File: 1628261838113.png (4.97 MB, 2272x2712, bella2.png)

No. 1292226
File: 1628261968130.png (88.18 KB, 604x532, bella_chris.png)

Just gonna dump some images.
Here is proof that Isabella is the Bella that was talking to Chris, from Chris himself.
No. 1292227
File: 1628262070161.png (414.89 KB, 1093x495, bella_dog.png)

No. 1292228
File: 1628262099194.png (18.46 KB, 307x120, bella_seething.png)

She anticipated to be celebrated like a god for her epic trolling.
No. 1292229
File: 1628262137483.png (85.74 KB, 770x678, bella_bragging.png)

No. 1292230
File: 1628262197290.png (744.16 KB, 816x958, bella3.png)

A post she had made on reddit to fish for compliments cause she was "not like bitchy girls".
No. 1292232
File: 1628262369973.png (Spoiler Image,597.45 KB, 2560x1190, pedo_shit.png)

Pedo-shit from her twitter
No. 1292234
File: 1628262520340.png (107.73 KB, 544x820, discord_leaks1.png)

No. 1292236
File: 1628262696533.png (102.45 KB, 1311x444, bella_on_g.png)

Bella posting on trying to put all the blame on the autistic chick, Fiona.
No. 1292237
File: 1628263936966.png (624.51 KB, 1216x648, max.png)

The doxhund (named because Bella was doxed through this dog) Max, who she let live in complete filth until his paws had to be amputated and he was put down.
No. 1292238
File: 1628264228788.png (436.08 KB, 784x4896, bella_celebrating.png)

>>1292229full screenshot of this conversation between Bella and Fiona
No. 1292239
File: 1628264468358.png (57.34 KB, 774x452, lesbian_incel.png)

Bella is also a lesbian.
No. 1292240
File: 1628264553772.png (576.88 KB, 2268x1412, bella_fiona.png)

No. 1292255
File: 1628266612874.jpg (68.16 KB, 701x567, 1628253214611.jpg)

No. 1292258
File: 1628266679036.png (1.24 MB, 2044x1752, gross1.png)

No. 1292260
File: 1628266801747.png (41.52 KB, 420x400, gross2.png)

>>1292250very clean but full of roaches apparently
No. 1292263
File: 1628266895594.png (Spoiler Image,361.12 KB, 580x1099, 1628250228075.png)

No. 1292266
File: 1628267094686.png (1 MB, 1137x1104, gross3.png)

No. 1292270
>>1292248Bella didn't get Chris arrested. She had no issue with Barb getting raped, was actually encouraging it and telling Fiona to not leak the call because she wanted to use it to blackmail Chris. Bella even faked a screenshot of her calling 911 to get her to back off. But Fiona leaked it anyway because she was suspicious and wanted to do the right thing.
No one is blaming Bella for Chris' actions, but she could have stopped this whole ordeal sooner. Instead she was busy pretending to be an epic troll.
No. 1292273
File: 1628267288834.png (22.16 KB, 1024x94, furry.png)

No. 1292275
File: 1628267447159.png (74.69 KB, 741x544, psychopath.png)

>>1292269Still feeling indestructible?
No. 1292291
File: 1628268329646.png (1.89 MB, 1778x944, fanfic.png)

father-son pedo incest fanfic she wrote
No. 1292298
File: 1628269122468.jpeg (117.68 KB, 750x926, 29DF060E-B5DD-485D-A783-09BCEF…)

>>1292295Samefag, here’s the max neglect because I’m stupid and decided to dig it up anyway. I’m not posting the boiling hamster pics though.
No. 1292302
File: 1628269633296.jpeg (525.45 KB, 3000x1684, 1550766958470-18920626-1.jpeg)

>>1292295>>1292298The zip is linked in the OP. Having said that… there is a picture of boiling hamsters there??? What the fuck, I'm glad I didn't download it. That's more horrifying than expected. I want to a-log Bella Janke so bad.
>>1292288Don't compare Bianca to that turd, AFAIK she didn't do anything so heinous as Bella Janke's deads. Bella is much more like Lindsay Souvannarath, down to the unwashed, pimply skin, edginess and complete stupidity covered by narcissm. They would make a match made in hell.
No. 1292305
File: 1628269964536.jpg (Spoiler Image,730.55 KB, 1720x2816, jesuschrist.jpg)

No milk just autism. Drawn after she got her adderall I think. Spoilered for unfiltered edge lmao.
>>1292302I thought of this ho a soon as Bella's pics started getting posted. Same pockmarks, making stupid decisions.
No. 1292308
File: 1628270849286.png (849.53 KB, 913x914, oh how far we have fallenn.PNG)

No. 1292312
File: 1628271468700.png (95.52 KB, 887x832, april012021.PNG)

Before any of the Chris shit, Bella and Louize had to nuke their previous 'chess club' server because they got caught up in harassing a trans kid who may or may not have off'd themselves. This only happened earlier this year
No. 1292318
File: 1628271795603.png (127.16 KB, 1376x899, april022021.PNG)

She has strong feelings about bisexuals
No. 1292326
File: 1628272693682.png (32.2 KB, 850x241, 14813033-71AF-4DE5-95F7-434EB7…)

No. 1292327
File: 1628272736250.png (88.8 KB, 639x987, april272021.PNG)

>>1292323I mean, that
is hacking
She's also claimed to have some password cracking programs, I'll try to find it
No. 1292329
File: 1628272836143.png (8.02 KB, 648x104, 1628211894931.png)

So Bella Janke's Navy Seal ex-CIA father is showing her Native American porn?
No. 1292334
File: 1628273106481.png (155 KB, 698x820, 1628212453357.png)

Bella Janke is faking vaccine cards.
No. 1292340
File: 1628273717081.jpg (48.71 KB, 802x736, camera.jpg)

>>1292242Here is Bella talking about Fiona. Maybe she wanted to cuck Chris.
No. 1292346
File: 1628274019799.png (312.12 KB, 478x805, 1628209961288.png)

>>1292340Bella says that she simps for Fiona. She's also a hacker on lolcow farm!
No. 1292354
File: 1628274295322.png (29.37 KB, 570x307, 1628210619350.png)

>>1292337Bella Janke drug dealing.
No. 1292355
File: 1628274442266.png (850.83 KB, 1528x5202, bellaisashitfriend.png)

from their pre-Chris troubles: Bella has always been a shit friend who throws people under the bus
No. 1292356
She comes off as an incredibly insecure girl with a lot of internalized misogyny/self hate who got too into their edgy incel 4chan culture imho.
Seems like the type to self claim sociopathy and say/try to do edgy things online as a defense against having to face their own insecurity, but in reality is just very emotionally immature/stunted. She's an attention whore of a different kind, pretty garden variety in an environment like 4chan.
>>1292332Bitch love yourself better if you're seeing yourself in this cringe
No. 1292367
File: 1628275157646.png (175.63 KB, 683x916, hm.png)

Her next target was Null
No. 1292374
File: 1628275435200.jpg (43.6 KB, 457x928, cuntcookies2.jpg)

>I'm the best internet troll in the world!
>Gorl powrr!
No. 1292395
File: 1628276569941.png (57.62 KB, 604x566, uncle.png)

No. 1292396
File: 1628276630683.png (245.75 KB, 493x581, luizcibfur1.png)

No. 1292397
File: 1628276680669.png (244.86 KB, 546x646, cbn.png)

>>1292396Bella lusting after Louis' cat, Goober.
No. 1292436
File: 1628279807629.png (134.53 KB, 602x744, nazishit.png)

bullshitting her friends about being related to nazis ("Alexander Jahnke" doesn't show up in WW2 records)
No. 1292457
>>1292336yeah, as much as i wish otherwise… i highly doubt she's going to catch any actual shit for this IRL. her parents are spooks with money and they haven't reeled her in or cut her off yet, doubt they ever will. they might not know about this, but they have to know about her getting evicted from her dorms and the other shit that went down at texas tech.
speaking of which, why in the FUCK is she going to texas tech if her parents have money?
No. 1292466
File: 1628283343704.png (511.24 KB, 712x4072, bellaleakin.png)

Compelling evidence that Bella fabricated the "BDSM" texts
>leaked directly to Chris's friends while they were putting pressure on her to explain things
>wouldn't publicly leak it herself, also wants no 'clout'
>keeps deflecting to Fiona who she's been trying to set up from the start
>reads like Bella's nasty fanfics
No. 1292514
>>1292492i dont agree with the people who say she coerced that pig. chris was already raping his mother, she didnt convince him. the main issue was that chris told her he was raping his mother, and this girl didnt do anything. she actually said it was good and that if God told him to do it he should keep doing it. the person who leaked the phone calls and texts werent Bella, they were a different girl. Bella knew Chris was raping his mother and not only didnt care, but told him it was fine cause she didnt give a shit about Barbara. She didnt want to leak it, she wanted to use it as blackmail later for more money. A different girl involved heard that chris was raping his mother and immediately leaked everything cause she was terrified. Bella didnt tell the police, so she knew chris was still raping barbara and didnt give a shit.
People are indeed being very misleading by saying she forced him to do it though. But she is still fucked in the head for not calling the cops and actively telling chris to keep raping her suffering mother. She didnt care about Barabara being abused, cause she thought it was all a game and thats some psycho shit, hence the thread.
No. 1292534
File: 1628288214172.jpeg (118.87 KB, 1011x1347, 1623332288871.jpeg)

>>1292302She also kind of looks like the girl who stole Pelosi's laptop, Riley June Williams. She was an edgy /pol/tard pick-me, too. In spite of her worshiping them, they hated her a lot and leaked her nudes, personal life details she posted on Reddit, doxxed her, etc.
There needs to be a name for this archetype, I think. "NLOG", "pick-me", and "e-girl" aren't fitting enough. They all have this "look" and sort of personality about them.
No. 1292539
>>1292492I don't think he was coerced, but I can see how people could think that. He's fuckin retarded? like he's horribly autistic and probably has some mental illnesses wrapped up in there too, It wouldn't be hard.
I'm not surprised a ridiculously autistic person who was terminally online and who 4chan took a personal interest in turned into a mom rapist. I doubt he would have turned out this badly had he not been exposed to all these fuckin weirdos that took a personal interest in him.
No. 1292541
>>1292537No one is blaming her for his actions, but it remains to be seen how involved she was in his actions. Without her psycho influence, would Chris gone all the way with his mom? That's all we wanna know
I'm sure once the private logs between Chris and Bella are leaked we'll have our answer to that (and this bitch was sloppy AF, so they WILL be leaked)
No. 1292542
>>1292541>No one is blaming her for his actionsIt literally says right in the OP that she coerced him into raping his mom, anon.
>>1292539> I doubt he would have turned out this badly had he not been exposed to all these fuckin weirdos that took a personal interest in him.Maybe not but I honestly don't care, if someone is fucked up enough that he can be manipulated into raping his senile mom he might as well take all the blame.
No. 1292547
>>1292546Okay so she's only
possibly responsible for a man raping his senile mother. That makes a huge difference, thank you anon.
No. 1292571
File: 1628291664150.png (3.47 MB, 1080x7694, bumble.png)

Bella's Bumble
No. 1292594
File: 1628294594968.jpeg (73.27 KB, 752x818, 6947DD99-3481-43C8-AB50-A87E07…)

>>1292571Last pic same vibes
No. 1292607
>>1292603mean girls but fugly
ween girls
No. 1292639
File: 1628303913426.png (1.02 MB, 1200x675, Glowie.png)

Kiwifarms is currently down due to a DDOS.
Glowie arc confirmed.
No. 1292681
File: 1628309571181.jpg (10.08 KB, 274x274, 1586777027665.jpg)

>>1292413Oh no not the fake vaccine cards!
The humanity!
(sage your shit) No. 1292688
File: 1628309882025.png (105.93 KB, 768x1024, hlep.png)

Just spent a couple hours reading through the discord leak zip file from kf, and I'm confused about picrelated. (I'm assuming simon918 is also bella, correct?)
She's talking to friends who know her irl so therefore she has no reason to lie to them about her identity bc they know her already, and yet she says stuff like picrel about how all the info kf has, like her full name, family, is wrong and that they only have "one blurry, unrecognizable" photo of her even though going by the timestamp of that message, at that point there had already been multiple pics of the girl assumed to be her posted on the kf thread that had been up for like 2 days by then. I may be a retard, can someone explain what I'm missing here?
No. 1292697
File: 1628310623758.gif (2.75 MB, 330x328, Sinister Sheev.gif)

>>1292688Nah it's definitely her. Look at all those frantic posts she spammed all in a row? She is panicking
No. 1292708
>>1292641Plus we know Barb was making him spoon with her and shit after the fire, kinda suspect Barb is more involved than people who haven't been following Chris for very long might think.
Chris isnt fit to be in society but I think theres a good chance hes too damaged and mentally ill to fully comprehend what hes done.
(sage your shit) No. 1292714
>>1292708No, he knows it's wrong. Even after it all came out he stole from his mother's account and according to Null spent the money on fucking sex toys and an outfit for that brony con.He's not concerned for Barb because he doesn't give two shits about her.
CC knows it's wrong but does not care. His mother wanting to "spoon" is weird, but that doesn't mean she wants her fat ass almost 40 year old son, who she lives alone with, to fuck her.
CC doesn't care about anyone but himself and he's proved that over and over again. It's not the autism, it's just how he is.
Yes he's mentally ill, but he knows wrong from right.
When he stole from Barb he lied about it, so he knows stealing is wrong but not fucking his own mom?
This girl is fucked for encouraging it and not doing anything about it, along with being disgusting in general.
But CC did what he did because he's an disgusting scrote.
No. 1292722
>>1292718The spooning shit was like 2014. At this point I think it's fair to say both are terrible, both have deteriorated psychologically, and neither belong out in society.
The more that comes out about bella, the more it sounds like she belongs in that category as well.
No. 1292741
File: 1628313512361.png (18.26 KB, 597x237, pee cola.png)

>>1292724snooping around the .cc, it looks like they're getting DDoSed again but can't figure out by who yet.
No. 1292756
>>1292745assuming bella keeps her head down after this, like she was in witness protection keep your head down, then yeah, she'll probably skate.
thing is, barring daddy's gun to glowbaby's head, she's GOING to pop up again. and all this shit will just make the rounds. again.
because bitch is fucking stupid.
(sage your shit) No. 1292759
>>1292745Better pony up for some more plastic surgery and a low profile job hookup to dodge this very expensive fuckup
>>1292755Her dad is CIA/ex NAVY SEAL (for real real) and step mom is CIA head shrink so…
>>1292752See above
No. 1292762
>>1292319>all women no matter what>always go for the mannonny please learn to read. she doesn't think women can be bisexual or gay. It's really no wonder she's such a massive pick-me.
>>1292340>>1292359Bella wasn't in love. She just wanted to cuck chris and play savior.
>>1292571>says women only watch porn for men>says she spends her private time watching porn>claims to be a lesbian? No. 1292764
>>1292762by 'watching porn' she means scrolling through loli boards
>>1292763Also is foxy, also wrote a thesis on Samwise Gamgee being a Christlike figure
No. 1292769
File: 1628315409654.jpg (70.5 KB, 1470x253, dshlj.JPG)

>>1292700That particular theory does not add up. Think about it:
>>1292688Imagine you're Louize here, in direct conversation with your friend Bella who you know irl. Suddenly, your friend, who you know irl, tells you:
>"Look how wrong they got it, they think my name is (real name), they think I look like (actual picture of her), they think my parents are (these correct people), stupid huh?" The only reason you would react with "yeah, that's stupid!" even though you know it's all true is if you're
in on a plan to make it look like the information is wrong This means that it is not just Bella, by herself, anticipating the convo being leaked and taking these measures. In order to pull this off believably and make sure her friend, who would be looked at as a "trusted source" on her real identity, reacts in the "correct" way to the accurate doxx, she needs to conspire with him ahead of time.
But how do you make sure that the people reading it will trust that Louize's reactions are honest and trustworthy and not being manipulated? Only one way–
Louize has to be the one to leak it. And when he does, to add an extra protective layer to the lie, have him say
"Hey, I'm leaking this to you guys, but can you keep my identity a secret? I don't want Bella to know", which is
exactly what he did (see picrel)
TLDR; Louize is not a "turncoat leaker", he is in on it.
No. 1292774
>>1292769I bet those private DMs between Bella and Louis are a goldmine of incrimination
fucking zoomers
No. 1292778
>>1292775It's clearly tacked on damage control. Just doesn't seem smart to try to pull off something like this clearly because now her whole life as "ILJ" is absolutely fucked. I don't think a single person here or anywhere buys that it's not her after all the psychotic shit posted. It totally makes sense that is something they would do.
I think that since she's been doxxed, she's really quite scared that she's about to meet a very different reality from what she's used to.
(sage your shit) No. 1292784
>>1292769And she's still saying she isn't Kelly after however many days they said she wasn't Kelly
Too bad Louis Herz won't leak his DMs with Isabella Janke
(sage your shit) No. 1292786
>>1292718Chris was literally spooning and shit with barb for years and still no sex occurred. I don’t think anyone can deny some things have floated around since before 2019, when he met Bella. But still, no incest occurred in all that time.
Yet you’re telling me some ween who has been abusing Chris, stealing money from Chris and self admitted that her entire plan from the get go has been to try and make Chris kill himself, has absolutely no involvement in Chris acting on those things all of a sudden? Chris obviously still did the deed but it’s insane to pretend like Chris functions at the same capacity as a normal person, he’s full on mentally handicapped. He’s gullible and easily influenced, the amount of shit he’s been tricked in to doing by trolls is countless. He even got blackmailed in to eating a bit of his own shit against his will. You really want to say it’s outside the realm of possibility that some girl played the long con and groomed Chris in to thinking this was ok to do? If it was any other person I wouldn’t say this, but it’s fucking Chris, people have done this kind of shit numerous times in the past, and he is completely divorced from reality, he’s actually schizo tier. He thinks fiction and reality is about to merge any moment now and he’ll be with sonichu. This girl herself had an incest fetish as well as sitting on the evidence instead of reporting it (she was planning to blackmail him with it instead as her actual goal had been to make him kill himself and she thought it was funny). There was even messages leaked that said she cut out parts from the leaked audio where she coaxed him in to mentioning the incest shit.
I don’t think anyone is saying she definitely 100% forced him in to it, but with all the shit that’s come out, it’s very hard to believe she played no part in this. That doesn’t make Chris innocent (I think we all know he did it and it’s clear that authorities found evidence on barb), it just shines a light on her deeds. We won’t know for sure until more evidence comes out but until then I cast major doubt on this girl being innocent in this situation. At the very minimum we know that she let barb continue to be raped by him and encouraged him to keep doing it once she did find out.
No. 1292787
>>1292700>This girl isn't a complete idiot.I believe she is, because what the hell is up with her putting all that real life shit online and leaving easy connections? Not even using throwaways for gross things and posting her face on reddit.
Is it just false security zoomers have been lulled into?
No. 1292794
>>1292787I think she has issues with attention to detail. She admitted she has pretty bad ADHD and that's a symptom, ask me how I know. You can think you have everything all perfect and taken care of but oh whoops, looks like you forgot some small but crucial detail due to being caught up in the bigger picture.
She knows she has this issue which is why she's doubling down instead of owning up to her embarrassing rookie mistake. She doesn't want to shatter her "image" she thinks she has as some L lawliet mastermind
No. 1292796
File: 1628316862427.jpg (124.25 KB, 664x507, god-of-this-new-world-2.jpg)

>>1292794You have it backwards. She thinks she's Kira.
(sage your shit) No. 1292797
>>1292787Zoomers are incredibly fucking retarded and lack basic critical thinking skills.
t. Zoomer
(sage your shit) No. 1292799
>>1292795A 40 year old mentally handicapped man. Stop pretending he is a normal person because he isn’t, if you knew anything about Chris you would know he has historically been easily manipulated and influenced. He doesn’t even realise what he did was rape, he thought it was consensual and doesn’t even seem to realise that barb has dementia, that should tell you everything about his mental capacity and IQ.
Btw no one is excusing anything and everyone recognises this is extremely fucked up and it’s rape so I don’t know why you’re arguing this, people are just pointing out that Bella is looking suspicious as fuck in all this and that’s why people are questioning how far her involvement went in all of this.
No. 1292808
>>1292799This, reminder that he believes you can kill his OCs with a death laser on the moon.
What's weird to me is that he bought a book about fucking disabled people, would he have thought about that? I feel like he doesn't usually think about others, did he make an exception because it's his mom?
(sage your shit) No. 1292810
It's very obvious bella is in full on damage control mode. Look at the fucking emails she sent GiBi trying to misdirect hard as fuck saying "oh yeah I did the call I'm a male and used a voice changer to sound like a girl" when you can literally match bellas voice to the incest call via the taser video here: a stupid fucking bitch. I should make my own video putting all this together for the laymen
(embed) No. 1292813
>>1292812Yeah she is squirming. It feels pretty good. We just need a few more youtube videos patching everything together for everyone and this shit will really accelerate.
Your life is over you fungus infested glowie spawn autistic cunt
(sage your shit) No. 1292814
>>1292799because its insulting to normie disabled people, I have family members who are worse off then chris and behave better than him, will I agree bella is suspicious, I just don't buy that chris will be so easily manipulated by trolls on the internet, especially post classic era, and post idea guys saga, and with people actually looking out for chris, and the fact is too, you'd think if he was manipulated he'd be blaming those dang dirty trolls, but he isn't. bella is probs guilty of stuff, but knowing chris, if he wants to do something he'll do it with little prodding, and he knows right from wrong enough to withold he was fucking bar from null, even made a fake girlfriend to cover his ass, that doesn't scream easily manipulated to me.
(sage your shit) No. 1292821
>>1292814What are you even arguing at this point? So you agree that Bella is suspicious but you’re sperging out at people pointing out why she’s suspicious (Chris is easily manipulated etc)?
No one cares about your family or their behavior, this is about Chris, unless your family members have been gang stalked for the past 15 years kindly shut up about your personal feefees because it’s irrelevant.
No. 1292827
>>1292823> I refuse to believe that a man who despite being an autist, can do daily normal tasksHe shits himself on the regular and lives in squaller. Just because he’s not keeled over and dead doesn’t mean he able to take care of himself, or did you completely forget about the whole taint vagina ordeal
>Chris did it because he wanted toAgain you’re arguing nothing, people are not pointing out these things because anyone is defending Chris, people are pointing them out to wonder what exactly Bella did here. If you’re so dead set on her not influencing him at all, why on earth do you agree she’s suspicious? What exactly is she suspicious of then according to you?
No. 1292833
>>1292814[In Chris thoughts voice] UNGA BUNGA BOOBA!
He contacted Bella after the leak and Chris told Null "Bella is working on identifying the culprit" or some shit like that, she probably promised him sex after this was over too.
>>1292819Here: No. 1292838
>>1292833In the discord leaks, Bella says that she was going to share a room with Chris during the Everfree Convention.
>>1292769So they knew they were going to leak the Discord conversations and didn't thought about erasing all the talks about animal abuse, drug dealing and all the other illegal shit? They are dumb as rocks.
No. 1292841
>>1292834this girl is a habitual liar. i don't think she's even physically capable of telling the truth, even when confronted with evidence.
even on that reddit account she used that was leaked, she wrote some really long ass story about her family which was untrue. she is extremely manipulative, you have to take
everything that is leaked by her or said by her with a pound of salt.
>>1292688any nonnies have a mirror of this so called zip file? i didn't get to see it when kf was still up
No. 1292846
File: 1628319706522.jpg (34.09 KB, 869x231, what? .jpg)

>>1292844Can anyone explain this then? I think the idea originated with Chris
No. 1292850
Is she gonna get arrested, or face some sort of responsibility for this, or is Chris taking the whole fall?
Considering she kinda has also orchestrated suicides, she seems kind of suspcious in the affair.
No. 1292852
I was over 100 pages behind when KF went down, did they talk about a certain "Angelina"?
I know for a fact from the discord leaks that Firiona/Zoe knows that person to some extent, both because she was mentioned in the discord a bunch and because Angelina seems to be close to Avery which they know. I believe she may be a roommate of Bella? She pissed in a corner and Bella posted a pic. I saw there was an Angelina who killed herself in July this year at TTU but I doubt it's her, different birthdays. Wonder if she has any infos on Bella.
>>1292846She's a compulsive liar who lies for attention, doubt everything she says.
No. 1292857
>>1292854Twitter has begun to discover her, and if a "heckin
valid trans woman being manipulated by a sociopathic white woman" narrative won't roil them up, nothing will.
Bella Assassination saga when?
(sage your shit) No. 1292863
>>1292859Yeah, thats what I'm saying.
That and the animal abuse.
Thats the part that really screws with me.
I'd reccomend maybe sharing this fact with either some news networks, or maybe significant lgbt organisations(They're freaking out rn, and they'll probably be taken at greater face value than some random fuck)
(sage your shit) No. 1292882
>>1292659Oh please, the literal OP says she "possibly" forced him to rape his mother and a bunch of posts are making excuses for him saying he's ~easily manipulated uwu~
For example
>>1292799>>1292786>>1292708>>1292844 No. 1292887
>>1292882Oh say can you see,
The Janke-defending glowie
The official narrative,
(sage your shit) No. 1292888
>>1292596Everyone defending this person or saying "stop blaming what Chris did on this woman" need to take a look at this video. If you wanted evidence for the hamster stuff, it's in there too.
Warning that it does at one point show the hamster being boiled.
It's not even about Chris-chan anymore. The things she's done beside that are downright inhuman and she shouldn't be free about society. She tortures and kills small animals, influences a student at TexasTech to kill themselves, and she wanted Chris-chan to commit suicide next.
You know what I call that? An actual Serial Killer.
No. 1292892
>>1292890>Everyone defending this person or saying "stop blaming what Chris did on this woman" It's not defending, chris knew what he was doing was wrong. She's a terrible person, that shouldn't be doubted. She shouldn't have encouraged it.
but Chris raped his elderly mother. Thats that. People keep pointing out people saying this as if it makes this woman less of a shitty person.
She still is.
No. 1292898
>>1292890He'd be harming himself, not his own mother. It'd be fucked up but… Chris has shown he can be a danger to others.
He maced a guy and tried to hit a dude with a car.Just like this lady is a danger to others.
No. 1292901
>>1292888>You know what I call that? An actual Serial Killer.Lmao, Bella would probably fap to this post. She's an incompetent bully who attacked a disabled person and stole money from him.
Her being racist online can maybe get her kicked out of uni at most? Calling her a serial killer in the making is overbloating it, the focus should be on the things that can be proven as facts like the animal abuse, faking an ID and stealing.
No. 1292906
>>1292891I guess the correct words would be approved, encouraged and assisted since Bella told Chris that the mother-daughter bond is the strongest and that if God said it was fine, then it's okay in reference to the Barb's rape. She also knew for one month before the call was leaked and was trying to convince Fiona to not report it.
She was an accomplice to Chris' crimes.
No. 1292915
>>1292904Did you miss the part where she sicked all those channers on that TIF and they killed themselves? Or the part with the hamster-boiling?
She is at least an animal-murderer, she's pretty disgusting.
>>1292906This too. She was the very first person Chris told, and she didn't call the police, the reddit-randos did. She let Barb get raped longer than she had to.
No. 1292916
>>1292911And Jews say they are white, does not make it so.
>>1292910I don't think her parents jobs impact any of her behaviour outside the fact they obviously have a lot of money.
No. 1292917
>>1292888>posting youtube literal whoRelax, anon. This girl is a piece of shit, but keep in mind, Chris is almost a 40 year-old autistic man who has an extensive history of being a general pest/incel toward women. She may have encouraged Chris to do the heinous shit that he did, but Chris was ultimately the one who decided, "Yes. I should keep interacting with the bitch
20 years younger than me who is encouraging me to fuck my mom and also encouraging me to fuck their younger friend." then, raped his mother and not only did he tell this girl who decided to withhold this information
for the lols but proceeded to cryptically brag about it to everyone and his mother because deep in his little autistic brain he knew what he was doing was wrong or at least be seen as wrong by other people. She on the other hand is an attentionwhoring dumbass that really thought she was gonna be inducted into the hall of christory by being the legendary troll who managed to convince Chris to fuck his mom. While lacking the self awareness to realize that this isn't the aughts anymore, and almost every sane person/normie condemns the various trolls from Chris's past for taking shit way too far. Now she'll rightfully be known as the degenerate animal killing fujo (with CIA parents) who convinced Chris to fuck his mom.
No. 1292919
>>1292906>knew for one monthI believe it was confirmed a week/a little over a week before the leak, but she did suspect it before that.
Knowing how dumb this bitch is she could've only suspected it if she incited him to do it in my opinion.
No. 1292920
>>1292882You’re a complete fucking moron and newfag to boot. Not a single person defended Chris, people pointed out that Bella probably had a part to play in this
because Chris is easily manipulated, as we have seen trolls do to him numerous times in the past decade and a half. This is obvious because she didn’t report it to the police and let Barb continued to be raped because Bella thought it was lulzy. The focus is on Bella’s actions, not Chris’s. Learn to keep up with the conversation.
No. 1292924
>>1292852>She pissed in a corner and Bella posted a picThat was Angelina's cat
>Angelina who killed herself in JulyA girl named Ariel died in March (no mention of cause of death or any relation to Bella's bullshit). The trans person she bullied is named Roman/Rob but they are alive
No. 1292929
>>1292926She wears both pads and a push-up bra, plus a touch of Photoshop.
T. Tiddy connesieur scrote
File: 1628324701124.png (77.17 KB, 849x587, memorial.png)

>>1292924Pic related, but I don't think it's the same Angelina
>>1292928In the discord leaks they talk about getting asked about the girl, I forget exactly, they also mention joking about rape? They nuked the discord they were in with her.
>>1292922Around a month ago if we're talking current time, less than a month from the leak though, so she did suspect it around a month ago but not a month from the leak, I'm just being petty.
No. 1292937
>>1292887Never in the history of this site have I ever said “hi cow” but people here should heavily suspect any posts trying to derail discussion from Bella, she has made tons of sockpuppet accounts on kiwifarms since this all happened and has been doing damage control on /b/ and /pol/ too, trying to pin it on Null and her discord friends. Her tactic is to encourage discussion of anybody except herself.
Friendly reminder that she tried to do it on this site too and she’s definitely lurking
>>1292236 so just be aware of potential bait.
No. 1292944
>>1292933You quoted me twice and I said in both posts that Chris is guilty, is a rapist and pointing out these facts is about the potential of Bella dipping her hand in this, being that this is the Bella thread and all. To try and act like I’m trying to throw all the blame off Chris is frankly trying to throw all blame off Bella. I’m pointing out why there’s suspicion for her involvement, if there wasn’t this wouldn’t have blown up as big as it did.
>>1292931Again, the point here is to discuss why there’s reasonable cause to believe Bella may have known something, and based on some things posted people believe this is a possibility. I’m not the only person who’s posted this stuff and there’s many others who think that’s worth discussing based on leaked information. I’m not defending Chris at all and I will remind you of
>>1292937 >>1292939
No. 1292951
File: 1628325798109.png (12.05 KB, 743x83, oof2.png)

No. 1292952
File: 1628325822316.png (80.93 KB, 858x637, bellastudentsuicide'.png)

No. 1292953
File: 1628325884467.png (259.91 KB, 1056x2323, rip.png)

>>1292942>>1292946I am not sure if the gore nuking was related to the old discord, she mentions "not being the owner" of a discord for a year and a half and that the trannies infiltrated it so it needs to be nuked?
Pix related is however the convo about the sucide girl Ariel, who died in March
No. 1292957
File: 1628326087941.png (2.03 MB, 1080x4441, 1628260527300.png)

Bella's poetry
No. 1292961
File: 1628326244170.png (48.36 KB, 1081x373, zoomersbeingfuckinggross.png)

Bella bragging about not showering
No. 1292962
>>1292958She is, she posted about it in her discord. Which is why people need to be extra suspicious of people derailing discussion away from Bella since she and her friends have been doing that non stop since last week.
Bella bragged about using a VPN and had some special phone from her dad’s security company so I’m not sure if admin would be able to do that, but considering the circumstances then I think they should if possible.
No. 1292964
File: 1628326392670.png (14.6 KB, 464x143, EPIC 1337 HACKER LETS…)

>>1292958You mean this part?
No. 1292970
File: 1628326657159.png (86.89 KB, 628x777, dangerdanger.png)

No. 1292971
File: 1628326736099.png (187.66 KB, 730x777, andrewblaze.png)

>>1292897there's also a difference between doing something unprovoked and doing something because you're an autistic schizophrenic and someone planted a delusion in your retarded head
>Randy [Stair] thought that if he killed himself he'd turn into his cartoon waifu persona. No. 1292976
>>1292971At this point I think anyone denying troll involvement either has their heads in the sand or is you know who. Too much shit lines up for her and that group to have been dabbling at least somewhat.
Didn’t it leak that she and Espeon purged their server or something right after the Chris stuff blew up? I remember Kiwifarms discussing it, they said Espeon was trying to protect her. The site still isn’t loading for me so I can’t post a screenshot.
No. 1292981
File: 1628327494082.png (502.62 KB, 1410x540, suicide_plan.png)

Are you all forgetting that they outright admit their goal was to get Chris to kill himself?
No. 1292983
File: 1628327586042.png (210.74 KB, 681x545, bellaneetdungeon.png)

No. 1292984
>>1292959Does posting about Janke violate any international laws?
Jannies done had me on the 4chan
No. 1292985
File: 1628327640110.png (8.62 KB, 547x67, bella.png)

No. 1292987
File: 1628327775381.png (138.86 KB, 985x282, hamsterabuse.png)

More about Bella's hamster abuse from her ex.
No. 1292988
File: 1628327786183.png (95.71 KB, 561x890, 7F929F64-3A71-49D2-878B-C8FFEA…)

Wow, someone mentioned earlier in the thread that she was arrested for carrying firearms, turns out it was true. Only a few days before the audio leaked too.
>>1292980Nah they found tons of posts and selfies from her on /pol/ and /soc/. Apparently there was even a porn vid posted there by her but people can’t find it, there’s only posts discussing it when the link was live.
She’s just an idiot.
No. 1292994
File: 1628328099691.png (87.8 KB, 900x685, 1628266600133.png)

Bella gets a fake ID for "government filings"
No. 1292995
>>1292988>she's just an idiotthis. she probably thought she could post a thread and anons would flock to it, instead of seeing it for the shitty bait it is.
>>1292991Feelsbad for all the anons who were trying to defend her calmness without the full context.
No. 1293001
>>1292997public records be public, bitch
>>1292998GiBi fell for her shit and even perpetuated the blame shift to Fiona and kept her phone number in his video TWICE. He's part of the reason FiFi is in the hospital right now. He can go fuck himself.
No. 1293002
>>1292997Got it from kiwifarms, the link to the record is in the post>>1292999Yeah I came to the same conclusion, it’s definitely not worth seeking out. Still worth noting that she was stupid enough to post nudes on 4chan.
No. 1293005
>>1293001>>1292998seconded - gibi is a retard don't link his shit here. when he was on kiwifarms people asked him to post the shit he was given and he took his sweet time doing it, only posting it with his video since money and clout is all he cares about
additionally, the video that he took forever to push out even included uncensored personal info. dumbass.
No. 1293008
File: 1628329328619.png (1.35 MB, 3396x10575, Bella.png)

A comprehensive list of what has been uncovered about Bella.
Things that haven't been discussed in this thread:
>Has admitted to her compatriots that she tried, and eventually succeeded, in raping a woman despite physical resistance.
>Has bad hygiene, leading to fungal infections on her toes (which she removes and glues back on), acne on her face, and her claiming not to know common hygiene products.
>Has shat her pants in recent history, multiple times, and was probing others for whether they do the same.
>Claims to have stolen panties from women, encouraged others to do the same.
>Wanted to be more "masculine" but not in a transgender way; wanted to dominate women.
No. 1293010
File: 1628329457973.png (49.07 KB, 1369x180, hibella001.PNG)

Oh Bella Bella Bella
You can't brag about shooting a pitbull to your friends then go and pull this shit when you know these very same people are in your head.
No. 1293011
File: 1628329665007.png (515.56 KB, 815x2538, fix.png)

>>1293008What the HECK did you do that image?
No. 1293019
File: 1628330922308.png (44.74 KB, 977x494, what the fuck did you just fuc…)

Just a reminder of this piece of gold from the Gungann leak.
Gotta love how he says he's reading from a transcript and she goes total berserk.
No. 1293026
>>1292970Roman is in KF:
>Isabella lived two doors down from me in a dorm hall on the TTU campus. She seemed nice at first; I liked her, until she found out I was transgender. That’s when everything started. She’d started calling me a trnny, rtard, whatever. I could care less, honestly, but immediately figured she was just a shit person. This quickly escalated into her accusing me of shit. Claimed she came to my birthday party and that, when there, told everyone they were being transphobic to me (I haven’t thrown a birthday party in several years.) This was probably the worst of the lies, but just an example how she just… lies to lie. We clashed a lot and I ended up knocking on her dorm door. I told her to stop being an ass, as there’s no point- we’re both college students just trying to get through our Freshman year. All of this happened during August-December 2019. Side note that is important for later, Bella had a roommate in her dorm, which I will give her an alias: We’ll call her Abby.
>Flash forward to early March of 2021, end of Sophomore year for both of us. I was alerted by a friend I know, which I’ll give her the alias Ellie. Ellie and I weren’t close before this, but Ellie knew Bella VERY closely, and still does. Ellie was in Discord servers with her and knows probably everything that has gone down. I’m leaving many details out for Ellie’s safe-being, as I don’t want Bella to harm her. Ellie alerted me that Isabella was talking about me in a Discord server (Anti-Semitism because I’m Jewish, threats because I’m a LGBTQIA+ member, etc.). Bella linked my social medias (Twitter, Discord, Facebook, Instagram) and asked people (including Louis Herz) to go in my comments and call me slurs, tell me I’m not really a man, etcetera. Which, again, I could care less since I have a life not based off of 4chan fame, but it’s whatever. What I WAS concerned about, was other students’ safety. There were threats to kill all LGBTQIA+ students on campus, and on this ‘friend’ server, Isabella made a list of said students that were out and/or suspected of being queer in any way. I was among that list.
>In this server, Isabella posted pictures of herself and Louis, confirming it was them. There were pictures of Bella boiling hamsters alive, animal abuse (including Louis’ and Bella’s shared cat), gore pictures, Bella describing explicitly raping her roommate Abby, claiming to have assisted in several suicides, ideations of ‘raping little girls’, nazi propaganda… this isn’t even the half of it. I am very shaken up right now, so I can’t think of everything off of the top of my head—it’s insane how much this has blown up.
>Two other things I’d like to note: 1) Isabella got evicted from her apartment complex (where she lived with Luis) for setting up hidden cameras in all three of her roommates’ rooms. 2) Luis and Isabella adopted a cat (I think its name is Goob?) and… brace yourselves. This shit is gross. In above stated ‘friend’ Discord server, Isabella posted messages saying how Goob was used as a fetish animal. Bella has made messages about having a fart fetish and would hold Goob down and make him sniff her ass. No. 1293028
File: 1628332274399.png (27.43 KB, 909x131, barf.PNG)

holy shit this bitch is vile
No. 1293056
>>1293011When she is going to get expelled from university?
Any university would expel a student for a hundredth of the shit she has done…
No. 1293066
>>1293063No one cares about that old shit
This is about Bella now
No. 1293071
>>1293064>>1293059WTF TTU.
Weren't they supposed to be woke as fuck and fuck over students just for 'misgendering' trannies?
So it must be the glowie protecting this vile whore.
(sage) No. 1293073
>>1293063It was already addressed in the thread you mongoloid. People pointed out that despite things existing prior to Bella, no incest took place. For god’s sake, the two spooned to sleep for months after the house fire and that wasn’t enough to give Chris a boner and do the deed? That’s why there is suspicion on Bella that it’s all of a sudden happened now, especially considering she herself was outed as having an incest fetish. No one is saying she definitely planted the idea or simply nurtured it or did anything at all, the truth is we don’t know what she actually did. Everything is speculation.
>>1293069 this, this is Bella’s thread. If you want to keep derailing about Chris then do it there. People here are talking about Bella’s potential involvement.
No. 1293093
>>1293056her dear old dad probably cleaned up his daughter's mess by throwing a few thousands towards TTU.
won't be surprised he's onto this situation too, he deleted his twitter account right after Bella's real dox was found.
No. 1293105
File: 1628341683428.png (12.09 KB, 376x164, 1628336108852.png)

No. 1293107
File: 1628341795539.png (17.29 KB, 696x165, 1628336124966.png)

>>1293105Bria was the raped roommate.
No. 1293120
File: 1628343505074.png (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 3000x3500, carelessmetal423crap.png)

Not milk, just shitty lesbian porn commissioned by Bella (/u/careless-metal-423). No. 1293133
File: 1628344920152.jpeg (486.11 KB, 828x1412, 97DFDC96-45F8-4BFA-9336-E735A8…)

No. 1293138
File: 1628345276595.png (109.82 KB, 407x489, bella_rapist.png)

She also bragged about raping a girl.
No. 1293140
File: 1628345304983.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.42 MB, 3024x4032, foot1.jpg)

>>1293129Fungal infection that for some reason she refuses to address.
No. 1293150
>>1293145All her "power" lies on her parents' influence and her lack of empathy, she isn't smart or charming enough to gather an army of simps who would defend her at any corner; she backstabs and abuses people wherever she goes.
When her parents get tired of her shit and cut her off or both of them pass away she will be found dead in a ditch or end up in prison. Female sociopaths like her (low IQ, sex-pest attention whores) don't really make it out there.
No. 1293163
>>1292236i feel like she's dumb enough not to use a vpn, like how she uses her real name online
>>1293140literally how does this happen. i get she lives in a pigsty
No. 1293166
>>1293154My hope is the dog is alive and never even got adopted by her for real in the first place.
KF's "true and honest facts" about this case are increasingly worthless, onision wetland style. The NYC misdemeanor weapons charge is because NYC won't let you have anything more than a butter knife and she probably had that taser but to KF it's OMG DAD'S GUN CONFIRMED we are anonymous detectives. Grain of salt is all I'm saying.
No. 1293169
File: 1628348703039.png (125.86 KB, 1344x1650, Cashapp.png)

>>1293157Sorry took me a while to find the post, it isn't highlighted, I merged the 3 pics in one.
No. 1293182
>>1293169That's a shitload of money for a college kid, though I wonder what's up with those big sums she sent her dad.
>>1293179>cult leaderPlebbitors overblowing her role as chess discord server admin.
>white supremacist Probably because she spews /pol/shit left and right.
No. 1293184
>>1293179Because of the antisemitism and racism in her discord.
>>1293169Even with all this money, she feels the need to drug deal, shoplift and extort money from an autist.
No. 1293188
>>1293178how the fuck did she manage to get her discord leaked TWICE?
the first time it was someone that ratted her to KF, as far as I know, but now?
No. 1293196
>>1293191My guess is that she's a pedophile and she spent everything on CP and other degenerate stuff
She did say that her hard drive was almost full, IIRC
No. 1293197
File: 1628352120822.png (80.93 KB, 732x636, D148AC49-3924-46DC-B6CA-C5ECD4…)

>>1293178>she called and emailed the police 80 times and they are not calling her backKek
No. 1293201
File: 1628352603609.jpeg (643.64 KB, 1242x1347, 741046B4-44D8-4306-A09D-CC41EF…)

No. 1293206
File: 1628352863456.png (96.7 KB, 590x607, 9F65B078-3DD6-4AB8-9CF1-5A49A1…)

Her college is investigating her and have been bombarded with reports over her.
No. 1293214
>>1293026Roman is full of shit too. First he said he met Bella before he transitioned, now he met her after. I don't think Roman is lying about Bella's attitude etc, but they're unstable, manipulative and a liar just like eveery other tranny.
Like are you guys really buying this tranny passed and a bio female that is obsessed with hating trannies and dating them to fuck with them had NO IDEA Roman was a trarnny? Bullshit. They can't help but insert their cope-fiction into stories even as serious as this.
No. 1293215
File: 1628354390899.jpg (13.34 KB, 837x121, fiona3.jpg)

Bella trying to frame Fiona
No. 1293218
>>1293214>are you guys really buying this tranny passedWhat? Where did Roman state that?
On KF he said
> I changed my name from Rob to Roman, to clear things up. Rob is not my legal name, and was just my first chosen/’trans’ name.) While she knew my name as Rob and still does not know my legal name, she referred to me with she/her pronouns. Which, I didn’t correct her, because it was totally understandable. I didn’t pass as male, and lived on a female floor in the dorms[…]>Later on, I let her know that I’m trans and my pronouns were he/him. She immediately claimed she didn’t get it, and proceeded to out to me to quite literally anyone she talked to in the dorms. No. 1293220
>>1293191I'm going to tinfoil with this nona
>>1293194 and add one more theory: she's pissing away "her" cash on adderall and other uppers, she's on it 24/7. When her real dox was found she couldn't stop multiboxing through socks on KF (she's stopped, for now), shitposting on 4chan, bamboozling GiBi and planning more gayops on Discord.
No. 1293228
File: 1628355953386.png (169.82 KB, 1173x1026, 1628212470794.png)

>I also got a VPN for my phone, better late than never
My poor fucking sides
No. 1293230
File: 1628356570524.jpg (462.84 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_83151.jpg)

The "chess club".
This is the first time I see internet brainrotted shitposters forming a group in real life.
No. 1293234
>>1293214>Like are you guys really buying this tranny passed and a bio female that is obsessed with hating trannies and dating them to fuck with them had NO IDEA Roman was a trarnny?I don't think Bella assumed Roman was a passing TIF at all, she probably thought Roman was a butch… or a regular woman, you know how he/him NLOGs are.
I appreciate her providing info on how the psycho glowlet behaved at TTU, even though KF is gushing over another tranny lol
>>1293224They mentioned OP, it's Spooky Bones and it's at the top as
>>1293230Imagine the smell.
No. 1293236
>>1293227Agreed. People need to have one large narrative like it's a TV crime show. It's not. Chris is not any more or any less culpable in sexually abusing his mother due to troll interactions. What people do to Chris is wrong, but a crime committed against a criminal doesn't alleviate either of their offenses. We're just able to feel less bad about it in the end if we need a cope.
Bella was simply a cog that led to Chris's eventual arrest. Seemed like Chris was going to tell Null (he did almost…) and others of it anyways. I guess if there's anything good to come out of Bella's trolling, it's that Fiona saved Barb from another month of rape.
No. 1293258
>>1293250just because she's ugly doesnt mean shes a man, what's up with this meme
shes obviously a girl, unkempt, greasy and infected, but a girl
No. 1293280
>>1293276shes so fucked
several hours ago, a discord leak was posted that showed Bella and Louis were planning to dig through KF and find any "threatening" messages to paint the narrative that KF are out to harm her, changing the direction of all this to make her a
shes so FUCKED
No. 1293291
File: 1628363944776.png (318.99 KB, 877x641, bellacringe.png)

Of course she played donganronpey
No. 1293325
>>1292534Yes, I am familiar with this archetype.
Superiority complex + distaste for other women of their kind + edgy humour + antagonistic to self-development and real-world prosperity.
Basically, it's a female version of the school shooter ideology. Fail at life, win at something else.
The cure for this is less internet time.
but unrelated pelosi laptop girl was kinda funny. skssk
(integrate) No. 1293329
File: 1628365981124.png (45.73 KB, 1020x222, File.png)

No. 1293358
>>1293291If she was born 10-15 years earlier I could see her being besties with Lindsay, posting nudes for the spergs at Iron March and sharing edgelord fanfictions with her
>>1293311She could become a they/them as a cover and continue shitting her pants and doing nothing.
>>1293327In the earlier leaks she was trying to push the idea that Fiona was underage, so she could blackmail Chris for fucking a minor… and then we all know the plan fell apart, but I wonder why she's sticking with that "defense". Her dear old dad must be fuming, kek
No. 1293375
File: 1628369424661.png (1.92 MB, 1284x1532, bra.png)

>>1293314Her ex said she took steroids in hs and had some weird hormone issue that made her more manly. I reckon she is just wearing a VS 2 sized push-up as the shape is slightly off in this pic.
No. 1293385
File: 1628369820405.png (68.91 KB, 246x318, stuffed_bra.png)

>>1293381Not even close, lol.
No. 1293389
File: 1628370083525.png (1.25 MB, 1050x788, 1569325366657.png)

>>1293383Chris has always had the hots for his mother. Bella just gave him permission to finally do it. Fiona was more into vintage Chris and maybe he knew that.
No. 1293390
File: 1628370085761.png (44.05 KB, 981x453, vordy.png)

Bella is now trying to impersonate Vordrak on reddit. If you don't know, Vordrak is probably Null's biggest a-log and the only guy who ever managed to successfully take down Kiwifarms for a while (without DDOSing) because he directly threatened Null's family and called in bomb-threats in his name which got him swatted.
No. 1293393
>>1293383Chris hates other autists.
>>1293390>impersonating an actual terroristlmao keep it up, Bella. I'm sure your father won't cut you off.
No. 1293399
File: 1628370385574.jpeg (31.89 KB, 222x312, 1579033182936.jpeg)

>>1293389He did some tarot too thing that said that Fiona would find someone else in college so I don't think he had much confidence in the relationship from the start.
Here is part of the sex playlist they made: No. 1293401
File: 1628370406949.jpg (Spoiler Image,853.28 KB, 2400x1799, evo8t6xp96b61.jpg)

Someone posted her fucked up abuse/crush fetish art.
It's more cartoony than I expected. Not really graphic, but spoilered just in case/because of the subject matter.
No. 1293407
File: 1628370527943.jpg (217.26 KB, 1080x649, Screenshot_20190923-224050_You…)

>>1293394There's a few pics where he looks passable.
No. 1293415
File: 1628370814517.png (632.21 KB, 755x755, fiona2.PNG)

>>1293388>Fiona, poor thing, isn't a looker I dunno, anon, think shes pretty cute.
No. 1293419
File: 1628370920512.png (79.96 KB, 710x529, geography.PNG)

>>129340841hrs > 8hrs
Geography was never Bella's best subject apparently.
No. 1293427
>>1293424She looks good in the picture she sent him.
>>1292226 cause it's filtered as fuck.
No. 1293434
File: 1628371220389.png (433.07 KB, 510x706, bella.png)

>>1293424Bella is busty and manipulative. She can be girly when she has something to gain from it.
No. 1293439
>>1293436I think probably this guy said it best
>chris hates other autistsThey probably remind him of the "slow in the minds", and remind him that he himself is slow. Chris considers himself a perfect-mate, so he thinks he deserves 10/10s (what he imagined Bella to be). If he were to select an autistic girl, he would be admitting that is what he deserves.
(sage your shit) No. 1293448
>>1293442She's killed hamsters,
nonnie. She's reliving her kills a ala BTK and his bondage drawings.
No. 1293459
>>1293444Max, the rescue pup who is said to have been put down due to neglect might be alive. She never adopted him and he was still available. She's a sociopath. What's real and what's edgelord are blurred.
>>1293415She looks cute here, but
>>1293430 awful here. Parents really should dress their autists. And I think this video is 100% retarded and embarrassing, but it's kind of cute. I feel bad for her. Autistic women have a hard time having a healthy sexual relationship because they fall
victim to predators. She probably just imagined some quirky Chris not knowing what her "I like gross things" fetish really is and is at the age where her hormones are going nuts.
No. 1293462
>>1293459from what i know, in the dancing vid she is mocking chris. shes doing a derpy dance on purpose, "pretending" to be awkward.
from the leaks, Fiona is actually something of a jock-girl, into and good at sports and pretty coordinated physically.
(sage your shit) No. 1293464
>>1293456samefag. This bitch runs as soon as she's confronted with the same mean girl shit on reversii
What a twat!
>>1293460>>1293460Adorable gem! In another timeline, I'd ship it. Now I'm sad :(
(:() No. 1293466
File: 1628372372154.png (799.81 KB, 704x894, 123_2.png)

>>1293462sporting pic
theres more, read the leaks.
No. 1293468
>>1293462samefag spoke too soon
this angle doesn't make you look any better, Bella. Just that this young autistic girl is fit
No. 1293470
>>1293461>>1293462Thanks, anons. So Chris had the chance at a higher functioning autist that manages to look like this
>>1293460 and
>>1293466so he can have sex with his mother?!
I mean the Kiwis tend to think that Chris was uninterested because she was in college and would definitely find a boyfriend. Which is the best realization he could ever come to and very un-Chris-like.
No. 1293489
>>1293410Gonna sperg, but I think details in people's art and writing says a lot about them, and I recognize art like this. The way she drew the girl, with particular emphasis on the breasts/buttocks/crotch and little to no detail on anything else reminds me of Racist Uncle and Develv in how they draw women's bodies. You can basically see the internalized misogyny leaking out whenever things are bimbo-fied like this.
The cutesy anime art style is somehow "off" the same way infamous schizo artist Dogisaga's anime-styled art is, denoting mental illness that's partly informed by internet/imageboard brain rot.
The fact that the actual violence is portrayed in such a simplistic way makes me wonder if she drew this more to impress someone than anything. It fills the "degenerate fetish art" quota for sure, but there's no deep fascination with the creatures being harmed. If you look up fluffy abuse art, it's usually far more detailed and grotesque, even if it's not high-quality. The people who draw that shit definitely get off to the pain. But here, Bella doesn't put much thought into the animals, or what's happening to them. The situations themselves are portrayed in a light-hearted, animated way, almost like a children's comic if it wasn't for the subject matter. She literally put more effort into drawing the yoga pants than the actual niche fetish content.
At the same time, we know for a fact that she does torture/kill/eat hamsters IRL, so this might indicate that she does these things more for edgelord points and validation from mentally ill scrotes than anything. It's all part of her affected persona as the "psychopathic internet mastermind", "welcome 2 my twizted mind" type shit. Make no mistake, this woman has very, very low empathy (which may also be partly why the situations are portrayed so nonchalantly) and definitely has bizarre sexual inclinations, but a lot of this seems like padding, just like how she stuffs her bra. Based on the sexual expression on the girl in that one panel in
>>1293403 just before she blows the hamster like a balloon (pandering to inflation fetishists, probably a kink from one of the "chess club" guys), I can believe she's into making out with animals, or has done that before.
No. 1293495
File: 1628373928756.png (794.38 KB, 630x824, 9852842.png)

>>1293489Samefagging, but also notice the way she edited her body in this photo for her Bumble profile looks a lot like the way she drew the blond bimbo OC's body, down to the spine/waist.
It's all artifice. This is somebody who's obsessed with convincing people of shit, but since she's too mentally ill and/or dumb to be reasonable about things, it's always sort of obvious. That's why her elaborate ops keep getting fucked up and her lies are unraveled so quickly by KF members. She's sociopathic and manipulative, but not smart enough to pull it off on the level she thinks she can. She actually reminds me a bit more of Soren than Lucinda does (except Bella might be worse, I don't know). Sorry for autismo, there's just something deeply fucked up about this cow and it's hard to look away. I mostly see men/troons behaving the way she does, it's weird.
No. 1293498
>>1293489>she blows the hamster like a balloon (pandering to inflation fetishists, probably a kink from one of the "chess club" guys), I can believe she's into making out with animals, or has done that before.Nah, it's her own, but it's translated IRL as a feeding kink.
Somewhere in the leaks it said that Bella and Louis overfeed their cat so it can be chonky, she also puts it on her face and squeezes it… so it can fart in her face.
No. 1293500
>>1293489>impeccable artfaggotry!I couldn't inspect her comics for more than a few seconds so thank you for the indepth write-up
>makes me wonder if she drew this more to impress someone than anythingIf the first place she posted these was 4chan, then this is somekinda edgecore for kids drawn with them in mind. I suspect that she was drawing it butts more than the guts but wanted all the attentions all the same.
>>1293491This shit screams "If I'm gonna photoshop it better make it HILARIOUSLY OBVIOUS and then be like hehe the secret is I'm a hideous and mean troll all along! It's a JOKE!" Specially with the caption "If you laugh at this we'll get along. FART PFFFT" on Bumble.
No. 1293506
File: 1628374188364.png (Spoiler Image,83.18 KB, 338x366, hamster.png)

>>1293497unfortunately she posted it in her shitty discord
reposted to spoiler tag image
No. 1293510
>>1293506thank you
nonnie <3
No. 1293511
>>1293489This is interesting. I was under the impression she was just ugly and got groomed into a pickme by 4chan scrotes, so now she bases her whole personality around being a sociopathic troll to larp as the 4chan serial killer type figure that Twitter uses as a boogeyman, but also has to pretend to be a bimbo to appeal to her scrotes too.
The fact she hates other women speaks volumes. She's the nightmare pickme on top of everything you just said. She's so pickme that she has actually become a moid in the process
No. 1293514
File: 1628374618270.png (282.22 KB, 869x762, preassure.PNG)

>>1293462Common Bella, you know full well she's not "pretending to be awkward"
No. 1293517
>>1293506Some part of me hopes that hamster died naturally and she just threw it in for edgelord points, but that's just me trying to cope. RIP hamster/s.
>>1293489I hate armchairing usually, but this was a good read.
No. 1293521
>>1293514Fascinating how much of a simp Louis is. Dude really believes she's an invincible super haxx0r.
When Spooky Bones talked to her on DMs on KF and noticed how much of a manipulative psycho she is, he cut contact on the spot. She can only manipulate speds and terrorize trannies, she can't do shit to anyone else.
No. 1293522
>>1292248if you tell someone to rob a bank, or kill someone, and then they do it, you are still on the hook for conspiracy/solicitation of murder.
Just because she didn't do the actual crime does not mean she doesn't have culpability.
No. 1293524
>>1293521I find the situation of that Louis guy funny
>participates in all the hateful posting on the discord>is the one who leaks the discord convos and implicates himself as well>bella still hangs out with him and he hangs out with bellaDoes she have some shit on him or is it just pure retardation?
No. 1293525
>>1293521Imagine how shit someones life must be when they're such and ugly crazy freak that their whole life revolves around praise from actual retards and troons. No matter how much she kink panders, she is so vile and inept that even moids low on the totem pole won't look at her, she
needs mentally deficient people
No. 1293531
>>1293530About as real as anything Bella's posted.
Right here, right now, it's up to you to just… Schrödinger's hamster this.
No. 1293535
>>1293532Anom she literally spends her every waking moment pandering to speds (retards) because they're the only people who she can trick into liking her, and she relies on manipulating troons to feel good about herself. She
needs them. She can hate them but she does genuinely need them
No. 1293545
>>1293524Probably has some shit on him or he's afraid she will ruin his life for his involvement on this whole thing, so he sticks around like a pathetic simp. He doesn't have glowie parents to help him out… afaik.
>>1293532Doesn't matter, like the nona said above, Bella
needs them; no one sane will put up with her putrid husk of a personality. Everyone she gets involved with, a serial liar and proud coomer who literally smells like shit, is either retarded or a tranny (her TTU friends/acquaintances, her tranny ex, GiBi, Chris, Praetor and Watchmen faggots).
No. 1293548
>>1293545Hopefully if he makes it out from under this all he can fully divorce himself from that edgelord9000 bullshit he was putting on. Buddy, you're brown.
Also, pretty sure you wanna get your nails did, gorl
nails emoji. Don't stop there! Go all out!
No. 1293570
File: 1628378528164.jpg (40.93 KB, 1750x98, nice try.JPG)

>>1293558this is hilarious how obvious you are. I'm saving this for posterity just in case you try to delete it like in
>>1293556 No. 1293574
>>1293553>>1293558Imagine being such a repulsive twat that you end up being cucked by CWC. Portabella Janke must be absolutely seething.
Take your meds and maybe some topical antifungals for those nails.
>>1293566Her history of animal abuse alone more than qualifies her as a horrorcow.
No. 1293576
File: 1628378741360.png (23.65 KB, 1812x126, firsttry.png)

>>1293570note the initial slip
>girls who rejected her– i mean them! No. 1293577
>>1293558No, Bella's mad because her attempt at becoming the master internet troll blew up and now everybody knows she's a repugnant (but also very retarded) person.
Fact of the matter, she encouraged Chris's actions and had no intent to expose/report him. That was all Fiona. Don't even get me started on the animal abuse.
If Chris hadn't literally raped his mom, I'd say Bella is a far worse person than him. Then again, Bella claimed to have raped a girl and molested another on Discord (though that may or may not just be her bullshit edgy-posting), so fuck knows.
No. 1293581
File: 1628378946457.gif (107.06 KB, 220x164, stop it.gif)

>>1293558>the super troll narrativebitch, change the script or call your glowdad and request a new identity already
No. 1293589
File: 1628379493473.png (44.04 KB, 638x261, fartcollector.PNG)

Bella's since nuked depraved instagram
No. 1293594
>>1293576lmao I didn't catch the first one.
now I think she would be besties with the Supreme Gentleman himself. Same personality, different sex.
>>1293589>malethe only reason this psycho didn't troon out was due to becoming too entrenched in 4chan culture, which made her repulsed by trannies but turned her into a deranged pickme.
she has all the makings of a misogynistic TIF.
No. 1293600
>>1293591Until the content of Chris and Bella's private conversations are leaked (and they will be leaked) no one can say just how culpable Bella is in Chris raping his mom. Her starting talking to him lines up with his first admitted date of fucking Barb so it's still a big mystery which leads to speculation.
Once the cops look at Chris's texts and messages they'll get the full picture and that's what really matters, innit
No. 1293623
File: 1628383109344.jpeg (63.48 KB, 1444x1500, I call her Lorena.jpeg)

scrotes/bella pretending to be a scrote pls go
No. 1293632
File: 1628383517450.jpg (97.47 KB, 1293x258, you can run for a long time, b…)

>>1293558How many different people have you tried to pin this on or work up to support you now?
No. 1293635
File: 1628383680815.jpg (217.73 KB, 607x873, its not my wallet.jpg)

No. 1293640
>>1293637already a troon in denial.
definitely has gender issues.
No. 1293641
File: 1628383793437.jpeg (109.08 KB, 821x1137, bella-janke.jpeg)

No. 1293647
File: 1628383927618.jpg (35.68 KB, 524x526, 1628237706135.jpg)

(unsaged fan art)
No. 1293653
>>1293638this you, dude?
>>1293589same loc
No. 1293654
File: 1628384205794.png (440.57 KB, 450x600, 83453336789725.png)

bella is epic win(unsaged fan art)
No. 1293655
File: 1628384226057.png (124.85 KB, 341x274, shut up meg.png)

(unsaged fan art)
No. 1293659
she has an ethot tiktok and instagram somewhere
amazingly not doxed yet
No. 1293672
>>1293671She's got a link-tree right there
Why ya'll doxxing this chick? How is she related?
("spoonfeed me") No. 1293673
>>1293558Bella, the only thing we want to know from you is…
Are those sweaterpups real?
>>1293558C O P E
Bella, you're an animal abuser who huffs cat shit you deserve to be mocked a ridiculed
No. 1293685
>>1293684She's holding a cake that says COK.
For real though she needs to quit smiling. Forever. It outs her as a massive autist
No. 1293689
>>1293230>they're all unwashed nerdsLol every fucking time
As for her fungal infection, she needs to see a doctor if her toenails are
falling off and bleeding. Does she not have insurance, like how tf do you let your toenails turn fucking green and
still not do shit about it?
No. 1293700
>>1293695She thinks she can just nuke her discords and avoid opening emails and this will all blow over in a month like last time.
But young dumb Bella doesn't realize that while the internet is fast but ultimately (sometimes) unable to bring permanent irl repercussions, real life moves slow and very much does come with real, painful repercussions. Take it from an oldfag. Ya done fucked up!
No. 1293702
>>1293700 just wanted to add another horrorcow reference: there's always the possibility of ass cancer getting them in the end
No. 1293720
File: 1628391510083.jpg (77.7 KB, 563x434, Dexter2233.jpg)

>>1293684Knowing narcissists irl, she loves the control of having those idiots simp for her, its a power trip for such people. Remember it's the only way they can't get close to true happiness, it's really sad for average people with empathy to realize these people will always live in misery unless they can control others.
Because for most of us, we find that in our hobbies, interest and we are passionate about those things.
Everything she does revolves around the control of other people.
The fact that she started to be violent and torture animals, shows me that she crossed the line and once put in jail, they have to be extremely careful if released. She's literally a timebomb.
(sage your armchair faggotry) No. 1293729
>>1293718Hmm, sounds like an interesting idea, anon!
>>1293724Her tits look super stuffed and fake. I think she should definitely post a nude though if she wants to dispel the rumors.
One of you over the age of eighteen, if you’re reading Bella, which I know you are >>1293725If only most of the posts weren’t just dumb ass scrotes adding literally nothing to the conversation other than repeating the same few memes/posts and circle-jerking one another. KF threads are nearly unreadable, especially when they’re super active.
No. 1293742
>>1293712This can only die down if her glowparents wrangle her or her full exchanges with Chris finally leak, then she will drop from the face of the Earth.
Either way, her thread on KF will slow down but I can see some scorned Chris whiteknights harassing her for life.
No. 1293761
File: 1628394473636.png (Spoiler Image,567.39 KB, 485x763, ewwwtfareTOES.PNG)

>>1293746Make sure ya'll peeps these feets!
>WARNING: Image contains fungal matter No. 1293763
I have not felt so repulsed by a thread since that kero the wolf bullshit a while back now. the initial cwc was bad enough. that is obviously fucked. but this freak has something majorly wrong with her too. what a sad life she leads.
I'm sure many of you ladies can relate, to an extent, to growing up around the internet and getting exposed to bullshit. Right? I can remember using Taiwanese basket weaving forums a lot as a 17-year-old girl and had to stop because of how male-dominated and pathetic the online space was. just grew out of it, you know? I'm in my mid-20s now and can look back on how gross it all was with a clearer head, and I'm just glad I had good female friends and like outside hobbies, so it didn't permanently fuck my head.
The shit I saw on there just pissed me off, rather than dig at me and become internalized, and I quickly lost interest in wanting to engage with an online space I didn't enjoy & had no respect for. Genuinely not trying to blog, I truly think that's a thing most women on here can relate to somewhat.
the constant culture of being exposed to degrading and/or frankly fucking bizarre porn, gore… and the moid populace's either blatant hatred and misogyny toward women, even the ones who shared their hobbies.
if it wasn't that, the complete vitriol, you got a gaggle of beta orbiters trying to kiss your ass. Know what I mean? No winning, there, or being treated like a person in any sense of the word. Either you were their Not Like The Other Girls bitch they wanted to fuck or you were the virginal whore who wouldn't fuck them right there in the video game general. You were the object of weird internet attention either way; idealization and want or just legit hatred, didn't matter.
anyway THIS bitch right here is what happens when someone is exposed to that kind of online - dare I say - brain rot. Uncritically, prolonged, without a break. When your identity is shaped by it from a young age and you've got nothing else going for you.
Ironically, like cwc, her parents' should have monitored her internet usage and restricted access. Things could have different. Probably intolerable in other ways because she seems like a toxic mix of insufferable traits but at least she wouldn't have this thread about her and all this shit.
Idk man it's just pathetic and shows a lack of introspection, emotional intelligence, all that… she already seems to have some kind of mental illness bizarre shit going on, and the exposure to edgy online shit truly ruined this girl.
She's obviously tied up all her value in weird online culture shit, that has no actual bearing in real life, and thus she can't relate meaningful ways to real-life people or "those bitch roasties at school who won't fuck me reeee!" No idea of how to treat a woman, just adopted the moid mindset, the idea of a girl she can have, who will fuck her and clean for her and let her be the "masc" gamer who gets tendies brought to him at his desk.
simultaneously she is the moid and views herself through her own moid lenses. a caricature of a woman, shaped by the internet, imageboard masturbators. she can only see herself through those lenses, her sense of self filtered through an internal discord admin moid gaze. these men hold power over her and she tries to mirror them to feel the power; if I had more methylphenidate I'd channel the ghost of that quack pot Freud just because it would be fucking funny to consider her as a real, honest and true case of smega entrusted penis envy.
it's like Margaret Atwood said… "Up on a pedestal or down on your knees, it's all a male fantasy: that you're strong enough to take what they dish out, or else too weak to do anything about it. Even pretending you aren't catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy: pretending you're unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own moid voyeur" huh, Bella? Smh.
and she seems to take pride in it and base her whole personality around it. Funny she thinks she is so much better than cwc (literal rapist) when she has been shaped by the internet of all things in the worst ways possible. legit pathetic and yet I'm kind of enthralled by just how fucked it is.
anyway, sage cuz I'm sauced and this weird shit has me feeling some type of way. It's just so interesting cuz female horror cow freaks like this come from a different place than the males, and her motivations and actions are just so goddam bizarre. Not trying to fuckin arm chair either, just my observations and thoughts after checking out the discord logs. Good lord, nonnies.
No. 1293774
>>1293763good blog. anon is every woman too.
destroy the moid inside your head, ladies!
No. 1293790
>>1293763I agree with you, anon, especially here:
>simultaneously she is the moid and views herself through her own moid lenses. a caricature of a woman, shaped by the internet, imageboard masturbators. she can only see herself through those lenses, her sense of self filtered through an internal discord admin moid gaze. these men hold power over her and she tries to mirror them to feel the power;Everything about the way she presents herself screams this.
No. 1293804
File: 1628397704749.png (257.4 KB, 816x611, bella2.png)

>>1293008This list has been updated.
No. 1293816
File: 1628399373830.png (24.21 KB, 460x258, epick.png)

From the latest Discord leak. Simon918 is Bella and jordanloveboat is Louis.
No. 1293818
>>1293801If ol' skelly bones is giving you vendetta-chan vibes just wait till all the SJWs actually get wind of this Bella bitch. She's hitting
triggers for all KINDS of vendetta-chans
No. 1293819
File: 1628399502651.png (114.7 KB, 637x252, spookylcf.png)

>>1293801shes watching you
No. 1293825
File: 1628400338188.png (14.4 KB, 770x78, gep4.png)

Bella is a nasty coombrained, fungus-infected, animal-abusing rapist to prove that girls can be whatever they want.
No. 1293826
File: 1628400386758.jpg (83.64 KB, 804x952, FB_IMG_1628293738805.jpg)

Yeah… I mean its obvious Bella/ILJ doesn't give a shit about anything Chris Chan did. She did it to get famous, but didn't realize it would blow back in her face after the internet detectives dove into her background.
She seems like a real piece of work, I honestly hope one of her simps knows about a highly illegal thing she has done and turns her in so she can face jail time herself. She is a malignant narcissist and there really is no treatment for that. Other than indefinite confinement.
BTW, I'm not really here to defend Chris Chan, she just seems like a bitch and I hope she winds up incarcerated as well.
No. 1293828
>>1293801>spoilerNot really. My take on this:
It was posted a faildox as first (Kelly Osborn), KF posters figured out she's a pathological liar who hides behind several socks, then her real dox was found.
OP became invested into this because they actually talked to her through DMs, noticed how much of a sociopath she is and shut down her attempts to manipulate them; then, more unhinged stuff from Bella was being found out (animal abuse, rape, her being a filthy bitch, etc) and now they wanna be as thorough as possible with all the info coming out.
Also, Isabella Janke has Nick Bate vibes. Maybe OP noticed that too. Bitch would probably escalate if she wasn't ever found out.>>1293819lol calm down
No. 1293831
File: 1628400826796.png (10.92 KB, 469x79, fifi.png)

Fiona is innocent.
No. 1293838
>>1292761i was molested as a child and i'm a prude
collossal fuck up though yeah, but she is lightyears ahead of me
(sage your shit) No. 1293839
File: 1628401445350.png (44.98 KB, 922x246, Screenshot 2021-08-08 at 00-41…)

>>12938354th-degree weapons charge (see pic related), which might be a firearm but is probably more likely to be the taser that we know she has because she recorded herself tasing herself with it like a spaz.
No. 1293842
>>1293832>oh no how could this happen :^) i thought SHE was manipulating themHere's Bella attempting to tweak the narrative by feigning empathy, pretending she didn't know Fiona was autistic and still trying to frame her in this gayop.
2/10, Bella. Try again.
No. 1293848
File: 1628402193334.png (136.12 KB, 513x538, weapons.png)

No. 1293849
File: 1628402343020.png (257.29 KB, 1197x289, wheres waldo.png)

can we appreciate the amount of weaponized autism that was brought to bear here though?
No. 1293853
>>1293841Nyfag here. It was illegal to have a stun gun/taser before, but I'm certain in 2019 the ban was struck down by the federal court…
But I'm not totally certain on this.
Also, cops aren't doing stop and frisk anymore. So it's weird that she was given a weapons charge without an accompanying assault charge. Cops aren't unusually suspicious of ordinary white girls especially…
Typically no one knows you have a firearm/weapon unless you attempt to use it. But if she did she'd likely be charged… (Unless she did have some kind of incident and the
victim refused to press charges) … The other option is she's a stupid hoe and decided to enter some weapon-checked government building.
There's something missing here.
No. 1293855
File: 1628402651716.png (477.96 KB, 986x803, tards.png)

>>1293832>>1293831>>1293842reminder for anons reading the thread, bella was simping for fiona and mad that fiona wanted to fuck chris and not her
once fiona leaked the phone call audio when she found out barb was raped, bella turned on fiona and tried to trick everyone into thinking that fiona was the person on the call and got gibi to dox fiona resulting in her being sent to the hospital and having internet taken away
No. 1293863
File: 1628403130945.png (Spoiler Image,238.51 KB, 503x842, 1628353166178.png)

>>1293856>>1293859cat shit pic mentioned
No. 1293869
File: 1628403448220.png (112 KB, 899x929, 1628349325287.png)

>>1293858I feel like we need a list of big internet security no-nos she did.
>posted her face on reddit for scrote validation>left a connection to that account on her university's subreddit>made a discord for fucked up /pol/ and loli shit and thought disguising it as a chess club is enough>INVITED PEOPLE FROM HER UNIVERSITY TO THE DISCORD where they saw evidence of her being fucked up >decided the clean way to abandon the discord was to make everyone delete their accounts and spam the server with gore from alts to get it deleted, instead of just using her admin status to delete it first, my fucking sides>contacted youtubers and the kiwifarms OP instead of shutting up and disappearing>spread fake dox that led to her real dox>knows there's a traitor and still keeps talking in a public chat instead of DMs No. 1293884
>>1293403She's a fluffy pony artist?
That actually makes me dislike her ''slightly'' less
(sage) No. 1293885
>>1293879Yes and yes and done. All authorities have been properly (and improperly) notified. You lil
nonnie can just make sure anyone irl talkin' 'bout Chris is sure to know about Bella too
No. 1293914
>>1293912oh thank god! im sure they'll be very happy to hear an anon on
with knowledge of the members/timeline of their discord server has given them a pass for their discord crimes. You make sure they see this, babe
No. 1293917
File: 1628407720929.png (Spoiler Image,626.86 KB, 1243x713, Screenshot (29).png)

Furry porn 1/3
No. 1293923
File: 1628408729839.png (104.02 KB, 656x573, 1628385191347.png)

>>1292236That pony generator looks familiar…
No. 1293932
File: 1628410268850.png (137.47 KB, 633x1233, 1628395538294.png)

>>1293926Texas Tech students have made a previous complaint against Jadin for racism.
No. 1293934
>>1293925Muh amazing pads
>>1293385 neck yourself scrote
No. 1293939
File: 1628411322539.png (255.7 KB, 3749x856, 1628401826586.png)

Louis wants photos of Bella's toes for artistic purposes.
No. 1293945
File: 1628411755577.jpeg (971.52 KB, 1149x1626, 4DF23052-B804-4435-BFBB-8E2D7D…)

I’m kind of upset by how I keep seeing girls/women who claim to be lesbians turn out to be attracted to shotas. I really don’t like how I’m slowly being conditioned to believe that many supposed lesbian girls, like Bella, are secretly hiding their heterosexual pedophilia. Please tell me that I’ve just seen a few exceptions in a row and that this isn’t a common thing.
>>1293936Yeah there’s at least some stuffing going on there.
No. 1293954
>>1293945Reminds me of an awful joke I heard decades ago so this revelation is all too real now
What's the best part of fuckin' a lil girl in the shower? Wet her hair back and pretend she's a lil boyImma go neck myself now
>>1293925The yahoo email attached to this is just
chef's kiss lmao
No. 1293970
>>1293945Can the retard who keeps posting that one pic where her face is shooped please look at this picture and understand that she is plain faced and has the tism stare?
Jesus you're right. She has to actually be autistic like she claimed, I can see it in those eyes. How those pets don't instinctively run from this face is a mystery
No. 1293993
File: 1628418547672.jpg (24.93 KB, 427x485, biggs1_.jpg)

Bella talking creepily about her neighbor next door, Bri. Also possible Bella's rape victim.
No. 1294011
File: 1628419553436.png (48.01 KB, 1126x329, 1628408302209.png)

No. 1294016
File: 1628420287451.png (165.25 KB, 1572x1442, bellalouiscreeps.png)

Bella and Louis stealing panties around campus.
No. 1294037
>>1294033She’s half Greek
>>1294029The dog’s paws became so infected from living in filth they had to amputate them (allegedly).
No. 1294038
File: 1628422201274.png (145.89 KB, 476x272, 10000 hours in ms paint.png)

This is very autistic but all the tit talk just made me have to create this
No. 1294041
>>1294037half Greek and half what
No. 1294042
>>1294028Louis has a pit bull but it is not Max, Max was found a few days after the dog rescue video and was/is staying at a shelter
Max is fine and Bella didn't kill him, do not fall for her attentionwhore lies
No. 1294047
>>1293907>>1293917Correction on the furshit:
Louis posted random gay furry porn he found on DA but pretends in the screenshots that it's him. Apparently he's obsessed with a guy called Matt.
No. 1294048
File: 1628422706875.jpeg (11.85 KB, 1252x129, 5CCF84E7-7BC9-410D-BC2A-3D92F5…)

This has aged poorly.
No. 1294083
>>1293925you had me until you started spouting the no no word
jesus are all scizos like Terry Davis?
No. 1294106
>>1293945Anime fandom normalizes IRL pedophilia to so many people. Don't forget hetero fujo pedos like Yaoigoddesskeale. People are so messed up these days thanks to anime and troons and troon anime, it's hard to know what is going on in somebody's head.
>>1294066Or jealous of/skinwalk.
No. 1294113
>>1293907how did gibi dox fiona, and what did he dox? i havent seen photos of her or anything
>>1294001bpd chan
>>1294094imo, she did boil the hamsters (there's a photo), but she didn't eat it. that was just her trying to be edgy
No. 1294139
File: 1628432003507.png (76.38 KB, 807x582, 1628423435882.png)

Posted and quickly removed by the r/TexasTech mods.
No. 1294155
File: 1628433190078.png (152.35 KB, 1131x1189, Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 7.40…)

super hacker bella confirming her kf account
No. 1294161
File: 1628433418593.png (159.8 KB, 1528x774, Ilj.png)

Is this a good recap?
No. 1294164
>>1293945I think it’s a combination of
>>1294066 and her being a self-hating bisexual. So many bi girls think that they’re lesbians if they prefer women and a lot of lesbians talk shit about bi girls, so bi girls are more likely to say they’re lesbians to avoid that.
No. 1294173
Just a quick reminder that Bella is a farmer, loves to derail the conversation of her threads and make the topic about anything but her. I would love for the lolcow admin to make a reveal and show us her post history.
>>1294172This has been discussed already. It wasn't Firion (the real zoe), but Jadin who changed his username to be Zoe and was posting lolicon.
No. 1294179
File: 1628434967891.png (102.77 KB, 335x288, ilj learns about kf.png)

>>1294173>>1294177>>1294178Bella has 100% posted here though
As for Kiwi, pic related.
No. 1294209
>>1293883you are a fucking idiot.
"I don't care to read the logs disproving the shit I'm saying, now listen to me say shit!"
also that cat is overweight and yours probably is too if you think that is healthy.
No. 1294214
File: 1628437195798.png (106.43 KB, 1528x774, ILJ.png)

>>1294199Well since there were some things I wanted to add too, here's an updated version
>>1294201I have mixed feelings about that
No. 1294224
>>1294193She knows how to pick her prey. I am not sure why her
victims haven't come together and sue the shit out of Texas Tech for putting students in danger like this.
No. 1294233
File: 1628438930697.jpg (61.3 KB, 690x522, hamtaro5.jpg)

Just saw that hamster pic.
How could you do that to a hamster?(sage)
No. 1294279
File: 1628441796904.jpg (27.75 KB, 564x532, biggs4.jpg)

I legit wonder what combination of disorders she has. Will we see her try to defend herself with something like "I'm autistic and I was abused" or is she too proud to go for that defense? She'll probably just deny all of this ever happening.
No. 1294285
>>1294283has been in and out for a while. probably getting insane amount of traffic.
also ILJ just got her own entire board there wew lass
No. 1294295
>>1294291It was confirmed yesterday (?) that they've been getting ddos attacks for the last month or so
Unlikely to be connected
No. 1294301
So it took the Guntlord how long even after his sextape and pregnancy news dropped to get his own board? And Bella almost exactly a week. Has to be a record.
(newfag) No. 1294307
>>1294303I wonder if it is Louis
I remember the initial leaks were confirmed by them to be Louis and then they took that back in the second leaks which seemed a bit weird
No. 1294310
>>1294289>>1294303The shit that makes me curious:
1. Who are the other weebs aside Alice/Allen and why haven't we heard jack shit about them yet aside some short lines? They must be deep in it if they're still associating with this.
2. How is she still posting in channels and not trying to expose the traitor over PMs? Disregard this, she's retarded.
No. 1294311
>>1294308most of the Twitter trannies actually seem to be saying "well Kiwi is bad but in this case…"
the DDOS is coming from someone still booty blasted over byuu
No. 1294325
>>1294320voice is 120% Bella. incest call = "Kelly" Sonic video narration = "Isabella" talking with her father
if you don't believe your ears but believe SpookyBones someone even did an actual audio analysis.
(sage your shit) No. 1294326
>>1294325No dummy
They had another call leaked from somewhere but were trying to confirm it was legit. Pretty sure they asked Roman to take a listen to it
No. 1294337
File: 1628444260620.jpg (104.1 KB, 720x896, 20210808_193616.jpg)

This pic is being spread on instagram and twitter with thousands of RTs, of course it's moid simps taking her photoshopped pics.
>I can fix her
No. 1294343
File: 1628444915836.png (49.73 KB, 530x445, TLeJTwA.png)

>>1294295the ddos is apparently glowing now
No. 1294359
File: 1628445780018.jpeg (99.48 KB, 600x391, streisand-effect.jpeg)

>>1294354lol, the biggest streisand effect in history.
No. 1294371
>>1294366Out of TTU dorms
I think she was evicted(?) but a lot of kids dont tell their parents when they fuck up so
No. 1294378
>>1294376Second leaks mentioned campus police or something and the dean
So it's possible she was somehow on campus
No. 1294380
>>1294368The cat shit made her mentally ill.
But that's not where the evil came from, lots of crazy people are
not evil
No. 1294391
File: 1628446967847.png (204.77 KB, 486x340, bluecheckmarks.png)

Blue check marks are starting to take an interest. This one just found out.
No. 1294405
File: 1628447265650.png (795.35 KB, 748x818, 1474834739668.png)

>>1294402this one is a bit similar
No. 1294407
Outside of shopping her boobs/stomach she also shops her face into a v-shape but it's so unnatural looking that it's easy to notice
No. 1294417
>>1294404you first.
Pissed off a tranny janny with that one.
(sage) No. 1294428
>>1294423funny how that comment enraged more people than animal abuse.
I can smell this thread.
(sage your shit) No. 1294437
>>1294430She fully expects this to go away, at least for her. And she's probably enjoying the attention on top of that
Doubt she's leaking them herself but I fully expect she knows that they will probably be leaked
No. 1294441
>>1294351“I can’t anymore”
I smell a fucking Tumblrina cunt over here with daddy issues.
(male) No. 1294449
File: 1628449162448.jpeg (664.08 KB, 1024x863, CC34D564-8304-40A9-8133-FA4D8E…)

Actual picture of everyone itt responding to moid bait
No. 1294452
>>1294449I'm guessing most of these people haven't been on the internet for a very long time.
Most embarrassing part is that a janny took the bait.
(samefagging, sage your shit) No. 1294454
>>1292318Lmao, she must have gotten shot down by a bi girl at the very least, look at all that femcel anger. Adds to the angle that she's thirsting for Fiona and is pissed that she can't have her.
No. 1294464
File: 1628449650045.jpg (25.25 KB, 150x512, anti bella weapon.jpg)

This thread needs to be fucking cleansed
No. 1294465
>>1294452A farmhand doing their job = taking bait? What?
>>1294454tell us you’re from kiwifarms without telling us you’re from kiwifarms. We don’t song campfire songs here kek
No. 1294466
>>1294459Fellow scrote here
You're simping for an autistic minor.
GB2 4chinz
(scrote) No. 1294486
File: 1628451038544.jpg (89.45 KB, 1024x768, 1628370472530m.jpg)

Nice photo, Bella
No. 1294499
File: 1628451775564.gif (2.03 MB, 441x302, 1607755173772.gif)

No. 1294501
File: 1628451875561.png (33.91 KB, 789x152, C7A0CC58-87AE-4A64-BDEC-E99CCC…)

>>1294427Holy kek, she’s melting down. This is absolutely her, it’s the same shit she said she was trying to pin on kiwifarms in the discord leaks.
No. 1294507
>>1294501In all fairness she’s partially right
The animal abuse stuff comes into question for one. We have no actual proof that she killed the hamsters or any dogs
The Goober stuff is at most neglect but even that’s sort of hard on some basis, especially as there is no actual proof beyond his weight gain that he is being fed a diet to fart more. Anyway, even then it’s neglect in a weaker sense
With Max, who’s possibly alive who knows, there’s at best a possibility that he had been neglected but it’s uncertain to what extent
I mean she sucks but people should probably change their language a bit to make sure it’s factual. I wonder if her family could pin something on the farms about slander/libel (whichever the correct term is)
No. 1294508
>>1294501She's gonna snap real soon if that's her. I can almost smell it.
Although that smell might be the fungus.
No. 1294509
>>1294504There’s a few threads that pop up every few minutes, here’s that particular one is a much bigger thread, the damage control is on overdrive No. 1294512
>>1294506>vendettabitch is reading this thread lol she definitely uses this forum we know for sure
since we have grafin and bella both insert LET THEM FIGHT MEME
No. 1294515
File: 1628452470955.png (4.38 MB, 2888x3200, 1628274052199.png)

Anyone simping for Fiona should really read this shit. She still wanted to have sex with Chris after finding out that he had sex with his mom. (these are out of order)
Both Bella and Fiona are fucked in the head.
No. 1294535
File: 1628452881608.png (12.22 KB, 610x116, bella pls 14.png)

This is getting highly fucking entertaining ngl. Spooky said today was gonna be a doozy.
No. 1294537
File: 1628452901897.png (269.61 KB, 1920x1096, trumpties.png)

Bella's dad has ties with Trump, as he was was the creator of….
>The Apprentince
>The Biggest Loser
Kind of interesting now that you think about it…
No. 1294546
>>1294541She posted
>>1292230 on Reddit two years ago so yes she was.
No. 1294554
>>1294526Lol I’m not Bella. I’m just pointing out that a lot of the stuff going around doesn’t have that much proof outside of a very trustworthy Bella (lol) saying it
She’s a psycho but at most the stuff that has some ground is that she’s racist and hates trans people, bullies autistic people or those that are otherwise stupid
No. 1294558
>>1294550She was asked to get rid some of the hamsters (don't know which one, there's like at least 8 of them) so maybe this is the one? She bragged about it on her Discord group and asked what sick shit she should do to it.
While they're short-lived they're not THAT short-lived every new hamster would be dead in span of 2 years.
No. 1294567
We need a good new OP pic.
>>1294563It's hilarious, what does she plan on achieving at this point? Why would 4chan autists care or matter? Why does she keep posting about cat shit on discord?
No. 1294568
>>1294563>There’s a massive damage control campaign on 4ch right now yes?dude, the damage control is fucking EVERYWHERE on the internet right now.
her dad has companies worth billions of dollars, and… haha… they are tech companies literally focused on cyber psyop shenanigans lol….Cannot make this shit up, look up Mike Janke on linked in
No. 1294569
>>1294559There’s a picture of a hamster being boiled (presumably) and some students with unverified stories that she has microwaved a hamster before
Talked about the Goober stuff but that’s hardly animal abuse and at most a mild case of neglect, also the poor cat seems to be Louis’
So no… there aren’t really pictures of it?
No. 1294571
File: 1628453866940.png (18.7 KB, 604x126, 14B34072-13C2-4D3D-825D-95BBB3…)

>>1294563Yes, and on reddit too. I wonder did she or her dad hire people? I can’t imagine having the energy to do all this on multiple sites, maybe she’s just that crazy though.
No. 1294576
>>1294571dude, Bella's glowops have been traced back to a shit ton of propaganda on 4chan and other platforms such as:
>anti vax>anti trans >TRUMP IS PRESIDENT>pro nazi/jew hate>CP/furryshit is happening
No. 1294577
>>1292987 mentions she needed to get rid of one hamster "after Covid ended" so that couldn't be before 2020. So the hamster here
>>1294539 was found in December 2019. I highly doubt there are that many hamster abusers in same campus so she has been torturing hamsters for 2 years.
No. 1294581
>>1294569What do you want? A live stream of her red rooming a poor creature? There's a whole lot of real world evidence to point to her hamster posturing in discord being at least somewhat based in reality. Sure, anons aren't cops that are gonna come drag her to hamster abuse court on some circumstantial evidence alone, but to deny the picture it paints of Bella is crystal clear.
And this is what she brags in her general chats. Who knows what kind of gore she has collected on her devices. She's still a shiny new cow and we have just begun to milk
No. 1294585
File: 1628454235211.png (Spoiler Image,162.82 KB, 942x527, 1628282461720.png)

Kiwifarms is down right now but I was able to get this image that contains the image of the hamster being boiled.
No. 1294588
>There’s a picture of a hamster being boiled (presumably)Presumably because it's an image. I could do the same thing by throwing a hamster in a saucepan and snapping a picture… like come on guys
mf you point out something and everyone thinks you're Bella just because it's not the narrative they want to hear
AT BEST, there's very weak 'proof' that she's neglectful and possibly abuses hamsters
No. 1294590
>>1294588man can you shut the fuck up
i don't even if you are bella, stop derailing the conversation like bella would.
No. 1294591
>>1294588Why are you going so hard to defend hamster abuse? That claim is not made on this picture alone, anon.
Only Bella is this stupid and short sighted…
No. 1294592
>>1294585Do you have the powerpoint TTU students made about her animal abuse?
>>1294586I can’t. At some point she made a post in the TTU subreddit linking to it.
No. 1294594
>>1294580she thinks shes doing damage control lol
she thinks if she makes the story so ridiculous, she can just sell that story that the whole thing is a lie. This shit is getting so fucking good. her and her friends have been chimping out the past 12 hours.
>if anyone has the pic of all that money getting sent to her, she seemed pretty distraught by that being posted, because that thread was immediately killed, and a whole lot more glowie psyop posts started exploding everywhere, so I would like to keep posting that on 4chan lol No. 1294602
>>1294591Anyone who looks into this properly is going to see that the most damning claims made have no ground to stand on lol
The farms are all 'going to ruin her life' when at best they might make it a bit harder to get a better job. Might because, again, if you look into it a bit it starts losing steam real quick
Again, Bella is not exactly the most honest person out there. Take everything she says with a tiny pinch of salt because she cares more about looking good for her stupid friends
>>1294598I was wondering if she was planning to pay off some of the drama channels or maybe try to get the money herself (though doubt it)
No. 1294603
>>1294588>I could do the same thing by throwing a hamster in a saucepan and snapping a picture…You aren't supposed to drench hamsters in water, period, because they're very likely to get sick and die if you do so. Also this picture
>>1294585 clearly shows that the water is bubbling/stirring like its being boiled, so stfu
No. 1294605
>>1294601None of this would have happened if Fiona didn't leak it early
Pretty crazy if you think about it
No. 1294611
>>1294605Fiona's early leak of the tape may have saved the first
victim of a serial killer from ever being murdered tbh
No. 1294615
>>1294576This makes her deflection tactics make so much more sense. I thought this playbook looked familiar.
>Do something scummy and probably illegal>Rope in as many patsies as you can to make them culpable>Once the heat is on, burn off the weakest link>Drag everything through bureaucracy and legal tape so we can move on and forget about it>Do another scummy thing (this starts the round over again on a new track)>Bury all the old scummy things in obfuscated lies and half truths and get your simps/stans/cronies/donors to buy and sell your lies like its their job>Ride the outrage trains to infamy and riches while everyone in your orbit ends up broke, dead or in jailShe's just an apprentice to this 'art' and but I don't think she's gonna ace the final.
No. 1294616
File: 1628455044571.png (722.95 KB, 859x545, actually what the fuck.png)

Presented without comment.
No. 1294618
>>1294615She might be able to as Louis seems to be doing most of the work for her, including contacting the cops with false info possibly
It being on the internet is not ideal but daddy's got money and connections
No. 1294642
File: 1628456149598.jpg (44.96 KB, 1200x800, depositphotos_240741376-stock-…)

Yum Yum Yum
No. 1294644
>>1294640Nah it's just slow here
Also, can someone make a new thread
No. 1294794
>>1293613>banned for footfaggotrykek, this place is okay
inb4 b& for newfaggotry :(