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No. 267826[Reply]

Lurker here. Some hot bitch named Atheniya was ousted as a H1Z1 hacker on /r/livestream fails. She was headshotting despite bullet spray. Proof: https://clips.twitch.tv/ObliviousMiniatureCatWOOP

She disappeared for almost a month after this embarrassment, because she couldn’t handle being a lolcow. Lots of people sent chargebacks and she was mad top kek http://i.imgur.com/Y6fMYuc.png

Anyway she came back suddenly with 20k new followers on Twitter and new glam photos… but… every single new follower is a fucking bot and now people assume she’s famous and relevant because she’s got a lot of Twitter followers. http://i.imgur.com/wzNUeEF.jpg

Look for yourself: https://twitter.com/Atheniya

No. 288845

Wasn't there something about nudes of her floating around? Anyone know where those are?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 288853

also she hopped on ice's dick.

No. 288946

don't come here if you're just looking for nudes, dudes

No. 288983

I mean, I'd love a date, but sometimes ya gotta settle…

No. 287703[Reply]


No. 287704


No. 287705


So… what is this for? Click bait or something?

No. 287706


Who is it? What has she done that makes her a lolcow? How about some basic fucking info?

No. 287707

This is extremely cringy and that guy seems like pure white trash but lolcow why?

No. 288905


Yep, some cunt-waffle posting their vid to try a get more views..

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No. 287718[Reply]

I didn't feel like truly figuring it out yet, but it is hilarious:




Is she lolcow material? I don't know, I mean she is doing something but looks hilarious in the process. She's a virgin as far as I can tell with trollage, I'm just dumping her here like a dead whale and let you decide. I just spotted her, but didn't harpoon her.

She wants a 100k followers and I think you guys can arrange that, good or bad.(underage subject, bad thread, read the rules)
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No. 287877

>She's a virgin as far as I can

She's also fifteen, you right cunt. What do you want her to do, fall prey to an old pedo like Onision? You'd better wait for the beetus to get her, because we won't.

No. 287959

What does her being a virgin have to do with anything?

No. 287998

c'mon guys making a thread about a child? nothing to see here. I really rather not think of a 15 year olds sex life either that's pretty gross op

No. 288645

This sperg tried to get a thread going about this on Kiwifarms too. I don't know why he has such a hateboner for a random fat kid.

No. 288711


there're lot of people being torn apart for their weight on lolcow, so every loser who tries to be edgy thinks that lolcow will be their personal army against random people solely because they're fat.

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No. 279314[Reply]

>Okay, whoever the fuck is "Samefagging" and trying to drag me into joys drama, don't bother, I know it's someone from the group chat I was in with joy you've confirmed that without even meaning to by the looks of it.

>I don't need your drama & neither does Joy, as for saying I am 'Joy's right hand that does all her dirty work' that's bullshit. Joy doesn't tell me to do anything. Like I said on twitter, tip for keeping your friends. DON'T FUCKING DICTATE WHO THEY CAN AND CANT TALK TO.

>Joy is a wonderful human being, who to me is harmless for the most part and honestly just wants to spread love and positive vibes.

>I don't care how much hate I'm going to get for this comment, but someone messaged me last night telling me someone was on here talking shit.

>For one, if you're going to samefag, at least fucking change your name for each message, retard.

>As for the people doxxing joy, nice one guys (!) what have you achieved? nothing really, wow, you uncovered some old channels. What's the saying about not judging people on their beliefs? I don't see you shit talking Jehovah's witnesses since they believe that the body will heal its self with no medication whatsoever.

>Anyway, grow up and get a life the lot of you, you all clearly have way too much time on your hands along with a shitty life to be sitting behind a computer screen and dissecting someone's past. Perhaps go to the gym & lose some weight instead of stuffing your face with junk food and bashing your greasy ass fingers all over a keyboard.

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No. 288281


Now that's​ just fucking funny. Bahaha

No. 288630

Why would you dox yourself? Oh my god. Light it the fuck up blue for Angel, everyone!

No. 289202

So Angel, is it called crack, ice or what in the UK? What exactly are you smoking when you post on here?

No. 306165

Poor little cow kek
You sucked Joys dick just long enough to get a chair, even GoFundMe knows your full of crap and your still crying? Did you ever stop to think your sister died to get away from your dumb ass?


Sage for tinfoil

No. 2087745

Is she still alive? No one has seen or heard from her in years

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No. 221464[Reply]

YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/DesignsByYumi
Instagram: http://instagram.com/Yumi_King
Facebook: http://facebook.com/YumiKingCosplay
Okcupid: https://okcupid.com/profile/Yuhan0426?cf=regular

>used to make shitty cosplay and "lolita" tutorials on youtube, now just does Chinese crap hauls

>has an obsession with trying to look/seem younger than she actually is
>says she's in her early 20's when she's actually around 25-26
>has a sugar daddy in Georgia who appears to be in his mid-late 30's
>"my boyfriend likes it when I wear doll dresses"
>has done projects in school about the objectification of Asian women yet acts like a stereotypical demure and submissive Asian waifu
>lurks here. Hi Yumi!
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No. 290220

what the actual fuck

No. 290289

can someone summarize this. I cant stand to watch this garbage, its so hard to understand her mumbling

No. 290416

>cried on camera
oh thanks for telling me, wouldn't have figured it out looking at your thumbnail, retard.

No. 290442

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>hewo ewiwone!
>ewiwone wan to no abou muh teez so here yuu go
>nasty description of her gum and tongue being swollen for a week
>oh my lord… her "boyfwiend" bought her numbing "medicine" that is initially for teething babies……the pedophilia is strong with this one
>dentist appointment from 3:20 to 6:00
>Yumi is some nasty chinese farmer child who seemingly isnt able to clean her teeth properly
>deep cleaning of her teeth
>no make-up sequence at 6:36
>second appointment
>from 7:14 points at how she might talk weirdly because half her face is still numb, still talks like always lol
>whines about too much pain from the numbing needle (???)
>had to stop the cleaning of the teeth because it was still painful
>ends the video with a hearty message to her subs about health
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No. 290481

13 minutes of ma life wasted. I regret.

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No. 286067[Reply]

Jamie Klotz, philomath oregon. Self proclaimed "lesbian maker" takes pride in tirning straight women into lesbians. Thinks she is Gods gift to women.
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No. 286086

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why would you do that to yourself?

No. 286112


So how is someone who looks like that going to turn straight women? If I were gonna switch teams I would want someone with big boobs and hips, and who takes pleasure and pride in her appearance.

No. 286114


You need to love yourself, Anon.

No. 286435

yeah gurl, you really must be in a dark place to let yourself sink that low. But don't worry there is still hope, just steer clear from that ugly queer. why did you agree to that anyway?

No. 286464

Christ, the sleaziness from the post alone is enough to someone a UTI.

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No. 278466[Reply]

Joy Sparkle aka Kati Marie Smith is a YouTube personality who randomly appeared to insert herself into Onision drama and got 21k subs in 3 months after being noticed by larger YouTubers who also hate him.
She makes lengthy one-take rant-y videos about various drama on the internet, but mostly centers around Onision, she has made 50+ videos about him in less than 3 months. He has called her a stalker, sent her a fake cease & desist letter and blocked her on all social media.
Her life also seems to revolve around getting attention from her fake "fatal" health issues which have been diagnosed by medical professionals as anxiety disorder, but that's not a special enough diagnosis for her so she adamantly denies that's the cause. Recently uncovered information reveals she thinks angelic guides and the Archangel Michael talked to her from the age of 12 on.

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No. 285685

Oh oh pick me! Pick me! Pick me! I am so surprised that she's about to film a video, she's addicted to the attention like fuck she would stop videoing for more than a day.

No. 285696

No. 285703

No one cares, save it for her lolcow thread and GTFO. Thanks.

Saw the comments. A half and half mix between blind support and tons of criticism. After a few videos it is easy to see who the fanatics are in the crowd. After her last twitter meltdown less and less people are falling for it.
Still skeptical. Other anons have thought that she could be bait for someone, but what she is saying does match Konstigo's release. If this is a Joy collaboration, then its only making Joy look worse..and Joy's own twitter isn't doing that any favors either.

No. 285705

Wait a moment. Twitter meltdown round two. Another one calling her out about the Konstigo lies. Trying to spin the situation again. This is priceless, kek.

No. 285733

One of joys cultists is attacking people on twitter for speaking badly of joy. Oh dear.

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No. 254982[Reply]

Old thread hit limit >>205005

> Venus youtube celeb since she was 11/12 years old

> Has been on various tv shows, travelled country to country by her mother speaking fuck knows how many languages
> Never went to school/was homeschooled
> Her mother Margret basically used Venus for $$$
> Venus escaped her crazy money sponging controlling mother and leapt into the hands of her visa cough husband Manaki
> Currently resides in Tokyo now living life and still hiding from her mother who continues to try stalking/harassing Veenos!
> Venus is still social awkward but may gradually be making friends alas Taylor R

Youtube: /venusangelic
IG: Venus_Angelic
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No. 285858

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I don't know why she insists on making thumbnails that make her look hideous though.

Anyway, it's interesting that Atami is just a few miles away from the beach in Japan where marge popped up last summer, fresh from her rampage through Hamburg Germany and London and horrifying everybody that was following her shitshow.

Wonder if it's triggering memories for marge, sitting in her rented hovel in Seoul? You know she's seen it, she stalks Venus's videos obsessively.

No. 285861

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purple dot is marge's beach. Atami circled.

No. 285950

First off, can you put the puppy thing to rest? She said it was going to be a hamster or something because larger pets aren't allowed.

Second, the brain doesn't stop developing until around 25. I know/have known SO many people in their early 20's who grew up with traumatic family pasts that still act like teens, you don't magically change when you pass 18. 20 is still so young, of course she's going to be socially retarded a bit still.

And again, we have no idea what V does outside of what she posts online. Did she actually say she only ha been to one therapy session? Or was it just one person, with who knows how many sessions? This I honestly don't remember.

Gotta say, Snowball Badger, to quote a current viral video, "you seem to be harboring a lot of shit. But please continue, this seems cathartic for you."

No. 286089


yeah, i mean she is a major victim and scarred for life so she can be autistic all she wants!!!!11111111111111

No. 286110

>snowball badger
? Dude wtf I was that user (snowball) and you were talking with a different person…

>yeah, i mean she is a major victim and scarred for life so she can be autistic all she wants!!!!11111

Sigh seriously this person is not going to stop, tbh I don't even read her whole posts, it's always the same. She's going to white knight this girl for the rest of her life..

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No. 271275[Reply]

>previously a punk kid who became a pansexual buddhist lolita lifestyler
>quit because of bullies and LACE drama (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxz0QVfggik)
>history of self harm, ED and severe anxiety
>has a legitimate shopping problem which prevents her from saving for her japan trip, expects fans to donate to her patreon to fund the trip
>broke up with 2-year boyfriend to date their best friend (and her other best friend's ex) whom she 'loved all along' and 'makes her believe in love at first sight'
>can't participate in jfashion communities because 'muh rules & restrictions'
>creates her OWN japanese street fashion called Party Kei
>UPDATE: Finally going to Japan. Stay tuned.

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No. 285729

Yeah didnt her mum pay $100 at the door for Dolly Cat?

No. 285732


No. 285736

This was exactly my thoughts on the whole customs thing…

No. 285744

to me it seems silly to complain about the extra 100 dollars. like if youre willing to shell out 300 dollars I dont see why the 100 dollar customs fee would be that surprising. 300 is fine but 400 is too much gotta save up for school like…come on

No. 285747

I suspect she might do a 30 minute unboxing/try-on video and then try to sell her shoes to a fan or online somewhere. These shoes seem more like an impulse buy than dream shoes so she will be willing to sell them for $400+

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No. 182057[Reply]

because he's a less pedo more racist version of onision, has toured with botdf, and doesn't get enough hate from 10 yr old fangirls.
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/socialrepose/?hl=en
Twitter - https://twitter.com/socialrepose
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/SocialReposeMusic
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/SocialRepose/
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No. 278166


Aaand I did it again.

No. 278169

lmao ever heard of photoshop? you're kidding right

No. 278170

Hahahahhaa wtf
You resurrected an old, milkless thread with an ABSOLUTE SHIT shoop??

No. 278182

are… are you joking?

No. 285374

When did Satan give birth to this sexy thing? I'd love to take his anal virginity

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