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No. 203735
>>203705I've been in extended binge/restrict cycles ever since my first diet about 10 years ago. The cycles are usually 6 months+ long, it randomly switches on and off and I go from 4000 calories a day to being able to easily eat 1200 and lose weight with no issue. Luckily my weight has always been within a healthy BMI range, it's like that switch correlates directly to the upper and lower ends of it.
There's not really any deep emotional component to it, it's obviously a response to restriction. I don't think it will ever go away unless I completely stop caring about reaching/maintaining a lower weight but even then I'm obsessed with food, I feel deprived when I eat like a 'normal person' let alone when I diet.
No. 204288
>>204139I don’t keep enough food in the house, lol. If I do then it’s stuff that needs cooking and time, which might trump my need to binge. As for ordering out, I tell myself that third-party delivery apps are annoying as fuck to restaurants. I try to also binge on water instead, and oddly enough recipe videos tamp down my urge to eat
>>204240My sugar addiction started slowing down when I started to obsess with my teeth. I noticed that after eating/drinking something really sugary, tooth plaque grew almost instantly. Baking/making your own sweets also helped cause you could slowly cut down the sugar in the recipe
No. 204291
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I’ve had issues with binging since childhood; I grew up poor so my mom would force me to eat everything on my plate even if I threw up after cause the food wouldn’t physically fit in my stomach. I started purging in my early 20s and have only recently recovered at 29. Honestly having a nigel with me who gets emphatically upset at the thought of me purging and doesn’t care about a little midsection pudge does wonders. It’s been over a year since I last purged and I binge a whole lot less too.
I also got a new office-like job, so instead of ravenous hunger from a manual labor work, I have to eat deliberately. Slowing down my eating and savoring my meal (to the point where if I eat socially I’m nearly always the last one still picking away) also helped a lot.
Honestly I’ve had a lot of other things to think about other than food these days
No. 207505
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>tfw you binge so bad you vomit and liquid shit your pants
It's bad man. Every time I have access to weed, I binge on it and food for a month. Then I restrict for 2 months to drop the weight. And do it all over again. This time, I don't think I can starve off the weight gain. Not sure I can ever be normal around food.
No. 207555
>>207505When I smoke, my stomach becomes a bottomless pit. I regularly binged for about a 2.5-3 period and stopped for a few months. Last week I got into it again. I'm not sure if it's worse than before or not…but for the first time I polished off two cartons of ice cream in one night..last night was a family size bag of Chex Mix.
I hate to say it, but I think part of the reason I binge eat is so I can stay awake at night.
No. 207587
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>>207539Gosh, anon how do you do it? If I have weed in the house, I'm smoking it. If I'm smoking I have to "make the most" of how tasty food tastes.
>>207555I think I do it also because I have no hobbies. Shopping for junk food, eating the food in front of the telly is entertainment for me.
No. 208132
I’ve struggled with BED for 12 years and finally have a treatment plan. On Vyvanse, 40 mg and it’s helping so much. It somehow mutes some impulses I have, and it’s helped maintain normal eating. (Also, being therapy for over a year as well.)
I just wanted to share some things that help.
- I keep almonds at work, ready to munch on
- I keep fast proteins around, like protein muffins or Bars. Overnight oats work.
- I get my bf to hide the chocolate and candies in the house accept for sugar free caramels. This seems extreme, until I’m on the edge of the binge and there’s no sweets readily available.
All the teas and coffees
Also, I smoke weed consistently, and site I get munchies, but I notice my binging has always been more frequent when I’m sober. (Weed helps me stay calm) . I also prep a healthy snack before smoking usually, and it helps. An apple, or some carrots, or berries.
No. 210580
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Sorry in advance if this is against the thread rules. I recently realized my friend binge eats. When she comes over I'll know she'll ask for specific snacks and I'll buy them for her in advance. She'll eat what's for me a month's worth of junk food within the span of an evening.
She doesn't purge (whew) and is not overweight, but her impulsive eating habits irritate me, especially when we go to a restaurant. My friend herself refered to it as binge eating but doesn't seem to view it in a negative light. She also has adhd and I get the sense it's almost like stimming because the binge eating seems to comfort her…? Sry for the blogpost…
What do binge eaters find helpful to hear and what not? Does ADHD worsen her impulsive eating? Am I bad for buying her snacks? I thought only bulimics binged (+purged) so I am very confused right now…
No. 211299
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I desperately need advice. For the past half a year to a year, I’ve been restricting myself on what I eat. So on weekdays, I try to avoid junk food, sugary drinks, etc etc and then on weekends I can eat whatever I want, basically. The problem with that is that on weekends I go balls to the wall and binge eat like crazy. Also the fact that sometimes on weekdays I eat a little bit of junk food and immediately start to hate myself for failing at the rules that I set for myself.
What do I do? Should I start letting myself eat a bit more freely on weekdays too? Maybe I wouldn’t binge eat so much on weekends then. I don’t know /:
No. 211358
I used to struggle with bingeing and purging a lot when I was younger, and I still do sometimes because I feel like I lose control. I haven't purged in months now, and I'm trying to not do it again by practicing mindfulness, but I have a hard time regulating the way I eat. I don't overeat by much, mostly by 500 calories a day, but I consider them binges because its food that I barely even taste, I just eat it as fast as possible despite not even being hungry.
>>203796I don't think you should deprive yourself entirely of chocolate, nona. Why don't you try dark chocolate, or one that's lower in sugar, if the normal one makes you feel bad? I think that quitting something you like cold turkey like that could potentially
trigger bigger binges in the future.
No. 224020
>>224012No one will take me seriously, but I think psychs and therapists are just fighting poison with poison. These cunts love selling you drugs and they love you paying for more appointments.
You literally have the ability to stop yourself, you just don't believe in yourself. Don't pay some stranger to tell you that you should believe in yourself.
You binged once, who cares? Stop consuming so much media and just fucking relax aye?
No. 224023
>>224017It is vyvanse. It was helping mute my urges, even at a very low dose. There’s no generic of it on the market, and insurance won’t cover it now, after 6 months for no apparent reason. My doc is working on an appeal.
>>224020Hey homie, I hear you. I’m not sure that applies to my position completely. I’ve done therapy, but the first -real- help I’ve gotten (medicine wise) has come from the help of a doctor who specializes in binge eating. I’ve tried non prescription routes for 15 years, and this is the first time I’ve been able to be consistent. I understand everyone is different, but I hope to get back on it. My doc and I have a plan for me eventually get off of it, and I’m still going to therapy and working on the
triggers and such.
No. 224032
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Nonnies, I want us all to get better. Unless you don’t want, it’s a free country do what you want.
Highly recommend reading Overcoming Binge Eating disorder.
I’ve been following the program in the book for 40 days. Only binged 5 times. Compared to binging everyday it’s progress. Also losing weight.
No. 224053
>>224032I’m glad it’s working for you, I’ll check it out.
I’m curious for other’s experiences, but I feel like binging is related to high stress moments and by the time I register the binge happening it feels “too late”, ya know?
No. 224226
>>224077I downloaded the files off the site then made them editable:'m finding recovery a bit boring like I am stuck in the same loop. I wish I was losing weight faster even though I know that wouldn't be healthy. I wish I never had an ED.
No. 225631
>>224053This is my issue too, the stress comes and I autopilot to the kitchen.
I've tried to make notes like : if I eat unplanned and I eat more than 3 different foods in 1 meal usually its a binge.
Reflecting on why I binge has helped me a lot. I don't know how to explain it, but when I want to eat, in a matter of seconds I can literally FEEL myself eating what I'm thinking about and digesting it. I can feel it, smell it, just as soon as the thought pops into my brain. I feel like I'll die if I don't just eat.
Also please let me know if the book is working.
No. 226904
No. 247100
>>207587From 5 months ago but are you me? I hope you've found some hobbies. I need some. I buy food when I'm bored.
I ruined my appetite and hunger cues by fasting and binge eating. I can't eat a substantial amount of calories unless I binge eat, so I'll usually have one big binge meal for about a week straight every month or two.
I don't keep snacks in the house other than fruit because I know they'll be gone that night otherwise.
No. 253599
>>253547First off, WAY 2 GO!
Amazing, youre on the right track.
I think its important to not restrict too much, because that can also cause the binge cycle to start again, you know? The way I see it, going binge free for longer periods of time will allow you to get back to a norm without it. Once youre there, then the calories wont be such a daunting goal to reach.
I dont know about you, but growing up Id punish myself with these low caloric limits for being fat, and then I would lose control and binge for days, then restrict as punishment, so on so forth. Its such a hard cycle to break, and i think by making the main objective being binge free you are doing so!
No. 275621
>>275597Nonna, I say this with all the love, but you are still self destructive either way the pendulum swings. Restricting or binging, either way you are sabotaging your health and your happiness.
Is it possible to find a different job, somewhere less
triggering? Have you ever considered therapy for your ED, or a group support?
Let us know if you need some resources. I myself wont be able to compile them till my day off on Monday, but if youre in the states, “project heal” is a great place to start. Earlier in the thread I posted a link.
Take care and try to approach each meal with a clean slate.
No. 279373
>>279222I hope you were successful,
nonnie. Wishing you strength!
No. 285799
>>285797I just stopped drinking coffee. I would drink it all day, literally all day non stop. I'm sure it made the heartburn worse, but the spit & chew started it I think.
I used to spit and chew several times a day, now it's like once every 5 days. I'm stopping completely because I'm terrified it'll cause like…cancer or some irreversible damage.
No. 285801
>>285799I'd also eat in the middle of the night, or eat all my meals in one go rather than throughout the whole day.
All terrible habits, I'm so ashamed of myself. I just hope I can cure whatever's wrong with me.
No. 286025
sorry for the vent i just needed somewhere to get this out
i feel so fucking ashamed of myself, for the past week i've been stuck in a non-stop cycle of literally sitting on my ass and eating as much junk as i can for no good reason. i'm so upset as for the past 3 months i've been eating under 800 cals a day and exercising daily for like 2 hours. i started living like that because i wanted to look good for my vacation at the end of august, and i lost around 15kg over 3 months. i was finally starting to like my body.
but whaddaya fuckin know as soon as i got home from the vacation i inhale all the junk i've been restricting because my brain is like "you don't have a goal for anymore, might as well eat it all now" and welp this is how it's ended up, i feel so gross and fat. i felt healthy when i was working out every day but i've eaten so much crap i genuinely cannot fathom how it's all inside me. i've had liquid diarrhoea draining out my ass since 3am last night and i think all this chocolate, chips, bread, dairy, cheese, cookies, and god knows what else is finally catching up to my body.
i truly want my old ways back, but getting stuck in a binge cycle at the point where you just think "fuck it" seriously sucks.
/saged for slight sperg
No. 300724
>>300694Not sure if this would be helpful in any way but if you live alone, would it be possible for you to only have food that takes time to cook, or only have quick snacks which are healthy? It might deter you if you actually need to spend time to prepare something, so might be easier just to go back to bed.
If you feel the need to eat while just getting up to pee in the middle of the night, are you eating enough during the day? If you're really hungry maybe try eating a bit more during the day, or even have a snack before going to bed, and keeping water by your bed so there's no reason to go into the kitchen. But at first maybe try to figure out why you're feeling hungry at night in the first place.
No. 330141
>>328351I’m pushing 30 and was obese until I was 17 due to binging in addition to just eating too much. I definitely remember feeling dissociated or just completely out of control while binging alone late at night but when not binging I’ve always been a slow eater. Breaking the weird dissociative binges was probably the hardest because even though it’s like I was screaming “STOPPPP AHHH STOP!” at myself inside my head I couldn’t stop the mechanical shoving shit in my mouth. My mom was always on weird diets and we generally only had healthy food in the house so I was one of those weirdos who’d binge on nuts or protein bars. I think what stopped it for me was realizing I only did it at night after I had gone to sleep so I simply stopped going anywhere near the kitchen for any reason in the middle of the night and eventually it worked.
Try to cut out or seriously cut back on soda even if it’s diet. That quantity of carbonated shit is absolutely stretching out your stomach and making it harder for you to feel full.
No. 330179
>>330141Thank you anon, I can't use a stove or oven, I never learned how and the idea of getting near one deeply scares me, and I still live with my mom because of my specific health problems. She does a lot of "fend for yourself" nights, in other words, she doesn't make or order dinner (completely understandable), so you have to either make your own food or go hungry, and in either situation I instantly feel like I'm famished an hour later and eat until I get tired or feel too comfortable to get up. Cutting back on soda would likely also help, but I take two psychiatric medications that are infamous for dramatically increasing appetite and nearly halting metabolism; Risperdal, and Zoloft. This, combined with not being allowed to eat until my grandparents fell asleep and couldn't abuse me for a year and a half before I got kicked out for being lesbian, have both made binging not only a habit, but a habit that makes my body freak out if I don't continue. Salivation, jittering so bad walking is very hard, nausea, and feeling very dizzy and unable to speak properly. It will take a lot to "normalize" my eating habits, especially since my mom doesn't buy much of any actual "meals" and the majority of food in the house is snacks she wants.

No. 330190
I have been binge eating since I started my depression therapy and now with grief, I'm trying to tell myself to do not eat if I don't feel hungry at all. Drinking water and doing some dance helps a little.
Seeing his posts make me feel better, I'm not even thinking "if I eat this unhealthy thing, I'll fail even more" but "Ok, I can have this as a treat but remember to keep drinking water and keep exercise". No. 386554
>>386536I'm sorry to hear that anon. I'm curious as to what you would consider bad foods. I started avoiding everything ultra-processed and, in addition to doing some lowkey time restricted eating (having my first meal around lunch and not eating after 7pm) I have successfully eliminated my binging issues. UPF often has a lot of added fructose which is highly addictive, but the other additives are bad as well, some have been found to disrupt the gut microbiome. Plain vanilla ice cream is actually a food I enjoy keeping around now that I have control over my binging, but I buy the premium stuff with real cream because I wanna have delicious sugared milk fat with egg yolks once in a while, not flavored plant cellulose. Think about what they need to add to your low fat ice cream in order for it to still be delicious, oftentimes it's like 10 types of emulsifiers which are terrible for your gut. I think you should try looking into eating more whole foods. Read or watch videos about what UPF is and about how addictive but also terrible fructose is. After I implemented the no UPF rule for myself, it became a lot easier to make good food decisions. If you tend to eat whole foods, then there aren't really "bad foods" because overeating is gonna be hard. I'm not afraid of fat or carbs or whatever, it's usually the UPF that makes us prone to overeating (and maybe wheat products lol, I try to limit that as well). I don't count my calories, I have two meals a day and eat until I'm satisfied, and might have a couple of snacks such as some nuts, cheese or the occasional scoops of ice cream. I've been at a stable weight within the healthy BMI for two years and feeling better and better.
No. 438618
>>438494I know this is a generic answer, but have you considered seeing a therapist for stress management? I personally have never been able to afford weight loss medication or suppressants for weight management, but I'm considering at least finding a therapist to talk about my life factors that
trigger me into this coping mechanism.
No. 453830
>>453173I don’t know how helpful this might be to you, but I was able to largely recover from bulimia (i’ve been bp free for a few months now) by addressing other major stressors in my life rather than the ED behaviors. I listed out what was making me feel trapped or “stuck” in life, since that’s my
trigger to binge, and started solving easy issues first before moving on to bigger and bigger ones. I didn’t do it on purpose (I had kind of given up on recovery, actually) but the urge to binge just kind of gradually went away. One thing I did have to force myself to do was to stop restricting food groups, since that made me too hungry, which made me fixate on food more. Maybe a way to start for you would be to put aside some money to buy your own foods to binge on, to remove the added stress of your mother knowing?
No. 468966
>>467878i'm so happy for you
nonny. I hope I can succeed like you one day
No. 469339
>>468966what i've learned is you gotta keep trying until you find something that works for you, and sometimes, the things that people are telling you only work for them.
If you have anything that's untreated, anything that seems to line up with your binge eating behaviors, address that instead, and you may find your way back to actually treating your BED.
No. 488343
Does anybody here also has disordered eating running on the family? Both my mum and my grandmother binge eat and are overweight. I’ve struggled with the exact same behaviors ever since I was in my early teens. Now I’m 22, did years of CBT and I’ve done a lot of progress. I used to buy food, ice cream, binge eat, sometimes purge on my worst moments, hide food and trash in my bedroom, cook/bake huge amounts of foods, eat secretly. Even though I still sometimes overeat or “emotional eat”, I no longer engage in those more drastic behaviors and for years already have been following a balanced nutrition, pretty much only eat whole foods on my day to day and exercise regularly.
Weirdly, just now I’m realizing I grew up discovering hidden sweets on my mum’s bedroom (still to this day if I go through her drawers I found chocolates and cookies) and eating them secretly, seeing my grandmother’s body absolutely deteriorate (she’s obese and has to walk assisted by a wheeled chair), my mum even had a geriatric bypass (that she regrets) as she was going on the same path.
It’s so interestingly sad to me to see how the three of us reflect on each other. My grandmother is the extreme, my mother is doing better (she swims/walks everyday, eats a little bit better even if she’s still overweight), but this chain is absolutely ending with me.