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No. 1360109[Reply]

Elaine Gertler Miller is an 18 year old aspiring model & commodity trader who resides in London. A tory who flaunts her family’s (questionable) wealth on social media and brags about attending Westminster School, an expensive and prestigious London boarding school. Elaine is a self proclaimed “hacktivist” who is on a mission to cancel cancel culture after clips from a livestream were posted on twitter in which Elaine says she wanted to nuke Chinatown. There’s little information on Elaine before May 2020. She says she was a “controversial internet troll” previous to all her online activity disappearing. Elaine says her parents use their wealth and influence to have hackers & police remove photos and videos of her after the Chinatown incident. Elaine flip flops between having a friend who died from online bullying to herself being the target and bullied until she attempted suicide. She also believes anyone who talks about her, shares info from her public social media accounts or shares DMs have broken British terrorism statutes. She uses multiple alt accounts & sock accounts to threaten people with hacking, criminal prosecution and legal action but always ends up outing herself because she can’t stand not being the center of attention. Even though her whole schtick is canceling cancel culture, Elaine tries to cancel lots of things, including but not limited to this site, kiwifarm (she refers to KF as kiwi leaks), Josh Moon/Null, Britton Bully Club, Diane Awesomelaser, Chinatown & pollution.

@inplie (deactivated)
@magixela (deactivated)
@saskia_collins (deactivated)

@E21877775 (deactivated)
@cassidy09020696 (deactivated)
@stella61531332 (deactivated)

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No. 1567244

Blaine you literally tell on yourself every single time because no one else calls you Erika. Not that I don't appreciate your work here but fix your opsec.

Elaine please stop with the retarded pedo cope, you literally fucked a cunny spammer and had your fat boyfriend tell everyone all about it, oblivious to how much worse that reflects on you than anyone you associate with.

No. 1567258

Eh? That's not how you can tell I dropped the milk lol, you have schizophrenia if you think I'm every post calling me Erika.
You know it's me cause I make a joke about it clearly being my alt at the start of the drop. Also my reddit post formatting. Don't hi cow me ya pick me.

No. 1567358

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No. 1605117

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No. 1605513

There is a new thread, what are you doing?

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No. 1603750[Reply]

thought i should start a thread on her, not a known cow but has LOTS of milk

>wannabe famous twitch streamer but puts in 0 effort

>thinks having a tiktok blow up made her famous, the views dropped in a month and now talks about how she “used to have a viewerbase”

>got a POG tattoo and now regrets it since she doesnt get more then 20 viewers

>is “nonbinary” yet calls herself she on stream by “accident”

>uses every chance she gets to say shes “plus size”

>says shes gay when shes talking about homophobia but only simps for men

>lists her gender, fatness and unknown “disability” off as her personality

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No. 1603754

Absolutely horrid thread. The spoilered OP pic and the spaces between each line, awful.

No. 1603758

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Faggot vendetta thread on a fat nobody by an outsider

No. 1603760

Shit thread.

No. 1603932

Looks like vendetta.

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No. 84707[Reply]

Thoughts on Pastelbat and the style?
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No. 1480551

Readytoglare has the same kinda thing going on as well as Blaire/Robbie white

No. 1603314

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Necro but I just don't get what is going on here? How does this happen with the side of your mouth.. it's such a shame, she had a cool girl face and now she will look plasticy forever..

No. 1603324

Dear god… I haven't seen her in a long time, she barely looks human anymore. Body dysmorphia is crazy

No. 1603353

idk who this goblina is but this looks shooped as hell to me probably as outrage bait, any videos of her showing this level of deformation or is it just heavily filtered instagram stories?

No. 1603467

It can actually look like this if you go over the top with fillers. Just look at arisu cookie she looks the same.

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No. 745428[Reply]

Making a separate thread for these two since they were derailing the lolita thread.

Jessica Soares, aka r0ttingdoll, better known as Poopchan, is an unoriginal "living doll" best known for being a disgusting edgelord, ripping off her look from actual talented artists, and going on racist rants. Her boyfriend, Tristan, is a limp-haired malnourished narcissist whose hobbies include making horrible "music," enabling his piece of shit gf, and bragging about going to RISD despite his art being mediocre at best.

Summary of relevant drama:
>Known for posting actual brutal gore and photos of dead bodies on her facebook page
>Scams people on depop and sales communities, selling items and then never shipping them out
>Went on a racist rant against members of the Kawaii Black Girls fashion community, then doubled down on her racism in an instagram livestream
>Allegedly sent self-harm photos to a girl who mentioned she was triggered by that kind of imagery
>makes fun of trans people, calling them delusional, and mocks people with eating disorders and PTSD
>Got the nickname "poopchan" from admitting she's into scat and allegedly ate human shit
>is generally disgusting
>thinks her malnourished, stringy-haired boyfriend is "model hot," and he clearly has an inflated ego as well
>He's a junior at RISD, boastful about his incredibly mediocre art, and a self-absorbed pseudo-intellectual
>Known to rant about "PC liberals" and "identity politics"
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No. 1620373

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bitch this is exactly what you do, and when you do get attention you dirty delete. shut up. also please learn the difference between there (as in right over there), they’re (they are) and their (belonging to) because being 28 and not knowing how to spell is just as embarrassing as bragging about fb lurking to feel superior about your own shitty life

No. 2066868

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This thread's been dead for a while, but I just felt like pointing this out; wtf is up with her tiger king bridge(???) piercing. It's hanging on for dear life.

No. 2075668


She works at Sephora now which is crazy because she is awful and racist and goes against their mission statement. She’s still at home with mom!!

No. 2075916

Also it is really easy to see where she contributed in this forum because she doesn’t know the different between there, their and they’re and there are quite a few misuses of their here.

No. 2081300

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There is a new DIY thrift opening in MA called the grip. It’s being run by two queer artists and they are bringing our favorite transphobic jezebel to be a vendor. I tried to tell them and they blocked me lol. Make it make sense.

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No. 1127070[Reply]

previous thread >>>/snow/1064255(shit OP)

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No. 178475[Reply]

Hi guys~ I always come across weird fucking blogspots, deviantarts, tumblrs, etc that for sure don't warrant their own thread but the people are pretty terrible / lulzy so I figured I would make a thread for posting them.

>Maine Website:

>What the site is about:

>Anything you would like to add:

>Recommended Posts:
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No. 208915

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at least she's acknowledging that she's got issues…..?

No. 209025

those teeth…

No. 363426

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>Main Website:
Happeh Theory, a blog, and its accompanying Youtube channel.

>What the site is about:

Honestly, I don't fucking know. It's been around for about a decade, and what little discussion I've found about it online hasn't been able to make heads or tails of it. If it's one big work of trolling or satire, it's an extremely long con, and if it's not, then it's one of the weirdest things on the Internet. Not because it's gory or scary or anything like that, but because it's hard to believe that there's someone out there who actually believes these things and puts extensive time into writing about them.

Just a few of the many components of Happeh Theory include pseudoscientific metaphysical theories about human nature that defy description or understanding (about on the level of Time Cube), a belief that masturbation will destroy your physical and spiritual well-being by turning your body into a trapezoid, the "Anorexia Dent" (a theory that the weight loss that goes with anorexia will affect one side of the body more than the other, causing a huge dent in one side only), and other insane nonsense covering a huge variety of topics.

It's just fucking weird, and it has next to no audience online, but the author is still blogging away. There's a huge rabbit hole of bizarre things to fall into on the blog and the Youtube channel.

>Anything you would like to add:

I'm sharing this to purge it from my system and for reassurance I did not imagine all of it in a fever dream.

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No. 789101


No. 994051


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No. 383925[Reply]

> former model who gained attention on youtube due to stories about her psychotic father, a man who once kidnapped her when she was little (google 'ashley taylor kidnapped')

>had a relationship with her roommate, anna campbell, which was exposed by another youtuber a few months along. anna quit her job and moved states for her before natalia decided to call it quits.

> after this breakup happened, she made a weird as fuck video titled 'watch me' wherein she reveals she lied about her name to be the next hannah montana and laughs manically about her deep connection to lion king -meanwhile,anna cries on camera (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqSiHi0WMo4&t=183s)

> probably a schizo like daddy dearest, maybe just a heartless bitch, you decide!

> has now been MIA for a month

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No. 1399769

necro. gross

No. 1400271


Natalia posted this on her instagram story a few days ago. Basically she thinks God "possessed" a woman at her Church, so he could tell Natalia that she is flawless. It's really strange(this is an imageboard)

No. 1401238

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Oh boy, I used to enjoy watching Natalia, but there are really two phases of her for me.

I found her at toprow when she was Dark Hair Weirdo Natalia. Yeah, her situation with psychopath Anna and thotface Ally Hardesty was a huge shitshow back then, but other than that, I really enjoyed her personality/content and my gawd was she a pretty one. I found her genuinely cute, fun and likable.

I left her at lower row, when she turned into Crispy Chicken Blowup Doll Natalia.

I have no idea how a woman that beautiful can turn so fucking ugly, sorry for the nitpick, but she resembles a deepfried transvesite now. From there her content went dowhill with lots of pretentious, simple-minded and judgemental bullshit.

Her lack of common education and ignorance made her seem uncomfortably stupid, like the time she was convinced great USA invented fireworks the last hundret years ago, instead of China almost 2 thousand ago, or when she kept spreading false assumptions about many average topics she clearly knew nothing about.

No. 1401245

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Now all you get are these goblin ass looking drama thumbnails to mediocrely researched clickbait videos exposing the shitty model industry. I dont know why she felt the need to get work done and photoshop the shit out of her social media selfies, especially since she quit modelling herself.

But yeah, she rants about model agencies being lead by monsters and in the same breath claims it's her dream to open her own modelagency one day too. Maybe she expects her models to be possessed by god too so they'll inevitably bust into gospel musicals about what a flawless boss she is… /s

No. 1401250

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yeah, she pulled an Ariana Grande and went from white basic bitch to middle eastern looking burnt toast. I have no idea what that BBQ sauce aesthetic is supposed to do for her and someone convinced this is a good look should be very silent about wanting to manage a fashionmodel agency…

Inbetween the two phases was
also her lanky extensions & ana-chan alien era, in which she looked like the mascot of a spaghetti brand.

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No. 1585072[Reply]

Thread about pick-me women and gays, primarily from Twitter and Youtube, who claim to be practicing Socialism or Marxism. Commonly known as The Dirtbag Left, many associated with the scene are not leftists at all. Some, like Dasha Nekrasova, have become TradCath LARPers.
Twitter e-girl uwu smol beans are on-topic in that they all follow and interact with the cows.
>Media associated with this scene:
Podcasts like Red Scare, Chapo Trap House, True Anon, The Antifada, The Perfume Nationalist, The Bruenigs, Cumtown, Bad Faith, and What’s Left

>Simp with rapist as his avi defend Dashas catholic larp

>>>/snow/1562752 >>>/snow/1567066
>Dasha and Liz B get into argument about the Pope
>>>/snow/1562857 >>/snow/1563147
>in a random fan discord Dasha reveals Liz B has had a boobjob because she was upset over the argument
>>>/snow/1581265 >>>/snow/1581267 >>>/snow/1581246
>Anna advocates for race purity
>>>/snow/1563101 >>>/snow/1563127
>Failsons Samememe and ZeroHPLovecraft whine about women with "fake email jobs"
>>>/snow/1563901 >>>/snow/1564031 >>>/snow/1564110 >>>/snow/1577457
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No. 1600830

ironically this is one of the least dasha-centric threads in a while, I'm not sure why they even said it was about her

No. 1600835

>It would involve the state nationalizing the industry, the n gradually raising the price until it becomes inaccessible to the average consumer, then eventually banning it altogether.
This is literally just "sin taxation" and it's why cigarettes cost $16 a pack in Canada. It's also why more and more of my friends who smoke are buying black market cigarettes (either smuggled from the US or grown on Native reserves) lmao

No. 1600934

Ariel Pink is pretty much in his 50s now. He was born round the 70s I think.

No. 1607137

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peter vack and betsey brown invited mcrumps to the filming of their new movie, he was expecting a short interview but instead got a full-on struggle session
the siblings demanded to know why he wrote a negative review and called the movie transphobic while the audience yelled slurs
nick mullen, nick mullen, nick rochefort, honor levy and dasha nekrasova were present, but most didn't do anything, dasha said nobody would ever believe crumps

No. 1613375

look at the title thread retard. integrate

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No. 1124655[Reply]

As requested by many in >>/pt/763213

>constantly mentions her time working for Star Magazine as if its of any merit

>known for her celebrity analysis videos/dating advice videos
>displays heavy narcissistic personality red flags within every single video
>implies that cheating is alright so long as you're honest about it
>recently moved to Montana this year and is now acting as if its her native ground and telling people that they can't come to HER state
>Preaches about empowering women and self identifies as a predator
>makes so many contradictory statements, like she gets mad about "douche fuck boys" but openly discloses with pride she has cheated on past boyfriends
>made a statement about how she could defraud a company and wouldn't feel bad about it
>claims to be bisexual yet there's been no proof to this
>is super country, then super new york, then super cali
>is all over the place in terms of personality and doesn't seem to understand herself
>now claims to also know everything about guns because she moved to Montana
>mid-life-crisis low cut tops and the blur filter/low quality camera to hide her "age"
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No. 1124659

There already is a Shallon Molester thread made. Idk why a second one is needed before 1200 posts.

No. 1124666

She’s nearly 40, divorced, not in a current long term relationship, no kids or really a career to talk about except Star Magazine. That’s fine, but why does she still have so many women listening to her advice on relationships and life? Why is this her niche when she failed at it in her own life. Blows my mind.

No. 1124896

I don't know, anon. It couldn't possibly be because one of the mods hands out retarded bans for "necroing" threads even if you post new milk.

Nope. Couldn't be that, at all.

No. 1228447

> not in a current long term relationship, no kids
Sounds like a win to me(necro)

No. 1228590

>she gets mad about "douche fuck boys" but openly discloses with pride she has cheated on past boyfriends

So she's like a normal man then. Hope he sees this OP

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No. 779776[Reply]

Who she is: 32-year-old YouTube personality who gained traction by making videos about how she lives in her car. Her account went from 15k to 150k in summer 2018 over the span of one month.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/katiewasheredotcom/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katiecarney/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/katiecarney (hasn't posted content since February 2018, posted an apology for not updating in October, hasn't posted yet but keeps linking the account in all her videos and collecting between $200-500 depending on how many patrons she's had)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/katiewashere (not updated often)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/katie_carney?lang=en (not updated often)
MySpace: https://myspace.com/carntinarc (OLD and not used in years, interesting to look at the old photos though)
Blog: https://thekatiecarney.wordpress.com/ (not updated since 2011 when she was 24, some nice cringey stuff though)

- She had to sleep in her car for 10 days out of necessity, made a video about it on her channel, and then didn't check it for a long time. When she logPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1036721

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That David Lagana guy was apparently fired from the NWA around June for sexually assaulting women he worked with. A female wrestler named Liz Savage tweeted about it and the guy got a whole paragraph written about his leveraging sexual favors from people in a book 15 freaking years ago so Katie was definitely putting out for this sicko in exchange for R&B. Her "best friend" smdh

No. 1036724

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"Just for me, the way that I like to do it, I like to be really social and go to restaurants and go to cities and go to National Parks and be around people and stuff and so I couldn't really do any of the things that I enjoy doing while I'm traveling and so it just did not feel like the best option for me to get back on the road full time, to go back to living in my car.

It just did not feel super safe to me, it did not feel like the best option and so, when I was thinking about my other options and what WOULD be a really good idea for me I decided to text my best friend David (you guys know David, he's been in a couple of my videos, I talk about him all the time) and I've lived with David quite a few times before. So, I texted him a couple weeks before and asked if I could stay with him for a few months and he said yes, and I am SO grateful because I feel safe with him."

No. 1039017

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If your goal is to help someone who "is truly struggling with finances" then 4 months is really to long to hold on to your followers money that was donated to help people. Your often-talked-of "mental health" issues aren't a valid excuse for that kind of inaction.

No. 1051317

Someone put this together, all her dramatics in one video clip

No. 1051319

And a small selection of all her male "friends" it's wild to see them compiled like this.

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