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No. 2005540

A ridiculous chronically online community of self proclaimed narcissists and sociopaths who love attention, being racist and playing the victim. several admitted “past” nazis, current racists and racist/abuse apologists exist on “cluster b tiktok.” These losers sit around and cultivate false identities to make up for their shit pathetic lives at home and make excuse’s for their terrible behaviour.

The Nameless Narcissist/Walking the Borderline/Theborderpolarbarbie Drama
The Nameless Narcissist is a diagnosed narcissist known on various platforms for his accounts of how he experiences narcissism and how it affects people in his lives. In May of 2023 he began dating Walking the Borderline, WTB is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. TNN and WTB were together for a few months but their relationship eventually blew up and he threatened to release her nudes, she went to local police but they did nothing so she took to social media to expose him, making this reddit post

>She further exposed him with tiktok where she met theborderpolarbarbie, who was also a borderline woman victimized by TNN, TBPB and WTB quickly became close friends bonding over shared trauma and interests.

>TBPB also expressed her story about TNN and how he was both abusive to her, slandered her and made racist remarks in front of her
>A borderline creator Carnvialgyal took to her platform to call out TNN for his abuse
>TNN responded with racism, threats and doubled down on his bigotry

>He continued to evade accountability and mass report Carnivalgyal until he eventually agreed to do a live on large creator Kingjeantys platform (it was not recorded)

>TBPB and WTB were vindicated by many of Kingjeantys followers who validated them and reprimanded TNN

Kanika/Cherry Drama:
>Cherry/Thatplasticbitch is a self diagnosed ASPD creator who is known for her love for plastic surgery, botched nose and tiktok scandals
>She has been called out previously for harassing the ex of TNN, signing her up for porn sites and Jehovahs Witness, she blames this on her alleged sociopathy
>Kanika Batra is a diagnosed sociopath known on social media similarly to TNN for divulging her psychopathology. Kanika and Cherry met when Cherry was 18 and Kanika was 29. Cherry was young and impressionable and quickly fell victim to “love bombing” from Kanika
>Cherry currently identifies as a sociopath with “narc traits” but her diagnosis has observably changed overtime, previously she claimed to have BPD
>Kanika coerced Cherry into faking a sociopath diagnosis/thinking she has ASPD and ever since then Cherry has said she never had BPD and only has ASPD
>Cherry planned to meet up with Kanika and live out grandiose fantasies which were thwarted when Kanika discovered Cherry had told their mutual friends Kanika was shit talking them
>Kanika cut Cherry off, Cherry threatened to kill herself and then immediately started smearing Kanika, sharing screenshots of one sided texted where Kanika was violently racist and inciting harassment on multiple women
>Kanika has taken to tiktok several times to defend herself and has also joined Kingjeantys live, but her defence of “its legal” was pretty weak

>Kanika was exposed for being exceptionally anti-black, transphobic, abusive and supporting Jeffery Epstein

>Kanika was planning to write a book on Epstein with her husband Sam Matheson; whose defence of him can be found all over social media, (referenced below)

>They alleged to have travelled/wanted to travel to his island to see the “truth” about what happened. Sam vehemently defended Epstein and asked that he not be prosecuted

>Kanika has faced backlash for months with a now deleted snark reddit with hundreds of members but she manages to maintain her platform
>Currently her main page is deleted, her last posted video was addressing the allegations for the umpteenth time

Kanika/Cherry/Ashanti Racism:
>In the texts Cherry revealed she only showed Kanika's responses and recused herself of her own poor behaviour
>Screenshots from Kanikas end were sent to Evie, TNN most recent girlfriend, who sent them to Carnivalgyal and Ashanti
>Cherry is seen using the n word hard r, saying awful things about black and trans people

>Ashanti is another ASPD creator on tiktok who supposedly had issues with Kanika, Kanika and Cherry harassed her and taunted her with slurs for months


>Cherry joined Kingjeanty1989s live (referenced below)

>Cherry “left” the cluster b community in response to the
>Cherry changed her bio to trump2024 and reposted Trump content to mock CG and Anya for racism allegations
>Alice, mutual friend of Cherry and CG warns CG that Ashanti is in danger and that Cherry knows scary people
>Alice and Cherry meet up a month later

E.V/The Nameless Narcissist Nazism
>TNN admitted on his youtube channel to past ties to nazi and fascist groups

>Both WTB and TBPB detailed hearing racist comments and nazi ideology while dating TNN

>TNN admits openly to his “past” and pretends to account for it but is still a raging racist
>E.V is Cherrys best friend, she is diagnosed with BPD, Schizophrenia and NPD. She has also admitted to having a nazi “past”

>When confronted E.V and her husband taunted cg by saying slur (n word)


Walking the Borderline/Carnivalgyal/Theborderpolarbarbie Drama
>When CG and TBPB called Cherry/E.V out for their racism they told them to self delete
>WTB felt this was childish and “a crime” despite being okay with it happening to TNN most recent ex gf
>CG and TBPB cut off WTB when she basically defended/sympathized with racists
>WTB rekindled with TNN and begins shit talking TBPB

>WTB sent various messages through other people (including Alice) to try to get TBPB to be her friend again

>CG reaches out and tells WTB TBPB doesn't care for her and to leave her alone
>WTB threatens to call the police for “harassment “, fat-shames TBPB and CG, calls CG various animals
>TBPB receives racist/xenophobic texts directed at her and CG the day after the argument with WTB

>WTB gets a man to impersonate a police officer to intimidate CG


>WTB doubles down on racism/calling black people animals


Kingjeanty Live Highlights:
>Kanika, Sam, Cherry and E.V joined live discussed Cherrys racist texts and E.V’s admitted nazism
>Sam and Kanika attempted to defend themselves and got destroyed
>WTB exposed for switching up

Relevant Cows:
The Nameless Narcissist
@thenamelessnarcissist (tiktok) https://www.tiktok.com/@thenamelessnarcissist?_t=8nHUKSYcpuv&_r=1
@Thenamelessnarcissist (youtube) https://youtube.com/@thenamelessnarcissist?si=vXvR6ubyuYOiOX4C
@the.nameless.narcissist (instagram) https://www.instagram.com/the.nameless.narcissist

@cherrycrushxo (instagram) https://www.instagram.com/cherrycrushxo
@thatplasticbitch (tiktok) https://www.tiktok.com/@thatplasticbitch?_t=8nHUNqiKtaI&_r=1

@tardwifee (tiktok) https://www.tiktok.com/@tardwifee?_t=8nHU9tUhR70&_r=1
@narcwifee (instagram) https://www.instagram.com/narcwifee

@ogkanikabatra (tiktok) https://www.tiktok.com/@ogkanikabatra?_t=8nHUC7cqWJB&_r=1
@kanikabatra (instagram) https://www.instagram.com/kanikabatra
@KanikaBatra (youtube) https://youtube.com/@kanikabatra?si=LgaD0d2MpGUllvdt

Walking the Borderline
@walkingtheborderline (deleted tiktok)
@sandratheelf (instagram) https://www.instagram.com/sandratheelf

No. 2005542

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cherry has said pretty disgusting vile things about specifically black and trans people. she doesnt have any remorse whatsoever and excuses it with being “groomed” into racism by kanika

No. 2005543

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No. 2005546

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she got this done in iran during the regime at only 18. she quite literally ruined her own life

No. 2005554

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No. 2005555

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this man was ready to go to war for an infamous pedophile on a “hunch” one of the victims lied, he denies this but the proof is all over social media

No. 2005573

While the OP was littered with newfaggotry, we think the thread is well-researched and could be interesting, so we've tidied it up and are leaving it open. Future OPs must follow the standard that is expected on /snow/ or they will be locked.

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