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>>>/pt/465692-Onion continues narc tweeting and continues to spin the wheel of drama.
-Laimey says she has 0 friends coincidentally Sarah is back home, so their friendship might have ended.
-Onision posts 2 pictures dressed as Social Repose and "Shane Dawson". Despite him saying he would never talk about Shane again.
-Onion and Lamebot fight live on stream over Lamey not cleaning her work space and apparently having flies in the room.
-Lamey continues her usual E begging and has made a wish list that Onion himself is sharing for her teenage fans to buy her stuff.
-Onion uploads a video about his relationship with Laimeybot, ends up being a 75% a video about his ex girlfriend and Lames father.
-Lamey stresses about having no one to photograph her for her patreon, and talks about not letting Onion photograph her because she feels uncomfortable.
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