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No. 33444[Reply]

A thread for all your questions about feminism. It doesn't matter if you're a newbie or simply unsure about something, please feel free to ask anything pertaining to feminism over here. Opinions may vary, please don't infight. There's no such thing as a stupid question.

No. 33445

I've been watching a reality show as of lately, and in that show there's a girl that, because she was very vocal about some other contestant being a misogynist pig (he is) she became a "feminist icon" of some sort in my third world country for a week and a half (the guy had to abandon the show because of how much he verbally aggravated others, including the girl). But actually looking at her actions, besides of what she did to the stupid misogynistic guy, she also acts very aggressive and mean with her fellow female contestants, wants male validation, and there's rumours she might have hit her mother before the reality started. People on social media really tried their best to make her into a local feminist resistance icon but I don't think she is one. She calls other women bitches and always tried to get on with a guy that doesn't even like her the entire season and got jealous of her own friends for being friends with the guy. She even tried to use feminism against another woman just because that woman held hands with the guy ("how dare you touch him against his consent" etc, she thought the woman touched him in his privates but she only held hands). My question is, what are you supposed to do in these cases? Am I supposed to celebrate this? Am I being a bad person for pointing out the way she's absolutely not a feminist to my own understanding?

No. 33567

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Can any kind nonna give their thoughts on this article?
>The Mother of All Same-Sex Parenting Studies
>Since 1957 the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics has annually interviewed between 35,000 and 40,000 households, collecting data on 75,000 to 100,000 individuals comprising a nationally representative sample of the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States. The present study examines combined 1997-2013 NHIS data, consisting of information on 1,598,006 persons, including 207,007 sample children. This sample included 2,751 same sex couples—2,304 cohabiting and 447 spousal—consisting of 1,387 male couples and 1,384 female couples; 582 couples—406 female and 176 male—had children under age 18 in the home. A more extensive battery of health questions, including the measures of emotional health used in this study, was completed for 512 children sampled, one per family, from the same-sex parenting families.
>Dr. Sullins, who analyzed the NHIS data, concludes:
>The higher risk of emotional problems for children in same-sex parent families has little or nothing to do with the quality of parenting, care, or other relational characteristics of those families.
>If the greatest benefits for child well-being are conferred only on the biological offspring of both parents;
>•and since same-sex relationships cannot, at least at present, conceive a child that is the biological offspring of both partners, in the way that every child conceived by opposite-sex partners is such;
>• then same-sex partners, no matter how loving and committed, can never replicate the level of benefit for child well-being that is possible for opposite-sex partners.

>This defect, moreover, is an essential and permanent feature of same-sex relationships; it is part of their definition, an irreducible difference that cannot be amended or abrogated by improving the circumstances, stability, legal status or social acceptance of same-sex couples.

>The primary benefit of marriage for children may not be that it tends to present them with improved parents (more stable, financially affluent, etc., although it does do this)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

No. 33672

Haven’t read it but Googled “mother of all same sex parenting studies” and found this.

> We identified 79 scholarly studies that met our criteria for adding to knowledge about the well-being of children with gay or lesbian parents. Of those studies, 75 concluded that children of gay or lesbian parents fare no worse than other children. While many of the sample sizes were small, and some studies lacked a control group, researchers regard such studies as providing the best available knowledge about child adjustment, and do not view large, representative samples as essential. We identified four studies concluding that children of gay or lesbian parents face added disadvantages. Since all four took their samples from children who endured family break-ups, a cohort known to face added risks, these studies have been criticized by many scholars as unreliable assessments of the well-being of LGB-headed households.

This is an interesting note: some studies include parents who come out as gay, divorce, and remarry as examples of gay parents, when this is obviously an unusual and highly stressful situation. I don’t know if the study you mentioned accounts for this. Try to look up meta-analyses of same sex parenting outcomes that examine multiple studies, those tend to be more useful than a single study as they reveal statistical trends. This blog post explains the use of them: https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/12/12/beware-the-man-of-one-study/

There’s not a lot of interest in pickiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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No. 10602[Reply]

Hola. Abro este thread para hablar sobre el feminismo en Latino América y España, sabiendo que en muchos de nuestros países se está viendo nuevas corrientes feministas, tanto radfems como libfems. Sean bienvenidas para hablar sobre todo lo referente a esto, incluyendo manifestaciones, nuevas legislaciones, cosas que vean en internet o en la vida real, cifras importantes, incluso drama, o cualquier experiencia o idea que tengas al respecto y quieras compartir, etcétera.
43 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 25476

No sé cuál es la tensión entre el PFAC y el Partido Feminista, ojalá hubiera más solidaridad entre ellas. En lo que respecta al número de votos, la verdad es que ya se presentaron en el 2019 y obtuvieron un número extremadamente similar de votos, por lo que en realidad no se ha avanzado mucho en cuanto a difusión del partido. Estoy de acuerdo con que es exasperante, quizás las cosas tengan que ponerse más negras para que entre nosotras haya más unidad.
>En el año 2085 (con suerte estaré muerta para ese entonces) los políticos de "izquierda" irán a los mitines con maquillaje drag y pelucas, y los de derecha se podrán a hacer flexiones todos a una fuenteovejuna, como mongoles que son, a lo Milei o a lo Llados. Vamos camino de convertir el mundo en la mismísima película "Idiocracia". Triste.
Sí, vamos hacia esto, un motivo más para no tener hijas, no podría vivir pensando que en la sociedad tan estúpida en la que les tocaría vivir.
>¿Por cierto, visteis eso de que PSOE propuso lo de que se aboliese la prostitución, pero Sumar voto en contra?
No me había enterado, tengo que informarme más sobre como funciona exactamente el modelo nórdico.
> Se calcula, según datos del Ministerio del Interior, que hay unas 45.000 mujeres explotadas sexualmente en España.
> Viendo lo que ha pasado con lo de la ley de abolición, me hace preguntarme si quizá PSOE despertará al ver que aliarse con los podemitas, Sumar y demás neoliberales de tres al cuarto no ha hecho más que dañar su imagen y hacerles perder votos.
No tengo muchas esperanzas con el PSOE. Me parece que harán lo que haga falta para mantenerse en el poder, ojalá me equivoque.

No. 26568

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Quiero a-loggear de una manera más fuerte en estos momentos…
>El capítulo muestra que la solución no está en demonizar el porno o cómo el control parental de los dispositivos electrónicos no nos asegura que nuestros hijos no tengan acceso a videos X.
Toma castaña. La manera en la que los pedófilos están haciéndole grooming a los niños hoy en día es bestial. El internet fue un puto error. Joder.
Este documental lo televisaron en una cadena local, por cierto. Cuando vi el título ("Generación porno") pensé que iba a ser una docuserie que criticase el porno, el daño que ha hecho, la normalización de la hipersexualización, etc. Básicamente porque esa cadena de televisión local la ven mayormente abuelitos y gente de mediana edad (muchos de derechas y/o católicos). Pero no, resulta que es una docuserie proporno, claro que sí.

No. 32558

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les dejo este meme

No. 32584

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No. 33560

Los insultos misóginos como "zorra", "perra" y "puta" incluso son usados libremente por las artistas de pop y reggaeton y toda esa mierda para referirse a sí mismas, y esas canciones las escuchan y las bailan las niñas adolescentes de todo el mundo hispano como si nada. No solo eso, sino que es "normal" que estas niñas perreen con canciones extremadamente pornográficas en las que a la mujer se le trata como esclava sexual (y lo disfruta)… Me quiero matar

Ni siquiera interpretaba el uso de la palabra "mariconez" en esa canción como una opinión del autor sobre los homosexuales. Pensé que lo decía el personaje de la canción, que resultaba ser un macho que se creía demasiado "hombre" para las cosas sentimentales y cursis.

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No. 33547[Reply]

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.

Previous thread >>31633(do not make a new thread until the old one has reached 1200 posts)

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No. 31495[Reply]

Talk about androphobia, how it impacts your life, safety measures you take etc.

No. 31496

I'll start, a few days ago I was approached by a scrote in one of my favorite nature spots. I see the people he was with quite often and I do not want to go back there and risk running into them. He started to touch my back, put his arm around me, his friends made comments about my looks, it's the most unsafe I've felt in a while. It's the only nice way to go from my home to the city but I guess I won't be able to walk there alone anymore. I'm so crushed, besides some errands I've stayed inside since it happened because I apparently can't even go for walks in broad daylight anymore without being harassed. I feel genuinely miserable the way this was taken from me and it pisses me off how androphobia is written off as irrational. It's not, it's a basic thing we are taught to survive (don't talk to strange men, don't go out alone in the dark). I am beyond done, it's illegal to carry pepper spray here too and prostitution is legal. I don't know what to do anymore, I used to think the man hate was overblown when I browsed here as a teen but as I'm getting older I realize it's completely justified.

No. 31703

The fact that men have to be told to not rape and stop blaming the victim just shows how irredeemable they are.

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No. 31791[Reply]

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.

Previous thread >>30265

No. 31792

Aoba Seragaki nona was too late, so I took charge

No. 31793

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Manifesting a thread without BJ chan and nullfag

No. 31795

can someone make a different thread and use that one? this furry art is just some scrote's fetish fuel.

No. 31796

Blow job chan is kinda mean you know. I used to think she is funny/someone to pity but she is kinda aggressive and i dont like her anymore. Nonas are trying to give her advices but she just insults them.

No. 31799

Please use the thread posted 2 days ago, it has now been unlocked.


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No. 30265[Reply]

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.

Previous thread >>28994
1191 posts and 64 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 31786

you are the one that actually has sex with men. if you can’t understand what she’s saying then shut up already

No. 31787

you are the one that has sex with men even though you claim to be a misandrist. you keep writing fanfiction about bp anon’s life because you literally cannot understand what it’s like to NOT be dick-whipped. loser bitches. you have to write paragraphs of made-up shit to feel better about YOUR pathetic sex life. literally nothing that you wrote is accurate to reality at all. you are not a femdom, you submit to a male. there are women that look down on you because you’re a submissive loser. cry about it.

No. 31788

last post where is the new thread

No. 31789

can wait for another thread to get absolutely DESTROYED and CREAMPIED by blow job futa chan

No. 31790

is it getting to you that i called you a porn addict

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No. 31648[Reply]

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.

Previous thread >>30265(duplicate thread)

No. 31651

What the fuck does tnc have to do with blackpill feminism

No. 31653

Keisuke ero

No. 31656

duplicate thread + shit bait

No. 31664

why is the retarded troll in this thread deleting their replies. We saw them.

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No. 31248[Reply]

Discuss how women should seperate from men at national levels. Avoid discussing impractical solutions, infighting, and off topic behavior.

No. 31250

Not possible as long as scrotes are alive

No. 31285

I see a lot of 4B stuff on TikTok, it really is mainstream now. But the thing is, normie girls are just upset that moids are BELOW bare minimum these days and the second males become tolerable again women will run full speed into sucking dicks again plese no BJ chan, aahh, dont….dont shit this thread as well…uhh…

No. 31290

If it's 'mainstream' on tiktok… then it's probably just another fad for them that they'll probably forget about in a few months. Those types are never into anything seriously.

No. 31301

no blackpillers. you all are fundementally doomed anyways.

No. 31302

and you think national separatism is possible? kek

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No. 7214[Reply]

This is a thread to post anything related to radical feminist merch, like pins, badges, necklaces etc that you might think looks neat. Through the ages I've seen a lot of cool stuff that might be cool to wear as a radfem that I've wanted to post in here since forever. So please feel free to join!
Examples include but are not limited to:
>Vintage feminist badges (pic rel)
>Clothes with cool quotes
>Yonic imagery
>The venus sign
>Harry Potter / JKR stuff
>Literal pink pills
>Other feminist type of merch (though please try to keep it in topic with /2X/)
Post away!
74 posts and 35 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 25466

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I found this feminist crochet pattern on Ravelry, it's 5 bucks which is not expensive but I'll probably just use it as inspiration.

No. 28582

Does anyone have any links to radfem zines? I want to get physical copies of zines. There’s some on Etsy but not much at all. Im in the process of getting the Reality Girl zine at the moment

No. 30750

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No. 33537

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Kronksraddesigns on etsy. I have picrel in black with white ink but the shop is on a break. Too bad I wanted the "dump your porn addicted boyfriend" shirt .

my wildwomyn workshop stickers that I was using for sticker bombing got me gangstalked. But I'll save the schitzo shit for the tinfoil hat threads and /x/. Be careful though, nonas, even if you don't believe me. Men hate women and will pick low profile women with measly incomes to harass and stalk, because we're easy targets.

No. 34879

>my wildwomyn workshop stickers that I was using for sticker bombing got me gangstalked
omg, i just bought an activism sticker pack from her a couple days ago… i'm so sorry nona, i hope you're safe now

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No. 28994[Reply]

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.

Previous thread >>27741
1130 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 30346

muhhh pornographic ideation of women is that all you guys have? it just happens in porn? she is describing the actual sex position you dumb fuck.

No. 30347

you are this triggered over her beliefs.
shitty gotcha because you actually suck dick. she didn't give you an answer because she's already explained it 1 million times. you bitches are so retarded.

No. 30348

>samefagging this hard

No. 30350

boohoo, i like typing multiple replies. does that upset you nonny?

No. 30352

at least you admit it. literally no one comes to this thread anymore because of you, it's just you talking to yourself, getting baited and going aggro whenever anyone tries to talk about anything.

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