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No. 1891965
Dillan Matthew Morgan (Plagued Moth) is an Edgy Youtuber in his 30s known for making reviews of NSFL content mostly gore videos and infamous violent cp where he mocks and blames the unfortunate
victims and comes off as total deplorable piece of shit.
He has recently come under heavy scrutiny and rage for selling videos of underage
victims being brutalised on patreon along to uncencored reviews for his fanbase after another creator called 'Creepy reading' reported his content to patreon and got his account nuked this made Dillan go on multiple unhinged twitter rants bragging about 'profiting off of dead people' and telling the haters to 'deal with it'.
Unable to take criticism our Edgelord used his LGBTQ identity as 'gender fluid' as a reason for the hate he recieved and frequently uses his kids health issues for sympathy points and E-begging when things don't go his way.
Social Media Links:
Twitter: Reading's video of Plagued Moth: No. 1891969
File: 1693595495015.png (220.63 KB, 996x405, andrea.png)

His wife is just as much of an unhinged lolcow as he is tweeting this to a 17 year old.Kek at her username she must have lost brain cells due to being with a retard scrote that flirts with younger girls on discord 24/7 and taking care of his 7 kids lol
No. 1891971
>>1891969>>918762It's super fucking annoying how these losers pull out their kids as some kinda pathetic cop out
>Noooo you can't criticize me i have seven kiiiids feel bad for me and give me your money >Brags about making lots of money off of mocking the death and pain of children Classic breeder bs.
No. 1892144
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archive of the thread from the other farm No. 1892302
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>Stay poor and miserable Said he proudly boasting about making money off of selling videos of his crusty greasy haired self laughing at third world children dying and suffering.
No. 1892304
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>>1891969OMG lmao she's totally unhinged
No. 1892311
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>>1892304They look like mom and son
No. 1892450
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Stolen from kf but this allegedly what andrea looked like
No. 1892580
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>>1891969Good to know she hasn't changed since 2013.
It's fully the Twits "ugly thoughts" effect in action.
No. 1892628
>>1891965>Unable to take criticism our Edgelord used his LGBTQ identity as 'gender fluid' as a reason for the hate he recieved Ah so hes pulling a jim sterling, who likes to blame supposed transphobia for the hate he gets and not the content of his videos.
>>1891967Yeah this was why I was on the fence about this because it was hard to know the truth of the situation. Glad he at least got his own thread now.
No. 1892845
File: 1693744660532.jpeg (Spoiler Image,221.36 KB, 1513x739, thumbnail.jpeg)

>>1892291[warning, spoilered image is Junko Furuta in plagued moths thumbnails]
Ty for linking the video, I watched it, a couple of points
>lazy bedhead is wrong about plagued moth changing the thumbnail of his video of Junko. He has another video of her corpse in the thumbnail and, fucking jumpscare, this video was recommended to me after I watched your linked video although this one looks like its from a horror film. Im only posting here for evidence, I get really touchy about the Junko case so seeing another fucker exploit her in death makes me rage.
>I looked into the comments on this video and a few people point out the video where he is being flippant about a woman being stomped to death is actually that of a 15yr old girl. I wouldnt be surprised if the reason he came out as nonbinary was to dodge the accusations of misogyny as this seems to be a pattern lately.
>I dont know what daisies destruction is apart from its a gore video but given all the previous evidence I really dont believe he saw it on accident and totally that he would search something like this out. No. 1892849
>>1892845The photo on the left is the real photo of Junku's corpse.
Daisy is a super illegal violent child porn video you would go to jail and have to register as a sex offender if you view it or get caught looking for it PM is a fucking pedo at this point even his discord mods were underage one of them was 14 and he was flirting with girls there and getting nudes until his ugly ass turtle neck wife found out and got big mad it's rich how he calls people 'cucks' and 'pedos' when he is a mix of both.
No. 1892854
>>1892849Yes I should have been clearer the one in the short appears to be from a horror movie, its been confirmed the one on the left is indeed real.
Also youtube is recommending him a bit too much, I ended up coming across his channel last year because I viewed one of those iceberg videos on another. The fucking nerve of him to have a video complaining about youtube selling gore to minors when thats clearly projection is unreal.
No. 1892856
>>1892854He's a master of projection.
>Digs for chid porn online and watches a part of it >Let's underage fans join his discord where he cooms and flirts >Calls those who oppose him pedos>Sends his retarded fanbase after creators and tells them to better 'watch out' while mentionning where they live>Moans about how the meanie haters are targetting his family >Is paying for another man's kids >Calls people who don't agree with him cucks >Uses his bullshit LGTBQ identity as a shield>Says creepy reading is using his autism as a shield >Sells gore videos on patreon for minors>Waaaahhhh youtube is selling gore to kids i'm such a good person for calling them outNotice a pettern?
No. 1892873
>>1892845>I dont know what daisies destruction is apart from its a gore video but given all the previous evidence I really dont believe he saw it on accident and totally that he would search something like this out.I wouldn’t be surprised.
People here keep bringing up Daisy’s destruction, but I’m surprised that no one brings up Amber Alert. Sure, it’s not as notorious, but it’s a disgusting ‘mixtape’ of actual CA and CSA, and it apparently had a scene from DD. He did a whole “react” to it, that I think you can watch full on his Patreon.
It’s like, I get that he’s edgy, but for a guy who has kids, at least taking care of them, or being bothered by CA, claiming that he’s been through it- he would be a little more tactful about the topic or avoid it all together
No. 1892908

>>1892896Nope it's her real photo on the right not the left.The one on the left is from a movie called concrete.
I hate this mf for making me save this shit but here's the real pic he used a black and white version to avoid youtube demonitize it.
>>1892983If you check out the archive of the kiwifarms thread
>>1892144All the comments are against him the only ones retarded enough to support him are his edgy kids fanbase paypigs and some deranged neckbreads who get off to the shit he posts.
No. 1893019
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one of his retard fans wrote this fanfic about him and Mutahar, I guess to try and draw his attention to plagued moth
sage cause it’s not even funny to read, it just exists to be bait and SEO
No. 1893255
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Greasy 30 year old trailer trash cuck with soulless blank eyes wants to sell your kid merch about a video of a man with his face flayed, hands cut off, and eyes gouged out being tortured by a Mexican cartel while having adrenaline injected into him so he feels the pain kek
No. 1893369
>>1893352Ayrt I'd be inclined to agree with you if not for exactly what
>>1893366 said. She's more than happy to leave 4chan uncensored despite all the actual irl shit that has happened with 4chan in the past, but kiwifarms is notorious specifically for being transphobic. She's just retarded
No. 1893371
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>>1893369>She's retarded No shit she has they/she as her pronouns and wears fucking elf ears.
Too bad the only popular content creator that covered this shit show was that fugly incel Turkey Tom and he did a shit job at it too by hosting a debate between Dillan and creepy reading instead of doing a commentary video on the situation
No. 1893494
>>1893461It's 100% real lazy shows the screenshots in this video
>>1892291 of him saying he watched it on his discord
No. 1893701
about time this fag got a thread. weren't there allegations of his discord server being a cesspit, with minors able to easily access nsfw channels of his fans posting nudes?
>>1893019ok nona this got a chuckle out of me
No. 1893854
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His wife deleted all of her retarded witchcraft videos on youtube
No. 1893856
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His wife is so fucking ugly and unfortunate looking i legit thought she was a tranny before i knew she had kids lmao i know Dillan looks like a trailer park metalhead junkie that never showers but this bitch is just so damn ugly my eyes hurt not to mention how unhinged she is chimping out on underage people on twitter and tiktok kek
No. 1893859
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I love how he's talking about youtube removing a video that has a thumbnail of an injured person about to get murdered as if they're trying to " uwu silence me " and not because it's a distressing disrespectul thumbnail not suitable for a mainstream platform.He's so fucking scummy and shameless
No. 1894217
>>1891965>>1894122Funniest and most humiliating thing this retard did was come out as genderfluid or whatever the fuck he identifies as. Totally not a way to shield himself from the multiple serious allegations kek
And the bad thing is that the retards that follow him ate this shit up and nobody questioned any of this.
No. 1895751
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Sir you are not fit for Taco Bell
No. 1895758
>>1895751>calls people fat and ugly and old i don't know which is more tragic and funny the fact that the person who wrote this unhinged rant looks like this
>>1893856 or the fact that plagued moth got banned from taco bell kek
No. 1898342
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No. 1898346
>>1898342lmao exact reason I came here
Andrea marries twice by 26 and has a bunch of kids. Salvages it by picking up a 17 year old and molding him into their dad.
No. 1898390
>>1898284in that case probably undiagnosed aspergers/autistic. super common for undiagnosed autistic people to have massive highs and lows that are misinterpreted as bipolar. with the odd, monotone speech pattern and being dx'd bipolar at some point but having doubts it was the right fit because the meds made them even more crazy, there's a good chance they're just on the spectrum or something.
autism is a hell of a lot more common than actual bipolar. obv most aspergers women from her generation never got diagnosed as kids and just become super unstable. and when you don't know the mood swings are coming stuff like sensory overload, autistic rage, burn out, special interest euphoria, weird cyclical sleeping patterns, obsessive behaviors and all the rest are just coming from autism, it can seem like the mood swings are "random" and be mistaken for actual bipolar episodes. plus usually untreated autism just gets more extreme as you age so more difficulties appear in your 20s-30s. that's the onset for actual bipolar so it's easily mixed.
some psychiatrists don't understand how aspergers women mask a lot of their autism so if the chick is fairly polite and sociable they convince themselves it has to be bipolar, unfortunately. once had a male psychiatrist claim that if a woman has been married or in a committed relationship for 10 years, it's very doubtful she's autistic. which is just insane. you see this with undiagnosed adhd women as well, a lot of doctors push the bipolar thing and get it wrong tbh. all this medical sperg is for you girls to be aware since most of us are probably at least a little spectrumy. i genuinely want to spread the advice: ask your doctor to really look into adhd or autism combined with processed trauma, before diving head first into lithium pills that shit is brutal when you don't actually need it and antipsychotics when you don't need them can MAKE you experience psychosis instead
(medfagging) No. 1898559
>>1898353>>1898407I hate bringing this up in a thread because I don't consider this kind of information to be gossip, but Moth has been pretty open in several videos that he was abused throughout his childhood. It's not totally out of the realm of possibility that a teenager with that kind of background will form unusual relationships like this. It's well documented behaviour in
victims of abuse and it's quite upsetting to think about
No. 1898832
>>1898598Kys pos scrote
Two pos deserve each other only feel bad for the kids.
No. 1898836
>>1898814ayrt and while I agree I also understand that a job isn't just going to fall in this mfers lap. Realistically speaking, with his doxxx attached to all the weird shit, what reliable job is he getting? Every factory, Starbucks, office job, or whatever, is going to see some very
sus shit the moment they run a background check on him. The medical treatment apparently costs thousands. Don't have ill will for the kid just because her parents are a car crash, she's a little girl
No. 1898877
>>1898813He's still E-begging on other platforms.Their FEMALE kids need to be taken away from them cause they sure as hell can't afford them and i doubt they get any education since they're being homeschooled by a full blown retard
>>1898836 You have no idea wtf you're talking about even meth heads and felons can find work as construction workers or something along the lines him and his wife just don't want to get real jobs and enjoy E-begging and selling kids gore videos instead.Like the other anon said they would get jobs if they gave a shit about the kids instead they just use them for petty points when they get into hot water you should be glad their patreon was nuked and they can no longer profit off of children's pain and women getting brutally murdered but that takes rational thingking and a lot of people are incaple of that.Their constant bragging about money and calling people broke was super cringe and annoying too so they can get fucked
No. 1899614
>slimebeast made gun threats against Andrea, says later in stream that he gave evidence to the police Did he show it?
>Plague Moth was groomed by a girlfriend he had prior to his wife when he was 13So he's diverting and trying to confuse his viewers about Andrea grooming him at 17.
>Plague Moth met his wife at work, denies grooming, claims the grooming allegations against Andrea is because she has older kids from a previous relationship Sounds stupid as fuck. The evidence is clear that she started dating him in her 20s when he wasn't 18 yet.
>Lazy Bedhead has a boyfriend that had to leave the internet Bedhead's video said he had no internet presence to begin with and didn't use his accounts. Any proof shown?
>Slimebeast is accusing Andrea of trying to be a black woman Slimebeast showed another AndreaM38, which is a username she used once, and asked if all Andrea Morgans are her because they've claimed other people named Chris are Slimebeast. Again sounds like he's trying to confuse his viewers.
>Lazy Bedhead is apparently a Kiwifarms user He uses KiwiFarms user as a slur so no surprise there.
>Savox is racist or something idkEdgelords cannibalizing edgelords. You love to see it.
No. 1899865
>>1899571>slimebeast made gun threats against Andrea, says later in stream that he gave evidence to the police Refuses to share evidence and from his ugly ass wife's super unhinged behavior i wouldn't blame someone for wanting to shoot her point blank she's been harrassing anyone that remotely says anything negative about him and calling them poor including literal underage teens.
>Plague Moth met his wife at work, denies grooming, claims the grooming allegations against Andrea is because she has older kids from a previous relationship Except people are calling her a groomer cause she hooked up with an underage boy while being a grown ass adult with kids.
>Lazy Bedhead has a boyfriend that had to leave the internet>Lazy Bedhead is apparently a Kiwifarms user (I am sceptical that this is just referencing her using his thread as a source of info about him or if she is a CreepshowArt case waiting to happen)Is fucking irrelevant since she was right about everything she said about him. He won't address anything she said cause he knows it's true so he had to distract by spreading baseless accusations.
>Lazy Bedhead is apparently a Kiwifarms user (I am sceptical that this is just referencing her using his thread as a source of info about him or if she is a CreepshowArt case waiting to happen)Most of his milk was documented on kiwi farms so no shit she had to go there to collect info. I don't even like her but he's so full of shit his fans must be all retarded kids to be eating up his bs and lies.
No. 1901436
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>>1901409>She would've been better off sitting in Moth's gamer chair for thisYeah, they fortified the walls of the gamer chair room with giant boxes for extra protection. The moth bunker
No. 1901682
>>1891965>>1900494Can guarantee he didn't hand over anything. Moth and Andrea constantly just makes shit up. They have pretty much never provided any proof to any of the claims they've made about anything.
Andrea said she didn't want to show proof because then she would "give away her sources", but that goes out the window if they have a police report filed. And yet still, nothing.
No. 1902370
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>>1902257I was pretty skeptical it was him, until his dumbass wife basically all but confirmed it
No. 1902371
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Their poor fucking kids, I can't imagine how damaging growing up with these two losers must be.
No. 1902376
Wife also has a YouTube channel with plenty of embarrassing videos well as an Etsy where she used to sell Tarot readings (nothing for sale currently) No. 1902504
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>>1902387He's currently being accused of grooming already. Children on his discord being allowed to post nudes the second they turn 18 and moth himself talking sexually with an underaged moderator of his.
No. 1902619
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From the other farms, the man is so much like Onision
No. 1902711
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I hope no one minds if I post a few more images from the other farms. I just can't believe how cowish this moid is
No. 1902714
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Can't parent or work for a living, but can spend all their time being jackasses online
No. 1902715
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Too broke for daughter's insulin but sending cease & desists to other YouTubers.
No. 1902723
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Falls for an MLM scheme and ebegs to recover from the lesson.
No. 1902725
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A now deleted post from his subreddit.
No. 1917206
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Lolcow won't let me embed the fucking link
>trafficked a lot to drug dealers by the time he was 3
>his mum tried to murder him by smothering him with a pillow as a toddler
>recently developed an eating disorder, talks about his irl job outside of YouTube
>mentions not being really being able to afford his own medications
>probably not going to be uploading much for the time being
I'm not saying people should never talk about trauma online, but when you're in a position where you have so many a-logs it's unwise to show this kind of vulnerability. It'll be used against him inevitably
No. 1917606
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>>1917206It's a sob story for E-begging as usual they posted a go fund me seconds later kek the lack of shame
No. 1917632

>>1917206I gotcha nonna, and for anyone who doesn't want to sit through his greasy pity party:
>lifelong CPTSD, will be on medication for life, mother abused his family>"by the time i was 3 years old i was trafficked an unknown amount of times to people she (his mother) was associated with for drugs", also trafficked for an unknown reason to a husband>"my mother tried to get me addicted to drugs and would drug me regularly including with codeine as a child to keep me asleep for an extremely long period of time">"i developed a form of stockholm syndrome at that point and was a victim of munchausen's by proxy">mother admitted to trying to smother him at 3 years old with a couch pillow >has nervous breakdowns and manic episodes>"my wife made a go fund me, i'm not trying to shill that. i would like it to just be shared and make it known because it does add a relief to our finances, after having our income attacked by the fucking usual people, which are still pushing harassment">his in person job isn't enough, medications are over 100$ a month, locked into an expensive lease due to his family's size. used to be able to afford these things>right after talking about the gofundme "i would like to be here for as long as possible if that makes sense. i've just not been able to rest or heal">"my whole goal throughout this was to take care of my family and give them a life they deserve" your kids also deserve to live a life without a fathers who entire legacy and personality is revolved around gore but ok>"i need to heal and i'm scared of the consequences of me not able able to do that">shills his subscribe star and buy me a coffee>more vague suibaiting, more saying he can't quit due to his family and costs of medication/therapy>"i'm not just nexpoing it up and giving you a video every 6 months i'm really struggling right now ">>1917296are you talking about slime?
No. 1917704
>>1917632>>1917634How many kids does he have? He makes it seem like there's a lot of them
And who is TCR mentioned in the gofundme?
No. 1918145
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Spastics donated 1k bucks to this scrote instead of telling him to get a real job lmao i can't.
No. 1918150
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>>1917638They're Poly yet she chimped out on him for following E-thots on twitter and interacting with them LOL
No. 1918153
File: 1698068874395.mp4 (8.36 MB, 1920x1080, 5075001-e5f7a52e149b525bac93b9…)

>Is unhappy cause he's taking care of another scrote's kids
Did nobody tell this retard that he could choose to be childfree or at least not get with an ugly fat single mom of 5? couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
No. 1923173
>>1918145And now Andrea has a new pricing too
How are people this fucking stupid
( No. 1923836
>>1923173All the donations he got were sent to that ugly fat bitch she seems to be the master mind behind his E-begging and patreon she groomed him to be her paypig and pay for her retarded kids.
>Spent his prime years supporting a crazy ugly fat woman and her kids from a previous marriage and is stuck paying for them kek some fates are worse than death
No. 1923994
>>1917746She had two kids when they met at Taco Bell and started dating. They had a son and then she got pregnant again with twins shortly after.
The most interesting thing about that is any time someone criticizes the amount of children they have they always say they had them when they were “financially stable” but judging by their Tumblr, Reddit, Facebook history they have never had a stable living environment and post a GoFundMe once or twice a year.
Really makes you question what they think success and stability is. Probably just not having a negative bank account.
No. 1943247
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>>1898346 could have been a normal dude before Andrea groomed him into taking care of her kids
No. 1943273
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>>1943247more from facebook
No. 1961369
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This edgelord's wife is so deranged lmao Coldraven is puerto rican and she's out there calling him italian slurs it's confirmed that she doesn't have a job at this point with how much times she spends on making unhinged videos defending her faggot husband
No. 1961370
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>>1960963Forgot to add screenshot.
Btw this piece of shit was moaning about haterz sending him violent threats against his kids turns out he was doing that to anyone that made videos about him
No. 1961473
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He sent Lazy Behead stuff like this but with actual gore of women No. 1963275
File: 1707253795946.png (1.48 MB, 1227x2154,…)

He's now E-begging to buy a birthday gift for his uggo crazy wife and calling people who report his disgusting videos the "pedo brigade"
No. 1966613
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This guy has daughters
No. 1966614
>>1966613… Is he talking about murder
victim Junko Furuta?? Or is there an anime character with the same name?
No. 1966617
>>1966614He's talking about that 15 year old
victim from japan that was murdered in a terrible way.
No. 1966618
>>1966613he probably thought he was hilarious and giggling to himself while hitting send. What a disgusting sack of shit.
>>1966614no, he's disgusting and was talking about junko furuta
No. 1966645
>>1966613He brags about how sensitive and respectful he is to
victims and then posts shit like that? kek He's such a fucking loser. Hope he has fun finding a fast food job to pay for all his kids
No. 1966694
>>1966613even ignoring the disgusting nature of this tweet, the joke is shit too. she wasn't just beaten to death, and even if she were, suddenly bringing up dragon ball/goku in reference to it makes no sense and just feels lolsorandom. it's just edge for the sake of it. if he were beaten to death, would anyone think, "lol goku could have taken it"? what a disgusting - more subhuman than normal - specimen of moid
the fact that he dares claim he cares about the
victims when making money showing off their deaths is absolute lunacy. serial killer documentaries are deemed shit if they just focus on the
victim's pain and suffering, let alone get too graphic with crime photos. meanwhile this shitbag will monetize baby death watch parties. if you make content that would titilate serial killers, you're doing it wrong. there is a reason there are guidlines for how to cover these things, i wouldn't be surprised if the next BTK gets inspired due to videos like PMs
No. 1966769
>>1966709I know his fans are teens but I’m still confused on how older people can still defend him. We already saw that other psycho film a dead child for content so when are people going to realize that covering horrible stuff as a reaction and hosting a place so other people can watch people die does nothing except exploit the
victim? I’m so tired of this.
No. 1968142
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>>1917634I guess they weren't lying but they are really that dumb that they spent every dime of his Pateron earnings despite years of poverty they learned nothing
No. 1970717
>>1966723I get people have trauma, but I have a feeling most moids that act out in violence or commit heinous acts of rape use the “I was abused as a child, and raped.” Excuse. It’s frustrating to real assault
victims that couldn’t imagine being what broke them to begin with.
No. 1970733
>>1970717I'm sorry but what you said is dumb and unsubstantiated.
Victims of violent sexual abuse can and do victimize other people, not all of course. Quite literally what the cycle of abuse IS and we see that with parents all the time, even mothers. Women are not meek and weak creatures incapable of causing harm, that's misogynistic. Anyways I don't care if this guy was victimized or not, he seems like a genuine psychopath with skeletons in the closet. Can't wait for him to be further exposed he seems dangerous, I'm guessing it'll be straight up cp or grooming the way he's so comfortable screaming "pedo" at anyone that calls him out. Feel bad for his daughters
No. 1971985
>>1971030The most interesting take of this video is :
>DD (cp snuff pedo video trailer) was leaked on the surface web in 2017 >It needed to be unzipped and A PASSWORD to be opened >You can't fucking watch it accident>Dillan said he watched it on accident >confirmed bs he went out of his way to watch itI don't like her but how is she a pick me ? she called him out on lying and said he watched with intent. Y'all need to stop defending his batshit crazy wife she's a stalker, groomer and harasser confirmed liar and most of all got with a sack of shit that reacts to gore for money and gave her kids a father like that. She's a horrible person too.
No. 1971986
>>1971942>anything his fat wife allegedly didFuck off, it wasn't alleged she DID all of those things again Lazy Bedhead gave him the benefit of the doubt cause of how messy the situation was at first so did other creators like Turkey Tom in her last video she revoked the doubt and called him out after he edited gore into her videos and sent her death threats.
The true pick me is his ugly toe looking wife who went above and beyond to defend him and attacked anyone that spoke of him and had kids with him and let him groom kids in his discord to ask for nudes once they turned 18 so she can "enjoy" them with him.
No. 1971999
File: 1709472597413.png (321.19 KB, 1240x529, gorespam1.png)

He created fake accounts that have LazyBedHead's same photos that he shared to mock her in his discord giving the account the same names he called her in the discord.
He then asked if she wanted to watch that gore video he's obsessed with only to spam her replies with it
No. 1972000
File: 1709472659281.png (581.52 KB, 1283x673, gorespam3.png)

No. 1972001
File: 1709472692751.png (304.7 KB, 482x836, gorespam2.png)

No. 1972006
>>1971986if you give the benefit of the doubt to some fat moid who watches cp just because his wife '''''groomed'''' his already grown ass then you are a retard. He's a grown as man not a poow
victim. I also dont believe his mom was
abusive or he was abused he's a lying faggot.
No. 1972749
File: 1709665984185.jpg (1.03 MB, 2576x1932, 01.jpg)

>>1972490Dillan posted this on reddit when there was only 4 kids. He married Andrea in 2013 but in 2018 she mysteriously had toddlers. Like I said above only the 5th kid was his according to Dillan.
No. 1973136
>>1973123I would bet my left nut that she looks a lot like his (
abusive) mother.
No. 1973248
File: 1709776261813.jpg (5.24 KB, 172x172, n0p0lbf.jpg)

>>1972749She had two kids when they met.
they had a kid. Then she had twins. They moved and she didn't have custody of one of the kids hence only 4 kids.
Also - his mother -
No. 1973251
File: 1709776406880.jpg (73.99 KB, 867x962, 5C75I92.jpg)

>>1972486guess the second eviction notice was enough for andrea to get a job
No. 1977163
File: 1710687792188.jpg (84.98 KB, 720x549, Screenshot_20240317_150436_You…)

Apparently there's a guy looking for Moths kids now? Did I miss something??
No. 1977481
>>1977387> slime gave moth his info and moth changed it to say slime was doing it.Of course he did. This faggot attacked everyone that gave him the benefit on the doubt so of course he's gonna twist things to fit his
waaaa they're coming after my family narrative.
No. 1980018
File: 1711471818084.jpeg (505.2 KB, 750x873, B47F7C8F-7798-442D-91AC-66593F…)

OMFG he's E-begging for 10k$ to "save his house" how shameless do you gotta be ?
No. 1980019
File: 1711471913225.jpeg (141.56 KB, 750x396, 793CCD00-2AFE-45CE-93A4-3FADC0…)

No. 1980020
File: 1711472056886.png (978.56 KB, 1274x838, Screenshot_1045.png)

He looks like that deranged troon kefalls with no beard.
No. 1980575
>>1902010In his last stream he said the girl he was with was an adult that groomed him and abused him.
So the girl a year older that had to get a restraining order is the groomer/abuser and not his egg head wife who’s almost ten years older? This keffals clone is delusional
No. 1980812
>>1980575Yeah no shit the girl that got a restraining order against this faggot for repeated violence AND who he screamed about murdering in taco bell was the
abusive one. He needs to kill himself.
No. 1981228
>>1981127There are two possibilities:
>He never had a job in the first place >He did have a job but was fired for being an unhinged retard that talks about cp on his channelEither way this thing is nothing more than another E-begging campagne he did a long ass livestream where he ranted about how "kiddy diddlers" are harassing him and getting him fired from his job and shamelessly E-begged the whole fucking time. Keep in mind he E-begged when he had his patreon as well. Sooner or later someone is gonna dig into this and expose him for lying about the job.
No. 1981756
File: 1711979989085.png (21.38 KB, 493x225, mother2.png)

slime shared moth's old reddit account and some of the posts are disappearing now
i caught this one
No. 1981761
>>1981756hahaha that lazy's video aged like shit, so much for moth being a poow traumatized
victim of abuse from his mother
No. 1982618
File: 1712247154782.png (320.84 KB, 773x591, 45552444-38DA-4674-BA50-848905…)

>Saying he hopes a baby swallows broken glass
This was from his old fb,who would have thought that the same guy that watched violent child porn and did reviews of child gore was always been an unhinged piece of shit in real life.
No. 1982619
File: 1712247221683.jpeg (51.54 KB, 968x518, F0DFCF0D-9F81-4B28-ADA2-6167D0…)

No. 1982701
File: 1712261820176.png (230.25 KB, 1250x782, 2024-04-04.png)

He's still flat out lying about the haterzz targeting muh family and chwildrennnn kek the same guy that >watches videos of children dying for money and edits gore into the videos of his detractors
>tells them to be safe while mentionning where they live
>admitted to lying about them being pedophiles
>tried to dox them but got the adresse wrong
>lies about his mother abusing him for petty points
I hope he keeps digging himself a deeper hole it's only a matter of time until his channel is terminated
No. 1982914
>>1982618>>1982619Samefagging to give context:
These were used as evidence by Plagued moth's Roomates/neighbors who had a baby daughter when they filed for a restraining order against him. He was posting threats about their daughter (the baby). The cops said they can't prove he posted it so they couldn't get a restraining order.
No. 1983586
>>1982914He didn't get banned from Taco Bell for threatening his ex. His ex got a restraining order and sometime later he stopped paying rent to his roommate/coworker. He threatened to kill the coworker and thus was banned.
No. 1983587
File: 1712519400453.jpeg (117 KB, 1414x927, iTW6DtW.jpeg)

Speaking of facebook posts, this was uploaded to the petition for a restraining order from the ex in 2012. Looks to have been printed and then scanned. So woke and supportive of sex workers.
No. 1983588
File: 1712519987486.png (128.51 KB, 766x1168, Screenshot 2024-04-07 135853.p…)

>>1982914Andreas unhinged ramblings about the coworker/roomate
No. 1986930
File: 1713539776861.png (755.71 KB, 1323x864, 2024-04-19 (17).png)

Dillan using fake accounts of his ditractors to talk about his undergage step daughter in disgusting pedo ways
No. 1988816
File: 1714058044663.png (814.89 KB, 860x1156, 1713947181844.png)

>Satan horns
>Funniest gore videos
Look at the state of this scrote kek
No. 1988824
File: 1714059140805.png (205.09 KB, 621x809, moth.png)

More seething at wendigoon not wanting to associate with a freak like him kek it's so fucking weird how he always uses the youtuber's real name when he doesn't like them since he always complains about others using his real name online.
No. 1988825
>>1988824How is just talking about true crime like wendigoon does at all similar to reacting to videos of people (including children) being maimed? Wendigoon also is at least respectful about the
victims he talks about whereas Dillon has mocked junko furuta.
No. 1988969
>>1988918True which makes this
>>1986930 even more obvioulsy faked by chomo dillmo cause no one in their right mind would find her attractive except for him
No. 1993979
File: 1715579947401.jpg (170.42 KB, 720x619, Screenshot_20240512_134836_Sam…)

Any idea what he's referencing here? He's switched from Wendigoon to Scare Theater for some reason
No. 1993997
File: 1715587693247.jpg (21.11 KB, 247x228, Peter_Scully.jpg)

>>1993979Picrel is Peter Scully, one hell of a horrorcow in his own right owing to him being a vile paedo cuntrag.
Among other crimes, he's the one who created the "Daisy's Destruction" file that Dillmo the Chomo is referencing. No. 1994004
>>1988839Grey rocked narc rage. He used to obsessively @ Wendigoon and respond to all his tweets when he just started his channel. Now that he's realised he won't get what he wants out of him he's getting vindictive
>>1993979 Crazy that he's throwing rocks over DD when he's openly spoken about" stumbling upon" uncensored clips on 4chan and was caught using clips in his videos that couldn't have come from anywhere but the original. PM is 100% a chomo and none of those kids are safe around him.
No. 1997682
File: 1716676552967.gif (6.46 KB, 575x140, d.gif)

putting one of his email into chatango bring up this account last online over a month past. anyone know if chatango have you email confirm account?
No. 2016024
File: 1721256164390.png (7.54 KB, 532x57, yiketties.png)

deleted almost immediately but alogs never forget
No. 2016040
File: 1721258964968.png (17.17 KB, 583x174, weirdo.png)

>>2016026hes posting about what happened to trump for 3 days and wished he could react to the shooting being successful for all the people who dont like his takes. got blocked by libsoftiktok right before saying that about the reaction
No. 2022930
File: 1722893979480.mp4 (3.02 MB, 1280x720, pmoth clip2.mp4)

Wait. He's claiming he never watched DD?