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No. 425085

A thread for anons who do not want kids in any context, whether biological, adopted, or step. Discuss anything relevant to a childfree lifestyle here. Antinatalist viewpoints/discussion welcome.
Previous thread: >>>/g/156622
Please abstain from posting if you have children.

No. 425114

Pro-breeders of any kind aren't welcome in this thread, not just the ones who already have kids.

No. 425199

My dad keeps telling me 'one day you'll want kids'. No the fuck I won't. I have never wanted kids, and I don't even find them that cute. It just makes me feel awkward when relatives have babies/toddlers and expect me to play with them.

No. 425201

I’m childfree because of growing up under parents who should not have had kids in the first place. Proud that the intergenerational trauma stops with me.

Something I can’t understand are people who have had traumatic childhoods who want to reproduce. Are they naive or evil?

No. 425203

It disturbs me that a lot of men get off on impregnating women to make them less desirable to other men. Still cant help feel but pregnancy and childbirth is very masochistic, putting yourself through all that pain and suffering and responsibility on behalf of a scrote who is probably trash is so crazy to me, and yet women do it everyday, even with men they know are gonna leave them. Insane.

No. 425226

I feel like a lot of them do it hoping that the children will give them the love they are seeking. I know a few people who have done this.
The people I know who have done this aren't even good to their kids, they treat them bad and expect the kids to still love them, it's really selfish.

No. 425237

what i truly don't understand is people who were abused by their parents and then bring their own kids around them. why would you expose your child to the same people who are responsible for your trauma? it's sick. they believe creating grandchildren will help them finally gain the approval they so desperately want from their parents and heal their dysfunctional relationship and when that doesn't happen they take their pain out on their kids and the cycle continues.

No. 425329

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A lot of people convince themselves that they'll "do better" than their own parents and be the opposite of however their parents acted. So then we end up with "gentle parenting" bullshit, aka no parenting at all, which results in the defiant spoiled brats of Gen Alpha we're seeing today.

It's important to remember that nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned/unwanted, and often result from casual sex rather than a serious relationship. I don't know why so many people refuse to use condoms and/or bc pills. Then they act surprised that the guy doesn't want to be involved with the kid. I will never understand why women in those situations don't get an abortion instead of giving birth to a kid who will be unloved and traumatized by not having a father. Imagine being the child of picrel. Yes, she really still decided to have the baby after this.

No. 425330

Being so enmeshed in abusive families makes it hard to think logically. I'm not defending these people at all btw. They're in the wrong for exposing their kids to the abuser(s) but they're already so fucked up from their own abuse they can't think rationally. It's hard to get out of the cycle

No. 425350

I opted out of kids for a similar reason. I had to raise my younger siblings myself so I feel like I've already done enough raising kids for one lifetime.

No. 425448

Unpopular opinion: I am a family oriented person I despite being childfree

No. 425562

I'm in this limbo where I continuely see kids being hurt or neglected by parents and people always comment "Well, abortion is a thing! Birth control is a thing!", they talk easily like this because here abortion is legal since the 70s but when I say that I don't want kids because I don't think I'll be fit to be a mother I'm suddenly more evil than these poor excuses of human beings that reproduce only to make their children's life miserable? I take birth control, if it fails I'll have an abortion right away but when I say it I'm evil? I don't understand the logic behind this. I'm autistic and very prone to shutdowns, I hate hearing screams and I'm very easily overwhelmed by things, a child is a living being that will die without attention esp. in the early months and I know I can't do that, I always say that kids deserve a loving family and they always go "Well, then you don't love kids??"
I like kids, just not my own and I hate when women get pregnant so easily and say "It happened" no it didn't happend, sex makes children. Children ofc need love but also a stable relationship/a nice environment to grow up in because it's 100% proven and studied that unstable environments and shitty relationships break a child's mind and more often makes them criminals later on in life. I don't understand how this is not basic common sense, I pity single moms who struggle to raise kids because what do you mean you didn't take your time to actually know the person before making a life with him? I'm 8 years in a relationship with my nigel and I don't feel I know him fully and I still don't trust us with children if we had one, how can people make them 1-2 years into the relationship and get surprised when the moid leaves? I'm not blaming these poor women but gee, I wouldn't let a man nut in me so early, I know baby trapping is a thing but I see these women just accepting that and not even taking bc or considering abortion. Birth control should be the standard until someone wants to actively conceive, I see so many unwanted children being abused and it's sad, to me and that's the thing that made me childfree aside me being on the spectrum. I know I cannot provide a perfect life for my kid, I know I won't be able to be always ready for them, I know that I will get overwhelmed and anxious and I tend to shut down so I simply don't have kids. I got autism by my father and my mother tells me how he was cold and weird and then I got anxiety issues by my mother and my dad tells me how she was prone to fits and passing out when I needed medical attention, I love them, I wouldn't be here without them, but I don't want my imaginary child to go through what I went thought so yeah, no. I love my children so much, I wouldn't birth them.

No. 425584

>how can people make them 1-2 years into the relationship
They tend to be trashy people who are far from being smart.

No. 425619

For women 35+ it could be a case of time running out

No. 425623

most children are accidents that happen when birth control fails and abortion is either too unthinkable to the mother or unavailable. its not politically correct, but survival of the fittest

No. 425630

Moids pressure tf out of women to go condomless pretty much from the get-go, will shame her and make her feel bad about herself if she doesn't want it, then keep pestering her until she gives in. Not ALL moids blah blah blah but it is common enough. Count yourself lucky if you haven't had to deal with that shit.

No. 425675

condoms arent' the only birth control method. every girl once reached puberty should be put on hormonal bc, yeah ok it's dangerous I know that but what else can we do to prevent rape babies or unwanted babies? You cannot delete a child, once it's out it's out. It's not even worth it going through pregnancy for these moids.

No. 425695

ntayrt but more often than not it's younger people who don't comprehend the amount of work and sacrifice that goes into properly raising children because their own parents were trashy and negligent. choosing to reproduce with someone they've known for a short period of time isn't frightening to them because they're not considering all the things that could go wrong. they often have serious issues with thinking ahead and understanding consequences.

No. 425757

I think it’s cruel to have kids. In the west average person wageslaves their entire life to barely afford rent/mortgage payments. How could you want to bring someone into this existence.

No. 425878

>In the west average person wageslaves their entire life to barely afford rent/mortgage payments.
Do you really think it's better anywhere else? Sure, they might not have to wageslave, but it's not like being treated as a second class citizen without any basic rights is better. The absolutely retarded "a village to raise" meme should go extinct.

No. 425919

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I’m married and child free. There wasn’t any pressure from my family to have kids. My mom always respected our boundaries and if one of us did then she’s happy for us too. My sister has two kids with her bf. Mom bought them a house the moment my sister announced she was pregnant with the first. They basically bend over backwards for my sister and my sister isn’t grateful at all. During peak pandemic with a newborn my mom bought her a bunch of groceries and my sister screamed at her for buying red onions. They’re also in crazy debt too with taking my out loans for RV, truck, mountain bike and buying shit all the time. We’re not even American and they just blow money and brag about it online. When I visited last my mom was really annoyed they’d bought a truck and told me she refuses to lend them money anymore. One day this is going to catch up to them and they’ll regret making such purchases. Kids are a money trap and good intentioned grandparents make the mistake of spoiling ungrateful parents.

No. 425929

>Mom bought them a house
Damn I wish I had parents who could buy me a house in this fucking economy

No. 425930

>The absolutely retarded "a village to raise" meme should go extinct.
I hate this so much. You see farmers constantly use that too ("Men are useless, fellow women like mothers, sisters, friends helping raise them is the best!"). I'm childfree and get shit on by you and told I will die alone, but then you go and demand I love your babies and help you based on me being female…?
This is one of the only instances I'm glad to be my parents oldest child and therefore not an aunt for many years yet.

No. 425948

I understand that meme in the sense that yeah, motherhood and childhood shouldn’t be spent isolated and everyone needs a community of sorts.
When I hear that meme, it’s always spewed by ungrateful and demanding fucks and in the case of many women, they usually get another woman to replace the father that is either entirely absent or emotionally absent in the family.

No. 425996

I don’t think wagecucking is better in the third world but the inequality in the first world is in your face everyday. Working long hours only to have most of your wage spent on rent feels like slavery with extra steps.

No. 426258

Anyone feel left out of mainstream childfree social media? I’m not rich or healthy.

No. 426286

Nonnies do you have actual plans on getting old or you just have doomerish ideas of "the world is not going to last long/I'm not living that much"?

I lost my 4 grandparents in a very small window and seeing all the family they made, made me think

Because I'm not making a family of own I wonder how I'm not going to be alone when I'm old. I have friends and partner now but what about the future? My grandparents were surrounded by their children/grandchildren/great grandchildren but no friends, they were estranged as times went by. My family paid for their caretakes so it's not a "had children to have someone to care for" situation.

I know millenials/zoomers are different and may actually keep in touch with their friends for life, but I still am scared of being alone when old. Like how do I make sure I'll have enough money when I'm old to pay for a caretaker? How will I keep my house? The worst part of getting old is being lonely because eventually almost everyone will be younger than you and will not understand the world you grew up with, and that scares me. The current year world is already shitty and I can't imagine how much more worse it will get in 50ish years.

No. 426287

Swiss euthanasia holiday

No. 426295

I save money and maintain a healthy lifestyle and hope it's enough. I frankly can't worry too much about it because I think the world is going to be an unliveable hell by time another 50 years have passed anyway.

There lived two brothers together on a small farm in the neighbourhood I grew up in. They never married and never had kids. When they got old they made an arrangement with a local girl I went to school with and her fiance that essentially came down to: you take care of us, you get our home after we pass away. It was a good deal for both of them. Maybe creative solutions like that will become more common as CF people/couples age.

No. 426299

The important thing is having money to afford carers. But income protection insurance when you’re young.

No. 426318

i believe more and more old people are going to end up alone regardless of whether or not they have children. i don't know about zoomers but it's not the least bit uncommon for millennials to have strained or nonexistent relationships with their parents, either because their parents have chosen to isolate themselves and have no interest in maintaining a relationship with their adult children even if grandchildren are involved or because they've severed contact with their parents entirely. i believe the world will considerably worsen rather than improve over the next few decades and we'll see increased suicide rates among the older population when the ability to age with dignity becomes too unaffordable for most people.

No. 426322

I think this is the main reason why I (and surely many others as well) are so scared of being childfree. I feel like people in my small rural hometown are mostly fine because everybody has their own house and garden, everybody is so close with everybody, arrangements like >>426295 can be made and so on.
But now I work in a big city and then I see the old people on the subway there… they seem so lonely, it's so insanely depressing and scary, it makes me feel as if I need to find a man asap just so that I'll never end like that.

But I of course also know that having children just because of that fear would be so selfish. Plus I already struggle with depression, what if post partum would hit me so hard that I feel like I need to end it all? What if I'm one of the 4 out of 10 women who gets left alone by the moid she had kids for? No worse fate than being a single mum.
Just today while mindlessly scrolling yt showed me this video. The comments range from wishing them a happy family life to saying only moids who help like that deserve kids to saying that this isn't even praiseworthy.
But my only thought was: This is a positive example of the future all girls including myself should dream of??? This is the best I could get if I marry and reproduce? What's happy and romantic about this? Not being able to sleep is torture.
And then I look at my current self who sleeps whenever she wants, who can lay in bed as long as she wants (ok, unless work calls), who can play on her phone and eat and in general just do whatever she wants… I think I know what's the right thing for me to do.

No. 426328

Samefag but I wanted to add this:
sometimes I'd prefer this choice was taken from me. I know it sounds retarded but I wish I was a gay moid. Nobody would ever expect me to have children, all those conversations about my future wouldn't even be held. Everybody would just expect me to be selfish, to never grow up and live a life consisting of nasty parties and vacations. Just having a job and having a not dirty apartment already gets bachelors praise.

Meanwhile as a woman you're never enough unless you get a man and children, no matter how hardworking and kind you are. Moids online will call you all kinds of a whore and selfish and normies irl will pity you because they're gonna assume nobody wanted you or that you're infertile. My parents do that too they always talk about feeling sorry for childfree couples because "Awww, I bet they feel so sad!" How would you know?

No. 426330

I get that all the judgment troubles you, but you can't live your life according to how other people want you to. It's your existence and your happiness. Doing only what other people expect of you won't make you happy.

No. 426421

>sometimes I'd prefer this choice was taken from me
For me it is lol. I have depression and long term physical illnesses so even though I can it’s bet that I don’t.

No. 426425

>I'd prefer this choice was taken from me
I think this all the time but ngl I just wish I was infertile. Maybe that sounds mean to women who struggle with it, but like I wish I could swap with one of them.

I could cope with being pitied for it, might be a good opportunity to make nosy people feel bad, what I cant cope with is the things people assume about your choices if you dont have kids. That your standards were too high and you're going to regret not settling, that you cant keep a man because you're so awful, that you assumed you could have a kid at 45 and left it too long, etc (all untrue ofc but who believes us). I'd rather they think I had no choice than I was making choices which were wrong/dumb/arrogant.

No. 426488

Yep. It's all about how much money they have and all the luxury vacations they go on. I can't relate to that shit at all.

I will honestly probably kill myself once I can't work anymore and start developing health issues. I don't see any joy in that. Also agree with >>426318, a lot of people just stick their parents/grandparents in nursing homes, at least in the US. Having kids doesn't guarantee they will like you or take care of you.

No. 427903

Finally, the thread for me. Felt bad about shitting up the vent thread with my antinatalist childfree autism.
Has anyone else struggled with doctors to get birth control/sterilization? For me, doctors will do anything but prescribe me birth control as much as I would like it. I don't even have sex, I just like the comfort of never having to deal with the worst thing ever (pregnancy).

No. 427979

Does anyone else look much younger than their age?
I said that I was too old for kids (am 38) when my new neighbour asked if I would like them one day.

No. 428208

Are there any medical reasons why doctors wouldn't prescribe birth control to you (e.g. there can be risks if you have blood clotting disorder in the family, if you suffer from migraines, etc.)? Usually, ob gyns are doing the opposite and pushing birth control onto women, so it sounds weird your doctors would have a problem with that?

No. 428212

Ntayrt but birth control pills often have side effects or exacerbate pre existing conditions like depression. I would ideally like to get a hysterectomy and keep one or both ovaries to manage my endometriosis but the doctors are too scared to do that in case I change my mind. I like sleeping in on a Saturday morning too much to ever want a sprog.

No. 428496

It’s a matter of how you are perceived by those around you. I don’t act like someone who cares about children.
The gay moid at work gets asked about having kids one day more often than me since he’s often talks about being an uncle.

No. 429232

I slow fade my friends after they get pregnant because they become obsessed with talking about their baby once it’s born.

No. 429603

Oh how I miss this thread so much. Anyone else just tired of seeing nonstop pregnancy things on their social medias? I seriously have some weird crackpot theory that social media algorithms are pushing baby content onto women to get them to want children in their futile attempts to help the declining birth rate (in a lot of countries).

No. 429644

No you're definitely right, I was actually talking about this with some friends, I dont think it was a coincidence that the Kardashians were being pushed so hard a few years ago and lauded for popping out tons of babies, I know a lot of young women irl who actually decided to have a baby because they saw Kylie Jenner doing it on TV when she was 20. Men are really fucking triggered and upset by women who don't want kids tbh, and since media is mostly male-run I'm not surprised at all there's a massive push for pregnancy content directed at teens and young women. The tradwife content on tiktok the last couple years (which is a CCP/Chinese owned platform, and Chinese moids are also seething at the fact Chinese women dont want kids anymore) also felt very forced and inorganic.

No. 429701

I'm so glad I'm not alone in this. It feels like every single social media has something about pregnancy. I go onto Snapchat and it's stories about pregnant women, I go onto Twitter this morning and the first thing I see is a woman being upset that her third child isn't a boy. I go on YouTube, a ton of family vlogger content or even crazier shit like shorts of mothers making food for their 5 kids.
>I know a lot of young women irl who actually decided to have a baby because they saw Kylie Jenner doing it on TV when she was 20.
This is such a beyond horrific reasoning to have children. Because you saw your fave celeb do it, so you must too! It is even scarier that the things this crazy algorithm is working on is stupid people who shouldn't ever have children.
>The tradwife content on tiktok the last couple years (which is a CCP/Chinese owned platform, and Chinese moids are also seething at the fact Chinese women dont want kids anymore) also felt very forced and inorganic.
I almost forgot about this trend but you're so right. it was totally being pushed everywhere. SAHM content is definitely popping up more and more too.

No. 429703

No. 429838

My usually very CF friend told me that if she ever meets the right guy she's not completely opposed to having children in the end. I'm a bit sad, is that the famed biological clock ticking? Is she going to become one of those momfags who smugly tells us "you'll change your mind, I was like you until my met my hubby uwu". I can't help but feel she just wants hafu children since she has an Asian guy fetish"

No. 429844

Once I got to be 25 years old my pinterest only began showing me baby related ads even though I do not have children. And no matter how much I select "this doesn't interest me" they still keep showing me that stuff. My youtube ads are also full of "mom" related stuff.

No. 429850

Check your settings, for youtube you can uncheck targeted ads. Not sure about Pinterest.

No. 429860

She sounds gross, weak and afraid of being alone kek

No. 429863

I used to have the same kinds of ads, even for IVF. I just changed my age in the account settings to younger and they magically disappeared kek. Targeted ads were off but they still push mommy shit based on the things you search and I recently got married.

No. 429939

She's by her own admission a pickme, she's already panicking about turning 30 in a few months so I think she's going to get desperate about finding a guy.

No. 429964

Then she's not CF sadly. The "right guy" would be someone who would respect her choices to not want children, an actual CF person would be adamant on it and not date anyone who wanted kids, because that's just wasting time for both people.

No. 430045

You guys ever think about how women are just not allowed to talk about not wanting children? Not even just with triggered men, but with women too. I've seen it happen with my condition, PCOS, some of us are happier for the difficulty it would bring for a child, but god forbid you speak about not wanting children. It's always
>B-b-but….what about those trying to concieve?
What about them? It's annoying how you have to tiptoe around it to not hurt breeders' feefees and put trigger warning on content regarding conceiving like bitch how about you give me a trigger warning because I'm tired of seeing people with PCOS ONLY ever talk about conceiving?

No. 430165

I’m in my mid 30s and biology is really hitting me hard kek but I’m still CF through and through because I know it’s just chemicals telling my lizard brain to procreate. Her saying she doesn’t mind is her admitting outright she’s not CF.

No. 430177

it's ridiculous. i have a lot of sympathy for women with the same conditions as me who want to have children and are unable to, but sometimes it's such a painful subject for them that they take other women's choices personally despite it having nothing to do with them.

No. 430223

one of my friends recently ended up with custody of a family member's child due to circumstances outside of her control and it just depresses me how she has been working so hard to build her life up and break cycles, chose not to have kids to do that and now because her family is a bunch of fuck-ups, she has a surprise baby now. So fucked up that the closest woman in the family has to bear the responsibility of raising this damn child now

No. 430241

>I’m in my mid 30s and biology is really hitting me hard kek
Does this happen to everyone? I’m in my mid 30s and still averse to the idea of pregnancy.

No. 430519

no, i'm the same age and horrified by pregnancy. i have often wondered if there's something wrong with me because i've never felt the overwhelming desire to get pregnant that so many women say they experience

No. 431408

i want to be with a guy who is childfree like me. we've known since day one that i don't want kids and he does, i'm checking out slowly. i saw some of my old posts in the prev thread. it's been a pain in the ass i know i would feel much closer to a guy where we actually truly wanted the same future. this is really difficult to come to terms with

No. 431416

Why is motherhood so incessantly shilled towards women? They know how to manipulate our emotions.

No. 431418

i find it disturbing that the very people who tend to push motherhood on women are also the first to shame a mom for something menial. it's all a control tactic, women all get shamed anyway. you want to be an old cat lady, no marriage no kids? you're horrible and deserve everything coming to you. you want to be a mother but not exactly how i think it should be done? you're a bad mom.

No. 431422

why are you two even together nona? I don't get how something like that can work

No. 431423

Exactly this, the mothers who understand childfree women tend to be a lot more laid-back about other people's parenting from my experience. The ones who take it personally are judgey and insufferable.

No. 431424

I've thought about having children in the past but under no condition by getting pregnant and giving birth, always a third option. The way pregnancy ruins women's bodies and fucks us up has always been my number one reason to not want to have kids the "traditional" way.

No. 431426

When I've complained to my mom about the burden of pregnancy and having children on women, she said that women who complain about that stuff are just "being dramatic" and that it's not a big deal, when I know for a fact that pregnancy messed her up and she had an array of mental issues after giving birth. I understand now that she was just coping but I really hope more women aren't falling for this cope.

No. 431445

For the longest time I thought pregnancy was no big deal because my mom was lucky to have easy pregnancies (or so she says), she always talks fondly of these moments and she always rolls her eyes at birth scenes in movies and shows because the screaming and reactions are "unrealistic", it's only later that I learned how hard it actually is.

No. 431519

When other people become responsible for other people’s children, they will also feel entitled to mold the child with their own set of values and to correct the child’s behavior if it’s too antisocial, weird or whatever for the group’s taste; In the past something like this hardly caused friction because It was more common for the group to share their own set of values.
Also, when you are in “the village” you are expected to contribute to It in some way or another, let’s be honest, many people who preach about It aren’t suitable for because they DON’T want to contribute.
Most of the complains about the lack of a village are simply women pissed at other women and trying to guilt trip them into free labor. You will hardly see them guilt tripping men to do something.

No. 431524

It really disturbs me that some people have a literal fetish for breeding or impregnation … You’re bringing a child into the world but that’s a sexual fantasy to them. Kek imagine learning you were conceived for that reason. I guess it falls into the same category of other fantasies of having children though - I want to “be bred”/“breed someone”, I want to have a “mini-me”, I want to have a son/daughter (and the expectations put on either) it’s all the same, a selfish, self-serving purpose.

No. 431528

My mom and I have never had a good relationship, but ironically she's a midwife and has always supported me being childfree. I think it's because she knows just how horrible pregnancy and birth can be. A lot of women her age at my job get defensive and start frothing at the mouth if I say that I don't want children after they allude to it. Like I was wondering how big of a crock pot I should buy kek and one of my coworkers un her 50s said that I should buy a big one because I might need it in the future considering I'd have children. When I was like 'Okay, but I'm not having children' she started to argue with me? This has happened several times before and it's kind of funny how pressed people get. Especially when they were the ones who brought up the topic and made assumptions about me.

I got my tubes tied last month and I feel so relieved. My worst nightmare has always been an accidental pregnancy (another woman who started arguing me when I said that I'm not gonna have kids was like 'well, anything can happen' in a very sinister way. Well, there won't be any accidental pregnancy for me! I wish I could tell her this just to see her seethe.

No. 431530

Why are women like this? It’s so bizarre and honestly it’s hurtful, they get so antagonistic about it. You’d get a kinder reaction if you insulted them.

No. 431531

When people act like that it makes me suspicious. Like why are you so invested in convincing me I need to have kids?

No. 431533


I think it's a misery loves company situation. It's crazy because so many women get really triggered. If they were happy with their lives and didn't regret motherhood, they wouldn't have these reactions. I was the parentified oldest daughter and had to take care of my brother who's 10 years younger than me right when he was born. I know how hard and awful raising children is which is why I've never wanted kids. Kek I've had the childree mindset since I was a literal child.

No. 431539

"I had to do it so you do, too."
See also: religious handmaiden mothers and arranged marriages, or aunties getting upset when you say your spouse does half of the chores and cooks.

No. 431546

in my experience boomer women are super dishonest about it but millennial and gen x women have been straightforward but vague about it with me, "yes it really sucks/it's painful/awkward/don't like how it changed my body" type responses

it hurts my feelings too, but ironically enough the women who have been rude to me about it are/were both single moms with 2 different baby daddies. my hairdresser once asked my mom when i was about 21 "don't you think she owes you children" and my mom just gave her a weird look and said "no." i chalk it up to "misery loves company" too. some of us have known since we were a single digit age we don't want kids and effectively use contraceptives. it makes them angry because they suffered so they think all women should too.

for years now i don't elude to being CF unless i know i'm with a woman who is CF or otherwise supports women being CF. we do not owe anyone an explanation for not wanting kids.

No. 431549

I had a man in his late 40s get mad at me for saying I’m happy to have the freedom to travel. He got super defensive talking about how his kids soccer matches were better than the most expensive vacation. I just kept saying cool and he was getting more mad and I said “I’m happy I don’t know why that makes you mad” and he got more defensive lol. For moids I think they resent women having the choice, but for women I think they wish they could drag you down with them honestly. They hate that they had to be stuck to a man and have kids they probably regret. They yearn to have the freedom we do.

No. 431556

I might be extremely mentally ill but can we talk about how literally every symptom of a woman can be pregnancy? Cramps? Um you are obviously pregnant!!!! It’s so impossible to find any help for my horrific symptoms because the only thing it tells me is I’m pregnant. I’ve taken a thousand tests all negative, my progesterone is normal, so what fucking then?

No. 431608

i don't know and we have kind of been growing apart. we have the conversation sometimes and it pains me how differently we view life and having children. we talked about it before i left for work and like every time we were both crying and i hate to see him in pain. he is the type of person who wants kids so bad he doesn't understand why some people wouldn't want them. he is kind to me about my views but this is killing me. he'd think i'm selfish if i said i wanted someone to put me first forever (i'd put a childfree guy first too). it makes me hardly ever want to go on dates outside where we could see families with kids. i even get a little mad sometimes about his relationship with his niece because it is like driving a stake into my heart how much he loves spawn and wants his own and that i am not truly first, i will never have kids period but if we did i would become the "uptight, nagging" mom in the background that would become forgotten about and i can't stress how much i would hate that existence. i wish i truly felt special, he says i am to him but i'm not really special to him, kids will always be more special to him. inb4 "you're a retard" yeah so consider this post a cautionary tale for CF anons, you can be really attracted to someone with large differences than you and get swept up and before you know it reality hits you in the face hard.

No. 431616

It's understandable that you could end up falling in love with someone without knowing their stance on kids yet, but since you both know, why haven't you broken up? You both know you will 100% be marrying someone else, so why tf would you continue to sink months/years into a relationship that won't go anywhere?

No. 431622

biggest thing is we are really attracted to each other and do care about each other a lot. smaller things, we are both antisocial so there's that in terms of making dating again hard. i work but he makes a lot more than me and i live in his house for free so it's convenient for me. i'm afraid of trading this guy in and getting a shittier deal. so many men are ugly, coomers, controlling, we all know that here and i'm scared because i do want to be in a loving relationship one day. i know he and i are both stupid and i appreciate your reply being nice about it. it's so painful. when we talk about this we both get very emotional because we really care about each other. im not perfect either i have bad self esteem issues and i know they're annoying but he's always been understanding and told me i don't deserve to feel that way, i feel a lot of men would be cruel to me about it. i think we should split up and stop wasting each other's time too. i hate being with a guy who isn't on the same page as i am

No. 431700

There's nothing wrong with being on your own for a while, though. You don't necessarily have to exchange your current guy for a downgrade. You can just leave him and do some reflecting in solitude. Not to mention that it's gonna help you with your insecurity issues, once you leave the comfort the guy brings you, you'll get plenty of opportunities to prove your own competence to yourself as a standalone deal.

Back when I used to entertain the idea of getting a bf (several years back), I met one who was perfect on paper. Then I sent him some meme about not being able to swim, he said "my kids better swim or else." He spoke about having kids as not an "if" but a "when". I blocked him right then and there. I wouldn't stay with a man who wants to get me pregnant, you shouldn't either, noni.

No. 431796

It's not that I hate kids, I actually really like kids and I think they're cute and funny. But I'm mentally not stable enough to be a parent, and I wish people could accept that. I know lots of people who grew up with mentally ill mothers, and they ended up having horrific childhoods. I don't want to bring a baby into the world that I'm just gonna end up resenting during its crucial developmental years. I think more people should adopt this mindset too, instead of believing a baby is gonna fix their lives, because it usually ends up doing the polar opposite.

No. 431811

Nothing turns me off more than men enthusiastically wanting children.

No. 431814

im childfree/antinatalist (despite still adoring children like some other anons) and my childhood friend (we arent as close now but were for many years as teenagers & young adults) recently had a baby. i am happy for her, i think she will be a lovely mother, but i still disagree with bringing a child into this world. id never bring this up to her, its not fair nor necessary, but i do feel a bit torn because i love her and may visit her to help for a bit (she lives in a town i visit a lot, coincidentally) but i still dont agree with it all. i feel like an imposter, but again, i dont feel its appropriate to shame or hurt her because of my views.

No. 431845

Ever thought of getting psychotherapy to help you with your mental health? For your own sake.

No. 432113

You're not an imposter anon, you're just being a good supportive friend. I'm in a similar situation as you and my one friend is currently pregnant and I always ask her how she's doing and if the baby is healthy, just trying to be supportive but I don't agree with her choices as an antinatalist. You sound like a sweet person that can set aside differences and still be there for your friend, and that's really kind of you.

No. 432132

I'm not an antinatalist, just don't want to raise kids. I don't hate them either, I think they're goofy but I like quiet relaxation too much. If I get lonely as an old biddy I may adopt an older one, but for now I've done my time as an oldest sibling and that was enough for me.
When I worked as a special ed TA for a year in college I saw some horrendous things, and that along with my parents' and sister's marriage cemented my decision to never ever in a billion years have kids, or rely on a man for 'helping' with anything. Ain't seen better escape artists than fathers of sped children, or less support for moms.
You don't need to have reasons for not wanting kids, simply not wanting any is good enough. Kids born out of obligation don't exactly have a fun time growing up. If anyone asks, just say you had cancer or put on some loud waterworks to embarrass them.

No. 432204

obvi the whole pain and changes/ruin my body aspect of it all is enough to keep me in my lane about never wanting kids, but also the drammatic shift from me to mom in the eyes of everyone. your whole life building friendships and understanding yourself is wiped away when you have a baby, you just become mom. idk if other nonnies see this shift but it would break me. i persoally see it in my sister and cousin,after they had kids everyone changed how they were around them. like i can still talk to them normally but it just feels strange bc its not really them anymore, they had to take and play the role of mother, now they have to be that for their entire lives. i could never…

No. 432235

I am getting therapy, have been for years, but I don't think I'll want kids even if I'm completely stable. There's just too much that can go wrong, between pregnancy, birth, and raising the child. I'm okay with being the fun aunt, though.

No. 432625

Anyone else pro children but not raising them?
I like playing with my niblings or friends’ kids but don’t want to be a parent/legal guardian.

No. 432630

i don't have anything against children, though i don't believe it's a good idea to have them. they didn't ask to be born into a shitty world and when they behave badly it's often their parent's fault for raising them poorly. the only kids i flat-out don't like are defective scrotelings that terrorize other children, especially girls, and will likely grow up to cause harm.

No. 432633

I don't think that's such a huge conspiracy theory when you have people like Elon Musk in charge of Twitter, who's a known breeder/great replacement theory propagandist.

No. 432634

Same, never heard that clock tick even once.

No. 432639

Just out of curiosity, what are some of the horrendous things you saw, if you don't mind sharing?

No. 434264

File: 1727665046001.jpeg (269.06 KB, 640x737, IMG_2139.jpeg)

What do you all think of the term “breeders”? I got told I shouldn’t say it because it was a word with ties to racism and slavery but then what the fuck do we call freaks like picrel?

No. 434276

The wealthiest and most educated people have the least kids and the lowest class least educated people have the most. It's a shame, the world is going to be so genetically trash soon because of people like Vance.

No. 434286

I think it's an tasteless term that's not going to invite anything productive. Insulting people has never made them see your point.

No. 434287

This, it only turns people further away from your cause. I promise JD Vance that no woman is going out and getting pregnant because he called her a cat lady.

No. 434293

While I do agree that there is nothing productive in insulting them, I do think insulting them is also harmless and I think people who procreate for the sake of it and have multiple children SHOULD be insulted. These people can be (and are) harmful to women and the world in many ways. Such as why people call men “moids” even if it isn’t a productive thing to do.

No. 434303

i call them baby pushers

No. 434378

i think it's shitty to call a mother who takes care of her children and minds her own business a "breeder" because she's done nothing to deserve such derision, but i'm totally fine with name-calling freaks like him. anyone who cares this much about whether or not other people reproduce has something wrong with them and should be ridiculed

No. 434419


No. 434926

>The gay moid at work gets asked about having kids one day more often than me since he’s often talks about being an uncle
How do I cultivate a kid unfriendly vibe?

No. 434927

Nta but I never talk about kids, coo about them or watch videos, almost to the point that I almost forget they even exist, being vocally volcel also helps but I know that's not the case for most childfree women.

No. 434931

this is retarded even in my church which is the most trad values sort of place no one is this autistically militant

No. 434947

I generally call them religious freaks who think they're the chosen people creating god's army, because that's what they are and that's where the line of thinking comes from. see also: quiverfull.
I don't know who told you it's tied to racism and slavery lmao, that's hilarious. they got you. if someone hears the word "breeder" and they first thing they think is slavery that's a them problem.

No. 435091

People like Vance or Musk aren't preaching this for religious reasons though, they are more into the great replacement theory stuff, i.e. we need more white children to outbreed the other races.
And then it ends with Musk having a gazillion children and caring for exactly none of them (parading one of them around for photo ops doesn't count).

No. 435584

Did anyone else start out in life wanting kids but became so blackpilled on men and humanity in general that you just dont want them anymore? I've lurked manosphere and moid boards for a couple years and have come to hate and despise men so much its unreal. They're so subhuman I cant even imagine debasing myself to the point of carrying one's child and giving him the gift of genetic immortality, just seems like pure self cuckery. And just seeing how retarded, vapid, selfish, superficial and disgusting humans are in general has really made me not want to bring a kid into this world anymore. I'm starting to believe natalism is genuinely evil.

No. 435586

Also want to add, I had pretty horrific formative experiences with others in childhood. Physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological and verbal abuse. I also witnessed other children being abused, often by their own parents, and the kids I met who were without parents were abused even worse. I saw really horrible, terrible things being done to kids as a child myself, both by adults and other kids/bullies.
But then others would always tell me 'most people are good, you just had bad experiences/encounters, you should still keep your mind open to the overall goodness of people'. As a retarded teen I forced myself to believe that and really tried to believe humanity is overall good and most people are decent, but from more life experience and exposure since then I've come to realize most people are pretty shit at best, or just downright evil and selfish a lot of the time. I'm misanthropic as fuck and only get moreso as I get older. Honestly I think most people do.

No. 435619

welcome to the dark side nonnie, i'm not an antinatalist but have been childfree since i learned how babies are made and that it's a choice. agree, would never want to be in the position of carrying a moid's child, no matter how much i love him. look at how so many change for the worse after a woman goes through pregnancy and childbirth for them, so many don't help at all with the baby, lose all interest in her, cheat, troon out, etc.

No. 435632

honestly sometimes I dream about having a daughter but I would be absolutely crushed if I had a boy. the world does not need more men and I would not want to even risk adding to the problem. I wish humanity would just reach its post-male phase of technicological advancement and have the male sex be regarded as a rare genetic defect

No. 435638

I was going to say I agree but because of the abuse I ensured as a child then I saw your second post. So many turn a blind eye.
I used to think I'd like kids just so I could nurture them the way I wasn't, but the more I've grown the more bleak everything is. Why bring more into this?

No. 436015

So adopt a girl…? I don't understand why people are so anti-adoption and need their own dna in the kid. It'll be your kid either way.

No. 436579

File: 1728615196579.jpg (2.03 MB, 3906x3176, RDT_20241011_03514336833714250…)

Absolutley there is some sort of "destruction" fetish going on with it. I always felt crazy for thinking this but it's true.

No. 436580

The Y chromosome is defective anyway, it will probably go extinct in the future, thankfully.

No. 436620

Black men are particularly awful for weaponizing motherhood against women. I remember that tiktok of the dumb Slav woman who said her black ex told her he impregnated her twice because he knew not many men are going to want to date a single mom with two black kids.

They literally just impregnate women to 'mark their territory' then bounce, to the point its a stereotype, and women are left to pick up the pieces.

Though Latino and White men are beginning to catch up with black mens shittiness on how often they leave women as single mothers nowadays too. As usual, black men insist on dragging the rest of society down to hell with them.

No. 436621

>attractive slim woman
>disgusting yellow teeth fat baldie with a soul patch man
These moids dont deserve a genetic legacy. They are trash, both genetically and in terms of personality.

No. 436629

She is way too good looking for him omg she needs to run AWAY.
I am shocked that she married that thing someone fix her eyes

No. 436643

you should never have a kid unless you’re prepared to be a single mother, and prepared to lose your bodily faculties. i’m 29 and have never had the desire to have children. i would like a long term partner but i think it’s unlikely to happen, and i wouldn’t wanna live with them kek. my space is my space

No. 436645

The one time I find a good and kind-hearted moid, he also has an accidental infant child by an older unstable BPDchan. Why. I know I'm going to have to break up with him soon because I can't deal with her antics which are escalating lately, and it's not the baby's fault at all but I can't really deal with her either. I have always been childfree and I just can't change that about myself. Fuuuuck. I feel awful about this nonas.

No. 436652

Kind, responsible and empathetic men are usually bpd women's prey. Selfish narcissistic men dont give them anything, so they are useless to the bpdchan. They always go for bleeding heart type guys who withstand their shit. If you like the dude you shouldnt let his ex sabotage your relationship, it's only letting her win. Chances are she's seethingly jealous of you, seeing their partners move on kills bpdchans. However he should also be sheltering you from her bullshit and he needs to man up, her craziness and jealousy is not your problem.

No. 436668

I think about this on a daily basis and god I feel so alone. I get so disgusted when men say that they want children. For women it's a very painful and traumatic experience no matter what. How can you look at someone you are supposed to love and be fine with making them go through that to satisfy your personal desire to have children? I dont understand and that's why I feel so broken probably, it's so much easier not to think about those things at all. I understand women who want children even if I don't, wanting children has an entirely different meaning and implications for them. Even if they don't realize it when they say that, they're gonna realize it later. But I guess that's why it disgusts me, men do so little yet they are allowed to "want", and allowed to impose that desire upon women. Vast majority of men are absent fathers anyway, but even if they are present the role of the father is completely secondary too. If having children wasn't 90% a woman's sacrifice then maybe I would consider, never gonna be possible on a biological level, so I don't care.

No. 436671

>her craziness and jealousy is not your problem
kek have you ever met a bpdchan before? it's gonna become nonna's problem real fucking quick if she decides to stick around. i'm not saying she has to dump the guy if she doesn't want to but there's a significant possibility she'll be dealing with some bpd antics in the future

No. 436717

Finding an childfree man who isn’t a manchild is quite challenging.

No. 436718

NTA but it's not true that BPDchans solely get into relationships with good men. Look at all the male """victims""" of BPDettes on Reddit who come across as wishy-washy manipulators even in their biased accounts.

No. 436783

There are no "accidental" pregnancies. He's an irresponsible pos who made the fully aware decision to cum inside that woman, probably several different times. Plus he shit-talks his own kid's mother? And then he started dating you shortly after that woman gave birth to his child? Doesn't sound like a "good and kind hearted" guy. Sounds like a total pos

No. 436812

men’s attitudes to abortion make me sick.
>refuse to wear condom
>be against abortion
>”wamen need to accept the consequences their actions!!”

men don’t know the meaning of the word consequences. they never accept responsibility or take accountability and the only reason these men are against abortion is because they know they are genetically inferior and will not have children through legitimate means (ie being a good partner, provider, and desirable enough to win the intrasexual competition).

No. 436814

it was never about saving the babies they just hate women having any autonomy whatsoever and want our lives ruined with children

its very telling that men are desperate to force women to give birth and become mothers, if it was good for us and for our benefit, then men wouldnt advocate so much for it, because men hate anything that benefits women

No. 436830

and then when a woman's body undergoes changes after pregnancy and giving birth they act disgusted by her. i can't imagine how betrayed mothers must feel when they have a man's child only for him to turn around and treat her like she's repulsive

No. 436845

yep they love making women pregnant because it gives her permanent body changes that 'mark her' as used by him and a woman having children dissuades most other men from pursuing too. its not surprising that repeated pregnancies are a mainstay in many abusive relationships

No. 436858

Men would be pro abortion if men could force women into aborting, theyre only anti abortion because they don't have a choice in the matter and that makes men seethe like nothing else

No. 436859

This debate is also a perfect demonstration of how narcissistic the average male is, they all fully believe that women are fighting to babytrap them and them specifically.

No. 436884

men who are prochoice are because they have a fear of being babytrapped and some men will even convince their gfs to abort even when the gf doesn't want to, these are often liberal men who are pretend "feminists" because they are pro sex work and pro porn, men who are prolife are because they think women should "suffer" for having sex (period, no matter if she's single and it was a ONS, in a relationship, married, they think all women should suffer) and suspiciously these men enjoy not wearing a condom/stealthing. i would not be surprised at all if there are men who are pro-abortion if the baby is a girl, but pro-birthing if the baby is male. americans in general are also often unaware of the cultures that engage in this kind of thinking

No. 436888

I fucking hate that people bring their kids to beerhalls. Why can't we have a place that's child free and open during the day?

No. 436889

yes! if i go to the zoo or something i expect to see a lot of kids so idc but when i see kids at places that are clearly more adult-oriented i get annoyed. my parents did not ever do shit like that, imagine how bored the kids are. people need to get a babysitter or accept they can't go out to the bars or concerts that are not kid friendly some weekends.

No. 436892

youre right, pro abortion lefty men tend to be manipulators and coomers, anti abortion right wing moids tend to be control freak psychopaths and woman haters. what both sides believe about women is that women enjoy getting abortions, therefore its no big deal to the lefty moid, and makes the right wing moid seethe because he thinks women are having a good time. they dont understand that abortion isnt pleasant for women, its a painful and unpleasant thing to go through and usually a last ditch option

No. 436901

yeah it just goes to show women are far more likely to show men empathy than men can ever empathize with women. they're very self-serving, self-absorbed and think women are a hivemind. notice how their politics always coincide with whatever they get off to the most. liberal men are gooners who love "empowered and liberated" sex worker 18 year olds and never stop to think that maybe women and girls shouldn't turn their bodies into a commodity. conservative men coom really hard to women who become broodmares and sacrifice all of their lives, bodies, and personal time to a moid. notice how much they love when a career woman who takes care of herself surrenders to a guy and no longer has a job, has to stay at home with the kids, and barely even has time to shower, every minute of her time is not her own and she has to stay with him. no matter where a male is politically, it all comes down to them loving to humiliate and subjugate women. they will literally get off to it and love mocking a woman no matter what she does.

No. 438096

Which actually happened in China with the one child policy… Women were forcefully dragged into hospitals and abortions were performed against their will. There's a documentary about it: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8923482/

No. 443057

Anyone else finds some kids just plain ugly? Sorry if this is just mean but sometimes I can't help but think damn…that one is unfortunate looking. Usually it's the father's fault. I have a very attractive coworker who got married to another coworker. The father has the face of a pug - really chubby jowls even at his young age and low set eyebrows. I saw the kid on a picture and it inherited the father's unfortunate looks. Like damn.

No. 443105

Anyone ever joke that they would want kids as a father and not a mother?
My brothers all want kids but that’s because they’re not potentially dealing with the effects of pregnancy, loss of earning capacity or gendered expectations surrounding housework/caregiving.

No. 444241

Any ideas for diplomatically shutting down discussions on why you don’t have kids from mom acquaintances?

No. 444902

I never get how men think that a few women choosing not to have kids because of any reason is going to end humanity. We are breeding more than we are dying, overpopulation and deforestation and yada yada. If we want to save the earth we need to slow the hell down. Childfree women make up like a negligible 0.0005% of the population tbh

No. 444903

Make a very painful expression and say shakingly that it's a sensitive subject and that you don't want to talk about it. If they start pushing excuse yourself as if you're about to go cry in the bathroom. Won't happen twice.

No. 444925

I say I had cancer and shame them publicly and loudly for being nosy. I don't mind lying to put rude cunts down.

No. 444951

I truly don’t believe that they actually think humans will die out, it’s just another excuse to control women

No. 444952

A lot of them are genuinely concerned a certain group of pople will die out.

No. 444954

What are the traits and functions they are afraid to die out?

No. 444966

That doesn't matter within the context of this thread.

No. 444969

Musk doesn’t care about great replacement, he only engages with that cynically.

No. 445033

The low birthrates are more because women are having LESS children, like 1 or 2 instead of 3-5, not because of the still tiny population of women who don't have any kids (which always existed anyway).

Women who don't have children are always going to be the target of particular vitriol regardless, because they can avoid a lifetime of being tied to a man and performing services for him. Men simply can't have that.

No. 445049

Lol, it has nothing to do with "muh race dying out", "muh human race ending" or "the future of muh children and culture"—the more women choose to be childfree the more women will avoid men, so that means means the average man's access to an ~intimate, life-changing, soul bonding, act~ aka sticking his crusty penis inside a vagina (whether it's consensual or not) then ejaculating in it— lessens. Literally, that's it.

No. 445117

Ayrt, true, it's just so funny that it's their only argument/excuse to hate on childfree women. Just say you want to chain us in your cum-stained discord mod basement.

No. 445129

For me I tell them pure mental illness runs in my blood on both sides of the family, and it's not even a lie. My parents shouldn't have bred this mix that is me. There's also family history of physical conditions I don't want to pass to a child.

No. 446411

i'm generally not an antinatalist, but the whole
>children are innocent and pure and if you don't want any you're a bad person who doesn't appreciate innocence/purity!
they are certainly innocent and pure, the purest, but they get corrupted like the rest of us because that's what life does. the only people who are always innocent are children who die in youth which is a tragedy. it is so selfish to have kids to live vicariously through their innocence and the joys of childhood because inevitably that's squashed by the reality of life and hardships. they want the former for their own enjoyment and ignore the latter. puberty was so difficult for me, how can adults enjoy watching a child, especially in the modern day with how quickly they get corrupted (internet and buying kids phones), grow up and lose the light in their eyes? i've dealt with depression since childhood and it was hard for my parents and obviously they didn't know what to do, parents by nature will not understand the next generation nor are they able to prepare for the issues their kid will have because it's not really going to be the same issues they had as kids. i'm not the kind of person who would enjoy or could ignore this, watching kids grow up is hard because there's so many hardships and many are unknown to us. how can someone enjoy watching that happen? it just feels wrong to me.

No. 462266

Posted this somewhere else and got some backlash for “killing my babies” lol. So I’ll try here

I don’t want kids but have been pregnant a few times, unfortunately. I’m going through an abortion again (medication) due to a one time mistake. So this would be my third abortion - and all three were at 5-7 weeks.

I know hormones and bodies change postpartum. Things like a deeper voice, hair loss, stressed cells etc., aging, bigger feet, wider hips. I’m thinking of the bad and not the good.

It’s nowhere near the same as full term pregnancies but couldI physically suffering the same repercussions as women who carry to full term? From exposure to pregnancy hormones alone? Or is it just similar to a late period? Idk if this makes sense

No. 462397

a lot of kids aren't pure or innocent as well, they can be right little shits for literally no reason, especially nowadays cause parents don't discipline them properly.

No. 462494

if they're kids it's not their fault until they hit a certain age (late teens-early 20s), it's the parents' fault. i don't think humans are necessarily born that way

No. 472529

one autisic stereotype i don’t fit is that i don’t do well with kids, like at all. i’m just not “motherly” and i really don’t care for pets either. i just don’t have it in me.

No. 472561

>but could I physically suffering the same repercussions as women who carry to full term?
Nope. Not even close.
>t. someone else who has had multiple abortions

No. 472853

What if you have kids with guy and he dump you I can't go though that

No. 473566

I don't want kids and I feel like people keep gaslighting me about it. They always say some shit like "you'd make a great mother" or make some reference to Idiocracy about how I'm letting the retards win by not having kids. I'm severely mentally ill though? And these people know it. I've been on medication from I was a child and have had multiple psychotic episodes and suicide attempts and people have the audacity to say I should have children. I've been saying I don't want kids since I was at least 13 and now I'm 30 and they still won't shut up about how I'll change my mind. I really hate this bullshit

No. 473567

samefag but I'm just not comfortable messing up my body like that for one, and for two I just know I would have buyer's remorse instantly and want to kill my baby or some shit. I'm a doomer at heart and feel like the world is only going to get worse so why should I have kids. Fuck people who think all women = baby machine

No. 473570

I'm the same as you but 4 years younger. My mom, who knows I have been mentally ill since literal single digits and have basically no traits conducive to being a good parent, and who has witnessed me not caring about /having no patience for children for my entire adult life, still tells me that I would "make a great mother" any chance she can. She's not an idiot, so why? Is she really just under that strong of a delusion?

She has said multiple times that she comes from a line of "amazing women & awesome moms" going back to her grandmother, who I am named after. She has expressed sadness that I won't continue "the line". Not to throw stones at her, but I am the way I am 100% because I inherited all the worst traits of my father, who has always had anxiety, depression, and anger issues. I've got all of that but each trait even more amped up than him + OCD just as a random mutation. My brother is the same (even has the OCD too). If she wanted me to follow in her footsteps she should have found a more well adjusted man to have kids with. Because he singlehandedly poisoned her bloodline. I am a fucked up human and my brother is worse despite her good parenting, It wasn't enough to un-fuck our genes. It's sad but that's the truth of the situation.

No. 473649

After I turned 30 my other relatives started getting really pushy with the questions about why I'm not dating or have kids. I still have no interest in having kids but another issue that appeared down the line was my sibling has kids - and our parents continue to act super dysfunctional, my dad HATES that my mom babysits them, he gets mad when they do normal kid stuff like not wanting to eat food that he cooked. I know that if I ever had kids I'd have absolutely zero support from my parents, my sibling is lucky that their in-laws are big on doing stuff as a family. If it ever gets to a point where I own a house with a couple extra bedrooms I'm just going to take a leaf from local old widows and do academic rentals for college students

No. 473725

It's not socially acceptable to say "You're right, you're too mentally ill to have kids, definitely don't reproduce anon!" They're most likely just being polite.

No. 473728

you don't even need a reason like that to not want kids, they're being weird by trying to convince you when they really shouldn't care if others have kids in the first place. it's okay to not want kids and not have a reason that others accept. it's okay to just not be interested in having kids, period.

No. 473757

not the anon youre replying to but I agree, i've done a lot of thinking and I have all the reasons in the world not to want children personally, but I think it's crazy how we feel the need to justify ourselves. it really shouldn't be a big deal not to want children

No. 473891

Why does this sound so rapey? Why does he make it sound like she has no choice? And the added fact that he’s filming her and posting her without her maybe even knowing is just weird to me no matter how much social media tries to normalize it

No. 473942

You are not crazy. This is the one BIOTROOF that's actually indisputable, and yes it's extremely hard for even the most blackpilled women to accept. But biologically, pregnancy is a female "losing".

No. 482476

so i've never wanted kids and the idea of raising a human scares me so much. however, as i get older i get a weird feeling like i should have someone to "carry on my name" or whatever. i know it's fucking egomaniacal and also just biology. i'm not important. no one is. also it's morally fucked to have a child just to carry your name despite how many people do that. but do any other childfree nonas get this feeling sometimes?

No. 482636

I've been firm of my stance of not having children since I was like 14 (for both antinatalist, economical, and personal reasons) but everytime people question my decision and mention how "I'm missing a core womanhood' experience" or that "I'll lose the joy of creating my family"
I don't think having babies is a core experience of womanhood or whatever hippie garbage they saw on Facebook.

No. 483251

These women were dismissed and laughed at if they didn't want children, and now they're doing the same to you.
It's very sad. But you don't need to come up with a rebuttal for every retarded what if that they throw at you. If they're getting too obsessive just tell them that you wish they'd had access to the same opportunities that you have access to, instead of having no choice but to marry and reproduce. It shuts them up, but you might lose some friends.
If it's a moid, ask him why he hasn't gone to war yet, since that's the core facet of masculinity.

No. 483295

it's funny because older women (40+) almost always tell me this sort of thing.
but younger women, my age and below, who have kids are always like "DON'T DO IT!"

No. 483480

yes anon. i know i'll never have children and 99% of the time this thought brings me relief but sometimes i still feel bad for my mom, or about the idea that i'll never have a family or someone after me. i understand it's ridiculous but i still feel it.

honestly, kinda makes sense because the younger moms are going through it, while the older moms got their free time back (part of it at least) and get to enjoy their grown children. they probably can't even imagine a life without them anymore since their lives have revolved around their children for several decades.

No. 483593

So in my country (france), they just online published an article about women who don't want kid.
On the article, one of the woman said that her bf had one daughter and she has to take care about the girl- who isn't even her daughter- because her moid never bothered to lift a finger for his own damn kid.

Then in the comment's section all the incels yelled about childfree women. Blaming us for being irresponsible and whining about how we shouldn't get any money for retirement, when we contribute to it every month with a part taken away from our salary.

The incels never commented on the fact that women are tired to do 100% of the chores and that women were more and more hesitant to have kids BECAUSE moids never help AND even add more chores by behaving like toxic manchild themselves.

Anyway the whole "no retirement money" for childfree women is a whole new pitch I've never heard before. Have you?

No. 483656

File: 1739294658223.png (24.8 KB, 670x849, france.PNG)

Doesn't France have the highest birthrate in all of the EU anyway? Wtf are they complaining about?

No. 483787

No retirement money how? Did they read a Jane Austen novel and think things are still that way for unmarried women in 2025?Women with children and no career have a miserly spousal or widow’s pension, unmarried women with careers literally have real actual retirement funds and assets to their name seeing as they have all the time in the world to build a career and work. Never heard of that retard logic before.

In my country pregnant women get fired because employers don’t want to pay for their maternity leave and medical bills, but then the government whines about women not having enough kids. They use Nordic countries as an example of low birth rates as if to say
>look, the more rights and education you give them, the less babies they will have
As if the answer isn’t clearly obvious, it’s that men are terrible parents everywhere and awful partners that just aren’t worth reproducing with. All men suffer from a terminal case of main character syndrome but Scandinavian men are particularly loud about it. For all their bragging about being warriors of gender equality they sure love binge drinking and harassing their partners, and those who don’t do that are too busy training for a marathon or some other bullshit midlife crisis sport to spend time with children they helped create and help their wife who always conveniently has hobbies that are more indoors and at home.

No. 483817

I have this problem and its awkward.
I was talking with a new neighbor, as me and my long term BF just bought a house together (he thinks having kids is expensive, selfish and a waste of time, thank god) and the male neighbor said "its a great neighborhood for kids." And i said "i dont want to have kids" and he said "you will when you grow up." And i said "im 26" and then he kind of tried to laugh it off and change it to "youll change your mind someday." But its just weird that people assume that i dont want kids because im younger. Which im actually of child bearing age. But ive never wanted kids. Since i was 5 years old. And i have friends who have always wanted to be moms and that never changed and they are "happy" (no truly i think they are, its just weird lol) to have their family.
I think some women are drawn to the idea and some repelled and often we know from a young age which it is.

No. 483839

anyone else find human (male) babies/children below 5 years old disgusting and parasitic and hostile to women? all of their noises make me just want to vomit. since i was a kid i've had a strong aversion to babies and young children even my own siblings until they grew up a bit. this is just my gut feeling and logically not sound. the idea of breastfeeding makes me physically sick. i could never let a stinky and loud sloppy creature near me like that.

No. 483842

>>483839 yes, not something i can admit out loud tho. I dont find babies cute, never did. i'm gonna be honest, I would probably feel more neutral if it wasn't expected from women to find them cute or whatever. I just don't care ultimately, but the fact that people want to project this on me is revolting.
breastfeeding/babies, but also pregnancy, all disgusting to me. i don't know how women find enjoyment in any of this, but I respect that. I wonder what men think about this shit though, so many men expect from their partner to "give them children" and i don't doubt that they never really think about what they are putting them through in the process. absolutely revolting.

No. 483960

Next time, ask him about his kids and how much he does for them.
And when he says that his wife does everything, you can go with "Wow, pressuring other to have kids when you can't do the bare minimum for yours!"

No. 483961

Society, since it's ruled by moids, doesn't want women to be happy and free.
I came across that comment on reddit, exhibit like this one should take place in every city.

>There's this exhibit in the museum of surgical science in Chicago where they display a collection of letters written by women to planned parenthood in the 1920s.

>They were asking for advice on how to stop having babies as resources for sex education were abysmal back then.
>Almost any time a woman had this many kids the letter would be like "I'm 25 and I have 8 children. I love them but if I have to have another one I will end my life. Please tell me how to not have anymore babies."

No. 484246

seeing my sister in laws family makes me so happy to be childfree. she got knocked up soon and got three kids to a shitty scrote, so now she's a single mother. she's always a burden on her parents because she drops them off day and night at their grandparents place. the two older kids are brats and the oldest acts straight up evil. the tv is on with cocomelon on all day. it's pure hell. just visiting for an evening is bad enough, i couldn't do it full time. i'm just happy to have a partner who is happy with having cats and doesn't want kids either.
i'd rather not be a parent at all than be a shitty one like that, it's so easy to fuck up a kid for life

No. 484407

I absolutely absolutely hate baby fever. They're ugly. And how my parents want grandchildren. Like nooo, they're fucking ugly and annoying.

No. 484456

Moids want women to have +8 kids.

That's why french government is so lazy with immigration.

No. 484815

he should be taxed extra for being fat

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