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No. 415824
Facebook: / Snapchat: mariahmallad
Recent: Mariah is now telling everyone she’s hired a personal trainer to help get her in shape. Translation? She’s about to get another round of liposuction during her “cosplay break”. Cheers to everyone who guessed that one. Can’t wait for her to explain more “thigh freckles” to her neckbeards.
Redid her “adult” Kanna by throwing her in a black bikini and some random taobao/ alieexpress / ebay gothic lolita costume. That shoot featured her wearing the same ill fitting black bikini she always wears and touching the Tohru’s crotch. She did a “boudoir” Hermione shoot as well, which was what you can always expect from her. Same lingerie, same walmart stockings, same boring bed set.
Some random guy from Mexico took a picture of him aiming a gun. Whether if it was malicious or no is for you to decide in your own time since we already had enough discussion in the last thread whether it’s illegal or “just a meme”. Whether he was serious or just wanted some nasty fat girl dressed as Kanna in bikini off his facebook feed doesn’t matter right now. What matters is it caused Momo to go on a huge cry rant about it on twitter and facebook, made claims she was going to the police, tried to doxx the guy, all before she backpedalled and deleted everything about the incident.
Went on a short rant on her twitter saying how she’s a “changed person” and “doesn’t use racial slurs anymore” despite her shouting ching chong at an asian D.VA cosplayer while she was wearing Mei was from this year. She went off and mass deleted all her old tweets.
Unfortunately for her, the internet never forgets and we already have the screencaps and previous threads.
She’s also now dropping those patreon bucks on some rather expensive figures instead of, you know, a sewing class or her costumes or something.
The basics:
>body positive, but photoshops her body and wears shapewear/corsets constantly, resorted to getting liposuction>Proven through twitteraudit that she has bought at least 20k followers.>laughably bad at making cosplays – if she's told they're bad, she falls back on her Mei costume and makes excuses for why she couldn't wear the new cosplay>spends very little time and effort on each costume and then claims her money is "hard-earned">claims she cosplays because she's passionate about the characters and the hobby, but is only in it for the money>does monthly "boudoir"/half-naked shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame>has to beg for money, con passes, etc. despite making over $10k per month on Patreon>known to spend chunks of her Patreon income on fancy vacations, alcohol, drugs and treating her friends while simultaneously half-assing all her cosplays>pretends to have played/know about the series she cosplays from, despite evidence proving otherwise>loiters around at booths during cons, pretending to have been invited as a guest>lewded a dragon loli after people told her not to and massively backpedaled after she couldn't just laugh off the backlash>had a major fallout with her boytoy KBBQ bc he didn’t want to fuck her, who we hope brings some new milk to these threads>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that’s happening to her when she’s done the same>goes off on social media tirades and then immediately back pedals No. 415838
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Thanks for linking all the threads! Been wanting to go through them and fully experience the descent.
I feel like Momo has no right to pull the whole 'when did cosplay become so toxic and nasty?' bull. When catty, drama and attention obsessed thots like you became the next big thing probably?
People saying she's headed towards a breakdown are totally right, I would be having one too if my 'job' I was so proud of had me dressing up like anime characters, having fake cum all over my tits, and lube poured on my butthole for fat fetish neckbeards to jerk off to. Maybe at the time she didn't realize how embarrassing and disgraceful it would be and now she's on a sinking ship and has no way to get off.
No. 415851
File: 1500955563170.png (2.16 MB, 3640x2156, garbagehuman.png)

>>415824>all before she backpedalled and deleted everything about the incident.not before I saved it all. hope people post it on her social media pages and expose her garbage human ways.
No. 415852
File: 1500955811322.jpg (72.19 KB, 552x410, you what.jpg)

>>415851>"this is the guy"So as you were saying, moo?
No. 415855
File: 1500955952425.jpg (76.42 KB, 578x517, who.jpg)

Inspiring inaccuracy to a thotreon near you.
No. 415861
>>415852So it is okay for her to post a guys personal information (knowing fully the following she has) to call him out but it's wrong when your personal information gets shared around? It must be nice to live in your own little world.
Notice she never apologizes for anything and when she does it is only to save her ~image~.
No. 415863
File: 1500957038388.jpg (91.57 KB, 350x467, 6822337445_860260f82c.jpg)

Adult Kanna dress is that kind of cheap ita dresses you find on eBay. Looks like it costs $80 more or less, depending on the shop.
If I made as much as her does I'd be ashamed of myself for wearing that piece of crap.
No. 415888
>>415847I wouldn't doubt they know the direction she's taken with her job playing "dress up."
There is no way in hell an adult woman could make money wearing costumes unless there is a fetish aspect to it or the craftsmanship is exquisite. So her parents probably know what she's doing to have thousands of mostly male fans. They probably have seen her Facebook page and have seen the creepy comments.
Parents will usually try to support their kids doing things they love. I know it's obvious that Momo picks costumes now based off of popularity but maybe there was a time when her parents saw their kid being happy and making friends while participating in a cool hobby. They're most likely disappointed to see her whoring herself out but will try to look at the bright side of it to be able to stay supportive.
That and if they really are needing money from her they probably try not to think about how she gets it.
No. 415909
>>415852Jake Paul doxing Post Malone. Lol moomoo tweeting that out without content.
I bet she's baiting for asspats like "Huh?? whut hapen?? b strong momo" and she'd be like "haha no im ok"
No. 415917
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Shes spilling out of her clothes..
No. 415932
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>>415917This is fucking disgusting
No. 415942
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HAHAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHA.. oh you being serious here ok…
No. 415943
File: 1500989376203.png (375.43 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5173.PNG)

No. 415958
I noticed that this pic
>>415731 is in brazilian portuguese. Is it from the same dude? Because if so, it's even more stupid. Brazil is so far from the US
>inb4 u can change your fb language at any country No. 415967
>>415917Her boobs are still huge even after a breast reduction.
Is it possible for breast reductions to be reversed due to weight gain? Hers was when she was still a teen.
No. 415970
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No. 415971
>>415967Breast reduction is just removing the fat from your breast, so yes it is very possible to gain it right back if you gain weight in your tits.
There are before and after pictures of her just from a year and a half ago and you can see how large her tits have gotten.
No. 415974
File: 1500997307952.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.39 KB, 1200x800, DFjrSNpUIAE3wCF.jpg)

That meal prep was turkey and eggs. Back fat spilling over top of shape wear
No. 415977
File: 1500997775841.png (235.01 KB, 1440x1168, Screenshot_20170723-040207~2.p…)

Her whiteknights are fucking ridiculous. The mental gymnastics they pull to justify everything is just so dumb. Lol
No. 415978
>>415838Please to god tell me what isn't her actual vagina showing. Because, if so, I think I'm gonna go and stick some pins in my eye until i forget.
Saging for my blinding.
No. 415979
>>415977I don't know why they keep falling on that 500 year old argument. The logic even falls apart in his explanation.
>dragons lifespans are so much longer than humansYeah, so if she looks like she's in elementary school it's because 500 years is the equivalent age in dragon years. Still a loli, still a child. Fucking pedos.
>>415978I think she usually just wears that ratty black thong in all the shoots. Though there is a pic that looks like kbbq is basically fingering her in the POV.
No. 415981
>>415977I hate this argument.
Its just an easy way for would-be pedos to justify their sexual attraction to people who are physically under aged.
Sexual attraction is concerned, in majority, with physical appearance. You can't be mentally attractive to fictional characters because there is no ability to interact with them, so you can't understand them on a mental level.
It's all physical.
So, whoever agrees with this, is using the "mentally 500+ yrs" to justify their soft paedophilia.
Moomoo contributes to the sexualisation of minors with her ugly photo shoots of "adult" versions.
At least, she would if she looked anywhere under 30.
sage for my autism
No. 415994
>>415992No wonder he's into Momo then
Her white knights are literally the fucking worst
No. 415996
>>415977"Puts time and work into her cosplay" fucking Kek.
Yeah, because a week before con is soooooo much time.
No. 416014
>>416003the media it's from is bad enough, why not bitch at her for actually liking that pedobait show?
i think the real issue here is despite whether pedos like it or not, it's not a child, loli normalizes pedo the same that gta normalizes violence and theft. there's tons of fucked up fanfics about children, including child actors likely, and i don't think that's an issue because it's fiction. people write tons of fucked up stuff in porn but it doesn't normalize it. if anything i agree with japan and think that pedos being able to read about or imagine fake children getting hurt lessens the need for CP or them hurting real children.
No. 416021
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Well, at least she finally admitted she just painted Sonico headphones?
No. 416040
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>>415977Oh look the same person's logic
No. 416055
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No. 416057
>>416055I thought watermelon was a great source of hydration though? Her skin desperately looks like it needs it.
Sure it has sugars but it's natural sugar and vitamins and even potassium so…? It seems silly to remove it but then again it could just mean watermelon FLAVORED things rather than the actual fruit itself.
No. 416062
>>416055if that's the case then she's 100 percent on keto. Some trainers ask you to reduce your fruits because of their high carb %.
Though keto requires u to be really strict on yourself and really limit your alcohol or you wont remain in ketosis and im 100 percent sure she won't be able to because she has no will power for anything.
No. 416070
>>416065Don't you bloat anyways when you eat salts AND take the fast road for weight loss?
It just seems like she added more to her shitlist of junk foods and now looks like a walking ham
No. 416072
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Her so called ass makes me want to gag..
No. 416074
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No. 416075
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No. 416116
File: 1501025939558.jpg (104.63 KB, 527x599, Huh.JPG)

>>416040>>416041I looked the poster up, and either they're backpedaling furiously - or someone photoshopped that in to make it look like yet another person is supporting Hoho.
No. 416184
File: 1501040933695.jpg (28.97 KB, 640x960, 20374448_1450177588409301_6028…)

on her side looks a bit photoshoped. Like the line is hard and not soft like her right side. also those abs are coming in great
No. 416187
>>416181This requires thought, and planning. So far, Mariah doesn't seem to be very familiar with either of these. This is backed up by a Snapchat story Sabrina Nichole (the Tohru MooMoo tried to molest) put up from AX.
Dipstick had stopped to look at her phone right in the middle of doorway, back to one side of the frame, facing the other. And then when SN has to pretty much flatten against the other side and pass her to get out, Hoho looks up, all surprised like "dur? People besides me use these?"
No. 416193
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man so one of my fb friends is friends with momo now and is now just, posting a whole bunch of stuff vaguely defending momo and is militant about it? and momo is liking all of the posts?
it's kinda weird tbh, this girl just turned 18 and is tacky as fuck and is siding with momo.
No. 416280
>>416030True, JoJo fans are usually elitists and not desperate enough for her. She gets ripped apart every time she's mentioned in JoJo Hell. In a manga that's literally about fit men and women, no one would be interested in her morbidly obese ass.
>>416109>>416157She did. She said that the one who's "training" her is her dad… Don't know why now she mentions him as "my trainer". To make it sound like she's seeing a professional?
No. 416326
>>416280>asking a bodybuilder for advice>not just consulting the /fit/ sticky>not just doing SS while landwhale mode for maximum foundation gains for 6-8 months and 4-6 months of madcow (or PPL for muh aesthetics)>then cutting in Dec through March for that there beach bodMost BB operate using steroids (What the public calls steroids is usually a combo of tren, dbol and/or clen. Clen is a cutting drug, so BB dont have to worry what they eat, fat and carbs wont stay in them long), which requires a vastly different routine that what you would normally use. Higher reps, more workout days, etc. BB will give you a routine and diet that fits from their perspective, since a lot of them are also vain as fuck and dont think about the nutritional needs of others.
None of this matters, the cow is just bullshitting a front for lipo. She's never going to finish eating those pre-preped meals. She's going to the gym maybe twice a week and doing an hour of cardio and 5x5 Selfie Sessions
No. 416331
>>416062>>416065she's definitely on keto and i'm not surprised at all because fatties love flocking to keto. we'll see how well her ~personal training~ goes with the fatlogic that she can still shovel lard into her maw while avoiding vegetables… cause it's definitely just carbs that made her swell up like a beach ball.
or alternative theory: she's cutting carbs as per someone's (plastic surgeon, maybe?) orders to drop water weight quickly.
or maybe she's diabetic or prediabetic and the surgeon won't operate on her until she gets her blood sugar in order. i actually think the latter is the most plausible.
No. 416336
>>416331I'm a nutritionist and personal trainer and no qualified nutritionist would ever suggest someone of her size and lifestyle to go keto immediately. Any nutritionist can tell you that doing so would result in her gaining back all of her body weight once she is off of it. She would be hitting a wall way to quickly and only lose 10lb [most of it will be water] and lose 1lb every 1.5 weeks [assuming she even follows the regimen]. Going keto so soon leaves barely any room for cheat meals including her beloved pho. She would also have to do regular cardio and most of it would be HIIT for maximum cutting [ I have high doubts that she can even run a mile] so she would fail that as well.
At this point it would be easier for her to admit that she just gets lipo done and is using her DADDY as a misdirection from another procedure. Does anyone know if she has posted any actual pictures with him? Because from what other anon are saying they do not seem to be on good terms.
No. 416339
>>416194It's funny imagining Moo among the likes of someone like J.Hart.
I just hope no one makes an exception for her bullshit just to reap the benefits of her popularity.
No. 416349
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Well, that replacement didn't take long.
No. 416361
>>416326I've never heard so much bro science in one post. Dude, bb are not that stupid. Specially if her dad used to compete, he had to learn some about drugs. And there's not just Dbols and Clen, there's also other ways to cut using drugs that mess with thyroid like t3 or t4.
And why the fuck would a normie female landwale as Moo want to mess with Dbol? To get acne and bloated even more?
Also even Clen, being such a fast and powerful fat burner, it's dangerous as hell to give with someone with so much fat in her mid section. It speeds up your heart rate like crazy and can grow your heart too.
Sage for steroid talk. This cow won't be using steroids. I vote for lipo and gym selfies.
No. 416369
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>>416189This could have actually been 1 point respect for Momokun if she donated some money to Gabby's fiance, especially considering Vamp donated as well
No. 416384
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No. 416398
File: 1501103798618.png (1.79 MB, 1242x2208, image.png)

>>416396Idec , you'll all know who I am. Moo already blocked me. I'm the "
triggered" anon.
No. 416405
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No. 416408
File: 1501108247580.png (1.65 MB, 1366x768, 4KRMPQ1.png)

>>416405his face is so fucking weird… is it a bootleg?
also if she wants an alexander to make, do this one
No. 416427
>>416405This is probably the worst face sculpt I've ever seen. I ain't even mad.
>>416423That's a different figure, look at the skirting and the way he's holding the scabbard. Although that face doesn't look right either
No. 416428
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>>416427Oops, you're right.
Looked a little more and saw this.
No. 416433
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>>416405The only similar image I found was this one and his face isn't nearly as terrifying. There's also a lot more shading and contouring but the figure Momo has looks very flat?
She has the money, why not just buy the actual figure if you're such a huge fan of the character? I'd rather drop money on a NICE official figure than bootlegs.
No. 416464
File: 1501118422185.jpeg (152.64 KB, 1242x817, image.jpeg)

You already know who I am.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 416477
File: 1501121322544.png (825.85 KB, 1080x1527, 20170726_210031.png)

Another nobody has taken to licking moo's boots. Typically wouldn't bother to post, but I had to share the cringe, the whole thing is pretty bad.
No. 416480
>>416478But it's so wet, anon
Sage for entertaining cucks
No further arguments
No. 416481
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No. 416487
>>416479You should still ask permission to use someone else's photo, cunt.
Momo's fans are just as bitchy as she is.
No. 416489
>>416487Yeah, had to include the comment because it was just so passive aggressive and cunty.
Her entire argument is dumb too and clearly pandering in hopes senpai might notice her. That's an average yoko and that's a sailor moon bikini? (That misty though, okay) Not comparable to Mariah flashing her ass while pretending to be an eight year old.
Also the same old "age of consent is 13 in Japan" argument as if that's entirely the truth and even if it were… how would that make anything including pedophilia okay? Her minions really are as awful as she is.
No. 416495
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No. 416496
>>416477I'm so fucking tired of people thinking Yoko is 14. While the director did state she is '14', the measurement of time between the villages is HEAVILY implied to be measured differently. They may be low, but even Gainax has standards. As well, multiple official sources dispute that age
TLDR: nobody knows her age
No. 416510
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>>416507Looks all twitter based, TBH I've only started following the Momo stuff recently cause I dropped cosplay as a thing until I got back into it/judging and then someone was telling me about this "body confidence/thicc queen" they love. Started stalking Momo out of curiousity, and started using my twitter and READING what everyone's posting. It's conjecture to be sure, but as a cosplay bitch too, y'all know they're ragging on Momokunt
No. 416519
File: 1501126972632.jpg (739.75 KB, 1024x1821, PhotoGrid_1501126651487.jpg)

Found this shared on another page. Over 200 comments and 30 shares. Could this be the start?
No. 416528
>>416519If this page is big, more people will see it, start posting more about it and then repeat the process…
I think this is the beginning. I can't wait to see this journey.
Sage for ot
No. 416530
>>416519I wish someone would mention her lipo, as she pretends she's some kind of great role model for ~body positivity~.
>>416528Not sure what page it got shared to, but the OP, is at 40+ shares already. I'm sure we can expect another crying video from Mariah very soon.
No. 416547
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No. 416548
>>416519God I hope so
Apparently this was this second momokun post
No. 416549
File: 1501133116778.png (8.78 KB, 456x134, Screenshot (82).png)

A lot of what I am reading in the comments from Kollin's post line up with accounts told in previous threads :o The post has been shared a lot, so Im kind of curious what people have to say.
No. 416553
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No. 416557
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>>416554>>416553>>416542>>416550Color coded to respect privacy
I don't believe this is the dog at the picnic as the owner isn't from the LV area.
No. 416558
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No. 416561
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No. 416563
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No. 416564
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I kind of feel like everyone has been on moos lolcow thread
No. 416567
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>>416519oh man, is this it for Moomoo?
I'm wondering how she's going to react to this
No. 416568
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No. 416572
File: 1501136634570.png (415.96 KB, 736x1382, 2017-07-27 01.23.06.png)

No. 416574
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No. 416577
File: 1501138217925.png (504.78 KB, 869x1525, 2017-07-27 01.48.02.png)

>>416564 is she like that with anyone that does the same costumes or just the ones who put effort into their work?
No. 416578
File: 1501138391611.png (766.98 KB, 1080x1920, 20170726_234751.png)

Saw these on a thread about her on the Anime expo page about two days ago. There was hundreds of comments on there, many bashing her as well but this, and one of the replies stood out.
No. 416579
>>416577Can confirm mad dogging, it's a nasty behavior she's had since Katsucon.
>>416578oof yeah girl tell it
No. 416580
File: 1501138641275.png (132.05 KB, 1080x380, 20170726_235521-1.png)

Part 2
No. 416581
>>416547>commited suicide because of her…Really? Are other cosplayers really THIS
No. 416582
>>416572Thank you for capping all this, but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. CHANGE YOUR FONT.
/sage for OT
No. 416584
File: 1501139136886.png (707.45 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-27-02-01-55…)

She's finally gonna send shit out and supposedly hasn't had Pho in a month
No. 416592
File: 1501141763803.png (200.55 KB, 1080x1064, 20170727_024738.png)

Another interesting cap from the post to add to the pile.
No. 416599
>>416592You don't have to block me out,
I'm the mutual of nana's that was blocked on twitter and called at the potus account. I'm not scared of the back lash of outing myself.
Also thank you for showing me I typoed in my comment. lol
Sage for no contribution.
No. 416601
>>416477I don't. Just. Fucking. Damn. First of all she's basically having a fit over people not appreciating sexualizing 13-year olds. Secondly she's implying that a clearly prepubescent 8-year old is comparable to an almost fully physically developed teenage girl. I don't want to dwell on this because I get called a SJW but I just can't deal with moomoo's fans' stupidity and grossness.
>>416519While I enjoy this a lot, it's still just stating a public secret. Everyone knows Momo is a monster, but she still keeps getting money and support because of her porn shoots. Most of her patrons don't care about her toxic personality or any of the shitty things she has done, they're completely happy with her posting lewd photos while being an awful human being on the side. It's really sad and it takes a massive PR catastrophe to really end her "career".
However it's just as we predicted, KBBQ went underground because momo's massive neckbeard army was threatening him. It probably happened so fast we didn't even get caps, but that's a telltale sign of how KBBQ knew his fear was real and he should leave as fast as possible.
No. 416604
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>>416495She's really not holding back, is she? It's refreshing
No. 416608
File: 1501145195348.jpg (91.73 KB, 1080x393, IMG_9234.JPG)

Vice needs to make better life choices as a company.
No. 416609
File: 1501145301009.jpg (92.65 KB, 539x960, IMG_6190.JPG)

No. 416610
>>416609Who even says that???
That's so petty???
"It sucks I can't go to the gym while I'm supposed to be spending time with my dying family member"
What the fuck
No. 416613
>>416609She could literally take 20 minutes before bed to do some crunches instead of bitching and what the fuck, who says this about a dying family member? Suck I can't work out cause stupid family member is stupid dying. Pity me.
Christ this girl.
No. 416617
File: 1501149675646.png (448.89 KB, 686x391, maybedont.png)

>>416609When your grandma is ill and you're more worried about getting online asspats.. yikes.
No. 416618
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No. 416625
>>416607This reminds me of the mean girl quote of we don't hate you because you're fat, you're fat because we hate you, moo really fits that to a t
Idk I really do hope this is a slow descent to her downfall, people have the courage to speak out against her and she treated them because someone who is not an asshole and not kissing her ass gave them the courage to, hopefully the post keeps getting shared and people say their issues with her, so tired of seeing mutuals stand up for her when she's really scum
Again it's crazy to me that she still hasn't been run out of the cosplay comm with all the shit she's pulled, is it really because she's a "thicc" female and that's why people give her a pass??? Like how many times has she cried wolf and people still fucking forgive her, it's really baffaling
No. 416631
>>416627Different anon
I disagree because sadly I know a few cosplayers that like her and know one of her photographers that would not listen to anything that's against her (I'm just assuming he's being delusional so he can get fame from her)
No. 416634
>>416631I'm fairly certain that anyone in the cosplay community who seems to support or be friends with her, other than colette, is either someone who barely knows her and isn't aware of how shitty she is, is just trying to stick up for her for body-posi SJW points, is a dude who thinks he has a chance at fucking her, or is someone with a cosplay reputation to maintain who is only engaging on the most superficial level in order to not bring drama upon themselves (like Nigri).
Regarding the photographer, he's probably just using her for instagram followers.
No. 416657
File: 1501171176718.png (1.32 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0118.PNG)

>>416634Yeah, this cosplayer I know will always defend moomoo, making posts about whatever hate is poppin for moo that day. I have respect for her because she's actually a good cosplayer, but it's dwindled every time she tries to make good with Mariah. she loved dogs though, so I doubt she'd wanna hear about that poor corgi. I only heard about her forcibly manhandling a shiba.
No. 416663
File: 1501172918627.png (155.93 KB, 750x1010, IMG_2739.PNG)

Do you guys think Mariah is included in this subtweet
No. 416669
>>416608Vice is garbage anyway. So Moomoo can fit right in.
>>416642Didn't she like sperg about saying how Dragon Ball Z was the best anime ever???? Wait until she gets another game interview with that squirrel girl and she is gonna harass her about not watching Fates.
No. 416675
File: 1501174363485.jpg (644.35 KB, 1826x2048, IMG_0120.JPG)

A FB friend was posting a couple of weeks back and said Mariah live'd on IG saying she wants to cosplay from Jojos and do young Joylene. There were a handful of memes like this so I stole all of em
No. 416679
>>416663No. I think MooMoo bought her friendship back because a few tweets before that, she said she's lowered the goal on her GoFundMe because of an outside donation.
Moomoo is good at buying friendships like that. What I'm thinking is that Gabby is subtweeting people like Steff and Tasha, who were Gabby's friends awhile ago, but because Gabby got sucked back in to MooMoos inner circle they try to keep their distance from her.
Tldr; MooMoo paid for treatments for Gabby's fiancees mouth cancer, other people see right through the fake shit, and Gabby is mad at them for keeping their distance during this time.
Sorry Gabby, but MooMoo will expect you to repay her one way or another. It wasn't from the goodness of her heart.
No. 416683
File: 1501176652878.png (327.58 KB, 720x684, Screenshot_2017-07-27-10-23-51…)

>>416682Considering Gabby was just over at MooMoos house ten hours ago on MooMoos instagram story, I highly doubt Gabby is going to subtweet about her in the same day sorry. There's no milk there because like I said, Gabby is definitely still friends with her, she's always going out to lunch and stuff with her and Vamp in their stories.
No. 416707
File: 1501182808280.png (127.57 KB, 1080x767, 20170727_121015.png)

Interesting that Jessica is commenting in this momo post
No. 416712
File: 1501183231462.png (316 KB, 600x625, IMG_0444.PNG)

>>416707I-I don't know what this means if it's real
No. 416715
>>416707maybe using voice to text?
"used to wait still do" is pretty close to "used to hate still do"
No. 416717 someone overlay some Godzilla stomps audio for this
Sage because useless contribution
No. 416725
>>416103Actual certified personal trainer and nutritionist here. You bet your butt I'd have her cut out fruits. I'd put her on keto and a calorie deficit. That means <20g of carbs a day, and that includes most all fruits (save perhaps a very limited amount of blackberries or blueberries). Now she probably lacks the self-control to do that right from the start, so I'd start her at <100g the first week, <50g the second, and <20g the third, but fruit would still be on the chopping block. The only carbs I'd let her keep in are those found in vegetables.
Sage for OT
No. 416740
>>416707Screenshots of the comments please or it will be considered edited or out of context bait. I don't think shed doxx herself like that but I'm very much hoping I'm wrong.
>>416725Hey ms fake instagram personal trainer..NO ONE cares what you'd put momo on. Put YOURSELF on a ban for continuing this shit.
No. 416744
>>416743Are the drugs true or is it a rumor?
A lot of people forget about liquid calories, especially when drinking. If she just started cutting that out she'd start to see water weight loss and better skin and would probably sleep better too.
I wonder what's next for her fall cosplays since summer is coming to an end.
No. 416747
File: 1501190300242.png (46.38 KB, 750x414, IMG_0138.PNG)

Idk why but this shot made me laugh so hard, her fucking posture to make it look like she has an ass
No. 416753
File: 1501190672663.png (1 MB, 1080x1852, 20170727_155854.png)

Another post going around
No. 416772
File: 1501192309110.jpg (780.35 KB, 1080x1881, tmp_10932-Screenshot_20170727-…)

her lips are chapped haha
No. 416781
File: 1501193020760.jpg (75.58 KB, 491x376, momomilk1.jpg)

>>416707>>416775Jessie comment thread 1/3
No. 416782
File: 1501193042328.jpg (62.64 KB, 440x486, momomilk2.jpg)

>>416707>>416775Jessie comment thread 2/3
No. 416783
File: 1501193072977.jpg (101.9 KB, 464x496, momomilk3.jpg)

>>416707>>416775>>416782Jessie comment thread 3/3
No. 416792
>>416788Jessica is smart. She has no bad beef with anyone - makes for better business.
But Chloe is a huge bitch. I can't stand moo but two years ago Chloe easily would have had a thread of her own; she hasn't changed, she's just become irrelevant. She tried to cling to Sheena and now she's trying to get attention by "stepping up" about moo. I'd rather see it from anyone but her.
No. 416799
>>416792Didn't she ditch Sheena again when Arin dumped her?
Regardless, the LA scene is almost as hilarious as the Vegas one, cows of a feather flock together!
No. 416802
>>416792I don't think Nigri could be that dumb especially since she's been in this community for years,
she's just covering her own ass
No. 416803
Is this really hard to see?
Mariah picks on smaller cosplayers because she's always been a bully. Past tweets, confrontations. Those "old tweets" are just two years ago. When you were leaking nudes and lewds. The "I was young and naive" is bullshit, you weren't too young to start your business, just more excuses.
Of course she's sweet to JESSICA NIGRI and all her friends. Every person who even know an inch of cosplay knows Nigri and how influential she is. She's using her, and her friends, to get high in this industry. Just like so many others do.
But she's so fucking toxic that she takes out her aggressions on smaller cosplayers. Other girls are constantly a point of her abusive behavior.
Now Nigri and her squad are preaching positivity, when everyone is simply exposing Mariah for the huge bully and fake she is. Everyone coming out took a huge leap and we're incredibly brave to speak out on what Mariah has done to them and how she's hurt them. Do you know how long this has been happening?? Years now. It took this long to expose her finally to the point where people don't even give a shit to throw their name in. Knowing that this could hurt them, or their cosplay/prop/influence career, or have her army of white knights attack them.
So no, fuck the "positivity" shit. Mariah deserves none of it until she comes clean, is honest about what she's done and doing, apologizes to every single person she's bullied, and makes amends.
No. 416822
File: 1501198417840.png (270.67 KB, 604x563, sushi.PNG)

No. 416834
>>416822tfw people don't know what thicc means and just use the word because memes. Idk if this girl is trying to be ironic or is just dense.
No. 416835
>>416803Thank you.
Seriously was thinking the same thing.
No. 416838
File: 1501201740415.png (310.92 KB, 750x1109, IMG_6607.PNG)

She posted this long rant on fb but deleted it shortly after.
No. 416841
File: 1501201937065.png (188.2 KB, 747x952, IMG_6609.PNG)

>>416839All the comments were sucking her ass except for this one which I thought was interesting. She unfortunately didn't reply just deleted the whole post.
No. 416848
>>416838"Im clearly working harder than anyone else"
Is that why you're still glaring at random cosplayers with real talent moomoo?
No. 416852
>>416838jfc, barely into this "apology" and its already full of shit!
>sorry if i offended you>wasn't my intention>if that sounds bitchy oh well>people aren't witch hunting other cosplays!She did every single thing you're not suppose to do during an apology.
No. 416853
File: 1501203345303.png (3.99 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_4929.PNG)

>>416848Cuz posting herself on 4-chan is soooo hard. The mental gymnastics on this psycho
Included is picture of herself smiling as she talks about her dying grandpa and excited she is to see her grandma who can teach her about wigs. Momo, your Step away from cosplay and focus on someone who isn't fucking you!!!
No. 416858
>>416853She's just hustling my dude, don't hate the playa hate the game lol!
Fuuuuuuck, that made me sick to type out. Momo, show some fucking restraint for once in your fame-hungry, cock-gobbling life and be private during this difficult period for your family.
No. 416866
>>416841>>416843Is this that penny undetbust girl or someone else? Either way, damn. Perfectly summed up the other side of the argument. It's really nice to see people calling Mariah out in a calm, collected, and intelligent way.
>>416838She's absolutely insane if she thinks her half assed cosplay career is anything near "working harder than most", Mariah please. Your cosplay are always last minute, rushed, and usually made just a few days before the event you are attending, unless of course it's commissioned in which you didn't do shit. You let your patreon rewards get a whole 6 months behind, that's half a year of doing nothing. Your "fashion line" required zero design, it's a basic hoodie and basic hat with a tiny embroidered quote that you bastardized off your friend's motto.
No. 416870
>>416841After reading all I have about her plus that apology she just did I stg she is like the fucking trump of the cosplay community.
"I am working harder than most"
"I am sorry you were offended but I am great"
She's literally just like that fat dorito.
>sage for ramble No. 416875
>>416867I fully expect this is what is going to happen. With how heavily she's hyping her gym routine and diet all of a sudden along with the perfect excuse to take some time off.
>>416868Seriously, Penny usually seems like a flake herself, but this made me gain some respect for her.
No. 416876
File: 1501206743743.jpg (26.05 KB, 477x891, breathclod.jpg)

I like how this whole thing was posted on her personal feed and not in response to anyone in that other post calling her out. What a fucking pussy. As someone there said "she's lucky she doesn't live in SoCal"
No. 416877
File: 1501207109468.jpg (Spoiler Image,230.31 KB, 496x436, wtf.jpg)

>>415978I'm not sure what I'm looking at here… is this underwear, or a weird photoshop to cover her vag?
All i did was turn down contrast and turn up brightness.
No. 416892
>>416853She will regret not taking a break from this shit. She is facing a death in the family, that's enough for people's regular places of employment to give them time off.
I know some people mourn differently and maybe she wasn't very close with her grandfather, but I feel like this will hit her in some way shape or form eventually. I predict some breakdown milk in the future.
>inb4 it kind of already happens every other week No. 416903
>>416892She's a narcissistic sociopath. That little rant of hers? 40 uses of the word I/me/my. That's fucking pathetic. "Sorry guys, I fucked up. I'll be more mindful in the future." That's how a normalish person would apologize.
She doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself. Bitch still doesnt have a coffee table or furniture
No. 416910
>>416903I disliked that about her apology as well. I do not think that I have ever seen her apologize with a sincere heart. She clearly is apologizing to save face and do damage control. She does not have the guts to just say 'hey guys I fucked up and I'm sorry'. It's always 'hey guys I fucked up and I'm sorry but you are all wrong.' It's so hypocritical because she seems to be chasing down people who wrong her and even doxx them and yet she can't handle doing a simple apology.
On another note I highly doubt she has a family member dying. Especially because the timing is too convenient. She's trying to take all the attention away from what people are saying about her. I feel like this is another one of her ~hey guys I'm a human being too. Feel bad for me~ strategy.
No. 416918
>>416914they weren't threatening you? chill out lol
I can't decide whether it's worse that this is how she behaves when her grandad is dying or whether she uses him DYING as her excuse for getting more lipo. Either way, that's absolutely disgusting.
No. 416925
>>416912>>416918She's using the inheritance money FOR more lipo.
Sage for tinfoiling.
No. 417003
>>416406Okay, but how would this make him qualified as a dietologist? A bodybuilder can't help a morbidly obese girl to lose weight. So no, he's not a professional.
>>416519>>416557>>416558This milk is good.
>>416675I doubt she would do Jolyne, she has her stomach out and her outfit wouldn't let Moo wear her beloved waist cincher.
>>416838"I'm sorry for that BUT THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE THAT–" She always "apologizes" like this.
Phase 1: Denial. "I don't do porn"
Phase 2: Half-assed apology that's not actually an apology because
there are people that do the same if not worse :"Yes I do porn but all the girls who do boudoir shoots also do porn"
And this is just the same. "Yes I lewded a child but there are people lewding Misty sooo"
No. 417008
File: 1501256935427.png (1.14 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7375.PNG)

She posted this onto her facebook. Some of the comments are glorious
No. 417012
>>417010Soo damn happy that people calling out Moo is now a part of everything she does. She still has her blind WKs to fap to her, but people are starting to see the light.
Remember to keep capping ALL of her bullshit, anons, we're giving others material to knock her down with.
No. 417017
>>416843so goddamn sick of hearing "i work hard" from this lazy fucking cow. no, mariah. you sit on your ass, eat your shitty fattening fast food, complain and cry no one loves your fat ass, and take your big saggy tits out to lewd and sexualize children. anybody who honest to god believes they work hard when that is the jist of what they do for a living is pretty fucking offensive. there are people her age working 3 fucking jobs or carrying their entire family on their backs or walking 8 miles to work and back every day for 7.50 an hour. you do not work hard. you have never worked hard.
it's irritating but then again, she has to eat her own ass to justify her trash actions because classic inflated narcissist
No. 417018
>>417014a lot of these people defending her are probably SJWs too. any of the stupid complaining about the GitS movie is just garbage race pandering because it's totally not valid.
ot but yaya is just another ~asian~ who ignores the fact that the japanese requested a white lead actress and that japan threw a shit fit after that memoirs of a geisha ordeal where most of the actors cast were chinese.
No. 417025
>>417009"Who cares if it is? As long as she is having fun"
Is that why she looks like she is miserable whenever she is at a con?
No. 417027
File: 1501260103086.png (72.94 KB, 577x733, IMG_9243.PNG)

That's because it is.
Same green wall, window blinds, bed frame, and trophy on dresser behind her in both photos.
No. 417028
File: 1501260125146.png (295.05 KB, 469x889, Heroes_-_Jolyne.png)

>>417023Idk, maybe since Yoko's covered her shoulders, arms and legs, it was less bad? Jolyne's outfit, instead, is designed in a way that enhances her muscles with her arms and abs showing, and is also super tight. I can't even imagine how impractical this would be for Mariah, I can see her suffocating just with my imagination
No. 417038
>>417020But Japan does have a CP market, that's why gravure of junior idols exists. It might not be explicit but they still are kids/really young teens portrayed in a sexual manner for the consum of pedophiles and of course porn is not meant to be shown to kids but minors are exposed to a lot of pornographic and sexual content when that kind of stuff should be hidden to them and I think that's what that girl tried to point out with her corny story about the toddler.
Sage for not contributing to the thread
No. 417048
>>417043>real kidsdespite what you'd like to think, 14 year olds are not the same as 5 year olds.
also, no gravure teen shit is completely legal because CP is sex or nude, not sexual manner. they can legally sell japanese 12 year olds bouncing around in bikinis in the US and most other countries because it's not considered porn.
No. 417054
>>417051no one's been defending momo as much as they're complaining about loli vs real life CP.
i personally think her doing it is gross, but i think her liking the show is even more deplorable. there's so much lolicon shit in it it's ridiculous. and people saying that she's not a child in age completely miss the point she's supposed to be a child in look and action.
No. 417060
>>417048But there's also gravure of kids, like 10 years old kids.
If only sex or nude is considered porn I hope you're not one of those people that claims that what Momo does should be considered porn because as far as I know she hasn't released a video of her riding one of her friends (yet) or a set of her completely naked (yet).
And so you know the portrayal of a REAL kid in a sexual manner is illegal in many countries, I don't know about the US since I'm not American, but I'm pretty sure in Europe it wouldn't be legal to sell a video of a 12 year old bouncing around in a bikini, maybe in the 70's but not now. The fact that the law of some countries allows the distribution of this kind of content (junior idol gravure) doesn't make it suddenly ok and I don't really understand why are you trying to argue about this, like, of course is not explicit shit, but think about the damage it may cause to a 10-12 y/o kid to start feeling sexualised at such a young age.
No. 417064
can we shut the fuck up about this shit.
i get that people think it contributes to pedo, that's your opinion, it's fine but that's just an opinion, we can agree to disagree.
the real issue here should be with the anime.
of course momo thinks this is alright, the anime sexualizes kanna, the manga does.
of course she will, when the anime shows a scene of kanna and her friend playing twister with the other girl clearly hot and bothered
of course she will, when the manga describes a sexual scene involving a child to entice pedo but then tries to play it off as a joke
momo probably doesn't see it like that though regardless. it's more likely she thinks that her with her hot thicc women body is what people are looking at and not the character, and they probably are.
what she did is weird and uncomfortable, but of course she thinks it's fine when the media she's indulging in tells her it is, that's the real problem.
people have to look past this gross loli shit in tons of things. i'm not talking misty, or yoko or anyone over age 12. i'm talking about creepy sexualized children. kodomo no jinkan, shit in card captor, even stuff in sailormoon. it's already normalized.
No. 417078
who cares if 2d is legally pedo shit or not, who cares if her fat tits make pedos hard or not. she's still contributing to people liking either her or the character. it's not important, she's gross for wanting to cosplay from that degenerate show in the first place. she's gross for being lewd and looking like that. who cares.
focus on real shit like how she 'tries so hard' and 'does so much work' or her going to mourn her grandfather but whining about the gym. she loses her cool at the drop of a pin, stop making it about pedos.
No. 417168
File: 1501286784388.png (308.15 KB, 1242x1681, IMG_2456.PNG)

She tweeted she's in Dearborn and I live like 10 min from there and there's a small con coming up and she better not bring her obnoxious flat ass there
No. 417170
>>417168Made it to dying family member, smile and peace signs my dudes!
I know when my grandfather was dying I wasn't exactly upbeat and peppy, wanting to snap selfies. I understand everyone grieves in their own way but this just seems out of the ordinary and odd.
Either she's completely narcissistic and detached that she doesn't care if anything really happens as long as she can exploit it, or, she's lying.
Both seem to fit her.
No. 417186
>>417168I live in Dearborn too anon! I swear if I see this bitch, I probably won't actually do anything just seethe.
But fucking hell at her selfie. "LOL XD MY GRANDPA IS DYING BUT LOOK HOW CUTE I AM"
She cares about no one but herself.
No. 417204
>>417201You dont know the circumstances. He could be in a home and they can't be with him right now. Maybe she is waiting to be picked up. You dont know? Calm down with the bitching about her getting food and not being on hands and knees by her grandfather's bed side. She might not be super close to her grandfather also. Doesn't mean she can't have some space at the time. Yeah the whle tweet about not having a gym at her home is a huge red flag for the awful kind of person she is, but food is food. He may not die for a few days, weeks. Its like saying she can't eat until he passes. So everyone chill.
No. 417217
File: 1501295575916.png (397.61 KB, 1242x1844, IMG_2458.PNG)

She tries so hard
No. 417275
File: 1501313811040.png (11.93 KB, 497x78, Screenshot 2017-07-29 at 12.34…)

Saw this on a public post…apparently a ~Starbucks coworker~ was vouching for her and this happened
No. 417278
File: 1501315531631.png (192.66 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0199.PNG)

Shadbase's art crossed my feed because a mutual shared some trainwreck of his, but I started laughing when I saw people saying he should draw Momokun. Although from what I remember, she tried getting his attention at one point so she'd probably love it. Unless he completely shat on her, but who knows
Sage for OT
No. 417279
>>417278IIRC shad actually retweeted one of moo's cosplays a while back and everyone was laughing b/c chell kisses shad's ass and moomoo got the attention first.
sage for bad memory.
No. 417285
File: 1501317285631.jpg (765.23 KB, 1080x1688, dearmomokun.jpg)

"That makes you just as ugly on the inside as you thought you were on the outside."
No. 417297
>>417285To summarise
point 1
> first red flag was that moo dressed as Kanna who even though is old she acts and dresses and has the mindset of a child and moo dressed as her AS A CHILD and put her in an adult situation> there are many adult characters and she /chose/ Kanna> she hasn't said why she did it or anything about it > people fall back on "i'm doing the adult version" when there's no indication> where are we drawing the line? there are no ground-rules
> it wasn't just about lewding the loli anymore, there are other things being brought up about you (moo)point 2
> lying about liposuction > lying about it doesn't give you any brownie points. A lot of people would have understood why you did it> people are bringing up examples of photos where you look thinner and fatter> people aren't angry you got it, they're angry that you're lying, contradicting yourself. they can't trust you> everyone uses photoshop> when people ask you about it, just be honest> why do you lie about so many things when you make 15k a month doing sexy cosplay - lots of guys don't give a fuck if you're being honest > when cosplayers ask you questions you can't just answer questions straight point 3
> body issues> screenshots of you fat-shaming people when you were smaller> specifically put down people> you feel like you can be the bullypoint 4
> you don't confront these people who post these screenshots> you shouldn't give an excuse, give your actual reasons> do you have problems?point 5
> people fucking hate you right now, people don't want to help you if you continuepoint 6
> slut shaming> you disagree with sexy cosplay then do it yourself> you found you niche then stopped giving a fuck> it's fine but own up to it, say you were wrong> you're not addressing anythingpoint 7
> read your long post about lewding the loli and other things > then start branching off to say "but I work really hard!" that's not a reason, not an excuse and certainly not an apology> I don't see you putting that much money into full-blown cosplays anymore> take a break from the sexy shit > you have a lot of potential point 8
> situation> you are considered one of the more famous cosplayers now > you represent plus-sized cosplayers> your spotlight shines on all of us> all of us are being looked at negatively because of your actions> you are responsible for more than just yourself> when you do the things you do then act like you don't care it makes you seem like a selfish "cunt"point 9
> there's a lot of evidence of real life situations from other people> ignore the people telling you to kill yourself or fat-shaming you, address the real, serious issues where you're being questioned instead of just saying "LOL I DON'T GIVE A SHIT" and not a video of you crying > I think it's starting to affect you more than you acknowledgepoint 10
> very unsavoury things I've seen> this is where there's no coming back for you > recent accusations of you sexually assaulting someone> threatening to file false rape charges> there are lots of stories from people first hand> if these are true - you are trash> your fat boys will still be paying you but the community will completely blacklist you. cosplayers everywhere would try to make your life a living hell> the witch hunts would only get worserest is cosplay community stuff
No. 417300
File: 1501327621493.jpg (67.35 KB, 960x658, 20294267_498750390474446_60367…)

seen in a fb uk cosplay group, guess who i thought of
sage for uselessness
No. 417301
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No. 417302
File: 1501328050024.png (206.73 KB, 1074x1283, 20170729_002824.png)

No. 417303
>>417302>It's not a gathering for lonely horny males to look at long legs and cleavages and cherry pick who should cosplay and who shouldn't.Well.
You decide that anyone who likes to look at healthy women in sexy outfits
has to be a lonely horny man, and I decide that Momokun just isn't my cup of tea. Enjinight is far from a stick and yet has a fairly big following. Go on anonib and you'll find other cosplayers who are even rounder than her.
So people often disapprove of someone and also throw in adhominem attacks: it's not the best behaviour, but the idea that anyone at all should be forced to give a third of a fuck about someone they find ugly is ridiculous. Some people just don't like beached land whales. It's their right. This poster reminds me of the fat acceptance women who hate on men who don't find them attractive and call them misogynists.
News flash: some of us are women and we just think you're ugly. I'm not going to comment on your weight unless provoked, but if I see someone pitying themselves because they aren't given the attention they feel entitled to while not working to get to an acceptable weight (and let's face it: if you need Momokun to be your flag bearer, you're probably Rufus-size obese) then don't complain that people shit on you, too.
Most people don't find fat people sexy. It's a fact. If you want attention work on yourself and don't force others to change their proclivities because you can't or won't change your situation.
No. 417329
File: 1501336146796.png (1004.07 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.png)

>>416568sounds like a job for the phantom thief gang.
holy shit I swear she just sounds like some shitty asshole person in persona5
No. 417357
>>417341I love that with modern vanity sizing, hardly anyone is a size 2 anymore.
I don't think she's 18 but maybe she'll be Tess-sized soon and continue to claim 22 while her body says otherwise.
Though if she gets lipo again who knows where she'll end up.
OP's comma placement made me laugh. She's calling everyone who is reading it a fatty.
No. 417380
File: 1501352603223.jpg (119.55 KB, 675x1200, DF3gikKVoAE23Le.jpg)

She said Gaston is one of her favorite Disney characters, I think that alone speaks volumes. Also that she prefers the Beast as a beast rather than a human, that combined with her likes on Deviantart I assume it's safe to say she's a furry
No. 417429
>>417380As in, "I like Gaston because he's an OTT, terrible character" or "I like Gaston because he is misunderstood :'("? Also, a lot of people find human Beast less attractive/humanized. It's pretty normal.
Momo's taste is pretty bad, though. Mostly because she doesn't seem to actually give a shit about the source material she claims to have seen/played/read.
No. 417476
File: 1501371144800.jpg (108.06 KB, 752x1063, IMG_6103.JPG)

Saw this on a cringy art compilation and immediately thought of Momo
/sage for random i guess
No. 417490
File: 1501376343883.png (336.55 KB, 1242x1653, IMG_5871.PNG)

Sabacon, a con in Vegas, announced Vamplette as one of their guests.
Should we be surprised that Momo, her BFF, hasn't retweeted or liked the announcement post? And here I thought she was totally supportive of her friends!
No. 417497
>>417380Jesus, it really stinks like summer in here. This isn't milky at all, none of this is. And the (likely) farmer that made that 30 minute long video, cringe. Mariah provides enough milk on her own, desperately sucking on her mammaries like this with her planet-sized Kanna supporting child porn or this useless call-out of "she likes Gaston. She's so
problematic" is frankly, SJW-y and pathetic. Maybe this thread should really get moved back to /snow/.
No. 417499
>>417490She did. So why is she not a guest is actually a better question.
And stop acting like you know people when you don't Mariah. For a fact you don't know DB cosplay. Does she realize some people don't want to be associated with her? Get a CLUE.
No. 417507
File: 1501380612251.jpg (46.88 KB, 512x768, LeihBJK.jpg)

No. 417509
>>417507I stand by this being one of her better recent cosplays (the non lewd version anyway). The wig isn't as bad as most of hers, she's covered up and the silhouette is flattering for her. The lace top thigh highs are
triggering, but it looks way better than Yoko/Mei/Android 18everything else.
No. 417516
File: 1501382700665.jpg (79.28 KB, 639x1200, DF8w_PrWsAANcxP.jpg)

Moo's dream cosplay lol. Sure, once she stops trying to halfass her weightloss
No. 417519
>>417516Are we sure we should be comparing Moo to Scarlett? At least in part of that movie she was doing actual physical labor, which is more than Moo can claim she's ever done lol.
"As god as my witness, I'll never go without pho again!"
No. 417524
File: 1501385959818.png (110.82 KB, 596x473, no response.png)

No. 417526
File: 1501386939205.jpg (28.88 KB, 580x224, 846456456.jpg)

>>417524its not even difficult, just expensive.
>>417490also ops
No. 417534
>>417524Christ, she's an idiot. She reminds me of all the moronic faux-feminist college girls who think Marilyn Monroe is some sort of feminist icon because she was smart and used her body to get ahead in life. Really she was a personality disordered lunatic who wore all her relationships thin and was trashing her career when she killed herself.
Scarlett O'Hara is s character who in recent literary analyses is seen as being an excellent example of histrionic personality disorder. She was unethical, used people like toilet paper and systematically destroyed the lives of those close to her, even resenting the love and care Rhett showed their daughter. She was vain, arrogant, cruel and did not care whom she hurt in her quest to have whatever she wanted.
The only upside to Moomoo having an icon like Scarlett O'Hara is that Scarlett would never have let herself get as fat as Moomoo and she definitely would have made sure all her costumes were well-made. She turned green curtains into a gorgeous outfit - no way Scarlett would have tolerated Camilla's shabby armor, holes in her gloves, Mei's tattered boots or any of the other war crimes Moo calls cosplay. Otherwise I totally understand why our cowgirl is drawn to such a mess of a woman.
Mariah really is fucking stupid. We often focus so much on her lies, obesity, nasty behavior toward others, poor craftsmanship, drunnkeness, sluttiness, bizarre lack of furniture and decent underwear that it's easy to lose sight of what a moron she is.
No. 417537
>>417526look at my angels? fuck she doesnt even know who nathan is, and I know dustbunny doesnt know who she is. so why is she saying my angels?
sage for ot
No. 417539
File: 1501393520041.png (428.63 KB, 810x596, Screenshot 2017-07-29 at 10.44…)

This whole thing was a mistake
No. 417542
>>417534Not only that, Scarlett ACTUALLY hustled, did physical labor, overcame losing EVERYTHING and never resorted to prostitution or soft core porn. Or use her "thiccness" to fall back on saying people hated her for being fat.
She used others and never let people pay her to use her.
The most they have in common is chasing dick that didn't want them back.
/sage for rant
No. 417546
>>417491Pretty sure this is a fake sarahah.
>>417490So Vamp is a guest eh? Good for her! I bet Momo is just thrilled that her "best friend forever oh my dudes" is a guest and momo isn't. Has Momo ever been an actual invited guest before anywhere?
No. 417561
File: 1501400897279.png (141.55 KB, 260x478, moomookunt.png)

saged for drawfagness
>>417539Her face looks like it's fucking melting whats going on here? Who photoshops that bad?
No. 417581
File: 1501412069520.jpg (52.99 KB, 268x351, news-item01.jpg)

>>417567>>417577ot but apparently vamps modeled for that event? the pics are outrageously small
funny things never workout for ol' snaggletooth
No. 417599
File: 1501421324014.png (313.22 KB, 1200x1866, IMG_4934.PNG)

Looks like the game cruise isn't happening, another con cancels on momooo
No. 417636
File: 1501434023340.png (567.29 KB, 720x492, Screenshot_2017-07-30-09-55-54…)

She can't close her legs so this looks like she's wearing a frilly diaper
No. 417684
>>417636holy fuck that shoop on her face…
this pic is horrifying
No. 417713
>>417564They did get three awesome VOs this year, but they have 7 cosplayers. They could instead get artists, bands, or another VO. They rely a majority of their guests on cosplayers.
Also, the Stocking cosplay was a weird choice from the get go. It's not as popular as it was, I guess she just did it because it's cheap?
No. 417722
>>417621To be honest I think Jnig really likes her ?
I don't know why no one can believe that.
Why else would she hang out with her and even go hiking?
Like if she wanted to stay out of thr drama she wouldn't get that involved with her.
I think ya'll need to accept the fact that Momo trying to suck up to Jnig actually worked.
No. 417723
File: 1501452859084.png (972.91 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-30-15-04-49…)

In her instastories, she was calling out a comment where someone didn't think she knew anything about DBZ. She called their behavior "gatekeeping" and she has a tattoo/material things to back up her fandom
Also last couple clips are about her "pulling out of a company" due to "a scam" and her friends were also part of same scam. I dunno if she means the vidya cruise of dreams she begged to be part of or what…?
No. 417734
>>417722I think JNig just tolerates her tbh, I mean the only reason we don't see her say anything bad because what good will that do Nigri knowing how self destructive Moo is, JNig doesn't really have a lot of close friends if you really pay attention to her the only friend she has is her fuccboi, and Moo isn't talented in anything so again what's the point of going out of her way for her when she doesn't offer anything except her beta bucks, the only friends I've seen Jessica openly post about was Monika (and look how that turned out) and Lyndsay (and we never see her anymore on jnigs social media)
Again JNig is smart when it comes too moomoo she doesn't pubically defend her because what is the point I think she's aware of her behavior and she won't say anything bad either
>>sage for jnigs/moo No. 417736
>>417722Of course Jessica doesn't hate Moo, Moo sucks up to her AND pays for shit for her. I don't think they're genuine friends, like, at all, but every court loves itself a good jester.
>>417723Also it is clear she likes Dragon Ball, but she sure as fuck isn't the "superfan" she keeps screaming that she is.
No. 417738
>>417534Yeah, sure Because you're such an expert.
Stop blogposting
No. 417753
>>417636 what's horrible about this photo is that even with that Photoshop the editor couldn't hide how fucking lumpy her face is. Like the shadows are so fucking bad.
What's even more hilarious is she actually thinks this is good enough to post. She's an idiot for promoting herself with shitty photos.
No. 417769
>>417734Off topic, but do you have proof of jessica/monika post?
I never saw one and have been trying to find one for ages to why they don't hang any more
No. 417784
>>417769They just drifted apart I believe. I've also heard from multiple sources she's a major bitch.
Monica never cosplays or goes to conventions anymore.
She's faded out of the scene and doesn't talk to anyone but Ricky
No. 417799
>>417784This. Monika got an actual job and has been working at Blizzard since she graduated. She still does some convention appearances but not nearly as much as she used to and she only really talks to Riddle and her GA friends.
I read a lot of places that Monika got sick of Jnig never giving her credit for the cosplays that she made for her, but never saw proof (but it's obvious Jnig never made some of that sewn shit). They've both been at the same cons in recent years, even at the same group dinners, but never take photos together or mention each other.
Sage for OT
No. 417803
>>417799>>417784Yeah. I know Monika, Rikki, and Katie are all still good friends. I just think Monika did it as a creative outlet but now she can focus her talent on Blizzard and get paid.
Jessica still hangs out with Lindsay occasionally and all the filthy casual crew, it seems. But her friend circle seems to drastically change year to year compared to a normal person.
No. 417804
File: 1501471122693.png (125.33 KB, 720x590, Screenshot_2017-07-30-20-16-38…)

My eyeballs rolled so far back into my head. She probably has 0 idea who Jolyne IS
No. 417819
>>417818Don't cut out that bottom reply.
>>417815If they're already a lewd character, then it's jackpot since then she doesn't have a to try at all.
No. 417823
>>417807It's Hermione all over again
She's a basic jojo fan the only pose she does is Caesar's and Dio's that everyone who isn't a fan does lol
Who was the other character she said she hated but ended up cosplaying as well??
No. 417824
File: 1501479591784.png (324.28 KB, 702x929, Capture _2017-07-30-21-18-43.p…)

>>417818>>417819Sorry my phone spazzed out.
No. 417828
File: 1501482420878.png (126.82 KB, 578x558, what.png)

Every school is different, but one would think that if she either stayed in college or paid attention in high school, this wouldn't be such a surprise.
No. 417829
>>417828Cant she Google stuff like "enkidu fate wiki" and look stuff Up?
"..He was neither male nor female, but merely a monster made of mud that descended onto the eart.."
No. 417849
File: 1501505508149.jpeg (135.07 KB, 503x629, image.jpeg)

>>417818>I don't lewd everything I do pic related. cosplay polpo, bitch, if you wanna cosplay jjba so badly.
>>417828yeah I'm sure moo has no idea the epic even exists tbh
No. 417859
File: 1501510842040.png (335.06 KB, 1440x1714, 20170731_101823.png)

This was the comment she spazzed about. I find it interesting she'll claim she decorates her house with dbz shit but won't decorate with some furniture.
No. 417867
>>417859>shitty tattoo proves you love somethinghow many people have their ex's name scrawled on them in ink?
I think i've seen like 2 DBZ things in her house ever
No. 417868
>>417859Her logic skills are awful. Decorations and tattoos don't prove you're a fan or that you even have knowledge about the series.
If it was anyone else I'd probably be annoyed at the person even asking her that tbh. But we all know moo pretends she's a super fan of everything
No. 417874
>>417859tbh i hate the mentality of having to "prove" ur a fan of something,
but like
>>417868 says, she always acts like this "super fan" of everything. which is what makes people doubt the legitimacy of it…
she always has to over explain things related to her fandoms in order to seem like she knows so much about it and is super ultra fan girl - like that time she went on a huge rant about some game she was playing at the time….
No. 417886
File: 1501522373608.png (36.01 KB, 579x378, momo.PNG)

Well, she IS roughly the size of a barge…
No. 417977
File: 1501541019023.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.42 KB, 1310x2048, omg.jpg)

okay am I crazy or can you legitimately see her pubes in this? I truly want to believe she didn't wear this skimpy bikini bottom that she kept hiking up to her tits and leave pubes out for everyone to photograph..
No. 417979
>>417977Holy shit, you're right.
Although it's pretty shitty of the photographer to not realize and not post that.
Still funny though.
No. 417983
File: 1501541745435.jpg (77.55 KB, 420x300, IMG_1693.JPG)

>>417977God fucking damn this is appalling.
The pubes combined with the busing on her knees and arms.
>what is a bikini waxIf I knew I was going to be wearing a skimpy swimsuit for a couple days then I would have made damn sure my pubes were in check.
No. 417990
>>417977Ok I wasn't sure about the lipo rumors at first, but oh my god, those marks under her breasts/lower stomach/upper thighs look EXACTLY like lipo scars!
Also wax your fuckin pubes
No. 418003
>>417977Might have been shitty for the photographer to post this if it were about any other cosplayer but I'm glad this HQ thing exists right now.
The 'symmetrical freckles' are too undeniable to be anything but some lipo scars but the 'bruises' on her knees look like the same on her elbows which, look more like friction marks than bruises. Don't surprise me that she's always on elbows and knees, however.
That's so trashy and disgusting though, to be at a family event, public pool and have your bikini barely covering you with pubes exposed to the world.
No. 418006
>>417977The lipo scars and pubes are bad enough but those bruises are so depressing. I wonder if they came from her drinking. I lived with a couple a few years back who were extreme alcoholics and both were always covered in similar bruises in scrapes in similar areas.
Sage for speculation.
No. 418012
>>417977Maybe her weight suddenly exploded and her bikini got smaller due to sudden weight gain without her realisation that her hairy pubes where infact, visible.
That or she's just a lazy cunt.
No. 418022
>>417985its also pretty laughable none of her "friends" thought to point out that you could see them before going out in public, or even while in public
or, they did, and she just did not give a fuck
No. 418040
>>417977samefag but I literally could not believe my eyes. and not one comment on the photo itself. I'm glad I was able to post it here and share the misery
inb4 she chimps out at the photog for not taking extra time to scan his hundreds of pics for idiots with clothing they're actually busting out of
No. 418041
File: 1501549241860.jpg (50.11 KB, 744x694, DFy3jVHWAAEuwHq.jpg)

>>417977Disgusted, but not surprised
No. 418049
i wonder if she'll cry sexual harassment despite being fat and outgrowing her bikini
No. 418074
>>417977Looks like fingerprint bruises on her upper arm too
(I'm trying to focus on anything else)
No. 418088
>>418080Could be, although I have had similar bruises (although IIRC she's not getting any action, so maybe not)
Usually I don't see the whole "she looks so unwashed" stuff others go on about wrt cows but she legit looks grotty here- the wig looks dirty, she didn't shave her pubes, her elbow and knees are are all dry and discoloured-
it's genuinely repellent
Honestly, she'd look so much better with a tan imo-
If you're gonna be this big at least have some colour, fat
and pale seems to compound the flaws imho but hey, she's here for a reason
No. 418094
>>417977Hoooooooooooooly shit
I usually hate EBK photos because no care goes into them, but this is a rare occasion to be thankful.
Fucking nastyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Now can't un-imagine the razor burns and she's probably scratching the hell out of that swampy crotch because pubes growing back are thick and itch like hell
No. 418096
>>418094right? I bothered to click through a few of them because I had nothing better to do and I'm glad I did.
the most uncomfortable part of this is that she's tagged in the image, so she must have seen it. either she is such a mess that she doesn't care, or she assumed no one would see them because he's such a small time photographer.
No. 418099
File: 1501562426999.jpg (25.33 KB, 501x364, ugh.JPG)

>>417977Good lordie woman. Would it kill you to just wear a one piece or not pull down your bottoms?
No. 418102
>>418100I guess I don't know a great many photographers. I assumed, since his photos are kind of poor quality
I should have assumed that moo wouldn't let just anyone take a photo of her
No. 418104
>>418102It's more just that he's been around forever. He used to take pictures of literally any cosplayer at cons, now he's pickier because there's so many more.
But he was one of the first big "hall cosplay" photographers and used to literally upload thousands of pictures onto after every con.
Sage for not moo related
No. 418105
>>418104my bad, then. to be honest that makes this much more embarrassing for mooms.
having just checked, his page has over 35k likes.. a good number of those poor fools are going to get a face full of moo pubes
No. 418111
File: 1501569195324.png (205.43 KB, 720x944, Screenshot_2017-07-31-23-30-18…)

No. 418112
File: 1501569600220.jpg (55.02 KB, 900x810, 1N64YhX.jpg)

>>418111Not surprised, but I find it hilarious she can't even remember her own cosplay plans. You're so professional Moo.
No. 418118
File: 1501576508306.png (495.63 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20170801-043236.png)

Who wants to bet this is about Moo? It was posted by AniMia cosplay.
No. 418125
>>418114How could she edit a photo in his album??
Now you're reaching lol
She could edit it then post it herself. But she can't edit a photo before he posts it. I've shot with EBK, he doesn't send you photos before hand he just dumps them in an album like that.
No. 418138
>>418118When has she ever been a guest?
I mean actually a guest, not her disillusion.
No. 418142
File: 1501588637877.png (312.54 KB, 750x1197, IMG_7459.PNG)

sorry for the spoiler, on my phone and misclicked.
No. 418145
>>418120She's always been in costume has she not? And I don't think she's been a guest recently enough anywhere for this to be about her.
I feel this is more directed at people like Nigri and Stella Chu who have made "I'm going to be late to my booth" posts several times before.
No. 418149
File: 1501588892994.png (268.35 KB, 750x1201, IMG_7460.PNG)

No. 418169
>>418120She's not an invited guest to majority of conventions she attends. She pays to be there. I know Mia directed this to the masses as I'm sure there are a lot of popular cosplayers guilty of this. But someone did post about some cosplayer at SDCC and called her a fat bitch and someone else said "OH YOU MEAN MOMOKUN?" but the posts were deleted shortly after.
Besides, Momo would never be invited to SDCC anyways lol.
No. 418170
>>418142This is all I saw Meg Turney do at NYCC last year.
Literally on her phone, head down, the entire time. And NO ONE was at her booth shared with Lisa Lou Who.
No. 418171
>>418168A lot of cosplayers drink during cons. Many have flasks of alcohol with them at their booths.
Momo drinks a lot but as much as she'd like to she's barely ever invited to guest at cons.
I think this is directed towards all the big cosplay names and the people trying to be like them. None of them treat cons they're paid to attend like jobs and they all do the bare minimum that is expected, most of which is them sitting at their booths and trying to make more money.
No. 418181
>>418141>>418142>>418149I agree with other anons that even though this would be something someone would have to say to Moo it's really more indicative of a larger problem in the cosplay community. I'm not sure if this is an email from a Vegas con but it seems like especially in Vegas cons the cosplay guests seem to take it as an opportunity to party and don't take the fact that they've been invited as a guest seriously.
I remember an incident a few years back from a now defunct Vegas con where a cos guest only spent a total of about 3 hours at her table the entire weekend, then threw a fit when the con told her that she would have to be paying for her room and the massive room service bill she had racked up. Sorry I don't have receipts, I knew the people running the con and I can't remember the name of the guest anyway.
No. 418187
File: 1501601313591.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.78 KB, 720x1291, FB_IMG_1501601215762.jpg)

Is she trying to use her ponytail to hide her back rolls?
No. 418196
File: 1501603445425.jpg (39.21 KB, 640x800, pLXayKS.jpg)

The Samus bikini just doesn't fit her properly. It just about did when she did her beach photoshoot with it the first time around, now it barely covers anything which is really embarrassing to look at.
No. 418200
File: 1501604756191.jpg (52.61 KB, 667x1000, FB_IMG_1501602615476.jpg)

She has brown eyes in this one and green in some of the Christmas ones, wasn't Samus her fav?
No. 418201
>>418200Thicc Samus was her thing, it's what gave her the initial popularity after she was featured on some gaming site. She also used to default back to the Zero G suit when her cosplays were mysteriously damaged or she didn't have time to finish them. Probably can't fit in it anymore or it got too damaged from overuse.
Keking at that lack of side ass in this pic though.
No. 418207
>>418187If there ever was an inspiration to exercise and diet.
How can you look like that after lipo???
No. 418211
File: 1501608258935.jpg (578.7 KB, 2896x2896, 20170801_122120.jpg)

She was bigger even back when she wasn't
No. 418212
File: 1501608290490.png (136.49 KB, 600x659, Screenshot_2017-08-01-18-14-22…)

There's being a white knight and then there's being a straight up Momocuck
The guy was commenting on her post talking about how he blocked x amount of "intolerable cunts"
No. 418214
File: 1501608321049.jpg (655 KB, 2896x2896, 20170801_122214.jpg)

2016 vs 2017
No. 418216
File: 1501608462313.png (1.16 MB, 1260x1920, Screenshot_2017-08-01-13-26-21…)

No. 418230
File: 1501611637568.jpg (146.22 KB, 1199x800, DGKanxNVYAE4rdS.jpg)

No. 418237
>>418229Lmfao even if you have thyroid issues and you get the meds that's not a golden ticket for eating everything you want you're basically just a normal human again
Also getting thyroid meds without actually having issues fucks up your thyroid
Sage for rant and ot but I'm tired of these kind of chicks
No. 418275
>>418230She must realize how bad she's gotten, right? She's gotten to the point where she can't even wear thigh highs without them trying to roll down her huge legs. She literally has to hold them up to keep them from slipping down here rolls. The puffy parts of the sleeves look tight in some places, somehow, because her arm's so huge. This is awful. Everything looks awful on her.
Also, this is such neckbeard bait; she's clearly wearing underwear under that heart, unless it's stretched so tightly that it turned transparent and you can see her vag, there's nothing to censor.
No. 418276
File: 1501622183299.jpg (45.72 KB, 978x131, Screenshot_20170801-161501.jpg)

the comments she gets make me shudder
No. 418306
File: 1501628026525.jpg (35.18 KB, 529x393, .........JPG)

>>418276It's usually the Indian dudes or the middle eastern dudes that leave the creepiest shit even in broken english.
>sage for moot observation No. 418308
>>418230she looks more like a fat nun than Stocking
the cuffs don't look right, stocking stripes are too thin, and the white veil thing is too fucking big
No. 418313
File: 1501630285840.png (189.62 KB, 1238x1603, IMG_6489.PNG)

No. 418314
File: 1501630327940.png (142.79 KB, 1242x1044, IMG_6490.PNG)

Sage for non milk
No. 418317
File: 1501630921712.jpg (32.49 KB, 524x721, triggered.jpg)

>>418313>>418314so hold up, does she actually have not a single ounce of shame or embarrassment over that photo? I mean this one she's used in the response is clearly edited, but is she not thinking of how she was walking around all day with her stubbly pubes visible to all an sundry, to the point where it's been documented? I would've left the internet. Holy shit, how can she care so little about her presentation? her body is her money source and at the moment she looks like a model for slob porn. She should be dying of shame over how disgusting she comes off in candids. She's such a fucking public disgrace
sage for kinda ranty
No. 418320
>>418317she didn't even edit out her pubes or liposcars
she just does not give a shit at this point
No. 418322
>>418314>>418314I am willing to bet she saved the photo from lolcow and then edited it in beautycam and posted it just to spite us. Its just too coincidental she'd post the same picture.
Or she's just dumb, saved it from here and literally just used the most recent photo she has (with editing ofc)
No. 418337
File: 1501633775719.png (109.32 KB, 1098x759, s74357a3fc3f0ea04ef1e38c677ce7…)

>sweet talking to try and get to moomoo
I like this guy's style
No. 418348
File: 1501635236887.png (1.4 MB, 999x768, g.png)

even for her "body positive" fans, surely the speed of the weight gain is a concern?
No. 418352
File: 1501635546578.jpg (82.6 KB, 984x312, 20170801_175647.jpg)

>>418337Forgot to blur out the guys name. My bad. Yeah okay moo. You "work hard".
No. 418362
>>418352>>418337He has a point though. People are GIVING HER MONEY and she is spending 90% on garbage/food and 10% on cosplay, which is mostly ebay tier shit… She is trash.
Neckbeards combined with dumb whores like her ruined the cosplay hobby and what it used to be about (which was simply fun.)
No. 418364
>>418337she's an delusional cunt. I'm a cosplayer and I can fucking say your cosplays are garbage and on top of that - you put less and less effort/love over these past months into your fav characters that you "oh love so much" …
I can't say ENOUGH how much I hate those patreon cosplay chicks.
-they are extremely arrogant.
-since they get too much compliments everyday from horny virgin boys, they think they'll be forever perfect.
- and well SHITTY cosplays mainly.
No. 418366
>>418337>>418352The only thing she works hard at is buying her cosplays and try to pass it off as her own. When people call her out on that she always uses the excuse that she never said word for word that she made it. she knows by now that if she showcases a cosplay with no credit to the maker/eBay link she got it from people will give her asspats with how "great of a cosplay" she is. She rarely credits anyone and if she ever does it's only for 1 out of 100 pictures of that same cosplay.
Moo also flip flops a lot on whether she herself is a cosplayer or not. But she still criticizes other people's work.
She does not seem to realize that there are a good amount of cosplayers who talk shit about her crafts. What's your excuse there Moomoo?
No one is asking her to become a cosplay virtuoso. She does not understand that the reason why people hate on her cosplays is because she never takes the time to improve herself or put in effort. She has only been doing cosplay for 2 years so it's not surprising that she is not great at sewing and crafting. But if she put in effort there would be more support. A shit ton of her posts are always "I don't have time for anything because I'm busy my dudes." Busy with what? If she really makes 15k she should have free time especially since she does not seem to even be giving out patreon rewards. I'm sure that the "photo shoots" she always talks about doing take no longer than 2 hours. Many talented cosplayers that I have seen at cons work actual jobs and go to school and still find the time to improve. What is your excuse Moomoo?
Sage for rant
No. 418368
File: 1501640471855.png (53.28 KB, 506x273, Screen Shot 2017-08-01 at 7.20…)

well as an la native I am going to be very annoyed
No. 418376
>>418368why would you even want to pay rent on somewhere that youre not gonna live in 60% of the time? and all of her shoots are in hotel rooms anyway
>>418374i can just see it now: a half blown up air mattress and a cardboard box as a table
No. 418386
File: 1501643289083.png (273.55 KB, 1242x1680, IMG_4935.PNG)

The cruise she was supposed to be guest of honor at.
No. 418389
File: 1501643556203.png (21.2 KB, 284x204, lol shade.png)

>>418111lol @ the bottom part of this "friend"s profile
No. 418391
>>418389friend of amy and all i can say is
oh no amy no leave before she swallows you whole
No. 418398
>>418181That laughable $10,001 one with the masquerade runner who only wanted to talk about himself?
No. 418408
>>418405>>418407I don't think this is particularly Mariah's fault per se cuz she was probably scammed into believing this was legit just like everyone else that bought tickets. Except instead of being attracted to the gaming aspect she was attracted to being the center of attention and getting attention from pro-gamers (to increase her fanbase and potentially get a boyfriend more well known than David or whatever his name is) etc.
But at the end of the day it is weird that she hasn't distanced herself from the event. Maybe she thinks being silent is enough?
No. 418414
>>418389she is brazilian?
sage for full OT
No. 418426
File: 1501651095953.jpg (304.04 KB, 1309x2048, FB_IMG_1501650918720.jpg)

Every time I see the stretch marks on her arms I want to die a little more
Thank you EBK for not shopping
No. 418427
File: 1501651254204.png (81.07 KB, 720x349, 20170802_002001.png)

No. 418430
File: 1501652376292.png (418.03 KB, 722x720, smug_cu.png)

Mariah sat in her car and ranted about "B BUTAFUL BE U DONT LISTEN 2 DA NEGATIVE COMMUNTS IF U SEE SUMFHIN U DONT LYKE CHANGE EET" on instagram.
She also said people were freaking out over a photo where she wasn't wearing anything but said she is "if you look at [her] hips". Also "dont be throwing the word slut around like its Thanksgiving dinner" makes 0 sense
No. 418438
>>418430She sounds like she is on fucking coke or something. She is talking like a million words a minute like she is afraid she can't get ever single word out her fat mouth.
Also bitch has only been "working with her trainer" for about a week and she thinks she is fucking Saitama or some shit because her "trainer" is shocked at how fast she is blowing through her workouts.
Just waiting to see how much of a mess her obvious lipo session is going to leave her. And holy shit her face looks like she was stung by hornets or somebody shit. Lay off the salty foods and alcohol Moomoo.
No. 418442
>>418439I imagine it's a horror show where no one else gets to eat and loss of limb is a punishment for daring to reach for anything while she is shoveling food down her maw.
"T-that turkey was kind of for everyone, M-Mariah"
"N-no it's okay. I'm sure the turkey didn't need all that stuffing anyways"
"M-maybe you could save some cake for everyone else?"
Also, she clearly doesn't practice what she preaches because she'll be back again next week going on this same "love yourself/fuck the haters" tirade. Seriously, how many weeks in a row has she done this?
No. 418455
File: 1501662885586.png (74.05 KB, 750x491, IMG_2956.PNG)

This is so cringey why does she try this hard? "my dudes my dudes"
No. 418464
File: 1501668739629.jpg (54.4 KB, 540x960, 20621887_1135823716562576_4689…)

>"I had this commissioned for a deku shoot. And I'm gonna scream I never want to take it off haha"
Sweet jesus christ all mighty
I call bullshit on the "never want to take i off" bit
No. 418472
>>418464I'm excited to see those tiny arm and leg holes squeeze into her fat wrists and cankles.
Also is she still in MI? Has she said anything about her grandpa or anything else? Did she just say she was leaving, and then nothing else about it? Sus.
No. 418485
>>418476That doesn't really matter anymore.
You'll see more anime costumes and JFash at an anime con but everyone basically wears whatever now.
Unless it's a specific con, comic cons and anything similar are more or less general pop culture oriented now.
No. 418489
>>418476I think its wierdier when i see people cosplaying comic characters at traditional japanese culture events
saw a few deadpools at hyper japan festival, like fucking why?!
No. 418522
File: 1501697136825.png (348.71 KB, 625x523, shade.png)

I wonder how accurate the slight shade is with what she says Collette said.
No. 418524
File: 1501697541931.png (343.56 KB, 639x626, not cosplay.png)

>>418522Another thing from her reblogs. It must make Vamp feel really good to know that she has an ass and that her roommate has to shade one in with makeup and edit one with photoshop. Also the fact that she doesn't have to be in 'cosplay' in order to get people to look at her half naked body.
>>418526Dude, I'm actually semi-excited to see her lose weight because I'm genuinely interested in how liposuction at a high weight affects your body fat composition down the line.
And who knows, she'll probably still get lipo for that immediate gratification.
No. 418590
File: 1501713579225.jpg (81.54 KB, 903x284, Screenshot_20170802-173831.jpg)

i read this in a lil kids voice
No. 418611
>>418583A lot of us would if given the chance. But would you lie and say you lost weight through diet and exercise is the real issue.
Ya know. It's weird we haven't seen any progress pictures of this miraculous gym progress. She was so desperate to show off those "abs" a few months ago.
No. 418618
>>418590So she's back in LV? that trip to spend with family didn't last long at all, I'm genuinely curious how her grandpa is doing.
lol jk we all know she went to get lipo for a day and is now hiding out and pretending she's working out with a trainer.
No. 418637
File: 1501724806554.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170802-204349.png)

Poor kitty
No. 418679
>>415824>>418631"You guys are almost forgetting this is the same girl who constantly posted up on her public page she wished her mother would die over small things like buying her the wrong car, not feeding her lunch or spending time with her other sister. She gives no fucks if her grandfather dies. She is just using him as an excuse to be more lazy than usual."
…Holy fuck, did she really say that? She wished death on her mother like that? Any screenshots we can see? I thought I couldn't dislike her more but I was wrong.
No. 418774
File: 1501770925034.png (147.45 KB, 750x1070, IMG_7549.PNG)

God this is one ratty looking wig.
No. 418775
>>418774Can she even fit into this now?
It's sad because with some little tweaks here and there she would make a good Wicke. I remember seeing a photo of the last time she wore this and it was seriously busting at the seams.
No. 418777
>>418775Doubt it.
The last time she wore it the seams were busting and she looked as if she were one sneeze away from the entire thing exploding off of her.
No. 418805
File: 1501777595891.png (74.95 KB, 720x635, Screenshot_2017-08-03-09-21-33…)

My age is showing here, but please don't compare Les Mis to a Disney thing just because you're obsessed with the stupid movie…trying to look all culturalized but girl you probably wouldn't even sit through both staged performances…sage because its not shocking at all that's she's just young and dumb and trying to impress…no milk, just kind of insulting.
No. 418806
File: 1501777660867.png (525.76 KB, 560x935, Screenshot_2017-08-03-01-14-43…)

>>418805Samefag with something a little more contribute-worthy I laughed my ass off
No. 418810
File: 1501778210303.jpg (43.39 KB, 800x450, imtoooldforthis.jpg)

>>418805>comparing two movies and not the stage plays smh
No. 418811
>>418806No wonder her skin is so saggy and gross, taping your face like this is, is actually bad for your skin and will make it sag if used for continued use.
I am laughing that she has to tape it back just to pretend her face her is thing looking tho
No. 418820
>>418810 OP, actually she is trying to compare the stage adaptations but being stupid she had no idea what to call it, maybe add the composer's name instead of just "LA" wtf does that even mean lol. I dunno why she keeps trying to push this "lul I'm a snowflake because I like musicals like Moana and Beauty and the Beast omg so nerdy right" we get it you're so unique because you like Disney songs.
No. 418823
>>418805Is this dipshit really trying to act like she is cultured and sophisticated by name dropping Les Mis? Good fucking lord she is so damn transparent and fake and I'm sure she has never seen a single show.
What's the matter Moomoo, getting tired of the sweaty, virgin neckbeards who only watch anime and play video games so now you want to try to look more grown up and sophisticated?
No. 418824
>>418806I do not understand this bitch. How do you make 10k monthly and have skin that looks like leather? Especially at her age? She can afford good skincare but she gives no shits and will continue to ruin her looks with smoking, alcohol, and her bad diet. Her looks are her livelihood! Of course she can filter and blur the fuck out of her photos, but no one will want to see this crone IRL.
Can we also talk about her makeup application here? The messy brows, that chunky winged liner that looks like she drew on with a sharpie, no lip color… so many offenses. I know her neckbeards won't notice, but she does the same makeup look for every costume. Reusing falsies is fine, but with how filthy she is, I imagine those have been reused over and over and are gross and crusty, lmao.
This is nearly Ash-tier makeup.
Sage for rant, I don't understand this bitch's priorities.
No. 418832
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No. 418846
>>418839Probably the only musical she knows of tbh
Cause someone said the Batb musical was better than the live action, now she is pretending she knows shit about musicals
No. 418869
File: 1501789860184.jpg (120.88 KB, 850x760, gross.jpg)

>>418806What is exfoliating… Buy a facewash, brush, toweled gloves…anything…
No. 418913
File: 1501796996212.png (569.12 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2017-08-03-14-44-19…)

Hanging out with Bokuman Studios aka that guy who thinks Moo Moo is ~super anime~
No. 418921
>>418405>>418407Aw shiggy diggy, it's a boat version of Dashcon, but it got stopped before it left port.
>>418430>"dont be throwing the word slut around like its Thanksgiving dinner"Haha. She and Asherbee should get together for more cringy HATERZ analogies.
>>418447This was brought up in a thread at the beginning of the year. Someone mentioned Patreon withheld some for that reason, but I don't even know if that was correct. I was gleefully waiting to hear her bitch about taxes, but it never happened.
>>418453April 2018 can't come soon enough. Or the year after. Or the year after. She'll be past her expiry and scrambling to get a real job with garnished wages. Better find that sugar daddy, Moomoo.
>>418617Not to A-Log, but wouldn't a wake-up call like that be beneficial?
No. 418964
File: 1501809730067.png (592.5 KB, 549x587, ofcourse.png)

we know you didn't moomoo
No. 418978
File: 1501812923593.jpg (52.6 KB, 460x423, IMG_7562.JPG)

>>418964this looks like one of those memes of super fat people that you used to see all the time on 9gag. pic related
No. 418980
>>418977Like sorry for the double post but look at Vamplete/Collette. Momo's mentality is to pay for everything and bring friends along on trips to cons so that they get start up. If that was the case then Vamplette wouldn't post sad shit or saying she feels like a failure. What Momo has done is just what every toxic person does when they get money/fame it doesn
't change people it amplifies what was already there. Which for her is thinking like her Dad which is I can abuse who I care for but if I buy gifts/ provide I'll be always forgiven.
No. 418986
File: 1501815740625.png (154.01 KB, 705x477, Screenshot_2017-08-03-18-05-17…)

No. 419002
>>418986Then how about you keep your grubby paws off of people who clearly don't consent to you touch them Moomoo.
I swear she is such a hypocritical cunt. She can grope and touch and talk to anyone however she wants, but the second it's done to her she immediately pulls the feminist bullshit "This is not okay to do to women! I will fuck you up if you treat me like that"
Go fuck yourself you dumb cow.
No. 419003
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No. 419004
File: 1501822207392.png (59.09 KB, 720x382, Screenshot_2017-08-03-21-47-32…)

No. 419007
>>418806She needs to drop those lashes, they put drag queens to shame. They look extremely fake and distracting.
>>418805>Comparing les mis and some recent generic disney blockbusterThis bitch really wants to piss people off doesn't she
No. 419008
>>419003What the actual fuck is wrong with those horns
She already ruined Stocking, what the fuck is this shit
No. 419009
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No. 419023
File: 1501830136344.png (2.12 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2703.PNG)

R.I.P carpet
No. 419028
>>419024She wants to have her metaphorical and literal cake and eat it too. On one hand, she wants to be seen as the "strong, independent woman who doesn't take shit from anyone". But the flip side to that is that she needs to appear obtainable to her neckbeard loser fans, and they don't want to hear any of that bullshit. All they care about is the illusion of her being into the same nerdy/geeky that they are and her taking off her clothes. They don't give a shit if she doesn't like being being talked to a certain way or if she feels disrespected in some way. All they care about is her in a hotel room, dressed half naked as their favorite anime character with some guy's fingers in her ass and fake cum on her tits.
This is the kind of shit you in invite when you act like a trashy slut who wants to fuck nerd dick in front of you, Moomoo. They tend to not treat you with any respect and only see you as a sexual object. You don't get to retroactively go back and act like you are suddenly now offended by the way people talk to you when you have been giving the okay on it since the very beginning.
No. 419034
File: 1501834824976.png (972.69 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9281.PNG)

Oh god my eyes
No. 419035
File: 1501834867740.png (Spoiler Image,844.38 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9282.PNG)

No. 419036
>>419034her eyes have no soul
she should shoop one in
No. 419037
File: 1501837485407.png (872.19 KB, 672x782, i9wvTXk.png)

>>418964what is important just changed
No. 419058
>>419009>does anyone else do the first person perspectiveYeah, tons of porno has that wtf is this ass kisser on about?
>i can't think of any other ladies who flaunt the first person experienceLol
No. 419080
>>419048She must be in the process of hating herself and her body. She does this all the time where she will spam pictures of her when she was younger and more fit to feel better about herself whenever the fat comments become too much for her to pretend to not care about.
I suspect another "I love my body and don't let anyone tell you that you aren't beautiful at your size/ fuck the haters" bullshit rant is coming.
No. 419090
File: 1501869876957.png (1.11 MB, 716x1171, Screenshot_2017-08-04-11-03-24…)

No. 419098
File: 1501872260717.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2382.PNG)

i called it a few threads ago that she was gonna buy a bodysuit for mei from the same place she got rouge.
it's gonna look ridiculous because beekeeper mei's bodysuit looks heavy and loose, not fitted haha
No. 419105
>>419090I wish she would stop sexualizing children's media (Pokemon, Disney cartoons). I know she's not the only one guilty of this, but the internet can be a dangerous place for kids because of people like her. Kind of like how kids can't look up MLP on google images without seeing pony porn.
Like, to be upset over how there's no BDSM in The Beauty and The Beast, a movie for kids? Go read some random monster/girl doujin, there's plenty of them. Get your horny little mits away from this, Moo.
Guess this means she's going to do some kind of BATB inspired boudoir shit now.
No. 419123
File: 1501881203274.png (502.08 KB, 540x680, Screenshot_2017-08-04-17-11-45…)

It's so hard to tell who's legitimately friends with her
No. 419129
File: 1501882581152.png (811.05 KB, 710x1032, Screenshot_2017-08-04-14-17-54…)

No. 419147
File: 1501886924316.png (958.41 KB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2017-08-04-15-46-50…)

Please tell me she is educating herself and NOT being this extra about Fate
No. 419171
>>419090what the fuck? sexy cartoon art of a disney movie is not "hentai"
is she fucking retarded?
No. 419187
>>419023What even happened here and why is she this trashy to overshare it like she was proud of it???
>>419030This is a house and not a rental, isn't it?
No. 419188
>>419174Because she is a proud, thicccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc, sexy womens, anon!
-Of course she wasn't going to be accurate with this costume, it wasn't going to show off her fat rolls to her liking even though a proper suit would of been so much easier for her to hide her shapewear/new compression bandages under.
No. 419197
>>419123moo is part of the same group of cosplay girls who promo each other they arent actual friends just friends for retweets
they are always choosing the same group of people to promote with wcw and stuff like this its obvious they plan it which just makes it feel really forced and sad I wonder if any of these popular cosplay girls have any ACTUAL friends who ACTUALLY like them and not just people who encourage their bullshit so they will keep promoting each other
Sage for speculation mostly
No. 419216
File: 1501904305135.jpg (234.93 KB, 620x412, chrissy_teigen.jpg)

>>419215she's so fucking awkward, and doesn't have a sexy bone in her body. the awkward money face she does at the start, why do neckbeardss hate them so much to be into this tramp
No. 419218
>>419215What in the fuck are those faces in the beginning??? She looks like she's hacking up a hairball.
This looks so half assed, the lighting is terrible.
No. 419219
File: 1501905144703.jpg (8.26 KB, 225x225, 1490489814838.jpg)

>>419215Legit my stomach hurts from this. Her fat is moving so much by even a small movement and how much tape has she used on her face to create angles?
I have to workout even harder to avoid turning into this. Moo has turned into a good reason for that. Saged
No. 419229
File: 1501907895610.png (Spoiler Image,299.33 KB, 720x498, 20170804_233105.png)

This is the only time her stockings are this high, the rest of the time they've rolled to just above the knee, when she goes to take them off it snaps and she had to grab it and they slowed it down in the reverse. What bothers me most would be the wink wonk when she rubs her side thigh"booty" or when she very obviously uses Honekoneko as a kitty=pussy and pretends to finger herself gag
No. 419230
File: 1501908487268.gif (488.39 KB, 500x250, IMG_5730.GIF)

>>419215Her videos are 10 times worse than her horrible lewd hotel sets.
Is she allergic to smiling?
No. 419239
File: 1501910615225.png (117.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170805-002159.png)

Anybody saved the video
No. 419261
File: 1501923583638.jpg (91.63 KB, 622x490, IMG_6271.JPG)

She hasn't given up because she truly loves getting $15k to eat pho, drink, buy drugs, etc for minimal amounts of work. All she's been doing lately is releasing old as fuck sets.
Has she even mailed out all her months late rewards?
No. 419268
>>419261Mariah. Hun.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but bullying other people and eating and drinking yourself into a stupor isn't healing no matter which way you dice it. Jfc
No. 419274
>>419244Man that must have been about comment I made about her janky ass wig a month or two ago. Damn, her insecurity is showing. I don't even have 200 followers, kek
Sage cause
Useless contribution
No. 419287
File: 1501948238911.png (302.48 KB, 720x949, Screenshot_2017-08-05-08-48-31…)

No. 419294
File: 1501949530861.gif (4.17 MB, 600x338, yikes.gif)

>>419229The true horror must be seen in motion.
No. 419297
File: 1501949862285.gif (3.01 MB, 480x270, awkwardmoo.gif)

>>419290>>419296I should probably bring some context: she went to a friend's home (presumably) and they have a full and half dog hybrid as pets.
>>419294This is fun. I want to make some too!
No. 419303
>>419294literally the most tragic ass i've ever seen
so fucking embarrassing
No. 419321
>>419287Well we know how she likes to treat animals, and wolf dogs are not like typical dogs. They're usually timid and not big on affection.
I like how she thinks she's -so cool- by getting bit by a wolf dog, even tho she probably did something to piss that dog off.
Animal cruelty is super cool, Momo.
No. 419329
File: 1501961143007.gif (2.13 MB, 600x338, so sexy.gif)

The whole teaser is so full of cringe.
No. 419331
File: 1501961260933.png (255.48 KB, 247x453, IMG_0080.PNG)

>>419329She tries way too hard to be sexy.
No. 419400
File: 1501974128480.png (1.24 MB, 1008x1090, Screen Shot 2017-08-05 at 7.01…)

Sure Momo sure.
No. 419413
File: 1501975048635.png (52.8 KB, 451x375, Screenshot 2017-08-05 at 4.16.…)

No one knows which one she's talking about…
>>419400 No. 419431
>>419377Except there are witness reports of her being too rough with dogs, as well as photo evidence of her having a dog in a headlock.
Try again
No. 419433
>>419400lmao ok. even if he used it as a reference a) it looks nothing like her and b) it also looks haggard and middle aged af
just compare to the younger looking redhead, oh hell even the orc looks cuter lmao
No. 419454
File: 1501977951169.png (168 KB, 720x940, Screenshot_2017-08-05-17-01-46…)

No. 419493
>>419400Yeah, I was wondering which it was, too. I figured it was
probably bottom left only by looking at the noses specifically. Had nothing to do with the hair or eyes.
And yeah, the top two look cuter. Bottom left looks angry and/or constipated, and yeah, those face lines age it quite a bit.
Anyway if I wasn't told that one of those was supposedly based off of her, I would have never thought of her. There are definitely people it resembles far more than moo. She's really reaching.
No. 419508
>>419306Grammar-anon, "ridden" is also an adjective that indicates an obsession with or over-abundance of something.
Neither definition really matters because it's likely that Moomoo meant to use the word "ridded." That fits the sentence but is almost always autocorrected to "riddled" or "ridden." Her misuse is likely a typo or an autocorrect she didn't catch.
Mariah is such a shitshow (really, Hermonie??) that it's hard to give her the benefit of the doubt so I know your heart was in the right place but maybe this was a nitpick too far? The meaning of the message was so stupid and false - let's focus on that!
No. 419519
>>419377Anon, scroll up and read the whole of the mess with Mariah and other people's animals or click here:
>>416553She's been called out for manhandling a puppy in a way that could cause it pain due to its breed, for snatching up a sleeping dog (good way to get bitten), and was photographed putting someone else's dog in a headlock so it couldn't get away from her.
If she had a big dog and was wrestling with it playfully that would be one thing. But she's picking up Corgis and hurting them to the point that their owner won't bring the dog back to another con, she put herself and others at risk by swooping in on a sleeping dog and she doesn't respect when animals try to get away from her. This isn't about her rough housing with her own dog - it's about her very likely being a drunken menace who doesn't notice or care when she's causing harm.
No. 419522
>>419519This person already said "I already know blah blah blah" so they're just on a stupid tirade to defend her on his point for basicly no reason.
Either they don't own a dog/pet or don't understand why those "small things" are a big deal.
If this moron can't understand not to grab her friend's crotch (who is human) without consent, I doubt she knows how to respect an animal.
With a person like moo, slight whiteknighting is retarded since it's always likely the worst possible scenario.
/sage for w/e let's please move on and not defend her in stupid shit.
No. 419540
File: 1501998594431.png (43.56 KB, 487x716, 001.png)

Some neckbeard fan of her's posted her Stocking video into an ACEN group and she got dragged hard. Very little in the way of positive comments, maybe two in the whole thread? Everything else are either people calling her out, or expressing their disgust.
The hate for her spreads far and wide, didn't think I'd see her in my local con groups all the way out in the midwest.
No. 419545
File: 1502000189963.png (450.78 KB, 720x796, Screenshot_2017-08-05-23-10-47…)

It's Artoria.
No. 419546
File: 1502000238217.png (71.62 KB, 720x479, Screenshot_2017-08-05-23-11-09…)

No. 419549
>>419545Why is she such a dumb cunt?
Though I wonder how bad the backlash will be if she cosplays Artoria.
No. 419553
>>419540sage because I only come into this thread every now and then so I guess I missed this -
Who is the guy she told to kill himself?
No. 419555
>>419553KBBQ, the dude who made all her armor and was the hands in most of her POV shoots.
I think there's a handful of others she's told, too.
No. 419558
>>419546Don't even care if I get banned for this:
Shut the fuck up Mariah, you ignorant, animal abusing cunt-louse. I hope someone treats you the way you treat animals some day.
>>419555wow, last time I was in her threads she was posting IG stories from his house
which thread did this happen in? I want to read lol
No. 419562
File: 1502004665190.png (8.53 KB, 491x132, eh.png)

Well that's disgusting.
No. 419567
File: 1502007046315.png (126.25 KB, 720x936, Screenshot_2017-08-06-01-07-31…)

Too bad Fate Apocrypha is a LIGHT NOVEL
No. 419568
File: 1502007347573.png (848.92 KB, 720x1116, Screenshot_2017-08-06-01-13-43…)

No. 419569
File: 1502007384432.png (733.94 KB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2017-08-06-01-12-21…)

No. 419583
>>419567I find it amusing she's trying really hard to be number 1 fatefan. It's actually a bit sad.
It's been a bit since I've read the VN so I might be wrong but I'm fairly sure Nasu hadn't developed Mordred beyond Artoria's "son" who betrayed her and then fought her at Camlann, and was a product of forced incest with Morgan in original Fate/stay night VN or if Takeuchi had a design for her then.
No. 419584
File: 1502012529711.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4867.PNG)

>>419546Is jaeda her cat? Or is it her new armor/prop slave since she exiled kbbq?
No. 419585
>>419583Mordred is summoned as a Saber in Fate/Apocrypha. So there's more development (basically Mordred really idolized Arturia and wanted to be like her, Arturia didn't want to acknowledge her, so she got really mad and betrayed her, leading to the scene shown above).
>>419567As if Momo has read the VNs. She's just watching Fate/Apocrypha now that it's out. Probably after being called out for asking who Mordred is earlier.
No. 419602
>>419569So is she still in MI? Thats the same room as
>>417168Or, surprise, she never went and just used it as an excuse to get more lipo. and considering she's covering up where the new scars would be hmmm
No. 419604
File: 1502020660277.png (45.92 KB, 638x455, lmao.png)

She doesn't even pretend to not lurk
No. 419609
File: 1502025538500.png (156.43 KB, 750x1097, IMG_2707.PNG)

Wait, Cindy from the recent Final Fantasy game? and she is really dragging this whole liking Fates thing way too hard.
No. 419618
File: 1502029912793.png (122.94 KB, 640x822, IMG_6298.PNG)

Sure, he's a good artist but, like…. where the fuck is the reference? The expression and none of the features look like her. I'm thinking this is just major ass kissing cause why would he throw in that quip about how "professional relationships work"? He drew an old brunette broad with brown eyes and got on this mega thot's good side by just claiming her used her as reference.
No. 419626
>>419618Holy shit he is sperging ft out over this! Yes very professional Zach lmao. Even if the piece was 100% her likeness people would still be making fun of it and calling BS. that's what happens when you associate with a known list at abd all around piece of shit.
Although I'm sure he just wants to make her happy do she can keep throwing him $400 to make reference pictures she'll never actually cosplay.
No. 419628
>>419623I'm guessing she likes peaches bc momo is peach in Japanese.
But yeah, -kun is for addressing males so her name sounds kinda stupid if you're familiar with Japanese terms.
And it's hilarious that she goes on about how hard she works and that she tries to sound successful but she can't cosplay for shit, her makeup is shit and she's a fucking menace to people and animals, there's nothing to be jealous of
No. 419642
File: 1502034090206.jpg (120.08 KB, 960x960, 19756708_1264570793671110_4126…)

>>419618tbh not really even. He makes a lot of very amateur mistakes. He goes from black and white to colour but doesn't do it properly so his colours look muddt and dirty, his anatomy is awful, he has same face syndrome.
He gains popularity over his designs but honestly he just steals generic designs from blizzard and goes way over the top (and not in a good way)
he's completely mediocre but is popular with popular cosplayers so he's become a completely smug baby because of it.
sage for art sperg
No. 419644
File: 1502034915723.jpg (151.13 KB, 750x1334, IMG_7665.JPG)

On my phone so sorry for the bad editing. Waifu Hell dragging her once again
No. 419647
>>419645"over the past 2 years"
That's hilarious because her career has only been going for about 2 years lol
No. 419648
File: 1502035427316.png (468.55 KB, 819x597, Screenshot 2017-08-06 at 9.02.…)

>>419647If we're bring serious, it's true since she was stick thin.
>>419584God no wonder it looks so wrinkly. She didn't apply the worbla properly..
No. 419650
File: 1502035518515.png (120.88 KB, 640x875, IMG_6302.PNG)

This event is soooo cloooose to me! So tempted to go but… Must…not…cowtip…..
She's asking people for ideas on swimsuit cosplays. Says she and Vamp are thinking of Cindy and Prompto.
There's only a week til the event, idk how she'll be able to have a new cosplay bikini by then, unless she just gets something generic and wears a wig. Which she probably will or just reuse Mei
No. 419653
File: 1502036150542.jpg (53.36 KB, 914x514, IMG_2885.JPG)

>>419650Momo should go as Prompto, he would really suit her.
No. 419671
If nothing comes up, I just might go. I'd like to see the behemoth in person and maybe attempt some candid photos.
No. 419690
File: 1502041303400.jpg (154.5 KB, 581x401, IMG_0566.JPG)

>>419562He didn't quite get that Earnie nose look down. Honestly looks better than Moo.
>>419642I agree. His stuff is subpar compared to others. A lot of his fan traffic has come from Nigri and the people she's associated with who have also commissioned concept art. People who just want to see hot cosupray gurls and don't give a shit about the community. So of course they probably like Moomoo too and he will be riding that exposure from cosplayers train forever.
No. 419705
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No. 419706
File: 1502044821365.jpg (155.07 KB, 640x891, IMG_6314.JPG)

>>419705guess he's tired of people saying it doesn't look like her.
No. 419710
File: 1502045662529.png (38.67 KB, 731x217, IMG_0567.PNG)

>>419706>this world does revolve around her This just in: Momo is now big enough to have her own gravitational pull
Someone put this smug shit down god damn dude you are pathetic
No. 419711
>>419400>>419705I don't know why Zach is even mad. He should be more mad at Momokun for parading around the fact that "her face is in Blizzard" and showing it off like her face is even obvious in the picture. Typical Moo trying to talk things up.
Zach seems to have gotten advice from Moo on handling criticism. It's a shame really because you'd think someone who is as "professional" as he is would learn to handle criticism or ignore it.
No. 419715
>>419711According to his explanation, ithe character isn't supposed to look like or BE her at all.
Lyke, why even use her face instead of someone that looks more like how the character is supposed to look? Like…saaay maybe a hispanic person?
No. 419720
>>419715Because by fellating Moo's ego, she'll toss him more money for designs she'll never use because she's a trash-tier seamstress and prop maker. He may be hoping her wannabes and beta orbiters will start tossing him cash as well.
At the end of the day it is simple famewhoring.
No. 419728
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No. 419743
File: 1502049743677.jpg (438.31 KB, 1257x2048, 19956199_1542883092399866_1416…)

No. 419775
File: 1502056387759.png (852.36 KB, 1440x2037, 20170806_235157.png)

moo hate really is widespread - every weeb group and page absolutely hates her
No. 419795
File: 1502061352795.png (151.86 KB, 478x587, Screenshot 2017-08-06 at 4.14.…)

No. 419802
File: 1502062424663.png (1.23 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2017-08-06-16-30-11…)

No. 419803
File: 1502062477247.png (31 KB, 720x285, Screenshot_2017-08-06-16-32-23…)

>art of tease
No. 419808
>>419795>>419797Oh man, that was embarrassing to watch. Like an MMA fighter who just took a hit to head and starts wildly flailing their arms in a desperate attempt to hit something as they are falling to to the mat. She didn't have any clever comeback or snide remark so she reached for the "Trump supporter reeeeeeer!!!" card. That's practically her go to move whenever she is getting roasted; look for something completely unrelated to the argument to hold over the other person's head and act like she won. And it always makes her looks so damn petty and pathetic.
You know Moomoo, if you were actually a "good person" and a "positive force in the cosplay community" like you claim, then your work and reputation would stand for itself and you wouldn't constantly be having to do damage control and clap back at anyone who says something even slightly negative about you. The fact that there are countless people talking about your shitty behavior and actions should tell you that you are a cancer to the community that everyone wishes would just go away and do porn instead of pretending like you belong.
No. 419813
>>419802>no arrow rings These would be so easy to make Lol it's already inaccurate
>>419803Nice rip off from the Dita Von Teese book.
No. 419815
>>419650I'm kind of confused about why she picked Cindy for this. The photo she shared of the jacket makes me feel like she'll be wearing the whole thing. But hammerhead is located in a desert… I know beach locations exist and Cindy does go to Cape Caem but she's there briefly if I remember right.
There were so many other characters that actually have swimsuits she could have picked.
No. 419816
File: 1502065574541.jpg (32.81 KB, 439x249, image.jpg)

>>419802is the rest of the cosplay seriously laying right there in the filth… I see a wig, a pink bra and possibly jean shorts
No. 419828
File: 1502066478207.png (102.96 KB, 640x814, IMG_7801.PNG)

Momos response on one of her friends pictures; she's one to talk, reusing the same ratty wigs and disgusting underwear.
No. 419831
File: 1502066860735.gif (842.74 KB, 400x225, slimshady.gif)

>>419828is this bitch fucking for real. she wears the same bra and underwear in every single one of her lewd sets and this dumb cunt is seriously trying to make fun of someone else for wearing the same bra
No. 419837
>>419828what a cunt this isnt even funny, i'd be upset if one of my friends did that (although im sensitive)
this girl is also thick but shes much cuter than mariah…. looks like shes doing the typical ~mask ur jealousy by making fun of ur friend/low key putting them down and embarrassing them publicly ~ bit
No. 419839
File: 1502068066653.jpeg (200.68 KB, 750x1023, image.jpeg)

Someone tore her apart before the comment got deleted. Moomoo is such a fucking hypocrite.
No. 419851
>>419828Seriously, what an incredibly bitch, petty thing to do to someone who is supposedly your "friend". It is so obvious that she is one of those bitches who has to constantly put down and insult other women to feel better about herself because she is an insecure cow who jumps at the slightest sign of being usurped as the alpha bitch.
And watch her backpedal like "It's a joke between friends my dudes. Stop trying to turn everything into drama". And of course the other girl will start bootlicking Moomoo because she wants to get into her good graces and have her pay for expensive shit like she does for all her other "friends".
No. 419874
>>419816It is a pet peeve of mine when cosplayers use humongous push up bras when the character clearly is just wearing a bikini type top.
We get that your boobs probably look huge with that bra on but it's inaccurate dood just put some of those cutlets in while you're wearing the bikini top you'll be better.
No. 419880
File: 1502077063279.png (Spoiler Image,820.14 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170806-223531.png)

Idk if she's just being a bitch or really needs any reason to drink
No. 419895
File: 1502079816546.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2711.PNG)

Good to know that she is taking her diet seriously
No. 419913
>>419743An anon noted that Moomoo's pits looked disgraceful so I zoomed in. Can we talk about the fresh, livid red stretch marks on her left bicep?
This photo is from Anime Expo 2017, so it was taken well after her first round of lipo. I guess the theories that when you get lipo and remove lots of fat cells yet continue to gorge non-stop, your body is left with no choice but to cram all that fat into existing fat cells is true.
Fuck, this is what she looks like AFTER getting lipo and as a result of not taking that lipo seriously she's getting so fat so fast in places yet to be lipoed that her skin looks like it may burst open. She has to be in such a state of discomfort all the time.
No. 419919
>>419797I noticed that this dude's bio wasn't supporting or trashing Trump before I got to his response saying so.
Not a Trump supporter, not that it matters in any of this context, but his bio actually sounds kind of depressed/apathetic in ways.
Saying "Trump has to be it" could literally just mean that he's the person we have as president, so… yeah.
It's a weird thing to have in a bio so long after the election either way, but yeah.
It's super embarrassing of her to stoop to personal nitpicks like that. She should realize that going political is very divisive and not something she should do if it isn't already her thing/something that would increase her income.
No. 419948
>>419945She's just casually racist in that scenario
But she also never knows what she cosplays from either. She couldn't spell Hermione right for the longest time.
No. 419950
>>419948I don't have the screenshots but there was something about her trying to brag about having 130 something hours on Mei, but when she screenshotted her stats, she didn't realize it showed her true amount of time which was like 20.
But playing the game doesn't mean she knows the lore. I know a lot of people who still don't know the lore of most of the characters even though they play the game.
No. 419966
>>419964sage for ot as well, but isnt the age of consent 13 for people who are 13-17?
It's not like a 45 year old can have sex with someone under 17 because that coupling isn't legal. They have to be within the same age range.
No. 419971
>>419967nice blog post. Sage goes in the email field.
>>419950Moo, lyk totes, plays on her friends account! Stats trackers are a lie!
>>419914Which is hilarious because she's going to be linked after every single round.
At this point, is Moo big enough for gastric band? She must be getting there right?
No. 420012
>>419776And you believed her? LMAO. She probably just saw a couple of episodes from the new part 3 anime and that's it.
She only used to say she was such a JoJo expert because KBBQ was/is very into it and she wanted to impress him.
No. 420017
File: 1502119833479.jpeg (138.85 KB, 749x992, image.jpeg)

Did anyone notice that she bought a bootleg?
No. 420018
>>420017all the figs she's gotten are bootleg cause she buys them off of ebay/amazon for the cheapest prices.
also before anon's say there's no bootleg of x fig, no, making them is super easy and especially if they're from a popular series, not just a popular fig, there will be bootlegs.
No. 420022
File: 1502120474174.jpeg (43.58 KB, 357x536, HokaHoka1461004698.jpeg)

>>420017Definitely a shit bootleg - this fig is actually a garage kit which has never been release prepainted. pic is what its supposed to look like…
No. 420027
>>420020mfc doesn't have the info until someone buys it, yes it's a good resource but you can use common sense yourself too.
>>420019has anyone pointed out it's fake? her fans surely collect too. it just looks so bad. shoes and wonky top especially. this quality is so poor, i could believe it was frankensteined together.
No. 420030
>>420022Wow the difference is staggering! It's a cute figure, so if it comes in a kit I'd understand someone getting a bootleg if they don't want paint it themselves buuuut I'm sure she could have found one a little better looking jfc
I also have a feeling has no idea about bootlegs and just buys the first one she sees with no research involved
No. 420031
>>420017the chest part looks broken, almost. it's driving me crazy. I can understand buying bootlegs if you can't get anything better but maaaan.
This one is really ugly.
No. 420036
>>420031I can understand buying bootlegs if you can't get anything better but maaaan.
I don't think that's fair. People should never get bootlegs. She doesn't -need- the fig and it's always better to support the scupltors/show.
No. 420045
>>420010They get free advertisement from the cosplayer. That pays for the table. They can put the table anywhere so its not like they are losing money.
I have friends and ive helped them who have been "hired" at cons. They give them extra chores all the time. Judge this contest, greet this sponser, and so on. 5-6 hours become 14 very easily since cons are technically all day. So it depends. If the con is treating you good or they are trying then help.
A presenter I know went on a rant cause she didnt know she was judging. The group putting it on was small and they spent a lot to bring her. I dont think it was right for her to say anything. They also bombed the fashion show. I told her she shouldve volunteered to run it.
Im not heartless its just cons want everything free and the staff to bleed. Not fair. Cosplayers want to see the con too.
No. 420062
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No. 420071
File: 1502131001233.jpeg (48.13 KB, 500x618, KururuSouchou1273698937.jpeg)

>>420020Ugh, I was hoping MFC wouldn't get mentioned. It'll only encourage her to buy more shit figures and let her pretend to be knowledgeable about them.
>>420017I'm hoping she continues to buy cheap figures and eventually gets pic related.
No. 420093
File: 1502133797452.jpeg (172.36 KB, 750x1099, image.jpeg)

I wonder how she's gonna try and and cover THIS up, that dumb bitch.
No. 420106
>>420089>>420093Her figure collection is as fake as she is. Not surprising.
The real thing is pretty cute though.
No. 420139
>>420130you're giving her too much credit if you think she even knows this is a gk lol
theres no way she would have got this if she could have bought one of the gsc knockoffs
No. 420145
>>420139I looked on eBay. This cost her around $25-30 with shipping. The original cost of the GK was ¥15000 (not including scalper pricing) and the E2046 Gathering version would be closer to the original kits price. The recast GK was $50~. She bought the cheapest she could find.
Even if Mariah didn't want to deal with overseas but English friendly sites like AmiAmi/HLJ/Hobby Search most US based stores have decent pricing for legit figures. She actually could have had credit along with a nice figure for under $200 including shipping.
Such a huge fatefan lol.
No. 420217
File: 1502144728271.png (429.14 KB, 471x610, momoeww.png)

This thread has been very amusing in Overwatch People
No. 420221
File: 1502145062362.png (28.19 KB, 484x466, momoeww2.png)

From above thread
No. 420245
>>420219Also, why does these bitches keep making rants while using cutesy animal ear filters?? Like, it takes the seriousness out of it? It's so annoying.
Her face is so punchable also, I hate how she thinks she's above it all when she's the biggest drama whore out there.
No. 420246
>>420219Is this cow fucking serious? She is literally talking about herself. She practically feeds off of drama, so it's laughable that she is trying to act like "like, I'm so above all the drama and don't give a fuck because I'm like such a good person" when practically her second job is constantly responding to drama and trying to clap back at "haters". She is the exact kind of cancer that harms other people in the community that she is bitching about. She fucking ran KBBQ off of social media and now she is trying to lecture someone about being a toxic shitbag.
Seriously, how fucking delusional is she?
No. 420257
>>420219This is so ambiguous. It's basically so if anyone were to confront her about the video possibly being about themselves she can back pedal and claim it's about someone else.
There is no point to these types of posts why do people past 14 years old still post this type of shit? Kind of paradoxial Mo still does it and she's all "I'm younger and I have to tell you you're being immature! Lol"
No. 420266
>>420246Its just mind boggling how retarded she really is.
if this is about Steff, then this is two times she's blown private drama wide open into the public. Steff does not like Mariah, but by removing people who she knows just uses others is NOT FUCKING STIRRING UP DRAMA. Its her removing herself from the situation so she can get away from it.
Steff really fucking
triggers her.
No. 420290
File: 1502148511943.jpg (18.84 KB, 626x190, 7541848.jpg)

bitch what the fuck?
No. 420297
>>420290. . . A-Am I on Mars or some shit? Please tell I'm on a different planet or some shit. In what fucking way does she think that this isn't her? She is the fucking drama cow who starts shit with everyone and is always trying to clap back at anyone who doesn't kiss her ass and grovel at her feet. She is the cancer who ruins people lives and is constantly starting fights with everyone.
Like, go fuck yourself Moomoo. But I'm sure that you'll delete all of this before the day is out and will try to pretend it never happened and will post another "Love yourself and preach only positivity" horseshit rant.
No. 420325
>>420219Every time Moo is starting to feel a little dried up, she just starts milking herself all over again!
PT will always be the Queen of our Hearts, but Moomookunt is now the Queen of our Laughs.
No. 420351
>>420308>>420313Tbh the bootlegs shown there are miles better than Moo's.
i would buy it tbqhShe makes 10k a month and can't bother to buy the original, and not even a nicer bootleg. How embarrassing.
>>420343Moo said she was younger than the onr she's """lecturing"""
No. 420355
>>420351yeah i mixed up the tweet she posted and the video so i deleted my post haha
idk why she keeps bullying steff. it's fucking annoying. continue being a salty fuck that someone who is LEAGUES better than you at literally everything doesn't like you, moo.
No. 420376
File: 1502153261315.jpeg (2.05 MB, 3504x2336, Bellsproot1482233308.jpeg)

>>420351The first page or two of images are the equivalent to what moomoo bought. The last two pages I believe are E2046's gathering figure. The gathering vers (pictured) is miles better than what moomoo bought.
No. 420385
>>420219Says this while she had a degenerate snapchat filter on to hide her fat face lmaooooo
Also is this a jab at kbbq???? Who is she directing this to because certainly a lot of us are way younger than her lmao
No. 420410
>>420219Do you really think you're ~mature~ Moo?? You described yourself in your own video. You don't think you instigate drama at all? Tell us why you have multiple threads that talk about how much they hate you when Steff has zero? Steff is the adult here because she keeps most of her matters private while you blow anything and every thing out of proportion.
You must think your so tough because you feel like you can bully someone who is less ~famous~ than you are. You are selfish and lack any talent as a cosplayer to the point that some times you tell people you are not one at all.
Did you already forget about all the lives you tried to ruin with your immaturity and bullying? You claimed Nathan Deluca raped you. You doxxed a guy who made a meme about you. You bullied kbbq out of the cosplay scene. I'm sure you backstabbed a bunch of other people as well. I am willing to bet my left boob that most of your friends are only around because you bribe them with gifts or out of fear that you'd bully them too.
Grow the fuck up. I'm 19 years old (yes I'm younger than YOU) and I can see what an immature cunt you are. Learn to shut your mouth for once and keep your private matters to yourself and maybe you might not have so many threads. I respect Steff for being a bigger person then you and never call you out publicly.
Sage for angry rant.
No. 420490
File: 1502156464065.png (832.34 KB, 720x1113, Screenshot_2017-08-07-18-38-32…)

This kigu makes her look huge
No. 420509
File: 1502158086358.png (66.38 KB, 640x881, IMG_6410.PNG)

here she goes again with old, photoshopped to hell pics talking about being strong and shit.
Mariah, stop using tricks to hide your size/cellulite/boob veins etc THEN you will actually be conveying a message.
The comments are so cringy too. It's always so stupid id when horny men pretend to care about a sex worker's message. Y'all just wanna wank, bros. She doesn't have a beautiful personality.
No. 420523
>>420490IKEA display case for her bootleg figures and a computer desk, no other furniture/furnishings visible.
Living that sweet neckbeard life, eh Moo? All you need is a daki and some wall scrolls!
No. 420569
>>420509Fierce is another word that means jackshit because of people like momo abusing words. Bitch the only fierce thing about you is your cocaine addiction.
>>420557change the https:// to "m.". You should be able to save the video then.
No. 420614
File: 1502173792228.png (125.35 KB, 640x905, IMG_6413.PNG)

There she goes preteding again. That other chick admits it, why can't she?
No surprise her support is coming from another Patreon low tier stripper. This patreon bullshit really is ruining the community. The costhots get to have money and adulation thrown at them while better cosplayers get overlooked. They don't give a fuck about source material or getting things right. It's no fun seeing a bastardized version of a favorite character not acting like themselves amd just begging for attention. Just wanna slut it up, cause drama, and get money. All about "fun"…. right…
/sage for rant
No. 420616
>>420509Photoshopped her arms smaller and shaved off the sides of her rolls on her torso.
No. 420659
>>420647It's because hers are far more extreme than anyone else's. Those pov shoots, fake come, spread legs, etc are beyond what anyone else will do. Momo is different from every other sexy cosplay patreon in the worst way and it works. The production value doesn't matter at that point. Plus she's 'thicc' and a surprisingly large amount of dudes secretly love that.
If you want high quality sexy cosplay you'll just pay for Nigri's patreon because everyone else is just doing exactly the same so the market is saturated.
No. 420675
File: 1502184384580.png (207.57 KB, 632x918, IMG_6448.PNG)

So, she's accepted the name Moo Moo then. What a good cow, letting herself be branded :)
No. 420707
File: 1502191439516.png (24.29 KB, 884x155, Capture1.PNG)

No. 420729
File: 1502209601112.jpg (482.88 KB, 945x717, momokun.jpg)

"Wicke POV sets are on sale on if you want to check them out you can! If not that's cool too! Not your thing? Great. Stay tuned for other stuff I'll be posting! Not everything I post you have to like :D happy Tuesday"
No. 420754
>>420751part of my point. it -seems- that from her patreon, but in reality she seems poor as fuck.
i know she's always been a cheap bitch, but she's also greedy, so why doesn't she buy more nice shit? she has tons of money to do so as far as we know. but she is frugal to the point she doesn't even have furniture, yet goes all the way to ikea to buy 1 mirror, it seems really fishy to me. other shit like begging for food or buying bootleg shit really makes the case.
i guess to me, she seems like she doesn't have much money to spend, and desperate neckbeards or not, she always conveniently gets tons of followers in short periods of time even though she rarely gives her rewards.
she apparently has all this money, yet never has anything to show for it, doesn't go out to celebrate, doesn't show off her wealth like you'd think she would given the way she acts about everything else. even if she's lazy it's likely she'd try atleast to not look so shitty and poor.
No. 420795
File: 1502219151142.jpg (629.97 KB, 1021x1454, Screenshot_20170808-140405.jpg)

someone commented w this lol
No. 420930
>>420729If I saw this during foreplay I'd probably pack up and get out.
I don't get why she does the bulgey eye thing, like it only works if you slightly open your eyes, not look like a starving child being offered food.
No. 421052
File: 1502236360321.png (483.67 KB, 498x601, Screenshot 2017-08-08 at 4.51.…)

No. 421053
File: 1502236459532.png (422.63 KB, 533x595, Screenshot 2017-08-08 at 4.53.…)

>>421052She used to be so attractive physically
No. 421054
File: 1502236541742.png (299.33 KB, 329x597, Screenshot 2017-08-08 at 4.55.…)

No. 421138
File: 1502247681061.png (588.48 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2017-08-08-19-54-31…)

Some shots from Mei video she just posted on Twitter. I feel like this was aimed at premature ejaculators who get a chubby from only boob jiggles. It took up 70 percent of this clips content
No. 421184
File: 1502256693925.gif (1.05 MB, 480x270, wtf.gif)

>>421138>>421139These were prime gif material anon pls
No. 421272
File: 1502267108731.png (277.07 KB, 604x270, kek.png)

>>415950 and thats just jotaro and dio, who are extremely muscular characters with huge clothing to accompany them, top fucking kek when she realizes that jolyne is a fucking twig, watch her buy another skin suit thatll make her look like a tube of chorizo
No. 549546
>>416193I know who you might be talking about. Just recent or I forgot when but, korftkat has been trying to befriend momo. And she's legit dropped a few friends because of how
triggered she feels about all the hate that momo been getting.