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No. 504319

Delicious Hash Brown Edition

ITT: Post pictures, new developments and conversation about Luigi

Previous threads:

Last thread summary:
>>502826 Jason Brooks's letter to Luigi was rejected
>>502816, >>503032 eMiLy comments on Jason Brooks's video about her letter; might do a Tiktok Live of it
>>503148 eMiLy claiming Luigi has ditched the vegetarian diet
>>503203, >>503211, >>503225 Amazing poetry from nonas
>>503232 Ghettogate letter from RedNote
>>503280, >>503289, >>503295, >>503313, >>503321, >>503351, >>503367 Nonas doing detective work for the recent letters (spoiler: they're fake)
>>503302 Luigi iceberg from Twitter with a callout to us
>>503532 Retard tries to sell a fake letter on ebay
>>503569 MDC might be rejecting letters with drawings in them. RIP draw nonnies who sent letters.
>>503789 kr makes a cringe comic about Luigi with his imaginary children
>>503850 Ghettogate letter is confirmed fake but Luigi possibly hoarding photos of sick children and their moms confirmed real

No. 504323

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Thank you nona

Toward the end of the last thread someone said he had a MBA. He doesn’t, picrel

No. 504324

File: 1742076255782.png (630.08 KB, 792x730, AI.png)

r/FreeLuigi tards moved by shitty AI images that don't even look like him. Retards. Also, Pubebeard deleted all her posts again kek.

No. 504326

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In terms of him studying biology. He said he did in the brain fog Reddit post. I think it was initially his 2nd major but then he switched to math. Even with it being around his junior year of college it would seem late to switch but I think he used credits from his 1st major in computer science to contribute to his newer 2nd major in math.

No. 504327

I don't get it. They can find any random Armenian to reenact this with.

No. 504328

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No. 504329

most beautiful threadpic

No. 504330

>i pray he gets this in life
He quite literally had all the opportunity in the world to do this before he threw it away kek

No. 504331

>I'm also a very critical/logical thinker
Anon he's literally lying through his teeth in the entire post, he didn't study jack shit
He's baaaack

No. 504333

who the fuck is that cause it ain’t Luigi Mangione

No. 504334

thank you for the thread summary

No. 504335

Why do these idiots not know what he looks like?

No. 504336

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Twitter and plebbit are teaming up for a birthday grift on his behalf

No. 504337

What is he, a sick and dying child? He wishes.

No. 504338

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Someone please, please, please send him the comic of Jesus visiting his prison cell.

No. 504339

>majoring in engineering too
They know nothing about him.
>comics from kr
>shows one that makes up past events in his life
Yeah I am sure he will love to know the origin story of a random blue t-shirt he used to wear

No. 504340

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No. 504341

Holy shit did Karen set this up?!

No. 504342

what in the make-a-wish shit is this?

No. 504343

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I mean, yeah. But he also had a post about a bioinformatics course on his Reddit. I think he was casually interested and changed his mind. He obviously had more of an interest in video game development. He was also at an event, and the projector screen said “biomedical engineering.” He had a club pennadapt on his Facebook for building medical devices.

No. 504346

He could tell he would be too retarded to study it so he went back to rpg maker

No. 504347

Thank you for the threadpic and summary

No. 504348

He went to UPenn, he is literally a genius.

No. 504349

Did his facebook account get archived?

No. 504350

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>He went to UPenn, he is literally a genius.

No. 504352

>I am very fax and logics
Reddit dimwit moid moment
>I am studying bio
"I read pubmed abstracts"

No. 504353

Guess who else are UPenn alumni? Trump and Elon Musk lmao

No. 504354

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Yeah basically! I found a woman that screen recorded his entire Facebook.

No. 504355

Nice, she looks like his type

No. 504356

File: 1742079126098.jpg (42.6 KB, 539x818, 20250315_192802.jpg)

thanks for the new thread nona

No. 504357

Stop I’m crying! I literally was going to initially say an old lady screen recorded it.

No. 504358

I'm a critical/logical thinker he says lol

No. 504361

a “critical”/“logical” thinker who likes dr. sebi and all the other grifter moids kek

No. 504364

a “critical”/“logical” thinker who likes dr. sebi and all the other grifter moids kek

No. 504365

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kek I wonder if she wrote to him.

No. 504367

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Dang, is she a rare MAGAtard Luigi wife?

No. 504368

Ugh, I could just look at her and tell she was a crusty old conservatard

No. 504369

it’s part of being an engineer, nona

No. 504370

Luigi did say his support transcended political lines. This dumbass MAGAt is complaining about the healthcare system yet voted for Trump kek

No. 504371

Oh holy shit if she didn't write him yet she should, he's going to say it's his favoritest one yet and there'll be a lil cum stain next to his signature, too. He'll sign off with his best one yet: SEMPER FI, LUIGI MANGIONE [cumstain]

No. 504372

holy parasocial batman

No. 504373

Let's take some bets, my prediction is that he will pick a woman to be his favorite penpal and transition her to prison wife. eMILy is winning so far so work harder nonas

No. 504374

if he was so smart why didn't he dispose of the evidence pointing him to the murder of brian thomson? Am I just too dumb to understand this engineering genius?

No. 504375

I see him picking a trad wife type

No. 504376

no but too dumb to read previous threads where this was discussed to bits

No. 504378

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he’s retarded

No. 504379

>work harder nonas
Does anyone really want to be with this misogynist I unfortunately know the answer to this
Definitely, he needs to breed after all. Although it's not very trad to have a prison husband you can't even fuck

No. 504380

Men really hate pick mes though. Their fantasy is to take a free spirited woman and turn her into a trad wife on some conquer bullshit. I can see him doing that type of thing the way he tries to reform everyone lol

No. 504381

I think conservatard Misty might potentially be his new favorite if she wrote him a letter. Luigi always seemed a bit more right than left and the left are overwhelmingly supporting him. I wonder if he might be sick of it. I see something like this >>504375 happening.

No. 504382

Have you read Hit Reverse? He definitely does not like feminists.

No. 504383

guess the person who made this on twitter doesn't know that he ate pizza they gave him too.

No. 504384

A trad wife would be married and have kids by now, she wouldn't be writing to a prisoner so he should take what he can get which are the single moms

No. 504388

>If a man says he hates feminists it must totally mean he doesn't desire them, because men are very honest with others and themselves and you should believe every word they say
Every day I look at this website and think about the time when people thought women couldn't have autism

No. 504389

jokes on him, I’ll conquer him first

No. 504390

Ewwwwwww boooooooo

No. 504391

Clearly he didn't want this

No. 504392

That's the spirit nona, make him submit

No. 504393

Don't make my tsundere fantasy come back, I'm horny today

No. 504394

it doesnt matter hes not fucking any of them.

No. 504395

Moids are stupid. they want a pick me but they also are disgusted by pick me's. Then of course they blame women for not being able to meet this retarded standard of strong and independent but also dependent, free spirited but also having slave-like devotion.

No. 504397

ugh I wanna peg him so badly

No. 504398

that’s cause they have no semblance of respect for pick mes and picks mes are boring asf. why would anyone want to be with someone who has no thoughts, opinions, and free will of their own? lame

No. 504399

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>"Like Sands, his favorite class in high school was biology (though his favorite changed from year to year), and he plans to pursue a dual degree in artificial intelligence at University of Pennsylvania. The track includes a degree in computer science and cognitive science, and though Mangione thinks his path may change, he is sure he will be studying engineering in some capacity."

No. 504400

he’s probably into that stuff too just too ashamed to admit it like most moids

No. 504401

Hahahah and he never did, also why would whoever wrote this say his favorite was biology but then admit he never had a favorite because it was always changing?
Yeah fuck it, me too, he's made for women but he's made for the fag-life too so he can have both.

No. 504402

You underestimate my capacity to still would

No. 504404

If you would fuck Luigi even if he's ugly then why do you like him at all? What draws you to him?

No. 504405

File: 1742084309897.mp4 (10.03 MB, 760x946, ScreenRecording-03-15-2025-14-…)

talking in court in reg speed
<mic takes center stage>

No. 504406

why did he want to make video games anyway? he didn't even play that many, and didn't play the more notable ones you'd expect and male his age to like

No. 504407

Speaking for myself here, but I wanted to fuck him before the face reveal, before the hostel pic when he was just a shadowy figure kek

No. 504409

I keep confusing luigi with the trump shooter this whole time i thought you all were simping for a dead guy lmao

No. 504410

It's a fantasy to think conservative men are all clamoring for liberal women to "break them" kek, listen to your delusional self

No. 504411

tfw I will never get to pound luigi with a 4XL black strap while he pathetically wails and pisses everywhere. ugh I hate this retard

No. 504413

Do you think he is a habitual liar? I remember he'd also lie where he is from and how much money he has

No. 504414

For attention
Maybe he is, actually. It fits with his lack of a sense of self. I mean, come on, how long will he keep up the lie that he's an engineer?
Ugh, I would love to just mindrape and bodyrape him, life isn't fair

No. 504415

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currently the federal indictment deadline is this Wednesday. if it doesn’t get pushed again we will find out if weegee gets federally charged with murder with a firearm and eligible for the death penalty. RIP

No. 504417

and no conjugals

No. 504418

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PLEASE let him be federally charged and eligible for the death penalty, please

No. 504420

>artificial intelligence degree
>cognitive science
What the fuck kinda made up program is that kek? Did an underage ghost in the shell fan write this?

No. 504422

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hmm maybe he IS the wildcard roommate that his friend wrote about here…

No. 504423

>artificial intelligence degree
>cognitive science
he could be a subject of study in both of those

No. 504425

his lawyers put up a website explaining all this stuff and they still can’t comprehend

No. 504426

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Imagine thinking a narcissist obsessed with birthrates who tried to buy 400 copies of this book is going to want a feminist and not a trad wife to stroke his ego kek

No. 504427

This is hideous, well done. How did you blob him up?

No. 504428

He really read this and thought 'I have to be best friends with the author!', also he's never getting the trad wife of his dreams because trad wives his age are mothers already and none of them are interested in a prison scrote, he really fucked himself.

No. 504429

That is such a rich boy thing to do. Robert Pattinson also does it. It probably is him.

No. 504430

If he wants to reproduce he'll probably go younger

No. 504431

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This is the post he responded to initially for brain fog. I mostly remember the guy talking about not remembering play moves with bowling, money exchange at their job, and not having a visual marker on what hyperventilation means. Everything Luigi is saying is original but he thinks his drinking contributed to the brain fog like the guy. But Luigi overall says, “I’ve been experiencing similar symptoms.” He then points out relatability in terms of the bowling example and the critical/logical thinker point.

No. 504432

Do you even moid? It's okay nona, I'm somewhat of a scrotologist myself. You see, wanting to make video games when I grow up™ is a trivial stage of male psychosexual development. Literally every NPC male at some point experiences the desire to become a gamedev even if he's a filthy casual who only plays with Bobby Kotick's balls. By my estimate, around 9000% of white moids pursuing compsci degrees are motivated by this.

No. 504433

Nah this guy sounds too funny to be Luigi. Luigi would not be able to think up funny jokes like this
He can't 'go' for anyone, he's in prison.
Why do you ask anons if we moid, no we do not we're not moids kek… you're so right though, a lot of moids want to make video games even if all they play is COD. Such NPCs.

No. 504435

If the fed charges are dropped he can have conjugal visits so it's not impossible.

No. 504436

They better not be dropped, he better not be able to just pick and choose what girls to breed with from prison if so fuck this hell world.

No. 504437

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I’m not sure about that. I know this one is about Luigi.

No. 504438

I want to rape Luigi so bad when I see stuff like this

No. 504439

What's fantasy is that he cares about you instead of the bluehairs he tweets about 24/7. Sorry about the bad news.

No. 504440

No. 504441

where is this from?

No. 504442

seething tourist detected

No. 504443

>feminism is not law of nature, unlike every beta male getting to breed via enforced monogamy because um it's just MEAN and EUGENICS to think they don't deserve to?

No. 504444

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They won’t be, the elites want a big punishment for this

No. 504445

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Hahaha well that was a bit of a joke, I'm not actually attracted to people who are THAT fat because it probably stems from an unhealthy place. If he were JUST ugly, it would be different because I don't really care about "ugly", I think ugly people are cute.

To answer your question honestly, there's this naive innocence to him and even though he's done a LOT of retarded shit, I remember when I was 26 and all the stupid shit I did too, and all the stupid thoughts I had. I'm drawn to him because I'm stupidly empathetic and when I look at him, I don't see "murderer" I see a lost, misguided youth who made a huge fucking mistake that probably originated from a place of immense psychological pain.

I do think, underneath it all, he is a genuinely good person with a good heart who genuinely cares, perhaps too much, about other people. It's a trait that I know he'll eventually grow out of with age. I also think he might have an undiagnosed mental illness, even if it stems from temporary psychosis, and I sympathize with people who experience that. I do care about him as a person. Obviously murder bad, but there's a nuance to it. He didn't shoot up an elementary school, he didn't stalk, rape and torture a bunch of women to death.

He's an idiot, who probably in a state of mania really convinced himself that he would be making a difference and starting a revolution to help the American people. Instead all he did was ruin his life. I don't think he did what he did for selfish or narcissistic reasons.

His story is just… incredibly sad. It makes me want to hug his stupid ass for a very long time.

No. 504446

Patrick is so based

No. 504447

are u a single mom by any chance?

No. 504448

Okay so you're just naive, got it

No. 504449

what are you on about, traddie?

No. 504450

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His friend Patrick wrote an article on dearpennfreshmen.org

He doesnt say Luigi by name but he mentions that time they went as PEN15 to a football game, picrel

No. 504451

Fuck no
I am, honestly. I don't stand a chance in the real world. If it helps I still hate men and I think he's a dumbass but hey, maybe this is what he wanted

No. 504452

No. 504453

Luigi simpettes ITT, real question (not bait): how did you rationalize this one in the earlier threads back when it wasn't cringe to simp for him openly? Hard mode: no "I wanted to rape him actually" cope.

No. 504458

the book and its contents weren't known until later
or that he wanted 400 copies

No. 504459

go play in another thread u seething scrote(scrotefoiling)

No. 504462

So Luigi really is like, a lying attention whoring faggot? That tracks. He really doesn't have an identity. But why would a rich bastard who is supposedly such a genius have to lie about stuff? If you're that rich you can probably easily live without a personality, people will still like you. You know what, it was probably all the drugs.

No. 504463

can people stop acting like 26 is a child? I know, “muh brain not fully formed til 25” but he’s been living as an adult for eight years. It’s time to stop excusing manchild behavior that continues well past college.

No. 504464

I'm sure being the youngest boy surrounded by more successful older sisters, an old negligent father and an "overbearing" mother didn't help with his view on women. Ironic how the lawyer fighting for his life is a woman and his biggest supporters are women. I don't even know where to go with this

No. 504465

kek he’s the only one who painted his arms too

No. 504466


No. 504467

I think a lot of people were convinced it was a phase of his spiraling and “we don’t know what he’s like now!”

But thanks to his letter replies we have an inkling that he likely is still retarded.

No. 504468

Is it settled that Patrick isn't a faggot?

No. 504469

Almost every man I know, am related to, and have dated continue to act like man children even at 30+ years of age, at least he has an excuse of still being in his 20s. It's rare for men to outgrow the manchild accusations oh and don't dare call them out for it otherwise you'll be accused of being an "overbearing bitch"

No. 504470

File: 1742087278989.png (59.12 KB, 1312x826, ok.png)

I tried to find any info about this and of course the mod doesn't give any concrete information. Yeah, ok, Ashley.

No. 504471

I hate these excuses, even if you didn't mean it that way, for moid's sexism. Oh no, his sisters have their own lives, his father is old, and his mother loves him, the horror! Time to hate women!

No. 504472

Sorry I'm projecting. I was a very sheltered girl and at 26 I was very childish, so now I see every 26 year old as a child too. To be fair your 20s are for learning how to adult, the real adulting doesn't start until your 30s (can confirm I'm still childish and very stupid, which explains my previous answer)

No. 504473

I definitely didn't mean it as an excuse it was a joke

No. 504474

Dude he's rich, he didn't struggle with learning how to le adult, he just has a personality disorder. You sound like you're in his ideal age-range though, you should write him a letter.

No. 504475

we need to stop putting up with this shit

No. 504476

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>ughh the super mario bros font
I’m so certain the twitter accounts came up with this.

No. 504477

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He's a gentle and kind young man who should be allotted some grace

No. 504478

I hope somehow he dies before his birthday.

No. 504479

ew plebbitors or clubtardgiones minions are itt bc there’s way less wanting to chain and beat tardigi into submission

No. 504480

Proud of you nona but also disgusted

No. 504481

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No. 504482

On the contrary I think being rich sheltered him too much from the reality of just how tough and shitty life is for the average person. You'll either find a selfish rich person who hoardes their money, or a super altruistic one who really "wants to help the poors". Both are out of touch and problematic. But in a way, it absolutely contributed to his immaturity and inability to le adult. Pretty much every 25/26 year old man struggles with adulting. I'm not trying to normalize or accept it, it's fucking pathetic. But it's true. Also no, still a bit too young and childless.

No. 504483

File: 1742087988556.gif (4.98 MB, 323x267, IMG_0614.gif)

Boys will be boys!

No. 504484

KEK was this in the FL discord?

No. 504485

No there are plenty of males that age who can adult because their parents did them the liberty of beating them as children and forcing them to work at age 13, which is what Luigi's parents should have done but they thought if they loved him he'd turn out better.

No. 504487

someone’s def infiltrating the thread aside from the guy. That sepia filter on that pic is telling.

No. 504488

This too. And unfortunately they're extremely rare.

No. 504489

That's what people focus on and that's why he has so much support but he's also immature and a total dumbass

No. 504490

He's not even gentle nor kind kek

No. 504491

File: 1742088410738.jpeg (811.94 KB, 1179x1904, IMG_7478.jpeg)

yes kek

No. 504492

Definitely still wanna beat his ass and fuck him into submissions but always down for a serious discussion here and there

No. 504493

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No. 504494

I think he will be like Ted K and realize too late that nothing was actually women's faults

No. 504495

nonas are there any rumors about him you’ve stumbled upon that you could see as being true? one i saw was that he would ask girls (he was interested in?) about their medical history KEK

No. 504496

File: 1742088551668.png (22.54 KB, 820x234, ashley2.png)

Rich coming from her.

No. 504497

They are gonna make him join the 27 club

No. 504498

No. 504499

I'd take one for the team

No. 504501

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>I'm ready, but no condoms okay?

No. 504505

I'll take two for the team

No. 504506

File: 1742089176049.gif (Spoiler Image,2.09 MB, 761x1000, pov sex.gif)

No. 504507

It will never be cringe to simp for him, he even has a fat sloppy old MAGAtard openly doing it >>504365

No. 504508

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No. 504509

I really dislike them a lot especially with the Bali shirt shit. Like majority of the pics of him wearing that are from the same day in 2019. And everybody has a shirt they just throw on when they aren’t trying to be “dressed up”. And yes he did that with other shirts but still. They also don’t think he’s the shooter and think the short squatty guy walking behind him with the orange hat is. They hyperfixate on the robotics team photos. They can’t articulate why they care about him so their go to’s are the “my shayla” meme or innocent baby. They probably perceive the act as horrific. But I don’t understand how killing a CEO to symbolically call out a corrupt industry is putting them in fear. They think he’s currently besties with Tracy even tho the last text they had was clearly a conclusion. The constantly compare Luigi to the video game character from super Mario bros is beyond reason. He has 11 charges and is being called a terrorist but they think hehe, he symbolizes green and he’s Luigi. One account even said he was wearing the Bali shirt under the Columbia sweater at his arrest. Not remorse for him running from the law and looking distraught. But instead I’m sad because precious Bali shirt was present even tho it wasn’t at all. They also completely skipped over the fact that in the motion it said he had bullets wrapped in his underwear.

No. 504510

I believe the girls who said he was boring as hell on dating apps and tried to bring up birth rates

No. 504511

Make a gif of fat weegee pumping

No. 504512

I'll take three for the team

No. 504513

I'm posting these edits itt but I didn't make them, some other anon did two threads ago and I need her to come back to make more

No. 504514

File: 1742089685166.jpeg (58.69 KB, 449x571, gettyimages-2190060805-2048x20…)

I’ll take him anyway, just to make sure

No. 504515

I love how he was purposely flexing his jaw here, he fucking knows

No. 504516

File: 1742089768436.jpg (212.42 KB, 1079x605, 1738441144921.jpg)

Why did he do this though, who told him this was a good idea

No. 504518

File: 1742089823079.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1002x1373, IMG_0736.jpeg)

I wonder if he’s super confused by all the Bali shirt mentions he must be getting in letters.

No. 504519

File: 1742089864353.jpeg (481.55 KB, 1290x1672, IMG_2359.jpeg)

Coke rant

No. 504520

he had bullets in the underwear he was wearing? or ones in his backpack?

No. 504521

I love you weegee, but he doesn't deserve this level of love, kek. The special prison ice cream is all he deserves.

No. 504522

In his backpack

No. 504523

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No. 504524

All this shit fucking disgusts me. Nothing is worse than that "My Shayla" trash. Didn't Hashbrown Holli explain to him what that meant in one of her letters?

No. 504526

He deserves 27 electrocutions
Oh no not poor tracey

No. 504527

Drama in the Luigi Mangione community. Jesus fucking Christ.

No. 504529

I really wish people would stop talking about Tracey, it's so creepy and cringe. Though I'm sure the attention whore is eating it all up

No. 504530

ill never forgive this retard for keeping all the evidence on him. ill admit, i thought maybe they recovered it from the park and kept it to “recover” from him later but the motions filed don’t support that do they… why the hell wasn’t he thinking even for a fucking minute

No. 504531

i think she chilled out for a bit bc of jasons weird ass

No. 504533

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No. 504535

I despise how they baby him. And if he has a modicum of sense, he would also despise all these freaks that have made up narratives about his life that he likely finds alien.

No. 504536

he looks so annoyed here kek

No. 504541

Why do we have to be Luigi purists? In fact, I think we should start calling him my Shayla here too

No. 504542

If he did it to spite his family, then getting caught with incontrovertible evidence would be part of the plan, because otherwise his family reputation wouldn't be ruined

I can't imagine anyone actually going that far but … he did keep all the evidence…

No. 504543

Someone mentioned that he might have been doing that to hide a yawn

No. 504544

and lulu, gigi, and lui.

No. 504545

I could see him dating/marrying a tradwife/pickme, so he could walk all over her and cheat on her with whores.

No. 504546

File: 1742091023778.jpeg (339.46 KB, 1111x485, IMG_0737.jpeg)

No. 504547

It's a prison taught thing apparently can't remember what it is supposed mean but something like asserting yourself

No. 504548

Showing that he can fit the prison sausages no problem

No. 504549

File: 1742091213926.gif (10.18 MB, 746x886, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

I think he was pissed off plus it could be nerves too he did it during the perp walk a couple of times.

No. 504550

that’s the only kind of physical touch he will get if they don’t drop federal charges

No. 504551

File: 1742091285786.jpeg (445.38 KB, 1000x1393, IMG_0738.jpeg)

he had an attitude in those first few days, he really kicked up the hotness levels

No. 504552

He looked so hot when he said "It's alright"

No. 504553


No. 504554

>100 lb manlet jeet who would have never been able to pass his beta cuck genes in a natural world is scared because feminism actually wants to bring back the natural order of women being sexual selectors.
Bold of you to assume I care what misogynigi wants. He's going to get what he deserves. Either the electric chair or the nona rapecabin. Luigi will never know freedom ever again.
I will make that italian retard answer for his true crimes

No. 504555

Well they better not drop them then
He looked exhausted and miserable there, they should've raped him and called it a day.

No. 504556


No. 504557

File: 1742091434575.jpeg (238.38 KB, 1079x614, IMG_3421.jpeg)

yeah, I miss bitchigi. i would tame him like a feral animal

No. 504558

Never forget Lulu Shayla Gigi baby boy Bali shirt went to an IVY LEAGUE which means he is a GENIUS and he took one course in biology but it was a really rigorous course, and he's an expert at using AI which is very difficult because you need to know the exact prompts to use to generate the most amazing Luigi feet porn.

No. 504559

I might start choosing to believe this instead of the more likely explanation that he’s dumb and/or schizo

No. 504560

Dangerously based LMAO

No. 504562

It never ends

No. 504563

God he looks so fucking retarded, ugly and pandering as hell in that gif

No. 504564

He looks like rape meat

No. 504565

For the ladyboys and bubba maybe but not for you and never for you kek

No. 504566

File: 1742091686117.png (455.53 KB, 738x890, 1000005260.png)

He did it immediately after some dumb bitch asked him why he killed the fat scrote

No. 504567

he was so hot here. his fat killers, bratty attitude begging to be tamed

No. 504568

I could see a gigaBPD larping as a pickme tardwife in order to marry Luigi and then once she has him locked down she manipulates and abuses him.

No. 504569

His name is Moe Lester, not Bubba. You don't even know the lore.

No. 504570

>yfw you'll never get to rape loeegie

it's joever

No. 504571

the pee pants, of which i'd suck dry

No. 504572

Luigi is so easily manipulated, I could see him falling prey to a bpd Stacy who will emotionally, physically, and sexually abuse him

No. 504573

File: 1742091852010.jpeg (140.36 KB, 812x799, IMG_6952.jpeg)

so effortless

No. 504574

File: 1742091879094.gif (1.94 MB, 320x568, 1735153816648.gif)

So hot when he's angry

No. 504575

Anons must be ovulating or something to be back to lusting for this misogynist monkey moid, at least post about how you want to beat his spine with chains.

No. 504576

I want angry, pissed, and tired Luigi again. He was so incredibly fucking hot. I wish I knew him in real life so I could bait him into raging out.

No. 504577

nonas do you think sbf and weegee sperg out together. Well before sbf was sent to the hole. im a weegee autist believer and sbf is def autistic as hell

No. 504578

He would just kill you

No. 504579

I like the part where he grabs her arm

No. 504580

That's a jealous moid fantasy, not reality

No. 504581

File: 1742092015847.jpeg (1.52 MB, 3072x1987, IMG_6953.jpeg)

me too

No. 504582

i need to get back into drawing so i can objectify him

No. 504583

It will definitely become reality once his parents run out of money to keep him protected in prison

No. 504584

If only that bitch knew how lucky she was to get away with being so rough with him (and possibly hurting him) and him roughly grabbing her

Every nonas dream

No. 504585

hot. also, I’ve never seen him grow out his beard and mustache kek

No. 504587

ntayrt but I will kick that fucker so hard in the back his screws will pop out. What will the little cripple moid do then?

No. 504588

File: 1742092321325.png (197.48 KB, 474x476, 34434554.png)

No. 504589

>every nonas dream to be roughly grabbed by a moid
Speak for yourself

No. 504590

same. i wanna draw him groveling on the floor so badly

No. 504591

imagine how hard, angry & feral the hate-sex would've been. or maybe I'm just ovulating

No. 504592

and he was kneecapped by drinking on weekends with his frat, his brain never worked right again

No. 504593

ugh that would be so hot, I would love to hear his sexy voice while he’s screaming in pain

No. 504594

She's so lucky, pressing him against the wall and against her and he's grabbing her wrist…art nona!!!! Where are you?

No. 504595

what's with the nosejob KEK

No. 504596

These threads have come full circle anons are lusting over penisslam.gif again

No. 504597

File: 1742092626060.png (9.14 KB, 562x152, 8538976.png)

Out of boredom, I'm looking at the comments on the latest kr comic. I fucking hate how these are real people projecting kr's AU headcanons onto Luigi. These people are hopelessly retarded.

No. 504598

Literally acting for the camera kek. Political theatre at its finest

No. 504599

>someone who respects women
KEEEEEKKKK who will let them know?

No. 504601

that’s the dream. fighting and fucking with weegee

No. 504602

penisslam kek

No. 504603

Actual npcs, holy shit

No. 504604

Only jealous ugly short moids like Bill Maher and that fag on Fox News fantasize about that

No. 504605

he only kills moids luckily

No. 504606

>doesnt know the lore
Where are you people coming from

No. 504607

Now we're back to the eNgInEeR with tears in his eyes as he cries softly while writing to MILFs

No. 504608

Nobody is jealous of your ugly male crush who’s going to get raped by men in prison. Enjoy your spoiled dick!

No. 504609

Luigi is whoever we want him to be now

No. 504610

based, good looking moids don't waste time seething on lc kek

No. 504611

Well he certainly isn’t going to be fucking those single moms he wants

No. 504612

KEK this strong reaction can only mean one thing…

No. 504613

Luigi is being Twisty Fisty’d as we speak by Moe Lester…

No. 504614

He's going to find enlightenment through semen retention, of course

No. 504615

File: 1742093032536.png (1.35 MB, 848x828, IMG_6729.png)

The smolder here

No. 504616

It doesn’t work when it’s someone else’s semen he is retaining, anon

No. 504617


No. 504618

You'd know all about spoiled dicks, wouldn't you

No. 504619

File: 1742093158728.png (14.87 KB, 608x256, 307587.png)

Very much so.

No. 504620

This is pathetic why does everyone who likes him act this way? You’ve never read a book before now? A sexist moid had to make you?

No. 504621

File: 1742093268396.jpeg (593.44 KB, 1161x1159, IMG_0739.jpeg)

stop I’m picrel

No. 504622

Yes we get it, you're either a virgin or haven't had sex in years, so you relieve your sexual frustration by fantasizing about the prison rape of a man you either want or want to be. How original

No. 504623

File: 1742093342077.gif (8.82 MB, 340x408, 111d6cbba59274e4a0_d1f8f14c.gi…)

They need to allow a video camera at the next court date or I'll go crazy

No. 504624

File: 1742093357344.jpeg (70.03 KB, 1168x1752, IMG_3707.jpeg)

we just can’t stay mad at this face

No. 504625

Why do they always conveniently leave out the part where they wish they were carrying this hypothetical child of his?

No. 504626

fanfics always have him cooking for the girl too, he’s Italian so it’s always the most amazing pasta

No. 504627

ffffuuuuuuck yeah, now I remember why I liked him so much

No. 504628

Praying for Pennsylvania to let him show up in person and for cameras to be allowed in the courtroom

No. 504629

File: 1742093505499.png (29.35 KB, 1227x277, jessiicat.png)

As if she wasn't wasting money enough, she's offering to cover for people for the 27th birthday card donation that r/FreeLuigi is running. She's going to run out of money for her kids in no time.

No. 504630

Imagine giving this the death penalty

No. 504632

Karen said hopefully we’ll allow cameras in court when she spoke right after the last hearing.

No. 504633


Sorry eMiLy there's a new future wife in town

>let's be real, why else is she donating so much?

No. 504634

She got elf ears on

No. 504635

interesting. he went to these lengths just to screw over his family? i mean moids and their giant ego… but all this just to say fuck you to his parents? he’s so stupid i wanna slap the shit out of him

No. 504636

If my mom was donating 50-100 bucks a day for a grown ass man's defense fund instead of towards my college fund, I would be seething. I sure hope she's rich rich to be doing all this.

No. 504637

isn't she a streamer or a cam girl or something?

No. 504638

Biting, scratching, squeezing so hard you leave bruises, drawing a bit of blood, just dominating and destroying each other, hmmmmm

No. 504639

She also puts her legal name on all her donations so weegee knows it's her. I was cackling when reddit was like "she donates so much money to him, it's only right he wrote her back". KEK

No. 504640

Is she OF? are her simps funding Luigi with extra steps?

No. 504641

>I may be wasting all of our money, we may not be eating tonight, but once he picks me and after he's free from jail and makes bank both from coming from a wealthy family and from all the money he'll make suing TMZ, we'll be loaded!

No. 504642

File: 1742093912259.png (25.73 KB, 1193x318, of.png)

Of course she is..

No. 504643

yep she's jessiicat on OF KEKK

No. 504644

She's so smart, she's investing for the future

No. 504645

If that's the case then I support her doing this

No. 504646

Is she a single mom too? Oh he is going to love this. She’s the one.

No. 504647

Oh wow

No. 504648

You know what, good for her

No. 504649

File: 1742094160747.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.29 MB, 656x1184, funnel.jpeg)

not sure if she has kids

No. 504650

She refers to her "kids' father" in one tweet instead of saying that her husband. Pretty sure she is.

No. 504651

She hinted that she made a sexual joke about the lorax in her next letter, so I think they're gonna get married. Pack it up everyone.

No. 504652

File: 1742094210413.png (30.65 KB, 1167x361, jessiic.png)

She does.

No. 504653

what does she look like without filters and photoshop on though?

No. 504654

You know what yeah fuck it, based hooker.

No. 504655

She got teens and she’s dumping money on Luigi ummm

No. 504656

kek but weegees grifter daddies hate OF women and since he doesn’t have a brain of his own he always regurgitates their beliefs

No. 504657

Maybe she only donates 50% but gets free marketing and is actually making bank rn

No. 504658

Don't think he will like that actually. She fucked up oop.

No. 504660

KEK Luigi attracting irresponsible single moms. What a fanbase he has.

No. 504661

He is a hypocrite with no morals he might not care once he learns she is a single mom of some teens. He might even request pics.

No. 504662

Google Jessiicat nonas kekkk

No. 504663

No thank u. Unfortunately I’ll see what ends up bringing brought here tho

No. 504664

File: 1742094573348.png (98.06 KB, 1481x467, Screenshot 2025-03-14 052401.p…)

Here's what she said, but I think that's what she was insinuating. He's weird and may like it.

No. 504666

i'm pretty sure she's already sent him photos of herself

No. 504667

She is kind of his physical type as well

No. 504668

It's the ugliest most midwest porn you will ever see

No. 504669

I doubt Mr. PhD will mind

No. 504670

I would kill myself if my mother’s vagina was all over the internet and she was spending money on a prison scrote but it doesn’t matter she would just replace her freshly suicided child with Luigi

No. 504671

>He might even request pics.
KEK he needs those pics of mom and her teen kids on his prison wall photo collection so he knows she actually gave birth and is an actual mommy.

No. 504672

Nah she's not. She's more unbearable then eMiLy already too wtf. Speaking of eMiLy what are the updates on the old bag?

No. 504673

kek he only ever dated other multimillionaires’ daughters and now he’s stuck with (and gravitating towards) retarded BPD single moms

No. 504674

kek based

No. 504676

Her filter is literally on 100%, her pics look vintage that's how strong that shit is lol. But men are dumb and can't discern that kind of thing.

No. 504677

File: 1742094971065.jpeg (420.07 KB, 1179x1092, IMG_6955.jpeg)

Is this ironic or what? This is on the Lorax letter woman’s Reddit, she’s a nursing student. The rednote account with the printed letter where he said “fellow brothers” is to a nursing student.

No. 504678

He can also trade ten minutes of alone time with the photos to Moe Lester in exchange for honeybuns and stamps, the grift never ends.

No. 504680

I should not have done that, ummm

No. 504681

this girl needs to post her letter or shut up. she’s almost as bad as emily

No. 504682

So the single moms are getting sexual in the letters, huh? Things are going as predicted

No. 504683

Yeah the person faking the letters took inspiration from all over the place. Bet they used her letter as a template and saw her comments.

No. 504685

ntayrt but his family name carries more weight than that, they have a mini empire of nursing homes and country clubs, and a politician in their state. now everyone will associate the name Mangione with a murderer so if that’s his intention, then kek

No. 504686

They will now. Mangione is Luigi's name now.

No. 504688

They didn’t use hers as a template. The Genevieve “fellow brothers” letter is from last Saturday and the Lorax one was after, posted on Wednesday.

No. 504689

>she made a sexual joke about the lorax in her next letter

Watch it not get through kek

No. 504690

File: 1742095772401.jpeg (988.63 KB, 1001x1676, IMG_0743.jpeg)

this speaks to me. I desperately need to hate fuck this retard

No. 504691

a sexual joke about a children’s book he loves? ok…

No. 504692

He will find it hilarious

No. 504693

File: 1742096190037.jpg (61.65 KB, 634x953, 1000005302.jpg)

Yeah you get it~
I'm about to do it, but I have a pit in my stomach I feel like I'm gonna see some really nasty shit

No. 504694

right up his alley along with memeing a yakuza boss at 26

No. 504695

Oh wow his check freckle is little red close up

No. 504697

Still faked that shit. She was commentating on that other guy's letter post way before too.

No. 504698

I thought it was a weird bug for a moment kek.

No. 504699

File: 1742096458482.jpg (41.55 KB, 600x360, 1000006319.jpg)

>I feel like I'm gonna see some really nasty shit


No. 504700

Never in all my life have I been more motivated to change every aspect of who I am as a human being until seeing her gross nudes combined with her desperation to be his pick-me

No. 504701

I'm sorry nonas but if I had to see it then so did you. Bet her kids are so proud.

No. 504702

and he’s eating it up like a typical moid. he pisses me off so much he desperately needs a correction

No. 504703

how bad is it? her facebook mom poses were enough to deter me from clicking further

No. 504704

I'm so sorry that had to be embedded into your retinas

No. 504705

It's as bad as it gets. Horror inducing.

No. 504706

is this what luigi is writing to?

No. 504707

he was just a child at 25! a young man who hasn’t grown up yet!

No. 504708

I'm all about tasteful nudes and find naked women attractive cuz I'm bi but those pics legit made me sick to my stomach

No. 504709

KEKK and she has enough subs to continue playing weegee sugar mommy?

No. 504710

kekkkk im so tempted to write him a mean letter but don’t they become public later? fuck the COs and their 85 iq for not letting Nona’s letters get by

No. 504711

File: 1742097037755.jpeg (1.09 MB, 999x1495, IMG_6963.jpeg)

This has gotta be the person that faked the typed letters this week.

No. 504713

FUCK that means her Lorax about wanting kids is fake too. I should have known!

No. 504714

File: 1742097174989.jpg (35.12 KB, 1125x371, 1000003032.jpg)

whatever you say nona

No. 504715

I highly doubt they're going to publicize his literal thousands of letters

No. 504716

Can we assume the TRULINCS letters are mostly fake? His website has that handwritten Karen letter up as an example of a real one

No. 504718

She commented on a Trulincs typed letter that was posted to /r/autographs saying he told her it was "his all time favorite letter" and deleted her comment afterwards. Fucking grifter. Guess she got creative.

No. 504719

Both of those seem really fucking fake. Nice to know his "fans" are just as retarded and gullible as he is

No. 504720

tbh i don't buy the karen letter being original, kfa did not meet with luigi this week (no new appendix page) so she couldn't have verified it in person. i'm guessing they just saw his signature and concluded it was original but his handwriting is larger and more orderly there compared to all his other writings. something's not right

No. 504721

I also had a visceral reaction to those nudes as a bi

No. 504722

Fully grown adults infantilizing the fuck out of themselves always makes me roll my eyes

No. 504723

I agree that one looks off as well. His handwriting is usually small and it's large in that one.

No. 504724

we need to stop coddling grown men. zero tolerance for this.

No. 504726

nona I love you but you need to stop coping about the Karen letter. his legal team wouldn’t have used it as an example of a legitimate reply if it wasn’t.

No. 504727

She saw the article that blew up and assumed he wrote it, instead of asking him. They literally emphasized it’s no way to confirm or deny he wrote it.

No. 504728

He's never going to get it, why bother

No. 504729

As Luigi's lawyer she can email him directly via the trulincs system herself and his legally team were said to be visiting there the day they updated the website. These are fake and they have confirmed these to be fake. I would say the indictment is coming, grand jury may have already been done as we don't know until it's announced. No appendix update leads me to believe the Feds are knocking.
No it's real and he's retarded. She would have confirmed these with him for the website update but don't want to waste time on checking every fucking letter.

No. 504730

File: 1742097862966.jpg (566.67 KB, 1005x978, reddit_dm.jpg)

She sent me this DM way shortly after she deleted that comment. I'm a little bit uncertain if it's fake but who knows at this point.

No. 504732

so many people were claiming kfa and co review what he writes but that never made sense bc that’s not their job and weegee writing letters was always at his own risk. wonder how dickey feels about it. he shouldn’t have started writing back so soon but the fucker just has to yap

No. 504733

File: 1742098016773.jpg (128 KB, 1200x628, 07865732PfB3.jpg)

He identifies as an infant

No. 504734

Possible hers is real as is the letter the guy from /r/autographs posted and his was used as a template of faking letters but I just don't put it past these crazy people anymore.

No. 504735

December 4th, huh?

No. 504736

No. 504737

for the luls

No. 504738

Glad I'm not the only one

No. 504739

His Tinder photos are so cheesy, eugh

No. 504740

Just because men are retarded doesn't mean they "mature later".

No. 504741

Can confirm men never grow up

No. 504742

File: 1742098538619.jpeg (751.63 KB, 982x1441, IMG_6969.jpeg)

She probably fanfiction wrote all 4. Why put the comment in and then delete it. The letters are written similarly to how she writes. But that’s just an observation I’ve made it’s not for sure. Plus the signature on the James letter is pixelated and the one on the Lorax one is different from all of the ones we’ve seen so far.

No. 504743

I got the same I don’t think she’s a fake

No. 504744

he needs to be corrected that’s all

No. 504745

They do. It's just that this is as good as it gets. The "maturing later" meme is "I'm not dumb, I'm just not done growing muh brain yet" cope. It's like saying that someone with Downs will stop having Downs after they hit 30.

No. 504746

He's 26, he's not changing

No. 504747

we need a luigi with down syndrome edit

No. 504748

How were we as women duped into this "men are always children hurr durr" bullshit. They're perfectly competent and lucid when they want to be. If another man tells them to give them 50 push ups and march 50 miles, they'll do it. The moment a woman asks them to buy a bell pepper at the store, they'll buy a cabbage instead. All of a sudden they don't know how to do the laundry and can't remember their kids' birthdays. Let's stop making excuses for moids.

No. 504749

Luigi Mongione

No. 504750

This is like when Japanese whores spend all their money on male hosts kek

No. 504751

KEK good one.

No. 504752

File: 1742099010996.jpeg (346.84 KB, 2048x2048, EB8626AB-3C04-4B28-A348-0B1459…)

Its just yet another Tim urban reference that's scattered all over his social media.

No. 504753

Yes all three letters are fake and it does put into question hers as well but someone could have been talking to her gleaning information, lurking her comments and using bits and pieces of info from everywhere to make forged letters appear real. It will get very sophisticated from here on out.

God her post is nauseating to read too. The "all time favorite letter" part is just so sus.

No. 504754

I agree, it sounds delusional as hell. Mr "People's Prince, thank you for taking the time to write" wouldn't "rank" his letters/people by favorites, it ruins the grift

No. 504755

That "all time favorite" line is not that sus considering he told Karen her letter was the first one that brought him to tears. He's just an emotional boy.

No. 504756

Has Tim ever spoken publicly about Luigi?

No. 504758

Whoa you are right wtf is the Lorax letter signature? hold up!

No. 504759

No. 504760

File: 1742099420733.jpeg (482.74 KB, 1179x1065, IMG_6310.jpeg)

Yeah I posted it before.

No. 504761

The Aesops fable line is so obvious. He didn't even read it ???

No. 504763

It's actually very possible that Lorax girl has a real envelope from Luigi but a fake letter that she's posted. Very possible. It's just too convenient. Also the way she writes and his alleged letter are too similar. Who knows.

No. 504764

Thanks nona. It's hilarious how people keep insisting Brian's only crime was being a fAtHeR oF tWo. Disgusting.

No. 504765

I hope he told her to fuck off

No. 504766

File: 1742099790674.jpeg (46.08 KB, 979x180, IMG_0671.jpeg)

thank you!! stop accepting the excuse that they’ll never grow up.

No. 504767

I tried to cope and excuse that line by thinking that maybe the quality of letters he receives is so shit that hers might be less retarded than the average letter. Maybe the COs are withholding the good letters (i.e. based nona letters). I am being too delusional thinking that though. He just really sucks that much.

No. 504769

I can’t decide if this is better or worse

No. 504770

Very much agreed. Something is off about her.

No. 504772

I highly doubt he's her pen pal "walking her through her breakup"

No. 504773

It's way fucking worse. He put a grifter moid reference on his Tinder profile as if he expected women to read grifter moid slop or be intrigued by that line. It would have been less cringe if he was using that line to attract older women as some nonas original speculated.

No. 504774

You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?

No. 504777

if I saw that I would think he was abdl

No. 504778

that’s what FL said about Holli. he’s an idiot let’s just accept it

No. 504779

Still less cringe if he was an abdl than a grifter moid simp.

No. 504781

Unlike that mod, I actually felt like Holli's letter was real. It's weird that lorax girl's name starts with a G (per the envelope) and he's also written back to a nursing student (like Lorax girl) named Genevieve. We now know that letter is fake. But to be honest, I don't really care that much.

No. 504783

File: 1742100556837.jpg (1.07 MB, 1633x1783, 1000006326.jpg)

lol he was so angry here

No. 504784

File: 1742100581468.jpeg (114.01 KB, 906x1338, IMG_6979.jpeg)

This is a signature comparison but he might've signed differently in December idk.

No. 504785

aw his tongue peeking through

No. 504786

File: 1742100652763.jpeg (706.15 KB, 1255x1860, IMG_2364.jpeg)

No. 504787

he’s a schizo who signs everything differently, he’s done print and signature and initials

No. 504788

File: 1742100691729.jpeg (454.23 KB, 1290x1508, IMG_2363.jpeg)

They dragging again

No. 504789

>look at how much he loves me, me even gave me the nicest, fanciest signature

No. 504790

This account literally interacts with his lawyer and regular mentions her because she follows her. These people are nuts lol.

No. 504791

File: 1742100784335.jpeg (380.01 KB, 1080x1744, IMG_2362.jpeg)

This is all over an edited photo being stolen…. Also no one cares about ur moots

No. 504792

Well no shit, Sherlock! Everyone is into him and they're getting competitive. She herself wouldn't be writing to Luigi about his robotics competitions and writing his name in the snow and trying to get his attention and be his top waifu if he looked like that guy that tried to take out Trump. Who are we fooling here?

No. 504793

I like how she lists, in detail, all her """connections""" to him

No. 504794

It is really weird about the G and nursing. I think it's her faking it all.
Lorax letter signature is super SUS

No. 504797

This is restraining order levels of delusional. No wonder he didn't write back to her kek

No. 504798

imo Ive seen scrotlings that are 13 do horrible things. Age doesn't matter when it comes to these creatures.

No. 504799

It's fake.

No. 504800

File: 1742101086215.jpeg (313.51 KB, 1274x667, IMG_2366.jpeg)

Why are they so obsessed with Karen…. Let her do her job… I find the law team fancams weird

No. 504801

this case is such a fucking disaster. Has there ever been a legal case like this with kpop levels of drama and stanning like Luigi?

No. 504802

No it really doesn't. I see it even in my brothers and it makes me so embarrassed and ashamed. I fucking HATE men

No. 504803

File: 1742101162787.jpeg (341.96 KB, 1290x772, IMG_2367.jpeg)

She needs o e against Karen as well

No. 504804

File: 1742101258198.jpeg (586.53 KB, 1290x1264, IMG_2365.jpeg)

Ranting for hours now…

No. 504805

im so tired of seeing that bpd demon i can never escape her insufferable tweets. im surprised kfa followed with how drama filled all her tweets are eughhh

No. 504806

File: 1742101286999.jpg (78.16 KB, 1120x1120, 1000006328.jpg)

The closest we got was Cameron Herrin

No. 504807


I hate her

No. 504810

Oh lawd she spiraling

No. 504811

File: 1742101454667.jpeg (417.93 KB, 1290x906, IMG_2368.jpeg)

Sorry one more tweet because this last one is insane… sorry needed to show everyone so they can also cringe

No. 504812


Are these really the only girls he has to choose from?

No. 504813

Weirdos keep calling him Lui as if he would like it. His father's name is Louis and we all know he hates his parents.

No. 504814

I am really starting to doubt Karen's abilities with how she engages with these retards. Didn't she also "like" one her tweets? She needs to stop with this shit because it really doesn't feel like she is taking this shit seriously. If her strategy is to somehow appeal to the common people, she shouldn't keep aiming for the lowest common denominator.

No. 504815

>LM I'm so sorry
Yes, because he's scrolling your page and looking at your tweets

No. 504816

Dickey would never have done him so dirty

No. 504817

Severe main character syndrome. SEVERE. She could delete her account today and no one would give a fuck.

No. 504818

File: 1742101630645.jpeg (976.43 KB, 1290x1548, IMG_2369.jpeg)

Oh my god I thought this would be the last one….

No. 504819

Because he was caught in PA with everything on him, Dickey is doing the heavy lifting here. I'm sure he would have told Luigi to shut the fuck up and no letters. Kinda irritated she let him wear green because people want to associate him with Nintendo Luigi.

No. 504820

But she's a girl boss n diva nona!!!

No. 504821

i have a feeling he hates kfa kek

No. 504822

Dickey might save his ass with evidence suppression and she would still get the credit

No. 504823

Look at my lawyer, dawg, I'm gonna lose! She's liking some kpop stan's delusions on twitter!

No. 504824

Most eager female lawyers who defend the bedicked scum do so out of some degree of sexual attraction. Johnny Depp's lawyer, for example, was a fangirl.

No. 504825


No. 504826

Twitter stans and CM are running the 27 for Luigi… so it’s going go down bad

No. 504827

And the pictures are added in why…. I’ll never forget her nutsy cuckoo rant about the school competition. Here >>486074
Also the pages literally @ his Twitter account a lot as if he’ll respond they’re so mental.

No. 504828

Do we know what CM looks like?

No. 504829

File: 1742102260657.jpeg (301.22 KB, 1290x645, IMG_2370.jpeg)

All bc a user tagged Karen in the comments saying CM is rude to others and now bringing up his parents?

No. 504830

She needs to be 5150'd stat!

No. 504831

she’s posted her face on her priv acc and ppl were telling her she looked like weegee KEK

No. 504832

reverse the nose job please
more long hair weewee i don't know what software you guys use for this

No. 504833

She's insane. Wtf does reporting perverted teachers at her school have to do with her school beating his robot? The fuck. I bet she wrote that in her letter and Luigi put her on his "Do not write to" list

No. 504834

I hated the green shit. It just shows Karen is mainly listening to Redditors and other childish retards. This is the kind of crap that turns away more normal people who aren't constantly consooming shitty social media memes. They see the cringe AI Christian iconography art that was being paraded around the courthouse along with the crowd of tards wearing green because Nintendo Luigi and all they see it as a gathering of insane retards. Luigi is being associated with that.

No. 504835

I was thinking the same thing. The green sweater thing was so…. eughhh. Fan service-y? I get the psychology behind why they did it, but it just seemed really forced and ingenuine. I noticed the day before the court appearance someone uploaded an AI pic of him in green when they were speculating what color he would wear on plebbit. Someone from his team definitely browses the BTM sub and must have seen it

No. 504837

I’ve seen her face she does not look like him at all

No. 504838

I'm gonna throw up

No. 504841

He should really hire a PR firm. The only thing I want to see his lawyers doing is his case. I don't like the lack of boundaries the public has with them. His team should not be suggestible and complying with their whims. Now everytime there's a crisis, his lawyers have to upload information to his website. PR should be handling the public.

No. 504842

I dunno she’s probably his surrogate mommy now

No. 504843

Seriously, he needed a PR team since December but especially after the TMZ documentary. Things keep getting worse and worse. I understand KFA isaccomplished in her own right & has insider knowledge of prosecutor's office, but she needs to tighten it up as a criminal defense attorney now. There's a reason why Thomas Dickey was so strict in those early days, he's probably cringing at this whole letters fiasco. I'm surprised his family hasn't hired a PR rep or even a defamation lawyer, cuz it really affects everyone in the whole family and their businesses.

No. 504845

File: 1742104805515.jpg (497.59 KB, 1078x1674, Aggressive attorneys.jpg)

Wonder if the raised funds could be used to hire another NYC lawyer for him, this firm works for federal charges too.

No. 504846

I feel bad for his family, my assumption is that they think it's their fault he ended up this way and they're feeling shame and guilt. They probably would have done more to defend him and themselves if they didn't feel hopeless about it all. They're legit in hiding.

No. 504848

I don’t think normies have connected the green lore.

But they might know about the viral ankle pics.

No. 504849

I really like Dickey's aggression and how he's putting all these omnibuses out. Glad the fundraiser money is going to him.

No. 504850

>There's a reason why Thomas Dickey was so strict in those early days, he's probably cringing at this whole letters fiasco
It is already so out of control. I mean look at Jessica promoting her vomitingly disgusting OF and porn for obsessive donation money and getting a dumbass letter. There's no way any of this gets better.

No. 504851

Makes me wonder if the family didn't actually hire Dickey like others claim if the money is going to him only.

No. 504853

I'm sure his family was absolutely /thrilled/ when the sex tape stuff came out. What was it his mother said about him being a "genius"? This is why men shouldn't have access to the internet. He was radicalized by Twitter grifters

No. 504854

I feel the opposite I think they’re closing ranks because he fucked up their family name so bad. they’re probably wondering why they didn’t suppress this black sheep sooner.

No. 504855

I guess he already knows he's cooked and is making the most of it

No. 504857

The Rolling Stone article indicated as much. That his family enjoyed their status and their good name from philanthropy. I wouldn't be surprised if they've effectively disowned him. Nino's statement was very cold.

No. 504859

A lot of "traditional" families spend more time regulating their daughters than their sons. I bet his mom being overbearing was her calling him once a week or something. Sons are the worst.

No. 504861

Whoever said Jessica does Midwest porn was correct, it's giving Missouri and Kansas. It's downright hopeless and downtrodden.

No. 504862

I dunno, the whole steak-cutting thing was pretty weird.

No. 504863


No. 504865

File: 1742106873646.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1083x1843, IMG_0748.jpeg)

people keep defending his family but I think they’re the type who would throw money at a lawyer for him on the DL but not ever publicly acknowledge him ever again

No. 504866

KEK, sorry nona

No. 504867

File: 1742107111244.jpeg (339.12 KB, 1152x673, IMG_3380.jpeg)

Imagine being one of her teen kids and knowing mom makes a living whoring herself out to coomer scrotes and then donates an entire month of her earnings to a prison moid who is almost certainly going to be locked up for life. Extremely pathetic that Luigi is attracting these kinds of people.

No. 504868

I don’t care if she does OF, she needs to share the reply she got from wigi

Then I will judge her

No. 504869

Playing with your pussy on the internet so a young felon can get funds for his lawyer, while you have kids that would have benefitted from that money is an insane choice.

It would hilarious if the woman he eventually gets with has never donated to him lmao. Now that would be a based queen.

No. 504870

File: 1742107796104.jpeg (413.52 KB, 1179x1320, IMG_3381.jpeg)

This is all we know about what was possibly in the letter. I kind of wonder if she got a pretty boring response. Her letter to him was apparently pretty short, only one page back and front.

No. 504871


It's okay I love you

No. 504872

Wow, she's so quirky and relatable

No. 504873

Midwest porn KEK

No. 504874

File: 1742108438043.jpeg (595.3 KB, 1179x1252, IMG_3382.jpeg)

Forgive me if this has been posted before but Jessica shared her signature from her letter. It looks somewhat similar to the Lorax letter.

No. 504876

Why does this slores tweets directly answer questions posted here?

No. 504877

It was actually tweeted three days ago. I just only noticed it now.

No. 504878

boring, post the letter

No. 504880

Her letter must be short and blah cause she's not milking like eMiLy

No. 504882

She wants to be his wife, she can't betray him. By the way, she apparently told him she wouldn't post his letter so idk what she's being so annoying for. If you're not going to post it, don't mention it at all.

No. 504883

You just know if it was actually interesting, she would not be able to resist blabbing about it.

No. 504885

He probably talked shit about the book and moved on, she didn't get a "I've run out of space" like Emily did lol

No. 504886

kek she's such a wannabe

No. 504887

I agree the “but privacy!!” girls would just not say anything at all, rather than drop crumbs and act like gatekeepers

No. 504888

She's delusional and these weird women are getting off on the attention online from it

No. 504889

File: 1742110469359.jpg (141.99 KB, 1080x2341, 1000006344.jpg)

"Jules" who got a reply from him called him stupid

No. 504890

It’s so funny she's saying this when she wrote him the letter drunk and framed the letter she got back from him. I thought overtime these people would go away but it keeps getting worse everytime Luigi has a public appearance.

No. 504891

Framed it…

No. 504892

Emily trying to schedule a live with Jason Brooks said it all.

I wonder how Luigi would feel if he knew 95% of his letter writers write to him for clout or some delulu wish to be with him. Feels bad man.

No. 504893

Wow what a complete fucking insane bitch! The internet never forgets Jules…
None of these women even really care at all. Actually feeling bad for Luigi now.

No. 504894

The moment I saw how hot he was, I knew what was going to happen. He's a celebrity now. All the mentally ill kpop stans rallying around him like he's an idol makes sense. No one really cares about him, not deeply at least. Look how fast they canceled him when that "ghetto" letter came out. If he doesn't adhere to the image they have for him and if he doesn't give them what they want, they're out. The possibility that he'll write back to them and they can flaunt it is sustaining their interest. None of this is real.

No. 504895

>He's a celebrity now

"Are you proud of me now, mom and dad?"

No. 504896

Poor stupid Luigi

No. 504897

wait so is the eMiLy letter with the genie joke real?

No. 504898

ew, why were they supporting a scrote who killed a mom and daughter. disgusting

No. 504899

Attempts to confront the predatory healthcare industry with "brutal honesty"

Becomes a kpop stan idol, the savior of a single moms across America, and fap material for degenerates on LPSG

No. 504900

No healthcare revolution will happen as we all forget about him within a few years and he will die in prison a cripple with America burning in apocalyptic war out his prison cell window slit

No. 504901

Unless he gets drafted for WW3

No. 504902

They don't draft people with disabilities

No. 504903

File: 1742114400218.webp (469.66 KB, 1200x675, 1000006351.webp)

Because he was soooooo le sexy. Luckily, it didn't take off, but he got pretty close. Now look at him. Disgusting.
>They better not shave Luiouigi's head

No. 504904

Or homosexuals

No. 504905

No. 504906

File: 1742114601164.jpeg (Spoiler Image,148.31 KB, 828x1024, IMG_6601.jpeg)

His thread is one of the most popular and active on LPSG kek

No. 504907

No. 504909

How disgusting and violating. The desperation to make him gay is embarrassing, it feels like they're competing. The sudden rumors he was bi and gay when he's very much a straight male. I hope weegee gets out just so he can assert that pussy is superior to bussy.

No. 504910

Is there any straight ai Luigi porn? I don't wanna see this faggot shit I wanna see luigi forced to eat 27 pussies in a row.

No. 504911

Not that I know of. I’ve seen women do an ai edit of him kissing them on shittok/rednote kek

No. 504912

Same I hope they don’t shave him. Bald moids are so ugly, I wish they would perish.

No. 504913

it's one woman and she's a jason brooks acolyte. She now goes by Tosh Mangione because of course

No. 504914

I’ve seen a few others do it too, but they were small throwaway accounts with no followers. Also, why do people keep talking to Jason brooks kek. He’s such a weirdo grifter

No. 504915

>Also, why do people keep talking to Jason brooks kek. He’s such a weirdo grifter
Birds of a feather flock together

No. 504916

No. 504917

Because they're stupid. I picked up on Jason's grift early, he positioned himself as a very visible Lulu (blurgh) supporter and built a platform off it. He has scam artist tactics. When I found out he was responsible for a massive ponzi scheme, it all made sense. How he used to yell and shake in his car pissed me off, I knew he was a grifter with significant anger issues then

No. 504919

The irony that "Lulu" would utterly despise him

No. 504922

I honestly feel so bad for him.

No. 504923

I don’t. He deserves everything that happens to him, and then some.

No. 504925

Jules is that you?

No. 504927

Girl you stank

No. 504929

Me too, I would let him sob on my chest while I run my hand through his curls :((emoji)

No. 504930

Yup, I bet Karen told him that if a letter from Jason arrives to not respond to it. But it looks like MDC cockblocked Jason anyways lol

No. 504931

I think Luigi's banned list is rapidly expanding

No. 504932

Way too early in the morning for me to be this sad

No. 504934

Sorry nona, he's a tragedy

No. 504936

They need to put Jules, that Twitter girl clubmangi0ne, and a lot of others on there too

No. 504939


No. 504941

Newfags crying over the misogynistic scrote, yeesh. What a mess of a thread.

No. 504942

do they actually have ban/black lists for prison letters? kek

No. 504943

kek do you think he'll ever reply to clubmangi0ne and her L in the snow bullshit

No. 504944

I'm not a newfag but I can still shed a tear for the tragic lil bitch

No. 504945

Don’t cry for a male, it’s fine. He chose this for himself.

No. 504947

Don’t forget Joe Rapist

No. 504949

Does anyone here believe the suicide theory (that he planned on offing himself before getting caught)

No. 504950

This is the moid who recommended pissing yourself, even though not a symptom yet, to get surgery. Prosecutor is going to have a field day with that one.

No. 504951

on one hand, i also feel a little bad for him because having be stuck in rikers/MDC for the rest of his short lived life is a horrible fate. he’s not even a chomo, rapist, woman/child killer, etc. on the other hand, he is super retarded for not getting rid of any evidence. i wonder if he was going to kill himself in the motel room. people say he wanted to get caught, but he looked insanely pissed when he was kek.

No. 504952

I did at first but now I think it’s more likely he had all of the evidence on him due to arrogance, thinking he is the main character of the world, and his insistence to himself that he is some genius engineer. The fact is, he is super retarded.

No. 504953

i wish I could be a fly on the wall inside the court room when they decide to bring up the bullets wrapped inside his panties kek

No. 504954

he is an ideological supporter of rapists and woman/child killers

No. 504955

I would feel bad for him if he weren’t a woman hater. Plus he seems to be having a good time in prison. He loves structured dorm living and there’s a free gym.

No. 504956

a little bit, but I assume he would’ve just done it in the back woods unless he chickened out.

No. 504957

luigi was made for the school to prison pipeline, even if he did come from a well off socioeconomic background kek

No. 504958

I feel so bad for his parents. They should have stopped at two daughters. Blessed are families without sons, truly.

No. 504959

Who else would simp for him though? Say what you want about Tracy and the heiresses, but they have dignity and brains. They toyed with him and then kicked him to the curb, as any normal woman would.

Luigi's only options now are women who are deemed "second rate" in some regard. He knows what he's doing by working a mentally ill single mom with an OF. Hilarious how quickly he latched onto everything he despises kek

No. 504960

clubmangione is really deranged crying about someone tagging kfa and wasting her time when she emailed her screenshots from these threads because nonas were mean to her kek

No. 504961

I guess

No. 504962

is the brothers letter real or not?

No. 504963

His parents deserve this for being son simps

No. 504964

who, the faggy-looking pajeet? i knew his book was very misogynistic, I didn’t know it was pro-rape though. luigi even going out of his way to talk to the lowest-tier, pseudo-intellectual pajeets is so weird.

No. 504965


No. 504966

She really thinks she has a chance with him

No. 504967

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

No. 504968

KFA is kinda strange for even interacting with bpdemon kpop stan accounts. she should’ve just kept her boundaries

No. 504969

She needs to have a child with a deadbeat dad and then Luigi will talk

No. 504970

i think she is talking about the other inmates

No. 504971

I know the mutual friends she references are a complete lie

No. 504972

Her interacting with stan twitter will backfire

No. 504973

I think she means that Luigi shares the ideologies of the other inmates due to the fact he interacted with multiple extreme misogynists who blamed women for everything bad in society which then leads to the justification of rape.

No. 504974

yeah, but I thought the brothers letter was fake

No. 504975

They really think he'll walk away from this a free man. Imagine their reaction to sentencing

No. 504976

i thought people just said he’s cute, I don’t remember a cult forming around him

No. 504977

I would make the wild assumption that any ideology about making women second class citizens involves legalizing rape to some extent, yes

No. 504978

I can't wait to see protests of people wearing Luigi costumes and holding signs of Luigi from Mario all over college campuses
Yeah. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Luigi himself thought that rape by coercion isn't real rape. Many males don't find it to be rape, especially those that are intensely misogynistic.

No. 504979

He is totally forgotten now

No. 504980

moids blaming everything on women is such a fucking cope when they’re almost 100% the perpetrators of all violent, sexual, physical, etc. crimes worldwide. they need to all die out

No. 504981

Luigi will be forgotten eventually.

No. 504982

you sound 20 and retarded

No. 504983

i dont like how she is handling the case, like nonas said it feels too much like fanservice. I know the evidence against him is overwhelming and its a difficult case but she is not the right lawyer for this job.
She also doesn't have experience as a criminal defense lawyer and the whole letter thing is icky

No. 504984

He should have never been allowed to respond to letters but I have to admit it's hilarious knowing his type and how narcissistic he is.

No. 504986

Why do women need to idealize their coom so much? Why does this sped need to be an infallible hero and heckin blorbo before becoming coom material?

No. 504987

op pic looks like steven universe

No. 504988

He should've had Dickey across the board

No. 504989

can't unsee…

No. 504990

What do you think her defense will be? That he didn't do it? or that he did it, but he's ONLY 26 so it's ok?

No. 504991

kek Dickey runs a tight ship, he would never let him reply to letters.

No. 504992

File: 1742135548648.jpg (578.76 KB, 2194x1126, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-Yn6C…)

All his daddies disowned him.

No. 504993

wasn’t he replying before his parents paid for kfa?

No. 504994

Cringing for him, do you think anyone told him the letters kek

No. 504995

Realistically will probably try to argue that he went insane due to back pain.
Luigi deserves everything bad that happens to him, why is he worshipping grifters and saying that they are the greatest philosophers of our time? And Griftyman has a point, Luigi could have just got a job kek

No. 504996

I've read on "claiming insanity" this morning, it would be a nightmare locked in a mental institution, drugged up for anywhere between 6 months to 50+ years.

No. 504997

Damn it. I liked the idea of him playing chess on Wednesday nights with the degenerate inmates

No. 504998

Steven was.. nevermind kek

No. 504999

File: 1742136224408.jpeg (119.41 KB, 1125x420, IMG_8933.jpeg)

even his twitter stans are starting to notice how hes been writing back to freaks

No. 505000

Please somebody tell him. And also mention the pajeets like Gurwinder and the homo. Didn't someone on Twitter DM one of those grifters about an article they wrote about LM and the only response they got back was "suck my dick"? kek

No. 505001

You mean his "brothers", right nona?

No. 505002

Kekkkk there is nothing original about this mf.

No. 505003

Tragic: Worst Person You Know Made a Good Point

No. 505004

That sounds perfect for him, he loved drugs.
Yeah I liked to imagine him losing to chess against Diddy.
Luigi is doing it on purpose, he can sense the parasocial personalities through the letter and he himself has always wanted to be a grifter so he's creating the perfect fanbase for him. He thinks he's going to get released and immediately have a bunch of adoptive children from these single mothers he can read Hit Reverse to before bed.

No. 505005

Luigi is such a normiefag trying so hard to be cultured and relevant, same applies to his retarded fans

No. 505006

They're going to be just as insane, I guarantee it

No. 505007

He probably thinks if something's unpopular it means it's good and esoteric, he's reading the most milquetoast takes on males EPIC and HEROIC and women BAD and CHAOTIC and thinks it's profound because it's coming from obscure weirdos online and not from scientists and people with credentials.

No. 505008

He was a typical 4chan user/redditor and for some reason the nonnies here slurped up his pseudo-intellectual folk hero larping kek, that dude has spent his entire life being dragged in country clubs and living in gated communities with access to healthcare, he’s so full of shit. There really must be more to the whole assassination attempt

No. 505009

no he didn't
insanity defense isn't really an option for him

No. 505010

The assassination was probably for attention and to live up to the hero larp. He read some shit in a grifter book about how males are meant to be heroes and he took it to heart and killed a guy. I don't know how Karen is going to spin the story to make Luigi likeable or justified, he was able to doctor shop for back surgery just fine, and it isn't healthcare's fault that his surgery was botched. He clearly didn't need the surgery. He didn't listen to the majority of doctors, he fucked around and found out.
I didn't really think they'd go for an insanity plea, but that she'd try to generate sympathy based on him being a poor 26 year old baby in pain. Imagine they spin it as well by saying that being a rich moid learning about poor people for the first time broke his brain and since he's such an empath he just had to do something about it!

No. 505012

Handmaidens are the only reason why he’s being immortalized as a meme in our current culture. Handmaidens will be the death of us, srsly

No. 505014

so in typical moid fashion was unable to take accountability for his own shit decisions kek

No. 505015

Forever lmao at this sped larping as a working class hero taking on the claim denial industry. Objectively speaking, his only problem in life was caused by his insurance being too good - an ultra expensive PPO that let him doctor shop and malinger to get fast tracked into a costly surgery he didn't need LOL

If he lived somewhere like Germany or Canada (or whatever other muh healthcare places daddy's money socialists masturbate to) he'd be told to pop an Advil and stop wasting the provider's time, which unironically would've saved his life.

No. 505018

so really he was mad that dicky no worky and probably was gonna kill himself after but saw the attention he was getting and like the narc he is, decided to stick around. he couldn’t even explain his motivations well in his notebook and “healthcare bad” was his scapegoat

No. 505019

Oh good theory, maybe he was going to kill himself but since he searched himself in Best Buy and saw people lusting over him he decided to live another day and write up a shitty manifesto. I need to know what exactly he searched on that computer in Best Buy, they pulled it and they definitely know what he looked up I need to know how narcissistic he is kek

No. 505021

I'll bet you anything that he chose a healthcare exec because he is a) an NPC and b) reddit is healthcare pls/munchie ground zero, not because he feels deeply about the cause or whatever. His manifesto sounded like an AI mashup of tired talking points from arr politics. He wasn't making any sort of statement about wealth inequality or whatever revolutionary motivations the becky fanfic industrial complex has attrubuted to him thus far. He just designed his video game main character LARP based on whatever sentiment he had the most exposure to and whatever was validated by the most updoots.

No. 505022

I think so too. He chose healthcare because it's so ubiquitous. His reasoning was that our lifespan isn't increasing at a fast enough rate compared to the money we spend on healthcare KEK

No. 505023

This bitch is insufferable, please make it sthaaaaaap

No. 505024

honestly I think he was also keeping up on his own laptop and phone they found on him. he was in mcd with his laptop open. KEK imagine if him reading horny tweets is what did him in. he was too busy reading tweets about his massive dong and didn’t hear the boomers talking about him

No. 505025

That's because most healthcare spending burden is due to increasing lifespans. Jesus fucking Christ.

I can't believe you guys actually thought this retard was smart. I know this is /g/ - Dignity & Self Respect, but still. This hurts.

No. 505026

I don't think anyone in these threads thought he was smart, even from thread 1. There were other copes, but him being smart was never one of them.

No. 505027

Girl, you know the list of previous threads is in the OP, right?

No. 505028

No clearly I don't. Did you even read through them? He's been called retarded forever.

No. 505029

He is the only son in an Italian family, the mother would be overbearing and overprotective with him. He would’ve been the one carrying the family name. Not anymore, the retard fucked his chances.

No. 505030

File: 1742138352364.jpg (108.63 KB, 472x873, skallas.jpg)

deserved, poor retard

No. 505031

File: 1742138419697.jpg (325.41 KB, 911x834, smart.jpg)

Embarrassment is normal, nona

No. 505032

Luigi really read this tweet from a retarded grifter moid and was like 'that's so me! I'm going to do that!' he deserves the death penalty for that alone kek. Males are so easily impressionable.

No. 505033

File: 1742138610667.gif (1.88 MB, 312x450, sepia.gif)

Luigi is an empath. He cares a lot, he cares so much

No. 505034

I wonder how she felt when it turned out he didn't carve the words into the bullets but rather wrote on them with a sharpie

No. 505035

I wish he got to see our increasingly violent sexual comments made on lc before being locked up. Ugh.

No. 505036

Moids should be banned from internet access forever, they are all gullible retards.

No. 505037

hate this retard, he has such a cute smile

No. 505038

I need Luigi to say that he was inspired by these grifter tards in an attempt to create sympathy but everyone in the jury just laughs at him instead.
>I saw a tweet of my hero saying we can just shoot CEOs…

No. 505039

He has no common sense. I have a feeling he has no idea how to read people and even less life experience.

No. 505041

If he thought women were retarded before, he must really think women are retarded now. This sucks.

No. 505042

As soon as he gets his first state conviction, people will forget him. No more cameras in the federal case.

No. 505044

women are the only ones compassionate enough to tolerate his retardation. he should be grateful and release a public apology to all women on his website. also mention that he hates troons

No. 505048

Per pencilnecked jeet, compassion bad. Doesn't stop moids from whoring for women's compassion and scolding us when we don't have any though, does it?

It's because like all moids, he wants to try play hero ubermensch from the safety of some empathy poisoned Becky always waiting to catch him when he inevitably gets his shit wrecked.

No. 505049

Luigi probably read that compassion was bad, womanly, and leading to the death of society and that just furthered his conviction to go ahead and kill someone.

No. 505050

he’s so fucking retarded i could’ve fixed him and molded him into a nearly perfect moid. it would’ve been a slow process but possibly worth it for a face as uncommon and pretty as his

No. 505051

And now instead of bearing his "heroism" with dignity like an epik chad he's ablooblooing to single moms and taking advantage of being portrayed as a poor babby. Every time.

No. 505052

you guys remind me of those women who tried to convince everyone that Zayn Malik was some otherworldly Adonis as if he doesn't look like every single busboy at a Turkish beach resort ever

No. 505054

eh I think retardigi more attractive than most moids I’ve seen. most moids are also hideously ugly and deformed though

No. 505056

you would’ve had to go back in time and make sure his parents didn’t send him to an all scrotes school.

No. 505057

most moids are ugly and even more retarded than weegee

No. 505058

>most moids I’ve seen
not a high bar. I'm sure the borzoi boy is more attractive than everyday deformities, doesn't mean he's objectively a 10

No. 505059

He should've said fuck it and professed to being guilty and have a bunch of prison tattoos by now.
Nah Luigi is a special kind of braindead retard, he doesn't even have a personality.

No. 505060

I don’t like it when she sells deodorant on her podcast. Very “professional,” I wouldn’t want a QVC lawyer. But that’s just me.

No. 505061

never said he’s a 10, but most scrotes are like sub 4 and below. he’s got a cute boy next door vibe (if we don’t know anything about his taste in books or his lack of personality). to me, he’s a solid 7.

No. 505062

all this simping for a 7?

No. 505063

She has a podcast and she sells deodorant? doesn’t she come from wealth? kek

No. 505064

the moids with no personality and autism are sometimes the easiest to mold and manipulate. weegees naivety and retardedness could’ve been so easily exploitable

No. 505065

Yeah he already got molded and manipulated into hating women, it's too late.
>could've been easily exploitable
It was, he killed Brian Thompson

No. 505066

7 is way above average. also, who says I’m simping. I’m not defending his retardation, sending him money, posting about him on socials, sending him letters, etc. I’m just sexually attracted to him.

No. 505067

>build-a-dick for a mid

No. 505070

File: 1742141261526.gif (553.74 KB, 556x640, tenor.gif)

Honestly most of you all here seem like misguided autistic/audhd girls who just never really had a place where they felt like they fit in and ganging up against trans women somehow fills that hole. Pls. Get diagnosed girlies.and join r/actuallesbians if you're wlw we always need more girlies there. Look inside u and see the truth…..(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 505071

kek his parents really did fuck up sending him to that stupid all moids school. that rolling stone article talking about the dynamics among the rich fucks there was interesting. he could’ve been worshipping women rn instead of rotting in a cell with moe lester

No. 505072

Maybe that’s also why his mom was very “overbearing”. She probably regrets letting him move to the west coast by himself.

No. 505074

Gilman is one of the most prestigious moid only schools in burgerland. I’m sure his parents only had good intentions for him, but they should’ve just sent his ass to public school where he could’ve got his ass beat up and humbled. He probably wouldn’t be so out of touch then.

No. 505075

File: 1742141524699.jpg (352.01 KB, 1008x1117, Cringe.jpg)

post early threads cringe

No. 505076

Midwits praising a midwit who would've thunk

No. 505077

yep i believe that’s why she was so overbearing too. though they probably could’ve fixed a lot of that by actually parenting him as a child. but then again many autists never really out grow being so exploitable. saying that now though, it seems like he was always doomed

No. 505078

what intellectual books KEK. it’s just mostly garbage YA novels and bs written by/about his tech daddies

No. 505079

File: 1742141716072.jpg (341.84 KB, 759x921, beautiful.jpg)

Luigi is higher than a 7, seethe haters

No. 505080

He is creating a damn cult!

No. 505081

thank you nona i cant believe people think a face like his is common/mid KEK

No. 505082

>self-improvement books

No. 505083

I wonder if his parents ever bothered getting him an autism diagnosis. He did retweet a post about peter thiel talking about people with aspergers excelling at tech start ups or some shit. Maybe he thought he had a touch of the ‘tism.

No. 505084

7 isn’t common nor mid. Mid is 4-5.

No. 505085

I hate him so much that despite him being objectively hot I want to beat his face in with hammers.
The fact that he worshipped Thiel makes me thankful he's in prison forever

No. 505087

He is literally almost a 10, wtf are people on?

No. 505088

File: 1742142447762.jpg (196.1 KB, 1300x956, basturmasoujouk.jpg)

Don't insult Armenians by comparing them to this AI atrocity

No. 505089

His ugly 'personality' leaks out of him and sullies him

No. 505091

i think they did because in way earlier threads someone claimed that his mom had an old fb post about having an autistic child, maybe weegee

No. 505092

it’s 100% has to be Luigi KEK

No. 505093

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No. 505094

Nah, it was his doctor sister and it seemed like an ordinary post about autism awareness.

No. 505095

Okay but no way are all of the replies agreeing.
>being a scientist
What the fuck?

No. 505096

my beautiful poodle/borzoi hybrid. i hate him, but he’s so cute

No. 505097

You go to Italy and there are so many moids like this. Monkey face structure, broccoli frizzy hair and hairy ass eyebrows. And the flaring nostrils. Plus he has that psycho stare of a guy that fakes being uwu silly, normie and deep while he's empty inside and wants to kill someone to feel something.

It's like he thinks he's in a movie, what a tryhard. Girl should have smashed his baboon face on the wall, maybe it would have improved.

No. 505098

File: 1742142968894.jpg (20.32 KB, 300x450, 1739136818841 (1).jpg)

this is an 8.5. the only person luigi is an "almost a 10" to is his mom

No. 505099

That thing is hideous kek

No. 505100

I think Italian moids are unattractive/not my type, but there’s something about him that’s really cute. Can’t put my finger on it.

No. 505101

That guy definitely isn’t a 8.5. He’s like Chico level perfection.

No. 505102

File: 1742143053027.jpg (253.91 KB, 571x683, luigi.jpg)

Imagine thinking this is mid, why are they even here if they think he's not good looking?

No. 505103

Is this a joke

No. 505104

OMG weeeeeeggggiiieeee how retarded can you be. Can’t say it enough, not one original thought. He deserves prison just for this.

No. 505105

>Autism moms: literal retardation is a superpower
>Techie autists: literal retardation is a superpower

Maybe jeet is right, female compassion did this.

No. 505106

I can't wait until his nose hairs grow even longer

No. 505107

>stupidass hair
>weak shoulders

No. 505108

It always cracks me up when people say "go to Italy, there are so many of these guys like Luigi!" As someone who DOES go to Italy, no the fuck there aren't. I was fucking starving over there. Explains why even actual Italian girls from back home are crazy about Luigi. A lot of Italian men are attractive but I didn't see someone close to Luigi. No need to diminish his looks because you've decided you don't like his personality.

No. 505109

This retard is the most beautiful man that ever lived. Shame about the personality

No. 505110

She appears in a podcast and in between segments she has to read the sponsor’s ad and say she uses their product. That is just one of the ads, there are other products.

No. 505111

OH MAN the amount of projection and cope in this post

No. 505112

Luigi was groomed by grifters.

No. 505114

Right. I’m constantly surrounded by Italian moids. They’re not cute like him.

No. 505115

We already know there are males who look like Luigi with all of the fake pictures of him like that skater boi and the boy in the background of the Eagles picture, I guess you just need to live on the northeast coast of USA

No. 505116

File: 1742143655230.jpg (416.95 KB, 1080x1309, not a common moid.jpg)

No. 505117

they don’t really look that much like him though. they just had curly brown hair and you barely saw their faces kek

No. 505118

He killed another moid.

No. 505119

Thank you! They're quite average to ugly, Luigi is rare.

No. 505120

Never underestimate a parents desperation for prestige

No. 505122

If that is all it takes to become attractive then why don't you just lust after gang members
>he was feeling something is terribly wrong and trying to verbalize this but failed at doing so, and in the end turned to action

No. 505123

Even beyond that, I think he has nice facial harmony and a cute smile. If he was ugly/mid, I wouldn’t even think much of him.

No. 505124

File: 1742143814681.jpeg (760.27 KB, 1179x1132, IMG_6987.jpeg)

Not really…he doesn't look like him at all

No. 505125

Who the fuck is that

No. 505126

File: 1742143869931.png (130.07 KB, 639x375, 1000005261.png)

Who cares

No. 505127

The skater people said was Luigi in December up close

No. 505128

Now he's getting manipulated and exploited by bpd single moms

No. 505129

Imagine being blessed with good looks as a moid and you decide to despise women and act like a faggot.

No. 505130

Do you guys think they're gonna indict him soon or push it back? It's getting close to the deadline

No. 505131

he looks nothing like this wop

No. 505132

and all for nothing because one of his classmates said he was at the bottom of the totem pole anyways damn. i can see why he disliked his parents so much, if he really does, being under their thumb bc they wanna keep up appearances is exhausting

No. 505133

What did he expect? His rich parents to not spend money on his wellbeing and education?

No. 505134

You know you're fucked up when the least cringe person you look up to is Ted Kaczynski.
Wee wam you should have read the Scum Manifesto.

No. 505136

Ah yes, the affluenza defense. It works

No. 505137

File: 1742144283273.jpeg (590.47 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_6611.jpeg)

he even admits to hating it kek

No. 505138

Looks like the love child of SBF and Luigi.

No. 505139

Yeah they’re very ugly. Luigi is like an exception.

No. 505140

And he just had to hate women and he can't even cook meatballs

No. 505141

No. This is another example of people blaming women when men are the ones who need to be punished. It's so embarrassing when moids chimp out and then people are like "he had mom issues! It's the moms fault" I'm tired of it. Blaming women is what did this shit.

No. 505142

Exactly. I wonder if their whole family is blaming her rn.

No. 505143

He did nothing wrong.

No. 505144

Hating women is wrong.

No. 505145

Trust me haters I wish he wasn't hot because personality wise Luigi is a 3.

No. 505146

So you agree he didn't do anything wrong then since he doesn't

No. 505147

No. 505148

same genre of moid as luigi and other lolcow "10s" (dzokhar tearnayev)

No. 505149

> Plus he has that psycho stare of a guy that fakes being uwu silly, normie and deep while he's empty inside and wants to kill someone to feel something.
I find this hot tbh, especially if it’s him killing greedy fat scrotes

No. 505150

>thinks psycho violent rapeape stares are hot
The state of this site

No. 505151

No way. This guy is objectively ugly. I hate retardigi, but he’s not an ugly moid.Probably his only positive trait.

No. 505152

We will continue to think he is hot and you will deal. Thought police are annoying.

No. 505153

Yes he does. If he didn't hate women he would have killed Musk and tried to buy 400 copies of RFH's book but couldn't because she doesn't have one.

No. 505154

are you joking or are you blind wtf

No. 505155

I think Luigi’s gorgeous but there are a few pics I’ve seen where he looks kinda ugly. It’s strange.

No. 505156

What violet rapeape stare? He just has the stare of an uppity, self-aggrandizing fraudulent moid with no real personality. Just awakens my deep seated hatred and sadistic lust. He’s going to get the DP and get locked up forever anyways.

No. 505157

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No. 505159

First of all he has incredible face structure with those cheekbones and that jawline, don't you dare insult his precious cherub curls, and his eyebrows are superior (especially when he's got the unibrow) and his big nose is sexy as fuck. The empty, soulless "psycho violent rapeape stares" are so hot they make me violently horny for him. Keep sneeding and seething!

No. 505160

Now this makes me think you’re a moid. I don’t know any women who would think this guy is hot. He’s “hot” by incel standards.(scrotefoiling)

No. 505161

File: 1742145778703.png (349.98 KB, 426x878, 8766876876.png)

ntayrt but as much as I hate Luigi I'm still not convinced he's a rapeape. He punched up with is anomalous to moids, especially of his limited mental capacity, he sucks grifter cock for sure, that is a crime that should be punished by public flogging regardless of who the perpetuator is (clothes on for uggos though).
But yeah, I'm still not convinced Luigi is actually a sex pest, the evidence against him is weak when most moids of his celebrity would at least have women coming forward and saying he assaulted them. The playing cards are bad but unfortunately it doesn't qualify him as a rapeape, just a mentally stunted frat scrote.
Luigi's stare isn't violent, just empty. Which makes sense because this guy is a giga retard.

No. 505162

File: 1742145923811.jpg (739.09 KB, 1080x2340, 1000003299.jpg)

Ok, and?

No. 505163

File: 1742146086917.jpg (332.3 KB, 1206x1970, 20250302_101002.jpg)

right? im confused this dude looks like what incels think a "chad" is. You can say what you want about luigis personality but looks wise he is a ten

No. 505164

I am leaning towards indictment. Can't wait to see the Redditors cry.

No. 505165

Stan twitter meltdown imminent

No. 505166

Low-key I'm genuinely scared. What do you guys think is gonna happen to him on the 19th?

No. 505167

That person has to be on an incel forum, that guy looks exactly like those male models they masturbate about being moggers or whatever.

Luigi is natural masculine beauty. He is dark and handsome personified. The audacity of these moids to bring up some anemic "model" in comparison.

No. 505168

He will definitely get indicted. I will find the stan meltdown funny but I also don't hate Luigi at all and think he served enough time.

No. 505170

What makes luigi a 10 is a combination of his chiseled facial features (the jawline, hello?) AND wide shoulders that are staples for masculine beauty. And he honored that with magnificent muscles. The seething moids that sneak in here to shit on his beauty are either short, weak-shouldered or have weak or multiple chins + a head that's destined to bald in their 30's kekkkk

No. 505171

File: 1742146896823.jpg (72.78 KB, 686x960, 20250313_185204.jpg)

if he is indicted, he will have an arraignment either on the 19th or a few days later. I dont know if they will say right way if they seek the death penalty or not

No. 505173

File: 1742147229340.jpeg (162.06 KB, 1157x394, IMG_6988.jpeg)

Yeah I'm scared too this is what was said last hearing but idk what extent of this was shown to jurors.

No. 505174

Praying hard for that death penalty

No. 505176

File: 1742147483201.jpg (86.89 KB, 736x896, 30592670704.jpg)

also his beautiful smile and perfect teeth

No. 505177

So much cope and seethe

No. 505179

File: 1742147772066.jpg (300.17 KB, 2048x1370, 1000004039.jpg)

How fucking hard would it have been to just destroy it all or store it… ffuuuckkkkk you dumb beautiful retard

No. 505180

it won't happen even if the feds want it

No. 505181

File: 1742147810709.png (268.64 KB, 1024x1024, gunman-on-the-run-after-shots-…)

Door shooter remains loose

No. 505183

File: 1742147993355.jpg (33.71 KB, 700x703, 1000004018.jpg)

Praying hard for you to suffer a life so miserable that death would be a mercy for you

No. 505184

That sucks. This world loves protecting sexist scrotes.

No. 505185

Gee I wonder why

No. 505186

This has to be a scrote. No woman cares about that CEO, not even his ex.

No. 505187

his wife should thank luigi for giving her everything on a silver platter. brian was about to be questioned on insider trading and they were getting divorced. now she has all of $40+ mil and 2 houses and her freedom kekk

No. 505188

File: 1742148597353.jpeg (256.28 KB, 1141x559, IMG_6991.jpeg)

Oh that's what Karen meant when she said she got additional evidence on 2/21. Idk if the legal team has even fully looked through all of that by now

No. 505189

How do we know she didn't plan this? Like Gypsy Rose and her sped bf. Brian wasn't even famous or known to the public.

No. 505190

we don't know but it's been VERY convenient for her

No. 505191

I’m against the death penalty, but if I were him, I would want it – at least you’d know what you’re going to die from.

No. 505192

Kek, I bet her Brian separated because he probably cheated on her as rich scrotes like to do. If that's the case, Luigi is actually a woman respecter.

No. 505193

Only someone as retarded as Luigi could get caught when he had everything in his favor to escape capture. Beyond the obvious not having everything right down to a written confession on him he really didn't have to sleep in a hostel. He could have lived like an NYC bum and just messed around for a couple days (avoiding being on camera in the hostel), shot the CEO, left, fucked off to LA or some other major city and lived as a literal who for a few months, then contact his mom, say he's doing fine and to leave him the fuck alone, and go back to life as normal, right down to getting a job if he wanted.
The feds are incompetent, even more incompetent than Luigi. In any other scenario, Luigi would have never been caught.

No. 505195

File: 1742149407317.gif (1000.87 KB, 640x480, 515.gif)

The fact that Thiel's fagtech got him caught

No. 505196

So deserved. He set himself up for failure the moment he started worshipping these misogynist techbros, so around high school age which is also when he peaked in life kek

No. 505197

Like she casually said oh "he got threats" before this. Then why he had no security and how would the killer know he was walking to a different entrace at that exact time? hmmm

No. 505198

I think you give the fagtech more credit than it's worth. If Luigi didn't have all the evidence on him and gave the cops his actual ID they'd have no grounds to arrest him. He'd have just remained a person of interest.

No. 505199

I really don't get that, that's the only thing that really confuses me. Also, the way brian walks all upbeat is weird. He also walks past the entrance.

No. 505200

>walks past the entrance
I thought he was just leaving the hotel?

No. 505202

No shoulders, gay, incel looking face with demon eyes, hides hairline like a coward.
This is a 6.

No. 505203

Brian probably thought that nobody would try anything on a Midtown Manhattan street. Many celebrities walk around NYC without security and they’re fine.

No. 505204

I always thought his peppy walk was so fucked

No. 505205

File: 1742150437945.mp4 (6.25 MB, 1920x886, screenrecording-03-16-2025-11-…)

This is them checking his body. Like what is this lol

No. 505206

Holy shit lol where did you get this and where is it uncensored

No. 505207

CEOs have bodyguards exspecially if they're a top 500 company, if they're acting now like he was this very important person it's the fault of the NYPD they didn't protect Brian.

No. 505208

File: 1742150776237.jpeg (28.42 KB, 640x450, IMG_6998.jpeg)

There's no uncensored video but I found it here.

No. 505210

So Luigi just killed some nobody for attention. If only he had the wherewithal to go after Thiel or Musk but he loved them.

No. 505211

I mean it makes sense he was peppy. Those monsters live for their shareholders and the shareholder conference is like where they brag about the profits they stol—er, made from their customers that year

No. 505212

Weird that he looks so small and his hands so tiny for a fat scrote

No. 505213

Yesh their sadistic greed keeps them afloat.

No. 505214

Thanks nonna

No. 505215

>10:44am 12/4/24

Wow he really called who Luigi is immediately

No. 505217

File: 1742151073304.jpeg (83.73 KB, 994x596, IMG_6997.jpeg)

maybe he was trying to enter the Hilton through a different entrance and that's why he walked passed this one

No. 505218

File: 1742151286312.jpeg (82.05 KB, 828x861, IMG_6618.jpeg)

luigi got 700k in givesendgo donations, so I checked the one for daniel penny. how tf does he have over 3 million in donations

No. 505219

Racism! That's insane he got $3 milion wtf

No. 505221

Luigi really has no critical thinking skills or mind of his own. I wonder, did he feel like an aimless, massive failure that just wanted to throw his whole life away? He seemed very bitter towards the end.

No. 505222

Conservatives hate random schizo black men more than people who are killing them and their loved ones for profit.

No. 505223

Mind-boggling especially with how much press and support Luigi has gotten compared to this fag. Do conservatards really have that much more money?

No. 505224

Yeah he's just the average scrote that knows he should have never been born and never should have had his parent's resources go into giving him a life he never deserved in the first place so he acted out for attention in the only way a male knows how, which is to kill someone else. Being ignored by his grifter daddies was probably the last straw.

No. 505225

He had to wait a year and a half for his trial. Retard has had it up for 3.5 months

No. 505226

No. People know that Luigi’s family is rich. The HBO documentary made it a point to show how rich the Mangiones are. The criminologist lady stated that Luigi doesn’t need the extra money.

No. 505227

File: 1742152067584.jpeg (256.94 KB, 828x1148, IMG_6620.jpeg)

some prominent conservatard figures donated to him

No. 505228

Blood money

No. 505230

Ideally his parents would pull his funding and let Luigi's super fans pay for everything, like that Onlyfans woman he's going to marry.

No. 505232

over 3 million in a year and a half is still crazy

No. 505233

Well he needs Bill Burr and wife to make a handsome donation, since he keeps screaming to free him in public.

No. 505234

i would bet a lot of money that Luigi’s grifter daddies would’ve defended him if he targeted a some random civilian woman instead of a greedy ceo. kek

No. 505236

No literally he needs to pay up at this point

No. 505237

I agree. Moids encourage eachother to punch down and terrorize innocent civilians, but when one punches up it scares them because all these losers are nothing more than sentient sperm cells.

No. 505238

Yeah Bill needs to start promoting his defense fund. I’m going to assume he doesn’t know about it yet.

No. 505241

File: 1742153468199.jpeg (354.39 KB, 1104x1557, IMG_0763.jpeg)

The Eagles pic was a straight up photoshop so that doesn’t count.

There’s also that fitness guy on IG who mildly resembles him enough that this pic still gets passed off as him

No. 505242

I’m shocked he hasn’t yet. He’s literally one of the few people who still talks about him in media.

No. 505244

No, the other Eagles picture that wasn't photoshop

No. 505247

Yeah. They would probably say something along the lines of: “See, women provoke male violence by not wanting to be a second class citizen who stays at home all the time. Luigi is a very well-adjusted model citizen who shouldn’t have to go to prison for this, he did nothing wrong” or some shit.

No. 505248

File: 1742154145367.jpeg (208.89 KB, 858x236, IMG_0764.jpeg)

kek I forgot about this

No. 505250

Which one of his memories is 'Kelly' is that the girlfriend that one anonymous guy mentioned on that TMZ "documentary" that he broke up with and didn't give a shit about

No. 505251

this is what he sees in the mirror. No wonder he didn’t know he was a stunner.

No. 505252

Bill Burr is exposing how much of a loud mouth hypocrite he is by not donating to him. Yelling "Free Luigi" every 10 seconds while doing nothing actionable to help free Luigi is giving clout seeking. He's actually getting on my nerves. He probably doesn't care, he just wants to be loud. I would have respected him more if he put his money where his big mouth is.

No. 505253

Luigi didn't want to be there. He needed to go to a school with girls to humble him.
I think Kelly is a unisex name

No. 505254

Honestly other than making the media nervous with his luigisperging I hate bill burr. Whenever he talks about women I want to alog his ugly ginger face.

No. 505255

Oh yeah Kelly can be a boy's name maybe. Going to an all male school definitely caused Luigi to become homosocial and worship walled sexist scrotes. If he actually went to a school with girls they would have bullied him and shut him up as he deserves.
Is he sexist too? That tracks to why he'd like Luigi so much.

No. 505256

Unfortunately, it seems like his family just sends their boys in moid-only, college prep schools. Nino also got sent to one, but didn’t even go to an Ivy League university afterwards.

No. 505257

File: 1742154669926.jpg (368.8 KB, 1252x2632, 1000005306.jpg)

What an insult

No. 505258

not with those weak shoulders

No. 505259

Which one?

No. 505260

His chinstrap beard phase was so gross, he looked like a gross fuckboy no wonder he didn't have a gf

No. 505261

I think Luigi would’ve benefitted a lot from getting his shit rocked by an aggressive, smart girl in hs. His ego really needed to be checked.

No. 505262

there was someone that posed to one of the luigi subreddits that her bf looks like luigi and it was the only legit one. but i think they were like 13.
the post is probably gone now

No. 505264

Wow his tan lines are kinda hot

No. 505265

I would have verbally abused him so much like I did to the boys in my high school, but they don't fall in love with girls like that but I hope they were humbled nonetheless. They were ugly anyway.
One of the underage Luigi fanatics who are obsessed with him as a toddler I bet

No. 505266

File: 1742154895691.jpeg (805.1 KB, 797x2263, IMG_0766.jpeg)

his fang is the cutest

No. 505268

He does have a lot of cute features. I’m even kind of into his ptosis

No. 505269

One of my biggest turn-ons are those fang teeth ugh

No. 505270

I hate how venomous he is when he talks about certain women. I don't get why his wife pretends to be a feminist and is grinning right alongside him.

No. 505271

His droopy retard eye is where all of his evil emanates from, we should carve it out so he can have a chance at one day respecting women, and he can wear an eyepatch.

No. 505272

the gymbro look alike has a better physique than him come on nona, weegee has a fucked up posture and looks like a caveman at times i hate to say

No. 505274

I think its cute that the back teeth of his are slanted and the front row of his teeth are more prominent.

No. 505275

It’s the tism peeking thru kek

No. 505276

Maybe someone in prison will do that kek

No. 505277

I wonder if Luigi's massive yacht feet negatively affect his posture. Actually nevermind, maybe I can find that gif/vid that was posted in the last thread or two where Luigi bends his neck at a 90 degree angle to go on his phone during a football game, that's probably where his issues come from. Gamer physique.

No. 505278

I never noticed how asymmetrical his face was wow

No. 505279

Ray Pist has a Tell-Tale Heart moment
I kind of hate his chipmunk rodent teeth structure, did he never have braces?

No. 505280

File: 1742155456447.png (2.25 MB, 928x1522, 1000005295.png)

Need more Backiji

No. 505281

for a gamer, his steam gallery sucks. who even puts 254.7 hours into terraria. that game is so boring.

No. 505282

Fucking gorgeous, there's something erotic about this pic.

No. 505283

he has a nice board back, perfect surface area to be struck with a bullwhip

No. 505284

It really does suck, but Terraria is pretty fun. Then again I have less than 70 hours and I barely want to ever play it again, but when I did I had fun.

No. 505285

He actually did have braces. It was more complex so they straightened his teeth. But he would’ve probably needed more to address the slanted back teeth.

No. 505286

You get it
They should have just ripped all of his teeth out and gave him new, proper ones. No anesthetic though, that's cringe.

No. 505287

Nice try fed but Ouiigi deff has the better physique, grotesque feet, caveman posture and all

No. 505288

It's literally the same physique they probably followed the same regiment.

No. 505289

scars from where he lost his angel wings of course

No. 505291

i thought he would’ve had more moid games in there like bloodbourne kek. wasn’t he a league or overwatch player eugh

No. 505292

I know he played tons of COD

No. 505293

didnt the schizo he killed assault women frequently? dont feel bad if so

No. 505294

yeah I would’ve thought so, but I think he’s more of a casual player. maybe he’s more of a console gamer.

No. 505298

They let homeless moids into strip clubs?

No. 505299

yeah the actual italian moids always look a bit greasy and unwashed

No. 505301

He probably sucked at video games, hence why he couldn't live his dream of creating any.

No. 505302

No, Brian

No. 505303

expected for a male
but if he wanted to be a gamedev i would expect some slightly underground classics like vtmb, thief etc.
i dont think he had any classic rpgs

No. 505304

i wonder if the games he emulated were also on those usbs. i guess we’ll never know tho because he totally locked down his tech kek
… I’m so impatient I wanna know what exactly was in those usbs

No. 505305

File: 1742156687712.jpeg (259.65 KB, 828x975, IMG_6627.jpeg)

brian also did kek. i hate strip club moids

No. 505306

wanna do predictions?
>lion king movie
>cad model of gun parts
>another murder diary, this time in digital form

No. 505307

We aren't talking about Brian the fuck
No, classic rpgs would be too difficult for him.
Luigi and Brian would've gotten along kek, they could have went to sex clubs together

No. 505308

im not sure if brian is into getting beaten by ladyboys like him though

No. 505309

we are talking about the black homeless schizo the other guy killed
redditor level reading comprehension

No. 505310

File: 1742156889769.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1107x1448, IMG_0770.jpeg)

I think he was just aimless and bitter and lonely, yes. I don’t think he actually had any sort of greater meaning or intention other than leaving his mark on the world. He’s not a revolutionary.

But he didn’t go after a woman or other innocents, so there’s that.

No. 505311

Yeah probably not, but Brian would have had his back though.

No. 505312

ai always giving him deep ass wrinkles you just know its library is filled with uggos

No. 505313

I’m kind of shocked he didn’t kek

No. 505314

If he went after an ex or a child he would have been hated. He clearly wanted people to worship him like he worshipped his grifters.

No. 505315

Yeah it makes him look so old

No. 505316

I like his retarded posture.

No. 505317

With the current political climate, him committing femicide would’ve probably be seen as more reasonable/okay than him killing a fat disgusting scrote. His grifter daddies would been on their knees sucking him off

No. 505318

Not really considering how many people love him right now. His grifter daddies would be sucking him off, but they're just some random obscure moids he had a parasocial relationship with. I wonder if Luigi thought they'd be impressed though, since Griftyman, whom he idolized, tweeted about shooting CEOs. He's never going to earn the love of Elon or Thiel though, sadly.

No. 505319

me, too. maybe he has bad posture from his back pain

No. 505320

File: 1742157287047.jpg (288.64 KB, 1575x2099, jmxjp4g734pe1.jpg)

alleged new letter responding to someone who sent him their Substack Article about the analysis of his supporters

No. 505321


No. 505322

File: 1742157341882.jpg (81.22 KB, 1006x757, satnz5g734pe1.jpg)


No. 505323

No I meant Brian not Luigi lmaoooo

No. 505324

>wasted a stamp on this
He is in it for the grift KEK he isn't responding to any of us you.

No. 505325

I really want to know who the other possible targets were. Luigi is retarded but I have a feeling he didn’t really write down every single thought in that journal.

No. 505326

Lazy retard wasting a stamp on another super low-effort letter. He needs severe punishment for this.

No. 505328

>almost misspelling subscribed

No. 505329

You can tell he isn't feeling thankful that people are actually spending time and energy to write to him. He thinks it's all some funny game, and he's only going to respond to people he can get money and undivided attention and support from. That's why he ranks the letters and wastes his finite stamps on shit like this. He really is a soulless NPC.

No. 505330

I’m sure he would’ve preferred their love over the countless naive women who blindly worship every little thing about him on shitter and plebbit. I think under certain circumstances, he would’ve still gotten support from rw politicians. Seeing how much burgerland hates women, I wouldn’t be shocked.

No. 505331

File: 1742157551556.png (2.17 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7009.png)

I'm gonna read it now

No. 505332

I thought articles & anything discussing the shooting weren't allowed?

No. 505333

I think he’s starting to get sick of replying to letters kek. That or Karen told him to try to make low effort, uncontroversial responses so people don’t freak out over them on plebbit.

No. 505334

Yeah but look at how he's responding to all of these low effort letters from women who want to suck him off.
I guess anything is allowed now, he probably has that OF lady's nudes hanging up on his wall too.

No. 505335


No. 505336

File: 1742157764132.png (1.39 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7011.png)

She posted this 3 days ago idk

No. 505337

Luigi is in on the grifts oh my god.
>Luigi read it!
That pretty much tells me to not read it.

No. 505338

Whyyyyyyy did you have to remind me of her nasty nudes again

No. 505339

I'm screaming, how bad are his letters getting that he's not giving a fuck anymore?

I wouldn't be surprised if he picks a few penpals from the lot and shuts down this whole letter thing kek

No. 505340

He doesn't respond to the nonas from here but he responds to that. And you know his penpals will be Emily, OF lady, and maybe holli hashbrowns.

No. 505341

How the fuck is luigi allowed to read substack in prison?

No. 505342

What a fucking retard kek, he's treating this like one big joke

No. 505343

her vagina is horrifying. scrotes that pay for OF are seriously so pathetic

No. 505344

I think only one nona so far got her letter received. Still an absolute insult though. I think if I ever do receive a letter back (yeah, right) I am not telling a single soul IRL because I am going to be associated with these trashy people.

No. 505345

We still have a shot, let's look at his next appendix drop and see if someone made it through. But yeah, I had expected him to have more intellecktual penpals and he's writing back to single moms with midwest porn OFs lmao

No. 505346

Either he doesn't care or she posted this to be apart of the fake letter hype that's been happening this past week.

No. 505347

wednesday is coming~

No. 505348

Using his hour of ipad time.
I think her vagina is fake, why is it so high up on her body

No. 505349

summarize it when you're done.

No. 505350

Lord forgive me, but it evoked feelings of Zoidberg

No. 505351

He's basking in the attention too much it's like a new drug, the come down when he realizes his reality will be sad.

No. 505352

that tattoo is so horrible. why can’t anyone accurately capture his likeness

No. 505353

Well he does have an addictive personality.

No. 505354

yeah, but he also probably thinks they’re stupid pathetic bitches. maybe he even shows moe lester and ray pist their letters for a good laugh

No. 505355

What's with the asterisk next to some people's names? Does that mean he responded to them?

No. 505356

I need drawnona to draw Luigi, Moe Lester, and Ray Pist hanging out sitting on the ground criss-cross applesauce like the video of Luigi venting on the carpet to the asian girls at Surfshack, but it's him and the pedos making friendship bracelets, arts and crafts with the pictures of women and children Luigi receives, and giggling at the letters.
I think so

No. 505357

That's why Karen is letting him do whatever, deep down they already know he's done

No. 505358

pic with braces?

No. 505359

him comparing himself to the scrote from jackass is so funny. i wonder if luigi didn’t go to prison, maybe he would’ve also been shoving stuff up his ass as entertainment for other scrotes.

No. 505360

no, it means postmarked date wasnt visible on the photocopy so he used another visible date (adressed in the letter)

No. 505361

This level of fawning and lusting in his letters is probably making him hate women more ngl and men hate pick mes.

No. 505362

its in one of the school portraits when he was like 9

No. 505363

Oh please. He's loving this shit

No. 505364

>braces at 9
No wonder his teeth are fucked, he got braces for his baby teeth why do parents do this

No. 505365

he probably does. scrotes who hate themselves will hate any pick me that’s blowing smoke up their ass.

No. 505366

If he hated it he wouldn't respond to it. He's attracted to obnoxious women like a fly to shit. Then he nods with the indian grifters that "oh yes it's all women like that" as he ignores any rational minded women.

No. 505368

that could be true. he seemed to be the closest to his sister mariasanta though and she seems very accomplished, unmarried, rational, etc.

No. 505369

You might be right, let's not forget his "eMiLy, is this one of the wishes you want to ask genie Luigi?"


No. 505370

I wonder if he looks down on some of these people that write him, he does give me an air of arrogance

No. 505371

Explains why he hung out with Tracy so much. He sucks!

No. 505372

I'm reading the article now and it's all about his influence. The tattoos, the look-a-like contests, etc. He loves this.
Subscribed in all caps

No. 505373

he’s a huge hypocrite so he loves the attention bc male ego and validation but I’m sure it just proves further his grifter daddies’ ideas of how stupid women are. also him responding to the craziest freaks is deff for his entertainment kek.

No. 505374

KEKK of course he would. what a narcissist. I hate that i love his face

No. 505375

Definitely, including the people he responded to. He can't help himself. I wonder if he's baiting half the time. If your letter bored him and was too respectful but in a normie way he probably just throws it out. When it's written by a clearly infatuated woman he can't help but feed into it.
That's what I mean, for his entertainment. Hence 'write back as much as you want!' he wants his ego stroked but he wants a laugh, too. Narc.

No. 505376

nonas who wrote to him: were your letters too normal for him? kek

No. 505377

It's just how moids are. I saw a video where this tradcath scrote told group of women he would rather fuck the oldest woman on earth than the hottest troon because he's not gay.
One woman sperged out and screeched at him and another woman was completely rational and said the christian scrote wasn't compelled to fuck trannoids regardless of how well they pass.
All the comments on the videos completely ignored the woman who sided with the moid and said ALL women cape for trannies. Not a single one addressed that there was obvious nuance in the group of women.
Men are fucking idiots. All of them.

No. 505378

now I want to know what Mia wrote him if he reacted so negatively.

No. 505380

He's just vain and using his time in prison writing letters like a dating show, he probably didn't find her attractive and didn't want her pictures anymore.

No. 505381

The written content? Probably. The drawings, not so much. They might be too autistic and cringe for him to want to respond to though. Nobody's reported that he's responded to a letter with drawings so I don't think I am getting a response.

No. 505382

This is why women should stop caping for troons. Some women are so self-hating and naively compassionate it hurts kek. And yeah, moids are absolutely retarded.

No. 505383

She asked to be his penpal and likely wasn't hot enough

No. 505384

She must’ve been -2/10 if he’s accepting the OF woman with the nasty vagina instead.

No. 505385

He is 100% trolling some of these people he's writing back to. I'm now convinced. I do think this is his entertainment and he's highly entertained because they're stroking the shit out of his ego.

No. 505386

Honestly Luigi seems like the type to get off on SJW cringe compilations circa 2016 kek.

No. 505387

KEK mia couldn’t have been that unattractive when we have seen the pattern of what most of his exes look like. maybe she was just super fat

No. 505388

well MDC won't let in a pic of her vag, but she probably sent him one of her cosplay or elf ears pics. Nerdy moids love cosplay and I have never been able to understand that.

No. 505389

I always thought he’s mockingly replying to them. He liked to openly mock people on Twitter for acting schizo or retarded. It probably is his best form of entertainment compared to losing to SBF in chess.

No. 505391

women should stop caping for men full stop. They need to stop buying into the "muh female identity" larp. In a perfect world all women would shame the moid not for refusing to fuck trannoids but instead mocking him relentlessly for needing a book to instruct him not to fuck dudes in the ass instead of just thinking for himself (his reason for not being gay was because he was a christian).

No. 505392

KEKKKK getting the attention in prison he couldn’t get on twitter while he’s waiting to see if they send him to the fryer i hate this fucker

No. 505393

Yeah he mocked people on twitter for being schizo and retarded yet he himself was just as schizo and retarded and so were the males he followed. He's just an asshole. Now he's mocking those who support him, want him free, give him money, care about him, etc. He really deserves to rot in prison until he gets the mercy of the chair.

No. 505394

he's literally reenacting his twitter days except in this dynamic, he's Max! we've just cracked it

No. 505395

kekkkkkk trolling from fucking prison he’s being so unserious and accepted that he will get the chair this is why nonnies should continue to troll him via mail cause he doesn’t care anymore it’s his only form of entertainment

No. 505396

I've been saying this, he wants to be a grifter so bad. He wanted to be one on twitter and now he's being one from prison.

No. 505398

Ok, how is she sending such a long document to him? Is MDC not giving a fuck now? Something stinks about this.

No. 505399

I suspect David is also trolling the shit out of us, what Luigi gets is literally at the whim of the mailroom staff and the COs. Honestly, they may even skew his mail for crazy letters or shit that may lead him to incriminate himself

No. 505400

Jokes on them he's loving it

No. 505402

I agree nona. women should be less empathetic/compassionate towards moids in general. all moids know how to do is take advantage

No. 505403

hope he continues mocking people it’s funny how his letters make people meltdown on twitter and reddit

No. 505405

What would you do if you got a letter back from MDC but it was from Moe Lester, who found your letter crumpled up in the trash can and was kind enough to write you back.

No. 505406

yeah I actually like it kek. a nona here should write to him pretending to be a crazy single mother and slip a sentence or two of ragebait in between. maybe mention gurwinder publically mocking him kek

No. 505407

I'm wondering when they'll realize they've been glazing up and crying snot bubbles over a man who's a literal troll.

No. 505409

I wonder if the chomos and other prisoners are jealous of him getting so many letters when their family probably doesn’t even write to them.

No. 505410

no yeah we should. I just think that the fucking cos that are reading letters aren’t letting in anything that isn’t pure ~~cock~~ ego stroking slop

No. 505411

Great now he's going to consider himself a god

No. 505413

Thanks for the summary. Reading this, I can see how it would be unwise for him to respond to the points she made since the whole fucking thing is discussing his case. "Subscribed" is the really the best answer he can give her besides not answering at all.

No. 505415

I get this feeling too. He almost certainly hates the Luigi stans constantly emailing him. Maybe it's cope but I also feel like they probably are giving the shittiest letters to Luigi first. There has to be a non-retard letter in the pile that might get a more thoughtful reply from him.

No. 505416

He probably loved this shit and thinks he's a god

No. 505417

it was a 22 pages letter btw

No. 505418

He always loved trolling. He even loves going to Asia to troll ladyboys and “yakuza” bosses kek.

No. 505419

22????? oh they’re trying to get him to admit to something yeah. theyre fucking trolling everyone on what letters are getting in.

No. 505420

I hate her.

No. 505421

So you can send more than three pages huh. He probably masturbated his ego so hard after reading the article and thinks he's some sort of messiah. Great. He's just going to get more insufferable in letters now, I wouldn't be surprised if he starts grading women like Onision.

No. 505422

what if that is why all the signatures are different? It's just different criminals writing?

No. 505423

File: 1742161171232.jpeg (565.78 KB, 727x1883, IMG_7014.jpeg)

Summary (sorry typos at first)

No. 505424

She claims she printed the entire article to send him and it was 11 pages long front and back. I ain't believing non of these grifters.

No. 505425

KEK, Ray Pist did not like the look of Mia
>Luigi is agnostic he wouldn't want to be compared to God!
This is retarded. Yes he would. Agnostics love that shit. He isn't even atheist.

No. 505426

they're making up rules as they go

No. 505427

The different signatures might be how he knows he enjoyed a letter. The fancy cursive one is for ones he liked and the ones he didn't get the simple "Luigi".

No. 505428

He's such an asshole he probably loves the idea of women fighting over him online

No. 505429

I can see Luigi becoming a cathfag in prison.

No. 505430

File: 1742161448033.jpg (103.83 KB, 609x508, asif.jpg)

This bitch is full of shit

No. 505432

Yeah it’s weird in the article she said letters can’t mention “glorifying violence” but this technically does. Since it mentions Luigi’s support throughout.

No. 505433

He was raised Catholic so he already knows it isn't as white supremacy tradfag as converts make it out to be, he might transition to like an Evangelist or something I don't know.
It could be a myth.

No. 505434

Kek, he has to be loving it. He told Holli he was flattered.

No. 505436

File: 1742161674895.jpg (1.32 MB, 1793x3453, mom and child photo hoarder.jp…)

New kr cringe about fake letters and shit.

No. 505437

i can totally see MDC letting this letter in expressly to bait him. If you write a lovely letter that is sunshine and roses and somehow exceeds three pages, they'll throw that out though

No. 505439

Hahaha oh no, the mother and child collection begins. I knew she'd make a comic about this.

No. 505440

it's official, Luigi being a patron saint of single moms is forever part of his lore

No. 505441

I wonder how he would react to these comics

No. 505442

File: 1742161909862.jpg (313.97 KB, 1008x689, SUBSCRIBED.jpg)

kek, no wonder he loved it

No. 505443

He would love them, he would crack up and share them with Diddy and Moe Lester

No. 505444

Yeah but I also doubt any CO would bother photocopying 22 pages. This bitch is lying to promote her substack.

No. 505445

>willing to engage with different ideas
Different from normal people yes, but he followed the same type of woman-hating techbro tards.

No. 505446

File: 1742162008407.png (258.02 KB, 640x239, IMG_7015.png)

No. 505447

actually I agree with that too, prison staff are notoriously lazy

No. 505449

He did the murder because he hated his parents for getting him braces too early and not when he needed it for his rodent teeth

No. 505450

I’m going to relentlessly send him letters that increasingly bully him until he puts me on his ban list

No. 505451

He was such a weird looking kid

No. 505452

He’s apparently in 9th grade here not 9, but still.

No. 505453

His dreamworks smile

No. 505454

He's 14 or 15 there? So he was one of those kids. Yeah I would have bullied the shit out of him.

No. 505455

kek, the cat photo. Her made-up story about Luigi being a cat lover is now canon, reality be damned

No. 505456

i wonder if luigi is resentful towards women for not giving him attention when he was an ugly duckling. now that’s a retarded swan, he probably does get off on trolling ladyboys and single mothers kek

No. 505457

idk why this picture of him is creeping me out, he looks a bit evil here lmao

No. 505458

KEK other people said this too

No. 505459

kek “people need to hear my words”

Luigi’s words: “SUBSCRIBED”

No. 505460

i wonder if he did get bullied in Gilman

No. 505461

Luigi being awkward and weird looking until he was 20 protected him and kept his physical aura pure. Had he been an attractive kid he would have been an ugly bald adult with evil in his eyes.
>As a Christian
Fuck off with this 'holier than thou' hypocricy. Most "devout" Christians will sacrifice their children to their pedo pastors and psychologically torment their loved ones with irrational morality. I will stand by it forever, no matter how much I hate Luigi. I am glad Brian Thomson is dead, and I wish more of these CEO assholes would die. They do nothing for humanity except destroy our environment and our livelihood, then expect me to kiss their ass. Fuck off. Thomson's memed out murder was the best part of 2024 hands down.

No. 505462

It's because he is evil, you can sense it.
Apparently he did, which is deserved. Little scrawny know-it-all.

No. 505463

his evil energy was seeping out. as he got older, he was smart enough to hide it behind his beautiful outer shell.

No. 505464

i would lean towards yes because those tiktok stans found some of his old Gilman pics (early years) and he looked like 5ft tall compared to his peers. and if he was nerdy and weird on top of being short… yeah

No. 505465

Should’ve been to a public school so girls would’ve bullied him, too.

No. 505466

The pointy eyebrows kek

No. 505467

He was probably already watching porn too, if that's him freshman year of high school.

No. 505468

File: 1742162838618.jpeg (524.21 KB, 672x661, IMG_0777.jpeg)

retarded swan KEK

No. 505469

yk what, maybe he made a dating profile just to troll women by deliberately talking about boring shit like birthrates kek.

No. 505470

this is his most haggard pic lol tf happened

No. 505471

lol the types that push for porn regulation are the same that were jacking their shit nonstop. and mbti anon said weegee had poor impulse control

No. 505472

Weewam really gets weird looking if he doesn't tame that hungry caterpillar on his forehead

No. 505473

the braces shaped his face and set the foundation for being hot

No. 505474

Probably, and mentally rated all the women 1-10 in his head as if he's the arbiter of all things good.
He was definitely whacking it and probably talking to the other nerdy boys about porn and they were grossed out.

No. 505475

He got a citation for trespassing a “closed area” of Nu'uanu Pali Lookout and the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources shared this pic. It’s from Nov. 2023.

No. 505476

kek i wish more of his classmates went anon to drop a few juicy stories or details

No. 505477

He thinks he can just go anywhere because he's a spoiled rich fag.

No. 505478

fuck me, this has to be one of his worst pics and I still would. I'm hopeless.
He probably had a prolonged no fap phase too. Big gaps with no girlfriend, maybe something else was fulfilling his needs.

No. 505479

yeah mbti anon’s post also said that he’s very insecure of his looks kek.

No. 505480

Ik the Asian guy Brian that was his frat brother at UPenn also was at Gilman since Luigi started at the school. So they’ve known each other since he was little

No. 505481

Ugh me, too. I’m shocked one of them even posted something as critical and objective as that.

No. 505482

this is why he will be prey to single mothers who do midwest porn, they will gas him up and inflate his ego

No. 505483

>something else was fulfilling his needs
Yeah drinking until he blacks out kek
Well considering he sees the flipped version of himself in the mirror I'm not surprised. It's also why he looksmaxxed and went to the gym to bulk. He is lucky that Italian genes are made for that.
You think the anonymous guy on the TMZ doc who said Luigi had emotional regulation issues and didn't give a fuck when he broke up with his girlfriend was legit?

No. 505484

kinda surprising. i genuinely think him being such a late bloomer/short up until like he was 17 is why he dated tall women as he got older. and it’s why i think the vertically challenged thing Patrick wrote about was deff said by luigi

No. 505485

Yeah. He’s still acting like one now, because he thinks his parents’ money will save him somehow.

No. 505486

No, he said horizontally challenged because the engineer can't tell vertical from horizontal.

No. 505487

Yeah, mbti anon also said he has emotional regulation problems.

No. 505489

File: 1742163617247.png (388.47 KB, 679x1137, LL.png)

See, I'm not insane for thinking Luigi's relationships lasted a few months at best. Despite the gaslighting. He probably breaks off with women when he gets bored from not being praised and entertained, or the women break up with him because he's boring and annoying, and he doesn't give a fuck or suppresses his disappointment and refuses to change himself because he's lazy and thinks the universe will change for him. Stop gaslighting me.

No. 505491

Do you think he would scream at girls when he would get mad

No. 505492

File: 1742163829738.png (113.97 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_6634.png)

Probably kek

No. 505493

he’s so autistic idk why people can’t see that. everything lines up. or is it that the masses think he’s too hot to be autistic?
his jump from extremely awkward robotics nerd to shirtless (nerdy) frat bro is so jarring. men are so fragile kek his psyche must be so fucked just from that and his parents not loving him. his looksmaxxing journey probably started his deeper dive down rw stuff

No. 505494

He would probably go "Ugh! You're so retarded!" in a really brash, mean tone, and talk over you and when you're clearly making good points he would just walk away and start playing video games.

No. 505495

I don't see him as a screaming faggot. Probably someone who would just act like a little whiny bitch then ghost before him or the girl would break up kek.

No. 505496

Actually shocked no one has an anecdote of him fully crashing out on someone. I think it was mentioned somewhere that he was a bit volatile at Gilman but it was so vague I was like "so what?" The Thailand ladyboy fight is the only time he seems to have engaged in any previous violence (if the krauts are telling the truth).

No. 505497

People definitely think he's some sort of sexy genius and not a hot tard. Also I think his parents did love him, he just didn't love himself because he knows he is unlovable. But as a moid he can't just improve himself and change it, he has to wallow. He probably sees nerdy = not cool and hot = cool so he pretended to be some frat chad and got drunk all the time. But he wasn't even in one of the party frats that get laid all the time so he just hated himself more. Retard.
>if the krauts are telling the truth
If the messages are real, since it was Luigi who admitted it while shitting on the toilet.

No. 505498

Trouble making decisions like throwing away that gun, sounds about right kek

No. 505499

I’ve always thought he was on the spectrum tbh. His mannerisms, interests, lack of self-awareness that his grifter daddies don’t want him, etc. It was all written on the wall.

No. 505500

File: 1742164080569.png (10.86 KB, 1461x105, luigi perhaps.PNG)

Randomly scrolled through /ot/ and found Luigi posting from the prison computers. I don't know why Karen would tell him about this place.

No. 505502

kek as retarded as he is, that’s probably the one thing his parents actually managed to do right. so he doesn’t seem the yelling type but he does seem the type to be brash, bottle up emotions, and avoid conflict and accountability

No. 505503

No, I think he would make a face, be pissed off, and walk away

No. 505504

NTA but eh I can definitely see him using insults towards women when he's mad, like calling women retarded, stupid, bitchy, etc

No. 505505

File: 1742164324952.webp (49.71 KB, 640x962, lm-responds-to-someone-who-sen…)

Apparently she's a Max fan

No. 505506

I don't think he screams, but i think he goes for low blows in arguments i get that vibe.

No. 505507

Oh he is getting married to this one for sure.

No. 505508

Of course she is. Grifters congregate.

No. 505510

No. 505511

Why did people gravitate to him after announcing he was doing a multipart series on Luigi? I noticed that and found it weird. Its like after that happened people are camped in his comments. And people are cool with him even though he exploited Luigi numerous times. Then he gave a half-ass apology.

No. 505512

It's so weird seeing these women align with grifters, like this woman with max and emily with jason brooks. Luigi is almost exclusively replying to users kek

No. 505513

of course she's one of the max dicksuckers, kek. i bet you she's a self-diagnosed autist too

No. 505514

It’s kind of weird that they took a photo of someone they cited. Maybe they did it cause he was hot, but if so, good job taking a very unflattering photo of an otherwise flawless face.

No. 505515

and max has also gotten almost entirely new female followers since his luigi expose, despite being sexist as fuck and racist. like wtf.

No. 505517

File: 1742164937875.jpeg (208.42 KB, 1033x1542, IMG_0778.jpeg)

he probably sees his wonky-ass eye and crooked smile in the mirror and it bothers him although it looks harmonious and perfect to us

No. 505518

max using luigi as a way to grift to more people despite having no relationship with him and constantly ignoring him is kinda funny. deserved, even if max is a total faggot.

No. 505519

A lot of women don't care about racism or sexism unfortunately.

No. 505520

he also has an insufferable personality when he isn’t larping as your gay bestfriend and he’s like 5’7”. he probably never thought girls are gonna want him so he decided to pivot to misogynstic grifters before committing a crime and fucking off to become a life long prison scrote kek.

No. 505521

you’d think with all the money he has he would fix his ptosis.

No. 505522

File: 1742165225860.jpg (425.81 KB, 1228x1650, 1000006396.jpg)

Still would Mirrorigi, I find the wonky eye endearing. Maybe beat his face up so much the other eye gets wonky, or the wonky eye gets straight

No. 505523

His mom has it too. I noticed she does in the Youtube video she has that was posted on Tiktok.

No. 505524

unfortunately same. i wanna abuse him so he has even worse emotion regulation issues kek

No. 505525

Kek true except he's 5'10'' or taller.

No. 505526

Aw he’s just like his mommy.

No. 505527

some news outlets say he’s like 5’7/5’8, who knows how tall he is kek

No. 505528

KEK it’s so crazy that his ptosis is not nearly as noticeable when it’s mirrored…

No. 505529

Come on it looks like he just has a completely differently sized eyeball.

No. 505531

I find his ptosis attractive, I like his canines, I like his big flared nostrils, I like his unibrow, I think he's perfect

No. 505532

He is as tall as I want him. If I want him shorter I will just force him into a small iron box. When I want him taller I will just put him on the rack.

No. 505533

He's an inch shorter then the bald cop that's 5’11”. But also the journalist that went to the first hearing who also posted the best buy video. He said Luigi was 6’0”.

No. 505534

can someone make the two mirrors of this?

No. 505536

File: 1742165796200.png (63.08 KB, 1729x263, Screenshot 2025-03-16 185433.p…)

I swear reddit is so damn delusional kek

No. 505537

They try to make him a feminist so bad.

No. 505538

File: 1742165850905.jpeg (167.78 KB, 967x787, IMG_6639.jpeg)

Her ptosis doesn’t seem as obvious as his.

No. 505539

Me too, fuck I need him inside me

No. 505540

Same I think he’s still hot. Even if his personality is absolutely off-putting

No. 505541

File: 1742165967602.jpeg (136.37 KB, 878x1191, IMG_0779.jpeg)

oh I would too, I’d constantly remind him about it and he’d cry and beg me to fix his hideous beast face

No. 505542

File: 1742165994727.gif (5.57 MB, 515x960, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

me too

No. 505543

KEK. i wonder how long it will take for their delusion to wear off

No. 505544

File: 1742166056680.jpg (51.53 KB, 359x357, 1000006398.jpg)

No. 505545

Maybe when it turns out his dick is really small or something.

No. 505546

Bring this Luigi back please

No. 505548

We all saw it's not, this is copemax now come on

No. 505549

It shrunk due to retrograde ejaculating so hard now half of his penis is inside of his torso, anon. I suggest you look up the side effects next time.

No. 505550

we saw where???

No. 505551

I feel like the universe would give a big dick to an awkward autistic man as compensation, it's probably huge

No. 505552

nona where did you see it?

No. 505553

>According to prison wives this is a 10/10

No. 505554

if it was huge, you’d think he’d be able to hold down a gf unless his personality is really just that intolerable (it is)

No. 505555

oh I forgot in one of his beach pics him on soft is very visible

No. 505556

Didn't we all see the outline of it in some sweatpants photo or something? It's in the previous threads somewhere, around #12-18 maybe.

No. 505557

Autists typically do have big dicks, and so do Italians. So an Italian autist's dick would be huge. Sucks Luigi clearly doesn't know how to use it. It might not even be able to get hard anymore. Haha.

No. 505558

I think he looks strangely cute in that pic

No. 505559

He's not the only guy with a big dick, there are many more with better personalities kek

No. 505560

Also Dutch. To the point of being unbearable

No. 505561

He probably jackhammered with it all dry and circumsized.

No. 505563

It is. He's cute and still gorgeous here. Seethe and sneed, scrote

No. 505564

File: 1742166750506.jpeg (617.64 KB, 2048x2048, 8417547F-6324-43FC-BAAC-F22C7F…)

No. 505566

luigi pretty much confirmed that he sucks at sex with that vagina book being in his goodreads to-read list. this is probably what happened kek

No. 505567

File: 1742166818919.jpg (119.68 KB, 541x1119, 1000006401.jpg)

Oh girl I got you

No. 505568

I don't want to think about how big italian autist dick is. What a waste, hopefully he gets transferred to a state facility so he can still use it

No. 505569

File: 1742166857667.jpg (263.97 KB, 677x749, adorable.jpg)

Same, his flaws make him more attractive

No. 505570

He just needed an experienced girl to teach him. Which is why he now goes for single mothers.

No. 505571

I would have raped him during this stage of his life, kidnapped him and break his wrists and ankles with hammers and tie him up. Make him repeat woman-respecting mantras and eat my pussy for sustenance. Punch his stomach until he drooled. You know the normal shit. Whipping of course, and lots of spanking.
I don't know, is it better if he never had sex again or if he was doomed to only fuck OF whores?

No. 505572

File: 1742166935915.jpeg (978.91 KB, 1150x1786, IMG_0788.jpeg)

That pic isn’t 10/10, but this one is

No. 505574

his nose is soooo beautiful fuckk
fuck this retard for getting caught with all the evidence

No. 505575

You know very well that isn't the reason he wants a single mother

No. 505576

>Be mom of a son
>Pour a fortune into his education hoping he'll be rich and important
>He discovers podcasts and twitch
>Squanders it all to be a podcel or a video game streamer
>Ends up in jail

This is like Shayna but male

No. 505577

I was thinking yesterday about Luigi getting with Shayna.

No. 505578

File: 1742167161232.jpg (214.5 KB, 587x1044, 1000006406.jpg)

Do you mean this one?

No. 505579

i could’ve fixed him

No. 505581

He gives me vibes like he believes in the madonna-whore complex. He may not be able to mentally handle a freaked out woman, he may desire depravity but not in his woman

No. 505582

Need to destroy him. Never let this man dom, ever

No. 505583

Definitely does. He wants a chaste, virgin woman but also wants his dick sucked probably. He doesn't want to be bored in the bedroom but gets grossed out by a woman dominating him. A woman dominating him against his will starting age 18 onwards would have saved him from this depraved lifestyle but we aren't allowed this in society.

No. 505584

i think it was that one fuck his tits are so huge too hes so perfect

No. 505585

File: 1742167449434.jpeg (87.97 KB, 694x717, IMG_5943.jpeg)

Same, nona

No. 505586

I wonder if he ever tried being a streamer… I’ve heard he had some kind of channel on YouTube but no one got them before Google scrubbed everything

No. 505587

He’s practically cupping it here

No. 505588

ew same. i would never let this big nosed nerd dom or top me. he’s probably into some degenerate shit

No. 505589

I can't believe he would willingly choose the company of moids when he could have experienced true bliss in the company of women.

No. 505590

Ughhh why did google scrub them?

No. 505591

hes such a wimp. his stupid redpill beliefs were basically a prison he made himself i would have fucked him so good he’d be enlightened

No. 505592

massive jugs, I’ll give him credit for not missing chest day

No. 505593

yeah I think he low-key would enjoy getting bitched out as long as people don’t know about it kek

No. 505594

You cannot fuck a male into enlightenment. Especially not a red-pill male. The only way out is physical abuse, like in the good old days. Hang him from the ceiling and attach weights to his back until his spine dislocates. Then maybe he'll wisen up.

No. 505595

Luigi seems like he’s always orbitting someone (whether it’s bpdemons like Tracy or grifting moids) I think he’s a pretty submissive person

No. 505596

every platform got scrubbed when they found him. the only thing that didn’t was Twitter because muskrat did one good thing in his life by saving it

No. 505597


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 505598

More like pathetic and devoid of any personality. But yeah, easily manipulated. But by males. He's definitely one of those males that take any other male's opinion as gospel. This is why a male hierarchy exists in general, or else males would defer to their girlfriends and wives but they don't because moids tell them not to.

No. 505599

kek these types always want this but are also whoring around 24/7

No. 505600

I thought this too but wouldn’t he be avoiding single moms if so?

No. 505601

wasnt this pic posted by his sister on her story when he got arrested?
if yes KEK why did she choose this one

No. 505602

She didn't someone used her deactivated username and made a new account

No. 505603

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No. 505604

I wouldn't be surprised if it was Luigi's blow-up doll he seems like the weird type of nerdy boy to fuck a doll in his room and scream whatever name of his crush happens to pop into his head at the time. Julay type shit.

No. 505605

File: 1742168279837.jpeg (176.23 KB, 1075x1317, IMG_0791.jpeg)

No. 505606

Please, we all know he'd use a real doll. Or one of those weird feet. Or the Don Quixote Pocket Pussy 5000

No. 505607

A lobotomy also works

No. 505608


No. 505609

No he wouldn't, not as a high schooler. In college, yes.

No. 505610

weegee’s classmates (esp people that hated him) if any of you are lurking, one of these days drop some gossip

No. 505611

I honestly bet at least one of them as lurked here before kek

No. 505612

Alright I need to know the blow up doll lore

No. 505613

he’s probably a huge mansplainer who immediately disregards a woman’s expertise because he thinks men know better

No. 505614

Someone definitely sent tracy these threads kek

No. 505615

They need to explain more context with the blowup doll. Whose was it? Did Luigi try to fuck it? Did Luigi ever talk about porn with his classmates and that's why he had no friends? Did he get random boners while playing with robots? Did he break up with that girl or did she break up with him? Why didn't he give a fuck? Was he ever beaten up?

No. 505616

if he was beaten, he wouldn’t act like this

No. 505617

My thoughts on the single moms is that they flatter him and stroke his ego and he'll encourage them to write in for that reason. But say he was in a state prison and had the chance to do conjugal visits, he's dumping the single moms. He may even pick a woman closer to his previous social status in terms of education and finances. I doubt he wants to put his lorax reading children in an uncomfortable situation, despite their dad being in prison and barely seeing them lmao. I wouldn't be shocked if he actually got what society considers to be a "high value" woman pregnant

No. 505618

Tracey posting the shitty sepia filter edits and calling him a gentle poor baby
>he may even pick a woman closer to his previous social status
If they even want to write to him kek. He better not be able to fulfill his breeding fetish someday.
True. Missed opportunity.

No. 505619

he didn’t have friends? nonnies what do you know about his hs life, i never really heard details aside from the recent rs article

No. 505620

Oh, he's gonna need a HV woman. He's low value on the inside, high value on the outside. Shit

No. 505621

I’m sure no well-adjusted young rich “high value” woman will actually go for him though. he’s a prison scrote and those kinds of women are all about keeping up appearances. he will have to settle for a bpdemon

No. 505622

No he needs no woman. He doesn't deserve it, he deserves to die without ever having sex again.

No. 505623

yeah i always believed hed try staying within his circle even behind bars. i wonder if daughters of millionaires would really take that risk tho, but im sure some would. rich people really never marry significantly down

No. 505624

No, why would a millionaire get with a prison scrote. Think nonas, think. That's retarded.

No. 505625

most high value rich women didn’t even go for him when he wasn’t a prison scrote and was at his peak. they definitely wouldn’t now kek

No. 505626

tisch would go for him kek

No. 505628

You're believing in women too much here. Some will not care, they may like the novelty of being with him or even agree with what he did.

Absolutely lmao

No. 505630

File: 1742169328695.jpeg (32.46 KB, 640x479, IMG_6640.jpeg)

this is what he’s going to have conjugal visits with

No. 505631

Are we forgetting the billionaire heiress of Topshop laid down with the blue eyed felon jeremy meeks?

No. 505632

Rich people circles care too much about appearances, even some of the people around him won't write to him because of 'shame'

No. 505633

these past threads have been moving so fast it feels like december

No. 505634

maybe there will be one who really wants to piss off daddy and marry Luigi, but I don’t think any self respecting upper class woman will associate with him

No. 505635

I mean wasn't Tracey yapping about their friend circles distancing and pretending they never knew him.

No. 505636

wish I was a rich socialite that could get him out of prison, only to trap him in my rapecabin to be tortured for the rest of his pre-walled life. ugh

No. 505638

kek getting to rub in his face that a woman bought him his freedom and owns him now

No. 505640

Tracey is also not his real friend and doesn't know his real circle. People he roomed with for 6 months are absolutely going to distance themselves or get to grifting (landlord). They owe him nothing.

By the way, this is all part of Luigi's plan to find people on his wavelength that are okay with his actions.

No. 505641

I'm starting to think he has BPD

No. 505642

And what will that do for him. He is getting the chair. Or are you insinuating he will lead a cult? Cult of hambeasts and OF whores.

No. 505643

Spending the rest of his life with moe lester is the same wavelength?

No. 505644

I have been fucking saying this and no one listens reee, he reminds me of this BPD girl I knew from school

No. 505645

I'm being sarcastic lol

No. 505646

>his plan
That's a dumb fucking plan

No. 505647

File: 1742170733476.jpg (Spoiler Image,136.67 KB, 1080x1080, singlemomwall.jpg)

This is how I envision the single mom and child collection has grown now.

No. 505648

Yeah we already did like 6-7 threads ago

No. 505649

I just want a woman to humiliate and humble him already, he’s pmo

No. 505650

Yes kek next threadpic

No. 505651

KEK emily is so spot on

No. 505652

Noo I can recognize that one image of the OF whore

No. 505653

For those who didn't google jessica the pics on the left side of the wall are representative of her

No. 505654

No. 505655


No. 505656


No. 505657

I want to suck on his tits so bad

No. 505658

KEK threadpic please

No. 505659

same, they look so nice and supple

No. 505660

Kek, why do I feel like no one has given his nips affection? What a shame

No. 505661

Had to circle back to laugh at this again looooool

No. 505664

do they have them freeballing or is his giant cock too heavy for the cheap ass prison briefs they get… need that so bad

No. 505665

KEEEEEKKKKK still have war flashbacks from googling jessica sent shivers down my spine

No. 505666

do you think we’ll get new pics next Wednesday? im sick of this drought

No. 505667

File: 1742173529776.jpeg (156.49 KB, 301x755, IMG_7025.jpeg)

No. 505668

why is he clutching it, this pervert. makes me want to torture him even more

No. 505669

A+++ but minor tweek needed the letter on the wall would be from Karen

No. 505670

Maybe he will be told he is getting the chair and we can see him cry

No. 505671

I think he is so fucking deluded he thinks he will walk free. Is Karen gassing him up? Maybe she's the ultimate grifter!

No. 505672

I really wonder what Luigi thinks of Karen kek

No. 505674

Luigi found an evil artifact in Thailand and wished upon it that grifters would love him and this is what happened. I just can’t wait until the death penalty is brought up and he has a panic attack. I hope he pisses all over himself and you can tell his lawyers think he reeks so bad.

No. 505675

hnnnnggg i wanna see him cry so badly, it would be so hot. I have a feeling he won’t get the DP though

No. 505678

Karen's probably telling him he'll be free when she knows this retard did everything in his power (and is still doing through the letters [and she's enabling him]) to be found guilty. She just dresses him nice and speaks to the fanbase so the donations keep coming. I don't think she has his best interests at heart.

No. 505681

Luigi doesn’t even have his own best interests at heart so it’s whatever. I just hope she gets to fuck him if she wants to.

No. 505684

>I don't think she has his best interests at heart.
No lawyers ever do

No. 505687

Yeah but she also puts on this mommy act that is just icky and weird. She acts like he's 16 mentally, yes

No. 505691

he likes that chain rubbing on it, good

No. 505692

i hope so but we might not. LE I guess doesnt want more pics of him going viral
the annoying BR girl from tiktok shared some info after the last hearing. now she’s lied a shit ton before but this time she was (apparently) part of the few people that were close to where weegee was leaving the courthouse. iirc she claimed they’re trying to keep photographers away from the cars as best they can so another clear car pic isn’t snapped and it goes viral.

No. 505693

File: 1742177238617.jpeg (151.34 KB, 864x1528, IMG_6914.jpeg)

but these were taken…which was unexpected

No. 505696

God I hate how accurate this is KEK. As always thank you for editing those shitty KR comics, always makes my day

No. 505697

I cannot and will never be on his wavelength. I am ok with him killing powerscrotes but I am not okay with much else that he did and continues to do.
I wish I could have kidnapped him knowing everything I know now about him and held him captive, letting him know that if he escaped I would rat his loser ass to the police (calling the right hotline and getting the 50k)
Then I would beat him and make him apologize repeatedly for sucking grifter cock. I would make him follow RFH on twitter and start making tweets about how men need to become second class citizens to repent for their sins and spend the rest of humanities existence on this blue and green orb paying reparations to women.

No. 505699

Is this why he likes jessicas nudes? Is he preparing himself for something much worse?

No. 505700

File: 1742178323476.jpeg (365.58 KB, 1125x1909, IMG_8934.jpeg)

my bad i had clear pics of him sitting inside the car in mind when i wrote that. this was a hearing for state charges iirc. his next possible hearing is for fed charges.
I remember hearing that for fed hearings they load him up inside their garage. iirc this pic came from after a fed hearing(?) theres so many pics though i might be getting them mixed up

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