File: 1687186985804.jpg (357.56 KB, 2048x1420, EWnNZJtU4AILX0m.jpg)

No. 303125
File: 1687187380084.jpeg (366.57 KB, 1129x2048, 1686960434133.jpeg)

No. 303128
File: 1687187909204.jpg (180.38 KB, 735x860, 6696d6337aa16ae4dff13c815a301f…)

GK characters after sex
No. 303165
File: 1687194448146.jpg (63.96 KB, 850x539, 1686926074566.jpg)

No. 303206
File: 1687196503982.jpg (54.87 KB, 413x680, 1656123850661.jpg)

Thank you for this thread nona!
No. 303232
File: 1687198809289.jpg (105.61 KB, 1024x1024, FgC1PqiXgAIAB_K.jpg)

>>303206You're very welcome!
♥ No. 303237
File: 1687198924575.png (668.13 KB, 689x968, 66973565_p0.png)

The yume tag on Pixiv for Touken Ranbu is 刀剣乱夢. I'm going to post some from TR.
No. 303239
File: 1687199011198.jpg (223.1 KB, 1035x1200, 105715119_p16_master1200.jpg)

No. 303240
File: 1687199041092.jpg (395.75 KB, 2048x1764, FTDWFkYVIAAImgx.jpg)

No. 303241
File: 1687199069289.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.86 KB, 692x1200, eosdcl.jpg)

No. 303242
File: 1687199102462.jpg (87.36 KB, 556x988, Fj3NaxHVsAAw6LK.jpg)

No. 303243
File: 1687199140879.jpg (98.75 KB, 1200x907, 1533934911889.jpg)

No. 303244
File: 1687199179249.jpg (232.8 KB, 1371x2048, FpqNEwQaAAAOide.jpg)

No. 303317
File: 1687206514152.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.7 KB, 935x980, 5c64506703e5931e3be804ed5abe54…)

My time to shine
No. 303319
File: 1687206747724.jpg (81.28 KB, 648x1000, 239cba963d1490d797aab9e01a77c9…)

No. 303328
File: 1687209611699.jpeg (209.19 KB, 908x2048, FTA8eZNaIAAmUJZ.jpeg)

No. 303330
File: 1687209907420.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.88 KB, 1023x578, 24.jpg)

Based thread
Pic is from an otome game called "Ai wa, Nikushimi ni Yoku Niteiru Nikushimi wa, Ai ni Yoku Niteiru"
No. 303351
File: 1687216646214.png (62.32 KB, 775x802, 64736883_p1.png)

The Japanese version of Pixiv Encyclopedia has a very imcomplete list of many series-specific yume tags. (For those who don't know, these sometimes have some kind of pun with the 夢 kanji, but not always.)夢向け#h2_3Some examples:
Golden Kamuy
>金カ夢Jujutsu Kaisen
>夢術廻戦Kimetsu no Yaiba
>HQ夢>ハイキュープラスMob Psycho 100
>モ夢サイコ100>モブサイ夢 (I found this one on my own, it's not on the list)Twisted Wonderland
>twst夢Fate/Grand Order
>pkmn夢Hypnosis Mic
>hpmi夢A bit of a rant, but the English translations of these tags are really inconsistent, some translate yume as "original character" even though not all yume art has an OC, and others as "x reader" even though a lot of yume content is illustrations. The translation should be just self-insert, imo. I've been thinking of making an account on that translation website Pixiv uses to correct this.Here's the pic source, although you could figure out the link by the filename. No. 303354
File: 1687218138199.jpg (80.38 KB, 618x680, FgfchRhVEAA9xyR.jpg)

>>303128I swear I saw a whole flood of dick charts of all the golden kamuy guys along their capabilities during sex on /h/'s yume thread. I wish I saved it.
No. 303356
File: 1687218914184.png (251.67 KB, 1215x1215, 95481258_p0.png)

I need this fucking doujinshi scanlated jesus>>303354Archiveofsins has an archive of /h/ but it's a pain in the ass to go through old threads to find one pic kek
No. 303359
File: 1687219363196.jpg (105.96 KB, 705x1000, 104556568_p0.jpg) artist's style might not be everyone's cup of tea (it took her like 20 years to fix her oldschool shoujo/yaoi hands tier anatomy) but some of the stuff in her gallery is
really good, especially her R18 stuff.
She likes Gintama, Sengoku Basara, Touken Ranbu, Golden Kamuy, twst and others. It's not all she draws but if you like more masculine type characters you'll probably enjoy her art.
No. 303445
File: 1687249402300.jpg (155.56 KB, 1085x810, FT1nlXeUsAAXyDA.jpg)

OP here, happy to see all the great posts, nonnies.
>>303351Excellent nona! This is something to add to a future OP. 夢向け works as a general tag as well on Pixiv.
>>303317>>303319Who is this guy?
>>303362Yes she is queen. She is currently working on a horror game with cute scared guys, can't wait!
No. 303452
>>303328Thank you for this
nonnie it's adorable.
I don't know where to find arknights yume so please keep posting if you find more No. 303487
File: 1687270990689.jpg (386.31 KB, 2732x2048, Fu5ZCVwaEAAvrsk.jpg)

Not a self insert technically but I really like this picture.
>>303366I used to follow this artist on privatter, but didn't twitter kill privatter or something with API changes? I think I saved some I just need to find them
No. 303495
File: 1687272126362.jpeg (333.62 KB, 1503x2048, FRkEIYIaMAAZPpg.jpeg)

kami tier thread
>>303452Here's another pov nonna. Sadly most AK DocxOperator stuff I have is just the neutral doc hanging out with operators instead of outright yume.
No. 303497
File: 1687272236589.jpeg (549.15 KB, 2136x3157, FSqiOEEaQAAFD8h.jpeg)

No. 303499
File: 1687272449398.jpeg (495.54 KB, 1164x2000, FJEnvATUUAALmYT.jpeg)

>>303488I love this artists' work. She's draws godly male bodies
No. 303500
File: 1687272505135.jpg (400.15 KB, 1459x1843, 7235 1594952016092.jpg)

>>303498Lumen from Arknights, he's a very good boy
No. 303501
File: 1687272530075.jpeg (326.38 KB, 1929x2039, FyQKALBakAEfShJ.jpeg)

No. 303502
File: 1687272589104.jpeg (509.83 KB, 2048x1554, FtKaROpagAIWnPc.jpeg)

No. 303503
File: 1687272621597.jpg (391.11 KB, 1772x2362, 98069356_p0.jpg)

No. 303504
File: 1687272661136.jpg (118.86 KB, 750x1000, 1628686087244.jpg)

No. 303505
File: 1687272720096.jpg (431.31 KB, 1429x2048, 1661044948207295.jpg)

No. 303506
File: 1687272927862.jpeg (189.19 KB, 1080x1150, EuXiXEwVEAA02fN.jpeg)

No. 303524
File: 1687277565464.jpg (431.46 KB, 1387x1914, EGM4wWhVUAEXiW_.jpg)

What do you think, should femdom POV pics go here or in the femdom thread?
No. 303530
File: 1687280011871.jpg (126.69 KB, 728x1200, 105715119_p28_master1200.jpg)

>>303526What are you trying to say?
No. 303560
>>303505That looks like a male hand,
nonny. Is that allowed in this thread or…? Sometimes it gets really ambiguous
>>303524They should go here, /m/ is for dumping pics after all and I would like to see this thread full of nice art
No. 303566
File: 1687287591822.jpeg (294.25 KB, 986x1141, 1681855591387.jpeg)

>>303560Cool, I will post some femdom art
No. 303567
File: 1687287647231.png (194.29 KB, 650x1073, 1627078793440.png)

No. 303568
File: 1687287680224.jpg (246.21 KB, 1811x2048, E_zhxZ8UUAo95ra.jpg)

No. 303569
File: 1687287712612.jpg (206.29 KB, 1000x1000, 1681821529845.jpg)

No. 303570
File: 1687287736482.jpg (78.31 KB, 470x970, 1653034564481.jpg)

No. 303571
File: 1687287780498.jpg (224.11 KB, 1464x1008, 1653034510940.jpg)

No. 303572
File: 1687287802833.png (193.94 KB, 887x1000, 1660911261491.png)

No. 303573
File: 1687287833472.jpg (170.19 KB, 1200x860, 99294185_p3_master1200.jpg)

No. 303575
File: 1687287869941.png (228.91 KB, 520x1164, booba.png)

No. 303582
File: 1687289321648.jpg (229.24 KB, 900x1200, 95387584_p14_master1200.jpg)

Does anyone else know this artist? She goes hardcore with the yume-ing, makes a shitton of female and male OCs and ships them with Pokemon characters, however her husbando is definitely Flint.
A lot of her yume art is really good, but beware of the
gross moidgaze porn of female characters, furfaggotry, and more when browsing her gallery. It's a shame that she's so pornbrained, but she's also the best and most prolific NSFW yume artist I've seen for Pokemon.
Not all her stuff is Pokemon related, she has also done Twisted Wonderland, Harry Potter, Inazuma Eleven, Haikyuu, and so on. (extremely NSFW)
No. 303583
File: 1687289385948.jpg (229.61 KB, 1200x1200, 95387584_p24_master1200.jpg)

>>303582Also it's kind of a struggle to find yume pics in her pixiv logs that are safe enough to post here, kek.
No. 303592
>>303590NTA but if you want short comics and doujinshi you could check out the Pixiv artists that are being posted here, a lot of them also post yume comics.
>>303575 IIRC is from a manhwa about a girl who inherits a mansion and a butler harem, but I forgot the title.
No. 303595
>>303593That was it, thank you
No. 303630
File: 1687301061480.jpg (383.97 KB, 2500x2200, illust_96415344_20220907_22310…)

Some genshin guys
No. 303632
File: 1687301150612.jpg (460.03 KB, 2500x2200, illust_96415344_20220907_22305…)

No. 303633
File: 1687301204136.jpg (471.52 KB, 2500x2200, illust_96415344_20220907_22305…)

No. 303651
File: 1687307291508.jpg (99.88 KB, 794x1086, 74532615_p7.jpg)

>>303445>Who is this guy?Killer T Cell from Cells at Work!
No. 303663
File: 1687315784391.jpg (113.47 KB, 1200x1200, 52bfe528da0d9cda773f5d0036c5b5…)

>>303125>>303351Reigen dearest ♥
No. 303672
File: 1687317971059.jpeg (228.27 KB, 1279x2048, FSU6oh3aMAA8wQx.jpeg)

No. 303673
File: 1687318113195.jpeg (160.73 KB, 1200x1200, Fs9tjCtacAAkFP-.jpeg)

No. 303682
File: 1687322629504.jpeg (Spoiler Image,165.88 KB, 2048x945, Fvm_4qaXgAID8Nd.jpeg)

I'm excited for What The Hell is Bad. Looks like it'll have a lot of yume POVs but hopefully it won't be too pay to win
No. 303700
File: 1687339905184.png (460.52 KB, 795x880, naice.png)

>>303682Whoa, thanks for posting about this game, it looks very promising! Like how Obey me actually should have been like.
No. 303714
File: 1687345041374.jpg (21.4 KB, 640x480, 1602798445999.jpg)

>>303713it's hot, but…the music. why's it so intense?
No. 303723
File: 1687349945317.jpg (15.28 KB, 426x382, 1643945419367.jpg)

>>303713woah i have been waiting for something like this for a long ass time, nice.
No. 303851
>>303700Not a big fan of the way they draw faces tbh but that's not too say I'm not hyped as fuck for this
>>303724What??? I didn't know that!! I gotta replay it
No. 303932
>>303851>What??? I didn't know that!! I gotta replay iti looked for it and its a secret guy, but he doesn't have eyes for some reason. i replayed the games many times but i just can't get his ending, apparently there's a way to get him by keeping the same "level" for all the guys, idk, there's instructions on this page but it's all in japanese, so i couldn't understand it, but maybe you could.
No. 303992
>>303715ALL RISE
No. 304415
File: 1687588515253.jpg (Spoiler Image,122.12 KB, 1099x1200, a66def76cb68ec827918002e13b2c0…)

No. 304417
File: 1687590336858.jpg (111.66 KB, 590x1024, 1609830943815m.jpg)

No. 304418
File: 1687590389459.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.72 KB, 848x600, 1609806712553.jpg)

No. 304419
File: 1687590450332.jpg (Spoiler Image,197.03 KB, 720x1024, 1609654704873m.jpg)

No. 304422
File: 1687590879175.jpg (Spoiler Image,63.4 KB, 622x632, choking-is-hot-both-ways-6xwmf…)

No. 304424
File: 1687591006297.jpg (72.65 KB, 640x903, shadow-of-the-colossus-2aew6ej…)

No. 304425
File: 1687591064060.jpg (66.17 KB, 500x696, 7fc383fa24a4929a.jpg)

No. 304426
File: 1687591085634.png (466.87 KB, 1019x1459, 92819127_p4.png)

No. 304427
File: 1687591150725.jpg (155.81 KB, 1343x1819, bcd2dc0721b18a52705c10931920c3…)

No. 304428
File: 1687591205409.jpg (37.47 KB, 564x797, cdace264a64e5415b8b0ddefd7254c…)

i hope this doesn't turn out to be BL too.
No. 304481
File: 1687618580748.png (177.84 KB, 955x638, hirose maid kun.png)

>>303724yep, he's called hirose-kun. kirishima had to be my favourite in this game tho since I have a megane fetish, but he was cute too. idk why he doesn't have eyes I guess because he's a secret admirer of the mc (from what I can remember)??
No. 304523
File: 1687640948312.jpg (100.68 KB, 720x1200, Bday_Card_2022_Taira.jpg)

>>304481Maybe he's like that background character guy in TMGS3? kek
No. 304548
File: 1687651620391.png (8.17 KB, 340x45, 3323.png)

>>304481>>304523He's the background character referred
at first as Male Student B hence why he doesn't have any eyes and he admired MC from the start but was too shy to do anything about it.
Reminds me of the time where I decided to romance a blurry/faceless background customer for lols and was genuinely surprised that I could and ended up liking her and the other secret LI which was the tutorial/narrator/game itself No. 304591
File: 1687667372720.jpg (338.23 KB, 2048x1958, Fw1nd74aYAEazNB.jpg)

No. 304726
File: 1687742827760.jpg (334.28 KB, 1536x2161, IMG_20230618_072643.jpg)

Us on our wedding night
No. 304728
File: 1687743029704.jpg (650.61 KB, 2304x3072, IMG_20220624_121832.jpg)

Tfw no deranged military men to bully me…..
No. 304833
File: 1687786962776.png (145.16 KB, 1000x737, --.png)

No. 304847
File: 1687795973427.jpg (396.19 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20230625_210701.jpg)

No. 304850
File: 1687796331693.jpg (290.3 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20230625_210619.jpg)

>>304847Don't forget your keys, anon.
No. 305265
File: 1687960680481.jpeg (48.86 KB, 750x452, B53B0C0D-0791-41C7-A827-BD3BB2…)

Some art of my husband being hot because I will miss playing with him.
No. 305266
File: 1687960717546.jpeg (47.32 KB, 749x566, D7D87050-DF58-487B-8416-65BB6D…)

No. 305267
File: 1687960742626.jpeg (120.11 KB, 750x1211, 74E82595-6216-405D-817F-8926F9…)

No. 305268
File: 1687960767299.jpeg (68.2 KB, 538x960, 61DD1003-E3E6-4FA1-B16A-19BE5A…)

No. 305269
File: 1687960788990.jpeg (69.62 KB, 720x960, 818C5353-59D4-4460-8D8B-77E500…)

No. 305270
File: 1687960816801.jpeg (113.38 KB, 750x1176, 2CD017E3-2633-4D92-B39A-D79626…)

I wish he could clean my ears.
No. 305271
File: 1687960848699.jpeg (58.14 KB, 409x680, 57EB6479-FB28-4896-B86A-0E2D0D…)

No. 305272
File: 1687960883218.jpeg (119.95 KB, 750x1038, 134BBB30-50C0-45CF-933B-E2162B…)

No. 305274
File: 1687960965765.jpeg (50.38 KB, 580x591, BB4A67CC-F000-41F8-933B-F9388F…)

This is my favorite one, if I die, I want to wake up there.
No. 305395
File: 1688020192660.jpg (33.91 KB, 533x533, 1675769636470.jpg)

>>305329what? what the actual fuck? i'd only seen the trailer and thought the manga must be good to get an anime adaptation out of it. i wish it wasn't made by a woman, but i think it is, looking at the previous works she'd fit right in at /g//
No. 305400
>>305399me too, i know now that it's no mistake that they chose to animefy this particular manga, they're trying to normalize
abusive and fetish shit among women, no doubt the mangaka was exposed to degen male made hentai garbage and chose to make her own.
No. 305745
File: 1688169452387.jpg (211.12 KB, 1200x1702, 1625560732111.jpg)

this is a pic dump thread
No. 305748
File: 1688169564418.jpg (186.76 KB, 1200x1702, 1625560843309.jpg)

No. 305761
File: 1688172614967.jpg (296.8 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20230625_210544.jpg)

>>305745Joining you with more of my man
No. 305763
File: 1688172639382.jpg (365.77 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20230625_210554.jpg)

No. 305764
File: 1688172677288.jpg (446.58 KB, 1536x2161, IMG_20230630_120710.jpg)

No. 305765
File: 1688172728398.jpg (72.23 KB, 724x930, IMG_20230625_204833.jpg)

One last of the other gk kitty
No. 306135
File: 1688267259412.png (2.02 MB, 1080x1473, 64pSmiv.png)

No. 306629
File: 1688492587052.jpg (321.83 KB, 1706x2048, IMG_20230625_210724.jpg)

Not sure who this is but the art is so cute
>>306029>>306163Late but yes, it's the Russian kitty sniper vasily!
No. 306630
File: 1688492658986.jpg (219.79 KB, 1620x2048, IMG_20230625_210800.jpg)

>>306629Another of the same guy? Less cute this time though
No. 306925
File: 1688661768370.png (585.87 KB, 860x860, 60905832_p40.png)

No. 306926
File: 1688661807758.jpg (75.81 KB, 600x617, 6397554852e1dd718a7aeb7147f79e…)

No. 306928
File: 1688661972537.png (553.76 KB, 768x768, 1639732148078.png)

No. 306930
File: 1688662548059.jpg (65.21 KB, 736x1081, aebd24d0b4770c13388d4feced0d79…)

No. 306932
File: 1688662726727.png (Spoiler Image,207.57 KB, 432x540, Reigen_cunnilingus.png)

No. 308503
File: 1689370610671.jpeg (571.61 KB, 1986x2048, FsL7r2vagAEv6_P.jpeg)

No. 308505
File: 1689370669365.jpeg (392.75 KB, 2048x1448, FvZ8_dGaUAMudo-.jpeg)

No. 308506
File: 1689370972066.jpeg (616.74 KB, 1532x2047, F04SAtgaAAYSatF.jpeg)

No. 308507
File: 1689371026723.jpeg (706.43 KB, 1532x2047, F04SChZaMAAOZhI.jpeg)

No. 308508
File: 1689371069550.jpeg (591.07 KB, 1532x2047, F04SChxaYAAYqsv.jpeg)

No. 308509
File: 1689371127494.jpeg (448.36 KB, 1532x2047, F04SCiEaQAAPPW1.jpeg)

No. 308511
File: 1689371325586.jpeg (232.85 KB, 1448x2048, Fp9L0HFaYAAYPF_.jpeg)

Sorry for the Reigen spam
No. 308603
File: 1689441263559.jpeg (521.76 KB, 1448x2048, FrNs-O_aEAAuBR1.jpeg)

>>308514He has crazy luck so he'll be ok
No. 309167
File: 1689716775664.png (826.17 KB, 1060x889, 72492416_p16.png)

>>308671Ah alright, I wanna share some more since there isn't much for him and they usually get overshadowed by yaoi/bl art.
>>309109Yes though Reigen did had a past love interest but it wasn't mentioned that often so it's great to know that he has some experience and probably yearn for affection.
No. 309230
File: 1689758743942.jpg (Spoiler Image,321.79 KB, 839x1200, FkTHWCKUoAErzJG.jpg)

>>309209I thought he was bitchless too until seeing this Q&A from an official fanbook mentioning his past romantic experiences but was kept low. Spoiler for off-topic.
No. 309232
File: 1689758847671.jpg (Spoiler Image,74.29 KB, 768x1024, 5c375a12f2f065bcc8e778822257aa…)

>>309230And also this manga panel.
No. 311412
File: 1690605743915.jpeg (335.63 KB, 1258x1831, F1kRz98akAQ2ctC.jpeg)

No. 311551
File: 1690662095069.jpeg (Spoiler Image,254.51 KB, 1580x2048, FzJZKFeaUAA4t_0.jpeg)

Osborn from Light & Night
>>304850I'm not even an Ogata sisterwife but I seriously need to have sex with him
No. 311677
File: 1690715364244.jpg (Spoiler Image,247.27 KB, 850x788, 1688828525373464.jpg)

No. 311707
File: 1690726695408.jpg (Spoiler Image,113.77 KB, 850x752, 1686873294279337.jpg)

fuck I keep forgetting to spoiler the image
>>303354I am sure I saw it last thread, but I couldn't find it on the archive for some reason…
No. 311756
File: 1690740561104.jpeg (284.6 KB, 2048x1228, Ee7t7u5UMAAdBvj.jpeg)

No. 311869
File: 1690770254216.jpg (330.05 KB, 1436x2048, Fo72S73aEAA6Nds.jpg)

No. 312255
File: 1690980787646.jpeg (568.1 KB, 1155x1559, FntvwqfagAEKdGW.jpeg)

No. 313046
File: 1691275567532.jpg (87.42 KB, 736x1083, 80b5905b06749db616077deb7f4143…)

No. 313258
File: 1691373740089.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.67 MB, 3500x2625, 16908742364764.jpg)

Good thread
No. 313435
File: 1691474201893.jpg (Spoiler Image,143.47 KB, 950x1690, 97608955_p10.jpg)

No. 313436
File: 1691474255976.png (Spoiler Image,328.52 KB, 750x1000, 87457341_p4.png)

No. 313437
File: 1691474292650.png (Spoiler Image,337.72 KB, 750x1000, 87457341_p5.png)

No. 313438
File: 1691474366365.jpg (Spoiler Image,181.13 KB, 869x1228, 97608955_p7.jpg)

No. 313439
File: 1691474517739.jpg (192.23 KB, 1125x1600, 1632177333553.jpg)

This is a good manga, but I forgot the title
No. 313441
File: 1691474614149.jpeg (Spoiler Image,143.32 KB, 724x1024, EPmhuEDU4AA_JK5.jpeg)

No. 313443
File: 1691474704544.jpg (Spoiler Image,649.92 KB, 1628x2048, EhRu3b1XcAE0Nyo.jpg orig.jpg)

No. 313446
File: 1691476230240.png (Spoiler Image,321.52 KB, 750x1000, 87457341_p6.png)

No. 313447
File: 1691476516135.png (Spoiler Image,367.89 KB, 750x1000, 87457341_p7.png)

No. 313448
File: 1691476649770.png (800.65 KB, 717x1087, 56781718_p0.png)

No. 313449
File: 1691476782832.jpg (Spoiler Image,427.99 KB, 856x1119, 1642185287197.jpg)

No. 313451
File: 1691477135789.jpg (Spoiler Image,243.31 KB, 1280x1578, 20230729_182533.jpg)

No. 313454
File: 1691477430638.jpg (Spoiler Image,134.66 KB, 768x1018, 60065800_p34.jpg)

Didn't mean to spoiler that
No. 313459
File: 1691478206524.png (Spoiler Image,284.62 KB, 700x533, 2206542 - Dr._Flug Villainous.…)

No. 313461
File: 1691478379742.jpg (103.66 KB, 717x751, @nori31291404 EurS_5lVgAMZn4_.…)

>>313458FUCK I didn't mean to post that pic. Shit. I'm deleting it. Here's the link if you still want it No. 313462
File: 1691478534467.png (Spoiler Image,1 MB, 1024x576, 1640727818139.png)

No. 313463
File: 1691478668733.jpg (Spoiler Image,166.17 KB, 582x476, 49045538_p0.jpg)

No. 313464
File: 1691479073918.jpg (110.4 KB, 800x600, 00073.jpg)

>>313461This is the pic I was going to post, kek.
The artist who drew the deleted art has a lot of really nice hetero femgaze stuff with Lancer and Archer.
No. 313467
File: 1691480603538.jpg (109.54 KB, 582x825, 90943521_p2.jpg)

I wish I could post the other parts I saved of this log but they're all explicit, and I can't share the link because the artist privated it on Pixiv.
No. 313622
File: 1691531751394.jpeg (346.98 KB, 1536x2048, F27ECPgakAY81JL.jpeg)

No. 313624
File: 1691531825460.jpeg (1.19 MB, 2731x4096, F2737jkbkAAgV-R.jpeg)

No. 313692
File: 1691573224057.jpg (642.78 KB, 1340x1900, 0c4.jpg)

No. 313696
File: 1691574748418.jpg (528.71 KB, 1100x786, 0e4.jpg)

>>303165I love these kaito pics
No. 314172
File: 1691792454373.jpg (Spoiler Image,222.97 KB, 1232x2048, FozmAYfaUAAEJ7z.jpg)

No. 314602
File: 1691978489538.png (585.2 KB, 1000x753, 19125880.png)

No. 314629
File: 1691982263488.jpg (391.7 KB, 500x725, 70919890_p19.jpg)

No. 314635
File: 1691983459802.png (167.24 KB, 480x272, ULJM05976_00072.png)

No. 314636
File: 1691983518227.png (168.96 KB, 480x272, ULJM05976_00073.png)

>>314635Ugh these screenshots are so tiny, sorry.
No. 316517
File: 1692632880335.jpg (Spoiler Image,386.41 KB, 1598x1674, Fuh-QC8aIAEjlIU.jpg)

No. 316550
File: 1692642558198.jpeg (300.21 KB, 1142x2048, His name is something like Sun…)

>>309050Sharing the full image of this one since the artist has finished; Character is from Ashes of the Kingdom (chinese otome game) and amazingly not one of the romanceable guys but the younger brother of
>>309051 he's very popular from what I've seen.
No. 316821
File: 1692746973971.jpg (160.26 KB, 1170x2189, 0dofjjyrwlo71.jpg)

sauce: Tonari no Seki no Hen-na Senpai
No. 316822
File: 1692747060375.jpg (210.9 KB, 539x960, tumblr_5ba311e6f3a3de64c5a9dd4…)

>>316821the duality of man…
No. 316823
File: 1692747190657.png (939.72 KB, 640x921, aaa.png)

I love this man…
>>316821>>316822 No. 316824
File: 1692747241765.jpg (144.88 KB, 1000x1422, 4b05784d13db2949b83b4eaa628a2a…)

>>316823>>316822>>316821ogey last one (probably)
No. 316875
File: 1692768346977.jpg (308.8 KB, 1600x1125, 0(1).jpg)

Yessss!! I was worried the author had lost interest after the last chapter or something had happened, I really hope there's some news soon…
No. 316879
File: 1692768749972.png (779.32 KB, 938x1001, Screenshot_20230823-002417-237…)

>>316877Ok last one from me. I also love this side character, he's such an airhead.
No. 316898
>>316892Ah too bad.
>just kept wanting MC to hit himThat sounds pretty hot though.
No. 317072
File: 1692816727866.jpg (716.6 KB, 1079x1176, Screenshot_20230823_134815_Fir…)

No. 317264
File: 1692893689403.jpg (706.03 KB, 1080x1344, Screenshot_20230823_144425_Fir…)

>>317140He's Osamu Dazai from Bungou Stray Dogs!
No. 319251
File: 1693711118231.jpg (1014.11 KB, 2894x2756, 20230819_142938.jpg)

No. 319973
File: 1694009536405.jpeg (810.58 KB, 1438x1000, F5R4SrRaYAEQeCv.jpeg)

Artist nokuhashi_kp
No. 319976
File: 1694009638368.jpeg (575.86 KB, 1382x1000, F5MiudWboAAp3UO.jpeg)

>>319974she draws more but these were my fave
No. 320088
File: 1694072911291.jpg (365.74 KB, 808x1200, proto arthur.jpg)

The pain I felt after finding out what F/SN could've been was immeasurable.
No. 320128
>>319976I posted a bunch of them above
>>313696so cute
No. 322186
File: 1695078092873.jpeg (879.4 KB, 1248x1500, F6SqO9za0AAm1jy.jpeg)

No. 325119
File: 1696347814400.jpeg (47.76 KB, 610x974, F61Tf7Wa4AACLnt.jpeg)

POV you're finally on lunch break and you see the two reasons you come to work every day
No. 325120
File: 1696347969044.jpeg (Spoiler Image,80.31 KB, 741x925, F6q6Hc8aEAAC1IH.jpeg)

Spoiler for male nipple play
No. 325121
File: 1696348032235.jpeg (Spoiler Image,76 KB, 749x964, F6q6Hc-bYAAgWPa.jpeg)

>>325120Artist does a lot of Nanami stuff including POVs if anyone wants to dig through for more No. 325780
File: 1696678421897.jpg (147.36 KB, 890x812, amXYwv4_700b.jpg)

>>325746At least the artist bothered to draw nipples.
No. 325782
File: 1696678922639.jpg (Spoiler Image,232.28 KB, 1500x1868, F6oKz0maAAAWLv7.jpg)

No. 325786
File: 1696680310308.png (Spoiler Image,1.53 MB, 1228x868, 1601154397292.png)

>>325783No idea, reverse search doesn't work.
No. 325808
File: 1696692205024.png (Spoiler Image,1.27 MB, 1400x1050, 1695568790532486.png)

No. 325826
File: 1696705776537.jpg (401.87 KB, 1800x2400, 1692618273774.jpg)

No. 327353
File: 1697398153397.jpg (408.85 KB, 850x1180, sample_908e637885aa075b66497f7…)

No. 327355
File: 1697398177200.jpg (94.74 KB, 850x855, sample_e05c3b36a573aca7762f90f…)

No. 328749
File: 1697821759752.jpg (2.73 MB, 3399x4096, meentxyz.jpg)

No. 329010
File: 1697901289757.jpg (1.2 MB, 1226x819, 1677132962491247.jpg)

No. 329380
File: 1698019490817.jpeg (Spoiler Image,74.6 KB, 736x729, B6531F4B-CFDE-45F5-AE7D-D9C83B…)

No. 329585
File: 1698091209400.png (346.08 KB, 485x686, 8e7484f4cbbbe548f57a50f81c7349…)

No. 330681
File: 1698453505399.jpg (Spoiler Image,287.95 KB, 1374x1610, F9VvagYacAA2PiD.jpg)

No. 331212
File: 1698607478704.jpg (460.74 KB, 1066x1895, 110386855_p0.jpg)

No. 331213
File: 1698607863076.jpg (2.6 MB, 2438x3247, 93714737_p0.jpg)

No. 332695
>>316823I love this type of fucked up/dark yumes doujinshis
Does other mangas like these exist?
No. 333540
File: 1699324337381.jpeg (Spoiler Image,634.65 KB, 1254x1662, IMG_4632.jpeg)

No. 334359
File: 1699559431113.jpg (170.13 KB, 1280x906, tumblr_4a92c86f81a47f822cc7177…)

No. 334392
File: 1699569899595.png (Spoiler Image,187.85 KB, 800x1111, lp16_still_ichinose01.png)

No. 344047
File: 1703183137606.jpeg (Spoiler Image,198.73 KB, 960x1500, 1703170443750.jpeg)

No. 344265
File: 1703279879668.png (230.48 KB, 1257x890, FJMboZiaIAEneDA.png)

appealing since it's so fucking cold now
No. 345120
File: 1703677003414.jpeg (Spoiler Image,423.98 KB, 2500x1383, f8602eeae615b8d51f16080a62a9a7…)

No. 345912
File: 1704054194208.jpg (1.04 MB, 846x1200, 109347857_p0_master1200.jpg)

No. 346004
File: 1704108268142.jpg (691.4 KB, 789x720, Kagerou.Project.full.1664737.j…)

No. 346857
File: 1704522827015.jpg (55.53 KB, 600x861, Yuri.Briar.600.3656338.jpg)

This is yumejoshi art. He's about to torture me. You can't change my mind.
No. 347630
File: 1704878153202.png (318.84 KB, 860x659, 89773060_p10.png)

No. 347916
File: 1704988763487.jpg (446.69 KB, 1000x1211, 67090a1bf3bfb05451d0fd736073d2…)

Meanwhile in /g/
No. 356592
File: 1708095912127.png (1.12 MB, 698x1387, femme_fantasia.png)

Not gonna let this thread diiiiiee.
No. 356594
File: 1708096335767.png (Spoiler Image,365.45 KB, 720x958, from_a_degenerate_pornhwa.png)

No. 356597
File: 1708096887459.png (Spoiler Image,390.62 KB, 720x874, there's_pussy_eating.png)

No. 356601
File: 1708101110999.jpg (Spoiler Image,304.68 KB, 888x724, 76552988_p36.jpg)

No. 356614
File: 1708108940719.jpg (129.02 KB, 736x993, 796c06731a05ca1e7a4e84720d9f54…)

No. 356653
File: 1708123432792.jpeg (265.97 KB, 900x1215, 3109a3404f278455feef2191258c8b…)

No. 357270
File: 1708413552965.jpg (177.48 KB, 1035x1623, __maomao_and_jinshi_kusuriya_n…)

No. 357271
File: 1708413719047.jpg (465.85 KB, 1448x2048, GGB1FOiboAAaEG6.jpg)

No. 358241
File: 1708803566626.jpg (76.58 KB, 850x884, __chesed_project_moon_and_1_mo…)

No. 361302
File: 1710069829893.jpg (2.89 MB, 3886x2120, 116409905_p0.jpg)

No. 361311
File: 1710073277973.jpg (208.06 KB, 2048x1720, GIMQKUVbMAAHCfz.jpg)

No. 361312
File: 1710073332301.jpg (479.43 KB, 860x1214, GIFTBUybsAELRnH.jpg)

No. 361314
File: 1710073450498.jpg (120.54 KB, 850x1114, GHl2gYobMAAb1Oi.jpg)

No. 364719
File: 1711138240053.png (322.2 KB, 720x273, huehuehue.png)

No. 368061
File: 1712342647794.png (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 1382x778, 113734195_p0.png)

what's the point of spoilering images then?
No. 369070
File: 1712594750503.jpeg (100.62 KB, 736x971, _ (4).jpeg)

this added 100 years to my life span
No. 369073
File: 1712597037792.jpg (174.94 KB, 767x625, GKj_ndmbsAAUN_C.jpg)

I haven't check this Reigen yume artist for a while though they made a few nsfw pics behind a paywall. Any nonna could share them I would be forever grateful. No. 369075
File: 1712597318989.jpg (1002.08 KB, 4013x4096, GHXCVRCaYAAFjoF.jpg)

No. 369142
File: 1712620959457.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.25 KB, 600x496, 1000010322.jpg)

oh shit I probably should've spoilered this
No. 370639
File: 1713109147599.png (1.04 MB, 1047x1466, IMG_3828.png)

No. 370641
File: 1713109284503.jpeg (526.28 KB, 1000x1419, 5b1489f84472d85c0b34911851c61e…)

No. 370642
File: 1713109377857.png (1.87 MB, 1793x2022, 114003303_p0.png)

No. 370643
File: 1713109436199.jpg (394.45 KB, 1448x2048, neuvhandhold.jpg)

No. 386459
File: 1716681181753.jpeg (407.38 KB, 1139x1859, YQHCvpIwGl44tkFHKkoFFYQO.jpeg)

Yandere town pls stop being on hiatus
No. 387095
File: 1716845420643.jpg (502.87 KB, 856x1200, 97443877_p0_master1200.jpg)

Kaworu time
No. 387096
File: 1716845474025.jpg (69.54 KB, 564x779, 6da775942d3f99fffcd7d2bd2fbf3a…)

No. 387099
File: 1716845502861.jpg (39.46 KB, 564x564, 54481c3c64eae540229fae4c43136b…)

No. 387100
File: 1716845526111.jpg (43.61 KB, 563x808, edb012610cc89de7dddb7636ffb950…)

No. 387117
File: 1716848680704.jpg (89.13 KB, 563x796, a8399ddb5dc904bb014d578a9991b7…)

>>387107I don't know who that is, but yes I used to yoom Kaworu. There is that manga which is a self-insert for evangelion fangirls and the heroine dates a Kaworu look-alike. Maybe he has more japanese yumejos?
No. 389056
File: 1717540356638.png (1.96 MB, 1143x910, 90293420_p3.png)

No. 389057
File: 1717540979814.png (408.66 KB, 356x500, latest.png)

>>387312It's a miraculous win which is basically Evangelion's pachinko manga. The main character is more or less girl Shinji dating her co worker who's more or less Kaworu.
No. 391698
File: 1718188950578.jpeg (925.88 KB, 1170x1904, IMG_4182.jpeg)

>>391477on pixiv, search 夢絵, 夢漫画, or 女夢主 + whatever tags you want. sometimes characters have their own yume tags too. most art will tagged like picrel.
No. 394971
File: 1719251564804.jpg (55.55 KB, 563x648, 1c79678d7c432b560ce6c58377c618…)

No. 395436
File: 1719371339656.jpg (424.57 KB, 900x1180, 1000012263.jpg)

No. 395443
File: 1719372623069.jpg (88.82 KB, 680x680, 1000012264.jpg)

ok this will be the last one
No. 397679
File: 1720091184415.jpeg (809.34 KB, 1536x2048, gzQQ2hS.jpeg)

No. 397755
File: 1720115841493.jpg (79.27 KB, 850x1200, __fujimaru_ritsuka_oberon_and_…)

No. 397757
File: 1720116046306.jpg (348.53 KB, 1453x2048, 1720098844773.jpg)

Already posted this in 2D Guys posting but I have to post it here, too. There's only 2 guys but 3 forks and they're looking at the viewer. The implication is clear… hehehehe
No. 397908
File: 1720144568646.jpeg (Spoiler Image,278.65 KB, 828x786, IMG_7844.jpeg) artist just uploaded a new doujin and it is absolute gold holy.
No. 398818
File: 1720410371070.jpg (106.1 KB, 736x1012, 1000012608.jpg)

No. 398819
File: 1720410638409.jpg (182.22 KB, 1000x1000, 1000012612.jpg)

No. 398823
File: 1720411446562.jpg (78.46 KB, 736x962, 1000012614.jpg)

No. 398825
File: 1720411529876.jpg (187.93 KB, 1125x908, 1000012611.jpg)

No. 398830
File: 1720412338387.jpg (107.89 KB, 1280x720, xFOD0Op.jpg)

No. 398835
File: 1720415337429.jpeg (98.08 KB, 661x850, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

No. 398836
File: 1720415392598.jpg (25.92 KB, 308x400, fe2wutuojdqa.jpg)

No. 398837
File: 1720415445567.jpg (20.47 KB, 236x354, c0e1c35a65df33e6af9a8fc141268e…)

No. 400144
File: 1720659691112.jpg (127.06 KB, 639x1100, __fujimaru_ritsuka_arjuna_fuji…)

context: Leftmost guy has a version of himself who is a god and has catlike-horns, the rightmost guy. Left guy is jealous that his god form is getting attention to he tries wearing cat ears
Sorry for being autismo about fate
No. 400513
File: 1720736252624.jpg (219.94 KB, 800x2200, 1716757101539771.jpg)

No. 401683
File: 1721006542338.jpg (1.02 MB, 2935x4096, EgrHdbLU4AABG3Q.jpg)

No. 401684
File: 1721006613738.jpg (1.33 MB, 2894x4093, EWntPcJU4Ac--qY.jpg)

No. 404016
File: 1721574041330.jpg (79.67 KB, 600x833, 1000043809.jpg)

No. 404237
File: 1721664025940.png (Spoiler Image,272.68 KB, 1470x1667, 117899257_p8.png)

No. 404455
File: 1721728317064.jpg (1.02 MB, 1184x800, __nanase_haruka_free_drawn_by_…)

No. 408554
File: 1723221414030.jpg (309.3 KB, 1365x2048, GUh5Df6a8AArvip.jpg)

this fandom is great and this thread needs to be more active
No. 408682
File: 1723254672900.webp (240.75 KB, 1433x2024, 24399862_1433_2024_246532.webp)

>>408554Not fully POV and I hate the "plot" of that shit, but the grafix are on point
No. 411947
File: 1724203140551.jpg (98.36 KB, 1048x815, GTrBvpSaQAQAnld.jpg)

No. 411963
File: 1724209792710.jpg (888.36 KB, 780x1308, F-oR3DGaQAAQFt-.jpg)

No. 411965
File: 1724212140855.jpg (2.31 MB, 3543x5003, __welt_yang_honkai_and_1_more_…)

No. 411980
nonnie how i love you
No. 412848
File: 1724441468128.jpg (399.5 KB, 2048x1527, GVMZ7WRaoAA58bG.jpg)

No. 413012
File: 1724478740672.jpg (290.26 KB, 1536x2048, GUmjAF7WYAA-ZIO.jpg)

No. 413027
File: 1724481536455.jpg (449.48 KB, 1536x2048, 1724478740672.jpg)

fixed the haram image above inshallah
No. 413030
File: 1724481799574.jpg (370.93 KB, 1475x2048, GSdE-cUXAAA0HPb.jpg)

>>413018>ignoring "yumejoshi" on the thread>self-insert femc with her face being obscured and surrounded by hot guysDummy
No. 413057
>>413018It's a self-insert, and the focus is more on the body of the male to the left anyway. It's fine. Source: I'm the OP of this thread.
>>413027But how will she french kiss and get her pussy eaten now? Islam ruining things like usual.
No. 413237
File: 1724557549270.jpg (287.81 KB, 1024x728, 69241066_p8.jpg)

No. 413263
File: 1724570498333.jpg (Spoiler Image,347.43 KB, 1772x2048, 20240823_235453.jpg)

No. 413546
File: 1724671451261.jpg (739.74 KB, 1723x2434, 114856521_p0.jpg)

No. 413944
File: 1724775156950.jpeg (100.99 KB, 720x1068, 1c0bcc513ad1c8392f525d521385f1…)

No. 413956
File: 1724776932242.webp (56.94 KB, 800x1000, ee449a50ce041f206fd05526bf4148…)

No. 414371
File: 1724890088248.jpg (427.5 KB, 1200x990, 99677055_p20_master1200.jpg)

She's the MC/self-insert so hope it's okay
No. 414382
File: 1724893147436.jpg (73.97 KB, 640x1197, 0dofjjyrwlo71 (1).jpg)

Can't remember if he's been posted in this thread. Sauce: tonari no seki no hen na senpai
anons who come here to complain about the art being posted should at least include other art as a tax
No. 414391
File: 1724896860414.webp (57.09 KB, 860x763, 0ee1e28644233e0a5ed626e45ebd70…)

>>414377Not to me it ain't
No. 414399
>>414391love guys drawn with big, natural looking pecs
'ate all the /d/eviants that just draw femboys with giant chesticles
No. 414952
File: 1726146966943.jpg (Spoiler Image,340.22 KB, 2048x1448, GUD6ddEXYAEmlUs.jpg)

No. 414983
File: 1726153477705.png (1.19 MB, 1052x1500, 008666261_LA5rJXknR.png)

>>397908Her pic on poipiku is nice. This artist is mega based, although I don't like her art style that much, it's the way she draws faces.
>>398003NTA but it is yume. She's meant to be your self-insert.
>>408682>not fully POVThe thread is not just for POV but also yume (self-insert) art in general.
>>412848Aside from the shitty coomer porn meme, the problem with this pic is that they have exaggerated Korean webtoon proportions with the wide-ass shoulders and tiny hips/heads/necks. The concept is nice, though.
I love Rei in all these LADS pics, he's cute No. 415248
File: 1726225329074.jpg (574.77 KB, 2616x2800, GWSTFvMWcAAgCdL.jpg)

No. 415249
File: 1726225370054.jpg (697.19 KB, 3291x3291, GWSTXuEW4AE-gbx.jpg)

No. 415289
File: 1726248739746.jpeg (Spoiler Image,792.39 KB, 2048x1702, IMG_8392.jpeg)

>>415248>>415249Artists always draw him so beautifully, god bless
No. 415359
File: 1726277192967.jpg (Spoiler Image,9.62 MB, 2480x3508, eriimyon_Gojo.jpg)

femporn/yumejoshi threads in /h/ and /aco/ No. 415363
File: 1726279916046.jpg (161.55 KB, 1129x1129, f4e7d54ee0be7db60b77c3267d8036…)

>>415359Spoiler's where I first found out about this flavor of fanart. I love good-looking males in anything.
No. 416214
File: 1726611084716.png (2.1 MB, 1372x2002, 122316785_p12.png)

No. 416215
File: 1726611138167.png (5.6 MB, 2065x2894, 122316785_p30.png)

No. 416216
File: 1726611190021.png (4.39 MB, 2019x2894, 122316785_p31.png)

No. 416996
File: 1726846891969.jpg (Spoiler Image,94.96 KB, 658x1024, 1668566111065924m.jpg)

No. 417749
>>415359>femporn/yumejoshi threads in /h/ and /aco/Those still exist? I'm glad, hopefully they're able to keep the scrotes out.
Would you happen to know the name of
this female hentai artist that draws the guys in her manga super hot? I remember someone once posted a few pages, or dumped a whole one-shot, of a married woman cheating on her ugly old husband with a hot and young pizza delivery man. The way that guy was drawn was pure sex, istg. No. 418155
File: 1727212971272.jpg (412.88 KB, 1258x1500, F7NTCb9aMAMMlR4.jpg)

>>417749Yeah though there are a few scrotes lurking in those threads and mods are able to clear out any shitposts or off-topic pics from them. Sorry but I don't know the name of the artist you're describing though.
No. 418242
File: 1727236838837.jpg (542.71 KB, 1461x2048, apple.JPG)

No. 418245
>>417749Oh shit I remember that though I don't remember the name. Honestly most of the panels were malegaze as fuck though sadly. The pizza delivery guy was kyoot though.
I do recall that the same author also drew really good Sugimoto × Ogata yaoi. Her Sugimoto torture was the best.
No. 419276
File: 1727596462150.png (1.59 MB, 1000x1373, GlsJ33I.png)

No. 422480
File: 1728536119077.png (168.49 KB, 900x620, 85699918_p13.png)

No. 422481
File: 1728536189294.png (249.46 KB, 900x651, 85699918_p27.png)

No. 425928
File: 1729516806958.png (857.2 KB, 579x723, fe06f4df81fcbdb05b558a7c9f6758…)

No. 426000
>>425928Didn't expect Gundam here, but here we are.
Guel's indeed a cutie.
No. 426331
File: 1729629769255.jpg (800.2 KB, 3508x2480, __adaman_and_volo_pokemon_and_…)

No. 426693
File: 1729769418407.png (452.32 KB, 555x663, __lyra_silver_lance_and_morty_…)

No. 427885
File: 1730159654922.jpg (238.81 KB, 2000x2700, GKc0QxUbEAA9OaN.jpg)

No. 427937
File: 1730177169733.jpg (1.64 MB, 1440x2560, 115748424_p1.jpg)

No. 435170
File: 1732514981779.jpg (171.07 KB, 900x674, 11232353_p0.jpg)

No. 435172
File: 1732515037947.jpg (605.02 KB, 1100x706, 1545e903fd46054f13c1ce30194d57…)

No. 435257
File: 1732561800807.jpg (1.2 MB, 1421x2048, Gojou.Satoru.full.3329444.jpg)

No. 435804
File: 1732687647925.jpeg (512.73 KB, 1216x1232, __shinano_eiji_saibou_shinkyok…)

I have no idea who this is or where he's from, but I thought I'd share.
No. 435867
File: 1732702616067.png (878.26 KB, 1200x690, file.png)

No. 436502
File: 1732857526115.jpg (1.12 MB, 1300x925, 90525894_p0.jpg)

No. 436530
File: 1732862373761.jpeg (36.98 KB, 564x376, 31633E14-488B-4157-9B0B-0D3A89…)

>>436502I’m not even really into Kaito but this made my heart skip a beat…
No. 436573
File: 1732877831286.jpg (655.95 KB, 1200x869, 90744852_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>436530Bless the
nonny who posted it originally. Sorry for the shit quality on this one, I'm not logged in. Here's the source NEED to get good at art to be able to draw similar POV pics of my husbando and I getting married GOD No. 436851
File: 1732957201784.jpg (542.39 KB, 1976x2048, d03ae33dc0551626b069bc89cbca1f…)

No. 438290
File: 1733381021883.jpg (350.44 KB, 2902x1773, __heroine_mr_crawling_mr_scarl…)

No. 438291
File: 1733381131874.jpg (477.03 KB, 2000x1098, __heroine_mr_crawling_and_mr_s…)

No. 439116
File: 1733679240902.jpg (278.05 KB, 2048x1496, Gd2S8fDWEAAIL5d.jpg)

No. 439118
File: 1733679492887.jpg (93.75 KB, 1280x1007, __mr_crawling_homicipher_drawn…)

No. 439119
File: 1733679525481.jpg (1.13 MB, 3508x2480, __mr_crawling_homicipher_drawn…)

No. 439442
File: 1733763218295.jpg (66.54 KB, 728x1391, GBY2L8OaMAAvkY3.jpg)

No. 439583
File: 1733792919434.jpg (1.58 MB, 2519x3550, Gc8jx1YXgAAIsg7.jpg)

>>439270He's an absolute cutie. The perfect nightmare husbando. I say this game has hit my taste for hot spooky men since most horror/monster men don't do it for me like Creepypastas or slashers but Homicipher does it well. Like they're creepy yet still attractive.
No. 439798
File: 1733890660381.jpg (495.95 KB, 2627x1512, GdkWdgEboAAmL7n.jpg)

No. 439799
File: 1733890740748.jpg (453.3 KB, 2048x1536, Gd7ryIVa0AEuIOF.jpg)

No. 440597
File: 1734197382537.jpg (459.02 KB, 1707x2048, __heroine_and_mr_scarletella_h…)

No. 441067
File: 1734372350557.jpg (209.01 KB, 1000x1052, 124388641_p6.jpg)

No. 441305
File: 1734467783376.jpg (344.64 KB, 1816x2048, GcboN2xawAAuXUF.jpg)

No. 442731
File: 1735033272917.jpg (221.28 KB, 1385x2048, __heroine_mr_crawling_and_mr_s…)

No. 442732
File: 1735033343724.jpg (4.1 MB, 2000x2600, GcH7aXBasAQsL23.jpg)

No. 442735
File: 1735034147249.jpg (452.82 KB, 1791x2530, GdeJYM4XEAAN3cJ.jpg)

No. 443020
File: 1735220959506.jpg (386.24 KB, 1517x2048, Gew-9vhagAAAAvg.jpg)

No. 443835
File: 1735495937798.jpg (508.16 KB, 1240x1748, Gd7m6gVa0AQr83y.jpg)

>>443660He doesn't have a lot of yume content which sucks since he's pretty hot yet hard to find good art of him. I usually go to Twitter/X, Gelbooru/Danbooru and Pixiv for fanart. Sometimes Pinterest and Tumblr too.
No. 443846
File: 1735498838210.jpg (558.81 KB, 2241x1500, __heroine_mr_scarletella_and_m…)

No. 443849
File: 1735499638349.jpg (687.61 KB, 2048x1536, __heroine_and_mr_crawling_homi…)

No. 443914
>>443835>>443846>>443848>>443849thank you!!
>>443856>>443859i agree, he's the only one i'm attracted to. mr. crawling is really cute, but not really my type. i have zero interest in scarletella and idk why he's so popular. the other guys don't interest me sexually either. but i LOVE the big aggressive muscular guy with sharp teeth.
No. 444034
File: 1735565597511.jpg (329.42 KB, 707x1000, Gf-leOLaoAAzPsD.jpg)

>>443856>>443859Well he is the muscular type and goes around topless. I like that he's an all brawn no brain type of brute who'll slowly care about you after showing him that you can kick ass. The blood drinking and manhandling is hot though. I want to see him interact with the other ghost/monster guys.
>>443914You're welcome! I think all the ghost/monster men are all charming in a way and some I'd want to get freaky with. Mr. Crawling is definitely my #1. Very cute, cares a lot about you and is husband material. For Mr. Scarletella, I can see why people like him since he's like a yandere who's obsessed and delulu over the mc plus making him submit to you when you get ahold of his heart/soul umbrella. Still hot though. I've seen fanarts where the mc gets handsy with his umbrella like it's some voodoo kink and making him all hot and bothered. My biggest hear me out would have to be Mr. Gap.
No. 444470
File: 1735705295582.jpg (1005.73 KB, 2909x3508, __heroine_mr_crawling_and_mr_s…)

>>444108You're right though Mr. Stitch is kinda cute and just wants to have fun even if it meant getting into danger. Mr. Hugeface on the other hand is kinda creepy and annoying. Dude can't contain his excitement and treats you like a miserable hamster. Wished he'd be more gentle.
No. 444732
File: 1735775346306.jpg (3.04 MB, 4096x4096, GeI30aQakAEkO2V.jpg)

Heheh he's so silly
No. 444743
File: 1735777262122.jpg (236.12 KB, 800x1051, GE8FjuHaMAA8UqH.jpg)

>>313477hell yeah i love this person's art
this thread needs to be more active tbh
No. 444865
File: 1735825212994.jpg (184.26 KB, 1080x1350, Gc54P-NaAAU5GjM.jpg)

No. 445072
File: 1735911179219.jpg (291.55 KB, 1182x2048, Ge0xbb5bwAA_jaM.jpg)

No. 445187
File: 1735956599977.jpg (299.09 KB, 1727x1674, Gevnw2JbsAIzQU6.jpg)

>>445111 said. They're from a game called Homicipher that's been around since November. Pretty much they're like ghost/horror/monster men and I've been obsessed. They're so fine and cute.
>>445089I think not but maybe he did in Mr. Silvair's route as an experiment gone wrong, went berserk and got killed by him. Sad, I wish he successfully gets a functional body. No. 445377
File: 1736016730599.jpg (360.43 KB, 1459x2000, 1000002801.jpg)

>>445111>>445187Thanks nonas, i checked out the game and now i get why people are husbandoing this guy in particular.
In fact im craving sexy content of him, please post your hottest most graphic mr crawling pics please
No. 445461
File: 1736032350420.jpg (Spoiler Image,299.49 KB, 1822x2048, GdUxkVqWUAASzYU.jpg)

No. 445465
File: 1736032438919.jpg (Spoiler Image,274.14 KB, 2048x1470, GdgsnkcX0AAZsso.jpg)

No. 445468
File: 1736033127183.jpg (1.96 MB, 2804x2309, GfVhJkdaIAAjsnr.jpg)

>>445463Same. I want him to follow me around and give him lots of love
No. 445470
File: 1736033279227.jpg (Spoiler Image,504.96 KB, 2600x2000, GexylFJa0AAGcS2.jpg)

No. 445474
File: 1736034771524.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 1460x2048, 124847634_p1.jpg)

Should be my last one for now in case I get banned for hornyposting.
>>445471It's definitely worth it!
No. 445479
File: 1736035636614.jpg (5.17 MB, 2894x4093, __heroine_and_mr_crawling_homi…)

>>445475Become Mrs. Crawling
No. 445532
File: 1736048108609.gif (135.75 KB, 498x234, mr-crawling-homicipher.gif)

>>445515Not usually into dudes with long hair but he is a cutie pie
No. 445563
>>445474Thank you so much for the pics nona!
>>445534Fucking adorable
No. 446189
File: 1736223571479.jpg (51.92 KB, 600x849, Mr.Crawling.600.4370385-309682…)

No. 446190
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No. 446191
File: 1736223633518.png (1.56 MB, 1395x1985, Mojibake.full.4370392-12290458…)

No. 446193
File: 1736223664518.jpg (20.47 KB, 474x697, th-1302258924.jpg)

Last one
No. 446329
>>446193Please more I love him so much. I should’ve played the game sooner because when I first saw him I knew I would love him, he is my exact type. I love when he is
crying in the cabinet and you find him and pet him and
when you invite him into the elevator and live happily ever after No. 446491
File: 1736298206054.jpg (114.79 KB, 600x1067, Homicipher.full.4363884.jpg)

>>446329Here's another for you, nona.
No. 446707
File: 1736363153833.jpg (374.65 KB, 1448x2048, GemsQP9bAAAf1qW.jpg)

>>445563You're welcome! With all this Homicipher posting, I hope other nonnies don't mind it if they ever open up this thread. A general would be cool though even if there won't be any future updates. I just also enjoy seeing other fan content, interpretations and lore.
>>446493We gotta somehow isekai ourselves into a world with husbandos. Starting off by dreaming which is already hard.
No. 446710
File: 1736363736174.jpg (35.15 KB, 850x601, IMG_8675.jpg)

>>446707There needs to be moar added to the game.
No. 446736
File: 1736367904742.jpg (179.36 KB, 1200x1200, Fylh4TKacAEc23o-2371910614.jpg)

No. 446738
File: 1736368504232.jpg (48 KB, 850x734, riding him.jpg)

>>446736Why is my husband black
No. 446873
File: 1736404226925.jpg (874.77 KB, 2523x4096, Gdie-EsWUAEMGi9.jpg)

>>446713>>446715>>446848Aw, I like this red flag tampon. I think it be fun to put him into submission and bully him while giving all the love to Mr. Crawling. A lot of the voodoo umbrella art I've seen are wonderful.
No. 446984
File: 1736450096568.jpg (109.8 KB, 694x933, __heroine_and_mr_scarletella_h…)

No. 447145
File: 1736482386721.jpg (69.33 KB, 736x799, Viral Stories.jpg)

No. 447146
File: 1736482434684.jpg (267.74 KB, 1280x905, tumblr_f05cd2e5f77b43443630fe1…)

This is technically yume because the main character is a self-insert for the player, I swear…
No. 447180
File: 1736490017530.jpg (517.87 KB, 1524x2048, GeW5WA7aEAEN23-.jpg)

>>446752She's such a baddie. It's rare seeing an interesting female mc with a twist than your usual pretty girl heroine. I headcanon her as a moid killer and feeds her monster bfs with the moid
victims she had killed.
>>447146She is since you can put your name for her though I do like her as a character as well. She's a cool gigastacy girlboss.
Sorry for cringe terms. No. 447258
File: 1736514119455.jpg (45.4 KB, 1024x1024, GgjSZbJWYAALfco.jpg)

>>447197Yes I'd feel bad if she kills women too though I think she hasn't kill or harm any female characters so that's a plus to the moid killing headcanon.
Not sure about the child in END12: Sore Loser. If she does then maybe bad ones like idk bullies and pickmes??
>>447180Adding to her character, I think she has some sort of sad backstory after hearing the game's theme Gray Rain. She is a troubled individual after all and her character seems to be deep and complex. It made me like her even more.
No. 447282
File: 1736521126992.jpeg (99.43 KB, 809x1141, IMG_8684.jpeg)

How does this make you feel
No. 447453
File: 1736569576555.jpg (659.32 KB, 2126x2835, Gg7bkecbQAA7GY5.jpg)

No. 447721
File: 1736647449355.mp4 (2 MB, 720x1280, 7B40B301DFFECC8EFBC2AF7A7C5361…)

Mr. Crawling my beloved ♥
No. 447922
File: 1736706721247.jpg (351.76 KB, 1602x1582, GdyHtgyWUAA74PD.jpg)

Welp got slapped on the wrist for posting porn. Guess that was way too spicy despite being a little censored with zero penetration.
No. 447923
>>447922Such is life, nona.
I got flagged for spam when I tried to make a dedicated Homicipher thread but that's just because I'm a retard. Thanks for sharing this cute pic.
No. 447949
File: 1736712770435.jpg (450.51 KB, 1536x2048, GeKuExQXQAAlJ6b.jpg)

>>447923You're welcome! But aw a Homicipher thread would've been really nice though maybe that flagging was just a cooldown from posting? I think it's possible to try it again.
No. 447956
File: 1736715795759.png (2.62 MB, 1922x2550, coming home.png)

Need thread
No. 447994
>>447949>>447956Be the change you wanna see, nonas. I put some links together but my internet is kinda spotty so feel free to take them to make a separate thread.
>Summary from SteamHomicipher is a female-targeted language deciphering and exploration ADV based on the concept of "romance with horror men." The protagonist, who has wandered into another world, interacts with non-human beings to decipher their language while striving to escape.
>Free trial>Full game>Complete dictionary>Complete scene/CG guide No. 448674
File: 1736909742259.jpg (47.62 KB, 600x600, Mr.Crawling.600.4370289-160745…)

No. 448675
File: 1736909777491.jpg (147.24 KB, 850x1202, __heroine_and_mr_crawling_homi…)

No. 448676
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No. 450700
File: 1737377457270.jpg (2.9 MB, 2150x3035, GhNYMnjbUAAQyZ-.jpg)

>>450224Hard to describe it but something like a wet earthy moss smell?
No. 450825
File: 1737393475518.jpg (1.09 MB, 4096x4096, GgT9zBfXsAAMQHm.jpg)

No. 451154
File: 1737466482643.jpeg (68.9 KB, 500x435, IMG_4497.jpeg)

I need more hetalia stuff but I don’t know where can I find them
No. 456519
File: 1738586471248.jpg (Spoiler Image,424.76 KB, 1489x2105, 99726908_p0.jpg)

Irokawa based
No. 461597
File: 1739906992541.jpg (78.45 KB, 736x886, f2ee9aae9f41cec1f52357927d60a3…)

The only shounen protag i would. Can't help it. 2cute4me..
No. 461598
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No. 461600
File: 1739907132522.jpg (82.66 KB, 736x945, e4368b23c907ba49fda237553eb7bd…)

Aaah, I'm yoojing~
No. 461699
File: 1739926798102.jpg (87.24 KB, 736x1041, 6e97e1f80db8db229df4f764765087…)

>>461640>Jennifer LawrenceNah, I'd win.
5'2 copium No. 476873
File: 1743361370473.jpg (1.87 MB, 1156x1416, Kusuriuri.full.2837476.jpg)

No. 476877
File: 1743362230251.jpeg (Spoiler Image,280.16 KB, 1448x2048, __original_drawn_by_makura_wet…)

>>456648No, she has always had that style.
No. 476879
File: 1743362304437.png (948.6 KB, 1024x768, cg059b.png)

Hope this counts, it's from an otome game.
No. 476882
File: 1743362496583.jpg (383.48 KB, 1448x2048, 1737163297704.jpg)

No. 476893
File: 1743364098047.png (1005.74 KB, 1024x768, cg074a.png)

>>476884Just a heads up, it's typical maledom shit just like most R18 otome.