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The Lolcow Awards 2024 are finally out!

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No. 36210[Reply]

What is the 4B movement?
>4B (or "Four Nos") is a feminist movement which is purported to have originated in South Korea in 2019. Its proponents refuse to date men, get married, have sex with men, or have children.
"Female separatism" is another term that could describe this in English.
Discuss ways women can support themselves and other women while decentering and ignoring men in their own lives. Some starter questions:
>Are you 4B?
>Have you talked to any women in your life about going 4B?
>Do you plan on moving in with women instead of trying to split cost of living with a boyfriend?
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No. 37845

I wish but I'd not be so sure. As long as welathy men are in power, they'd never allow that - the pyramid they're so severely benefitting from is entirely built and held by insanely cheap labor, provided by billions of people. So the more borderline slaves they get - the better for them. Not to mention, that low birthrates as a concept are in direct conflict with male's reproductive strategy and therefore his ego, his entire human being. It's incomprehensible to a man that he's being artificially prevented from having more, more and even more of his offspring, his little extensions, symbols of his ownership.
We're entering truly dark times, because world elites will do everything in their power to provide themselves with an endless sea of human labour and the easiest, shortest way to achieve their goals would be to strip women of their rights yet again.
The only scenario where world population becomes small is that of a worldwide matriarchy where women control reproduction, male population is forcivly brought down to 5-10% and are treated as slave cattle, straight women magically become mature human beings and stop being obsessed with Nigels and their "innocent baby boy sons uwu" (lel at that, this is the least likely option out of every single one I mentioned).
It's truly bleak, nonna. Just like you, I hope for the best (low human population would be a blessing), but I'm preparing for the absolute worst.

No. 38888

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Sad this thread got so slow so quickly. Any other nonas practiced 4B and was aware of it from Korean documentaries before USA abortion bans? I'm a Canadafag and recluse but pushed myself to find more women to befriend. Met a lot of celibate women/lesbians recently through D&D. My life has genuinely changed for the better. I wish I met them sooner.

Especially seeing how nerdy male friends I grew up with turned out, I hate how I befriended moids at all in childhood. Would've saved my confidence and wish I made stronger female friendships instead of caping for edgelord moids since I was a tomboy. Anyone else had any separatism success stories?

No. 38893

this post has me considering trying out D&D, if there are other celibate/4B moid avoiders to befriend on there.

If I may ask and if you happen to see this, how/where in D&D did you find them? Ill understand if you dont want to say outright, due to any moid lurkers.

Wish there were more places/sites to meet 4B friends in the know.

No. 38894

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found this post on tumblr and it's really peak

No. 38907

Yup, this is exactly what put me off a lot of radfem spaces in general. Then again, as a lesbian, I’ve always noticed it. Just could never articulate it as well as this person did.

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No. 38891[Reply]

A thread to talk about your relationship with your mother. Letting go your feelings about her. Things you would wanted her to understand. Vent, grief, share…

No. 38892

I feel like the more my mother socializes and talks with other women the more desensensitized she becomes with me. Our relationship becomes less tender. It make me feel worthless and sometimes i feel suicidal about it. Because I crave for mother love, and I'm seeking that from other older women. Just in case if mother doesnt love me anymore. I think she hates me in deep dowm, I feel like a burden to her. And if she learn my true self, my true feelings about myself and world around me… I have no idea. I love-hate her, sometimes I don't care about her sometimes I can't sleep from thinking my place will be replaced by other women. No women will take her place so I don't see any point in dating or making friends. I feel insecure

No. 38895

She is the best.

No. 38902

She was a terrible mother, but now that I'm an adult she's a good friend.
I can see now that she was desperately trying to keep her own head above water when I was young, and wasn't in a position to provide the support I needed. Now she's got less stress in her life, I'm capable of looking after myself and don't need as much from her, we get along well.
I always thought my brother was her favourite but it was just that his flaws aligned better with hers than mine did, if that makes sense. She had so many things to worry about at any given time that she forgot about us a lot. Promises she had made, things we needed for school, etc. My brother was impatient and would nag her over and over which served to remind her so he usually did get what he needed. I patiently held my tongue and waited for her to remember on her own, which she never did. If I had been better at advocating for myself it would have made a huge difference.
I've made my peace with the difficulties we had with each other in my youth, and while I will try to learn from them and do a better job with my own children, I don't hold them against her.

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No. 19663[Reply]

Vent about scrotes here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.

-Please do not respond to scrotebait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.

Previous thread: >>5125
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No. 38826

I know this post is old, but I love it. I can't stand men, gay or otherwise who collect Sanrio, San-X and especially anything that looks like a fucking baby. They deserve better than you and you're a gross faggot.

No. 38828

Thank you for replying actually, I wouldn't have noticed otherwise
I literally used to change up my voice whenever I wanted to play vidya with VC. They're annoying and gatekeepy like children whenever something doesn't pander to them and women like it. Moids love to go in women's spaces and shout "I'M A MOID NOW GIVE ME ATTENTION AND I'M BRINGING MY OTHER MOID FRIENDS TOO!!"

No. 38883

This vid is from 10+ years ago but still has moids pissing and shitting over it. Male sexuality and their predatory tactics disgust me. Years of letting them manipulate and control reproduction through financial coercion, using their physical strength against women, arranged marriage, and selling their daughters and relatives have permanently damaged the human gene pool in a cosmic-horroresque impact.

Now the west (and many cultures) are filled to the brim with room-temperature IQ moids with poor to no empathy, turbo autism and cavemen mentalities of spreading their seed to any woman regardless of the consequences. Hell world.

No. 38884

Let's be optimistic. At this level of human genome degeneration coupled with the rate of technological progress it would take only 1 retard to throw a tantrum and start a nuclear war, wiping the planet clean. It will happen sooner rather than later.

No. 38885

Nuclear war wont end humanity

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No. 31633[Reply]

A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.

If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.

Previous thread >>30265
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No. 38804

What the fuck is that? Come on oldfag let’s get you to bed you’re senile.

No. 38805

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Jesus does she ever fucking shut up?

No. 38829

She's based, I'm happy she's from boland

No. 38833

>I'm happy she's from boland
What do you mean?

No. 38872

imo high IQ people will always crop up in the gene pool and you don't need to select for it. It's a waste for >1% of intellect to have kids, the brain isn't set up for it.

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No. 30600[Reply]

A thread for all of us nonnas who were delusional enough to fall for the gendie propaganda and want to talk about it in a personal way. Talk about the funny, the infuriating, the lousy, the mock worthy, the chunnibyo, etc. Examples included but not limited to:
>Characters you wanted to look like or act like
>Pinterest / Tumblr induced ""gender euphoria""
>Bad friends or friend groups pushing you to transition
>Internalized misogyny, nlog-ism, pickmeism, etc
>Cringe haircuts and fashion choices
>Nonbinary, agender, demi-boy/girl and other gendie ideology crap
>Retarded labels and pronouns
>Things you regret looking back on it
>Why and how did you peak
For a more serious discussion about detransitioning, use the following thread thread:
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No. 36748

>they/them pronouns in bio but masculine pfp
The first thing that would clock you as female ngl

No. 38690

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No. 38691

Straight from /lgbt/

No. 38803

go back

No. 38858

always going to regret the one time i tried to have sex with a man because i wanted to prove how heckin' valid i was as a "gay trans man" (despite only ever having sex with other women and tifs before)

thankful i got cold feet. dude took his pants off and i excused myself to just…go home. lol. we kissed a bit before and the entire time i wanted to throw up. i cannot believe i tried to convince myself i wasn't a lesbian for years after this incident.

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No. 37903[Reply]

For all women who abstain from sex voluntarily/or are virgins who don't plan on partaking in sex
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No. 38123

All of this fits me except I like cats

No. 38135

I get no more pleasure from sex than I do with masturbation. I don't cum from penetration and it takes a difficult amount of trickery with my clit.
Also I'm basically just mentally ill and schizoid and don't care to have relationships kek

No. 38778

I want a dysphoric womanhood-hating girlfriend wholl understand me and share my pain. But i dont know where to find one

No. 38784

I thought you were straight

No. 38789

Im not her anon

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No. 24356[Reply]

A thread for documenting and discussing the issues of the surrogacy Industry and the harms it causes to women and children.
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No. 38393

Life is not a miracle. I'm against surrogacy but I hate this "sacred motherhood" bullshit so much. This shit was used into tricking women their mother role is their main role. Meanwhile being pregnant makes women even more weak and vulnerable than before. I will never stop hating women for their cultivation of weakness

No. 38409

Why do we have two threads for this? https://lolcow.farm/2X/res/22845.html

No. 38440

there was an anti-surrogacy thread on /2x/ and an anti-surrogacy on /ot/, the latter was also moved on /2x/ for some reason

No. 38536

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No. 38759

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>The gay couple could be among the first Italians to be prosecuted under the law, enacted in early December, which extended an outright ban on domestic surrogacy by making it a universal crime that transcends borders, putting them on a par with terrorists, paedophiles and war criminals.
>The measure can lead to prison terms of up to two years and fines of between €600,000 and €1m (£500,000 and £840,000).

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No. 7420[Reply]

A thread for discussing the cancer in society that is pornography.

>pornography is the orchestrated destruction of women’s bodies and souls; rape, battery, incest, and prostitution animate it; dehumanization and sadism characterize it; it is war on women, serial assaults on dignity, identity, and human worth; it is tyranny

-Andrea Dworkin
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No. 26247

Ayrt, that post is nearly a year old kek.

>so calling women engaging in consensual sex degrading is Misogynistic

This just in; defending degrading yourself is degrading. Die mad about it and vent on a relationship vent thread. I'm not here to tone police and be nice; this board is about critical discussion of women and female politics.

No. 26434

Is this pro or against porn? lel. What girl thinks to recreate porn scenarios from being exposed at a young age? Did the author of this not realize this is pretty coomery and pornographic? This glorifies porn and IS porn. How come when brainrotted pornsick people try to make arguments against porn they end up accidently making porn?

No. 26580

You've completely missed the point nona. The girl's hair is the same blue color as the girl in the porn video at first, then in the last panel she dyes it a different orange/red color. The point was that she looked similar to the girl her stepfather was watching porn of, and she dyed her hair to try and negate that.

No. 35009

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No. 38758

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>A Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention study, Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler magazines led by Dr Judith Reisman found Playboy exploiting 4,656 children in cartoons and visuals between 1953 and 1984. Dr Reisman described Playboy’s “systemic use of little girls as autoerotic stimuli” and their “premeditated eroticisation of children”. 96.2% of Playboy’s child photos were centrefolds, and in one year, 39% of Playboy centrefolds were children under the age of 12. Children were actors in or watching sex an average of 8.2 times per issue, with over 30% of images depicting a child and adult in a sex scene. Most cartoon children were aged 3 to 11. Children were drawn laughing at their gang rapes by adults … Playboy’s sexualised children were systemic, statistically significant marketing decisions.
>Playboy cartoons that featured little girls, apparently around age seven or eight, depicted them with “exaggerated breasts”. One photo depicting a girl cuddling a doll and lying face down on Disney sheets was determined to be a cut and paste image of both an adult female and a young girl by airbrush experts. The caption read: “BABY DOLL. It’s easy to feel paternalistic toward the cuddly type above. Naturally, she digs forceful father figures, so come on strong, Big Daddy.”
>Dr Reisman concluded that “eroticising children in Playboy has had a direct impact on pandemic child pornography addiction and molestation.” She argued Playboy trained its male readers to “believe in children’s alleged sexuality as they would become sexually aroused browsing these materials.”

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No. 7569[Reply]

A place to share moments in films, TV shows, clips from magazines, comics, interviews etc. that highlight radfem talking points or the insanity of trans ideology. Including points made accidentally.
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No. 36749

Any radfem podcasts?

No. 36755


No. 36866

I remember the one Simpsons episode where one of the twins was gonna marry a troon, but yelled back at him saying she only liked girls. American tv used to be so based

No. 37575

I'm inclined to agree with you nona.
This show is probably one of my favorite cartoons and while I don't think Mike Judge fully intended for it to be read in a more feminist way, the show definitely does a good job at depicting how young men can be (unintentionally) misogynistic (along with other issues) when not given any proper guidance. They're basically the antithesis of everything that could possibly go wrong in a moid's upbringing, going wrong.

No. 38750

Just finished watching the latest White Lotus episode and there is the most perfect AGP monologue from a sex-addicted white middle aged man feeling like he is an asian girl on the inside

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No. 22610[Reply]

Post anti-scrote memes here.
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No. 37980

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No. 38192

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No. 38310

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No. 38738

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No. 38739

This one is funny

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