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No. 418141[Reply]

To all my girls who loved digging through the internet and feeling weird things late at night! Post some pieces of artistic media made by unconventional, mysterious, interesting individuals that searched to find the light on the internet [digital native stuff only!] ! Sources and ressources are welcome <3
And disscuss the lore behind the art!
>stuff by audio artists such as Tonetta's music work
>stuff by visual artists like Piropito's work
>any "surrealist game maker": Jake Clover, Lilithofthemaze, Jack-King-Spooner…
>any tumblr artist from back in the day that caught your interest
>weird ARG/acounts…
>art projects that became some glorious trainwreck…
Share your secret faves, discuss the more well known, and share sites or accounts that repost these gems
>No actual "weirdcore" content/ yabujin-type stuff, only things that evolved outside the genre but still provokes this uncanny feeling in you!(Duplicate thread, L2catalog)

No. 418148

We already have this thread

No. 418157

The other threads focuses on either paranormal, or intentional "weird core aesthetic" I wanted people to post about artists with lore online (and they have been dead since long ago)

No. 418162

awful op pic, it isn't weird or unsettling it just looks like a huge blackhead and it's gross

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No. 299904[Reply]

Post the worst of the worst character designs you can find. From the uncannily realistic to terrible reboots to oversexualized. It doesn't matter if it's from movies, TV, video games, comics, just has to be awful.

Previous threads
1203 posts and 450 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 418128

This anime would have be okay without the disgusting female designs and weird shotacon shit. I really hate the gigantic breasts on all of them. Like WHY??

No. 418129

No. 418160

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I've seen this retarded design a million times and it still makes me laugh, it's SO FUCKING BAD

No. 419152

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Everyone in this is ugly with ugly clothes and the general look of the anime is an eyesore. It's also one of those isekaied into a game world but the game world in question makes any mobile cash grab rpg or gacha look like high art.

No. 420190

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No. 281316[Reply]

A thread dedicated to Japanese LNs. Reviews and comments welcome.
10 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 285774

Get a different browser.

No. 417322

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I'm disappointed in the Slayers LN. The anime was so much better, funnier and more exciting.

No. 417333

Funny since usually nowadays with fantasy/isekai lns its the opposite, adaptions usually do the bare minimum.

No. 417342

The best parts of the anime are the filler episodes so I don't disagree, but I still love the novels. I wish the latter half could be adapted by the same staff, but it's probably too late for that.

No. 418068

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>I wish the latter half could be adapted by the same staff
Even if the old staff could get together again, they would never get creative with the later volumes for fear of backlash. Every adaptation these days is too faithful to the source material, because otaku screech when things are rewritten.

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No. 287101[Reply]

Fire Emblem thread? Fire Emblem thread.

Fire Emblem is a fantasy tactical role-playing game franchise developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. First produced and published for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990, the series currently consists of seventeen core entries and five spinoffs. Gameplay revolves around the tactical movement and actions of characters across grid-based battlefields, while incorporating a story and characters similar to traditional role-playing video games.

I am aware there's a general game thread where Fire Emblem has been discussed, however, I feel like many of us are fans and deserve a separate space to sperg about anime chess in peace.

>How long have you been playing?

>Favourite title?

>Least favourite title?

>Any hot takes?

sperg freely here
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No. 417828

>He didn't work on Echoes
Oh yeah, I meant Kusakihara. Kozaki isn’t even part of IntSys lol sorry for the typo. Also agreed with the rest of your post. Echoes is such a shit game.

No. 417855

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I want to raise my hand and say that I kiiiind of agree. I like the wish fullfillment part of the moving castle base, it's comfy, but I wish the story was darker so it would feel nicer to have such a comfy base

Anyway, I will however stan my favourite archer who happens to be from this game. I think Awakenings characters were more varied and had less 'joke' characters than FE3H, and also this archer is the cutest. Trap-kun was so cute that I keep him on my team even though he's shit.

I hear the localization removed the gender differences for the romance scenes tho, is this true?

No. 417856

Can I ask how people are playing Fates with an uncencorship patch? Is it possible to do it on a 3DS, or do I have to do it via computer?

No. 417857

Yes it’s true for Fates, as for Engage, I’m not sure they were different at all. I haven’t looked into its Japanese version because I much prefer Louis in english and he is one of my favorites.
Alcryst the best btw. I ship him with Fogado.
You can play it with a pirated 3DS but I can’t help you with that, sorry. Also I remember there were two uncensored versions, one had a laughably bad amateurish fan translation with many missing supports and the other has the NOA english script but with some scenes tweaked to resemble the Japanese original.

No. 417862

I really like the base idea but i think it needs to be better incorporated into the story, since for example, in engage, it doesn't make much sense for your characters to make a big deal about running away from the bad guys in chapter 11 when supposedly Alear can just teleport the army away into the somniel, and leaves it to the player to come up with their own reasoning as to why Alear can't do that, and then there's Fates My Castle which is an even bigger clusterfuck. 3H had it a bit better by making it feel like a real place in the world, even if it also didn't make sense for Byleth and Co. To retreat into Garrech Mach every month after a battle, but at least 3 Hopes fixed it by making the base a regular camp that gets set up in a different location every major battle.

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No. 417858[Reply]

So as someone who has been a gamer for well over 2 decades now, the topic of oversexualized female character designs is something that I've been interested in having honest discussion with. Whenever I've tried talking about it in usual gaming spaces, it gets derailed because moids get so overprotective of their overly sexualized female characters and that it's ultimately "not a big deal" and that any woman who dares critique this practice is just jealous or whatever. And then the handmaidens join in with the men equally trying to demonize or belittle women who have concern for it as well but it's pretty clear where their priorities lie.

I've been in gaming for along time and though have had issue with overly sexualized female characters like Ivy from Soul Calibur, the early Mortal kombat games, and somewhat Bayonetta, I've largely just learned to ignore them but it was still something I've wanted to talk about with women who aren't handmaidens, especially hearing some radfem critique.

A question of mine is if there really can be a middleground of a female character design that manages to look both visually pleasing without her looking like a coomer/porn figure. I feel like Lara Croft in the early Tomb Raider games kinda skirted the line. I'm probably bias because I grew up with the classic trilogy and played them through most of my childhood but ignoring the butt focusing camera angles, I feel like Lara wasn't too egregious a design (even though she should've had longer shorts). Maybe I'm too bias to the patriarchy but I just can't help but think that Lara's classic look was pretty cool looking though I really like her re-design a lot as well as it does look more appropriate for what she does.

I'd love to hear other thoughts on this matter. What do you think of overly sexualized female characters? Do you mind them? Do you think there is a middle-ground? Examples? To any radfem gamers, what kind of female character designs do you think look good?(duplicate thread, l2catalog)

No. 417860

We have one already why can't you newfags ever figure out how to use the catalog

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No. 291015[Reply]

I'll start…

1. person of gender art. beside the obvious gender shit, they all have horrible stylization. very derived from cal-arts. the eyes and faces are ugly

2. procreate-core. i dont care what le heckin brush pack you downloaded, it all has this very generic obvious "texturing" that is not in any way interesting. instead of learning to add depth to art they rely on brushes that just repeat the same texture over and over. subjects are usually boring normie tier pretty girl and boring moths and leaves. once you've seen one, you've seen them all.

3. woman of gender who can render really well. coloring and body anatomy is really well done but the faces are usually styled badly, they always do the huge eyes with pointy eyelashes and huge noses. usually a fujo and draws her husbando OCs. faces ruin an otherwise really well done piece.
1199 posts and 345 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 417867

>>417809 >>417791
I swear everyone who has that art style end up being the biggest drama queens and are either always canceling eachother over the twitter fujo ship of the week or pitch a fit whenever their orbiters make an oc that looks slightly similar to theirs.

No. 417898

so do i nona

No. 417899


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 419307

The artist has never drawn anything before Danganronpa (at least as a career, no prior experience and didn't seriously pursue it), he was a sculptor by trade, and he was a fan of only very realistic styles. He and Kodaka bonded over their love for The Silver Case and Flower, Sun, and Rain. That's why the art style looks kind of odd and there are some parts that don't really mesh or make sense, like the spin-offs having very realistic old men for no reason. It's funny that it's considered generic nowadays since it's still very distinct like it or not.
The first game in particular was a very low budget game made by a small team. it was initially supposed to be a 3D game, but their propositions got canned, while models got made. If you look at the sprites carefully, they're actually 3D… Only faces are hand-drawn. You can notice by how everything else has blurrier lines. The other games have hand-drawn sprites, but most likely they used similar technique and first made 3D models then drew over them after posing.

No. 420477

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Fuckin hate this shit and the bad impact it had on adult animation art styles.no wonder every adult cartoon looks like ass it's because of the Shitsons.

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No. 191532[Reply]

A thread to discuss tropes. Those you love, those you hate, think are overused, reverse tropes etc
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No. 416164

I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU ANYMORE but the kid just gets killed after yelling it.

No. 416173

Persona 4 did these scenes a lot and I always thought they were pretty cute.

No. 416701

I love the "character hides behind a door and overhears friends saying things about them" trope, though its not as fun when it's just a misunderstanding. I like the angst.

No. 416702

I wanna shoot them all in the head(with a watergun)

No. 417706

I hate how contrived it often is. Nobody would gossip about somebody else in a public place, for starters.

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No. 121911[Reply]

Discuss the Dragon Age franchise here to your heart's content. All DA content is welcome including the games, comics, novels.

I'll start the discussion with this: what are your hopes for Dragon Age 4?
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No. 415741

i'm going to wait for it to be cracked even it if takes a year or two. i just know they are going to add troon or gender shit in some devious underhanded way so i'd rather not directly fund it

No. 416147

Same it just looks so bad, I was taking the time to decide while I waited until they adjust for regional pricing but honestly this >>415712 put me off, it looks so shit, the art is so ugly, everyone looks bloated like a corpse left in water, I mean just look at poor Morrigan, she looks like a caricature of the bullied nerd in an 80s movie and she has a beard shadow and a stupid double bra for some reason. Going from BG3's beautiful characters to this is giving me whiplash. Also the Lucanis' VA's spanish is so ass it's making me hate Lucanis even though I'd been hoping to have him as a romanceable companion since I read Tevinter Nights.
I'm definitely playing it because I owe it to myself from 10 years ago but I'm not paying one single stinky peso for it unless it somehow ends up being good. I'm so disappointed nonnies, I really hope the marketing is just awful and the actual game somehow is good? I really doubt it though.

No. 417556

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So this are the only choices that you can input about the Inquisitor. Just this 3 choices. Looking good, eh?

No. 417576

My god that is so reductive, though I didnt' even expect that much. Looks like they will let us customize the Inky which means there will be a scene with them at least.

No. 417738

saw people being upset that the well of sorrows decision is not included, but I think we will get more chances to customize our worldstate in other tabs? I would love to see a follow up to this decision…

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No. 326389[Reply]

Hello and welcome to the Undertale / Deltarune thread! This is a thread to discuss anything related to Undertale, Deltarune, or Toby Fox's other side projects. Feel free to talk about the games, characters, theories, music, the fandom, the newsletters and events, etcetera. And also, free to just dump cool pictures here.

Side note: you can also talk about Temmie Chang's games or side projects here.
18 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 335876

Wow this is fascinating. Women in fandom are so smart. One thing I love about UTDR is how it subverts genre expectations but still manages to be the greatest RPG of all time. Looking at it through this lens gives it a whole extra layer of subversion. It also helps me to understand why UTDR was an instant hit, as well as how it has been able to support such a large, longlasting (international!) fandom. Undertale truly is a game made by fans for fans.
Which parts do you already understand? What questions do you have?

No. 406268

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No. 417473

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It's strange to think we'll be celebrating the anniversary of a decade-old game in a year from now. With these newsletters to tide us over, though, I'm not complaining. This one especially had everything: unused concepts, Undertale content, Deltarune sneak peeks, non-canon blue gasterblasters…
Speaking of those Deltarune sneak peeks, anyone else think this preview confirms Seam's warning of a dark world at night? "You don't want to get caught when the sun goes down…" and all.

No. 417481

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It's honestly a bit worrying that Deltarune still isn't out. The lead artist Temmie has released multiple games in the gap and still nothing from Toby. I think he's getting suffocated by success.
>Seam's warning
I think that was just alluding to Kris stabbing himself in the chapter 2 ending. It was night at his house.
Btw Undertale Yellow is an amazing fan game if you haven't played it yet nonna.

No. 417489

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>I think he's getting suffocated by success.
If that were the case, I think it would have happened around when Undertale was most popular. The way things are, it seems as if he's come to terms with this (by trying to scrub away any traces of his old FWUGRadiation persona) and is using his popularity to meet and work with industry big shots. I believe the main problem lies in the fact that Robert's the financially comfortable "bottleneck" for any game content his friends make. He's basically set with the money and customer trust from his previous game, which gives him much time to decide what should be added and worked on to his literal dream game by his, in all-likelihood, part-time team. Right now, though, with the addition of the Producer, it seems to be going well and they don't have much left.
>I think that was just alluding to Kris stabbing himself in the chapter 2 ending. It was night at his house.
I think you mean Kris stabbing the ground or ripping us out, but you're probably right. There does seem to be an interesting connection between the times when Kris goes soulless and the time of day, so far there's only been one instance of soul-ripping during daytime.
About UTY, it's amazing based on the sheer fact it got finished. It deserves praise just for getting out of the Ruins, yet still managed to be good on its own. It has its faults, I don't remember anyone liking the ending and some parts definitely weren't playtested (I lost hours of my life to that rhythm game in the first version), but it managed to get very close to Undertale's feel, if more visually detailed. Nothing can really top the shock of Omega Flowey, but Yellow's Flowey fight was still very creative with its use of mixed media, even if I wasn't very invested in Martlet and felt like the game was railroading me into betraying him.
Have this pic of Guardener.

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No. 232320[Reply]

Post fun websites, i am so tired of social media and the modern corporate internet!

here are some I like

power puff girl fanpage: http://www.rowdyruff.net/index1.shtml?i=2

abandonware games and programs: https://www.myabandonware.com/

Free RPG maker horror games(in Spanish): https://indiehorrorrpg.blogspot.com/2013/06/palette.html

Doujin Gravity, currently dead but most links still work, trying to archive as much stuff as I can:


I am trying to find a site that archived ukagakas but I can't find it anymore! it had a little ''wanted'' box I the bottom asking for currently lost media ukagakas.
19 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 328264

No, it's back!

No. 328313

Kek nonita thanks for that website, it's wonderful.

Link tax - https://biancagames.com/disclaimer.htm
I have no idea if it counts as "fun", but the autism was an experience to read thru.

No. 328319

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I'm a massive touhou fan and this reminds me of the simple times of the old days. really nostalgic, made my day, thank u nonnie

No. 417463

No. 417478

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