File: 1468429305410.jpeg (509.47 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

No. 155013
I don't yet know how I feel about this thread (not that it matters) but you've got to admit that Sperg-chan was asking for it.
I do agree with
>>154989 about marking her posts though.
No. 155051
>>1550321. kota's thread is full of dry milk and nothing lolcow worthy either except her photoshops which are old milk
2. wtf are you doing on here? I hope you find something better and more healthy to do with your time then shitting on girls eons prettier than you on an anonymous message board.

No. 155058
>>155051Hi Sperg-chan or similar cohort,
I hope you're having a great day. I'm not saying this to be a really snooty person but I hope you're feeling good. I hope you ate food today, drank water and went outside or talked to someone aside from a computer. Yes, I'm on here too but some things are more important than shit talking girls that are eons prettier than me or you. I could explain myself but honestly people in this thread aside from you are telling you that your posts are congesting actual topics. Repetitive threads that are deleted are deleted for a reason; you were told why and now you're ignoring the reason. Please move on.
No. 155069
>>155055>It's for these reasons that, until proven otherwise, I am going to believe sperg-chan is actually Kiki. Because it's way more fun that way.RIGHT the fact that taylor getting a boyfriend
triggered sperg-chan into hysterics is hilarious since didn't kiki get obsessed with some jap and then they had an ugly breakup or something?? and then she disappeared soon after??
although prob not didn't admin say they were from the midwest? unless they moved. someone…. check if the ostrengas moved to the midwest tbh…..
No. 155138
>>155055>>155069Oh my god, this fucking anon with their ostrenga conspiracy theories. This is like the umpteenth time you have been squawking over "IT'S KIKI, IT'S KOTA, IT'S CATHY, IT'S AN OSTREEEENGAAA!"

No. 155140
>>155069more like newfags were obsessed with kiki's jap bf and spoilt the milk and then she disappeared because of you asses.

No. 155145
>>155138I mean there is a chance it's an Ostrenga, it's not 100%. It could be some weirdo that supports them or is just obese with Taylor. There isn't a way to know
>>155140So much salt in this post.
No. 155178
>>155157>>155175stop same fagging.

No. 155192
File: 1468447388704.jpg (44.49 KB, 720x710, salty.jpg)

No. 155230
File: 1468448204302.jpeg (59.56 KB, 400x315, image.jpeg)

>>155193If sperg-chan isn't Kiki why does it get so mad when someone suggests it is?
No. 155260
>>155230>>155190Most likely a disability splerg, highly doubt it's an ostrenga tbh

No. 155278
>>155276>>155273>>155069>>155190>>155230As funny as it would be, I'm not buying it.

No. 155287
>>155282Its the running joke anon.
I don't care who it is. They're a demented and bitter poor fag.
No. 155289
>>155287Well, it's the most annoying running joke not to mention old as hell. The only people keeping it as a "running joke" are people from the prettyuglylittleliar forums.

No. 155290
File: 1468450289655.png (139.55 KB, 1190x340, Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 6.47…)

PULL created a monster.

No. 155293
>>155290Looks like sperg chan is actually vendetta chan.
I wonder what it means by "stealing my man" kek.

No. 155296
>>155290pffft. I call bullshit.
If you had actual friends you wouldn't be on here 24/7 getting
triggered and assblasted by innocuous posts.
No. 155321
>>155069Not saying it's Kiki but her and even her parents know how to use proxies. You can literally google how to use a proxy, too.
That said though, idk if they moved but they have a paper trail of liens and court records from Orlando to Miami, which you can see here if you care to look: No. 155368
>>155349>>155321Are you that "itsmenads" person on PULL with the husky dog picture who is always talking about the ostrengas especially Kiki? It's not Kiki, I saw this whole things go down with that Sarahsenpai chick. It's been going on for weeks.

No. 155369
>>155321And how would you know they use proxies? Everytime an ostrenga has been on someone's page they screenshot their I.P. in wintergarden. Are you making an assumption then?
And what's with the irrelevant info posting their records?
The ostrenga obsession is real, folks.

No. 155371
>>155368yeah idk why that anon keeps insisting its kiki or another ostrenga. if it was a copyright issue then i could see how they made that jump, but some fag splerging and spamming all over the place for weeks on end doesn't indicate an ostrenga tactic.
maybe this ostrenga spergchan will join the taylortard spergchan and they can make up conspiracy theories together lmao

No. 155409
File: 1468469779431.jpg (23.18 KB, 459x434, 1458004973855.jpg)

>>155371honestly we're mostly saying it's kiki to be #controversial #overdramatic #petty this is a gossip forum after all lol i don't think anyone thinks it's 100% kiki. reach or not you have to admit it's possible enough to hold a debate on its own. which is why people entertain it.
if i were to pop a vessel and dislocate my shoulder reaching to come up with my best tryhard argument for why it would be an ostrenga it's because
>autism already runs in the family lol>her mom made a twitter to spam in caps lock @ing celebrities to donate to kiki and kota>kiki has been caught with sockpuppet accounts whiteknighting herself. speg-chan holds conversations with themselves for hours.>ostrenga family is weirdly obsessed with fraud/lies. the use of proxies to evade banning is probably something they're used to.>kiki is an unemployed flop. kota is a flop and is estranged from a family. tensions are probably high in the family in general. it's possible they've gone off the rails.>sperg-chan spammed the kota thread with derailing comments at @ing other people to start arguments and max out the thread. whereas sperg-chan in regards to taylor is obsessed with holding conversations with herself to drag taylor and make it seem like she's more hated than she actually is. is delusional and makes comparisons of taylor with kota hailing kota as some original goddess>"if taylor threads aren't allowed then neither should the kota threads!!" ??? 2+2=38? what a peculiar complaint>who. stans. kota. in. 2016. she has no fans anymore. who would want to whiteknight her this bad while being so passionately jealous of taylor? like if taylor did anything personal to kota besides copy her in 2013?>the autist meltdown over taylor getting a boyfriend. sperg-chan got weirdly jealous of that when kiki had a failed relationship with an azn.>ostrengas obsessively sent out LITERAL COPYRIGHT COMPLAINTS to take down blogs exposing them. kiki filed several random complaints to google about pull. kiki even contacted a cyberbullying lawyer. again, their goal has always been to take down websites by any bizarre means necessary. wanting to max out the kota thread and make it into a shitshow so it gets taken down would be following the same goal they've always had.>let's face it. taylor is the bland kota clone that became more successful and likeable than kota. she also has the body kota wishes she had. kota is also probably jealous of her hamster face.>kota used to be always delusional that people were copying her. and kiki always made up stories about people going up to her in japan wanting to take pictures. they're delusional and think the world revolves around them. sperg-chan thinks the world revolves around kooter.>that fucked up website that they bought a domain for that was just calling kiki's ex awful shit after he literally committed suicide>in summary they're nuts and obsessive and have always indulged in autist behaviorthere's a contrived goal in the works with sperg-chan. this isn't just some 12 year old spamming because they're bored. it isn't even fun. they wanna make taylor look bad by any means necessary whilst defending kota and trying to max out her threads so mods can lock it the way they did taylor's. which… again why. why the personal vendetta against taylor WHILE WHITEKNIGHTING KOTA. that's what makes it weird. no one cares if you dislike taylor but what's with bringing kota into it to make her look good?
>inb4; wow you're so obsessed with kiki this is such a reach conspiracy wow crazy much??i'm not being serious. just trying to bump the thread with shit to talk about.
No. 155417
>>155409Holy shit, never thought I'd see anyone top the ostrengas in being deranged, but here I am reading this anon's slop.
>>autism already runs in the family lolWhat the fuck? Do you even know how people have autism? No, didn't think so with your spergy mindset.
>>ostrenga family is weirdly obsessed with fraud/lies. the use of proxies to evade banning is probably something they're used to.What does this even mean, how did you conclude this? Looks like you're doing the 2+2=38 logic.
>>her mom made a twitter to spam in caps lock @ing celebrities to donate to kiki and kotaThis was found out to be someone from PULL making sock puppets as Cathy for drama to post.

No. 155420
File: 1468471327156.png (81.99 KB, 1088x299, Screen Shot 2016-07-14 at 12.3…)

>>155409>>155409itsmenadz, can you just quit it already? we get it yuo have a hard on for the ostrengas and get your rocks off on conspiracy crap
>>kiki is an unemployed flop. kota is a flop and is estranged from a family. tensions are probably high in the family in general. it's possible they've gone off the rails.lmao this tinfoil hat anon should write a novel of all their baseless conspiracies.
>>honestly we're mostly saying it's kiki to be #controversial #overdramatic #petty this is a gossip forum after all It's boring, overplayed, and the only people who keep writing walls of text and bible long passages about !omgz oztrengaz! is you. You're the start of something cancerous obsessed ostrenga anon, quit while you're ahead.

No. 155423
>>kota used to be always delusional that people were copying her. and kiki always made up stories about people going up to her in japan wanting to take pictures. they're delusional and think the world revolves around them. sperg-chan thinks the world revolves around kooter.2+2+=38!!!
I deem you the new ostrentard sperg
Join your comrade taylortard sperg
Chop chop, I want those conspiracy theory novels on my desk by tomorrow.

No. 155426
>>155409LMAOOOO this anon is off their rocker tonight!
You think she has a huge board in her room with a pictures of each ostrenga family member with red string connecting them all to Taylor with pretty little thumb tacks?
I'm dyin' of laughter here. Thanks ostrentard sperg!

No. 155430
>>155427Autism is not known to "run in families"
That itsmenadz anon is deranged man.

No. 155440
File: 1468473038349.gif (984.27 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_o3pigf0a691qjk6p…)

>essentially saying the same thing>written the same way>capitalization>sentence followed. space. another sentence.>extreme butthurt from saying it's an ostrenga>ostrentard sperg>lmao>deranged>insisting it's a pulltard no one's heard ofDid you just samefag so hard and with so much butthurt that you just confirmed Sperg-chan to be an Ostrenga…
No. 155446
File: 1468473267872.png (118.11 KB, 301x259, 1394349055332.png)

>>155440they were
triggered into the ultimate butthurt autist meltdown at the suggestion that sperg-chan is an ostrenga
my god, anon
No. 155447
reading this shit at breakfast and omg. the ostrentard is hilarious
No. 155449
>>155440>>155446please stop accusing others when ure indulging in it quite a bit on this thread

No. 155451
>>155438because its turning into kiki is spergchan spam - it's old and annoying and the only people doing it
ahem one is from prettyuglylittleliar, user name: itsmenadz

No. 155453
>>155450didnt saemfag, just posted another reply requesting that you stop what you are accusing of other posters of doing because you got butthurt over farmers thinking your text wall was cringy

No. 155456
>>155454okay ostrentard, troll somewhere else. your stale conspiracies are really boring me

No. 155458
>>155453>other farmersYou mean Sperg-chan samefagging again? Personally I think it's hilarious they're going full autist over someone jokingly suggesting it's an Ostrenga. The fact that ~someone~ is spamming with samefag butthurt over it is fascinating if not suspicious.
>>155456You can always leave if you're not having fun?
No. 155459
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>>155451Yeah, I've seen that person on PULL. The majority of the Kiki Kannibal topics were created by itsmenadz. she also frequents lolcow, see in her status updates and posts on PULL.

No. 155460
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>>155420Most of their activity on prettyugly is surrounded Kiki and Ostrenga content

No. 155462
File: 1468474224494.png (188.04 KB, 1164x367, Screen Shot 2016-07-14 at 12.4…)

talking about kiki being crazy and everything reolving around her like ostrentard did in their diary post on here
No. 155463
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No. 155465
File: 1468474429736.png (73.63 KB, 1031x271, Screen Shot 2016-07-14 at 1.25…)

Let's not forget
froths at mouth ostrengtard has a 'collection' of ostrenga shit

No. 155467
>>155464A screenshot generate the same file name for every shot in succession, you dumb fuck. You think you're a detective anon? lawlz

No. 155468
>>155463sperg-chan on a scale of 1-10, how retarded are you?
is sperg-chan angry bc they want credit for their sperg-rage?? much like a serial killer wanting credit for the victims deaths??
or is sperg-chan really an ostrenga, upset that their identity is exposed and is furiously trying to pin the blame on someone else? the world may never know
No. 155469
File: 1468474599120.png (35.39 KB, 740x144, Screen Shot 2016-07-14 at 1.24…)

>>155466lol why are all the statuses revolving around kiki?

No. 155471
>>155409get some medz for your ostrenga obsession and calm down on the call and response samefagging in your later posts lol

No. 155474
>>155468Ostrentard, we already discussed and laid out that it's not an Ostrenga, so can you stfu about it now?
You're acting like sperg-chan's little sister with this Ostrenga stuff.

No. 155476
>>155409most hilariously disgusting reach of lolcow history. must've ripped your whole arm off reaching that high.

No. 155477
>Screen Shot 2016-07-14 at 1.24.58 AMWhat a coincidence. The current time in Winter Garden, Florida is 1:46am. Subtract a few minutes from lurking PULL to find posts to screenshot and then
Yeah, Sperg-chan confirmed to be an Ostrenga. Congratulations, Kiki :3
No. 155479
>>155477Nah, New York, reach higher cunt.

No. 155480
>>155476ostrentard anon thinks she's a detective LOL
guess she didn't know that Florida isn't the only state in the EST time zone

No. 155481
>>155476they literally said they were reaching solely for entertainment, do you hate fun or do you just hate life?
>>155478the samefag is strong in this one
No. 155484
There's literally two people here in a same fagging war.
1. the ostrentard
>>1554092. the person laughing at this ostrentard

No. 155487
yes once or twice it's funny, but after the 12th time it gets extremely annoying and spergy
No. 155488
>>155486Keep reaching ostrentard detective chan. Your prettyuglylittleliar posts are almost as bad as your lolcow ones.
scared and accusing because I found your account on prettyuglylittliar forum?

No. 155490
>>155488actually you accused moi
>>155454>>155409of being the irrelevant pulltard lmao. at least pick up on the differences in grammar between the different people you're coming at weakly.
No. 155491
>>155486It's literally a screenshot of the browser, it's not an identifying characteristic of a ~special~ shot. Are you on a PC with windows? You seem not to know how screen shots work.

No. 155492
you suck at playing psychological ~warfare~ lmao omgggggggg you're so cute trying to same fag as different people then post as the original ostrentard conspiracy anon saying "moi moi moi" soooooo curious how you are posting seconds after your same fagging lol

No. 155493
>>155484This till the cows come home.

No. 155495
File: 1468476367194.gif (1.91 MB, 397x169, 67e3dbf40c41def5.gif)

>this thread
No. 155497
>>155496lmao ikr

No. 155499
File: 1468476559502.jpg (134.84 KB, 681x1024, maythequeensaveus.jpg)

what the fuck is going on this thread, onii-chan
No. 155500
>>155492those caps. i was just talking out of my ass and reaching for lulz and now you're going conspiracy anon on me trying to expose me for being some random pulltard lmao. truly. you're crying about random people being conspiraciy theorists whilst trying to accuse my irrelevant anomyous ass for being another irrelevant anonymous person on a forum. what reaction exactly are you looking to get out of me lol.
>>155497>>155496you didn't even reach one minute before replying to yourself and using
>>155498oh it u. i already said it was me lmao just a random posting for lulz. there's like. 2 other people jumping on the kiki theory with significantly more seriousness than me.
No. 155501
>>155498LMAO!!!!! confirmed ostrentard being itsmenadz with this precious post

No. 155502
>>155498>>155500awe so cute, now itsmenadz trying to samefag in attempt to convince farmers it isn't her! look how closer they posted ^ ^

No. 155503
>>155499 i love you for this pic
i laughed so hard i peed a little ;3 kiss me

No. 155506
>>155499Basically someone came up with the theory that Sperg-chan was an Ostrenga as a joke, and a torrent of butthurt samefagging came at the defense of the Ostrengas. Other people found that genuinely suspicious. To deflect Sperg-chan immediately accused several anons of being one person, then pinned it on a random pulltard. They've been viciously 0/10 samefagging(see
>>155501 >>155502
>>155503) ever since while using the same words arranged in the same way and continuing to be mega butthurt that some people think Sperg-chan is an Ostrenga.
No. 155508
>>155321>>Not saying it's Kiki but her and even her parents know how to use proxies. You can literally google how to use a proxy, too. >>155409>>>ostrenga family is weirdly obsessed with fraud/lies. the use of proxies to evade banning is probably something they're used to.>>155498>>Admin, if there is any way for me to prove my statement, feel free to request it. With my proxy in hand :)Going to use dat proxy girl?

No. 155509
>>155506hi, detective ostrentard chan!

No. 155511
>>155505Can you read this? Because I say it's not me, means it's not me! Okay?!

No. 155514
>>155508i'm the second one and i brought it up bc the first one suggested it. hardcore deflecting trying to expose other ppl because you're scared you're getting exposed yourself lol.
>>155510ikr. sperg-chan gets her own thread and people try to expose her. but when people suggest it's an ostrenga, suddenly ostrentard is born who is then attempted to be the object of the thread exposing. it's so…. i mean it's as obvious as their samefagging lmao.
>>155512do you drag the ostrengas a lot? cos sperg-chan reeeeally doesn't like you… for that, specifically. do you not find that odd lol.
No. 155516
>>155506You're the one that went ape shit when people were calmly disapproving of your ostrenga conspiracy theories
their constant posting of ostrenga conspiracy theories:
>>155069>>155055>>155230>>155145>>155190>>155230>>155273>>155276People disapporving it:
>>155278>>155282>>155332>>155369Then Ostrentard went full on sperg and posted a wall of text of their detailed conspiracy theories:
>>155409And ever since the ostrentard (now found out to be itmenadz on PULL with screenshots pull posts compared with their wall text matching up) and the anon who made fun of her ostrenga conspiracy theory diary post are having same fag wars

No. 155517
>>155513lmao I know right? accusing people who take screen shots as spergchan. This conpiracy ostrentard is really something else. Maybe she needs her own thread too lol.

No. 155520
>>155512with a keen focus on kiki and the ostrengas? ok…
>>everything I posted on pull backed >>all ostrenga reports and documentsso you only post about the ostrengas or?

No. 155524
>>155523you kept posting your ostrenga conspiracy theories over and over again, people began to deny it and then you went full on tard with every detailed theory you have. it's your own damn fault ostrentard/itsmenadz

No. 155528
File: 1468478077756.jpg (20.56 KB, 250x250, tumblr_o9idkiWC3J1qi7ujso8_250…)

>>155524nah i genuinely posted about my "theories" like 3 times. i'm not invested enough in this board as a whole to get defensive enough to lie lol i truly just log onto this forum to harmlessly talk shit.
>you went full on tard with every detailed theory you have.yeah and?? i thought people could take a joke?? clearly not. gotta blast!
No. 155530
>>155524>>155525funny how everytime "itsmenadz" posts, the ostrentard posts seconds after.
every. single. time.

No. 155532
>>155528lmfao! joke?! you wrote a fucking detailed bible long wall of text ostrenga conspiracy theory and had a same fag war with the anon that called you out. that's one fucking crazy "joke".

No. 155533
>>155530It's also hilarious that when itsmenadz "ran off to work" ostrentard suddenly stop posting after a couple of hours at war on this thread. kekek

No. 155535
>>155532now watch them "both" come back after you posted that!
or maybe just "one" to seem less suspicious 8)
>>155525no where to hide itsmenadz you ostrentard.
No. 155538
File: 1468478671178.png (136.97 KB, 1072x443, Screen Shot 2016-07-14 at 1.25…)

>>155525"off to work"
>>155528"gotta blast!"
identified the ostrentard guys. its this pullard.

No. 155569
>>155565No, I didn't. Wtf. I'm actually almost sad I missed out on the ridiculousness.
I figured whoever was posting on the Taylor thread so much was obviously off, but I didn't realize there would be an explosion.
No. 155570
>>155528Don't worry anon, your theory was pretty fun, though I'm afraid that with every samefag post your theory just gets more and more viable. It's kinda sad how she doesn't notice that her post are very different from other anon posts.
It's not "people" who can't take a joke, it's just one person. A very sad, deranged person.
No. 155579
>>155577eh, okay
stop samefagging you cunt why are you so obsessed with kiki disgusting ostrengtard conspiracy consiracy LMAO LMAOOO LMAOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHA
No. 155627
File: 1468512919098.jpg (54.93 KB, 688x257, Untitled.jpg)

>>155538itsmenads posted this, it could be true. it could be sperg-chan trying to get this thread deleted too.
No. 155730
>>155627hi itsmenadz, no one gives a fuck about your "status update"
>>155659yeah seriously, this confirms it being the ostrentard sperging because of the conspiracy grammer "someone is framing meeee!1!1!!
>>155665every time itsmenadz goes away the spergtard does too. LOL this bitch is crazy

No. 155763
File: 1468550801781.jpg (22.43 KB, 526x294, heyguise.jpg)

Can admin-chan come in here and mark every samefag post in this thread? I think it'd be hilarious. Please say you can, admin!!
No. 155804
>>155752screenshots taken from mac
kiki and kota have macs
spergchan is kiki and kota because macs
what in the fuck king of logic is that, are you 12 years old?

No. 155805
>>155763>>155230oh hi, itsmenadz
not too good at hiding the same fagging?

No. 155807
>>155752>>155752>>155763>>155768Can you be any more obvious? Just because you space our your posts by 1 hour doesn't mean we can't spot your ass.

No. 155811
File: 1468566452848.gif (444.34 KB, 200x96, image.gif)

Fucking autist. Always the same shit with you.
No. 180328
File: 1475809702754.jpg (236.78 KB, 1366x870, 1445705574669.jpg)

No. 180334
>>180331She is a retard, sooo
Although what if it was her brother the entire time? lmao
No. 180339
Holy shit
>>155055 called it!
No. 180342
>>155293>>155290So Kiki aka Sperg-chan is Vendetta chan too?
Also this:
>Sperg-chan's meltdown also appears to coincide with Taylor's announcement that she has a boyfriend. Vendetta chan said Taylor stole her man lol… wtf.
Wild shit
No. 180345
>>180342Maybe kaka is secretly afraid that elbow-san is actually her old boyfriend, since he never shows his face.
If she had half a brain she'd have noticed during her stalking that those 2 have most likely been together for years.
No. 180351
So, does this mean the PULL poster here
>>155627 was Kiki all along?
No. 180354
>>180349yeah also that,too.
Is there a way to re-read townhall chat logs? I missed the whole spergchan thing.
No. 180355
>>180345 Taco? Taylor's bf looks taller, he doesn't look like Taco… but…
No. 180357
Wait…is everyone saying it was definitely Kiki because of this one post w/her pic
>>180328 saying IT WAS ME? Because anyone could have done that. Or is there other evidence?
No. 180361
>>180357No, you missed the townhall.
Admin sama revealed Kaka was sperg-chan, that's why the picture, it was kaka all the time here with us.
No. 180365
File: 1475815770417.png (302.26 KB, 1162x274, PULLAdmin_OrlandoFL.png)

>>180361Oh my God! I wish I was there during chat, it would've been glorious to witness it firsthand. Of all the times real life has to intrude in :( … Can someone please post the transcripts of the chat or just the essential summary? ~**THANK YOU**
Here's a nutty tin-foil hat theory of mine: What if the PULL Admin and/or Mod(s) is actually
an Osternga or a relative ? or worse, what if she's actually
Kiki ? Their gofundme page ( lists the Admin as being from Orlando, FL.
PULL thread on their server donation campaign for reference: —–
No. 180370
>>180367Sad right? It's only bullying when it comes to her thread but she was by far the worst bitch on Taylor's thread.. I really wanted to believe she was trying to stay away from drama this time. Too bad.
>>180365 I think she can be that anti-Taylor account on PULL who's always saying Taylor is a copycat.
If Kaka was the owner of the site Taylor would be on the top and not only listed as a little snowflake. She wish she was the admin/mod.
No. 180371
>>180367right? thats one of the best parts. empath my ass
kiki kannibal… neet extroardinaire. keyboard warrior. jealous loser. will never have japanese husbando
No. 180373
>>180370I think she had a few accounts on Pull. There were at least 2-3 accounts posting the same garbage/spam, also they were interacting with each other and agreeing. Admins removed and banned them as far as I'm aware.
I wonder though … There was an account in the koots thread down voting every 'negative' comment and upvoting every 'positive' one. They never post any content either.
No. 180375
>>180371Now she's going to try extra hard to get that last one to prove you wrong..
Now I just hope she grows up and visits a therapist.
No. 180383
>>180378 Oh, I see.. thanks admin sama!
So maybe for some reason she knows Taylor's bf and wanted to date him..?
No. 180387
>>180378Ah, thanks.
>>180383I never been more curious to who Taylor's bf is.. Maybe she's
triggered because everybody is speculating that he's rich ? Funny she also spammed in the V threads whom also happened to score a Japanese boyfriend before her.
No. 180389
>>180387I bet Taylor’s boyfriend is nobody special, but Kaka is just paranoid and insane and legitimately believes for some reason that Taylor stole Snaggle-kun from her.
That or Taco dumped her and she just got super butthurt about it since it ruined her nipponese husband plans.
No. 180453
>>180337That was me! Fuck, this is so awesome.
>>180383Nah, it's just that Kiki desperately wants to date almost any jap guy. Even though Taylor's bf isn't actually Japanese, I doubt that matters too much though. As long as he's rich and living in Tokyo, Kiki wants a piece of that.
>>180344At this point it looks very likely. It's a shame her parents allow her to continue living this way, she obviously needs a lot of help.
No. 180523
>>180495I think it's because, from what I remember of the internet back then anyway, is that Kiki was fucking everywhere. You couldn't go anywhere without her pictures popping up, especially with all the 7 minutes in emo heaven quizzes. SHE was the internet star every 13 year old aspired to be, and then we all grew up and we actually started to be introduced to interesting internet personalities, Kiki lost her limelight, we moved to Facebook and that was it, she's old news. Also there's no way to tell how much their mum pushes them for internet fame. They're just a super super odd family.
Sorry to armchair psychiatrist but it's so interesting, they're so fucked up.
No. 180568
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I had a scroll back through some of Kiki's posts and the irony of this made me chuckle.
No. 180704
>>155290damn looking back it was so obviously kiki it hurts, her writing is so easily identifiable because she still types like its 2008
does kiki seriously think taylor stole her bf though? bc honestly its a little scary how fucked in the head kiki is about taylor
No. 180746
>>180731It's hard as fuck to get disability in the US for certain things.
Although it can't be THAAAT hard for back pain, considering my boyfriends obese whale of a stepbrother got disability for back pain.
No. 180763
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>>180643in order to get disability for scoliosis, you need to have a pretty SEVERE case of it, like, it needs to measure to a certain degree before it can even be considered.
more than likely, she is receiving disability for her repeated bouts of psychosis.
No. 180792
>>180788There was no proof that Taylor was living there in
that building, it was just shit people really wished was true.
No. 196394
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>>155440A+ Ostrenga radar
No. 197352
File: 1479003078747.jpg (134.89 KB, 582x581, 1464527995753.jpg)

Holy God she actually responds to herself to agree with herself, she actually fucking responded to this post THREE times to make it seem like multiple people think they're wrong. What in the hell?
No. 197366
>>196394knowing i was right all along has extended my life source by 400%. and i was the one who originally suggested it was an ostrenga here
>>155409 and
triggered kiki lmalamalao. fav.