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No. 1520815
Discuss the happenings, drama, cringe, etc. of Neocities, personal sites, webrings, and other small communities, and how they used to be in the past.
Other possible topics of discussion:
>personal sites vs social media profiles>creating shrines and fanlistings>joining webrings and cliques>how socializing on the internet has changedPrevious thread
>>>/ot/1320546Search for personal/non-comercial sites: help: No. 1528567
>>1520815W3Schools sucks, this course is better: of the Internet webring from the previous thread: No. 1528706
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I curse the day this stupid white woman created a neocities account. I blame this cunt for starting all the neocities drama. I honestly wish she hadn't gone off the face of the internet, she made me laugh, I just wish she had chose someplace more crowded than neocities to start bullshit.
No. 1528930
>>1528922Exactly. another thing i want to mention is every other post being "x if you're reading" this "y i know you're lurking". instead of posting here indirectly why not just tell them directly? Isn't there already an early web animecore thread on /w/ with the exact same type of cliqueposters too? Just go there.
Stop interacting with the cows, and stop baiting the twelve year old. You have to be either underage or retarded to not be able to understand this and discuss things normally.
No. 1528971
>>1528893This reads like a rejected encyclopedia dramatica article and didn't need to mention lolcow at all. Can we stop giving these people the attention they desperately want?
>>1528951those seem like great questions so far! Most of them seem like they could be answered with a short response, so it wouldn't feel like it's dragging on. If you wanted some in-depth responses maybe you could throw a couple thought-provoking ones in there.
No. 1528999
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Same anon as
>>1528951 I went ahead and made the poll! I'd love to know the opinions of nonnies in this thread. No. 1529014
>>1528893>>1528943The bar is so low that I'm actually really happy a literal genderist with a "DID alter" from a cartoon is just poking fun and telling readers to form their own opinion about the users on the webring, instead of posting "they're all Nazi TERFs, doxx and spam their pages with threats since they're killing poor transgenders like me" like they tend to.
That said, if we're going to post about Neocities drama, I wish it was kept to another thread.
No. 1529035
>>1528998Haven't hosted one myself, but cinni has one, maybe the links will help you if you dig a bit.
An oekaki board is something I have been meaning to look up too, it seems fun. No. 1529493
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I updated the tags for antiwomanbrands, went to check it on the search page and lol, lmao
No. 1529496
>>1529493 more on topic though, I feel like no matter what I change, the site still just looks clunky. Changing the background from a highly repeated and loud pattern helped a little, but the layout still irks me. I just started on a personal website and I want to avoid the same thing from happening
General question, is there anything in particular that might make a given website just feel old?
No. 1529505
>>1529496Fonts & colors are very important on how a website looks, so try to play with them for a bit.
I used to hate one of my pages until I simply changed the font to a lighter one and added a bit more of line height and the whole feeling of it changed for the better.
Borders are pretty important too, but it depends on how the rest of your layout looks. Sometimes 1px solid on a similar color as the background/container looks better, while in other it's 4px solid black and such.
About old websites, definitely table layouts with 7px font size and all links squished in one of the sidebars. If you're making one, I'm begging you to use a readable font size though, kek.
No. 1529872
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>>1529508Just saw this site that uses a similar layout as yours. I think you're right, maybe removing the borders and separating each container by their background color is the way to go.
No. 1529928
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>>1529872>>1529577I fixed the borders, it looks so much better. I'm still going to play around with colors and fonts, thank you guys!
No. 1530127
>>1529232the interactions with the cows should def stop but i'm not sure a neocities thread + neocities drama thread would make sense, seeing how this one is already very slow.. most of the 'drama' is just braindead takes seen on neocities anyway.
>>1529928looks good nonna!
No. 1531816
>>1531685Yeah, but I don't use the search fuction much since I'm mostly on it to sperg on my own (I dont even follow anyone lmao). If you look up by interest you will probably get better results though.
DW is in a way about privacy, so looking up specific things isn't as easy as social media. If you want to build a community instead of simply rambling on your blog the best thing is to known another person who uses it and find other people by talking to their commenters/followers and so on.
I havent used them yet, but there are groups too, you can try your luck by joining some of them.
No. 1531820
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>>1529928I've updated the colors. Once I figure out how fonts work, I think it'll really come together! I've been working on a page with some more complex html and it's so satisfying figuring out how everything works.
No. 1532980
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>>1531820This made me burst out laughing anon. I love your humour and the personal touches on the site.
No. 1533006
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>>1532980aw thanks, I'm glad to hear it. I was getting worried that the site wasn't serious enough but imo I'd rather keep it light hearted. Bear fat is no laughing matter though, it gets 5 stars on every russian pharmacy online.
No. 1533110
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Nonnies I found a blog in the webring who has this on her blog. Please tell me it's ironic
No. 1533231
>>1532968What helped me the most what to stop caring how my site looks to others and just start writting pages about stuff I want. If I feel lazy to do HTML, I just pick a ramdom Markdown to HTML online generator and wrote here.
A website is in a way about wanting to show stuff to the world, so maybe writting about your hobbies, your process on drawing/sewing, tutorials or just making a page about your pets or favorite movie for others to see will motivate you a bit.
My site is actually still on the beta v3 after half a year, I wanted to do a great layout remodeling but noticed wanting my site look great was blocking my hability to both create content for it and to enjoy my site, so I ended up usng a very layout and called it a day.
No. 1534172
>>1532968Think about why you want to make one in the first place and then focus on that. Like
>>1533231 said, she wants to create content to share with the world, so that's where she puts her energy instead of worrying about her layout. My reason for making a website is the opposite actually. I love to decorate and design pages, so that's what I do without worrying too much about the content. You could have any reason for making a website and no reason could be too stupid. All Fauux did was make empty pages with ugly Lain gifs on them and his site is the 2nd biggest on Neocities. Follow your heart nona
No. 1534783
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Apparently the yesterweb webring is shutting down. Personally I never liked the yesterweb webring because of its community that I know I wouldn't be welcome in and the fact that it's the first webring that pops up when learning about the retro-web revival, it seems to me that most people treat it as a passing fad which results in a lot of inactive websites very quickly.
Do you think webrings that grow too large become a problem? Sadness mentioned this being a problem in the past as well, if any nonnies had experiences with webrings when they were first a thing I'd love to hear about it.
No. 1539527
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>>1539020>Another anon mentioned being linked in the early days.That was probably me, I'm not sure how long cc has been a part of the yesterweb but at some point users in the yesterweb discord noticed and made a fuss about it kek
No. 1541046
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Found some sites just by looking for castlevania doujins, way more than I expected
> independent castlevania fan site it updated last in 2021 and has a forum
> (russian)A general vampire site, just the anime section has a bunch of explanations on every character, and I cannot even tell how I get to the doujin section
> site just about castlevania but in russain
No. 1541097
>>1540621tbh I feel the same, it feels like all fandoms now feel the same…like the all use the same 10 memes and jokes, and it feels like all everyone ends up talking about are boring headcanons for character's sex and gender stuff.
I think the gen pop's awareness of fandom has kind of taken the fun out it too, like every time a new IP comes out and gains a fandom, people within the fandom start comparing it to other fandoms, and trying to predict what ship is going to be popular, and what character fall into what trope, and what ship fall into what couple trope. The whole character trope x character trope was fun and cute at first, but its starting to get to the point where people what every relation to be easily boiled down to a goofy ship meme.
Like looking at shrines and whole fan pages/sites from back in the day, devoted to old fandom stuff you could tell these people actually liked whatever they were fanning….
While I agree that its is alot easier to find and connect with people who have the same interest, but its a little bit harder to find someone who actually like said thing because they genuinely like it rather than they just like it because (a. its trending or (b. (insert tiktoker/youtuber/twitter person) talked about it/liked it, so there for I like it too syndrome, or (c. the worse type "All I know abt this IP is from memes, ship art, and tiktok comps, I haven't taken the time to consume it in its original format".
TL;DR I think alot people who are in fandom nowdays are just a fan of fandom, they're there for the memes, the drama, for a place of belonging, basically every reason that's not for the love of the IP itself. Also it doesn't help that new fandoms seem to go to pot real quick at the slightest sound of an opinion that's different from the fandom's opinion as a whole (again esp when it comes to shipping), maybe it was always like this but I think when people are all packed on one platform that's doesn't allow for much customization or actual effort/space to full express a thought (i.e twitter), people get hive mind-y fast.
No. 1541103
>>1540621sorry for double post
but what kind of stuff do you post on your secrets blog, anyway ?
curious bc I've been thinking abt doing the same thing, I just dont want the social media noise..
No. 1541232
>>1541097>I think a lot of people who are into fandom nowadays are just fan of fandom (…) not for the love of the IP itselfI have never thought of it that way, but nona you're so right. I often see people going "This series sucks, I'm glad fans are always here to fix it xDddd" and while sometimes they say it as a light-hearted jokes towards the writter being a creep, there are people who genuinely think that. It's more prevalent on some fandoms than others, but it's so evident some people are here just to follow what others do and have a quick laugh. In fact, my sister keeps getting into different media just because she sees funny edits on TikTok of them, I feel memes, tropes and fandoms are now weaponized by media creators to use as free advertisement.
Genuine love is harder to find due to having the world's eyes on you and people finding pure emotions "cringe", but I can't lie, I don't interact with people on sns anymore so I enjoy the fanart even if people aren't really on the IP kek. I do miss finding some actual love though.
Now that Twitter is going down and lots of people are leaving, I wonder if it will have an impact on fandoms. As long as big social media is still around nothing will really change I guess, but it would be nice to go back to smaller (public, I hate Discord) communities. Yeah there was drama and such back on the old days too, but things didn't get as widespread. Now you know about 6 different dramas on your fandom and an extra 4 of random ones you found out thanks to trending/retweets.
My blog isn't anything special, just a diary (mostly because I got memory problems) and rambles about games and hobbies. It used to be hosted on my Neocities site, but even thay was too public for me since it pretty much handles your site on a silver plate to anyone and it's getting popular. Now it's on Dreamwidth and due to the site's nature, pretty much only accessible if you look up people who like the game I write about.
No. 1542375
>>1541232It would be interesting to see how fandoms fair once/if when twitter finally falls, there might be a chance then for the genuine fans to have a chance to start a community again, if there's one tech savvy in the group.
I think one of major problems with fandoms on sns platforms is that this is no set moderation or rules for specific groups or fandoms, its all thunder dome rules. Its funny how twitter ppl are always the ones preaching "no gatekeeping" when gatekeeping is kind of what kept the peace in older, smaller online communities, alot fandom specific forums asked you a question related to IP before you could join, and that question was usually something really specific that would be hard to google, even if you got pass that going off topic was a big no no in most forums (and I think mid headcanons w/ no ip supported evidence fell into the area of off topic).
>finding pure emotions "cringe"weird, I was told cringe culture is dead, but to be honest it felt like ppl were way more real when cringe culture was alive and kickin. I miss the genuine weeaboo, who made culture appropriate mistakes and spoke broken Japanese mixed with English out of pure naive unedited passion for japan, instead of cyclical hyper aware tiktok weebs who call themsleves anime trash, but all the anime they know is through the trending tab and tiktok memes.
>>1542240Yeah, I've been meaning to do the same thing with my own art, sns art community feels like a never ending clout chasing contest, most of the online art friends I made were thru DA of all places, DA peeps might be weird but they can leave the most heartfelt and thoughtful comment when given the chance, and usual do it just cuz'.
Never understood the type to keep all their artwork on twitter, even its on an account just for their own art, it can be a slog scrolling thru a twitter feed for anything really…
At least Insta was made for displaying a whole gallery of images, as crappy as its ratio and cropping can be…
No. 1542398
>>1542375I loved DA back in the day before it died. While it still suffered a bit from the idea that they had to give you a nice comment if you took the time to comment on their art, I feel like even then people were genuinely appreciative of each other. I loved doing art trades, doing work for writers who didn't draw for themselves and just having fun in general, but nowadays I feel like people just find you weird if you attempt to do these things. Fanart is so often just a 20 minute sketch with pronouns and the trans flag slapped on top, it's hard to find anything that feels genuine or interesting anymore.
All over I miss the times were people were more playful. I didn't think I would miss the whole "cringe" era so bad, but here I am, kek. We didn't know how good we had it.
No. 1542630
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>>1541232Yeah, tons of people chant "cringe is dead" but most of the time it just means "you can draw sparkledogs and watch lego movies”. In reality, the internet is more judgemental now than ever thanks to everyone being able to have a huge exposure on social media and how fast rumors spread with no fact checking.
Doesn't fall into cringe I think, but lately I have been into purikura and found a blog ( and it was fun reading thru the reviews of the silly filters and stickers. Things are really more refreshing when you don't care about other people's opinion.
It isn't the ideal solution, but I joined Mastodon back in February and I think that may be the closest to small communities we will have in the near future. It's pretty much tons of independent Twitters each one with a set of rules to abide by (& sometimes behind an approval method), and while lots of them are for abroad topics, I can see fandom-specific servers being a thing that could get popular over here. The one I'm in is mostly about sperging about your favorite characters/ships kek.
That said, I would like personal sites & blogs to make a popular comeback, I’m not a fan of infinite scrolling sns & having my content at the mercy of a 3rd party
I need to look more into them, but it seems BobaBoard ( and FujoGuide ( aim to create fandom-specific communities and promoting/making a guide on webdev to make your own sites respectively, they seem good initiatives.
No. 1542688
>>1542636Maybe you should ask yourself what you want out of starting a blog.
From what you have said, if you want comments/engagement in general I guess you should look up other blogs/sites (if wordpress lets non-users comment, I have never used it) and interact with them so they interact with you too and maybe that will make it feel less like a chore and motivate you to continue writing. Tumblr is a no-no for personal blogging because no one reads more than 1.5 lines of text, but fandom meta posts & translations do interest people here.
But in general the current state of blogging is a bit of a desert unless you find some small community. I only use my blog to make it pretty and ramble about games because I got no one to talk about them to (not a fan of online friendships & my irls aren’t into them), so I can’t give advice about finding them though.
No. 1542760
>>1542688I don't just engagement for the sake of it, I want to have fun discussion related to hobbies… But I know it's difficult now that actual forums don't exist. For comparison's sake if I want to post about a video game here I'm not guaranteed to have a lot of replies but it's still way more likely that I'll have actual people replying in normal ways and with answers that are related to what I will post. On tumblr I wouldn't be able to post anything because of how everything is all about fandoms themselves and not the actual franchises, and the trans headcanons and racebending fanarts, etc. I had a blog on tumblr from 2012 to 2016 and I remember a mutual at the time who was super into Ace Attorney and Persona 4 who just said she thought Naoto being a transboy directly contradicts the story and she got insulted constantly for it. I don't want to deal with braindead idiots who don't even play the video games they claim to love so much. Wordpress lets anyone leave comments on blog posts but if someone who doesn'thave a wordpress accounts tries that they'll have to give an email address while commenting iirc.
>But in general the current state of blogging is a bit of a desert unless you find some small community.Yeah it seems like it. I feel like vlogging and videos in general has replaced written blogs. It's a pity because it's such a different medium, and it removes a little bit of anonymity to sperg about hobbies while recording my voice at the very least. Meanwhile anyone with a good quality camera and no brain cells can film themselves sperging like an idiot, spread wrong infos or unfounded rumors on whatever they want because they have no reading comprehension, yell like a maniac while streaming video games trailers because "muh hype" or "lolsorandom" humor.
No. 1544146
>>1541097>The whole character trope x character trope was fun and cute at first, but its starting to get to the point where people what every relation to be easily boiled down to a goofy ship meme. NTA but fully agree. I have a ship that I really love but in a lot of fan creations both characters get flanderized to death with no nuance or layers left and no regard to their original portrayal. It's a game so people generally don't even really play it, or if they do, they skip all the story sections missing big plot points so they make half of their canon up and expect everyone else to follow their interpretation. In worst cases they tend to get mad if you remind them of the official lore because, like said, half of them base their entire experience on fandom creations alone never having even touched the game.
People really just love partaking in the fandom culture above all, they could be made into being a fan of pretty much anything if the fandom checked all the boxes for the memes, tiktok cosplayers and ship art. We got people like these in 2005 too but they were considered more or less an anomaly, now it's the norm. Like every artist online is drawing fanart of shit they know absolutely nothing about just to milk the equally obtuse "fans" for either exposure or money.
No. 1544530
>>1544146>I have a ship that I really love but in a lot of fan creations both characters get flanderized to death with no nuance or layers left and no regard to their original portrayal. It's a game so people generally don't even really play it, or if they do, they skip all the story sections missing big plot points so they make half of their canon up and expect everyone else to follow their interpretation.I'm in a fandom where characterization is slow to roll out and also poorly documented within the game. However, an online resource keeps track of it on a wiki, and datamines and videos of their dialogues exsist. So, there's no reason to fuck it up.
And yet still, you have people making out-of-context fanart of them that doesn't channel their best canon qualities, and instead boils them down to flanderized tropes, or the author self inserting onto one of the characters. What's sad is that, if they took their canon qualities into account? I'd be into said ship. In fact, said ship of character A x Y is just a swap out of character A x B, even though B and Y act nothing alike.
I remember being able to respect ships I didn't like when the creators embraced their canon qualities and extended upon them, instead of turning them into interchangeable figures. It meant that the creators still appreciated the series/franchise as a whole and presented a new angle to it.
Even off the topic of shipping, a lot of people have flooded the fanart sphere with off-model and irrelevant artwork of characters.
Ranting aside, I've been working on a fansite for myself. Once it's done, I hope it inspires others. Fansites and blogs really force you to be genuine. And it's more obvious if you don't care about the series.
No. 1545276
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>>1532277 this part of the and there's mention of trannies webrings…
No. 1545294
>>1545276Yesterweb is a shitty faux web nostalgia webring with a shitty tranny circlejerk community. There are some decent sites on there, however, since it's one of the biggest and most popular webrings out there at the moment. Most of these old web revival sites with manifestos devoid of any originality are very pro TRA.
They are shutting down the webring soon though along with the forums.
No. 1545316
>>1545294I didn't know this one but I can see why troons would gather at some point in faux nostalgia setting.
Do you recommend some sites in this old web style or about that phenomenon but without the trannies or other genderspecials?
No. 1545344
>>1545316The last thread had a nice list of all kinds of personal websites here
>>1366813. It's a good starting point.
You can also take a look at the women of the internet webring since it originated here. From there you can check out which sites are recommended by those sites and discover a whole lot of stuff.
Lastly I recommend This guys website has a pretty comprehensive webring + personal website list but it's not gendie free. Some quality stuff can be found here though.
No. 1545891
>>1542630The purikura blog was an interesting read, thanks for sharing nonna. I was even curious about the author's whereabouts now but all her socials/blogs linked seem to have been wiped.
Bobaboard's concept sounds great, but the overall vibe makes me think that it will instantly be filled with gendies and the like.
No. 1546006
>>1545344Thanks for sharing, I already know the onerous thread on this topic. When I'll find something interesting I will also share it.
>>1520815I'm slowly starting to learn HTML and ita satisfying to see when the code appears as site in .html file. I have one problem - how to make parts of the site in a different color than the others?
For example, I have something written between two dividers and I want that part to be some color, let's say green, when the background outside dividers will be different color, let's say purple. I tried looking for some guides how to do it but didn't find anything. I learned though how to give colorful bakcrgiund to some heading or paragraph and it appears as a colorful string one which a writing can fit but I'm looking for something bigger than a line-background. How to divide background into parts and make them have different colors?
No. 1546133
>>1545891Any website/space (specially if it's about fandom) is bound to be full of gendies, so nothing new. Unless it originated in a place hostile towards them it's impossible to find a community nowadays without trans people & TRAs.
At this point I have desisted and just join places without caring who is on it. Sucks being a "crypto" and so knowing you won't form sincere friendships, but making a fandom-only account and trying to find people who are actually interested in the series itself instead of having their tl full of "[X] is trans!!" kind of works.
They can get on your nerves at times, but for some chit-chat and art trades it's fun. You attract what you post, making your account have barely any focus on personal or social matters will mostly attract people who don't want to discuss these things either and are here for the series instead.
No. 1546544
>>1546469nta but it does have a list of
terf/radfem neocities and websites
No. 1546574
>>1546457Love this list of
TERF neocities, I'll be following all of these sites now!
No. 1546693
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>>1546457Aw, sad to see I'm not here, I guess I will have to try harder. It's a nice small follow list though, I knew about most of these sites except the last one, loved their meme page kek
No. 1546788
>>1546457Judging by her articles dungbeetle is a prolific LC user that is desperate to end up on LC to become a
victim herself. She's a 24 year old did faker obsessed with a show I only see children like. Her fursona is a cow with mastectomy scars. Basically she's dime a dozen on neocities and it's not worth giving her attention in this thread. She's suffering from an extreme not like the other tifs syndrome and now that she published this shitlist I bet she'll blame any negative attention she receives on the people she put on there.
She's lame and boring and has nothing of value to say, best to just treat her like a mildly irritating mosquito.
No. 1547790
>>1546457this is too funny, I like how she's being dramatic ("some of them are
really sneaky, communicating through dogwhistles on seemingly innocent pages") but then it's just people being straightforward about their views and referencing gender crit literature in passing or something like that kek. also "we've compiled a list" blabla big introduction and it's FOUR blogs. "Will this start new drama?" she really wish hahah
No. 1548885
>>1548230You're right. Owly links back to dungbeetle too.'s no way she doesn't know of Owly being a pedo considering how long they've been interacting. They also have the Neolands discord which he's probably going to use if not already for grooming.
No. 1548924
>>1548885You mean nona. Discord mods and pedos go hand in hand.
No. 1553077
>>1553070> i can't figure it out, i mean i know how to add a graphic but that side is all grouped into one if that makes sense and i want to add it somewhere specificTry doing <br> between the images? If you posted a picture of how it looked like maybe I could get a better idea of what you need help with.
>is it something to do with the fact that the theme was made for japanese use?Yes, I've noticed this on fc2 on some themes. It could have something to do with word-break property perhaps so if you want to change it try deleting that whole line if it exists.
No. 1560443
>>1553005anyone know where i can find more radfem blinkies? tumblr is only showing me like one result that isn't a "dni terfs" one.
my ( non feminism related ) contribution: cute website material… website
>'s kind of annoying to have to exit out of those popups(?) constantly but imo it's worth it, there's hundreds of adorable pixels here.
No. 1560623
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>>1560443you can make super basic ones here No. 1561263
File: 1682631607144.gif (749 B, 150x20, blinkiesCafe-Pr.gif)

>>1560623thanks anon! there's even a cow blinkie kek
> No. 1571027
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>>1570456Madness self admitted on the yesterweb forum that she, in her own words, tried to be a digital guerilla and transform yesterweb into some weird maoist commie utopia. Lo and behold it didn't work out when most people into this movement were upper/middle class children and trannies that got severely bored during the pandemic and wanted to escape social media, hence 90% of sites on the webring were empty about me pages with copy paste manifestos.
Incidentally, the people that could contribute the most to the movement when it was actually an internet community focused movement were the tech hobbyists but Madness hated them for being filthy bourgeoisie that used words that were too hard to understand such as "Linux" and "open source" or something along those lines.
Sadness, the creator of the movement, has been in the background for most of it especially after madness started attempting to radicalize everyone on the mod team and it's obvious her own idea was pissed and shat on by madness but she submitted to her and in the end we got this weird summary that has nothing to do with the original movement.
Never let commie larper trannies take control of your ideas and communities.
No. 1571828
>>1571027You forgot about that madness turned on artists in yesterweb too. Yesterweb banned advertising commissions by artists who came here to escape social media hell, but madness considers it "bourgeois transactions". It alienated another group that could do lot around movement, since they are passionate and actually work on their handcrafted sites. At some point their literally banned "advertising" your own sites, linking it is such an evil capitalist bourgeois transaction for that thridworldist maoist weirdo. I found many sites when their owners linked them, it's like spreading the word isn't it? But not for madness who never cared about running a personal site. Her sites were empty or it just hosted some commie theory. She seems to hate anyone who has actual hobbies and doesn't care about her weird movement shit. I feel it's why there was so much of hate towards techy types, maybe she doesn't know but around 5 years, neocities mostly attracted more tech oriented crowd and it's natural that things like retrotech/web will appeal to techy dudes. Of course it's just lot of envy too, she hates anyone just having a stable job in tech industry - iirc few people who went to found 32bit cafe were treated like garbage in yesterweb, because how they dare to work in IT industry! Of course madness shot them down as "Professional Managerial Class" and that they exist only to hijack their movement. Her "internet revolution" do shit. She's also obsessed with Jian Qing, so you know where from her obsession with "counter culture" and cultural revolutions came from.
Sadness was a typical lefty person from very start but wasn't really radical, most of her writing was mostly about internet and how old web totally was better, until when most likely madness started indoctrinating her. Shitty Not Just Bikes/r/fuckcars takes, obsession with Kollontai and especially writings about abolishing family, she also probably was forced to read "Settlers" by madness, which is divisive rabidly anti-western anonymous communist text, pure thirdworldist-maoist drivel (from which most likely priviledge idpol came from, the thirdworldist thought that working class in the west totally opresses third world is strikingly similar to shit leftists claim that homeless white guy is more priviledged than any black celeb for an example). She forced herself to read shit that tells that she's devil just for existing and that text literally is another white guilt inducing shit, so it's very likely that madness tried to induce more of it. Sadness was a vulnerable person who's easy to infulence, make her more depressed and broken and in the end use it to take over yesterweb. It's common trajectory of most of niche web communities, unfortunately.
Yesterweb failed because maoist usurper couldn't get that kids want to have fun and passionate people care more about making their sites full of interesting content, only thing yesterweb accomplished was littering neocities with shitty pages with social media links and shitty manifestos which were some "political action" or something for them. yesterweb never cared about personal web at all, it just was nostalgiafagging which should stay nostalgiafagging than something that never was.
>>1571826Open source crowd in my experience leans more into lib-left/anarchism so they were wrong types of leftists for them, since madness was all about very rabid forms of maoism and wanted to mao tier dictator in her "internet revolution"
No. 1571855
>>1571851sadness is/was an almost 30 year old neet lesbian who barely discovered the old web and how to write HTML, it seems madness was just an influence but sadness seemed clueless about what she was getting into.
The yesterweb community was always a joke. Madness had to explain was racism was to one of the soyboy techbro mods that thought making fun of English people was racist. Good riddance.
No. 1571871
>>1571855Sadness always seemed to be a person who doesn't know shit about webdev/running sites/hosting stuff and she's limited to neocities, but despite that she tried to be sort of expert and help everyone out. The funniest thing was page about custom 404 pages, which was limited to "just edit one neocities provided you" and my exceptations were too high thinking she maybe i'll show basic .htaccess (very handy to know if you have own domain, easy redirects and custom error pages like 404 or 403). Yesterweb didn't try to help people actually decentralize things and set up their own domains and create guides about that, be actual fucking webmaster.
Shitty layout generator she made ruined any creativity in neocities layouts at all, everyone now just make same 2/3 column layouts
No. 1579598
>>1578723Like maybe actually being leader and not letting a bunch of faggots in her circle force her hand. She was spineless and would frequently make erratic moderation decisions or changes, even if it was only because some trannies wanted to target people they didn't like. The entire premise of the yesterweb was to allow a bunch of zoomers to pretend to know shit about what the oldweb was like. They wanted to pretend to experience web through the lens of nostalgia and it was never going to happen.
The majority of the retards on the yesterweb were zoomers and clearly mentally ill people who were being enabled and validated in their neurosis. The old web didn't tolerate snowflakes and coddle them the way the yesterweb was set up as a hugbox. It could arguably be considered the worst community on neo cities as hundreds of shitty filler pages were created because of sadness. She was unemployed or a NEET when she was spending time acting amazed at the power of HTML5 in 2023. Good riddance.
No. 1581206
>>1580550Nobody used or was expected to use real names. Banner ads and popup ads. Shitty free webhosting services and a handful of okay ones. SLOW. Way, way more fucking interesting than Web 2.0– nevermind wikiwalks, you'd do like…linkwalks to handmade pages. Some were shite and some were great. Communities generally became super-
toxic super quickly, though, waaaay fucking more than now– but nobody mentions this because the internet was still nerd shit/niche back then, not yet just a part of everyday life. I hated it for that reason but I loved it and miss it for the creativity and just general interestingness.
No. 1584663
>>1584588Yeah, that's true. If one section of a fandom went full retard you could always walk away and find another part somewhere else that wasn't (or hadn't yet), admittedly. Although that was more difficult in communities that were very tiny or niche to begin with, though– if there was only, like, ONE major community forum for Obscure Fandom X, you were shit outta luck.
Also I find like, Tumblr/Insta/etc all let the lazier shit-stirrers into the world into communities. In Web 1.0, web presence took effort and upkeep that you had to develop by yourself, it kinda took a certain amount of discipline or at least sincerity. These days, any fuckwit with a cell can make a social media account and bleat about their shitty opinions.
No. 1585361
>>1581206>>1584588I remember this, and it was almost hilarious how fast things could go downhill back then. You'd either have a few
toxic community members up against a weak staff who just wanted to keep the peace, or mad site admin trying to turn a fandom into a mini-cult. At least it was easier for you to pick up and make your own space w/o feeling lost if it came down to it, because the toxicity usually affected more than one person instead of a targeted attack. So you'd at least gain new company too burnt out to start shit.
These days, things are spread so thin that it can take a while to build up. But it can become a mob that tries to follow you around. I remember, back then, people would try to bring drama from old websites, only for a moderator to tell them to leave their drama on whatever place they came from. Nowadays, you don't have that. When Tumblr executed the Pornpocolypse, I noticed the cancelers followed the smut artists shippers to twitter and just picked up from where they left off instead of staying away from content they disagreed with.
No. 1587885
File: 1685092426004.png (102.96 KB, 1276x1401, pic.png)

I wrote a page generator if anyone is interested. (I made it because I write fanfiction and wanted to put fandoms or topics in separate tags.)
Result: No. 1604010
File: 1686519656223.png (489.75 KB, 1614x926, image_2023-06-11_144146767.png)

More layout theft drama, what else is new No. 1604026
>>1604010The image swapping made me kek
I get that purinlands layouts are pretty cute but she managed to impress so many animecore zoomers to the point her site is getting stolen constantly. I wonder where she promotes it so much that it gets that type of audience.
No. 1604502
>>1604037She is, but she stopped advertising her site on there ages ago. Probably realized how retarded the userbase is and has outgrown it.
>>1604501As retarded as it is, it's not about the images, it's about html and css
No. 1605754
>>1603973Yeah, I had neocities in mind. I'm apprehensive about doing it manually because of my motivation and focus levels but then again I wanted to keep things totally javascript free. I'm still not sure what I want out if this.
How do people here feel about having to go off-site to get to the blog part like a livejournal?
No. 1606501
>>1606432It’s because so many sites are bloated with so much JavaScript bullshit that it lags or hangs machines, especially if they are older or less powerful or will take ten years to load on slower connections (which is still a problem for a lot of people in the US and developing countries). Lots of ads also rely on JavaScript.
I don’t follow this thread but maybe another reason is that learning markup is a lot easier than learning a programming language so they can actually customize everything without having to invest a bunch of time studying.
No. 1618682
>>1618588>>1606432Yeah, I started to learn how to make webpages last year as a hobby, and the more I work on my site, the more I notice I need JS for little things to make it more user-friendly. There are CSS workarounds for some stuff, but in general JS works smoother.
The bloat nowadays mostly comes from commercial web pages using 15 different plugins/scripts, ads, a bunch of slide-in elements and abusing JS in general. If you want something like a form, sorter or prettier tooltips, JS will barely affect your site’s performance.
I have JS on my site, but try my best to make it as optional as posible in case people have it disabled, (though that is a very very small fraction of users and they won't die if they enable it again for a single page) but for a few pages it's necessary. My only fear is that something like what happened to Adoble Flash may happen if I use scrips and all.
No. 1618923
>>1618900You don’t need php you can just use html. Again that complaint isn’t even about speed but I don’t think lolcow is a great example for your argument either kek because this site’s performance fucking sucks ass for how basic looking it is.
If your site uses slideshows it’s shitty and ugly sorry. 1000% there is never a time where slideshows aren’t a pain in the ass and stupid as hell.
No. 1619609
File: 1687966040821.jpeg (101.17 KB, 750x567, IMG_2047.jpeg)

>>1619313This is so embarrassing for you
No. 1627248
>>1627090Myself, though I got a wife rather than a husbando and I'm still working on her shrine (I got the content mostly done, but like always I can't come up with a layout for the page).
I'm on the self-ship webring and sometimes I like to check up the new members, but unfortunately most people here are either 14yo qweers or just want a funny badge for their site.
No. 1629077
>>1627248Besides yourself, do you know of anyone in that webring who has a dedicated shrine? I also click through it sometimes, but with over 100 members I find it difficult to navigate. Good luck on your layout, too
>>1629072Do you have any fun examples? My personal cow has quieted down a lot lately so I'm looking for new milk
No. 1636028
File: 1689569503222.png (88.03 KB, 952x517, ntuwfanpage.png)

This has to be one of the funniest sites I've stumbled upon No. 1636031
File: 1689569545582.png (177.4 KB, 714x606, sand.png)

>>1636028the "ultimate woman"
No. 1636376
File: 1689606365951.gif (374.6 KB, 220x162, seloro-sides.gif)

>>1636031>TF2 mainI love this. God bless the
terf who made it
No. 1636589
File: 1689623436404.png (23.84 KB, 464x588, image_2023-07-17_125232953.png)

>>1636376Yeah… about that
No. 1636654
File: 1689629038992.gif (980.59 KB, 500x500, 1686413703474.gif)

>>1636031>favorite food: hamburgerHonestly this all seems like a shitpost, we already know the artist is a woman. Favorite food hamburger is what I would've gone with
No. 1636821
File: 1689644778401.png (194.31 KB, 750x749, sparkling_water.png)

>>1636028LMAO this looks like a parody of the shit in the bad art thread. this has to be a joke, this is all pure stereotypes of uwugenders.
No. 1637120
File: 1689690492598.png (4.53 KB, 319x136, 6851fgsd1s.png)

>>1636589I'm with the other anon, I refuse to believe any of this isn't satire, I have just read the whole site and it's just so funny to be genuine. Definetly gonna keep an eye on it, thanks you nona who found about that site.
No. 1639178
I was able to find a lot of old web anime and husbando shrine websites with this search engine. It's a search engine that picks out the most obscure results. Enjoy!
No. 1640083
>>1639178Post your favourites Nona
>>1639515As the other anon said, it really depends. Try weighing the pros and cons. Is it more important to sperg publicly about what you love, or more important to shroud your identity in mystery? Why are you paranoid, anyways? What is it about being known that ignites such strong feelings in you? Keep in mind that no matter what you decide, you cannot control what other people do or how they feel about you.
No. 1641426
>>1640083it's less "controlling how people feel/what they do" and more "controlling my info out there so there's less readily available ammo to strangers and people who'd use it carelessly/against me" as it happened before. i cant redo the past so ill just be careful now and if i change my mind, i can do it worry-free unlike the reverse scenario. in the meantime, ill make the character shrines just for myself.
thanks for the thought provoking questions anon, and thank you every anon who chimed in!
No. 1642387
>>1641426The beauty of having your own website is that you don't have to overthink these detail. The most I reveal about myself is my contact email (made specifically for my indulgent fandom trash). You don't even have to share your social media.
Worry more about that stuff if you ever buy your own domain name for your shrines since Whois masking is your friend.
No. 1653991
File: 1691177634572.png (153.39 KB, 1021x437, Capture d’écran 2023-08-04 151…)

oh my lord first off- here is proof of my identity or something. The last message doko sent me before he blocked me outta nowhere.
anyhow im literally only replying because im sick of being called roxelle. my friend showed me this thread the other day and i just wanted to reiterate: my name is LILIANA !! Ive been previous called cakie on the internet, but my name is Liliana. Like, legally. No im not trans. born and raised female. trust me, if i could be a boy i would- not bleeding from your genitals once a month would be great.
and stop calling me a pedo !! i went through 3 months of fucking php and 2 years of therapy !!!! i was a confused and severely mentally ill 15-16 year old. I am actually perfectly normal lmao.
plus, isnt a rule of this thread not to rip on minors ?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1654046
File: 1691183698254.png (73.26 KB, 787x578, lesbiering.png)

>Lesbian webring
>Women who openly don't want dick aren't allowed!
> Bi/Pan lesbians
What a joke.
No. 1654560
File: 1691216820334.jpg (239.88 KB, 964x590, Lesbiring.jpg)

>>1654046Laughing at the fact that the owner of the webring came out as a lesbian only a month ago and will likely identify out of it just as quickly. At least she's an actual woman, but it seems that just like the owner of the ladies of the links webring she's doing her best to be a handmaiden and cater to men.
No. 1655169
>>1655153Nta but she's posted here before
>>1519472 and also has harassed women in the webring before via email
No. 1655251
File: 1691270878701.jpg (194.63 KB, 660x552, Chip.jpg)

>>1655153She left this in the guestbook and the writing style is the same, along with mentioning she's genderfluid in both posts
No. 1655755
>>1654746kek this only makes it sound even more like a parody, like a "how do you do fellow troons I'm totally one of you guys btw trust me"
>>1655169why is a little kid sending random strangers emails and obsessively lurking on imageboards? it's concerning her parents don't monitor her internet usage, kinda sketchy she is allowed to freely contact adult strangers
No. 1659053
File: 1691604637996.jpg (305.97 KB, 699x924, mizuki.world_essay06.html (2).…)

Iirc this tranny has been posted here before, but what the fuck is this brainrot? when do
poc women not have their own versions of femininity they get pushed into by their cultures, I feel like this is a form of collective amnesia overly online retards started engaging in a couple of years ago and it just hasn't stopped. Who unironically tells a black girl she would look better butch, I've never heard anyone say anything remotely even close to that statement in my whole life.
No. 1659107
>>1659053I've never been told to try a more masculine style in my life.
they actually want me to dress more femWhat self hater/ closet racist wrote this one up?
No. 1659149
>>1659117Nowadays I use it as an archive for pretty much anything. Pages for ranking places/restaurants I have visited, "guides" on how I have sewn something, art I made when I was 10, funny pics of a specific animal I found over the net… One of the pages people tend to enjoy the most is one where I give dumb reviews/rankings of the monsters from a video game saga kek.
I also have shrines for characters/media I like, but I suck at both coming up with layouts and putting my thoughts into words, so sadly most of them are half done.
(It kinds of sounds like a blog described like this, but the format is very different)
No. 1659175
>>1659053Yeah they all collectively hallucinated an alternate reality where people tell non-white women to be more masculine en masse (when the opposite has been true for me and every other brown/black woman I know.) It feels insanely racist when they imply that white women are just inherently dainty and smol, unlike us mannish apes who have to fight for our right to wear a skirt. I blame trannies for their "umm black women are not really women under a Western colonial gender binary" bullshit. Like of course there are retards who masculinize women who aren't white (see: Michelle Obama), but the idea that it's universal among women who aren't white is insane.
But really, the cherry on top of this retarded cake is the fact this person references a childhood among JAPANESE girls. Like why would they be "upholding whiteness," do they suddenly not count as women of color? Are Asian women synonymous with whiteness to this person? Fascinating, much to think about, etc.
No. 1659184
>>1659117Some of sites here are run by farmers. post about pretty much the same stuff you are: hobbies, media, art, etc. My site isn't super original but I'm having fun rambling about random things. You'll get less engagement if your site isn't "aesthetic" but that's probably a blessing in disguise considering how retarded some neocities users are
No. 1659365
>>1659175my best guess is that it's something about how pale skin is a desirable trait over there or something and that's white people's faults or whatever i suppose. even then what he's trying to say here is a crock of shit– it's not "forcing someone into masculinity" or anything like that to say someone doesn't suit a specific style. there's more than one way to dress feminine that doesn't involve frilly shit anyway. skill issue on his part i think.
>>1659053>poc womennot only does this troon have terrible web design sense, they also don't know how acronyms work kek. ever since "
poc" entered the mainstream as terminology i've hardly ever seen people use it correctly– it should be women of colour here if anything, not "person of colour women"
No. 1659885
>>1659869>What is your IDEAL for the net moving into 2024? I wish there was a change in how people perceived privacy (to become more private, use the net more consciously). Less consumerism too. Less drama and following of influencers and more authenticity. I'd like to see people shifting from -core aesthetic labels into something that can still might or might not be categorised but that will be more "authentic". Less ads on YT.
>Will everyone interesting have personal sites and only "normies"/influencers/annoying people have social media? No, I think interesting people might still stick to social media although the individual cases can be very different. Of course most normies etc. still prefer social media to personal sites and I feel that although the "interesting" people are more likely to move to personal sites, I believe that most of them still wants to stay in social media. They only change platforms if they want to try something new/migrate from a platform they started to dislike. In some cases it's important to remember that annoying individuals might invade certain spaces dedicated to personal sites because they got sudden nostalgia (even for Internet era they didn't fully experience) or because they heard it's "aesthetic". That's why for example some gendies started invading neocities or they were making carrds which was something like an emulation of this old personal site experience (in modernised form). There are various types of personal sites aficionados and although some of them are more interesting, some are a result of certain groups jumping on a bandwagon.
>Would social media return to the "good old days" and you'll be able to return?Technically I'm on some social media but not the most popular ones and my presence is minimal. Again, that depends on the platform. I definitely see the degradation of some social media and I think they might either stay relevant only to those who don't want to use anything else or who won't find their place anywhere else. Where I am I keep my presence limited as I wrote, same with my contacts so I guess I still use it differently than most other users. With how I see the trends right now, it's unlikely that some big platforms like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter will die - but I also don't think these can return to their "good old days". Some will adjust to the further changes, some will complain but stay if they're not into personal sites or alternatives to most popular social media (most people aren't I think).
>Along with this what are your predictions for how web 3.0 is currently going? With tumblr seeing an influx of males, LJ dead and YT making it impossible to find niche female creators; are non anonymous female spaces on the internet nonexistent?I just thought today how it seems harder for me to find more authentic creators. Maybe because I see some parts of the past through rose-tinted glasses but I remembered today how I used to see more independent artists and their personal sites, how content used to be more original, how it was before the era of influencers etc. My predictions are that some groups might try to emulate the old experiences but with the current or some new platforms. I don't think for example that classic forums will be back as other platforms are used for that. I wonder if there might be one day a wave of returning to Blogspot/Wordpress/whatever blogs because they have a sort of cozy vibes and are different from communicating via your social media profile. My other general predictions are not good: many age/interests/other things groups will center around influencers or topics targeted at them. This will go in hand with the general antagonization of people and/or focusing on some degree of aestheticization/tiktokization (?) of things rather than experiencing their "essence". Since many people already use web to share a lot of personal info this trend will continue.
To answer the last part of it - now as I'm more active on LC again, I must admit that I don't know any non-anonymous good space for women. All that would fit would just be my small groups of friends from other sites (non-anonymous) but as a whole, I don't know a website/platform I could recommend. My advice would be just to search for like-minded users since as a whole various sites tend to be male-dominated or pandering to trannies. Sometimes just following your interests might lead you to cool niche female creators. I noticed the ones who are my friends tend to use these sites in similar ways I do.
>what are you currently working on for your site? Any new pages or a layout revamp? Maybe a change of look?I had a very long break from creating my site but now I want to try making one for displaying my artwork. I'm thinking how to plan the gallery, the categories or sub-pages and write some sort of foreword/background/personal commentary texts for various parts of it.
No. 1660050
>>1659117I have a few diaries, galleries for my art and photography, and a character shrine. I'd say that, compared to the empty pages you're describing, there's plenty of content, but my site is still very much focused on aesthetics. Even though I enjoy creating content for publication, the best part for me is the page design.
In defense of the hollow vomit, those websites just have different purposes. I remember Bikobatanari pointing out that, on Neocities, CSS/web design itself is often the real motivation. These people really want to make cool/cute/fun/pretty interactive art pieces. What that "art" has to say or share is secondary, a question shelved for later (or never). Of course, most hollow vomit won't admit to that outright, assuming they're even aware of their priorities. A lot of them just say they want to "revive the oldweb." If all they meant by that was taking back the user's right to customise their page, then they'd be doing a fine job with that revival. The problem is they are usually talking about something else. You know, the usual Yesterweb schlock. And speaking of "the usual," a lot of the hollow aesthetic vomit is near identical. Everybody wants to be danpunn or dokodemo, and there's that whole culture of "code thievery" too. Again, in defense of copycats, I'll say that writing CSS can be so satisfying, it sometimes doesn't matter if it's derivative, especially if you're a beginner. There's real excitement in learning something new and solving the markup puzzles you've made for yourself. But to a visitor that's looking for unique designs and/or compelling content, none of that "behind-the-scenes" stuff matters. They'll just get bored and close the tab.
Basically, I don't think there's anything wrong with either approach to the smallweb. Some of us want content, some of us aesthetics. Everyone has their own reasons for being here, and isn't it wonderful when we connect with people whose reasons are similar to our own?
No. 1660075
Can we discuss anime blogs? They still used to be a thing only a couple of years ago, with so many people reviewing seasonal anime episode to episode, not hoping to get more than a comment or two under posts.
My favourites (sadly, inactive/barely active, but the old content is gold):
>>>https://metanorn.netThe ones that are still active:
>> No. 1660097
> What is your IDEAL for the net moving into 2024? Will everyone interesting have personal sites and only "normies"/influencers/annoying people have social media? Would social media return to the "good old days" and you'll be able to return?To be completely honest, I don’t care about the internet very much outside of my little site. What normies choose to do on the internet isn’t my business. If they want to fry their brains on bite-sized Tiktoks, they have the freedom to do so. The way I currently express myself on the internet is my ideal way of doing so.
However, if I were to share my ideal vision of the internet as a whole… I would like a less censored internet where you don’t have to risk losing your job for sharing your honest views (unless they’re genuinely harmful like wanting to kill all members of x group of people, etc.) and one where there aren’t so many hiveminds. For example, in many fandoms, it seems like every single member has the same exact set of opinions. It gets tiring, especially when you’re harassed or put on a list for disagreeing. I’ve seen people get harassed for not agreeing with somebody’s gendie headcanon or not liking the same ships as the majority do.
While I hate social media, I think it’s necessary; specifically for people who don’t know how to code. I think there’s a significance to expressing yourself online. I’ve seen people say that social media has blighted the internet for giving idiots a platform to speak. I don’t disagree with this, but if they’re all contained to their own little areas on social media or unable to interfere with how we express ourselves who cares? It’s true that they’re seeping into small web/personal site spaces, but that comes with freedom. As long as we are able to freely express ourselves, their presence isn’t really threatening. Unlike on social media, it’s easy to just ignore them. They can whine all they want, but afaik they aren’t actively stopping us from saying what we want to.
I don’t really think there were any “good old days” of social media. Less censorship, sure, but still soulless. We’re all just confined to the same exact looking profiles, no customization, addictive scrolling for hours. I have deleted all of my social media last year and I never ever plan on returning. I am much happier on my little website.
> Along with this what are your predictions for how web 3.0 is currently going? With tumblr seeing an influx of males, LJ dead and YT making it impossible to find niche female creators; are non anonymous female spaces on the internet nonexistent?I can’t really comment on this since I don’t keep up with Tumblr, YouTube, etc. but I agree that non-anonymous female spaces are dying. We HAVE to put the poor little males front and center or else we’re horrible bigots. It’s unbelievable.
> Final question is; what are you currently working on for your site? Any new pages or a layout revamp? Maybe a change of look?I’m happy with my current layout. I’ve been working on artwork and shrines more than anything lately. Im trying to find an art style I’m satisfied with and improve my skills. It’s fun to post my different art on my website and show everybody what I’ve been creating lately.
No. 1660743
>>1659869I apologise in advance for my short input, I’m not really wordy, I echo what others have said previously much better than I will mostly.
>What is your IDEAL for the net moving into 2024? I just want to express myself freely without my career in danger. I say one thing wrong? Banned. I don’t like that pervert in the corner of the woman’s bathroom, and complain online? He’s a transgender woman, and your opinion is completely invalid. I tell the annoying tranny to stop fucking saying “trans rights” and “I’m such a cute froggo” during college classes and interrupting everything? Goodbye to my education. That’s more of a general life thing at this point, but you know what I mean. I want people to be able to express their opinions freely, even on the more unhinged side of things. Censorship sucks obviously.
I’d also like people to use their minds for longer than a second and have some nuance but that sure isn’t happening.
>Will everyone interesting have personal sites and only "normies"/influencers/annoying people have social media? I’ve met plenty of interesting people on social media. I think it’s a necessary evil and handy for people who can’t code. It has its place.
>Would social media return to the "good old days" and you'll be able to return?If you mean by “good old days” you mean by not being swamped by a zillion flags that won’t mean anything in a week, that would be nice
>Along with this what are your predictions for how web 3.0 is currently going? With tumblr seeing an influx of males, LJ dead and YT making it impossible to find niche female creators; are non anonymous female spaces on the internet nonexistent?I don’t really have much thoughts on this, but I think it’s likely.
>Final question is; what are you currently working on for your site? Any new pages or a layout revamp? Maybe a change of look?Just fixing up bugs currently.
No. 1661616
>What is your IDEAL for the net moving into 2024? Will everyone interesting have personal sites and only "normies"/influencers/annoying people have social media?Like what other nonas have said, I want the whole idea of internet privacy to come back. It kinda frustrates me seeing kids put ALL this personal info about themselves out there since it could lead to some horrifying situations. Using an alternate name online should be the norm if anything, imho. As for social media, it seems to be a necessary evil since not everyone can code. I personally hate the damn thing and see it as a modern-day torture device, but it's important for people to keep in touch with long-distance friends and relatives as well as jut a place for people to be stupid without me having to bear witness to it kek
>Would social media return to the "good old days" and you'll be able to return?Given how profit-driven it all is and everyone's insistence on shit like "for you" pages nowadays, I don't think I'd ever be able to use social media as much as I did during the height of my tumblr/twitter days. In general social media does a number on my brain and has for a lot of my teen years, so I don't really want to go back to it. For the sake of people who still use it, though, it would be nice to go back to a more "fun" social media rather than what it is nowadays.
>Along with this what are your predictions for how web 3.0 is currently going? With tumblr seeing an influx of males, LJ dead and YT making it impossible to find niche female creators; are non anonymous female spaces on the internet nonexistent?I don't really have any preds about how it's gonna go beyond being riddled with AI/chatgpt bullshit and every socmed platform devolving further and further away from their original models to become tiktokified etc, basically. But as for the latter, I feel like I don't really know any non-anon female-only spaces online, so I can't really recommend anything. I'm a recent desister and major newfag so that probably adds to it, since a lot of people I know online are handmaidens/TIFs. Would be cool if we could have more new female-only spaces online beyond LC though.
>what are you currently working on for your site? Any new pages or a layout revamp? Maybe a change of look?Haven't done much lately, I've been swamped with other commitments which makes me sad :( though I'm planning on making a few new pages and redoing my initial homepage to be responsive! I might apply to the women's webring as linked above when I've got more stuff down, since it would be cool to meet more women through site creation stuff!
(emoji) No. 1663631
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I stumbled upon Othercon, an online convention for alterhumans where a lot of alterhuman neocities webmasters joined in and if you go on their youtube channel you can hear some of the panels, of which in the past two years I only managed to find one or two actual males with everyone else being female.
It is so interesting to me how the loudest haters of the women of the web webring engage in communities that are almost entirely female-led yet when they do it it's fine simply because most of that community is women of gender with squeaky frog voices.
No. 1664241
Browsing around neocities and the Netizen club came up linking to a "lesbian" forum. No surprise that it's run by a man (Mavica) who uses a voice changer in his youtube videos. Most if not all the people on the board are TIMs and they cater to other males by calling each other "transbians" and saying how "cute" each person looks. I checked the github and all the contributors seem to be males too.
Some of Mavica's sites: No. 1664878
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>>1664241Ofc he's a furry. Also the last line of this made me chuckle out loud kek
No. 1669397
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>>1664241 Kek, he's so ugly. Praying for that 41%
No. 1669444
>>1664241>claims to be retro web revival>shitcord linkngmi
and of course his pronouns are "it/its", like every single agp he thinks women are objects
No. 1676840
>>1669444It's never not going to amaze me how many of them claim to be so revolutionary but don't push the limits.
Most of these troons are programmers. A lot of programmers don't know markup or how to use it stylistically, let alone the kind of front-facing UI for Javascript that adds extra functionality. They don't (want to) realize web revival is less about emulating the look of 1996, and more about emulating the freedom of 1996.
No. 1678291
>>1678210nayrt but I do remember sadness saying on one of her earlier iterations of her site that she "found love on neocities". then joined the yesterweb server and found that there was a "sadness" and "madness" running the server so I just assumed the similar names meant that they were dating. it could have been an online relationship, but then that doesn't explain the possibility of her living with her girlfriend. also I am pretty sure sadness is in her thirties kek
No. 1678334
>>1678291Yes Saddness was in her thirties and from what I understood it was her partner paying the bills. Maybe she did get with madness later on, I don't know. I just haven't seen proof of it.
>>1678297I talked to maddess a few times and my understanding was that she wasn't from America. I may be wrong though. I don't think similar usernames is enough to say they were dating.
No. 1683546
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Does Kyle ever remove people from the "global activity" blacklist? I know when you get blocked by more than 3(?) people, you can't comment on profiles anymore too. Does anyone know if all of this stuff is permanent or is there some kind of cooldown?
No. 1683609
>>1683546I don't think he does, I'm blocked by more than 3 people and can't comment on profiles that don't follow me, but I appear in global activity when I update my site, I'm pretty sure. I'll report back later when I do an update.
Thing is you can only appear in the global activity once every 24 hours, so if you're updating your site a lot you won't show up there. However, if you go on websites -> last updated you might appear there.
No. 1683791
>>1683546>>1683609Now that I tested this, you might be right. My website can be found here but not on the global activity page. I also never noticed this, but if you refresh the global activity page it will give you slightly different results. It seems the page is kind of curated and it automatically doesn't display empty pages that you could find under last updated tag.
No. 1689388 is the most visually stunning site I've ever seen. And a
Golden Kamuy fan too.
No. 1696629
>>1694492I like make the text and layout as easy to read as I can. While super cluttered sites look cool, I find them a bit overwhelming and tend to read way less content since the text is usually small and/or uncomfortable, so I don't want my visitors to feel that way.
Also the other day I started to update my site again after an almost full year break (I have been busy) and noticed I have forgotten what little I knew about coding, so on my way to re-learning I want to read into accesibility & making my site fuctional on smaller scrrens for fun as well. My current screen is small and almost every page works on screens 2/3 the size of mine, but when it comes to mobile it's a mess kek.
No. 1698313
>>1694492I think it depends on a couple of factors with personal sites. If you intend to have as many people as possible reading it, or have endless tl;dr essays about how teh awld webbe is wonderful and brilliant and can't get Kyle Drake's limp dick out of your mouth, then you probably should consider making shit accessible or at the very least readable. (Bonus factor: making sites accessible from the get-go is actually way easier and far less effort than making a gifpuke site.)
If it's mainly for your own satisfaction and you don't mind if someone might click off because of eye-rape, I say you do you, easy come easy go and all that. Just don't ree about people not wanting to view it/being unable to view it, because fair's fair.
Bottom line: you design for your intended audience. If you want to expand or shrink said audience, design accordingly. Easy as.
>>1697422FWIW we didn't have the options FOR accessibility back then that we do now, lmao
No. 1710275
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>>1707468i looked her up on kiwifarms ( her contact page: ) and the last time she was active was in april. i guess its due to her finals. this was posted in may, maybe she had a busy summer, who knows. i'm also awaiting her return
No. 1713510
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>>1683546Apparently Kyle upped the jerk filter but I still think it's retarded. Many terfs and normies are probably blocked by a bunch of kids that logged onto Neocities twice before ditching it for the next trendy thing. I'm curious if any of you have noticed that you appear on the global activity feed since his update?
>>1711622I don't really get why they are tracking the ratio of gendies to normies because everyone online knows by now that troons infest everything. I was hoping for some milk but it's just dumb stuff like getting shook over some furry chick's photo.
No. 1717259
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>>1717002It is, the idea sprung up in the 32bitcafe discord after they discovered women of the web was full of actual women.
No. 1718329
>>1717694That's how most female TRAs are, they just gaslight themselves so they can have social acceptance/be on the right side of history. Even when I had a full-blown
TERF blog I virtue signaled on my main account, but I stopped caring because even being neutral/quiet on the issue made you suspect.
>>1718009There's literally a trans, asexual, MOGAI, bisexual, and "transmasculine" (aka female-only but for begendered women) webrings. Having one list of websites that excludes them being an issue shows how little problems they have in their life.
No. 1721273
did anyone catch when some nazi tried to apply to one of the webrings that someone was hosting lmao mean if it’s a personal webring then fair enough, but then they’re going on about increased moderation on neocities and other bullshit, but isn’t this the opposite of what kyle drake even wanted for the site? people are now policing on their own terms deciding who gets to use the platform or not, which is just making the entire platform into shitty ass tumblr 2.0
the entire thing should’ve stayed as a hosting service and just remove all of the shitty social media features and be done with it, honestly
No. 1723100
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I came across a new web ring for free speech randomly. I poked around and saw that she made a web ring after being declined from other ones for her views. Daintyeco wrote a blog post about her and how the small web needs to protect le small web from bigots ( so I thought maybe some nonnies who also believe in free speech would be interested. Though she IS a republican retard who gives some qanon stuff some credit kek! No. 1723159
>>1723100I considered joining since I want to be more open about my views on my site in the future, until I looked at the politics section of the owner's website and notice she's mostly reaching out to conspiracy/religion websites to join, and not just regular people regardless of "side" who are concerned about censorship… I understand that's the logical conclusion to allowing free speech, I think a lot of people on the indie web who talk about "not tolerating bigots" never experienced the old internet and realized there were just as many spaces for right wing conspiracy weirdos as there was normie progressive liberals. As much as I find the former abhorrent I honestly think we need to just have separate sides of the indie web to themselves so they can be away from everyone else. I don't think cozycat should be "censored" but she is better off making her own webring for people like her and people can not allow her to be in their
personal webrings if they don't like her views.
(Also, does anyone else find the CRT effect on her website obnoxious? Ironically that's what kept me from looking closer into her Rabbit Hole page.)
No. 1723308
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>>1723100is safe?
No. 1723339
>>1716841Sorry not really. I know people who use Blogger but it's not the same as making your own site with one. I do know of people who use Zonelets you can try using a SSG like Jekyll's a lot out there, but if you want a proper blog with customization without paying, then a SSG is a good way to go.
No. 1723397
>>1723159Yeah, the webring seems like a good idea in theory, but in practice people are quick to associate all of the normal people with the bad apples and think they’re one and the same. I mean look at the Yesterweb webring, they ended up attracting all of the marxist trannies and now a lot of people think everyone that was on there were like that.
Hell, people on Neoshitties will go after others for having 88x31 buttons of sites that have anything remotely speaking against their shitty ideologies. Everyone seems to really love guilt by association over there.
This webring will likely go nowhere, or at the very least attract only those who actually agree with’s crazy antics.
No. 1730141
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We made it nonnies, we're famous! correct me if I'm wrong but this isn't just a
terf webring and because of that it isn't presented as such, it's a webring for biological women, terfy or not.
No. 1730160
>>1730141>by and for terfs, and that's okay…ish" i mean that it's a free internet. even if i don't like the rhetoric, folks can have their webring for it. but pretending it's anything but what it really is puts a super bad taste in my mouth, and i imagine other people's who otherwise would not have wanted to be associated with it if they'd been aware of the truth>it's cowardly, actually. at the very least believe in your own politics enough to state them out loud, no less trying to use coded language and thereby getting other unrelated people involved because you were too… what? >one member who didn't realize what this webring was really for, and they expressed shock and guilt about having joined. >you're an adult, you're a woman, you're accepted. then the the most blatant secret criteria is being a cis woman. but it doesn't stop there: you can't even be in support of trans people, or post pronouns, as we've seen in some of the posts, or have a different sexuality>webring is "for women">webring is for terfs when you don't mention anything about terf ideologyIf one where to slap on the webring that this was only for terfs, that would only lead to trouble. There are men and women that actively seek out anything proudly declared as "
terf adjecent" and spam cp, gore or just being annoying little fucks that retort "trans women are woman", "you're making me feel suicidal by not including me". You could compare this to lesbians that have to state in their bio or irl that they are a bio women and likes
only bio women . If they even mention that they'll instantaneously get labelled by troons and handmaidens as a
terf because the lesbian doesn't want to fuck transwomen because they have a penis or even transwomen with neovaginas, because "sexuality isn't just genitals, you
terf!!!" Like women can't have one nightstands with other women based on the attractions of the female body.
Also if you were to proudly display terfism, you'd get death threats or worse see JK Rowling or any other prominent terfs.
>inb4 accusations of cowtippingThat's not used correctly in that context but you were there when it was written and have obivously intergrated farmlingo in your announcement.
lurk more, get out of /ot/ or just gtfo in general No. 1730162
>>1730141I love how she declares that there's a difference between transwomen and women, already agreeing to the fact that transwomen aren't women. Her nc feed is good milk at the moment.
I love how she goes on here yet pretends to be uwu innocent uwu I'm just here for umummm.. dreamie!!!
No. 1730170
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>>1730162Both her and that one tif used posts and imgur albums provided by disgusting terfs to make their take-downs on dreamie. They all love this place kek
No. 1730200
>>1730141Her writing style is so annoying. TLDR is that the Women of the Internet webring mods are cowardly and dishonest because they only say the ring is for women, not "terfs." She wants that to be stated front and centre on the website so that people joining will know they're on a list next to evil feminists, completely ignoring the obvious problem brought up by
>>1730160 . Public wrongthink = extreme harassment. Remember they spammed 5amgf's guestbook for months and that's just one example of many others who've been targeted. Of course we're going to dogwhistle each other. That's how we keep ourselves sane.
The part that really makes me wonder is she is arguing in bad faith? or just genuinely stupid? comes right at the end when she criticizes the use of "like-minded." That's not code for gender critical. It literally means "look at this list of women and see if anyone has interests similar to yours." She's obviously trying to present herself as intellectual and above it all, but her reading comprehension sucks. Maybe her brain has been eroded by adipose.
No. 1730205
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>>1730141shes a fat quirky millennial munchie.
No. 1730214
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>>1730200She tacked on picrel shortly after her announcement got posted here. She's going with the high ground of throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.
>The part that really makes me wonder is she is arguing in bad faith? or just genuinely stupidYou already have the answer.
>She's obviously trying to present herself as intellectual and above it all, but her reading comprehension sucks. Maybe her brain has been eroded by adiposeShe's a stupid sheep.
>…look further at the thread until i'm looking for another dreamie update. altho… that said, please post here or on my nc tl if there is a dreamie update [Allured by potential milk from personal cow emoji]So close yet so far.
>>1730170 is right that she and by extension others into dreamie drama are most likely going to come back because there is nothing wrong being a
harmless gossiper but wanting to omit your political statment to protect yourself is wrong and may lead others astray by said ommission, with doing so, you're scum.
No. 1730257
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>>1730141>honestly I just went there to see if dreamie came back under and altSuuuure… so she's not a
terf for using the site but everyone else is (picrel). Ok lmao. Why doesn't anyone understand how anonymous imageboards work? and in picrel I literally couldn't tell how the anonymous post she made was "in her typing style" – I think she's making this article because she got paranoid people know she uses this site and is trying to distance herself.
No. 1730261
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>>1730257oops thought I merged two images my bad. this is the part where she's paranoid someone would think a comment is her (cannot for the life of me tell how this is in her "typing style", it makes me think she literally did make this comment lol)
No. 1730293
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I want to point out she's doing all of this during her exams. Clearly got nothing better to do.
She also said she's 30-40 years old…and yet at college? She apparently got accepted this year. She also talks about school. Either she's a zommertard larping or she's gone back to school. Neither would surprise me TBH considering her lack of basic thinking skills. No. 1730528
>>1730141>And correct me if I'm wrong but this isn't just a terf webring and because of that it isn't presented as such, it's a webring for biological women, terfy or not.If you looked at the different websites on there you would see that the only thing they have in common is being biological women. The fact that there are radfems in the webring and it was advertised on here implies that you at least are capable of tolerating those views, not necessarily agree with them. There's literally two dead dove fanfic sites, a self-identified "demisexual", a "demigirl", another site seems covert but has some trans sites in the affiliates, etc.
>"it's cowardly, actually. at the very least believe in your own politics enough to state them out loud, no less trying to use coded language and thereby getting other unrelated people involved"It's so funny how 99% of Neocities users claim that they want the old internet back and that social media is awful, but this entire Dreamwidth entry is just a repeat of the whole "cryptoterf" trend on Tumblr.
No. 1731452
>>1731029No but you see we
can have a space of our own if we make sure to broadcast our horrible political views front and center, while calling for stage 8 genocide of trans folx and saying they deserve NO rights at all because that is what terfs generally think… right?
No. 1731924
>>1730141I like how she defends the "right" of us having a space without men but then proceeds to not understand why we would want to not say outright we're a
terf group. like she doesn't know it would be automatically attacked and someone might even get doxxed if the wrong people(men) get to know it.
No. 1731968
>>1731924It's also dumb that not agreeing with troons is seen as something that needs to be announced instead of just a normal shared mindset.
Like it'd be awkward to start a group for any random theme and make a point of going "this group is AGAINST animal abuse. We are ANTI-ABUSE ACTIVISTS" when it's irrelevant and just common courtesy that all members understand to respect animals, and most members don't make it their whole obsession and identity, they're just not into animal abuse. Not everything needs to be some grand soapbox
No. 1732576
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>>1730141The comment on the post thinking handmaidens means lesbians gave me a hearty kek. Just proves that they either know nothing or just regurgitate dumb Twitter rhetoric.
No. 1734409
Howdy folks! Figured I'd add in my two cents since myself and my webring are what's being talked about here.
Yes, my webring promotes freedom of speech. Yes, I reached out to people who lean more right as those are the people who tend to have their voices censored. It isn't rocket science to understand that those were the people who would be most in favor of free speech - as opposed to people who have different ideologies whom are often in favor of censorship and blocking out those with views different from their own - they'd be far more likely to reject my invitations. That being said, anyone who leans a different way is welcome to join. You do not need a direct invitation from myself to be included. ;)
As for daintyeco's post, I made a response post to her here: is funny, those who scream the loudest about bigotry are usually almost always bigots themselves towards other groups. Just saying.
Lastly, my views are my own. No one is obligated to believe or agree with them, but it is my website and I'll express myself how I want to on it as everyone else on the small web does. Don't like it? Move along and find content more suited for you and your own beliefs and interests. No one is forcing you to be there. I'm not going to apologize for the beliefs I express on my own website. My website is first and foremost for me before it is for anyone else. So ya'll are welcome to try and censor me if you want to ;). I dare you.
As for the rest of you who believe in freedom of speech, feel free to join my ring. It's open to folks of all political leanings, even the ones I disagree with. There aren't many rules for joining, so long as you follow the few rules that are there, you are welcome. HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1734475
>>1734409I actually have grown to have some respect for you after reading your blog posts, despite disagreeing with nearly everything you say. I appreciate how you manage to be diplomatic to other people. But please read the rules and learn imageboard etiquette before replying, lmao.
>Lastly, my views are my own. No one is obligated to believe or agree with them, but it is my website and I'll express myself how I want to on it as everyone else on the small web does. Don't like it? Move along and find content more suited for you and your own beliefs and interests. No one is forcing you to be there. I'm not going to apologize for the beliefs I express on my own website. My website is first and foremost for me before it is for anyone else. So ya'll are welcome to try and censor me if you want to ;). I dare you. I don't think anyone was complaining about your content or saying you should be censored (I don't think you should), just commenting that it exists. This is an anonymous gossip board. We're not railing to get your site taken down, that would be hypocritical when TRAs on Neocities are trying to do similar things like "uncover" female-only webrings and whatnot.
No. 1734491
>>1734475>We're not railing to get your site taken downWe also
can't do anything like that, per the rules
No. 1734556
>>1734475NGL I don't really use boards like this so I have no idea the etiquette. I read the rules and see I'm supposed to remain anonymous, though, ya'll know who I am now so I'm not sure if there's a point in my labeling myself as anonymous. This forum system is still very new to me, hopefully I'm probably replying properly lol.
Anyhow, I apologize if I misunderstood and I appreciate you clarifying. My offer still stands to anyone curious to join the ring. If my selection of invitees is off putting to some folks, then do feel free to come diversify the pool. Ultimately, I'd be really happy to see people from all walks of life in there. IMO that's progress, however small it might be, for people from all walks of life to be connected even if they disagree on things, it's a start/a seed. It's an inch of common ground, that could one day expand, which could be a win for all of us in the end. ✌️
All the best
(read No. 1737471
victim complex of rightoids rivals the far-left tankie troons in this sphere.
No. 1740699
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>>1739524Definitely, on one side you've got tifs with posts like they mostly sperg about how your site should cater to every single disability you can think of, and it should also be accessible to phone fags because they said so and you're an ableist bigot if you don't comply even though you're literally maintaining a personal website that you could take down on any whim but when it's up, every epileptic and blind quadriplegic should have full access to it as well. This just comes out as your usual virtue signaling and morality policing.
On the other side of this accessibility wank you've got mostly autistic tims and other men that really love linux and are, as all men are, aesthetically deprived, so they make extremely bland and boring cookie cutter websites on which they blog about installing some obscure distro on a laptop they rescued from being salvaged. These types are more concerned about their website being accessible on every single browser and OS you can think of, instead of it being accessible to people kek
No. 1740967
>>1740699I made my website mobile responsive because I sometimes browse on my phone and it is cheaper to get a new phone than a desktop, but I'm this close to not having it on future pages because of these idiots. The internet isn't your safe space. Go back to social media if you want something that's supposed to be accessible to every single person.
>On the other side of this accessibility wank you've got mostly autistic tims and other men that really love linux […] These types are more concerned about their website being accessible on every single browser and OS you can think of, instead of it being accessible to people kekMaybe it's because my feed is 99% female but I've never seen these types. I believe they exist, but it's ridiculous how the men on this side of the issue aren't as bad for once. At least men are browbeating people to make their sites viewable on Netscape or Windows 98.
No. 1740972
>>1740699It baffles me that people are like this about personal sites, to be honest and I'm a webdev by trade. I make accessible/phone "friendly" layouts on my personal stuff, but I'd be hounded off Neoshitties if I admitted it was because…that's just the way I was taught originally. Pure habit. Oops. But I'm not going to side-eye someone's personal, hobbyist website not being accessible because the personal web and the larger web are two completely different things. Sure, if you're designing a website that gets five billion hits a day and offers important information (like health services or similar), you should make that accessible. But personal sites? About kinnie shit and who your self-insert is fucking this week? Dude, it doesn't matter, at the end of the day. Especially since these are so ephemeral.
The rule of thumb for designing anything has always been "design for your audience". So if your website is for everyone, design for everyone. If it's a personal site for whoever, who cares as long as you like it. You're not a bigot if you can't make a completely over-the-top accessible site, you're just a rando playing with html for the fun of it. (Ooh, you ableist fuckface, you.)
What these whiners don't seem to understand is that the viewer has to take some personal responsibility, too. If you visit a site and you like its content, keep visiting it. If you don't, for whatever reason…don't. Nobody is putting a fucking gun to your head and making you view a site that you can't read. (Well, usually. The amount of butthurt I've run into when I've said I don't want to link to someone because I personally can't read their shit and thus haven't had my interest piqued is not zero, unfortunately.)
The personal web doesn't have a responsibility to be super-accessible, because it's not intended to be for everyone. It's like worrying that your handwriting in your diary is bad and someone might not be able to read it. If you're sharing it with a friend and your friend can't read your chicken scratch, then maybe consider neatening it up. If not, you do you and just relax. These moral police bitches lording it over everyone else are starting to get on my tits. It's not that deep, sis.
No. 1743871
>>1740988this. they say how much they hate social media then link their tiktok/instagram in the about me or links section.
>>1741018if I had a penny for everytime I've seen in the interests section "hello kitty" or "sanrio" or the layout something pastel and pixelated I'd be able to build a goddamn mansion
No. 1744697
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Was checking the guidelines of the accessible net webring and found this. I guess being a radical feminist means you are the number one enemy of disabled people, when they need to mentioned at the top of the list.
It's like coming across a baking lovers webring and seeing "communists do not join this webring". What does site accessibility have to do with politics?
No. 1744793
>>1740988What's funny is that the old school, single column layout would be fairly accessible. People stuck on phones often, at the very least, have a tablet that can view in landscape mode. They could design around a tablet-friendly ratio (it's like 16:10 or something) and it'll look almost like a nod to the old 3:4 w/o falling into the trappings.
Honestly, asking people with personal websites to make them accessible is being treated as another gatekeeping point; something to hold over their heads and use as a point of attack. And I say this as someone who used to work as a web dev where accessibility and graceful degradation was part of my job. That stuff is for tools like banks or secure networks stuck on old browsers, not for your random fansite.
It's personal, so you should personalize it to where you want it to be seen. I want my site desktop and tablet accessible; I do not give a shit about mobile. Do mobile-only people even visit websites with that kind of interest?
>>1744697who's gonna tell them most TERFs are PoCs? And the number of escorts/former prostitutes/former pornstars who are HUGE TERFs? The terviest of terves.
No. 1745362
File: 1698706826733.png (136.28 KB, 353x526, 2342343.PNG)

why is this person ( in the womenoftheinternet webring lol
there's also a button(another webring) at the bottom of the page that says "transing the internet"
No. 1745589
>>1744697I've never even seen a MRA website on the indie web, why are they being lumped with radfems?
>>1744793>who's gonna tell them most TERFs are PoCs?It's so US/UK-centric, radical (and adjacent) feminism is the default in non-western countries.
No. 1745843
>>1745589They are being lumped together because they are retards and don't understand an important part of radical feminism: caring about ALL females, even the retarded tifs.
>>1745362Because nonbinary or not, she's still a woman. Iirc, the webring is for women is it not? It has nothing to do with feminism or politics.
No. 1754168
File: 1699211111529.png (2.12 MB, 1080x3024, Screenshot_20231105-102032.png)

Not sure where else to talk about this. Though it's not exactly a small website, has anyone else been noticing that Pinterest is getting worse and worse? I just logged into it recently, and now it seems like it can't even load images properly without having them mesh into each other, or having two image load. It's like the people at Pinterest are doing this on purpose at this point
No. 1766995
File: 1699758457003.png (105.18 KB, 1238x626, faterin.png)

anyone know what wrecked her mento health this time? is she having melty over a cbox in the year 2023?
No. 1768690
>>1766995I can't believe this woman is 31. She acts just like a typical Tumblr zoomer.
>>1767570AFAIK yourdevilsfriend has never made a real explanation about that, because Owly being a pedo isn't just a callout accusation, it's a known thing. Mariteaux was banned from Neocities for posting about this.
No. 1768991
File: 1699837638094.png (1.76 MB, 2082x2311, owly.png)

>>1768690the only "explanation" is that it's not true because the evil terfs made it all up
No. 1769206
File: 1699850471986.jpeg (103.04 KB, 736x552, IMG_1635.jpeg)

Nonas who have worked as professional web developers:
>what was it like? Did you enjoy it?
>did the oversaturation of weird moids ruin it?
>if you left, why? OR if you're still doing it, what keeps you there?
I love front end stuff and am considering it as a career, hoping to hear from likeminded women
No. 1769302
>>1769132there are an insane amount of people who think "
terf" is an exact synonym for transphobe. i'm also inclined to think bruno is outright lying to that person. also i've never seen that mariteaux post so ty for linking nona. if kyle really had a direct hand in banning mariteaux it speaks volumes about him.
>>1769264maybe if she spent all that time writing that dreamwidth article looking for a part-time job instead, she wouldn't be whining lol
No. 1791997
File: 1701179791591.gif (3.65 MB, 255x178, IMG_3207.gif)

A lot of people on the oldweb are social media refugees, but are there any of you who have gone back? I've been running a personal website for a long time now, haven't used social media at all. It's great. My favourite way to blog and share art. But lately I want to meet new people with very specific interests, so I'm thinking about getting on Twitter and/or Tumblr for the first time in ten years. Maybe this isn't the right thread to ask but I'm wondering if anyone has advice? What is it like to go from the smallweb back to fandom socmed?
No. 1792253
>>1791997I've tried going back but I found myself quickly annoyed with the current state of fandom spaces. Invaded by loud mouth minors, genderspecials with stupid headcanons, and coomer moids. In most fandoms, nowadays people aren't interested in meta or lore, it's mostly discussion of Character and his autistic pussy, kek. It's either that or people arguing about villains being
problematic. I've had better luck finding some sane people on fandom specific discord servers.
No. 1795811
File: 1701400736162.png (28.8 KB, 462x290, cboxallegations.png)

saw this comment in strawberry-gashes cbox, anyone know what this is referring to?
No. 1796285
>>1795811Kek what the hell
>>1796269I feel you. I don't want my whole social media experience to be muh gender OR GC only, and it feels like those are your only two options
No. 1796592
File: 1701465023851.png (14.1 KB, 361x235, fl.PNG)

>>1795811strawberry-gashes owns and she has had it for a while. it's listed as one of the webrings she ran. sadly, wayback machine didn't do a great job archiving the actual content on it but yes she did run a jailbait webring. No. 1796697
>>1796633She's older than that. Ask her. Not that it would have taken away from how creepy she is for making it.
There's no coming back from stating it's an underaged anime clique called jailbait.
No. 1801501
File: 1701889185934.png (60.15 KB, 964x615, fat.PNG)

Okay if it was the old owner, why does the archive have the same layout as her site current does? She really kept the same layout that someone else made 20 years ago? Sounds like cope
No. 1801511
>>1801501If she doesn't like drama, why does she keep egging it on. Just delete and ignore any
sus comments in your cbox. It's not that hard.
No. 1801535
File: 1701890804365.png (50.86 KB, 1018x445, font.png)

ok fat erin
No. 1802349
>>1801501No wonder yourdevilfriends has got a sudden interest in her they both demonstrated pedo sympathizing. They both say they gave been
victims too and that explains and excuses any pedo behaviour they have apparently.
No. 1803357
File: 1702003920281.png (22.58 KB, 806x406, strawberry.png)

>>1796592Doesn't picrel mean she registered it in 2018 though? At least currently from NameCheap?
No. 1803369
File: 1702004696083.png (113.13 KB, 896x710, hover.png)

>>1803357Also when you hover over where it says mail it shows and if you click it it takes you to this archive Reupload cause I dropped the pic
Not sure why it's clipping her current layout in there but obviously her layout has changed since it was archived in 2003… It probably is her own friends posting her because who or why else would someone be looking at archives of her site. This vendetta is retarded.
No. 1804010
>>1803369That's one of her old emails. It's stupidbly obvious. People used to get email hosting/hosting off others for cheap.
You're talking as if that changes anything. It's her site with no doubt…she even points to it and talks about herself on the live version.
You can even look at the links part next to the jailbait section (sites) and see the link backs to her site.
I wonder if it's one of her friends that finally wanted to out her for being a pedo sympathizer.
No. 1804210
>>1804010Caps of it being her old email or of her going by Windchaser or Odile? And if she's really 30 then there's no way she could afford hosting in 2001-2002 even "for cheap" since she would have been 10-11 or slightly over.
From an outsiders perspective you sound like a vendetta poster.
No. 1804285
>>1804010lmao you're a fucking retard. fat erin was born in 1991, a simple google of her full name can tell you that. she would've been 12 in 2003 and that archive of the site or any of its connected sites (, don't sound like a 12 year old wrote them.
also you can find remnants of the actual owner of the site by searching 'windschaser'; ffs her livejournal is still online No. 1805073
File: 1702136947479.png (278.54 KB, 2532x962, Untitledd.png)

Emphasis in the screenshot is mine. I just thought it was funny that she had the thread open in another tab as she scrambled to clear her name.
>"this subject's closed on my end"
>continues samefagging and selfposting for another 2 days
With all the sperging here and on her profile, not once does she say "i am not into underage anime," or "lolicon and shotacon are abhorrent," or even "my taste in pornography does not affect the way I relate to the real children in my life." Because Fat Erin surrounds herself with kids online, you'd think that'd be more important. And isn't outright denial the more obvious approach to a pedo accusation? Instead she focuses only on disproving her involvement with the webring. Interesting.
No. 1805667
>>1805105Probably because the person posting knows her and knows it will annoy her to be accused of. The only caps posted prove it's not hers and saying "it's stupidly obvious" when it's not isn't going to suddenly make it true. It's blown way out of proportion. Her being an e-beggar
>>1804940 is hilarious though.
No. 1806160
File: 1702204831168.png (50.66 KB, 612x724, mentol.png)

>>1804940Holy shit, she was invited by a kind friend to live in their home rent free, and now she's complaining they're expecting her to pay rent after she's been living there 5 months rent free? What an ungrateful individual kek. Yet she has time to shit on women only webrings despite her horrible and supposedly crippling chronic illnesses, her priorities are truly in check.
No. 1806192
File: 1702207173201.jpg (896.74 KB, 1080x1864, Screenshot_20231210_061922_X.j…)

Le tarot cards told me my roommates betrayed me by asking for rent
No. 1807231
File: 1702271503213.png (45.24 KB, 773x865, Plans Teacake Hosting.png)

Posting about tech stuff and trying to build "community" on Neocities has made pedo moids who post bestiality loli on their sites comment positively on my posts and it's enough to make me want to ragequit Neocities and disable commenting wherever I go. Guestbooks are no good in an era of TERFbusting gendies and men who belong on government watch lists being given free cyber reign. But I'm used to my Github workflows and stuff and I'm not sure if other platforms would accommodate me. I've seen people ITT suggest, FC2, and (apps are closed), but has anyone tried teacake hosting? Normally their free tier is closed, but it looks like it's open right now. I don't like that it's only 500MB on the free tier, but it does seem cute maybe. I also am tempted to just use something like Netlify or Github Pages. Or suck it up on Neocities kek.
No. 1807425
>>1807231From what I read, Teacake is hobbyist sites only and you have to ask the owner for an invite. I considered it because it's cheaper than a Neocities subscription, but like every other host there's vague rules against "hate speech" and whatnot. I don't post heavily political stuff on Neocities but I have a hard time trusting if they mean "hate speech" by Nazi shit or targeted death threats/slurs towards people or just critical things (anti-religion, GC, government, etc.).
Apparently Vercel is a decent host that techy types find accessible, but I never used it.
No. 1829326
>>1829272damn, thanks to clicking through these websites i found out that there's an insane amount of websites that offer the ability to explain your sexuality in detail… what the fuck? is so unnecessary. and then you check their profiles and the user who has linked their attraction chart is 14 and identifies as "neptunic" or whatever.
No. 1830102
>>1830054There's millions of hosting alternatives, but if you're looking for something with a similar social network functionality neocities has, you're shit out of luck. FC2 is a similar website host, kind of, but again the social network part is lacking.
Fyi, as long as you want your site to be seen and shared, you're going to have bad actors or clueless kids stealing stuff from you. This was a thing 30 years ago, and this is still a thing today. You can't escape this unless you go full japanese and try to make your site as obscure and as unknown as possible.
No. 1837378
>>1834222You also have to follow bullshit social rules if you don't want middle schoolers to scream at you, but yeah, no way to report website "thieves." It's not really a big deal anyways — like
nonny said, it's been around since personal websites have.
No. 1837941
>>1837833, you can just turn off your profile and remove any shoutbox/guestbook functionality. Honestly, personal sites can insulate you from a lot of that nonsense because you can easily turn yourself into an island. Don't give them a place to bother you and they can't.
No. 1838576
>>1837941Frankly, as someone that's blocked by enough people to get affected by the jerk filter, I've got a grand total of one hate guestbook comment and one email criticizing my views over the course of 3 years. I feel like most people leave you alone even if you're
problematic if you don't go around looking for trouble and arguing on other users profiles.
No. 1840812
>>1838509Wow I feel absolutely retarded. Thanks,
No. 1841362
>>1841245NTA but you can do that now? I'm one of the first members that joined and you had to apply with your website before.
And yeah it sucks most people only have it as a badge for characters they like, I wanted to see shrines and such but barely anyone does anything. I still haven't made a shrine for my character, been busy with other stuff, but I at least make sure to give her a special page every year on her birthday & put PNGs of her are around my site. I want to see more unhinged people.
No. 1841411
File: 1704562899158.png (213.19 KB, 532x919, Screenshot_3.png)

>>1841362>NTA but you can do that now? Yes, sadly. I know for a while you could organize the members list by members that do have a site vs. members that don't but I don't see the option anymore. Instead there's a V1 and V2 version of the webring, whatever that means.
No. 1841832
File: 1704589891468.png (496.55 KB, 784x1352, Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 10.10…)

>>1841245AYRT, that's such a stupid thing to do! i checked the members list for the first time and half the newer members have no site listed. There's even people who literally just use it for being like "this character is literally meeeeeee" like in picrel. like it's barely even a webring anymore, the entire purpose of it has been completely sanded off by people who want a cool free widget for their site instead of, i dunno, making their own in the form of a wikipedia-style userbox. i hate to be that gal but zoomers like these make me embarrassed to be born in the early 2000s
No. 1848118
>>1848050Not that I know of, the closest thing is the webring for millennials and older who had a website in the past ( I've been wondering where the 25-30+ sites are, since those people tend to be more familiar with the old web than the 16-20 crowd who just use Neocities as a Carrd/pronouns page.
No. 1862777
>>1862658If your coding knowledge is literally zero I suggest W3schools tutorials first and looking at what the pages you like do for reference. Some people on Neocities sperg out over "code theft" but there's literally nothing wrong with using inspect element to see how someone does a certain effect, it's how you learn. Same with using templates, the Sadgrl layout builder is overdone but there's plenty of other options I also recommend downloading a program that lets you code offline instead of using the Neocities editor directly.
No. 1863696
File: 1705870963167.png (401.12 KB, 1080x789, Screenshot_20240121-160120_Fen…)

>>1841411>>1841832interestingly enough, the webring is going to close on 25 February. I wonder if it's because of the sudden influx of people using it for kin bullshit and/or not listing their sites kek
It bothers me that there isn't a previous/next button on the widget too, like what's the point? It's a pain in the ass to find other members through the webring because a big chunk of them don't even have websites, or they list crap like instagram/twitter pages.
No. 1864763
>>1864654>feelingmachine.moeCan't join the webring since I'm an out
TERF and this person's got a gender. Can someone normal here make a webring instead?
No. 1865330
anyone knows who created the flowering webring? just curious
No. 1865337
>>1865048Oh please make this! I'd love to look at dedicated yumejo pages or sites. I've only seen two so far on neocities.
>>1865330This page is cute
No. 1865397
>>1864763>>1864790It says on the rules that the webring owner won't agree with the viewpoint of every site on the ring and takes a don't like, don't look approach to it. I doubt it matters if you're openly
TERF. The webring is technically already female only, kek.
No. 1865418
>>1865408KEK I looked at the followers list and wow, you can tell these kids don't even read what people post before hitting the follow button. Nonkiru and grossgirl94 are some uwu kweers that care about the optics of having Trans Rights buttons and
terf DNIs but they don't care about the optics of following rightwing conspiratards. My sides
No. 1865917
>>1865796i found the sites with a quick google search. you are not missing much,
No. 1866738
>>1866202nayrt I searched variations of "flowering // daisy", etc. using Google exact search filters. Of course unrelated sites are going to show up, but sifting through that is just part of it.
>>1866241again nayrt but that would be dumb lol. The sites on the listing are mid.
No. 1866862
>>1866275Ntayrt, and not sure if you're just trying to deflect attention because retards lurk this thread, but it doesn't take much detective work to realize who this web clique is for. I'm sure people will catch on eventually, and then we will have a fresh round of meltdowns.
>>1866241This is a potential problem for all weblistings/web cliques, and it's especially easy to abuse if there's no members list. There's nothing stopping someone from doing that, and the creator of the clique would have no way to prevent it except to de-anonymize the members. I think the creator is just assuming no one would do that.
>>1866738Some of the websites are very well-known and beloved, I'm not sure what would meet your enlightened tastes if they aren't good enough to impress you kek.
No. 1867124
File: 1706157577961.gif (6.14 KB, 159x200, NJatiMW.gif)

Does anyone know if there's an alternative to gifcities? I want to look for more web 1.0 gifs but gifcities is constantly breaking on me.
No. 1867538
File: 1706203527849.png (67.69 KB, 794x1034, yestershit.png)

>>1867374Yestershit is still getting hate nearly a year on. No one called Sadness and Madness out for their bullshit before they realised they can't control people who want to just join a hobbyist webring and make shitty sites.
No. 1867590
>>1867538Yesterweb brought it onto themselves by letting a tankie take over and turn a hobbyist webring into some kind of commie praxis.
>>1867545Old web communities weren't perfect (speaking as someone who modded a forum as a teenager and dealt with the drama that came from that) but as long as the political climate is the way it is, we'll never return to how "the internet used to be". Most young Neocities users don't want "the old internet back" because they often talk about how "bigoted and
problematic" it used to be. They just want a special page to show off their pronouns and callout "cryptoterfs" while still using social media.
No. 1869992
>>1867124Try’s mostly what it says on the tin but I have had good luck finding gifs on there.
No. 1870781
File: 1706509996598.png (696.07 KB, 2226x1304, FEDS.PNG)

What do you guys think of federiefederi? I think the whole concept is really stupid and it makes everyone involved look like clout chasers. Again, most of those sites are really boring with no content. Plus they have all these weird retarded rules. Nobody would have done shit like this back in the day kek
No. 1870793
File: 1706512101449.png (144.41 KB, 1738x442, muhpunishment.png)

>>1870781>we just CAN'T and WON'T let that go without any kind of punishmentThe median IQ of the average neocities user has to be like 70. Imagine being so desperate for likes and follows that you beg to be listed in a directory that not only features some of the worst sites, but the retard owner threatens to punish you if you step out of line. The FAQ talks about "the project" and "goal". The only goal I see here is for the owner to get as many followers as possible and its working. This site has about 800 followers and around 80k views. Nobody looks at it. It's not doing anything for the "community", its just inflating the ego of the schizo who runs it.
No. 1870808
File: 1706514388607.png (14.16 KB, 600x330, 1_FT1sRjn-j7xPyzVmEfyqPA.png)

>>1870781Quite literally this is just a follow4follow scheme with a few fancy rules that just end up playing in their favor but make them sound legit. Nobody checks their site, the view to follower ratio is abysmal even with the inflated bot views - when you have such an overabundance of buttons they all get lost in the sauce. Social media induced brainrot and people are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.
No. 1871064
>>1870006I've had luck on Pinterest.
>>1870781I looked through a lot of the sites that they feature and most of them are either massive WIPs or glorified carrds. Their project is not even worth the effort. Probably just a way for this kid to get the most followers 5ever on Neocities.
No. 1871128
>>1870781I check the activity page pretty often, so I saw this page before all the convoluted rules were added and thought it was a cute idea, but now I find it pretty annoying. Every day F+F is replying to sites on the activity page with the same copy and pasted "please support our project" message.
>>1870793The fixation on punishment makes me think "the project" will end in a giant meltdown sooner rather than later.
No. 1871147
>>1871128Their support requests feel so disingenuous because it's clear that their only goal is to be known as the kind hearted samaritans that help small sites from le evil algorithms (completely overlooking the fact that the global feed exists). They're not helping anyone, they're just outing themselves as the self important idiots they are, hence the mass follow/unfollow sprees. I'm surprised people are still falling for this scheme.
>>1871126The selection is way too mid for the choice to be arbitrary, it almost seems like a random selection given the utter lack of quality control, kek.
No. 1871148
File: 1706549487217.jpg (506.96 KB, 1080x2490, 1000024854.jpg)

1/2. Looks like someone finally asked them to get organized but all they had was excuses.
No. 1871151
File: 1706549633614.jpg (437.88 KB, 1079x1832, 1000024857.jpg)

>>18711482/2. Their solution was to make a dedicated post to take Q&A… Somehow I doubt the illiterate people using the site for views will do that. Their dedicated post also has retarded chatter on it, by them, so it looks very unprofessional.
No. 1871230
>>1871151"we don't have a Google account (and we don't want to create one)"
"wow we didn't know so many were bothered by that (looking at how man likes the post got) you should have tell us, any of you!"
…Or maybe you can take the hint? This is so weird, I get Google has security issues but if they're so committed to this project I don't understand why it's such a hassle to make a throwaway Gmail account for a Q&A form. They're probably going to lose followers for clogging up people's feeds and being unprofessional in general.
No. 1871305
File: 1706557798454.png (83.04 KB, 709x1006, lmfao.png)

>>1871230They don't even need a google account to take questions, make a protonmail email or a guestbook like suggested. A guestbook would also allow people to ctrl+F so it would actually be a good implementation. This is their questions thread- between explaining why they refuse to take private questions, they're discussing cake and pie. Great questions thread guys.
No. 1871342
>>1871147this project definitely feels like they’re trying to bring to light people’s sites without actually addressing the issue
since neocities has no real algorithm (other than the special sauce category that barely works), people can’t use that a scapegoat anymore. they have to face the reality that their sites are dogshit and won’t get anything but bot visits, but instead of pushing people to actually do something about it and improve themselves, their solution is to try and give them attention without any effort on their part. this project if anything will showcase to the world how boring and uninspiring the average neocities site is.
i don’t know if kyle’s jerk filter is still capped at 25 blocks, but i wouldn’t be surprised if their site will get shadowbanned soon if they don’t change the filter because their spamming got really annoying to people.
i feel like this is going to implode like how yesterweb did, though there hasn’t been much happening in neocities since that happened so i guess it’s that time of year now kek.
No. 1871387
File: 1706562132671.gif (287.68 KB, 500x500, kek.gif)

look what website I found through one of the sites featured on federiefederi: lol'd
No. 1871435
File: 1706564562283.gif (878.03 KB, 500x500, pinkpunk.gif)

>>1871387I don't want to knock on what's probably just a dumb teenager going through a phase but the dissonance between having "queer" "they/them" "nonbinary" everywhere and then "don't label me" really shows most Neocities users wouldn't be able to handle the old internet they want to go back to.
No. 1871484
>>1870781On top of what everyone has already pointed out, you can already filter Neocities websites by "Newest" which is basically a proxy for least views. This has always seemed like a bizarre virtue signally thing to me. And the dodginess of the site owner
>>1871148 makes me think this is entirely unsustainable.
No. 1871543
>>1871484yeah, it feels like they’re trying to show that they’re the ones to lead people to sites that are clearly being marginalized and not getting any attention (rooting for the underdog basically) but in reality their site is no different than just going to the Last Updated category and browsing there instead
maybe if they had some more quality control, like showing sites who have little amount of views AND have been an active site for 6+ months with a certain amount of pages (prob more than 2 pages would’ve been better), then this would’ve at least amounted to something half-decent. but i think the project itself is entirely redundant and was built on a poor premise
No. 1871691
File: 1706596329241.png (184.47 KB, 1020x816, fedeREEEEEE.png)

feds having another meltie on the timeline.
No. 1872019
File: 1706628627046.jpg (350.71 KB, 1080x1608, 1000024928.jpg)

>>1872005Oh thanks nonna. If I'm reading it right it's 25 OR 30% of your follower count. This specifically is for larger accounts, so I wonder if large accounts (feds and yesterweb, etc) were getting a lot of blocks and Kyle thought it "unfair."
No. 1872297
File: 1706649179650.png (90.51 KB, 811x741, fed1.png)

1/2 They're still going. It took them a couple of people disagreeing with their cult-ish behavior to make them show their true colors.
No. 1872308
File: 1706649560604.png (41.21 KB, 821x348, fed2.png)

No. 1872411
>>1872354There's at least 2. The art on their site features 2 what I assume are girls but one is referred to as a he in a question on their FAQ. Could just be a gendie though.
>>1872297What do they think people will say to them posing as someone else? The most they could do is insult them, big whoop
No. 1872571
File: 1706669029686.png (29.86 KB, 697x368, Insane.png)

>>1872308I grabbed their reply earlier today too. They're getting more aggressive
No. 1872592
File: 1706671129289.png (138.55 KB, 450x751, kekk.png)

>>1872571They also updated the site to fingerwag at people. Or something? I still don't know what the hell their system is for featuring and updating their list. I just can't get over how retarded this whole thing is, like it's a stupid idea from the jump, it's executed in the most convoluted way possible, and it's also transparently just because this person wants a lot of followers. What has to be wrong with your brain that you're clout chasing on fucking Neocities of all places? I don't know why anyone is even participating in this. You're not allowed to disable your site profile because then you won't be following them anymore, which they do check, but also it's way too much work to just check a guestbook or use a form. Right, okay. Yeah.
No. 1873290
File: 1706735363203.png (148.8 KB, 1021x907, aaaa.png)

kek she never visited 4chan in her life
No. 1873292
File: 1706735509690.png (31.84 KB, 703x842, aaa.png)

the amount of fucking emojis she uses is so annoying my god.
found this specimen from the global activity page on neocities
No. 1873310
>>1873292>oomfI hate the Twitter migrators so much.
>>1873303If they posted these things online 20 years ago they would've been eaten alive and ridiculed by trolls. They just enjoy the aesthetic of the old days from a safe distance.
No. 1873336
File: 1706739064461.png (202.12 KB, 483x378, haterz.png)

>>1873290I'm going to lay off because the about page says she's 16 but I don't understand the cognitive dissonance of hating porn, fetishes, bullying, and racism, etc. but claim to love 4chan and emulating its culture at the same time.
No. 1874362
>>1873660You worded this a bit strangely so I'm not sure what you mean, but I don't think there's even anything necessarily wrong with oversharing about your life/sperging about your interests. If anything, I think the weird "aren't I sticking it to corporate internet by throwing together some HTML" e-hipster thing is the more grating cope. I think it's more annoying because it's obvious that the vast majority of Neocities users are actually very attached to the obnoxious things about social media like
>>1874048 pointed out.
No. 1874461
>>1874380Personalityfagging may be a faux pas of image board culture, but it's kind of expected on a
personal website. I think blogs are no different from the vent threads here, as long as the author is careful they can maintain their anonymity.
No. 1875137
File: 1706890240452.png (14.69 KB, 697x148, kek.png)

I'd say "imagine being this immature" but I think it's pretty obvious they're just kids anyway.
No. 1875492
File: 1706909495372.jpeg (297.9 KB, 828x555, 97B78D3E-54D8-4AF1-A084-F11B51…)

>>1875137>"we're not against your feedback">gets defensive over a basic fucking question>threatens to delete actual feedback>silences users that aren't 100% committed to the "project">accuses them of "taking it personally" and blows this shit out of proportion for no fucking reason at allWas a random dude asking a question enough to send them into a full meltdown for several days? Christ, they really do have a paper-thin skin. People are dubious about the point of the project because of their own self-telling behavior, not because "evil users with no profile don't accept how we work!!!" (If anything, they're the ones not accepting others disagreeing with them, kek). Just let it go already, who gives a shit.
No. 1876990
>>1876979I got a free palestine message in my guestbook. Obnoxious virtue signaling, how much do you want to bet these people didn't go donate once or help their local communities in any way, shape or form?
I don't remember where I read it but someone said free palestine is this generation's KONY 2012 and it's so true.
No. 1877525
File: 1707086004926.png (42.96 KB, 1080x459, Screenshot_20240204-172359_Fen…)

>>1864763I emailed the webmaster about one of the rules because the character I yume is 17 (I'm 20 myself, I don't find a problem with it), and got this response. ffs, the webmaster thinks they're a fucking cookie run character for crying out loud. They could've at least been less snarky about it.
No. 1877623
>>1877609I've yumed for the same character since I was a teenager, I'm lucky that character doesn't have a canon age but at that point it wouldn't matter. The owner is a zoomer that selfships with a middle-aged character too which is kind of hypocritical since that would be equally
problematic in real life.
No. 1878232
>>1877525My wife is a robot and I have had people telling me I'm a pedophile because "she's 9" (aka build 9 years ago, obviously not 9 in appereance or mind to anyone with a working brain) since that's what google gives you when you search her age kek.
Unafortunely these circles are usually filled with retards, even more than in general fandom; so at this point I just talk to people who like the character, specially since lots of people dislike sharing the character they yume & my favorite thing is to gush about her to other people who also love her.
No. 1878290
File: 1707151143929.png (231.25 KB, 585x498, liIQFSG.png)

>>1877525Considering the fact that feelingmachine's pet chinchilla's name has the word "pussy" in it, I am not surprised by the retarded take.
No. 1878394
File: 1707158642086.png (1.13 MB, 1294x884, dokode.moe_boyfriend_ (1).png)

>>1878385>>1877525Quite interesting that dokodemo, her good friend, ships herself with aloha, someone who was underage for most of the splatoon manga. Yours and dokos age is about the same so her making fun of you is super hypocritical kek
No. 1878417
File: 1707159988142.png (264.31 KB, 1080x687, Screenshot_20240205-140622_Fen…)

>>1878385I took a look and she yumes… a toontown character and what seems to be a monster from a roblox horror game? The fuck?
I think she made shrines for the first two characters on since I remember seeing them, but I have no clue who the last character is.
No. 1878627
File: 1707173602587.png (164.74 KB, 650x971, Captura de pantalla de 2024-02…) like someone created a new yumejoshi ring, it seems very new, as there's no members in it as of me writing this. I'm going to try applying to it and see how it goes.
No. 1878735
File: 1707180809643.png (1.86 MB, 1152x2057, 1000026559.png)

Feelingmachine was previously posted on Kiwifarms waifuist board in 2020. See the Cookie Run character (That she used to have a page of) and the style of ironic memes. Later revealed to be posting on the thread under "BananaBread"?
(Left screenshots) ( Find more scrolling down. Previously was "Geno Girl" and was in some older drama. But I don't feel like digging thru that sorry kek
(Right screenshots) On Twitter she frequently says how she "exposed Puppychan". Here is the account that seems to be hers and screenshots. (Kiwifarms profile (Twitter post
Wonder how her Twitter audience would feel about this. Not very morally righteous to be on the farms. Repeated behavior too. Probably too distracted by all the suicide she posts about on Twitter.
No. 1878768
>>1878735Lmao, all the gendies who vocally decry Kiwifarms and tell people that if something is posted there it's fake all secretly use it.
I was one of them Feelingmachine seems to be aware of Chris-Chan's lore so I'm not surprised she has a throwaway account.
No. 1878796
File: 1707183012005.png (71.58 KB, 580x767, Captura de pantalla de 2024-02…)

>>1878735and if you check her otherkin section, she kins a fucking cookie and now runs an otherkin webring kek. Jeez, what a fucking mess of a person. how the hell does she manage to be a retard for so many years?
No. 1879079
File: 1707201410810.jpeg (1.51 MB, 2154x1910, IMG_7801.jpeg)

>>1878735Feelingmachine’s posts on Kiwifarms. Can’t say the contents are very morally righteous either.
No. 1879083
>>1879079well shit, didn't know there was a farmer to cow pipeline like this. the more i find out about her the more amusing it all gets
>>1878951do let us know how it goes, nona! i'd be keen to join it too if it's an active ring.
No. 1879109
File: 1707206261236.mp4 (19.18 MB, 1280x720, feelingmachine-sugarteara.mp4)

>>1879079>>1878735Cookie run zoomer kinnies truly need help
No. 1879114
File: 1707207439616.png (531.39 KB, 1507x940, genopost.png)

>>1878735Kek not only does she post on kf, apparently she posted on /r9k/ waifu threads too. A board full of misogynist pedos is fine, but a woman liking a 17 year old character is bad. Holy christ.
No. 1879255
File: 1707222848242.png (3.88 MB, 2288x2736, bullshit.png)

>>1878735correction, looking through the KF posts, the other account (?) seems to be named Lemon Bread.
Her old URL was On the archived ( front page of, there's a shrine of Mocha Ray Cookie (it's still up, at
She has an archived list of articles which might also be interesting to go through.Found one on her being interested into Pokémon, yet being into a 17 year old character is not okay? Jesus christ what a shitshow
No. 1880713
File: 1707323434544.jpg (280.24 KB, 1080x1165, 1000026642.jpg)

"Everyone should be nice to me and leave me alone" Interesting words from
>>1877525 >>1879079
No. 1880744
File: 1707325423283.png (5.06 MB, 2800x2000, vahallareference.png)

>>1880713How would you expect anything different from someone who draws Roblox fanart of her characters
No. 1881131
File: 1707353993252.jpg (275.77 KB, 1080x1146, 1000025258.jpg)

>>1880713She weighed in on F+F too
No. 1881314
File: 1707370854544.jpg (176.46 KB, 1080x1045, 1000025256.jpg)

>>1881206Yeah pretty sure she comes here and that's why she feels she's being "gangstalked" suddenly. It gives me suicidebaiting vibes shes been talking about deleting since she got posted.
No. 1885970
File: 1707757522443.jpg (67.86 KB, 1326x439, 0b404n6.jpg)

There was a specific event in my life when the oldweb died for me. It was when the admin of this small and truly wonderful little Tolkien forum( sadly passed away. It was an excellent space where everyone was nice, respectful, and genuine, a level of respectability that is hard to find online these days. After she passed away, the forum gradually became less relevant and eventually died off. I think there's something really tragic about that, but I'm happy that the admin lived a full life surrounded by friends, family and influenced a lot of people by creating a truly wonderful environment.
No. 1886578
>>1886496NTA, i've gotta agree here. neocities isnt just for oldweb enthusiasts, it's an open sandbox for anybody to host their work– simple or otherwise. like
>>1885009 said, in order to utilise html for carrd you've gotta pay money.
No. 1887357
File: 1707865386008.jpeg (758.3 KB, 1170x620, IMG_4397.jpeg)

Did any of you nonnies use piczo
No. 1887474
>>1885970This made me feel so nostalgic. The small forum communities of yesteryear were what defined the old web for me as well, rather than things like geocities sites.
My initiation into the internet was through a forum dedicated to one anime/manga before it got super populad, and it was the only plave you could find a ton of official content translated for western fans. But the mods slowly stopped appearing, and eventually, stopped paying for the site to be hosted. And just like that, all that information, which had taken countless hours of community effort to produce and archive, was gone.
It always makes me wonder how much worthwile info has been lost to the transience of the digital medium.
No. 1888076
File: 1707927698232.png (29.86 KB, 1207x630, CFB16BDC-2848-4AA3-802F-2E149B…)

I can’t be the only person depressed that is shutting down. I have always wanted to join it, but couldn’t since my site contains mature content. Can’t say I have any nostalgia attached it, just that I’m really sad to see it go.
No. 1890493
File: 1708098415726.png (1.27 MB, 1438x1270, SYMPHONY.png)

>>1890455NTA but I agree with you, but if this is the Neocities user I'm thinking of, she appears to have been raised Muslim, left the religion, and later reconverted. So I can get why someone raised in a religion would still stay in it even if they turn out to be gay, but I don't get why someone who left it and would come back to it while identifying as a "zhe/zher nonhuman aliengender lesbian" (but ships herself with a male character) at the same time. Is it even possible to be Muslim and otherkin at the same time? These people want to be the most oppressed so bad.
No. 1890683
File: 1708107569137.jpg (120.34 KB, 720x1442, Screenshot_20240216-181654_Chr…)

>>1890355>>1890428Here's her page kek, the emoji pronouns make me want to kill myself
No. 1890716
File: 1708109195315.jpg (273.51 KB, 720x1444, identitybuttons.jpg)

Another cringe nc site I found. This one's for 'identity buttons' to put on your own site. What a load of horsecrap, these freakazoids need to get a life
No. 1890903
File: 1708120437168.png (90.22 KB, 962x622, vivarism.png)

Have any of you been keeping up with Vivarism's bizarre mental breakdown?
No. 1890942
File: 1708123888826.png (116.07 KB, 960x698, 21707165628335.png)

>>1890903Yeah she's been at it for a whole week. These are the suicide plans mentioned in your picture. I guess Hatsu's comment would have been directly before "kill yourself you idiot bitch."
No. 1890977
File: 1708130131398.jpg (281.67 KB, 1080x2077, image-00001.jpg)

>>1890942I grabbed a screencap on instinct earlier, but you're all right, all hatsu said was "love these thoughts" very clearly after vivarism started suicide posting (so there is really no plausible deniability.) I think it's because microblog suicide baiting and faux religious delusions are super common on kinnie online spaces, so there's an implicit assumption that the person posting isn't serious and so sometimes people will reply "mood" and whatnot. They don't seem to realize vivarism isn't just a garden variety kinnie attention whore, anyone who's followed her for a long time knows she is not mentally healthy. I hope she feels better soon, normally I'd assume she's just fishing for attention online, but she's been so consistently unwell for so long it's undeniable that she needs real help.
No. 1890983
File: 1708130419107.jpg (111.07 KB, 1080x1293, image002.jpg)

>>1890977Doubleposting with another example when this started. Hate that the socially maladjusted denizens of Neocities are acting so retarded about this.
No. 1890998
File: 1708132353634.png (67.84 KB, 956x697, chipsfunfun.png)

>>1890985I'm surprised to find out Hatsu is a lolcow, but I wouldn't consider what Vivarism is going through right now milky at all. It's really worrying how she's been having this episode for over a week. The last time she had one she just went offline for awhile. Speaking of gendies, I noticed Chips the 12-now-13 year old in the last thread has reached out to her despite being on "opposite sides" of this. Flonne needs to go offline for her own sake.
No. 1891001
File: 1708132536473.jpeg (219.49 KB, 682x745, IMG_2329.jpeg)

>>1890977To be fair to Hatsu, she posted this right before. If you weren't keeping up with her other rants, you might think it was all a joke. And I noticed how she writes coherently on her diary and then crytypes on the nc feed. Is that normal for schizoposters?
No. 1891013
>>1891004DA but I thought hatsu's old site was a0i and vivarism used to be 5amgirlfriend?
>>1891001She has BPD which can lead to psychotic episodes if unchecked, to my knowledge. She's also an older zoomer so she still has residual kinnie Tumblr circle behavior deep down. I honestly find it really sad to see since she seemed to be turning around last month.
No. 1891088
>>1891001I imagine crytyping in HTML would be rather difficult, to be fair.
>>1891004It's besides the point, but is that really why a0i remade her site? I never followed her, but I saw her little thing on hatsu about new beginnings and accountability and wondered wtf she was talking about. Was this related to the swirl code thief debacle?
>>1891026, is a great site, one of my favorites. I also like mn1ca on Neocities and
No. 1891125
File: 1708144217856.jpg (73.26 KB, 778x185, afdsakfls.jpg)

>>1890985what do you even want from her… she apologized and wants to do better. flonne is the one being mean even after hatsu took full responsibility for what she said. and yes what she said was wrong but i truly don't think one comment can compare to sui spamming everyone's feed.
No. 1891179
File: 1708148534772.png (301.44 KB, 1052x314, v1.png)

>>1891150You're the one who's not focusing. The deflection
>>1890985 is the post Hatsu replied to. What did that post even get wrong? Vivarism IS farmer and anons likely DO know her and most importantly, any other cow making posts like this would get eviscerated. Feelingmachine says she's off her meds and having delusions and everyone laughs, but Vivarism floods the timeline with her retarded "curse" and we need to focus on something else? How is this not milk? Her underwear is giving her suicidal thoughts.
No. 1891203
>>1891179She sounds like she's writing the backstory for her OC that's a Disney villian.
>>1890998Can this actual child stop flooding every person on NC's walls?
No. 1891551
File: 1708185366735.jpg (635.38 KB, 1080x2101, 1000023432.jpg)

Does federiefederi have a second account or is this person just really annoying?
No. 1891564
>>1891551Looks like her alt. Are people still following her after that tantrum last month?
>>1891558Fair enough. It's hard not to gawk anyway.
No. 1891957
File: 1708212577132.png (346.6 KB, 1082x863, Screenshot_20240217_182809.png)

>>1891893I found out about her recently, because I found her on that 2dlove webring, and her posts about Sans sound like schizo tier. If I remember correctly, she says she's a lesbian whose given up on real life dating due to how bleakness it is, so she does selfship stuff with Sans instead.
Picrel though, definitely makes me think that she's not mentally stable about it, however. Come to think of it, one of my personal cows is also on that webring, so kek.
No. 1891997
>>1891957There was a very specific sans husbandofag months ago around the time when she was not doing so well that posted this on the confessions thread.
>>>/ot/1723284 and I wonder if this is her because they sound too similar.
In this case I believe her and I think she might be going through psychosis. I hope she reaches for the help she needs.
No. 1892009
>>1891997oh god yeah, this surely has to be her. she had a page dedicated to that film on her old site iirc.
>>1891957this really just sounds like stock-standard husbandofaggotry though? i hope she finds some real help at least, because leaning on a fictional character like this is more of a short-term solution rather than a long one.
No. 1892024
File: 1708217558993.png (169.73 KB, 1110x744, by…)

>>1891957I never understood the whole "lesbian husbandofag" thing, sounds more like bi girls who are rightfully fed up with IRL men, all of her other fictional crushes are male except two. But her last relationship that she recorded on 5amgirlfriend turned into an
abusive/stalker situation, so I don't blame her for falling hard into selfshipping and being mentally ill.
>Come to think of it, one of my personal cows is also on that webring, so kek.Mind sharing who?
No. 1892036
File: 1708218641586.png (484.28 KB, 820x857, Screenshot_20240217_201038.png)

>>1892024Yeah, I also think that if you're a "lesbian with a husbando", it's being bisexual. I actually didn't know her last relationship was
abusive though, my bad.
My personal cow's Niqua/ I think she's got a kiwifarms page, but the tldr is that she's really unhinged when it comes to her postings about Ike from fire emblem (her husbando). Recently, she made a page detailling her reborn doll modelled after their fanchild and it's some uncanny valley shit.
No. 1892044
File: 1708219247515.png (746.12 KB, 715x765, label.png)

>>1892036I wonder why she joins these webrings despite considering herself in an actual relationship with a real person. Is it for pageviews? Her most recent post is about not caring about these labels, but orbits them anyway.
No. 1892050
>>1892037You're not wrong but making fun of the morbidly obese is ironically less morbid than making fun of someone's suicide posting. It would be different if she was baiting for attention and asspats or as means to make herself look like a
victim while arguing with others but I don't think she is
No. 1892053
>>1892036oh my god she has an entire cope post trying to justify how unhinged this is. like husbandofagging is just a silly hobby for most women but taking this shit so far into the real world is really insane
No. 1892172
File: 1708230562263.jpeg (785.08 KB, 828x1424, IMG_2576.jpeg)

>>1892127god they're both insufferable. devastatia seems like an edgy coomer meanwhile the other one wrings her hands about how seeing a mean blog post (not even interacting with the person) ruined her day and made her feel sick uwu
No. 1892182
File: 1708231257629.png (2.02 MB, 1920x1080, devastatia.png)

>>1892172DA but I managed to open this site in another window. I can't tell if this is a right wing pickme woman or a TIM, but assholes like this are dime-a-dozen, it's not worth being physically sick over lmao.
No. 1892195
File: 1708232484559.png (88.07 KB, 873x742, codeofconduct.png)

>>1892172My favorite part was when she posted an excerpt from a fable to explain her feelings on the topic. It makes sense that this was a culture shock for her though, given that 32bitcafe is run by libfems who were so offended by the Women of the Internet webring they made a whole new webring just to make sure trannies felt included. Just a glance at the very beginning of their rules is enough to make it obvious Devastatia was going to be a problem.
No. 1892209
>>1892166if i recall correctly she has something in her website that redirects backlinks from certain websites to somewhere else. is where she redirects people to ig.
idk where she mentioned it exactly but it’s in one of her blog posts
No. 1892565
File: 1708274372880.png (177.23 KB, 1740x947, 1697043030005.png)

>>1891997>my stupid daddy/daughter paraphilia>genuine incest kink>I called her "mommy">She bottle fed me once>I live and breathe this stupid daddy kink>the last tether of my sanity is a fictional character who I think of as my "papa.">my ideal role is daughterwife emphasis on daughter>I don't plan to changeDid everyone else just skip over this post? I can't be the only one who finds this disgusting. No doubt she's had some bad experiences but what the fuck.
No. 1892661
File: 1708278966918.jpg (122.06 KB, 1298x547, most_embarrasing_behavior.jpg)

>>1892565She's so troubled it goes back and forth from concerning to funny. When Flonne and I talked a few times she sounded like a sweet and determined young lady but from what I heard through a friend of a friend, she's an age regressor with a diaper kink, and during calls, pitches her voice up an octave and sucks on her thumb as a flirting tactic.
I sympathize that she's fucked up and already struggles with ED and its delusional thoughts but her constant attention-seeking through simultaneous pitymilking and pretentious vapid journal entries are annoying and pathetic. She writes all about wanting to get better but her journals sound so scripted and stilted in a poor imitation of an intelluctual.
No. 1892916
>>1892849You can always make a mobile version later and publish the desktop version first. I've never gotten complaints for doing that.
>>1892661> age regressor with a diaper kink, and during calls, pitches her voice up an octave and sucks on her thumb as a flirting tacticI'm so used to hearing about TIMs doing this I'm almost surprised you're talking about a biological woman. Farmers do tend to be just as much as lolcows as the people they mock. Despite being GC, Flonne appears to have a lot of residual Tumblr damage like zoomers tend to.
No. 1892965
File: 1708291081813.png (Spoiler Image,1.61 MB, 3460x2965, IMG_2333.png)

>>1892796Recent revelations? I thought everyone knew about the DDLG thing and was politely ignoring it. This is the shit she draws of Sans and her self-insert.
No. 1892995
>>1892992Even if that poster wasn't her, it's very clear her self-insert oc is meant to look like a child next to sans as a parental figure, plus what's been previously mentioned in
>>1892661 it's obvious what the intention is. Keep white knighting all you want though, she won't suck her thumb at you.
No. 1893001
File: 1708293245918.png (Spoiler Image,327.87 KB, 5000x1513, IMG_2335.png)

>>1892995>she won't suck her thumb at youKEK. She probably would though. She seems desperate for someone to love her.
I won't post any more of her art as fetish examples because I'd have to dump her whole gallery. Just go see it for yourself. No. 1893003
>>1892965Yeah, I feel like it's been pretty obvious since even her old site that she's into that sort of thing. And her posts about her gf at the time definitely read like they were in some creepy arrangement, which is why it wasn't shocking when it turned out to have been
>>1892992Who types like her, who has the same husbando as her (and uses the same ways to reference him), who thrives on negative attention like her, who likes the same film as her, whose life story seems to align with hers…
No. 1893070
File: 1708297942129.png (Spoiler Image,733.78 KB, 1205x750, softcore.png)

>>1893035>>1893001nayrt but the one that creeps me out the most doesn't even have sans in it
No. 1893135
File: 1708301061291.png (97.95 KB, 1182x1028, tubby time saga.png)

>>1893003> I feel like it's been pretty obvious since even her old site that she's into that sort of thingsadly you're not wrong. I never thought I would see a radfem farmer be into this sort of thing. because I did see that she was cancelled for being a radfem on her old account while also linking to lolcow on her site.
get ready for the tubby time saga. No. 1893146
File: 1708301902107.png (1.28 MB, 592x2424, entei.png)

>>1892565I had to google her blog and "entei pokemon" to find this other connection as well
this is very depressing No. 1893178
File: 1708303583154.png (26.76 KB, 860x1130, 1000025729.png)

>>1892965This is who her husbando is that she imagines taking care of her. This is really sad but also hilarious and disgusting. Tumblr really fucked up her mind to think this diaper/ageplay shit isn't depraved.
No. 1893224
>>1893181uh, no? there's just crazies in every part of the web no matter how you spin it really, and theyre not the majority. most husbandofags/yumes/whatever you wanna call em are harmless and pretty normal, perhaps a little cringe.
>>1893199i want to believe flonne on this, but given we have only one side of the argument due to twelve's identity and socials (if she has any) being unknown, it's hard to say if what was shared is 100% true. it would make sense that she hides talk of the bad parts of their relationship on a public website treated as a love diary dedicated to her partner, though. as for socials, i don't think twelve's online identity was ever made public knowledge. i think flonne said somewhere that she doesn't use nc aside from looking at 5amgf.
No. 1893227
>>1893199>>1893224Twelve doesn't have a Neocities nor does she have a tangible online presence (that I'm aware of). She was genuinely very
abusive from all the things I've heard, and I've even had the displeasure of talking to her myself. From our short-lived interaction, I could tell Twelve was off in the way she described her and Flonne's relationship. When I finally talked to Flonne myself, it came as no surprise to hear that Twelve really was a batshit crazy abuser.
No. 1893339
File: 1708317792003.jpeg (524.09 KB, 1179x1184, IMG_1233.jpeg)

>>1893313 Never read it either but god just based off of this synopsis she really has particular neurosis doesnt she
No. 1893345
File: 1708318804154.jpeg (621.47 KB, 1217x355, IMG_1722.jpeg)

From hatsu’s blog. “Whatever she says to me, i will take it” clearly not lmao
No. 1893376
>>1893166>>1893167The Nemu comparison makes me wonder how she is socially? Just in this thread she has friends who wk but also friends who talk shit. From the constant melties on her blog I'd guess she's a nightmare in private. Pity for the ones who have to babysit her through shit like this
>>1891179>>1893339Kek guess we can add sibling incest to the list
No. 1893410
>>1893181Having a personal website implies some sort of an online diary and that can range anywhere from "I baked a cake today it was fun" to "i want to kill myself and everyone around me" depending on how much you want to share in there. No shit everyone is cowish, people are cowish in general. You either like
problematic shit, or have a weird fetish, or you're obsessed about something, or have a fucked up past, or you struggle with mental illness. If you post long enough, one of those things will probably be revealed.
No. 1893471
File: 1708330858153.jpg (85.69 KB, 640x640, tumblr_fdf3448d3ff6464711154f9…)

>>1893410Tumblr popularized vent blogs but it was never the norm. Back in the day people had websites just to talk about their interests or share pictures. I never understood the appeal of airing your dirty secrets online like that. Specially in today's age when online privacy is more important than ever.
That said, to each their own. If it helps her get better, then so be it. This cry for help definitely made a lot of people worried about her. I just pray nothing else happens to her, she did play with fire a little and someone up thread said she was harassed online before, so. I hope she stays safe.
No. 1893647
File: 1708346189335.png (1.26 MB, 1904x1106, oktiffany.png)

every time i see this girl in the global activity feed i roll my eyes so hard i strain a nerve
> blinker about "men's tits" further down the page
> "gender: male guy"
how original
No. 1893714
>>1892590oh yeah sorry you said it here
>killed my interest in accommodating phone users tooWhen I read/replied to your post I was tired and angry at those types of people because I've had one recently reeee about that on my Guestbook and was so obnoxious, sorry again
nonnie No. 1893850
>>1893345NGL, the fact she self-posted in this thread is why I doubt anyone will forgive her. Senpai isn't going to notice or forgive her now when she likely posted Flonne first.
>>1893481Not true, proto-social media like journaling websites like Livejournal were full of personal drama. Just look at old communities like sf_drama and cf_hardcore. Zoomers are just perpetuating the cycle on Tumblr and Neocities.
No. 1894252
File: 1708384270869.png (2.46 MB, 1538x1444, ninty letters.png)

>>1892036 just made a page detailing the letters she gets from Nintendo. I remember hearing about them from her Reddit days, but I wasn't sure if they were real or fabricated.
No. 1895050
>>1894999nothing oozes with accountability more than running away when everything goes to shit kek
i’ll give it like a few weeks before she comes back and history inevitably repeats itself for a third time
No. 1895492
>>1895474Do you have links to this? I've actually never seen the OG callouts by the TIFs on Neocities that noted she was into ageplay/etc., all I knew was that she was called a "
TERF" by them.
No. 1895640
File: 1708479251381.png (260.77 KB, 868x442, Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 10.36…)

>>1895181the bolded text in bio KEKKKKK
No. 1895655
File: 1708480269134.jpg (242.78 KB, 1080x979, oldcarrd.jpg)

>>1895646The DNI change is funny. Seems she's also going out of her way to hide her identity/distance herself from her alias.
No. 1895866
>>1895737Do you have archived links of the callouts? I believe you but I've still only seen the "transphobe/
terf" accusations from gendies.
No. 1895888
>>1895737hilarious if true but how would random gendies know anything about her fetishes? the only proof is a confessional post since a few months ago and some gossip with no caps or source.
>>1892661 is this "friend of a friend" a tif?
No. 1895904
>>1895888ayrt. The friend of a friend used to be a TIF, but reidentified as a woman and went gender crit because she peaked and realized it was cringe (her words). I don't know when she met Flonne so either you or
>>1895892 could be true. I'd post caps but she got paranoid and deleted all relevant chats/servers months ago, so I get it if anons don't believe me
No. 1896513
>>1896392I don't believe that Flonne was ever infamous for her fetishes, otherwise they would have come up in the thread before her breakdown. It just seems like some people who used to affiliate with her and no longer do are coming out about it now that the tides are turning. Regardless, I don't see why it matters whether or not this was public knowledge before.
>>1892661It's clear she's made a lot of connections in this thread and on LCF in general, but I wonder exactly how many people she's done the DDLG larp to.
No. 1896636
>>1896392Where did you get "infamous"? Anon only said it came up alongside
TERF and proshipper claims. No-one said it was widely talked about, kek.
No. 1896747
File: 1708556572110.png (480.33 KB, 1920x1050,

>>1896738I've found /pol/ and hardcore fetish websites on Neocities (picrel for the latter). Vivarism has cow tendencies but she's far from the worst the host has to offer.
No. 1896847
File: 1708564323473.jpg (39.46 KB, 975x574, lol.JPG)

I feel like swirl is instigating
No. 1897340
>>1897246i reckon both her and hatsu lurk this thread kek. after
>>1895674 asked what rep searches are she added an explanation as to what they are
No. 1898154
File: 1708649960767.png (143.53 KB, 1192x634, log_off.png)

the entitlement is unreal. I'm so sick of these accessibility spergs.
No. 1898160
File: 1708650657782.png (90.65 KB, 916x111, lolwut.png)

I don't think you should be talking shit about anyone when you say shit like this with your face and name attached to it. When does this cow get it's own thread?
No. 1898169
File: 1708651381508.png (27.02 KB, 840x146, Screenshot_2024-02-22_at_7.07.…)

>>1898160since she wanted to delete her post kek No. 1898183
File: 1708652008556.jpg (274.07 KB, 1536x1389, retard.JPG)

>>1898160nevermind. she didn't delete. she got banned KEK. retard
No. 1898188
>>1898154At least she gave a link to how to implement that, but if someone did this for me I'd tell them to fuck off. The obsession with accessibility will just turn every site into something barebones and corporate.
>>1898169>>1898183Why is every blog post have softcore porn images punctuated between every paragraph? Is this a tranny or a right-wing NLOG? If you're still lurking, devastatia, you're supposed to lurk moar and integrate before posting.
No. 1898221
>>1898154Are there not browser extensions that disable gifs for you? My bet is that pixelglade knows that but is just moralfagging for the sake of looking better than everyone.
>>1898160>>1898183>>1898188Porn. Not even once.
No. 1898283
>>1898154This is my least favorite thing about female-dominated online communities. All this chastising and passive aggressive bullshit for what? If Pixelglade really does have some sort of motion sickness issue (although I'm skeptical of anyone who uses medical jargon for mundane problems), it's her job to manage it instead of guilt tripping some random gif artist into changing her code. Accessibility is not something hobbyists and novices need to stress about.
>>1898183Kek, how does these retards keep finding this thread? I know a lot of Neocities users lurk, but between Hatsu, Swirl, and now this attention whore, I wonder if someone is linking them.
No. 1898421
File: 1708668629625.jpg (116.81 KB, 636x1022, retardalert.JPG)

>>1898154She even puts warnings on the sites of other neocities users she links to
No. 1898863
File: 1708710381901.png (Spoiler Image,127.33 KB, 1115x189, owtheedge.png)

>>1898829She/he acts identical to a 4chan edgelord, of course she's racist too.
No. 1899552
File: 1708752671489.jpg (37.66 KB, 675x176, this is me.JPG)

After Devastatia got permabanned from lolcow she is saying "tim" means "this is me" and that we use "kek" because of the 2016 trump election. She is saying this like its actually true, she can't lurk for 5 minutes and just makes shit up lmao. She is starting to become my personal cow. No. 1899644
File: 1708758703982.png (116.19 KB, 987x256, Screenshot_2.png)

>>1899606>>1899579She's not 22, she say multiple times on her site that she's genx.
No. 1899649
File: 1708759034592.jpg (308.72 KB, 1382x1316, cringe.JPG)

>>1899644her about page linked at the bottom says 22
No. 1899665
File: 1708760187112.png (117.33 KB, 1556x856, fed.png)

the fucking audacity to spam recently updated sites to beg for followers under the guise of "helping small sites" but not allow any comments on their profile that aren't explicitly asslicking their project only
No. 1899676
File: 1708761248850.png (237.85 KB, 1539x303, lol.png)

>>1899644lmao wait, wtf? I admittedly didn't spend a lot of time looking at her posts because the navigation sucks but
>I was twenty-two years old in the early 1990s when I smoked cannabis for the first time>Growing up in the 1980sSo she is around 50 years old? That is significantly more bizarre/embarrassing if true. Her being an unhinged Gen X honestly makes a lot more sense than being an actual 22 year old. If you read more she also posts about buying how to draw hentai books and making Vtuber characters with erect nipples, as well as implementing the one on one chat function because she wanted to sext guys. Also extremely funny, picrel is her getting assmad about getting called a pickme in a post where she rants about some guy on Discord critiquing her site.
No. 1899946
she also has been continuing to lurk here after being banned from what i can gather? strange given that lc is on her wall of shame now kek. the more she posts about us, the more incorrect her information gets. since when are women on this site pro-onlyfans given that the vast majority of us are anti-porn?? she critiques us for not reading her site but doesn't bother to learn our board takes, the hypocrisy…
>>1899843according to her credits page and follow up update, it's not ai generated. still kinda lame though.
No. 1900138
File: 1708806897363.png (1.53 MB, 1476x2276, is this retard serious.png)

She's claiming that we hate her cringe porn because we defend actual child molesters and claim she's a man because we want her to post pics. log off grandma, its time to take your meds.
No. 1900215
>>1900194Yea her page came off as anti woke but after being pro porn and capeing for troons she can't be.
>>1899665These kids are so annoying with their follow4follow (F+F lol) scheme and unfortunately for them it's working. Love only sites
they deem worthy are able to get views. They don't want small sites to grow, they only want themselves to grow.
No. 1900231
File: 1708812091908.png (472.09 KB, 1127x572, classicalliberal.png)

>>1900215To be fair, she identifies as a "classical liberal" AKA a centrist who leans right economically. So being pro-porn makes sense because muh innovative capitalism. I haven't found any mention of troonism so far on her site because it's such a nightmare to navigate.
No. 1900834
File: 1708841602452.png (16.34 KB, 712x167, faeriedollspixel.png)

Does anyone have these pixel faerie dolls saved onto their computer or know of a site that hosts them? I remember seeing them all over neopets years(decades) ago. I've been digging through internet archive, but it seems it never properly saved most of them. The site went through several iterations, (pictured), (none of the images were saved), and finally (which is nothing like the previous two and doesn't appear to have the adoptables anymore). I know this isn't entirely ontopic, but I don't know where else to ask. I think it would be a shame for these to be lost forever.
No. 1901148
File: 1708878333274.png (167.77 KB, 1252x602, Screenshot 2024-02-25 112536.p…) Looks like nekoweb launched.
No. 1901258
File: 1708885409960.jpg (541.97 KB, 2160x3561, 20240225_142224_1.jpg)

>>1901161Yeah, there are some cute ideas (like the customizable frame for your website, cat theme), but everything about how the project is being run is super sloppy and unprofessional and they're also trying to monetize it despite the fact it's obviously held together with tape and glue. It seems dimden is the primary dev, but the site isn't even mobile responsive which makes me think there's going to be even more muh web 1.0 circlejerking instead of just providing a stable service that offers static site hosting with modern features. The Discord doesn't inspire much confidence either.
No. 1901259
>>1901055I'm crypto and have never gotten shit for it, the worst is I had former mutuals unfollow me and remove my button from their links page. If your site is anonymous the risk is overblown in my experience, but
>>1901079 has good advice.
No. 1901280
File: 1708886751306.png (103.84 KB, 421x291, Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 14-46…)

>>1901269They haven't been super clear what they mean (at least not recently), but yes, it seems like they were thinking about adding in all the microblogging. The feedback on the general channel was to add it later, but they wanted the "follow" feature, which is now added (picrel with the plus sign). There's been some debate in the server about whether to show follower count or not. I also don't understand what the vision here is.
No. 1901300
>>1901176>>1901180>>1901186>>1901175Thank you anons for the encouragement
I guess my problem is niche but I'm an artist that is aiming to work in a professional field (not fan art or commission related) and I really need a website that can adapt to my needs, I've been checking other websites with builder features like squarespace, carrd, etc (there's a bunch, some let you do crazy shit as well like vid rel) but what I like about neocities is the genuine community behind it. Websites are not just a desolate island in the sea of other websites, plus every space is a blank canvas that you can play around with. I would have to spend a lot of time teaching myself how to code and I don't know if I have it in me, it's dumb I know. The closest alternative I can think of is Tumblr, but the reblog feature is gay (even if you can turn it off) and Tumblr is simply not well seen and doesn't really count as a portfolio website for the type of jobs I want to apply for. Like, Tumblr started as a good idea and I remember back in 2012 a lot of people in professional fields did use it, but as time passed, the website's reputation has gone down and even for fandom stuff it's just not the same. I think there's a possibility that in the future we'll get a new "social media" type of site that lets you completely customize your page in an easy way while having an online community too. The question is when
No. 1901310
>>1901280I see, thank you nonna. Personally I like the follow feature since it's a such a convenient way to keep up with site changes beyond text updates like an RSS reader would pick up, but showing who follows or a follow count is what opens it up for gendies to start being obnoxious and bringing social media to personal sites. I agree with others who think this isn't even going to last long. Like how do you know you need 5 people to sign up to pay off server costs but don't even know what the server costs
No. 1901324
File: 1708889461802.jpg (68.72 KB, 716x534, 1000023584.jpg)

>>1901148Already ruined kek
No. 1901396
File: 1708893001625.png (15.13 KB, 766x166, ff.png)

>>1901324Where did they possibly see it advertised when they refuse to communicate with anyone outside of their public wall? Guess they lurk here after all. Sounds like people follow them back then mostly forget about it anyway because they still regularly beg for submissions, picrel. "We won't ban anyone this time!" Didn't last month they refuse to feature anyone because they didn't get 'enough' submissions? Also interesting simply redirects to their neocities.
No. 1901465
File: 1708896931371.jpg (131.33 KB, 1164x315, shes still going.JPG)

she's still sperging into the void
No. 1901491
>>1901306I know that, but tumblr is not really made to admire or cherish personal websites imo. Well it's not like back in 2012 anyway. Most new users with blogs don't even get the anymore. That's the difference with neocities. Even Tumblr wants to have that homogenized look that all other websites have, and they love taking inspiration from Twitter.
Ideally I would like to see a platform with the same emphasis on
personal websites and easier customisation for portfolios with a side of being able to connect to your audience through social features. I think there's a market for that specially how everyone wants to bounce out of twitter and Instagram and how everyone is very nostalgic for customizable pages. Like I'm surprised nothing like this has popped up yet, or how every other drag and drop website has to be paid for, if things were easier for the average nobody, then the whole web would feel less empty I think. More blogs and stuff. Though I completely get that big part of the fun of neocities is learning to code, someone who does ceramics full time and just wants to show their pieces off might not be as interested I think.
No. 1901500
File: 1708898536677.jpg (41.14 KB, 750x1000, ;_;.jpg)

>>1901491Neocities has a social feature. Outside of the site, your profile page is basically twitter. There are a lot of artists who are very talented and ones who do art professionally that manage to make websites. It's just another way to create things if you're actually creative and willing to figure out what to copy and paste and edit. If you're not willing to figure it out Wix has free drag and drop site builders as well as a billion others
No. 1901517
>>1901491>>1901500I wonder if you can make a drag and drop site for free on Wix etc then just copy the html/css and plug it into neocities? Even if some features are paid usually there's a trial for things like that, sign up, make it, copy it, cancel sub.
Unrelated to that, does anyone here use forums? I've been nostalgic for them but can't find many. Tips on finding more or your favorites?
No. 1901612
>>1901517There's also art gallery templates you can just use for free. You'll have to look for them but this is one I found (not great but it does what it says it does):>>1901491You seem to have a learned helplessness when it comes to coding, you can always download an offline editor like Brackets to practice and use templates. Neocities
does have a social feature if you want to follow and network with people. The barrier of knowing to code is actually a pretty low bar, since I've seen plenty of crappy 90s-tier HTML sites. I'd rather see a barebones HTML page with pictures of someone's creations than another social media profile.
No. 1903499
>>1901173ChatGPT can code for you nonna. Honestly learning basic HTML/CSS required to make vintage looking websites is easy. It gets harder if you want to customize a modern framework (like Wordpress) to look retro. But there are still tons of themes that you can chose from, most of them free, to match your aesthetic. You can use Wordpress without knowing anything about HTML/CSS/PHP or javascript/jquery. The trickiest part for a beginner is transferring your website files to your host (honestly even I forgot the steps right now), but there are tons of step-by-step tutorials to help you. They're very beginner-friendly.
But honestly, I would recommend you to start fiddling with basic HTML/CSS. it's very easy to understand, and doesn't require any programming logic (unilke JavaScript, Python, C++ etc). You shouldn't feel intimidated because it's "code". Programming languages are just a way to interact with your PC without interfaces, when you think about it. It's also very satisfying to witness your code working.
I'm by FAR a professional web programmer, I just enjoy coding as a hobby, because it can be fun. It's a craft like another.
Then if you enjoy it you can start cutomzing your own wordpress theme. There is a very good barebones theme with commented code named "Naked", that is meant to make you learn PhP and theme creation. Honestly it was very instructive and it helped me to create my own theme in the exact aesthetic I wanted.
No. 1903540
>>1903267When I started my site a few years ago I would host my images on Tumblr because the filesize was too big, but then I found out about Photoshop's save for the web and spend some days optimizing all my images and hosting them over NC instead. Not only it's way easier to see/writte <img src="/pics/cat.png"> than <img src="785_p92p31300x300.png">, it also secures you won't ever lose any images and moving hosts in case your current one closes is as easy as moving your site's folders.
Talking about image filesizes, I wish people would try reducing the ones on their sites. Neocities is already slow when loading small images, full HD ones take ages to appear. Visiting 90% of art galleries/sites is a pain in the ass thanks to that, it isn't that hard to make a smaller preview & show the full quality one on-click or something.
No. 1903645
>>1900138>They're part of that Twitter cancel cultHow are we in any shape way or form part of the Twitards cancel culture? Does she know what a "lolcow" is? Does she know that in this thread we discuss everything related to personal websites from lolcows to our own favourite websites? Hmmm
>defending actual child molestersI lol'd
No. 1903717
File: 1709042589221.jpg (226.05 KB, 784x731,…)

I have a couple niche sites to talk about, but I wonder if anyone is interested in them bc they aren't fandom or webrings sites.
I once found this anon message board for pharmaceutical drug reps and they posted unhinged rants about the doctors and nurses they work with. I could imagine any of those people on lc or pol. If you go back far enough, you can see the beginning of the opioid crisis in their posts. I need to find it again and completely archive the site, it's a goldmine of insults and autism and impending doom.
The other one is this guy's almost daily updated blog about the game Checkers, interspersed with "Checkers problems" and some creative fiction about Checkers. of the old posts are really great (see ) I am ready to be the next Checkers champion and learn to trash-talk other Checkers players like a pro. (picrel)
No. 1903723
File: 1709042850047.jpg (89.6 KB, 773x273,…)

>>1903717doublepost for picrel:
let the youth shittalk!
I was researching games for a project and stumbled across this goldmine. It's kind of cute, I never imagined adults playing Checkers until I found this site and some forums about it.
There was also an old forum dating at least back to 2005 with a bunch of drama among the (probably all male) posters, who were all fanatical autistic Checkers players. I haven't found that again yet, but as of two years ago, it was still online.
No. 1903782
>>1903499>ChatGPT can code for you nonna.DA, but I tried this out of curiosity and the layouts ChatGPT make look awful. I don't recommend doing this unless you
want something that looks like shit.
No. 1903804
>>1901183The site already crushed under its own weight when it was linked on Hackernews and half the sites literally just redirect you to Neocities anyway, shit was over from the beginning
A shame since at least the domain is cute
No. 1904629
>>1904612honestly i think the project has a serious lack of purpose. there are some neat features i guess, but it still doesn’t change the fact that it’s entirely redundant. they’re making a webhost out of something that should’ve just stayed as a discord community or webring.
idk if they’re just adding random stuff in hopes that it’ll attract people, but this entire thing is likely not going to last very long. probably was DoA if we’re being real here
No. 1904676
File: 1709089449318.jpg (17.9 KB, 690x213, kek.JPG)

its funny all the women are doing the deocrating with assets, banners and front end and all the moids are coding the backend. Doko is involved with this shit
No. 1904756
File: 1709093399844.png (29.36 KB, 1238x248, nekoweb.png)

>>1904612I find the feature annoying, honestly. It's cute for 10 seconds and then it becomes incredibly distracting. I hate how unfocused this whole project is. Such a waste of a cute domain name. I have no problem with there being more static site hosts with minor differences compared to Neocities that are meant to be alternatives to big names, but Nekoweb is such a mess. And I hate that it isn't even well-done. For example, using FTP is a paid feature and there's no easy way to integrate your site with something like Github, plus there's no CLI tool to make up for it like with Neocities. So you're locked into using their janky in-house code editor that wouldn't even save your indentations properly until yesterday or importing your whole site as a zip file (incredibly annoying to maintain/update frequently). I get that it's in beta, but some of these things are very obviously something you need to resolve before you roll it out, and the cutesy little features slapped on don't make up for a fundamentally aimless project. Picrel makes it obvious that the most annoying people from Neocities simply hopped over. But they'll probably abandon it pretty soon anyways once they realize they can't microblog at each other.
No. 1904778
>>1904756they really made a neocities clone but worse, kek. truly impressive
they could’ve just made a fork of the neocities git repo and easily made an offshoot, but it looks like they made it from the ground up yet made things worse. and really, what could they add that will make them stand out? more social features? shit that made neocities a twitterfag cesspit? because as it stands neocities will completely kill it through pure infrastructure alone.
i feel like more effort was put into making the platform than actually thinking about how they want to stand out and what they can offer that neocities can’t. there’s no future other than trying to match neocities’ lacking amount of features, which isn’t a very high standard to reach tbh
No. 1905430
>>1904676Did Dokodemo leave the project then? A lot of the original talk about this made it seem like a project between Dimden, Dokodemo, and Feign, or at least that Dokodemo and Feign had involvement with the specific ways they were talking about the supposed Neocities replacement they were all working on.
>>1905040Because this was also originally a replacement for Dokodemo's failing Discord server, which fell apart after it came out that Dokodemo had a self-admitted pedo as the head mod of a server she allowed minors into. Whether or not that Discord still exists, I'm unsure, but the original plan for this website and it's associated server was that it was supposed to be made in collaboration with Dokodemo and essentially use her popularity to get it up and running.
No. 1905476
>>1905466nta but that's one of the initial dramas dreamie latched onto. It's crazy but everyone involved in that drama was below 18, including doko and the pedo herself who was 16. This post
>>>/m/234566 talks about it a bit and this site is the callout.
No. 1905604
>>1905583To clarify, Dokodemo was over 18 and had been for several months at the time of the drama, according to her own apology post: (Which was posted as a .txt file to, which is completely unrelated but I find really, really funny.)
No. 1907002
File: 1709255334551.jpg (209.81 KB, 787x1684, feds.JPG)

whenever the feds start annoying people, these retards just come to their defense and like clockwork feds start sperging about muh project
No. 1907744
File: 1709311573871.jpg (592.81 KB, 1052x4418, 1000023689.jpg) a list of sites that were "barely" accepted is actually the funniest shit ever. Even feds knows this project is a bloated collection of low quality sites.
>we unfollow them as a test, next day they left again proving that they were only looking out for themselvesNot mad tho.
No. 1907919
>>1907861Interesting, I wonder if she's gotten any better and is still e-dating that "Madness" tankie. (Her about says taken so I assume so)
>>1907702I've considered joining because some friends of mine use it and there are good discussions, but like
>>1907880 said it's very male and a 4chan offshoot. There's a resident /pol/ user who posts antisemetic conspiracies in the politics section a lot. I've noticed some GC posters, but they're not remotely feminist and are just coming from an anti-liberal tradcath perspective on it or are pro-capitalism shills. I still want to give it a shot since it's the closest thing to the old school forum experience, lmao. It feels too politically homogenous on other "oldweb" forums like 32bitcafe and Melonland, the only diversity there is their pronouns/gender labels.
No. 1908227
File: 1709337519965.png (235 KB, 764x811, nekoweb.png)

Dokodemo publicly ragequit the nekoweb dev team in the discord server. The other messages weren't too milky or revealing, but i did grab screenshots of the context. Just posting this for now unless anyone's interested in the boring passive aggressive messages as well.
No. 1908347
>>1907861Oh my, how do you know it's her? I have no idea why she still has up if she says she is on a permanent haitus.
>>1907919I never saw any proof Maddness and her were dating. Were any receipts ever posted?
>>1908227Not a day without drama in this community. I don't know how a bunch of faggots who learn babies 1st HTML have the audacity to act this serious.
No. 1908370
>>1908347>Oh my, how do you know it's her? I have no idea why she still has up if she says she is on a permanent haitus.NTA but I followed via the Neocities profiles (she's still the most popular site in the websites tab) and noticed she changed it to goblin-heart from there. She probably transferred sadgrl's content to a different domain.
>I never saw any proof Maddness and her were dating. Were any receipts ever posted?It was mentioned in this article, since Sadgrl talked a lot on her old website about how she found her soulmate online and Madness was the one who took over Yesterweb to be about commie shit quickly. I was hoping they broke up, honestly. I wasn't in Yesterweb but from what I read from former members and articles describing it, it sounds like Madness took advantage of her vulnerability. I've also read rumors that Madness is a TIM, which makes me wonder if it's really such a healthy relationship if Sadgrl is a lesbian. No. 1908473
File: 1709355083732.png (291.11 KB, 1010x900, pt1.png)

>>1908268That kinda makes sense, given what she blew up over (picrel) was really miniscule.
>>1908269Here you go, anon. Pt. 1 - I guess it is kinda lulzy given how ridiculous it is. Hope my caps are okay, there were a lot.
No. 1908476
File: 1709355429133.png (379.07 KB, 1200x900, pt2.png)

>>1908473Pt. 2 / tl;dr
>Three people join server at once, Dimden (Discord Admin/Nekoweb dev) asks where they're from.>They're from Reddit, where Dimden apparently advertised Nekoweb.>Dokodemo/Suni doesn't like this and begins making passive aggressive comments before asking how to leave the server before figuring it out herself (as if it's that hard).Bonus: That ~ person didn't like not being the center of attention and tried to subtly insinuate that they were gonna "get banned next" even though nobody got banhammered, Doko just left kek.
No. 1908588
>>1908473>>1908476Time and time again I've come across tifs that act like the most stereotypical passive aggressive caricature of women to the point where it's almost offensive.
The funniest part is, I don't even know any women irl that act like this. I must say I'm absolutely fascinated by this phenomenon.
No. 1908599
File: 1709363849203.jpg (54.28 KB, 1080x309, kek_1.jpg)

>>1908476Went back to look at this drama and I'm keking at how obnoxious everyone involved is. Feelingmachine cannot help herself, it seems. Dokodemo isn't even good at front-end, and the fact none of them seem to know how to make a responsive website is embarrassing for a commercial project.
No. 1909155
>>1908377Samefag but I'll take
>>1678297 word for it since it seems they had insider knowledge. I don't feel madness was entirely sincere in my interactions with her/him either.
No. 1909510
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>>1678297>>1909155I'm an outsider to the situation but from reading Madness's dramatic anime villain speech when Yesterweb closed, it looked like she/he met Sadness via Yesterweb, befriended her when she was a NEET, and was the driving force for YW to become a social movement instead of a hobby server. Sadness also had on her old about page that she met her "soulmate" via Neocities after that.
No. 1911603
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Grandma Devastatia is yelling at cloud again over not being added to (what I assume is) the Women of the Internet webring. Isn't the owner of the webring super busy and only updates once a month?
No. 1912667
>>1912302>(does she think she has male readers to impress or..?)her entire site makes it clear how desperate she is for male attention. She markets herself as “your internet girlfriend” and wants to “offer comfort and support to lonely men who are being shit on by modern women”. She even has a private chat function on her site so she can console her lonely male audience.
Hilarious considering she’s supposedly in her 50s kek
No. 1912851
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>>1912667You think a woman in her 50s would have more insightful things to post about than weird misinformed rants about the internet and softcore porn, but she acts like a typical e-girl in her 20s-30s.
>>1912775Most of the sites I see just look like zoomer Neocities sites on a new host.
No. 1913296
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the zoomer on nc reddit are big mad that someone is critical of sadgrl templates. their cope of UM TEMPLATES HAVE ALWAYS EXISTED STOP GATEKEEPING is retarded because back then there was thousands to chose from. now when 90% of nc looks the same it's not the same thing lol No. 1913400
>>1913296I wouldn't have a problem with the Sadgrl templates if most of the people using it would at least
change something. I always thought templates were to build on top of, not the layout itself.
No. 1913644
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>>1913296Well, someone agrees with you, I guess. I think the content of a website matters more than the layout.
No. 1913886
>>1913544I don't understand why people seem to think Sadgrl is the only template out there. Just searching the "layouts" tag on Neocities pulls up so many different kinds, and many of them are mobile responsive for the accessibility spergs.
>>1913788Honestly, I kind of like her for this reason despite being a raging gendie.