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No. 837722[Reply]

Thread for anons recovering or fighting with long terms internet/smartphone/social media/video game addiction and the manifesting problems it causes (ADD, low self-esteem, lack of ability to commit to long terms processes, inability to learn new hobbies and skills, inability to tolerate silence ect). Feel free to also use this thread a support network. Brain training, healthy brain foods, building up gray matter and executive functions back up, unlearning destructive habits ect also covered. Avoiding digital junk information landscape in general (adblockers ect) can also be discussed. Any type of technology or media addiction can be covered, including things like netflix or youtube binging that wouldn't be normally considered addictive.

Ideally this thread could be similar to the health and wellness threads, but for our brains and the type of information we consume.
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No. 1932316

Oh jeeze, I see why you're so conflicted now. It's weird that you have to learn about details of his life through the Internet. That would drive me nuts. It sounds like you guys have different values that could be emblematic of a bigger issue. Have you talked to him about it? Side note, this post gave me flashbacks to like 10 years ago. I didn't realize people still cared about being FB official kek. I've been off there since 2016!

No. 1932527

It does drive me nuts. I thought I'd avoid having someone who would prioritize a social media presence if they didn't have Internet in their home, but it doesn't seem to be the case given we all have phones. I know it's also difficult for him to juggle because his performance career requires him to network with people of the like, many prefer FB messaging and posting videos and pictures of themselves performing. But that's besides the fact, I get upset with something I see on FB, I take something personally, and my perception of reality changes. Now, I hold this belief my boyfriend secretly doesn't want to be with me based on the fact he juggled with posting info on FB instead of letting me know first, which isn't true. We said goodnight to each other and said our I Love Yous. At this point it's beyond digital detoxing, but detoxing is something I know can help control my emotions.

No. 1932600

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I get where you're coming from. It's hard to not take that personally, especially when it's your boyfriend. Sometimes it's hard not to jump to conclusions. Picrel offers some tips on how to cope with catastrophic thinking and could help beyond the social media detox. Alternatively, could you make an account that just followed him and maybe a handful of other people? I'm not sure that would help with the larger relationship issue tbh, but if you want to detox, it could be a halfway measure towards it. I feel for you, nonnie. I hope you can find some peace

No. 1933392

I have an addiction to mindless browsing and music. I can't actually explain how much music consumes me but it's like getting a brain massage. It blocks all the stress. I use an app to track my listening habits and have 200,000 plays which I added up the song average from to be about 694 full days of music/16666 hours. What the fuck? I'm listening now. It takes me into my own little world. It's with headphones too, extra up close for my brain and impossible to absorb information from browsing while doing without feeling overloaded. I've stopped listening as much but feel deeply bored and depressed, and the internet is so crowded by instant information in every direction that I just can't. Do. Anything. With. It. It sounds ridiculous to say having all the info in the world makes it so I learn none. I can go on Amazon and see three different editions for the same book, reviews, recommendations for other books I didn't ask for but which make me feel like I'm at the bottom of a Mount Everest of knowledge, and I'm not taking the first step when I know it means a billion more up that shit. Then there are "learning books and applications" which make me feel like I have to learn how to learn before reading a book, or else I'll forget everything I read and it'll be a waste of time. In threads I often start from the bottom and work backward because I hate the feeling of having tons to catch up with, the anticipation gives me anxiety - I need to read the replies before whatever they replied to.

I never thought of scrolling or music as an addiction but this thread put together why I spent a fortune on a gaming PC a year ago to fulfill a kid dream only to use it for scrolling. I could be doing video editing, 3D modelling, learning programming or how to create music, taking handwritten study notes with my tablet, playing anything, watching anything, reading anything. Nope! I'd rather scroll with music on every device or stare at a wall in bed. Shouldn't gaming, especially, be a way to zone out from stress, not cause stress? Following the instructions of new games is hell, I always rage quit at that alone in the first five minutes. It's like I dread the committment to the next episode, to an hour or two of emotions, or to dozens up to hundreds of pages. I don't have the mental energy but why? Can this really be caused by scrolling? Is it like an avoidant personality problem or autism, not wanting to do anything that brings me out of my bubble even though I do haPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 1933506

I'm happy I never gave in to getting tiktok. When I sent a video to someone this person was like ''I saw that long ago on tiktok, get it and you will see the latest trends" As if I wanted to do that. They were always pushing me to get it. They also got so defensive when I said I didn't like the true crime video they sent to me and expressed my concern for them. How am I suppossed to react to a story about a man preying on a woman? It just made me scared and uncomfortable. Thankfully I've been focusing on lighthearthed content, even though many people tend to underestimate me and believe I'm stupid for it, not realizing I'm making a conscious decision to stay away from more harmful stuff.
Lately I've been feeling so fed up with how self-absorbed folk display themselves, it helps me to detach from all of it and appreciate the simple things.
I spent two weeks with only one daily hour of internet access, I experienced so much peace and my mind has been very clear. I want to keep up with it.

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No. 1733300[Reply]

Previous thread
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No. 1933283

I don't have a good answer, I honestly think to a large degree a lot of americans are just really stupid and propagandized. I say this as an american who was born and raised here. that being said there are more anti abortion people in western europe than I would have thought, like carl benjamin/milo yiannapoulos types.

No. 1933370

Still can’t believe a few people on the Supreme Court fucked me and most people I know out of having $20k less debt

No. 1933373

i only read the first half and was super fascinated

No. 1933374


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1933448

New thread >>>/ot/1933446

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No. 1198151[Reply]

Recently on social media there has been an increasingly more common phenomenon of people who claim to have many different mental illnesses and disorders. These claims are, of course, dubious at best, and incredibly bonkers at worst. Post in this thread any kind of cringe shit you might find related to people who fake disorders for attention.
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No. 1208649

it's because you can't get help for it or prove it.

No. 1208668

The link between faking mental illnesses and faking gender/sex dysphoria is so painfully obvious to anyone who isn't deaf, blind and dumb. Someone needs to make one of those /r/offmychest posts implying it or something if not one on the fake disorders subreddit and see if anyone gets peaked kek

No. 1932257

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No. 1932328

My 'best friend' lied about having Tourettes the same time it was trending all over tiktok like a fucking plague. I knew this bitch my whole fucking life and she really thought she could lie to me? I said nothing because it was amusing and I wanted to see how long she thought she could keep it up for. I figured, that one day she'll come admit it to me, we'll have a laugh over it and move on. But she never did, in fact, I caught her telling more and more random lies over time. If you're going to lie, at least do it right bitch. I keep catching her out. I can't trust her anymore and it feels like everything coming out of her mouth is a goddamn lie. I don't even like talking to her much anymore because I just see her as a dirty, lying piece of slime. If she ever admits to her lies, I'll forgive her so quick. I do like her and we're childhood friends but my god, I can't take this anymore. Nowadays she's started to lie about autism. I think the real disorder she needs to get checked for is whichever one turns her into a pathological fucking liar.

No. 1950442

someone I was friends with in high school is now a notorious tourette's faker kek

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No. 1923328[Reply]

>board rules apply
>no infighting
>if something looks like bait, stop yourself and do not reply
>have fun!
previous thread: >>1917973
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No. 1932283

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I never understood why it's so common in western media to see blonde women wearing pink and brunette women wearing blue when the opposite would suit them more

No. 1932293

It's common for European children to have blonde hair so it's coded as feminine and sexy. Pink is also feminine and sexy. Or at least in the delusional male fashion designers mind it is.

No. 1932296

As I said, I think ice spice is pretty. Amy Schumer is not,but neither have anything wrong with them. If other people have called her retarded looking, that’s not my problem. Literally gets thrown around so much on this site about the most beautiful women that nobody even cares or takes it seriously. Wtf is the matter with you? You have no idea what I’ve been doing, this site is anonymous.
Just because you’ve never seen it happen, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Personally I’ve never seen anyone on here call Jenna Ortega ugly but maybe you have.

No. 1932299

Also maybe the reason people don’t defend women who are actually hot, is because they dismiss the people saying it as insane baiters, meanwhile you can tell anons are 100% serious when someone is being spoken about like that and they’re actually ugly/plain. Your whole “you only defend women who are ugly like you!” Spiel is retarded and just shows you think unattractive women deserve abuse but attractive ones don’t. Neither of them do.

No. 1932301

Blondes are seen as more feminine for whatever retarded reason.

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No. 1537085[Reply]

Post your personal achievements! It can be big or small, so long as it's something you've been wanting and managed to do post it here!
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No. 1559439

i am applying to do a phd at cambridge but i am scared the supervisor will smell my lukewarm intellect through the email and reject me

also i got one mark below the requirement but hope they overlook…

No. 1931551

I lost 25 lbs. Applause.

No. 1931659

Congrats nonnie!

No. 1931665

thank you so much nonna!!

No. 1931747

Hype af let's gooo

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No. 64888[Reply]

Talk about nice/cool things that happened to you (whether 5 minutes ago or 10 years ago)

Find $20 on the ground? Period finally stopped? Person you absolutely hated finally got hit by a car? Absolutely anything that made you feel good/happy.
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No. 689779

Wow, I can imagine the relief you felt, must be so liberating. I'm happy for you!

No. 690125

Ever since I decided to drastically shred something that wasn't good for me, I'm having a ridiculous streak of good fortune of all kinds. Makes me wonder if it's some kind of divine encouragement.

No. 1931545

I'm so happy, I don't know how I got so lucky and found such a perfect husband kek(necro)

No. 1931546


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1933447

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while going insane and self sabotaging i hit mental rock bottom and my brain randomly decided to ascend
basically if i can be in a bad mood for no reason i can be in a good mood for no reason
i have lots of health issues preventing myself from doing a lot of things but i realized that its not the body that keeps me from doing it, its my bad mentality.
i have had no support growing up, never got appreciated or loved on and never realized how much potential i have since it was always ignored and my histronic sister had all of the attention
it sounds stupid, but the realization that most "strong" people simply have been acting strong when they felt weak, and that mere fact of acting like it shaped them to be that
i dont know if im just getting a huge realization or turning schitzophrenic but i decided to live manually from today on. no more autopilot.
"I have to clean up my room tonight so i wake up to a clean one" "I have to brush my teeth because not doing it is bad" etc.
sounds stupid but if you do this long enough itll feel natural
i am beyond happy that i finally am able to think deeply enough to realize those things. i am on a great path sisters, i love you so much. thank you for reading

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No. 1897423[Reply]

Unleash your secrets

Previous Thread >>>/ot/1868574
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No. 1930752

Cunt the tissue could be right there

No. 1930757

>im killing myself bye guys
>i love the smell of my own vagina!!!
oh lolcow

No. 1930841

No. 1930918

sad if true, sorry the world failed you anon

No. 1940686

> I know the average tiktok refugee has the attention span of a gnat and asking them to read a full paragraph may be too much
Don't be silly, tiktokers don't stay long on here kek

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No. 936880[Reply]

A thread to discuss human evolution as well as the evolution of other general creatures. You can talk about from the very start to the current time we live in or beyond.
Discuss biology, geography, social and cultural changes, etc. Remember any creature is welcomed to discuss.
>If you racebait you die.
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No. 1929768

That men are scavengers and disposable.

No. 1929812

Well I mean yeah that part is obvious

No. 1930037

Is this new? I thought it was a known fact. The shape of the dick is like that so that it can push semen of other males out of the vagina. It's kinda bleak.
These things make me think, males have evolved several features and behaviours so they can bypass any female defense and reproduce (via rape, often) despite not being chosen and also they have methods to "cheat" and fuck over male rivals (even physically, like the dick thing above). You know how some female animals have evolved ways to counter male "cheating" or rape, like ducks or hyenas? How come human women never evolved anything like that?

No. 1930486

We can.

No. 1930749

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I mean, we evolved the cognitive abilities to make weapons, that counts imo. It's also the reason why males need to use manipulative tactics on women and build a whole societal belief system enforcing male supremacy, because otherwise women would just kill all scrotes lmao

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No. 1906567[Reply]

Get your stupid on!

Previous thread
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No. 1929405

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Do any of you watch streamers? I watch clips sometimes and they aren't bad when they're normal people who aren't irony poisoned and try to talk with that faggy fake Regina George affectation or the anime squeaky voice.

No. 1929410

Only one occasionally which I had the first sub badge for. Been watching on and off for two years now. Once streamers hit 100 views I stop watching because they do less group activities.

No. 1929480

I don't drink water but I do have this 500ml mug and I drink earl grey tea with milk from it, and I drink about 5 or 6 of those a day, does that count as my water intake?

No. 1929753

ntayrt but while boxed dinners aren't complex they still require more effort than just heating up frozen food. they're actually a good stepping stone in learning how to cook because the ingredients are typically cheap and it comes with easy to follow instructions. if you can make hamburger helper you can make plenty of other simple dishes.

No. 1929935

there was a female celebrity who once said “im going to die soon i know that” like the week before she died in an interview but i can’t remember who it was? does anyone

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No. 230337[Reply]

There is not really an organized thread for programming related topics. Feel free to share books and resources here. Post whatever you're working on and feel free to ask questions anons!
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No. 1869350

I am in uni as a game dev major right now and I agree with >>1869340. My friend is in CS and it's basically a type of math degree, here it isn't even categorized as polytechnic like most computer majors but instead lumped with the rest of the math and science stuff.
The actual game major actually doesn't have much robust programming either, there's a large creative artsy focus and a focus on collaborating in teams. It's a lot about designing a game that's engaging, thinking about the player audience, evaluating the market, etc. rather than the hard coding. If you wanted to come out as a great general programmer you'd have to supplement on your own.
I'm planning on switching majors at some point since I don't envision working in the games industry and want something more general. USA btw

No. 1876043

Here are some ideas I had for video streaming services
1) Netflix skip sex scenes (a tool used to identify sex scenes or user submitted)
2) Timestamp/bookmark netflix quotes/parts (a tool used to bookmark scenes/quotes)
I told these to my ex but now we're not dating nor will he ever make it but maybe it can be a project for one of you/find it useful. I can't code so.

No. 1928964

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I'm >>1869312 , sorry for the late response.
>If you're going into it to make video games I'd recommend studying something else like game development, not CS. Basically 90% of people in my program who went into it with the same goal dropped out because the subjects were too boring for them. Which is fine, but just letting you know.
Oh noooo, that's not the goal. That's just as a side thing I want to do while in college. My wording wasn't the best in the original post, sorry for that. Didn't mean to say >After that
meant to say while in college.
By >"pocket-sized" video game company I meant me and few peeps from college making some vidya for fun, as a project, not something too serious.
Sorry again if I worded things wrongly, I'm ESL lel.
The reason I want to get into Computer Science is because I am truly interested in it. I've always had a passion for the science of computing and just pure math in general. I looked over the timetable and I find every single one of the classes so fascinating. So no, my main goal isn't to make video games, it's just a side quest if I can say so kek. I was just wondering if any of you nonnies experienced something similar, or know someone with similar experiences(making video games for fun/for a project while attending the faculty of CS)
>I blame unwashed males with massive egos and Tiktok girlbosses convincing everyone a degree in CS/CE means instant FAANG job with a big salary.
KEK holy I heard of those, they're pretty idiotic. I hope nobody listens to them though. They're selling lies. And I don't want to see those retards in the halls of the university.
Thank you nonnas for responding, I said everything I had to say in this post.

No. 1928982

I love this Elsie so much

No. 1929079

elsie is so cute here

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