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No. 246848[Reply]

Joy Sparkle is a YouTube personality who randomly appeared to insert herself into Onision drama and got 10k subs within a short time.
Recently made several 90-120 minute videos rambling about drama.
Aside from frantically trying to get EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS with everyone marginally involved with Onion, she goes off on insane tangents about past lives and her "fatal" health issues. She's bizarrely enthusiastic about drama and has started to make videos about other cows apparently in an attempt to make herself relevant.

During a recent livestream, she claimed her videos aren't monetized, but said that she messed around on her profile and monetized everything on accident, undid it, and might have missed something.

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No. 278325


This links to an article she wrote in 2006, it's full of crazy but the biography part at the bottom says volumes:

>About the Author

>Kati Smith is a 21 year young Indigo, living in Paris. Originally from Kansas City USA, she was guided to Europe by her angels to start working on the Indigo movement together with Taho, a 29 year young Indigo, founder of Lumina Records. They both want to build a new kind of Media Network through Music, Movies, Documentaries, Visionary art and will soon launch their own online TV site,www.IndigoChannel.com.
>Since the age of twelve, she has had a strong angelic connection. She is in constant contact with her personal angelic guides and the Archangel Michael. She provides angelic counseling for young indigos who find difficulties in transitioning on this planet and is building her own web site www.IndigoAbuse.com where she gives online counseling and channeling.
>As a singer, her performances in chorale, classical, jazz and musical vocals have brought her many awards and honors in her very young career. She trained for over seven years in Classical vocal study and performed on the stage of Disney World in 2001 and 2002.Her presence on stage is fascinating, like if she was able to channel for each individual person and touch a magical string in every soul! Miss Kati takes us into a new world of visions, unexplored emotions and unrevealed dimensions.

No. 278330

that Crystal album is on Spotify for free, if you have the program.

No. 278331

It's funny because there's not a whole lot of vocals in any of those songs so?

No. 278335

Haven't you all heard the good news? You don't have to be born a special snowflake indigo child, ANYONE can do it:

"We need to stop labelling ourselves and better or worse because we are indigo and we all need to realize that we ALL can be indigo because being indigo just means u carry the indigo vibe, and anyone can raise there vibration to do this!"


No. 278378

Okay, whoever the fuck is "Samefagging" and trying to drag me into joys drama, don't bother, I know it's someone from the group chat I was in with joy you've confirmed that without even meaning to by the looks of it.

I don't need your drama & neither does Joy,
as for saying I am 'Joy's right hand that does all her dirty work' that's bullshit. Joy doesn't tell me to do anything. Like I said on twitter, tip for keeping your friends. DON'T FUCKING DICTATE WHO THEY CAN AND CANT TALK TO.

Joy is a wonderful human being, who to me is harmless for the most part and honestly just wants to spread love and positive vibes.

I don't care how much hate I'm going to get for this comment, but someone messaged me last night telling me someone was on here talking shit.

For one, if you're going to samefag, at least fucking change your name for each message, retard.

As for the people doxxing joy, nice one guys (!) what have you achieved? nothing really, wow, you uncovered some old channels. What's the saying about not judging people on their beliefs? I don't see you shit talking Jehovah's witnesses since they believe that the body will heal its self with no medication whatsoever.

Anyway, grow up and get a life the lot of you, you all clearly have way too much time on your hands along with a shitty life to be sitting behind a computer screen and dissecting someone's past. Perhaps go to the gym & lose some weight instead of stuffing your face with junk food and bashing your greasy ass fingers all over a keyboard.

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No. 246064[Reply]

I'm surprised she doesn't have her own thread yet, seeing as how much people have to say about her in the art threads. I've followed her for a while and she belongs here for sure

>Popular SJW artist on Tumblr for her awful magical girl (sorry, 'sassy sisters') OCs, all of which are gay/trans/disabled/fat/POC etc

>Has little artistic skill, but gets by because she draws the type of shit Tumblr users eat up (Shiney pink bust portraits of kawaii fat/hijabi/vitiligo girls)
>Makes all her money from terrible headshot commissions
>Says straight couples trigger her, gets angry just seeing straight people kiss in public
>Used to be in the DD/LG community, left because of abuse
>Despite this, her main OC pairing is a young mentally ill girl, who is held captive by a much older man (An OC of her girlfriends)
>Said OC is based closely on herself
>Is now strongly against DD/LG shit and posts about how disgusting it is, warning girls against it
>All this while using the nymphet(fashion) tag and listing lolita as her favorite movie
>Held an OC/fanart contest where the prizes included commissions and promo on her blog
>Her girlfriend (Edward/nich0lael) has the exact same art style as her, but claims they are just inspired by the same things
>Is artist friends with Tearzah and agent_lapin

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No. 249793

always hated this hypocritical cunt. her gf is goals though.

No. 265413

well she made a huge drama about making some furry pets for her local lolita community, and after people complained, she said it was to represent all races (SJW shit). She does not even wear Lolita, so people started to hate on her back because she was self-proclaimed mother of the group.
Later someone posted a text in Btb about all the dramu. She got pissed and cried that people were not grateful enough to her, so she left the comm for good

No. 276915

>bitches about pedophilia and loli/shota
>has ocs who are physically and mentally 12 but have been ~alive longer so they're not actually children
>said ocs are prostitutes

also changes opinions constantly for rts/rbs

>defended shotacons/lolicons after zamii attempted suicide

>"even if someone draws underage content you shouldn't tell people to kill themselves!"
>friend circle starts talking about kodomo no jikan a literal week later
>pp joins in
>"if you like underage content you deserve to be in hell :)"

underage content disgusts me but holy fuck, i really only think she's against it because tumblr is anti-underage right now

No. 276923

>bumping a month old thread just to restate the same shit in the op

No. 277069

Ah yeah, she's been in the Bad/Horrible Art thread for a while. Still a little bit annoyed that the prize for her contest was, partly, a promo. I don't know it seems a little cheap.

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No. 275921[Reply]

>Claims to be a boy yet doesn't do anything to look like a boy
>Throws a fit if you misgender "him"
> Tumblr: Kagoma / Instagram: Kag0ma
> Photoshops their pictures to look japanese
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No. 276354

Meitu abuse

No. 276356

yah i agree but only in the OP pic. in the other IG photos she's just…okay.

any of them without shoop though?

No. 276359

I went to look at their insta and looks like their "art" is just badly traced photos…

No. 276360

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Oops, forgot to add the actual picture.

No. 276389

NO WAY this is a pic of a fakeboi from tumblr that they just copied. I hope they credited them at least with it being their face and all

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No. 254820[Reply]

Old thread hit limit >>220048

>20 yr old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief

>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities
>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive
>Gets by acting like a lost soul online
>Has every mental/physical illness under the sun
>She started dating her 35 year old boyfriend before she was 18, calls him daddy
>has a following of impressionable young girls who shes convinced to 'help her' during this 'tough time' in her life.
>romanticizes the hell out of her nasty addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so
>"i'm not trying to be courtney love!"
>tries to be exactly like courtney love
>loves to share her filthy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles

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No. 276942

sjddnhfbwdf that is a cute necklace.

No. 281265

my problem with her artwork is that it has no symbolism, or message. she has elements in her work she could develop, but she doesnt push herself. she sort of has a style, but its like shes not inspired. but shes fixated on the same idea, drawing an ugly hairy sad figure just sitting there not even emoting. so i guess- maybe shes dead inside. but then why do shitty work.

No. 284812

Anyone see the video of her tonight where she's like "ugh i thought i looked cute tonight but this video is telling a different story, good night ya'll" but like.. it seems like she's tweaking the fuck out.. not like all her posts aren't made under substance use but like damn.. a video really proves it.

>>275927 She's literally had like one job only and it was for painting murals for some old lady. Apparently she had went into this lady's person on the job tho and taken money, this came to light around the same time she got off tumblr because her scamming was being brought to light.

No. 284813

*lady's purse lmao

No. 288340

how tf can people be so gullible to donate money to someone on the internet, with a bullshit story that keeps changing and sees no improvement despite constant cash flow. it's obvious it was going to drug use, even before the junkfuck tumblr got exposed

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No. 45564[Reply]

Old thread >>26392

Post all the transtrending Tumblrinas and their bullshit.

Because being a boy only requires that you say you are one, you transphobic fuck.
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No. 286904

anyone else mortified by her bathroom counter?

christ get it together.

No. 313513

gotta admit she is cute, pair of boobs would fit her better

No. 374536

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trickykitties, a tumblrina who always takes vain selfies of herself to cover up her insecurities

No. 864206

>excessive makeup
>super low vneck (women's clothing?)
>rings on multiple fingers
Pretty sure anyone who sees this thing can tell it's a gender freak tbqh

No. 865174

Looks like a bratz doll

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No. 99242[Reply]

CinnamonToastKen's attentionwhore girlfriend, shes a real cow, she has claimed everything from her tits being real even tho they are half a mile away from eachother and look like beach balls to claiming her nudes were photoshopped pictures of a minor(she has owned up to these things now) catch up by reading her GuruGossip threads and her summary on there.

GG summary: http://gurugossiper.com/viewtopic.php?f=334&t=17065

Newest thread on GG:

Oldest thread on GG: http://gurugossiper.com/viewtopic.php?f=334&t=13209

Her YT(cringy video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aoglfBZvyc

Her IG: https://www.instagram.com/suprmaryface/?hl=en

Her ED: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Supermaryface
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No. 258543

Not even surprised, she has such a bitch attitude even if you follow her Tumblr alone, she feels very entitled and snarky without even hiding it. Idk about the forums in gossip guru and if it's still active, but they posted a lot of bitchy things she's done the past years.

No. 274986

Completely OT, but does anyone know how old she is? When I google it says 28 but various other websites/gurugossip shows screenshots which point to the fact that it should be 22-23. Has she ever publicly said it?

No. 275045

Why do all the shittiest people get pregnant? my condolences to that baby.

No. 275046

She has to be in her mid to late 20s by now.

No. 275096

As much as I dislike her, I think the baby's gonna be just fine. They (or at least Mary) are quite good looking, they have a lot of money, live in a nice house in the country, they care for a lot of animals which makes me think they will also care for it very much. They might be assholes but I really wouldn't worry about the kid.

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No. 274250[Reply]


No. 274281

thanks for the cracking thread anon

No. 274287


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No. 230129[Reply]

Misty Chronexia topic, anyone?

What has he done:
>Youtuber known to create top 10 anime lists on Youtube.
>Wrote light novel called "Chronexia et les huit sceaux" (also as known as "Chronexia and the 7 seals") which was actually published and poorly recieved.
>Teamed up with Studio Izune (some amateur "animation studio") to turn his book into an anime. In about 11 months, raised 40K on patron to fund it.
>Said product came out months later and had QUALITY animation, bad voice acting, storytelling and pacing. Cue shitstorm and tons of Misty White knights defending it. People were rightfully concerned where the 40k went into producing a poor end product that end up only being 10 minutes long.
>Someone interviewed an animator of Studio Izune, he said Misty's direction and leadership was terrible, leading to some animators to leave the project (some not even caring about being paid, that's how bad it was) and he paid them directly, no contract.
>Misty has gone on the state that people are being hypercritical of the first episode, that it was meant to be "vague" and people "don't get it". Now he's trying to raise $7500 for episode 2
>ironically he criticised other anime for bad animation and other mistakes, and is now repeating them in his own series.
>He's also friends with Akidearest and the Anime Man.

His QUALITY anime" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Oq6VproLuM
Studio Izune and where 60k went: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4sxxUOCR8M
Some guy talking about Misty's response: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCtiWNq6e7Q
Studio Izune's site: Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 230497

Oops. $7500 not £7500. britfag is showing

No. 273520

This should become an anime youtuber general thread.

No. 273536

That narration was lazy and excessive

You don't introduce that many characters in an opening narration.
Show don't tell for fucks sake.

There's a lot to rip on that doesn't have to do with the badly animated characters. Like stiff backgrounds, characters looking like they aren't a part of the environment/bg, the still frame ZOOMING, boring camera work etc etc

No. 273856

There's an anime youtubers general thread on /ot/.

No. 590018

I know this is an old thread but I believe huit means 8 in French, not 7.

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No. 249310[Reply]

Previous: >>228479
Past threads: 193176 & 142402

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ChaoticMonki
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryWasTaken
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/cryaotic
Deviantart: http://cryplayfan.deviantart.com/
Tumblr: cryaotic.tumblr.com

And his gf, Cheyenne
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_daaes
Tumblr: daaes.tumblr.com
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/weskersglasses

On the last thread
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No. 272577

Well, we shall see. I so want to tag my donation with "Milk, it does a body good", but I don't think that's being a responsible farmer ;)

No. 272578


If Ocean – Hello :) I'm sorry for some of the crap that's been spewed in this place.

I know it doesn't help, but think of it as trying to find your keys or your phone: you know it's around here SOMEWHERE, and after a while, you just keep looking in the same places, even though you KNOW you've already checked the coffee table three times. But maybe it's under that tiny sheet of paper? no? dang.

It's not fair to you, though, and I'm sorry.

No. 272579


the vindictive part of me wants cry to be brutally honest about how she's acted. Imagine what she's said and done behind cameras and recording equipment. Just imagine. Like a small part of me wants him to fucking destroy her.

But uh, that's not nice. So he shouldn't do that.

No. 272581

Maybe they already had the talk where they were really brutally honest?

No. 272582

Do you want to ruin good times? cause thats how you ruin good times.

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No. 243336[Reply]

continuing from >>221185

>No one likes Chindy

>Scams art
>Cosplays are shite
>Hates on people for opinion

>Blake is cheating scum

>Posts pity posts about himself
>Even though he's not the victim
>Is pretending to be trans for attention
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No. 272275

God, even taking a scroll through Sindy's facebook fills me with cringe.

No. 272279

I suppose if we're going to be finding out some fresh milk, it's time to make a new thread since this one has about 10 posts left before auto locking

No. 272286

New thread is at >>>/snow/272285

No. 272329

Lol "you dont need to know how I got it"

Caitlins pic is on the reply

No. 326854

>>261236 i see you like to post fake images online in private blogs. would be a shame if someone were to leak all of your information and pictures everywhere wouldn't it. i know you all.

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