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No. 296005


>Sends himself compliments on anon

>Does the whole "I could fuck your boyfriend/girlfriend tonight if I wanted" even though he looks like shit
>Doesn't have a job, lives with his mom
>Gets into fights constantly
>Probably steals Ativan from his grandma

No. 296020

>huh, well at least they're pretty passable/good looking
>opens thumbnail
>… or not

No. 296037

Unless he quit his job recently he does have a job at a warehouse or something, I unfollowed him a while back so maybe that's changed.

No. 296053

I follow her and she seems pretty self aware. Is there any milk here?

No. 296057

Yeah, Marek is cool from what I know. He doesn't call himself trans or a woman or whatever, he just likes going to the club with his friends and wearing his own (admittedly, out there) style. He's obnoxious sometimes but who isn't.

No. 296344

marek is obviously a man and never claimed to be a woman stop calling every dude you see with a wig she.

No. 296388

This is dumb. He does have a job, and has a script for the Ativan. He also doesn't really define himself by gender/sexuality which might not be """" the norm""""" but that doesn't mean there's milk. Plus like other anon said he's pretty self aware

No. 296391

Double posting but from my understanding he's fine being referred to as either. He doesn't claim to be trans, or a guy, or a girl. He just IS. I don't get why that's such a hard concept to just let ppl exist. And yes I know where I am, but this isn't a cow.

No. 296402


No. 296726

I've followed him for ages and there's never been a problem. He's always been transparent and self aware.

He's got a script for ativan
He used clean houses with his mom and he's had a job in a warehouse for a while

He works in the day and parties hard at night. Not sure what the milk here is.

No. 296729

I don't know why this guy is milky, so far the evidence is pretty thin, but he has great legs and I think he looks pretty good overall. He has the bod for it, at least.

No. 297847

marek is just marek lol there's no milk here. no scams or lying, sometimes gives decent advice, clearly has a life offline (friends/family/partying/work etc.)

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