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No. 382598[Reply]

>still stuffed in that filthy goshiwan with a moldy shower she nearly "died" in
>fried her hair doing several cheap home-perms
>not too long ago canceled the first storage in seoul, having her tiny goshiwan now additionally packed with storage
>mentioned a hair dresser earlier but until now hasnt shown her new "hair cut"
>still blurry vision from chronic poop eye

old thread hit limit:
28. >>362302

IG /margaretpalermo
YT user/MargaretPalermo
Twitter @margaretpalermo

1. >>229267
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No. 479274

If you’re trying to say margo is totally blameless here I hope you’re enjoying the scenery on planet Denial. You really think being raised and under the control of a malignant psycho narcissist like margo had no ill effects whatsoever on her kid? Oh and Venus should just “get over it” now that she’s out of her grip, right?

No. 479292


don't forget that fucking lunatic bragged about never having to take her daughter to the hospital and dragged her to the gym to solve her eating disorders instead getting professional help lmao
Margo is still at fault

No. 479317

>Please don't tell me you've forgotten how people here and Pull use to speak of her heavier set body back in the day. I recall a lot of people calling her chunky,chubby and fat and that lolita didn't suit her because of her weight.

I mostly blame Margaret for Venus’ emotional problems because she had the responsibility to get her daughter care instead of prioritizing Venus’ revenue, but you are absolutely right. She was torn apart constantly by people on forums and on her channel. People called her a hypocrite for that that comment about there being no fat dolls, while simultaneously shaming her developing body. With her very round face, height and wide hips, they said she was too huge to do Lolita fashion. PULL was especially vicious. Even post-Margo, people here that don’t even live in Japan act like 166cm is a hulking giant when it is not at all. Mommy’s a fucking psycho but Venus’ exposure to thousands of people scrutinizing her body since she was 13 equally contributed to her body image issues.

No. 479320


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 480607

new thread for the idiots like me who have been staring at this one: >>479422

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No. 471830[Reply]

Previous threads:

In the course of the last thread:
>The thread was launched when 41-year-old Raven returned from her month-long hiatus from the internet after arriving in the US from New Zealand.
>She required seven suitcases at a cost of over $900 to haul her "necessities" such as large plush toys with her.
>She posted two videos to promote her Patreon account. She will be releasing the milkiest videos via Patreon for $30 per month to thwart the haters.
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No. 478836


A 40-year-old woman getting wasted on sweet drinks. Holy hangover, Batman! She's gonna feel worse than she felt after that car crash in the morning.

No. 478876

I love this thread too, anon. Raven's couch saga has been excellent.

No. 478889

> He changed his story on everything. Like, now he's trying to say that he didn't want me with Logan and he only told me about Logan once. That's a lie. That's a flat-out lie. And he said it himself, it wasn't even like that. He wanted us together, and he would come home and tell me about him every fucking day until I gave in and I said, fine, who is this guy, I'm tired of hearing about him, about your little friend, I'm not interested.
The North remembers Raven. We remember when your son told you he thought he was bisexual and had feelings for a friend. We also remember you grooming then marrying said friend. You're a filthy lying slut pedo whore who deserves a life of miscarriages

No. 478940

Is she still on that? NO child would nag their parent non-stop to "check out" their friend. It's fucking ludicrous. She obviously saw Logan, became intrigued and hounded Dorian to let her meet him until he gave in. She's not only a lying whore but a pedophile too

No. 553141

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No. 475963[Reply]

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No. 478330

not all of it is saged you fuckwit. >>477976.

idgaf if i get banned, but please, they cause more drama than they're worth.(come on)

No. 478331

this. the thread has no milk, moo's milk is dried up like her sandy snatch.

No. 478335

Chill out farmers. It’s the holidays, all the cows are a little quiet. She’s been on vacation, Just because it’s been a week or two without a major breakdown doesn’t mean she’s “dried up”

No. 478339


Put it in snow then instead of these empty threats every so often. Come through with it.

No. 478340

Moved to >>>/snow/452841.

No. 45689[Reply]

New Quirky thread for the terrible human being that is Rosie Skaggs. Defensive anons not welcome. We are here to discuss a cunt, so let the games begin.

Our saga continues with Quirky trying desperately to become a makeup guru on YouTube and applying to be a partner.

Her ED:

Quirky's Media:

Instagram: (currently on private, but have become public before)

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No. 70702

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No. 207785

She's back because her boyfriend broke up with her. Phoenixrosee on IG.

No. 207806

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No. 306400

I live in Omaha Ne, where Rosie Skaggs recently moved to escape the hate THE was bred for her in her home state of Georgia… I hate this girl with a fiery passion and I aim to destroy her.

No. 306403

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girl this isn't even the most recent quirky thread. At least post your vendetta in the right place.

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No. 472802[Reply]

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No. 475959

run, boy. run

No. 475961

That file name, I lost my shit and can't find it

No. 475962

When a man looks super tiny in comparison to you…. yikes that’s embarrassing

No. 475965

Since this will be locking, new thread


No. 476258

One liners have been the most memorable parts of Star Wars, how fucking dumb is she

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No. 360627[Reply]

Time for the new Cow of the Year!
aka the fat ugly version of lilypichu

>Ex-gf of Einshine

>has her name from a shotacon yaoi hentai manga
>has been obsessed about Einshine since 2012, still obsessed about him, tries to brand him as a pedophile and has a boyfriend
>promises a milkvideo with new proof
>instead its someone reading the thread on PULL

>claims in her video that she was 17 at the time of their relationship, but he's a year younger than her

>lusted after samgladiator
>has a discord where she keeps a diary
>withheld shitty milk for months
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No. 468561

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I completely forgot she was a thing. Why does she have 100k subs again?

No. 468613

Im friends with someone who is in her crew, and let me say, she clearly doesn't care about her actors.
From the crew member, i was told she favorites two 12 year olds over her whole entire crew.
she gives her crew a sense of false love, then when they decide to leave, she treats them as if them never existed.
(keep in mind, this is a adult who has kids volunteering to help her with her "career.")
My friend tells me that prep takes too long, and most of the time nothing happens in recording that goes forth with the story.
Also: why does a highschooler have kids?
isn't that odd how yuki as a character attends highschool, but has two kids who attend the same school?
I've watched the episodes myself to support my friend, and honestly; this series sucks ass. its gone no where, there is tons of plotholes, and most of the time, the actors cant spell correctly.
Who lets this woman near kids?

No. 472986

60k of those subs came from her just being apart of Samgladiator's Yandere Highschool and she was posting content linking back to him, without his permission, basically using him to gain a following.

No. 476045

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just checked in on Yuki, glad to see the crackdown on pedophilia on youtube has hit her.
>the irony of these tweets together

No. 509218

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lol shes literally begging for money at this point

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No. 462983[Reply]

Previous threads:

In the course of the last thread:
>When asked in a private message about Raven's wellbeing since her profiles had been deactivated, Josh replied, "I don't wanna talk about it."
>The next day, when asked in private messages by several farmers what had happened, Raven replied with copy pasta saying that "Josh had stepped aside" and that she was "keeping as much stuff deactivated as possible" to fulfill her promise to Logan to keep their relationship off of the internet. She then says that they filmed a video about their reunion and includes a screencap.
>Dorian's Lovely Fiancee stopped by one last time.
>The buyer of the "unwanted gift" S8 on TradeMe left negative feedback stating that they have not received the phone and that Raven has not replied to several emails.
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No. 471831

New thread!


No. 471832


What an idea! This way, josh has a spare Raven if he ever loses the first one!

No. 472868


This is totally ot, but is that picture of the sea hag from Small World?

If it is, that makes the whole post even a teensy bit more hilarious (but probs only for me, because I am odd).

Thanks Anon!

Sage for board game nerdiness.

No. 473162

Here's the thing that makes me so mad about Raven (ok, one of many things); if Josh works for FedEx ground, then he is making decent money (also, again, there is no way he is doing drugs, they drug test their fleet all the time). If Raven got a job as even a full-time checker at Walmart, in addition to his income, they could have a nice, working class life, with an actual house, perhaps a dog, decent furnishings, satellite television, a little play money, etc. You know, the old-fashioned American dream. They would certainly have good insurance and little 401k's and other grown-up stuff. She just needs to WORK. And yes, places like Walmart and Home Depot would hire her despite her appearance (trust me on this).

It's sad she won't help realize this potential happy, modest life.

No. 475528

In her newer video she shows off her makeup and skincare products.
It's thousands of dollars worth of makeup. Why do we think she's poor again?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 469589[Reply]

Previous thread > >>>/pt/465692

-Onion continues narc tweeting and continues to spin the wheel of drama.

-Laimey says she has 0 friends coincidentally Sarah is back home, so their friendship might have ended.

-Onision posts 2 pictures dressed as Social Repose and "Shane Dawson". Despite him saying he would never talk about Shane again.

-Onion and Lamebot fight live on stream over Lamey not cleaning her work space and apparently having flies in the room.

-Lamey continues her usual E begging and has made a wish list that Onion himself is sharing for her teenage fans to buy her stuff.

-Onion uploads a video about his relationship with Laimeybot, ends up being a 75% a video about his ex girlfriend and Lames father.

-Lamey stresses about having no one to photograph her for her patreon, and talks about not letting Onion photograph her because she feels uncomfortable.
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No. 474884


new temp thread, sry if it's shit

No. 474893


this is why the thread is slower lately ah

No. 474902

tbh these threads get policed pretty hard, it's one of the more ridic train wrecks. tempcow is more exciting because you can say what you want without worrying too much about forming a thesis and being substantive haha.

could a drawanon pretty please make a lolcow/tempcow graphic similar to the anisa pear gang one?? tempcow is a wilderness of milk and sin, this thread is… ??

No. 474913

there was too much shitposting and too many stupid 'foot' comments though. tempcow happens to be very good today, actually as it's proper milk time there's no reason for that conversation not to be happening here.

and it's nice to be able to decide when to go there. some people don't want to look at endless shopped pics of Lainey on the regular.

No. 474917

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This is truly Milkmas

Archiveanon if you are still with us, the latest/immediate future Lainey streams will be very high in calcium

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No. 465692[Reply]


-Laineybot meets fan Kitten Space.

-Onision makes another Shane Dawson video despite saying he would never agian.

-Lainey continues to beg teenagers for money on YouNow and will reward them by dyeing her hair live on stream.

-Onision breaks up with yet another friend Tomato ass licker, because of Repzion.

-Despite calling Lamey his world Onision live streams while arguing with Lame about gender identity and his sexuality.

-Lainey receives her binders from her fans and uploads a cringe video, this apparently makes her a boy and has now decided that she is in a gay relationship with Onision.

-Lame's mom is currently at the grease mansion.
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No. 469591

And thus his obsession with Shane continues in his new video.

No. 469604

Yeah, I'm friends with a poly girl, and her main partner is fine with it, but does not participate himself.

It def sounds complicated, and I'm glad it's not a part of my life (for now? who knows), but Greg has ALWAYS used it as an excuse to fuck young girls while staying with his wife. Or try to, anyway.

No. 469833

What's with Greg disabling comments nowadays? Also ugh, he's STILL making videos about Billie…how are these two still together?

No. 469834

"It's kind of like being a marine and washing your fellow soldiers back– It's only weird if you start acting weird" UHM WHAT LOL, how is that not weird??

No. 469860


>She wants the comfort of not having to change her life by staying with onion, but wants a gf for emotional support/doing fun things with. She apparently has no concept of friendship.

Definitely this but I get the impression that she wants a "girlfriend" because she wants someone to be crazy over her.

Like I'm sure everyone remembers being in their teens and having an embarrassing obsessive crush on someone, it's the same way she was over Greg when she was 17.

She wants some impressionable teenage girl who will worship the ground she walks on and listen patiently to her cry about how Greg doesn't give a shit about her, while not actually having to listen to them or put in the mutual effort that a real relationship requires.

She really is Greg 2.0 at this point, it's disgusting. I don't know how she'll manage to cope without flirting with kids online to get the attention Greg isn't giving her.

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No. 466106[Reply]

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No. 469575


Anywhere i can find this video?

No. 469577

>I’m so querky and random uwuuuuu~

She should have picked a photo that showed her lipo scars, a photo with a stack of late patreon rewards, a photo of pho and a photo of that bottle of fake cum.

No. 469578

also remember how she was so "obsessed" with jojo and made poses for photos all the fucking time, claimed to have read all the manga then never mentioned it again?
it's so pathetic how she clings to whatever is trendy, I can't begin to imagine how vapid she must be in person

No. 469607

Is someone going to make a new thread?

No. 469615


Tbf that Jabba picture was taken after she got lipo and had that phase where she would find an excuse to show off her "abs"

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