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No. 1190167
23 year-old ‘mysterious’ edgelord musician/rapper and YouTube horror narrator whose only characteristics are being an emo fuckboy and having a deep voice. Has a retarded fanbase of horny teenage girls and a growing hate-base.
>Super shy emo uwu guy with social anxiety that never shows his face>Began on YouTube in 2015 narrating horror stories on his channel, had his music debut in 2016>Got recognised outside of his music/ horror audience in 2020 after playing Among Us with the likes of Pewdiepie and Pokimane >>1059619>Friends with the likes of Boyinaband, Jacksepticeye, Loeybug, Glam&Gore, Sykkuno and Pewdipie>Constantly sadposts on his socials and gets thousands to millions of likes for posting singular emojisMilk:
>Makes horrible music with shitty lyrics that only appeal to horny/edgy teenagers, with creative titles like ‘E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE’ and ‘Cat Girls are Ruining My Life!’ >>1059724 >>1059933 >>1078775 >>1135034 >>1135035 >>1182561>Posts pictures of his veiny hands/arms to appease begging fans and to quell rumours of having 6 fingers >>1056622 >>1058464 >>1076069>Flip-flops between hating his e-fame and stan culture loving it, constantly whining about it and then perpetuating toxic stan culture by applauding fans for clapping back, gloating “if they shove me, you shove back ten times harder” >>1159287 >>1078699>”Chronically ill”, claiming fibromyalgia, thoracic outlet syndrome, GERD and depression. Searches for pity points often, says his illness has been “so bad that I couldn’t lift a spoon to my mouth” >>1135930>Claims his GERD has made his voice deeper >>1159287>Is such an edgelord he wears an eyepatch because screens hurt his eyes >>1159287>Releases song and puts a random tik-tok e-thot that reacted positively at its release on the album cover without her consent >>1059200>Has a drinking problem, saying he’s “ruined every drink for himself” and that he’s “never felt more like doing drugs in my entire life” gets sad and plays VR drunk >>1135287 >>1135311 >>1159287>Has claimed to be of several different ethnicities, claiming Spanish, Portuguese and Italian, then decides he’s Mexican, Native and Irish >>1134888>Incorporates fragments of Spanish in his raps to try and keep up the Spanish heritage lie, is learning Spanish in VR >>1135636>Posts autistic violent outbursts where he smashes glass, screams and stabs tinfoil, laughs manically to questions about his mental health, loves “inciting chaos”, tells BrookeAB to “shut the fuck up” in AmongUs to the discomfort of everyone >>1056626 >>1134060 >>1134088 >>1159287 >>1134102>Peaks his creepy factor by posting a soundbite of himself breathing, fans go wild and it trends on Twitter under #onlybreath >>1128060>Close friendship forms with Loeybug - posts cringe screencaps with her and Corpse calling each other “baby”, visit each other in ACNH to sit on a bench and “boot feets”, says he texts her more than anyone else >>1133215 >>1133245 >>1136002 >>1159287>Claims to be in debt on his mom’s side and his own, says he grew up extremely poor and that he dropped out at the age of 12 and proposed if he wasn’t big by age 21 he’d kill himself >>1187999 >>1187436 >>1159287>Glorifies self harm, cut his face with razorblades 10 minutes before Among Us streams >>1159039 >>1186404 >>1186460>Is confirmed as fat >>1138161 >>1138186 >>1138202>Shoves Valkyrae in last-minute for the Daywalker music video because he doesn’t want to be filmed, said costume & manicure staff were on-hand, she does a “making of” vlog for it and shows no staff were present has to do it all herself, visibly annoyed & uncomfortableLinks:
YouTube (main): (gaming): (music): Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: No. 1190249
>>1190225I still find it funny that he uses an image of himself that is essentially a gym-going emo guy rather than a fat loner
If he really thinks his face is going to be leaked, he may as well create an image that can't disappoint
No. 1190258
>>1190249>gym going >emoThat in itself is incongruous as fuck, just like everything else about him
>>1190215My personal lolcow is obsessed with him and she’s in her mid twenties with a long term boyfriend who she ignores to terminally thirst over this fat faggot, his fanbase is a special breed of retard
No. 1190309
This is going to sound mega tinfoily but I was listening to this
>>1056626 and immediately thought he talks like a man in his 30s when he isn’t trying to sound “sexy”. Everything about his enunciation and everything is suspiciously… old.
No. 1190348
>>1190324GERD is meant to make your voice hoarser/weaker not deep as shit anyway, so the whole thing doesn't make sense
I'm surprised his fans haven't googled about it since it's one of the first things that comes up
No. 1190361
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>>1190348exactly! ethan klein apparently has gerd and his voice hasn’t changed at all throughout his years on youtube. it’s basically just severe acid reflux that causes damage to the throat because stomach acid is coming up so often, from what i can see on google your voice becomes hoarse and strained rather than bassy and deep. dude is full of shit and i’m more inclined to believe he’s an alcoholic or he’s made his gerd symptoms ten times worse from long term heavy drinking
No. 1190397
>>1190361I saw this post in the thread preview and I'm not normally into the youtube threads.
I have GERD to the point where I had a blessing ulcer in my esophagus and have to sleep with a cheese wedge pillow to keep bile out of my throat.
I sound totally normal, slightly high pitched female voice and you could not tell I have severe GERD from talking to me. My dad and a few men in my family also have GERD and they sound pretty normal, my dad has a weaker voice (kinda like puberty squeaks) but that's because he eats like shit- he sounds nothing like Corpse husband GERD voice is basically the opposite of this..
This deep voice is some prime time bullshit
Sorry for the blog post just wanted to back up the wiki anons
No. 1190618
>>1190579Happens around 0:53 in case anyone wants to skip the conversation.
Super gross how he sounded weirdly excited about girls not knowing men can pee without their hands, he sounded like a weird 12 year old that gets erections in class
No. 1190858
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I'm not sure how credible this YouTube wiki is, but it states that CH once had a live in girlfriend. Does anyone know anything about her? Or is she made up to?
Source: No. 1191019
>>1190858I remember him saying something in a relatively old livestream, so yes, he did say that. Now that I think about it, he used to reference his girlfriends (and ex girlfriends) on stream now and then.
I'll try to send a link when I get home.
No. 1191052
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>>1191042The only reason for a voice to deepen unnaturally that I can think of is smoking/weed
Weirdly this comes up if you google it also
No. 1191125
>>1191118If he actually has that voice there's NO way nobody recognizes him by now, unless he's lying about a lot of other stuff like location, age, etc. How did nobody from his past upload a photo of him already? I'm sure he's a big edgelord in real life too so I doubt people didn't make the connection even if he's older or something.
My god is his music shit, how can someone take it seriously kek
No. 1192089
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>>1191899>cute>used to be hotDifferent strokes for different folks…
No. 1192111
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If he is fat like everyone thinks does it mean this picture is someone else then?
No. 1192223
>>1192167His voice makes me cringe so much, it just sounds like someone trying to burp out every word. It sounds the opposite of sexy to me, reminds me of the toilet "burping-out-the-alphabet" humor in movies lol
And do they realize him having GERD means he micro-vomits into his esophagus? (No hate to GERDanons but) how is that sexy?
No. 1192235
>>1191042I have GERD and no, it doesn't get THAT bad unless in very specific, advanced cases, but at that point you might as well be having throat cancer if the acid burnt your throat and vocal chords so badly they go down to his level.
You'll mostly sound raspy and the voice might be a bit deeper in the morning if the acid happened to
trigger while you were asleep and it burn your throat. Also it CAN keep sounding raspy throughout the day if the acid reflux happened often enough to irritate your throat/vocal chords to the point they might've started to swell or burn / feel itchy.
He's faking the voice though, 100%. When your voice is fucked just a little bit from what I mentioned, you can further try to deepen it, play around with how it sounds, idk, if any of you tried doing voice impressions before, it's somewhat similar. So if your normal voice is generally not deep and harsh, but then you happen to wake up one day with it being fucked from the regurgitated acid, you CAN achieve a different type of voice that you normally couldn't when your throat wasn't irritated.
If anything, his constant consumption of alcohol is just further creating that shit I just mentioned, because alcohol is one of the things that heavily
triggers acid reflux, so I don't even have to guess, I KNOW that's what ends up keeping his throat all fucked enough for him to be able to keep his fake voice up for hours on end.
No. 1192261
>>1192255He is wearing baggy clothing in that interview, but you can tell by the legs he's not skinny skinny
Anyone want to start comparing Ice's legs to Corpse's or?
No. 1192385
>>1190167Good op anon! You left out some things tho:
>He was revealed to be talking to some of his fans on his snap and once this was revealed, he deleted it and used the excuse of wanting to be anonymous.
>Reposts his fans on his ig stories, mainly skinny white teenaged egirls. Only reposts poc fans if he gets flack for only posting white ones.
>Insinuates that anyone who doesn't like him basically hates anyone and anything thats popular.Theres more but this was stuff i came across in the youtuber thread and in a youtuber discord.
No. 1192442
>>1192391Girl, you literally started sperging about miscellaneous crap that no one gives a fuck about.
>>1192411The fact that you actually held a grudge against this guy reeks of pull faggotry. Kek
No. 1192521
>>1192442Dude, would you not be salty about some guy reeling in money or sympathy for something that had affected your job and hobbies? I don't wanna derail, but I can't see why it'd be so astounding to feel shitty about something like that. It was a shit way to point any of the obvious out, but yeah obviously there's things within the statements that apply to CH. Eg. Specifically his drinking habits, with his claimed illness and reports struggling so much, like okay but who's worsening the problem here? Just wanted to point out how physiologically his claims don't make sense, and why things don't work the way he describes in explaining why his
voice is ~so deep~ despite sounding like a 14 year old faking a flu to get out of school.
>>1192487Haha calm down there bait-chan.
No. 1192601
>>1190347LOL he sounds quite faggy without his burpsona turned on. There's a distinct lisp at the beginning.
My tinfoil is he does this especially to attract teen girls because adults have been around enough post-pubescent males to know what a real deep voice sounds like. But horny young girls are fooled. It's like why Nigerian scammers include typos in their emails to weed out smarter people who won't fall for the scam.
Blog post but I'm a medium-deep voiced woman (contralto) and I can easily copy his fake voice if I do this same mix of extreme lowering and vocal fry. Try it, I bet half of us can sound like him without fibro and GERD and anxiety lmao
No. 1192638
>Would you not be salty about some guy reeling in money and sympathy for something that effected your jobs and hobbiesNo because theres no definitive proof that he's faking it, its mostly tinfoil and people comparing it to their own experiences. His drinking habits are a result of cognitive dissonance, kinda like people who smoke cigarettes whilst having asthma.
Also plenty of people exaggerate their physical and mental health online for sympathy anon. Its been a thing for years and is one of the most common traits of a cow. The fact that you take it so personally that you start sperging about it is kekworthy.
Anyways, lets get back on topic.
No. 1192903
>>1192770sounds like fujo pandering. this guy is so cringe.
but you don't get it anon!!!! corpse wears a size large because he's so tall and muscular!!1!!
No. 1192911
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Waiting for the day his face is revealed and his scars from "cutting" his face are just acne scars
No. 1192930
>>1192920Yes anon I am begging.
Also the Snapchat shit is definitely peculiar. I’m on board with other anons who suggest he is probably grooming teens. Don’t really need much proof for that anymore because like every popular e celeb does it.
No. 1192933
>>1192920How has no one leaked who this guy is yet????
Also, how does your friend know it's him?
No. 1192943
>>1192938high school is 14/15 and up
so either anon is lying or corpse is lying about dropping out
i’m going with the latter
No. 1192965
>>119293812 is middle school age, im pretty sure he would be in middle school.
I think some here seem very nervous that all your illusions about brainlessly simping over this guy will be shattered one day when he gets exposed for being super ugly just like how cryaotic was.
But i think corpse is more smart than cry considering corpse deleted ALL his snapchat messages, probably to hide some nasty shit.
No. 1192982
>>1192972I don't even see the appeal to his voice
there's plenty of guys with naturally deep voices that actually sound nice, as
>>1192652said he sounds like a frog
No. 1193015
>>1192982literally got famous and a horde of obsessive insane fans just for having deep voice…..
The bar is so low for men.
No. 1193503
>>1193500fuck off newfag. "that kind of energy" is the whole board. if you don't know where you're posting just leave and stop shitting up /snow/ with your non-saged bullshit
you really said "not to brag" about fanart made of this cringelord KEK
No. 1193546
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I don’t know what the big deal is, the “scarily accurate” fan art is clearly this masterpiece
No. 1193612
I hope this dude is just scamming, and saving money before just straight up peacing out. Could be checking out plastic surgeons if he ever plans to face reveal.
Since he’s addicted to the attention he’s a lost cause but he might pretend to an hero at 27 if he’s able keep it going that long.
>>1191052He most likely speaks using his chest voice, there’s a lot of How-To vocal training youtube videos on how to speak in a deeper tone
He should have had a better excuse like surgery on his vocal chords, or at least researched shit. He really is telling the truth when he says he’s an idiot, isn’t he?
No. 1193620
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another anon posted it in the youtube general,but yeah corpse showed a tiktok where he gave sykkuno his hoodie.just posting for the cringe
No. 1193736
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>>1193720I did some digging and found a subreddit where fans asked what happened plus a super creepy recollection from a fan. I smell sexual predator in his future.
No. 1193744
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>>1193736here's the pic detailing encounters with CH from an old snapchat fan. She says he "always made you feel like you weren't just a fan" when someone asked if he gave off pedo/predator vibes. Hmm
No. 1194022
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>>1193620I went to ao3 to look into the abyss, and god did it look right back at me…
No. 1194033
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>>1194023generic late 2010s post-emo sadboy rap. the anime references are cringe as fuck
No. 1194035
>>1194033The absolute cringe of all his lyrics. Creepshow Shannon said that the line “killed her cat like I’m Luka Magnotta” is the best shes ever heard and that his music is “fire”, the fact that she’s pushing 30 makes that even sadder.
>>1193862It’s the fat thigh for me
No. 1194052
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>>1194022LOL fatty daddy corpse wants to know your location anon. what is wrong with people? is this the new markaplier and jacksepticeye?
No. 1194094
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saw this floating around a while ago for what its worth
No. 1194101
>>1194097it was sent to me by a friend for shits and giggles, but it was originally on tiktok
not sure if its entirely credible due to the 3000 fucking screenshots from snap but thought it was worth posting
No. 1194147
>>1194094This made me laugh more than it should have and its probably not even real
>>1193871 spill
No. 1194193
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>>1194094Corpse has said he's been mistaken for Lil Xan so that's probably not him
No. 1194288
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>>1193873not the same anon but i did find this
No. 1194296
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>>1194288Oh my god I hope this is real.
No. 1194298
What do we think, farmers? Is
>>1194288 the same person as
>>1194094 ? The beady rat eyes match up.
No. 1194300
>>1194288Bruh the chance of this being him is pretty high ngl, emo hair and ugly face can't hide bad phenotypes
The fingers to palm ratio looks accurate
The ear isn't the same as
>>1194094 so I'm putting less stock in it
No. 1194329
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>>1194319>>1194312Samefag, he is mentioned the Dream thread regarding being outed as a fatty and whatnot (kek picrel)
No. 1194349
>>1194329For someone who is that hellbent on their anonimity i would expect him to throw some misleading bait like his appearance.
>>1194288The photo might be him but the tumblr is too damning to be a coincidence
No. 1194351
>>1194288>>1194318I think this is too much of a stretch. It's just a hyper-generic male emo Tumblr and back then Corpse Bride was extremely popular, so I doubt only one person came up with the idea of being Corpse Husband.
Especially basic bitch emos.
No. 1194370
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>>1194355It's still extremely popular. Emo kids always loved it. I went to SD comic con 3 years ago where there was a pop up exhibit downtown and the line was over 6 hours long to enter.
On topic, I read on one of those wiki pages that his ex came up with the name CH. Pic related on what it says, so maybe she was into it at the time. Not sure if this is the same ex he bought an apartment with. I wish we knew more about her.
Or he edited the whole article himself to further lies, wouldn't be surprised tbh.
No. 1194454
>>1194351But then, wouldn't the genderbend be "Corpse Groom" instead of "Corpse Husband"?
I mean, I can see why the modern day Corpse Husband wouldn't go with that name, lmao.
No. 1194468
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>>1194428For the randall thing its just what you get when you google for corpse’s name. For Joshua Grant, this is the header on that tumblr. I googled the name and the only “public” figure by that name is an obscure scottish musician, so I don’t think it’s a reference to anything.
No. 1194486
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>>1194288Turned brightness up and sharpened it. Tbh I believe it.
No. 1194492
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>>1194483It’s also in the 2012 cap with a different layout, so I doubt it. It might just be a random dude, so I don’t really want to dig too deeply for now. I imagine we will have confirmation on that when corpse stans will hear of this and start sperging out.
No. 1194542
>>1194534I dunno about you ladies but I reckon this is definitely plausible
>>1194537You mean like a LLC? I’m not a burger nor am I even remotely knowledgeable when it comes to the particulars of business shit, is this something that should be easy to find by the public?
No. 1194546
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Recovered another photo from the tumblr archive (titled “my gf”, of course…), no one has posted it yet, so if any forensic anon wants to take a shot at it, enjoy
No. 1194624
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>>1194534they literally look different races stop reaching
No. 1194662
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>>1194658It appears to be the same hand just from the finger shapes and length
No. 1194723
File: 1616861633372.jpeg (259.55 KB, 1242x1242, B0A43C35-A8B6-4DB5-B3A4-45407E…)

I think anon is into something. I think Joshua Grant just may be our boy or just uncomfortably coincidental.
No. 1194729
File: 1616862201187.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1048, FAF4D40B-96FE-4FD7-A918-7C848C…)

Samefag but I’m fully convinced now. Pinky appears to be same length as well.
No. 1194738
>>1194734How oblivious are you lol
Many men call their hands their gf or other dumb names because they use it to masturbate instead of having actual sec with a woman
No. 1194766
>>1194754Maybe you’re joking but don’t be a fucking retard. She won’t keep it to herself and suddenly it’s stan central.
>>1194760Sage your shitposting please.
No. 1194782
>>1194777All I’m saying is it’s inevitable.
Jokes on you, I don’t have friends.
Stay mad.
No. 1194799
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>>1194486I can't believe lolcow found his face in 5 days I'm crying
No. 1194802
>>1194799It’s not even difficult lol
It’s the first thing that pops up when you search corpse husband on wayback machine
No. 1194819
>>1194734kek you are so adorable anon..
>>1194486I can totally see this being him.. he said he looks a mix between Joji (and someone else I can’t remember) and the eyes in this pic are kinda Asian-y looking, like Jojis (and yes I know CH isn’t Asian) but you know what I mean?
No. 1194833
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>>1194799did you really expect anything less from the ladies
No. 1194865
>>1194855I don’t see the difference in ring fingers but you can see
>>1194662 the index is tapered on thumb side at the tip like the tumblr pic. Remember his joints now look clearly swollen and inflamed from arthritis or fibro or whatever.
No. 1194871
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Man when the reveal comes and he doesn’t have Victor Zsasz-esque scars kekkk. Imagine sitting in an Among Us lobby with your 13 year old fans knowing this fat emo manchild currently has blood running down his face from pre-stream ritual.
No. 1194924
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>>1194879The legal section of his merch store website names Revolt Enterprises, LLC, which is registered in Los Angeles, California. Pic rel
No. 1194926
>>1194914>>1194895Stans will do anything to deny what they know to be true kek
Hey CH stans in this thread: The problem with people like Dream, CH, etc is that it’s one thing to be private and shit, but if you’re even somewhat popular in the steaming sphere, the harder you try to hide even things as small as your face, the more people will dig to uncover your secrets just because you told them not to. That’s the fatal flaw with this “anonymous” logic. Uploading “hand reveals” like they’ve done have just fanned them flames, not satiated some curiosity like they think. The more you tease your rabid fans the more they are going to want. No one cares about a private socially inept hermit, tons of ugly dudes stream without face cams but go to public meet ups. People who want to keep private and hate attention don’t do “hand reveals” and shit
No. 1194934
>>1194924Tbh if you find his agent on Facebook, or any of his “friends” it’s totally possible they’re mutuals on there.
Obviously based on the assumption that corpse even uses facebook but may be worth looking into
On the hand stuff. Keep in mind the picture from Tumblr is old and his hands would have changed with weight gain or whatever medical thing he has.
No. 1194939
>>1194933I remember I was looking for something on Twitter # related to him and a lot of people were talking about the possibility that Corpse has an alternative account that acts as a fan account and interacts with his fans. I don’t know where the idea came from but the amount of people talking about it honestly made me feel odd.
There was also some discussion on how they hope he isn’t faking their age on the alternative account which was like… why is that even a point of discussion? Straight up weird.
No. 1194960
>>1194930Yeah we'd have to know the name of how he licenses himself, like as a contractor or personal business for his streaming. Do we know if he has a music label or anything?
>>1194934This would be kinda weird, but who knows
No. 1194964
>>1194962then I guess some people have abysmally bad taste then.
>>1194963ngl the wait is killing me. Last I checked though kf didn't have a ch thread
No. 1194967
>>1194960Self-releases with no incorporated company as a label to note.
>>1194964He only gets mentioned briefly in the Dream thread, doesn't get much attention. Could be worth posting in the thread request/resource thread
No. 1195033
File: 1616881752465.png (20.6 KB, 128x128, avatar_119ba94fb13d_128.png)

>>1194288Also, his avatar from older cache of the blog.
No. 1195051
>>1195028Yes because making a drastic facial expression doesn't change the nose, lips, eyes. And angles and hairstyle doesn't change the head or ear shape. And of course people don't grow or cut hair or get lighter/darker.
It's probably not but it could be. Who the hell knows.
>>1195049I'm not sure if that's him but it was the icon so I shared. Looking for more now.
No. 1195084
>>1194534The bridge of their nose looks similar (they both have like a broken nose bump thing), the eye shape looks similar, I'm not convinced about the ears but their stubble pattern looks the same (you can see a rounded shadow on the chin on the left picture that matches the right).
I'm ready to believe.
No. 1195085
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>>1195033Clarified this a lil
No. 1195100
>>1195085tbf i look totally different from when i was 15 but i think this isn't him unless we get more concrete evidence. i think there's good potential in digging up info with the name on the blog (joshua grant?) and also with the company that does his merch
i did a little bit of digging and it turns out revolt enterprises llc not only does his merch, but also fitz' (another well known youtuber) and fitz' manager works for revolt enterprises.
No. 1195101
File: 1616885358346.jpg (30.45 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mh6mc0IOz01qlb5mto1_128…)

>>1195033Found something new
No. 1195115
>>1195101It's definitely him, something about the dark, murky photos and thinking anyone wants to see his weird looking hands screams
corpse husband to me.
No. 1195118
>>1195101So like does anyone have an age estimate based on this alone?
Because those theories about him being older seem to have substance to them now
No. 1195127
File: 1616886323520.png (9.95 KB, 529x113, 1.PNG)

What are the chances a kid who had the same cringy emo persona, who looks about the same age corpse had in 2012 and same ethnicity as him is actually not him? I want to believe
No. 1195136
>>1195085>>1195101>>1195129I'd say the first picture looks a lot younger than the latter picture personally
Would be good to know the years for the pictures though
No. 1195143
>>1195085>>1195101Anon, you're a fucking goddess, holy fuck. Also, what
>>1195114 said.
No. 1195147
File: 1616887042874.jpg (17.44 KB, 462x430, joji.jpg)

>>1195101 >>1195073
>>1195086I kind of see it with the eyes
No. 1195152
File: 1616887307847.jpg (144.4 KB, 715x957, four.jpg)

Sageing bc tinfoil/it isn't really milky, but I think this cooking account with only ~1000 followers is really just corpse himself lmao
>Corpse follows
>almost exclusively posts Japanese recipes (he's a weeb)
>mentions Corpse coming over to help cook
>has a tan skintone with black nailpolish (obv his fans look like this too, but along with everything else it's worth considering lol)
No. 1195153
File: 1616887339480.jpg (137.36 KB, 717x1289, three.jpg)

samefag 1/2
No. 1195154
>>1194498agreed, also the La Dispute quote in the first tumblr post makes sense. I've never seen corpse mention liking La Dispute but it does fit the whole dark and depressing music aesthetic.
I think if there was something easily available for this "Joshua grant" like an active facebook page that would prove to me it's not him. I briefly looked on facebook and Instagram and nothing came up. The tumblr being deleted around the time Corpse made his youtube is also suspicious to me.
No. 1195155
File: 1616887395376.jpg (150.25 KB, 719x923, two.jpg)

samefag 2/2
Otherwise why would he follow some random cooking account that mentions his name?
No. 1195156
File: 1616887499866.jpg (49.33 KB, 640x1040, 936269923196b4f7eb986bbf68af79…)

>>1195152Anything is a hint.
What do you think about the keyboards?
>>1195155 No. 1195172
File: 1616888671342.png (337.95 KB, 1080x2140, Screenshot_20210327-193605~2.p…)

If the oldest followers for the account are at the bottom of the followers list then Corpse was the third person to follow this account. Thinking it might be
himself or someone he knows irl.
No. 1195173
>>1195153A few of the people with lower followings (so I assume that whoever owns the account knows them personally) seem to be British which is odd
Other than that, massive thing for Asians
No. 1195197
File: 1616890321584.png (142.06 KB, 1471x715, i try lol.PNG)

My very rough draft of the KF corpse thread kek. No content is inserted until I'm done kek
No. 1195206
If anybody can help me find other usernames "corpse-husband" on Tumblr used, that would be helpful. His profile did not deactivate as that username in 2014 or after.
This guy was definitely h
rny though. Lots of prn gifs.
>>1195114It was in the source. Didn't show up on the cache preview.
No. 1195212
>>1195210right-click, view source
idk for safari/mac
No. 1195213
>>1195101I can’t believe I just had to look at this. Kill me
>>1195129Ok but he does easily look like he could’ve been 16-19 in that picture. When I was In high school there were tons of baby faced seniors who looked like the could be in middle school.
No. 1195215
File: 1616891651093.jpeg (19.73 KB, 627x360, DDACE5AC-7E07-4C44-AFED-CB0452…)

>>1194662Kek how do people find his hands attractive when his fingers literally look like deflated balloons
No. 1195217
>>1195090>>1195104>>1195105even if nothing comes of this, and this
is just a poor random edgy kid from 2012, the journey has been incredible my fellow farmers
No. 1195221
File: 1616893070506.png (360.39 KB, 1184x592, Screen Shot 2021-03-27 at 8.56…)

i looked at the html of the tumblr capture with joshua grant on the bottom and found this theme credit. after looking at the wayback captures for the ponyboy tumblr, it seems like it's a female and not someone named joshua grant.
No. 1195223
>>1195101Please please please let this be the one the tears would be delicious!
Nothing like hating on someone to bring people closer. I love you bitches.
No. 1195225
File: 1616893473506.png (4.99 MB, 2048x1630, 996020B7-5A02-4E41-93B7-CA2FF9…)

>>1195221Please don’t contribute
No. 1195232
File: 1616894151700.gif (2 MB, 400x300, 1410446171887.gif)

If those photos are him, there is a 1000% chance he had a Gaia account. Trust me.
No. 1195245
>>1195227not to continue the theme sperging but the theme in the 2014 capture was made by ponyboy, the 2013 one by some guy named "breefield" on twitter. neither of them is joshua grant (though i also think that's unlikely to be his real name).
btw the youtube account exists if anyone wants to take a look, it's empty besides a subscribtion list full of coomer shit. I wasn't gonna bring it up until
>>1195206 mentioned that he was horny all the time lol. oh also we know that the real corpse seems to like fatties based on the loey lane stuff and this yt account is subscribed to a couple feeder fetish channels
No. 1195246
File: 1616895295337.png (293.63 KB, 1280x600,…)

>>1194924 Corpse's agent is hotter thsn Corpse. Absolute kek.
>>1194934 He's not on Facebook or Twitter. (Pre sure, but I tried finding him and couldn't.)
Dead end :////
(:////) No. 1195252
>>1194924I’m the anon that suggested searching the LLC. This is how people ended up finding out who howtobasic was back a few years ago. I’m trying to find old information on exactly what they did and will post if I can find it.
Do we have confirmation Corpse lives in California?
No. 1195260
>>1195246Can you read the rules and integrate??? Also don’t post people that are obviously uninvolved. This guy just works for a company that runs merch stores for people online. He’s not
his talent agent.
No. 1195271
>>1195101praise be the
nonny who found the tumblr on wayback machine for this milk. also the caption for this pic was "my mom says i'm cute".
No. 1195292
>>1195232Logged into my Gaia for old time's sake.
There's a corpse husband that's been there since 2012 but no idea if that's their orig name or if they changed it because they're a stan
No. 1195299
File: 1616898552377.jpeg (398.92 KB, 828x1046, 991E5D1E-1F04-4BA1-B818-A3070F…)

>>1195295Different birthday to what he now claims is his birthday (8/8) but I’m working on the assumption that he lies about his age so lying about his birthday isn’t a stretch
No. 1195307
File: 1616898951214.jpeg (829.58 KB, 1242x1852, CB2920C0-0B77-4E1A-9C27-8C8C2F…)

I’m unsure of this really is anything but posting in case it has any credibility.
No. 1195318
File: 1616899892447.png (2 MB, 1080x2245, Screenshot_20210327-224946.png)

>>1195316Cringe lyrics but social media shows some other dude.
No. 1195327
File: 1616901072480.jpeg (152.93 KB, 1241x1437, 21A7F4C3-F887-457B-8BFD-1C84B0…)

Any chance of Corpse being younger than what we think?
I don’t believe he’s 23. I think he’s far too smart to reveal his real age/name (Randall).
This could be nothing but a 21 year old being a homeowner seems strange.
No. 1195335
>>1195327pretty sure there were at least 5 different Josh Grant (age 21) in that website.
>>1195307probably just a guy who co-wrote his lyrics. as cringe as his songs are, i wouldn't put it past CH to not be able to write a song on his own kek
No. 1195339
File: 1616902095359.png (483.6 KB, 1080x1293, Screenshot_20210327-232701.png)

Joshua Grant is some anime character so might not even be his name. Might be coincidence but he's a fucking weeb.
No. 1195443
File: 1616919057587.jpeg (18.31 KB, 251x201, 77CD40FA-A13A-4567-B81E-CDDDAB…)

>>1195101he looks like dahvie vanity when he was fat and had no make up on
No. 1195444
>>1194486Oh no, anon
>>1192911 called it
No. 1195459
File: 1616922745927.png (1.14 MB, 800x1138, 9B1621ED-7839-4523-AB30-37E6C2…)

>>1193290i have as well, most of the art i see is shit and the closets to “realistic” i found was this edit, it’s like a deep fried fakeboi selfie with heavy photoshop accessories.
>>1192770def deliberate. he is the opposite of his gaming persona irl and was absolutely shoehorning this on purpose. obvious to anyone with half a brain.
>>1194534not him but he would be flattered since he has a massively receded chin btw, he said so himself. also the guy in the tiktok was proven to be some random guy and not corpse.
No. 1195467
File: 1616924420863.png (92.45 KB, 505x444, Screenshot 2021-03-28 11.36.14…)

>>1195101Maybe this is a slight reach, but I don't think he moved since taking this selfie. Check out the wall in
>>1190374I'll post two screenshots of it.
This confirms to me that the tumblr was his.
No. 1195472
File: 1616925560191.png (716.73 KB, 1200x900, 1616925250848(1).png)

>>1195469the angle is quite different but I think that you are right anon !
No. 1195481
>>1195478don't worry, some of us dabble with that too
or at least try to catch vile zoophiles
No. 1195485
>>1195483Warning for mention of CP (no images) you can identify objects in CP videos to help determine where they were filmed. Everything except the object has been removed. is seeking these people or want to confirm their identity bc they were in CP.
No. 1195486
File: 1616926915340.jpeg (47.89 KB, 640x480, 0E55CA44-EA73-4DC9-91FF-A32320…)

>>1195467>>1195469>>1195472The wall from the YouTube video has a ledge. The wall in the selfie has an opening. It’s not the same place.
No. 1195551
File: 1616934408405.png (309.94 KB, 640x480, 1616885358346.png)

>>1195486oh I see what you mean, to be honest I really can't tell what's going on in the red zone, the perspctive seems fucked either ways
No. 1195562
File: 1616936341557.jpg (1.12 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20210328_155806911.j…)

This looks like the same man to me. A latin american man and they are all associated with CH in some way? I think it's him.
No. 1195568
File: 1616936650342.jpg (843.48 KB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20210328_160420407.j…)

No. 1195578
File: 1616937240092.png (57.79 KB, 912x277, Screenshot (56).png)

>>1195570the corpse-husband from gaia online says he was a college student in 2012 though. I can believe that he's lying about his age but i doubt he was ever an engineering student kek
No. 1195583
File: 1616937530619.png (451.43 KB, 1728x1332, bkkjnj.png)

>>1195581Samefagging. Definitely a reaction gif.
No. 1195601
>>1195595i think it's a cat
>>1195597they've determined based on the notes from reblogged posts that the corpse-husband tumblr was deactivted rather that the url being changed, that's it
No. 1195631
File: 1616941098677.jpeg (56.97 KB, 640x480, 0E55CA44-EA73-4DC9-91FF-A32320…)

No. 1195681
>>1195472Although the backgrounds look similar, I don’t think it’s the same place. Corpse is standing in a kitchen in the vid and the picture looks like a webcam shot. I think it’s in a bedroom because if you look towards the dark area on his left, you can see a faint line towards the top that makes me think it’s a door. And I think it should be noted that he looks like he’s sitting kind of low but not quite on the ground. So I’m thinking at a computer desk, but I suppose a kitchen table is possible. Even if he had a laptop he could move around, putting it in a kitchen just seems weird. Also, I’m not sure how recent that photo is, but if that’s his computer we see up against the wall, then it’s on the opposite side of where it should’ve been to get that picture. All things said, it’s entirely possible he moved around his furniture. Also since it looks like he’s in a bedroom in that picture, I feel like this is an older pic of corpse. Most people who live alone keep their computer set up in their living room (save streamers who use cams), this looking like a bedroom makes me think he was living with family here.
Obv I don’t know what his kitchen looks like since I’m only going off this video, but I doubt this is the same place. Not sure if any of this is tinfoil-y but if so I apologize
No. 1195729
>>1195676Didn't he move in with a gf or something at one point? Does anyone have any clue what year that would have been around?
It's totally possible that this is still his account because moves happen
>>1195678How does he sound European lmao?
No. 1195749
>>1195678>>1195676so now we believe everything he says? I thought he was a liar. Don't you understand that you can open a PO box in another county and even give someone else the right to collect things from it?
"he's probably moved since then" kek ok, Investigation closed then!
No. 1195776
File: 1616950170322.jpg (508.62 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210328-103120_Chr…)

I looked up a Joshua Grant on MySpace and came back with this. Doesn't really look like the other photos, but any wayback savvy anons want to comb dead social platforms for clues? Like MySpace or LJ. If he's older than his claimed age he might have some content floating around. Deviantart and Xanga might be good to comb, too.
No. 1195863
>>1195749I mean the problem is that we're looking at accounts that are from 2013-14 and we're in 2021
Yes it may not be him, but also you have to close the other possibilities that it could be him
I also think he's a lying pos but I don't think he's lying about absolutely everything because that's impossible to keep up with in the public sphere and he seems to mostly lie for sympathy points
No. 1195899
File: 1616962658932.jpeg (49.39 KB, 679x498, ExhzOrYWgAACi4b.jpeg)

after seeing #lilcorpsex trending..
i'm dying rn didn't rly expect nas x collabing with corpse even tho both give pretty cringe vibes.
i was neutral abt nas x before this, now idk kek
No. 1195942
>>1195935Are you retarded? These pictures are decade old. That hair is obviously straightened with an iron, literally first rule of being an emo kid. Also in recent years it’s an e-boy thing to get a perm.
Ngl feels like a bunch of stans in here FUDding
No. 1195949
>>1195942>Ngl feels like a bunch of stans in here FUDdingI got that vibe from posts like this
>>1195120 and the cat reaction image thing. Almost all their posts are unsaged, too. I don't even know where they're coming from. Do they just frantically search "Corpse Husband" on all platforms/gossip sites and check on whatever's new?
No. 1195955
>>1195848 No vampire freaks account in the wayback machine.
>>1195776 There's a deactivated deviantart for it. Not sure if it's in the wayback machine.
Also worth mentioning, there's a closed blogspot. Unfortunately, it has no archives.
No. 1195962
>>1195949>>1195942>Ngl feels like a bunch of stans in here FUDdingLiterally. Contributing anons just be throwin out ideas brainstorming, some weak some strong. They'd latch on to the weak ones and go "Oh nooo this whole thing clearly has no substance!!!"
No. 1195965
>>1195960Yeah yall need to start reporting this shit in this thread.
>>1195964A fucking newfag.
No. 1196002
>>1195997Hm interesting
The fact that it's a grown ass man rather than some egirl gives it some substance
No. 1196034
>>1196019>Believing everything someone on Youtube saysIf anything that's proof it
is him in those embarrassing emo pics since it implies he did used to post his face. Of course he isn't gonna draw attention to the fact he has used the username before, he probably thought deleting the account was enough to wipe all evidence.
No. 1196038
File: 1616974166449.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x2520, C02A7ADF-83ED-48B1-8386-F75EE0…)

>>1196027I’m one of the anons that has been searching via the wayback machine so unsure where you’re getting stan from.
I’m pro- find out who Corpse is, I just think it’s a moot point to be suggesting random ass people from Gaia when it’s abundantly clear it’s not him and an RP account.
He’s mentioned this in his interview with Anthony, it’s on wiki, and checks out with fans who had seen him prior to going faceless.
It’s not hard to use your brain.
No. 1196058
>>1196038Corpse is basically just an unreliable narrator
While we shouldn't be taking things for the sake of confirmation bias, we should also be questioning how true his own info is tbh
No. 1196124
>>1195776>>1195974I'm the anon who posted the wall screenshot vs the tumblr pic. For me, that absolutely confirmed the tumblr is his. I don't buy whatever his fans are saying about the wall, the angle is a bit different but the rest is too coincidental to not be the same room. (No, I didn't make those red circles, I think that light switch/thermostat/whatever may not be a good clue - I'm looking at the set-up of the whole room and that wall).
Now what does that have to do with Joshua Grant? Well, I'm considering the suggestion made earlier in the thread that Joshua Grant might have been responsible for the template. This seems somehow more plausible to me. It wasn't common on tumblr to put your full name in the bio unless you were famous or something. I'm not inclined to believe this is his name. If so, bro, sorry, your parents gave you a shitty boring name.
No. 1196135
>>1196124As already pointed out, there’s two different snapshots of his tumblr from different times with two different themes/layouts and the name is on both.
Plus, as someone who was a tumblr idiot years ago, that space on tumblr pages is the “blog title” and has to be filled in by the tumblr owner. Whether it’s corpse’s page or not (but it is) that was the name they put.
No. 1196155
File: 1616987316180.png (28.11 KB, 182x132, CC7CF560-EB9E-46D2-9D41-9DB6BA…)

>>1195949sage and blogpost but
>>1195120 was me and I contributed
>>1195033 >>1195101 Forgive me.
Doesn't change the fact that there are obvious CH fans or fans misleading info like the cat gif
Anyway, here's another awfully pixelated photo of the guy in the blog. Can't find the bigger picture.
Tinfoiling but his Twitter (Corpse_Husband) was created on August 08, the same day as his birthday. Could be him just being quirky but it makes me wonder what he meant by his "birthday"
No. 1196183
>>1196130>>1196120My input is that I used to really enjoy him but his entire personality has gone so cringe. I realize it’s probably entirely overwhelming to go from a few hundred thousand people to millions of people watching you so suddenly - but posting pictures of your hands, hair, and breathing for a tweet is cringe as hell.
I’m really just into internet sleuthing and finding who he is would be very entertaining and satisfactory.
I want to agree with the “no one cares about him” thing but it’s simply not true. He was one of the fastest growing artist in 2020 and is only going up.
It will eventually plateau but he’s big now.
No. 1196196
Honestly he gives me major degenerate coomer vibes so this
>>1195206 makes sense to me lmao.
No. 1196251
>>1195596 >>1196015
I haven't laughed this hard in so long. I love you ladies.
I'm not going to tip obviously but when the Twitter bloodhounds get ahold of these pictures I think we'll end up knowing for sure. Either he'll confirm these pics were him and talk about how different he looks now as an excuse, or his vanity will get the best of him and he'll face reveal
No. 1196260
File: 1617000310463.png (16.69 MB, 6204x3616, genderbent reviewbrah.png)

Just a little compilation of the average Corpse fan.
No. 1196265
File: 1617000907597.jpg (223.56 KB, 1128x684, socially distanced eyes.jpg)

>>1196261Am I wrong,
No. 1196271
File: 1617001471346.png (43.75 KB, 725x268, joshua-husband.png)

he was in a car accident back in 2015. he used to talk with his younger fans on snapchat… wouldn't he be 18 back in 2015.
No. 1196277
File: 1617002223494.jpg (85.68 KB, 1200x675, copium.jpg)

>>1196271Burgers can drive at 16, since he was born on August 08 1997, he would have indeed been 16.
so wait, here are the fors so far regarding mystery-mexican being CH:
>The Tumblr has the same edgelord x coomer vibes>Emo>Looks Mexican, one of CH claimed ethnicity>CH would have been 15 in 2012, mystery-mexican looks 15>From Melbourne, California>The room in the pictures kinda lines up with current CH oneThe againsts:
>Allegedly born and raised in San Diego, California>Messy room line up No. 1196295
>>1196293>they are teenagers Not really.
>>1196260 is 25-26 years old (she states she's two years older than him, so do the math). There are plenty of pathetic full grown women desperately in love with this man who will never know they even exist.
No. 1196311
>>1196295>>1196302My personal lolcow is the same age as him and the same tier of insane gigacringe as this Jupiter Marz autist, it never ceases to amaze me that he has adult fans.
>>1196293I was just thinking that too, or at the least this will become a “corpse and his calves” thread, because there’s so much potential milk to be had from a big herd of mentally ill exhibitionists.
No. 1196316
File: 1617006520601.png (560.22 KB, 1200x1000, sympathywhoring.png)

Not all his tweets, but a skim
This faggot is such an Munchausenwhore.
>Muh PT, muh GERD, muh mom's medical bills, I swear I got a gun pulled on me,,, police dogs at my schoolz, Ize poor boy no monies
No. 1196330
File: 1617008130390.png (293.95 KB, 497x478, twitfags.png)

its on twitter now
No. 1196336
File: 1617008508790.jpg (39.88 KB, 800x450, isleep.jpg)

>>1196330>1 day agoNo one seems to give a shit
No. 1196339
>>1196330This tweet is from 2 days ago and has 1 like, how did you even find this? Anyway
>Dylan KleboldEw
No. 1196341
>>1196336Explains someone of the stans coming here. Tbh should have tagged it as corpses face leak and it would have probably had them run off of Twitter
Also, anyone seen the people who fake DID/multiple personality disorder and pretend that one of their personalities is corpse lool?
No. 1196345
>>1196339 It's the
nonny, maybe?
>>1196340 Doesn't make the faggot less ew, does it?
No. 1196393
>>1196390I looked at her Facebook account and I don't think that's the case
She mentions in some comment replies from 2020 (around the time COVID started) that she just got back from Norway (I assume she was on holiday), so it seems like she has little/no interest in the US.
The cats on her IG and the baking's IG don't match either, and even with the long distance thing she seems to be UK based so that wouldn't work because covid
The only slightly odd thing is that she seems to have deleted her Twitch despite saying she streams there, and it being linked in her link tree thing
No. 1196407
File: 1617015297856.jpg (25.16 KB, 540x720, doriansparks.jpg)

>>1196330Dorian Sparks? Is that you?
Who knew Corpse was Raven Sparks long lost kid.
No. 1196415
File: 1617015663646.png (126.6 KB, 846x640, name.png)

this might be a stretch but if i use his old email this is the info it gives me.
the Alias is a 2 word name that start with a C.
Now we have G as first name and D as last name.
Pretty sure Joshua grans is someone else.
No. 1196422
>>1196415 Damn, that makes me wish somebody had a Snusbase account to run it through. (Shows passwords, etc)
But also, it might be the censorship thingy on those kinda sites where it doesn't show the accurate amount of characters in a name.
No. 1196429
>>1196424 Ballbuster, but I don't think so. Don't get hope yet
nonny. It's also the name of a "famous" hacker.
No. 1196457
File: 1617019206426.jpeg (423.33 KB, 1242x739, 5A91A1EE-3F2D-4262-86E2-4BA58A…)

>>1196440Something odd came up searching one of his emails.. “G
No. 1196462
>>1196457 That's the only G.D.E in Cali who isn't over 60. So if he's G.D.E, then that's him.
Also, don't know if it's worth anything, but he has a still up disqus? Nothing there but one post, but No. 1196464
File: 1617019813696.png (178.11 KB, 956x473, Untitled.png)

>>1196440The one was in the db8151dd data breach, this might be a good place to look
No. 1196469
File: 1617020271770.jpg (50.27 KB, 1145x281, 1.jpg)

found this in cali state records, the age matches, seems to be the only gregory evans who's age fits. He had a car accident when he was right?
No. 1196478
File: 1617020710066.jpeg (101.69 KB, 572x865, F48E6871-75E1-4354-954C-B3B1C1…)

No. 1196483
File: 1617020929768.jpeg (875.06 KB, 1242x1940, 0349579D-ACD4-4680-B115-5CCF7E…)

>>1196464Also in a data breach from River City Media.
No. 1196489
Don't get your hopes up. But also, has the address for the 24 year old GDE. I'm not gonna be the
nonny to do it though.
According to Dehashed though: was in the dailymotion leak.
The username Corpsehusband was involved in four data thingies from MyFitnessPal, Webkinz data, BlankMediaGames, and Desteria.
If anyone has a Snubase or a Dehashed subscription, I'm begging y'all use it on his email yo.
No. 1196490
>>1196485One data breach was from 2020 you dumb cunt. Regardless they were saged. Your contribution is even less-so milk.
>>1196482Anon, is there any way to see associated usernames for these accounts?
No. 1196491
>>1196490you clearly haven't doxed in your life
nonny so take the stick out your arse and stop posting useless contributions. who gives a fuck if it was from 2020? you are certainly not going to get your hands on a 90gb file that is almost erased from the internet
No. 1196492
File: 1617021459897.jpg (90.25 KB, 1080x1032, summonus.jpg)

nonny summoning COME OON
No. 1196502
>>1196492>>1196491>>1196489Hey newfag, there’s a reason
nonny is in redtext. Learn to integrate or go back to Twitter. It’s painfully obvious this thread was taken over by teenagers on Twitter
No. 1196503
File: 1617022738938.jpeg (34.19 KB, 1111x183, 40A10D5C-A6CD-4984-B187-D44A88…)

>>1196501Where did the “E” even come from? The censored name literally says “G D” with no e.
No. 1196506
>>1196502 Ur pointing out different anons you retard
>>1196501 Gregory D. Evans the hacker's middlename is Dante. Still might be a red herring though
No. 1196526
>>1196522 The point is that it isn't one anon??? Still not a newfag like she says. Saying
nonny is pretty common on anon boards, so untwist your panties and contribute or fuck off
No. 1196534
Are we going to keep being retarded and point out how his voice is fake and that what he says isn't true another 100 fucking times?
>>1196507Do you know that you can fake your voice without a voice changer anon? That's what we mean.
No. 1196539
>>1196532The reason it's in italics because it's a newfag who TRIED to censor but doesn't know that using asterisks do that.
>>1196526What boards bitch? Each space has different culture, if you get shit on it's your fault.
No. 1196541
>>1196478>pornhub accountwell, seems like
>>1196196 was right kek
No. 1196566
File: 1617027680410.jpeg (59.26 KB, 828x285, 00CEB746-596C-40BA-B482-EEFBDD…)

August 8th is international cat day (picrel). He’s also obsessed with cat girls so it makes sense that he chose that date as his “birthday”. His real birthday could’ve already passed, making him 24 rn so we shouldn’t automatically rule out anyone who’s 24.
No. 1196577
>>1196526It isn’t common in this board newfag, way to out yourself kek. Integrate a little better and stop stanning corpsehusband and you’ll fit in a little better
>>1196557Take this one with you
>>1196574This is why no one is taking this thread seriously. The tumblr is probably him, but the rest of this shit that’s been dug up is just reaching at this point.
No. 1196580
>>1196577Getting mad that people aren’t taking a Corpse Husband thread seriously is autistic, mini modding and screeching about fucking “
nonny” of all things kek
No. 1196593
>>1196577Idk, considering
>>1196469 and
>>1196405 I don't think the Tumblr is his anymore
No. 1196618
>>1196616I'm sure there are many ways to skin a corpse and people are creative. Just remember kf exists and cater too information not publicly available.
>>1196617They're LARPers anon…
No. 1196631
>>1196415Did it give you an age or birthday?
>>1196469Also did the anon's download the report tied to the car accident? It might include some information.
No. 1196644
File: 1617033429660.jpg (93.27 KB, 1080x593, Screenshot_20210329-175609_Chr…)

This ofc is bs
No. 1196660
File: 1617035458630.jpg (52.05 KB, 432x600, bloatedcorpse.jpg)

>>1196059kek he definitely looked chonky here.
No. 1196662
File: 1617035612669.png (80.15 KB, 1348x324, Screen Shot 2021-03-29 at 12.3…)

>>1196497i believe it's actually "Gregory Dashaw Evans"
No. 1196665
File: 1617035920425.png (172.86 KB, 1754x1290, Screen Shot 2021-03-29 at 12.3…)

>>1196662samefag but area code 276 is in virginia and 510 is in california
No. 1196680
>>1196665coincidence because the myspace of a "joshua grant" that anon found
>>1195776 also has Austin TX as location. I don't think that's him though
No. 1196698
>>1196507>i feel i would be happier in a world where i could be myself openly, and not worry about hiding from everybodyliterally the phantom of the opera, lmao
No. 1196711
>>1196688Please fucking sage! Write "Sage" in the email section of the reply box! This will stop the thread from being bumped over dumbass questions and responses! However, you don't have to sage when you actually have new info that hasn't been posted already!
Learn how to fucking do it and when to do it so this thread doesn't end up on autosage
No. 1196723
>>1196670this is probably unrelated but isn't graveyardgirl
>>1190347 from austin? i have no clue if she ever mentioned being friends with him or if they have any relationship outside of that one collab, but i also haven't seen a lot of her videos so maybe someone else will know if there's something there
No. 1196730
>>1196688I think he has said before that he doesn't pick up his own PO box stuff in fear of being seen? It was mentioned on the YT thread but if an anon could confirm/deny that would be great
I feel like the whole Greg thing may be a red herring, that being said I also wouldn't be surprised if he thought Greg is a boring name (sorry all the Gregs out there) and decided to go by Josh instead on the likes of Tumblr but that's a huuuuge stretch. The names related to this Greg guy also seem to have some Spanish/Mexican origin to them so it would explain Corpse's connection to Mexico(?) or whatever he claimed.
I feel like some fan anons would do wonders here for giving info on what he said or hasn't said in his livestreams because I don't think enough of us 'hate' watch him
No. 1196735
>>1196730 I mean, honestly, it could just be a random name this guy decided to go by. Teens do that kind of stuff.
But definitely. From what I know scrolling his comment section and skimming his twitter though, is that he has huge mommy issues. But it's impossible to hate watch him; his voice is so fucking grating.
No. 1196736
File: 1617039692495.png (51.17 KB, 561x524, stalker.PNG)

>>1196730I'm actually curious about his "stalking incidents" from his wiki.
Could any fans enlighten me?
No. 1196770
>>1196736tinfoil, but it sounds extremely made up kek.
Wasn't his fanbase really small before 2016?
>>1196754The hacker's name is Gregory Dante Evans
>>1196506 No. 1196883
File: 1617048925219.jpg (113.12 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210329-221545_Gal…)

I remembered that he donated a total of 10k to 3 charities. Dont they put it on the website or something. Doesn't there have to be a official record of it with his details?
No. 1196935
>>1196660why can't he sit properly on the chair?
he just looks like he's about to fall off any moment with the way he sits right on the edge lol
No. 1196994
File: 1617054213430.jpeg (382.36 KB, 1242x1603, 09D8D378-AB14-4D5F-A171-89D205…)

>>1196644It literally says in that article that it was a joke.
>>1196662>>1196665Again! Have you anons pulled the “E” out of thin air? There’s no e.
No. 1196996
>>1196994the D is spaced from the next line of asterisks, unlike the G at the beginning of the first name. it's clearly G
* D **. D is the middle name
No. 1197021
Saged for obvious purposes, but… To all, who fucking cares what the middle name or last name or blah blah? Follow the trail, and if it doesn't pan out, you go to the next. We'll find him eventually, so stop sperging, bitching, infighting, and derailing and be patient. Like seriously, this thread is only a week old.
Back on topic, if he's in that MyFitnessPal leak, it'd probably have his name or something. Don't know what it's worth, but he's friends with Glamandgore? Like, a 4 year friendship at the least because as of Jan. 2020 they had a 1000 day Snap streak. (Snapchatted everyday.)
>>1196994 They got it from
>>1196421 No. 1197068
File: 1617060302177.png (888.2 KB, 1131x1024, image_2021-03-30_002537.png)

He used to snap shirtless pics to his fans at the very least. Here's a fangirl sperging out on twitter about not being able to screenshot it back in 2015.
No. 1197082
File: 1617062562449.jpeg (266.56 KB, 828x996, A361869E-038E-44A4-91C9-D31DA8…)

Saw this on Reddit, the chin on the tumblr guy looked kinda normal so idk if it’s him? He’s definitely making up a tone of medical conditions to cover for the fact he’s ugly af lol
No. 1197100
File: 1617064360680.png (1.44 MB, 2880x1800, Screen Shot 2021-03-29 at 8.16…)

Heartful produced some of the CH songs on Spotify. Interesting connection because Heartful is working or has worked with FNTM Sage. Sage has an incredibly deep speaking voice but has perfect pitch. Also Sage follows @bakedgoodscooking on instagram.
Link to producer's tiktok:
FNTMSage Instagram: TikTok
No. 1197113
>>1197100This sounds NOTHING like Corpse.
>>1196883I believe that charities can be made anonymous and/or used with an alias. This is applicable to standard donations and misc like GoFundMe’s.
No. 1197131
>>1197113Didn’t mean to imply that FNTM is CH. I have been following FNTM for a while and he posted this tiktok last may:
My dig by looking into CH music connections just led me back to that bakedgoodscooking instagram. Found it interesting how FNTM and CH both follow the bakedgoodscooking instagram and it follows back. Perhaps it is a CH personal account or the producer. I couldn’t find an instagram under the Heartful name.
No. 1197138
File: 1617068247408.png (76.62 KB, 1598x490, sfasdfds.png)

Didn't he say he grew up in VA? Here's a Joshua Grant that lived in VA and California
No. 1197158
File: 1617070051411.jpeg (379.21 KB, 1242x761, 77E7E644-DC2C-47C2-9D80-309CA8…)

>>1197130Absolutely no offense to you, as I realize you’re probably slow but other anons have suggested this many times.
>>1197138 No. 1197211
File: 1617076154144.jpg (54.3 KB, 720x458, _20210330_124743.JPG)

When will this old ass divorcee admit to being in love with him?
No. 1197234
>>1197068That whole "Omg why didn't I save his shirtless pic" reaction implies that either he was at least sort of attractive, or that she had very low standards.
Probably wasn't as fat as he is here
>>1196660. Alternatively, he catfished that girl (and probably others) and deleted his account to get rid of any evidence and avoid being called out.
No. 1197243
File: 1617082817277.jpeg (Spoiler Image,52.33 KB, 480x640, 325CD225-DF22-4894-88D7-DC6CE3…)

>>1197211Fucking DISGUSTING (spoilered because not safe for life)
No. 1197246
File: 1617083780570.png (541 KB, 843x476, 23091001.png)

>>1196660from his new interview with Anthony kek
No. 1197251
>>1197245Yeah, women who will look hypocritical if they don't like his appearance.
But I guess that's good news for some of his bigger fans, though maybe not the kind they'd want.
No. 1197296
>>1197135he's probably just ugly, no need to be an alcoholic wife beater to want to not be found. i'd say it's quite logical to not even give your real name, look at us trying to get his face out of googling the living shit out of a random mexican emo teen, people are weird.
not saying that he's not a liar or an attention whore, but we can't really blame him for wanting that kind of anonymity, even more after seeing what his crazy stans do.
No. 1197308
Putting here so people know it's a dead end:
There's a most recent tenant (63) named S. Bradley associated with P.O. Box 902 Murrieta, CA, 92564. (Corpse's PO box.) While she has no relatives on the site that line up with Corpse's age, she has lived in both Virginia and San Diego and resides in (obviously) Murrieta. She has a relative named Joshua, but he's a 30 year old married man with a prospective future. So that's a dead end. (Thought maybe the whole register under another name thing, but probably not.)
Also, to people searching, is incredibly useful and giving. (Up-to-date, concise, and free name, address, and phone searches.)
No. 1197316
>>1196405nta but you seem pretty pressed about tumblr kek. do you still have one?
respect the anon who decided to look at the wall
No. 1197321
>>1197296>alcoholic wife beaterWell we've heard many times from the cow himself of his alcoholic escapades. From this pic of his gf
>>1194546 I think we can assume beating is a pretty regular occurrence.
No. 1197322
>>1197138fucking gross.
>>1197158>>1197068>believing corpse's random comment about virginia>believing he would reveal exactly where he lived or grew up if he wanted to stay anonymouscute
No. 1197323
File: 1617094278536.png (427.92 KB, 749x865, e7164a5f6f24632d7ee9c764aa4eef…)

>>1197316the spergs in this thread keep going back and forth with nonsense like the tumblr name or the random cat gif, acting like it's the ultimate proof. i'm just tired of seeing 14yos who don't understand the internet shitting up every space i go to, nothing to do with tumblorr
No. 1197384
>>1197322Are you the same anon continuously bitching and shitting up the thread with your criticisms? Get to work on google and contribute to the conversation rather than your “but but but carousel husband lies!! Reee!!!!”
There’s just as much evidence that he did grow up in California than not.
>>1197326You anons complaining about the thread every three seconds are more annoying than the ones who are not.
Unrelated, have any anons had a look through his Facebook? No. 1197393
>>1197384 Thanks for saying this. Absolutely annoying. i am looking forward to some insight or some real evidence or some contribution. not bullshit all the time.
i am planning to look trough his social media and his live streams to see any clue's if i find anything is will share.
No. 1197397
File: 1617104193193.jpeg (491.27 KB, 1125x1885, 44B635BC-B95C-4840-AC44-83DEA3…)

>>1197392I had a look through and there’s nothing. It’s pretty much wiped clean beyond his YT videos.
Also, his old merch store used to be: corpsey (seems to still be up as well)
His steam (as linked earlier) is Corpse Cat.
We might find a few things. Nothing really in waybackmachine yet though.
Also, we know his PO Box was in Murietta and he was in the Riverside Leak.
I wonder if he’s still in that area? It seems to be pretty upscale but I’m not a Californian expert.
No. 1197424
File: 1617107396688.jpg (154.97 KB, 683x690, tumblr_m7zccxPuPX1qlb5mto1_128…)

i went digging a litle more on the tumblr and this is what i found… not good Corpse, not good
No. 1197478
>>1197451Can't they be discussed in this thread for now? If no, I'm all for a separate thread. I love insane fans like
>>1196260, she's such a cow and I'm looking forward to more of her insane musings on corpse
No. 1197545
>>1197527That's assuming what he said is true though
I know we keep coming back to this, but I'm of the opinion that his lies/exaggerations are very much there for sympathy points and the easiest way to get there is by using medical issues. Hence stuff such as location and age may genuinely be true
Also yikes
>>1197068 I'm sure his fans have researched or heard some shady stuff but choose to just ignore it, I do wonder how much they are to 'blame' when it ultimately turns out that the dude is a freak and they've spend their hard hours defending him and attacking anyone who says anything remotely negative about him
No. 1197552
File: 1617116922335.jpg (19.49 KB, 222x293, bjdvgjhsjhsjhl.jpg)

>>1197527Not the incel chin lmao i feel bad for him
No. 1197556
File: 1617117036409.jpg (355.82 KB, 2420x1870, Severe-Chin-and-Jaw-Deficiency…)

>>1197527>extremely recessed chinSo, CH stans can look forward to something like this, but brown.
>>1197082>Andy Biersack>Lil XanLmao
No. 1197562
File: 1617117337634.jpg (60.84 KB, 400x354, ind3x.jpg)

>>1197556Samefagging with a milder version (left is before chin surgery, right is after). We know he's on the chubbier side from
>>1196660, so you can expect some layering.
Thoughts and prayers to the girls who were thirsting over him, getting tattoos of the sound wave of him breathing and shit.
No. 1197571
thinking that his receding chin might be why he's not showing his face. maybe he remembers how idubbbz made internet history for making fun of leafy's chin for 30 minutes. that shit would give you anxiety to show your none-existent chin on the internet.
>>1195085>>1195486>>1194486btw. if this is him, he's hiding his chin in leafy style in all these pics, either with his hair, by jutting out his jaw by making a kiss-face or straight up with his hand… so that checks out
No. 1197573
>>1196316This is bullshit it is absolutely possible to go to physical therapy even now, there are special safety measurements in place for it.
What does he think actually chronically ill people are doing during this time? He really needs to get a grip on reality.
No. 1197578
>>1197571that's a good point. i also think he had the corpse husband name for a long time. he would say otherwise to hide his identity also the tumblr page got deleted or changed names a year before he started youtube.
he has had the name for a while. why else would he make literally everything he owns with that name.
No. 1197591
File: 1617119763946.jpeg (111.71 KB, 828x430, 90920060-C46B-470D-ABC5-1BD7EA…)

>>1197556he’s white, said himself he doesn’t look Mexican
No. 1197637
>>1197608kek ace isn’t real, it’s a quirky tumblr sexuality that gives her a safety net to avoid getting attacked from rabid corpse stans who think she’d actually be interested in him despite the flirting.
>>1197605Read the thread. You don’t need to be spoon fed.
No. 1197675
File: 1617128991375.png (27.36 KB, 1255x198, fb id.png)

Idk if this is anything but can we look up the fb connect to the tumblr witht he fb id?
48119224995 is the id.
No. 1197692
File: 1617129709387.jpg (110.84 KB, 1168x506, Ya6mQAG.jpg)

>>1197675the fb icon on wayback machine takes you to posts tagged as facebook. i don't know much about coding but it seems like it's the code of the app and not the code for his account. screenshot to show that other blogs used that id
No. 1197718
>>1197671yes sorry thank you! i realized when another anon posted the correct word and i was trying to find it on google
>>1197696yeah he’s a liar but he’s obviously not
that stupid, im sure some e girl will come out with screenshots. just give it time.
No. 1197838
File: 1617139858149.jpg (31.24 KB, 308x550, 1c5aca656c2161ca82b79dea6d536b…)

>>1197590Why is bottom right actually just a photo of Projared tho?
>>1197527>>1197556>lil Xan lookalikeinb4 Corpse looks exactly like Leafy.
No. 1197930
File: 1617144729913.png (1.79 KB, 520x20, Untitled.png)

>>1197433It wasn't connected to anything. From the css, it was left with a dead end/non existing link. As
>>1197522 puts it.
>>119767548119224995 is the Tumblr app ID on Facebook. It's not his personal entered link.
No. 1197939
File: 1617145372523.png (19.42 KB, 1168x475, 76561198213157669.png)

If it serves anybody look up keywords. Some of his previous display names on Steam.
No. 1197972
>>1197963If you're talking about Corpse Cat, it's level 0, highly likely only made for the group.
>>1197965Sorry I deleted to add don't streamers usually use alt to stream with friends? Even if you manage to catch a leak, it won't have library or friendlist available.
No. 1197975
File: 1617148860627.jpg (93.01 KB, 1080x430, Screenshot_20210331-015713_Chr…)

>>1197948It says corpse husband but if u click on it in shows an account named jordan. Idk if this is anything No. 1198052
File: 1617157380898.png (58.58 KB, 1016x352, 4A4291E6-BEFC-4581-BAA7-D8AD8C…)

sorry if this has already been mentioned but i think joshua grant is definitely CH
>>1194288assuming this is him, i put the name into a search ppl website and i found a joshua grant in san diego california (which is where CH has stated that he lives). the guy i found is also 33, so if this is him he’s probably lying abt his age online?
no idea if this is the right guy + blocked out info to be safe, anyone who’s better at this kind of thing please do more digging if u want to
No. 1198063
>>1198052While I think there’s absolutely a possibility that he’s lying about his age, I had a watch through his old videos from about 4-5 years ago and he does mention his face reveal and birthday.
I think if there were to be such a massive age gap from 23 to 30+ knowing he was going to reveal his identity in the future, speaking so candidly about it, it would be a large hole to try and dig out of.
Whilst he could pull the whole “I wanted to remain anonymous!” It would backfire.
Also, in his earlier videos his voice does seem to be a little more ~barely hit puberty~ type.
Again, not saying to take everything that he says with a grain of salt, but I don’t know if he’s 30.
He would’ve had to keep his lies straight since 2015 or so, with no slip ups.
I think he’s at least in his twenties still.
No. 1198065
File: 1617158463320.jpeg (4.69 KB, 225x225, download (1).jpeg)

Okay, I looked up Joshua Grant, and there's a guy named Joshua Grant who goes by Joshua Adams. I googled his email ( and… this came up. It kinda looks like the guy upthread. Not sure though, y'all tell me please.
So now I'm confused. Josh Grant was on the tumblr, but the tumblr had the Mexican Guy.
No. 1198096
Ok but this guy
>>1198065 actually looks like
>>1194094 No. 1198117
>>1198100>>1198101>>1198112it's not the same side so maybe only one ear is pointy and eyebrows can also be different ? I'm insisting because damn their face structure is so similar, it has to be the same person ( with a few years of difference between the two images )
However why do we keep looking ito someone with such straight hair ?
No. 1198126
File: 1617166006932.jpg (11.9 KB, 394x796, dfdb4439b609bff3cd5b67f58478cc…)

Can we please stop with this retarded ass tinfoil? The guy on the right is so obviously just some random fag from Facebook. We've seen that strand of Corpse's hair, it clearly doesn't belong to this balding Russian motherfucker
No. 1198128
File: 1617166046104.png (88.89 KB, 661x735, trcrps.png)

people on twt managed to get twitter to take a jab at corpse by randomly mentioning some old song lyrics of his.
if you're curious, the song is "my very real collab with 50 cent" and the lyrics in question
>Can't fuck with all you bitches, you deluded like a Trisha stan
ofc you'll have corpse stans in trisha's responses getting mad about it. but also, i'm curious if this'll lead to a bit of drama that may end on frenemies sooner or later. sometimes, once trisha is in a beefing mood, she won't let it go so fast.
No. 1198130
File: 1617166441130.png (107.37 KB, 307x324, vivircontigo.png)

Reverse image searched in Yandex, and this came up. Kinda looks like him, but I'm not sure? It was on, but it's down I think? I tried finding other sources for the rounded ear photo, but the only source was some kinda scam site.
>>1198126 Contribute or fuck off. Also, that could literally be ANYONE's hair. Corpse has proved he's untrustworthy.
>>1198128 I HOPE people fan the flames. This thread needs more milk.
No. 1198137
>>1198131 Yeah it's dark, but people have varying hair lengths. Not saying it isn't dark?
>>1198134 Contribute first.
No. 1198144
>>1198065I don't think that's him. Different voice. that the snapchat photo looks like him.
No. 1198149
>>1198137>>1198130You are fucking stupid.
How has Corpse proven to be untrustworthy?
I am all about taking things with a grain of salt but you seem hellbent on insisting it’s this blonde white dude without curly hair. Since the dawn of fucking time with his channel, he has had dark brown curly hair.
Anthony Padilla, Mykie, Guyinaband have all seen him and would be able to call him out for lying.
Please for the love of god. There’s no proof this is him or even the slightest indication it’s him.
Please take your meds and log off for a minute.
Stop shitting up the thread with your baseless tinfoils.
>>1198147Nice self post, faggot.
No. 1198231
File: 1617179538094.jpg (49.43 KB, 750x748, En16y4QWMAAoLsq.jpg)

>>1197838corpse claimed to look like
>joji>andy biersack>lil xanThis combined with the possible mouth breather jaw and chin, you know this bitch looks like leafy for sure kek
No. 1198232
>>1198149 I said it before and I'll say it again. Saying this and that and the other about whatever doesn't fucking help. STOP DERAILING TO ARGUE. STOP and post evidence, contribute, or leave. And there is nothing to shit up. This thread is already shit because of infightbaiting fags like you.
Additionally, Corpse has literally LIED about his GERD, lied in interviews, so I don't take anything this guy says seriously. Look, if it's not this guy, it's some other faggot. It doesn't MATTER if it's tinfoiling since it's one of the best ways we've got. Blonde? Have you ever heard of men losing curls, getting perms, hairline surgery, dyeing their hair etc? Curly hair is in with young girls. Men are trying to have it nowadays, instead of opposite.
Stop derailing and trying to start shit anon and go post some evidence. Otherwise, leave the thread because YOU are taking this way too personal. It's just finding some internet faggot. These aren't meaningless tinfoils if you've read the damn thread.
>>1198151 Damn, can somebody tell from the photo?
No. 1198249
File: 1617181485989.jpeg (380.98 KB, 1024x1280, 45675015-0A60-4345-8E32-91B8CF…)

>>1198231LMAO as if this fat fuck wouldn’t have revealed his face if he looked like Andy Biersack (picrel) he is either delusional or actively trolling
No. 1198252
>>1198130I'm starting to feel bad for whoever this random dude is at this point.
>>1198231His shitty try hard lyrics would be a thousand times funnier coming from a more busted looking Leafy face ngl.
No. 1198261
File: 1617182164952.png (1.45 MB, 1580x1596, a9azchyalji61.png)

>>1198249Kek, people with low self-esteem tend to cling to "flattering" comparaison like crazy
Kinda tinfoil but Andy and lil Nas both have a slight androgynous kind of face because of non-prominent jaw line and chin, would fit with the recessive chin thing in a way. So yeah, wouldn't surprise me if he actually turned out to look like Leafy
Pic related is the work of some redditfag fan and it's hilarious. Highly doubt a guy who never shows his face looks like an even better version of timothée chalamet, copium.png
No. 1198263
>>1198126Doesn’t straight hair also go sort of wavy depending on how much you pull? Plus I even if it is wavy it can still look straight, this is hardly a curl that you would need to get straightened.
Anyway, the only interesting thing about his strand of hair is that it’s long-ish
No. 1198268
>>1198261Ah yes, truly realistic expectations for a grown adult man who hides his face and has said one of his look alikes is lil xan.
>>1198265Gee, idk about you guys but sage goes in the email field.
No. 1198269
>>1198052I don't think he lied about his birthday year, pretty sure he lied about the day and month to go with his bisho cat luv personality
Lying about the year would be a hard lie to keep up with, and like
>>1198063 mentioned, it would backfire (unlike lying about the month and day). His birth date being 1997 can also fit with the car accident tweet he posted in 2015 as 16 yo drive like retards
No. 1198290
File: 1617185849591.png (467.86 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20210331-131711.png)

>>1198284This is the corpsehusband account on reddit. I think we can rule it out.
No. 1198313
File: 1617188658243.jpg (125.38 KB, 890x456, BUryWuI.jpg)

possibly lied about his mother's cancer - from being diagnosed to being cancer free in less than 2 months
No. 1198315
File: 1617188740095.jpg (134.67 KB, 1178x476, 4y6nl8n.jpg)

exact date of his car accident in 2015
No. 1198327
>>1198322 Cool, another faggy Corpse stan. Why don't you scroll up and see what other people said? Reasoning with children doesn't work, so here's a word:
>>1198325 Also apparently his mother took him out of school and made him work jobs at 16? And he pays her bills because she's on disability? (I think on this one. Not sure.)
>>1198313 How does she get cured in 2 months??? They'd at least wait a few weeks to test to make sure, right?
This makes me hope Trisha calls him out on this.
The only consistent thing with his Munchausen whoring is the nerve damage/carpal tunnel schtick.
No. 1198331
>>1198269He was 18 in 2015
>>1198322Calling another anon dumb but where is the sage?
No. 1198334
File: 1617192073830.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1814, inbred king.png)

>>1198322Young vladimir poutine looking ass
>>1198275>they knew exactly what they were doing with that nonsenseHonestly I think he will do a face reveal soon and him dropping physical appearances hints like receded chin and looking like lilnas is a way to do damage control for when he'll reveal his incel profile
No. 1198344
>>1198261This just looks like if Leafy was attractive (eyes bigger + further apart, nicer lips).
New theory: Corpse husband is Leafy re-inventing himself and for obvious reasons has to hide his face and voice since he got cancelled
No. 1198349
File: 1617193954504.jpeg (351.69 KB, 1242x923, 12B77505-2957-4EB4-8E19-43740E…)

>>1198344You think lilxan had so much foresight on his career that he started rebranding before his career started?
>>1198327Calling everyone you disagree with a Corpse Stan is accomplishing nothing. You’re calling people stupid, but you don’t even know how to use google? Kys
No. 1198350
>>1198349 …Corpse Stan. And also, I'm literally half the evidence in this thread? And do you lack reading comprehension? I said "I think" so rope faggot. He's mentioned nerve damage a lot on Twitter, so I was like "Oh, that's one of the only consistent things."
>>1198344 Amusing tinfoil tbh, but I don't think he could do a deep voice. His voice is all crackly, not deep.
>>1198339 >>1198338 …not how the site works. Rope faggot.
No. 1198390
File: 1617200107264.jpg (533.43 KB, 1513x1198, same day.jpg)

>>1198284I'm anon that said about the reddit, for what it's worth I checked the date it was created and coincidentally it's the same day as Corpse's facebook that was shared here.
>>1197384 No. 1198397
>>1198390 Scrolled through their profile and — Oh my god she has a furraffinity. And a telegram: KawaiiNoir.
It's probably a coincidence but it would be a fucking GIFT if it wasn't. CH being an overweight TiF littlespace furry.
No. 1198407
File: 1617202248393.jpeg (195.7 KB, 1284x1092, A4AD6658-F973-4987-B5AD-6C1F9D…)

>>1190167I found this hilarious. He claims he doesn’t know how to use Instagram and currently has 7 posts. But wayback machine shows in 2019 he had at least 111 posts. They don’t load for me but when you click on them the captions show up. He was pretty active on Instagram promoting his narration channel. Deleting for rebranding I could maybe understand but this is just another lie.
No. 1198449
>>1198390May be worth looking through it
The one picture of them you can tell the jaw is a bit shit, and there's a picture of their 'little haul' where there seems to be an alcohol bottle nearby
Anyway, it's not that different from us chasing after a random Tumblr
No. 1198491
>>1198163Interestingly enough, no big influencer ever said anything negative about Corpse so far. It's almost like he is untouchable atm because no one wants to say anything bad about him because CH stans are said to act like kpop stans and will come after them.
On that note, I feel like Trisha is about the only person gutsy enough to start shit with corpse lol. IIRC Ethan almost said something negative about Corpse on an H3 podcast before but the staff kind of deescalated so he won't start shit with his giant fanbase. But if Trisha is on board, I can see both of them starting to dunk on CH.
No. 1198503
I think the small height and chubbiness matches
>>1196660 with the reddit claims
>>1198290 idk…
No. 1198506
>>1198503If Corpse is trans it would surely explain the almost fake sounding voice? And the fact that he sounded like a teenage boy in 2015, though does anyone know how deep hormones can make someone's voice?
The Reddit account has a couple of posts on having mental health difficulties which they refer to as disabilities or something
No. 1198539
File: 1617212978881.jpeg (1.28 MB, 3464x3464, AA4032C2-E84E-4DF8-B6A3-F221DB…)

>>1198503>>1198506This person isn’t chubby. They are straight up obese. Hair is very light brown rather than dark and curly.
They live in Tennessee, and are FtM. No way a FtM could sound like that even with hormones or have hands like Corpse.
Age does not match either.
No. 1198559
>>1198539I’m going to agree but people here seem to forget the most basic concepts ever
You can lose and gain weight, and you can also move around
The whole “curly” hair thing is also bs since his hair looks wavy rather than curly, so it can easily look straight in pictures
No. 1198567
File: 1617214965353.jpg (32.48 KB, 664x271, Xqzdctc.jpg)

TBH if we want the info we should be looking at his former circle the scary story story narrators. They're mostly friends and would know so much more.
No. 1198569
File: 1617215069453.jpg (191.28 KB, 720x1001, ch.jpg)

>>1198539One of their last post was about moving states. They also talked about having agoraphobia (and Corpse has a song about it).
Perhaps the page wasn't deleted because he can just say it's not him and his stans will believe it.
No. 1198585
File: 1617215977193.png (152.57 KB, 255x377, emma.png)

Corpse posted a "recap" of March on his instagram and it appears that he met with Emma. We don't have any exact date but it might be during that billboard on Times Square? If so, then this video she is walking with a guy that would match Corpse's apperance? It might be a random guy, but he's wearing some edgy outfit and has some shit on his head hiding his hair? Is it a hood? It doesnt look like one, no idea what's this.
There are probably tons of pictures from that event online and Emma is pretty recognizable so it should be easy to find a photo with that guy's face and it could confirm or deny if it's Corpse
No. 1198616
File: 1617217208549.png (756.41 KB, 555x1015, corspeandemma.png)

No. 1198618
>>1198397>No way a FtM could sound like that even with hormonesThis isn't necessarily true, especially if a voice changer is involved.
I know it's unlikely, but the thought of Corpse being a boxy FtM (not that one) is just so fucking funny to me.
No. 1198620
File: 1617217317268.jpg (337.7 KB, 509x859, EuobBbe.jpg)

>>1198585Emma just posted this. Apparently it was a thing on her twitter where she'd ask him to choke her when they'd meet. I really must be getting old cause this is just the cringiest shit ever. Her dead eye stare with his limp dick hand barely around her neck.
No. 1198672
>>1198351Fucking kek
I want this to be in new thread image !
No. 1198675
It might be a long shot but surely he must've shown up on somebody's video during that day? so then March 6th 2021 is the date. I'm thinking some tourist or dashcam video could be a possibility. It's Times Square after all.
No. 1198676
>>1198675Time to start asking for that dashcam footage, ay?
Seems like Times Square has live CCTV, idk if you can rewind it but it may be worth looking into
No. 1198683
>>1198675 scrolling down the hashtag and Emma and the guy in the hoodie are in the corner of this video (can't see their faces though) sure they'll be in other videos too
No. 1198704
File: 1617222550201.png (2.02 MB, 1305x826, cctvTS.png)

we can watch back the cctv on march 6 maybe it will show who was with emma if we are lucky.. No. 1198706
>>1198567Is this guy planning on roping himself or something? Don’t want to lose a half decent narrator, maybe CH shouldn’t ditch his old friends for all the new famous ones.
>>1198620Cringe as hell but I’d rather his hand be barely grabbing her neck anyways. He
does have pretty small hands, though.
No. 1198717
>>1198683May also be worth looking through the IG #
I'm doing it rn but there's a lot of just dumb screenshots of posts
No. 1198721
File: 1617223581006.png (44.09 KB, 126x152, Untitled.png)

>>1198717From one of the IG accounts, seems to be around the same time as
>>1198675 though
No. 1198724
File: 1617223783611.jpg (525.61 KB, 1536x2048, Evzu1u-XEAUSqhK.jpg)

was this one already added?
No. 1198744
File: 1617224903605.jpg (174.59 KB, 436x739, aasfsdadad.jpg)

>>1198725 slide is a video, you can see the hoodie in the shot once she turns the camera, quality is shit tho
No. 1198751
>>1198745At 3:36 I think? The pattern on the back looks the same
Doesn't show much other than him walking past tho
No. 1198755
>>1198751Time of recording matches up, you can see the girl from
>>1198744 walk into frame at 3:40
No. 1198762
File: 1617225445400.jpeg (740.79 KB, 828x1364, 1674BAAB-74B6-4332-9163-E8BCA2…)

Another one here, he’s blurred out tho
No. 1198763
File: 1617225466005.jpg (158.06 KB, 543x369, aasfsdadad.jpg)

>>11987513:45 you can see both of them to the right
No. 1198776
File: 1617225880163.png (951.89 KB, 1920x1080, kekek.png)

>>1198773yes but he put the video on his own insta story
No. 1198794
File: 1617226674364.jpeg (434.38 KB, 1242x1776, IMG_5400.jpeg)

>>1198738finished going through his IG tags from the day. Nothing new except another photo where you can see the person's back. It appears they're with a third person besides Emma, maybe a fan of hers?
No. 1198813
>>1198810I feel like some people who were there didn't tag their stuff on IG in detail, and as far as I can see advanced search doesn't exist for IG so we can't search for posts mentioning him on the 6th
Also my god, his streams is just his friend talking over him
No. 1198848
>>1198144And also for the millionth freaking time, the tiktok with the snapchat photo was old old news and already proven to be fake at the time the tiktok was posted.
Please ladies, don’t embarrass yourselves because you’re new to the game and trying to contribute when you’ve got nothing.
No. 1198857
>new to the game and contribute when you've got nothing>contributing nothingWhen was it proven fake? Just because Corpsefag says it's not him doesn't mean it's not him. The name Joshua Grant led to a guy named Joshua Adams, and that was the first pic to pop up for Joshua Adams. So if you have a better idea or better evidence, go ahead and say it. Otherwise, suck one faggot.
Can the negative nancies fuck off? Stop embarrassing yourself.
No. 1198942
File: 1617239117409.jpeg (135.86 KB, 1170x406, 9B687587-5067-427F-A459-C2DF56…)

In regards to the billboard Emma claims it’s a friend named Raymond. The tweet she’s responding to is deleted- I remember seeing it the day of and they asked if she was with corpse
No. 1198979
>>1198954>ITOP KEK.
>quality content>killed himselfthis is the best thing i've read all day.
No. 1198981
>>1198954>he did not want his face shown anywhere and you STILL went ahead and showed it?imagine this is real and we can confirm
>>1195033 is him
No. 1199000
File: 1617241993964.jpeg (363.79 KB, 1201x1258, 6A0AC609-B8D8-4448-80A4-455423…)

>>1198942If it were Corpse, certainly all of his fan girls who noticed Emma / flocked to her would’ve put two and two together, right? Like one of them would’ve taken a picture of them.. no?
No. 1199005
>>1198954>kills himselfboo hoo that sort of guilt tripping only works on you
r retarded teenage stans
>he's self conscious uwuare we talking about the same grown ass, rich man here??? who cares lmao
No. 1199011
File: 1617242478338.gif (3.34 MB, 450x506, 1585776163126.gif)

>>1198954Hi Corpse~
Welcome to the thread <3
(<3) No. 1199048
File: 1617245102068.jpeg (Spoiler Image,227.6 KB, 1209x1601, 048750E4-7AA9-4D4F-9709-F09EC5…)

I hope you're proud of yourself(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1199068
>>1198349AYRT, yeah good point. However, Leafy only started getting cancelled after idubbbz made the content cop about him in 2016.
Corpse Husband came online in 2015. What if Leafy made his new Corpse Husband account as he discovered he couldn't hack the constant chin jokes, veering off into another online persona as he regretted showing his face online and wanted a music career?
>>1198350Couldn't it just be Leafy faking a super deep voice? Like how girls can fake a super high voice sometimes?… I'll stop with the tinfoil but if there are any language nerds out there, please do a study on CHs interview and Leafy's old vids and see if they have similar talking style / accents
>>1198351KEK thanks for the laughs
No. 1199099
>>1199082I look like young Britney Spears. I also look like The Weeknd. And my best friend says I look like female version of Anthony Hopkins with a hint of Taylor Swift.
See? It's that easy to say to look like someone. It doesn't necessarily need to be true. Especially when we know Corpse likes to lie.
No. 1199111
>>1199099Lmfao holy fuck.
>>1199101Also this. Where’s the face cuts?? Needs more attention whoring pls.
No. 1199121
>>1198344I'm loving the leafy tinfoiling as a meme ngl. It's so spot on with all the "clues" he's tried to give us with how he supposedly looks.
>>1198351Next thread image please. topkek anon
>>1198539The fact someone has to clarify why this fat fake boy isn't Corpse is peak lolcow.
>>1198618> the thought of Corpse being a boxy FtM (not that one) is just so fucking funny to me.Unlikely as it is, it's almost as funny as the Leafy tinfoil is to me. Imagine the sad patchy neckbeard and receding hairline brought on by having to take enough T to deepen the voice that much.
No. 1199127
>>1199120Actually, I think adding this photo
>>1197600 is our best threadpic contender
No. 1199135
>>1199048 Oh my god I wish this was Corpse. It's not, but the heartiest of keks to you. My sides thank you.
Next thread pic should be the candidates shopped into a police line up – fat furry FtM, Leafy, Slavic Joshua, horndog emo Mexican and the anon's slit wrist.
>>1199124 Cheers for an even better thread! And she has a following on Tiktok for commentary or something and her accent. (Boston or something.) We'll probably get an influx of newfags, but that's what banning is for. On the plus side, we might find more cows too.
No. 1199138
>>1199135I can pretty much guarantee that this thread is not far off becoming “corpse cow and his calves”, his fanbase is an infinite vortex of cringe (especially when they’re speds of this caliber
No. 1199155
File: 1617258719095.jpeg (302.84 KB, 1242x1139, 55BACAF4-854B-441E-8504-F10864…)

Not my best work but I think it summarizes both the cringe behavior of Corpse and retarded nature of fellow anons so beautifully.
No. 1199181
>>1199155My vote!
Otherwise in my head I have a vision of a "have you seen him?" Milk carton, missing person type ad but I only have a cell phone available to me so I cannot make it happen. We will see what the next thread uncovers and I will try if can
No. 1199217
>>1199205I also tried going through Twitter but there isn’t that many posts there. Most of them would be on IG and that’s impossible to find without being able to sort by the date
I also tried looking at vlogs but there weren’t a whole lot of them and the few that existed didn’t show a whole lot. Plus I imagine you have to watch everything after a week or two too because of editing times, so it’s impossible to know when half of the blogs were produced
Fuck IGs search system
No. 1199248
>>1199210Anon, instead of suggesting things for other anons to do - maybe give it a shot your self? Look through who she’s following / tags / interactions on twitter.
>>1199199The last place to start would really be his tags.
Going through Emma’s and general TS tags and twitter is what I’ve been doing and still no leads yet. Sorting through recent YT videos as well.
No. 1199254
File: 1617271945853.jpeg (75.47 KB, 828x499, B3F9A4D9-A5D8-4815-8B02-A3534D…)

>>1199210She’s following one person called Ray but his account is private
No. 1199262
File: 1617273974808.jpeg (909.47 KB, 1242x1385, 98078204-E3D9-4C89-9543-8D187C…)

>>1199254He has a clothing company, this is him.
No. 1199264
File: 1617274131984.png (54.05 KB, 520x395, 02984092834.PNG)

make yourselves useful and contribute pullbots.
No. 1199266
File: 1617274185366.png (24.23 KB, 798x446, itsoktoberay.png)

>>1199254He seems to have a private Twitter under the same username. Also found this Left4dead2 stat site thing listing his location as New Jersey which checks out with him being Emma's irl friend.
>>1199262The poor choice of clothing checks out. Also no wonder the dude is running around in timbs being a whole NJ/NY stereotype deadass. kek
No. 1199268
>>1199264oh noooo don't heckin try to find out what my heckin husbandarino corpse "AMOGUS" husband looks like noooooo!!!!
imagine being this retarded kek. go the fuck outside
No. 1199320
File: 1617277485193.jpg (43.62 KB, 640x640, th-22438006721-640x640.jpg)

>>1199264>That's disgusting, disrespectful and unethical>A literal imageboardyes, welcome
No. 1199331
>>1198567Does anyone know who Corpse would have been friends with around the time other than this dude?
This may be a good avenue to explore as I imagine Corpse wouldn't have been as private then
No. 1199333
>>1199048LOL next time go for the wrists, and deeper.
my cat could unironically leave deeper scratch marks than that hahaha
(a-log) No. 1199350
>>1199262So we're all in agreement that this is the Time Square guy, not corpse? The pants look like the same brand as the ugly hoodie he's wearing in the photos.
Time to re-hash the investigation, come on anons
No. 1199369
>>1199350Hm, I mean if we stretch it it could still be Corpse since they'd probably have similar styles
That being said, I don't think we would find any pictures of his face from the 6th without endlessly scrolling through random IG posts so it's a bit hopeless
I think the Joshua guy could be it tbh. It seems like Corpse has been using the user for a while even if it's awfully common
No. 1199372
>>1199369I don't think it's this Ray guy, he's from and lives in NJ. He legitimately appears to be some tag along friend of Emma.
What evidence do we have of corpse actually being Slavic Joshua?
No. 1199429
File: 1617289036806.jpeg (50.81 KB, 320x401, E09F3200-668D-4818-90FF-4746D8…)

No. 1199445
>>1199423Well actually it’s because he sounds like a frog and LARPs kinky tumblr daddydom or some shit. Please sage.
>>1199264As always, virgin pull vs chad lolcow. Lmao bruh they’re actually showing true colors and hardcore simping him in his own channel even though they were talking shit a few days ago. Virtue signaling off the charts!
No. 1199484
>>1199477ImAgInE ????????
No. 1199502
File: 1617295204044.jpg (140.84 KB, 880x531, 218-2183744.jpg)

>>1199477>imagine harassing a manYes.
No. 1199507
File: 1617295438911.jpg (15.93 KB, 870x117, 26917.jpg)

saw this on kf kek
No. 1199551
File: 1617299462420.png (56.31 KB, 505x409, 579835223.PNG)

And for your information strange alchemy is a mod.
No. 1199558
>>1199551ot but pull discord is a cesspool of cow material
>strange alchemywith that tumblr worthy edgy username no wonder she supports ch
>can't we just let teenger girls enjoy somethingshe's really sitting there unironically relaying twitter thread tier social commentary, fucking kek
No. 1199561
>>1199551I don't understand why there's so much whiteknighting for corpse… he said in the past that he would do a face reveal, so the extreme secrecy is a relatively new thing. He blew up and he knows that he can't live up to what people think he looks like, so he's trying to milk as much money as he can before his face is inevitably leaked and his stans lose interest. Why is that our problem? What does anyone owe him in regards to keeping his identity secret?
Honestly, his best bet is to try to make DECENT music and build a DECENT music career that might hold up even if he's totally fucking ugly. But he's clinging too hard onto his part-time daddy dom anime boy/part-time "uwu I'm so sick and socially anxious" thing to actually put effort into his music.
>>1199556I have a feeling a lot of them lurk on here and enjoy reading the threads, but then BS to the PULL ladies about how far above sea level their moral highground is kek
No. 1199569
>>1199551Also "strange alchemy" (kek); no one is shitting on teens liking corpse, maybe a few tards do, but most of us mock the grown ass delulu women who are into him
Even though I don't expect a lot from pull users, I'm still weirded out over the fact that they don't see the problem with an almost 25 yo man willingly and aggressively pandering to teen girls on the internet
No. 1199579
>>1199569One of them claims to have gone through Frog’s entire likes history and since he hasn’t publicly interacted with teenage titty pics, he’s in the clear for being a creep. Totally not stan btw.
>>1199561This. He knows obsessive underage stan culture payssss. He knows leaks are inevitable. I don’t give a fuck about his illness or feelings. And he shouldn’t give a fuck about a tiny Bosnian hat making forum. What do they have their panties in a bunch about.
No. 1199726
File: 1617312770597.jpeg (31.92 KB, 500x281, 96BD05DE-CEAA-422F-B62A-B3C590…)

This thread is delicious. I could care less about corpsefag but I haven’t seen this level of live bait since maybe the Lilith Levis thread a few years ago. My compliments to the chef
No. 1199738
>>1199551>>1199732confused why this is being taken as WKing or are PULL hate boners and egos this fragile & sensitive on this thread? lul.
like corpse definitely has their inconsistencies and some of his fans are crazy as all fuck but sometimes I swear this thread goes in pointless obessive circles with extreme hate anons?
none of the CCTVs came up with anything and there isn’t concrete proof that corpse was actually anywhere?? lots of dead ends.
No. 1199744
File: 1617313913402.png (88.33 KB, 210x275, 1406890162691.png)

>>1199627I love this thread!
No. 1199750
>>1199579I think I remember reading in one of the YouTube general threads
or maybe I heard it from my stan friend? Bad memory sorry that at one point he was on stream begging underage fans not to post pictures, so he must have at least seen it happening. One would think it might make him stop and ask what he was doing to get so many fourteen year olds posting near nudes on Twitter and tagging him.