578319
>>578288Things shown in the video
- Walk-in closet (It had been shown many time in her videos, just not all of it)
- Convertible
- Arcade room(with flight simulator, dancing machine, among a few others
- Luxury shoes and clothing items
- Tesla
- Parts of her house that makes it clear that she lives in a mansion
Honestly… what's new? Seriously. Unless you are pretty naive and ignorant about how much youtubers make, it was pretty obvious that she's filthy rich. Her channel, even though it was dying, was massive at some point, getting millions upon millions of views, aside from that she was getting brand deals left and right and was selling tons of merch that she made herself (no middle man).
It was super obvious she was rich af, idk why this is being handled as a huge revelation wtf. Are people seriously that stupid?
No. 578351
They were pretty rude to Dogman the whole video. Talking over him and not even acknowledging him. If you're gonna make a video with someone at least learn their boyfriend/partner's name… Sometimes Shane's crew members are so stuck up.
Shane calling dogman "your uh.. friend" ( )
Morgan going "oh my god that guy scared me"
( ) "That guy"???
No. 578398
>>578236she's really well known in the friendswood/pearland area, pretty much everyone has some sort of story about knowing her or meeting her. she visits starbucks a lot and is obviously super nice but it never really came across that we were the only people she was talking to. honestly the job sucked ass so it was really nice to have someone who was nice to us come through often.
when you see her in IRL she doesn't put on that crazy character and she's actually an enjoyable person. i accidentally ran into her at the galleria once and she was talking to some fans and she was really chill. i just think her whole 'loud' schtick on youtube has been overdone.. i really like how she is irl.
No. 578409
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She looks like she could be Kate McKinnon's busted older sister.
No. 578416
>>578351It was Garrett who said "your uh, friend". And Shane corrected him.
I don't see any shade. Garrett is actually my favourite of the group. He's so sweet.
No. 578435
>>578416Yeah, I meant to write Garrett.
But seriously they were acting that way towards him the entire video. And the fact that Morgan by the end of the day still said "that guy" is really extremely awkward.
No. 578518
>>578351>>578435I honestly think it's just the result of having a bunch of awkward people in the same place, it seems like Bunny never properly introduced them to Dogman.
Garrett would never have done something like that if he knew his name, same with Morgan, she's awkward, loud and annoying but definitely not stuck up.
No. 578525
>>578482Agreed there was something weird about how they ignored his presence for the most part in the videos? Like idk if Dogman was maybe not interested in being part of the video and asked to not be involved or if they just choose to basically act like he's not there and when they acknowledged him it was to 'bring the gucci slides' like he's some sort of staff working for Bunny .. it felt weird.
Oh yeah and about them being obnoxious in general I thought it was uncalled for when they threw around the free ice cream outside..I actually kinda cringed. Like you get food for free and you throw it around. Didn't have to do that. I usually love Garrett but come on.
No. 578678

>>578518>I honestly think it's just the result of having a bunch of awkward people in the same place, it seems like Bunny never properly introduced them to Dogman. Yeah, I agree. Shane specifically associates with super awkward people who have confidence and body image issues.
>>578525This is so nitpicky. Morgan accidentally dropped her icecream and Garrett caught it by reflex. Then, once outside, she knocked his out of his hands playfully as payback.
I agreed with most of their advice. The publicity at least is helping her out, her video from two days ago is at 900k, the one from five hours ago is at 670k. Vs what she was getting before around 200k.
I still think she needs to gravitate towards "series." Youtube has moved more towards a tv show set up. Look at Shane's build up to meeting Bunny. It was a whole tv show on its own, both length and concept. She should hire an editor
I know her "Fear and Loathing" video wasn't popular, but she seemed to actually give a shit about it. If she did more videos that were creative like that, without the rambling intro and mood breaking ending, about something that her audience watches (like Riverdale or 13 Reasons Why) then I feel it would be popular.
No. 579288
>>578678when i first saw this i was like woah!!!! for like 1 min, then it was like Ok at the point is????? I thought since it was a "look book! that it would include several scenes with more characters from the movie or… i don't know, something else? It got boring pretty quickly becase it's lacking a purpose. Ironically enough this is so Bunny… nonsensical and """"artsy""""m lacking focus, direction and purpose and therefore boring AF after 1 min. And she didn't make the edition herself which was disappointing.
I used to be a fan long ago and I really want to like he but holy shit does she make it very hard to do.
No. 579417
>>579399I'll admit that showing someone in the back like that without any kind of mention is a bit odd and maybe sloppy editing but I think saying they're rude for not acknowledging the other people in the house on camera is nitpicking.
It's obvious that Bunny is hesitant to share her whole life on camera so they could have just been friends or family who didn't want to be in the video.
No. 582183
>>578288How old is she? She looks busted and wrinkly.
I really took to the personality she showed in these videos with Shane. She seemed way more chill and different to the person she is in her videos. I wish she’d stop forcing this HEY!@# ITS .. BUUUUHNY bs and concentrate on making actual content.
Also saw no change from when she met with Shane to the content she’s posted afterwards.
No. 582256
>>578278she's REALLY beating around the bush. she said something to the effect of "i don't even want to mention the price because it doesn't matter!" but i think that's almost the entire issue. She's very conflicted about her money and she gets so close to addressing it but never does. She's always tried to hide the fucking obvious fact that she has money. She probably feels really guilty about it, maybe she feels like she doens't deserve it, maybe she thinks it doesn't go with her edgy sentiments and it's not punk rock, maybe she genuinely feels bad that other people don't have what she does, maybe something else entirely, but she's clearly very very uncomfortable with it. She's done hauls of thousands of dollars worth of items and people see what car she drives and can add up her spending, and she knows this, but she can't just admit it so she tries to explain it away or hide it, and she's complained that it's "mean" when people accuse her of being rich, because she sees being rich as an immoral thing. In this new video she got sooooo close to addressing the issue, saying that she used to indulge in fashion and dolling herself up with no inhibitions, but got more and more depressed and abandoned it. She addressed it with the title of the video. She addressed it by repeatedly saying things like "i don't want you to think i'm showing off!" "i don't want you to think you have to buy designer items!" but then she backtracked and changed the subject and tried to act like money isn't the issue when it clearly fucking is.
Bunny, ffs, if you want to keep your sanity, you really need to make a definitive decision about how you feel about money and stop stalling at the crossroads. If you really think having money is such a terrible embarrassing thing then end your channel and give everything away, but if you think that seems ridiculous, posture up and just go for it and stop apologizing and hiding because it's just making you more and more neurotic and avoidant.
She's clearly very guilty about having things others don't so maybe she should try to have the best of both worlds and allow herself to enjoy nice things while also donating to charity or something. She just stalls and lives in denial about her situation.
No. 582397
>>582256Honestly it's not unusual for people who grow up poor to be somewhat bewildered and lost when they gain sudden wealth.
Poor people do tend to philosophize being humble, gracious, getting by with little frills and being thankful, religion can definitely also play into that. If you come from a poor socio-economic background, people around you openly criticize rich families for being show-offs, being generally greedy and hoarding riches. It's natural to internalize this idea that wealth is immoral and goes against every value.
I can understand how she hasn't come to terms with her success. That being said, buying extremely expensive cars does seem to be an odd way of coping. I definitely think it's something she needs to find peace with for her to go any further in her career otherwise she'll lose everything before she's even had a chance to appreciate it fully.
No. 582546
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here's a a couple quick screen grabs of this thread on Shane Dawson's video about her. (46 second mark)
Part 2 No. 582881
>>582808Ah! It's not really a thing in my country and I was
>>582385 so thank you for confirming it's just her being a snowflake
No. 583015
>>582990Honestly, I don't really see the big deal everyone is making out of that moment. And why everyone gets mad at Bunny for being immature, yet babies and coddles Garrett like crazy.
I don't even think his prank was that bad, but he really should've been able to read the room. He can be kinda bad at that and take a lot of jokes too far. They could all tell that she takes those things very seriously by how adament she was about being respectful towards the paranormal.
I don't think she was being a bitch so much as genuinely being scared by the moment. Then, after finding out it was a prank, feeling flustered and embarrassed. So that's why she left the room to collect herself, cause I can see how it'd be embarrassing to be both the oldest in the room and the most scared by a silly prank.
They were totally cool by the end, so I think people are making a way bigger deal out of it than either Garrett or Bunny. Ngl I was disappointed they didn't do more creepy shit, but I think that's kinda more on Shane and his crew because they really should've known that going in. She's talked numerous times about stopping ghost hunts because she had scary experiences and how she doesn't wanna invite anything dark into her life, so idk why they thought she'd be down for provoking things and inviting creepy shit to happen.
I'm not trying to wk her or anything. I feel bad for her cause she's so sensitive, but I acknowledge that that's probably her biggest flaw. If she wants to ever be successful on the internet again, she's really gotta toughen up and learn to brush things off.
No. 583027
>>583015Bunny seems to be extremely high strung and anxious about almost everything. I think that's why she struggles so much with socializing and connecting with people both on and off the internet? Therapy would probably do this girl wonders. I definitely find her kind of annoying, but it's difficult for me to straight up dislike her. She doesn't seem like she's a mean or awful person, just really socially awkward, incredibly insecure, and obnoxiously anxious.
Garret is kind of a big manchild. He's kind of endearing though, so I get why people always try to give him a pass.
No. 583053
>>583032Yeah you're right. That is something incredibly frustrating about her. I feel bad cause I can definitely relate to being resistant to psychological help and not wanting to face that vulnerable side of yourself. Though I realized, and I think she's starting to realize, that you don't really have any other choice if you want to be happy and fulfilled in life.
She talks about YouTube like it brought her out of that mindset, and maybe it did very briefly…but tbh I think it and the welath that came from it has just made it worse. It makes it so easy for her to isolate herself and refuse treatment because she has a big enough safety blanket to not really need to go out and challenge herself.
I really hope this series has inspired her to change that. It brought the attention of a lot of critical eyes to her channel so maybe it'll put pressure on her to stick it out.
No. 583142
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>>578288>>582990i've hated bunny for ages and ages. i like her style (as tacky as it is) but her youtube persona has always been obnoxious and 100% fake.
but god damn, the bunny from this videos was so fucking enterteining. i like shane's crew but i actually ended up wishing that some of them had stay home. they're funny and all but shane and bunny talking were the highlights. hopefully in the future bunny's videos can be more quiet and real like this ones were, she was so engaging here. like that doll story, the whole "no funerals" thing, the background info she was giving in the toy store etc were legit interesting.
>>583027new time viewer? bunny has always been like this. even when her channel was at her peak, and before that. she loves getting attention, faking mental issues, faking phobias, fakng random things about herself anything that makes her "quirky". i think now that she's older she doesn't do it as much, but she's actually a super normal person with friends and her family is rich as fuck. girl has never struggled. she was just struggling because she was making a series on her dying channel next to 5 (?) strangers she had never met. she doesn't have social anxiety (she has even said it herself), she's just going through a rough patch. not everything is "zomg she's depressed anxious bipolar and bpd". you're falling for her quirky personality tbh.
No. 583191
>>578339what happened to michelle phan/what should I search to find it
sorry for off topic but im curious
>>582990Also, I dont get what the big deal is. She really believes in stuff like that so obviously it affects her more/she has a stronger opinion on it. She jokes she had were small and probably had more of a "friendly ghost" vibe to her where as garrets was more demonesque. For people who don't believe in that stuff, Garrets joke is pretty harmless and funny in a sense.
No. 583417
>>583399I came straight from Shane's final video and was so excited to see Bunny2.0 and was instantly disappointed
I had to skip through most of the video, it was so manic, long and she kept repeating herself but then contradicting herself like by saying she listened to haters and that it held her back and she wouldn't do that again, but then asking people to just say if they hate something so that she can gage feedback. Right at the end she mentions how people probably don't want 30-40 min videos. Girl why are you making one then?
She's going to get too in her head and not take this anywhere
No. 583457
>>576131I’m only at the first vid and just tell by her body language and mannerisms that somethings off. Like everyone’s said in this thread she should get some help, I mean not even meds and shit just talking to a therapist can do wonders. I find just writing your feelings/anxiety/whatever down helps you be more objective and get a sense of clarity (can’t afford a therapist atm)
She’s been doing this for 7(?) years now and getting older is never fun but this hoarding shit and being stubborn about every aspect of her life not wanting change ain’t helping.
Also it’s easy to see Shane’s crew is too much for her, like she wants to talk about her stuff and tell her story but these guys keeps interrupting her with their faggot giggles.
No. 583471
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Double post but I’m salty about her mansion cause it’s fucking amazing. To see her taking about her interior design, like the stories about where she got her furniture etc. I’d watch her house tour like 50 times
No. 583514
>>583471these ethings are cheaply made and mass produced lol
they are not impressive in person
she lives in a mcmansion, size wise its impressive but taste wise not something really grand.
No. 583567
>>583559i agree. I think the series in itself was a good idea, and shane had good intentions. however bunny is thinking it's going to SAVE her channel, when really she should be taking what shane says and just create shit she is passionate about. shit she takes a long time and thought into while making it. she needs to be making things that SHE loves enough that she doesn't care how it gets reccieved. she's still so focused on the numbers. on instagram her story showed she was number 1 on trending and she was freaking out.
although it's good to be exccited, i still think she has the wrong mindset.
she needs to take a break for a week or two, think of what SHE wants to do, where she wants to go. and then stick to that plan.
Shane puts out videos that he loves and he said himself if people don't like it he's fine with them just not watching, because he is proud of himself and that video and thats all that matters. You can tell the quality difference in the videos.
A therapist or a counsellor would also be a great idea for her lol
No. 583611
>>583559Honestly Shane needs to stop trying to help youtubers by making videos about them and putting tons of stress on them, he does it out of good heart but so far all he does is giving people anxiety and stress and make them breakdown!
He needs to mind his own bussiness, youtubers are so fucking mentally fragile, its like an anxiety club over there, and being "pushed" by a bigger youtuber isn't helping any of them
No. 584484
>>583191I don't think there's a lot to search for. Most of the blogs and things that documented her cringy behavior aren't up anymore. Part of it had to do with the way she bragged and showed off her wealth a lot and it alienated her from her viewers to the point that they turned on her. Her makeup line failed and she disappeared for a year, turned back up with a video about why she left that was full of flowery nonsense, and hasn't uploaded a video since and isn't as personal on social media. It's probably for the best.
>>583471I really liked that about these videos too, how happy she seemed to talk about where she got things. I thought the part about the flooring being from the crayola factory was neat. It's not for me, but her interest in the things she has and the history would make some interesting videos. She was actually passionate about it.
No. 585570
>>583471she has a nice house and cars but the whole "uwu im sorry i made money with my hard work" was absolute bs. back in the day bunny got a lot of the criticism that you see in jill's threads (not on lc, other gossip sites waaaaaay back when). her family is rich as fuck. bunny was the type to read every criticism and take it to heart. a lot of people found out her family was rich as fuck and complained that she spent her money recklessly. i remember people circlejerked about how rich she was, that she was a brat and she spent all her parents money on dumb expensive tacky shit. again, fucking jill of 2012.
that's why she's insecure about it. that's it. because her "haters" complained that she was spoiled. and she was. she twist this fact to make it into a fucking humble brag like… "i work so hard for this…people are so mean when i brag about the expensive shit that i own and my sheltered wealthy life but like… it was all by myself with my youtube hard work, you know". again, bunny loves lies and twisting shit to seem like a victim. this is just as if jill made some youtube bucks, bought a fancy apartment and started bragging about how she's a self made babe and that she worked hard for her lazy oaf hauls. no wonder they're fans of each other. they love the sounds of their own voices.
>youtubers are so fucking mentally fragile, its like an anxiety club over theretumblr calm down, you're not their therapist. shane has an ED, came from an abusive family and attempted suicide he knows mental illness is real they're just exaggerating shit for views he's not pushing them into something that's actually
triggering, its all show.
No. 585981
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Lmao, yeah. This whole exchange ( [DL][Archived Copy] ) is bizzare for anyone who knows these things about her.
Specificaly at 8:00 I found it odd when Shane said "you probably help your family" and she said "yeah" and laughs awkwardly (pic). Excuse me, whaaaat???
She just went along with Shane forging this narrative of her being from a simple background and was LIVING for it.
No. 586643
>>585570>>585981Wow I didn't know anything about her past and assumed she came from low income based on what was said in Shane's videos. Ya know, all about humble beginnings and working hard to get up - that's what it sounded like they were trying to push as Bunny's story. What bs.
>>586225Her teeth are so distracting but I also tend to be looking at her lack of a jaw line. She seems to be a thin girl, why is her jaw line like that?
No. 588920
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>>582990i can kind of understand her reaction though. i found it kinda rude to prank her like that.
she is known to have anxiety and panic attack issues. She was probably shaking. she believes in this fucking stuff. which is hella weird to me because who the hell actually believes in demon and ghost, but okay. but to someone who
actually believes those things are real AND has anxiety issues?
her face though top kek what the fuck
freaking funny top kek
but i can understand that she was pissed off.
No. 588949
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>>583399seems to work though, for now..
No. 590482
>>590474I honestly think it's just people feeling bad for her and want to like her because of Shane's video.
The video is long, boring and uneventful, even lazy, like the part where she doesn't know what a word means and she's like "well they will figure it out, they know everything!"… why the hell not just freaking put it on the screen?
The goddam camera was too shakey, the audio is practically cut in the middle of saying THE TITLE OF THE SERIES by the camera guy pointing the mic away from her, she sucks at figuring how things work (as always), the video is 80% shots of her not knowing what she's doing. Seeing her being so unprofessional and lazy in a carefully edited video is painfully cringey, it's trying hard and failing pretty bad.
I'm feeling pretty bad second hand embarrassment rn
No. 590913
>>590541I can't agree. She has been on youtube for 8 years. She should know better by now. If she really invested in a cameraman they should also be able to edit better and not just slap some too loud music on.
However, I doubt she actually hired someone. She probably told one of her friends to hold the camera and then she edited it.
Also, the beginning of the video honestly made me cringe.
Btw I'm saying this as someone who used to watch all of her DTTRW in the past.
And what do you mean by "Shane quality"? I find his videos entertaining but lets be real, they're just long vlogs of him hanging out with his loud friends. The editing isn't high quality at all.
No. 590924
>>590471Ok that was a marked improvement.
But why why why why doesn’t she ever do it properly? Why can’t she be a little informative? Why does she think people want to watch her struggle instead of seeing how the product actually works? I don’t understand this “layman view” she tries. Even when it’s an item that costs 1600 she still is like “didn’t bother to read the instructions.” It’s not endearing, it’s frustrating
No. 590994
>>590471so she's trying to take the old idubbbz kickstarter crap to life?
anyway it's somewhat of an improvement but she just needs to stop talking so goddamn much
No. 591140
>>591017Thats how internet depression works, people are acting like everyone are wittly babies and need to be constantly "protected" and praised for doing the smallest shit.. dont get me wrong, when youre depressed doing even the bare minimum is really fucking difficult, even going outside or getting normal shit done can feel like a hard chore. But I also think the way the internet is babying people who are depressed or have anxiety is really bad for them and not helping them at all.
People like Bunny get nowhere because people act like her going outside once is enough for the next couple of weeks, and shes "so strong and brave" for doing things normal people do everyday. Meanwhile she is bathing in money and her job really isnt that demanding.
I'm not saying you can't be depressed because you're a youtuber and/or you have alot of money, but im so tired of youtubers acting like their life is the hardest in the world and they have no purpose. Grow up.
No. 591273
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Sorry for deleting + reposting. Formatting.
>>591140As a passing observer of Bunny for the latter half of her yt career, she was noticeably desperate and self-conscious in her new dttrw. She expected the wackiness of the bike to carry that video but it only served to highlight her awkwardness (not the endearing kind of awk, the cringe kind).
She's fuckin' 30 and has been on youtube for nearly a DECADE. If she can't figure out how to run her channel she should hire a pr team or a manager or whatever. I don't understand why she didn't just do that discreetly when she noticed something lacking w her channel.
I know it's deeply personal blah blah blah, but pursuing therapy and mindfullness might be a good series to appeal to her aging fanbase. Or take a youtube break, work on the crippling anxiety, and come back with a vlog series or a more professionally-driven fashion series where she could interview & hang out with cool designers or other content creators. She's in a decent area for finding independent artists and designers as far as I understand. Or something similar but with her local paranormal community.
I'm bouncing ideas around here (pay me bunny.. kek) but… Get a cool pet like a reptile or an aquarium with exotic marine life and include it in some videos- it's growth, environment, etc– like a mascot. Just something to add as a recurring, fun little aside in the vids.
The thing is is she already has made a name and a brand for herself, so she probably could bounce for a few months or half a year and rebrand. Reach out to companies that may want to use her in their videos or whatever and go that route.
Her most loyal viewers are older now and not necessarily interested in toys. Why isn't she catering to them? She could still continue her popular videos for kids, but phase some new and engaging content ffs
She appears to be successful & financially stable; I don't understand why she hasn't hired professionals if she's too old or uncreative to keep up with the content demands of doing youtube videos for a living.
I'm sure she makes most of her revenue from videos aimed at a young audience. If she's concerned about her critics disliking her screaming and disingenuous demeanor, she needs to upgrade her content to match a more mature, believable, down-to-earth style. She's stuck in between the two and she should go one way or another, or figure out how to sprinkle more universally interesting content into her regular content. Jesus Bunny you're not an actress so stop acting
No. 591307
>>591273Samefag but that bike wasn't even a good idea to feature on her first (idk if it was the actual first and I'm too dick to check) video after the Shane Dawson one. I think she felt it was okay to feature even though it's not super accessible (it was over a grand in cost) because she "revealed" her wealth but like.. if I'm a kid watching this video knowing I'll never be able to afford that bike, the rest of the content better be delivered in an entertaining as fuck way. What kid wants to watch an adult struggle to figure something out for 20 minutes. She's doing a crappy job at segueing her real lifestyle into her content.
I skimmed through the video but other farmers said the editing and music were shit too. She can hire someone to do all that shit for her, hell if she wanted to be an ass about it I'm sure one of her minions would do it for free. If she's not passionate about it anymore but wants to continue to use yt as a meal ticket she should just outsource everything and do as little as possible.
Why did she have Shane come in on a charity type basis instead of collabing with him on an actually interesting topic? Since she was showing parts of her house anyway why didn't she just have him do a toned-down MTV Cribs type tour? 'Cribs' has an instantly recognizable format and editing that she could've just piggybacked for views.
I know she said she was worried about showing her lifestyle because it would make her less relatable, but she did it anyways… why not own it and make it entertaining? There's absolutely nothing wrong with success, anyway.
Honestly the "vlogging car" was insulting. I didn't realize how much money she made before this so I guess it worked for her purpose, but that really rubbed me the wrong way
Idk how this ended up being an actual novel with chapters and all but there you have it- my two cents. This is the creamiest milk that's been a long time coming
No. 591727
>>591708It's weird how she wants the flashiest things but can't deal with having them.
>>591273Please no more pettubers.
No. 591865
>>591736she got her parents that dog, mentioned it a few times and that was it. doesn't she have a cat or two?
this is also the girl who had to set the time on her tamagotchi so it would be awake when she was, i really don't think she should have any other pets.
No. 591921
>>591736>>591727Oh god of course there are "pettubers"…
She's undoubtedly too lazy and self-centered to care for a lizard or fish anyway
No. 594290
>>593957For the videos specifically about bunny:
I’m sad my channel is dying because everyone is sick of the same old content I’m doing- it’s not 2014/15 (forgot the actual year) anymore I don’t know what to do.
Shane basically telling her to “flex” a little cause that’s what teens want to see now.
them going to that uncommon objects store walking around in the dark (nothing happened it’s “not” haunted - Shane also tried summoning a ghost) Garret played a prank. Bunny got butthurt
The end
No. 595353
>>594290Lol thank you anon.
Is her channel really dying that badly?? She still has enough money to buy Teslas and a $5k purse so I can't imagine things are that bad.
No. 601603
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>>595353it's going downhill for around 2 years now. but her drama over it is a little overboard. she definitely has enough money to last a lifetime. what did she thought? that she will always be popular?
No. 604280
>>604130I think its kinda weird befriending a FAN instead of a normal person… it's like befriending somebody who already likes you so youre sure they like you, which sounds like something Bunny would do. I don't really think its brave and "meeting a new person" when its your online fan you've talked a bunch with… but oh well I guess she needs babysteps.
She really just need to talk to a therapist more than anything.
No. 631247
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Does anyone have any idea what this means? She can't sew anymore because of a car accident? I guess I'm just confused because she seems perfectly capable of doing other things that require that same amount of dexterity.
No. 632296
>>585570I always figured she was rich. thats why she did all those reviews. my question to her long term viewers. did she buy views at the start? I don't understand how she got so big yet you rarely hear about her. I only saw her on youtube. everyone else eventually is shown on tv/magazines.
>>632148she has money. he doesn't seem to care about anything.
No. 633091
>>632296She has been on some small segments on TV and was very big in her hometown area and local stations had her on a bit I believe.
Also, she started in the hay day of YouTube where not as many people were flooding the site and people watched more for their personality and it wasn't so much about video quality or what they were actually doing in the videos. People liked watching more average, "relatable" people, where as now it's more about the attractive, rich, instagram type lifestyle.
No. 640540
God her vlog just shows how much of a mess her life is.
She buys the most impractical and inappropriate dress for a wedding, doesn't even do her hair or makeup, wears boots with the outfit??
And also it shows that she's basically a hermit that puts off her work to just shop and laze around at home
>complains she is so busy with videos>in same video says she is months behind on editing videos>spends 3 days doing seemingly nothing but going to 2 stores to buy buttons and eat at a restaurant>>632148He himself comes off as a manchild in videos. He just stays private so it isn't as obvious. Does he even have a job?
No. 645423
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>I've just been driving around like all day just kinda like crying in the Tesla with these gigantic rhinestone glasses on. You guys….I'm a mess.
The Shane series is the first time I've actually liked her or found her relatable. Let's see how this goes!
No. 645471
>>645424TL;DR: Still trying to milk Shane's vids for all she can, ~Graveyardgirl 2.0~, she is proud of herself for getting out of bed and putting on deodorant.
Honestly, get your shit together. She seems exhausting to be around. I hate people who whine about their depression and how they aren't functional due to it. The rest of us don't have Youtube $$$ and don't have the luxury to wallow in self-pity all day. We have actual jobs and responsibilities we have to suck it up for.
No. 645892
>>645424thb this video made me actually feel sorry for her. Before that I was just annoyed.
I mean all the shit she has at home, the arcade, the antiques, the fashion and make up is just there to cheer her up and give her instant gratification.
It´s just that youtube is not the right place for her right now. In my view she should just get off yt and actually start working on her depression.
there is this saying "you can only be loved when you love yourself" which has some truth so it and fits quite well to all this mess.
No. 646356
>>645471Thanks, I couldn't get past about 1 minute of it. Yeah, the combo of the "crying in my tesla all day!!" and those glasses just really make it seem like she's disconnecting further and further from reality. I wonder what Shane must think of this shit.
It does make me feel sad for her though. I do really relate to her level of anxiety/depression, but seeing her repeatedly not get help or try to make healthier choices is just dumb. I don't know how she can post this kind of stuff though, if someone recorded me during a panic attack/downward spiral like this I would be MORTIFIED at my actions when my head cleared up. Maybe she's just too far gone at this point? YouTube almost seems like the worst/most unhealthy thing that could have happened to her. She doesn't know how to cope or socialize at all at this point.
No. 647098
I mean… some of the comments are pretty unfair. I personally grew up with a healthy family that never really struggled, but still ended up being a depressed, phobic, socially awkward mess. I could live in a mansion myself but at the end of the day none of that can make my issues go away. So, yeah. Money can for sure give you a lot of opportunities, but you can still struggle a lot.
What upsets me about this kind of video is that it's getting redundant and therefore feels a lot less authentic. Like, she'll always end up talking about how depressed and unhappy she is, yet not change a single thing. And eventually film another video talking about how depressed she is again.
I feel like she's merged with her community and is just as delusional as her following. Those videos isn't some kind of therapy and she's not really gonna get anything out of it. Sure, venting helps for the moment, but in her place maybe not making it subject of a video would be the way to go.
She needs serious help and maybe even medication. And she really should stop putting herself out there so much, for the sake of her own mental health.
No. 648088
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>>647098Not sure what exactly you're responding to, but that's exactly what I said in my post?? (>>646356) I don't think there's any dispute over wether or not she actually has depression/mental health issues, but she's in a youtube echo chamber and refusing to get help, and she's clearly disconnected from what reality is anymore. Also she obviously didn't grow up with money, so I'm just not really sure what point you're trying to argue here. It's just harder to have sympathy for someone "crying in their Tesla". One of my biggest stressors is making sure I can pay my psychiatrist and therapist bills. She has no excuse.
Also I saw this pic on J*'s twitter. Does it seem really shady of him to post this pic of her (double chin, eyes closed, CLEAR foundation line) or am I reading too much into it? If it was anyone other than Jefree I wouldn't give it a second thought. It's like he's showing everyone how bad she is at makeup.
No. 648126
>>648088No, she always has mismatched foundation and despite all this make up and high-end clothes she prefers to look like a mess, because she is 'so quirky' - and it gets worse, check out her older ootd videos she had a nice style, now she prefers shorts, t-shirts with holes and gucci bag on top of it.
What irritates me about her is that she is uneven with her content - in one she will be manic and over the top, playing with toys or screaming in walmart and another one is her crying about depression, like wtf take care of your mood swings.
She is using her fans in echo chamber like a support group to get instant gratification of asspats and worship. Try write even small criticism or advice and this kids would shout at you for making their swamp queen sad. It's unhealthy and make her even more separated from world.
No. 656480
>>656478Tbh i think im just annoyed because this video just continues to show how out of touch she is.
Sage cos no1curr.
No. 657317
>>656470im a lurker on bunny threads as i was always secretly rooting for her (which is why i kept to myself) despite all this bullshit she pulls. i had stopped watching all of her videos for a few years. i somehow ended up watching the shane series and was sucked back in. i was still rooting for her, maybe even more so after that. i understood shes depressed and making bad choices, and wanted her to get better.
but that starbucks video. bye bitch. how is she so fucking entitled? i can't believe she ranted for 20 minutes about this. its like a 5 year old who stopped getting there way. how is her routine even fucked now? we see you driving in with your tesla. you can clearly follow policy and afford 4 drinks a day. WHY are you complaining. holy shit i am disgusted.
sage cause i know ya'll don't give a shit, but damn, she had me. i feel like a right fool. what a cunt.
(no one cares) No. 657663
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>>656470I've never been a fan of her content per se, but I love a spooky bitch and I always admire people who have the courage to be super extra with their goth/alternate wardrobe. (Same with Suzy Berhow. I think she's annoying but at least wardrobe wise she takes more risks than I do) It wasn't UNTIL Shane's series that I felt she was relatable and started paying more attention to her vids. I know Bunny's brand has always been "goth quirky gurl!!!" but she's clearly slipping further and further away from that and just completely away from reality.
On top of sounding like an absolute brat she's also just…..completely wrong?
>"I don't see the problem with having some kind of loyalty program where they can just give you the drink through the drive-thru"From the Starbucks website:
>"You will earn Stars based on the value of your purchase at the rate of two (2) Stars for each One Dollar ($1.00) you spend at participating Starbucks stores using your registered Starbucks Card. " >125 Stars ($63) = Any sized free drink (plus it's not uncommon for them to have deals to get extra or double stars)If she's literally going to Starbucks every day multiple times a day like she says, she should easily have free drinks on deck. I go maybe once a week and I still get them all the time. Also iirc a lot of times there's a coupon on the receipt for half-off a drink after 3pm. So she could easily get either half priced "refills" or totally free drinks all the time. She's just….stupid? Also kek to her thinking she's ~not like other girls~ for going to Starbucks everyday or getting multiple drinks, as if the majority of the adult workforce wasn't reliant on coffee or buying coffee for their office/multiple coworkers when they make a coffee run. It's like she's mad because Starbucks wants her to go through the actual rewards program to get free shit, instead of getting free shit from her BFF Starbucks baristas because they like me and we're friends!!! I thought what we had was special!!!
>"It feels like the Sephora loyalty points program! You have a card, you have a piece of plastic but what does that mean?? There's nothing you can ever do with those points! There are no CONCEIVABLE rewards!Bitch…..there's literally a giant stand by every Sephora register that has items you can exchange for your points. I'd rather have money off like at Ulta, but don't act like the checkout person doesn't tell you "You have XX points! Do you want to exchange them for any of these items today?" every time. There is absolutely no way to miss it if you've been to Sephora more than one time, they ask you every. single. time.
Haven't looked through the yt comments, but I hope at least her fans realize her how dumb she is and correct her. She could have so easily not sounded like an idiot.
No. 657670
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>>657663Sage for samefagging and blog post, but this comment also makes a good point I didn't think about. As someone with very serious anxiety I can't drink more than a grande anything without feeling extra jittery and anxious. How the fuck is she drinking THAT much caffeine an sugar every day and not seeing a correlation? If she went to a therapist or psychiatrist literally the first thing they would tell her to do to help her anxiety would be to cut that shit out. But obviously she just relies on her follows to validate her fee fees instead of an actual professional.
The other top comments seem to be Starbucks baristas telling her she's an idiot, that was never their policy in the first place so nothing "changed". Makes me wonder if the employee who told her that just had the unfortunate task of delivering the news that they weren't going to put up with her shit anymore. They obviously know who she is and her Starbucks habits, it wouldn't surprise me.
I do think it was shitty that Starbucks did a "promotion" or whatever using her gifs and catchphrase without contacting her though. Aren't there laws about using peoples' likenesses or IP or stealing without crediting the creator though? Why wouldn't she pursue something there?
No. 658845
>>656470Aaaand it's gone. I'm not surprised, she got backlash and comments were critical of her I wonder If she would post another crying video about hate and how she want to change her channel and herself.
But maybe that would be a wake up call and reason to seek help?
No. 658979
>>657670where does she mention starbucks using her likeness?
couldn't make it through
>>658956someone reuploaded it's really boring. just a spoiled girl ranting about not getting free coffee.
No. 659010
>>658979Thank you for the link! And to answer your question: Here's the time stamp link.;DR Back in 2013 or so Starbucks organized a "show us your best sip face" contest and they used a viral tumblr gif of her as part of their online campaign without asking. After many people tagged her on these post they knew about her and did reach to her but just to ask her if she wanted to enter the contest.
Honestly I just think they had no idea who the hell she was and thought she would be happy for the exposure lol back then no one took youtubers seriously… specially brands as huge as starbucks
No. 659941
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>>658956>>658957Uh oh, I think she made the internet mad. Seems like grav3yardgirl 2.0 is going great so far!
No. 659948
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>>659941(Sorry for the samefagging)
I love that her idea of "in the heat of the moment" is making a 30+ minute rant video. The baristas at her local Starbux MUST have seen or heard about this right? I'd love to hear how they're taking it.
No. 661589
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she’s so embarassed lmao. I’m glad people are giving her shit about this though, the entire video was just pathetic.
No. 661863
Glad people are actually pushing back and letting her know how idiotic she is.
>>660922It might help if she actually apologized or something.
No. 662536
>>662466Yeah, her entire life is really sad. And I honestly don't mean that in a mean way. Seems like her only human interaction is her family, reading her comment section, and these baristas that she has convinced herself are her friends.
To some extent, I do blame Starbucks for letting her get away with this for so long. She probably feels like a fool now that she made an entire video bitching about a "policy change" only to find out this was something they were only ever doing for her (most likely out of pity). I think the money she would spend on 4 cups of tea/coffee a day would be better spent maybe talking with a therapist.
No. 662540
>>662536I can't really feel sorry for her since
weirdo overbearing customer who expects special treatment is every sales assistant or server's nightmare.
People trying to get free therapy from assistants and random people is also hella shitty, and obviously it's the same people doing it. In her case she can certainly afford therapy and has no excuse putting the burden on people earning $5 an hour
No. 662542
>>661961Same anon. Definitely agreed, and the weird thing is these channels seem to think they're morally superior to the people they're criticising, when they're literally trying to get famous off the back of others.
There are a few people who deserve criticism (like onion, social repose, and Shane to some extent) but generally they go for only-slightly-
problematic youtuber's because they're an easy target. Nothing wrong with Bunny, she's just a needy woman but she isn't a bad person by any stretch of the imagination
No. 662545
>>662542Why are you here? To asspat Bunny?
She's a grown ass woman who had a meltdown because Starbucks wouldn't give her free drinks any more. lol There's a lot wrong with her.
No. 662693
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Another Starbucks employee confirming Bunny's an entitled bitch. Nothing we haven't heard before, but still interesting.
Full thread: No. 664044
>>663965did i read it wrong? she gets 4 refills a day?
what does that have to do with video editing?
No. 664064
>>664044Not that anon but the point is she has the time to go to Starbucks at least 4 times a day yet claims she has no time to edit videos
If she had no time to work then she would have no time for going out for coffee
No. 664672
>>662466To me the Starbucks video speaks for itself about her mental illness. She was attached to Starbucks and the baristas, using it as a coping mechanism. They finally cut down and she's flipped because she had that taken from her. I feel bad for her for that only but she has the money and resources to pay for help so that's about as far as my sympathy goes. She definitely made herself seem like a whacko entitled brat who mistook SOP kindness as genuine. She's like the guy who thinks the waitress is into him just because she smiles and is friendly. After all that she couldn't have slipped a fiver in their tip jar once in a while? Or even a fifty around the holidays? Get the fuck out of here.
>>664623>>664625Future serial killer in the making. Look at this creepy fuck.
No. 666261
Maybe it's because I'm not American but why would you even get a cup of anything from anywhere 4+ times a day to begin with?
Like, wouldn't one at some point think like 'hm… I'm really liking this tea, maybe I should stock up on it at home'? Like, even if it's free (as other people already pointed out), the amount of time and money spent on gas for it is beyond ridiculous.
I like Starbucks coffee better than the one I make at home as well, but I still wouldn't even think of driving there 4 fucking times a day just for a cup of coffee? That's just not worth it. I just can't wrap my head around it.
I unfortunately only lurk every now and then so I'm too late and couldn't watch the whole video but boy, that 2-something minute long version is already painful enough. Is she acting like a five year old on purpose, like, to make it seem more quirky or anything or is she actually that out if it?
The ~heat of the moment lasted throughout an Instagram post (with comments telling her she's in the wrong already), the entire editing and uploading process?
Like, if she uploaded it instantly right after it happened I would maybe even buy that. But girl, you had plenty of time to realize how stupid you are but actively decided to ignore all the critical comments.
Honestly waiting for the moment something really, really big/bad happens. I don't know what it would look like, but I feel like she's getting close to a breaking point.
No. 666273
>>666261She said she uses Starbucks as her source of human interaction, since she doesn't have any local friends except for her partner.
She doesn't seem mentally well at ALL, I agree that she seems she's really close to breaking point.
No. 666528
>>666395I'm guessing cause she never talks to anyone except her husband and herself. If you ever monologue in your head her rambling is basically that. Just a series of events randomly spliced together surrounding a basic theme. If you regularly talk to others you know what to keep or leave out of monologues designed for other people but she clearly doesn't.
I'll give her that those with anxiety and other issues tend to ramble and can have shit social skills despite talking with others but she clearly goes beyond that. She needs to take the silver spoon out of her ass, get some friends, and get some therapy and she might be tolerable to be around (especially without the silver spoon while she's acting ~relateable~
No. 666827
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Cows colliding.
No. 666857
>>666827Well… on one hand that's obviously the shittiest action to take in response to criticism. Like, 'boo-hoo everyone is so mean so I'll just not read the comments so I can stay in my delusional bubble forever'.
On the other hand she won't also see all the 10 year olds that don't know shit about how life works either pat her ass and tell her how amazing she is and how all of the other people are just mean haters.
I don't doubt that there's probably also a vast amount of unnecessary hate at this point, but… jesus, she really needs to take a step back to reflect on her behaviour. People don't start randomly attacking you for being different, quirky or having issues. Your behaviour and way to deal with those problems is what
triggered all of this.
No. 666914
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Offocially over her after the latest video where she blatantly lies. She claims it's allowed to get refills through the Drive-Thru. Any person can google the truth.
No. 667671
>>666388God the whiteknighting and ass-pats on this video comments are insufferable, talking about "grownups" "bullying" Rachel as if she wasn't an adult herself.
It also rubs me off in the wrong way that she took the video down. I mean,let it up and then upload the apology. Let people know the context and take their own conclusions.
No. 667945
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mfw the starbucks barista doesn’t give me my free drinks and i have to pay like some common customer
No. 668006
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was browsing the net looking for articles about ebay mystery boxes and this just happens to be the picture at the top of an article
my eyes literally went right to the tooth
No. 668303
>>664108My favorite part of that video was when she was like
>ughh I mean I guess maybe I'll have to try and find like a local coffee shop or something now??As if a small business coffee shop with no precious drive through would let her have her 5 free drinks a day instead. Also, yeah, you should have been supporting that small business instead of big Starbucks anyways? Acting like she's making a hard sacrifice to go to a local business for her precious leaf juice.
No. 668317
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>>668006Ick. She made that one video 2 years ago about her teeth, I'm kinda skipping around to remember, but it's basically saying:
>I love my fucked up teeth and I never want to change them! They're part of my personality!>my parents offered me braces when I was young and I said no!!!>if I had gotten braces it would feel WRONG. It's not about money it's a personal choice!She also addresses why her teeth are so yellow by saying every moment she's awake she's drinking coffee or tea or soda. Says she won't whiten her teeth because whitening toothpaste hurts so bad!! I think my fav quote though is
>another reason why is pain! I'm a big baby! Causing myself pain…I deal with enough enough! Ok like I don't need to do other stuff to make my life more difficult! You know like in my own head…She also says her wisdom teeth are fully grown in and she refuses to take them out.
>sometimes they hurt and flare up but that's an elective surgery and I'm a big baby!>sometimes they hurt for 4,5,6,7 days in a row…and I'm still too afraid to have them taken out>that's what anxiety is!!!!>needs to use a prescription strength mouth wash for her wisdom teeth painBlogpost but my wisdom teeth growing in was one of the most painful things I endured, and I couldn't wait to get them out to stop the pain. How is that ok with her if they're still painful? She also makes it sound like her parents just let her do whatever she wanted, which is probably why muh anxiety!! They never made her do anything she didn't want to do. She needs an adult to just make her fucking do it.
But like….that one tooth has got to be fucked up right? Like dead or something? You can fix your one tooth without ruining your ~precious personality~
This was all only 10 mins of the video, I'm sure there's more batshit crazy stuff, but I don't think I can make it the full 26 mins…
No. 668330
>>668317Not going to defend her, but tbh lots of people still have their wisdom teeth. I still do. They grew in fine and caused me no issues. Most issues are caused after they've grown in, by folks not brushing their teeth; so making their gums sore / infected around the teeth or getting cavities in the teeth. If you brush and your wisdom teeth have grown in; you shouldn't be in any pain.
As for her brown tooth; likely from an injury from when she was younger. The brown is from blood in the tooth. It's possibly dead, but it's just as likely not to be. As it's blood inside the tooth though; bleaching will likely do nothing. Judging by the colour; I highly doubt it's coffee staining etc. If there are no other issues; other than aesthetics, there's no harm in leaving it brown. You'd have to do a root canal and bleach it from the inside to get rid of it (a veneer isn't going to easily fit where it is in it's recessed position).
tl;dr: Unless she wants to spend a lot of money on her brown tooth, it isn't going away and is probably harmless. Her wisdom teeth shouldn't hurt though after they've grown in. That just indicates her dental hygiene is shit.
No. 668333
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>>668330Oh, thanks for the info anon! I had no idea. Like I said just going off my own experience, I didn't think anything of them until they (all 4) starting growing in, and it was so excruciatingly painful. I just can't even imagine someone being fine l with that, but maybe it's not as bad for other people. Also I was terrified of all my years of braces and dental work being ruined by my teeth coming in, but that's obviously not something she's worried about.
(sage for blogpost)
>>668331What does it mean if her teeth are THAT sensitive though? Sensitive whiting toothpaste hurts too much? It's one thing to preach loving yourself and your imperfections!!! but if her teeth are medically wrong shouldn't she do something about that? How much does 4+ ~free~ coffees/teas a day fuck up your teeth? I'm just a paranoid person who still wears her retainer 10+ years after I got my braces off, so I certainly don't know.
No. 668390
>>668317>She also says her wisdom teeth are fully grown in and she refuses to take them outShe's so full of shit. Blog post but I've had to take mine out bc there was a chance of growing a (benign) tumor in it. But according to her logic:) it's:)just:) doing:) it's :) own :)thing:)
And also her birthmark that was taken off
> I still miss it so muchDermatologists just don't yank birthmarks for fun, it's bc they look pre-cancerous.
FFS grow the fuck up.
No. 668400
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>>668330> If you brush and your wisdom teeth have grown in; you shouldn't be in any painIt probably grew horizontally, it causes a lot of pain and should be taken out bc it's unbearable. In some extreme cases it can cause to "move" the other teeth forward.
She's basically choosing to suffer an excruciating pain on a daily basis than to be a grown up and get it fixed. She probably thinks this window tooth is an artist,too.
No. 668441
>>668400Yeah, when I say grow in, I mean upwards. Not impacted.
Wisdom teeth emerging is painful for everyone; to varying degrees. Once they have emerged though they really shouldn't continue to be painful unless you have an issue with brushing /aka infection around the gums or cavities.
If she had horizontal impaction (or any other kind of impaction) though tbh I think she would end up at a dentist regardless of her 'anxiety' because she would be in serious amounts of pain. No sippy sippy bs.
No. 668652
>>668330> It's possibly dead, but it's just as likely not to be. It's PROBABLY not dead, dead teeth are extremely prone to abscessing and that would have happened by now if it were dead.
>>668333>What does it mean if her teeth are THAT sensitive though? Sensitive whiting toothpaste hurts too much?Some people just have sensitive teeth honestly. Mine are super fucking sensitive and brushing them can definitely hurt but I still do it because I'm not nasty.
No. 669708
>>666388what bothers me about this video is the fact that she fixates in the "but muh loyalty reward!!!!!" It goes on and on about it in circles when the whole freaking thing would be solved if she would just PAAAAAAAAAAAAY FOOOOOOOOOR IIIIIIIIIIIIT.
Why? It's like she loves to be stressed out and needs to do all she can to find shit to feel bad/anxious over.
Just pay, woman. Just pay and stop this freaking madness.
No. 670025
>>669773But in this case she didn't want them gone. The dermatologist straight up looked it up and said "yeah this needs to go" so everything indicates it was probably serious
New ViDeO SWamP fAm
She played it down a bit and I like the makeup for idk going to pride?
No. 670026
>>670025Samefag but my God polish that hair. Flashy makeup and this hobo hair she has going on doesn't work.
Sharing this other video bc she's a 33 year old wearing an spongebob shirt from Hot Topic and I guess she's the joke that tells itself.
No. 670375
>>670200>but here the eyeshadow is kinda crazy and then the hair makes it look even worseYes, she blended eyeshadow all the way up to her brow, which she also painted pink and… it's just not good.
This is not a super innovative idea either, she shouldve just looked up "pink eyeshadow" on YouTube to see how its done.
No. 671405
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>>670025>I'm gonna show you how to get a vibrant beautiful pink eye!I know that's kind of the joke and she says she couldn't come up with anything else to call it…but like, couldn't she just say "pink eyeshadow"? Or is that not ~guru~ enough. Joking about pinkeye while doing a makeup tutorial just conjures images of theater kids all sharing eyeliner to me.
No. 671438
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>>671421Yeah, you're probably right, might just be a personal bias. Just feels icky to watch someone be like
teehee pinkeye! while also touching their eyes, even if it's just makeup.
No. 671471
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>>671461yeah, cool, that makes sense
enjoy your shit eyes anon
No. 672249
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Sage for blogpost, but I actually bought her makeup palette years ago. Not out of support, I don't think I'd ever even seen a video of hers at the time, but I actually really like it. But I'm just a basic bitch who can't resist a brown/copper/neutrals palette, and the colors just happen to fit my skin tone well.
But now reading through this thread and watching some vids it's confusing that she went for more neutrals, and didn't go for something more ~*dark spooky goffic*~ since that's her ""brand"".
No. 672955
>>666789Dude where? What forum there? because I was poking around here: since that forum apparently has ZERO search function and I couldn't find anything :/
>>666891 No. 673445
>>672946This is fucking disgusting but due to my mental health being piss poor I used to go MONTHS without brushing, and this lasted for years. There are probably years in my late teens when I brushed like 5 times a year total. My teeth are definitely not stained as badly as Bunny's though. They definitely are slightly yellowish but after a good brushing they look okay, just not blindingly white.
Bunny's teeth are definitely stained from drinking so much tea, and quite possibly from a lack of oral hygiene too. It's been a while since I watched it but I think in the tooth FAQ video she said she doesn't like to brush because they're so sensitive, so.
No. 673494
>>672955Are you talking about the starbucks video?
It's here: is wait_and_sit
No. 674316
>>673494I only now saw that video and besides the obvious big Starbucks issue, there's two things that really made me go… wow…
Like for one; she's saying she's a night owl and is up all night editing the video that she uploads the next day. And I haven't been following/subscribed to her for quite a long time but I remember her uploading like once or twice a week? Her videos are literally just basic video editing, she has no effects, nothing that would take a lot of time, it's literally like an hour or two (tops) of work for a 10min video. I mean, yeah importing the files, rendering, uploading etc can take hours, especially if your computer isn't the best but that nothing that would keep her up all night?
Like literally, she's acting as if she spends all day on her computer working/editing videos but. Come on. Especially with her having an assistant and being as socially awkward as she is, I could imagine she wouldn't even have to read (all of) her mails or respond to them.
So what the fuck is she doing all night/day?
And then this talk about her morning rituals. How everybody has their thing they're doing first thing in the morning. And then she's saying some people e.g. take a shower first thing in the morning… and I'm beyond disgusted. Like, does she literally get up, sits in her car and drives to Starbucks?! I mean, doesn't she even brush her teeth or anything? (and since she mentions showering I'd assume she would count that as a morning ritual too)
I just can't with her anymore.
She also almost literally spells out that the thing that annoys her most about this whole situation is that she now has to pay EVEN THOUGH SHE IS AWARE THAT SHE CAN VERY WELL AFFORD IT. This is even worse than what I expected.
She just needs to grow. the fuck. up. and work on her goddamn mental health problems and then maybe get a 'real'* job.
(*Being a YouTube can be a real job imo IF you act like it. Like, uploading a video of yourself crying in a car once a week isn't a job.
I feel like she needs some externally given routine, cause obviously if she's her own boss she'll just build everything around her anxiety and avoid everything that's potentially
triggering so it will all get worse. She needs actual responsibilities.)
No. 674631
>>673445I was raised in a neglectful home so never developed good brushing habits (I just genuinely forget about it 9/10)
My teeth are pearly white compared to hers and I smoke, drink hella coffee and tea. Her tooth is dead.
No. 674632
>>674316Tea is the cheapest thing on the menu too it's not like she gets a $10 latte everyday and was using her free refill (you get a free refill on tea, regular coffee or hot tea with any purchase of a drink btw) for a tea afterwards, which would've been way smart if they let her get away with it that long.
Tea is cheap and SB doesn't even brew a sweet tea, it's all syrup. Buy some syrup (it's $20 for a bottle) and make your own damn tea, it'll be way fucking cheaper if you're that much of a cheapskate bunny.
Does she even have anything worth watching on her channel anymore? She doesn't even seem to do "Does this thing really work?" Which was probably the most unique thing she had on her channel. Now it's garbage and her ugly face.
No. 682715
>>682539LOL yes that was cringe. They're expensive and from afar, it looked like she was messing around with a baby who died from aafixia.
> can't stand when she complains about 'muh anxiety' and then dances around and yells in storesThis sums up the entire video. You could tell how incredibly, obnoxiously loud she was being with her friend. More than usual so.
No. 683766
>>682539She got kicked out Target for being obnoxious, filming, putting the rubber baby in the food weighing scales and screams out as she leaves the store like she's having a tantrum.
She also says she's normally /more/ obnoxious so she's surprised she got kicked out lol.
No. 697309
>>697009I just don't quite comprehend how YouTubers think they're entitled to private spaces like stores. They're embarassing and encouraging this kind of rude behaviour. Everytime I see that I wonder in what kind of barn they were raised.
Touching and slapping stuff for sales is RUDE. Riding a bike in a store is rude AF ! At some point she walks and film the electrical room which is obviously forbidden to non-employees.
I'm not american, I'm more part of a culture that'd rather be quiet and not make a scene in public and everytime I see this kind of thing I die a little bit inside. Or when I see footnotes saying "We weren't allowed to record inside the store so we recorded in secret" wthhhh
Plus it's always kind of insulting to me when rich ass YouTubers record stuff in thrift stores and make fun of the crap they see and treat it with nonchalance when you can see families in the background who probably can't afford Halloween merch and costumes for their kids and don't come here for some "Make an hideous outfit under $10" challenge.
No. 697854
>>697309That's so true! They don't understand their privilege and flaunt their wealth in front of other people like throwing this expensive Avatar baby doll around. It just costs $500 and if it gets broken, Bunny will buy a new one ~tehee
Also what I find interesting about this video is the fact that every item Bunny touches has allegedly puke or some shit on it. Some stores will wash it before they sell anything but I know otherwise too. I never bought her 2nd hand store love because she is a huge germaphobe apparently and otherwise she just wears designer clothing. Bunny wants to be so desperately relatable kek
No. 698474
>>697009They look like pill addicts. If I was working that shop I'd be paging my supervisor on the talkies and asking associates to follow her around so she doesn't puke in the shoes and start playing with the merch–
>she's riding the bike in the storeKek, called it. They all act like rural high schoolers who think bumming around thrift stores and Wal Mart are fun outings. Except these are adults. With money. And the means to do something way more interesting. Yiiiiikes.
Worst of all is that they filmed this shit for hours. It was daylight when they went in. Dark when they came out.
No. 701069
>>697009I’m here from Bunny’s thrift video I finally got around to seeing and the comments were all like, “why are y’all being so negative?” and I couldn’t find a single one. I came to lolcow cause I knew that’s where the real answers are, and honestly, I’m not even being negative.
I wish someone would call her out on her bs and it’d make her more likeable. She acts so entitled and condescending in the video. I was surprised Rich Lux was in there, and I might be biased cause I love him, it seems like Bunny just kind of stole the show - which I get it, but she keeeeeeps talking about herself. She interrupts herself talking to Rich in order to squeal about some dress. She talks about the bag of rats on end, about ~teehee~ I’m such a weird person.
I like that Rich and the blonde kid actually make jokes that everyone can enjoy, that are not just a monologue of screeching like Bunny’s are. There are ironically great vloggers on YouTube that don’t sound so self absorbed.
No. 703062
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No. 703156
>>697009This kind of shit is exactly why I can't stand Bunny. She goes on and on all the time about her anxiety and how tough it is for her to be a normal human being, but she's just a big attention whore. Everything she does is intended to make her stand out, she's loud and obnoxious and basically acts like an overgrown child all the time. All of the issues that she cried about could be solved if she just grew the fuck up and had some discipline instead of just doing whatever she wants all the time.
Kind of unrelated, but had anyone else noticed that she always feels the need to ramble and overexplain every tiny thing about herself? I think the biggest example is her dumb Halloween obsessesion. Every Halloween video she makes includes a lengthy diatribe about how much Halloween means to her and her experiences as a kid. She does the same thing with all the random toys and other bullshit she buys. It's really irritating. Not everything needs to be super deep and meaningful, you can just like something because it's attractive to you or you enjoy it.
No. 703749
>>703553So it's not five minutes, it's not glamorous, and it's not goth.
She might as well have named the video "Purple Monkey Dishwasher".
No. 704339
>>703553Even worse she said in the video "yeah it's not 5 minutes but idk anyone who keeps counting the time they spend on their makeup irl"
Well obviously people who have places to be and things to do, unlike her.
No. 704548
>>704540It was a video of her prancing around Disney land with the avatar baby and dog man in super flashy clothes, Not minding all the public attention she was getting (/anxiety)
However she did not double check the video, it had the audio all messed up
No. 704557
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this tweet actually made me laugh out loud
No. 704991
>>704761Bc she's just too quirky anon :3
Granted, she could've gotten of something else? Idk
No. 707004
>>705867>over 10 years of experienceShe finished her Masters in 2009, so that's definitely not true.
She's a shill for BetterHelp, which is a complete scam, and she has a Patreon and a "Talent Agent", and now she's pushing her book preorders on everyone conveniently at the same time she's featured on the biggest youtube series happening right now. I mean, technically speaking she's a Therapist, but she's not a good one. She's a therapist the same way Dr Phil is. Sorry for OT though, you can read more about her/BetterHelp over at the Shane thread.
No. 707013
>>705861Couldn't get all the way through this cause I dislike all 3 of these youtubers separately, but I thought it was p funny when they say they want to go to Whataburger in the beginning and she's like
"Ok we have to go on yelp and find the one with the best reviews. Which one won't food poison me"
Yeah yeah muh anxiety whatever, its just seems like a weird rude thing to expect your friends (or people you haven't seen in 10 years and aren't even close to?) to work around your paranoia. That just always seems selfish to me in anyone.
>I know you're all starving and you just want to eat and I'm the only one preventing that but sorry we have to stop and read all these yelp reviews firstNot a Jeffree fan but I'm glad he basically shut that down.
Also I know she meant "food poisoning" in like, the quality of food, but just makes me think if she's paranoid about that but went to the same Starbucks 18 times a day, where the employees probably hated her but knew she'd show up? They coulda fucked with her drinks every which way. But they wouldn't because they're her friends!!!!
>>648088Also I wonder what took so long for her to post this? Did Jeffree want to wait until the Starbucks thing died down before he would associate with her?
No. 707073
>>705861Since she's saying she's never done ASMR; weren't her Shopkins unpacking videos branded ASMR?
Like, obviously this whole ASMR hype has taken this way beyond what it originally was. But acting as if she's always wanted to do it but never has before just doesn't sit right with me.
No. 707180
>>707098I could retarded, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I think she just calls it "Vlog-o-ween" to be cute, but not all the videos are actually vlogs. The goal of Vlog-o-ween is just to get a video out everyday (and inevitability fail).
Although, she did also mention she didn't have enough filler pre-filmed, big surprise, so she may have just had to throw this one in becuase she didn't have anything else.
No. 707228
Well at least she finally admitted that she's a hoarder…
>>697009Why would Bandai even sponsor her? Could they really not find a channel that has content that would be relevant to them like a gaming or Japanese pop culture focused channel?
No. 707232
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>>707215Had to google it and was kind of surprised tbh.
I never watched her back in the day, I knew of her existence and think I tried to watch a video and just thought she was too annoying, but I knew she had a massive following. (I'm only here now because her slow decline is fascinating)
But, I went back and watched the vid where she talks about her Tarte collab and it's just crazy to see in comparison. I mean, I feel like she was one of the first youtubers to have a palette and she's not even a beauty guru, and Tarte's no small fish. It's just crazy to think that she basically got that collection because so many fans harassed Tarte so much? Watching a video like
>>707196 would you ever imagine this person being that beloved and having that much power and influence? And for her to have custom designed hair styling tools as well? In that video everything is "Swamp Family this, Gator Wings that". Is that even still a thing? And whatever happened with her eyes?
No. 707245
>>705861It kind of cracks me up that they're sticking this losers together now.
They have literally nothing in common beyond being unstable fuckups who sabotaged their own careers.
No. 707411
>>707196It's because she doesn't really have a social life anymore. I mean even if she was a loner back then already, she still went to school. And the more time goes by, the more detached from "reality" she becomes.
The majority of her following consists of children and their pinterest-mothers that 100% enable any kind of behaviour as long as it's suitable for their children. You are a product of your social environment and since hers mostly consists of mentioned following, she becomes this… weirdo.
She is what a child will become if it never gets told off or is taught any basic responsibilities.
No. 711968
>>711838It's quirky and absurd. She's a character. And some people's humour is simple enough to find this kind of stuff very entertaining.
Also her main audience is kids. They probably dream of doing that kind of stuff, so of course they'd be entertained by behaving as silly as they aren't allowed to themselves.
No. 713884
>>712118Oh boy, I can't wait for the carbon monoxide poisoning saga.
>>713807I still don't understand why she does this. It's excessive enough on it's own and then she goes and does cotton candy or popcorn or whatever else in her yard on top of that. It feels more to me like she really wants people to like her and think she's cool than her just really loving Halloween and wanting to give the kids a good experience.
No. 714283
>>713884It's probably a bit of both. I do believe that she's very into Halloween, considering she's actually been into ghosts, graveyards and paranormal stuff as well way before she became famous. And I also believe all of those things are all sincere acts of kindness. But yeah, I also think she's feasting off that feeling people like her that she gets from it.
It's sad.
No. 714558
>>714414Trick-or-treaters from Bunny's affluent white neighborhood are
clearly the group more in need here, anon.
Who donates money to kids who need it when you can just blow it all on cheap plastic crap you won't even use half of?
No. 716660
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>>712118>carbon monoxideThat shit is serious.
No. 716852
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>>716518I'm just at loss for words.
Her income must have at least tripled , yet 90% of the time she basically looks like a homeless person with a singled out fancy $1k item added to her outfit. If that just doesn't scream for help I don't know what does.
No. 717670
>>716856sage for ot but anon I would love to hear more about this (maybe in the sex work thread
>>>/g/90992 )
No. 724953
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ngl, I actually like bunny and enjoy that she's not one of these super glossy af, artificial beauty YouTubers, but has she been piling on some pounds?
No. 731489
>>731445>she probably only paid a million for that house"Only" is a very relative term.
That said I also find her downfall pretty interesting, especially since even collaborating with Shane couldn't revive her channel. I think she just doesn't do well with the attention and fame/infamy, she seems very poorly socialized and weird, and not in the "so relatable xD" kind of way. I don't think she's grown a lot emotionally no matter what she says, she just has the opportunity to never leave her little bubble and decline further because she doesn't have to work or go to college.
No. 746456
File: 1544388490603.jpeg (333.89 KB, 1143x928, 4439CD70-AD10-468F-82B0-DB214F…)

>>741683Doublepost but don’t post your email here, it leads directly to your full name steph.
>pic related