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No. 3774[Reply]

While all religion are awful and subjugate women, none is worse then the religion of the Arab pedophile and that is undeniable, so this is a thread to discuss its evils and crimes against everyone but especially the women subjugated under it
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No. 38127

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No. 38147

While all the others are real, its possible that Seeds of Iblis and Janaza are hoaxes. Very similar to how Ghost Bath claimed to be from China (though China actually does have a noticeable underground metal scene)

Indonesia also has a pretty sizeable black metal scene. Tho Indonesia also has much more religious diversity than somewhere like KSA or Iraq.

No. 38277

Seeing that Australian nurse video definitely peaked me. Religion of peace they say. It's funny there's radio silence from Islamic groups about it either. It's what they say about all non-Muslims behind closed doors, there's even a verse in the Qur'an about it saying to kill those who disbelieve in Allah or some shit. As an ausfag I'm glad we're a pretty liberal country but I hate how sympathetic we are to trannies and Muslims as a result.

No. 38278

share the video nona

No. 38303

never forget kier starmer spent his pre prime minister career defending people like this, and his (and the wider labour party's) aversion to an inquiry shows that he has nothing but contempt for white british people, especially women and girls. they not only condone, but actively support the very worst of islamist degeneracy, including the mass rape of young girls, and brutal murder and stabbing of literal toddlers. kier starmer would rather put the entire white british female population at risk so he can stay in power by clinging to those sweet islamist votes

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No. 19663[Reply]

Vent about scrotes here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.

-Please do not respond to scrotebait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.

Previous thread: >>5125
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No. 38134

Moids don’t have to worry about threats of rape and violence. Or being stalked and actually harassed in person. Women are also too welcoming, moids in women’s spaces should be shunned.

No. 38274

> In many African cultures, plants and other intravaginal desiccants are used to minimise vaginal secretions. This practice, known as ‘dry sex’, creates a vagina that is dry, tight, and heated, which is supposed to generate an increased sensation for the man during intercourse. Although this is uncomfortable and painful, African women express the need to please their husbands with dry sex in order to keep them from leaving and to minimise the number of girlfriends (Baleta, 1998, Kun, 1998).

Just leaving this here. Wish all the women on lolcow could see this but unfortunately there is nowhere to post it on any of the highly frequented boards. All women deserve to know this to see how much men hate us down to making millions of women suffer during sex. By the way dry sex is achieved using rocks, dirt, sand, and other drying things.

No. 38289

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The women you're trying to convince think humiliating themselves and getting their tits out is a protest against men humiliating them, subjugating them, raping them and forcing their tits out, so good luck with that.

No. 38293

I can't fanthom how dry sex would feel good even for the moid, jesus fucking christ. Wouldn't be surprised if this was adopted by BDSM or something.
We could relate this to how women subjugate themselves to pleasing men, no matter the culture though. Starving themselves, ripping off their body hair, using harmful chemicals on their skin and injecting them inside their bodies too… If you think about it from an extraterrestrial perspective (?), you realize how disturbing everything is.

No. 38300

Its not sincere. They only do it to either feel speshul, to try and pick up women, or because they're competitive about literally everything and have to try and 'beat' women at their own hobby.

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No. 22845[Reply]

A thread for documenting and discussing the issues of the surrogacy Industry and the harms it causes to women and children.
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No. 37566

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No. 37694

>>23734 This photo actually makes me so sick and angry. Soo fucking creepy.

No. 38165

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No. 38166

This is the Gammy case, the worst thing is that the dad was a nonce

No. 38167

>the dad was a nonce
Like a clockwork.

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No. 23143[Reply]

I believe we seriously need to uplift female creators who spread anti-manosphere messages in order to counter the online wave of misogyny

Here are some examples I thought of :

> BurbNBougie (Youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/@BurbNBougie)

> Princella Clark (Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/@TheQueenMaker)
> Tree of Logic (Youtube Link : https://www.youtube.com/@justtree411)
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No. 23484

There's a whole thread like this on /m/ why not add it there??

No. 38136

trolley sure doesnt like white women, implies feminism isnt for white women in addition to all other races of women, on her tradwives vid. This is very divisive and unhelpful. Yet men support each other in their crimes against any race of women. Shes doing the same thing misogynist men do, just add the word "white" in front of it.

This is coming from someone who doesnt even count as white, as Im half Southern European (apparently that makes me not white acc to wasp women). But trolley would probably call me white to hate on me, either way, its still a misogynistic mentality.

Childfrees content is just rereading reddit stories. While I like the antibreeder angle, a lot of it looks like it criticizes mainly women.

The others dont really appeal to me either.

We need better man hating youtubers that will improve womens lives, ie how to navigate moid psychology and thwart their attempts at abuse and control on a personal and societal level.

No. 38137

White women shouldve think that when they chose red cock over other womens liberation

No. 38151

No. 38156

sarah klait on tiktok makes fun of boymoms, but not a fan of her mocking young girls for looking old. Other than that, her videos are very therapeutic and funny. We need more anti boymom content in the world.

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No. 37647[Reply]

There have been many "Radfem General" threads on here, but I have never seen one for nonas who are not radfems.

What are your reasons for not being a radfem, and what issues do you have with radfems?
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No. 38048


Move to Saudi Arabia.

No. 38129

I consider myself rad-adjacent but I want nothing to do with rf communities cause they're way too unhinged.

While yes, men commit most atrocities in the world, I find it exhausting to see terminally online femcels insist how there's absolutely no domestic violence in lesbian relationships ever, how it's not rape if an adult woman grooms a 10 year old boy and raped him and how gay men who want to adopt are automatically pedos. I also find it hilarious that these women claim to be so tired of everyone always centering men, yet they spend all their waking time venting about the existence of men, the existence of women who talk about men and women who have even dared to breathe the same air as a man once. I get it, men are awful. How about you think about something not so awful for one minute?

Not that radfem communities are rad or even feminist anymore, though. It's more like a tranny hate squad, people are so delusional about trannies they're willing to throw their own rights away as long as they get anti tranny government. Sorry but a conservative rapist will always be a bigger threat to women than a tranny bootlicker libtard handmaiden.

No. 38142

Lesbians are put on a pedestal on radfem spaces and are treated as the only true radfems which is why theres so many of them larping as one, why anyone that brings up anything negative about them gets eaten alive and also the reason of why so many of the discussions center around trannies.

No. 38290

None of this makes sense. If you don't want to hear about women's suffering at the hands of men (which can be depressing, that's for sure), maybe don't frequent spaces that are about this exact topic? Men commit most atrocities in the world but you're wondering why radfem spaces aren't focusing on ultra rare female pedos? Plus, virtually all women, radfem or not, would call you unhinged for suggesting that male children can't be raped, you only see this on some threads here and the anons still get dogpiled. You need to interact with women IRL. Finally, ranting about men's bs online will never be centering men like seeking their approval and dating them is. This is a libfem cope.

No. 38294

I agree. A libfem or even pick-me post. Bet she has a bf too who is totally one of the "good guys™". It's insane how much they swallow anything their men tell them to swallow, like the ol' "b-b-but w-w-women are pedos too!!!1!1!1!!!", failing to understand and see we (women) are raised in a pedo culture that convinces women they have to look 16 forever so men can get half a erection. But yeah, women are pedos too, amirite? Either open your goddamn eyes or stop saying useless shit, anon. It's embarrassing.

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No. 37903[Reply]

For all women who abstain from sex voluntarily/or are virgins who don't plan on partaking in sex
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No. 37949

>Its proponents refuse to date men, get married, have sex with men, or have children. "Female separatism" is another term that could describe this in English.
It's literally the place for you.

No. 37951

the thread doesn't say "women who abstain from sex with men" it says "women who abstain from sex" get it?

No. 37970

I think you'd get more traction here, OP:

No. 38123

All of this fits me except I like cats

No. 38135

I get no more pleasure from sex than I do with masturbation. I don't cum from penetration and it takes a difficult amount of trickery with my clit.
Also I'm basically just mentally ill and schizoid and don't care to have relationships kek

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No. 36122[Reply]

Yo. I was reading about comfort women and was amazed to find that, in 2021, a Harvard professor (picrel) wrote a paper claiming that the Japanese Military never forced any women into sex slavery in WW2. He also claimed that a 10-year old girl from Borneo willingly agreed to become a sex slave for the Japanese. He has also, to date, never apologized about this, and believes that North Korea is to blame for everyone calling him a fucking idiot.

In honor of this, I wanted to make a thread about this kind of blatant misogyny under the guise of higher academia. ITT we name and shame any and all "academics" who are guilty of this. Bonus points if you post screencaps of any academic papers they've written.
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No. 36730

>world's leading transgender health authority has been collaborating with an academic who had fantasies of castrating and sexually enslaving little boys

> Thomas W. Johnson, a professor emeritus at California State University-Chico who has lectured extensively on gender dysphoria and “expanding the transgender umbrella.” Johnson utilized the moniker “Jesus” on the Eunuch Archive and registered with the forum in 2001.

>One notable example is a story titled “Larry,” which is prefaced as being an “original nightmare by Jesus.” The story is written in an imaginary future where the law allows any adult to “sell himself or herself, or any parent to sell a child over the age of 10.”
>Not even halfway into the story, the 10-year-old child is put in chains and iron restraints before being castrated without anesthetic.
>During a physical examination conducted by the narrator, the child is described as “even more beautiful without his clothes.” The narrator is later described as sharing a bed with the boy and “massaging his little genitals.”
>Under his moniker, Johnson also encouraged site members to submit fantasies of castrating children in a dystopian setting wherein eugenics had become enforced by the government. The framework for the fictional world was drafted by a site member who called himself Erik, in a story titled “The Making of the Modern World.”

No. 37003

i feel like most “queer theorists” fall into the category of “academia misogynists” but idk if it stems from a hatred of women or just a general retardation and lack of comprehension of reality

No. 37004

It's complicated that, cause prominent second wave feminist's(like monique wittig)
It's a little more complicated, because prominent second wave feminists (such as monique wittig) technically also participated in the foundation of queer studies, spearheaded by focault, it was based on rejecting essentially all forms of established methods of analysis and even research, believing that those had been created by those in power to maintain power and any revolutionary movement would end up re-creating those systems(this was their explanation for the soviet union and why communist revolutions turn into dictatorships) so in a feminist example, radical feminists are not marxists but radical feminism uses marxist methods to address the condition of patriarchy(that men are the oppressor class and women are the oppressed class) a queer theorist would argue that radical feminism is doomed from the start because it is a 'cis- hetero-male' method of analysis that was intended only for hetero-male european workers and not for the globally oppressed classes

No. 37971

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>Yale course asks if black and white women can be friends

No. 37975

I remember there was a twitter thread about something similar where people discussed how most academics in the social sciences are complete losers who can't comprehend normal human interactions

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No. 6960[Reply]

A thread for non-specific topics related to radical feminism and pro-women things. Let's vent, talk about our rights, our health, the porn industry, the makeup industry, sexism, misogyny, gender role madness etc. and share our resources and stories.
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No. 37862

No. 37973

Does anyone have resources for unlearning female socialization? It can be anything - books, podcasts, blog posts, etc. I've realized that it's impacting my life in an extremely negative way. For instance: I haven't shaved in years, but I still feel the need to hide my legs all the time. Constantly being surrounded by extremely gender conforming females is starting to instill a deep existential dread inside of me, too. In addition to all of this, I've been dealing with a lot of medical misogyny due to having an under-researched and painful vulvar condition (males can also have this condition, and it is heavily researched in them). The people in my life continually reinforced my female socialization by calling me "hysterical" and discouraging me from seeking medical care. It seems like no matter how much I attempt to assert myself, I always fall back into deference. I really do feel like misogyny has robbed me of my ability to form a coherent identity.

No. 37995

transitioning may help.(bait)

No. 38055

Don't really care if you're baiting me or not, but I have considered that. The people I'm most attracted to are ftms/transmascs and non-transitioning gnc women, as well. As much as radfems love to cry and scream about how "the deluded tifs are mutilating their bodies!!1!!1!", I just don't think that there's anything wrong with a female living their life like that. Any legitimate grievances that radfems have with trans people's behavior are obfuscated by the belief that their existence is inherently unnatural (very reminiscent of the Christian appeal to nature fallacy!). It's all so tiresome. One of the main things that made me lose interest in taking T is that it would make me even more vulnerable to medical discrimination than I already am. What bothers me the most nowadays is not my own body, but rather the behavior that every other female around me exhibits. Why do you obsessively shave everything below the neck? And more importantly, why do you expect the same of me? My own mother used to "gift" me razors in front of my entire extended family at Christmas parties. I recently befriended a few gender critical (tirf?) females on T over the internet, and they're the people I feel the strongest connection to. I just wish I had friend like that in real life. Anyways, tangent over.

No. 38089

T will give you a clitdick abomination that will hurt in any kind of bottoms, you will develop the worst cystic acne of your life, and you will smell like a rotting animal. If you enjoy that for a few halcyon years, it will still result in stroking out and turning into a minimally conscious retard bc that poison gives us bloodclots. Just stop being another self-obsessed navel-gazing coward, lift weights to sculpt yourself into a goddess who can crush people in half with her terrifying muscles, and make friends who aren't on the internet. If you have an opinion that hurts their feelings, if won't matter bc you've naturally sculpted turned yourself into a minotaur.

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No. 4098[Reply]

Gender critical and radical feminism define gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and sex as biological (female/male). Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.

Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.

Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.

The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.

Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.

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No. 26923

>and moid apologism
How? I apologise for no moid. But idiotic women doing the same are not victims.

>Don't act like moids don't reinforce this cute aesthetic on women too

When did I say this? Schizoid one. I agree with you. You're making mountains out of mole hills. At the end of the day women are the ones wearing makeup and cute aesthetic things and reinforcing this. Men cannot through this means apart from a few exceptions. You're completely conveniently ignoring this reality. Grow up. We all live under this pressure and I've experienced it from males in my life too, that doesn't change the fact that most women are still reinforcing this.

Accountability is apparently difficult. I suppose it's hard to live in reality and see women pushing this shit left right and center. At the end of the day people's anecdotal experiences don't mean much when a majority of women in society push for this as the norm. You're living in denial if you ignore this and claim it's only moids fault. It speaks of immaturity.

No. 26933

>How? I apologise for no moid. But idiotic women doing the same are not victims.
Because she didn't even say it's exclusively men pushing this narrative in the first place, her wording was clearly society-wide and general from the start but like a moid you bp retards have to jump in like "WAMMAN'S FAULT TOO WAMMAN ARE TO BLAME FOR BEING BUCK BROKEN BY THE PSYOP" as if we don't already fucking know there are women pushing this in addition to men. your enlightened mental illness makes your reading comprehension suffer

No. 27277

Schizophrenia. No one said it was solely womens fault, just that it also is. Stop nutting out over nothing. It's ironic that a chain of schizophrenic posts from pointing out reality like this make you look as crazy as the infamous pig anon.

No. 28482

This, thank you, I'm glad there are people with normal IQ still on the board. I just can't stand these lower IQ retards talking shit as if they are making points, istg i don't get why we have a thread for these retarded trolls. Next thing you'll see some "transfeminism" thread or whatever getting traction.

No. 37962

I think she is up to something with too-early socialisation contributing to the trans epidemic in young people.
>Early-childhood practices that fail to meet the developmental needs of small children likely explain the number of struggling young people today, and why they are so vulnerable to the marketing and indoctrination of the gender cult, promising selfhood, euphoria and belonging.
>The ‘typical’ modern childhood is nowhere near species-specific norms. Too-early group day care of babies (c. 1985), overuse of screens in lieu of needed relational experiences, and a house-bound adolescence engulfed by smartphones and porn are leaving children functionally impaired
>Concurrently, gross diminishment in baseline “adult” knowledge of kids’ capacities and needs (fading as ‘time spent with kids’ fades) has left parents ill-equipped and at sea. We’ve dipped below primal thresholds of nurture needed to develop proper neuropsychological function in little kids, stunting them developmentally. We have also plummeted below primal thresholds of time spent with babies needed for parents to develop credibility, intuition, bondedness, and skill.
>By contrast, neglected babies get few positive shaping experiences. Feeling unremittingly bad, they begin to assume “I am bad,” and often try to avoid feeling at all. As a Court Appointed Special Advocate, I was trained to support foster youth, kids catastrophically failed in early development, with multiple traumas by the time they enter care (on average, before age three). Lately, many have begun to reject their sexed bodies—some 15x the current incidence in the general population. Foster kids are perfect exemplars for how developmental lack undermines embodiment and thwarts a sense of self.
>Besides too-early group care, other dysregulating practices common in infancy include “cry it out” sleep training, lack of carrying (a neuro-developmental need in primates), corporal punishments, extreme scheduling, and divorce. By middle school most kids have been exposed to adult themes/ violence/ pornography, smart phones, social media, chat rooms– all massive changes since my 1960’s childhood.
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No. 4405[Reply]

ITT: female figures that you looked up to or were inspired by, but turned out they were either pick-me's or betrayed their ideals for one reason or another
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No. 25823

Who is she? I don't recognise her.

No. 26594

PJ Harvey

No. 31497

Latereply but me too, also the clips of her being offended by being associated with the feminist movement make her seem like a huge pick me. I still love her first two albums but it put a sour taste in my mouth.

No. 37868

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i used to love her music but can't support her anymore after reading about how she supplied her husband with young women to rape in front of her son. absolutely vile

No. 37897

I never respected her. I called her a tranny in 9th grade and my art teacher got mad at me.
I am proud of 9th grade me.
Artemisia Gentileschi was always superior

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