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No. 475042

No. 475044

File: 1737591775900.png (362.89 KB, 825x744, 1735441653545.png)

missing him

No. 475046

File: 1737591863171.png (1001.89 KB, 854x798, oh this is sweet.png)

Imagine snuggling and cuddling with him and falling asleep with your face against his very accommodating, warm throat. And his arms are around you and his shoulders are so big and soft. And you can feel the smile on his face against the top of your head as he falls asleep and dreams of being his lion king OC with you.

No. 475047

File: 1737592117711.png (6.37 KB, 890x759, 1726947186158502.png)

Found the perfect portrait of the rapenonas in these theads.

No. 475048

every song i hear i think of him. i don't like it.

No. 475049

Wrong, I have 2 eyes.

No. 475050

Does his obsession with books come from watching Elon's interviews? Elon used to say that he reads a lot of books and that's how he became successful. Clearly Luigi was obsessed with becoming successful in life and being an ivy league graduate with lower GPA due to focus issues then getting fired from Truecar might have messed with his head. Add to that the spine issues, man was clearly depressed. Maybe (if he's actually the shooter) he wanted to become successful and praised one way or another and killing someone despicable and high profile was his solution. Still a retard looking at how he handled the aftermath and the cops.

No. 475051

This is the dumbest theory ever, I'm sorry.

No. 475052

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More like pic rel

No. 475058

I get the feeling Luigi isn't going to write anymore letters to strangers. Seems like the amount of mail increased once news spread that he was actually replying to people. It's likely overwhelming him and might even be causing issues since you even have retards now trying to contact other inmates about him. The only proof that anyone got a letter is from the California woman and Pilots and they both got letters late December.

No. 475059

Hoping that no one has actually sent any letters to the other inmates regarding Luigi, it's only going to cause resentment for all parties involved. Imagine being some rotting prisoner and hearing that someone sent you a letter and you think it's a family member or you got picked as someone's prison pen-pal and it's a fucking 17 year old asking about the new pretty boy. I wouldn't be surprised if Luigi stopped replying, plus it must be tiring. It's better to just send books and hope they get delivered and take solace imagining that the book you sent has offered him even just a minute of comfort and insight among his probably very stressful and busy day.

No. 475060

Elon says he read a lot of books.
Luigi actually read a lot of books.

Also, he didn't get fired from Truecar, he quit. I already lined up that his motives likely originated from volunteering at the extraordinarily shitty but profitable nursing homes his family owns and then slowly built up over time.
He may have also been buck broken by Kaczynski. He's a moid with empathy, if you have empathy Kaczynski WILL hurt you.
I don't think he did the crime to be praised. He really could have gotten away. I think he did it to raise awareness about how evil and genocidal up our health insurance scam has gotten.

No. 475061

>shitty blurry threadpic
>no recap last anon spent time working on
wow thanks.

No. 475063

It also lines up with the theory that he has issues with his parents. His family partaking in a such an exploitative and parasitic business likely created a lot of friction between him and his parents. The entire family seems to comprise of the type of wealthy conservatives who have that selfish "fuck you, got mine" mentality.

No. 475064

do u have a better picture of luigis ass?

No. 475065

So he's resentful towards his family's line of business yet accepts their help in hiring a lawyer that will cost them millions over the years?

No. 475066

thanks for the shitty low effort thread.

No. 475067

I don't see where's the problem with that

No. 475068

The kind-hearted nonnie always returns sooner or later with her recap. But maybe instead of bitching do it yourself

No. 475069

I wouldn't be surprised if Karen is working pro bono. FFS she's even outfit twinning with him.
Either way, I don't think Luigi hates his family. I think he just hated the way their nursing homes would exploit and abuse the elderly and infirm. He might have also seen them get fucked over my insurance.
TBH it's clear he hated the health insurance system more than anything else.

No. 475070

I mean, is there really anything of note to recap? The last thread was just a lot of getting mad at retards.

No. 475071

They're all shitty and low effort without any real updates.
What else is he supposed to do
Pro boner more like

No. 475072

Stop expecting shit to be served to you hand on foot and then shitting yourself when someone else does something and it's not to your liking.
God I miss the super ovulation wave. Now it's the super PMS nuke.

No. 475073

File: 1737593942266.jpeg (67.81 KB, 520x590, IMG_4014.jpeg)

recapnonny reporting for duty! will be working on the recap once I’m off from work in the meantime here’s a retarded edit as a thank you for your patience.

No. 475076

Karen is getting paid in cunnilingus

No. 475077

it takes two seconds to paste the last recap in the comment box and the thread-pic is objectively stupid. maybe next time someone less retarded will do it after seeing this, stfu w your wk'ing(infighting)

No. 475078

He cuts contact with family to do things his own way but now he's a complete burden to them. If the goal is to waste their money on lawyers then it dilutes the idea that he was doing it solely for the benefit of the people and was ready to pay the price by being imprisoned. His motive is muddled.

No. 475080

I doubt he actually hates them. He likely has conflicting feelings about them but they've also done a lot to show that they love him seeing that they gave him a good lifestyle and education. Plus, he has no choice at this point. His life is on the line.

No. 475083

I am going to masturbate tonight in order to cleanse this thread, don't you worry. I will cum.
We don't exactly know his motive considering his manifesto not only sucks but also glows. Maybe he really was just trying to wave at Brian Thompson but the gun went off.

No. 475084

It would be in the best interest of prison officials to reject such letters, that kind of shit stirring shouldn't be tolerated. I'd assume such a protocol is already in place since there are already some notorious prisoners in that same jail.
Does he have a choice though? I highly doubt he has enough money to his name to be able to fight his case without completely running out of money. Even for his families tax bracket, the cost of hiring two afternotes has to hurt.
She gets to carpool with her husband and save on gas, kek.
I think in the event that he is found guilty and he spends the rest of his life in jail he will probably reply to people more regularly, but prioritize his family. I can imagine he wouldn't have many people outside them that he would want to talk to, his friends have already turned on their back on him.

No. 475086

I really doubt it's pro bono, this case will take years and it costs a pretty penny to hire expert witnesses to convince the jury.

No. 475087

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Pro boner.

No. 475088

This doesn't dilute the messeage at all. He cut ties to plan his attack and not because he wanted to safe money

No. 475089

Fuck it imma send my third letter to him this week, the theme is Valentine's Day kekkk

No. 475090

Luigi pouting in misery at your letter because he'll never celebrate Valentine's Day again

No. 475091

Damn that's sad

No. 475092

>she doesn't like luigis blurry ass

No. 475093

He's sort of sacrificing his future inheritance too. He could have just went off and lived a comfortable life, but he gave it all up including his family wealth

No. 475095

As someone who grew up with a family with a lot of money I can tell you I would have rather been poor and loved with a healthy family dynamic than what I got.

No. 475096

I think that's kinda the point that he doesn't give a shit.

No. 475098

He is probably gonna be showered with a million valentines day letters wtf are you talking about

No. 475099

What are you talking about? He's in prison. He'll never take any of those girls out on a date.

No. 475100

I mean Luigi couldn't live comfortably supporting a system that directly caused others to suffer.
Is it really that hard to believe not everyone is like "fuck you I've got mine"

No. 475101

A female prison guard will date him on valentines day in his cell. She'll sneak him mochi ice cream and then sit on his face.

No. 475103

Do you think he's so jaded by shitty love letters at this point that he now quickly filters and dumps anything that comes off as remotely vapid? Actually he's probably doing that to most letters now including mine. Never receiving a reply.

No. 475104

we already had this topic he didnt struggle in upenn he graduated with a bachlor and masters degree in 4 years with honors

No. 475105

She will sneak the mochi ice cream in her vagina you mean, then sit on his face and let him find it?
If I were in Luigi's place I'd be pissed at vapid love letters it'd make me so blue balled I'd be whacking my shit against the prison bars just for some action.

No. 475108

that's why I don't agree with the other anon that his message is muddled, solely based on the premise of his family footing the bill

No. 475110

So he's not really a revolutionary but someone who merely wanted to spend his family's dishonorably earned money and sully their last name? A true revolutionary would have owned up to whatever he did and serve his time without a fuss.

No. 475112

He was manic I tell yous

No. 475114

Them mushrooms triggered mania

No. 475115

File: 1737596181082.png (3.35 MB, 1598x2048, 1734745442182.png)

Maybe. Or a general mental break. I wonder if we'll ever know the type of psychedelics he meddled in. Probably just generic shroomies. If he was smart he would have microdosed.

No. 475118

Really shit picture choice.

No. 475119

His pink nose and ears are so cute. God i bet he looks so sexy when he’s crying. Fuuuuuu

No. 475120

File: 1737596474032.jpeg (49.02 KB, 590x393, IMG_7161.jpeg)

Y'all think he got out of mania once the cops caught him or no?

No. 475121

Stop I can't afford to ovulate again.
After the pizza yes, but in your pic it crept back up on him again

No. 475122


Revolutionaries aren’t defined by quietly serving time or fitting some romanticized script of rebellion. Their actions disrupt systems and force confrontation with uncomfortable truths, intentional or not. Using family resources doesn’t make him dishonorable in any way

No. 475123

That's precisely why he look extra hot in the perp walk, god i hope he cries in court at one point and Karen has to console him.

No. 475125

Fuck I hope so, I can't take it.

No. 475127

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You know he will. I hope he sobs like a little bitch.

No. 475128

Sploosh for ants. Can artnonny come back and draw Luigi crying beautifully like an angel?

No. 475130

Fuck it I am going to touch myself I can't fucking take it anymore

No. 475131

Thank you for the recap.

No. 475134

File: 1737597987584.jpg (51.43 KB, 610x350, 1520156447525.jpg)

it sucks as much as the thread itself. you left out anons verifying at least one of the letters are fake and the speculation about his cousin. why did either poster bother at all? this thread has the most low effort archivers, holy fuck.

No. 475135

Do it yourself

No. 475136

File: 1737598217578.gif (851.79 KB, 498x280, will-smith-chris-rock-29019872…)

Keep recapnonnas name out your FUCKING MOUTH

No. 475137

File: 1737598309409.png (2.33 MB, 1170x1354, nyaaaa.png)

ty recapnonna for your hard work!

No. 475138

Can we find out that cousin's name within this thread? PLS

No. 475140

nonny just do the recap yourself I honestly don’t care if you take over I know it’s shitty just trying my best when sifting through infighting and meltdowns

No. 475141

Are you fucking serious? Because his family footed the lawyer bill that suddenly means brian thomsons memed out murder was suddenly not meaningful?
What in the collective lolcow PMS meltdown are you talking about?

No. 475142

Ignore the frustrated non, you always did a great job

No. 475143

File: 1737598608850.png (1.34 MB, 1125x1396, ;3.png)

I can't wait till we are ovulating again. I think the ovulation will stick around longer since our pussies will be all excited for Luigi to show up. We will be clutching onto our eggs for dear life

No. 475144

He has 37 cousins and some of them probably don't have social media. Good luck.

No. 475145

You mean expelling eggs at a rapid almost unheard of rate

No. 475146

Unfortunately she left out most of the in interesting parts of the last thread. Frustrated-anon could have improved her tone but wants the thread to be easy to read and sort through. Everyone coming to the defense of bad recaps/threads aren't really helping in the long run

No. 475147

Alright recap nona delete it and redo it

No. 475148

File: 1737599017337.png (30.06 KB, 275x226, IMG_3984.png)

deleted the recap one of you can do it now kek

No. 475149

what was the most interesting part? why couldnt a nona add to what she forgot in a response instead of just shitting everywhere. I'd add stuff but Im retarded and don't have sorting autism.

No. 475150

Sorry for the angst you're experiencing anon. I will honour your starter recap and have a full one up by tomorrow, unless there's a shy autist who would love the job (since I have one that is demanding)

No. 475151

30 days left until the state court date… unless this one gets delayed too

No. 475152

File: 1737599249198.png (1.6 MB, 874x1370, 65u46u65r.png)

Dont jinx it or I will alog in front of the courthouse

No. 475153

Noooo what the fuck
In 30 days I might be ovulating… peak ovulation. No matter what happens I am forcing an egg down my tube on that date.

No. 475154

File: 1737599577888.jpg (20.25 KB, 704x396, JUST_AS_PLANNED-3837709858.jpg)

Luigi is gonna eyefuck us until we are pregnant with his eyefuck babies.
Then we will get visitation rights
then we will rape him

No. 475155

it’s okay nonny, it’s fair criticism so I’m not hurt about it, thank you for volunteering to do the recap!

No. 475156

Some women are actually flying in to see him too kek

No. 475157

We will get another pencil drawn Luigi Coin poster and the lucky girls will see him for 14 seconds before he is ushered into the building and they won’t have the foresight to take pics and vids of him before he vanishes so they can share with us online.

No. 475158

I kind of would wanna take a little week long road trip to see Luigi….

No. 475166

and like a typical moid he will select a harem of about the 10 prettiest ones to send him nudes, while ignoring the rest

No. 475167

>I already lined up that his motives likely originated from volunteering at the extraordinarily shitty but profitable nursing homes his family owns and then slowly built up over time.
You don't know that Luigi even volunteered there. His parents owned it. They could just say he did it so he'd have volunteer work to add to his college applications or whatever. You're reading way too much into that alleged volunteer work.
Even if he volunteered, Luigi wouldn't have done anything significant anyway, being a minor and not being a CNA or PCA.
Nonnie's theory >>475050 makes much more sense

No. 475168

When I was combing through Pilotsfan2 (Debora) reddit account she also mentioned going down there to support him in February kek

No. 475169

I bet she's going to drag her autistic son with her kek.

No. 475172

Dragging your autistic kid to NY all because you’re horny for some 26 year old guy kekkkkk

No. 475174

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NAYRT, but he did volunteer there per his LinkedIn

No. 475175

Luigi literally had written down in his linkedin that he volunteered at his parents nursing homes when he was 16. I don't see why he wouldn't considering there was a really good chance he would have been in line to inheriting a partial ownership of them like a shitload of other people in his family.
He might have not done anything significant for sure while volunteering, but the fact that 85% of the patients do not get to the toilets on time, he probably saw some fucked up shit.

The other nonas shit about being valedictorian and going to Ivy League to become successful just doesn't hold water to me. Yes, there are kids who go to the good schools to become successful. But I think Luigi's path was mostly shaped by the fact that A: He was a good student and B: His parents expected it of him.
Finally, he didn't get fired from Truecar, he quit.
I've seen/known these types of people follow this near identical path before, nona.

No. 475176

File: 1737603051521.png (27.27 KB, 232x262, 1733954391906.png)

Luigi is not going to get to choose. He is going to be raped.

No. 475178

Ok? Again, there is nothing stopping him from simply lying about this. Not hard to understand.
And, again, "volunteer work" at his age would just entail washing dishes or whatever. It's not like he was diapering sick old people and washing their bedsores.
All nursing homes are bad it's not like his was especially bad. They're all getting sued all the time.
The volunteer experience, if it even happened, is a nothingburger imo

No. 475181

File: 1737603625484.webp (293.32 KB, 2438x1562, free-luigi-demonstrators-gathe…)

He likely doesn't understand and will be confused and annoyed over it considering he's a full-grown, low-functioning fat autist. Pilots and her son are probably going to be good smear material for journos to photograph in order paint Luigi fans as ugly and mentally ill, just like those obese Redditors in PA. It's embarrassing to think about.

No. 475182

>All nursing homes are bad it's not like his was especially bad
Nona the national average of abuse citations is 9. The Mangione owned nursing home has 24.
It's not a stretch to say that maybe this had an effect on the kind of guy who while in japan, went to the police when he saw a guy who was having a seizure on the street, and by all his friends who said he was always trying to do stuff for them.
I really think Luigi is the kind of guy who legitimately cares about other people.

No. 475183

File: 1737604129546.gif (78.44 KB, 220x173, 7823893223.gif)

>I really think Luigi is the kind of guy who legitimately cares about other people.
Just because I disagree with the nursing home experience contributing to his motive doesn't mean that I believe Luigi doesn't have empathy and consideration for other people.
ffs the black-or-white thinking in these threads is rly tiresome

No. 475185

File: 1737604188279.png (248.27 KB, 474x502, 3444444444444242.png)

yeah it sucks that protesters kind of are lame.
I feel like nothing is going to ultimately change and kids are gonna continue shooting each other instead of rich assholes who exploit them and have created this dystopia to begin with.
I still love Luigi though.

No. 475188

You were agreeing with the other nona that he was just doing it for fame and recognition earlier.

No. 475194

>You were agreeing with the other nona that he was just doing it for fame and recognition earlier.
>just doing it for fame and recognition
That's not even close to what she said about Luigi. >>475050
Either you're arguing in bad faith or you lack reading comprehension.

No. 475196

>successful and praised somehow isn't the same as fame and recognition
Spare me your semantics games.
Also that nona was fucking retarded. She said he got into reading because of elon musk. That has to be the most brainlet take I have ever fucking read in my life

No. 475198

File: 1737605857925.png (229.78 KB, 747x1182, 579438.png)

do we believe that 40 page schizo spoke to one of luigi's cousins? also why would she give an interview to the media they'll make her sound way more demented, i found one of her plebbit accounts and she has sent him 8 books already kek

No. 475200

I doubt it's real. It's almost certainly just more schizo delusions kek. I doubt Luigi's family wants anything to do with the bpd- and schizo-infested fandom. The media is absolutely looking for mentally ill individuals though to make Luigi look bad so, yeah, I can believe that some journo interviewed her.

No. 475201

40 page is gonna brute force her way onto Luigis cock

No. 475202

Oh ffs that's not what I said. He wasn't just reading those books, he was studying them to the point of summarizing them in a separate notebook because he believed he would be successful if he did everything written in there. He was looking for the best way to eat, the best way to exercise, the most efficient way to live etc he was obsessed with optimizing everything but he still wasn't happy with who he was so he spiraled and that spiraling was potentially accelerated by the drugs he got into.

No. 475203

do you think 40 page schizo is gonna end up on dr phil?
I wanna see that. I hope Dr phil tries to insult Luigi and she attacks him on live tv. I will leave Luigi for her if she kills dr phil on tv

No. 475204

Luigi didn't take notes of Elon Musks books. He took notes of some other self help books. It was less about being successful and more about health and wellbeing. The world around him is too bleak for his mental health though. Anyone with half a brain and half a sense of self awareness goes insane seeing how shitty the world and people are.

No. 475206

nonny, i completely forgot about dr phil's team reaching out to weegee wives on shittok and other platforms. we need her to do him like arthur did murray

No. 475207

It's a very good take nonnie, and even if it's not what actually happened (we're all speculating, after all) you presented it in a perfectly reasonable and respectful way.
That anon is just obnoxiously overbearing and takes over every fucking thread and gaslights anyone that doesn't share their opinions and their very specific Luigi headcanon by accusing them of "infighting" or posting bait.

No. 475208

I will go full lesbian if schizo kills Dr.Phil holy shit.

No. 475209

disagreeing=/=gaslighting. Quit your seething and accusing me of shit I didn't do. Relax

No. 475215

>Anyone with half a brain and half a sense of self awareness goes insane seeing how shitty the world and people are.
Midwit take.There are smart people who are optimists.

No. 475217

File: 1737609180258.gif (841.95 KB, 500x263, gm3kkbo.gif)

true, it's a thoroughly debunked myth that smart people are sadder/more cynical than brainlets. numerous credible studies indicate that it's the opposite kek

No. 475218

File: 1737609801867.jpg (65.19 KB, 900x750, ted-kaczynski-3-845291502.jpg)

No. 475219

so it’s safe to assume that he has stopped responding to letters completely(?)

I understand he has an 80 stamps per month limit but it only takes 1 stamp to send a letter or maybe he’s just busy preparing for trial with Karen

No. 475220

We don't know. It's just that only two people so far have provided receipts of having received actual letters. If the rumors are to be believed, he has thousands of letters sent to him at this point. It has to be overwhelming for anyone to decide which ones to even bother replying to.

No. 475222

That makes sense, he also seems like someone to take the time to read every single letter (even the schizo ones). He’s also probably being diligent with who to respond to hopefully it’s one of us. I’ll live vicariously through the lucky nonny.

No. 475223

watch as one of us actually got a response but wont talk about it since there's always some cortisol addict who will shit on her for it

No. 475224

Same. My biggest wish is that I get a response for mine but I have my doubts I'll get a letter due to my shit luck and especially since I have horribly sinned in these threads, essentially cursing me from ever getting one. I just really hope someone here gets one because I am sick of Redditors getting everything.

No. 475226

File: 1737610816696.gif (2.76 MB, 191x275, 1736615237307.gif)

This is such moid-based reasoning kek If Luigi had been driven insane and hopeless by the world he wouldn't have bothered committing a symbolic and public assassination to uplift his entire country. He'd just whine on reddit and take opiates til he accidentally overdosed while cooming. Luigi wasn't insane, this was well-calculated and teeming with optimism. Christ look at the way he was strutting for the cameras during his most recent Sexy Perp Walk. Anons need to stop projecting their inner void on Our Eternally Optimistic Luigi of Light. It should be obvious you're doing that when you're hyper-focusing on self help books he probably didn't think about after reading and ignoring the big picture, which (I repeat) is the assassination itself. That he planned and ~executed~ in great detail. We can speculate on how/why he got caught but it doens't prove he was mentally ill or despondent. This anon >>475215 is correct and your posts are rife with midwittery and reddit/scrote-tier insults and bad taste in gifs. Go find some unpublished study to prove me wrong

No. 475228

Excluding a few who I’ve seen confirm they’ve gotten a response from him via random comment sections, I've only seen pilots receipts. who was this other one??

No. 475230

Some woman from California who posted a screenshot to a Signal group of her USPS Informed Delivery email showing a letter from Luigi. The screenshot was then posted to Reddit after a mod approved it. Pretty sure she was the first one to have shown actual receipts of her getting a letter.

No. 475231

File: 1737611500869.jpeg (153.37 KB, 1125x507, 1736884235935.jpeg)

For reference.

No. 475232

I see , thank you sweet nonnny

No. 475233

>so it’s safe to assume that he has stopped responding to letters completely(?)
not really? as has been pointed out many times before: most ppl who receive letters back from Luigi won't be sharing them. most of the people writing to him aren't doing it for clout.
and to anyone discouraged that they haven't received a reply just keep writing bro. you have literally nothing to lose

No. 475234

i got me a book of stamps and a 100 pack white envelopes, imma write them letters n imma get my money's worth. ain't nobody stoppin me now. make the mailmen w o r k

No. 475235

I don't know if I should ever write back to him if he doesn't reply in the next two months. I wrote in the last part of my letter that he could write me back if he wanted to hear back from me and see more drawings. If he doesn't respond though and I keep sending him letters, I'm going to feel like an invasive jackass and he'll probably remember who I am because I drew some pretty distinct artwork.

No. 475236

Do you have any fav conspiracy theories about this case?
I saw one on reddit that said the missing luigi and luigi in custody are two different people kek

No. 475241

File: 1737614526025.jpeg (447.2 KB, 1179x836, IMG_4425.jpeg)

I’ve never stopped thinking about this guy on twitter I saw like a month ago theorizing that Luigi’s Surf Break landlord/roommate RJ Martin indoctrinated him by introducing him to the works of Ted K and that RJ Martin is the real shooter.

No. 475245

real schizo hours

No. 475252

File: 1737616689976.png (625.09 KB, 654x1946, weegee bio history.png)

i've had this saved for awhile but i forgot to post it, this xitter moid has a bot that shows you the bio history for any twitter account and you can see that on january 26, 2024, weegee apparently changed his bio to 'broke my spine so i'm a little nuts now'. something that stuck out to me, was that his bio was changed the day he was caught. the time doesn't make sense, but i think it's because the moid lives in another country. it's such a small change, i wonder if he felt they were closing in on him and that's what he was doing on his laptop kek

No. 475255

Was it changed then? It looks like on the 7th of May it was taken out. But idk how to read this shit.
It is also weird that it says something about being on twitter 10 hours after he was caught though. I don't know if that's just the program screen grabbing or if he logged onto twitter while in custody???

Im so angry. I don't want him locked up for life. I don't care if he killed an ugly faggot.

No. 475258

Thanks for sharing this anon.
So, Luigi changed his bio on May 7, 2024. The day after his 26th birthday.
He would've been kicked off his parents' health insurance when he turned 26. Not saying being kicked off their insurance is relevant to his motive, necessarily, just that the timing is interesting.
I think the bio change suggests his mind was made up at that point. And that Luigi doesn't want to be portrayed as someone who did the killing as like a personal vendetta because of his health struggles. He doesn't want it to look petty and personal.
I wonder if there is a way to see when he changed his banner to include the spine picture?

No. 475259

read it bottom-up. him being on twitter 10 hours after he was caught is because the moid who made the bot is from pakistan i think, so it shows pakistan time instead of EST. it would've been changed at 9:34, and the cops were called at around 9:30.

i'm so angry, mad and sad too, nonny. it's ridiculous. i hope karen can do something about it, but it's looking bleak

No. 475260

>something that stuck out to me, was that his bio was changed the day he was caught.
It looks like the only change he made was
what a weird thing to do

No. 475262

you're so right about him changing it the day after his birthday, i didn't even notice. i also believe he had already made up his mind, considering he wrote in his diary back in august that the details were coming together after procrastinating

No. 475265

Well they said he was on a laptop at the McDonalds. Guess yeah, he was probably fucking around on shitter one last time.
I mean this kind of makes my "he turned himself in" conspiracy kind of hold water. Maybe he wasn't gonna turn himself in but the hotel was closed (Fuck), or maybe he was gonna turn himself in after getting a good night sleep.
I don't know. I don't want Luigi in prison. I want him free. I would be so happy. If we were in some fucked up clown world and Trump had some uncharacteristic spergout and pardoned Luigi, I would actually stan that fat ugly rapist.
But we all know that's never going to happen because Trump is the final boss of betabux and hates when one of his own gets killed.

My only hope now is 40 page schizo tackling and biting off Dr.Phils face on live TV after Dr.Phil says some stupid shit like "Luigi is a monster and he deserves the death sentence for shooting a father in the back!"

No. 475266

File: 1737618232714.png (3.15 MB, 788x2000, Sonic.png)

Nona… Luigi is fucking retarded.

No. 475270

If he wanted to turn himself in why bother escaping ny? Why all the jacket switcheroo's and double backpacks?

Dem flippers

No. 475271

File: 1737618846622.png (371.2 KB, 377x787, 1737533629963.png)

>If he wanted to turn himself in why bother escaping ny? Why all the jacket switcheroo's and double backpacks?
A combination of retardation and autism. While the 286 theory is really fucking stupid he might have actually gone to that god damn Altoona McDonalds just for one last meme before he was taken away.
God he's so stupid. I want to slap him so hard before I sit on his stupid face.

No. 475289

that sounds like the type of joke he would make

No. 475290

Just theorizing but depending on how long he had been planning the shooting (my guess is he entertained the idea for a long ass time), maybe he didn't have relationships because he thought no woman would like him if she knew the truth? luigi is consent king and doesn't trick women

No. 475291

Same fag but also is anybody else mildly disturbed by how much info you can retain from somebody's twitter and stuff, after it was deleted?! The fuck

No. 475293

I'm more disturbed by the amount of pictures we have of him, all the way back to his childhood
I doubt you could find that many of me, but I wonder if he thought the same

No. 475294

If I was a sex symbol chiseled by roman goods for the good of mankind there would be a billion pictures of me too. I'm not so there aren't. But I'm not surprised

No. 475314

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No. 475323

context? who are these plp

No. 475326

Soz, it was under the video of Tracey drunk in the Target and Luigi going "mango bayBEE" I thought it was funny someone not only thought he was mocking an Asian accent (???) but also that he has an Italian accent and can speak Italian. Have these people never met an Italian-American before?

No. 475329

lol plp are really dumb i doubt he speaks any italian he is 4th gen, he apparently had latin and spanish in school

No. 475331

thats really interesting i haven't seen this anywhere else also wasnt his twitter deleted and then restored when he was first revealed was anything changed

No. 475334

It makes me sad to think he was in pain because of his back. It’s not fair he should have been with me.

No. 475335

i can’t abide the thought that luigi is rotting in a prison cell somewhere surrounded by ugly violent stinky moids. they don’t deserve his company.

No. 475337

File: 1737643096394.jpeg (213.91 KB, 800x738, IMG_1798.jpeg)

The pics keep coming and they won't stop coming

No. 475339

He has books at least.
Such a beautiful cutie, I want to snuggle with him

No. 475341

rare uggo

No. 475344

an article by an inmate in the pennsylvania prison, so it was true that they liked him funny how they also thought he was retarded for getting caught like that
>>Now, nearly 2,000 of us are part of that story. No matter what, Mangione is and will forever be an SCI Huntingdon alumnus. His brothers here will intently follow his case as it moves forward through the criminal justice system, all the while telling anyone who’ll listen, if it had been them, what they would have done to keep from getting arrested in the first place.

No. 475346

He looks sweet there wdym! He is a nerd.

No. 475349

File: 1737644944716.jpg (774.61 KB, 828x1935, Kfa.jpg)

this was before she was retained she really believes in his cause lol

No. 475350

nonnie he looks like he has the taco shits in that pic

No. 475351

File: 1737645126860.jpg (1.12 MB, 1080x1988, Mdc.jpg)

samefag these are his current prison conditions, dorm style sounds really horrible

No. 475352

No he doesn’t, he would be way sweatier and not smiling, he just looks like gay Fatsey is copping a feel of his ass
He is no longer alone? That sucks. How will he keep his letters and books? Does he have a little locker? I hope he has been hitting the gym and ping pong tables.

No. 475354

i wonder if he's just passing all the women's letters around to his roommates kek.

No. 475356

Imagine him and Sam Bankman-Fried laughing at our cringe letters.

No. 475357

If it is those weird ones then that’s deserved. Imagine cartel members laughing at poor pilots’ poetry.

No. 475358

I'm too lazy to go back and read the past two threads but does this shore up the kiwifag's letter or more proof that it's fake? I don't think the kiwifag mentioned dorm housing, did they?

No. 475359

She mentioned I think that Luigi’s cell reminds him of his friend’s dorm in college which makes no sense kek

No. 475360

The kiwi tranny claims that Luigi wrote to him saying he is staying in a single cell. More proof that kiwi tranny is full of shit.

No. 475363

God bless this power couple

No. 475364

I am looking at the Kiwifag's letter again and he claims that Luigi is being prescribed medication that he refuses to take. Is that even actually a thing in prison?

No. 475366

she said diddy and sbf share cell which is impossible

No. 475367

Maybe if you receive a diagnosis but it all seems like fanfic based on One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
Creative writing practice

No. 475368

File: 1737647522144.png (110.7 KB, 1566x673, 7531834.png)

which one of you is this who is that desperate for moid and tranny approval?

No. 475370

>implying there is one rapenona and one pissnona
Cringe, whoever this is go back and stay back.

No. 475374

I guess that's why I'm having a hard time buying it because even though I get that psychiatric care happens in prison, the whole thing sounds like a creative writing exercise. Luigi has barely even been there for a month and medical staff is apparently in short supply. Unless he has some sort of pre-existing diagnosis on his medical records, I find it hard to believe they'd diagnose and push meds on him so quickly and that he'd even be sharing that kind of sensitive information to a rando as if they were some trusted friend.

No. 475375

embarrassing we are traitors here

No. 475377

Day 11 of violently masturbating until Luigi writes me a letter. It's beginning to really hurt (my heart)

No. 475380

I'm a little concerned that she did an interview where she said the evidence was overwhelming and he should go for an insanity plea
But it doesn't seem he's doing that

No. 475384

File: 1737648578615.gif (3.87 MB, 576x491, my autistic son.gif)

He's letting his insanity/autism speak for himself

No. 475394

I wonder what does this faggot have to say about the fact that we now have actual prisoners giving interviews, describing the conditions and housing configurations in the prison, that completely contradict the kiwitroon's claims? On top of all the other discrepancies we have exposed?
Keep coping kiwifats

No. 475402

If this faggot is reading this right now, the main issue is that we can't even consider the information Helvetia is reporting to be trustworthy all while she's making retarded excuses to cover up her own lies (i.e. "he signed with an M and a smiley face but, oops, I thought what was an M was actually a mark below the paper", trying to pass off the signature on Pilots' envelope as her own before editing her post to give another bullshit excuse that she didn't mean to do that). She even refuses to give even the most basic receipts because "muh privacy." Please never come back here.

No. 475405

Don't forget the stamps that were never mailed. Kiwitards are so fucking stupid

No. 475409

this is the biggest piece of evidence dont know why kiwitroons are so stupid

No. 475412

It's a drawback of forums, people get very circlejerky because it's not anonymous. Plus, Helvetroon says he's a woman and goes around being the qUiRkY Luigiwife personality on the site so you have dumbass moids defending him instead of looking at his claims critically.

No. 475419

What would be something a woman equivalent (or higher) of Luigi be pulling off? I'm curious to see what schemes nonas can think of kek

No. 475420

What do you mean? Crime-wise?

No. 475423

i cant answer that without fedposting kek

No. 475431

Helvetroon and her chasers. What a sad little corner of the internet.

No. 475432

You know they don't post. Only their bedicked queen has the advanced skills to larp as a female. They just lurk.
We probably got a reputation of being the #1 source for verified weegee content so even then they need to go here because all they have is histrionic compulsive liars.

No. 475436

Luigi really didn't start to get hot until he was 20.

No. 475437

File: 1737654996184.png (76.38 KB, 1517x295, fat.png)

Soft Boi confirmed to be a simp for fat fuck, broken-dicked Josh. Of course, """she""" doesn't post here.

No. 475440

He was so cute when he was 18 I would kiss him and smooch him 100%, he is aging well so far

No. 475441

Who is Josh? I don't keep up with this shit

No. 475442

The fat soy owner of Kiwifarms

No. 475443

Oooo. Also isn't the name "soft boi" commonly used by TIFs?

No. 475444

Soft Boi has always been a retard. Most kiwis with reg dates after the 2016 election are.

No. 475445

File: 1737655758721.gif (1.03 MB, 451x447, 1735006134528.gif)

Luigi was "unconventional attractive male" until he was 20 imo. Then he became just plain hot. Personally I think that adds to his charm because guys who are pretty around puberty get conceited.
I want him to keep getting hotter for the next 20 year but I feel like that's a big ask.

No. 475446

File: 1737655778914.gif (73.45 KB, 275x268, IMG_3608.gif)

Irrelevant retard…cleansing the thread with weegee

No. 475447

My crack theory is that’s the baiter here who believes in gender shit and says that calling Luigi submissive is feminizing him.

No. 475448

I'm going to be sad if the stress of prison life is going to make him hit the wall fast. Someone should tell him he needs to try to get tretinoin prescribed to him in prison.

No. 475453

When he was 18 he was so kawaii though, definitely not unconventional at least not face structure wise.
Hope he hits that prison gym

No. 475454

File: 1737656333344.png (298.95 KB, 544x259, 4656564654.png)

>You're just jealous she got a letter before you did
What an absolutely braindead take. I, like everyone else here, actually WANTS to see letters from him no matter who receives him. We actually care about Luigi and want to know he's doing well. If softbois retarded troonqueen actually had received a letter from him we would super happy for her. But she is turbo full of shit and bad at lying to boot.
What an absolutely braindead cope. It's even sadder that he is defending "her" lying.

No. 475455

Who tf is making shit up now, SBF has been moved to California already he never met Luigi

No. 475456

File: 1737656429065.gif (6.83 MB, 660x392, IMG_3995.gif)

luigi showing his cartel and fraudster cell mates pilotsfan2 cringe poetry kek

No. 475457

Did he move to cali? I thought he was only there temporarily and came back.

No. 475461

To be fair, some people were seething about the possibility of a Kiwitard getting a letter before us. I don't think they were being that serious though and it shouldn't invalidate our criticisms. I just want some sort of actual confirmation from Luigi that he's doing okay like Helvetroon is claiming with his imaginary letter.

No. 475462

File: 1737656627040.mp4 (16.4 MB, 720x1280, 1737656094803.mp4)

god bless chinese people

No. 475464

Gorgeous, emotional, tired, dreamy. Look at the way the chains tug from his long strides.

No. 475468

File: 1737657312931.png (134.05 KB, 288x441, 1736390643918.png)

Personally I had been excited someone outside of reddit had gotten a letter (I don't know shit about KF other than it seems kind of like a psychotic forum) because they don't have strict mod rules about posting the content.
But it quickly became abundantly clear than the troon was lying.
Luigi is so god damn beautiful. It's not right to lock him up. I don't care if he killed an ugly beaver ass CEO who made money off of bankrupting his scammed customers into destitution. Luigi isn't a real criminal and deserves to be free. Corrupt CEOs lives shouldn't be valued as much as regular hard working civilians who make money contributing to society or innocents who don't cause harm to others.
If there's a CEO whos business is based off of doing good things for society at large then that would be different. But until health insurance actually makes healthcare better for patients, then it clearly is a net negative for society. The whole business model of united healthcare is corrupt.
Luigi is not a criminal regardless of whether he killed Thomson or not. If they really want to punish him they should let us rape him until he gets at least 10,000 women pregnant.

No. 475469

I suspect people need to lower their expectations regarding letters, luigi didn't go to prison to find penpals. I was a bit surprised he wrote to anyone before the trial. Him and Karen are probably thinking about pr too, if it looks at all like he is basking in his fame that's not a good look at all

No. 475474

I still think they should stage a sexy mock execution with some light whipping and spanking beforehand.
Don’t say that or he might not eye fuck the cameras next appearance!

No. 475480

File: 1737658487656.png (627.11 KB, 489x807, 5465656654.png)

I still think the should put ceremonial paint on him like pic rel and strip him down to nothing but a loincloth and some paint on his body. Luigi loves the sensation of paint on his nipples. Make it like a primitive style offering with him tied up. Illuminated by torches in a big arena where everyone can watch the breeding.

No. 475482

The breeding comes after the mock execution and will not be televised, which is fine because we will all be there

No. 475483

I hope he gets life so he doesn't have to read this thread.

No. 475486

>Thinking normigi would ever find out about lolcow
Go back

No. 475488

Issa joke

No. 475490

File: 1737659322993.png (5.06 MB, 2500x1667, learning about lolcow wigiwive…)

go cry to kiwifarms

No. 475491

>radicalized into shooting someone in the street

No. 475492

File: 1737659485810.mp4 (3.15 MB, 720x804, 4345353544.mp4)

Being a pest exterminator is a very normie profession.

No. 475493

I have thought about what he would think if he ever knew we were bullying his friends by giving them mean nicknames like "Fatsey."

No. 475494

What's your deal
I wonder how he'd feel about Fatsey posting what he posted

No. 475495

i don't think he would mind. would they air out everything if they valued his friendship in the first place?

No. 475496

He'd probably think fatsey was retarded for publicly dramaposting about him on his social media for everyone to see.

No. 475507

We're only bullying fazsey for cumming on his pictures

No. 475509

Dont forget he used Ethel Cain funeral dirge music for his soppy apology

No. 475516

File: 1737661978308.jpg (221.26 KB, 1080x1077, 1736107809883.jpg)

Anyone who is defending fatsey is probably a fat moid who backstabs their friends.
Lets be real, if you were involved in a high profile case (not yet convicted either and you pled not guilty) and your "friend" made a public call-out post of you on their social media heavily implying that they already believe you're guilty, would you seriously consider them a real friend anymore?
Even if I was as kind hearted as Luigi, I would be seriously disappointed that someone I considered my friend was making smear content on me.
Like if I was Luigi's friend, if I REALLY thought me and Luigi had a bond at some point in time, I'd just be sending him a letter to see how he's doing and supporting him. After all, Luigi STILL hasn't been convicted.

No. 475519

Yeah, crime-wise, hypothetically of course. I'd imagine one of those popular OnlyFans women reaching her breaking point, baiting and inviting many of her high roller fans and just taking out the trash.

No. 475520

What would go down if Dr. Phil puts 40 page schizo on his show and then trash talks her husbando.

No. 475521

One woman has sex with one hundred and ONE men! But they are led into a gas chamber.

No. 475522

thats not true you're not up to date he moved back to mdc for his appeal there is even a recent picture of him

No. 475523

The past couple of threads have really had weegeewives on a warpath. Both against outsiders and each other. It's so sad, we're really going through Weegee withdrawals
Thank you for blessing the thread with the best fan content (outside of our resident artnonnies' creations ofc) we've gotten from the whole spectacle. I'll never get over that beat drop/execution combo

No. 475524

Its mostly KF baiters camping the thread

No. 475525

Luigi probably realized that none of the people he made effort for returned the favors and that's partially also why he cut everyone off

No. 475527

File: 1737663661548.png (595.4 KB, 485x646, 3455555555555555.png)

Now that the one kiwitroon straight up came out that he was here I strongly believe that to be true. Even if we are all having a collective PMS I still stand by that real LC weegeewives are a peaceful species and only attack those who go after their broodstallion.
Be on the lookout nonnies, don't be afraid to report for bait.

No. 475528

I'm sure someone as popular as Luigi probably does have a few legit friends he cut off because he was too retarded to open up to them/was mentally traumatized by the abundance of his fake friends. But we won't hear about Luigi's real friends because they aren't attention whores.

No. 475531

A lot of the criticism has been directed to people who hang out in this thread all the time and sperg out on anons who don't use the thread for deep meaningful friendships and connections with other (anonymous) women but because they're interested in actual Luigi news and new content. I find this thread too full of nonsense to find interesting info but a lot of the sincere moments where cute things happen are nice or ironically being a wigi-wife, in a cult-like way. That's why there was discussion about having two threads before anons freaked out and nothing was ever resolved (other than people who don't like this are called trolls/baiters).

Anyways I'm the anon who said they would make a cohesive recap but I want to do a good job so I'm going to post it over the weekend. I think that will solve a lot of issues, either way

No. 475535

Never was defending Fatsey. Just found the idea of Luigi stumbling upon this thread full of strangers insulting his friends with mean nicknames funny kek. I imagine he is too nice to them anyways because he is a retard and if he is ever free, he would probably forgive them because, again, he is a retard.

No. 475536

Just a heads up, nona this thread will likely be done/close to done by the weekend. I like OG recapnona because she recaps at the beginning of the thread.

No. 475538

>if he is ever free, he would probably forgive them because, again, he is a retard.
maybe he'd forgive them, but I think there's a chance that prison could harden him and teach him not to be a doormat to fake friends. he may have always kept people at arms length because deep down he didn't trust anyone.

No. 475539

I don’t know why you think anyone here posts to be best friends with other anons. Everyone is here for Luigi content.

No. 475540

recap-nonny here, had to delete the one I made since it was pretty sloppy which I sincerely apologize for the ovulation wave has hit me too kek

No. 475541

I was planning on recapping the entirety of the Luigi threads so that the entire Wigi-chronology is cohesive but anon is free to post her recap as well

No. 475542

File: 1737665418565.png (32.72 KB, 141x148, 65676576557.png)

>making an entire wigipedia

No. 475543

File: 1737665420025.gif (2.53 MB, 400x225, IMG_4031.gif)

samefag here’s a new weegee gift as an apology

No. 475545

It is necessary and other anons are too horny to focus on it. This is why I'll need the weekend, for breaks

No. 475547

You'd think with all these gifs there'd be more videos of Luigi talking.

No. 475548

He is so cute I could die. They really put this man in a prison.

No. 475550

his voice is too powerful nonny the wave of orgasms he would cause would be catastrophic and hot

No. 475553

I want Luigi to be pardoned, find this thread, and read about all the nonas who love him and want to fuck him but unanimously agree he is retarded as shit

No. 475555

He would love it

No. 475559

sooooo perfect

No. 475560

would bernie pardon luigi

No. 475561

god he is so cute i love him can any of his attention seeker friends post a video of him talking

No. 475562

I tell myself yes. But it would be more based to live in the timeline where AOC becomes president and she pardons him but only on the condition that he eats her pussy on live tv

No. 475564

If the federal charges stick, maybe. However, the President can't pardon state charges which Luigi will almost certainly get.

No. 475568

all i do is cry itt

No. 475576

Lovely hands.
I really fancy 16 - 18 year old wegie.

No. 475577

H-how old are you

No. 475578

he was 19 there

No. 475581

gross hebephile nona

No. 475584

Alright nonnies I'm weaponizing my autism

I'm about to find Waluigi's name

Hopefully tonight, wish me luck KEKEKEKKK

No. 475587

Good luck
>mfw his name is Wally Igi

No. 475588

Do you think Luigi knows about Tracey putting their friendship on blast from all the plebbit letters addressing him as "Lulu"

No. 475589

Her husband is a true cuck

No. 475590

Godspeed. The fujos are dying for canon information for the incest fics to come.

No. 475591

No. I don’t know who would tell him. I hope Karen secretly feeds him the memes and our posts when she meets with him.

No. 475594

Good luck! Start with the nursing homes since that is connected to a lot of weewee family

No. 475595

The Lulu nickname something lost in translation because Chinese people call him that

No. 475600

Sorry realized I just misinterpreted this. Yeah maybe, kek.
They might call him that though because of Tracey or that one Chinese post about him replacing icecream

No. 475617

I hate to say this because I've sent two letters so far but I don't think Luigi will reply to letters until after the trial is over for legal reasons. I agree with the Nonna who said it will paint a bad picture in court.

No. 475618

File: 1737675854224.png (Spoiler Image,421.95 KB, 1303x751, 1735066635098.png)

Do you think Karen spanked him when she learned he already responded to a few letters

No. 475630

File: 1737676543587.gif (71.33 KB, 290x202, 1729291475056.gif)

>BPD Single Mom Pilots and Mystery California Redditor won over all of us
It's so fucking over.

No. 475632

File: 1737676911644.png (153.65 KB, 211x327, fetus wigi.png)

good luck, nonny ♥. i tried to find him a couple days ago to no success, his cousin's last name could be zannino or baker.

No. 475633

I'm still not giving up hope. Im sure luigi can tell a few fans he's doing fine

No. 475635

File: 1737677107650.webp (108.36 KB, 1080x1383, joever.webp)

He used the Mark Rosario ID to check in at the New York hostel.

No. 475636

The mod for /r/freeluigi said she's been shown five letters that were from Luigi. I wonder if he's written anything more than just "I am fine" type messages.

No. 475637

His last name could be very Italian or very generic? What a strange turn of events. Also why is Elliot Rodger manhandling Wigi in your pic
He probably thought he was so cool making up that name

No. 475639

File: 1737677877545.png (38.52 KB, 308x482, luigi cousins.png)

yeah, i found it weird but his aunt's last name is zannino-baker. elliot rodger was shorter than 15 year old wigi

No. 475640

Luigi's cousin is definitely on the Zannino side

No. 475641

File: 1737678024562.jpeg (11.64 KB, 225x225, IMG_6964.jpeg)

Okay, I wrote him another letter that was way more schizo, autistic, and longer than my previous letter. I’m scared that this one will be rejected cause the stuff I talked about is quite weird and depressing.

No. 475642

File: 1737678053078.jpeg (124.71 KB, 736x1308, 1736776550857.jpeg)

it is a cool name

No. 475644

Based. Keep writing him nona. Use him as your emotional tampon

No. 475645

what did you write in the letter

No. 475646

Imagine he gets your first, normal letter then gets the schizo letter and gets sad thinking you've had a mental break
Beautiful eyeball

No. 475647

File: 1737678452574.png (2.83 MB, 1125x1265, 1735070123500.png)

Do you think Luigi will have that unibrow next month?

No. 475648

Think I'll keep sending retarded drawings with increasingly retarded stories to Luigi. This will be his punishment for not replying to me.

No. 475649

I've been wondering about this. Will he be groomed or will he show up like a wild beast, chains and all?
Well tomorrow marks a month since my letter was picked up so I'll probably send another one mid-Feb. Imagine he does read the letters, at least in a cursory way, and he witnesses them all getting more and more deranged

No. 475650

I was also thinking about just sending one a month but I won't be putting full effort into them like my first one. They will probably be more shitposty than anything. I hope he will at least be amused by autistic humor.

No. 475651

Interesting, I can't imagine sending him a shitposty letter because I don't know what I'd say. Probably encouraging him to get ripped at the prison gym.

No. 475653

My life basically but if you want specifics. I talked about my mental health and struggle with suicidal ideation and psychotic symptoms, my art and how he inspired me to delve more into realism. I also talked about my previous experimentation with drugs, education, my future internship, brief touch of gnosticism lol and my creative autistic ideas I want to make into a comics or a visual novel.

No. 475654

Fellow Gnosticism fan? Also I'd stray away from any mention of drugs.

No. 475656

Too late, I already put it in the mailbox. It’s so over. Another letter in the shredder, I suppose but it’s like 4 pages so I hope they don’t throw it away.

No. 475657

I dont think it matters the length of the letter. Maybe you will get lucky and it gets returned to you.

No. 475658

I think his name is mangione he is from his fathers side not mothers(zannino)he was at luigis cousin marriage and her name is maria mangione he is also on the family photos that nino mangione posted on his facebook

No. 475659

So could his name potentially be Mario

No. 475663

You can't talk about drugs nonnie they'll filter your letter

No. 475665

File: 1737680154322.png (1.07 MB, 1031x1262, yey baby.png)

Wait until you guys realize that every letter Luigi receives that gets shredded or returned is one lash of the whip he earns by the end of the week. Should've read up on the MDC rules.

No. 475666

File: 1737680232377.jpeg (19.57 KB, 236x287, IMG_6968.jpeg)

It’s so over.

No. 475667

just send another one satan

Also heads up to all nonas I had my period. So expect a massive bloodbath from all the ovulation wave nonas soon.

No. 475668

This is so wholesome and I’m so sorry your letter will be incinerated before Luigi can read it. I hope mine went into the shredder because it was gay and autistic as fuck. Still hoping for a reply tho.

No. 475669

File: 1737681581179.webp (258.21 KB, 640x1920, RDT_20250124_02190168985171360…)

new luigi

No. 475670

Is he okay

No. 475673

File: 1737681732555.jpg (215.48 KB, 640x1920, RDT_20250124_02212932840444691…)

part 2

No. 475674

I love my retard, I think he's drunk

No. 475675

his resting face is so hot
nice smile and all but

No. 475676

I like how he's doing the retarded 5 year old child "smile" where they just grimace

No. 475677

File: 1737682182237.png (955.13 KB, 716x756, 1734505448720.png)

Same time as the fang pic?

No. 475678

Maybe. Hamilton Court is likely where he lived during college since it's off campus apartments in central Philly right next to UPenn campus so any pic of him with his college pals could be from that time period and location.

No. 475679

drunk weegee is so stupid cute

No. 475680

I need to fuck him don’t care if he’s making retarded faces kek

No. 475682

Same I want to play with a drunk Wigi so bad. I know he'd be too drunk to properly have sex with but I'd let him drunkenly eat my pussy and pass out between my legs, I think it'd be fun to tease him, laugh with him, maybe tickle and wrestle with him while he's loopy.

No. 475683

pining for luigi it’s a sad evening my period is scheduled for monday

No. 475685

File: 1737683062788.png (95.51 KB, 240x313, LFW I graw on his pipi like a …)

No. 475686

No that's his face when me and the footfags tie him down and tickle his feet.

No. 475688

File: 1737683300675.png (1.28 MB, 1239x715, 65676765576.png)

I want to hurt him guys. I need to abuse this retard. I must bite his nipples
ty nona for the glass of waterpee in this dry desert

No. 475691

He was made for female abuse

No. 475692

feels strange seeing these. wasn't he theorizing in some of his reddit posts the reason why brain fog came about was because he was (briefly) a habitual drunk?

No. 475693

Living in an apartment in center city full of college students will do that to you I'm sure. He probably drank and stayed up late a lot and was hungover and attributed it to brain fog. Remember the munchie theory? Kek

No. 475695

Can I send a letter that was printed instead handwritten? My handwriting is dogshit.

No. 475696

No. 475698

Do you think his skin feels so nice and warm all the time, especially his throat

No. 475709

>none of the people he made effort for returned the favors
Does Lulu come across as someone who keeps score?

No. 475711

If Luigi looks harmed in any way next month I will go schizo and have a full fledged tardout in front of the MDC
I'm sure 40 page scizo will be there with me

No. 475712

Luigi is a scrote who builds muscle easily. He definitely runs hot

No. 475713

Mmm warm throat and tummy

No. 475714

File: 1737686521440.png (537.71 KB, 363x1072, 565654565.png)

The real question is if he is sensitive. Do you think all the times fratigi bodypainted himself he twitched and shuddered when the painbrush went over his juicy italian nipples?

No. 475716

File: 1737687058708.jpeg (10.64 KB, 194x259, 340834590345.jpeg)

that's one of my favorite pics of him even tho it's kind of scuffed and cut off

No. 475717

No because they were probably brushing too fast, to get ready for the event. Now if you were to slowly stroke his nipples with the tip of your finger… you could expect them to get hard and for him to shudder and make a cute squeak. Then once they are hard you can flick them as you desire and watch him squirm and hear him whimper.

No. 475720

File: 1737687267861.jpg (373.22 KB, 1080x1629, 1736183860628.jpg)

I want to slowly paint on Luigi's tied up body. I don't care if my hornyposting triggers the autism nona. There is very little news and every time I see a new picture of Luigi I act up. I wanna tease his body with a paintbrush and make hearts on his breasts and frame his bellybutton with sensual brushes while he twitches and whimpers I wanna paint the soles of his monkey feet.
Why does Luigi take so many god damn photos with his dogs barking? Just to torture me?

No. 475724

Awww body painting Luigi is such a cute date idea! Small brushes for maximum tickle I hope?

No. 475739

Ok so Nino Mangione's grandfather is Joseph Zannino Jr but Luigi Mangione's mother is Kathleen Zannino. Have these families been breeding with each other as a sport??

No. 475740

File: 1737692789553.jpeg (690.72 KB, 2186x2186, IMG_6970.jpeg)

I’m sending another letter tomorrow because I fucked up the last one. Also I hope he gets these drawings I have included too.

No. 475741

>Luigi is inbred to high fuck.
This explains why he is so retarded.
UGH so cute! If he doesn't write back to you I will beat him and then tape him crying and apologizing to you for not responding to your beautiful artwork!

No. 475743

thank you art nonny for blessing this thread! you know how to capture his beauty and retardation

No. 475744

Unfortunately Waluigi's first name isn't Italian. But he is a Mangione.

No. 475745

oh no! hopefully he answers you this time since I remember you mentioned your first letter was sent a while ago

No. 475746

Should I mention I am in a Luigi fanclub in my letter or will he throw it in the incinerator?

No. 475747

What is it???

No. 475748

i love your art so much, i’m praying so hard for him to reply to your letter art nonny

No. 475749

File: 1737694788340.png (222.9 KB, 640x425, walulu.png)

always the groomsman

No. 475750

Diddy will grab it and save ur address kekk I'm seriously turned off now that he's in a dorm with other prisoners, no privacy and the letters could be grabbed by anyone

No. 475751

I will marry tinigi clone (he had to let me call him Luigi)

No. 475752

I think thats turbo fucked up if Luigi has to be around other scrotes with no privacy. I thought I heard Diddler was in a private cell due to the nature of his case?

No. 475753

hear me out… waluigi with a perm????? sadly he's not blessed with natural curls

No. 475754

Diddy would probably be beaten in the prison yard by a tupac stan.

No. 475755

File: 1737695523164.png (1.95 MB, 2250x2250, Ů℃ὠǖű↸.png)

I don't know. His face is kind of like a blur of human features until we learn more about his character, convictions and sexy inner passions

No. 475757

File: 1737695650074.jpeg (99.78 KB, 1284x1186, mathlulu.jpeg)

found it

No. 475758

he wiped his socials or never had any

No. 475759

excellent service, nonny

No. 475760

he's fucking ugly and he isn't luigi why are you posting this itt

No. 475761

File: 1737695962833.png (369.59 KB, 502x277, eca.png)

>he isn't named Mario

No. 475763

if you haven't noticed we're in a luigi content drought kekk

No. 475764

File: 1737696109310.png (1.12 MB, 1500x879, Okey_Dokey.png)

>Majored in Mathematics
This works, thank you for your research anon

No. 475765

weaponized autism wins again

No. 475766

Anon is doing good work providing canon info for the uke in the yaoi fics.

No. 475768

>yaoi fics
Yeah honestly anon, that's like 96% of what this is about. Everyone's resigned themselves to the thread being a horny incoherent slurry as long as there's a recap sometimes

No. 475769

File: 1737696424612.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1061x1391, 1734975380432.jpeg)

there's really no one like wigi, it's beyond brutal and fucked

No. 475770

>narrower shoulders
>not even an Ivy League student
He's bootleg Luigi in so many ways that it's hilarious.

No. 475771

Ok so the reddit mod claims there are 5 replies but where's the evidence? Why does this bitch get to see and verify everything but hide it from everyone else?

No. 475773

It starts with an M. We can fix him

No. 475774

File: 1737697018870.png (999.94 KB, 601x800, little pouty.png)

Do you think 40 schizo found him and his harassing him about his sexy, taller, wide shouldered crime cuzzy?

No. 475775

File: 1737697135450.png (983.42 KB, 1080x1127, 9876876876.png)

I wish lethal autism nona could help teach us how to break into the prison and smuggle luigi out…

No. 475777

File: 1737698020625.jpeg (125.09 KB, 1125x1380, IMG_4034.jpeg)

5 replies, huh? He has a monthly 80 stamp limit…so why the fuck won’t he reply to us

No. 475778

The mod claims she's doing it for the sake of his privacy and to prevent the media from using it. Really though, she's just being your typical power-tripping Reddit mod.
Luigi can sense that we've been sinning in these threads, that's why.

No. 475779

File: 1737698528346.gif (15.18 MB, 1191x719, dont_worry_about_it_Luigi.gif)

kekkk okay anon, I'm probably the loudest Wala wk itt and you're probably right. Until more concrete evidence is produced that he was involved in the killing

No. 475780

I wonder what Luigi was like when he was drunk? Would he get extra snuggly?

No. 475781

Now find luigis alt accounts

No. 475795

File: 1737703415110.png (694.03 KB, 750x1202, 56465654.png)

>same hoodie
>different undershirt
no but he is so adorable
Will he know just how lusted after he is in courts? God. What if he looks like shit next time we see him? What if he's being abused?! Nona I can't take this shit anymore! I want wellness check twice a month!

No. 475798

Right?! She should be charged with terrorism

No. 475848

Not to sound nuts but does this whole series of events feel like a conspiracy to get 3D printers banned?

No. 475858

No. Our tech bro overlords would never let this happen. Plus no one has been griping about 3d printers.

No. 475880

File: 1737728028660.png (489.51 KB, 678x800, wtf.png)

luigis former highschool is really messed up

No. 475881

Day 12 of violently masturbating until Luigi writes me a letter.
He better not have touched Luigi. Or any child for that matter, but he already did. But better not Luigi. Luigi was such a cutie pie boy though.

No. 475889

Most moid only schools are

No. 475893

True it’s so sad. Luigi deserved a co ed school.

No. 475899

STFU Ukeigi is valid in his own bootleg way.

No. 475901

Why would his cousin be the uke? I can’t imagine either of them fulfilling either role. If we had to make them yaoi I feel like they would be the trope of twins that kiss and press their crotches together.

No. 475912

Much better idea. Anal is nasty and for fags anyways. Stuff shouldn't be going up there.

No. 475916

File: 1737735537914.jpg (28.24 KB, 1080x306, lms-reddit-comments-v0-ni1lvfk…)

No. 475920

this pic makes me so insane i need to kiss poutigi

No. 475921


No. 475922

Probably just thanking someone for helping him pirate a book or whatever. /r/megalinks was used mainly for pirating.

No. 475923

Megalinks sub

No. 475927

How tf are we all synced cause same

No. 475931

Mine is in T-minus 4 days, so I'm slightly behind schedule
hoping I can still catch the ovulation wave later

No. 475938

For what

No. 475939

My period might be on its way but I don’t track it. Feels like it should be sometime next week maybe. Hopefully we get a mid period horny wave as a sort of reprieve. I hope mine comes later though so I can ovulate for Luigi’s next appearance

No. 475947

Filesharing, after they took it down they opened a private forum

No. 475949

He was pirating The Lion King

No. 475959

Luigi was framed. Nintendo and Disney worked together. They were pissed because he used their mascots copyrighted name and then had the audacity to pirate "Can you feel the love tonight"

No. 475963

Thats the song he plays to get me in the mood

No. 475964

i would bitchslap luigi for playing sex music. I don't want to hear elton john while trying to memorize Luigis slutty moans

No. 475965

File: 1737747410788.jpg (54.42 KB, 1001x349, RDT_20250124_20345680849166948…)

wigiwives answer?

No. 475966

No not during the act, before the act, along with wrestling and roleplaying The Lion King romance scene.

No. 475967

File: 1737747517509.png (38.12 KB, 592x448, YWNBAW.png)

No. 475968

I hate to throw the trannies a bone but this is activating my "this is bait" senses kek

No. 475969

Why does he capitalize the word cis. Also if Luigi were a homo he would want an athletic bf he can hike with, not a hormonally and mentally challenged sped whose bones are deteriorating.

No. 475974

I agree, it's bait

No. 475981

I wonder if he considers himself as one of the enlightened new atheist with his techbro shit and passing interest in biology (every other CS engineer thinks they can optimize medicine like never before, esp the AI specialists). Can’t tell how catholic his parents might’ve been, his lack of Italian fluency makes me think they just went through the motions

No. 475982

Luigi said in 2021 that he was agnostic but "jealous of religious people"
I think maybe he was saying like because people have no spirituality people are worshipping tech like transhumanism but idk I'm not that himbo retard in need of rape correction from us

No. 475983

Italian-Americans don’t need to be fluent in Italian to practice Roman Catholicism seriously, but it’s his affluence that makes me think they were casual practicers. Also Luigi doesn’t seem fully Atheist. Didn’t he label himself Agnostic? That’s the coward’s way of admitting you’re spiritual. Hopefully he gets into Buddhism is jail. Plenty of time to meditate and you don’t need much psychical space at all and it will help him keep a level head. Plus he probably likes that Buddhism supports science.

No. 475984

He likely will get into Buddhism but gnosticism would save him

No. 475985

Hard to meditate when a bunch of felons are farting in the dorm kek

No. 475986

I agree that he would find it super interesting but Buddhism is easier to get into and he would probably benefit from it more since it’s about letting go.

No. 475990

Are American catholics (from Catholic families, not converts) weird fundies too? Christians in Europe are pretty chill, it's like there's something in the water in usa that makes them weird

No. 475991

I hope so cause I sent him books on Buddhism and wrote about it in my letter to him kek
I figured it would be useful in prison.

No. 475992

I don't want him to let go I want him to think about our ovulation

No. 475993

That is the point. Meditation is never easy, and it’s a misconception that it’s about clearing your mind; that is the result, not the practice. He will have to acknowledge the stink and move past it. That’s growth.
Ime, no. Roman Catholics tend to be chill
He is going to get a lot of Buddhism books then kek
You can do both

No. 475995

I think it’s because of the first amendment, which also protects religions. People can be as insane as they want to be and they’re protected by their right to free speech

No. 475998

When I tell you I felt this in my bones when I first read it… Not sure about his religious background but I am part of the 'raised by conservative religious parents to agnostic atheism' pipeline. And I also feel jealous sometimes. At times, in random little moments or deep into the night, you feel a sense of loneliness. You have nothing to pray to, nothing to watch over you. You are all alone in this universe and this is the only thing you got until you don't. A glimpse of existence. The awareness of this feels heavy on you. Sometimes you just want to know someone or something is watching over you, has a plan for you. You don't have to walk the path alone. But you do.

And then it's morning again and I'm like "That was fucking cringe" and move on with my day. Cause what else is there to do.

No. 476000

>she didn't take the non religious spiritual pill

No. 476002

Idk america cannot handle religion. I feel like I'd rather hang with a devout catholic than a devout protestant though

No. 476003

Buddhism time

No. 476004

Nonny I've recently been reading up on Taoism, I hope I'm getting there.

This is next! Thank you nonny

No. 476005

Taoism is not the same but it’s neat. Taoists believed in semen retention and that women had to orgasm first during sex. Also the Tao Te Ching may have been written by a woman or with women.

No. 476006

>semen retention.
Yes to a degree but I need that elixir of chad

No. 476007

Had he embraced Buddhism earlier, weegee might not have taken any action at all. He prob thought the western interpretation feels overly self-absorbed

No. 476010

I mean. I'm glad the ceo is dead and elites are scared that their livestock hate them and ridicule their deaths.
Also I'm glad I know Luigi exists. He is cute and easy on the eyes.

No. 476013

Taoism believes that semen, or yang, is finite. So sorry, but he needs to retain his semen and give you 5 orgasms before he is allowed to cum. Those are the rules!
True which is why it’s the perfect time for him to start

No. 476015

I was thinking of language as more of a signifier of connection to the culture, like maybe his name and however his parents approached religion at home were like a diaspora bid to be “more” Italian rather than fully in earnest. Weegee does seem particularly unsuited for agnosticism, too autistic to box away the doubt and how insane the Bible is to enjoy the upsides, too normie to fully give up

No. 476021

I knew this type of based wisdom had to come from a woman. A moid alone could never

No. 476022

He seems very suited to agnosticism; intellectuals like him, even techies, yearn for religion. Experimenting with psychedelics makes me think as well he sought, maybe unknowingly, some sort of metaphysical epiphany because honestly there’s no point in taking shrooms if you’re a hardcore atheist.

No. 476023

From like a self actualization standpoint I agree but with how things played out I feel like it kinda just enabled him to become more schizo

No. 476026

Well yeah. He has a weird brain, probably needed SSRIs or something. Or in all honesty he needed a hug and snuggle from women, to recalibrate his dopamine receptors. Then regular sex to keep it up.

No. 476028

I know you mean well nonna, but there's no sex with SSRIs and his weird brain is what makes him so special

No. 476029

Hmm true, not at first. It could take a couple of years for the libido to come back. The solution is regular sex, then. And him giving messages, which is also what he notated.

No. 476031

File: 1737759265408.jpeg (18.51 KB, 792x298, IMG_7180.jpeg)

He already knew

No. 476034

File: 1737759603057.gif (18.08 MB, 480x480, IMG_8605.gif)

Thats what I am referencing! He also added give massage which is so hot.

No. 476040

File: 1737761436121.jpg (55.93 KB, 1080x673, new-lulu-drop-v0-4irxnks92tee1…)

>ywn get a massage from luigi
another reason to die

No. 476041

File: 1737761933951.jpg (1.71 MB, 1212x1605, RDT_20250125_00371944724178956…)

No. 476042

File: 1737762037498.png (2.1 MB, 1883x1007, 543465464.png)

someone needs to swap that blurry luigi with the groom and the bride should be me.
Luigi can no longer attend weddings unless he is the groom (he will have to go to millions of weddings)

No. 476043

>why does he capitalize the word cis
Because the truth lives in his head rent free

No. 476046

we are so desperate for content that blurry pics of him far in the background are all we have left. painful.

No. 476048

File: 1737762630555.png (1.21 MB, 472x1330, lp-516cropped.png)

this one is clearer. i feel like we'll run out of wigi pictures really soon and it makes me sad

No. 476052

File: 1737762907367.png (247.14 KB, 201x800, lp-518cropped.png)

No. 476053

it that his sisters wedding she also has a child i wanna see him as an uncle

No. 476054

Luigi and I’s wedding
So gorgeous
Luigi smiling watching me walk down the isle arm in arm with my Guido turtle father

No. 476055

yesss nonny, it's his sister lucia's wedding

No. 476056

No its my and luigis wedding if you photoshopped his body over the groom and made me the bride and the priest goes ‘you may kiss the bride’ and we kiss

No. 476057

anyone know if his dad is bald

No. 476058

Hes not bald

No. 476059

I want Luigi to be president. I want Luigi's handsome face printed on our money so scrotes have to pay hookers in chadbux and be reminded they are a failure

No. 476062

A team of vigilantes printing Luigi dollar and trying to pay with them and leave them around on the ground to scare people/inspire people! Don’t hide his face like the media

No. 476063

File: 1737764397533.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, 1735345935728.jpg)

Should this be the face on the dollar? He loves this pic of himself

No. 476064

you're so right, sorry for spreading misinformation
he's not, but you have to take a look at his mom's side of the family as well to know if he'll go bald in prison

No. 476065

Ugh… he shouldn't be in prison. CEOs are subhuman so why is shooting one a crime. Just charge him like you would someone shooting a pidgeon or a rat without a license.

No. 476070

Aww cutie pie. Yes this one and the more recognizable hostel smile

No. 476077

File: 1737767187123.gif (1.01 MB, 561x270, Luigi_mystery_meeting.gif)

Thank you for posting this anon. I've been waiting for a full length shot of Luigi in a suit. I'm not including Wala in the premeditation until we learn more about him

No. 476078

File: 1737767190691.jpeg (489.09 KB, 1536x2048, scuffedigi.jpeg)

Hostel guy was Waluigi, get Luigi outta there

By the way I have never seen Luigi with a beard aside from the missing person poster. Was it really Luigi? When? He's always been clean shaven, even during his schizigi era

No. 476080

Luigi is my husband don’t talk about him like that

No. 476081

holy shit beards do not suit the luigis at all

No. 476083

I have hundreds of photos of this real ass human being saved help

No. 476084

I can't stop laughing at every picture of his cousin he's so fucking goofy looking.

No. 476085

File: 1737767857635.jpg (9.56 KB, 185x273, crash_wala_resemblance.jpg)

Dae think he looks a bit like Crash Bandicoot here?

No. 476087

waluigi looks like an ankle biter

No. 476088

This is very specific and true anon

No. 476089

Poor boolegigi. I wonder if he's using his lookalike abilities to get laid though. He probably can get a breeding harem but he will have to play an even more submissive role than his more alpha lookalike If that's even possible.

I still stand by having him on the breeding farm as a back up cock. He clearly has genetic potential.

No. 476090

feed me more waluigi (if u can) plz i like how goofy he looks

No. 476092

It could work if he's bred with broad-shouldered ladies KEK

No. 476093

File: 1737768419951.png (2.81 MB, 1279x1826, chrisigi.png)

a christmas special for you <3(emoji)

No. 476094

Me too. It’s normal.
Eh I don’t know. We need to know his personality or I just can’t get into him as a replacement. I fantasize about Luigi being my loving sexy boyfriend. Ive never had one before so these fantasies keep me entertained. I can’t imagine that with Waluigi.

No. 476095

>staying with Wala's adorable family and giving him a cozy Christmas blowjob, right before this family photo was taken
Yes. This will do anon, ty

No. 476096

It's a shame Waluigi never got into fitness or weightlifting. Wasted potential.

No. 476098

Eugh yeah you can take waluigi

No. 476100

File: 1737769743143.gif (19.1 MB, 1000x650, (2).gif)

i love this luigi
i fantasize about fucking him in the cop car

No. 476101

>feed me more waluigi (if u can) plz i like how goofy he looks
you know it's over when

No. 476102

File: 1737769859956.gif (2.17 MB, 600x600, Wala_midnight_surprise.gif)

Appreciate your blessing anon. I took him the night before the family photo too

No. 476103

I love you Weewam. I had a dream last week I was sucking on his fingers kek

No. 476105

File: 1737770120226.jpg (254.76 KB, 1206x2144, 470912252_487919037655040_5531…)

it's my favorite wigi, his curls looked so tight that day. pure sexo

No. 476107

File: 1737770896264.jpg (98.69 KB, 1905x746, real_vs_bootleg.jpg)

It's never too late for him to do that. He can graduate from being a bad bootleg into a better bootleg.

No. 476108

File: 1737771068757.jpg (104 KB, 1099x499, y9ceb-3668398674.jpg)

Mangione body and face-shaming is not allowed itt and you will be severely, severely reported for sobering anons from horny

No. 476111

Who cares if we poke fun at Waluigi. Luigi id the real prince

No. 476112

File: 1737771986589.jpg (72.61 KB, 640x480, waluigi and luigi.jpg)

There is just always room for improvement. I just want to see Waluigi reach his full potential.

No. 476115

File: 1737772432339.jpg (126.8 KB, 1000x664, Snowy-2100-e1467488293141-3449…)

If you don't consider Luigi's feelings when he eventually reads this thread then you are a toxic member of the court already imo. Luigi will want to read things that make him enlightened and horny, he'll get bored of all the anons fantasizing about raping him, eventually. Men enjoy variety, even Luigi and he is close with Wala genetically and emotionally, so he won't mind sharing
>the real prince
Maybe that is subjective anon but Wala has visible ~pep!~ like his cousin and would be a superior husbando than most moids/picrel

No. 476116

Okay you’re kind of weird and dumb nevermind

No. 476118

File: 1737772557495.gif (651.5 KB, 500x330, bored-boring-1267215333.gif)

No. 476120

File: 1737772681317.mp4 (535.54 KB, 480x480, 1735587871917.mp4)

why do more recent threads feel so off?

No. 476121

Lack of new content

No. 476122

File: 1737772837495.jpg (10.54 KB, 275x183, 534321.jpg)

No new content, only fandom

No. 476124

No new content, baiters, people who don't know how to focus their horny chakras properly

No. 476125

Most of the threads are focused on letters and rehashing old images because there's no new content. We are just waiting for his hearing to happen and we will be back in business.

No. 476127

Nah getting non-ironically angry because someone posts a few horny Wala gifs in the absence of content is part of why it gets like this. It seems like some of the anons who remain in this place have gotten territorial over this space, like when homeless people move into bus shelters or fast food booths. I'm not baiting, that is my perception and why I don't post here very often

No. 476129

you're really not wrong
but what can we do

No. 476130

No one accused you of baiting. The fact that you thought the post was about you is really telling.

No. 476131

Luigi ignoring LC girls' letters isn't helping. Keep mailing those letters nonnies. For the sake of new content. Bait Luigi instead of baiting each other.

No. 476133

i get it and feel the same way nona. the constant rape correction posts and unintegrated anons kind of deter me from posting nearly as much.

No. 476134

I was clarifying that my post is not meant to be bait, since anon just said that. Thanks for the live example of exactly what I'm talking about though

No. 476135

No, no one said that. Why do you think you're included in bait?

No. 476136

File: 1737773651353.jpg (342.28 KB, 1024x1161, rule_63_bowser_xd_by_bowser2qu…)

>the constant rape correction posts
Do you mean correcting anons who want to rape Luigi or the idea of corrective-rape?
If this were an irl "confrontation" I would probably just start drooling and talking about anime so you would think I'm a literal retard and leave me alone

No. 476137

No. 476138

I'm going to wait until a month passes by before I send him another letter. It's only been a week for me. I get the feeling my letter probably hasn't even reached him yet and I regret not getting some sort of tracking.

No. 476139

>Thanks for the live example of exactly what I'm talking about though
nonnie it's the same insufferable retard making 99% of the posts in these threads, going back at least three.
you can ignore them but then you're pretty much ignoring the thread entirely at that point. it's tough

No. 476144

I love how it's really fucking cold but these fag cops wanted Luigi as naked as possible for taking him to the precinct.
you just know those nipples were rock solid

No. 476145

I want more pics of luigixcuzzigi

No. 476148

File: 1737774253299.png (921.77 KB, 453x812, Luigi writing about his costap…)

>Luigi wants this
>Luigi wants that
Nona Luigi is legally retarded he doesn't know what he wants. But I do. He wants what his hoard of wives want.

No. 476149

vpn ban ended
no new content
We are all now collectively having our periods or PMSing.
When the courtroom Leegeepalooza countdown begins you will see more peace.

No. 476150

They really stole his jackets huh

No. 476152

>but I do.
Kek this made me feel better, ty anon
The VPN ban was turned back on for Amerifags, I could see that happening to this thread

No. 476153

Do you think Luigi would like knowing there's an entire fanthread on an imageboard dedicated to calling him retarded?

No. 476154

He'd absolutely hate it and that's super funny.

No. 476155

He would get so confused because we wanna fuck him simultaneously

No. 476156

awww he looks so cute and sweet here autism boyy

No. 476158

Now the cousin has autism too? Cursed family.

No. 476159

>Do you think Luigi would like knowing there's an entire fanthread on an imageboard dedicated to calling him retarded?
no tbh kek
but even if he didn't mind the retarded thing, I'm quite sure he'd be disgusted by certain anons fixating on his cousin, blaming him for the murder and stalking him.

No. 476160

my headcanon

No. 476161

File: 1737775048377.gif (1.82 MB, 480x265, 080509.gif)

No. 476162

Is everyone simping for this retarded moid for anarchist reasons or because he's conventionally attractive. If he was ugly I swear he wouldn't have nearly as much support even if people agreed with the motive lol(bait)

No. 476163

I hate cousin posting, he’s not a cute assassin so why are people shitting up the threads with him

No. 476164

being honest, if he was ugly i wouldn't be here
i dont even think what he did was heroic or whatever. he just makes me horny

No. 476167

Only both reasons together make sense

No. 476168

well it can’t be any worse than all of the other sites thirstposting about him
except the rape stuff, but who knows? maybe he’s into that kinda thing

No. 476169

At least with lc being anonymous Luigi could imagine any post being made by a beautiful woman of his exact taste (meanwhile the same anon called him retarded three posts later)

No. 476170

On here? His hotness 100%

the fact that he’s rich and still sacrificed himself and intelligent also counts though. he’s just the full package

No. 476171

Nothing is stopping you from sneaking into MDC and taking new photos and videos of Luigi to post here until the next hearing.

No. 476172

It’s possible to post nothing too

No. 476173

File: 1737775704843.png (1.66 MB, 977x1361, Wala_man_for_all_seasons.png)

No. 476174

I simp on the tard because I hate ugly oligarchs. I hope a man 10x hotter than Luigi takes out elonia because chads murking betabux is my fetish

No. 476176


Waluigi somehow manages to look manic in every photo

No. 476177

File: 1737775925363.mp4 (2.29 MB, 720x720, 1737311512359.mp4)

idk about that you had to leave that horny police post

No. 476178

erm… not so cute here autism boy

No. 476179

bit of everything honestly
i didn't think my obsession with him would be anything more than thinking he's handsome but reading him reddit post history activated something in me. he seems like an interesting person and that's far better than your average moid these days.

No. 476180

I need this

No. 476182

File: 1737776615403.png (3.35 MB, 1125x1257, Luigis feet built for my mouth…)

Yeah, to me a lot of luigis handsomeness is 'the cherry on top' of a really impressive personality for a 3D Y chromosome haver. The crime he's likely committed is incredibly bold and struck fear into the hearts of my mortal enemies.
I wish he wasn't so retarded. I wish he had been smart enough to get away and continue to fuck with the oligarchs. Maybe take out a couple more while dropping a few more memes along the way.
He's about as close to an irl anime protag as you're gonna get in this world filed with woman hating betabux psychos and school shooter edgelords.
Wee wee is a breath of fresh air and easy on the eyes. Sorry if he's not your cup of tea.

No. 476183

Honestly think the perp walk fully deified him. Peeps on rednote said they saw those pics and thought it was a movie poster. That ny mayor is a huge retard who achieved the opposite of what one assumes he was trying to do

No. 476185

File: 1737777419563.jpeg (123.34 KB, 828x686, IMG_0678.jpeg)

Redditor posted his sporcle account where he played these quiz games around this time last year. This is so hot

No. 476186

File: 1737777430137.mp4 (5.21 MB, 720x1280, 1734809157353.mp4)

The mayor being at wee wees catwalk of fame is what made me find out that the mayor about his 5 federal corruption charges and his 57 page incitement.

Hypnotoad should have just stayed home that day instead of choosing to get turbomogged by the chadtalian.

No. 476187

>100% South park characters
I wonder what Luigi would look like in south park style? I would watch the ever living shit out of a CEO killer south park episode.

No. 476188

The way I know he was s e e t h i n g when he ended up with low scores.

No. 476189

File: 1737777974464.gif (252.6 KB, 400x400, 596883055_1322609-938937421.gi…)

kek the Chinese wives are so based and cute. They have powerful chi energy and I feel more secure with them watching over and masturbating to him

No. 476190

File: 1737778426934.gif (352.58 KB, 523x515, fuckthisanimation.gif)

Day one of drawing Weegee everyday until he responds.

No. 476191

File: 1737778563037.jpg (56.23 KB, 951x753, 1735417341104.jpg)

love you nona. glad to see you back

No. 476192

nice one

No. 476193

It's beautiful nonna, I can't believe how quickly these are evolving. If he could see these, you would be the first anon to receive a reply

No. 476195

Nona are you doing to animate lewds? Love you every time u post!

No. 476196

I pray everyday for artnonnie to get a letter from Luigi where he worships her for being so talented.

No. 476197

I think artist nonna made this! It is very impressive but her stills are beautiful and I hope she doesn't feel pressure to make these.

I think there are multiple anons posting the horny pokemon gifs and it's silly to assume it is just one anon kekkekek

No. 476198

I’ll try and see how it goes.

No. 476199

>Luigi is legally retarded
Still perceived as smart by people who met him irl. Are you smarter than Ivy League people?

No. 476200

File: 1737779772631.png (Spoiler Image,1022.7 KB, 1247x673, Luigi and artnona.png)

I love you. I hope Luigi gets pardoned, finds these threads, and gets flustered by your sexy art of him. I hope you reenact the titanic scene with him
I think I'm smarter than some Ivy League peepo.

No. 476201

>implying trump is smarter than all non-ivy league people

No. 476202

I know were' a long ways off but the current one is literally ass, let's not let that happen again

No. 476203

File: 1737781036630.gif (Spoiler Image,3.09 MB, 545x295, close_the_watertight_doors.gif)

>I hope you reenact the titanic
I hope for this too
Yes please

I'm the full-thread recap anon and plan on making a spot for the art-from-scratch nonnies and the yaoi poster too. Anons should mention anything they would like to see in a full autistic recap in a reply to this post, including meta/conspiracy info. This will be posted on Sunday night EST

No. 476210

omg cute
him and that fucking hoodie
I'm so glad to see you're still around artnonny!

No. 476241

Obviously the dude at the hostel in late November.

No. 476245

This image lives rent free in my head

No. 476259

Nonas, Mama Mangione speaks Italian! She has a YT channel where she teaches Italian to people. This means there's a big chance Luigi speaks Italian too.

They actually seem to be quite connected to their roots. In the background of some of her videos you can see lots of books on Sicilian culture and history. She also talks about organizing trips to Italy and teaching Italians English.

She mentions she has a background in computer education. And she is a big reader as well. I found that interesting.

No. 476265

Samefag, hate to do moral policing but please refrain from interacting with her channel in any way. Do not leave comments, do not even like her videos. Just watch them. We don't want to weird her out nonas (and this includes the casual lurker too), she's probably dealing with a lot right now as is. Just wanted to share it with you as a language enthusiast.

No. 476266

This is amazing, drawnonny!!

No. 476271

she is cute cant believe plp are attacking her for not publicly supporting him

No. 476273

Why does he suck kekkkk
Nice find. Imagine Wiwi speaking in broken Italian… so cute

No. 476274

This poor woman. You know her heart is shattered in a million pieces.

No. 476278

She seems sweet. Fucking hell Nonnas I feel so bad for his parents.

No. 476282

Weegee comes very much after his mother. Do we have any videos of his dad talking?

No. 476288

Day 12 of violently masturbating until Luigi writes me a letter. There is no longer moisture in my face.

No. 476297

Where does the lion king meme come from btw

No. 476298

File: 1737819443743.png (1000.95 KB, 960x1088, 1733787602898.png)

This and his lion king shirt

No. 476299

File: 1737819502622.webp (56.87 KB, 921x1251, 1040g00831d310se20k105pfiepgh9…)

some more young gigi images

No. 476300

File: 1737819529377.webp (42.97 KB, 526x707, 1040g00831d310se20k0g5pfiepgh9…)

No. 476301

File: 1737819552259.webp (112.65 KB, 1080x1432, 1040g00831d310se20k005pfiepgh9…)

No. 476302

File: 1737819591305.webp (84.67 KB, 948x1080, 1040g00831d310se20k305pfiepgh9…)

No. 476303

>big mole on his neck
Did he get it iced off or something? Where is it in the other pics?
Also I feel so bad, he was in my dream last night but he had self-harm scars on his upper arms- why?! I don't think about self-harm, see self-harm, nor find it attractive, but there he had them in my dream. I'm so sorry, Luigi.

No. 476304

File: 1737819637855.webp (45.68 KB, 498x714, 1040g00831d310se20k205pfiepgh9…)

No. 476305

Kek at the lazy censoring on orange guy's face
Cutie pie!

No. 476306

Wtf KEK As a Turkish nonny this is hilarious to see. Based Luigi

No. 476307

File: 1737819919850.jpg (48.38 KB, 505x612, 1734653302817.jpg)

He must've been insecure about his neck mole because he definitely got it removed. Remember when anons said it looked like he had a hickey on his neck (clearly wasn't, but still there was what looked to be scab/scarring(?)) If you look closely there's kind of a pink spot where it was.

No. 476308

>nationalist symbol of an organization that advocates for genocide
yeah, fuck off

No. 476310

>ywn fish Luigi's lost mole out of the doctor's trash can and eat it

No. 476312

File: 1737820188882.png (107.87 KB, 979x740, 0.png)

hilarious by the way

No. 476313

Westerners have such a different understanding of this. I am not quite sure what it represents for you, but here it's mostly a meme among us. It goes without saying I do not condone genocide in any way, shape, or form. That is basic human decency.

No. 476315

i live right next to you

No. 476317

I apologize nonnies, can we move on from this? This thread is not the place for a neighborly quarrel. Just wanted to make a joke is all. I apologize if I hurt your feelings, I didn't mean any harm.

No. 476319

Can we discuss Luigi’s mole operation instead

No. 476320

Anyone else just know if you ever met Luigi that you wouldn't have had a chance with him? I am not fat or ugly but I think he would have sensed my autism and wouldn’t want to date me. He reminds me of a guy I knew in college who was super nice to me but just ended up pitying me.
Maybe it was a cancerous mole that had to be nuked.

No. 476321

It doesn’t look cancerous it looks like a normal mole. Based Luigi for gettin rid of it. A lot of males have ugly moles they parade around

No. 476322

I wouldn't have been bothered by it but he does look better without it. It sticks out like a sore thumb.

No. 476324

He knew how to appeal to women. Get that shit frozen off. I only hope he kept it, like how you keep your baby teeth.

No. 476325

File: 1737822492270.webp (134.42 KB, 1080x1486, 1040g00831d310se20k2g5pfiepgh9…)

No. 476326

File: 1737822525733.webp (91.43 KB, 1080x1274, 1040g00831d310se20k405pfiepgh9…)

No. 476327

Breaking into the Mangione family home in the search for Luigi's fossilized mole.

No. 476330

I love that nerdy girl next to him, what a queen

No. 476335

Kinda wanna make a shitty luigi indie game for fun… platform your way to killing ceos.

No. 476340

File: 1737826218167.webp (64.97 KB, 501x668, 1040g00831d35l8be0s205pfiepgh9…)


No. 476341

File: 1737826249227.webp (198.7 KB, 1080x1440, 1040g00831d35l8be0s505pfiepgh9…)

No. 476343

File: 1737826309560.webp (220.94 KB, 1004x1338, 1040g00831d35l8be0s0g5pfiepgh9…)

No. 476344

File: 1737826374998.webp (256.2 KB, 1080x1440, 1040g00831d35l8be0s2g5pfiepgh9…)

No. 476345

He is so nerdy, he's in his element.
Such a cutie! I hope he grows his hair out like that again. He is also such a skinny minnie no wonder he got all big and strong

No. 476353

hahaha they look like they could be the crew for some cartoon (and weegee would be the most resourceful of them)

No. 476354

A cartoon people only watch for the really hot one (Luigi) and skip the episodes without him and the scenes he isn't in

No. 476356

File: 1737829271614.png (53.59 KB, 1317x1140, it's over.png)


No. 476359

File: 1737829655666.png (150.22 KB, 1208x1125, IMG_8629.png)

More proof that he got my book on Buddhism! Unsure about the letter though, considering it reached him either late December early Jan. The post says to not send letters until after Feb 10th but what was the earliest date that the letters became backed up and you're unlikely to receive a response? Probably from just before Christmas. I hope my letter somehow reached him or will reach him, but if not I can send one in Feb I was going to do so anyway.

No. 476361

File: 1737829811247.gif (386.34 KB, 220x220, IMG_7003.gif)

It literally just sent my second letter two days ago…

No. 476363

I just really want to know where this mod is getting her info from. Yes, I know there is a ridiculous amount of letters but is it really in the thousands? He is never replying to any of ours if that's the case.

No. 476364

It's okay, we should all spend this Valentine's day writing a letter to Luigi

No. 476365

Is he getting more than Diddy? I hope he surpasses them all

No. 476366

Of course he's getting more letters than gross ass Diddler. I wouldn't doubt he's gotten more letters than any inmate in history even if letter-writing isn't as common of a practice anymore.

No. 476367

Prob contacting the prison. I think this mod is the stupid one boasting about seeing his letters too

No. 476368

It’s possible it was getting bigger so it was removed. Some moles get gross as fuck and have thick hair so it could have been for that. The one on his face is so cute tho.

No. 476370

File: 1737830326545.png (68.24 KB, 1293x1108, trustmebro.png)

She is that mod. Also, lol at her banning someone for this.

No. 476372

At least say what relation the supposed source has to MDC, no one asked for a first and last name.

No. 476373

She seems like a bpd pick-me schizo. Luigi will be getting tons of mail for Valentine’s Day so suggesting it be after the 10th is legitimately retarded and makes no sense.

No. 476374

Kekk she truly sounds like a shizo. Why would we want her independent suggestion

No. 476375

They should let him get more than ten letters at a time on Valentine's Day. Unfortunately I think a lot of girls sending him specifically Valentine's letters will be filtered by adding stickers and colored hearts and shit to them. I can see that happening and being posted to TikTok or something.

No. 476377

File: 1737831221979.jpg (200.27 KB, 1125x1602, RDT_20250125_19513929114784555…)

So someone is very adamantly claiming that's his Spotify account, due to past playlist and how they were named

No. 476378

>dreamy rock meets electronic
>basic shit
>follows 100 gecs
>songs lana del rey should cover
>following Luigi Mangione
It's not him based on the last fact alone, he's following the other fake Luigi account

No. 476379

Not him. Playlist were created after his arrest.

No. 476385

Such an easy thing to confirm. People are so stupid istg

No. 476387

That fake Spotify has already made its rounds, too. People are so desperate to find his music taste kek

No. 476393

He probably never used Spotify kek. He seems like an Apple Music user honestly. My guess is he liked a lot of basic edm/college music (top 100 kind of stuff) and podcasts.

No. 476395

No he specifically thanked Spotify in his school paper

No. 476396

File: 1737834260032.jpg (220.98 KB, 1080x2035, Screenshot_2025-01-25-20-43-09…)

No. 476397

Exactly, could’ve grown into a precancerous lesion for which removal would’ve been covered by health insurance (or at least it should kek). Even if it was benign and just sort of an eye sore, it only costs around $100-250 out of pocket to remove a mole for cosmetic reasons.

No. 476398

I hope not. I hope he forged his own tastes and didn't listen to the stuff zoomers listen to. Come on Luigi, I know you worked out at your apartment's gym listening to Tangerine Dream in your earbuds. Please!
What a polite boy. He was a decent writer (for a male)

No. 476402

Nahhhhh now fuck this bitch, she just wants everyone to stop sending mail so Luigi gets to read hers. "anonymous source" my ass. Imma keep using my 100-pack envelopes and stamp book. Who the fuck does she think she is, all these mods and tiktokers making shit up as they go IM TIRED

No. 476406

Do we have any updates on weegee letters

No. 476415

I've been checking various social media sites if anybody has gotten responses. Feels like after late December/early January, nobody's gotten a reply letter. Either people who he's replying to are keeping quiet or he hasn't replied to anyone since. Who knows.

No. 476420

Well that sucks, but at least he only responded to women

No. 476432

I just want to see one published luigiletter….

No. 476434

File: 1737838685160.jpeg (52.92 KB, 720x1280, ʟᴜɪɢɪ ⋆.jpeg)

Weegee checks out so many of my standards even the more niche ones it's not fucking fair i have depression now

No. 476435

What are the niche ones

No. 476436

violent schizo

No. 476437

If you must know…
it's just thing that i like and find cute but finding it all in one person is near impossible. For him it's big smile, big eyebrows, pronounced canine(s), reader and such

No. 476438

Well I agree with this, because big, beautiful eyes and a gorgeous radiant smile are definitely standards I have. Pronounced canines I can take or leave, but his fang is adorable. And him being a reader is such a rare find. The big eyebrows as well are a plus, I love when someone has an expressive face. Too many disturbing demon looking males around, it's nice when it looks like one has thoughts.

No. 476441

His to read list seems to mostly consist of self help books and pop psych, but since he enjoys the act of reading I can fantasize about introducing him to higher quality reads.

And although I was never into curls on a man before, on him they are beautiful and just right.

No. 476442

Exactly, even though he read self help (worst genre in my opinion) and poop psych, he still read. And was serious about reading, and even notated the books. It would be so easy to start a two-person, romantic, sexually fueled book club with him and introduce him to higher thinking.
>never into curls on a man before
Me neither, but when he grew them out a little they're just so cute

No. 476443

Yeah, i our reading tastes are very different, i thought he would have more fiction if he was a big reader but maybe the account was a few years old

I feel the same about curly hair lol

No. 476444

The only fiction was like, Harry Potter and LOTR. And The Lorax. I think he had some Orson Scott Card; all fiction for middle schoolers and under. Wait, he also read 1984 and Brave New World, but still as a college student you'd expect him to read higher level fiction than stuff for teens. So much potential though, I want him to get into fiction while in prison.

No. 476446

I get that brave new world is high school reading but at the same time, it does have a sort of poetic prose to it that I can't see why it would be below a college student. Maybe if Luigi was an English major he might be expected to read more advanced fiction, but idk i don't think brave new world is juvenile or anything

No. 476447

He had "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" on his Goodreads but only rated it 3 out of 5 stars. I think that's the least mainstream fiction book on his list. I feel like he could've enjoyed more mind-bending sci-fi if he cared to look more into that genre.

No. 476448

pretty sure i've mentioned this in a past thread, but the owner of the account is this last.fm faggot: https://www.last.fm/user/diovan2198
last night i saw a plebbitard fighting tooth and nail about it being luigi's account when it's evidently not. they get me so riled up with their fag fantasies, he was NOT listening to charli the faghag or lana and they need to get over it. luigi is a straight man and made for our breeding farm

No. 476449

Okay fair
Well, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is kind of deserving of 3 stars, but for me it's because some of the moments in the book were uncomfortably sexist in a way that didn't do anything for the story. I think he'd like some of the author's other stuff though, but it'll likely get rejected.
It's so clearly not him, it's following another fake Luigi spotify account.

No. 476450

I'm pretty sure some retard already wrote to Luigi about his music taste off of that fake profile KEEEEK imagine the confusion

No. 476451

Oh I am sure many many people did kek

No. 476453

That book is definitely not his best. I think he should've started off with something like "Ubik" first. Unfortunate that he might not have read more of his works after that.

No. 476454

Did Luigi put Dune on his goodreads?

No. 476456

Tbf not everyone who reads books can get into literature and in my heart I have to accept that maybe it wouldn't be for him. I know guys who like to read but only stuff like star wars novels and grrm, and more highbrow stuff is just boring to them. Can't win them all but I would give it my best shot.

I think the most outrageous aspect of wiwi's looks are his eyelashes btw like why does this mf even have beautiful eyelashes! He truly is as beautiful as a woman and was made from pure love by the gods

No. 476457

Interesting, I wonder if he responded to a few choice letters with the intention of cultivating his following

No. 476459

File: 1737841415315.png (446.2 KB, 720x406, camwhore on his potato.png)

>Luigi taking stars off a book because of the peak misogyny

No. 476460

Yes but he didn't get to it.
Idk why he was so into the pop psych, maybe it's a techbro thing but those always sound the same and seem like scams

No. 476461

The plebbit mod is so miserable and jealous kek you can tell he didn’t write her back

No. 476463

File: 1737841642324.jpg (209.04 KB, 572x800, Snaptik.app_746388593263524583…)

No. 476464

Erm then where's our responses, we are his strongest most loyal soldiers
KEK at the filename, nonna
She probably reads those other letters every night, self inserting

No. 476466

What he really needed was Cyborg Manifesto or just Haraway in general. Kind hypocritical of him that he pretty much exclusively read moidshit, but very typical for a techbro

No. 476467

I kind of like that Luigi was a scrawny little dork in his teen years. I think if he had been attractive it would have made him conceited.
I headcanon that all the letters the mod received are fake and the mod knows it. If the kiwitranny could lie about it, why couldn't bpd chan? After all, Luigi only gets so many stamps a month. He has a giant italian rat family and a million irl friends. Why write to some redditor?

No. 476468

He's fucking stupid in a lot of aspects. He does really come off as someone who doesn't have much appreciation for literature or the arts, probably why he hasn't replied to art nonny and others who may have drawn for him.

No. 476470

His Italian rat family and irl friends are probably on his email list. Especially his family. Also he was honestly attractive in his teens, in the sense that he just has very handsome facial features and he's not fat. Maybe being in an all male school is how he avoided conceit.
Sad to consider. He would never appreciate being tied up and painted on…

No. 476472

Do we know if he has access to email? He could be keeping in touch with friends and family that way which means he has less excuse to not reply to letters!!!

No. 476473

Maybe karen forbade him…

No. 476476

He should, MDC prisoners get like an hour of internet time a day.
Karen watching Luigi for the 100th time lament about how everyone thinks he's a bisexual swiftie putting the kibosh on the letter thing.

No. 476477

I think he appreciates art and literature. He reads and likes some cute video games. It's sad we don't see any doodles from luigi. Even if it was just a little smiley face or a shitty doodle of his fave mario brother.
I get that he might not be able to write to a lot of people…
I think Luigi needs to be allowed to make carefully curated public statements answering questions about his well being. People are worried about him and scared for his safety.
I don't get why everyone is like "but he killed someone!" big deal, our president is a convicted felon and thomson also murdered his fellow americans in cold blood.

No. 476478

File: 1737842631888.png (731.24 KB, 750x986, espania.png)

Imagine if Luigi could update his xitter from prison

No. 476480

Well the kiwitranny said he drew a smiley face, but I guess it was actually on her floorboards alongside the elusive "M", also regarding public statements I don't know how that can happen. Is this something Karen can facilitate, if she wants to? It isn't something the media is gonna give a shit about. They are already suppressing his face.

No. 476482

He has access to the phone as well, family prolly calls him

No. 476483

Isn't there a limit on how many phone calls? Like one a month? Or is that outside of immediate family

No. 476484

Anyone else feel that maybe he would've enjoyed Yukio Mishima's books? Was considering sending one of his books to him early on but maybe it might be too dark for his normie brain.

No. 476487

I mean yeah, it's not unlimited calls anytime but certainly multiple times a month

No. 476489

The thing is about sending him books is that if he doesn't recognize the title, or if the title doesn't explain what the book is (barring the whole content thing, I'm still unsure of what gets rejected content-wise) he'll probably have it sent back because he doesn't know what it is. Timing a letter explaining the books you wanna send and sending the books is just not going to work with the volume of letters and the change he won't receive the letter. So it's almost like fantasy at this point, to think about what nonfiction novels he may open up to.

No. 476490

Sadly I think he would be one of those “i don’t get it, nothing really happened and the main character was unlikable” types. I think he’d read like a quarter and then write it off as annoying wallowing, weegee is a man of action

No. 476492

File: 1737843233622.jpg (256.06 KB, 1440x1920, 1737312142595.jpg)

It's not fair… It's not fair…
Will we ever live in a world where men this beautiful and this (potentially) woman respecting will be in power?
I think if Harris would have won, Luigi might have felt slightly less hopeless about insurance scams and not gone postal.
I'm so sad guys.

No. 476493

Just like how poor people hate Catcher in the Rye
I'm gonna have another finger sucking dream at this rate.

No. 476494

That's why I was considering sending him Sun & Steel rather than one of his novels. It's pretty expensive though and might have been rejected anyways.
Yeah, it seems like an impossible endeavor to introduce him to anything new. Oh well.

No. 476496

The only thing we can do is indoctrinate him to different philosophies.

No. 476497

Kek I think Weegee probably actually liked catcher in the rye if it was part of his school curriculum. Holden having angst over the same banal realizations every girl comes to terms with at like 12 seems right up his alley

No. 476498

Yeah he kind of does have the social revelations of a 12 year old girl. I wasn't saying he didn't like the book, he isn't poor. He'd relate to Holden being an empathetic person surrounded by phonies.

No. 476511

Ah my bad. These threads move so fast I miss a good chuck of the info that comes through.
I’ll admit I didn’t his spaghetti hair at first and was willing to look past it, but it’s grown on me. I’m still surprised his body is relatively hair-free. I bet it’s a jungle between his legs tho.

No. 476517

No. 476519

This just gave me a huge sense of dread. Now a bunch of teenagers are going to harass her.

No. 476520

amazing drawing

No. 476522

Tiktok returning was a mistake. Feels like everything that comes out of that platform has been detrimental to Luigi. The only thing it's provided is retards for us to make fun of.

No. 476524

Do these people not have a sense of tact, or anywhere private they can discuss Luigi? Or does everything have to be made public for fanfare? At least Reddit is on… Reddit.

No. 476525

I can handle pubes, what I wanna know is what is going on in the crack of his ass.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall when the CO's told Luigi to spread his cheeks and cough when searching for contraband

No. 476526

NTA, but the most infuriating part about luigitok is the amount of gullibility. Losing their shit over a spotify playlist that is in no way his, believing fake twitter accounts are his, believing rumors from people who have never met him pretending to be his friend. I can't believe people are capable of being this retarded. I commented on a few videos basically making it clear that whatever it was was in no way real and people came at me with pitchforks.

No. 476527

I think they should ban Tiktok AND 4chan. Anonymous imageboards shouldn't be mainstream.

No. 476528

I wanna be a telepathic fly so I can read his thoughts while he did that. Was he internally crying? It makes me sad, leave him alone. I wonder what his balls look like from behind?
They would kill themselves if they knew Luigi wasn't a swiftie charlie xcx stanning lana del rey loving bisexual

No. 476529

Maybe he removes his body hair, it's not uncommon

No. 476530

She's a snitch so I'm okay with it.

No. 476531

When I see a retarded comment on tiktok I just assume the user is like 12

No. 476532

File: 1737846400352.jpeg (53.67 KB, 495x504, bigfoot.jpeg)

it's still his mom anon…

No. 476534

She created him, do not put disrespect on her name

No. 476535

File: 1737846509241.png (1.13 MB, 717x1272, retard.png)

As much as I don't like Reddit, they're at least not 100% braindead even with the power-tripping, pick-me mod.
It really is unbelievable how retarded people are on there. Also, while looking for letter updates, I just got reminded of this retard boomer who can't even follow basic instructions and is now spreading misinformation that mail is blocked for Luigi because he can't follow those basic mailing instructions. He's also sent three letters so far. Brainrot social media platform. I really should not be bothering to look there at all for any updates..

No. 476537

She didn't snitch on him, and she does not deserve to get harassed by teenagers asking her to make videos on the state of her miserable imprisoned sexy son.
His hairless adonis body next to that hairy schlub.
Luigi doesn't want to talk to you anyway, old scrote

No. 476538

File: 1737846888825.jpeg (110.14 KB, 1178x1063, 25-01-25-23-13-07.jpeg)

No. 476539

Unsure if based

No. 476541

How is it not based? It's a good first start, moids already shit themselves thinking about having to provide their ID in order to watch their gangbangs

No. 476542

Seriously, I don't get why an old moid who's supposedly married is sending three letters to him. Stop clogging up the system, retard.

No. 476543

I'm going to find barbieagitprop and fuck her up

No. 476544

I think porn should be more regulated than alcohol and cigarettes kek

No. 476545

Some people still think the youtibe videos were from him…

No. 476547

Well obviously, but you think Luigi was smart enough to come up with novel new ideas himself?

No. 476549

I had a student admit to me that he was so addicted to porn that he would watch it at the dinner table. (As soon as the sentence came out I stopped him and told him it was probably inappropriate for me to be advising him on this and told him to speak to the counselor). Porn needs to be banned. Also, statistically most people develop pedophilic thoughts in their teenage years. I'm convinced this has something to do with porn and becoming desensitized to socially acceptable (and even unacceptable) shit.

No. 476553

People talk about regulating porn because it's probably impossible for it to be banned. America couldn't even ban TikTok. Regulation is a good first step and hopefully any male who submits his ID to porn sites is put on a list, and every video he watches is associated with his identity. If, and it's a strong if, porn is ever regulated I hope the age limit is 21+

No. 476560

I don't think Luigi's family should be directly harassed. And this is coming from someone who ships luigi with his bootleg clone cuzzy. At this point in time, if you want to contact anyone, just send a letter directly to Luigi. Bugging anyone else is shitty and punishing them for something they aren't involved with in any way whatsoever.

No. 476561

Karen needs to come out and say Luigi isn't accepting letters from men he doesn't know.

No. 476562

Infallible proof that Luigi hates trannies and wants them genocided.

No. 476565

File: 1737849126656.jpg (18.69 KB, 612x408, IMG_8599.jpg)

>ywn be a fly on the wall and watch Luigi masturbate into his Buddhism book to try and hide the fact that he's jerking it

No. 476566

Dear Luigi,
I agree. Porn should be regulated. Sometimes I think it should be banned, but I know that's unrealistic. I guess a happy medium would be if porn was more female gazed, where the guys were actually hot but got fucked by mid-ugly women. Weird fetishes should be banned too, I think the weirdest thing that should be in porn is a cute guy getting gangbanged by a bunch of women.
Sorry Luigi, I've been really horny ever since you first showed up in the news and I'm not sure why.
P.S, What is your shoe size? Asking for a friend.

No. 476567

Her pronounciation is off though, you can tell it's not her native language. If Lulu speaks any Italian, it's probably broken as fuck

No. 476568

Even hotter.

No. 476569

>Ywn hear Luigi whisper random broken italian words in your ear while he fucks you
Hating this sadistic world

No. 476570

I’m praying to every fucking star that weegee doesn’t mistake my letter as one written by a moid because of my name. I’m heavily regretting not adding a photo as a name to face sort of thing.

No. 476571

>stai zitto, bella stupida, giochiamo a cinque dopo questo.
Even then the last sentence would be the longest thing he can say. The rest is just default Italian-American babble.

No. 476578

Samefag, it's not really called cinque, what the fuck. It's called Morra, sorry. He wants to play Morra after sex. I think the goal is cinque?

No. 476581

Fucking hell moids cant even play rock paper scissors without being complete god damn monkeys about it.

No. 476595

File: 1737854757599.jpg (116.94 KB, 669x1093, 1736516991661.jpg)

I just want to hibernate until the 21st. I hate that there's just no Luigi news.
Do you think this is intentional? They just won't let anything about Luigi get out there? I think a weekly photo would be nice. I don't see anything wrong with that.

No. 476597

Of course it's intentional.

No. 476603

this makes me so sad. I feel like other notorious prisoners were still getting to communicate with the world and had public interviews and shit. I swear to god way worse crime scrotes got more publicity.

No. 476604

Of course they do. Rape and murdering innocent people is fine, and makes for good TV.

No. 476612

File: 1737857334209.png (774.84 KB, 733x485, seething.png)

Stripping luigi and filming his naked body is also good for tv…..

No. 476613

It's too femgaze, they'd never let it happen.

No. 476614

File: 1737857653551.png (413.5 KB, 371x554, 5443434.png)

Harris would have let it happen…

No. 476615

Even so, Luigi’s massive cock would cause so much seethe

No. 476616

She just had to pick the worst photo possible for a sweatshirt

No. 476617

File: 1737858969994.png (578.83 KB, 390x557, carrying Luigi from prison to …)

Good. If Harris won, she could have made a meme out of Luigi's megafauna schlong and rubbed it in trumps face that women prefer prison chad to betabux whose cocks are smaller than most aidens test clits

No. 476619

File: 1737859060352.png (297.06 KB, 299x355, Luigi is very intellient peak …)

would this have been better?

No. 476621

Megafauna schlong is insane

No. 476623

The silk road founder did it, so maybe.

No. 476625

Well he got pardoned and Luigi never will. So clearly he was seen as more favorable and was given Twitter privileges.

No. 476636

>Idk why he was so into the pop psych
Hyper obsessed with efficiency

No. 476648

what is pop psych

No. 476649

File: 1737866340158.png (199.18 KB, 1126x1804, luigi bait.png)

day two of drawing weegee until he responds

No. 476650

cute weegee. Do you think he ever smoked?

No. 476656

I could see him trying weed but probably not an actual cigarette.

No. 476661

File: 1737868625194.mp4 (13.71 MB, 480x854, 1737745491047.mp4)

crossposting luigiseethe from the ugly man psyop thread.

No. 476673

File: 1737872216292.png (741.99 KB, 2013x2425, screencapture-mecklenburgcount…)

samefag, remember the cousin 40 page schizo was talking to? it's a fake account made by a 41 year old woman from north carolina KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK

No. 476678

40 page always has the sweetest milk

No. 476722

she was on reddit fighting plp and threating to sue

No. 476723

He looks like a mulatto version of Luigi

No. 476727

I love this one

No. 476764

I just had the most random and awful nightmare that Luigi was transferred to some prison in Egypt and got blown up in a bomb attack.

No. 476781

File: 1737910905670.webp (174.32 KB, 1080x1070, 1000006724.png)

I just saw a full on cousinspiracy post on rednote, this is messed up

No. 476784

The chinese have discovered waluigi?

No. 476785

Tell us about it

No. 476786

Basically pics of waluigi and an explanation how he's the real shooter. posted by an American most likely. I saw waluigi on tiktok too, honestly disturbed

No. 476787

I mean, duh, he is the real shooter. Name starts with an "M". He is Mario, the true hero.

No. 476791

people are going insane. how the fuck are we supposed to go another whole ass month on radio silence about this case? It's driving me insane.

No. 476794

We need to learn from the Once-ler fandom and have our own deranged OC. Luigi would appreciate that since it would be inspired by something Lorax-related.

No. 476795

No. 476797

looks like we've got chinese spies lurking here on LC kek

No. 476801

File: 1737914875032.jpg (400.33 KB, 1080x1608, 1000006725.jpg)

Did you all read the summary of that shitty book luigi tried to buy 400 copies of. Sobering

No. 476802

File: 1737914912601.jpg (367.78 KB, 1080x1441, 1000006726.jpg)

No. 476803

No I don’t know why I would read a random nameless person’s summary of a dumb book.

No. 476805

Because luigi was so impressed with it he traveled to India to meet the author? i thought this was the thread for studying his retardation

No. 476806

I don’t know who wrote it or if they are even notating that book in particular you might want to include a link

No. 476807

Having grown up with a mother who didn't work, two sisters and a limited access to dad who did all the work, it's not surprising he had these thoughts. He doesn't understand the need for a woman to have her own income stream in case things go south. Luigi never really saw things go south among the women in his family so he lacks perspective.

No. 476808

We don’t know if he had these thoughts

No. 476810

No. 476812

Not surprised he would like an obscure self published book full of contradictions and navel gazing. I wonder if it’s true he wrote a list of corrections (I don’t think there is proof), but it sounds like he didn’t discuss the book itself with the author. Trying to buy 400 copies of a book you haven’t read yet (or did he? The timeline is weird) is manic behavior to me. I wonder if Luigi wanted to self publish a book similarly and latched onto this guy like he latched onto others. Luigi overestimated his own intelligence, or something. Quite strange thoughts going on in that troubled brain of his. I wonder what more we will learn about him once he’s allowed to speak for himself.

No. 476814

Did Weege have bad breakup because damn

No. 476816

I honestly can’t imagine him being in a lengthy relationship at all. You’d think if he had a steady girlfriend there would be pics right? I wonder what were the contents of the book that drew him to it (or rather the contents of the author’s shit ideologies) he also seemed to have many female friends so I don’t know what’s going on there

No. 476820

I really think he wanted to be a Xitter grifter like that writer. That's why he latched onto so many of them and tried hard to be accepted into their circles by giving them money. The 400 books thing may have just been him trying to get that guy's attention so he could eventually promote his own Xitter grifter career. In any case, Luigi is fucking retarded.

No. 476822

It is definitely that case, he must have no positive role models in his life or something

No. 476824

interesting he's an ivy league graduate but associates himself with random Indian grifters when he has access to a huge network of people who are actually worth following around.

No. 476825

File: 1737917574566.jpg (224.86 KB, 1080x1431, 1000006727.jpg)

That writer also posted this pic so yah, looks like his words had an impact.

Whatever happens now, luigi had his glory. So there's that.

No. 476826

I admit to not knowing much about ivy league circles, but my impression of tech circles (which would have been luigi's surroundings) is not very positive

No. 476827

If he dodges the death penalty he'll be out in his 50's. Prison is a rough place to grow old in with minimal healthcare. Damn.

No. 476830

He just probably couldn't relate to those people because people in academia have a tendency towards left-leaning beliefs. Plus, Ivy League students can be incredibly normie.

No. 476831

If you want to be blackpilled further, LeagleEagle did a video where a colleague of his explains why luigi is a poor candidate for parole. No remorse, etc

No. 476832

Well, Jash called out TMZ's lies. I imagine he might have some level of sympathy for Luigi and I hope he has some integrity to not exploit Luigi's name.

No. 476834

The trial has yet to begin, I bet we will see more and more people come out of the woodwork in due time

No. 476835

I am tired of men. Even the brightest ones can't see the world beyond themselves. You go to all this trouble to understand women, yet you don't even bother actually listening to one. Instead, you listen to a man tell you what a woman is, how a woman thinks. And you claim you are the smarter sex. It's pathetic.

No. 476836

Luigi is like the more intelligent hot version of school shooters groomed on Discord… this is so sad how a handsome, polite young man can fall from grace so easily. One of his tarot cards if he took a reading would definitely be an upside down Fool. And the Tower. His predicament adds to the attractiveness and fascination but it’s really a shame.

No. 476839

File: 1737918853445.png (257.43 KB, 596x528, 34343435435.png)

>Women not owning property is good for them
Fuck off.
>Most criminals and geniuses are men
Criminals, yes, geniuses, no. Women geniuses are swept under the rug by insecure moids.
Luigi needed to hang out with less beta males and more women. I think he could have been pinkpilled with shit like picrel but he was hypersocialized in scrote society and he cucked himself into thinking failmales had the answer as to how to have worth as a man when the reality is a man, at his core is at his most spiritually fulfilled when having his genetics spread. Every accusation a moid makes of women is a confession.
All a woman needed to do was show these statistics of how bloodthirsty moids are and ask him why the fuck a woman would want to take her chances with those kinds of risks.

I know it's cope, but Luigi killing a CEO instead of lashing out on women and children implies there might be potential of reform. It was a symbolic killing of a father figure/role model to a lot of shitty men.

But idk. I want a chance to correspond with Luigi. I wish I was a female CO so I could beat him up and make him write an apology letter to women.

No. 476840

Luigi's story reminds of the Germanwings pilot who crashed his passenger plane into a mountain. Guy's life-long dream was to be a pilot. He was banned from flying for some time after he was diagnosed with depression, then learned he was losing his eye-sight. At some point he told his gf that he really wanted to change the world some day. That story reminds me of luigi who was obsessed with self-optimisation but learned he was going to live with a disability (chronic pain and doctors had discouraged him from most exercise according to his reddit).

Some young men just don't want to go out quietly. Obvious difference is luigi took an utter cunt with him instead of unfortunate randos.

No. 476841

The retardigi allegations can't be beat
Thanks for posting these, nona. Seeing this and also some of the xitter/substack grifters he orbited has helped me calm down all my woobifying headcanons of him. Now I can focus on just objectifying him plus following the courtcase

No. 476842

Was he still in pain after the surgery though?

No. 476843

According to those Germans he hung out with yes. Don't think we have full confirmation as of yet

No. 476844

File: 1737919823633.jpg (63.5 KB, 268x372, Valerie_Solanas_by_Fred_W._McD…)

>Eternal glory and greatness
It's a fucking meme. This guy is a total retard for falling for that shit. Words like "glory" "legend" "legacy" and "greatness" are just faggot terms tossed around as a way for scrotes in power to be recruited for wars and shit. In an ideal world moidlets would use their own present father as a father figure, but because we have all dads being at least part time deadbeats, ignoring their kids all day, the moidlings grow up with a hole in their hearts, having that void filled by heros in fiction, celebrities, and history scrotes who they have never and will never meet and know what they are actually like but develop a parasocial bond with them to the point where they feel the need to emulate them as if they were their father.

Yet another male projection is women should be in the home and men should be out working. It's the other way around. Moids are so fucking paternal it isn't even funny. They need to be as close to a healthy father figure as possible otherwise they fall apart. They are so pathetic and retarded that they think emulating a history scrote who did retarded shit and died at age 30 will fix their daddy issues.

God… I want to pinkpill Luigi so badly. And if he doesn't listen I want to sodomize him until he reaches enlightenment.

No. 476846

Good post nona, and now I'm wondering if luigi was really giving his father the middle finger more than the establishment. Of course now it's his mother who will suffer the most. as always

No. 476847

Im sure his father’s heart is also broken. Maybe.

No. 476849

File: 1737920840508.png (226.66 KB, 581x594, 344555453.png)

>Luigi giving his father the middle finger
No. Not consciously at least. I strongly believe Luigi 100% loves his family even if he doesn't see eye to eye with them. I think they hurt him spiritually, but neither him nor them are fully aware of it. Maybe in a Freudian way the crime was symbolically paternal but I really honestly think killing Thomson had more to do with Luigi having a strong sense of empathy and hated seeing people be taken advantage of in general.

In short, I think the system of exploitation in and of itself has more to do with daddy issues rather than what Luigi did in an attempt to raise awareness about it. Luigi definitely needed a good, pinkpilled woman. I would 100% love to hear what this stupid retard thinks feminism is and then bitchslap him because of how wrong and dumb he is.

This 3D himbo makes me so sadistic. I want to fix him but I also know it's unrealistic to try to educate a moid as a woman, so I mostly just want to beat him up and make him cry.

No. 476852


No. 476853

I want to beat him and make him cry but I am also so lonely I want him to be my cutie pie boyfriend as well. Oh well. We’ll get em next time…

No. 476854

Don't worry nona. We'll get him to the farms when the revolution happens. We will take over the prisons, kill all the rapists, misogynists, and shitbull murder scrotes and bring Luigi to the breeding farm. I'll beat him up and you can comfort him afterwards.

No. 476855

Nona imma need a reading list from you, tnx

No. 476857

Well that sounds nice and all but can I do the whipping?

No. 476860

Can someone give a qrd on this guy, I’ve tried lurking the threads but y’all are too fast and I can’t keep up. Anyone discovered red flags on him yet?
So far all I know is that he reads Non fiction, is vegetarian, had girl friends, upper class family, went to Ivy League and is smart, and is (presumably) a qt virgin boi
Please someone tell me bad things about him before I get swept up and start crushing on him

No. 476861

This worst thing about him is that he is into stupid right-leaning Xitter pop psychology, philosophy grifters that prey on naïve young men like him who lack a father figure. He's almost certainly not a virgin although no ex-girlfriends have come out yet. We don't know if he's still vegetarian either since there's a photo of him in a Japanese fried chicken restaurant but he definitely seemed like he was at least for sustainable agriculture. Also, his rich family has one prolific cousin who is a hardcore conservative politician and Italian-Americans tend to be right-leaning so make of that what you will.

No. 476862

>had girlfriends
We don’t know this for certain or if he had flings or anything serious. Short term gf probably, long term gfs there just isn’t anything substantial, I feel like we would’ve found pics. Red flags would be reading grifter books and giving money to said grifters to be his daddies

No. 476864

>Is smart
Academically, yes. In every other regard? Not so much. Very middling intelligence for a moid when you measure outside of education. Maybe somewhat self aware, might have potential due to curiosity, but otherwise Luigi is a retard.

If Luigi was legitimately smart, he wouldn't have been caught

No. 476865

>for a moid
He is smart for a moid. Which, on an objective scale, is being a midwit. He has above average empathy for a male too. It sucks he’s still better than 95% of males despite his shortcomings.

No. 476866

He wanted to be caught.

No. 476868

Very likely. If he has a woman who was acting alongside him he wouldn't have been caught. She would have convinced him to meme out a few more CEOs until law enforcement finally caught up to them

No. 476869

If he had a woman in his life he would’ve had more to live for and not need to take a life for a fleeting sense of purpose. The CEO’s murder was based though.

No. 476870

im illiterate. I don't even know wtf im writing right now. Im just hitting random keys hoping for the best

No. 476871

Luigi partially manifested my fantasy of turning into Sonic the Hedgehog and aloggiung and/or terrorizing oligarchs. If he teamed up with me I wouldn't have fixed him. I would have made him worse.

No. 476872

Well honestly him being worse to the point of killing more oligarchs is just as good as him being saved and living happily ever after with his dominant gf/wife. Would you have made him commit the killings while painted in blue?

No. 476874

>Would you have made him commit the killings while painted in blue?

no comment

No. 476879

File: 1737927043869.jpeg (464.71 KB, 1179x710, IMG_4602.jpeg)

Was it ever confirmed that this is Luigi?

No. 476881

Hand looks too small to be Luigi

No. 476883

It wasn’t ever confirmed no

No. 476885

File: 1737927309717.png (878.45 KB, 1024x683, retard.png)

I think due to a lack of legit source it's hard to confirm it's him.
It's still a very sexy photo.

No. 476886

What if it’s Waluigi… the hair resembles Wala

No. 476887

Maybe but look at the shoulders.

No. 476888

I think it's him

No. 476889

No shot that's him. Hairline is completely different

No. 476897

File: 1737930242926.jpeg (69.63 KB, 992x558, IMG_8555.jpeg)

I could have saved you… offered you strict physical discipline and mental training… you would have self actualized under my tutelage. Now you will never be near a pussy again.

No. 476907

The fact that he can get married but cannot have conjugal visits on death row…

No. 476908

He's not on death's row so he needs to marry one of us ASAP before he is

No. 476916

Listen I get that he killed a ceo but I think Luigi should be allowed to impregnate more than one woman.
We need an insider who is able to access conjugal and can smuggle a vial up her pussy to collect luigi milk for the black market

No. 476918

File: 1737933560387.png (445.47 KB, 1828x634, Screenshot (913).png)

Smuggle a vial up her pussy? She needs to be upfront. Listen, Luigi, we can't let your sperm go to waste, get jackin. Make sure to evenly distribute your swimmers.

No. 476921

not on death row YET, but still, federal prisons don't allow conjugal visits so i've settled for being a penpal friend

No. 476923

>penpal friend
Yeah if he replies to us that is, stupid faggot taking his good old time. Violently masturbating every day does nothing but I can't stop now, my fingers have biceps.

No. 476927

>penpal fan
This guy literally leaving everyone on read.

No. 476928

send luigi a photo of your vascular fingers and say "You did this slut. take accountability and write me back"

No. 476933

that's true, you need to give yourself a break since masturbating isn't yielding results. it's time to start sending him telepathic messages and hope for the best
and i hate him for that, that's why i've decided that i'll harass him for years to come until he replies

No. 476934

>Basically pics of waluigi and an explanation how he's the real shooter. posted by an American most likely. I saw waluigi on tiktok too, honestly disturbed
Probably the same troon that's been pushing it here.(troonfoiling)

No. 476939

Surprisingly, no. Kek. It actually wasn't that hard to find out. They either did the work I did through obituaries or saw the wedding photographer's watermark here and got access to that side of the family from there.

No. 476942

Day 1 of Gregorian chants for Luigi

No. 476947

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I doubt anyone's waiting on the edge of their seat for my recap but I only had time to work on it last night and want to include Amerifags since it goes back way further than I thought. See you tomorrow wives!

No. 476949

>Did you all read the summary of that shitty book luigi tried to buy 400 copies of. Sobering
I knew it would end up being like this, it was known early on that wigi had retweeted some pickme tradthot on twitter crying about muh men, and how we have to stay home while they go out into the world and pursue muh glory, and we musnt stifle them.
And I don't care tbh. He's hot, rich, and polite. I would've been his wifeslave.

No. 476950

The tweet didn’t say anything about needing to stay home, Wigi would probably prefer a wife who worked since he was surrounded by rich college stacies with the intention to do so, but it’s not like it matters anyway. Also as a whitepill, if he and Tracey did date he seems like a great bf and a great ex-bf as well. If they didn’t date then he respects women enough to be besties. Also he did call Tracey a boss bitch mogul goddess whatever which shows he doesn’t think women need to stay home jobless. Well hey, he is rich so if somehow he did have the honor of dating you nonna I am sure you could be well provided for… if you don’t mind living humbly, I am sure he would want to travel a lot (with you~). Okay that’s my Luigi fanfic for the night

No. 476951

>Wigi would probably prefer a wife who worked since he was surrounded by rich college stacies with the intention to do so
Then why was he terminally single?
And why did he try to buy 400 copies of the book promoting the idea that women should not be allowed to work, or own property, and must be kept out of politics?
You are coping, friend. I don't need a whitepill, I said I'd be his slave.

No. 476954

What does him being single have to do with any of that? He couldve been single for a myriad of reasons. Ivy league students are annoying and vapid, for one. Also he is retarded and like any male probably liked the book because he liked the moid. Unfortunate truth but males dont care when other males are sexist even if they themselves oersonally arent to the same degree. Males don’t filter that shit if they find usefulness in a male’s other opinions, and Luigi has loads of shit opinions. Dunno why you would want to be a slave to a male you think would hate you but that’s your prerogative I was trying to make you think he would be good to you but I didn’t know your horniness went that far. Personally I would abuse him if he was mean to me.

No. 476961

Luigi needs beatings for not writing back to me.

No. 476968

Hell no I wouldn't be Luigis slave. That retard needs a mistress. He needs a team of mistresses to whip him into shape. We need to rub all those financially supported moid grifts in his face and punish him untill he pees himself repeatedly. By the end of the first night he'll write his apology letter and give it to us on his hands and knees with the note in his mouth, whimpering and begging for our mercy.

No. 476969

Idk why it isn't obvious to everyone here that Luigi had no fucking idea what to think. He was overly socialized around other MOIDS. What the fuck do you think his shithead friends talked about in his all moid prep school? You think they were talking about respecting women? What about his frat of failmale ugly nerds? Luigi was filled to the brim with toxic moids and fake ivy league bitches who wanted a man who made more money than them. Luigi is a total sub that wants nothing more than to be broken in by women like the wild stallion he is. He traveled the world looking for answers to what his purpose was. He went crazy not knowing how to find a harem of rapenonas. Now look where it's gotten him.

No. 476970

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No. 476985

Lil manic pixie dream boy

No. 476988

Best explanation for his grin in that photo i have read is, the cops pointed out the women that were cheering for him and gassed him up about it, and that‘s why he‘s smiling like that. I can see it.

Looking at Luigi‘s twitter et al, he really was obsessed with ideas of heroism. That concept just keeps popping up. If I were to attempt a more favorable read of his attitudes on women, he thought a man‘s job is to go out and slay dragons and shit while women are carers. Lulu thought it was his job as a man to go and kill evil ceos and protect everyone.

Poor baby had to be born into a conservatard family. Rightoids understand the world like this, poor people are lazy, birth rates are low cause everyone has the wrong attitude and the excesses of capitalism are caused by evil and greedy individuals. If only I had been there to open his eyes and teach him class consciousness…

No. 476993

>facing death penalty
>nonchalantly grinning from ear to ear about women's interest in him


No. 476996

>ywnb luigi’s damsel in distress

it’s literally over

No. 477000

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day three of drawing weegee until he responds: sleep edition.

No. 477002

Comfy Weegee tired from writing a letter (hopefully to someone here).

No. 477008

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first time seeing this angle, imagine him glancing at you

No. 477010

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thanks for sharing anon

No. 477013

>His job as a man is to kill CEOs.
>Stupid fuck didn't realize he could have raised an army of BPD's with nothing left to lose(me) to kill way more CEO's. Why be a CEO killer when you can be a CEO serial killer?

Do you think maybe he at least had a slight idea of class consciousness and was trying to raise awareness of it by taking out Thomson?
When Luigi writes back you need to send him a collage of all ur drawings of him and tell him to write back faster.

No. 477046

This is like an Advent calendar thank you

No. 477048

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He liked this quote by vonnegut, so he had empathy for poor people. The cognitive dissonance caused by being an empathetic individual while being imprinted on by rightoids must have been a lot.

No. 477050

He knows he is the sex.

No. 477062

god he is so hot its not fair to lock him up

No. 477064

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One of my fave pics, he looks as cute and innocent as a deer ahhh

No. 477065

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Beautiful sweetie

No. 477067

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I love all versions of him and I might’ve been ovulating during the time these were released in December but I don’t think he's ever looked as good as he did than he did in that courtroom

No. 477069

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Perp walk >

No. 477072

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mcdonalds luigi….

No. 477073

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Okay fair you win, arrest Luigi is very sexy

No. 477075

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No. 477076

I want to lick his teeth and explore the inside of his mouth with my tongue so bad

No. 477084

this was the first photo i ever saw of Luigi and is his hottest imo. i still get giggly every time i see it

No. 477085

That gentle gaze and wind swept hair

No. 477088

Same, I know a lot were already crushing on him, based on the hostel grinning shot. But that wasn't doing anything for me until I saw this one. He looks truly dreamy

No. 477091

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The retard Jason brooks is now sperging all over TikTok about his walu theories. He thinks Luigi took the fall for walu but tinfoils that walu is also under investigation. His “evidence” is his TikToks of walu photos being deleted. I feel so bad that the Mangiones have to put up with this shit.

No. 477094

This retard needs to leave my bootleg Luigi husband alone!

No. 477095

Do you think the grifter shit was due to his mental health decline? Was there any evidence of Luigi supporting grifters before that?
Or do you think he was just giving away his money to anyone at that point as well?
Like he travelled the world and was giving away a shitload of money. I know he was generous before but maybe he had been planning to rot in prison?

No. 477096

Ugh, I hope they sue him

No. 477097

This retard wants to go back to prison so badly.

No. 477098

>Do you think the grifter shit was due to his mental health decline?
Not really, because millions of normies consume grifter content and follow grifters.

No. 477099

Oh, he's going back in soon. Either that or a huge defamation case he won't be able to pay off.

No. 477100

>his evidence is his tiktoks
Kek. Waluigi is probably deleting his shit because of retards like him.
He is like Rodya from Crime and Punishment for real, if only he could read that book in prison. Grifter shit and everything.

No. 477101

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Do you think the first night he was in custody he cried? I can't help but wish I could see him being first questioned by the cops and watching him shake like an anxious chihuahua.
Probably for the best I didn't see it I'd have raged out on the cops

No. 477102

Well those Germans claimed luigi told them he got 6 million dollars from his parents. While it has to be taken with a grain of salt, rich parents who are bad at communicating throwing money at their kids is a common pattern.

No. 477105

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That body cam footage definitely exists and might eventually be released. Kind of want to see it and dread it at the same time.

Pic is my 2nd fav after mcdonalds defiant!luigi. He looks so forlorn and vulnerable

No. 477106

They gave him pizza to calm him down before they questioned him but yeah he probably cried and maybe still does, with a cute red nose
Desperately need body cam footage

No. 477107

I feel like he probably did which makes me sad to think about.

No. 477109

Why would Luigi get 6 million dollars from his parents? He had been working a 6 figure job for several years realistically wasn't strapped for cash (Luigi seemed pretty non materialistic other than enjoying to travel and do sports). Even if his folks wanted to give him a living inheritance they likely wouldn't do it that way.
I know the Mangiones were wealthy but I don't know why they would just give Luigi 6 million. That makes no sense. Maybe Luigi had 6 million in some sort of investment. I know his grandmother died recently and gave out like a 30 million inheritance but she had 10 kids and god knows how many grandkids so there's no way Luigi got 6 million from that

No. 477110

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I think they might be scared to release the Luigi body cam vid. I don't think the cops were mean to Luigi due to him being white and compliant but it would definitely spark rage to see them hassling him and Luigi looking handsome, scared and tired.
Though there could be times in the video where he's complaining about is back and asking to go to the bathroom and the cops ignore him and he tells them he pissed himself.

No. 477111

I will pay good money for that body cam footage
I will pay an exorbitant amount of cash money for that footage

No. 477113

If we could see luigi shake and cry after being asked if he's been to NYC it would make him look so guilty. That piece of evidence would convince me he's an evil murderer and i would not support him anymore (looks at feds)

No. 477115

Releasing the body cam footage and showing him pissing himself when the cops asked him about the gun in his backpack would make me support his death penalty. And if they released the secret camera footage of him in his cell the first night curled up and weeping I would make 300 anti-Luigi tiktoks and game the algorithm and do the feds job for them.

No. 477116

Does anyone know what might happen on his court date on the 21st? Are they gonna cover evidence and stuff? Is it gonna be livestreamed? Will Luigi be allowed to say more than two words?

No. 477118

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Happy Monday

No. 477122

Writing my Valentine's letter this week just for it to be ignored or worse, to be read by other prisoners in the dorm. Such is life.

No. 477124

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So someone on LSA called MDC Brooklyn. Doesn't really answer anything I guess but all we letter writers can do is wait.

No. 477126

If he does get it it will be like in August kek

No. 477161

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I demand an apology livestream from Luigi. Not for the murder of brian thomson but because he paid grifters when he should have been paying women to get advice from them instead. He needs to demand lindyfag pays manifesto chan 200 dollars in reparations.

No. 477162

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i wanna be a lil delusional and say that im kinda hoping picrel isnt him and the guy is roaming in the world waiting for me to snatch him
Its the pic that got me and kinda looks like one of my husbandos lol

No. 477164

Gigi…? Anyway these people need to stop bothering the staff at that center. They’re probably gonna start spitting in the envelopes. Plus everyone already knew not to send hardbacks.

No. 477168

Can people seriously stop bothering MDC staff and his attorneys, just have to be patient and if Luigi didn’t answer to your letter it is because there is a backlog or he just chose not to respond. hope he responds to one of us though

No. 477173

I wouldn't be surprised if the staff there are now deliberately processing Luigi's letters extra slowly because of all the bullshit they must be dealing with. They probably fucking hate him now.

No. 477174

Maybe they're enjoying the proximity to fame like the rest of the dumb cops

No. 477175

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I can't stand parasocial stans. I get that I don't know who this fucker is aside from what he's laid out to be seen, but there's so many people who are being annoying and obsessive because of our god awful celebrity culture.

No. 477176

Read this in Eminem’s voice

No. 477180

Dumb cops get to brag about having him under their control. The moids in the mail room? They have to read through mountains of crappy love letters not aimed at them. They're almost certainly hating it.

No. 477182

They are almost definitely having a laugh at some of these letters though. 40 Pager with her fanfic and memes is probably their personal lolcow. Imagine all the other lol worthy letters they must get.

No. 477219

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MDC employees scanning love letters, shitty poetry and schizo ramblings to Luigi all day

No. 477239

ngl I'd be taking a break every 25 minutes to sniff his pillow

No. 477243

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>making mistakes on your letter and blotting them out will make your letter ineligible and returned
this mod has to be full of shit right?

No. 477245

Well we'll see when people get letters returned to them with reasons why. You'd think more of the Redditors would mention if that's happened to them.
Also does anyone think Luigi knows that the media refuses to mention him now? Even Diddy gets more coverage. And I tried starting a conversation about how weird it is with my step-mom but all she had to say was that three child rapists are at the prison now too as if I give a fuck. Okay? So three random child rapists get more coverage than Luigi.

No. 477246

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No. 477254

I think it's a combination of nothing new happening and the mainstream media focused on trump's ICE swats.
Anything to distract from the fucking resource hoarding issue they don't want us to think about. Don't look at the oligarchs refusing to provide human necessities to their workers, look at the ICE raids.
Sometimes I wish there was a prison riot so bad that in the chaos they managed to smuggle Luigi out.

No. 477269

Wait I did that exact thing and my letter hasn't been returned. I sent it on Dec 23rd so I would know by now. I crossed out two words, didn't scribble completely, then wrote the correct words below them. Idk

No. 477273

I think she's full of shit honestly.
Imagine the resources required to do such a thing? To correct each retard's letter like a grade school teacher and then mail it back to them? I don't believe her.

No. 477275

because the reddit mod is full of shit, and I'm really starting to believe she hasn't received any legitimate letters from Luigi.

No. 477278

You can put drawings on your letters but god forbid, scribbles and dots from crossing out misspelled words will get your letter sent back. Hate this stupid Reddit mod.

No. 477300

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god i hate the retarded Luigi stans on twitter so much

No. 477301

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day four of drawing weegee until he responds: hello kitty apron edition

No. 477302

your mind is so beautiful, im obsessed with your art

No. 477303

isnt luigi like 26 why do the first two photos look like they were taken in the 1950s

No. 477309

>He could top me at any age
>posts picture of a six-year-old
I hate faggots so much it's unreal

No. 477312

I always got the feeling this little tard couldn't cook to save his life. I could be wrong but idk. Luigi stinks of failchef I would still enjoy him burning my roast in nothing but an apron

No. 477313

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No. 477327

I’m shocked there hasn’t been a lot of vigilante murderers since lulu

No. 477328

Yeah, it's just been more retards killing innocents. It's actually really heartbreaking that there's no weewee copycats. All these fucking school shooters suicide anyways, so what the fuck do they have to lose taking out some rich asshole?

No. 477338

This is beautiful nonny! Now I have something to dream about tonight

No. 477358

Being banned lolcow for autistically wondering why he is so thirsted after is making me kek

I will not disparage the husbando in future then lmfao

No. 477359

Probably because school shooters don't care about rich assholes or any greater good, it's about taking revenge on stacy from math who said no to him

No. 477361

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Don't these softskulls know that they can get like a gorillion Stacies sopping wet by killing an oligarch bastard?! They can see their crush who rejected them on tv lamenting about how his incel ass was "the one who got away" like Tracy! They need to see the bigger picture and learn to punch up!!!!

No. 477363

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>Why is Luigi so thirsted over???????????
He is the closest thing we have in real life modern day to pic rel in this world filled with people who want nothing more than to steal everything you have and work you to death.
>But you don't know him
I don't know pic rel either. Don't think too deeply about it. You'll hurt yourself

No. 477365

There are plenty of men who fit that bill way better.

No. 477366

>Being banned lolcow for autistically wondering why he is so thirsted after is making me kek
>I will not disparage the husbando in future then lmfao
It's a containment thread, not hard to understand

No. 477370

name one that's real and alive today

No. 477371

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I wish he didn’t align with all these self-inflated writers. I found what the infant line in his tinder was referencing

No. 477374

But are they hot italians? No

No. 477376

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Luigi Mangione: Another victim to the Y chromosome menace.
We could have saved this fucking retard.

No. 477383

What is it referencing?

No. 477390

this is the author of the book retardgi called one of the best books ever written lol that same dude came out to drag and distance himself from him saying he didn't understand his book and misquoted it honestly retardgi deserves this humiliation

No. 477391

this is the author of the book retardgi called one of the best books ever written lol that same dude came out to drag and distance himself from him saying he didn't understand his book and misquoted it honestly retardgi deserves this humiliation

No. 477393

It really does seem that Luigi had a mental breakdown after fucking up his back.
Just because it was a noble cause or whatever doesn't mean he didn't also go schizo. Both things can be true at the same time.
I wonder how his mental health is currently. I wonder if he's been diagnosed with anything.

No. 477400

This actually helps me get it more thank you nona

No. 477401

But what does infant mean in this context? Also kek, people thought he was trying to signal he is baby and wants a mommy and is a manchild and I knew he wasn’t (there are better ways I am sure than calling yourself infant) but this is somehow worse. Were women meant to get the reference and swipe for him? What does it mean? He is so dumb.

No. 477402

I feel like the writer meant that he’s curious and doesn’t have all the answers navigating through life. But I didn’t see anywhere online where it’s actually explained.

No. 477405

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see picrel
yes he tweeted this after the murder but i think it's the same sentiment

No. 477406

im retarded, he did not tweet this after the murder. he tweeted it 11 months before

No. 477408

This doesn't explain it

No. 477418

So basically it's just a meme-y way to refer to the way he understand the philosophy of life, in a way. Don't know why this even matters or is supposed to be something worthy of distaste, it's some twitter philosophy bro being meme-y.

No. 477420

Seems based then, we are all infants on earth especially with how short our lives are in comparison to the scale of the universe and the vast seas of knowledge we can only hope to dip our toes in before we die. Who knows how deeply Luigi felt about it though considering the pseuds he followed. I hope Buddhism sets him on the right path. It’s a perfect philosophy/religion to have while imprisoned.

No. 477450

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Doin just fiiine

No. 477453

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It means that he's not really that much more intelligent than a newborn in the grand scheme of intelligence.
It's basically grifterspeak for acknowledging you are fucking retarded.
Luigi knew he was stupid as hell. Luigi, like all moids, wanted a mommy to fuck.
Too bad if this fetus brain gets out all he's gonna get is farmers (us).

No. 477454

I feel like Italian guys are always hung

No. 477455

How do you know he wanted a mommy and not a cruel cold mistress he had to win over? Also I was thinking about Stardew Valley and I really wanna know what his farm looked like

No. 477456

Kek, based Britney using her own song as the audio for her Luigiposting

No. 477457

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he lets his real emotions out whenever he sits in the car and thinks nobody can see him

No. 477459

I feel like he’s probably one of those players who tries to min/max his farm for optimal profit instead of toodling around casually

No. 477460

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new courtdate for the pennsylvania case could be over zoom not sure if he will attend or just his lawyer

No. 477461

He wants a farmer to break him in and milk him several times a day like the wild retarded stallion he is.
Honestly? After everything Britney has been though she deserves to keep Luigi as a pet.

No. 477462

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Aww baby
True. Dude should have played Dwarf Fortress or Rimworld but he isn’t smart enough poor thing. Also I know picrel is from a fake news source but what the fuck is this theory

No. 477470

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also this one where he looks scared

No. 477471

I saw he seemed to be a huge Spelunky fan. Is that a big-brained game worth playing?

No. 477472

No it seems to be just a 2d platforming roguelike but it’s cute that he played it

No. 477483

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>ywn build a camp, take down giants, and conquer the ruins to collect magic items with Luigi
I wonder which character he played as.

No. 477485

Luigi has such a cute taste in games, he is almost a ‘girl gamer’ (I hate that shit but you know what I mean)

No. 477488

Honestly? Those grifters who scrambled to disavow him are the real brainlets and weak rat men. In the end, Luigi found what is beautiful and good in his big himbo heart. Bless him.

No. 477489

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nyart but its refreshing that he tended to play more unisex games. I know he played a couple FPS moidgames but for the most part his taste in games was nice. I really liked that he was an animal crossing fan.

No. 477491

Those moid games are almost definitely to play with his friends. Nobody plays csgo by themselves. What I would give to see his Animal Crossing village and Stardew Valley town. I gotta redownload Stardew Valley and after I finish Pokemon Heartgold imma play AC Wild World. For Him.

No. 477494

>one min in fallout new vegas
You think he would be more interested if we played it together?

No. 477497

Yes. I wonder why he only had a minute. Maybe it kept crashing but no way he doesn’t know how to just install a patch. I guess he just hated what he saw. I wonder who he would have sided with. Probably Yes Man.

No. 477520

>his face when a stampede of weegeewives start heading his way ala the lion king

No. 477544

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a new photo posted by someone on rednote claiming girl next to him is his chinese ex but could also be a wrong translation idk

No. 477545

Cutie pie also is that not just Tracey kek

No. 477546

When we smuggle Luigi out of prison we need to have his breeding chambers have that blue light it is very romantic

No. 477548

that looks like tracey but i could be wrong

No. 477549

Either her or the other Asian girl, there is two from the Hawaii commune but he is typically seen with Tracey. I think they were dating. He seems like a dreamy, kind boyfriend.

No. 477556

when did tracy get married then? if they did date im confused by the timeline

No. 477557

yes i think its her its probably a mistranslation and that person meant a friend

No. 477558

True, it was only a few years ago that he was at the commune right?

No. 477560

He looks unhappy in all the Hawaii pics

No. 477562

Nonas, something miraculous has happened. I'm still trying to come to terms with it, afraid it isn't true.
I suffer from really bad period cramps, to the point where I'm bedridden a day or two every month. It has been this way for such a long time but ever since December and finding Weegee the pain hasn't come.
At first I didn't make the connection but two times in a row seems like it can't be a coincidence. The only thing that's changed in my life is that my mind has been taken over and my pussy has been throbbing because of Weegee.
It all seems so surreal. I was starting to turn away from weegeewifeism. He never came to visit me in my dreams, nonnies didn't get their letters. The discourse and evidence of his xy retardation brought me down, as did all the infighting and the outside threats. I felt lost, confused.
At my darkest hour, when I was alone, he appears to have saved me. He cast some sort of protective charm on me, even as I was doubting him.
This is like that Christian story of the footprints in the sand. Weegus is carrying my uterus on the beach and I'm so grateful

No. 477565

Luigi is the cute to female pains. He gives your uterus the horniness it needed to get the spiritual healing it needed.
He needs to be freed

No. 477566

Luigi sacrificed himself for our bodily pain such as Christ died for our sins. Luigi cups all our uteri in his large, warm hands.

No. 477568

I am just even more convinced that he and Tracy dated before he found out how vapid she is.

No. 477569

Luigi reaching the peak of misogyny mountain, throwing his hands to the sky, and scream-crying begging for a based, intelligent, interesting woman to lust and love him. Then the monkey’s paw curls.

No. 477570

>Luigi cups all our uteri in his large, warm hands.
This is such a beautiful and touching mental image. It could be a sacred mural, also depicting period blood around his mouth. Gigi eats his wives out during their time of the month

No. 477574

File: 1738100298255.jpeg (367.88 KB, 750x928, IMG_8785.jpeg)

These people

No. 477575

why do people freak out about the pictures when majority are from his public Facebook lol

No. 477584

I don’t think that’s what the post is about. I find these random soppy posts so funny, but the accounts posting fake shirtless pics of him are annoying especially when plenty of real ones exist.

No. 477585

>his icon is a photo of Luigi taken by someone else

Anyways, sex with laweewee.

No. 477595

LSA anon?

No. 477599

I think I am going to write and send another letter mid Feb, maybe on Valentines so I can feel romantic since I have never had a valentine before. I will ask the same questions and let him know I sent a book. Maybe think of more questions. Maybe write a cringe poem, that seems to grab his attention.

No. 477600

File: 1738102884585.jpeg (180.83 KB, 1080x1512, young gigi.jpeg)

young luigi wearing an ac milan jacket..
how does saying gigi make one an lsafag? that's the usual petname for luigis

No. 477602

Was luigi short for his class? It's all boys, was this during his prep school years? (I heard the 40k per yearp rep school was 6th through 12th grade)

No. 477603

he must have been around 14-15 here. not unusual for scrotelings to grow taller a bit later.

No. 477613

He is soooo cute all the time

No. 477615

Wow, whoever blurred the faces of the other boys did so well, I totally can't see anything now kek

No. 477616

Yeah just like the robotics pics, who is doing this kek

No. 477617

Considering how retarded luigi is? Probably a less intelligent classmate.

No. 477620

i think it's chinese fans of luigi so i'll be kind to them for giving us so much content

No. 477623

File: 1738104590178.jpeg (309.49 KB, 750x868, IMG_8788.jpeg)

This person is obsessed

No. 477625

File: 1738104688820.jpeg (415.49 KB, 750x1073, IMG_8789.jpeg)

Her fanfics are crazy

No. 477626

File: 1738104815243.jpeg (239.69 KB, 750x865, IMG_8790.jpeg)

No. 477627

She was twinning with him because she wants us to know she fucked him. Its not that deep.

No. 477628

this one is the worst its so retarded and cringe

No. 477629

Why are the Chinese wives allergic to luigis freckles

No. 477632

File: 1738105843516.jpg (602.68 KB, 1963x3000, robot1.jpg)

I hate these comics but also find them so retarded that I can't help but laugh at how out of touch they are. Did this person forget that Luigi (allegedly) killed someone? KEK. I keep going back to this one because it is so retardedly infantile.

No. 477635

If I was a cartel member and I saw this shit I'd beat the fuck out of him just to teach him a lesson to not be such a fag. Then afterwards we can be friends and hit the gym.

No. 477637

This person is massively coping. Like does she think prison is high school for criminals?

No. 477638

My headcanon is that the bald inmate with glasses is a chomo.

No. 477639

Afaik China (like most Asian countries) hates any type of skin which doesn't literally look airbrushed and 2D

No. 477640

Oh hell naw Luigi at the chomo table?!

No. 477643

He's that kind and pure-hearted that he sits with the rejects, okay?

No. 477644

these fucking comics are retarded making it seems like he’s at summer camp kek

No. 477646

it’s going to be another tease just like the last hearing in PA

No. 477648

Honestly, why is the barber shop in a jail cell and why is the chomo from the lunchroom comic looking in all happy?

No. 477664

File: 1738108881520.gif (289.7 KB, 600x494, milk.gif)

day five of drawing weegee until he responds: retard edition. I wanna make the weegee doujinshi but I literally have no clue what the plot would be, I just know it would be coom and around 20 pages long. I need like a direction to go off of so it would be easier for me to storyboard. I mean I could porn with no plot but I think I'm too autistic for that since my standards are somewhat high. If any of you nonnies have any very specific ideas/plot points for it just let me know.

No. 477670

So good. I will think of plot ideas for Luigi porn

No. 477672

I love you artnonnie.
The doujin should be either wives smuggle luici out or 20 female corrections officers punish luigi for the crime of paying grifters

No. 477676

Idk the cringiness makes it endearing and funny to me kek, I kind of like these

No. 477680

>gymigi as summer camp leader for the computer nerd kids
>he’s dropped off at the camp location only to realise he’s been assigned the boss babe yoga retreat by mistake (not really haha)

No. 477683

i think it's an accurate translation and that girl is his chinese ex gf, who he had a lot of awesome sex with.
no. you feel unhappy looking at the hawaii pics. luigi himself looked just fine.
this is no different than the average post on this thread.

No. 477685

File: 1738112168830.png (572.61 KB, 655x482, 34535345.png)

Luigi being a retard who can't stop incriminating himself by saying dumb shit like he did in PA and Karen has to get him to focus with sex

No. 477687

File: 1738112569361.jpeg (975.99 KB, 1125x1514, IMG_4054.jpeg)

kekkkkk we’ll see how this discord server plays out

No. 477688

File: 1738112632152.jpeg (280.56 KB, 1080x1998, IMG_1684.jpeg)

No. 477691

What's your deal
A disaster, like all Discord servers
KEK it's tracey

No. 477692

Is this Tracy? Holy shit.

No. 477693

isn’t that tracey tho?

No. 477696

Explains why she just called him a dear friend if he suddenly and bizarrely broke up with her. Idk how she already has a husband tho

No. 477697

makes sense since she was pining for him hard now all the pieces are falling in place

No. 477699


No. 477700

Yes kek, who else? Also, who is that Chinese person who posted that? Someone else at the commune?
Probably was already friends with the guy and decided to fall back on him when Luigi and her broke up. I dunno, do rich people marry quick?
How could she fix him? She called his private texts to her 'content' I don't think she could save him.

No. 477701

Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen

No. 477702

Because fixing dumbass moids always works out

No. 477703

uh oh the yellow fever allegation floodgate sirens start to ring

No. 477704

>how could she have fixed him
By abandoning her materialistic life and pinkpilling weewee.
God Dammit i wish I was Tracey and got to get my pussy eaten by Luigi.

Id listen to him dumb schizo rambling and have don't all the introverted dating he pined for and slapped all the retarded ideas he had oit of his head.

We could have herded goats together, luigi….

No. 477705

Yah popular girls usually have a bunch of guys lined up who are circling them like sharks

No. 477706

Exactly, women think they can fix males with kindness, patience, and gentleness. That's how you fix a woman. Males need to be fixed with strict reward and punishment systems and physical corrections.

No. 477707

I thought Tracey said she never dated Luigi and he was friends with her husband

No. 477709

Did she ever say they never dated? If they did date though, it's fucked up to presume guilt and call his texts with you 'content' for your social media. Luigi deserved better and by this I mean a meaner, stricter girl who had higher standards

No. 477710

Let’s be real I would be saying that too if I was her. Media would camp outside her house. Some deranged fans too probably

The person who posted this is a snitch kek

No. 477711

In that case she didn't have to post anything at all

No. 477712

She could be lying about having a husband to get people off her ass about her dating history. I knew that she had to be full of shit though. The photos of her and Luigi together seem like they were more than friends with how physically close together they were.

No. 477713

I think she gave the explanation that her friends advised her to go silent abour him and she couldn’t stomach doing that

No. 477716

If Luigi dated Tracy it suddenly explains why he was turning to drifters. Tracy is not a good match for luigi.

No. 477717

Tracy you can redeem yourself if you release more Luigi photos and videos

No. 477719

Imo Tracy seemed mean but in a bitchy passive aggressive way where she's nice to your face. Luigi needed an up front bitch who unapologetically told it like it is.

No. 477720

Her friends are right. Let's say they dated, clearly the break-up wasn't negative and they remained friends as shown through the texts. Imagine then deciding that after he's accused of assassination and potentially facing life in prison you're going to post a bunch of vids and texts about him and presume his guilt. That is just crazy to me. What kind of person does this? It's embarrassing, too. And then doubling down and calling it 'content' is the worst part to me. Why not just discuss this with your circle of friends that knew him? Why air out his and also by extension your (showing yourself as a retard) dirty laundry? And putting a target on yourself for teens on TikTok to obsess over for more details about him?
Maybe the husband part, but in her texts with Luigi he was offering to take her and her boyfriend out for cheesesteaks. You have a point, she might not be married (yet)
I don't mind the theory, he seemed like a very sweet, attentive, fun-loving boyfriend. MMm I wonder how the sex was. And I don't want to seem like I hate Tracey (I hate Fatsey more) I am just astounded by the fact that she decided to come forward about knowing him. It seems like his closest friends (physically-wise it seems, with the pics) are the ones that want to presume his guilt and post about him.

No. 477721

File: 1738114152589.jpeg (485.48 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_1686.jpeg)

No. 477722

Fake and gay

No. 477723

Listen I'm down with having luigi fuck as many women as possible but at this point in time I think I can only accept luigi eating out lolcow wives and his lawyer. Everyone else seems traitorous to me. Tracy presuming guilt after luigi ate her out just boggles my mind. If I were her I'd stubbornly deny his guilt until my dying breath. Like I'm sorry but wtf? Is tracy friends with the thomson family or some shit? What does she have to gain out of this? It's not like luigi is being accused of being a serial killer or a rapist or a pedo or some shit. He's being accused of killing a man who made money off of denying health care to sick people.

No. 477724

Yeah idk this stinks like that kiwifarms letter

No. 477725

>drops off her stuff at her door
Why did he have her stuff

No. 477726

File: 1738114392916.jpeg (524.43 KB, 1196x1585, IMG_1687.jpeg)

I have seen this one before but fits the theme

The "I could have helped him better than his friends" vibe that‘s going on itt is funny kek

No. 477727

Because this bitch making shit up for attention

No. 477729

If they were bf and gf why wouldn‘t he have her stuff

No. 477730

I know right
The timeline is weird how could he have 3 ex-girlfriends at once. Including the ex from LSA that's 4 kek
I don't know I've never dated, what items do moids keep of their girlfriends??

No. 477732

>I could have helped him better than his friends
Unironically yes. These people seem so fucking insufferable.

No. 477733

when you stay over at a moids house a lot, you tend to leave things. Toothbrush, clothes etc.

No. 477735

Why would there be 3 girlfriends, this is probaby all about Tracey. The LSA stuff is probably bs.

As I understand the timeline, he was with Tracey until last winter then broke it off with her and everyone and traveled around Asia. Cutting everyone off is common in a mental health crisis so there is that

No. 477736

As opposed to the unhinged fanclub he has now kek. No hate though I'm here too after all

No. 477737

Unironically yes.

No. 477738


No. 477739

Who is this Chinese person and why are people assuming they have insider info?

No. 477740

Honestly whoever is posting the random screencaps can you at least compile a full graphic that traces the posters back to their relationship with each other/Luigi/Tracey because what am I supposed to think about these nobodies.

No. 477741

Im not unhinged like 40 page schizo or the single bpd mom who keeps sending him shitty poetry. I know luigi is a flawed retard but other than that idk who the fuck he is. He probably was a stubborn moid who was super judge but again, idk who he is. But based on my experience with people who were very similar to the people he hung out with, I think the lc wives would have been much better for him than redditards, ivy league cogs, and whatever the fuck else is out there. I'm not saying I'm amazing, but jfc I can see why luigi went postal and ditched everyone. I dont think he necessarily wanted to be alone either. But who knows. He legit seems like a retarded zoomer in need of wrangling

No. 477742

File: 1738115330191.jpeg (800.92 KB, 1179x874, IMG_2791.jpeg)

Pretty sure rice_to, the user posting all this, is the man in front whose face is uncensored.

No. 477743

It was honestly kinda obvious that him and Tracey were an item though???

No. 477744

Yellow fever confirmed. You win Asian nonnas.

No. 477745

Honestly we would've at least read books with him which the people at the commune couldn't even do.

No. 477746

>dating one asian woman = PROOF OF YELLOW FEVER
No. Luigi loves all kinds of women. I know it deep in my heart.

No. 477747

I'm only reposting pics from rednote, I don't have any more info than you. These are unreleased pics so this person is probably an insider.

He was mentally ill and too stubborn to see a doctor about it. If you play therapist for a guy like that they ditch you the moment they get better, facts.

No. 477748

That and going to Japan/Thailand. Just swallow the pill nonna. Rather now than later.(bait)

No. 477749

>Luigi seen with Asian
>Luigi seen with Jew
>Luigi seen with male
>Luigi seen matching outfits with Karen
>They are fucking!
… Actually the last one is real and based.
>unreleased pics
Actually the cropped pic of his face in the blue has been posted before

No. 477750

File: 1738115910512.webp (48.32 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_9168.webp)

No. 477752

No offence but which of these women is Tracy? In videos it looks like it’s the one in white but now Tracey is the one in pic?

No. 477754

Tracy is the one is white

No. 477755

Tracey looks like the one in back. I am so confused with everyone saying she was the girlfriend, although they probably fucked idkdidkdkdjkd kekk, but the pink cami top looks to be the same one whoever the fuck said was his gf

No. 477756

File: 1738116736095.jpeg (26.94 KB, 1125x398,