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No. 478280

No. 478282

Can original recap nonny come back for this one

No. 478285

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I'm letting you know it won't be ready because the thread was locking and the reason I'm making it is because of the reaction to that thread. I'm not making short recaps after every thread, I find it frustrating that info is so difficult to retrieve because there are thousands of inane-hornyposts made by us. What is taking me a long time, is archiving everything in a way that makes sense and requires my own input. Since I have a job and personal life, I don't have a lot of time to do it and I also hate this kind of work. But we need the recap and literally no one else would want to do this because it objectively sucks and requires a lot of effort, which is what anons complained the last thread/last recap lacked

No. 478286

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No. 478287

samefag but I'll have time to work on it Friday and won't let you ungrateful bitches down

No. 478288

I think Luigi just liked women with dark hair.

No. 478289

File: 1738201195529.jpg (102.64 KB, 464x921, Ill have uhhhhh......uhhhhh...…)

I don't want to hear from you until you make your recap. This isn't your recapblog.

No. 478290

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Idk but I think now that he's surrounded by crimemoids he probably just wants to be around any woman.

No. 478291

listening to this and thinking about luigi once again….

No. 478292

I love them. I want to fuck him so bad but if I have to be second to Queen Karen then so be it.

No. 478293

No of course not, recapblog would be enjoyable like my pokemon gifs. I'm pretty sure I died making the recap and this is just my eternity, hell-demon anon. Anyways I'll see about trying to maybe hopefully finish up soon kek

No. 478294

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Never forget luigi back

No. 478295

beautiful song nonny!

No. 478298

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I miss him dearly

No. 478299

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Much better

No. 478300

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I hope I have better dreams about him, not dreams about him writing a novel under another author's name.
Killing myself. Anyway make it a proper tramp stamp now.

No. 478301

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I do unironically wonder what kind of tat luigi would get I hate tattoos
Do u think he'll get a prison tat?

No. 478302

Maybe after 20 years of jail. A teardrop under his eye.

No. 478307

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No I want it to be dumb and in the wrong place
Me too. I guess he obviously doesn't. I'm surprised they didn't mention his symmetrical moles though

No. 478308

Dad didn’t wanna leave his contact info?

No. 478309

File: 1738203264086.png (921.77 KB, 453x812, Luigi writing about his costap…)

I always theorized Luigi's dad was a workaholic turbocog. It really isn't an out there theory. Most upper income kids are raised without present fathers due to them praying at the church of capitalism all day every day

No. 478310

Yeah. I wish my dad could have been home all day farting and yelling about socialism instead of earning a living to support me and my family

No. 478311

Luigi is the youngest child and his dad was too old already when he was born and possibly too strict. There might have been a disconnect between them.

No. 478313

Poor Luigi. He could have been my boyfriend and my dad would have hung out with him and showed him how to make homemade meatballs.

No. 478314

Sounds like your dad shouldn't have passed on his genetics

No. 478315

he’s too pretty to get tattooed, and i say this as a heavily tattooed person myself kek

No. 478318

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oh anon go have a cup of tea and settle down

No. 478319

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fucking integrate

No. 478320

No. 478340

i despise this faggoty lion king pic, and it was already used anyway.
why didnt you use one of art-nonnie's works? OP you had one job

No. 478341

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Day one of making the weegee doujinshi.

No. 478342

I’m on my period, not even horny just really depressed and irritated, but I keep thinking about how if I had ever met weegee or crossed paths with him somehow, I would’ve let him slip past my fingers or fumbled him badly by not getting past normie surface level conversations/small talk. I’m also really upset I’ll never be able to smell him.

No. 478343

Should have been weegee in nothing but that hello kitty apron

No. 478345

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A lot of people will go out unbelievably far out of their way to get a negative reaction out of people. Or it could be an honest mistake, maybe she didn't see that anons have been complaining about >>478341 not being used as a threadpic, especially the new winking gif one she made and worked hard on

No. 478352

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i dont understand how she had luigi and just let him go… if i was ever his girlfriend i could never let him go and move on and to date some regular moid

No. 478353

probably would prefer to marry a zionist jew such as herself

No. 478358

This is probably the most likely scenario. Some conservative Jewish families are strict like that and hers might have discouraged her from being with him. If she also a very staunch Zionist, she probably couldn't see herself with Luigi in the long term either.

No. 478364

Jason brooks wrote the prosecution a email about michael wtf he is so unhinged

No. 478365

>Jason brooks wrote the prosecution a email about michael wtf he is so unhinged
That guy is in full grifter mode now, preying upon retarded schizos by fueling conspiracy theories.
I've seen this happen before in the true crime community.

No. 478379

Art nonny you're an angel. Thank you for your service and dedication to these threads, to Wiwi and to us nonnas. Ily
What kind of plot did you decide on? Or is it pwp?

No. 478382

It would take away from his aura and his association with old paintings. He's so angelic looking without any
Too cute!!

No. 478418

I was having a scary dream but Luigi showed up to save me and I smooched him

No. 478426

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nonitas, new article: after the sfpd identified Luigi, they contacted his mom and she put them in contact with one of Luigi's friends, the guy who tweeted about the wedding back in july.
after the friend finally managed to get in contact with Luigi, i assume around july/august, as the wedding was in september, Luigi sent him a really detailed message about how life had gotten tough and nobody understood him.
his mentally deficient friend didn't believe Luigi was suicidal or would become the victim of a crime after having surgery for a life-altering injury and going ghost on everyone. he also mentioned that Luigi's mom was overbearing and there was division between wigi and the rest of his family and yet, his family and friends thought Luigi just didn't want to be found and believed it was his right. oh, and his bank account had activity until august.

it's so sad knowing how he tried to open up to useless moids, he even let his hometown friend know and no one cared enough. wishing eternal suffering on the xitter grifters who dismissed or straight up ignored him, especially gurwinder who practically mocked him after he talked about intergenerational trauma being real and having toxic parents. it was so evident that he was struggling and no one gave a FAWK. we would've saved him


No. 478430

This is fucked. I understand the way he felt, which is why I think he had depression, especially due to back pain. No wonder he paid grifters to talk to him. It may seem like a cope but we probably would have been able to save or help him; anyone who has an inkling of knowing how he felt and can empathize. Plus the Pattern ap compatibility said so

No. 478434

yes, at least it would've helped him to know he wasn't the only one going through the same thing, that self isolating is the worst thing you can do in that state of mind and not everything was lost. lc has helped me many times. he was never going to feel understood, or get earnest advice, encouragement and empathy from a moid, simple as. male-dominated spaces are a hellhole, they are soulless and only a small percentage of them are capable of feeling empathy

No. 478435

this is really sad i feel so sorry for him,he asked that loser gurwinder to make a group with his other paid subscribers bc he was looking for like minded plp but gurwinder never did he was really desperate but he looked at the wrong places not even his family and friends could help him

No. 478437

that friend is called danny i think he was with him at gilman and penn he also posted on instagram after luigi was revealed something like he is not a monster i wonder how he feels right now bc he basically told the police to not look for him

No. 478438

It is impossible to take male suicide rates seriously when males can have their own best friend tell them that life sucks and no one understands them and their reaction is to think eh yeah he is probably fine and this is not a cry for help. Males will give other males the most textbook cry for help and the receiving male goes ‘damn’ and then acts surprised when something bad happens to their depressed friend.

No. 478439

mte it's baffling to me that someone would hear from a supposed close friend how he's been basically awol, struggling and feeling isolated and only reacting "damn that's crazy" and not even TRYING to follow up or ask further
Male friendships are a joke

No. 478449

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TikTok permabanned him yesterday and he’s already ban evading on a new account, sperging about Michael. Only a matter of time before he gets the axe again.

No. 478456

he is a weird schizo he believes michael is taking his chanel out bc he figured him out and not everyone reporting him for being a retard

No. 478457

imo he's not a schizo he's a crook that is trying to cash in and this is his angle. Keep the story going with conspiracy theories.

No. 478464

I feel so sorry for Luigi and all he’s been going through. But that’s so weird the article says, “….though there was some minor, non-suspicious activity on his bank account in the city in August.” Most likely they checked beyond that month too.
If there was non-suspicious activity on his account then why in the criminal complaint does it say this:
“The Feds Letter also stated: “P.S. you can check serial numbers to verify this is all self-funded. My own ATM withdrawals.”
I’m not denying the hostel pics are him but all of this sounds so off. Most of his insta photos I remember were him straight on, not from the side. Also, in terms of the cop being rewarded, it reminds me of how strange it was when the police officer in Altoona shook his head no when describing how he found him in McDonald’s.

No. 478469

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Not new, just posting as a refresher: his friend’s tweets regarding not hearing back about Luigi’s RSVP to his wedding.

No. 478471

Then Luigi tells the fag he is depressed and he doesn’t give a fuck. Stupid whore.

No. 478472

Seems like his only concern was to fill the spot on his wedding attendees list. Great friend

No. 478474

His mom seemed to be seriously concerned for him, but wasn't able to help nor relate to him. I just wonder why they never mention his dad

No. 478475

Dad is probably emotionally retarded and thought that it wasn't a big deal for him to disappear.

No. 478477

He's a grown man and was known for his wanderlust.
His family and friends did try to find him, but had no reason to really worry about a 26 year old man, and there's only so much you can do in any case
With hindsight it's easy to blame everyone in his life, but I don't find that fair.

No. 478478

Even when they tell you they are struggling?

No. 478479

With Danny's case, I feel like he just was more preoccupied with his own wedding and marriage stuff which is normal. Him and Luigi may have been good friends but people get preoccupied with the complications of their own lives as they grow up to the exclusion of their friends. He probably would've only been genuinely alarmed if Luigi said to him directly that he was going to kill himself or something else on that level because moids are retarded like that. It sucks but that's just how it is. I really can't blame him too much either.

No. 478480

>Even when they tell you they are struggling?
Yes. BTW how do you know his friend wasn't supportive? Because the shooting still happened?
I'm sure his friend tried to help but again, there's only so much you can do. If Luigi had told his friend he was planning to kill someone (and possibly himself) that's another story. But there's no indication that he did that.

No. 478481

He seemed pretty dismissive and didn’t think anything was wrong with Luigi. Males are emotionally retarded though. You could tell them you are going to kill yourself and they still wouldn’t take it seriously.

No. 478483

danny told the police he isnt suicidal and that his mother was overbearing/ he had differences with his family which the police then concluded in not searching for him had they actually looked for him things might be different but not to say its all danys fault the police also didn't care to do their job eventho his family keep calling for updates

No. 478484

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kek working on a crossword puzzles this morning, is this a sign nonnies?

No. 478485

have you considered that it might be because males know males, i.e. fag assumed from experience that a moid's empathy whoring means very little and is typically manipulation?

No. 478486

Exactly it isn’t his sped friend’s fault but only one of the many factors that contributed to what happened with Luigi. Goes to show you should never try to foster relationships with males, especially if you’re vulnerable.

No. 478487

samefag, i dont think danny is a bad friend he probably thought he is respecting his boundaries

No. 478488

This is why males make shit friends and the male suicide rate is a joke

No. 478489

>then concluded in not searching for him had they actually looked for him things might be different but not to say its all danys fault the police also didn't care to do their job eventho his family keep calling for updates
Search for him how? With what resources? He's an adult and had the right to disappear. Police aren't babysitters. You're not being realistic.

No. 478490

Yeah, cops already suck at finding missing children and much more vulnerable people. I hate that Luigi felt alone too but there really wasn't too much people could do.

No. 478491

Doesn’t make the situation any less sad

No. 478492

It's kind of like when there's a mass shooting and people screech about access to mental healthcare.
There actually are resources…
And a lot of people do in fact have caring people in their lives.
The problem is, you can't force people to seek help. You can't force them to be honest about how severely they are struggling.
Anon above is right, that moids are socialized to not ask for help and even when they do ask for help, they do it in a retarded insufficient way that doesn't get across how troubled they are.

No. 478494

Thank you for sharing the article nonny!

Talking about your mental health and seeking help is taboo in a lot of cultures (from my own experience growing up in a Latino household, which is similar to Italians in some aspects, ex. machismo, religion and family values) and it’s been engrained that you should suck it up and move on cause you have it good. Luigi was seeking the comfort of grifters and possibly psychedelics as an alternative to therapy which never works and just does more harm.

No. 478495

I think the way it was apparently worded was quite a clear indication he is depressed but depressed people are difficult to deal with this is true. Poor Luigi, what a mess.

No. 478503

Ok but where did he find a 3d printer to print the gun? Where did he find the blueprint? Where did he live from Aug to Dec? Hostels the whole time? Where is his stuff?

No. 478506

I guess this is still part of the investigation nona

No. 478515

It’s possible he actually bought it from someone. It would be smarter to buy it from someone.
I’m sure he said this to try and get Luigi to message him but it’s still such a shitty thing to say kek. You can just keep an open slot for him and be like “hey I hope you can make it, I’m keeping an open space for you at a table since you said you’d be there and I miss you” or whatever.

No. 478518

He is like yeah he is depressed and awol but he is addicted to Twitter so I know he is gonna see this!

No. 478533

File: 1738270821929.jpg (100.19 KB, 1080x521, 20250130_215613.jpg)

he is so precious i feel so sad for someone i dont know lol but he really chose the wrong places to find like minded people why did he think this weird hawaii commune was a good idea also twitter grifters and leddit troons

No. 478534

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He is so cute. I love him.

No. 478539

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No. 478541

My husband is so silly!

No. 478542

File: 1738273026112.jpeg (114.15 KB, 866x804, IMG_4058.jpeg)

I miss weegee I wish he’d answer more letters but seems like he’s probably focusing on his trial and or Karen advised him to stop for now. Sigh…

No. 478544

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No. 478549

File: 1738274029938.jpg (87.81 KB, 1170x1195, 20250130_222530.jpg)

No. 478550

Now what is he doing

No. 478551

now that he is out of isolation there is a bit more he can do there is gym board games a tablet where they can play games watch movies or listen to music

No. 478552

I want him to watch The Lion King and lift weights and beat the shit out of rapists at Sorry

No. 478557

he is so beautiful and angelic

No. 478568

you’re right hopefully he’s playing some board games or reading a good book

No. 478581

Drawnona must draw Luigi playing poker with some prisoners. Maybe make him smiling down at the cards and then you see a perspective of his hand and it's trash

No. 478582

Wish he shot Elon or Trump instead of this literal who cog that was replaced in 48 hours.

No. 478583

kek that’s a great idea, art nonny please we beg you!!!

No. 478584

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No. 478585

Weegee further attempting to engage/connect with that fuck ass grifter makes me so sad too. Esp reaching out for the last time to seek help curating his social media platforms, even though he definitely could’ve figured that out himself and was already given tips. His desperation was so loud and clear

No. 478586

>we have the same subtle freckle pattern
>glances at his nose
Aw- well, we can pluck our nose hairs together. Also his eyes are gorgeous.

No. 478611

>we can pluck our nose hairs together
that can cause infections that may even be lethal due to the sinuses' proximity to the brain. don't do that.

No. 478621

Plucking nose hairs?!

No. 478633

y’all think he owned one of those nose hair trimmers?

i’m jealous of his thick hair

No. 478637

what is the chance we will see him in febuary?

No. 478638

is it a state or federal court proceeding? If it's the feds there will be no cameras and we'll only have shitty sketches

No. 478641

So the last one with Karen wasn't fed?

No. 478643

>So the last one with Karen wasn't fed?
No that was a NY state court.
Nona remember those comically ugly sketches from the earliest threads? Those were from the federal court hearing.

No. 478646

I don’t want any more of that! At least we will get to see him walk into the building and sit in the car. I hate this world.

No. 478649

File: 1738289895882.png (801.41 KB, 1276x545, retard.png)

Something related to cum collection for weegee wives I don't know. It's probably gonna be super autistic though.
I don't play poker so my bad if it's an actually good hand.

No. 478652

Should’ve just been random cards and not one card from a straight but maybe that’s even better, I love it

No. 478656

File: 1738290546319.png (245.41 KB, 368x591, Screenshot 2025-01-30 202658.p…)

Not gonna lie, I just took this hand from a random stock image I found kek.

No. 478658


thank you art nonny for fulfilling our request I hope you have a blessed day (or night)

No. 478662

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I feel like the other edit I saw on here was funnier (with him sitting in the backseat) but if anyone wants a shirt, here it is kek

No. 478668

make it so one card is from uno

No. 478684

>It's probably gonna be super autistic though.
Good. Bring on the autism.

No. 478725

File: 1738304419288.mp4 (249.71 KB, 742x480, m2-res_480p.mp4)

sigh what a retard…

No. 478813

There is something about this that just doesn’t look like him. Neither does the guy in the cab in my opinion.

No. 478822

I'm out of the loop, why is everyone talking about this video?

No. 478824

its actually an old video that resurfaced bc a lot of redditors had this theory that luigi was the one in the taxi but not the shooter but here you see he has the same shoes as the shooter(black with white soles)

No. 478825

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love this retard no matter what

No. 478826

File: 1738331038754.jpg (1.49 MB, 1290x1344, RDT_20250131_14421926141377234…)

eww dave franco is so ugly cant believe plp want him to play luigi

No. 478827


No. 478831

Why is that vein there? Boy drink some water.
I hate this meme isn’t he old as fuck too? We don’t want a Luigi movie but if it’s sooo necessary he should be played by someone not pushing fucking 40 and ugly.

No. 478839

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Two weeks since I sent my letter. He is never replying at this point.

No. 478840

File: 1738333662645.png (341.92 KB, 871x698, IMG_8542.png)

It’s been over a month for me kek. He has so many letters even if he did get it and respond it probably would take a while. But also he is likely busy especially since he is no longer cooped up in a single cell. He is probably hitting the gym.
Anyway I am so upset I wanted to play Animal Crossing Wild World today but my DS isn’t reading the chip! My DS has no other issues reading games and the chip looks fine.

No. 478841

Yeah, I know I am being unreasonable with my time frame but I still hate the wait kek. I have been checking USPS Informed Delivery every morning just to see if I get something from him but so far, nada. I should just forget it and send another in a few months since it really seems like he stoped replying to anybody.

No. 478843

My DS is reading the chip! Yippee

No. 478844

I sent him a letter about a month ago as well and have not received a response, he’s probably doing other activities and conserving his stamps. I noticed he wrote back to people the same day as his first state court hearing so maybe he’ll respond after the next one in February(?)

No. 478846

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No. 478847

Maybe. I am going to write and send another one second week in Feb and maybe send another book the week after. Another book about Buddhism mayhaps. The Dhammapedia. Or a book about meditation.

No. 478849

File: 1738336318606.jpg (88.25 KB, 1191x902, no.jpg)

No, Chinese fujos, you're not supposed to ship him with the ugly pig. Ship him with himself or his bootleg cousin.

No. 478856

What the fuck. Maybe they have face blindness with white people. That rapepig needs to stay away from our Italian prince.

No. 478860

that ugly fat slob getting honored for arresting luici he is only holding on to him like a fangirl to be on camera poor luigi has to deal with attention seeker cops on top of his attention seeker friends

No. 478861

This just goes to show how much the government worships CEOs. You never hear about this kind of immediate celebration for cops who go after rapists, domestic abusers, and child predators.

No. 478862

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This is just pathetic. It's not like it was some heroic takedown.
the nigga was in mcdonalds, shaking like a chihuahua and nibbling a hash brown potato.
And NY didn't even do anything! The feds, the SFPD and Altoona PD did all the work finding and aprehending him.
Stupid self-aggrandizing pigs, all of them

No. 478863

You just know if this was for the murder of someone who is poor, there would be no honors given to the cop who solved that. This is our government explicitly and shamelessly bending over for soulless corporations. Fuck this gay country.

No. 478865

baldy getting an award for holding luigi’s arm kekkkkk alright

No. 478866

They are acting like they hunted down Osama bin Laden

No. 478876

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Unfortunately I feel like the cab guy is him. Let him go anyways

No. 478878

I think it's time to put all theories aside and accept that it was him. Clearly he went manic and planned it and did it.

No. 478880

i thik there are some people that will never stop with the conspiracy theories, because even if they will openly say that executing a CEO is based, they subconsciously have guilt for thirsting for a killer.

No. 478895

I think some people are secretly hoping a jury will find him not guilty based on lack of evidence, and everyone acting like maybe he didn’t do it might influence them. That and retards feel smart when they turn can turn stuff into a conspiracy.

When Luigi was first apprehended there were statements that he went crazy because of his back. Someone posted his old twitter bio that said, I broke my back and went a little nuts. Makes me think there was a mental episode in his past that we haven’t heard anything official about yet.

No. 478899

See, that "injury causing mental issues" sounds very real to me, my injury wasn't as life-altering (not much pain but I couldn't walk for years) but definitely depression-inducing. I can't imagine the pain he was in, that really changes the way you think and it isolates you from others because your circle cannot even imagine what it feels like. So you feel incredibly lonely. I'm not saying everyone who endures that kind of pain will go and kill someone but in this case that's what happened and we just have to acknowledge and accept it.

No. 478903

The fact that he committed the most based of acts while being a little bit nuts just shows how wonderful he really is. Love him forever

No. 478904

Yeah he is sexy, crazy, and based. What more could you want?

No. 478910

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he’s perfect

No. 478913

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I feel so sad imagining what coming out of mania must have been like for him. Now he’s looking at life in prison. I wish we could save him

No. 478918

Luigi had been planning the killing for months. Can mania last that long? I don't know anything about bipolar disorder

No. 478919

I‘m no expert myself but I read 3-6 months

No. 478921

It can yeah. Dunno if it’s different for actual bipolar versus isolated incidents of going manic, I have never been manic of course but I know someone who had a fairly long manic episode. Went awol too.

No. 478923

Now I am worried that the cops congratulating themselves is a sign that things are 100% truly over since they know way more behind the scenes than us. I knew it was fucking over but I can't stop trying to cope.

No. 478924

hope it's not too OT to ask but to nonnies familiar with manic episodes, could seveer pain and temporary immobility (such as from a surgery) trigger a manic episode?

No. 478925

I don’t think cops would be privy to the legal side of things once the arrest is over. They just want to gargle elitist CEO balls and bask in the love of back the blue types and normies.

No. 478928

If the hostel didn't take a photocopy of the fake id, how did they know it was fake? Did they also note down an id number?

No. 478930

He checked into the hostel with the fake id, then presented that same id to the cops in McDonalds who found out it was fake.

No. 478931

When he was caught eating hashbrown and he gave his Mark Rosario NJ ID, they searched the address and it wasn’t real. Do hostels do the same? I dunno. Wiwi’s mania ran out at mcd’s and he went back to retard mode.

No. 478933

This bitch with the mangled jaw pisses me off so much. She's not even qualified to be in that position.

No. 478937

>When he was caught eating hashbrown and he gave his Mark Rosario NJ ID, they searched the address and it wasn’t real.
Sigh. Another retarded mistake. Should've just put the address of a random apartment complex for his fake ID. People move in and out of aparments all the time so when they looked him up even if that address had a different name on it, it would not have looked suspish

No. 478938

Good idea. I was thinking if I were him I would choose a random abandoned house for a fake address but that’s also retarded, apartment complex is way better. Why is he so dumb??

No. 478946

what he shouldve done is get rid of the gun,silencer,id and notebook in the 5 days he was on the run and show the cops his real id and even if he for some reason didn't manage to get rid of the evidence he still shouldve used his real id so that they have no right to arrest him or search his bag

No. 478950

That is too high brow intellectual behavior for him

No. 478951

What if it was a real mark rosario in the hostel?

No. 478952

I think they ran some kind of id number on the card that was fake not the adress

No. 478953

Yup, then tell cops he doesnt want to talk with his family when they ask about the missing report and they cant do shit. Cant arrest him for looking like a grainy cctv guy

No. 478954

They're cops, they'd be able to tell regardless.

No. 478960

You'd think the purpose of the fake ID would be so that his real identity is not linked with the crime. Giving the cops your fake ID would render that completely useless. Maybe when he was searching for his real ID he accidentally grabbed that one and had to give it to them to not look suspicious. Or maybe they caught a glimpse. It just doesn't make sense any other way

No. 478961

Can't give it by mistake if it's gone

No. 478964

He may have needed ID to show for bus tickets or air bnbs or whatever else idk

No. 478965

He kept a lot of stuff he shouldn't have. It's very retarded of him. I wonder if he needed them again or something. But I guess we'd know if he had plans like that, they allegedly have his journal

No. 478967

Wait that is a great point KEK he is so dumb when it comes to anything law or crime related what the fuck?! I think he may have did it on purpose considering his ‘I clearly shouldn’t have’ response when they asked him why he gave them the fake ID, or maybe not I suppose you can interpret the response any which way.
Himbo moment

No. 478968

I thought he had multiple? Unless they were all mark rosario

No. 478972

File: 1738356315225.webp (51.59 KB, 600x600, 1733705328084.webp)

I honestly think the taxi pics fucked him the most, they are clear as day, the other two are grainy and i remember when his face was first shown i thought he looked different than what i imagined from the hostel and starbucks pics

No. 478980

If I were a cab driver and I picked up those pair of eyes and brows I would turn it into a fake taxi

No. 478982

Between this and parading him around like Hannibal Lecter with the ankle chains, you'd think Luigi was an international terrorist kek.

No. 478983

Free my man he did all of it but I don't care

No. 478985

Public mandated bdsm

No. 478986

>goes to starbucks before the shooting to buy snacks
>leaves trash from snacks neatly in a garbage pile in front of a security camera
>leaves another snack in the bag he dumps for cops to find
>takes a cab with cameras instead of biking further
>gets in clear view of cab camera
>thinks nobody can see the bag under the jacket
>5 day head start
>keeps fake id
>keeps gun and silencer
>keeps notebook
>keeps manifesto
>keeps shoes


No. 478989

He is proof that an Ivy League education isn't indicative of intelligence and especially common sense. I hate to say it but Ted Kaczynski absolutely mogs him in the IQ realm.

No. 478990

File: 1738358087739.jpeg (33.24 KB, 480x763, IMG_4060.jpeg)

a certified retard

No. 478991

Intelligence vs charisma build

No. 478995

I wonder what Ted would say if he learned about Luigi paying grifters to talk to him

No. 478996

Luigi should play luigi. Put a little shock collar on him so he doesn't escape
>but can he even act
Literally just has to act like a retard and he'll nail it

No. 478998

It doesn’t take a genius to work out that getting rid of evidence linking you to the crime is an important step in getting away with murder. Luigi didn’t do any of this because he didn’t want to get away with murder.

No. 479001

Kek it doesn’t matter if he can act or not he is playing himself. Just put him on a screen and tell him to do whatever and everyone will watch.

No. 479002

It's possible he was feeling grandiose and invincible because of mania. That was my impression right when he got arrested, like this guy has way too much confidence and isn't seeing clearly.

> "nah I just bought those masks" (lawyer has to tell him to stfu). One outlet reported he was talking to himself during the hearing

> him mouthing off at the press felt like serious main character syndrome
> writing weird shit in his notebook (wack the ceo, like he's some kind of crimelord)
> just thinking he can get away and fool law enforcement after a public execution

There was a ton of support for the unidentified shooter and that probably messed with his perception. I wonder if he felt a bit like Harry Potter after he drank that lucky potion. Also explains the dumb mistakes he made, he probably just wasn't in his right mind sadly.

No. 479005

You say this after the police said he was shaking when asked for his ID and after he accused police of planting the evidence?

No. 479006

I think he was proud of what he did at the time and didn't want anyone else to take credit for it.

No. 479007

Totally forgot he accused police of planting evidence kek, yeah luigi was not in touch with reality that day. Very sad

No. 479010

I think if Ted knew weewee gave his manifesto a 4 out of 5 stars and said killing is bad in his review he would have kekked a bit. Ted would agree with all of us here that killing the united Healthcare ceo was based but Luigi is too retarded to function

No. 479011

Based self talker. God he is so hot. I love how delusional he was/is but so gentle as well, only harming who needed to be harmed.
He accused them of planting the cash money as if he isnt rich and couldn’t reasonably have thousands in cash kek

No. 479013

Alternatively he didn't want anyone else to get in trouble for what he did so he turned himself in? Idk being an attention whore doesn't seem very weewee. Even if he was a slut who showed off his tasty nipples and feet all the time

No. 479017

File: 1738361617936.jpeg (39.31 KB, 640x916, greek-rank-lm-v0-jr80mgtgczfe1…)

He gave his frat 2/5

No. 479018

He definitely would think Luigi is mentally weak and a massive retard. Ted stuck it out almost completely alone in the woods for over 20 years and had no need for substitute father figures.

No. 479019

But he says he loved it?? He is so mysterious

No. 479020

>"love this frat!!!!!!1!"
>gives it a shitty rating
God this fucker is so retarded. I he makes me want to love him and spank him at the same time. It hurts. Why can't we be allowed to staff the luigi unit at MDC?

No. 479023

autismo, nonny that’s why kek

No. 479025

> Luigi hiking into the woods in search of the elusive Kacynski-sensei. Finally finds him, kow-tows in front of his hut and asks to be his student. Ted tells him he's a little bitch and to go home. Luigi cooks up a plan to prove his worth to Kacynski-sensei, shoots rich fatass. Ends up in prison, meets Ted again. Ted tells him he only ever did all that because he couldn't get bitches. Luigi is retarded. The end.

No. 479026

Stop don’t mention spanking him it’s going to make my period come quicker from horniness

No. 479028


art nonny write this down and make a comic out of it

No. 479029

I love uncle Ted but wasn't his breaking point also related to him not getting women? He said he had an epiphany in a psychiatrists office when he was gonna make an appointment for an AGP sex change and decided instead of trooning put he was gonna kill people.

anyways I ship young ted and luigi

No. 479030

That was my point, ted did what he did because he couldn’t get bitches. Probably wasn’t clear enough

No. 479033

Sorry. Like Luigi i am also retarded. I need him so we can have our single brain cells trib.

No. 479034

I bet Ted would despise Luigi for actually having had girlfriends before. One reason he stopped talking to his brother David was because David actually got married kek. Incel x Chad pairing kek.

No. 479035

The worst part about ted is he did actually get with women. He kissed a couple of girls but had a complete spergout when she tried to French kiss him.
Imagine having a 160 iq but still being an absolute tard.

No. 479036

God what a retard. Luigi is retarded but I guess Ted was also ultra retarded in his own way.

No. 479038

People with 160 IQ do tend to be absolute speds, you can’t have it all. Cringe Ted. I bet Luigi loves getting his mouth explored.

No. 479039

> He said he had an epiphany in a psychiatrists office when he was gonna make an appointment for an AGP sex change and decided instead of trooning put he was gonna kill people

Can this become a trend pls

No. 479040

do you guys think he was psychotic? my understanding is that psychosis is not the exact same thing as being manic (altho ppl having a manic episode are frequently also psychotic while manic? correct me if wrong)
im wondering if this was Luigi's first psychotic break and/or manic episode, or if he'd experienced it before.
This >>479002 and the following posts make a ton of sense to me

No. 479041

Most of them troon out and then just rape women and children. Even ted was cringe as shit at the beginning when he tried to put a bomb on a plane full of innocents. Fortunately it didn't go off properly and just filled the plane with smoke but that is still horrific. It was only near the end that ted started to kill ppl who were cringe like ad execs and timber lobbiests.

No. 479042

Luigi big eater loved to explore pussy with his mouth

No. 479043

Luigi carefully planned and executed the hit, so he can’t have been completely out of it. Although, retard memes aside, Luigi has a high iq and that can compensate for a lot. His intelligence probably helped him mask and deal with his issues for some time.

Nobody here is a mental health professional who has evaluated him so we can only speculate

No. 479044

No because the type of males to kill instead of trooning will 100% kill women and children
I do myself think it was an isolated mental break/period of psychosis or mania. Probably triggered through the inability to cope with the extreme pain, the type of mental distress pain puts one in, and an existential crisis all at once. Eating my pussy would have saved him.

No. 479045

Not to mention drugs can trigger psychosis too

No. 479046

Right I forgot he likely took psychedelics but I haven’t myself heard of the common shroom causing breaks like this. Weak brain I guess. I hope he didn’t take LSD. God did he not have anyone to tell him to microdose?! Do the techies he follows not microdose LSD (treats depression) and shrooms? Or do they just do ket? This is what you get when you grow up around the same three brands of normie.

No. 479073

I had two different scrote friends from two different friend groups in college who were both nice, in shape, intelligent guys studying comp sci who were ALSO not socially retarded (unheard of, I know) and I know they both “dabbled” in psychedelics (shrooms and acid). the one and only time I’ve done acid was with one of them and I’ve taken shrooms with the other guy maybe 3 times, years ago. I’m pretty sure they ended up becoming heavy users, they both seem “off” now and totally fried in a way that I can’t quite put my finger on, but they just don’t even seem like the same people I knew back in school. One guy posts tinfoil schizo shit about chemtrails on his social media now, never saw that coming, kek.
Luigi is also at the exact age when men tend to start showing mental illnesses. I hope he’s ok and it was just a temporary thing…

No. 479136

Something about the psychosis theory just doesn't sit right with me. He didn't just kill anyone, there is "sense" in what he did. It took decision making, moral evaluation, months of planning. That's why he is so fucked right now. He did get caught but that just shows you being intellectually smart doesn't make you street smart.
Our understanding of mental health in this day an age seems questionable. Just because he did something that breaks the social contract doesn't mean he is psychotic, or I feel like it shouldn't anyway. The more I read about psychology the more I think our current understanding of it is tailored specifically for a thriving capitalist system.

No. 479137

File: 1738405644838.jpg (103.66 KB, 1083x1244, Gh8jOKNXwAAhSHj.jpg)

I think retardation should count under insanity plea.

No. 479162

NTA and I agree. Personally I think it’s possible he could’ve taken psychedelics but I really don’t think that was the straw that broke the camel’s back

No. 479178

>Our understanding of mental health in this day an age seems questionable. Just because he did something that breaks the social contract doesn't mean he is psychotic, or I feel like it shouldn't anyway. The more I read about psychology the more I think our current understanding of it is tailored specifically for a thriving capitalist system.
i agree. most people don't know what "psychotic" actually looks like so there's a lot of misinformation and stigma surrounding it because not a lot of people have encountered actual psychosis. the buzzword "schizo" really annoys me because people would be surprised what schizophrenia actually looks like. not many people understand it or encounter it so they have an "idea" of it so much so that if they did encounter someone psychotic they probably would think it was some drug-addicted homeless person and move on with their day. i don't think wigi is psychotic, unless he actually has the bipolar type where psychosis can occur but no one can diagnose him except for a doctor. i don't think he's mentally stable but that's a whole other thing kek

No. 479180

File: 1738420023691.webp (Spoiler Image,32.04 KB, 640x492, lyle.png)

I know what really radicalized him.

No. 479186

Holy shit. It all adds up. Lyle is even a rat just like Thomson

No. 479207

didn't Ted receive aid from mommy

No. 479208

File: 1738427326526.jpg (294.18 KB, 1079x2058, 1000006778.jpg)

No. 479209

The chinese fuck with daniel penny?

No. 479212

Ted himself was a totally weakling faggot who tried to AGPmaxx in college because he couldn't get pussy. And he wasn't "totally alone in the woods," he would go to the public library a few miles away all the time and be a stinky nuisance moid.

No. 479213

that's not daniel penny, that's the airman who set himself on fire for palestine

No. 479214

>as elegant as a jade tree
God Chinese is so cute

No. 479215

Hence why I wrote "almost completely alone." I know he would often go to the next town over and, yes, I also know he was a stinky, gross autist. The man would use his own poop to keep a stove going in winter kek. Still, he would have that exact mindset of his own supposed superiority over someone like Luigi who he would likely view as a mentally weak normie.

No. 479216

Oh yeah, that. The media just chalked him up as being mentally ill and he spent like a day on tv. Just like how Luigi is chalked up as a spoiled rich kid who acted out for attention and he spent a few weeks, maybe a month on the news, and now it's silence. My boomer parents who watch the news all the time didn't even see his perp walk.

No. 479220

Kek good catch

No. 479222

File: 1738432425677.jpg (196.82 KB, 1282x1244, Tumblr_l_1353756180417122.jpg)

cute baby and thats his mom right?

No. 479225

File: 1738433531384.png (28.94 KB, 640x169, do-we-think-the-feds-letter-ke…)


No. 479226

i hate that his gorgeous tits are cut off in this photo ughhhh

No. 479231

There has to be an hq version of this

No. 479239

Is he saying he's just permanently numb in the waist area?!

No. 479279

File: 1738447572741.jpeg (270.58 KB, 802x1169, IMG_1544.jpeg)

Appears so

No. 479293

Poor thing. Remember when an anon said he is asexual because he says groin and not penis here? Kek so dumb. But I do think during this time what his landlord said about him struggling to be intimate lends weight. It would be awkward to date a girl and have to admit you can’t really have PIV i wouldnt mind but yknow and the bladder numbness also- this is why we meme about him peeing himself in the first place. It’s a real possibility. Him having to go through this and him helping strangers on Reddit makes me sad. He should’ve gotten more in person support if he didn’t. I am sure there are real support groups for people who deal with this stuff.

No. 479295

what weegee was a pre-tranny?

No. 479297

No kek

No. 479300

no they mean ted k, the unabomber

No. 479312

>tight piriformis
I could have fixed him

No. 479316

nyart what the fuck is a piriform. Half these terms feel munchy to me.

No. 479317

man his dick really didn't work. What the fuck.

No. 479320

Mmm come on Luigi it's time for your daily butt massage.
Butt muscle.
The numbness would prevent it from getting hard, right?

No. 479321

If I rub his butt will he eat me out? He was a giver so I'm sure hed be satisfied with making me cum. If I need his seed I'll just milk him manually on a good day

No. 479323

File: 1738456152516.gif (6.67 MB, 652x366, if being horny were illegal.gi…)

If you didn't rub his ass he'd eat you out. He still wanted a girlfriend even though he had all these issues. It's probably difficult for a male who cant PIV/PIV well to find a girlfriend who is willing to put up with that. If he was smart he would have found me- someone who never wants to do PIV ever. But alas.

No. 479324


No. 479325

Girl what's so funny

No. 479326

>It's probably difficult for a male who cant PIV/PIV well to find a girlfriend who is willing to put up with that.
Not if he's hot and he's obsessed with making me cum

No. 479327

Yeah duh but imagine all the normies that were around him. Normies want kids and PIV.

No. 479337

File: 1738457877602.gif (1 MB, 200x200, IMG_8854.gif)

It’s just a muscle nona kek. I see people who complain constantly; muh piriformis, muh sciatica. I would have pounded on his ass twice a week like I was at a drum circle

No. 479344

Kek ugh, I want to see his bare ass so bad. You think it's bubbly? I hope it isn't all clenched up in pain.

No. 479354

File: 1738459371189.png (595.4 KB, 485x646, 3455555555555555.png)

I feel like luigi didn't skip leg day. But idk. Wish he showed off his bare ass as much as he showed off his slutty feet.

No. 479360

>The numbness would prevent it from getting hard, right?
Either prevent it entirely, or make his dick intermittently go limp while fucking/masturbating. Hard to say which is worse.

No. 479361

feds, we need video footage of luigi in the prison shower room. stat.

No. 479362

That's so sad… how the fuck are we gonna harvest his seed?

No. 479363

We need video of Luigi masturbating to climax. We need to see the volume and viscosity of his homemade alfredo sauce

No. 479364

Given that he was born with a fucked up back (I think his mom has it as well) that was later aggravated by injury…
And also the possibility that he's mentally ill af…
I don't know that he's fit for breeding nonnie.
If I could get Luigi's dick to work I'd fuck him but I don't see the need to harvest his sperm to make more of him tbh

No. 479368

How is he gonna masturbate with flopcock syndrome!!!
He is hot. That’s all. Technology will help to advance his spawn’s backs and the mental ones can take meds. Plus imagine the women of this world born with his X and ours. Superwomen.

No. 479370

The mom having it wasn't actually true and is from a fake manifesto.

No. 479371

you hear that feds? high definition, surround sound and a close up of him masturbating.

No. 479372

oof I didn't know that manifesto was fake, I'd like to know how they know that? How weird for someone to fake that.
The point stands tho, he was born with the condition.

No. 479373

It was just fanfic
Ew if they do this I will stop supporting him wink wink

No. 479376

File: 1738461589424.gif (2.68 MB, 356x200, IMG_4037.gif)

he’s such a retard wish i would have been there to stop him from writing the manifesto

No. 479382

I have the fake manifesto. The one that mentions his mom claims they are insured under united Healthcare, which was confirmed later to be false. The manifesto doesn't even mention spondliosis or whatever the fuck my sexy husband has

No. 479383

do you mind posting it?
what a bizarre thing for someone to write and try to pass off.
the ben shapiro/luigi fics are less retarded than someone writing that.

No. 479394

File: 1738464181681.png (3.15 MB, 788x2000, Sonic.png)

No. 479409

I think it was AI generated, the website was published within hours of him getting caught.

No. 479411

File: 1738466451922.jpeg (91.02 KB, 828x411, IMG_1582.jpeg)

He’s confirmed the last symptom mentioned via Reddit but I feel so bad if the first two applied to him holy fuck

No. 479505

File: 1738499781546.jpg (118.57 KB, 1080x787, Fuckredditors.jpg)

No. 479508

wtf i hate leddit troons so much

No. 479509


No. 479510

Ree stay away!
>papi pascal
Disgusting, embarrassing behavior

No. 479524

tf did i just read KEK

No. 479529

I want all Faggitors daring to come to the farms to know we hate you all, and you are not welcome here.

No. 479530

well one thing we have in common is we're running out of things to talk about

No. 479532

Why did the faggot have to fully drop our url but shorten tiktok to TT. Just say LC and TT or better yet keep our name out your FUCKING mouth

No. 479533

>Why did the faggot have to fully drop our url but shorten tiktok to TT. Just say LC
tiktok is the biggest app on earth, that's why.
hardly anyone knows we exist

No. 479538

>aka lolcows husband
You transplanted retarded hybristophiles don't account for the site just because you camp out in /g/ and obsess over a man whose skull is the size of a lime(if you don't like the thread hide it)

No. 479539

That's the point though. Don't Plebbitards know that's the point?!

No. 479540

his head is kinda smol

No. 479541

It's an Italian-American thing, unironically. Same with his small ears.

No. 479569

I've seen so many ugly bobbleheads in my life that a lime head is genuinely a breath of fresh air, it looks much more proportionate on male bodies imo

No. 479592

I'd rather have kids from a man with a small head than one with a big head. Not gonna have stitches down to my anus thank you.

No. 479607

I miss Lulu. Like not even becuz of ovulation, I just keep thinking about his case and feel sorry for him. He needs hugs and kisses.

No. 479615


Really, I didn't know that. I like his ears. I wanna nibble on one abit kek

No. 479623


They will probably not share with us, and keep the footage for themselves. We deserve Lu too D:(emoji)

No. 479629

File: 1738525210691.png (224.58 KB, 1210x1064, good.png)

She was downvoted and the other redditards scared themselves away from coming here kek. I think we are generally safe from reddit unless the thread is directly linked. Most of the Luigi subreddit demographic does not know how to use an imageboard and would struggle to find this thread. There's also a 90% chance that they will click a random image on the main page and be teleported to to the troon alogging thread in /snow/.

No. 479631

File: 1738525445646.jpeg (61.2 KB, 628x975, IMG_1629.jpeg)

No. 479632

So with that context do they now think we see him as a lolcow?

No. 479634

That plebbitor acting like he doesn't know exactly what he's talking about

No. 479637

File: 1738526226867.jpeg (774.9 KB, 1125x1136, IMG_4098.jpeg)

weegee i miss you

No. 479641

14 threads in and we've finally ran out of pics and have to goon over the blurriest accidental pics his peers scrumbled out of their ass cracks

No. 479642

I hope we get some nice ones this month

No. 479645

It makes me appreciate the fan art nona all the more.

No. 479647

What if he is unshaven?

No. 479648

idk if i followed asian entertainment for too long but a small head is like the epitome of beauty lol

No. 479649

File: 1738529336278.jpg (107.35 KB, 1170x1305, 20250201_205121.jpg)

more blurry luici

No. 479650

File: 1738529654661.jpeg (34.37 KB, 372x544, 1736232471154.jpeg)

beggars can't be choosers

No. 479651

They let prisoners shave and he will especially be clean shaved for a court appearance.

No. 479661

Yes, he will be advised to look clean-cut

No. 479664


No. 479665

I was hoping more people specifically one of us would come out with received letters sent from him by now, this sucks

No. 479666

no way his lawyer wants him to look presentable he will continue with the preppy look

No. 479668

I am so certain he has stopped writing back. I have been checking Xitter, Shittok, and Plebbit to see if anybody has reported anything but so far there has been nothing. The amount of letters must be too overwhelming for him.

No. 479669

I don't know… I feel like there must be some who have received letters and chose not to share. I think they must have got scared off because everyone that has come forward so far was basically picked apart and shat on.

No. 479670

Well, I feel like the California woman didn't get attacked but she didn't actually share that much from her letter and stayed anonymous. Pilots got attacked because she's a BPDemon who lacks self-awareness and sends creepy, cringy poems to Luigi confessing how she is crying over him despite him telling her not to worry about him.

No. 479686

File: 1738537830983.gif (176.88 KB, 262x500, 12388954_b5f37.gif)

I don't know if I should color it or keep it black and white?

No. 479689

Doesn't reddit have better things to do? Like forcing dicks into all their (non coom) lesbians subreddits?

No. 479690

I like it black and white but I think it would look nice colored too.

No. 479691

black and white

No. 479693

Strawberry mochi babee

No. 479695

I love his birthmarks thank yew artnonny

No. 479699

mmmm yes thank you art nonny it’s beautiful

No. 479704

Black and white with some screentones. Give it the classic doujinshi feel with a cute color cover image

No. 479716

File: 1738543709481.gif (3.89 MB, 441x338, sex immediately.gif)

Luigi please enter my dream tonight I miss the time when we kissed and I felt the warmth of your face. Please let me massage your lumbar and ass.

No. 479721

I had a dream about him last night. He was being dragged away by the cops after I spent so long chasing him down to save him and we had a long moment where we looked at each other. It was so painful.

No. 479724

That fucking sucks. Luigi is communicating to us that he isn’t feeling very well

No. 479736

File: 1738550781012.mp4 (201.59 KB, 720x1280, 86357622.mp4)

>ywn have luigi pour you a glass of lacroix
why live

No. 479744

File: 1738553754971.jpg (104.86 KB, 801x801, GhRLXGQW4AE96hU.jpg)

I hope luigi eats fish in prison. I don't want him getting sucked up

No. 479749

He might since the tuna they have at the commissary seems like the least terrible thing inmates can get. I feel like he'd give up on vegetarianism if it means being able to preserve and maintain his physique. He has to look good in court after all.

No. 479757


Omgg so sad. I had a good dream where I meet newly aquitted Gigi in a Sicilian beach town and we do nothing but relax & f**k for weeks until we both have to find jobs to keep living there lol I hope you can have such a nice dream too.

No. 479759



Plus I think a straight male lawyer would be careless but KFA will advise Lulu he needs to stay looking good

Keep up skincare with whatever he can get, best hair/facial hair grooming the prison barber can offer and buy him preppy clothes to wear for all court appearances.

She will tell him not to be too depresy, like he still needs to work out & buy extra food inside if he can, he seems like a naturally too skinny person which the camera won't like.

Lulu has to look good for future jurors and public opinion, it's what the people want kek

No. 479777

File: 1738568214993.jpg (283.47 KB, 1512x2016, 1735342911885.jpg)

Is it bad that on my next grocery trip I am buying la croix? Even though I hate it I want to pretend that is what Luigi's kisses taste like. I think the aftertaste on Luigi's tongue would be pleasant. Nice and cool with a hint of fruitiness.
Fuck…I don't want to ovulate rn. I want to save it for the 24th

No. 479793

>retrograde ejaculation

No. 479810

Free easy birth control if true
Anyway it's funny you guys listen to love songs and it reminds you of Wiwi, this song reminded me of Wiwi

No. 479813

why yikes? no mess and no clean up needed, free BC, could even give a blowjob without that shit going everywhere

No. 479815

I would have made him do fixed exercises and force him supplements to fix this.

I was listening to this band at the beginning of December so now weegee crosses my mind whenever I do

No. 479817

Why the fuck would I want birth control? He's hot and even at his worst, his chimp rage is directed at sociopath insuramoids. Thats good genetics. Plus I think weewee would be a good father figure. Do you have any idea how impossible it is in this day and age to find a brainrotted zoomer who would be a halfway decent father?

No. 479818

Ywn experience Luigis dry, bladder devouring orgasms…

No. 479819

Kek I know, do you think his penis sucks like a vacuum when he cums and takes some of your juices with it? Luigi has part of you in his dick and balls? And it sounds like a straw?

No. 479830

Because pain

No. 479851

I looked it up, retrograde ejaculation does not hurt.

No. 479860

File: 1738599733993.png (602.93 KB, 1024x781, 535545.png)

ywn get luigi mpregged because he reverse cream pies you and slurps up your egg with his retrograde cock

No. 479863

File: 1738599875416.jpeg (325.95 KB, 1035x1523, IMG_3935.jpeg)

17 days left until we see our beautiful italian prince

I’m nervous to see him and how much his appearance has changed since the last time we saw him

No. 479865

did the masturbating nonny until he replies to her letter, die? I miss her too kek

No. 479901

I was hoping she got a response but was having multiple uncontrollable, bed-soaking orgasms to his letter, and therefore has not been able to answer. I need at least one of us here to have a win.

No. 479905

masturbating nonny report for duty kek

we desperately need him to answer to one of us he’s been too quiet

No. 479937

File: 1738616502937.jpg (926.47 KB, 1125x1221, Tumblr_l_1431611344738673.jpg)

i dont think he will look too different its only been a month in prison and karen will send him to the barber hopefully the mdc barber is as good as the one in pennsylvania and he gets a cute outfit i miss him alot

No. 479943

I’m going to be so upset if they give him a lousy, shite haircut. I also hope they don’t trim his curls too much I don’t think I like the shape of his head sorry

No. 479944

I love lime head luigi. Just kidding he looks whack here >>479863 at least his head shape isn’t grotesque. I really hope he looks adorable when we see him.

No. 479950

I imagined this with a slide whistle sound in my head and I can't stop laughing

No. 479951

they have to leave his curls long it makes him look younger and more innocent

No. 479978

this thread is dying

No. 479979

whatever you do don't make it yaoi please

No. 479981

well nothing is going we are waiting for his next court date and we ran out of old photos

No. 479982

File: 1738623725732.jpg (59.71 KB, 911x662, 20250202_054500.jpg)

feet appreciation

No. 479983

File: 1738623753224.jpg (76.53 KB, 1290x914, 20250202_054454.jpg)

No. 479989

we’re dying from not seeing weegee

No. 479991

Fortunately or unfortunately, I’m not into yaoi.

No. 479998

I like how his curls got tighter with age

No. 480000

I cannot understate how much the lack of weejee has impacted my mood in the last few weeks. I hate seeing this thread slow down.
Thank christ.

No. 480001

File: 1738626863110.png (549.41 KB, 768x576, 1735346111045.png)

Mfw I learn cum is stored in the bladder

No. 480002

I like how his curls got tighter with age

No. 480004

File: 1738628228785.png (95.51 KB, 240x313, 6757655767.png)

Luigi has indirectly revealed our childhood urban legend that babies are made when a boy pees inside a girls vagina was always true this whole time.

No. 480005

>weegee boards are still faster than most threads here.

No. 480006

File: 1738628346829.png (264.32 KB, 358x553, pain.png)

>mfw it's not going to be a young Ted Kaczynski x Luigi doujinshi where Ted is super tsundere for Luigi

No. 480011

File: 1738629941095.png (21.07 KB, 1240x252, 8523905.png)

oh no did another normie really get a letter before us?

No. 480012

File: 1738630136840.jpeg (414.64 KB, 1125x1344, IMG_3917.jpeg)


No. 480013

samefag maybe we’re too autistic for him kek

No. 480015

Killing myself if true

No. 480017

My night feels spoiled now fuck

No. 480018

He's never going to reply to my autistic letter at this point.
Same. I can't believe it's a Shittoker of all people too. I hate Luigi.

No. 480021

Maybe it's good optics and Karen let him reply. I dunno.

No. 480023

Well, he should express that he is supportive of neurodivergent retards like us by giving at least one of us a letter. That's good optics too.

No. 480025

He already chose a neurodivergent to placate

No. 480027

same here nonny its not fair he’s way too retarded to understand us anyways

No. 480028

But she was a BPDemon and not a real autist reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

No. 480029

How would he know, he read that poem and the teenybopper band sperging and probably thought she was a 19 year old autist.

No. 480030

>samefag maybe we’re too autistic for him kek
realistically how many people from here do you think wrote him? I'd be shocked if it was more than like fieve

No. 480031

Yeah well some of those fieve people sent more than one letter.

No. 480032

is she gonna post the tiktok or what?
Sorry man but I don't believe half of these people

No. 480033

She refuses to post a link and I can't find the video either.

No. 480034

All of the women except for 21pilotsfan put their letters up their pussy and that's why they refuse to/won't share. At least pilots offered to share but the Plebbit janny told her she had to hide her letter in her pussy too. We get it, his scent is on the letter but can't they share it before they absorb it into their bloodstream?

No. 480035

she sent it to the damn power tripping mod for verification

No. 480036

the tiktoker sent it to the reddit mod? What the fuck does that mean?

No. 480038

sorry meant to say the Reddit commenter sent the TikTok to the r/FreeLuigi mod

No. 480039

She sent the link to the shitty mod of r/FreeLuigi who has been trying her best to stop any letters from being leaked to the public.

No. 480040

Why do they worship that mod?! Everything passes through her she's like their grand poobah

No. 480041

File: 1738633440498.jpeg (435.47 KB, 1125x1057, IMG_4103.jpeg)

it’s fucking annoying that retarded mod has to verify everything

No. 480042

Redditors are retarded. They're letting a Swiftie nobody gatekeep everything.

No. 480044

what is this retarded shit. It's tiktok. Someone is gonna leak the vid sooner or later. Fucking retarded shithead reddit jannie needs to get off her fucking high horse. Luigi is retarded but I'm sure his wranglers have told him he's not allowed to say anything incriminating
>idk if the tiktok person wants to go viral
tarddit she posted it to her fucking tiktok you fucking cockblocking pickme from HELL

No. 480045

File: 1738633916660.png (497.57 KB, 670x700, angr.png)

The gatekeeping of the tiktok Luigigram is completely out of touch and an insult to the intelligence of the LC weegeewives and their lived experience!!!!

No. 480046

She probably gets such a high from being the Guardian of Luigi Letters or something.
Luigi just sitting on his creaky cot smiling thinking about all his supporters sharing their letters and feeling happy for each other and to know that he's safe. Meanwhile >>480045

No. 480048

File: 1738634455312.png (56.01 KB, 304x165, 87678566.png)

I think they put up with her shit and grovel like this only because they're afraid of getting banned from the place where they sperg about luigi.

No. 480050

if they would abandon their tranny handmaiden ways they could sperg about luigi here.
I know this is impossible because redditards are addicted to sucking cock and bj chan would smell their fellated lips from a million miles away and kill them

No. 480051

Deleting and reposting just to add a fanfic is crazy but you’re right, plus Redditards are insufferable anyway.

No. 480055

File: 1738635151544.jpg (1.11 MB, 2576x2252, 1734625635105.jpg)

Do you think the stacie autist who doxxed luigis cuzzy could find the elusive tiktok weegeeletter?

No. 480057

Yo i ain't no stacy

No. 480058

Anyway, I could find it but I deleted tiktok right before the ban and now it's gone from the app store KEKKKK y'all need another autist

No. 480060

File: 1738636169959.png (8.54 KB, 937x155, 754272.png)

what are the chances that this is bullshit? if it's true, it might just be the staff telling people to fuck off with the letters.

No. 480061

File: 1738636283582.png (482.87 KB, 722x517, 1734144389623.png)

I wish Karen would just come forward and say something in a public email or something. Or is she banned from saying stuff like that due to lawyer shit

No. 480062

bullshit he replied to a random bpd retard who wrote shitty poetry about him kek

No. 480064

theres so much unverifiable gossip about luigi rn. It's driving me fucking insane.
Cant wait till we can see luigis handsome face again.

No. 480065

I think he’s referring to the Facebook comments that tried claiming this like 20 days ago kek don’t listen to these fear mongering redditards

No. 480067

File: 1738639051414.png (50.48 KB, 696x777, fb.png)

For reference since I somehow missed this. Yeah, it's a load of bologna.

No. 480068

Federal mail cannot be trashed lmao

No. 480069

His friends and family probably email him through the jail email system or call. They’re not going to snail mail him kek.

No. 480072

File: 1738640073834.jpg (97.88 KB, 1080x1080, 476343892_17915705565061798_23…)

I hate this artist even more than I did before.

No. 480073

>not showing luigi the lolcow weegeewives making doujinshi of him getting gangbanged by horny yumes and spamming photos of his feet
How the fuck is this supposed to boost luigis morale?

No. 480075

I want Luigi to find out about lolcow so he can make subtle nods to wanting this >>480073
during his next public appearance

No. 480083

and no one else called to confirm or mythbust? weird.

No. 480089

what the FUCK is this shit. i hope it’s not true for the sake of my mental health

No. 480090

Neurotically drafting the letter I plan to send in 2-3 months because I know if verified shit gets out that he wrote back to another normie or bpdemon, im going to be too mad at him to write any words

No. 480091

File: 1738643263000.jpg (213.54 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2480.JPG)

Couldn't help but make a retarded edit.

No. 480092

File: 1738643292836.mp4 (910.74 KB, 480x576, evil slut.mp4)

The devil is trying to tempt Nancy Grace

No. 480093

KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ty for the fix nona!

No. 480094


No. 480097

voting this as op

No. 480098

the power of his beautiful tits baffles nancy grace

No. 480099

I love you artnonny

No. 480100

If luigi doesn't write back to artnona he is guilty and the devil

No. 480101

praying for art nonny to get a response even though it’s been more than one month since she sent her letter

No. 480103

Just to clear up any possible confusion, I'm not the art nonny working on the doujin.

No. 480105

Kek woops my love still extends to you

No. 480110

File: 1738646756743.jpeg (335.54 KB, 847x2174, IMG_9873.jpeg)

Don’t know if this has been posted before but this seems like a pretty comprehensive archive of weegees digital footprint although the goodreads list seems a little short from what i remember of my initial personal stalking


No. 480113

-this is the full list

No. 480115

File: 1738648017559.mp4 (116.96 KB, 218x288, 1FCB6D9F-ED76-4C15-9DC7-ECED09…)

blurry wiwi

No. 480120


No. 480121

I cant believe sonic is real and his name is luigi.

No. 480122

File: 1738649051998.gif (16.53 MB, 800x1422, IMG_1556.gif)

No. 480123

He seems so tired of these cogs

No. 480125

>tfw you will never get drunk with weegee

No. 480147

next threadpic pls

No. 480155

kekkk this has to be the next threadpic atp i love weegeewives more than weegee, you always make me laugh

No. 480172

No. 480186


No. 480191

File: 1738676524344.jpg (202.78 KB, 800x1200, 1000002709.jpg)

No. 480195

I wish

No. 480214

>sperging out over low birth rates in Japan
Why couldn’t Japanese nonnas have saved him?

No. 480217

What does this mean?

No. 480218

He went to the wrong Asian countries since it seems like the Chinese are the ones who are all over him.

No. 480225

This, and the one girl who makes those weird comics is Korean

No. 480226

If his ex really is that Chinese woman, maybe he avoided going to Chinese-speaking countries. There's no record of him going to Chinese-speaking countries like China, Taiwan, Singapore, or Hong Kong.

No. 480230

They would have been scared raising freakish giant cocked, women respecting, half japanese sons in gigaracist nippon

No. 480237

Why would he just because of his ex? He thinks all Chinese are related and he will run into her brothers there to break his kneecaps for leaving her?

No. 480249

File: 1738684267029.jpeg (62.84 KB, 477x805, IMG_0771.jpeg)

No. 480251

We really don't know what countries he visited. We only know he went to India this year because he told those German moids about it.

No. 480263

Heyyy handsome. Look at his perky nippy

No. 480295

this kills the oligarch handmaiden

No. 480306

File: 1738689663935.gif (3.9 MB, 275x275, IMG_3742.gif)

he’s an evil slut

No. 480308

File: 1738690235824.jpg (74.77 KB, 619x797, 20250204_000424.jpg)

he is a sweet angel

No. 480309

He triumphs in the man versus bear predicament I see. He really is made for women.

No. 480314

I was reading some article about Altoona residents' reactions to his arrest and some dumb boomer was crying about how Luigi could have committed more crimes while in their shithole town had they not arrested him. Made me hate boomers and their ugly victim complex even more than I already did. Hope they all die off soon.

No. 480315

File: 1738690691857.jpg (118.85 KB, 946x746, 67447771_162653101545029_61644…)

a bts from one of my favorite luigi photos i need to see more of that day

No. 480316

File: 1738690766660.jpeg (81.17 KB, 828x341, IMG_1843.jpeg)

Kek how’d I miss this, i unironically love pilots and wish those mods didn’t have her in shackles

No. 480320

>The meaning has to do with support.
No, it means you want the D.

No. 480321

Why would she dream that he has no boundaries reeeee, in MY dream he had very respectful boundaries- whatever shes bpd

No. 480323

kek she wants him so bad…admit it pilots you would leave everything (even your disabled kid) to be with luigi

No. 480332

why is luigi addicted to putting paint on his nipples?

No. 480333

He loves nipple play

No. 480336

this slut is so fucking evil I can't stand it. he better show up in court with nipple clamps on to restrain those dangerous pepperonis

No. 480338

Fuck nipple clamps would be so hot. Karen would have to tug on them to keep him from zoning out

No. 480339

>>"Luigi is aware of the fund and very much appreciates the outpouring of support. My client plans on utilizing it to fight all three of the unprecedented cases against him," Karen Friedman Agnifilo, an attorney for Mangione, told Newsweek in a statement on Tuesday.
lulu will use the donations i didn't expect that but he has big cases to fight

No. 480343

I like how this article seems to mainly focus on him losing support when Luigi and his legal team weren't even planning on using donations at first. I'm pretty sure the $500k would've been reached if people knew they were going to eventually going to use the donation funds. A lot of people like me were hesitant to donate because you never know if these fundraisers could be scams unless there's some official statement on them.

No. 480345

I want Luigi to spend my money on cookies and juice but legal funds is fine too. Are they still taking?

No. 480347

They should be. Starting to see the donation activity increase too.

No. 480348

so does this sort of confirm that his family isn’t paying for his legal fees?

No. 480350

I doubt that's the case but I highly doubt his family are billionaires who can take the hit. The wealth inherited from his grandparents is spread out over 10 people. The family is rich but the legal fees over the next several years for an intense legal battle are going to take a massive toll on them.

No. 480354

I finally donated. Was scared to because I thought the fundraiser was fraudulent.

No. 480356

You can send him money directly via MoneyGram I just put some money on his commissary account so he can buy himself a honeybun kek

No. 480358

File: 1738697064241.jpeg (88.94 KB, 1199x1092, IMG_3648.jpeg)

samefag breakfast, lunch and dinner is on me weegee

No. 480359

Can you leave messages for that I wanna say Free Luigi(‘s nipples) or something

No. 480361

he can only use 350 per month i believe

No. 480362

Left you a heart bb

No. 480364

is luigi in solitary confinement or is he part of gen pop?

No. 480365

neither,he is in a special housing unit

No. 480366

My house

No. 480367

Its cute seeing the donations go up

No. 480368

He's not in solitary but he's in a special unit with 15 others that require higher security. That includes P. Diddler, Sam Bankman-Fried, and gross pedo faggot Austin Wolf.

No. 480369

That sucks who is he gonna play board games with, SBF?

No. 480370

can’t leave any messages since you’re technically “paying” the federal bureau of prisons

No. 480372

I see you nonawife.
Would I get in trouble for donating calling myself "Luigi's rapewife"?

No. 480373

Oh wow. that sounds like a fun game of truth or dare

No. 480374

why the fuck are they putting Luigi with pedos and rape apes.
Rapists shouldn't even get the privilage of incarceration. It should be straight to the pit of spikes for chomos

No. 480376

KEK and never have i ever
It could get deleted

No. 480377

File: 1738697961155.jpeg (72.5 KB, 1179x510, IMG_5096.jpeg)

kek i love you nonna

No. 480379

No. 480381

File: 1738698117683.jpeg (60.6 KB, 750x422, IMG_8806.jpeg)

I see you

No. 480383

I was watching a video where the host was interviewing a former inmate who spent time with SBF. He said SBF mainly got along with one of the chomos because the chomos tend to be nerdy faggots.

No. 480387

Poor Luigi, he is gonna have to get a child rapist to spot him at the prison gym

No. 480392

Maybe one of the gang snitches will help him with that instead.

No. 480394

This one is up by 16 updoots and it makes me wonder how many oblivious autists actually liked it kek.

No. 480395

KEK thats kinda cute.

No. 480400

File: 1738700670859.jpeg (33.19 KB, 669x298, IMG_8807.jpeg)

No. 480407

which nona left the peed pants comment kek

No. 480409

File: 1738702200513.png (6.01 KB, 596x337, pee.png)

KEK based

No. 480410

File: 1738702230445.jpeg (39.67 KB, 652x346, IMG_8808.jpeg)


No. 480411

File: 1738702275242.jpeg (114.57 KB, 750x816, IMG_8810.jpeg)

Does she know she double paid

No. 480416

I checked and only saw it paid once

No. 480418

Oh nevermind me too, weird. I wouldn’t complain about more i wouldnt complain about more peed pants tho

No. 480422

File: 1738706514165.jpeg (534.18 KB, 1125x1427, IMG_4108.jpeg)

Case Update: Luigi’s legal team is expanding for his federal case, the appointment of this other attorney is a legal requirement in cases where it carries the death penalty.

>Attorney Avraham Chaim Moskowitz for Luigi Nicholas Mangione added as learned counsel

Learned counsel means this attorney has experience in defending death penalty cases, in case all the legalese is confusing for nonnies


No. 480423

The only thing more retarded than my husband is that the government is trying to give him the death penalty. Literally why?

No. 480425

File: 1738707196891.jpg (287.77 KB, 847x2048, 20250204_231156.jpg)

im scared for him but this lawyer sounds skilled

No. 480427

Because the government considers corporations and CEOs as more worthy than us plebs.

No. 480438

me too but he’s in good hands I know it’s delusional to expect him to walk free but hopefully they can avoid the death penalty all together

No. 480449

Any thoughts on what kind of reactions we are going to see if he gets lwop? (Dp seems unlikely but it's also not impossible) He's got so many unhinged stans, many of which are living in la la land. Will people harm themselves? Others?

No. 480454

Who knows what will happen but my ideal scenario is that an army of BPDchans led by Pilots will mob the pigs in a valiant attempt to free Luigi. The other slightly less impossible (but still unlikely to happen) scenario I am hoping for is mass riots à la BLM riots. With the Trump presidency being a shitshow as is, I am hoping accelerationism will at the very least make people angry enough to wake up and riot.

No. 480456

If it's led by Pilots they will get gunned down and give up immediately. It needs to be led by 40 Pager. Pilots will believe in peaceful protest walks all about holding hands and writing poems, 40 Pager is going to show up in something out of Mad Max and mow down everything in her way and drive a 40 foot tall battering ram into the side of the prison releasing horrors the likes we've never seen before, similar to Pandora's Box, all for one Luigi to walk free.

No. 480460

I forgot about 40 Pager. Her never getting a reply back from Luigi will probably give her more pent-up, angry tard rage. Pilots getting a reply will have made her lazy and complacent. 40 Pager would definitely be a better BPDchan army leader.

No. 480473

File: 1738715610463.png (1.28 MB, 1239x715, 65676765576.png)

Still praying Dr. Phil gets 40 pager on his show and she stabs him to death in a fit of pure, unmedicated, schizophrenic rage when that ugly bald scrote inevitably tries to shame her for loving Luigi.

No. 480486

File: 1738716979868.jpg (191.67 KB, 1228x2048, 20250204_000528.jpg)

40pager should star in this with luigis fake cousine

No. 480489

Kek imagine they interview a weegeewife and she mentions the pee

No. 480491

"So what are your thoughts on the case"
"Well, I've spent hours wondering what happened to luigis pants after he peed in them" cue closeup of the famous peed pants "Like, did they throw them out? Keep them as evidence? Will they put them in a museum? Will I be able to smell them? Will he pee himself again?"

No. 480492

>mysterious piano music plays, stock image of wet pants on floor

No. 480510

File: 1738722810431.png (2.74 MB, 1530x1020, animalihavebecome.png)

I could see her rollin up blasting her shitty 2000s numetal

No. 480606

File: 1738756136657.jpg (161.1 KB, 1200x1500, 1000021738.jpg)

We need more luigi

No. 480613

he has a federal court date in like 2 weeks (maybe sketches but unlikely to have photos) and his next state court apperance is the 21 of feb I think

No. 480616

He has two sightings this month? I thought it was just the federal one. We better see him at least in and out of the car.

No. 480625

File: 1738762595296.jpg (51.85 KB, 583x677, Cutie.jpg)

yes we need more of this cutie
donating to his fund right now

No. 480631

Aww cutie poutie

No. 480633


No. 480634

There's a federal one on the 17th or 18th (where it will just be ugly sketches, they really should hire artnonnie to capture his himbo essence) and a state one (where it's likely cameras could be allowed) on the 21st? Or the 24th idfk im ovulating

No. 480635

Lucky… I am waiting on my period it refuses to come. Hopefully that means I will be ovulating by Wigi’s next appearance. I must mark my calendar for the coming of Weewam

No. 480659

Can a law nonnie explain to me why a camera isn't allowed in federal court? Do the judges swing their cocks around before session or something?

No. 480661

They do, and Luigi is made to do naked jumping jacks

No. 480662

File: 1738771878324.jpeg (384.15 KB, 1179x773, IMG_2916.jpeg)


No. 480664

File: 1738771907973.png (5.8 KB, 121x113, IMG_4104.png)

I’m going to kill myself

No. 480666

samefag moving to another country so my letter stands out and I can receive a reply

No. 480667

Why do you assume they're telling the truth?

No. 480668

Because it isn't hard to believe that he's writing back to the worst people, BPDemons and Ledditors, due to his retardation.

No. 480674

Okay yeah there’s either no way he got my letter or no way he’s responded if someone in Finland can send one beginning of last month and already get mailed one back.
They could be but it’s kind of hard to fully believe when there’s no proof because ‘privacy’ even though that argument is contradictory because everyone shares his pics from when he was a child, his family’s wedding vids, and wrote him a letter in the first place despite never meeting him.

No. 480680

we just have to say we have a Reddit account and he’ll respond

hitting the copium right now kek

No. 480682

Like I don’t doubt he has sent letters but nobody has ever shared the contents?? Not non-Redditors, anyone anon? EVERYONE is a gatekeeper? I dunno man

No. 480683

At this point I'm coping that my letter sent almost three weeks ago is just still in the backlog because people started to send more letters in January. I worked hard on those drawings damnit.

No. 480685

Reee but Finnish person sent in Jan and got a response already?! Also why can’t these people at least share part of the content in the letter? Is it violating his privacy to know his favorite music? I think Plebbitmod has a scheme to know the most about Wigi that isn’t publicly available so when she writes him a letter of her own she seems like his soulmate or something

No. 480689

File: 1738774742500.gif (1.22 MB, 275x217, IMG_4069.gif)

I’ll personally go to New York to throw my shoe at weegee during his next court appearance for not answering our letters

No. 480690

My letter was never returned to sender do I have a chance? It was picked up by a mailman a month and a week ago. I will write a second letter. It fucking sucks that others didn’t share theirs because this means he will get the same questions over and over again. Maybe I should just talk about myself and not really ask him anything?

No. 480692

I think so nonny, I’ve sent 3 and they haven’t been returned but I also haven’t heard a peep from him. Honestly, I might send him another letter this week, just want a small win for us true and honest weegee wives.

No. 480693

This is EXACTLY what I'm thinking.
I legit believe a lot of these people are lying. People are fucking attention whores and have lied about far worse things.

No. 480694

Gonna be blunt for a sec, I haven‘t written to him and am not going to, but if I did and he responded I would not post the details here. Lest it ever gets back to him I post on a board where people ship him with his cousin and talk about raping him.

No. 480695

I'm the anon who sent one almost three weeks ago and I mainly just talked about myself and only asked him three small questions. I don't think I'm going to get a reply back at this point. I also wonder if he's just too busy and stressed at the moment dealing with the upcoming case to want to reply to anyone.

No. 480697

i look forward to the NYC case where you and 40 page schizo storm the courthouse screaming about why the fuck he keeps writing back to retarded cringe redditors.
I hope he pees himself in terror and they zoom in on the piss

No. 480698

He wouldn’t be able to do anything about it and there’s no way he would know or care honestly
Well apparently he is replying to everyfuckingbody
>zoom in on the piss
Kek we can only hope

No. 480700

Literally if you wrote to him and he wrote back all you'd have to do is photograph the words "Im doing fine dont worry about me" or some shit and I'd be satisfied.
These redditors cant even do that.

No. 480701

If I do get a letter, I'm just going to do the bare minimum and provide more proof than Pilots and Helvetroon have. Probably just a few lines and the envelope itself. Then I'll likely frame it and never share the rest with anyone.

No. 480702

I’ll gladly go full schizo mode and write him a letter each week until we get what we want…but I’m choosing not to cause my New Year’s resolution was to be more kind

No. 480703

this stinks of the kiwifarms tranny

No. 480705

I think its fine to write him a letter once a week. As long as you arent harassing his lawyer or other inmates I don't see how it isn't kind

No. 480706

the mailman picked up my first letter January 10th and i might send another in a month or two. too retarded to think of things to write about which is why mine r so spaced out and not plentiful i wonder what he thinks about people sending photos as themselves for a face to name sort of thing bc I’ve been feeling reluctant to the idea of adding one

No. 480707

Oh I just didn’t want to come off as a schizo to you all kek I’ll gladly sacrifice myself for research purposes

No. 480708

that’s what another nonny said until she deleted her post…she was onto something

No. 480709

If I did I would at least include a sentence like come on. And him signing off his name. Plebbitards cant even do this.

No. 480710

I deleted because I had only just remembered that the troon claims to be from Switzerland and not Finland. I still think that the Ledditor Finn should go melt in a gay sauna for not giving any proof.

No. 480711

Thank you for clearing it up nonna, sorry didn’t mean to call you out

No. 480713

File: 1738776606217.png (1.83 MB, 1024x1365, 1735345793669.png)

schizos can be kind. Just look at luigi. Kindly (allegedly) killing ugly moids for us.

No. 480714

wym im sure he'd rather a letter have a pic than not have one

No. 480716

you’re right I def started overthinking/felt embarrassed at the thought of sending a fat ass 4x6 photo of my face but I will probs reprint in 2x3

No. 480719

I'm afraid of sending a photo too because of feds having that information but, whatever, I already sent a letter and they probably have more on me than I'd like to know. I might as well send a photo in the next one so he knows I'm not fat and that I don't look insane at least. Maybe that will get a reply.

No. 480720

If its true that he gets 1000s of letters a week or whatever, I really doubt feds are keeping track of everybody. Unless you write something seriously incriminating.

No. 480723

But he has responded to letters without pics

No. 480725

He’s an absolute retard who can answer to other retards but can’t reply to art nonny, I’m disappointed in you weegee.

No. 480727

This retard needs to thank me for sending him that Buddhism book. No more books until he does! And include a nude, too Wigi!

No. 480728

File: 1738778011417.jpeg (816.26 KB, 1125x1696, IMG_4110.jpeg)

A second plane has hit the Luigi tower

No. 480731

Okay at least the timeline matches up, our letters could still be waiting. Maybe I wont write him another letter unless mine is returned or he responds, as punishment for being a bad Weegee. Bad Weegee!

No. 480733

Atp I’m not believing anybody who claims they got a reply and won‘t post the envelope.

It‘s probably true he responded to a number of people at first and then things got crazy.

No. 480736

his handwriting is so ugly

No. 480738

your book is on top of a huge pile he probably hasn't even seen it yet

No. 480740

it truly is you’d think he’d have better penmanship since he went to that private school

No. 480741

Well if you already sent a letter then the feds have your name. That means they can look you up and know what you look like anyway. So you might as well send him one?
And to be fr, you could even send a fake pic if you're still paranoid for some reason kek

No. 480743

Hes only allowed a few and it was delivered 1/7 but probably. Where do they put excess books, don’t they send them back?

No. 480745

Nona can you think of a single zoomer male with legible handwriting? This has to be top 1% of his age group.

No. 480748

File: 1738780173103.png (5.06 MB, 2500x1667, learning about lolcow wigiwive…)

>still only responding to women
>doesn't care if they are married, just needs female attention because horny and surrounded by yucky moids
He needs us.

No. 480749

Luigi is hyper-obsessed with efficiency. He knows it's a waste of time to be a sperg about handwriting. Also, caring about your handwriting is for faggots.

No. 480750

I guess you’re right, I’m a year younger than him and they were teaching me how to write in cursive during first grade at a public school (mind you I grew up in a farm town literally in the middle of nowhere kek) guess everyone’s experience is different.

No. 480751

File: 1738780544696.jpeg (606.57 KB, 1179x1746, IMG_5168.jpeg)

Found the Twitter post and I’m assuming this is the same plebbitor

No. 480753

File: 1738780708760.jpeg (248.22 KB, 1125x542, IMG_4111.jpeg)

another claim

so it’s okay to dig through the trenches for pictures of him and post them but not one of these retards can post proof of the envelope or his signature

No. 480754

So what does it take to get a response? being retarded? Bpd? Autism?

No. 480759

Killing myself
Killing myself again, he didn’t respond to me kek
Probably sperging about yourself for 5 pages

No. 480762

File: 1738781434851.jpeg (143.6 KB, 1179x459, IMG_5170.jpeg)

She is a mom of 5 in her 40s according to her Twitter bio, reminds me of Pilots. I think he has a thing for autistc milfs lmao

No. 480763

We should all resend letters saying we are 45 mothers with autism and see if he responds because what the fuck is this

No. 480764

Italian men and their mommy issues kek what’s new

No. 480765

Italians have daddy issues though

No. 480766

>Luigi wants to be dominated by a cougar
I just got hit by a bolt of pure, unadulterated ovulation.

No. 480768

Be real none of these autists are dominant

No. 480770

sorry meant to say mama’s boy cause that what he is

No. 480772

Yeah… I wish I was in my 30’s already nobody wants a girl in her 20’s except terminally online incels

No. 480773

of course he only talks to breeding sow type women who are making loads of kids and 'doing their part for society' his breeding kink was always evident from his tweets about birthrates

No. 480774

men don't want women in their 20s because men are stingy and don't want to pay for shit. women in their 20s are usually broke and need cash, its why scrotes usually either want teenagers who still live off their parents, or 30+ career women with lots of money

No. 480775

now that you put it that way nonny my lust for him went away kek

No. 480776

If he‘s more likely to reply to older women it‘s probably because he doesn‘t want to foster anyone’s delusion that‘s he‘s going to be their boyfriend.

No. 480777

File: 1738782359779.jpg (29.12 KB, 600x483, 1543707033496.jpg)

>tfw I'm autistic and in my 30s but not a mom so he never replied to me

No. 480778

I'd write more but I don't want my name and address accessible to other prisoners. The other guys living in the unit are truly evil.

No. 480779

File: 1738782432719.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1179x1885, IMG_5172.jpeg)

everybody get more middle aged mommy and more schizo in your letters, this is who he replies to

No. 480780

it’s over for me, luigi doesn’t want a woman in her mid 20s. he’s 30+ women only

No. 480781

No. 480782

Nice bait, it’s unique
But these women are more delusional, you would have to be to be 40 with kids sending love letters Luigi, shouldn’t they be raising their children?
My lust is decreasing maybe due to my period but also because he is just responding to retards, he has shit taste. Do these women mention they are autistic mothers? Is that the strat?

No. 480783

I heard from women who were pen pals with prisoners and had a rude awakening when the guy got out and had their address. Luigi wouldn‘t stalk you but I would use a PO Box just in case, the other people in that building don‘t need to know where you live. (Although with the amount of mail he‘s receiving the chances someone will pick you from the pile to harass you are slim)

No. 480784

KEK I’m sorry this is fucking funny and retarded, that AI saint image irks me every time it pops up.

No. 480785

Are Po boxes allowed? I thought some states don't allow them when writing to a prisoner

No. 480786

Gonna go full Stan on his ass until the screws in his back pop off

No. 480788

File: 1738782909309.jpg (246.14 KB, 1080x1080, 287565257_3180865265529412_802…)

Reminder that he swiped right on this single mom. It's so over for us nulliparous nonas.

No. 480790

This shit pisses me off. Why can’t a nice intellectual girl like the ones here get a letter? A nona fucking drew for him. Instead you can sperg about a teenybopper band while your retard son writhes in the corner and laments your poetry and this woman, who even knows what she wrote. Luigi would love 40 Pager.

No. 480791

He's retarded and probably has his brains fried from using too many drugs. Now he probably relates to these psychotic retards.

No. 480796

>wow… she knows 21 whole pilots and they are in a band?

No. 480798

If I had a cartel member uncle in the same cell block I would tell him to intimidate Luigi into answering our letters kek

No. 480804

File: 1738783868622.jpeg (152.1 KB, 839x839, IMG_1673.jpeg)

She’s addicted to filters

No. 480807

Man who cares

No. 480810

at least he’s not vain, that’s a positive

No. 480811

He is not but he is a wanton slut that’s for sure

No. 480813

doesn't skip leg day, is that what weegee wants in a woman???

No. 480815

I'm in my 30s. In my letter I'm going to tell luigi I'm apart of a farm of autistic women. Maybe that is close enough to having kids

No. 480816

I doubt Pilots and tulip_wife are the types to work out. Pilots is confirmed fat and on Ozempic. Maybe before he fried his brain on drugs and was left with mainly BPDchans writing to him, he would've appreciated a fit and healthy woman. I work out and I mentioned that to him in my letter and have gotten no response.

No. 480817

does she know Luigi dated a zionist?

No. 480818

Luigi is a slut and we should be less kind to him during the group menstruation

No. 480819

I have a sudden urge to punch him

No. 480821

This is why he is spending life in prison. He could’ve had it all but he filtered himself. Typical male moment.

No. 480822

He really deserves more punishment for not replying to our letters. I hate him so much!!!!

No. 480823

10 lashes per unanswered lc letter with bullwhip

No. 480826

File: 1738785720478.jpeg (384.82 KB, 1179x1161, IMG_5174.jpeg)

sorry but im kind of obsessed with her now kek

No. 480829

Wth all the women writing to Luigi are kind of crazy (excluding nonas OF COURSE). Maybe it‘s a good sign I never wrote to him.

No. 480830

Shes a fake Italian American, we don’t do this shit

No. 480831

I guess I can't be too mad because it's honestly hilarious that Luigi ended up writing back to these kinds of deranged schizos kek.

No. 480832

Potential milk

No. 480835


No. 480839

we’re in competition with a retarded bpd 21 pilots fan who cries over him and writes shitty poetry and a schizo she-wolf who screams at elon on xitter


No. 480840

Luigi made his choice. The women he responded to are the women who will defend him. The rest will try to kill him. That was the game the whole time.

No. 480841

File: 1738787877129.jpeg (181.25 KB, 630x877, IMG_3777.jpeg)

Oh I’ll kill him alright that lime head shaped motherfucker

just kidding I love you weegee

No. 480843

Man limeheadanon was so wrong, that’s a mango

No. 480848

I can see she-wolf leading the BPDemon army to free Luigi from imprisonment when he gets sentenced to life without parole. You can sense her sheer ferocity in her all-caps rants at Elon.

No. 480849

No way, I only put my trust in 40 Pager. This lady seems like a nutjob larper. Italians don’t give a fuck about people ‘appropriating our culture’ except maybe Tumblr zoomers. Next she’s gonna say no one can impersonate Rocky.

No. 480851

I agree with you. Since 40 page schizo letter got rejected (for good reason) she has a lot of pent up rage that is useful for his prison escape. She-wolf got her reply so she is complacent, lazy and lacks the energy that 40 page schizo has.

No. 480852

I just saw the video in the OP, based song choice OP.

No. 480854

She-wolf is truly all bark and no bite.

No. 480855

You could go up to shewolf and go ‘gabagool’ and defeat her instantly

No. 480861

File: 1738790289331.jpeg (748.66 KB, 1179x1878, IMG_5176.jpeg)

Follow up

No. 480863

>happy new year being mistaken as flirting
Okay. Anyway I am killing myself.

No. 480870

File: 1738792539097.jpeg (144.02 KB, 828x806, IMG_1976.jpeg)

Fuck if this is true, im anxious for the wave of people that might come forward very soon and be stingy with their goddamn letters i also wrote him the first week of january + killing myself

No. 480873

What the fuck he is responding quick if true I guess he just didn’t like my letter damn

No. 480875

Okay samefag but I am curious, is there 1,000 letters and they are getting hundreds everyday or is he able to respond in a few weeks? What is going on what’s the timeframe of that claim versus the sudden quick responses? So there’s not really a heavy letter volume?

No. 480877

File: 1738793833360.jpeg (232.39 KB, 1284x1409, 9hp2ads8zr6e1.jpeg)

Hope this hasn't been posted before

No. 480878

I can‘t know how many letters he gets total obviously, but he gets 40 stamps a month afaik and maybe he isn‘t using them all on strangers. So you are playing the lottery really.

No. 480879

File: 1738794003073.jpeg (55.69 KB, 600x437, IMG_1951.jpeg)

So he’s responded to Reddit and Twitter retards but not to us. This is good fuel so I can punch him when he comes out of the courtroom and he pees his pants in front of everyone.

No. 480880

Crazy he chooses retards no wonder he is in prison
Posted in the first thread I think kek

No. 480881

samefag but there have been conflicting reports such as he refuses mail not from friends and families. Still sceptical about recent letter fags since none of them have shown the envelope

No. 480882

Karen needs to make a statement. Then she needs to spank his supple disabled butt for responding to tards who don’t share. With a prison paddle (has bars for extra spanking power).

No. 480884

I wrote about the stupid weather, having the same uni major, wrote him a short synopsis of a retarded book I read, and gave him my regards in my mine, making it 3/4 of a page. I regret avoiding flattery and not acting like a worried bpdemon he needed to tend to goddamnit

No. 480886

Everyone on here, Plebbit, Twitter, etc who said to keep your letter succinct and polite were l probably well meaning but look where we are now. Oh you will scare him if you act like you know him! Make sure you talk about yourself very little but just enough, and ask him some questions! Keep it a page! No. Sperg out, ask him nothing deep, talk about yourself and your unintellectual hobbies, and make it like 5 pages. Make sure one page is dedicated to a poem. Man they played us for a fool. When I am not in a foul mood I will make sure my next letter is unhinged. If I write it now I might call him mean names.

No. 480888

>If I write it now I might call him mean names.
You should do it. Stand out from the crowd!

No. 480890

Kek I don’t know maybe I will go fully insane and send him some letters as an experiment. One being mean, one being schizo, one being schizo but I tell him I am being schizo because I noticed he only writes to retards

No. 480892

We must show him no mercy in our letters, I’ll write him a poem about him being retarded and autistic, making sure to degrade him. This is what it comes down to.

No. 480895

Also, is the fund even legit either. Why would Karen give a statement on a tabloid that wrote a conspiracy theory article about Luigi the day before the fund article? Karen since the arraignment only said briefly that Luigi is her client and nothing more than that on a podcast.

No. 480897

File: 1738797172255.png (85.78 KB, 1162x300, 8476.png)

No. 480899

I don’t even wanna like him anymore or else I may just kill myself. I need to come around to the fact I am going to peak in my 30’s and get hot boys like Luigi but as a virgin in my 20’s I am at the nadir of attractiveness. I was gonna say desirability but I don’t give a fuck.

No. 480900

>She is a mom of 5 in her 40s according to her Twitter bio, reminds me of Pilots. I think he has a thing for autistc milfs lmao
I'm sure that's just the bulk of his female mail. It's mostly middle-aged women that write to prisoners/killers

No. 480901

File: 1738797457649.jpeg (242.23 KB, 828x803, IMG_1988.jpeg)

this is a comment from one person who claimed she received a letter from Luigi. If true, I wanna know if she mentioned any of this in her letter. Drafting a letter rn telling him he has inspired my newfound love for feet, agronomics whatever the fuck that means, and pissy pants

No. 480903

>Luigi wouldn‘t stalk you but I would use a PO Box just in case
They'll throw your letter out if you try that. it has to be a valid residential address.

No. 480904

Not to derail but that's interesting, I wonder why the demographic is like that.

No. 480905

File: 1738797633647.gif (732.33 KB, 320x320, IMG_3975.gif)

it’s so over for us true and honest weegee wives

No. 480907

cause they’re all stay at home moms

No. 480910

I am going to hang myself how was I meant to know he wanted parasocial letters from weirdos I could have gone crazy in my letter but noooo everyone said not to scare him. I will tell him my life story next letter and sperg about my gay hobbies and ask him one question.

No. 480911

I am on the edge of my seat now reading these Ledditors' timelines as I sent my letter mid-January and it could mean either getting a reply back any day now or being ignored. Please, Luigi, I wrote four pages of stupid shit and filled them with drawings I worked hard on.

No. 480912

Well did you mention you are 45 and have 5 autismo kids? No?

No. 480913

File: 1738798544333.png (442.39 KB, 680x847, it's over.png)

>mfw I'm barely even 30 and have zero kids

No. 480914

It might not be the case that he only responds to crazy people, it's just that the sane people who got letters back from him are keeping those letters to themselves.

No. 480916

No the fact that none of us got a response despite sending letters earlier kind of substantiates the crazies theory

No. 480918

>>Oh you will scare him if you act like you know him!
i bet he picked the most emotional letters out everyone saying he would be weirded out was wrong he sits alone in a rotten prison facing a death penalty or lwop he wants to feel loved and appreciated

No. 480920

File: 1738801605820.jpeg (718.88 KB, 1125x1120, extremely gorgeous its unreal.…)

So with how crazy some people are, what percentage of these claims do you think are fake? We already know the KF fag was fake and that person put in way more effort, which is probably why it was suspicious. Like random Tiktok comment claims aren't real to me. 21pilots could be real. She's likely real. The first two people on that Plebbit I think are likely real. Anyway kek at him only seemingly replying to women (though the number of women sending him letters likely greatly outweighs the number of men, did you notice on that donation page 90% of the names were female?)

No. 480922

Luigi can prove hes real by responding to a wife and 40 page schizo

No. 480923

Now another important question is: would 40 Pager be based enough to share his response?

No. 480924

I think so. She doesn't seem like a redditard and she doesn't give a FUCK what anyone says

No. 480927

I don't know why some of you are so obsessed with the women receiving letters (or claiming they received letters) like who gives a fuck?
We really have run out of things to talk about haven't we

No. 480928

His eyebags are so hot fuck

No. 480930

Its less about them and more about US not getting a letter. I still feel like half these bitches are lying like the kiwifarms tranny

No. 480931

File: 1738802921393.jpg (53.81 KB, 599x899, luigi.jpg)

I would bite pieces of him off

No. 480932

Cuz it involves him and this thread about him.

No. 480935

you just answered your own question lol, what else is there to discuss? we don’t even get another glimpse of our pretty boy retard for another few weeks.

No. 480939

I was looking at that exact picture last night before bed, all sad. I want him in my room. Even if I have to chain him to the radiator.

No. 481000

Luigi unironically looks his hottest when he's totally and completely broken.
This picture and the mcdonalds hashbrown hobo makes me so fucking horny

No. 481002

bless you nonna for putting into words exactly why i find this photo to be his hottest. i would kill to see the rest of the bodycam footage when the cops confronted him in McDonalds and he started to “shake”… like I’m actually salivating at the mouth thinking about it

No. 481005

File: 1738827766425.jpeg (52.67 KB, 768x1024, IMG_5187.jpeg)

samefag, i love this photo too. he should be put back in the turtle suit until he replies to someone’s letter here

No. 481006

You have no idea how jealous I am of the cops who got to watch him strip naked and spin all sexy in that cold room. I'd make him cuddle me for warmth before I let him put his clothes back on

No. 481008

What if writing to Luigi with the expectation that he writes back is psyop to trick horny women into being put on a government surveillance list?

No. 481013

How are his curls so loose here >>480931 but tight here >>481005

No. 481016

I don’t understand how that happened either because it became straight ish again when he was in the cell. But it should be tight curly if that photo was taken right after them walking him out of the car. Since that was the order it was released in at the time
Also him only wearing socks in the first hearing I don’t get either

No. 481017

Humidity (even sweating) makes curls tighter.

No. 481018

but the photo of him in the cell was released to the media after he came out of the car tho. And he didn’t have a stain on his jeans coming out of the car so the photo potentially being from earlier that day and released after doesn’t seem right either.

No. 481019

Does anyone know if they read his respones to letters as well?
Can they be used in court or does he have a right to privacy? If they want to go with mental illness as a defense wouldn't it be smarter to not have him respond?

No. 481020

What do you think is the timeline for the photos of Luigi’s arrest? Is it different to this order?

>eating mcdonalds hash brown

>leaving police car in socks
>stained pants
>turtle suit

am brainlet so unsure where this one fits in the sequence:

No. 481021

yes of course they read all his letters and emails he sends.
it's always smarter to say nothing

No. 481022

File: 1738839251327.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1179x1389, IMG_5463.jpeg)

Yes, the order is right. And the McDonald’s mugshot pic is after the bodycam hashbrown pics.
But what I don't get is how his hair became straight/way, tight curly (natural texture), and then straight/wavy again in the cell. I included tweets with time stamps from the day of the arrest.

No. 481041

File: 1738844956186.png (712.25 KB, 854x1072, Screenshot (4058).png)

he probably didn't shower while on the run, making his hair oily and less curly because of it. the mcdonalds photos were taken in the morning and released hours later, and his first court appearance was at 6 pm EST so he either showered (doubt) or wet his hair, the turtle suit photo was taken after the court appearance


No. 481047

File: 1738846068642.jpeg (710.39 KB, 1080x2301, yoeqy87mjhhe1.jpeg)

Some redditor made these stickers kek

No. 481051

File: 1738847669606.jpeg (787.76 KB, 1003x1215, IMG_5464.jpeg)

I should've put arrows this photo was posted at 6:45 pm ET after the first court appearance along with the turtle suit photo. I don't get how his hair is straighter here at 6:45 pm after the court appearance.(ignore the 3:45 pm on the screenshot it’s in PT)

No. 481055

File: 1738849360119.jpeg (769.88 KB, 2457x1567, IMG_8584.jpeg)

I am sad. How am I meant to fantasize about Luigi comforting me on my period when I know he didn’t write me back.

No. 481058

File: 1738849982644.jpg (406.36 KB, 1440x984, 1736895836758.jpg)

I hate them. Does not capture Luigi's essence as an irl anime husbando.
I need a team of korean game devs to make a Luigi period tracker.

No. 481059

> making his hair oily and less curly because of it.
Is it bad that I would force Luigi to use dry shampoo and make him wash it only once a week? I like his hair slightly less curly.
I also think unlike most filth scrotes, Luigi musk might actually be quite pleasant.

No. 481060

This is so fucking ugly.

No. 481064

is there any actual proof of the letters people got from him? i understand about keeping his privacy safe and all but i just can’t believe he would actually respond to any letter sent by one of those reddit losers

No. 481068

There are only screenshots of the envelopes, 3 as far as i've seen

No. 481072

For the more recent claims no. Plus I don’t believe the privacy bullshit. He isn’t spilling his deepest darkest secrets in these letters so people need to calm down. They are just gatekeeping.
Anyway on a lighter note I had a dream new footage came out of Luigi at court eating pasta, but the pasta was shells in gravy and people were saying that it was too medigan and he would hate it, but he smiled and you could lipread him saying ‘this is good’ kek

No. 481073

I mean, he hasn't written to any of us which lines up with how retarded he is.

No. 481080

The timeframe of these recent claims from delivery of letter to delivery of response is fucking me up. Especially the Swedish letter claim. Snail mail is snail mail for a reason how is he really responding within two weeks? He probably ate my letter he hated it so much. Faggot.

No. 481083

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No. 481087

yeah, it would be reasonable to say this about any other person but i also think in Luigi’s case the privacy talk is just an excuse to gatekeep lol. i even stopped checking his subreddit because those mods seem to be on an insane power trip about the letters & the way his supporters interact with him.


No. 481088

That is such a cute dream. I wanna feed him

No. 481089

checked the mail in the heavy rain, hair soaked and bottom of my flares have mud alll for nothing. Using this as fuel for my foreseeable unhinged written letters

No. 481090

He could smell your lc weegeewife juices on the letter and it scared him and he accidentally peed on the letter. Send him another so he can apologize

No. 481091

File: 1738854529741.png (8.54 MB, 1500x4176, page_1.png)

>making fanfiction about his family members now

No. 481092

I’m sad weegee hasn’t sent me back his filled out sudoku grid that I made for him, stupid retard.

No. 481093

File: 1738854562016.png (4.67 MB, 1500x2827, page_2.png)

cringe pt. 2

No. 481094

I have stopped religiously checking the mail, it’s so Joever
Probably gonna draft something up next week but I don’t know what to write to prompt a response. I have dignity so I don’t want to larp as a retarded mother of five.

No. 481095

This is so insane

No. 481096

This is awful, worse than the one she made where the prison librarian tells Luigi he is the reason she speaks to her estranged son again. If this woman gets a letter back from him I fucking swear…

No. 481097

kekkkkkk this is so cringe please stop this shit

No. 481098

honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she got a response knowing how retarded he is

No. 481100

this is so invasive. What the fuck is wrong with this person

No. 481105

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No. 481106

samefag I know these are the type of people getting responses

No. 481107

I wanna do this but my printer sucks
If that were the case shrine nonny would get a letter, no? I wonder if she has sent one. Plus I have crystals, if I make a shrine and pray to it will he finally respond? He is such a wanton whore.

No. 481110

I'm overdosing on cringe rn

No. 481115

File: 1738857330187.jpeg (643.04 KB, 1125x1251, IMG_4116.jpeg)

The most entertaining thing is watching the r/FreeLuigi mod get called out and fighting with people in a different subreddit kek this case really brought out so many schizos

>LogicalComplaint1982 got a response from Luigi (of course no proof was provided) and wanted to share something of what the letter said until the power tripping mod swoops in and privately messages them to not say anything because of gag orders and blah blah blah

No. 481116

File: 1738857364114.jpeg (823.69 KB, 1106x1856, IMG_4115.jpeg)

part 2

No. 481119

File: 1738857921770.jpeg (475.8 KB, 1179x1191, IMG_5189.jpeg)

is he retarded? i love him

No. 481120

Wonder if he has some burner account that he is now terrified people will find

No. 481121

Can someone translate this schizobabble to me.
Also it seems suspicious that Luigi would be surprised that people would see his twitter (then again, he is incredibly mentally retarded so I can see this as not being a shock)
I know she at least showed the envelope. But it seems weird that NO ONE showed the contents.
I hope logical infights with the plebbit jannie so hard she has a breakdown and reveals all the contents of the letter publicly just to spite her. If she did that she would become the queen of the weegeewives

No. 481122

Is Luigi that retarded? How could he be a computer geek but have such shit opsec and not even realize? Smells fake based on this alone kek
Or this I guess

No. 481123

I had a fantasy where I'd let him hide from the police in my basement, but he would be chained up. I would go to work in the day and come back to him awaiting for me. I'd cuddle with him on the ground of the basement telling him this is the only way for him to be safe

No. 481125

I don’t think any of them are telling the truth they refuse to show the stamp in the right corner

No. 481126

Maybe he's intimidated

No. 481127

Fuck it, until someone itt gets a response all letters are FAKE

No. 481128

very interesting, i'm inclined to believe this because of his now well established retardation. i wonder if someone has sent him a letter telling him about gurwinder and his twitter daddies throwing him under the bus. his opsec was complete dogshit but that's mr. "my tech is pretty locked down because i work in engineering so probably not much info there" for you kek
someone send him a letter taunting him about his burner

No. 481129

This 100%
Reddit is mainstream bullshit, full of BPDs whose lies aren't questioned but instead encouraged and validated.
Anyone trying that bullshit here would be openly met with skepticism and mocked ruthlessly if they failed to provide adequate evidence.
I know if Luigi responded to my letter I'd share far more than anyone else. Maybe not things I thought could get him in trouble, and definitely not any personal information about me, but I'd show legit contents of the letters, like in his handwriting. AND ID SHOW THE FUCKING STAMP

No. 481130

I find it a bit disheartening that we put in a lot of effort to our letters, being polite, sending drawings, puzzles and asking him non invasive questions and we get nothing. Then comes along a few schizos who cry over him and just being blatantly retarded and boom…response from him…I want to punch him in the face so bad.

No. 481131

Nonna they're very much not getting responses. They're just living their fantasies in reddit comment sections

No. 481132

No don’t mar his face. Sit on it instead, until he starts trying to tap out because he can’t breathe.

No. 481133

I'm assuming his shock if related to the reddit account that was a burner. Some schizo found it by connecting the dots with the subreddits he posted in.

No. 481134

this is the guy who was looking up to someone like gurwinder. you need to cut him some slack, he was in the wrong circles - keep writing letters so he can see the light

No. 481135

>until he starts trying to tap out
No. she can get off when he passes out.

No. 481140

The mister cactus one or another entirely diff from that? I could’ve sworn his links/name was attached to the mister_cactus acc

No. 481141

Wait until he realizes we found sexytwerker69 he will piss himself

No. 481142

File: 1738860734908.png (1.77 MB, 1280x1598, 1735406443317.png)

I want to tell him we found his Steam account where he has a screenshots of the word HOMO being burned in Little Inferno.

No. 481144

File: 1738860861740.png (23.68 KB, 1054x103, cactus.png)

just noticed this titbit from the mister cactus account where he talks about his minimalist travel bag. he uses the USB for his "movie backlog" - do nonnas think this means he documented his travels in video form or is he talking about movies to watch? I am asking because he also said he uses the iphone to "document life in HD."

No. 481146

Both probably. I bet The Lion King is on there. Also he is such a larper kek

No. 481148

I enjoyed this particular post of his since I’m also into the one bag/minimalist lifestyle, but he had way too much in his tech/charging section, I know some of the items he lists off don’t take up much space but if he was truly a minimalist he could easily get by with just his iPhone.

sorry for minimalism sperging

No. 481152

He is a larper thats why. He wanted to be a minimalist so badly but couldn’t Let Go, hence his need for Buddhism. Well it’s too late now.

No. 481155

He was definitely a larper plus him seeking comfort with grifters and manosphere faggots just adds to his retardation. Can’t fix stupid.

No. 481159

File: 1738863224385.mp4 (17.56 MB, 1280x720, Who Is Luigi Mangione Trailer…)

mayor adams the ugly frog, nypd chief of detectives and gurwinder will be featured in a documentary about Luigi, what the fuck. someone needs to put gurwinder down immediately, enough of this retard's face and thoughts already. they used the reddit post he quoted in his Unabomber manifesto review as if he said it himself too kek

No. 481161

Another doc about him? This is so fucked. It’s just a jerk off party at this point.

No. 481163

This entire thing is so disgusting. Also, it's going to be airing Feburary 17th, days before his appearance in court. They're trying so fucking hard to make people hate him.

No. 481166

File: 1738863866237.gif (5.7 MB, 800x450, 86357623.gif)

yes nonny, another one. the grift never stops
they're doing it on purpose and not even trying to hide it, knowing there's a high chance of trump pardoning adams makes me sick

No. 481167

it’s the same regurgitated shit just with more unnecessary commentary from grifting faggots and sound effects kek

No. 481168

>nypd cheif
was that that inbred troll looking nepo baby billionare bitch?

No. 481169

Imagine if that person on that self subreddit never dug up Luigi’s Reddit. That should’ve never happened. Idc what the news media says, all the main narratives about him are these people’s fault, that surfbreak guy’s fault, and the Thailand guys too.
And the news media didn’t even know about the Ted review until someone on Twitter screenshotted it. This trailer including a typing part in this of something he didn’t even say omg. When Gurwinder went on CNN about Luigi I wonder if he even spoke to gurwinder about UK healthcare or if he just made that up.

No. 481170

That’s fine and not an invasion of privacy but sharing a sentence from Luigi’s letter is

No. 481171

>poisoned frog mayor having the gall to show his criminal face in public to tell us what a naughty boy luigi is
>The absolute dicksucking of brian thomson
>the guy LUIGI FUCKING PAID MONEY TO (should have paid us to sit on your retarded face, luigi!!!!)
Are they even going to include Luigi saying Kaczynskis crimes were cringe in the same review they are quoting?
I hate the media. I hope 40 page schizo goes after them.

No. 481173

Seeing this Gurwinder faggot speak pisses me off. I hate autistic moids so much.

No. 481175

File: 1738864672720.gif (189.62 KB, 220x124, angry-1947008122.gif)

No. 481176

gurwinder is really trying to make a career out of having a 2 hour conversation with luigi its so pathetic and the mayor basically confirmed what kfa said about him he really is using him to distract from his own issues

No. 481181

no but redditors are genuinely the worst they are spreading the most shit about him but no they're protecting his privacy on top of diagnosing him with multiple mental illnesses thinking they figured out what his defense should do but they dont let him speak in his own words by gatekeeping all letters

No. 481182

File: 1738865256847.jpeg (555 KB, 1179x1620, IMG_5190.jpeg)

No idea what the original deleted tweet was even about, I just hate this faggot’s attitude so bad. Luigi I love you, why bother with these retard grifters?

No. 481183

Damn he doesn’t give a shit about Luigi.

No. 481187

My hatred for this autistic bong is unreal right now.

No. 481188

File: 1738865504630.png (76.56 KB, 656x427, 7657777.png)

this moid has no fucking soul (so typical moid). Gives off pic rel energy

No. 481189

If I write another letter Luigi doesn’t respond to then I am going to write him that every grifter he looked up to publicly spoke out against him, that some shared private chats, and found him very annoying.

No. 481191

can someone like Michael Moore please make a counter documentary calling out these grifting retards dicksucking the soulless healthcare corpos and the corrupt mayor who is clearly trying to cover his own ass

No. 481192

I mean, moore already made a documentary on health insurance. He was even mentioned in the alleged manifesto and moore made a response to it

No. 481193

michael moore made a lengthy post on facebook to btfo Luigi

No. 481194

I hate this faggot

No. 481196

>moore btfo luigi on facebook
I know he said "murder is bad slave morality good mkay" on his website but I didn't know he shit on luigi (wouldnt surprise me because hes a mainstream media bootlicker)

No. 481197

what a disgusting, pudgy, no chin having, dysgenic looking faggot. he's truly a fucking disgrace, no redeeming qualities whatsoever. shit looks and shit attitude. imagine looking like that and having the nerve to act catty too kek what a bitch i wish him the worst

No. 481200

Can someone invite this person to LC so they can share their letter in here? It seems they want to share but the stupid bitch is not letting it happen.

No. 481201

could've sworn he basically supported him while making the generic "murder is bad" statement. sad.

No. 481202

if luigi paid me 200 dollars to vc with me I would have been like "Luigi is so nice and he didn't shoot brian thomson" Until my dying breath.
Moids are such backstabbers to eachother.

No. 481205

We don’t need normies here
I want Luigi to know they all hate him

No. 481206

so, is there a possible silver lining to this shitty documentary? like would it be possible to use it in court as further evidence of politicization and influencing possible jury members?

No. 481208

>like would it be possible to use it in court as further evidence of politicization and influencing possible jury members?
no. it might be pointed to on appeal. but you can't present evidence during the trial that you aren't getting a fair trial, it just doesn't work like that.

No. 481209

These writers luigi liked are all about men needing to go out to change the world with their overflowing testosterone while women should stay at home. Of course these grifters are doing fuck all themselves, just dicking around on twitter without creating anything of value. If it looks like luigi got inspired by their bs (which sadly i think was the case) it will make them look bad, so they all disavowed him like the spineless fucks they are. God forbid some impressionable young guy takes the the shit I spew to heart. I hope they all die from dysentery.

No. 481212

>luigis mind was poisoned by ragebait addicted grifters
Zoomer moids are doomed.

No. 481213

This whole thing has been very revealing to me on how hypocritical men are. They often like to spew the lie that women are all back-stabbing, catty, and are shitty friends to each other. Moids are so power-hungry that they will throw away all morals and are even bigger backstabbers than women can ever be which is why most people in power are men. That autistic faggot is so desperate to gain publicity from this that he is basically shitting on and exploiting Luigi's goodwill and admiration towards him. It's fucked up.

No. 481215

Luigi deserves to know these males hate him and cry himself to sleep about it. It’s what he gets for falling for the idea of male solidarity or whatever shit to begin with.

No. 481217

I hope his book gets reviewbombed like an altoona mcdonalds in late december and then forgotten.
Then I want luigi to publish a book and for it to outsell the grifters book so he shits himself and alogs himself in shame

No. 481219

How did the grifters backstab Luigi? They are e-celebs and he was just another follower, a complete stranger to them. They don't owe him anything.

No. 481221

To be fair he did speak personally to some of them and paid one 200 bucks to do so

No. 481224

it makes me sick that these retards think they will get more money hating on luigi

No. 481225

Yeah they interacted because the grifters make money by engaging with NPCs on social media.
They still don't owe him anything tho

No. 481226

> It’s what he gets for falling for the idea of male solidarity or whatever shit to begin with.
there might be a reason he only responds to mail by women now. Learned too little too late.

No. 481227

well in the case of gurwinder he is presenting himself as luigis friend to the media and calming he was the last person he talked to which are both lies its extremely pathetic

No. 481228

Tracy was more Luigis friend than autistwinder

No. 481229

They don’t you’re right which is why Luigi needs to be punished with the truth

No. 481230

I don't see griftwinder claiming to be his friend. He was one of the last people to see Luigi before he disappeared.
I think the crime documentaries are obvious cash/fame grabs, but that's a separate issue. There's no reason for any of these people to have any loyalty to Luigi.
Out of everyone, the only two I think really stabbed Luigi in the back was the Hawaiian landlord, and Tracy. Those two knew Luigi well enough and long enough that they shouldn't have talked and arguably did owe Luigi some consideration.

No. 481238

People need to blame and shame griftwinder. Tell him he could have prevented Thomsons death if he had just been a proper mentor to Luigi instead of a loser failure. Tell him he should be ashamed of himself and if he has any ounce of dignity he should go into hiding and delete all his social media.

No. 481239

Maybe it isn't backstabbing but it's disgusting behavior that exploits his trust. The other grifters haven't stooped that low. Look at Jash for instance. Him participating in the TMZ documentary is of course likely an attempt at promoting his book. However, the guy actually met Luigi and chose not to even talk that much about their meeting.

No. 481242

i dont know if you saw his first interviews but he was introduced as his friend/ someone he is close with he even pretended to cry lol also no he was not the last person to see him they had a videocall in april

No. 481245

Don't forget Fatsey who immediately presumed guilt.

No. 481250

File: 1738869300412.jpg (114.19 KB, 667x1000, 1234415_full.jpg)

Anyone think Luigi looks like a white Quincy Brown (ironically Diddlers son)?

No. 481251

Not at all

No. 481253

Yeah I see it

No. 481254

>i dont know if you saw his first interviews but he was introduced as his friend/ someone he is close with he even pretended to cry lol also no he was not the last person to see him they had a videocall in april
wait anon are you referring to guruwinder or to the Hawaiian man? I can't tell by your comment

No. 481258

im talking about guruwinder but the landlord guy is worse ofcourse

No. 481265

The landlord spilled that Luigi’s cock broke kek

No. 481269

The landlord was just upset that Luigi got himself a rich Asian gf despite his non-functioning cock while his broke ass could only have an Asian gf with fucked up teeth

No. 481271

No. 481274

Tracey’s husband is the landlord?!?

No. 481275

No, and also, I thought the landlord's wife was white? I'm confused kek

No. 481279

File: 1738872681022.jpeg (816.48 KB, 1179x1899, IMG_5192.jpeg)

NAYRT, but he did claim he was “friendly” with Luigi. Sure Gurwinder doesn’t owe loyalty to Luigi, but comments like “Your idol Luigi liked my writing enough to pay $200 for it ;-)” is just nasty work kek fuck that faggot

No. 481282

ntayrt and i have no idea about his wife, but i recall a chinese girl talking about him being a creep and making women uncomfortable. iirc, she mentioned him being exclusively weird towards asian women but i could be making that part up kek she posted about it on rednote, i think it was the ice cream girl. he is a pervert and should be put down

No. 481283

The true yellow fever fag
Poor Luigi. I need him to know these males don’t give a fuck about him. He needs to feel humiliated for ever falling for their scams.

No. 481284

Landlord recently got engaged to the chinese girl with the fucked up teeth. He kept his ig public until people realized he was a creep

No. 481286

So he got engaged to weewee’s ex? Awkward kek

No. 481287

>I need him to know these males don’t give a fuck about him. He needs to feel humiliated for ever falling for their scams.
I have a feeling he knows. I suspect seething moids have written to Luigi
>erm I'll have you know your heroes disavowed you sir, and your friend said your dick doesn't work
That would totally be some shit an envious scrote would write, to try and hurt Luigi.

No. 481288

Eh I feel like moids who hate Luigi aren’t bothering to write to him

No. 481291

Wait, who are we talking?

No. 481293

>doesn't owe loyalty to Luigi
I guarantee this literal who has benefitted immensely off of Luigi at this point. The fact that he's stabbing him in the back makes this guy even more despicable.

No. 481295

i'd guess RJ, surfbreak's founder

No. 481298

Wait, he's with Sydney or some other Chinese woman? I am confused.

No. 481300

I got that but who is the girl with the fucked up teeth and who is ice cream girl

No. 481302

idk you might be surprised. He might have some hate mail from scrotes and reading it makes him cringe

No. 481303

File: 1738874473606.webp (57.87 KB, 640x1143, icecream.webp)

i have no idea who the girl with fucked up teeth is but based on what we've seen, it could be sydney, the girl luigi supposedly dated. the ice cream girl is the one who posted this photo

No. 481304

Those are just bitches that lived at Surfbreak.

No. 481306

Wait if his ex is with the LL is that how the LL knows about Luigi’s dick issues? That sucks kek

No. 481309

Isn't Sydney working at some company in San Francisco now?

No. 481320

File: 1738875998207.jpeg (106.72 KB, 828x506, IMG_2069.jpeg)

Kek this girl is analyzing weegee’s xeets and coming up with counter arguments for them in her letter. Am I too tame or is this acc kind of an insane thing to do??

No. 481322

it's kind of cringe

No. 481326

Well shes gonna almost definitely get a response sigh. Also this is insanity, why would he give a fuck for one, and for two I would say it’s creepy but with who gets replies I no longer believe in the ‘dont be parasocial!’ meme.

No. 481327

is she being serious thinking that she'll actually get a response from MDC/Luigi that says she's blocked? KEK

No. 481328

So annoying this page saying he has an frat accent even tho he doesn’t. And another Twitt page said he was a nerd only because he said “thanks for the response” on something.

No. 481329

>frat accent
What does this mean. Also no.

No. 481330

File: 1738876925228.jpg (371.14 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_1380.jpg)

she has to be a teenager, no?

No. 481331

i think he'd like this

No. 481332

I guess we all need to seem like retarded teens for him to respond. Shame.

No. 481333

samefag i checked her twitter she's in her mid to late 20s and has bpd, of course

No. 481334

File: 1738877311679.png (364.31 KB, 746x446, 2323023.png)

no stickers allowed
your letter is going in the trash girl

No. 481335

kek honestly I applaud her for such bravery still cringe though

No. 481336

yep, she's getting a response even if there are stickers on her letter. fuck this gay earth.

No. 481337

Retarded parasocial teen or autist mom of 5. There is no in between

No. 481340

File: 1738877523079.webp (29.45 KB, 1200x675, IMG_4112.webp)

watching all the bpd bitches getting responses from weegee. what a sad state of affairs.

No. 481341

Unfortunately, that’s just the twitter image stickers you can add to photos. It’s fucking over if she gets a response

No. 481342

It looks edited on to me
The in between is having bpd

No. 481345

File: 1738877761845.png (645.05 KB, 1280x720, GhwFJH59J.png)

bpd bitches stay winning, it is what it is. there's no hope

No. 481346


No. 481347

File: 1738877907430.png (64.64 KB, 307x249, pain.png)

>wrote to him in my letter about my socially healthy and active hobbies and asked him light-hearted questions to try to lift his mood
>it's going to be ignored for the bpdemons' letters

No. 481351

I have no idea what she meant. I think she’s implying he speaks slow/drags out his words even though he doesn’t at all. His voice is just deep. Nutty people shouldn't be talking about him yet they keep screeching

No. 481352

just write him again and pretend to be crazy this time. don't mention your previous letter
he gets so many letters there's no way he can remember

No. 481353

File: 1738878142247.jpeg (65.33 KB, 640x607, IMG_4024.jpeg)

No. 481356

ok, i'll wait until after next month probably. this month will probably be crazy for him due to the court appearances as well as valentine's day. his mail box will probably be flooded. after that, i'll take a chance and show him my unrestrained autism in letter form.

No. 481357

I felt the same but seeing people say they sent letters in Jan and got responses is making me mad at him. Should have gotten a letter already. If Luigi wants to play his little game he better be prepared for my schizosona.

No. 481360

File: 1738879390436.jpeg (168.84 KB, 1036x1065, IMG_4119.jpeg)

sigh…I hate you weegee

No. 481362

I only have two of these. No bingo for me. Fuck you, Luigi.

No. 481365

I only have a Twitter acc and I don’t even post it’s so over

No. 481366

File: 1738879906726.jpeg (61.83 KB, 744x832, IMG_5194.jpeg)

autismo with a twitter account is all i got

No. 481367

You need to add reddit account also

No. 481368

oh shit thank that’s what I was missing! any other suggestions, ladies?

No. 481372


No. 481373

writes like a teenager

No. 481375

Thinks he's smart?

No. 481378

Good one. Sees him as a genius and sees him as a god, two separate boxes.

No. 481380

Fuck. I’m in my mid 30s and married. I should’ve written a letter.

No. 481382

It's not too late (I think). You're probably our best shot at getting a letter without gatekeeping retards interfering.

No. 481383

Do it, mention your child/ren but do not mention a husband. Also if you’re autistic, say so.

No. 481398

No kids, no confirmed autism but I do have autistic hobbies, no bpd but on antipsychotics for bipolar which is probably worse, not fat, no reddit, similar career to him. I've been drafting this letter in my mind since december and telling myself I'm not allowed to follow through. Is this my sign? Do I put down my meds, pick up a pen and go full manic on him?

No. 481403

>no kids
He wants single moms! Get pregnant then send the letter.

No. 481404

>mid to late 30s
>Disabled child
>free space
kaczynski stan
no but maybe because my mom is
>twitter account
not diagnosed but I have retardation

What are my chances?

No. 481408

you are way overthinking. honestly that seems to be the biggest issue with nonnies.
the plebbitors, twitter tards, tiktokers, all of them just jumped right in and wrote to him.
most of LC weegee wives here seem to be agonizing over what they're going to write like you're super neurotic just fucking send something

No. 481409

>do I put down my meds
No but tell Luigi about how you are on meds and tell him about all your most unhinged manic episodes. Threaten to stop taking them if he doesn't write back. It will make him pee

No. 481411

Slim. No BPD, no kid, and having a husband is a no. I don't know why married is on there, who is married that received a letter? She-wolf? Did she even get a letter or is she a faker?
Would sending a letter telling him about my trauma and dead mom make him answer me? I kept my first unanswered letter normal but maybe I should go full parasocial crybaby.
>it will make him pee
The highest honor.

No. 481412

If I gain 15 to 20 pounds, I could probably get the fat square and get a bingo. Time to get grubbin'.

No. 481413

unironically trauma dumping might be a good strategy. Just remember apathetic popo moid pigs will also be reading it (but then again they read everything).

No. 481414

If anyone is gonna write ask him to draw a little cow so you can post it as proof here

No. 481417

File: 1738884984886.jpg (44.94 KB, 772x800, hes sooo quirky.jpg)

I have dignity though and trauma dumping is cringy as shit to me I don't even talk about that shit with anyone, it's just entertaining to consider it might be the only thing that works. Anything else I could autistically discuss would probably intimidate him. I should have never used big words in my letter. I apologized if my questions were trite, he probably thinks that's a type of insect. How was I meant to know he's this stupid? This sucks.

No. 481418

"Dear Luigi,
You are retarded. Why would you pay and ugly moid 200 dollars you fucking retard?
PS, I love you and I'm gonna rape you."

How's that?

No. 481420

>tissues on bed

No. 481423

>banana in hand

No. 481427

File: 1738886678949.jpeg (198.28 KB, 1294x1038, IMG_5238.jpeg)

Don’t forget: Luigi, on his own birthday, also purchased Gurwinder a six month subscription to some sort of app

No. 481431

>on his own birthday
That's incredibly sad and pathetic. Luigi really needed a real girlfriend, the fuck.

No. 481432

Gurwinder is an evil faggot. I don't care if he didn't actually owe Luigi anything. When someone, especially a paying customer and fan, is treating you with this much respect and kindness, I'd say it's backstabbing behavior to start to talk shit and engage in smear pieces about them. He's proof autistic moids have no souls.

No. 481434

midwit behavior

No. 481435

You guys ever meet men? You don't actually take what they say at face value, right?

No. 481436

Luigi is honestly the definition of midwit. He is the Dunning-Krueger syndrome by proxy. People think he's a genius and are shilling him as a genius but it's clear he's average. He was strong academically, sure, but plenty of midwits are. He's a himbo. Was it Pilots who said that he's so smart that you need to write to him a certain way for him to understand the mind of a pleb or something along those lines?

No. 481437

Let this be a lesson.
Moids aint shit but hos and tricks.
Luigi clearly became a male pickme. He's a rare scrote with empathy had sympathy for retarded incels or something and wanted to fix them by being a role model to them or some shit. But instead he just won over women who recognize objective morality in a way cull scrotes can't.
If Luigi had stuck to women he could have found a partner in crime who would have ensured he got away with it and not done this gay sitting in a fucking mcdonalds with every last shred of incriminating evidence on his person. what the fucking fuck luigi?

No. 481439

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No. 481440

What are you saying? The recipients are women
He needed to dedicate himself purely to pussy worship

No. 481441

god that’s so pathetic

No. 481443

I'm saying that all moids love bippies/crazies, in fact I'd say they have a preference for them.

No. 481444

Kek even worse.
>he's very intelligent his wording will probably be different than ours
Speak for yourself, roses are red violets are blue writing motherfucker

No. 481447

File: 1738888881266.png (829.01 KB, 880x1232, 1737085239990.png)

our little retard climbed mount misogyny because the divine goddess spirit was sending him a sign that he needed to abandon his desires to appeal to his fellow defective y chromosomes.
Stupid idiot thought he was just being horny.

No. 481448

I know a lot of women on LC don't believe in hate-fucking but I want to hate-fuck him because I'm mad.

No. 481451

I’m a retarded 35 yr old single mom that makes lots of money. Hes eating Funyuns because of me AND I sent him a letter AND books on Buddhism. He could at least write me back even tho I’m not fat and lack full blown autism and BPD.

I won’t lie tho, the fact that he’s responding to special needs obese retards makes him cuter. I love how stupid he is.

No. 481452

kekkkk nonny i understand you though he’s eating good because of us, honey buns and funyuns.

No. 481453

I'm so glad there are more mid-30s women here like me. Although I'm not married, have no kids, and don't have BPD so I'm not getting a response RIP.

No. 481454

Surprised he hasn't yet, you're his type. What Buddhism books did you send him and when did they get delivered? It might be time to pull his funyun funds until he responds.

No. 481455

Idk why some are disappointed in him preferring such unhinged letters. When the 40page belly chain wearing women came up I already said this kind of bpd style most likely will capture his interest

No. 481457

I'm gonna say it. Maybe it's my period but if this faggot doesn't respond to me, or at least one of us, I hope he gets the death penalty and they record it.

No. 481460

A couple zuihitsu books written by Kamo no Chome and literally Buddhism for dummies kek. Not sure when they were delivered, I’d have to dig for the email if I didn’t delete it out of personal cringe and embarrassment. But I sent them shortly after Christmas along with my lame one page letter. I’m sure he received none of it.

No. 481463

Actually I lied, I sent two pages but one was a letter and the other page was a super gay poem.

No. 481464

Same length of letter and date it was sent. Yeah he probably shoved them up his pisshole.

No. 481465

Some parts of my letter are super cringe and might make me seem slightly unhinged.. maybe he will like that..

No. 481467

Our definition of unhinged probably doesn't shine a candle to the unhingedness of someone with BPD

No. 481478

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Also, just had a random thought that he might have dumped his girlfriends because they might have been too normie for him and weren't bpdchans.

No. 481480

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No because if you're going to destroy my dreams I am going to destroy yours. I am not a normie like his ex's but I am not a BPD cringelord manic pixie dream whatever, so he can either respond to a partially unhinged true esoteric intellectual LC weegeewife or he can get the electric chair naked with me watching behind the one-way mirror. No ifs, ands, or buts. And that's final.

No. 481482

Luigi’s Oedipus complex is making me so horny

No. 481485

>I'm saying that all moids love bippies/crazies, in fact I'd say they have a preference for them.
They do but only because of the idealization phase BPDemonds go through, and also because of the emotionally instability of BPD makes moids feel like heroes.
They get tired of it quick though unless she's very attractive, and sometimes even then…

No. 481486

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It's pretty based.

No. 481487

Then he'll just cycle to another one and never be happy. Best thing for him is being in prison.

No. 481488

i was thinkin about how weegee accused that twitter account of being a catfish
maybe the reason he is gravitting towards fat/old/crazy women is because they are unlikely to be catfishes.
Maybe that's why you nonnies that were highly calculated in your letter writing
and made yourselves sound low-key amazing
maybe you have triggered his paranoia and he thinks you're a fed catfishing him

No. 481491

time to include pics in my letters

No. 481493

Mine has drawings that are clearly not done by the feds. I have a sneaking suspicion though that Luigi doesn't reply to artists. Fucking hate him, stupid retard.

No. 481495

He doesn't reply to anybody except crazy retards so don't feel too bad or singled out by it.

No. 481508

No. 481510

A little less than two months ago I was blissfully daydreaming about piss pants stretched curls weegee and inserting photos of him specifically the mugshot pics and I into some Chinese AI baby generator app, now I want to hurt him and degrade him in a letter for ignoring us. it’s so over for me, I’ll never understand him

No. 481512

Me too I am going to fantasize about torturing him tonight so hopefully he has a nightmare and wakes up scared.

No. 481513

Based. This is what he deserves for replying to Plebbit-using BPDemons.

No. 481546

File: 1738905012950.jpeg (205.08 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_4122.jpeg)

updated retard bingo

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