Jenelle Evans is a former star of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant and later on starred in the spinoff Teen Mom 2. Currently, she is known for being an
abusive mother, encouraging her husband to abuse her children, and venturing into Onlyfans, updates of which she refers to as “spicy dumps”. Her current personality is a racist munchie who dabbles in Qanon and Shein hauls when she’s not doctor shopping or abusing her kids.
Please remember that Jenelle is not a
victim. She abuses her children and chooses to be with another person who abuses them. She is not worth your pity, only the kids she neglects and screams at are.
She was “fired” (in quotes because MTV never fired her, they simply said they were not filming with her at that point) in 2019, while her Sasquatch of a husband was fired in 2018 after a series of homophobic tweets. He is a known far right extremist and abuser, who has been barred from his son’s life due to hitting and abandoning his pregnant girlfriend, whom Jenelle posted revenge porn of. David has also been visited by the secret service due to his insane amount of firearms, bullets, poison darts, and wide variety of totally normal weapons to have when you’re a white man in North Carolina where you have four children living with you.
Notably, her “firing” was after her husband David beat and shot her dog Nugget to death in front of her children. Jenelle announced the small dog’s death on Instagram but refused to press charges against her greasy husband and went on a press tour explaining how it was actually totally a misunderstanding, dude. Jenelle is complicit in the abuse of her children and allows her husband to do so as long as she can hang out in her She Shed and film TikToks where she acts smug and reviews various food items, such as literal school cafeteria food she orders online
Jenelle and David reside on a swamp in a manufactured home that they insist is NOT sinking despite the pair downright stating it. Their days consist of smoking weed, popping pills, telling each other how much they hate them, and completely ignoring their children.
They have several children they neglect — David’s eldest daughter Maryssa (who may not live with them currently as they swore they cut her out of their lives when she testified against them in a court case involving CPS), Jenelle’s son Kaiser (who she cited a
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