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No. 1568614
I'm not stupid, the one's saying it is stupid, you're annoying,
>>>/ot/1552008>>>/ot/1552008>>>/ot/1552008 No. 1568616
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My favorite album and all, but I for the life of mine can't figure out what I'm looking at, face wise. Please help.
No. 1568802
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What do people who build miniatures as a hobby do with them once they're done?
No. 1568820
>>1568723It sounds higher irl than it sounds to me
I sound fucking retarded it makes me mad.
No. 1568957
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>Brown person visiting Switzerland, France, Belgium and the Netherlands soon
I heard from some friends that racism in parts of europe is pretty bad for people who look like they could be a refugee (I'm Indian/white so I probably look middle eastern). If I'm visiting, would dressing like a tourist lead to worse or better treatment?
No. 1569696
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>>1569674here we go again…
No. 1569792
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Wtf is this style of shirt (long sleeve, henley neckline) called? I'm going fucking insane because I swear it has a name but I can't find it anywhere.
No. 1569990
>>1569039Alright that kind of explains it. AFAIK last time he was here was over 2 years ago.
Anorectal Violence-kun is a male sperg who is known on several imageboards (I'm not sure how many, but probably most of the bigger altchans for sure) for spamming infographics, huge and highly detailed rants against anal sex and calling for someone (not sure who he's addressing these to exactly tbh, maybe the government? Websites that host this content?) to do something to stop the promotion of anal sex. His sole purpose in life is spreading all that information.
I believe it was farmers who found his identity and very old posts, and they found out that he is only this obsessed with anal sex and its negative effects on the body because he has a fetish for healthy natural anuses.
No. 1569993
>>1569991I don't really have these issues, I think..
What do you mean by "making room for your emotions"?
Also, what does being fine on your own really mean to you? Who do you talk to, as a friend? Do you flirt with some people?
No. 1569998
>>1569997how often do you even talk to that "one friend"
what do you do all day?
where do you share your thoughts. Here? How often?
No. 1570015
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>>1569998>how often do you even talk to that "one friend"i don't know why you put that in quotations but usually once a day but we don't have to talk daily, and it doesn't mean anything more than we just didn't feel like it that day. we've been friends since we were six years old and it's always been this way. we're both introverted
>what do you do all day?watch movies and browse the interwebs, read books, go outside and just walk around everywhere especially the city center which is my favorite, go thrifting, feed the strays in my neighborhood… i could go on forever, there's a ton of stuff to do and i honestly think that sharing them with someone else would obstruct my enjoyment of them since we'll be going in different paces(?) (soz esl)
>where do you share your thoughts. Here? How often?yes, probably all day kek but i also have multiple blogs that i delete if i feel like i have too many followers because i'm not looking for connections.
No. 1570043
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Is everybody’s family kind of odd? My mother keeps telling me everyone’s family is like that but I feel like what are the odds that the most normal person in my close family is an alcoholic, the rest of them fall into either mentally ills, drug addicts, scammers, criminals, abusers, schizos or cult members…
pic unrelated kek
No. 1570055
>>1570043Yes, my family is like that too.
No. 1570058
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I'm losing my mind. I randomly looked up tony robbins and found out he had a 49 year old actress daughter but he's 60 years old so does that mean he had her when he was 14??
No. 1570087
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Is /m/ safe to visit yet? I know the other day some nonnies here were warning to not visit /m/ because of some cp/gore raid. I've had the unfortunate time of seeing that shit in the past and I really don't want to (accidentally) do that again.
No. 1570102
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>>1570092setting up an art course to follow is a great way to improve your skills, it unfortunately doesn't stick as well if you rush it in my experience. it's not uncommon to be bored out of your mind while you study but if you find yourself getting bored I would try a different lesson and become back to it later. it is all very tedious but having these skills memorized really streamlines the drawing process. drawabox is a great place to start to get a good foundation on perspective for sure, but it also bored me to tears. picrel is my list of art assignments I did to develop my basic rendering skills, might work for you.
No. 1570385
>>1570169I got a few pictures of happy parents and the baby beforehand and made a cute collage out of them, everyone loved it and still have in on display 3 years later, maybe you could do something similar too?
When it comes to items, it's pointless to buy clothes and plushies because theyre the most common items the parents will receive from other people, what is really useful is anything the kid will be able to bite in a really close future.
No. 1570397
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I think this may be a stupid question to ask in the stupid question thread, but can any nonnas please assist. When I was younger I got a 3D model of my skull done at the orthodontist but they noticed I had a deviated septum and some weird growth and sent me to an ENT. ENT said "yeah lol your nose is fucked u have nasal polyps I can't do shit about them bye." So that explained why I've been living like this my whole life. I get sinus infections at least 4 times a year, all originating on the right side that my septum blocks off. Generally bacterial infections because my polyps make crevices for bacteria to grow and because I avoid antibiotics unless I think I might die it'll last for like 3 weeks. The one I'm experiencing now is viral after being coughed and sneezed on by 20 children.
That's the useless backstory and my actual question is, wtf can I do about this without going to the doctor? I do not have doctor or surgery money. I know OTC nasal steroids can shrink polyps, but I can't find any info on how long to use them for this purpose, it just says to ask your doctor. Can any medically trained nonnas please create a DIY treatment plan for me? Thank you in advance.
No. 1570508
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>>1570169Books. “Indestructibles” baby books specifically. They’re so great. There are a lot of cute fancy books you could get too. When I worked at a bookstore this series of “classic” board books for babies came out and it was the cutest shit ever, I bought it as a baby shower gift and it was well received. The indestructibles are cute too though and more fun for baby to spit on and play with or whatever lol
No. 1570514
>>1570315Spa day and a nice day out.
>>1570169Those baby books where you record milestones, if they don't have one already. A bunch of sellers on Etsy do personalized ones.
No. 1570567
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What do people typically talk about when hanging out in person with someone new that they want to hopefully become friends with?
I know this question sounds autistic as fuck and I swear I do have some semblance of social skills, but I asked this uni classmate if she wants to have lunch together sometime and she said yes and now I don't know what to do. It's been ages since I made a new friend and I'm so used to only talking to the same couple people that I'm super close and open with that I've forgotten how to interact with someone that I barely know yet. On top of that, my close friends are for the most part pretty eccentric and probably aren't a good reference for how most normies act socially speaking. I also dread not being able to drink since that would usually be my cheat for social confidence, but she's from a Muslim family so that's off the table.
How do people talk in these situations, what kind of stuff makes people think you're cool and interesting to hang out with? How is friendship made??
No. 1570588
>>1570567If you don't know her well, just start the time by saying you're glad you could get together, and then if you need to spur convo, ask innocuous questions about the class you share or her course of study. From there, you have to just follow the flow of the convo. Best advice: really listen to what she is saying, and from there you'll naturally have questions or things you can relate to her that are analogous or relevant. Don't fret if there are quiet moments. If it makes you feel more comfortable, before you get together, go through a list of basic kinds of open-ended questions - how is she liking uni, what does she think about x prof, does she have siblings/superficial follow-ons about how she grew up, etc. Note: don't be weird and pursue topics that seem uncomfortable to her. That's why it's important to
listen actively - which means listening to understand, not to prep your next comment.
Agree that alcohol is a nice lubricant, but you'll be alright without. Just take the position that this is a human across the table. Think about what you might like someone to ask you/how you'd like someone to interact with you.
And keep your expectations managed. It might not be The Best Brunch Ever, but if you get along, it could be the start of a friendship. And if not, that's OK, too.
No. 1570600
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Why is decaf tea/coffee taste worse than normal caffeinated variety?
No. 1570625
>>1570586What made you ghost them in the first place? And do you actually want to reconnect, or do you just feel like you should? If you couldn't keep up your end of the relationship because you weren't feeling connected to it, maybe that's a sign that it's time to move on. If it was depression or something that made it hard to keep in touch even though you wanted to, then I think it's better to just be honest. You're sorry for dropping off, you had a rough time but you're trying to reconnect with people, you've realized you struggle with reaching out first but it doesn't mean you don't care about them, whatever's true. Set expectations about the kind of friend you are and hold yourself accountable if you're trying to change, but don't make promises you can't keep.
It also depends on the other person and how long it's been since you last talked. Some people will pick up like nothing happened if they get a funny image months later, others will get one after a week and feel hurt that you didn't care enough to address the silence between. That's why it's better to be honest and feel out their reaction to that.
No. 1570699
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Role call
No. 1570921
>>1570625>What made you ghost them in the first place?tbh in retrospect it was honestly quite stupid. she was friend i had way back in elementary and we had always get along just fine. she was the only few people i felt comfortable enough to mess around with and never felt fake around. even though we always kept contact, when the pandemic was over it felt different hanging around with her. not because she change but because i felt like such a bother to her. i try to revert back to the fun energetic personality i usually was around her but it felt disingenuous and i assumed maybe she could of sense it to. i dunno. i just felt i was being annoying and liar. that i was no longer the person i was a couple years ago (if i ever was actually that). i suddenly just started crying. i asked her if she hated me. she didn't but it made me feel worst because it confirmed that only i was the one who saw a problem. i felt guilty everytime they offered to hang out and sent me stuff to spark conversation. i just felt like i wasn't worthwhile and was just wasting everyone else's energy. so i figured it was best if i just left.
it's only been a year since this happened but it sucks to see such a long relationship end because of my own stupidity.
>And do you actually want to reconnect, or do you just feel like you should?honestly now i think of it, i probably shouldn't. i think the only reason i want to talk to them is because i don't really have anyone else. i have such a hard time making friends and i never seem to go beyond acquaintances. i clearly have my own problems and i dont want to bother her anymore than i already have
No. 1570922
>>1570699>anything except no hairEw. No moid should ever have a hairy ass, they should all be forced to keep their pubes and ass hair shaved or at least minimal at all times. I don't want to look at that shit, it's disgusting.
I do have double standards though, my own pubes and ass hair are free to grow however they want to and no moid will ever have me putting a razor between my cheeks. Women's body hair is aesthetic and soft, but overly hairy men are an insult to the senses.
No. 1570955
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Is facebook marketplace weird or something? Just had the strangest run-in. I was looking to buy a medical device and I messaged someone seeing if something was still available…she said yes…then 4 hours later everything had disappeared. Turned out she had blocked me.
The post is still up and everything. I know I shouldn't give a fuck but it was so jarring, never happened to me before. I sell on other sites and I've never cut off someone for asking about something.
No. 1570990
>>1570921What made you start feeling like you were a bother to her? That kind of self-loathing is really insidious because you get trapped in a prison of shame where nothing will actually ever make you feel better. You either let your paranoia eat you alive or you seek reassurance and then let the guilt of that eat you alive. When those are the only options left, then of course withdrawing on your own terms and being alone is going to be the least painful option. But you have to realize that doing that is just feeding into the cycle.
>i think the only reason i want to talk to them is because i don't really have anyone else.Is there any reason other than your perceived burdensomeness that you should just cut ties forever? There's nothing shameful about not wanting to be alone, and it sounds like the main reason you don't want to reconnect is because of your own guilt. It's natural that people change and as a consequence their relationships can change too, but if you know that you weren't acting rationally when you started to distance yourself then isn't it worth trying to challenge that guilt?
>i clearly have my own problems and i dont want to bother her anymore than i already haveShe was still trying to hang out with you and have conversations even after you broke down. There's that no-win prison again: you can't accept her friendship without feeling shameful for having doubted it, but every time you decline to engage because of that shame the guilt just starts to compound instead. You're worthless for wanting her friendship and you're worthless for squandering it. That's a warped perspective. It's good that you recognize that you have problems, but the next step (and the harder step) is not letting them consume you so utterly. The good thing about reconnecting with someone after a long time is that you can take your time in typing up how you want to approach them again, and make sure that you say what you really want to say without the danger of getting caught up in emotions in the moment, you know?
Sorry for the novel I know this isn't the advice thread. It just hit close to home and I've lost so many good or potential connections with people by sabotaging our communication out of self-hatred without even realizing it. It doesn't have to end that way, and even if it still does, it's better for it to end that way out of mutual understanding instead of avoidance. At least in the former, you're humanizing yourself enough to acknowledge that you're worth an open conversation about it and that trying to resolve ambiguity doesn't make you a burden on others.
No. 1571077
>>1570990idk i guess that feeling was always there and i always felt like a waste of space. i honestly don't know what exactly
triggered it to be this bad. i suppose it's been happening for so long i keep forgetting it isn't normal.
>Sorry for the novel I know this isn't the advice thread. It just hit close to homeIt's nice to know im not the only one. thank you nonna. I wish you the best on your own journey!
No. 1571143
>>1570412Not at all! I prefer to go slightly under in mildly bad weather and at deer-o'clock, otherwise I set the cruise control at the speed limit and have a nice time. I make it as easy as possible for people to pass me and there are time where I've just pulled over or taken a turn I didn't have to just to let people by if I feel like I'm holding up traffic (but you can only do that so much because another car will come to tailgate you).
Not to be a bitch but I think if someone tailgates you, you have every right to lower your speed by another 5mph and make them suffer. Tailgating is rude as fuck.
No. 1571540
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Is it normal for parents to keep a bedroom in their house for their adult children to stay when they come home? My sister is upset because my parents are turning her bedroom into a room dedicated to a new hobby they have. They don't have any other guest room. If it's relevant I never had a bedroom in their house because I never lived there, and as an adult I would stay in my sister's room when I visited, so I'm not really sure how to feel about the issue. On one hand I think it's a bit entitled to expect parents to keep a room in their house for you when you don't live there, but on the other hand I think any other family I have or house I have been in has at least had a guest room if not just keeping the adult children's rooms as their own bedroom, so maybe it is something that normal parents just naturally want to have for their kids.
No. 1571547
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which tablet do you think this is nonnies?
No. 1571551
>>1571540Kinda entitled of her, but then again I've moved homes many times so that any sentimentality I had towards my spaces had been grieved already, in a sense.
My mom couldn't wait until I moved out to pack my shit in boxes and sell any heirlooms she didn't want to store for me while I fought to find my own place to live.
Maybe that's what your sister is doing, grieving. Does she actually care about a space in a place where she no longer lives? Nah, but it is symbolic and it meant something to her. Perhaps it's the final mark of her adulthood transition since her parents are moving on. She'll get over it, it's just kinda sad.
No. 1571565
>>1571550I was just wondering cause it would be nice to have one so I can carry a drawing program, my mail and evernote in one place without the inconvenience of a laptop with a separate drawing tablet.
>>1571552I was hoping it wasn't an ipad, apple products don't last and look kinda ugly imo.
No. 1571581
>>1570995I'm in the telegram. Liz Fong Jones is performing advanced DDoS attacks from hundreds of IPs, paid for by his employer Then he is "literally paying people to contact ISPs and Datacenters to fuck with them" and I guess scare them from working with KF. However, Jersh says "The people you are threatening are not disappearing silently. There is a fortress being built one brick at a time with your help. The entire industry is learning who you are by your actions alone, and they know what you are: a predator."
Josh basically said he is going to make it his personal mission to make sure LFJ never lives down his history of rape and predation lol. And KF will be back on Tor tomorrow. He has such a way with words.
No. 1571601
>>1571581The telegram is a misogynistic hellscape who wishes violence (especially rape) on mentally ill women and lesbians, but I enjoy the TG updates so I only follow the update channel
I hope every individual moid in there gets neutered
No. 1571790
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>>1570397I actually had a nasal polyp removed. It was a quick outpatient "surgery" that didnt require any anesthetic where an ENT doctor got a pair of tiny clampy tongs (in pic), shoved them up my nose, and just pinched it off. The cost was maybe $300 before insurance. Still overpriced for something that took 10 minutes, and it might be out of your budget, but I no longer have to mouthbreathe during allergy season, which is such a huge quality of life improvement.
No advice for if you don't go for surgery unfortunately. Definitely be careful though, because some nasal sprays can give you really awful rebound congestion.
pic: mild medical gore warning for removed nasal polyp
No. 1571875
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what does the text on this mean?
No. 1571876
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>>1571875better quality one
No. 1571967
>>1570079Bulge is disgusting to look at. Men should have to wear a dance belt the same way women have to wear shirts.
But I thinkk the reason men call other men gay for wearing tight pants is that men are very comfortable on their pedestal where by existing, their body is considering attractive and gender conforming. Whereas women have to diet and shave and apply make up to attract men, men have to do nothing to attract women. So when they see another man doing something to cater to a gaze, they assume (and rightfully so most of the time), that he is not doing it to attract females, but to attract other males.
No. 1572000
>>1571995>East AsianLike Japan, or China? Because if China, you almost definitely got scammed.
You have 180 days. Did you mark the transaction as "business" or as "friends and family"?
No. 1572027
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>>1572021thank you so much sweet nonna
No. 1572251
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how do people find stuff to decorate their house with? like how do you choose your little knick-knacks? Or books? do you read the books you put up as decor?
i don't know how to decorate my house
No. 1572339
>>1571581Is it back up on TOR yet? I can't find the tor link anywhere.
I don't think KF will be limited by being on TOR. A toddler could learn how to install and boot up tor, even with tails OS if it need be.
>>1571234>literally harasses every woman he can get the contact ofHuh… that's… interesting. He
really hates women, huh? I didn't know this.
No. 1572404
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What color lipstick or gloss would you wear with a navy blue and blue/purple lilac outfit?
No. 1572649
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Which wig? Pretend they're both in black
No. 1572703
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Got some crystals today. I really want to believe in the crystal vibe thing but I'm not really sold on it. I don't want to look up what they do cause that'll influence it but I kind of want to independently figure out what they're meant to do to see if it's real. How do you make them work, do you rub them around? Just sit in the vicinity? Am I supposed to "resonate" with them somehow? I don't know.
No. 1572770
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Does anyone else here wear unwashed/dirty socks? Is it a dumb thing to do? What could possibly go wrong?
No. 1572821
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Why is there one red flower? Is this black magic? I’ve never seen this happen to any of my other cacti and this is only the second time it’s thrown out two different colored flowers.
No. 1572822
File: 1683691400312.jpeg (339.56 KB, 1164x1209, 00E89360-6E37-4644-8AF7-CF9856…)

Why is there one red flower? Is this black magic? I’ve never seen this happen to any of my other cacti and this is only the second time it’s thrown out two different colored flowers.
No. 1572941
>>1572939They're seen as
victims by society even though in the majority if cases, starting to do drugs is a choice.
No. 1572954
>>1572939I think people view it as shame being something that'll only drive them further into addiction. I know a 'recovering' addict who is still just dabbling in lesser (prescription without a prescription) drugs and telling himself that counts. He has the most forgiving family and it's painful to listen to him speak about his life story. Brushed every wrongdoing he's ever done under the rug but could talk about his struggle/success story all day. Dude burgled peoples homes and put his family through hell. His brain is permanently fried from it. He's on disability, has nurses come out to his house for support and at 35 he's uses his socials to repost Tate clips and shit about low value women..
He's the second male addict I've known who spent his twenties partying, partaking in sex tourism in other countries and then came home with psychosis and preached about mental health while also still romanticizing the period of their life where they actively fucked their brain up. I thought owning your shit was meant to be a big part of recovery.
No. 1573014
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For anyone who had sex with a really pretty guy, did it feel any different? How much their looks played into the pleasure of the sex? I am not asking for comparisons between someone you were not attracted, I mean between someone you are attracted but isn't a model and someone conventionally attractive.
No. 1573020
>>1572939It's not. But as
>>1572941 said, they're seen as
victims and you can't hate a
victim. I think a big part of it is that some keep it to themselves and remain somewhat functional (at least in the first while), some will rob their parents' house and you 'shouldn't be quick to judge'. Though it's still an insult where I live, I thought only junkies said this kek.
No. 1573029
>>1572939It's not, but there is a lot of addict propaganda that wants to make you too stop believing in free will and personal responsibility.
And it's not just junkies pushing it, the fat acceptance movement is doing it too with fast food addicts, big time.
No. 1573032
>>1573014I took the virginity of a guy who was fucking gorgeous but awkward/maybe a lil on the spectrum so still a virgin at 26. Afterwards I was like.. how the fuck was that better than alot of sex I've had with experienced men. Was he actually that good or was I just visually getting off on it more. He was super conscientious and non cocky. But not overly nervous either.
He had long strawberry blond hair, weirdly thick hair for a guy and clean/shiny. Slim body with definition, hung but didn't seem to know it or point it out like alot of men just have to. Great face. I've been sick of men the last while but that's a fond memory in the bank.
No. 1573110
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What do they mean by I Lay Eggs, anons.
No. 1573149
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how do we prevent bullying amongst kids? Telling a bullied kid to ignore the bullying doesn't work, telling them to fight back or stand up for themselves makes things worse, telling them to talk to a teacher will do nothing. The best way is probably to teach bullies not to bully but I genuinely think that bullies aren't aware of what they do is bullying
No. 1573165
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>>1573149Bullies are aware of what they’re doing, specially if they constantly do it. The only thing that’s left to do is let the kids tell their teachers/people in charge of the disciplinary process, so they can do their jobs and try to change the bullies’ minds about bullying.
Some kids suck ass though, and they will never stop bullying other kids, but that’s an issue that the bully’s parents should deal with.
The solution for when a kid won’t stop bullying/being aggressive and such is expelling the bully from that school and hoping that any severe consequences makes them stop, specially if the school has talked to the child and the parents constantly to find a way to solve their issues, which is usually counseling and psychological if not psychiatric help.
No. 1573172
>>1573014there's so many variables in having sex that looks don't play a part that much. i've had sex with ugly dudes who were amazing, and sex with pretty dudes and it was quite dull.
although, a guy having a nice body helps with being passionate. digging your fingers in a doughy body isnt very sexy, but that might also be preference.
No. 1573189
>>1573149Story time, little brother said there was a bully in class and he didnt like how the bully was treating kids. Bro is 9 years old. The bullys dad is a sherrif (big surprise there). One day, at the playground, he sees the bully picking on a muslim kid. He walks right over and knocks the bully off his feet and told him he had no reason to be mean to the other kid.
That night, we are talking about it, and i mention (im 28 btw, huge age gap) that bullies are a product of their home life, and no one gets the full picture on what happens behind closed doors.
The next day, the bully picks on my brother and he turned around and said “im sorry you have a bad home life but you could try being nice and making school a nice place. Ill be your friend, but you cannot be a jerk.” The kid just blankly looked at him and walked away. The bully has been kinder/reprimanded since, and the dad has been mia from pickup.
No. 1573214
>>1573189 >bullies are a product of their home life, and no one gets the full picture on what happens behind closed doors. The next day, the bully picks on my brother and he turned around and said “im sorry you have a bad home life
Diff anon but I got bullied for years and never told anyone. My friend who was also being bullied by the same group eventually told per parents though so I'd to explain to back her up. The teacher got back to our parents with the whole 'they have a bad home life, bless em' thing and let it go. But I sure as hell went up to them and said "Mrs x says you have a bad home life" Thats all it took to never be bothered again. Tbh I had a bad home life too. There's a reason why I didn't feel like I could tell my parents about the issue.
No. 1573249
>>1573192Some teachers actively hate certain kids and will even look down on them for being a snitch.
I was bullied a lot in the Scouts (not USA so our Scout troops are all co-ed) by a group of girls who hated me because I was on the spectrum and had different interests. They were really mean and catty, openly mocking me, excluding me from games/activities and making fun of me when I was just minding my own business drawing or making rope knots. Boys got into literal fights and even stole other kids' personal items and they never got into trouble.
I told one of the older leaders and she called me a snitch, later overheard her telling another scout leader that I was annoying and she didn't like me because I'm a tryhard teacher's pet. I was just a little kid from a literal meth hovel, I still don't know what her deal was.
No. 1573256
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Is having the second piercing on the earlobe longer than the first one dumb? (It would be picrel but the first and second piercing switched. Sorry, I couldn’t find a pic of what I’m talking about)
No. 1573287
>>1573032>Was he actually that good or was I just visually getting off on it moreThis is exactly what I'm wondering. I've never had sex with a truly handsome looking guy and I wonder how much the visual affects the pleasure.
>>1573172I see, but would you say them being pretty made the dull experience more tolerable? I just feel intimidated by handsome man, even when I get any hints from them I just run away.
No. 1573340
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Has anyone actually found a friend or just someone cool to talk to from the friend finder thread? Whenever I see that thread brought up it's always about a bad experience.
No. 1573477
>>1573460I'm so willing to tolerate getting call a schizo as long as I can sperg about how the high heel was meant to signify the social stature
kek of the rich over the poor and why everyone was dying to accidental poisoning from the colour green at length
No. 1573509
>>1572939What other nonnas said about victimhood. I'd add that there was a recent push to view addiction as a disease just like any other, which absolves personal responsibility. I bought into this until a family member become an alcoholic and I realized it's mainly personal responsibility that could prevent it, and it's the only thing getting them out of it.
>>1573256That's pretty cool, might steal this idea.
No. 1573616
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cringe and retarded mobile game but how can i block obvious scrotes on cookie run kingdom?
No. 1573645
>>1573616Double tap app
Regain peace and order
No. 1573790
>>1573781put it under the faucet for a few moments, rotating the article and squeezing it so the water soaks in the threads around it. ring it.
if the faucet runs fast, set it to a slower position. should be good. if it does get soaked you can let it dry a bit. alternatively, if you have access to a dryer, soak the article and put it in the dryer for a few minutes until it is lightly damp
No. 1574202
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What in the actual fucksticks are they putting in these cakes to make it so high calorie? 790 cals per slice?? What are they putting in it? Pure lard? Please explain, cakefags, because I am baffled.
No. 1574206
File: 1683835531328.png (50.17 KB, 556x688, Screenshot 2023-05-11 at 4.01.…)

>>1574202Another one, for posterity. I thought it was a typo until I saw this other one. How the hell does a cake so high in calories even exist, without adding an eau d'calorie essence or something. I'm not even anachan, just high on weed and amazed.
No. 1574245
>>1568802You display them. Then, when friends come over, you get to show them off and explain that you made them, and everyone oohhs and awwws. It's a super great feeling.
>>1569003Unless your nails are sharp, it means the area is too dry. Try adding a humidifer to where you sleep, or using a daily moisturizer.
>>1570600It's more processed and you're probably tasting the solvents they use to do it.
No. 1574286
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>>1574202Wait until you see a cheesecake factory menu
No. 1574386
>>1574378Because sexism used to be a little more common, but it's largely died out and misogyny has completely replaced it from what I can tell. Sexism is like a grandfather who truly believes that a woman is a more delicate, fragile being who is inferior to a man, but that also believes that it is his duty to protect her because he is stronger. So while he expects a woman to stay in the home and raise children, it is also his duty as a husband to fund her needs, to never hit her even if she hits him first, and for women to be treated with a modicum of respect even if they are strangers (carrying bags, offering seat, ect.)
Misogyny is just the hatred of women. Some men come to this view because they believe that women are inherently inferior, while others think we merely deserve it because all of the bad things that womenkind has done. This is a much more violent form of sexism and is mostly what you see today. Misogyny glorifies violence against women and you'll see videos passed around of men being excited to watch women getting beat up by much larger men.
Both have existed throughout history and misogyny is not a recent invention, but it has become more common (compared to the first hand accounts I hear from the past 70-80 years). It actually shocks me a little to encounter sexism in the wild today, because I am much more used to misogyny from men.
Ultimately, there is not much difference in how they affect you, you can caged either way. I would say the term misogyny started becoming more popular and replacing the word sexism within the last decade to fifteen years.
No. 1574403
>>1574393This is going to sound so stupid, but the best I can tell, it is because they see it as claiming oppression clout.
Recently discussion of "curls" surrounds racism against black women being encouraged to straighten their hair, which is why there has been a focus on "consulting black women" by brands lately. This is an improvement so that people with all hair types can have access to good hair products.
Anyways, terminally online dorks think people with wavy hair don't have as difficult a time as people with coils, despite the struggles of people with multiple hair types. They consider people with loose curl patterns the same as people with straight hair since they don't have the same "intensive" routine as a person who can put dreadlocks in.
Unless there was niche drama I haven't heard of because I refuse to download tiktok, it's another leg of the oppression olympics or whatever people are calling it these days. You're evil if you try to claim you have "real curls" because you don't understand true struggle, etc etc, I wish somebody would take away their phones and make them fingerpaint.
Other nonnas, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong.
No. 1574409
>>1574400Nonna, you will need to use a video editor. I use bullshit that has way more crap than you're looking for, so I can't give a rec from firsthand experience. But I have heard good things about OpenShot.
It is free and open source, and one of the main draws is that it is simple to use. You need at least 4GB of ram, but if your laptop is even slightly modern, you should be okay.
Gifs are not made in the software, but once you clip your mp4 file down to size, you can export/convert it as a gif. There is extensive documentation for OpenShot, so you should be able to look up how to do this easily if you run into trouble.
Let me know if this isn't what you were looking for, and hopefully other nonnas can chime in if I'm not on the right track.
No. 1574453
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Is it a bad idea to consider looking into working in the coding/tech/comp sci fields? I've heard horror stories here and there about how It's a total boy's club and filled with troons.
No. 1574682
nonnie. I shouldn't even have to explain this, but robots don't have souls and can't make art.
No. 1574821
>>1574801Sorry nonna, I misread what you meant.
I don't have an example of a healthy relationship, but there is a relative's marriage that comes to mind. He's older and she got asked out in her early 20s though, so… you could consider that settling. They're both immature and terrible at times, but they seemed to genuinely like each other. He is not an
abusive scrote and doesn't ignore her. He seems to genuinely enjoy raising his children. But I have been witness to a screaming meltdown from him.
Of course, I'm not personally in the relationship, so I can't tell you with 100% certainty. Lately the moid hasn't been able to control his spending to the point of outright deceit, so that's probably not a great sign.
No. 1574838
>>1574827Yeah, don't. I can tell you from firsthand experience. As a teen, I once flushed a regular tampon after using flushable tampons for a month. Unfortunate mistake, but I got reamed the fuck out after it clogged our toilet and I "embarrassed" everyone when the landlord fished out the tampon.
Definitely flush tampons if you're pissed off and want to ruin an establishment's day.
No. 1574890
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This picture is a wooden toilet cover from a wedding venue in New Orleans (it had a really cool dollhouse diorama display museum too)
Is there anywhere I could find something like this for my own house?
No. 1574939
>>1574909Yeah I only have a shitty laptop so I'll need to buy everything like a monitor, mouse, etc.
>depending on what games you want to playI'll probably be playing a lot of old ps vita, psp, VNs and current switch games. Probably start using Steam more often too. Would the gpu need to be high for that stuff?
No. 1575478
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can any kind nonnies offer me some quick tips or advice for working my first front of house/hospitality job? i start tomorrow, its at a venue that gets extremely busy so im kinda worried. ive worked retail before, just wondering if there's anything about hospitality in particular that you wish you knew before starting
No. 1575496
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Is it better for a Twitch streamer to be cute or sexy?
No. 1575600
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>>1575589Some of it is to make it easier to maintain. Plus when you're old your hair thins and some follicles will stop building hair. It is worse for some more than others. If it is short it can look fuller in these cases too. But this doesn't discount the common expectation that you are to have short hair after a certain age. I've seen it said and heard it, long hair and non-grey hair is meant for younger people, which is insanity. I don't know where that came from. Anyone can style themselves how they wish.
That's why I like people who do different, like Mimi Kirk, she is 84 and still keeps longer hair. And until a few years ago would keep it blonde as well. I love seeing older people do what they want with their hair (and clothes). dye it purple? hell yeah i love it
No. 1575691
>>1575686I'm between /g/ and /ot/
pros of /g/: it stays in theme, won't attract too many normies
Pros of /ot/: more active, won't upset the /g/ "fashionistas"
cons of /g/: it may upset the /g/ normies
cons of /ot/: free for all carnage battle royale no one is gonna be able to help us
No. 1575709
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>>1574890That looks custom made. I feel like I've seen the cane chair it's made from too. It look kinda like this.
No. 1576009
>>1576003I'm not sure coping is the right word but it's definitely a trap that's easy to fall into if you've already dealt with grooming and csa in your formative years.
>>1575993For coquette types or whatever it's definitely an aesthetic but I think you can generally tell when someone is mentally unwell from someone wanting online cred from their parasocial favs
No. 1576198
>>1576191Eat more. Sleep more. Check your iron and vit D levels because those are not typically done in most blood panels and they are the usual suspects. Exercise if you don't already. Genuinely going outside for at least 3 hours a day can improve a lot of things, and make sure you are somewhere that has plants you can stare at. Make sure you wear sunscreen.
Drink. Water.
No. 1576302
>>1576283I feel like that when I travel to other countries, mostly to France or the Arab Emirates, specially in the Arab Emirates. I don’t even dress badly, most people even consider my style formal, and I still feel like the police and the people in general are watching me and waiting for me to do something bad to point at me.
Funnily enough I don’t feel like this when I go to the USA, I don’t know why, I feel okay, I also even feel protected in Ethiopia, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland and Italy.
No. 1576320
>>1576313“Bouts of depression in my house”
Are you freaking out on the people you live with and they call the cops on you?
No. 1576829
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I often play a multiplayer videogame that has a mostly male community where voice chat, although not 100% necessary, is still kind of preferred. The community is not necessarily overtly misogynistic, but sometimes has that ‘lmao woman moment’ discord misogyny and any woman joining will stick out like a sore thumb and I don’t want that. I just want to coordinate my team better. Are there any voice changers or something that can make me sound closer to a man?
No. 1576847
>>1576829Just lie that you're a 12 year old boy. Voice changers aren't really that convincing anyways.
What game is it?
No. 1576890
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>>1576829Just speak normally, fuck the moids. Not sure if I'm reading your post right but if the game has voice via discord server you can easily pick out the annoying players and mute them. People always assume I'm a 12 year old boy
or tranny over vc anyways, because moids are stupid and assume everyone else playing video games is one of them unless you literally say "I'm a woman" kek. Plus you never know, maybe there's other women playing but not joining vc because they have the same fears as you
No. 1576929
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Does this anime girl have a name? Where do so many images of her come from? I see trannies posting her a lot
No. 1576934
>>1576929she's menhera chan, she's some artist's oc are attached to her because they wish they could be some generic anime school girl
No. 1577366
>>1568614I'm viewing old versions of some sites in Wayback Machine. Some have animated elements like banners etc. made with Flash (mostly Flash I think). How can I download these elements? I tried Google Chrome plugins for downloading images and videos but these don't work. Also, when I first enter archived site, these spaces are blank with "play" symbol - I use Flash emulator (Ruffle) so only after clicking on it to emulate these, the elements are visible and animated within Wayback Machine. I want to find a way to download these.
Same goes for some Flash games. A plugin I have, Flash Master doesn't work anymore (?). I tried looking for .swf files but I can't get these. Again, Ruffle emulator works with them as described above (on sites available without Wayback Machine), some sites have their own emulators too. How can I get the files to download them to my computer?
No. 1577412
>>1577254I've had this and I thought that I had some sort of hormonal imbalance but my blood tests came back fine. Thinking back, I believe it was stress related because I was working insane hours at a place where my manager was verbally
abusive and I barely slept. Do you get enough sleep, nonna? Do you experience stress or anxiety?
No. 1577486
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Should I sperg about Miss Pauling in the tf2 thread? In a heterosexual way btw. I just like her character
No. 1577537
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>>1577486She’s so cute wtf
No. 1577672
>>1577529Yes but all the good hobby shops closed by me except for the games workshop which is so small inside. I did get into it from an ex so a scrote would "gotcha" me with that and say I'm not a real fan but I have a 2000pt handpainted and put together eldar army so w/e
>>1577668>10% of warhammer fans are tranniesI'm embarrassed to say I thought girlpainting was just a weird fat german girl for like 2 years in my defense I was like 20 and didn't know about troons
No. 1577878
>>1577873A capsule wardrobe should match your lifestyle. I currently have three dresses: two casual, one proper. If you wear dresses rarely, one might suffice. You can even rent dresses for formal occasions, so you don’t have to make a large purchase for one event. Contrarily, if you attend many events, one dress for black-tie, one for cocktail party, one for clubbing, might be more suitable. A capsule wardrobe simply contains a few staple pieces that are easy to coordinate and suit your lifestyle. 10 dresses could be a lot if you rarely wear them, or just enough if it is all you wear. I only own one pair of jeans and one pair of sweats, for the rest I wear skirts. This is enough for me, but five skirts might be too much for someone else. Play around with it! What helped me was moving abroad and having only one suitcase to bring. My suitcase contained a lot of books, so I didn’t have much choice regarding clothes. I really had to choose my favourites and ended up with a capsule wardrobe I just adore!
No. 1578018
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How do you convince a moid to be your house husband?
No. 1578414
>>1577672>I thought girlpainting was just a weird fat german girlNo judgement here, I have zero ability to tell trannies apart from women. My friends will tell me, that's a man, and I always think that it's just a particularly ugly woman.
>>1577712>Women: invents all art>Men: heh, you're only into your hobbies to attract menEvery time.
>>1577976Yes nona, that would be incredibly crazy to do and you shouldn't do it. And this is coming from someone who's pretty crazy in her antics.
No. 1578433
>>1578384Depends on if it's
only her and a bunch of moids or if there will be other women there as well tbh.
No. 1578457
>>1578454Uhm yeah. That actually is fucking crazy. I have male friends
inb4 why u have XY friends you pickme? Touch grass but I'd never go on a road trip with them with me being the only woman in the group. Self preservation on 0
No. 1578492
>>1578457I know, I feel so bad for the
nonny and now much she had to worry about her sister. I bet the sister secretly got raped and was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it
No. 1578523
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Is this outfit appropriate for a job interview? I was going to wear something like this but with a grey blazer and opaque black tights
No. 1578569
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let's say hypothetically someone asked me to mail a package for them between US states via USPS. There is a fair chance of there being illegal drugs in said package but I haven't actually looked inside myself. Is there a chance of this getting caught by the post office for drugs and me getting in trouble? If I mail it with no return address would I be safe?
No. 1578636
see you on the 9oclock news, anon
No. 1578684
>>1578569just like when buying drugs off the internet, if the receiver is asked to pick up at the post office, don't lol. Always wait for them to redeliver, and if they don't then it's a loss
hypothetically of course.
No. 1578699
>>1578693Nta but personally letting it breathe doesn't feel comfortable enough to me, I need something snug there.
No. 1578914
>>1578904I'm not the type to binge (i think i have a weirdly small stomach) but I agree that it's probably not a good idea for me to diet if I'm at a healthy weight already… i just wish my legs weren't so short and wide compared to the rest of me.
>>1578912I'm scared if I build muscle there though, it'll just make my thighs even bigger since I can't lose the fat.
No. 1578932
>>1578925Yeah, you would just embroider them directly onto a jacket or pants. sometimes, depending on the thickness of the material it's a good idea to add backing.
making these into iron on patches is a bit more difficult, especially if you don't want the background fabric
No. 1578933
>>1578932thanks anon, i might have to try it out i love some of her flowers, they'd
be so pretty as a little motif on jackets
No. 1579019
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Is it normal to have a break in listening to music? Do people just grow out of enjoying music?!
I've cared about music for a really long time, especially during my depressed teen years, it has become a big part of my personality. I picked up guitar and tried to write songs. Full-blown annoying person arguing about irrelevant shit on rym. Loved it, it was like my purpose to stay alive.
Around last year my music listening slowed down significantly, even just the ambient listening while doing chores or sitting on the pc. I'm sure i went about month and a half without listening to music intentionally. I just kind of stopped caring about it. It doesn't really grip me like it used to - and its even rarer when i get something like goosebumps or shivers or get really psyched about how the music makes me feel, that used to be a very common feeling.
Is this normal? I'm actually pretty bummed out about this.
No. 1579026
>>1579019I used to listen to music daily and for hours, and then I'd get periods just like you've described. I can't really explain why, but maybe I got used to videos and tv series as a background noise, plus I don't find that much new music anymore, doesn't happen that often. I mostly listen to it while walking and sometimes intentionally at home but much rarer, I still enjoy it greatly when I do though. One more thing that's changed is that as a child and a teen, I fantasized a lot while listening to music, I would retreat in the imaginary world, it was maladaptive daydreaming basically, and music was a huge part of it, but now I just don't need that.
I think it's quite a common thing and people would sometimes leave the thing they enjoy for some time, I'm sure you'll start listening to music again as you used to. Maybe something else changed in your life (or you changed in some way)? Maybe you just need to find something new?
No. 1579037
>>1579026Hah, I actually did the same thing with music, too - pacing and fantasizing. Thought it might be MDD too, but it didnt overtake my life so whatever.
Anyways, I just left my teen years recently and I'm focusing on my job, being more active and having more mundane responsibilities. I thought it was just a longer dry spell anyways, I've heard about it happening, but i thought it would never happen to me kek. Thanks for the second opinion.
>>1579030Yep, as i thought, it's probably not a biggie!
No. 1579105
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>>1579019>I've cared about music for a really long time, especially during my depressed teen years, it has become a big part of my personality. I picked up guitar and tried to write songs. Full-blown annoying person arguing about irrelevant shit on rym. Loved it, it was like my purpose to stay alive.>Around last year my music listening slowed down significantly, even just the ambient listening while doing chores or sitting on the pc. Same to both of these statements. Went from being a music nerd to legitimately not listening to music (outside of maybe commuting and even then it was never anything new) for 5+ years. I'm forced myself back into it by buying decent headphones and getting a spotify sub kek. I feel embarrassed for having middle schooler music taste because I just don't bother searching for anything interesting, especially because most of my friends are very much into music and even have their own bands.
I think part of the problem for me is that I don't like background music when I'm reading books, manga, playing vidya or writing something. I can only listen to music if I'm browsing the internet or walking outside.
No. 1579463
>>1578920>>1578896fat thighs is very normal for females specifically. it is also healthier too because it is not being stored around organs first.
there was a video from some doctor saw on ig and probably reposted from tt, i was trying to find it but i must not have interacted with it. but it was basically explaining that it is normal and tied to having a womb in case you choose to have children, it's nothing to hate, etc
No. 1579587
>>1579563if a man keeps his legs closed for too long, his genitals start to rapidly heat up, and become so hot in temperature that his dicks starts to defrost–like a package of frozen ground meat you leave out on your kitchen counter, only it's his dick. once rapid heating has begun, there's no way of stopping it, and eventually the dick will melt, slough off the man's crotch, and slide down his pant leg. then, once his dick has fully detached and become caught in his sock or the underside of some unfortunate souls's shoe, his testicles disappear, and he becomes a tranny.
No. 1579620
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Can you subpoena evidence on a closed homicide case? (US; Southeast) I am also immediately related to the victim, if that helps.
No. 1579636
>>1579620law student but not from the us. you as a private individual can't subpoena anyone unless you're involved in a current case and you're calling them as a witness. if you want information on a case that involves a family member i would recommend contacting
victim services in your area, they would be able to give your advice about any open/closed case you or a loved on were involved in, and would also be able to tell you how to get the information you're looking for.
No. 1579640
>>1579620>>1579636doubleposting to add i may have misread your original post, if you mean "can i bring new evidence for a closed case?" my answer is it depends. did they officially declare someone not guilty or did they charge someone who you think is not guilty? if it's the former then no, you cannot bring up new evidence after they've gone to trial. if they charged someone and you have evidence that they didn't do it, then yes you could bring that to the police. if it was closed as in they just gave up investigating and it never went to court, again i would contact
victim services and explain, they would be your best point of contact with the justice system as an outsider. if you meant that you want to view evidence from a case that is closed, i would go to your local law school and talk to the law librarian, they are all weirdos and they would love to help you. good luck nonna.
No. 1579687
>>1579640Thank you so kindly for responding. I want to know what happened that night, but something clicked when I was reviewing the reports I have. The neighbors have footage and I have baby sat for one of those families. Maybe, just maybe, they may have the original footage and I can sidestep judicial obstacles.
Its worth reaching out, right?
No. 1579869
Is my bf selfish or do I have a victim mindset?
When we are at my place, it is natural that I share the food that my mother has cooked for me so he doesn't have to order and spend money. And when we are at his place we usually buy the groceries, split the bills, and I'm the one who cooks for both of us. When I don't have time to cook, we order food, but the thing is, he has a cafeteria card granted by his workplace so he pretty much gets free food, whereas I don't, and I have to pay. He always mentions how he has a lot of money on his cafeteria card but he has never invited me for dinner or lunch or payed anything for me. He sees his mother much more rarely than I do, but when she cooks, he shares that with me as well. He always promises to cook one day but so far that hasn't happened. What is your opinion, nonnas?
No. 1579874
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Why aren't there any dominant artistic movements in architecture or art nowadays? Like art nouveau, art deco, etc
No. 1579885
>>1579869So the issue is his workplace grants him free food and he doesn't share it with you?
Usually if it's from work it's not meant to be used for other people, at BEST it could be used for another family member (like a child), which you are not as you are only dating. If his card starts showing he gets double meals often he might get in trouble for it.
And the other issue is he doesn't like to cook? I can't lie neither do I, so I avoid it. Especially if it's for someone else, because I don't want them to eat bad food AND know I'm bad at cooking. If you really want him to cook, tell him about it and ask if he's willing to cook with you and it can be a fun thing you do together. Eventually he might find it fun and be confident enough to do it on his own too.
No. 1579894
>>1579869so he always eats for free when he's at your place but you always pay
and you're the only one cooking when you're at his. i would feel frustrated too (unless it doesn't happen often). maybe some people think it's immature or petty but why should he always get free homemade food like this and not you? unless you can think of other things he does that benefit you in the same way
No. 1579921
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>>1579874I disagree, as much there's no one style, I think you can definitely notice how similar big cities of every country look like, with glass skyscrapers, and white colored facades of contemporary residential districts; picrel is two perfect examples. I imagine heavy ornamenting is far too expensive to produce and upkeep nowadays, so minimalist approach is what everyone's focusing on.
No. 1579969
>>1579455That is an interesting point, because they are very affluent. But in my years I almost never saw the husbands, and the mother was usually home, if she wasn't I was in sole charge alone. I never even came close to any issues with husbands. I did experience some mothers being envious of my youth and making weird comments like "ah I used to be skinny like you" but what can you do?
>>1579461No? But now I'm intrigued who you are talking about. Kids are like puppies to me. Feed them, let them run around, clean up their messes, give them toys, they don't know much, they whine, they kick you when they sleep, they want hugs. My background history is crystal clear.
No. 1579980
>>1579886>I miss ornamentation dammit!I know right?? Art nouveau buildings are such a joy to look at compared to modern ones
>>1579921What I meant was, why are there no architects today who decide they will start new movement that later spreads globally, like in the past? I suppose the world is now much less centralized for that to happen than in the 18th - 19th century?
No. 1580670
Should I move to one of those shrinking small towns in Italy?
~ I am a dual Italian citizen
~ I understand Italian quite well
~ I speak decently and learn fast
~ I am already living in Italy
~ I want to work remotely anyway
~ If they require a business I will open a cafe lounge where people can hang out and offer some menu items not typical in Italy (if you know here the coffees are small, there is no ice coffee just frozen coffee, the food is typical pastries, most people do not spend hours there, compared to a cafe in Korea)
~ I don't drive or have a car but I can get a vespa
~ It will be one not far from the sea and not a mountain village
~ I am independent but young and eventually want to have a family
~ I can get pets to not be lonely
~ I would love to renovate it to my dream house, eco friendly, self sufficient, and add a pool for the unbearable italian summer, protection against the summer bugs, and a security system since I will be alone
~ I want to offer short term stays for young women just like I enjoyed while traveling, like couch surfing, to pay it forward
~ I like quiet scenic places and will practice my dance, acrobatics, yoga etc
While I would be sad to not have access to an ice rink, I can do inline or roller and a dream would be able to open a small local ice rink as another business.
My only concerns are is it easy to get to and from, does it have a good internet connection and if not how can I fix that, and lack of social life and loneliness. I am a homebody introvert but I do enjoy some social outings, in a town full of older people, all I could think was to invite friends to come stay with me often, and travel often. The town pays you to purchase the house and register as a resident, renovate the house, and work or start a business. I would really like a permanent home, always somewhere for me to go that is safe and peaceful.
No. 1580698
>>1580684Pasta, baguette, bagel, natural peanut butter, olive oil, avocado, potatoes, risotto, beef, lamb
I recommend a healthy dose of beans, probiotic yogurt or high fiber content so you can still poop while you fatten up
No. 1580712
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>>1580684nuts, dates (these have a lot of sugar but the calories are worth it) seed and nut butters, ghee (cook with it), olive oil (put it in everything), tahini, full fat yogurt, eggs, avocados, chicken broth, potatoes, bacon
No. 1580715
>>1580703Eat more protein to build muscle, eat carbs for energy, and in general get all essential vitamins and minerals.
Start working out, push your body to it's limit and rest, increase reps with time. Pilates is great, therabands are great, and doing a sport or dance class can help you learn to build your body as well. Also make sure you are stretching, be loose and flexible.
No. 1580948
>>1580945Yes, I do too. I also experience uterus pain when I'm really stressed. I feel like high stress and anxiety can
trigger some uterine pains.
No. 1580981
>>1580967nta but I think this will vary depending on where you live. I've had coworkers point out my hairy legs and act disgusted, strangers making comments (usually moids and old ladies), my own mom called my "unhygienic". Some people genuinely think body hair is gross. I support nona on her unshaved journey but there's a
valid reason lots of women refuse to wear shorts when they haven't shaved
No. 1581035
>>1580945Yes it's a normal thing to experience, germans even have a word for it, "mittelschmerz". Light bleeding can occur too.
My ovaries would swell up during ovulation so badly they'd press on my appendix which actually resulted in my appendix rupturing so if your pain is so extreme you can hardly walk or think, go to the ER.
No. 1581048
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I've been toying with the idea of starting an art YouTube channel, but I noticed that YouTube wants you to reveal your location. There used to be an option for no country and Antartica (picrel) but apparently they removed it.
I want to be totally anonymous so I'm wondering if it's ok to have a fake country set?
No. 1581102
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Cows with brown spots or cows with black spots?
No. 1581104
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>>1581102Samefag. Choose wisely.
No. 1581118
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>>1581102>>1581104If it's a white cow, then black spots. If it's a cow of any other colour, then brown spots. But why are you asking this here? It's a serious question nonna, doesn't belong in the stupid questions thread at all.
No. 1581469
>>1581328So the business projects are not for income they are supposed to help the community grow, and it's usually a requirement, so for me they are projects. I would sell the same items I consume usually so whatever I isn't sold is just for me, it will have a small menu. I can order a lot online. I mostly want it to be a place people can hang out besides their homes.
Also it's really hot here so an ice rink would be a cool place out of the sun, but that is a future project.
I already went around remote villages, there is still internet so I would check it out and make sure I have a good connection. I know for sure no mountain towns because getting up there is a pain, and I want to be near the sea.
I have thought about it a lot and at the end of the day it's essentially a free house, and what I want and need most is a home, so it seems worth it just for that. I'll update you guys if and when anything happens with it.
No. 1581476
>>1581472You would think but it's still thousands of people, there are several smaller ice rinks that manage to stay in business. Most are closed during the summer so imagine being the only one available for everyone. Roller is more popular down here for this reason. It could have other things in it to bring people in too, like a gym, dance studio, etc. It also depends where I end up.
I forgot to mention I am from a small seaside town myself, there was a huge ice rink about an hour away that is still around, despite being surrounded by small towns, it makes money and is open year round.
It still is something I would not even start for the next several years, I have too many other things to work on. However even big budget movies start discussion years before they start producing them, so I will too.
No. 1581530
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>>1581526they were traditionally animated using celluloid sheets (cels). each frame was hand-drawn so a lot more attention was paid to small details in every movement. think like flipbook animation, you have to redraw the same thing over and over again with the most minute changes. there's much more dynamism. modern animation is usually digital/cgi, even when it's 2-D the models are often static and individual parts of their body can be animated on a computer rather than the whole thing.
No. 1581537
>>1581499Not all of them are closed. You do know some rinks are seasonal because they are outdoors and for public right? That some rinks are open for sports year round right? You do realize rinks are actually built right? That they function because the tubes underneath keep it cold? That they're not waiting for lakes to freeze over? Do you know anything at all? Probably not, the stupid are often frustrated by their own stupidity.
You can't bring my mood down, I'm too happy with my life.
No. 1581569
So, I live in a big house that's divided by two, legal it's considered an "Apartment" but it's just a house.
My landlord lives on the other half, she recently got in this couple to board in her home, they have their own recycling, we have our own recycling.
The recycling guy comes every 2 weeks, and lately, they've been using MY side of the recycling, which I don't mind but because the couple all they eat is package boxed shit, it's been getting filled up pretty fucking quickly.
I want to be petty and put a lock on it, but I'm sure the LL will get mad, she's a pretty nice lady and hasn't increased our rent in years.
Basically, should I do it?
No. 1581571
>>1581569Talk to your landlord about it before jumping to the lock. Explain that while you don't mind them using yours, they are using so much of yours that you are unable to use it at all and you need them to leave you plenty of space. She'll then talk to them, and if they don't stop, talk to her again and say that unfortunately, since you don't have use of your own recycling bins, that you are revoking your offer to allow them to use it. Then, if they use it again, you put a lock on it. It's all lies and little polite dances, but it makes you the reasonable one and them the rude ones.
>>1581562I've only ever seen one black Jehovah Witness once, overwhelmingly, they are white.
No. 1581575
>>1581569Are you allergic to talking?
First address your neighbours and ask them nicely to stop using your trash. Then if they don't, talk to the landlady and ask her if you can lock it.
No. 1581768
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Where can i download books (epubs) for free? Zlibrary doesn’t allow me to download anymore. Help!
No. 1581872
>>1581842Batman Returns (1992)
Showgirls (1995)
Dumplings (part of Three…Extremes, 2004 anthology)
The Neon Demon
Breeder (2020, haven’t seen it might just be torture porn)
Batman rec is half a joke but it did pop into my mind due to the villain. There’s a manga called Loves Miracle/Koi no Kiseki that deals heavily with beauty but it’s not that much like Helter Skelter. I love Helter Skelter, none of the movies I suggested are as good as it but Neon Demon is probably the closest thing to it thematically
No. 1581919
>>1581890This is so false they do hire pretty nannies especially if they are cheap. But that other anon is right in that they don’t expect their husband to cheat— they just get blindsided. I had the dad come onto me at every nanny job I had
I was also very young so even creepier it’s really tragic
No. 1581942
>>1581842Obvious choices you probably heard of, but:
Stepford Wives (there’s an original and a remake; honestly I like them both a lot but prefer the original a tiny bit more)
Black Swan
You might also like the show
Physical (on Showtime) — deals with fitness and body image industry more than cosmetic beauty industry but I think it’s very much in the vein you’re looking for
No. 1581990
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My cat's whisker fell out naturally this afternoon and I have it on my desk. Would it be weird to keep it as a little memento and if so what sort of nice things can you do with a cat's whisker? I would like to keep it as he is getting old and I want to collect things that remind me of him.
No. 1582175
>>1582132Did you try just googling or looking on wikipedia?
>>1582121No, you can try making one, probably on /m/?
No. 1582198
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which instrument do ya'll think elsie plays? the banjo? is she good at it? does she use it to annoy her cows?
No. 1582294
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Anons, should I continue to take Adderall despite the side effects?
I have been taking it for 3 days and I've been experiencing chest pain, heart palpitations, really bad stomachaches (it feels like someone is twisting my stomach in knots). Today I woke up feeling dizzy, nauseous, my nose is running, my muscles are aching, I might also have a fever right now. These symptoms all supposed to be common, but holy shit, I've never experienced side effects this bad from any medication before.
The other thing is, while it does work and helps me focus, it does not give me motivation. So all it makes me is procrastinate more efficiently and make me more aware of time and I'm not sure if this is what I'm supposed to be feeling. My bf says I should keep taking it until my body gets used to it, but I'm really not sure, does it get better?
No. 1582613
>>1582294Find the baseline of how much it helps. Try to do a repeatable distasteful task off the Adderall and rate on a scale of 1-10 how hard it is. Then, do the task one hour after taking the Adderall and rate it again. Rate and compare other measurements like heart rate, mood, concentration, and anxiety. Then, take 1/2 of your dose the next day and repeat all of it. Measure again six hours after taking.
You might be sensitive to it and need a lesser dose. You might need a different generic, or even a different medication altogether. I know the pink pill version of Adderall is garbage for me. Compared to the orange pill genetic, the pink leads to greater anxiety, decreased sleep, and lessened concentration. Whatever your findings, advocate to your doctor about your requested next steps and explain what your research has shown. Doctors really don't know anything about anything, it's all trial and error with your health.
No. 1582635
>>1582607Speaking of a personal, and traumatic experience. I took one for sleep and since I still couldn't fall asleep, I started to hallucinate in the next 30 minutes. I felt giddy and happy in the first 30 minutes, but the shadow people among others was ultimately unpleasant and I never took one again.
You can read about it on the psychonaut wiki if you want to know more in depth.
No. 1582894
>>1582872Think about it this way
nonnie: some people have lots of experience but still suck both at relationships and sex. I wouldn't say it doesn't matter at all, but it certainly doesn't matter as much as it may seem, and it's not worth overthinking. Sex isn't really complicated, plus people are different and like different things, so you'll be learning either way. Communication is important both in sexual and romantic relationships.
Just for example, I was in a relationship with a guy that was a virgin before me (20+) and briefly with a 25+ guy that has had quite a few relationships and sex partners, and the second one was much, much worse at everything. I knew for a fact he was experienced, not something he made up, but it didn't help him at all, while the first one was way better both at sex and communication. Just be considerate and pay attention to your partner, but don't forget about your own needs and boundaries. You'll be fine, nona.
No. 1582950
>>1582717I got sucked into it and read it all in a day
Pretty interesting but deffo edge-lord stuff
No. 1583016
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Who do you think is cuter and has the better personality between Queen Elizabeth II and Taylor Swift?
No. 1583125
>better personalityneither lmao
No. 1583235
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Is there a healthy eating/diet/cooking thread? Or should I go to the fitness thread for advice or the ED thread
No. 1583237
>>1582626that's what I was leaning towards, maybe a combination of merch for smaller fandoms plus making occasional youtube videos for a niche audience. too bad about the voice acting since that'd be easy for me to do.
>>1582660I wouldn't mind doing female gazey porn honestly (don't think the demand is very high though) but probably not furry stuff unless its sfw kek. I've been lurking some accounts that make niche merch and they seem to be doing quite well for it being a side hustle
thanks for the advice nonas
No. 1583383
I'm supposed to write a summary for my profile and job application and I'm not sure if I should be more specific or what. Is this good?
The prompt "In no more than 150 words, please tell us about yourself; who you are, your teaching philosophy, aspirations, plans…"
>I consider myself undeniably ambitious, inspiring, and dedicated. I knew what I wanted from a young age and set my sights on those goals. I adapt to my environment and circumstances, overcoming each challenge in my path. I know my heart and my psyche and how to navigate the world. The most zealous of goals is my desire to see the world. And so among my passions is absorbing foreign language and culture by living in immersion. I aim to excel in language, music, dance, sports, worldly knowledge and to inspire others to seek out their passions, what sets their heart on fire, and encourage them in their pursuits of success. One must feel alive to learn, absorb, and prosper. I am devoted to my dreams and to share with others my endless curiosities. I wish to feel satisfied but to never lose my thirst for life.
No. 1583394
>>1583383I think you should make it more about the job you’re applying for. Questions like that are a trick. They don’t actually want your true thoughts and feelings, they don’t want to know you. They’re trying to fit you into a job-shaped hole and it’s your job on your resume to make it seem like you’re the perfect shape for that hole. Some of what you wrote is good because it explains your philosophy — which they did ask about — but the rest of it isn’t useful to a hiring manager or whoever will be reading all that. Their eyes will glaze over and roll into the back of their heads before they get halfway through. What they actually want to know is more like “who you are
when you’re working, your teaching philosophy
for this job, aspirations
at this job, plans
for when you are at this job”. Right now your answer makes it sound like you’re going to request a lot of vacation time.
No. 1583407
>>1583394Lol the job does include travel actually, and wants someone musically inclined and with sports experience, fluent in multiple languages, well educated and a good role model.
I should have said what the job was in the op, but it's a private tutor that will turn into homeschooling. So I thought it shows who I am and at the same time demonstrates I am qualified to provide a well rounded education to the student. But yeah I am gonna rework it a bit.
And thanks so much for replying
No. 1583424
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can someone please threaten to come to my house and kill me if i dont clean my house? please
No. 1583429
>>1583407Ohhh, what an interesting job. All the adventurous travel and culture stuff makes sense then. The “who you are” parts are unclear to me though
> I adapt to my environment and circumstances, overcoming each challenge in my path. Better if you can be specific about a challenge you overcame/environment you adapted to, being vague can come across like basic regurgitated resume jargon
>I aim to excel in language, music, dance, sports,Makes it sound like you haven’t excelled in these fields yet but you’re aiming to. They probably want to know what languages, music, dance and sports you’ve excelled at.
Otherwise I notice there’s nothing about your passion for molding developing humans into their best selves so they can become well rounded free thinking successful cultured adults etc. Gotta mention working with children or adolescents at some point I think. Something about your teaching style too, unless your plan is to use your awesomeness to inspire the child into learning (honestly would have worked on me as a child but I don’t know if parents would believe that lol)
But obviously this is like a special type of job with specific requirements so I don’t really know what they want you to tell them. Sounds like a fun but challenging gig, I hope you get it!
No. 1583600
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First off, I never realized this was a British thing. Secondly, how annoying do we think this is? I suddenly think it's really cute and want to start doing it but I need opinions. Thanks nonnas x
No. 1583633
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>>1583620It means "luv you" in British
No. 1583783
>>1583778If you used any gift card value for the purchase it might make you accept the whole thing as a store credit, same if you select to keep the item instead of mailing the return back, and possibly if you request a faster refund (not sure if that is an option).
I think you are stuck with it as store credit, they will go out of their way to make it difficult to do so if not outright say sorry too late.
No. 1583895
>>1583765They want the
poc card. Also Americans are dumb (I can say that because I’m literally a homeschooled American and I described an Italian man named Giuseppe as “Egyptian or something?” when I left home for the first time just because he was tan and I’d never heard that name and it sounded exotic)
No. 1583931
>>1583886Go to and look up creamAPI. You should find a post with a download link and install tutorial. You can probably also find your DLC over there. Good luck
No. 1584016
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>>1583626I always assumed x's were hugs because it looks like someone with open arms, and o's were kisses because they kind of look like a lipstick kiss mark but apparently kisses are x because of picrel? That's retarded and I will keep on with my original thought.
No. 1584022
>>1583931what I've been able to do without bothering with steam emulators is just find a fixed exe on this site
No. 1584028
>>1583778I do this all the time. It's so annoying that you have to talk to the chat bot first. I just answer the multiple choice question with "need help with something else" and eventually it asks me if I want to chat now with an associate or get a call. I always do the online chat. Also at some point in the chat box, a little symbol of a person wearing a headset will appear and disappear quickly and if I can click it in time, it connects me to a live person. It's fucking annoying
>>1583788My understanding is that you must spend at least $50 with your Amazon account before you are allowed to leave reviews. You can only review items you've purchased though, so I'm not really sure I'm understanding your question fully.
>>1583826It's because our education system is abysmal, and it's going to get worse. I thought this was extremely common knowledge by now. It's just not really common knowledge unfortunately. Also the average Burg simply doesn't care. womp womp
No. 1584189
>>1584186Samefagging is specifically about pretending to be someone else for deceptive purposes, much like sockpuppeting, by adding "samefag" to your own replies you are literally
not samefagging.
No. 1584190
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No. 1584202
>>1584122like if you send them a text and then want to add more information or context to that text so you send another one? that's normal so you don't even need to announce it just send two text after each other. I think it's called double texting. Or do as
>>1584139 say and say "I forgot to mention" or somethingblike that. In conversation you can say "I wanna add to the point I made earlier when we where talking about xyz"
No. 1584273
>>1584265Wfh since the pandemic, it's a normal feeling and takes a minute to get used to. During my day, I have a few meetings, watch our ticket que and make sure I chat in our group work chat to keep abreast of what projects are coming down the pipe (we have some equipment refreshes happening soon due to some old stuff being EOL), but I'm not busy the whole time. Plus is my house is now a lot cleaner than before and I like that I can cook during lunch.
You should be fine as long as you keep an eye out for emergencies and such, but yea anon wfh is amazing!
No. 1584298
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Is it dumb to be unable to even go on a date with someone who has the same name as your ex? The last one was violent so I'm assuming that's normal but I feel weird seeing anyone who has the same name as someone from even years ago
>>1584265I did last year and I loved it. I set up my laptop next to my provided work computer so I could do whatever all day. I was paid alright to do the bare minimum in pajamas on someone else's computer all summer. It's quite normal. If you have a teams group with your coworkers at some point you'll probably play online pictionary out of boredom or end up on day-long calls just shooting the shit until you clock out.
No. 1584332
>>1584315You'll want to cater your resume to whatever field/job you're entering. Which jobs have you had that either most closely relate, or else that demonstrated skills that translate directly over.
Also, don't go overboard with it, but lie. Say the job you want with your education is a therapist. Instead of saying the truth that you had a lot of little jobs and dropped out of college a few times, place one longer false job with skills in the middle. So you would claim that you were a nanny who practiced Montessori play techniques for a private family from 2018-2022. Then, as your reference, give the number of a friend who will lie for you and pretend to be your manager and let them to know to expect the call and what you need them to pretend to be. The hiring process is not just a resume, it's an intelligence check. It's not just telling them your skills, they are also testing if you are social enough to provide references, and smart enough to fill out a resume and cover letter while being obedient enough to be willing to jump through hoops. You would not believe the amount of times I set out to hire someone, just for 80% of applicants to disqualify themselves by not reading the posting instructions or submitting a spell checked resume.
Now, you don't want to go overboard and lie about things that are easily verified or so important that it's going to affect your job. So don't pretend you babysat the CEO or that you've been an air traffic controller. But saying you were head of babysitters club in high school? Sure, why not.
By the way, it's always better to base a lie in the truth. So if you had a job, even a short time, it's better to pretend that you had the same job for a much longer time at a different company than completely make up a job you've never had. But then again, if you're confident in your ability to have the skills that that job would have gave you, feel free to lie outright.
And finally, mid twenties aren't a mega loser. I went back in my mid twenties and my life is great. And my great grandma became a nurse after all of her children left her house in her early fifties. And she was a nurse for another twenty years.
No. 1584368
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How would you describe or call the pose the wolf is doing in the picture.
I've been trying to find reference pictures similar to this but I just can't find the righ words or description.
No. 1584394
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Nonnies help I am absolutely retarded
Can sunglasses have prescriptions?
I need to get glasses, but my eyes are very sensitive in the sun and need sunglasses for summer, but I can't wear two pairs of glasses.
Also which style is better? This or the next one?
No. 1584464
>>1584401>>1584332>>1584324Thank you so much for your detailed responses and taking your time to respond!!
>a lot of people are finding themselves and have the luxury to do so.Anon I've never thought about it like that, it was probably not your intention but you genuinely just shifted my perspective on my situation a bit.
No. 1584686
>>1584547I grew up in abuse so I recognize it right away, and I am almost paranoid about how careful and protective I am of myself. But I will say it took me a while to realize the abuse happening at home, the trauma, and how much it affected me mentally. I had so much potential to be so normal, but they ruined my heart and mind and it took years to build up confidence.
It never hurts to talk to someone even if it's with us, we can understand you. Trauma is weird in how it lingers in your body physically.
No. 1584690
To the nonnie that gave me advice about my cv, I am still reworking it and glad I am taking a few days to do this. They want 2 to 5 pages explaining very specifically my experience, my character, my philosophy etc so I am adding in as much of my life as I can, every student I had, everything I have learned and done, it's so intricate I can't imagine who the hell else they could possibly find better than me seriously. It's like I've been preparing for this without even knowing just because I choose and enjoy living this way, and that's who they want for the job. It's still no guarantee but I am putting my all into this application and sending it out, if there is interest I have first interview, if there is a chance I have second interview. Anyway this job pays over 100k a year so hell I will spend the time pimping out my resume, getting a nice headshot, preparing for the potential interviews.
How do you not cry whether you get this job or not? If I get it the money will buy me a house and all my lifes dreams in a year or two, and if I don't, all that is still just a dream.
No. 1584952
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>>1584690>How do you not cry whether you get this job or notIt is possible to do nothing wrong and still fail. If it happens, remember that it is likely nothing personal. Interviews are weird like that. Sometimes companies already have someone chosen for the position but by law they have to interview others to prove that they are not being discriminatory. You can always check for this by asking the interviewer if they already had someone in mind for the position. If they say yes, you know you will not get the job and that this is just interview practice. Even if you don't get it, nannies leave all the time. Interview with other families and continue to bulk up your resume with child CPR courses and Montessori education credits. Then, if that position comes back on the market, you'll be prepared.
Also, I don't know where you are, but depending on your culture, it never hurts to kiss ass as a servant. Immediately after the interview, send a beautiful and tastefully done thank you card thanking whoever interviewed you (like the one pictured, avoid any joking or slang cards). It will arrive at her home 3-5 days after the interview and will create a more personalized bond and bring your name to the forefront of her mind.
No. 1585082
>>1584751Yes because they are affluent people with like 100 million net worth, money is nothing to them, and you are essentially being the entire staff of a private school in one person. Separate housing is provided as well, bills covered, and often a car or a driver for work.
>>1584760Lol I have a few passports, just in case. Sometimes it is like a nanny but other times they have staff covering everything else. This is a young teen so it's more education focused, younger kids are more childcare focused with some educational activities. Traveling is required actually, all expenses paid. Even if my freelance jobs with middle class families I had a lot of perks so this is just more of that for being exclusive to one family.
>>1584952Great idea, although this is through agencies and I would only meet the family if I made it to second interview. And yeah people quit a lot, or the employer changes their mind fast. I actually just got my updated child cpr certificate last week and I have educational certificates. It's all up to the cv and looking presentable to the agency and clients. My cv is at least three pages long by now.
No. 1585279
File: 1684873926481.png (149.36 KB, 1371x925, glitter graphics.png)

is there any way to sign up on glitter graphics anymore? it just says this when i click on register
>If you want to register, please and an email to !
tbh i haven't tried but it has said that for years, is it the only way/do you even get a response back anymore?
i'm so envious of people being able to upload and comment stuff on there and i can't… and it stings harder when pretty much every profile i clock on was made before 2011
No. 1585281
>>1585169It's all about that fiber
My daily poops sometimes produce almost nothing but a poop is a poop
I used to go once every three days, I guess since I was getting sick from lactose I started eating yogurt daily and that probiotic dosage started regulating my poops, and gut health is also linked to so many health issues so might as well consume
Hope you poop pleasantly
No. 1585288
>>1585169Most women I’ve known closely have had constipation issues so it’s definitely not uncommon. Never let yourself get uncomfortably backed up though because I’ve been hospitalized for bowel impactions and it was one of the worst experiences of my life and now I’m more predisposed to future impactions. Do you drink enough water? For some that’s an easy fix. If you’re uncomfortable or just want to go more regularly, stool softeners (Ducolax or generic bisacodyl which is much cheaper) are awesome and really gentle. You won’t feel cramping or anything like that. I take them most evenings and it really helps keep things more manageable. Things like psyllium husk makes shit (lol) exponentially worse for both my sister and myself so I’d avoid that or other fiber supplements.
I was overweight until my late teens and like you only pooped once or twice a week but I was definitely uncomfortable and always wished I could reliably poop in the morning before school. After the impaction issues pooping at least every 3 days has has become a priority lmao. Oh, and if thyroid issues run in your family definitely see if you can get tested because hypothyroidism can greatly contribute to constipation. Sorry this is kinda rambly but ime not pooping sucks!
No. 1585429
File: 1684888638734.jpg (248.52 KB, 1750x2500, onegai-my-melody-kuromi-headpi…)

am i still a radfem if i want my daddy dom to cream in all my holes?
No. 1585449
Did Miles Routledge get rescued again from Afghanistan or is the Taliban still holding him captive?
I'm supposed to be writing and all I see on Google are old articles.
Also why is his mother so retarded?
>"He keeps travelling because he loves it, he's only young and he's just finding himself after finishing university. I just want him to keep safe," she said. No. 1585478
File: 1684894481582.jpeg (48.07 KB, 828x789, IMG_0121.jpeg)

So what’s wrong with Shayna’s ass? Why is it discolored like that?I was just browsing through her thread….
No. 1585483
>>1585478no one's ass is gonna look normal anymore after suffering what she's put that thing through
also she dirty
No. 1585518
>>1583765The idea that there are the "whites" and the "
poc" and that everyone is either white, asian or black based on skin color and eye shape is the average American's opinion on race, so I doubt the people disagreeing with you were americans.
No. 1585540
File: 1684900765211.gif (1.99 MB, 229x162, 1531516614038.gif)

how can I convince my mother that I lover her?
I love her so much, so much, but she does not believe it
I hug her every time she wants to, I visit her every day, I dunno, a lot of other stuff, but then I'll do something wrong that seems small to me like being late or asking her if she can make me a sandwich, which now as I'm saying it, I think I'm actually still the bad guy here, and she is convinced I won't even bother to spare a thought to her
how can I convince her, how can I reassure her?
I'm so stupid, I just like to do things for people when they askk, so I guess I just assumed she does too, but also she texted me that it was fine, and I misunderstood and thought she was okay, but then when I got to the house she was weeping that I don't care about her at all, because I didn't bother to wonder if maybe she's just saying it's okay because she's being polite, but now actually I guess she's right
I don't nvm I guess
Unless you have any ideas…?
she was also brutally abused for years as a child
No. 1585552
>>1585466its used to describe how the text is presented in a scene, so basically
NVL scene = Fullscreen dialogue box
ADV scene = half screen dialogue box
No. 1585717
File: 1684924254314.gif (737.92 KB, 498x357, trees.gif)

>>1585716Water yourself daily and stay in the sunlight.
No. 1585753
>>1585741I can't speak from personal experiences since I'm a shut-in but I have heard sport is a good way to connect with other people. Sport is also usually devided between sex so you will only meet women. I doubt that small local teams that only play in obscure leagues have the same pressure to accept troons as bigger leagues but I could be wrong.
Also check your local library if it has any clubs. Clubs that revolve around stereotypical feminine hobbies like knitting only have women in them (men are allowed to join but they rarely do)
No. 1585839
File: 1684939909771.jpg (42.35 KB, 709x1000, 41y1sCJumiL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

How embarrassing would it be to get one of these when I'm not disabled? I don't have a driver's license and my work commute is going to be over an hour on public transport even though it's only around 10 miles away
No. 1585844
>>1585839please please do get a goofy ah car
nonny i would kill to be the mf to arrive in my goofy ah car and tell people during a storm that i cannot drive them home because my goofy ah car only has space for my, and only my goofy ass
No. 1585868
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>>1585839what’s that? because I love it. reminds me of these
No. 1585915
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Someone help me out, this has always confused me.
Why is there such a crazy difference between a bad actor's voice and a good actor's voice?
Good actor's voice:
>appropriate emotion
>appropriate tone
>appropriate emphasis on words
>"signature" cadence
>can convey a totally different meaning than what they are actually saying
Bad actor's voice:
>flat emotion
>flat tone
>barely any or too heavy-handed emphasis on words
>poor, undefined cadence
I guess my actual question is why is it SO HARD for bad actors to have a "good actor's" voice? Like, is it really that hard to accomplish? How does one get to the "good actor" voice? I just don't understand and it drives me fucking crazy. Can any acting nonas weigh in to tell me if it's really that hard to get a good actor voice??
No. 1586022
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>>1585918Reporting it cant do any harm, I would do it still.
It's like looking at iknowwhatyoudownload and finding an IP that has been torrenting cp, i report all that shit, at worst nothing happens at best there will be a news article about their arrest
No. 1586041
>>1586033It could come back to health. I personally believe that to a certain extent a ‘healthy’ ‘happy’ person wouldn’t want to take undue risk to their health and body. This extends to excessive drug use for example. I don’t personally agree that ‘someone in their right mind’ would do these things to their body, so it doesn’t seem right to support those actions.
People hurt their bodies in all kinds of ways every day, and it’s a trade off. The line is where you decide that trade off isn’t worth the risk anymore, that’s here it becomes concerning harm.
Someone that uses a paper clip to scratch their skin with no blood probably is if no concern, but if someone is severely drawing blood and causing open wounds the risk of permanent bodily harm is much higher and it csn be assumed they’re not in their right mind if they commit the act.
No. 1586061
nonny. First time I’ve heard her referenced in a while (don’t often browse here) what a flashback.
No. 1586393
>>1586381You guys have high fructose corn syrup in everything, as well as twice the sugar content in general. The same brand has less sugar in europe than in the states.
Also americans don't walk, like ever. You take the car or uber everywhere, while in europe we walk unless its far way.
No. 1586571
>>1586505nta but that doesn't explain the difference with other 1st world nations>
>1586085But.. it's not fine to smoke? It's literally an addiction, that's an issue too.
No. 1586583
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If you saw this man on the street would you assume he was straight, gay or bi?
No. 1586601
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>>1586592I do think his sexuality contains the letter A, I just think it's the middle letter and not the first one
No. 1586645
File: 1684991946033.jpg (45.31 KB, 594x584, what_am_i_looking_at.jpg)

>>1586629just say "gay" anon
>>1586631>peterfilejust say "pedo" anon
No. 1586709
>>1586693come to think of it, she also used my paper route money, and then when we were really broke, she laughed at me when I said she could use my college fund because that shit was already long gone
I'm gonna go with yes, probably weird
No. 1586805
>>1586606I just started thinking of everything I don't say aloud as my own secrets that only I know about, and I like keeping secrets, so I felt superior to everyone because they didn't know about my cool ultra-secret secrets that only I know about because they're
my secrets, which then satisfied my want for attention.
No. 1586852
>>1586849It's not about how long you've been on the site, but since when. Some newfags are newer and more obvious than others.
>i've been posting since 2020, am i a newfag ?If you feel the need to ask then you definitely are. The best you can do is learn to integrate.
No. 1586881
File: 1685017355476.jpeg (328.43 KB, 1280x1292, GLOBISH.jpeg)

>>1586878You can use other exclamations instead.
Personally, I use those that make me sound like a comic book character. It's like cursing, but silly.
No. 1586885
File: 1685017696372.gif (1.96 MB, 275x275, 1657744805335.gif)

Camping for the first time. We'll have a car so we're not backpacking, thankfully. What foods and snacks are your favorite to bring camping?
>Are the everything sandwich crackers from trader Joe's any good
No. 1586902
>>1586881Nonna thank you, I have all the volumes of DD on my bookshelf, probably gonna flip through them once I'm home lol. I only found just mouthing but not actually saying 'fuck' or whatever useful, maybe this will help too.
>>1586898Thank you, it's kind of the reason why I want to stop as well. In-laws kek, probably a good reminder even if I'm not seeing them.
No. 1587048
>>1586885chips and salsa
peanut butter and apples
muesli (assemble before leaving and eat for breakfast the next day, bonus if you can forage extra berries to throw in it)
bread and sharp cheddar for sandwiches, sliced onion and/or mustard makes it better
peanut butter and jelly
No. 1587479
>>1587450much appreciated
good looking out
i love u
No. 1587483
nonnie! HUZZAH!
No. 1587582
File: 1685067009435.png (346.15 KB, 618x609, whyisshehere.png)

i was in discord looking for a gif to use, can someone tell me why the attic midget is in here????
No. 1587990
File: 1685104248440.jpg (10.82 KB, 138x234, IMG_20230526_085627.jpg)

Which flag is this?
No. 1587995
File: 1685104746598.png (420 B, 275x183, 8E91DC40-54B0-4137-AD77-9C45CC…)

>>1587990probably this one (ssa/lesbian women excluding attraction to trannies)
No. 1587997
File: 1685104871820.jpg (6.21 KB, 612x357, lesbian flag.jpg)

>>1587990It's the lesbian flag although missing the purple tones
No. 1588039
File: 1685109071037.jpg (13.04 KB, 480x480, Free Image on Pixabay - Punctu…)

should I kms? yes or no
No. 1588041
>>1587806Dunno but I'd guess it's because an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet is actually not very restrictive so you might not notice even when you're dining with them.
No. 1588049
>>1587616that would give me the shits but your results may vary.
you might miss out on other nutrients you'd get from natural sources but in terms of protein it's fine. I guess you could give yourself a kidney stone (a risk you run with eating too much of just one thing for a long time, doesn't matter what it is)
No. 1588066
File: 1685110194287.jpg (53.63 KB, 564x564, 1684955262050.jpg)

So I'm not a blackpill manhating type, but have you ever noticed how some men go crazy when their wives get pregnant and have kids? I remember hearing on a podcast about Pamela Anderson, when she had her second child and was married to Tommy Lee. He pushed her when she was holding the newborn, claiming he wanted his wife back. It's like many men want kids for their own vanity and don't want to do the actual work of raising them. They also don't want to lose 'their women' to the baby.
No. 1588075
>>1588066>While out to dinner to celebrate the pregnancy, Steve turned to his wife Kathy and asked, "Tell me, would you think I was a total pervert if I told you that, in your sexual absence, I would use something to replace you sexually? Would you think I'd be a total creep?"This is the inventor of the fleshlight by the way. Imagine celebrating pregnancy with your husband and his first concern is replacing vagina as if it was a simple meat hole he needs to use, and is now deprived of. It gets crazier and he involves his teenage sons in the bussiness later, if you're not a blackpill manhating type, go on and read the whole thing, you will be. Men are depraved, disgusting etc
No. 1588079
>>1588000afaik the flag was created by russian radfems who grew tired of trannies in libfem lesbian communities (both english and russian) so they created a new flag just for biologically female lesbians who are attracted to exclusively biological women. russian radfems tend to be separatist or separatist-leaning and denounce beauty standards and “adaptive preferences” (makeup, shaving, dieting, etc). the flag in
>>1587997 has orange stripes on the top which symbolise gender nonconformity (or tranny inclusivity).
No. 1588088
>>1588066I always grew up hearing married men be like: gawd muh wife needs so much attention and always want to talk or go do something together? I just want to come home from work, ignore you and enjoy my 'insert whatever manly pasttime' to chill out. Then on the weekends I have 'sport or the pub' to escape to. haha I can't get away from her enough. Amirite other men
Now you have men who are often young and not even in that stage of life yet who're freaking each other out in advance like: A woman having a kid is bad because it divides her attention between them and you! Your ranking in the attention stakes at home gets cut in half overnight! How do we regain control of this predicament.
My dad was living his own life from what I remember growing up. Hobbies and things to fill his free time that didn't include us or our mom. Which isn't great either. But its like 2 sides of the same selfish coin. Me me me. My needs trump everyone elses.
No. 1588118
>>1588107Are you vegan/vegetarian?
Stuffed bell peppers or just a roasted chicken breast or steak with vegetables or mashed potatoes.
Fried rice works well too.
No. 1588256
>>1588212>>1588242I tried vinegar right now thanks to wikihow, I'll try oxy clean later and if that doesn't work I'll try bleach
I really hope I can get my pants clean again they're new
No. 1588283
File: 1685126298457.jpg (126.19 KB, 1200x1200, black_peppercorn-1200x1200.jpg)

what do you do with these when you eat soup? do you
>a) chew them
>b) swallow them whole
>c) spit out/not eat
No. 1588285
File: 1685126341686.png (31.04 KB, 1371x539, yo.png)

Is being an emaciated asian or blonde girl the only way to find real love from a man? stuff like pic related makes me want to give up
No. 1588298
>>1588290NTA, They are called Peppercorns. my mum is from Jamaica and she has this in some of the soups.
>>1588283Spit it out
No. 1588302
>>1588285>Is being an emaciated asian or blonde girl the only way to find real love from a manNo. Touch grass.
That said, being fat probably doesn’t help with your abysmal self-esteem.
No. 1588303
>>1588290i just made a random vegetable soup, but it would work in any soup - vegetable, chicken, minced meat, whatever. black pepper and peppercorns are a major staple spice in the slavic cuisine ie soups. i cough and sneeze from ground pepper so i've been cooking the peppercorns, and it's been working great
>>1588296>>1588298as expected, thanks
No. 1588394
>>1588315These are the same thing…no? What’s “neutral” if not the same temp as the room?
Anyway in the English language room temp is 20–22 °C (68–72 °F)
No. 1588434
File: 1685135612597.gif (5.89 MB, 657x500, FEAST!.gif)

>>1588283i eat them dry, as a snack
No. 1588769
>>1588459She has
TERF ideals and is gender critical but she's convinced that men/women friendships are 'easier' and 'less dramatic' than woman/woman friendships. I don't think she had the best experiences. But I would like to convince her I told her most men just want to fuck and that's why and she kind of just shrugged.
>>1588531She's just only slightly a pick me lol. I think she just hasn't had a good female friend tbh.
No. 1588886
>>1588769She sounds vaguely like me and it is 100% a fear of meaningful connection and understanding without it becoming
toxic (because that happened one time) that keeps me from pursuing close female friendships even though I value them a million times more than male friendships which are easy (because they’re not important lol)
No. 1589014
File: 1685165762815.jpeg (207.9 KB, 1283x2254, IMG_4147.jpeg)

Is this a sign that an IG account promoting an Onlyfans content is a fake? I found an account of a sketchy looking profile of someone I know but there’s a link in bio but I’m not sure if it’s real.
No. 1589017
File: 1685166399570.png (165.3 KB, 800x1000, shouldiwatch.png)

should i watch the Barbie live-action movie or no? i wanted to go watch it in July with my friends for my birthday, but Ryan Gosling is kinda ugly(maybe he's more attractive in motion?) and now that i know there's a troon in it, i'm discouraged. But i saw the list of singers in the movie and it looks like it could be fun and i want to support a female director even if she's a handmaiden, and i live in not-America/-Europe/-Australia so it's not like any unaccompanied males will watch it even for the updoots. if still no, any other decent movies coming out recently?
No. 1589159
any decent movies coming out in July? i'm
>>1589017 , i've changed my mind, i give up. I don't understand how for a movie that's all "She's everything, he's just Ken" that she would cast a fucking fuggo for Ken, that's supposed to be essentially a trophy husband. just makes it go from some utopia with all women in power to some femdom fetish material for pathetic ugly males that think their "submission" is enough to set them for life with a woman. i already see people misuse that meme for strong and capable female characters and their ugly male much dumber counterpart. and why'd there have to be a troon too to top it off.
No. 1589220
>>1589194If your city is shit like mine, and you live in an apartment, not a house, go to the building’s garden and enjoy the sun there, take a book or a notebook if you like writing or drawing, don’t forget to bring some earphones to listen to some music in case you get too anxious outside.
Maybe bake something simple so the apartment has a nice vanilla scent, or clean up a bit and keep your windows and door open (but not the grill) so you can enjoy the fresh air.
No. 1589222
>>1589192Oh my goodness
nonnie this is hilarious
Water births are in shallow water, and the position is more animalistic on your hands and knees when going into labor. The water is there to relax you, the position is natural to ease the birth. Because you are in water you cannot be hooked up to epidural. Someone is behind you to assist with the birth and "catch" the baby
Hospital births are not natural, they are a business. The birth is made easier for the doctors, to do as many as possible. The position makes it easy to strain and tear, they resort to c sections way too often. People go for water births probably because it's more connected to the natural way.
I think you can decide who is in the room but in any case you at least have a midwife. Water births at a facility will have doctors around, only a home birth would you need to hire people to be there, and have less equipment.
If you are really curious there are people who filmed their water births on youtube, it doesn't show the whole view if you get me, but it shows the set up. I'm sure somewhere you can find childbirth educational videos, myself never gave birth before so I have no personal experience
No. 1589286
File: 1685205244271.png (15.77 KB, 340x477, art.PNG)

>France told me to
Who's this in reference to?
No. 1589325
File: 1685207794942.jpg (37.33 KB, 598x900, fddf2ff7f6f2e82db24959ef32bb6e…)

Is it worth going to the doctor's? Part of my hand above the thumb is permanently swollen and aches after I write or draw. It's been swollen for 4 years now and hasn't gotten smaller. The middle of my hand aches too and it's affecting my left hand even though I don't use it as much.
No. 1589332
File: 1685208540757.jpg (77.72 KB, 800x774, ShowImage.jpg)

>>1589325that sounds like it could be a carpal tunnel? You should probably get it confirmed by a doctor at some point, but also look into getting wrist supports for your keyboard/mousepad.
No. 1589535
>>1589453"How tall are you" would be "combien mesurez-vous?" or "quelle est votre taille?" but the problem is that no matter how you phrase it it could be mistaken as you asking her what's her size, as in is she an S, M or L.
For the length of the dress you can ask her "quelle est la longueur de la robe?". If you want to ask if the dress if above the knees ask "est-ce que la robe est au dessus des genoux?", if you want to ask if it's below, say "est-ce que la robe est en dessous des genoux?". Can you ask for pictures directly too?
No. 1589927
File: 1685261432526.png (1.13 MB, 1408x1220, mintplant - Copy.png)

why should mint plant bottles(like growing mint stems in an open bottle filled with water) be washed, and why should it's water be changed everyday? I started my own a 15 days ago(by picking out a stem and ripping off all the leaves), and have changed the water everyday but never washed it, and there's some bright green deposits on the bottom. The plant is not growing as fast anymore, in fact one leaf has started to brown and some leaves on top are wrinkling.
No. 1590055
>>1589372My mom is a pushover she just lets it go to avoid conflict. One time when he got in my face, yelling and threatening to kill me during an argument (closed the microwave door too loudly) she just left the house and drove away instead of doing anything.
This also made me remember that during a transitional period with work, I was leaving my old job and my boss brought in a cake during the last shift. I took the leftovers home and he ate them without asking. He’s such a miserable asshole