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File: 1740796026156.jpg (324.37 KB, 2000x2000, tribute to homie censored.jpg)

No. 493752

No. 493754

Kek threadpic is insane

No. 493757

It's normalfag Redditor repellent.

No. 493759

kek thank you nonny for making the thread

No. 493760

I thought threadpic said “can’t show that on Christian Mingle” kek

No. 493761

File: 1740797138513.jpeg (932.98 KB, 1290x6989, IMG_2647.jpeg)

luigi wrote back to someone who mentioned tracy in their letter with an inside joke? and tracy posted about it “hehe no one knows that except for him”.

No. 493764

I want to believe that Tracy was faking that chat to try to get the attention she desperately craves.

No. 493765

File: 1740797714466.jpg (210.02 KB, 1422x948, tumblr_e839aac0583dff99645df4d…)

weegee at a sorority date night event back in 2017. i'm trying to find the source by going through every single penn sorority facebook account kek

No. 493766

File: 1740798006805.jpeg (231.21 KB, 596x547, IMG_4258.jpeg)

nothing surprises me anymore with this retard at least redditors are also realizing his retardation

No. 493769

File: 1740798260821.jpeg (2.58 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4259.jpeg)

monday letter ready to go but maybe i’ll drop it off tomorrow

No. 493770

File: 1740798343360.jpeg (825.2 KB, 928x1334, IMG_6236.jpeg)

I went through every sorority page and I couldn’t find it. But his curls look so defined and glossy.

No. 493771

Based. Hope he sees it.
This is worse than that video of the singing faggot from earlier today.

No. 493773

yeah same i'm losing hope, he looked like pure sexo that day

No. 493775

Eww why did someone do this in a letter, feels really off.
And her playing along and she probably still hasn’t donated to that fund either.

No. 493776

thinking about how weegees cum was probably so yummy because he was vegetarian/vegan and super active

No. 493779

File: 1740799652888.jpg (605.75 KB, 2048x1365, 464126622_2973467116125876_261…)


No. 493780

File: 1740799715759.jpg (822.24 KB, 2048x1365, wigi back 463895375_2973471689…)

No. 493782

KEK The file name

No. 493783

KEK The file name

No. 493784

File: 1740799977258.png (3.95 MB, 1492x1080, 000000000.png)

fuck it doesn't let me upload the original one so i took a screenshot

No. 493789

No. 493798

File: 1740802553377.jpg (185.39 KB, 625x590, 000589483765070585.jpg)

They can't get over the fact that he replied to Holli. They really think he's above it all, like, are they aware of the grifters he used to align himself with?

No. 493800

What did she even do to make them hate her so much? All she did was post the letter despite the /r/FreeLuigi fags trying to stop her from doing so. I saw that they also got mad at her for sending five letters. They're such jealous losers.

No. 493801

They think he’s such a mature genius when he’s really a cringelord it’s hilarious

No. 493802

And they're mocking the hashbrown line as if she said it. It was HIS joke that triggered them all.

No. 493804

Luigi sends an adorable letter while also slightly revealing his experience in solitary confinement, being humorous, self-deprecating, and saying he’s seen Squid game. Them: spelling errors, no way he would say this, limerence gone, he would never say lol, he’s lost it, does he not remember what he did, he’s only supposed to write 2 sentences, etc.

No. 493810

>muh limerence gone
>getting an ick
and yet they call others parasocial nobody gives a fuck about your limerence and you're simply jealous of holli and trying desperately to justify it they're treating him like a fictional character is he not allowed to cope in his own way? they accuse others of treating him like a kpop idol but they do the same

No. 493812

honestly i think thats just a front they're jealous

No. 493816

File: 1740809912701.webm (13.52 MB, 576x1024, fag part two.webm)

>"Luigi was thinking of ME on Valentine's and I literally have proof!"
Can this fag die of AIDS please

No. 493818

Watching this was a terrible end to my night but sidenoting to say I’m impressed by that fag’s self-control from opening that letter kek if I received one and told myself I’d opening it “on a special day when I need it”, I’d have 5 hours of restraint before turning feral and tearing it open with my teeth and shoving it in my pussy like a super tampon

No. 493820

I hope Luigi and 40 page schizo become penpals. At least then it would indicate some standards in this dumbfuck

No. 493821

So true. Schizo, BPD Stacies > faggot Tiktok users and Plebbitors. I hate Luigi so much!

No. 493822

Tracy prob faked it for attention and Plebbitors have finally clocked her bullshit. There's a whole ass thread of 'em calling her ass out in the replies to that screenshot!

kek the grift is over

No. 493825

It would absolutely be deranged of Luigi to try to reach out to Tracy via a complete stranger. I know he is already super retarded but that would be a mind-boggling level of retardation if he did pull that. I am more inclined to believe Tracy is a mentally ill attention whore who was trying and failing to get more attention. Her spineless paypiggy husband probably had enough of her obsession with Luigi and told her to knock it off kek. On another note, I noticed she changed her fucking Instagram profile info AGAIN.

No. 493827

>work-optional tech sis
Give me a fucking break

No. 493829

Yeah, it’s fake DMs and it’s more than possible when thinking back to when she scrolled to texts between them and put her Instagram username watermark on them. Also, the fact she unprivated the 2.3 m liked TikTok of them last week.

No. 493833

Do we know Tracy's real age? She looks old and haggard for an Asian. She must be ancient.

No. 493834

She's definitely mid 30s in the video that went viral. I remember I thought she was luigi’s coworker at the time because of her profile pic too. I was shocked to find out she lived at the living community.

No. 493841

File: 1740818524485.jpeg (269.18 KB, 749x1418, IMG_9264.jpeg)

Kek even plebbitors are turning against her now

No. 493842

File: 1740819554829.jpg (46.4 KB, 1080x1350, 1000005623.jpg)

I hadn't come across this angle until yesterday. He is the definition of big brown puppy eyes.

No. 493844

File: 1740821270304.jpg (133.37 KB, 618x618, 3bca0b33-d8c4-4c1f-8277-c62761…)

No. 493852

go back fugly moid

No. 493859

File: 1740831830193.jpg (138.83 KB, 1233x1517, 20250228_193523.jpg)


No. 493862

File: 1740832576854.jpg (260.71 KB, 1080x1093, 1000071426.jpg)

kek what fanfiction is this

No. 493863

Yeah no way this is real, Tracey is crazy

No. 493864

First he was an incel that could not fuck, and now his an addict with a basement of tapes kek

No. 493865

If only this was real
Luigi's userpic in her chat was of a photo that had her in it kek. Women that obsessed with their own face are bad news

No. 493867

This is hysterical. Now we know what’s on those 5 USBs!
She privated her instagram again. And edited her bio again.

No. 493871

What the fuck is wrong with her.

No. 493872

File: 1740836707213.gif (920.56 KB, 500x499, sadigi.gif)

This Tracey shit is fucking me up. If real, then it just shows Luigi's complacency in being and continuing to be a cog. He just got depression or something and for some reason decided the next course of action would be to kill someone despised. It's sad to think there's really no deeper motive. There's no ideological basis for what he did. He just did it because he's mentally ill and took what the grifters told him to heart.
There's no independence of mind behind his actions. It all goes back to the grifters i.e worshipping other mediocre low IQ males because they have a lot of followers. What Luigi did isn't a culmination of anything, it's just a symptom of society's sickness. It's just the high income version of a school shooting. America will never break free of its conditioning.
If the Tracey shit is fake then she's just more insane than we initially realized and Luigi was surrounded by the worst people. But it doesn't absolve him of anything, because he was unable to bring himself among actual likeminded people, though again I think he has/had depression and spiraled.
I want to get over him so badly, and I think I'm almost there. I thought he would be the ideal boyfriend and in many ways he would be, but he keeps revealing his absolute, complete death of soul.

No. 493877

File: 1740838317543.jpeg (61.95 KB, 713x388, IMG_9267.jpeg)

Does plebbit actually like Luigi? Calling him an attention whore (not in the way that we do) because he responds to letters they don’t like - and now he’s a narcissist? Kek I’ve said this before plebbitors are the biggest haters and they don’t even realize it.

No. 493878

This is why I don't want to believe that DM and letter are real. He is hopeless if he went out of his way to use a complete stranger to reach out to the most vapid person in existence. He might as well be vapid like her but in a different way. It makes sense then why he is not responding to our letters. He probably reads our letters and reacts to them as if we are absolute weirdos. I fucking hate him.

No. 493880

He isn't a narcissist but I wouldn't be surprised if he's reveling in these letters. I mean, did he not look himself up in the McDonalds and probably the Best Buy, too?
Yeah he probably wonders why we use big words and discuss deep concepts with him instead of just sharing what memes he inadvertently created, which is I guess how he knows about the hashbrown meme. Not our fault we thought he would like being intellectually stimulated. His whole Twitter account is a LARP trying to act like he understands anything his grifter daddies are talking about.
KEK oh my god if this is the one thing I've written that he sees I won't even be that upset
His retardation comes from that fucked up lazy eye of his

No. 493881

The so called biggest supports who have meltdowns over the smallest things that come out. They treat him like a kpop idol, love and hate are not far from eachother. They have already deluded themselves that he didn't write about the hashbrown because he would 'NEVER DO THAT.

No. 493882

Whenever I hear people call Luigi an attention whorte I think of that stupid photo of him on the trampoline and it's all blurry going "BABE WATCH THIS"

No. 493883

This attention seeker privates and unprivates every 20 mintues, she probably wants stans to massage her ego. "hope your doing ok queen i know lulu really misses you"

No. 493884

Erm he wouldn't say 'babe' he would say 'illustrious partner' (remember he's bi!)

No. 493885

Do you think she watches edits of him in her walk in closet when her piggybank-i mean husband is sleeping.

No. 493887

Holy shit, probably. That's exactly what she did to Luigi to get him to message her.

No. 493888

File: 1740839481512.png (3 MB, 828x1792, IMG_9268.png)


No. 493889

Yeah. 3D is the worst. Like I hate that technically weewee is as 3d as it gets. Deeply flawed and possessing an actual, unironic Y chromosome. He's cute and his twitter takes were surprisingly based for a zoomie moid… but only for a zoomer moid. Like that's how low our standards are for the male species. If he's nice to look at and says porn and video games are bad we make excuses for other shitty behavior. It sucks. Wish the CEO killer was a female.

No. 493890

How is Tracy's cucksband handling this

No. 493891

By bein a cuck

No. 493893

He is an ugly, lanky faggot so he probably can only just tolerate it. I bet whenever Tracy yaps about Luigi, he has just conditioned himself to zone out.

No. 493894

Threadpic's Luigi eyes have small pupils it reminds me of that twitter user that draws herself torturing moist cr1tikal is it the same artist? Does she lurk here?

No. 493895

File: 1740840339398.png (90.34 KB, 729x366, darksided.png)

No. 493896

No, I'm not that artist and I find that Youtuber's videos boring. His pupils are drawn small because he's mindbroken and it also makes him look really dumb.

No. 493897

He's still cutesy, hot, and friendly what do these people want from him. He says something nice, cutesy, and friendly in his letter and suddenly it's creepy. And nothing about the video from the hotel is eerie at all. Luigi isn't creepy or dark, he's severely retarded and mentally unwell.
Okay I'm sowwy for the accusation

No. 493898

Luigi makes one retarded joke about eating a hashbrown and suddenly this fag thinks he's dark sided.
I hate reddit so much it's unreal

No. 493899

The video at the hotel is creepy? Hes just twitchy and retardedly smearing fingerprints everywhere like that desk is an arts and crafts project

No. 493900

File: 1740840773758.jpeg (27.2 KB, 242x242, IMG_9269.jpeg)

Kekkk fucking retards, he shot someone dead (based) and that didn’t reveal a dark side but joking about a hash brown does?

No. 493901

That Redditor probably thinks he's innocent
Stroking his fingers all over that desk like it's a woman

No. 493902

>ywn have Luigi touch you like he touched that desk
Fuck.fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck this gay faggot reddit infested earth

No. 493903

God they fucking suck. These Plebbitors are the type of people he chooses to respond to too.

No. 493905

Yeah he's so retarded he's going to accidentally curate his letter-base to be the same exact kind of people whom he couldn't relate with and who abandoned him when his back broke. He hasn't learned, changed, or grown from who he was before he was schizigi. It makes me wonder how he accomplished the assassination at all.

No. 493906

They see him doing mundane human movements and it breaks their brain. Kek so fucking retarded.

No. 493909

File: 1740841533922.jpeg (67.76 KB, 828x322, IMG_4673.jpeg)

Jules tiktok girl posted part of her letter that she’s sending him

No. 493910


No. 493911

He better ball that up and trash it wtf.

No. 493912

Wished never seen the video?? Why because of his retrograde pee? If hed enjoyed being watched, he would have made an onlyfans

No. 493914

You just know he's going to reply to her because he's that fucking retarded.

No. 493915

He is going to love this drivel also what a retard, Italian Americans Luigi’s age don’t hate the Irish, the Italians that had beef with the Irish are like dead now.
He is going to love it because it’s absolutely low IQ shit. Didn’t she already get a response? Now we know what he likes receiving. This shit sucks why did I ever think he enjoyed learning. He was a larper and probably absorbed nothing from every book he’s ever skimmed.

No. 493916

She wrote him like two sentences apparently and while she was drinking wine.

No. 493917

The fact she called him stupid after receiving his letter and only wrote him 3 sentences in the first letter. And he still wrote her idk what to say.

No. 493918

Since he might face the death penalty, it's completely reasonable he might enjoy some low IQ comfort letters to distract his mind. Also they might be feeding him benzos or who knows what they give to the prisoners to keep them in a zombie like state

No. 493920

This sucks. He probably hated my letter and laughed at it.
If I were potentially facing death row I would beg for it if everyone who wanted to support me were low IQ teenagers

No. 493921

This letter feels racist towards Italian Americans "i hope you love the sopranos" sounds like asking a Jewish person if they like Schindlers list.
Luigi is retarded though so I can see him liking it. He loved being called pepperoni and being reminded that his name is an italian punchline

No. 493922

File: 1740843119643.png (268.64 KB, 1024x1024, gunman-on-the-run-after-shots-…)

Nonas, thoughts on this?
Nobody was killed, much smaller insurance company but at least the guy didn't get caught in 4k
Imo i might be a ploy by security companies to get more action

No. 493924

Someone has gotta release these sex tapes. They should be seen by the government and the publiv to prove he's guilty. Protect the women's identity of course but show every part of Luigi especially his cock

No. 493926

Are we finally getting copycat ceo terrorists?

No. 493927

It makes me so mad, she doesn’t even realize the Sopranos is a parody of how Italian Americans used to behave. Plus his Italian family is probably too high income to even relate. If Luigi responds to her it’s over x 1000

No. 493928

I saw some Plebbitors coping that this guy is the real killer and not Luigi kek.

No. 493929

It’s racist completely that’s why I said I hope he balls it up and trashes it. I still don’t understand to this day when he was arrested why people pulled out all the sopranos tv show clips to make him into a caricature. Even people are memeing his hand movements in the cctv footage in relation to that.

No. 493930

He will love it because he is anti intellectual at this point, just truly attracted to the mundane and shallow

No. 493931

Another day, another mail box full of junk mail and no response from him.

No. 493933

This is interesting. He did 3 shots too and this was done the morning of 2/21 the day of Luigi’s last court hearing.

No. 493934

They are saying the hand movements are Italian? Wtf. They are just him being a sleep deprived retarded schizo who needed to be tied up in the back of my car. Why are ppl so ignorant?

No. 493935

Yes they are. He just likes talking with his hands and he was configuring a time in his mind that seemed most ideal to stay there. Their idiotic.

No. 493939

>negged him, only wrote 3 sentences
>still got him to respond
What an utter Stacy

No. 493940

kek if this letter elicits a response we’ve won weegee’s attention

No. 493941

Sadly, I think it's just going to go over his head but I applaud nona's efforts and hope she keeps sending our memes over to him.

No. 493943

Hunny? If I got mail like this in jail I'd want to end it all

No. 493947

These recent letter receivers are really making Pilots look like an angel in comparison. Between Julie and the disgusting faggot bragging about his postmarked on Valentine's Day letter, it's making me start to lose interest in Luigi. These letters are going to be the only content from him for months and he's writing to the most insufferable people.

No. 493951

well thats the problem reddit has brainwashed everyone in not sharing their letters

No. 493952

I know right I would just say I am guilty and beg for death penalty and for it all to be over if I assassinated a CEO and these were the people who paid attention
Same. The fact that he ignored my letter makes me realize he is so far gone he may as well be lobotomized

No. 493956

ending it all if i got a letter like this knowing how far gone luigi is he’d entertain this type of retarded shit

No. 493957

I need that nona to just keep sending him stupid thread shitposts, like maybe the mpreg one. Censor it if necessary. Just harass him. He will probably like it.

No. 493966

Hope someone actually sends him the threadpic kek.

No. 493967

Are their any photos of his dad? I want to see what Luigi will look like when he's an old man.

No. 493968

File: 1740858299669.webp (245.53 KB, 620x504, image_cb87c0.webp)

No. 493971

Makes me mad Luigi could have hid in Philly. He could have worn a balaclava and no one would care or find it suspicious. Everyone thinks this. Everyone says it. Even my sibling. He could have used a public computer at an underfunded public library and be there for hours and no one would care. Then once he is ready he can take one long trip past the Mexican border. But nope. Altoona.

No. 493973

i think he looks more like his mother

No. 493976

Me too, I get a little confused seeing comments about how he resembles his father but I can’t see it

No. 493982

Luigi should have gone to my house. I would have let him use neopets and shit.

No. 493983

>mpreg one
Did someone draw him pregnant?

No. 493985

whoever kidnapped him is such an amateur. never chain them so close to the tool rack - you're basically asking him to kill you and escape

No. 493986

It's a shitpost about his retrograde penis sucking up an egg and him getting mpreg from that kek.

No. 493987

File: 1740863531784.jpg (254.01 KB, 595x675, mpregigi.jpg)

I'm surprised he's never posted anything about Neopets
KEK, there shouldn't even be a tool rack. There should be a whip rack.

No. 493989

Let's just pretend he's too retarded to even consider that.

No. 493990

File: 1740864516489.gif (2.03 MB, 488x372, 1740671530750.gif)

Dood Italian hand motions!

No. 493991

File: 1740864791830.jpeg (9.5 KB, 503x270, 20250301_205411.jpeg)

No. 493992

thank you nonny for providing, this will be sent out along with the other post i have printed out with some censoring so mdc doesn’t reject it

No. 493993

Can you share what else you've sent from these threads so far?

No. 493994

of course nonny! >>493769 is what is scheduled to go out on monday

No. 493995

Keep up the good work!

No. 493996

File: 1740865757933.png (51.94 KB, 1827x294, his true power.PNG)

So just that so far? Would you want to send him some edits? Or maybe this. Now I have no idea how this could get to him, though.

No. 493997

i can definitely send this with my monday mailing also

No. 493999

File: 1740866011146.png (445.47 KB, 1828x634, Screenshot (913).png)

No. 494000

snailmail-shitposter nonnie, I'm scared for you that you'll end up on some list because of these. At the same time, I appreciate your bravery

No. 494002

I highly doubt she will. It's not like she's sending material that talks about wanting to murder someone. Luigi is getting thousands of letters, some that are likely more unhinged than these shitposts.

No. 494003

File: 1740866595073.png (12.03 KB, 498x284, FAT FAT HES FAT.PNG)

She just has to do some heavy censoring. Would hate comments work to send him?

No. 494004

like >>494002 said everything will be okay. i’ll be put on luigi’s do not reply list before a government list kek

No. 494005

Any other content you're adding other than screencaps of shitposts?

No. 494006

His dad was almost 50 when LM was born, several years after his sisters (who are only like two years apart). And his mom is like 14-15 years younger than his dad. I kinda wonder if weegie was an invitro baby. They tend to be prone to being born premature, which can lead to medical issues & often smaller in size than normal as kids (but sometimes catch up later, like how weegie looked young for his age until mid way thru college)

No. 494007

not really just shitposts i got tired of putting my energy into genuine letters and artwork only for him to answer to the most braindead shit

No. 494008

He did not look young for his age until mid way through college, that's just UMP speaking. He was probably conceived normally. His asperger nature definitely comes from the old sperm. Creepy age gap between his mom and dad too.

No. 494009





No. 494010

literally me

No. 494011

>Creepy age gap between his mom and dad too.
the age gap between luigi and most of his fans is even bigger

No. 494012

File: 1740867370481.jpg (54.4 KB, 960x959, 1733976142878.jpg)

Luigi didn't have children with his fans
Luigi's honest reaction to your letter.

No. 494013

File: 1740867572302.png (425.05 KB, 682x672, our gay king.png)

Reminder to nonas that Luigi blessed him over all of you.

No. 494016

>dad used dusty half century old semen to create Luigi.
No wonder he's so fucking retarded.

No. 494017

Luigi is gonna regret curating a correspondence base full of fags and baby brained Redditors once the letters stop* flowing in tsunamis. The suicide in his cell is imminent.

No. 494018

Im going to MDC. Gonna get Luigis attention with vid rel and finish with a sign telling Luigi to stop writing to redditors

No. 494019

This won't get his attention. Get a megaphone and read out some grifter Tweets, now that'll get his attention.

No. 494021

A reminder that the faggot only sent Luigi a postcard, not a letter.

No. 494022

File: 1740868247197.jpg (127.75 KB, 960x1124, 1000005813.jpg)

He was probably like 50 here, but at least seemed fit & took care of himself unlike most boomer dads. Maybe weegie would be the same one day if it wasn't for prison & all.

No. 494023

Then it probably goes something like
>Dear Gay
>Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot. I am doing well. Happy (belated) holidays
>Carpe diem, stultus es faggot
Which is why he won't open it because he's going to trick himself into thinking it's something homoerotic.
Luigi was such an ugly baby/child

No. 494024

Did his dad have a temporary tan or he's naturally darker? Weegie and his sisters are naturally pale like their mom.

No. 494025

his sisters are so pretty

No. 494026

>temporary tan
>on an Italian man
That would be insane

No. 494027

a lot of people tend to lighten up in old age

No. 494029

>Luigi was an ugly baby/child
Thank you. Finally someone who isn't scared to say Luigi was an ugly duckling who became a sexy retarded swan.
He was a mid teen too. He didn't get fuckable till college.

No. 494034

Maybe it was summertime or maybe he just got back from vacation. Luigi was pretty tan in Hawaii too. But I doubt anyone in his family gets Jersey Shore Pauly D type of fake tans, two very different types of Italian-Americans lmao

No. 494036

Love some Tiptoe Thru The Tulips

No. 494037

Ppl who are pretty as kids end up as weird looking adults. Think of kevin from home alone and such

No. 494039

he looked like a weasel til he was 20

No. 494041

Yeah the Luigi fandom overall is really soy and cringe

No. 494044

Because it isn't meant to be treated as a fandom but normies are gonna normie

No. 494045

File: 1740870869409.jpeg (226.85 KB, 1200x1631, IMG_9419.jpeg)

Baby weegee is very cute to me. I want to pick him up and cuddle him.

No. 494046

How the fuck do people find these pictures? And he is not cute, what is he dressed as? He looks like one of those annoying sped kids you avoid in kindergarten because he tries to eat your crayons.

No. 494047

File: 1740871020330.jpeg (146.22 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_6269.jpeg)

This picture reminded me of this when I first saw it.

No. 494051

File: 1740871490957.jpg (170.38 KB, 1104x1452, 20250204_000404.jpg)

from his yearbook or facebook

No. 494052

Enough of this

No. 494056

File: 1740872464623.gif (10.04 MB, 760x448, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

Luigi laughing at his graduation

No. 494059

No one else is laughing, is he okay?

No. 494060

the moid next to him is

No. 494062

Oh I didn't even notice, he's so ugly.

No. 494063

Killing myself for real

No. 494065

We had a drought in January, then got fed in February - are we gonna get anything in March?
I hope we get more footage leaked, like video from hostel or starbucks or an entirely new cctv

No. 494070

File: 1740874314235.jpg (74.52 KB, 1289x1382, 20250302_010822.jpg)

he does look unhinged here reminds him of him in the car after his last hearing >>494065
i really hope we get something im honestly suprised people are still finding pictures of him

No. 494072

a Starbucks leak would destroy the weegee fandom, half of them still think he’s innocent

No. 494073

He isn't even looking at the one other guy who is also laughing, he's just staring at empty seats. He is crazy and he irritates me but it's kinda hot.

No. 494074

File: 1740874554035.jpg (259.19 KB, 603x848, sexy stare.jpg)

More Luigi ignoring our letters

No. 494075

I know some were from his year book senior page, I'm guessing others were some from Facebook pages of his family members. Pretty sure that's a dalmatian puppy costume, 101/102 Dalmatian live action movies were popular back then. His childhood pics are so cute to me tho, he looks like a little doll with his curly hair and big head lol

No. 494076

File: 1740874622967.gif (2 MB, 320x147, C094E30D-C979-43BE-812B-816ABA…)

They talked beforehand but he’s still laughing mad hard lol.

No. 494077

I'd make him laugh harder. I remember seeing a gif of him shittily throwing his graduation cap in the air, did you find that one? He barely tosses it iirc, he's so shit.

No. 494078

He was trying to catch someone else’s. I’m gonna add that right now. On tiktok it looks too glitchy

No. 494079

File: 1740874932947.jpeg (25.67 KB, 571x384, IMG_9979.jpeg)

I just realized those are the same moids from this pic

No. 494081

I think we can only hope he writes some interesting letters which I am not hopeful about for reasons we already know.

No. 494085

File: 1740875743762.gif (4.62 MB, 293x320, 084228D0-B922-4ACB-8513-4FEC63…)

No. 494087

He barely tried. I find it funny he got buff and hikes around but has such shit hand-eye coordination. Besides shooting that guy, I guess. And the way he covers his mouth to giggle- I hate him but I want him so bad.

No. 494089

Does he still have visual snow or was he dealing with migraines because of college?

No. 494090

Probably neither I like the munchie theory

No. 494092

I've always thought Zelensky is hot, but seeing him yesterday holding himself after intense live bullying sessions from Trump and Vance, he's like the ultimate in man. Luigi is nothing in comparison. I'm going to go write Zelensky a letter instead.

No. 494096

He’s less retarded than Luigi, being that he isn't in prison for keeping a mountain of evidence on his body, so he at least he won't only reply to BPD women, faggots, Redditors, and Tiktok users.

No. 494097

This is such a random post but it's kind of cute that you want to write a letter to Zelensky, I say go for it.

No. 494101

Kek at least he will say thank you

No. 494103

why is this person so obsessed with making shit up about the threads kek

No. 494104

It's the prosecutors

No. 494106

zelensky is old and ugly

No. 494107

its the reddit dictator mod trying to take this thread down

No. 494109

>I want everything in THIS THREAD OFF. THE. INTERNET!

No. 494111

trend hopper

No. 494116

what are these retards on about? no lc weegee wife is voluntarily going on plebbit to mention these threads

No. 494117

males are addicted to that thread they even want all of /g/ gone

No. 494118

to be fair there are a ton of men on this board in general mostly in the penis thread and sometimes male bodies thread

No. 494119

I wonder if this was taken during the time frame of his surgery

No. 494120

Those are gays, the hetero moids seethe at this board

No. 494121

kek remember when this was a for women only forum? pepperidge farm remembers. But in all seriousness, what else are we supposed to do? All the cows on /snow/ are boring now and /ot/ is bait and infighting central

No. 494122

File: 1740882486314.jpg (341.84 KB, 759x921, 1740171403197.jpg)

Nonas i grow weary, i wishhe would wall already so i can be free

No. 494123

I understand where you’re coming from nonny, just want to move on with my life.

No. 494124

I am starting to get sick of him. I knew from the getgo he is a retard but I thought he was a curious learner who could be guided towards knowledge. Truthfully he is a forever NPC. It sucks because he probably would have made a great boyfriend and there are no angels like him and it’s near impossible to find anyone like him. I want him but he is getting on my nerves. He deserves such a spanking.

No. 494125

The /ot/ anons who whine about us and other /g/ threads come across more as the moralfagging types who believe being attracted to males is unfeminist and impure

No. 494127

File: 1740884092836.jpg (93.24 KB, 1080x735, 1000005745.jpg)

I feel bad for his politician cousin. Imagine trying to build your little Maga career and now being compared to your righteous, hotter, younger & more popular cousin for the rest of your life loll

No. 494129

Dawn is real thirsty

No. 494139

File: 1740889289099.jpeg (326.78 KB, 941x1812, IMG_4708.jpeg)

me too I just wrote him a two page letter that he’ll probably discard to make space for bpderanged slop

No. 494146

File: 1740892219206.gif (2.37 MB, 498x357, 09830958654.gif)

imagine his pubes now
it's been months since he could shave or trim them

No. 494158

File: 1740898390448.jpg (44.03 KB, 509x640, d9debc0a1fc5e27e83bb69b7a442ac…)

he was cute when he was younger

No. 494160

I was trying to find Luigi in this pic.

No. 494161

Is Luigi balding at the top of his head? Can I finally be free????

No. 494164

He has low density hair.

No. 494168

File: 1740903791895.jpeg (673.57 KB, 1179x1061, IMG_6796.jpeg)

oh weewee……

No. 494172

Threesome, now.

No. 494173

When did he develop his two perfect face freckles?

No. 494174

No you can't and no he's not. My dark curly hair is like this too. Same for my whole family. It just shows the scalp more.

No. 494175

File: 1740909532355.jpeg (300.89 KB, 1015x1536, IMG_6285.jpeg)

The right one appeared in 2021 and the left one appeared sometime in late 2024 when he was missing.

No. 494178

the only man who can pull off the dreamworks brow

No. 494181

eww he looks like brian thompson

No. 494188

bb-gi is so awkwardly cute. I love him
I thought first that nona was referring to our snailmail-shitposter nonnie sending Weewoo caps of the thread as 'cowtipping' kek

No. 494191

Luigi will be so moved by the lc screencaps that he will show the judge etc and he will be pardoned.
Then Luigi will become the first and only moid allowed to post here openly but only if he proves it's him by posting his juicy nipples with a timestamp on them with every response.

No. 494193

Had a dream about boyschooligi and I had a huge crush on him but he was aloof and retarded and I kept trying to get him to notice me.
All of his cog friends were sympathetic to my cause and were trying to help me but Luigi was just so fucking retarded. This dream is canon.

No. 494194

If your dream is canon then my dream is canon, where he walked into the bathroom while I was pooping to ask to date me and then didn’t know why I was upset that he interrupted my already difficult bowel movement

No. 494196

This is clearly a symbolic dream. Your ibs is your frustration that Luigi isn't writing to nonas and Luigi not understanding your anger at him is him writing to reddit and a gay stereotype punchline that would be seen as deeply offensive in modern media and not normal based human beings who actually understand him (nonas)

No. 494204

File: 1740929033265.png (562.82 KB, 829x830, hes never going free.PNG)

You're honestly correct.
Anyway kr's comic from yesterday was awful

No. 494205

File: 1740929112507.png (364.18 KB, 832x828, what.PNG)

Who published this in this fanfic AU, kr?

No. 494206

File: 1740929149810.png (461.71 KB, 829x827, he reads fanfic about his own …)

From all we know he wore this shirt twice, maybe three times.

No. 494209

She needs to be reading lc weegeewives favorite posts and Luigi pees himself out of terror

No. 494211

I just went to her insta accout and nearly overdosed on cringe, so trigger warning to anyone who wants to repeat my mistake

No. 494212

I want her to make this book a reality. I need to own a piece of cringe history.

No. 494216

The idea that there could be a children's book about Luigi's Bali shirt makes me want to throw up

No. 494217

File: 1740932173856.jpeg (569.23 KB, 2048x2048, 56634653-6E3B-4FF2-AA55-26388B…)

Karen following that one account that said her school competed with Luigi’s and wrote him a letter critiquing his tweets. I wonder if she found out about the lodge cctv footage from these accounts.

No. 494219

Kinda fucked up she needs to follow stan twitter in order to find evidence because it keeps getting withheld from her

No. 494220

Like that’s really wild. I wonder if she even had the chance to save the video from YouTube in time. Or if she even knows it was posted on there first at all.

No. 494226

Is she the club one? I think she cleaned up a lot of her posts if so kek

No. 494231

File: 1740933685801.png (100.63 KB, 1029x265, woah.PNG)

The anti-Italian discrimination among the Luigi orbiters is very strange to me. Not to mention
>del rey mangione
>not a fan account
Also Tracey wiped her main Instagram acc's bio

No. 494235

She was the mango baby one and then switched to this. I don’t know if she’s really toned down because she called him pizza and macaroni in recent posts. She also said him putting on hand sanitizer was similar to kpop choreo.

No. 494239

>calling an Italian man pizza or macaroni
>saying washing your hands is like a kpop dance
I wish he didn't attract retards, we could've had class consciousness by now.

No. 494243

Its settled. The Korean Luigi comic artist is a paid fed who makes daily shitty turbocringe comics in order to dissolve Luigi solidarity.
I bet the prison makes benzoigi sign random typed up generic messages and sends them to redditors and fags. Hashbrown girl was Luigi slipping thru the cracks in a rare moment of lucidity and feddit is trying to claim its fake.

No. 494246

This is cope, unfortunately. He's willingly responding to retards. Maybe he's trying to be like a grifter himself, but he knows that only low IQ tards will listen to what he has to say because he himself is a midwit. There's no reasonable explanation as to why he couldn't respond to any of our letters. He himself is unreasonably stupid.

No. 494247

This is bullshit I will pay 200 dollars to voice chat with Luigi and read his stupid bullshit. I'll even pretend he's smart!!!

No. 494248

File: 1740936192856.jpeg (384.05 KB, 1179x1335, IMG_6291.jpeg)

I don’t get him spending up his commissary money by printing letters. But idk how much he has.

No. 494249

Kek but you have to do it on your own birthday

No. 494250

Luigi needs to send Tracy his benzos

No. 494253

He's rich and always has been so he probably knows nothing about budgeting. I hope his commissary runs dry in a few years and he has to resort to eating the prison maggot meals because his only fanbase left will be BPD single mothers and stan twitter teenagers who won't be able to afford throwing their money at him. And it'll be all his own doing since those are the people he wants to write him.

No. 494254

>The anti-Italian discrimination among the Luigi orbiters is very strange to me
It's moreso weird and fetishist to me. The jealous moids who make fun of his hair & facial features are definitely bigoted tho. Outside the Northeast & few cities like Chicago, most people are not used to seeing or meeting Italian-Americans, so their ignorance really shows rn with Luigi.

No. 494256

Good lord, what a weirdo. I'm surprised she hasn't changed her name to "tracey.mangione" lmaoo Luigi probably barely remembers her other than that "vapid annoying chick from Hawaii" loll

No. 494257

Sometimes I wonder if that "best at flirting" superlative from his yearbook was an inside joke or something lol like maybe his classmates chose that for weegie because he was too dorky & awkward around girls. (Keeping in mind this was an all boys school, but they still got to mingle sometimes with other private school female students or partner up with them during events)

No. 494258

Either that or he was the only male that was nice to girls.

No. 494260

File: 1740937814989.jpeg (138.9 KB, 1290x1234, IMG_6818.jpeg)

kek i hadn’t even considered the idea of the griftee attempting to become the grifter. i think having to sit through repeated 2 hour video calls daily with his “MY SHAYLAAA” type fans should be punishment enough.

No. 494263

Tracy is so mentally ill lmfao

No. 494265

Id pay him to do grift voice calls but id just end up being his therapist. Then I will make him masterbate on call as therapy

No. 494266

File: 1740939602242.jpg (243.02 KB, 1241x1300, 20250302_191723.jpg)

weegees prison in lockdown i hope he is still getting his mail

No. 494270

Why is he locked up like this? Because others are fighting ? I thought he was in a dorm. I would feel bad but he hasn’t responded to our letters so this is kinda what he gets. Karma. Lots of time to catch up on our letters today, slave, but he probably won’t take it. Perfect opportunity to gain more plebbit anti-Italian engagement instead!

No. 494271

Poor weewee… I hope in his isolation he writes the most heartfelt and loving message to a Nona. Begging for regular correspondence with her and others like her and saying he hates reddit and trannies. Don't let me down luigi.

No. 494274

The isolation will probably make him double down on wanting only the most braindead of letters like someone telling him what flavor pasta he would be

No. 494277

Luigi… internalized italianphobia from years of being compared to mario.

No. 494280

File: 1740942191324.jpeg (18.69 KB, 585x128, IMG_4739.jpeg)

I want to change my depop user to luigimangionereversecreampie now
Lockdown a day after his hearing where he already looked so defeated, I feel bad for him

No. 494284

Eh i kinda hope he is having a bad time. Go respond to my letter, loser.

No. 494288

Sending him art history lessons via letter with hopes it’ll rewire his techbro (retarded) brain into appreciating art that isn’t ugly griftdaddy stick figures

No. 494291

If you want to and not get disappointed when he doesn't reply, go for it. If you want to dumb it down for his brain and relate it to pokemon or video games then that might be a better introduction to the concept of art. If he's miserable in his tiny coffin that's on him. He could have felt like he was in good company, seen, and understood if he replied to LC letters. He can't respond to anyone with his true feelings without Reddit saying it's fake because the real Luigi is some sort of stoic, or his fans responding with muh shayla to cheer him up. Then again, Luigi honestly could have had friends years ago and just chose not to.

No. 494297

File: 1740945432208.jpeg (180.68 KB, 1125x402, IMG_3291.jpeg)

why the fuck does she change her profile so fucking much when she barely even posts anything

No. 494299

What else is she gonna do? You think she has productive hobbies?

No. 494301

She is the definition of unemployed but because she's rich it's called 'work-optional' or 'temporarily retired'

No. 494302

This sheer level of mental illness convinces me even more that the DM to her about Luigi's letter was fabricated. She seriously has no fucking life kek.

No. 494303

File: 1740945977299.jpeg (46.51 KB, 738x555, IMG_9288.jpeg)

she had him chasing her like a DOG, FUCK YOU TRACEY!!!

No. 494304

kek 'real quick'

No. 494307

She's leaking more private DMs with him?! Why?! If she hates the negative attention then what's the point in doing this?

No. 494308

It should of been ME sending him "you up" texts

No. 494309

File: 1740946567275.jpg (1.24 MB, 2340x1767, mdc.jpg)

This sounds totally different than freeluigi_kr's portrayal of what being incarcerated is like. I feel so misled.

No. 494310

I would have seduced him by saying lets have a lion king movie night!

No. 494311

Wait not this being from the same day when he asked “did you leave today” multiple times. And she gave the flattest response then he said he’s going to sleep. Then after she said, “Hi. Im up” then he said “I’ll walk up” in response to that. After all that ignoring he still got up for that wtf.

No. 494312

It really goes to show he's uber retarded he was friends with someone who'd later end up leaking all of their private texts as 'content' to show how pathetic he was for at least one person to pay attention to him, and now he's replying to BPD losers in hopes of recreating that. If he was actually even a little bit smart he'd have a good friend group and a girlfriend (me) and he'd be in my bedroom with me right now massaging my body after my hike but instead he's sitting in a coffin and will never feel the sun on his skin again. He really did this to himself and it's hard to feel bad anymore.
Luigi doesn't even have kids or a wife, he has a family he avoided, so he probably doesn't care. I can't believe kr was so wrong, though.
He could have gotten himself an actual loving girlfriend but naw.

No. 494313

I wonder if he has even replied to a remotely intellectual letter.

No. 494315

He relates to the mentally ill (tracey) and has a saviour complex and thinks he can fix them because no one did it for him.

No. 494316

I get the vibe that he is very easy to manipulate in relationships, all he needed was a girl to slap the shit out of him and he wouldn't be rotting in a cell today.

No. 494317

He relates to BPD* not anything like depression or anxiety, which would benefit more from someone with a savior complex. He himself probably is depressed but I really doubt someone as slow as him would be able to recognize it in someone else.

No. 494320

File: 1740948729284.jpg (170.15 KB, 1003x1005, 121530167340982.jpg)

he is so silly what did he even see in tracy

No. 494321

File: 1740949134869.jpg (1.55 MB, 2400x3346, singlemom1.jpg)

Kr making a comic about a single mom and her child praying for Luigi. So fucking based.

No. 494323

Lmao this is who Luigi would write to though

No. 494327

I'm so sick of this unemployed, self aggrandizing, pickme loser. I hope reddit and jasonbrooksfags turn against her and she finally DFE.

No. 494328

This is so fucked, are they meant to be impoverished? So she gets peanut butter and jelly for her birthday? Even poor people in like the 40's could do better than that. And why is the little girl praying for Luigi? I think Luigi may have been the worst ever thing to happen to America.

No. 494329

File: 1740950041093.jpg (2.12 MB, 2400x5459, singlemom2.jpg)

Part 2 of cringe.

No. 494331

Luigi is a fucking cog vegetarian i guarantee he is eating tuna and fucking beef Ramen in prison. Most people aren't interested in eating maggots infested shit. And Luigi definitely wouldn't have gained weight in prison on a vegetarian diet.

No. 494333

>Luigi is the worst thing to happen to America
Come on nonny he's not THAT bad.

No. 494334

This kind of makes me want Luigi to drop dead so these weirdos stop.
Did you see part 2 yet

No. 494337

Listen it's not luigis fault reddit is cringe as fuck. It's just a reminder to everyone out there that before you murk a ceo to make sure you talk mad shit about troons on your social media. No subtlety, just straight up tell trannies they are ruining America and they need to 41%

No. 494338

File: 1740951148088.png (188.38 KB, 255x400, sbf_before_after.png)

Looking at SBF, who has remained vegetarian in custody, to compare and he's definitely lost a ton of weight. Albeit, he's been in there for maybe two years but I hope this doesn't eventually happen to Luigi.

No. 494339

Sbf is a vegan, which is even worse in prison. But I think Luigi is eating tuna. I don't think he was a faggot about his vegetarianism

No. 494341

ot but whys he allowed to have those shoes in prison

No. 494342

Inmates can actually buy sneakers from the commissary.

No. 494343

Idk i think u can get shoes in prison if u have the connections

No. 494344

Its not fair… Luigi should be in special prison with rapenonas.

No. 494345

You don't understand anything about Luigi. He
>never wears black
>would never write LOL
>would never tell a joke
>is a strict vegetarian
>is bi/bicurious
>was best friends forever with tracey
>looks amazing in green
>pasta fagioli
>is for the dolls
He should just be the boyfriend of one of us and his depression, migraines, visual snow, and other bullshit would have just vanished like tears in rain.

No. 494346

I don’t think it’ll happen to Luigi he was very meticulous about how he maintained his body. Even through the anguish of being an inmate he would take efforts toward keeping up with that. I think that he would bend and reintroduce meat, I’m not sure how strict he was about being a vegan.

No. 494347

He was never a vegan

No. 494348

No. 494349

Luigi was never a vegan. He was a vegetarian. Probably ate tons of eggs and whey and dairy. Apparently McDonald's hash browns aren't even vegetarian. He wasn't strict just did he best to abstain from meat because he's a retard.

No. 494350

File: 1740952097680.jpeg (115.09 KB, 750x352, IMG_8953.jpeg)

Oooh she is a princess now

No. 494351

File: 1740952117501.png (728.83 KB, 640x772, Tracey.png)

Tracey Le deleted her old instagram where she posted thirst traps. He wanted to fuck her (or was fucking her).

No. 494353

If he was fucking her we'd know by now. Why did she delete this and not her videos of her spinning around a stripper pole? Imagine Luigi wanting to fuck you and you just shrug him off because you have your sights on a balding anglo paypig.

No. 494354

This must have been pre-paypiggy husband kek. She probably was only interested in Luigi for his family's wealth. Now that he's world famous, she's in despair over all the attention she is missing out on because she chose the ugly paypiggy.

No. 494355

Why does she think every girl deserves a 'dress' that is just a piece of cloth barely covering her. The bellybutton being out is crazy.

No. 494356

Yeah you’re right it was more that he abstained from meat here n there. He just said he didn’t eat meat in a text in 2022 but it got blown out of proportion. Yet he’s eating meat in that Japan picture. So I take back my vegan comment.

No. 494357

genuinely what mental illness is it that compels someone to update their instagram bio like that literally every 30 minutes? i know plenty of people who are unhealthily preoccupied with maintaining their instagram “persona” or whatever but nowhere near to this level of obsession

No. 494358

Because she's retarded. People forget Luigi is still a moid, if you want to find a retard simply look where a moid is looking

No. 494360

File: 1740952543706.png (103.48 KB, 1257x264, what glass ceilings.PNG)

It's just like how he isn't a minimalist or an engineer.
Also she updated it within seconds

No. 494362

It has to be some sort of Cluster B personality disorder kek.

No. 494363

File: 1740952830424.gif (15.41 MB, 846x734, 1740581112283.gif)

How do you break glass ceilings while unemployed

No. 494365

it's a rich cog thing they love to romanticise the 'struggle'

No. 494366

Yeah honestly this is all it was. She posted about being "depressed" and "withdrawn" during Surfbreak. She's always been a manipulative psycho wanting people's attention. Luigi is a moron who is too nice it's stupid.

I legit think his boss bitch reply to her was sarcastic as fuck. Probably finally clued into her crap by then.

No. 494367

His gaze is so sexy

No. 494368

>Also she updated it within seconds
does this confirm she reads here kek

No. 494369

File: 1740953080972.png (434.88 KB, 1937x1137, carmendress.png)

>$229 for this trash

No. 494370

Wow and to think he could've just been with me instead. I'd even let him think he cures my depression every time he eats my pussy. Thankfully he's going to be sleeping in a stuffy little coffin tonight.

No. 494371

File: 1740953588594.jpeg (147.38 KB, 1179x1066, IMG_6848.jpeg)

kek i felt like he was kind of over it at this point with Tracy’s attention seeking tendencies

No. 494372

Trashy as fuck

No. 494373


Why is the contact photo centred on her own fucking face

No. 494375

Either that or she has an alarm set specifically to play with her Instagram bio so she can pretend she's a real life influencer subtly and ingeniously adjusting her optics to further her excellent non-career in building gated communities.
Every girl deserves this
And it's when he's tickling that other girl and she's clearly just diving in to be tickled too it's awkward as fuck

No. 494376

KEK shows how self-obsessed she is.

No. 494377

i still want to know what she scribbled out. doing WHAT?

No. 494379

if they fucked that's a huge turn off, but wasn't she dating her paypig during this time? or did she just dive into marriage with him

No. 494381

Didn't he also have a gf at that time? If i was that girl seeing late night calls from her i'd throw myself (and him) off a cliff.

No. 494382

Yeah she may or may not have been his girlfriend since the source was some random guy who was at the commune for a few months who also called Luigi a rizzler iirc. The whole commune thing is creepy as shit and indicative of Luigi's complete lack of brain. I wouldn't be surprised if he had actual holes in his brain. Maybe that explains the brain fog. I just wish what he did would have changed anything in this country but I guess the Tracey shit is kind of funny

No. 494383

going to watch the stars with you lulu?

He talked about how much he liked stargazing in hawaii on reddit.

No. 494384

I see an “s” at the part before the with. It is probably saying stars.

No. 494385

Why would she censor that? Oh right she's an attention whore

No. 494386

Imagine fucking him under the stars

No. 494387

Are rich people into polygamy? Do you think Tracey and her paypig were trying to get Luigi as a third or something

No. 494388

we'd have to see the dates of the texts to determine that, but i'll always believe she was cucking her moid with luigi or at least attempted to. imagine being luigi's girlfriend and having this heifer around? i'd put jodi arias and her 27 stabbings to shame

No. 494389

He did have a girlfriend already during Surfbreak and Tracy was dating her husband at the time. Tracy is trying to create an illusion. That's why she's acting so fucking weird. She doesn't wanna be called out but is still craving the attention of her lies. She's simply insane.

Don't forget those who really were with Luigi and his actual friends will have been interviewed by police and FBI by now. No one is talking except for attention whore freaks who are not connected to him any real way. She is nothing.

No. 494390

kekkkk 'lulu' and my eye would start to twitch

No. 494391

>She is nothing
To him, but to me she is milky huehue
If I was her sad, balding paypig right now I'd want a divorce. Unemployed, crying in the walk-in closet all day over another moid, playing on her Instagram with barely any followers and posting about Luigi all day, constructing a stripper pole in the living area, killing the pet cat, etc etc it would break me.

No. 494392

Who's to say she just didn't completely fake these fucking texts in the first place?

No. 494393

What do you think the actual ex thinks about her now surely she would be creeped out

No. 494394

Good point. You'd think she'd at least have a better contact picture of him, right? Other than a screencap from a video with her in it? His face isn't even in it but hers is. Like, his entire face except his mouth is cut out. Do people really do that?

No. 494395

At least fatsey shut up when he got cyberbullied

No. 494397


killing her pet cat?

Has anyone got a pic of the husband

No. 494398

Just lurk

No. 494399

File: 1740955254632.png (253.61 KB, 847x500, 1739552135628.png)

Tracy didn't get cyberbullied enough. You still have retards believing her lies about being Luigi's best friend. Last time I saw her Luigi post, there were still people leaving positive comments on it.
All her pics of him on IG were kind of blurry.

No. 494400

What did she mean with the Beyonce comment, I wonder

No. 494401

Even plebbit (her number one fans) are starting to catch onto her. I think she lurked and saw the comments calling her a wannabe luxury influencer and that's why she's spiralling.

No. 494402

What did she expect when that is exactly what she is going for?

No. 494403

it rhymes with fiancee
she's so cringe i cant

No. 494404

is she in her thirties? this post makes it sound like she is

No. 494405

Oh. Was that commune a place specifically for retards? Like some sort of outpatient program?

No. 494406

One girl who was there when Luigi was said it was like a cult on TikTok.

No. 494407

Doubt. What I don't doubt though is rich parents probably send their failsons and faildaughters there as a playground so they seem like they have an excuse for not yet joining mommy and daddy's business. Who told Luigi about it? Maybe a member of his family. It's the spedgrounds.

No. 494409

Yeah you go through an interview process to why you want to live there and you get picked - so Luigi got interviewed kek

No. 494410

She was actually there around the time he was. But I can tell it was just a weird dynamic and phony place in general and the 40 yr old landlord was creepily hanging out with them.

No. 494412

This just makes me hate Luigi even more. I want him but I hate him. I can't imagine the type of hell it would be to have his swiss cheese brain. Learning anything about him is so frustrating. There's no way women can ever have anything on this planet even close to a good moid. Handsome, kind, himbo… but with completely utterly deranged levels of absence in his mind. Imagine getting interviewed to go to your adult daycare where your landlord in the future is going to tell everyone how you couldn't fuck at the polycommune.

No. 494413

yes nonny, she graduated hs back in 2011 and luigi in 2016 so that'd make her a couple years older

No. 494419

File: 1740956575619.jpg (18.09 KB, 634x540, RJ.jpg)


And your creepy landlord radicalises you by getting you to read ted kaczynzki exactly one (1) time

I bet RJ has masturbated to all this he seems the type

No. 494420

I doubt Luigi has ever properly read a book in his life. Now I'm just not convinced. He's probably a skimmer. If he was capable of reading more than a paragraph at a time he would have responded to someone itt already.

No. 494422

idk the whole "you have to get picked to live here" might be a grift to make it seem more exclusive to inquiring prospective tenants
or maybe the interview is just to find out how much money you have to make sure you aren't a bum he'll have to go through the process of evicting.
i doubt it was actually some elite enclave. we joke about luigi being a retard but tracy is legitimately a fucking moron, how'd she get in other than having the money

No. 494423

File: 1740956723919.jpeg (496.44 KB, 1179x1413, IMG_5876.jpeg)

Yeah straight up creep this is what someone said on red note it took me awhile to find again. Also, I remember in the CNN interview he laughed before saying Luigi couldn’t be physically intimate.

No. 494425

i remember reading that people left the book club because they were uncomfortable with the books that this freak was recommending

No. 494426

rj looks like a cannibal faggot, there's something very dark-sided about this scrote

No. 494427

I swear if they fucked Tracy would have said so. I would have said so if I was a bpd wannabe instathotty. Think of all the interviews and followers! I'd describe luigis cock in intimate detail and how he ate pussy like a starved zombie.

No. 494428

This makes luigi, somehow, even worse and more retarded

No. 494429

Luigi lived there for only 6 months and moved to an apartment after that, who knows what kind of weird shit that whole commune was into

No. 494430

Six months too long

No. 494431

Im feeling down. I need cute pics of a cute retarded Italian prison scrote

No. 494432

File: 1740957475397.gif (126.05 KB, 480x360, stars.gif)

>Imagine fucking him under the stars
I can't get this out of my mind

No. 494433

Kek as she should
Must have signed a 6 month lease

No. 494434

File: 1740957530925.png (687.25 KB, 527x1544, 1000005823.png)

Mr. cutie thicc booty. I swear if any weirdos like the Diddler touch him, there'll be nonna torture hell to pay. only women are allowed to pinch his hiney.

No. 494435

The more we learn about weegie's old life, the more I think while being book/tech smart, he is way too innocent & naïve for his own good. How else did he allow so many weirdos into his life? smh He needed an protective nonna as a girlfriend to fend off the weirdos and fuck him under the stars.

No. 494436

I am so depressed I want him so bad

No. 494438

File: 1740958048398.jpg (96.53 KB, 735x786, 1000005266.jpg)

I always liked this underrated. How is his blush so perfect?

No. 494439

Right? instead he was sperging on twitter to his 28 followers and buying grifters attention

No. 494440

He liked this quote on goodreads:

“I’d rather be myself,” he said. “Myself and nasty. Not somebody else, however jolly.”

Farenheit 451

I think he liked that people like RJ, Tracey, Gurwinder, Max were all transparently self-centered and self-absorbed and wanted to be like them but felt like he couldn't because of his previous perfectionist people pleasing persona developed to make his family look good. And then he took ayahusca and literally lost it.

No. 494441

Gonna make Luigi wear that for me in my basement

No. 494443

I thought that quote was from brave new world

No. 494444

No. 494445


No. 494446

Luigi sent that creep his x rays too and called him but he ignored it. He was around so many phonies. Even him telling the minordissent and gurwinder guys about generational trauma where they both denounced him in tweets about it but he still sought them out.

No. 494448

His family gave him a good start to life, but it probably sheltered him & they may have been overprotective of his health issues. So weegie decides to rebel in his own silly little way after college/covid era, only to get stuck with grifters and weirdos. Then he complete goes off radar. So frustrating.

No. 494449

File: 1740958363449.jpg (18.69 KB, 612x408, 1000002647.jpg)

I LOATHE how fixable he is. He is just begging to be dominated and told what to do. Thats why he's so thirsty for older women! He wants to be their pet retard! Now he's a slave to the government. Stupid shithead.

No. 494450

I slapped him
I thought it was 18
I fucking knew he didn’t read plus the ayahuasca is just some dumb tranny meme. And he never even lived up to that quote. Me fucking him would have knocked some sense into him.

No. 494451

I get the feeling these people have personalities like his parents. Luigi was stuck in a loop.

No. 494452

I feel bad for him. Definitely for the past 18 threads. But at some point it's kind of his fault. He surrounded himself with the same type of people time and time again. Or maybe the commune was when he finally woke up. Then instead of turning his life around he went insane. It must be the Y chromosome. He could have lived anywhere he'd ever wanted to, get an apartment, a normal/casual job since he wasn't wanting for money, and meet new people. But he couldn't even do that. The closest he got was wandering aimlessly in Asia and even then he just was a typical tourist and hung around weird German moids. He should've actually absorbed those books he supposedly read because it was all for nothing.

No. 494453

Then why couldn't he of went to an irrelevant country like Finland and started a new life there - he had all the options in the world and he chose to spend the rest of his life in jail what a fucking waste.

No. 494454

He wanted moid solidarity which is the fatal error I think. He wanted to relive his snobby 40k a year scrote school where he was smart and a good flirt.
Idiot. He needed women.

No. 494455

Agree, sometimes i feel bad but then i remember he chose this as cold as it sounds. The world is literally built for people like him (white, rich, male) he had everything and it wasn't enough

No. 494456

I keep thinking about how he's ended up back in a dorm environment in prison

No. 494457

I feel like he wanted to impress the same people he grew up with. He probably wasn't even a good flirt in high school, it was an all male school. He probably had a few relatively impressive interactions with girls that pale in comparison to anything that would happen at a real school, and it went to his head. He probably actually thought he was smart. Maybe then in college he realized he wasn't that special, hence the need to impress actual smart people. I have no idea. It's mind boggling.
Exactly. He could have done something by killing that fat CEO but he didn't know what to do after killing him. No real message, no manifesto, just some toy money and a shoddily written paragraph. Now he can't even get his message out via letter responses because he refuses to engage with anything real. What was it all for? Self-hatred makes moids do wild things, I guess. Better it was a CEO than a woman or child this time.
Kek not anymore, he's in a coffin right now because some fights broke out at MDC.

No. 494458

His parents were retarded sending Luigi to an all moids school. A mixed sex school would have humbled him and he would have never been valedictorian. He'd watch a smarter and genetically superior woman step up and make her speech and Luigi would pay she-grifters for life advice. He would have gotten someone to listen to him cry about his generational trauma and then he would have gotten raped by 10000 Stacies and died drained and happy before he walled.

No. 494459

Literally this. You can't want more someone than they want for themselves. I wonder when he'll start regretting it (not because he feels bad, but because of prison life)

No. 494461

I respect the fact he killed a worthless man and not women or children. Too bad it's ruined his life though.

No. 494463

He will regret it when his BPD and TikTok fanbase move on to someone else and he's completely alone. Well except for Moe Lester and the Chomos from the kr comics.

No. 494464

Did he really ever read anything of substance? Felt like he mainly read self-help crap and pop science books. The only interesting books he actually read were Ted K.'s manifesto and the few pieces of literary fiction he had on his list. It is a sad world when people think his reading material makes him some sort of intellectual.

No. 494465

Self help, pop science, some basic must-read baby’s first deep fiction, and Harry Potter.

No. 494466

no, it was all garbage. he believes tim urban's book will go down in history as an important philosophical text kek what an intellectual

No. 494467

Reading the lorax and discussing it's "deeper" meaning with retardigi in my basement every night!!!!

No. 494468

Note how nothing on Luigi's book list was philosophy unless I'm mistaken.

No. 494469

I tried to read tim urbans book. It's the dumbest shit ever. Luigi just likes stick figures

No. 494471

I know he calls himself 'low maintenance' but he still grew up in a wealth bubble and is naive - he'll have a breakdown when he realises the reality of prison. No matter how many retards say "WELL PRISON WILL BE INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING FOR HIM"

No. 494472

Who the fuck says that? And Luigi is such a larper
>not an engineer
>not low maintenance
>not a minimalist
>never read philosophy
>has probably never even been to Bali

No. 494473

Some of the stuff he added on his want to read list was better. Like “kite runner” and “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” for example.

No. 494474

What does kr think about the knife fight in camp MDC

No. 494475

Well he didn't read them so tough shit, Luigi
Please I need it featured in a comic where Luigi acts as mediator and gets everyone to hold hands instead

No. 494476


No see that's why he had the shirt. Because he'd actually done something for once and needed to wear a shirt to tell everybody about it. The Penn shirt as well. He put Penn in his twitter bio too.

No. 494477

Soooo do we think Luigi was involved in the fight that caused MDC to go into lockdown?
Is he being bullycided by the chomos and wife killers in there?

No. 494478

He read Goethe's Faust, I think it might’ve been the last book updated in his good reads.

No. 494479

kekk plebbitors who else?

No. 494480

Just basic shit!!!

No. 494481

It was a race riot apparently so I don’t think so.

No. 494482

>nonas spend time and effort drawing him beautiful art in his letters
>he can't comprehend all the artwork being sent to him because stick figure comics are the only meaningful art form to him
I hate him.

No. 494483

Ah, yes. Reddit will say it was the Italian versus the Irish.
He probably legitimately cannot comprehend images past stick figures. You show him an illustration of a cat and it just looks like a rorschach test to him
I bet it would be so easy to blow his mind. Just discuss like, quantum immortality and he bowels will empty out effortlessly for the first time in years.

No. 494484

I am honestly starting to view him as almost a lower life form because of this.

No. 494485

kr comic italian vs irish finger snap duel. luigi sings a song and they all join in. Fight over love wins

No. 494486

He's male, you already should've been
MJ's Beat It music video where he got the Bloods and Crips to dance together

No. 494487

File: 1740961062070.jpeg (234.97 KB, 1672x271, IMG_1276.jpeg)

the artwork here will blow him away he won’t be able to contain himself.

No. 494488

The Hit Reverse book he tried to buy 400 copies of is even worse. I couldn't bring myself to post excerpts.

No. 494489

I wish the ceo killer was a female. Men are stupid and disgusting.

No. 494490

He's just admitting he's a baby who needs stick figures and jokes to understand bigger concepts. A toolkit for critical thinking? You're in your 20's dude that time is long past. You either think critically or you don't.

No. 494491

I only met one man that actually read some substance

No. 494492

I think seeing artwork that isn't stick figures will just break his brain. I imagine it to be like how some people had their minds blown when photography was introduced and how they believed that having their portraits taken by a camera would also take away part of their soul.

No. 494495

So cringe when that author came out saying that weegee misunderstood the book

No. 494496

I am regretting the recent letter I dropped off today where I started sperging about how annoying raw milk rightoids are because I was initially talking about ray peat’s artwork, and then I mentioned something Freud said that i didn’t agree with making art stems from an unsatisfied libido or whatever - freud but then encouraged him to draw bc some other shit carl jung said. Ended it with a happy birthday even though it’s only March kek. I think I’m going to wake up early tomorrow and sit by the window until I see the mailman so I can get it back

No. 494497

men like luigi legitimately need an semi-abusive female in a relationship to boss him around, in order to keep them from becoming listless retards. he can complain all he wants but he literally needs to be pushed around for his own good

No. 494499

Please please I am begging kr to make a comic parody of the Beat It music video where there's an Italian versus Irish knife fight and Luigi walks down the stairs singing and dancing and then everyone starts singing, dancing, and snapping.
Kek, deserved
To be honest I am surprised Luigi didn't at least dabble in Jung. He seemed totally disinterested in philosophy, it's weird. Typically psued moids love that shit. Maybe before his brain fully busted he would have found that interesting. I'm wondering if something happened when he was in his very early 20's that totally deteriorated his brain or if he was always this vapidly stupid. He seemed curious at one time. At one time, our letters would have intrigued him.
Tracy tried but was too pick-me, he needs a nonna. God I would've bullied him so sexily.

No. 494503


Has anyone told him yet. Does he know

No. 494505

>a comic parody of the Beat It music video

No. 494507

i've actively avoided all information about tracy because i think it would make me buttmad to learn anything about her. a stacey nona is all luigi ever needed. so fucking sad

No. 494509

Poor Luigi rotting in his cell, he gave Tim Urban a raving review, probably boosting his sales tenfold, and that shithead goes and says "Luigi didn't understand my deep message". Luigi gets his heart broken and Tim Fagban laughs all the way to the bank.
What a fucking shithead.
Luigi. I hope you are learning that moids are the root of all evil now. If you could have embraced woman worship like your spirit was begging you to, you could have killed like 10 ceos by now and trump would be peeing his diaper and signing a bill for universal healthcare.

No. 494512

He needed full on abuse. Like textbook abuse kept from his friends and family and raped repeatedly. He needed it so bad.(a-logging)

No. 494513

File: 1740962579004.jpeg (482.74 KB, 1179x1065, IMG_6310.jpeg)

This is what was said in full. In one of the threads I said he’s been reading him since college guess now it’s been since high school. I don’t see Luigi’s interpretation as wrong here, like the intellectual sees the messiness

No. 494514

>he wuz a father n sheeit
Luigi should have alogged tim urban too.

No. 494518


Yeah his interpretation is accurate just more brief. But I don't think he'd care that Tim Urban said he was wrong (what else is Urban going to do anyway, not say the CEO shooter is wrong?) I think he'd just be thrilled that Urban talked about him. Urban knows who he is!

No. 494520

File: 1740963347630.webp (22.08 KB, 500x500, light reading for luigi.png)

That's actually super fucking embarrassing I almost feel bad, not only did he butcher the quote (he could have looked it up to double-check he had it verbatim before embarrassing himself in front of his daddy) but he misinterpreted it in its entirety. I still don't give a shit the CEO was killed, but it's true and undeniable (to me) that anyone rational and with a clear mind would not have done the same.
Let's be real. The only book Luigi could read and comprehend fully is Pat The Bunny.

No. 494521

Isnt urban a literal who though? I never heard of this fuckwit before Luigi gushed about him

No. 494523

Luigi needed to worship women harder!!!!

No. 494525

Did that one grifter finish his 3-part Luigi series? haven't seen that posted about in a while and he said he was going to complete it by march 1st, didn't he?

No. 494526

I had a shower thought that Luigi honestly should have been encouraged to be creative. Was he ever given the option to play an instrument? He has the hands for piano. Did he ever draw as a child? I'm wondering if his parents pushed him into tech shit because his sister is already an artist and maybe they thought moid = muh logical profession. Well look what happened. He can barely read, and he became a code monkey. Then he shot a guy.
Duh, this is non-negotiable.

Also as an aside, I find it obvious Luigi could not independently formulate his own thoughts. He had to latch onto others' thoughts and butcher them and invent his own interpretation i.e opinion. Instead of just having an opinion of his own he needs to Frankenstein's monster someone else's because of his inability to think.

No. 494527

techfags like him, and elon musk used to be on his dick back in the day idk if he still is
he didn't and hasn't uploaded anything since the 24th

No. 494528

Should I send him Pat the Bunny someday and see if he accepts it

No. 494529


Yeah me neither but clearly not to Wigi and those grey tribe tweeters he chose to spend his time with.

No. 494530

Nope, MinorDissent has not posted anything since he posted Luigi’s social media history timeline on Feb 24th

No. 494532

What prison tattoos do you think he's going to get?

No. 494533

Tim Urban stick figure on ass cheek

No. 494534

Karen told him to back off, he started complaining about legal rights to privacy when he'd already started posting the articles already then asked x to help him find publicly available wigi internet history he could use instead

No. 494537

His interpretation wasn't wrong. Urban is just going out of his way to distance himself from Luigi.

No. 494540

It's still wild how he couldn't be bothered to find the verbatim quote, imagine embarrassing yourself like that in front of someone you think is your grifter daddy. He was also a lil' wrong.

No. 494542


wasn't this just while chatting to griftwinder did he really need the exact quote for that(many integrated posts)

No. 494543

People paraphrase quotes all the time, I don't see what the big deal is.

No. 494544

No more Max since feb 24th. He's been all I'm autistic pls no bully too.

No. 494549

Yeah I'd be embarrassed in his situation if I didn't give him the verbatim quote and it seems Tim Grifter felt the same way, know your audience.

No. 494555

he started a substack chat for wigi info and all these women are glazing him and acting like he has anything of value to say

No. 494556

I need an art nonnie to draw Luigi getting a tim urban stick figure prison tattoo on his ass and he's reading a nonaletter saying that tim urban abandoned him and hes just looking crushed.

No. 494558

40 year old man… embarrassing

No. 494560

We are never ever getting class consciousness
Drawnonny I also have an idea for you; Luigi somehow gets into a female grifter and he's being embarrassingly pathetic and naive, buying several copies of her books, etc. He follows her on twitter and eventually gets her to talk to him via DM where he wildly misinterprets something she's written to the point where she gets upset and goes to his profile to finally learn more about this annoying petulant fan. She sees that he's incredibly sexy and desperate for female attention and she invites him over to her house for a meet-the-author type ordeal and then locks him in her sex dungeon.

No. 494561

>urban sucks elite cock
No wonder he leaned heavily on the "but he's a father!" Shit. Who fucking cares he's a dad. He killed millions of fathers and bankrupted their sons. I hope thomson is in hell and his children avoid going into health insurance

No. 494562

So he's hiding the dms behind a paywall?

No. 494563

File: 1740965463983.jpeg (112.13 KB, 554x818, IMG_6313.jpeg)

will he ever be free from the grifters I thought it was over

No. 494564

His entire life is like some sort of ironic tragedy it's hard to not feel bad for him. I want to bury my face in that hair and kiss his head.

No. 494565

This would be a good doujin plot. Hope the doujin is still in progress.

No. 494566

Whenever I am not actively looking at a photo or video of Luigi i want to alog him and then when I see him beautiful Adonis face and body I want to sexually alog him. I want to become the biggest, meanest prison scrote but in female form so I can have Amazonian prison snu-snu with my cute prison bitch. I would then make Luigi writes about me to a faggot and then I'd write to people who asked me and describe in excruciating detail how Luigi licks my she hulk clit like a champ

No. 494567

yeah, fuck it, me too

No. 494570

incredibly based

No. 494576

I need him to play in my muff

No. 494578

File: 1740967806590.gif (17.35 MB, 774x1080, IMG_6305.gif)

No. 494579

Luigi licking the evidence off his lips

No. 494582

File: 1740968638966.gif (739.39 KB, 300x173, 1000002775.gif)

Do you think he knows what he's doing when he does this or is he just the world's sexiest retard? I need him to be my pet! I want a pet sexy Italian prison tard!!!

No. 494584

Can't stop thinking about what I'd do if I had Luigi chained up in a dark, dank basement dungeon. It would be so awesome to break him!

No. 494585

I know right but it would probably be easy. Level one moid break, good for beginners.

No. 494587

He would be so overwhelmed by your intelligence it would boggle his mind. Just completely shatter this retards world like he couldn't imagine someone smarter than griftweiler.

No. 494589

He is absolutely clueless. I really think he's just a super hot guy on the spectrum. Yes he's friendly and well mannered probably cuz of his mom & sisters influence, but I don't think he was ever a major flirt even in college - women are just drawn to him cuz he gives eager to please puppy vibes, not in a playboy way.

No. 494590

File: 1740970022377.jpeg (145.23 KB, 542x728, IMG_6878.jpeg)

the face he makes when you try to communicate to him by any means other than simple “accessible” language and stick figure drawings

No. 494592

Then you go ah come here I will just show you what I mean, and you sit on his face and communicate that way, transporting knowledge through your pussy juices into his body via ingestion

No. 494593

I'd transform him into a bigger retard by making his only reading material kiddie books like "Pat the Bunny" and "The Lorax" while he's trapped in the basement dungeon. He'd regress intellectually and would definitely be fearful of me. It would be so fucking funny and awesome.

No. 494594

Nona i honestly don't think you can make this guy regress intellectually any more than he has already. He is writing to redditors. You'll probably make him more intelligent even if all ur doing is making him watch blues clues all day

No. 494595

File: 1740970322038.jpg (856.67 KB, 1179x1403, 1000005618.jpg)

Sad lost puppy eyes, poor weegie. I wish one of us nonnas could adopt him. idk how his lawyer resists him. Even Judge Judy would melt into a puddle thanks to weegie.

No. 494596

Nona can I come over and play with ur dungeon tard? Can I read him Harry potter or is that too advanced for him?

No. 494597

I want to pet that stray hair over his ear. I wish I was the cop behind him with the danger nails just caressing his shoulders and stroking his hair making him pee in his khakis

No. 494598

It would be an experiment then. Besides, this would be better for him than catching AIDS from cancerous Redditors.
We could probably start with Harry Potter early on before slowly downgrading to less intellectual fare.

No. 494599

don’t get me wrong i do love schizigi, but benzoigi was so cute and docile looking in court this day. like a poodle on a leash

No. 494604

File: 1740970979364.mp4 (2.42 MB, 390x536, 8mb.video-HmM-Yru7xnUE.mp4)

As he reads he’ll start off saying this.

No. 494605

Ugh this sluts voice makes me act up so bad. I want him to whisper shitty Italian in my ear i don't care if it's names of pasta and mario catch phrases I'm so fucking horny

No. 494609

File: 1740972841125.png (2.43 MB, 1280x815, 1000002505.png)

Nonnys u can only break 1. Which one do u break?

No. 494611

I like the idea of breaking Cogigi. It'd involve kidnapping him from his Hawaiian paradise and putting him inside an awful, dark dungeon. You'd see him degrade more than the other choices and he'd also be exhibiting a wider range of emotions during the process. Schizigi would be my next choice since he'd probably be filled with more schizo rage which would make me want to shut him up and bully him hard. Benzoigi is already very broken so a bit less fun to break but his braindead state might be fun to bully anyways.

No. 494614

I’m drooling at the thought grabbing Schizigi by the nape of his neck like a misbehaved dog and cock slamming him against the wall until morale improves. He can then sit in his isolated cell with all the lights turned on wearing his cute turtle suit and think about what he’s done. I’ll set up a small hidden camera in his cell and post the livestream link here so you nonnas can help me keep an eye on him.

No. 494624

The last word has an s visibile under the black scribble. I bet it's "making love under the stars" that's why she was too embarrassed to share.

No. 494625

File: 1740981450827.jpg (166.99 KB, 1440x1440, 482341116_17919022149061798_58…)

Ok, I kind of like this one kek.

No. 494626

i'd pass out if that were to be the case

No. 494628

Whitest black man kek

No. 494631

RJ is the mastermind behind the adjuster clock it

No. 494632

Why is he white kekkk

No. 494637

I think about this too. his parents pushed him into the extracurriculars they wanted him to do, probably whatever would get him into a good college. I wondered if he is artistic or musical at heart but forced to suppress it

No. 494638

>I wondered if he is artistic or musical at heart but forced to suppress it
I highly doubt it. I've known so many STEMfags who had interest in the arts and they all explored it in some way whether it's through getting involved with the university radio station or drawing and painting in their spare time. If someone has a passion for the arts, they'll find a way to engage it. Even if his parents did discourage it, there would have been so many ways for him to explore the arts when he left the family home. Luigi was just a retard with no real deep thoughts and thus no appreciation for human creativity (aside from shitty stick figure comics).

No. 494640

you’re right and he probably doesn’t even know how to eat pussy correctly. I hate him

No. 494650

Wait that's whiteface this is actual insanity

No. 494651

I think he probably does cause his dick doesn't work

No. 494656

File: 1740994201508.png (142.76 KB, 986x555, 8bcda874-260f-4a17-8b3a-2688da…)

Although nobody was killed this pic of the recent door shooter is pretty creepy, especially compared to the smiley pics we had of wigi

No. 494657

>makes a comic thats sort of funny
>ruins it by being racist
she really can't make a single good comic

No. 494660

I would kill myself. It would be funny though because that would mean she cucked her paypig.
He is white…

No. 494661

>tfw you will never make love under the stars with luigi

No. 494664

File: 1741003034689.jpg (187.84 KB, 1142x1524, Aaaaaaa.jpg)

Back to the drought i see… the only discussible thing being tracy's ever changing insta bio

No. 494666

and we’ll have over 3 months of drought. brutal

No. 494667

Unless he responds to one of our letters. Haha just kidding he won’t do that.

No. 494668

Several nonnies have cursed us, we are not getting a response

No. 494669

No, Luigi is just retarded and is going to regret it when his letters dry up. I hope he is weeping in his little cell right now.

No. 494671

File: 1741004518596.png (812.87 KB, 1170x1017, IMG_6334.png)

People aren’t even trying anymore what is this even from?

No. 494672

Must be some family thing

No. 494675

Because he replies eating mochi and watching the sunset I am sure it's just that. She's needs to fuck off with her crap!
I hope his ex gf beheads her.

No. 494676

This is what we will have to survive on for months…
I'm begging the hostel girls and starbucks baristas to leak more footage

No. 494678

The hostel leak better include audio.

No. 494682

I want a leak of Luigi masturbating in the hostel so bad. With audio

No. 494690

Thats why he was restless on the top bunk

No. 494694

File: 1741011787517.jpeg (418.89 KB, 1179x1125, IMG_3292.jpeg)

I think he hates artists. If not even if his biggest, retard crowd-pleasing cringe queen got a letter reply back, he truly is absolutely hopeless and is the worst.

No. 494701

File: 1741012743834.png (14.9 KB, 712x366, info.png)

The official site FAQ was updated and this likely is a huge reason why he's been responding to braindead shit.

No. 494702

had a dream that I cheated on my boyfriend with Luigi. everyday he had an hour where they would let him out of prison and I would take him to a bug museum. except he started acting really cringe and if he saw something he thought was funny he’d do fortnite dances. I became extremely guilty not because I was cheating but because it was with such a dweeb. he looked beautiful though. it was the first time I ever dreamed of him

No. 494709

So he has replied to every letter he does receive? Hmm
Fortnite dances kek I wouldn’t put it past him to do cringe shit like that irl

No. 494710

I’m sorry but nonnas here who sent their letters almost 3 months ago still haven’t received a reply

No. 494712

I mean, it says "months prior" but I think Luigi is full of shit and making up excuses because nona letters break his brain too much for him to even think of a coherent reply to them. He even contradicts what he said in his statement earlier about how he can't reply to every letter. Now it says he's responding to each one personally? Fuck him. Stupid liar deserves the worst. I wouldn't be surprised if his nose grew longer at this next court appearance for all the lies he's spewing.

No. 494713

The FAQ originally said he cannot respond to most letters
Now it says he responds to all letters?
yeah mmkay

No. 494714

right?! so he is responding to all letters but is choosing to ignore letters from people (us) that put effort into them.

No. 494717

If those typed letters are real, I think it’s likely he’s using a templated response and just changing minor things to make them seem more personalized. He needs to keep his paypigs engaged because they won’t be trotting him out again for another couple months.

No. 494719

He's truly the worst. Whoring himself like this for paypig money from his tard fans and faggots.

No. 494720

File: 1741017776677.jpeg (599.58 KB, 1179x1418, IMG_6338.jpeg)

Now it says “he tries”

No. 494721

Aww yeah where’s her response? I don’t think he hates art I think he just doesn’t get it
Kek they are forcing him to respond to everything. That’s right, whore. 5-10 isn’t enough he needs to work in the letter sweatshop and respond to 100-200 a day. Chop chop.
KEK it’s okay he acts cringy in my dreams sometimes too.

No. 494723

>Now it says “he tries”
wow that was fast
are they reading here kek

No. 494724

"Tries" because he's too retarded and lazy. We need a nona next to him to whip him into becoming a letter-producing beast of burden, MDC rules be damned.

No. 494725

Kek okay yeah right, Luigi ignored our letters because he knows we wouldn’t fall for his grift
I hope so. I hope Luigi is aware of the rape squad

No. 494726

karen confirmed lc weegee lurker kek

No. 494727

I hope she regularly sends him all the scary (i.e. awesome!) posts and art we've made about him.

No. 494728

samefag, it would be hilarious if karen is getting her team to read these threads

No. 494730

File: 1741018851839.gif (3.74 MB, 792x508, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

She really snatched that statement back like it was nothing in 1 hr

No. 494733

She would be incompetent if she was not. Hi Karen.

No. 494735

File: 1741020118952.png (1.74 MB, 1345x820, close to you.png)

I can't wait until June to see him again, this is torture

No. 494736


No. 494743

Karen tell Luigi to call the other prisoner scrotes in the next letter and tell him to call Tracy a pickme. I understand luigi is retarded but he will be able to write to any letter and say "post this on r/freeluigi" so we know Luigi is looking out for a nonaletter!!

No. 494745

>that last line
based kek

No. 494747

loving these memes as always nona!

No. 494749

File: 1741023645965.jpeg (31.71 KB, 320x320, IMG_4082.jpeg)

my letter timeline (updated)
>first: dec 30th
>second: jan 10th
>third: jan 24th
snail mail shitposting begins:
>fourth: feb 18th
>fifth: feb 24th
>sixth: mar 3rd
>seventh: schedule for mar 10th

No. 494751

Based as always. Clog his mail box with our collective autism!

No. 494753

you’re telling me he can’t manage to print 10 of those basic ass letter replies every day? I know he has enough commissary money to trade for all the stamps in the world.

No. 494756

File: 1741025272482.jpg (391.09 KB, 1152x2046, 21267417744937.jpg)

he is only recieving 5-10 letters? with the way people have been spamming his mail its likely he has not even seen a nona letter

No. 494758

We should've bombarded his mail box early on. Now his mail box is filled with low-IQ Tiktok letters and he will take forever to get to any of our letters.

No. 494759

i never really thought about the grift. i figured he was being so diligent about responding because he was being a dutiful autist.
Do you really think he's doing it so they keep putting money on his books?
i guess in a way he achieved his aspiration of being an e-daddy grifter just with many many extra steps

No. 494761

File: 1741026094822.png (1.5 MB, 1380x1288, i carry a photo of luigi.png)

No. 494762

the donations will only make a tiny percentage of his legal cost its more symbolic to make the terrorism charges seem ridiculous i really dont think he is grifting here

No. 494763


No. 494764

i hate this shit it's so cornyyyy holy fuck i can't believe she has an audience. reporting her profile for the thousandth time, mark zuckerberg do something you disgrace

No. 494766

I read this earlier and thought the beginning part was starting off relatively normal. Then BAM this shit. KEK she is truly Queen of Cringe.

No. 494768

I wish artnona would make a daily luigicomic but instead of cringe it was daily weegee coom. Like Luigi peeing himself out of embarrassment or luigi needing to descreetly masturbate or luigi being sexually abused by karen/she cop/rapenona

No. 494779

Of course it’s the baby pic these freaks
It is a lie. He at first said he can’t reply to most and reads them all and now he is saying he is replying to all but it’s only 5-10 a day? Yeah right. He is a liar he is saying this to get donations and commissary money to bribe the sex offenders away from pinching his fat ass

No. 494781

File: 1741029816056.png (231.68 KB, 570x536, freeluigi.png)

No. 494782


No. 494784

He so would say this in front of moe lester

No. 494785

No. 494788

If Karen reads here then I apologize for shit talking Luigi and saying that basically he is a lost cause and he has holes in his brain, just try your best with him and don’t let the truth discourage you.

No. 494789

if karen is reading this make a sex tape with luigi and if/when he loses release it. What are they gonna do? give him a second life sentence?

No. 494794

File: 1741032827334.png (1.4 MB, 788x1552, 1000005860.png)

What a juicy lil peach

No. 494798

a grown man carrying around a childhood photo of Luigi with a Hello Kitty sticker kek

No. 494804

How can she draw something like this seriously? Is she secretly laughing at how retarded her commenters are?

No. 494806

Luigi’s fingers inside of me, please.

No. 494807

File: 1741034648767.png (1.92 MB, 920x1507, 887667.png)

>this is in prison around faggot rapists
Kill me.

No. 494809

File: 1741035185543.jpeg (108.72 KB, 1024x682, IMG_6335.jpeg)

I didn’t notice he had another beauty mark under his chin so precious.

No. 494814

File: 1741035851316.png (349.98 KB, 426x878, 8766876876.png)

>that little tiny bit of hair going over his ear
God fuck why is he always so perfect. Why is the worlds sexiest 3DPD man getting fucked over so hard? I think if you pass a certain hotness thresh hold you should be allowed to kill uggo moids. As long as he doesn't kill women or children and the moids a sexy woman respecting male kills are ugly and evil I think it should be perfectly legal. Like literally where is the crime?

No. 494815

Somehow just making Luigi say in-character things makes the drawings look better. All he needs are the freckles and this comic is pretty much acceptable in my eyes.

No. 494816

>flat ass head behind him

No. 494817

Holy kek just anyone can become a cop huh

No. 494821

basically anyone who is hideously ugly is allowed to physically wrangle Luigi. It's mostly moids because even the ugliest women are generally less ugly than even mid moids.
Also I think they know that if Luigi gets arousal incontinence (which he gets very easily around women) it will make people sympathize with him more.

No. 494822

Awww no fair I wanna see him pee. Karen if you’re reading please please please make him pee for us! At least give details!

No. 494823

File: 1741037142544.png (85.81 KB, 831x258, 576032.png)

She wasn't feeling it was cute enough so added the sparkle.

No. 494824

i will never understand cogbrains. Maybe some day in the distant future people will see them as mentally ill like I do today

No. 494825

File: 1741038229235.jpg (37.29 KB, 828x514, 25376096819537.jpg)

beautiful fingers

No. 494827

his elongated fingers look so soft and gentle

No. 494830

He has the hands of a pianist. Luigi has the face and body of art, but the mind of a tech bro - so disappointing.

No. 494831

The thought of those fingers playing with me

No. 494837

We have a similar hand shape

No. 494838

his fingers were made to be inside of me

No. 494841

File: 1741040233953.jpg (357.09 KB, 1028x1388, submarine.jpg)

I like to imagine this is an excess of semen he kindly squeezed out while thinking of us <3

No. 494843

File: 1741040359551.jpg (236.16 KB, 1080x1718, 1000005863.jpg)

I think what he really needed was praise and affirmation from women, not this self help grifter writer book advice.

No. 494844

Poor baby

No. 494845

I need to find the notes where he brought up massages and aromatherapy. He needed to be doted on.

No. 494847

And regular sex
Need this with him so bad

No. 494850

Right, even if he was dealing with some complications from his injury, many women would be more than happy to be alone with him. The affirmation & praise would be never ending, he'd literally be worshipped like Roman god.

No. 494851

Me. He is perfect for me, especially with a broken penis. And the aspergers. I will kill myself soon.

No. 494853

His peers must’ve made him feel unworthy or like a burden for his back injury but my brain keeps circling back to what another nonny said of how his savior complex wouldn’t have allowed him to settle down with a woman and become a grift daddy himself bc that still wouldn’t be enough for him. Idk if I’m rewording what she said correctly kek

No. 494858

I would have spooned him and rubbed his back and fed him soup and use him as my human vibrator

No. 494866

I have daydreams about taking care of him in surgery recovery and spoon feeding him soup and having to bathe him because he peed himself

No. 494867

Does he hold back tears of embarrassment in your fantasies?

No. 494869

Okay, I might do that since I need to get better at drawing coom.

No. 494873

I like to imagine him filled with shame as he’s sitting curled up in the tub with a frowny face while I shampoo his hair

No. 494874

File: 1741045915893.jpeg (223.48 KB, 1141x903, IMG_6892.jpeg)

sorry i’m too lazy and retarded to attempt to mess with the contrast to try and make them easier to decipher, but found them

>aromatherapy: easy to incorporate w/ diffuser

>giving/receiving massage
>regular sex

No. 494877

Based. More content of Luigi being broken and less gay normie cringe content!

No. 494878

He could have had all this and more with me but he went to prison instead. Sucks to suck, Luigi.

No. 494882

File: 1741046482793.jpeg (265.52 KB, 828x1289, IMG_4830.jpeg)

Someone wrote a bullet point analysis on that book luigi tried buying 400 times written by that jash griffter, thought this part was interesting since we were just speaking about his retard brain not appreciating art

No. 494885

File: 1741047192463.jpeg (164.84 KB, 988x1159, IMG_4702.jpeg)

I wonder if sketching him and writing ‘retard’ beneath it and nothing else on a letter will get through

No. 494886

His eyes are so beautiful here. Why does he look so nervous? Who scared you? Come to me…

No. 494888

Awee thats so cute to imagine. I do wonder who took care of him after surgery. He would probably be too embarrassed to accept his family's help at home or a female nurse. I hope he didn't hire some ugly male nurse instead. God even the thought of that makes me angry!

No. 494890

So beautifully tragic, I hope there’s a few women guards admiring him and making him nervous

No. 494891

I might be wrong but didn’t he go back to Baltimore? I thought his surgery was in the east coast but I feel sad thinking he might’ve gone back to his hawaii apartment and healed on his own with no one helping

No. 494892

Idk he didn't have to be a grift daddy either, he just needed to settle down for a bit & stop trying to be "Mr. Independent-I need to travel & find myself-I like my autonomy" Ugh!

No. 494893

Yeah I think he did. But idk how or who was taking care of him afterwards. I'm sure his mom or dad wanted to help but weegie apparently doesn't like being coddled or helped at all smh.

No. 494894

I’m confused on the timeline too because in the picture with the citation in Hawaii (Nov. 2023) he look like he lost weight. But then the picture on the missing person report it seems like it’s Christmas and he had gained weight. But also he could’ve been wearing the flannel over the summer.

No. 494895

Why do nonnies think he doesn't want to be taken care of? Coddled sure, but why not taken care of? After all, that's literally what he sought from his grifter daddies. He wanted them to coax him. He shared his trauma with them. Then again he does have hypocritical behaviors. Maybe he thinks a woman wouldn't love him if he was in any way needy. That's fair. But I still would've liked doting on him sometimes.
The missing persons images could be old pics

No. 494897

File: 1741048598439.png (102.14 KB, 1104x272, wow.PNG)

Fuck the glass ceiling I guess

No. 494905

how many times a day does this retard change her bio?

No. 494907

I wish I was this unemployed.

No. 494908

I found a pdf of the book to see if it mentioned these points. I wanted to know if he highlighted parts that stood out to him. But I used keyword search and didn’t find it at all. So these were genuine notes to himself.<aromatherapy, regular sex, and giving/receiving massage>

No. 494911

File: 1741050616419.jpg (153.17 KB, 1649x2048, model2.jpg)

Cutie boy. It's sad to think he will never have this ever. It's okay sweetheart, I will look over your notes and hopefully find a sweet angel boy just like you and we can do this in your honor. Regular sex, massages, aromatherapy, hot baths, walks outdoors, exercise… I will do it for you, Luigi, with only the bestest of the best angel boys, wherever they may be.

No. 494912

This is sweet, i want to know what essentials oils he liked and I wonder if he offered massages to his ex(s) sigh ywn have Luigi’s piano fingers massage your tense shoulders

No. 494916

File: 1741051639465.gif (12.91 MB, 398x574, Literally asking for it.gif)

It's not fair guys I want to rape Luigi. I want to kidnap him when he's going from the motel to DcDonalds, force him in my car by saying his first and last name and listing off the contents of his backpack. He would have no choice, he'd get in the car and I'd lock the doors, I'd drive all the way back to my house, pull a pistol out of my glove compartment and force him to get out (his gun wasn't even assembled, this retard is in trouble.)
I'd bring him to my already prepared bedroom and make him lie face up on the bed, cuff him to the bedposts spread eagle. I'd spend hours touching him and molesting him. He'll get hard at some point. If not I'll make him eat me out at gunpoint, I'll tell him I'll pull the trigger if he doesn't make me cum. I know he'll have it in him.
I'll tell him how lucky he is that I found him. I'd tell him all his private details, everything he told his retarded grifters, his stupid 'PhD' meme, all the intimate shit about generational trauma that they mocked and published for the world to see just so they can get some clout. Then I'd ride his busted Italian cock nice and slow. I know he'd blow his load fast, but I wouldn't stop. I'd keep him inside me until he starts to cry. I'll kiss and lick his tears away and reassure him that this is the best case scenario for him, that this is way better than bunking with Moe Lester at MDC and having to deal with getting letters from BPD single moms and faggots while he rotted in a cell for the rest of his life.
I'll even take him on walks every once in a while. With handcuffs and ankle cuffs just like in his perp walk. I'd tell him all this private intimate shit, like how he dressed like a Dalmatian for Halloween when he was a baby and how he smashed a beer can on his head and how he put a firecracker in his mouth. He would grow progressively more terrified of me and how much I know, listing off the names of his retarded friends and the zionist girl he took to that event.
Over time, the fear of me would subside, he would quickly grow to love being controlled and dominated like the little cog he was always meant to be. Every time I'd come home for our nightly sex sessions his pretty dark amber eyes would light up with eager excitement.

I need to rape this Italian retard like you wouldn't believe.(a-logging)

No. 494918

Kek what the fuck I feel like I could have written this two days ago. Does everyone itt go through phases of wanting to rape him out of hatred, then rape him out of love, then not really want to rape him at the moment? Except rapenona of course. Because right now I'm in the consensual sex stage, but I know in a few days I'll want to tie his wrists, ankles, and throat to a board and whip him with chains and use his throbbing useless cock as a warm fleshy vibrator until he fills his bladder with cum. But not right now. Maybe in a few.

No. 494920

>I found a pdf of the book to see if it mentioned these points. I wanted to know if he highlighted parts that stood out to him. But I used keyword search and didn’t find it at all. So these were genuine notes to himself.<aromatherapy, regular sex, and giving/receiving massage>
I think maybe you're wrong about this. Pretty sure someone found that exact part of the book and posted it in an earlier thread.
No straight man gives a shit about aromatherapy ffs

No. 494922

Luigi does. After a book told him to. Because he has never had an original thought. Now all he will be smelling is rotten food and his prison mates, Moe Lester and Ray Pists’, shit and balls.

No. 494924

No. 494927

With a nose as big as his I am not too surprised
KEEEKKKK WHAAAAAT i love how he is never circumcised fuck I need that Elsie and fat mod separately too that’s a good meme

No. 494928

sorry nona but just like weegee's dick, your link doesn't werk

No. 494930

File: 1741053534570.png (Spoiler Image,2.99 MB, 2550x1951, retardigi.png)

i'd like to thank the nonas here for inspiring me so much it broke me out of an drawing block of several years. and secondly i'd like to apologize. sorry forgot to spoil the cock n balls

No. 494931

>the kr depiction of Mayor Adams on the dartboard
KEK good work, especially with nona's facial expression. also reposting my comment.

No. 494932

He looks like he’s gonna let it happen again

No. 494935

File: 1741053842761.jpg (131.2 KB, 818x1227, KEK (2).jpg)

HOLY SHIT LMAO! The weegeethirst is getting more unhinged by the day! Luigi looks so happy though. This is where he belongs

No. 494937

File: 1741054141600.png (Spoiler Image,239.41 KB, 897x1087, elsie vs redditor.png)

KEK ty here's her and the mod on their own
ty nonas i love u
he's definitely gonna let it happen again, because he's a stupid fucking retard

No. 494949

I don't see anything about aromatherapy, giving massages, or regular sex in this book. Luigi came up with these things on his own for ways he will deal with me.

No. 494951

That’s what I’m saying give him his credit being sensual.

No. 494953

File: 1741056840477.png (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1183x1205, rape this retard.png)

I don't think I'll ever get a response, nonnies.

No. 494954

File: 1741057162996.jpeg (539.38 KB, 1107x985, IMG_0075.jpeg)

No. 494955

Wait which set of notes does he mention regular sex? I can't read his damn handwriting very well.

No. 494956

File: 1741057377655.png (157.61 KB, 302x291, 354534354.png)

GOD DAMN its Luigi rape week! Thank you artnonnie!
Voting a cropped version of this masterpiece as the next op

No. 494958

I think the Christmas party video was Dec 2022. His surgery was around Summer 2023 (probably when those missing persons pics were taken. It's common even for a fit person to gain a bunch of water weight/bloating after major surgery, then loose it quickly). It seems like he lost his muscle gains while in recovery, which is why he ended up so thin by Nov 2023 in Hawaii.

No. 494959

one was enough you got this threadpic
stop samefagging btw

No. 494960

Based as fuck.

No. 494961

File: 1741057787387.png (43.16 KB, 989x211, bls.png)

His notes for the book Bigger Leaner Stronger

No. 494962

What are you even trying to say? The artist for the threadpic and art nonny are completely different artists.

No. 494963

File: 1741058041571.png (23.97 KB, 970x110, 2930482039423.png)

some of you want him to be a faggot so bad it's sus

No. 494964

Thank you! But also so frustrating. I love him but I hate how clueless he is.

No. 494965

Fuck I'm gonna cum

No. 494968

The aromatherapy shit isn't faggy jesus christ. He was in the midst of a crunchy phase for fucks sake.
He needed regular sex. At least 20 times a day with a goal of 10 percent of it being consensual.

No. 494970

BASED. thank you art nonny I love you

No. 494972

I was looking at the 2019 edition of the “Bigger Leaner Stronger” book so I thought his notes were his own. I see that they aren’t now and they were directly from the 2014 edition on the site: https://www.drjaredsmith.com/bigger-leaner-stronger.

No. 494973

not having sex, let alone regular sex with luigi is killing me

No. 494974

I hate him I’ll never have his fingers in me I might as well kms

No. 494975

File: 1741061070157.jpeg (457.58 KB, 1080x1920, page0.jpeg)

I digged and digged and he just copied another person’s review that’s where the notes are from.

No. 494976

once again, no thoughts of his own. sad state of affairs, i still love him though

No. 494978

File: 1741061769903.png (260.74 KB, 423x461, heehee I love bpds and grifter…)

Man. Luigi has got to be the worlds stupidest man.
Its hilarious that this creature who is too retarded to function was able to escape the feds for 5 days after shooting a man dead in NYC in broad daylight. Our legal system is so fucked.
The febuary 21st copycat didn't get caught yet, right? All they had was a bigfoot quality image of him walking away.

No. 494980

File: 1741062440805.jpeg (194.98 KB, 1722x2048, IMG_6911.jpeg)

this is frying me so bad, he is incapable of original thought. he could never become like one of the many retarded grifters he worships, only a griftee. but that’s okay i still would’ve happily given/received massages from weewee and put a few drop of tea tree oil in the diffuser for him.

No. 494981

> "-1 star: too infomercial"
I'm going to rape the shit out of Luigi. Send him to a women's prison. I will alog a ceo scrote, wander around like a retard for 5 days, then get caught eating chicken nuggets at a Burger King in the middle of nowhere. My manifesto will say "I just wanna rape Luigi, lol. Trans women are men btw"(global rule 1)

No. 494986

File: 1741063986281.jpeg (624.27 KB, 1179x1939, IMG_6912.jpeg)

Dickey is so based

No. 494995

Wtf did he even read it then?

No. 494996

I strongly believe he read the lorax.

No. 494997

File: 1741066204628.jpeg (1.13 MB, 2388x1589, IMG_1293.jpeg)

Ok there’s a bunch of editions of this book it was hard to find it. There was a nonnie that found the right one but her post is gone. It’s the 2014, 4th edition and Luigi didn’t copy the person’s good reads review.

No. 495000

Awee, how adorable. I bet weegie's wee wee is cute & perfect irl too. I don't care if he is a sheltered spoiled awkward nerd trying to be rebellious, I want him.

No. 495001

At least he's been a good boy since then and keeps his mouth shut for legal purposes. But I still wanna hear his voice.

No. 495002

Does moaning count as talking?

No. 495010

Moaning and whimpering count towards hearing his voice.

No. 495013

>smelling good is gay!!!
You fell for the psyop. Sad.
He could have just printed it out instead of rewriting it by hand, what an idiot always.

No. 495020

the minute he opens his yapper again it’s over, he’ll expose himself as just another moid

No. 495026

File: 1741076583074.jpg (81.83 KB, 562x628, 1000005879.jpg)

I love how easily he blushes. Not just his cheeks, but how his lips and ears get pink too. I also wonder if he bruises easily. It's a crime he never had any hickies on his neck in old pics, not even in college.

No. 495039

But shizigii is a man of action, if he'd be capable of original thoughts he'd be paralyzed by them

No. 495042

File: 1741084465177.jpeg (67.71 KB, 640x1143, i-miss-thomas-dickey-v0-egvxn8…)

The best

No. 495056

Good point about the hickies. If he had girlfriends there is no way they wouldn’t be all over that throat.

No. 495064

File: 1741093889436.jpg (231.84 KB, 1290x1577, 20250303_191104.jpg)

kek its funny the twitter retards are making shit like his while karen follows a few of them

No. 495065

This is so horrid. And apparently she liked an edit from one of the pages yesterday

No. 495066

This sucks, stop with the anti-Italian discrimination now, he's Italian-American anyway and the aesthetics are completely different.
I'm going to kill myself. Look at his lawyer dog, he's getting the death penalty. Do you know what edit and can you find proof?

No. 495073

File: 1741095541409.mp4 (1.76 MB, 1080x1350, d3c03caf-402f-4319-85bb-9e99be…)

No. 495074

There's like one photo of Luigi eating pizza when he was 6. His mom tries to teach Italian but apparently her Italian it's poor. I would still force Luigi to say random shit in broken Italian while I rode his cock. Maybe Japanese too since he was in Japan for a while.
Luigi needs to be freed so he can start an only fans where he gets raped by a different woman every week.

No. 495076

It's cringe but not as cringe as the comics

No. 495077

lol the pic of the mayor in the back with his correct skin color

No. 495078

I thought she was on twitter for research but shes just a stan?

No. 495079

File: 1741097538609.gif (1.14 MB, 640x510, besties.gif)

Oh my god she is fucking Luigi. I thought she had a bit of a glow to her on the 21st

No. 495081

I don’t blame her I would be fucking him nonstop too. She should just smuggle him from prison and flee the country.

No. 495085

File: 1741099093961.jpeg (734.95 KB, 1179x1494, IMG_6358.jpeg)

she’s making it so obvious

No. 495089

idk she should really stop its not a good look

No. 495091

Especially since she’s still awaiting discovery that she hasn’t gotten still like I’m so confused.

No. 495095

Beginning to hate Karen she is going to kill Luigi. Watch him show up in Italian flag colors next
Can’t she be spending her time doing anything else? Damn she may actually lurk here sometimes if she is doing shit like this. Luigi is cursed by having people with his worst interests at heart surrounding him.

No. 495097

File: 1741101694045.png (143.2 KB, 1080x864, biggerleanerstronger2014.png)

He didn't copy a review, The 2014 version of the book is a lot different than what is available now and matches his notes.

No. 495098

They copied his notes. Sweet Luigi. He wrote self help advice and couldn’t even follow it and now he never will.

No. 495103

File: 1741103589362.jpg (108.22 KB, 528x800, 4ieuyo.jpg)

is this really luigi

No. 495105

The nose and eyes match to me. A hate subreddit found it which is strange.

No. 495108

the gun barrel nostrils look like a match

No. 495109

Probably. Damn his nostrils go deep. I like when he makes silly faces.

No. 495110

did he have that one mole already as a teenager/kid?

No. 495112

wait, so some twitter retard made this? and karen liked it? KEKKKKKK luigi gonna get the death penalty

No. 495113

He is gonna get the Judas Cradle

No. 495114

kek i thought the same thing

No. 495115


No. 495116

She knows he's done so she comforts him by reading him this thread

No. 495117

File: 1741105312579.jpg (293.41 KB, 1164x1270, 20250304_172004.jpg)

looks like this story gonna spread like the 5 photos only story

No. 495118

A gay tiktoker is already presenting it as fact I blocked him. Everytime Luigi has a public appearance this happens I hate it.

No. 495119

File: 1741105625256.jpeg (115.71 KB, 736x847, IMG_4270.jpeg)

No. 495120

Can someone get Luigi to write something homophobic in a letter so these faggots can go away? I'm tired of them polluting Luigi spaces online

No. 495121

The fags are truly the most worst of the fans. Every time someone has posted content from a faggot, it's always the most infuriatingly low-IQ shit. Hate them so much.

No. 495122

Great. My step mom is going to think this is real, alongside the two gay lovers and 100 concubines. Killing myself.

No. 495128

Tell the daily mail to post links to the porn. I'll believe it when I see it.

No. 495131

File: 1741107841952.png (127.05 KB, 295x300, b-be gentle, nona....png)

When is the daily mail going to talk about how he is going to get raped to death by horny women if he is pardoned? Those are the articles we need.

No. 495132

can you blame her? I’d be taking payments in thrusts from him too

No. 495140

he looks super young in this picture. Maybe between 13-15. But the cheek freckles are there. I'm so confused.

No. 495141

His beautiful pure soul keeps him pre wall

No. 495142

File: 1741109661501.gif (3.31 MB, 480x392, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

I’m so sick of these tabloid articles that are obviously clickbait. And gay men already made ai nudes of him when he was arrested.

No. 495143

literally kek he's toast. imagine paying for an expensive lawyer that won't be able to get your son less than lwop or 25 to life which is the same shit anyway

No. 495150

She really might be pro boner after all

No. 495151

I mean, most of that would be on your retard son

No. 495156

I swear to god I have heard of people brutally murdering women and children who don't get nearly as harsh of a punishment as Luigi is facing.
This is bullshit.

No. 495158

File: 1741110670567.jpeg (436.94 KB, 756x845, IMG_7686.jpeg)

ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. I AM REPULSED, OUTRAGED, and CHAGRINED from this revelation. How could he do this? It is the public’s right to see these “videos” and thoroughly comb through them, frame by frame for…..reasons………

No. 495162

i need the link so i can avoid it…

No. 495163

He should’ve just gotten a public defender. Idk why he’s letting his parents waste their money.

No. 495165

File: 1741110908643.png (515.12 KB, 591x1103, BABE WATCH THIS.png)

The media is so embarrassing. Post the videos where Luigi loves to be watched. I want to see him staring at the camera, softly pleading for the audiences approval as he shoots his load all over his ripped abs

No. 495168

he's a retard he probably thinks he has a chance

No. 495172

No ‘allegedly’? What the fuck is going on with the media

No. 495174


No. 495177

I‘m kinda over him. When I wasn’t, I missed him. Now I miss missing him. Poor Lulu.

No. 495180

The moment it’s revealed he has 5 USBs the media says they are full of homemade amateur porn kek

No. 495183

File: 1741111900288.gif (7.32 MB, 344x330, 1735823224059.gif)

u sure?

No. 495185

File: 1741112023708.png (749.68 KB, 576x1024, eyes.png)

No. 495187

consider yourself lucky

No. 495190

I have stared at his footage so long it’s all burned into my retinas. he‘s still beautiful of course but I’m oversaturated. If more footage comes out (bodycam or otherwise) it will probably pull me back in, for a while.

No. 495191

He is art

No. 495192


No. 495196

oh no, how can weegee do this?!!! RELEASE THE TAPES RELEASE THE TAPES

No. 495197

No. 495200

This doesn't look like perfect lightning and pro camera

No. 495201

I guess since he was so adamant opposed to todays porn, he made it his mission to bring us better content

No. 495202

Imagine what those eyes look like seconds before he cums

No. 495203

Kekkk its so fake

No. 495204

Sorry one still shot ain't gonna cut it. I need to see the whole thing

No. 495206

Luigi saw how ugly the moids were in porn and he wanted to change that.

No. 495207

It looks like the photoshops people made on day 1 and those aren’t his nostrils

No. 495209

Im just gonna need to see the video with the audio to know for sure.

No. 495210

Kek sadly I am 99% sure its fake and will just be forgotten in a few weeks like the two gay black men who supposedly fucked his butt after his back injury and said he did just fine

No. 495211

File: 1741114247387.jpeg (Spoiler Image,81.05 KB, 310x362, IMG_4272.jpeg)

this does not look like luigi and its not even a cope it’s just straight up looks like some faggot moid this happened with those fake dick pics that made the rounds when he first got caught in december

No. 495212

Apparently he wanted the sex tapes to be watched so they should release them to respect his wishes.

No. 495214

That faggot lookalike needs to start actually doing Luigi sex cosplay with WOMEN, also yeah that’s not him we already know his nostrils are vacuous from beneath.

No. 495215

he requested a public defender actually but his parents hired td and then kfa

No. 495216

that's just some gay porn actor. his nostrils are completely different than luigis

No. 495217

Don't care. Put the lookalike in a femdom gangbang. Make him larp as a prisoner.

No. 495218

his eyes are so beautiful love how asymmetrical they are

No. 495220

I think it’s disturbed how porn brained people are because he’s publicly appeared over 5 times and there’s hundreds of photos of him out there. There’s also shirtless photos. Yet they can’t memorize what his facial features or body looks like. It’s not real attraction they think of him as an “idea”. It’s like when people draw him and make him look like a long headed skeevy.

No. 495221

The intelligent eye and the more powerful retard eye fighting for power

No. 495226

i want this for next threadpic
we need something normal after this try-hard disgusting tranny art we have for threadpic itt

No. 495228

You make a good point. It’s clearly not him; the absence of freckles which other people neglect to draw on him, the clean cut eyebrows versus his actually messy ones, the small nostrils, etc etc they see dark eyes and dark brows and fill in the rest neglecting that he is an actual person and not a bunch of pictures depicting a sexy male.

No. 495231

I mean I know its not him because of brow distance alone. I'm just a coomer and I want to see Luigi lookalike in porn. Even though I don't look for porn. It's gonna have to come to me.

No. 495233

You just know there is no real video, they put zero effort in this shitpost

No. 495235

Fuck that pisses me off. They should just break into the prison and make him jerk off. Karen should do it because it will be hotter if a woman is filming him and forcing him to jerk off on camera.
TBH if she pays a female CO to sexually abuse Luigi on camera and releases the tape it will make the public more sympathetic. Better for his case

No. 495236

still no letter from our retard, wonder if the lockdown is affecting him getting more commissary/mail going out?

No. 495237

File: 1741117571962.jpeg (57.91 KB, 403x392, IMG_7687.jpeg)


No. 495238

Seems like Redditors and Tiktok users haven't gotten new mail either. Maybe it's that or he ran out of stamps? Maybe he is sick of the 5 to 10 shitty letters he gets every day kek (god I hope so).

No. 495245

Maybe he ran out kek or maybe he cant write right now in solitary.
I hope he is so lonely and crying

No. 495247

File: 1741118653894.gif (14.47 KB, 220x181, IMG_4161.gif)

he gets a maximum of 80 stamps per month but with shortages happening sometimes it will bring it down to 40 or 20, we've only heard/seen of few letters. we’re not getting a reply, are we?

No. 495248

If that's really him in the screenshot he looks 16. It's prolly some AI shit though, which is creepy bc he looks to be under 18

No. 495249

is MDC still in lockdown?
i dont know how prison works but maybe lockdown is affecting how much he can write or the materials he is allowed

No. 495250

Well, if he really is getting only 5 to 10 pieces of mail a day and they are not even in chronological order, who knows. Imagine the prison staff trolling him by giving him 10 pieces of mail from a single unhinged, retarded BPD woman or other low-quality mail from low-quality senders. If he really has thousands of letters in the backlog, it is going to take forever.

No. 495252

That tracks since AI is trained on cp
Nooo they can’t troll him please

No. 495254

"basement" is an anagram of "bat semen"

No. 495255

I heard the lockdown will last a month. Poor luigi. He needs to be put in the womens ward. specifically with the women who are man rapists.

No. 495257

What are you trying to imply? That he is a bat because he is living in darkness when he is in a basement so his coom is now bat semen?

No. 495258

File: 1741119389330.jpeg (200.02 KB, 1125x882, IMG_4273.jpeg)

kek I feel bad for the executive assistant every time he opens his email and sees his inbox flooded with luigi questions as someone who works in an office job I’d end it all

No. 495261

What did the person ask?

No. 495262

about the mail influx coming in since Luigi’s mail is currently backed up, he’s still answering December letters.

No. 495264

So he's basically saying there is no issue?

No. 495267

I hope it either makes him more schizo or he starts meditating

No. 495268

yes, but of course a federal prison employee isn’t gonna divulge information to some stranger about their administrative operations kek

No. 495269

Got it! Yeah I wonder how mail is really sorted through and distributed for him. Also how much letters are being sent outside of here in the US. There was street art of him in Chile, Bulgaria, France, Brazil, etc.

No. 495272

File: 1741120336024.png (635.8 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_4275.png)

to the retarded reddit mod that was saying the type letter is fake, it isn’t. MDC uses acronyms, even the assistants emails have the same BRO acronym.

No. 495274

Why would the mod care. Shouldn’t she be happy he can shit out more letters?
I wonder what will happen if he responds to me in 3 years. I will probably not even remember who he is.

No. 495276

File: 1741120638492.jpeg (127.64 KB, 750x771, IMG_8964.jpeg)

Im gonna kill myself speaking of meditation kr comic made one about him meditating despite him never ever mentioning doing so. They really treat him like some wise guru when he was the most lost and misled sped on the block.

No. 495277

she claims ever letter is fake because she is the self proclaimed protector of his privacy

No. 495278

I hated this comic so much (just like all the others kek). Love to torture myself with pure cringe reading this crap.

No. 495281

File: 1741120905431.jpeg (75.95 KB, 1179x283, IMG_6365.jpeg)

He said this on a voice message to his friend. But still the deifying people do is over the top.

No. 495284

File: 1741121103899.jpeg (134.01 KB, 1125x343, IMG_4271.jpeg)

she’s a power hungry retard, she’ll ban anyone that doesn’t kiss her ass.

No. 495285

>and just hot spring
Yeah he has never meditated in his life he is a larper we all know this he was just throwing out buzzwords

No. 495287

Kek insane what kind of power tripping is that

No. 495289

Lmao she put the rich boy into a submarine

No. 495290

Hold on whaat

No. 495292

File: 1741121776440.gif (4.69 MB, 400x227, IMG_8965.gif)

No. 495296

people using his small child pics as their avatars gives me the ick

No. 495298

File: 1741122040900.jpeg (576.63 KB, 1179x1925, IMG_6367.jpeg)

Wait this one is good. But including the Fitbit is silly he doesn't have that.

No. 495299

I guarantee she would ban Luigi if he had been in her Taylor swift sub

No. 495300

"luigi's hot penis" is an anagram of "oiliest gunship"

No. 495301

I didn’t even notice that. What’s with the fixation on him as a kid also from people? He needs to come back I’m sick of relying on this. Like most pictures they went out of their way to look for were paid scans from all of his school yearbooks. They could’ve spent that time digging up photos of him within the last couple of years.

No. 495302

14 year old stans. I hope.

No. 495303

It’s adults. Because there’s a weird account on tumblr into school shooters that posted the scans from his school yearbooks.

No. 495304

most of the women fixating on him are either teenagers (want older guys) or middle-aged women. They're telling themselves that they have a maternal interest in him only. Or worse.

No. 495306

File: 1741122378260.jpg (1.38 MB, 2400x4632, meditation cringe.jpg)

Posting the whole thing to make everyone else suffer from this cringe.

No. 495309

They need to stop. He was just an autistic little boy.
Someone edit the sub imploding

No. 495310

That's beautiful

No. 495313

That's weird. Who did they pay for scans and why were they selling?

No. 495314


No. 495315

File: 1741123228803.jpeg (542.46 KB, 1179x1941, IMG_6368.jpeg)

His yearbooks are under this digital platform called Cynosure. And the website says the only way to access the yearbooks is if you have a passkey and you have to email the school to get it. That’s most likely what that person did or they paid for it. That panel on Twitter with black and white school pictures of him are out there because of that person.

No. 495316

>commitment to inclusion and equality
>t. 40k a year boys only school.

No. 495318

File: 1741123424074.jpg (226.41 KB, 1079x1077, 1000005894.jpg)

So true. Even if he didn't like walking around with them afterwards, no girlfriend of his would give him a choice. Who could resist this? Lol

No. 495321

Mmm those aren’t even his best neck pics though
Fucked up.

No. 495322

File: 1741124845143.jpg (261.63 KB, 1054x1687, GRIFTER VICTIM.jpg)

Quick shit edit

No. 495323

No. 495324

Karen actually needs to do something about this bullshit. Threaten to fucking sue them!

No. 495326

All she can do is orchestrate luigi to wear green for the glee of redditors, she has no power. Now normie boomers are going to think luigi was a rich gay whore

No. 495329

But seriously, he's gonna need a separate lawyer for anything media/defamation related or non consented use of image/name for financial gain. Like he probably needs to get is name trademarked or something.

No. 495330

Hes gonna have no money left if he hires another lawyer, he needs money for his commissary so he can throw honey buns at the rapists to leave him alone

No. 495333

fake as fuck

this is some twink wearing a luigi mask(learn2reply)

No. 495334

Where can i buy luigi mask

No. 495335

if he doesn’t send us a letter I’m going to have to stop sending his monthly honey bun allowance before anyone tells me why I’m sending him money it’s because I support what he did to that fatass ceo

No. 495343

If I wasn’t a broke neet I’d send him ramen noodles money it’s ok

No. 495344

I always figured it would mainly be the COs propositioning him, not other inmates, since he's only with 20 ish others in a dorm and they are under tight surveillance - expect Diddy would be bold enough to try to get in Weegie's sweatpants.

No. 495345

I wonder if diddy still hates him or if he knows Luigi is doomed for a death sentence no matter how many women wanna fuck him

No. 495346

He'll turn prison gay eventually. They all do if they're in for life. Not a single nonny will ever lay hands on him but some rapist moid will be sucking his toes. He is dead to me.

No. 495347

That was from daily mail idk if that’s true. Also I would think Luigi would beat him up/shove him off if he tried anything.

No. 495348

Diddy is probably still jealous but also attracted to him. I just keep thinking how weird & touchy the regular cops and detectives are with Weegie when transporting him around to court, so the COs are probably worse behind closed doors. If not physically, definitely playing mind games.

No. 495350

Do you think luigi can physically fight

No. 495351

Yeah he can definently defend himself against Diddy, but still gotta be fucking annoying constantly getting unwanted attention from a bunch of perverted moid inmates tho. tho.

No. 495352

No he's too tender. He failed at throttling Brian Thompson to death with his bare hands so had to use a gun instead.

No. 495354

Please I don’t want weegee getting abused but he probably is. It is so over for him. Why did he destroy his life for nothing? No class consciousness, barely any copycats. He doomed himself for what? It makes me so sad I want to nuzzle him and hold him and explode the faces of any male who stares at him with lust and violence.
Probably not. He seems to have shit coordination.

No. 495355

While don't think he's a weakling, he keeps fit and played alot of sports in younger years (including some wrestling & martial arts), but I doubt he's ever been in a physical fight or aggressive assault in his life. Plus his lower back is literally held together by screws, so he can't quite move like the average man of his physique and age.

No. 495357

File: 1741128329182.gif (1.42 MB, 172x320, 5739ED62-66E3-4C85-98BF-A3EFE9…)

Yeah, who knows what goes on there it reminds me of how he walked out he looked like he was in a daze. He held his head up and then changed his mind. He did martial arts in more recent years but idk to what extent.

No. 495358

He's just a moid. As soon as he starts going bald and looking haggard you'll all lose interest.

No. 495359

Suspicious that he chose to grapple sweatily with other men while not fully clothed.

No. 495360

he will stay beautiful forever when he gets the death penalty as a young stud

No. 495361

I don't think he'd get physically assaulted or sexually abused due to how high profile he is (theres alot of false notions of prison life in the media), but he's definitely been getting some weird attention and perverted propositions that probably messes with his head even if not physically hurting him.

No. 495362

Good point thank you I hope they rope him soon.

No. 495363

He was just a little kid when doing wrestling. It's a normal school sport.

No. 495364

school shootings take 8 years for copycats and he's already had 2 so there will probably be more

No. 495365

Uh duh
I hope he is just reacting to the blinding lights all around him
Is there research on the 8 year thing? Sounds very specific

No. 495367

Yeah idk how many years he was in it for, but if someone is willing to play sports like that even casually, they usually don't have a totally helpless personality either. Otherwise they'd pick a different sport.

No. 495368

He was like 10

No. 495369

No. 495370

I can’t wait that long and in 8 years luigi will probably be lobotomized

No. 495371

And? What else do you want me to explain? Smh I just made a point he's kept physically active in some form most of his life including close contact sports - so hes probably not a complete softy, but not an aggressive person who enjoys a fight either. We don't know how many years he played each sport, just cuz a few old yearbook photos got released doesn't mean the public had a solid timeline of his extracurriculars.

No. 495372

The moment he is punched his back screws will pop out, which is a devastating attack immediately killing all impacted, but the accuracy and aim is low and there is only three and they eject all at once. Afterwards, he is depleted to 10% remaining health and stamina. Face it, he sucks. I would not main him.

No. 495373

Would even SBF be a better MDC Brooklyn inmate to main?

No. 495374

there is a copycat wannabe columbine kid that happens 5 times a year. We already had a guy who tried to copy luigi (2 if you count the guy who stabbed his boss)

No. 495375

There's nothing "to face". I literally already said he cannot move like a typical man of his age & physique due to his lower back screws. It makes him vulnerable if he does attempt to defend himself, which he'd naturally at least try to do given his physically active background - that's just a natural human reaction.

No. 495376

Not enough unibrow either

No. 495378

The gay moids are delusional & super possessive of weegie, it give me the creeps yuck. He's for the ladies only.

No. 495379

File: 1741130287031.jpeg (Spoiler Image,30.04 KB, 423x483, IMG_0123.jpeg)

the mod and her bootlickers hate when people share letters so they call all of them fake. if I get a reply I’m posting it everywhere with a big fuck you to plebbit

No. 495380

If we lived in a just world (one where women rightfully ruled over men) Luigi would have never been put behind bars, or he would he publicly gangbanged by 1000 women as 'punishment'.
Ugly moids who are evil should live in fear.

No. 495381

You are right, he may be able to spin around the moment he gets punched so his screws have better spray, making better use of only having three and perhaps causing splash damage. Good point.
Is this the deepfake

No. 495382

put a watermark of "fuck reddit" 1000000 times all over the letter

No. 495383

File: 1741130553238.png (311.06 KB, 597x667, faggot.png)

Reminded again of this retarded fag who was bragging about how Luigi was apparently thinking about him on Valentine's Day because his envelope was postmarked that day. Creepy and nasty as fuck.

No. 495385

File: 1741130710350.png (Spoiler Image,660.02 KB, 592x947, 343453445.png)

dont ever post this humansona of AIDS ever again

No. 495386

He is begging and screaming for the luigi sextape i bet

No. 495388

File: 1741130995571.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1179x1965, IMG_6386.jpeg)

someone listened to the podcast that announced how mdc is on lockdown. The prison consultant that spoke said there's mostly single-man and double-man cells. Do you think luigi is in a cell on his own then? (I hope)

No. 495392

Yeah I would say he certainly is in a single cell being so high profile

No. 495393

Where’s this from? Insanely accurate deepfake, his mouth curves exactly like that. If this is a screen cap from a real video which I doubt unfortunately,I need to masturbate to it until I worsen the carpel tunnel on my right hand and then I’ll be done with him forever for making porn

No. 495394

File: 1741131363674.gif (1.71 MB, 720x404, U0PApB-673608920.gif)


No. 495395

if sbf doesn't get abused in that prison unit then luigi wont be either

No. 495396

I think it's from the fake masterbating pictures that circulated for a hot min but ended up being a twitter pornstar that looks similiar to Luigi and someone edited Luigi's face onto him. The dude posted the real originals on Twitter to show it was actually him and not Luigi.

No. 495398

File: 1741131790349.jpeg (183.01 KB, 736x1308, pretty.jpeg)

It's part of his punishment. He will never be watched having sex again.

No. 495400

this contradicts what sbf(and other former inmates)said about their unit being dorm style with bunk beds

No. 495401

They're in lockdown

No. 495402

File: 1741132066777.jpg (84.33 KB, 461x680, 63787393480.jpg)


No. 495403

The stupid Italian fixation makes me go crazy. Also it's weird how some people say he's 6'1'' and others 5'10'' including his own family.

No. 495409

I know this is fake but
>ywn watch weegee masturbate via zoom
hate this retarded life

No. 495410

Agh, stop, I want to watch him masturbate so badly. But I don't wanna do it on zoom, I want to see him in his entirety, in my bedroom, masturbating on my bed (with a towel underneath in case his sperm somehow comes out the right way) (sorry Luigi) staring at me the entire time and going faster or slower upon my requests.

No. 495414

File: 1741133800013.jpeg (542.6 KB, 2048x2048, EE7E828F-5582-4275-A525-A4DE0A…)

I saw this lol. I'm convinced he's 6’0” too the guy who went to his first hearing in PA said he was in a tweet. Plus the arrest papers gave two inconsistent height/weight so it’s possible. I wonder how tall the bald officer James Curcio that usually walks Luigi is, because Luigi is taller than him.

No. 495417

Haters saying he's a manlet is crazy to me. I need him to spoon me right now. I wonder if he's crying alone in his little cell. I hope so.

No. 495419

File: 1741134694637.jpeg (116.33 KB, 1170x726, IMG_9439.jpeg)


No. 495420

the full pic looks fake as fuck and the guy had a finger tattoo

No. 495421

source is the gays and yes it is fake but it gets the job done kek

No. 495423

wait isnt there a picture in his mugshot next to a ruler? I thought that was like, the whole point of mugshots was to measure height

No. 495424

>just a pic
not a video
fuck. I dont care if its bootleg I am ovulating

No. 495425

Damn Luigi
No they were so horny they forgot to measure him

No. 495427

File: 1741135625346.jpeg (396.58 KB, 881x1340, page0.jpeg)

They were guessing or something for 12/9 & 12/10 because there's no way he was 140 lbs on 12/10.

No. 495429

I need to put him in a mating press.

No. 495430

File: 1741135946472.png (918.78 KB, 762x728, can I have uhhhhh.... uhhhhhhh…)

my baby retard is growing up!

No. 495431

Did that shit cop throw fucking lint into his hair?!

No. 495432

Its the light shining on one curl

No. 495433

it's copflakes. Luigi can't get them all off him in handcuffs.

No. 495434

Zoom in there's like 4 pieces

No. 495435

I think his fluffy wuffy hair adds to the perception his height

No. 495436

File: 1741136660276.jpeg (27.29 KB, 195x362, IMG_4142.jpeg)

>in thailand on vacation
>i could use a nice cold beer
>walk into bar with billiard tables
>order drink
>set up billiard table to play solo
>tanned, sweaty, dark haired 6ft man walks into bar
>eh whatever
>said guy comes up to table
>”mind if i join?”
>oh he’s cute
>sets his backpack down and goes to order a drink
>no introductions are made
>start playing billiards with mysterious man
>small talk
>he’s nice and sort of funny
>having fun
>3-4 beers deep
>”i’ll take you back to your hotel it isn’t safe being out this late” he says
>he seems trustworthy
>walk back to hotel
>but oddly comfortable
>make it to hotel
>”do you want to hang out a while longer?” i ask
>he agrees and we go back to hotel room
>grab bottles of beer from mini fridge
>more small talk
>don’t hesitate to make my first move
>kiss him
>he doesn’t pull away
>but pulls you in closer
>break the kiss
>he lays me on my back
>hovers above me
>gold chain dangling in front of my face
>we’re both sweaty
>cicadas buzzing in the background
>intense eye contact
>we kiss again
>waves of pleasure hit

hate being horny for this slut

No. 495438

You forgot effortlessly winning against him in billiards even as he climbs halfway onto the table

No. 495439

forgot to add that i was too caught up in my horniness kek

No. 495440

We are group ovulating. It's time for me to send Luigi painful boners that need to be tended to nightly along with agonizing, powerful, retrograde orgasms that leave him in tears while on lockdown.
I will provide him the relief he hungers for when he writes back to us.

No. 495443

File: 1741137158010.jpeg (396.25 KB, 2048x2048, 7A7FD284-8E7E-4F00-821F-84E719…)

his hair is mostly brushed out. its light reflecting on the curls that are fully going into a ringlet.

No. 495444

Will they ever release his birth time? I think he's a Scorpio rising

No. 495446

I got a little teary-eyed Nona… make more of these pls my horny daydreams are running dry

No. 495448

File: 1741137492852.jpeg (465.43 KB, 1125x845, IMG_4276.jpeg)

how it feels to be an ovulating weegee wife right now

No. 495450

File: 1741137573060.png (294.6 KB, 954x1567, grifter no. 85739.png)

a woman is charging people to read a luigi letter on substack but a plebbitor paid for it

No. 495451

Ugh imagine him so bored and bombarded by horny energies from this thread his boners are so painful he's whimpering in his awful cot and sneaking some strokes under the blankets, weeping and thinking about the perfect girl that he thinks is impossible and only exists in his silly boy fantasies (but we do exist) and his tears soak his gorgeous, sharp cheekbones and every time a guard walks past and slams the bars to his cage with his baton he shrinks under the covers, gripping his cock fearfully. His body twitches with each pull of his sausage until he can feel the cum shoot up through his abdomen and he moans tiredly, desperately, tearfully.
Thank god a nasty cop didn't sprinkle his bellybutton lint on his hair out of jealousy

No. 495453

No. 495454

File: 1741137741904.png (1.51 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_2779.png)

No. 495456

>luigi will never ask for a picture of you
ending it all tonight

No. 495457

This doesn't look like Luigis handwriting.

No. 495458

in color at that

No. 495459

leak the letter, fuck the gatekeepers

No. 495461

Can he even keep pictures/letters? I guess back when he wrote this he was in a single cell. It doesn't quite match his handwriting, though. Would he really want a picture of a mother and her child? In his cell? Kek he really wants those single mothers bad. Weird to imagine him masturbating in his cell knowing he's got pictures of people's families in there. Nevermind then.

No. 495462

I mean, it isn't because he is romantically interested kek (unless she is a single mom).

No. 495463

I just can't believe this one. The handwriting and the signature is really off. I don't even know anymore. Is everyone insane?

No. 495464

She probably is, and even then he's into married moms, too. Do you think he looks at the picture of the random woman and her daughter and thinks that's who he's fighting for? Or is he just a weirdo?

No. 495466

Might just be fake and for grift. If she really cared about the cause and portraying Luigi as a caring person worth fighting for, why charge people to see it? Very low-IQ move.

No. 495468

File: 1741138464381.png (74.67 KB, 491x540, luigi retrograde cumming.png)

The signature is off, and so is the handwriting in my opinion. It seems too neat while keeping his messiness. It seems to be one of the earliest letters he's responded to, that may account for it? But that makes no sense. Also he signed his name instead of just printing it like he did with Pilots, which was written around the same time, right? Unless he signed it fancy because she's a sad single mom with a dying child. The way it's printed seems too neat, doesn't his writing have a lean to it? I may be mistaken.
If real, charging money to see it is madness. If people really cared about him and wanted people to see him as a good person they wouldn't paywall it. I don't understand anything regarding him and the people surrounding him, it's revealing that the vast majority of people are really creepy, soulless NPCs.

No. 495469

it really isn't a stretch that someone faked a letter to scam people out of their money.

No. 495470

the handwriting is unusually legible kek i usually have to struggle a lot more when reading weewee’s handwriting. i dunno, i’m back and forth on this one. if it is real, tbh even if it’s fake, paywalling it is crazy work.

No. 495471

weegee stop crying about this sad mom with a dying child and answer more letters

I wonder if she ever sent the pics and did he hang them up ?

No. 495472

putting a paywall behind a sick dying child ok.. the irony

No. 495473

File: 1741138678358.png (647.11 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6405.png)

I stumbled upon this lady’s substack and she's been documenting Luigi’s case with paid articles since December. I guess that woman with the letter reached out to her. I'm shocked he was able to have pictures in there. But then again he's able to hold items in the cell pens/paper but not sure about during the SHU time frame. I thought this was cute at first but why did he say (you/daughter) with a slash? This might be fake because I remember this lady didn't like him too much. Not her with the “riddle of luigi” which gurwinder ended up saying too, treating luigi like he's a character, luigi’s chained by the grifters.

No. 495474

The implications of it being real though and Luigi just wanting people's family photos is weird. Now that he's in dorm living, whatever pictures he's had are now going to be seen by a bunch of random chomos. I mean, if she sent them and he received them that is. Also in that letter he said he'll save her letter but he can only have 10 at a time. Is that why he's responding to 5-10 at a time? He's saving random letters and clogging shit up?
Whatever pics he's ever had/saved from people and their families/children are now in the dorm living anyway. Are they in a box? Pasted to his bedframe? The fuck is going on in that prison?

No. 495475

He should be putting up every nonas' beautiful art on his walls instead of photos from grifting moms. Then again, he loves grifters and seems apathetic to art.

No. 495476

Nah come on, out of anything I refuse to believe Luigi is saving pics of people's sick dying kids. You think when his commissary money runs out in a few years he'll start trading them to chomos like Pokemon cards in exchange for some cash?

No. 495477

I believe the sex tapes more than i believe this kek

No. 495478

File: 1741139016412.png (278.73 KB, 551x389, grandma respecter.png)

the letter is fake. The writing on the envelope is more his style with the font size inconsistencies in the word "detention".
Also this might be a nitpick but the paper only has one red line on the side and is written on white paper.
Everything about it is off to me. It wouldn't surprise me that this is a scam.

No. 495479

We finally don't believe a letter and the plebbitors are crying over how sweet they think it is kek

No. 495480

Huh?! They say all of the most tame, normal, and expected letters are fake and the most unhinged, crazed letters are real I don't get it. They really want Luigi saving pics of kids?

No. 495481

File: 1741139340591.webp (1.61 KB, 348x450, IMG_6406.webp)

Plus why release a December letter now? It's probably fake. I figured out its wide-ruled paper. Yeah, no way it's real. This is becoming too much it’s only March. I’m sick of the antics Karen needs to take initiative with stuff like this.

No. 495482

not an ounce of taste or class in that man

No. 495483

Yeah he definitely seems about 5'11 - 6' but his curls add to his height, esp at last court appearance. Det Curcio & the other cops around him have terrible posture too, while Luigi usually stands up pretty straight and keeps his chin up. I can't expect these useless cops to fill out correct info on the forms. Also the info from the missing persons poster seemed off too, like way out of date. No mention of his beauty marks or surgery scar as notable features, plus he probably hasn't weighed like 135 lbs since he was like 16 lol

No. 495484

Not putting it past Luigi to be so stupid, but why would he open the letter with saying it's the first to make him cry? Like he expects to cry when receiving letters or something. It also implies he's opened tons of letters before that one but that's pretty early on regarding the whole letter receiving timeline I'd think.

No. 495485

Can't wait for kr to make a comic about this new fake letter. It has all the ingredients for a new masterpiece in cringe.

No. 495486

They want the superhero narrative of him, not the retarded narrative of him joking about hashbrowns

No. 495487

he started joking after the benzos kek

No. 495488

An art gallery in his cell of people's children where he takes Moe Lester and Ray Pist on tours

No. 495489

I actually feel like the hash brown letter is legit. But the kiddie photo saving letter is off in so many ways I'm calling it fake.

No. 495490

File: 1741139815361.jpg (8.06 KB, 151x141, disgust.jpg)

how much you wanna bet that reddit is gonna believe this shit

No. 495491

Kr, please make this come true.

No. 495492

No. 495493

hashbrown is definitely legit, he’s really that cringe

No. 495494

Karen needs to hurry up with it because it's almost out of control already and will only get worse.
Cause it's not him. It's an unhinged woman writing this letter.

No. 495496

File: 1741140046662.png (26.63 KB, 785x757, tumblr_onuaa9Vp4l1w7964eo1_128…)

>mfw Luigi will never ask for an in-color photo of me and my sickly dying child so he can look at it as he falls asleep

No. 495497

File: 1741140100704.png (301.19 KB, 571x489, 87.png)

No. 495498

File: 1741140182433.gif (2.19 MB, 960x443, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

Already acknowledged it’s fake because of the wide ruled paper. But Luigi wouldn’t even like that tired ass ai Jesus picture of him. I don’t want to see it anymore.

No. 495500

File: 1741140772702.gif (289.7 KB, 600x494, 1738108881520.gif)

>receives letter from Luigi
>cracks it open
I have to share this… but I'm broke
>puts it behind a paywall
>people pay for it
>spread the Enlightenment
>"dear nonna
>I'm over here stroking my dick I got lotion on my dick I'm over here straight stroking my shit I'm horny as fuck man I'm a freak for real
>best Luigi"
>gets 1,000 karma overnight
>crowned queen of luigi by every fat janny on earth
I won.

No. 495502

it's so ugly and doesn't even look like him. ironic that most of the plebbitors, shittokers and xitter users who like him are the exact kind of people he disliked kek

No. 495508

File: 1741142652153.jpeg (522.82 KB, 1179x817, IMG_6412.jpeg)

Full stop. This is the mosaic in the letter apparently. He’s agnostic and this also looks insane, it looks like a sleep paralysis demon.

No. 495509

this shit looks demonic kek

No. 495510

I believe this nonnies, it’s still shit that she put that women’s letter on a paywall stack but I’m questioning or overanalyzing schizigi, benzigi, whatever the -igi he was towards the end of December.
Sounds like him if that deleted Reddit comment stating she received a typed letter in February with him saying, “Your letter is one of my all-time favorites”, I hate him so much and I hate how he’s mentally tier ranking the letters he’s reading.

No. 495511

Nightmare inducing. I hope he wakes up in cold sweats from mosaic jesus taunting him in his sleep and that’s the first thing he sees.

No. 495513

No. 495514

the cope of insisting every single fucking letter is a fake is such transparent jealousy kek

No. 495515

It bothers me too
both his brain and penis is broken I guess

No. 495517

I don't insist every letter is fake. Just the ones that seem off. I think hash brown letter and bpd pilots was 100% legit but "can I please have a color photo of your child + sleep paralysis jesus" in handwriting and paper that seems off seems fake.

No. 495518

I mean, nonas here are making good points. Why is this supposed supporter trying to grift off the letter? If she really cared about his cause, she would've posted it without trying to grift off of it.

No. 495526

Karen is doing PR so bad. Allowing these stupid ass letters with no verification and not doing anything not even speaking out against the insane slander in the media but has the time to like and follow stupid ass Luigi shit on Twitter. Wtf.

No. 495529

I've believed every letter except this one. The asking for "pictures of you/your daughter" to "put on my cell wall next to your letter" and "your daughter is blessed to have a mother who loves her so relentlessly" sounds likes fan fiction by a frustrated housewife.

No. 495532

after I wrote this I went home and immediately masturbated, this is torture…why does this Italian slut have a grip on my psyche

No. 495533

that’s supposed to be weegee??

No. 495534

knowing him he’s keeping a journal with a list and score of every letter

No. 495536

I feel like beating the shit out of him just out of pure stress from my own classes and because the letter stuff just stressed me out Too much information to retain + idk don’t want to think about it + can’t really be jealous of a mom with a sick child getting a letter but I Am so I’m mad at myself now but I have screenshotted and saved this to a folder to read again and masturbate to the thought of having sex with sweaty weegee in thailand

No. 495538

Will think of this tonight with my rose toy, thanks

No. 495539

wish thomas dickey was weegee’s main attorney at least he tells weegee to shut the fuck up and tard wrangles him accordingly

No. 495541

I hate him.

No. 495543

I bet he gave all our letters low scores because our letter contents weren't normie enough and our drawings weren't Tim Urban-style stick figure comics.

No. 495546

He hasn't been given them yet. Hang tight nonnies!

No. 495549

>I will put it up on my prison cell wall next to your letter.

Why specify “prison cell wall” and not just say “I’ll hang it up on the wall” or something similar? Also, I understand hanging up a photo, but why would you hang a letter on the wall? Is that even allowed?

No. 495550

if he can’t grift for commissary pennies and TikTok glazing he has no use for the letter

No. 495551

its funny how redditors are crying over this letter but i dont understand why the mother gave it to a grifter to put it behind a paywall

No. 495555

fake comment

No. 495556

I do think this letter is likely faked maybe even the senders story itself too but it's been released through a substack article that is about the evils of healthcare and is pro-Luigi so whatever better this than fake sex tapes stories

No. 495557

i just realized that women and fags alike will spam him with pictures through that free app he mentioned. killing myself, another medium of communication collapsed. getting ahold of him is impossible

No. 495559

How would you rank the people who've gotten a letter reply? My tier list would be:
1. Holli
2. Pilots
3. Jules
4. Tumblr TIF
5. moid who got a typed letter
6. faggot aka the humansona of AIDS
unranked because lack of content to judge off of: froggo from Discord, the Redditor who deleted her comment about having sent one of Luigi's favorite letters, California woman from Signal group

No. 495562

i rank them all the same: fake

No. 495564

Luigi responding to a letter directly talking about UHC is getting a bit too fucking close to the sun, way worse than mentioning an arrest for the heinous crime of ordering a hash brown. How the fuck did all those Plebbitors lose their minds over a hash brown but are okay with Luigi supposedly directly corresponding with someone who has a grievance with UHC.

No. 495566

That and him replying to that Redditor who sent him articles about health insurance profits. What the fuck is he thinking? The only reasonable explanations are that either Luigi is that fucking dumb or Karen and her team really are going to foolishly aim for jury nullification.

No. 495569

File: 1741156044305.jpeg (366 KB, 735x1733, IMG_6420.jpeg)

The “great deal to me” line stood out to me I was like where did Luigi say this before. Could the woman have forged the letter and modeled it after this? This letter was never shown. And it’s claimed to have the 12/29 date too.

No. 495575

File: 1741156803257.jpeg (758.1 KB, 1125x1097, IMG_4278.jpeg)

now i know what form of shitposting will happen next when i run out of stamps kekkkkkk

No. 495576

>cringe magnet
>not an engineer
>not a minimalist
>not a criminal mastermind
>not much of a reader
>didn't reply to us
>didn't play fnv


No. 495577

So can we send our based memes and art to him with this? How does he view them? Is it via TRULINCS?

No. 495578

He's absolutely fucked and will spend the rest of his life in prison

No. 495579

File: 1741157548088.jpeg (776.34 KB, 1125x2114, IMG_4280.jpeg)

it’s still snail mail but it’s 4x6 photos you just upload the photos, photo company prints them out and sends them directly to weegee via mail

No. 495580

Wouldn't the mother be better off selling it herslef kek

No. 495581

Thanks. Thought it would go to his inbox or something because the FAQ isn't very clear about that and the links on the FAQ are all down right now. Never really looked into it because I don't know what kind of photos I would want to send to him.

No. 495582

According to Redditors, the pay wall will be removed tomorrow.

No. 495584

send him a bunch of lc screencaps

No. 495586

File: 1741158119490.jpeg (311.7 KB, 1125x737, IMG_4281.jpeg)

I clicked the links and the error page gave me a good chuckle

No. 495587

Fucking Trump getting in the way of me knowing if censored lewd fan art is okay for me to send Luigi.

No. 495588

Try and send him bobs and vagene he needs it

No. 495589

No, Ray Pist and Moe Lester might see that.

No. 495590

I was thinking more in the way of fan art of nonnies for him not real pictures

No. 495595

>white paper with one red line
Aren't all confirmed handwritten letters yellow? Only the printed ones were white

No. 495611

If that letter is real Luigi is kind of a creepy asshole. Creepy because he wants to save colored pics of people’s families, and an asshole because he may be mentally ranking people’s letters (that other plebbit letter he called his fave although we never received proof in the form of envelope and stamp) I hope he suffers in his dinky cell for being such a mentally broken weirdo. He could have had a joyous life but he threw it all away. Then again maybe he would have never had a good life because he can’t stop making poor decisions. Hoping the letter isn’t real because if he has a collection of people’s family pics I swear to god
Good point as well, the paper looks weird

No. 495621

why is that creepy? dont know if the letter is real but in december he was still in isolation and he probably wanted to hang it to convince himself what he did was worth it its more naive than anything

No. 495627

I believe many of his fans have a disconnect or lack of understanding of what Luigi is going through. Like people who get angry about his letters or lack thereof. The man is in hell and most likely living through ptsd as we speak, yet people think he is responsible for their emotional state. He has to either placate them by sending letters, or not freak them out and not send letters or only letters they feel comfortable with.
Just people with under-developed brains.

No. 495629

If he wrote something as deranged as that creepy ‘new daddy’ fanfic letter, the tabloids would have been all over that instead of the sex tape story.

No. 495631

>‘new daddy’ fanfic letter

No. 495633

It’s just weird behavior to me to request pictures of someone’s family when you have a limit. He has a limit of ten letters, if he is collecting people’s families no wonder he is writing like five letters at a time.
No it’s weird. If he is that obsessed with single mothers and their kids he could have created his own family. No reason to involve yourself in other people’s business all creepy. Plus those pics could easily get passed around to the other prisoners. Luigi is retarded. I don’t see a reason why he would request a pic of a dying child to feel vindicated with his actions. I don’t mean creepy in a pedo way just a severe twisted misunderstanding of norms. Thinking he killed Thompson out of boredom atp

No. 495635

this was back in december and it was the first letter that made him cry alot of people were hesitant with sharing their negative experiences with health insurance because everyone said not to write him anything related to his case so she was probably the first one and she did send him pictures but he couldn't see them because of the way they were photocopied i will give him the benefit of the doubt that he isnt just randomly requesting photos of strangers on top of him still being in isolation so he probably hadn't seen the dorm style unit he would be transferred to

No. 495637

I guess. I don’t know why he had to share that it’s the first to make him cry. As if that woman cares, as if it’s a compliment, or will make her feel good about her situation that she made him cry. That and calling a different letter one of his all time faves makes me think he is mentally grading these letters and trying to cultivate a specific fanbase because he is a wannabe grifter. Or maybe this is normal and I am the one who is emotionally stunted but I would hate if he told me the former, that I am the first to make him cry. The implications are just too strange to me.
I don’t even want him getting my letter anymore, it would be a waste to go towards this peanut brain. His naivety is kind of cute but mostly frustrating. And I am pissed I had a dream where we were having sex, go away Luigi. Not now.

No. 495640

We gotta give Luigi some slack. He got arrested before he could blow his brains out. He probably doesn't know what the fuck to say and do now.

No. 495641

Kr comics was somehow right when she made comics where impoverished mothers and their toddlers pray for Luigi, and where children have books about his t-shirt. We all called her cringe but she knew. Somehow, she knew.

No. 495651

my number one is that Florida grandma, bless her

No. 495655

Hey, how did Luigi know about the resource to send colored images for free? Do you think Karen briefed him on how sending letters worked or do you think he asked a guard? He couldn’t ask other prisoners as this was before dorm living. Was a guard kind enough to tell him? I am thinking maybe Karen told him. I don’t know.
Also why did the FAQ update on the site to say he responds to every letter but hasn’t read most yet, when Luigi himself stated he has read every letter but hasn’t responded to most? I believe Luigi’s statement I think the FAQ is just placating people and maybe to discourage the influx of letters.
Also in my dream, someone had found a video of Luigi exercising until he was trembling and collapsing and he smiled weakly at the camera (hot), and he was asked by the person recording why he was doing this, to which he responded (in his sexy voice) that he does whatever his classmates tell him to do as he values their input. I don’t know why I dreamt this.

No. 495659

at first i was joking about luigi loving single moms but damn i guess it’s really not a joke anymore so it’s time to make up a sob story, i’ll tell him i’m an amputee

No. 495661

No, that your daughter is an amputee and when he asks for a pic just make some elaborate photoshop I guess.

No. 495666

you’re right, i’ll photoshop young gypsy rose

No. 495667

God i cant fucking wait until kr’s comic response to this letter. Luigi sick child art gallery when

No. 495675

File: 1741186775319.jpg (599.53 KB, 1080x1722, 1000005718.jpg)

No. 495677

Can't believe there isn't a brain in there.

No. 495679

He was meant to go through life just using his pretty face/body to keep women happy (nonnas in particular) and get fucked under the stars in beautiful parts of the world. Idk why he wanted to do all this extra stuff, become a loner and travel to gross ass hicktowns like Altoona smh.

No. 495680

nonnies are so talented it's crazy

No. 495681

Dumbass read Kaczynski once and internalized it too much because he has no original thoughts and because it was the most mind-blowing thing he's ever read.

No. 495682

Wasted his beautiful life and now will read plebbitor mod mail for the rest of his life

No. 495683

File: 1741188546952.jpeg (468.99 KB, 1179x1092, IMG_6422.jpeg)

It made me upset that all the quotes he liked from it was a callout on his personality. Then he took it way too literally. Especially if he decided to denounce his education, fitness, and being an active person because of this. Luigi frustrates me so much.

No. 495684

God he's fucking dumb. Imagine taking thoughts from an actual incel that seriously.

No. 495685

He had too much time to overthink and too much time to himself. That's how he got attached to all these loser moids & their dumb writings. I get frustrated just thinking about it too.

No. 495687

Kaczynski didn't see fitness as a surrogate activity since it led to fulfilling the power process. He saw bodybuilding as surrogate since it was purely for aestetics and most bodybuilders are functionally useless. Luigi wasn't a bodybuilder. He worked out for health since he was a turbomunchie and complained about working out for looks over function.
Maybe Luigi felt called out because he was pressured into STEM as opposed to maybe studying something he actually liked.
I wonder if learning about survivalists like Richard Louis Pronneke or Christopher Thomas Knight might have helped him?

No. 495689

>left a critical comment on one of kr's recent comics
>blocked by her in less than a minute

No. 495690

Lmao kr is being massively hated on for being cringe as shit. She also clearly has no life as she makes these retarded comics every day so she scouts every comment like the insecure little cringelord she is

No. 495691

What makes you think a stem related area of study wasn't his real interest? From what we've had the chance to learn about him, he seems very much naturally wired to pursue something in computer science & engineering - his parents probably saw his talent early on and supported it. They'd probably be happier if he pursued something related to law or business (perhaps leading into politics), as it could directly help continue building their family's wealth and legacy.

No. 495692

His lips looked kinda raw that day. I wonder what he was doing before court…

No. 495694

You joke but prisons are extremely cold he needs to buy chapstick from the commissary to protect them

No. 495695

My dream last night was prophetic besides the sex part. In my dream I even mused that he killed Thompson because someone either told him to or he was heavily inspired on the behalf of someone else.
He probably did like STEM honestly
Sad that he sucks at STEM kek but yeah what else would he have done? Polisci maybe, yuck.

No. 495696

My bad I totally skimmed over didn’t realize he was only criticizing bodybuilding I thought he was criticizing fitness also. I take that part back. But Luigi was using it to internalize his education then maybe. I’m not sure if he was forced into STEM because I remember computer science was popularized and encouraged in schools in 2012 as a new thing to get into. But also he could’ve been slightly pressured to be involved with a lot within it by his family because they noticed his interest but also wanted him to be pushed as it was in demand. I feel that it was mostly himself though.

No. 495699

File: 1741190910791.jpg (1.52 MB, 1440x2142, luigis helpers.jpg)

Fear not, he will receive your letters now that he has help

No. 495700

The new kr comic is boring, it’s just the hattifatteners from moomin photocopying letters because the mailman got exhausted and leaving them in his and Moe’s room.

No. 495701

The ghosts of Christmas past, present and future helping him how sweet

No. 495703

The sus Karen letter substack article is now free to read


No. 495704

File: 1741191305409.jpeg (362.12 KB, 750x924, IMG_8968.jpeg)

Twitter retards think his sex tape is real and they are all sad his nudes are getting leaked

No. 495705

>made me sick to see luigis naked body on my timeline
Where is this deepfake?

No. 495706

Critical thinking is dying, people just hear one thing from one person and it spreads like that - no mention that the source is the same one that said Luigi's gay and fucks black men

No. 495709

124K likes fucking seriously???

No. 495710

I'm a kr comic supporter, I don't even care
She's channeling something cosmic like nona said here >>495641
Loving every new hit we get

No. 495711

They make everything into something to social justice warrior for, this tweeter is a tranny btw

No. 495712

luigi's helpers are the floating condoms he will never use again for sex since he is getting lwop

No. 495713

i find her other comics cringe as fuck but the little condom ghosts are cute

No. 495714

If someone sent Luigi those wholesome comics to him in that shit hole prison with maggot infested food being served and violent prison riots causing solitary lockdown I wonder what he would think kek

No. 495715

People use these “identifiers” just so they get retweets. How could this person not tell the videos are fake? I haven’t seen them but they’re fake. It’s like when people make those annoying open-ended tweets where they say “There’s no updates on Luigi, they want us to forget him”. It takes two seconds to google and look up case updates, but it’s all for shock value and they don’t actually care.

No. 495716

Do you guys think he's little naive?

No. 495717

Why don't these ghosts break this tard out of prison

No. 495718

The tranny who tweeted about being outraged by the obviously fake nudes is in the replies begging for donations so I think you're right

No. 495719

A little? He's gargantuanly naive

No. 495720

he’s more than naive but a turbo retard still love him though

No. 495721

can you really expect ghost condoms to do much? these aren't like idk the sh4 ghosts who can really fuck shit up.

No. 495722

He paid to talk to grifters as a birthday present to himself

No. 495723

Is this your first day here or something?

No. 495724

A good woman would have easily manipulated him and maybe he wouldn’t be staring down a life sentence.(and would’ve been fucking under the stars right now with me)

No. 495725

File: 1741192356286.gif (Spoiler Image,2.6 MB, 498x280, IMG_4284.gif)

oh nonny

No. 495726

tracy failed so hard at this because she was too vapid and i will never forgive her for it. instead she manipulated an ugly, lanky paypig.

No. 495727

No. Extremely naive.

No. 495731

File: 1741193382552.jpeg (67.11 KB, 769x406, IMG_9295.jpeg)

Kek why is Tracy sperging under fan accounts. she’s mad that people keep mixing her and the the other Asian girl (Sydney) together

No. 495732

She’s under every fan account I can’t even admire pictures of him without HER popping up kek

No. 495733

So attention-seeking. Tracy, please stop being insanely unemployed and making me hate Luigi even more than I already do.

No. 495734

Face it tracey you two look the same

No. 495735

I agree not all Asians look the same. But for the life of me I can't tell 1 vapid cog bitch apart from another.

No. 495748

File: 1741194765909.jpg (200.64 KB, 2047x1485, GlNJUaSWEAAdIyX.jpg)

No. 495749

Baby. I mean i hate him

No. 495752

File: 1741195330319.png (25.66 KB, 831x496, who.png)

Comment from the author of the Substack article. Who are these fucking sources that give this author and the subplebbit mod top secret info

No. 495755

File: 1741195763236.png (54.05 KB, 927x807, seething.png)

Also, love how Redditors are still fucking seething over this and now calling it illegal to share letters.

No. 495756

I have a feeling that once retardgi is federally indicted, he’s gonna be put under SAMs. His lack of self-preservation skills is honestly so bizarre.

No. 495758

File: 1741196060702.jpeg (293.07 KB, 1179x772, IMG_6423.jpeg)

There’s only fake sources and their made up domineering control. She’s also another one that put her perceived idea of his intelligence on a pedestal.

No. 495759

The new buzzword in these circles

No. 495760

Ewww she wants him to be the pedo from jane eyre? Fuck off he isn’t some daddy dom

No. 495762

What quote is she reffering to?

No. 495765

I don’t think we ever saw any from that early (Dec 29) did we? He could have had a different pad of paper in solitary

No. 495768

These tankies have shared all his childhood photos. Luigi is property of the feds, also suppressing his letters while Luigi only makes appearances like 4 times a year is going to make ppl forget about him and his cause.
Redditors are the worst human beings on the planet. They talk about morality but it's all according to them. They can't even face the reality that Luigi killed a man. Meanwhile I can accept it, it was based because Thomson was evil and ugly. These fuckers have a bad case of slave morality

No. 495769

privacy but only THEY can read the letters to 'verify'..

No. 495774

Luigi’s substack quote being “Another day, Another play” which is in reference to his senior quote “Annoda Day, Annoda play” from the YouTuber Dunkey.

No. 495777

he gave up his privacy when he got caught. SHARE THE LETTERS

No. 495778

it would be worse if she made Luigi her paypig instead though. prison is a better environment than that

No. 495779

File: 1741197546192.png (6.11 KB, 956x107, 682930.png)

Kek-ing at this letter-writing advice from a Redditor who claims to have been incarcerated in NYC before. Yeah, right.

No. 495780

These people need to get a grip
Kek it turned out to be the exact opposite

No. 495781

>The parasocial Luigi that I created in my head hates people fangirling over him!!!

No. 495783

File: 1741198142829.png (323.57 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_4287.png)

I believe the letter to be real, sure he sounds “off” but he also just seems to match peoples energy depending on the letter
>top: envelope california girl received
>bottom: envelope karen received (she lives in maine)
both have same type of stamp and postmark imprint

No. 495785

samefag, people are idiots and seem to forget that the zip code of the receiver is at the bottom so much for muh privacy

No. 495787

clearly hasn’t read about heinous crimes of hashbrown

No. 495790

Its the autism i guess. I hope he has that childs picture on his bedframe.

No. 495793

No. 495796

If my letter has vanished before reaching him it’s whatever, he doesn’t deserve it anyway

No. 495801

File: 1741199758595.jpeg (202.3 KB, 1045x535, IMG_0162.jpeg)

interesting that all these “anonymous sources” people claim to have are focused on discrediting or discouraging letter writers

No. 495804

what’s her source? the reddit mod? kek

No. 495807

The FAQ on wigi’s legal defense site and his own words contradict this

No. 495810

File: 1741200437196.jpg (15.12 KB, 680x382, trustmebro.jpg)

The retarded reddit mod (yowhatupmom) who lied about getting confirmation from Luigi's legal team about a letter being fake AND who encouraged people to harass his judge

No. 495813

File: 1741200625860.jpeg (50.29 KB, 1125x1356, IMG_4166.jpeg)

funny how all these nobodies say they have a source like Luigi doesn’t have a whole website he had his legal team make with all the information

No. 495825

File: 1741201935552.jpeg (245.14 KB, 546x800, IMG_2340.jpeg)

the one where he looks up…

No. 495827

I love the photo where he looks up so angelic.

No. 495829

His beautiful brown eyes… the first one is him looking up at me after I cum down his chin

No. 495830

the fact that luigi is in part a (mediocre, imo) shitposter and not an infallible stoic genius is so unfathomable to these people is hilarious. he’s a zoomer who grew up on the internet and works in tech for fuck’s sake, lowbrow humor just comes with the territory.

No. 495831

Thomson being fat was all it took for me to be supportive
I’m hoping this is the case for the two I’ve sent. Retard doesn’t deserve it

No. 495833

the grouping of freckles just below his eyes are so yummy. also, the “my shaylaaa” types pushing the “hazel eyes” agenda are retarded. he has beautiful brown eyes and there’s nothing wrong with that

No. 495837

It’s way more preferable than being a stoic
Yeah that’s brown. Like brown brown. The freckles are so cute, I have the same ones, I wouldn’t think they’d be an Italian feature he has gorgeous eyes typically only seen in paintings.

No. 495851

>Hey, how did Luigi know about the resource to send colored images for free?
Rules would be explained to him (and perhaps tips given)
Another inmate could've told him
Someone may have mentioned it in a letter (and successfully sent him pics already and said how they got them)
Also his family hired a prison consultant.
There's a few ways he'd know

No. 495860

I hope I fuck him in my dream again. He told me he will be gentle with me and I can be as rough as I want with him. He bit my shoulder though that was weird. Maybe a bug bit me in my sleep.

No. 495863

every time I see “my shaylaaaa” I want to Luigi that person

No. 495866

File: 1741207275842.jpeg (331.77 KB, 1348x2398, IMG_4373.jpeg)

No. 495869

Everytime I see anything like that I wanted Luigi to get an expedited death penalty kek
That’s cool and nice, maybe prison is really like a summer camp after all

No. 495885

Do you think luigi is on the top or bottom bunk?

No. 495891

definitely top bunk

No. 495892

File: 1741210086383.jpeg (263.07 KB, 548x800, IMG_2338.jpeg)

more pretty eyes

No. 495894

File: 1741210129194.jpeg (262.03 KB, 545x800, IMG_2339.jpeg)

No. 495903

No. 495906

File: 1741212030122.jpeg (358.16 KB, 2048x2048, 806A7C51-DE51-4664-AED8-E04617…)

I never noticed he gazed straight ahead and looked back before he went in for the first hearing.

No. 495908

Bottom as is kr canon

No. 495909

Bottom bunk

No. 495910

File: 1741212837959.jpg (206.87 KB, 1440x1440, christ.jpg)

This is true. When Jesus visited Luigi, he was on the bottom bunk.

No. 495911

He must’ve hallucinated a nonny holding a whip and looking at him with pleading eyes

No. 495913

anon are you making these pretty eye collages yourself or are you grabbing them from somewhere? either way I really enjoy them

No. 495914

He saw us from the future yeah

No. 495916

Why did kr give Jesus a pedostache?

No. 495918

no i didnt a tiktoker made them

No. 495920

File: 1741213777832.jpeg (507.5 KB, 750x930, IMG_8973.jpeg)

Woah look at that cool split brow

No. 495921

File: 1741213867475.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1179x1858, IMG_6432.jpeg)

Did he actually do this or this edited?

No. 495922

Do what there’s nothing there kek

No. 495923

I’m saying he didn’t actually get an eyebrow split done.

No. 495924

File: 1741214224098.jpeg (442.77 KB, 1179x1245, IMG_7534.jpeg)

Could this be another hottie??

No. 495926

G lock said the unit is big so most inmates sleep on the bottom bunk and use the top bunk as storage

No. 495927

All of the comments called it cute and shayla and sooo heart emoji
Luigi’s sick child collection is on the top bunk. I wonder if he puts them over or under the covers.

No. 495928

I wish he had a solitary cell to sleep in, but allowed out to the dorm area during the day. Then he can go back and hide if Diddy or other weirdos make him uncomfortable.

No. 495930

He can just flash them a colored photo of an amputee child and her mother to placate them

No. 495931

Saint Luigi tucking the photo of a sick child into bed sounds like a great plot for the next kr comic

No. 495932

yeah for his own safety(from his own stupidity and other inmates) he should've his own cell but be allowed to go to gym library etc

No. 495933

Wait what if Luigi was packing his stuff to move into the dorm living and the bored prisoners were snooping and saw poking out of the box the picture of the sick woman’s daughter and they thought he was a chomo. And that’s why Moe Lester is his only friend.

No. 495935

kek he moved a few days after he wrote the letter she didn't have time to sent him anything

No. 495936

File: 1741215438369.jpg (168.53 KB, 611x1332, ray pist.jpg)

When will Ray Pist make his triumphant return in the kr comics?

No. 495939

We don’t know if he didn’t have a collection of kids at that time
I don’t know I miss him

No. 495941

He's going to use the sick child photo as prison currency with the pedo inmates

No. 495942

Brian Thompson was a pedohunter in his spare time so Luigi killed him before he was exposed

No. 495945

I can’t believe that Brian Thompson himself isn’t a pedo, maybe they were fighting over an amazingly impressive, vast collection of sick child photos.

No. 495948

File: 1741217324487.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1179x1842, IMG_0187.jpeg)

here’s the pic I have I dunno

No. 495949

He looks retarded and so does his ‘eyebrow slit’

No. 495950

Aw he's cute

No. 495952

File: 1741217920991.jpg (189.85 KB, 928x1036, 1000005877.jpg)

How did KFA resist not reaching up and fixing that tiny curl over his ear aside? He's so pretty and perfect.

No. 495954

Its also cute how he blushes perfectly on his cheeks and ears too (plus lips turn extra pink) instead of becoming a blotchy red mess.

No. 495955


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 495956

Imagine how flushed he looks after cumming

No. 495959

Looks just like the light is hitting his eyebrows and making them look sparse

No. 495960

weren't the other letters signed just luigi

No. 495961

Idk about that but its been like two weeks so if anything he has at least two brain cells

No. 495963

All except one other one, I forget which. I think the hashbrown letter.

No. 495964

File: 1741219682508.jpg (179.61 KB, 827x655, tiktok idiots.jpg)

The Jesus freaks are never going to let this go, agnosticism be damned

No. 495967

I couldn’t make out how he signed it in the Karen letter, it was just his first and last name? Shit handwriting and signature.

No. 495968

Wait he wanted the Jesus mosaic too? The fuck

No. 495972

He said, “or the mosaic”. I keep feeling like it’s fake but I need to suppress the thoughts.

No. 495973

That AND a photo of her/her daughter. Killing myself..

No. 495975

He wanted the mosaic or the mom+daughter combo
Maybe he would use either as currency in prison? thoughts?

No. 495976

I imagine it all the time ngl. I bet his nose turns pink, too. And his mouth stays parted open. Overstimulating him until he cries would be my favorite hobby.

No. 495977

he signed LM for Jules

No. 495978

why are they believing this letter without question when they’re so convinced every other letter is fake

No. 495979

why would a jesus mosaic pic be currency in prison?

No. 495980

They cyberbullied Holli but immediately believe Luigi just dedicated his life to Christ

No. 495981

I know we run with the jokes, but let's be real alot of these Reddit attention whores are faking everything with the letters, people are sick in the head. He should have waited at least 3-4 months to see where his cases were going before he started replying.

No. 495983

File: 1741220833136.jpeg (125.64 KB, 1179x339, IMG_0188.jpeg)

Karen is a 66 yo boomer? typical Luigi

No. 495984

it fits better with the angelic weegee they know he is in their minds

No. 495985

He is kind of a weirdo but it confirms my belief that he is spiritual and actually religious, hence agnostic and not atheist, saying he is jealous of faithful people, and saying something along the lines of ‘I don’t think I am a suspicious person’
Daughter for currency, mosaic for schizo powers
They paid money so they have to
Okay that’s a little better he probably felt bad because his mom is around that age, no? So how old is this daughter, 40?! He can’t get jack shit in jail in exchange for a disabled 40 yo woman

No. 495986

Some prisoners are religious, but dont get sent pictures

No. 495988

Watch as kr misses this bit of info and draws the daughter as a little girl kek.

No. 495989

jesus is an important figure in islam too

inb4 luigi al-qasim's muslim conversion

No. 495990

Her daughter could be 30something disbled single mom which is his type

No. 495991

luigirot has infested my brain that I now feel bad for the other prisoners who i also don't fucking know. when will i be free

No. 495992

They're still hurt he ranked Islam as his least favorite religion on his old blog

No. 495993

Im sure Moe Lester and Ray Pist appreciate your concern nonnie

No. 495994

I feel so bad they have to put up with him
BASED! What was #1?
Yeah but jesus pic would get him like one honeybun, disabled child anything he could ever want. Gaming iPad. Disabled 40 year old gets maybe a pair of socks.

No. 495995

When did Luigi talk about Islam (based though, fuck Islam. All religions are babyrape woman hating religions but Islam is the one in most need of being tardwrangled like the other Abrahamic nightmares)

No. 495997

I hope he likes Buddhism and the book I sent him. I might send him more, just kidding I hate him! I love him. I want to fuck him again tonight in my dreams. No I don’t. Ugh yes I do.

No. 496000

File: 1741222162492.jpg (185.61 KB, 1143x776, iat religion.jpg)

No. 496001

worlds most boring 17 year old

No. 496002

Oh woaw, the Roman Catholic Italian boy likes Christianity, this is insane
>test only has the three Abrahamic religions and then randomly Buddhism thrown in
The fuck? Luigi is so retarded he probably thinks these are the only four religions on Earth. I want to fuck him so hard. I WANT HIM TO FUCK ME AGAIN IN MY DREAM. I need it so bad. Come back, tell me how I can abuse you as hard as I can while you'll be gentle… slut. Don't insert your consciousness into mine. Fucking wear a cosmic condom at least.

No. 496007

I want to know where this boring retard would place gnosticism

No. 496008

He probably doesn't even know Christianity has different sects. I wonder if he ever received Communion.

No. 496009

Probably wouldn't rank it because he'd read about it for a few minutes and just thinks "WTF is this mumbo jumbo?" Then proceeds to forget about it. Retard mindset.

No. 496011

All he needs to do is retrograde suck up an ovary and the knowledge will be planted like a seed in the soft soil of his mushy brain

No. 496013

File: 1741223912020.jpeg (147.7 KB, 1169x1331, IMG_9451.jpeg)

This time last year, he was still optimistic about turning his life around. Now, he’s sitting in jail

No. 496017

>how to live well in the 21st century as a moid
>proceeds to chimp out and kill a ceo scrote
I love you, Luigi Tardione.

No. 496018

It’s hard to stay mad at tardigi for too long.

No. 496020

File: 1741224917247.jpeg (675.17 KB, 1686x753, IMG_0192.jpeg)

it’s anodda day, anodda play you retard can’t even remember your own slogan

No. 496032

Hey, there's no toilet in that dungeon. Where does our boy shit?

No. 496033

Do you not see the puppy pads?

No. 496034

I want Luigi to be freed and find out about us and these threads.

No. 496035

More like a 21st century (r)ape victim
Like I said, rape.
He would die from cum

No. 496060

oh karen is 66 years old boomer lol then It was not even sick child photo she sent. I bet she's 30 something single mom. He has serious mommy issue. What's up with him and his mom?

No. 496067

File: 1741233416852.jpg (263.97 KB, 677x749, cutie.jpg)

No. 496068

I wish I never introduced myself, it’s too late to tell him I’m a single mom with a personal vendetta against the healthcare system and debilitating health issues. Next letter will be 1.2 intro to Art History, a photo I took of a fat animal, and drawing of said fat animal. Hope he hates it.

No. 496071

I don’t get the whole single mom thing either. Also I’m not sure about his mom aside from the comment from the friend saying she’s overbearing.

No. 496079

It's well-known that Italian men have mommy issues.

No. 496083

Im not a mom but I am older than him and his thirst for older women makes me more riled up. It's like this retard was created just to torment me

No. 496087

I feel the exact same as someone who isn't a single mom and also much older than him kek. Why couldn't I have been in Hawaii where he was when I was still using Tinder? Painful to think about. I hate this retard.

No. 496090

Sucks that we won’t be able to see our retard on the 19th for his federal hearing

No. 496092

File: 1741238374067.jpeg (90.76 KB, 621x237, IMG_8974.jpeg)

We are all one person
Noo Italian moids love their mamas
Too bad, if you aren’t married and/or have a child it is over. Bribe him with pics of random children, say they are yours.

No. 496093

I want to actually see him too.

No. 496095

Just took a look at /meta/ and do people really want the thread autosaged or is it just that one person who keeps seething about our threads?

No. 496097

I think auto saging the threads would keep the people who want them shut down off our back, tired of them complaining all the time when we’re not even bringing our luigifagging outside of these threads.

No. 496101

I made the first post requesting auto sage. I love these threads and I don’t want to end up with a ton of moderation because of all the complaining in meta. I’m also so sick of Redditors showing up here. Most of them struggle with image boards so it’ll likely reduce their presence. Anyone who knows how to use the site will easily be able to find the threads.

No. 496107

the obvious joke posts now being turned into a-logging bans is a bit much.

No. 496111

>same age as Luigi
>no children

if i were to write him a letter he’d probably just wipe his ass with it unfortunately kek

No. 496113

Manifesting more cctv leaks

No. 496115

I’m older than him too and I don’t want kids, he would hate me

No. 496116

we’ll have to wait until June and I don’t know if I can hold out

No. 496118

I love that his hair looks 50s rockabilly like this

No. 496120

Reading his response to that mom genuinely touched my heart he’s so so sweet and kind and empathetic and perfect I’m really never getting over him

No. 496121

And then I see evidence how corny he was/probably still is and realize I would’ve found him super annoying in life

No. 496124

He looks a bit scared here.
Aww was the fat, ugly, crooked moid judge being mean to you, little weegie? Don't worry, nonnas are coming up with a plan to help you escape that maggot infested hellhole before the boomer judge sends you to an even worse hellhole like Rikers. pinches weegie's cheeks coochie coochie coo

No. 496125

Im thinking his mom was a pretty normal parent with his older sisters because they are normal, but weegie just stressed her out with his silly antics plus his parents probably became overprotective after his accident/surgery (esp if his recovery period was at their house). Imagine your mildly autistic son who could live a normal life won't find a girlfriend or even any normal new friends after college, but hangs out with vapid fake hippies in a commune & hangs onto the every word of online moid grifters? He's just too innocent & naively dumb at real world situations, he probably gave his mom anxiety.

No. 496135

he was their only son and they’re a dynasty family, they probably raised him like he was the heir to their nursing home empire and then didn’t understand why he wanted to run off to Hawaii instead of integrating with the family business

No. 496139

That's exactly it

No. 496143

I suspect although they supported his computer science focused education & tech career, they expected him to stay in Baltimore & work remotely, so he could still represent the family and be part of country club scene. His family is huge and own a variety of businesses/real estate (nursing homes are just one part of it), so I don't think he was held up as the main "heir" per say, but they probably expected alot different for him than wandering to Hawaii & traveling so much.

No. 496148

I mean his sisters weren't going to take over the businesses they have their own careers. He is the only son of dynastic traditional Catholic Italian family. They would have expected it of him and he didn't want too.

No. 496164

File: 1741262286061.jpg (103.32 KB, 719x944, 20250306_125428.jpg)

there is apparently a 3 page limit for mail

No. 496167

File: 1741264798709.jpg (106.46 KB, 720x815, 20250306_125524.jpg)

i dont get why these twitter retards keep messaging the prison why does she care if he can have social visits its not like she is gonna visit him and writing her name all over it kek they all want to be the one with the exclusive info this case has attracted the most insufferable weirdos

No. 496171

This is the most reasonable take; there isn’t really a country club “scene” in Baltimore though, the ones his parents run especially is closer to a fancy gated community. The talk of them being dynastic is honestly laughable, there is no empire to inherit or manage just some shares

I’d guess his parents were probably more disappointed than anything else that he took a position at a no name company in the area instead of fucking off to NYC or SF for big tech, maybe a prestige-backed startup at the “lowest”

No. 496175

When he paid 200 to talk to that grifter on his birthday and the grifter didn’t agree with him do you think he cried about how his birthday was ruined

No. 496176

File: 1741267714073.jpg (133.43 KB, 1080x830, Leddit.jpg)

Found another pretty big subreddit, though it's pretty slow.
The first two pinned posts are pretty funny, in case you wanted something to read

No. 496178

Yeah I think his job was a good opportunity straight out of college but his parents probably wanted more for him in the long term - they sent him to Gilman & UPenn for a reason, instead of just regular private school or other less prestigious colleges like his cousins. But
I agree with others that his family may have been concerned over his medical issues and started getting overprotective, which from Luigi's pov probably felt overbearing or like he was being coddled. The family dynasty stuff is funny and naive, after a certain level of wealth and financial planning, that's not how it works lol

No. 496181

God it still pisses me off he paid to talk to some ugly grifter moids. Why weegie, whyyy? What's so scary about talking to women instead? Sure we wanna get in his pants & fuck him under the stars, but we would still listen to what he has to stay first. Or at least he should've talked to a legitimate therapist.

No. 496182

He's probably the type to not believe in therapy and thinks it's a waste of money

No. 496183

I remember this one, the lady was insane and she got permanently banned from Reddit. She was saying Luigi was a “lookalike” and they still haven’t found “missing Luigi”. Then she said they were editing out his beauty mark but really she was looking at low resolution pics. I think she even said Luigi was caterer because she misunderstood the statement that Surfbreak is catered to remote workers. Also said Luigi’s Reddit was fake because the ages don’t line up. The post where Luigi put the age 23 in parentheses in August 2023 when mentioning the injury he had a year prior. But she’s not taking into account his birthday not being until the spring and he was referencing his age being 23 during the winter time where he had the injury in 2022.

No. 496184

Wasn't the company he worked for based out of California tho? iirc their headquarters were in San Fran but that location shut down, while one is open in San Diego. He got hired in 2020, so amid pandemic and the tech layoffs that came about soon after, so it wasn't a bad choice for him at first.

No. 496185

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i always imagined gurwinder being abrasive saying generational trauma isn’t real even though it is. I thought it would be a reality check for Luigi to see that he’s full of shit. Yet it wasn’t because Luigi still kept up with him because he dm’d him in June.

No. 496186

it's insane how this hot perfect dude made it a sport to solely interact with bottom of the barrel people. retardgi.

No. 496187

Did his sisters also go to presigious schools/colleges?

No. 496189

i wonder what month he started to think of murdering BT, because in August he wrote that he was glad he procrastinated (retard). So i wonder if he was still speaking to friends/grifters while thinking of murder

No. 496191

Males will not go to therapy and take meds but instead talk to strangers online for money and end up in prison kek
The software engineer doesn’t understand algorithms.
He is so retarded. I feel bad that everyone around him was a vapid freak who used him, but at the same time, he could have literally interacted with anyone else. He chose this and he ended up in jail. Forever. His mind is so strange to me.

No. 496193

Honestly I know people say money isn’t everything and it doesn’t buy happiness, but it buys you the stability to do whatever you want in life , he could of lived in an igloo if he really wanted kek anything would’ve been better than life in prison.

No. 496194

He could have done absolutely anything. It goes to show that some people (a lot of people) do not deserve or cannot properly utilize wealth. Especially those born into it. Money was squandered on him. He would have done just fine in a normal public high school, I am sure the ones in the area were nice. He would’ve still been able to go to UPenn, easily (rich and fine grades). He should have never ever went to Surfbreak. His whole life is a joke.

No. 496197

for such a smart and educated “engineer” don’t why he couldn’t curate his feed by himself kek

No. 496198

nonnas just want to say i appreciate you and the laughs you’ve given me throughout these 20 threads this is the only corner of the internet where i can be truly autistic about this italian retard

No. 496201

He is such a suck up no wonder people think hes a fag

No. 496206

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i hope the next thread pic is something cute

No. 496208

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kek the twitter "activism" for luigi is actually so funny

No. 496209

I thought a nonny made this KEK who fucking cares about people wanting to fuck him, he is male, they love that shit

No. 496211

>Luigis rights
Luigi is in prison right now. Probably for the rest of his life, with a very real possibility of being slaughtered by the feds. Being thirsted over on the outside isn't really his main concern. If anything there is a chance in the back of Luigis mind he is praying for 40 page schizo to break in and smuggle him out. Better to be the irl dakimakura to a BPD woman (his favorite!) than dealing with child rapists all day.

No. 496212

Drawnonny I am summing you to edit that image to have his orgasm face instead of a stupid post it note

No. 496214

>zoom-in on abs to get a good look
>reads ”are you paying attention”

No. 496216

Lmao what the fuck

No. 496217


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No. 496218

Lmao what the fuck

No. 496221

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Yes. I pay attention to Luigis cock so much that the feds have forced him to cover it by handcuffing his hands to his rapebelt every time he makes an appearance

No. 496223

KEK yeah it’s my right to thirst over this slut

No. 496226

should say nonnies thirst over my rights

No. 496240

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