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No. 7654[Reply]

I thought this would be a fun thread
>Have you ever been to a land?
>Can separatism work?
>Stories from lands
Remember to keep locations vague! Don't doxx yourself or lands.
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No. 9261

watching a documentary called Prostitution: Behind The Veil. It's about two women who are navigating life as prostitutes in Iran. So far I've seen
>an old moid pay a 17 year old run away to be his temporary wife because she has nowhere else to go
>the chief of Islamic enforcement police has been raping teenage girls
>a moid sleep with one of the women, her child asleep in the back, and her explaining that when she was leaving the car he intentionally moved the car to smash both of them into concrete
>a moid sell one of the prostitutes actual 3 month old baby, another woman explaining that the same moid would beat the baby with a rod and the ribs were constantly broken so the moid would drug the baby to make it look like she was sleeping soundly. Nobody is freaked out for some reason
>a moid cut open one of their arms. She reveals this moid has paid her for a temporary marriage, and then shows the marks from her beatings. He is also beating her baby
>a moid tell one of the prostitutes that she's too expensive so he turns to her toddler son and says "tell mummy $5"
>In the end one of the prostitutes enters a temporary marriage with an old moid who calls her a hundred times a day
And I have to wonder how we can draw up kind of goal in the rf community to set up female only spaces in places like Iran, jesus christ. Out of anywhere in the world that needs to seperate women from scrotes it's Iran. Every single moid no matter how small their appearance in the documentary is an utter nightmare to women. Just dozens of pedophiles, abusers, borderline murderers, etc, and neither of the women are even remotely fazed by any of it.

No. 19935

Considering Marx was a raging misogynistic pig I'm inclined to call you a retard.

No. 20125

There's not really a need or demand for it like in this video >>7881. Because in western countries the state already supports women, there are many options, and women are more financially independent than ever. So the people attracted to it will make it horrible and/or make it fail. No women who are well-rounded, competent and sincere/generous will join. It won't be a good, well-run place and won't serve a clear purpose. It's better to improve the things already in place rather than larp in a commune. That video is an entirely different context, mostly women with children whose husbands (providers) have died and they don't have many or any options in that society and situation. There's no one in that situation in western countries as the whole system and living standards is different.

No. 25307

Bringing up something from a post in a different thread >>24848
> I saw some women on Tumblr mention an urban commune with a shared garden, and I think that's where the future of lesbian separatism lies. A lot of land owners are soon not going to be able to work on their lands because of their old age, and young lesbians are failing to step up and take over for the reasons you mentioned. Female (or lesbian) only apartment complexes would be much more compatible with our contemporary digital lifestyles. It also suits the lesbians who don't want to be removed from society completely or prefer city jobs.
How difficult could be to achieve an all female small building (3-5 floors with 2/3 apartmens per floor)? What are some of the obstacles that can come up while trying to build a community like this? I am young, I don't think I'll be buying an apartmente until 5-6 years from now and I really want to consider doing something like this with a group of women. Some questions to start the discusion:
>Would you live with women that are much younger/older than you?
>Would you live with mothers that have babies/children/teenagers? Are you okay with kids of both sexes or not?
>Are female urban communities something men would target where you live or would you feel safe with regular protection devices such as alarms and security doors?

No. 25320

With the current property rates it would be very expensive, but it's technically doable

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No. 24567[Reply]

Because there seemed to be some interest in a thread like this in /lg/. Please keep posts focused on experiences/thoughts on feminism as a lesbian! Discussion about lesbian stuff that doesn't relate to feminism or politics in some way should probably stay in the /g/ thread. Please no excessive a-logging about non-lesbian women, there's a difference between venting about lesbophobia within feminism and calling other women cockbreath. Please no shitting up the thread with infighting. Report and ignore obvious bait, stop falling for it.

Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>Lesbian consciousness raising.
>Feminist discussion from a lesbian perspective.
>Lesbian feminist theory and philosophy.
>Lesbian feminist books/articles/essays/podcasts/etc.
>Good and bad experiences as a lesbian in feminist spaces.
>Lesbophobia within any feminist movements.
>Ways feminist movements have helped lesbians.
>Unique issues lesbians face as a class.
>Experiences, tips, ideas for lesbian activism and organization.
>Lesbian separatism.
>Lesbian solidarity, between other lesbians and/or with non-lesbians.
>Treatment of lesbian detransitioners/desisters within feminism.
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No. 24671

>Slightly OT, but how many of you lead lesbian-focused or lesbian-separatist lives?
Love the idea of it. I think I prefer general female separatism because lesbian separatism draws political lesbians and I honestly prefer straight women to that. If I could live on an island populated entirely by homosexual women I'd give up everything for that, but in reality I think lesbian separatism will always be a bit disappointing because it lesbian spaces attract polilez women at the same rate they attract AGPs.
>And what do you all think of womyn's lands?
I love the idea in theory but honestly it gives me a bad vibe. I know an older lesbian who has her own land and lives off the grid and I hate to say it because she's so interesting but she's also pretty nuts and abrasive. I think it takes a certain personality type to say "fuck the world" and go build your own land, and that personality type isn't always great with cooperation. Also communal living seems to primarily attract people who are terrible at communal living.

If they were more common in my country I think I'd love to try visiting because I'm definitely open to having my mind changed, but all the active ones I've heard of are in the states.

No. 24673

I personally think it's nature. I myself have been a gay misandrist outcast since I was 10 (as well as having a random fixation on drawing naked women at that same age) and I doubt that gave my sexuality enough time to be moulded by other factors. I don't want to pretend that there's no nuance when it comes to sexuality, but I really think the inclusion of nurture comes from our extremely misogynistic, hetero-oriented society. Not to blog but I had my first girlfriend when I was very young, and unquestioningly called myself lesbian but it was only as I continued to grow up and be exposed to more of the world's straight propaganda that I started calling my sexuality into question and second guessing myself. "Just wait until you find the right man", "I won't be surprised if you get a boyfriend next year", and generally treating being gay as a phase can really make you think that you WERE "turned gay" because you had negative experiences with males in your life, or that you can't know for certain because you never tried dick. I always contrast this mentality of nature and nurture irt lesbianism to that of gay guys, who seemingly never questioned themselves from a nurture perspective at all. Nurture, imo, is entirely a socialization thing, because the category we belong to as women exists in its proximity to men, which makes us question ourselves more and think we'd been "taught" to deviate from our role, if that makes any sense.
Either way, I don't think it really matters much to lesbian feminism. I don't care how you grew into being a lesbian, if you're an exclusively same sex attracted female, then you're in my corner and I care for you. And even if we did know what "caused" it, what would we do with that? Try to turn more women gay? Probably not. Reposted because I responded to the wrong anon, gomen.

No. 24774

I relate to this so hard. But I’m also a sort of paranoid and anxious person and the paranoia along with schizophrenia in my family doesn’t help. I remember my first crush was a girl in prek and I vividly remember her name and thinking she was so beautiful which made me want to give my marker to her. I also would obsessively draw female stick figures with boobs. This was all before the internet. To be honest the internet and how politicized being lesbian is created anxiety around my sexuality. Fast forward I discover lolcow where certain commenters love to push the idea that if a man abused you, you’re an angry bisexual who’s delusional about being lesbian but in a way that’s somehow not homophobia?? My mother was still my primary abuser but i digress. I push back on that because years of experience on the internet has taught me how easy it is to regress to the beliefs we were taught by the power structure we live under. Like
> Heterosexuality is natural
> Women’s sexuality is more fluid except when it comes to being attracted to men
> Bisexual men don’t exist, only gay and straight men
I could easily live without men. I honestly never felt a way about them until I started scrolling on lolcow. They’re not really present in my life.

These views are all from the eyes of straight men.

No. 24803

From a scientific perspective there's little empirical evidence to suggest that sexuality can be "taught".
I think >>24671 makes a very good point with regard to womyn's lands. You truly need a certain mindset and fortitude to be able to fully divest yourself in the manner of living-off-the-land self-subsistence. Young women these days, especially WOC, have less disposable income than the women of the mid-to-late 20th century, not to mention our increased reliance on technology.
and a square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn't a square. Soz, the geometry mistake was killing me kek

No. 24848

>the geometry mistake
Actually killing myself. That's what I meant, I'm retarded. Thanks for correcting me.
>You truly need a certain mindset and fortitude to be able to fully divest yourself in the manner of living-off-the-land self-subsistence.
True. It's definitely not for everyone. I saw some women on Tumblr mention an urban commune with a shared garden, and I think that's where the future of lesbian separatism lies. A lot of land owners are soon not going to be able to work on their lands because of their old age, and young lesbians are failing to step up and take over for the reasons you mentioned. Female (or lesbian) only apartment complexes would be much more compatible with our contemporary digital lifestyles. It also suits the lesbians who don't want to be removed from society completely or prefer city jobs.

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No. 18424[Reply]

a thread for those who are considering to take the blackpill feminism, or are already blackpilled on radical feminism or feminism in general (does not mean being anti-feminist though). share your thoughts on why and how it's possible to avoid the blackpilling, or if being blackpilled is the only solution for women.

Previous >>16240

Don't infight and ignore any handmaiden or retard that comes to argue.
1203 posts and 140 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 24450

There is no biological basis for female pedophilia. Moids are naturally pedophiles.

No. 24451

How do u know ?

No. 24453

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Wow such a cool story of forcing yourself into sex

No. 24458

>”AFAB child”

No. 24468

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Since I expand my bioessentialism to women, sex and inequality of hetero sex. People are dismissive of facts so they are shitting themselves over it but it's literally accurate and it all is also reflected in female pattern behaviors and psychology. Their sexual anatomy is their female psychology only difference is sexual orientation. In piv and hetsex a woman is in inherently feminine role due to her biology and sexually only experiences feminine emotions in the whole body since sex is about the while body not just genitals therefore clit orgasms are even more useless than penetration especially did alone not other human using your body. It literally fucks up with your nervous system cause the energy release is incomplete and it women it can't be all centered in one point like in men cause women experience arousal in their vagina and cervix too. I would also say that "vagina girl" is also a "mouth girl" cause the body opens on both sides and the vaginal stimulation is about full body opening and submission. Women's heterosexuality is about male pleasure cause if their biology and so it all seems more psychological than solely physical. When you try to research women's idea of porn for women you find things like "I crave his cum more than life!!" "Sucking his dick and he's moaning" shit and it really doesn't need a comment lol. Male validation is I think also the main point of female heterosexuality. They have sex for male validation and nothing makes het sex equal or makes up for women having to do violent inherently humiliating acts like dick sucking which I thought is a psychop but atp sex having is a psychop cause dick sucking is literally just reflected in female psychology that is a reflection of their biology. I got so many insults and arguments about these specific acts while constantly giving proof of how sex looks like even brining up women's confessions that they suffocate during it and all is get is being treated like I'm Hitler. Just cause I hate the idea of me having a degrading sexual role cause of my biology and humans logic and morals seem to be based on the biological gender roles cause why they see one violence as bad but other they can't even comprehend that it's violent. And female subjugation is just natural so when someone tries to express why they don't enjoy womanhood then get told the reasons aren't proven to be even true then that's gaslighting, I won't even mention the sexual harassment after hating on Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 5945[Reply]

A thread for music, movies, shows, books, anything created largely by and for women!
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No. 22386

I love Dorothy Parker!

No. 23389

nonnies do you have any recs for female (preferably all-female) gothic bands/artists?
would love recs for any alternative genre tbh - metal, rock, punk, noise etc.
double points if they're (rad) feminists, sing about misogyny or women (in a lesbian way or not)

No. 23409

Check out the punk/ska band Bad Cop Bad Cop. No idea if they pander to troons but they sing about misogyny.

No. 23516

No. 23517

7 Year Bitch - Dead Men Don't Rape

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No. 23102[Reply]

> Really like how moids can't stand it when the shoe is in the other foot.

> These are the same edgelords calling women snowflakes because we 're disgusted with rape jokes

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No. 20348[Reply]

Normalization of bad treatment of women is very much visible here.
A lot of men vote for right-wing politics to retain their status quo and to be not imprisoned for their outrageous behavoir towards women.
On Sunday I'm gonna need to elect any party that is not misogynistic.
Nonnas, can I vote for Polska Liberalna - Strajk Przedsiębiorców? Or do I have to vote only for Lewica and KO? If so, then I hate voting, totally…
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No. 22156

Brzmisz jak upośledzona, jak ci się nie podoba tutaj to spierdalaj, na co czekasz? Nikt nie będzie za tobą płakał.

No. 22157

mame płacze

No. 22158

ona już nie żyje, przykro mi anon

No. 22159

moja żyje tho

No. 22508

I don't wanna get drafted in Poland, and they wanna draft women here

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No. 7003[Reply]

For centuries the mainstream medical industry has ignored and mistreated women; we are underrepresented in clinical trials, our complaints are more likely to be misattributed to psychological rather than physical causes or dismissed altogether, and when we ARE given treatment it is often treatment/advice intended for males and can even be dangerous for women. We are not men and our health needs/concerns are very different.

Let's discuss here how we can take better care of our health! Please include scientific articles/studies as sources whenever possible.

(This is my first thread; constructive feedback/criticism is welcome!)
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No. 12864

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you've got to be kidding… the mayo clinic's advice for breast pain. despite mentioning mensuration, It only gives advice specifically to men and TIMS. most of the information on this page is geared towards men.

>it can occur in men, women and transgender people.

why mention men first on an issue that overwhelmingly effects women? why not just say "it can effect anyone" if you're gonna set aside how this is a women's health issue.


No. 13116

I don't have a source right now but women do experience more anxiety and depression than men. This obviously affects our physical health as well.

No. 22378

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some good news!

No. 22385

Necro but I didn't know chia pudding kept that long in the fridge, I'll have to try this, I love meal prepping because I'm lazy lol

No. 22540

It isn't normal at all, not sure where the other anon is coming from. Sounds like either extreme cope or brainwashing to me.
Ignoring all the other issues women are at risk of from hormonal BC, the fact that it makes you more likely to find genetically similar men attractive isn't talked about enough.

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No. 4319[Reply]

the holy mother goddesses has erased all human males from the face of the planet however tasks you the choice to spare any male or group of males(you have to choose at least one)

My choice is Robert Maudsley
he had a childhood where he was constantly was physically and sexually abused and worked as a teen callboy, he murdered a client who had a collection of child smut porn almost immediately after he showed him, he was sentenced to life imprisonment and so murdered 3 more human cockroaches in there(2 Pedophile rapists and a wife beater who beat his wife to death)
imo he's a better man then 99% of scrotes on this planet
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No. 22295

The stray cat that I pass by occasionally on walks. I'm not sure if it's male or not, but I will spare him just in case.

No. 22305

At least 3 members of EXO and a friend of mine.

No. 22308

I don't think it's against the rules to save male animals.

No. 22313

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Well then I guess I choose the guy writing Spy x Family because I want to know how it ends. After he finishes he can be executed.

No. 34607

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Barney Greenway. He supports women's rights and he's vegan. He has said some dumb "all genders are welcome here" shit at shows, but I can save him. I hate being attracted to moids period, but idk why I'm attracted to mid looking bribing mods.

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No. 20589[Reply]

I believe Spiritualism and Occultism is perhaps the greatest distraction/detriment to feminism, whether it be radical, lesbian separatist-based, or even liberal denominations. Radical Feminism is Marxian in origin, it's scientifically based, and the Marxian approach, whether one likes it or not, has its highly modern inner logic. Backwards divine feminine woo-woo doesn't. It always devolves into the worship of great goddess worship or some form of ancestor veneration.
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No. 21020

well don't end up like my brother, he just reads religious texts written by dead saints and is now super weird.

No. 21021

I've read a lot of shit during the past 10 years and nothing really changed in my behavior. It depends on the person I think. If I sense that something makes me weird, I simply stop doing it. I had only one experience with cannabis in my life and it was in a form of an edible and it literally made me psychotic for an entire day and gave me hallucinations that when described to others resembled more of a shroom trip. Like nobody believed me I only had one edible. I knew that I'm simply too oversensitive to cannabis so I never tried them again

No. 21022

I just think that the reading esoteric knowledge constantly will effect you, in psychology, manners, politics, attitude, worldview and even physically effect you.

No. 21023

I don't read it constantly, actually I don't think I have anything interesting left to read in that regard. And what does it even mean, constantly? Only freaks read this shit every day

No. 22238

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One issue that is inherent to all political movements that set themselves (or think of themselves) as apart from the mainstream, whether they're right or left, nationalists, communists, feminists, or anarchists, is that because they challenge(or think they challenge) the current system, they tend to accept 'out there' beliefs, regardless of validity, often spiritualism and pseudo-science but the eventual outcome, regardless of how it starts, is believing in a world run by a shadowy cabal who controls every narrative and are also transhumanist baby-eaters.

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No. 22074[Reply]

I need some links for radical feminist forums and blogs, so that I won't get propagandized by patriarchal junk.

No. 22126

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You might be interested in this list I found on someone's Tumblr post but I can't speak for the quality of all the blogs here (definitely check out TrustYourPerceptions if you haven't already though).

Other than that, my personal recommendations would be:
wlrnmedia.com (Women's Liberaton Radio News) + their YouTube is here: youtube.com/@WomensLiberationRadioNews
Sekhmet She-Owls archived content (audio): mega.nz/folder/IacEkJKR#JJA7qy4c5fYzvQLjzyZ59Q
Black Obsidian's archived content (audio and video): mega.nz/folder/MDdGRboL#lOe3Fwl0C7J768dO3SgWJw

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