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No. 501110

No. 501111

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Luanna as an ugly moid

No. 501112

Apparently in the new letter Weeg called Emily by her name twice. Could this possibly give a sliver of credibility to Helvetitroon?

No. 501113

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No. 501114

Would rape and torture
He just wants Emily carnally because she's mommy(alogging)

No. 501115

Not really. The name thing always seemed a bit nitpicky compared to the other evidence against her.

No. 501116

he's such a hoe what do you mean you received emily's letter in late january but wrote her back on valentine's day? yeah give him the chair and lethal injection combined

No. 501117

kek at title

No. 501118

I bet Luigi would listen to Discord while working out
He's a slut for those single mommas, he really deserves death kek

No. 501119

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the letter that went out today

No. 501120

KEK, aww, you know he's too retarded to read the words on that page

No. 501121

Based kek

No. 501122

Not a luigifag but wow, girligi is so gorgeous. Will be a nice change seeing this in the catalog.

No. 501123

Kek I hope he can still read it after it's photocopied

No. 501125

samefag, i have too much time on my hands

No. 501126

If I knew you irl we'd spend hours making these

No. 501127

KEK in the style of his dad tim urban to increase the chances of getting a response back

No. 501128

I think Luigi is confused and doesn't realize other mommies won't make large donation to his legal fund like his own mother does. He's such a grifter he sees these older mothers as money targets.

No. 501130

I need her!

No. 501131

Rich moid with (prior to arrest) 6 mil spending money in the bank wants mommies to shill him the rest of their life savings for him, sounds about right

No. 501132

Diddy must he giving Luigi drugs in prison. Dude is off his face.

No. 501133

If he was targeting paypigs, he would've written back to me now (not that I would paypig for him). I hate him.

No. 501134

I bet he was lying to those Germans. 6 million in his imagination just like the Yakuza was.

No. 501135

He's very stupid and his world view is his "mean" mommy who still pays for everything. He is stunted beyond belief.

No. 501136

It's the jenkem I swear. He probably made his own.

No. 501137

It's insane to be a 40 something year old single mother writing to a murderer in prison and posting about it online with your name and identity for everyone to see. Absolute madness.

No. 501138

Holy fuck femgi can unironically rape me.

No. 501139

I am gay for her

No. 501140

It's so pathetic kekkk

No. 501141

Well diddy’s drug of choice was tusi before he was arrested for sex trafficking

No. 501142

The pathetic attract the pathetic. The whole thing is pathetic. It's like watching a worm cleaved in half still squirming like it's going to live for much longer. Just give him the chair already.

No. 501143

weegee off that tusi

No. 501144

Isn't this that 'pink cocaine' shit

No. 501145

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Yes it is pink cocaine

No. 501146

Did eMiLY tell him she was a single mother in her 40s or he confused and thinks she's younger? What's going on?

No. 501147

I could believe this honestly

No. 501148

Luigi snorting that pink cocaine straight out of Diddy's asshole (he has to smuggle it obviously)
Probably, or else he wouldn't have replied

No. 501150

>Luigi snorting that pink cocaine straight out of Diddy's asshole (he has to smuggle it obviously)
I could also believe this honestly

No. 501151

Why am I not an unattractive 40 something peri-menopausal single mom? It is a curse to be a beautiful young fertile nubile girl. Luigi doesn't want me.

No. 501152

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No. 501153

She is thinking it internally no doubt

No. 501154

It's okay, we will find a non-mentally ill non-manchild and very handsome, beautiful angel prince to love our beautiful, young, fertile, nubile souls.

No. 501155

kekkk gunshot self inflicted

No. 501156

sounds impossible with how moids typically are kek

No. 501157

right. i would love to be tortured by girligi and also torture moidigi

No. 501158

Then me and her will die eternally pure and untainted by moid behaviors and evil and ascend to a higher plane with handsomer, kinder beings

No. 501159

I swear he's actually mocking eMiLy. Why the fuck does he think he's a genie? Bro is on drugs nona is right.

No. 501161

Yeah and the analogy of an ice cream cone makes no sense. He would make an analogy with magic or even wishes.

No. 501162

She still likely got the longest letter we know of to date. Nobody else who's posted their letter got a two-sided letter. He's definitely losing it though.

No. 501163

No it makes sense in his feeble mind. He sees himself as a genie, and asking him banal questions as a waste of a wish because it's so rare and speshul to get a response from him~
He wants her bad

No. 501164

He will never write her back again. He has a burn book about the letter he's received.

No. 501165

he will go more into a spiral when weegee receives that tim urban style letter from me

No. 501166

She's gonna start stalking him, his family, his exes, his friends, his lawyers, she will turn up to court kekkk

No. 501167

I already sent him Tim Urban drawings

No. 501168

He will want her to write back so bad he will go insane if she never writes to him again, he will cut the name Emily into his leg.

No. 501169

>He sees himself as a genie, and asking him banal questions as a waste of a wish because it's so rare and speshul to get a response from him~
Drugged as fuck

No. 501170

i hope your letter has gotten through nonny, he probably saw it and spiraled from it.

No. 501171

I just realized he's being sarcastic. He's implying the question is stupid. wtf

No. 501172

More schizo letters need to reach him, it's the only form of media he really has anymore, watch him go absolutely mental when he's sent those edits of him from the last thread and he develops severe body dysmorphia and he starts shattering all of the mirrors in the prison in a chimp rage. Just imagine trolling him with a bunch of fucked, weird letters. He has no access to the outside world, you can even make up fake world events. Tell him that the first ever biological male got pregnant. Tell him Gurwinder got into a car crash.

No. 501173

on the tusi and benzos cocktail

No. 501174

You just realized that? It's just his way of communicating it is retarded, schizo, and paints himself as the main character of the universe.

No. 501176

only sending him shitposts to avenge art nonny

No. 501177

Yeah I was more so fixated on who he was writing to and glared. I didn't really read it clearly until now. He's too much

No. 501180

He actually hates these letters but those receiving replies can't read between the lines

No. 501181

Why doesn't he just write back to ones he actually likes instead of trolling?

No. 501182

No, he definitely likes those letters he's just lightly teasing. He wouldn't write two pages to a woman he didn't want to fuck. I don't understand the really short ones, though. You'd think he wouldn't want to waste stamps (he is a minimalist)

No. 501183

The letters he doesn't like are eliciting a response from annoyance. Like the vacation one, eMiLY asking about ice cream etc. He's being passive aggressive.

No. 501184

Damn stop gassing her up she's an old bag he doesn't want to fuck her

No. 501186

I don't think she literally asked about ice cream, he was making a shitty "joke" that her question was so common that it was akin to asking a genie for an ice cream cone.
I'm not gassing her up, Luigi is kek

No. 501187

What is the strategy with these letters? It must have been Karen's idea.

No. 501188

You need to accept the fact that Luigi has a type

No. 501190

He needs to step away from the middle aged mothers and seek immediate help. Do they have therapists in federal prison?

No. 501191

He has legit no idea he's talking to ugly women. Never forget about greasy Holli hash brown.

No. 501192

Yeah its definitely him basically saying “duh of course”. Dang and this is the longest letter…mmm

No. 501193

She probably thought it was beneficial at first but now he is just completely beyond the point of no return. Luigi himself is treating this like a daycare.
No. Only Moe Lester.

No. 501194

>She probably thought it was beneficial at first but now he is just completely beyond the point of no return. Luigi himself is treating this like a daycare.
She must hate him

No. 501195

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No. 501196

He is high as fuck on something. It's only going to get worse.

No. 501198

I mean if she was taller she would be his type. He has weird tastes due to being brain damaged.

No. 501199

He thinks he's making himself relatable with these letters and it's also showing he is manic and then gets down again quickly. He's fucked.

No. 501200

all the girls he allegedly dated were rich but mid

No. 501202

When you are dating a billionaire's daughter it doesn't matter what she looks like.

No. 501203

Luigi doesn't deserve this level of pick me

No. 501204

True. I don't think he's matching the energy of people's letters as others keep saying. I think he's just fucking crazy and has random outbursts.

No. 501205

Hm good point, is he a sugar baby who wants a mommy? He is in prison so it doesn’t matter anymore how rich the mommy is. He is so disturbed.

No. 501206

>He is so disturbed.
This is the truth!

No. 501207

these mothers should be taking care of their children instead of writing letters to a retard

No. 501209

We need to be judging them more than Luigi.

No. 501211

Well you know, not everyone should have kids kek
I remember in earlier threads we were theorizing and fantasizing about receiving funny insane letters from him. Well it’s not funny in actuality.

No. 501212

do you think he will gradually reach batshit crazy level and the letters will stop? kek

No. 501213

Writing to a retarded murderer in prison no less

No. 501214

is schizigi making a comeback or is this a different breed?

No. 501215

Yes, they switched up their style

No. 501216

He will accidentally talk about killing brian thompson

No. 501217

These single mothers writing to him give me major ick because these are the type of creeps who dates molesters and don't believe their children when they say the dirtbag pedo boyfriends touched them. Hate these women.

No. 501218

He really will. Poor stupid Luigi is his worst enemy.

No. 501219

We need Queen of Edits to return

No. 501220


No. 501221

This is disgusting and true.

No. 501222

>Why am I not an unattractive 40 something peri-menopausal single mom? It is a curse to be a beautiful young fertile nubile girl. Luigi doesn't want me.
Voting this for the next thread starter

No. 501223

I get it. Luigi doesn’t want women who ovulate. He is afraid.

No. 501224

kekkk classic
and I'm angry about it

No. 501227

btw in the new document tom dickey filed they refused the zoom hearings so now they will transport weegee to PA every time he has a court date kek

No. 501229

I noticed that! Hopefully its recorded

No. 501231

HELL YEAH! We get to see our stupid man!

No. 501232

Kek he wants to wrangle that tard in person

No. 501233

I'm cumming

No. 501235

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No. 501236


No. 501237

he deserves a good beating for all the recent shenanigans

No. 501242

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thank you for explaining his genie joke, I was genuinely too retarded to get it

No. 501243

KEKKKK saving this image for future reference

No. 501244

God you are so right, i always knew they gave me a weird ick. I just don't think it's right for single mothers to be lusting over alleged criminals even if it's Luigi, sorry but i'd be mortified if my mother was a husbando fag even for a 2d man, it's an honour only single child free women can have, sorry to them.

No. 501245

YES! YES NONA! If he doesn't write back to this it's game over for tardigi

No. 501246

No he's on a shitload of benzos

No. 501249

>non-mentally ill non-manchild and very handsome, beautiful angel prince to love our beautiful, young, fertile, nubile souls.
Nona I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the dimensional merge just isn't gonna happen

No. 501251

Luigi lost his type privilages. When we smuggle him out anyone can apply to brutalize Luigi in the rapecabin so long as they are biological women.

No. 501252

There's no such thing as ugly women, only ugly men

No. 501253

I remember something in the constitution that says if the male defendant is sexy he has to appear nude and only around women who spank him non stop and call him a retard who needs to stop writing to single mothers

No. 501254

This got me crying

No. 501255

But Chris Chan promised… does he have an opinion on Luigi?

No. 501256

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the r/FreeLuigi discord is amazing

No. 501257

You’ve gotta be joking! Wait till they see Luigi walking out that hostel

No. 501258

He wants another helicopter ride.

No. 501259

This is going to trigger another ban wave on that server.

No. 501260

Why are these losers even fans of Luigi in the first place? What he did was based and we celebrate it and want more of it.

No. 501262

KEK. They will just ban everyone until its just pubebeard and bpdswiftie
>Noooo! You can't heckin' kill the wholesome CEOrinos!
United Healthcare killed on average 60k of its paying customers per year. What is this slave morality shit.

No. 501263

what happened to nsfw art nona, she had a whole list of things she was going to draw

No. 501264

spy nonny is back

No. 501265

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Pubebeard sickens me.

No. 501266

>Jordan has to constantly remind you HE is a homosexual and not a spicy straight
Go back to justin beiber you fat fuck

No. 501272

So fat and ugly I hate you Jordan

No. 501273

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Conventional Minds Don't Understand Luigi redditor from yesterday - trans pfp, another zippertits.

No. 501277

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No. 501278

luigi's belief system? homie's just chillin in there with his fellow brothers and churning out cheeky letters to single moms on the side KEK what belief system, dude's a schizo

No. 501280

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I scrolled through her post history and she thinks he’s not the shooter.. of course

No. 501281

Looks like the cop is jerking him off

No. 501282

forum for african american women
>urban themed

No. 501285

>MDC throwing away letters
I mean… they probably are? Luigi gets fucking 200 letters a day or more, They have to read through all those fucking things. Didn't Luigi himself say that a lot of letters "get lost" when responding to that one girl who sent him vacation letters? Sure, he might be telling her to fuck off, but he might also be legitimately saying most letters aren't making it to him

No. 501286

yeah I was scratching my head at that. Listen I'm not hip with slang but I always thought saying urban to describe black people was racist

No. 501287

Narcissistic trait for sure

No. 501288

they really think he was completely innocent and framed huh

No. 501289

He did it. He is an idiot, he is not a smart man. Zero street smarts

No. 501290

tim urban themed

No. 501292

Omfg i can't stand this bitch. Elon should be next, fuck ceos money hoarding whores.
They are delusional. If anything, his little schizo meltdown after the fact was pretty self-incriminating. He's insane enough to do it.
Luigi is a fucking retarded bimbo and they really think he is the second coming of socrates or something, kek. Tbh that's worse than having romantic feelings for him, at least he probably has a huge dick to compensate for his retardation.

No. 501293

Yeah, reddit needs to just accept the fact that Luigi killed Brian Thomson. I think it was a justified murder, but yeah, it was an "illegal" murder.
People need to stop being a faggot bitch over this ceo scrote being gunned down while everyone mocks him, he had it coming. A lot of people in our current exploitative, greedy elite class have it coming
We have had so many people who systematically order for the murder, even genocide countless human beings who don't face a day in courts due to technicalities (i.e United Healthcare killing it's customers).
We have people who have done atrocious things and never face justice. Just accept that Luigi acted for the people, he reminded the entitled elites that they only hold as much power as they have in this mortal coil. If they disrespect and abuse the people who are making them rich, it shouldn't be a shock when it puts a target on them.
I like that form of activism more than anything else. It's quick, simple, and you don't need a crowd of faggots with lame and conflicting signs getting their voices ignored because the people in power don't give a fuck about your chants and signs.
Just keep taking out insurance demons until the only ones who remain realize profit margins isn't worth it.

No. 501294

i suspect that brian thompson is still alive, and luigi knows this, and his lawyer and the prosecution and the judge know this, and they're all conspiring to fix a show trial. he'll be given a new identity and plastic surgery. the gun was fake too. only the hash brown was real.

No. 501296


No. 501298

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This is literally how they are lol! Ain’t too far from this kekkk

No. 501300

God fucking Dammit why can't anything cool happen why does it have to be cia fucking around hiring Italian sluts. If they are gonna make it a show then they should have him come out shirtless next time. Or just pretend he sperged out like he forgot his benzos and his shirt is all ripped up

No. 501304

Don't forget the pretend pee pants

No. 501316

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apparently this girl has been donating to his fund every single day KEK nonnies, you don't deserve a reply from him if you don't shell out the dollas

No. 501317

So you can literally buy a letter now, this retard is the king of all grifters.

No. 501321

You just know the older single moms are exempt from this requirement. I fucking hate him and I am glad he has to spend the rest of his life with Moe Lester, Ray Pist, Hugh M. Trafficker, and Zhou Fael Le as his only company.

No. 501322

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so we can pay for a letter? ok name your price weegee

No. 501326

I hope all of these sluts who refuse to share more than their envelope get debilitating brain fog for life. Fuck his privacy.

No. 501327

wait so he’s surviving off ramen only? his piss must fucking stink

No. 501328

I hope he doesn’t get heartburn

No. 501329

I hope he does.

No. 501330

hypertension incoming for sure

No. 501332

His sodium intake must be stupidly high.

No. 501333

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I saw she gave him $100+ every time they made a smear article about him. So unnecessarily. They're trying to make him out to be like Dr.Umar

No. 501334

Absolutely pathetic. I already feel like a dumbass for donating $15. Imagine giving your hard-earned money to someone who is just going to get LWOP.

No. 501336

File: 1741761105556.jpeg (271.17 KB, 1349x700, IMG_4391.jpeg)

so blessed to be a free woman and I can eat delicious home cooked meals or go out to my favorite restaurants and not have to eat ramen and honeybuns all day

No. 501337

I've been telling you! These letters are about getting money. That's why he really targets those mommies! Cause all he knows is mommy gives weegee money!

No. 501338

Always has been

No. 501339

He is literally a whore

No. 501340

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More Girligi

No. 501341

kate bushigi

No. 501343

Girligi Womangione

No. 501344

Hope he walls sooner

No. 501348

100% autistic

No. 501356

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Anyone else think Luigi's life resembles the After Hours movie? The subway scene is just like him trying to get a room at that hotel in Altoona and failing, while outside was raining.

No. 501361

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luigi should fall on the floor and piss himself next court appearance

No. 501365

Stalking the old hag eMiLy's low follower socials and I bet she said in her letter she was an "award winning producer" kekk like she pretends she is online. He's so dumb he's been grifted again.

No. 501366

He is always a victim of grifting kek

No. 501367

Poor stupid weewee he is so easily duped

No. 501368

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Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth is one of us.

No. 501371

This is definitely what happened omg

No. 501375

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Dickey, when will the beatings start, Dickey???!?

No. 501376

soooooooo based, there's many secret wives out there

No. 501378

I wonder if she wrote to him

No. 501384

I don’t get it, their man killed one

No. 501387

He's even falling for grifter con artists in prison. Oh Luigi you sweet summer child.

No. 501388

I love it, it’s so funny. Everything bad that has happened is so preventable but he can’t help himself because he’s borderline

No. 501390

"He's a genius" - Luigi's mom kek

No. 501393

I feel bad for her, but why did she think this?

No. 501394

He’s pretty “left brained” aka smart in STEM. he’s pretty gullible and dumb with everything else

No. 501396

He isn’t even an engineer I wonder which part of STEM he even excels in, maybe basic math

No. 501398

Why does he keep telling people that he’s an engineer kek

No. 501401

He is probably convinced he could have been one if not for the heavy drinking and partying with his frat (brain fog excuse was just from hangovers), so he just leans into the LARP and is being full of himself. Wishful thinking. Does he not understand we know he isn’t an engineer? Does he not know his life is public knowledge by now?

No. 501403

Because he was a data engineer and his degrees are Bachelor and Master’s of Science in Engineering, majoring in computer science. So that’s how he views it.

No. 501404

lol cringe

No. 501405

Data engineers are code monkeys. He is basically a CS major like the majority of males nowadays. Typical druggie tech bro who mislabels his own career and major to seem special and smart.

No. 501408

This felt like such a passive comment

No. 501409

Rereading Crime and Punishment because he is literally Rodion

No. 501410

Why did he even go join a nerdy frat kek. It doesn’t even seem like it gave him good connections. He also complained a lot about the initiation on plebbit

No. 501411

Cog brain. No ability to think for himself.

No. 501413

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Luigi will never be as desirable as these two handsome rogues.

No. 501415

I thought this was Luigi and Moe Lester in 6 years

No. 501422

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Anybody else who also browses these letter receivers' socials annoyed that they're ALWAYS troon handmaidens?

No. 501425

Is this the single mom? How old is her child? Imagine your mother prioritizing a random male instead of you, like give me a father who isn’t in prison already. And posting on social media, too.

No. 501426

Her child is six and she posts photos of her all the time on IG. She needs to stop doing that.

No. 501427

UGHHHH Girligi is so hot…
I mean if he is eating ramen that means he's dropped the vegetarian larp and is likely also eating canned tuna
Oh my god he's probably being grifted by the prisoners. No wonder he calls all these child rapists his "brothers". No Luigi. The goblins in MDC aren't misunderstood rich frat boys like you. Most of them are there because they are sadists.

No. 501428

This is so sad but unfortunately Luigi would love this. She should send him pictures for his collection!
I think those child rapist prisoners are nice to him because he has money and protection and he mistakes it for them actually being ‘good souls’ (remember the letter where he mentioned how he himself is a good soul and he surrounds himself with good souls?) or maybe he actually doesn’t care for their crimes.

No. 501429

No. 501430

Anyone post 2022 who puts pictures of their kids online is no longer ignorant to the evils of the internet, they are willfully evil and purposefully pandering to pedophiles. I feel like in this day and age it's responsible parenting 101 to not put photos of your child on social media. ESPECIALLY with the advent of AI.
Then again, if she is pandering to troons, then of course she is in support of pedos oggling/potentially being around her child.
>>501217 Is 100% right about them. Even if you are only interested in Luigi you should know damn well that he is being housed with sex offenders.
Kudos to the responsible single moms out there who don't engage in this retardation (they aren't on this thread)

No. 501432

I wonder if these single moms are hybristophiles who wish Luigi was more dangerous than he actually is. I guess he loves the idea because he won’t stop responding to them and no one else

No. 501434

its really funny how you judge these letter receivers just because you're dying of jealousy

No. 501435

according to sbf most of the inmates are gang snitches

No. 501436

That's what I believe a certain sector of people think of him like. Especially the fanfiction that was written within hours of his arrest and used the McDonald’s pic as the title photo for it.

No. 501437

don't care, let us cope and sneed. also, constantly sharing pics of your child online is shitty parenting.

No. 501438

And probably rapists too let’s be realistic
I am glad he didn’t get my letter, and I don’t judge these ladies as much as I judge him for having an obvious fetish. But prioritizing Luigi over a six year old is crazy.

No. 501439

There are still disgusting pedophiles there like The Diddler, Austin Wolf, and Carmine Simpson. Plus, rapists like the Alexander brothers like the other nona said.

No. 501440

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I remember he said some inmates were trying to extort him. I also found this

No. 501443

posting your child is shitty never said it wasn't but you've been doing that everyone who received a letter
>>I am glad he didn’t get my letter
sure nona

No. 501446

You smell of reddit

No. 501447

in a way, luigi did brian thompson - who literally saved thousands of vulnerable people's lives every day by giving them health care - a favor by sending him to heaven early for all his earthly good deeds

No. 501448

No, I am judging the letter receivers for posting photos of their kids online. Why would I be jealous? Luigi won't receive my letter because I haven't sent one. Not everything is about being jealous??

No. 501449

sbf looks like an easy target luigi can hopefully defend himself

No. 501451

Luigi will top him like the horny barefoot beast he is

No. 501453

NTAYRT but with how cringe the people he's replying to are and because we now know how truly retarded Luigi is, if I ever got a letter back, I think I'd be embarrassed to even tell anyone that. Plus, it will definitely bring in unwanted attention and drama.

No. 501454

no everyone that receives letter has to share it dont be a gatekeeping redditor

No. 501455

Kek meanwhile Luigi will commit suicide and go to Hell
Moe Lester would get so jealous
Why would anyone want this weirdo knowing their name and address anymore

No. 501457

I'll reconsider depending on the contents but I doubt he will even reply to mine since I'm not a single mom kek. I just don't like the idea of even sharing my initials with strangers.

No. 501458

are you anons turning on this fag or something?(bait)

No. 501460

go back to 4chan

No. 501461

sorry I'm not from 4chan, I'm a regular nonnie with this thread usually minimised.

No. 501462

no i still love him

No. 501463

File: 1741796830241.png (1.92 MB, 920x1507, luigis face after he reads my …)

Reminder to everyone not to respond to bait, just report and ignore. People are sad and can't leave true and honest wigiwives alone.

No. 501464

Love-hate relationship now strongly leaning into hate territory because every new detail we learn paints him as an even bigger retard than we thought.

No. 501465

File: 1741796911226.gif (1.4 MB, 254x438, 5655454.gif)

No. 501466

not baiting, just curious
thank you for updating me anon, I think he is good looking but he is such a faggot kek

No. 501467

you can censor your name but he did reply to that girl from tumblr who was a college student

No. 501468

I want to ride his dick while strangling him and calling him the worlds dumbest man and reminding him that all his grifter daddies turned on him.
What does that say about me?

No. 501469

he looks so shy and sweet

No. 501470

The quick look away….. qt

No. 501471

The quick look away….. qt

No. 501472

Yeah he is a FREAK
He looks so gross and speddy here venting to the older asian women

No. 501473

ai slop

No. 501475

Is it? I thought so at first but I think Tracey posted it. He really acted like a gay bestie at Surfshack Tito’s

No. 501476

I wonder how many other people Luigi has killed. From rewatching the video of Brian Thompson's execution, he looks so professional. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a serial killer and had the souls of several moids in his pocket.

No. 501477

Went to McDonalds for his breakfast on his way to work for his next kill. Someone was saved that day who shouldn't have been.

No. 501479

I wish. Luigi is too retarded and attention whorey. He only killed Thomson. He was full schizo when he did it and trained a lot with his ghost gun.

No. 501480

Nothing of value lost then

No. 501481

Psychedelics are actually quite bad for males. The male brain by default lacks functional cross-hemisphere connectivity to be able to parse the psychedelic experience correctly. At best they just lose structure in their thinking without any gains in mental flexibility, at worst they go apeshit because it's too much. Luigi does seem like an average midwit techie male casualty of microdosing - all it did was make his midwittery feel more messianic to him.

No. 501482

I want to get into a tsundere relationship with him where I hate him (I do) and bully him relentlessly (as he deserves) and disrespect and call him names every chance I get but it makes him fall in love with me and for some reason the farther away I want him the closer he wants to be with me (because he can see me admiring his body but I make a face when he catches me), he would start standing close to me to brush his body warmth against mine, smile at me, stare at me like we are friends, and eventually break down into submission from my relentless abuse.

No. 501483

you're right it was posted by tracey, the luigischizo is just lying

No. 501487

That’s hilarious a moid can overdose from a microdose kekkk he should have relented all thoughts, opinions, and executive function to a woman (not an older mommy like he wants and will never deserve) also is this why weed can make males go violent despite it being a stereotypical peace drug?

No. 501488

Luigi schizo is trying to be more cautious to not get clocked.
Based. That is absolutely what luigi wants. Have you seen how he is with uggo moid grifters when they ghost him? Just imagine that with a girl grifter. On all levels except physical he would be a dog

No. 501489

File: 1741798172694.jpg (169.43 KB, 720x1038, 20250312_174554.jpg)

did kfa clock luigis autism yet

No. 501490

File: 1741798353578.gif (3.87 MB, 576x491, karens pet himbo.gif)

Why do you think she was attracted to him in the first place. Everyone wants Luigi to be their boyfriend-son.

No. 501491

Code monkey subset of Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Remember how James Damore thought he was qualified in evolutionary biology because he took one class in uni or some shit? It's that.

Software "engineers" are prone to believing they possess universal scientific qualifications. Every SDE thinks he has a PhD in medicine, physics, sociology, biology, philosophy, economics and more, and will speak accordingly. It's a equally consequence of "reality is matrix therefore everything is software" nerd brainworms multiplied by relatively few braincells required for entry into SDE. Think of it as a Dr. Nurse phenomenon for men.

No. 501492

He is not a professional. Any retard can shoot a gun at a distance.

No. 501493

I wouldn’t ghost him because I wouldn’t have online correspondence with him, if we were peers I would verbally abuse him constantly and people would say it’s because I love him and I would deny it and say I wish for his death (I do) if he added me on socials I wouldn’t add him back and yes if he somehow messaged me I would not respond. But he would still want me and take every chance to be close to me, berated. God I want this dynamic with a pathetic hot boy so bad.

No. 501494

yeah my friend's ex-husband is one of those types, so condescending, thinks he knows it all, talks down to everyone. glad she's rid of him.

No. 501495

People would just want proof it's real but I guess I don't owe that to anyone. Also, I just know I'm still not going to get a reply back because my letter wasn't just mindless praise and has drawings in it that probably make his brain implode because he can't comprehend anything that isn't a Tim Urban stick figure.

No. 501496

He adds you on social media and you ignore him (but don't block him just to give him crumbs of hope)
then on a burner account you send him a message about what a fucking loser he is. He asks if that was you and you deny it and add "lots of people feel this way about you"

No. 501497

no I still like him, he’s just very easy to bully

No. 501498

File: 1741798846014.jpg (49.02 KB, 501x1166, 20250311_093002.jpg)

No. 501499

weegee constantly yearns for public love and acceptance, he would be crushed kek. I think he would be very susceptible to emotional manipulation, among other things

No. 501500

anime fang

No. 501501

I think his teeth are cute, I’m glad he never got veneers

No. 501502

Just realized that I really don't like his nose. Those nostrils have too much flare, he looks like a horse.

No. 501503

Kek I would do this
Yeah but he feeds off of rejection i.e grifters, Tracey, probably other women, single moms, etc so after the mental torture of a tsundere the moment you finish choking and fucking him and whisper ‘I think I love you’ he would kill himself for you if you demanded it.

No. 501504

File: 1741799201571.jpg (258.35 KB, 621x1108, nose.jpg)

No. 501505

>feeding my horsigi a sugar cube!
>Leaving ponygi tied to a post until I am ready to ride him!

No. 501506

true, I think he really sucks at romantic relationships kek. maybe he yearns for a cold, distant sadistic nona who will beat him and withhold any affection

No. 501507

shit taste

No. 501508

Meh, Kim deserves a much better moid than this tard especially after her shit ex-husband cheated on her and destroyed Sonic Youth.

No. 501509

Are you mentally challenged? It's from a video Tracy posted

No. 501510

cows love bread

you put a slice of bread in front of a cow and it will stick its tongue out and slap that slice right down its throat in one go with an appreciative gurgle of joy

i want to do the same to luigi, but with hash browns(integrate)

No. 501511

File: 1741800829532.png (430.46 KB, 1179x1473, rn.png)

new letter

No. 501512

I’ve always wondered why they were filming themselves sitting on the floor chatting

No. 501513

Have all moids who write get typed messages?

No. 501514

>james gets the "you can write back but I might not be able to get to you again" rejection letter.
Luigi is up to his armpits in irl moids rn. James is just a diversity hire so people don't think he ONLY writes to single moms.

No. 501515

File: 1741801030611.jpeg (84.1 KB, 1330x794, IMG_6727.jpeg)

I just realized his upper lip is Cupid’s bow shaped

No. 501516

Anthropormophic AIDS seemed like he got a single page handwritten letter.

No. 501517

>distini saluti
Can he die already

No. 501518

I didn’t realize she has a ND kid, no wonder she’s so protective of Luigi

No. 501519

i think he has a lot of cute features despite his asymmetry. he also has nice facial harmony. too bad he only likes old single moms and griftoids

No. 501520

I wonder how many of his fellow brothers grifted him into buying them presents from commissary

No. 501521

wow surprised he shared stories about his family

No. 501522

sounds like he’s starting to reminisce a lot. he’s going to be miserable in prison

No. 501523

he was detailed about his life in this one

No. 501524

I think weegee said he was sharing some of his commissary money with them, probably so he doesn’t find moe lester and ray pist in his bed

No. 501525

yes they are perfect

No. 501527

Spoiled little brat slut had to complain, too. Yeah he is going to be miserable. Does he still think he has a chance at freedom?
He probably already found himself a mentor among the rapists

No. 501528

File: 1741801704944.webp (57.7 KB, 741x512, moe lester.webp)

>Moe Lester waiting in Luigi's bunk when Luigi doesn't give him his honey bun for the day.

No. 501529

sexier than i expected

No. 501530

This guy is obviously Italian American and that’s why Luigi wrote to him

No. 501532

I don't think he ever showed the letter, didn't he say he wouldn't open it?

No. 501533

I guess he adds people’s names in the TO line now on the TruLincs template he didn’t before.

No. 501534

somebody please draw this, not enough art of cattleigi being fed

No. 501535

Envelope looked very thin in the video and you can see a bit yellow in it indicating it is likely the yellow lined paper he uses. Had to have been a very short and generic letter.

No. 501536

average tim prisoner

No. 501539

why does he alternate between typing letters and writing them. i hope he writes mine

No. 501541

he probably still thinks he has a chance, that’s why he doesn’t look totally miserable yet.

No. 501543

I cannot wait until his mental breakdown where he is sharing random unwanted information about his rich but totally boring and miserable childhood, or he starts writing letters in broken latin. And ends it with deus vult. Are the nursing facilities he references the homes he volunteered at? He is aware that everyone knows everything about him now? He is such an attention whore, he probably loves it.

No. 501544

he probably doesn’t get computer access every day, this was dated 2/10 and some of the other recent written ones were 2/14

No. 501546

what does buying prison protection even mean? does he have a 6'8" bodybuilder following him around in there? do they pay each inmate an amount to not touch him? i dont get it

No. 501547

Pays for a bodyguard essentially. Like no one wants to beat luigi up because he will buy you commissary

No. 501548

isn’t his parents also paying for his protection as well?

No. 501549

Luigi paying the inmates in honey buns and canned fish to withhold their overwhelming rage to smash Luigi's mp3 player every time he blasts that shitty Avatar song or the Pokérap for the 10,000th time in the gym room.

No. 501550

he’s 100% an attention whore, he has such a massive digital footprint. most zoomers have some basic knowledge of cyber security. he’s not stupid enough to not know that, he just wanted attention from everywhere kek

No. 501551

So he has a bodyguard for real? That is so pathetic. What a way to disrespect your fellow brothers.

No. 501552

I doubt he needs protection in his unit, all inmates are pre trial and some became witnesses for the prosecution they dont want to ruin their chances

No. 501553

does he really listen to pokerap while working out near all the chomos? I hope he doesn’t get sent to rikers, they would brutalize him immediately

No. 501555

Now I hope he does get sent to Rikers

No. 501556

Knowing how much of a retarded manchild he is, it is within the realm of possibility.

No. 501557

They def paid for a prison consultant to teach him how to behave in there. Other means of protection, I don't know of

No. 501558

File: 1741803364852.png (127.05 KB, 295x300, your honor, how did the public…)

Luigi is like
then proceeds to make all his personal information as visible as humanly possible. Attention whore from hell. He needed the nona rape dungeon so badly.

No. 501560

He also failed to compile a completely accurate list of the letters he has received, from where, and when. Despite being an engineer he cannot write out a spreadsheet a 12 year old could make for fun.

No. 501561

he would also be in a protective unit in rikers dont worry

No. 501564

I really makes you wonder just how retarded the average Gillman student is for Luigi to become valedictorian.
Spelling your name right probably put you in the top 10th percentile

No. 501565

Yeah the prison consultant was hovering over him in the hearing on 12/23 when he was signing papers and talking. He got giddy at one point in the convo and idk why

No. 501566

yeah the prison consultant helps him but he doesn't protect him in that sense

No. 501568

He's a bigger folk hero in prison than out. Only right-wing retards have that delusional fantasy of him being killed in there

No. 501569

Spread the idea online that we need a protest at his next court appearance so the judge gets fed up and sends him to Rikers genpop and learns what Moe Lester always meant by playing Fisty Blisty and Shower Power

No. 501570

probably filled with a bunch of bratty rich moids, and since luigi is the physical personification of “atchually!!” it was probably easy for him to be valedictorian. he also didn’t want to go there, but his parents forced him kek. i wonder why they sent him to a moids only school

No. 501572

This is the PA detention center, he hasn’t been there for a long time now. His fellow brothers probably think he is a sped.

No. 501573

Probably because Luig's mom is a possessive boy mom who dreaded the possibility of him being around girls constantly at a young age.

No. 501574

File: 1741804153540.png (280.32 KB, 1191x829, IMG_2507.png)

I worry for this little chimp. Idk how he’s gonna cope with life in prison.

No. 501575

Probably because they knew there was a higher chance he would excel surrounded by retards than with better competition aka women

No. 501577

exactly he has nothing to fear

No. 501578

File: 1741804220053.png (559.59 KB, 594x608, 64656545654.png)

Yeah I have been saying that since he got arrested. It's not unreasonable to think that some people may have turned to crime to pay off medical debt for themselves or their loved ones and whole heartedly support Brian Thomson being memed to death.
I wish more incels would realize this and kill elites instead of kids. Chimping out on innocent people because 'muh live in a society' is the lamest shit ever.
Like, who do you think is more likely to have created this society you suffer under? A 5 year old schoolgirl or a demonic, apathetic 1%er?

No. 501579

KEK voting this as op

No. 501580

kek now she has to share him with crazy single mothers while he’s in prison

No. 501581

He will do just fine. He loves it. Endless attention from fans, can eat like a manchild, new friends, a gym etc
He called them his fellow brothers so the rapists and pedos probably love him honestly. He is among good company.

No. 501582

this is why I can’t hate retardigi. also cause he’s adorable

No. 501583

Momigi I know you lurk here. Your retard son didn't become hot until he graduated high school. You should have humbled him with female exposure!

No. 501584

You'd think with a background in CS he'd be aware of basic Internet privacy e.g. not putting your full government name and face in your social media handles, using a different username for each website, etc.

No. 501587

i think Luigi would’ve been a more well rounded person if he was exposed to female competition early on. sending a little moid to a moids only school really just helped him stay immature

No. 501588

He is a moid with a background in CS. Luigi is a DEI hire in every aspect of life

No. 501589

Not to mention his same profile picture that he cropped his ex girlfriend out of like a weirdo

No. 501591

If Luigi went to an all gendered school he:
A: wouldn't have been valedictorian. Maybe have been the smartest moid in school but that isn't saying much. He would have been mogged by rich women.
B: Would have learned to hide evidence and not be such an attention whore about killing Thomson
C: Wouldn't have killed Thomson, would have gone after Andrew Witty, Theil, or the head of Blackrock instead since they are higher ranking and less replaceable.

No. 501592

Helvetroon claimed Luigi used her name "constantly" throughout the letter, so much so that she couldn't even show a single line from the letter when I doubt he was referring to her by name when discussing what he ate for Christmas dinner and what he was buying out of his commissary. "She" still hasn't been online since Friday.

No. 501593

File: 1741804812347.jpg (918.52 KB, 1238x4058, travelfanfiction.jpg)

>no ugly Krauts
>no pimp trolling incident
>no tranny brawl
>no meeting with that Indian grifter
>not even drawing that moment where he tries to help the Japanese person suffering a seizure
Kr, please stop.

No. 501594

This is actually insane that she saw the WhatsApp messages and decided to do this instead

No. 501595

>luigi airline

No. 501596

If Retardigi killed an actual elite like Elon, Trump, the heads of Blackrock and Lockheed Martin, etc I would bust him out of prison Michael Schofield style. Instead I'll laugh at his retardation with other nonas.

No. 501597

Where is the prostitute he pretended to solicit with pornstar signature cards and the tranny sex bar what the fuck

No. 501598

Where to next? Definitely a supermax prison.

No. 501599

Same. He also has to get rid of jd v*nce, I don’t want thiel’s fuck pig to take over if trump croaks

No. 501600

The real Luigi is way more fun than her fanfic version

No. 501601

weegee liked musk and his retarded spacex grift. maybe if he waited a month when he got in office, he would’ve changed his mind and murked him instead. rip

No. 501602

File: 1741805267057.png (1.52 MB, 1270x950, 5445343544.png)

>Luigi airline takes him to pic rel

No. 501603

No literally he’s gorgeous, sweet, silly, and hot mess but she draws him as a 2ft tall chibi baby

No. 501604

She draws him like he’s Steven universe kek

No. 501605

He shot someone nona. I don't disagree that he's handsome but someone who's sweet and silly doesn't kill a man in cold blood in the street to impress grifter daddies. Nor does he try to buy 400 copies of a woman-hating pajeet's book and agree that women are the achilles heel of evolution. He needs to be mindbroken and forced to undergo a full cognitive detox by nonas.

No. 501606

>shot an evil moid

No. 501607

Yeah he used to seem cute and silly but now he is creepily childish and willfully ignorant and arrogant as well. Needs full correction. Unfortunately he is being rewarded with lots of mommy attention so his fetish is being fulfilled.

No. 501608

Can we stop pretending Brian Thomson was a human being and not the giant cockroach wearing a human skinsuit that he truly was?
Everything else about Luigi aside from his looks and his crime is cringe as fuck, but I will never back down from my belief that the only way to make elites back down from their entitled psychopathy is to fight fire with fire. Peaceful protest hasn't gotten us anywhere.

No. 501609

Nobody is saying killing BT wasn't based, but he's not one of your anime boyfriends. You might not survive the trial if and when the prosecution unearths some unsavoury truths about him to paint him in the worst possible light.

No. 501610

Yeah sure what he did was le based but to be honest if Luigi didn’t do what he did he would’ve definitely become just another evil moid.

No. 501611

man what is up with retardigi. who even tries to buy 400 copies of misogynist contradictory ChatGPT generated slop from some nobody grifting pajeet. between that and the thailand misadventures, he’s really cemented himself as a total retard in my eyes. even though he’s hot and killed a disgusting evil moid, I will still sexually torture him in my dungeon

No. 501612

We definitely have a tourist in here cheerleading for Brian Thompson. We don't give a fuck about him

No. 501613

Again, killing BT was based. But there's no evidence Luigi did so out of altruism for impoverished Americans or for some ideological reason - he literally got memed into out by raping his mind with "men need to be heroes" by anonymous twitter accounts. He likely was dissatisfied by no longer being the smartest guy in the room outside of college and wanted to be important.

No. 501615

It's getting ridiculous that anyone who tries to properly discuss Luigi is being called a "tourist". It's not like anyone is making up things from thin air - his digital footprint gives the impression of Luigi being like every other violent/mentally ill moid, though thank God he didn't kill a woman kr a child. Nobody is simping for Brian.

No. 501616

I don't care why he did it, he did the right thing

No. 501617

Exactly this. In one of his notebooks it was clear he was deciding who and what to go after to satisfy his hero complex. It could’ve been anyone, but I guess Brian was easy and healthcare is ubiquitously important.

No. 501618

File: 1741806279141.png (927.99 KB, 690x1350, new.png)

Appendix update

No. 501619

I don’t mind the shooting. I was being lax. That’s why I ended with “hot mess” but it’s beyond that. Him frequenting into the void for grifter validation is beyond. Interacting with that Ai account and not being able to tell it wasn’t a real Twitter account. Him liking that stick figure book that doesn’t cite any historical sources. Having the same repeat interactions with at least 7 grifters, no excuse for that tho.

No. 501620

>initials and zip code STILL not there
I hate him so much!!!

No. 501621

holy shit it’s still in December and January…it’s fucking joever

No. 501622

There is a chance he could get mine based on these dates but I no longer want him to. I want him to get less and less nice letters overtime until he develops a deep depression
He was born without a soul it’s sad

No. 501623

it’s amazing how gullible and naive luigi is. if his parents weren’t so overbearing and overprotective when he was young, he probably would’ve been lured into a van and never seen again.

No. 501624

It's going to feel extra retarded when he gets to my letter and I'm discussing news back in January that's long over.

No. 501626

if only brian had a gang of trannies bodyguarding him, he might still be alive

No. 501627

I feel the same, I honestly hope that my January letter got tossed in the trash.

No. 501628

My Dec letters aren't here either. IT'S JOEVER

No. 501629

NTA i don’t even care at this point, I am not sending him another letter ever again, I hate him and the female attention just inflates his already massive ego. Maybe hate mail someday

No. 501630

File: 1741807409645.jpg (42.12 KB, 343x430, brianigi.jpg)

No. 501631


No. 501633

No. 501635

If he gets 100+ letters in 2 weeks like this he won't reply to all of them. He can only send 80 a month kek. Makes sense he's replying to donors

No. 501636

A chill just went done my spine….

No. 501637

Luigi if he were irish or something
You mean his type (single mommies)

No. 501642

Brian was so ugly

No. 501643

The video out there of him explaining care for autistic children is so bad. He looked so apathetic and empty, gave no solution of substance.

No. 501644

I don't use these threads and I fucking hate that ugly neanderthal but damn… the female version is beautiful. Okay, adios now

No. 501645

Many such cases

No. 501646

If I wanted to be surrounded by redditards I'd go on reddit. Tourists can fuck right off

No. 501647

See Luigi Womangione is to help show lesbians what Luigi Mangione looks like to straight women. He really is a very beautiful scrote if you are cursed with heterosexuality

No. 501650

File: 1741809999923.gif (353.57 KB, 360x480, brianigigigigi.gif)

No. 501652

that fixed his hairline kek

No. 501653

luigi after he's escaped from prison down the poop pipe

No. 501657

How dare you make me see this with my own two eyes

No. 501658

I want him begging for my mercy and forgiveness with tearful eyes.

No. 501659

Girls chill, be patient, I know you're mad he hasn't got to your letter yet/replied but when and if he does I know you'll not be so angry

No. 501660

File: 1741812386827.jpeg (136.29 KB, 1242x1052, IMG_4456.jpeg)

same I can’t wait to see what he replies with

No. 501661

File: 1741812432771.jpeg (234.8 KB, 860x472, IMG_0603.jpeg)

I got the impression from that RS article that most of the Gilman boys are rich dumb nepo babies who are there for socialization and sports and Luigi was one of the few who actually focused on academics.

No. 501664

I can lowkey see that. They all looked like they were going to burst in laughter when Luigi was doing his valedictorian speech. And it didn’t comes across like they were egging on their friend but that they were disinterested altogether.

No. 501665

Yeah. That also probably got to his head and his worldview was then shattered when he went to uni and started struggling like he mentioned in his Reddit posts.

No. 501666

yeah the little ugly bratty moids looked like they were mocking him

No. 501668

File: 1741812996980.jpeg (64.67 KB, 828x306, IMG_6348.jpeg)


No. 501669

>Me at Luigi.
I'd also send him abuse dms from my burner accounts telling him he's pathetic and he needs to get a life.

No. 501670

someone send her the brianigi edit that'll cheer her up

No. 501671

Kek and he turned out retarded and insufferable
I don’t blame them, they were probably effortlessly bright and Luigi a retard in comparison
Is she a single mom?

No. 501672

Tackling Luigi! Beating him up in the sand! Making him cry! Licking his tears! I love Luigi!

No. 501674

File: 1741813323815.jpeg (142.76 KB, 800x608, IMG_9579.jpeg)

Another appendix update

No. 501676

I wish sexigi could make retarded public statements on camera. I wanna hear his voice and the stupid shit he has to say

No. 501677

He thinks he is some kind of genius. I wish his mom and dad beat him and locked him outside the house

No. 501678

>still not on there
He needs to be punished for this.

No. 501679

What did he use as a ruler, the notepad?

No. 501680

His engineering superpowers

No. 501681

His dick

No. 501682

I wonder if he’s able to match the names in letters with GiveSend donors. Karen is probably giving him donation printouts.

No. 501683

File: 1741813645495.jpeg (235.43 KB, 1242x1235, IMG_6352.jpeg)

I have no way of knowing unfortunately, she has no posts or pfp
same, I want to bury luigi in the sand

No. 501687

Why did they AI his chest? This is the lion king shirt picture. Underselling his pecs.

No. 501688

He would, not only because he is a wannabe grifter but because he is an attention whore which is why he publishes this embarrassing list of initials in the first place. He really should have the skin from his back shaved off with a whip.

No. 501689

File: 1741813889814.jpeg (736.63 KB, 1028x1285, IMG_0604.jpeg)

AI slop

No. 501690

File: 1741814000895.jpeg (61.28 KB, 520x722, IMG_6351.jpeg)

true his nipples are pinker and jut out more kek

No. 501691

Did Luigi only own like 3 shirts

No. 501692

jfc there are March letters in there but none of mine. i wonder if they tossed mine kekk i'd actually prefer that

No. 501693

The reason he is in prison is because he wasn’t my boyfriend when he was this age. Karma.
He was such a minimalist!

No. 501694

Totally just bide your time, besides its not him choosing which letters he receives it's mdc

No. 501695

I'm glad you guys brought this up cuz that's the vibe I got as well. I couldn't find anything about any test scores involved into acceptance at Gilman, just the money and letters of recommendation probably (which can also be bought) They do allow space for financial assistance students tho, but thats not surprising. I also think the "Best Flirt" superlative might have been a joke, too. I'm sure he had a few nerdy genuine friends there, but rest were probably annoying little pricks.

No. 501696

Mdc threw mine out probably, at the behest of my guardian angel who knew all about Luigi’s evil (thank you)

No. 501697


Hakuna Matata

No. 501698

I kind of feel the same way, I wrote mine a super long time ago before realizing who he really is

No. 501699

They looked bored as hell. There goes Nerdigi droning on again about AI and the future

No. 501701

Luigi was probably also a brat. It isn’t like he found different type of people to associate with after graduating, he orbited the same type of people.

No. 501702

File: 1741814394890.jpg (87.03 KB, 1080x874, 1000005228.jpg)

Don't forget whatever the fuck this is

No. 501703

File: 1741814415344.jpg (120.61 KB, 1080x1658, 1000005229.jpg)

No. 501704

File: 1741814449379.png (1.48 MB, 735x1163, juicy tits.png)

>giving AI shirtlessigi an A cup when everyone in his family has massive tits

No. 501705

File: 1741814469024.jpeg (569.73 KB, 878x806, IMG_0605.jpeg)

0 chance that Best Pickup Lines was anything other than a joke at his expense

No. 501708

look how ratty that shit looks after five years post college

No. 501709

File: 1741814553714.jpg (53.19 KB, 612x612, 1000005351.jpg)

Why the FUCK is he so physically perfect

No. 501710

chalk on his face, so cute

No. 501711

It’s baby powder on his shirt, it’s on his face too while he was doing pool

No. 501712

Good, he needed some humbling and I am sure everyone in that school knew it

No. 501713

File: 1741814649794.jpeg (69.85 KB, 270x651, IMG_6354.jpeg)

he does have a really nice rack

No. 501714

It's so stupidly endearing I fucking hate love him

No. 501716

Palantir, he loved Thiel

No. 501717

Same. I seriously regret sending two letters to him.

No. 501719

Is that what the shirt says?

No. 501720

Oh… he would never kill Thiel huh. How old is he there? He really needed to be bought from his family at age 18 into sex slavery to save him. He has been too far gone for a looong time.

No. 501721

Spoiler that shit

No. 501722

File: 1741814849667.jpeg (60.26 KB, 273x988, IMG_6748.jpeg)

he looks like such a prince here

No. 501723

how did he get baby powder all over himself?

No. 501724

File: 1741814990126.png (371.2 KB, 377x787, IMG_7475.png)

Nona this is a retarded man. He is stupid even for a moid. Why do you expect him to act like a human adult

No. 501725

File: 1741815050503.jpeg (74 KB, 1165x601, IMG_0606.jpeg)

The back does. The front says Build it or something

No. 501726

File: 1741815058153.jpeg (52.58 KB, 285x555, IMG_6441.jpeg)

I mean…

No. 501727

Where's the full size of this

No. 501728

It's off chalk cubes from playing pool. That rando knows nothing.

No. 501729

File: 1741815175224.png (2.34 MB, 1200x900, IMG_6750.png)

No. 501730

He is retarded for sure

No. 501731

Still sus how he got it all over his face

No. 501732

Yeah let him stay in prison and get the death penalty.

No. 501733

aaaaand still my initials are not there

No. 501734

his nipples protrude so much, I want to pinch them

No. 501735

Well it’s from the ladyboy (?) sex bar so he was probably flirting around with the prostitutes there.

No. 501736

I’ve never managed to get chalk all over my face and shirt while playing pool. It’s amazing he reached age 26 without accidentally drinking bleach or something

No. 501737

No it's not.
Yeah he's stupid as fuck but I was just saying its chalk not baby powder.

No. 501738

The picture is from the bar, yes iirc. You can even see the thai girls (?) right there.

No. 501739

They must have thrown out so many fucking letters. Seems like only freaks and creeps got letters through.

No. 501740

This is a different bar

No. 501741

File: 1741815439202.jpeg (895.35 KB, 1179x1393, IMG_6754.jpeg)

It’s not a lady boy bar

No. 501742

Thanks nona

No. 501743

As Luigi planned. No, realistically the vast majority of people writing him are freaks and creeps. And most are women, hence why he writes back to majority women.

No. 501744

Well this shit pisses me off, imagine being so fucking lazy you can't do your job properly

No. 501745

I’m curious why the Krauts we’re taking so many pictures of weegee they know something we don’t

No. 501746

yeah I wonder why they kept taking pictures of a guy they just met in thailand. I’m sure he didn’t ask for all these photos, especially the ones with chalk on his face like a retard kek

No. 501747

God moids are so fucking stupid. Even one who is able to rub 2 brain cells together and punch up can't see the bigger picture.
I hate men so much. Girligi would never bend a knee to fagiel and other grifters (Unless RFH counts as a griftress)

No. 501748

I literally said that in the other thread. The photos look like they had an eye out on him or something. If they were friend pics they would’ve been more up close or something.

No. 501749

Okay explanation still stands he was probably flirting with those girls and they booped his face with chalk

No. 501750

I wish he got radicalized by RFH instead. he would’ve been way more based

No. 501751

File: 1741815827172.jpeg (821.64 KB, 1031x1482, IMG_0608.jpeg)

everyone took pics of weegee

No. 501752

thiel’s evil tentacles are everywhere. someone should tell luigi that palantir played a role in his arrest

No. 501753

>luigi is the physical personification of “atchually!!”
kekkk this is so true

No. 501754

He may have, he was interested in travel pictures hence his camera glasses (or he was creeping on women who knows anymore)

No. 501755

File: 1741815926209.gif (11.37 MB, 960x543, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

He looks so adorable!

No. 501756

but those were his friends or family and not creepy krauts he met for a few days

No. 501757

If Luigi actually read RFH we would never know he existed. He would just have shot Thomson and vanished. Maybe to kill again. Maybe even killing Theil because he is so embarrassed that he got brainwashed by him

No. 501759

It makes me wonder if letters with drawings were automatically thrown out because the staff find it too much of a pain in the ass to screen.

No. 501761

I doubt it I honestly think Luigi is just a sped who doesn’t care for art. If he was sent like a fucking tesseract he may be intrigued

No. 501762

Maybe the story about him telling the germans he has 6 mil in the bank is true, that would make them interested in him. In the end they released all the bits they had on Luigi to make money off of him.

No. 501763

Is everyone going to ignore him being a sex tourist playing pool with some slutty half naked Thai girl??

No. 501765

No. we're going to ignore you though kek

No. 501766

It's just my letter is past two months now and hasn't shown up and I get the feeling art nonny's letter has still not been received either.

No. 501768

No it’s why I hate him and want him to die kek I don’t understand the pickmes that don’t care and say it’s just le average moid behavior! Yes hence he must die.

No. 501769

I hope he only gets shitposter nona's letters and loses it

No. 501771

The notepad itself. He would have taken the sheet of paper off and ruled it with the pad.

No. 501772

him having no interest in art is kind of a turn off tbh

No. 501773

It is what he deserves now. Art nonny's efforts are wasted on him anyways.

No. 501774

Yes but Luigi didn't know that capsule wardrobes are not meant to contain Lion King wife beaters

No. 501775

Great face bad style

No. 501776

It has to be a screening issue if their initials aren't there

No. 501777

Which talented nona can calculate his dick size from this pic?

No. 501778

File: 1741816915191.jpeg (684.73 KB, 1500x1803, IMG_7716.jpeg)

Tbh I don't dig his sister's art and she has an art degree. Family-wide issue.

No. 501779

They look like regular Thai women to me, the other girl is fully clothed. I just imagine her shirt is unbuttoned as Asian countries get very humid at that time of year.

No. 501780

No. 501782

This tracks! Damn he's lucky he wasn't murdered in Asia himself. They were targeting him to at least to try and blackmail. He's so fucking stupid.

No. 501784

Based Germans letting us know what’s up

No. 501785

Ahhh shit maybe he hates art cause he secretly hates his sister along with the rest of his family and it reminds him of them

No. 501786

It does make the most sense. Goes to show they didn't really get too much dirt on him in the end.

No. 501787

That would be sad but he is a stupid scrote so I wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe he is jealous his sisters are smarter than him and more successful, plus they found love in life.

No. 501788

I actually remember reading somewhere that drawings get tossed out

No. 501789

MDC sucks balls

No. 501791

No this German spy theory is so retarded

No. 501792

You'd think with how proud his mom seems to be of her Italian heritage that the family would at least know more about Italian art history. Luigi's sister wouldn't be making such bland art if that were true.
I could imagine his parents discouraged him from exploring art because they didn't want another child going into that field.

No. 501793


No. 501794

File: 1741817467015.jpeg (238.42 KB, 580x1249, IMG_6362.jpeg)

his review on steam makes me think he at least appreciated art in games idk

No. 501795

he obviously touched his face and shirt and got chalk on it that way
he didn't receive them, you would see them in the appendix otherwise
she minored in studio art,it looks like it was more of a hobby

No. 501796

I'm thinking it was a combination of this & early networking opportunities. His parents sound pretty Catholic and his mom didn't wanna become a grandma too early lol. Plus he didn't need to go to Gilman if he wanted to focus on computer science, but his family may have expected more on top of that.

No. 501797

File: 1741817528187.jpg (1.33 MB, 3072x2228, jael-sisera-painting-182861777…)

What if Luigis sister made paintings like this?

No. 501798

It makes perfect sense if a retarded American told creeps he had 6 million in the bank. They would be thinking about blackmail.

No. 501799

He is insufferable
But her daughters are married what are you talking about?

No. 501800

That makes no sense! Why?!?! They allow photos and some demon picture of jesus

No. 501801

I recall it's drawings that are done in anything other than black ink or pencil that get thrown out. I mean, people are sending him memes in the mail, I don't see why drawings would be against the rules. Then again, MDC Brooklyn went from going five pages max in letters to three now. They're probably looking for extra ways to avoid dealing with his letters.

No. 501802

It's up to the discretion of the corrections officer looking at the mail on that day. They can throw anything they want out.

No. 501803

yeah because its not true that he hates art, some nonas have just made up this narrative because their ego got hurt when they didn't receive a reply but their letter just never reached him

No. 501804

The ones that get through will get worse and worse then. Complete braindead shit.

No. 501805

I hope so kek

No. 501806

I remember reading his sister studied abroad and lived in Italy for a bit in college. But afterwards she had a more normal job in something related to grocery supply chain management. It seems she just pursues art a hobby now after becoming a stay at home mom/wife.

No. 501807

But it's funny to meme about how he's too retarded to appreciate art that isn't stick figures kek.

No. 501808

i will work in the mdc mailroom to make sure weegee gets all of our a-log mail

No. 501809

what if the COs are only giving luigi the most cringe ass letters and anything based is being tossed because they want him euthanized

No. 501810

yeah she majored in international business if i remember correctly

No. 501811

that’s probably why he only replies to single mothers kek

No. 501812

You don’t know that kek
He will get euthanized either way cant they allow us some keks as he tells on himself in his letters?

No. 501813

Still going to blame him for not getting my letter because he deserves all the hate. Plus, it's his fault for being in prison in the first place so he is essentially 100% at fault that out based letters aren't reaching him.

No. 501814

Yeah obviously it's fine if her adult married child has kids, but not teenage weegie getting a girl from school pregnant - hence sending him to an all boys school instead lol. I don't think his sister whose a mom even got married or had kids until just a few years ago.

No. 501815

File: 1741818254081.jpeg (481.66 KB, 1284x2007, IMG_7718.jpeg)

No she pursues art professionally now. Well, she had her first show then Luigi fucked it all up kek

No. 501816

Oh that’s what you meant. He wouldn’t have gotten a girl pregnant kek, rest assured a girl would more likely bullycide him than have sex with him. He seemed extra insufferable in high school. He would be one of those kids who prioritizes studying over girls anyway.

No. 501817

It's Wednesday chess night! I bet moe lester will win

No. 501818

really cant believe this, they sent him to gilman probably because it was the most prestigious school in their area

No. 501821

Loser gets the Fisty Twisty!

No. 501822

kek honestly i hope luigi has fun

No. 501824

>>You don’t know that kek
you can see it in his mail catalog that he hasnt received them

No. 501825

No, that he doesn’t hate art. He definitely doesn’t understand anything better than a stick figure. He probably gets jealous.

No. 501826

File: 1741818893908.gif (1016.96 KB, 429x294, sexytwerker69.gif)

No. 501828

there is no proof he hates art just speculations

No. 501830

True he will probably get a really sick prison tattoo

No. 501831

The 3/4 section is blank.

No. 501833

really hope he will never get a tattoo
poor luigi thought he's gonna get letters that day

No. 501834

Do you think he was put on suicide watch on 3/04 from not getting enough attention

No. 501835

I don’t understand how he managed to end up covered in chalk just from a pool cue. He straight up wiped it on his face and shirt. What a spaz.

No. 501836

File: 1741820241751.jpeg (44.05 KB, 261x354, IMG_0239.jpeg)

it’s a miracle he wasn’t murdered over there

No. 501837

If I was the prostitute I would have begged my yakuza pimp to kill and dismember him honestly

No. 501838

Lucia is, I don’t think MariaSanta is. That Indian wedding wasn’t hers.

No. 501839

He probably was being a retarded gaijin and thought some guy shilling escorts was from the yakuza.

No. 501840

Does anyone know what period of time/year Luigi was in Japan?

No. 501841

joke’s on them, he loves the letters they’re giving him

No. 501842

I wonder if they took it down on December 9 kek

No. 501843

He was in Japan in February, April, and May of 2024

No. 501844

File: 1741820637590.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1082x1889, IMG_0610.jpeg)

Luigi by this time next year

No. 501845

Nasty blackheads are accurate but he should have a teardrop tattoo to symbolize he's killed
Big ass freak weeb

No. 501846

For a brief time we were in the same country, doing the same touristic stuff. Thanks anon.

No. 501847

aw you would have met him if you hanged around prostitutes

No. 501848

To be fair, I haven't kept up with this thread well since more than a month ago. Moids will be moids

No. 501850

ewwww I hope not

No. 501858

he will not get a tattoo during his trial

No. 501859

god I would love if it was digital chess and we could make bets over whether Luigi or Diddy would win

No. 501860

if only you had crossed paths, you could've saved him

No. 501862

File: 1741821707062.jpeg (35.86 KB, 318x336, IMG_0234.jpeg)

you missed the news about him getting gangbanged by ladyboys then

No. 501864

They actually did KEK the exhibit was supposed to be until the end of 2024 but they wiped the gallery's website right after the news

No. 501865

Yeah I saw an article with pictures from it

No. 501866

It would be so close, too
Maybe somewhere we won't see it, like on his ass.

No. 501868

Stop lying kek

No. 501869

Zayn Mangione

No. 501870

tramp stamp

No. 501871

KEK they edited the screenshot and everything, luigischizo is still obsessed

No. 501873

What? Lurk moar, it's real. What's your issue with turning a blind eye to the weird shit he did overseas? Go back two/three threads where it was first posted.

No. 501874

kekkkkk pillowtalk ft. moe lester

No. 501875

It's the redditard troll, we gotta move on

No. 501877

File: 1741822302994.jpg (260.53 KB, 764x764, chubigi.jpg)

did you know that "mangione" is italian for "glutton"?

No. 501878

File: 1741822343244.jpeg (56.15 KB, 320x721, IMG_0234.jpeg)

Huh? That’s literally the text message convo.

No. 501879

Luigi next time we see him because he's only eating ramen and honeybuns

No. 501880

File: 1741822384673.jpeg (57.97 KB, 320x700, IMG_0229.jpeg)

No. 501881

seven ladyboys

one ceo

infinite nonnies

No. 501882

he was just scammed in thailand like many other tourists

No. 501883

They must all fucking hate his guts even more now

No. 501884

How did the German know beforehand Luigi was beat up by a ladyboy specifically? Was Luigi hanging around ladyboys a bunch?

No. 501885

are retards that delusional that he will walk free? kek that’s not gonna happen

No. 501886

samefag and by retards i mean anyone else that isn’t us

No. 501887

I didn’t realize the text said “last night”. I thought he took the pic of his arm right after this happened. So what bathroom is he even in?

No. 501888

its a common scam probably happend to him or his friends

No. 501889

He was with a bunch of guys at the bar. They would have been already talking and laughing about it.

No. 501890

They think he's been framed kek
I mean how retarded must you be to fall for the same scam twice, at this point stop going near ladyboys

No. 501891

It wasn't twice just once but I wish I had witnessed it

No. 501892

I wonder if his other sister is on leave from being a doctor, wouldn’t it be weird seeing patients who know your brother is a world famous murderer

No. 501893

he's not a chaser is he? fuck that, i'd never forgive him

No. 501894

Doesn't add up, I think Luigi getting beaten by ladyboys was a common occurrence, it probably gave him a rush.

No. 501895

Luigischizo knows the story, for some reason they are pissed that we haven't canceled him over it

No. 501896

I heard she did take leave right after it happened but not sure now as it's months later

No. 501897

Go back to Twitter, no one is trying to "cancel" your crush
Probably not a chaser, maybe the ladyboys fascinated him. Then again who even fucking knows anymore with him.

No. 501898

no he isn't

No. 501899

It's just a common tourist scam to overcharge dumb tourists for drinks and food. Idiot fought them over it. He is so stupid its mind boggling.

No. 501900

he shouldn’t be beaten by ladyboys, he should be beaten by us

No. 501901

The fact that he didn't research anything about the countries he travelled to just shows his ignorance and superiority complex.

No. 501902

File: 1741823084323.gif (199.6 KB, 455x553, kiss.gif)

He's probably playing chess right this moment

No. 501903

File: 1741823179035.jpg (170.15 KB, 1003x1005, 121530167340982.jpg)

hopefully he wins

No. 501905

File: 1741823232243.png (567.87 KB, 865x1137, LuL.png)

>Erm that was a poor opening move

No. 501909


No. 501910

File: 1741823356118.gif (Spoiler Image,5.12 MB, 623x350, hell.gif)

Loser has to join Brian

No. 501911

File: 1741823395734.jpeg (383.91 KB, 1178x1903, IMG_9551.jpeg)

I wish mario bevitore killed brian, I would’ve moved on with my life by now.

No. 501912

They are going to make up in Hell and make out

No. 501913


No. 501914

File: 1741823428600.png (12.03 KB, 498x284, FAT FAT HES FAT.PNG)

This anon was right the whole time?

No. 501915

his curls look so cute, how does he maintain them

No. 501916

The result of a steady diet of pure carbs: ramen and honeybuns

No. 501918

someone send this to him and tell him to eat SBF's macks instead or he's gonna wall in a year

No. 501919

He needs to be sent every single edit so he develops severe body dysmorphia and he becomes bulimic.

No. 501920

do you think his parents did the one day son this will all be yours line with their healthcare empire to him and that's why he loved the lion king so much. Or out the window of their resort

No. 501921

It's the only way to make him stop eating ramen. Tell him this is what he will look like fat and bloated.

No. 501922

Of course they did

No. 501923

Yes and that image specifically which is based on the flipped image of him, for added mindfuck

No. 501924

This reminds me where is fanfic nona. I'm waiting.

No. 501925

It's either ramen or maggot-infested food

No. 501926

Probably, which is why he fucked off to the west coast to get away from them kek. I don’t think he wanted to inherit the business or deal with their shady wop stuff

No. 501927

He deserves the maggot infested food, plus I bet it's decent protein.

No. 501929

Do you think his family got their start in the Mafia?

No. 501930

kekkek that is hideous

No. 501931

I read his granddad luigi was resentful everyone thought he was mafia connected in the us so no. Maybe moved to get away from them

No. 501932

They are from around Sicily, no?

No. 501933

ugh imagine the overhang

No. 501934

Luigi crawling on his knees until they are heavily bruised, following me around calling himself retarded and begging forgiveness. Naked.

No. 501936

No. 501937

God that's hot

No. 501938

I would bet money on it they did

No. 501939

Luigi wishes he were mafia and not a simpleton cog

No. 501940

he’s so hot and torturable

No. 501941

File: 1741824483627.png (Spoiler Image,447.75 KB, 894x868, 1735529441231.png)

Luigi got that name for eating pussy. Thats how he stays in shape while being a mangione

No. 501942

It makes me wonder if he's even actually eaten a pussy in his life. This is why he went to prison.

No. 501943

if luigi didn't kill thomson I will see him as a boring scrote and go back to ignoring him (unless he makes an only fans). All that retard is good for is looking cute and killing moids

No. 501944

what happened to art nonny and her amazing art

No. 501945

Yes because the story of them being rags to riches is bullshit. They must have had help.

No. 501947

He probably did. How good he was at it is up for debate though.

No. 501948

They may have borrowed money from the mafia, but were not in the mafia.

No. 501949

No. 501950

Probably awful because he was awful at everything and I can't imagine him having had sex sober since he was such a druggie in his frat and at surfshack so he'd probably just pass out halfway through.

No. 501952

Thats okay I will teach him to eat pussy like a champ! If he messes up i will taze him! Give him a week with me and you'll see he will live up to his namesake!

No. 501953

Don't forget to starve him a few days beforehand, but yes I think tazing him would benefit him immensely!

No. 501955

File: 1741825099213.jpg (4.48 MB, 3740x3740, disgusting fat prison moidigi.…)

one year later(ai outside of containment )

No. 501956

How would he be obese? Stop

No. 501957

Horrifying that this is the future

No. 501959

File: 1741825203693.png (867.22 KB, 604x1074, luigi.png)

No. 501960

Now I'm worried he's a minute man

No. 501961

would still ride that whale

No. 501962

I saw this lol. He should’ve sat there and let his stomach grumble

No. 501965

File: 1741825500237.jpg (20.97 KB, 402x282, pizza.jpg)

Not Luigi

No. 501968

No. 501970

No. 501972

Wait this was like 5 threads ago here

No. 501973

About damn time, she'll cry in her walk-in closet again

No. 501974

they only found it after clubmangione linked them here, they discuss lc in the comments

No. 501976

On his mother’s side he had some relatives tied to the mafia.

No. 501977

he would never be a fat moid, he is too vain kek

No. 501978

Also a weirdo on lipstick alley who says this is a 'rip of 4chan' but lurks and sperges about his white ex

No. 501979

Why did I zoom in on the face 😭(emoji)

No. 501980

KEK assassin bae i know you're reading this, tourists go away

No. 501981

That looks like cheap A4 paper. Was that before or after he started sending types letters?

No. 501982

You underestimate my capacity to still would

No. 501983

File: 1741826496805.jpeg (111.48 KB, 958x1272, IMG_6366.jpeg)

he is such a little slut

No. 501984

It’s so funny the high school girl in the camp took this. This was all her doing

No. 501985

Before I think someone said this was an old screenshot

No. 501986

So is this real? Does he really still like Tracey? He is so pathetic. He really has a type he can’t shake.

No. 501987

But the paper looks white

No. 501988

kek she was like “hold on, let me take a picture of his inner thighs while he’s manspreading”

No. 501989

The mafia connections gives me a picture of his mom that she was a social climber grifter like Tracy

No. 501990

I don't think it's real Tracy is full of shit

No. 501992

So he had a team of teenage fangirls who made a Discord about him? No wonder he is so egotistical. And they named themselves ILoveLuigi 1 2 and 3 or whatever. He probably reveled in that shit. Huge ego boost.

No. 501993

Yet he was still a depressed loser and ~no one understood him~ what is his problem?

No. 501994

He wanted free pussy with zero effort, and now he basically has it. He is sooo close with these letters all he needs to do is hone in on one woman writing and get jail married. I think it will be Emily.

No. 501995

File: 1741827040568.jpeg (363.25 KB, 1006x1313, IMG_6765.jpeg)

Did she tell a story about his towel falling off too? Or did I make that up in my head.

No. 501996

File: 1741827060583.gif (4.98 MB, 323x267, cocky.gif)

Now he's got fangirls worldwide kek

No. 501997

But will he ever be able to fuck a woman again in his life?

No. 501998

he only wants validation and love from grifter daddies and single mommies kek

No. 502000

Are you implying the image is written by a teen girl and a teen girl saw his penis? Ive never heard that part.
No kek he is in prison and his dick broke long before

No. 502001

yeah if the fed charges are dropped and he's transferred to state prison

No. 502002

I swear she said it fell off and he said sorry after. But I don’t see it in her comments anymore.

No. 502003

yes if he marries one of the the single moms that he writes to, then he’ll get conjugal visits with her

No. 502004

Good luck, Karen

No. 502009

File: 1741827894282.jpeg (936.93 KB, 1125x822, IMG_4394.jpeg)

karen quit browsing these threads

No. 502011

Cute pets!

No. 502012

Look I hate Luigi and all but no way he flashed his dick to a teen girl and said ‘sorry’

No. 502014

Karen next court appearance make him wear a deep V neck. Let those titties hang free.
Get him a collar too

No. 502016

I literally was thinking in my mind I wonder if the football game at UPenn that Luigi went to was recorded. And someone posted it on TikTok.
How tf?

No. 502017

She should really do this. There's no hope of him ever being free anyways. Might as well force him to put on a show for everyone. No more of that gay ass green shit to signal the Redditors.

No. 502018

It will be warm enough next time he’s taken for a walkie so he may be able to show some supple, vulnerable skin.

No. 502019

he should wear a wife beater, tiny booty shorts, and no shoes kek

No. 502020

Why is her cat looking into my soul?

No. 502021

File: 1741828628764.mp4 (4.67 MB, 600x600, upenngame.mp4)

Just saw it too

No. 502022

File: 1741828841696.gif (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 320x240, IMG_6369.gif)

what weegee is going to see when I kidnap him into my dungeon

No. 502023

He's so distinctive. Even in grainy pixels.

No. 502024

what prison tats do you think he'll get? i would pay to see lolcow farm on his forehead

No. 502025

Kek on his phone tweeting grifters with shit awful posture

No. 502026

Are you a male?

No. 502028

he's gonna let the single mommies pick the design

No. 502029

he will get a the lc logo branded on his left ass cheek

No. 502030

Oh he’s getting some awful shit then. He needs to do his own thing and get a pokemon or the tesla logo or something

No. 502031

I feel sad seeing his parents in front of him looking happy

No. 502032

Nona look at the full picture. There is a bottle of powder placed on the wall.

No. 502033

Minions and Tinker Bell tattoos

No. 502035

He will love those and he will choose a Simba tat himself too kek

No. 502036

While he is being an antisocial loser who shouldn’t have been invited to such an event. He should have been brutally raped until exhaustion in my medieval style dungeon.

No. 502037

A sun somewhere

No. 502038

File: 1741829220285.gif (Spoiler Image,522.33 KB, 498x278, giphy-324222504.gif)

This is the last thing Luigi will see during my conjugal visit with him before I blindfold him

No. 502039

File: 1741829229856.gif (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 200x200, IMG_6371.gif)

no I just like using these cringey dom gifs

No. 502041

this gif is much better never use a male one again

No. 502042

Me telling Luigi he has to be on all fours on his fingers and toes for five minutes straight with his ass in the air while I take humiliating photos.

No. 502045

luigi should be naked, wearing a dog muzzle, and on all fours at all times

No. 502048

he'll probably still be in prison when his parents die

No. 502049

File: 1741830839305.jpeg (140.75 KB, 941x379, IMG_6768.jpeg)

I can’t ever go on TikTok without seeing some version of this

No. 502051

which he knew if he wanted to get caught

No. 502052

What should I draw weegee doing?

No. 502053

kneeling on the cage floor being fed hash browns by dom nonny

No. 502054

Weegee being forced to eat dog food out of a dog bowl.

No. 502056

obese weegee surrounded by ramen and snacks

No. 502057

this but cat food out of a cat bowl

No. 502058

Luigi meeting pissed off nonas who are sexually abusing him

No. 502059

obese weegee snacking on slim weegee

No. 502060

She is going to get a fucking response. He's gonna hone in on that shit like ants to honey

No. 502061

playing chess with moe lezter

No. 502062

cowigi wearing nothing but a cow bell, snacking on grass with “property of lcwives” branded on his ass

No. 502063

I wonder if he feels bad at all for putting his parents through this

No. 502064

probably not, too self-centered

No. 502065

Not yet, not while he is getting all his letters that make him feel like a hero. I can imagine him feeling bad for his dad once his dad dies. Not for his mom if their relationship was really that bad.

No. 502066

licking the feet of the nonna who enslaved him

No. 502067

true, his mommy issues seem so apparent. he could’ve at least had the decency to fuck off to another country forever to avoid getting caught instead of being arrested in Mc Donald’s

No. 502068

I think he wanted to punish them, particularly his mom, I've psychoanalysed him a lot like everyone has and I think if the mafia ties are true that's the generational trauma he was talking about. There's just no way that the heir to a healthcare family just happened to pick a healthcare ceo to shoot.

No. 502069

He's so fucking stupid he could have had it all

No. 502070

What was the exact moment he decided to kill do you think?

No. 502071

shrooms whispered in his ear

No. 502072

This question reeks of feds btw KEK

No. 502073

the ghost of kacynzinski did
it's in his fake id date

No. 502074

The back surgery date is on the ID too

No. 502075

Damn it does I'm sorry I was just wondering about it

No. 502076

damn I wonder what she did to make him resent her so much kek. it seems she pretty much let him do whatever he wanted despite his back issues and retardation

No. 502077

That makes me think his ID wasn't made in June but later because he scheduled his surgery very soon to the date in July going by his Reddit comments.

No. 502078

My hunch is she is abusive behind closed doors. My mother was the same but I didn't kill anyone because of it.

No. 502079

He had the surgery in 2023, so he probably still decided to have the ID made in June

No. 502081

I don't know what exactly made him decide but I think it was when he went home to recover from back surgery, I don't think he got a lot of (emotional) support and realised he was never going to get any. Possibly got shamed for being on painkillers too long or not recovering fast enough. So decided to shame them back, fuck you. And the write his name history arrogance already there.

No. 502082

Oops yeah my bad

No. 502083

his sisters seem fine though, maybe she is just a boy mom who suffocated him

No. 502086

He was shamed for the painkillers. That was directly said in news articles.

No. 502087

Shit that is awful. People shouldn't judge anyone for needing fucking painkillers for a back injury and surgery like that fuck!

No. 502088

they're not that public, so maybe they're not fine, but rich catholic families would put a lot of pressure on the only son anyway. Traditional families are still fine with women just making good marriages, careers are nice and look good but not necessary.

No. 502089

No. 502091

probably nothing. moids are stupid and luigi is no exception.

No. 502093

that’s true. his whole family is catholic while he’s agnostic, I wonder if that’s just another way he tries to rebel against them kek

No. 502094

File: 1741833371445.jpg (70.3 KB, 659x353, screenhot.jpg)

A friend had been told he was addicted to pain medication. Damn that nona at >502081 was right! I think he was treated like shit after his surgery by his family.

No. 502095

I think he was terrible at sex, that’s partly why he never had long term gfs. They would have put up with his manchild personality longer if he ate pussy like a champ

No. 502096

I know he killed a guy and all but I don't think his family is as innocent towards him as everyone thinks. There is something wrong with them.

No. 502098

That’s so messed up. Why weren’t they patient with his recovery?

No. 502099

I think with his back injury it would have made it difficult to fuck very well. Hopefully he is at least somewhat skilled at cunninglingus.

No. 502100

I think it’s obvious that he sucked at sex given that he wanted to read the “Come as you are” book listed on his goodreads account

No. 502101

Wow this is actually fucked up!

No. 502102

weren’t the krauts talking about how he was in a lot of pain with his back injury while they were traveling together in Thailand?

No. 502105

i kind of figured since he kept trauma dumping about generational trauma to nobody grifters on Twitter, moved to the opposite side of the country, and then cut all contact with his entire family

No. 502106

Yes they said he had problems getting out of a chair

No. 502107

File: 1741834118741.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1113x1382, IMG_0615.jpeg)

No. 502108

They became completely estranged by December '23 right? They really gave him no time to heal and recover then. I wonder what the final blow up around Christmas time that was said in some news reports? Luigi in court said he had been estranged from them for a year.

No. 502109

yes but his tits need to be bigger

No. 502110

I can't reconcile his family not understanding him when he's going through a possible pill addiction. It seems pretty cruel, but some families do view addiction as a moral failing so I wouldn't be surprised.

No. 502111

File: 1741834398116.jpeg (195.97 KB, 1179x451, IMG_6769.jpeg)

yeah he said this and in the first hearing he gave the address to his childhood home that was sold before giving the Hawaii address.

No. 502112

Yeah and they said he was in pain and having trouble getting out of a car after driving too.

No. 502113

normal for boarding school type families unfortunately

No. 502114

why was he traveling by himself in Asia with two creepy krauts he just met, while he was suffering from debilitating back pain. he really didn’t know how to take care of himself

No. 502116

Mental breakdown. He was lost.

No. 502117

Someone posted a screenshot above

No. 502119

Yup, they seem like a keeping up appearances kind of family and they seem very religious. His parents go to church regularly per the Rolling Stones article. I can see how they would have lacked sympathy.

No. 502120

So was he really not be able to fuck or was that a confirmed lie by his old land lord?

No. 502121

File: 1741835000230.png (Spoiler Image,484.96 KB, 718x902, wow.png)


No. 502122

His roommate says that's bullshit

No. 502123

based as hell

No. 502124

art nonny this is great

No. 502125

A hashbrown KEK

No. 502126

I think that landlord is a super creep and Luigi didn't say anything to him but obviously Luigi did have a lot of pain and someone could draw those conclusions. No reason to do media interviews about it though damn.

No. 502127

still hands down the best weegee artist. KR should take notes from you and slowly make her comics more sexual

No. 502128


No. 502129

Why did his landlord even say that kek

No. 502130

Do you think this would pass the pictures screening for weegee's mail?

No. 502131

She should draw him sexy and naked and not like he’s a 10 year old sped kid

No. 502132

holy fucking based. thank you art nonny!

No. 502133

I doubt he was good at eating out or he would have held down a gf

No. 502134


No. 502135

only one that knows how to draw him so well. love this

No. 502136

KR I mean

No. 502137

i bet weegee secretly yearns to be tied up in a lcwive’s basement, being hand fed hashbrowns

No. 502138

ai makes him so flat wtf no love for men with fat tites. Woke mind virus.

No. 502139

File: 1741835394189.jpg (121.42 KB, 369x316, creep.jpg)

He looks like a gay serial killer himself

No. 502140

I wonder how bad this really was, or if this is partly secondhand info embellishment.

But I could see a bootstraps-type family being impatient if he wasn’t back on his feet within a few weeks.

No. 502141


No. 502142

kekkk but for real he gives bad vibes

No. 502143

i think artnonnie sent luigi a drawing (non porn)
I hope it gets through and karen sees it and is like "Uhhh, this person draws a lot of porn of you… at least i mean that's what I heard from tumblr, I definitely didn't see save any of it myself"

No. 502144

holy shit jeffery dahmer is still alive?!

No. 502145

looking at him gives me the creeps, he gives off Jeffrey dahmer vibes. is he the same guy who radicalized him with the unabomber book?

No. 502146

Karen's Luigi folder is bigger than ours

No. 502147

kekk I thought the same thing

No. 502148

It is indeed

No. 502150

File: 1741835645519.jpeg (496.44 KB, 1179x1413, IMG_5876.jpeg)

someone on rednote said that the landlord groped her

No. 502151

This is also the man who suggested Luigi read the Kaczynski manifesto as a “joke”

all of this is his fault

No. 502152

Well there it is! Knew he was a creep just be looking at him!

No. 502153

Wtf is wrong with this man!!

No. 502155

Yeah he did and he called himself a "roommate" in the interviews rather than the landlord which is also weird

No. 502156

Wish she went to the police. It's possible the elevator had cameras. His mention of Luigi's sex issues are likely fake and from perceived sexual competition.

No. 502157

>His mention of Luigi's sex issues are likely fake and from perceived sexual competition.
It does reek of pure jealousy

No. 502158

imagine if he really did manipulate him into doing it kek. anyways, this guy is really awful.

No. 502159

well it was communal living so the lines are kind of blurred. RJ is in a lot of the pics of Luigi with Surfbreak residents

No. 502160

very curious dahmer-bryan johnson-thielesque amalgamation. he has the soulless-eyed cannibal faggot serial killer looks down to a T but he's actually a yellow fever creep. the feds should vanish that perverted inciting agent for radicalizing luigi

No. 502161

and he was the one that suggested Luigi do yoga at the same studio he was a guest instructor at. Eww he was in his face too much

No. 502162

File: 1741836337263.jpeg (279.48 KB, 2048x2048, AB57E3E8-77BA-466A-AD7F-29DBFC…)


No. 502163

can we not?

No. 502164

he was going to eat Luigi. It was either MDC or that guys freezer

No. 502165

Karen, try convince the jury that he did it instead.

No. 502166

this dude would not kill brian thomson. He would kill underaged male hookers.

No. 502167

yeah this guy does look like a cannibal. i wonder if he ever made Luigi uncomfortable

No. 502168

File: 1741836547711.jpeg (540.82 KB, 2048x2048, 8EB1E6DF-C544-40F9-BBB5-93FE54…)

>especially the top pic
He’s always in Luigi’s personal space it freaks me out.

No. 502169

Girls were all over Luigi naturally but he had to force them into paying attention to him. Fucking psycho went all out doing interviews lying crying on TV

No. 502170

he moved out early after 6 months he sure did

No. 502171

Why the fuck did luigi choose this surfshack shit? Is he just retarded?

No. 502172

No. 502173

Sometimes I wonder if Luigi's perception of people is off, I would have never lived in that serial killers commune. That guy just has a creepy phenotype. I can smell these types out.

No. 502174

Someone had a theory that maybe Luigi said that he couldn't have sex with his bad back to keep this guy from getting any ideas

No. 502175

It is for sure. He has known too many crazy people.

No. 502176

>200 dollars for the worlds shittiest grifter on his birthday
>that locust max
You WONDER if Luigis perception of people was off?

No. 502177

I wonder how he even found it on Google since the living community was only like a year or months old when he joined.

No. 502178

A trait of autism is not being able to read people or their body language

No. 502179

I think he is definitely very naive and gullible with the amount of weird people he decided to interact with in adulthood.

No. 502180

He was in Hawaii before moving into the commune maybe he saw a flyer or an ad posted online for it

No. 502181

>tim urban
>that indian grifter
>the german sexpests
>AND the fursona of AIDS

No. 502182

Too many receipts to be a coincidence lmao

No. 502183

He's never beating the autism allegations

No. 502184

This is the real reason he never went to therapy. He didn't want to be a male autist

No. 502185

well, obviously. rj, bpd tracy, grifters, random germans, bpd letter writers…

No. 502186

why did he even move into a commune and not a regular apartment, he had the money

No. 502187

Luigi is never gonna write to a nonnie he can smell our basedness from a mile away and it's like weegeepellant

No. 502189

kekk I could see that

No. 502190

Covid and remote work minimized his interactions with people so I guess he wanted to be around more people to sperg out

No. 502192

I think he was lonely and looking for friendships and belonging but he did leave the commune very quickly and get his own apartment after that

No. 502193

how old is this guy, he looks ancient kek

No. 502194

commune, boarding school, prison, all dorm living

No. 502195

He wanted new friends when he first moved, idk if Hawaii is an easy place to socialize. He would have had some "built in" sort of similar interest friends at surfbreak but then he probably realized how shitty they all were and he felt disillusioned

No. 502196

Lmao she has a husband, who found her crying in a closet when the news broke?! Kek

No. 502197

He's one of those men who pretend they are 38 but they are really 52

No. 502198

Could have been in the nona rapecabin. Hazing all day every day for weegee just like in his frat

No. 502199

He would have loved it

No. 502200

Did any of y'all get into his updated letter list today or is he still ignoring us?

No. 502201

I don't think he's received any nona letters in this update.

No. 502202

4 letters, none on the list. It's joever

No. 502204

File: 1741837595851.jpeg (Spoiler Image,58.73 KB, 1024x683, IMG_6385.jpeg)

POV: you’re luigi and you see this staring at you when you wake up

No. 502205

My condolences. I have a sneaky feeling Faith made it somehow though. She will probably get a response. Carpe Diem indeed.

No. 502206

Why does this man get to walk free and we are deprived of Luigi? Life is not fair!!!!!

No. 502209

Clearly there wasn't only one killer living at Surfbreak

No. 502210

Her initials and postcode were on the first list kekkkkkkkkk

No. 502211

ugly rape-y moids can walk free, but our gorgeous retarded stallion has to spend the rest of his pre-walled life playing Pokémon cards with diddy. pure misogyny

No. 502212

nothing yet and im already on my 8th letter, granted its just shitposts at this point.

No. 502213

it should be legal for guys as cute as luigi to kill one uggo moid of his choice. Doesn't matter how rich he or if he bred (thats all they can use for brian thomson). It will discourage women from sleeping with ugly moids and hot chads will start taking care of hideous moids for us
women should be able to kill ugly moids too.

No. 502215

Two letters, one sent mid-January and another sent late February. Not on the list yet. I hate him.

No. 502217

Blame the prison not giving him the letters

No. 502218

i wish weegee murked more ugly low tier moids before he got caught. he would’ve been a hero to women everywhere.

No. 502219

This proves they are just handing him the most retarded ones. They can't even comprehend what we send.

No. 502220

No, I'm blaming him. If he weren't in prison, this wouldn't be an issue in the first place. Plus, he deserves hate anyways because he sucks so bad.

No. 502221

I’m shocked this guy is straight, he has such chronic gay face

No. 502222

He's probably bi. Just creeps on anything he finds attractive. You know, like how pedos are half the time

No. 502225

Yeah he seemed really into luigi despite only knowing him for like 6 months kek. between him and Tracy, my Luigi is a weirdo magnet

No. 502226

I can see this, he hasn't responded back to anyone remotely intelligent yet. Some educated people have to be writing to him. It seems the officers at MDC are anti-intellectual because Luigi is purportedly smart and wants to hear from smart people right? RIGHT?

No. 502228

File: 1741839195548.png (Spoiler Image,311.06 KB, 597x667, faggot.png)

>the COs threw this AIDS-ridden, prolapsed asshole-having thing's postcard at him as punishment

No. 502229

File: 1741839241212.jpeg (Spoiler Image,186.72 KB, 1715x1091, IMG_4937.jpeg)

Luigi’s brain has been fried from shrooms, binge drinking, and talking to retarded grifters on Twitter. I’m sure he can’t handle letters that are written beyond a 6th grade level.

No. 502230

The letters he's been getting are from people that are SO stupid I can only see a prison worker being the one to think they were the better letters over art and more educated people. I know Luigi is retarded but he not THAT retarded.

No. 502231

Sorry but: Man of the People Strategy. If Luigi responded to an intelligent letter and the receiver posted it, idiots who saw it would feel alienated from Luigi. He's not going to respond to any smart letters. I don't think he's as genius as reddit makes out, I'm not saying he isn't a retard, but this is a strategy.

No. 502232

Do you think he replied to Faith?

No. 502233

Damn it you are right

No. 502234

Keeping his 2 letter response private because Luigi is muh Valentine and it's between us! Vomit.

No. 502235

eMiLy (I hate this strategy)

No. 502236

do you think faith would hide his reply from everyone?

No. 502238

Yeah, I'm fucking screwed from ever getting a reply because I mentioned in my letter that I dislike social media. He's going to just use my letter as toilet paper because I'm not going to be a useful retard and post a letter reply on Tiktok.

No. 502239

I can hardly read over a 6th grade level and I still think he wouldn't get my letter.

No. 502241

Thats fucking retarded. He's infantilizing "the people" by not writing back to someone reasonably intelligent.

No. 502242

Oh my God, you're right, he's been using these letters as PR the whole time. That idiot freeluigi mod was telling the others to keep them secret while Luigi and Karen actually wanted this shit to he disseminated. I have to dumb down my next letter to "I drool when I think about you, Luigi". Fuck.

No. 502243

Karen is likely responsible for this as she's the one keeping tabs on social media. She almost certainly also suggested Luigi wear green at the last court hearing because of the stupid Redditor movement. It'll appeal to the most people but it's absolutely infuriating to anyone with a brain kek.

No. 502245

Better safe than sorry.

No. 502246

this is what he wants, not intelligent stuff

No. 502247

File: 1741839807046.jpg (Spoiler Image,270.25 KB, 1212x1214, shescaresme.jpg)

No. 502248

This sucks! Is it so people focus more on his one-liners like “thank you for the love and support” and the “carpe diem” sign off? Instead of reading a response of substance from him that’ll take thought and an attention span. That’s sad.

No. 502249

Oh my god what the hell is that???!

No. 502250

If Karen wants luigis best chance she needs to come here. Make him dress slutty, make him cry, put a collar and leash on him.
Trust me he will get jury nullification.

No. 502251

It's eMiLy

No. 502252

I wonder if rj is also the guy behind the fake luigi sex tapes tabloid

No. 502253

Crazy eyes to the max

No. 502254

The face of someone trying to attract Pedowood degenerates to boost her movie career by constantly posting photos of her six year old child.

No. 502255

this made me physically recoil

No. 502256

File: 1741840073658.jpg (412.43 KB, 1125x697, they don’t know you like I kno…)

I’m ready to send my next letter

No. 502257

File: 1741840077299.jpeg (542.89 KB, 979x967, IMG_6774.jpeg)

Ik the genie comment he made was sarcastic because the question was dumb. But was he referencing the sponge bob mocking meme because of the cap and uncapped letters?

No. 502258

I find it genuinely weird that old bags like her keep talking to him

No. 502259

Writing to handsome young prisoners accused of murder should be a whimsical, horny, young woman kind of thing, not a woman with a kid and responsibilities kind of thing. So yeah.

No. 502260

Ik the genie comment he made was sarcastic because the question was dumb. But was he referencing the sponge bob mocking meme because of the cap and uncapped letters?
I can love him again

No. 502261

File: 1741840234609.jpg (64.66 KB, 1284x298, phd.jpg)

No. 502262

File: 1741840269015.jpeg (Spoiler Image,400.71 KB, 969x1280, IMG_2561.jpeg)

I always saw this floating around my Twitter feed in 2023/2024. i wonder if luigi ever saw it and felt inspired kek

No. 502263

is that where the genie comment came from? fuck.

No. 502264

He's going to reply to this woman's letter.

No. 502265

Yeah I think it’s pretty creepy

No. 502266

There is insanity in her eyes and smile I feel sick looking at this

No. 502267

escapist fantasy from the responsbilities

No. 502269

Unfortunate that he's enabling their fantasies because of his mommy fetish.

No. 502270

That he lets them indulge in. Karen should be ashamed she's allowing this.

No. 502271

File: 1741840572025.jpeg (68.82 KB, 718x269, IMG_4397.jpeg)

No. 502273

And he's encouraging it by saving her letter for 2 WEEKS just to write her back on Valentine's day. We're doomed.

No. 502274

ew does he really have a mommy kink or are these old bags just really good at emotionally manipulating him into responding. they always bring up “muhh kiddd” in their letter

No. 502275

time to embrace my inner bully i’ll start drafting my letters

No. 502276

Pure manipulation from the mother called Karen. eMiLy is a fake award winning producer. Luigi is dumb as fuck and has no idea who he is even replying too.

No. 502277

If he saw eMiLy's picture he might vomit in horror kek

No. 502278

Manipulation, these older women have been maneuvering this world longer than we have, a young sucker like Luigi is toast.

No. 502279

You need to inform him that he's enabling a woman who keeps posting photos of her six year old daughter for pedophiles on Instagram.

No. 502280

kek someone send it to him

No. 502281

To steal from the title of Jash Dholani's horrendous book, we must "Hit Reverse" and change our letter strategy

No. 502282

File: 1741841066647.png (10.55 KB, 381x212, singlemomcringe.png)

God she fucking sucks.

No. 502283

How do we tell her baby daddy she's chatting with top felons?

No. 502284

Send him her picture and screenshots of her insta posts on the Free App or whatever it's called kekkk

No. 502285

This could actually make her lose custody

No. 502286

I mean moms and gay men are the safest to respond to. Young women = risk seeming like a perv (he did a good job being formal & polite with that younger woman but discouraged her from writing back) straight men = already has MRA vibes from associating with jash and max. So it's mostly gay men and older women. But he does like older women because tracy.

No. 502287

This is villainous kekkkk

No. 502288

This is all Karen's plan.

No. 502289

File: 1741841271988.jpg (50.76 KB, 602x752, writing my weegee bully letter…)

i’ll make copies of my bully letter and spam him kekkkkkk

No. 502290

this will start more shit between the italians and irish

No. 502292

shouldn’t have written to an inmate in the first place especially if you’re a single mom

No. 502293

He did write back to a girl in nursing school that was quite professional. He probably felt safer about her because she's a nurse kinda. He did not ask her to write back. Mia got a rejection. Only older and/or married women are getting fun or emotional responses. If you are of childbearing age with nothing to lose, this guy is not writing back lol

No. 502295

only way to get a response is to tell him your name is bertha, 57 year old widow with a neurotic poodle called cookie who has crispy red eye stains

No. 502298

What the fuck is wrong with him? I hate how moids are so susceptible to fetish brainrot and let it control how they treat people. Stupid moid needs to stop it with the mommy worship.

No. 502299

Why the fuck would you change an irish holiday to Luigi day you dumb bitch.
How about we change retard awareness day to luigi day

No. 502300

Because le green = LUIGI. Hate these people.

No. 502301

Kekkk, this would actually work

No. 502302

One of these crazy old women he's replying to will be seriously dangerous at some point. Him replying to them is like playing Russian roulette.

No. 502303

Majority of them are baby reindeer esque. A 40+ yr old tiktoker has a blanket of him at 22.

No. 502304

File: 1741842805316.jpg (283.47 KB, 1512x2016, 1735342911885.jpg)

nope. From here on out, I hereby degree December 9th is officially retard awareness day

No. 502305

He must be naive, older women are just as likely to be lusting over him as younger women. Maybe even more likely. Just like with moids, I find older ones way creepier. He'll find out for himself.

No. 502306

can weegee just get the chair already? wish this man never appeared into the public eye he brought out the most insane people out of the woodworks, those who hoard stanley cups, house is a mess and probably spray themselves with bath and body works mists to hide the bo stench…and before “well actually lc weegee wives are insane too” no this is a different type of insane, a parasocial schizophrenic insane

No. 502308

File: 1741843890444.jpg (11.09 KB, 419x107, my bad.jpg)

samefag, sorry nonnies

No. 502309

Not to mention they're incredibly low-IQ too. I'm at a point where I feel Luigi deserved everything he's getting and am mainly here just for bullying him and his insane fans. The sheer lunacy, trashiness, and low-IQness of the fans are seriously infuriating to witness. I still find his retardation kind of cute but the hate is more powerful and fun now kek.

No. 502311

File: 1741844917743.jpg (229.68 KB, 1077x1370, Finally.jpg)

The redditors are awakening from their slumber. I do think he has some kind of mental illness though, something that was initially low-grade but worsened over time

No. 502314

Really can't wait for kr to suffer a meltdown once more people starting waking up to the fact that Luigi isn't an innocent little cinnamon roll boyfriend.

No. 502317

I knew she was a goner when she drew Jesus tucking him in at night while he sleeps in his cot at MDC accused of murder lol. He obviously has a dark side, she's too delusional to acknowledge it and is crafting side stories and characters for him. I bet he didn't respond to her, must have cringed him out.

No. 502324

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No. 502327

>"your letter is one of my all-time favorites"
i fucking hate him holy shit

No. 502328

File: 1741848366973.jpeg (255.28 KB, 828x819, IMG_4565.jpeg)

I remember this (deleted) comment because it spoiled my day

No. 502329

he called it unique for analyzing the lorax,its proof most of the letters he is receiving are shit

No. 502330

I fucking hate this man and he deserves prison

No. 502331

wait hold on. Is his signature different?

No. 502332

“I’ve thought many times that The Lorax is an almost foundational lesson, on par with many of Aesop’s fables, that it will be so critical to read to my kids.”


No. 502333

>It will be critical to read to my kids

No. 502334

>"it will be so critical to read to my kids."
Holy shit he is delusional. Unless he thinks a BPD single mom's kids are his KEK.

No. 502335

I’m all for these gatekeepers getting FOMO and sharing. More please. Even if I hate him more every time I see one.

No. 502336


Does he think he's going to get released or something and get a woman pregnant? KEK

Start responding to young women, Luigi! Come on!

No. 502337

lc wives are by far the least insane out of weegeespergs. If you haven't noticed the tonal shift, we have reached a point where we think he's hot and killing an ugly powerscrote was based but none of us here think there is anything else good about retardigi. Right down to the sjw mutants he attracts.
Luigi should have said "I fucking hate troons and pornsick moids are destroying the world and the only hope for humanity is that everyone with small gametes needs to relinquish their power (and lives if they are ugly and/or misogynistic) to women if we want a future for our children" on his twitter in that mcdonalds seconds before he got arrested if he wanted me to be parasocial with him

No. 502339

His KIDS?? Does… does he realize he’s in prison likely for life? You had your chance to have kids, Luigi. And whose fault is that? He’s lost it.

No. 502340

Do you think it's possible he has kids we don't know about

No. 502341

Of course Mr. Birthrates wants to have kids. Least surprising thing in the world. Emily has the best shot out of all of us right now

No. 502342

No nona he is fucking retarded as shit and thinks his dumbass is gonna walk

No. 502343

The kids line has to be some sort of manipulative tactic to pull at his retard fans' heartstrings, right?! Even then, it paints him as extremely mentally ill to anyone sane. God he's fucking retarded.

No. 502344

yeah looks like the dictator mod has finally been defeated

No. 502345

Again he ranks a letter as one of his favorites, shoeing his narcissism. And his response sounds so AI generated.
>my kids
KEKKKK Luigi is absolutely delusional. Whenever I feel bad for him because of his back pain I am reminded that he really chose everything for himself in this world, had ample opportunity to improve and help himself but didn’t out of lack of discipline, and he deserves everything bad that happens to him.

No. 502346

Is Karen gonna tell him to STFU, I think this is a good time?

No. 502347

he said if he had kids and not that he will

No. 502349

Man maybe Luigi is unironically batshit insane, like, beyond being just plain old retarded. They are gonna put him in an insane asylum with a straightjacket and a padded room I wanna be his nurse Ratchet
Has the discord server said anything? Or are they just seething in silence that they can't cling to the power of tardigi letters

No. 502350

he really doesn’t seem like a deadbeat dad but I’ve been wrong before

No. 502351

samefag but this letter is very sweet

No. 502352

Probably not because it's making his retard fans chwhy and feel sowwy for him based on the Reddit comments and Karen seems to pay attention to his retard fans the most. If they're feeling emotional about this, it's a good thing in her eyes.

No. 502353

No he didn’t he said he will read it to his kids, he thinks he can go free which is why he is ranking letters and only replying to women who fulfill his fetishes, he thinks when he is free he can choose from his carefully selected harem of women. When will he realize he will never find love nor start a family? And will he kill himself once it dawns on him?

No. 502354

It’s his own fault he will never have children. What a dumb fuck.

No. 502355

If Luigi has children and he was an absent father I am 100000000% done with him. Put me on the jury I will vote for him to die.

No. 502357

he obviously doesn't have kids

No. 502358

nightmare scenario: he really did engage in sex tourism in thailand and impregnated a poor thai woman. he is only now feeling le bad about it while in prison.

No. 502359

You're right, I used to think he wasn't like all the other moids, but he's delusional enough to think his potential wife and baby mother is going to write to him and he probably will pick someone to have a relationship with lmao

No. 502360

Oh my god he really thinks he's going to go free and procreate

No. 502361

you know nothing about this letter receiver to say she fullfills his "fetish" lets not get ahead of ourselves

No. 502362

ok so why is he writing to fucking single mothers? Does his dick not work for real and he wants to adopt their kids?

No. 502363

None of this makes sense! Does he know you can't impregnate 66 year old women???? Why is he not replying to fertile specimens?

No. 502364

no it’s not fuck him

No. 502365

schizo meltdown worse than the dictator mod over a silly letter about the lorax kek

No. 502366

I'm sure if there's a young woman with the "same wavelength" he is looking for, he's going to swear her to secrecy like he did those fundraisers and she's going to play her part because she wants the chance of getting that seed.

No. 502367

gtfo reddit

No. 502368

His retard ape brain probably just thinks, "Woman have child = I can make baby with."

No. 502369

I don’t really like or use this word but whenever I think of Luigi I cannot help but feel like he is a cunt.

No. 502370

if thats true then luigi would be far more punished in the cabin formally known as the rapenona cabin now called the castration cabana

No. 502371

she never said she is a mother

No. 502372

He will probably get bored and horny and start flirting with young women, but he's probably looking for one who won't rat him out. This guy got caught on camera flirting with a clerk, the impulse is there.

No. 502373

This bitch said how it was "his all time favorite letter" but never mentioned reading to his future kids part!

No. 502374

File: 1741850602911.jpeg (423.32 KB, 1050x1196, IMG_0630.jpeg)

It turns out he thought “no one was on his wavelength” only because he wasn’t hanging around moms who read children’s books in a way that spoke to him. jfc

No. 502375

File: 1741850705018.jpg (204.74 KB, 1179x1523, 93530457207.jpg)

nonas are dying of jealousy again kek

No. 502377

How do think he will do it? Hanging? Butter knife? Head down the toilet self drowning?

No. 502378

Yeah I'm actually get shit of this "fetish" shit spouted all the time. He's just writing a fucking letter.

No. 502379

This dumbass could have fingered me with those. What a waste.

No. 502380

kms fr

No. 502381

He basically has 10 extra dicks with those things

No. 502383

Nonas rejoice! He will pick one of us to breed first and we all promise to share him!

No. 502384

Oh like I'm fine sharing his seed but he is not allowed to leave the dungeon. He's in prison for life regardless of the verdict.

No. 502385

Head down the toilet I hope, it is where he belongs

No. 502386

I want him so fucking bad. Still. Even now when I dislike him more than ever.

If one of us becomes his wife, all of us are his wife. It's the rules.

No. 502388

>He basically has 10 extra dicks with those things
Art nona stat! You know what to do!

No. 502389

I still want him inside me but every letter is killing me inside

No. 502390

eMiLy must be seething at this letter

No. 502391

Is this PR tactics or he is seriously losing it? Luigi you will never be free and make babies.

No. 502392

Of course she is. She is an irresponsible single mom fixated on her prison crush all the while needlessly posting photos of her child for pedos to see on Instagram.

No. 502393

He has the mind of a teenage girl probably has a baby names list and everything kekkk

No. 502395

What names do you think he's got on his list?

My guesses Giovanni, Stella, Ocean, Princess, Bob, Fred, Cumboy

No. 502396

Probably booking fertility treatments for her menopausal uterus as we speak

No. 502397

Not the cabana

No. 502398

Luigi Mangione Jr and Girligi(samefagging multiple times)

No. 502399

Emily will be dethroned soon enough, he will start collecting a harem of future wives. Good luck nonas. I hope he can sense your ovulation through the letters.

No. 502400

Ancient Roman names especially if they're Gods/Goddesses because he's so ~deep~

No. 502401

Does this confirm that Luigi can get a boner?

No. 502402

File: 1741852743650.jpeg (838.04 KB, 1179x1130, IMG_3361.jpeg)

eMiLy was with such an uggo, walled moid. Can't believe she willingly had a child with this thing. Now all she has is her prison husbando.

No. 502403

Fuck you're right. It will be Gladiator movie names. Maximus Mangione. Max for short.

No. 502404

is he mentally regressing in prison? why is he fixed on so much baby shit.

No. 502405

This needed to behind a spoiler -vomit-

No. 502406

He liked the Lorax before prison kek

No. 502407

Max Mangione is a nice name

No. 502408

idk I wouldn’t want to have his children at this point because he pmo. I want to have degrading, violent hate-sex with him in my dungeon where I slap him around for being retarded

No. 502409

She's probably ecstatic Luigi "flirted" with her lol

No. 502410

luigi is trying to settle down and become a dead beat father after potentially getting life in prison and dp? “Muh legacy!!!”

No. 502411

I wonder if he thinks about how his future kids will feel about what he's done? It'll be a mindfuck for those kids lol

No. 502412

If he somehow is ever able to donate his pee-stained retrograde coom, only deranged BPD women will want to actually be impregnated by him. His "legacy" will be a bunch of fatherless, mentally ill spawn.

No. 502414

bpd mother and autistic father in prison sounds like a recipe for disaster. the kid’s grandparents and aunts would also resent him for being weegee’s hell spawn

No. 502415

i bet he would name his kid some shit like Brutus or Nero kek. Brutus Mangione kek

No. 502416

Why the hate? Luigi is way better than 99% of moids as a father just because of his genes

No. 502417

Sure, he has good looks but his spawn would inherit his busted ass retard brain.

No. 502418

Not me. I would have his child. I will fully admit this. He is still better than the vast majority of men on earth which says a lot about the state of moids these days.

No. 502419

he probably is better than 99% of moids, which isn’t that hard cause most moids are a combo of disgusting, ugly, and evil. his retardation is still nice to poke fun at though

No. 502420

He would give them retard manchild names like Ash and Misty.

No. 502421

>>only deranged BPD
delusional, plenty of women would have his babies even the police commissioner was lusting for him. If he donated his sperm to a spermbank it would be a best seller kek

No. 502422

Correct. It's up to Luigi whether or not he picks a relatively normal woman to carry his child though.

No. 502423

File: 1741854835090.jpeg (Spoiler Image,117.8 KB, 853x1280, IMG_6392.jpeg)

imagine if we were evolved from seahorses instead of apes. weegee would be pregnant while surrounded by a herd of his lcwives. we also wouldn’t let him give any of our children retarded names

No. 502424

He "thought" he will read it to his kids.

No. 502425

>Oh my god
they must give him a good drug cocktail or he is actually tarded

No. 502426

love it, thank you nonny you're amazing

No. 502428

I kinda love this

No. 502430

Don't worry, he'll read them the Lorax

>ywn hear luigi lovingly reading you children's stories

No. 502431

I'm still not over that NY Mag article with the police commissioner. Do you guys think she'll try to keep Weegie for herself? Does she watch Tiktok thirst traps of him late at night while laying next to her uggo husband (although they are equally ugly)? I wonder if she was the one who paid the tabloids to publish the "tape" rumours. I'm afraid she's gonna steal him away from us.

No. 502432

You just know if he gets the DP she'll do unfathomable things to his corpse long before it gets the chance to turn cold

No. 502435

She's def not, I remember the press conferences she did where she was saying the support for him is “shocking and appalling.” I also think it was crazy she just became police commissioner right before this happened in Nov. 2024. He was caught by two rookies.

No. 502436

I still don't get how he knew it was brian walking down from that distance. What if it was an another middle aged fat white guy doing business?

No. 502437

I was literally JUST thinking this. On a dimly lit street with bad lighting and he didn't even call out to him to get him to turn around and see his face?

No. 502438

Sometimes I wonder if Luigi is just pretending to be dumb right now because he carried out the crime flawlessly.

No. 502439

I hate that he's one of that fat leech's last victims

No. 502440

File: 1741857879541.gif (775.12 KB, 320x184, C67DFD07-7B2F-49CD-8C02-709EFE…)

Also him swiftly putting his phone in his pocket and then brian strangely walking jovial.

No. 502441

Yeah, wtf was up with his peppy walk?

No. 502443

How awkward would it have been if it was a random dude

No. 502444

I always wondered if he was catfishing Brian and that's how he knew what he'd be wearing or when he'd come out. Only other options are that he called the hotel staff, or had an insider from the hotel

No. 502446

she could still think what he did was wrong while also wanting to molest him kek

No. 502447

Well Wallace and Gromit needs to stay away

No. 502448

File: 1741859264902.jpg (201.22 KB, 828x909, 1000005213.jpg)

I mean…

No. 502449

Agreed. According to the news piece, sounds like she was basically drooling over his social media pics before any one of us knew about him. And probably keeps tabs on him more than her position requires.

No. 502450

She is a billionaire heiress… history repeats itself yknow

No. 502452

she’s probably lurking here kek

No. 502453

He's losing it kek

No. 502456

File: 1741861802286.jpg (229.54 KB, 929x1499, 1000007142.jpg)

I suppose he could use her to get the charges lowered or make an anonymous donation. It won't last tho.

No. 502457

That's kinda sad

No. 502458

I would’ve swiped right on that tbh

No. 502459

File: 1741862034606.jpg (403.69 KB, 1080x1600, 1000007140.jpg)

This article made me laugh.

No. 502460

idk maybe Luigi really is larping as an idiot right now. he still gave griftoids money though

No. 502461

File: 1741862122269.jpg (139.5 KB, 1080x800, 1000007143.jpg)

This is the author. She looks like someone who would secretly write weegie 40 page letters every day lol

No. 502462

luigi might be a retarded scrote, but he’s definitely not an incel wtf

No. 502463

And the worst part is weegee would’ve responded to her with flirting ughhhh

No. 502465

Agreed. The author actually sounds like a bitter old hag who just hates Gen Z in general, which made me laugh. And in the full article she keeps referencing his body. Interesting how all the news commentators & writers have the hots for weegie but also try to villify him or clout chase over his name.

No. 502468

>it will be so critical to read to my kids
I hope a female prison guard castrates him so he can never have a child. He should’ve been doting on his pregnant sister and fawning over her toddler rn, but instead, he’s chose to waste away in jail with chomos. Moids are so disappointing.

No. 502469

Honestly and the fact that he thinks he is going to impregnate one of his fans and have kids is insane. He really does have a breeding fetish. When is Karen going to tell him he will never be free?

No. 502470

The letters and Karen are deluding him and giving him false hope, i wonder when it will hit him.

No. 502471

Same, augh

No. 502472

i want to see him crumble so bad

No. 502474

same I want to see him crying next court appearance. I wonder if they’re going to really give him the death penalty

No. 502475

I want to see Luigi lose composure in live HD surround sound turned up to the max.

No. 502476

Imagine he starts screaming and shaking in his chains about how he didn’t know he wouldn’t be able to breed and to just kill him then and there

No. 502478

i want to see brian thompson's hottest male relative gun luigi down in the street as he walks into court

No. 502479

His best bet is to either become a rw grifter or to seduce tisch into getting him a light sentence kek

No. 502480

brian is genuinely repulsive, I doubt anyone who shares his gene pool is attractive at all

No. 502481

Is weegee’s trial judge a woman? maybe he could try to seduce her

No. 502482

the threadpics keep getting better

No. 502483

I almost feel a teensy bit bad for the sped. Is no one honest with him and will tell him he won’t ever walk free? That he will never breed, never satisfy any of his dumb fetishes?
Also did his back really hurt him that bad if he went climbing mountains kek

No. 502484

I think he mentioned somewhere on his Reddit that he never let his back pain get to him or stop him from doing what he wanted. that probably helped speed run his back into fully collapsing

No. 502485

Lawyers want the monies, so im guessing no.

No. 502487

He is retarded and you can tell he is an impatient person with no discipline or willpower. He probably thinks spamming pain killers and continuing to take his spine for granted was the le based, powerful, manly option for recovery.
Based lawyers I guess. Do you think Karen laughs at the letters?

No. 502488

I kinda feel bad for the scrote, too. he’s still a degenerate scrote, but he killed that ugly fat bastard so I forgive him.

No. 502489

I don’t forgive him for anything he has done except that, he has no remorse for fucking up his life because he thinks others will use every resource possible to save him while he sits back and mentally ranks the women who sent him letters in his brain and calls it engineering.

No. 502490

I think he engineered his demise pretty well

No. 502491

Yeah based off a post he retweeted, he also doesn’t believe in therapy kek. the post was like “working out will fix your mental problems!!”. He just totally didn’t know how to take care of himself mentally and physically. poor retardigi

No. 502492

Yeah. If I was him, I would feel so guilty draining my aging parents of all their money

No. 502493

I wonder if this was part of the conflict with his family. They told him to chill out on climbing up and jumping off shit that could worsen his back issue, but he never listened - then got seriously injured while surfing. But only a few months after major surgery he was back to hiking in Hawaii and then Asia not long after. Even if some of the pain was alieved, his lower back is still fragile and held together by screws. It probably drove his mom nuts thinking he could've easily gotten injured again in a foreign country by himself.

No. 502494

Yeah typical male attitude, therapy is for women/therapy is for Jews (latter is what Italians in his grandparents' generation would think, it's not just from the Sopranos, I don't know if it's a sentiment his family has I just think it's a funny coincidence). I wouldn't say 'poor retardigi' though, he had everything at his disposal to create a happy, healthy life for himself and he decided against it because he wanted to feel speshul
He probably loves it because he hates his family for some reason
I don't know what moids like Luigi have against having caring families. They could have just said 'you're 26, you do you' and not gave a shit about him. That's probably what he was thinking, though. He may be 26 but he really is mentally 15. A mentally 15 26 year old would resent his family for caring about him, but a mentally 26 26 year old wouldn't take it for granted and would actually foster a good relationship with his family despite disagreements. Too bad he listened to grifters instead of actual wise figures in his life. The fool consort with the fool. The wise consort with the wise.

No. 502495

So far only the Fed pre-trial judge is female (Too early to select actual trial judges for Fed or State) I don't know if seducing the judge is enough, cuz they will probably be getting bribed. He will have to seduce the briber themselves, which will probably be the nepo baby billionaire heiress with her public image and career on the line.

No. 502497

I hope she sends him to Rikers

No. 502498

Its really strange, isn't it? At least therapy is done in private, openly simping for dumb moid grifters online for validation is public. Poor weegie, I still feel sorry for him.

No. 502499

lobotomize him and set him free

No. 502500

I wonder if that letter that was both sent and received on Valentine’s Day was hers? kek

No. 502501

File: 1741867215532.png (618.56 KB, 987x1137, LuigigiuL.png)

>Be Luigi
>don't believe in therapy
Exercising is clearly enough to heal me.
>birthday comes around
>mope and think about how much i HATE MY FAMILY
>Spend 200 to speak to someone about it
>Get no response
Motherfucker could have spent less on an actual therapist, he's such a hypocrite. He literally paid a grifter for a therapy session, but doesn't believe in therapy. I should send him a letter telling him his hair reminds me of my bush.

No. 502502

>Too bad he listened to grifters instead of actual wise figures in his life. The fool consort with the fool. The wise consort with the wise.
This is so true and explains a lot of moid idiocy

No. 502509

>my kids
kekkkkkk holy fucking delusional, he’s really inhaling the hopeium.

No. 502510

I hate how he ranks the letters too, all-time favorite, first to make me cry, etc. He really thinks his opinions matter and he's god's greatest gift to the world. Every letter that we get to see makes him more and more unlikeable. Karen really doesn't give a shit, she's just in it for the bands kek. I hope we get to see more letters to watch him act like a pseud who thinks he'll go free, start a harem, and have tons of spawns.

No. 502511

same, maybe he would end up less retarded kek. then I will kidnap him and keep him as my pet

No. 502512

If I were his mother I'd pull all funding and disown him. Let him deal with this shit on his own, he clearly didn't care about his family so why extend that grace to such a spoiled manchild? The fact that he hates his mother is so weird to me. Anons itt cope by saying she's probably too overbearing or something, but I bet if it were a grifter reaching out to Luigi constantly he'd love it. She should just focus her resources on her daughters instead of her bitch boy son.

No. 502513

What if he tells multiple different people their letter is his all time favorite to the flatter each person, not realizing how everyone keeps posting his letters on Plebbit for each other (and the world) to see? Oops, silly weegie.

No. 502514

Well he clearly doesn’t because we can see he doesn’t, he only tells certain people their letters are his all time favorites because he is ranking them for when he is released and can pursue his grifter-harem dream

No. 502515

I think his parents may have been protective over him due to his medical issues, but in a normal way. From his pov, he might have felt they were being controlling or stifling his autonomy. I'm surprised he moved back to Hawaii relatively soon after his surgery (and his grandma passed away that same summer of 2023) and jumped into being so physically active outdoors again, instead of slowly working his way up to what felt realistic for his physical condition.

No. 502516

>>he's god's greatest gift to the world
he is not entirely wrong, he is the best moid we were blessed with

No. 502517

Because he is retarded and mentally 15, it’s his own faulty perception that makes him think his family is wrong for caring about him. If he were mentally his age he would be thankful and understanding. Luigi is living proof that it’s never worth it to have a male child.

No. 502521

he is not wrong therapy is useless and most therapists are incompetent. Honestly i think he did better for himself by taking out a disgusting moid also he did request a public defender. His parents are paying this voluntarily probably to protect the family name

No. 502523

He spoke to grifters instead of going to therapy, he wanted therapy but didn’t want to feel less manly, he is a retarded hypocrite. Everything out of his mouth is a lie, not that he isn’t sometimes speaking objective truths but because it is a lie to him. He holds his convictions like water on flat palms.

No. 502524

yeah he’s very fraudulent and a larper, but I can’t help, but still like him unfortunately. i’m glad I don’t have to meet him in person though, I would find him very insufferable.

No. 502525

he asked griftwinder to create a group with his subscribers he was looking for a community i dont think thats wrong

No. 502526

A community of people who follow a weird ass misogynist also how lazy is he where he needs someone else to create a friend group for him? He is an immensely lazy person which is why instead of fostering his broken back he just took a bunch of drugs and thought that would be enough. Luigi has such disordered thinking and no sense of self it makes me think he has a personality disorder.

No. 502527


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No. 502531

He’s not perfect and he is pretty retarded, but I think he’s better than most moids (not a high hurdle to jump over ik). He is very annoying and suffers from dunning-kruger effect, but I don’t think that he’s as evil-intentioned as people make him out to be. It will take a lot to make me fully hate him, since he killed the fat scrote who denied my claims.

No. 502532

He isn’t evil intentioned he just is a covert narcissist and a covert misogynist, he is a weirdo at best. He likely has no intentions at all, he doesn’t formulate his own thoughts. He is a complete sponge.

No. 502534

No. 502535

>>covert narcissist and a covert misogynist
nta but i dont buy this honestly
>>formulate his own thoughts He is a complete sponge
this i agree with kek

No. 502536

Why not? I didn’t think he was a misogynist at first. But the average zoomer male does not follow those types of accounts on twitter despite what people think. The average zoomer doesn’t know these people and someone who wasn’t a covert misogynist wouldn’t follow and admire people spewing insane sexist woman hating shit. Sure Luigi might not call you a roastie but he certainly agrees that women are the achilles heel of evolution. He just wants women to breed with. The narcissism I am debating on but he definitely has some sort of personality disorder.

No. 502543

unfortunately most zoomer males have been radicalized. a lot of them have voted for trumpet and love the joe rogan podcast. I’m not making excuses for Luigi, but he at least doesn’t attack women. he also deleted that post, so maybe he no longer agrees with it. who knows what goes on in his empty hollow head though. i think he just went through a bad breakup and got butthurt

No. 502544

I know I'm evil for letting ANY misogyny slide whatsoever but Luigi is so hot and retarded. I feel like I could have fixed him. It also doesn't hurt that my idea of fixing him is enslaving him and withholding any sort of sex until he shows signs of genuinely respecting women i.e crying out of fear when he hears me coming down into the basement

No. 502545

best part? Sped lied to doctors to get the surgery he didn't need, that ended up hurting him more LOL

No. 502546

He unretweeted it probably because he knew it would make him look bad, but he agreed. And most zoomer males I know are lefties kek. Luigi doesn’t even manage the bare minimum.

No. 502547

most therapists suck but I feel like there are more decent therapists than decent grifters.
Then again Luigi could have just spoken to us. We would have told him what he needed to hear kill Theil. Break the grifter curse once and for all, weewam

No. 502548

he started using twitter in the beginning of 2024 his algorithm puts the grifters on his timeline he repeats their talking points because his head is empty but despite that he ended up doing something good by killing a fat ceo unlike other radicalized moids

No. 502550

I wanted to post about this too. He doctor shopped for someone who could give him an easy solution. He is remarkably lazy. He pissed himself for a surgery he never needed and suffered the consequences and took his anger out on Brian Thompson kek.

No. 502551

>>most zoomer males I know are lefties
really? thats hard to believe

No. 502554

The algorithm doesn’t just automatically push grifters and he joined in 2016 probably liking tons of political shit. He saw tweets about how women are the worst and he didn’t give a fuck.
Might depend on location, in which case Luigi has no excuse

No. 502555

but he didn't use twitter much until 2024

No. 502556

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mark rosario or luigi

No. 502559

This just means he has harbored radically misogynistic views as recently as less than a year ago

No. 502560

Its so refreshing to see a moid with a small forehead and good hairline kek

No. 502561

mark rosario because he was mysterious and personally i like that and didnt give a hint of being a retarded sped

No. 502563

Mark Rosario because he isn’t real.

No. 502565

I want to enslave and fuck all the Luigi's post high school.

No. 502566

I’m sorry nonnas for ever wishing for more letters to drop, the monkey paw curse is no joke.

No. 502567

I am loving it it’s so funny but also kind of infuriating. Please I need him to start gushing about how fun his fellow brothers are or something. Or complimenting more mothers while he neglects his own.

No. 502569

he is the antithesis of luigi

No. 502571

some nonny here was like:
>“you’re all just jealous you didn’t get a reply”
it’s not even that, we’re watching a dumpster fire of a man that is in denial and slowly spiraling via letters

No. 502572

When the letters slow down, he'll have a breakdown

No. 502574

It's obviously jealousy kek I don't know why since he didn't even receive so many letters

No. 502576

Mark because that was when he was hot and mysterious. Luigi is hot but incredibly cringe and retarded.

No. 502578

Yeah last night there were people posting pics of emily and acting seethingly jealous but I feel like actual anons who sent letters and posted about doing so aren’t jealous. We have tons of seething redditors here. They hate anyone who gets a letter.

No. 502579

Would have hooked up with Mark Rosario over Luigi. I like his boldness and his dark side.

No. 502580

yeah it is such a massive cope. First off, I never sent a letter, so why would I be jealous? I do want Luigi to write to a nona but anyone with half a brain is fine (I know a lot of people Luigi wrote to aren't retarded but some of the people sharing his letters are incredibly cringe). It's crazy how so many people will post his letter (which I support), but then post literally every personal thing about themselves online with it.
People who claim my disgust at individuals lack of self preservation is me being jealous they got a letter is so weird to me. I am in full support of Luigis letters being shown to the public because it gets us a view into his personality.
The problem is we are now seeing first hand that Luigi's personality isn't very impressive.

No. 502581

they will slow down but never stop

No. 502582

really? ik a lot of millennial moids are leftist, but most of the zoomer moids are pretty center-right leaning. luigi is probably a fence-sitting centrist if anything, as retarded as he is.

No. 502583

There's definitely jealousy at play but at the same time, it's so stupid that some Redditor's essay about a children's book that she revisited only because of Luigi is one of his apparent all-time favorite letters. It reflects more badly on him than her really because it further reveals his narcissistic tendencies.

No. 502584

Emily deserves bullying for being a shitty mom who keeps posting her kid for pedophiles to ogle at.

No. 502585

She basically did a homework assignment for him analyzing the Lorax. But the best part of these letters is getting a glimpse of his personality and uhhhh idk if I like it

No. 502586

Yeah if she was sharing details about a book she enjoyed that she thinks he would enjoy he wouldn’t give a fuck but because it’s a book he himself rated highly he thinks it’s awesome

No. 502587

I’m jealous of his delusion

No. 502588

Eh I’m not jealous, I probably never plan on writing to Luigi anyways. Emily is just so creepy to look at. idk, if I was Luigi’s mom I would be creeped out that a lot of old ass single moms keep writing to my retarded son

No. 502589

This makes me wonder who is more delusional: kr or Luigi? Luigi's delusion is really starting to rival kr's already powerful ability to delude herself. He thinks he's going to have kids some day for fuck's sake KEK.

No. 502590

he should stop ranking letters it’s embarrassing. he reminds me of that one kid in elementary school that would change best friends every week kek

No. 502592

honestly why even ask him about the Lorax kek. It’s a children’s book, that’s like someone asking you to analyze The Hungry Caterpillar book.

No. 502593

If I were his mom I would kill myself that Luigi is responding to and praising mothers but hates me for caring too much
Because it’s the only book he has ever comprehended

No. 502594

Mark rosario is so hot >>470301

No. 502595

Honestly I never thought Luigi was a very mentally grounded person. He seems like a person who suffers from delusions of self-grandeur (though, again, I don’t think he’s a malicious person. just a retard with narc tendencies). At least he’s cute

No. 502596

Yeah, I’m really shocked that this ended up being the letter that was his “all-time favorite.” He should’ve acknowledged how the book is one we all grew up reading, but he didn’t start off with that as his opening. Instead he made it seem like the interest was sought out because of him.

No. 502597

yeah it’s the only pre-arrest photo where he looks serious kek

No. 502598

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Yeah, if I was his mom I would be devastated

No. 502600

Do we know if he was close with grandma? Was that part of his spiral?

No. 502602

So beautiful. I truly wish he was a woman.

No. 502603

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No. 502607

Art nonnie THANK YOU!

No. 502609

nonny, did you just wake up? kek

No. 502610

Absolutely just woke up, will deleted just scrolled up. At least we know now he thinks he doesn’t have retrograde ejaculation.

No. 502611

I know right she’s so cute! She looks like a cute bunny, I would spoil and pamper her

No. 502612

File: 1741883399625.png (1.73 MB, 2500x2500, coffee for nonny .PNG)

it’s okay nonny here’s a coffee to wake you up

No. 502613

idk, but I remember news outlets saying that he was close with his grandparents

No. 502614

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>”profound hope for humanity”
She really was venerating him in her letter. I bet she’s older too. She included these in her Reddit posts.

No. 502615

See this is why I LOVE my lc weegie wives sisters.

No. 502616

Yeah she buttered his ego real good. 100% Narcissist.

No. 502617

Inflating his ego like this will only make the narcissist injury hurt worse in the future

No. 502618

i wonder what it would take to curb luigi’s massive ego

No. 502619

Tell him his grifter daddies hate him and he didn’t need his back surgery and he is stupid and never going free and never starting a family ever

No. 502621

honestly if Luigi was so dead-set on having a kid and raising “muhh birthrates!!”, why didn’t he just have one earlier

No. 502622

He had such distinctive facial features, idk why he never wore like a fake mask

No. 502623

The women who've been with him found him too insufferable to want to procreate with so he tarded out instead of trying to fix his mental issues.

No. 502624

I wonder if he would even care about his grifters at this point, his own newfound fame completely eclipses them

No. 502625

sometimes I think he has no personality and just absorbs the one of whoever he is talking to. for the married woman with children, he talks about children. he never gets fulfilled because he just always mirrors

No. 502627

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Plebbitors are so pathetic.

No. 502628

I was thinking that too and I’m almost so certain the birthrates stuff is just what he absorbed from the red pill side of twitter. Not something he genuinely is worried about.

No. 502630

>I got so upset
God reddit is full of morons

No. 502632

I literally don't get it. What is so foreshadowing about this? Reddit is profoundly mentally ill

No. 502633

Honestly, their next moid was probably much worse than Luigi in all categories. I would have just suffered through it.

No. 502634

Most birthrate spergs I have spoken to have no kids because either they acknowledge the economy is shit (no excuse on retardigis part) or that the world is a shit place and not good to raise a child in.
Giving moids (especially powerscrotes) a 1 strike rule and straight to the gas chambers of they break it when it comes to being shitty (i.e rape, pedophilia, misogyny) would fix both these issues

No. 502636

kekkkkk redditors and luigi really deserve each other, both sides being retarded and cringe

No. 502637

Worst possible mindset to ever have

No. 502638

Imagine being so mentally ill and retarded that something like this upsets you while you're supposed to be enjoying a nice vacation in Japan.

No. 502639

yeah, Luigi mogs tracy’s old geezer husband. i wonder why she didn’t choose him

No. 502640

Not rich enough/insufferable/acted very gay

No. 502641

of course his lame ass ate that cringe shit up

No. 502643

no proof to that and makes no sense,he could've found plenty woman to date worse moids are married. This is way more likely

No. 502644

Luigi fantasizes about living out of one bag which is a turn off to women who cry in their huge walk-in closets. Also her current man probably feels grateful to have her and let's her wreck his credit cards while she cries about a much hotter, younger man in her closet. Unpopular opinion, I do think her and Weegee hooked up. He seems to have no issues with older women, may even prefer them idk

No. 502645

she needs a paypig who worships her luigi was too young

No. 502646

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Where is her husband ever in any of these pics? Is he in the back or no

No. 502648

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>nonnas calling it cringe but typing up an equally ass-kissing cringe letter hoping to get a reply

No. 502649

cant wait to see if the feds will indict him next week or push it back again

No. 502651

Why was Tracy even at Surfbreak in the first place? If she actually had money she would be in a luxury apartment that either she or her man pays for. The choice of communal living for an older woman who should be established in her life is bizarre.

No. 502653

kek i would never write him a letter

No. 502654

He was larping though he went to a rich boy daycare while fantasizing about being poor he is a gigaloser
No one did this
She is chronically unemployed

No. 502655

honestly its not weird for a 26 year old relationships to not last, most young people these days marry in their thirties

No. 502656

Who cares about that place set up by that creepy landlord anyway. But yeah it’s meant for people in their 20s why was she there if she was most likely 30-32?

No. 502657

I thought they hooked up, but he also acts like her gay best friend kek

No. 502658

Because despite her supposed academic success, bragging about her test scores on LinkedIn and all, she was probably a huge failure due to her mental illness. She likely went to Surfbreak to scout out a paypiggy to fund her dream influencer lifestyle. I doubt she alone was that rich considering how fixated she was on materialist, vapid crap.

No. 502659

Of course Luigi orbited the older asian lady kek

No. 502660

maybe in the very beginning yes but no one is ass kissing him anymore

No. 502662

right? why was she staying at Jeffrey dahmer’s commune when she’s older and a wannabe gold digger

No. 502663

There are so many wealthy people on that island with their estates, and she could have golddigged much better, but she wasn't in the right social class to get in their circles.

No. 502665

He comes off as super sweet in her texts with her, contrast to the guy he was texting in Thailand where he was more real. He probably gave Tracy the golden retriever side of him.

No. 502666

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was she the person he bought the ice cream for?

also, I thought the krauts said he was pretty nice before initially changing their mind for the interview kek

No. 502667


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No. 502668

she wanted to have fun with younger guys before settling with her paypig

No. 502670

He wanted her bad for being an older asian woman

No. 502671

The less retarded wealthy people probably could sense her gold-digging ways a mile away. She wanted to exploit someone younger and more naive I bet.

No. 502672

no that was a chinese lady and yes they told tmz he wasn't arrogant when the host tried to make them badmouth him

No. 502673

His saviour complex probably thought he could 'help her' when she was calling late at night kek

No. 502674

He bought it for some random Chinese girl there. I do think Luigi is polite but he probably didn't feel like he had to put on a personality for some gerrman scrotes he'll likely never meet again.

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