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No. 599679

This thread is for discussion of all topics related to sustainability, including, but not limited to, zero/low waste and ethical fashion.

(links in spoilers)

(Beginners) resources
Sustainable living beginners guide

Zero waste beginners guide

Zero waste kit

Sustainable fashion beginners guide

Best ethical and sustainable beauty brands

The Good Shopping Guide

Youtube channels

Sustainably Vegan

The Girl Gone Green

Kristen Leo

Films and documentaries
The True Cost
About the true cost of our clothes. Available on Netflix or watch here: https://truecostmovie.com/watch-now/

Takes a look at the livestock industry and how it impacts the environment. Watch here: https://www.cowspiracy.com/

Our Planet
Focuses on how manmade climate change causes massive wildlife loss. Available on Netflix.

A Plastic Ocean
A docu about the impact of throwaway plastic on the environment. Available on Netflix.

No. 599715>>599721>>599765>>602243>>602258

I figure this is a good a thread to ask as any.

How do I stop myself from being a dumb stuck up bitch about an ecological lifestyle? I vaguely mentioned to a friend how I don’t want to own a car b/c of climate stuff and she started ripping into me about how unrealistic that it is and after a bit of defensive back and forth I told her it was more of a matter of priorities and it made me sound like the bitch in the argument. I just can’t help defending myself when people criticize me or my choices that I KNOW are better for the planet. But idk how to “educate” people without sitting on a high horse at the same time. Is that even possible? Should I just ignore these sorts of comments if I can’t stop going on the defense?

No. 599721

In my experience, people who argue over stuff like that are projecting their insecurities about their own unsustainable choices. People feel “threatened” when you mention stuff like this, because it (in their mind) means you’re judging them, even if you’re not. It’s best to just not give a shit about what others are doing or saying. I

No. 599765

I think people worry that when you speak of doing something for yourself they assume you expect them to follow suit.

Not having a car could very well be unreasonable for her lifestyle and was defending herself. If you don’t approach the subject from a place of superiority or propagandizing and instead explain that doing this could benefit your own life while realizing not everyone can do the same, people might seem less reactive and more willing to listen to your reasoning. No one likes to be told their normal ass routine is destroying the world and if they don’t make drastic changes to the way they live RIGHT NOW we’re all going to die

No. 602173

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Thanks for starting this thread OP. I'm getting into slow fashion and vintage because fast fashion is fucking trash, bad for the planet, bad for the workers and also frankly stressful. I want to get out of the constant feelings that I need something new all the time.

<I recommend this book if you feel the same.

Also, this is great resource to see just how sustainable different brands are: https://goodonyou.eco

No. 602229

I’m so happy about this thread! It’s very important to spread influence about sustainability especially during covid. Recycling is on a huge decline in my area and litter due to disposable masks and gloves is way up. Very depressing

No. 602243>>602248>>602260


Your friend sounds like she has an extreme crab in the bucket mentality. Besides the environmental aspect, people used regularly walk MILES everyday before the advent of car culture because they just had to, and it was a GOOD thing. The human body is designed to walk way more then it's designed for things like physical exertion like running or gym to then try and lose weight/build muscle (not trashing on those but just making a point). Since Corona I've been paranoid about using metro so I walk 3-5 miles, two ways, 1-2 times a week if I wanna hang out with my friends who live in the other side of our city and my body has TOTALLY adjusted. Like I don't even feel tired at all, I enjoy the walk and time to contemplate, talk to people on the phone, listen to podcasts ( lots of activities that we associate with sitting that you can do walking) and I know I'm preserving my health for the future.

No. 602248

Walking everywhere is actually quite doable in some cities but I could never do that safely in the town I live in atm, especially in the winter. I hate it when people are so black and white about it, but you're so right if you are able bodied to walk, you will get used to the distances.

No. 602258

There’s also the option of buying a used vehicle anon. Buying used is the best option for the environment if you’re gonna drive

No. 602260

Exactly. Working customer service, people who don’t stand for long periods of time get exhausted. You do end up getting used to it.

No. 602642>>602950

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My roommate is a fatty and gives me her empty Talenti jars. They're so perfect for everything from storing coins, liquids, cut-up veggies.. urgh I love them.

Also I am so ready for thrift shops and Lush to reopen.

No. 602950>>602958>>602979>>602986>>602987

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I'm boycotting Lush. The treatment of their staff is unethical: https://mitheringsfrommorningside.wordpress.com/tag/lush-cruelty-free-kisses/
They also virtue signal by pandering to troons - no terves allowed in their stores. See pic.
There are better, non-misogynistic handmade cosmetics shops to buy from.

No. 602958>>602965

Not to be spoon-fed, but could you drop some names for Lush alternatives? I won’t be shopping at Lush after seeing this. Ecofeminism includes respecting actual women, Lush.

No. 602965>>631801

Where do you live anon? I know a bunch of alternatives depending on the products you liked and where you live.

No. 602979

Yikes, thanks for this. I won't be shopping there either.
I live in Philly in the US if you have other alternatives! My first thought was going to my local Mom's Organic.

No. 602986

No TERFs allowed in stores? How tf would they even enforce that?!

Real life is not the internet, Lush.

No. 602987

Boycotting lush too.
Does anyone have links to stickers relevant to all this bs? I feel like publicly reclaiming city space about the fact we're not fucking menstruators and shit.

No. 602991>>603002>>603004>>603252>>603449

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Any Nordic anons here? How do you deal with all the plastic in shops? And how do you thrift?

I live in Finland and thrift stores here are terrible. There's absolutely nothing but really old shit that smells of tobacco and oversized clothes from dead relatives. I found some stuff by thrifting online (Emmy, Rekki.fi, Depop sometimes) but on Depop you can't find almost anything locally which kind of defeats the purpose of living more sustainably. Still, it's better than buying new.

As for groceries, I got better at dodging plastic waste over the years and try to go packaging-free whenever possible (even now during the pandemic), I also go foraging when I can just because it's fun, I make my own compost and grow some plants on my balcony or in my communal garden but some things just can't be avoided.
If you want to buy tofu, any cheese at all that isn't Boursin or Brie, hummus, meat and meat replacements, most nuts and dried fruits, cherry tomatoes or fresh grapes, spinach… they all come in bags or boxes. Sometimes I come across people who say they can fit their whole year's waste in a small jar but how do they do it? Do they just not have a varied diet?

Other than that, I've made great progress. Recently I had to move and most of my dishes and furniture are from the reuse centre or bought off people on Facebook Marketplace. Most of my haircare is natural stuff without packaging (or recyclable non-plastic stuff), I've become so much happier caring for plants and living with less, I also have a lot more time since I don't bother with too much smelly rubbish and have started meal prep. Even my bf saw the change and followed suit, he's a bigger hippie than me now. Everything is great except for the plastic around my damn vegetables.

No. 603002>>603252

Not a Nordic anon, but there’s a thread for nordics on the second page - might get more responses there?

No. 603004

Honestly I've largely given up on tofu, most cheeses, plant-based meats, and other things that come in packages that require hard-mode recycling (thin plastic, coated paper). I always have a supply of chickpeas to make hummus, falafel, etc. When the pandemic's over I'm going to buy in bulk from one of those stores that let you scoop into your bag. Good on you for foraging! I wish I could do that, but I just keep herb plants for now.

Fun idea, maybe arrange a clothing swap with your friends?

No. 603021

I'll post a few sites I've found online, I haven't shopped from any of them yet, but they seem to be eco-friendly/low waste.

This one is eco-friendly and sells stuff made by women.


A UK site that ships to the US, and probably other places. Kinda pricey if you're outside the UK though.


Natural face moisturizer and bamboo brushes.


And two more shops with a variety of things.



No. 603252

Do we have a nordic thread or do you think the god forsaken finn thread is nordic-all?
THE FUCKING TOFU AND BEANIT härkis or whatever is packaged in such a dumb way but I really don't know what else they could do.

No. 603449

I'm from Sweden and I buy second hand online from Tradera and Sellpy a lot. I also buy vintage and handmade items from Etsy. You can choose which country you want to browse items from.

No. 603758>>603783>>603795>>603837>>603863>>608828

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Has anyone been able to “train” themselves to like cold showers? With the current heatwave now is a good time to start for me

No. 603783

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I've gotten it colder than I used to have it– it's lukewarm right now but I can't see myself showering in cold. I just kept turning the temp colder each time to the absolute minimum that I could bare.

It's more for my skin than the environment tbh, but it's a plus. My roommate complains about how the shower's never hot enough and I'm just like

No. 603795

I wouldn't even think cold showers would be doable during the winters here, it's genuinely one of only warm places I have during that time of year. I do however think that you could train yourself to tolerate them but the few seconds thing seems kind of pointless. Just turn it colder each day or something and suck it up.

No. 603837

I wanna do this! Today, I actually already showered cold for quite some time. I really wanna try it consistently for my mind
I also had to shower ice cold during winter because of power issues which was seriously rough
Tomorrow, I'm gonna do it again!

No. 603863

They're great! During summer I only shower with cold water and during winter with lukewarm water. I do it for my skin and hair tbh and it boosts my mood like crazy in the mornings, totally recommend it

No. 608520>>730070

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No. 608828

living in the devils asshole makes it so i cant even have cold showers right now
everything is just on fire

No. 629467>>629661

How is it going, sustainable farmers? Still going strong in avoiding fast fashion, pretty easy during the pandemic but I hope to keep it up after corona has chilled out too.

No. 629661>>630714


I’m swinging into slow fashion i.e. making the stuff I want from now on and I love it.

No. 630714>>630751>>729790>>729918

I'm thinking of getting a sewing machine because I'm so sick of bad quality everywhere. Although I'm guessing there must be quite a learning curve before you can make good stuff.

No. 630751

You can start by learning to fix the clothing you have that rips, tailoring pieces you get second hand, and watching YT videos of simple projects until you get the hang of it! That's awesome, anon.

No. 631801

NTA but I live in Central Texas, do you know any here? Thanks!

No. 729771

decent enought thread, fam

No. 729790>>729825>>729918

nayrt but my only word of advice is investing in a decent machine!! You dont have to spend a ton of money but a $250 singer will last you a lot longer than one that’s only $100

sincerely, an anon who owns a $250 singer and whos best friend owned a $100 singer where she paid a lot more than its worth in repairs compared to me who has literally never has to get my machine repaired in the 10+ years ive owned it (thankfully my best friend upgraded to a VERY nice brother machine and its been serving her well with no issues at all).

I’ve set a new years resolution to myself to not buy any clothing, anything I want I have to figure out how to make it!

No. 729825>>729828

Or don't buy a singer at all. If you want a cheap machine, buy a Brother. I'm a professional costumer and I used a cheap, non computerized Brother machine for years until I saved enough for an industrial. They were all less than $200 and lasted well with no problems (I wore them out but I was sewing 40ish hours a week). Every Singer I've used has been a nightmare.

No. 729828

I just ordered a Janome for quilting/other projects today. Do you have experience with them?

No. 729864>>729877>>730014>>730015>>730489

anyone have any experience with sustainable menstruation products? i switched to a cup and i actually really like it, but i still need to use liners with it and they're wrapped in plastic waste.

No. 729877>>729961

Period panties, anon! They actually work and are pretty now

No. 729918

Tbh I really don't think you need to shell out 200+ for a Singer as a casual user. I purchased a €170 (~200usd) computerized Brother four or five years ago and it works great.

You could also try asking around older family members if they have a machine lying around they don't use anymore, they're often the ones who have those high quality Singer machines that last for decades.

No. 729961>>730007

jesus these things get expensive. $70+ for two pairs? i don't want to sit around in old blood for three days a pair. i guess in the long run i wouldn't spend money on pads anymore though

No. 730007

I bought some cheap ones from my local grocery store for about $10. I don't know how they compare to more pricey ones, but they work for me.

No. 730014

You can combine it with cloth pads/liners.
Example: https://imsevimse.us/product-category/cloth-pads

No. 730015>>730019

are you sure you have a right size of a cup? bought one a few months ago and I don't need anything else, nothing leaks whatsoever

No. 730019

Nta but I use liners as a safety precaution and when I still bleed a bit but not enough to justify a cup.

No. 730024>>730032>>730034>>730035>>730043>>730454>>730514

sage for ot but how many anons ITT also have history of ocd, ana-chan or veganism? everyone i know that's obsessed with sustainability is also at least one of those things and i wonder if it's just a coincidence or if the whole "things will only get better through restriction and control" motivation is universal

No. 730032>>730043>>730454

I have/am none of what you’ve listed, but for me sustainability isn’t a type of restriction I place on myself. For me it’s about spending less money in the long term, creating less waste, and ultimately collecting less stuff into my life. The less cluttered my house/shopping list/closet/etc is, the less cluttered my mental state feels.

I feel like its actually the opposite of an obsession. I like to buy longer lasting, higher quality items with minimal waste and maintenance requirements because I want to think deeply about them once and only once.

No. 730033

A tip for everyone: please have a look at tags such as #buylocal #supportsmallbusinesses #localfarm + your location on whichever platform. I'm really passionate about eating in a way that benefits both myself as well as the environment and small businesses. Through just a few Google searches, I have found numerous initiatives, resources and ways to purchase local food from honest farmers/butchers/fishermen/breweries/bakeries etc. who know what they're doing and do it right. I live in a small country so I don't think there is much use in sharing my links, but seriously, try it! There are so many hidden gems everywhere and so many businesses that are struggling right now. Good luck :)!

No. 730034

I'm none of those things, my country is just polluted as hell because of tourists and poverty and I'm sick of it

No. 730035>>730038

I am the opposite of what you enumerated. I follow an ancestral diet, and my motive is living a life that benefits myself, the environment and the community the most. Sustainable living creates a better world for all living beings to live in on multiple platforms. It adds so much richness to life and has a fantastic ripple effect. I think it is simply the right and natural thing to do.

No. 730038>>730047

>I follow an ancestral diet

What does this entail anon?

No. 730043

Not me, I eat meat etc. I just care about the environment and hate how much stuff is made with low quality and a limited life-span in mind so we have to buy more and more.

Some young women can be self-sacrificing and obsessive about stuff like this though, yeah.

>I feel like its actually the opposite of an obsession. I like to buy longer lasting, higher quality items with minimal waste and maintenance requirements because I want to think deeply about them once and only once.


No. 730047

I try to learn from the traditional way people ate (in my country and elsewhere, for instance from countries where a nomadic, tribal lifestyle remains the norm) before large industries began to dictate diets. The diet is largely inspired by understanding what the body is originally meant to eat, following the seasons and avoiding packaged, overly processed foods as much as possible. It entails lean, grass-fed meat from biodynamic local farms, unpasteurised milk (again from local farms), locally sourced raw honey, a lot of fish as I live in a fishing city and fish has so many good nutrients, raw butter, lots of egg, no sugar, rarely bread if not sour-dough, no pasta, etc. I am still learning a lot, but I suppose it is very comparable to a keto paleo diet? Except I do not eat the packaged substitutes that are often recommended in books for such a diet, but instead just use seasonal, ethically sourced, natural ingredients.

No. 730070

Thanks for this! I really find it useful

No. 730454

I am/have been all of those and tend to obsess over things in general. When it comes to sustainability though, I’ve found it’s not fulfilling in that way. Like >>730032 said, it’s kinda empty because it leads you to think about physical things less. Even with buying groceries, which is obviously regular and essential, after the initial switchover you don’t have to think much about it. For example a while ago I was shopping with a friend, who put her vegetables in those little plastic bags. I had not done that in years, hadn’t thought to do it, and noticed then how not doing it saved effort as well as the environment. Habits can quickly become second nature.

That being said I don’t read the scary shit about the environment. I know the situation is bad, I don’t need convincing, so I only read about action I can take as an individual. Obsessive personality and that shit would be a bad combination.

No. 730489

I made my own pads and liners a couple of years ago using materials that I already had. I use them pretty much exclusively now; disposable ones seem gross and wasteful in comparison. You could easily make your own liners. It's basically an oval sewn in layers. Give it a try.

No. 730508

This is my kinda thread ngl. Just feels weird to discuss it on here.

No. 730514>>730749

One of those things is not like the other two. Veganism is about nonviolence to animals (and humans and the planet). It has nothing to do with obsession or restriction. Like sustainability, it is a positive choice, not a negative one.

No. 730749>>730942

For many though it actually is a continuation of their control issues with food. You naturally cut out a huge amount of food you can eat when you go vegan.

No. 730942>>731664

I understand what you are saying, and I swear don't want to derail this thread too much, but I do just want to leave this here: vegans do not consider animals as food, so we're not "cutting out" anything. There's a subtle difference there, even if it gets lost in part because these days so many people with other agendas and food issues for some reason want to latch on to the vegan label. Veganism is not a diet.(Don't get me started on "plant-based".) It's a very specific philosophy and approach to living and I hate seeing its definition get further eroded and diluted.

I am, however, happy that more people are eating fewer animals for whatever reason.

No. 731664

>we're not "cutting out" anything.

Yes you are, unless you were raised as a vegan since early childhood. It's a type of diet. And yes it's popular with eating disordered young women. Something to be aware of.

No. 794490>>794499

Are beeswax wraps as an alternative for plastic/aluminium foil as good as it sounds? I like it in concept but I'm sceptical how durable beeswax wraps are. Doesn't the beeswax easily scrape/scratch off while handling it? And how hygienic is it really?

No. 794499>>795284

They suck. The wax gets crispy, they don’t stick like cling wrap, the scent permeates breads and cakes, if your car gets hot you get waxy residue on your stuff.

You’re better off with decent Tupperware. Nothing gets squished, good for work lunches and leftovers. Reusable, long lasting, easy to clean. Plastic is great when used properly.

No. 795284>>795355>>795373

NTAYRT but I avoid plastic as much as possible regarding food, so as to avoid consuming more plastic than I already do. Stainless steel bento boxes are great, and there are also bamboo and wood ones with a lot of storage and easy transport abilities.

No. 795355>>835444

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NTA but there’s glass tupperware that can even be used to bake dishes in the oven, the only plastic about them is the lids (which don’t go in the oven and are technically optional to use) These in conjunction with saving my jars/bottles and using reusable storage bags have been helpful in eliminating my use of plastic/cling wrap. If you’re interested, the storage bags are plastic (silicone) but I really only ever use them for foods being put in the fridge or traveling in a small bag. Otherwise you can simply use storage containers.

No. 795373>>835431>>835444

>I avoid plastic as much as possible regarding food
Why? Isn't foodgrade plastic safe?

No. 835403>>835427>>835436>>835440>>950572

Anons help. I've recently started looking into living more sustainable and especially how products I use are produced and their impact on the environment. I'm looking for a new facial wash and was considering a bar soap, but all I can find are soaps with either coconut oil which I don't want to use on my face or palm oil which from what I understand doesn't guarantee sustainability or non-deforestation even if it has a RSPO certification. So I'm not sure what to get to wash my face with that isn't damaging to the environment somehow. Maybe it isn't even possible? What do you use?

No. 835427

I'm not the most sustainable person out there, but wouldn't most oil cleansers work? As far as I know most of them use fruit or plant-based oil extracts (rosehip, camellia seed, sunflower seed) which are renewable, so you'd mainly have to check that the packaging is recyclable. Glass is usually better of course and I know I've seen some brands that use glass bottles.

No. 835431

Late but they may also be porous compared to steel or glass. It's part of the reason tomato sauce makes your plastic tupperware red forever

No. 835436

I use CeraVe's bar soap facial cleanser. It doesn't have the oils you listed but it's not an all natural product if that's what you're looking for

No. 835440

Cerave's cleansing bar and Nivea Magic Bar have been really nice for me personally. Also, as other anon said, oil cleansing. If you're lucky you might manage to find an oil cleansing cake that lasts decently and has less packaging, too.

No. 835444

This this this, I got two pyrex glass boxes that are wonderful, it's so nice for meal prep because you can heat up food immediately. Eliminates the need for microwaving, too (personally I'm not a fan of soggy pizza and scalding hot on the outside, frozen on the inside food).

NTA but much of it is not. Styrofoam takeaway boxes are actually quite bad, and biodegradable bamboo "plastic" (not wooden bamboo boxes) contains melamine as a binding agent more often than not. Which is a very bad thing.

No. 835445>>835450

Sorry if this is the wrong thread but I’m trying to find as many multi use beauty and skincare products as possible (for example, powders that can be used as dry shampoo and setting powder, soap that works for shampoo and face etc) because I’m trying to break the habit of buying hundreds of products. Is there a good resource anons use? Thanks!

No. 835448>>835470>>835502>>835563

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How do single anons who feed only themselves limit their food waste? I love cooking and food but I can only eat so much and I can’t stuff myself without getting sick (adderal fucks with my appetite) so I keep wasting good food and money

No. 835450

Truth is, any powder can be used as both. I kept the box from my old Innisfree setting powder and mixed some Maizena with cocoa powder in there, it works really nicely. You can just add Maizena alone if you need a setting powder. Face soap/shampoo bar I'm not sure but lots of Korean youtubers use Dove Sensitive Beauty Bar for their hair and face and say it works really well.

No. 835470

I just freeze whatever I can't eat.

No. 835502

If you know your appetite is not big start cooking smaller portions, or keep leftovers (covered with foil or in a box) on the fridge. When you go grocery shopping have a plan of the meals you will be having until the next shopping trip.
I've lived alone for quite a while, so i know what and how much i eat. Shoping weekly I buy fresh food (vegetables, meat, bread and fish) for the 4 following days, and the rest is frozen. I cook usually enough for 2 meals, always with the fresh ingredients first, and keep the leftovers on the fridge to snack or for breakfast. This way the only thing i throw away is fruit (that i get for free in huge quantities).

Also, if you have free space (balcony, small garden) you could try to compost and plant herbs.

No. 835563>>836175

put it in a tupperware and eat it next day? do you guys all cook new meals every single day?

No. 836175>>836184

I do, I eat it over a few days but I can’t eat much and by day four it’s hard to slug through

No. 836184

Can't you just freeze it and take it out when you need it? Or alternatively make less or give away extras?

No. 879224>>879262>>879390

Weird question, but how do you dispose of razor blades? The thin metal-only blades from a safety razor kind I mean. I remember seeing a video ages ago of a girl disposing of them by digging them into the soil/earth but I can't find the video again nor any other reference that that's a good way to dispose of them.

No. 879262>>881289

Get a disposable blade tin/blade bank and then recycle them all by putting the whole tin in recycling.

Don't bury them. Stainless steel takes ages to break down so you're really just putting sharp objects in dirt for people to get hurt with.

No. 879390>>881289>>881292

>I remember seeing a video ages ago of a girl disposing of them by digging them into the soil/earth
Does she have a grudge against archeologists or something? Those will be there forever.
By the way how do you find it to shave with a safety razor vs disposable razors? I'm considering buying one.

No. 881289>>881299>>881305

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Hah I thought so. thanks.

>By the way how do you find it to shave with a safety razor vs disposable razors? I'm considering buying one.

It's been good! It has a bit of a learning curve, I definitely cut myself once or twice during my first attempt and while changing the blades but now it gives a clean and close shave. And it saves a lot of money. Personally I switched from those expensive disposable click-on blades that Gilette and Wilkinson sell that are like 25+ euro for a 4 pack, I paid about 40 euro for the safety razor handle (~32) + 100 blades (~8) so I made the initial investment back relatively quickly. It's also easy to keep clean, which was something that always frustrated me about regular razors. All in all if you can overcome the learning curve, I see only pros to using a safety razor over regular shaving methods.

No. 881292>>881299>>881305

Safety razors are infinitely better than shitty disposables. The blades last for months depending on how often you shave and where you store them, they give a super close shave and are cheap to buy. Nowadays I see these safety razors marketed to women sold in shops, I think they're called Geisha Razors and are about 19€. There's also the less pretty ones for men that are about 15€, blades are about 50c to 1€ per box where I live.

I cut myself only once with mine, take care around your knees if you shave your legs but otherwise you should be fine.

No. 881299>>881305>>881315

Samefag but I forgot to add that I also get noticeably less irritation since switching to a safety razor. Not sure why or how. And they last longer, especially if you properly clean and dry them after each use.

How many are in one box? Can you find blades locally? I have to order mine online.

No. 881305

Cool, I'm going to buy one. My skin gets easily irritated so I hope it works better for me too.

No. 881315>>882025

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>How many are in one box?
5, pic rel
>Can you find blades locally?
Yeah, used to only be able to get them at hippie stores but now mainstream supermarkets carry them too. Safety razors are usually still sold at specialty stores for men's grooming and crunchy bio shops, but the Geisha Razor I've seen in normal supermarkets.

No. 882025

I'll have to check if local supermarkets have started stocking them here.

No. 932890>>932904>>932906

Any suggestions how I can recycle/dispose of fabric scraps without it going into landfill? Fabric that's unfit to be turned into rags. My local textile recycle container won't take them, I asked about it and they told me they have no way to process scraps.

No. 932904>>941132

Make pillows and shred up the fabric scraps into little bits and use them as pillow stuffing.

No. 932906>>932925>>941132

I wouldn't fret about this one. There's so much surplus clothing that they already just pulp, not to mention the immense amount of fabric scrap & waste the clothing industry produces. There's meant to be some excess when working with fabric. If you find a use for it great, otherwise use it as rags for cleaning or dispose of it, you're still being way more sustainable making your own textile goods. It's like the last bit of toothpaste in the tube, it goes to waste but that's ok and it's not worth thimking about too much (and certainly not worth buying one of those toothpaste tube squeezers kek).

No. 932925>>932946

my mom taught me to cut open toothpaste packets and stuff like that to scrap the leftovers, is it bad recycling wise?

No. 932946

I mean no, it's not "bad"… it's just so tiny that it's not really worth your time. Like, if you feel bad about that tiny amount of waste, that's valid, but you can more than make up for it by, for example, picking up one littered beer can on your walk home and putting it in the recycling.

No. 932983>>932990>>932999

How cute. Please show us your teddies nona.

No. 932990>>933016>>941132

File (hide): 1633628100388.jpg (1.11 MB, 3024x3379, lemonbitch.jpg)

Kek I deleted my post because she said the scraps weren't suitable for rags and I was thinking maybe they weren't big enough for bear making.
This outfit here is made with an old shirt and a dish cloth.

No. 932999>>933005>>933016>>933990>>934032>>941132

File (hide): 1633628533468.jpg (2.33 MB, 2467x3901, sweaterbitch.jpg)

Samefag, this baby is made from sweater scraps

No. 933005>>933008

Damn anon look at that bling, well done using scraps like this!

No. 933008

Thanks! Her jewelry is made from a lot of recycled stuff too, things I've collected since I was a kid or found on the ground. I have a butt load of random stuff that almost went in the trash at Sears, but a friend's dad worked at the mall and he grabbed it all. Basically an entire garbage bag full of silver earrings and necklaces that would have just been in a landfill.

No. 933016>>933037

Anon these are the cutest thing I've seen all day, I love them!! I tend to keep scraps of fabric, broken necklaces or bracelets and random bits and ends of string as well, I mostly use them as accessories for my crochet toys
I can't sew to save my life and it's so cool how you're coming up with toy and dolls' clothes patterns!

No. 933037

Makin me blush! Do you crochet the toys yourself?
I wanna take all the tiny scraps I have and sew them together into one big piece and make a stuffie out of it and call him "Leftovers the Bear". This girl I follow on instagram also gave me a great tip of using left over threads, yarn and really tiny scraps as stuffing for teddies.

No. 933990

this is unbearably cute. the little tongue sticking out and the earrings are adorable!

No. 934032

woah no way!! this is SICK

No. 934235>>936816

the font of the thread pic feels like the annoying alternately capitalized spongebob meme. or ~this uwu~

No. 936816

It reminds of Microsoft Word Art and I like it

No. 940450

Bumping as it was suggested on another thread.

No. 940482>>940511>>940523

File (hide): 1634412846478.jpg (887.41 KB, 1055x1245, Screenshot_20211016-123239_Sam…)

bout to cop these vegan shoes made with recycled materials. What do you think nonnies?

No. 940511

Pretty fresh. I bet you’ll rock em.

No. 940523>>940526>>940529

File (hide): 1634415446440.png (615.72 KB, 840x630, imagen_2021-10-16_151746.png)

reminds me of this

No. 940526>>940532


No. 940529


No. 940532>>941210


No. 941132

Thanks for the suggestions anons, I ended up disposing of it unfortunately. It was mostly snippets, no more than a few centimeters by a few centimeters each. I know the pillow suggestion is common but I don't keep any besides the one on my bed. Fortunately most of the fabric was sourced second hand to begin with so that's something I guess.

That's so cute! You're so skilled and creative!

No. 941210


No. 950572>>950573>>950577

File (hide): 1635288558265.png (2.61 MB, 2048x1997, black_soap__36064.1507391212.p…)

i use african black soap, but not the shea moisture kind, the real kind that looks like picrel.

No. 950573>>950580

Nta but do you recommend a specific shop? I've been trying to find a legit one for months now.

No. 950577

I use that too but it always dries my face out. I use it on my body just fine though.

No. 950580

i get it from my local, family-owned supplements store but i've found it at beauty supply shops before.

No. 979070>>979089>>1032803

File (hide): 1638020671231.jpg (32.9 KB, 1024x512, essentialoildiffusers-2x1-9275…)

What are your opinions on essential oils? I wanted to get an oil diffuser as a sort of alternative to candles (because I don't really wanna inhale candle smoke or have it ruin my roof) but read somewhere the production of essential oils is taxing because of the large amounts of farmland needed and tractors and petrol to harvest it all. Thoughts?

No. 979089>>979129

But aren't essential oils used in production of scented candles as well?

No. 979129

are they? I assumed they were all synthetic, like "perfume oils" are.

No. 1001802

saged because I don't wanna cause infighting by random anons scrolling past

I hate it when people say "I want x thing for an affordable price but I don't wanna buy from China". People should start owning up to the fact that things we want are expensive when they're handmade by people who're paid a fair living wage and working in good working conditions and if you don't wanna pay an arm an a leg for x luxury thing you can get for cheap from China but is expensive when you buy it locally, then you should suck it up and not buy it at all. People, esp. middle class people, think they have the right to buy something for cheap made by exploited workers because they want to buy so much junk they don't wanna pay money for 1 beautiful well-made thing made by someone who wasn't exploited. No one needs a plushie or home decoration or a 10th dress or jewellery or stationary etc. The entitlement people have and the way everyone's brainwashed by overconsumerism is astonishing.

No. 1032789>>1032800>>1032840

File (hide): 1642604416931.png (807.54 KB, 1200x603, reusable-cotton-rounds-1603305…)

Cotton rounds! I always used to spend a ton on disposable ones but I've seen reuseable ones now. They work pretty good just wash them in a little baggie so they don't get lost in the washer/dryer.

No. 1032800

Seconding this! Switched to them a while back myself

No. 1032803

I have one and you don’t typically use more than a few drops at a time. It’s ok to have one- two bottles

No. 1032840

I don't use these specifically but I have one of those "magic eraser" microfiber clothes that I use for makeup removal and it's so awesome! I was too cheap to pay $20 for the official one, but I found a pack of two in a sort of mitten form (arguably better design) for $5 kek. So much more gentle on my skin than wipes, and no need to buy different product like cleansing oils! A win all around!

No. 1033401

What cloth pads do you rec?

No. 1048186>>1048311

I want to live in a Solarpunk society, anyone here feeling the same? I love technology but also love nature, anyone here trying to find the same balance?

No. 1048311>>1103399>>1104544

me too nonny, but the name is retarded af

No. 1103364

this looks neat

No. 1103399>>1104544

nta but yeah, it has the same vibe as the 'core' aesthetic bs

No. 1104544

the name is supposed to be in direct opposition to cyberpunk. what makes it punk, i guess, is the fact that one of the core principles/activities is guerrilla gardening. the segment on it starts at 3:16

No. 1139844>>1139889

File (hide): 1650355292019.png (515.34 KB, 664x474, Screenshot 2022-04-19 160219.p…)

opinions on salt new york? literally just a paper sleeve and a metal pan. seems extremely low waste (for a makeup brand)

No. 1139889>>1139972

That's how most indies package their individual shadows

No. 1139972>>1140411

ntayrt but any recommendations for good products that come like this? Salt looks cool; I haven’t seen complexion products packaged like that myself. I’ve bought some powder products but they often come with thicker paper or even plastic which is sad.

No. 1140411>>1140879

These are some of my favorites, most are US based: Sydney Grace, Clionadh, Fyrinnae, Lethal Cosmetics, Devinah, Terra Moons, Elate Cosmetics(they have normal packaging but offer refills).

No. 1140879

I’m asking for cream products

No. 1141212>>1142156>>1142158>>1142161

Would you support country-wide plastic lockdown? Like if companies were banned making or importing non-essential items made from plastic (cough funkopops cough) for a year or something?

Or do you think reducing plastic consumption is up to the individual?

No. 1142156

That would be hilarious. I'd totally support it. Comsoomers would lose their shit.

No. 1142158

Omg that would be something. Would love to see how Lego peeps would react.

No. 1142161>>1142294>>1142300>>1314844

Plastic is one of the rare materials that doesn't give me sensory issues. Other materials have textures and sounds that make my hair stand straight and cringe in pain. But plastic is so perfect, so safe to handle.
I don't want my life to be sensory hell. I would not support. I'd support researching alternative materials.

No. 1142294

File (hide): 1650551520684.jpg (277.4 KB, 2000x2000, 81OFErgcD0L.jpg)

I keep seeing these bamboo fibre dinnerware sets lately that are replacing the old plastic sets that used to be sold for toddlers. I guess the material can mimic plastic in some ways so it's not a bad replacement but then I have friends who work with autisic children and they generally hate the texture. Many a parent has learnt that the hard way after spending money on them first.

No. 1142300>>1314844

Same for me, I can't handle ceramic or metal so I need to use plastic for my sensory issues. Bamboo I don't mind too much but it's also porous if I recall and more prone to bacteria build up.

No. 1308638>>1308650>>1308651>>1308656>>1308838>>1308915>>1315392

How is this a sustainablility thread and 9/10 posts are about BUYING MORE SHIT. Sustainability= stop buying shit. You are becoming dependent and a slave to the system. I'm not interested in this fake sustainability shit like Veganism and Renewable Energy, and buying clothing that is "green". Those are systems that require more resources than it gives us. Those kiwis you're eating are sourced from South America and shipped to Europe. Stop kidding yourself. I'm against the meat industry but I'd rather eat locally sourced meat than a fucking Beyond Meat burger that is sourced from 158105719 different ingredients and made in 15 different machines. I've been watching videos about how our ancestors used to live: making their own soap, how to slaughter an animal and make the best out of the dead animal, knitting and crotechting your own clothing, planting trees, reusable pads, making your own cheese and other fermented foods. These are all techniques and knowledge that has been stolen from us. They used to be passed down from generation to generation. Now, ask some random on the street how to make soap from natural ingredients and he wouldn't know it. I really think there will be a societal collapse around 2025 to 2030 and it will start with an energy collapse. Know that rapid "green new deal" or "climate deal" changes that promptly proritizes renewable energy, and thus the production of things like solar panels (which requies a rare metal to build, and it has to be mined) and wind panels, those things will not cover our energy demand and the rapid transition will lead to an energy collapse. I want to learn how to grow my own food and not be dependent on the system, including the faux environmentalist companies that want us to buy more shit.

No. 1308650

You are spitting straight facts

No. 1308651

No. 1308656>>1308660>>1308788

I agree with the bit that it's a little odd there's more talk about buying new products than anything else but I don't think you need to worry about some energy collapse. I dunno how things are going in europe but everywhere else the initiatives for green energy sources are rather shy and stuff like thermoelectric and nuclear stations aren't being deactivated anyway.

No. 1308660

Doubleposting (I just learned samefagging isn't the right term to use kek) but actually the talk about buying new shit is fair because so many "conventional" products are disposable even if they aren't meant to, so looking for alternatives that last more is preferable. You still have a point about greenwashing tho.

No. 1308788

I swear nuclear wasn't for energy it was made as a threat.

No. 1308838>>1308839>>1308861>>1308866

hey anon do you want to join the discord server (mostly lolcow users now, all female) that focuses on self sufficiency and growing food and making things, (its not trad shit, no larp bullshit really just foraging/food growing/making things/complaining about men)

No. 1308839

samefag to add that I have all the skills you mentioned and I'm sure many other anons here in genreal do too, not all hope is lost, many people still have traditional skills and knowledge. I agree that every anon ITT needs to close her wallet though.

No. 1308861>>1308913

nta but I'm interested

No. 1308866>>1308913>>1310901

nta but I'm interested too. I'll have to make a discord account though because I don't currently have one.

No. 1308913>>1310901>>1314835

add phycocrisis#5856 my anon tag, there is brief verification to keep it female-only
you're welcome to join as well nona, I joined discord just to talk to anons

Everyone else (except original anon it was offered to) can consider the offer closed, I'm not here to advertise, I just thought she would be into it

No. 1308915>>1310654

Not trying to be rude honestly but you really gotta be uneducated on the topic if you think the meat/dairy industry has any room in sustainability, yes even the ~local free range grass fed~ that all of a sudden everyone eats once you mention factory farming. It will never be sustainable for a world population to consume animals on this scale, whether it’s living off the land or getting chicken nuggets from McDonald’s. Any type of animal agriculture consumes more resources than the alternative, both in the land required and the after effect of pollution because most farmland is used to grow food only for livestock which is billions of animals. Not sure why vegans are the bad guys for eating a soy based patty sometimes when they’re the ones making the most environmentally consistent choices, changing diet is by far the most impactful thing you could do individually. Do you really think vegans (maybe 1% of total pop.) are exclusively the ones eating exotic fruits and slave labor avocados/quinoa? Most people don’t even think about what they eat, where it comes from, and the effects of growing/producing it but we do it every day. I do agree that overconsumption is out of control and glorified almost everywhere, greenwashing and zero-waste is an aggravating trend.

No. 1310654

nta. Meh I don't entirely agree. People ate meat since the beginnings of humanity. It didn't become a problem until global warming and large scale unsustainable living were kickstarted by the industrial revolution, causing population growth excellerating the problem. Personally I consider any form of farming pre-industrial revolution techniques sustainable enough, emphasizing enough. The real problem is the overpopulation, not eating meat off one's own land. I'm passionate about sustainable living but at the same time I think it's just a stay of excecution as long as the world population isn't dramatically cut by at least half. Which will never happen if nature doesn't make it happen.

No. 1310901>>1314835

I sent a fried request, just a heads up since it's been 2 days since you posted your tag. I am >>1308866

No. 1314835

Hi, it's been a few days but you haven't accepted my friend request yet. Are you busy or can I no longer join the server..?

No. 1314844>>1315140

wtf is a sensory issue? 1st world country shit i swear to god.

No. 1315140

it's an autism thing

No. 1315392>>1315694>>1316191>>1317289>>1317410

File (hide): 1661400631948.jpg (88.26 KB, 880x969, CFMMIsoDUvp-png__880.jpg)

I very much agree. I was really surprised at how much of the thread has been about buying stuff. Sustainability to me is figuring out ways I can NOT buy stuff. How can I reuse this cardboard box or how can I not throw away that plastic container. However,I do think everyone has to start somewhere and a lot of tiny steps are better than no steps at all. If replacing something makes you more likely to use it forever I think buying it is ok. Try and find it second hand first though.

No. 1315694

To be fair there's not a whole lot to talk about the stuff you're just keeping and not re-purchasing. Especially in a thread that already hardly sees any traffic, trying to start discussions around more "intense" (for lack of a better word) subjects for people who're beyond surface-level sustainability may seem futile.

No. 1316191

lol did you post that image ironically? it's the basic shopping list of "things i need to buy to be sustainable"

most people already similar things at home. we need to glorify reusing old plastic fruit bags from the supermarket, that tote bag you got free in a promotion, a plastic straw you took home from a bar to reuse, cloth napkins made from an old tshirt, cutlery you already have, stained tupperware, etc.

yes some of these are plastic but don't pretend you don't have them, especially if you are staring out

No. 1317289>>1317379

Any tips to not look like a hobbo while upcycling stuff? I feel like I need to buy everything on >>1315392 picrel to not look ugly. I know I can diy bags but since I'm not that crafty they look like shit.

No. 1317379

there's no point making stuff you won't use. just buy a used one or a sustainable one

No. 1317410>>1317554>>1320891>>1320946>>1320950

File (hide): 1661526152598.jpg (53.42 KB, 564x835, sink.jpg)

I do try to do this! am a poorfag tho so whenever I see something I want, I try to figure out how to make it with the materials I have. it helps if you have crafty hobbies, I guess. like making little clothes for my Calico Critters with scrap fabric. currently I'm working on turning a little plastic tray thing from a vape pod package into a miniature sink like picrel

No. 1317413>>1320950

The thread picture wastes so much space in its repetition. I can’t be the only one irritated by this. Sage for zero contribution and ultimately wasting space in this thread. I m sry.

No. 1317554

wew lad

No. 1320891

You’re so freaking cool

No. 1320946

Please show pics of your critters

No. 1320950

Take your meds

Excellent nonnie, don't listen to the hatters

No. 1453114>>1453117>>1453129>>1453134

File (hide): 1671480558745.jpg (105.52 KB, 600x600, dd83ede097e3a16f128035b78fc53e…)

Does anyone have tips on reducing waste during the holidays? I cringe at how much trash my family accumulates during Christmas, like the plastic tinsel that burgers cover their trees and decor in.. crying for mother earth!

No. 1453117

This topic will never have a confirmed sustainable end. Chopping and shipping millions of trees every year vs reusing a plastic one. The only way to be no waste is to not decorate

No. 1453129>>1453131

in my fantasy future I have a tree in my yard that I decorate with bird/squirrel food (popcorn strings and peanut butter pine cones, that kind of thing)

No. 1453131>>1453207

Dang the birds will be getting fed on nonny's tree

No. 1453134

File (hide): 1671481808676.jpeg (77.28 KB, 400x519, 2847237F-EA55-4E61-8846-64A688…)

I think that the best way to avoid wasting money and resources, while still getting to decorate your house, it's to make the ornaments have a meaning, make them yourself with scraps of fabric, loose branches, threads and such, there's lots of pretty tutorials and you can paint your ornaments in any colors you want.
Another good way is too keep everything "classic" just don't buy the color of the year, or stuff like I don't know, decorations that you will hate later on with lots of glitter or tacky plush toys.
When it comes to the lights, I'm not sure of what to do there, maybe only get lights that works with rechargeable batteries? That way you would only use the same batteries and you wouldn't need to use electricity all of the time.
I guess another way would be making decorations with shiny papers so when you turn on the lights of your home, they kind of shine.
For gift wrapping and such, just always try to save as many bags and wrapping paper as you can save throughout the year, from gifts that you get from people and such. Another good thing would be recycling bags from shops, you could paint them or decorate them in a way that it looks like any other regular gift bag. Or make your own wrapping paper and bags, there's a bunch of tutorials that shows you how to do so on Pinterest.
And sometimes the best gift is money, so you could just gift money in handmade envelopes, you wouldn't be buying stuff that would be thrown out after a few months.
You can also gift tree ornaments, so everyone can slowly start having stuff that has an actual meaning instead of whatever is fashionable for Christmas that year and such.

No. 1453207>>1453213

I will be the vermin queen at christmas

No. 1453213

You are the vermin queen
Young and sweet
Only wintergreen
Vermin queen
Scrotes deserve the guillotine, oh yeah
You can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the vermin queen

No. 1569162>>1569326>>1570013

Has anyone watched this guys short videos on YouTube he great at having a huge urban eco garden and low waste and forging and not wasting any food with really simple recipes.

What’s everyone best eco tip? Or any good advice that not much heard about?

No. 1569326>>1569992>>1570013>>1571805

I seen him on instagram pretty good videos. My best advice would be don’t buy zero waste stuff use what you got for example buying bamboo cutlery for your bag just bring some old metal ones from a set you already have.
If you still got a working plastic bottle use it until it broken don’t go out and chuck it because you just bought a metal one.

If you grow plants like herbs snap of the leaves/ stalk and re grow them in water to get double the amount plants you can do this with a lot plants like basil , string of pearls or even ivy. Invest in a garden tumblr for your food scraps and cardboard waste

Try using eco cleaning products for example soap nuts and eco egg are good for laundry and you can even use conkers and English ivy to wash clothes (there loads videos on YouTube) or bicarbonate and white vinegar for washing and cleaning the house it lot better then breathing in all those chemicals or if not you can by tablets that melt in the bottled which are pretty good I used smol brand before or ocean saver.

If you have children buy them wooden toys or knitted toys rather then plastic crap that get thrown away in few weeks time. Don’t go and buy things cause you seen it in shop and think I want that just think about it and you realise you don’t really need it your just buying for sake of it

As for saving on food waste like the video you linked just follow them maybe if you have a lot food that might be able to go off just make soups or fritters or blend the food into a ice cube tray if it fruit or herbs and freeze until needed

No. 1569992>>1570013

I fell into the zero waste buying trap I regret it so much I was like omg I’m doing so good buying a forever Cotten bud and metal lunch boxes and bamboo cutlery looking back I’m like why did I buy that Cotten bud it’s the worst thing I ever used. I could saved my money using the plastic boxes I had until they were broke but aye you live and you learn. My friend bought all brand new matching jars to have a nice pantry I just think why what’s the point use a old sauce jar

No. 1570013>>1570040>>1570213

I've come across some of his videos. Some I thought were good and then there's some I didn't agree with.. like upcycling one-use water bottles to use as planters.. water bottles are one-use because they have a lining (not sure if that's the right term for it in English) that releases once it's exposed to oxygen and is toxic.. also plastic in general eh..

>soap nuts
I've seen claims that soap nuts are actually bad because (for most of us here I assume) they have to be imported from hotter climates and I've even read claims that it's become such a hot export product for "rich" westeners that natives can't get them anymore. I'll leave it at claims because I haven't seen proper evidence to back up those claims but it doesn't sound unlikely to me.

>you can even use conkers and English ivy to wash clothes

I did some research into that a while ago because I have tons of both of those, but I read claims that a) sapponins don't actually clean because they don't remove oils, unlike detergents and supposedly over time your clothes smelly and filthy because of it and b) it ruins washing machines over time and voids warranty because you didn't use regular washing detergent. I was initially planning to test the diy English ivy soap on some old garden clothes for a couple of months to see how it would compare to regular washing detergent over time but the warranty claim was enough to scare me from going through with it personally. I'll post the website where I read those claims if I can find it again.

Don't feel too bad about falling for unethical marketing strategies.

No. 1570040>>1570046

I tried conkers before I used them on old towels and jeans worked pretty good I roasted them and would let them sit in boiled water over night and then put the bits into a zip wash bag and it worked really well the machine foamed up so good. But as conkers are seasonal I only do it few times a year but I like going to my local refil place to get washing liquid (I am blessed tp have 3 eco shops close to me) I would like to try ivy see what it like.

No. 1570046

I think I saw a video that showed how you can roast and dry conkers and pulverize them to store and use long-term?

No. 1570213>>1571061

I think there are better ways of using less harsh detergents or soaps on your clothes anyway. Even something only slightly more sustainable than what you were doing previously is better than tide pods or something. There are plenty of gentle detergents in better packaging.

No. 1571029

File (hide): 1683531642964.jpeg (144.81 KB, 1241x876, E1D6ABBA-41B8-441F-AA4F-741F2A…)

careful scrolling

No. 1571061

I agree in the uk we have lot our major brands like Ariel and fairy who started putting there washing pods in cardboard boxes it’s slowly getting better it’s really nice to see changes like this makes me hopeful. But it also cool some anons use natural stuff too

No. 1571805

I like to add that I bought a glass lunch box with a bamboo lid couple years ago and it still the best thing I bought and I had a metal water bottle since 2013 which I recommend but only buy it if you don’t already have plastic ones to save waste. I watch people at work drinking from the water dispenser and use single use plastic cups and it makes me so mad I asked my manager if they can look into providing paper cups and water bottles for the staff and they said yes which surprised me. If you see something that could be changed even a recycle bin at work I recommend speaking out because all change is good change

No. 1578010>>1578367>>1578393>>1578577

Has anyone got any affordable eco makeup brands or advice please I’m trying to replace my makeup now I’m finished half of it and will shortly need a replacements for mascara,eyeliner,powder and eyeshadows and if anyone knows any good eye glitters too please

No. 1578367>>1578421


keep it simple only buy colours you know you will actually wear.

- Lush do some good liquid eyeliner in glass it’s expensive but they got some nice golds and purples and they do a cake mascara which you can also double up as a eyeliner you just add water it package free and if you have dry skin they have a foundation that mostly coconut oil again with no packaging I recommend requesting a sample before buying just cause lot of reviews said it not long lasting on certain skin types and they do some great lip sticks.
- Get yourself empty Magnetic makeup pallet and you can fill it up with refills pans of certain colours you want for eyes/face/lips ect you can find refills online or at the body shop even Mac do it.
- look into making your own powders all you need is arrow root or corn starch mixed with powder ginger and coco powder mix until it’s your colour and you can use this for dry shampoo too loads videos on YouTube or good refill brands like zao, love the planet.
- foundation you can get powder foundation if you mix with drops water it turns into liquid or even a pencil one from beauty with out cruelty
- You can make your own eyeliner the simplest one is just charcoal and drops water or add aloe to make it like a gel (I use this works well) or invest in a cake eyeliner they are so good loads colours too. Charcoal can be used as a black eyeshadow too.
- Eye brows just buy a eyeshadow to much your browns and get a clear soap like the brand pears to use as wax
- SPF you can buy them in tins and tubes from sol de Ibiza on Amazon they work well
- Best makeup remover I recommend is just coconut oil it takes of eye makeup up well use some reusable cotton rounds and it doesn’t hurt eyes it moisturisers lashes
- Lips again lush do some good colours, lip pencils are good and brands like ethique do good tinted lip balms
- Zao brand do a bamboo mascara tube you just have to buy refills if you don’t like cake mascara
- With eye glitters buy biodegradable glitter and mix with aloe to make it stick

You just got to look for glass bottles, cardboard pallets and tin products and package free ones and pencil products I’m not sure where you are from but just have a Google I’m sure a bunch websites would pop up
It sucks that eco products are more expensive but try not to give in to buying plastic lot time those cheep products have poor chemicals and micro plastics which goes into your eyes and mouth it’s quite scary if you look into it put me off buying them.

No. 1578393>>1578915

what country are you in

No. 1578421

>Best makeup remover I recommend is just coconut oil it takes of eye makeup up well use some reusable cotton rounds and it doesn’t hurt eyes it moisturisers lashes
Coconut oil clogs the skin and oils don't moisturize

No. 1578577>>1578999

Sorry anon but "eco" makeup is a scam. It's all greenwashing and shitty products with no preservatives that grow mold in a span of weeks.

No. 1578915

No. 1578999>>1608899

I bought eco products for years that have never grown mould (multiple brands and made few my own) what ones did you by that grew mould so we are aware please

No. 1582353>>1582367>>1582380>>1582385>>1610793

I bought sandals for the summer but now I feel guilty because they are made of leather. I’m thinking of returning them, but what if the store will just toss them and not put them on sale again? I can’t find any info on where or how the leather is made, other than that the sandals are made in India. So I have animal cruelty borderline slave labor sandals now.

No. 1582367

Nothing wrong with leather products if you get a lot of use out of it. I know not everyone feels this way but imo 1 pair of leather sandals you get multiple years of use out is better than purchasing a new non-leather pair every year (or even multiple because of fashion).

How are you gonna get a pair of sandals you can be sure of aren't made by slave labour somewhere along the chain anyway? Even if you get a handmade pair in your own country, the production chain probably still isn't transparant enough to ensure the materials weren't made by slave labour etc.

Personally I feel it's best to just not buy more than you need but fretting over the few things you do need is just.. not worth it with how non-transparant, misleading and fucked up everything is.

No. 1582380

Leather from India is made in awful conditions, not to mention that cows are sacred animals there.

Saying that, I agree that leather items last longer and so mean you need fewer items.

If you decide not to keep them then sell them on to prevent waste.

No. 1582385>>1582440>>1584780

File (hide): 1684585772918.jpg (95.89 KB, 800x449, oil spill.jpg)

Vegan leather is made from plastic which is made from oil. Benzene, toluene and xylene are the chemical precursors to plastics. They are highly toxic and known human carcinogens. The drilling, extraction, processing and transport of petrochemicals does far more damage to animals and the environment than the skin of a cow that was being killed for meat anyway ever will.

No. 1582440>>1584275

Good point but the chemicals used in dying and preparing leather are also toxic and have carcinogens. I'm not sure which is better.

The best thing is to buy things used and don't hold onto more than you need. Get leather re-healed or repaired instead of buying new.

No. 1584275

use untanned hides then. they're pretty much just scraped and dried.

No. 1584780

God dam we are killing our planet for fashion we are doomed

No. 1608899

she must have used cream products. Cream products take to molding much faster. By contrast, powder products last ages without going bad. Check ingredients though, some powder products now come with oils and emmollients present within them for texture purposes and these can spoil as well.

No. 1610793>>1610825

How is slaughtering pigs for their products worse than surrounding yourself with plastics that will take forever to degrade, releasing toxins in the process? That is, if they don't get burnt releasing toxins to the atmosphere.

No. 1610825>>1610868>>1610909

leather production has a lot of toxic chemicals plus killing animals isn't really earth friendly

No. 1610868>>1610873

It's almost like consuming anything isn't earth friendly so you have to choose the least harmful option

No. 1610873>>1610878

almost but not quite

No. 1610878>>1611008

which part

No. 1610909>>1611008

Sorry if this is macabre, but aren't carcasses biodegradable if we don't add extra chemicals?

No. 1611008>>1611091

I mean if you grow your own vegetables organically and make things from other things you grow (hemp?) then I guess that is earth friendly? I don't know if you can make sandals that way. But I do think it's possible to consume things not hurt the earth

I guess? I assume they can make leather that way but I don't know how common it is

No. 1611091>>1611164

okay yeah sure, if you grow and hand make your own items then I suppose you're probably consuming earth friendly but I think it was clear what I meant without that disclaimer right?

No. 1611164

yeah, true. I guess in these types of threads there sometimes are people who are 100% sustainable for some things. but I agree general consoomerism is not earth friendly. pretty sad

No. 1624755>>1626308>>1629972>>2007525

I got a bunch of wood pieces to cut and make my own clothes horse/indoor drying rack so I can stop drying my clothes in the dryer. Clothes lines not allowed here. I plan on mounting it to the wall with hinges somehow so I can pull it down when needed and put it flush when not. Unfortunately the heat wave has sucked so hard I havent made it to the garage to do so yet…I hang up a few items to dry but I have no space to do it with all of my laundry. My goal is to be dryer-free by the end of the year. Dryers damage clothing, use a lot of electricity, if dryer sheets are used then it coats everything in a thin layer of silicone/plastic which then stays directly on your skin via the clothes, and aerosolizes microplastics released from the clothing itself into the air indoors and out. I hate so much that drying clothes in a big electric heater is the norm here, and that I havent been more proactive about eliminating the practice. I rent now but when (if…) I ever have a house of my own, I am going to install real nice big clothes drying racks in my laundry room. Maybe I will even live a place that allows clothes lines to be visible and use that good solar energy…but I read that air drying indoors also helps the air retain moisture and is good for your skin that way, maybe no more lotion buying.

No. 1626308

Love this. When I wash my clothes I'm geto and hang them on hangers and hang on my curtain poles to dry in the winter so the radiator below them drys them super quick

No. 1629972

>Clothes lines not allowed here.

No. 2007525

I will take my ban for necro but I am really interested in building a sustainable (at least half my items bought secondhand/Depop/eBay) capsule wardrobe of only 40 items (Excluding shoes and accessories). I am so sick of having loads of shit I never wear, owning many possessions is such a burden. Same applies to other belongings.

No. 2074246>>2074280>>2076490>>2076503

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It is once again Plastic Free July and I am using it as motivation to start carrying reusable silverware with me instead of using plastic throwaway forks all the time! It is only the first day of course, but already that's 1 throwaway fork that I didn't use at work. If any of you are participating, is there a specific type of plastic you're hoping to cut back from this month?

No. 2074280

Need glass lunch boxes, including for mealprep. Thanks for the reminder, I'll get on that. I heard ikea ones are alright

No. 2076490>>2078167

i am interested in this too. as i get older, i have money to afford long term supplies. i have some tupperware and non stick pans but i want to transition to cookware with no coating and storage containers that have no plastic and will last a long time
if nonas have recommendations for long lasting cookware and other food supplies, please share.

No. 2076503

The real problem is your work needs to stop stocking plastic utensils for people to use. Your job already bought them, they already exist, the plastic is already made. It's already a problem just sitting in the break room. Not to be mean or poopoo your efforts but you could impact this at a higher level if you got your job to stop buying that stuff.

No. 2076659>>2078186>>2096314

Any nonnas have any good brands for alt/goth sustainable fashion? All the thrift stores around me are so beyond ass.

No. 2078167

CAST. IRON. PAN. I was intimidated at first, but they really are the ultimate non-stick pan. You need to take care of it, but it’s the only pan I anymore. This guy is the ONLY resource you need for taking care of one. I had a big day of seasoning mine (in the oven, coated with avocado or grapeseed oil, can’t remember which but both have a hi smoke point) and now I just cook in it, wash it out (sponge, water, soap all fine, just don’t soak it), heat it up and do a very thin oil coat after each use. It becomes an easy routine!

No. 2078186

Have you tried Poshmark or Mercari? I would say Etsy but it can be hard to tell who’s dropshipping. Also unsure of your price point!

No. 2096314

>>2076659 can only recommend vinted you can search for second items that suit your needs giving them a second chance and its much cheaper then second hand shops these days. I found new rocks on there and bunch of killstar really cheep. Your best bet if you want goth/alt vibes is to buy basic plain clothes and cover them in diy patches from fabric scraps by sewing and painting or use old band tshirts and cut them up to use as patches.
Utilise safety pins and old ripped tights as a fashion statement

No. 2096321>>2103029>>2159212

Anyone know what I can do with broken plates and Mugs I got a box that smashed while moving and I don't want to send it to landfill not sure if anyone knows any good uses or diys thanks!

No. 2103029

Offer it for free on craigslist or gumtree or whatever is used in your country. Someone might want it for an art project.

No. 2158138

Any anons have experience with ThredUp? I really want to downsize my warddobe but am jaded about thrift stores. Is it expensive? Have you found it worth it?

No. 2159212

Mosaics! You can cover plant pots or garden tables with the broken pieces and make something functional out of the broken crockery.

No. 2457104

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I just finished reading picrel and it's made me depressingly aware of how much plastic there is everywhere and how the vast majority is not able to be recycled and will just end up dumped in some third world country to be burned and fuck up the ozone layer even more. And no one cares.

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