Okay, whoever the fuck is "Samefagging" and trying to drag me into joys drama, don't bother, I know it's someone from the group chat I was in with joy you've confirmed that without even meaning to by the looks of it.
I don't need your drama & neither does Joy,
as for saying I am 'Joy's right hand that does all her dirty work' that's bullshit. Joy doesn't tell me to do anything. Like I said on twitter, tip for keeping your friends. DON'T FUCKING DICTATE WHO THEY CAN AND CANT TALK TO.
Joy is a wonderful human being, who to me is harmless for the most part and honestly just wants to spread love and positive vibes.
I don't care how much hate I'm going to get for this comment, but someone messaged me last night telling me someone was on here talking shit.
For one, if you're going to samefag, at least fucking change your name for each message, retard.
As for the people doxxing joy, nice one guys (!) what have you achieved? nothing really, wow, you uncovered some old channels. What's the saying about not judging people on their beliefs? I don't see you shit talking Jehovah's witnesses since they believe that the body will heal its self with no medication whatsoever.
Anyway, grow up and get a life the lot of you, you all clearly have way too much time on your hands along with a shitty life to be sitting behind a computer screen and dissecting someone's past. Perhaps go to the gym & lose some weight instead of stuffing your face with junk food and bashing your greasy ass fingers all over a keyboard.