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gender critical and female politics
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No. 37903

For all women who abstain from sex voluntarily/or are virgins who don't plan on partaking in sex

No. 37915

ew why were you looking at that?

No. 37932

I never had the desire to have sex with someone in my life even though I’m attracted to men.
I don’t identify with an asexual label for many different reasons.

No. 37933

We already have the 4B thread:

No. 37949

>Its proponents refuse to date men, get married, have sex with men, or have children. "Female separatism" is another term that could describe this in English.
It's literally the place for you.

No. 37951

the thread doesn't say "women who abstain from sex with men" it says "women who abstain from sex" get it?

No. 37970

I think you'd get more traction here, OP:

No. 38123

All of this fits me except I like cats

No. 38135

I get no more pleasure from sex than I do with masturbation. I don't cum from penetration and it takes a difficult amount of trickery with my clit.
Also I'm basically just mentally ill and schizoid and don't care to have relationships kek

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