File: 1462403430144.jpg (106.73 KB, 900x900, shit.jpg)

No. 266660
>>266650I agree. I was wondering why she kept saying get off of me, I was thinking he was holding her down and hitting her.
But rape is looking very probable.
How can we find out if he was charged with anything?
Anyone know where he's located?
I really hope this fucker is locked up right now and that woman is out of there.
No. 266662
File: 1462410147513.jpeg (97.77 KB, 518x919, image.jpeg)

No. 266667
File: 1462410691517.jpg (56.06 KB, 528x960, 12642794_767471283386089_85567…)

This is what the scumbag looks like without all of the myspace angles.
No. 266668
>>266662He posted a video where he said he never hit her then took it down, now he's posting saying he DID hit her?
So if he lied about hitting her, he must be lying about raping her.
Fucked up.
No. 266672
File: 1462410997171.jpg (73.86 KB, 528x960, 12592646_769072673225950_58158…)

>>266671He wears a fedora in most the pictures his mother has posted. This one is captioned, "Saying goodbye is nt the term…its see u later misses u n loves u so much…". From Feb, this year, so his location seems to be NY now.
No. 266674
File: 1462411205507.png (150.15 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 266680
File: 1462411326503.png (136.87 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

No. 266681
>>266678You have to watch the whole thing. It's audio only, but gets pretty bad.
>>266674Thanks anon!
No. 266684
>>266680Do you have the other half with his sister and mothers contact info?
I didn't screenshot the instagram post
No. 266688
>>266662>I might have got upset> I hit her and fell on top of her and hit her againHe
might have gotten upset and only hit her twice? Really bitch?! I hope this audio can be used as evidence, he needs to locked up.
No. 266689
>>266682for real
triggered my anxiety so bad i considered dumping my boyfriend out of paranoia
No. 266697
>>266631Is that actually his real facebook?
Don't wanna report a guy who could just be mistaken for someone else
No. 266699
>>266695Agreed, I sincerely agree.
Man, just hearing that audio is chilling.
No. 266704
File: 1462412907299.png (624.58 KB, 1536x2048, image.png)

What happened to his Instagram?
No. 266709
File: 1462413243910.png (211.1 KB, 734x547, 457453.png)

No. 266710
>>266704It was "hacked".
Not sure if I believe that.
No. 266740
>>266631I hate him. I have never hated one person so much after listening through that audio. What a disgusting piece of fucking shit, and he deserves to get thrown in prison. But he won't, because our system is so set up that fucking assholes like this guy get to get away with this abuse.
I know the internet put John Hock away, can we do anything about this guy? Anyone in his area willing to call up police and ask them what is possible
No. 266749
>>266747If this
>>266667 is his GF then she looks like it, or at least passes. Given this shitbag's personality, he might have gotten rid of her social media stuff too.
No. 266752
>>266749That's his sister.
I am hoping to the gods that she is away from him, because shit will just get worse for her now. I'm genuinely worried for her, I'm going to try my best to find out who she is.
No. 266780
File: 1462423483198.gif (13.46 KB, 256x192, Atmey_Magnifying_Monocle_2.gif)

>>266777Very true.
It's tough because I see so many people who look like this asshole.
No. 266785
File: 1462424275183.jpg (25.67 KB, 750x204, image.jpg)

Lmao lets see where this goes with this creep
No. 266787
>>266785Is he retarded? He's accepting friend requests right now?
Good on you anon, hope you find some helpful info.
No. 266791
>>266667This is definitely not him and
>>266677 probably isn't either.
This guy's eyebrows are much, much bushier, he has no neck tattoo, hair is completely different, his ears are rounded (whereas Joedaddy's are pointed) and his nose tip is more rounded too. Also his beard is much less thick and kind of patchy.
Guys, I really don't want to be harassing the wrong guy.
No. 266796
This guy actually resembles him more and is from New Mexico also know as JoeDaddy on Twitter
No. 266803
File: 1462425699714.png (140.22 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

This is him. Good luck finding anything at all.
He has deleted everything current.
No. 266804
File: 1462425819237.png (940.07 KB, 1033x593, 01.png)

This picture is from December 2015. Maybe he fixed his brows and got a tattoo while living in NYC? Not sure though.
No. 266805
File: 1462425939592.png (468.6 KB, 807x501, 02.png)

No. 266809
>>266804Another thing I just noticed looking at this, not just his earring but also Joedaddy's earlobes are connected and the other guy's aren't.
>>266802 Please don't say anything, it's definitely not him.
No. 266810
>>266802Look through his photos and friends.
Try to find the girlfriend.
She may not be on his friends list anymore, but there could be tagged photos or mutual friends.
Look for any " I'm here for you bro" posts as well.
No. 266811
>>266804looking at the ears again, left seems to have attached lobes and right has detached lobes.
>>266805 The tips of the nose are a little different too, hmm. I'm not sure this is the same person.
No. 266812
>>266810Sorry, have to add.
It may not be him, I wouldn't directly speak with him.
No. 266816
File: 1462427213217.png (7.56 KB, 604x161, JDBastard.PNG)

So when searching his e-mail from his YouTube account I got what look like his Facebook address but nothing there when you go to it. No. 266820
File: 1462428187262.png (819.03 KB, 1390x892, JDDouche.png)

This is a pic from his Facebook it seems from Mom Veronica's friends list he has deleted his account as he is no longer friends with her and his Facebook link is no longer active from previous post. Dude definitely knew trouble was coming his way and is cleaning up his tracks.
No. 266824
>>266820Well this does prove that the selfie pic above is from a phone rather then a camera, since here the tat is on the left side of his neck.
No one go after his mom. He's the fucktard. She just messed up raising him.
No. 266826
>>266823Wow, no tact you asshole.
You're a shit.
No. 266828
File: 1462428699541.png (7.17 KB, 571x150, JDGF.PNG)

So it appears that the tracks end with girlfriend as her Facebook I was unable to see anything as page as been deleted. Tried looking for her in Mom's friends list and no luck there either. Still searching……
No. 266829
>>266827Ah yes, the age thing.
I don't see how looking like a douche means you're a abusive rapist.
Wow, I'm really immature and inexperienced. You've given me much to think about.
Anyways. Back to the important shit.
No. 266834
File: 1462429115803.png (51.12 KB, 355x596, JDSis.PNG)

So looking at sisters Facebook, she says she doesn't have a brother just sisters, weird thing is this conversation?????
No. 266837
>>266830Equal rights equal lefts amirite bros kek she totse deserved it XDXDXD
kill all men
No. 266838
>>266835You do realize that rapists can be virtually any kind/type of person right?
Your theory is shit and distracting from the topic, you're essentially blaming someone for getting rape. Sorry for the tumblr and all, but come the fuck on anon, stop it.
No. 266839
>>266836Of course, MRAs are scum but on Jezebel I have seen a few people defend him for that as well, even though there is 0 proof and how the fuck is that an excuse.
I'll admit I haven't been on there in months, maybe it got overrun but it was always kind of shitty.
No. 266840
File: 1462429657106.jpg (58.19 KB, 723x247, wha.jpg)

wheh wheh wheh
No. 266843
File: 1462430104785.jpg (75.94 KB, 960x952, 12301746_186145081730493_41584…)

Does anyone have any more of the recent pictures that we know are of him?
No. 266847
File: 1462430674850.jpg (74.5 KB, 676x676, 12039768_154704428207892_50789…)

>>266845I found it on the friends list for his moms FB page. Could it be an old FB account?
No. 266848
File: 1462430776461.jpg (40.37 KB, 308x359, look.jpg)

>>266847And here is a confirmed picture of him. I think they look similar, but I could be wrong.
No. 266850
>>266820 >>266848
look at comments of pic 266820.
No. 266852
File: 1462431314421.png (528.9 KB, 512x512, kbYL1Ynl.png)'t been updated since April and I don't know if it's him. Did he get his tattoo altered since then?
No. 266854
File: 1462431601136.jpg (54.61 KB, 991x902, Laugh-Meme-05.jpg)

>that itty bitty goateeMight as well slap a giant "DOUCHE BAG" sticker on his forehead.
No. 266855
>>266852Don't think that is him either even tattoo was altered looks bigger than one in
>>266820 also design is 3 stars on JoeDaddy one on this guy with writing.
No. 266856
>>266852 here is the FB of the guy who's twitter that belongs to.
>>266855Yes, but he may have had the tattoo altered. The tattoo on
>>266852 is very faded while the tattoo on
>>266820 looks to be more fresh.
No. 266857
Correct but
>>266820 also shows he has studs in ear and
>>266852 shows he has plugs and faded tattoo which means he could have tattoo altered but he couldn't of shrank the holes in his ears.
No. 266858
>>266811He may have had his ears altered, they're quite pointy in this pic and not so pointy in
>>266820 The nose on both of them is very distinctive, the pic on the right looks a lot like
>>266631 No. 266865
Did this incident just happen today? If so the girlfriend is well within the statute of limitations and would probably have injuries to show to the police. I'm just hoping that she's gone to the authorities and is ok.
>>266803It's confirmed he has kids…ugh FTW right now.
No. 266872
File: 1462439646166.png (582.39 KB, 928x604, 4-CS7mF5l.png)

He is a lying piece of shit, Im so glad the internet is blowing up on this dude!
No. 266882
>>266874That huge eyebrow guy up there is not him.
I hate when the internet plays detectives and end up hunting the wrong people. It makes me think of that guy who killed himself because the internet accused him of being the Boston marathon bomber.
No. 266899
File: 1462446389552.jpg (619.81 KB, 1071x1500, MG_2586-Modifier.jpg)

From 2014
No. 266911
File: 1462448320820.jpg (71.8 KB, 444x506, ss (2016-05-05 at 04.37.53).jp…)

>>266852yeah I'm looking around and this is def not him btw. I went to this guys twitter and found another photo of him through his website. I guess Joe Ortega is a popular name
No. 266915
I'm posting what someone in the comments said
"I wrote this on another thread.
She begs, and screams for him to get off of her at 3:12. Then she screams, "Don't put it in!" He calls her a slut and that she was horny for "it". Then you can hear slapping noises at 3:15.
Then she screams in agony and pain at 3:43 (You can tell the difference because this time it comes on strong, quick, and it is extremely loud. And this will continue throughout the video.) While she is screaming, you can clearly hear him moaning. At 3:42 he says, "You got a nasty pussy. You're nasty." and "Ah Fuck! Loose ass pussy!"
At 4:12 you can hear him say, "Aw yeah, fucking that pussy." She howls in response. Though it is difficult to hear what he states before that.
After that, she yells, "You're hurting me!" at 4:22, you hear something being smacked at 4:28 while he laughs saying, "Fucking little bitch! You little bitch!"
At 4:35 she cries, "You're taking me!" and "Really!? You had every chance to be fucking alone!"
I hope this post helps clear the confusion about what is happening to the woman. I have re-posted my findings because I want people to read and hear it, then make their own decision on what is going on in the video.
Edit: Something to add. At 4:26 she forcefully exhales and coughs a bit."
No. 266916
>>266872"I did what I had to do"
I'd personally murder this guy. No regrets.
No. 266919
File: 1462449786016.jpg (35.57 KB, 600x339, 1462405921947.jpg)

No. 266931
>>266915>Don't put it in>He calls her a slut and that she was horny for "it">"You got a nasty pussy. You're nasty." and "Ah Fuck! Loose ass pussy!" >"You're taking me!" Totally sounds nothing like rape at all.
No. 266971
>>266967Preach it, nothing but a fedora fuckboi.
4chan forums are just cesspools for the ego dick strokers to vent how much of an edge lord they are.
No. 266972
File: 1462458111037.gif (1.08 MB, 500x232, anigif_enhanced-5397-140865843…)

>>266917>>266920I'm not even going to click this shit, I'm trying to have good day…
No. 266978
>>266967Seriously, these robots are so unaware it's amazing.
>thinks of and treats women as subhumans>"WHY WON'T U DATE ME U STUPID STACEYS!!!"Because women totally want to date misogynists, right?
No. 266982
File: 1462460102928.jpg (115.28 KB, 881x601, TwitchAbuserSuicideThreat.jpg)

This is the supposed picture of him talking about suicide. But imo that looks like a teenage girl who is a cutter and looking for attention. "Guilty" written all over this dudes forehead. The people who think she deserved this are truly sick people and probably fans of JoeDaddy 505.
No. 267011
>>267005It's an anonymous forum where you can say whatever you want. Sounds a bit like lolcow right? To be honest it makes us look like retards to be so offended about everything. This board is filled with annoying insecure normie females (PULLtards) and tumblrina bitches like
>>267006yes it's terrible what happened but no need to be butthurt about 4chan, it makes this site look really bad.
No. 267047
>>267046she probably wont listen and will even threaten to give you a black eye if you wont leave her alone. unless the case will give her money.
and no its not because she is hispanic, race baiters, its because she seems like she is also trailer trash
No. 267077
>>266982You know a narcissistic abuser has been outed when all he can think about is the pain that
he's going through, and is in no way upset or trying to make up for the pain he inflicted on the actual
>"Poor me everybody, POOR ME! I'm not responsible for what actions have led me to be put under scrutiny, just feel sorry for ME!" No. 267160
>>266982he's doing it wrong
it's down the street not across
No. 267161
>>267148>>267155Yes, exactly. This was so maddening like, bitch, why the fuck are you laughing, how can shrieks from a woman that is being RAPED anny funny??? Everything about the video made my stomach turn, shit i'm shaking.
This is one of the foulest things I've ever seen in lolcow, i hope he rots in prison or just straight up die.
No. 267177
So mad Keem is our source of new info for this this, but: police are getting involved. Wish we knew more tbh
No. 267180
>>267177Oh jesus christ, this asshole is from my city?
Good, I hope he rots in jail, bruh.
No. 267181
>>267179I still haven't seen anything about this outside of here and Keem.
Actually, I lied, I saw a Jezebel article about it after I searched for news articles about the incident. I am seriously surprised this has not taken off on tumblr and other social media like I thought it would tbh
No. 267195
>>267193They laughed a little at the start but then quieted down later on. I think it was more nervous laughter tbh, it's a defense mechanism, especially used when someone is percieved as being harmed since actually thinking about it is unpleasant.
It also might be incredulous "holy shit does he seriously not know his livestream is still on holy shit" laughter, idk.
No. 267220
>>267219Thats good that the police are looking into but it worries me wit this:
>Deputies said they believe they have an idea who this guy is. They also said the recording by itself isn’t enough to charge him, they need to make sure there is a victim.Hopefully the woman ends up pressing charges.
No. 267314
File: 1462507003187.png (80.73 KB, 714x581, 73610922ceae8f3a3516befa475c4c…)

i posted a transcript of the video (or, what i could decipher of it) on kiwifarms (part one)
No. 267315
File: 1462507027408.png (111.38 KB, 711x692, e1464f2eeb45614c87d063723c2e4e…)

i posted a transcript of the video (or, what i could decipher of it) on kiwifarms (part two)
No. 267355
>>267348The 505 in his name is a New Mexico area code
It's him
No. 267376
>>267348But the ages wouldn't match though?
>>266674How old is this, because on Feb 2012 he would be 30, not 31.
No. 267414
could be him. He may have already turned 35 and hadn't updated his bio or wherever people are getting the age 34 from. Joe Ortega is a not an uncommon name so it's hard to pin down info on him such as birth date, previous states of residence or criminal records. This may or may not be him…
No. 267470
>>267468Fuck off back to tumblr
Petition for banning all of the tumblrina comments like this one
No. 267471
>>267470Well anon is kind of right,
most men
are savages and
most women are sluts.
tumblr only is half right
No. 267503
>>266662I hate fucking abuse logic like this
Trying to claim the truth is twisted because totally not delusional, abusive and calculating as fuck yeah
What a cunt.
No. 267515
Sometimes you just gotta smacka bitch. Don't get why women cry when they cheat or lie or do some other sort of stupid shit. Because they try to make you feel sorry for them being whores. Very manipulative.
So many feminists in this thread.
No. 267517
>>267511I agree.
>>267515I disagree! You should refrain from hitting anyone oneesan!
No. 267527
File: 1462567485802.png (57.62 KB, 800x310, Mr-robot-tv-logo.png)

>>267515And you go back to the containment thread.
No. 267560
If he is indeed from NM, the same place where that rape had taken place in 2012, I also came across this: be the same guy as in that report.
No. 267720
>>267515Huh, feminist feels like the wrong word for me right now. The video and the threads on r9k make me feel more like a raging misandrist who doesn't believe in equality, because men are just pure shit. You know there's something wrong with men when they take a situation like this as a way to prove women are at fault. Apparently being dumb or weak willed or attracted to guys who look douchey is worse than verbally abusing, beating and raping someone, particularly someone weaker than yourself who you're supposed to be in a relationship with.
The selfishness on r9k is just staggering. Girls don't want those anons, therefore any girl who is with a man other than him is inherently in the wrong. She deserves it for not dating him or someone like him instead, because of course the nice guys advocating rape would never say or do anything bad to a woman.
No. 267855
>>267720r9k is such a pathetic board, I don't know why anyone references it anywhere else on the internet. One look and you can tell it's full of loser "betas".
I'm over all these heinous dudes on the internet like MGTOW's, MRA's and PUA's shitting it up. If you need an internet forum to tell you how to have game~ rather than developing social skills in person and being a normal functioning person, you should probably not be in the fucking gene pool and women don't want you for a reason.
No. 267867
>>267720They've definitely come here just for this thread, there's remnants of robots posting in other threads on here as well… So let that sink in, the fact that they came here especially to defend this rapist scum and shit on every woman in here that doesn't agree with them that all women deserve it.
And they wonder why women hate them.
No. 267893
>>267888I know, right.
>"Her cries made my bone harder">"OH GOD FAP FAP FAP">"I don't know what's going on, but its making me hard as a diamond">"My dick has never been harder than when she was squealing like a little pig"We get it, you're edgy.
No. 267911
File: 1462645121816.gif (1.66 MB, 245x225, 1460820814916.gif)

>>266999this pretty much. Lame excuse just like "she hit a door" or "fell down the stairs" to cover up for beatings.
>>267179Cumstar doesn't have much morals to talk, consifering he also beat his gf after a stream
>>267315Fucking horrible
No. 268022
>>267517Hey man, just telling it like it is. Sluts are fine for fucking and kicking to the curb. They aren't worth dating though.
Girl in audio would probably crave more and will eventually go back to him. Sluts are obvious about it. they have no discretion. They fuck one guy, fuck his friend a week later, and then get offended when called on it.
Being promiscuous or experienced is fine if you have the sense to moderate it. indiscriminately fucking everyone you meet is what gets you looked down on, and rightly so, because its a trashy thing to do.
Cops won't do shit. He'll be rewarded a medal.
No. 268029
File: 1462671835029.png (196.38 KB, 1092x1600, 1378424934801.png)

>>268023No. Just a ephebophile spreading truth in this feminist shit thread. I use to date a feminist bitch in /pt/. She got raped a few times and secretly fantasizes about it now and still upholds some higher form of feminism. Do you know what that is folks? BULLSHIT.
Truth be told, women are nothing without men. They're cheap whores who will sell you out the minute you have nothing else for them to take advantage of.
ALL girls will cheat on you if something better comes along. Its called hypergamy and its hard coded into the female cunt. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into females. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without women becoming unbalanced. Granted, the girl in the audio will not be served any justice. Instead, she'll go right back to him because sex will never be the same again.
Live with it cunts and go back to watching LAW AND ORDER!
>>268029>truth>evolutionYou'll always be alone while the world becomes progressively more feminist despite are instinctual desire to be dominated.
I bet you've been cheated on a lot because most men are naturally more athletic, smarter and better looking than you. It's called hypergamy and we're hard wired to find superior men. Men that aren't you.
No. 271015
>>266840Not to derail the thread, but you are aware of the PASK Project, right?
The largest study ever done on domestic violence where it concluded that half of domestic violence is perpetrated by women?
Even when you divide out reciprocal violence where, usually due to stress, both couples abuse each other and only focus on nonreciprocal violence female on male violence is just as likely to occur as male on female violence.
And women are more likely to use weapons.
It's not a gendered issue. It's a family issue where children from abusive households are more likely to grow up abusive themselves. That abusive household may have an abusive mother, or father or sibling - regardless it increases their risk.
And that person IS right that the attitude towards male victims of DV sees it as "less horrific" to be beaten by your wife or girlfriend than it is to be beaten by your husband or boyfriend.
Here's a link to the research and I'll leave it at that. I work with abuse victims, male and female, and making fun of one half does not make you empowered. It makes them less likely to come forward and get help.
This all lines up with the CDC's intimate partner violence survey from 2010 by the way. This isn't news.
Erin Pizzey, the woman to first open a woman's refuge center in the world, has talked about it extensively as well.
Before you make fun of abuse victims because of their gender, just imagine a man you love being in that horrifying situation. Everyone needs help and resources and the courage to reach out to someone for help. Your attitude, and others like it - which is NOT at all rare - hurts people. Full stop. No. 271034
>>266631This was fucking disturbing. I wouldn't have clicked the link if I knew it was very blatant rape. I clicked it under the impression it was just some smacking and sobbing and probably a lot of back and forth screaming like an abusive fight.
The girl is clearly being raped hard and wailing in pain, possibly being hit during it, and it does sound like it's possibly anal. You can fucking destroy someone with anal rape if you want, with prolapses and how sensitive the tissue is. Even if it's vaginal, it sounds like he is absolutely ripping her apart. I seriously hope she's not incredibly injured from this.
I hope the guy burns in hell and also the ones snickering on screen as it's being recorded? Probably says something about this guys fans. I wonder what type of stuff he did and confessed to in his livestreams.
No. 271041
File: 1463620494945.png (289.17 KB, 784x735, rapist.png)

The 2012 rapist isn't him. That guy is in prison right now. It's this dude.
No. 271585
>>271195I'm not from either, I work with domestic abuse victims and the current climate of male = abuser and female = victim is causing huge problems for many who are abused. Those in lesbian relationships, men with abusive partners, and children with abusive mothers all struggle to be believed even when they do call the police - all of which puts them at further risk.
One man called the police after his wife beat his son (5 years old) and broke his arm before his father could pry his mom off of him, but in doing so he bruised her arm - the wounds on him were considered self defense on her part.
So he was the one arrested, and she was left alone with the child.
It was only because he had been recording what had been going on because it wasn't his first rodeo that he was finally released and she was arrested. But the child was still left alone with the person who broke his arm for hours.
And that's the better situation. Many lose custody of their child to the abusive partner because when it came down to he said she said she was believed because of the way society views the issue.
Viewing DV in just one way instead of the multifaceted problem that it is - which is backed up by evidence, and huge amounts of testimony from all types of victims - hurts so many people adults and children alike.
But I'll stop here. Sorry for minorly derailing the thread, but people often don't realize when you minimize male victims you're not only hurting real people and putting them in further danger but also putting children at risk as well as other women.
I doubt you care anyway, but don't be surprised if the view starts changing over the next decade or so. It's well past time.
/last post
(hello personal blog story) No. 271588
>>271587well put anon. I'm glad you were able to say this in a proper way, I kept trying to respond and couldn't.
People shift the conversation to "men get raped too!" any time a fucker like anon above makes nasty comments like "she deserved it".
No. 271609
>>266631holy shit. I've seen tons of real gore vids and thought nothing will ever make me feel disturbed after all i've seen, but listening to this record left me absolutely horrified.
I really hope this piece of shit rots in jail.
I don't quite understand what made op post this jerk on /pt/ though
No. 272404
File: 1464110885220.jpg (396.38 KB, 1570x1536, 1453747214553.jpg)

>/b/-tier shitposting on lolcow
No. 287208
>>285669NOT the same guy. Stop linking random facebook profiles. You can destroy their lives.
(It's not him, just look at the ears.)
No. 361864
>>361835nothing is going on in this thread, it's dead.
>>361829 is a fuckwit newfag is all.