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No. 1620174
You're not dumb, just stupid.
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1606239 No. 1620186
File: 1688029715231.png (176.73 KB, 1674x490, Fangirls ghostlight title tran…)

Are women interested in being an invested fan of other women? I want to start a subscription based blog (with some free articles here and there) but in my mind a woman becoming my patreon and wasting her hard earned money on my schizo ideas is beyond me. I want to share my daily life, struggles, local events, makeup, husbandos and research topics to a (if possible) mostly female audience but I doubt I could make a minimum wage living of it. It is a myth that only moids waste their undeserved shekels on internet dumbasses or do some women also go for subscription/user based content? I know moids throw money at anything and all degenerate/scrote content because they're doomed wired to their biology and useless brains, but women are not so that's why it seems unfathomable to me
No. 1620189
>>1620186>I want to share my daily life, struggles, local events, makeup, husbandos and research topicsThis is probably too broad but also there's already female influencers/lifestyle vloggers who do this but don't lock it behind a paywall.
I do think it's entirely possible to build a nearly exlusively female fanbase, plenty of influencers who have that, just not in this way.
No. 1620606
>>1620186I read plenty of womens blogs on personal websites and stuff but I'd never pay for it kek. I also have my own online journal. I just love seeing what random women are up to.
Knowledge is everywhere and it's easily accessible so unless you've already got a cult of personality around you nobody will want to pay to listen to you ramble.
No. 1620742
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>>1620728Still exists but appears to almost exclusively show reruns of random sitcoms. Wikipedia says it stopped being the gay channel over 10 years ago but I’m around television so infrequently that I only recently noticed lol
No. 1620869
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I just found out air fryers are basically convection oven but on a smaller scale. So why do people use them assuming they already have an oven at home??? I am so confused.
No. 1621093
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Both of these men have asked you out for a date. Which one would you pick? One of them has autism but I'm not going to tell you which one
No. 1621154
>>1621117So far I had two laptops and they're both really great, but it's important to clean them and take care of them, same as you would do with a PC. Change thermal paste, vacuum it etc. Never had anything break down and my past laptop ran mmos at 100°C for 7 years straight.
It's still alive and kicking but I needed an upgrade so it now functions as a server kek
No. 1621169
>>1621141I got my Asus laptop in 2017 or 2018 and it still runs great even after near constant use. I've only had to replace the charger once.
the only issues I've really had with laptops is the cheap plastic casing getting fucked up, but my Asus is more like a MacBook without plastic so no issues there.
before that I had Acer laptop for 4-6 years and before that a Dell. And again no real electronics issues, just consequences of cheap plastic (and viruses on my Dell)
maybe it's the 2020s models…
No. 1621186
>>1621154>Change thermal pasteI didn't know that was a thing honestly. Like I'll vacuum the keyboard and fans but that's it
>etc.anything else?
No. 1621208
>>1621186>anything else?I would take the bottom lid apart once a year and use canned air to get all the dust out. Some people even clean the keyboard but I was always too scared to take that stuff apart for some reason.
>>1621170Honestly if the laptop isn't running on a high temperature (gaming, rendering, editing software or whatever) it's fine to just vacuum it from the outside every couple of months and use canned air maybe once a year on the fans. Frankly that's all I did for my dads laptop and so far so good
No. 1621214
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>>1621093Left is a stinky porn addicted Hasan Piker fan. Right looks normalfag, possibly mild religious trauma but I can work with that.
>>1621144An air fryer would definitely make your fries more crispy. I have picrel it’s poggers I can’t lie. Works amazing for simple meal prep recipes. I hate the way meat cooks in conventional oven. I basically only use the oven to bake bread/sweets and sometimes roast large batch of vegetables.
No. 1621291
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Why did my weight go up on the scale AFTER pooping?
No. 1621325
>>1621231Thank you so much
nonnie, we don't have something like RAINN in my country but I think I can use the online chat there anyway. I don't know why I wasn't really thinking straight. Thanks again.
No. 1621339
>>1621304Could be what the other anons said, I'll also add that maybe they use the videos as exposure therapy (I've seen one or two people claim that as the reason). I do have doubts when I see those posts though, personally I hate videos
and still photos no matter if they're candid or carefully staged selfies so I could never
No. 1621360
nonnie but this doesn't seem to work for me. It comes back "no items found" for any tweets or users no matter what I put in.
No. 1621406
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will the ripe, kinda browning banana I threw on the box of unripe nectarines I have make the nectarines get softer faster?
No. 1621409
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Can anyone help me figure out how to look up what I need?
I want to have a shower kit for people that stay over like sort of what hotels do with a sponge, wash cloth and maybe a shower gel or bar soap? Does anyone know if they sell this as a kit or I would have to order everything separately?
Most kits I find come in a gift basket or traveler's pouch and it's mostly shower gels and bath bombs. I'm looking for something a bit simpler.
Does anyone know if what they're using to hold the products in pic related is for sale also? Does anyone know what it is called?
No. 1621425
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>>1621406I think it would ripen them faster, because of ethane. Also you reminded me I saved vid rel on my computer
No. 1621434
>>1621405No, it’s definitely real and I’ve been making it myself for over a decade. I still screw it up sometimes though. If you overcook it it will be impossible to use once it cools but a medium golden slightly darker than honey color typically remains pliable enough for me to use out of the container during the summer.
If you want to do larger areas regularly it’s much less of a hassle to buy a wax warmer and a suitable wax. It’s possible to use sugaring stuff warmed up and applied like a soft wax (with an applicator and torn off with muslin strips) but IMO it’s too much of a hassle to achieve a good temp in the microwave. Wax warmers aren’t expensive and the commercial tins of wax last a long time.
No. 1621440
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What do I do if I have a blackhead? How do you treat a blackhead?? Google gives mixed answers of "lol just clean it it'll go away" or "cleaning it won't do anything".. so I'm confused. It's on my inner thigh, it's just one of them by itself. No pain, no inflammation, but I'm scared it will get inflamed. I've never had one before so I don't know what I'm supposed to do but it's grossing me out and scaring me. Nonnies with acne help
No. 1621442
>>1621440You'll be fine
nonnie, I leave mine alone when I get them and they go away. Trust me, no one will even notice.
No. 1621445
>>1621409Go to the store and get sample sized items and throw them in a pretty basket
nonnie with some towels, it'll do the trick.
Some of my fav items for guests to make them feel comfortable:
Sample sized mouthwash
Sample sized toothpaste
Small hand lotion
Small hand sanitizer
Period products (tampons/pads)
Bar of soap
Hand towels
Makeup wipes or cotton pads
Cotton swabs
Face mask
Sleeping mask
Good luck!
No. 1621626
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why are so many anons lately spelling retard like this? is it the same person? are they doing it purposely?
i hate them
No. 1621634
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If someone with type O+ blood drinks someone's blood that's type A- would they have an allergic reaction?
No. 1621640
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>>1621626Idk but I've noticed zoomers can't even pronounce words correctly, let alone spell them properly. Heard a scrote Youtuber pronounce "grimoire" as "gree-more". Jesus.
No. 1621664
>>1621659Literally not at all, she looks like a natural beauty.
>>1621662 She actually looks healthier than most other k-pop idols I've seen.
>>1621634Not how allergies work and blood type matters for transfusions, not when it's entering your digestive system.
No. 1621689
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>>1621659Ty for the responses anons, I wanted to check because I became a fan and now I’m starting to think that I’m subconsciously getting weird body dysmorphia (or distorted beauty standards) from admiring the visuals of someone who has had cosmetic procedures done.
No. 1622139
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Which color season is he?
No. 1622227
>>1622139I don't think a cartoon has a colour season because every screen will display the colours a bit differently.
>>1621551>They even pay us money to have her over, kek.Holy fuck she must be awful.
No. 1622321
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>>1622266one of these listed in picrel. i looked around for a bit, but the specific instrument for the song isn't listed by track name, even in the album info. sorry i'm not more help, nonna.
No. 1622387
>>1622338I’m actually somehow not jealous, I thought it was sweet at first. But sometimes it ends up being more than every other week because of events. He hasn’t even met a single member of my family yet. Imagine if I was close to mine, we would have literally no time left. I feel like it’s a weirdly large amount of time for an adult in a relationship idk. Sometimes it really feels like his family dictates our life. He told me last night “might go to my parents house this weekend”. I’m not sure if he said “I” or “we”, but I said “ok, sounds good. I guess I will have more time to work on my project then!” and he seemed a little deflated and now is waffling on if he will go or not, so clearly it was expected that I would go. I’m never consulted about what days might be good for
me, just told. Im definitely not going and I’m not mad at him just feeling suffocated
No. 1622393
>>1621455>>1621456>>1621742lol I was so surprised and happy I got three whole replies
I'm actually afraid of trying drugs because I think it'll make me go completely bonkers, but I am a bit curious after your posts
No. 1622441
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>>1621630Based and dogpilled
No. 1622524
>>1622511Potato soup —lots of soups it could go in actually, kind of like adding cream but better. Chili even.
Baked goods like scones and cookies and muffins/quickbreads/cakes. Use instead of milk or add a little to make something softer (makes cookies more cake-like). You could even make pancakes or waffles with sour cream instead of milk.
Anything that uses yogurt you could sub in sour cream. On that note you can eat sour cream like yogurt if you wanted to, add a little sweetener and berries and granola, it’s a bit rich though.
I usually just make a few loaves of banana bread or a cake if I want to use up sour cream
No. 1622562
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At what age did you start thinking of yourself as a woman rather than a girl? Question inspired by picrel cringe
No. 1622595
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(not racebait)
I know that this is maybe a truly stupid question. But I need to know, do black women ever become anorexic?
It seems like they never want to be "skinny" skinny (like thinspo or runway model skinny) but instead want to be "thicc" (like instagram baddies, or the fashion nova models like picrel)
Why ? Do I just not see them? (I live in an Eastern Euro shithole so I've never met one irl. My total exposure to black women is female rappers and other celebrities online) Or is it just an American thing? Even on the ana forums and ana tumblr, it's mostly white, and a handful of East Asians.
Again, this isn't racebait, I'm just genuinely curious how common black anorexics are, if they even exist, and if ana-skinny bodies are seen as "desirable"/"i-wish-i-looked-like-that" among black women
No. 1622662
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>>1622595I'm a black woman with anorexia. There's others on Twitter (like picrel), quite a few Nigerians. It's quieter and not as talked about in the black community because of two factors: The first is the blatant disregard for mental health by black people. Those who restrict not for "beauty" reasons, but for the sense of control, self punishment or self-harm, a symptom of depression, etc will go unseen because of this. This is especially true for black women. Male children in households are prioritized, men are placed at the forefront of every "pro-black" movement, etc. No one really "checks" for black women's wellbeing, and since EDs tend to skew heavily toward women, you know the rest. The second factor is black men wanting chubby/thicc women and pushing them as hard as possible in media.
A lot of black women love Naomi Campbell's looks and other skinny black models, but that will never be pushed in the mainstream for obvious reasons. I've seen black people insist black anorexics don't exist. This is a complete lie, we just get bullied and silenced by our families and same-race friends unless we find others like us lol. Similarly, years ago, a lot of black people used to claim black people just "don't get" things like depression or other mental issues, and that those are all "white people problems". There's less ignorance now, but the mindset continues when it comes to things like this. It's some retarded denial/sort of cultural "machismo" that I think needs to be dropped.
Reposted to spoiler pic (sorry) and add more thoughts
No. 1622666
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>>1622662I am sorry your health and wellbeing are often disregarded and that you are expected to carry everyone on your back while never sharing your own thoughts and feelings
No. 1622672
>>1622666Thank you
nonnie ♥
No. 1622784
>>1622662I wish you the best,
nonnie. I hope you feel better eventually.
No. 1622786
>>1622662I wish you the best,
nonnie. I hope you feel better eventually.
No. 1622787
>>1622662I wish you the best,
nonnie. I hope you feel better eventually.
No. 1622788
>>1622662I wish you the best,
nonnie. I hope you feel better eventually.
No. 1622801
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i am a first time cat owner, how do i stop my 6 month old kitten to bite me(playfully)? it doesnt hurt but its extremely annoying and i dont want it to become an habit, i play with him but he stills wakes me up by chewing on my fingers
No. 1622806
>>1622805 said, they tend to grow out of it.
However, I found that going "ow" also sometimes helps them understand that what they're doing isn't good.
No. 1622847
>>1622845And the majority of violent crimes in London is committed by black people (52%) when black people occupy only 10% of the population LOL.
I bet that overall there was more slavic slaves sold to western europe and ottoman empire than black slaves ever, and yet nobody talks about slavs as
victims and nobody talks about the slav-non offending language and slav-phobia and how we all should work together to make the media and politics and everything more slav-inclusive lol
(race sperging) No. 1622865
>>1622847Nta but being seen as a
victim depends on where you are. I’m sure black people in Russia arent seen as
victims. Black people being seen as
victims is more of a western thing and even then it’s mostly just virtue signaling that no one really believes in real life. Any black person would know(I’m black) that people genuinely don’t give a damn about us kek
No. 1623079
>>1622562I started actively referring to myself as a woman when I was about 20, but I still don't always think of myself that way even though I'm in my mid 20s now. I guess it's because I sometimes don't feel like I have my shit together the way a functional adult should. It's not like I use the word girl when thinking of myself though, just neither.
Slightly related but does anyone else kind of struggle with what words to use when referring to people in a conversation with others? Like if I'm talking about someone who's around 19 or 20, it can feel weird to say "she's a really sweet woman", but at the same time "she's a sweet girl" also feels weird and infantilizing. It doesn't help that I get the impression that in my language the word for woman is associated with older age groups even more than it is in English.
No. 1623106
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Does the skin of a sphynx cat feels like touching a penis?
thanks nonnies
No. 1623157
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If I burn a CD and write "Songs for when driving down that one street with that person at dawn" on it, did I make a mixtape? Just a CD version instead of a cassette? Is this what a mixtape is?
No. 1623170
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>>1623156> I thought lesbian meant “non-woman who’s attracted to non-women” No… no it doesn’t
No. 1623172
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How do people make the molds for resin jewelry like this? I see a ton of these on Instagram but can’t find much info on how they’re made.
No. 1623186
>>1623172One option: make a mold out of something like mold putty.
Another option: using a regular mold and cutting around the edges of the drawing. Probably what happened in your pic.
No. 1623216
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Who is this?
No. 1623328
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No. 1623330
>>1623324>Nemu / Holden / Malfunction54 / Christy Lynn Walkershe's some chick who has her own threads in /snow/
you can easily find her by searching nemu lolcow in google jsyk>>1623328kek give her a break, nonna, it's the stupid questions thread after all
No. 1623529
>>1623176idg why people don't say "les/bi" like in the old internet days. these newer terms sound like fanfic tags
>>1623330nta but someone recently got banned for supposedly not knowing who she was
No. 1623555
>>1623442nta but you're just more suspectible to catching something when it's chilly. It's why people sometimes catch colds during heatwaves even though that doesn't seem logical, it's because they spend a lot of time around AC.
Not sure if that's going on with anons on and off sore throat though.
No. 1623599
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Why no one like strawberry flavor
No. 1623642
>>1623640Did she mention the healing process?
I just know that at some point it will randomly bleed (my ear piercings all did this) and I have a real big girl job now and can't have a random bleedy piercing lol
No. 1623646
>>1623642Can you work from home some days?
She just got it a week ago so its yet to bleed but it seemed like its fine as long as she does saline morning and night
No. 1623687
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Is this salvageable? I noticed the bend(?) this morning, I'm not sure how old it is, but I didn't put any support on that branch.. Should I rip it off now and plant it in a smaller planter.. is that even possible?
No. 1623702
>>1623690I took a bad photo, but towards the left side, you see the branch snapped at the "root"
Thank you though! I feel reassured!
No. 1623721
>>1623636I don't think it's a big deal at all. Nose piercings in particular are pretty destigmatized and I see many middle aged women with them in my pretty conservative country. 30 is still super young, and definitely not a weird age to get a piercing.
As for the healing process, nostril piercings actually take a long while to heal (6-9 months!), mine took 7 months to completely heal so that I could touch it and play around with it without feeling any kind of soreness at all. I only woke up with a bit of crusty blood around it once in the first week, it really doesn't bleed much. In the mornings you might have to clean out some crusties around it in the first month or two but after that it should be mostly fine. I cleaned it in saline twice a day.
Septum piercings heal super quickly on the other hand, my sisters healed in a couple of weeks.
Because of the long healing time you should wear a stud until it's completely healed, only then switch to a ring if you want it.
No. 1623725
>>1623636No, you are only allowed to wear muumuus and your only hobby should be interior decor and talking about your baby. It's the law.
If you feel like limiting yourself that way that's your problem, but just know you're indirectly insulting everyone your age and older.
No. 1623736
>>1623636Y'all who limit yourself with age are so fascinating yet annoying. 30 is practically a baby when people can live up to 100 years old, and if someone's 100 years old and wants a nose ring, I don't think anyone would be able to stop them.
>>1623734Nah, free the titty babes
No. 1623738
>>1623734I haven't worn a bra in 8 years and my girls, my back, and my wallet have never been happier
>>1623636GET IT ANON! "Too old" isn't a thing.
>>1623660If anything, it's passive income, so I'd say just give it a shot.
No. 1623817
>>1623807I'm not a roman historian but I think there was lots of flammable stuff on/in/around the stones, plus not every dwelling was made of stone. google says the fire started in a slum so the building were probably crap there. Looking further, it appears most people lived in shitty rental apartments known as
insulae that were prone to fire and collapse, building codes were bad and fire spread easily No. 1623953
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how are the frog riots going? Are the french anons ok?
No. 1623979
>>1622562Off topic but I used to read Monsterkind and it's been so wild seeing her deteriorate like this. Ever since she botched her second kickstarter it seems like all she does is beg for attention with her offputting gay OC porn, embarrassing gaming streams, and unsubtle mentions of her wishlist. I wish there was a thread for gossiping about former/current webcomic artists but most of them aren't really milky, just kind of pathetic or weird. Anyway I started calling myself a woman in my late 20s, using "girl" had been a habit but I realized it would only sound weirder as I got older so I needed to break it.
>>1623660I was fascinated by this community but haven't kept up in years. Apparently it used to be extremely lucrative to shit out dozens of erotic short stories because you would get paid whenever someone bought it or rented it via Kindle no matter how many pages people actually read, so you were really just trying to make something appealing enough to be impulse bought and just coherent enough to not be refunded. There was eventually a change in how payments were calculated that was based on pages viewed instead. It created this hilarious apocalypse where people used to writing braindead fetish scenes suddenly had to shift into longform erotic romances instead and a lot of them just couldn't cut it kek. I'm curious what it's like now.
No. 1624019
>>1623998It's from the statement date, see: what it means is that, they give you the "bill" on the first of the month (ie your credit card statement) you then have a 21 day grace period to pay them that bill before you start paying interest on what you haven't paid off.
No. 1624125
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If the best thing to do to befriend a cat is not stare it down, why do every single "Cat Person" I've met do the complete opposite? Like the first thing they do is get in their face, usually making a bunch of noises about how cute the cat is, try to pet or hold it… I would assume a Cat Person should know how to treat cats? Is it because since they have a cat themselves they think every cat will react like their pet cat?
No. 1624143
>>1624140It's just that staring them down is intimidating to them, it's not like casual eye contact is gonna make a dog chimp out. My grandma had a small weiner dog and he was super silly and sweet, once I tried looking him dead in the eye cause I was reading about how dogs don't like it and I wanted to see how he'd react (sorry if that sounds mean to some
nonny)and he would avert his gaze from mine after more than a couple seconds. He was really good at hide and go seek.
No. 1624179
>>1624169If you keep aggressively staring at a cat without blinking at all of course it's going to take it as a threat.
But if you "casually" stare at it and slow blink, and it slow blinks back (usually they avert their gaze too), that's a sign that it relaxed a bit and doesn't see your presence as much of a threat. It doesn't always mean they love you or that they'll approach you, but at least they don't mind you being there anymore.
No. 1624233
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What is this supposed to be? I don't get the reference.
No. 1624247
>>1624233That's probably child porn. It doesn't matter how pixelated it is, its still illegal. I'm sorry,
nonny, you're going to prison.
No. 1624561
File: 1688494657548.gif (Spoiler Image,470.22 KB, 500x225, giphy.gif)

>>1620560Not exactly what you described but it kinda sounds like the "Come in with the Milk" scene from The Aviator. Spoilered for nude Leo Deonardo.
No. 1624565
>>>/snow/101679creepshow art:
>>>/snow/1053928 concord mcsubway:
>>>/snow/1669908 , was first posted near the end of
>>>/snow/1234227 the earlier kiki kannibal threads (especially during the sperg-chan drama):
>>>/snow/154930 , ,
>>>/pt/304583 and the next few kiki threads
kelly ronahan:
>>>/snow/359452pixielock's DID saga (i don't remember which thread it started in though)
isabella janke:
>>>/snow/1292225 corpse husband (his dox & face reveal was interesting drama):
>>>/snow/1190167that's all i can think of right now. feel better soon
No. 1624570
File: 1688495355634.jpg (596.04 KB, 1400x715, filter-boards-EN.jpg)

>>1624568Click the grey button that is circled in picrel
No. 1624591
>>1624573Alone: a reality show about people competing to survive in the wilderness of Alaska for 100 days with all these arbitrary rules set on them. Can get really stupid and dry at some points, so sometimes I leave halfway through the season and only come back after months to finish it.
Blown Away: Reality TV about people competing on who can design and create the best glass items to win cash and a job. You can tell they have an idea of who is going to be a winner based on all of their work once it comes down to 3/4 people, but still very entertaining to see what people make and how it's made.
How It's Made: Shows how things are made.
Woven in Time - A History of wool in Yorkshire: Fun little thirty minute documentary that gives you a pretty good insight to the basics of the wool industry in England.
Superjail: A surreal humor Adult Swim splatter cartoon. Contains enormous amounts of gore and death, but everyone returns to life after the episode. In my head canon, the Warden is a capricious young god who controls the universe that contains Superjail.
Pokerface: Female Colombo. TV series that shows how she catches the murderer each show. A how are they caught murder mystery, not a who dun it.
No. 1624829
>>1622801Late, but I work with animals. If it's play biting, firmly say "no" or "ouch" and withdraw. If you continue to pet or play with him after he bites, he will begin to think that it's "normal" play. Like other anons have said, kittens typically grow out of play-biting, but you still want to make sure to gently discipline him just to ensure that the behavior doesn't persist into adulthood. Additionally, you might not want to allow him into your room while you're sleeping, at least until the biting stops.
Side note, please get him neutered and microchipped if he isn't already!
No. 1624892
>>1624107Tsundebolt had only one thread
>>1058880 that I often read again. I enjoyed seeing her multiple personas with autistic details she would make up about herself. I truly wished I archived her whole twitter, because her posts were hilarious.
No. 1624904
>>1624900>muh skillactual retard who only heard maybe 5 seconds of Pulse Demon before turning it off in horror
no one is going to listen to noise if it isn't interesting and making it interesting takes skill/creativity. noisefags can be quite picky with what they listen to.
No. 1624913
>>1624907>>1624908 >inaudible tv static noiseyou've described harsh noise wall and not all noise is HNW. harsh noise/power electonics/death industrial are quite changing and interesting
>Not unless the people listening to noise have specific headphones they use very cheap headphones from a grocery store will enhance the experience of noise ♥
No. 1625054
nonnie, incredible read. Seeing all the posts at once is a ride.
No. 1625167
>>1624979I used to live off frozen tv dinners and junk food like chips and stuff and I still don't have that great of a diet but I made a lot of improvements by just slowly implementing new meals and snacks into my diet one at a time. It's overwhelming to just jump into having a bunch of new food combinations and meals all at once so I just started with breakfast, found a few things I would like to eat in the morning and have time to cook like scrambled eggs with grated cheese on top, and potatoes with it or toast and then a fruit after. I added some snacks like granola and nuts, found some fruits and veggies I like, easy stuff like peppers with hummus and apples with peanut butter. Lunch I just do random stuff, deli meat for sandwiches or canned tuna, I really like Greek salad so I make that a lot too. If I don't feel like making anything I get muffins or naan bread to have with hummus or goat cheese, if I'm really lazy I'll just have canned sardines and cereal or some random combination like that but I try to always have protein, fat and carbs with each meal. Dinner is the easiest for me, I'm definitely not adept at cooking yet but I found some very basic meals that are filling and last a few days for leftovers, stuff like spaghetti, meat loaf, chicken, lasagna, pork chops. And then veggies to go with it, I don't eat enough vegetables at all but I do eat a lot of fruit so that sort of works for me for now but I really do want to incorporate more foods into my diet. Soups are also a good one although I haven't made any yet I'd like to try. It's just about finding some items you like and building off that, I really like potatoes so in the beginning I would just google "recipes with potatoes" and start off small. Sorry for the wall of text I just really wanted to respond because I know how overwhelming making changes to your diet can be when you're sort of at square one, at one point I literally just lived off of frozen fish sticks and frozen fries (cooked of course kek) and the thought of making 3 meals a day including snacks was so scary to me I thought it was completely out of the picture.
No. 1625244
>>1625232I don't think of this in a black and white way since i think it largely depends on the situation, but mostly I'd say old people especially women are the biggest
No. 1625252
>>1625232Your examples make no sense. There is no homosexual characteristic in straights, there is no semitic characteristic in non-jews, and there's no disabled characteristic in non-disabled people. So obviously you can't discriminate based on these characteristics.
Ageism is about age based discrimination, which is a characteristic both old and young people have. Your way of thinking makes no sense.
No. 1625270
>>1625259They should be rock hard straight from the freezer you should check the settings or maybe you left the freezer door ajar. I hope you don't get food poisoning
If you mean once cooked they should be crisp on the outside either from the oven or the crisping sleeve
No. 1625427
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Last Friday I accidentally took a sip from my co-workers water bottle because most of my coworker have the very same one since we got it from our company, just with a small name tag on it so people know which belong to who. I realized it was the wrong bottle the moment I already swallowed the water. So today said co-worker casually told me that she has lip herpes from time to time and now I wonder how likely is it that I got herpes from this one sip of water?
No. 1625452
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can I get some recommendations for sleeping pills from nonnies with breathing issues (like sleep apnea)? haven't been able to fall asleep with my ventilator, melatonin makes me feel like I'm suffocating, and my doctor is not being helpful.
No. 1625526
I stumbled across this website and I really liked it! It looks like it's apart of this neocities thing…? Any nonnas here know how to get started on your own? I want to go back to the older days of the internet that I had glimpses of as a child but couldn't participate in because of limited internet access
No. 1625621
>>1625526theres a neocities/small web thread on here
>>1520815 if this helps!
No. 1625636
>>1625452I was diagnosed with sleep apnea as an obese
very proportionate no gut so not the typical fatty sleep apnea body young teen and used a CPAP for a few years. My sleep doctor was old as fuck and prescribed me a medication called Limbitrol. While I remember sleeping well on it I’d never take it again because it’s a combo of the antidepressant Amitriptyline and the benzo Chlordiazepoxide aka Librium. I probably wouldn’t have taken it in the first place if I had any idea what it was. After that I was put on the smallest dose of clonidine which also helped my sleep but made my typically normal blood pressure so low I’d spend the first few hours of every morning blacking out but I don’t think that’s a typical response lol. Eventually I lost a ton of weight and deemed myself cured of sleep apnea and haven’t used a CPAP in over a decade but I feel like exhausted dogshit so probably still have it but am in denial.
A few years after deciding I was cured I had a terrible bout of insomnia and was prescribed Ambien but had a paradoxical reaction so I definitely can’t recommend that class of meds. Both of my (not fat and mom is actually very fit) parents also have severe sleep apnea. My mother has purely central sleep apnea and doesn’t take anything for sleep but my dad has obstructive and took trazadone for a long time but now only takes occasional Ativan. Trazadone seems to be commonly prescribed by sleep doctors around here.
Sorry this is so long and scattered but sleep is so important and I was pretty affected by having what I perceive to be a fat old man disease as a teenage girl. CPAPs absolutely help but adjusting to them can be quite difficult and I wish you the best!
No. 1625639
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I can't do that, so I guess it's a feature
No. 1625863
you didn't take it from me
No. 1625873
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>>1625788The age gap isn’t really that bad honestly. You’d be surprised at how many older women/younger men couples there are. What is strange is that he is still in high school, so it does look kinda bad on your end. It’d be better if both of you are in college. By then no one really cares. I’d suggest keeping it casual at least.
I was lucky enough to meet my current younger bf when he was starting college. I’d never would’ve reciprocated if he was still in high school tho.(our age gap is bigger and he also initiated the flirting first!) It’s been working out fairly well so far! I love him a lot and he’s so sweet and full of energy.
worst part about it is getting called a MILF.Luckily my bf is decent and quick to call people out on i at leastt No. 1625974
File: 1688627830513.jpg (279.06 KB, 1080x1304, Wall Potato.jpg)

Trying to bump disturbing imagery from the front page. Please navigate the site carefully, Nonas. I’ve reported it but meanwhile I’d like to protect others. Thanks for understanding.
No. 1626000
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why do I look so pale at night ? I look like a banana with an orangish pink undertone even though I’m brown with an orangish red undertone.
No. 1626018
>>1625027>>1625033>>1625055Thanks for your feedbacks nonnas, I was wondering if perhaps PMDD is just regular depression, it's just that we might be more sensitive to the hormonal fluctuations? I myself also have the tendency to be depressed but during the luteal phase it's absolutely debilitating - I drop my hobbies, cannot focus at work, everything feels pointless and I'm fixated on the idea of suicide. I was considering the possibility that the cause might be hormonal because the time my suicidal thoughts were the worse I experienced physical symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia and night sweats and I could not stop crying. I did blood tests but to my shock my hormones and thyroid levels are completely normal. I have tried many things with varying degrees of success - antidepressants (numbed my despair a bit, but didn't eliminate it), Vitex (made my mood swings worse and I bled continuously for a month), calcium (no change), 'hormone balancing teas' (no change).
There are unfortunately no studies backing it up but I have recently come across anecdotal evidence that PMDD is connected to histamine production: is also tons of women on Reddit who claim that taking otc antihistamines (e.g: Loratidine, Claritine, Allegra) during the luteal phase helped them immensely with the mood swings and suicidal ideation. Has any of you tried this by any chance?
No. 1626191
>>1625863This guy has been spamming interracial porn, gore and scat on crystal cafe and on threads involving e-girls on /r9k/ for a long amount of time
He uses a vocoder to larp as a girl and catfish men, has used it before on vocaroo threads somewhere else, claims wild stories that aren't real like being from one country one time and from another the next, but he might be from portugal given he speaks Portuguese properly.
Has an obscene obsession with interracial dicks, and possibly also has baby torture footage in his drive
Tread carefully
No. 1626208
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>>1626204Similar to this but more simple. I think it makes sense like you said. I don’t want the colours to touch or react together so maybe bleach first.
No. 1626244
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What does Castella taste like? I imagine it to be like cake floor or whatever you call it.
No. 1626253
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>>1626244I only had picrel so far, but it tastes like a normal sponge cake, but sweeter and a little dry, while the dryness might be because it wasn't a freshly made Castella. And now I have to find this amazing recipe for sponge cake again, it was so good and fluffy and tasty.
No. 1626278
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How does Instagram determine the accounts shown up here? When I use my burner account it only shows people they’re mutual with but recently someone they don’t follow came up then went away.
No. 1626318
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>>1626315Does it kinda look like this?
No. 1626352
>>1626315I get bumps coming back on the same two fingers. And some knuckle swelling. Started happening 3 years ago and for me cold weather seems to be the
trigger. I thought they were chilblains but its not like I'm out in the coldest weather. Once I got them they keep coming back as soon as the temp drops even a little.
No. 1626387
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Is racical a real word?
No. 1626463
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>>1626450Yes, at least I do. It's cheap.
>>1626453All the recipes I find online use oil. Nothing will happen if I omit the oil or add a different oil, will it? I have every other ingredient laying around but no olive oil
No. 1626541
>>1626482It's me again. I just saw that he searched for trans stuff on Google. He has always had a very girly demeanor, wearing moms clothes, stealing her makeup etc and the family used to joke about how he would be gay. He dances (he's obsessed with the tiktok girls) and "acts" like a girl and not too long ago he was caught wearing my underwear saying that he had none of his own since they were dirty.
I remember when the makeup YouTuber Nikki came out as trans, this one story stuck in my head where his whole family "knew" he was going to be a girl and that's exactly what happened with my mom. We were so sure that it was 100% gonna be a girl and when I found out he was actually a boy, I cried (being the only girl is hard ok). I've always had Nikki's story in the back of my head because my brother mirrors him in every way. My family just waved this behaviour away saying he just liked me so much he wanted to imitate me and that he would more than likely grow out of it but now I don't think so.
I think when my brothers are asleep tonight I'll go see my parents about all of this.
No. 1626550
>>1626534>>1626494He’s 7 he won’t understand.
>>1626482tell your parents you’re not his mom. My sister used to try to talk to me about sex and porn and we were both girls but it got creepy and I could never look at her the same way. This isn’t your job, don’t get into it.
No. 1626683
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>>1626680Sorry— Genetic not generic, also that infection is prevalent in Japan too
No. 1626737
>>1626714Probably a Playboy mag my older brother got from somewhere when I was ~12.
I remember feeling all tingly down there when I saw the guys dick.
But I never really tried looking for more porn after that.
No. 1626768
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>>1626761Can you stick a finger in a woman's urethra?
No. 1626799
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What information can people get from your full name? Particularly your full name and city? Do e-celebs like the cows on this site release their actual last names online or do they use "pen names"? I want to start an art career and I've thought up a few different pen names but I like my real name, it's unique. Would it be a mistake to publish my art under my real name? I'm a very private person nowadays and I don't even have social media under my real name anymore. I'm mostly just scared of people being able to find my home address.
No. 1626901
>>1626791Probably at least a semi, or the rare really big dick.
Note, I've never actually looked at guys crotches in real life… But I have seen a lot of pictures on /hm/
No. 1626909
>>1626878I live in the scumbags thread, it was the first thread I ever found on lc and was obsessed with it in my late teens/early twenties. I also live in celebricows despite how much I dislike the nonas in both threads. I always keep the vent thread, dumbass shit, unpopular opinions, retarded shitposting, stupid questions, confessions, get it off your chest, meta general discussion and the complaints and suggestions threads open just to see what's getting talked about and sometimes join the convo. Every month or so I check leftcows, lillee jean, dasha, belle, venus, poppy, grimes, tradthots, pretty pastel, blaire white, starcrawler, alice llani, twitch streamers, youtubers, mtf's, unconventional male attractions, snoop, canada general, dog hate (I don't hate dogs tho,) tiktok/youtube shorts, copypasta, lolcaps, and tinfoil. And very rarely check recovering NEET's and graduation thread.
No. 1626957
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How do I tell if someone might be interested in me vs is just friendly?
I've been a NEET for a long time and have never really gotten attention before.
Usually people leave me alone at work but I noticed this one guy looking at me since the first day I started working. I'm incredibly shy so I don't talk much to anyone. We exchange glances but we don't interact when people are around. He takes initiative to stop me when I'm working and start a conversation but it's only when we're alone and no one is around. It feels like when we look at each other something could be there. I can't describe the feeling. Usually I assume everyone is friendly by default but this circumstance feels different. I've also noticed that sometimes he'll place himself in my line of sight and look directly at me.
I see most of the women trying to flirt with him and I don't say a word to him until he talks to me.
My lack of self esteem tells me he's too out of my league to be interested in me so I should probably think he's being friendly.
No. 1626963
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>>1626959Then he thinks I'm easy prey? Thanks for the warning and advice nonita. I probably wouldn't have deduced it myself because I'm dumb.
No. 1627035
>>1627032either it's a force of habit from frequenting the milk boards, where it's expected that nonnas sage discussions that aren't strictly cow related, or nonnas purposefully don't want to bump the thread for whatever reason.
for instance, i'm saging my response because my answer to your question doesn't feel especially bump worthy kek
No. 1627766
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>>1627709rn it seems to be down or something
No. 1627806
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Can someone point me in a direction where I could buy some clothes that fit the tenshi kaiwai aesthetic? Light blue looks great on me so I wanna buy some pieces before this inevitably stops trending in a couple months.
No. 1627905
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Idk how to torrent (I’ll ask how another day) but where can I download CURRENT books (ePubs) for free?
No. 1627909
>>1627905Libgen for ebooks. It's blocked on some countries so you might need a vpn.
Torrenting is also really easy, just diwnload qBitorrent or another client and it'll open all torrent links automatically, all you have to do is specify where to save the file
No. 1627938
>>1627908When I find a book I like, the download button isn't there. How do I download from that site?
>>1627909Ill try it out thanks
No. 1628109
>>1628081NTA but zoomers are surprisingly tech illiterate. All they know are their phones and it actually doesn't translate well into computer and general internet savviness. God forbid you mention torrenting, it's like a foreign language to them. They're as bad as boomers and gen x when it comes to filling their computers with viruses, they don't even know how to install adblock and always complain about streaming sites being full of ads.
I worked with uni aged zoomers (born in 2003/4) and some of them didn't even know shift applies caps lock while pressing it, some of them didn't know how to do the "@" sign, and this was in a web design class.
If they didn't grow up with a computer when they were a child like millenials and older zoomers they're most likely retarded when it comes to them.
No. 1628123
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I HATE infinite scrolls in Tumblr themes. Is there any way to add the good old page-turner? Or even a way to find themes with specifically that? I love my current Tumblr theme, but it has infinite scroll only and that bothers me because it _doesn't scroll at all_.
No. 1628167
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I ordered a dress that is similar to picrel from a second-hand clothing shop and it's a bit on the short side but otherwise it's a good fit and looks good on me. Would it be weird if I wore it with black biker shorts so I don't flash?
No. 1628317
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>>1628046>>1628074Fell asleep.
Still doesn’t show up after creating an account. Idk what to doooo
No. 1628321
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>>1628317I just created a new account to test it and I have the download button…
No. 1628337
>>1628335it comes from "crunch" which is an onomatopoeia, like
sizzle or
pop or
crash No. 1628347
File: 1688844644710.png (154.56 KB, 1080x2300, Screenshot_20230708-152918.png)

So…how unhealthy am I? Also sorry for no crop, my phone is buggin'
No. 1628395
>>1628379just based on macros you have a healthy balance. I don't know what your lifestyle is or wether you're getting all the nutrients you need so I still don't know how healthy you are. nothing about those macros makes me think you're
No. 1628473
>>1628471at some point years ago it was unwoke to not date within your race if you were
POC, somehow the twitter discourse changed again recently and it's fine to date whoever you want as long as you're not a white man dating an asian woman.
No. 1628474
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What does ‘fake sympathy’ mean in the context of nsfw fanfic?
No. 1628612
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extra stupid question today, but is it possible for posture and breathing issues to make you feel like shit whenever you go out and be active? I do have sleeping issues, sure, though I realized that I feel far worse on days when I go outside, walk, etc. I come home feeling like death each time and even my eyes look like black, sunken pits.
It's really odd because I could go for a 20 minute walk and my head will feel like it's exploding, I'll have very painful eyes, etc. It feels like I had no sleep at all or something. Before you accuse me of being a fatty, no, I'm 21 bmi and I'm probably the most active I have been in my entire life (even if that's not saying much). I recently found out my neck posture is very bad and that I often stop breathing out of anxiety when I go out. Also, I'm not sure if it's a laziness thing cuz I can do work on my computer for 5 hours and feel better than I do after walking outside a little.
No. 1628671
>>1628618Pretty sure not. But, I know something went wrong in my growth (very messed up jaw, needed surgery to fix my nasal airways, have a leg much longer than the other, etc). I did have it tested when I was very young - not a x-ray, just a test that everyone had at school - and they said it was ok.
I think I do keep my neck/shoulders in a really weird position though. I have constant neck pain and tension and I'm trying to fix it. It's just impossible to tell how bad it really is myself.
No. 1628679
>>1628676I guess they do
But you can always do a job you kinda like? or study? or do something with your life?
I feel like some people live their life idle and I don't understand how that's possible when I go crazy in 10 days when I'm idle
No. 1628698
Haiku ass
Milk and honey ass
No. 1628904
File: 1688890735299.gif (789.66 KB, 498x443, bridget-guilty-gear.gif)

Can Guilty Gear anons please tell me wtf is going on with Bridget? From what I remember from a long time ago is that he was originally a "trap" character and it was well known he was a man. I never played GG but he was so prominent as a trap meme that even then I knew about it as a young teen. But now they're claiming he's trans? Doesn't that defeat his entire purpose of cross dressing?
No. 1629028
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nonnies help an ESL out, whats the word you use to describe something more ambitious? it had a word but i cannot remeber it and its driving me nuts. The sentences is '' i should have started working on more ___ art pieces before'' the blank is a word akin to ambitious.
No. 1629034
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or one of these others in picrel perhaps?
No. 1629066
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when people talk about attention spans, particularly the value of boredom, are they talking about boredom itself or the ability to self-entertain without stimuli? because when I'm cleaning, I usually just think of stuff and it keeps me entertained without any real stimuli
No. 1629098
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Is there still any point in starting to study something like analysis and system development?
No. 1629156
>>1629098>>1629106Idk, I feel like it’s always good to pursue any kind of career where you learn something valuable. I really doubt AI will replace all human beings in the next 5 years, plus, even when some things are being done by machines, people will still want to have the opinion of someone that studied in a particular field.
Like translation, for example, google translate is amazing nowadays, but if you don’t know how the language works and you don’t know if the message will be understood, then you won’t be able to just click send.
A computer may analyze some things, but if it can’t correct an error, and a person doesn’t even know what could be going wrong, then that person will hire someone who knows.
I hope this makes sense.
No. 1629264
>>1629262Vent thread here
Advice thread on /g/
Might not get a ton of replies or quick but almost everything gets a reply (better to ask for reply in the vent thread since some of it is just venting)
No. 1629428
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this question is for anti-ai nonnies here;
how bad is the concept of it is really alluring to me but i fucking HATE ai in general and i do not really want to support or feed anything that is "ai" in its current state. but compared to like ai voice acting, art, writing, etc, this seems somewhat harmless. or is it? please help guide my moral compass.
No. 1629452
File: 1688939471611.jpg (37.25 KB, 421x554, them in 'a league of their own…)

sorry for the repost, i accidentally posted before attaching the image - does anyone know of non-theyby gnc women like roberta colindrez & kelly mccormack (picrel)?
No. 1629517
>>1629507I'm not a Tumblr person either, but from what I understand, basically they find it endearing when male characters are in despair, and in shitty, frightening, or dangerous situations. It's like "hurt/comfort" but with heavy emphasis and focus on the "hurt". It doesn't necessarily involve gore or any of that stuff afaik. Femdom is just a man being sexually submissive to a woman.
Maybe someone else will be able to explain better or correct me.
No. 1629522
>>1629507Whump is basically torture porn in fanfic form. Like
>>1629517 said, hurt/comfort with extra emphasis on hurt and sometimes no comfort.
No. 1629525
>>1629517>>1629522Oooh so it's a
fanfic term. I understand now, TY anons
No. 1629658
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If you were trooning and you had to pick one of the following TIF names as your new name, which would you choose and why?
No. 1629671
>>1629658I'd go all out and pick Achilles
>>1628904Essentially they retconned him from a crossdresser into a troon in the newest game, but only in the English version. Reportedly, the transing didn't happen in the Japanese version.
No. 1629774
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>>1629771It's Jay-Pee actually, and sometimes Peterson on his more masc days.
No. 1629864
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>>1629658Achilles no contest
because I’m a hadesfag No. 1629910
>>1629904during summer, once every 2 weeks (every week if you don't have ac)
during winter, once every month
No. 1630104
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What is the point of a handbag so tiny. Why would someone buy them? Just for shits and giggles?
They make me irrationally angry.
No. 1630141
File: 1689015474915.jpeg (620.01 KB, 1179x1171, IMG_2598.jpeg)

>>1630104some of us are tiny and need the tiny handbags
No. 1630186
I was involved with a team of artists recently, doing a visual art project together. The whole thing took about 1 week to get done. Well, while working, the camera man asked me what kind of project I'd like to do next. I answered him, and returned the question. He gave the same answer i did, with a grin. I just kinda laughed and walked off. On our last day, i went to say goodbye to him. I didn't take him for a hugging type, I thought we'd fist bump or something. Imagine my surprise when he wrapped his arms around me in a firm hug and said it was good to meet me, and maybe we'd get to work together again, while holding me against him. I was like whoa.. Do you hug all your friends like that?
I think I'm the type of girl who can take friendliness as flirting, and flirting as friendliness. He did mention a girlfriend once. But that hug, and the other things he said to me make me feel unsure. I don't really have anyone in my life to ask about this, and I feel like a retard for even wondering.
No. 1630247
>>1630186That guy was negging you. He's a weirdo. Avoid him.
No. 1630659
>>1630637What helped me at least a bit was a kind of a mindset shift around insomnia. I picked these tips up from a friend who also suffered from disturbed sleep during her depression. You can't really force yourself to sleep and extra stress about trying to sleep seems to make the issue only worse so I try to not make a big deal of being unable to sleep. Like okay I don't sleep 8 hours tonight but that's fine, I can still get rest by just laying down and keeping my eyes closed. Apparently just being in a horizontal position helps some fluids go around in your brain and cause some recovery process, I don't know exactly how it works but my friend claimed she learned that from a healthcare professional so idk kek. The point is that even if you don't sleep you can still help your brain and body to recover at least a bit. One of the best tips she gave me was to not have a clock visible in your bedroom. The trick is that if you wake up in middle of the night or just can't fall asleep in the first place you don't have the stress of knowing you need to wake up in 3 hours and feeling the pressure to fall asleep fast again in order to get some more sleep in. Since you don't know what time it is you can essentially decide it's, say, 1 am and you have plenty of time to fall asleep again.
And the basic bullshit about sleep hygiene, cool temperature in the bedroom if it's possible, having specific rituals before going to bed so you can essentially Pavlov's dog yourself to become sleepy etc. Hope you can get some good night's sleep nona!
No. 1630698
>>1630637CBD oil helped in the past, it made me very cozy and soft so i didn't swirl around the bed trying to find a position that doesn't hurt like always.
Now i just wake up quite early, like 6am so in the evening i'm really tired AND it's importatnt to stop any thinking or working at least 4 hours before sleeping. I don't even think about what food i need to buy tomorrow, brain can't have even a little bit of chance to overthink.
No. 1630720
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Do you guys think that when my skin is naturally yellow tone can i pull off ginger hair? Will i look too orange overall or it wont be that bad?
I'm not sure at all becuase when i wanted blond hair my ex told me it would look bad because of my dark eyebrows. It doesn't look bad at all, i think i look much better than with brown hair… So i don't know if it's just like irratinal fear instilled into me by other people, or if i really will look like an orange.
No. 1630809
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Can the people from planet earth really use all of its water? Even the seas? Would it be possible at all? Where did this water that’s on earth come from? How can we get more of it?
No. 1630844
>>1630809Water consists from hydrogen and oxygen.
Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe, oxygen is third-most abundant element in the universe. Water mainly came from asteroids, Earth's magnetic sphere prevents it from leaving.
>>1630818Seawater can be desalinated.
No. 1630924
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What was the point of Serial Experiments Lain? I saw it ages ago, and its popularity on TikTok really surprised me, it seems way too far-out and philosophical and a bit creepy for the average person to like it.
No. 1630965
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>>1630930shut up retard, lain doesnt belong to trannies
No. 1631099
>>1630987I'm not a troon and I'm not autistic, but when I was 16 I felt connected to her story and it was a modern take on the virtual world back then. But I'm old and I don't know how and why zoomers act like they do.
>>1630965love that, nonna
No. 1631291
>>1631113>>1631116Well! Their site gave me an error when placing the preorder and charged me 5 times over $1,000
Thankfully their support team replied quickly
No. 1631380
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How would you react if your husbando or waifu (whether 2d or 3d) said picrel to you?
No. 1631409
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Is there a specific name for this style of dress Lana is wearing int he Lust for Life music video? Other than "A-line"
No. 1631454
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>>1631113I forgot to add the image.
Please don't judge me, kek.
No. 1631615
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>>1631517probably at some point when your nail was growing it got too much or not enough of a nutrient and now it's a weird shape (or something else happened), like when you see an oddly shaped fruit it just grew that way but it's still fruit. you're not a fruit though so your cells will keep turning over throughout your life and by the time your whole nail basically re-grows it may smooth out (mine did but I couldn't tell you when, it took years)
No. 1631616
i'm so behind on technology, but is 3d printing models something we can just do now? can i just go to some place and get it done? does it cost 100s of dollars??
>>1631454i want a 1/6 of my fav character SO BADLY but i'm weak because being known forever as that one girl with the huge figure of that one guy scares me, and i haven't decided if i'm ready to live with that. i don't have big figurines and it's definitely gonna be the first thing people notice in my room. you're stronger than me.
No. 1631649
>>1631616I'll gladly be that old lady with a chinero full of husbando figurines in the future,
Don't be embarrassed, at the end of the day is isn't worse than when men collect underage anime girl figures.
No. 1631788
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Do you think Lizzie Borden was guilty of axe murdering her step-mother and father? If not, who did it?
Just read a bunch about that case and wondering if anyone here has theories about it.
No. 1631867
>>1631785If they're the type of person to get spooked by horror movies then yes. To me at least it's about suspension of disbelief, I find zombie movies spooky even though I know zombies aren't real because I'm imagining what it would be like if the events of the movie really happened. Same goes for any supernatural horror movie, as long as some bare minimum attempt is made to have the situation not be overly absurd and unrelatable, it can be spooky all the same. Zombie movies work for me in that sense because they usually try to be "realistic" and pull some sort of scientific explanation out of their ass.
This is also the reason why horror movies with monsters that are too ridiculous or set in some high fantasy world don't appeal to me, I can't suspend my disbelief that far.
No. 1631922
>>1631828Thanks for that video link nona, interesting!
>>1631905Depends on the person but they might think it sounds immature or like you have a self-esteem issue.
No. 1632167
>>1632144It sounds like elaborate bullying to me.
>"A pig in makeup is still a pig"Wtf who would say that about themselves, even if they believe they're ugly? Therapy, now.
-Ugly women DO get sexually harassed and hit on, because people think they have low self-esteem and will take anyone. African immigrants in my country target ugly fat women almost exclusively and marry them for a visa. Hate to say it like that but I've never seen one with a pretty local woman.
-If you don't maintain a "clean" look you'll just look like a sloppy crackhead and people will be even meaner to you.
-People can still be jealous of you if you're rich, successful and have a nice life.
Idk, being ugly isn't the worst thing in the world because you can still have a rich life, friends, pets, family, fun trips and activities. The worst thing in the world is being an insecure woe-is-me sad sack because you're just ensuring that everyone will find you pathetic no matter what you look like, and nobody wants to hang around someone that miserable.
I'm just glad I'm not like some posters on here wanting to kill themselves over their
looks and aging lmao. You can tell this site is full of maladjusted NEETs.
No. 1632250
>>1632203Secert compass online still has preorders with a $30 deposit. If you get an error message at check out ignore it, the order went through ( check your email) and do not do it another time it will just place more orders.
I think he looks Amazing but other fans are complaining about it saying it looks cheap. No. 1632388
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Does anyone know how to get these kind of live characters on windows 11? I'm not sure how to even google them tbh, anime widgets?
No. 1632393
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>>1632388Look up desktop mascots, some might still be compatible with Win11.
No. 1632477
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Does anyone here have seborrhea? What helped you keeping it at bay?
My bf developed it suddenly after an illness and he was given a treatment cream and steroid drops which I apply but I was quite shocked when the derm said that this will be a 'state' from now on, it will go and then come back but it will never go away completely. His scalp cleared up somewhat but he randomly gets those red pimple-like bumps all over despite the treatments. He also has been itching for months now
No. 1632483
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Is it a dumb idea to put a pillowcase in the freezer for a while so I can cool off when I lie down? I have both a regular one and a silk one.
No. 1632484
>>1632477Boy are you lucky I happened to be passing by this thread. I had terrible sebderm on my face and scalp for over 6 years, the dermatologist would prescribe me expensive bullshit creams that never did fuck shit and told me the same thing, that there’s “no fix” and “it’s permanent” so I suffered for years. One day my mom got tired of hearing me complain about it, so she got really deep into some skin disorder forms and claimed she found something that would fix it. I didn’t believe her since she often just believes random life hack bullshit because she reads it online, and how legit could it be if it claims to cure it but all my dermatologists said it was incurable? Well, she bought it for me to force me to try it. What it was is Zinc soap. $7 a bar on Amazon. I had such little faith that I set it aside and didn’t use it until one day I ran out of my usual expensive bullshit dermatologist face soap, and I was like, whatever, I’ll try it. A few weeks go by and nothing happens, but I was like soap is soap, I’ll just use the bar until it’s gone, and I stopped thinking about it. Well once I got near the end of the bar I suddenly realized— I hadn’t been having to scrub the scales off my face in weeks. The $7 Amazon Zinc soap fucking cured me. I have now been completely cured for 3 years. My life is completely changed. On top of that, my elderly grandfather also developed sebderm on his scalp that wouldn’t go away. We gave him the zinc soap— cured.
The only thing left in my mind is why dermatologists don’t know about it. Or, are they hiding it from us to get kickbacks from the pharmaceutical industry? I’m usually not one for conspiracies but I can’t think of a rational explanation for this. I went from spending 100s of dollars every couple months on bullshit that did not even work to $7 dollars every few months and being totally symptom free. Try it and then tell the world.
No. 1632524
>>1632484That is strange indeed that the dermatologists didn't know because zinc is pretty effective on a lot of skin problems. Did you try zinc ointment before that soap or was that your first time trying zinc?
Zinc ointment helped me.
No. 1632593
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I bought a necklace inspireed by ancient Egypt because I love history and Imhotep is my husbando. Would me, a non-egyptian, wearing it be considered to be cultural appropriation by egyptians or wokes?
No. 1632695
I really want to buy a figure of two of my video game crushes but I can't find one of them in any other site other than AliExpress or 2dbeat, which is a site i've never heard of. I've tried asking for advice on if the site is trustworthy on Reddit and got told off because those sites sell 'bootlegs' but I don't really care since the figure I want is kind of like a custom bjd kek, Nonnies who collect figures, have you had any experience in ordering from 2dbeat?
>>1632680Depends on who it is, I'm considering spending a bit on a figure I want and I say if it means something to you and would make you happy that's all that matters.
No. 1632702
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>>1632535Have really so few people on here been on a date ever?
No. 1632800
>>1632484Not to get tinfoily but US healthcare is just like that. Some may genuinely not know but the real answer is that they do get kickbacks and quite a lot of them, plus they want you to keep coming back to their practice. If the solution is cheap, easy to get, and effective (or can be solved through dietary means) most doctors will not bother and it's fucked up.
A good nurse with enough experience will probably tell you like it is more than a doctor would, because they don't get shit for lying anyway.
No. 1632912
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Are only some of the Guinea pigs that look like this "lethal whites" that wont live long?
No. 1632942
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>>1632388They're called Ukagaka/ghosts, basically just desktop companions, you can download the one in that image & picrel (Digital Witch Mayura) here No. 1632961
>>1632535Give him a fistbump to greet him, make an explosion sound and pretend your hand is on fire and it has to cool down.
Constantly refer to him as “Nigel”.
Push his hair back and scream “baldy check! Hairline accepted!”.
Keep accusing him of looking at other girls, you know just in case.
Tap his crotch and ask if he’s pornfree.
Tell him about your favorite cows.
Bring up male crime and choking statistics.
When you leave, pat him ob the shoulder, give him pistol fingers and say “don’t you go and troon out on me, Nigel!”.
No. 1633088
nonny! So estrogen (along with a few other hormones, but estrogen is the big one) is needed for bone, heart, and brain health in women. Without enough of it, women develop osteoperosis, cardiac diseases, and dementia, and also a lot of belly fat (because belly fat produces some estrogen).
Our ovaries produce the most. For women without their ovaries, they absolutely must take hormone replacement. For post-menopausal women, the ovaries stop producing as much but still produce some, however there's a lot of arguing in medicine whether women above a certain age would benefit from taking estrogen to prevent the stuff little old ladies are 'supposed' to get.
In TIFs, I've seen many that both have radical hysterectomies (so no ovaries anymore) and refuse to take any replacement estrogen, only T. Which of course will destroy their body. For TIFs that still have their ovaries, testosterone can do a lot of damage to them, messing up their production (or even stopping the ovaries from producing estrogen altogether). Think of women who have PCOS; their bodies naturally produce more testosterone and they can have a lot of health problems related to low estrogen because of it.
No. 1633202
>>1633115ayrt and oops, thanks for correcting me
nonny. Too much estrogen can also cause problems. I'm not really sure if synthetic T is converted to estrogen or if that's even efficient for the body. This is all just stuff I've learned reading over time because of my own conditions of course, it's really frustrating to find information on women's health to be honest.
No. 1633375
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does anyone have any successful manifestation experiences? i see so many stories of people manifesting things into their life & i want to give it a try but i have a lot of doubt & i feel like that would severely hold me back.
No. 1633387
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How do I turn off my heterosexuality? Moids are fucking SOULLESS and I hate that I still get feelings for them.
No. 1633388
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I feel like an idiot when it comes to this because I really cannot figure out what seems so obvious to some people. Most times, at school or work, people seem to really dislike me and single me out. I tend to end up being their human stress ball and they spread rumours about me, look through my things, invade my privacy and talk shit about me. They would outright avoid me sometimes. For context, I’m a quiet fat girl. Maybe that’s why? Maybe the fact that I’m bland, unattractive and being around me won’t really benefit people who associate with me?
People straight up call me weird. Like, people in some of these settings forgo all kinds of social etiquette to point that out or make me feel unwelcome. I don’t know why this happens so often.
People roll their eyes at me and openly admit to disliking me. I don’t get it. Maybe I’m just dumb and can’t understand the social behaviour of most young people.
It’s just jarring because in some other cases people treat my normally. Maybe people think I’m weak or stupid.
No. 1633416
>>1633412It can never be guaranteed. All you can do is to vet men to the best of your ability and aim for a relationship with good and open communication.
Men are slutty so you can't stop them from having crushes etc. But actually cheating is on another level, of course.
No. 1633458
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How gross is it to drink from the same cup my cat managed to get a couple of licks from before I could shoo her away? And since I'm already asking questions, should I watch american psycho tonight? I've never seen it.
No. 1633462
>>1633458It's OK, I've never had problems when it happened but I've also got a good immune system. As long as you don't continuously share a water bowl
I'd say watch the movie, I found it overrated and it just didn't live up to the hype for me, but it's one of those movies that are just good to have seen in terms of having the cultural references, and in order to craft your own opinion of it.
No. 1633564
What do physically unattractive, overweight women have that attracts rich, tall, wealthy, loyal men? Genuine question. I can't imagine it's just their personality, that's ridiculous as men are visual creatures who naturally want a sexy/pretty partner. I know a happy, married couple: man is about 6'2, good physique, dresses well, has a good job, sexy face and brown hair, a solid 10/10. His wife is fat and doesn't take care of her face and hair. She's a solid 6/10. I can't figure out why he married her???
I know looks aren't everything but they're damn important of were being honest
No. 1633583
>>1633564Maybe he has a type for her specific look or personality.
Plenty of beautiful women evidently love uggo neckbeards and broke fuckboys so I will shed no tears when I see a woman getting hers!
No. 1633619
>>1633564 Kinda pisses me off that some people are answering this seriously. I also never see men (I'm going to pretend you may be a woman) saying, "How come attractive women aren't dating super attractive men??? I saw a 10/10 dating a 4/10 man!! He's not even rich!!". Yet everyone has a issue when a woman they don't think "Deserves" an attractive man (to you anyway) gets one. Men want attractive women, shit ALL women to lower their standards. While women never ask men to lower their standards, and some will even actively shit on other women who aren't "as attractive" as their male partner or have high standards. If this is a true story, it's because she's attractive to HIM, maybe she gained weight, maybe she was always fat, maybe they grew up in the same social circle. Maybe they are both rich and work in similar fields etc.
>>1633607I think because mentally ill boys are louder and/or more dangerous.You kinda can't ignore them tbh.
No. 1633626
>>1633564>men are visual creaturesThis is literally so wrong lmao, no woman can feel genuine sexual attraction to ugly men yet ugly women are found sexually attractive by most men.
Stop being bitter, incel.
No. 1633632
>>1633617And clean and decorate their houses.
>>1633626When people say that men are visual creatures they actually mean that men are sexually primitive, they see boob or a symbol that looks like boob and get turned on because boob is female ungabunga sexxx.
No. 1633715
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Who is the character they're pointing at?
No. 1633721
>>1633717i found it! it was ssense.
i havent heard of therealreal before but im browsing it now, thank you
No. 1633736
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>>1633715KEK I thought this was a soy image. It’s Alex Mercer from Prototype
No. 1633777
>>1633753my body dysmorphia is so extreme that I can't tell whether I'm actually attractive or not, but I'm also not trying to make myself actively look attractive to moids right now
but god forbid us who feel like goblins want to date someone attractive when legitimately pretty girls are dating ugly men!!
No. 1633865
>>1633828Let me know if you figure it out because I don't shave either and I just cover my legs. Closest I get to bare legs is a maxi skirt with a slit so you can only see my legs when I'm walking. I also run in shorts but I'm running so it "doesn't count" to me somehow because I'm
totally moving too fast for anyone to see (I'm not lol).
Maybe if I had like insane gorilla hair I'd be proud of it but it's just regular sparse lady body hair so like it's not even anything special or difficult to shave I just don't want to so I don't. Leg hair on a woman is generally frowned upon where I live and I don't want to openly challenge the personal grooming norms, frankly, because it feels like inviting unnecessary strife into my life.
No. 1633918
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Does Dylan Mulvaney ACTUALLY have fans, or is it all just astroturf? If so, what demographic is he supposed to appeal to, exactly? People who watch Drag Race are the only possible group that I can see someone like him appealing to, and yet, that singular group can't be so big that they alone got him famous, can it? His whole career just screams "industry plant" but I can't figure out how much of his fame is organic or if he's just the tranny equivalent of Lillie Jean.
Please can someone spoonfeed me
No. 1633982
>>1633972we live in a world where i'm seeing debates on legit attractive women looks, or talented women's talent, or how smart is she really? I don't get why people have sympathy for an moid who looks/acts like Dylan. Maybe it's the spongebob, "aww bless his heart" thing. He's not even "Drag Race" kinda funny. He's not some troon with 15 filters and 20 pounds of make up/work that IG girl lovers are like, "Transwomen are so pretty, they look better then me omg!".
I feel like it's legit sympathy vs. some people trying to convince themselves that he's this attractive "Woman" just trying to speard happiness and everyone is so mean to him. He's scary looking if we're being honest and the more he "tries" the more crazy he looks. EVen if I was a TRA I could'nt imagine not looking at him like, "What the fuck is he okay?" or something.
We live in a world where Margot Robbies, Sydney Sweeny, and Zendaya's looks are debated every friday but this scrote is just the picture of beauty and omg, he's so perfect and kind. It's so dishonest. Even troons don't gush over this one as much as I see everyone else doing it. It's some kind of experiment.
>Can we convince large amounts of people to "Fake stan" a unpassing transgender who acts like spongebob? Can we see how many sponsers he can get?I said it before, but if one day he unzips his face and it's like some pimple faced moid going, "Ha ha got you! I proved you people will buy anybody as long as it's a transgender woman ha ha, it was all a prank! There's no such thing as Dylan!" I would'nt even be surpised.
No. 1634056
>>1634051I'd spare their feelings. They are already being hurt.
Has any anons ever tried matcha spread before? I want to buy some and eat it with strawberries.
No. 1634096
>>1634092No I never smoked before, it's for a different reason.
>>1634095Double post
No. 1634110
>>1634106>expensiveI know the devices are expensive but I don't think the liquids are…?
If I buy a refillable device then there won't be much money spent.
I only tried a cigarrete once and i had a bad reaction to either the smoke or something else.. so I hope I don't have a reaction to the vape vapor since it is healthier than cigarettes. My lungs are a tiny bit sensitive.
No. 1634135
>>1634121you just pulled that assumption out of your ass.
Maybe spend less time on the Ana board and you won't find Ana chans in everything.
>>1634122Honestly I'm not looking for moralfagging and whatever I say someone is going to judge which I guess in a way is understandable since its a health hazard but I'm just looking for advice from vapers.
I also have more questions to ask.
Does it lower anxiety? Does it stimulate? Does it have bad effects on the heart too? Does it cause palpitations?
No. 1634250
>>1634230Are you a vaper?
Is vaping okay as long as I take a small amount of puffs. Like for example if I take 100 to 200 puffs per day would the damage to my body be minimall?
No. 1634254
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>>1634249If you weren't also molested by a man you wouldn't be here posting for attention
No. 1634284
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Does anyone remember which thread this gif made its debut and the thread where nonnies were going nuts about it? (Also when mods started redtexting) kek made me laugh dont ban me im just being nostalgic
No. 1634370
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>>1634352for small breasts they work, sometimes, for larger, nearly never. There are bras like picrel, that are low cut or have the option to move the shoulder straps and bra closure on the back were you need it. I would invest in something like that, and sry for the bad bra example, was too lazy to search further, kek.
No. 1634384
I'm back and I'm unsure if I want a vape anymore, I've been looking into vapes in general and explosions or hot liquid burns seem alot more common than I thought that now I'm unsure I want to buy that because imagine something goes wrong while I'm smoking and the liquid flies my mouth or explodes in my room….
I don't know what to do….am I safe if I buy from a expensive brand? Which one is more likely to explode disposables or refillables?
>>1634379…. (=_=)
(emoji) No. 1634387
>>1634368just letting you know no smoker or potential smoker cares if it annoys you. until it's completely socially unacceptable to smoke your personal annoyance will not affect anyone's decision to smoke. there's a social benefit to smoking in many places that still outweighs repelling a few people. maybe if you're trying to convince someone it's gross you have to connect it to something more simple they can understand. you could talk about how smoking basically gives people permanent BO that clings to their clothes, hair, skin and breath (and also their environment if they smoke inside the car or house –I worked in housekeeping for years and you can always tell if someone vaped in the room even for a one-night stay). something shame-y like that. nicotine products also make your gums appear much healthier than they are (constricted blood vessels make the gums appear more firm and like they cling to the teeth at the gumline the way healthy gums do) which actually hides gingivitis and makes it harder to floss and brush properly, leading to regular nasty bad breath and cavities. the heat of the vape pen over time loosens your teeth so they become slightly crooked when they shouldn't which makes you uglier.
source: personal experience, learned the hard way
No. 1634388
>>1633918I don't feel like any of the attention and "love" he gets is genuine. It's all intense virtue signaling from handmaidens. He's just steps above the typical tranny because he was a gay theater kid born into money who got an early head start in vying for public attention. Having his fake Day 1 videos go viral and the backlash for it is what made him blow up. People will always defend people being boolied online and they get extra points if they're trannies.
Dylan hasn't done anything but indulge in his AGP so the admiration is confusing. Sure he had a musical career going on in his younger years but his fame consists of nothing but being a creep trying to shill products he has no experience with. I've seen so many women gain hatemobs for seeming to be too joyful to a fault yet this is this fags entire schtick and people eat it up.
No. 1634390
>>1634110>>1634135I wouldn't recommend getting into it at all but the lesser of two evils would be buying a refillable device and making sure you only only pick out really low nicotine juices for it. Disposables tend to default to having stupid high nic levels so you end up getting way more nicotine than you could ever cig smoke your way through. And if you don't already smoke yeah you can get palpitations, headrush, spikes in anxiety, some sickness in the beginning from the most common strengths sold.
Smartest move.. just don't start the habit. Second smartest move, limit the nicotine strength of what you buy.
No. 1634421
>>1634408Never. I've met plenty of educated people who were not good people. I knew a doctor who had a secret second family, my bf's parents are lawyers and they aren't good parents, I have acquiantances who are doing prestigious math masters and they're drug users, promiscuous, and have loose morals.
The genuinely kindest person I knew was a secretary. Jobs rarely reflect how good of a person someone is.
No. 1634442
>>1634408Those two non-sex work examples you chose are weird to me, I've never looked down on office admin and being full time anywhere including if it's retail/grocery is fine, go get that bag. People usually need to make money. Working people have any sort of situation and backstory that makes them have to do the work they do (within reason). I did hear from an ex-part time Costco employee that many (full-time, older/grown) Costco employees treat Costco like their LIFE, though, and are so proud and loyal to it. That's weird.
Sometimes I can find myself subconsciously judging or making up stuff in my head when I meet women who have a background (post-secondary schooling) in some visual arts field (most times they went for graphic design). This is probably projecting because I went and majored in art. And these women I meet are in similar situations to me (coming to social functions with a parent/parents, doing an unskilled ultra-temporary job like election ballot counting, not finding their bachelors/associates to be enough and so they are going for Masters degrees in non-art streams after a number of years, etc.) so it's an automatic feeling I get almost.
It's not kind or nice but I know I'm a faildaughter sooo
I did once overhear in a cafe a couple women talking to a couple scrotes about their job as a cashier clerk in a cannabis shop and how they could get high and still do their job and they sounded so obnoxious
No. 1634452
>>1634445I judge my own job harshly sometimes. The income, anyway. I rarely judge others'. Sometimes I feel like I am being judged for mine, and I very well may be. But I suspect my financial situation and my mental health situation is a bit better than someone who is in the professional field and sometimes I feel sorry for them if they have a 'good' job bc they probably took out crazy student loans and work 70 hrs a week, and will never be able to make 'less' money (at least not for a good while) for fear of defaulting on loans and stuff. I have little money and might pick up random temp jobs here and there to fill in the gaps, but I have more free time, flexibility, and no debt. Sometimes people my age with the 'decent' career tell me they regret not doing something like I do, and sometimes I can feel they think less of me because they know that I
should be over working a cash register or warehouse forever by now. I myself feel strange trying to explain what I do, too. Sometimes I have extra cash and sometimes I am scrambling. I feel too 'old' to make so little and I probably work way too hard for it too. But I do love it. I have known grown ass adults that were on a career path that sucked the life out of them so hard they just quit and went back to retail so they wouldnt be followed by work once its time to clock out. Idk, judging someone based on what they do is really shitty overall imo.
No. 1634495
>>1634408I do not judge people who work a "low-tier" job as a means to get by but have hobbies, interests, stuff they are working on etc.
However I do judge people who have a job they are obviously unsatisified with but have nothing else going on their lives so they complain complain complain, participate in
toxic work culture and so on…Does not have to be "low-tier" job either.
No. 1634497
>>1634387nonna, you don't need to tell me that, I live above people that smoke 24/7 and can't open my fucking windows 95% of the time, because even if they don't smoke the air that gets from their flat into mine is so horrible that I can't breathe. There is no real protection for non-smokers in my country, I know it and I consider moving to a country where they see the damage second hand smoke is doing to others. I'm really proud of every person not smoking or stopping to smoke and even it's "just" for your own health. Both my parents smoked while I lived home and I always had infections with my lungs and stuff like that and after being away from home, it got so much better, but I just can't handle smoke anymore. And the stuff with loosening the teeth is horrible, imagine thinking you did the "healthier" thing and then your teeth come out.
If you smoked before and stopped, I'm proud of you, nonna, you are doing it right. If you never smoked, I'm also proud of you.
No. 1634690
>>1634674Yeah, I was hesitant to contact landlord because I don't want any sort of confrontation with him.
>>1634681I saw him leave the building today, so he's very much alive. I haven't seen the dog in weeks though. My skin is crawling at the thought of him living with a dead dog.
No. 1634696
>>1634690damn that's creepy af to think about. Then if you report him you'll have the kind of guy who just sits there with his dead dog in the apartment with some kind of vendetta against you, shit.
Do you know any other neighbors you can talk about this with? Then have some collusion, shared culpability etc.
No. 1634697
>>1634375It got mentioned on some moid imageboard
>>1634670People have been asking me that since I was like 11, even if I was around other people (sometimes they'd ask my parents about me instead) and still do today.
No. 1634841
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Waht happens if i eat protien and drink protein shakes but don't excercise? Will I gain muscle or do I have to exersise to gain muscle? Also, Do I have to lift weights to build muscle or does walking build it too?
No. 1634851
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Does leanbeefpatty use roids or is that just a rumor?
No. 1634873
>>1634841>>1634854You need essentially two things to build muscle, you must have the biological signals for muscular hyertrophy (growing muscle is generally referred to as hypertrophy), and you need the fuel and building blocks for that hypertrophy.
The signals for growth come from using that particular muscle, forcing it to do "work" by pushing against/resisting a force. The fuel to then respond to those signals and grow that muscle comes in the form of c calories, and the actual building blocks for the new muscle come from dietary protein.
There are lots of details and debate about the most effective way to do all of those things, but the basics are well established and almost everybody can agree on them, and the super cool thing about being a beginner who's not used to doing any of it is that almost anything you do is going to be effective.
As long as you are doing some form of resistance training (using weights, machines, bands, or just the weight of your own body and gravity) a few days a week, and eating enough calories that your lean mass goes up over time with enough protein (something like 1.2 - 1.7g protein per kg bodyweight), then you are almost guaranteed to build muscle. The third requirement s getting enough sleep, and then a bonus would be eating lots of nutrient dense whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, and meat and dairy or substitutes.
If you do the exercise but without enough fuel to repair and rebuild the muscles then you will lose weight and eventually muscle mass over time, and if you eat more calories than you burn but DON'T have the signals for hypertrophy because you haven't done any resistance training, your body will store the excess energy as fat.
No. 1634876
>>1634868any reason you can't do it using google search modifiers? like