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File: 1742753923181.png (Spoiler Image,782.95 KB, 679x987, flat weegee wholesome adventur…)

No. 511080

Flat Luigi's Basement Dungeon Adventure Edition

ITT: Post pictures, new developments and conversation about Luigi

Previous threads:

Last thread summary:
>>509199 Luigi if he converted to Islam
>>509256, >>509268 Art nonny delivers more great art
>>509274, >>509276, >>509300, >>509393 CLUBMANGI0NE has another delusional BPD meltdown
>>509330 Katy's website redirects to the Wikipedia article on stalking. Whether it's due to being hacked or her deliberately doing this is to call out people is unknown.
>>509352 Another literal who fag tweeting about Luigi being bi, reigniting more discussion about Luigi's sexual orientation
>>509385, >>509387, >>509397, >>509402 Speculation and discussion of Luigi's dealings with Katy during his time as an RA
>>509442 Jules continues her plans of getting a tattoo of Luigi's signature
>>509570 CLUBMANGI0NE is a dumbass and thinks the phrase "pot calling the kettle black" is racist
>>509610 Redditor who claimed she got a letter recently comments more on it. She is still being a gatekeeper and doesn't give any real details so it's probably fake and gay.
>>509650 r/FreeLuigi retardation, "connecting the dots " on fucking Italian ice
>>509775, >>509776 More photos of Luigi with body paint
>>509836, >>509837 Photos of Luigi's maternal grandmother, who was a model
>>509881 Dog Luigi à la DeviantArt transformation fetish photomanipulation
>>509910, >>509911 Jessica Tisch lied about not being at the perp walk
>>509924, >>510007 AI-generated Weegees sparking nona reactions
>>510109 CLUBMANGI0NE bringing up a Luigi mommy theory similar to ours
>>510118, >>510130, >>510133 Discussion about Reddit reposting theories and content from these threads
>>510226, >>510248 Luigi's great-uncle from his mom's side committed murder around the same age Luigi did and disappeared. His disappearance is speculated to be linked to the Mafia.
>>510406 NY State Court site now shows that Marc Agnifilo is Luigi's attorney for the state case
>>510525 Chinuigi
>>510564 In the latest kr strip, condom ghosts are making a documentary on Luigi
>>510680 kr and r/FreeLuigi collaboration on the ultimate cringe project: Flat Luigi
>>510692 Art nonny’s contribution to the Flat Luigi project
>>510774, >>510779, >>510799, >>510835, >>510800, >>510806, >>510821, >>510822, >>510832, >>510837 Photos of various relatives plus brief bio of his temperamental grandfather
>>510935 AI-generated Luigi selfcest GIF
>>511012 CLUBMANGI0NE tweets trying to draw journo attention to our threads
>>511057, >>511070 Max points out Luigi's broken retard brain when Luigi misunderstood what his 8-year-old self is saying(spoiler)

No. 511084

yesss thank you nonny for your service
and thank you art nonny for the masterpiece

No. 511085

thanks for the new thread, nonny

No. 511086

Art nonny you outdo yourself every time. Bravo!

No. 511087

File: 1742754916115.jpeg (8.53 KB, 300x168, images_195c446403f.jpeg)

Luigi should've went to school to a center for kids who can't read good.

No. 511088

Lobotomized sex slave Luigi cuddling with Kr Luigi plushie! He knows not why it brings him comfort! Curled up in front of the warm radiator and using his own plushie as a pillow! Drooling all over it! He cries when I have to put it through the washer!

No. 511089

Thank you for the new thread nonny!

No. 511090

File: 1742754939984.mp4 (4.49 MB, 720x720, scuba.mp4)

Luigi scuba diving, I love hearing his breathing (from his deleted IG)

No. 511092

Aww, he was trying to find Nemo.

No. 511094

No. 511095

oh wow straight from the secret luigi archives, good job nona

No. 511096

aw i love scuba diving. i wonder if his head hurt from the pressure (i hope it did)

No. 511098

I am surprised this retard didn't drown. Also disappointed he didn't drown.

No. 511100

No. 511101

yeah maybe then he wouldn’t just be reading shitty self-help books and YA novels

No. 511104

I wonder what kind of person he would be if his IQ were over 85

No. 511105

File: 1742756040804.gif (10.44 MB, 530x434, stimming.gif)

I wish someone filmed Luigi swimming. For all the pictures I see of him tits out at the beach I never actually see him wet

No. 511106

he wouldn’t be a misogynist and he wouldn’t have gotten caught eating hashbrowns in Altoona

No. 511107

same. I wish I could see a video of him surfing before he irreparably fucked up his back

No. 511108

Imagine how nice those hands would be tied behind his back and spread out like angel's wings against his shoulder blades. And he turns his head and tearfully stares at you, afraid of each lashing, but you force him to look away so he can't predict the next strike.

No. 511110

File: 1742756333174.gif (4.82 MB, 718x718, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

Me too! There's only a video of him jumping in a river.

No. 511111

Teaching my cute braindead sex slave Luigi how to say "sowwy" "thank you" "hungwy" and "stop hurting me"!

No. 511115

I would have weegee sprawled across my lap, showing him a pokémon book while he points to each pokémon and tries to name them. I would give him a treat for each one he’s able to remember.

No. 511116

things are so slow we’re revisiting his Instagram content kek

No. 511117

pretty sure he fucked it up at a beginner lesson so he probably never even got to stand on the board

No. 511118

Max just added to his grifting game today, plus some X lists.

No. 511119

threadpic is ending me. I love you my fellow luigiwives

No. 511122

if i get a letter from him doubt it i’ll make sure to watermark it. too many tourists and newfags in here stealing hard working nonnies detective work.

No. 511126

File: 1742759788227.jpeg (1.15 MB, 3316x3800, IMG_1013.jpeg)

No. 511127

He looks so fucking walled here

No. 511128

If by walled you mean rapeable.

No. 511130

Kind of like his true troll self.(learn2reply)

No. 511132

He only puts on the angelic puppy eyes when he sits in front of the judge.(learn2reply)

No. 511134

He doesn't even look rapeable there. He does however look lobotomized. So there's potential, all he needs is a collar, to be on his knees naked, and drooling a little.

No. 511135

Its because he's pushing his tongue so hard against his cheek

No. 511137

So we found the one crappy photo of him. Not always photogenic kek.(learn2reply)

No. 511139

Can you learn how to reply to people already

No. 511146

File: 1742760836620.gif (4.97 MB, 271x270, IMG_6836.gif)

kek he looks so annoyed. i need more photos like that

No. 511147

Nona chill

No. 511148

>no dont call out newfags in the thread that we know attract newfags

No. 511149

he looks cute when he is annoyed

No. 511150

right? better than his fake manic smiles kek

No. 511151

File: 1742761261251.jpeg (227.88 KB, 551x516, IMG_1019.jpeg)

It’s his thing. I wonder what mania causes this?

No. 511152

Drug cocktail

No. 511153

Yeah dry mouth. Schizigi needs his daily dose, but he’s been doing that since PA though.

No. 511154

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No. 511155

it's the only way to clean this place up

No. 511156

Nice incel posture.

No. 511157

File: 1742761797950.gif (10.75 MB, 434x408, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

he was so pissed when Karen said there was inconsistencies in the indictment

No. 511158

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Always thought he was just telling the cameras to suck his limp dick. I guess he has something serious, and constant, going on.

No. 511160

When I leash walk Luigi and he stands like that I am going to donkey punch him. He will never use his incel "hiihiii I'm an engineer my tech is locked down!!!" posture around me ever again

No. 511161

I can cure his chronic dry mouth

No. 511162

KEK, the engineering stance
Yeah seriously retarded and constantly retarded, I'm sure having a 80 IQ can be difficult, but I'm not going to spare any sympathy.

No. 511163

File: 1742762031999.jpeg (323.47 KB, 710x906, IMG_1025.jpeg)

Annoyed retardigi for you nonni.

No. 511164

Ray Pist already has a remedy for that

No. 511165

File: 1742762209422.gif (12.91 MB, 398x574, Literally asking for it.gif)

idk it's impressive how he could do a perp walk with every millisecond of it photographed and archived and he's making retarded autisimo expressions the entire time and this is the absolute worst still we got

No. 511169

he seems like the type that would drop the “nice guy” act and start huffing and whining when he doesn’t get what he wants kek

No. 511170

the monkey's paw has be slacking lately

No. 511171

Even with that dumb facial expression I would unfortunately still fuck him….

No. 511172

File: 1742763008826.jpeg (27.76 KB, 783x391, IMG_7243.jpeg)

that’s the “gaming” posture coupled with his already bad back kek. It’s from him constantly being hunched over his monitor and keyboard playing spelunky

No. 511173

is this new? I’ve never seen it before and it’s pretty high quality
I wish we had more videos of him, so far seeing him in motion, pre schitzigi, his mannerisms were so awkward and retarded its endearing. i love this retards beauty

No. 511174

thanks nona, i hope he looks even more annoyed in june

No. 511175

Incel posture. This is how you know he isn't a reader, or else he would sit straight-backed like an intellectual. Instead he's hunched over playing video games and watching porn all day. I hope he gets tortured by being laid out on the rack.

No. 511179

File: 1742763267592.jpeg (378.21 KB, 610x932, IMG_7256.jpeg)

maybe when he sarcastically frowns in annoyance when the cops speak to him

No. 511181

he’s so expressive. i love how intensely the fat cop stares at him, i wonder what they talk about kek

No. 511182

he's so adorable

No. 511183

Kekk that’s my favorite one, he looks like a puppet.

No. 511184

Is he channeling elon's posture here or what

No. 511185

we can only hope it's for the better… maybe something big is coming

No. 511186

Well he does love Elon

No. 511190

Him and elon share a lot of similarities except luigi is hot rapemeat and elon is a disgusting fat slob

No. 511195

And yet the irony is that Luigi will die childless and Elon has an entire army of children. They would have gotten along really well. I think Luigi would have been in DOGE

No. 511197

yeah kek. the only reason elon can breed at all is cause he’s a billionaire. if he wasn’t, he would just have to settle for foot pics from OF models. luigi was obsessed with birthrates, but he isn’t even a oligarch so why would people not having children even affect him. just another rw talking point he stole from his grifter daddies.

No. 511200

He just wants to blame his own failures on women as a whole, like a typical failson

No. 511201

I think the white birthrates stuff was 40pc fetish 60pc misdirected anxiety over indian invasion of tech spaces. I've never heard of a techbro that didn't feel some kind of way, and I think he only associated himself with gurwinder because of autism and jash because of musk. I still haven't seen anything about him in india except going to see jash.

No. 511202

its from 2019
i dont think this is his natural posture he is probably mid movement, he has actually really good posture as seen in his perp walk

No. 511204

80 percent fetish/misogyny, 20 percent some other scrote cuck anxiety.
He's done that nasty posture before, he's a worm in a human body.

No. 511205

He’s such a spoiled brat and his mom should’ve given him the belt.
I agree with the fetish perspective, but you’d think he would indulge in it and have a kid by now. Another instance of his hypocrisy.

No. 511206

Someone made a wish upon a star and his dick went limp so he couldn't spread his shitty genes. Plus I bet he hates commitment.

No. 511210

Simulating dick pressing against his cheek

No. 511211

He was with zio gf for 2 years so not when she's a billionairess nona

No. 511213

Yeah, I do wonder if RJ wasn’t lying and he really can’t get it up kek. He’s definitely commitment phobic. He can’t keep a gf for longer than a year and he had no problems cutting ties with his family and friends.

No. 511214

He loves Indian invasion, what the fuck are you talking about?

No. 511215

>2 years
And yet that's a pretty short amount of time for someone who wants to breed and is college-aged. All he wanted to do was fuck around and mope about being childless. The girl probably did most of the heavy lifting- date planning, spending money on him, gifts, sex, etc.

No. 511216

Oh I thought he was only with her for a year. Luigi is a gold digging misogynist who likes zios, maybe he should try to get with the Wallace and gromit police commissioner kek.

No. 511217

It's already been discussed in thread, a zio billionaire daughter would never have considered him a serious option. We don't know that he broke up with her.

No. 511218

NTA but was it really two years? He was really trying to gold dig.
Duh she broke up with him for being a limp-dicked lazy, boring faggot. He probably watched tons of porn.

No. 511219

He’s rich enough where being replaced by a jeet with a H-1B visa won’t affect him.

No. 511220

Yeah he'd just float around unemployed like he was doing

No. 511222

His family probably would’ve just made him work in one of their retirement homes or some shit. Even though he would probably hate it kek.

No. 511223

File: 1742767114435.jpeg (777.13 KB, 1179x1144, IMG_7261.jpeg)

Wait does he have this? Even thinking of when he's whistling and bobbling his head.

No. 511224

IMO insincere bc he bought all of their attentions. 200$ on gurwinder, 400 copies for jash, meals out for fatsey.
He's only started doing that since prison tho.

No. 511225

even in awkward poses he's still so handsome. what a feat lol.

No. 511226

No, they'd find him a really nice high-paying job because they love him, and he'd find some way to ruin it and humiliate his parents because he's a fuck-up.
He's a tard so sure.

No. 511227

kek sorry first thing i saw

No. 511230

Watch a video on it, he doesn't have it

No. 511231

File: 1742767498428.jpeg (263.63 KB, 1290x417, IMG_2447.jpeg)

Idk I think something was wrong where he had trouble with getting hard but who knows. Do you guys think he is the type to have one night stands or just have relationships. I would say relationships bc he seems way too awkward to try and have a one night stand

No. 511232

Nah, he was clearly anxious and uncomfortable, those are also signs of anxiety and the footage, for the most part, is also sped up/fast forwarded so I'll give it to the tard this time. On the offchance he has ADHD which seems really common in moids like him, thats also symptoms, or he could've been self-soothing

No. 511233

We already know he sucks at relationships, but he probably tries because he gets free emotional labor out of it. And he probably makes his girlfriends do his laundry. He probably wishes he could just do one night stands.

No. 511234

He definitely is too emotional for hooking up. One night and he would catch feelings for you. I’m surprised he had a two year relationship tbh

No. 511236

Yeah I change my mind it's more like a gnarly Parkinson’s disease. So he was just being nervous and he’s naturally fidgety and he's making faces to distract from the awkwardness. He also just talks with his hands anyway.

No. 511237

"Shouldn't have busted that can on my head"

No. 511238

Between this and constantly jerking it to milf porn, he probably does have ED. Also, why did this idiot constantly ask Reddit for help and not go to a doctor. Ugh.
Yes, he seems like the type that wants to be constantly coddled and doted on by his gf.
He’s emotionally retarded and sucks at sex. I don’t think he would be doing hookups.

No. 511239

Heard a rumor that his sister is married to a jeet, is that true?

No. 511240

No that was one of the cousins I think

No. 511241

Because doctors tell him stuff he doesn't want to hear. Doctors probably told him it's temporary, he just has to be careful and stretch. Also yes he's emotionally retarded. He is 'emotional' in the way manbabies are emotional i.e probably has tantrums all the time and jerks off to calm down.

No. 511242

he probably has sexual shame from a likely religious upbringing. I don't think he's a ONS kind of guy either.

No. 511243

His cousin

No. 511244

His sister Lucia married another Italian. His other sister, Mariasanta, is unmarried. I think it’s one of his other relatives.

No. 511245

Roman Catholics don't do that shit.

No. 511246

File: 1742768290208.jpg (73.99 KB, 578x699, 1000005473.jpg)

He looks so hot here what the fuck you guys smokin to say he's walled, fuck off, if you want a "bad angle" it's when he's blinking weird and squishing up his face (he's done it a few times) and he's still cute af

No. 511247

Yeah. I think he would need a very patient “mommy” type gf who is also loaded and will take care of his physical needs (washing his underwear) and know how to console his tard rage. Too bad he fucked up his chances.

No. 511248

I ain't giving that faggot clicks. Anything interesting?

No. 511250

>too bad
How is this not a good thing? One less man baby in the dating world.

No. 511252

I’m being sarcastic, nona.

No. 511253

I would've done all this for him, including washing his bullet underwear

No. 511254

>washing his bullet underwear

No. 511255

You're the reason why males think they can just be retarded and hate women, we're never getting out of this hellish world

No. 511256

can we make a containment thread for the submissive nonas, they're ruining the vibe

No. 511257

I would treat him like the retarded rapemeat he is

No. 511258

Yeah what ever happened to the Luigi rape farm? A thread for the Luigi rape farm, a thread for the pick-mes.

No. 511259

He is our husband (thread title) and this thread is for the wives, why would we leave…

No. 511260

enjoy your man, i'm not mad at you. everyone complaining would do the same.

No. 511261

I think its funny a nona on here >>487208 predicted his underwear would be evidence a couple of days before the motion was released.

No. 511262

No. 511263

newfag who hasn't read any of the 29 threads before this one

No. 511264

Bring back Luigi rapefarm

No. 511265

I know I have to hide the thread as I am so embarrassed

No. 511266

File: 1742769019418.jpeg (198.63 KB, 1323x1519, IMG_7262.jpeg)

No. 511267

Kek is this from a video

No. 511268

Another angle?

No. 511270

No its just another photo prosper posted

No. 511271

Peopel need to stop gatekeeping and give us a damn video… I wanna hear him talk for a long period of time… his HS Val speech feels weird to listen to bc he was in hs

No. 511272

Mmmmm love his voice. We probably won't hear from him during this trial. Sad.

No. 511273

maybe he had videos of himself on his YouTube. ugh why did they delete his socials

No. 511274

Where's the talking video from?

No. 511275

The ne4politan Tumblr and prxsper Tiktok account have to have the skills to find that somehow. Since their the main accounts that find all these photos of him.

No. 511278

I wish we had the full video of him painted blue….. even if he was in the background I still want to see it

No. 511279

Nice plug but work on your grammar

No. 511280

If Katy would have just dropped his moving out speech at camp, we would have had 11 minutes of him talking. Sad.

No. 511283

Katy took the upshorts shot and the legs pic so her video of the moving out speech is probably her recording just his crotch and that's why she won't release it

No. 511284

Why doesn’t she

No. 511286

File: 1742770005133.jpg (518.7 KB, 937x957, 1742350628547.jpg)

Still pissed plebbitors screwed this up just to be the first to post a faceless photo

No. 511287

The ne4politan account said it came from a Youtube video where he was in the background.

No. 511288

>>I'm terrified of the implications
oh poor weegie

No. 511289

Would love to see that

No. 511290

I don't see it ever being released especially since she threatened legal action on the leaker.

No. 511291

For a video that isn't even using her likeness.

No. 511292

Haha he totally means his permanent ED

No. 511294

The leaker has the video but won't release it?

No. 511295

I don't think she has even gotten ahold of it.

No. 511297

She's kind of smart though, she tested the waters by teasing a screenshot and the moment someone went to post it on reddit she decided she couldn't trust people in the server anymore. She'll never release it. Besides that's her special Weegee footage, she's probably watching it right now.

No. 511300

Fucking retard. I want to rape. Luigi I am raping you

No. 511301

Yeah. Plebbitors ruin everything.

No. 511304

Damn someone suck up to Tracy and get her to release a video….

No. 511305

Dasha was right

No. 511306

What did she say?

No. 511308

No. You know what the real answer is? She doesn't have a video. At all. She's lying and making shit up for attention and so people with suck up to her udders and give her the attention she so craves. She thinks by having "le epic one of a kind rare, unseen Luigi footage" (aka just pervy creepshots) it makes her "special" in some way.

Yeah, she's "special" alright. Stop believing everything everyone says on the internet

No. 511309

File: 1742771415364.jpg (123.04 KB, 494x1115, 1000008072.jpg)

>please nonny don't rape me

No. 511310

If he does have it is a common side effect of antipsychotics use.

No. 511311

basically that his back injury stopped him from fucking (implied ED), he is a normie who couldn’t handle the incel life-style, and that he got one-shotted by taking Ayahuasca

No. 511312

i think luigi would be one of those scrotes that don’t think moids can get raped by women (unless the woman is extremely fat or ugly).

No. 511313

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No. 511314

I don't think he has ED. The nerve going to the dick is at a lower level than his impingement site. I checked some scientific papers from neurosurgeons and they mention pain during sex from spondy, as in the positions exacerbating the pain and not ED. The papers also mention improvement of pain postsurgery leading to increased sex.

No. 511315

the ayahusca has been debunked. Mushrooms only. Probably weed too.
Who is Dasha

No. 511316

that would not stop him from being rapemeat though

No. 511317

Probably the opposite because of how hypervigilant he is/was for men's rights. He probably gets off on gatekeeping himself/his dick because it's keeping "females" from accessing something they desperately want/desire

No. 511318

the redscarepod lady that mean fags love listening to.

No. 511319

The incel by way of disability theory still stands.

No. 511320

I don't care what he thinks. I'm not raping him to hear his dumbass philosiphize about whether or not I'm actually raping him (I am)

No. 511321

Is it true that he was a retard for getting that back surgery because he didn't actually need it?

No. 511322

File: 1742771971226.mp4 (6.01 MB, 720x1280, Snapinst.app_video_AQPhuR50dPE…)

busted redscare podcast host who looks like a tranny

No. 511324

In that fake and gay "who is Luigi" documentary they have footage of someone that looks a bit like him surfing and falling, it doesn't say it's a reenactment or stock footage. Not sure if it actually is him though

No. 511325

Yeah, it honestly looks like it's just a photo and not a screenshot from a video. The girl on the floor’s face is blurry because she was moving but it still looks like this is only from a photo.

No. 511326

Why does she/he/they/them/it fuckin talk like that

No. 511327

I assume he was discouraged by multiple doctors. He's young and he can have a lot of complications from the surgery. It would have been a coin toss whether it worked for him. He was probably upset they told him to take it easy because he wanted a fix.

No. 511328

Based. How can I hate a girl for recording her own fap footage?
I still can't get over how he overdosed from a microdose, most fucked up male ever.
Lazy male gets what he deserves.

No. 511329

I can assure you, that psycho has no video and if she does it's a nothingburger and if it's a somethingburger then again who cares and fuck her. I think the moment people stop sucking up to her and paying attention to her, she'll release it (or parts of it) out of desperation

No. 511330

thanks nonas. He was a naaaaawwwmiee. She makes me feel ill.

No. 511331

People willingly listen to this insane level of vocal fry? Everyday I am astounded.

No. 511332

She's kind of based. All of the schizos surrounding him are based schizos for entertaining me and manipulating Luigi.

No. 511333

File: 1742772342910.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 2559x3840, IMG_7237.jpeg)

>Probably the opposite because of how hypervigilant he is/was for men's rights
Ugh, he’s such a loser.
> He probably gets off on gatekeeping himself/his dick because it's keeping "females" from accessing something they desperately want/desire.
If that’s how he feels, then could be used as a communal toilet for gay rapemoids instead then. As pictured in an ai generated photo I found on LPSG kek. Censored Luigi goatsee

No. 511334

I fucking hate their voice and the way they talk with their mouth forward wtf is that

No. 511335

I read there was a 37% of possible ED and incontinence, but it said it was temporary with a high probability of improvement. Temporary in the paper is > 1 year. Luigi hopped on a plane right after surgery and was hiking in Hawaii by that fall. He really dgaf.

No. 511337

Based faggots KEK, someone send this to him, keep the censor.

No. 511338

Lmfao at the "AI enhanced" photo of him shirtless that makes him look like a retard. And those smiling photos? Come on fags, do better.

Oh yeah and how fucking disgusting and vile this is kek men don't deserve anything and gay men who create stuff like this especially deserve to be tortured

No. 511339

and the smirking and the he's probably seen my video bit. What fucking video? How desperate can you be. If he's a normie like you said why would he have seen anything of yours, internet talking head?

No. 511340

Nah it's based that a misogynistic male like Luigi is getting AI generated porn made of him. If women have to be the victims of it, then moids do, too.

No. 511341

Yeah such a fucking tard, sweet summer child. Maybe he was suicidal and thought fuck it, I'm gonna die anyway so I might as well live out my dreams
>of memeing a yakuza boss

No. 511342

Just a troon bragging and wanting to feel special

No. 511343

>He probably gets off on gatekeeping himself/his dick because it's keeping "females" from accessing something they desperately want/desire.
Based, I also gatekeep my coochie. More people should gatekeep their genitals, it's better for humanity.

He was probably told to do some bedrest and went nope kek. He's stubborn and reckless.

No. 511344

Suicidal males should just do a flip instead of wasting everyone's time
Yeah, he wouldn't want to hear a woman's opinion on politics. The only way he'd watch her videos is if he mistook her for a tranny.

No. 511345

A plebbitor said he listened to cumtown. I guess that’s why he went for the cumboy bracelet.

No. 511346

>hot males should gatekeep their penises
No. That's literally what they're put on earth for.
Luigi can't get ass raped in prison soon enough

No. 511347

File: 1742773242827.jpeg (346.67 KB, 1179x770, IMG_7263.jpeg)

It was a guy that smoked weed with him.

No. 511349

>stoner moid
>hates women
>listens to cumtown
>porn addict
>techbro faggot
And yet there are really anons who want to wash the shit-stains from his underwear.

No. 511351

I'll gladly wash them and hide the bullets I find in them before the cops do

No. 511354

Isn't it some type of running joke in their fanbase to say people listen to Cumtown? Idk if he actually did. With the exception of smoking weed, they listed stuff the news said about him the day of his arrest.

No. 511355

File: 1742773801714.jpeg (259.43 KB, 1111x723, IMG_7267.jpeg)

Is he lying? He implied they shared a joint

No. 511356

Probably the same person who said his friend shared a kiss with him and he's bi. I don't believe redditors.

No. 511357

Let's be realistic here. Luigi may not listen to Cumtown (he likely does, he's a zoomer male) but he almost certainly watched the Whatever podcast. Seems right up his alley.

No. 511359

File: 1742773961799.png (243.47 KB, 1702x218, freelm.png)

From the stop sexualising luigi I'm ragequitting thread on reddit. Did yowhatupmom actually say this?

No. 511360

can someone give me a tldw on cumtown
idk any podcasts and what it means when ppl listen to whichever

No. 511361

Both sides are retarded. Luigi didn't kill Thompson for a reason, and it isn't women's job to coddle some moid because he has mommy issues. Holy shit why are most women so fucking cucked?

No. 511362

He's lying I read through the comments and he's saying verbatim what was on the news. Also, he said he knew him but then afterward he said he didn't. Then he said he has close friends who know him more.

No. 511363

It's a pretty good guess there's like an 80% chance Luigi listened to Cumtown. I wonder what other podcasts that faggot liked.

No. 511364

I figured because he didn't give a crumb of new info. Trying to get clout in reddit comments is low.

No. 511366

File: 1742774535303.jpeg (383.91 KB, 1178x1903, fatty.jpeg)

No. 511367

What’s the cumtown podcast like? I’ve never heard of them. I know Luigi probably listened to the Joe Rogan podcast cause he follows him on Xitter.

No. 511368

Still would

No. 511370

Don't fucking believe the dumb shit people lie about on the internet, that's how we got to Ghettogate cuz too many of ya'll are fucking R E T A R D E D

No. 511371

Katy threatened legal action?? did I miss something, there’s nothing in the previous threads mentioning this. are you groupchatnonny? did katy just completely stop engaging w the chat?

No. 511372

File: 1742774712197.gif (430.27 KB, 355x486, 1000006661.gif)

Still would x2

No. 511373

So even Ashley thinks he has a mommy fetish? Kekkkkkkkk. How did everyone come to the same conclusion he has a thing for MILFs?

No. 511375

Most men children do

No. 511376

The fake Hawaii roommate and fake letter girl lied in the comments for attention too. Whats their point in doing that at all? They just want to rave over getting a couple of upvotes by spreading lies.

No. 511377

Karen please show Luigi this.
yeah they’re very depraved, but Luigi is a misogynist and he deserves every bit of torment he gets

No. 511378

They either like MILFs or super young, barely legal (if even) girls and both are fucked. MILFers are less problematic because they want to be coddled and taken care of instead of preying on little girls

No. 511379

Imagine his back getting blown out and he falls on top of you, suffocating you under his gunt

No. 511380

his mommy issues and him solely replying to single mothers. they also probably lurk on here

No. 511381

Ashley taking every chance she gets to announce she would wipe Luigi's shitty ass

No. 511383

they only person that’s gonna be wiping his ass is Ray Pist cause he’s going to be stuck in prison forever.

No. 511384

File: 1742775067335.jpg (Spoiler Image,75.02 KB, 620x425, 1000008090.jpg)

I've got your answer right here

No. 511385

i hope he looks like this at his next appearance so i can move on. unfortunately he’s so beautiful he occupies up far too much of my mind than any moid ever deserves

No. 511386

File: 1742775136010.png (1.2 MB, 708x1426, Fatigi.png)

No. 511388

Kekkkkkk bold of you to assume that fat ass whale would top

No. 511389

She definitely lurks here. I've noticed this opinion become more widespread since we've started saying it.

Infinitely better if he's a MILF lover than the reverse.

No. 511390

The REAL Flat Luigi!

No. 511391

File: 1742775245839.png (253.69 KB, 1806x804, timurban.png)

They've also started doubting his intelligence since lc as well

No. 511392

That was a really, really, REALLY, terrible photo of him to begin with

No. 511393

Watch him get even more buff and hotter at his next appearance. There are probably some fitness freaks in his dorm, he's gonna be jacked. I hope we get 6 pack Luigi in that grainy drone footage again.

No. 511394

He would smoke a quarter puff of weed beforehand which gets him super paranoid and he thinks his grifter daddies are watching from right outside the window and he tops so he doesn't look like a feminine womanly woman.
It feels powerful in a not even impressive way that my retarded hatred fueled anonymous opinions are actually manipulating others into thinking differently about this random prison scrote. Reddit is low IQ sheeple haven.

No. 511395

File: 1742775345312.gif (571 KB, 320x242, IMG_6697.gif)

kek I love to see it

No. 511396

File: 1742775363432.jpeg (343.7 KB, 620x1159, IMG_7268.jpeg)

his curls are so wispy in the front

No. 511397

I'm wet at the thought of this

No. 511398

Hugh M. Trafficker is going to help out, but he's going to tell Luigi to not listen to such shit music. He is going to throw that ipod at the wall.

No. 511399

The fact that he's going to look the hottest sexiest strongest and best he's ever looked in his entire life and none of us will ever see him shirtless and he'll never get that perfect face and body used and abused us the biggest travesty of justice

No. 511401

Imagine having to fuck him with that Avatar song on repeat

No. 511402

He has sex to this song actually, and humps on the rhythm.

No. 511403

if he gets out he is going to be like leonardo dicaprio with the headphones eyes closed just lies there

No. 511404

KEK, that song is so fucking bad.

No. 511405

File: 1742775720973.jpeg (3.16 MB, 3024x4032, 1741567049518.jpeg)

Manifesting this and another bitchy letter

No. 511406

Life isn't fair. It just isn't. He's going to be so handsome and we can't even touch or lick him. I hate this world.

No. 511407

Do you think he sings along and just goes "chak chak chaka chaka chaka" under his breath while doing his jumping jacks

No. 511408

Gotta put a thick yellow gold chain on that neck

No. 511409

I hope in June Karen dresses him in the thinnest, white dress shirt possible. No undershirt underneath, no tie - just an open, unbuttoned collar.

No. 511410

two steps ahead, we are always two steps ahead

No. 511412

i love this letter. he’s such a bitch
i hope he wears short shorts and a white tank.

No. 511413

why are you bitches BPD splitting on Luigi now, are you sad he didn't reply to your letters?

No. 511414

>He misses motherly affection
yet he ghosted his own mother kek

No. 511415

Kek I still don't get why people get upset over this letter (probably fake) because like… He's right. His mail is backlogged as fuck. However the "you're welcome to write" does sound of kind of bitchy on a second read

No. 511416

Only if sex is involved too

No. 511417

Kekkkkkk you must be new

No. 511418

If this happens, I will actually bark like a dog. If I see a hint of his abs underneath his shirt and his thick neck I will legit pass away.

No. 511419

File: 1742776240513.jpg (139.22 KB, 1179x1022, 1000008097.jpg)

No. 511420

Does anyone even get fat in prison? Sbf looks skinnier in that one pic but only in his limbs

No. 511421

File: 1742776411694.jpg (144.5 KB, 1500x1000, Bridgerton-Pride-and-Prejudice…)

monkey's paw: a nona finally gets a response
And then just throws a glass of water on him instead of helping him drink it

No. 511422

Yes, Luigi will

No. 511423

i wonder what luigi’s final meal would be if he does get the DP

No. 511424

Jessica's pussy
>monkey's paw
What would the letter say?
>I know what you say about me online, never write me again you fucking bitch
Then a strange strain

No. 511425

>monkey's paw: a nona finally gets a response
istg this will happen very soon i can feel it… i'm scared

No. 511426

Fuck yes ugggggggfgghfsdfd

I'd literally lose my fucking mind kekkkk

Kekkkk typical weeb moid music

Kek yes and pounds his chest, probably tries to get his unit to chant along every morning

My man Hugh spotted(integrate)

No. 511427

>Jessica's pussy


No. 511428

Rare, food is restricted. There's no seconds in jail. Can't just run off to a fast food restaurant for high calorie meals. Commissary restricts how much you can buy, including food. There are several celebs that came out skinny or buff after leaving jail. I can think of rappers Gucci Mane and Gunna who both looked so much better and healthier, though they were also taking drugs being off of them helped.

No. 511429

>Jessica’s pussy
I hate Luigi, but I would never subject anyone to that.

No. 511430

is it even her own pussy bc the position of the hole doesn't even make sense to me

No. 511431

Idk was also perplexed by it. There is simply too much going on.

No. 511432

He would willingly choose it as his final meal
I have no idea how her pussy can move like that, true

No. 511433

imagine if he just completely stops writing back.

No. 511434

I wonder why he deleted his account?

No. 511435

her pussy is so scary, one of the strangest ever seen.

No. 511436

I don't even blame him
I thought everyone was being a hater and then I was like yup

No. 511438

idk but he deleted it a week ago, his user was sarcastic_source

No. 511439

He's probably still thinking of what to write in regards to the fake letters kek OR MAYBE HE'LL RELEASE A VIDEO ADRESSING IT

No. 511440

rednote schizo’s ghettogate letter scared him off kek

No. 511441

How could you subject yourself to watching clips of her? The photos alone were bad enough.

No. 511442

By move I meant its position changes on her body in the pictures kek. It looks irritated, she should stop abusing it and give that thing a rest.

No. 511446

KFA please force him to address this in a video wearing a thin white dress shirt with an unbuttoned collar.

No. 511447

>wash the shitstains out of his underwear
Weewam is too chronically constipated to leave skidmarks.

No. 511448

He should just be naked in chains.

No. 511450

No shirt. Yes collar

No. 511451

I hope Luigi shows up next with a black-eye and a split lip and bloated from ramen

No. 511452

KFA we need a Luigi video addressing his letter hiatus (full frontal nudity and chained collar included)

No. 511453

File: 1742778391530.png (166.26 KB, 588x357, tumblr_724f684d5b72104adf51903…)

like this except it says Good Christian Boy

No. 511454

I'm not in the Signal chat itself but this was brought up in the Discord server that first leaked everything. Yes, K found out about the leaks and threatened legal action on the leaker. Empty threats but it seems like the leaker has been scared off.

No. 511455

need the collar to say "pro retard"

No. 511456

I must have missed something crazy

No. 511457

He isn't even Christian or good. It should say "RAPE SLAVE"
Yes and make him stand on an electrified board that intermittently sends shockwaves through his bare feet so he'll randomly twitch and shout with pain and start trembling, shaking the script he's meant to be reading off of and then crying tears that stain the pages until he gives up.

No. 511458

It's a reference to the reddit tantrum today nona

No. 511459

it should say “rapemeat” and be covered in spikes

No. 511460

Let's compromise and brand his ass with "GOOD CHRISTIAN"

No. 511461


No. 511462

so this is implying she keeps up w the subreddits, bc that’s how she saw it leaked right? do you know if she resumed chatting it up w the group or has she gone silent ever since she threatened legal action?

No. 511464

I just want karen to tell Luigi that theres way more women who want to rape him out of prison than men in prison.
I want Luigi to go on camera and talk about how he knows about my rapeposts and that it keeps him up at night.
Luigi. I rape.

No. 511465

Someone passed the leaks onto K and I guess she deduced who the leaker was. Talks of her are now forbidden in the server and now the leaker feels bad about what she did and is claiming some of the things she shared was fake. Probably only saying that out to try to avoid legal action and to stop anymore gossip from spreading.

No. 511466

File: 1742779347505.mp4 (Spoiler Image,87.7 KB, 480x270, 1000008127.mp4)

It's so funny, I saw him schitz out in real time. In his efforts to make fun of plebbiters who sexualize him, he REALLY went all out on "impersonating" them and ironically uber sexualizing him, himself, before deleting/editing the comment. Going on about his "sculpted body" kekkkk

>I'm so sick of all of you! Talking about his luscious curls, his full soft pink kissable lips, his sharp cheekbones, that strong rugged jaw, his smooth surprisingly hairless skin, his strong hard abs, ugh!!

No. 511467

>Luigi. I rape.

No. 511468

I want him to be forced to read our rape posts. All of them. A whole 5 hour video of him naked reading our rape posts and we get to watch which ones make his penis twitch.

No. 511469

We can honor Thailand and have it say CumBoy

No. 511471

Alright girls, if I succeed in being prison wife #4290 I'll force him to read every post from the beginning

No. 511472

Luigi would like the idea of that, until he knows what actually being raped by a mob of angry nonas entails.

No. 511474

File: 1742780408670.gif (118.18 KB, 380x500, thaigi.gif)

He will get PTSD

No. 511478

File: 1742781018806.png (161.94 KB, 902x527, credit.png)

The letter analysis was definitely from the threads, right?

No. 511480

Yeah I hate these faggots, I bet they don't even want to lobotomize and rape braindead Luigi.

No. 511481

Yeah, they took all of it from here. Even when I noticed the self-help book of his being added within the last year on his want to read list.

No. 511482

This is why the watermarks are essential.

No. 511487

File: 1742781726838.gif (1.94 MB, 320x568, 1734392214350.gif)

You don’t realize it now, but I’m raping you, Luigi. Once your moid ass gets out of prison, the rape backlog will hit you at full force. You will be lagswitched into rape reality. Your cock and balls will instantaneously implode with the collective force of thousands of womanhours of rape, with compound interest. You won’t spend even one femtosecond outside of that facility as a free man. Your body is property and every woman in the tristate is poised to collect their dues. No matter where you go, you will enter a new rape zone and suffer the same fate. You are, have, and forever will be raped. Luigi Mangione, you forfeited your existence to rape as soon as you pulled that trigger.

No. 511488

Yeah but how else would those cucks know the letters were fake, they'd still be seething over the ghetto line

No. 511489

They need to figure it out on their own. They come here, to a forum they hate, to get info from us. They're absolutely stupid.

No. 511490

They don't deserve to know until they admit to themselves Luigi would be better off lobotomized and raped and lagswitched into rape land or whatever that nona said.

No. 511491

They probably secretly agree with that kek

No. 511493

There were hundreds of comments on the ghettos letter that they posted before with that red dashes analysis posted in the comments. No idea if that post got deleted or not.

No. 511494

Need HQ wall slam

No. 511497

I know he hates us, but do something Luigi or I won't survive till June.

No. 511498

Who would he hate the most? His plebbit/xitter fans, his LPSG fans, or us?

No. 511499

No. 511500

File: 1742784082843.mp4 (18.23 MB, 664x1440, dec10.mp4)

here nonny!

No. 511501

He would hate us the least. Most would be Twitter and LPSG, reddit is runner up.

No. 511502

r/FreeLuigi. If he knew how cringe his biggest community is, he would be begging for the death penalty.

No. 511503

1) Jessiicat (once he sees her disgusting nudes)
3) Ashley
4) KR
5) Plebbit
6) Twitter

We would not be hated

No. 511504

File: 1742784747694.jpg (95.62 KB, 223x372, luigi.jpg)

Where is this picture from?

No. 511505

CM is winning this one on Xitter nona

No. 511507

We forgot to add Rednote schizo! Let's add on Jason Brooks too.

No. 511508

Gilman reunion

No. 511509

Why are there so damn many?

No. 511510

Do not forget KATY

No. 511511

No. 511512

How could have missed Katy? Go through the previous thread summaries.

No. 511514

Jessiicat has her own Discord server. Which nona is gonna volunteer to infiltrate?

No. 511515

File: 1742785405713.webp (18.12 KB, 1000x668, 1.-Carrie-ending-hand-1.jpg)

Oh yeah he's going to hate her the most beause he already does and he doesn't even know she's back yet

No. 511517

Is it just for her OF simps? I doubt anyone wants to torture themselves seeing more of her nudes.

No. 511518

File: 1742785868259.mp4 (1.37 MB, 480x854, 1000003621.mp4)

Babe I've got another angle

No. 511519

I feel like Luigi would either hate us or find us a breath of fresh air, no in between. I do think us talking about raping him would probably make him uncomfortable good.

No. 511520

You even get a door punch

No. 511521

Nice I missed that the first time

No. 511522

Not the best quality because the virus ridden page I used to download it didn't do it in 1280, fucking sucks

No. 511524

I didn't even notice him hitting the wall was audible

No. 511525

His voice is so hot

No. 511526

Kek chimping out

No. 511527

No. 511528

damn i forgot about her cover letters kekkk

No. 511529

Speak of the devil….. went to her page for a sec to check in and she having her weekly unhinged meltdown about being called parasocial

No. 511530

It seems most interesting things there are stolen from here. The dash count was posted there first though.

No. 511531

Not weekly babes, daily. Daily crashouts. She should just delete her account, if this is taking a toll on her. Also would reduce the cringe.

No. 511534

Give that advice to CM

No. 511536

If it's on here she'll see it

No. 511538

No. 511540

40 page schizo

No. 511543

File: 1742788954744.png (373.32 KB, 638x633, 33435435434.png)

idk if Luigi would hate 40 page schizo. He might find her a bit cringe but I think he would admire her passion and see a bit of himself in her.

No. 511544

Just found out Jessiicat squirts please kill me

No. 511546

I can't hate 40 page bc she's mentioned enough of her horrible childhood that I just feel bad for her

No. 511549

Why are you doing this to yourself?

No. 511553

is it true that CM is a psychologist

No. 511556

You only have yourself to blame nona

No. 511561

she’s every woman

No. 511563

Low-hanging fruit, but she's a psycho

No. 511565

nah I didn't believe she was but more so the fact that I can't keep up with her lies. someone please tell me what she actually is

No. 511566

File: 1742790371887.mp4 (150.31 KB, 762x720, 1000008326.mp4)


No. 511567

A pathological liar

No. 511568

Low key I ship 40 page with Luigi. I feel like she would unironically rape him and I am all for it.

No. 511569

I don't get how the other pages egg her on but they're all unhinged

No. 511570

i saw when they were attacking that girl who kept tagging kfa.

No. 511572

No. 511573

They're all fucked up and it's pathetic. I guess they think since he's a "fellon" he is in no position to judge them and their psychotic ways but oh how wrong they are
>"I'd set myself on fire for him"
He's their last remaining thread on reality and the moment it snaps you'll see them have a meltdown bigger than Chernobyl

No. 511574

File: 1742790926663.jpg (94.64 KB, 736x938, 1000008327.jpg)

No. 511576


Lmao did you see where she wanted to write to an inmate (for being hot) albeit knowing that he was convicted for murder

No. 511577

their limerence is weirding me out. they're never going to be with him. even if he's a felon, he's used to a particular kind of woman. he dated his peers in college, educated girls from established families. He is going to go for the best woman he can get in his shitty circumstances, and well educated women are writing to him as well. Several female lawyers on reddit said they wrote to him.

No. 511578

File: 1742791375839.gif (1.59 MB, 480x270, riding weegee into the sunset.…)

riding weegee like a mechanical bull for my future conjugal visit

No. 511579

Yes kekkkk

No. 511580

If he even wants that. There's always a chance he'll eventually get off, and he might not even want any of his letterfags

No. 511582

File: 1742791761541.jpg (173.6 KB, 1079x1435, 1000008336.jpg)

Back at you with some Tumblr cringe

No. 511583

probably the best position for his back, best of luck kek

i found the guy and he was okay, luigi is definitely hotter. the murder he got charged with was so dumb too.

No. 511584

File: 1742791798094.jpg (353.74 KB, 1079x1132, 1000008334.jpg)

>20 years old

No. 511585

File: 1742791940698.jpg (237.46 KB, 1079x1508, 1000008338.jpg)

Kek girls, it's time to find our next boyfriends

No. 511587

ohshit elaborate. wdym the murder was dumb. I only know a little because @nova on twt spoke on it

No. 511588

Thought I found a good guy, turns out he was Ped O. File

No. 511589

Her page needs to be deactivated.

No. 511591

It is literally the dumbest murder ever because he was drinking at a bar and got agitated at a guy, told the guy they were going to take it outside and then beat and stabbed him.


No. 511592

File: 1742792439728.jpg (449.17 KB, 1079x1756, 1000008340.jpg)

He needs to be deactivated.

No. 511593

This guy ugly as hell the wrong with ya'll

No. 511594

Is there infiltration right now?

No. 511595

no comment

No. 511596

what a stupid fucking cunt. ofc cm is attracted to this cretin

No. 511597

seriously wtf is going on?

No. 511599

Slow day today. What are we supposed to talk about?

No. 511600

File: 1742793190555.jpg (119.93 KB, 1079x463, 1000008343.jpg)

No. 511601

Why didn't she specify her race?

No. 511602

File: 1742793640870.jpg (247.04 KB, 1079x1111, 1000008360.jpg)

No. 511603

This is insane but also I want it

No. 511604

File: 1742793778536.jpg (356.46 KB, 1079x1438, 1000008363.jpg)

>"who’s pussy is this?"

No. 511605

this just looks like a run of the mill murderscrote.
At least he killed another moid. Sucks that this unhinged mid who just tardraged another rando (likely another mid) to death isn't getting LOP for committing an even more brutal and savage murder than retardigi who just shot someone execution style. Like this dude beat and stabbed a guy to death. Idk I wouldn't want this guy out even in his 60s.

No. 511613

>Several female lawyers on reddit said they wrote to him.
Which lawyers said that?

No. 511614

File: 1742799313526.jpeg (Spoiler Image,77.77 KB, 1179x180, IMG_7284.jpeg)


No. 511615

Kek guess he was trying to kick the milf porn habit

No. 511616

So shamelessly public

No. 511617

>Just imagine him in the dark beautifully illuminated by the blue glow of his computer screen with -wired- headphones in, neck hyperarched all hunched over aggressively jerkin it to dommy mommy porn and having to stifle his pathetic little moans and "yes mommy"s

No. 511618

With his poor reading comprehension, what would've he understood kek

No. 511622

don't know their users, but one of them was so shamelessly thirsting for him that I was surprised she mentioned she was a lawyer later on. Again this is reddit, can't prove whether they are or aren't. I guess if he's not their client they can knock themselves out.

No. 511623

> me sending him the dirtiest, filthiest, smuttiest, most depraved sexfest book so he has material to whack to
Yes, yes I must

No. 511624

Write us your rough draft

No. 511627

wow this is from his goodreads account?

No. 511628

>Beautiful noble feminist trad antiporn prince is a gooner

this is what all simpettes deserve

No. 511630

No. 511631

knowing how retarded he is, i’m shocked he hasn’t used his full government name in any of those porn sites. imagine him in the comment section of milf porn videos

No. 511632

File: 1742806429563.jpeg (795.58 KB, 1179x1621, IMG_1106.jpeg)

it seems someone has written a nonny fanfic. the shark has been jumped.

No. 511633

>Title: "Pee pads"

No. 511637

File: 1742808641254.png (96.51 KB, 1775x432, Screenshot 2025-03-24 052803.p…)

Lawyers can write to inmates they are not representing, first amendment right and all. Explains why female lawyers were writing to him lol

No. 511638

Lol you know they're not writing anything helpful or constructive

No. 511644

Exactly cause they can't kek. It would be offering him services. They definitely won't post his letter for clout and they won't tell anyone at work about writing with Luigi. If he's not a complete tard and wants to have a secret relationship, this would be a guarantee.

No. 511645

i love this

No. 511647

he could have just read that to gain a broader view for discussing the topic, especially since he bemoaned Japanese culture around sex. or am I coping..

No. 511648

Maybe it is possible

No. 511649

Read it to um ackshully people and have some knowledge on man subjects as he prepared his own grifter career. Watch him start a podcast when/if he gets out, I'm calling it now

No. 511650

Nona where's the link to the full story

No. 511651

It’s cope. He himself admitted he has an addictive personality and he clearly watched tons of porn, he is a huge misogynist after all.

No. 511653

it’s on AO3

No. 511654

>Watch him start a podcast when/if he gets out, I'm calling it now
please let him die or get trapped in a nona rape dungeon before that happens

No. 511657

File: 1742814421859.jpeg (54.08 KB, 1125x996, IMG_7203.jpeg)

No. 511659

And this is the fucking reason they have him wearing a bullet proof vest. Is not him they are afraid of, it’s these psychos. They’d probably kill him too if they had the chance, they are the ones fucking everything up for him. I suspect I also, the reason he may have stopped writing or putting up the letter records.

No. 511660

luigi has a nice voice, but a retarded scrote brain. i wanna hear him talk, but he would probably mansplain about crypto or draft kings or some boring scrote shit

No. 511661

Cringe as all fuck at the cuddling and boob sucking and ‘nursing’, and there is no whipping. Plus he orgasms. Imagine giving Luigi a prostate orgasm and jerking him off and thinking you’re the dominant one as you let him suckle your breast as he falls asleep like a baby. No. Someone can write a real fic where he is whipped and chained to the floor and forced to give a woman 1,000 orgasms until he dehydrates and passes out. Even in ‘dominant’ fics women are so cucked for misogynistic males.

No. 511664

same I’d rather be sucking on his tits. i would also never let him cum, his dick would be locked up forever.

No. 511665

File: 1742816408215.jpg (116.33 KB, 720x720, 1000008366.jpg)

Aww thank you nonna

No. 511667

That is cringe as fuck, you should write one

No. 511669

File: 1742816585597.png (146.79 KB, 397x360, 4949384848394.png)

No. 511670

File: 1742816702775.jpg (83.97 KB, 810x906, 1000008349.jpg)

>Thinking about the rapenona who had the dream where he told her she could be as rough with him as she wanted and he'd always be gentle and bit her shoulder

He'll never be our sex slave

No. 511671

The face of a man who just can’t wait to go home and watch porn all night

No. 511672

File: 1742816791969.mp4 (465.92 KB, 1280x720, 1000008325.mp4)

Aw shit, a new pic drop

No. 511673

no problem nonny
not him being goofy. i like him more now, he’s so somber and “serious” kek.

No. 511674

he will, im manifesting it rn

No. 511675

File: 1742817070811.jpg (191.62 KB, 496x944, 1000006583.jpg)

>gonna cum so fucking hard tonight

No. 511676

Love him when he's serious and brooding
Please let this happen, we need to pass him around

No. 511677

If he does cum somehow, hard and painful floggings!

No. 511678

if he cums, I’ll shove a metal sounding rod into his urethra

No. 511679

And he has to clean it up with his tongue

No. 511680

yes he needs to be mobbed by a group of rapenonas. his only purpose is to be our rapemeat

No. 511681

Bite and bruise every inch of his body

No. 511683

fang pic drives me absolutely crazy, need him so bad.

No. 511685

Yes, we would all claim him. He’s also never allowed to cum or even piss without permission cause his dick would be locked up all the time. He would stare up at us all teary eyed and beg us to take the sounding rod out, which would earn him a swift kick to the balls

No. 511687

I think Luigi is telling us to go fuck ourselves and we're never getting shit out of him, this is such a quiet week. Please drop an appendix , I'll do anything!

No. 511688

yeah. that little faggot.

No. 511690

I hope he stops with the letters, he needs to isolate himself. He is too spoiled, getting free female attention. Unfortunately he may still be reading letters and masturbating to the self esteem boost.

No. 511692

kek yes. does he even have any privacy to jack off in prison?

No. 511696

Well, there was a race riot so he's probably in a single cell now and can jerk it whenever. Back in his dorm though, there are showers but idk how private they are. I also don't know if they turn the lights off in his wing, he could theoretically do it in the dark in his bunk under the covers.

No. 511697

He can just go to a bathroom stall, Moe, Ray, and Hugh are probably used to him taking a long time because he is constipated.

No. 511698

File: 1742822083259.jpg (18.09 KB, 335x270, 02a-2068985199.jpg)

No. 511699

File: 1742822147739.mp4 (6.74 MB, 886x488, courtregspeed.mp4)

this is a clip from the 12/23 arraignment that was sped up initially

No. 511700

Why is Karen browsing stan Twitter at court? No wonder the judge hates them, she can’t put the damn phone down for one second

No. 511701

She wasn’t she was scheduling the next hearing it’s more in context now lmao. But she was also scrolling for awhile.

No. 511702

he doesn’t deserve any privacy
he’s now stuck in a dorm forever, except now he’s rooming with chomos and gang bangers instead of gay ugly nerds kek

No. 511703

Yeah Dr Seuss should have made a how to quit porn book.

No. 511704

Or Tim Urban with no writing but exclusive stick figures

No. 511705

No she was definitely watching fancams
He loves dorm living with violent misogynist chimp males he is in heaven

No. 511706

what do you think nonas, will he go prison gay or will he stay celibate and maybe even convert kek

No. 511707

I wonder if he’s had a wet dream yet.

No. 511708

Prison gay. He already has homosocial tendencies and I feel like his porn addiction made him interested in buttplay. He will definitely let some fingers up there, at least.

No. 511709

A female prison guard is 100% plotting on him, I feel it in my crystal ball. He will get coochie somehow.

No. 511710

i will telepathically give him wet (nightmares) where he dreams of being locked in a dark basement and raped repeatedly by nonas. he will wake up ashamed, confused, and with his dick full mast.

No. 511712

File: 1742823320279.png (54.17 KB, 885x247, Screenshot 2025-03-24 093203.p…)

They're spraying perfume on his fucking letters before sending them. Any letter in contact with that perfumed letter is also chucked. I swear MDC is throwing out 90% of his shit based on people not reading instructions and being stupid

No. 511713

The corny green heart spamming

No. 511714

yeah I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s into assplay.
yeah, I hope she doesn’t act like a cucked handmaiden though. she needs to beat him

No. 511716

it looks like his shackles are hurting him

No. 511718

File: 1742824109324.gif (12.74 MB, 600x600, 1000006666.gif)

Thanks nonny

No. 511719

>>511699i is there a full video just focused on him during this hearing? Zooming in on YouTube makes it shit quality

No. 511720

>sprayed perfume

Naw, that bitch rubbed her coochie all over it

No. 511721

Why do I feel like he's one of those guys who doesn't even like sex? Or makes the rape so much more satisfying

No. 511722

Why does he eye fuck the camera?

No. 511723

All of them are slightly blurred that I’ve seen so far.

No. 511724

he probably actually hates having sex with women cause 1) he sucks at fucking and 2) he can’t form an emotional connection with them cause he’s misogynist and emotionally retarded.

No. 511725

Agreed with prison gay.

No. 511726

File: 1742825008238.mp4 (6.23 MB, 1080x1080, 1000000353.mp4)

You know she's watching this shit

No. 511727

100% he got his hands in a smuggled phone. He’s adapting to the ways of the prison life already.

No. 511728

who will he be gay with? SBF? some older gang banger scrote?

No. 511730

he probably does have a phone in prison, allegedly it’s not that hard to smuggle one in

No. 511731

Probably wait til he is convicted and sent to an actual prison.

No. 511732

Right now with all the CO working conditions being shit and getting worse, I am sure they are getting all types of items in therej.

No. 511733

Luigi if you're here say hi

No. 511734

>"Girl come outside now, I'm tryin' come bust ya down, I'm tryin' go round for round, I'm tryin' go tit for tat, I'm treating the sex like safety net…"

All of that, god I love this edit. I thought I lost it. Based nona.

No. 511735

File: 1742825516811.jpg (366.32 KB, 2000x1422, 1000008411.jpg)

Idk maybe he knows something we don't

No. 511736

He probably prefers porn
This, he probably prefers jacking it with Patrick
With Moe

No. 511737

luigi psyop confirmed

No. 511738

File: 1742825990860.jpeg (628.06 KB, 1179x987, IMG_7291.jpeg)

No. 511739

Rape victim stare

No. 511740

File: 1742826046676.jpeg (68.61 KB, 736x736, IMG_6945.jpeg)

luigi I know you’re here. what are you hiding, you whore

No. 511741

kek imagine that’s why we’ve stopped hearing about letters.
>gets prison phone
>is curious what the internet is saying
>checks plebbit, because plebbitor
>decided to check shitter, finds normies and stan accounts
>pure retardation, but at least normies think you’re hot as fuck
>realizes it was all for nothing
>depressed and stops writing letter back to most, if not all, people
luigi if you’re lurking, reply to nonnies’ letters

No. 511742

needs to be more dead eyed

No. 511743

he saw jessica’s scary pussy and CM’s bpd fueled rants on xitter and decided it’s not worth it kek

No. 511744

I love it too, I wish I had more

No. 511746

He probably frotted with patrick a few times

No. 511747

File: 1742826443970.mp4 (3.07 MB, 720x1280, 1000007400.mp4)

Rape victim stare in action

No. 511748

File: 1742826518722.mp4 (2.41 MB, 720x1280, 1000007399.mp4)

Anotha one

No. 511749

Luigi you fucking cunt give us a sign

No. 511750

Yea, being born in 2005 is the reason you can't have Lulu Bear. You fucking retard.

No. 511751

Shit like that is so genuinely scary, I can absolutely imagine those batshit freaks going full Christina Grimmie on him

No. 511752

I hope he is dead and they are hiding it

No. 511753

File: 1742827163497.mp4 (2.99 MB, 474x658, perpwalk.mp4)

This is more of his response to being paraded. But is he saying, “This is crazy man” to himself here?

No. 511754

yeah I can see one of his crazy xitter or plebbit fans killing him

No. 511755

i love how sad he looks here, cute

No. 511757

Luigi’s face when the whipping session is announced

No. 511760

File: 1742827840230.jpg (608.8 KB, 1007x738, 1000008415.jpg)

No. 511762

When him and the cop stare each other down kekkk

No. 511764

I think I found him

No. 511766

File: 1742828468776.mp4 (900.45 KB, 766x480, 1000001499.mp4)

Here's another angle

No. 511767

I never even noticed that kekkkkk. It's sexy he wasn't intimidated though. Ahh, Luigi!

No. 511768

He wasn't even the first to look away, he eyefucked that pig into submission

No. 511770

File: 1742828647807.jpeg (65.63 KB, 626x474, IMG_7292.jpeg)

aw they’re almost always together

No. 511771

I can imagine he's so much more beautiful in person and everyone wanted to look at him

No. 511772

I ship them

No. 511773

same, I love the way the fat cop intensely eye fucks him

No. 511775

File: 1742829153348.jpeg (1.56 MB, 964x1711, IMG_1108.jpeg)

yeah the nursing felt out of place. the bedroom scene should have been about him eating her out while she calls him a retarded manbaby with a lazy eye and a glass spine while he cries and begs for a lobotomy

No. 511778

He shouldn’t have been jerked off during anal and he should have been abused. No baby boy bullshit.

No. 511779

he should’ve been pegged with his cock cage on. no orgasms for him

No. 511781

He should have had chain links shoved up his ass.

No. 511783

agreed, his porn addled brain would get off on it, too.

No. 511784

It would hurt him so bad but his cock would be straining against the cage

No. 511785

Effortlessly mogs ever moid in proximity

No. 511786

ughh imagine if he’s a pain slut. he likes to over-exert his body to the point of injury, who knows

No. 511787

Holy shit I hope so. But he gets ashamed when it’s women hurting him. I bet it is so easy to convince him to flog himself while we watch and masturbate.

No. 511788

File: 1742830572011.jpg (559.18 KB, 1221x1527, Broccoli.jpg)

No. 511790

Jimmy Neutronigi but stupid

No. 511792

File: 1742830789986.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1070x1706, IMG_1109.jpeg)

I never noticed that. the perp walk is the gift that keeps on giving

No. 511793

sad that weegee hasn’t released a new appendix or any new letters have been sent, fuck his fanbase they ruined the fun we were having.

No. 511794

ughh i need to see luigi covered in welts, face flushed with tears, and his cock straining against its cage.

No. 511795

File: 1742830963540.jpeg (434.13 KB, 1598x2048, gettyimages-2190075988-2048x20…)


No. 511796

I wrote him a letter telling him that he's a king and a genius. I'm hoping to get a reply so I can get matching carpe diem tattoos with Jules

No. 511798

File: 1742831182166.png (1.6 MB, 1200x900, retarded stance.png)

I love his retarded stance it’s cute

No. 511800

If you’re not a single mom he won’t give a fuck
I need to see those tears and I beckon him over so I can lick them off his face, bite his throat, and scratch his open wounds.

No. 511801

Jules, Holli, and Isabel (Spanish letter) aren't single moms kek. I still have a chance

No. 511802

What is your end goal here

No. 511804

kek he’s probably the one on LPSG making ai porn edits of him
same i love his retarded flat feet
i want him to hate himself for bringing himself down below a “foid”, while simultaneously getting off on it (except he can’t cum, cause cock cage)

No. 511808

Awww my little underdeveloped tadpole

No. 511809

They literally ruin everything

No. 511810

Found Luigi again

No. 511811

File: 1742833162187.jpg (87.03 KB, 1080x874, 1000005228.jpg)

I love the way he's dressed here, it's so awful and makes him look so poor and it makes me want to destroy fuck him even more
>how old is that shirt

No. 511812

Isnt this is Thiel dick worship shirt

No. 511815

Idk I remember someone was able to identify it front and back

No. 511817

his poor larp makes me laugh. he’s got like no taste kek

No. 511818

File: 1742833788761.jpeg (41.41 KB, 524x357, IMG_1112.jpeg)

No. 511819

God's work nona

No. 511820

File: 1742833902061.jpeg (182.68 KB, 690x1495, IMG_9145.jpeg)

just saw this on shitter KEK
these people are insane

No. 511821

luigi wishes he went to peter thiel’s gay camp.

No. 511823

Disgusting. He deserves to actually die for this

No. 511824

Ew they think he’s some kind of intellectual daddy, when he’s just a childish retard who likes trolling trannies in the global south

No. 511825

He cares so much about the environment that he has only worn this shirt or the Bali shirt for 5 years straight

No. 511826

File: 1742834277972.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1179x1579, IMG_1113.jpeg)

and Adidas when it’s cold weather

No. 511828

dating him would be hell. you gotta constantly coddle him, go clothes shopping for him, go food shopping for him, cook for him, clean for him, provide emotional support, etc. he would just work from home, be hunched over his monitor playing shitty pc games, and then somehow slip on another piece of paper and end up bed bound for a whole year.

No. 511829

Yeah don’t forget the shitty 2 minute ‘sex’ without foreplay. And the condescending attitude as he thinks you’re retarded for not worshipping Elon and Thiel

No. 511830

File: 1742834741281.jpg (324.01 KB, 726x723, 1000008444.jpg)

Ya'll sleepin on this bad boy (the shortys)

No. 511831

What a lazy sped

No. 511832

i would love to see him in those male short shorts his monster cock would definitely hang out

No. 511833

Art nonny where are you

No. 511834

The Elon and Thiel worship alone makes me want to repeatedly punch him in the face. Luigi would love and support the techno-slaveocracy, that faggot.

No. 511835

realistically how many pairs of swim trunks should he own?

he looks like such a fag in that happy meal pic

No. 511836

I would kill to see that

No. 511837

Luigi is probably pissed he isn’t in DOGE

No. 511839

yeah when I first saw the mcdonalds photo, I thought he really was gay kek

No. 511840

he’s probably pissed that thiel decided to fuck and groom that pig vance instead of him

No. 511841

The irony, given how much Elon hates him. Unless he bails him out on the condition he belongs to Doge

No. 511842

I thought this as well since early on, like he might be somewhere on the asexual spectrum & physical sex is low on his level of needs. However, he still finds "humor" in homosocial sex related jokes (phd on twitter with only moid followers, the money transfer notes, etc) he learned from other moids in an all boys school. He'd probably never joke about anything sexual with any female friends around - homosocial or hetero.

No. 511843

I'll do anything to be Luigi's prison wife

No. 511844

Elon hates him cause he punched up and he has a fanbase filled with women kek. luigi could try grifting to him, but I think trump would be easier to suck up to kek

No. 511845

There is no such thing as an asexual spectrum

No. 511846

File: 1742835870650.jpg (763.01 KB, 1064x1047, 1000006634.jpg)

He actually has quite a few, probably more than shirts

>oh you mean this pic?

No. 511847

yeah I agree

No. 511848

File: 1742835893368.jpeg (981.47 KB, 1179x1257, IMG_1114.jpeg)

kek, that or he demands you blow him on the couch while he’s playing Xbox. he’s probably the type that refuses to eat pussy because it’s unmanly

No. 511849

Wish we could jailbreak him and as payment he must work to eliberate Gaza, hack military computers to put that engineering degree to work.

No. 511850

This. There is no such thing as asexual plus he is male, he is just a porn addict who prefers the company of le superior sex than the society destroying sex

No. 511851

The way they're all holding onto each other is gay cute as hell

No. 511852

He doesn’t have an engineering degree

No. 511853

A lot of people don't know that he literally has a background in engineering

No. 511854

Jeeze, save some retardian Italian for the rest of us

No. 511855

Luigi if you're still here give us a sign

No. 511857

Why do people keep saying he doesn't have an engineering degree? They need to look it up. He does. Is it because he did a data engineer remote job? Instead of doing software engineering which would be more preferred.

No. 511858

File: 1742836349276.jpeg (677.85 KB, 926x1079, IMG_1116.jpeg)

his sperg tics come across as fruity and the only reason we’re not seeing that side anymore is because they have him chained at the waist. when hes uncuffed inside he’s probably still posing like that all the time with his cup o noodles

No. 511859

You are thinking of the based trump shooter
Cringe but i cant wait until you are another lolcow

No. 511862

technically he has a MSE. but we know compsci isn’t really engineering

No. 511863

"Um, actchually" kek

No. 511864

Yeah he is a shitty larper he stole his entire backstory from the trump shooter

No. 511866

File: 1742836686964.jpg (66.8 KB, 294x633, sexy retard.jpg)

Been hating him a lot but recently an extreme lust for him has taken over me. He’s doing something devious in those prison showers, I can feel it.

No. 511868

Butt tickling.

No. 511869

Why do people keep saying he doesn't have an engineering degree? He has a B.S.E. and M.S.E. in Computer Science. They need to look it up. He does. Is it because he did a data engineering remote job? If he worked in software engineering would that validate him being an engineer more?

No. 511870

He is a code monkey not an engineer

No. 511871

ugh. luigi would probably suck dick before even thinking of eating pussy cause he thinks it’s “gay”. hate him. he should be forced to wear one of those open mouth gags and service all of the rapenonas.

No. 511872

The open mouth gag is a good idea, jotting it down

No. 511873

File: 1742836941497.jpg (161.72 KB, 734x992, 1000007341.jpg)

It's always been funny how certain cops barely hold onto him, but others are gripping on him tight kek

No. 511874

File: 1742836947127.png (3.41 MB, 1106x1920, 1742534276667.png)

There's nothing cringe about love

No. 511875

File: 1742836997127.jpg (158.85 KB, 723x837, 1000007342.jpg)

No. 511876

>she loves him
Oh dear

No. 511877

File: 1742837099951.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1172x921, IMG_1117.jpeg)

he sucked a dick or two at that moid school for sure. maybe in the nerd frat too

No. 511878

He wanted to surround himself with males for a reason. He thinks women are the bane of society, that is a dick sucker opinion if I’ve ever heard one

No. 511879

he’s too retarded and cringe to do any of that. being our personal rapemeat shall suffice.

No. 511880

File: 1742837327489.gif (3.26 MB, 480x270, touch him.gif)

they all want it, it’s just that some have more self control

No. 511881

That’s why he looks at each of arms like hold up

No. 511883

ew they’re so ugly. i think the only one I could see him sucking off is patrick
yeah kek

No. 511884

The two on the far right look somewhat normal (maybe advisers or something?), but Luigi is the only cute one in a sea of ugly & awkward.

No. 511886

He is sprawled on top of three boys he has probably sucked the dicks of

No. 511887

The cop who wanted to touch him & his wife definitely argued that night kek

No. 511888

There was plenty of space for him to stand in the upper left next to pink colored long tie guy instead of sitting on the other dudes kek.

No. 511889

Kek, I will love him forever

No. 511891

who referred you here, plebbit or CM?

No. 511892

there’s this one tumblr account for Luigi that I don’t mind that much and of course CM is coming for her.

No. 511894

he definitely was the “king” of his frat kek. that fucking narc. and, yeah im sure he’s sucked a few dicks

No. 511895

who’s that

No. 511896

File: 1742838622111.jpg (549.91 KB, 1080x1055, 1000008454.jpg)

That hog was so into him

No. 511897


No. 511898

all those hogs love touching him. luigi is an ugly fat bastard moid magnet

No. 511899

I just noticed everyone's turned and looking at him in this gif kek

No. 511901

Kek what is CM saying about vershautece

No. 511902


No. 511903

nice plug

No. 511904

File: 1742838967657.jpg (253.91 KB, 571x683, love.jpg)

No. 511905

File: 1742838996126.jpeg (470.93 KB, 1179x1231, IMG_7297.jpeg)

She’s saying it’s inappropriate to be sexually attracted to him you know the usual

No. 511906

thanks nona

No. 511908

File: 1742839268164.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1010x1805, IMG_1118.jpeg)

the pig behind weegee in this pic is the one that told the judge they didn’t want to uncuff him in Feb. he’s also the cop who was gripping his collar while staring at weegee at the Dec hearing. disgusting pig

No. 511909

I knew it was him and not the black woman, anons are as misogynistic and racist as Luigi

No. 511911

File: 1742839412473.mp4 (3.02 MB, 832x484, ScreenRecording-03-24-2025-10-…)

He's so magnetic! Also, there's audio idk if its the videographers/photographers but they were talking about him going to a preppy school and saying they weren't jealous. It also sounds identical to the prosecutor talking too.

No. 511912

Kek, moids can never contain how insanely jealous he makes them

No. 511914

What the fuck can anyone make out what else he's saying

No. 511915

If he said more than this?

No. 511916

He wanted him most of all

No. 511917

sounds like
>"He went to a preppy school that I could never afford. I'm not jealous, though"

No. 511918

I hope all the cops get to rape him

No. 511920

OMG nonny that's exactly what he said thank you

No. 511921

Honestly, he should have been denied education. Luigi should have been forced to do manual labor around the country clubs his parents owned and sleep in a stable.

No. 511922

>there’s this one tumblr account for Luigi that I don’t mind that much
>those screenshots >>511905
Oh sweetheart

No. 511923

This shit is so cringe and you just know these exact type of people post here.

No. 511924

File: 1742840293212.jpg (454.71 KB, 1346x1077, 1000008456.jpg)

No. 511926

Luigi sucked off:
>Jeet 2
Luigi frotted with:
>overgrown midget
Luigi gave a footjob to:
>foot fucker

No. 511930

I love you so much hahaha

No. 511931

Voting this as the next op

No. 511933

Kek I should've put more effort into it

No. 511934

But definitely, all of them are horrific, especially the Twitter pages. I’m not condoning her listing off porn links to match up for him. I just saw her critiquing the Twitter pages for making fun of his valedictorian speech and I agreed with that. At least she has the common sense to call that out but her page being the same as the other strange ones, makes her less logical.

No. 511935

I am actually starting to think Luigi is gay he just doesn’t quite realize it and he thinks he is bi.

No. 511936

corrections officers are more likely to rape him than other inmates

No. 511937

honestly maybe. he’s so misogynist

No. 511939

It's always closeted homos that are super misogynistic. Straight males are sexist, but to the extent where they want to meet up with and befriend a guy who wrote a manifesto about how women are the death of society? Plus grifter males who espouse stuff like that are all closeted gays, so it tracks. Like Nick Fuentes.
These are the type of tards that lurk in and invade this thread. Go away.

No. 511941

kek isn’t Luigi a groyper?

No. 511942

In behavior, yes. In practice, I don't think so. I wouldn't be surprised if he had an alt Twitter called like WhiteCock1488 or something that posted groyper memes.

No. 511944

I hope you mean only the female ones

No. 511945

Our king needs to drop a new appendix, everyone is bored.

No. 511946

You know what, maybe. Maybe his “birthrates” fixation is just a vindictive cope for not being actually attracted to women and feeling like he has to procreate. Why else is he on dating apps asking them for advice on how to raise the birthrates? he’s such an annoying asshole

No. 511947

No. 511948

everything he does is due to autism I guess

No. 511949

wrong he’s a letter slave

can you go back to twitter please

No. 511950

Is it not just him falling for red pill twitter?

No. 511951

idk that could be it, too. who knows with him

No. 511953

File: 1742841870663.jpg (109.21 KB, 333x571, king.jpg)

No. 511955

No. 511956

File: 1742841961961.jpeg (882.29 KB, 1179x1787, IMG_1119.jpeg)

kek nailed it

No. 511957

Go back please

No. 511959

the only think misogynigi is king of is getting raped and beaten by me

No. 511960

The sexual harassment frat (all frats except these moids are ugly incels)

No. 511961

>gave them a poorly baked cake that was thrown away promptly
Me at Luigi
>2.2 GPA

No. 511962

File: 1742842391670.jpeg (99.24 KB, 1179x237, IMG_1121.jpeg)

kek no wonder weegee chose them

No. 511963

KEK holy shit he is actually gay

No. 511964

No. 511965

Stop trying to pussy police weegee wives

No. 511966

Where is this from lol

No. 511967

File: 1742842603505.jpeg (94.04 KB, 828x1050, IMG_7087.jpeg)

gives a whole new meaning to weegee’s review

No. 511968

Calling a male a king is super cringe cuck behavior.
Not enough dick sucking for his tastes

No. 511969

"At least I'm smarter than those asshole football jocks" but the GPA is 2.2: the frat

Literal frat of redditors

No. 511970

The gooner looks like quasimodo

No. 511971

Remarkably porcine physiognomy

No. 511972

Interesting his friend from high school wasn't in this frat but went to the same college. He dressed up as Mario with him at a frat party. I wonder if there's anything to that

No. 511973

which friend? patrick?

No. 511974

His friend is probably way smarter than Luigi and either went to a better frat or stayed out of frat culture because he isn’t a rapist

No. 511975

File: 1742843094497.jpeg (238.21 KB, 1380x1600, IMG_1129.jpeg)

No. 511976

No, Brian

No. 511977

Smarter than Luigi? I doubt it, he's literally a genius

No. 511978

Holy shit he was really in the incel rape frat

No. 511979

kek he went to the worst frat.

No. 511980

File: 1742843328076.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1179x1002, IMG_1130.jpeg)

r/Frat has several roast threads over the years

No. 511981

File: 1742843487815.jpeg (696.8 KB, 1117x730, IMG_1131.jpeg)

no this guy, he went to Gilman with wigi. Patrick went somewhere else.

No. 511982

Luigi should have never gone to college.
He should have gone from that moids school straight to my private reform reeducation center in my basement.

No. 511985

Hahaha like a fuckin ork

No. 511987

>creepy geeks giving off creepy vibes
Kek finally found my tagline

No. 511988

File: 1742844611867.jpeg (357 KB, 1179x986, IMG_7303.jpeg)

No. 511991

He couldn't even buy a green shirt so he just turned a green shirt inside out to hide the print, my God I need him carnally

>his "friend" looks like he's going to kill himself once the party's over

No. 511994

He is such a lazy faggot. Just spends his money on vidya and porn. His parents need to stop funding his trial shit asap

No. 511996

This made my heart race. what the fuck

No. 511997

File: 1742845288632.gif (Spoiler Image,2.66 MB, 587x334, 1000008032.gif)

On you've only just discovered

No. 511998

Do you think he was retarded enough to not know the rating system? I feel like it would have made more sense if he rated them highly for everything and said they have no class as a joke

No. 511999

You misunderstand his genius mind, nona

No. 512000

stop I can only get so horny

No. 512002

Probably upset they didn’t let him suck more dicks after the dick sucking hazing ritual

No. 512004

File: 1742845768617.jpeg (606.62 KB, 1290x1700, IMG_2457.jpeg)

Sorry but found this kinda ironic….

No. 512005

>It's the tongues isn't it

No. 512006

CM is that you

No. 512008

The LPSG fags making luigicest and glory hole ai art are funny (and disgustingly depraved), but at least they’re honest about their support unlike xitter and plebbit.

No. 512009

I don’t get it. You can hate Luigi and recognize he is a retarded evil and still want to rape him

No. 512010

says the bitch with the scary pussy

No. 512011

Also you missed Luigi he was just here >>511869

No. 512012

No just found it funny Jessica was replying. Read earlier about CM mess and went to read the tweets on Twitter.

No. 512013

You know she jorked it to those screenshots

No. 512014

true. i hate him, but he is still prime rapemeat
kek, so he does have a prison phone after all

No. 512015

How much money is she making on OF to have two kids and donate everyday?!? Small creators can’t be making that much money…. Poor kids

No. 512016

ewwww i don’t wanna think about her scary inflamed pussy.

No. 512017

You know they're the ones with the most depraved fantasies, too

No. 512018


No. 512019

yeah it doesn’t make much sense, unless her simps are very generous kek. imagine giving this bitch money to see her scary vagina and she just donates your money to a prison scrote.

No. 512020

I need more Luigicest

No. 512021

Very white trash, I love it

No. 512022

luigi is a narc who feels like no one’s on his “wavelength” kek. he probably would fuck himself

No. 512023

File: 1742846623464.jpeg (277.09 KB, 1179x569, IMG_1132.jpeg)

please stop talking about this person, no one cares

No. 512025

File: 1742846803434.jpeg (145.46 KB, 716x1953, IMG_7303.jpeg)

>uses the only pic where he has shitty facial hair
>135 lbs
did his mom hate him kek

No. 512026

It is common sense why she would use a bearded pic anon. And she should hate him, he is a bitch. But alas.

No. 512028

i agree, he really is a bitch

No. 512029

Is it bad I want to see the hq version of this photo…

No. 512030

I wanna see it, too

No. 512031

Mujahidigi still looks hot to me…

No. 512033

I’d still ride Mujahidigi, Retardigi, Schizigi and all the other -igi’s

I want to hate fuck him so bad

No. 512034

File: 1742847891466.jpeg (286.46 KB, 691x759, IMG_7309.jpeg)

I wonder why that version of his missing person report is in black and white. But I wanna see it in color.

No. 512035

I wanna punch his stupid face

No. 512036

Nonas do you think weegee enjoys being called a terrorist?

No. 512037

Luigi update the appendix already

No. 512038

Wait I’ll add the video when Karen said it. He looked taken aback. But not freaked out. More like well damn

No. 512039

Yeah I wanna see

No. 512041

File: 1742848859331.mp4 (4.62 MB, 506x394, clip.mp4)

No. 512043

No reaction to her touching him though, kek he didn't even flinch. Poor sweet Karen, before she was subjected to all the edits and the nudes…

No. 512044

he’s used to her touching him kek

No. 512045

File: 1742849285186.gif (2 MB, 449x284, terrorist.gif)

he barely reacted

No. 512046

he seems high on benzos here

No. 512048

Thats how you know he is gay

No. 512049

The pics are probably from the Nov. missing report. Yeah I didn't realize she met with them physically in San Francisco on 12/5 until I rewatched a press conference. SFPD only looked at his missing person report again because his family called about him the same week as 12/4. That's why the 2nd officer who was handed his missing person’s case matched him to the hostel pic from looking at his Instagram. Then he put in a tip to the nypd and then they got in contact with his mom. He wouldn't have already been on their radar if they didn't call.

No. 512050

so basically he got caught the very next day

No. 512052

What's the opposite of touch-starved

No. 512053

She also swatted him on accident first and then touched his shoulder when she said, “he's a young man”.

No. 512054

He reacted the first time she touched him, I think he anticipated it the second time

No. 512055

File: 1742849919968.jpg (328.99 KB, 1178x1230, 1000008476.jpg)

Forgot the url kek

No. 512056

2 steps ahead

No. 512057

She is used to hitting him

No. 512058

No. 512059

File: 1742850438109.jpg (228.96 KB, 800x862, 1000008487.jpg)

Holy shit we really manifested it

No. 512060

I'm cumming

No. 512061

Are any of you on there? I'm not kek

No. 512062

are the stars next to parentheses him indicating he wrote back to them?

No. 512063

This sucks, he shouldn’t be allowed to receive letters.

No. 512064

Oh Luigi, my love, I missed you so bad kissing noises

No. 512066

>I can absolutely imagine those batshit freaks going full Christina Grimmie on him
That is scary as fuck and very plausible. Who would it most likely be? Jules? Jessica? eMiLy? Katy? KATY!

No. 512067

yaaaaay I did it, I knew Luigi lurked here. Luigi, you’re my beloved rapemeat.

No. 512068

Still a shit ton of December letters kek

No. 512069

December letters in March kek

No. 512070

no, it means the postmarked date is badly copied

No. 512071

MDC sucks so bad. Getting Christmas greetings after St. Patrick's Day kek

No. 512072

File: 1742850907267.jpg (65.39 KB, 1080x1025, 1000008493.jpg)

No, just that the letter didn't have a date

No. 512074

Ngl I think schizigi would’ve used a bomb if he could guarantee it would only harm the conference attendees.

No. 512075

I hope he never receives mine and I hope all the letters he does get suck

No. 512076

They are feeding her madness. She needs a bullycide now,

No. 512077

Mine are still not in there. I hate him so bad.

No. 512078

Is he smiling at katy here

No. 512079

Did you see on the news that he said he wanted to but didn't want to hurt innocents?

No. 512081

fuck all the multiple letter senders for clogging up the system too. they're writing bullshit thinking he's going to love them, meanwhile he hasn't even gotten some people's one and only letter.

No. 512082

MDC hates the nonas, they've been able to figure us out kek

No. 512083

It’ll be 2026 when he receives my February letter for sure.

No. 512085

>he’s probably still posing like that all the time with his cup o noodles

No. 512086

The elusive CM?

No. 512087

Damn yeah she's top contender

No. 512088

This is so disgusting.
>Columbia sweater

No. 512089

I wish he had written a little note for us that included chastising the rednote schizo over the fake letters

No. 512090

No. 512091

New thread pic please!

No. 512092

Probably, hopefully he caught her creep shotting him

No. 512093

I'm really mad he didn't do that, he should. I'm wishing for that later on today.

No. 512094

Katy seems most likely since she still has a serious crush after 6 years and wants to testify on his behalf

No. 512095

File: 1742851952095.jpg (455.37 KB, 1080x1080, 1000007289.jpg)

Kekkkk I love the added touch of MDC tan

No. 512096

Kek this has to be the new thread pic

No. 512097

He loved it he is male it is why he smiled kek

No. 512098

manifesting luigi full front nudity apology video (with tears) next

No. 512099

It’s a bit eerie how he was playing that orwell game around the same time he started planning.

No. 512100

No that means he didn’t get the post date from the envelope and that he took the date the letter was written and put on the top.

No. 512101

File: 1742852352930.png (209.46 KB, 555x454, 1000008350.png)

No. 512102

Chained by a collar

No. 512103

I wish he wasn’t allowed letters, but then again he ends up incriminating himself the more freedom to write he is given

No. 512104

File: 1742852473458.png (565.55 KB, 700x689, cup of noodles.png)

probably too late now but I forgot the watermark kek

No. 512105

No. 512106

Kek can you imagine if he really does scroll here

No. 512107

I hope he jacks off to my posts about torturing him, lobotomizing him, and wishing he died. Pathetic slut.

No. 512108

It's so cute that he writes "appendix" God damnit I need to tear his skin off with my teeth

No. 512109

If he doesn't, I will

No. 512110

What? Bare minimum shit.

No. 512112

now THIS is a threadpic

No. 512113

Thank you. I do it for my nonnies.

No. 512114

yes, it has to say “rapemeat” though

No. 512117

killing myself, the co’s are not giving weegee my beautiful shitposts.

No. 512119

i will try to infiltrate the MDC Brooklyn mail office as a worker and make sure Luigi gets all the nona mail

No. 512121

They're definitely going to steal this unfortunately

No. 512123

This is the gayest photo I have ever seen

No. 512124

>kills CEO for grifter daddy validation
>becomes letter slave to bpdemons, rapemoids, and rapenonas

No. 512125

She can add mdc in the window and add a watermark

No. 512126

I'll come too, I'll sit on your shoulders and we can wear a trench coat

No. 512127

right? his manic smiling makes him look like such a fag

No. 512128

>random 10 ft tall moid hired to sort letters
Come on you can become a CO with that disguise

No. 512129

I unironically want to try and do it, he needs to see our rape threats rn

No. 512130

File: 1742853745935.jpg (189.44 KB, 1424x2471, 1000000192.jpg)

Maybe this is what he wanted all along

No. 512132

He frequents these threads, he saw him

Luigi if you're still here say hi

No. 512133

She is kind of based for taking sneak pics at him and he even smiles at her in one of them, she made her own porn.

No. 512134

This is the photo that confirms he is gay for me.

No. 512136

He still on December and January letters?! it’s joever for us

No. 512137

KEKKK I just noticed, good work nonny

No. 512138

File: 1742854393921.png (1.02 MB, 996x994, 1000007859.png)

It's so joever

No. 512139

I'm not on the appendix again but I'm glad letterboy is still slaving in there

No. 512140

It's his behavior/posture/mannerisms/opinions that make me think he is a not-so-closeted faggot. He probably is obsessed with breeding because he wants a beard with children he can cheat on and give AIDs.

No. 512141

What do you wanna bet she face-planted into the couch where he sat and rubbed her face all over it taking DEEP whiff before licking it

I mean, I wouldn't do that

No. 512142

>panty shot

No. 512143

I wonder what other creep shots she has saved

No. 512146

File: 1742854873875.jpeg (952.48 KB, 1179x1586, IMG_7315.jpeg)

Was this her doing? or did an account randomly “find this”?

No. 512147

Another leak from the Signal chat?

No. 512149

This was posted in February but I didn't think anything of it at the time.

No. 512150


No. 512152

She is so based for this.

No. 512153

Good job nonny!

No. 512154

He has always had women obsessing over him kek

No. 512155

Who else besides her and Tracey?

No. 512156

File: 1742855304874.png (470.83 KB, 459x800, IMG_7316.png)

Was the video of him outside actually from Youtube or was it taken by one of them? This selfie was taken on one of their phones that same day.

No. 512157

I'd beat the shit out of him if I were a crazy teen stalker and he took a picture on my phone of himself flashing a booger

No. 512159

Katy is insane for this but really who are we to judge?

No. 512160

She sniffed where he had been sitting for sure

No. 512161

It's normal behavior, males are public property.

No. 512163

File: 1742856285148.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.86 KB, 750x499, 1000008506.jpg)

Kek there's only one thing to do

No. 512165

>I'd beat the shit out of him if I were a crazy teen stalker and he took a picture on my phone of himself flashing a booger
Booger was an attempt to get these girls away. Didn't work they are still stalking him.

No. 512167

He likes the teenage girl attention, though. All fags do.

No. 512169

that's probably why he did that lmao kekk

No. 512170

hes so fat here keeeekkk

No. 512171

I want Fatigi so bad

No. 512172

And that goofy ass face

No. 512174

I think it was a photocopy of it that's why it's b/w and LQ
It was just after surgery he was bloated

No. 512175

File: 1742856868252.jpg (260.53 KB, 764x764, big eater.jpg)

>you have to rub my belly
>did you cook dinner yet?
>sorry i hate your leftovers i didn't know they weren't mine
>can you lift my gunt so I can pee?
>this book is really good, it's called Hit Reverse you might learn a thing or two audiblebreathing.mp4
>jack me off, now
>im going out with the boys tonight to the ladyboy bar, wash the bathroom while i'm gone
>wheres the ramen?

No. 512176

from all those pain killers

No. 512177

File: 1742856947359.gif (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 350x192, nose.gif)

No. 512179

Kekkkkkk oh yeah
Oh yes Fatigi anything for you

No. 512180

I thought this was one of those JD Vance edits at first glance. Has anyone made one of Mangione yet?

No. 512182

JD Vance and Luigi would get along really well when you consider it

No. 512183

>Has anyone made one of Mangione yet?
I want to, but I fear that's TOO cursed

No. 512184

he only rated his book a 3/5 kek

No. 512185

So? He would learn to love JD Vance

No. 512186

i fear that i would do that inbetween giving him lashes

No. 512188

File: 1742858214635.jpeg (296.03 KB, 1009x1613, IMG_1134.jpeg)

there have been Fatigi edits in past threads

mirrorigi is superior though

No. 512189

I love his honker of a nose and want to do this so bad

No. 512190

he likes manosphere crap, but I think jd vance is too much of a hollow soulless faggot even for him. who knows though

No. 512191

Poor weegee seeing his reflection

No. 512192

his asymmetry is hot, fatigi is hot, schizigi is hot, mujahidigi is hot, mark rosario is hot, when he pulls dumb faces he's hot. eternal smash.

No. 512195

File: 1742858573413.jpeg (253.58 KB, 790x686, IMG_7317.jpeg)

he looks so cute here mid lip lick

No. 512196

>hollow soulless faggot
You just described Luigi, though
At this point you could just find a random Italian scrote on the street and date him. Is it the murder that gets you?

No. 512197

if Gurwinder is to be believed he liked RFK and didn’t like Trump or Biden, so it’s a tossup

No. 512201

Luigi's IQ has got to be around 80.

No. 512202

What would weegee version of porn cards look like? I wanna draw these.

No. 512203

File: 1742859013822.jpg (60.85 KB, 456x562, 1000008516.jpg)

Closest I could find is uwu baby Mangione
Hell yeah

No. 512204

Huh? This is nothing like JD Vance edits. Why do you have kawaii baby Luigi saved?

No. 512205

File: 1742859095205.jpeg (239.44 KB, 1179x180, IMG_7318.jpeg)

He actually didn't like Trump or Biden.

No. 512206

luigi goatsee, luigi barefeet, luigi tits, etc.

No. 512207

That anon already said that. His critique of why he doesn't like either party is so retarded. He's such a midwit you just know the people who praise him are somehow even more retarded.

No. 512208

Humiliating poses, maybe him getting bound and blindfolded, and creep shot angles where he looks embarrassed.

No. 512209

File: 1742859243429.jpeg (612.47 KB, 937x1347, IMG_1135.jpeg)

such an ugly little duckling

No. 512210

File: 1742859515532.jpg (202.21 KB, 1080x1080, 1000008526.jpg)

>that face

No. 512211

Yes please. We need weegie porn pokemon cards.

No. 512213

such an ugly pic lol

No. 512214

please I need weegee porn pokemon cards…for research purposes of course

No. 512216

File: 1742860035849.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.79 KB, 893x960, 1000005547.jpg)

It's a sticker on RedNote and it's adorable af
>luigi goatsee
Please don't put artnonna through that kek
I can see why he thought he fit in with those moids in college kekkkk still cute
>maybe him getting bound and blindfolded
You know, in my one very, very brief stray from this thread I saw a pic just like that posted here

No. 512217

I don't think you know what that anon meant by JD Vance edits. And he did fit in with those moids at college, he was in the incel frat after all. Also weird you have child Luigi saved in your device.

No. 512218

CM posting us again kek

No. 512220

Why? I wish people on twitter were mentally sane and will tell her to delete her account. The girl on tumblr deleted her account because she was probably bullied by her and them.

No. 512221

File: 1742860417521.jpg (274.79 KB, 764x890, 1000007128.jpg)

Sorry for the request nonnys but does anyone have or know where to find footage of him during his brief perpwalk after he got the taperfade, specifically here

No. 512222

She's upset with him being called rapemeat as if he didn't see women that way. Too bad, he is rapemeat. And she thinks wanting to rape Luigi is setting the woman's rights movements back decades
Newsflash CM: Luigi hates women and thinks we're the achilees heel of evolution, he barely recognizes us as human. It's actually feminist to hate him. Wanting to worship him and suck his misogynist dick is anti-feminist. And stop fucking lurking here, fat.

No. 512223

Kekkkk what did she say

No. 512224

File: 1742860559164.jpeg (273.74 KB, 750x830, IMG_9017.jpeg)

No. 512225

Her schizophrenia is acting up, luigi write her back asap so she can leave us alone kek

No. 512226

File: 1742860606360.jpeg (214.77 KB, 750x642, IMG_9018.jpeg)

She can kill herself for this one, it’s extra retarded

No. 512228

File: 1742860724635.jpg (Spoiler Image,232.91 KB, 1279x1599, 1000008529.jpg)

Oh I know, I'm just saying
>closest I could find
Also girl it's a sticker from RedNote it's nothing nefarious

No. 512229

does anyone else not give a shit about this xitter cow or what she’s currently saying about us

No. 512231

how is this setting womens rights back kek

No. 512232

Raping males is le mean

No. 512233

keeeekkkk no one is following this retard we’re just keeping tabs on the crash outs also why are is she lurking since this is such a bad website

No. 512234

This is from the part where this photo was taken. Then for the footage of the perp walk freedomnews has the clearest footage of it.

No. 512235

It's funny to watch someone get upset on behalf of a male but honestly this girl, Katy, Jessica, and the rest are such nothingburgers. The only interesting figure was 40 Pager because she tried to send Luigi a fanfiction about them interacting, and advice on what chains to wear to a protest. I miss her.

No. 512236

She's obviously just looking for attention like the BPD she is. I wouldn't be surprised if she's doing more self-posting or if it's one of those Xitter accounts she's pissed off.

No. 512237

Well I know one Cow who won't be participating in the rapefest!

No. 512238

Don’t care about her and her retarded takes but thanks to her Karen can show weegee these threads for his entertainment

No. 512239

Cm if you are reading this, stop using AVEE as a white person. Also down talking about them, they are annoying so let’s move on

No. 512240

silver lining. I hope she’s printing it for him now

No. 512241

Clearly Karen is just sitting on her ass looking at fancams all day, during their meetings she probably just sits next to him and whips out her phone and goes through the memes, videos, and screenshots she's saved while she points and goes 'look' and he nods and twiddles his thumbs and wonders if he's ever going to go free (he won't)

No. 512242

retarded take brought to you by someone who thinks pot calling the kettle black is racist

No. 512243

She claims to be a programming genius but thinks pot calling the kettle black is racist? Kekkkkk what a retard

No. 512244

She is hyperventilating and her sweat is greasing up her keyboard right now, by the way

No. 512245

File: 1742861473612.jpeg (1.09 MB, 813x1325, IMG_1139.jpeg)

I hope the fact that none of us take his “movement” seriously and we’re calling him a low IQ retard pisses him off kek

No. 512246

Mad because we don’t have her consent to talk about her…. This is the internet and it’s a public account? Anyways…

No. 512247

Luigi’s family shilling out their family fortune to hire the best lawyer in NY only for said lawyer to be following stan twitter accounts on billable hours kek hes never walking free

No. 512249

She can't have her phone when she sees him.

No. 512250

File: 1742861614934.png (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 868x1241, slave.png)

I don't want to rape him, am I the only one? I want to cuddle and snuggle him and be his mommy, picrel

No. 512251

It's fucking crazy. She's kind of a disgrace.

No. 512252

it is pushing womens rights forward. Men should fear us after all the shit they put us through. We will take one of their own and rape them until he walls, then we will throw his ugly ass to the BPDs

No. 512254

karen scrolling on stan twt loosing hope for retardgi

No. 512255

So what you're saying is she prints out an entire binder's worth of screenshots and goes through it like a picture book with Luigi?

No. 512257

So you don't want to rape him but you want him preraped so you can play good captor?

No. 512259

File: 1742861819108.gif (14.47 KB, 220x181, IMG_4161.gif)

I understand you nonny

No. 512260

The fact that she’s following a page that said she’ll set herself on fire for him and pathologically lies everyday in paragraphs is something else.

No. 512261

Sorry I was memeing, I do want to rape him.
>I understand you
What? You want a preraped moid? Lazy.

No. 512262

girl aren't you busy being a lawyer/engineer/movie maker/doctor?

No. 512264

tsk tsk weegee you missed your pee pad again. useless scrote

No. 512265

>disney princess toys in the background
Yes. I can see Luigi living like this

No. 512266

wait is he preraped? noooooooo was it moe lester? ray pist?

No. 512267

kek and then she bills him for time and materials

No. 512268

That's it, he gets the cock-cage with the urethra pin until he learns his lesson. And ten lashes with the flog.

No. 512269

Doing all that and anonymously threatening to dox tumblr users/impersonate the girl who they ran off tumblr as a racist…… hope CM gets help, we aren’t mad at her, she’s just entertaining with how insane and parasocial she is

No. 512270

File: 1742862103892.mp4 (6.31 MB, 1080x1080, 1000008530.mp4)

Thank you sooooo much nonny, this is exactly what I was looking for. Really appreciate it.

No. 512271

didnt CM accuse someone for being racist on twt too? hence why the pot calling the kettle back screenshots got posted

No. 512272

No. 512273

Kek I didn't even notice

No. 512274

All I can gauge from looking at her twitter is that she's a kpooper

No. 512275

I think it's funny that he has regular cows we know by name. I guess acting crazy really does get you somewhere in the world

>like being the recipient of a restraining order

No. 512277

File: 1742862679094.jpeg (627.62 KB, 1170x1244, IMG_6412.jpeg)


No. 512278

She can't be 30 she acts 15. She probably thinks 'don't throw stones in glass houses' is a death threat.

No. 512279

Ay shoutout to Faith! She's a real one, she only annoys Luigi and not everyone else. Very based of her to make her 40 page letter public for the luls. She's a queen. Faith is the superior Luigi stan and the others can seethe! Will defend Faith till the end.

No. 512281

File: 1742862880851.jpg (835.13 KB, 1079x3451, 1000008534.jpg)

Tarddit really is the taint of the internet

No. 512282

File: 1742862931019.jpg (556.66 KB, 1795x2200, sister.jpg)

Fanfiction of Luigi's sister in the latest kr.

No. 512283

Death penalty imminent. The truth is, Karen lurks here and knows how much he deserves to die so she's throwing the entire case.

No. 512284

To say the appendix update is the sole reason why her daughter was hired is insane.

No. 512285

This whole fucking family on the case and they aren't doing shit

No. 512286

but pocketing that sweet mangione money

No. 512288

File: 1742863260089.jpeg (926.67 KB, 1194x2158, IMG_2464.jpeg)

It’s bad for CM when tumblr calls you psycho… posting it here since CM likes reading

No. 512289

Luigi is the end of his family's dynasty, all their money going towards their failson and his new grifter founded family. And the funds to ward off Moe Lester from playing with his bootyhole at night.

No. 512290

yeah it was Nova. too bad schizrin's retarded companions can't think for themselves and latch onto her even though she's blatantly wrong.

No. 512291

Apparently they sent a book of these comics to him. Wonder if he got them?

No. 512292

File: 1742863390313.jpg (20.09 KB, 263x263, 1000008537.jpg)

But of course
This is honestly so fucked up, imagine you go to jail and face the DP and this is the type of shit your "fans" talk about you in the outside world. Pathetic.

No. 512293

She really does think prison is a daycare or something.

No. 512294

Congrats to his sister for debuing in the comics

No. 512295

This will send him over the edge. The comics are fucking disturbing.

No. 512296

Please he needs to see the one where he volunteers to take Mr. Lester's chores, and the one where he makes a mashed potato robot and goes 'the most dewicious robot evar!', and do I need to even mention the condom ghosts?

No. 512297

They are congratulating some weirdo who has gotten 4 letters through from December alone. The more letters people send like that they will just look actually crazy. It's not an accomplishment to applaud.

No. 512298

Imagine getting this worked up over a person who doesn't know or care if you exist and is in jail accused of being a murderer. Life ruining stuff right here, kek. And why? Because they think they'll get his attention? Be his friend? That he'll marry them and ride them into the sunset? These people need to go outside and take a break from the internet. How can you have this little of a life that your entire life revolves around so many other people?

No. 512299

can we mass report this tard for the last time

No. 512300

They have before. And their kids.

No. 512301

Yes they genuinely think they will become his wife, it's insane.

No. 512302

File: 1742863874689.jpg (472.09 KB, 1132x668, widdlelulu.jpg)

I love how she draws the almost 6' tall man like he's just a little boy, even in prison kek. His sister looks taller than him in the comic. Next level infantilization

No. 512303

Has his dad appeared in the comics? I dont remember, but i think he might be the only family member left to appear

No. 512304

And the fact that they’re doing that weird 27th birthday thing for him and one of them sent the Bali shirt comic. The 27th birthday fund/card is so insincere and mocking. In their eyes, they’re like “We’re the ones who are making your birthday special”. It’s not the same thing as sending a letter to have a small exchange with him. The birthday thing is just to stroke those people’s ego.

No. 512305

I think this is supposed to be the other sister, the one in the picture was in the one where his mom is reading shit online

No. 512306

This is pick-me on a whole nother level. Maybe Karen is arranging a trial after-party and only the bpdemons she follows on xwitter et. al are allowed, and he'll get to choose one for a wife like on the bachelor. Maybe there's hope for them, yet

No. 512307

File: 1742864116691.webp (78.73 KB, 800x616, elaine.png)

They should fund a special cake with his face on it and a kr comic on it, too.
That's not his sister, that's Elaine

No. 512308

File: 1742864245089.jpeg (72.92 KB, 1234x375, IMG_2465.jpeg)

Cm can’t bc they are gay and can’t have kids? Others will have to fight

No. 512309

The twist is that the bpd wife has to live in the prison in the woman's wing and both she and Luigi will be forcefully sterilized and every month they can meet up one time, and it's livestreamed.

No. 512310

he probably doesnt even know what day it is, he wont care for his birthday when it passes him by hes probably reached the point where he sees no way out and his hopes of getting free are diminishing
the brain fog getting stronger he would probably schitz out again if the 27th birthday thing reaches him and kill himself in his cell

No. 512311

dont fuel cm's delusions

No. 512312

File: 1742864418974.jpeg (1.3 MB, 978x1419, IMG_1149.jpeg)

wrong sister, nona. but I guess the point stands.

No. 512313

I’m going to keep sending him my shitposts doesn’t matter if he reads them and doesn’t respond I want his eyes to see the retardation I’m feeding him

No. 512314

gay but yet somehow wanted to date a felon kek

No. 512315

File: 1742864466103.png (1.09 MB, 1383x1030, Picture+21-333657094.png)

>Happy birthday!

No. 512316

forgot about this pic he looks so cute retarded in that hat

No. 512317

No. 512318

she’s gay? no wonder she gets upset at the smut, it’s of no interest to her.

No. 512319

Don't give kr ideas. I can see a comic now where he breaks down crying about being emotionally unavailable to Luigi

No. 512320

>"I'm gay"
>"I'm an engineer"

No. 512322


No. 512323

another member of the 27 club, rip

No. 512324

why doesn't cm post us mocking her

No. 512325

Need him to carnally fuck me but the hat and socks stay ON

No. 512326

she’s too busy helping minors write to weegee

No. 512327

you forgot that she's a psychologist, and a programmer oh and she works in finance oh and she got bought by a company

No. 512328

You forgot she is a lawyer as well… keep up nona!!

No. 512329

Bought by a company is frying me, like she's a legit corporate slave kek. Final boss of lying.

No. 512330

don't forget to add that she didn't need a degree to be hired!

No. 512331

You can't forget that she looks just like Luigi too

No. 512332

sorry nona! i'll add to that list of her other retarded lies. if she is even half as educated as she claims, she wouldn't have said that idiom was racist. it boggles my mind how none of her followers check her for pathologically lying.

No. 512333

He's just getting buff again and getting ready for his next court appearance. He will be delusional that he will be freed all the way up until the first guilty verdict is read.

No. 512334

She's gay but had 3 previous prison boyfriends? Make it make sense!

No. 512335

Kek I hope he turns into a nasty roidpig

No. 512336

cause all her followers are underage

No. 512337

it boggles me how she never heard it in speech either

No. 512338

wait she’s had 3 previous prison boyfriends?! keeekkkkk this bitch is seriously mentally ill

No. 512339

She's a pedo I'm calling it

No. 512340

calling dibs. Probably has a boner from autoasphyxiation

No. 512341

KEK, take him before he gets too cold

No. 512342

Why do they infantilize him so much, I know he's pissed. His "27 for Luigi" shit looks like some 4th graders party invitations with Nintendo theme. They're doing it because they want to appear closer to him. Add on the Flat Luigi thing with a Caillou version of him in some locale that he will never visit because he's now in jail. It's so condescending. He's a grown man wtf. All this gugu gaga over him is tiring.

No. 512343

Oh definitely because why would teens need to write to him. Also, she did make a tumblr and she used his robotics team picture. And she was saying how she was new to the app.

No. 512344

Wasn't cm also fighting with teenagers kek

No. 512345

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if she's red note schizo

No. 512346

and is fighting with the voices in her head too kek

No. 512347

File: 1742865774827.gif (1.57 MB, 275x154, IMG_3598.gif)

you're onto something nonny

No. 512348

she sent her followers after kfastan , who's a minor, cm is beyond retarded

No. 512350

They are total fucking retards

No. 512353

If not bots kekkkk imagine chimping out over bots

No. 512354

I think it is way more likely she herself is 14

No. 512355

her face reveal says otherwise kek

No. 512356

File: 1742866272722.png (Spoiler Image,2.84 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7319.png)

I have a screenshot where the red note account posted the blog that deleted her account today.

No. 512357

The edit of him smoking is good, wish she’d come back

No. 512359

>le epic troll

No. 512360

May he face many charges inshallah (may moehammad lester pray Luigi gets 72 bpd mothers in Heaven)

No. 512361

No problem nonny!

No. 512364

I wonder if she knows she is just attracting more anons to her xitter, not necessarily nonas, they will have a field day with her.

No. 512365

She is probably a 55 yo bitter woman that gets 0 action and this is all she does with her life.

No. 512367

I would hope a 55 year old woman isn't posting fancams of kpop idols and beefing legit high schoolers but stranger things have happened. Club chalamet exists after all.

No. 512369

File: 1742869077927.jpeg (Spoiler Image,415.36 KB, 1179x1271, IMG_7323.jpeg)

I knew she tried to weasel her way onto tumblr and now she's acting like a higher power of authority.

No. 512370

File: 1742869223032.jpeg (745.01 KB, 1075x1194, IMG_1156.jpeg)

nonas do you think weegee is upset because he hasn’t changed anything? no copycats, no revolutions, UHC still going strong, his lawyer scrolling xitter all day. kek

No. 512371

several nonas have said they have seen her pictures, but nobody will post

No. 512373

i wanna see her photos

No. 512374

i dont think he has many thoughts on this, he doesnt seem like a introspective person and wasnt even preparedfor the initial viral reaction and influx of donations and letters
he is someone satisfied with very little after completing his goals or doesnt feel much after it
who is vers/all these people?

No. 512376

Yes, I think he intended to call out that industry but also push a man out of his seat that sat back and was complicit in so many people’s deaths. I think his point if he wasn't caught was to show what happens when the public is fed up with the hierarchy. But his action being made into a joke and the symbolic meaning of it being washed away probably makes him mad. Also him being incarcerated is obviously devastating.

No. 512378

this anon is talking about how cm (twitter) had a tumblr and she reblogged vers’ (girl who deleted her tumblr that was bullied by cm) posts.

No. 512383

tumblr and xitter drama

No. 512384

What if Club Chalamet IS Club Mangione

No. 512385

judging by her banner, she is fully confident that she's a sight to behold. can any nona confirm or is she bullshitting

No. 512386

Okay so I'm the 3 letter nona and I wasn't on the latest appendix. It's already over but I'll send one again this week. Also why tf is it only until March 14th? Do they already have the following week's appendix or have they just been holding onto the March 14th one for 10 days? Doesn't make sense.

No. 512387


No. 512389

There is one Switzerland letter from 12/27, was that helvetroon? Kekkk

No. 512391

why are art nonny’s drawings on tumblr?

No. 512392


No. 512393

File: 1742871607180.png (290.26 KB, 1496x748, helvetroon.png)

holy shit i think it's her

No. 512395

File: 1742871745102.jpg (122.09 KB, 1290x1604, motion.jpg)

>Karen filed a motion in NY on 3/21/25 demanding discovery, extending the current motion schedule, and requesting a laptop for Luigi


No. 512396

If it is her, she is still a lying attention whore since the problem was that she claimed she got a letter reply back. Plus, she also later claimed she had a friend in Massachusetts send her letter to try to cover up a lie. She is so full of shit I doubt that letter is hers.

No. 512397

Wow I was waiting for this! I found a court document a month ago where diddy (hate him) was requested a government issued laptop to look at discovery. I was wondering when that was going to happen for Luigi. I can't believe she still doesn't have discovery I thought she said she obtained it on February 21st.

No. 512398

what would he use the laptop for

No. 512399

File: 1742871976732.jpeg (Spoiler Image,377.93 KB, 1179x1384, IMG_7324.jpeg)

No. 512401

what are some valid or decent enough luigi blogs to follow on tumblr. i just got it and idk sounds kinda interesting

No. 512402

no fangirl-fanfic muck blogs tho

No. 512403

No she looks like a regular white girl lol

No. 512404

No. 512406

Part of the 27 club, I believe it.

No. 512408

artnonny needs to watermark her art we wont mind
the blatant art theft is worse than plebbitors stealing images to repost on fl

No. 512409

tourists are here thanks to CM

No. 512410

File: 1742872546769.jpeg (494.91 KB, 1179x1512, IMG_7326.jpeg)

There's more to this motion btw I'm not done reading yet. But Karen wasn't given the DD5’s, civilian discovery, and information from luigi’s electronic devices.

No. 512411

I bet right now he takes a deal. This shit won’t go to trial.

No. 512412

>a moid reposting

No. 512413

a laptop? probably without Internet, right? if he starts tweeting again…

No. 512416

File: 1742873027572.jpeg (362.8 KB, 1179x644, IMG_7328.jpeg)

When was his medical info leaked? Does she mean the quote from the friend talking about his back surgery? That's interesting she didn't know about the SFPD tip.

No. 512417

the laptop won’t have internet, games, and entertainment.

No. 512418

without internet and for going through discovery. Diddy has one too.

SFPD detective linking hostel camera pic of mark rosario to Luigi is so weird to me. Until I saw a pic of Luigi exactly at that angle, I would have never thought they were the same guy

No. 512419

Did his instagram have that angle? It was public

No. 512420

this is crazy

No. 512421

It didn't and I don't think the firework in his mouth counts. In an article I read he said he looked at his Instagram tagged not the main feed.

No. 512422

File: 1742873751391.jpg (19.08 KB, 640x640, CPR.jpg)

Please God no

No. 512424

I can’t believe my shit got reposted kek. They took the cropped version of Luigi’s cum face drawing where his nipple is getting pinched by rapeanon. I don’t know if I should release the full drawing but it was gonna be the cover of the doujinshi that I haven’t done yet. When are they gonna steal the dungeon drawings?

No. 512425

No one would dare steal the dungeon ones kekkkk

No. 512427

Weegie after a good cry.

No. 512428

File: 1742874354933.jpeg (540.28 KB, 980x1337, IMG_7332.jpeg)

She called out the weird article that featured Jennifer Tisch. She also said he never released the manifesto (fed’s letter). Idc I still find it strange a substack journalist leaked it even with Ken explaining how he was the only one who had access to it.

No. 512429

re the new filings, they have 15,000 pages of discovery and 1000s of hours of surveillance footage…. what was on those usbs and laptop.
I bet he has hours of lady boy and japanese hooker pov vids from his recording glasses KEK
what other kind of porn and shit do you think he had on there. nonas in a few years someone’s gotta foia that shit

No. 512431

I mean they gotta be some rare porn to make him hold onto them on usb sticks KEKKKK

No. 512432

they have them if they’ve discovered this place. it’s a question of being brave enough to post it on tumblr.

No. 512433

kekkk I hope we get to see what kind of porn he was watching

No. 512435

why did they say he can't have a laptop because of witness threats? What witness threats?

No. 512436

Nonas I have a question. do you guys think that luigi is actually guilty? what is the realistic outcome we can expect from this fiasco?

No. 512437

you must be new here

No. 512438

They can't prove him guilty nona because he's a genius engineer and his tech is totally locked down. He's walking free, 100%

No. 512440

Seriously. He has a background in engineering.

No. 512442

yes, you guys make me laugh all the time.

bullshit this retard was walking around with so much incriminating evidence. I'm more or less referring to the misconduct of altoona PD,Jessica Tisch, Eric Adams, and now the prosecution.

No. 512445

File: 1742876481494.png (321.21 KB, 1471x1296, Screenshot 2025-03-25 001901.p…)

> I wish I could do more for Luigi, I'm trying to put my all into it
Don't you have kids, Jessica?

No. 512447

I just want him free so he doesn’t wall faster. I want to be able to continue lusting over his broad shoulders, beautiful nearly perfect face, beautiful curls, and giant cock that i hope still works

No. 512448

She must be getting some sweet child support checks, otherwise it's really sad.

No. 512449

do you think luigi was noided

No. 512451

Oh girl, fuck off and stop the virtue signaling. Luigi is literally a murderer and a HUGE misogynist, he literally went to Mumbai to go meet up with an author to discuss and support his extremely misogynistic book that he wrote. Luigi literally retweeted misogynistic tweets that wrote about how women are the Achilles heel of society and how women have to “protect” men’s hearts kek. I know you’re allegedly 30+ years old, but stop coddling him. He’s not your little baby.

No. 512452

artnonny we gotta see the luigi rape dungeon doujinshi

No. 512453

File: 1742877163291.jpeg (378.02 KB, 1057x1226, IMG_1181.jpeg)

Hey so what are these dms?

No. 512454

Sounds like a plebbitor

No. 512457

I bet it's just Katy harassing him and him not knowing how to blow it off

No. 512460

i don’t care I just want to fuck him

No. 512461

are they saying that there's dms of luigi flirting with katy? if i speak…

No. 512462

File: 1742878219032.jpeg (315.6 KB, 1597x1811, IMG_1059.jpeg)

Nonas. Do you ever think if Weegie has already been raped…by a local priest?

No. 512463

tumblrfags just make shit up most of the time.
they started the whole girl who was “seen” with luigi in the week before the shooting rumor

No. 512464

No but apparently there’s a new pic of him from the waist down circulating in the group chat. They keep talking about these group chats, but where are these pictures??

No. 512465

speak nona speak

No. 512466

perish the thought

No. 512468

And the DM’s and a 10 minute video of him? Everyone’s talking about this, but where is it? Not once have we seen these clips/DM’s/pictures.

No. 512470

from k? another one she took?
if it’s related to K, they’re gatekeeping heavily to get as much milk as possible.

No. 512471

They don't want Katy's stuff to leak? Everyone aired him out already. I'm sure he'd be more creeped out by those Twitter users posting pics of him in high school than a 10 min vid of him talking at camp and texting with Katy (let's be real, he was probably just being nice).

No. 512472

yeah theyre just playing the long game. she threatened legal action to the last person that leaked stuff. all empty but they still wanna keep the her happy and cooperative.

No. 512473

That’s what I’m saying!!! so many of them were so bold enough to leak pictures of him when he was a toddler barely even a fucking baby but yet are so scared about a 10 minute video leaking? Or some DMS? The same bird brains didn’t think of this when they leaked his motherfucking baby photos.

No. 512474

A lot of us would benefit seeing a video of him from adulthood, whether it be innocent, regardless then, baby photos, and family photos, and all these weird parasocialisms.

No. 512475

detective nonny, please work your magic. we need you…

No. 512478

Was katy threatening to sue? Even though she’s the one leaking these photos allegedly to a small network

No. 512479

she better run out of shit to show and tell already because i want them to leak it all NOW

No. 512480

These people are creeps. I saw a video of a woman gawking at his hands in high school. I want to see a video of him speaking as an adult.

No. 512481

eh sometimes I think he’s too retarded to commit the crime and he might be a patsy or this whole thing is a psyop.

No. 512482

exactly a lot of us would rather see a video of him talking as an adult with the little amount of voice clips. We have of him than high school pictures in which he looks like a fucking child, which fan girls will thirst over .

No. 512484

we do need to hear his voice more though. If anyone has any videos where you can clearly hear him besides that high school valedictorian speech, please let us know..

No. 512485

His hands in high school? There are plenty of pics of his hands at 26. Grown man Luigi is gorgeous, put the Gilman pics away. It's giving pedo.

No. 512486

is anyone in the upenn alumni whatsapp or discord gc. maybe there might be smth in there?

No. 512487

File: 1742879185706.png (106.04 KB, 856x577, scammer.png)

kek, sounds like a /r/freeluigi genius almost got scammed

No. 512488

if she got scammed she deserved it

No. 512489

I'm certain they are because what. I hate these people so much. He’s sexy now.
Yet they keep digging up more n more family photos when he’s underage and hs competition videos.

No. 512490

retard got baited for a week before realizing it was a scam kekk

No. 512491

so many unanswered questions. apparently he "performed reconnaissance in the area around the victim's hotel" a week prior to the murder.

No. 512492

I wonder if he ever left the hostel the week prior. Did he just buy all of his food ahead of time and never leave the hostel until it was 12/4?

No. 512493

Of course he did, and he used his glasses and recorded everything and stored it all on those USB's so he guarantees the DP.

No. 512494

they definitely have a shit ton of footage of this fag practicing the escape route and inspecting the hotel area like a retard the week prior to the murder, watch him being caught on camera without a mask too

No. 512495

He had to leave briefly to check back in per hostel policy. But what he was doing in New York for almost a week before is unknown. Idk how they have footage of him outside the day of the shooting but no footage of him outside before 12/4 including footage of him coming into NYC and getting to his hostel. Any footage of him on his ebike the week before? Lots we don't know.

No. 512496

between this and the pedo teacher at Gilman…

No. 512498

File: 1742880328804.jpeg (914.68 KB, 1094x1136, IMG_1173.jpeg)

not this one, newer than this?

No. 512499

thats likely the footage the prosecution has, as well as evidence found from the backpack + the dna from his starbucks cup. Plus whatever is in that hotel room he stayed in, among other evidence

No. 512500

Yeah too many red flags for a young catholic boy in Towson. Could you imagine this coming up in court, if it ever happened, and say that’s why he went schizo.

No. 512501

hypothetically, if that evidence gets tossed because of police misconduct (probably unlikely) what are the odds that they can convict him on whatever remaining evidence.

No. 512502

According to NYPD Chief Det. Kenny they have surveillance footage of him arriving in NYC from the bus from ATL & there’s footage of him casing the Hilton hotel for like an hour either that same day or a couple days after arriving.

No. 512503

An hour? Omg I thought they said he walked out and perused a little bit.

No. 512504

No stalking, and no terrorism charges, he can still get second degree murder. There is plenty of evidence he did it in NYC.

No. 512505

thanks nona. people are saying that terrorism charges might stick because of the influx of copycats after he was murdered. or in general, people who incited violence because of LM

No. 512506

Cctv of luigi maskless in his famous bali shirt circling the hilton everyday from nov 24th to dec 3rd

No. 512507

If the victim wasnt a pos ceo people would be outraged that there even is a posibility the evidence gets thrown out

No. 512508

I don't think so, the terrorism is a state charge and there hasbeen no copycats really. A comment on social media, and a bunch of fan girls ,without an act is nothing, a similar violent act hasn’t happened in NYC either. That’s just my POV though.

No. 512509

poor weegee if so. he deserves to be raped by nonas as an adult not by creeps as a child.

No. 512510

No. 512511

The woman who said delay, deny, depose wasn’t prosecuted.

No. 512513

You mean the Molotov cocktails with airplane size 50 ml bottles? I am sure they took her straight to the psych ward. Hasn’t been heard since.

The stabbing of the boss was a personal dispute.

And the healthcare lady all charges were dismissed

No. 512514

File: 1742884880177.jpg (319.18 KB, 1079x858, 1000008546.jpg)

Kek this Plebbitor is chimping out and wanting to file a complaint with MDC because their letter hasn't been received by LM yet

No. 512516

The easiest way for him to stop posting any list and writing. Like he doesn’t have work to do, and to go through evidence, which will take most of his time if the laptop is approved. Retard, bullycide her.

No. 512517

these are the people who ruin the fun for everyone else, they need to touch grass. nonnas here sent their letters a long time ago and still haven’t showed up on the appendix as of today but they’re not melting down about it.

No. 512518


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 512520

File: 1742885304959.jpeg (342.01 KB, 1179x2168, IMG_1176.jpeg)

weegee in his chains getting ready to eat my pussy while I call him a retarded sped

No. 512522

Yeah, a quick glance at their profile and they're clearly an unwell, mentally ill retard with the IQ of a child. The fuck is a complaint going to do?

No. 512525

Is she going to set herself on fire for him like CM?

No. 512526

Sometimes I really wonder what their perception of him is. Like they see him as some main character in a romance movie and not some dorky weeb (which is the superior Luigi)

No. 512528

Oh god someone getting duped into wiring money to a Western Union in Ohio because "Luigi" told them they were the most special out of all the other Plebbit loonies would be hilarious

No. 512533

That’s what I don’t get either he’s nerdy, silly, seems nice, curious, and has a little bit of an attitude. But they want him to be a person wearing dress shoes and a blazer flipped over his shoulder, acting as a trad husband or think he’s a genius.

No. 512538

They think he isn’t a misogynistic incel, that’s for sure
Pedophile Luigi arc

No. 512539

KEKKKKK people are so retarded
I really don't understand it

No. 512548

These people weren't in the group chat. They are just making shit up and think it was from Red Note. The picture is just the screenshot we saw and there were no sexting/flirt DMs. KATY WISHES. The video was 11 mins long but Katy only posted 2 mins of it and deleted it very quickly. Anyway fuck off Katy you crazy.

No. 512559

If she was that weird around Luigi, I doubt there were any real flirting texts. Interesting you mention that 2 min of the video were previously posted, some people in here thought the video never existed and it was just another creepshot. Katy will probably never post it, the moment she does, her relevance is gone. She's also using these people begging her for the tape as an ego boost.

No. 512561

File: 1742894482532.jpg (978.91 KB, 1150x1786, 1000006405.jpg)

>the moment she does, her relevance is gone. She's also using these people begging her for the tape as an ego boost

Yup, always believed this. Also she probably is lying about so much, the same way people fake letters and fall for dumb Facebook scams

No. 512572

Katy is grifting like everyone else, don't even blame her kek

No. 512575

File: 1742898601029.jpeg (609.26 KB, 940x1225, IMG_6703.jpeg)

cause he shot and killed a CEO, so now they imagine him as a revolutionary dark wattpad daddy kek

No. 512576

No. 512579

I feel like the terrorism charge will stick. He publicly praised Ted K, spent 6 months journalling about his hateful ideology, killed a healthcare insurance ceo with bullets saying “delay, deny, depose” and left behind a backpack with monopoly money. Like how is a jury gonna overlook all that? Honestly, schizigi probably would’ve killed the planned parenthood ceo if he hyper-fixated on the birth rate instead kek.

No. 512582

Ehh, I'm still on the fence about that sticking

No. 512584

He is unfortunately the closest they will ever get to a real life wattpad man because he has all the tropes

> hot, fuckable

> nerd that is also fuckable
> preppy/Ivy League
> rich family
> good boy with a dark side
> debatable: tortured genius trope
> did a "bad" thing but not to a woman
> perp walk with enemy of the state vibes (very hot)
> hot criminal trope with the prison arc
> evil billionairess police lady in love with him
> evokes feelings of "I can fix him"
> potential for redemption
> bonus: can unlock mafia boyfriend trope because Italian

A novelist would have loved Luigi, he is great material

No. 512586

Too accurate

No. 512587

>good boy with a dark side
I wouldn’t call a woman hating incel ‘good’

No. 512590

You guys are dumb and can't read. The 27th of December is the date that the Swiss letter was sent out - she claimed to have sent her either on the 19th or the 21st in her PMs with that other Kiwifag. Not to mention that he's only received a letter sent from Switzerland in December now in March, which is more realistic than the week she gave. On KF Helvetia said that her initials begin with an A, not an E.

No. 512591

Thank you Nonny

No. 512592

also, it's definitely possible for two different people from Switzerland to get the same idea and mail him a letter kek. I would even wager Helvetroon has never written to him, they just said they did for the clout not realizing that Luigi would out them with the catalog. I've seen a lot of Europeans say they've written to him as well, but his catalog is surprisingly low on international letters. So either a lot of the people who said they've written haven't done so or there's some issue with his international mail.

No. 512593

File: 1742903929595.jpg (Spoiler Image,796.89 KB, 2792x2240, lobotomyigi.jpg)

I don't know why I drew this but I did anyways.

No. 512594

Haha yay my dream come true
Yummy snack!

No. 512595

this is an AI image

No. 512596

I think the billionaire commissioner herself was reading too many wattpad stories kek

No. 512598

Awwwwwww there he is!! My most favorite of them all, Lobotiweej

No. 512600

I'm kind of in love with you

No. 512601

How their hearts will break when they realize he's a cavedwelling shitposter

No. 512603

File: 1742907500505.jpg (154.55 KB, 799x799, 1000008572.jpg)

the forbidden fruit is always the sweetest

No. 512604

They won't care. They'll think it's cute he's such a nerdy memer! They already don't mind that he's a misogynist who views women as inferior and would never listen to a woman's opinion on anything. They just want to suck his dick and get married and that's that. The only thing to make them realize he isn't some prince is if he didn't like trannies, and even then since he's male they'd probably find some excuses. If Luigi were a woman it'd be so over already. Maybe if Luigi said the N word they'd move on. That's the only thing a male can do to get most women to hate him. Agreeing that women hold society back and are meant to coddle poor male feelings isn't nearly enough, a lot of women like that.

No. 512606

so hot, thanks for sharing your lobotomigi art nona!!!

No. 512607

Having to punch lobotomized sex slave Luigi and muzzle him because he won't stop eating the play-doh

No. 512608

Yeah, that's unfortunately very true. They did almost lose it over the ghetto letter despite how obviously fake it was. Sometimes I wish we never knew who he was at all, these hoes are too much

No. 512609

i think if he said tranny, they definitely would dump him.

No. 512610

>"he already ate an entire pack of crayons!"

No. 512611

We need to start putting food dye into his kibbles and bits so he actually eats it

No. 512612

i would spank him for constantly slobbering all over his toys

No. 512613

No, it won’t stick. It was a private corporation, the terrorism laws are written to if a group or individual tries to influence government, or instill fear. No one is afraid of weegie, they just think he is nuts and stupid and killed a private citizen. This is why below that in the indictment they stuck murder in the second degree too.

No. 512614

Kek of course that would be where they draw the line

No. 512616

idk why CM keeps reposting us on her Twitter. why does she want to subject Karen to Luigi rape fantasies kek

No. 512617

Can you imagine he gets acquitted and starts going to the manosphere podcasts for interviews. Writing his own misogynistic material and these retards still followed him.

No. 512619

I kind of fear what type of person he'll be post-arrest. Nobody really "knows" him. The right loves to call him a "lefty" because they're too scared to realize he's more similar to them than they think. Right now his popularity is so high because he's mostly keeping his mouth shut and being "mysterious". Having such a heavy weight of "fame" and expectations on his shoulders from society also seems kinda scary, especially because he probably won't be able to live up to all of it. And once he opens his mouth, I wonder if he's going to fuck it up or hold his own

No. 512620

He would absolutely go on the Joe Rogan Experience or whatever the fuck it's called

No. 512621

yup. his plebbit and xitter stans are cucked by troons, they don’t care about actual misogyny.
we would kidnap and torture him in our rape dungeon. or he would need to die. one or the other

No. 512622

part of me thinks he would actually grift to the left (cause rw people hate him) and collab with AOC via playing shitty steam games. kek
they’re both hollow brained and will try to mirror each other kek

No. 512624

He would which is why he needs the death penalty asap

No. 512625

I’m sure somewhere in his channer posts he has written troon.

No. 512626

KEK wait really

No. 512627

crumbs and talk of k and her chat has already started to made the rounds on shitter.

No. 512628

No he wouldn’t he hates women he would be some sort of faggot breeder grifter and go back to sucking griftwinder ballsack

No. 512630

eh every leftist moid also hates women. that’s what the left and the right have in common. leftoids wouldn’t even give a fuck if he’s misogynist, they’ll fully embrace him like they do now.

No. 512631

We all know he most likely was anon. He is the first troll out there.

13 - 15 yo that is practically their first social media exposure, the boards..Plus looking at those frat “brothers,” all basement dweller incels.

No. 512632

I could see him sitting with Jordan Peterson crying in an interview.

Or worse yet, sucking up to Elon on how he is going to save modern civilization.

No. 512633

Not to mention he probably lurked /b/ for porn

No. 512634

I think I remember him commenting on a Reddit thread that was lamenting the fact that elon’s troon kid transitioned or whatever kek.

No. 512635

Yeah he was talking about nurture vs nature for that

No. 512637

do you nonas think he would be too afraid to get rid of his bpdemon moralfag crowd or would he just immediately pivot to being a rw grifter?

No. 512638

Yeah it's weird when people keep going out of their way to find something to complain about

No. 512639

yeah. karen probably regrets following her cause now she’s constantly subjected to bpd driven rants, weird stan infighting, and luigi rape fantasies from image boards kek

No. 512640

Why doesn't she unfollow? She did that with the account that has luigi’s mugshot as their profile pic.

No. 512644

Nona because she doesn’t run her socials personally. Who ever is running them for her, needs to unfollow this account asap.

No. 512645

Luigi /pol/fag confirmed?

No. 512646

We know you're here. Unfollow CM immediately.
>follow us instead

No. 512649

Nona that is where his porn addiction probably comes from when he started jerking off hard to the point of blisters to what he found

No. 512650

Love his retarded long fingers, long flat feet, and perfect pink little nipples hnnnngghh. He’s so hot, i need lobotomyigi to be real. I’m manifesting it rn

No. 512652

File: 1742912769185.jpeg (888.57 KB, 1179x996, IMG_7335.jpeg)

It’s not AI I think he was moving or something I still don't why the mustache looks like that myself.

No. 512653

These photos are just continuously proving he is gay

No. 512654

Of course.

No. 512657

Hm. Do you nonas really think he’s gay? I question his sexuality a lot, maybe he really is a closeted misogynistic gay.

No. 512658

Peter Thiel is his daddy.

No. 512660

maybe he will make him his little catamite side piece, who knows

No. 512661

What makes the Halloween photo gay?

No. 512662

For me, it isn’t the Halloween photo. It’s the McDonald’s one kek. He just looks so gay in that one, but idk. I’m just wondering

No. 512663

I think that pic is a bad angle tbh.

No. 512664

Yeah, could be. His smile is so manic sometimes, it makes him look kinda faggy kek

No. 512666

You can tell he fucks that Asian

No. 512670

kek all the details are perfect. nice work nona

No. 512671

I’m sure they would excuse that too. “it’s not that bad, it was in context” or “he can change/learn” etc.

at this point I don’t think anything will deter them

No. 512672

you got to remember he is a sped. it looks like he glued 2 moustaches on each side of his finger and you can see the overlap

No. 512673

He’ll fuck up for sure. This is the guy that interrupted his lawyer to correct him in court. kek

No. 512674

he probably resents the female following he has and would pivot. he wants to have men adore him.

No. 512675

to me it looks like he has one on his face and one on his finger

No. 512676

I see it now, thanks nona I was confused

No. 512677

I predict that he will try to pivot to rw, fail (cause they hate him for punching up instead of killing a random woman or minority), and then grift to the left instead (and they will accept him with open arms).

No. 512678

maybe he’s asexual

No. 512679

No such thing

No. 512680

I think he'd write a book and do a few interviews and then go underground. I don't see him trying to become a media personality at all.

No. 512682

I think if Luigi was asexual him getting numbness in his dicknballs wouldn't have made him go schizo

No. 512683

I'll listen to whatever podcast he puts out, just to hear his voice.

No. 512685

I 100% believe retardigi is too homosocial for his own good but no, I don't think he is gay.
Not that I care I am going to rape him.

No. 512686

I was thinking that, too. I predict that he will attempt to write a book while in prison (he better feature at least one whole chapter dedicated to apologizing to women for him being a misogynist retard).

No. 512687

He also wouldn’t despise women so much and be an incel
Nah he would go full grift like his daddies but he would do it from Thailand or the same Indian village the author of Hit Reverse lives in so he could harass the impoverished locals

No. 512688

yeah I agree
i need to hear his baltimore accent, but i don’t think i could tolerate whatever faggy manosphere bs he’ll talk about

No. 512689

Yeah your brain would melt listening to him talk about how women are the detriment to society and should stay in the private sphere because we just don’t understand male social hierarchies because we have no drive to be heroic we are just breeders.

No. 512690

opening line will be “forgive me if this book is a little complicated, I am an engineer after all”

No. 512691

He needs to die. I will use his voice to create a Luigi ai bot that just repeatedly says “sorry, i’m a retard”.

No. 512692

Kekkk of course

No. 512694

No. 512695


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 512696

threadpic pls

No. 512697

threadpic pls

No. 512698

File: 1742919719452.jpeg (2.19 MB, 1640x2028, IMG_1065.jpeg)

Nonas who did this?

No. 512700

He looks hot blindfolded!

No. 512701

New thread:

No. 512710

I hope he never does this

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