File: 1659559050200.png (2.19 MB, 1170x1516, 025F93A9-E337-4E80-9FC9-D81F93…)

No. 1606196
Last time on….
Our resident BIPOC queen Zara is looking worse than ever but doubling down on her “no comments on my body!!” shtick. Her teeth have literally halved in size in the course of a year. Is it bruxism, purging, chewing & spitting or all of the above?
Hxn is maintaining both her weight and status as a one-woman drain on the NHS and Thames Valley Police. She may or may not have jumped off a motorway bridge in the process. Lots of absconding, vague-posting and general attention seeking.
Cece finally got her coveted tube. Cue posed, bike-seat looking selfies to document the momentous occasion to her long-suffering friends & family and a handful of anons.
Fi is still breathing. She’s out of the wheelchair now!
Rosie made a new MPA account after her old one was discovered by anons and proceeded to come here and shit up the thread for a bit to insist that it totally wasn’t her.
Leg-liftin’ Laura was still wasting away in hospital refreshing the thread every two minutes to see what anons are saying about her.
Spoopy shooper Laura is in desperate need of a haircut. The jury’s still out on the exact extent of her emaciation and shooping.
Ganer continues to do her thing as autistically as ever but, in the words of another anon, is back to looking more “skelly on roids” since she’s cutting.
Narc Niamh continues to polarise the thread. She inspired some pedo sperging about her tits and whether they may or not be tuberous. Point and smile.
Momsfavoritedisappointment isn’t looking great. Porgie has fully transitioned to munch-dom and is claiming hEDS. There was some brief discussion about whether Jennette McCurdy counts as an ana celebricow but she doesn’t. Nikol is still insane.
Remember to sage, keep the milk flowin’ and most importantly, keep breathing!
(shit thread but no one else was making one) No. 1606201
>>1606196mostly a lurker but ty for the decent thread, nona.
unrelated but I don't see how Zara is milky in the least. seems like she's just sick.
No. 1606209
File: 1659559967619.jpeg (470.72 KB, 1170x2069, 023C3474-59F7-4D6F-850D-4827FC…)

Wonder how many days it’ll take to get her to acute again. Will she have to pass out and hit her head or have a seizure or something? What the fuck is her family doing
No. 1606212
File: 1659560127860.jpg (319.65 KB, 1080x1786, Froggymouth.jpg)

Let's take a break from the death spoops with Niamhs messy room
No. 1606213
File: 1659560136987.jpeg (449.24 KB, 1170x1975, 0974A571-2601-4136-9F85-8EB89D…)

>>1606209This pic shows how bad things are because of the lighting omg. I wonder what happens behind the scenes other than a very dysfunctional or sociopathic family
No. 1606230
>>1606212That's abso-fucking-lutely no milk at all.
At least sage this shit. She's just another teenage camwhore.
No. 1606240
>>1606230I swear it's the same obsessed pedo moid posting this child over and over. She's non-milky and not even spoopy. Omg, a teenager has a
gasp messy room? Drag her!!
No. 1606275
File: 1659563926092.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1170x2016, 9A8AEA80-332F-42A6-8BE3-26EA02…)

The threat pic made me laugh! thanks anon.
our hella triggering queen made it out of the wheelchair. kek. and she made a big deal out of it like she was disabled and out of miracle could walk again. wanna know who falls for these shit
No. 1606296
File: 1659565215899.jpg (254.38 KB, 610x795, muh_hairline.jpg)

Ganer playing the bikini beauty.
Maybe she can sell her forehead area to a sponsor?
No. 1606301
>>1606275She can WALK again? It's a miracle, folks!
No pop concerts and musicals in plain sight.
Coming next: Nervous before next appointment, eating her cereal bowl in fast-forward style.
Crying after appointment and being brave. Breathing.
No. 1606355
File: 1659568509152.png (4.24 KB, 863x23, sdfghjhgfdsdfg.png)

>>1606212There's our little deformed titty queen! Star of the whole damn thread! My vote would've been for this Nona's clever title though.
No. 1606381
File: 1659569817417.png (1.53 MB, 1787x961, findingfisdiabetesorwhatever.p…)

>>1606275Fiona's made such a fuss about "gettin out tha wheelchair" when the only time she used it was to make her senior parents wheel her around the supermarket but then was fine enough to go across town chairless with her friends on multiple occasions at a much lower weight. Why do her parents put up with her shenanigans? I wonder what BPD attention seeking antics she'll get up too now that she's getting closer to a normal weight, albeit she's got a long way to go, but she's probably already got some ideas like the ~voices~ returning or whatever it was she was larping before.
Her eating videos are ridiculous, the only whole food item she eats in a day is a banana, an apple, and 4 little slices of cucumber. The rest is just sugary oats, multiple protein bars, these frozen dessert bars (sometimes 2 a day), those soreen cakey things, dehydrated chickpeas, cheddar crisps, bagels and biscoff, over processed lunch meats; it's all junk food garbage. No wonder she feels tired and awful all the time.
No. 1606389
File: 1659570535520.jpeg (Spoiler Image,357.48 KB, 1170x2532, 8372E2C4-3C5F-4D5D-9ACC-DC4FC4…)

Momsfavdisappointment got bitten by her neighbours dog just for the opportunity to show us her forearm sized thigh 1/2
No. 1606417
>>1606389i didnt know a great dane can attack?
they are the most gentle dogs despite their size
No. 1606420
>>1606385she is known for over exercising.
If i remember correctly from tumblr days she was doing thousands of star jumps everyday. Her dad in an interview said they got woken up frequently in the middle of the night because she was exercising.
She was running too and counting steps. Her neighbors called her parents on multiple occasions because they saw her exercising while she wasnt allowed to leave the house
No. 1606771
File: 1659597378095.jpeg (152.99 KB, 1024x1024, 0B170EDD-2F37-419F-9024-0BB6F4…)

Momsfavdisappointment comparison.
Left is from tiktok when she was at college 23/9 and right was her tiktok today. She was IP at acute I think basically one month after that tiktok last year so I’m guessing not long now for her.
Also fuck off anon complaining about posting her, she’s a mega anachan, very sad but interesting so fuck off or bring milk yourself
No. 1606901
File: 1659616715573.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x1873, 37CB8060-1D9D-4035-86C8-A1BC6D…)

not only she smiles but the tube is out!
hope she keeps going like that
No. 1607239
>>1607215>>1607180>>1607205I'm not an ana chan, it's literally the opposite I'm built like a twig and trying to gain weight so I don't look like a 12 year old boy with no boobs and no butt lol. I wasn't sperging or fear mongering jeez, I said one thing. I just noticed that some of my friends and family eat sugary processed food like crazy (same as me) and don't gain much from it while others eat half the amount I eat and gain weight. Everyone's metabolism is different that's all I meant. Didn't mean to
trigger everyone.
which is pretty easy to do on this thread for some reason(no1curr) No. 1607242
File: 1659639855717.png (11.57 MB, 1170x2532, 24ABD77A-F86E-4E5E-8CB3-DEAB73…)

I feel like this is the most fucked up blue butterfly fi has done
No. 1607289
File: 1659643866849.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1284x2211, 71200CB5-E966-48FE-ACAF-6D710C…)

>>1607239Back to MPA with you. No1curr.
The whipples LARP continues for anyone else who wants to break up the momsfav sperging.
No. 1607325
File: 1659646190696.jpeg (511.26 KB, 1284x2778, 6E72F741-A922-41AE-82B7-2D5934…)

I don’t understand how more people don’t talks about this cow…like her whole account and stories are just a cry for attention…like this sort of post wanting people to give her gifts…she always posts about having hypo episodes with her BF and collapsing, how his family tolerates her I have no idea
No. 1607327
File: 1659646221506.jpeg (711.16 KB, 1170x2412, 9EDC2C65-2C5F-4BE1-A3A5-878568…)

interrupting the shitty blogposting sperger with some rather hilarious back-and-forth between recovery_kay and her followers on her vent account
No. 1607329
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Also Hans blatant body check this morning that she did so out of breath I was concerned she was having an asthma attack or something.
No. 1607336
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>>1607317nonna I’ve always thought the exact same thing.
Looks like misfits are gifting her now, no doubt she’ll scoff 6 in one go and spin it as LisTeNinG tO hEr BoDy uwu
No. 1607769
>>1607292"she's gained weight"
She looked in the mirror and found out she was fat.
No. 1607847
File: 1659690763448.jpg (29.6 KB, 683x235, lying fi.jpg)

that's a true goldmine full of shit
No. 1607889
File: 1659695840901.jpeg (457.2 KB, 1125x2000, F6C4E032-4E04-4953-9619-E593BB…)

Kek at all these, this girl has made my night. She does have a point about those like our beloved CeCe who want the trophy tube and acute stay.
No. 1607893
>>1607889She's not wrong though on a fair few of those points. Doing things voluntary is better for you than being physically forced, it does how ever force your hand into choosing voluntary to avoid dragging things out. People have this idea of what recovery should be, everyone's path is different and it's bloody sad when people are like "buhhhh you're doing it wrong/can't say that/can't do that". It's like sorry snowflakes, but people can't always pander to you. It's not a race/you must fit a mould and if you're
triggered by someone else's journey maybe get off the net, it's not the place for you.
No. 1607969
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>>1607847This was my favorite. "Blood pressure in my boots"
No. 1608082
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>>1607242I mean the blue butterfly is used both as a pro Ana symbol and as a pro recovery/awareness symbol (screenshot of top google image results, red = definitely pro Ana, green = awareness/recovery).
That said Fiona was definitely in the online spaces that used and use the pro Ana symbol so this usage of it is still disturbing
No. 1608101
>>1608082 idk who suddenly decided the blue butterfly means recovery, just seems careless and weird? Like at least change the colour. Imagine if "quod me nutrit
me destruit" suddenly meant recovery, just odd
No. 1608107
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has this one ever been talked before?
No. 1608218
File: 1659725361157.png (2.36 MB, 828x1792, 061FAD2C-4A25-41B8-AABF-0C60C8…)

New cow, she’s been in “recovery” for over a year and posts food diary’s with diet foods and low cal breads and issues recovery has tags while still staying super spoopy for months while claiming to recover
No. 1608222
>>1608218No but looking at her profile she only has one post. Hardly milky
nonnie, come back when she does something funny
No. 1608263
File: 1659729592279.jpg (1.23 MB, 2640x1350, reverse_fi.jpg)

>>1606275"the placebo effect"
No. 1608449
>>1608434especially labelling it in her stories as "i finally made it!" as though her ability to stand is miraculous and as though she hasn't shared multiple photos of herself standing and walking over the previous months.
"this girl is back on her feet!" - the way she's written that caption, she is purposefully implying that she has been physically unable to walk until now, as opposed to the reality that she chose to use a wheelchair as it suited her, yet was perfectly capable of walking the whole time. it's uncomfortable viewing, knowing that it will be seen by people with genuine disabilities who don't have the option of deciding to ditch the chair and walk around London whenever they fancy a theatre trip, because they rely on it. it's not a fucking fashion accessory, and that reel is basically mocking people who use a wheelchair because they physically are unable to stand.
No. 1608475
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>>1606196Porgie, who's toob is out (until the next toobing asap), is now documenting all what she's eating including cereal with yoghurt and other toppings, McDonald's, Ben and Jerry's ice cream and now this….at first she says her appetite is back but she then remembers she has to fake Gastroparesis so she totally has no appetite guys. Okay?
No. 1608530
File: 1659754756492.jpg (170.04 KB, 828x1191, gc.jpg)

>>1608475nonna, she also blessed us with this
No. 1608538
>>1608530scary is a fukn understatement. that shit needs to be spoilered.
Also, imagine the amount of attempts it took for her to get this one photo that seemingly hides how much of a fucking landwhale she is.
If there was any higher stretched angle, Pythagoras himself wouldnt be able to figure it out.
No. 1608543
File: 1659756721632.png (1.37 MB, 967x1369, n2fcuckoo.PNG)

behold our queen, N2F, who really did just get the name of her latest BF tattooed across her ribs.
She has only been seeing him for just over 2 months…
never stick your dick in crazy, kids.
No. 1608578
>>1608538kek nonna I should have
Poor Porgie, waking up staving because she wasn't being fed overnight (her words). God she's disgusting, I actually don't think Georgia can fit in her camera frame at a normal angle anymore, I'll always be curious to know how she sees her own relfection
No. 1608669
>>1608543That's insane and sooo far over the top, even for her..!
Good to know that she might just learn her lesson rather soon.
No. 1608677
>>1608543She can take the ring off and throw it away but the tattoo….. maybe she could cover the name with a big bird or a bottle of skinny syrup.
Maybe we’re all being cynical and actually witnessing the beginning of a lifelong love.
Fingers crossed
No. 1608724
File: 1659783648167.png (4.85 MB, 750x1334, 061C10E3-2041-4802-A9B5-B2EF54…)

Italian anachan, claims to be in recovery yet she constantly posts bodychecks and brags about how she weighs less than 30kg/66lbs and how shes about to die. Nobody can stand her but at the same time she has tons of people defending her shitty actions….Zara 2.0?
No. 1608731
>>1607036Late but bullshit, the cooneys problem isn't logistical, it's mental. Forgive the sperg but they still own at least two million dollar homes in affluent areas on opposite ends of the country but fucked off the LA home after she got involuntarily committed for the bare legal minimum length of time they could hold her before mom bailed her out. They can afford to move to Colorado if they want to and I guarantee EC goes wherever mommy does since she's as much the family dog as buzz is. If cece can get herself to ACUTE so can Eugenia, the family just doesn't want her to recover and actively fights against allowing her to be even assessed for treatment. She's a spoiled rotten rich girl who gets what she wants instead of what she needs. She always has since infancy, as evidenced by her mother letting her sleep upright in a car seat as an infant, which can cause death by positional asphyxiation since a child that young isnt strong enough to hold their own head up. There are so many anecdotes of smother Cooney declaring she knows what's best for her daughter against the advice of everyone in the world with two brain cells to rub together and it is horrifying to see someone born to such privilege show glaring signs of severe emotional neglect if not outright abuse, all while defending her abuser to the grave because that's all she's ever known.
TL;DR EC's a sadcow whose narc mommy needs her daughter to love her more than she wants her daughter to live
No. 1608742
>>1608543Oh honey, no… well, at least the placement looks easy enough to cover up when shit goes sideways.
>>1608677Kek, the fucking skinny syrup. N2F's first love
No. 1608763
File: 1659793227527.png (2.09 MB, 961x1273, phallicporgie.PNG)

hey nonnettes i just came home tipsy and was NOT ready to see Porgie with what I thouht was a dildo at first.
gotta love the magical 180degrees turn her gastroparesis or whatever the fuck illness she is munching atm, disappears when she is hungry for a corn dog
No. 1608766
File: 1659793713697.png (1.37 MB, 969x1257, phallicporgie2.PNG)

>>1608763also, caption reveals more behind the LARP.
Ice creams AND hot chilli sound like a big no-no for someone with gastrointentsinal issues.
but dont fear, our delicate waif walked 8.5km.
No. 1608774
File: 1659794593966.png (3.58 MB, 750x1334, 52C379C9-7DA3-4FF2-A285-86C176…)

>>1608724She was """venting""" and while talking she moved her phone in order to show her poor followers her boney back, kek.
No. 1608779
>>1608766Thats the most she will walk all year.
From toob to all this food. She would be given soft diet at first if it was a real health issue with her guts. But nup, got to get all that fried shit in.
No. 1608785
File: 1659796063484.jpg (249.09 KB, 1080x858, AvgStepsPerKm.jpg)

>>1608763I really thought it was a giant popsicle until you said it was a corndog
Congrats to porgie for hitting 10,000 steps probably, rip her knees carrying a whole planet like atlas himself
No. 1608807
File: 1659798702945.jpg (102.47 KB, 614x1218, 297582489_n.jpg)

Ganer practising her posing in her kitchen while sucking it in very hard.
No. 1608855
>>1608807>>1606296I actually think she has a really cute face.
I know that she doesn't have the looks for that type of competition, but I wanted to say it anyway because so many people here make fun of her face.
No. 1608911
>>1608855You know what, I’ll agree with you. She isn’t bad looking or ugly, she just has all these features that seem incongruous cause she doesnt figure out the best way of highlighting her good features and downplaying the wonkiness.
I’m low key curious to know what she finds attractive in a person and if she thinks she’s attractive/sexy or if that isn’t something she thinks about at all, cause it seems like the latter which is weird considering the world she’s obsessed over.
No. 1609088
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end of may
No. 1609089
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start of august
No. 1609106
File: 1659822561423.jpg (582.9 KB, 1076x1439, Screenshot_20220806-224820_Ins…)

Speaking of the girl who pasted her head onto Eugenia's skeleton - anyone catch this weird af photo caption on her Insta?
The whiter the skin the better? Posing next to her brown skinned friend????? Wtf?
No. 1609152
File: 1659827266929.jpeg (Spoiler Image,459.82 KB, 1206x2208, FCFDC77B-430C-4C4E-BE63-8E6DE0…)

I don’t believe she has been mentioned here before, but fucking kek. Imagine being at Starbucks and seeing someone with a fresh bash across their forehead. Doesn’t even try to cover it up.
No. 1609154
File: 1659827533558.jpeg (345.5 KB, 1176x2208, 2C7F67E2-9424-4AF4-82F3-57F135…)

She has to be joking jcf. Talk about attention seeking.
No. 1609193
>>1608766Probably functional dyspepsia kek.
Aka “indigestion” - everyone needs a toob for that right?! The tube larp is over landwhale. Get home from the exhibition back to your normal lard filled diet.
I await the next installation of new farm admissions because not having the toob meant not enough attenshuns… I give it 6-8wks, max. Probably something to do with being dumped by her “girlfriend” too
No. 1609197
>>1609193Proton pump inhibitor, spoonful of Pepto Bismol when it flares up, and avoid the spicy shit.
There you go Porgie, you can lose the toob now.
No. 1609214
>>1608877Valorie or some anchan did 10,000 steps by 6am. That’s like a still for the ana
Chan but for her it’s probably like a whole ordeal to move that body that much
No. 1609372
>>1609214Any movement for a land whale is an ordeal. We put 1.5x of our weight, through our knees when we take a step - so what’s that for porgie, 300kg?!
How porkers legs still hold her up is a mystery
No. 1609419
>>1609099She said she’s been in recovery for 4 months and she looks like she’s gained way more than 16 kilos but that’s not unusual for someone who’s
actually recovering
No. 1609461
>>1609088>>1609089finally, a cow with a truly decent weight gain.
wish her all the best.
No. 1609463
File: 1659860324543.jpg (171.34 KB, 1080x1862, Screenshot_20220804-071949_Ins…)

>>1609154No anon…THIS is attention seeking
No. 1609489
File: 1659866805886.png (3.87 MB, 1698x1500, recoveryqueen.png)

Alice showing off the huge amount of weight she's gained, obviously "very close to a healthy weight". She's not lying when she says she's gained since she was at her lowest (nearly a year and a half ago) but she was VERY spoopy so I don't know why she's acting like she doesn't still have a long way until she looks okay. She's gained max 5 kilos since last summer and that's being generous. Also, she must be deleting tons of comments because there's nothing mentioning her legs
No. 1609612
File: 1659889336023.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x1980, B9F812C0-55F3-4B05-8BA9-9D295E…)

her face is getting really scary
No. 1609613
File: 1659889417323.jpg (97.67 KB, 1213x1440, FB_IMG_1497529407294.jpg)

>>1609603you sound … butthurt
No. 1609621
File: 1659890156673.jpg (270.04 KB, 986x1080, 297906252_n.jpg)

Why enjoy nature when you can flex your amateur muscles, just for the cam..?
No. 1609630
File: 1659890742732.png (1.47 MB, 1170x2532, B27B1D34-B003-478F-B946-AB5C02…)

I know this isn’t very milky but it’s really fucking interesting if true
No. 1609639
File: 1659891462569.jpeg (138.7 KB, 1080x1666, gainer.jpeg)

The picture of health
No. 1609923
>>1608568It's not unusual for bulimics to go from b/p to substance/ alcohol abuse and risky/impulsive behaviour, so yeah
nonnie you're right
No. 1610086
File: 1659931579472.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB, 1920x1920, Just no50.jpg)

Cookie made a '2013-esque' dad, black and white story. I assume it's about saying how bad anorexia is blah blah (I dunno I don't speak French) while blatantly showing ridiculous body checking and unnecessary pics
But it's in the name of recovery right… so it's ok…..
Spoilers cause… well you'll see
No. 1610088
File: 1659931729086.jpg (512.21 KB, 780x1344, Screenshot_20220808-075816_Ins…)

I swear glasses girl has been featured here before or is my bsl just low kek Her and cookie seem to be bestys
No. 1610245
File: 1659956679795.png (1.73 MB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20220808-070128.png)

not as much as you heart bodychecking,Niamh. saged because not milky
No. 1610269
File: 1659959371765.png (3.46 MB, 828x1792, 43BBBD66-20E4-443C-8C1E-9D3A3D…)

Nikol is so insane and so staunchly pro-ana in the most archetypal way, I believe she deserves to be some kind of bovine mascot for these threads.
No. 1610289
>>1610266ntayrt but this just doesn't make sense. she hadn't even logged on in like four months at the time of the screenshot at
>>>/snow/1592442, so why would she have a sudden compulsion to start posting/browsing again when everyone's suspicious?
No. 1610294
>>1610245oh look
it's hateboner-chan again
didn't they tell you that the girl is only sixteen?
No. 1610299
File: 1659964457090.jpeg (518.11 KB, 750x930, 5373F15E-FE59-4720-8304-75EBDB…)

imagine having your daughter looking like this and not forcing her into treatment. she's on eugenia and zara's same level of spoopiness
No. 1610313
>>1610213i doubt it was her parents idea, as if they tried to force Fi to use a wheelchair, she would simply have refused. same with her treatment team - even if they advised it, its not a suggestion that could be enforced, and no other anorexia sufferer would embrace opportunity to adhere to a sedentary lifestyle. it was Fi's idea, because she realised how using a wheelchair in hospital brought her loads of attention - especially when she was pushed around in it dressed as an elf and draped in tinsel - and wanted to have a physical reminder of her "sooper sick" status once she was home.
I agree the wheelchair was bought but her parents, but Fi will have manipulated them into believing she was doing it to aid her recovery, not because it benefited her in terms of her constant need for attention - it was entirely her choice, which is why she used it when she wanted asspats and sympathy, but was perfectly able to ditch it when she wanted to walk around London and go to theatre shows without it.
No. 1610320
>>1610313>>1610213At the end of the day the wheelchair is just a prop for her LARP. Her parents will believe any kind of BS that comes from her.
Her doctors are suspicious about the oh-so-very-slow weight gain but can't prove anything as she's not IP any longer.
She will fall off the train in a hurry, once she's not under external supervision any longer.
No. 1610326
File: 1659968331261.jpeg (375.82 KB, 750x735, ACD7D7E0-ECD6-4953-97ED-45296B…)

HILARIOUS how Zara is using old pics of herself at a somewhat "healthy" weight as an "after". Who does think she's fooling? We all know she looks like the "before" picture rn. What's even more ridiculous is the people supporting her and ass-kissing her in the comments.
No. 1610327
>>1610245>>1610267why do you answer your own postings
its so obvious it hurts
No. 1610341
File: 1659969372010.jpeg (285.37 KB, 828x868, CC2DC982-C8BA-4F9B-99C8-246C57…)

>>1610326Fuck you Zara. The post is about how you’ll never feel validated by your ED regardless of how spoopy you get. And how only now she realises she was ~always
valid~. So why all the skelly face pictures? To someone with ana brain this post probably translates to ‘if I get skelly like Zara I’ll feel like I deserve to recover’
No. 1610342
File: 1659969486937.png (11.12 MB, 1170x2532, 77BF1984-E7F9-4AB9-9AE7-54F0C5…)

It really is shocking how diff she looks
No. 1610377
File: 1659973800285.jpeg (17.76 KB, 373x344, D5E5EBF2-F21D-4055-8E93-63C426…)

>>1610342Nice PFP, blondie!
No. 1610408
File: 1659976564373.jpeg (83.52 KB, 560x560, oink oink.jpeg)

>>1610377>>1610342how ya doin miss piggy..?
No. 1610443
>>1610376If it’s NHS property and not one she’s had her parents buy for her, they’ll ask for it to be returned (they do with crutches anyway)
Luckily for Fi though, she’s got an array of posts, photos and videos so nobody ever gets the chance to forget the chair kek
No. 1610462
File: 1659982177588.jpg (349.94 KB, 828x1202, RDT_2022080.jpg)

Kek I was browsing fakedisordercringe and this made me think of several cows in this thread
No. 1610489
File: 1659984137095.jpeg (387.17 KB, 1054x1066, 8391B2A4-61BC-4352-AFE0-CF4C10…)

>>1610443>they’ll ask for it to be returnedAnd they won’t see it for dust lmao
Still think her parents bought it though unless it’s just a few places that use picrel
No. 1610492
File: 1659984364674.png (Spoiler Image,1.59 MB, 828x1792, 33F01FDC-5A5D-4ADD-8915-5366CD…)

Sedrica, the cringy and hypocritical ana chan inspirational poster, is out of the hospital and on vacation looking like this.
No. 1610643
File: 1659996180585.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1170x1146, ED6EE185-8B79-44B1-AB30-98C6C4…)

ofc zara finds a way to post spoopy pics
No. 1610644
File: 1659996228810.jpeg (807.78 KB, 1170x1105, D9AFF531-98C0-47E8-BEAB-36A505…)

No. 1610657
>>1610635dw about the hate, i'll never get the witch hunts on here when someone leaves a pfp in screenshots.
It should be a case of notifying your fellow farmer (who is milking the cow for your lulz, afterall). Not "oMg! jEwNoSe!!".
…unless if that comment was written by the cow in question. in which case, kek.
No. 1610675
File: 1659997591217.jpeg (189.2 KB, 822x721, 8F047B16-45F0-44BD-8938-A97398…)

When cows collide on Zara’s latest “recovery” post
No. 1610709
>>1610693They are referring to
>>1610403 .
No. 1610811
File: 1660006403785.png (2.16 MB, 750x1334, F72DF33F-27E6-406C-96DF-D696EC…)

becca shading zara, as she should
No. 1610844
File: 1660010738663.jpeg (281.13 KB, 1024x1024, 14991457-1276-4C73-8201-740922…)

She reuploaded it
No. 1610876
File: 1660015842364.png (612.19 KB, 924x642, yikes.png)

I was watching Eugenia's video where she goes shopping and saw this woman's reaction to her walking into a shoe store. I know I know "that's not milk!" I didn't say it was I just think it's interesting to see some peoples reaction to her because she doesn't go out very often. Don't sperg at me just ignore it if you don't like it.
No. 1610937
File: 1660024605578.jpeg (454.68 KB, 1125x2436, 6BBCDDBF-2BF7-41AB-9CAF-B5BE2E…)

Why do some cows have such a fucked up families. Like do they make it up or is this stuff real because honestly the idea of it is terrifying.
No. 1610951
File: 1660026439981.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.53 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_9109.jpeg)

>>1609630>>1610102She really is like this. As someone who's met her, I tried to make dinner for her and took me like… a day and a half before I noticed she wasn't eating or drinking anything that wasn't sealed until the moment she opened it herself. I asked her straight up if she was afraid she was going to get drugged, but no, it was the germophobia.
No. 1610955
>>1610865Why don't you sage your shit
Don't piss on others when you can't even integrate. Fuck off with your highschool bs
No. 1610958
>>1610956Yeah I was thinking it's parents actually giving a shit about their child's health and taking control the only way they know how. What are they meant to do? That isn't abuse or shitty, it's shitty when parents dgaf and let their kids get to near death or use their disorder for profit (EC)
Personally I would have liked parents who gave a shit but meh what are you gonna do
No. 1610962
File: 1660027632815.jpeg (911.62 KB, 828x1450, 3445471E-6C78-4A26-B7CC-FBF0B7…)

I found this girl in Nikol’s following list. Influencer with 12k followers and extremely spoopy. None of her comments are concerned ones.
No. 1611041
File: 1660041418863.png (3.25 MB, 750x1334, C05B804F-0935-4AD7-8278-6A4B80…)

She knows damn well what she’s doing
No. 1611043
>>1610649what about it
nonnie, is no zara content aloud. kek.
No. 1611091
>>1611063i agree with you,
nonnie. she's the type of person to have developed anorexia just to receive attention. also i don't get why she acts as if she's above everyone when people mainly follow her as reversed inspiration (fatspo). anyways seems that she hasn't received any attention from her parents, that's why she's constantly attached to her mom. i bet that when she had her ed she blamed her mom for it, so she could make her feel bad and automatically have her spend more time with her "sick" daughter. wait until her little "fame" dies down, she'll either relapse or say that she has developed a freshly new disorder
No. 1611135
File: 1660051414534.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1104x1438, 86AF1B7D-34EA-47BF-B54F-E72A31…)

now is it really her antibiotics or the fact that she is so malnourished that is making her hair fall out
No. 1611148
File: 1660052946166.jpg (1015.47 KB, 1920x1920, Name.jpg)

Blue butterfly's galore
No. 1611218
File: 1660060586024.jpeg (93.14 KB, 1206x2208, 1C6BE9A7-6E99-4C66-B3B6-985E02…)

I’m just now noticing this, but I think cece deleted her instagram. Is this happening for anyone else?
No. 1611256
>>1610955You aren't posting anything new dumb ass. You literally post things that 1) everyone on here already saw 2) its reposted…
So so creative. A gold sticker for you
No. 1611284
File: 1660065542799.jpeg (760.38 KB, 1127x1305, C1488FE3-8EA1-4BE6-86D3-13AB21…)

>>1610962Probably because her friends can tell that this is photoshop kek
No. 1611290
>>1611284This was what I thought when I saw that ss too. Like cmon you couldnt see the bluriness? it’s a munchie
>>1610951I don’t like how Nikol behaves but jesus christ I wouldn’t wish this kind of mental illness upon my worst enemy…
No. 1611352
File: 1660069830239.jpeg (108.83 KB, 900x900, 50D450EB-C5BE-4DC6-9710-015A64…)

>>1611257Kek well maybe she should try eating more food then, seeing as vitamin B is in most whole foods. The antibiotics aren’t taking from her already-depleted levels then and she can keep her hair.
No. 1611502
>>1611257It's a side effect of sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim which is the long term antibiotic for Whipple disease
Medfag not a WK
No. 1611699
>>1611217Might try to resurrect. See ya there
nonnie? I’ve got a few I’m burning to discuss too.
No. 1611749
>>1610937Hope I'm replying to the correct comment, but parents doing whatever they can, even if it is stuff that seem extreme, it's much better than letting your daughter starve almost to death for years, like Elzani's parents did.
You wouldn't believe the stuff parents of drug addicts have to do. Anorexia or bulimia sometines make people act like addicts too.
No. 1611753
File: 1660102005192.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1125x1879, 65B67F16-3450-43E6-9331-671589…)

Momsfavdisappintment failed in 5th grade apparently to become IG famous so she is continuing this pursuit of fame by using her eating disorder as a way to gain popularity and followers
No. 1611788
File: 1660107993464.png (1019.34 KB, 676x825, Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 1.06…)

Elzani got really fat
No. 1611801
>>1611788Go away rattler, she looks very cute and happy. God knows her body needed the gain after all those years of spoopiness
>>1611792People have different fat disposition and muscle tone, it's not one size fits all. I can't believe you people even need that explained, are you 13?
No. 1611804
>>1611788rattle rattle!
Overweight maybe but I wouldn't call that "really" fat. She seems to carry weight on her limbs more than around her middle anyway. Good for her she looks much happier
No. 1611827
>>1611792There are people whose arms
>>1611804She doesn’t even look overweight
No. 1611842
>>1611699Go for it! I miss those threads, if you bring it back I'll engage with it and defend you from any "this isn't milk!" fags, lol.
>>1611837Pretty sure this is the current one, it's almost full though. Anyone interested in making a new spoonie/munchie thread? I would if I wasn't internet retarded.
>>>/snow/387658 No. 1611893
>>1611885speaking of old cows, does anyone have any updates on Becky the moocher. she was @tinyboosteps or something similar. tried searching that to no avail.
she was the one always posted her amazon wishlists guilting ppl into buying her shit
and her traumatised looking "assistance" dog.
Just wondering if she has kicked the bucket yet, as last sighting she seemed preettyyy fukn close.
No. 1611919
>>1611880Bit cruel, medfags (legitimate, working ones) would be fucked without porters. Anyway, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim is genuinely a treatment for whipples. However, hair loss is a very rare side effect. Other anon saying “wah wah it’s called co-trimoxazole“…different hospitals will use different terms for the same medication or did you not realise that?
Long story short, it is possible the antibiotic has caused hair loss but it is likely exacerbated or even solely due to malnutrition. An actual medfag.
No. 1611976
File: 1660136247414.jpg (Spoiler Image,229.32 KB, 1080x1903, Screenshot_20220810-145534_Ins…)

People still trying to get her number. Noob teeny bopper pro-ana cringers probably
But damn I'm surprised ash has enough muscle to move her mouth and arms
No. 1612375
>>1612135thats the one! ty anon.
does anyone have any recent pics of her? shes gone private and I dont feel like adding the insufferable cunt.
No. 1612528
File: 1660179651015.png (424.09 KB, 430x570, Screen Shot 2022-08-10 at 8.01…)

Someone needs to inform Ham that you're supposed to stop frequently outgrowing clothes once you reach adulthood.
No. 1612655
>>1611135Stop killing yourself then Zara, you currently don’t even look like alive enough to be a monkey anymore. You look like a creepy pasta man from the Minnesota starving experiment. Do something or you will die, along with the people you’ve irreversibly
triggered with your content …
No. 1612682
File: 1660196565124.png (3.88 MB, 1125x2436, 9D812FD3-80B9-40AC-B4C7-DD6F11…)

Kay straining to show us how spoopy she is. Does anyone else think she’s gained recently though?
No. 1612703
File: 1660199857456.jpeg (519.37 KB, 869x1293, 5648AD2F-2609-468E-9450-8D4CAB…)

>>1612375No milk, she just posts her art now
No. 1612740
File: 1660207769945.png (527.07 KB, 468x854, fis foodie shite.png)

Fi inadvertantly giving an accurate description of all the stupidly expensive protein bars she eats…or takes a bite of for her 'review.'
No. 1612745
File: 1660208952568.png (524.64 KB, 633x1184, Screen Shot 2022-08-11 at 5.09…)

Nikol is weird
No. 1612755
>>1612740who cares about her protein bars.
oh wait she is dying for sponsorships. such an influencer
No. 1612770
File: 1660212809699.png (Spoiler Image,2.37 MB, 750x1334, 001845E0-5272-4FAD-A39E-3246A2…)

One of the worst cows. She fetishizes a deadly disorder just like Eugenia. I guess that the narcissism doesn't die with the brain. Spoiler just because
No. 1612777
>>1606771Can’t believe she’s wasting her life on the same shit, if she makes any money off her tiktok she’s basically being Eugenia now with the body checks and scaring people. At least we know her true colors now, someone that HEARS in their comments they actively
trigger others with the recovery tag while still posting the same content
No. 1612800
File: 1660218467395.jpeg (832.56 KB, 1170x1003, 00476F62-6D0F-473B-A8F4-26E599…)

Of fucking course they are, totally not the lowest cal foods in existence lol
No. 1612806
File: 1660219115185.png (7.57 MB, 1170x2532, 50BB57B2-31C4-4D5D-AF0A-5140A2…)

now who would ever believe rosie is drink a non diet drink, she just exposed herself that shes gonna purge it even tho the fries made it obvious too kek. i mean cmon who believes she’s actually “challenging” herself like this without gaining
No. 1612889
File: 1660230155849.jpg (136.78 KB, 934x758, YouHaveTheBrainrot.jpg)

Do you summerfags know where you are?
>>1612789Nikol's right. Lesbians are not as disgusting as men. Whether she's bullshitting or not it's a win-win, either she quits publishing body checks for validation or the milk keeps flowing.
>>1612859>all you cows assume she's purgingA fraud who ran a "recovery" account while still actively engaged in proana suddenly gets the benefit of the doubt when she posts a suspiciously purgable meal why? Because she purged her mpa account? Fuck off, whiteknight
No. 1612918
File: 1660233147491.jpg (583.3 KB, 1080x1883, Screenshot_20220811_165037.jpg)

n2f eating a breakfast that looks scarily…normal.
No. 1612966
File: 1660237011388.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x2035, 801F13F3-34F5-4417-9B44-055BEB…)

not a body check
No. 1612980
>>1612966She's been posting bodychecks practically every day now but let's not forget that she openly doesn't want to take accountability for posting
triggering photos for all of her vulnerable followers to see
No. 1613263
>>1606296Holy shit! Been off lc for a month or two, come back to check on my favourite thread and wtf. Ganer's actually showing muscle and is now a TIM??
>>1606381And this one looks like a Hartle Hooligan here.
No. 1613385
File: 1660268352360.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1170x1999, 817CAA92-E08D-4A0F-8FD2-749B5B…)

Possibly milky, this girl who posts really restrictive ‘fuel my body’ wieiad posts and is pretty spoopy, she looked ok in some of her old posts, wonder what her story is…
No. 1613440
File: 1660275457311.png (4.01 MB, 750x1334, F9969815-6EBE-4ED1-A1AE-4939D1…)

our princess of grime giving slight ‘Ganer eye’ vibes.
but nice to see her happy these days.
No. 1613475
File: 1660281467594.png (7.66 MB, 1170x2532, D96F8F28-48C7-4F99-90F0-DF59A0…)

she deteriorated so fast holy
No. 1613584
File: 1660289625269.png (428.18 KB, 470x588, Screen Shot 2022-08-12 at 2.34…)

Fi just "got out of the wheelchair" but is immediately fine to go hiking with her parents. She's so bad at making her shit believable, kek.
No. 1613621
File: 1660292846731.jpg (599.74 KB, 1787x1806, 1659569817417.jpg)

>>1606381>>1613263I think they are triplets now.
No. 1613659
File: 1660298170334.png (1.67 MB, 2217x723, whythough.png)

Why does she film herself eating like this? She genuinely looks like a sped.
No. 1613667
File: 1660299121100.png (7.01 MB, 1170x2532, 707C9E86-6B61-41B7-B0E3-0EA142…)

Way to go, body checks under the recovery tag(don't use emojis)
No. 1613668
File: 1660299150065.png (848.71 KB, 1170x2532, 30F5CBD1-E9B2-45CD-8FE9-E68A5C…)

>>1613667Caption of the image
No. 1613681
File: 1660301668361.jpg (27.39 KB, 619x628, nintchdbpict000338481653.jpg)

>>1613440Even though she's more Earth based, she's still endearingly cute. Only thing is that stupid bf name tat. If she likes her new body now, she's going to hate that when it's over. Old and jaded but it's not going to be forever. Heartbreaks a bitch so I hope at some point she doesn't slide back.
Not pissing on her parade and I hope she really enjoys whatever she's doing, but I have concerns for when the honeymoon period is over.
Did posh Molly ever relapse into super serious anorexia, did her "brother" ever mutilate her chest?
Is Ham still posting undies shots? Been away so long but the CeCe chat is quiet. Hope she got that wheelchair!
No. 1613702
File: 1660304935924.jpg (370 KB, 1063x1944, Bossedit.jpg)

How the fuck was this well earned? Her entire life is a holiday. Also the "bossed it" make me laugh
No. 1613730
File: 1660308302095.png (4.44 MB, 1170x2532, 76AFC936-3117-4472-9A77-870BFD…)

No. 1613742
>>1613645She’s using insurance as an excuse (which is fair to be honest, insurance companies suck) for not a giving a shit about
triggering others
No. 1613771
>>1613768Yes, only the love starved boy child remains.
>>1613762I suppose hooker chic is better than heroin chic but she's still feral.
No. 1613772
File: 1660310606171.jpeg (567.29 KB, 1513x1513, FE312E98-556E-4CA3-9603-6D34BD…)

>>1613766Oh sweet summer
nonny, it’s very real. The Hartley hooligans.
No. 1613815
File: 1660313284614.jpeg (9.14 KB, 264x191, images.jpeg)

>>1613807Yes, her parents made a freak show of their kids. IMG related.
No. 1613840
File: 1660314466904.jpeg (384.21 KB, 1125x1903, 31522623-B58D-4934-9006-D02A81…)

>>1613809Ok we’ve got a lot of pictures coming. Won’t show all because similar
No. 1613842
File: 1660314490232.jpeg (457.21 KB, 1125x1714, 1FE3DC25-D9A7-41E9-A12E-145423…)

No. 1613844
File: 1660314524312.jpeg (590.29 KB, 1125x1872, 6D593014-D4A2-404A-8B6A-8C1E8A…)

No. 1613846
File: 1660314546869.jpeg (589.26 KB, 1125x1882, 9B842EE4-C8AF-4E9C-A344-E44CF3…)

No. 1613847
File: 1660314570752.jpeg (635.53 KB, 1125x1978, EA6D1E49-9AC8-4D22-A291-1E114E…)

No. 1613848
File: 1660314591213.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1125x1931, D105AA5B-E0D8-4400-A698-A71073…)

No. 1613869
>>1613859Calm down you fucking schizoid and close the goddamn tab she's not fucking self replying you weirdo.
>>1613848Thanks for posting these. (Once again for the retard schizo nona I don't have instagram so I couldn't see these.) And that's very creepy I hope it's not actually a 13 year old girl larping as her, I get more of an scrote with a fetish type vibe. But Marie should know better tbh like this is what happens when you post content that appeals to sick people, they do sick shit with it.
No. 1614039
File: 1660325683926.png (6.58 MB, 1170x2532, 3A4619A7-1BE9-4417-802A-7FB7A7…)

I feel bad for how her torso is built, I can get how she relapses
No. 1614485
File: 1660363264032.jpeg (204.16 KB, 1165x2094, DB049CA4-62BD-4FC9-AF27-9507A3…)

Land whale porgie somehow got a script for medical cannabis for her imaginary problems, enjoy getting even fatter with the munchies retard
No. 1614502
File: 1660365662175.jpeg (536.26 KB, 828x821, 16A838F7-03DA-4E6F-B6DE-57E894…)

look at her now
No. 1614551
File: 1660372475461.jpg (285.55 KB, 1080x2275, IMG_20220813_124508.jpg)

Does anyone remember Maureen? You know- the life long anorexia warrior who can do no wrong and only deserves our pity. Well do I have milk for you…
Maureen sent a series of images that I am sure we've all seen and there for shall not be reposting of herself and Rachel Faroke to an Instagram account unrealated to ED unprompted and for no apparent reason. When the appropriateness of this was questioned she had a rather embarrassing meltdown, which as was promised to her at the time is now being shared publicly.
No. 1614552
File: 1660372617778.jpg (288.18 KB, 1080x2084, IMG_20220813_124249.jpg)

Another titbit from warrior Maureen
No. 1614557
File: 1660373144063.jpeg (501.46 KB, 828x1355, 47F0E6FC-773F-44A6-B823-449CAC…)

>>1614552Send these images to her niece.
Also this isn’t me being creepy. The two comments say “This is my niece. She is on Facebook.”
(cowtipping) No. 1614565
>>1614551Lol I’m the anon who posted about her being
abusive in the comments on Emily Jones’s posts before I gave up due to the amount of WKs defending the “poor defenseless old lady with a TBI.” Curious as to how this exchange came about. In before “no milk.”
No. 1614570
File: 1660374426790.jpg (377.98 KB, 1080x2131, Screenshot_2022-08-13-12-41-29…)

>>1614565No idea why Maureen initiate the exchange, there is no obvious reason. I was like holy shit, I recognise her from proanascumbags (occasional lurker).
No. 1614572
>>1614502She seems to be improving. Wonder if shes sour that she has no bridle on the beloved nose hose this time.
Anyone taking bets on how long she stays weight restored on dischagre?
No. 1614585
>>1614557Don't cowtip or contact the family. Bloody out of bounds as craycray and shitty Maureen is - the family doesn't deserve it. Normally you mellow with age, it seems like she's still the same old same fucking old maureen. I wish she'd go back to edtwt, I missed that whole era and no one there seems to have posted screenshots (or I'm too much of a boomer to get how to find them in obscure places). Wonder if that's the neice she tried to get me to comment on her weight claiming it was herself when she was younger too.
>>1614557 I saw that on her IG too, thought it was so bloody weird and random that she was just sharing her nieces FB.
No. 1614634
>>1614620Don't fucking touch the cows
This is why we lose them cause tipfags feel some kind of righteousness and involve themselves when it's none of your God damn business
If you feel like molesting a cow then get off the fucking farm
No. 1614661
>>1614552>>1614551This seems more like a troll account, any actual proof it's Maureen?
>>1614557Also don't encourage cowtipping dumbass especially because that might not even be Maureen's neice it could just be some rando. Fucking fumbly ass newfags have no clue what they're doing.
No. 1614670
File: 1660389535138.jpg (352.59 KB, 1080x2145, IMG_20220813_181512.jpg)

Account in question. Playing devil's advocate, revenge faggery is milky.
No. 1614702
File: 1660392168612.png (1.32 MB, 720x1600, 298363632_1784766235210444_553…)

Judging by the hair Emily is going throught it right now. I've also colour fried my hair in a bpd meltdown, rooting for her to pull through.
No. 1614709
>>1613702I really don’t get the hate around Fi. She’s trying, and the absolute mental torment of an eating disorder, never mind autism and other issues. It’s hell. What’s actually milky about her? And don’t say the wheelchair the parents etc. because that isn’t FI. Her parents should be the milky ones.
To me, she’s just a very sick girl trying her best. Is it just that she’s posting on social media? I mean would you be kinder to say, a close friend behaving the way Fi does.
Assuming most people in this thread have experienced ED’s to some level, I'm struggling to find any bad feeling myself toward her.
If I’m banned or attacked for this, fine. But I think Fi deserves to be left alone
No. 1614730
>>1614709I agree, everyone is calling fi dramatic and making fun of her but she’s clearly autistic and that’s not cool to be talking shit about.. I scrolled way back in her Insta and low key am terrified by how long she’s been sick for, and to be fair she’s pretty honest most of the time
(I don’t understand the wheelchair thing either tho tbf)
No. 1614764
>>1614661This is exactly how she used to speak, so I don't personally doubt it's her.
>>1614670Maureen is following that account from her main, so assuming it's her account. She used to pm a lot of political shit when trump was in office over the pond. She never got the hint that I didn't care, tried ignoring it until it got insufferable.
No. 1614778
File: 1660397030337.jpg (49.33 KB, 1141x890, msbold.JPG)

i wish when facebook yeeted accounts they kept the messages because some of her posts were gold.
No. 1614782
File: 1660397420060.png (3.86 MB, 1170x2532, 3AC38B84-39C6-4708-9372-D2B32E…)

So I’m personally not an anachan but she actually does look God fucking awful. Body ody like Roger from American Dad
No. 1614795
File: 1660398223939.jpg (256.42 KB, 1080x1749, Screenshot_20220813-154325_Ins…)

Probably the most cringe bullshit I've seen today
No. 1614888
File: 1660404745035.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1125x1997, D21D40DC-C99B-4A05-876C-754FFA…)

How is Kay getting away with this crap! Blatant body check. Claiming recovery these and all this bull crap and kek at the hashtags under her posts?
No. 1614909
File: 1660405897350.png (226.97 KB, 359x592, Screen Shot 2022-08-13 at 10.5…)

truly a recovery icon
No. 1614914
File: 1660406010973.png (380.14 KB, 429x510, Screen Shot 2022-08-13 at 10.5…)

>>1614909look how much weight she (hasn't) gained since this picture from February
No. 1614919
>>1614905Or maybe Moron was intrigued by the content of the account in question…
Proof would be appreciated when making wild accusations.
No. 1614938
File: 1660407453439.jpeg (Spoiler Image,627.04 KB, 749x1796, 94AD8F2B-9314-4E50-B173-7F6AC7…)

>>1614909terrifying that she’s so functional ??????
No. 1614944
File: 1660408262664.jpeg (Spoiler Image,789.72 KB, 1170x1257, 60E66C16-AB96-4AAE-8F7B-359282…)

>>1614942>>1614942the legs are awful bent
No. 1614988
File: 1660411430723.jpg (42.84 KB, 649x463, moebiden_maureen.JPG)

>>1614661Not sure if this helps confirm it for you anon but here's Maureen replying to her own post on her other account on the moe biden account.
No. 1614999
>>1614914Not WK but that’s right when she started losing rapidly again and she wasn’t hiding it because she was pretty comfortable with using her failing organs as an excuse. I doubt she’s trying to convince people she now weighs more than she did in this photo but she has in fact gained
a little bit of weight since a couple of months ago
No. 1615012
>>1614783Cause she’s come a helluva long way and she has a decent personality. Yeah she looks crazy but 100x better than the food stained sheets, chocolate smeared on her lips, and sugar-free syrups crusting around her nailbed and outside bushes.
That’s why I don’t get when other anon’s claim we’re all jealous and don’t think anyone is pretty lol.
No. 1615028
File: 1660414427120.png (4.39 MB, 750x1334, 854A2ED7-5636-49BB-B887-169750…)

Niamh’s two noodle “ramen” I’m screaming-
No. 1615179
File: 1660426036819.jpg (558.2 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_2022-08-13-22-26-08…)

No. 1615189
>>1615054Can you not, samefag? it's a little, as you say, pathetic.
>>1615179This is why i hate it when kids goad the cows. Let them spiral on their own without intervention if they were ever going to. Thought Laura was doing well? But at this point is she ever going to leave the damn system to people that need it?
No. 1615307
File: 1660436341546.png (3.26 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20220814-021151.png)

>>1615028You think niamh's ramen is bad? She posted just before 133 calorie bagel thins to her story wich she then used to make a (hardly) 300 calorie lunch. She really can't just starve in silence, she has to make a whole spectacle of herself complete with daily bodychecks directed to her vulnerable audience. 1/2
No. 1615338
>>1615179I’m very sorry this girl feels that way, but it is an insensitive and
triggering thing to post on social media. Talk to a therapist or someone to help you, sharing this just
triggers people to feel as bad as she does now and is unnecessary on social media.
No. 1615536
File: 1660468611500.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1170x2059, A9AA8A2A-0A32-4618-856E-AFD3F3…)

kay admitted to photoshopping? this is unprecedented
No. 1615543
>>1615538thank you O' Queen Anachan… your calorie counting skills are by far bettter than all in the land.
Praise be to you. /s
No. 1615551
nonnie but she actually lost a veritable shite ton of weight in the few months following that February photo. She has definitely gained a bit since that weight loss as she is looking better facially now than she was a couple of months back. There's a glimmer of hope that she isn't just gonna drop dead in the middle of a uni lecture
No. 1615825
File: 1660499011877.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1170x2068, DF42C6BD-243E-440D-B4D8-B2FED7…)

Fiona wants us to be kind because not gaining weight because she over exercises and/or purging is her choice of “recovery”
breathe guys and always choose kindness
No. 1615847
File: 1660500776575.png (10.23 MB, 1242x2208, BA01CA50-6463-4B58-A986-6F5DC0…)

holy fuck
No. 1615857
File: 1660501678635.jpeg (579.89 KB, 750x1110, BEC5C62B-89F0-41ED-84B2-D76EFA…)

Rain's seems to be fully weight restored. Props to her, especially for finding the courage to wear a bikini. It is very hard for those with an eating disorder or recovering from one, proud of her!
No. 1615858
File: 1660501813821.png (2.86 MB, 750x1334, D081ECEE-29C9-4667-AE87-030530…)

>>1615857Also seen Rain's wonderful recovery progress, how did we even forget to mention Lauren??! I am truly happy to see her doing much better than before. There is still hope!!
No. 1615876
File: 1660503073458.png (3.88 MB, 750x1334, 62A6BF27-4669-45AB-9B71-9E8E5F…)

cows like this one fucking bitch need to be humbled. she got upset because people voted that she had a bmi of 16+ (she posted a bodycheck along with the poll). she is disgusting, especially after the statementes she made. if i find out something about her personal life, i will make sure that these disgusting statementes will haunt her. DIGITAL FOOTPRINT IS A THING
No. 1615915
File: 1660507535640.jpeg (114 KB, 1170x215, FDE6F0F9-1167-4121-A53F-894346…)

>>1615847oh. seems like this explains a lot.
No. 1615972
File: 1660511231346.png (4.72 MB, 1125x2436, 255F729F-21A3-46A1-9A81-AD74E7…)

>>1615850Ah yes, anorexia recovery star. Did she ever have a lw or is she just the boss level of Porgie?
No. 1615993
>>1615179Newsflash, Laura: refuse and they’ll just depot you instead. Carry on eating and drinking like you always have and quit the anorexia LARP already. No shame in admitting you’ve only ever been mildly underweight and use restriction as a weapon, staff are used to it.
How this woman has spent so much time in PD units, presumably with specialist therapy? and still manages be to this much of a moron is beyond me.
No. 1616015
File: 1660514229665.jpeg (566.91 KB, 1051x1691, A5D6970D-ED4A-4F12-AC8E-6ADA1D…)

Our resident beige Big Mac queen is shilling spices now
No. 1616024
File: 1660515079932.png (1.33 MB, 1573x917, Screenshot (11785).png)

>>1615847She did a fit check with her nerdy professor and I'm so sorry for saying this Nona's but I wanna fuck him
No. 1616086
File: 1660520616480.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1170x1970, 236E4E28-7B53-411E-B734-914E2C…)

as much as i despise her for constant attention seeking - she looks good for once! weight gain started to show finally
No. 1616198
File: 1660529359413.jpg (Spoiler Image,978.7 KB, 972x1540, Screenshot_20220814-220357_Ins…)

>>1616071is this the kelsey you're talking about? no idea if this is fake or not, comments say she's even verified
spoiler for obvious reasons
No. 1616216
File: 1660531591312.jpg (139.7 KB, 720x1023, Screenshot_20220814-204257_You…)

Okay so Im posting on a positive side, but this youtuber is much more sane and tolerable than these insufferable cows. Im not 100% sure how to feel about their constant yoyo dieting but at least theyre honest and aware of what theyre doint
No. 1616319
>>1616317She could be esl, or internet retarded, no need to be so flippant.
>>1616315They don't have a general pro ana scumbags thread, but they have one for Eugenia Cooney. You need an account to post though, the layout is pretty different from this site. There's a thread for the fat acceptance movement as well, this is the link for it: No. 1616363
>>1614795I hate that video so much her faking being scared of a brownie chunk
You can see a full chocolate covered mug with a empty plate with what looks like it had some sort chocolate crumbs in it under her face which she probably just had before the video (unless her mum shoved her cup under her face which I doubt it) Every time I see that fake video her ‘forcing’ herself to eat then instantly enjoying it shock face makes me want to scream every time it so fake
No. 1616467
>>1616015Piggy grunts. I wish "recovery" was as simple as Ham's was. Cows included. Fucking bitch.
Stop leaping to Niamh's defense every.fkin. time. whichever anon it is. Your she's a sick little girl schtick is wearing thin.
No. 1616469
File: 1660560116601.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 1920x2189, InShot_20220815_114124760.jpg)

No. 1616595
>>1616594Stupid fucking twee chocolate box language that almost all UK fags seem to use these days. And I'm English, so I have to hear this shit all day every day from people.
In Fi's case it translates to toddler tantrum because her supposed autism is just a total LARP. Her stomach isn't even out of proportion with the rest of her. I've seen a lot worse. She's just melodramatic and full of shit about everything.
No. 1616618
>>1616520>>1616595>>1616598Forget about it,y'all. She's been pulling this off for the better part of a decade now. This is not about her calorie counting, or eating porridge in front of a camera.
Once the thrill of being pampered or adored wears off, she'll be off the wagon again and turn into the usual skelly mess before going IP.
No. 1616713
>>1616595We've used the word wobble for donkey's years, "give yer head a wobble youth", or falling off the wagon type of wobble when it comes to addictions. So I wouldn't say it's a modern occurrence.
>>1616198Onlyfans are saying that the account is confirmed as verified, not that it means much given that you can buy verified accounts easily. It's one of two things, a fetisihist making money off her suffering. Or it's her actually catering to them. But then equally sad because if she's relapsed and is back in that place I feel awful for her.
No. 1616728
File: 1660580875467.png (904.08 KB, 1080x2199, ganer_loses.png)

ganer is already looking gaunt from prep and she still has a month to go, this is just deliberate relapse and it's wild that she's still getting so much validation posting her repetitive "inspirational" reels while dropping weight like crazy and eating spinach and egg whites
No. 1616771
File: 1660584115441.png (1.77 MB, 1251x708, streakofpiss.png)

Checked up on this cow.
How's that recovery going, Pencilneck?
No. 1616870
>>1616755She will continue to restrict her eating for weeks to come, deleting most of her bodyfat in due course.
Then she will be painted and greased like a rotisserie chicken and going on stage for a silly, insignificant competition at her local gym.
We will continue to find all of that documented on her Insta account.
No. 1617034
File: 1660602873971.png (9.95 MB, 1170x2532, 78792E04-1A50-4AAC-9654-680C3C…)

not milky but why she standing like that kek
No. 1617114
File: 1660607180237.jpeg (435.88 KB, 1206x2208, A0703253-6874-4F2C-AD68-674726…)

What an awful looking birthday cake
No. 1617115
>>1614795Ham makes me want to a-log so badly.
Why is it that we have so many anorexics (and one larper) named Hannah? Hxn, Ganer, Ham…
No. 1617224
File: 1660613811911.jpeg (1.05 MB, 948x1640, 393A9D32-2C48-45F2-9799-96F2A9…)

christ, i feel bad for her.
No. 1617403
File: 1660631539581.jpg (1.01 MB, 4096x2619, InCollage_20220816_183030530.j…)

How the fuck does someone go from A to B in 4 months. Especially after being in res for 5 months and you know.. the monitoring that would come after it? How is she even functioning?
No. 1617458
>>1617454Yeah but appearance is a core indicator that something is wrong with her particularly and when she cuts her weight in half in four months and looks half-dead
again, that's when you know she's in a very very bad place
No. 1617492
>>1606196>>1617277not everyone with an ED does it for vanity, Karen. Its a mental illness. Stop nitpicking looks.
>>1617485wow that's awkward.
No. 1617519
>>1617468"Roast Chickens"
No. 1617532
>>1617500She 100% would have unfollowed her - or she wasn’t following her in the first place and was just doing some instalurking. Fi does have a public profile.
Top kek CC - in treatment but fucking around on IG & lolcow. Recovery kween
No. 1617582
>>1617034Niamh always stands knock kneed trying to look like a newborn fawn but instead looks like she has a stick up her ass. Also the fish face is prominent in every pic of course. The WKs will run to her rescue of course but Niamh is milky based on her raging narcissism which is linked to her ed, as is displayed here. Sick of people saying “she’s just a self absorbed teen uwu!” as if eye fucking the camera while constantly posting body checks isn’t milk. Skim, but still ed behavior.
The person picking apart her boobs and torso was weird tho.
No. 1617626
File: 1660656350129.png (7.97 MB, 1242x2208, 6B17E167-57D4-4835-8D7A-5120D1…)

non milk, but does han ever brush her hair
No. 1617641
>>1617626It’s been discussed before, not super milky but hypothesised she makes sure she looks as shit as possible to appear sicker.
On an unrelated note, it pisses me off that she is CONSTANTLY baking, eating none of it herself and claiming this isn’t disordered. It would be much better to just admit it’s part of her ED but less harmful than other behaviours than spreading misinformation.
No. 1617784
File: 1660667336517.jpg (376.91 KB, 1080x1242, Screenshot_20220816_172114.jpg)

Han explaining that she is not diagnosed with an eating disorder or any mental ilness, while still running a gfm account asking for donations to fund treatment "for anorexia" . Is scamming people like that even legal? It was only recently she was sarcastically responding to people, and refusing to return their donations despite them explaining they wanted it to fund their own treatment, because they had donated it to her so it was HER money. Totally scamming people!
No. 1617796
>>1617784And of course she’s going to refuse to elaborate because ‘it might be
triggering’ and ‘circumstances’ are to blame for any issues, not her behaviour. I personally find Hxn one of the most awful cows at the moment, don’t understand why she isn’t discussed before
No. 1617797
>>1617114Kinda Cece thing to comment the aesthetics of a cake. No family member bothered to make her one I expect.
Her or not, grow the fuck up Cece. You're too old to be doing this shit for attention, too old for tiktok, to old to be lurking. Nobody cares about you.
No. 1617825
File: 1660669999764.jpg (48.61 KB, 675x600, pencils.JPG)

For the PencilNeck curious - he was tagged in this in January. Haggard Harry Potter.
It's from one of his "film roles".
No. 1617895
>>1616015>beige Big Mac queenKEK
>>1616363nona im with you, i cringed so hard when she switched facial expressions so quickly as if that's how any anachan would react to eating a fear food. and to think that's like her most viral video? her desperation to be an IG influencer reeks. i am 99.9% positive the majority of people who follow her just laugh at her bad acting or as shown in previous threads, are purchased.
>>1616937while he doesn't look spoopy, he is definitely borderline emaciated, it just doesn't show bc iirc he said somewhere he's above 6' and bone structure of moids is far different from girls. not sure if its just me but i feel desensitized to spoops like EC, etc.
No. 1618020
File: 1660686725370.jpeg (758.61 KB, 1156x2191, 7220FABA-0EF0-427B-868D-482D92…)

yeah she def doesnt meet the critera for anorexia
No. 1618049
File: 1660690447754.jpg (Spoiler Image,168.9 KB, 1897x847, HPsSUIg.jpg)

>>1618042samfagging, there's something comical about they/them anachans on twitter spending their freetime making fun of fat tiktokers and posting overedited pics.
different flavors of delusional
No. 1618070
File: 1660693020334.png (638.65 KB, 475x641, Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 6.37…)

Guess who is going on another treatment vacay at Veritas?!
No. 1618071
File: 1660693051052.png (46.32 KB, 465x215, Screen Shot 2022-08-16 at 6.38…)

>>1618070On the verge of death, as usual
No. 1618113
File: 1660696250988.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 971x3196, Screenshot_ree.jpg)

Insta started somewhat normal and then just went to bodychecks.
No. 1618126
File: 1660698011578.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1080x1345, IMG_20220817_015847.png)

>>1618113Sleep paralysis demon enters the room
No. 1618249
>>1618189>>I don't think hardly any cows actually self post…but this sounds 100% like it was written by a self-posting cow. wtaf is going on in this thread?! is this cow-ception? cows within cows?
i dno what or who to believe anymore with the amount of lurking self-posters.
I miss the old days when self-posters would not only get banned, but even mentioning their name would get you banned (i.e Tilly). these new threads are basically the Cece and Fi show.
No. 1618253
File: 1660713970484.png (7.48 MB, 1284x2778, E57D01A2-8A30-43CC-860B-AE7A67…)

Blatant body check asking whether or not these tracksuits are too big…and then going…they could probably be tighter and pulling the drawstring…literally this girl is beyond desperate.
Also yeah she never seems to brush her hair atm, is permanently looks like she’s not touched it for weeks.
Also she’s annoyed that her parents are getting their kitchen re done and it’s causing her stress because she can’t [obsessively] bake and not eat and “it’s causing [her] so much stress].
Is she an only child because she does appear to be so spoilt?
No. 1618313
File: 1660720845355.png (3.66 MB, 750x1334, D7202DC3-0D7F-4690-A0C5-2CF351…)

“I’m not promoting anything”
No. 1618324
>>1618061The name on the thread was incorrect, remove the dot it's @ceceliafrances.
>>1618320Gone are the days of calling it reverse thinspo, now they make it look like they're wanting to be fat/obese with their new choice of words ('spiration to be obese) kek.
No. 1618387
>>1618070"Of anyone wants to send messages or send anything…"
These cows are fucking thirsty
Anazin wish lists, asking for pressies and things to 'help them keep going'
A relapse and being admitted? Kek
Wonder if she did a porgie and just dehydrates herself, it's a joke. Hoooow do these moo moos get admitted? I know petiole who are actually compromised and can't get a bed, it's f fucked
Wonder if we'll get food/ eating blogs kek
No. 1618473
File: 1660744832387.png (24.99 KB, 640x640, ceces dream buggy.png)

>>1618006Don't forget, Ham bought a shitload of followers. The real anas who follow her will just be downloading the pics of food they wish they could eat. The type who watch mukbangs.
>>1618049600lb or wannabe 60lb, they all end up pic related.
>>1618249They will always be poor versions of actual posting cow, the Lich Queen, coming over here with her professional glitter glue.
No. 1618520
>>1618189 BPD Laura self posts all the time, the only times she gets brought up is when an 'anon' posts a screencap of her instagram with no description. It's so obvious every time, especially since she's been caught doing it before.
Also: S*rchaI'm not saying either Cece or Fiona posted those caps, because they were retardedly obvious shoops by some retarded anon, I'm just saying that quite a lot of cows actually DO post about themselves because they are attention depraved broads
No. 1618531
Laura was caught self-posting photos about 2 years ago:
>>878212 not sure if there was any other times?
No. 1618547
>>1618526I found it here
>>259960 if the link doesn't work it's in thread 16
No. 1618559
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No. 1618574
File: 1660757484202.jpeg (488.47 KB, 1124x1836, 8A5B1DCC-5017-4D7F-A4A7-B6738B…)

Can’t tell if she shooped or not but also…
No. 1618577
File: 1660757576204.jpeg (333.35 KB, 1124x1634, B502691C-77FD-48F7-A17D-674BB6…)

What is this a crossover episode? Two of our most childish uwu infantile widdle baby lolcalves are insta buddies
No. 1618624
File: 1660761615890.jpeg (1013.37 KB, 1125x1632, BFFE4654-94E1-4B14-B1E2-C0AC6D…)

could it be that our recovery queen is being admitted?
No. 1618684
File: 1660765900194.png (8.44 MB, 1170x2532, EF453414-F690-48B7-A4A7-405B63…)

Some of the cows in here pale so deeply in comparison to Nikol because she’s actually staunchly pro-Anorexic without any kind of inclination or belief that it could be harming her, whereas there’s people like Ham and porgie who try to conflate their personal insecurities into being as severe as Nikas kek
No. 1618739
File: 1660771373480.jpeg (1.83 MB, 1170x2014, 9D2B2C98-6A18-4E45-B150-E885D9…)

does she even know what intuitive eating is?
No. 1618751
File: 1660772415988.jpeg (837.79 KB, 1170x1457, 06762356-381B-48C5-91FC-858AEA…)

Remember Lauren who used to be bffs with Emily in Glasgow and got discharged mid June?
Shes back in hospital a few weeks now, posting every few hours complaining about everything but never updates what happened.
posting photos with huge bruises on her forehead (1/2)
No. 1618753
File: 1660772488721.jpeg (487.14 KB, 1170x2023, 0DDF4151-52D6-4881-A2AE-C20156…)

and obv inadequate meals and everyone says she is triggering and while she apologises she is still posting them (2/2)
No. 1619047
File: 1660801063656.png (509.25 KB, 797x538, Screenshot (11893).png)

>>1618574>Can’t tell if she shooped or notNona the kitties face is smooshed in lol
No. 1619051
>>1619020I think that anon is memeing your original post, gave me weird deja vu though lol.
>>1618145This is the most plausible tinfoil, Cece's icon didn't look shooped in but the Fi one was too blatant and obvious. I think it's Cece trying to make her original fuck up look like a planned troll.
No. 1619209
>>1619181Her body is fine
nonnie. If she were anyone else, I wouldn't even notice her body because it's not remarkable in any way. I just think her energy or whatever is so bad that simply looking at her can tell you how fake she is
No. 1619260
File: 1660831824611.png (480.84 KB, 516x544, Screen Shot 2022-08-18 at 9.10…)

>>1619232she's in a general hospital and they don't really seem to be controlling her diet much. That one isn't bad, but a lot of her posts are basically salad and lunchmeat. (pic related)
No. 1619261
File: 1660831847636.png (442.71 KB, 524x483, Screen Shot 2022-08-18 at 9.11…)

>>1619260with this being her after eating shot
No. 1619282
File: 1660835300972.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1978, Screenshot_20220818-170729-431…)

Has he been mentioned before?
Just keeps waffling on about how extremely ill he is
No. 1619311
>>1619282Men are such attention whores, you can find boys of this exact build and frame in every single college-age ‘stoner’ friend group except the saner ones don’t keep the skinny faunlet aesthetic until pushing 30.
Their faces are so ugly it ruins any “look” they’re going for by starving themselves. He should invest the money he saves from food into extreme plastic surgery. Hairline lowering, eye lift, lip defining filler etc. At least paint your eyebrows so they don’t look like arrows being shot into the sky. It’s so uneasy, he stares at the camera like it’s the roadkill of a baby deer. This is not what “starving male” looks like. He’s still a fat pig, mentally and physically.
No. 1619337
>>1619321Nah no selfpost, I posted him
I don't know about the fat pig comment that wasn't me
Wouldn't call him a fat pig, just a fucking annoying exaggerating fake attention seeker
No. 1619351
>>1619289NMales maybe depending on what ever space you're used to going to but male anorexics aren't everywhere though, and to be fair, it's interesting to see cows from the other sex. Farms aren't supposed to be your lesbo thinspo hug box.
>>1619311Do you pick apart women and recommend surgery the same way you do blokes anachan, go eat a burger, your brain will thank you. I swear there's been one specific bone rattler, so annoying.
No. 1619413
File: 1660846319989.jpeg (341.51 KB, 828x1616, 69492779-20DC-4FA5-9DB0-024885…)

Lmao bc that’s not over exersizing still
No. 1619435
File: 1660848132355.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1170x2002, 93CC412D-3EF2-42A5-A1D8-206946…)

She claims she’s 4’7” and wears a lot of clothes that seemingly fit her sick frame, I feel like she almost has a sick obsession with wearing children’s clotheS. Just like Laura? I wonder how many of these SEED patients agre regress
No. 1619449
>>1619447yes she keeps giving the impression that they either dont give her food or hospital doesnt have food.
those salads are not something someone who just came out of an edu and want to recover should order
No. 1619452
File: 1660850023860.png (41.35 KB, 450x244, Screen Shot 2022-08-18 at 2.14…)

>>1619449Looks like she's on general psych
No. 1619610
File: 1660864433905.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1125x1986, 80B0BD24-2D1C-40BC-A41B-300119…)

>>1619435She posted this on her story. Have fun dying.
No. 1619638
>>1619435That’s why I called her and Laura lolcalves because they dress and act like children. I wonder what Marie’s parents must think glancing over to see their uwu sick victorian child making twee dancing videos in their living room instead of going to college. It must be extremely awkward.
Speaking of college, wonder if Laura is actually going to make it to her classes this fall? I’d love for her to actually go but I don’t see her being able to walk OR wheel herself across campus.
No. 1619753
>>1619337Sage because of blog, but you can be really ill and anorexic looking like him, not every anorexic looks like Eugenia C, i know because I did for 10 years and I'm not sure I looked much worse than this dumbass.
The T-shirt and 90s hair it's a bit much tho.
No. 1619881
File: 1660895330779.jpeg (1.04 MB, 867x1288, 279CDBAE-EC90-4779-9DDE-3AF951…)

>>1619282This guy has also been pulling a Fi lately and using a wheelchair because very very sick
No. 1619883
>>1619881Wow.. Just when I thaught he couldn't get any more obnoxious..
He also wrote that he was now so far gone that a toob was unavoidable, and blamed healthcare for allowing him to deteriorate so much
Like chill dude, you're a bit skinny, you're not dying ffs
No. 1619897
File: 1660899873118.jpeg (243.18 KB, 750x1292, BCD14AE0-D7C3-45D9-B3BC-A3E6AC…)

Imagine balancing your phone, pressing record, then sitting in the corner and then editing it to upload to the internet. 🤡
No. 1619899
File: 1660900358015.png (1.92 MB, 750x1334, 49092679-6215-4C89-96C1-AF317E…)

nikol never ceases to amaze me with her delusions it’s hilarious
No. 1619904
File: 1660901112248.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1996, F5F3B17C-FDFD-448E-BF8A-12C1CB…)

what even is this?
No. 1619933
File: 1660906705975.png (Spoiler Image,813.56 KB, 554x983, yikess.png)

Not sure if anyone remembers (or cares about) this cow from a few threads back, I've been following her socials since she was mentioned and she's looking rough. Her name is Kerry Carmody and she's the escort who posted videos in sheer clothing to youtube where you could see her entire ass and pussy through the dress. I'm pretty sure she's on meth or coke as well because in each video she's really jittery and moves around alot. Don't sperg at me if you don't find her milky I saged
No. 1619938
File: 1660907036189.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.96 KB, 1080x1080, 297319725_133572209371112_5599…)

>>1619933Samefag but here's a typical post of hers, I think the anorexia is in part for her clients because the comments on her posts are always from men who praise her for being so thin and small, it's even more fucked up because I think she has a kid around the age of 5 or 6.
No. 1619945
File: 1660908325519.jpeg (237.2 KB, 750x1334, 0E961BA0-4611-4D3E-8940-EE4338…)

She’s something else 1/2
No. 1619947
File: 1660908532856.jpeg (144.14 KB, 750x1334, 56791A17-7F2B-4BD3-A71E-852F75…)

>>16199452/2 Gotta make sure she’s showing her spoopy arms. What baffles me is that her arms are the size of a spoop’s but she doesn’t look spoopy as a whole. I think it might just be the fact that I’m so used to her being severely underweight that her current, slightly higher weight looks almost normal on her. I also wonder if she’s on a weight gain plan to any extent or if they’ve just left her to do her own thing without monitoring her weight
No. 1619965
File: 1660910224367.png (9.73 MB, 1284x2778, 329696C1-0419-4125-B6F0-B21B92…)

Went to see how Rosie’s doing since she hasn’t been talked about on here for a while and honestly, good for her. Seems like she’s actually trying now.
No. 1620091
>>1619933>>1619938In her latest YT videos she's as quirky and coked up as it gets.
She may be a hopelessly narcissistic attention whore, but she's rather not a typical Pro-Ana personality. Not so dangerously skelly, if you look at her arms.
No. 1620137
>>1620115Point to a single 'trans person' whom is not a BPD clusterfuck/ autist mess/ sexual deviant. Keep trying…
Go kiss redit's neo-vag.
No. 1620141
File: 1660927798146.jpeg (1.66 MB, 1170x2272, 64069215-892F-49F7-B770-3D3478…)

wonder how many times on different accounts/social media she will post this photo
No. 1620176
File: 1660930088682.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x2095, 3A3B6759-8776-4233-B79F-378296…)

not a bodycheck
No. 1620178
>>1620141She has had another 'burnout' according to her latest YT vid.
Oh, what a suprise.
No. 1620296
>>1619947To be honest, you are trying too hard to find reasons to hate her. The crazy fuck is finally looking more or less cute (of course you chose the worst 2 pics she posted) and hasn't been annoying police with her antics lately.
Let cows get a bit better, it's ok, they will always go back to their pro Ana ways.
No. 1620383
File: 1660946810590.jpeg (534.46 KB, 854x1289, E5E6C86C-99D3-4538-9F06-3569A6…)

>>1619940>>1619954That’s the caption. The life threatening illness was an infection after a ruptured appendix which was treated straightaway. Recovery time is 2 weeks and this photo is 2 months later.
The underlying health condition is anorexia.
The disability is low vision and completely unrelated.
(Hayden shared all the details of the infection with this account so the secret part ‘for privacy’ etc is anorexia)
No. 1620407
File: 1660949014934.gif (1.25 MB, 640x432, ham spotted in the wild.gif)

Ham's latest reel… why does she always bite food like that one shot of Squidward trying something he hates? No. 1620505
File: 1660959596058.jpeg (878.75 KB, 1125x1396, 31E2F1C5-6996-4D8F-86D8-EAF50B…)

Ahhhhh healthy hole reporting live from summer camp with a toobie pic and new bestie
No. 1620531
File: 1660962175834.jpeg (458.9 KB, 1170x2319, F9021DDF-7409-42D1-924C-25A1E5…)

The fact she’s talking about concerned people in the comments is scummy. Of course they’re going to be concerned and reach out when she’s made videos talking about how the audience saved her by telling her to go to the hospital etc.
No. 1620541
File: 1660963533218.png (1.29 MB, 1043x934, disgusting.png)

never heard of this cow before but I just creeped her tiktok and her mouth area is so gross, she needs to brush her gummy mouth and use some lipchap, and moisturizer for her face cause the skin around her mouth looks so thin it's about to fucking tear. singers are supposed to be at least somewhat presentable, especially if they're going to take zoomed in tiktoks of their mouth, she's gross
No. 1620561
File: 1660965160924.png (895.46 KB, 1054x935, horseteethfr.png)

ewww wtf is this, girl brush your fucking teeth
No. 1620659
File: 1660974103949.jpg (42.03 KB, 619x825, speedrun troon.jpg)

>>1620541she looks like narcissa wright kek (picrel, he's a speedrunning autist tranny)
No. 1620674
File: 1660977508489.png (1.83 MB, 836x1321, ganer oompa loompa.PNG)

brace yourselves anon, its almost competition time for Ganer. ngl, I am living for this.
you can tell in her (wonky)eyes that she is loving every second of this pre-comp calorie restriction period.
Hopefully her eventual loss will lead to a full-blown relapse… for teh lulz.
No. 1620678
File: 1660977990223.png (2.04 MB, 826x1242, ganer oompa loompa 2.PNG)

>>1620674hang on, does this mean she knows that her face looks like a fukn dehydrated balding alien with 5head?
What even is this level of self-realisation?
No. 1620711
File: 1660982778669.jpg (158.22 KB, 1090x758, ganerbike.jpg)

>>1620674Ol' wonky eyes is at it again.
No. 1620714
File: 1660984006148.jpeg (Spoiler Image,619.86 KB, 828x1272, 406C1D7A-AB62-4221-99AB-7F9D53…)

What do we need right before competition? Reminder that she was super skelly, of course
No. 1620743
>>1620719It's just another way for her to be disordered, but in a slightly more socially acceptable way. It probably scratches her ocd itch pretty good too.
Anyway here's betting shes pulling a scarlett and is entering a tiny local competition and wins because no one else shows up.
No. 1620752
File: 1660993176900.jpg (1.26 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220820-115948_Ins…)

She looks 40
No. 1620761
>>1620743It's kind of hard to tell, I can't figure out much information on the show.
It's FIT X FEDERATION apparently, the comp in Telford. So it is an actual show, at least.
There is a specifically first-timers group so she'll probably be in that. Then female bodybuilding isn't very popular anyway so it's likely to be pretty threadbare competition even if the male side is legit.
No. 1620782
File: 1660999359261.jpg (487.37 KB, 463x747, dPO6XZK.jpg)

This is the only image I can find so far. Can't really tell much from it since there's only one other person in it.
Honestly the more I think about this the more depressing it gets, she thinks this is like her purpose in life, her salvation, and at some point surely that will come crashing back to reality
No. 1620783
File: 1660999631517.png (1.79 MB, 847x1436, ganer comp.PNG)

>>1620752>>1620761>>1620782dig some more digging myself.
she's literally smallest person on stage, height & muscle-wise. kek
No. 1620787
>>1620782>>1620783Just like a lot of us would have expected… Looks like some "bring-your-little-sister day". Can't believe she wasted two or three years of daily hardship on
that. No. 1620788
File: 1661000602858.png (Spoiler Image,4.48 MB, 750x1334, FEDBF530-D855-4025-BB41-7CA3D1…)

Has this one ever been mentioned? Possible new italian Aly? Spoiler because this picture is seriously a jumpscare (it's her thigh)
No. 1620790
>>1620782Not as ripped and wiry as I would have expected from that one, since she tends to go to extremes all the time?
Maybe her mEnToR cut her some slack or just didn't give a fuck.
No. 1620797
>>1620795EN: she decided to wear a one-piece swimsuit because she hasn't tanned her belly yet, so it's useless to keep trying.
(Her burnt up old chicken skin made me sick btw. Revolting)
No. 1620844
>>1620684Looks like you need to eat a protein bar
nonnie. You are clearly in distress.
No. 1620863
File: 1661011788735.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1170x1783, 7684096C-5ABC-4A1A-AA1F-63E3A9…)

Oh my
No. 1620880
File: 1661013494642.png (Spoiler Image,331.85 KB, 778x487, tictactoe.png)

>>1620863Still playing games with her forearm?
No. 1620914
>>1620855I think you replied to the wrong person,
nonnie. Also, do spill the tea on hxn, what’s she really like irl?
No. 1620943
File: 1661018337518.png (100.91 KB, 827x656, pika4.png)

>>1620928Ganer didn't win her backyard contest.
No. 1620991
File: 1661023321432.jpg (39.11 KB, 459x554, more pepperami.JPG)

>>1620674Tbh this is the moment I've been waiting for. Been dying to see her all oranged up.
>>1620783Why is she sticking her arse out like that? Why do these women have protruding ribs and no abs like img?
No. 1621020
>>1620991>> Why do these women have protruding ribs and no abs like img?There are different categories for female BBers, afaik.
You've got pure BB, fitness and bikini, each one with different aims. But I don't give a shit because nearly all of those look grisly either way.
No. 1621048
File: 1661027551941.jpeg (685.08 KB, 750x1196, 04585833-5ABD-457D-B33E-EF3E12…)

whenever i see paris eating i get this weird vibe that she's like being starved by someone else. she eats very fast as if that is going to be the only meal allowed for the whole week or so. also who in the fuck is recording her?
No. 1621056
>>1621041Not so much ugly, but neglected. She could look better with a decent haircut, some intense skin moisturiser, don't know what to do about the wonky eye…
She could look better than this Pepperami but being a spoop has really aged her and it's not reversible. She was okay pre ana.
>>1621048That arrested development outfit. Her future looks bleak when her parents shuffle off. She can't even dress herself correctly so she's going to end up in a home for the feeble minded.
No. 1621069
File: 1661029226399.jpg (606.9 KB, 480x789, S3YWIak.jpg)

>>1620928Even more depressing …
No. 1621085
>>1621069I FAILED.
No. 1621115
>>1620863If that's a scab that's real scummy to post that.
I am all for letting people with scars exist without having to cover them up IRL.
But online, I feel like it would be common decency to cover/crop/blur scars
that fresh or at least the one that looks like it isn't fully healed yet.
No. 1621122
>>1621069>>1621082>>1621083>>1621085one of the things i noticed when i was following bodybuilding accounts years ago was despite all the starvation & pre-comp prep, post-comp they would always go out together as a group (or with other friends) and generally binge eat for 1-2days.
thats what makes this img even more depressing, not just the ana mantra… the fact that she has NO friends.
I mean, she literally went to the competition with her mum, lost, then sulked back to her restriction palace.
No. 1621132
File: 1661034553649.png (1.24 MB, 852x1471, ganer lost.PNG)

>>1621122also, despite losing due to the fact that she admitted to being malnourished & dehydrated, you bet she still fasted.
this is a fucking train wreck.
No. 1621136
File: 1661034650197.png (1.07 MB, 826x890, capture.PNG)

the self-awareness is strong…
No. 1621171
>>1621132 whilst scouring the web unsuccessfully trying to find her placement results, i did manage to find the judging criteria for FitX's Bikini class.
it explains why she failed. Hard.
>>"Bikini Class will be judged on an athletic body promoting a healthy lifestyle. Ladies will be recognisably fit & show evidence of training muscularly without being excessively defined or dieted. Symmetry, Balance & Proportions, Conditioning & Presentation will all be assessed by the judges" No. 1621195
>>1621171dont get fooled anon, bikini is notoriously known for starving. there are coaches who will keep their contestants on 400-800kcal diets at the end of the prep. and that's while being on (illegal) fat-burners etc. i can assure you those other girls starved on prep just as much as ganer, if not more. they just look better bcs they had
proper bulk phase where they ate on surplus (which I doubt ganer ever did) so they built better/more muscle.
No. 1621302
>>1621132A correction for you ganer: "lesson learned from today: I need a LOT of food"
Seriously if she just had some fat on her body her face would probably look younger
No. 1621350
File: 1661053644759.jpg (296.91 KB, 700x700, 9409844.jpg)

>>1621266bodybuilders are literally inverted anachans. it's the exact same pathology of control and discipline, just a socially acceptable body weight. hell, you get trophies. recovering anachans swarm to bodybuilding like flies to rotting fruit.
No. 1621411
File: 1661063318730.jpg (368.49 KB, 1080x1846, Screenshot_20220821-081724_Ins…)

seems like everyone wants her to chill
No. 1621412
>>1621136Hobbits are not only cuter, but their houses look more cozy on the inside, too.
She's wasting her life on unachievable goals. Didn't they tell her that it's also all about genetics, when it comes to bodybuilding? And her stunted growth wouldn't help either.
But she not only eats like a robot, she also thinks like one. Despicable.
No. 1621461
File: 1661069251762.png (108.48 KB, 700x583, YpRaaOzKRB.png)

>>1621411kek 'you have done all the hard work'
No. 1621478
>>1621460Well, I have a history with self-harm, so I am obviously more sensitive towards it than the average person, and I guess it's fair to therefore consider this a weird attitude towards it.
And I agree, my
triggers are my responsibility to learn to deal with, so I would not directly tell some random person online to cover up, I would just mute/block the account and move on.
But at the same time, pictures such as this one can have the same effects on people who self-harm(ed), as bodychecks/thinspo can have on people who have/had anorexia.
And since those are regularly called out here (as they should be) due to their harm inspiring nature, I think I am also entitled to call this one out on a similar basis.
No. 1621484
>>1621478so it's quite obvious that you are one vErY sPeShUl pErSoN since you are so very
tRiGgErEd, right?
fuck off and take your pointless blogposting with you.
No. 1621504
File: 1661075016044.png (2.45 MB, 1920x1080, threadpic84.png)

>>1621497Proposed title "Pro ana scumbags #84: Rolling on like mad"
No. 1621576
>>1621489She tried a spoonful of cake batter a few weeks ago (because her childhood kitchen was being renovated) but other than that claims to not be having solids. ‘Sharing some meals’ refers to sitting with people as they eat and she with the exception above her baking is very disordered and for other people only
>>1621482She means she was diagnosed in the past but it has been removed now. If she’s not completely bullshitting I’m guessing they removed it so they don’t have to provide her with treatment
No. 1621604
>>1621069i really hope we aren't going into a ganer relapse era, even if the bodybuilding schtick is laughable it's gotta be better for her than the way she was before
>>1621136imo she still looks better (comp-wise) than the girl on the left
No. 1621629
File: 1661095423956.png (2.9 MB, 750x1334, 96E3FE90-0A22-4C38-A436-8263B6…)

I know some of the WKs are gonna come forth but there’s no way I’m ignoring the blatant bodychecks that have been flooding Niamh’s instagram for god knows which time in a row. She always does it, then gets slammed by everyone, then she stops for a while until the fire dies down, and then she starts it all back up again. I always hope that she’s finally learned her lesson and yet here she is. An actual brat and her age isn’t an excuse anymore, she’s about to graduate from school in less than a year. It’s like she hasn’t grown up one bit in the past couple of years and that’s honestly a shame(physically, yes, but also mentally/intellectually)
No. 1621638
>>1621629What about your own mental development?
You're obviously obsessed with that girl's Instagram.
No. 1621675
>>1621638Actually, I’ve never posted her before so your argument about me being obsessed with her is unfounded. She posted milk, I noticed no one here took note of it, so I decided to be the one to bring it this time. As for my mental development… everyone on lolcow is a bit mental/lacking in something in their life which is why we (including you) bitch about random cows. Get over it. Also, I’m still standing behind the theory that you’re Niamh or a personal friend of hers (or even her mom lol), I couldn’t imagine anyone else defending such an obviously
problematic and abhorrent person
No. 1621763
File: 1661106004717.jpg (390.61 KB, 720x827, Screenshot_2022-08-21-19-18-41…)

I always get confused with how these recovery accounts apparently eat all this food and still appear severely underweight.
No. 1621765
>>1621629Pretty sure she did an apology video on tiktok about some of her videos being
We all know that people with EDs will pose like this in photos and pretend it's just a OOTD pic. I rarely see someone without an ED do it.
As soon as I see one of these OOTD videos online, I immediately know they have an ED. I just check their profile and 9/10 it's the case.
No. 1621768
>>1621729Kek wtf? Women aren't porn categories.
>>1621708Can we just ignore the niamh posts like the s ones? not a farmhand but I'd guess it's the almost always the same one anon every time
No. 1621917
File: 1661117602952.jpeg (1.04 MB, 828x1451, 6721675A-988B-4209-AE1E-ADF66C…)

Imagine placing your camera on top of something to film yourself crying by the fridge… bpd… Kek