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/g/ - girl talk

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File: 1740171024942.gif (282.45 KB, 500x459, 12440279_04b38.gif)

No. 489057

No. 489059

Thank you for choosing the best pic for OP!

No. 489060

So pretty. Poor tragic prince. Please don’t be sent to Rikers.

No. 489061


No. 489062

for those that missed Karen’s media conference

No. 489063

File: 1740171184953.png (248.73 KB, 258x449, 543543354354.png)

its hard he looks super cute in a lot of them

No. 489064

ty for giving him sparkles nona bc my sparkle is gone. I feel so hopeless and I've come crashing down from my delusions that this wouldn't end badly for him
I guess the only hope for now is the stuff Karen was saying about the search and seizure being illegal. Hopefully they'll be able to get the feds fucking up the investigation somehow

No. 489065

File: 1740171300365.png (498.12 KB, 612x408, 53454354354.png)

"lc wives wanna do WHAT to me?"

No. 489066

File: 1740171308351.jpg (656.83 KB, 2457x1564, dl.beatsnoop.com-3000-sozawX2D…)

No. 489067

a lot of these are filtered

No. 489068


No. 489069

Who are those two people by her side? The guy to the right is the man who was also sitting next to Luigi smiling I haven't caught up

No. 489070

File: 1740171376758.jpeg (438.49 KB, 1010x680, IMG_4189.jpeg)

Karen had to give him sips of water too? they really didn’t want to take the cuffs off

No. 489071

File: 1740171403197.jpg (341.84 KB, 759x921, beautiful.jpg)

No. 489072

me too nonny, i was going to write him a letter telling him about his xitter daddies throwing him under the bus but i feel so sad now so i won't do it

No. 489073

I hope Luigi could hear the screams from outside since it was heard in the hallway

No. 489074

yeah I’m not fond of the obvious high contrast filter added to these

No. 489075

Holy shit he is so beautiful

No. 489076

Aren't they part of Gigi's legal team? Don't know their names
Yeah nona I understand your hesitations. I'm scared he'd feel betrayed and even more hopeless if he found out

No. 489077

giwtwm giving him sips of water

No. 489078

File: 1740171663086.png (206.76 KB, 313x372, 454654654.png)

No. 489079

the fags who upload them to gettyimages do it, takes away from my husbando's beauty

No. 489080

File: 1740171685189.png (176.41 KB, 466x329, 4565656545.png)

I still think hes a retard

No. 489081

While I'm still really sad, this is also really hot kek. I'm not sexualizing or disrespecting Karen, just the thought that he needs help even with drinking water. Let me be his water girl

No. 489082

All these photos, does that mean there will be video released?

No. 489084

Its so sexy

No. 489085

File: 1740171810647.jpeg (699.95 KB, 656x1140, IMG_5951.jpeg)

No. 489087

I’m sure Karen has talked to him about it, since fagwinder has been blabbing his mouth off to all the documentaries and recently she followed Max. She’s keeping a close eye as she should.

No. 489088

Figured that much, just trying to know what they're there to do

No. 489089

wish I was the inside of luigis mouth so he can nervously lick me all the time

No. 489090

File: 1740171863822.jpg (833.38 KB, 2457x1566, dl.beatsnoop.com-3000-vHgX8fTL…)

natural blush

No. 489091

File: 1740171865613.jpg (144.84 KB, 828x1792, 1000022248.jpg)

No. 489092

kek i'm sorry nona, i should've known you weren't asking that. I'm not thinking straight bc of this whole ordeal

No. 489093

im glad hes still thinking about eating our pussies

No. 489094

I’m holding off on hostile-toned letters because I feel bad for him. sticking to sperging about my own autist interests across a page or two I guess kek

No. 489096

It’s been a bittersweet day. On one hand we got to see weegee and on the other he’s being thrown every thing at him by the courts.

No. 489097

So he's not being moved to Rikers, right? Because my letter is still at MDC Brooklyn waiting to be answered. This slut needs to reply to me!

No. 489098

File: 1740172044947.png (288.63 KB, 793x1003, 243342334.png)

LMAO the front page of lc rn

No. 489099

He wouldnt be moved there till june right?

No. 489100

kek we’re gonna get so much hate please don’t ban us admins we’re keeping everything in the containment threads

No. 489101

his nose is too big tbh

No. 489102

made for rubbing against my clit

No. 489103

i have long gotten over his ass but this made me combust

No. 489104

There was a guy wearing Luigis first court appearance outfit in the hallway before they accepted the 19 people among the crowd into the courtroom
15 out of the 19 people were women apparently

No. 489105

This is the only place I can freely talk about Luigi! Everywhere else is filled with gatekeeping pubebeards!!!

No. 489106

where's that one Spanish(?) language weegee thirst tweet kek

No. 489108

no, he isn't yet. i took it as the judge trying to psych them out tbh

No. 489109

File: 1740172327852.png (1.43 MB, 1280x941, IMG_5953.png)

Aww this is so painful

No. 489110

the man is the new lawyer jacob kaplan the girl is sofia marc and karens daughter who is a paralegal at their lawfirm

No. 489111

The forced smile

No. 489112

Awwww he’s so cute.

No. 489113

I think if these threads were ever banned, my autistic obsession would disappear. I'm in the subreddits and their affiliated Discord servers because they're the only other active communities and they suck ass. Talking to normies is painful.

No. 489114

this is the most beautiful photo i've ever seen of him

No. 489116

File: 1740172530846.png (1.28 MB, 1095x1447, 54665456.png)

I feel you. They are all fucking tranny handmaidens. And they use the meme-which-will-not-be-named

No. 489117

Hopefully Karen gets him a good moisturizer and maybe some retinol

No. 489118

i dont think he will be transferred the judge made a passive aggressive threat because karen said he was being treated unfairly basically saying i can make it worse the judge is a real asshole

No. 489119

I want to lovingly tuck that little stray hair behind his ear and give him a little drinky.

No. 489120

this is the only place I can be retarded and autistic about weegee

No. 489121

I thought judges were supposed to be unbiased? they need a new one

No. 489122

This is evil

No. 489123

i hope when he's executed they leak photos of his beautiful body

No. 489125

Is that even a bulletproof vest? It looks like a regular vest to me. They are so extra.

No. 489126

I usually joke about how he should be naked and fucked to death by the rapenonas but rn I'm sad.
Luigi is so cute. He'd make really cute babies for gen beta. I care about the future but now we have elon musk peddling his troll gunk to any retard pickme

No. 489128

4 months until his next appearance I'm out I don't like him that much
It has been fun girls I won't miss the rapenonas time to hide the thread

No. 489129

The only way I'd accept his execution is if they do it Saint Sebastian style.

No. 489130

I was freaking out at first but I know his lawyers will fight for him. They're just trying to provoke a reaction

No. 489131

Weighted vest so he can work his core

No. 489134

he should've planned ahead and banked a few buckets of sperm

No. 489135

It's probably difficult for him to do that considering his sperm gets sucked up into his bladder and dissolved in his pee.

No. 489136

File: 1740173161970.png (1.35 MB, 1211x847, 3545434534554.png)

Luigi is gonna look like this next court appearance

No. 489137

They need to stop hurting him!

No. 489138

No. 489140

And those cuffs around his bare ankles look so fucking painful it is pissing me off. Stop torturing him!

No. 489141

Did they put handcuffs on his ankles this pisses me off so bad?

No. 489142

File: 1740173414073.jpg (231.11 KB, 1200x400, gimpione.jpg)

Next appearance

No. 489143

>4 months until his next appearance I'm out I don't like him that much
>It has been fun girls I won't miss the rapenonas time to hide the thread
I sadly have to agree.
This appearance wasn't worth the wait tbh and I don't see future appearances getting "better"

No. 489144

He should be in some sensual shibari ropes if they truly "have to" restrain him

No. 489145

I thought he was showing up in 3 days

No. 489146

File: 1740173746108.jpg (158.19 KB, 1170x1260, angel2.jpg)

Is this even a bulletproof vest? It looks like a random vest you can get on Amazon. I honestly don't think it's bulletproof.

No. 489147

The face of a murderer

No. 489149

the court photographer took 4 photos of his feet kek

No. 489150

File: 1740174047845.jpg (75.29 KB, 828x532, torture.jpg)

If you have them you have to share them. It looks so painful.

No. 489151

File: 1740174048120.png (829.21 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_5958.png)

Not unless they added hard armor

No. 489152

No. 489153

File: 1740174100598.jpeg (153.71 KB, 968x1210, IMG_3935.jpeg)

I don’t think I can abruptly withdraw from weegee and thinking about not receiving any new photos for the months to come isn’t making this better for me. I’m so depressed wow nonnies idk what to do with myself

No. 489154

they just put it on him to ruin his outfit and make him look more criminal

No. 489156

There might be misc. updates and new photos trickling out from time to time but yeah, it's very scarce. I think I'm gonna send another letter soon, I might start writing it tonight. Just for funsies.
It could be the reason, it did ruin his outfit that's a very cute sweater

No. 489157

i wonder what kind of data they extracted from his phone, was it his main or burner? was he the one sending threats to thompson? he's so retarded that i know he took a thousand photos of the gun from every angle and documented the entire thing. fuck this world, they don't want to transport him to pa for his court date on monday so he probably won't be there or it'll be through zoom and we won't be seeing him for the fed shit in march because they don't allow cameras in the courtroom so… june it is. what a wretched world

No. 489158

I didn’t see the documentary. Did they really read from his journal? I thought they only read fake Reddit posts and the book review.

No. 489159

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No. 489160

Well if there's anything to look forward to next it's whatever is in his hard drive I guess

No. 489162

No. 489163

i hope we don't find out he's a porn addict

No. 489165

he should've destroyed all of it, what a fucking idiot

No. 489170

File: 1740174958859.png (349.98 KB, 426x878, 8766876876.png)

does he purposefully make all these cute faces in court? Or is he just naturally a himbo slut?

No. 489171

File: 1740175257988.webp (39.15 KB, 591x913, i-really-love-this-suit-armor-…)

Thank God I'm into gentle sweater boys and tacticool style on men. With this outfit you can imagine him wearing either, although it reminds me of Payday, which is a video game where you rob banks and kill cops. Picrel. So that's an unfortunate coincidence.

No. 489172

Natural himbo slut

No. 489173

File: 1740175809515.jpg (39.35 KB, 612x408, gettyimages-2200311979-612x612…)

his cute curls

No. 489174

uh oh is he going bald?

No. 489175

Plebbit are saying tracey was there. Is that why she put the luigi post back up?

No. 489176

that ho hasnt donated to him

No. 489177

Thats his hairline
I doubt it, she would have posted about it

No. 489178

I really doubt it. If true, her husband is a massive cuck for letting her spend money to fly all the way to New York City to see a man that she was crying over kek.

No. 489179

Someone else that isn't us got a letter. When will this fucking slut write back to us?

No. 489180

Tracy would be crowing about it on social media if she'd done that
Redditors are so stupid and gullible it's embarrassing

No. 489182

Is it true Trump wants to give him the death penalty?

No. 489183

No again stupid Reddit ramblings

No. 489184

they also claim luigis father and brian thompsons son were there cant trust redditors to be honest

No. 489185

Okay yay

No. 489186

Isn't it interesting how every single letter Luigi has written has been a template bare-bones fucking "thank you note" essentially?
Yet kiwi farms tranny claims to have received a long, in-depth letter from Luigi where he complains about the food and calls the other prisoners ugly.
Are Kiwi Tards moids still buying that LARP, or did someone finally call out the tranny? They are pathetic

No. 489187

That guy in the suit with his hair parted down the middle was in the last hearing. I really hate people on Reddit.

No. 489188

we must find a way to send him minoxidil
ANOTHER one? it looks short too kek once again proving the kf tranny was lying his ass off

No. 489191

I think sections of curls clump and then that parting gets exposed. He’s not balding.

No. 489193

is he only replying to people on the east coast? the only west coast person he answered was that girl from California

No. 489194

one of his curls got grey because of the stress

No. 489195

File: 1740176968277.webm (7.88 MB, 576x1024, gross.webm)

He apparently wrote back to this blubbering moid. Fucking terrible.

No. 489197

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No. 489198

Luigi why

No. 489200

is this the first fag he has responded to?

No. 489201

Well he needs to respond to me already
The first ever male he responded to
Cute finger

No. 489202

File: 1740177157020.png (35.3 KB, 1022x381, faggot.png)

He's one of those faggots too. Fuck him.

No. 489203

File: 1740177186178.gif (668.58 KB, 481x481, 5338080345.gif)

>that video
i must not alog
i must not alog
i must not alog

No. 489205

Luigi has broken his women only streak

No. 489206

Luigi you fucking retard.
Maybe the faggot had a girls name and it confused Luigi

No. 489207

I don't believe this faggot, he won't even show an envelope. He saw Ghoul go viral and just wanted to copy off of her.

No. 489209

Exactly. Why would Luigi respond to a male? It’s not like he ran out of women to respond to.

No. 489210

I had a dream i got a letter back and was about to post it itt when i woke up
I didn't even write one kek

No. 489211

File: 1740177482225.png (36.84 KB, 1317x358, 8943205.png)

He said he's going to do that.

No. 489212

Luigi really doesn’t want to respond to intellectuals what does it mean

No. 489214

Why soon and not now? Unless he shows the actual letter too, I don't believe it.

No. 489215

not sure but the fag is hawaii based so he probably sent postcards of scenery from there

No. 489218

>be disgusting, lisping, sagging asshole having, faggot with AIDS
>get Luigi mail before me
okay between this and the nothingburger hearing today
im out
i hope they put this stupid bitch in rikers

No. 489220

Wouldn't put it past the CO's who screen the letters to only give the most dumbass ones to Luigi in the first

No. 489221

No please not Rikers it’s bad enough he is with Diddy stop it makes me so sad! I am going to cry tonight. Ovulation ruined.

No. 489222

kek nonny not rikers

No. 489227

Someone explain for non burgers why rikers is worse than mdc brooklyn

No. 489228

I think that’s exactly what’s happening

No. 489229

I wonder if Karen and him believe that his biggest and most fervent fans are Plebbitors and Tiktok users and thus why he's sending letters to the most insufferable people. It's some sort of shitty strategy. Fucking hate Luigi in any case.

No. 489230

Letters probably have shit like
>you changed my life
>you inspire me
>i cry for you
>you mean so much to me
And he feels bad and knows it’s easy and good PR to go
>thank you for writing such kind words
>feel free to write more
>im ok dont worry
>carpe diem sigma semper fi

No. 489232

With how completely dead he looks today, I can imagine he's not putting much effort or sincerity into these letters. He's probably only doing it because Karen or someone else suggested he do so for good publicity.

No. 489233

File: 1740178859613.jpeg (269.16 KB, 947x1127, IMG_8914.jpeg)

Without gettyslop

No. 489235

i wanna cry for luigi…
But only because hes retarded and a dumbass.
I would accept a generic letter from that ho

No. 489238

that was canceled

No. 489239

So… Not until june, huh?

No. 489240

Beautiful Geegee. I wish I could scooch myself between him and that fucking vest. That way we'd be snuggling nice and tight
Idk if this is cute aggression or what nonnies but I just want to burrow myself inside his chest cavity

No. 489241

Yeah i wanna squish him up

No. 489242

the face he makes in front of z delicious pussy

No. 489243

When the musk hits his nose

No. 489245

you get me, nona! I just want to get as close as possible. The way I would give myself rugburn by kissing his face endlessly, despite his stubble
Those lips would never know a moment's peace

No. 489247

It's going to be rescheduled but right now, June is the only definitive one.

No. 489248

I’m convinced his eyes are hazel now after seeing his eyes look this way here and in December. Also, in a few personal pics. I wonder why on the paperwork/missing persons report it says they are brown. Or are they light brown

No. 489250

File: 1740179686452.jpeg (473.32 KB, 2048x1305, IMG_8915.jpeg)

High res shackled feet
I wanna nuzzle snuggle in his throat and kiss him and explore his mouth with my tongue

No. 489252

Im tired of the feds not humiliating him on camera. Like sure ok you put the slut vest on him and banned him from wearing socks but why not just have him naked, bound and gagged and forced to hop like a submissive bunny to the next court hearing?! The feds are WEAK.

No. 489255

He looks like he aged 5 years since December…

No. 489256

He looks younger than the last appearance to me

No. 489258

No. 489259

looks the same age, just tired and skinny

No. 489262

Yeah. I wish 31 year olds looked like him.

No. 489263

File: 1740181293687.jpeg (596.47 KB, 1179x827, IMG_5964.jpeg)

Yeah see here. But definitely his legs have thinned out tho.

No. 489264

File: 1740181481599.jpg (499.36 KB, 836x1084, mogged.jpg)

Hard to believe the moid cops surrounding him could look even more subhuman than the ones from his last court appearance

No. 489265

I really think Luigi should only be allowed to have female tardwranglers. I love my dickslam midget queen

No. 489266

Looks the same. Why does he do such cute pouties? Did he do that before? Also yeah his poor legs. Fuck I need to hold him

No. 489267

God he is so unreal wtf

No. 489268

My dad is the only person I know who likes and cares about Luigi because my dad recognizes his handsomeness and has also experienced agonizing back pain. Then he got all sad thinking what if Luigi’s parents didn’t love him like don’t start projecting now kek

No. 489270

File: 1740181986897.gif (2.8 MB, 498x372, 435443.gif)

Me on my period trying to be mad at luigi for being a retard who writes to faggots and bpds rn.

No. 489271

i fucking love pale luigi, he needs to stay away from the sun. i've figured out that him being tan makes him look gay

No. 489272

looks cuter now.
I hate this.

No. 489273

Do you think he regrets doing it? Back pain is not treated in prison, I keep thinking he must be in a lot of pain especially if he's losing muscle.

No. 489274

Stop poor thing. I need him to cry in my arms

No. 489277

he’s gonna age like a fine prison wine

No. 489278

I wonder if Karen knows about his back condition at this point.

No. 489280

Uhhh duh

No. 489282

File: 1740183784024.jpg (801.93 KB, 2457x1566, dl.beatsnoop.com-3000-ZJmBwQsa…)


No. 489283

File: 1740183836296.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.17 KB, 731x900, Dean_Stockwell_(1965).jpg)

So now I finally found someone who at least very slightly resembles him

No. 489284

not with that hairline

No. 489285

He really should be allowed to be an honorary woman.
Moids hate him and he respects women. He should be in womens prison.

No. 489286

I'm wondering this too and wonder if it's to drum up local support. Hanging onto a tiny sliver of hope that west coast letters will appear soon but my letter was three pages long and wasn't generic so I know I'm going to be ignored.

No. 489287

File: 1740184164751.webp (769.78 KB, 2560x1920, 20250221_154226_resized_1-scal…)

The terrible court sketches strike back.

No. 489288

File: 1740184200981.webp (357.81 KB, 1568x1176, 20250221_154159_resized_1-scal…)

And here's Karen.

No. 489289

File: 1740184239687.png (591.09 KB, 914x520, tard.png)

this fucking bitch did it again

No. 489290

That lady dgaf

No. 489291

File: 1740184374987.gif (2.08 MB, 540x400, lulubrother.gif)

Yes he's older there, still more alike then that guy with no chin from sopranos

No. 489292

they keep massacring my boy in these sketches

No. 489293

Uhhh who the fuck is that
She looks okay

No. 489294

that terrible sketch artist made Karen look like a man

No. 489295

And retatigi turned chinese

No. 489298

she has it out for wigi, she made him look like a cambodian-bengali criminal

No. 489299

ok nonnies would you prefer this artist or kr schizo to do the court sketches?

No. 489300

kr schizo so then an art nonny can edit her comics

No. 489301

kr schizo because at least the cringe would be hilarious

No. 489302

Kr schizzie because the simple wigi is cuter than the fucking swarthy five o clock shadowed cambodian caricatures this lady makes

No. 489303

File: 1740185474113.jpeg (281.93 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_5966.jpeg)

I remembered I liked hers. She just did a terrible job drawing Luigi standing and drawing the front view of him sitting.

No. 489304

File: 1740185490997.png (Spoiler Image,2.36 MB, 1615x725, 343543543543.png)

No. 489305

Where are the other feet pics nona mentioned, stop blue clitting me

No. 489307

File: 1740186315564.webp (45.4 KB, 768x1024, mario.webp)

Awful, looks more like this ghoul than our hero

No. 489308

File: 1740186479035.png (1.03 MB, 1013x675, 564654654.png)

he took like 1000 photos of his feet

No. 489309

was luigi a redditer

No. 489310

Spoiler this shit

No. 489311

We have already seen this I need more

No. 489312

File: 1740186577276.png (221.49 KB, 308x379, 3454353545.png)

do you think she dickslammed him afterwards? Maybe karen joined in the dickslamming?

No. 489313

No. 489314

File: 1740186716516.jpeg (197.5 KB, 1566x1253, IMG_8917.jpeg)

Better smile

No. 489316

File: 1740186792736.png (775.49 KB, 1013x675, 4554654.png)

what the fuck do I look like the keeper of the feet? go break into MDC and see them for yourself (take pics of him naked too)

No. 489317

you're just jealous you aren't breathing down luigis neckme too

No. 489319

yes and she sucked his toes afterwards

No. 489320

Well someone is the keeper of the feet and she needs to open the flood gates

No. 489321

File: 1740187141324.jpeg (112.29 KB, 828x517, IMG_9196.jpeg)

No. 489322

Whats this from??? why is he in short sleeves?

No. 489323

Oooh his prison fit

No. 489324

File: 1740187204520.jpeg (93.18 KB, 746x485, IMG_9197.jpeg)

No. 489325

My husband in his rape vest…

No. 489326

oh sexo wtf where did you find this?

No. 489327

Is that his new prison clothes? Beige shirt?

No. 489328

unfffff dear lord save me

No. 489329

why does that feel racist

No. 489330

File: 1740187429326.jpeg (94.31 KB, 828x525, IMG_9199.jpeg)

Same fag sorry for spam kek

No. 489331

it's the color they wear at mdc

No. 489332

File: 1740187463282.jpeg (101 KB, 828x506, IMG_9198.jpeg)

No. 489333

wait did they strip him naked?

No. 489334

Husband looks sleepy. Bring him to my bed

No. 489335

don’t be sorry you’re doing gods work

No. 489336

He has 3 shirts on

No. 489337

where are these coming from?
will there be videos soon?

No. 489338

the waist belt he’s ready for rape

No. 489339

I bet he hasn't washed in days

No. 489340

I wanna see him in that light grey prison crew neck sweater aw

No. 489341

No. 489342

>He has 3 shirts on
What temperature do you suppose they have the thermostat set to in that shit hole prison?

No. 489343

Hnnnghh WHERE IS THE FOOTAGE also no wonder he looks traumatized
Why not? He can shower at the prison

No. 489344

File: 1740187756093.webp (Spoiler Image,24.69 KB, 1024x682, IMG_4190.webp)

spoiler for sbf jumpscare. brown shirt, grey sweats and regular khaki prison uniform is the federal prison standard.

No. 489345

File: 1740187822456.gif (1.9 MB, 320x180, 1FVv.gif)

It should have been me!

No. 489346

I hate this. I cried a bit today over this stupid shithead. Stupid dumb retard with his stupid retarded mcdonalds hash brown addiction. I hate him. I hate him so much.

No. 489347

How does he look fat and emaciated at the same time

No. 489348


No. 489349

I can’t wait to cry in bed over him later

No. 489350

they'd have still caught him even if he wasn't munching away at mcdonalds

he's too retarded to stay off the radar

No. 489351

File: 1740188201328.jpeg (140.39 KB, 750x1359, IMG_8924.jpeg)

No. 489352

when will he lose that beautiful hairline

i feel sad he'll go bald in prison

No. 489353

old fat bald and gray

No. 489354

I never had a foot fetish in all my life until today. There's something about those chains…

No. 489355

Maybe in 30 years but he will commit suicide before then

No. 489356

File: 1740188319423.png (1.15 MB, 1289x1368, 6546546.png)

I could have contained him. I would have locked him up in my basement and never let him go

No. 489357

here’s something to cry to nonnies

No. 489358

his eyes look so fucked up this time
i wonder if he's medicated

No. 489359

File: 1740188479185.gif (247.62 KB, 220x161, IMG_4191.gif)

getting drunk and writing him a letter tonight

No. 489360

government will rope him first

No. 489361

Really? In what way? His eyes looked beautiful

No. 489362

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No. 489363

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No. 489364

me too nonnie. me too.

No. 489366

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No. 489367

Baby… is that your everyday prison fit? Three shirts kek

No. 489368

I’m wondering if it’s just extreme exhaustion, yellow undertones around and under the eyes is normal to an extent but I can’t tell if it’s just the lighting or angle in here

No. 489369

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No. 489370

Im the woman on the right

No. 489371

Seconding exhaustion, he just looks tired. I want to snuggle with him to sleep it’s not fair

No. 489372

Even the girl police officer is sad in that picture. Me too she cop. Me too..

No. 489373

Well I am glad he didn’t trip over himself like in my dream. Those ankle cuffs look so painful I want to cry. I want to cry now but I know eventually I will end up sexually fantasizing about it, such is the effects of his sexiness.

No. 489374

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No. 489375

File: 1740189026518.png (1.92 MB, 920x1507, 887667.png)

lc nonnies ur the only ones who understand my pain rn

No. 489376

Ywn fall asleep cozied up under a fluffy duvet with husbando…I want to end it all

No. 489377

File: 1740189270499.png (349.86 KB, 481x570, 43354553.png)

can someone reccomend a gas station alchohol? I don't drink normally but tonight I'm feeling bad.
I need something tasty. Maybe a whiteclaw like an alchie version of lacroix?
Im so fucking depressed

No. 489379

whiteclaw mango is my favorite or a truly

No. 489380

Not religious but please let a guardian angel protect him

No. 489381

File: 1740189528152.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1920, 1735263864737.png)

its not fair. Im gonna cry

No. 489382

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No. 489383

today is depressing as fuck

No. 489384

between seeing luigi getting treated so unfairly and that AWFUL video of the crying faggot getting a letter, i'm so fucking done. today fucking sucks shit for this weegee wife.

No. 489385

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No. 489386

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He looks better than I thought he would. I expected that sodium prison bloat.

No. 489387

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No. 489388

the high of seeing him has worn off and now I’m sad

No. 489389

I wanted to be free…

No. 489390

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I'm not over this.

No. 489391

i don't get why he chose to reply to this thing. there had to have been moids who wrote to him that aren't braindead faggots. i hate him so much.

No. 489392

Well did he supply proof

No. 489393

File: 1740190207971.jpg (457.68 KB, 2600x2586, 636943898.jpg)

bittersweet day for his wives

No. 489394

Why does my dad like him and think he is handsome but his girlfriend thinks he is the evilest thing ever and not handsome

No. 489395

This is amongst my favorites that came out today and I am going to stare at it as I fall asleep tonight

No. 489397

kek i get second hand embarrassment wondering if he felt like Elliot Anderson from mr robot during this time

No. 489398

Cause ur dad's ghey

No. 489399

she's lying

No. 489400

highly asymmetrical

No. 489401

Only a little
I wish but she said he has concubines so I don’t think she gets what’s going on

No. 489402

Wigi is definitely on some kind of benzo or something, Karen mentioned him being a model prisoner so I wonder if keeping up with his meds is part of it especially since he went full schizo. God today has been a depressing one for all wives

No. 489403

i'm past the point of denial. it's hopeless. luigi is just that fucking retarded and he will never acknowledge anybody here and will only continue to reply to low-IQ, social media-addicted retards.

No. 489404

Asymmetrical symmetrical idgaf

No. 489405

I can’t believe Karen doesn’t have police paperwork from New York after two months and the nypd doesn’t want to transfer Luigi to Pennsylvania for his next hearing. Then she acknowledged the obvious illegal search and seizure in Pennsylvania. The nypd had no problem making him wear a $700 vest, this is so heartbreaking.

No. 489407

gettin drunk for luigi

No. 489409

Im getting drunk for the wives.
Hate luigi for writing to an ugly faggot when theres a bunch of stacies here.

No. 489410

Cheers nonnie
The high has faded, it got quiet and we're all experiencing a crash rn

No. 489414

Maybe that's why he's not replying to longer letters. He's too braindead from drugs to be able to reply thoughtfully to anything and is regressing mentally. That would explain why he asked the tranny for a Pokemon book. He's regressing into a retarded Nintoddler.

No. 489415

I think the other tumblr tif the type writer one where he said sorry not sorry bc I got to read your letter twice had some sort of mental breakdown over her posts about receiving a letter from Luigi being spoken about on plebbit and deactivated kek

No. 489417

Maybe she got a letter but it was a generic one like Julie's so she chose to make up lies about it.

No. 489420

File: 1740197814554.jpeg (571.84 KB, 1125x1839, IMG_4193.jpeg)

sold out already hope they continue the preppy look

No. 489421

does anyone know what the deal with him and breloom is? is that just his fav pokemon? anyone make any cute pokemon fanart of him and a breloom yet?

No. 489422

im so sad. I want luigi at peak schizo. Now he's just a braindead husk.

No. 489424

I saw this awesome breloom fanart a while back. Luigi had an obsession with 286. Breloom is pokemon 286, he had 286 twitter entries, 286 is also a reference to his denial code as well as proverbs 28:6 being "Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways"
He was caught 286 miles away from the crime, and a hash brown at mcdonalds is around 2 dollars and 86 cents. I want to cry

No. 489427

He asked a different tumblr user for the Pokemon book. The Cameroon girl claimed that which it’s up in the air if that letter was even real.

No. 489444

He needs 286 whippings for being a retard and keeping all evidence on him or 286 peck kisses on his nose and cheeks where both moles are bc I’m sad for him tonight

No. 489445

I miss schizigi too

No. 489450

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The 286 theory makes no sense because he had 292 tweets when he was arrested. His twitter was banned at 292 tweets and when they put it back up there was 286 tweets. It’s just schizo slop. “He wants a get out of jail free card” yeah no duh who would even want to go to jail. Also I wonder how certain tweets from different months were selected to be deleted. His following list also changed from 79 to 70 because Obama and others for example removed themselves from his following list.

No. 489452

Kek i didnt know he followed obama

No. 489453

Idk why it makes me sad that he was schizo-posting and sperging about agronomics to >70 people

No. 489455

I heard only 18 people followed him. My poor loser retard

No. 489457

File: 1740203522911.jpeg (690.36 KB, 1179x1470, IMG_5974.jpeg)

I found someone else’s screenshot for this too. Yes he followed Obama. I think he still has Obama on one of his Twitter lists tho.

No. 489461

I wish I did drugs with luigi. He would have been so cute and retarded high.

No. 489462

Obama's book "A Promised Land" is on his Goodreads "want to read" list

No. 489463

I wish there was a cute video of him high out there so bad.

No. 489494

brian thompson isn't dead, liugi shot one of his security clones

No. 489495

so whats the final penalty?

No. 489506

another lawyer criticizing kfa i have a bad feeling now i think with kfa being a prosecutor for most of her career i dont know if she is the right lawyer for this case
(sorry tiktok links are not working) https://vm.tiktok.com/ZNd1oqXTf/
also another lawyers opinion

No. 489507

File: 1740219075404.jpg (111.1 KB, 945x2048, 20250222_110503.jpg)

he looks fit and beautiful i dont know why people started panicking saying he looks thin sick and old

No. 489511

I'm also not feeling that confident in her. The way she brings those issues up, isn't eloquent and clear cut enough
Maybe it would bring him comfort, so I let that slide

No. 489520

I’m happy she acknowledges them making him into spectacle. But I feel like the last hearing the argument had more substance. This time it doesn’t as much because she hasn’t had access to all discovery. I wonder what they’ve been looking at these past 2 months. The fact she hasn’t even seen the journal, certain police records, and forensics. Like are they setting her up to not be able to defend him? I wish she could say more against them dragging him down. Instead she’s put in a position where she ends up saying no different than what people on the outside are saying.

No. 489521

Yeah why isn’t she allowed to see the evidence that documentary makers are getting access to? Is this not illegal? Wouldn’t that evidence then get thrown out?

No. 489524

What do I do to get eyebrows/lashes like this? Very soulful

No. 489525

Ntayrt but I think she's going to use that to extend the trial.
I think her strategy is to prove the prosecution is being faulty or something as a way to show none of the evidence they found on Luigi is reliable enough to provide a conviction?
Idk I'm not a lawyer.

No. 489526

Be Italian and be SEVERELY retarded

No. 489527

I mean if the journal is that benign they can just have randos read from it on television then why even use it in the prosecution

No. 489530

what was even in the journal anyways? I didn't watch the hbo shit.

No. 489532

That’s what I want to know too I asked earlier yday and didn’t get a response. I didn’t watch the documentary I just remember they read Reddit posts by him that were out of context and edited.

No. 489534

I don’t think any of us watched it

No. 489541

From what I’ve read, he started journaling to keep track of his attempts to improve his wellbeing and find his purpose, but then it all went downhill. He apparently wrote about ted kaczynski, explained why he chose not use a bomb, as well as his plan and justification for killing brian. It’s all very grim nonnies.

No. 489542

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There was a second courtroom artist. An older lady who described him as "pretty but vacant". He is retarded and hopped up on benzos. Of course he's vacant
Weird. I don't think that's new information. I remember hearing about why he wouldn't use a bomb a while ago. Did she really not get access to that journal?

No. 489544

>man kills a man everyone wanted dead
>risks death penalty
this is fucking retarded

No. 489545

Watched the documentary and I can confirm they did not read from his journal. They read his reddit posts along with the Ted Kaczynski manifesto goodreads review and used a voice actor.

No. 489546

File: 1740233683187.jpg (222.38 KB, 1567x1567, pretty but vacant.jpg)

It's just so sad, why couldn't he find a purpose? I think he had depression, somewhat. He's so tragic and relatable that it's hard to hate him, even when he didn't respond to our letters.
>Older lady described him as pretty but vacant
Please is he really on benzos? Probably. I hope it's helping him somewhat. I don't think the benzos are gonna help him not commit suicide in the coming years. I wonder if the vacancy is in part due to hopelessness.

No. 489548

File: 1740234431899.png (157.61 KB, 302x291, the worlds most cumhungry blad…)

>is he really on benzos
Nah. I mean, I have no fucking clue. Good chance Luigi is dissociating big time regardless (who wouldn't be?). If he is avoiding an insanity plea he might be avoiding prison drugs. I don't know if Luigi feels hopeless or is just entirely checked out. This court appearance made me incredibly upset. Of course the plantation slave media is still scratching their heads as to why people support him. They have to be larping. They have to know EXACTLY why people are glad Brian Thomson was shot dead and the elites are finally starting to realize they aren't so high and mighty.
They are so scared of us and they are terrified of showing Luigi because everyone who has a heart feels it break for this little tard wurstie.

No. 489550

File: 1740234813015.webp (22.43 KB, 1170x321, comment-from-an-instagram-user…)

Now I think my letter had too much crap about how good my life is and it might have just depressed him which might be why he hasn't replied. Depressing to think about. Also, someone is claiming this but take it with a grain of salt.

No. 489551

That's most likely her strategy. I really wonder how she got that far ,if this how she always speaks in front of a judge. I know as women she always has to walk a fine line, as theres so much projecting going on. But she needs to be more confident
I actually am worried, they add this sort of drugs into their food by design

No. 489552

File: 1740234970666.gif (3.5 MB, 404x420, hey girl.gif)

They are wondering why people support him meanwhile Elon Musk is running our government kek like wake up, nobody actually wants to live in a country ruled by the .01%
He is treated worse than Weinstein. I don't remember Weinstein being chained up, correct me if I am wrong. If you're rich and powerful you're simply allowed to get away with certain stuff.
Reee he isn't German he's Italian he's a pepperonie!
Now why would her dog walker be a CO
Anyway are there more pics of him in a car from this latest viewing? I wanna see him crying in the back seat.

No. 489553

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No. 489554

File: 1740235362084.png (85.9 KB, 750x485, execute luigi.PNG)

No. 489555

On the contrary, the best defense lawyers are former prosecutors. You do realize a ton of prosecutors go into private practice as defense attorneys?

No. 489557

File: 1740235516811.png (52.27 KB, 733x316, wigi walkin freely.PNG)

I know that she keeps making the same statements over and over but she does have a point and she doesn't even have access to the body footage of his search and seizure from PA so I'm assuming there's not much to work off right now. This is from their website by the way. You think Karen and Luigi being alone together have prompted snuggles and kisses of comfort? I hope so.

No. 489558

How likely do you think EWU Bodycam will get their hands on the arrest videos?

No. 489559

File: 1740235768928.png (225.54 KB, 960x859, maggot-infested-meals-remain-a…)

I wouldn't be surprised if he is surviving off of commissary food.
Even without the maggots tf is this

No. 489560

You know that when Karen is alone with Luigi he smells woman he pees himself in excitement.
Has anyone else noticed Karen was looking a bit younger and fresher yesterday? She is taking in that young stud DNA

No. 489561

I hope EWU gets everything and makes a video with their cringe watermark and their shitty AI narrator
and they trash Luigi (which they will)
and everyone turns on EWU
i hope that's whta happens because I'm fucking sick of everyone meatriding EWU they suck dick

No. 489563

Huh? What did i miss? Why do you hate them?
I just know they got the chris chan footage

No. 489564

This pisses me off, this is not what a beautiful young Italian stallion should be eating. Or anyone for that matter, except chomos.

No. 489565

Those are all important points. But it sounds wishy washy

No. 489566

>surviving off commissary.
It's pretty much the rule in the American prison that you have to live off commissary otherwise you will starve. It's so embarrassing how horribly America treats its prisoners. Most people who should be in prison aren't in prison anyways.
Luigi might also be sharing a lot of commissary which will keep him safe.

No. 489567

200 letters a day doesn’t seem farfetched, he’s probably so brain dead atp he can’t comprehend or retain the contents i hope it lowers so us nonnies can stand out

No. 489569

Yeah but how many of those letters get to him?

No. 489570

If he is surviving off commissary that means he has even less to spend on letter writing supplies. Because he has to spend to commissary to not starve to death.
And Luigi probably feels compelled to buy food for others too, if that is really what they are being served.
I am horrified by that food posted above.

No. 489571

Most chomos aren't even in prison since our pedo government capes for them. Most of the time prisoners are drug offenders and gang bangers. Keep in mind MDC also houses women.

No. 489572

True. But by gang bangers do you mean killers or rapists

No. 489573

It can mean a lot of things. Most commonly it's drug dealing and robbery (non violent offenses). Killing and raping too, but only if you're poor. Rich murderers and rapists walk away without so much as a slap on the wrist.

No. 489575

I've never heard the word gangbang used to refer to dealing drugs or robbing

No. 489578

most incarcerated criminals are also rapists/human traffickers/chomos, even if that's not what they are in jail for.
don't be naive.
that's why it makes no sense when people cry for criminals to get no jail time (or very little time) for non-violent offenses.
They often ARE violent offenders, but part of their plea deal is for the state or feds to drop the violent offenses from their charges.

No. 489580

Can they do this for Luigi? Just jail him for a fake ID and ghost gun and drop the murder charges, it's not like he killed a human anyway. What's the sentence for killing a tamed pig?

No. 489581

kek it would be the other way around, but yes.
They (pigs) could agree to drop the gun charges and ID charges and agree not to pursue DP, in exchange for Luigi pleading guilty to the other charges.

No. 489582

It's not the amount that makes me doubt it. Just that the source isn't the most reliable since it's just an Instagram comment kek.

No. 489583

But her dog walker said so.

No. 489585

I'm definitely not for prison abolition. Anyone who wants prison abolition is fucking retarded. But I also think that there are a lot of people who are not a danger to society who end up in prison and get fucked up from it. The reoffending rate in the united states is higher than a lot of other countries, which indicates that the American prison system does very little to reform criminals and in fact might make a non violent criminal into a violent one.
People who are a danger to the public need to be behind bars. But the sad reality is that if you are powerful enough, you can be a danger to every man, woman, and child in America and face no consequences.

No. 489586

>which indicates that the American prison system does very little to reform criminals and in fact might make a non violent criminal into a violent one.
Or it indicates that criminal reform is a meme to begin with. Again, anyone that ends up prison for guns, drugs, theft, etc. in all likelihood is already a violent person. It's a fairy tale to think of the harmless sweet little drug dealer that would never hurt a fly. No he's trafficking a 14-year-old but it was too difficult to bring those charges so they stuck with the drug ones.
This is precisely why sentencing guidelines made people get such long sentences for drugs. Because they know that these criminals are doing a lot more than "just drugs"
Again, naive.

No. 489587

Which is why it's so fucked for Luigi to be with these males. I hate how males see any type of murder as way way worse than sex crimes. Maybe some see it as equally bad. But to me, sex crimes are on the level of torture and torture is worse than murder sans torture (many times males do both). If murder alone is so bad why do we laud soldiers?

No. 489588

Sex crimes are worse than murder because you can only be murdered once
Soldiers are only cool until they start showing symptoms of ptsd

No. 489589

Exactly, but moids don't see sex crimes that way because they're seldom the victims of it and most want to commit one at least once in their lifetimes.

No. 489590

By this nonas logic Luigi is trafficking 14 year old's. You can't talk with someone who has this kind of viewpoint. She thinks our system of no reform works so amazingly. News flash: it's not preventing or reducing chomo's. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together for warmth would want rapists locked up for life (or ideally executed on the cheap) and kept away from non sadists. But as it stands we have diddy, Luigi, and SBF all under the same roof being treated as the same sort of criminal. And somehow nona thinks I am naive for seeing a problem with that.

No. 489592

>News flash: it's not preventing or reducing chomo's
Literally nothing is going to prevent chomos from being chomos, and the only thing that's going to reduce the number of chomos is execution.
Neither of those things have anything to do with reform or rehabilitation, anon.
What are you even advocating for? Separating violent offenders, from sex offenders, from drug offenders?
That is literally retarded. It doesn't make sense especially because most violent offenders have committed violence against women and children.
That is precisely what makes Luigi so special, because he punched up with his violence. He didn't punch down or to the side. So unless you build a prison for Luigi to be in all by himself, whatever you're arguing makes no sense.

No. 489593

File: 1740239675307.webp (264.94 KB, 1800x1200, luigis face as i am raping him…)

Uh yeah Luigi should be in a prison by himself, a really cozy one. Or in my bedroom.

No. 489594

File: 1740240049626.gif (2.76 MB, 191x275, 76687.gif)

I think Luigi should be forced to go to a different woman's bedroom everyday.
There should be a list where women can volunteer to have Luigi confined to their bedroom for a night. So long as he doesn't escape I don't see an issue with it. They can put a little ankle bracelet on him.
That will teach him.

No. 489597

Nah because you know one woman isn't going to comply and she's going to have her house surrounded by cops because she refuses to give up the goods for his daily rotation. She holds him hostage and threatens to shoot him so no one else can have him and she has to be talked down by the FBI. Then he's finally released and gets to go to another woman's house and the same thing happens again.

No. 489598

>every prisoner is a child rapist!
is that why they are notoriously treated so well in prison?

No. 489599

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Karen posted the court transcript on Luigi’s website. It always trips me out they called more police officers to arrest him at McDonald’s. I thought it was just Frye and the other one. I can’t even imagine how beyond dissociated Luigi probably was.

No. 489600

I will let Luigi go because he will go to 40 page schizos house after me and it will be funny. He is banned from going to redditors houses and obviously no troons are allowed to sign up.

No. 489601

It's why he was shaking probably. I need the cam footage.

No. 489602

I’m so afraid to see it. I only wanted to see it in order to exploit the cops.

No. 489603

I need it even though it'll make me sad. I keep thinking I will masturbate to his suffering but then I get sad. But after the fact it's a little sexy. It still enrages me though. Mixed feelings. I need that cam footage bad for hoarding reasons regardless.

No. 489604

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No. 489606

This judge sounds like such a dick head

No. 489607

i've seen people talking about kfa being one of the best lawyers money can buy in nyc, but has she won a case of this magnitude before? i googled and i couldn't find anything.
i don't feel like having plebbitors and shittokers chanting outside the courthouse is doing the future of this case any favors, and being so optimistic about this case thinking he'll walk free (kek) when his life is on the line and karen isn't a magician isn't good, also that entire thing probably contributed to the judge being pissed off and his passive aggressiveness towards karen and wigi. oh and i don't like david betras he says anything for some likes

No. 489609

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the jugde first agreed to uncuf him

No. 489610

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No. 489611

Anyone thinking he can walk free is crazy. They want to kill him so bad, the best we'll get is he doesn't get the death penalty. Every step of the way they've been treating him poorly, from walking with no shoes on outside in temperatures in the teens, to taking a picture of him wearing a suicide vest (among other unnecessary pictures) to chaining him up, now we see him without socks with incredibly tight ankle cuffs. Did he choose not to wear socks? I find that hard to believe. At least he had a belt this time around his waist instead of straight chains, which were probably super uncomfortable. But then he's in an unnecessary vest, which looks a few sizes too small for his frame. It's weird.
What made him change his mind? There's no way these people really think he's gonna start throwing hands or flipping over tables or something.

No. 489612

i dont like this lawyer aswell he is really feeling himself and using luigi to become an influencer

No. 489615

one of the cops asked him not to allow it

No. 489616

Probably that fat ratchet bitch that was positioned behind him

No. 489617

They did? What the fuck. Also poor Karen sounds really invested in this case.
I think the one cop that's always seen with them is gay or something because why are you obsessed with seeing this man in chains.

No. 489618

File: 1740241603021.png (375.11 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_5977.png)

This is very true lol in terms of making him into a caricature. I wish she would’ve said something else. I get her tho completely but. She could even bring up how they took back to back humiliating pictures of him in Pennsylvania and one of him wetting himself. Also, the wall slam too. I’m really shocked she’s never mentioned any of this to further showcase his unfair treatment at the start.

No. 489620

The penis slam was whatever, he was getting loud and they all probably thought he was actually sooper dangerous, plus a woman did it so it probably didn't hurt him at all.
Doubt. I really think it was the male with the tattoos that's always there. He's always looming over Luigi like he wants a piece. Seething over a more attractive male being the center of attention.

No. 489621

sorry to bring up plebbit but it's stuff like this that ACTUALLY results in gag orders sometimes. and not from people harmlessly sharing their little thank-you notes from weegee on tiktok or reddit
the fact that the mayor did extensive interviews about this is appalling.

No. 489624

She should have something akin to this instead.
The mayors participation in a public documentary portraying my client as a dangerous caricature confirms what is already evident. This is not about security but about optics. The excessive restraints and restricted legal access serve only to shape perceptions before the case is even argued undermining the integrity of the proceedings.

No. 489625

They aren't even trying to hide the fact that they're less offended about the murder itself than the fact he murdered an elite. If it was a random woman none of this would be happening.

No. 489626

they need you on their team nona fr

No. 489627

File: 1740242696029.jpg (98.6 KB, 930x1689, IMG_8919.jpg)

The vest thing is extra retarded because it's not bulletproof and if it was it's too small it looks like a vest for a child, and it could've gone under his sweater. Every time we see him it's something new.

No. 489628

It’s so ridiculous they know deep down in their soul they don’t care about that ceo.

No. 489629

how is it not bulletproof? what is the vest designed for, then? fashion? idgi
im not asking why they put him in the vest i am asking why such a vest even exists kek

No. 489630

File: 1740242928420.jpg (256.06 KB, 1440x1920, finger time.jpg)

Probably meant to be paired with other gear.
Also I don't know if I am insane but his wrist cuffs look a little bit tighter too. Less of a gap. But it's probably just the angle.

No. 489631

File: 1740243019338.gif (1.03 MB, 451x447, sex with this thing.gif)

I mean all Luigi had to do was like tell his fans to attack and they probably would. Sure there's armed guards but the people outnumber them and no one knows how many outside could have also been armed.
They are terrified out of their fucking minds.
The elites moidbossed too close to the sun.

No. 489632

Yeah but what does that have to do with restraining him, if that was their fear they'd gag him up. That's probably next.

No. 489633

agree and the fact that one reason they want to drop the charges against adams is because his case has been tainted by publicity and he does the same to luigi

No. 489634

Yeah the excessive restraints is just to make a show and try to make this guy who got dickslammed by a 3'2 keebler elf look dangerous

No. 489635

they could also not allow people in the courtroom just the press if the think they're safety issues

No. 489636

File: 1740243614338.jpeg (810.32 KB, 1179x1430, IMG_5978.jpeg)

It is a bulletproof vest but they should’ve put it under his sweater.

No. 489637

They couldn't find him a bigger size?

No. 489638

I noticed it says it’s for women on the diagram this is so insane.

No. 489639

Is it the same one? They just found a random woman's bulletproof vest and shoved him in it?

No. 489640

here is the full interview with the courtroom artist its funny she compared him to a husky kek

No. 489642

File: 1740244607313.jpeg (544.99 KB, 2048x2048, 88EF2FE5-4F01-472A-9002-882E13…)

It’s not one for women I was way off. I was looking at the wrong model it’s actually this one.

No. 489644

Her drawing wasn't good but I like this woman.

No. 489645

I can’t believe she had binoculars and still messed it up. But she is funny.

No. 489646

Oh to be a wise matron and train my binoculars on a handsome husky dog male and make brief uncomfortable eye contact before lovingly drawing his beautiful eyes
>you know he's elegant, his features
>interviewer lady tilting her head and going "aw"
It's sad that he was supposedly quite unresponsive.

No. 489658

File: 1740249223230.jpg (281.2 KB, 955x1228, kkekekeke.jpg)

Yeah I know this was posted but this caption made me lol, not into this guy but I respect you nonnies that are, have fun!

No. 489660

Its not to stop bullets, it to stop his fans from molesting his breasts and making him hard in court.

No. 489661

Im glad the government is protecting us from luigis bullet nipples. They are very dangerous

No. 489663

KEK, it was the bullets from the inside of the vest all along
I swear I saw this meme before, there's just no way to make him look bad

No. 489664

>I swear I saw this meme before, there's just no way to make him look bad
youre right
it was originally the same text but about the perp walk

No. 489666

File: 1740250519575.png (325.29 KB, 816x813, green bird.PNG)

His sweater looks so comfy I want to snuggle him and nuzzle him.
Also why is one of the comments saying there are green birds that live close to MDC? Anyone know what fucking birds in New York are green?

No. 489667

File: 1740250635575.png (3.83 KB, 499x43, green tears.PNG)

I dont recall this.

No. 489668

File: 1740250661457.jpeg (95.47 KB, 1290x1085, 52BB62B7-8889-4974-8864-687F98…)

Kek I hope this will be an ongoing meme

No. 489669

There are none except for non-native monk parakeets.

No. 489670

That's what I thought. What is wrong with everyone in the comments?

No. 489671

File: 1740250766332.png (34.62 KB, 184x177, 34349043.png)

>Anyone know what fucking birds in New York are green?
Yes. Look up Monk parrots aka Quaker parakeets.
They aren't native to the US, but enough pet parrots of this species have been released over the past 70-ish years, that this species of parrot now have wild flocks of them in some places in the US, including NYC
That being said, the comic is retarded like all of her others.

No. 489672

The artist deletes anything negative so there are only the most delusional and retarded people commenting on those posts.

No. 489673

Every other comment is about crying to her comics

No. 489674

the noise these things make is incredibly fucking annoying

No. 489675

…and these are the type of people that Luigi is writing back to and not us.

No. 489676

He is probably too mentally exhausted and potentially medicated to form any thoughts that are more complex than the barebones responses he writes. He really switched it up with the carpe diem though, woah.

No. 489678

File: 1740251824536.png (3.15 MB, 788x2000, Luigis next court appearance o…)

You know, I bet they could make Luigi look bad by making him strip naked and moan.

No. 489680

Yeah he should just be shirtless with heavy chains on his torso and totally barefooted next time. Stop with the no socks pussyfooting shit, just straight up make him walk around barefoot, you know they want to. Also how did he have such defined abs during that period of time, was he flexing them for photos?

No. 489682

File: 1740252889030.png (371.2 KB, 377x787, IMG_7475.png)

>was he flexing
Can you please let my paint addicted retard son be a himbo?

No. 489684

Not to say unflexing would make him flabby, just that he knows how to make himself sexier for women when the camera is on him. Do you think next time we see him he'll have a dedicated medieval torturer following him around occasionally whipping him across his bare back? Or nah.

No. 489686

This one always gets me because every other time he wears paint it makes sense. But this is outside of a restaurant

No. 489687

Yeah but the place is called Fat Cheeks so he clearly belongs there.

No. 489689

He would only do that with an asian woman who doesn’t age into a 40-year old woman when she hits 25

No. 489691

File: 1740254592704.gif (1.6 MB, 328x444, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

True. He does this on purpose.

No. 489692

File: 1740254633896.jpg (93.74 KB, 1406x1406, save him.jpg)

I feel kinda bad I am ovulating so I'm both sad over Luigi's treatment and fantasizing about it. It's sad to think he's more empty inside than ever. But he's so beautiful. I can imagine his predicament inspiring much art and literature in the future.
What was his deal that day with those faces, nerves? Back pain?!

No. 489694

I take back what I said about not liking his cockiness bc braindead and defeated luigi made me so depressed yesterday

No. 489696

What if he wasn't being cocky there he's just kinda stupid looking when you let him do whatever with his facial muscles

No. 489700

Nona he is a prison scrote he doesn't get to consent anymore

No. 489701

File: 1740255603515.mp4 (6.42 MB, 884x502, 8mb.video-xUZ-i03au4A4.mp4)

Yeah all of this is so disheartening I teared up last night. The vest threw me off and thinking about the feeling of the screws in his back laying on hard surface + the cold.

For the video, I think it’s nerves and his back pain. This face I’m not sure. But when he swung his head around before that it was after the bald cop was talking to him after he whistled. He whispered “oh well” out loud.

No. 489702

kek i feel bad saying he was gonna eye-fuck the camera he looked dead behind the eyes.

No. 489703

File: 1740255959819.jpg (30.18 KB, 612x408, gettyimages-2200311888-612x612…)

weegee was still cute yesterday

No. 489704

is this the asian fetish narrative again? btw redditors are so retarded for actually believing tracy would go to court this attention seeker doesn't give a shit about luigi

No. 489705

she would of instagrammed storied the whole thing if she went. She would of taken a pic of her wearing a blazer holding a cup of coffee

No. 489706

Nerves can make you act up too. I get aggressive and cocky when I am feeling overwhelmed in a busy environment sometimes. Ah poor Luigi. Those ankle cuffs on bare skin fuck me up.
Yeah at least this. Pretty but vacant as the sketch artist said

No. 489708

Everyone says he lost weight but it looks like he has regained some of his lost muscle. Look at those shoulders, how does he does he keep having these glow ups

No. 489709

I hate Luigi being property of the feds. I wish they never caught him. He could come to my house and tell me he did it I wouldn't tell a damn fucking soul idc if it's illegal

No. 489710

He was brought in with about three layers (t-shirt, sweatshirt, another t-shirt on top) so I think he might kept one of the t-shirts underneath the button-up and the chunky cable knit. Not doubting he’s still fit but i think the layers could have made him appear a lot bulkier.

No. 489711

No. 489712

File: 1740257175765.jpg (68.48 KB, 1170x782, 480888281_17876682561260419_57…)

yes nona agree people say his legs look thin but they always did compared to his upper body

No. 489713

That female cop is pissed at the whole ordeal you can tell.

No. 489715

We need to see him shirtless again. I wanna see skinnigis nipples. I miss them so much nonas.

No. 489717

See, it's not about the layers. Even his forearms look thicker here than the perp walk. And his face looks healthier too

No. 489718

just came here to say that this fucker is incredibly beautiful

No. 489719

I want to hold my husband and kiss him gently. Life is not fair. Fuck everything

No. 489723

I dream of a world where it is legal for a hot kind man who honors women to kill an ugly evil man who doesn't respect women for whatever reason he sees fit.
Bonus points if he does it because women tell him to do it.

No. 489724

Im gonna say it. I need him shirtless and followed by a small hooded medieval torturer whipping his back and cuffed ankles as he walks barefoot across the court until he collapses with exhaustion at the courtroom table and Karen has to wash the blood off his back and hold him to comfort him as his sad dazed eyes stares into space, brimming with small diamond tears!

No. 489725

well I’m happy commissaryslop is keeping some fat on him

No. 489729

File: 1740258466153.gif (2.27 MB, 312x450, 1736282784902.gif)

undoubtedly. great taste, nonny

No. 489731

So is that one internet faggot gonna release luigis dms or not

No. 489732

File: 1740258602380.webp (47.62 KB, 960x1440, 1734472509860.png)

Finally someone gets it. I am incredibly picky and I can see he is beautiful. At the very lease he's objectively handsome. I understand if he isn't someone's cuppa, but to say he's 'ogre' is fucking insanity. Somehow yesterday he looked more beautiful than normal.
Probably not

No. 489733

No I guess he was effectively bullied out of doing that by the bpd redditors kek

No. 489735

Everyone I’ve ever liked apart from 2D characters kek have had dark curly hair and pale skin, he is planted in my heart and never escaping

No. 489736

this image specifically needs to be sent to outer space in a golden record type of way.

No. 489737

I hate reddit…so…much…

No. 489739

They thought he was gonna be racist and fatphobic kek

No. 489749

My sweet handsome hazel eyed honey in his little jewel toned sweaters he looks like teddy bear I love him so much

No. 489750

Wonder if any woman has gotten to kiss those perfect moles on his cheeks

No. 489751

its funny and really telling that they were so sure the dms will be so bad he will lose all support

No. 489754

File: 1740261982884.png (549.41 KB, 768x576, 1735346111045.png)

If he were mine I'd never let those moles alone.

No. 489755

not the hazel eye cope kek

No. 489758

What are you talking about

No. 489773

Kek careful nonnas, you might start the milking fanfics again (They became a thing when the Thor movies were big…not sure why…)

No. 489778

More like Luigi in nipple clamps

No. 489783

Alright…thats hot! We going for hand and ankle cuffs too? Maybe a dog collar…

No. 489787

I mean he already comes free with cuffs. I wouldn't be surprised if next appearance he's in a collar of some sort.

No. 489791

I was thinking leather cuffs though, those metal ones would chafe.

No. 489795

File: 1740268403419.jpg (555.9 KB, 3000x3000, finger me now.jpg)

Poor baby is doomed to suffer metal cuffs.

No. 489837

His tech isn't locked down???

No. 489841

nona his brain isn't even locked down.

No. 489843

File: 1740274084476.gif (2.79 MB, 640x360, truth-is-the-game-was-rigged-f…)

Never has been

No. 489847

only in his schizo fantasies

No. 489855

>played 1 min of new vegas

No. 489857

Any more than that and it'll turn you into a tranny I'm sorry but it's true

No. 489858

>Luigi played 1 min of new vegas and almost became a troon, he freaked out and started killing to spread a message
oh my god he's just like kaczynski

No. 489860

>played 1 min of new vegas
Is this true or a joke?
Was that revealed on his steam profile?

No. 489861

Have we cracked the DiWeeGee code, nona?

No. 489863

Yes. If you look at his Steam account, he has only played a minute of it.

No. 489864

No thats for fallout 4

No. 489865

Yeah it probably crashed and his tech wasn't locked down enough to get it to properly launch.

No. 489869

File: 1740276579513.jpeg (109.89 KB, 828x795, IMG_4081.jpeg)

60 hrs in stardew valley kek, he played so many cute games I almost got depressed scrolling through them

No. 489870

fallout new vegas is kino
i dont let troons ruin things for me, no one should

No. 489871

It's the best after Fallout 1 and the first half of Fallout 2. The rest can suck it. Luigi missed out. But he liked cutesy games maybe Fallout New Vegas scared him. The music right as the game loads in is kinda scawy.

No. 489872

i was never able to get the older ones to run properly
but for NV, possibly Luigi pirated it? so he played it, but not on steam maybe

No. 489873

Wow, she actually got a good reply from him that doesn't sound like a generic form letter. I'm jealous.

No. 489875

No. 489876

She said she wrote 3 times, 3 pages each time.

No. 489877

Why is he so cute waaah

No. 489878

She seems like the least retarded letter writer so far and I'm glad she actually posted her letter from him.

No. 489879

>the day i was picked up at McDonalds for the heinous crime of ordering a hash brown
stop i love him

No. 489880

who are you talking about

No. 489881

First time referencing anything about the case

No. 489883

we need more women like this
just unapologetically posting their letters
not trying to placate the reddit privacyfags in any way
not feeling like they have to justify posting the letters.
she did it without hesitation
she did it for the culture
she's a real weegee wife

No. 489884

i cant see anything wtf

No. 489885

I dont see why he would. Also you should be able to find patches online if it won't run for you.
Is this real? Paper isn't yellow and the tone seems off. I am going to kill myself.

No. 489887

can you repost

No. 489888

Is he allowed to discuss anything about the case in his letters?

No. 489890

He has his first amendment so yes, he can talk about whatever he wants.
It's a bad idea, obviously. But he is allowed

No. 489893

But we aren't in our letters to him though I suppose that's different

No. 489895

File: 1740278269959.webm (8.02 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@hollilambirth7_1740…)

No. 489896

Wait this is so cute. What does he mean by a mugshot from a week in isolation? His mugshot was taken on 12/10. Is he revealing something

No. 489897

it finally worked

No. 489899

Shes based. Love that more letters are being shared

No. 489900

He’s so cute and i think the fact that she shared the entire letter and seemingly isn’t a bpdemon off something makes me happy for her

No. 489901

>not yellow paper
>heinous crime of eating a hashbrown
>discussing the case when we can't do so in letters to him
This one I dunno about
>signed "- Luigi"
I dunno. The handwriting seems somehow worse than we've seen of his. Maybe he was just in a weird mood that day.
>not blue pen
Then again there's the stamp. I don't understand him. And yeah we're never getting a letter from him huh. I kind of hate him.

No. 489902

File: 1740278472819.jpg (64.76 KB, 507x492, 1729181914026.jpg)

>letter writer is from Iowa
maybe west coast letters will arrive soon…

No. 489903

Stupid whore skipped over east coast nonas. I hope they triple his benzo dose.

No. 489904

omg thats the craziest letter yet i wonder how many people who didnt get generic responses are hiding them

No. 489905

>But we aren't in our letters to him though I suppose that's different
Yeah you can't talk about illegal activity, but he's not admitting to any or discussing any actual crime in the letter.

No. 489906

>not yellow paper
it looks like the yellow paper just weird lighting

No. 489907

I’m thinking he just meant he was held in isolation the same week that mugshot in orange was taken or maybe he’s more retarded than we think and lost his sense of time he’s confusing I don’t onow

No. 489908

yes so confused i thought they were all from the same day

No. 489909

>8 x 15 cell where the lights never go off
That's sad. That must've been in PA, but the mugshot was taken before they held him. Maybe there are some unreleased mug shots. Anyway I am going to hang myself.

No. 489910

Dear Holli,

Oh god. I hope your mugshot t-shirt has the photo of me in blue (the day I was picked up at McDonalds for the heinous crime of ordering a hash brown) and not the photo of me in orange, looking disheveled after they held me in isolation for a week in an 8 x 15 cell where the lights never goes off. Though, even seeing me at my worst didn’t deter tiktok. LOL. Regardless - thank you! I’m flattered. I obviously can’t watch Squid Game in here, but I did watch S1 when it first came out. Great series.

Thanks for the letter and happy (belated) holidays.


No. 489911

File: 1740278771566.jpg (1.5 MB, 1500x2784, cum is stored in the bladder.j…)

Reddit jannie is on SUICIDE WATCH. Her reign of terror over the luigiletters is OVER.

No. 489912

I really love him and I’m not writing him a letter for another month or it’s going to be too kind and maybe creepy kek

No. 489913

This is a way different tone than his letters written from the same day or same week where he says he's fine and to not worry about him. Maybe he felt like he could vent to this woman I dunno. Kinda weird, and he signed his name differently too.
Luigi you tard that was the same day. This letter is written strangely please don't think I am coping but he signed differently, wrote out "LOL" and didn't include his trademarks like saying he's doing well and wishing for health and whatever. I am confusion. What's the timeline with the pics? He was captured on 12/04 and the pics were all released the same day. I am so confused now with this letter.

No. 489914

Miss Pubebeard is vaping like a freight train as we speak.

No. 489915

>>Though, even seeing me at my worst didn’t deter tiktok. LOL
why is he so cute omg and that goes to all the people who claim he would hate the fan edits

No. 489917

This gets me it doesn't sound like him maybe I am coping but it's confusing the hell out of me. Maybe he was going through it that day. If it is him yeah he's a cutie but it's really throwing me for a loop.

No. 489921

Yknow what fuck it if it's real (likely is with the stamp) then it seems like he was in a good mood, keep up the benzos Luigi

No. 489922

File: 1740279242808.jpg (246.79 KB, 645x794, eyelashes.jpg)

This letter is so cute, so happy it was written to a woman

No. 489924

Samefag. I could believe that this is the writing of Benzigi. He’s too cute

No. 489925

Benzigi has no sense of time

No. 489927

I still believe luigi only wrote to women.
Either the faggot moid has a name like alex or jessie and in conjunction with his feminine homo handwriting it confused tarigi into thinking he was a woman or the homo is lying

No. 489928

Well he didn't provide the stamp did he

No. 489929

File: 1740279532390.jpeg (366.3 KB, 1819x1819, 828A8DF5-D31F-48BC-89A8-1D94C4…)

Yeah hold up. He was captured on 12/9 (top row) and they took these pics and the mugshot was taken on 12/10.

Wait does he look he like the pee pic? I doubt he meant the suicide vest picture.

No. 489930

>thinks he "looked disheveled" in the orange pics
literal, actual, confirmed retard

No. 489931

he probably matches peoples energy and tone this girl was obviously unserious talking about her tshirt and tiktok

No. 489932

File: 1740279765435.jpeg (120.74 KB, 1076x1076, IMG_6170.jpeg)

To be fair to our little retard, I have no sense of time either even in the free world kek I often don’t know what day it is. I couldn’t even imagine what it feels like to be put in isolation with the lights on 24/7. Poor Weewee

No. 489933

my baby my hunk my lumberjack my boom boom my sun my king my star my idol my love my husbando my EVERYTHING my knight in shining armour thank you thank you thank you. you save me.

No. 489934

File: 1740279794444.png (2.34 MB, 1072x881, fawk.png)

No. 489935

Yeah this is weird. A week later? It was a day. I'm thinking they took another mugshot and didn't release it or something. He looks more disheveled in the blue shirt I don't understand. And the wet pants? He forgot about his wet pants?
I am depressed. Not only because none of us received a letter but also because such a kind and sweet boy is being tortured. And they kept him in a tiny room where the lights never went out. It's so evil I will cry myself to sleep tonight and I have to write another letter because I want a response or I will manifest his death penalty.
Oh my

No. 489936

did he lose his sense of time in isolation or is something weird going on

No. 489937

if you wrote this in a letter Luigi would write back ASAP

No. 489938

Authorities have taken like five thousand pictures of him, many that I'm sure weren't released.
He doesn't know which pictures people are talking about.

No. 489939

I hate him (I love him). Also I fucking knew he was lying when he told people he was doing okay

No. 489940

is it just me or does one of his wrists look scraped up from the cuffs?
He needs to be naked so we can check him for marks. Im tried of this fully clothed shit I need to ensure he isn't bruised ANYWHERE

No. 489942

That's 100% red marking from the cuffs, they looked tighter than usual. Am I allowed to mention his appearance 1/21 in my letter or does that allude to much to the case and will get shredded

No. 489944

File: 1740280496839.jpeg (268.86 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6008.jpeg)

If it looked like that in the courtroom, then maybe he was bruised. I thought the pink/gray/purple hue was caused by how this photo was taken. Poor baby

No. 489945

Nah nevermind I can't send a letter he didn't even bother responding to anyone here. Stupid whore. Or should I? I don't know. I'm depressed.
This is so fucked I want everyone doing this to him to die.

No. 489946

he probably just told the bpdemon letters he was ok since he could tell they were fucking nuts (why waste postage stamps on them retard)

No. 489947

when they took Luigi out and you can see how tired he is I lost the will to live. Why does this happen to attractive people who have a clean track record with women? I need to study gnosticism to cope.

No. 489949

True, he didn't want anyone cutting their wrists for him like he's Justin Bieber or something
It makes me want to cry.

No. 489950

so by him saying he was picked up for ordering a hashbrown is he implying he is innocent

No. 489951

File: 1740281041189.jpeg (309.62 KB, 1280x1706, pee pee prince.jpeg)

Many people still think he is innocent.
Anyway in my letter I send him should I just pretend I never sent the first one and start fresh or what? I'm thinking of asking him if he read the book that was delivered but it's kind of embarrassing. Anyway picrel is what Luigi would rather see on t-shirts because he's soo hot and not disheveled and piss-stained here kek

No. 489952

File: 1740281097005.png (23.57 KB, 487x174, reddit comment.png)

I don't know for a fact if this new letter is real or not, but why do they talk like they actually know him?

No. 489953

Cuz he doesn't believe in god duh!!!

No. 489954

File: 1740281239637.gif (286.95 KB, 447x500, 1739656025793.gif)

Every woman that shows luigiletters is cool in my book. Like even if some of them are insufferable just showing the letter to everyone shows solidarity and as such makes me respect them.
Sometimes I think the reddit jannies were a government psyop to keep Luigi respecters in the dark to try to make us forget about him as a real human being.

No. 489955

because reddit retards are the most parasocial while accusing everyone else for being parasocial

No. 489956

thinking about this again, can't this cause him problems?

No. 489957

he looks really tired compared to his last appearance. prison is obviously doing him no favours
they should wrap a chain around his body next
i love him so much i'm so sad. she should summarize the entirety of sg s2 for him
she's a queen i love her
beautiful gorgeous cuffed hands

No. 489960

You can give a quick recap of who you are in every letter, like a sentence just in case but then talk about something different (current events, stuff going on in your life, etc)

No. 489961

Honestly, like his letters are so innocuous who gives a fuck

No. 489962

Im pretty sure this will become the norm. Reddit is fucking worthless and retarded. Its fucking stupid they think the Luigiletters will fuck him over or something.

No. 489963

Good idea, I can recap. But I want to ask the same questions like what music he listens to. I guess I can word it a little differently and include some current events.

No. 489967

This is so annoying this is like when he writes casually, then they're like, “There’s no way. His good reads reviews and tweets are too intelligent.”

No. 489968

I understand. I wish a wigiwife would show a letter that shows what kind of media he's into. But it seems like our boyfriend is just autistically mirroring.
I would just ask varying questions, like music, movies, books, games, etc. One per letter.

No. 489969

One question per letter?

No. 489970

maybe if we don't tell him what we're into he'll be honest… maybe about what he was last into before he got arrested?

No. 489971

because they are braindead and think they know him based off the crumbs he left. does that retard know what a figure of speech is? they're overdosing on copium

No. 489972

File: 1740281895883.jpg (10.17 KB, 119x275, 546665.jpg)

>why would a retarded frat boy himbo say "Oh god"???
Because I'm about to make him cum.

No. 489973

Didn't Luigi call tracy a "girlboss bitch queen" or some shit?

No. 489974

Something like that kek, a boss bitch

No. 489975

yeah kek an absolute boss bitch business empire mogul

No. 489976

MY SHAYLA would never say oh god!!!

No. 489977

Nevermind I decided to not write another letter, I can't think of anything to say that would make him write back I already constructed my first letter saying everything I wanted to say and I spent time on that one so I'm gonna leave it to the lucky Tiktokers and nonas itt to get one someday. At least we know he's kept a sense of humor as recently as earlier this month!

No. 489979

is it me or is his brain fried
do we think he’s medicated or just prison brain

No. 489980

they're on plebbit analyzing his handwriting saying it isn't real because he wouldn't make spelling mistakes kek like we haven't seen mr. strife of traumas written notes

No. 489981

He looked so much thinner here, why is everyone saying he's looking worse now?

No. 489982

File: 1740282752190.jpg (88.35 KB, 672x477, 20250223_045131.jpg)


No. 489983

He typically didn’t make spelling mistakes but it’s insane to think he wouldn’t eventually if he is one, writing letters all day and/or rushing (handwriting looks rushed); two, benzigi; three, tired; four, going a little crazy.

No. 489985

was there any spectator commentary on his behavior at his most recent court date?
like how at the first hearing some reporter said wigi was swiveling his chair, talking to himself and alert

No. 489986

Yes sort of >>489640
Good to know he's still got some humor left in him

No. 489987

She went! She said he looked exhausted

No. 489988

I was yapping earlier about how he looked thinner this week until a few nonnies made good points + I saw this in a side by side with new current ones kek I’m just retarded

No. 489989

File: 1740283102673.jpg (88.3 KB, 720x482, 20250223_045523.jpg)

redditors abandoning him kek

No. 489990

Well duh anyone itt could tell you he looked exhausted

No. 489991

File: 1740283137163.jpg (8.1 KB, 169x140, the worlds most intelligent ma…)

See this is why I need this place for my weegeesperging.
People are putting this stupid fuck on a pedistal. I love Luigi. I love what he did. But he is stupid. He's a dumb retard and that's all there is to it.
Even if he didn't kill Thomson he still showed a fake ID to a cop that links him to the scene of the crime AND gave them an incentive to search him. Even if he didn't do it he was checking his computer and we verified he was logging into twitter. He knew what was going on, and yet he decided to have everything on his person when he could have EASILY evaded capture.
He's a dumb fucking man but these people are making him out to be a galaxybrained god.
He's not vacant because he's stoic, he's vacant because he is a retard.
It's okay to be retarded. it's not okay to pretend someone who is very clearly a retard is a genius.

No. 489993

No. 489994

>redditors abandoning someone
No shit. that's all they know how to do.

No. 489996

Shooting a man won‘t deter them but casual speech will. what is this person even mad about.

No. 489997

KEKKKK what why?! Whatever, abandon ship fatties.
Makes me feel worse he didn't wanna respond to my letter. But then I think about raping him and it's whatever.

No. 489998

True. Yeah there isn’t anyone that’s given detailed analysis yet. Aside from the sketch artist sort of.

No. 489999

How was this cringe? Anyway good riddance I hope all the phonies go away.

No. 490000

this is good news for us his true and honest wives

No. 490003

File: 1740283450633.jpeg (49.13 KB, 828x280, IMG_4101.jpeg)

Whatever I will eat their icks and spit them back out as pearls, I love that retard

No. 490005

File: 1740283528861.png (4.6 MB, 1490x3000, 1739147452170.png)

>reddit is finally giving up on luigi since they can no longer gatekeep his fanmail.
I needed this. This is some good news after seeing how tired and benzoed he was yesterday.
Leave some room for the REAL fans

No. 490006

File: 1740283578290.png (25.73 KB, 965x193, 8589.png)

now we wait. i personally believe it to be real

No. 490007

I was browsing r/lawyertalk and the consensus there is that Karen complaining about Luigi's rights being violated, trying to get evidence dismissed etc, is standard procedure and something any lawyer is going to try when they know their client is cooked. I love Luigi but his fans are being very retarded about his prospects. I don't understand anything about legal proceedings either but I also don't pretend like I do.

No. 490008

File: 1740283852253.png (1.64 MB, 892x834, Luigi proud among his pee.png)

Redditors would be okay with leaking letters if it went something like
>Salutations, ______
>On this eve I reside well in my cellular contraption; you would know it to be a 'cell'
>I laud the correspondence I have received as it was well written and well received by my orbs and I pause my literary exploration to pen this response (I was browsing Satre, if you care to know)
>I am doing well and lately I have been holding seminars with the prisoners and orating to them, as every book I have ever read is stored within my mental chambers, or as you know it to be, a 'brain'
>Likewise, I quote from the apex of my mental corridors the greatest of Reddit quotes from only those with the most Karmic energies
>Send my regards to Reddit
>Carpe Diem, Men artta qalğan adamım
I don't know what I just wrote I'm sorry I'm bored.
Where would they even hear this
God forbid a man acts cutesy

No. 490010

If Luigi wrote like this I would break into the prison and rape him to death

No. 490011

kek she deleted the tiktok

No. 490012

From bullying or from lying?

No. 490013

She really made all that effort to fake his handwriting. Guess some people are good at that. Once again have to hand it to nonas who smelled something was off because of the mugshot timing

No. 490014

File: 1740284310873.jpeg (98.95 KB, 828x692, IMG_4103.jpeg)

Kek i could only pray we get a “manic” letter response from weegee I’m liking benzigi…

No. 490015

I wish Luigi would just write to one of us.
Posting on an anonymous image board will get you the least amount of pushback since no one can actively harass you.

No. 490016

I hate these fake letter fags because they always make him sound upbeat and then they give me hope for a fleeting moment. That kiwifag did that too.

No. 490017

File: 1740284452571.jpeg (216.42 KB, 1179x931, IMG_6171.jpeg)

she’s still claiming it’s real

No. 490018

I felt like she was honest and maybe she just deactivated with so many people on her ass right now. I believed the tif from tumblr and a week later a confirmed letter with the same stamp proved it was legit, not entirely certain about the contents since the tif didn’t show shit but idk

No. 490019

So is it fake or
Because this is just a nothingburger. It does sound off because the other letters we have received aren't written like that. HOWEVER, it's not the casual word usage that seems unlike him, it's the lack of his usual letter trademarks and the
>- luigi
But he could be mixing shit up because he's bored
>shes married
Okay it's real.

No. 490021

another woman harassed by plebbitards into deleting… i hate them

No. 490022

They can't even pretend they did it because they think it's fake they just hate the idea of him acting cutesy because they think he's some genius 1,000 IQ dom

No. 490024

This is straight up how they think lol! Luigi is so adorable and they want him to talk like a thesaurus.

No. 490026

File: 1740284811332.png (134.05 KB, 288x441, 1736390643918.png)

I need Luigi to write to me all cutesy during a manic episode and for reddit to seethe and say it's fake and that their fake legal team that they consult said it's fake and I'd just sit there knowing I am too lazy to make a fake letter from this dumb bitch

No. 490027

Their legal team that is awake at all hours specifically to check whether or not a letter is fake.

No. 490030

I write dozens of thank you cards a month to people idk and how I start or sign it off is always a little different, sometimes unintentionally. I feel like unless every single letter response that we have seen from Luigi were carbon copies of each other, you can’t really hold that against them if he writes something slightly off but kek the tone is different and I feel like writing about more common normie interests to garner his attention

No. 490031

KEKK genius

No. 490032

The ones we have seen so far were almost carbon copies

No. 490034

File: 1740285402660.jpeg (568.41 KB, 1179x1404, IMG_6173.jpeg)

this retard is an established shitposter. MinorDissent even said weewee called him a retard in his DM’s. is it really that unfathomable that he might have a sense of humor or ever make a spelling mistake? kek

No. 490035

File: 1740285459188.jpg (84.6 KB, 957x633, mark rosario id.jpg)

they're fuming with jealousy and it's so evident, we see through their fake worried façade. we're 81 days in and they're still refusing to accept that he isn't a highbrow iq giant

No. 490036

I think its because he was responding to the most boring generic letters.
idfk know why it feels like a waste of time. I'd write to interesting people. But idk. This is the saddest legal case I have ever heard of. I hate rich people so fucking much its unreal. The people who gun them down should be able to write to their fangirls and send them nudes
I would do anything to see Luigi write down the word 'retard' in his handwriting. So cute…

No. 490037

Not a reliable source but a nonny posted a plebbit reply of someone saying they’ve received a letter with the same humour. I also feel like we might only seen half of the ones he’s sent and I guess we can’t really fully debunk anything until we see more

No. 490038

He probably feels obliged to answer to as many people as possible, then again in his own statement on the legal defend information site he stated he didn't respond to most letters which makes it seem like he hand-picked the easiest to respond to, hence the carbon copies thus far. He said he's read all of them but I doubt it. That means he chose to respond to majority the dumbest people and shaft the nonnies.

No. 490041

File: 1740285825585.jpeg (349.3 KB, 1819x1819, 5B2CF8E5-4407-48DD-AC90-1F9711…)

It’s real. Everything checks out. Plus I really truly don’t think he’s only answering crazy people. There’s only been 4 confirmed letters.
There’s no way he wouldn’t write back to caring people plus he’s getting letters throughout the US and out of the country too. Plus not everyone that’s gotten a reply is going to post about it online.

No. 490042

File: 1740285826360.jpeg (168.29 KB, 1340x774, IMG_1716.jpeg)

this person made it sound like they talked to his legal team and now they confirm they have no idea wtf they are talking about. What do you mean the discord confirmed it

No. 490043

the freeluigi discord confirmed it as fake means that it's real. fatty and the tranny are probably losing their minds

No. 490045

Kek so the fat tranny said so, so it must be true. God forbid Luigi makes cutesy jokes

No. 490046

File: 1740286054348.png (22.48 KB, 563x457, fl.png)

This was the announcement made by a mod on the FL server.

No. 490049

>based on our own investigation
>confidential sources
Shut the fuck up

No. 490050

File: 1740286133918.png (49.27 KB, 712x361, deleted.png)

That comment is now gone. Luigi was so right about reddit.

No. 490052

File: 1740286179734.png (602.93 KB, 1024x781, 535545.png)

Im rooting for this letter to be real. It feels real also its nice to see some soul in his letters.
god they are such shitheads. I can't wait until that subreddit is bullycided.
They need bullycide. They hunger for the sweet release of deletion

No. 490054

File: 1740286204759.png (8.77 KB, 462x133, fl2.png)

These people suck ass.

No. 490055

They really think it can't be him because it doesn't have perfect grammar? It was probably the 50th letter he was responding to that day and clearly he had just had a honeybun and was a little jittery and in a good mood

No. 490056


No. 490057

>Don't bully her! We already did it for you
Fuck off!!!!!!!!!!

No. 490058

THEY MADE HER PRIVATE HER ENTIRE ACCOUNT?! Luigi would hate these weirdos.

No. 490059

I want to write Luigi and be like "can you please tell reddit to relax about the letters" and then publish it when he asks reddit to relax and reddit tells me the letter is fake KEK

No. 490060

So was this really a psyop because someone dared to post a letter. These dipshits are surely aware jail staff reads every letter that Luigi sends out, so they are just mad they can't gate keep his letters

No. 490062

Come on Pilots, step into the light. Release your entire letter, now.

No. 490063

Freeluigi tankies are angry that someone did something without their permission!

No. 490064

>reddit is finally giving up on luigi since they can no longer gatekeep his fanmail.
This is EXACTLY what's going on.
They won't admit it, instead they're making excuses like his "casual language" give me a fucking break.
But yes, their real issue is that they are no longer special and can't stand that.
It's so transparent kek

No. 490065

I hope they all disband and abandon him, he will actually be so much better off without them haranguing his actual supporters.

No. 490066

File: 1740286853624.jpeg (32.81 KB, 1110x242, IMG_6176.jpeg)

i scanned his handwritten google drive notes for not even a minute and already found a spelling error made when copying down a quote. don’t tell plebbit though they might genuinely have a meltdown. also:

No. 490068

personally, i don't think he expected to live. my theory is that he was en route to DC to commit suicide as an even bigger spectacle. he could've also chickened out and was panicking.

No. 490070

File: 1740287033832.jpeg (283.21 KB, 965x665, IMG_6177.jpeg)

it’s happening kekkkkkk

No. 490071

File: 1740287105780.jpeg (29.5 KB, 512x324, IMG_6014.jpeg)

This one might be because he writes his o’s like u’s sometimes. But still the letter is real and nothing is wrong with having spelling errors

No. 490072

It's not fake, and they know it's not fake
They're using that as an excuse to bully her.
And fuck her for caving to them fr.
Stupid weak woman. Fuck it, Luigi needs to start writing to moids.
The only letter reveal that hasn't been a shit show of drama and/or fakery was that one moid who shared that his mother in law got a response and what was said.
I mean it wasn't even the moid that wrote to Luigi, but he shared it with the internet and didn't allow himself to be bullied like a stupid bitch.(learn2integrate)

No. 490073

File: 1740287268990.png (297.06 KB, 299x355, 1 million iq.png)

>makes a grammatical and spelling error when copying notes
God he's so fucking stupid. He just can't help but feed my cute idiot fetish, can he?
>"cumplaemey has it's chaims but noni wovth tradig for fulfi"

No. 490074

File: 1740287371838.jpg (8.06 KB, 151x141, disgust.jpg)

>Luigi needs to start writing to moids
No. He needs to write to US. You act like moids don't use reddit.

No. 490075

God imagine if he took out musk/trump/witty and then suicided by cop. It would be sad he died though.

No. 490076

Smug? Also he pleaded not guilty. I know it’s for appeals but still.

No. 490078

Luigi has a ton of friends, some of them probably write to him and they will keep his stuff private. The parasocial stans are obsessed with the idea that they are the only thing he‘s got.
I have been thinking maybe it‘s his rl friends who are keeping him updated about memes (hashbrown) and stuff. He has to be less professional with them than when he talks to his legal team.

No. 490079

File: 1740287776916.png (14.97 KB, 413x303, fl3.png)

Ok, and where's the confirmation? These people are so full of shit.

No. 490081

Imagining weegee getting a sugar high from a commissary honey bun after surviving off of cafeteria meals makes me want to squish him in a cute way

No. 490082

File: 1740287845854.jpg (103.66 KB, 1083x1244, Gh8jOKNXwAAhSHj.jpg)

>"We are donating all this money and he's acting like he's not guilty?! I am DONE supporting him!"
What did he mean by this?

No. 490083

Its fake because she couldn't gatekeep it. Have fun drinking diabetes laced alcohol with your obese gendies, ahsley!

No. 490084

File: 1740287934415.jpeg (681.64 KB, 1179x1942, IMG_6178.jpeg)

the thumbs down is frying me so bad

No. 490085

>What did he mean by this?
Not sure but I think they want Luigi to own what he did, because they think what he did was noble. Idealism bascially.

No. 490086

reddit is having a bigger meltdown over this than they did over the dms with max kek and at this point there is no difference between the brianthompsonmurder and freeluigi sub

No. 490087

They really faked contacting his legal team. I can't wait until more letters leak, they can't bully everyone.

No. 490088

honestly the reactions in discord servers are so cancer inducing.
>no difference between tranny reddit and tranny reddit!!!
Are you surprised
I feel like that is kind of legally sketchy to make a false claim that you are in contact with a huge cases legal team. Like wtf is she trying to pretend she's friends with Karen or some shit?

No. 490089

File: 1740288148566.png (10.63 KB, 381x200, fl4.png)

Hate it.

No. 490090

Would have been so insane if he came to dc, fantasizing rn but kek if the news made any speculation about him being here I would’ve found him and hid him in my basement chained

No. 490091

theory: they're luigifever refugees

No. 490092

File: 1740288268618.jpeg (178.29 KB, 987x1122, IMG_6013.jpeg)

Smug? He can’t have a light spirit from time to time dang. This is like when they were hating on him for having good posture and eye contact. They psychoanalyzed him standing up straight and giving Karen and the prosecutor eye contact as arrogance. Then they said he looked at police as if “he's better than them”. Why would he or anyone be fond of cops?

No. 490093

File: 1740288284786.mp4 (3.15 MB, 720x804, 4345353544.mp4)

No. 490095

That’s what I’m thinking, or people who panicked about the tiktok ban and hopped on plebbit around that time and never left

No. 490096

Even if they had a "source" there's no way to confirm that quickly whether it's fake. That doesn't even make sense.
And these hundreds of people just believe her. I hate stupid people sfm.

No. 490097

Are these people attempting to have domination over him in their 40’s?

No. 490098

File: 1740288703215.png (Spoiler Image,451.09 KB, 748x845, 5465465445.png)

LMAO these petty cunts are jealous. What a bunch of shitheads

No. 490102

>the backwards K
Yeah well I bet he would do that anyway. Plus why are they acting like he gushed to her in his letter? He just referenced some memes or whatever and said he liked Squid Game. He didn’t even sign off with anything special. Honestly he just joked around in the letter he didn’t even give her any special treatment so what’s the seethe about

No. 490103

Right? It didn’t seem flirty at all. I’m confused on the uproar from plebbits this specific one had caused because I couldn’t accept that they’re doing all this over him being silly kek

No. 490104

She must've faked it because that letter ruins their parasocial relationship with fragile baby Lulu who doesn't know any better

No. 490105

You guys can choose to believe me or not I don’t care but I know who the Reddit confirmation source is, and it’s legit. It’s Tracey

No. 490106

File: 1740289335008.jpg (53 KB, 695x341, 20250223_063854.jpg)

redditors dont even allow luigi to say lol this is insane

No. 490108

The fuck

No. 490110

waaah poor, sensible and intellectual luigi hates knowing that he's wanted by millions wahhhh don't sexualize him give him his privacy he's a human being

No. 490111

Samefag I’m so retarded I didn’t catch the joke sorry

No. 490112

I can’t. God forbid he laughs out loud.

No. 490113

kekkkk i wouldn't be surprised, it's her or fatsey no doubt in my mind

No. 490115

Even if that's true, she'd have no way of knowing what's real and what isn't.

No. 490116

File: 1740289814978.gif (1.19 MB, 498x498, 22334234234.gif)

LMAO I can see it. demons of a feather gotta stick together

No. 490117

File: 1740290171130.jpeg (682.17 KB, 1179x1113, IMG_6015.jpeg)

See ya it is creepy 40 yr olds that claim ownership over him acting like he's stupid. It reminds me of this post I saw in that Brianthompsonmurder subreddit. They think in Japan when Luigi approached the police about the guy having a seizure on the ground that he just wandered to the station without communicating to them what happened. Then he had the expectation they would just follow him. Luigi obviously communicated to them what occurred so they could help the guy having a seizure.

No. 490118

NPC upset about NPCs getting called NPCs

No. 490119

How can Tracy be a source of anything? She hasn't spoken to Luigi in over 2 years kek
Even when she knew him, I doubt she had many occasions to see his handwriting. Their interactions would've been either face-to-face or texting.

No. 490120

I've hated reddit since around 2016, but this is impressive, even for them. These NPC's need to go back to stanning for Justin Beiber and leave my italian sped husband and his true wives alone.

No. 490121

yowhatupmom is a swiftie and a commentor in the gypsy rose blanchard snark subreddit which explains her character alot

No. 490122

I'm from a country where not crossing the red light is law and I feel those officers kek. Luigi mistook a cultural quirk as not having free will, as is to be expected of this himbo.
I hope he starts sending even stupider letters. Maybe he can sperg out about birthrates for the next one and include a dick joke. Then redditors can cry quietly into the night.

No. 490123

The freeluigi subreddit needs to be shutdown. yowhatupmom needs to be humbled.

No. 490124

I mean jaywalking is illegal in burgerland but we still do it then again who the hell is enforcing it right
It was a joke or was it ooooh

No. 490125

cultural quirk when there's a medical emergency? sorry nona luigi is right here this is stupid

No. 490126

Nona if there's someone having a serious medical emergency and there's no traffic you jaywalk. Luigi was spot on, the japanese cop was being peak NPC. Acting on his programming to the system over his humanity.

No. 490127

>gypsy rose blanchard snark subreddit
I don't want to know.

No. 490128

based. based. so fucking based have been avoiding looking at the threads I’m still hopeful that he’ll answer to more west coast women

No. 490129

I will stop the derail after this but afaik medics in Japan also take the time to take their shoes off before entering a house. Might be a cultural idea of keeping things professional and not panicking in an emergency. Don't forget japan is a disaster prone country. Anyway all cultures have aspects that are stupid to outsiders

No. 490131

File: 1740291966159.jpeg (729.44 KB, 1179x1381, IMG_3248.jpeg)

This new comic wasn't too bad until this panel KEKKKKK

No. 490133

No. 490134

File: 1740292149542.jpg (30.75 KB, 612x408, gettyimages-2200303268-612x612…)

culture is not an excuse for dumb behavior

No. 490135

File: 1740292225823.jpeg (91.69 KB, 1179x464, IMG_6017.jpeg)

That's exactly why I posted it. He's not in the wrong plus the streets were empty. But the Reddit people acted like he was being stupid and oblivious.

No. 490136

i’m actually crying laughing like what the fuck is going on seriously

No. 490137

File: 1740292385653.jpeg (384.66 KB, 1290x2652, IMG_2306.jpeg)

“There's no way a man of his intelligence would say something like that, it's so obvious.”

No. 490139

We had God and some angels visiting Luigi and Karen. Now fucking entire planets are supporting him too. Can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

No. 490141

I can envision her sketching nano particles with smiley faces saying “we support Luigi” in union

No. 490143

ive been trying to study gnosticism. I have kind of accepted we are fucked because we serve under a false god (at least thats what I kind of gathered from it)

No. 490144

File: 1740292837831.jpeg (89.53 KB, 640x626, IMG_3937.jpeg)

>luigi would never write like that
>luigi is of higher intelligence
>luigi this
>luigi that

can fucking redditors accept the fact he was a fucking retard who has the humor of someone who clearly spent their time online. putting him on a pedestal is ridiculous and it’s disgusting that they keep treating him like a child.

No. 490145

We are the only ones who get him. I hate saying that because it sounds parasocial but based on everything Ive read about this fuckwit prison moid it's objectively true.
Luigi was made for the lc farm

No. 490152

How convenient dumb bitch

No. 490153

“Confirmed to be fake” AKA I’m jealous and coping so it’s not real and he would NEVER write like that (even though I don’t know him) so I will bully everyone

No. 490154

Omg what? God forbid the man makes a joke the parasocial is crazy - sperging like this over a letter. Imagine when things they don’t like (bar is low) come out in the trial.

No. 490155

Didn't this same person at one point announce that weegee is refusing all mail and to hold off writing to him. I think she is just completely delulu. Luigi's wannabe warden.

No. 490156

Kekkk I don’t why they treat him like he’s Aristotle and he’s so smart he could never joke or have a spelling mistake

No. 490159

File: 1740298253823.jpeg (81.77 KB, 828x493, IMG_9214.jpeg)

Kek they’re jumping the mod

No. 490172

File: 1740302902973.jpeg (179.74 KB, 2643x743, IMG_1717.jpeg)

I know it's TikTok and these people are probably 12 but it's shocking how some people do not have the plot at all. Like are they serious, what was his motive???? No wonder the various communities are so full of retards who think Luigi must be some world class genius.

No. 490174

>Very weak motive
Jfc look at Light Yagami over here

No. 490176

Lyme made him do it? As in the tick disease? KEK

No. 490177

Luigi had a side of munchie to him if you read his reddit, still not sure what was up with that. My guess is depression/anxiety that wasn't treated properly

No. 490188

File: 1740306189946.jpeg (69.77 KB, 828x632, IMG_9217.jpeg)


No. 490191

Yeah, I was gonna say when people say he didn't do it on there it’s because they literally can’t comprehend that he was emotionally withdrawn from his 2022 injury, then surgery in 2023 with his spondylolisthesis, and probably faced issues with personal relationships too from 2022 until it hit its head in 2024. On his social media, he talked about the plight of capitalism in various industries: tech, healthcare, and social media. He also acknowledged the ways capitalism itself affects how people interact with other people and how they view themselves in society. Then due to all of this, he went missing and cut off everybody. This all brought him to the point of wanting to do this. Even when I had a passing thought of thinking he didn't do it I never ignored this mind state I just thought the public timeline was off. But they completely disregard it all together. The tiktokers act like the “hypothetical suspect” (it’s him) wouldn't do it because he's “too smart” and he’s “never used slang.” I do think his Altoona arrest is sus but I feel it has more to do with not knowing how far into investigation the NYPD went after reviewing a tip from the SFPD officer identifying Luigi in the hostel pic 4 days prior.

No. 490193

Given the timeline of the things that lead to the shooting I'm 80% sure that he's deeply mentally Ill and maybe even delusional idk why they're not using this argument in court.
There has to be something deeply wrong with him I just don't see how a normal 20's something would throw their whole like away to shoot a ceo

No. 490195

especially someone who comes from a life of privilege, travelling anywhere he wants in the world to now being stuck in a cage - i truly don't know how he will adapt

No. 490197

right he was a very active guy going on hikes and all. idk why he couldn't of lived in a random place like iceland kek - it seemed like he had the financial freedom

No. 490198

How bad must of things got for him to feel like this was his only option. The irony is that majority of people work and work to experience only a fraction of the life that he lived. Sad situation

No. 490200

Suicidal depression doesn’t discriminate sadly, successful and broke people both get it. (I think most shootings of this general variety are suicides by men who feel they absolutely have to leave their mark on their world before they go out.)
Someone commented Luigi is a bit of a textbook example for mental illness because he‘s a high achiever. apparently that‘s a population mental health professionals see a lot of.

No. 490204

Eh I have decided not to write another letter. He said he read them all and if he chose not to respond to me after reading it that’s his prerogative and sending him another letter seems pathetic and desperate. I am glad to see he is having fun with his responses though.
I think he was/is definitely depressed. Poor Luigi. I know how it feels. But it really is such a leap to go from how free he was to explore the world to now confined in a tiny living space, potentially forever. I hope the benzos help him kek

No. 490207

I wonder how he would cope because he spoke about npc's with no autonomy to now literally being in a cell with no control.

No. 490210

File: 1740314122277.jpg (78.31 KB, 720x454, 20250223_133156.jpg)

another person saying they got a letter in a similar tone looks like people are really gatekeeping the good responses
how many lc wives did actually write letters?

No. 490211

you can write him one for his birthday im thinking of doing that too but i honestly dont know what to write

No. 490216

icon don't let the discord mods bully her

No. 490217

Well which mugshot did she actually have on a shirt?

No. 490218

that mod bitch is such a liar where's her 'source' now

No. 490219


I love that she put the vids back up despite the bullying. I can't believe they’re mad at him for saying he liked a shirt and watched squid game. Like he can’t joke and be sweet.

No. 490224

the mcdonals one what he preferred kek

No. 490227

I love him. Our slightly self-deprecating sweetigi
I love her as well, what a based queen. Especially >>490219 putting the video back up
I don't understand how him being endearing and lighthearted in his response would turn someone against him?? Like what did these plebbitors think of him as?

No. 490228

his letter is so cute, I love him so much

No. 490232

Maybe but what’s the point

No. 490233

The trend of replying to 30-something year old (un)married moms continues i see

No. 490235

He is carefully curating his ideal support base with who he replies to

No. 490236

She’s actually 26 I was shocked.

No. 490237

What does her husband think lol

No. 490238

Do they all write little biographies in their letters or can he smell them through the words?

No. 490239

They might write biographies and mention being married I don’t know how he does it otherwise. Or maybe by replying to just women the majority of women who write him are married or divorced single moms.

No. 490240

File: 1740320710636.jpeg (305.17 KB, 1144x889, IMG_6031.jpeg)

this is what she said so she mentioned being married

No. 490241

It is so joever he only wants normies writing to him

No. 490242

Good for her standing up to the bullies.
Luigi would hate the people trying to intimidate her.
That looks like a new one, but old footage, of her opening the letter.
She also reuploaded the original tiktok of her reading the letter

No. 490244

Keep holding out! Not everyone’s posting his letter responses on social media.

No. 490245

It has been joever for me I am hoping a nonny gets a letter someday because I have given up. Didn’t a nonny send him like 5 letters?

No. 490246

When he was talking about the picture in orange that was taken after being in isolation for 1 week (waah my baby), maybe he means the perp walk pics. He doesn't refer to it as a mugshot. Kinda feels like he's venting about that horrible experience (isolation) and just wanted to get that out there.

No. 490247

I sent one but im only seething because it was around the same time, into the second week of january, these recent people who came out with responses sent theirs kek

No. 490248

Yeah that part was fucked poor baby. He didn’t look disheveled during the perp walk though, he was fully clean shaved and everything. He probably felt like shit though.

No. 490249

Luigi is a normie who is allergic to other normies thus he went crazy
Now that he is in prison he can safely interact with them and it seems he is most comfortable with them
joever, joever i tell ya

No. 490250

This is why he is in prison and not self actualizing in the outside world, meeting new people, and dating a nona. Maybe he belongs in an isolated controlled environment.

No. 490251

At some point we got to question what we have been conditioned to believe by society to be normal behavior. You are suggesting that he should have just ignored the problems of the healthcare industry like the rest of us do, let the rich do whatever evil they do, and go live his happy little blind life like the rest of us strive to. I am not criticizing you by any means, you think what most people think to be a no-brainer. But at some point we got to question this line of thought that is so ingrained within us. Is it really so insane to want to tip the scale in the name of justice? Or is it insane to remain silent and blind to it day in and day out, remain the harmless sedated consumer that you are so you can continue to live in the comfort of familiar hell?

No. 490252

America is so doomed that nobody wants to even copy him

No. 490256

Successful and attractive people kill themselves all the time. What Luigi did was a form of suicide, only difference is he wanted fame.

No. 490258

File: 1740323445173.jpeg (873.32 KB, 997x999, 1739147923198.jpeg)

I feel bad for him as he's a tragic figure and is being treated terribly, but I'm so dumb that because he didn't respond to my or any nona's letters I kind of don't feel bad for him at the same time. He could have gotten rid of the evidence but he didn't. He was busy eating a hashbrown and scrolling Twitter which is uber pathetic. Maybe if he were a good boy and didn't think our letters were so lame then I'd feel sorry for him. I spent a lot of time on it and even sent him a book. Give me my money back, bitch, I know you're good for it.

No. 490261

No way of getting a true tally but I honestly think only like 2 nonas wrote to Luigi.

No. 490262

how many lc wives are on here (estimate)

No. 490263

Really? I was thinking ~5
>other nona who sent 2 books
>another nona who isn't drawnona who sent a drawing
This might overlap
>anon who sent like 5 letters
Might also be an overlap
According to the rest of the site 5 but I think there's maybe ~10+, give or take on some days.
Question, what would you do if this thread were ever locked?

No. 490264

Ive seen some luigifags on simsecret on dreamwidth, im thinking that some of you are there too so

No. 490266

Okay interesting. I've caught wind of anons who think this thread is full of gay moids and tourists and that it's bad for the health of the site. I don't want it locked because I don't know where else to go to discuss the trial and Luigi lore

No. 490269

Jelaous lebianons need to be patient this thread will calm down in years to come since the legal battle will drag on

No. 490271

I feel like there are worse offenders on this site than our weegee threads. We don't get that much drama or infighting either

No. 490272

I don't understand the argument that Luigi threads are bad for the site, because these are containment threads and they seem to be effective at containment?
I haven't seen proof of it affecting the site.
I do agree that there are gay moid(s) in these threads however. I have to dip out at times because of that.

No. 490274

>I do agree that there are gay moid(s) in these threads however.
Can you give examples of what makes you think that?

No. 490275

Really? I didn't notice. What kind of posts come across as being by gay moids?

No. 490276

>Question, what would you do if this thread were ever locked?
Nothing and let my autistic obsession finally die. This is by far the worst thing I've ever had an autistic obsession over and this is the only worthwhile site to discuss it.

No. 490278

File: 1740325674140.jpg (255.05 KB, 1082x878, stupidtweets.jpg)

Why do they all think he's above writing "LOL"

No. 490279

File: 1740325791570.jpg (162.82 KB, 961x1254, 20250223_164736.jpg)

a richfag donated 30k wow

No. 490280

Yeah maybe same. Let him rot in prison and forget about him. He's so sexy though.
He'd write lmfao but not lol, guys, clearly.
Also still waiting on evidence of there being gaybos itt

No. 490281

File: 1740326214249.jpg (264.54 KB, 1062x598, Holli.jpg)

Let the control freaks of reddit seethe. I'm so glad she didn't allow them to bully her

No. 490282

out of all luigifags twitter and reddit are the worse tiktok and rednote get a pass because they actually share letters lc weegeewives are the best of course

No. 490283

File: 1740326450580.jpeg (718.88 KB, 1125x1120, extremely gorgeous its unreal.…)

And yet we are the most abandoned, the most reviled…

No. 490284

She's based for pwning the Plebbitors but OMG am I the only one who gets a bit irritated how these people rip open the envelopes? Do these people not have envelope knives? Julie did the same thing. Maybe I'm being autistic but I'd be doing my best to preserve the envelope and not make it look like shit if I received a letter.

No. 490286

the plebbit mod is so full of shit i want to know her "source" now kek "it's fake because i said so"

No. 490288

She can't even make it sound real. Your source was not available asap at 10:30 pm last night to somehow identify whether or not the letter is real or fake like someone detecting counterfeit art.

No. 490290

File: 1740327185320.png (54.11 KB, 805x243, smarter than this.png)

I hope this continues to break more Plebbitors out of their limerence

No. 490291

Where do they get the idea he's intelligent

No. 490292

File: 1740327327682.jpg (61.33 KB, 556x556, 1602391149162.jpg)

Holli sent her letter early January. Holding onto hope for my mid-January letter to get a reply in the near future.

No. 490293

>Someone commented Luigi is a bit of a textbook example for mental illness because he‘s a high achiever
IMO everyone in the cog life is mentally ill as hell

No. 490294

File: 1740327455019.png (5.09 MB, 3570x2859, 1716081946127.png)

It's so over for me, mine was probably delivered to the facility early Jan. I'm still interesting in the timeline because didn't some Tumblr letters get responded to in like two weeks? Are they shuffling these letters like a deck of cards or something?

No. 490295

You tell those reddit tankies! you will NOT be intimidated by their bullying!!
I'm glad she put the vid back up. Fuck reddit. I hope that cancer subplebbit gets deleted.

No. 490297

So far it just seems like most of the people who received letters back recently are people who live closer to New York and who wrote to him early January. Holli seems to be the first midwest letter receiver. I'm wondering if the letters are super disorganized too since he replied to that granny's Christmas card super late. In any case, I am absolutely dying here as a worst coast inhabitant since my letter more realistically probably arrived late January due to distance and he'd get to it much later than these east coast letters.

No. 490298

Are these legit children? Or just chronically online adults? I cannot explain the lack of social awareness any other way

No. 490299

File: 1740328214502.png (260.74 KB, 423x461, 654645654546.png)

>He's way smarter than that
He tried to eat a firecracker…

No. 490300

But I live close to NY…

No. 490301

Condolences. Fuck Luigi for not replying to us. I'm going to hate him even more than I did before.

No. 490302

File: 1740328584670.png (501.42 KB, 404x691, sketchy.png)

im pretty sure this was the sketch artist. the guy on the stream said she was. look at the yellow backround and what she already has sketched out. I dont know why she would be sketching him out BEFORE court though. maybe practice? how did she know she was wearing green?

No. 490304

File: 1740328832690.png (233.71 KB, 420x335, have sex.png)

Shes probably sketching random cops for practice
Yeah. I hate him but I love him. Welp he's in prison sucks to suck

No. 490306

have the FreeLuigi jannies wet themselves over her putting the letter back up after they scared her into taking it down?

No. 490308

I hope the tranny janny gives up and lets everyone who previously sent her their letters post theirs.

No. 490309

idk I refuse to look at reddit because the site is cancer. The fact that they were making fun of someone who got a letter from him makes me sick to my stomach. If by the grace of Sofia Luigi gets out of prison he needs to write a book and at some point he needs to talk about how reddit is a garbage website that encourages harassment towards anyone who even remotely thinks independently or questions authority (jannies) in the slightest.

No. 490310

They haven't spoken about it on the server or the subreddit but they're likely secretly seething about it. Pubebeard's lungs have shriveled up and desiccated into lumps of coal at this point from all the vaping.

No. 490311

I wish but I feel like Luigi is so stupid if he got out he would just go back to browsing Reddit and Twitter all day. He'd probably try to become a grifter himself. But maybe while on Reddit he'll accidentally post 'LOL' instead of 'lmfao' and lose all of his karma.

No. 490312


SA, I hope they are
I can't wait for their totalitarian 'community' to combust

No. 490313

If the server even addresses it without banning half of their members it means they have officially shit their pants. Most of the time the jannies are just passively talking shit and don't bring it up. But they will allow their handmaidens to cluck among one another on the subreddit.
freeluigi is the most cringe shit to ever have been born. a beiberpooner and a swiftie got together and created an unholy abomination

No. 490314

most unpopular opinion haver here: he should be allowed to post on lolcow without being banned. He will be violently bullycided by us anyways for not writing to us.

No. 490315

File: 1740330596088.jpeg (998.52 KB, 2048x2048, 04423C12-2904-4377-B686-B65019…)

This is the 2nd court artist on the floor. She was drawing the one on top while sitting down on the floor.

No. 490316

I like her style. Uh why did she give that one fat guy a super long nose?
He would hate it here, it's too highbrow for him.

No. 490317

>The fact that they were making fun of someone who got a letter from him makes me sick to my stomach.
Sweet Anonita, I'm on your side and think that they're lame for trying to gatekeep and giving this lady shit for posting her letter but.. you HAVE observed how LC weegeewives have acted in these past threads right kek

No. 490318

I sent 2 in Dec and 1 last week, no drawings

I'm out West but I still need some of that copium or imma kill myself after today's letter

No. 490319

File: 1740331108779.png (330.65 KB, 864x531, too many letters....png)

The group suicide itt is going to be insane

No. 490320

schizo theory this is a fake dono astroturfed by defense in order to grab attention (their message is valid)

No. 490321

he told a lie

No. 490322

I sent him drawings in my letter too. I'm the one who did most of the mean edits on kr's comics.

No. 490323

There have been people who have given fake letters and it's been obvious (no showing the letter, no stamp, etc.) this is hardly comparable to some girl on tiktok showing the proof right off the bat.

No. 490324

>you know I don't even think he's that handsome
What is his aversion to drawings, is he jealous he can't draw?

No. 490325

Techbro mindpoison

No. 490326

I think 4 of us, including artnona, has sent him drawings? wow he fucking sucks

No. 490328

>Luigi receiving thoughtful intelligent letters and lovingly written letters with cute drawings
>"This shit sucks"

No. 490331

I sent mine kind of late so I'm still hoping he might reply. Some higher power is probably going punish me for being too mean to Plebbitors in these threads though so I won't receive a reply.
I fucking hate him too and hope he loses even more control of his bladder.

No. 490332

kek i sent him 4 letters already. the one i sent last week was me changing the lyrics of stan by eminem to be weegee related. i’m going to keep sending him letters each week until my book of stamps runs out, they’ll sometimes be retarded or very normie it’s a good exercise to improve my writing skills

No. 490333

Kek i feel neurotic saving my prettiest stamps for later letters when he’s not getting hundreds at a time

No. 490334

File: 1740332075002.jpeg (122.76 KB, 1124x1122, IMG_2022.jpeg)

samefag i want to annoy him into responding don’t care i’m risking it for us true and honest lc weegee wives

No. 490335

Best of luck to you because I refuse to send him another letter. Maybe I will send one for his birthday because then I can just make it short and it'll be nice for him to receive. But I am not putting any effort. Why would I put effort into a letter for a pee pants boy?

No. 490336

i hope he answers one of my letters since i’m on the west coast

No. 490337

im so glad that she drew the pauly d zoomer cop

No. 490344

I do NOT understand what was going on with that guys hair

No. 490346

File: 1740334653934.png (269.29 KB, 821x1080, dailymail.png)

No. 490348

File: 1740334815580.png (1.68 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_6042.png)

Shit. Why are they being nosy now and not when he wrote back the 3 other people?

No. 490349

this is why he should only write to lc wives. Daily male can gossip about my weegeeletter and then cry and shit themselves because I will keep all my personal info blocked and they wont be able to attack me for it.

No. 490354

Oh no, she didn't consent to this, did she? Fat Reddit trannies are probably on suicide watch too. Imagine they go to the Daily Mail and scream about how it's fake

No. 490355

I hate how he is writing back to so many Tiktok users because they are truly the lowest type of people he can possibly write to. They have no sense of opsec so now shit like this will happen. Fucking write back to us already, you stupid slut!

No. 490356

I wonder if mentioning social media makes him more likely to respond because he is an attention whore. He is so flattered that TikTok thinks he's handsome and he did eye fuck the camera that one time. Plus he was probably giggling past his hashbrown as he browsed Twitter and everyone called the hostel man (him) handsome. What a desperate whore.

No. 490357

I said I dislike social media in my letter. Might be why he has not replied to me. Fuck him. I am not selling my personal info to Meta and Tiktok.

No. 490358

He read it and was like eww, lame I love my Shitter and Plebbit! He probably thought I was lame in my letter, too. Boring serious shit and words of encouragement instead of memes and social media shit.

No. 490359

>redditor shithead has a job as a 'journalist' at a gossip rag site
I will tell Luigi I actively use tiktok and reddit (which is a fucking lie, aside from when I'm blighted with links I have never and will never make an account on that digital malignance)
Maybe I will send 2 letters, one that says I love reddit, instagram, twitter, and tiktok and one a few months later telling him I hate social media and see which one he responds to.

No. 490360

hopefully this doesn't ruin shit and he stops responding…

No. 490361

File: 1740335908340.png (61.15 KB, 812x645, seethe.PNG)

Imagine he somehow recognizes the letter and your name and is like damn what happened to this girl in the span of a few months
Also check out the seething moids in the comments of the article

No. 490362

I don’t like that she did this. I just read it because it’s out there. Just the instinct of receiving it and then immediately reading it on camera and plastering it on social media. Like especially her sharing it out and opening it like it’s an unboxing video. Similar to the other woman.

No. 490364

Luigi spends his energy responding to the naive, what else is new. At least we got to see he's retained a sense of humor. Sad to hear about the tiny little torture room though.

No. 490367

File: 1740336165117.gif (771.51 KB, 500x384, 12444903_8e349.gif)

No. 490368

so a married woman can't write a letter to a man in jail but a married man can jerk to porn everyday btw

No. 490369

….annnnd she took the video down again.

No. 490370

Well I'd shit my pants if Daily Fail wrote an article about me and used my picture and name too
Yes. At least those pornstars didn't murdler anybody!

No. 490371

This pisses me off so much. I'm happily married and still am a Luigifan. I want Luigi to pass on his genetics to the single wives here, but I want to be with my actual husband (who reminds me of Luigi anyways, except Luigi is much, much dumber.)
Any moid who gets mad because their wife/girlfriend admires a handsome italian man killing an ugly, evil beaverfaced scrote is too insecure for romance and needs to die alone.

No. 490373

Kek nonnies im also a married woman and fascinated by weegee because he reminds me of my Nigel in looks. It isn’t cheating… I just like admiring pretty men with warm brown eyes and curly brown hair and bushy eyebrows. It’s my type!

No. 490374

Nah no way you guys have Luigi husbands, not after that forest dweller was posted.

No. 490376

If my husband said I reminded him of Jodi Arias I would be incredibly turned on

No. 490377

she's much better than all the other cuort artists we've seen so far

No. 490379

The husbands commenting under the article would never be compared to beautiful, youthful, virile Luigi hence the seething.

No. 490380

He's a bpdemon himself… and a slut

No. 490381

best court artist we've had by far

No. 490382

More prostitutes and pornstars should murder. I would love it if there was a genre of snuff porn where the woman snaps and kills the nasty scrote she's forced to be with (and the film crew too). I wouldn't watch it but I would appreciate it from afar

No. 490383

I'm pretty much over Luigi at this point and only here to watch his fat fans repeatedly embarrass themselves and fight over crumbs

No. 490384

Yknow what, I thought Luigi had classic depression but maybe he is BPD

No. 490385

File: 1740337857353.jpg (25.49 KB, 500x375, aileen.jpg)

>More prostitutes and pornstars should murder.
And this is why she is a queen.

No. 490386

the reddit and twitterfags feel so vindicated since the daily dail article i hate it

No. 490387

samefag, not you nonnies, obvi
I mean reddit and tiktards

No. 490388

File: 1740338045802.jpg (211 KB, 1070x1719, 20250222_223248.jpg)

i could never get over this angel i feel so sorry for him for being retarded

No. 490389

I wish I could get over Luigi but he is so beautiful and tragic it’s hard
Why would Reddit feel vindicated? Aren’t they shitting themselves right now?

No. 490390

"heinous crime of eating a hashbrown" i mean i don't expect him to admit to killing brian in a letter but him writing this from a federal prison as if he's not facing death penalty is wild. is he actually on benzos or something or is he still schizigi or what's going on? this is giving unhinged considering the conditions he's forced to live in right now

No. 490391

redditfags on suicide watch right now because of the daily fail article but why report on letters now? when he’s been sending them out since december

No. 490393

Because it's the longest one that's a full-page scan and isn't just a generic reply.

No. 490394

Schizigi on benzos I guess
Same it’s impossible. Someone uglify him in that prison already

No. 490395

I hate how G*d blessed such beautiful eyes upon such a massive retard.

No. 490396

ofcourse he is still schizigi

No. 490397

File: 1740338649828.jpg (162.12 KB, 1600x1242, Charlize-Theron-Monster-Aileen…)

Saint Aileen. We need more women serial killing nasty moids who pay for sex. But prostitutes killing subhumans who think money is an excuse for rape should be decriminalized. It should be seen as no different than slaughtering a pig.
Listen nona he's just letting people know he isn't admitting to anything except whatever was photographed (him eating a lil potato nuggie snack)
I keep praying he'll wall so I can leave him but I'm afraid it's going to be a long time. Even with prison aging him he might still remain fuckable and sexy for at least another 10 years.

No. 490398

His beautiful soul is keeping him beautiful but since he will never have love again he may as well wall to save the rest of us from suffering. Come on someone shave him bald already please. Pluck his eyelashes, give him a neck beard, anything

No. 490399

they're screaming we told you so now he wont write any letters and the prosecution will use his letters to give him the death penalty

No. 490401

File: 1740338842361.jpeg (458.68 KB, 1284x1673, IMG_7476.jpeg)

This is the reporter btw, in the middle. Corn kernel teeth and all

No. 490402

Death penalty for being too cutesy

No. 490403

She looks like she capes for hideous men like that boogery ginger mole rat in the photo with her

No. 490404

File: 1740339353023.jpg (318.31 KB, 776x930, crashingout.jpg)

She has too much sense to be on Reddit

No. 490408

wish I had screenshotted earlier when I saw it before she took the tiktoks down, but in the comments of the tiktok where she opened and read the letter she said her husband is more than aware of her fascination with Luigi and even helped her frame Luigi’s letter to her kek

No. 490409

Males should just accept being lightly cucked like this by hotter, healthier males.

No. 490410

based. Insecure moids need to die alone and unloved like the pathetic misogynistic incels that they are.

No. 490411

Real men use Luigi as inspiration to better themselves. Get in shape, keep their hair, respect women, and if all else fails, kill ugly moids.

No. 490412

File: 1740340416437.jpeg (550.46 KB, 1179x1739, IMG_6184.jpeg)

jealousy is truly a disease kek

No. 490413

I can’t believe he is going to be beheaded for his poor grammar

No. 490414

I think we've been quite brutal towards Pilots who first tried to rise up against the power tripping mod and as far as I know her letter was legit
I'm not trying to moralfag or chastise wives itt, I love everyone here. Just that a little self awareness is sometimes needed kek

No. 490415

File: 1740340729655.gif (1.69 MB, 480x360, abc80a4c8327aaf7fcf4879e74091f…)

>redditor calling tiktoker greasy

No. 490416

File: 1740340803182.jpeg (557.31 KB, 1179x1736, IMG_6185.jpeg)

it’s quite literally unfathomable to these retards that weewee would ever make a grammatical error

No. 490417

Yeah it is a really glaring mistake to make almost like he is actually dumb and probably combining two sentences in his head, maybe even rushing (handwriting looks a little rushed he probably has other shit to do or other letters to respond to) big whoop. People are more concerned over it being fake and not focusing on the idea that, if real, which it likely is, he was basically kept in a brightly lit coffin alone for a week.

No. 490418

>I think we've been quite brutal towards Pilots who first tried to rise up against the power tripping mod
FFS stop simping pilots, she did no such thing.
She's been ass-sucking the reddit mods for months, she only finally shared a snippet of her letter when other women did it first, and Pilots feared attention on her was waning.

No. 490419

yeah, i feel bad for talking shit about pilots and do find her based for standing up against the redditfags by posting a snippet of her letter and the envelope still don’t like her cringe poetry though

No. 490420

I made a grammatical error in the first letter I sent him which haunted me for days, gradually learning how retarded he actually is and this recent letter made me feel better kek

No. 490421

People here are just jealous that Luigi wrote back to a self-diagnosing single mom with BPD who loves Luigi and some teenybop boy band more than her full-grown low-functioning autist son.

No. 490422

Where is the grammatical error? Don't these people understand that grammatical errors will run rampant in someone who is used to relying on spell check his entire life?

No. 490423

Also the claim that he cares about grammar is weird. They didn’t stop to consider that maybe he just has passable grammar for a moid.

No. 490424

redditors need to log off and touch grass, who cares if the letter was shared and he wrote back something funny. they’ve been inhaling their farts too much and expect him to write something intellectual, he’s in prison for the rest of his life let the guy just have fun writing back retarded stuff.

No. 490425

Pilots is like Luigi. Based but also incredibly cringey. Pilots has her BPD and her shit poetry. Luigi has his mental retardation and his love for grifter faggots and vapid cogs.
No one is perfect, but being a fat jealous reddit mod who mocks people who show off their letters shows a lack of redeeming qualities and is truly in need of bullyciding.

No. 490426

Fuck it. Pilots and Luigi should get married. BPD for BPD and Luigi gets a free son out of it

No. 490427

File: 1740341616693.png (88.93 KB, 872x344, 52526464624756.png)

The lack of self-awareness is astounding. Half of her reddit history is Luigi & Menendez brother fangirling

No. 490428

>parasocial paradox
She thought she did something
>80 letters a week
Didn’t she send three in total.

No. 490429

I hope more people see this seething and post more letters just to spite these fat losers.

No. 490430

kek holy shit is this person retarded bet she posted those thirsty tiktok edits on luigifever before it got banned. hypocrites.

No. 490432

Pilots x Luigi is now my OTP.

No. 490435

Luigi would never fuck a fatty

No. 490436

>didn't she send three in total
yes. Its funny how the jannies will try their best to control people posting letters and deleting everything but all of a sudden harassing some poor tiktoker for showing solidarity with her fellow wives is just fine.
Of course, harassing women on reddit is just fine as long as they aren't talking shit about a TIM.

No. 490437

You don't know that. Pilots and Luigi match each other's energy so well and you just know he'll be a good father to the autist son. He'd have the strength to tard wrangle the autist son and protect Pilots when he starts having screaming autistic fits while punching holes in the walls.

No. 490438

>gen z college student who is likely used to typing and auto correct is suddenly bad at detecting bad grammar when written out in permanent pen
There were videos of people his age not even knowing how to write out addresses properly on envelopes and they’re surprised he messes up on some minor and fairly common grammar points?

No. 490439

He is mentally fucked he probably would

No. 490440

I've noticed that truly, like genuinely sexy men who respect women, will love any kind of woman. They are so attractive they transcend their scrotedom and become like those hot women who marry shrek.

No. 490441

I think luigi would actually cure the sons autism by being a good father figure.
When Luigi sires a million children to a million different nonnies he definitely needs to play an active role in all their lives.

No. 490442

There are barely ten nonnies let alone a million

No. 490443

ok anyone who uses lc or shares letters

No. 490445

File: 1740342801180.png (56.51 KB, 207x232, 4344467887.png)

holy mother of COPE

No. 490446

I think it’s obvious what luigi’s type is

No. 490449

what part of sexy men who RESPECT WOMEN don't you understand? Stop instantly thinking of pre walled popstars.

No. 490452

I have cracked the code. Luigi’s cog blood makes it so he is likely only attracted to women who other males are attracted to. So if you’re single and don’t have a kid you aren’t his type. If you are married and/or have a kid it shows a male does or has once desired you. For those of us single and who have never been desired by a male, our letters appear to him as being completely blank pieces of paper. He probably gets pissed thinking he is being pranked and trashes them immediately.

No. 490454

Maybe my mistake was not mentioning having a boyfriend in my letter. My boyfriend was even telling me not to mention that in my letter to increase my chances of getting a response. He was wrong and now I am pissed.

No. 490455

Maybe he will be able to see the letter because you have one but I am still studying males like this so I am not sure exactly the logistics of their selective blindness

No. 490458

File: 1740344648688.jpg (357.83 KB, 460x605, axy3Wnb_460swp.jpg)

No. 490459

File: 1740344908182.webp (727.52 KB, 2667x2950, lm-art-seen-near-brooklyn-subw…)

Our cringe queen's art spotted in the wild. Someone needs to do this but with that fanfiction involving his family members.

No. 490460

File: 1740345098925.png (76.56 KB, 656x427, 7657777.png)

This is no different than comparing Luigi to Elliot Rodger.

No. 490461

>"Oh shit here we go again"
my thoughts exactly

No. 490462

Iconic. Her art will influence future jurors and they'll set Weegee free.

No. 490463

I really hope they also post the panels with G*d and planets supporting Luigi. That'll definitely make jury nullification happen.

No. 490464

Her comic from today wasn't that bad, but then again how else would she top the solar system supporting Luigi

No. 490466

>Iconic. Her art will influence future jurors and they'll set Weegee free.
If I was subjected to this as a juror, I'd give him the death penalty out of spite

No. 490467

kek nona nooo

No. 490470

And the korean girl will be banned from ever entering the US

No. 490473

I need you to take the stand and tell everyone he's guilty and then say you were gonna say not guilty but those awful kr comics made you change your mind

No. 490475

No. 490484

I hate him.

No. 490485

Same. I'll stop hating him if he writes back to me but that's not happening.

No. 490487

File: 1740349128206.jpg (342.58 KB, 614x760, tongue.jpg)

No. 490488

It is such a complicated love-hate. Because how the fuck am I meant to hate >>490487

No. 490501

i wish he was a tif

No. 490502

No TIF would ever look like that unfortunately.

No. 490503

If he was a TIF, I wouldn't have this retarded interest that occupies too much space in my mind so, yeah, same.

No. 490505

if he was a tif Luigi wouldn't have those shoulders. Poonerigi would look like his cousin

No. 490506

Nonnies do we think weegee even cares about the healthcare thing anymore or has he accepted his fate as our slave?

No. 490509

I wonder what would've been the target instead since he settled on this amongst many choices according to the “journal”.

No. 490510

it should've been elon

No. 490511

No. 490512

I might, if he was hot. I'd want to eat his pussy.
>our slave
He hasn't accepted this fate yet. I really hope he does though.
The Hawaii commune Good question, probably some hedge broker
Yeah but Elon has that child body shield and Luigi doesn't want to risk killing innocents.

No. 490513

Elon or Theil (or both)

No. 490514

As much as killing children is abhorrent, I think if the child died with Elon it would just make elon look worse since everyone knows he keeps the kid with him as a meat shield

No. 490515

People theorized it as a joke, or for real, but with those leaked tweets it's basically confirmed. If you really think you're seconds away from assassination all the time why do you bring your most autistic son with?

No. 490516

File: 1740351134509.jpeg (798.81 KB, 1179x1011, IMG_6188.jpeg)

is Grimes wishing Luigi would’ve “whacked” Elon instead of Brian Thompson? kek

No. 490517

File: 1740351203837.jpg (133.41 KB, 1169x877, 615a764cb414c100186389ae.jpg)

She always pulls shit like this. She's likely doing it just to piss off Elon.

No. 490518

Elon doesn't see his children as human beings. He wants to use them as a source of immortality. I heard he wants to put a neurolink chip in one or more of his kids to take over their brain in a younger vessel.
Honestly? assassinating the kid with musk would probably be an act of mercy.
All trophy wives of ugly rich scrotes dream of Luigi killing their husbands.
Thomsons widow is definitely enjoying not having to go through the messy divorce and just get all his shit fastracked to her. She's probably buying italian luigi lookalike hookers as we speak

No. 490521

>open up pics in phone to find meme for groupchat
>50 pics of luigi
>give up and send nothing
Anyone else?

No. 490522

Brian's wife should donate to luigi's defense kek she got everything she could want

No. 490523

Someone just donated 30k.
I bet it was her.

No. 490524

Probably. I hate when I show my Wigi support and get asked 'what if it was your husband who was killed' well first of all I don't know what it's like to have a husband or a significant other, secondly they were divorced, and thirdly it's nunya so I don't know why I should put myself in her shoes.

No. 490525

>People theorized it as a joke, or for real, but with those leaked tweets it's basically confirmed. If you really think you're seconds away from assassination all the time why do you bring your most autistic son with?
OT but, wtf?
What leaked tweets? He admitted he uses his son as a shield?

No. 490527

>Someone just donated 30k.
>I bet it was her.
She's barely literate. That person had a law degree or something

No. 490528

No the leaked tweets with the mother of his new spawn where he says he's super paranoid at all times of being killed because everyone wants him dead. If that were the case why is his child always on his shoulders?
Thompson's wife is barely literate?

No. 490529

kek I meant grimes
misread who anon was replying to ig

No. 490531

File: 1740353797190.png (339.25 KB, 536x501, 76565765.png)

separated. Divorcing these types of guys can be incredibly messy. Separating and getting her own home was probably the best she could get while he was alive. Also these people don't understand that maybe at first she married thomson for love, but this dude was a drunk driver (always shitty in my books), engaged in insider trading, and was likely not the most present father. Most guys like thomson just marry trophy wives who they cheat on while she raises the kids.
Listen, Thomsons widow can do whatever she wants, mourn or whatever. But I think she deserves a hot, italian, Luigi-lookalike himbo servant to clean her pool shirtless and give her a nice back massage. That is what I would do.

No. 490532

I hate how they're making Luigi suffer over this hideous thing.

No. 490533

We live in the worst timeline: The one where hideous failmales rule the world.
A patriarchy would be a million times more bearable if hot men ruled over ugly men.

No. 490534

She probably fantasizes about being with Thompson when it happened, watching that fat pig die before her, and then masked up Luigi kidnapping her like in a cheesy romance novel (since she's older and all) and taking her back to a fancy NY hotel to ravish her lovingly. Then they run away together to wherever, while the scrotelings can fend for themselves.

No. 490535

File: 1740354489595.jpeg (202.14 KB, 1284x834, IMG_7478.jpeg)

$1.5 mil home in minnesota is a NICE home kek. also she's a physical therapist with a master's degree. she'll get a few boy toys and forget about it all

No. 490536

File: 1740354616641.png (61.96 KB, 1187x591, flmod.png)

Remember She-wolf? She's claiming that the FL mods are full of shit (as expected).

No. 490537

Also they had a second home worth more than 800k. Add to that all the money he made with insider trading that cannot be seized now, she must have inherited some fat bank accounts

No. 490539

So the source is a random person in law school? Why would they know anything about his letters.

No. 490540

>Remember She-wolf?
No tbh
Who is she? How did she get permabanned from plebbit?
If that subreddit is plotting and brigading to get people banned, that sounds like a violation of plebbit's rules

No. 490541

>when the scrotelings can fend for themselves
I believe her sons are both adults.

No. 490542

Even better, her fantasies can then be without guilt.
She was one of the BPDemons who received a letter, she posts Luigi as Jesus and worships him

No. 490543

not surprised, such is the derangement of that obese bpdemon. interesting that luigi asked shewolf to share whatever is out there about his case, i can believe it

No. 490544

File: 1740355013152.png (1.22 MB, 1928x1442, 3dh7w8-786490005.png)

>their sources are fake
Do you really think they'd just do that? That BPD's would just go and LIE on the internet??

No. 490546

File: 1740355099165.jpeg (816.26 KB, 1125x1696, 1738778011417.jpeg)

Extremely schizo mother of five who got a letter from Luigi early on. She got perma-banned from FL apparently.

No. 490547

plot twist, she paid luigi to blast her husband off this earth

No. 490550

I remember someone said this lol but how would she have met him

No. 490551

What if he was working as a gigolo under Mark Rosario

No. 490552

I can't even I wish there was a mark rosario sighting so bad. I don’t get how there’s no random pics of him in the background out there when he was missing.

No. 490553

Well from what we've seen in previous threads there are a lot of Luigi lookalikes… I should stalk and hunt down that Luigi lookalike from Philly that was spotted in the background of some random image.

No. 490554

I wish the hostel guy and taxi guy were just lookalikes so i can grab them for myself someone else can take the starbucks guy kek

No. 490555

File: 1740356017228.png (2.77 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_6050.png)

I forgot this is the real one and he’s from New Jersey and graduated from Princeton last year.

No. 490556

You can't have 2/3
This is not my Mark Rosario. Also I kek to think of the Luigi haters who think he's actually from NJ and used that to hate on him. Plebs.

No. 490557

Ok then just hostel hottie

No. 490558

we will praise him off his pins
clear him of all sin

No. 490559

No fuck you he's mine. No fuck that, Luigi's mine you can take hostel hottie if he's a different guy.

No. 490560

there should be hostel interaction video footage

No. 490562

They have withdrawn SO much evidence from the public. We havent even seen the fucking bullet casings

No. 490563

nonnie it's actually better for his case if evidence isn't shared with the public.
that stuff should be for the jury only

No. 490564

so Im never gonna see his moidscratch on the bullets?

No. 490565

Eventually. Maybe in 2 years.

No. 490568

God imagine if he spelled something wrong. Or the s in depose looks like an i because his handwriting is so shit "delay deny depoie"

No. 490569

It will. Remember when people were thinking he's some diabolical genius because of the bullet casings and monopoly money and people thought the words were engraved? I mean yeah, who wouldn't think he's some genius but that was before he was caught innocently squirling a hashbrown and it was revealed the backpack had a granola bar wrapper and the bullets were written on with sharpie. And the Reddit still thinks he's some high IQ Enlighted One.

No. 490570

If he's a different guy but equally retarded you got yourself a deal

No. 490571

Maybe the footage is one of those choppy ones that just take a pic every few seconds

No. 490572

Triple d as a manifesto was really cool. Sends a clear message for motive. Manifestos are gay

No. 490577

File: 1740358082841.gif (1.19 MB, 650x388, me abusing luigi.gif)

Him being a retard only turned me on even more. It makes me feel like I can manipulate him into thinking I'm a genius like his grifter daddies and he'd spoil me rotten with backrubs and shit and I'd abuse him every time he said something stupid

No. 490578

Yeah I don't know why he felt the need to scribble on a piece of paper some other bullshit. Probably because it's what le grifter daddies would have done. If he wanted to really send a message he'd leave it open-ended but he's not only not very intelligent but not well-read either so I don't think he understands the meaning of subtlety.

No. 490580

File: 1740358202951.jpeg (378.88 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_2369.jpeg)

wasn’t this made here?

No. 490582

No. 490584

yea I made that. Reddit stole it. Bastards

No. 490585

death to all of them

No. 490586

It means there's a Redditard lurking among us who needs a good ol' case of bullyciding

No. 490587

Real shame. I can't lie i kinda lost respect when the manifesto came out. And then his diary.

No. 490588

i hope he gets early-onset dementia

No. 490590

I find him endearingly retarded, but not responding to our letters is making me want to beat him.
Maybe if we are lucky. I'll feel differently if we get letters.

No. 490591

File: 1740358749024.png (373.32 KB, 638x633, tetett554.png)

Hey reddit fag. You aren't welcome here. Go bullycide your jannies.

No. 490592

Unfortunately, we definitely have Redditors browsing here so I am not surprised they are using our content. They probably don't even know that the bottom quote is from Pilots. Our memes and posts need to be even more antisocial if we want these faggots to stay away.

No. 490593

How did he recognize brian from across the street in the dark? What if it was some random fat man in a suit?
Did he know what he was wearing? How? Social engineering?

No. 490594

We need to start hiding the word tranny in our edits

No. 490595

File: 1740358913292.png (150.66 KB, 384x309, 654665465.png)

They should share this

No. 490597

From stalking him I guess. Plus he was seen on the phone before doing the deed. He could have had some help. He did feel the need to specify he acted by himself in his shit manifesto, after all.

No. 490598

File: 1740359680376.png (1.56 MB, 1884x1034, 876876876876.png)

Way ahead of you.

No. 490599

KEKK perfect

No. 490600

No. 490605

No. 490606

>'pretty huge dick'
>but he would never say lol

No. 490607

File: 1740361466491.jpeg (148.83 KB, 792x792, IMG_4185.jpeg)

They’re censoring his retrograde ejaculated pee pee pants now (took from Twitter)

No. 490608

wtf that's the best part of that pic. these tards have no taste.

No. 490609

KEK are you serious? Now anyone uninitiated will just think he had a boner. Also isn't it weird that in the girl's letter he said he looked better in the blue? Does he remember he pissed himself? His memory is so shot.

No. 490610

billions of normies must die

No. 490611

File: 1740361572278.png (27.27 KB, 232x262, retro and cool.png)

What is this totalitarian shit. It just makes the pissed pants more obvious.
Luigi should piss himself for every public appearance from here on out as a sign of dominance.
They may take away his freedom but they will never take away his peedom

No. 490612

this makes it look like his cock is out.

No. 490613

What do you mean by 'they' who is 'they' that are censoring his pee? The media? Stans?

No. 490614

The solar system. It's happening

No. 490615

I thought the solar system supported him! What kind of support is this!

No. 490616

>this makes it look like his cock is out.
literally kek irl
they are so stupid

No. 490620

Normies i guess kek this specifically is from some random k-pop stan leeching onto luigi atm, context was prove he looks healthier in terms of weight

No. 490621

I want to bite down on his cuff-bruised wrists as punishment for not giving us letters. I want to suckle on his throat until the other prisoners think he's someone's bitch. That's right, he is. He's my bitch.
Someone else into feet can bite his bruised ankles, if you must.

No. 490623

I want to poon out and kill a CEO so I can go to the mens prison and make Luigi my bitch.
All the other prisoners will have seen the CCTV footage of me tearing a ceos throat out with my teeth so they will be scared of me

No. 490624

Biting on his bruised wrists until he's whimpering and going "I'm sorry I'm sorry"

No. 490625

File: 1740363196213.jpeg (158.91 KB, 750x329, IMG_8934.jpeg)

Twatter is a weird one. Most people think he is innocent and framed. A lot of people think that girl’s letter is fake too but not based on anything but hunches.

No. 490628

I thought it was interesting esrlier seeing tweets where people were unironically still swearing that they got the wrong guy

No. 490629

File: 1740364321162.jpg (209.36 KB, 1080x1441, 1000006944.jpg)

No. 490630

they made him look like a faggy disney character

No. 490631

Mmm not quite, plus it's missing one of his angel kiss marks

No. 490633

its not the worst weegeefanart Ive seen but still too gay for me. Was this drawn by a faggo?

No. 490634

They gave him too long of a midface

No. 490635

He's talking about preferring this photo over the orange jumpsuit one in his letter, right? Does he think they photographed only his face or something? Did Karen not show him the full photo? KEK

No. 490636

Doubt it. Very few fags are attracted to feminine men.
Fags don't tend to draw Luigi feminized like women keep doing.
There was art by a faggot posted in an earlier thread and it was the best likeness thus far imo.

No. 490639

File: 1740364982017.png (519.71 KB, 809x835, 1734829523321.png)

Kek what drawings of Luigi are 'feminized'? Surely not our homegrown Wigi arts?
I think so. He really forgot he pissed himself, no wonder he looks so unphased there. It must've come out body temperature.

No. 490645

1. Karen showed him half the photo
2. He forgot he pissed himself
3. Doesn’t care/not embarassed about the piss stains
kek I can’t tell which is funnier

No. 490646

I like to think its 3. He is way too retarded to give a fuck at this point. My benzo'd king

No. 490647

His face and hair don't even look nearly as good as the orange jumpsuit picture he's just stupid on all counts.

No. 490651

File: 1740366960187.png (Spoiler Image,447.75 KB, 894x868, 1735529441231.png)

>faggot drew luigi and had the best likeness thus far
You mean the one named "luigis baby mama" where a nona photoshopped him peeing himself while everyone watched? That wasn't the best.
I still think artnona is the best. I miss her more than I miss retardigi

No. 490656

File: 1740367089058.gif (5.28 MB, 640x438, IMG_4202.gif)

art nonny come back!!!

No. 490657

File: 1740367205770.png (133.16 KB, 258x386, IMG_6199.png)

I thought he was referencing his first “mugshot” taken inside the McDonalds. He’s got hella layers on but you can still see the blue shirt peeking through. Or maybe I’m just projecting because I still think this mugshot is one of his hottest photos. Maybe he genuinely did like the peepee pants pic

No. 490658

I don’t think he would refer to this picture as him in the blue shirt. Then again he is so unbelievably fucked in the head I am glad he is never going free. Slut deserves it.

No. 490659

I think it goes without saying this sexy retard is gonna be locked up for life (maybe some nepo women will bribe doctor doctors to smuggle out his cum).
The real question is if they are going to fast track this guy to the electric chair.
I hope not, but I also want to be apart of the inevitable riot that happens on his execution day

No. 490661

I hope not it’s fucked what they are doing to him. I am conflicted. I want him locked up forever but also free. But if he goes free he would just suck grifter cock again so it’s best he stays behind bars at least until he gets his act together. Karen is going to have to mating press him and tickle his feet.

No. 490662

File: 1740369170548.png (223.13 KB, 324x324, so tired of zippertits.png)

>he will suck grifter cock again
idk I think he might become super reclusive. If karen knows about the mayor being in that HBO special, and she knows about Luigi sucking grifter cock, then there's a good chance she told luigi about griftwinder selling out to bash on him.
I wish plebbit wouldn't bullycide women who get luigiletters and focus their anger more on the grifters who literally stabbed Luigi in the back. But we live in a AIDS ridden world run by technophilic tranny faggot pedo's and their handmaidens who hate female luigirespecters more than moid luigibackstabbers.

No. 490664

He will just find different grifters. He needs prison to break him so he can rebuild again in a metamorphosis. We will know when he is ready once he responds to a nona’s letter.

No. 490665

File: 1740370039288.jpeg (181.31 KB, 1241x1712, msu59y42h0le1.jpeg)

Oh god. Tracy commented on a Luigi TikTok edit

No. 490668

An amazing friend? It sounds like Luigi was the amazing friend though. Was she ever there for him? Also kek did she go to Luigi and not her own husband (fiancé at the time?) when she was sad? She wanted him so bad. She only knew him for 6 months top and is so obsessed. He is her one that got away.

No. 490669

KEK she totally was in love with him. Her husband must be the most spineless cuck in the universe.

No. 490670

>when I distanced myself from everyone else.
I hate people like her. She just wanted his dick and that's the only reason she picked up his fucking calls. I just know if she didn't feel like she could exploit you for something she would abandon you.
She needs to shut the fuck up because this bitch is giving me ptsd flashbacks of my youth dealing with fake cunts like her. I'm glad even a dumbass like him realized she was a monster and ditched her sorry ass after 6 months.

No. 490671

File: 1740371036598.jpeg (166.85 KB, 750x508, IMG_8935.jpeg)

Ooh she is feeling a little mysterious on her alt account

No. 490672

The worst part is, you got a bunch of retarded normies who are going to believe she's such a good friend to Luigi, enabling her delusions. She is truly worse than Fatsey because at least Fatsey fucked off.
What even is the point of her having this alt account?

No. 490673

One is for unemployed walk in closet Tracey the other is her alter ego gated community empire Tracey. I assume she will begin designing pools and post herself standing in them, along with pictures of her millionaire communes. Stay tuned!

No. 490675

People who flex like she is doing on social media about how successful/rich/happy they are?
Usually they are actually broke and/or miserable. Something isn't right with her, beyond her just being a dumb bitch I mean.

No. 490677

Probably beats her husband screaming at him ‘WHY ARENT YOU HIM? WHY ARENT YOU HIM?’ referring to Luigi. Based but deranged.

No. 490678

File: 1740372333148.jpg (606.18 KB, 1512x2016, 54645646.jpg)

I think she (kind of) has enough money to blow on bullshit. But yeah, I think because of her shit spending habits she probably doesn't have much in the bank. Maybe she'd be solidly upper class if frugal, but if shit goes wrong with her paypig she could end up borderline homeless.
Her business venues suck and are just for show, definitely failing and she probably has more in common with a neet than a normie. A lot of keeping up with the joneses and dick measuring with her other fakeass cog friends.
That's my two cents.
Luigi wasted 6 months of mental bandwidth on her (probably because she reeks of generational trauma just like him). His respect for women is blind. He can't see the difference between a pickme cog and a based stacy. What a retard.

tl;dr, Luigi should have had been having submissive sex with me and the other nonas.

No. 490679

Attention whoring off the coattails of your “best” friend’s internationally publicized misfortune is just nasty work. I don’t know how Luigi kept his sanity for so long being surrounded by and catering to vapid self-serving retards like Tracy and Fatsy.

No. 490680

Omg, I found the edit. Of course, she only paid attention to it because it was about herself. “Tracy’s emergency contact” yet she hasn’t spoken to him in 2 years. Then the comments pedestaling her saying she’s not a clout chasing friend even though she posted their texts and put her ig username watermark over them. “I wish I had a friend like her” yeah okay. We’re two months in and these people analyze his feet, but they can’t tell the time frame of the vids by now.

No. 490683

I'm around a lot of richfags and something I've heard often is that actual richfags won't be constantly showing off their wealth and blowing it on useless luxury brands. Tracy screams of someone who has poor spending habits as >>490678 states. This is why she hasn't donated to Luigi's legal fundraiser. She probably isn't as wealthy as we think she is and is stingy and selfish with her (paypiggy husband's) money.
Absolutely pathetic. Why are normies so fucking retarded?

No. 490684

> I don’t know how Luigi kept his sanity for so long being surrounded by and catering to vapid self-serving retards like Tracy and Fatsy.
He didn't. Remember he started to deteriorate not long after meeting them. I always figured deep down Luigi was on the cusp of losing his shit in this sea of vapid materialism. Even as a kid he talked about how when his buddies were designing mansions for themselves he thought it was a load of horse shit.

Well retard boy, I hope you're happy. You're living the ultimate minimalist life now in your little nightmare cell. I could have given you a whole entire dark basement to live out your minimalist dreams, complete with dog bed and a bucket for you to potty in, not to mention an all you can eat pussy buffet, but you squandered it.
I fucking hate Luigi.

No. 490686

I hate him too. It also sucks to think I will never have a boyfriend like him. Why live.

No. 490688

File: 1740374619617.jpg (266.9 KB, 1080x1857, 1000006946.jpg)

No. 490689

>100 watts, illuminate his beauty

No. 490690

They should use his mugshot in every article about this dead lego head

No. 490691

They are correct about the british thing

No. 490692

More reason for me to avoid British moids.

No. 490693

>WellOK shitting on anglo bong genetics
BASED. I hated when people were shitting on him for being italian when italian is the best flavor of european.

No. 490695

File: 1740375494008.webp (136.01 KB, 1200x1444, baldness.webp)

No. 490696

>t. bald coping anglo

No. 490697

He is Italian-American

No. 490698

Grimes is 100 percent doing that to get attention from Elon but I kinda like it anyway because we can speculate he was even more shook behind the scenes than he let on in public. A people's uprising has gotta be his biggest fear, I hope he pisses himself daily thinking about Luigi.

No. 490699

dont both his parents have full heads of hair?

No. 490700

southern yuro but sure

No. 490701

I would feel sorry for his mum otherwise

No. 490703

This is Jafar

No. 490705

Everyone that draws him wrong makes his face elongated

No. 490706

File: 1740376905972.jpeg (180.23 KB, 1200x1134, IMG_2737.jpeg)

Found some wuigi pics while deep diving, incoming spam. I’m sure these haven’t been posted before here

No. 490707

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No. 490708

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No. 490709

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No. 490710

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No. 490711

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No. 490712

Only artnona understood his face shape

No. 490713

She honestly the only one who knows how to draw him.

No. 490715

His :3 smirk!

No. 490716

File: 1740377492677.jpeg (180.32 KB, 977x1478, IMG_1718.jpeg)

His mouth has resting :3 shape, you don't see it much because he rarely has a neutral expression. Picrel has it too

No. 490717

I wonder if that leaked post from his moms Facebook about having a child within the autism spectrum was about him, everyone suspected it was one of his siblings but seeing how well adjusted they are I doubt it

No. 490718

First I hear of that, do you have a screenshot

No. 490719

No but it might be in the first 10 threads it was her facebook where they found this picture >>490707 which refreshed my mind or maybe I'm remembering it wrong

No. 490720

I really can't see Luigi as autistic at all. He is just retarded.

No. 490722

I'm sorry but Luigi looks nowhere near as good as his first court appearance, and perp walk, etc.
Here he looks downright mid

No. 490723

I don’t think he looks mid he looks beautiful in the OP pic. But just thinking about how he looks unfiltered is heartbreaking in terms of color scale. His lips are too reddish pink like he drank fruit punch. I can only imagine how his pallor was that day. The look of him getting his olive tan skin back is an illusion because the courtroom has brown/yellow lighting which creates a warm color cast that the cameras picked up on, making it seem like he is less pale.

No. 490737

Why was he do pale last time then? On some shots it almost looked like his forehead is slightly sunburned
It's a tiny difference. I think because he's putting on muscles and weight. Although he looks at least healthier

No. 490738

We've all seen their texts… She gave Luigi nothing style 1 word replies. You can tell she just used him for validation and still continues to do so

No. 490745

Do you think Luigi will be lonelier after he leaves jail than he was when surrounded by cogs?

No. 490746

At this point, Tracey could have her own thread given how retarded she is. I’ve never seen a case of an attention whore be this insane since Trisha paytas going on live television.

No. 490767

ewww reddit trannys are lurking here and stealing shit
really nona, did you see the other photos from court he looks extremely beautiful

No. 490768

i saw her even commenting under jason brooks tiktok where he talked shit about his family and praised her but i cant find it anymore since his tiktok was deleted

No. 490769

So insane

No. 490771

kek yes i remember she was complaining about people calling her a pick me (she is)

No. 490773

Just wrote my second letter to this stupid slut. I hate him so much.

No. 490776

Why was he texting her like a simp when he had a girlfriend (living at the same commune no less), looking at her tiktoks about him make me see him in a different light especially the Mochi text one, so desperate for her attention it becomes disgusting

No. 490777

what do you think the gf thought of their relationship, like the scheduled calls and nicknames, personally i would be annoyed kek

No. 490778

Luigi confirmed to be a disgusting whore who deserves punishment.

No. 490779

What did you write about, nona? Did you let him know of your burning hatred?

No. 490780

do you think he was simping? He kind of wrote to males in the same manner. I read all his text messages like a service representative, they all seem so fake like he is mirroring a person or something

No. 490781

File: 1740403393680.webp (5.71 KB, 320x223, 1736196615492.webp)

No. 490782

him texting her are you sleeping/awake - or something along those lines. Call me paranoid but if 'I' was the gf he would've been disowned.

No. 490783

Mainly wrote to him about my feelings about the recent hearing. I also added some small drawings. Also, no, I can't bring myself to be that mean to him even though it would be hilarious if I did. Sorry.

No. 490785

I hope you're right, I haven't seen anyone else's leaked texts except Tracy's so I didn't know this

No. 490786

File: 1740404042356.jpg (224.45 KB, 828x540, 587273626580135837270.jpg)

i found a screenshot in the video jason was shitting on his parents for not showing up in court and "betraying" him

No. 490787

thats why i dont believe he dated sydney it makes no sense and the source is just one fag who stayed there for a week

No. 490788

what a dumb bitch honestly - "look at me guys i'm better than all his family and friends"

No. 490789

So desperate going under the comments of the guy that is actively talking shit about his family

No. 490790

Holy shit, she is so insufferable. Also, I bet she abandoned Luigi when he got that back injury.

No. 490791

I don't believe he did either I checked surfbreaks’s social media pages and the people who were in pics. Luigi wasn't around this specific guy like that. He even called Luigi a “rizzlord” but then claimed he was with Sydney.

No. 490793

I remember when the mod of luigilore 'leaked' the visitor list (how the hell would she get that) she said that his ex was on that list because she posted about it? but no family. Then she deleted it quick, no way of knowing if thats true or not.

No. 490795

They have but thanks anyway he is so cute
KEK aww I don’t even think he is autistic. Maybe aspergers?
Poor taste
This makes the most sense, plus since he was there for such a short amount of time he either would have had to start dating right away or only be with a gf for like a few months and I can’t see him being that slutty in practice. He is a slut at heart though and deserves punishment for not replying to our letters.

No. 490798

where can i find it? but honestly i can see it being him just for the fact that his parents were older when he was born

No. 490800

I saw it on Twitter a couple weeks ago I need to find it. It was actually his sister that posted it. But it wasn’t referring to anyone in particular.

No. 490801


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 490805

File: 1740410370715.jpg (423.64 KB, 1080x1921, 1000006947.jpg)

Chinese weegee wives are based. Meanwhile american retards are scratching their heads at his motive and wondering if he is just some rando who walked into the wrong mcdonalds.

The bottom comment is about a bald cop again kek

No. 490809

How do the Chinese get it but not Americans. It really shows how indoctrinated the average American is. They really refuse to believe in a narrative where Luigi did what he did. NPCs who cannot believe that someone with an outwardly good life can have inner turmoil. This thread is the last bastion of westerners who understand him.

No. 490811

Also people on /meta/ want this thread moved to /sty/ or /int/ how we feeling on this
It doesn't really make sense since this thread perfectly belongs in /g/ but maybe it would prevent potential Redditards from finding it?

No. 490812

the plebbit users are already here and they will read that the thread moved and follow it there

No. 490813

Do they even know how to get there? Anyway I still don't understand the gripe anons have with this thread. It works perfectly as containment, the only anons breaching this topic to other boards and threads are the haters.

No. 490814

Yeah it’s so sad how they get it there! But nobody does here. Especially with what Luigi targeted, the medical industry is something we all have experience being screwed over by. Or know of others who have been screwed over by it.

No. 490815

Are these Redditors even going to the other boards or threads? I really doubt it. I don't see the point in moving this thread. Albeit, I only really browse /ot/, /g/, and a few /snow/ threads but I don't really see people posting anything about Luigi anywhere except occasionally in the ugly male psyop threads.

No. 490816

And they breach containment in that thread because they can pretend it's relevant to the UMP even though no one is psyopped into liking Luigi and he fits the standards that have been in that thread since the beginning except for personal preferences like nose width, eyebrow thickness, and height. Hence the whole psyop part of the OP. Obsessive gay shit.

No. 490817

I feel like we are pretty well behaved, I rarely see farmhand intervention in these threads. I don't see the problems we are supposedly causing

No. 490818

We spam an ugly ogre moid and we are all underaged newfags

No. 490820

The UMP posts seem like they're coming from someone who's just seething over Luigi. Like the last post about Luigi there I remember where an anon accuses him of groping women and engaging in sex tourism. Someone is butthurt and desperate.

No. 490821

99.9% sure it's an ugly moid lurking here

No. 490822

File: 1740412652677.png (25.03 KB, 1750x105, jealous moid.png)

I like to think it's him

No. 490823

Hope you reported him nona, he can seethe on his incel forums

No. 490824

idk if Luigi had a gf in the commune. All of that is alleged. Don't you think Tracy would have mentioned a girlfriend when she was like "I didn't have feelings for weegee!" but no, she just mentioned her husband.

No. 490825

He deleted the post like mere seconds after he posted it, my screencap says 1 hour ago because my computer is weird with LC

No. 490827

Maybe she just actually had the sense to not bring up his ex since that would bring unwanted drama? Crazy that she might actually be making rational decisions in that regard.

No. 490828

Which is how we know he didn't have a gf at the commune, because she is not rational at all.

No. 490829

these threads aren’t doing the board any harm, the only board doing damage to this site is /ot/ with all the constant sperging, infighting and bait. that one hate anon that keeps mentioning luigi is the only one bringing him up outside of the containment thread they called her out for it too.

No. 490830

File: 1740414317009.png (497.57 KB, 670x700, tfw dickslammed into a wall.pn…)

It wasn't enough for you to treat Luigi like he was on your conservatorship and block people who support him from showing solidarity among other fans, but now you need to show up here and newfag up this place (and lets face it, you want this general dead because you are selfish), then go back to reddit and complain about 'twansphobia'.

No. 490831

It's so obvious there is at least one moid trying to sabotage these threads and trying to turn anons here against Luigi. Extremely faggy and low-IQ behavior to go on a women's forum to seethe like this. Can this ugly scrote please go away.

No. 490832

yeah most people who I know who hate Luigi are either jealous moids (jealous of what? He's in fucking prison) or handmaidens.

No. 490833

File: 1740414490105.png (970.11 KB, 1112x759, 87555587676.png)

Luigi is a moidfilter. Protecting women from ugly men. Even in spirit he is dangerous to the uggos.

No. 490834

You can see the tears hiding in the corners of his eyes here. It almost makes me want to write another letter to him, but he doesn't deserve it. I don't know whether I hate him or love him.

No. 490835

File: 1740414955884.jpg (271.11 KB, 1920x1072, cat-shrek-striped-mournful-loo…)

If Luigi could cry, even fake cry in his next court appearance he would get jury nullified faster than a cute 2 month old puppy crying after nipping someone's finger

No. 490836

He will for sure cry on one of his court days, then karen will wipe away his tears

No. 490837

We really need him to cry big, sexy tears full of sadness and anguish. It would be so fucking awesome and he should do it for the jury nullification.

No. 490838

>Also people on /meta/ want this thread moved to /sty/ or /int/ how we feeling on this
No. Just fucking leave us alone and stop suggesting stupid shit like this.
The thread is fine and not affecting the rest of the site at all.
Leave well enough alone. It's like one or two dipshits crying in meta, and they don't even have an actual argument. they just want to disrupt us.

No. 490839

Do you think he'll cry when character witnesses start by his family and friends (imagine tracy and fatesy)

No. 490840

So Luigi really isnt gonna be seen again till june?

No. 490841

He has a federal hearing in March but idk if they’ll sneak a pic of him outside. Since they didn’t do that when he had the blue zip up sweater.

No. 490842

It’s probably seething redditors and moids kek.

No. 490845

He won’t fake cry he will definitely start real crying
Yes. I hope Tracey and Fatsey stay far away. I really wonder if the character witness testimonials will break him or do you think he will be given double the dose of benzos to keep him calm. Also do you think he cried being kept in that permanently lit coffin cell in PA

No. 490846

Kind of want this to be the next op

No. 490847

It wouldn’t be them it’ll be friends we’ve never seen of his. I’m sure he cried because he was naked in the turtle suit the whole time.

No. 490848

He was? What the fuck. Just naked with the lights on in a dinky little coffin? Trying to poop while you’re facing the hallway the entire time? Poor Luigi no wonder he looked wet and red from crying everytime we would see him in PA.

No. 490849

File: 1740417119705.webp (54.56 KB, 1200x630, the-binding-of-isaac-rebirth.w…)

Damn, I wish I could have seen him crying while he was naked in that turtle suit. Imagine him balled him in a corner, shaking and sobbing like pic related. I hope there is footage of that.

No. 490850

I think it would be the friends from Penn - the loyal ones that never said anything publicly. Looking at you Tracey

No. 490852

They even took a picture of him for humiliation too they probably treated him so horribly. He did mention they did, too. Poor thing. It’s hard to hate him. I want to cuddle with him so bad. He is the perfect boy it’s not fair. I have always wanted a beautiful, kind, angelic boy and he is in fucking prison. I will never find a Luigi.

No. 490853

File: 1740417257928.jpeg (84.69 KB, 636x720, IMG_9227.jpeg)

Definitely just finished crying

No. 490854

I want to kiss him. Why do the beautiful handsome angel boys have to be the most impossible to know.

No. 490855

File: 1740417378347.png (613.13 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6072.png)

Yeah I was shocked when this article came out because that wasn’t public info. Then I found out you can’t wear underwear with the suit and that completely made me feel so sad.

No. 490856

I am going to kill myself. Was he even vulnerable to harming himself? I think it was just for humiliation. He was probably so cold, tired, and uncomfortable. Stop hurting him…

No. 490859

File: 1740417769195.jpeg (1.4 MB, 2421x2608, FullSizeRender.jpeg)

This is the real picture the doc included that isn’t low resolution like how it was released on 12/10.
that’s why I lowkey don’t believe that letter why would he reference this and the solitary confinement in such a shrugged off way.

No. 490861

its not clear if hes referencing this or the perp walk. he called the blue top pic a mug shot but not the orange suit pics.

No. 490863

File: 1740418206831.gif (1.46 MB, 707x450, 86357625.gif)

i already miss his angel face, fuck him

No. 490864

But it was public.
they released a picture of it. It was one of the earliest pics

No. 490866

Baby looks even more like he was crying. About the letter, I don't know, she did show the stamp after all. But the contents of the letter, barring the casualty of it which isn't that big a deal or weird, do confound me in a way. It implies he knows of the hashbrown meme. Would Karen have shown him that? Would she have shown him these threads hehe And it conflicts with the other letters where he said he's fine and to not worry. You can't just tell one person that and tell another person about how you've suffered, you stupid whore. Now I'm worrying.
Okay next threadpic.

No. 490867

next threadpic nonnies?

No. 490869

I think she meant the information that he was wearing it 24/7 in that dinky fucking cell. During such cold weather, too. Evil. I doubt that cell was warm.

No. 490870

It wasn’t public that he had to wear the suicide vest the entirety of being there. It was assumed he wore it only for the pic then wore an orange jumpsuit for the full 10 days.

No. 490871

ok yes this sums up this thread.

No. 490873

File: 1740418423455.png (596.44 KB, 636x576, 6455654654.png)

No. 490874

File: 1740418433350.jpg (64.33 KB, 640x582, mdc-brooklyn.jpg)

The fallout from sharing the tiktok hash brown letter continues.

No. 490876

KEK is melting wax candle cop meant to be saying it?
What's the correlation

No. 490877

KEK I like the gif but this would would be a good threadpic too. Tough call.

No. 490879

>It wasn’t public that he had to wear the suicide vest the entirety of being there. It was assumed he wore it only for the pic then wore an orange jumpsuit for the full 10 days.
Well that's a stupid assumption that makes no sense. Who assumed that?
The point of the suit is to prevent suicide. You wouldn't put the suit on him only to take a picture.
It would be the opposite. He'd wear the suit in his cell and would only be put in a jumpsuit when taken out of the cell.
This fandom has like three collective braincells istg

No. 490880

I dont think this has to do with the letter sharing. I think it has to do with Luigi showing up to court. There are a shitload of people protesting. The day after sexigi showed up in his new bondage gear there was a protest for the mayor.
There are a lot of wives in NYC rn.
I made the sad moid edit, it should be the tsundere gif next thread.

No. 490881

File: 1740418648737.jpg (204.78 KB, 1567x1567, thinkin.jpg)

I wanna say go back

No. 490882

This smells like a Reddit comment

No. 490883

Poking fun at plebbit acting like the sky is falling because of that letter being shared kek

No. 490884

>This smells like a Reddit comment
This smells like you're mad that I pointed out how stupid you are kek

No. 490885

Maybe the wives of some of the scrotes in there have been visiting their husbands just for Luigi gossip lately

No. 490887

>trying to infight
ntayrt but yeah you are coming off reddity. Go back.

No. 490891

File: 1740419636964.jpeg (191.91 KB, 1179x1638, IMG_6227.jpeg)

>Seriously though. Happy to talk
>Literally free right now if you want!

poor weewee much too kind and accomodating for his own good

No. 490892

That's her alt account so what is she doing

No. 490893

This makes me hate Luigi so much. He should have been simping for one of us instead of some fake bitch. Would he have been able to handle us hating on reddit though?

No. 490894

for someone who prides herself on ignoring people she sure is an attention whore

No. 490895

Kek she couldn’t have just talked to her husband to be?

No. 490896

He's just too empathetic he wants to help everyone. Tracey is so fucking weird. How can you meet a living angel like that and take him for granted? I've been looking for someone so kind like that forever.
She's trying to establish a following on her alt I guess for her future gated community advertising as if any of the tiktokers following her are going to be able to afford it.
Probably a power trip for her

No. 490898

Nona she sees that dude as a piggy bank. When he talks all she hears is "oink oink"

No. 490899

Y'know Tracey probably didn't even reach out when Luigi went awol or she'd have posted about it.

No. 490900

Poor weegee making sure everyone is ok, but who was there for him??

No. 490903

She would of posted the text threads with the dramatic music playing in the back

No. 490904

We would have been. But he never got to meet any of us hence he's in prison, suffering.

No. 490906

adding my vote for this to be the next threadpic
I agree we stay pretty well contained in these threads. One reason I can give to non-wife nonnies that want us out is the fact that sometimes when the thread is super active, we dominate the front page like here >>489098 and that probably annoys some nonas a lot, especially if they find him hideous kek
I never go through the front page myself and only use the catalog so idk how large a percentage of users this annoyance affects. If these threads were auto-saged would we stay out of the front page view?

No. 490908

Do you think his friends made fun of poors and it would annoy him, i get that vibe

No. 490910

Yes. I also have a theory that when his back broke all of his commune friends would just go and do shit without him and let him stay home rotting in bed because they don't know how to accommodate people.

No. 490914

next thread pic please

No. 490915

Knowing how self-absorbed and obsessed with image Tracy is, it might have happened. I can imagine at the very least, his friends were completely oblivious of people outside their economic class. A lot of richfags I know are like that. They can be well-meaning and even pleasant people to be around but willfully live in ignorance. I also can imagine this >>490910 happened. So many richfags go out of their way to ignore anything remotely unpleasant in their lives since a lot of them have no real problems. I don't see them going out of their way to really help Luigi when he was injured.

No. 490916

I think they might have not DIRECTLY made fun of poors. Like they wouldn't comment on homeless/impoverished people other than to patronize them. But probably said some passive shit about like shit people wore and crap "ew her designer bag is from 2 years ago" kind of shit.

No. 490917

Meanwhile we would have snuggled with him, given him a heating pad/blankie, ordered take-out, and watched movies with him. Kissy his beautiful forehead and let him take a nap after hand-feeding him pain meds.

No. 490918

I think they would be politically ignorant like Kim K "get your fucking ass up and work" about the working class and think that solves class consciousness

No. 490919

I long for the timeline where Luigi reached out to us nonnies by posting a shirtless pic on here and asking us for help to kill rich uggos.
We would have met up with him and we would still be terrorizing and slaughtering technofascist nerds and their dogs, luigi would be safe in female captivity and nature would be healing.

No. 490920

He can't even muster up the courage to reply to our letters.

No. 490921

And this is why I hate him

No. 490923

week one of sending my retarded letters to luigi until i run out of stamps starting with 30 stamps wish me luck nonnies

No. 490924

File: 1740421923649.jpg (254.01 KB, 595x675, mpregigi.jpg)

Same. But I also love him. The pain is real.
Good luck, soldier

No. 490927

I'm not a weegeewife, just interested in the thread to keep up on the case and also because you guys are hilarious and creative. Not sure why the people who hate luigi or are annoyed can't just hide the thread. Maybe they want it on a hidden board so the threads can eventually die?

No. 490928

>sad faggot posts in /meta/ about Luigi's thread getting moved or deleted
>baiter on /ot/ pretending to be a high schooler who was told to come here to talk about Luigi
Woah what a strange coincidink

No. 490929

kek i was coming here to say the same, pure mental illness

No. 490931

seething ugly moid moment

No. 490932

Best of luck nonnie

No. 490933

Just a bpdtard moid seeking attention bc all our attention is on weegee

No. 490935

File: 1740424584393.jpg (167.11 KB, 1270x935, nothingburger.jpg)

minordissent posted the first part of his luigi substack series but i think it's nothing interesting, i'll try to read it later.

No. 490937

Part 3 and 4 is so unnecessary coming from any grifter cuck

No. 490940

>"poured over" instead of "pored over" in the first sentence
retard. not going to read it.

No. 490942

"my relationship with Luigi" - he barely knew him outside of a handful of online messages. this guy really loves reading his own words, doesn't he?

No. 490943


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 490944

He doesn't know how to feel about Luigi, it's probably some male homosocial mindbroken shit confusing him. He said he knew him better than any of Luigi's friends, then said he barely knew him, now he's the subject matter expert. It all boils down to wanting to be Luigi and wanting to fuck Luigi.

No. 490947

Hes probably just making up stuff to get famous

No. 490948

Did this AIDS demon post the dms?

No. 490951

He is probably going to paywall them

No. 490952

I hope his AIDS gets AIDS

No. 491393

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