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/g/ - girl talk

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File: 1656791541180.png (832.42 KB, 600x800, (Syna) Demon Lord mencari Cint…)

No. 492830

(horrific thread)

No. 492831

IDK but nice tiddies.

No. 492832

you obviously need this

No. 492833

first step: shut down your internet and go outside

No. 492834

I think merman are so sexy, I love my fish men uwu.

No. 492835

which one are you choosing anons:
Merman, Demon, Vampire, fairy or elf.

No. 492836

Some anon unironically posted about how to summon demons a long time ago

No. 492837

stand still long enough in the pub

No. 492838

Anon said "hot".

No. 492839

If that's what a "hot" demon bf looks like then I don't want one.

No. 492840

Gonna start calling these mantitted characters "buff traps", idc anymore

No. 492841

File: 1656793191211.jpg (71.35 KB, 225x300, The-Secret-Life-Of-The-Demon-K…)

No. 492842

nta but why, i think he is decent/

No. 492843

Nice trap nona, did Shadman draw that?

No. 492844

its a man and its drawn by a female artist, idiot~~~~

No. 492845

File: 1656793514484.png (256.25 KB, 590x882, lewk.png)

Helping my demon bf pick out what to wear before he lights people i hate on fire.

No. 492846

All I see is a big titty tomboy trap gf

No. 492847

As a lover of buff 2d men, nonna this is not it.

No. 492848

ok then give noonas some suggestions?

No. 492849


No. 492850

Just want to say I am also sick of all the balloon tit webtoon art that gets posted here

No. 492851

This. I'm not even against muscle, but that shit is literally the trooniest trend in 2D male art these days. I'm tired of Twitterfags spreading it

No. 492852

File: 1656794115127.jpeg (500.27 KB, 735x1000, D9D73072-09E3-486F-B76B-9C9643…)

Anything from a better artist who draws big but still masculine pecs. Pecs like those in the OP make me uncomfy, they're the hunk equivalent of femboys' creepy bodies

No. 492853

File: 1656794408181.jpg (43.21 KB, 674x720, DsEx4jwUwAA8GBt.jpg)

No. 492854

File: 1656794626240.jpg (74.57 KB, 554x960, 5a5bcc0974f4b7802c27c153a5dfe9…)

No. 492855

File: 1656794659966.jpg (128.37 KB, 1280x720, FKmui25VIAEmgit.jpg)

>my husbando gets used as an example of good pecs
I'm so proud of him.
Btw, he is a demon sword spirit and you can summon him by smithing a japanese sword and putting an ofuda on it. It's very easy.

No. 492856

Idk ask /x/

No. 492857

File: 1656794715596.jpg (47.72 KB, 564x921, 1eb36428b361aee689d4c6a777232d…)

i want an angel to soothe me at night with his cold touch. he would bring sweet, cold numbness to my body with his touch on my hair and skin. he never speaks a word. after he takes his leave, his cold presence would still linger on the walls of my room till the morning.
>tfw no angel bofriend to save you from monthly AC bill

No. 492858

brb gotta go kms after seeing this

No. 492859

An angel bf would certainly give me the chills despite the summer heat.

No. 492860

i mean in this picture this guys pecs are also too big for him. either way this pecs debate is stupid, can we stop with the weird infighting on a shitpost thread and just have fun.

No. 492861

Much better

No. 492862

Ok but
>angel boyfriend during the summer to keep you cold
>demon boyfriend during the winter to keep you hot.

Talk about being a genius.

No. 492863

t. buff trap liker

No. 492864

File: 1656795256532.jpeg (272.32 KB, 750x1200, 4F3528A5-508B-455C-AC2D-B0DAD0…)

>ultimate being who can do both

No. 492865

It’s not infighting when everyone is agreeing

No. 492866

File: 1656795598315.jpg (32.41 KB, 500x733, 1128a1bb8f2cc8a88afcf9eb83ab28…)

No. 492867

File: 1656795653788.png (559.63 KB, 506x839, sadsengo.png)

How dare you insult my husbando's moob size, he will lose his motivation to strip now.

No. 492868

File: 1656795664650.jpg (372.1 KB, 800x690, Lamento.full.1777473.jpg)

No. 492869


im ready to gert flamed by anons now

No. 492870

No one answered op's question on summoning a demon husbando.

No. 492871

File: 1656795834754.jpg (79.8 KB, 840x735, 400587ecd1fcd46e1dda1205403e47…)

No. 492872

File: 1656795890484.jpg (41.41 KB, 500x714, 205f8b239fd17ca2b81e257f5179dd…)

tfw when no hot demon boyfriend

No. 492873

File: 1656795892514.jpg (40.02 KB, 564x801, e4576893b52c102bec145814b323ba…)

ew no. i want a 100% pure angel. begone, wicked.

No. 492874

Actually multiple people did.
And a lot of pics were summoned.

No. 492875

make a tulpa

No. 492876

File: 1656796247652.jpg (98.23 KB, 736x868, 431f4048965f4474cca6f6ade3039f…)

most demons were pure angels MUAHAHAHAH

No. 492877

Not with these boobs he doesn't look good at all.

No. 492878

Kars will just stab you to death, give it up.

No. 492879

Download the demon summoning program on your computer or your smartphone and hope for the best.

No. 492880

i wish i knew too nonny. i had a dream once i had sex with a demon, but he was invisible. sad!

No. 492881

File: 1656797094401.jpg (177.02 KB, 750x1000, NWhOdW1JMEZ6a2M4ZHpzNTAzS3RqRn…)

>redtexting the thread but not closing it
I see what you did there, Farmhand.

No. 492882

File: 1656797516969.jpg (62.16 KB, 500x700, 9e839aca45190be4f8b05c305ff76c…)

Apparantly incubi are into nuns, so step one is to become a nun.

No. 492883

>still no SMT demon dating sim
S M H Atlus

No. 492884

Whatever you do don't download Obey me! - it's a shit game and no the demons aren't obedient.

No. 492885

i was just thinking of playing it, i heard it has the same system as mystic messenger (you have to reply at random hours like even 3am)

No. 492886

File: 1656798605678.jpg (31.79 KB, 500x500, edf3b4c4efcafae845e1284b4e6ef3…)

maybe if he kept his dick tucked in he wouldn't have fallen.

No. 492887

File: 1656798868366.jpg (83.67 KB, 480x640, 2116389500_b7e42dcc0b_z.jpg)

It's an extremly money-hungry gacha and the writing is obnoxious.
>slutshaming devils
Hmm, new kink unlocked.

No. 492888

File: 1656799082094.jpg (751.39 KB, 1920x2560, daniel-williams-daniel-william…)

oh hell yes

No. 492889

File: 1656799228633.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1500x2000, 1498154800234-In-Defiance-of-t…)

No. 492890

This is what bara-tiddies should look like

No. 492891

No. 492892

Gorgeous! Why are irl men such ugly creatures.

No. 492893

yooooo I remember this pic as the demon result in a lot of those wwyff quizilla quizzes. Good times…
I hate the game even though one of my number one husbandos mammon is in it. The writing's ass and the mc needs more agency.

No. 492894

fuck this is so hot

No. 492895

File: 1656825019766.jpg (91.02 KB, 564x791, 5f5bcc39c851fb23b91cffc23b9e79…)

Ayy, all my bishies got hella ass and barely any stomach
Bara tiddies and demon horns, they tell me that they love me
All bullets hit the back of everyone that fronted
Hundreds, fifties, twenties, just tell me how you want it

No. 492896

Well, at least in SMT4A when you have Krishna in your party and he gives you items he tells you how special you are to me and how he feels about you. No actually that's not enough, I want him carnally.

No. 492897

File: 1656831864673.jpeg (18.89 KB, 225x225, 176EDFF2-4BC2-4057-A9FA-716776…)

Smarten up Janny

No. 492898

Thread is still open…?

No. 492899

>wants a pure angel
>posts ryo fanart
So what is the truth?

No. 492900

My thoughts exactly

No. 492901

Is he ejaculating from his eyeholes? Seems a bit impure to me.

No. 492902

File: 1656839704300.jpg (152.79 KB, 900x704, 1-jacob-wrestling-with-the-ang…)

can i summon an angel so i can erotically wrestle him?

No. 492903

if you have both at the same time, you can be the perfect temperature all year round ♥

No. 492904

File: 1656866823376.png (7.53 MB, 1900x2889, 99060120_p0.png)

OP did you manage to summon any demons yet?

No. 492905

That tattoo font truly is demonic

No. 492906

can you fucking coomettes take your degeneracy back to /g/

No. 492907

Lighten up a bit, it was a fun thread.

No. 492908

File: 1656872618249.jpg (63.83 KB, 1200x675, E6ByYRfXIAEp3L_.jpg)

Bless, nona.

No. 492909

bby bubbles so big they blow

No. 492910

No they belong in /ot/ too. It's a cultural exchange if you will

No. 492911

File: 1656873473915.jpg (72.29 KB, 848x530, Fallen-Angel-by-Alexandre-Caba…)

You guys ever wonder how the renaissance scrotes who used to paint angels and demons would've reacted to portrayals like this?
I know some depictions of Lucifer were kind of romantic, so maybe they'd kind of like them. More likely, they'd be disgusted

No. 492912

File: 1656873546793.png (818.26 KB, 1291x792, Beach ready demon boy.png)

Very nice!

No. 492913

Hate when fujos draw fat femalish breasts that look absolutely ugly on any male character
Like I see them projecting, but that doesn’t find understanding in me - but on the contrary

No. 492914

Stop projecting anti-fujo sperg, we all know how fat you were by that hand pic you posted,you weird retard.

No. 492915

idk I think they'd be too busy puzzling how their art style evolved over centuries into anime to notice that the hot demon has his tits out.
Plus you can't tell me a moid who draws Lucifer that smoldering isn't at least bi.

No. 492916

File: 1656874775551.jpg (22.04 KB, 448x299, emileindex(1).jpg)

if insanity's primarily a femininish malady, and no one's doubtin' that, for it's a scientific fact
then, according to the medic, have they faultier genetics? are they born with this disease, or is it something they contract?
it's all to do with reproductive organs, which are naturally unstable in a dame!
you see, from "lunar", we have "lunacy"! and "lunatic"! and "loony"! and they're always ovulating by the cycle of the moony!

No. 492917

>cultural exchange
Kek, perfect answer.
Of course they would be confused by anime style.
But the guy who painted that clearly loved some fat juicy mantiddy and thigh. I approve.

No. 492918

File: 1656877696171.png (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 2557x3726, 79397319_p33.png)

based tbh

No. 492919

File: 1656878226410.jpg (402.44 KB, 1159x1008, 87458367_p19_master1200.jpg)

God I love that artist.

No. 492920

I unironically want to summon a succubus with blood magic. I'm not even a moid I just want a gf lol

No. 492921

File: 1656878713622.png (474.01 KB, 930x1200, 87458367_p35.png)

Me too! God, she's so based

No. 492922

drop the @ please!

No. 492923

File: 1656887769055.jpg (154.9 KB, 880x1174, ruan-jia-primeval-dark-demogor…)

I wouldn't mind a demon bf, but I also want to be loved for who I am too. See the problem?

No. 492924

>tfw have an actual incubus spirit attached to me
It's not all it's cracked up to be. Learn something from my mistakes and don't summon a demon without protection.

No. 492925

a feminist classic.

No. 492926

is he hot?

No. 492927

nona please tell us more about your experiences

No. 492928

I've talked about my experience with demons in the witchcraft thread. The short and sweet of it is that these entities are extremely dangerous and can induce psychosis. Incubi and succubi are known to be possessive and controlling at times and he's been coercing me for months. If you have to summon a demon I recommend going the traditional route and going King Solomon on all of their asses. This type of magic is not for beginners.

No. 492929

get off this shitposting thread shcizoid, you are ruining the vibe.

No. 492930

its because of the stereotypes (demons more sexy) anon. We are not talking about actual demons, i made this thread as a joke. I expected some nonnies to have a higher iq than room temperature.

No. 492931

That’s not a problem, I got condoms under the ouija, when can I start?

No. 492932

File: 1656895429601.jpg (25.67 KB, 800x625, get-help-sticky-notes-26616655…)

ummm…..ok wtf.

No. 492933

File: 1656895565497.jpg (33.21 KB, 474x546, th-1298800604.jpg)

shut the FUCK UP and post more hot demon bfs

No. 492934

File: 1656895611531.jpg (44.82 KB, 474x671, th-957151884.jpg)

No. 492935

File: 1656895648613.jpg (23.48 KB, 474x651, th-264757264.jpg)

No. 492936

File: 1656895672119.jpg (32.83 KB, 474x414, th-3047380040.jpg)

No. 492937

File: 1656895759898.jpg (38.08 KB, 474x610, th-1816854296.jpg)

No. 492938

File: 1656895805518.jpg (44.24 KB, 474x631, th-3121866142.jpg)

No. 492939

>extend barbed wires into your pussy
so youre trying to tell me that they are …cats.

No. 492940

File: 1656896876659.jpg (87.6 KB, 675x1200, 7b34530a-ae63-4888-a543-10aac1…)

No. 492941

File: 1656897037763.png (505.09 KB, 720x588, ikkk.png)

No. 492942

File: 1656911321676.jpg (1.94 MB, 1052x1052, 3c3ee0735f1661b26f9bc56387608d…)

I need a demanding yandere demon bf asap

No. 492943

I would simply pick all.
I need to be in this position, or I will cause chaos in my area.
How do I summon him?

No. 492944

File: 1656917173545.png (Spoiler Image,994.81 KB, 1100x1600, 87458367_p23.png)

Here's her Pixiv! Haven't checked if she has a Twitter, lol


maybe cos angels are all pure and prudes and shit, and demons are kinky and love sex because having sex for fun is "sinful"
idk I'm not a Christian

No. 492945

No. 492946

File: 1656920182099.gif (4.76 MB, 320x568, 964DD694-E81C-4B5C-BED7-6AE8E6…)

I want an angelic bf to remind me to do things and cheer me up and he inspires me and yes we do have sex (implied) it’s loving beautiful and vanilla, he cries sometimes during it too and he holds me and brushes through my hair afterwards. Whatever I’m doing,he calls me good anon and says I’m doing great. He loves to go for walks and bake cookies with me, he holds me and when ever I vent to him, he is so sympathetic that he gets frustrated on my behalf and because he has the angelic humanoid form of Brendan Fraser circa 1996, (6’2” )he scares all the moids away (except homos of course those of which he politely rejects) and he sings to me. He gives me piggyback rides everywhere and never gets tired of it and he lets me lay on his huge tiddies. And when I wake up it’s to the smell of pancakes or biscuits and gravy or bacon or whatever breakfast he’s made and coffee . He wakes up early to cook for me and set up the day’s events all with my ok though. I need an Angel bf who is pure and beautiful, I need some love that is so genuine and true that it makes me cry when we hug for more than 40 seconds and he gives me all the love and inspiration I need. And he doesn’t watch porn. And whenever we go places I don’t worry about him looking at other girls, he is smitten with me. He likes to sing karaoke and cook. inshallah can a witch anon write a spell for this man to stumble upon me he can be whatever race just himbo and tall with a pretty face and jacked

No. 492947

It's common sense anon, angels are suppose to inspire a pure kind of love while demons, a more carnal one. Ofc a board populated with social retards who need to get their rocks off would want a sexier looking thing.

No. 492948

Kek that's beautiful.

No. 492949

What is this demonic trick?

No. 492950

I'm spooked. Did we summon actual qt demons with nice smelling belly buttons to this thread?

No. 492951

File: 1656928544069.jpg (730.05 KB, 2046x2894, __original_drawn_by_magnoliapa…)

I like angels too but you should make your own thread and stop trying to act all mighty over other anons and ruining a fun thread.

No. 492952

I never shat on demon boys though? I just said demons are more sexier while angels are more purer.

No. 492953

thank you nonas! mwa

No. 492954

>trying to act all mighty over other anons and ruining a fun thread
typical angelfag

No. 492955

>130 replies for a thread that needs to be moved to /m/

No. 492956

Be calm, no one's shitting on cartoon boys. I was asking a meta question

No. 492957

File: 1656970788308.jpeg (340.32 KB, 813x1630, 1CD405D6-22A8-4F30-971F-EADE3F…)

incorrect, seething, unawakened

No. 492958

Based and Kars-pillared

No. 492959

I just want to say juicy manmeat (chestial)

No. 492960

File: 1657047730014.jpg (157.49 KB, 1000x1403, 20200422234126_ydnlx.jpg)

No. 492961

File: 1657047759621.jpg (166.55 KB, 1000x1393, 20200208082531_kzdep.jpg)

No. 492962

File: 1657048030124.jpg (309.69 KB, 1000x1926, 20190720095237_ehktb.jpg)

Priest-chan here, i will cleanse this thread from evil spirits


No. 492963

File: 1657048119361.jpg (122.34 KB, 1000x1446, 20190731233250_kmsjy.jpg)

you cannot stop us.

No. 492964

File: 1657048414914.jpg (23.91 KB, 382x650, 82d4c17a8a468945cfa466ea600b7f…)

Stop ruining OP's hard work priest-chan, you're clit blocking her

No. 492965

File: 1657049734992.png (5.77 MB, 4056x5647, johan.png)

Backing you up

No. 492966

I was going to "uhm ackshually" your pic but Chrollo's priest-coded I suppose. damn actually he's Jesus-coded if you think about it

No. 492967

File: 1658167157289.jpeg (660.55 KB, 1924x1921, FCQ69dRVkBgNb0e.jpeg)

Same. I bet they're much hotter and fuck better than men irl.

I get it too. Despite what people say of demons being evil, sinful and troublesome, I just hope there are some out there with a heart.

No. 492968

I wonder if incubi present themselves before their victim in the shape that she finds the most attractive. lol

No. 492969

how to get rid of my hot demon boyfriend? he has followed me for years I didn't ask for this. Praying at him doesn't work.

No. 492970

Give more details.

No. 492971

Antipsychotics ought to do the trick.

No. 492972

had an incubus and other entities visit/attack me in the night several times a week for years.
sometimes it's just attention seeking behaviour, sometimes it full on sexual incubus behaviour.
I am generally unbothered by this it doesn't affect my life or my mental state at all but I am Christian and understand the potential spiritual harm that can be caused by relations with incubus be they consensual or not. I have lots of details to report that no one here would care about but I am having trouble getting rid of these demons.

No. 492973

File: 1658195915127.jpg (1.14 MB, 700x1000, demon bitches near U!!!.jpg)

nonnie, this is a thread to SUMMON demon bfs, dont think you'll find much help getting rid of them. good luck tho!!

No. 492974

File: 1658196171675.jpg (29.82 KB, 500x500, demonbf.jpg)

well in that case do any nonnies want to adopt my demon boyfriend(s)? free of charge.

No. 492975

The next time they visit you perform The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and reach out the Archangels. Ask for their protection against the demonic. Smudge your surroundings regularly. Unironically think about getting on medication. Yes I know there's a stigma against schizophrenia on here but it also helps against real spirit encounters and it balances your psychic senses. I can't recommend more unless you're comfortable with witchcraft. Good luck, anon.

No. 492976

if I summon a demon, can I ask him to manifest my husbando

No. 492977

File: 1658198516433.jpeg (230.17 KB, 750x1333, 84FC19D1-BCB5-4415-92E3-9D0AE3…)

when do i get to have this demon boyfriend

No. 492978

He will just get jehusband. Summoned him to summon another male and will demand to be your husbando.

No. 492979

Damn demons sure are thirsty, is it that lonely in hell?

No. 492980

Idk how I fucked up this post. Sorry. I meant to say he will get jealous. I would delete this mistake but you have already replied and thus my embarrassment shall remain here forever. And yes, it is very lonely in hell.

No. 492981

can i have one

No. 492982

File: 1658199924719.jpg (65.26 KB, 735x594, cd3c40bfb90aaafa8f530ccc3d0779…)

>rolls around on your freshly made bed and ruins it

Wat do

No. 492983

tell him to seek the burning, ethereal love and scripture of jesus christ and tell the stupid male slut to get out of my house

No. 492984

Ugh I'm into this.
Show him my retard strength.

No. 492985

File: 1658201539381.jpg (596.26 KB, 1080x1815, Executor.jpg)

This is the dumbest husbando I've ever seen.

No. 492986

anyone tried making a tulpa yet? i am real desperate

No. 492987

File: 1658203197901.gif (3.46 MB, 488x498, 111.gif)

yank his tail and spank his ass

No. 492988

oh and also push him on the bed and tell him to fix it. if he refuses, yank his hair until he cries

No. 492989

There is constantly threads on tulpas and summoning succubi on the shitty paranormal board on 4chan. It is next-level pathetic (because they are men. i support your endeavors nona) kek

No. 492990

kek no worries nonna

No. 492991

File: 1658895780687.jpg (153.83 KB, 700x1092, dd903abdf02689084c48d2e84d8546…)

>approaches you in Japanese

Wat do?

No. 492992

File: 1658896030823.jpg (49.42 KB, 398x364, 1658895780687.jpg)

Anata wa… loser desu

No. 492993

File: 1660387002815.png (629.65 KB, 572x1162, dangersmile.png)

Summoning my hot demon boyfriend to bump the thread.

No. 492994

Looi wished i saved all my hot demon anime boy pics to post here.

No. 492995

File: 1660387363058.png (297.61 KB, 400x527, ironwarden.png)

Summoning a devil too, just in case.

No. 492996

File: 1660388423914.jpg (63.75 KB, 650x520, ed9be7582d239995404d1fbbf5f6e2…)

No. 492997

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No. 492998

File: 1660388768613.jpg (81.18 KB, 736x981, e36254cdea05fc902d5b73cacabb18…)

No. 492999

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No. 493000

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No. 493001

File: 1660388917261.jpg (121.18 KB, 736x1063, 9bf86c0c9ab22a33c88a4b059d0e9d…)

No. 493002

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No. 493003

File: 1660388997830.jpg (137.39 KB, 735x1039, 538bae16cb04265fb7108d97ec93c9…)

No. 493004

File: 1660389004491.png (72.31 KB, 275x267, 7301C1B5-C01C-4763-BF37-6B4D60…)

bump 4 spam

No. 493005

File: 1660389084765.jpg (58.28 KB, 735x401, 7c76055a8a584b3b0b80ebfef8b6f9…)

No. 493006

File: 1660389132719.jpg (96.2 KB, 540x888, 1c58738371be622a6ed0edaaf3c686…)

No. 493007

File: 1660389237815.jpg (110.4 KB, 734x1200, b32d667ba3e2d862419c2eafd7bf2e…)

No. 493008

File: 1660389303041.jpg (100.77 KB, 736x993, df4dae0aa572f31196630372b95a14…)

No. 493009

File: 1660389324480.jpg (196.78 KB, 736x1063, 4d72d72174ae2a7364f09b074adc25…)

No. 493010

Why do no real men look anything like this? Are we in hell?

No. 493011

Being a goth and having jagged teeth just isn't currently in style

No. 493012

File: 1660407324857.jpg (296.2 KB, 800x588, 1478133610338.jpg)

I'm playing SMT5 right now, progressing slowly but surely. I want to beat the game with a hot demon bf harem but my cute husbando Krishna isn't in that game, unfortunately. So I'll get Vishnu, Yoshitsune, and either Fionn or Cu Chulainn for end game depending on which one will be the best gameplay wise. What do you think about it?

Never ever, he's canonically too autistic to keep a gf for more than 2 hours straight. Maybe Dante is less autistic though.

No. 493013

hi it is OP here and im back to let you all know that i am going through a manic episode and will now try to summon a actual incubus. K bye.

No. 493014

Summon a hot one.

No. 493015

make him wear a condom

No. 493016

ill try.

No. 493017


only one? come on, be a Stacy and summon a horde

No. 493018

no i cant for multiple reasons: 1.If its just a hallucination im summoning then by summoning hordes it will cause a overload in my mind and cause psychosis or brain damage. 2. If they are real then by summoning hordes i am putting myself in infinite more danger.

Dont worry though i am creating him in a way that he can change his appearance when i want.

also i know im being delusional but i dont care because im MANIC and may do something worse if i dont do this.

No. 493019

Where is the thread pic from?

No. 493020

hey, its from a yaoi/BL manhwa, back when i posted this there were no english translation for this but now there is and the name is: Your Highness, Have you received your daily fill today?

No. 493021

I love how this thread is Horrific but can stay open, yet we can't get the Shaytoruim

No. 493022

The shaytorium is absolutely retarded and feels more like a fan thread rather than a thread to shit on a retarded cow.

No. 493023

What is the shaytorium??

No. 493024

this was redtexted 6 months ago…you know that right?

No. 493025

But not locked, you know that right? Based on the fact that you posted in it…

No. 493026

maybe its not the same mod doing it, sorry for your shitty threads being locked though.

No. 493027

Oh I remember this thread. Good stuff. Let us know how it goes nona.

No. 493028

I just want a big boy demon who'll also larp as my human bf during the day and get into shenanigans with

No. 493029

Moids are demonic by default. Gibe angel bf who is beautiful, gentle and kind.

No. 493030

is anyone into incubus/succubus summoning for real? i am asking a serious question here

No. 493031

What do you mean this thread was made two years ago… what the fuck

No. 493032

Great choice of thread to bump.

No. 493033

wow what a thread to see when I'm ovulating kek
oh my god

No. 493034

Wow has it been 2 years? I remember the demon tiddies op like it was yesterday.

No. 493035

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thread tax
I would risk it all for him

No. 493036

File: 1740306867574.jpg (84.79 KB, 735x1075, 57eda3b8c6186fdadcb12bce75945c…)

bumping this legendary thread(ai outside of containment)

No. 493037

Ew AI slop of a character I like, get this off now

No. 493038

File: 1740307305904.jpg (113.32 KB, 735x896, 4eb9b899a64ea15a17f6274cb7a5ff…)

No. 493039

Not even cute.

No. 493040

File: 1740474410356.jpg (139.34 KB, 1200x1350, GeEf6gPakAEOCnd.jpg)

Mr. Silvair?? Not a demon but a ghost boyfriend will do.

No. 493041

I'm very normal about him.

No. 493042

What AI is this

No. 493043

No. 493044

File: 1740506172683.jpg (180.17 KB, 676x1000, usukheartu.JPG)

REEEEE get your eyes checked. Arthur is cute in all ways.

No. 493045

Googling it doesn't work, do you have a link?

No. 493046

Will you stop spamming these ugly faggots everywhere

No. 493047

No. 493048

whats the source? i cannot find it even with saucenao

No. 493049

Shortcut to get an incubus bf:
>Make offerings to your ancestors and honor them everyday for 10 days
>When you get a response, ask them to teach you how to become more spiritually sensitive.
>Once you have opened your third eye, all types of spirits will be attracted to you including incubi.

Beware they are very parasitic and will make you feel drained and sleepy.

No. 493050

File: 1740513223463.jpg (187.67 KB, 777x1098, dj.JPG)

Oh nonna, you are in for a TREAT
Even if you’re not a hetafag, if you like succubus yaoi, I highly recommend

No. 493051

shit its good thanks

No. 493052

I thought I was in /g/ when I saw this thread in the catalog kek

No. 493053

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I'm very feral about him.

No. 493054

Use character AI or something, demons aren’t real

No. 493055

Are you speaking from experience?

No. 493056

File: 1740584657273.jpg (94.3 KB, 720x1102, 8ee88bac5f7eeaf6c8560088c77ef7…)

i want this baddie, that blonde twink is so lucky to have him. MMMM

No. 493057

File: 1740584838331.jpg (56.49 KB, 600x736, e2775876410dd9d628e81b0bf00b6c…)

MR. Crawling….

No. 493058

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he is so

No. 493064

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No. 493078

My current husbando is a demon but I would not summon him. He's only perfect in my head. Irl his personality when integrated into modern society would be very obnoxious and annoying. Think antisocial gangster meets high school jock turned 3dpd. Gross.

No. 493419

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