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No. 411792
Previous Threads:
>>>/snow/93507Facebook: / Snapchat: mariahmallad
Recent: The last thread was only a week old and it already maxed out, Mariah truly is the gift that keeps giving.
Momo has kicked KBBQ to the curb for being a “snake” and thus he’s deleted almost all forms of social media to avoid the wrath of her rabid fanboys. She claims it’s because he was secretly making fun of her (like 90% of her “friends”) and despite him not wanting to date her, he got mad when she tried to date someone else. Knowing Mariah, she most likely tried to go after his friends and he wasn’t interested in her ruining their lives.
She unveiled her fat Stocking cosplay where despite her saying she always supports other artists and “is willing to pay more” in a conversation with Vensy on twitter, her cheap, ugly Stocking dress was clearly bought on ebay or alieexpress. Somehow she managed to fuck up the bangs of a character who literally just has straight across bangs.
She attended EVO in Vegas despite saying she wasn’t going to and was going to take care of her patreon prints that shes owed her supporters for months. While at the event, Colette, or should I say, “Colette and Mariah’s” car was broken into and Colette’s purse was stolen. It’s only a matter of time till she tries to pin it on one of her “haters”.
Other than her continuing to balloon in weight, being a fake Fate fan, photoshopping herself to something she doesnt even look like, and releasing yet another Calvin Klein underwear shoot, she just continues to be a general train wreck.
The basics:
>body positive, but photoshops her body and wears shapewear/corsets constantly, resorted to getting liposuction>Proven through twitteraudit that she has bought at least 20k followers.>laughably bad at making cosplays – if she's told they're bad, she falls back on her Samus/ Wicke costume and makes excuses for why she couldn't wear the new cosplay>spends very little time and effort on each costume and then claims her money is "hard-earned">claims she cosplays because she's passionate about the characters and the hobby, but is only in it for the money>does monthly "boudoir"/half-naked shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame>has to beg for money, con passes, etc. despite making over $10k per month on Patreon>known to spend chunks of her Patreon income on fancy vacations, alcohol, drugs and treating her friends while simultaneously half-assing all her cosplays>pretends to have played/know about the series she cosplays from, despite evidence proving otherwise>loiters around at booths during cons, pretending to have been invited as a guest>lewded a dragon loli after people told her not to and massively backpedaled after she couldn't just laugh off the backlash>had a major fallout with her boytoy KBBQ bc he didn’t want to fuck her, who we hope brings some new milk to these threads No. 411800
>>411797Yeah the recap needs updating
Also please for the love of God stop putting the links to her bajillion threads in the first post. If you're autistic for them then do it in the thread, but its annoying when new people come through and can't see the updates/ recape
No. 411837
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No. 411844
>>411837>red skinUh, so basically Jeanne then?
I feel like this is another case of her bandwagon hoping and pretending to love a series.
No. 411860
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No. 411862
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Because you live in Nevada and when you bought your insurance policy, you clearly did not read it.
No. 411912
File: 1500349084097.png (1.45 MB, 1440x2024, tmp_7587-20170717_171315911890…)

she's a wreck..
No. 411935
>>411900The really uncombed ratty wigs, the shitty accessory, the wild look in her eyes, the poor lipstick choice, the see-through knee-highs, and that seriously awful painted skirt?? Just literally everything.
A lot of cosplay patreon girls I think look decent, but Momo's fame and horrible work legitimately baffles me. There is actually nothing good about her cosplays.
No. 411975
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No you guys can't you see how much they LOVE each other??
No. 412008
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>>411964She's referring to either one of these red alternate color ways. I doubt she even knows who Jeanne is.
No. 412035
>>412027With how frumpy and mom-like she looks like as Mei, Bayonetta would be just as bad. I kinda want to see her do it.
>>412030Not sure if she has, but probably not, you know how she is.
No. 412045
File: 1500394010433.jpg (545.34 KB, 745x491, Registered-Freeshipping2015-Ne…)

>>411860why are the bangs so thin and short? straight bangs are legit the easiest thing to do. just buy pic related and you can just cut across with the shape guide.
No. 412105
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No. 412106
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No. 412109
>>412105>>412106Those sheer and lace pieces of shit she has for stockings
trigger me. They're suppose to solid black, no lace but she can't even be bothered to get that TINY fucking detail right.
Hell she could have even bought Rin's necklace.
And once more, side swept bangs rather than parted down the middle. Someone teach this bitch how to properly do wigs because she even fucks up the most basic things like a straight cut.
No. 412139
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No. 412140
>>412137i wonder why she hid it…
>>412139ugh why is this the cheapest most ill fitting thing? it looks like a potato sack. and speaking of, hasn't she gotten shit for 'white washing' or something for her mei shit? this qipao is terrible looking.
No. 412149
>>412135Sure, but she has 5 years at best. Then what will remain? Nobody will hire her, and money will dry out. She could marry some rich guy… Too bad she's aging like milk, she's fat and not pretty. Rich guys already have tons of model-like girls to choose. She could get a sugar daddy with a BBW fetish, but that won't last forever either. On short term she's doing good, but on long term…
Tl;dr: she's screwed
No. 412166
>>412137She has reached her 15k goal again, it dipped down quiet a bit after the hype for her Wicke went down and she's struggled to get it back that high, but its there again.
This bitch ain't ever going away
No. 412195
>>412180No matter what you say or think about yaya or nigs their business fuck ups are few and far between compared to moomoo who has gone half a year without sending patreon rewards. Other than getting naked she's actually terrible at actually treating her fans well. She'll pander to them publicly but never actually gives anything to the people who pay her since she's been posting half of her 'boudoir' shoots publicly anyways.
She even manages to fuck up business connections that she slept her way into getting by publicly posting herself watching anime on youtube when she JUST started getting into funimation's pants.
No. 412198
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Cheeky wee comparison pic for you folk
No. 412219
File: 1500408711122.png (2.5 MB, 1731x960, even the shoop cant save her.p…)

>>412198I added some fast cheap filters since the first picture is obviously better lighting/editted than the second. (the editted is in the middle)
It really didnt help that much
FIX i accidentally used an adjusted version of the 2017 pic
No. 412225
File: 1500408972205.jpg (75.91 KB, 628x743, moomoo mei 2.jpg)

>>412218On a side note, looking through her old pics, despite how simple it looks, she looks so much better and healthier. Her body shape was so much more attractive. It's so surprising that its only been a year since she ballooned. If I didnt know better, Id have thought the original pic was from years ago.
No. 412228
File: 1500409050900.jpg (50.15 KB, 540x960, moomoo mei.jpg)

I hope one day she gets a wakeup call and works her ass off to get back to this. She's gotten monsterously large in such a short time, its a huge shame.
No. 412232
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"overwhelm you all" okay lol..
No. 412234
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Says cosplay is expensive but proceeds to buy the cheapest cosplay possible to save money for her food fest, trips and hotel rooms
No. 412273
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>>412234I think about the quality of her costumes and then I think that there is someone out there that would pay this cow $500 a month for the trash she pumps out.
We saw what she has to offer with costume requests. A-are there actually people in this tier?
>>412232Who's gonna grope her now that KBBQ has tapped out? I imagine it will be mostly girls.
No. 412287
>>412030I've never seen her mention the character before besides the time Vamp cosplayed her. I think she was just reminded of the character via Smash bros at the game tournament and thought "oh, that could be sexy!". There's no way she could make that costume or pull it off though, let's be real.
>>412043This, so much. She does just enough research via a wiki page and youtube vids to get an idea of what she's talking about. It's why she can never keep character's name's or stories straight, she couldn't remember the lead character's name of My Hero Academia and called Iida, "Lida". She only went out and bought the manga after people kept calling her out on it. She's retold Samus' backstory incorrectly, called Kale "girly brolly", etc. There are so many instances of her talking out of her ass about her ~favs~ when she clearly has little to no idea what she's actually talking about.
>>412109But anon, her thighs are just so "THICC" that only the XXL Walmart brand will fit her anymore. Anything else has a difficult time making it up over her knee.
No. 412298
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No. 412299
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No. 412300
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No. 412308
>>412198>>412218>>412219Face on the left is photoshopped to hell and back and she's wearing a waist cincher, but yeah, the weight gain is scary. Really makes you think.
>>412275She lowered our standards.
No. 412311
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No. 412312
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No. 412313
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No. 412317
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No. 412323
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No. 412324
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No. 412341
>>412325It's a combination of shitty genetics and being super dehydrated (look how chapped her lips are).
Unlike most farmers, I don't really have an issue with a woman in her early 20s partying a lot, but she really needs to learn to start eating better, drinking more water, and taking care of her skin. Look at some of the other costhots who also party a ton, and they look much better just because they moisturize and don't live off of pho.
No. 412363
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No. 412374
>>412367While I do think Jnig is trash, I can't see Mariah's cosplay career every reaching the heights that her's did.
Reasons being:
>Jnig was one of the first "sexy" cosplayers to blow up as big as she did.
>Jnig, despite looking haggard with age, still takes much better care of her body than Mariah does and isn't obese. Is still pretty fit.
>Can appeal to the "everyman" and other douchebags who aren't into cosplay via her fake titties and blonde hair, etc. Even if it's an outdated style and all…
>Has managed some kind of connections/networking/sponsors, commissions, etc.
>Isn't a half of a year behind on patreon rewards…?
>Is actually capable of making semi decent cosplay on her own.Again, I'm not trying to hype her as some kind of cosplay goddess. I think she's overrated and well past her prime, but even with all of that being said, Moo will never be JNig #2.
The thing keeping Mariah's career afloat is the THICC/Body Positivity train that she's been riding. I could see her career lasting another year or two, but with her lack of self care, lack of improvement, lack of sending out patreon rewards, and her constant drama mongering/bridge burning, I just can't imagine her making it last beyond that.
No. 412395
>>412374Agreed. JNig is hella on a down swerve but she also owns a nice house and obviously saves up enough so even if she literally disappeared from the internet today she'll still probably never have to work again in her life and be comfortable.
Meanwhile mariah is pouring money into a rental and cant even be assed to buy furniture and is too busy wasting money on things like that moana design that she never made and contouring her Rogue bodysuit that actively made it look worse.
No. 412399
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No. 412404
File: 1500426855440.png (523.82 KB, 934x600, Screenshot 2017-07-18 at 6.14.…)

>>412300She reposted this.
No. 412408
>>412399>>412401I mean, when you still look this big despite half of you being hidden in the shadows. Yeah, you're "fat", Mariah.
>>412404It's funny how obvious she makes it that she lurks here. She pays more attention to her haters than the people paying for her patreon. kek. Shouldn't you be shipping those patreon rewards out right now? It's no wonder you never have the time when you're busy googling your own name all day.
No. 412417
>>412399You know they say, the first step is always admitting it. Good for her.
. . . Wait what? You mean this isn't that? You mean that she is doing what she always does by thinking that if she insults herself first, then that means that the mean people can't say anything about her? And that all the other fatties will come out in support of her? That this is all just another sad attempt at her desperately trying to boost her self-esteem after lurking here despite her constant "don't curr wat da haterz say" rants?
Well damn, if that don't beat all.
No. 412420
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No. 412425
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>someone links OP of Formal watch art
>"thanks" them by clapping back anyways
No. 412432
>>412401JESUS TAPDANCING CHRIST. Get a fucking bra that fits. Men are so fucking stupid if they find this attractive; her fat is absolutely bursting out of that bra– look at the side rolls harding over.
What a lazy, disgusting cunt.
No. 412435
>>412428Yeah, honestly, in comparison to now, her old fiure was kind of cute. Still overweight and sure, she was still wearing shapewear, but she was semi proportional, had a clear chin/jawline, and could pass as kind of curvy despite still having no butt. Her proportions now are just a mess, shapewear barely helps her, her shoulders and upper arms are a nightmare, her legs are thick and stumpy. And this is after she spent how many thousands on how many rounds of lipo all over her entire body? Then there's the obvious issues with her skin, the wrinkles/lines forming on her face prematurely, the loose, hanging rows of skin on her lipoed tummy. It's both sad and crazy to think that this girl is as young as she is. I can't even begin to imagine what she's going to look like in another year or so, let alone another 10 or 20 years. I can't imagine it's going to be very pretty though.
No. 412439
>>412435thanks. like literally momo regardless of what our society thinks is beautiful or "skinny culture" for your fucking health lose weight healthily without lipo, drink water, eat right, ease up on the pho and alcohol. you're a mess.
i say beauty standards not as a personal opinion because this is not the place but she rages against them as an excuse to be very obese and unhealthy (while using shapewear, fucking lipo which will make it worse because she continues to gain and will look awful, and photoshop.)
No. 412445
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No. 412454
>>412428I've been following her stuff for almost two years now and it's disappointing what she has become. As someone who has been going to convention for 10 years I saw that maybe she has potential. When she first started she made most of her stuff and I thought it was a great start. But now all she does is create/feed/attract/ breathe drama. She no longer makes any of her stuff and claims either she made it or ignores the fact that someone else did. It is clear that now when she Cosplays its to live in her own popular little world.
Its almost embarrassing that someone as well known as her and also seems to know her popularity would be so willing to just have drama all around her. I admire yaya and jnig cause they know how to keep drama and there personal life separate. Who knows maybe she'll grow up????
No. 412504
>>412494She's part Italian and part Lebanese.
Not that I'm backing up what that other anon was saying.
No. 412509
>>412275You're right, people now look at the Mariah on the left and wish she would return to that weight. The problem is that there needs to be a picture to the left of "thin Mei" showing what Mariah looked like six months before because that Mariah was muscular and meaty/bordering on chubby. She's been piling weight on so steadily yet so quickly that now the version of her that we criticized when she first revealed her Mei cosplay is so much smaller than she is now. Who knew she would keep blowing up so badly?
So it may seem like she can never win and that may be true in regards to some of us here, but just bear in mind that we only ragged on thin Mei because it was just one of many phases in Momo's continual gorge fest.
Also, it's sad that she can never get back to that weight without looking really weird. All that lipo done at her then highest weight means she will look very strange if she loses weight. Her fat distribution is fucked beyond repair. I'm kind of sad she will never look that good again even with weight loss because of the dumb shit she has done to her body. She's 21 but 21 year old people make errors as they navigate adulthood. Her errors are set in fat stone.
No. 412513
>>412510No shit anon. That's why I said she was both Italian and Lebanese in reply to someone saying she "isn't white". Even if someone argued that Lebanese could be considered Arab, she's still at least part white regardless.
However, I'm not backing up that other anon's claim of "whitewashing" by wearing a qipao for cosplaying a mei fanart? Sage for derailment.
No. 412514
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No. 412523
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No. 412525
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No. 412529
File: 1500442231530.png (901.23 KB, 690x460, 1476238602005.png)

>>412525She always has to flaunt living in a fucking sty, doesn't she? Disgusting.
No. 412544
>>412525She's just soooo buuusy you guuuys!
I kind of feel bad that Vamp has to live around all this and deal with her on a daily basis while working a shitty full time job. I suppose she dug her own hole though.
No. 412552
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No. 412555
File: 1500447381262.jpg (290.48 KB, 1500x1500, 1500447222589.jpg)

>>412552You beat me lol.
Also I'm laughing about how she tries to turn it around and say "I was called a sand nigger growing up" STILL PLAYING THAT POOR ME IM A VICTIM TOO CARD bitch I really don't believe that and it still doesn't make it okay
No. 412558
>>412555Samefag I just wanted to post my caps asap.
It's disgusting how she tries to apologize for something she's done wrong and yet she still somehow makes it someone else's fault because they called her a sand nigger? Why even say that why try toake yourself the victim when you're apologizing.
She needs to stop playing the race card because she's so whitewashed there's no way she's ever been a victim of racism. I do not believe it for a second.
>Inb4 twitter tirade of all the times she's been "discriminated against for her skin" No. 412560
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No. 412569
>>412566i can assume is she tried to shmooze with someone and they called her out like 'oh you're okay with a N now huh?'
she got rejected from a company because of it.
there is no way she's actually doing it because she's 'repenting'
No. 412582
>>412581Hello, welcome to lolcow. Have you interacted with her in person, or have you only seen how she is online and through Nana? You don't think posting here would potentially sour your relationship with Nana?
Also, sage goes in the e-mail field for future reference.
No. 412584
>>412581Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if Moo ran the Potus account, just how often does it reply to her and she hasn't blocked it..? You know it's not blocked because when somebody blocks you, you can't reply to their tweets whatsoever. You can still @ them in individual direct tweets but not actually link it in under any of their posted tweets.
She blocked me after I qted/@ed her on twitter maybe 10 times max, but she just lets this account run wild? Super suspicious. Definitely feels like she set the account up as a means to block anybody who interacts with it, and frequently posts caps of it in here to try and get people over there liking/following the account to out themselves.
No. 412586
>>412414This. Every time she's proven to be obese she goes apeshit and immediately starts posting a flood of skimpy photos. Do show us more of how not butthurt you are Moomoo!
>>412374JNig and her clones have also caused an oversaturation of "sexy cosplay chicks" on the market and have been sucking the fanbase dry for a few years now. Moomoo is what's causing them to really become tired of it all. Even a complete beginner can tell that her cosplays are awful and require no effort, her attitude on social media is nasty, she does straight out porn while acting like she's above it, doesn't fulfill her patreon rewards etc. She's really despicable and embodies what entitled, spoiled girls running a sex-based patreon are all about. Her fans are mostly just fat/exhibitionist fetishists or leeches trying to get a share of her fame. And they're the ones keeping her afloat. She's losing all of her actual cosplay-based fans fast (if she hasn't already) so she'll be remembered as "that fat chick who does porn".
No. 412589
File: 1500454715447.png (74.58 KB, 739x484, IMG_8913.PNG)

Plus, sense I see everyone talking about her genuine tweets about feeling dumb about old racist tweets.. not even two days ago the troll account tweeted to her about that. Isn't that suspicious? Come on now. We all laughed and praised that account but tbh I'm pretty sure its her.
No. 412591
>>412564Holy fuck I am
triggered now. You're supposed to fucking dry the brushes upside down, you'll just wear out the fucking brushes!!!!
Sage for makeup fag
No. 412593
File: 1500455542290.png (37.44 KB, 586x301, such a good lovely person yall…)

>>412568>>412563>>412576What was that about her 'feeling bad'??? She literally went and deleted everything and now is trying to act like we dont get to her when we obviously do
No. 412594
>>412587Wrong field again on that sage. At least Mariah will know you weren't the one posting here previously as you are clearly new here, kek. She's proven time and time again she lurks here too.
>>412589Funny, wasn't she tweeting at pewdiepie at one point trying to get his attention? It does seem random and suspicious that he's tagged in that with her. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Mariah all along trying to manipulate the drama that seems to constantly surround her and get her the attention of bigger stars.
>>412593I love how she always goes from playing victim, to pandering, and then of course, the final step, prove how absolutely unbothered she is. Mariah, you clearly lurk here as much as any of us anons do, you might want to get your head out of your own ass and ship out those patreon rewards that you've had sitting around for what was it… six months now?
No. 412659
>>412593Seriously, how many of these "fuck the haters, you won't get to me" rants does this one make? Anyone with eyes can see that is a load of horseshit and that she is obviously buttmad about what people say about her.
If I was a fan or follower of her I'd honestly be sick of her at ohms point. Every week this constant need for emotional validation and these constant tirades about people she supposedly "doesn't give a fuck about".
And instead of calling her out on this they just pat her on the ass with "you go girl, you are just an amazing special snowflake and anyone who has a problem with you is just a sad hater" tweets.
>>412552And seriously, is she actually incapable of admitting any kind of fault without making herself the victim? Literally every time she tries to apologize or admit any kind of shortcomings, it's always couched in "Well people were mean to me first, that's the only reason I did it". She can't ever just admit to being a shitty person who makes mistakes, it's always "They did it to me first!". That's not coming from a place of contrition Moomoo, that's simply making excuses to try to absolve yourself of any wrongdoing.
No. 412665
>>412628If she went to the gym and lifted weights, like her images said she does, she wouldn't have such a terrible posture. Forward head, shoulders, lower back, hips, it's all fucked mate.
Unless she wants to become immobile, which by the changes presented in the space of a year, will mostly likely be the case in the next 2 years, she'll need to stop being ignorant and accept that she's in a fuckin state.
And no, moomoo, liposuction won't help…
No. 412666
>>412565Hoping one of her "buisness contacts" brought it up.
I know when the caps were first posted she actually did go and delete some of them, I'm curious if she's saying she's doing it now to make her seem sincere when she actually deleted them months ago.
No. 412674
File: 1500473602087.jpg (392.92 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20170719_101241.jpg)

Sage for no new contribution but
>>412311I will never understand why she went out of her way to straighten Pochaco's pigtails??? I actually thought this wig would've been fine, had she just trimmed the bangs etc.
>>412109It's alright, anon. I'm autistic about thigh highs too and I raged.
No. 412715
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No. 412719
>>412715So why is it that you won't shut the fuck up about it then Moomoo. If these people really didn't get to you, then you wouldn't constantly be bitching about it every week looking for everyone to feel sorry for you. How about you get your head out of your non-existent ass and see that YOU are the problem. You're the one who keeps doing shitty stuff and blaming everyone else when it blows up in you face. You the one constantly feeing drama and rumors instead of just ignoring it. You're the one constantly trying to clap back at anyone who isn't kissing your ass and telling you how great you are.
Just shut the fuck up for once and actually do some amount of introspective thinking and own up to your bullshit.
Seriously, these "don't curr wat da haterz say/ I'm such a strong independent woman who won't be brought down" tirades aren't funny anymore, it's just getting annoying
No. 412729
>>412580Im disappointed that he hasn't come here and spilled milk. At this point he does not even have to do much. Just come here and confirm his identity and just pour the milk on us. Maybe even screenshots here and there.
I also respect that he has not done that. It shows me that he's a bigger person than her and shows what a bully she is. I think she's afraid and that why she attacked him on social media. I bet she's hoping that he would lose credibility or back off. I'm sure she feels tough and "haters can't get to me" with thousands of neckbeards backing her up. But yeah I used to think kbbq was just some Asian fuckboii and moomoos bitch but it looks like he's definitely a bigger and respectable person than our beloved cow…. not that its even a hard thing to do.
No. 412730
>>412715My guess is the sudden can't fit in Kleine shoots is a jab at KBBQ. I really don't understand why she thinks this will do anything. He's dropped all contact, and my guess is never enter the con scene again as long as she's there. Moo get over yourself, he doesn't care probably doesn't even lurk. He has have far better things to do than see you go through your Alanis Morissette stage.
saged for rant
No. 412736
File: 1500486074644.jpg (68.59 KB, 1024x576, 1497044615121.jpg)

>>412715>>412730>a jab at KBBQI think so too, something us obviously bothering her
At least KBBQ got the fuck outta that toxic relationship in a respectable way, there's no point in starting a fight on social media only for Momo to play the victim and suck up pity.
I wish Vamp would do the same and get out of there
No. 412781
>>412765Caucasian =/= white.
Arabs don't consider themselves white. Lightskinned arabs will call themselves Persian to differentiate between them and the mudslimes. India is too diverse of a region to really classify them all as one race. Especially with the varying amounts of dravidian ad mixture with the aryan blood and other regional peoples. It's super rare to find an indian with more aryan than dravidian traits (there's 1.3 billion indians, so yeah there's a few of those), much less one that would call themselves white.
No. 412837
File: 1500498298469.png (1.17 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5137.PNG)

No. 412856
>>412797Im actually genuinely worried about him
As an acquaintance of his I'm completely shocked by his complete radio silence. I know he was never big on social media but he posted a lot on Instagram and had a personal fb and I'm just shocked that both are completely gone, instead of just blocking moo and her friends. Some of his closer friends said they haven't talked to him since the blow up with Mariah. Like how fucking bad was it.
I've heard a couple rumors from other people who kinda know him but I'm not sure if they're rep event enough to share
No. 412908
>>412837I'm so pissed… good God. I know you can get the figure fairly cheap if you get knock offs but I want the one that matches the other Saber figures I had when I had a sturdier income.
This has always been my favorite figure from the Fate series and it's how my SO and I met 10 years ago. I've put off buying it because of important things like living expenses, pets, taking care of my mother who had a stroke and now my recently deceased father and this bitch here just throws her money away buying things she's SUCH A FAN of when she could use that money to set aside for comfortable living or even do donations to local charities. But no. She HAS to flaunt what a fan she is when in a few months she won't even fucking care and find a new flavor of SUCH A HUGE FAN.
god I hate this bitch for all her life choices she's making and she'll inevitably just lewd up any and every Type-Moon character she can get her paws on.
Sage for blog but fucking Christ.
At least this gives me more intensive to save and want to do the Fate Stay Night cosplay I've been slowly piecing together.
No. 412916
>>412883One rumor is that she threatened to claim he raped her and go to the cops and his family (which is super strict)
The other one is that she got pregnant and they had a big blow up before the abortion
But these are two very different stories from some people who aren't super close to him other than parties
No. 413047
>>412916Damn, neither of these would surprise me tbh. It really is crazy that he just poofed out of nowhere, to the point he won't defend himself against the shit Mariah is doing.
If she really was going to claim rape to destroy him… Makes me think of the /r9k/ anon who said something along the lines "she'd ruin me if I ever left her" or something.
No. 413102
File: 1500501168650.png (119.8 KB, 720x847, Screenshot_2017-07-19-14-49-45…)

Hmmm….wanna take back your back track, Nana?
No. 413141
>>412916Or maybe he is just simply being the only adult in this situation and not responding. To her bullshit. Not everything needs some super complicated conspiracy theory explanation. Chances are that he dropped all his social media contacts so that Moomoo's fans wouldn't go looking to track him down and harass him. He knows first hand how cringey and obsessed they get and will look to vilify him regardless of the truth.
The best course of action is to just stay silent and let Moomoo implode on herself.
No. 413347
>>413312We all know Mariah comes here already, and I'm sure the rest have peeped in at the very least.
JNig already seems to love to make a fool of her if her snapchats are anything to go by,
No. 413382
>>413223Everyone wants him to act like Moomoo and have some sort of meltdown or "spill the milk", becoming the exact sort of trashy gossiping, rumor spreader that she is. Inwouldnt be surprised if some of the anons were Moo looking to bait him so she can say "See?! He's the backstabbing snake I said he was!"
Instead he is doing what she should be all the time, maintaining silence and not responding to rumors or conspiracies. She ought to be looking at him as an example instead of trying to vilify him. He is being the grown up, mature adult that Moomoo keeps trying to claim she is after every twitter meltdown.
Instead she is constantly spreading drama and playing the victim because being in the wrong feels bad and she doesn't want to deal with it so she keeps blaming everyone else.
No. 413426
>>413418>>413382>>413223>>413141>>412916Acquaintance anon here. I agree. That's why I didn't really wanna post the rumors. But just because you're getting out if the cosplay scene doesn't exactly equate what happened. All of his social media was gone with no "I'm quitting cosplay" announcement either
Its just odd that even his personal non cosplay accounts are gone. He had a cosplay Facebook and a personal one and both are gone. Its just odd to me. I don't believe the rumors but I can't imagine its just cause he is quitting cosplay. Im just worried
No. 413435
>>413418And that would only stand to net her more sympathy and asspats. Because to her fans it will only be seen as airing her dirty laundry without her permission and making him the "back stabbing snake" she has been trying to make him out to be.
What you're asking isn't moving on, which is what he is actually doing right now by ignoring all this bullshit. You're asking him to be involved in all this schoolyard drama bullshit by airing out details that ultimately don't matter and only stand to make him look like the petty, jealous loser she is trying to paint him as.
No. 413448
File: 1500506965486.png (1.14 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170720-002737.png)

She's live on instagram right now
No. 413454
File: 1500507154585.jpg (548.21 KB, 1076x970, 1500507094269.jpg)

Sorry for the chat on screen. From her current livestream.
No. 413457
File: 1500507287906.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170720-003216.png)

>>413448No matter what point you screen capture its always great. Also I keep catching her side eye the cutie in the background.
This is "Adult Kanna" by the way
No. 413458
File: 1500507375470.png (1.41 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0594.PNG)

No. 413463
File: 1500507585004.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170720-003750.png)

>>413457"I got fat geez, slow down on those bread rolls guurl"
No. 413465
File: 1500507644672.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170719-193746.png)

So thicc.
No. 413467
File: 1500507689820.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170719-193543.png)

No. 413468
File: 1500507717849.png (2.72 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-07-20-00-38-40…)

Her salivating over Jnig. Disgusting.
No. 413469
File: 1500507735469.png (1.13 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170719-193742.png)

No. 413470
File: 1500507809247.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170719-193357.png)

No. 413471
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No. 413473
File: 1500507867248.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170719-193817.png)

Last one. Sorry for the spam, she just looks so gloriously bad.
No. 413475
File: 1500507900688.png (1.78 MB, 750x1334, IMG_6719.PNG)

Someone in the chat said J Nigs was watching her stream and Moo basically lost it lol. It was so embarassing. She like stopped what she was doing to scroll through the viewers in a panic like grunting about how her "mom" was watching. She couldn't find her and then started screeching about how her cosplay mom didn't love her, wow. What a mess, I hope Jessica was actually watching just to laugh at this train wreck tbh
No. 413502
File: 1500509839542.jpg (122.83 KB, 744x1200, DFIwRZXUwAAy3m3.jpg)

No. 413505
>>413502The haggard fat is really starting to show in Momo's face.
But hot damn the blonde girl looks beautiful.
No. 413509
>>413448Holy shit she is so fucking lumpy. How many days a week did you say you go to the gym Moomoo?
She seemed to be laughing and joking anytime someone called her fat and would play with her obvious gut. I would honestly believe she is finally accepting and happy with her weight if she wasn't constantly trying to appear to look thinner in photos.
No. 413510
>>413475She wrote "I LOVE YOU LOLOMGXD KEK"
So, I think they are friends.
No. 413515
>>413502Damn, who is the blonde girl?
Her face also looks so effortlessly better than Moo's, it's hilarious.
No. 413528
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No. 413529
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No. 413534
File: 1500511689724.png (467.94 KB, 580x630, Screenshot 2017-07-19 at 5.46.…)

How can your arm fat be the size of this chick's ass. Come on Moo
No. 413555
File: 1500513755590.jpg (123.38 KB, 749x1152, IMG_2190.JPG)

LOL AT THE FAT COW AND HER BAD SHOOPING. of course she cropped it out on the one she posted
No. 413571
File: 1500515866633.jpg (137.68 KB, 788x750, okr.jpg)

>>412560I didn't exactly see if the tweets were already posted but this is what someone dug up, saw it on my feed today. Sorry if repost and cancerous croppiung.
No. 413592
>>412598I've been a long twitter user and been following how shitty it's new system is, I'm guessing I never got any attention from her because it was a new account a bit of a while before I decided to reply to her with it and I put no icon, anything, or verified email. There's a quality filter twitter puts on until you turn it off to mute these sorts of accounts. I'm guessing someone pointed it out or not a fav/reply notification with someone else tagged in it that showed it. Shrug.
Anyways, that's it.
No. 413598
File: 1500519388088.png (2.08 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2905.PNG)

The photographer of the shoot they're doing rn is getting so annoyed because they're both just focusing on their phones/live stream instead of the fucking PHOTOSHOOT AND PHOTOGRAPHER
Watched a bit of Sabrina's livestream and honestly she's just annoying.
Sage for no contribution
No. 413599
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No. 413600
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No. 413602
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No. 413615
>>413470>>413473>>413475she just keeps getting bigger and bigger. this is probably the unhealthiest transformation of a person i've ever seen in such a short amount of time.
love yourself, Mariah. treat yourself nice. head back into the gym and stop stuffing your face.
No. 413616
File: 1500520465466.jpg (1.44 MB, 1920x1920, 2017-07-19 22.13.33.jpg)

No. 413624
>>413616I know we're past the point of sympathy for Momo, but this genuinely bums me out. For someone to spend formative years of their life hating themselves and then hating others for being fat, and now spiraling downwards because they don't know how to stop drinking and alienating every person around them…
Man, I guess if she at least admitted that she needs to size up and buy new clothes, this wouldn't look as bad.
No. 413628
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No. 413633
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No. 413641
File: 1500523178020.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.31 KB, 300x199, OrangBreasts-300x199.jpg)

Her boobs look like an orangutans
No. 413647
>>413641The sad part is that she's had work done on them that has now all been undone with her out of control weight gain. She clearly can't control herself.
>>413643I think the lipo was to try to re-define her waist, thighs, etc. but even that wasn't enough to undo what she's done to herself. It's funny because it's like she thinks gaining the weight, and then sucking it away in certain spots will just make her ultra-thicc when instead she's just becoming this weirdly boxy blob.
No. 413652
File: 1500523968128.png (525.83 KB, 800x594, jfc.png)

Holy shit.
No. 413660
File: 1500524775571.png (1.34 MB, 1235x681, cultivatingmass.png)

>>413652Middle pic was from just a year ago.
No. 413661
File: 1500524876261.png (286.95 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-19-23-27-04…)

She doesn't want to be a turtle anymore
No. 413664
>>413661Ugh, Tina. I feel like she's trying to be like Suzy and cruise by on Ray's Twitch bucks.
At least she's not sucking Sheena's clit anymore but looks like she's trying to be buddy buddy with Momo.
No. 413665
>>413661So now she's openly talking about spending her patreon bux on cosmetic surgery? Funny as she still won't own up to the lipo.
Wasn't that money all supposed to go to better cosplay and exotic cosplay sets and locations? Hmm…
No. 413672
>>413670Boatloads of denial, probably coupled with ultra-low standards and likely poor self-esteem.
Saged for not really contributing.
No. 413678
File: 1500526544188.jpg (1.07 MB, 1920x1920, 2017-07-19 23.50.17.jpg)

Her actual weebness is always in question, like if you truly loved anime/games etc then why would you let the "haters" get to you and go on a 4 year break? She always seems to just be following the crowd, no matter what it is. Weeb shit is what funds her sad life but all she does is crap on it
No. 413687
File: 1500528025480.jpg (51.98 KB, 511x472, momokunt.JPG)

>>413664She'll buddy up to anyone with a following. Look at her sharing this video that is literally a call out about her.
No. 413690
File: 1500528623759.png (264.73 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-20-00-28-34…)

How else does she make $? Sponsors? Sugar daddies? Straight up sex work?
No. 413691
File: 1500528705245.png (326.56 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-20-00-29-01…)

Spot the lie
No. 413697
File: 1500529140818.jpg (269.88 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_0620.JPG)

>>413470Adult is right, she looks like a typical obese American mom.
So ruined. I almost never comment on this site but this struck me deeply. Horrified.
Sage for no contribution
No. 413701
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No. 413703
File: 1500529805034.png (1012.97 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2017-07-19-22-46-51…)

Guys she's never had veins like this…its covering her whole chest….
No. 413709
File: 1500530354497.jpg (408.11 KB, 2048x2048, D1893585-AC9E-4DAD-AB93-847B8F…)

Comparing it to her old pics just makes it look that much worse. It's kinda depressing, but it's also a great motivator to not let it get this far
No. 413710
File: 1500530564102.jpg (6.6 KB, 400x283, 130634392594.jpg)

>>413502Would you ladies stop trolling Mariah so that she stops doing "body positive" shoots for people to hatepost in cosplay threads, it's fucking weapons grade at this point.
No. 413715
>>413713The shirts are probably stretched to the max on her. There is no way that waist is anywhere near a 31" either, maybe with the shapewear?
>>413709I mean, you can see by her side shots that there's no way there's a 10-11" difference between her waist and her bust. She's delusional.
No. 413716
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No. 413717
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>>413712oh god i had no idea what was going on besides moomoo's face but then i saw and OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK
No. 413720
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No. 413726
>>413722The measurements are probably not 100% accurate, but if she isn't bluffing, she's easily at least 220-230lbs right now.
I agree though, her measurments don't sound anywhere near right, I was pretty shocked to see that I could match up her body pretty well with the site, but only if she's 200+ lbs. Her lipo might have flattened out her fupa/stomach a bit too, even though, over all, it didn't do her a whole lot of good.
No. 413730
File: 1500534857891.png (19.81 KB, 502x301, 122.png)

Not sure if anyone cares at this point about this, but last thread people were asking for receipts about KBBQ's past. Most of the people who were directly involved in his call out have deactivated, but since I knew him/all the girls who called him out, I remember what happened.
Princessmei was the girl who initially called David out, even though she was not one of the girls who was assaulted. There was no proof posted, but since she was popular within the cosplay community, her call out made David get unfriended by many people. David ended up making a new account and added only few people. Princessmei also tried calling his school, UCLA, to get David kicked out, but since there was no proof, nothing happened.
A year or two later, his ex began posting stuff about him (pic related). However, this girl is known to be a drama whore and liar, and posted no proof of any of her claims against him. On the other hand, after David found out about his ex making apparently false claims about him, he posted several screencaps of their conversations that proved that the ex had cheated on him first and disproved other claims she made against him.
Basically, there's been no publicized proof of anything that people have claimed against him for sexual assault or harassment.
No. 413733
File: 1500535678087.png (98.66 KB, 530x972, 32434235456.png)

bring these back
No. 413762
>>413761She acts like she cares but she is a fucking slob and the money/fame has just enabled all her awfulness to come out
she is surrounded by beta nodding goony men who throw money at her so she does not need to improve any of her negatives
No. 413769
File: 1500548404311.png (1.89 MB, 1890x1417, momokun_has_NO_ass.png)

>>413469It's a shit photoshop lads, but i think it's a funny idea haha
No. 413771
>>413730So in other words, there is no proof that KBBQ has harassed people, just drama whores making shit up about him? Thought so.
>ouo>no evidence in messagesI call BS.
No. 413781
>>411792>>413769I love you anon
but I don't think she ever got an ass to make disappear..
That live stream mas indeed horrifying
sage bc no contribution
No. 413788
>>413675Honestly, you're 100% right anon. She was gaining weight when she was still living at home, but it just seems since she moved out she's spiraled out of control with the drinking, drugs, etc.
>>413690I guess her shitty line now. She's done one fit tea sponser which was probably like $400 months ago
>>413730The girl in the cap and this princessmei both sound like fucking lunatics tbh
>>413761I think we should just assume she's drunk all day everyday
No. 413816
>>413798Wtf guys I am
162 cm
92-78-110cm and I definitely look SO MUCH FUCKING LITTLE compared to that thing
No. 413835
>>413767IS THAT WHAT SHES DOING???? Holy shit wtf dude for some reason I thought the girl was caught like pulling a crotch wedgie or was itchy or something but I didn't even fucking notice moos hand, dude that's so fucking disgusting who does that???
But I guess when guys try to grope her without her consent it's not okay but doing it to a cute girl it's completely okay
Seriously how is moo still not run out of the cosplay community?? When guys do creepy shit like that or worse they're quickly run out and reported, but moo who has video/picture proof of doing this no one says shit!
No. 413836
File: 1500565289727.jpg (332.45 KB, 1080x1556, tmp_11343-Screenshot_20170720-…)

Anyone else think it's funny how vamp isn't tagged or that vamp hasn't promoted any of their 'brand' at all?
No. 413846
>>413842i think anon means she didn't pay for the font.
lewds before nudes is a shit 'slogan' anyway and means fuck all, it just makes her sound self important and 'I'M NOT LIKE THE OTHER SEXWORKERS' or something.
No. 413849
File: 1500567353876.jpg (134.29 KB, 832x959, momoshitpost123abc.jpg)

Lads, look! I found her next cosplay!
(Not official just a joke)
No. 413853
File: 1500568643875.png (906.84 KB, 720x1071, Screenshot_2017-07-20-09-35-24…)

The Moo rises only to wear a premade ita dress for ~adult Kanna~
No. 413855
File: 1500569044689.png (786.67 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5144.PNG)

No. 413860
File: 1500569785593.jpg (8.37 KB, 450x450, kidz-stuff-uv-sun-protectant-h…)

>>413836Ew, the shape reminds me of a baby onesie. I guess it works since Moo is an overfed womanchild.
>>413852Is it so hard to come up with something different? It's not that hard. If she wants to promote her lewdness and her """thicc""" image, her slogan could be "pervy and curvy" or something. Very simple. (I would love to see if she implements this slogan since we know she lurks lmao)
No. 413884
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No. 413885
File: 1500572399555.jpg (397.14 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20170720_133855.jpg)

No. 413890
>>413873Hi Moomoo. You know spreading bullshit stories about KBBQ isn't going to make him want your fat trashy ass back right?
Next time you might want to post some proof instead of trying to drag him through the mud so that you look like the victim.
No. 413897
File: 1500573561490.png (746.12 KB, 852x478, Capture.PNG)

>>413889I doubt that that's the reason Anon, I'd say it's more to do with the fact that both Kobayashi and the forgettable otaku guy described her as Gothic Lolita (they lit. say ゴスロリ)
No. 413904
>>413902Exactly, because they said in the show that she was a lolita, it's the typical case of anime """gothloli""" characters breeding itas who think that what those characters wear is real lolita
JSYK I'm not defending Moo, I'm just pointing out that she isn't stupid enough to think loli=lolita. She's just stupid enough to think anime lolita = real lolita
No. 413906
File: 1500574424283.jpg (51.81 KB, 403x448, 1490997292781.jpg)

>>413881Ooo, good one! She's gonna have to credit us sweet anons for the slogan inspo!
No. 413911
File: 1500575436987.jpg (753.88 KB, 1440x1992, tmp_31941-Screenshot_20170720-…)

Hey moo remember your con progress and so called abs? What happened
No. 413912
>>413911her back fat spilling out of her bras is pretty much one of the most unattractive things I've ever seen in my life
I can understand being attracted to chubbier or thicker girls or whatever, but Moo is just a fucking beacon of grossness
No. 413919
>>413911>10,527 likesyeesh
Pretty heavy shooping around the waist there moo
No. 413931
>>413911You can tell this picture was literally taken back to back by the folds in the bra.
Oh Mariah.
No. 413937
File: 1500578576631.png (180.58 KB, 1152x717, bv1.png)

There is no way she has a 31" waist. Maybe her stretched out tape measure may say that. But she is probably around 40.
Even body visualizer says no.
No. 413938
>>413911it looks like she wore a fucking diaper and ate a bunch of curry
>that falling assI'm a chubby girl myself but why the fuck can't she find a good fitting bra or a workout to make her ass not look like its falling down like the twin towers? and magically she has these abs?
No. 413945
>>413628those thigh stds
trigger me
I regret opening it
No. 413952
>>413720My mind can hardly keep up with this level of mental gymnastics.
Her clothing line just came out and even if she did manage to sell anything she would not see the profit until much later in the month. Her site went live… what, maybe 2 or 3 months ago? Any laughable income would still be very recent. So what did you live off of for the past year besides your patreon, you lying sack of shit?
No. 413956
>>413691no fucking way. she's delusional. she's too short and bloated for a size medium. when she was overweight i'm sure she was a medium. but that bitch is obese now
>>413652 she HAS to be a size large at least. she must be in denial and trying to fit on her old size. i mean, c'mon???? Medium???? a Medium you say????? she could be a xl at this point and i wouldn't be surprised!
No. 413959
>>413937This simulation shows a butt.
Momo doesn't have a butt.
No. 413961
>>413959They have her weight set way too low which isn't helping.
>>413719 is close to being accurate, but she's still probably closer to 230-240, considering she's sucking it in and has her arms raised.
No. 413967
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No. 413968
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No. 413974
Having a bit of extra weight won't kill you, but the side affects of extra weight and momo's lifestyle will;
- You don't train - resulting in clogged arteries and weak heart (liposuction won't solve this)
- You eat a load of horse shit, no nutrients to the body whatsoever
- You never drink water, skin cells weak, organs can't function, eyes strain
- You live in a pig sty; room for harmful bacteria to populate, same with insects which carry said harmful bacteria/pathogens
- You never sleep, bodily functions weary, heart working overtime, eye strain
- You drink too much alcohol, leading to black kidneys and failure.
- You wear clothing too small, causing blood clots
and let's not even touch mental health, social recreation, the extreme effects of consuming no nutrients whatsoether and all that other shit. This crap is common sense, I'm not a doctor; c'mon moomoo.
No. 413998
>>413992i'm 125 lbs and i'm 5"2
i'm not fat i'm THICC ;);)
No. 414021
File: 1500587275360.gif (1013.31 KB, 245x251, ohhun.gif)

>>413884If it's lacy and frilly, it's lolita™ fashion!
No. 414027
>>413945Not STDs (as far as I know), lipo marks and stretch marks. Still gross.
>>413985This is honestly what bugs me most about her (besides her laziness and turtle face). I honestly don't care that she's fat, even if she's gaining at such a crazy rate. But it's the hypocrisy, constant lying, photoshopping, lipo, and denial she spouts off, then claiming to be "body positive" that is repulsive.
No. 414055
>>413730>>413873Wtf man
Is this Mariah? Why are you so mad? Just get another boy toy photographer with that bomb body of yours
No. 414057
File: 1500591494841.jpg (743.32 KB, 1080x2210, tmp_12255-Screenshot_20170720-…)

And boom goes the dynamite..
No. 414064
>>414057So yeah there's a lot of fanfiction/art of Hermione but once more she's cosplaying and sexualizing a young girl.
Surprise surprise, side swept bangs instead of either the feathered bangs or the curled back in a clip so it's out of her face.
No. 414068
>>413722>>413798>>413816>>413996>>413998>>414012Can we stop with the post like these? No one cares what you, your mom's, or anyone else who is not Momokun's measurements are. Take it to OT or something.
>>414057Ah yes, the return of the $5 Walmart stockings that I'm sure we'll be seeing again and again.
No. 414075
File: 1500592544677.jpg (144.17 KB, 1440x524, tmp_21219-Screenshot_20170720-…)

No. 414088
>>414068Amen anon, we come here to take the piss out of shitbags online and have a laugh, not to discuss… whatever the fuck that was.
Anyway moomoo is fat, obnoxious and a demented mongoloid.
No. 414098
>>414057>>414091Who the fuck is Hermonie?
It's been mentioned twice now…
No. 414105
File: 1500594190941.png (187.59 KB, 720x671, 1498010588399.png)

>>414057>>414091>>414098>>414100Have we ever seen her actually spell her name right though? It's always Hermonie or that one time she even spelled it "Hermonine". Totally a fan tho!
No. 414106
File: 1500594246016.png (532.73 KB, 934x536, hermonie.png)

>>414105Sage for samefag, but yet another instance of her calling her Hermonie.
No. 414124
>>414071Im pretty sure she borrowed it all from Gabby
Its the same exact wig Gabby has and robe
No. 414128
File: 1500596511515.jpg (346.74 KB, 500x413, IMG_4360.JPG)

>>414064>>414067>>414057No. By using this wig she sexualized CHILD Hermione. If it was "an older one" later in the movies then she should/would've used a wig accurate to that. Pic related.
This is no different than doing a lingerie shoot of the little girl in Logan. Fucking DISGUSTING.
No. 414140
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No. 414144
File: 1500598864427.jpg (836.07 KB, 2560x2560, tmp_32556-PhotoGrid_1500598773…)

No. 414145
File: 1500599018858.jpg (254.17 KB, 1440x868, tmp_1754-Screenshot_20170720-1…)

No. 414161
File: 1500600119016.jpg (56.61 KB, 742x960, FB_IMG_1500599923402.jpg)

Saw this posted by a satire artist earlier and it made me laff
No. 414190
>>414186Anon u about to make me sperg about my HP.
You COULD use that excuse, because even though Hermione was 18 in her 7th year, she wasn't in school for that year. So she'd have no reason to wear the uniform/ robes. But after Voldemort was defeated she did go back the following year to finish and graduate Hogwarts. So you could then use the excuse of doing an adult version Hermione while she's at Hogwarts.
Of course Mariah doesn't know any of this and probably just gives no shit if she does porn of kids anymore.
No. 414214
File: 1500606949918.png (133.92 KB, 737x967, IMG_9839.PNG)

>>414161Went to go look at Judgemental Drawings for lulz and saw this in the comments of the pic about her Swimsuit Mei
No. 414221
File: 1500608647878.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.13 KB, 600x466, CXLusnTW8AEZxV5.jpg)

Basically Momo fitting into her old clothes.
Would be more perfect if an anon posted her face on it with the text "I still fit into a medium my dudes."
No. 414235
>>414144>the moment you put a character's name or can be identified as a character when you dress you are cosplayingBesides the butchered English I freaking hate it when people think like this. Yes, you can definitely take creative freedoms with costumes. But you should try to stick to the general aesthetics of the character. Kanna does not wear black, she wears light pastel colors. This is why the bikini and the the ita skirt
>>413884 look so retarded. If Mo had gotten even just a pastel pink version of this bikini it would have looked better, it would have been better yet to get a pink frilly swimsuit.
If you just throw on whatever it does not work. Mo wants people to pay for these shoots when she can't even fucking wrap her head around this simple idea, and she decides to do so many shoots last minute to fill reward tier offers that she reuses clothes she already has.
if I have blonde hair and am just wearing street clothes and say I'm Seras Victoria does that mean I'm cosplaying??? These people and their hug boxes I swear. Why is critiquing cosplayers such a no no? Especially the big name cosplayers. Is it because so many sensitive people are involved?
No. 414243
File: 1500613367086.jpg (419.47 KB, 2048x1346, 1439500751180.jpg)

>>413730Oh damn, I did find it.
No. 414245
>>414243>getting pushed against a wall in a crowded elevator>a crowded elevatorpeople really want to complain about anything these days
and even then, unless theres proof of what happened at the con, all of this is could very easily be he said, she said, supported by one person telling an exaggerated event to her friends and piping in like "yeah this totally happened this way because theres no way my friend could ever lie"
No. 414251
>>414243idk anything about this lan person, but nicolette is a drama thirsty fake bitch
i would be genuinely shocked if she wasn't just eager to hop on the rumor train to suck up some pity points
if she was so upset about kbbq "cornering" her why did she cosplay with him? why did she make nice with momo who was clearly fucking him consistently
No. 414252
>>414243Wait did Nicolette just out herself by posting screenshots from her Facebook?
Sage for not contribution just questioning
No. 414253
File: 1500615147945.png (31.01 KB, 744x260, 44c6d8de4d8098c5dc068aea553f85…)

No. 414255
>>414236Thank you farmhand!
>>414243>>414245>>414248Yeah, honestly, this reads like a bit of a witch hunt. He honestly seems surprised and confused, and says that he is sorry that he misread their expressions and was just trying to be funny. I don't know, doesn't seem like it's the level of sexual harassment people were making it out to be. Not to mention, like the other anons have mentioned the one girl went on to cosplay with him again after this?
The whole thread is one angry guy accusing him of trying to flirt with his girlfriend and pretending to be an internet tough guy. And then a girl who got pushed in a crowded elevator and asked if it made her feel claustrophobic? Then he made one other girl uncomfortable because he was trying to playfully handcuff them together. He just sounds like a awkward dweeb more than some kind of predator molester.
No. 414258
File: 1500615660204.jpg (968.49 KB, 1920x1920, 2017-07-21 00.40.02.jpg)

No. 414262
File: 1500615992449.png (5.66 KB, 361x289, sageherenotthere.png)

>>414243I agree with other anons saying this may be a witch hunt. This is probably reaching, but I wouldn't be surprised if Mariah made up some shit and now everyone is attacking at once.
>>414247sage goes in email field
No. 414275
>>414274Not really derailing. Just questioning whether or not she outed herself in here. Calm down.
Can't delete the post either since I forgot to put a password.
No. 414279
File: 1500622791101.png (1.48 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2910.PNG)

So in Sabrina's live she's doing her makeup in the bathroom and Moo is behind her laying on the ground sleeping. You see her w a pillow and trying to get comfortable. Does this girl not have a bed?
No. 414284
>>413743wait isn't this the youtuber? she really doesn't seem like the type
in all fairness sexual assault happens more often than rape and is harder to prove
No. 414286
>>414282Yeah I realized after I posted but couldn't delete lol
>>414284Mei was in the cosplay scene for a bit and pretty well known but not as well known as Nigri imo
>>414279Christ she really is a slob. I think she does have a bed
>>413884 .
No. 414288
File: 1500625028789.jpg (30.44 KB, 633x245, reddit.JPG)

meanwhile on reddit
No. 414301
File: 1500628774015.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0129.PNG)

Holy shit look at SSS and her comment. Fucking kek.
No. 414302
>>414206At Universal a wand is either 43.95 or 49.95. The robes are like 110 and the ties are uhm….30? I forget.
Sage for it probably not being that important.
No. 414314
>>414272Those were screenshots Nicolette took at the time.
This collage isn't recent, it was made when the incident first happened
It wasn't made just for lolcow, it was made to send around Facebook years ago. I remember seeing it.
No. 414322
>>414279Besides the one bed her and Vamp do shoots on, I really can't remember any other bed in that house.
Jesus Christ Mariah get your shit together
No. 414346
>>414332The difference between Greg and KBBQ is huge. There is tons of physical evidence showcasing Greg being a manipulative abusive person, abd he's even admitted to some of the stuff he's done. There is also 10 years of proof of the kind of guy he is, so even if there are no recipts we can still easily tell if it's in the realm of possibility for Greg.
Kbbq is s FUCKBOI, no doubt about it and chances are he was trying to be an animu boy with the shit described in his post. But I still don't see any proof, or even anyone coming out abd saying he's raped people. All I see are people upset he invaded their private space which, tbh, a lot of guys do because they're idiots
No. 414349
File: 1500644492656.png (1.33 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170721-084051.png)

Her face terrifies children
No. 414351
>>414332>>414335I bet you two think storytime vloggers also totally get kidnapped by uber drivers.
Is kbbq was as gross as you say there would have been proof by now or more people complaining rather than the one or two call out posts on fb. ESPECIALLY as he's a cosplayer. Stop pretending like you know what happened in the elevator cause you weren't there.
Also if proof does show up? go make a thread on him in snow. it doesnt belong in the moomoo thread
No. 414376
>>414351I agree. It seems like this incident happened in 2014 which was years ago. I'm sure if he was the terrible person there all making him out to be he would not have even been allowed to continue cosplaying. From that time and until recent he had a decent following and became associated with some big names.
As we have established before he's just a fuccboii. End of story. Now please can we talk about who this thread is actually about?
No. 414386
>>414371Wearing a Hogwarts uniform doesn't mean you are dressing up as a child. Loads of people wear their robes on Halloween and at conventions.
I'm not one to defend Moomoo at all, but it's retarded to think that just because she is wearing a Hogwarts uniform, it means she is trying to sexualize child Hermione. This isn't like with Kanna where it was clearly a child character she was dressing up as and trying to sexualize. This is no different than any other random dipshit who dresses up on Halloween. You don't stop them and ask which character they are cosplaying (unless you literally do the glasses and scar for Harry), you just assume they are a Potter fan and representing their house.
No. 414404
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>>412555But isn't she Italian? :^)
No. 414408
File: 1500654686847.jpg (43.7 KB, 590x295, C2WEj8CUUAAJDqd.jpg)

>>414279This is so gross. How is she not humiliated when people come to her house?
No. 414409
File: 1500654869928.jpg (23.08 KB, 720x540, FB_IMG_1470081931839.jpg)

Soo she's on a figure schtick…she says she preordered the Camilla and Kamina figures but can't afford a D.Va figurine that's 450 dollars USD. If shes buying the GSC Camilla its 15556 JP before tax or 140 USD. The Kamina, which I assume is the Emontoys brand,is 13800 JP or ~124 USD. Add in the actual state tax, customs, and shipping then it'd be pretty high/near the amount of D.Va…
No. 414424
File: 1500656178062.jpg (477.25 KB, 1309x2048, IMG_6876.JPG)

Interesting how suddenly Gabby is posting her old ass Hermione photos on all her social media now. No. 414430
No. 414431
>>414409>>414416So now she's using her patron bux on more non cosplay related shit. I wonder where she is going to display them considering her house lacks tables or even shelves.
>>414424This is still pretty awful, but slightly better than Mariah. I bet she can at least spell Hermione too.
No. 414456
File: 1500658704504.png (305.7 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-07-21-12-37-17…)

And if it was a dude telling you shit you wouldn't say a damn thing
No. 414463
>>414424Hell, they make the cosplay community seem so awful. Always trying to one up each other, crawling for fame… Sounds so draining.
>>414455Nice to see you again, usual Gabby whiteknight.
No. 414469
File: 1500660000167.jpg (21.46 KB, 275x256, 1494814619728.jpg)

>>414467That was cringey. Get out of here, Gabby
No. 414486
File: 1500661518004.png (670.22 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0547.PNG)

Someone's a farmer.
No. 414490
>>414424She is just now posting it because she just did the shoot THAT DAY
If anything I bet Moo only shared it because Gabby was shooting it that day. I know y'all like milking Gabby but she isn't like Moo. She does the sexy stuff cause it pays. But she genuinely likes this stuff.
Saved for slight ot or whiteknighting. And no I'm not Gabby. I just genuinely like her. She may be overweight but she isn't a cow like Mariah. Not everyone is. Stop assuming every woman in lingerie is a self absorbed retarded thot like Mariah
No. 414494
>>414424>>414461>>414463I'd also like to add that Gabby is only doing more sexy shoots because she needs the money. She mentioned on Snapchat that her fiance is having health issues and she is paying for it or something like that. And at least she isn't pulling Mariah levels of shitty lewds
Hers are just generic girl posts
No. 414501
File: 1500662935838.jpg (75.94 KB, 640x395, IMG_0464.JPG)

>>414424These thots put little to no effort into these shoots. May as well be taken with a cell phone.
If they really want to stand out they could do something like this. If it's not lewd enough they could take it there and still have it be interesting.
No. 414537
File: 1500665222062.png (1.02 MB, 720x943, Screenshot_2017-07-21-12-24-56…)

I hope she bought 2 of the same suit and is not wearing Moo Moo`s
No. 414539
File: 1500665348397.png (877.1 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-21-12-23-21…)

No. 414564
>>414561Goddamn that screencap of her bikini Kanna, the sports bra is completely being absorbed by her fat. Moomoo's an uncreative piece of shit but I gotta hand it to her with the angle using and posing in the photos she puts online, she magically makes like 50 pounds disappear. Also fuck, these guys are roasting her like crazy.
>>414539God this is so gross. Like
>>414551 said the small bikini is just making her look obese, not sexy.
No. 414572
>>414559"People" are like two persons at max. Other people with little to no milk are mentioned in Moomoo threads very often, like Vamplette, and no one whiteknights them. Don't know why someone in particular should get an immunity card. Your friend is mentioned? Remember which website you're on, own it up and ignore it. That relentless whiteknighting only attracts more attention and annoyance.
>>414561Sometimes I think "Well, at least she has the money to fix that", but then I realize… Could money fix that?
No. 414577
File: 1500676803129.jpg (317.79 KB, 1040x1192, Screenshot_20170721-183814.jpg)

Her stomach looks like a 2D image. Very spooky, my dudes.
No. 414583
File: 1500677675543.png (1.53 MB, 1002x1362, Screen Shot 2017-07-21 at 6.53…)

For fucks sake.
No. 414591
>>414583>>414588She 100% means she's wearing that string bikini and her matted, ratty Yoko wig. Or her black underwear for a ~~uguuuu POV boudoir lewd shoot~~. Maybe she'll even wear the ratty, uneven cape.
There's no way she can salvage that mess, and after seeing other peoples photos of her in it, she should know that too.
No. 414601
>>414577those thigh highs are from walmart, I own some, they're $2 a pop – way to go Moo, high quality cosplay!
Those are also rip off HP pieces, the real ones look a lot different. TFW she couldn't even afford to give a shit about buying the tie or cloak.
No. 414621
File: 1500686953474.gif (1.05 MB, 275x217, 1465857926047.gif)

>>414467>cute face…right.
No. 414625
>>413470Holy shit, her boobs are starting to wrap behind her, and they sag so much. She is not healthy at all, and keeps with the bullshit body positivity when she constantly makes herself look smaller than she really is.
If she would stop editing a bunch of weight off herself, then half the people here wouldn't have any ammo to use against her hypocritical ass.
No. 414627
>>413470Really thought this one was PT.
I've never seen the resemblance much before, but I legit thought this was the Queen in her Shampoo wig…that's concerning.
No. 414631
File: 1500688477629.png (Spoiler Image,846.51 KB, 720x1280, WjdogJ8.png)

OT and probably posted before, but dang she used to look so…human
No. 414635
File: 1500689872406.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.26 KB, 576x1024, 2QreoGO.jpg)

last one, won't post anymore
It phases me how she can look back at her old photos and think she looks sexy now
No. 414641
>>414632It seems like she's trying to go for that Victoria's Secret-esque smolder.
Personally, I think pinups look better when the model is more expressive rather than looking like a dead fish, eyes wide and unfocused and mouth hanging open.
No. 414646
>>414641yeah, she is definitely going for the sensual look that you see a lot of models, and even just regular chicks in selfies, using.
she does nothing with her eyes though, they're just there, like a fish or a dead person lmao.
No. 414665
File: 1500701037083.jpg (124.14 KB, 1500x1500, 1500700916321.jpg)

I legit snorted.
No. 414677
File: 1500706461522.jpg (917.94 KB, 1080x1916, tmp_17322-20170722_00532894763…)

just please stop trying to cosplay, thanks
No. 414681
File: 1500707518723.png (1.07 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-07-22-00-07-49…)

No. 414684
>>414677>>414681I like that she's keeping her arm just up at the elbow because of her flab she doesn't want to show off by lifting her arm completely.
She always looks so unenthusiastic.
No. 414686
>>411827I am loving this commentary we need a weekly lolcow trends report
sage for no moo
No. 414692
File: 1500710766845.jpg (765.21 KB, 1440x1581, tmp_9449-Screenshot_20170722-0…)

Photoshopped to the max
No. 414694
File: 1500712074499.png (474.02 KB, 935x596, Screenshot 2017-07-22 at 1.27.…)

>>414692lmao didn't want to post this one i see
No. 414698
File: 1500715785771.jpg (488.63 KB, 1080x903, Screenshot_20170722-022446.jpg)

Sage for being late as shit and possible repost but did anyone mention that she used the same hair sticks for both these cosplays?
No. 414702
File: 1500718566893.png (82.63 KB, 720x538, Screenshot_2017-07-22-03-13-32…)

No. 414704
File: 1500718677227.png (89.66 KB, 720x519, Screenshot_2017-07-22-03-13-22…)

>>414702Why does she lie so bad
No. 414706
>>414694the bodypaint smear on the dude honestly
triggers me so much
No. 414733
File: 1500737751333.png (133.1 KB, 750x921, IMG_9884.PNG)

OT but I wonder if Momokun will have anything to say about Nanabear. She has a post asking for donations for a breast reduction. I wonder if the corset and binding incident was a turning point for her
No. 414746
File: 1500739375870.png (1.49 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2995.PNG)

Pro Photoshop skills.
No. 414752
>>414743srs. i lost 60lbs and not only did my boobs not get smaller, but they are saggier and more painful than when they were perky/fatter.
also, mariah got a breast reduction when she was still fat, didn't she? so it's clearly a thing. i'm surprised nana's insurance isn't covering some of it though, if she has proven heath issues due to her boob size.
No. 414758
>>414752Does Nana really have any health issues because of her boobs, though? She passed out because she was binding her chest and using a corset at the same time. The binder restricted her ability to breathe in with her chest, and the corset restricted her ability to breathe in with her stomach. It was stupid and wildly dangerous, and it's not something insurance would see as a health risk due to her breast size. Just her being dumb.
Unless she has back pain or something, which I'm guessing might be it based on that twitter post. Even then, her insurance might require her to lose wieght before they'd help. Just to see if her boobs would go down or stay the same, in which case she'd definitely need a reduction.
No. 414764
File: 1500748216158.jpg (57.01 KB, 665x960, momo.jpg)

No. 414765
File: 1500748280424.jpg (23.44 KB, 480x682, 20229132_1387825017992291_8904…)

No. 414781
File: 1500749871422.jpg (197.03 KB, 960x1280, IMG_6913.JPG)

On twitter Vamp said "I have lewded Tsuyu"
No. 414784
>>414781Bleh, Tsu is always drawn with old fashioned bathing suits and one pieces in official art. It doesnt even look like her at all, just a generic animu.
But this just means we can probably expect something from Moomoo soon
No. 414785
>>414781Is this Tsuyu? It doesn't look like it…
She could've made it work with a forest green wig, natural makeup and froggy oriented underwear set? I dunno..
No. 414786
>>414781I dont know why but this is the best photo I've seen of Vamps. She looks good with heavy makeup and her nose kind of blurred out/covered
Anyways I couldnt even tell this is Tsuyu
No. 414789
>>414781saged for reach maybe
Tsuyu is 16 right? (correct me if thats wrong as its been awhile since I ever saw BNHA)
Is Vamp seriously going to lewd a school-aged girl like this?
No. 414790
>>41478916 is seen as sexually mature in most countries, anon
teens are hyper-sexual as it is
the problem is when they're actually kids like fucking kanna who is in third grade
No. 414822
File: 1500757149009.png (487.74 KB, 600x600, Screenshot 2017-07-21 at 12.33…)

>>414821She's friends with doormats. What did you expect.
No. 414842
>>414813can we cut that out? characters are not real. anime girls all look the same from age 11-40. all you idiots getting bitch pissy at momo for lewding children or contributing to pedophilia are driving me nuts. anime does that in everything, it was in dragon maid, not as a straight sex thing, but as a creepy fanservice. highschool and middle school shows have creepy fanservice and bikini shit in them, and guess what, they don't make people into pedos. people don't just turn into pedos cause they see a 300lb landwhale make a mess of their precious loli characters. people who like anime bitches don't look at the age they just look at the girl, but that doesn't mean they're gonna go after highschoolers. it's fake. sexy school girl exists as a porn genre, ageplay exists, ddlg shit exists. one hundred people cosplaying fake highschooler girls in sexy lingerie aren't going to make anyone go out and rape 5 year olds, or 15 year olds. moo is shitty for being a fat cunt but people have been lewding depictions of children forever. it's not like people are out there dressing their kids up in sexy dragon loli outfits, and hell, if anything a kid cosplaying the normal version of the anime kid would be more of a turn on to people who like that shit not moo or vamp or any other 20 some year old cosplaying a bikini clad anime high schooler.
No. 414844
File: 1500760470593.gif (1.41 MB, 245x167, ny72003.gif)

>>414781Y'know I always felt sorry for Vamp and thought she was the bigger person but then I realize that she's just as gross and thirsty for attention/money as momo. I mean you'd have to be shitty yourself to stick around and hang around someone like Momo.
No. 414908
>>414844I mean, it makes sense why. Being in your "friends" shadow for years and putting in more effort as well as a full time job… Fuck, everyone wants to make money off their passion if they're able to. I don't blame her for trying to copy what she is seeing work after trying not to mimic Momo for so long.
My question really comes down to when is Momo's time gonna go? She's late on her rewards, she's turning her house in a dump (so who knows the bill when she moves out?), she has rocky relationships, and her attitude on social media is appalling. I just find it almost strangely fascinating that she still has supporters. Are there any websites that track demographics for patreon? Legit curious, cause a part of me wonders if it's really mostly guys, I imagine some of the audience is females who wish to feel better about themselves as well. Based on screenshots here, the people who seem to be supporting her clothing line (or theirs? do we have hard evidence as to whether or not it's joint?) has been girls.
No. 414950
>>414842Well said anon. This stupid fucking argument is driving me insane too, I just want to tell everyone who bitches about it here to go back to tumblr where they belong. "Boohoo these costhots are lewding 16-17 year olds, they're underage which means they're basically toddlers, that's so
problematic" like anon said, it's not fucking real. It's cartoons. You're not gonna end Japan's admittedly real pedo pandering in anime by complaining about it on some cow's thread.
No. 414959
File: 1500774618359.png (280.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170721-184026.png)

No. 414960
File: 1500774649720.png (532.06 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170721-183732.png)

No. 414961
File: 1500774682263.png (252.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170721-184316.png)

No. 414967
>>414908>WhenWe're looking at a couple of years, if Spoony is to go by, and Spoony was a great deal more relevant than her. It's just a slow decline due to the set and forget nature of Patreon.
>late on her rewardsMost patreon subs are set and forget.
>house into a dumpIrrelevant, her fanboys would fuck her in a ditch if they could. I would suspect her fanboys live similarly.
>rocky relationshipsYeah, Zoe Quinn had that too. Did nothing about her fame. Shit, that's why she got famous in the first place.
>Social media attitudeHer followers LIKE that sort of shit.
It's just a slow decline, which fucking SUCKS because we all want to see this bitch eat shit, sooner rather than later. But them's the facts. On the plus side, with more and more people spreading awareness about her, her numbers are pretty much going to stagnate. That's something, right?
No. 414989
She didn't have to post a photo of the other girl which was a passive aggressive diss at her appearance. total fucking hypocrite.
No. 414993
>>414765the sad thing is from her old cringey weeby psycho ass journals posted here her body builder father pushed her really hard. momo's body at her debut as thick (chubby) samus was more natural, just healthy diet and moderate exercise and she'd be fine.
i think her massive ballooning is in part due to how hard her dad had not failing drilled into her, sorta like when anorexics recover they tend to gain. (from psychological not the physical)
she's still a shitty yucky person but idk, wish she could've just focused on health and wellness and maintained a healthier more toned version of her original samus suit body a year ago
it's shocking how fast she's gained SO much her diet and heavy drinking and lifestyle aren't good for mind body or soul
No. 414996
File: 1500777980585.png (2.4 MB, 1440x2560, tmp_15812-Screenshot_20170722-…)

Another mirror instead of furniture nice
No. 415003
File: 1500778991355.jpg (435.04 KB, 1077x1941, tmp_22888-Screenshot_20170722-…)

There she goes again going on the hype train. Still plays Pokemon go? Since when? And Lusamine alright.
No. 415016
>>415011There's no way she'll ever do it. It's cumbersome at the least, and she has no skill to remotely do it. Moo prefers things she can cash in on the hype with. Like
>>415003 pigging backing off Go's event. Moana's hype is pretty low especially with Frozen getting another short. I wouldn't be surprised if we get lewd Anna or Elsa though. Sage for going off a bit
No. 415023
File: 1500783961505.jpg (333.56 KB, 1435x1990, tmp_8097-Screenshot_20170722-2…)

Someone teach this cow how to pose. Also she's not even this size anymore
No. 415024
File: 1500784210914.jpg (42.03 KB, 640x960, FB_IMG_1500784008699.jpg)

This picture bothers me so much. Where are her boobs? I looks photo shopped to hell. Are those the same black underwear and bra she always wears? Those are the same stockings she used for Rin.
No. 415028
File: 1500786475469.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170723-000500.png)

No. 415031
File: 1500789121205.png (241.51 KB, 1047x1274, Screenshot_20170723-154745~2.p…)

The amount of hate Moomoo gets I'm surprized she hasn't quit by now. Non of her cosplay friends truly like her and half are leeching/pretending to climb up the lewd ladder. All top comments on her FB photos are just hate comments about how she's ruining cosplay. You know your actually doing something wrong when the hate comments get more likes and defense rather than your own…
No. 415032
>>415028Imagine that instead of Cell assimilating Android 18, Android 18 eats Cell whole
This is that kind of look
No. 415037
>>414996>Another mirrorLet's be fair, her frame is probably too big for her current mirror so she needs a new one to be able to see her whole body
>>415003I thought she hated Lusamine?
No. 415042
File: 1500792642437.jpg (221.58 KB, 1024x768, collage-2017-07-23.jpg)

Lashing at females but passive aggressive or nothing if it's from someone: genderless/ gender fluid/ male. She's really letting her true colors slip but I can't help but to wonder if she's actually feeling this way or if it's a lead up to another sob vid. I included the keyboard thing simply because I assume it was actually her getting triggered by the comment section, any proof it was really during her "tense gaming sesh"?
No. 415044
File: 1500793038290.jpeg (649.76 KB, 4000x1999, 1500791693262.jpeg)

I knew this looked familiar…
No. 415046
File: 1500793263426.png (144.32 KB, 1042x565, 2017-07-23 00.59.35.png)

She needed to ask how to get better? Haven't other cosplayers and "nobodies",fans,and fellow anons been trying to do exactly that but any critique or advice has obviously been ignored or chimped at.
No. 415049
>>415044I always thought that. They look so familiar now. A few years ago, they both were really pretty, thin, attractive,…
And now? It's a shame.
No. 415051
>>415046Theres only one answer to this question which every gamer will tell you…GIT GUD
P.S so much Moo hate on 4chan right now, how many years do you personally think she has left in cosplay before she caves in?
It baffles me that she pretends to
look past the hate
No. 415052
>>415044real pt vibes from moo in this one.
a little foreverkailyn in the face too.
No. 415057
File: 1500795974078.png (266.81 KB, 750x1062, IMG_7251.PNG)

B-but Mariah, you ONLY do lewd cosplays…
No. 415059
File: 1500796694409.jpg (823.67 KB, 1440x1855, tmp_24020-Screenshot_20170723-…)

dat vein doe
No. 415064
>>415059holy fuck those veins.
moo looks like a troll or a witch looming over the other girl.
No. 415067
File: 1500800670441.png (1.94 MB, 1440x2560, tmp_15965-Screenshot_20170723-…)

looks like she finally got herself a bed
No. 415069
File: 1500800766739.png (1.67 MB, 1440x2560, tmp_17657-Screenshot_20170723-…)

No. 415082
>>414963hey we've told you like five times that the word 'sage' goes in the email field, you can't be this inept
>>415028this looks the most dead I've seen her, damn
No. 415096
File: 1500821827870.jpg (67.28 KB, 600x800, 394535[1].jpg)

>>413470she totally missed pochaco and went straight to taruco.
No. 415104
File: 1500825142901.jpg (25.83 KB, 472x323, 8486484989.jpg)

if she cosplays my waifu i will nuke her to hell. also she saying she is doing a lot of dresses lately in her kanna pic. thats a fucking store bought dress, who the hell do you think you are fooling?
No. 415110
File: 1500826716258.png (80.1 KB, 544x376, Screenshot 2017-07-23 at 9.17.…)

Anyone know what this is about?
No. 415124
File: 1500831716484.png (280.47 KB, 532x700, Jouya-promo.png)

ideal cosplay for her lol
No. 415128
>>415104Fucking kek, if she cosplays Beato she's going to fuck up so hard, I can already imagine how messy her wig will be, she won't even get the bangs right like the Panty wig. Since I've cosplayed Beato before I'll have more confidence in myself for doing Beato justice once I look at Moo's pics.
Moo's a really inspirational cow. She gives people the motivation to work out and the confidence to cosplay. She's an anti-role model.
No. 415134
File: 1500835279398.png (135.35 KB, 638x937, IMG_5162.PNG)

Will it be hotglue or horrid sewing Skills?!
No. 415135
File: 1500835442491.png (121.94 KB, 619x975, IMG_5163.PNG)

Self awareness =0%
No. 415142
>>415138She's a fucking creep!!!! Honestly I'm really surprised by the luck moo has that she hasn't been run out of the comm, idk it's because she's a girl, because she's fat or what but usually when a photog or smth does that they get run out quick
Also kinda ot I guess but I was just trying to remember quickly didn't moo and vamp used to hate each other before they became friends?? Idk if I'm remembering wrong cause I thought there was like a post or something where they talked about their initial impressions of each other vs now
Seriously what is it about moo where she gets lucky about her fame?? Like vamp does the exact same thing if not just with more talent but its moo that gets popular?? lol I'm not saying vamp deserves fame or whatever but why or what was it about moo that made her popular ??
Also I think she gave up on deku cause everyone shitted on her when she tried to pass off that miccostumes mask as her own and she knew shit about the series
No. 415154
File: 1500838617828.png (94.78 KB, 596x930, IMG_5164.PNG)

Momo needs her own version of lügenlord you dont go to college!!!!! Stop Lying!!
No. 415164
>>415134At first I was so offended by her doing this cosplay, now I'm just DYING to see the train wreck.
>>415135Most of the people in her comments are saying she should do the kid one because it "seems easier" I feel like everyone is aware of her shit cosplay-making skills- except for her.
No. 415169
>>415162>still going to pay for it since she's professionalMore like she's paying for it since she has no one else who is willing to do shit for her.
There is nothing professional about her besides the fact that she tries so hard to fit in within a circle of actually professional people. I'm sure she pulled that ~professional~ card just to seem like a victim as she usually does. If she really wants to be ~professional~ she can start off by not airing her whole life on twitter or posting crying videos for sympathy points.
No. 415194
>>415154>>415174She can always go back and take a course… She literally does nothing but the scant material for her Patreon. Her lack of an actual life is mind-boggling.
Also, there's literally thousands of books on Alexander the Great. Why the fuck would you need to take a course to learn about him? I know she's playing up the "wow, I really care about this character! Not bandwagoning at all!" schtick, but it's transparent as fuck.
No. 415209
>>415197Oh my god, I totally forgot! Slaving away at packaging rewards for her ungrateful patrons is too much of a toll on Momo for her to even listen to a history podcast. Poor thing, so much weight on her shoulders…
>>415203Has she really claimed that she only has the weekend free? That's just ridiculous. Also, just the fact she doesn't even take any courses at all is so strange to me. She doesn't do anything to work on her present career, so it's unlikely she's even thought about life after Patreon. Did she even finish the business degree (associates or two year equivalent) she's mentioned before?
No. 415218
File: 1500852506254.png (195.07 KB, 720x520, Screenshot_2017-07-23-16-23-51…)

Well that escalated quickly
No. 415219
File: 1500852537194.png (81.63 KB, 720x532, Screenshot_2017-07-23-16-24-06…)

No. 415228
>>415210>>415216Obviously neither of you have any sizable boobs cause tbh boobs nana's size would be absolutely painful to do most kinds of cardio with.
>>415154Also there are straight up several Alexander the Great documentaries on youtube this cow's fat must really be clogging her brain now
No. 415243
>>415219Oh great, incoming pity party for her where she'll cry about being bullied and being such a good person and how telling someone to kill themselves is "totally not ok".
She's going to milk this for all it's worth.
No. 415262
>>415252Called it. Doing her usual "I'm a strong woman who won't be broken by your negativity bullshit". You know Moomoo, the more you have to keep saying it, the more it is likely thar it's not true. You are just an insecure cow who is always looking for pity and sympathy because you want to run away from the guilt you have for all the shitty things you do to people.
And as usual she is trying to make it about "because I dress up and wear costumes" and not because she is a shitty person who lies and bullies anyone that doesn't kiss her ass and tell her how great she is.
No. 415264
>>415252Of course she's not going to stop. She enjoys hatred. That might be a good quality though, she keeps doing stuff because she knows it pisses people off and it rakes in cash.
All that considered, I really don't feel bad that she's getting death threats. wouldnt send her any personally but we all know nothing is going to actually hurt her.
No. 415269
File: 1500857935317.png (35.7 KB, 572x352, hmm.png)

No. 415270
File: 1500857980382.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0739.PNG)

Jesus, Moo. Find a better photographer to suck up to. You can see their fingers holding up her tail, and not even an outside force can make her look good.
Sage for being a whiny bitch
No. 415271
>>415252called it too. jesus this girl… sure people just hate you for your cosplays. only that mariah. keep being the delusional bitch you are.
obviously you are not gonna stop, not to get par on with the haters, but because its your only money incoming. you are popular because you are a controversial cunt att whore, not because you work. you never worked for anything in your life mariah.
seriously one of the best parts is if you show to someone what she said about how fat people should die they just "but she changed!" ah fuck off
sage because rant i'm actually rather annoyed at this whale right now. got into numerous arguments yesterday trying to prove all the her wrong doings and everyone backed up with "BUT YOU CANT FAT SHAME HER". well i never did that in those arguments, fuck off
No. 415277
>>415252lol this dumb bitch is honestly talking about going to police with this shit. They'll laugh her fat ass out the building. This has to be some kind of joke, because this too damn funny. Does she really think they take dumb shit like this seriously?
"Officer, arrest this man immediately!"
"An what is it you are accusing him of ma'am?"
"Well he posted this really mean meme about me"
". . . The psyche ward is down the street. You might have passed it on the way to McDonalds"."
No. 415279
File: 1500859130583.jpg (20.35 KB, 587x178, 456465456.jpg)

excuse me officer someone told me to kill myself on the internet, can you please help me?
No. 415284
>>415279That isn't what happened. Someone posted a screenshot of him pointing a gun at her image.
I get that people don't like Mariah, but I think it's a pretty normal reaction to be freaked out by someone posting a picture of himsef literally targeting her.
No. 415288
>>415284And you're a complete retard if you think that amounts to anything. Unless someone is literally calling her phone or stalking her and tell her they are going to kill her or hurt her in some way, then it amounts to jack shit.
>>415279And whenbher fat ass gets laughed out the building, she cry even more hamburger tears to her followers about "fearing for her life" or some other overly dramatic bullshit. Guarantee she is going to milk this for all it's worth.
Although, they might be learning since they are calling her out for putting the guy's personal information out there.
No. 415292
>>415284so what? like
>>415288 said that amounts to shit
No. 415294
>>415293I was gunna say…
Also, they will probably make her fill a report and that's it. They have better things to do than help ~search for a hatur~
No. 415300
File: 1500861037284.png (156.56 KB, 720x520, moomoocow.png)

>>415218since the picture is kinda faded, it looked like some kind of lego cow figurine. i spent at least 2 minutes trying to figure out what was so offensive about it. pic related.
but yeah that's pretty uncalled for, i can't actually blame her too much for being uncomfortable.
No. 415302
>>415288Fr people are acting like she legit got held up at gunpoint… but isn't aiming a gun of pics of things on twitter a meme?? Like especially in the anime/geek side of things??? Like people were doing it when they were making fun of killing stalking cosplayers so???? Omg Mariah literally reminds me of the Tyler the creator tweet where he's like cyber bulling is real?? Close your eyes haha
Also wtf why didn't she react like when vamps car got broken into?? I feel like that's more traumatic than seeing a pic of someone pointing a gun at ur pic… like idk maybe were cynical but they didn't say they're gonna come to wherever she is and kill her lmao
No. 415305
>>415261Wish she'd use those beardbucks on basic sewing classes and then working up from there to more advanced classes and shit. You can only learn so much from youtube and if any of these "friends" give her the time of day to teach something or let her watch them.
These lazy taobao, ebay, commission, and half-assed piss poor sewing is absolutely NOT "working my ass off" worth of 15k a damn month.
No. 415314
>>415252I know it's old but you all remember when she posted about her mom "go fukn die".
not saying what the person did/said is right, but she was there once..
No. 415317
File: 1500863547471.png (61.13 KB, 986x218, Screen Shot 2017-07-23 at 9.29…)

"I'm too lazy to read it myself, so give me a page so I can act like I know stuff later on!"
No. 415318
File: 1500863570435.jpg (351.54 KB, 1500x1500, MOMO2.jpg)

>>415314a bunch of other stuff too
No. 415322
File: 1500864205153.png (852.96 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170723-224227.png)

>>415319Ask and you shall receive!
No. 415324
>>415244>complicated surgeryIve had a reduction and its not brain surgery, as long as you dont go to a shit doctor, you'll be fine
Also Nana should try building a case with her insurance company so they could cover some/ all of the cost if its actually causing her injury
No. 415326
File: 1500864653743.jpg (40.98 KB, 600x678, 65e.jpg)

>>415218Maybe I'm reading into it wrong, but this guy's picture seems like a "get this shit off my feed" type of thing, and not "I want to shoot Moomoo/I want Moomoo to die". Like pic related, except less funny.
Either way she's a fucking idiot for thinking this is something she should call the cops over. "Waaah, someone pointed a gun at a picture of me on the internet!"
No. 415327
File: 1500864801058.png (418.88 KB, 853x480, 795.png)

>>415318>what if shes fat and has lopsided boobs>like boobs on a fat girl, it doesnt countoh how the tables have turned on you Mariah
No. 415330
>>415252>this community is a cult now! >this is my job! Please realize you are in no way shape or form part of the real cosplay community. You are part of the instagram cosfamous hierarchy that wants to capitalize off selfie sets and shitty hotel room boudoir. I came into this com only about 2 or 3 years before you did and the amount of you naked chimps doing anything for popularity and then screaming for acceptance and money gets more and more every damn year.
>I didn't get here off of my tits and ass like everyone else says! >I work days and nights! People have done way more with way less time, money, and recognition than you have and will always be better than you still. Showing your tits and ass is how you got where you are now. Can you take a step back, look at those Mei boots, Mei gun, that fuckin abortion of a Misato costume, and that recent Stocking photoshoot and honestly believe you got where you are now because you have nice costumes/work? Could you see most of your audience sticking around if you said you weren't doing the softcore porn anymore and were just going to focus on the craft? We all know the answer to that question.
No. 415335
File: 1500868647353.jpg (91.25 KB, 1017x675, CvY_akyXgAEplX7.jpg)

they're too busy trying to solve this gruesome crime.
No. 415340
File: 1500869493927.png (73.13 KB, 738x595, IMG_0407.PNG)

Literally crying about "don't treat stuff like this as a joke". 4 hours later trying to make jokes about it like "lol, u haters won't get to me" for attention. Fucking lord she is so transparent.
No. 415356
File: 1500871674185.png (148.05 KB, 497x302, pos.png)

No. 415364
File: 1500872624097.jpg (79.84 KB, 500x563, thotbgone.jpg)

>>415360Fucking pussy. What a joke!
No. 415371
>>415365She does this shit all the time. If she doesn't have a rabid army ready to attack anyone who disagrees with her she instantly backpedals when she starts getting called out and eaither deletes everything or tries to play it off like "lol I was just kidding my dudes".
Except by that time the damage is done. Her fans hav already hunted down her target and brigades them on her behalf, with no apology from her. Just her usual "I'm such a strong woman who won't be brought down by your negativity" bullshit. And this is what really makes her a piece of shit, that she'll look to take down anyone who isn't kissing her ass and when she gets called out instead of apologizing and softening the damage done, she tries to play the victim like "Well my feelings were hurt and that's all that matters". Seriously, fuck her.
No. 415376
File: 1500873747532.png (2.16 MB, 3640x2156, garbagehuman.png)

>>415360did someone ask for screepcaps?
I was disgusted by what she did so I wanted to just do my part.
No. 415380
>>415378NP I had the tab open when I read that and it solved my issue of why I couldn't read the replies anymore, so I ended up screencapping everything that was deleted.
Still have the tab up with the posts in display just in case someone remembers something I missed, but I think I got it all.
can't check the replies though.
No. 415383
>>415252But is it really succeeding when you're just a soft core porn lewdplayer? Majority of people hate her? I've never seen any cosplayer with this much hate before and be THIS delusional about it. The only people that support her are horny men who fap to her, other lewders and big girls who are fooled by the body positive bullshit? Most cosplayers hate her and the other half pretend to like her to climb the fame ladder.
She feeds off the hate for attention and pity points. The gun point thing is not okay at all but she really needs to wake up and stop being delusional and thinking what she does is okay.
No. 415384
File: 1500874562517.jpg (26.02 KB, 490x403, c1e688f095563f1d5fbbba8609c002…)

>>415382I would personally but she blocked me. Trying to be good on my spare account so I can contribute to the thread.
No. 415386
Whatever happened to Midoriya Moomoo? Why must you jump on all these projects and never follow through except for flavor of the week bikini shoots and lingerie?
>>415134Also, adult is ISKANDAR and the child ver is ALEXANDER but you wouldn't know that at all moo moo since you never even watched an episode have you
No. 415413
File: 1500884379476.png (749.61 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5165.PNG)

The road down to insanity…
All she needs now is a hospital jacket..
No. 415491
File: 1500905142604.jpg (2.48 MB, 2457x3072, IMG_9715.JPG)

They are roasting her so hard in the comments.
No. 415509
>>415252>"That cheap spandex suit got me more attention than you'll ever get, featured on IGN […]" blah blahShe's so thin skinned. And to be someone who lives on the internet and pretends to be so into memes and "relatable" shit, she really knows nothing about internet culture. That gun pic wasn't something clever ofc, but she blew things out of proportion. People literally use reaction pics with guys pointing out guns "delete this" etc. all the time, is she this new to the internet.
Nobody wants to kill you Moomoo, you're not worth it. Relax and go back at scarfing down rolos.
>>415340At this point I'm convinced she has a personality disorder. You can't seriously do a long ass rant for "death threats", go to the police station and then do this.
And then delete it all.
No. 415513
>>415300late but YES i thought the same thing… that it was some weird goat thing (or cow, kek).
i do also agree that the gun thing is really a bit extra and if i had that done to me, i'd be freaked out (though obvs, momo does a lot of things willingly i'd be freaked out doing..)
but yeah chances are nothing will be done regardless. lord knows far more violent images have been created of e-"celebs" than this. still doesn't make it in good conscience to do, but… i have firsthand experience with police being lazy and shit at their job when it comes to reports (also have a cop brother and cops are pretty far removed from "social justice" type issues).
if anything they'd tell her to shut her shit down/privatize herself way more.
No. 415558
>>415547sage for ot,
but i showed my bf who is both a bayonetta and smash fan her post about 'red bayonetta' and he thinks she's an idiot. she's obv not a fan, why would she want to cosplay the player 3 bayonetta?
No. 415574
File: 1500920649687.png (398 KB, 1410x1052, i'm not sure what's going on.p…)

Looks like Momo might be cosplaying Jojo and that she's a "real fan".
No. 415579
File: 1500921362112.png (112.63 KB, 500x528, Twitter-how-many-times-do-we-h…)

>>415575Don't, we've discussed several times in these threads that getting mad about her ruining something you love, only wants to make her do it more.
No. 415594
File: 1500924116850.png (451.45 KB, 535x498, 5533.png)

>>415587maki is 15 and also what the fuck
No. 415604
>>415603>>415599>>415594>>415592>>415588point is moo's fat ass is not a child, she's never going to be confused for one, pedos who want children don't like tittymonsters cosplaying their lolis.
cosplaying=/=masquerading as a child.
you guys need to get over yourselves. moo isn't the first and won't be the last to do this and there are way worse things she's done.
No. 415607
>>415604so what if she isn't the first?
>oh my god that man raped that child>don't worry he isn't the first and won't be the last>???don't make stupid behavior 'ok' because it has been done before
No. 415608
File: 1500925649265.jpg (18.97 KB, 256x300, 4706[1].jpg)

>>415606literally how? pedos like the physical look and personalities of children not just the age. she does not look like a child, she will not be confused with a child. age in anime is totally arbitrary. pic related is a 30 year old woman. body type says more than age, especially when you bring it into the real world. if the child she was cosplaying was in a revealing outfit(which there are) it still wouldn't matter because her fat body will never make pedos excited.
No. 415610
File: 1500925980269.png (127.83 KB, 500x522, fucking-degenerate.png)

>>415608> body type says more than agecareful anon, you're sounding a lot like grease.
also no1curr about your bf, your cosplay, or you.
No. 415614
>>415607so does that apply to other things?
would cosplaying someone from a violent video game make people think violence okay?
is cosplaying a character who is rape victim in a revealing outfit doing sexy poses going to make rapists think people are okay with being raped?
if the same cosplayer does a lewd POV photoset with someone cosplaying as the character's rapist? is that promoting rape?
No. 415617
>>415610obviously they do. you guys are going off into SJW with how
problematic you think this is. why not complain about her indulging in a series that sexualizes lolis in the first place, or makes disturbing fanservice of a girl and her friend seem like lesbian shit? surely her simply liking the series is bad enough if you think she's promoting lolicon by cosplaying.
No. 415648
File: 1500930659012.jpg (76.65 KB, 1080x1080, 19985667_131391727454460_54543…)

She looks bad in cosplay. But by god I unironically want to fuck this pig.
Her fat thighs appeal to me on a animalistic level. I would never date her, but god damn I want her ass on my face.
I don't expect roasties or gay men to get it tbh.
No. 415653
>>415509She exhibits really explosive features of Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) with daddy issues added to the mix. She constantly blows shit out of proportion, has a huge need to air her dirty laundry in public (KBBQ as the latest example), has to be in the spotlight all the time and purposefully wants to cause drama and make people mad (such as picking the same characters her competitors are planning to do, aggressively shitting on Steff's favourites because of their fallout etc), starts aggressively milking attention whenever someone calls her out (the spontaneous "YOU DON'T OWN ME" bikini IG photos after being called fat), the list goes on. She should seek help from cognitive therapy to learn how to deal with and control her emotions so she wouldn't have a severe mental breakdown every fucking week but she seems to instead feed her decaying mental state with internet gratification, substance abuse and food. I'd feel bad for her but she's a grown fucking woman and responsible for her own actions.
>>415604Personally I don't care that she's sexing up a child character but it's the fact that she did it just for attention. She has a sick thirst for causing drama because it gives her more attention and exposure. And she's using something like implied pedophilia to cause it. And that's shitty. if you don't believe me just look back to her "LMAOOO I DID IT JUST TO PISS OFF SJWS" tweets.
No. 415663
>>415659>I'm a guyHRT doesn't count
>>415656Just putting it into perspective why she has a fanbase. I think her cosplays look like dogshit, yet I'm still subbed on instagram
Now that I've seen her nudes I'm not as interested tbh
>>415661>Roasties still not getting itIt's not low self esteem it's low standards.
My dating standards and my dicking standards are completely contradictory
No. 415666
>>415663no 1 curr
sage your bullshit
No. 415669
File: 1500932094968.gif (204.27 KB, 304x207, Kekye.gif)

>>415656It's important to give Momo as little validation as possible.
I only save her photos, I never favorite, or like them
I never comment on her photos.
That's the way it should be with any female on instagram. The only validation I'm willing to give them is a sub. That is it.
>>415666wow you can sage comments here? that's fucking weird
>>415667>Enjoy your banTbh I was just popping by after hearing about this site on 4chan.
If it's this easy to get a ban and to rile up roasties my banishment is inevitable
No. 415672
>>415669you get banned for going off-topic and bumping threads - something that happens on most boards on 4chan unless you come from edgy /b/
and yes, you can sage comments, just like on 4chan
your newness is showing, just stop embarrassing yourself.
No. 415673
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No. 415684
>>415673If this is true and not just her excuse when she gets lipo during her "break", then I'll still give it about 11 days before she gives up. Sticking to diets and working out is way too much work for a lazy cow like her.
She doesn't need a personal trainer, she needs a fucking case worker.
No. 415690
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We can all tell you made this costume momo.. holy hell it's terrible
No. 415694
>>415674I wonder if she'll get her arms done this go-round. Maybe her chin too.
We should start a betting pool.
No. 415706
>>415673IF she is doing this, and I'm pretty sure she's not, good for her. It's what she needs to be doing and is actually a good use of her money.
However unless we see some pics/videos of her actually working out I'm going to have to be in the same boat with everyone who thinks she's just getting more lipo and pretending to be working out.
BTW Momo, even pics and videos wont save you if you're actually getting lipo because it's not hard to tell the difference.
No. 415709
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>>415707this is not normal
No. 415723
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No. 415731
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No. 415737
File: 1500941625601.png (27.94 KB, 447x258, 4fcd73c7893490137482dfffe53539…)

I'm curious what Mariah's dad thinks of her tbh. Seeing as he hates fat people probably see's her as a fucking failure.
Countdown the time before Mariah makes a post on how much she loves her dad.
No. 415739
>>415737Oh so its not from her trainer despite her just saying they were helping her with a diet.
The high protein diet makes sense from a body builder perspective, not so much for an all around healthy diet to lose weight
No. 415745
>>415739She's going to get gains and not cut to become a strong fat.
How much weight can someone her size realistically lose in a month to two months time? I'd like to see that compared to her lipo results.
No. 415770
>>415723Is she doing keto?
She'd be better off with PSMF
Add chicken instead of beef, try only egg whites, moo.
Good diet for the morbidly obese.
Sage for opinion
No. 415787
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These boots are cancer
No. 415791
>>415781congratulations, everyone. did we decide on a cover photo?
remember op, cut down the description links for other threads
No. 415797
>>415723/fit/ here (inb4 ban)
It's actually fine for moomoo to eat nothing but protein, assuming proper supplementation to cover the lack of micronutrients that meat doesn't provide. As long as she doesn't go above 2500 kcal, she can expect a drop of about 10-15 lbs in the first month (which accounts for water weight), and subsequent loss of around 8-10 in the subsequent months.
>falling for the meal prep memeWhat's next, she's going to be shilling protein powder? Girl, we all know you're not going to work, so you dont need shit for a lunch break.
No. 415805
>>415723Looks like the food id make my dog when I had to sneak her medication.
Looks dry and over cooked. I'm sure a quick google search will show some better meal prep ideas. Eat this for a week and you'll get tired of your diet real fast. Setting herself up to fail. Nice one.
No. 415812
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Saw this on a photo of a cosplayer I follow, who took a photo with Moo.
No. 415813
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Also, Moo never fails to make the dumbest faces.