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No. 1669908
DO NOT COWTIP THIS PERSON, HE ALREADY GIVES A PERFECTLY GOOD SUPPLY OF MILKThere is a lot more content on this guy than what is posted on the personal lolcow thread, so I created this so there can be a more in-depth discussion of this cow.
United Koopas, also known as LAB9, is an autistic 20 year old Canadian who is ''sexually attracted to koopas''and known for making shitty koopa porn and making edits of his original characters like Concord McSubway and Carter Again. So far, most of his socials are likely lost but we so far only found his twitter and furaffinity.
>United Koopas spergs out and was thinking of committing suicide after the new Super Mario Bros movie trailer dropped because he thinks koopas shouldn't be ''evil''
>Also during his most recent sperg meltdown, he sends a audio recording of him crying.
>Does nsfw koopa fetish art using stock assets with small changes in MS Paint.
>Makes shitty koopa edits to commemorate tragic events like the atomic bombs that landed on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 9/11, and also makes edits on people that died like Satoru Iwata and his grandfather.
>Has been kicked off a bus for allegedly filming two women.
>Has a huge fixation with public transport, and made detailed descriptions of fictional accidents with a large death toll.
>Sometimes boycotts a character because Mario Kart Tour doesn't stick to United Koopas' headcanon that koopas ''shouldn't be evil.''
>Is homophobic and racist, since he made a post saying it's only okay to be gay if you're attracted to koopas and also made a long deleted tweet. saying that koopas are white because they're kind during the peak of BLM in 2020.
>Sperged out during Mario Kart Tour's 3rd anniversary event, because the new character (mario wearing a crown, in case you ask) got a boost on the event course over the Gold Koopa Freerunner, which doesn't need buffs as of now.Socials:
Twitter: No. 1669926
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thanks for making the thread, OP. i'm the anon who documents him, the archive is below.
some other facts about him
>his name is chan ma, he is a cambodian immigrant>his unique typing style is because he is very ESL>he has been sperging out for at least 3 years over the koopas>he is obsessed with fast food restaurants, six flags, and golfing>he will document his day and meals down the to exact minute in his discord>is into mpreg, inflation, abortion, vore, etc., yet says it is not okay to be gay "in real life"new milk picrel No. 1669966
>>1669908>>because he thinks koopas shouldn't be ''evil''Haven't they always been evil or at least sided with Bowser?
>Has a huge fixation with public transport, and made detailed descriptions of fictional accidents with a large death toll.This is so autistic
>>Makes shitty koopa edits to commemorate tragic eventsEverything about this man is autism incarnate
>>1669950Agreed. I am always so fascinated with spergs like this. The drama they can generate is unmatched.
No. 1669981
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>>1669966>unless im wrong, this type of autism hasn't been seen since chris chan.I'm not sure, I'd say this type of person is a dime a dozen on sites like DeviantArt. mollyhaleismyfriend in particular comes to mind here (picrel). They have the tendency to be cowish because they have zero social skills and manage to stumble their way into stupid drama constantly.
No. 1669984
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If there's gonna be a new thread on United Koopas, this probably should be the next thread pic.
No. 1670092
>>1670016there is nothing scrotish about investigating an artcow with weird opinions and fetishes, especially if hes kind of a creep, that anon sounds nuts
>>1670036you don't need to feel obligated to post nonita, I did not mean to put any pressure onto you when I suggested him having his own thread
No. 1670276
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>>1670045 news, it seems like he is updating his DA again! i didn't realize it wasn't in the OP! have fun nonnies
No. 1670281
>>1670276tysm for finding it
nonnie, if there's gonna be a second thread on this cow ill link the deviant-art along with his other socials!
No. 1670306
>>1670301his face reveal is in one of the personal cow thread posts
>>1667259 , he's a man. he also talks about only being gay for cartoons here
>>1669442 No. 1670402
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the way he keeps the ipad with the crying koopa face propped up while he eats kills me LMAO. he also does this thing where when he is upset with the koopas, he stops eating meat. not sure why.
No. 1670436
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sorry for tinfoil, but since he ''only gay for koopas'', could this mean he's closeted or something? his family could have influenced it but who knows?
No. 1670472
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>>1670414>>1670402lmfao what is this
No. 1670623
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he's leaving the internet for four days to process his grief over the mario movie
No. 1670742
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>>1670673>>1670402>>1670472>>1670542its literal autism, I have known worked with autists who would place similar arbitrary restrictions on themselves when they felt they were depressed or things weren't going "right", such as an adult man who would only drink mountain dew(even though he claimed to hate the taste of dew), a woman who would some wear the same dirty crop top every day until she got the right score on whatever game she was playing, they don't like doing these things but they feel they have to place these restrictions on themselves for a certain time until things go right
No. 1670979
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new deviation
this is the only normal art he has ever made i think kek
No. 1672345
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>>1672322Some faggot tweeted him this thread and he made his Twitter private.
No. 1672662
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