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No. 434936

Previous thread:

No. 434949

Need to vent. I asked for the HPV vaccine when I was in my mid-teens and my retarded scrote doctor said no, they "didn't give it to girls who were likely to have been sexually active already" (I was a virgin!! but they didn't care or believe me). I found out today about 10 years later that I have a high risk strain of HPV and I will have to get cervical smear tests done every year because my immune system can't seem to clear it. And my risk of cervical cancer is significantly increased. Why does the medical profession hate women so much?

No. 435093

Huh, what a strange behavior from your doctor. I guess he was misinformed and thought only young teens can have it.

No. 435348

My retarded mom didn't give us the vaccine. Now I have HPV too.

No. 435390

Feel bad for you both. My mom didn't want me getting it but the doctor managed to convince her

No. 435402

I got it because where I grew up it was mandated for everyone once we reached a certain age, I remember having to get it at school. But I also remember it very negatively because I was confused about what was happening and I got a dodgy vague and assumptive response like "you need this because at your age you're going to start having lots of sex soon" and it made me feel genuinely insecure about not even coming close to having any sexual experience because they presented it as this "everyone does it" thing. Even though it would've been much weirder and more screwed up for me to actually been having frequent sex at 11-12ish. I don't get why even when they do something right medical professionals have to be weird and judgmental about women's health

No. 435788

How do you people even have piv sex whenever I put something in my vagina that is bigger than my index finger it just feels like I need to poop and it hurts. I'm already 25 and at this point I have given up on ever having real sex because it's just not possible. The d doesn't fit and whenever I try it just hurts no matter how much lube I use. I don't think this will ever be or feel enjoyable it is the least pleasant thing on the planet and just hurts or is uncomfortable. My long term bf even broke up with me because we weren't able to have piv sex and he got fed up because of me. Idk if it is even worth trying anymore. I can masturbate while lying on my stomach and humping my hand and a pillow but nothing else does it for me.

No. 435807

That's not normal. You either have vulvodynia if the pain is in the vulva or vaginismus if the pain in inside the vagina.

No. 435832

Really, extremely, stupid question. But does anyone else get that "throbbing" sensation in their clit when they're turned on by women, but get a throbbing sensation in their vaginal opening when turned on by men? Am I retarded?

No. 435836

Just don't do it then. PIV sex isn't that pleasurable for most women even when it doesn't hurt. It's not worth the pregnancy scares and anxiety.

No. 435839

I think you're retarded, my pussy throbs the same for men and women

No. 435840

Don't pressure yourself because of your boyfriend, but it's worth exploring if there's anything medical going on just because I feel like every woman should get to experience how awesome penetrative masturbation feels.

No. 435894

My mom wouldn't let me get it as a teen but when I went for my smear earlier this year the doctor told me I was still eligible for the next 6 months and I could have it if I wanted. I'm extremely lucky my smear test came back completely clear and I was able to get the vaccination at 24

No. 435932

does anyone have tips for orgasming more than once? i feel like after the first one i basically lose interest and it doesn't feel that good to be touched.

No. 436360

anyone use vaginal weights or ben wa balls and could say how to choose them properly?

No. 436445

Should I donate my vaginal bacteria to a study? I could get money for it. I just hope I'm healthy enough. Anyone have experience?

No. 436450

all the discussion on the hpv vaccine is making me wonder if i should get mine, at school i had an anti-vax parent so never got it. is it worth it? being raised this way has made me a bit paranoid. nonas should i?

No. 436453

Is this for the BV study? It sounds like it could help lots of women, I'd do it.

Yes you should. It decreases your chances of getting cervical cancer. Literally no reason not to do it.

No. 436454

I think it’s something you’re built for or you’re not. I’m someone who can have basically limitless orgasms, and I know we are built different because I don’t feel the way you describe after an orgasm. Maybe for like a minute tops, but then I’m already itching for the next one. I never really am fully satisfied, I just become too physically exhausted to continue. It used to frustrate me when I was a teenager but I guess I’ve just gotten used to it.

No. 436478

Okay great, I will! Yes I think that was what it was for. Enrollment ends next July and my next gyno visit is Dec, so I want to make sure I'm good to go. Do you know if the requirements are just to simply not have BV yourself?

No. 436547

Are you overstimulating yourself? I find I can have multiple orgasms if I stimulate myself gently as I'm orgasming, as in barely a light touch. But any more pressure than that and I'm completely done and don't want to be touched anymore.

No. 436866

I’ll try this next time. I get way too sensitive after orgasming , but I wish I could experience back to back orgasms kek.

No. 436867

Yes nonna. Get it. It will protect you from the strains that are commonly associated with cervical cancer.
The HPV vaccine is honestly a life saver, all women should get it, given that checking for HPV is tricky , it’s a very common infection that many have without even knowing it and that you specifically have to ask for it in order to check. Be proactive nonna.

No. 437521

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A couple months ago I had a real bad yeast infection, and it's come back twice now - both times right before ovulation. These flare ups aren't nearly as bad as the first round but still unpleasant and I sure would like them to stop.
Since it seems to be linked to my cycle and I have a decent idea of when it's going to come back, is there anything preventative I can do rather than wait until I'm suffering?
I'm wary of overmedicating by using a proper antifungal when I don't have symptoms, but would something gentler like picrel be worth trying?

No. 437523

Beware of homeopathy nonnie, there's literally no active ingredients in that. If you really wanna do all natural, search for boric acid suppositories instead

No. 437527

Unsweetened yoghurt can be used, both esting and smeaeing in on your vag, as well as cutting down on sugar intake when you know you're susceptible to get yeast infections.

No. 437563

Should I get a HPV vaccine if I am a virgin? Im already 20.

No. 437577

I use Indian turmeric soap to wash my folds and clit with room temperature water. Maybe try that? It's antibacterial and safe with no added fragrance. But it has coconut oil if you're allergic to that. And a is a bit drying to the skin. Best advise is to just give up and go see a doctor.

No. 437581

>using indian hygiene products

No. 437672

I’m so sorry anon. I was in the same situation where I was deemed too old and therefore too likely to have already been sexually active to get it through the usual channels, so I ended up paying out of pocket for it. It was like €200 or something, but it was the exact same thing they gave to girls 2-3 years younger than me so the doctor was fine with it. However the doctor’s assistant kept acting like I was spending €200 just to prove to my parents I was still a virgin.

No. 437823

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yes, it helps prevent HPV strains/cervical cancer.
picrel - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7579832/

No. 437829

everyone, go get the HPV vaccine. if you're a virgin, it's great that you'll be vaccinated before any risk of encounter with HPV. if you're not a virgin and even if you've already had HPV, you should absolutely still get it. just like how there are different strains of covid and flu viruses, there are different strains of HPV, and even if you've contracted HPV already, an HPV vaccine can protect you against strains you don't already have. none of the vaccines are 100% effective against every single strain out there, but the vaccines target the strains responsible for most cases of HPV-related cancer and most cases of genital warts. even if you only sleep with women, genital warts can be easily spread through sexual contact that isn't PIV, please everyone get your HPV vaccines.

No. 438093

What is the reason doctors only want to administer the HPV vaccine to women who are not sexually active? Is that because otherwise you might already have an active HPV infection and the vaccination could make it worse somehow? It would be good to know their reasoning for this…

No. 438102

What's your hygiene like? You shouldn't get a yeast infection every month. Either you're doing something wrong or you need to see a doctor

No. 438104

My hygiene is A) good and B) unchanged. Daily showers, clean underwear, etc. I'm not prefect, like I don't change my towels every three days like you're supposed to but I'm washing them as frequently as I always have and until three months ago I'd never had a yeasty in my life.
First doctor I spoke to was completely unphased, ran some tests to confirm there was nothing more to it and just told me to keep using the same antifungal whenever it comes back.
I went to a different doctor today who was also very "yeah this happens sometimes" when I told her it was three months in a row but at least prescribed me some fluconazole for the next 6 weeks to hopefully flush it out properly.

No. 438108

I'd get it. I was too old for it to be offered when I was still a virgin. I had 2 partners by the time I got a hpv screening and they found one of the bad strains and I had cervical cell changes that they graded a bit like how they grade cancer stages. I was shitting it. The amount of stress/appts I had in the following 2 years. And had it hanging over my head all that time till I got goods news. There's always the big pap smear conspiracy anons that pop up when stuff like this is asked.

No. 438111

Get your blood sugar checked, you may have diabetes/be pre diabetic. And no you don't have to be fat to get diabetes.

No. 438252

ayrt, I actually don't know, but that's a good question. I always assumed it was just about not 'wasting' the vaccine on people who had a chance to already be exposed, or to avoid confusing people who thought it could cure you or who would get angry that they got the vaccine and had HPV anyway. You're right though, there could be another reason.

No. 438317

Tomorrow I'm getting a biopsy done. I'm super nervous.

No. 438369

anytime anons demean a cow's vagina for having a small clit makes me feel kinda sad because i'm seeing even women say that's undesirable when i've had moids be kinda mean about mine being that way. it's not my fault i was born that way/developed that way and i thought vaginas being different was something we are supposed to celebrate or something. i try to tell myself it's just because it's a cow but i've even had nonnies from the friend finder thread demean a vagina trait i happen to have and i just didn't say anything but felt like that's cruel you don't even know/need to know what mine looks like yet felt the need to point out how this trait you have is totes awesome and also point out how this trait is super weird but you don't even know i have that trait. and i didn't even ask her what she thought about x trait, she just brought it up. it just feels mean when we all know we have different vaginas yet you feel emboldened to play the insult lottery on my vagina by randomly saying x type vaginas are ugly and weird. come on.

No. 438398

fwiw I'm a lesbian and the relative clit size of my partners has literally never been anything I register as important. Every woman's vagina looks different, like flowers in a garden. Anyone who cares is weird.

No. 438400

Insulting vaginas is so weird to me. I’m never going to understand.

No. 438439

dude WHAT? Stop reading what incels and femcels say . I have NEVER EVER heard anyone talking about clit size in a demeaning way. Well except when the clits are as big as little penises… but small clits? Never.

No. 438523

Imma be real people demean others for having a big clit too. Or for having “roast beef.”
Bitches be miserable, don’t let it get to you nonna your bits are fine

No. 438929

Is it normal that you don't feel anything inside of your vagina? I had sex today for the first time and other than an unpleasant stinging feeling at the start there was literally nothing else except for a slightly uncomfy feeling? I sat on top of him and the guy is completely normal sized and I couldn't feel anything inside, I didn't even realize that it was completely inside me at first. People always rave that sex feels oh so good but it was rather underwhelming and there is literally no pleasant feelings inside the vagina?

No. 438931

I never really understood what the hell roast beef was.

No. 438934

Yes it's common. My first time was also underwhelming. You could try exploring yourself with your fingers in private while you are thoroughly aroused, that's how I figured it out. I have several erogenous spots inside my vagina, enjoy piv and prefer piv orgasm. Obligatory disclaimer that some women don't orgasm from penetration tho and that's ok bla bla

No. 438944

It differs from one person to another. I understand what you mean with the stinging sensation, that happens to me when I'm not aroused or wet enough. I masturbate only with my fingers and never had sex, but I know the sensation you're talking about because that's when it happens. But when I'm really horny and into it after my period is finished and during the time leading up to ovulation, I get super aroused and the stinging disappears completely and I can fit more fingers and it feels so good from start to finish, even the opening itself getting anything touching it is pleasurable. Inside my vagina, I find it most pleasurable when I angle my finger upwards towards my abdomen whether a bit further inside or in the beginning of the canal, and raising my hips upwards really helps tightening it in a pleasurable way and it feels so intense, it's a bit overwhelming at times, so I still haven't orgasmed from it because I chickened out and gave up half way through leading up to an orgasm, lol. But I know that if I keep doing it that way and get used to it, it will be amazing.

No. 439082

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Can a nona recommend some masturbation strategies? I only know how to masturbate by flexing my lower body really hard and tbh it’s not that good and hardly worth the effort. I’m a virgin but I worry that once I have sex I won’t be able to enjoy it because I just do not understand my anatomy. I stuck a finger up my vagina once out of curiosity. I barely got past the first knuckle, and it was painful.

I don’t really get horny except in my sleep. I only really get off sexually while dreaming. I blame this on not having the right man in my life but idk. Anyone relate? Is something wrong with me

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