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No. 1942859
For all the attention seekers, grifters and other assorted idiots in the alternative community
Most recent cows:
-ToxicTears (Kaya), veteran youtuber, one of the OG "goths", used to get hundreds of thousands of views but her channel has dwindled, now she constantly makes excuses not to film and when she does it's usually an unboxing or a Q&A or GRWM. Has been pretty active on TikTok lately
-Jude Bishop, OF thot and ddlg pedo-pandering pickme who is also "goth", has her own thread but crosses over here too, publicly thirsts for Jake
-ItsBlackFriday (Freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner.
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), goth youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past (now published about it too), believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value
-Ruadhan, youtuber, rambling shit stirrer
…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk.
Previous thread:
>>1890761Updates from last thread:
>>1891167 ReeRee had breast enlargement surgery.
>>1896247 Coalcandy proposed.
>>1898203 Duke continues begging for a mere bottle of booze.
Luggage saga:
>>1898118 Kaya loses her airport luggage
>>1898579 Kaya packs a plush in her carryon, instead of actual important belongings
>>1898633 Complains to British Airways that her medicine was in her lost luggage
>>1898738 Turns out said medicie is Dukes estrogen.
End of luggage saga!
>>1899140 Lovelies fund Kayas cat plush.
>>1908525 KvD got baptised.
>>1909061 Vanesssa Alexandria starts dating Roman Dirge.
>>1913807 Kaya attends Dark Room, on the night that the Duke is DJing there. They do no appear in any photos together or seem to interact at all.
>>1914375 Hints of Kaya/Duke breakup.
>>1915256 KvD's fellow Christians are not all fans of her music.
>>1918978 Duke seems to be leaving himself Google reviews for his workplace.
>>1928347 IBF wants more kids.
>>1929590 IBF post a weird "big boob problems" video and it gets swiftly removed by YT.
>>1938858 Least unhinged "Lovely".
>>1939125 Adora rattling on her birthday.
No. 1943288
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>>1942859Vanessa is moving out of her mom's house for the first time at 40yo and into Roman's place in LA.
No. 1943789
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>>1943288she smoothened their ogre-faces, unedited pic can be found at the Bar Sinister tagged. last thread mentioned she was constantly having drama with her mom back then, what was that about?
No. 1943864
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“I stand with the victims but also I paid for this photoshoot so lol”
No. 1944049
>>1936227veganism is seytaneek, didn't you hear?
jokes aside she was rumored to not be vegan for like 6 years already if not more, she collected taxidermy
also I don't buy her "christianity" as "natural evolution". It's just publicity stunt judging from continuation of "dhark aesthetics"
maybe she is even sponsored for acting "christian"
her fanbase is probably melting significantly every year as many "darklings" who followed her became normies as their age progress and have no time and money for edgy celebs and their products
I don't think that "christian crowd" is a target group big enough to be targeted by her without some shady sponsorship tho
and there are more than enough of such sponsor groups that may be interested to pay her for such acting
No. 1944220
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IBF went to see Santa with her kids - crazy how she went from wearing makeup to bed in case she died and people saw her bare-faced, to taking a forever family photo looking like that… it creeps me out how she puts her kid's faces on social media.
Caption: Getting Severine to sit still was almost impossible but we got there [tongue out emoji] his little lordship was very good indeed. [santa emoji christmas tree emoji]
No. 1944285
>>1944253Ayrt, you're confusing me for other nonas who don't like her makeup. Did you know people who disagree with you aren't all the same person? Did you know a woman criticising a woman doesn't mean you have a hateboner and wanna fuck her, and it's a moid thing usually? I am lesbian and not attracted to mamie kek. You must be a kid. Or just
triggered cos you have a similar makeup style. Tragic! I'm gonna stop infighting now.
No. 1944286
>>1944220Honestly I think alot of moms can relate to having a period when your kids are very young and demanding where you just dont have the time or energy to put effort into yourself, even when you want to.
But i do agree she needs to keep these photos of her kids to her family only, its too risky to put little kids online nowadays
No. 1945578
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Sorry for retarded post but anyone knows what happened to this clown ?
No. 1945825
>>1945632Blackfriday wears a lot of make up too, to the point she still has pimples from how thick she layers it, and she’s on her 30s. Adoras in her 50s and still looks better.
Angela is in her 30s and uses a filter to absolute death and cakes the make up on.
No. 1946308
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Dorian is releasing another book in January.
No. 1946400
>>1946331It's beneficial for the children's development (physical and mental) to be surrounded by colourful things, which includes their clothes. Children under the age of 5 basically speaking aren't able to perceive an object unless it's a vibrant colour, that is why most mainstream toys are psychotic bright and colourful, and so are books. Not because "normies don't care about ~aesthetics~", it's just the science behind how our bodies develop, we begin to distinguish between pastels and monochromes later in life.
So no, alt parents (or whichever parents for that matter) that don't dress their babies to their own style, or to match a certain aesthetic, aren't careless or lazy – they're actually based, and the opposite is just ignorant at best, selfish and self-serving at worst (example: IBF)
No. 1946502
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>>1946433>could pass for someone I her 20sDoubt. For all that rattling on about other cows using filters you sure do seem blind.
No. 1946503
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>>1946502Not saying she doesn't look good for her age, but that makeup is hiding a lot.
No. 1946799
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Kaya's been quiet on social media despite holiday season being the most lucrative time for youtubers - her last upload was back in November. I think this will be the 3rd time this year she's let a month pass between uploads (at one point there was a 6 week lull in the middle of the year). Remember this is a full-time Youtuber who's dream job is supposedly making videos.
The crazy thing is that she's literally sitting on a stack of footage right now. Back in October she made a community post promoting Roly's video and stated that they had also filmed a collab for her channel. She made some excuse about her file sizes being too big for her laptop (a meme at this point) and that she had to wait until she was back in Belfast to edit but, alas, almost 2 months on and we are still waiting. It's disappointing that she's made clubbing her personality and avoided the effort of making creative, longer form content in favour of the usual sporadic ads and GRWMs. I guess there's little incentive to change or keep her word when she's got her army of pay pigs to yasss queen her and give unconditional support
No. 1946837
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Interesting timing - Kaya's about to bare her soul. Looks like she's finally gonna talk about the Duke?
No. 1946879
>>1946837Absolutely NOTHING about this says "im about to bare my soul"
Are you THAT starved for Kaya milk that you're literally fabricating?
(sage your shit) No. 1946949
>>1946837using drama to excuse the lack of posting claiming that whatever this is is totally the reason she hasn't edited her videos guys. definitely not a reminder to her audience that she still exists and needs a bit of a cash dump like clockwork.
honestly her car vlogs bother me more than most else she does. nobody wants to see a girl clubbing her life away, who is able to put herself out there in a relationship and is surrounded by friends claim she's too mentally unwell to do her cool alternative career when it's clear she just doesn't have the discipline to do the one boring part of her job which is editing. the money she spends on travel and clubbing expenses is enough to pay an editor to shit something out because she has content and is going around doing things that could be content other people can use to live vicariously through. it's not like she has her own editing style or anything. and it's not like she's a vlogger too depressed to leave the house, she's a spooktuber living a cushy spook life too lazy or cheap to edit her content
No. 1946954
>>1943192You've never heard "Rock Lobster" by B52s? (vidrel) It's a weird but fun song but absolutely not goth (not saying you said they were).
>>1943053I have no idea why "Rock Lobster" is the new hit song with these poseurs. With the Cramps, it was obvious why "Goo Goo Muck" became popular because of Wednesday and all the poseur TikTok "goths" trying to label The Cramps as a goth band when they're not and we're psychobilly/garage rock band.
But you are right that it's mostly because these kids don't like actual goth music. It's funny though isn't it? These kids try so hard to mimic the 80s goth look but yet they will either use mainstream pop or hip hop music or non-goth 80s music like Depeche Mode and Soft Cell.
No. 1947040
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Kaya posted up a new youtube vid today. Surprise, it's just on going complaining, and about not being able to post - same old cycle.
I couldn't help but notice, she was showing the touch ups/change on her finger tattoos and her hands were shaking badly.
Are people catching on? Are they tired of her shit?
No. 1947048
>>1946840You were right which is no surprise. Kaya is a boring cow, it's the same thing as always with her. No idea why that one nonna thought she'd talk about the duke, she hardly said a thing about Jake for years until he tried to make drama for views and shot himself in the foot.
>>1947040She works herself up and gets anxious over almost nothing all the time. That and caffeine can make you shaky. Even if there's one bitter comment, she'll have hundreds more rush to her aid and donate more $$$ to her as a result. Best to ignore kaya's pity parties and let her slowly drift into obscurity from not making any fresh content for years.
No. 1947089
>>1946955Oh I didn't know that about the song swap. I'm not on TikTok and I mostly only see what comes from it on YouTube shorts and the few I saw back when Wednesday came out, I was seeing a shit ton of these "goths" doing the Wednesday dance to that song.
>>1946964They really do and if you so much as correct them if they wrong call the stuff "goth", you get labeled a "gatekeeper". It's absolutely pathetic and it's just their way of getting butthurt when someone tells them the music they like and are trying to miscategorize isn't what they're claiming it to be.
>Ever since trad goth became popular with zoomers on tiktok they’ve just made it so boring and lame.Agreed. At first when I seeing these trad-goth looking tiktok kids, I was kinda happy because I thought that it meant these people were exploring goth music but then you hear the audio and it's either non-goth music or quotes from "goth" cartoon characters or horror movies.
No. 1947421
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I think Psychara has a new man.
No. 1947475
>>1946841Feels like it's pretty obvious at this point that either Kaya lurks here, or that some of her stans do. Certain posts are hyperdefensive of her and are never called out for infighting or white-knighting, but I have 100% been reported/gotten a temp ban for 'being Jake' because I criticized her. Feels like favoritism imo. Plus, she was part of the drama community on PULL years ago (trying to become 'goth Dakota Rose') - does anyone really think she ever left?
If we found out she was pulling a CreepshowArt, I would be 110% unsurprised.
No. 1947503
>>1947467>>1947421Definitely looks like she posed her hand like this to make hers look smaller next to his and to not cover their tattoos as much. Looks awkward compared to actually holding hands.
>>1947475She probably does lurk here, but it's more likely her rabid lovelies defending their goffik kween than kaya herself. They quite literally already pay her thousands for making a half assed video once or twice a month and besides, she's a massive baby. You probably got banned for being a sperg/derail anon if anything, some of you get entirely too worked up over this lazy heifer. Farmhands have had their work cut out for them trying to get spam chan to finally fuck off amongst others.
No. 1947804
>>1947555Read previous threads it's all been documented before. She makes comments and digs about this website constantly in moaning videos. We shouldn't have to spoon feed the receipts to you
>>1944220 i think its nice that freya doesn't feel the need to paint her face white as much as she used to before having children. Also suprised to see her boy in colour thought she would of done some goth matching outfit and it would been nice to see Mr owl in the photo too.
No. 1947844
>>1947804She hasn't actually though? I've been following the threads back to when she had her own thread and there was never any hard evidence of what you are claiming. Wouldn't be surprised if she's lurked here, but you can't provide receipts because they don't actually exist. She's obviously still a cow, but there's no need to make shit up nonna.
>>1947821Theo von is buddies with pedo comedian Bobby Lee and has been on his podcast too. She surrounds herself with real winners these days. kek at her becoming a borderline altright tradwife Christian just to be a new kind of edgy though I guess.
No. 1948188
>>1948178Just caught the first few seconds of that video and thought the same, fillers for sure.
She always looks like she has concealer lips without makeup, but now I wonder if she is anemic or has fertility or circulation issues due to being on the pill for 10+ years (a good choice since she managed to escape her nasty moid with no strings attached, but she can drop it now - iirc she posted on stories sometime last year that she's still on the pill) - they should be pink but I just realised I've never seen her with any natural colour in her face, or cheeks. And maybe this is why she feels like shit all the time, the pill can definitely do a number on your physical and mental health. No. 1948194

>>1948188New-ish IBF video. Drab and boring as usual. Another Gothic Beauty Box unboxing.
>Shameless plug for TEMU-level bullshit>She barely flips through the magazine but keeps saying how awesome it is, then unpacks the following items:>Stickers>3D Skull shaped ice cube mold>Socks with an admittedly cute gothic cathedral motif>Perfume oil>"Pale white shimmer cream" (shit quality white highlighter)>A… stamp eyeliner>Halloweenish looking make-up palette>A bat necklace and a… cat ring>IBF does showcase some of the magazine pages that show creators within the scene who do arts and crafts and stuff, but barely>"Most boxes are trash but this one is special" yeah yeah sureI know that this is her source of income and you don't always have a miraculously interesting thing to vlog about but why she repeats these stagnant, boring video "ideas" is beyond me. The socks are the most useful and nice item in the box. The 3D skull shape ice cube mold is almost like an insult to people who subscribe to these boxes, like the "shimmer cream" that doesn't shimmer and the stamp eyeliner. You can't tell me that that crap isn't 90c TEMU bargain bin crap.
No. 1948272
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Slow week for altcow milk apparently, but roman dirge is "releasing his first book in 6 years". It's a hideous children's book about counting I guess. Can't imagine he makes an awful lot off his comics anymore. Lenore was never even that popular to begin with in comparison to other edgelord mall-goth comics. Wonder if he has a day job these days.
>>1948194god, freyja's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Her excessive lisp makes her sound like one of those people who constantly slurp their spit back into their mouth. Real gail the snail sounding but with a kiwi accent.
No. 1948284
>>1948178I'd agree, honestly at first I didn't believe it but there was a pic earlier of her filler moustache and you can starkly see it now at the start of this video. Her lips are moving oddly and they're more pronounced with what looks like migration still. From a quick google it seems that the best way to deal with lip filler migration is to dissolve it since filler takes up to 3 years to go away and to absolutely not get more filler before dissolving the old stuff since it will just magnify the problem. I wonder if (since Kaya does no research) she's gotten too many filler top ups and also too much at once since idiots on Instagram peddle that shit (usually as a paid sponsorship or free service).
>>1948194I get that she has kids now, but it would be nice if she uploaded even music reviews or something. She actually likes goth music and can at least just sorta talk about stuff going on in the scene that she cares about and would be pretty much the only person making that sort of content so it would be an easy boost to subs. A basic outfit put-together or something even would be so easy to do
No. 1948482
>>1948321AYRT you're right, I misremembered, it's the implant she has (which makes more sense since you have to take the pill the same hour every day which would be very un-kaya like)
I haven't had the implant but I've read about a lot of bad side effects, it definitely could be an overlooked factor with her health issues.
No. 1948501
>>1948284>It would be nice if she uploaded even music reviews or something>A basic outfit put-together or something even would be so easy to doI agree non, she's essentially turning into
Toxic Tears with these boring box/haul videos that are mostly filled with cheap that don't warrant the higher price. I don't get why she doesn't do some music-related videos because like you said, she clearly likes goth music so why doesn't she make some videos about it? The last few times she talked about music, it was Motionless in White and Marilyn Manson so why not talk about some goth bands?
Or hell like you said, even an OOTD or lookbook would be a lot more interesting than the box/haul because I will admit that as ridiculous as she can be, she does know how to show off an outfit.
No. 1948699
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Do brands count for altcows? (sorry if not)
Rogue + Wolf is now using AI to promote their shit, I guess it was only matter of time until another goff brand bit the dust
No. 1948843
>>1947844No she hasn't. I think many people forget that we aren't the only ones who notice things. Normal followers will message her about stuff that is being talked about here too, doesn't mean she lurks here. There is no hard evidence. I also believe she's way too sensitive to read this thread.
>>1947950I haven't watched the video but she always acts like a few major inconvenient events in her life are an excuse to not work at all. Normal working people have to deal with these kinds of things on top of working full time and she can't even do more than one (!) video a month. Imagine how little time she actually spends working her job. She's still way too spoiled by her Patreon income.
>>1948048What do you mean anon, she lives in a nice house. Or do you mean it metaphorically because she's stuck due to her mental issues?
No. 1948874
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>>1948843I just really don't get the anons who literally make shit up? It's like the nonna itt who claimed she was for sure going to do a big "tell-all" about the duke only for it to be another boring car rant. She could possibly lurk here, but we have no real way of telling and there absolutely hasn't been any "hard evidence" like anon was claiming. She's also had cowtippers in her Q&As before which only makes it harder to tell for sure if she reads here? It all muddies any actual milk.
Anyway not very milky, but Freyja has repurposed those WGT paintings she ebayed off as t-shirt designs to sell on shopify. Her work is pretty amateur, but at least it's kind of clever to reuse the designs for merch for easy additional income. Now if she'd only make a little more effort with her content.
No. 1948913
>>1948705Me too
nonnie, I lost interest once they started making only plastic jewelry.
They might now make metal stuff again but for a hot second they only sold cheap looking plastic-like jewelry (it might’ve been shoddy-looking resin too since it was around the beginning of the resin jewelry trend ~3-4 years ago.)
No. 1948946
>>1948874I mean the invoice was posted back a few threads ago with the big zero next to her costs paid and she's not the only anon with a vehicle on finance in NI.
Hope she's using her patron bux to pay her national insurance contributions and has some sort of plan on how to garnish a retirement when the time comes. She's struggling already at 30 to keep up appearances and her mental health clearly deteriorates by the day.
No. 1949016
Non alt but cool YouTuber dankpods is taking his patreon down because he doesn't feel right taking money and giving nothing back
I immediately thought of Kaya and her constant ebegging while giving literally nothing to the community except access to a dead discord
Saged and whatnot
No. 1949019
>>1948573Like in late 2016? More or less time when goth events stopped being her main focus and endless hauls started and DIY disappeared. What is interesting in watching 9000th video of clothing pieces which most of goths can afford like one or two pieces per year not to mention designs of most brands in these years were looking like copies of each other. You had better chances to look original wearing thrifted normie clothing during these years than wearing yet another "witchy dress".
Yea, I would say late 2016 was the time when goff youtube made a serious dive downhill - some youtubers deleted channels, others "officially grew up", some just stopped posting videos and never came back.
On the other hand I get that scene can get old after a while if you are just a mere participant as a consumer of music and other activities as dance nights, fashion shows. From perspective of a creator it might have some more appeal - that's why DIY helps to get these fluids of activity going as it's a creative activity unlike ordering ready stuff.
No. 1949021
>>1948705>>1948699I did not even ever remember hearing about that brand and I have been around for a while
>>1948913That reminded me of times when Alchemy Gothic were making cast pewter stuff like perfume atomizer bottles, chandeliers. Nowadays they sell cast resin and only jewellery is still pewter.
>>1948194Was that magazine always mostly pictures with barely any text printed in LARGE FONT SIZE? Or it's more recent development?
No. 1949283
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Congrats to kaya on 4th place worst cow
No. 1949423
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Disgusting(not milk)
No. 1949582
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Kaya posted this on her stories with no explanation, looks like she mixed her blood with surgical spirit and put it in a vial for edgy vampyre reasons
Spoiler for blood(TRIGGER WARNING: BLOOD)
No. 1949660
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There was another Slimelight on 30th December, didn't see Kaya posting much about it.(not milk)
No. 1949811
>>1949582She's playing with fake blood, who cares
>>1949740Girl needs to learn that stacking belts and chains on her waist only makes her waist thicker, and that she looks even more like a brick. Unfortunate.
No. 1949818
>>1949740Exactly, there's an obvious reason she didn't even place in the "favorite cow" category. She's boring and most of the milky shit she does do gets buried in nitpicks/derails about absolutely benign or outright made up shit. Not surprised she placed mid-tier in "worst" given that a good cow actually produces milk. Dating a troon was the milkiest thing she's done since the break up with Jake and we didn't even get to enjoy much milk from it outside some really hideous candids.
>>1949811Even if it is real, dumbass edgelord goths have been making blood vials and blood resin, etc. forever now. The non-milk spam nonna seems to have real tiktok sensibilities. kek
No. 1950182
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>>1949818>Even if it is real, dumbass edgelord goths have been making blood vials and blood resin, etc. forever now.This is edglerod now? I wonder what would you say about these who slept in coffins and were active exclusively during nighttime while sleeping all day (in coffin). And having decor made out of stuff stolen from cemeteries [yes I'm pointing at German scene here in that particular regard] and holding BDSM parties at cemetaries. These were times. And yes, that were stuff that have been actually done.
(blogposting edglerod) No. 1950189
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>>1950182And yea, it was mostly the '80s to like mid/late '90s. Living The Hunger lifestyle and partying like The Night Of The Demons. Oh, and unironic vampire clans that were still pretty trend back in the mid '00s. What a time to be alive.
No. 1950192
>>1950189It's kinda interesting how much more "necro" behavior was back in the days when it was so much easier to "
trigger normies", bar was so low back then it was not even needed to do anything other wearing all black to be chased with a crucifix in the streets of many towns. A dude or two with black metal band t-shirt being seen once on the street in small European town was enough to start months long "satanic panic" back in the '90s [yes,it's true story] with stories of children sacrificed to Satan on regular basis in nearest forest during black masses.
No. 1950226
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>>1950182>blog posting edglerodKek. I hope farmhand is having fun with all these bans at least.
>>1948573New IBF video dropped and this time it's a ROMWE (Shein) review. Really leaning into the fast fashion and garbage reviews lately.
No. 1950270
>>1950226I was just about to post another summary. She's boring as always.
The clothes look horrendous, no idea how she likes some of them. Her bedroom looks dumpy as well. Her house tour was ~8 months ago, she kept yapping about how she wants to DIY the whole house, paint it all black, get her items back from the storage unit… and absolutely nothing happened. She could make some interesting videos out of trying to upcycle some of her furniture like her car repair video, which was actually oddly entertaining.
But no, she's back to reviewing bargain bin crap that she won't ever use or wear ever again. She's insufferable.
I know she's a mom of two and god knows what Mr. Owl is doing job-wise, but the lack of engaging content has been a problem for her channel for years now. Even without the kids.
No. 1950472
>>1950226It’s popular, as all the youngins are buying from those sites. Do a review on clothes saying if it’s good or not, it’s bound to drag more views in. Prettt over the goth channels doing unboxings or clothes hauls. Where’s all the DIY tutorials or how to make something look better with accessories or something?
Angela just prattles on about nothing for 30mins, or craps on about her youth days with an awful face filter, and everyone else just does unboxings or clothes reviews.
Ibf would be better doing mom goth stuff. Kids meals, dyi and other things she got big for
No. 1950628
>>1949067Agreed and even with the haul videos, most of the time it was thrifted and they were able to find things that were actually interesting or unique. I know that some here considered TheGothicAlice a lolcow but I personally enjoyed her thrifted hauls because she would find some neat things and create some rather creative looks with them.
>>1949180I think this is because back then there were more actual goths or alternative people. Like you said, this was before the whole Aliexpress, Shein, and Temu haul bandwagons became a thing that was being further pushed with Tiktok. It feels like the alternative people on YouTube during the early 2010s to about 2016 seemed more authentic and genuine in their likeness for the alternative without it being some costume grift.
No. 1950631
>>1950472Well there is the Random Goth Couple channel that does some content that isn't just repetitive hauls, they've even done some interviews of different bands.
>Angela face filterHas Angela always used a filter? I don't understand why she feels the need to use one. She knows quite a lot about skin and I'm sure she's used those methods on herself and that she can't look as bad as thinks she does without a filter.
I haven't watched her content in awhile but I didn't mind her storytimes because it was something different than the hauls.
No. 1950663
>>1950628You may have a point here. Even considering that it was literally an era where almost everyone was trying to look like Johny Slut or Siouxie Sioux. It was such a plague that there were newcomers who were genuinely thinking that they are obligated to sport deathhawks to be goths. Here in Europe mid 2010s were a literal deathhawk invasion on dancefloors and at gigs.
As for more recent channels there are still some that do thrifting and DIY but they barely seem to catch any serious traction. It may be that it's harder to get viewers attention nowadays even if you are a younger youtuber that appeals to people who still have in their lives plenty time to watch youtube.
As for "older channels" that are stil regularly active we have pretty good views counts of ofherbsandaltars and rather low view counts of Madame Absinth for example. Both undeniably "full time goths". So there are some additional ingredients needed than just diy+thrift+music. It's black friday still has really high view counts considering how huuuuge gaps she had between videos in over half of a decade now. That makes things even more confusing.
As for TheGothicAlice she stopped having online presence like 2 years ago. I liked her horror lists videos. She also had "I dress my own way" approach in times where everyone was trying to look like an "update of oughties deathrock revival".
>>1950629She was interesting to me from her earliest vids up until earliest period when she moved to Leipzig. She made some interesting "going to events vids" in that period. As for a regular tourist travel videos I'm less into them as old euro architecture is a stuff that I see on daily basis as an European.
She did a trip to Wrocław but not to any event there. Wrocław was one of the most active in regard of goth scene cities in Poland (pre COVID there were at least 2 serious gigs + afterparties in a quarter) at time she was living in Germany and in the autumn hosts biggest Polish gothic rock festival Return to The Batcave.
Castle Party in Bolków that she attended is just a generic "dark independent" festival where gothic rock is just a drop in sea of many genres. RTtB is three days of gothic rock gigs. Was also kinda strange she did not make any Gothic Pogo Festival in Leipzig videos too. It's held at the same time as WGT not that far from Agra. It's far more goth than WGT is nowadays. To an extent that many Germans attend just Gothic Pogo Festival.
It was nice she made video about Prague Gothic Treffen in Czechia.
There is certainly a lot of free space to fill in resort of goth events youtubing still.
No. 1950701
>>1950681Herbs oldest vid on channel is from 2013. TBH I don't remember if there was any more content before that point. I certainly remember that stuff between 7 and 5 years ago been deleted.
Which period are you referring to?
Sebastian Columbine reuploaded some old videos of "tradgoth look era" about a year ago on separate channel. But barely any views, but the same situation is now on main channel too. Pretty drastic decline in views since "going pink". But that was a quite lengthy metamorphosis from late '00s to now.
I would dare to claim that most successful channel that is concentrated on core part of goth - music is Yamie Speechie channel.
Cemetery Confessions had potential but it flopped. Probably due being "too American" on top of being linked to r/goth moderation crowd which lives in alternative reality most of the time where over 9000 different "genres of goth" exists. All of these "'darkwave', 'coldwave' 'no wave' 'deathrock', 'goth' and 'gothic rock' [I shit you not, some of them are pushing these two terms as different things unironically lmao] are totally different things trust me bro I'm an expert, don't even dare to have different opinion or I ban you for spreading misinformation" seems to stem from that reddit crowd. It seems like goth is not that big in the US despite that country having pretty large population so people instead of going out and enjoying events spend time online rewriting history of subculture every few years after they forget what was their opinion on these topics 10 years ago.
Seems like biggest USA channel linked to goth is Voltair's channel but that channel is not even about goth itself just overlaps with esthetics. And in a way that is not everyone's cup of tea as he is into very cartoonish version of spooky aesthetics. No idea if Voltaire himself even attends goth events at this point in life. I probably won't shock anyone if I don't count his own gigs as his music is totally different cup of tea than goth rock. Certainly it leaves no mark on his channel if he does attend goth events outside that on video about Mexico City.
No. 1951002
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It seems that scammer asshole(s) behind Gothic Shoe Company and several other earlier "companies" that left customers without shoes they ordered or their money is back in "business". This time company is(are) registered on his son (I assume by birth year, father was born in the '60s) that was also participating in scam of Gothic Shoe Company. So don't feel sorry for him unless he provides apology and returns people their money back or sends orders that were never shipped. I repeat he was participating in Gothic Shoe Company, so he too is responsible, not only his papa.
Latest incarnation of family scam is: previous incarnation registered on papa: article that explains story behind scams that family was involved in. Not even once they apologized. warned and warn others. If any goff youtuber starts hauling their products - their channels are dead to me.
If they swindled you - you can say hello to them on instagram - they are @londonretrofootwear
They are also at Etsy, so be careful to not buy from them.
No. 1951055
>>1950182>>1950192That's really an interesting point I haven't thought about yet. A lot of goths back then were wearing animal bones, went to graveyards etc. even though there wasn't an online audience you could show this stuff to shock them (okay, maybe you saw some of those edgelords sleeping in coffins on TV as an obscure phenomenon). Now in times of social media everything is about the looks and buying stuff, it's been completely capitalized and shallow. You would think social media would lead to people wanting to one up each other with extreme behavior but it really is just all about aesthetics now.
Also this whole necro thing made me think of this vid kek
>>1950226She's probably not making enough money from ad revenue so DIYs or lifestyle vids would be too much effort so she just sticks to these sponsored fast fashion vids.
No. 1951086
>>1951055Maybe the stronger taboos the more effort people are putting into breaking them? Dunno.
Sleeping in coffins was a pretty popular cliche among goths and black metal crowd (which ripped off a lot of aesthetics aspects of goth BTW and of course went full blown on "acting evil" ) that aspired to be "trv". You can read in interview of Rob Darken of polish BM band Graveland how he and other founding member were planning in early 90s to live in same flat and sleep in coffins while having black curtains in windows. Trope very similar to what some hardcore goths were pulling off at the time.
BBC show Spine Chillers season 1 episode 3 from the early '00s had an episode with industrial/goth crowd portrayed in semi parody way, I use term semi as the way some of these characters were behaving was something that you could have seen for real in the wild.
If you have ever seen Polish documentary "Witajcie w Mroku" that documentary - it has a selection of a very special kind of people who would illustrate such point. Of course it's just a very narrow fragment of the scene and not representative in any way but it's hard to find similar types among modern youtube personas.
Some borderline cases went as far as committing actual murders like a certain couple from Germany in the '90s. We had one confirmed nonironic Satanic human sacrifice murder in Poland committed by group of youth too but it's not known to me if they had any link to any subculture unlike German case where couple involved were pretty active members of at least goth scene if I interpret archive materials correctly.
As for that video about grave robbing I have seen it years ago. Dunno if grufties from Germany were pulling off any stealing of corpses. All I heard/read about was taking grave candles and wreaths and maybe some metal, stone pieces.
No. 1951174
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>>1951162The silly part about pikes is that most basic designs are pretty entry level to make but the hard part is to get shoe lasts to model shoe around. Picrel are lasts published by these London swindlers at their instagram. Spiked cowboy boots have very similar lasts but most of them are not as sharply pointed as classic goth pike winklepicker and wider in ankle. Some goth brands were using cowboy boots or pointed chelsea boots lasts most likely for their less pointy than "classic" variants of winklepickers. Steelground from Portugal seems to belong to that category.
No. 1951183
>>1950226If I recall, IBF rambled constantly about preferring small/handmade brands because "originality" and how everyone looks alike with the same killstar dress etc etc, no?
Ironic she's doing fast fashion hauls now
No. 1951200
>>1951183Well, brands stuff still could be modified.
Just saying.
No. 1951283
>>1950701>>All of these "'darkwave', 'coldwave' 'no wave' 'deathrock', 'goth' and 'gothic rock' [I shit you not, some of them are pushing these two terms as different things unironically lmao] are totally different things trust me bro I'm an expertbut these are real things. Goth is an umbrella term, all of these are subgenres but they're INSIDE goth. You're not forced to know or listen to all, but there's a lot of
valid reasons for subgenres being a thing, but it's mostly to categorize things that sound alike or come from a specific time and/or place
No. 1951307
This is a cow thread for discussing milk related to altcows, not to chat about goth/alt culture. Instead of derailing this thread, please use existing goth threads such as
>>>/g/86956 or make your own thread to facilitate this discussion. You can link a new thread that you make here to drive traffic to it. Any further derailing will get double the normal ban length.
No. 1951341
>>1951283And let me guess grufti is according to you a different subculture than goth too because "hey, look! a different word"? Not in my opinion. My country was using term "coldwaver" for a goth. It was still the same as goth, still the same as grufti.
Do you know what is the difference between
deathrock, no wave and darkwave or coldwave? Geographical place of origin of term. Just like between goth and grufti or coldwaver. Nothing more. They are not subgenres, they are mostly results of isolation of scenes that developed own vocabulary including different terms for same shit, sometimes of bands or music critics that developed own names too before any particular term won over other in local scene. Just check interviews with oldest bands who actually remember times when these terms originated you will see confirmation of what I just wrote.
Pretending that every new invented local name constitutes separate subgenre we see in some parts of the internet is post year 2000 LARP that originated in so called "deathrock revival circles" in the US. A movement that wanted to be a group of very special snowflakes that started pretending (a la Eldritch) that "they are not goths, they are deathrockers". OK, there was also similar trend in Germany in the '90s when they were inventing new terms to classify their "uh so obscure unique bands" to look cool in black and white xerox zines that only few dozens of their friends have ever read.
Neue Deutsche Todeskunst was one of most "so unique and necro" names for bunch of bands that didn't even had consistent sounding and which you will not be able to classify as anything other than your usual goff band if you were not informed what label they use for themselves. All of these buzzwords you pretend are separate subgenres are not even musical analogue of "What type of goth are you" meme as there was no qualities allowing you to separate these bands in different categories in blind trials.
(derailing after farmhand warning) No. 1951840
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Kat von D’s ozempic bod looks great. Well worth the stomach craps and pooping her brains out.
Guess this is for a video for her song with Alissa.
No. 1951909
>>1951873I agree, it just looks like a mental breakdown decision. You just know she'll hate it in a few years max.
God I really can't stand her.
No. 1952665
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Vanessa still dick riding Manson. No sign or mention of her attached at the hip boyfriend roman though. Guess he wasn't invited?
No. 1952949
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Haven’t kept up to date with anything so what on earth happened to reeree? This is just sad and pathetic for someone in there mid 30s
No. 1952990
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why does she need a 3 bedroom…?
No. 1953163
>>1952949>a classy poot>any hole is a goalReally starting to think she's on drugs. This entire post reads like some weird word salad meatball eyes Amanda would post.
>>1953106>her Belfast granny aestheticLmao what?
No. 1953175
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>>1952990She answered in this one, no prizes for guessing who she's referring to here
No. 1953276
>>1952990If she actually started putting effort into her youtube she could easily afford this.
Everytime she talks about making videos it seems like such a horrible chore for her. I understand none of us LOVE our job, but it puts such a damp on watching her videos, knowing she did it only because she simply HAD to and didn't enjoy it at all. Same as I'd hate watching a show if I knew all the actors hated it there.
>>1953175I feel like she liks to amp up the "trauma" when it comes to this question. Yeah, because all your friends are like Jake and would yell at you for not cleaning?
She will never change if she doesn't get out of her comfort zone. This is exactly why she wants a 3 bedroom apartment, so she can hoard stuff and not clean. This is one of few things I actually believe when it comes to what Jake said. She probably moves to one room, makes a mess, then moves to another and simply cleans only when it's reached a boiling point. She can't do that in a 1 bedroom.
No. 1953348
>>1953247Are all the lil Belfast grannys out and about in oversized "goffik" hoodies, temu fishnet shorts or beetlejuice striped bell bottoms nonna? kek
>>1953209Think she's trying to be funny and "sexy" in a "one of the moids" kind of way, but instead she comes off sounding like kind of a schizo.
No. 1953425
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>>1952990The Camley St listing is in Regent's Wharf, a development located in one of the most expensive boroughs of Inner London. The unit is newly built, has canal views and is a 30 min bus ride from Trafalgar Square which is basically the heart of London (pink dot on the map). Like no shit you can't afford it, this is for obscenely wealthy international students and working professionals…why would you include this example? She's just trying to be dramatic.
The Patrick Road listing is in a more affordable area in East London and looks decent; a 3 bed, 3 toilet modern sharehouse which would cost £200p/w for a room. If Kaya started hustling this could work however she's already indicated she's not open to housemates so the implication is that she wants the place to herself. I wish she'd address how out of touch and ridiculous her standards are, especially considering how little she works.
If living on her own is so crucial to her mental health then maybe she should live in an old houseboat on the outskirts of Greater London just like the Duke over in Uxbridge (a fact we know as Kaya basically doxxed him kek
>>1953249>Kaya wouldn't want to live with her friends. She'd rather couch surf and exhaust people's hospitality then move on. It's why she loves flying to London to enjoy shallow and mostly fleeting friendships based on alt clubbing and cocktails. New friendships probably feel very safe to her until these connections actually get tested (e.g. she over-relies on one person for free accommodation) and these people start to distance themselves from her
>>1953106>It would fit her belfast granny aestheticI cringed at her greasy bun and giant Oodie (basically pyjamas) in her last video. Of course you're gonna feel like shit if you go out looking like a housing estate bum who smells of unwashed ass. Would it kill her to draw on some eyebrows and throw on a coat?
>>1953276>I feel like she likes to amp up the "trauma"Of course, it's a deliberate strategy to milk sympathy and deflect any suggestion for change or self-growth. She's been asked the housemate question a few times now and she gives the same pathetic answer every time.
She acts like her biggest fear is being yelled at but I think the real reason is that she's lazy and incredibly frustrating to live with and she knows it won't take long before they'll start to resent her.
No. 1953581
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No clue about the Kaya video, but if you want to see a particularly haggy looking IBF with the camera positioned overhead for maximum cleavage jiggle as she bounces and sways in one spot while rapping tiredly along to Eminem karaoke, i’ve got good news for you.
No. 1953612
>>1953498I'm watching it on 2x speed now and will post the summary when I'm finished. Here's the link if anyone wanted to watch it while it's still available.
I think the last stream she did was 9 months ago when she admitted she tested positive for covid when she visited Spain yet attended Slimelight in London immediately after (that unlisted stream can be watched here
No. 1953619
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that profile lmao. she looks like trash without 100 pounds of makeup on
No. 1953639
>>1953621I remember Maimagi. I wasn't a fan of hers but I liked a few of her videos on YouTube. I remember her trying to hype up her shop but I didn't follow much about it because I wasn't interested but what the hell was she thinking only having it open 1 day per week for only 1-2 hours? What kind of business practice is that, it's no wonder it didn't last long.
I'm not sure if her husband is a millionaire but he probably is pretty well off if Mai is able to continue being a freelancer at the level she's in what with the failed shop and I have a feeling that she's not raking in sales of her online shop all that consistently.
No. 1953740
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>>1953612YT stream recap>Says she's not doing ok and that she's 'not my best self right now'. 'I'm stressy, I'm stressed!' - she woke up at 8am but had stress paralysis for most of the day >Admits she still needs to edit the Roly collab from October, says couldn't edit it back in London as Roly's camera is a beast and her laptop can't handle the files. She fails to address the obvious of why she didn't work on it whenever she was back home>For the entirety of Oct and a bit of Nov she stayed in a squat with Spooks and other random occupants. While she enjoyed free accommodation in London she didn't have access to wi-fi at all >'I used to know someone who lived out Uxbridge direction' - I guess this confirms that she's not on good terms with the Duke?>She'll be back in London on 19th Jan but says she won't be hosting any events that weekend. She'll mainly be there for someone's birthday and to hang out with Roly>She wants more tattoos - she wants to finish the bug arm and start a giant project that stretches from her side to her butt however she wants to lose weight first. She then whinges about all the stuff she wants to do but can't because 'cozzy livs (cost of living) are hitting hard'>Someone asked about MainlyBoredom (Ari) and expressed concern for why she nuked her social media presence, Kaya replied 'Oh I've been in touch with MainlyBoredom recently' but didn't elaborate>Admits her house is super messy right now and that her living room is so bad it looks like a wardrobe, claims she needs to get rid of so many clothes she doesn't wear anymore but 'it's too hard to list stuff on Vinted'. Despite not doing anything about the clothes situation for years she claims that she's 'working on her issues'>She brings up her broken shower but says her house is too messy to have someone sort it (I'm pretty sure it's been broken for at least 4 months at this point…)>She says it's hard to make money on YT and thinks that donations and memberships are the best way to make money. 'There's a reason why I haven't started up YT memberships…I can't remember right now but there was definitely a reason!'>Ends the stream and says she wants to do more streaming in the future however she can't commit to a schedule. Says she intends to continue frequent travel to London and that travel is her priority this year (over Youtube and therapy Kaya?)Oh, and for the anons who doubted whether Kaya reads this thread I suggest you skip to 13:40 in the VOD and have a listen to what she says to this chatter (picrel)…
>Honestly even if you live on the outskirts of London it's still much more expensive than Belfast. I used to know someone who lived out Uxbridge direction, which seems to be on the outskirts of London, and it takes a fair while to get in to the city centre from there. It's one of the only areas I knew of back then so whenever I would hang out with them I'd have quick look at property prices in that area and it's still insane compared to where I live. Even if you're somewhere inconvenient it's still expensive.It kinda seemed like she referenced criticism from here
>>1953425 - her choice of words seemed oddly specific and she randomly brought up the Duke (albeit vaguely). It seems pretty obvious to me that she lurked right before stream.
No. 1953758
>>1953740It's not hard to sell stuff on Vinted? She just can't be bothered.
She'd make an absolute fortune on there!
Between the studio and the broken moped, bundles of clothes- its bizarre she's alright with pissing away money
No. 1953763
>>1953758She can't be bothered with the shipping organization and stuff for Vinted sales, which is fair.
But then I wonder why she doesn't come up with the idea that she knows someone who makes clothes from other scraps of clothes in London or at least that area (the Exoumbra enby/TIF who gifted her the sweater with the creepy patches all over when they met in London) to whom she could easily donate clothes so they're being reused for other sewing projects.
Especially since she's always going back there.
Or she could put it on sale in Vinted or anywhere legit online with "Pick up at my address only" for example.
Everything sounds complicated with her.
No. 1953849
>>1953740>Says she's not doing ok and that she's 'not my best self right now'. 'I'm stressy, I'm stressed!Honeslty when is she not? She's always feeling stressed. You know for someone who doesn't have to work and has so much free time in her day to day life, she has a lot of stress lol. I understand that she has depression
>She says it's hard to make money on YT and thinks that donations and memberships are the best way to make money.I'm sure there is some truth to this but she doesn't help her situation at all when she doesn't upload all that frequently and I mean actual content, not her vlogs.
>>1953748So true anon. Again, she has so much free time in her day and she can't devote to do at least 10-20 minutes of cleaning so that she can have someone come repair her shower? It's maddening. I'm hoping that the mess is just clothes but even then, if she's this lazy to clean, I wonder if she does her laundry because if not, could you imagine how her place must smell?
>>1953841>I assume that´s not the only thing in her house tha´t messy.Well if it's a dish pileup, she could just simply use her dishwasher like a normal person.I'm sorry, I get that sometimes life can get hectic and it's normal to slip up and have breaks where you may not be as tidy but it's important to try your best and break it. Kaya's situation makes me think that she's gonna end up like one of those people on Hoarders.
No. 1954062
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>>1953619Oof she looks like the female version of the chincel meme. She should probably reposition her camera lol.
No. 1954082
>>1953740The stuff about the messy rooms kinda backs up
>>1953276The problem with selling individual clothes is people basically expect them to be cleaned, ironed and in newish condition.
She should sell in bundles where the standards/expectations are lower, like 5-10 items at a time.
No. 1954124
>>1953612 imagine clicking on the video expecting her to look like the thumbnail and then seeing this
>>1953740 she couldn't of made a bit of effort?
Regarding the messy house and broken shower for 4 months why the hell isn't her mother helping her when she gets that bad that she can't have a shower fixed. Or one her friends if they work together it could be done in a day then she could get the shower fixed and go back to living in a shithole
Anyone know why it's broken? Or is it something she mooching of hot showers and baths from other people cause 'cozzy living'
>>1953981 they had a lot in common weak jaw, weight, lazy, peaked at young age,begging for free stuff, refusing to work, missable moaning attitude. I think if he didn't leave they would been together for life
No. 1954134
>>1954124She obviously has a weird relationship with her mom considering she would rather stay in a cold studio for months instead of moving in with her (like Jake said she could've and Kaya got pissed because "it's personal"?). There is no way Kaya is like this and her mom is completely normal, let's be real.
>>1953849Does adhd or whatever she has really work this way? She just
can't clean?
No. 1954192
>>1954134adhd kinda does work that way, (adhd fag) basically every task is considered to be a deadly serious life altering choice. It's like being a self aware time traveller terrified of every step. If any choice could
possibly lead to something bad or difficult happening it will be extremely difficult to make that choice.
The cleaning with Jake: bearing in mind he's messy too and also is able bodied, he could have cleaned himself, but didn't. If she cleaned she was agreeing to be the sole person cleaning, ergo, the slave of an
abusive man. Adhd brain says doing nothing is best in this situation.
Big pile of clothes to sell: people might use it as a way to mess with her, give her bad reviews, or people might be unhappy in some way. Best option is to sell in batches to reduce the number of people she has to deal with and reduce expectations, and or get a friend to help her do so.
I can tell she is not used to asking for help, hence she approaches every problem from the perspective it will be solely her dealing with it. This definitely does not help with the decision paralysis. She should start asking friends for help instead of just for fun, honestly I'm sure they wouldn't mind.
No. 1954301
>>1954192 She has loads options from selling apps like vinted to going places where they buy 1kg bag of clothes for money, selling them to her friends or just simply taking them to a second hand shop. I get that she struggles but surly someone around her must care enough to get her some help for god sake she hasn’t got a working shower cause her house to messy. I’m sure her close friends in Belfast would be happy to help her if she reached out. And if she sold half her stuff then she have more money for trips to London or tattoos and a clear house it’s a win win. I get she has adhd but it gets to a point where it becomes hard to use that as an excuse it just becomes lazy especially if she isn’t actively taking medication or seeking therapy. She’s already admitted her home is a problem for like 10 years now why isn’t she asking for help and why is no one in her life forcing her to clean.
It makes sense why she’s always sick she’s probably breathing in so much dust and mould from the hoarding. I hope she empties Sebastian little tray daily cause that would smell so bad and throw away old food cause maggots & flies.
No. 1954419
>>1954301Last person who forced her to clean was Jake and she's still saying she has ptsd from it.
I think her issue is she met Jake as a teen and he had a place in Belfast while she was in highschool. She would go laze around his place out of her parents site and he was working. She left her parents to move in with Jake and by his admission he did most of the upkeep. She got into bad habits and has never felt the need to change it because her lifestyle is funded purely by Internet strangers. The people in her own life get fed up with her using them and she'll go cry to strangers online when someone tries to hold her accountable which just starts the cycle of crying for a living.
No. 1954434
>>1954191Is there a UK equivalent of Hoarders? If so, they should be on the back end for if Kaya's situation gets worse.
>>1954192Thanks for the explanation, I don't have ADHD so I didn't want to speak on what it's like having it but even with this explanation and Kaya's hoarding tendencies, she really does need some type of supervision that can help keep her in order. Maybe this is why she doesn't want to move back in with her mom because her mother would more than likely not let this fly and would keep on top of her to keep things tidier which would probably stressed out Kaya who seems to be just a laze about who doesn't want to do anything except sit around at home and go out to clubs.
No. 1954539
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>>1954191>i'm pretty sure she is a hoarderI believe so too. I remember in Jake’s ‘Breaking my silence’ video he showed a picture of Kaya’s stuff being stored in his bike garage and it took up half the bloody office (timestamp in pic). Granted, Kaya thought she was moving to a bigger house and was completely blindsided by a break-up but she’s had more than 2 years to sort through the horde piles and purge. She probably thought her hoarding issues would go away if she moved into a house by herself but things have somehow gotten worse. At this point she needs an intervention from friends and family because she refuses to acknowledge how serious the problem is and get help. I know she’s spent a fortune on clothes and wants to make some money back on Vinted but at this point it’d be best if she bagged up as much stuff as possible and drop it off at the nearest charity stop. She needs this shite out of her life ASAP - it’s literally fucking with her mental health and stopping her from getting something as essential as her shower fixed.
>>1954134>There is no way Kaya is like this and her mom is completely normal, let's be realOver the years Kaya has made comments on her channel about her mum being a pothead and being really into the stoner lifestyle/community. Kaya’s mum has always come off as well-intentioned but immature on social media and Belfast anons have said she's been unemployed for a long time and most likely on benefits. Jake also hinted that she has hoarding tendencies. At the 1:48:17 mark in ‘Breaking my silence’ he says that she lives in a 4 bedroom apartment by herself and despite the narrative that she had no space to house Kaya after the break-up, he once saw her ‘empty an entire room that had nothing but crap in it for a dinner party’.
It’s sad to see Kaya struggling with very similar issues and heading down the same path as her mother.
>>1954214>Think last christmas her parents were keeping more of a check on her and she was running her schedule for videos by them. Her dad lives over in Spain so she can probably ignore his messagesHer 2022 Xmas vlog seemed so upbeat and hopeful - she hosted dinner for her parents in her first home as a single woman and, despite the fact they’re divorced, they appeared civil and very supportive of their daughter.
Fast forward to her latest Xmas video and you can see how she’s declined – she was moody and didn’t want to make any effort. At 23:52
>>1947950 she talks about how her mum was overseas for Xmas and that her Dad is back in Belfast ‘so
presumably I’m going to see him’ but didn’t seem to want to see him. It was a bit sad to hear her be so indifferent and cold. Like I get that she’s much closer to her mum and that she most likely didn’t feel motivated to celebrate Xmas at all as she was away in Portugal but come on, show a bit more feckin enthusiasm for your Dad who’s come all the way from Spain and make the effort to show him that you
actually want to spend time with him.
Also, you’d think with both her parents being Belfast natives that there’d be lots of family around and plenty of dinners and celebrations to attend. She never seems to talk about her extended family though which is strange - never seems to mention grandparents, cousins, aunts etc. She probably made herself the black sheep and avoids them which is why she wanted to spend Xmas alone. Maybe instead of flying off to party with randoms and people she barely knows why doesn’t she reconnect with family who probably live 30 mins away from her? Just a thought Kaya…
No. 1954546
Saging and sorry for the long post, but I just needed to rant.
I used to resonate and feel sorry for Kaya. I saw myself in her a lot too.
I too used to live with an abuser-my MIL. I had to pack my bags, take my kid (that had just started kindergarten) and husband and escape to a small, shitty, cold and unfinished apartment (we didn't have waher/dryer, working light in the bathroom and the window didn't shut and it was winter, the ceilling leaked and there was no insulation and we felt the wind, no bed - slept on a mattress on the floor, no kitchen and not a single room had paint on the wall it was basically a flat under construction.
I told myself if she can pull trough and get her self together, I can too.
It's been a year since we're out. One room is 90% finished, we got a wahser and a dryer, we changed the bathroom window, have lights everywere, we bought a bed, a smaller one for our kid too, bought good heaters, insulated the walls and ceilings. We still don't have a proper kitchen and we still have quite a bit of things to do.
But it's been only a year, we are raising a kid in the mean time, that costs a lot of money. Our kid is turning 5 and this Christmas was the first time we had a Christmas tree and peaceful holidays. The flat isn't done,but it's clean and I work hard to keep it tidy (it's 40 sq.meters and it gets chaotic fast) with the conditions we are in, the constructions are happening while we are living here.
Also with our kid being in kindergarten, we were constantly sick for the past year and that takes a toll on my energy and motivation too. I am younger than her (25) and I also have ADHD.
What i'm trying to say is that I am mad that a young woman is wasting her potential with shitty excuses. She has all of the time in the world and every single video is filled with excuses. Ashamed to call a repair tech, because her house is untidy/dirty just takes the cake. I can understand if you've just moved in, not a year and a half later.(not your personal blog)
No. 1954659
>>1954546>I told myself if she can pull trough and get her self together, I can too. I'm glad you got inspiration from this situation and your life has improved so much
nonny, sounds like you have been working very hard for you and your family, well done!
(hope that was just a short ban kek) No. 1955251
File: 1705301540168.jpg (3.58 MB, 1076x2164, LOUFrzg.jpg)

>>1953763That’s an interesting idea you brought up about Exoumbra – that would be so cool if Kaya and Moose made a collaborative collection based on upcycling Kaya’s old clothes. Unfortunately I doubt Kaya could get her shit together and make it work. In last week’s stream she basically confirmed she wants to continue her current lifestyle of partying in London 1-2x a month which will leave her too ‘burnt out’ to deal with the piles of clothes in her home and studio.
>>1953843The filler moustache was super obvious in today’s IG stories. I wonder how much longer she’ll deny it and claim it's 100% plumping gloss. I noticed the first time she started using lip plumper was in a Chatty Goth GRWM 4 months ago, coincidentally around the time her top lip first started looking fucked, and she’s been using it in videos ever since. My tinfoil is that she deliberately started doing this to dodge accusations of lip filler because she knows it’ll invite hate and criticism of her spending habits.
>>1954837If it’s true she’s living in council housing I think it’s ridiculous that a single person can hog a 4 bedroom apartment, she should be moved off to smaller accommodation. That would not fly in my country.
I still think the milkiest thing about the mum is that she let Kaya do medical and latex fetish photoshoots when she was under-aged, mostly unaccompanied and sometimes with alcohol present. Although she was clothed it is unlikely that Kaya fully understood the intentions of the photographers and was extremely vulnerable at the time, her Mum should have known better and protected her. The mum never seems to get any criticism for that.
>>1955119It does seem like they were married at some point. That’s a fucking unfortunate double barrel name though lmao.
No. 1955358
>>1955318I could have sworn someone asked her about it in IG stories or comments and she denied using filler. If I find proof I will post.
Still, if Kaya is over-doing the discretionary expenses when it comes to grooming services, clothing, eating out and travel then I think it's pretty disingenuous to say that 'cozzy livs' are hitting hard and that she desperately needs more support on Patreon guyz! If she's drowning in solicitor fees and car maintenance costs then she needs to budget and work more, not guilt-trip fans for more money. She averages 1 YT video every 3 weeks, never streams and goes to same parties in London every month with the same pictures we've seen a million times - what are the patrons even paying for?
>>1955348Fair enough, I stand corrected. I guess she has been using that Too Faced lip plumper for quite some time now. Still I really want to know what that weird moustache is, whatever it is it's becoming more obvious.
No. 1955558
>>1955318It’s not a discussion on whether it’s good or bad, shameful or acceptable, subtle or scandalous to use filler. I think what the other anon meant by "hate and criticism" is that it’s rather hypocritical to endlessly moan about her "bank account hurting" after
having to pay her own heating, electric, car and petrol, medical
bills etc upon returning home (
>>1947950 ), how "cozzy livs are hitting hard" (
>>1953740 ) and, therefore, she needs more patreon support – just to turn around and drop in on lip filler, tattoos, constant eating out, travel and partying, and shitty outfits.
No. 1956115
>>1953276>>1953849The thing is that she doesn't hate doing Youtube videos, she just hates the part that requires effort (editing and stuff). So honestly even if vlogs are not the best content, she could leave most of it without editing and at least she'd be doing something that might even bring new subscribers.
>>1954134I remember Kaya feeling miserable when they were living with her dad, among other things because apparently he'd complain about how little they were helping and contributing in general in his house. So maybe she also had issues like that with her mom or her partner, who knows.
No. 1956252
File: 1705518862130.jpg (1.93 MB, 2246x540, WHhml79.jpg)

I have a feeling this is Kaya's new rebound.
Kaya just reposted a pic from a 'pop-up erotic market' they attended 2 months ago in her IG stories and they had a strong couple vibe so I dug through her Instagram and found some evidence.
Pictures are from assorted London events taken in Nov and Dec showing them hanging out and Kaya sporting some interesting marks on her neck.
There was a cringe comment frothing over Kaya's lesbian relationship but it could just be a confused fan thinking she reunited with the Duke.
Kaya said she will continue to travel to London frequently for work (being refunded for flight tickets during a 2 week holiday is not work when you're losing money lol) but I think it's fairly obvious she's also flying over for dick on the Patreon dime. I think whoever Kaya is dating will most likely come from the London clubbing scene and make appearances on her social media long before she makes any announcements. She's made it clear she doesn't want to date in Belfast and that she's soooo picky so I guess we'll watch this space…
No. 1956550
>>1956252So your evidence is they've taken photos together and were hanging out on the same night kaya had hickeys? I think you might wanna go back to the drawing board here
No. 1956692
>>1956252>flying over for dickDoubtful any of these troons even have operating equipment anymore. She might be letting this new one nibble on her neck as a replacement duke or it could be countless other dudes in her social circle rn. Haven't seen rotten hollow or kuro's girlfriends mentioned or in photos for some time now. Did the tattoo artist She was sleeping in the bed of move yet too or? Lots of possible suspects these days.
>>1956442To be fair Jake was anorexic and effeminate when they started dating. He even skinwalked jeffree Starr early on into their relationship. Seems like she has a type. Funny thing is he just confirmed nonnas suspicions that he's been active on lolcow too.
No. 1958284
File: 1705953326126.jpg (1.89 MB, 1072x2048, XvZiwhs.jpg)

I've noticed the same patterns of behavior evident in last year's Duke arc that suggest Kaya is chasing a new dude.
First of all this ashley_mck person, or Twiggy Ramirez as I like to call him, is exactly her type; feminine presenting with long dark hair, long face/features, goth and taller than her. I don't think it's any coincidence that this new Duke clone has appeared in Kaya's life so soon after the last guy's departure (he first appeared on Kaya's Instagram on 30th Nov). A minor detail but I've also noticed that Kaya's favorite spikey lip piercings have not made an appearance in ages which is usually a sign she's been doing a lot of snogging (especially considering the hickeys are back in full force).
There are clues that things are moving quickly. In Kaya's last stream she said the main purpose of the current London trip is to see Roly and celebrate a 'friend's birthday' and admitted she won't be doing any club hosting or collabs while there (it must be a good friend if she's missing the chance to make any kind of money). She has since posted pics from the music event she attended with Roly and his mates to IG stories however there's been nothing from the mystery friend's birthday. Tinfoiling here but I think the 'friend' is Twiggy and that she chose not to say his name or post pictures to avoid suspicion. I've also noticed that her Belfast bestie Fifi is following Twiggy on IG despite being uninvolved in the London alt club scene - maybe it's a friendly gesture to show she's looking forward to meeting IRL? I'm calling it now, he will probably fly over to Belfast in the coming months and stay with Kaya in Bangor.
Just as was the case before you can already see the effect of Kaya's new distraction on her channel. I've attached a screenshot and added dates so you can see how obvious it is for yourself.
In the last thread we speculated that Kaya was dumped by the Duke around the end of September (
>>1904746 ) yet surprisingly in the month that followed we can see that she pumped out 4 videos, probably her best month for uploads of the year. I guess after the Duke left she could finally concentrate on filming new shit and editing the months long backlog of footage at the time. That burst of motivation was short-lived and by November she threw herself headfirst into constant partying and hedonism and after meeting Twiggy her channel was moved to the backburner. Oct 27, Nov 25, Dec 25…once again we are seeing back to back months go by between uploads, just like when she first started dating Duke in middle of 2023. Her last upload was on Christmas day and all we've had since is a grainy complain stream…What the fuck does she even do all day and does she even care about her career? It seems to me she's riding out her Patreon earnings as long as she can and her fans are suckers who can't see what's going on.
No. 1958409
>>1958293Nah, troon dick is her only true motivator in life. It magically cures her "executive dysfunction", crippling "hangxiety", decomposing in bed for days etc in an instance. If it is really the case, and the new troon will be coming over, everything will be tidy and shining clean in a week.
Otherwise, there’s no instant gratification, and it’s yet
another reason to pity her dumb patrons into throwing more money at her.
>Poow wittle 30yo Kaya can’t clean after herself to call the plumber nor get her heating fixed. Let’s just fund her move to a new place, so she can skip the whole ordeal. It’s for the mento health, she needs to focus on living out all the missed opportunities of young adult life uwu responsibilities and integrity are for normies No. 1958651
>>1958409Yeah with the duke she was suddenly so motivated to go to London real often, after constantly showing that she otherwise leaves packing to the very last minute and has "flight anxiety". Girl is just addicted to instant gratification as you said, even if it comes in the form of an mtf scrote. And I know being a feminine guy enjoyer is difficult now since a lot of the ones who aren't just gay are trooning out for the coom,
it makes me sad too, but surely that doesn't mean you have to become a handmaiden.
No. 1959012
File: 1706135358868.jpeg (307.36 KB, 1177x1875, IMG_4882.jpeg)

Kat Von D alludes to battling a court case recently. I wonder which one it is. The tattoo copyright or the former HVT employee who is suing because she didn’t follow Covid protocols.
No. 1959088
File: 1706149880600.png (721.17 KB, 719x992, katvondcourtcase.png)

>>1959012It's apparently the copyright court case. It's kind of funny though reading the articles and then seeing the photos. Apparently they are trying to say that the tattoo was "transformative" and "only took inspiration" from the original image.
No. 1959089
File: 1706150509931.png (361.44 KB, 949x470, totallydifferent.png)

>>1959088>you will see there are many differencesWhat do you think nonnas? kek
No. 1959113
>>1959089Just based on how she botched the hair, they are different. Case closed.
It’ll be interesting to see what the outcome of this is going to be and how it’ll affect tattoo artists using existing artwork as inspiration.
No. 1959122
File: 1706163043586.jpg (99.5 KB, 561x1645, FB_IMG_1706162903582.jpg)

Has this girl been posted before? She's deleting comments on her post, some from SA victims too
Isn't she a little old for Dahvie?
No. 1959149
>>1959088>>1959089Well, there
are subtle differences, but it’s also dumb to assume that it is technically possible to transfer a photo unto skin, especially the shoulder/upper arm, in a way that it’ll look 100% identical. Of course there will be differences, it is inevitable.
However, none of these said "differences" which they are trying to pass off as ‘conscious artistic or design choices’ qualify as such, since they are too subtle and bring absolutely nothing to the table. She couldn’t even be arsed to change anything stylistically, which is the biggest giveaway that it’s just plagiarism. It’s called a "tattoo
artist" for a reason, not a "skin printer".
Also, it’s not that hard to ask for permission, if, let’s say, on the client’s behalf, it were as important to use this particular photo and preserve everything as it is, and you just agreed to do it. Though something tells me it wasn’t the case of a militant client, it’s just her careless, inflated ego, alcoholic copycat arse.
Still, the funniest part here is their retarded defence narrative in court. Like, I don’t know who this lawyer is, but I assume it’s not a cheap one. And him using these dumb, amateur talking points as proof of her innocence, and her sitting there agreeing to this blatant nonsense, while considering herself an artist, and trying to come off as this creator of deep conceptualised work
>>1959116 is beyond kek. And then acting all traumatised
>>1959012 I hope her arse will get handed to her with the help of this idiot lawyer. Oh and God, of course.
No. 1959557
File: 1706233642822.png (1.09 MB, 2684x1360, new pedo fucker.png)

>>1959122does she have kids? his last gf had a young daughter.
I can't find her personal accounts (aside from Facebook which looks right out of 2008 which seems to be what you posted, I think she DFE'd them. Quite a few usernames related to "stevie raquel" seems to be gone(@stevieraquelcamal, @stevieraquel). Managed to find her professional instagram (@stevie.raquel) where she's recently posted some poetic bible-heavy virtue-signaling about Palestine and Israel.
She's a model but like all his other gfs afaik, is a fail scene musician too ( She makes the same type of stuff he does so they'll probably have some musical adventures together cause he loves using his gfs for free vocals.
This modeling reel I found shows off her typical plastic body and appearance right out of the myspace/suicide girls era: Her backstages:, Imagine ruining your life over has-been (but arguably never famous) pedo dick. Also imagine having so many surgeries you start looking like a troon
Random fact, her mom has been Donna Karan's makeup artist in New York (
Here's her tumblr, it's pretty basic and mostly just posts her instagram posts No. 1959558
File: 1706233850399.mp4 (6.92 MB, Stevie Raquel - New York Profe…)

>>1959557Archived the modeling reel ( in case she deletes it, thought it was pretty funny
No. 1959658
>>1959557So cringe and such hypocrisy, it’s absolutely disgusting. Why wouldn’t she then cry over the sufferings and pray for all the SA
victims of Dahvie’s, like the good Christian she is? Or is it because she "forgave" him, as her prayer and the scripture instructed her? Such vile trash.
> Imagine ruining your life over has-been (but arguably never famous) pedo dickYeah, how desperate and far gone does one have to be to associate with
that? There’s plenty of has-been moids from the scene, why go after him? What does he have to offer? In his case one can’t even play the card of 'I’ve been blinded by his talent, good looks and charisma, I’ve fallen for xyz, and foolishly believed his innocence' or some sort of similar BS, like he’s an absolute loser when it comes to anything, hideous-looking paedo scrote. I guess like attract like, otherwise there’s no explanation. Like the bar can’t possibly be
this low.
No. 1959876
>>1959658I wonder if she was a former (or current) botdf fan. Back then public fans usually received a barrage of hate from supporting pedo dick (most of the underage fans never believed the stories, especially because they could always point to Jessie Slaughter as an example of "faking it for clout") and also for listening to arguably terrible music even by scene standards. It turned the situation from "it's a guilty pleasure/I like some songs/I pirate so he gets no money anyways" to the hardcore "botdf army" who were mostly bullied kids now feeling attacked in the scene too and holding harder to the identity and ignoring the "hate". As the years went on it got smaller and smaller as more stuff came out, but those who were able to keep their online circles small kept the blinders on and became the ultimate stans. Basically like Onision fans back then too. And like Onision, the content was also grooming them on top of the pedo circus around them. Oversexxed lyrics encouraging a mostly underaged audience to shake their breasts and butts for him and an atmosphere that he "gets" you and will support you when no one else will (and coincidentally his DMs are always open to fans going through anything".
Either way she's an adult that should be unlearning this stuff but it would at least somewhat explain the why
No. 1960402
File: 1706481876375.png (514.54 KB, 534x595, gross.PNG)

disgusting hickeys, why is she showing this off? she could easily cover them for a video
No. 1961428
File: 1706766428700.jpeg (298.1 KB, 1179x1995, IMG_4957.jpeg)

Kat is going to milk any support she gets from this. It’s been awhile since she was on the right side of a situation so I bet she’s reveling in the attention.
No. 1961988
File: 1706910563010.jpg (249.93 KB, 1080x1829, VA24677.jpg)

>>1952665Vanessa is already back to her usual meltdowns. In the comments she said she's stressed about money lately. Wonder if the plans to move in with Roman are already falling apart before she could slither out from her mom's house and into his.
>>1961875Not everything needs to relate back to kaya anon. Let the monnas talk about other cows for once.
No. 1961992
File: 1706911275428.jpg (234.16 KB, 995x853, VA24679.jpg)

>>1961988So shocking that she's experiencing money problems at 40 years old while living at home on mommy's dime and only working part-time/seasonal retail gigs on and off. I wonder if Roman is reconsidering things with her already? It's already been a month since she was supposed to move in with him
>>1943288 No. 1962051
File: 1706922850535.jpg (Spoiler Image,583.26 KB, 1284x2249, livingfatnessa.jpg)

>>1961988>>1961992she mentioned him on her IG post from last weekend so i guess they didn't break up yet. but it seems we catched her lying since her story here doesn't match her makeup-free story she posted to FB…also if any of this happened, why wouldn't she bring the dog to the vet immediately instead of taking crying selfies!
(spoiler this) No. 1962196
>>1961988>>1961992>>1962051Hold on, hold on. So she was getting ready for the winter ball, "was already done with all her makeup", then, for some reason, went to the shower – that’s when the accident happened with her dog – she panicked and got stressed out (understandable), spent hours trying to get ahold of a vet, and subsequently even more hours crying and taking
makeupless selfies, that all lead to a headache and a horrible day, by the end of which she’s magically back in full makeup, smiling, taking thirst traps before washing her face and hitting the sack? Is she on something, or how doesn’t she see all the ridiculous inconsistencies of her lies?
No. 1962291
File: 1706999312971.jpg (Spoiler Image,781.25 KB, 1284x2131, saggypasties.jpg)

>>1962196exactly, you got it nonna. she's a big fat bad liar! there was absolutely no mention of the dog incident on her IG. maybe it never happened and she told the mom the dog ate all the chocolates cause she was scolded for being such a fatty kek. sorry for missing the spoiler, since Vanessa is able to post her hideous nudes on a public profile it went over my head. attached some cringe, she loves to censor the least bits of her nipples to make sure we know how saggy their positioning is. also kek @ her hashtags.
No. 1962744
>>1962291>>1961992It would be pretty difficult for a dog to get into and eat ferrero rocher, they are in a solid plastic case and each one is really well wrapped, like the dog would have to be chomping a lot of solid plastic and foil for the unrewarding treat of a handful of hazelnut chocolates.
She probably just had a good old fashioned mental breakdown/confidence crisis while getting ready.
No. 1962912
>>1962291These images are also from different days, evidently. Notice how she has black nail polish in the meltdown selfie
>>1961988 And if you pay a closer look to the very bottom of the "utilising my makeup before I go to bed" picture
>>1962051 where her hair is, the nail is bare or beigey.
Not that it is entirely impossible to suddenly do your makeup while also removing the nail polish by the end of the day, but hardly a lazy cow like Vanessa would do that, when stuff like throwing on a basic arse makeup look is considered a whole day event for her, or, in itself, a list of tasks for that entire day.
No. 1962923
File: 1707158902441.jpeg (630.95 KB, 1284x2338, IMG_5002.jpeg)

So she didn’t have a place over in Scotland, it was in nz? She didn’t want to pay for shipping? I’m so confused by this
No. 1963088
File: 1707211680480.png (28.76 KB, 512x300, 092904.png)

>>1962923She had hoards both in NZ and in Scotland. The Scotland pile is still there.
No. 1963287
>>1963091Yeah I'm thinking just how much stuff she must have piled up. She said it's only 50%, that's barely half and yet she still has a shit ton more things she needs to get? Insane.
This is the downside of when you accumulate too much stuff because if something major happens where you have to move into a smaller home, it can be a nightmare having to wonder how you'd manage your things. The common sense thing is having to downsize and get rid of some things but she doesn't seem like she's willing to do that and so it makes you wonder just what she plans to do with everything, it must be costing quite a pretty penny to keep the Scottish storage. I feel like she thinks she may be able to get a huge house someday but with raising prices and her not working, I feel like it's a pipe dream for her unless she inherits a house or something. I mean if I'm wrong about the housing prices in NZ, school me but I have a feeling in the back of my head that if housing wasn't as expensive, she would've gotten a big house by now.
>>1963134For real. I would say she needs to just cut her losses. She has two children now and things are gonna get a little tighter in the budget when they get older, especially since they're special needs. I think that what she should do is try to save some money to take one more trip back to Scotland, sort through her storage to see what she really wants and then get rid of the rest because there's no way she's gonna be able to take everything back.
I'm just imagining what she would be like on Hoarders and being known as the "goth hoarder" lol. Let's just be glad she hasn't stockpiled her current home like what happened with Kaya and her home.
No. 1963524
>>1963287She 100% needs to gather all her stockpiled stuff.
Honestly I feel like it’d be a great idea if she sold it or had some sort of auction for subscribers.
I think it’d make a lot of money if she just set a minimum bid or something, so long as the stuff in storage isn’t literal trash.
With thrifting going into the shitter, its hard as fuck to get gothic pieces.
No. 1963584
File: 1707345485456.png (Spoiler Image,2.21 MB, 1266x1992, nessie.png)

>>1962744>>1962912Vanessa quickly recovered from the worst day ever and is back to taking thirst traps in her mothers shower to post on her public instagram.
No. 1963984
>>1963848Ikr? Freeloads off of her relatives to solve her living situation, ebegs online, whilst flushing thousands upon thousands down the shitter for literal years, just because she can’t let go of her shillstar and g0ffer-than-most-g0ffs-who-ever-g0ffed spray painted trash, that can be easily replaced with similar trash from the local thrift shop.
Sure, she had some interesting pieces back in her old flat in Leipzig, and surely there may well be things that hold sentimental value. However, hardly there’s so many that she can’t pick those out and transport them, and donate / sell the rest, like the other nonnas suggested.
No. 1964150
File: 1707473183527.png (93.45 KB, 519x815, 975736856.png)

>>1964017She has loads of patrons somehow, if all these people are giving her £3 per month that's a good bit of money. I'm not too familiar with how patreon works, but her numbers seem big for someone who barely uploads.
No. 1965497
File: 1707815940552.png (Spoiler Image,2.3 MB, 1168x1926, van.png)

>>1962912>>1961988Vanessa posted this to IG and quickly deleted it, she keeps deleting her posts and claiming it got deleted for nudity - when that's clearly impossible when her many actually explicit posts are still up. I have reported around 40 fully nude posts of hers in the past and none of them got deleted. she lies about getting "zucked" even with posts that show little cleavage in actual clothes or even just her face or pics with Roman. i don't know why she would do this or why she doesn't learn to think through her posts so she doesn't regret them. wonder what kind of health issues she could have that don't prevent her from posting happy looking selfies in full makeup…has she posted anything about it to FB nonna?
No. 1965625
File: 1707844406277.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1166x1628, vanessa.png)

>>1965606>>1965497another deleted IG post from today! it was 4:30 AM in Albuquerque when she posted it. so she can't afford her meds, is so ill to the point of potential surgery but is going on another nonsense LA trip just to hang out at depressing Bar Sinister. i guess we can expect valentines-day cringe from this horizontally-blessed couple!
No. 1965704
File: 1707857122526.jpg (740.22 KB, 1284x2263, vanessabangs.jpg)

>>1965686she got bangs recently and had to make this life-changing decision all about him of course, but she keeps putting them away! also why someone with that much forehead real-estate thinks they need baby bangs is beyond me! you can tell it's all uneven too cause she tried to go for an actual Bettie Page look where they are longer in the front, but her hair is just not thick enough to pull it off it looks horrible.
No. 1965900
File: 1707915050816.png (339.7 KB, 538x500, Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 13.52…)

Kaya and BlackFriday can take notes from this(not milk)
No. 1966126
File: 1707963003218.png (Spoiler Image,5.42 MB, 2414x2066, vanessavalentines.png)

>>1965684Valentines cringe from Vanessa is in full swing! (NSFW) She keeps referencing him in every post acting like a teen and not like she's 40 year old dating someone who can't even be bothered to like any of her pictures. he's obviously not giving her enough attention if she has to post these pics she says are intended for him.
No. 1966135
File: 1707966080243.png (564.68 KB, 671x524, vanessaromanvalentines.png)

>>1966126>hate most of my back tattoos can't wait to cover themI remember when she did a cover up on her chest tattoo TWICE leading to that blotchy black mess she has today. I can't imagine what she's slap on over the multiple little tim burton doodles. Wonder if her "ass watching partner" doesn't like starting at a more successful competitor's art while hitting it from behind or something. kek
She's also been lovebombing him all over social media today. Not that out of the norm for valentine's day I guess, but kind of sad because he hasn't bothered to interact with any despite being active on social media to shill some v-day pencil sketches.
No. 1966137
File: 1707966172842.png (882.34 KB, 710x868, romanvday.png)

>>1966135also this 50+ year old man still talks like a teenager from 2005. embarrassing.
No. 1966362
File: 1708020116582.jpg (408 KB, 1080x1297, 0215115026.jpg)

>>1966135Even though he never likes/interacts with her many posts she tags him in, she's in the comments of his sales post trying to message the people interested in purchasing the sketches. Definitely weird interactions, or lack of, online.
>>1966292Yeah, it's totally normal for 50 year old men to talk like "can haz" and call things "spicy buttholes". All I'm saying is that it's pretty obvious why this guy has a history of dating much younger women, he's completely stunted and never left the early 2000s.
No. 1966466
File: 1708038964019.png (1.04 MB, 2608x1454, vanessacustomerservice.png)

>>1966362omg! why is she interfering with his business! he was replying to customers himself, he obviously already has his system to keep track of sales - why does she have to butt in and act like people should know she's his GF. it sounds like she just overcomplicated things, i doubt he asked for this "help". she probably just wants to show him that she can be useful and doesn't need to get a job to move in with him.
No. 1966546
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Kaya posted a new vid and I think she looks good, wow. The braids are pretty.(sage this nonmilk)
No. 1966592
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Does gothic kingcobraJFS belong in this thread? he's a well known lolcow who's also alt there's tons of milk about him
No. 1966650
>>1966546And then she turned around and showed off her back flab. Still no milk, though.
>>1966592No clue who this guy is, but I’m really for fresh milk in this thread. Bring it. Does his face look like that from make up or tattoos? Either way, bad choices were made.
(sage your shit) No. 1966734
>>1966546 I thought it was a good video it just a shame she was sent more clothes when she already has like 3 bedrooms worth of hoard piles but it was finally a video worth watching edited good. maybe she should do a video like Emily boob
>>1965900 closet clean out. I saw Emily sold all her Vinted bits In one day she must made like £250? imagine how much money kaya would make if she did one pile worth clothes.
>>1966592 spill the beans on him he looks interesting we need fresh milk
>>1966466 I hate people like this in relationships no wonder why he blanks her existence online. Being obsessive with people who talk to him and constantly checking his posts for messages is creepy af just let him do his own thing they don’t want to buy from you they want to buy from him
No. 1966749
File: 1708119507347.png (Spoiler Image,2.01 MB, 1150x2086, vanessavdayvomit.png)

>>1966126>>1966135more Vanessa valentines vomit! she does these side by sides every other week kek i think this is the first time she actually mentioned having gone to rehab, i wonder if she actually did and for how long. why doesn't she tell more about that recovery process instead of just focussing on her body that still looks gross and not like she exercises at all. she can't even go on daily dog walks just "every other day" the thought of her doing hot yoga is nasty.
>not only want to be healthy for myself, I want to be happy and healthy for my relationship so we can have a good long life together.usually people use this line saying they want to be healthy to be there for their kids kek so she has no reason to live outside of herself besides him! i'm sure he will love that and show his appreciation by not even liking this post
(spoiler this) No. 1966760

Ask and you shall recieve farmers.
Gothic kingcobraJFS real name Joshua Fay Saunders is an autistic self proclaimed "sexy gothic bad boy" who started his youtube channel in 2011 making videos of his awful guitar playing, autistic rants and sharing every detail of his life online this attracted a huge number of trolls these same trolls will contribute to most of his milk.
I only know about him cause he had a massive beef with one of my old fb friends named Gothic Dee who's also autistic and was tricked by one of his trolls to give him a shoutout on her stream he gave her one back and his trolls spammed her comments pretending to be him and saying they would make a cute couple this made her make a video telling him to leave her alone and called him a poser goth (kek) this made him go insane and send his trolls after her.
There are two main channels that document this guy's milk and they made a doc on the beef with gothic Dee. If i had to document his milk in one post i wouldn't be able to finish in a million years as he's been on the internet for over 10 years lol here are the milk channels that document his shit :
Bitesize cobra vids: Dee doc: No. 1966774
nonnie. I've been hoping Jorsh would get mention here sooner or later. The NaL saga has been wild.
No. 1966780
>>1966768>only like 300 calories for like 5 or 6 vodka shots>A whole vodka bottle is only like 800 or 900 calories, which you'll burn off just sleepingi can't tell if you're doubling down or dumb
unless you're drunkorexic or limiting calories in order to drink, sleeping/tdee isn't exactly working anything off. would you listen to a fatty saying you can sleep off a bag of chips?
>>1966760bless you nonna, some new milk
No. 1966886
>>1966546It's another ad and it's less than 10 mins long, the only other video she posted this year was a Spooky Box unboxing. The editing here was mega basic and lazy which is a shame because the haul itself was alright, the only questionable thing was the wet look leggings which reminded me of a beached whale. This kind of alt style is flattering for fat bodies, I hope Kaya actually wears these out rather than shit two sizes too small for her. Sadly no Kaya video is complete without excuses - she said the lookbook was cut short because her camera had issues charging, something she admitted has been happening a while. I don't understand why a veteran Youtuber of 10 yrs can't get her equipment fixed at a shop, buy more batteries or bring a backup camera. I also noticed the video was posted 2 days after her discount code went live (it was supposed to be for Valentine's Day)…incompetence intensifies
>>1966650Kek her back is so untoned and fleshy it's hard to differentiate from her front
No. 1966887
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>>1966886Just wanted to include the blood vial necklace Kaya flaunted in her new video, it's popped up a fair bit on her IG as well. This is the same necklace Kaya made in that NSFW video some dopey nonna posted last month
>>1949582. In the clip you can see someone sitting next to her and it looked like they were exchanging blood as some juvenile declaration of love. I looked through Kaya's tagged pics on IG and found a post from Monster Queen NYE that confirms it was Twiggy - you can clearly see them wearing their little matching vials and looking very much like a couple (kek at Kaya's thigh being the same size as his waist). I don't think she's known him very long, it's been like 3 months and they're already wearing each other's body fluids…I'm getting serious Duke flashbacks here. It's easier to let yourself get swept up in a new world wind romance rather than work on yourself and all your problems back home aye Kaya?
I noticed her Instagram bio has changed - her three jobs listed are 'Youtube. TikTok. Party Promo' and she's replaced the bat and plant emojis with chains and blood drops…cringe. She's really set on this new BDSM party girl identity and it's putting off a lot of her long-term, diehard fans who fell in love with her witchy, crafty persona. She really thinks that her partying career is going to take her to places like Berlin and beyond meanwhile her Patreon is steadily bleeding and her rentals gather dust lmao
No. 1966928

Another alt cow kek
Andrew Paul Roach born Naomi Stewart is a deranged troon that skinwalks marilyn manson and manages to look even more repulsive.
>Has a youtube channel where she spends her time getting drunk, naked, and masturbating on livestreams with the same microphone she "sings" into.>Sells weird stickers of herself online>Has been banned from laundromats for screaming at the employees. >Was banned from the local mall for sexually harassing a minor teen boy. >Used to work at a museum until she she ran through the museum screaming about all the places she and Marilyn Manson would have sex, harassing families to take her stickers, and littered trash and stickers around the property >Her brother is a religious fanatic, pedophile (who raped his own daughter.)>Grew up in a religious household where her father won't let her and her sister go outside but would let her brother >This probably made her troon out thinking that larping as a scrote would spare her from their misogyny>Pee's on herself during livestreams because she doesn't want to ''get up and interrupt.''>Says she would fuck her cats since no human wants to fuck herSocial media:
Instagram: video documenting her antics: No. 1966950
File: 1708179768657.jpg (324.72 KB, 681x1548, daysarenumbered.jpg)

>>1966928Wow. She's a class act. This is between several posts saying "come troll this guy with me" "executive order #666, let's troll this guy!" Who's your army, your 250 followers who don't interact with you at all?
No. 1967043
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Psychara's new boyfriend is an hair dresser. Maybe finally the hair burning cycle will end?
No. 1967082
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>>1966928>>1966958She's like some sort of TIF version of buffalo bill.
No. 1967209
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I know we’ve nitpicked her terrible breast job before but I swear it’s just getting worse. Looks like a ball bolted on to her chest
No. 1967235
>>1967185Not a selfpost imo this person seems objectively terrifying
>>1967209The worst thing about this is "my mans be so fine" about this common garden variety moid
No. 1967289
>>1966998> easy paycheckWhat paycheck? She gets paid absolutely nothing for her "Party Promos". They only compensate her the flight tickets and give a free pass at the door. That’s it. She’s basically partying on her own dime (or, well, the patreons’) nonstop and calls it a "job" kek
Other than that, I think she ends up with troons because that’s just her taste. She’s always been into effeminate guys. All of the good-looking and well-upkept ones are usually already taken, and even if she were to find one, let’s be fair, it’d be hard for her to impress him given her draining, whiny, endlessly complaining, clingy, freeloading, lying, lazy, pathetic, irresponsible, aimless, vapid and overall boring personality. And looking the way she usually does at said clubs, kek, not the picture-perfect match they’d be looking for. Not to mention that he’ll soon find out she’s a filthy hoarder, who spends most of her time decomposing in bed in her own breadcrumbs, looking like hot trash, and binging on the Kardashians. Let’s be fair, it’s hard to impress anyone with said baggage, let alone "prettyface" guys who are too full of themselves to "settle for less" like that. Dating a troon is easier as there’s less competition and there’s compromise on either end. And well, gives her woke points as well.
No. 1967308
>>1967289Samefagging, but it is also another reason why the Nonna that connected the dots in
>>1966887 had a point, that Kaya ought to take the time off partying and focus on working on herself and fixing her problems, and
actually bettering her life, independent of anyone, instead of indulging in escapism and chasing endless instant gratification. Otherwise she’ll just keep ending up with troons and other shitty
abusive men, besides all the other obvious downfalls.
No. 1967995
File: 1708445574324.gif (445.27 KB, 165x91, nakedandlaughing-lolcow.gif)

One of kingcobraJFS "fans" called Jessica has a channel called "Naked and laughing" she became his gf and she's a massive lolcow on her own
>39 year old mentally unstable NEET>lives with her parents still>streams on youtube and goes on unhinged rants looking possesed af>Breaks shit in her room live if she came across a negative comment on her stream>Made a go fund me to pay for a plane ticket to go see himThe milky thing is tho she was talking about how much kingcobra makes from donations and about having kids with him before they even met a lot on her channel when they streamed together for the first time she acted unhinged af and said "if it happens it happens your little fucking fans can pay for it and i'll be the mother". If those two reproduce it's gonna be a fucking disaster.
can't find her channel here's a link to a video about the milk: [DL][Archived Copy]
and a link to a video of her being unhinged af: [DL][Archived Copy]
No. 1968378
>>1967995she’s an absolute trashfire, but fuck all the moid Cobraverse reactors who are trying to protect their sweet smol bean from the mean lady
it’s embarrassing how many of them are all “just leave him alone” like he isn’t an alcoholic rage volcano constantly grifting and getting arrested and shit
oh the bad woman is going to ruin this fine upstanding citizen oh no
No. 1968392
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>>1967209so, she found another loser douchebag to shack up with? i peeked at this man's insta since she plugged it and he's your stereotypical aussie gymbro twat. shitty blown out tattoos, flexing his muscles in the gym, mega butter face, lots of photos with the lads, "dogs are so loyal and obedient uwu". oh and i found this reddit-tier meme as well. i couldn't get the whole thing but it's your usual whining about boo hoo, men have feelings too boo hoo, hug your homies because men suffer too waaahhhhh.
No. 1970313
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Jude got another terrible haircut
No. 1970324
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Vanessa scored herself some "modelling gigs" in LA - theres more levels to this cringe than her fridge bod or her undereye circles - she's modelling bootleg merch literally knocking off her "friend" Manson
No. 1970327
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>>1965625another romantic night out for Vanessa and Dirge at Bar Sinister that literally had a BDSM show going on! and she's calling his home "our apartment" despite still not having moved out of mommys.
No. 1970355
>>1970324face looking like lumpy pudding and sporting a meaty tuck in that left pic.
>>1970327their fucking foreheads kill me every time, long as her boobs are lol.
No. 1970392
>>1970355ikr? It’s almost as if their foreheads are getting more and more massive with each new photo together. Like the nose of Pinocchio. A mixture of hilarious and tragic.
But I really don’t get her though, she’s delusional, but she can’t be blind. She’s had her bangs done recently
>>1965704 and even though they probably didn’t come out right, she doesn’t look bad with them. Much better than sporting all that forehead real estate. What’s her hangup with it? Why hide the bangs? To twin with "her Roman"?
No. 1970416
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>>1970392>>Why hide the bangs? To twin with "her Roman"?yes, probably. I think they think they have a victorian dramatic middle part, so goth. But it's literally the worst era of hair dressing imo
No. 1971584
File: 1709341415941.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.87 MB, 4000x4000, VanessaVulgar.JPG)

>>1970416sounds like he left her home alone and this is how she spends her time. the pic on the left "got deleted" as well. she seriously tagged #frenchrevolution kek
No. 1972251
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>>1971584>it came out more geisha lookingkek delusional weeb as always
I should have screenshot it on mobile when I saw it earlier, because she already dirty deleted it, but earlier today she made a post about how she is back in New Mexico and has been "in bed crying" all day. Pretty standard stuff for her tbh. She was also begging for rides during her most recent stay with Roman. Seems he doesn't have a car either and won't travel with her on public transport, leaving her to Uber back and forth to her random "modeling gigs", which she also apparently cannot afford.
No. 1972252
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>>1972251In the comments someone tells her to request that the photographer pay for her travel costs and she reveals that the gig is nude modeling for a man (supposedly a sculptor) and his wife at the man's home. And goes onto say "that isn't how modeling works" despite the comment being made by another alt "model". Also she nearly drops Roman's address in the comments while complaining about it being so dangerous where his apartment is. Seems like there is already a lot of tension building.
No. 1972814
File: 1709674943279.png (Spoiler Image,4.28 MB, 2230x2050, Vanessa_JeremySaffer.png)

Vanessas latest photoshoot and the casting call this is for. This photographer actually shoots a bunch of actual famous people and seems to have clout - how would he possibly chose Vanessa for this project, which is will be made into a book when there's so many more attractive plus sized alt girls in LA who can actually model?!
No. 1972970
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>>1972929That's because it's a cover up of another shitty cover up. Three layers of ink and probably aging like shit since she constantly seems to have her tits out for whatever reason.
No. 1973067
>>1972970what makes this worse is, this was a 30 Seconds to Mars lyrics from her wannabe groupie days, gross. she also used to pull this "big brother" nonsene with Jared Leto.
>>1972905even if it's unpaid i bet there are hundreds of better looking hefty alt girls that applied to it. i wonder if she maybe sells herself as having all these connections that made the photographer think he will gain attention by including this starfuckers forehead in a book, she's a namedropper for sure! she even pinned her post about attending Mansons birthday at KVDs house to the top of her Instagram page, next to her pins about her anorexia and hysterectomy kek - it's crazy if you consider she sees these things as her accomplishments.
>>1972905yeah it sounds like Roman does not endorse her wasting time and money with these nonsense shoots. especially as a self-employed artist for decades, he probably does not support doing unpaid work at her big age. and it's not like she can tell him "it doesn't work like that" since he dated actual models before kek
No. 1973188
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>>1973165she also tried to be a camgirl in 2021 but that only lasted a minute by the looks of it (she had linked this on her personal Twitter back then, so this is not outing her) the page is still online, kek @ Breast size: Huge / Build: BBW
No. 1973283

TT made yet another chatting grwm and it's about what she did in London, from October to present day at the time of filming which seems to be January. Skipped through for any milk.
>for a while when she's gone to London, and when she hasn't been pestering people to freeload from, she's been staying in a squat. But it's being evicted now.
>In usual kaya fashion brings up something that was stressing her, couldn't eat or sleep, but then doesn't want to say what. But with what she's like, I bet she just lost her shoe. It was one night at darkroom London when she was in red pvc and was with Kuro.
>she did indeed see jazmin bean at the Spotify corporate I mean "alt" "anti prom" thing
>mentions the Q and A where she got some response like "how have you not been assaulted yet", which is pretty shit, but kaya was so proud about shamelessly plugging her dead joke of a patreon off the back of that. She also says while there's no shame in being a slut she hasn't been banging anyone, so I guess she's sweeping the two troons under the rug?
Apart from that mostly inane rambling, she didn't even detail what the clubs were like despite being a host for them, just oh I had a nice time there or oh it was boring in that one.
No. 1973369
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>>1973283 I'm pretty sure the red pvc can't eat drama was her break up with Duke idk why she even bothered mentioning it if she wasn't going to mention the full story she loves to hold onto negative moments never good moments. The patron plug was cringe that comment was made months ago and she's still talking about it and still using it to get people to give her money out of spite.
she also posted this the other day no one mentioned it but she has so many clothes on one pole that it broke and damaged the wall. She said this is all for vinted fingers cross she finally sorting though her hoard pile.
No. 1973548
>>1973283>kaya is a whiny baby/couch-surfer >she saw jazmin bean>kaya promoted her patreon months ago off a salty Q&A commentSo it's just rehashing what we already know and discussed forever ago. very cool, very "milky". Would like to know more about this supposed "evicted squat" situation though, did she really confirm staying with squatters?
>>1973369Didn't screencap but when she posted this she did say something about sorting through her clothes to sell some off. Guess we'll see if she actually follows through for once.
No. 1973631
File: 1709847540058.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.6 MB, 3706x3997, Vanessanude.jpg)

>>1973544>she keeps showing herself nude for free on the internet, she should at least try to make it profitableoh i agree! i never understood why she doesn't do OnlyFans, it's disturbing that she doesn't make Instagram page private. there's not even anything artistic about her nudes, imagine a 40 year old man posting pics like this with his saggy junk out for everyone to see - people would say he's a perv i actually believe she's just an exhibitionist who gets some kind of fetish kick out making people look at her body - maybe since it's her only way to get attention? Picrel she talks about being glad she's not male so she wouldn't worry about getting a boner while modelling. barf.
No. 1973642
>>1973548>very cool, very "milky"Ayrt, no need to get prissy when we all been knew kaya is stale and we discuss her messy shit before she does cos she's slow. It's just interesting what she acknowledges when she finally catches up. Still cares about her silly patreon thing but hushed up the trannies she's been after? And has nothing interesting to say ever about her club hosting gigs?
>did she really confirm staying with squatters?Said it at the start, then mentions little things. Like "most of the people staying there weren't alt", so I guess several randoms she didn't know lived there. Though I think she mentioned one "friend", he saw her passed out on a couch after a mixup with rooms, and let her sleep in his room cos he was going to work.
No. 1973665
>>1973642It's just funny her only "milk" is still the same old shit she did and we discussed actual months ago. No need to take it so personally anon, she just doesn't produce much milk. Finally had the chance to watch the video and it really is just 45min of her droning on recapping her Instagram stories. Her staying in a squat is pretty milky though. Sounds like it was almost some kind of commune? Wonder who got her the invite in as she says she hardly knew most the people there.
>>1973369In the video she says darkroom was "overall a great time" but that there was some "other bullshit going on" that was making it not fun for her. Pretty sure that's when the duke was on the guestlist as a DJ.
No. 1973857
>>1973843it is super annoying to have randoms show up at a communal house and crash in the shared spaces for extended periods of time. like, people want to give you your privacy and space to unpack your stuff, but that means the actual housemates can't use that room of the house for as long as you're sleeping or hanging out or whatever. most places aren't spacious enough for that not to be an inconvenience.
no idea how long kaya was there, maybe their squat doesn't mind if you hang around for a full-ass month, but it's just further evidence of how much of a moocher kaya is (and also how few real friends she has if there was nOBODY else in the whole city willing to let her crash with them.)
No. 1973926
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Being fat and stupid is not milk (although funny), but I keep getting recommended Drama Kween and her braindead takes. No shit the super dedicated black metal,death rockers and music based subculture peopleare gonna laugh at a dumpy mighty boosh moon in eyeliner stuffed like a sausage into egirl clown suit number 63489.You put yourself out there, some people are gonna dunk on you and not like you sometimes. Subcultures are gatekeepy around goofy ass attention seekers, shocking. Altok so mean u guise!!
No. 1974025
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What in the fuck, look who's back from social punishment lol. Hamson is going on arena tour. I thought his label dropped him and he's out of options? Is the music industry accepting him back?
I know Manson threads are banned but he fits altcows, he's a biggest cow of them all. Wondered what's going on for him and Lindsay Usich just lately and guess they're trying to wriggle their way back…
No. 1974027
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Reeree is currently having a cry she had to pay full price for meds while hardly being able to move her lips from all the filler. Then next story is her buying a lottery ticket to either disappear or kill herself. I don’t how to share stories
No. 1974094
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>>1974025Well I can see why ffdp is working with him… could have just asked his friends for the support or they're good enough friends this tour would have happened with or without the drama. Abusers in the industry seem to all be friends
No. 1974136
>>1974128I think because they used to bait a flood of newfags who knew nothing about lolcow, including some of the
victims, or fakers (remember the annie saga?) who came to sperg the fuck out but in a way that wasnt a contribution, just their private livejournal or private lolcow thread. and yes, that possibly maybe included Manson himself: some of the posts were so bizarre, like posting specific obscure 70's kid shows or whatever. We had 12+ Manson/Lindsay threads before they went to shit, but when he started gettinng milky again and we tried to start a new thread, farmhands locked it immediately. which imo was unnecessary, newfags wouln't know about new thread but i can't say i don't understand their motives. MM threads were crazy)
He's gonna gonna play the victimized role like in 2000. It's a shame some of the women settled or turned out to be faking it, because he's a 100% abuser and people will just let it slip just bc of that.
No. 1974200
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>>1974027Went to download the story earlier tonight but her "multipass" alt account went private and it still is. If the story was on her main she deleted it
I hope she gets the help she needs, she's been spiraling so bad since her ex
No. 1974617
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Now she cries about her butthole. Saged just in case.
No. 1974652
File: 1710104997568.png (680.49 KB, 1250x922, 07642345.png)

Kaya finally started selling on Vinted. I think she listed 5 items (1 pair of boots sold, not in screenshot) before her chronic "I'm so stressy" problems came back. The items look very creased and like they were stored poorly/improperly, especially the first dress. I don't shop there so what do you anons think of the prices? I normally hear about people buying things there for under £10.
No. 1974654
>>1974370Yeah, he still has two gfs. He released an album last year with every song name essentially being words that are often searched along with his name
Brand, abuse, sex cult and more
No. 1974795
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>>1973283Kaya took ages to edit this one. She has a TikTok with this exact makeup look dating back to Jan 15th so she procrastinated for almost 2 months before she posted this to YT on March 4th.
It's all super stale stuff we already know from IG stories and livestreams, she mostly talks about events from 4+ months ago (apparently she went to The Box 3 times).
She did drop that she met Duke 2.0 (Ashley) through a mutual friend called Harmony for the first time in November and the times they met up. I was looking through the previous Altcows thread and a nonna had noticed her gushing over someone with her friends in IG stories, it's so obviously this same guy
>>1937596I bet this was the date they became official because by January they were already exchanging blood vials. Kaya's definitely learnt to be more secretive post-Duke but I still see warning signs she's getting obsessed with her new relationship to the point that everything else in her life stops mattering - it's a bit of a pattern with her.
>mentions the Q and A where she got some response like "how have you not been assaulted yet"I thought her initial response to the unhinged anon was great but then she took it too far with the heavy Patreon promo and lame 'Spite Army!!!' sperging. This drama is from last Nov but she's so hungry for subs she chose to re-hash it
again. Kaya is definitely getting quite desperate for money at this point - she's been losing a couple dozen subs every month for ages and she'll probably be down to 300 patrons by the end of the year. She did gain some recent lovelies for the Spite Army so she must be delighted there is potentially positive growth for her Patreon after so long
>>1973286I cringed when she tried to gauge interest for her spicy story times. This is such a dumb idea because a.) you can read about the stuff 'Rose Wood' gets up to at The Box quite easily with a Google search (spoiler: it involves a lot of butt stuff and fake bodily fluids) and b.) if she starts sharing stories of what she sees at TG she'll probably get a reputation as a cringey vanilla Youtuber looking for content amongst actual BDSM-practicing fetish circles.
>>1973857Rofl it was definitely some kind of anarcho-commie squat, Kaya's posted stories from a room with a massive Anarchy flag since at least June last year
>>1848338 She was dating the Duke by then but probably preferred the location of the squat and Spooks seems like a bleeding heart who always stepped up whenever Kaya begged mutuals for free accommodation. I'm sure the other inhabitants didn't have the highest opinion of a spoiled Killstar goth influencer in their midst, especially one rich enough to own a car and house in another country. No wonder those punks had nothing in common with her.
No. 1975362
File: 1710248955052.jpg (1.18 MB, 4416x2496, yC0FosF.jpg)

>>1973369Yeah no shit that pole was going to drop Kaya. Let's see how long she takes to fix it, I bet she'll wait until her Dad next visits to take care of it rather than just learn to DIY repair it. This was all so avoidable if she had brought stuff over from the studio in small batches to sell and better utilized existing storage space (bedroom, office closet and space under stairs).
I hope this doesn't set her back 6 months - she should unscrew the wall mount, buy a standing clothes rack and keep going with the Vinted mission.
>>1974652She definitely needs to lower the price a bit more if she wants to sell them quicker and get some much needed cash into her bank account asap. Also it's no secret that her stuff has been sitting in damp storage for years - it doesn't seem fair to sell that high. At least run a steamer over them before you list them online lol, they look quite scruffy.
The problem is that Kaya is still buying stuff regularly and she has expensive tastes - the root of the problem still hasn't been addressed. I took a few screenshots whenever she posted flashy new shit (this is not even all of it). In January I remember she posted a story about desperately wanting £250 Moonboots and then less than a week later she was obnoxiously showing them off in videos while squeeing like a retard. When you combine this with the fact she barely works I find it very hard to feel any empathy when she complains about being poor.
No. 1975503
>>1975317>probably thinks they are worth extraThe anon you responded to just said they were reasonably priced. What are you even on about.
>>1975362I don't know nonna, the prices seem okay? She seems to be selling things as quickly as her lazy ass can manage to ship them which is probably why she's only doing a handful of items at a time. I'm no kaya fan, but her finally clearing some shit out is one of the few things she seems to actually be doing right lately. Shame she can't drop the woe is me act otherwise though.
No. 1976337
File: 1710465972977.jpg (293.1 KB, 963x1758, VanessaCasting.jpg)

Vanessa took a selfie in a public toilet for an audition, with all those photoshoot she does, how does she not have a solid background one she could use?! such a professional! also notice whenever she's back home in NM she has a bad week kek
No. 1976818

Don't even know what about the new Dorian video rubs me the wrong way. Specifically the first part of it, about losing friends.
Perhaps it's misogyny. "Some girls treated me bad and I am autistic, so I hung out with guys from then on", oh, okay. Didn't even try then.
"Every guy who was my friend wanted to fuck me", yeah, had something similar happen too in a certain friendgroup, but. Overconfident much?
"All my guys who were friends with me once they got a girlfriend, they'd abandon me, because their girlfriends would be jealous of me being pretty", huh, so it's the woman's fault?
"Do the guys even know they're being manipulative when they make friends with a woman and then leave her because they got an actual girlfriend? I think they do", yes, I can see the point. But to be quite honest… Maybe if all your friendships fell apart, you should have looked at yourself? Oh, she did, and decided it was pretty privilege.
Yes, I can see what she's talking about. But the air of misogyny is palpable.
"I didn't have any friends because all my guy friends left me for their girlfriends and I didn't even think to try for female friendships because women are catty and judge you", wow.
Also the dickriding never stops. Really, why is she so hung up on men she doesn't even want to fuck?
Also also the entitlement. Like she is owed friendship, and whatever happens in another person's life is their fault and it's their fault for friendship dissolution (or more like their gf/wife/whatever woman)
And then half a video later she just pivots and says "well, try to have some female friends, especially neurodivergent female friends" and yes. Could have just said that from the start? I get that guys are shitty, but she somehow manages to twist it into guys being shitty because their girlfriends didn't like that she was so pretty.
Not even a fucking mention how most guys she always hung out with were always much older and that them being around her and admitting their attraction to her, should have already ended the relationship. She was a teenager hanging around 20+ guys, how is that not the first red flag?
And goes back to shitting on "neurotypical" women, how they are dismissive and rude and hate her.
Second half is just her being vapid about being beautiful and scared of stopping being beautiful and aging. Some good points there, but the first part is just… The undercurrent of hating women is just so strong.
No. 1977397
File: 1710751930010.jpg (255.32 KB, 1284x802, VanessaBio.jpg)

Vanessa edited her bio, where it used to have a heart-emoji saying "my heart belongs to @taxidermied" there's now a ring-emoji. i seriously doubt he proposed to her over text while she's back home - and we would have heard all about it if he did in LA, she also complained about depression and sleep issues as soon as he got home. not to mention all the other various reasons he wouldn't propose to her kek
No. 1977675
>>1976818>>1976831Agreed, she's clearly suffering from "not like the other girls" with a side of pick-me. Embarrassing at her age to still be acting like this.
>>1977397Lmao oh no. She's too broke to properly move in with him and he's too checked out to help her get to and from her "nude modeling gigs", but they're potentially "engaged" already? He's done this before with other previous girlfriends and it usually leads nowhere. I expect some drama and plenty of crying selfies from her within the year tbh.
No. 1978108
File: 1710892356771.png (1.36 MB, 1550x710, cracked doll.png)

>>1977663I think this actually turned out really well, it'd be nice to see her do more creative things like this and maybe not wait for a trend she likes to come along but instead come up with her own ideas again.
Also it was really funny to see the face mask scrunch up afterwards and destroy the look in a microsecond. These makeup trends really are Instagram-only kek
No. 1978187
>>1976337Lol everyone knows that's a toilet door like that's the only time you are near a backdrop like that aside from being in a lift. She couldn't find a white wall somewhere?
>>1976818>Really, why is she so hung up on men she doesn't even want to fuck?Seems like cognitive dissonance like she wants to be "one of the boys" but is also aware all her male friends were just using her as a backup plan before they got a girlfriend. And imo girls can be very dumb, pickme, catty so the girlfriends hating her could be true too. People get very defensive and competitive when it comes to scrotes. But the truth is it's possible to have female friends, you just need to search for women who aren't male centred/pickme/competitive, but based on what we know about her she herself is a pickme so the normal women will steer clear
>>1976831>see themselves as unique and intelligent, so that must mean they aren't a woman at all.internalised misogyny: the movie like if you aren't an airhead, submissive slut (which tbh most women don't fit these regressive sexualised stereotypes) you aren't a woman at all.
No. 1979520
>>1979130I wish she'd make more videos showing how she constructs outfits to teach younger goths how they can work with pretty much anything. Get accessories from ebay and style it with black clothes you can find at a second hand shop if you know what to look for and dedicate the time to it.
She does all these hauls and sponsorships but she actually has a treasure trove she could make infinite videos about. I've mentioned this before but I think she should also make simple videos about the goth music she likes since she clearly actually listens to it.
It's quite sad to see her being an actual lifelong lifestyle goth but completely unable to create videos around that despite video creation supposedly being an art she was very interested in. Unfortunately the only video that sticks out in my memory of hers with interesting camera work or concept is that Onision video responding to him mocking her and her bathory bath bomb video which were both eons ago.
No. 1979532
>>1979520>I wish she'd make more videos showing how she constructs outfits to teach younger goths how they can work with pretty much anything.Well, you can do that by having coherent set of items like clothing and accessories
but that a topic for
>>>/g/86956 thread
No. 1979571
>>1979532One could also add that first of all you shall wear whatever the fuck you want and learn on your own what you like to pair with what. No "style guide" is needed beside your own judgment and preferences. It's up to you what is coherent look you want to express. which she kinda said on several occasions in her videos if memory serves me well.
Secondly style she represents visually is in context of real life scene marginal.
People who know only online "goff" are often shocked how diverse in looks actually goths are - it's especially well visible at international events where you have in one venue people from South America, US, UK, Greece, Italy, Germany, Poland etc. especially representing different age groups.
No. 1980013
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>>1979944Nta, I'd agree that it's not dying, but it's definitely done growing in any significant way and will most likely fade into obscurity in another decade or less. She makes around the same amount as channels with half as many subs. There's no way she's even bringing in min wage monthly.
No. 1980099
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No. 1980226
>>1980105The idea of a documentary is good and today it could be done with minimal travel since there would be people on the ground in every scene who could be roped in.
That's probably not what's happening here though.
No. 1980239
File: 1711537363591.png (19.68 KB, 717x194, 105815.png)

>>1980099This is the best she could come up with for the Risk & Challenges section of a $300k project?
She claims to have a production team of 4, but since noone is named in the project I can only assume that's her family. The campaign is writted so amateurly, it's cringeworthy to read. "Please please give me money, promise I'll make something with it. I'll do my best, corpo sponsors please call me."
>>1980106I have a suspicion that it is AI. Ladys left leg is a foot longer than the right.
No. 1980306
>>1980239>production team of 4is she going to have the babies film and edit? How exactly is she planning to do all this while raising a disabled toddler. She's delusional as always.
>>1980261>"paying artists"meanwhile she's using wonky AI art for the promo. kek
No. 1980721
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Not milky but I think the hypocrisy is funny. the lid is attached for environmental reasons and she claims to be such a witchy nature girl so incessantly
No. 1980851
>>1980368Definitely feels scammy, she's currently got 3k in donations with 28 days left to go. Can't wait to see what mess she actually delivers at the end of all this.
>>1980807Must be the same anon who went off on her touching a frog once. I get she's a lazy cow and all, but who gives a fuck about her bottlecap.
No. 1981038
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>>1980721God she's always guzzling Fanta and energy drinks in her IG stories. Just like IBF I think she starts everyday with a can of Monster.
She's flipped flopped on whether she buys Monster for the taste ('caffeine has no effect on me bcuz of muh ADHD!') or whether she
needs them to function and will get intense caffeine withdrawals if she tries to quit them. Honestly I think she's just addicted to sugary convenience shit. She's probably one of those retards who thinks as long as she opts for sugar-free she's fine but the acid will wear away her teeth and artificial sweeteners are really bad for gut health. No wonder her teeth are yellow af and she's perpetually bloated, drink some water ffs.
In other news Kaya announced that she's actually gonna follow through with the spicy stories series about The Box on her Patreon. As I said before it's easy to find info about the place online, I took some screenshots to save you the time. It sounds repulsive and pretentious af. Any nonnas subbed to her should post the links to the unlisted videos here so we can laugh at her terrible story telling skills.
No. 1981046
>>1981038None of this shit is milky you fucking sperg you sound like miserable vendetta having fat bitch yourself sperging on her drinking sugar filled drinks let me guess you must be a top notch fitness girl that only eats organic food (doubt), this thread attracts the most autistic mentally ill social rejects out of them all.
Two new cows were posted (Mini Manson, KingcobraJFS) plus Freezer is trying to scam her audience yet again but you retards still won't discuss any actual milk and instead sperg over Kaya being lazy.
No. 1981056
>>1981046Calm your tits, people have been discussing IBF and Vanessa here a lot lately. This is no longer a Kaya centric thread however we're still allowed to talk about her. Kaya is desperately trying to justify losing money on her constant partying and visits to sex clubs and this is the best she can do (I'm still skeptical after so many broken promises of Patreon-exclusive content).
>>1981047Someone made a thread on his gf yesterday and a farmhand commented that it could be used to discuss KingcobraJFS too. Link is here
>>1980615 No. 1981072
>>1981056NTA, but I get the general irritation over posts like the retarded bottlecap one. Some of the kaya nonnas used to spam the thread with the most mundane shit as if it were milk. The bullshit "art performance" troon pooping on a pizza club thing might prove to actually be milky, guess we'll see! Definitely didn't need an entire paragraph about reeee sugary drinks reeee though. Breathe nonna.
>>1981046Tbh would love to see more discussion about mini manson cause what a freakshow that creature is. My only real complaint is that she seems like a self poster and actively enjoys being a lolcow. also shame Vanessa is dirty deleting her unhinged posts pretty quickly these days, guess Roman has her on a fairly tight leash as far as their public image goes. Freyja is obviously scamming her way to WGT, should be funny when she fumbles making anything more than a shitty vlog of her experiences.
No. 1981347
File: 1711839233218.png (91.07 KB, 991x1096, worldgothdoc.png)

>>1980099>>1980239Looking over this fundraising page and there are some real gems. Freyja is promising to ship DVDs, T-shirts, and more to those donating (as well as invites to private screenings of the documentary). She has plans to go to "Europe, the Americas, Asia, Oceania, and Africa" somehow to film all this. She also goes on and on about how she's such an incredible film maker despite her YT videos being mediocre at best? Also had a hearty kek at her claiming "I am at heart a tight-fisted Scottish git and don't like spending where not necessary" as if she doesn't throw money away on bullshit constantly (hello multiple storage units across multiple countries). She's really going full throttle into cowdom again it seems.
No. 1981374
File: 1711847717178.jpg (75.2 KB, 720x720, rose-wood-portrait-bw-720x720-…)

>>1981362Anyone sane wouldn't pay to watch some ugly old troon do magic tricks with his ass or eat his own shit off a pizza, nonna. Surely this is bait?
>>1981347 seems like the donations are taking a steep drop off from the initial 3k donating in the first two days. Curious to see how much she manages to scam.
No. 1981375
File: 1711847808234.png (19.62 KB, 538x434, funding.png)

>>1981374just a couple hundred more in donations in another couple of days.
No. 1981385
File: 1711851675109.jpg (228.43 KB, 2340x2340, 1000013405.jpg)

Found these couple faggots on my explore page. Nonas can you guess how many STDs they have? I'm guessing twelve. Also the fucking irony of being faggot moids and listening to Burzum kek.(sage your shit)
No. 1981663
File: 1711940658854.jpg (847.3 KB, 1080x2190, Screenshot_20240401_Instagram.…)

>>1981385Hmm I went on the smaller one's account and this person is talking like it's a boy but looks like an androgynous female
No. 1981672
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>>1981664Since it's a flexible goal, she will get to keep the funds minus the 5% indiegogo charges for using their service. The donations have slowed down quite a bit though, if it keeps at this pace she'll be lucky to end the campaign at around 10k. Not nearly enough for her to go to "Europe, the Americas, Asia, Oceania, and Africa" like quoted in
>>1981347 definitely feels like she's going to burn through all of the funds going to WGT this year in May. Plane tickets for her, mr. owl, and the two kids will cost her at least 5k alone.
No. 1981827
>>1981672Thanks for the explanation. Honestly I just can't help but feel this is another scam. I can't help but feel that if she doesn't make the goa, she's gonna stash all that money away and then suddenly start traveling as well as get all her stuff back from her storages because she sure as hell doesn't have the money to do that now. I just hope that people keep an eye out on this.
Like I mentioned, I wish I could give her the benefit of the doubt but I just think back to her wedding scam. She raised quite a bit of money at that time and I can't help but feel she's trying this again because even if she doesn't make the threshold, she can still do a lot with the money she currently has. When she was doing her traveling vlogs with the wedding scam money, she was able to make it work because she used the money frugally staying in hostels, getting food for quickie marts, and traveling by train (outside of the few plane travels).
No. 1981947
>>1981672She's 100% trying to scam brain dead "goths" so she can afford going to WGT. Remember how she dead ass posted a pic of her holding her daughter and E-begged for the tickets last year? kek
Freyja is one of those pathetic narcs who think having kids is as simple as having a "mini you" and never consider how much they alter one's life and finances, she wants to live the same lifestyle she did before jumping from country to country and being carefree while she has special needs kids but instead of working hard to afford it she rather scam retarded followers or E-beg.
No. 1982056
File: 1712076437671.jpeg (583.14 KB, 1170x1969, DB053FB2-1AA8-42A7-87A6-FE38E8…)

Jake thread has died so continuing here
Not enough milk for his own thread
Anyway, Jesus he got sooo fat so quick?!!?
No. 1982198
File: 1712110484341.jpeg (Spoiler Image,517.54 KB, 1263x2048, IMG_0710.jpeg)

>>1982088he probably thought he had something with those movie reactions but as usual he can’t maintain an upload schedule. didn’t forget to plug his patreon, which somehow still has almost 400 subscribers.
claimed he would be making three posts a week on onlyfans, did two adding to dm for extra content, and he lowered the price to $20 a month. considering pic related is what he’s using to promo the new content, he can keep it lol. love the in-progress coverup by kat, it really highlights the flabbiness of his arm.
No. 1982255
File: 1712131324562.png (Spoiler Image,199.08 KB, 324x195, image.png)

>>1982198he's using his hand to hide the blubber on his belly kek
also the light is highlighting his bitch tits
No. 1982489
>>1982256>why is he built like this?Well, build as in length of stuff or ways fat deposits is genetics. Fat levels in human are result of habits and lifestyle. While he has significant fat levels he has also significant muscle level and mostly even fat distribution. There are less fortunate fat distribution patterns in males. Muscle makes males wide from side to side. Fat adds to that dimension too and to front-back as well.
I'm not sure if you were even interested in reading any explanations but whatever.
>>1982353Yes, human brains typically recognize high fat levels as female traits. It's wired in old primordial regions of brain as females need certain fat levels to sustain fertility and later pregnancy.
No. 1982514
File: 1712205826316.png (1.44 MB, 1337x814, vanalexandria.png)

Small Vanessa update since milk is slow with the other cows. She seems to be dropping hints on wanting Roman to be more serious, first replacing the heart with a ring emoji in her bio and now she's pulling a "teehee people ask if we're married all the time!". Also apparently she's on Seroquel now and everyone has to know about it + sad topless selfie as always.
>>1982489kek, this is so autistic anon. We've all seen his full body photos and know he's freakishly shaped, we don't need your research papers on unfortunate male anatomy when we have eyes.
No. 1982516
File: 1712206426313.png (59.02 KB, 502x580, sadboobs.png)

>>1982514The instagram version of the photo is basically the same but with her tits almost completely out with tags like "mentalhealth" and "cleavagefordays". Never miss a chance to turn your suffering into a thirst trap I guess? Some additional information like her claiming to have been on 30 different medications for anxiety over the past 21 years, and how Roman tried to get her to smoke pot with him, but she had a freak out.
No. 1982531
>>1982514>25mg seroquelcorrect me if this isn't accurate for all uses of seroquel as a psychiatric drug, but it's only one over 100mg. Anything under and it's just a sleeping pill.
t. idiot doc thought they'd "ease me into it" cause the dosage recommended was "high" but instead I found out 75mg puts you asleep all day (and seriously fucks your digestive system faster) then when you're on a real dose it totally flips and actually does the brain shit. Also for anxiety it feels odd that basically all she was given is pills to give her a good night's rest. But any nonas with experience using the demon drug for anxiety please correct me. Maybe she got it cause she only gets nighttime anxieties? but it's odd that she'd only get nighttime stuff for 21 years.
No. 1982542
>>1982531in the comments she talks about her near constant anxiety attacks, so it doesn't seem like it's just a night time thing. I also get having an anxiety disorder and all that, but it's difficult to understand what has her anxiety
triggered so constantly, she doesn't have a real job, she still lives off her mom, and she seems more than happy to sit around butt naked in front of complete strangers for a quick buck (something that would make most people anxious)? Wouldn't be surprised if her brain chemistry is even worse off from being on and off "30 different meds" over a span of 21 years, if true. Not to mention her being a raging alcoholic for at least 15 of those years. (and anorexic for around a decade too?)
No. 1982553
>>1981672The idea in and of itself is cute.
It's true that goth scenes exist in nearly every country ever and in the hands of someone who has accurate funding and is experienced in doing shit like this, this might be a good idea.
The indiegogo page quite literally says "Trust me…", we can't even trust you to film your 500th punk rave haul on time.
I'm predicting that this is going to be a huge huge mess, I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be another "All-or-nothing" or "Miss Officer and Mr Truffles" tumblr scam ordeal which will result in Freezer's reputation ultimately becoming so tarnished that she disappears off the internet like Drac Makens. "Need some time to myself and my family…" type vanishing.
The campaign sits at 5.100 USD right now, approx. 4.700 EUR. With 22 days left, it's looking quite dire, Freyja…
No. 1982697
>>1982553She better for the sake of her reputation actually be serious about this and not scam because unlike the wedding scam, she has even way more subs than she did back around that time with way more eyes on her and if she does end up pulling a scam, there will be no coming back form that at all.
>"Need some time to myself and my family…" type vanishing.If this does happen, I feel like she'll probably disappear for like a year, maybe two and when she comes back she'll be in a super furnished house setting and not address the fundraiser.
No. 1982757
>>1982514kek Vanessa, people don't assume you're married cause you two are cute, they assume cause you have the look of a sexless, unbathed, morphed into one unit marriage!
>>1982516>Roman tried to get her to smoke pot with himshe's not sober like she claims to be if she's randomy smoking weed! so Roman is a bad influence for her and does not respect her sobriety or what she went through! it's her sober anniversary soon, i bet he will give zero shits. btw do we know anything about her sobriety journey? she always does these throwback side-by side posts, but she only ever talks about her weight loss since then, she never mentions what helped her, was she in AA, did she go to rehab?! it's annoying she's trying to be "inspirational" with those posts but never provides anything helpful.
>>1982542exactly. have you noticed her mental health posts always pop up whenever she's back at her moms house, she does not seem to have any issues whenever she's doing any of her nonsense trips to LA or hanging out with Roman. i think her anxiety and depression stem simply from living a depressing life. she should work on changing that instead of chasing after celebrities, nude photos of herself and a one-sided relationship…it's insane she's been on meds for so many years without improvement! but like you said, "if that's true" it does not seem like she's even in therapy. i bet she's also just always sleeping in very late and never getting any sunlight or has a routine unless there's some event to go to.
No. 1983128
New Jake Munro thread:
>>1983123Was on the fence about making one or keeping discussion here, but after someone just copy-pasted the entirety of thread #2 for a new thread, I figured it'd be best to make a proper one to avoid any confusion. Sorry for the delay nonnas.
No. 1983571
File: 1712515212715.jpg (305.74 KB, 963x1819,…)

>>1982514Vanessa pulled all this drama over her mental health just to feel fine again within a few days! she's so exhausting. here's more marriage hints at Roman who she says responded with "ah fuck" about her catching the bouquet. shouldn't this raise a red flag for her? how is she not embarrassed to tell the world. they don't need to get married but it's not an ideal attitude from your 51 year old boyfriend.
No. 1983637
File: 1712541009890.png (15.91 KB, 517x286, itsscamfriday.png)

Freyja's documentary scam is up to $5,700 with only 18 more days to go. So far the promised perks has her owing 48 claimed DVDs and 46 claimed limited edition T-shirts. Something tells me none of these people are getting what they are paying for. Having all these things made and shipped out is going to already cost her much of what she's raised.
>>1983571Hilariously, Roman hasn't liked the post either (but Vanessa made sure to like her own post of course). Not sure why she gave up on the bangs already, she looks extremely creepy and ghoulish in that pic. Can't say I entirely blame her loser boyfriend for reacting with an "ah fuck" if that's what she sent him. kek
No. 1983814
>>1983667Judging from
>>1980099 there was a video, but I don't see it on her channel?
No. 1983872
>>1983667>>1983832Did she keep it unlisted because it's against YT's rules then? I'm surprised she isn't doing more to promote this project with only a little over two weeks to go. Freyja seems like the queen of half-baked ideas.
I'm still betting on her mostly using this money to fund a WGT trip and vlog. The other half is going to somewhat mysteriously get eaten up in a very half-assed attempt to fulfill the DVD/t-shirt orders, with most supporters likely receiving neither. I know she sells t-shirts of her designs through a 3rd party website, but has she ever produced any kind of DVD before? That "trust me" portion of the fundraiser page seems more sketchy the longer I think about it.
No. 1983873
File: 1712615620396.jpeg (213.79 KB, 750x1254, IMG_7724.jpeg)

Samefag, dropped pic
No. 1983920
File: 1712630368359.jpeg (786.29 KB, 1284x1158, IMG_3335.jpeg)

Not sure if it’s milk so saged, but Angela got called out by some retard on TikTok because she apparently “misgendered” him. I thought she learned her lesson not to acknowledge the gendies after that other video that got backlash, but I guess not. She’s really naive about how violent TIMs are. I guess in some goth circles (Reddit) being a terf is oh so horrible so she has to “clear her name”, but this is ridiculous.
No. 1984059
>>1983920>that other video that got backlashWhich video anon?? I think I may have missed something, is it still up? But I agree, she really does seem unaware about what the trans community is really about which is domination (of women) and sex fetish. I wish that she would get with the program and actually look into the reality of trans ideology that the mainstream public doesn't show but I feel like her having a cousin who identified as trans is clouding her mind.
>As long as you're happy, healthy, and not hurting anybodyYou might want to look into things more Angela because these people are not healthy and they certainly are hurting people, specifically women, girls, and gay youths.
No. 1984062
>>1983871The cynic in me thinks that the only reason she made the margin so high was because she predicted that even if she doesn't make such an astronomic price, she'll still at least break 1,000 USD if lucky and any somewhat large number is better than none because it will be a lot more than what she currently makes in one month (her patreon). And with this extra accumulation of funds, she'll have enough to get her hoard.
But on the other hand, if she's asking about the time preference for the potential video, there could be a chance she's being serious about it .
>Has she ever produced any kind of DVD before?Doubtful but I think she did take some classes for video production years ago so maybe?
No. 1984082

>>1984059Took quite a bit of digging through Kaya and Jake bs to find the thread again, but here's the original post
>>1522377 and yes the video is deleted now.
She mentioned Kai Decadence once in a very old video, and someone tried to cancel her for it by calling her a
terf. She made a video stating her views and mentioned that biology doesn't equal sex identity
>>1523580 which of course made trannies mad because they do see themselves as "real-born women".
She deleted the video because people started unfollowing her for being a trans supporter, and I'm sure troons also unfollowed her for saying what is now considered a "transphobic" opinion.
Imo it's better not to mention this crap at all if you're any sort of public figure, but I guess people kept pressing her. She should have ignored them. I guess this time being called a
terf bothered her because she was also called old with it. Vidrel is the new video, she seems more bothered by the fact she's called old kek. It tracks since she has a hard time embracing ageing and always insists she looks "naturally young and doesn't age" despite using heavy filters and fillers.
No. 1984102
>>1984082Oh okay, thanks for the clear up anon. I agree with you that if you don't have the fortitude, it's best not to talk about trans crap and just ignore it because that shit can be never ending, especially if you're a people pleaser which I feel Angela kinda is and I get it but the trans bullshit is one of the most divisive topics of the modern time and especially in the goth scene.
>She seems more bothered by the fact she's called old kekThat is sad and it sucks that Angela has fallen
victim to filter culture. I remember when she first started her channel back in 2015, she would film normal with at most, decent lighting and she looked fine. I don't understand why she feels the need to film with a filter at all times because she even uses one when doing her thrifting vlogs. I used to look up to her as a good example of aging and not being too bothered by it and just keep up good skin care regimen.
No. 1984458
>>1984437>she’s friends with Piper Sweeneygross, i didn't know that.
>seems to be a Johnny Depp supporteri'm sure it's just because she's clouded by her love for his movies. retard.
she's a people pleaser and has no backbone. i used to be subscribed years ago, but that was before the troon support and excessive filtering. boring rambling now too.
No. 1984896
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>>1984833>>1984842Shes ftm and tries her hardest to do a “man voice” when she just sounds drunk as fuck. Her takes are retarded and yet her channel is dead because nobody cares about her anymore.
No. 1984980
>>1984906Right, that happened. I forgot about that as well LOL the people donating are in for a right treat
I bet the money went into their spoopy apartment. Looking back at her old apartment in Germany and the apartment/house she's living in right now, she must be fucking fuming at how she fumbled it all so badly.
Plus most of her wardrobe and furniture she was so proud to show off is now STILL rotting away in storage. Never change, Freezer
No. 1985033
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spoiler for Vanessas uterus in a jar. i guess we can expect some new milk from her with Roman soon - i'm pretty sure one of those milestones is her sober anniversary coming up, since she makes posts for the same anniversaries (sobriety, hysterectomy, anorexia, weight loss) every fucking year, i swear every month she's celebrating some shit she did in the past while still living with mommy with no job waiting for her boyfriend to finally let her move in. i wonder if Roman even cares about her sobriety anniversary (i think it'll be 7 years) since he basically sabotaged her making her smoke weed!
No. 1985076
>>1984890Thanks for the breakdown, I was debating on watching it but I had a feeling she wouldn't say much of anything interesting or insightful. I mean hell, if she simply interjected and took some time to nerd out about things she liked from the first and wove that into what she's hoping to see in this sequel, that would be better than braindead reaction.
OT but I'm iffy on the movie myself because I fear it won't have that same spirit and vibe as the first one did.
No. 1985682
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>>1985033>>1985285She also looks better in the left because she's covering her massive forehead for once. I don't know why her bangs were so short lived, they are basically a necessity.
Anyway, Freyja's latest scam is stuck sitting at 6k with only 11 days left to go. Looks like Mr. Owl is going to have to buy his own ticket to WGT this year.
No. 1985692
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What do you guys think about the Reby Hardy/Gothic Baby thing? For those who don't know her Reby descrives herself as 'Content creator. Classical pianist. Game designer. Former Playboy Centerfold/TV Host/Wrestler/Etc', she started making a Tik Tok series centered around her baby girl being the new Wednesday Addams and has been capitalizing it to the max with merchandise and books. To me her view on goth seems extremely superficial. Pic related she's promoting the whole thing with Trisha Paytas of all the people.
No. 1985791

Alright, another Freezer video recap. I was a bit surprised to see this so soon after the Beetlejuice 2 trailer reaction. Here we go:
>she's participating in the 333 challenge, 3 tops 3 bottoms and 3 accessories to create a bunch of outfits
>using Killstar only
>of course this video is sponsored by Killstar
>her makeup looks raggedy today, very messy, lipstick and eyebrows look worse than usual
>she shows off some clothes that she will use for the outfits, most don't fit together at all
>fishing for compliments ("I never had a good body…") etc.
>1, maybe 2 outfits don't look like complete shit
>most outfits don't match at all
>her bedroom looks like shit, the carpet's dirty as fuck, her epic Queen Anne style furniture is of course still not painted black
>shilling Killstar at the end
Boring as usual. OOTD haul sponsored shit as usual. You can tell she puts very little effort into these videos. I won't comment on her body shape as it has been discussed to death but she can't dress for shit and always chooses the worst items of clothing that truly make her look freezer shaped.
Her hairstyle looks really terrible from the back. Her entire school-of-Elvira look needs a total makeover, it's clear that she's aging out of this look slowly but surely. It makes her look messy and unkempt. I feel like a couple of years ago, it wasn't as bad as this (might be the kids/motherhood but who knows). I know she knows this to be true because her thumbnails and Instagram posts are always filtered to death.
No. 1985871
>>1985791>Not dressing for her bodyTo be fair this is something that she has always seemed to have problem with. It's not so much that the clothes are crap but it's just that she hardly chooses anything that flatters her build and makes her stand out more in a way I don't think she intends. I'm all for wearing what you want but sometimes it's good to think about things that can flatter your build. I think back then it wasn't as bad because she tended to wear corsets that seemed to properly fit her and bring everything together but obviousl motherhood is time consuming and who has time to wear that which I get.
I think she just needs a style consultant who can help her make choices on clothes that'll flatter her. But this is of course if she wants that.
No. 1985891
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>>1985682special edition of "make sure everyone knows you have a boyfriend!" kek she better stop giving Roman more icks, it's not like he hasn't got enough reasons to find her unattractive! picrel is one her "modelling gigs" she's supposedly going to LA for, i can't find anything regarding payment info for the model on their site - so it's doubtful they get paid, at least not enough for her to afford a safe car ride to the location as we know! hilarious she's trying to pass this off as serious modelling work she's travelling for
No. 1985927
>>1985836she's always been kind of sloppy with her presentation and her everyday makeup and attire has always been a bit bad even when she was younger. idk why but she got away with it for a long time just on the basis of being an extroverted goth who traveled a lot and had big boobs lol. i think the general grubbiness of her living situation emphasizes all her flaws.
>>1985891looking like a blockheaded 90's computer game character here kek.
>>1985899and you know there's going to be plenty of grabby males at the bar who will either be eye fucking her into oblivion or trying to rub up on her/cop a feel whenever they can, yet she's totally fine with that, never complains whatsoever. but she gets anxious just trying to go to vons to get groceries. make it make sense.
No. 1985986
>>1985836AYRT, I agree with the other nonas, she's looked disheveled and raggedy for years now, even when she was childfree and married to Matthias. If you look at her old GRWMs and OOTDs, her eyeliner and lipstick application have been… interesting… since the dawn of her YouTube channel.
I do assume that this is highlighted by having less free time because of the kids (and her bad living situation, as the other nona said), of course.
No. 1985988
>>1985879killstar and other alternative brands have been popping up in thrift stores all around me, their glory days are over. their heyday was about 5-6 years ago, no idea how they got so popular, probably influencers or something
their prints are cringeworthy at best and awful at worst. the quality is okayish but nothing special and the prices are definitely not justified. i've heard that the shoes and leather accessories are especially bad and fall apart after mere weeks of use
i assume IBF doesn't care as long as money keeps coming in from sponsorships and she can add more GOFF clothes to her hoard of black rags
No. 1986171
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>>1985891>>1985899>>1985927advertising VS reality kek i would want my 20 bucks back!
No. 1986175
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>>1985682>>1985891apparently Roman Dirge doesn't have a trash bin
No. 1986463
So kaya is losing the house and needs to move out because her rent increased a lot. She talked about moving to London.
>>1986364I found it quite pathetic that she mentioned house videos she recorded like over a year ago and that she might post them. Like a part 2 of opening house warming gifts, and the decorating she did. Kind of reminds me of the IBF video of her dusty unfinished dream goth apartment right before she had to tear it apart and stuff it into storage where a lot of things broke, after the divorce. A little late and sad huh.
No. 1986464
>>1986364And she had the nerve to complain about how she never gets a break….are you freakin' kidding me Kaya?!!
Love how she is complaining about having no money but is surrounded by dolls, stuffies and a bunch of other crap she didn't need to buy. One would think that if you have an unpredictable type of income, you will make sure to have several months of expenses saved up in advance in case your Pateron or YouTube wasn't doing well. But no…she got tattoos, went partying and probably bought a bunch of dumb shit instead.
She's getting a little long in the tooth for the alt girl influencer lifestyle. honestly shocked that people still give her money!
(sage your shit) No. 1986574
>>1986463Almost as if she's realised that she didn't follow through om her promises for the gift and new house videos and knows she won't get donations again if she doesn't acknowledge it.
She also said that she 'thought'that she had already posted said videos but turns out she didn't. What a load of crap. Doesn't she look at her own YouTube channel? Of course she knows what videos she has posted.
No. 1986596
Is she for real?!
It's notorious for being expensive and gang violence. I've worked in London for the last 15 years and I can tell you that it's not pretty. Even had the unfortunate experience of witnessing someone getting stabbed on my lunch break. I wouldn't move there even if someone paid me to.
Saving up money whilst being there is also quite amusing, since you'll live there I doubt they will pay for your expenses and drinks when going out. You'll become a regular. Girl sort your life out! I'm tired of influencers looking at everything with rose coloured glasses.
No. 1986612
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Roly here being very diplomatic but basically telling her to actually make content and get rid of unnecessary crap.
No. 1986639
>>1986464>Love how she is complaining about having no money but is surrounded by dolls, stuffies and a bunch of other crap she didn't need to buy.The way you phrased this haha, reminds me of Chris Chan whom always e-begged for money but yet in his videos he would film, you'd see him surrounded by a table and shelf's worth of toys kek.
But you're speaking to the choir here, people have been on to Kaya's ridiculousness for years and her unwillingness to get herself into a better position. Being a vlogger/YouTuber in the way that she goes about it is not hard, it's not difficult. She has the easiest "job" in the world and yet she always found time to complain and not do shit but she had a ton of people still willing to pay her way for nothing and it made you wonder if her friends truly are that much of a bleeding heart or just genuinely stupid. I understand Kaya has mental health issues but just like you mentioned how she could've saved her money instead of wastefully spending it, she could've also used it for therapy, especially after she split form Jake (can't remember if she did or not, if I'm wrong my bad).
The woman is in her 30s now, she's not gonna have this position forever and she needs to seriously start making better decisions. Either make your content and do your "job" or go out and get a part-time job at the very least so you have a steady income. And is she out of her mind about wanting to move to London, London is an expensive place to live in and she barely is scraping by now, she's not gonna last long out there, especially if she doesn't want flatmates to help split the costs.
No. 1986641
>>1986466Totally understandable. I'm in my early 30s and when I discovered Angela, I looked up to her as a positive example of aging but still being "you" (in this case dressing in dark fashion with some refinement). She wasn't OTT like IBF and she was simply just more relatable back then but I feel like she got swooped up in Instagram and as of more recently, TikTok culture that are very youth-looks driven and she's trying to be them.
Could this count as a midlift crisis?
At the very least she does seem to be in a better place compared to the others like IBF and Kaya since shes' able to support herself and has something going for her but I'm sad to see that she succumbed to the status quo that tells women to feel ashamed for physically aging when it's perfectly natural.
No. 1986912
>>1986749>a decent flat in london in a not shitty area where you might get stabbed or have acid thrown on you, goes for around 2000This.
Been apartment hunting myself, the prices of rent here is so fucking depressing. 1k for a small HOUSE is pretty good. And kaya can't even afford that cos her only income is pocket money for hiding in the staff room at clubs and farting out youtube videos every few months. And I'd understand wanting to keep her lifestyle even if it doesnt pay well if it was actually interesting, and something she's passionate about. From all the things she's shown us, it's really not. And she is passionate about nothing.
>>1986606>She also mentioned entertaining the idea of living in a squatSince that's what she did the last few times she went clubbing, maybe she thinks it'll be easy. But it's very different if you're squatting full time. How can you get to your 30s and still have a teen perspective on stuff like this? She's been free of Jake for more than a year I think and has been experiencing life more has she not?
No. 1986983
>>1986849whatever people may feel about jake, his criticism and frustration with kaya’s lack of motivation and hoarding issues were reasonable. no one can live in that kind of environment, it isn’t healthy for her or the cat now or in the past when she and jake were still together. i remember that all she would do most of the day was hide in the attic, munching away at her apocalypse stash of candy and soda, gaining weight and moaning about her skin breakouts caused from her excessive sugar consumption. if i am not mistaken, they also were having mold issues from her hoarding since she wouldn’t air out the house they were living in. and of course when people would gently suggest her eating a more clean diet, she would moan and complain about wahhhh it isn’t the food it’s her hormones. it’s the cat it’s the shitty irish weather it’s my makeup, it was was always everything but her. she was given solutions to all these things (brush the cat more, wash your clothes more, move to spain, wear less makeup/buy lighter products), yet every time she continued to do what she wanted. even if you love someone, it’s hard dealing with this kind of behavior. she had so many opportunities to make her life better and she’s refused to do so, especially after jake left. and it seemed like for a few months she was kind of sort of trying to lose weight, glow up, do more with herself, but she runs with a crowd who encourages the party lifestyle and being layabouts, so she’s basically back to where she started. atp i don’t think she’s realistically ever going to do much with herself, and it’s sad because she got all that money that she promptly blew on drinks and flights. now it’s crickets again and she can’t blame it on anyone else but herself.
No. 1986998
>>1986925Not her worst look, the eyebrows are a little goofy, but are in theme I guess. Curious to see how many more times she's going to namedrop this Beetlejuice sequel for views. She seems completely of ideas for videos these days. The goth doc fund isn't doing any better either, only 6.6k with 11 days to go now.
>>1986983>Jake's criticism was reasonable Sure anon, but Jake is a fat hoarder too. We've all seen the state of the studio and glimpses of the trashed house too. He was also critical of Kaya because he doesn't want to do the cleaning, he has said multiple times that Kat does all the cleaning for him now despite her being the one with a regular job. Kaya is a lazy and whiny cow, but Jake is easily worse. Let's not support the nasty moid here. We can be critical of a cow without putting a worse one on any kind of pedestal.
No. 1987018
>>1986983That's what really pisses me off about Kaya she has one of the easiest lives imaginable in comparison to pretty much everyone around her and all she does is cry and complain that she isn't absolutely loaded and living her fantasy life of luxury due to her super hard work of producing one ramble a month, she really feels entitled to more than she has ever deserved and doesn't show any gratitude. Begs, makes a stupid decision with the donations, repeats.
I don't think the people around here are nearly as bad as her but the Londoners seem to be leeches of a similar breed, in her latest beg video she moaned about how the people around her current home are too busy to party with her most of the time which is another reason she wants to move to London. Imagine that being a legitimate issue in your 30's, your friends near you actually have to work for a living and your life is so hard because they can't get drunk with you on a Tuesday night.
No. 1987094
>>1986925>I don't care to analyse her social blade but it seems her channel is really taking a hit. Don't know how many views you need to comfortably scrounge a few bucks off of your channel but this doesn't seem… good. I hope she gets her stuff in order if YouTube fails, for the sake of her family.I'm not surprised that her views have been dipping. We can give her this, she's a lot more active in making content compared to Kaya's lazy ass and it does help that she's an actual goth but the latter only gets her so far when her content is just not all that engaging. OOTDs can be fun but tbh, I personally prefer OOTDs of items that consist of people coming up with outfits that styled from regular, non-expensive name brand clothes because it's cool to see what people can come up with. That's why thrift hauls were engaging back in the day because everyone's hauls would be different.
And same with makeup videos where I mean sure they can be cool to look at but again not all that engaging when you get down to it. I think her interest in Beetlejuice is a good start and she should make a video talking about what she likes about the movie, what she hopes will be in the sequel, and/or talk about other movies she likes. You know just something to get people talking, thinking, and sharing. Heck even doing the "tries this" challenges she used to do would be good.
>Wonder why many goth channels are taking a hit, especially since the whole "goth mommy"/"goth gf" shit is super trendy and cool at the moment. Maybe because they're all boring and trite.Honestly the only active goth YouTuber besides IBF is Angela Benedict and I think her videos do alright views-wise. I think that we have to be realistic that someone who makes content about the goth subculture that is not about clothes will not get as much views.
No. 1987201
>>1986849Anon you're totally fine and your annoyance is totally understandable. I'm the same as well, I'm over this lazy ass as well though tbf, I've been over her even back when she was with Jake. When she had the official breakup with him, I felt very sympathetic to her because I understood the fear she must've felt being with him and how everything crumbled. I was hoping that after she split from him, she would finally get her life in order but she hasn't changed at all and if anything, she has gotten worse and took advantage of her fans who felt extra pity for her. To hear her bitch and moan about the situation that she fucking put herself in by being irresponsible when she had all that time to get things in order and truly prepare, I have no sympathy for her anymore.
Jake is an asshole and a douchebag but I'm sorry, if we're comparing who's actually moving on and being more productive, it's him. His content and shit and tryhard but at least he actually has been doing content and doing his job which you can't say about Kaya.
>>1986998>Kaya is a lazy and whiny cow, but Jake is easily worse. Let's not support the nasty moid here. We can be critical of a cow without putting a worse one on any kind of pedestal.Believe us anon, Jake is not on a pedestal, he has his faults as well but let's be real here, he may not have a regular job but at least he's doing his job vs Kaya who lounges about whining all day and/or going out and partying which is just frivolously wasting money on stupid shit. When it comes to actual productivity, Jake is a lot better.
No. 1987225
>>1987094AYRT. I agree with pretty much everything you said. I thought goth channels would be more popular because of the look, I guess, but the look only gets you so far…
I hope Freezer has a backup plan for when YouTube can‘t support them anymore. So many YouTubers can’t deal with having a normal job. Don’t know what Mr. Owl’s doing but since he’s out of the spotlight I’d say he’s doing good.
Just look at “semi-famous” people like IBF’s ex-husband Matthias. He was super popular at her channel’s zenith about 8-6 years ago (and he was well known in the local scene.) He’s STILL pretending to be a really serious artist, drawing charcoal portraits of cats and Genghis Khan for money. Though, admittedly, he never wanted to work a “normal” job and was freeloading off of her.
I would hate to see IBF go down a similar route, unable to accept that her time as come, you know?
No. 1987351
>>1987270Saying that Jake is much more productive and actually doing something with his "job" is not really defending him though, it's stating a fact. It doesn't have to stay that way if Kaya grows the fuck up and actually does her job
I don't watch Jake's content and if he is just as much of a hoarder to where you can see his clutter pileup in his room then that's fair, they're both hoarders but at least he's still being "productive" (being very generous here kek) by actually making videos, the thing that he gets paid to do. Compared to a laze about who moans and whines 90% of the time and goes out to party and spend recklessly to the point where she's now having problem paying her rent (if she actually saved money, like a rainy day fund she would have a safety net to help with this). We're just saying kek.
No. 1987432

>>1987395+2 with you and
>>1987397 and I can't help but feel like the only reason why she had kids was just because, just because she felt like she had to because reasons or at worse, wanting to have some accessories to goff up and have THEE perfect "GOFF FAMILY". Makes me think of that one episode of Wife Swap lol (Sorry, I tried to find the full episode but it's not on YouTube anymore and I didn't want to subject you all to annoying commentary reaction videos on it kek)
Either way, it's clear that she was/is not ready for motherhood, not if she's seriously choosing to pour her funds into expensive storage units and wants to continue traveling instead of divesting most of her money into the family living situation. I don't understand why she couldn't have just waited a little longer to make sure if she truly wanted kids, isn't she like 35 or 36? I understand that pregnancy can become difficult when you get into your 40s but it can still happen. I just don't think she really thought things through with this.
No. 1987437
>>1987351You don't seem very familiar with him tbh? Sure he films 30min worth of reaction "content" monthly and splits it into three videos, but that's about it. Even then he often drops off and stops doing even that for months at a time sometimes. All his social media is dead, he constantly makes promises he doesn't keep, when he does make a rare appearance on stream it's usually bitching about women/zoomers/goth men or being lewd about a questionably aged female video game character. I get that you want to shit on Kaya for being a lazy fat cow and by all means do so, but c'mon anon. He's a scumbag cheater scrote who punches walls and breaks thing when he's hungry. Maybe read the past threads?
>>1987397>>1987432kek at goth wifeswap anon. I do feel bad for freyja's kids though. Her priorities have always been fucked even when she was pregnant with them. Will never forget her melodrama about the queen's wake and how walking up all those stairs in the weather made her feel so sick she was worried about the baby. But she just had to! Because she felt so close to the queen!
No. 1987491
>>1987467Here‘s what happened (to my knowledge):
Freyja met Matthias a few months before moving to Germany. They met at the WGT in Leipzig, I think she vlogged it, and it was evident that there was some sort of romantic tension. During that WGT, they started „dating“, meaning Matthias‘ intentions were clear from the start and Freyja revelled in it. To my knowledge, she cheated on Mr. Owl, which is why she left at the drop of a hat and had this vision of her life in Germany being a beautiful utopia.
Matthias was ALWAYS known to be a flirtatious „womanizer“, or rather, he liked female attention and he liked being the center of attention. He was well known in the local scene way before he met Freyja. Other women who have met him can corroborate this.
I do think she fell in love, or at least had a big crush on him, and for a while this was what I felt when they showed up to events.
I used to hang with both of them when they still lived in Osnabrück. Freyja was always very proud to show him off and he loved the attention he got by being with a famous goth YouTuber. They were both were flirty and handsy with one another so I can’t say if they never fucked but one thing I can say was that tensions rose after the wedding because Freyja absolutely had no interest in learning German or otherwise integrating into German culture. She was a recluse and only ever hung out with people Matthias hung out with, which is how I met her in the first place. She barely talked to her „friends“ and whenever she would talk in English Matthias would correct her and „force“ her to speak German, which was pitiful. It was extremely cringe. He also made negative comments about her weight. Shortly before they divorced, he began talking to all kinds of women online. I assume this was part of why they divorced.
He tried to start his own career as an artist and used his status as „IBF‘s ex husband“ for his own use. He even tried OF for a while but it didn’t work out. Shortly before he deleted/disabled his first Instagram account, he even tried to hit it off with me via Instagram dms (maybe a few other German nonas here too?) but we hadn‘t spoken to one another since they had both moved to Leipzig.
Saged for old milk/blogposting
No. 1987503
>>1987491>he even tried to hit it off with me via Instagram dms (maybe a few other German nonas here too?)Nona me too kek we used to be mutuals on instagram and one day he messaged me. The conversation was so damn bland with him and when I casually mentioned my partner he immediately unfollowed me topkek
It’s so sad to see people trying to move to another country and are willing to try ANYTHING but learning the freaking language.
No. 1987533
>>1987094>Honestly the only active goth YouTuber besides IBF is Angela Benedict There are other channels active for years and posting far more regularly, some even every week.
As for IBF - she wasted many years by posting sometimes like 2 videos per year. I'm surprised she still has so many views what only illustrates how big her channel could have been if she published regularly. She still has banner saying new videos every week. She put it like a decade ago. As her kids get older she is going to have even less free time. She still can rescue her youtube career but every year passing is making it harder and harder as attention of people who been watching her years ago would fade eventually and to bring new viewers you have to upload new and original content on regular basis.
No. 1987624
>>1987491Oh my the goth drama, it's so interesting to see (I mean drama concerning actual goths kek). Anyway that all explains a lot. If it's true that IBF was cheating on Mr Owl months prior talking to Matthias and plotting to leave him then I have even less sympathy for her during that time than I already had because of how Freya did her wedding scam and ran off with the money to Germany. Scumbag all around there. She's just lucky that Mr Owl is the way he is because any other man would've given her the finger and not of taken her back. Either he has low self-esteem or he really was in love with her, especially since there aren't many goths in their area which made their bond even stronger.
>Matthias was very flirtyYeah I can see how this more than likely caused problems. He wasn't a bad looking guy (for goth standards) neither so I can see him being popular with the other women in the scene but I'm also sure that after awhile, it might've gotten old for Freya since in a way he was a d-list celebrity in his local scene and I feel like she herself wasn't as popular in his local scene since she didn't speak German.
Speaking of which, I do remember her non-interest in learning the language as well and her complaining about how hard it was to learn and you're just like come on, the woman didn't have a job except for filming a video at least once every other week, she had plenty of time to learn at least to have a basic understanding of it. It was clear she was just living in a romanticized version of Germany not realizing that she also needed to learn the language in order to live and properly function there. I think that's why she turned her attention to Scotland because like Germany, Scotland has plenty of gothic architecture while also having English being the main language spoken in that country so she could easily integrate there.
>>1987617Yeah again, not surprised to hear that. Wasn't Matthias like much younger than her? The makeup makes him look older but I heard he was like 21-22 back during that time and if that's case, not surprised at all. I mean men will be horny at any age but I think it's especially true with younger men and I feel like this played a part in IBF's disinterest in sex with him since he more than likely wanted to do it frequently. And I feel like he's one of those guys who would want to have a one-sided open relationship where he would be able to hook up with anyone woman he wanted while his girlfriend couldn't do the same unless it was a threesome involving her and the lady of the hour with him.
But honestly I don't feel bad for IBF. She played a stupid game while cheating on her boyfriend and in a way got karma in the form of an awful man who really wasn't shit with a pretty goth face kek.Again, she's lucky Mr Owl took her back considering the circumstances.
No. 1987625
>>1987533>There are other channels active for years and posting far more regularly, some even every week.AYRT and yes you're right but I assumed they were talking about the major ones that everyone defaults to. Either way yeah there are a few smaller channels who post frequently and imo, create much more engaging content than the bigger channels aside from Angela. Not as much as there used to be because I personally like coming across new goth channels so I filter by "week" to see if I can find new ones and in recent times I haven't been able to find many new ones and instead get shown annoying "goth gf" and e-girl content (usually pulled from TikTok) in the filtered searches.
>I'm surprised she still has so many views what only illustrates how big her channel could have been if she published regularly.Agreed, it's amazing how she can be inactive for weeks on end but when she drops a new video, she'll still get a decent number of views. She's like the C-grade version of Jontron where he posts like maybe once or twice a year and manages to receive a shit ton of views kek.
No. 1987631
>>1987437You're right that I'm not very familiar with him as I don't actually watch his content but I see his stuff pop up in my feed sometimes and that's how I'm aware that he's active.
And believe me, I never said his content was good, reaction videos are some of the laziest type of content one can make and I'm not a fan of 99% of these kinds of channels. All I mean is that at least it's doing something other than complaining or bitching in video format.
And again, I don't disagree with what you said about him being a shit person. He is a shit person, I've been keeping up with the past threads and I expressed deep sympathy for Kaya and wanted the best for her. But Kaya let a lot of us (who were trying to root for her), she let us down and didn't learn shit. What going to happen to Kaya when she gets into her 40s? Will she still be able to continue living this way with her fans supporting her enough to live when she's not even productive? The best that she's going to be is a cautionary tale of what happens if you make YouTube your full-time job but have a lazy work ethic.
No. 1987635
>>1987467>she could still be aceIBF is not asexual at all. I feel that the only reason she said that was because at the time she was with a very horny man who wanted to have sex all the time. With Mr Owl they had been together a long time and I'm sure that they got comfortable with not having sex every day, especially Mr Owl who would more than likely be tired after long days at his med school.
Honestly I think most people who call themselves "ace" are not really asexual but people with low sex drives which is normal because not everyone is nymphomaniac but that's a whole other topic kek Either way as much as I don't have sympathy for how her Germany fantasy blew up in her face (much deserved), I can understand her frustration of wanting to travel but having a partner who wasn't into that kind of lifestyle. I don't like planes much neither so I get Mr Owl but I also feel like maybe Mr Owl is comfortable in NZ and now with kids, doesn't want to risk moving to a new place and risking something bad happening to them financially.
No. 1987652
>>1987633>KazLovesBats & Sebastian ColumnbineI remember those days though I'd also add Kill Natalie to the mix haha (I also remember Joji Grey but she was a mess lol). I wasn't hugely into Sebastian but she was kind of endearing at the time, I know that she was seen as a rip-off of Patsy but imo, the deathrock style looked nice on her.
I was a big fan of KazLovesBats though and I still follow her Instagram to this day. I was sad when she deleted all her old videos that are not related to her band because she was imo, one of the best goth youtubers at that time. Super creative and a chill personality and while I'm happy that she's doing what she loves which is music, there's no doubt that if she kept up with her youtube, she would've been big as well.
No. 1987662
>>1987659>Still haven't come to terms with her pink bdsm hello kitty shtickHonestly same anon. It was such a drastic change that came out of nowhere and while I do understand that people can change with their interests in aesthetics but I dunno, there's something off about Sebastian. Like she's having some sort of identity crisis what with the name changes and all that.I remember when the main dumb thing about her back in the day was when she proclaimed that she was not a woman kek.
>>1987660Patsy was mostly active on Tumblr back on the day. I think she had an instagram too but I think she ended up deleting it. Sebastian used to be quite active on Tumblr during the early 2010s (a lot of YT goths were tbh as theGothic Alice and KazLovesBats used t obe on there). Anyway the rumor was that when Sebastian did her first style upgrade from the stereotypical casual mallgoth look she sported in beginning of her YT days, she took inspiration from the deathrock scene and speicifically PAtsy since she would copy certain hair and makeup quirks she'd do. A couple threads back someone posted a comparison pic of Sebastian and Patsy's looks side to side. Honestly though, there's only so much you can do with the deathrock look so that's why I didn't personally mind this.
No. 1987725
>>1987631>All I mean is that at least it's doing something other than complaining or bitching in video format.That is quite literally what all of Jake's videos are anon.
>>1987624Mr. Owl must be an absolute pushover tbh. Freyja possibly cheated on him and ditched him for some random she met at WGT, pulled the wedding scam, etc and he still took her back? Now she's scamming again to try to get back to her German horde and WGT with or without Mr. Owl (and kids) in tow? I almost feel bad for the guy tbh. Their whole relationship and lifestyle sound pretty miserable.
No. 1987758
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So idk if anyone remembers Astrid but she was last talked about in instagrammers you hate. She's transitioned from her 80s stripper era and has now entered her full-blown ED era. She's posting obsessive body checks daily and still editing her waist despite being obviously underweight for her height. Not sure if anyone is still interested in this cow but I've been intruiged by her for years since her fight with other cow Star666. From her nazi trad larp and eventual transition into sexworker Jew, and everything in between I haven't been able to look away.
No. 1987823
>>1987617>>1987624>>1987503Nona who wrote the long text here:
Matthias is horrible to be around. I know many of you probably felt his „aura“ radiating through the screen whenever he was in vlogs. I DO NOT KNOW how he fooled so many impressionable people into believing him and Freyja were a dream couple or that he was a good husband.
I met him through other friends in the scene. He came to events in my area (Oberhausen, Essen, the Ruhrgebiet area) and because I was young at the time I didn’t see behind his modus operandi immediately. He was pretty good looking 10 years ago and I still like his death rock revival style (sorry). When he “joined” this “group” (or rather I joined), he was very talkative, flirty and friendly. I felt very special because he was so cool (at the time, lol) and I am glad I didn’t succumb to his charms. As soon as you were a regular, or if he was around you for too long (as a woman), you became uninteresting and he singled out another girl to make her feel special instead. (other nonas who have met him or knew him, did he do the same to you?)
When IBF was at the WGT when they met, Matthias basically singled her out after meeting her and they hung out during that time. He really liked her. He introduced her to his friends and that’s how it all began, she felt great because so many cool German goths hung out with her. No doubt they liked her, but it’s super cringe when all of your friends are basically your husband’s friends.
They stayed in contact all throughout the time Freyja was plotting to leave NZ, though only as “friends”. I think Mr. Owl knew what was happening. She only made it official after Matthias URGED (basically forced) her to make it official on her social media. She would have kept it secret for longer.
A few months after she came to Germany, Matthias proposed in a very cringe way, just handing her a ring and saying “marry me”. The rings were dirt cheap china garbage and people excused this by saying “he’s German, they’re always rational and cold”. I personally think they were in love for a while. While they were at the WGT, it was so clear that Matthias really was into her. She was very pretty at the time (and dressed much differently than now!) but I think both their bubbles were burst.
Matthias doesn’t just like female attention, he’s very controlling and demanding.
His last name is not “Schwarz” as he boasts on social media. When he got with IBF, he was practically unemployed. He started to pick up a trade (Ausbildung in German) as a gardener/landscaper but he disliked the school he had to go to because he was an outcast due to his personal style and no doubt personality. To my knowledge, he never finished this and that is when he tried to really become an artist and leech off of her fame. Whenever we met up, he never spoke about employment, jobs, his school… it was a sore spot for him I think. We weren’t close enough for me to pry. I sadly also never saw their apartment in person!
At the end of their relationship, before they made their split public, I remember Freyja trying anything to please him and be his “perfect girl”. He liked this and I think he tried to mold her into something she wasn’t. This was when he cut her deathhawk and she vlogged it. I don’t know if she ever mentioned this on YouTube but she hated the deathhawk and regretted it terribly afterwards. In this time period, she tried a bunch of different styles, make up styles, and just in general to be different and “switch things up”. When people around her tried to talk to her about serious things (how are you, how is the marriage?) she would never speak truthfully or badmouth Matthias because WE ALL KNEW HER THROUGH HIM and were his “friends” (I wasn’t his friend per sé, but you get the gist). So it was like talking to a brick wall. She was always nice and likeable but she was reclusive and very shy. Probably because she felt shame as she didn’t speak German. She knew a few basic words and phrases but could not hold a conversation in German. I doubt she ever really tried. Maybe without Matthias she would have opened up more but she never went anywhere without him.
I don’t have proof so this is just speculation but I do think he cheated (at the very end of their relationship). The other nonas here who were also contacted by him should be proof enough.
When they moved to Leipzig, we didn’t keep in touch and I had no interest in doing so. But he did try “dating” me and other nonas (as I mentioned before). He commented on my stories, my pictures, giving me over the top compliments, literally out of nowhere. I got the world’s biggest ick and that’s when I started posting.
In hindsight I wish I talked to Freyja in private more because I think she was in horrible mental distress and depressed.
Saged for massive wall of text/blogposting
No. 1987857
>>1987725>Mr. Owl must be an absolute pushover tbh. Freyja possibly cheated on him and ditched him for some random she met at WGT, pulled the wedding scam, etc and he still took her back? Now she's scamming again to try to get back to her German horde and WGT with or without Mr. Owl (and kids) in tow? I almost feel bad for the guy tbh. Their whole relationship and lifestyle sound pretty miserable.I know, Freya clearly is the miserable leech here and Mr Owl does come off as a huge pushover but I can't help but feel a little bad for him since he seems like a nice guy who means well which makes it all the more sad that he chooses to be with this user and now has kids with her that bind them. I mean I'm sure he loves the kids but fuck, this is still a sad situation.
>>1987788Ah I see what you mean, fair enough.
No. 1987885
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>>1987855She looks heaps different imo considering how chunky she used to be
>>1257046 she's also been manically undergoing procedures (lips, boob job) and talking about how she wants more and to get to a thinner weight, although I'm sure she's probably exaggerating it with shoop like she always has.
No. 1987893
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>>1987889Kek, going to all that effort to larp an eating disorder is very on brand for Astrid. I think she's still a stripper but I'm not sure. She lives in Berlin so she could very will be a prostitute seeing how "sex positive" the city is. There's an entire highlight on her Instagram dedicated to showing off the new house she bought and expensive applicances. We've seen her dancing which makes me wonder how she's making the money kek.
No. 1988077
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>>1987980I'm only half serious anon I'm pretty sure she's just a stripper
No. 1988283
>>1987555Saged for off topic and slight blog post but relevant for the Freya moving to Leipzig aspect, I moved to Leipzig not only because of WGT but because it's literally nicknamed "small Paris". It's the feeling of a big city with lot of cultural interests but without the shitty stress, smell of piss and marijuana at every public transport stop and dangerousness of a metropolis like London or, well, Paris.
As someone who lived in the periphery of a metropolis where you couldn't leave your bag open in the public transport without a thief nicking your phone or wallet in it, Leipzig is incredibly tame as far as my experiences goes with danger. But if you don't learn the language like Freya, good luck integrating well there because most jobs where you don't need German are jobs at the DHL warehouse or being an Amazon prime/Deliveroo delivery boy/girl.
Besides, that side of Germany got bombed quite severely (minus the German-Polish border like Görlitz/Zgorczelec), so gothic architecture isn't at every corner. People like Freya idealize the gothic architecture aspect and forget that Germany was on the loser side of WW2 and lost a lot of old town/historical buildings, as unfortunate as it is.
No. 1988404
>>1987823> I DO NOT KNOW how he fooled so many impressionable people into believing him and Freyja were a dream couple or that he was a good husbandImo the youtube audience in the 2010s had total blinders on, so many male youtubers were overtly creepy, perverts, straight up give you the heebie jeebies and later outer as pedos and abusers, but they had hordes of fans who seemingly couldn't see it. So I can definitely see people overlooking anything unusual about Mattias since he isn't half as bad as say, Onision or Shane Dawson.
Thanks for the milk anon, you seem like a good person.
>In hindsight I wish I talked to Freyja in private more because I think she was in horrible mental distress and depressed. I think Freya is proud like she was never gonna outright admit what was happening, it's hard to help someone who won't open up.
No. 1988565
>>1988404What you said about how the mindset was like back in the 2010s, you're right. I was like this as well being blind to mainly IBF and her Visa relationship. With Matthias, not many of us followed him because well, he didn't really do anything of worth so our only exposure was from IBF's videos and at the time, he didn't seem like a bad guy but a lot of us also thought he was older, at least around Freya's age or a few years older (again, the makeup kek). In the videos, he just seemed like a pleasant but reserved man and had no idea about his womanizing ways, especially those of us who weren't following him on Instagram at the time which seemed to be his online stalking ground.
>I think Freya is proud like she was never gonna outright admit what was happening, it's hard to help someone who won't open up.While this is true, you gotta admit that seeing how she up and left Mr Owl, cheating on him prior, it can make it hard for some of us to actually sympathize with her situation at the time because well, it was kind of karmic justice and a good example of what can happens when you try to rush a relationship.
No. 1988707
>>1987758>Star666 That's a name I haven't heard in a while, wonder what happened to her? I think her name is Kaitlyn, tbh I always thought her style was pretty cool cause she was more natural looking/hippie ish and after being an edge lord teen I think she just started focusing on her yoga practice more
Sage for unrelated
No. 1988756
>>1988632ayrt this is true as well, I always thought it was odd how they'd intentionally foster an audience of preteens, but obviously that's the impressionable age where you have this undue respect for older people and adults. You don't really have the skills to see through their facade. But I definitely saw plenty of adult women being fans of these questionable people too, really makes you wonder when they see these creeps as idols.
Matthias seemed to do all his creeping off camera and was quiet on camera, as anons have noted so we couldn't have guessed it without some intel.
No. 1988801
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>>1988605I wish she was as milky as she used to be but alas she's mostly just a bpdfag with no self awareness now. Personally I like watching her change everything about herself every few months so I still follow. Here's a gem of her monologuing about her body like an anime villan for old times sake.
No. 1988963
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>>1987885Sage for no milk but holy shit how is this the same person? Too bad, she was never ugly. At least she dropped the racist schtick.
No. 1988997
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Move over kaya
No. 1989134
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>>1988963It's all the filler as far as I'm aware. Bpdfags tend not to realise when they look ridiculous (if you've ever seen her gyrating body checks or dancing/stripping videos you know what I mean). It's unfortunate, I think she had quite a nice face before.
No. 1989136
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>>1989134Sorry for spam but picrel. She's going to permanently damage her perfectly fine teeth to get that ugly ulta white blocky look with veneers. They will need to be replaced every decade or so and require a portion of the real tooth to be shaved down. A crown requires even more removal of natural tooth but I'm pretty sure she means veneers.
No. 1989189
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Prayers Kat von Ds husband’s band is gonna be at WGT this year
No. 1989252
>>1989111Kek this will be the excuse why she didn't follow thru on the documentary. Where's the video you promised, Freezer?
bb…but muh ADHD. I told you guys a week before the deadline ended so you'd know why I flaked.
That vid is gonna be her crutch for every project she doesn't do. Whelp, didn't raise enough money for the documentary, guess I'll go to WGT.
You mean the project was so you could go to WGT?
It's not my fault guiz, I got diagnosed with ADHD! this is why you can't unsub from my channel and donate more in future!
She literally has no shame.
No. 1989352
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>>1988790>>1989337She got injured recently and may not be able to do pole anymore. Also she was/is in LA
No. 1989353
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She promised to update more on her situation but didn't yet.
No. 1989938
>>1976818>Yes, I can see what she's talking about. But the air of misogyny is palpable.Didnt she do a video on female privilege which she deleted a year back because she blamed female
victims of SA for being attacked?
No. 1990044
>>1989507 the sad thing about IBF is that she's not satisfied with what she has… family, secure housing and Healthcare (comparatively), the ability to walk round looking gothy and get paid for it. She presumably gets loads of free shit still, there is music to listen to…
She used to do things like show you how to customize t shirts and basically how to be gothy on a budget in a small town, and she could and should focus on that. She could do loads.
Even her documentary might have worked if she used crews who are contacts around the world and edited and voiced it herself. She can interview world goths on Zoom ffs. There are so many creative ways to overcome distance and budget issues if you cut out the flights.
Unless all you want is to take your family to goth festivals.
No. 1990098
>>1990044She was never satisfied with what she had. When she had Mr. Owl and a growing YouTube fanbase and channel, she fled to be a cool eurogoth with the help of a new man. That's when she peaked with all the travelling, sightseeing and shopping. She wasn't happy after the split because she had no real friends of her own or any German skills and thus fled to Scotland where she tried being a eurogoth in an English speaking country. Then she was unhappy because she missed Mr. Owl sooo much (I can not believe he took her ass back) and "crossed the ocean" for him. I think she had the children with him to a) bind them together permanently because I think she is afraid of being man-less, b) for the construction of her own instagrammable goff family and c), she felt her biological clock ticking and thought fuck it, might as well do it now, since Mr. Owl is a doormat anyway.
What this has caused her and her family is nothing but stress, issues with financing this crazy lifestyle, vitriol from strangers on the internet (including us), a bad reputation in the German goth scene and heaps and heaps of trash all over the world which she now can't afford to ship back to her new-old-new place in NZ. Even if she does cart it back to NZ, the stuff is most likely damaged, moldy or rotten anyway. How long has her hoard been in storage now? Can't wait to see her begging for more money over the next couple of months for her "documentary".
No. 1990118
>>1989507She's romanticising the Germany apartment, like nonna said she didn't speak the language and couldn't be bothered. What amazing life did she have there? Why didn't she take the clothes she wanted and leave the rest in Germany? Nope, back to pity posting so her subs can pay for that hoard. She e-begged tickets for WGT and removed it when people called her out. Days before the docu deadline she magically got diagnosed with ADHD. Now people can't call her out for e-begging, cuz her ADHD wk's will scream in her defence.
>>1990098Nonna, you know she's gonna flake and the documentary won't get made. "Hey guiz, you know I've planned a docu but it's taking longer than expected cuz muh ADHD."
People legit have these disorders and it pisses me off she's using it to get sympathy donations. No proof from a doctor that she has it. She's conned people in the past, I don't buy her Which Mental Illness Are You? Quizilla diagnosis. I swear she sat there and thought How can I do less work & still get money from people? If it works for Kaya, maybe it'll work for me.
How low can you go, Freyja?
No. 1990190
>>1990118So far, she's collected 21 000 NZ dollars, which is 4% of what she asked for - she probably can't make a documentary with that where she would "travel around the world". So what's going to happen now?
I must say, this whole "campaign" is pretty
sus. She didn't even publish the video about it until it was well underway. Why didn't she release the video at the same time the campaign started? It's like she's not even interested in collecting a more substantial sum. Was it really all to covertly get the WGT tickets and travel expenses paid?
No. 1990253
>>1990118one of her apartments was also burglarized while she was gone because she even admitted it wasn’t in the best area yet did not do anything to proactively stop it from happening or keep her things safe. idk, back then it was clear she was running from herself and her controlling, anxious mother, so i really didn’t know what to think or say. she also gave away both of her cats at the time. moon moon’s new owner came here to show how the cat was doing. it was a mess and of course she never mentions them anymore and if you ask she never responds or gives vague answers.
>>1990190i mean this whole docu drama doesn’t make sense. she could make it now, with an iphone and maybe a dslr camera and a good mic. she doesn’t need to spend a gazillion dollars to produce anything spectacular at this point in time unless she plans on going into full on filmmaking. she could have people film themselves for a day or two and send her the footage online in a cloud server like onedrive or even instagram as individual posts. she could compile all this footage and make a decent low budget film. goths are not picky and no one is expecting her to be the next wes anderson. the only reason why i could see her crowdfunding this much money is if she plans on entering the documentary into a film festival or competition for an award and screening to an audience. then of course you have to follow whatever their rules are, which may require you to film on a specific camera with whatever aspect ratio they use. otherwise she could just look for creative workarounds to complex problems.
No. 1990347
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>>1990190>Was it really all to covertly get the WGT tickets and travel expenses paid?That's what I think. Massive amount of money to raise, very short deadline. She made promo videos on the last day of the campaign and barely mentioned it during. Right from the start it seemed like the goal was to raise a bit of money to get WGT tickets/travel covered, but never the full amount. She can claim that the full documentary failed to get funded, make a video at WGT, interview a couple people there, and call it a day.
She also supposedly got a composer for the documentary.
No. 1990357
>>1990347How scummy of her, if this is true. And I wonder what "fundraiser" is she planning for next year then, since she's the type of person who wants to go there every year.
If the money is for rescuing her stupid hoard from Scotland, I bet she could've said that openly and enough of her fans would donate money for that. But with the WGT stuff, she burned her bridges last year and pissed some people off, so I guess she feels like she has to lie about it…
No. 1990358
>>1989938Ayrt, I haven't caught her vid on female privilege, only the nonas reaction to it, so I can't say much.
But I hope it was archived somewhere?
I used to know a lot of women like her in my teen years, terminal nlogs. Eventually they either settled with ugly moids, went the webcam route or grew up and reevalued their misogyny and became feminists. Some even turned out to be lesbians, which is good for them, ig.
It's baffling to me how she still touts her misogynistic brain rot at 30, but also didn't get on the tit chop and T already.
Then again, I remember when she gained weight, she would always yap about "having tits" and doctors assuming she's pregnant was the most scary thing to her. I get it, she has an ED. But why is she so bothered by feminine features?
No. 1990360
>>1990358I think with her, it stems from sexual abuse, probably. I remember her mentioning that when she was a very young girl, she had an old family member make inappropriate comments about her breasts and it seemed that even something more happened…
To be fair, I don't think she was that misogynistic in her latest video, she just generally seems confused about interpersonal interactions.
No. 1990585
>>1990478>It seems more like she had to settle with Mr owl because yes, she felt like she was running out of time.And look how that turned out for her kek
her fist child was born disabled which is ironic given how she was saying couples trying to concieve later in life have higher chances of the kids turning out retarded/disabled. She's really stupid.
No. 1990671
>>1990583Honestly the only way I can see Mr Owl finally getting fed up with her is when their disabled child gets older and requires more care and Freya puts all of the work on him which would be fucked up on his part because he'll be the one most likely having a full-time job to support the family since it doesn't look like Freya will be getting a stable job anytime soon.
>>1990610Agreed. Like fine dress her in black but at least give her something comfortable to wear.
No. 1990683
>>1990360She has always been very vague about her ''trauma'' (she has used this word a couple of times on her videos) despite being extremely open about literally any other aspect of her life. She loves to brag and exaggerate, and she has ususally painted herself as the biggest
victim in multiple situations (friendship with Ash, that Italy trip…), so I find it suspicious that she has never tried to milk that abstract trauma. If I'm not mistaken she recalled as traumatic the earliest times her mother left her with her bilogical father, who made her put on a dress once to her total nb dispair and who became concerned about her posting about suicide in anonymous chatrooms as a preteen. But other times she has referred to him as a ''techbro'' and alludes in a positive light to other anecdotes of the time she spent with him. If she has any sexual trauma (whIch I highly doubt) she has never adressed it openly on her videos. She gushes about her sexual/romantic experiences with all of her ex bfs, fuckbudies and male friends despite her asexual larp. Some of the things she has said about how those guys treated her do actually sound
toxic as fuck but she's too invested in her cool girl persona to stop romanticizing those losers.
No. 1990686
>>1990683Samefag, I just remebered that around the time she became a fat alcoholic she was dating an
abusive scrote that may have scammed her family or something like that. I believe he was the last partner she has had and she has been very discrete about him (almost no mention of him outside of her alcoholism videos, no pseudonym, nothing). I'm very curious about that 2017-2019 era.
No. 1990879
>>1990823I think the name was Phrenie or something like that. And it doesn't seem like they're on good terms anymore, Dorian actually seems pretty traumatized and angry about the whole thing. Especially since that person also scammed her mom and it resulted in some financial difficulties in the family. It seemed to me like the mom got convinced to take a loan in place of Phrenie, and is now stuck paying that off.
Btw. I'm a bit skeptical about the whole "poisoning" saga, since it happened when Dorian was a raging alcoholic, who got into some pretty unhinged mental states. The only "proof" was that she asked Phrenie to bring her a salad and got sick shortly after, which could very well have been caused by the alcohol. Supposedly, there was "some liquid" in the salad, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was just some dressing that got her into a paranoid state.
No. 1991012
>>1990823Ayrt and shit I didn't have that much info
>>1990879>>1990887>>1990887Damn, I was typing
sauce? while reading your posts but turns out I missed those videos oh well
No. 1991079
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To the nonas who predicted IBF is going to pull a „muh ADHD“ in order to put off doing anything substantial… I think you were right.
Posted 5h ago. How long until she reveals that she‘s going on a big trip to Europe (for the documentary, of course)…?
No. 1991117
>>1991079I can see it now
"Oopsies didn't make enough money for the documentary, guess I'll have to just go to WGT and interview people there! This totally wasn't my plan all along guys!"
No. 1991162
>>1991079Kek. Hate to say I called it. But I can spot a scam artist from a mile away. Always using the same excuses, this time its muh ADHD diagnosis courtesy of the Internet. Like nonita predicted:
"tumblr scam ordeal which will result in Freezer's reputation ultimately becoming so tarnished that she disappears off the internet like Drac Makens. Need some time to myself and my family… type vanishing."
Watch this space. I bet anything she does it when people see she's gone to WGT. There's no docu, just interviewing festival people. Then disappears for 'mental health' reasons.
No. 1991298
>>1991282In the ADHD diagnosis video, she claims that through BetterHelp, she was able to contact her GP who then sent her to a psychologist. She got an appointment after 6 months of waiting and it was "mortifyingly expensive" (her own words). She apparently immediately got diagnosed with ADD during this first psychologist appointment and instantly started Ritalin. This is not backed up by anything except a shot of Freyja sitting on her sofa without makeup, on her macbook, talking to the psychologist I assume (?) but it could all be made up.
I find it exceptionally suspicious that the psychologist instantly diagnosed her and instantly got her on Ritalin and that getting a diagnosis and meds like this is super expensive. Don't Freyja and Mr. Owl have huge money troubles, so many in fact that they can only afford $10 thrift store full-o-farts sofas and freebies they get gifted or find on the street? How did she get the cash to finance this? And why now, when she should be saving up for her epic documentary?
Interesting, didn't even think about her already having her hand in the cash pot to finance all of this… It all seems so weirdly timed. Why would she think posting this now, while she's trying to get a documentary made and produced, is a good idea? Of course her stunted fanbase doesn't put two and two together but it just seems like the most obvious setup for a scam.
Saged for aspie tinfoiling
No. 1991313
>>1991266idk if Freyja has friends over there. With the way she is, I doubt she'd keep them for long. What I understand is she was out there on her own. I'm betting she left cuz her visa expired. Then she went running to Mr Owl; he's the only person she's known or kept in her life long term. She said when they connected again he had just broken up with a girlfriend.
>>1991298Freya is part of the reason for the money troubles. Severine has special needs and Freyja chose to have Monty soon after. Mentally challenged children need all your attention. But she decided to add more stress to her and Mr Owl by having an infant who needs equal the amount of care. The only reason I can think for her doing that, is if she worried Owl would leave. So she had Monty to make him stay. You'd be surprised but some men leave the girlfriend/wife cuz they don't like having a retarded child. Freyja could have worked a job prior to pregnancy and gotten a support allowance from that job. It seems like she's making Owl do all the work. It's funny but one of her subs asked if she could do a video with Owl. Freezer said she would but he doesn't like being on camera. Prior to fucking off to Germany with Mattias, she often did videos with Mr Owl. If he doesn't like to be seen, maybe he doesn't want people to pick up on the tensions between them? It must be a strain seeing your wife wishing she could travel and have her old life again. He has to know she went back to him because he's convenient.
(sage your shit) No. 1991317
>>1991298If it's not a grift, she could be overwhelmed by motherhood and feels her exhaustion and loss of focus is "adhd" instead of what it is, plenty of women "discover" they have adhd after becoming mothers these days. The new workload, lack of sleep and stress is gonna affect anyone's concentration. Almost reminds me of how they used to give housewives valium to help them cope, adderal/ritalin is the new valium and overwhelmingly seems to be affecting "late diagnosis" mothers and working women.
Seems very sudden though and Betterhelp are literally known to be scammers (like how are they giving referrals?) so it could all be a grift.
No. 1991348
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On today's episode of hoarders…
No. 1991490
>>1991298Nonna where did Freyja say that BetterHelp was the first step in her ADHD diagnosis journey? I think you misheard.
It's implied that she knew deep down she was undiagnosed for years (she doesn't specify when) before approaching her GP for a psych referral last year. I bet it was only after the official diagnosis that she reached out to BetterHelp for the brand deal and made her scripted video, it was probably planned all along to pay for some of the medical costs. She lives in a rich country and probably gets some kind of concession rate as a low-income earner but the process would still be expensive af, even with the discount.
When you take her age and financial situation into consideration I don't think she pursued this diagnosis willy nilly- I do get the sense that she believed it was necessary to function better and help out herself and her family in the long run. To her credit she does take accountability for letting down people in the past and failing projects in that 'it's a reason but not an excuse' kind of way (Kaya take note).
I think her children will benefit from this late diagnosis. If the kids have it she'll be able to spot the signs early (it's highly heritable after all) and intervene asap. Early medication could prevent years of behavioral issues and emotional turmoil in primary school and beyond.
>>1991317Freyja is eloquent and has that 'proper' Kiwi accent so you wouldn't suspect that she has ADHD right off the bat, I certainly wouldn't. She comes off as less of an over-emotional space cadet like Kaya but the report cards and the way she flits between countries and projects is quite damning - there is disorganization and dysfunction there. You can tell she's on the 'higher-functioning' side of things, she talked about all the self-help productivity books she's read (I don't think Kaya has finished a single book in years) and seemed to be proactive in trying out new organisation systems behind the scenes.
While the docu drama is laughable and will inevitably be revealed as a scam I believe her ADHD journey seems pretty legit.
No. 1991534
>>1991490That massive wall of text just to say "no guys her ADHD is totally real!" with no real receipts. kek anon.
>>1991474It's unsurprising, remember the big musty piano she dragged home from someone's basement? The iceskates she was totally going to use! All the furniture and other junk she's gathering or has projects planned for that she never seems to ever get to. Still can't believe she's got a bunch of stuff still rotting out in Europe too.
No. 1991598
>>1991490Are you slow? Of course she‘s gonna pad the story out with „I‘ve always been a scatterbrain“ and „I‘ve been waiting for a diagnosis for years“. And nona, do you really believe she read all those yard sale books? Be reasonable here. I don‘t give a fuck if she used BetterHelp or not and it doesn’t matter. What matters is this is a really weird time to get this diagnosis.
It‘s really odd that you‘d write a huge paragraph and even go so far as to diagnose her as a high functioning ADD sufferer just by watching her badly produced video. Dare I say the forbidden words…?
No. 1991606
>>1991598Yes, nona. I suspected she lurks here, those gushy comments 'Freyja is such a nice person, she and Mr Owl seem like best mates, hope it works out.'
Learn not to scam people, Freyja. Then we wouldn't expose your grift and send you into a spiral of excuses. You have shit in other countries that you won't collect, and then buy more shit from charity shops. It's no one's fault but your own. ADHD can only go so far. If anything, get your shit together for your children. They are learning from your behaviour.
(learn to sage at No. 1991830
>>1991230Honestly if Mro Owl leaves her, she'll be totally fucked and will struggle financially. I'm sure that Mr Owl would pay child support because he seems like a guy who would abandon his kids but still, that won't be enough for Freya to travel with kek. She'll pretty much be like Kaya completely where she will be dependent on her fans supporting her financially.
Meanwhile for Kaya, if she continues to slag off her "job" (make videos), she's gonna end up homeless. Unlike Freya, she doesn't have a man she can slink back to and I don't think her parents will take her back so I just hope for her sake, she gets a handle on things.
No. 1991833
>>1991767Not that this would happen but could imagine if you were her kid and when you got older you had to hear things like "Oh, isn't your mom that lady who scammed a bunch of money for festival tickets?" kek
>I'm sure WGT is also kind of a sore spot for Mr. Owl considering the history there.I can imagine, poor guy. Wouldn't it be truly wild if the reason why she wants go to WGT is to find a super goffick rich guy to put the moves on and get a ticket back to Germany or Scotland? I'm sure that's not the case and she just wants to go just to go but just saying kek. She has children now and I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt that she wouldn't be that awful.
No. 1991972
>>1991895AYRT and true, Kaya would be a terrible parent, at least at this time in her life. Thank god she didn't have any children with Jake.
>>1991830 I goofed, I meant to say that I don't think Mr Owl would abandon his children", my bad kek.
No. 1991974
>>1991474Now we're seeing some of the cracks. Imagine your husband asks you to stop buying shit and you ignore it. Like nona said, Owl is a doormat or Freezer treats him like one. In the first minute of the vlog she lies to us.
>Petty much everything I buy and own is 2nd hand>I don't just buy 2nd hand clothes, I buy 2nd hand everythingWhat about the Shit Or Legit vid where she bought clothes from Shein, Temu, Dark In Closet? Then does the 333 Challenge using Killstar but not second hand clothes. She went to 3 different charity shops and didn't look at any, she complained about wanting teacups but she already has too many. I saw she bought toys for the kids to make it seem like that's why she went shopping. Never miss an opportunity to use your children, Freyja.
No. 1991990
>>1991830>and I don't think her parents will take her backKaya is this way partly cuz of her mum. I heard she was a Page 3 nude model, so not much the example there. Some of it is Jake's fault but why didn't Kaya's mum step in? Kaya was 16 and still living at home, her mum was ok with her daughter meeting a stranger online? Her mum said Fake lived with them for over a year. If I had a daughter who was with someone older he wouldn't be living with us. There's something off if he doesn't have a job or contribute anything. Her mother should have thrown him out, then the relationship wouldn't have dragged on. She would've spared Kaya the trauma. She knew Fake was an
abusive leech and did fuck all. She didn't teach her daughter how to manage money or get a job or be independent. Kaya's 30 years old crying pity tears cuz she's stunted & doesn't know how to get her life together. These people are the bottom of society. If they didn't have the makeup and Instagram lifestyle you'd see how grimey they are, but because they wear weird makeup and cool clothes, people forget they are low level squatters and grifters.
No. 1992013
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Not really milky but i had to kek at this satanist guy trying to recruit Kaya into is silly little cult. Maybe she can move in there.
No. 1992055
>>1991990AYRT Right I remember reading that her mother used to be a nude model which she probably had some money from to get her by. It's clear that she didn't teach Kaya how to grow into a mature adult but what about her father? Was her father not in her life much at all? I only ask because I know that he lives in Spain and that when she was with Jake, they were considering moving in with him but I never read about how Kaya's relationship is with him. I also agree why her mom didn't her mother step in and keep Kaya away from him when she was in high school. My guess because I'm American is that age gaps is viewed different in the UK? Either way, I agree she could've avoid this obstacle if her mother actually was a parent and put a stop to that. Even if she was afraid Kaya would've eloped with him, I don't know how likely that would've been since he didn't have a job and Kaya didn't neither.
I do get what you mean that Kaya is squatter and that if she wasn't an "influencer" (sue that term loosely since she does fuck all these days), we'd see her for what she really is behind the alternative high price clothes.
No. 1992129
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Found some Melbourne alt scene milk legacy cow theprosperpina reposted. Sorry for spam it's very text heavy and I cant make a good collage without it being for ants
No. 1992132
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>>1992131And here's the account she reposted
No. 1992154
>>1992057Kekk I thought we wiped the Jake wk's. We know he was around 20 years old when he got with Kaya. Anytime Jake's name is mentioned you go screaming to his defence.
Jake was totally 19 years old stop making him look like a nuncer reeeeee!
Get a better job Fake.
No. 1992257
>>1992057>defending 19yos who date 15yoWhat a weird hill to die on anon. College age kids shouldn't be dating actual children.
>>1992130>>1992131Degenerate scrotes are so brainless. "I hope you get abused" is obviously not dirty talk. Judging by all the typos he was probably drunk/high when sending these too.
>>1992154There's no getting rid of them Nonna, not when their fat "goth daddy" wrote us a whole song and namedrops the farms on stream.
No. 1992390
>>1992055>Was her father not in her life much at all? I only ask because I know that he lives in Spain and that when she was with Jake, they were considering moving in with him It looks like he wasn't. idk if Kaya ever explained that. Moving to a different country is not a good sign unless he's from Spain. Surely if you had a daughter with that sort of mother, you'd want to be closer? It makes me think what kind of parent he is to let Fake move in. I wouldn't bring my bf to my dad's house to live, that's weird. tbh they all seem dysfunctional.
The age gap in the UK is not as scandalous as America. Although there was a 16 year old who ran off with her teacher to France. I think he was about 25 and married so that's a problem. Usually with age gaps there's concern for the girl being groomed or exploited by the older male. If the male is 18 and the girl is 16, most don't bat an eye because they are both teens. Beyond 18 and there's the issue of robbing the cradle. It makes people question why you aren't dating someone your age, and why you'd rather have teenager.
No. 1992404
>>1992134>>1992257yeah OK, not like we're on a site that's documented pickmes being just as bad. We totally know what's going on from some bpd blowup via a cow kek.
>>1992143If it was real, they'd take it seriously but the first question would be why did it take you so long? Why did you blast it on social media instead of coming to us? etc.
It would be easy enough to get a protective order at the least. The messages would need a lot more context around them and any other kind of evidence or corroboration.
Fucking funny seeing ausfag drama for a change. Not in the least surprised about where it's happening.
No. 1992407
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Update on this demented retarded
>>1992131 here's a statement from his
victim posted by No. 1992411
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>>1992408>>1992404Btw anon the drama is circulating the Melbourne alt scene, it was just found via the cow. I've seen more than a handful of people making posts pertaining to it, but I've only uploaded the notable stuff. The accused is a tattooist at Hidden Moon No. 1992416
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Apparently Kayas landlord is trying to do some illegal stuff on her? If it’s true…
No. 1992536
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So it's not just the tattoo faggot who's being torn a new asshole, Melbourne women are naming and shaming this haggard loser who appeared at some point on some shitty singing show called "the voice". Screenshots have been compilled as best I can, file names indicate who's testimony it is.
No. 1992555
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>>1992552I have more but the time between posts is making it difficult to post them all in a timely manner. I'd upload them to an external site, but I know some anons are hesitant to click links and I'm not sure if it's worth the effort. If anons are interested I'll post the rest of them slowly and continue to update the situation. Sorry for the spam.
No. 1992621
>>1992603Who's fawning over her? Everyone's well aware of her antics. You can take her statement with a grain of salt, she just chimed in on and reposted a controversy taking place in the Melbourne alt scene that's corroborated by dozens of people. Unless you're more inclined to believe a sexually
abusive moid, kek.
No. 1992915
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>>1992851You're literally coping and seething that were talking about a degenerate moid that preyed on women in the Melbourne alt scene for 10+ years kek. It isn't about validation, it's about having the decency to not clog the thread with a topic anons aren't interested in. You've been told multiple times the screenshots are reposts from multiple different women within the scene, and that they were just aquired from the cow via reposts. I wonder why you're intentionally ignoring that fact and you say you're from Melbourne hmm?
No. 1993201
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Called it. Look who's going to WGT
No. 1993298
>>1993201Holy bat shit, Freezer. I said I can spot a con artist a mile away. I knew that fake docu was really for fucking WGT tickets. Watch her disappear afterwards for 'mental health reasons'.
No, guiz I really do have ADHD.
I have zero respect for you Freyja. You purposefully lied about a diagnosis so you could keep your Goff Mama badge. You're just a grifter living off of your former fame and using #goth like all the other posers.
Let's see how many subscribers she loses for this.
No. 1994098
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Freyja dropped the T-shirt design for the "exclusive" t-shirts for the doc rewards and is of course offering more to fund the project. A little sloppy, but at least they don't appear to be AI like the other logo she used to promo the documentary. Still curious if we'll ever see the DVDs come to light.
>>1993982Why are you still on this a week later. You didn't exclusively say a 17yo dating a 19yo isn't weird. The USA has Romeo and juliet laws for a reason. You went further saying it's not weird for 15yos to be dating 18 or 19yos. Again, weird hill to die on. Now stop derailing.
No. 1994202
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>form is forming
>no muscle mass whatsoever
Kek okay Astrid
No. 1994250
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Apparently Freyja is bringing Monty to WGT? No sign of Mr. Owl or Severine though. And of course she used this post as a quick lil killstar ad too.
>>1994220Doesn't appear to be any real milk. Just some retard newfag sperging out about russian artists attending WGT and then turning around to try to square off with mods. kek
No. 1994263
>>1994250>take care and safe travels, uwu.Yeah safe travels on conned money, Freezer. If you drop that documentary you should call it Despicable Me.
Anybody know if she lost more subs after this stunt?
No. 1994398
>>1994360Yep I said the same and she threats her kids like dolls. I saw the way she dresses them and was like, she thinks they are Living Dead Dolls. Children are small people and she uses them as props for whatever she wants.
>>1994378>I wonder if Mr. Owl made her take one of the kids to feel more secure about her returningKek and make sure she doesn't sleep with Mattias 2.0
You know their relationship won't last if Owl is worried about Freezer cheating.
No. 1994526
>>1994220>What's the milk here?Is that question even serious?
Inviting band that never condemned genocidal war and originates from country conducting genocidal war with population of which in huge majority supports continuation of that war (if they were not there would be no war by now)? Previously WGT invited a band which members were supporting illegal occupation of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine and which played gigs in Crimea - which means they broke Ukrainian law by entering Ukrainian territory without going trough Ukrainian border control.
Behavior of WGT orgs is scandalous and been condemned by many central and eastern European goths, bands and gothic internet portals.
(off topic) No. 1994539
>>1994398Freezer isn't the first mom to dress her preschoolers according to her own taste and she won't be the last. They'll be demanding pink frills and blue jeans before long.
I agree that using the kids for content is a risky path and she'd be better to avoid it.
No. 1994547
>>1993344> Can't wait for her to burn through all the money, drop a shitty WGT vlog (maybe a few amateur interviews) Shitty WGT vlog indeed it will be.
Karma is a bitch, this year's WGT awaits 90% of risk of rain and an average temperature of 21 degrees Celsius, only on Monday there isn't any risk of rain so far. The Victorian and steampunk picnic, the different open air venues, the people camping at Agra, it's not going to be pretty and ideal as Freyja thinks it'll be. The pentecostal weekend here, odds are always 60/40 for good weather vs bad weather, Freyja hit the jackpot with the bad odds kek.
No. 1994730
>>1994526I'm afraid most people attending festivals are either thinking about the music, and or partying with friends, drink and drugs. Politics and war is far from their minds. That said;
>if they were not there would be no war by nowFeel like this is unfair, there have been huge anti war and anti genocide protests since October 2023 across the world, the governments just won't listen or care. It's pretty clear most people oppose it but have no control over it.
No. 1994765
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Marilyn Hamson just posted a new teaser video of him (yeah, you guessed it) flipping a middle finger to Evan Rachel Wood and all the other women he beat up and raped.
Seems that he was signed by fucking Nuclear Blast, which is just. way, way "above his league" in his current situation. I don't care if Evan & co. exaggerated some things or not, he absolutely abused countless women if you include underage fans (which he freely admitted to). can't believe how they're giving him everything back now. Conclusion? Who cares, they'll cancel you but they'll welcome you back when they get bored.
No. 1994766
>>1994765Correction: he's not flipping a finger, he's showing some sort of glass bottle kek. idk why i saw this as a finger but anyways.
Anons that are familiar with his music will probably recognize that clip has visual elements relating to his Holy Wood era (lettering, "Autopsy" video, hairstyle, 2000 photoshoots). Holy Wood album and year 2000 was a very particular time for him as he was public enemy no. 1 and was scapegoat unjustly blamed for Columbine massacre (which oldfags surely know). He's got the nerve anons, the message is very clear. He's posing as the "media pariah"
victim again.
No. 1994781
>>1994765Has there been any famous abuser/rapist scrote who ever got truly cancelled? Amazes me how scrotes constantly cry about trial by media even though the media and public are heavily biased in favor of moids.
Depp is free and hero worshipped, Iggy Pop and David Bowie are lauded as geniuses and never faced any convictions, Kevin Spacey is free and walking around living his life as a rapey gay man, Weinstein is getting his conviction overturned, Dan Schneider is not in jail, Joel Schumacher Roman Polanski etc all lived as free men and die as them too. There’s literally no justice.
No. 1994789
>>1994781Don't forget about Jimmy Page and Johnny Thunders/New York Dolls, they all fucked and abused same 13 year old girls as Iggy Pop (Sable Starr and Lori Maddox). Jimmy Page even "kidnapped" Lori, and then asked her parents for permission to fuck her "so he wouldn't feel so bad about this". These scrotes would seek and pursue them precisely bc they were famous for being 13yo groupies that sleep with everyone. Idk about Bowie, but I see no sense of guilt from Iggy Pop about this, he even made a song boasting about fucking ~that famous 13 year old~ when he was already in his 60's
As for Manson, there are good proofs in this whole case (like messages he shared with Depp) which confirm he abused his current wife, Evan & others but people will choose to believe it's just a witch meeting of spiteful exes. It doesn't help though that some of his accusers retracted the accusations or said they made them, unfortunately everybody involved is shady
No. 1994858
>>1994781>Has there been any famous abuser/rapist scrote who ever got truly cancelled?Danny Masterson, the mop headed pot head from That 70s Show has been sent to the Celebrity jail in Cali.
>US actor Danny Masterson has been sentenced to serve 30 years to life in prison for raping two women.I'm betting he gets out early for 'good behaviour'.
No. 1994865
>>1994798He's already done liposuction about 10+ years ago, but he pigged back up double since, so no chance here. He's on cocaine everyday but doesn't work either. Ozempic could be his last chance. or he quit alcohol and stays just on coke
That or the video isheavily shooped. Remember he loves to paint his massive CHIIIN black, and Lindsey loves to slap filters on all his pics lol.
No. 1994966
>>1993298STAHP Anon, this is so likely gonna happen. I can see the title already.
>"We need to talk">"So About that Documentary…">"We need to talk" It really does feel like she had the whole scheme planned out.
>E-begging is not working. My product placements, I mean kids aren't pulling the sympathy donations neither.>Come up with a feigned documentary. Give a few details to ge people interested and set a high price, at least to cover the WGT tickets and travel. >Get diagnosis for ADHD so I have an out when I use the money for the WGT trip.I mean come on now. I wonder if anyone is calling her out in the comments. I mean let's be real, even if she's going to WGT so she can interview the people there and use the clips for her documentary, would that really be worthwhile?
I just can't believe I ever used to be a fan of hers. It's like night and day comparing 2014 Freya to where she's been in the last few years.
No. 1994971
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Nitpick but you wouldn’t catch me posting a dirty pram and shirt on social media for all to see.
No. 1994996
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> Fake advertises making a documentary to collect money for WGT
> But has apparently not scammed people enough to either pay for a bigger luggage to fly in like any other WGT goer, or go buy better quality stuff for the whole thing
That really shows how "Trailer Trash" those gothic/alt influencers actually are and that they don't deserve any penny that naive people give em.
No. 1994997
>>1994971>Being so far from the other half of our family feels lonelySTFU Freezer! Damn I can't believe people still fall for her bullshit. You planned this. You scammed a ADHD diagnosis days before that docu deadline. You knew you were doing it to get money for WGT tickets.
This feels like doing homework at the last minute and bullshitting to get thru it. If it's not a low effort chat and interview, I'll be surprised. She probably brought Montrose as an excuse.
>Too tired to work, Monty was cranky most of the time and I didn't get much done tee hee!>>1994966>I wonder if anyone is calling her out in the comments.idk but I wondered if she's lost some subs because of this. People have to know she used them to get sympathy donations. ngl her post feels like it's directed at Owl.
>Don't worry darling, too tired to go screwing your replacement.How was he okay with his wife running off to party across the world?
No. 1995147
>>1994971>my assistant director (pictured)She's just confirming my suspicions from
>>1980239 , her "production team" really is her family. Her brag about travel time to WGT doesn't sit well with me when the picture shows a filthy toddler. Get him washed and let the kid have a nap first.
No. 1995176
>>1995162>I wonder if Mr. Owl made her take one of the kids to feel more secure about her returningThat makes the most sense.. why would she take a kid?! She can't see bands, no late nights, can't drink, can't party with old friends.
It must be an "insurance" for her to return or "sharing the child care"
Will she just lurk at the picnics and markets and "interview people"
How will she do a meet and greet with the child in tow?
Her desperate need to go to WGT is quite disturbing
No. 1995342
>>1995176Damn anon, seeing it all laid out like that, it really showcases how pathetic and ill-planned she really is. I can't imagine doing a meet and greet when you have a baby with you who wil lbe very susceptible to sounds and frequent contact of various different people. Maybe I'm overreacting with the latter and that the baby will be fine with the constant people crowding over but I'm still a bit hesitant.
>Her need to go to WGT is quite disturbingIt really is. Why was it so important for her to go this year? Why couldn't she just skip this one, get more savings and a cohesive plan thought out so it would make things smoother next year? Maybe it's because Diva Destruction is gonna be there?
No. 1995437
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>>1995379She is indeed dragging the baby around at WGT.
No. 1995691
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Damn anons, you were onto something about Hamson on ozempic. endlessly curious how long he's going to last like that since he's going on tour. Wonder if he begins chasing zoomer groupies as per usual or he'll resort to just abusing Lindsay aftershow instead. They're both back to using instagrams and trying hardest to maintain this squeaky clean loving marriage image.
Bonus: it's absolutely pathetic to see Lilith Levisis is still liking every new pic by Manson, still not over that 5 minute groupie phase of her life huh.
>>1994971Dragging her kid along to WGT is pointless. Loud music, crowds of people, even logistics and travelling alone will be horribly tiring both for her and the kid. I mean fine whatever when the kid is older, but tagging that pram along, idk. Like hell just let go, why does she always have to make WGT her whole damn personality
No. 1995750
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Yep, baby is nothing but a prop
No. 1995869
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A little WGT "documentary" recap:
>dragging younger child to WGT in Leipzig, disabled child stays home with father
>I'm assuming she had to take the 2nd child because of trust issues (she DID cheat on Mr. Owl the last time she went to WGT without him, I guess) or because both kids would be too overwhelming for Mr. Owl (aww, shucks!)
>She posted a video of the disabled kid trying out a walker at home a few days ago, I'm sorry to say but Severine looks utterly miserable, can't walk properly and just wobbles around
>does nothing but hang out with people, drink, eat and take photos with minor GOFF celebs (e.g. Valentin Winter, German alt model; the band Diva Destruction and Alarikh, Dutch alt influencer, just to name a few)
>Only mention of documentary is a really cringe Instagram post, saying if she's filming to not interrupt her because the "trip here was very expensive" uwu
>Posted a picture 3 hours ago of Monty playing with German baby food jars
Now here's where it gets interesting and call me retarded if you must, but doesn't the backdrop look like her old Leipzig apartment? The black furniture and blood red wall doesn't look like any conventional hotel room.
Did she ever say if she gave up the apartment, is she still paying for it, or am I just tinfoiling without noticing?
No. 1995872
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>>1995869Picrel, it's the screenshot where she mentions filming. Maybe I'm just being nitpicky because I don't like her but the tone of her caption is really weird. Of course your stupid goth trip to Germany to fuel your goffness and show your epic goff baby-doll is going to be expensive, fatso.
Man, I sure hope she doesn't overwork herself.
Love the overly supportive comments, like these people won't be throwing their arms up in a few months when they don't get anything in return.
Saged for spergy addendum
No. 1995879
>>1995869>but doesn't the backdrop look like her old Leipzig apartment? I believe her ex moved out of Leipzig again after the break up. At least he mentioned a different city in his dm’s to me kek
However seeing the backround really makes me wonder what accommodation she chose. Apparently not a hotel.
No. 1995897
>>1995750Asleep most of the day?
Hope that he’s just exhausted from the trip and she isn’t drugging him with Benadryl or something to keep him docile while she gallivants around WGT.
No. 1995904
>>1995897It'll be jetlag
She's travelled over many timezones.. can't imagine its healthy for a toddler
No. 1995920
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>>1995879Saged cuz kinda nitpicking.
No, it looks like a hotel near the main station, A&O Hotel/Hostel. Especially the pic in
>>1995869 (and the ventilator in the background screams hotel).
The furniture with the black frame etc is kinda their thing, see picrel. The red painted wall is the only thing that could make it look like it's a private accomodation, but that's really it.
No. 1995927
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Actually redact that, it's Meininger Hotel, they only have red paint to fake a bed frame, see picrel. Since we only see a third of the wall from the camera angle, it can very well be that. Plus the electric plugs and switches being black match what I found. InB4 comments about me being a stalking weirdo, nah I'm just in the hospitality industry in Currywurstland.
No. 1995984
>>1995872Kekk, Freezer you're a moo. She definitely lurks here
>No, guiz I totally didn't scam you to get WGT tickets, I'm here to do <work>Riiiiiight. So what's the next stop? Back to NZ or are you gonna drag your kid to Poland, Scotland, London etc. for the 'documentary'? Her subs are so retarded they really believe she's holding up her end. She has to act like it's all going to planned so she doesn't lose her passive income.
No. 1996133
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>>1995437>I'm so famous u guyz uwu plz don't bother me in public if you recognize me >Too famous to remember your names too many fans uwubitch most people at WGT don't even know who tf you are? why is she acting like some hot famous killstar model ? kek even those girls aren't as stuck up as this fat bitch.
No. 1996180
>>1996151Kek, anon why would she pay for a sitter when she scammed her way to WGT? We should expect this behaviour from her. Literally lies to get tickets, then acts like über famous internet goth that can't talk to you cuz she's filming.
>Oops, come talk to me guiz and babysit my mini goblin so I can party, tee hee.Literally asking for her kid to get stolen. Make it more obvious that you regret motherhood, Freezer.
(non-milk posts should be saged. learn how at No. 1996189
>>1996122the way she's handling monty is reckless, she's being more irresponsible than ever dragging him around on her joy rides. Couldn't he easily get sick at his age being dragged around like this? I'm sure there's some times that he's had fun but overall he just seems tired and miserable
Why would you bring your baby to a loud music festival in a different country, and then pawn him off to some stranger so you can go to party because surprise surprise the baby doesn't like loud music
I hope she has a miserable time, she only ever thinks about herself and it shows even more with the the kids. I wonder if she'd even care if something happened to either of them or if she'd feel a weight off her shoulders
No. 1996231
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I wonder if IBF set the cash goal so high for the documentary so she can say there wasn't enough interest and use that as an excuse to make the doc a 30 minute vlog at WGT instead. It'll cost her a couple thousand and she'll pocket the rest. Why in the fuck is she even looking to make a doc rn anyway? Would make more sense to do it when the kids are older and less dependent. Yeah, reeks of scam stink.
Also the clip in picrel was such a weird choice to upload, looks like he's pushing his own fucking coffin, bit macabre. Even more disturbing is she won't stop posting her kid's photos.
No. 1996242
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It’s totes ok that she’s begging for free childcare in a foreign country so she can go see a band cos she has lots of trusted friends.
What the actual fuck.
No. 1996246
>>1996207>but looking for a random on Facebook to watch her baby for free in a foreign country so she can go party is something you'd hear on one of those true crime showsMadeline McCann vibes like, if she had arranged it privately that's one thing but she's announcing this to strangers.
>>1996242>trusted friends>it's some goth pals you see once a year if thatReally Freya?
No. 1996280
>>1996242That’s insane!! Her concern is that it is free, not that it is safe for her child. Totally Madeline McCann vibes. Parent wants to have a good time on their vacation, child safety be damned.
Is she blind to how this reflects on her parenting? It’s not a good look.
No. 1996304
>>1996242For me it confirms that Mr Owl said "you can go to WGT but you've got to take a kid with you"
What on earth was she expecting, taking a child to a festival
Shame on her
No. 1996327
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It’s alright guiz, the baby let her put earmuffs on him so he could attend - and enjoy, the concert.
No. 1996465
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>>1996459That’s his insta. His posts are all from 2023. He doesn’t look like he would go to wgt, he probably thinks it’s above him. Or he can’t afford a ticket since he’s just selling his silly little art pieces
No. 1996606
>>1996327What happened to those 'lots of trusted friends here' Freezer? They didn't want to be stuck with a kid u had? Were they imaginary friends?
>Forced the little goblin to wear ear muffs so I could see my beloved Merciful Nuns, squeeee!What about your beloved kid that u kept up past his bedtime, just to go see that? Clearly she shouldn't have kids and only did it to rope Mr Owl in and make him stay. Wonder if he saw her Kidnap My Baby advertisement and told her off? Surely he reads her Instagram posts, gotta wonder if he's having second thoughts.
No. 1996616
>>1996606A lot of friends, aka other (wannabe) influencers with who we greet each other with fake thin voice when we met once in a few years at WGT and with who we write oversweetened fake compliments under major public posts.
I liked her, but after that all now I feel Schadenfreude from seeing how she is not enjoying anything, because did that all to herself. She keeps living her idolised life which she doesn't have.
(sage your shit) No. 1996650
>>1996645He’s always worked a regular job from what I recall. Was working at some greenhouse type place towards the end of the relationship. He’s always had regular jobs from what he’s posted though and he did comment(2-3 years or so ago)about cutting back on his look due to his employment. Which I don’t think
Is such a bad thing? Kind of ridiculous to be in your getup 24/7 like Freyja does.
No. 1996754
>>1996735This is not the disabled one, that's her daughter. Monty doesn't have anything wrong with him as far as I know.
Still super dangerous decisions though.
No. 1996756
>>1996754Anon the nona didn’t say the kid is disabled
>>1996735I sometimes wish I could “like” a post on lolcow because I wholeheartedly agree with this one
No. 1996772
>>1996735He doesn't seem much clever either when he took her back after this all. And he is also responsible for this whole situation, especially having children when they can't afford it and let her spend money to travel Europe pregnant with disabled child and return only when they run out of all money. I'm surprised they didn't get those children taken away with this level of irresponsibility and when she keep dragging them to loud music festivals late at night.
But I agree he should dump her and fix at least his life and got custody. She is just ruining life of three more people because she doesn't live in reality. I'd be curious what would she do then and when people will stop sending her money.
No. 1996816
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Vanessa Alexandria revealing she was secretly abusing pain killers up until 2022. She's still on a cocktail of prescribed meds and Roman has tried to get her to smoke weed with him according to her. It's really no wonder she could never hold down a real job and still lives with her mom at 40 though considering. No mention of her "big brother" Manson despite him trying to make a comeback.
>>1996810>>1996814>satanic makeup and lifestyle>satanic baby outfitsIt's always funny when these unsaged newfags wander into the altcow thread to clutch their pearls over something like basic goth make-up. She's absolutely a terrible mother and a consistently mooing cow, but the satanic panic is big kek.
No. 1996858
>>1996831She fully admitted she smoked weed with him within the past year, but that she didn't like it because it made her paranoid. Screencap of her admitting this can be found here
>>1982516So still not very "sober". Also she hangs out at bars still constantly, not really the best place for a recovering alcoholic. She seems the type to replace one addiction for another jumping from alcohol to pain pills, so I have to wonder what she's actually up to now. She doesn't seem to be very honest about these things despite constantly posting about her supposed sobriety.
>>1996836Most people who surround themselves with occult bullshit don't actually believe in it anon. You really think people are performing sacrifices in killstar clearance just because they slapped some spooky symbols on it? Kek
No. 1996968
>>1996966I haven't found one,
nonny. Emily seems like the only non
problematic person. She actually has a job and acts like a responsible parent. That one American lad that looked like a Cure head was ok but he stopped making videos. I'm remembering another one, think his parents are Yugoslavian. Very intelligent, could barely understand what he said. He got a Russian gf and disappeared too. Didn't seem to be into drama like the other 'influencers'.
No. 1996974
>>1996850He knows how to say 'no' to being featured in Freezer's videos tho, he knows how to secure his own privacy, his children's privacy seems to be one thing he has no say in at all
>>1996966I was going to say that I don't think Angela Benedict is
problematic, but I just stumbled upon her latest posts on IG where she talks about doing IVF for the 3rd time. I'll try to post all the screencaps
No. 1996978
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>>1996976She's 44 and will be 45 in October (born in 1979), I don't know how old is her husband but I would bet you anything that he's a bit older than her. These are the posts, I fucking love the hashtags: #gothmom next to #gothgirl (Angela please you're not a girl you're a 44 year old woman), #trauma, #cptsd. It's not that I don't think that unsuccessful IVF isn't traumatic, it is for sure, but there's something very tacky and dramatic about that mishmash of hashtags idk. I thought she was a proud millenial 90s goth whatever but some women can't let go of the ''girl'' tag. It's weird learning that she has always wanted to be a mother because she doesn't seem maternal at all.
No. 1996987
>>1996841Agreed. There are times where I do feel bad for Mr Owl even a little but in the end, he dug his own grave by choosing to be with this selfish narcissist. He was already dating a woman after Freya left him for Matthias and he seemed to had quickly moved on from her to get back with Freya. For any anons who remember his ex (I think her username was Obessed Obsessions, she was a goth woman with purple hair), maybe some of you may have had more insight on what their relationship was like. Either way he had a chance to move on.
>>1996966There is Cadaver Kelly. From what I remember, she never got into any drama and at most, she only had a falling out with Kai Decadence for being "transphobic" but besides that, she mostly stuck to making videos about goth music. She's not as active as she used to be but she's another one.
>>1996968Emily is still a poser goff but I agree that compared to the others, she seems to have gotten her life straightened out and is genuinely doing better and good for her.
>That one American lad that looked like a Cure head was okay but he stopped making videos.Oh are you referring to Sweeney Deville? I liked him too but yeah, he's slowed down on videos. My guess is he is focusing on school.
>I'm remembering another one, think his parents are Yugoslavian. Very intelligent, could barely understand what he said. He got a Russian gf and disappeared too. Didn't seem to be into drama like the other 'influencers'.Oh I think I know who you're referring to. That was Tom Raven perhaps? He had a thick accent, was actually into goth, and I vaguely remember him doing a video where he met up with his long distance girlfriend who I think was Russian.
No. 1996988
>>1996978I understand that she probably was one of those women who didn't think she wanted kids when she was young only to change her mind as she got older, that's totally understandable but at this point, I feel like she's better off adopting at this point.
>I thought she was a proud millenial 90s goth whatever but some women can't let go of the ''girl'' tag.Like some anons discussed above, with her being super attached to filming her face with a filter and not really showing her real face anymore, I feel like she's struggling with aging which is disheartening because in the beginning of her channel, it was rather refreshing seeing an older goth seeming to embrace themselves and still dress the way they like and do the things they like to do. I feel like TikTok culture really has taken hold of her in recent years.
No. 1996991
>>1996988Yes, I've been one of the multiple anons that have commented on her heavy filter usage before. It's just extra annoying to me because she has talked about passing beauty school despite sucking at doing makeup because she excelled at skincare. Her current job, which I assume she's had for a long time, is as an estetician in a high end hotel in NY. And she has this video on tiktok discussing why she looks younger than her actual age (avoiding the sun and wearing sunscreen) where filters make her look like the love child of Michael Jackson and a ghoul.
No. 1997019
>>1997001The reason why people use ''girl'' to refer to women well into adulthood is because men and society as a whole infantilise women.
You wouldn't call a 45 year old man ''a boy''. In appearance it's light hearted, like most double standards, but if you give it a second thought it's actually sad that some women have a hard time using the word ''women'' for themselves. I'm not saying Angela is one of those women, but I think it's a relevant aspect to mention when we are talking about a cow seemingly finding difficult how to cope with aging. For such a tiny nitpick, like you say, you really do sound mad.
No. 1997050
>>1996967Sure, and killstar is covered in baphomets and satanic symbolism too. She just likes to collect spooky garbage. She's not out here actually participating in satanism in any real way. Let's be real and not tinfoil with the unsaged satanic panic retards.
>>1996978She really should just adopt if she's that desperate to be a mom. There's absolutely no reason to spend all that money at 45 just to pop out an unhealthy child.
No. 1997051
>>1997050>She's not out here actually participating in satanism in any real wayUnless you are Freezer you don't know what her religious beliefs are or what she practices. Don't call the discussion tin foil when you got
triggered over black being grouped w/ satanism, on a comment not directed at you. Touch grass and grow up.
(infighting) No. 1997056
>>1996987>Oh are you referring to Sweeney Deville?Yes, thank you anon. I remember he did a vid about meeting Peter Murphy. It's good to see people actually talking about the music, since goth is about the music, not the clothes.
>Tom RavenI think that was him, haven't seen him in a while. It takes tons of time to have a channel plus how many people are interested in goth and not just the fashion? You could talk about music all day but not all people want to watch that.
(sage your shit) No. 1997113
>>1997056>Sweeney DevilleI agree, that video was a good one. Is it kinda funny that with the exception of Cadaver Kelly who does videos on music, most of the goth men tended to focus more on the music than a lot of the women do with the biggest "influencer" being Freya and all her mess? I just find it interesting really kek.
>Tom RavenI actually am friends with him on his Facebook and he's doing alright. He became a tattoo artist and spends most of his time working in the shop. He didn't say it but I think he just couldn't handle managing a youTube accunt and doing his IRL stuff so he stuck with what worked best for him which was IRL and no shame in that. I feel like someone who can cover both music and fashion would be able to last a little longer Because even the channels that focus on fashion, it tends to get boring real quick when that is all they do.
No. 1997115
>>1996991Yeah I was aware of her profession in skincare and it's why her addiction to filters is so shocking to me because it's pretty clear she knows what she is doing but yet she doesn't seem as confident as she once was and it's disappointing. She could really be a good example of what can happen when you take care of your skin and be a good counter to filter culture. It's just sad.
Because honestly I'm pretty sure that without the filters, she does look older but in the sense that she may look like she's in her 30s instead of her 20s like she does with the filters. Because she's also spreading a false example of making naive younger people believe that they can look like her filtered self by just using sunscreeen when they get to 40.
No. 1997118
>>1997003AYRT and that's fair too, living your best life and all that. I do feel like Angela would be a better parent than Freya, I can't see Angela using a baby like a prop to spread her goffness and use for money (donations).
>>1997060This. It sucks being a downer but it's about being realistic here. All this is doing is running through her savings and wasted time. Learn from Chris Chan with his parents who were too old to properly care for him. Angela just needs to get started with foster/adoption before it really becomes too late.
>>1997061Probably having baby fever or something kek. Angela is in a better position than Freya since she actually has a job and her husband is employed as well but I feel like they probably only make enough to get by semi-comfortably and having a kid can potentially make things tougher financially, especially in a city like New York.
No. 1997119
>>1997115There’s only so much that skincare, skin procedures, and filler can do to make you look young. At a certain point, gravity, loss of collagen, loss of bone density, or hormones take hold and there’s not much you can do after that. That is why celebrities, who can afford the best procedures, look plastic-faced at best or puffy abominations at worst. There's no way to emulate a 20-year-old face again. Eventually, the filters Angela is using isn’t going to be hiding sagging, unless she’s already using real face-altering filters and not just blur.
There’s nothing wrong with aging, but it’s disingenuous that Angela, using her esthetician pedestal, is telling people that they too can look young by using expensive skincare. Meanwhile, she completely denies using filters or botox, even though it’s obvious she blasts her face with smoothing and brightening and barely makes any facial expressions.
>>1996991>I aged so great because I’ve avoided the sun since I was 14! It’s the vampire/goth regime! Yeah, read above. While avoiding the sun and wearing sunscreen can help with premature aging, it’s not going to stop aging completely. Age spots aren’t only caused by the sun, but hormones and genetics as well. I wish she would just embrace her age because I used to really enjoy watching her. Before the trans nonsense, her videos became hard to watch with the brightness to 1000x and sitting stiff in front of a ring light. It felt like it was more about looking at her and less about the content.
No. 1997130
>>1997119>Meanwhile, she completely denies using filters or botox, even though it’s obvious she blasts her face with smoothing and brightening and barely makes any facial expressions.AYRT and does she really? No fucking way kek. It's so obvious that she's filming with one, she barely has any expression and sometimes you can even see her head changing size slightly which is indication that she's filming with a filter. And I agree, I wish she could just stop worrying about aging and looking prim and perfect. Vidrel was from 7 years ago and I miss when she would film like this. No obnoxious filter while in a comfy environment and you could see her expressions.
> It felt like it was more about looking at her and less about the content.That might explain why she's been loving TikTok since TikTok is pretty much all about that.
No. 1997139
>>1997130Wow, it’s been so long I’ve forgotten that she has an actual skin tone kek. She filters herself to be paper white nowadays. Vidrel is night and day compared to today, she’s actually interesting here.
And yes, she’s actually gotten angry at followers for asking her if she’s had any injectables. It’s her choice to fill her face, but she could at least be honest about it and not get mad. Same for filters. She blames it on her camera, but come on now. If her camera 5+ years ago made her look normal, a more advanced one wouldn’t be washing her out now.
No. 1997190
>>1996978Elder Millennial/gen x women seem narcissistic in a unique way, like they genuinely think they're fascinating and write about themselves like book characters.
Saying you always wanted motherhood but not starting IVF til 44 doesn't add up to me, you have 18-35 so like 17 years where pregnancy should be relatively (in comparison to 40s at least) easy and safe, plus moids trying to get you pregnant at every turn so it's easily achieved, in comparison to trying it when you're premenopausal, it may kill you, and will cost you 60 grand. Even if you're a late starter most women try at around 36 with that in mind. I'm not familiar with Angela, is it a new husband or has she been with the same moid for a while?
No. 1997230
>>1997190She’s been with the same British moid for years. She met him while she lived in Britain more than a decade ago and they’ve been together since as far as I know. If they wanted kids, they could’ve had them much sooner, like when she was in her 30s. I wonder if they both wanted kids equally, or if one of them started having baby fever and convinced the other to try starting a family. Also, I can’t help but wonder if there was something wrong on his side as well (since he’s the same age if not older) that they couldn’t conceive through the usual means. They’ve been trying for a few years already but they were already in their 40s.
It’s also really selfish for them to have kids at their age. There a more likelihood of health conditions or mental issues, and like other anons said. They’re also going to be in old age when they have a teenager and if they still have to support an adult (they are in NY after all), that’s also expensive.
No. 1997289
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Sebastian Columbine aka Gweneviere did a q&a on her instagram. I feel like she send these questions to herself kek i believe she posted a YouTube video beginning of the year and promised a q&a to be next, just nobody is interested in her anymore!
No. 1997330
>>1997139IKR? She looked great but you know that saying, "we are our own worst critics". And I agree with you that ultimately it's her decision if she wants to get work done on her face but she should at least be transparent about it. I watched her latest Q&A video and she mentioned that she has never gotten any cosmetic work done. I had no idea that she was a G Cup in bra size and I assumed that she got breast augmentation at some point but in the video she said that she's looking to get a breast reduction. And even though she says she has not gotten anything like botox or filler, I can't help but feel like she's not being completely upfront about that. I want to believe that she's being honest but she hardly if ever shows her real face anymore since it's tough to tell.
>If her camera 5+ years ago made her look normal, a more advanced one wouldn’t be washing her out now.Exactly. Her camera quality on her old videos looked great, this is why I wish she was just honest about filming her videos with filters because it's so obvious.
No. 1997343
>>1997230>She’s been with the same British moid for years. She met him while she lived in Britain more than a decade agoI'm confused or her timeline is off. Didn't she say she stopped being goth because her boyfriend made fun of her for it? Like I'm sure she took 5 years away from YouTube because of it.
Yeah getting pregnant at her age would be unfair to the kid. Does she really think she has the energy to deal with a child?
No. 1997370
>>1997343She dated an
abusive asshole for years, then she met the guy she's currently with.
>Does she really think she has the energy to deal with a child?There was a livestream where she mentioned her husband was a trauma nurse and said he worked long and rotating shits iirc. Of course, that livestream was about 2 years ago. If he's still working that job, she won't be getting much help. Not that women typically get much help anyways with babies, but it would be tiring for her. Especially if that kid ends up special needs or has health complications.
No. 1997627
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>>1997613>she always prided herself on being older than she lookedThat was what made her channel fun in the beginning because she was a great example of age just being a number and that you don't have to retire into sweatpants and "normalcy" (in terms of appearance). Watching her during the first few years of her channel made me not feel so afraid of aging but seeing how she is now, it's depressing. I hope that she gets a grip on things because I'd hate to see her become the goth version of Regina George's mother…
No. 1997628
>>1997586For real, adoption or a puppy is her best bet at her age. She doesn't realize the stress that can go into raising a newborn and she seems busy in her life enough as is. All the things you mentioned, she will not be able to handle (though I don't think she'd admit it). The best thing for her is to bypass the newborn phase and adopt a 5-8 year old (if she wants to start young but not too young) and go from there. That or like you suggested, get a puppy as they are less maintenance than a kid.
I think another reason why she's thinking about kids is because she does seem melancholic when she talks about her family and how dysfunctional they are. IIRC, she doesn't talk to her mother all that much because her mother is a narcissist. Angela shared a story where when she was in the hospital and called her mom, instead of getting support, her mother made the whole thing about herself and it reminded her of why she didn't talk to her mother all that much in recent years, it was sad tbh. And it doesn't sound like she's close with her other family and she may be missing that family relationship and wants to try to start her own.
No. 1997965
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That rapist faggot from the voice got lawyers involved after 50+ people came out of the woodwork and police were contacted. Posting here for posterity since all the submissions of his abuse were forcibly taken down.
No. 1997975
if angela ever does have a child, the first thing she's going to do is get a nanny. unlike freya, she can afford to have someone help her and i don't see her giving up her career to raise a baby.
>>1997628adopting isn't always the best option for the average person. it's just as expensive, sometimes a bit more than in some cases getting ivf treatments, which is why a lot of people adopt kids from african countries or eastern europe. there's tons of loopholes and government red tape you have to jump through to get approved and her being a middle aged woman in nyc who has an alternative lifestyle is going to cause a lot of issues with most agencies who think anyone but the most straight laced wasp is a borderline degenerate.
also, there's the whole russian roulette aspect of what kind of baggage an adopted child may be coming into your home with…do they have inherited mental health issues that have been exacerbated from being neglected and passed around? have they been abused by foster parents? will the birth family or parents suddenly up and decide they want the child back and start hounding you to return them? that's a lot to take on for someone who already comes from a dysfunctional background.
No. 1998247
>>1997965Classic abuser behaviour to run to the lawyers about it.
>>1998123Yeah this is pretty much how it goes, 99% of rapists never get convicted. They cry
victim and make life as difficult as possible for the actual
victims. But I feel those screenshots will continue to mill around the internet regardless.
No. 1998450
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IBF has uploaded a vid on her IG talking about how she's shit at using cameras and trying to learn, and how she wanted a production team of 4 but she can't afford even 1 (except herself), so she joked her son is a production team member. She said she left daughter at home since she needs lots of therapy and took son with her since he's still attached to her. Picrel is from comments section, looks like she's gonna do a second campaign and maybe not even give out items to people who paid for the first campaign.
No. 1998469
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Looks like Frejya made her money for WGT and bailed. We all knew it would never reach anywhere near it's goal
No. 1998499
>>1998450She still have flat in Europe, not just some storage for all that hoarded overpriced clothes? Does she own it or only rent it? Either way, that's so much wasted money, she should get rid of that years ago and she wouldn't have to beg people to get money to go to WGT (she probably still would, but at least she wouldn't complain that much about how she can't afford anything and about ugly carpets).
And I bet people who are sending her money have even less than her in reality, many people can't afford what she got after they were broke after that irresponsibility incident with airlines, yet she whine how they "don't have" money.
No. 1998558
>>1998499 she's still paying rent on her flat in Paisley (Scotland) and will go there after WGT to end the lease and presumably pack up the contents to ship home.
So maybe the grift, if it is a grift, has a double purpose.
No. 1998621
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Because here on lolcow we like screenshots and receipts I’ve went to the video and took some screenshots where she also mentioned she had to get an international drivers license, what for exactly?
No. 1998632
>>1998558>in Paisley (Scotland) and will go there after WGTTop kek, I called it. I knew Freezer was gonna drag Monty to Scotland. After that Poland or wherever the fuck. Cuz why does she need an international driving licence?
>Don't worry, guiz it's for muh 'documentary'.Kek Freyja, you shameless con artist.
No. 1998778
>>1998746honestly i think she was holding out hope that barnabas was going to suddenly change his mind and decide to move to the uk with her and the kids. she held onto this shitty flat for way too long, even though it was the one that got broken into multiple times and she admitted that paisley was an absolute shithole. i mean ffs her landlord was arrested for selling drugs top fucking kek. i don't even know what to say anymore other than just laugh because it's all so ridiculously stupid.
>>1998770people in the goth community never seem to learn, at least not the people she markets herself to. she will do the same thing over and over and over again, and no one will say anything because her fans feel like they have to defend her because of their weird persecution complexes, or are too afraid to call her out in fear of backlash from either her or other grifting goths who do the same if not worse. these are the same people who looked the other way when aurelio voltaire was called out for sleeping with prostitutes and being an overly handsy weirdo, who still think marilyn manson is "cool" because he's such a rebel and would probably fall head over heels to buy anything kat von d shits out because the past is the past according to them lol.
No. 1998908
>>1998807I've gotta give Angela this, at least she has been thinking long and hard about this stuff and that she listened to her husband about making sure that they have everything in order to properly bring a child into their lives. After watching the video, it does help fill in the blanks like how the IBF is really not as expensive for her as a lot of us initially thought thanks to her insurance.
Hearing all this, it does make me wish that she was able to have a kid vs Freya because I can't imagine Angela would be a worse parent than she has been being because they are financially able to properly care for a child and Angela was not squandering her money on some storage hoard (kek). I know some people take shots at Angela like her obsession with appearing as young as possible with the filter crap but I honestly believe that she would be a good mother. I still think before all is said and done, she gets some therapy to work through any residual internal trauma she may have from her past but still, I wish her the best.
No. 1998931
>>1998686If things were this bad back then i would have never had a child. It's called logic over feelings. Nothing weird about that if you think not having kids you can't afford is weird then that just means you have the mentality of a third world couple kek
>>1998731I only mentionned it cause a lot of retarded moms on here love to call anyone that says anything negative about having kids nowadays a bitter childless hag. Touch grass.
(blogposting) No. 1999137
>>1998807Her video has a bit of a contradiction. She said at one point that her doctor said she's in very good health at her age because she has always taken care of herself and makes a point in saying she has always eaten healthily, but didn't she say before that she struggled with eating disorders in the past? That doesn't make sense. This is one of many things she says that doesn't add up.
Does nobody else remember a livestream she had about 3 years ago where she spoke about the abortion she had to have when she was like 14 years old? I can't be the only one who clearly remembers this. Then some guy was giving her shit about it in the comments and she handled it really well. This is part of her trauma and part of the reason this childless thing eats her up so badly. I actually don't think Angela is a cow and feel really bad for her. She's not greedy, she is a helpful person in the online goth community and does a lot more than most youtubers in that department. I don't think she would make a bad mom just because she's older.
No. 1999243
>>1999137>>1999097Imo the biggest issue is if in the unlikely chance she got pregnant, she is unlikely to survive the birth. That's growing a whole human, being ripped apart and then bleeding for 3 months while your body is healing itself - a big heart attack risk especially if surgery is required - all while the body is trying to close up shop with the menopause. Menopause exists specifically to prolong female life, humans are I think the only mammal to have a lifespan which way exceeds reproductive years, which means women have the power to live healthily and care for their families long after reproduction ends. Menopause exists for that specific reason, and she is right at the age menopause starts.
It seems like possible past trauma rearing its head with the abortion, combined with chasing the illusion of youth and insecurity.
No. 1999346
>>1999137>but didn't she say before that she struggled with eating disorders in the past? That doesn't make sense.Oh crap, I forgot about that anon. She mentioned that in her Y2K video where she talked about anorexia. Could it be possible that the reason why she's finding it harder to get pregnant comes from her anorexic past? It's been found that eating disorders can cause fertility issues in women and I feel like Angela had her ED for at least longer than a year.
>I actually don't think Angela is a cowI feel like compared to all the others who usually get discussed her, she definitely is not. At most, people only tend to take the piss out of her obsession with looking as young as possible when appearing on camera but barring that, in total definition she is in no way a cow at all.
>>1999243All of what you said is so true and I wonder if Angela has thought about this as well. The upped chance of not surviving labor or having to deal with compromised health can lead for a very traumatic life for the child. It's all really fucked up because I wish Angela the best and she really seems to want a baby but I feel like she's having a hard time accepting that this really is just a fucked set of circumstances. If she hasn't, she needs to think about what kind of life her child will lead if something bad were to happen to her and her husband. She already mentioned that her family is across the country and her husband's family is in a different country, there's no family net to fall back on.
No. 1999516
>>1999444I didn't see this video tbh but I saw a couple threads back talking about this. You're talking about the drama she had with Kai Decadence? IIRC in the thread, she just said he's a transphobe and that she thinks troons are women or am I missing something else? I tried looking for the video on her channel but I couldn't find it. And sure that is cringe but so many people on YouTube believe in troon crap so is it fair to call her a cow for that when so many other YoutTubers are the same when it comes to that stuff?
>>1999504Right. I still feel like she would be better off adopting if all else for her own health. But I get that it's expensive compared to her insurance covered IVF.
No. 2000058
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from jude bishop's Instagram story. Not super milky buy I think it's very narcissistic and weird to make a whole post about your boobs being "uwu so big" and being "Gods favorite"
No. 2000302
>>1999137i remember that video. i think we discussed it many many threads ago around the time it was posted.
>>1999516i vaguely remember what happened. she and kai were good friends up until the trans rights army started harassing her for being friends with him since he has an extensive history of posting
terf-y opinions online. instead of ignoring it or dealing with it like an adult, she threw kai to the wolves, made this whole stupid pandering video calling out transphobes and insinuating that she had "cut off" someone close to her that was "exposed" for being transphobic and never told her fanbase to stop harassing kai. they were the primary reason why he kind of disappeared.
>>1999444i haven't forgotten. it was so long ago though that my memory of that whole situation is hazy now. but i vaguely remember her saying stuff that was gender critical and or being a
terf privately. then she retconned her whole history and pretended she was always a tra.
No. 2000430
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Sebastian/Gwen finally uploaded a YouTube video and it’s showing off plant pots without any plants in it. I’m curious to see what direction she’s trying to aim
No. 2000446
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Is Freya in Scotland or has she had furniture shipped to New Zealand?
No. 2000447
>>2000446Sorry, samefag
She had those chairs and gramophone in Germany
No. 2000552
>>2000446>My clock just chimed over 100 times, what does that mean?It means you grifted your last grift, that's wtf it means.
Seriously did she sit there with all her free time and count the chimes? Her posts read like a Millennial teen. Does she still have a livejournal, kek.
No. 2000598
>>2000446I'm just blown away, she actually is at her flat with her hoard while doing the "doc". Grifting Bonkers.
>>1999994 Google.
No. 2000764
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Collective amnesia around pointy shoes makers continues, hundreds of likes zero questions asked about their grifts from last 15 years. Of course no explanation still was provided about orders that never been delivered and money never returned.
No. 2000869
>>2000828Winklepickers are plenty - goff designs are more rare. There are "orthodox" designs that does not come from family behind Retroshu/Gothic Shoe Company/London Retro Footwear. Pretty much same designs are made by Mexicans - Poison MX (Mexicans also do a lot of alternative wardrobe as it's cheaper than importing) and Portuguese - Steelground. No news so far about them ever scamming anyone. Also Portuguese brand Nevermind used to sell oldschool Pikes. Biggest differences are in materials used and toe shapes.
Less orthodox but still "dark alternative" in look designs can be also bought from Demonia, Killstar, Underground, Fluevog and New Rock.
Generic term Winklepickers is just "pointed toe" shoe and covers also "normie pointed shoes". Which were also worn a lot by goths back in the '80s.
You can see that in Siouxie photos - she was wearing a lot of pointy stuff that not many goths wears today despite the fact they could be bought even today in regular shoe shops. But almost no one does that at least in my part of the world and on social media and youtube. I can't recall the last time I have seen a "dressed up" goth in pointed mary jane shoes or stilettos. But such shoes are all over the photos from the Batcave club nights.
No. 2000938
>>2000302>i vaguely remember what happened. she and kai were good friends up until the trans rights army started harassing her for being friends with him since he has an extensive history of posting terf-y opinions online. instead of ignoring it or dealing with it like an adult, she threw kai to the wolves, made this whole stupid pandering video calling out transphobes and insinuating that she had "cut off" someone close to her that was "exposed" for being transphobic and never told her fanbase to stop harassing kai. they were the primary reason why he kind of disappeared.AYRT, oh wow, that is quite a lot. But I'm not surprised with TRAs pulling the guilt by association crap. At least from what I remember, Angela never really talked about trans rights stuff on her channel and yet those TRAs still went after her. I guess it's because she's considered one of the more popular goth channels. Anyway after hearing this, yeah I can see how what she did could be considered cowish since she did that to a supposed friend plus being a blind TRA. It makes you wonder if she really can hold that "transwomen are women" rhetoric after all the things she went through as a female that only we can go through. I wonder if she supports the whole uterus transplant thing that these TIMs are savoring to get kek.
>>2000627>Spend all this money on travel/WGT/Food/etc>How is she gonna fund the t-shirts and DVDs?Such good questions kek. My guess is when she noticed how she's starting to run low, she'll start another GoFundMe and it more than likely will work because her fans can't see how much of an opportunistic grifter she is being. She made 13k with this first one, that's quite a lot for a scan.
>>2000669I feel like her fans feel pity towards her because she had a second baby and she is oh so busy that she deserves a vacation (or something).
No. 2001017
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She looks massive and miserable. She has never been a cow I really cared about but I was hoping she lost a considerable amount of weight at some point after her major breakup and the troon thing.
No. 2001088
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>>2001017She started porking up before all the recent eviction drama, here's a picture of when she went raving with Roly in March.
She seems to gain a bunch of weight whenever she gets comfortable in a new relationship (see the Subkult pictures from last summer). If you watch her stories she's been eating out a lot and cooking massive dinners with her new man. She's also gotten very into cocktail making and shows off her all syrups and liquors (a sugary and expensive hobby when you call yourself 'poor'). My tinfoil is that she dates under-25 ectomorphs so they won't get fat like Jake did. Unfortunately all the stress has exacerbated her existing health issues and now she looks like a middle aged mum of three. Her body is crying out for a lifestyle change but Kaya will never listen.
>>2001059She revealed quite a lot in that video so I think it deserves a full write up. I'll try post a summary once I've got time.
>>2001071Definitely a poor decision to have uploaded the video however she knows that these are her best performing vids of late and she needs sympathybux fast so she continue to be an aging party girl.
No. 2001188
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>>2001088Kaya keeps wasting her height and build on outfits that make her look like picrel and it’s genuinely so tragic. Even when she blimps up she is tall enough to where she could so easily pull it off but she insists on wearing styles that make her look fatter and disproportionate. Kaya and Jake are so equally stunted and have not progressed over the last 10 years of their lives, their sense of style as stunted as their emotional intelligence, their careers stagnated, they still blame everyone except themselves for their situations and inconveniences in life… its just stale milk of two failure to launch individuals that are slowly going bankrupt yet still insist on partaking in life's (expensive) pleasures as if someone is going to swoop in and save them any day now.
No. 2001280

This video is made from two car vlogs - one from 6 weeks ago and one filmed recently
>Cuts to calmer past Kaya a week after she made her 'I need to leave' video, despite dealing with the dodgy landlord she says she is feeling positive and 'downright giddy' about the move
>Says it makes her uneasy that she is findable on the internet, suspects her landlord knows of her online presence. Initially the landlord was trying to get her out in less than a month but the day after the video dropped the landlord emailed to say she changed her mind and Kaya now has two months to vacate (out by June 24th)
>In NI the minimum legal requirement to notify eviction is 8 weeks while you need 28 days’ notice for rent increases, apparently the landlord broke both laws and Kaya implies she is trying to cover her tracks now the drama is public
>Says the last time she was booted from a home due to a scummy landlord was 2015, says it happened close to Christmas so it was hard to find another house (I think this was when her and Jake had to move in with her Dad temporarily). Says the whole ordeal was made worse by Jake's explosive anger at the situation
>Refers to her last video about making a decision, says she's made the choice to put the majority of her stuff into storage and live as cheaply as possible for the next year. Making this choice was easy and gave her a lot of relief. Her lifestyle has changed and her priorities have completely shifted - in 2022 she wanted a big home to decorate and nest in but now she spends 30-50% of her time in London. She says she is in the process of looking for a new storage place.
>She gets into some of the landlord's complaints - Apparently the shower head broke and the workman who fixed it thought Kaya broke it, the landlord then argued that Kaya should pay for the repair either partially or in full and Kaya flat out refused. It also seems the landlord was disappointed about the state of the garden, it's implied Kaya didn't upkeep the yard or keep it clean
>Kaya admits that she doesn't go out in Bangor or engage with the community there, says it's pointless to live there. She whinges for the billionth time about how her friends won't come out to Bangor apart from one friend who occasionally takes the train up, says she's always the one who has to come to them and she wastes so much petrol (lol you're the only with a car and you're the one who lives in a different city to all of them…)
>Ends the vlog by saying she is going to London which is terrible timing but I ‘need to make money'
>Cuts to recent Kaya looking noticeably stressed, fatter and with worse skin. Kaya points out her weight gain and admits she has been stress eating and that her body image is not good right now
>Says that as soon as she went to London her landlord started harassing her with emails. Kaya says she can't go into too many details as ' things have taken an ugly turn' but apparently a lot of illegal shit has been happening. Things are still escalating and it's been making her a nervous wreck, says she has involved the housing rights people
>She reveals that the landlord implied she was going to break into the house while Kaya was away to get her house back. For the whole trip Kaya was obsessively checking her security camera from her phone to make sure the landlord wasn't going to follow through
>Kaya says the emails are rude and that the landlord takes her for a fool who doesn't know the law, says what she is doing is bordering on harassment and intimidation. It seems like the landlord emails at night to pressure her. Kaya says she might not ever tell the internet the full story of what's been happening
>Kaya is still packing and trying to look for a place
>She randomly brings up how Jake (not by name) packed their stuff into random boxes during their final move together, says the lack of system stressed her out and that's why 'years later I have boxes of shit in storage, it hurts my poor ADHD brain'. Says she wants to pack properly this time and sort boxes by assigned categories (all by herself AND by the 24th apparently). Says she is sad to be packing her stuff up again as it was only very recently that she started sorting out her storage boxes for Vinted.
>Her birthday is on the 16th and she wants to celebrate even though it will take time and energy away from packing, says she doesn't care if it seems childish
No. 2001398
>>2001088Saged for nitpicking but Kaya is too old to wear that outfit. That pink bunny kawaii shite is fine when you're 15-20 years old. But at her age and weight it's giving midlife crisis vibes. These girls all wanna be like Adora Bat Brat and if that's your inspo, get a therapist. The Courtney Love 'damaged child' aesthetic is washed out.
>>2001280>Says the last time she was booted from a home due to a scummy landlord was 2015, says it happened close to Christmas so it was hard to find another houseWe all wondered why she had to have a house and not a flat. So many bad life decisions, she royally fucked herself. Could have rented a flat and saved money.
-Didnt do that
Could have sold the Sabastian plushies at peak sympathy donations.
-Didnt do that
Could have used some of that money for a therapist
-Didn't do that either.
Now she's thinking she will forever get pity donations from her brain-dead fan base. She complains about friends being far away,then move closer to them. She has some fantasy about living in London. Most Londoners don't go out anymore because things have gotten too expensive. She needs to get a wealthy man to help her because she clearly can't manage her own life.
No. 2001438
>>2001188>picrelKEK LITERALLY. Kaya's body confidence really drags her down
which I can relate to and one thing that can help without diet and exercise cos she clearly doesn't want to do those, is to know what flatters your body. Imagine being an alt fashion influencer and not knowing how to dress yourself.
No. 2001466
>>2001417Emily Boo made a video sorting through her clothes for vinted, she put something like 200 items for sale (don't quote me on the numbers) and it all sold in a matter of days
>>2001398She has to wear her skirt that high because it doesn't fit her hips, it's too small. It's like that red pvc dress she has wear unzipped under her boobs
No. 2001519
>>2001417when she first moved out on her own her followers suggested that she move in with her mom while she got back on her feet. she claims her mother's house is too small for all her things and bast and that her mother really didn't want her living with her to begin with (hmmm wonder why?).
>>2001499the thing is, she's never going to let go of her hoard outside of it being stolen or falling down a literal black hole where she can't get it back. she's either too reluctant to change or too lazy to do anything about it because she's been able to coast along so far without any major catastrophes. she will keep jumping back and forth from house to house annoying her landlords as long as she can find another place to rent and rest her head for a few months until she's forced out again for being lazy. if she genuinely wanted more stability, she would have done something a long time ago…she wants to live this semi-vagabond party girl life so i just accept that's who she is at the end of the day.
No. 2001527
>>2001280Kaya's an idiot. She has stated herself the house had needed repairs and she had hoarded too much and made a mess to even let anyone in to fix it. I bet her place probably has mould from shit being pushed up against the walls and left to collect dust. She probably keeps all the curtains and blinds shut from the outside world so no one can see the squalor I'm sure it's actually a tip. She has such a
victim mentality and what is she on about being emailed late at night is harassment. It's an email you can reply during normal hours. You don't need to sass your landlord back and forth all night.
No. 2001544
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>>2001543Samefag. It’s just that she’s gained weight before but it has never given her fuller boobs. Sometime in March, her boobs started actually touching each other and forming a crease. They’ve always pointed away from each other and I don’t think weight gain can accomplish that kind of change.
No. 2001570
>>2001280She said months ago that her rent is being raised and she will be moving out because of that, why is she acting like this is a huge unforseen event? She's had plenty of time to pack and clean the house, if only she didn't spend it all rolling in her oversized bed watching 2000's TV shows.
>>2001544She's massive in her last video, it's just weight gain and a top that's 2 sizes too small.
No. 2001577
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>>2001417>Can't she just move in with her mother for like three months?This is a very tetchy subject with Kaya even though it's a very reasonable thing to ask.
I found a video from 2016 which shows the inside of the Mum's house; at roughly 8 mins into 'Blogger Parties, Pastel Hair & Girl Dates~' she walks through the house filming the squalid conditions. You can clearly see there are about 4 rooms. The rooms with open doors look cluttered and have crap on the ground near the doorway. Kaya walks into her childhood bedroom which is piled high with random shit, her Mum complains about having to store all these childhood memories for her and how expensive it was to buy all of it in the first place. Kaya whines that she has no space for it in her new house.
So yes, I believe it's
valid to ask why Kaya can't move into her Mum's flat when she's about to get evicted from her house, instead she's been begging the Patreon lovelies to pay for an expensive move where she'll need to transport the hoard piles between storage units. It's interesting that Kaya is very vocal about cost of living and the NI housing crisis meanwhile empty nesters like her mum exacerbate the crisis by living in big properties by themselves when they could be renting out rooms. It's annoying when people complain about the state of affairs then do fuck all to try get people out of insecure housing - a family of spoiled retards.
As for the Vinted declutter YT series…she implied she doesn't feel like filming it anymore because of the stress of the move. I saw that she posted a 5 min TikTok a while ago where she sorts through a few tubs of clothes while the irritating robot voiceover narrates the whole thing. She might post more but I have a feeling this will be it.
We have to remember this is the same person who still hasn't posted the last housewarming gift video, her office makeover or the October Roly collab. For some reason she bullshits and claims she thought they were already uploaded and that she
will actually upload them (timestamp 9:20 in 'I need to leave'). It's obvious she's just too lazy to edit longer form videos but doesn't want to admit it. Maybe she should turn them all into 5 min TikToks instead lol.
No. 2001592
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Freezer posted a video about going to festivals 'for the documentary'. She said if you're going to one let her know so they can be interviewed. Funny she only interviewed influencers. Can't figure out if this was filmed prior to WGT or if she's in Scotland pretending to be in NZ. It's another clothing try on, couldn't watch more than 5 min.
No. 2001602
>>2001577You'd hate to be a pet that has to live with either Kaya or her Mum honestly.
I bet kaya pisses off her landlords because she doesn't upkeep the properties or let people round to inspect. Instead of her and her landlord emailing each other why not just have them come see the property and that you're packing up and ease the fucking tension. She doesn't have time constraints but I bet she makes up a tonne of excuses why no one can come in. Then to have the audacity to complain no one wants to come down to her place. How can you complain about how expensive it is to drive 15 minutes up the road yet takes frequent flights to go party in London??
No. 2001614
>>2001592I wonder if she's staying in Scotland with the plan of doing Amphi festival in July and/or M'Era Luna in August?
Can't help but laugh at her referring to her hoard as "my legendary wardrobe" kek
No. 2001628
>>2001577>the October Roly collabWoah yeah, been half a year since she did that and with no content to show for it
>>2001602>doesn't upkeep the properties or let people round to inspectYeah didn't she mention her shower was broken but was too embarrassed by her hoarders house to call a plumber? I bet if she moved her piles of shit aside she'd find more things that need repairing, but she never does that unless she's literally getting kicked out.
No. 2001671
>>2001577you just unlocked the memory of her mother's nasty horror house. both her and her mom are hoarders and both of them seem to have an inherited aversion to cleaning.
>>2001602>why not just let them come in and see the houseshe doesn't want her landlord to come in because she knows if she sees the state of the house, she's going to be told to gtfo sooner or they're going to charge her for damages. if the woman is already this mad about the outside of the house, i can imagine she'd be fuming if she saw what was going on inside lol.
>complaining about driving but not partying in londonshe's very selfish and entitled. i don't really keep up with her much, but i see now that she's suffering from a bad case of me-itis. all of the cows in these threads are selfish to varying degrees, but she's the most insufferably self-centered in the worst possible way as her selfishness is directed towards hedonistic pursuits on top of her being lazy and whiny.
No. 2001752
>>2001741Not a shock she hangs out here given the OTT responses to posts mildly criticizing her shit.
> Also interesting how she does manage to acknowledge rampant misogynyMaybe you dont know anon but a few threads back someone posted a now deleted video where she pretty much blamed women who are raped for it as women have "female privilege" and its in fact the men in society who are the most oppressed.
Shes a huge pickme and the most dangerous kind and many people refuse to see this because she doesnt look like the typical pickme. She is absolutely the type to
victim blame if the
victim is a woman to get brownie points.
No. 2001763
>>2001752>Maybe you dont know anon but a few threads back someone posted a now deleted video where she pretty much blamed women who are raped for it as women have "female privilege" Anon do you remember her explanation on why she thinks raped women have "female privilege"? I remember seeing the video you're referring to pop up in my feed but I didn't watch it because I feared it would just piss me off (and it seems like my sentiment is correct kek).
I also don't get why she chooses to be a pick-me. I don't recall her obsessing over male content creators so it's just weird to me.
No. 2001912
>>2001763She said because society values female beauty (and the example she gave was women adhering to standards men set for them) and that men are not emotional/are discouraged to be emotional and "society doesnt value males" and women constantly lie about SA/rape men are the true uwu
victims and women are just out to ruin their lives. No wonder she deleted the vid I just wish I had downloaded it before because nonnas said she does this often when she gets called out for her shitty takes. This was literally red pill misogynistic crap.
Well shes apparently transmale but doesnt care about pronouns and doesnt try the slightest to be male apart from shitting on women when she thinks it will get her sympathy.
>>2001777This. She keeps trying it every once in a while, the only time its seems to have worked was when she was railing on terfs by pretending to be a
victim of them, it was discussed a while back if she was an antifeminist given the wierd crap she comes out with.
No. 2002058
>>2001760I always forget about that chubby balding woman with fried froggy voice
>>2002017That poor kid. At least healthcare is quite decent in NZ
No. 2002125
>>2002119Oh she came out and said it?
How sad
No. 2002292
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>>2002125Yup… she’s a shit mum.
No. 2002398
>>2002292>>2002394I don't get why this makes her a bad mom? Surgery is usually booked months in advance. Mr Owl was at home with Severine. You know in an actually equal society leaving a child with the male parent wouldn't be grounds to screech about neglect, because surprise! The entire workload is not supposed to be on only one parent. I personally don't see a problem with that. If the child is well cared for by the male parent, which they should be, leaving them with him is not neglect any more than the male parent leaving the children with the mother is.
However she did try and get a random goth pal on Facebook to babysit her child for an hour during a festival, that is questionable for sure, but scheduled surgery with the father present instead of the mother isn't neglect, and you are just enabling male bullshit/weaponized incompetence by acting like it is.
No. 2002408
>>2002398You’re projecting. Nobody here questioned Mister Owl’s capabilities as a nurturing parent but we are however questioning IBF’s priorities. This is a major surgery and it would’ve been nice to have both parents there for care and comforting.
Imagine you’re Severine in the future and look back on your mum’s timeline and see that she’d rather fuck off to a goff festival than be with you at your first major surgery.
No. 2002464
>>2002398Most mothers wouldn't want to be separated from their infant child at the best of times but when it comes to a surgery with so many risks it's a real cause for anxiety.
It's nothing to do with Mr Owls patenting skills, if anything he deserves more praise!
No. 2002466
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>>2002398>Booked out months in advanceSo she could have easily planned to be there, but her material possessions were more important. What a great mum!
It's good that Mr. Owl at least seems to be a responsible parent, on top of being the only one working a regular job. I usually don't have very high opinions of moids, especially ones who involve themselves with cows, but his priorities genuinely seem to be with his family while freyja is willing to hand off her kid to strangers in a foreign country just to go party. Severine is pretty obviously quite disabled too, I don't get how a mother is totally okay with using her kids as props, but won't even prioritize them when their health is on the line. Hope poor Monty is doing alright after being dragged all over the place (and covered in filth) too.
No. 2002774
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>>2000430 She's apparently doing puppetry now. (???)
No. 2003029
>>2002990From the live:
Freyja doesn't know when she'll go home and says she will do so when she finishes the job she came to do.
She talks to Severine online every day and was tearful and worried about the surgery since it wasn't known how S would react to the anesthetic (but she still went abroad…)
She plans to film in the UK right now.
Her mum has offered to sell her house so she can bring Freyja's stuff from Scotland over to NZ.
No. 2003087
>>2003029Oh, but we know exactly when she will return to NZ - when she will run out of money from her naive fans and when she will beg them again to fund her return ticket.
>>2003067 I'm just waiting when she will abandon her kids to attend some event… oh, she already almost did that…
I'm ashamed I liked her few years ago, but to my defense, it was before her videos were only about showing clothes from some expensive brands.
I don't understand what it's so popular and why there aren't (or at least not well known) goth YouTubers who would show DIY videos how they make their own clothes and accessories either from scratch or how they modify some. That would be amazing. This is just disgusting and those clothes from gothic brands are not even nice anymore.
No. 2003259
>>2003029>Her mum has offered to sell her house so she can bring Freyja's stuff from Scotland over to NZ.This is such a bizarre detail, like even assuming her stuff isn't too heavy to transport and or destroyed by mold by now, it wouldn't cost more than maybe a couple k to move. Doubtful anything is worth that much, I agree with anons that something is strange about this.
The most simple explanation is she wants to move to Scotland and this is an excuse to waste time there. Iirc she isn't allowed to live in the UK for some legal reason (overstaying her Visa iirc), has that reason expired now?
No. 2003379
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Just imagine if there had been any complications with Severine's surgery, that 1% of probability any surgery has of things going terribly wrong and she got into a coma or even died. How could Freezer leave her kid behind and not be haunted by the possibility of that happening? The surgery went well but still, a moher should be by her toddler while she recovers. Young kids might not retain memories of the first 3 years of their life but she's developing emotionally and shit like this has some impact. The screencap is from yesterday when she advertised her livestream, in which she said she talks to Severine everyday in tears lol but she seems quite happy to be overseas getting drunk
>>2001741>I mean, look at internet culture generally, when it comes to women and mental health issues ah… you know ffs you know there are enough forums out there that focus on solely on, I mean, they technically focus on anyone who is mentally ill and, you know, seen as not helping themselves and all of this but, realistically look at the people they focus on, they're pretty much all female. Um, so you know, God forbid you're a woman with some kind of problem. The internet will piss all over you.Yeah, I'm 100% sure she lurks here, mostly the ed threads. Maybe it's not too late for her to embrace her womanhood and get out of her parents house, if only she understood her own internalised misogyny. I do feel bad for Herbs sometimes because her mother must have been an absolute boymom when she was growing up.
No. 2003489
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OMG guiz! Freezer found out she probably has an audio disorder. Here comes the next scam! Help her buy a hearing aid for her fucking audio fucking disorder. jfc it should be illegal to scam stupid people.
No. 2003491
>>2003270That's an interesting tinfoil but didn't she meet meet Matthias at a WGT before she moved in with him? It's been awhile so I don't remember exactly but if that's the case, I could totally see your prediction being true and that she has met another goff guy who was gonna attend WGT and she wants to meet him there.
She's just been making irresponsible and senseless decisions as a parent that it makes you wonder why she's doing this.
No. 2003504
>>2003489that's probably related to her ADHD diagnosis and isn't treated with hearing aids, it means her hearing's fine, she just doesn't understand the words she hears sometimes lol
>>2003491she talked about Matthias in her last live, after they got married she once asked him a hypothetical question "would you give me one of your kidneys if it could save my life?" and he said no, she added it wasn't the only "idgaf about you" thing she said to her. it only highlights how much of a joke that marriage was
No. 2003554
>>2003504Yeah no proof of that ADHD diagnosis that magically happened when she was scamming her way to WGT.
>Omg totally found out I got a hearing problem.Uh-huh. Did u get diagnosed before or after u offered your kid to strangers so u could see some poser band?
No. 2004165
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Shameless begging for followers kek
No. 2004167
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>>2004165So funny her and Fake are hitting rock bottom at the same time. The dollar sign she drew??
No. 2004342
>>2004167 that outfit was awful. She made 0 effort and it really shows. The top was extremely wrinkled the fish nets look terrible and her hair looked nice down but then she put it in a bun which looks so bad on her she could of done a nice high pony tail and you can see how much she filters her skin in photos with the close ups to her jaw in the video
>>2003379 she needs to be shamed publicly. I can't imagine going across the globe to party's and drinking while one baby is having major surgery and the other one she trying to flog off to strangers who probably don't talk the only language her baby understands. I think she's a vile woman and deserves to have her children taken away imo it's so important that she goes to primark and drink shots and 'film a documentary' that she abandons her poor daughter in the time she would need her mummy the most and let the other one have a chance of being kidnapped and let him wear the most filthiest clothing. It wouldn't suprised me if she already cheated again and looking for her next man to run away with. She is no mother she's a pathetic selfish woman who should of never had children. As the old saying goes just cause everyone can have children doesn't mean that they should.
No. 2004609
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hope the kid is okay, apart from the obvious - abandoning your special needs child to go party on the other side of the globe, she's such a weirdo for posting a photo of her daughter with blood in her hair after a medical emergency
No. 2004618
>>2004167it says latest pu? something at the top, it's a very zoomed in screenshot of the Shorts analytics page hence the big dollarsign and burger menu (three lines on the right) which must be buttons/settings (I don't use Shorts but it seems fairly obvious from context clues)
>>2004433I don't get the comparison Anon, motherhood is not a finite resource and BlackFriday didn't take Angelas unborn children or whatever your brain has calculated out kek. Barring fertility issues like PCOS, we all have the same fertility window 15-35, give or take a few years, use it or lose it.
>>2004609Man this is bleak, I hope Severine is ok
No. 2004807
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ffs Freyja, you should on your way to the airport to board the earliest plane home right now
No. 2004826
kinda freaking out” jfc even the way she talks about the situation shows how little she cares. She seems more bothered that Severine is putting a downer on her trip than she is concerned about her childs fucking health? Karma is gonna come for this rancid cunt and her vile parenting.
No. 2004834
>>2004807Did she put a filter on Severine's face??
>>2004826She's not freaking out. If she had any real concern, she wouldn't be posting about it, she would be on a plane home.
1. She knew her child was due an operation and scammed her ticket to WGT
2. She tried to dump Monty onto a stranger to see a goth band
3. She obviously doesn't give a rat's arse about her children and uses them when she wants something
4. She'd rather be in UK/Europe than with her husband
No. 2004843
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>>2004837I think he is. She had him in Germany and I guess she took a train to Scotland. Paisley is a bad area, her flat was burgled and the landlord is in jail for trafficking women. Not a good place for a small child, imo. Freya just posted a vlog of her and Mr Owl going on a date, so he's in Scotland as well. She makes a point of saying he's good looking. Lol she definitely lurks here.
No. 2004866
>>2004807Poor little baby I wish her she recovers from her post op situation. She really doesn’t deserve all this, especially her mother posting it online
>>2004845So Severin has to go through this without her parents but her granny or sth? This sounds absolutely horrible, it makes me so sad for her.
No. 2004876
>>2002398 Hey anon -
>>2004609 this is why it makes her a bad mom. Severine could die and Freya wouldn't be there bc she wanted to dress up in shit polyester lace and take selfies at a festival under the pretence of making a documentary.
No. 2004879
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Poor Severine, I can't believe how heartless IBF is!
No. 2004894
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>>2004883She’s absolutely tugging on her brain dead fans’ heart strings. Sandwiched between these posts about her sick child is an advertisement
Something I didn’t see other anons mention is during her last livestream when she was drinking, multiple fans donated money for her to take shots after she suggested $5 for a shot. While she’s the only one there to take care of Monty. She’s clearly tipsy and keeps telling chat that she’s “not drunk, just merry” like a typical alcoholic. The livestream is ended because Monty starts screaming and crying from the other room, Freyja calls him dramatic and admits that she talks to him from the other room because “he finds my voice very soothing” and he won’t go back to sleep if she goes in to check on him. Monty was screaming for probably 3-5 minutes while she is more focused on chatting with her fans. After a couple people mention she should deal with it, she reluctantly decides to end the stream and takes her time to thank everyone because she very obviously would rather drink and earn donations than actually be a mother. It was sickening to watch.
No. 2004902
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Hopefully she's got on the first plane heading back home. Her poor daughter needs her. This surely shows her she should have stayed home in the first place, surely she isn't staying away waiting for potentially worse things to happen?? There was no reason she had to rush to that festival this year while daughter was having surgery… god I hope she learned something from this. Being a parent is one hell of a commitment, she has to accept that fully. She could work on projects and shit when they're older, raising them first is way more important
No. 2004909
>>2004902She and Owl could have packed up a lot of the hoard and mailed it back in packages while they were living in the crime flat during IBF's last pregnancy. At least the clothes - it seems like it's the furniture etc that's costly to ship.
So much could have been done without IBF now being on the other side of the world from her dangerously ill kid and none of her "tasks" done.
IBF should get home now. Maybe her crazy mother can go to Scotland to settle the hoard and flat issues.
No. 2004956
>>2004934IBF even said that the doctors were not certain of the outcome because Severine's condition is so rare. To travel when she's having this surgery is thus even more insane.
My suspicion is that the documentary drive is really just a way for Freyja to a) go to a festival b) sort out the Scottish moneypit on fans' dime, and the latter part is the only reason I can think of for it to be so important to do it right now.
I find it hard to believe that Freyja has no friend in Scotland to whom she could entrust breaking up the hoard. That person could go through her stuff, mail it to her in small parcels, help IBF choose stuff to SELL for CASH, and get everything ready to end the tenancy.
Some anon has suggested that she was really hoping to convince Owl to move there with her and that's why this whole place has not been sorted out yet. But that attempt failed.
She's living in the best place for her kids.
No. 2004967
>>2004956realistically she should just give up the hoard. at some point she has to let it go, she can't take every single thing back with her, and i don't even know if she could afford it anyway.
>Some anon has suggested that she was really hoping to convince Owl to move there with her and that's why this whole place has not been sorted out yet.that was me. i still stand by my belief that she is holding onto the apartment in the hopes that someday, one day, barnabas will wake up and decide to spontaneously move to britain with her and the kids. even though he has told her in the past he doesn't like traveling and doesn't want to move away from his family and friends. she just cannot accept that he doesn't want to move, and now she's fucked herself over by having two kids, so that's complicating everything even more. it's just one bad decision after the other.
No. 2005087
>>2004609>>2004807>>2004879The way she posted those pictures of Severine with the stickers and fake ass concern words (
send positive healing vibes her way pleas how about you get in a fucking plane and stay by your ill and disabled toddler?) is SO off-putting.
>>2004935She sounds so unaware of how bad of a parent she is it's insane. I'm really starting to think deep that down she doesn't care at all about Severine, and just a tiny little bit about Monty because he's a boy and not disabled, but the babysitting situation on WGT was also unbelievably irresponsible. Maybe the anon(s) that suggested MrOwl made her took one of the kids so she wouldn't run aways were right. It's so obvious she doesn't want to take any responsabilities.
No. 2005221
>>2004843Ugh, and what a "date" that was. She stuffed her face and kept filming everything constantly, so they didn't even seem to have any private time for themselves. I really don't get why Barnaby's with her.
And she also mentioned that her mother was babysitting the kids and "doesn't have a phone" - huh, is that the same terminally online mother that keeps defending Freyja all over the internets? Kind of strange that she doesn't have a phone…
No. 2005229
>>2005087I didn't want to be the one to say it, but I was thinking the same thing about severine Anon
She's disabled and will be even more of a lifelong commitment, she might be worried for her but she might also feel a sense of relief at the thought of being down one child
(sage your shit) No. 2005230
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>>2004843 Ironic comment for a woman who abandoned her child who had major throat surgery and its gone wrong
>>2005224 maybe he gone bald
No. 2005263
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She sees this as the perfect opportunity to post another pre-filmed video to really milk the situation. Haven’t watched it yet but this is so fucking low of her.
Link for any nonas who aren’t on her Instagram, she’s been uploading her videos as unlisted for the first day or so for whatever reason: No. 2005267
>>2005224Iirc she's always said Mr owl is camera shy but could get him to film sometimes. Tbh I bet she can get him to do anything since he's such a doormat for her in general, and she acts like she'll never lose him.
>she moves to Germany cos it's so goffick but doesn't care about the actual country, language, etc so her only way in is a visa marriage with someone who didn't care about her>when they divorce, Mr owl immediately marries her, dropping the person he was dating at the time like a hot potato>She keeps doing impulsive stuff like insisting she's totes Scottish in her heart now and moving to a shit cheap part of it which is predictably burgled, and going to the Queens funeral while heavily pregnant>he still stays with herDoes he not have anything or anyone else going for him? And as for her, with an overbearing mother like that I understand always wanting to travel far, far away kek but if you know you're like that, why settle down with someone? Very incompatible, apart from being goth I actually don't know what's kept them together.
No. 2005269
>>2005263Re the video: Severine is sent home early from preschool because she has a cold. Then Freyja decides to take her second hand shopping. Absolutely NO ONE in the comments says anything about it. Doesn't that scream bad parenting?
Freyja your child is sick
>Omg let's go shopping because my needs come first!You've just won the Worst Mother Of The Year awards.
No. 2005276
>>2005269UK fag here, isn't she a little young for preschool/nursery? Doesn't that start at 3 or 4 years old?
Or is it like daycare for parents who work??
I could have her age wrong or its different in NZ..
No. 2005298
>>2005267Are they already married or just engaged?
>>2005269 Doesn't she delete that kind of comments? Or even if not, some time ago I saw people were mad about some bad comments to her - her fans seem they would bully anyone who would say anything bad about her - but I saw only comments defending her, not those where she was criticised.
No. 2005307
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>>2005299Here's a potential threadpic if one is needed for next thread.
No. 2005497
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>>2000140Wonder what the "bullying" could be lol. Im sensing another style and scene swap coming up soon.
No. 2005521
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>>2005298You'll find the critique right at the bog bottom of the YT comments section. Her fans will usually give some dense WK argument. This was on her romwe vid. IBF is VERY interactive with her audience, so it could be they feel close to her and easily willing to defend her / not criticise her.