File: 1499895378716.png (499.82 KB, 576x548, JessiandNick.png)

No. 352142
File: 1499996502797.png (553.49 KB, 1221x641, Screen Shot 2017-07-13 at 8.40…)

No. 352143
File: 1499996580666.png (37.64 KB, 306x227, Screen Shot 2017-07-13 at 8.42…)

No. 352145
>>351359"im not attracted to children at all. what i like about abdl is that my little is innocent and… vulnerable."
totally doesnt sound like a kiddy diddler at all. /s
these people are gross.
No. 352147
File: 1499997402949.png (463.26 KB, 577x578, Screen Shot 2017-07-13 at 8.53…)

Her husband was found, she says he was kidnapped while in Kentucky (they live in Florida) but…if shes so damn sick with cancer, how tf was she driving all the damn way there, how did she know he was abducted, and why is she begging for money in the vid?
No. 352154
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No. 352155
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No. 352163
File: 1499999199286.png (53.29 KB, 309x331, Screen Shot 2017-07-13 at 9.24…)

Her followers realize this as well..
No. 352595
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No. 352597
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No. 352682
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No. 352683
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No. 352684
File: 1500071231731.png (137.13 KB, 241x331, jessicunt.png)

No. 352686
File: 1500071663681.png (92.41 KB, 175x273, evil.png)

No. 352687
File: 1500071682126.png (511.92 KB, 835x428, socks?.png)

No. 352808
File: 1500086912672.png (449 KB, 471x580, Screen Shot 2017-07-14 at 9.22…)

No. 353100
File: 1500150658171.png (22.7 KB, 302x117, Screen Shot 2017-07-15 at 3.30…)

No. 353101
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No. 353852
File: 1500258974822.png (515.39 KB, 812x595, Screen Shot 2017-07-16 at 9.31…)

jessi might delete her instagram. lets see how long that lasts.
No. 353853
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No. 355035
File: 1500429537257.png (Spoiler Image,500.19 KB, 592x579, nailsew.png)

No. 355036
File: 1500429761253.png (59.23 KB, 314x368, 3399339939393.png)

No. 355037
File: 1500429770413.png (52.14 KB, 308x344, comments.png)

No. 355039
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No. 355041
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No. 355121
>>355083didnt she worked at a pet store also after getting fired from newspaper handout? if you look in rileys littlespace youtube vlog video back in may 2017
when he was staying with them for a bit in florida; they went to a petstore- probably was their job. i dont know if she quit or got fired.
No. 355154
>>355114Welcome abroad m8, but please, don't be lazy. If you want to know more about that cow, you only have to read the thread.
Also, when your comment isn't topic-related (questions like yours, off-topic…) you must write "sage" on the email field before posting.
No. 355160
>>355154thank you, i'll email sage it.
the thread was confusing at first since it was just made 6 days ago, so i am way behind on this-
No. 355892
File: 1500518285949.png (546.84 KB, 984x631, Screen Shot 2017-07-19 at 9.36…)

shes losing followers by the minute.
No. 355964
she's clearly unstable if she posted her number knowing that people will send threats and "kidnap". i unfollowed her and absolutely tired of seeing posts begging for money everyday. i just hope no one kidnap or make threats to them bc no one deserve it ..except for pedophiles, rapists, and killers!
No. 356202
File: 1500566967820.jpeg (836.46 KB, 2896x2896, 1500566889125.jpeg)

No. 356305
File: 1500579731622.png (106.25 KB, 1146x472, hypocrite.png)

shes making people feel bad for her to buy her shit again…
No. 356307
File: 1500579992621.png (179.42 KB, 979x710, needs?.png)

>>356305"supplies to save her life and keep her healthy"
sooooo…a stuffed duck and tamagotchis are supposed to be needs now?
who cant afford fucking pajamas? wtf is nick doing(as a job) then?
and these are recent, a day or two ago. the last thing i see that could actually 'help' her was added july 11th.
No. 356308
File: 1500580117210.png (167.73 KB, 1288x667, amazon.png)

>>356307lmao she doesnt ask for this shit though
No. 356309
File: 1500580265045.png (97.31 KB, 1140x251, legally.png)

The fact Nick put 'Legally' as to make it okay that they did it ILLEGALLY before is hilarious.
No. 356310
File: 1500580371967.png (67.85 KB, 974x188, neighbor.png)

The same neighbor that "kidnapped" and "raped" nick?
No. 356853
File: 1500651432980.png (143.63 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9771.PNG)

? drama time!
No. 356854
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No. 356855
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No. 356856
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No. 356857
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No. 356859
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No. 356860
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No. 356861
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No. 356862
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No. 356863
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No. 356864
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No. 356865
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No. 357401
>>357142finding out their location and the local police department? You'll need to have proof first, they'll think your making false accusation if you file a report with no evidence.
If your still have no idea on how to report scammers online then call a police department for tips or report them on instagram, making instagram take actions and IP ban their devices for scamming on their platform
No. 358576
File: 1500842062794.png (15.1 KB, 299x245, d4ea26b7c5a82ca48a7a91780f8e84…)

>>358558I doubt she'll stay on the new account for long.
No. 362297
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No. 362298
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No. 362305
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No. 362421
File: 1501271437085.png (451.92 KB, 810x587, Screen Shot 2017-07-28 at 2.48…)

and i was right, here we go guys.
No. 362422
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No. 362423
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No. 362424
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No. 362425
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No. 362426
File: 1501271523331.png (58.37 KB, 312x369, Screen Shot 2017-07-28 at 2.50…)

god, i hate her followers. they are such a bitch to the people who question or are just neutral about jessi
No. 362427
File: 1501271655185.png (465.96 KB, 807x587, Screen Shot 2017-07-28 at 2.53…)

always talking about 'being a hero' bullshit. what happened to the cops and fbi being highly involved?
No. 362432
File: 1501272179800.png (335.3 KB, 566x557, highlyintellectual.png)

this is from a video he posted back on july 18.
"ill make you feel stupid but I'm HIGHLY intellectual and i know how to make words act as if they make you feel pain, and you'll just destroy yourself."
lmfao. was that supposed to be a threat? he sounded like a complete idiot saying that.
No. 363288
>>362570Cervical cancer is caused by sexually acquired infection with certain types of HPV. Two HPV types (16 and 18) cause 70% of cervical cancers and precancerous cervical lesions. There is also evidence linking HPV with cancers of the anus, vulva, vagina and penis.
She said that the vaccine caused her cancer which is like 100% false because they give you a dead version on the virus which protects against the 7 most common strains of the virus. Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes almost all cases of cervical cancer, which is a common sexually transmitted infection. This STD starts with an H so it doesn't go away. She's reaching in the idea that the vaccine caused her cancer which doesn't make sense at all.
No. 363880
>>363813she probably begged for it.
using that fake cancer attention post saying "we need money for equipment" but spends the "equipment" money raised by her followers on junk
No. 364307
File: 1501554414695.png (600.07 KB, 594x579, okuhh.png)

Jessi and her drugged up gang.
No. 364308
File: 1501554459645.png (770.05 KB, 925x586, 888737373382929-10292.png)

Here's the septum, and now she's gonna gauge her ears? Is she trying to be like her husband now, or is he like, forcing her to look more like him? Hm.
No. 366330
File: 1501817068305.png (662.82 KB, 581x574, MarijuanaEffects.png)

This is what drugs do to you, kids.
No. 367444
File: 1502003870847.jpg (408.02 KB, 2896x2896, 20170806_021725.jpg)

Out of curiosity, has anyone else noticed her "injured" arm changed sides?
No. 369667
Says that they can't afford to pay bills…yet post on their instagram stories everyday, or every other day at the least, and if they both work
>>364943 then wheres that money going? To fucking drugs as always? Doesn't surprise me.
No. 369668
File: 1502321580758.png (738.12 KB, 806x577, cant afford.png)

>>369667The picture didn't attach, sorry, here it is.
No. 369671
File: 1502321612420.png (713.4 KB, 923x587, wishlist.png)

Also, be prepared for her begging once again.
No. 369839
>>369668nooo get out of my hobby, there's already shitty people in it
Jesus though how many 4U+ does one person need
those are like $40 a pop
No. 369994
File: 1502372386156.jpg (98.22 KB, 441x705, 1398342485154.jpg)

>>369671>I'm going to be 2 in AB yearsDoes that mean she roleplays as a 2 year-old? And her BF as a her daddy? And they get off to that fantasy?
No. 370312
File: 1502412329520.gif (3.24 MB, 360x217, 39e0cfb8-d099-4b8d-a4b4-0de7f3…)

>>370285>It's a normal kinkYikes
No. 370350
File: 1502418124140.gif (1.09 MB, 262x200, azLmG_f-maxage-0.gif)

>>370343>This is a totally normal kink.No, its not
>Its accepted in BDSMThat doesnt mean anything, so is incest.
>Dont kink shame >Kink shame>KINK. SHAME.Kek take your gross
triggered ass out of here anon, you're little attempt at crying oppression isnt gonna work here.
No. 370360
>>370352i doubt most of the people here are necessarily solely vanilla, i'm into some pretty weird shit myself
doesn't mean we can't see some gross shit and call it gross, there's a difference between sucking on toes or tying people up or consensually knifeplaying or fisting or whatever the fuck is trendy now and pretending to be a small child. plus, there's a whole schism in the bdsm community over this nasty shit anyway. incest is just a boring ass porn-industry-cultivated kink manufactured for losers who don't interact with people outside of their families anyway, shit barely counts imo
saged 2, electric boogaloo
No. 371490
File: 1502579577970.png (324.53 KB, 922x582, Screen Shot 2017-08-12 at 6.09…)

jfc, this girl. i know she'll be mentioning that wishlist in no time.
No. 371492
File: 1502579926263.png (671.34 KB, 912x564, Screen Shot 2017-08-12 at 6.10…)

before this thread was made for her, a fight had broke out between her and (Kayla), who was a friend of the two. they aren't friends anymore at all but when this fight was happening, Jessi and Nick lied about what had happened, so Kayla posted her side of the story, and said Nick called Kratom his 'legal heroin' and she said that Jessi would come to her, afraid because Nick would spend all their money on Kratom and other narcotics. So, funny how they don't use "more than a gram" now.
No. 371493
File: 1502579956604.png (196.8 KB, 1049x590, Screen Shot 2017-08-12 at 6.11…)

She's actively adding shit to the list, as usual.
No. 371494
File: 1502580069848.png (120.23 KB, 1026x499, Screen Shot 2017-08-12 at 6.11…)

This guy can't afford pillows?
I just googled pillows and I went on Target. The cheapest for a pillow from Target is $3.50. How do you not have enough for a damn pillow?
No. 371786
File: 1502631564848.jpeg (745.72 KB, 2896x2896, 1502631269617.jpeg)

So, I went on Jessis IG last night to see her talking shit and trying to act like a badass once again. I feel like she takes shit out of context because she had a picture of a text message someone sent her but it was cropped out, like only the "offensive" part was shown. Usually she posts text messages on her story, so it's easier to read. Now I'm thinking shes lying about those as well. And also, on her story, she said something about this African American man stalking her, and verbally threatening her, yet she's not doing anything about it?? She said she was working with the FBI when Nick was missing, and she still claims to be as well. These pics were taken today, from two videos of hers, that were in slow motion. I dont know what the fuck she's trying to do, because she's claiming shes being threatened, yet shes threatening others while doing this. She gave out that mans personal information, so who even knows if hes doing anything, or if it was just a bad drug deal.
No. 372179
File: 1502695316307.png (182.09 KB, 750x617, IMG_1208.PNG)

No. 372186
>>372179I'm shaking in my chair.
Just kidding, I'm laughing at her while taking a shit in the bathroom. Let the milk flow, you dumb cunt.
No. 372509
>>370352>vanillaActually fuckface I was part of the bdsm community. As I dont want to shit up the thread I have had quite a few experiences with doms wanting real incest: one example being contacted by a dom who not only wanted me to birth his children but for the purposes of him and his friends raping them. FY I have done my own research, I'm not talking about it as just a kink but in regards to your normalising comment its no coincidence that there is a substantial part of the bdsm community who have no issues making these things real. Sexualising that for your own kinks and then sneering at others for finding that disgusting doesnt make you enlightened, it makes you a pretentious cunt.
Its funny you complain about people being in an "ignorance bubble" when its clear this is not only projection but that you've got a huge stick up your ass and just want an excuse to look and talk down to others here which is not fooling anyone.
saged for kinda OT
No. 372607
>>372509Why do kinksters assume anyone who doesn't wear adult diapers or pacifiers during sex, or doesn't fancy the idea of being violently assaulted during sex is 'vanilla'? Why do they silence abuse survivors and think their orgasm is more important than people's trauma? Has tumblr really skewed their judgement that badly?
If people were physically harming themselves, they'd be sectioned. Asking someone else to do it for you in a sexual context doesn't magically make it sane.
I'd rather be vanilla than a mentally ill degenerate like these people.
No. 372689
File: 1502817763586.png (146.75 KB, 798x580, driving.png)

She was driving and using her phone…and posted it? Jfc, some people have lost loved ones while doing this type of thing.
No. 372691
File: 1502817839112.jpg (28.44 KB, 640x473, jessica.jpg)

No. 372707
>>372607Because they want an excuse to look down on others and somehow explain how getting off to beating ten shades of shit out of your partner is somehow more intelligent and enlightening than people who ~heaven forbid~ can get them and their parters off normally. They also tend to be more judgemental of normal people than it being the other way round. Also many doms deliberately look for "damaged" subs which is all sorts of fucked up.
No. 373069
>>373044Yeah I don't get it. Just because you don't like playing with shitty used diapers or using dildos shaped like dogs penises doesn't make you a prude.
I guarantee you nobody would care, if these people would just stop trying to promote or normalize pedophilia or enable legit predatory abusers looking for damaged goods.
If they could ideally just stop shoving it in people's faces that would also be great. These people can't cry
'But it's my business!' when they constantly try to make it everyone else's.
No. 373167
File: 1502866199458.png (123.94 KB, 736x1101, IMG_1453.PNG)

No. 373168
File: 1502866220367.png (197.16 KB, 750x1082, IMG_1454.PNG)

No. 377292
File: 1503435587048.png (537.35 KB, 914x568, Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 3.55…)

>>376835I'll post some of her recent/controversial posts.
No. 377293
File: 1503435633254.png (531.13 KB, 805x585, Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 3.56…)

She dyed her hair again, the color is pretty but her hair is so dry…
No. 377295
File: 1503435661086.png (385.01 KB, 905x574, Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 3.56…)

She found this page! Lmao.
No. 377296
File: 1503435684726.png (369.72 KB, 810x571, Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 3.56…)

Her friend, Kassi warning her on to not be doing stupid shit online.
No. 377298
File: 1503435788661.png (419.71 KB, 806x578, Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 3.57…)

I believe these are cigarettes (might be a joint with cigarette paper, idk because I'm not a smoker), but isn't smoking bad for cancer patients, at least isn't tobacco? Obvious that she doesn't give a fuck about her health, and is posting such things to entice the followers. Eh.
No. 377315
File: 1503436902676.png (44.48 KB, 670x320, Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 4.12…)

I found these a long time ago in November, before Jessi was a total obvious cow and I just found them again. These came from "kittenplayconfessions" on tumblr. More to come.
No. 377317
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No. 377318
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No. 377319
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No. 377320
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No. 377321
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No. 377322
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No. 377324
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No. 377325
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No. 377326
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No. 377327
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No. 377328
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No. 377329
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No. 377330
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No. 377331
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No. 377332
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No. 377602
File: 1503455261078.png (535.84 KB, 1219x640, Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 9.27…)

How stupid are people? Donate to someone who needs a kidney or a heart transplant, wtf.
No. 377604
File: 1503455414680.png (591.08 KB, 1156x704, Screen Shot 2017-08-22 at 9.29…) how they got way over the $1500 goal.
No. 378366
Check out
https://ddlgopinions.tumblr.comThere's more on her there. It's not a lot, but it is there.
No. 379474
File: 1503678175749.jpg (140.06 KB, 638x1024, photofromddlgopinions.jpg)

>>378366Not gonna post all the questions submitted from there but they're easy enough to find.
No. 382134
She wasn't arrested but he was. took screenshots but I couldn't figure out how to post them all in one post. Sorry!!)
No. 382135
File: 1503974305129.jpg (113.54 KB, 797x1143, Screenshot_2017-08-28-21-31-17…)

No. 382353
File: 1503998855471.png (3.88 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1472.PNG)

I am completely new so please don't attack me if I've done something wrong as this will probably be my first and last post.
I just wanted to put theis cap up for those who can't see her page.
No. 382354
File: 1503998952185.png (2.11 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1475.PNG)

No. 382357
>>382353you're fine. post normally if what you have to say is relevant to the topic. write "sage" in the email field if it's irrelevant. click the Spoiler Box if your post is NSFW (contains nudity or gore)
thanks for the update.
No. 382365
>>382353>>382354Thanks for posting!
So if some other girl wasn't fucking her man would she forgive and forget? I kinda think so.
No. 382420
File: 1504012017008.jpg (470.24 KB, 1242x2060, IMG_1480.JPG)

I thought this was interesting. It wasn't the first comment to mention Jessi cheating but I was only able to grab this one before it was quickly taken down.
There's no doubt in my mind she'll at least keep in touch with Nick not matter what he's done. I wouldn't even be surprised if he pops back into her life in a few weeks.
Jessi can't support herself on her own. Her own family has turned on her and she was kicked out by Nick before and had to live on the streets if I remember correctly.
No. 382501
File: 1504020393801.png (642.16 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0308.PNG)

This is posted from her ex friend Kayla (the one in
>>371496 No. 382511
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No. 382538
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No. 382557
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No. 382558
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No. 382559
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No. 382560
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No. 382561
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No. 382775
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No. 382776
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Their house.
No. 382780
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No. 382781
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No. 382782
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No. 382783
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No. 382788
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No. 382789
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No. 382790
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No. 382792
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No. 382793
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No. 382795
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No. 382796
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No. 382802
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No. 382803
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No. 382806
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From a video of Kassi's, Nick is shirtless in it.
No. 383123
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His blood
No. 383124
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No. 383132
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No. 383248
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No. 383394
>>351353Why the fuck would you marry such a fat pig? They're both grotesque, but he's really disgusting. I can't even bring myself to think about his sweaty rolls brushing up against…enough.
Of course they met in a head shop. I can smell the stench in that room.
No. 397688
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If anyone's still following this dumpster fire she finally admitted she never had cancer
No. 401394
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Not sure exactly why, maybe for the fraud, but there's a warrant out for her arrest and she's currently on the run
No. 403191
>>397688 Wow finally some truth.
Anon you should change your instagram picture you just outed yourself
No. 404507
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>>402801She definitely has a type. I kinda was hopeful that she quits ddlg lifestyle and drama but no.
No. 404621
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>>404507>she literally says she's a Christian but hacked my accountthis is so fucking funny to me
No. 408661
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Would ya look at that? Now she's claiming she DID have cancer
Sometimes I think she truly believes her own lies.
No. 668464
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New account including nicks they block anyone who comments anything that questions her motives or past actions she refuses to answer
They live with 3 other people so it’s 5 people in a trailer with a bunch of animals that hoard baby shit.
Also seems like During the whole break up thing when nick claimed Jessi put down his dog he in fact placed it with his friend Kenta (who lives with them now) and lied about the whole putting the dog down it was safely being taken cared of.
Also it seems like they’re ignoring the brief moment he publicly posted himself kissing a 16 year old on his old account and claimed he was going to marry her.
But enjoy the content that’s sure to come we all know they can’t live without drama and donation money for drugs
No. 801324
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They’re getting divorced AGAIN and are now in a huge fight
No. 801326
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No. 801336
i mean at least she's being honest about it? compared to the >9000 otherhoes who we've seen do the same
but legit she CAN go to prison for this right?
can we make sure she does, somehow?
(emoji) No. 801345
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>>801326Apparently, that was him rageposting from her account.
No. 801347
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>>801345He seems like a psycho.
No. 801348
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>>801347Definitely a psycho.
No. 807223
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I'm new to this so let me know if I'm doing anything wrong - just wanted to update you all, apparently Nick is missing and might be dead?
No. 826294
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She is currently dating someone else now and is going to turn into a cam girl
No. 826295
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No. 826297
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No. 832414
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A lot of talk about nick on her account still even though she’s dating someone new
No. 832415
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No. 832417
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No. 853482
>>853439>>853457Sorry you had to go through that.
If you want to share more stories, we’ll all laugh at her with you.
No. 854999
File: 1566163562080.png (9.22 MB, 2048x2048, 14E23FB1-9139-43EC-9866-BA4B22…) This article describes Jessi to a T! She’s a sociopath. She lies and lies and lies to play the
victim and get sympathy from others. She preys on others. For some reason she can’t stop posting on her instagram about my brother and i. I dont why she can’t get a life and just move on. She is sick in the head. She has the audacity to say that she “can finally get her life together now that she’s not around us.” Does she not realize where she was before she met us? Before we took her in and got her help? She was literally living in the most disgusting flea infested nasty trailer that you would need a hazmat suit to wear in there. She was sleeping on a pee soaked mattress with a spoon and belt next to her bed doing all kinds of drugs like crack cocaine and acid and couldn’t even hold a job. She was about to be homeless and if it weren’t for us she would not be where she is today. Now she just wants to shit on the people that helped her and gave her a new life. She would have been fucked if it weren’t for us saving her. She has no gratitude whatsoever. She said I was fired becuase our work took her side. I wasn’t fired. That is laughable. I still have coworkers messaging me and I showed them all this page and who she really is. She’s a disgrace to society and I feel sorry for anyone who believes her lies and has sympathy for her because she is a true sociopath who plays the
victim and just wants attention so badly. She’s seriously like a leach who just sucks the life out of you. She posted a pic of me and said I wasn’t drug free because I took a klonopin a few months ago. Yeah I needed it to deal with her crazy erratic unstable behavior. She literally doesn’t stop talking and it takes literally an entire hour for her to finish a cigarette because she has to keep relighting it since she talks so much. What she forgets to mention is that she has tons of pain pills, weed and coke and I never touched it. She’s so desperate to make herself look better so she puts others down. Jessi if you read this- I will not stop shouting from the rooftops who you truly are until you stop posting lies about me and my family. You have serious issues. You’re a sociopath who needs serious help and should be in a psych ward the rest of your life. You have no business being around animals either. You’re awful and a disgrace to people who are in need of real help and sympathy. People who would be grateful for the help. You took advantage of my family and I and used us all. You’re so desperate for someone to give you attention and it’s disgusting. You’re soul is ugly and black. God will bring justice for what you’ve done. Remember that. I forgive you and now god will the one to judge you. Good luck.
(read the rules before you continue posting) No. 855297
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She’s currently living with this guy now, believe it or not he’s lying about his age on multiple platforms, on his Instagram he claims to be 21, on his fetlife he’s 45 and his real age is actually 67 if even that. She’s moved on to yet another man, this is the 4th guy in less than a year. She’s now residing in Maryland it seems so any Maryland anons, be careful out here.
No. 889568
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So Apparently Nick is dead
And Jessi is on her instagram trying to soak up pity and attention and suddenly they’re soulmates all the abuse and pedophile claims and death threats she was spewing about don’t matter. Anything for attention, but I’m unsure if he’s really dead because she tried using his death as sympathy beforehand months ago. No way to confirm his death either as he’s stayed off social media after they broke up for the last time.
No. 899911
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No. 899914
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No. 901690
>>901688By defending her here,you see, you're just bring up this pretty much dying thread to more scrutiny.
Good job, wk.
No. 924900
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Welp, one less pedophile in this world. Jessi is so upset over a man she literally cheated on, said beat her and was going to murder her and had her so terrified she made a video diary about it, and claimed multiple times that he’s a pedophile, he’s violent, and told every single guy she was fucking about him, yet during the time period she was trashing him and fucking other men she was still in contact with him claiming her love and devotion. Now she’s on Instagram claiming he’s her soul mate and they’re star crossed lovers and is calling herself a #youngwidow
No. 1005967
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No. 1672768
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She's back everyone. How does someone like this deserve anything good?
No. 1947166
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No. 1947167
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No. 1947168
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No. 1947169
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So she’s now trying to make some name for herself with her “domestic violence” experience, yet back when people were concerned she said they were all stupid for thinking Nick would abuse her.