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gender critical and female politics
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No. 19663

Vent about scrotes here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.

-Please do not respond to scrotebait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.

Previous thread: >>5125

No. 19664

Reposting this from the last threat since it was already pretty much dead.

I hate the new term “male loneliness epidemic” my god. The only solution to this supposed epidemic is that women make themselves more available to men. How can they say this stuff without an ounce of shame? They want us to feel sorry for them? Would anyone have any sympathy for “slaveowner lack of workers epidemic” because they can’t buy slaves anymore? Seriously what is the implication here?
Men just want women to submit to them, they aren’t lonely they’re entitled. If they were so lonely they’d prioritized male friendships. But of course since this is an entitlement issue none of them care about getting male friends and would ever perform emotional labor for their male friends.

Men are so entitled to women it’s insane. All the men whining and all of the pickmes crying for them are pathetic.

No. 19666

I haven't really seen a lot about the topic other than here and there, but I thought the issue was framed like "men aren't raised to value friendships and are socially retarded so they don't know how to make meaningful bonds like females do and instead become loser incel neets in today's society"

No. 19670

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Why is this shit on my tl. The only times I've seen women be creepy (on a scale that actually is significantly large enough to notice, that is) is either 1) some lonely and probably autistic teenage girl who likes anime/furries and says inappropriate sexual shit and will die of cringe thinking about it once she grows up, 2) grown women giving men the same treatment they were given because it's so normalised, or 3) strawman bullshit.

No. 19671

Samefag and men will cry about how men have the highest rate of suicide and are so lonely and sad and sperg about men's mental health being stigmatised but the moment their male friend asks "hey dude are you okay", they'll call him a fag.

No. 19672

White men make %30 of American population yet commit %70 of suicides in America. Can you imagine how many people must've died because these self centered idiots take up unneeded medical capacity? How many people who needed urgent medical attention couldn't get it because these men were wasting resources?

No. 19689

Is this really an epidemic? I feel like it's mostly loser moids who are like that and thus they mostly have to blame themselves, normal guys are not lonely. I'm not American though, maybe it's a phenomenon happening there.

No. 19691

remember it's not highest rate, it's highest success.
Because they're selfish and choose highly lethal methods with no consideration for trauma and cleanup inflicted on those left behind.
Women are more likely to attempt than men.
Just something to keep in mind when they whine about their plight… women actually still have it worse, we just are more considerate.

No. 19695

I was curious to know how men explain the fact women attempt suicide more when trying to talk about muh men’s rights issues and these moids actually say that women’s suicide attempts are higher because they’re faked for attention, as if only their super special sad emotions are real. Like this is actually what they think, they don’t see us as humans who have human struggles.

No. 19697

That only proves my argument that men not only not care about wasting Healthcare resource BUT also traumatizing the people who find their remains. Women obviously have it worse yet men who have everything still try to end their life over stuff like not getting to have a nice car, house, etc. handed to them just for their existence alone

No. 19698

Adapted from the last thread that was pretty much dead but I fucking despise fags for shoving themselves into female spaces and think they can relate by being yass slay queens or whatever misogynistic faggot talk they use. There's a reason black women don't like you using their natural inflections and tonal accents and no, it's not homophobia. You're not oppressed like women are just because you like other moids.

No. 19709

I love how men act like they are being discriminated against by some secret evil feminist elite whenever women outperform men in some way (like in education for example). Anyone who has being through the education system knows why women outperform men.

No. 19713

Love how man assume the women that are annoyed by age gap relationships are all "old hags"(aka women who they'd call milfs if the women agreed to fuck them, kek) when teen or young adult women are the ones who are actually complaining because we have old creepy men harass us.

No. 19717

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Average trad anti-feminist, perpetually mystified as to why women aren’t lining up to be bangmaids.

No. 19725

>domestication isn't love
>probably wants to domesticate a woman into loving him unconditionally, doing all housework, giving him kids, being loyal, working to bring money etc. while he will continue being violent

No. 19729

we are so fucked with AI now. There is literally no reason to post your face online. Even with a private profile, some man you trusted that is close to you could be using your selfies to add to his AI deepfake collection. You would never even know. I hate porn, I hate men, I hate evertyhing

No. 19730

Why do men insist on sneezing so loudly? They like shout as they sneeze. Totally unnecessary. And why do they hack up a lung and make the most disgusting noises when brushing their teeth in the morning? I’ve never met a woman who does that.

No. 19731

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Reposting from the news thread in /ot. Seeing these man children eat karma is the most exquisite of keks. They really think they can just waste women's lives and refuse to commit to a mature relationship until they hit 50 and then father some tard kids with a woman half their age since they all buy into this meme that mEn AgE lIkE wINe when in reality, they age like avocados.

It's almost as good as when single dads whine on reddit about not being able to get a tinder date, as if anyone wants to pick up another woman's trash. And then they think WOMEN are the ones who have disproportionate standards, I can't even comprehend their delusion. I just keep getting more and more smug about my childfree by choice status the older I get, kek.

No. 19732

>>probably wants to domesticate a woman into loving him unconditionally, doing all housework, giving him kids, being loyal, working to bring money etc. while he will continue being violent

Anon, the tweet literally says "instead of allowing them to be violent" in picrel. Is your post a paid psyop to make violent makes seem more palatable to wider society? Who created or mentioned a fanfiction of some woman broodmaring herself and doing all the housework lel. If a woman sees the "domestication" part of the post as the worst part and not the literal violence it just sounds like you want ethical domestication/a better cage. Maybe when a good animal carrier comes around they will treat you ethically. Bleak.

No. 19735

I'm talking about how he's accusing women of attempting to domesticate or control men when the opposite is true(aka men attempting to domesticate and control women). Why are you making stuff up?

No. 19743

Male entitlement never ceases to amaze. First we're supposed to feel bad for all the poor lonely widdle moids because "male loneliness" is somehow women's fault for not being available enough to men. Now people are going to whine about an "epidemic" of childless moids. As if women owe them a baby. Do they really think they deserve a woman to give up her life and risk severe injury or death just to procreate with an ugly worthless manchild? This is just nature taking its course and disposing of the trash as it should. The real epidemic is the Y chromosome.

No. 19751

Yes, and I'm talking about how the tweet says instead of allowing them(males) to be violent. A minor issue like the supposed hypocrisy of a male desiring a woman for child rearing and being made a slave is not the biggest issue with that tweet kek. Being brutally killed by a random violent male with no proclivity and context is.

No. 19760

>raging incel coomer moid
>hateful, future mass shooter
>wants a 18 yo virgin 10/10 woman
>is a porn addict, addicted to shit and fart porn
>wants unconditional love

No. 19780

when women hold actual social power and commit atrocities at anywhere near the same rate as males, then this redditfag will earn the right to complain.

No. 19783

I hate that scrotes think they deserve love. They just don't. They try buying plane tickets to get foreign brides that are too unaware of how much they're losers back in the United States or whatever country they originated from, but they still just don't seem to deserve love or any relationship at all. It really rubs me the wrong way watching them fly, climb, or claw their way into trying to get everything they don't deserve.

No. 19786

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Kek he even got rejected in the comments and he admits to being a coomer. Wtf!

No. 19798

Most of these pitiful dateless wonder losers dont get a wife abroad, successfully finding and affording to bring over a girl over is rare. They just see the exceptions and think they can do it too. And I remember a long time ago east europe was their ideal spot for finding a white christian wife but east european women can easily tell that they're broke losers and reject them. So they go to South Asia, but most of them get scammed and go back home single kek.

Reminds me of /purplepilldebate sub, which is a guilty pleasure read because it's just lonely loser moids trying to figure out why they're dateless and believe they have dating down to a science kek. They think average men are struggling and believing they're a part of the 'average man', when in reality they probably act like creepy scrotes around women making women feel uncomfortable.
These men just can't adapt to the modern world. Women are ok and comfortable being single, and would rather be so than with a shitty scrote. But men can't handle being alone, and would happily accept a bad relationship just so they can have sex available. Men can't have emotionally fulfilling platonic relationships, they want a gf to dump all their emotional baggage onto, they refuse to go to therapy despite society supporting them to do so, and so in end up they cry that no one will help them or cares about their loneliness. They're literally their own enemies.
Women have suffered and struggled as second class citizens for most of humanity, but now for the first time ever, men are "struggling". And their pitiful struggle is that they can't get a date nor guaranteed a wife like their grandfather boohoo

No. 19801

I have to laugh when I see the masses of worthless scrotes complaining and banging their hands on the keyboard to the internet about how they feel so oppressed, attacked, and "emotionally endangered" for literally just not having a girlfriend. They scream about women not being stupid enough to waste more than five seconds on them, as if this is "proof" that males have it harder than women. Not realizing the fact that their "singlehood" being their biggest problem just goes to show how one-dimensional, simple, and easy their lives are. If being single is your life's main concern, how insignificant do the rest of your "issues" have to be? I WISH my life was so easy to where being single was the only thing I moaned about all day. Only a scrote can be reach infinite levels of self-contradiction like that.

No. 19802

They’re so weak and codependent they’d rather live through plagues and wars and famines as long as it means a woman is coerced into being with them through threat of poverty.

No. 19803

He’s so ugly and hopeless it’s almost cruel NOT to send him on to a minefield and be blown up.

No. 19813

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If males are superior, why are they responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes that lack any rhyme or reason? If the male human is so emotionally resilient to whatever life throws at him, why are male suicides generally much higher than women's? I feel like if males actually believed they were superior, they wouldn't make sure to get rid of each other and themselves so often. That's not even mentioning the incomplete X chromosome arguably making them subhuman compared to a human that's more likely to have her genetics together, AKA a woman. Whenever I feel down, I always cheer myself up with the reminder that I'm not a member of such a subhuman group, AKA males.

No. 19814

Men don't even think of you when they're doing stuff. Men commit most crimes, men also do everything else. You're like a worm to a bird. Men kill men, men help men, men ignore men, men support men. You're there as a temporary intermission. Whether that is taking you both on a vacation for a fun time or raping and butchering you also for a fun time. Nobody cares if you live or die unless someone lost their woman. Also Y chromosome is a literal evolution. It's smaller and more compact than an X with better data density and it's getting more efficient and continuously improving. X is a literal stale tumor. What's up with having 2 of the same thing?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19815

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>men also do everything else

No they don't. Women beat them out when it comes to effective volunteer work, providing for children, providing for anyone in need, obtaining degrees, and contributing to society that doesn't end in unnecessary violence. There have been tests exposing that women are more intelligent than men at understanding other people, operating heavy machinery, and even grasping "hard sciences" like physics and chemistry when they're placed to learn in the same field. Men are literally the "filler episodes" of the human race when you consider just how easily women outrun them at any fucking thing men pride themselves about. Even back in hunting-gathering ages, it was actually the women who carried the future of the tribes, as their food gathering contributed to the vast majority of their tribe's food source and stock. Men greatly overestimate their importance to the world, hence why they always have to piggyback off of the rare 1% of males that actually invented useful things. Even in instances where men create things that will serve the human race, leave it to ten, hundreds, to thousands and even millions of men to tilt the odds back into shifty swill with their mediocrity and subhuman actions. No amount of "muh Einstein was a boy" will ever compensate for the fact that men generally operate as parasites to their own earth and species. Now begone, subhuman.

No. 19816

and to add, the female's second X chromosome protects her from many hereditary diseases that impact and take the lives of men because of the male's Y chromosome and thus lack of protection to his genetics. Male embryos are much more likely to drain the mother of her body's resources, but despite this greediness, the male embryos are STILL more likely than female ones to die in miscarriages from the mother's body's rejection. So even in a genetic basis, males are objectively inferior to females in many ways.

No. 19818

i hate gay moids as much as any other moid and i hate the idea that they are “one of the girls” or otherwise exempt from being misogynistic because they are gay. not to mention how much of gay lingo is misogynistic to begin with. like the serving cunt thing wtf does that even mean. and there is this twink at my uni with a grating fagcent who says the most awful misogynistic shit and everyone just laughs it off for some reason. he has the typical male smugness and rudeness and desire to brag/impress people, he’s just catty and feminine about it. a group of girls and i went to the bathroom and he followed us into the women’s restroom uninvited and stood inside to talk to us and it felt very uncomfortable. you are not “one of the girls,” you are a faggot.

No. 19820

You're the only parasite here. If anything you said was true there would be tangible results of it in the real world. Now you gonna say all the women that men killed were actually the smartest ones out there and we're stuck with you, a sub mid disabled one. You're only lying to yourself when you believe all those "tests".

Then why does every female have some disease she complains about all the time, bleeds every month like a wounded animal and probably has an autoimmune disease (her body hates her lol)? Doesn't sound very superior to me.(ban evading retard)

No. 19821

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>"you're the p-p-pa-parasite!!! Mean evul wahmen!!11!"
>continues to spill a bunch of garbage that I'm too busy to read

Oh lol. No, I'm just a young woman. To call me a parasite would be to insinuate that I am a male. However, I am not. Picrel.

No. 19822

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I think it's really pathetic and creepy how much they want to be like women, or at least "sit with us". I just discovered that gay scrotes call their gross, poopy buttholes "bussies", which apparently stands for "boy pussy". How fucking disgusting. A male asshole is not even the slightest similar to a woman's vagina. They dont even have the same functions. Faggot scrotes are so obsessed with wanting to feel like women that they cope by nicknaming their AIDs infested buttholes as some bastardized version of a vagina. They're like trannies with how much they try to mimic women, but apparently less mentally ill since they understand that they're still males. Still insufferable though.

No. 19825

The male to female ratio for autism is 3:1 too kek
they're literally genetically doomed and refuse help
Autistic men either become incels blaming women for their doomed fate or they become trannies blaming lesbians not wanting them. They're two sides of the same coin kek

No. 19828

Or they discover their autism one way or another and then go after autistic women, not realising a lot of autistic women become radfems (if not tifs or furries or something) and wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole either, and then they go tard rage and commit genocide

No. 19831

>Boy pussy
It's clearly used to demean and degrade fag bottoms lel by the insinuation of the denigrating term for womens genitalia that exists from video rape/porn then was adapted by many masochistic women to demean themselves. It exists because they're mask off about penetration being degrading and humiliating for the penetrated and don't hide it.

No. 19833

Very based. I'm a medfag and even our professors(male ones usually) admit testosterone fuck up men's choices and also health. Testosterone is poison and it's why they commit so many crimes and also kill themselves in ways that will traumatize the people that discover their corpse - who will more likely than not be their family or someone they know.

No. 19834

>It's clearly used to demean and degrade fag bottoms by the insinuation of the denigrating term for womens genitalia
Faggot scrotes copy so many things from women, they even try to mimic our degradation. That cant even invent an original term for their nasty private parts, they basically picked a childish slang that's already been used to specifically mean women's vaginas in the context of private parts. Your added context to the gross term only makes me dislike faggot scrotes even more.

No. 19846

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I dont understand why males think they're so important that women from different races, ages, and nationalities, class, or whatever have to compete and fight over run-of-the-mill scrotes that aren't special at all. It's really gross watching males trying to pit women against each other, and sad when women actually buy into it. I have never understood why I'm supposed to feel "complimented" when males want women of my background just because they're bored and angry at women from their own race or ethnic group. All it tells me is that the male would view me as nothing but a tool for spiting all the women who probably rejected him in the first place. That he would view me with a degrading lens of "oh a female who'll do everything I say", instead of viewing me as a person. And the stupid thing about men wanting wanting to fight over them is that by their own logic, it wouldn't matter anyway. Men have retold the idea that they're way less picky when choosing their lovers. Men even pride themselves on the fact that they'll fuck "anything that moves" just to showcase how not-picky they are. Well in that case, why the fuck should any woman or girl care about what males find attractive then? Men made it clear that it doesn't even matter if they hate your guts, they'll still want to fuck you sooner or later if they get bored enough. Again, following the logic men put out there, why should women they find so unattractive care if these same dumbass males are still gonna think about the "ugly women" at night anyway? Why should red, yellow, brown, white, rich, poor, middle, old, young, foreign or domestic, healthy, unhealthy, ugly, beautiful, or average women compete and fight with eachother for males, when males made it clear that they'd give us all the same mediocre, forgettable sex any-goddamn-way?

No. 19848

I keep seeing the meme of "asian girls = black girls —> simping over a mid white man" and I just stare blankly.
Also men who say "I don't care, as long as the girl's breathing" as if that's supposed to be a compliment or to diminish our insecurities are so funny. Translation: "We'll take anything we can get because we don't see you as human but still want more and probably will cheat".

No. 19849

>they basically picked a childish slang that's already been used to specifically mean women's vaginas in the context of private parts.
I mean the point is it's not a term for "private parts" it's a degrading term used by rapeapes and masochistic women. The normalization of it as "childish slang" just shows how thoroughly pornrotted women are. I could care less if fags want to use it to degrade each other, that takes some of the weight off of women. It doesn't mean female genitalia to me it's just another slur to demean women so more power to them using it on each other. I'm not gatekeeping fags from using degrading bullshit language that shouldn't exist in the first place.

No. 19851

I see your point now, and yeah I agree.

No. 19880

Why do men feel the need to shit on literally everything women enjoy, but also feel the need to invade our spaces whenever we enjoy said things? Teenage girls can't enjoy a single thing without some already balding moid in his 20s making a commentary video about it. Whether it be female pop music or online interests like yaoi or fangirling over a male YouTuber, as cringe as those can be, males always need to bring in their unsolicited opinion about it.
Women don't seethe and laugh whenever we notice moids' superior interests having predominantly male fanbases, so them attempting to mock women's idols/interests/etc. for having predominantly female fanbases is truly pathetic male entitlement.

No. 19881

Samefag, does eating more acidic foods during conception genuinely increase the chances of having a female baby kek

No. 19882

>superior interests
Can you explain that?

No. 19884

Oh my god you're so right! Anything that women or especially teen girls like will be trashed nonstop, it's like they'll never ever respect young women's interests

No. 19902

I meant it ironically as in I'm mocking the way scrotes see their interests/passions as "superior" to women's

No. 19981

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I hope he dies

No. 20003

When you hate women but are also a lib-moid

No. 20026

Most women are perfectly capable of not having sex or a boyfriend without wanting to kill themselves. Everyone gets desperate for intimacy every now and then, but I rarely hear of any virgin, boyfriend-less woman or girl acting like an incel male (only thing that comes close to male incelism that I know of is Christine Chubbuck). It probably has something to do with us knowing how to value any kind of relationship that isn't sexual or romantic.
So why can't men just admit that they don't give a shit about being lonely and that they only want a sex and emotional slave to own and brag about? Oh right, it's an attempt to manipulate naive women into offering themselves to moids and convincing other women to follow suit.

>But moid just have to speak like the know-it-alls, the saviors of the poor, poor dumb women
It's no wonder that college males are proven to be overconfident in their intelligence. Women just need to learn how to argue without fear and be more confident in themselves, moids would probably kill themselves en-masse not being able to handle the humiliation.

No. 20028

Men having a scary bad experience with mentally ill women and crying about it online talking about how manipulative and evil they are (usually bpd or depression) always make me laugh. Sure she might have been manipulative once or twice to get her needs fulfilled but don't act like you definitely weren't the one triggering her left and right and then branding her as hysterical afterwards.

No. 20030

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Male streamer:
>keks loudly at incel joke
Most commenters:
>kekking along
Moids who have been called incels before and cried about it because it's true:

I hate these fuckers ruining my day when I scroll through youtube comments looking for funny references to the video I'm watching (not just incels but channer types in general making obscure references to /pol/ shit and such), but I admit realizing that they're just anally destroyed because they feel offended by the word "incel" is kind of hilarious.

No. 20031

Oh yeah i forgot: bonus actually funny joke about trannies in the lower left corner

No. 20093

My little cousin came home to me in tears because the boys at her school are bullying her. I asked how, these little assholes are following her around and shouting for her to twerk for them and recording her crying when it’s too much. This is coming from THIRD GRADERS!!! Eight year old boys are already learning that it’s okay to sexually harass little girls and get away with it.

No. 20096

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Men are so obsessed with women and needing a woman to do everything for them that’s they will divorce their wives and fucking shop overseas for an impoverished woman to manipulate into being their wife, but unmarried western women are the unhappy ones? Kek

No. 20097

Their ultimate cope. No one is crying over their worthless ass, that’s why they have to travel to poverty stricken countries to find a desperate partner in the first place kek how can they both be rejected by western women and then think we’re mourning their loss. Ew imagine having to go to another country to pick out some poor boy with no life experience to bring home and make him your little house slave fucktoy in exchange for basic quality of life increase. And thinking that’s a flex.

No. 20098

She usually has a child and then dumps him, kek. This is a known scenerio, this happens with coomer men who marry foreign women for fetishes regardless of race. I know a lot of brown men who got fucked over by the white women they praised after the white women divorced their asses and took jalf of their belongings by having a child, based tbh. Any man who talks badly about women of his race and tries to take advantage of other women deserves to be fucked over.

No. 20101

jfc what the fuck are their parents doing?? why do they have PHONES at their age. in third fucking grade. i’m sorry that happened to your cousin. please tell her parents and maybe she can switch classes or schools even. reeeee i hate these negligent normie parents. kids should not be allowed on the internet

No. 20103

kek i watched that one vinny stream but i did not understand where’s the joke. was it made into a clip just because the word incel is there?

No. 20104

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millions of dead trannies

No. 20113


We talked to her teacher and they switched her class, but she came home today too and said the boys are still picking on her, now starting to try and look up her skirt. She’s fucking EIGHT!!!! And these boys are too!!! And nobody fucking does anything because “oh they’re just little kids” these creeps are gonna grow up one day!!!

No. 20115

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I’m fascinated with nazi moids because they think that white women en masse will simply submit to them so long as white men have money, as if they expect women to ignore how fucking psycho they are and how many of them are actually closeted fags, trannies and porn addicts and so easily swayed by other men and other men’s opinions that they’ll look at a picture of a Roman statue with a quote telling them to go outside and they think it’s fucking genius kek
these idiots don’t realize women more and more do not want to be bangmaids and vessels to give them sons and are more concerned with having their own life with their own wealth and autonomy even if it means wageslaving, moids could never understand what it means for a woman to live without moids and how thousands of years of female ancestors wished for the same thing but it’s only now that we actually can

No. 20116

spermsacks are worthless and produce fuck all besides jizz.

amazing, these retarded faggots earnestly believe that children being expensive is some sort of jewish conspiracy instead of literal reality. nazi pedo scrotes have memed themselves into believing joooooz are the reason they're alone and unloved instead of accepting the fact that it's because they're repulsive undesirables.

No. 20117

The funny part of that image is I've known several low wage men, some even disabled, who got married and had families that looked happy from the outside. They all never shit talked their wives or kids in public, and were very proud of them. They also all fucking worked hard and didn't play video games. I can only assume that the scrotes who say they didn't have the money to get married were the ones who never tried to launch at all, or the ones who thought they would buy a trophy bride eventually, so they used and discarded normal women until they were too old and gross to get any date, and too poor for the trophy bride.

No. 20120

“oh they’re just little kids” god i fucking hate this so much, they know what they’re doing even if they’re 8. it’s not like they’re newborns. you should talk to the parents of the boys

No. 20121

Recently saw a Reddit post about someone’s 15-16 year old boy sexually assaulting his 13 year old brother due to porn exposure. The “he’s just a kid” argument present in the comments chilled me. These people spoke like that age means you’re a child and don’t understand nonconsenting sexual contact is wrong. Maybe at age 5 that would make more sense but at 15 you’re smart enough to know better, that’s high school age ffs. A lot were pitying the boy saying he must’ve been abused and was only acting out because of that. When boys assault and traumatize innocent people, everyone has to jump through hoops to not only explain but make him out to be the real victim. Funny how girls deal with child abuse and porn exposure at a larger scale and it usually doesn’t turn them into abusers of their peers. There are too many apologists for men, they’re always treated with more empathy and consideration.

No. 20130

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I just needed to put this somewhere. They are referring to a 12-year-old girl with macromastia, for context. I don’t even bother responding to things like this because there is no point. There’s no getting through to them if they deny that boys bully girls for their looks. But more so than that, they never seem to grasp that sexual attention is not a universally positive experience. Why can’t they understand that getting sexual attention and “hit on” from boys and men would not be a positive thing for a 12-year-old girl? It’s sexual harassment and it’s traumatizing. That in and of itself would be enough to make her self-conscious and unhappy, even if no girls ever bullied her.

No. 20132

Every single day at every job I have ever had I have been sexually harassed or assaulted by men. I am 90% done with my schooling and just want to drop out because my job would require me to touch men sometimes (medical) and speak to them nicely. I just can’t do it anymore, I can’t stand to speak to them nicely and I never want to be around them. Wtf do I do? I’ve been thinking about this all morning, then I ordered lunch that costs twice my hourly pay and the delivery driver watches me eat for 15 whole minutes in his car in the parking lot before coming BACK into my building and giving me a piece of paper with his number on it. Epic

No. 20143

I hate the way males are weak to their urges. I hate the way they don’t care. I hate the way they crave power. I hate how they say I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to, but then force me into it anyway. I hate that they warped my sexuality from the very beginning, before I even knew what any of it really meant. I hate that all of my friends have been victims of their sexual aggression. I hate that when I am harmed by one, I make sure they are okay first. I hate it. I hate it so much. I’m so weak, I hate the way I was raised to always accommodate for others, for men, I don’t want to be nice to men. I will be strong next time. I hate that there will be a next time.

No. 20150

Men are actually subhuman and admit as much in various different ways. They envy women for being seen as pieces of meat and feel oppressed that masculinity culture encourages them to build themselves as human beings, and resent women for not showing interest in them just for existing. A man’s ultimate dream is to subsist in unremarkability, aspire to nothing, all while being pursued by women. This is why incels find it impossible to empathize with women’s struggles. Women, coming from a place of humanity and being demoted to an object for male gratification. Men, who are no better than objects themselves, burdened with the expectations of becoming an actionable human being.

Our nightmare is their dream, to be used. Every man’s ultimate desire is to be a prostitute. For their bodies to be desired endlessly to the point women are willing to pay to have access to it (just look at what 90% of them openly say when given the hypothetical “what if you magically turned into a woman tomorrow?”. All answers being various forms of prostitution or general sexual debauchery). From their perspective, a teen girl being abused and harassed for her debilitatingly large breasts is like a billionaire complaining their wallet is too heavy.

They are completely blind to this dynamic, while simultaneously projecting male hierarchy culture and their hen-pecking rituals onto women. They themselves resent and bully men who appeal to female sensibilities, and assume women are competing over “elevated sex object” status the same as them. Males are terrified of other males occupying any space that could be interpreted as the idealized male prostitute, fearing it’s one less opportunity to become one themselves. So they reason that women, sex objects as they are, have the same neurotic anxiety over their “competition” and position in the “sexual market”.

Tl;dr, men are animals and view sex transactionally, assigning sexual value to themselves and others. The only “oppression” they can comprehend is the oppression of being a sex object of low value. They project the resentment towards their low desirability status onto women.

No. 20151

We love you Manifesto-chan (or anon who has successfully adopted her typing style kek)!

>Males are terrified of other males occupying any space that could be interpreted as the idealized male prostitute, fearing it’s one less opportunity to become one themselves. So they reason that women, sex objects as they are, have the same neurotic anxiety over their “competition” and position in the “sexual market”.

My hope is that women stop falling for this obvious fallacy. I wonder if it's the notion of men and women's "equality" that's been pushed for a long time that has resulted in women behaving in patterns that emulate male behavior. It's so unnatural that females compete for males the same way males compete for females, the only species of animals that do this are ones where females are larger, more aggressive and territorial (hyenas and two types of birds, that's about it). Women should heal the massive inferiority complex they have around males and stop this masquerading for equality, because it's completely artificial and only (superficially, at that) benefits males.

No. 20152


No. 20153

Women participate in male games because our societies are nearly entirely based around the male perspective.
The first answer as to why women actively pursue male approval is because it has material benefits. Climbing the ladder of the male hierarchical system gives you a tangible advantage over other women. Being an object of high value is better than being an object of low value, in a system that already pigeonholes you into adopting this grindset. Sexy women are “empowered” by their male-pandering behavior by being given temporary access to male resources. To many women, it is a ticket to a better life, but “better” in an extremely shallow, soul-sucking sense. Some women are aware of this broken system, but use it regardless because, why not? If you can provably get a leg up? It’s not like you’re going to fix moid nature, so you might as well extract what you can out of manipulating it.
The second is legitimately falling for male bullshit. It’s hard to blame women when this happens, as you’re primed to believe the male interpretation of reality from infancy. Males present themselves as logical to a fault. It makes perfect sense to class and rank human beings like RPG characters, assigning them certain roles and certain stats, encouraging individuals to quite literally “game” the system for maximum benefit and synergy. The problem being, the game is designed with male-pandering in mind. Arguably most importantly, women are actually not objects and suffer immense psychological distress at an unfulfilling life which can be deduced to a math equation (men however do not care, and will gladly rebuke a holistic human experience for maximum pussy + minimum effort. The quality of a man’s life is gauged solely by how much he can lay around and subsist, and how many pussies he can get to fall in his lap). Men want to climb the ladder. Women want to free themselves from the confines of the ladder. However, the idea of leaving the ladder is nearly unthinkable when only manly masculine “fax and logicz” is an acceptable approach to directing your life. Young women, with their lack of experience and literally underdeveloped brains, find difficult to argue against male hierarchy culture, falling into line (becoming a man’s lap-pussy), all while asking themselves “is there something wrong with me? Why do I feel unfulfilled, disregarded, and dissonant?” queue accusations of hysteria, illogical woman-feels, and a BPD diagnosis from men/male-identified women if a woman ever voices her concerns. See? You’re just a stupid subhuman female. Might as well do wear you’re told. We promise your “empowerment”. An emotionally distant balding scrote husband with his 40k a year salary is your perfect RPG stat match. You should be thankful you get a C rank instead of and F rank like all of those wine-drinking cat moms. Emotional fulfillment? Personal growth and development? Those womanly-imaginings aren’t on the skilltree at all.

Women getting mass-negged, with the promise of happiness (as male would define it) so long as she falls in line. Women constantly chasing ghosts, convinced the more they pretend to be like men and do what men want, they might be able to find happiness as a man would. Either they have an awakening at some point (usually this happens in their mid 20s as they have experienced one-too-many a man’s bullshit. not at all a coincidence men have designated this to be around the age where women “hit the wall” and are therefore useless to them btw). Or, become embittered as a man’s “ball and chain” in their old age, staving off their ego-deaths with ssris and romance novels, nitpicking their teenage daughters while their porn-addicted, goldfish-brained husburdens lust after her friends.

The sooner women realize the true nature of men, the better. I don’t doubt that young women pick on other young women for having large breasts (bonus rpg stat points), because they have falsely adopted a male-centered mindset. The problem is men and will always be men. In a world without moids mind poisoning women to believe they have to compete for cock, this wouldn’t happen. It’s honestly embarrassing. Why are you so worked up? You can get sperm anywhere for free. There’s no existential threat over not winning a man’s favor. You don’t want their favor, they have the same wants and depth as an amoeba.

No. 20172

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Holey hell men are so retarded and delusional they think women being friendlier means they want them. Women feel more comfortable around taken moids because they assume the moids won't make advances towards them or assume they're flirting because of their gfs/wives, but the moids are still stupid and narcissistic enough to think it's all flirting regardless.

No. 20186

They're genuinely retarded. I've known several super ugly men claim women flirted with them when they were taken and the flirting would be something like a woman greeting them or telling them hi

No. 20202

Men using "fatherless" as an insult and thinking they did something as if they're not just blatantly self-owning about their terrible attention spans, commitment problems and responsibility dodges

No. 20206

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125 casual sex by 32…what the fuck? man probably has std/sti's, I feel bad for his soon to be wife.

No. 20209

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Military scrotes will be like women (subhuman tools) reacting negatively towards gory social media posts are the reason good men (actual people) are killed in battle

No. 20211

I’m tired of discussing wars and oppressed people as if there are demographics of completely innocent victims. That video of the Palestinians parading around an anally raped Israeli woman… people are pretending to be surprised? Or are they just that stupid? Did you really believe these misogynistic adult men were uwu innocent angels who are wrongfully oppressed by Zionists? Really? ANY AND EVERY MAN, regardless of his color or creed, is going to commit atrocities against whatever enemy tribe they get the upper hand over. MEN ARE MEN. There are no such thing as a race of innocent men.
Every and any man will rape, murder, pillage, and defile whatever they can get away with. I do not ascribe innocence to men who are pummeled into submission. They’re just waiting their turn to do the same. All of their cries of freedom and peace is just cynical bargaining.

No. 20214

Only retards support Palestine. I'm Muslim and so is my country but the majority of my country supports Israel. Israel has helped Muslim countries in need more than Palestine ever has. Everyone knows Palestine has always been a shit country and they're known for willingly supporting opposing forces when other Muslim countries were in bad situations or getting literally genocided, it doesn't surprise me that the same country who had no issue financing abuse of middle eastern people by supporting western/asian forces also sees no issue killing or raping middle eastern women(the jew woman in question)
My heart breaks for all the people who were hurt in this situation but I'll obviously never fault Israel.

Also let's fucking be honest, the retards who say they support Palestine just because they torture jews would shit themselves if the Palestinians they supposedly support came to their country as refugees, kek. We all know who they'd actually pick if they had to choose between Israeli and Palestinian refugees and that alone proves that most people saying they support Palestine are clueless retards.

No. 20218

>clueless retards
>I'm muslim

No. 20220

Yeah bitch %99 of the population believes one of the 3 religions that pretty much preach the same shit so you're pointless.
It's always the most brown retarded ex-muslim posters like pakichan(who wanted to be raped by nazis) or indiachan(who said some women deserved to be raped) who call muslims retards, the irony

No. 20223

Nta but the whole Europe hates muslims too

No. 20224

And? Discriminator Jews and muslims also "hate" Christians allegedly if you believe the news but I've never seen a Jew or Muslim who wasn't retarded say that. Religion wars are fueled by politicians so they can make their people fight and die for their own gains and only sheeps like the ones in Palestine killing jews because of their religion or the christians who only support palestine because they're antisemitic play into those religion wars.

Anyone with an iq above 80 won't buy that stuff but given how most eurotards support the same palestinian people that'd rape and murder them(like they're doing to Jewish women rn) if they managed to immigrate to Europe, I doubt you are as smart as you advertise yourself as.

No. 20229

Europeans are just tired of the crime and destruction they cause.

No. 20234

Is that also why the same Europeans dislike jews? Kek, just accept that you guys are racist and stop talking for a whole continent. I'm Muslim and European, I've dated European men, had European friends. Only "ex-muslim" browns or incel neonazis hate Jews and Muslims this hard. Again pakichan is proof, she's a brown woman who supports neonazis who want to genocide jews and brown people like her.

No. 20237

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The views on Muslims in Europe are far more negative than the views on Jews, stop coping

No. 20239

Can confirm, am European. That and their hideous misogyny.
The Jew hate comes from nazis but muslims are the main danger towards them these days. They have been vandalizing shops owned by jews in London now like it's the Kristallnacht or something.

No. 20244

I'm neither indian nor ex-muslim, you're coping. And the difference between the 2 major religions and the death cult is clear is clear as day. I don't support palestine, fyi. I just find it funny you say
>the same palestinian people that'd rape and murder them
while being a rapist-worshipper
>just accept that you guys are racist
the irony of telling others that they're racist

No. 20247

You sound terminally online

No. 20252

I was saying that both the jew and Muslim hatred isn't as big as racist anons like to imagine. Kek. Trust me, no one is gonna get mistreated because of their religion because the racist losers are usually NEETs or minwage workers no one really interacts with on the daily.
Umm… Yeah they are racist. Pakichan who hates Muslims also has a hardcore hateboner for black poeple, lmao. Most islamaphobes, antisemites and racists are the same people.

No. 20272

>racist losers are usually NEETs
>At least 40% of Europe hates muslims.
Wow that's a lot of NEETs.
Must be because of jewish/black racism and not because the followers of islam worship a child rapist and want to behead non-muslims.
>Pakichan who hates Muslims also has a hardcore hateboner for black poeple, lmao
Why are you bringing up paki-chan (a single troll from an obscure imageboard) as an example of the whole population? How terminally online are you?
No one has mentioned hating black or jewish people here. You don't need to be racist/anti-semetic to dislike people that worship a pedophile and violently killing/raping those who oppose islam. It's so strange how you can be called racist for this when this part of islam and it's followers is true. Religion is different from race. Your whole chain of posts read like a excuse to lump yourself with racial minorities so you can point at racists and cry "islamophobia". Muslims aren't a race. People don't hate you because they have a complex about ethnicity, unlike black and jewish people, they hate you because your "religion" is a terrorist cult.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 20279

>at least %40 of Europe hates jews and Muslims
HOLY KEK. Youre so funny.
And I'm bringing pakichan up because the few times I faced islamaphobia or insults they were always by some other brown like Indian or Afghan men. I've never had a European woman or man insult me or a jew but I've seen brownies lose their shit over both Muslims and Jews because of their own inferiority complexes.

No. 20313

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This is kind of a misandry shitpost so I think it fits here the best. Lately I've started to think that men are actually the weaker sex, not as in measured by individual physical performances, but as in biological resilience, including genetic and reproductive resilience. I mean, what is the function of the male sex? Moids only exist to carry DNA so that they could introduce genetic variation into the population, but they cannot actually gestate new life. They're just empty vessels. If evolution had to get rid of either sex, moids would be the obvious option to let go, because they are not necessary. That's a fact.

Also, moids are genetically more fragile due to the Y chromosome. If their X gets damaged, they don't have a spare one unlike women. They are also physically less endurable in the long term (more muscle = greater energy expenditure; shorter life span), not to mention the social and psychological side (they go ape at the slightest unpleasant experience, it really does take so little to render a moid completely unfit for society).

Somewhere deep down moids know all this and that's why they strive to control women and our reproduction. Because they know that without us, they are worthless genetic dead-ends.

No. 20318

I literally said the only islamaphobia I faced was from nonwhite men, kek. And the "islamaphobia" is usually them being butthurt I won't sleep with them or drink with them because it goes against my beliefs.
I don't care about your lies of harassment if you use your negative experiences with MEN to hate on random Jewish or Muslim women.

No. 20319

>>"at least %40 of Europe hates jews and Muslims"
Why are you twisting my words and lying?
How embarassing that you need to cope this hard by hiding your death cult behind another group's racial struggles

And yes
>41% of Europe hates Muslims.
>16% hate Jews.
What you experience is completely different from what a jew does, because muslims aren't a race. And what do brown people have to do with this? What "inferiority complex"? The inferiority of being associated with pedophile worshippers like you? Of course you will never see Europeans openly insulting Islam, unlike brown people, because we lose our jobs if we do.

>I face islamophobia

KEK, there you go. I have to deal with violent muslim men creating rape gangs, destroying my country, making the world unsafe for my children, while muslima who lives in a bubble cries about people disliking her religion.(stop racebaiting)

No. 20320

>I hate muslim and jew women because of what men did
>you're ruining my children's future
You're the one ruining your children's lives by passing the low iq to them, misogynist-chan.
It's only the little ran-through tradwife wannabes who shit on Jewish and Muslim women online to virtue signal to pedophilic white supremacists. Go back to whichever 4chan board you came from trad-larper.

No. 20321

>Muslima has to completely lie and make up shit about my post being racist against jews as well as making a strawman so she doesn't have to justify her rape cult
>Accuses me of being low iq
Why do you worship a pedophile?

No. 20322

Stop arguing, God isn't real.

No. 20325

>accuses others of worshipping pedos
>blames nonwhite women to appeal to white supremacist men who commit most of the sexual crimes against children
Thank god no man will ever like you enough to have kids with you.

No. 20329

Extremely moid-tier to think you're insulting women when you say scrotes won't breed with her for disagreeing with some backwards religion.

No. 20333

Wow. You can't even deny that you follow a pedophile and a death cult so your only tactic is to deflect with misogyny and pretend I'm a white supremecist. Very telling that you need to make up another cult of pedophiles also to distract from your own.

How old was Aisha when she was raped by your idol?

No. 20334

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No, the truth is neither women nor men would ever have children with antisemitic trad-larpers. They're usually unemployed/minwage autistic losers who are chronically online with no irl interactions. That kinda person won't ever have kids regardless their sex. And the kind of men she is chasing after prefer kids so, she's definitely out of luck.
What men who share the same views as you are doing rn:

No. 20335

I hate when moid coworkers expect you to figure out their problems for them. Fucking annoying

No. 20351

Idk if this fits this thread but I have nowhere else to put it—my sister says some moid she knows is planning on asking her out and she's excited because she's never been out on a date before. She's in her early 20's too so I'm worried about this guy pressuring or negging her into doing sexual things because lots of women have already done them by that age. She says he's a nice guy but I'm not buying it, moids are only nice so they can get what they want. God I hate them so much, I hope she lets me lurk his social media with her so we can check and make sure he's not some coomer following onlyfans girls because I've already warned her that that's a red flag.

No. 20353

I'm sorry, I understand the stress. I have two younger sisters and I try my best to help provide guidance and protect them. I had to listen to them both cry to me about being used by NPC coomer moids when I tried to warn them of the red flags.

Whenever they had described "nice" guys, they were just describing manipulative love bombing. Continue to look out for her, you are a good sister!

No. 20392

It's genuinely disheartening to see some women think toxic, mentally ill men are better in bed somehow. They're no better objectively, they just are so emotionally distant or volatile that your brain overvalues the sex because it's the only thing you're getting from them.
Then there's the moids who seek out mentally ill women thinking they're better in bed, because mentally ill women are less likely to fight back or question moids manipulating them into codependency and into participating in their own sexual abuse.

No. 20401

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i'm so over this headline again and again, as if this woman deserves to have her misfortune immortalised when all she wanted to do was put food on the fucking table

No. 20405

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Some scrote I know (who's a troon supporter) sent me this just now. We haven't talked in years and he sends me this now, as if I'm suddenly gonna "repent"? Bitch bye.

No. 20489

An ex did the same with me recently. Like oh wow swoon I’ve been shamed back into your arms immediately. I’d feign concern and tell him that you’re doing good thanks for asking and he take care of himself. Implication being that he’s not doing so good kek

No. 20515

>watching war footage
>babies and kids with blood running down their faces
>think about how this is all because some scrotes are going "noooo it's MY turn to be in charge"

No. 20540

I was just watching this retarded video on so called “Male Inequality” and it’s pathetic.

>Q1: Why are men are falling behind in education ?

>Q2: why are men are falling behind in the workforce, especially in healthcare?
>Q3: why is the male suicide rate so high?
A1: Anyone who has watched their teachers be pushed to tears by unruly scrotes during primary school knows why.
A2: Because men are lazy retards. Also women don’t rape their patients or do weird shit like brand their patients livers.(Simon Bramhall)
A3: because men are more likely to own guns while women are less likely to own guns. Guns are the most lethal method of suicide. Retard.

Imagine if this video was the same exact thing except instead of men it was women. The comments would be full of shit like “ It’s just biology that women are not as smart or as capable as men”. When men surpass women it’s because women are biologically inferior, but when women surpass men, it’s wom-i mean societies fault.

No. 20541

Same fag Sorry about the dumbass “are” typos KEK

No. 20543

The worst part about any war and the concept in general in my opinion is how it's cooked up and framed as this grandiose unapproachable utterly pointless, uwu fake-deep concept like how Will Smiths son reasons reflections are from mirrors in a fake deep philosopher sort of way. Than in the same breath the concept of war is glamorized constantly, and is a favorite of fiction due to its rape and violence potential for males, and of course that it's continually perpetuated and lauded over by males in the real world as a power and depravity fantasy.

Meanwhile women stay silent as the spineless perpetual doormats and victims they are to be run over as fodder with animals and children. Women will be the cause of maybe a vague protest here and there but nothing will be done when a single moid can decide "it's my turn" over and over again throughout history. Women are completely powerless and laude over the fantastic idea painted by males of war too. Then things are framed as "humans are violent", "the folly of humanity". "The extent of Human depravity and cruelty". The cruelty of humankind during wartime" when everyone knows who's committing the genocides, the rapes, the torture but we pretend that it's "humanities" cross to bare as if women are raping children and murdering civilians en masse during wartime in equal anounts. In womens pathetic indulging of male violence and passive silence, and their complicit idealizing of the male lie of the gradiose concept of war, they are actively complicit in the endless cycle of male violence. It's not clear what can be done about it as no one actually cares or wants to do anything actually impactful. Even with the Israel Palestine conflict most males are using it as an excuse to openly murder Muslim children as psychotic males do commonly and most women are using it as an excuse to grandstand morally about how Palestinian children are being killed ala "won't somebody think of the children". Neither want to address the cause of the problem and are using the genocide of people as currency for "their team" and their reputations. Neither want to address the cause of the problem; males.

No. 20545

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Youtube has been recommending me these whiny male crisis videos as well. It's so fucking annoying. I don't want to hear the same "men are lost :((" "men are failing education :((" "my wife made me pay child support :((" sobstories several hundred times over. They literally don't even have anything else to complain about. This is the peak of their issues. Women not hopping on their cocks as they walk by is their #1 issue. It's their ONLY problem, that's all they talk about. My Youtube feed greeted me with this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txRSxee7gDo] today. The video itself is digestible I guess, but the comment section is priceless.

Picked some of my favorite comments for you nonitas, I hope you have a blast reading through them as I did, it was cathartic for me.

No. 20551

If women are attention seeking and 'hypergermus' by nature why are the vast majority of people on dating apps male? Why are the vast majority of adulters male? Why are the vast majority of rapists male? Why are males obsessed with fucking so much they think civilisation is ruined if they cannot fuck and control women freely? Idiotic whores are idiotic whores male or female but somehow male whores aren't recognized as a problem.

No. 20552

In war, I care about the deaths and trauma of children the most because they have no idea what's going on. An adult has autonomy, has a chance to make choices, a child doesn't. But I agree that it's MEN who are causing all the pain in the world, and no one in the mainstream wants to say this. Women who have opened their eyes to the reality of male violence are "radfems" and seen as crazy. The problem is, too many women also turn a blind eye because they have a husband or boyfriend or son. Male violence can't be genetic, because then they'd have to grapple with the violence in their own lives. The cognitive dissonance would be too much. This is also why women pick sides in a war, they want to support the mythical good hero man, instead of seeing war as a bunch of retarded moids on both sides chimping out because they are genetic defects that can't help it.

No. 20553

>Fail in educational institutions that for centuries were designed by and for men
>Fail in careers that for centuries were only for men because too incompetent; women take over because they actually know what they're doing
>Too emotional and irrational to be in positions of power, so they fall behind their female peers and don't perform as well.
>Have generations of women conditioned to find even the ugliest and most unlovable moids attractive and yet still too insufferable to get a woman
>Refuse to do anything to improve your life and just watch porn and blame women instead
>Literally have a millennia old power hierarchy designed to reward you for just being a mediocre man and you still can't do anything right

Imagine living life on easy mode and still being a worthless fucking failure. Men are only just beginning to get what was long coming for them. Women are still constantly discriminated against and criticized and yet they still massively outperform men after only a few decades of being given basic rights. Women and girls get harassed constantly and stay strong, but a man will fucking murder people over a stupid sob story about not having a perfect waifu bangmaid. Nature is slowly healing and maybe one day men will finally learn their fucking place. They can't even be trusted with basic tasks. This is only natural and fair that women aren't fucking them as much and they're falling behind in academia. You get what you fucking deserve.

No. 20625

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No. 20627

Is he threatening you? Be careful nonna he could expose your non-troon-dicksucking views and use that to ruin your public image.

No. 20628

>females are even more advantaged because thirsty old professors literally gift them high grades even if they got some answers wrong
And how the FUCK is that young WOMEN'S fault and not the fault of disgusting, pedophilic, sex-obsessed, sexist, misogynistic MALES IN A POSITION OF POWER???
>lots of casual sex, the men involved are always Chad and co., average guys get left out
>"pending doom that is going to befall the west" "this video should be required in every high school in America and possibly the UK and Australia"
>has a pornographic avatar depicting a black woman with huge breasts

Also why are moids the main spreaders of STDs, why have moids been praised and encouraged to spread their seed in as many women as they can while women have always been portrayed as chaste and pure (until recently that we are more independent than ever before), why did incels use to blame Chad for all their problems (until they discovered they could just blame women for everything), why do males have so much trouble telling women's friendly gestures apart from flirting, etc…

No. 20638

I majored in a STEM major and much of my professors and lab instructors were heterosexual women. How does the thirst argument work there? Although I'm not sure how pedofilic old men is somehow the fault of young women, not the best logic. Pornrot.

>sexsexsex women are having seeeexx

I can see why this particular male did shit in college. I can't imagine being this obsessed with some heterosexual women having casual sex with males that aren't them. What is the end game of heterosexual males? Is it to become the "Chad and co". Is he the "average guy?". Why is that even a problem if he doesn't care so much? How is people having casual sex like rats even remotely relevant to academic scores? He claims he's not interested in women having casual sex in college yet spergs about casual sex and the average moid uwu who cant be a whore uwu. He clearly has a chip off his shoulder because he can't be the Chad and co one to fuck over the "average guys" and fuck high grade whores like the whore he is.

>>has a pornographic avatar depicting a black woman with huge breasts

Kek the irony. Incredibly pathetic and pornrotted. The logical sex.

No. 20771

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This meme made me laugh. Maybe don't be a creep then, and don't call your fellow boys gay for expressing the slightest bit of appreciation.

No. 20832

>Being systemically conditioned to believe they're unworthy of love
Isn't this women not men? Boymoms/het women cope left and right for males. Is systemically conditioning in all of media ever? Most media is powertrips for men and humiliation and masochism by women, all are male worshipping. Is this conditioning in all "romance" aka fucking, ever? I see male worship and homophobic shit everywhere so much that its inescapable, even on this site. Delusional

No. 20838

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Was arguing with someone on Reddit and it lead me to the antinatalist subreddit. Sorted by Top to get the general idea of what the people there post and I found this nightmarish thread.

No. 20841

Male antinatalists are psychotics don't waste your time or breath trying to argue with them. They don't care about womens suffering in child birth and actual concerns of the living, they definitely don't care about the suffering of human life as indicated here in their attempt to sew faux concern about the pregnant women in these situations. Talking about burying an infant so blasé of course a female infant at that, fucking sick. The idiotic comparison of 1 in 4 women have abortions in modern times frivolously compared to women from pre baby boomer, boomer and gen X generations as having equal opportunity for abortions is laughably male. Women having abortions now are doing so because they actively choose to fuck men while ignoring the consequences of doing so. Women then were actively raped legally, and could not divorce their tethered rape chimps.

No. 20842

It doesn’t really matter what reason someone has for getting an abortion even if it’s ‘frivolous’.

No. 20843

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AYRT, I mean, many men on that sub advocate for vasectomies. They call it, affectionately, "getting the snip". I wouldn't advocate for fucking men under any circumstances, regardless of whether or not they've had vasectomies, but if you want to tear into antinatalist males then only the "these men still don't care about the effect that childbearing has on women" side of the argument is applicable. However, you would find that not many natalist women care about that, either. Picrel from the same sub

No. 20846

In a perfect world abortion would be available for all women and girls but it isn't and you're not capable of performing an abortion on yourself safely, in addition to this the law is not set in stone and can be easily revoked so you can't rely on anyone to perform an abortion on you. The concept that abortion is available freely will always be precarious and should not be taken for granted. People can freely refuse performing abortions on you, and you can't force anyone to perform an abortion. Women supposedly know of cause and effect, women know what causes a pregnancy. In additon, women getting abortions out of necessity due to being legally raped, then historically, and now is not the same as the irresponsible actions of the majority of women now lending to the 1 in 4 statistic the male presents. Every woman should have agency over their own body but part of agency is choosing to become pregnant in this case. Outside of the mentally ill, children, incapacitated women, disabled and rape victims there isn't much ground to stand on for the vast majority of abortion cases meaningfully hence why most use the argument of children being assaulted which is sick, to use children as a bargaining chip for irresponsible choosing adult women. Those who are frivolous should still have agency but part of agency is choosing to have sex with males, and using children and rape victims as a bargaining chip when the vast majority aren't. That will never not be scummy to me.

The OP of that post is mentally ill. The only reaction to that womans fucked up matyrdom/savior complex is mental illness. It's strange that they categorize this insane womans mentally ill behavior as "selfishness". I'm perplexed when people think of suicide as a selfish action for leaving the people that you love behind. Mentally ill women commit suicide when they're given no out and when their mental faculties are severely fucked. This woman effectively killed herself and an infant and then OPs mother touts suicide in mothers as a noble cause. Female matyrdom is some warped grim shit.

No. 20855

Rape is notoriously difficult to prove. How do you know the ‘vast majority’ aren’t? Is having an abortion because of a broken condom also being irresponsible and not understanding consequences? Or is your argument that ideally the only abortion will be moral good girl abortion and not slutty whore abortion?

No. 20863

My argument is that caping for liberal feminists and self destructive practices that still shield men and infantilize women as if they have no bodily autonomy, disempowers all women and lessens the veracity and impact of serious reasons for abortion, including rape. Not that men would afford those anyway in the clownworld. The moral decision is retarded and male, no one spoke of morals but you. Every woman should have full autonomy of their body but likewise, in the real world no one owes you an abortion and men hate you and want you to birth, suffer and die. No one can make law but males due to ape hierarchy, and laws are easily repealed and ignored so there's little point trying to "argue for abortion" the best we can do is make the most of a poor situation and speak honestly about idiotic behavior. Rape is a red herring. We know most abortions are not due to rape. Many such cases are women making poor decisions to trust males in their lives and most are by their nigels or males in their life that they have sex with, while not using contraceptives. The vast majority are not rape victims, additionally most women perform abortions early within the first few weeks, as they are not raped. (its idiotic to argue most womens abortion cases are due to rape) and have relief from having early abortions. Yes, it is difficult to prove but most assault is difficult to prove in moid courts by moid law, focusing on this is idiotic. A woman knows if they have been raped and no institution of men will never protect you from being assaulted, all you can be is proactive. Maybe women could run all female abortions clinics but I don't see that happening ever.

Your misogynistic whataboutism, catty moralfagging doesn't undo that most abortions ARE due to the cause and effect of abiding by a patriarchal system and therefore heterosexual womens own choice to fuck men. I said before women should have full bodily autonomy and part of that is choosing to or not to fuck men. I won't moralfag like you but I will say that using rape victims as a pawn in your argument is grim and peak libfem brainrot.

No. 20870

You said it’s ‘shaky ground’ and ‘frivolous’ to get abortion simply because you don’t want to be pregnant, as opposed to getting one due to rape. Sure sounds like moralfagging to me. And you didn’t answer my question, how do you know what the cause of most abortions is? And what’s your argument even, all women on earth should stop fucking men? Do you think if all women stopped fucking men, there would be no unwanted pregnancies? Or do you think women should only have sex for the purpose of procreation?

No. 20873

The Billie Eyelash quote is making the rounds on twitter and it’s just a deluge of men being misogynistic in response. If you don’t know she basically said women are treated as objects and judged harshly for their appearance where men are able to be seen as people first.
Everyone should know this is true, every woman has experienced being objectified. And I am also including being denigrated for being ugly in objectification, because that’s what it is.
Queue men saying how horrible their lives are for being ugly, and channeling their ‘suffering’ into misogyny. Their suffering? Being ugly and girls ignoring them, or posting memes (created by other men) making fun of manlets and small dicks.
They extend no sympathy to women, who are subjected to much worse than simply being passed up for dates. Billie herself struggles a lot with her body and how the media portrays it. Men will never have to hide under baggy clothes as teenagers so men won’t leer at them, they’ll never have websites dedicated to counting down the days until they’re “legal”.

I hate “men’s issues”. Every time I hear of their suffering it’s just whining and entitlement used as a bludgeon to denigrate women and minimize what they go through (which is always so much worse).

I wish I could be an ugly man where the worst thing that could ever happen to me is women ignoring me. I wish the only places I could go online to damage my self esteem are obscure Internet forums where other autistic men analyze their cantonal tilt.

No. 20887

You said it’s ‘shaky ground’ and ‘frivolous’ to get abortion simply because you don’t want to be pregnant, as opposed to getting one due to rape. Sure sounds like moralfagging to me.
>because you don’t want to be pregnant
What how is my personal opinion relevant, weirdo?
No, what is "shaky ground?" I didn't say anything was that. Idiotic?, yes. Careless? yes. Neither are moral arguments or judgements this is reality, pregnancy takes a toll on a womans body and strips away both bodily autonomy and freedom. That's not a moral argument, your body is literally incapacitated for nearly a year, then at least 18 are spent child rearing. There are far more arguments one could use against pregnancy but they are not necessary, its known that it incapacitates and severely diminishes women. My opinion is also irrelevant to the discussion, keep your personal judgements out of this.

>And you didn’t answer my question, how do you know what the cause of most abortions is?

I don't. I did answer this question actually. We know most cases of abortion are early, within the first few weeks and not due to rape. In part because women in the developed world by in large choose their partners, and choose to have sex. There is no way of knowing what percentage reliably are victims, but we can speculate that most simply aren't because they tell us such. The number of possible victims would unironically be reduced if women ignored men, which is funny you even bring it up.

>S-so all women on earth should stop fucking men?!

Yes lol

>Do you think if all women stopped fucking men, there would be no unwanted pregnancies?

They wouldn't be eliminated since cases of rape would still occur but by the by, yes they would be reduced, once again isn't this cause and effect?

>Or do you think women should only have sex for the purpose of procreation?

No, where did you get this random misogynistic retardation from? Who said I give a fuck about "procreation", you weirdo.

No. 20890

so your solution is stop fucking men and stop reproducing. good luck with that I guess. also unless you intend to kill every man on earth then they're not going to be ok with never getting sex again en masse.

No. 20902

Anon, it is a gradual process. Less women fucking males → less males being produced → less women fucking males → less males being produced → less women fucking males → males on life support.

You should concern yourself less with abortions and more with how to drill into braindead women that males are dangerous rapists and pillagers by nature. That 1% chance of their son being born a bit mutated in a way that decreases his violent tendencies is not a good gamble as far as other women are concerned. There ain't no nurturing them out of their fucking nature, we aren't gonna undo millions of years of evolution in 100 years, but we can very effectively, painlessly and consistently decrease male population by just… slowly checking out of fucking (/breeding) them. I thought this was such a no-brainer solution that every woman aware of the danger of keeping males around would be in on it?

No. 20906

It’s only a no brainer solution on paper. It’s absolutely not scalable. You’re not going to be able to convince the vast majority of women to do that and the amount of women that choose to do that right now isn’t big enough to make an impact. You still need to work within the system we have.

No. 20915

Sorry if this doesn't quite fit here, I didn't want to post on /ot/. I understand it's because of misogyny, but why man-hating is such a popular insult that makes a woman automatically rejected? As if it's calling someone irrtational or bigoted, their opinion to be disposed of. It is justified. Men are the majority of the world's criminals and responsible for most shit. Obviously women do bad too, but female-dominated crimes and criminal patterns/cruelty are a different beast.

No. 20922

>also unless you intend to kill every man on earth then they're not going to be ok with never getting sex again en masse
You're a violent schizo stating this, I never advocated for violence you weirdo. How hard is it to have bodily autonomy over your own body? certified retard. Its "not scalable" because you've psyopped yourself to think it as such, just as your imaginary free abortions for every woman is. Abortion for all women wasn't scalable either historically but as the point stands you can't force anyone to give you an abortion so you're better off not playing a losing game rather than playing it, then expectedly losing then complaining about it and crying victim.

No. 20924

I never said you said that. I asked you if you expect every man on earth to be okay with never getting sex again. how do you prevent them from chimping out? explain how you're going to get every woman alive to to stop fucking/giving birth to males if it's a no brainer solution. the right to say no to marriage or sex can also be taken away at any time.

No. 20934

>how do you prevent them from chimping out?
Men already and will always "chimp out" whether women obey them or not to a tee. Look at the majority of assault cases committed by the womans partner, relative or a "person" (male) who is known to them. Men try to blackmail women into obedience and threaten us with rape if we disobey. You can't leverage this rapist argument in favor of justifying the irresponsible deliberate behavior of women. Its no ones responsibility to "feed the rapist" so that they don't starve, in the current system of patriarchy the sex trafficked fill a pitiful portion of this "role", other women fill the other half willingly but it's a illusionary role to begin with that women meme themselves into sans forced trafficked women who have no choice. Its no ones responsibility to play the rapee/sacrificial lamb, just as its no ones responsibility to give any woman an abortion on demand. This sort of mentality is the same one that males use to justify human trafficking and child pornography. Fuck off with this horrid threatening non sequitur.

>explain how you're going to get every woman alive to to stop fucking/giving birth to males if it's a no brainer solution.

It is a no brainer solution lel, read >>20887 Yes. I have no idea why you'd think this is complex, its simply saying no to tradition. Many women are actually doing this nowadays if not postponing motherhood without having been peaked, about 50% of Gen Z claim they don't want to have kids, this is provisional and from youth but its still reflective of changing times. Males are already violent whether women submit or not. Dressing nicely won't stop you from being raped, being lesbian won't stop you from being raped, but avoiding males may prevent you from being statistically a victim of their violence. I suppose to the question of violence you keep bringing up, that's a separate matter. That's something that is a timeless dilemma for women, perhaps buy a fucking gun and practice self defense with being financially independent and somewhat self sufficient without the reliance on globalized systems for sufficiency and survival. Congregate with other women, family and friends, protect each other; its the only option we have. As far as civilized society goes you can only trust law enforcement as much as intuition tells you.

>the right to say no to marriage or sex can also be taken away at any time.

Hey that's similar to what I said earlier. Except I said that about abortion, that's so true.
>in addition to this the law is not set in stone and can be easily revoked so you can't rely on anyone to perform an abortion on you. The concept that abortion is available freely will always be precarious and should not be taken for granted. People can freely refuse performing abortions on you, and you can't force anyone to perform an abortion.

No. 20936

>perhaps buy a gun
I can't where I live.
>responsibility to be the rapee
Unfortunately someone always pays the price of freedom, trafficked prostitutes being a good example.
Choosing to avoid males is something that only became available very recently in Western nations, how is this supposed to work in countries like Afghanistan? but even if we focus only on the West, do you think males wouldn't follow if all females avoided them? And more people choosing not to have kids isn't the same as choosing not to produce more males. This can work for some small scale communes, it's not going to work for the entire world. And unless you manage to assemble an actual militia, even if everyone is armed, it's not going to mean much if the military gets involved. Yes, I suppose you could say you'd rather die before surrendering, but people like this are rare.
well, yeah? if you think abortion is unreliable relying on the concept of bodily autonomy which even if you get everyone to agree, you'll have to defend violently is even more unreliable.

No. 20939

>how is this supposed to work in countries like Afghanistan?
Throughout the entire discussion we've been discussing the western world, specifically the U.S. where women have equal rights at least in this respect so its bizarre that you pivot to less developed countries that lack this freedom. Instead of poking holes in every little thing you have to admit that it is a very easy solution to the original argument we had about abortion in developed countries. We can speculate left right and centre about what hypothetically could happen but at this point in time in history, in the developed world women can say no, period. There is no denying this and the solution is simple at that without the mental abstractions. Now that this discussion has spiralled into doomsday prep I suppose it's run it's course kek.

No. 20940

Well sorry if you don’t like it but all your arguments about abortion also apply to this. Abortion can be taken away at any time but the right to say no will somehow always persist? And it’s not a solution you’ll be able to sell to anyone outside niche radfem communities. But even if you could you don’t have a solution for what would happen when men realize and retaliate. Yes on paper if no one ever had sex again abortion would decrease but that’s not going to happen.

No. 20946

I never said the right to say no will always exist. Continue poking holes if you please, the solution is simple and women choosing their own misery and calling it freedom will never not be black pilling. The original argument was over this post >>20842 where I disagreed. Women choosing half assedly to rely on a male apologist mentality like you're describing as with abortion and precarious external forces, technology, drugs etc. over their own rationality is absurd. This is what makes my body my choice so absurd, as it current stands women have control over their bodies and their choices; one of those choices is fucking men. You can wax on how its difficult on a large scale but no ones arguing that it must be upheld nationwide and regulated. I was only pointing out the idiocy of this cycle of suffering that women sign themselves up to. At an individual scale, this is simple and easy to fix. Once again why play a losing game when you have the option not to play at all?

No. 20979

Why do so many moids use women in their online drama stories to get some "gotcha" moments? They try so hard all the time to speak for women; first off we can speak for ourselves, thank you very much. Secondly, why are our issues only relevant when it's to get back at other moids? It's just objectivism rewritten. Why do moid activists or online personalities or content creators or whatever only talk about misogyny within their little political or art or gaming communities to shit on other moids (with usually lies to begin with)? Where's the support on a normal day, when women are constantly underappreciated and underestimated? Moids just can't fight their own battles.

No. 20998

Has anyone else noticed that since Youtube changed their CEO from Susan Wojcicki to Neal Mohan no one complains about problems with Youtube as much anymore? Or if they do complain it's directed at just Youtube itself and not the CEO like people (mostly men) did previously? When men would talk about Susan they would call her a horse-faced bitch who's probably always drunk on wine over all the mistakes she's made in regards to the site, and then when Neal took over men made him songs about how great he was for replacing Susan and never said a word about him afterwards. There's been a lot of negative changes Youtube has made since Neal took over but I've never seen any of the usual people who would cover those things talk about them (besides the recent anti-adblock pop-ups and purposely having code that adds buffer time to videos for firefox users, but they blame Youtube itself and never mention the CEO).

No. 21046

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Fucking kek.

No. 21047

>and never be in a bad mood
lmao i do not believe this one bit, ive had to deal with a man's shitty moods for my entire life. i feel like im being collectively gaslight when people say shit like "wahhhhhhh men arent allowed to express emotions"

No. 21056

If it's so difficult to behave like a normal, well-adjusted human being maybe they should just rope kek

No. 21058

i just saw a male on social media reply to a post of a woman saying something stupid with his desire to hit her, then he followed it up with sharing a separate post on why women need to "get over their fear of men." this is very logical of him and not at all retarded.

No. 21108

Men's sexual attention mean nothing. I mean, corpses, animals and babies get it too, so why should women bend over backwards fighting one another for it?

No. 21172

I contract into corrections. I deal with a men's prison. The absolute skin crawling stories I can tell in here. Be it an inmate or a c.o., men are fucking disgusting. Just last week some drug addict was yelling at me, calling me a bitch and what he'll do to me etc.. the "officer" stood there the whole time. When he was called in for repremanding (it was all on camera being in a prison). Dude said "I didnt want to be there, I wasn't assigned that post". That was it. Union backed him. So don't ever think a man will protect you by instinct like they pretend. Now, literally EVERY female c.o. has stood up for me. They don't like us being there, but at least the women can look beyond that and do their job.

No. 21173

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Hate when people say "rape culture" like it's something optional and/or fleeting like a cultural practice. It's so ambiguous and mystified. It's the "culture~". Like damn where is it coming from? Can anyone help me figure out why
>82% of all juvenile victims are female. 90% of adult rape victims are female.
>Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault.
>Women ages 18-24 who are college students are 3 times more likely than women in general to experience sexual violence. Females of the same age who are not enrolled in college are 4 times more likely ????
Who is this mystical figure raping all the underage girls and young women? Please help anons.

No. 21181

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Did some digging on a guy a friend of mine started seeing because she refused to do it herself and found some reddit reply where he said all the women he's been with in the past have been into pain/BDSM but he doesn't like being in pain himself. Shit makes me want to a-log, not only because sexual violence perpetuated against women has been so normalized—but also the fact that the moid is such a coward that he can't take any pain himself. God I wish I could inflict severe pain upon him, what a piece of shit. of course when I told her about this she didn't care "well anon it doesn't matter if there was consent!!!" as if a moid who was publicly posting about hitting, choking, or doing god knows what to women during sex isn't a red flag

No. 21198

Moids saying women don't care about their mental health boohoo they can't talk about their feelings to their girlfriends
Also them when women talk about their mental health: Grow up, stop crying/You probably deserved your rape/I would've done the same thing/It's no big deal haha

No. 21236

Cry more male. The intended purpose of males is physical shit collection and disposable ape strength jobs. Play ape games win ape prizes.

No. 21240

Men should stay in shit physical labor jobs til they hang themselves at 50 years old and leave intelligent work to women.

No. 21241

the funniest thing is that scrotes will harass any woman who tries to enter these jobs until she quits.
They'll even go as far as sabotaging her equipment to try and get her killed.

They do this because scrotes want to prove they still have a use in society and aren't completely worthless and easily replaceable by a more competent woman. Just shoot yourself already rape beast. Your kind has failed at everything.

No. 21250

We need a race for space. Men need twice the amount of calories to live, more room, etc. Where as we can just freeze their sperm, and let them have this decaying rock.

No. 21270

sister told me her experience with a stalker moid who works with her and has followed her home, now i want to harass that fucker anonymously the police wont do shit anyways the fucker acts like he was just in the area yeah sure you shit paste of a failed fetus pls nonnies give me ideas so i can make this moids life hell i fucking hate it i want him to always look behind his shoulder as he makes my sister do fuck this fucker if i find him on the streets there'll be hell to pay

No. 21589

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When searching for some advice about vulvodynia (debilitating vulva pain - sorry for TMI) that I have due to endometriosis, I instead come across the band in picrel. a group of moids in south africa who chose this as their band name. and this is their "art" - a naked woman covered in blood. considering how bad rape and femicide is in south africa right now, this just really pissed me off.

No. 21615

I've figured out what unnerves me about women choosing to birth sons. It's the assumption that there will be a woman in his future to fuck him. I am pretty sure everyone knows that men are strongly sexually-charged to the point of deluding themselves that sex is a need. I've yet to meet a man who hasn't let his perversion be known in one way or another, it just slips for them naturally. Birthing a male is birthing a person that will require sex in the future. The assumption here is that sex will be provided. I think that's partly why mothers of boys tend to become dedicated boymoms. Their son is owed, because they birthed him with the idea that he's gonna get it. If they don't get it, the mothers feel like they failed them.

No. 21621

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Wish I could literally actually take a pill to cure myself of female socialisation. I believe in nuance, love, and empathy, all fine moral values, but I have been trained by my society to first and foremost direct that towards the abuser. I hate it. Where is my empathy for myself and those like me who have been so thoroughly trampled? Men are not people. I cant stand it.

No. 21623

NVM, just read Manifesto-chan's explanations on empathy as biological programming for women and I don't feel bad about it anymore. Funny how I fell for the guilt trip, huh? As if it's my fault that men are walking abortions

No. 21626

You love to see it.

No. 21627

I like seeing anons here be peaked in real time.

No. 21636

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barely related since there are very little people who would know/care but this has been on my mind for a while… the deeper you go into the extreme metal genre the more and more bands are specifically abusing women themed and if the band’s name isn’t explicit violent misogyny then the album artwork and/or songs for sure are. and I don’t just mean it’s common, I mean that I, a person with a mostly lacking moral compass, just cannot find anything in these genres to listen to in good conscience since 99% of it is just violent misogyny & torturing women themed (specifically). makes you think.. what is the fucking chance, right? ..that all the violent woman haters just.. decided to go into slam and brutal death metal… now what I think is more likely is that this shit does represent the inner world of a pretty percentage of men, it’s just that society at large is going to pretend you’re completely normal and not going to ostracize you if as a man you growl over dogshit uninspired riffs about how much you hate and want to rape women instead of just saying or posting it somewhere. big black pill and deeply unsettling if i’m being honest. never forget how much men hate you

No. 21641

This is why I never understand the people who like those bands. Even if the songs arent misogynistic themselves, the band members always get exposed for either raping women or having relations with underage fans, forcing groupies into weird sexual stuff etc.

No. 21645

Nightmare inducing black pilling content anon but thank you for posting this stark, poignant reminder. This literally made me fucking nauseous reading those titles and seeing those images. I'm curious if you posted this in /g/ and /ot/ what the general reaction would be. Would it peak any women?

No. 21692

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This is why I will never feel guilty being a misandrist. We didnt wake up hating men one day, it was shit like this. Imagine discovering metal as a teenager, the genre thats described as having the most happy, welcoming, kind people, only to find out its the same male dominance like everywhere else. Band members dating porn stars, leaving their wives for shitty dancers, marrying 10,20,30 years younger(Wayne Static, Corey Taylor, King Diamond). Picrel is from a "snuff metal" band, I thought it was ironic considering the band's name and a shirt showing a dominant woman, then I saw this disgusting shit and the band members. The amount of times I've looked up to a rare female member making it in the scene, only to find out shes a pickme and/or onlyfans/porn model is astounding. And for what, to get money from these men who write and listen to shit like this?
And both sexes never take women-only bands singing about mutilating and raping men seriously, because we just dont do it. It is not a common enough crime to have the same impact as hearing lyrics about rape and murder that has a high chance of actually happening in ANY genre's concert where drunk men exist. One is based in fact and generations of violence against women, the other is based on rage and revenge for being a target by breathing while having a vagina.

No. 21709

I never understood the thing about metal being so super kind and cool and accepting when it’s the same moid gatekeeping and misogyny about fake female fans as any other music scene. No way will I believe the men who like horrible screaming music about violence and gore and go to concerts where they flail around assaulting people are actually super nice compared to others kek

No. 21745

This is why I side-eye people that tell me they are into metal, kekw. Disgusting. People who make things like this should be put in mental wards.

No. 21755

If they were women they would be diagnosed with personality disorders and hated by both sexes like blackpilled women are. The shit I saw in metal communities, bands singers bang members were just a confirmations of the blackpill and I even saw a female metal singer in a age gap relationship, the moid is like 20 years older and the pickme is literally a JD supporter cause she was commenting hearts under his instagram post. So many of these men in these bands date very young women who worship them and support their career. Just the awareness that men have these pet pickmes rn serving them like a bimbos while I have to suffer makes me so mad.
And yeah musicians love to date porn stars and strippers cause they literally want a prostitute

No. 21760

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What liberalism and liberal feminism has taught men:

>Prostitution is a free choice made in a vacuum and is not exploitative at all, except the suuuuuper rare times women get hurt, then it’s just a complete anomaly and accident and means nothing at all. Sex work is work!

>The key to women’s liberation and empowerment is pandering to men’s boners.

>Women who have been indoctrinated by patriarchy and/or extorted into serving men are making a free choice in a vacuum, and you’re antifeminist if you question situations where women are disadvantaged.

>women being cautious around men and not indiscriminately accepting male advances are prejudiced just like racists. Women are public property and therefore exempt from freedom association.

>Abortion rights because men should be liberated from the responsibility of fatherhood

>Marginalized people are incapable of being misogynistic.

>Being a feminist ally means proclaiming your desire to have sex with and scream “mommy milkers” at women that conservatives claim to be unfuckable.

>Expanding the rights of women means defining more categories of women as sex objects. Conventionally attractive white women shouldn’t be the only women capable of “empowerment” by giving men boners. We should be sexually objectifying all other kinds of women too! Make hijabi, bbw, and ebony trend on pornhub!

>Using therapy language and progressive arguments to neg women into sex and uncomfortable situations, because you’re only a sexual predator if you jump a woman in an alleyway and rape her.

>”Not all men”

>Any woman you find problematic is opening herself to justified misogynist abuse. Degrading a woman by calling them ugly, fatherless, used up whores deserving of rape is progressive as long as she doesn’t agree with one of your political opinions.

>Women are abusive and/or conservative if they question any of the above

No. 21788

Name a male feminist who touts anything aside from “sex work is work”, abortion rights and the rights of transwomen to redefine being a female and invade female exclusive spaces. It’s literally impossible. They are incapable of seeing us as human beings with our own interests and don’t care to in the first place.
Of course there are rare exceptions. The femdom coomers who get their dicks hard to the idea of a matriarchy and getting their balls stomped on. But they’re just as bad in regards to treating women like people. We still exist in service of their interests even if that interest appears paradoxical at face value.

I don’t know a single man who actually cares about women and at this point I think misogyny is inherent to their nature. White men can display compassion, empathy, and understanding for marginalized people from whatever race/ethnic group/religion/ideology. It’s certainly not extremely common but I have at least seen it in the real world. When it comes to women, their default programming to conquer and consume women takes over and their empathy dissolves into nothing. The only way they can tolerate women’s rights is if they redefine our demands until it benefits them in some way or another.

No. 21790

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So once men enter you they stay there forever and literally enter your womb!?

No. 21791

That is not true lol

No. 21792

Samefag but most studies are incorrect and you need multiple peer reviewed works to even consider something might be true. This website is bullshit. You need to do more indepth research before spreading this shit

No. 21793

No. 21795

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first thing I thought of when I saw that lel

It's the same reason I can't get down with a lot of power electronics (ubiquitous Sotos wannabes notwithstanding). I cut myself on the edge

No. 21816

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posts on the Picrel translated from another language.
I hate ageism, men and their cum dumpsters so much. I hate the patriarchy female and male biology conceives. I hate male and female biological behaviours and unconsciousness and what it creates in society. I hate the patriarchal hierarchies men and women create, theres even a patriarchal hierarchy between women created by women and women groom eachother into the patriarchy too…
Now I have to read shit like this endlessly online cause of the pig couple men and women are together aka the disgusting heterosexuality that's nothing but a slavery for women. And ofc males behave like a parasites or a cancer, isn't it funny that this is what their behavior resembles the most? We are in hell. Look at human history and see the patriarchy that was always conceived on earth… It's terrifying. And look at the way these men on the picrel speak, y'all really date these creatures? Zero self respect or deluded like the Nigel havers who think they are a powerful man eaters meanwhile they are just naive

No. 21852

Why should women commit to scrotes who will discard them once they turn 30? More and more women reject heterosexual relationships because moids are open and proud pedos. We don't want a husband who will molest our kids.

Then scrotes wonder why they're is a male 'loneliness' epidemic. They deserve to die alone with their child sex dolls.

No. 21856

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Rant incoming but I fucking hate how men are always searching for reasons to hate women. They hate us for doing that same things men do, except men ALSO do these things but worse.
Men think women are inherently evil sluts and the root of all evil. Last time I checked, women aren’t the ones spreading STDs amongst each other, raping animals, kids and even each other, or forcing orangutans into prostitution. In certain shit holes, women are forced to cover their entire body to protect men from their evil temptress bodies, but men don’t bother controlling themselves anyway and still rape anything that moves.
Men are always touted as the more “logical sex” but they are far from it. Look at the retard in picrel. He is saying that if women had power, then we would do all these terrible things, even though men have already done these things and are still doing these things lmao.
Only men have started wars. All shit hole countries are male dominated and patriarchal. Women aren’t the ones risking humanities extinction by running oil companies and destroying the environment. Women actually care about the environment more so than men and are made fun of it for being girly tree huggers.
The only reason men are in power is because of their chimp strength and them lying to women for thousands of years about how god said we are inferior, stupid and them projecting on women on how perverted we are. Men like to make fun of women for having silly girly emotions like “empathy” and “compassion” even though the lack of these traits in males has lead to corruption, environmental destruction, slavery and greed. Remember when the Nations that best dealt with the pandemic happened to be led by women? Have men forgotten that women are ahead of them in education(and no it’s not because of “Male inequality” in a male dominated world kek)?

No. 21911

What about rock music? E.g. I love Rush.

No. 21913

I feel like the band is fine if they don't sing about anything love or sex related, ofc we don't know what the moids are behind closed doors but Rush were mostly singing about nerdy shit. A band like Blind Guardian is good in that regard as far as metal goes.

No. 21915

Well, OP of theis comment here. I'm a woman and I love Rush, am I weird?

No. 21916

Sorry, typo *this

No. 21918

I like Rush too, don't worry.

No. 21943

I listen to plenty of rock and some metal as well, as long as the lyrics aren’t horrible I can’t be bothered to research every band to see if the members are up to my moral standard tbh. I assume they all to some extent take advantage of their status or fame if they have it.

No. 21946

half the reason I pirate all my music with the exception of artists I chose to support is because I listen to lots of industrial and rock and they all have misogynistic lyrics sprinkled into every song even if you avoid the very bad ones. despite current culture trying to normalise these things, hatred is a massive red flag of worse issues and issues worsen with fame so it's more likely than not they all have skeletons. scrotes also seem to think that if they advertise themselves as broken they have carte blanche to do what they want to women without trying to change because they're "open" about it (ignoring or not understanding that most normal people see self-awareness as the first step to changing bad behaviours). what is rock if not men being open about their problems and struggles half the time?
plus rock culture has always encouraged sleeping with underage fans, can't trust a scrote to be good in a vacuum, let alone among their peers

No. 21947

Kind of want to download this to remind myself how depraved men can be whenever I'm feeling lonely but I also never want to see it again

No. 21969

OP who is a Rush fan here.
I loathe the amount of misogyny in the music industry, I know I will never be a famous musician, due to the fact I was born in Poland, but not only this. Men are super misogynistic in music industry as well. They expect even rock and metal women to look like a Barbie doll, dress like a "slut", or else they aren't fuckable. I play lots of instruments, guitar, bass, drums etc.
Sometimes for the moids it's not enough and I know, mostly men control the Hollywood and music industry.

No. 21970

OP who is a Rush fan here.
Oh goodness, this is how I came to discover Rush, that is not a bad band, morality-wise (but I was disappointed to find out, Geddy took coke).

No. 21971

Nice to know!

No. 21972

It's still better than raping someone and I hope my favorite band never did this.

No. 21994

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What is it about war that turns men into actual fucking animals? I seriously think that the law is the only thing stopping men from killing, and raping every single woman, child, even animal.

>inb4 “urm Hamas did xyz, so you shouldn’t criticize Israel”

I hate Hamas too, I hate this entire stupid war that gives men free reign to be complete beasts. Nobody is safe. Israeli women are being raped and paraded around the city. Palestinian women are being crushed under rubble, with their body parts collected in bags.

Israel doesn’t care about women unless they exist as reasons to further their cause of war.

No. 22002

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16 is the legal age of consent in the Uk so what exactly is the problem? No one would bat an eyelid if the sexes were reversed.

No. 22005

I know this isn't the point at all but they look reversed in age kek. Had to reread the article to be sure I'd read the ages right
Release anonymously maybe! Honestly even just posting to soundcloud or youtube might be a nice creative outlet for you because it would be a shame for another creative woman to lose her spark. The mainstream music industry is owned by men who hate women and wouldn't want non misogyny to thrive except in small libfem "slut-positive" doses, but thankfully we live in a digital age where anything is possible for release to a worldwide audience (though obviously to a smaller fanbase lol). I think I found this woman on the farms a year or so ago and she releases her uncensored art to youtube and soundcloud. I know it's not the same as being allowed to thrive like other artists, but tbh I don't know if it's worth it to get into the mainstream versions of these industries as a woman. It's too horrible what always comes out about these women and the men perpetuating violence

No. 22007

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what even gives someone the idea of posting this? did this retard expect asspats for his uwu anxiety and being so brave for feeling guilty about it? fucking piece of shit

No. 22010

I think this is fake. Palestinians literally hunt dogs because they think they're dirty.


No. 22025

Nta but it's not fake, unfortunately, except this video is very old. I remember seeing it years ago, and he indeed throws the poor animal off the cliff and laughs. It made me sick for days. I hate men so much

No. 22059

Everyone says that about him kek. He looks 40 and twice divorced.
He seems alright though, he stuck up for her when everyone was harassing her and acting like she’s some sort of pedophile. “If the roles were reversed!!!!” Fucking Reddit brain rot. The rolls will never be reversed. I’m sorry but it’s just not the same as 16 yr old girl with 21 yr old moid. There isn’t the same power imbalance.
Two young people with mutual interests met and decided to form a relationship, that’s all that happens here. Unlike the 21 year olds who used to hang around my youth club when I was a young teen. THEY were fucking predators.

No. 22098

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Why are women such cucks

No. 22109

And who will they say has life on easy mode? You’re right that women are cucked, it’s pathetic how they settle on some shit relationship with an ugly guy who treats them like trash but continues to support and love him despite the bullshit. But men leave the second you don’t suck their dick every day, or start cheating behind your back because they like having a bangmaid in the house. Most women will never wake up to this. They’ll ruin their lives to be a servant to a man who cries about being lonely.

No. 22120

In a video he uploaded recently he said she is taking a 2 year break from their relationship.

No. 22121

can't watch the video now but wtf does "2 year break" mean? her comment is less than 2 years old and they just got married. why do they need a break already?

No. 22125

He also had multiple girlfriends before and after this

No. 22128

She's from a third world country she obviously just married him for the Scandinavian citizenship and now she's gone.
Women date ugly scrotes when they are coerced or physically forced but moids have to cope with the fact that at the end no one will trully love them. And if they didn't have all the power they would die alone and unfucked. They're inherently undesirable and unlovable beings.

No. 22130

Not a single attractive scrote would ever give a chance to woman this ugly—all males regardless of their appearance think bagging a super hot 10/10 girl is their god given right. Even this inbred moid made videos lamenting about the fact that he'd "have to settle for ugly, fat, or handicapped women" while looking like a fucking anorexic ogre himself. Hope this woman wises up and leaves him to wallow in loneliness and self-pity for the rest of his life

No. 22132

She is a PoC, so still uglier than him lol(retarded racebait)

No. 22142

Because another brown parasite is exactly what Scandinavia needs, right? I have no sympathy for either of them(racebait)

No. 22167

Kek at the white male racebaiter that's thinking anyone would agree a model looks uglier than that mutant.

No. 22195

Funny thing is if even if they manage to end up with a woman out of their league the get extremely insecure and begin to resent her for having leverage over him.

No. 22213

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I swear men are becoming worse

No. 22214

I’m from the UK: even though AOC is 16, men over 20 dating 16 year olds is seen as creepy and weird.

No. 22222

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Just read about Cheryl Araujo's case from back in the 80s, I realize it's famous but I had never heard of it. Reading about what she went through makes me want to scream and cry and never stop, I feel so angry and heartbroken. Imagine being gangraped and a bunch of people just laugh and cheer. Hustler even made fun of her gang rape and the entire town ostracized her after the trails. She died so painfully young and it just kills me. The men of course basically got away with it even though 4/6 of the rapists got convicted. Fuck this world, our justice system hates women so much, our laws hate women so much our media hates women. The 80s wasn't even that long ago, men like this are just walking around next to you in the grocery store asking you what aisle the chips are on. Cops who raped lesbians in bars in the 70s, moids who raped and beat their wives, murders who were never caught, old rapists, all these old fucks are still out here walking around getting away with shit they did 30 years ago or more Scott fucking free while the women they destroyed are dead. I fucking hate men. Evil soulless animals. Sometimes I feel so much grief for what has been done to innocent women and girls I feel like the only way to cope is to have a full breakdown with other women like picrel

No. 22232

Is it just me or are most unhygienic/gross women still cleaner and less disgusting than unhygenic/gross moids, and sometimes still less gross than “normal” moids at points? I think it’s probably due to socialization, and I’m not saying this as an across the board thing (I don’t doubt there are some truly disgusting women out there), but I feel like I’ve noticed this a lot throughout my life. I’ve only known one woman who let herself live in filth, meanwhile it seems like it’s moid nature to be a fucking hoarder to some degree or another, I have no clue why.
I don’t know how men deal with being that filthy, even when I was at points when I would barely do anything due to depression or whatever, my room would be cluttered but never to the point where it was like my ex’s room on a regular basis, with fucking pizza boxes strewn around.

And also, fuck how moids act about movies. I remember growing up men around me shitting on so many movies aimed at women and girls, regardless of quality, with no care about anybody else’s opinion on them, even saying stuff like “you would be stupid to like that”, while having a fucking stroke if you dare have the opinion Indiana Jones as a whole is overrated as fuck and that he’s a misogynist chomo.

No. 22233

But see nonna, some woman have abortions, so they’re actually REAL evil ones!!
Men are uwu victims while women need to take accountability for everything ever, including things they did not do and/or aren’t even responsible for!

…god I hated typing that lol.

No. 22273

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Saw this woman on TikTok and I’m appalled at how horrible men are. She was waterboarded by her ex. That’s a form of torture banned from the military because it’s too brutal for trained soldiers. And this scum did it to his gf. How do you even think of doing something like that to another human being?

No. 22303

Samefag I just learned she was pregnant when he waterboarded her too. I hope moids die out.

No. 22322

I think males are genuinely less evolved than women. The fact that sexy sex times is what seems to dominate their brain as if it was a literal need, is so pathetic and embarrassing. They're like chimps. Like, there is more to life than getting laid/jerking it to porn, but if a moid can't do that it's as if he's lost and broken. Nothing seems to matter more.

For example, my soon-to-be ex acts like me not having sex with him for a couple of days is neglect of the highest order. And trust me there's plenty reason why I wasn't jumping on his dick. But like that was his biggest issue in our relationship, while I had plenty complex actual issues…for him it was always just "i don't feel LOVED and DESIRED cuz you don't have sex with me enough bawwww"

Like holy shit get some real fucking problems. He literally was paranoid i was cheating on him because "how do YOU deal with this problem (not getting enough sex)?" As if he couldn't possibly imagine how i could cope so well without it… Mind you we've gone like a week without sex at most. Like dude I have other shit to deal with right now that's dominating my headspace like actual important life stressors.

How do males function with their penis constantly screaming at them?

No. 22343

It doesn't get better with age either. Had my 40 year old recent ex act the same way. Oh like maybe if you didn't invalidate me constantly and were ever able to hold yourself accountable I might wanna bang you more dumbass. Men are pathetic in how unable they are to progress and evolve.

No. 22367

It’s so retarded how the same men who will reee about accountability in women whatever the fuck that even means are also the same men who coddle each other, say they are owed things in life, and cheer on horrific behavior from other males. A woman can do anything and be evil but a man can do everything and “it would be cruel to judge him based on the circumstances”. A woman doesn’t deserve privacy or empathy but a man does.

No. 22432

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In the comments you see moids calling women "da huuuugest perverts ever" https://twitter.com/cremieuxrecueil/status/1752049047098003504 I've seen this on different sites as well and it's the same in every single comment section talking about how women are such huge perverts with porn addictions? Are we on the same earth? I don't even read smut but even I know it's simply just a type of porn made for women because words carry much more weight than seeing a woman getting unpleasingly fucked by the worst build to ever exist. All this proves is women are much more imaginative and aren't beastly like moids are to sources of dopamine. I just can't fathom on how they think this makes them superior in anyway or how women are such huge porn addicts like they're the ones who need ai batman to tell them to stop jacking off to rape or the fact that they don't actually rape. Even worse, get so completely desensitized of the other sex they start targeting children.

No. 22434

samefag but only ONE is called erotica. This as well proves how lacking moids are in a intimate sense we have to turn to fiction, but they will never reflect on that.

No. 22440

I don't read fiction but regardless of whatever anyone chooses to read or not read I can't imagine being so devoid of individuality, character, self confidence and self-identity that you ascribe yourself and your entire biology ergo essentialism to books written by other people, read by other people, experienced by other people, bleakly on a goodreads book genre popularity poll. Bleak. It's like this moid doesn't even see himself or other males as unique persons with lived experiences and instead he is just a Borg collective or a sum of many parts who's part of a larger moid machine whose sole purpose is to spread only unintentionally self defeating moid propaganda.

Males really do just see themselves as interchangable NPCs with no discernable unique soul outside of what is good to them as a ape collective and what triggers bad ape feelings from imitating the closest male in the room. I have no idea how anyone can see this as anything but telling on yourself as being a low confidence, weak dog who keeps their head down, doesn't question others and follows the other dogs. Grim.

No. 22442

Why did he make multiple different subtypes of romances when a category just called romance should cover all of it? Even a category called "male-male romance" is in there but I noticed "female-female romance" is not… Is that because "female-female romance" wasn't giving him the result he wanted?

No. 22445

I can immediately tell you that males read "Philosophy", "Politics", "History", "Classics", and "Psychology" at higher numbers because all of these genres are infamous for taking women's subordinate position as a given. Women don't read shit like that, because they know they cannot see themselves supporting any current major philosophies or political ideologies. Nor are they particularly interested in reading about rape of Nanking, rape of Eastern German women, rape of Russian women, rape of Vietnamese women, women losing the bits and pieces of rights they had gotten for the 6th time because of the one exact same reason (male 'revolutionaries' turning against them), women killed and sold, mothers wives mother wives mothers wives mothers wives over and over and over again.

I remember trying to read Tolstoy's War and Peace (I guess it would fall under both History and Classics), and I couldn't handle the female characters behaving in unnatural (to me) ways. I had no character to relate to, and no character behaved in a way that I would be curious to find out more about – it was like reading an autist's dry observations about the world. Males lack a fundamental understanding that oppressed people will act in defensive ways, and therefore everything they say about women is worthless and infuriating to read about. They all they say the same things.

I do not relate to men's perception of the world, their perspective is too often antithetical to my own, because they have zero interest in digging deeper past outer appearances and behaviors. They would rather describe action sequences rather than dig into why those actions are happening. If I recall well, it was Tolstoy himself whose first drafts were just boring, autistic, mechanical re-telling of battles, with close to no character depth. It was his wife who suggested to him to add more substance, because "people won't enjoy reading dry descriptions of battles" (paraphrasing of course).

Same applies to movies. I remember I watched They Live with a male 'friend' and he wasn't excited about the movie past 1) the premise which he interpreted as an allegory for Jewish control of the media and 2) the action scenes. There was a scene where two half-naked men were wrestling with one another. I found 0 appeal in that. You'd think that two dudes wrestling with their pecs exposed would titillate a woman more? Wrong. The guy I watched it with enjoyed far more than I (I had no interest in it, if I'm being honest). He would also praise Carpenter as some god-given director, but honestly the entire movie was the most basic take on "capitalism and consumerism bad". Subtlety? Males have never even heard of that. Nuance? Forget it. Accommodating for the groups of people that men do not comprise? Women, small children? Get out of here with your inclusivity.

The best you're going to get while following male philosophies, ideas, and cultural beliefs is becoming like Ayn Rand. Exactly that and no further than that. From what I've seen, it's a woman's most earnest attempt at accommodating male interests while still retaining her own rights and individuality.

No. 22448

I agree with you most except except War and Peace, cause It really does depend on what translation your reading.

No. 22452

I work in music and have shared my grievances with many bands about this. I often ask them directly why they (or their friends) are so degenerate towards women in their lyrics and merch and they usually just shrug. They don't even know why they do it themselves (or that's what they claim). Some of them told me "it is just part of the scene". When i ask them why no band writes lyrics about raping men and tearing them apart and fucking their intestines they get snarky with me or they are completely dumbfounded. I absolutely shame every metal musician who are in bands like that, especially when they have a daughter. I usually ask them how they would feel when their daughter finds out their father writes lyrics like that about women or fetuses or even animals, and sells misogynistic gross snuff merch. For a while now i've been looking for bandmates to start my own female supremacy/TERF/misandry deathgrind band but no one wants to have a band with me because of that so i am writing music on my own now and hope to find some women who want to join my band along the way. I hope i can influence some younger women this way to start a band of their own. I am sick and tired of the entire metal bro-culture.

No. 22453

I really hope you succeed! I would absolutely love to have a metal band in the world actually for women without anti-women sentiments

No. 22454

I think this old coworker is purposely taking advantage of the fact that women were raised to tolerate men and that's why he won't leave me alone. I got him to stop interacting with me once then months later he weens himself by working in my area, talking to my coworkers, and giving me candy and pretending to be my friend. I tolerated him until I realized he kept prying gossip out of me so a female coworker can know and insert herself. I've been ignoring him and keeping it bare minimum contact. Now he's staring at me again constantly because he wants attention. I will not give it to him. Fuck him and every other creep. Two days ago I had to tell my managers about men yelling stupid things at me when I walked to the bathroom. Now this stupid old fuck. Men are such losers who each think they're special and think they deserve special attention from women.

No. 22458

I'd join your band if I knew how to actually make music kek. If you ever succeed, please post your music here.

No. 22472

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Was talking to a moid about how I hated creeps trying to hit on me and he started talking about "you should give them a chance because you never know." As well as I should be happy being weird because that's the type of girls guys go for since there's no competition or sweat involved? Even saying "picking the slowest gazelle in the herd." You stupid fucking scrote 3DPD IS REAL.

No. 22481

male sports autism is the worst. my dad is screaming like an autistic gorilla over soccer and i want to kms. those stories of moids burning down shit and rioting in the streets after matches terrify me. imagine being one of those moids with a beer belly lying on the couch all day betting your last paycheck over other fit moids who are actually doing something with their lives kek

No. 22491

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a doc about a big sportsball riot in leafland recently came out and before having watched it I'm going to bet it mostly comes down to male ape brains. women were there too but obviously it was mostly men. reports around the riot back then (2011) pretty much stated that they planned on riotting regardless of win or loss and because social media was new a lot of idiots posted it to facebook that they were there. they set shit on fire and totally trashed the downtown area, a rehash of 1994 too. it was honestly terrifying to watch when it was happening and it was all so senseless for how massive the damage by the rampage was

No. 22493

Literally chimpanzees. Whooping and hollering in the streets, destroying other people's hard earned property and for what? Guys kicking a ball around? A literal game, you know, something invented to be enjoyable and fun? Oh no but your sportsball team didn't win so now you want to act like an actual rabid animal.

Studies have also found a significant increase in domestic violence after sportsball games. Why are men allowed to participate in society.

No. 22494

Pull up crime statistics by sex and ask him if he still thinks you should just hand out chances to creepy men like candy. Absolutely brainless.

No. 22507

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I don't believe him. Do you have any idea how much evidence has to exist for CPS to even consider pursuing a rape case?!

No. 22513

That describes my uncle, he was a member of an Islamist and ethno-nationalist parties, and he admitted he just liked getting into fights.

No. 22565

>15 year old girl i know gets sent to the psych ward for suicidal thoughts
>scrote that works there grooms and has sex with her
>she kills herself


No. 22654

Why do moids think that whenever women say "leave us alone" we're secretly seething and coping that we never get male attention? Is it so hard for their brains to understand? Are they not the ones who shoot up schools and sororities because they can't get pussy?

No. 22656

is there a specific word or feminist theory that goes over males who enter female spaces and are like "oh hey ermmm im a male.. im suuperrr worried that im making u uncomfortable but am i welcome here? uwu"

No. 22657

thats called being soy, or faux-naif

No. 22663

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Found this meme. Kek you're telling me boys would really save her and wouldn't just join in? I fucking hate scrotes and their saviour complex.

No. 22665

It's funny cause the reason most non-japanese moids know who she is is because they spread her story around cause they get off to this shit. Most girls know about the murders and rapes around them and I've never seen a non japanese woman spread Junko Furuta's story in a way that degrades her nor revels in the acts taken upon her

No. 22666

Men are so retarded they literally only care about this because "thing Japan" and have some fantasy about making her their cute Japanese waifu. A lot of women get abused everyday and no one cares enough to make memes about it.

No. 22743

Getting real tired of how everything young girls like is ridiculed, seen as cringe or stupid, etc.
Boys like dumb video games and porn and those are just seen as memes at this point. Whatever girls like, whether it be pop music, boy bands, astrology, simping over youtubers, as "cringe" as those can be equally, they're met with such vitriol. Young girls and women cannot enjoy anything without a moid on Twitter or YouTube making drama alert commentary on it.

No. 22746

Earlier this week I was helping a friend move a matress from her sister's house to hers. They literally live 4 streets away so luckily the distance was very short and we didn't spend much more time on the street that we did carefully moving it down the stairs from the second floor her sister's apartment is. I live in a small city and that wasn't a particularly busy morning but somehow we were approached by 4 men while we were transporting the matress. One suggested he helped us, to which we declined, another one made a joke because he had his car parked nearby and said while laughing that now ''we only needed to put it in the car'', and the other two men joked about jumping into the matress while we we carrying it. I am 24 and my friend is 38, all those men were older than 45, half of them were past 55. Why do they think it's appropriate or funny to interact with us? I don't feel the need to fucking talk to ANYBODY when I'm walking down the street. It's like when men make comments about my dog. Fuck offff mind your own business! I hate stranger men feeling entitled to talk to me, it's creepy as fuck.

No. 22761

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I know some radfems have a dislike for all males including children(I'm not argue against or for that) but I still think that men being allowed accesses to even male children, is still a crime against women, cause it actively requires the exploitation and theft of a woman's child.

No. 22769

Nonnies, I just have to vent for a moment. I study computer science with mostly males as you can imagine, and it's like every single moid in computer science is completely incapable of considering the moral or societal implications of anything they do. They are all far too focused on if they CAN create something and how great it will look on their resume if they do create it, rather than if they actually should create it. And then they quite literally look at me like I'm some insane screeching harpy when I bring up not wanting to contribute to the problems that technology causes in the world, such as AI deepfake porn, or machine learning technology that men can use to more effectively stalk women by using photos of their face. I am so tired, I hate moids so fucking much it's unreal. The only thing that keeps me going is remembering that in my female separatist utopia there will need to be women who understand how to keep the technology going. That's really it at this point.

No. 22776

I find it hilarious how moids think women can't be friends with other women if the age gap is over 5 years. At the same time they pride themselves on being able to talk to all ages of other moids about what, porn and video games and jerking off.

No. 22799

Same. There was this guy from an American boyband, I can't remember which one but anyway. Him and his husband(I presume) use a surrogate and have a baby and in an interview he revealed that the baby would cry and cry and cry until his mother or female friends held it. My heart broke reading that. Even babies know they came from a woman, that they need a woman. I should feel like a hypocrite as a lesbian parent, but I'm way past that point now. My babies were born by choice, no exploitation of a surrogate. The sperm donor wasn't forced into jacking off into a cup and even if he did it for money, it's still no way near comparable to a woman carrying a baby to term and potentially having lifelong effects from it. Also, I just don't trust gay men not to raise a raging lil misogynist or a poor girl with internalised misogyny and a horrific case of pickmeism. My wife is in a few gay parent groups online and the way gay guys post about their kids reminds me of people who dress their dogs up for internet content. It's like a fun lil hobby for them, idk how to describe it but anyone who's encountered gay dads likely knows what I'm talking about. I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule, but overall it gives me a really bad feeling just knowing the exploitation involved and how the kid is likely traumatised after being ripped from its mother.

No. 22807

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Your thinking of Lance Bass
>Lance Bass, Former NSYNC member and entrepreneur, is a father of twins with Michael Turchin. Their 2-year-old twins are named Violet Betty and Alexander James; he has recently opened up about their toddler milestones. They are becoming more affectionate, have started speaking, and are growing an interest in learning. In an interview with Yahoo Life, Bass expresses his delight in seeing them discover new words, particularly body parts, due to their favorite YouTube children’s show, Ms. Rachel. With their newfound fascination with anatomy and books, Bass is hopeful that the toddlers will develop a love for reading. However, the first year of their life was riddled with disconnect due to the fact that they were born through surrogacy.
>Bass candidly shared that he and Turchin struggled in their conception journey. Over three years, the couple experienced two full rounds of IVF with a surrogate, one of which resulted in a pregnancy loss at six weeks. They also worked with 10 different egg donors before finally achieving success. At one point, Bass admitted that he doubted whether he was supposed to be a parent or not because it was so hard.

>“Us trying to get pregnant was a difficult time,” Bass shared. “It took us three years to finally get these kids… But you keep going forward, and the universe gives you what you need when you need it."

>This challenging process amplified their appreciation for the twins’ small yet impactful milestones, but it was difficult in the beginning for them to truly connect with their children.
>"The first year, they wouldn't give me any love," he said. "They never hugged, they never wanted to snuggle, and I was so upset about it. Because they would do that with my mom. My mom would come over, and boom, they’d snuggle with her."
>The children are loving now that they're a little older, but at first, there was very little affection and physical interaction. Bass refers to the children's mother as "the donor" and says his son looks just like her. "It's crazy," he said. The couple maintains a connection with both the surrogate who carried the twins and their egg donor, whom Bass calls "angel moms."
>Bass advocates for others going through similar struggles to persist, seek comfort in their community, and remember they are not alone. Their journey allowed them to meet many couples who shared their experiences, providing much-needed stress relief. Nowadays, Bass frequently turns to his closest friends, Jamie-Lynn Sigler and JoAnna Garcia, for parenting advice. As each friend is a parent to either only boys or only girls, he considers them his experts for questions about either Violet or Alexander.
>“Know that other people are going through the same thing,” Bass gave advice to aspiring parents. “In doing our journey, we met so many couples that went through exactly the same thing that we did. It really relieves a lot of stress.”

No. 22811

>Us trying to get pregnant was a difficult time,” Bass shared. “It took us three years to finally get these kids…
Without context, I'd believe Bass was a women. I hate moids. You bought a baby, none of you were ever pregnant. You exploited the body of many women to get these kids.

No. 22813

>They also worked with 10 different egg donors before finally achieving success
If I'm understanding this correctly does this mean ten different women had miscarriages trying to carry their children? Because it's even more horrible to think of the other possibility that ONE surrogate had to go through TEN miscarriages before carrying twins for these thankless scrotes. You'd think after putting the 5th through a miscarriage you might start feeling a little sorry for them, maybe enough to stop. Women are just fucking cattle to some men, yet I feel like cattle would get more sympathy for being pushed this much.
>At one point, Bass admitted that he doubted whether he was supposed to be a parent or not because it was so hard.
>"Us trying to get pregnant was a difficult time"
They only had to wait for answers and fork cash over! Not a fucking thought to those women, only their own impatience to have their stupid blood lineage. Could have just adopted children. Children old enough to comprehend why there isn't a real mom in the house would be best. I hope he at least let the kids be around his mom constantly instead of keeping them away out of jealousy so they could bond with a mother figure somehow. But something tells me he'd have put his petty jealousy over his kid seeing how psychopathic him and his other moid were towards women to get their "prize" in the first place

No. 22815

It means they've used 10 different women as egg donors. For surrogacy, they harvest the egg of a woman, fertilise it, then implant it in the surrogate. The only person that doesn't suffer through this or put their health at risk, is the man that orgasm in a cup to fertilise the egg.

No. 22818

If those kids are just a bit sensible they're gonna grow up with a lot of shame and culpability. I can't imagine knowing that your parents rented the body of a poor woman from a third world country who doesn't have much options to put you on this earth. A woman worked so hard and made you grow inside her for months and they took you away from her at birth, gave her some cash and said sayonara. I'm especially aching for the daughter having to grow up with selfish fags who disregard women as parents

No. 22820

Ah still, harvesting eggs cannot possibly be easy on a woman either and they went through a lot of them. I'd feel like it was a me problem somewhere between #4-8 at most. Rereading I realized the surrogate was mentioned earlier and yikes, thankfully only one miscarriage but that's still rough to go through then have to try again for someone else's sake.

No. 22828

I hate seeing single dads on dating apps. I automatically think "you already have a family go back to your ex"

No. 22838

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>Ah still, harvesting eggs cannot possibly be easy on a woman either and they went through a lot of them.
Women have died following complications arising from egg harvesting and when it "goes well" it still causes long term health issues and can even lead to infertility.

No. 22839

fuck surrogacy so hard. it's exploitative and evil from top to bottom
also that's extra scary considering just how many ads there are to donate eggs for "easy" money on sites like tumblr where very young women go. so many girls joke that they'd do it

No. 22840

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this is purely due to men having inflated confidence so they think the general public are interested in hearing their retarded opinions on a variety of "deep" subjects they actually don't understand at all. at the same time women have low confidence despite being smarter, because of misogynist socialization that taught them they're worthless and dumb and unable to grasp intellectual concepts.

No. 22841

I think it's because male sperm donation is so easy(just jack-off in a cup) so they assume it's similar, but if you thought about it for even a minute you'd realize of course it wouldn't be. And I think the reason it's being pushed is one of the biggest market for surrogacy(Ukraine) is a tentative situation, so they have to find other markets, I've listened to some podcasts by Julie Bindle around the subject and it's horrifying, surrogacy is perhaps the most fundamentally misogynist industry cause it requires the exploitation of multiple poor women around the world, women in countries like Ukraine have their eggs harvested, poor women in Thailand and India(before it was banned by the state) bare the babies, I think we should have a thread for it.

No. 22865

Commentary channel moids don't deserve to live. There could be irrefutable DNA evidence that a moid killed or raped a child or some heinous crime and they would still find a way to clickbait their thumbnail to prove said moid is innocent and that the child is a lying dumb bitch because there's not enough evidence uwu.

No. 22867

I kinda like PaymoneyWubby

No. 22874

Men are such big fans of arranged marriages and it's terrifying. Men that under normal circumstances would’ve never been able to reproduce suddenly get to escape their destiny of becoming genetic dead ends and are gifted women who otherwise would’ve never looked in their direction.

No. 22876

There's no such thing as "destiny".

No. 22886

Whenever a woman cheats and the man talks about his revenge on her, everyone says "Nice bro you dodged a bullet" "She got what she deserved"
Whenever a man cheats and a woman talks about his revenge on him, everyone says "He was right to cheat on you if you're this insane".

No. 22893

I genuinley hate moids with all of my being. They’re the most self centered beings on this planet, and they treat women based on how they perceive them. Every man I’ve ever met was absolutely rude and disgusting or was only pretending to be “nice” so that they could hit on you. Scums of this planet.

No. 22895

Also women are always questioned when the man cheats like oh you can’t blame him when you didn’t suck his dick every day so how can you expect loyalty when he wasn’t getting sexually serviced every day. And that comes from both women and men, it’s normalized that you have to be a sex slave to your man lest he wander off in which case it will be all your fault. But when a woman cheats it’s always because she’s a selfish evil cold hearted bitch.

No. 22911

The worst thing about noticing patterns in human biological behavior and realizing that you can generalize people based on their sex is that men and women are predictable, their impulses are predictable it's like a young person lacking wisdom until they experience things. We are born into this hell over and over ever and these predictable things happen while nobody hears you scream, nobody understands you, there's no place to go as a woman to be understood. Other women are busy executing other woman for calling them a cocksucker, for being a radfem or a separatist and writing psychoanalysis of them talking about how they're an ugly femcels. Busy engaging in performative misandry of which result we can see in situations like women dating gross men but claiming they are actually just using them and being a maneater dominant Queen. Another result of this is that despite the fact that all men are a misogynistic degenerate tyrants, most swear words are based on sex and the one getting fucked or sucking dick is the one insulted, all men see sex as degrading yet women will insist that it's not degrading. Yet the whole world acts like everything is normal and okay like it's all good and all males aren't violently misogynistic and it's not biological. Women will insist that in some magical reality that is supposedly a part of this world, nigelz and good relationships exist but this world was never found however the idea of it always lives so women can gaslight other women. Then they pretend that they are just a vicitms that can't do anything else but if they were a victims then they would provide other women understanding and not try to execute women for speaking truth or being smart, they wouldn't screech, scream and cry like a handmaidens proud of being handmaidens. Being misunderstood is one of the worst punishments served to us by other women, I can't feel safe on my existence, they don't even allow us to have a space to talk about all of this. At most they have spaces for talking about troons or engaging in performative misandry. I bet that when radical feminism started, many women were shit themselves over it. Male misogyny and female retardation combined together feels like being brunt by the hellfire. You get gaslighted to the core then the things you predicted happen and they 100% will happen to you and then Nobody hears you scream no matter how much of a virtuous better than you feminists women claimed to be while executing you for your opinions and for being called whores for being rapists whores and it all while men are spreading their domination and misogyny since women are invested in the things I said. Being around common opinions even other women's opinions fries my brain but there's no place to go to be understood. We get born into this hell over and over again and have to deal with this predictable shit and experience patriarchy but none of the handmaidens admit that they expect other women to see rape, patriarchy and misogyny as a natural part of womanhood and when people have no more excuses for this shit then they start making up things like "oh actually if bad things happen to you then you're manifesting them", " it's disordered to hate natural things", "you're a paranoid freak, women were not enslaved and rape isn't that common"-said by another woman, if all of it isn't true then why we have to take patriarchy rape and misogyny and nobody understands, even other women

No. 22917

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No. 22926


Upon exiting the Mullah's compound, I was confronted with an irate neighbor—a man in middle-age, clean and apparently relatively wealthy in appearance… He expressed his horror that I, a woman, was present with the patrol. He would not
make eye contact with me or shake my hand, but instead only referred to me with angry gestures. I maintained a respectful distance while he sat nearby to engage
the men of the patrol.

When formally addressing the men, his demeanor changed. He shook hands with each, with every display of gentleness and respect. The traditional first handshake
between Pashtun men grips only the first joints of the fingers, and he used this with each, along with much bowing. It was explained to him that I was present in order that men would not enter a compound where women might be seen, and he was significantly appeased…

After this conversation, as the group said their goodbyes and began to move away, the neighbor approached me and extended his hand. I took this to be an invitation to a handshake, offered now that he understood that I was there out of respect for
the traditions of his culture rather than in an attempt to disrupt them. When I
offered my hand, he took it in a crushing grip and with unexpected strength bent
my wrist back into a painful joint lock.

I ultimately wrenched myself from his grip, and as I sought to rejoin my patrol, I was mobbed by the village boys, who I had previously showered with gifts of candy and school necessities, led by the neighbor's oldest son. This boy appeared to be approximately 11 years old. Grabbing my arm, he attempted to practice the same maneuver his father had demonstrated, to the delight and cheers of the younger boys.
The noise of the children caught the attention of our American interpreter, who returned and scolded them for their behavior. He attempted to shame them by
asking “is this the way you would behave at home?” The oldest boy proudly answered that it was, indicating that his mother and sisters were treated with the
same violence and disdain. While the encounter with the father hurt my wrist, the encounter with his sons broke my heart.

This whole thing is worth reading and this rings true in our society as well:

Pashtun men are freer with companionship, affection, emotional and artistic expression,
and the trust bred of familiarity with other men. They often lack the experience of these
aspects of life with women. This usurping of the female role may contribute to the alienation of women over generations, and their eventual relegation to extreme segregation and abuse.

No. 22935

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Wanted to look into shame and how it manifests. Looked on Reddit… what the actual fuck. It's around the 10th post that pops up.

No. 22947

This and if you look up any female celebrity by name at all it’s always the grossest subs posting a picture saying shit like “would you cum in her mouth or her ass” and that one celebrity sub where guys ponder over which of 4 actresses they’d rather fuck or which one has the best boobs. They’re so chained to the coom it’s pathetic.

No. 22948

Why is this posted here? Hopefully she gets what she deserves, perhaps the honor killing will even be preceded by torture.

Coomers must be exterminated.(alogging)

No. 22950

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reminds me of this meme I came across recently

No. 22951

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A reminder to never procreate with moids, like what the actual fuck is wrong with them

No. 22971

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This screenshot is my vent

No. 22988

Somehow the mentally retarded "you are a warrior" larp takes the bite out of anything after seeing a literal pedophile >>22951 and widely popular subreddit called women are things claiming "women are fuck toys". >>22935 but that's just me.

No. 22990

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I feel like only extreme misandrists can understand what I mean here… So, what kind of retardation is this? The moid in question is an asshole coomer and men literally rape women in the military. They are together for 3 years and in the past few months he made jokes about fucking other women and has a bible verse in his bio which is like the biggest redflag ever. Moids literally go for the most retarded naive women possible and they have been doing it for thousands of years. She's also Russian and it reminds of how moids specifically target Russian women because they think they are more submissive and easy to brainwash. All his friends date women eho are decades younger and some of his friends and him were friends with a rapist who raped disabled minor girls and laughed about it (haha the jokes men tell between eachother hah so funny I raped a woman)? I would literally be uncomfortable around someone as stupid as her. I feel like I'm watching something insane… Men pick dumb naive women and women become more and more naive as a result of this selection of partners

No. 23014

Military wives are some of the biggest pickmes out there, I don't trust them at all.

No. 23015

My aunt is a military wife and I weep for her daily. She says she's happy but I don't understand how she could be. My uncle calls her co workers "dumb broads" and he gets trashed drunk every night he's home. She's had to raise 2 kids almost entirely alone because he's always gone. When he is home he's pushing guns and homophobia on my cousins. Once I went hiking with him and he spent the whole time complaining about how my aunt could "never handle the hike like we were".

No. 23018

>also, I don't believe he's a risk to our daughter
>I don't need any comments on my poor choice on men. I'm well AWARE.

No, you are not.

No. 23067

I just find it funny how moids will never do a single thing to support other moids' mental health despite screeching about it 24/7, but when a totally random moid they've never talked to or watched or interacted with gets rape or abuse allegations, they immediately believe him just because he's being accused of rape/abuse, and just because he has a female victim. They immediately start attacking the victim, calling her a whore and asking how many people she's fucked, nitpicking her looks, etc. It's always just about hating women.

No. 23068

Moids can’t help each other anyway because most of their problems are tied to them wanting sex. Two examples come to mind. First of all “us moids never get complimented like you women always do!!” They don’t want compliments from their bros about their accomplishments or looks. They want women to flatter them and make them feel sexually desired. They want us to say the same type of physical compliments they say to us. Second male problem I can think off the top of my head is the male “loneliness epidemic.” Most men have friends and family members they can hang out with. They just want someone to fuck. It should really just be called male horniness epidemic.

No. 23070

They should just give each other blowjobs, I'm sure they'd know how to please each other better than us supposedly stupid women could.

No. 23075

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No. 23080

Male sexuality is so repulsive in any and all forms. Obviously some forms are worse than others, but even plain hetero and homo moid lust is disgusting. The way they talk about men and women is fucking gross and I hate being reminded of the fact that men have sexual desires. Many instances of male violence is sexually motivated. It's easy for a man to escalate his desires until they turn into extreme sadism and a desire to harm and kill others. Even the most self-proclaimed "puritanical" religions still have a million caveats and exceptions and unspoken rules in order to make excuses for a man's sexuality. AGP is a great example of how disgusting male sexuality is, and affects around 3% of western men. AGPs are insidious, dishonest, and predatory like many other paraphilic men. Men will literally forge entire personas and identities around their paraphilias, lie and fabricate entirely new backstories that are more titillating to them. Male sexuality is possibly the most destructive force in human society. All men with high sex drives are a threat to those around them, ticking time bombs. I think mid or high sex drives in men should be pathologized and those men should be drugged or castrated to dull it. I genuinely hope that the average male sex drive goes down over time to the point where it's practically nonexistent. It's disgusting and it ruins everything it touches.

No. 23099

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I wanted to share it here with you anons, found in the wild on Reddit.

No. 23104

Working with moids and having a moid boss is extremely exasperating. Imagine being blatantly ignored or having one’s words overlooked daily, even when those words are in text. Communicating with my boss is like using Google in 2024 in that you can type in an exact phrase and the search engine responds with results that are scarcely related to the initial inquiry. When I leave this company, I can’t wait to flame his stupid ass in the exit interview.

No. 23111

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from palestinian women he's killed

No. 23117

This is so fucking true, so many of the biggest misogynists are literally severe porn addicts amd start viewing porn as reality.

No. 23118

Is this a dating app… did he really post this on a dating app? God I hate scrotes so much.

No. 23124

anyone else absolutely terrified of surgery because of the risk of non-consensual pelvic exams under anesthesia? i just found out it's still being practiced where i live but hidden in many consent forms not in plain language. there are so many horror stories and as a med CSA survivor i try to avoid hospitals anyway.

No. 23126

This is old but I can scream. Would legitimately love to do vox in a band like this if you would ever like to collaborate on music somehow. I'm looking forward to your female deathgrind if you ever drop it. My personal theory is that death metal males use women as the subjects of their violence due to the psychological separation they feel from the opposite sex. It is harder for them to project their egos onto women, and in doing so avoid empathizing with the victim in their fantasies. If they described torture happening to a male, they would fall into projection and be forced to imagine themselves undergoing the pain. Hope that made sense, repost for heinous spelling

No. 23176

this photo seems faked. if the underwear were taken from dead women they would be dirtied/bloodied but they look brand new. So this is either a misogynistic edgelord or faked antisemitic propaganda.

No. 23213

ever since i learned about that i put in a tampon beforehand. so far i haven’t had it disturbed i would love to hear about men getting used for med students to practice prostate exams

No. 23270

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No. 23271

I'm so tired of hearing about "male loneliness epidemic" (as if women aren't lonely on similar levels) and their suicide statistics. 1. It's on them 2. Why not talk about violent crime statistics by sex/"gender"?

No. 23273

Dr K the currycel is turning into an MRA

No. 23275

When men describe their super unique life troubles as basic struggles everyone experiences you really understand that they don’t see women as regular human beings. Everyone has trouble with all this shit (although women don’t play victim about becoming addicted to drugs and porn.) The current prospects for women are bleak as fuck whether it’s dating or seeing misogyny everywhere they turn, which is worse than deadbeat men being offended at someone having standards. Probably the only women these chronically online moids interact with are thirst traps and porn stars. That’s why they think women have it easy because an easy life to them is getting to have sex and nothing else. They genuinely only have themselves to blame for not being able to pass classes and jerking off until their brain rots and their life is ruined.

No. 23313

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Could it be the legendary manifesto chan?

No. 23314


No. 23316

All I wanted to do was play a multiplayer game and now I'm dealing with scrote social dynamics all over again. I've basically scrubbed my life clean of any personal relationships with men except my dad, who's a genuinely good dad and also a hater of men and its been years since I had to deal with them like this, I'm mad at myself for thinking it could go any other way. Old guy "friend" from years and years ago asked if I'd want to play on the server he was setting up, I love the game and never get to play mp so I made the mistake of accepting, and now I'm stuck in his stupid moid discord. I thought it would be fine in the beginning because they were all being nice and normal enough, I was actually having fun and started looking forward to playing with them. Then the "new girl shine" wore off and they started getting all catty and weird, ostracizing and messing with me. I didn't even do anything, I've literally just been having normal interactions and playing the game, nothing personal, nothing that might bait them to start being freaks (and there's nothing about me online or in the possession of the guy "friend" that they could've dug up) but the other day it was like they flipped a switch. I thought they were being normal and friendly, but they were just competing with each other for my attention, and now that they've realized no one is getting it, I'm tossed back out of the boys club. The only good to come out of this is that I learned how to set up my own private server for my girl friends and I to play on, no men allowed.

No. 23317

Saw a reel about that little girl who killed herself afer some disgusting worthless moids made AI porn of her and all the comments are filled with fugly moids commenting 'womp womp'. That's literally all those braindead fuckin retards can come up with. Heartless fucking bastards, I hope they get brutally raped in prison

No. 23318

I don't know if you'll see this, but I understand you and I feel the exact same way. You're not alone

No. 23319

Moids are truly soulless and when they have the internet where they can form groups around being vile creatures then it only gets worse. Brain rot from porn, tiktok, and incel/MRA brainwashing from a young age is so concerning, not that men were so great before, but this desensitization is sooo blatant and only being normalized by how many there are.

No. 23320

All moids don't see all woman and girls as fully human. They're incapable of feeling empathy for a female because to them we literally stop existing the second they take their eyes off of us. Every single male on this earth is 100% convinced that women and girls exist to serve him and nothing else

No. 23323

"Looks like that stupid bitch/whore/slut/cunt fucked around and found out. Serves her right, she's only getting what she deserves" The eagerness and giddy fervour men show when they get the chance to dunk on a woman is disturbing. They're constantly chomping at the bit to degrade a woman who they perceive to be in the wrong. It's like some kind of porn to them I think.

No. 23380

Very sad. But I'm not even surprised at this point, social media shows men's worst side.

No. 23387

Based and pinkpilled channel

No. 23519

I've been watching one of those midwife shows and I am convinced 99.99999% of males do not deserve children. I can't comprehend why all these women choose to reproduce with all these ugly useless articles

No. 23535

I think most straight women don't take their own sexuality seriously and are functionally asexual, just performing sex to keep their male and the social benefits that come with him. Women's sexuality has recieves a merciless pummeling by the media, porn and society in general so its really no surprise that so many woman dissociate from their own desires and endure having the children of repulsive scrotes

No. 23537

For a bitter laugh scroll the comment section of this video.

No. 23549

I find the recent concern for men's education very funny in general
>make a rigid, formal education environment where women's progress to higher levels is closed off
>all these men with their certifications are able to hold jobs that only hire uni graduates
>let some women get education as like special favors for the selected few
>education becomes more attainable to women over time
>they still are usually mistreated by their male counterparts and professors, get discriminated against in hiring while holding the same degrees men do
>flash forward a few decades and they start consistently outperforming male students in the same rigid systems
>they go "oh, shit, we must reform the education system"
lol, lmao even

No. 23553

Why are men always saying they aren't allowed to show emotions? It really seems the other way to me. If a woman cries, she's manipulative. If a man cries he's "in touch with his emotions," but really he's just manipulating someone or feeling sorry for himself. Men unleash rage and hostility on others while women are forced to turn it inward or be seen as a crazy bitch. Men are always awarded excuses. Women aren't allowed to be passionate about anything without being knocked down a peg. We aren't allowed to be happy or it will piss off some dumb male. I've coddled so many men whining about shit that really isn't that important while going through big issues like parents dying or being sexually assaulted yet that's not seen as important compared to men feeling SAD and LONELY because no one will touch their pee pee. It's so dumb I really hate being around men.

My whole life every man I've met ended up having some really nasty traits, even family members. I could only think of one man that wasn't that bad. He trooned out in his 60s after his wife died a few years ago. Literally no good men. None. Something always comes out.

No. 23573

And in most cases the critical denominator isn't even the gender itself, but socioeconomic factors. I.e. boys from poor families have the worst performance compared to any other groups while the difference between girls and boys form well-off families and girls from poor families isn't as notable. It's just that they would rather knock female students down a peg than work on filling wage gaps and child poverty that would benefit everyone. They're that fucking petty.

No. 23574

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No. 23575

It's nearly always men who tell other men to not show emotions (because it's too woman-like to do so) while women are the ones begging them to show their emotions. But men still blame it on women…

No. 23576

I've seen men recount stories of how they were encouraged to be more emotionally open, but when they broke down crying dumping everything out their women pulled away. They do not interpret an open, intimate relationship as building a rapport with the women in their lives, they think being vulnerable and emotional is traumadumping or expecting women to manage their feelings for them. The other side of the coin is the "sensitive guy" stereotype, who's open from the start, but the only thing he cares about is narrating his introspection to anyone within hearing distance.

No. 23591

They love applying these outdated concepts of masculinity to themselves for no reason and then crying about having to fill some 1950s husband/businessman/war hero characters shoes. The standards for men barely exist but they cling to any possible thing to pretend like life is hard for them including the fucking draft, as if they’re about to get shipped to Normandy beach any day. It’s so selfish and pathetic, they can’t stand not being prioritized in any conversation.

No. 23592

Recently, there've been a string of unprovoked attacks against women in New York City where a man, and possibly other men doing the same thing, would go up to women and sucker-punch them in the face or head. One man has been arrested for an attack that happened this week. So far, over 40 women have come forward about being victims of one of these attacks. I'm sure more women will come forward, as well as the possibility of copycats popping up anywhere in the country or world.
In every discussion on these recent attacks, you'll see men saying these women voted for this or you'll see them say that only black men are doing this. However, the one man that's been arrested appears to be a conservative Trump supporter (the way these men obviously think these women should be voting) and men from every racial group are showing approval for these acts of violence against women (so why would it matter what the attacker's skin color is).
Why do men always try to justify bad things that happen to women? It's like second nature to them. They always bitch about women never being able to take responsibility, but I don't see even one of these men taking responsibility for what they say or what they vote for possibly leading to these attacks happening. And they always run with the thinnest of excuses for these men, too. It's just frustrating how obvious they make it that they don't see women as human or that they wish they themselves could commit acts of violence against women.

No. 23593

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i always see people praising kurt cobain as an angel while shitting on courtney love, despite the fact that he abused her in at least one instance. not even ‘progressive’ scrotes can be normal

No. 23602

And with the justice system how it is, I can bet confidently the misogynists will barely get a slap on the wrist. People die from getting sucker punched like that all the time, it’s such a blatant hate crime but I bet none of them will be charged as such despite them deliberately targeting women to assault.

No. 23613

he also tried to rape a teen girl with down syndrome

No. 23617

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when will it end

No. 23628

I have issues with him but he never slept with her and the thing is that story wasn't even real, it was a frictional story he wrote.

No. 23644

thanks! thats good to know. some fucked up shit to make up and pass off as the truth though, if only people would stop dickriding these dudes kek

No. 23645


I'll be front row at your show nonna I've been dying for a band like that for ages. Every time I see another band I like come out with shitty behavior I die a little more inside.

No. 23658

Unfathomably based. I hope you give us news about this. I would love to witness the birth of this project.

No. 23660

>>23387 fyi this is a pro biracial channel and not really pink pilled

No. 23661

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Literally every single white man who fancies himself an informed intellectual behaves like this, no exceptions. Other races of men do act like this too, but god these ones are actually the most obnoxious to me, idgaf. 13% is a lot, but they cry like it compares to fucking 95% by any means and when you pull out that statistic, they suddenly aren't the vessel of facts and knowledge that proclaim to be and start seething. They don't even care about crime that doesn't happen to them anyways as proven time and time again, considering most of that statistic is just black men killing each other. But of course, if every black moid killed themselves, there would be no more bbl cuck porn to consume and that would be a bummer!

No. 23666

what's the original comic?

No. 23667

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No. 23690

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No. 23693


No. 23697

It's a short story by Virginia Woolf titled "A Society". Here's the link if you want to read it in full: https://www.bartleby.com/lit-hub/monday-or-tuesday/a-society
Context in case it's difficult to follow (it was for me): The plot is about a group of girls who form a society. They vow that none of them will marry or have children until they can determine what men have been doing all this time and whether it was worth it for women to spend their youth in bearing and raising them.
>We have gone on all these ages supposing that men were equally industrious, and that their works were of equal merit. While we have borne the children, they, we supposed, have borne the books and the pictures. We have populated the world. They have civilized it. But now that we can read, what prevents us from judging the results?
They hold regular meetings and make reports. We meet up with them five years later and it is clear that they are frustrated and starting to wonder why they're doing what they're doing, a few of them wonder why they shouldn’t just give up the society and get married and have children. In the end, they can’t come to any kind of conclusion, though men come off looking rather silly and the girls, by this time young ladies, are all rather frustrated. The only conclusion they can reach is that they must teach their girl children to believe in themselves. They give up their society, and pass their meeting notes to the younger sister of one of the society members, who bursts into tears. I suppose this was signifying the fact that older generations of women don't solve shit, continue to breed with males and then leave their daughters to deal with the aftermath.

Story was written in 1920. A century later we now have solid proof that the niche males have carved for themselves is entirely artificial and excessive. Women (and humanity in general) can do without. I can imagine that in 1920 there was still ambiguity regarding the whole gender division of labor aspect, but now? I think the question Woolf raised is answered. Nowadays, the problem is convincing other women to see males for what they are instead of muh chivalrous knights there to give kissies and cutesie tootsie babies.

No. 23701

I've heard a lot of conflicting things about Virginia Woolf, a lot of radfems seem critical of her cause of her polyshit.

No. 23707


I don't understand what was so controversial about saying women don't need to be femenine.(this is an imageboard. post caps)

No. 23717

Imo you don't need to write a whole self pitying pity party fanfic about finding out the trooth of ebil males like this to make the point that you're wasting your time on them as a woman. But more power to her given the time period I guess. Again though, male violence/lies and handmaidens aren't specific to one time period.

No. 23722

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nta Virginia Woolf was a strange case. She obviously had feminist leanings because of her position in society, but was also very snobby and had a hard time connecting with regular women. It didn't help that her friends were basically proto-hipsters and the type who would be queer theorists today.

No. 23725

>Proto-hipsters queer theorists today
Is that John Maynard Keynes? kek. The Bloomsbury group was more progressive than movements now and was full of bis, gays, and lesbians. As resource scarcity increases hetero-patriarchy is likely going to intensify in the future and male violence will become more and more ridiculous to justify. Neo-liberalism has intensified the reach of women being trafficked for example, food will become scarce and males will murder and kill women and children in swaths for a scrap of resources. Queer theory needs to exist to justify this impending hetero patriarchal violence.

But imo the problem doesn't lie with the boogeyman of queer theory intellectuals or trannies, those are side effects of the problem and much of the anons on this site who endlessly complain about trannies are the same ones making them by subscribing to the same horrid belief that creates trannies being a end point of hetero patriarchy. The problem is that women choose to indenture themselves, avoid discussion when criticism falls on them, act as if their abuse is only theirs and in isolation and women also sulk about how bad it is like this story appears to do having no clear conclusion other than how bleak this reality is because of womens inaction and toothlessness to men. I think its a tired old cliche of the downer ending where the girls had hope, it dwindled and they succumbed to the pressure of society crushing them overhead or "you can't fight societies expectations as a woman" boring plot-line and message and nothing more. Its an incredibly over-saturated, borderline torture porn theme and plot imo. The younger sister realizing the older women had betrayed her for men is more of a black-pill about the under-seeded nature of women in-spite of men not because of them. The stories message doesn't even appear to focus on the problems with men because they are self evident in the 6 o'clock news everyday. I'd argue that in males it isn't so much of a "artificial niche" if the bulk of women are purposefully opting into and perpetuating this as well; that sounds entirely organic to me. Women are incredibly secretive and contradictory about the misogynistic gendered dynamics of sex for example while men are whole heartedly unabashedly honest. Saying anything about this has you cast as misogynistic as if pointing out misogyny makes you a misogynist.

Anons here complain about progressive thought constantly with no good reason as its a boogeyman much of the time to distract from the actual root of problems intrinsic to misogyny, but one of the benefits of progressive thought is its freeing of forced instilled dominant gender dynamics. Most of this site would seem to disagree, as most commonly defend hetero-patriarchy to the point where even using the fucking word sends them in a spiral about trannies and gender queer bullshit, but the Bloomsbury group would be more impactful than any spicy liberal xyz queer theorist group of pawns now and hetero-patriarchy is the source of all suffering that men and their handmaidens inflict on generations of women (whether you want to consider this biological or not is a separate discussion). Somewhere along the way hetero-patriarchy won and has remained dominant and even seemingly radical women on this site would rather take sides with maintaining this dominant oppressive system over seeing an alternate worldview of gay, bi and lesbian thought. Seeing males as emasculated in anyway and women as anything other than babymakers to be degraded and sexualized for the male gaze is wrong. Making excuses like the manifesto-chan esque idea of artificial niches of males is not helpful when you piece the other piece together that women play into the hand of those niches purposefully and with intent. So you've completely omitted 50% of the problem. Much of it reads as FDS propaganda rather than critical analysis. And the solution of the sulking about pickme boymoms like >>23690 is a no brainer.

LGB people are complete tards now who are only pawns in a greater patriarchal game of hetero-patriarchy who work to maintain it for sycophantic benefits, and of course lesbian women being on the lowest of the totem pole with the most to lose. Gay men humiliate women, are vitriolically misogynistic and troon out over the instilled fear of not being accepted and their own male humiliation fetishes. lesbian women are completely ignored by society, shunned and many develop dysphoria for their attraction to women, trooning out for hetero-patriarchy to turn them into a mockery imitation of itself. Both forcibly try to fit the mold that society forces them to fill and that Virginia Woolf didn't address the problem as this. The intense homophobia, and fake performative misandry, here proves this problem is far from over.

No. 23726

I'm going to admit that my impression of them is from Orwell's biography and he was biased. He saw them as wimpy, ugly degenerates and in turn they saw him as a violent thug (which to be honest, he sota was) I do think he had valid criticisms of them and their successors. They were wealthy individuals caught in their own world, always thinking they knew more about common people and the world, but they never truly experienced life outside their gated communities. This contrasted greatly with his own life, growing up lower middle class, attending a school where beatings by the teachers were common, working jobs just to survive and eventually joining the military and traveling around the world, even fighting fascists in Spain. From his perspective they were nothing but lumpenproles who would let the world burn in front of them and do nothing to stop it

No. 23741

apparently that does happen but they probably don't realize since it's less invasive. but between stuff like that and all the other horror stories about surgery in general i would rather just die instead of getting surgery at this point.

No. 23758

I don't think you need to be a grounded, salt of the earth average working class average person to see an alternative worldview from the vicious cycle of heteropatriarchy and see the clear problem of the story. I feel like it's painted as nebulous and nuanced when it simply isn't. The Bloomsbury group were all fairly privileged people with formal educations from hoity toity universities but there's no reason a working class person couldn't come to the conclusion that the issues of being a woman, are one in the same of being a gay man and a lesbian woman; not fitting gendered expectations, in the case of women being passive reactees to overwhelming cycles of violence. You don't have to be educated to be disillusioned by heteropatriarchy. In fact, being from a working class background exposes you more to black pilling shit. Women being trafficked, the violence of men, domestic violence, child abuse, animal abuse like cock fights, petty and seriously violent crime, drug use etc. and the intensified suffering brought from male violence, handmaidens, homophobia and heteropatriarchy. The problem is that no one is willing to stand against heteropatriarchy. This is a issue that racist moids purposely ignore and instead point the blame on another violent moids skin color and in doing so, the women of that group are thrown under the bus too.

No. 23759

If there's something I absolutely despite about scrotes is that they would fuck anything and anyone but also they're the ones that whine about "all my exes were crazy!!"
Like I do believe in some sort of matching, I do believe that two people can be made for each other and on the other side, two people can absolutely destroy each other due to differences or being outright abusive.
Scrotes base their attraction on looks, meanwhile most women base it on actual chemistry.
If there's something that I learned right now that I'm getting out my early adulthood is that pretty/beautiful scrotes are the most sick men, because they don't put the effort on the personality and that's why the play looks. I could find a guy pretty but I wouldn't stand him if he was a whiny little boy or has a personality disorder and my attraction would totally be gone the moment that this man does something I do not approve of.
However, men stay in relationship, cheat on women, belittle them, call them names but stay with them because the scored an attractive woman and that's all. I know that the world is full of sleeping pickmes but come on.
And I put it to words lately.
Keep in mind, I have some social media accounts due to my job. I have a LOT of requests my moid that just say "Hey :)" "Hey, let's chat :)" "Hello? Can I ask something?"
I always reply
"Do I know you?" because it happens that I forget about some people I meet at my job and usually the reply is
"No, but I want to know you"
What if I don't? Why do you treat women like they're available for you? Why do you treat women like they're on a dating site constantly and even if I was on a dating site, why not stating your business?
They're also retarded in a way that don't understand why these pickup shit techniques don't work.
>"Please don't text me unless it's for business"
"But I want to get to know you!"
>"This is a business account."
"So you don't even want to be friends?"
No? And you don't ask for friendship, it just happens? Why don't you pick up male "friends" that way?
I'm in a relationship, a long one. People assume I'm single because it's not stated anywhere. Why do I need to wear the "taken" badge like a dog tag to be left alone?
Women don't do this. Women don't slide into the dms saying shit like "Hey :))))) Hello!! I want to know you!!!" because women know that this shit is annoying.
And since moids completely skip over the observation/gather information step, they often end up unhappy and blame it on others because they don't bother knowing the very person they are with. They don't bother observing them. When they go on first dates, they don't "look" at the person or take mental notes about what they are/do or believe it, they just think "SEX SEX SEX" and then whine when they feel bad in a relationship.
Retarded, animalistic behaviour. They deserve to be alone if all they offer is the "blessing" that they're attracted to our looks.
When I was younger I was in a relationship that actually traumatized me because this guy loved my looks but couldn't stand me.
"Omg nona can you please stop doing this" "omg nona I don't care about your studies" "omg why are you so obsessed with cute stuff" but would constantly say that I was beautiful. He wasn't the most beautiful guy around but he attracted me by wearing this fake mask of a caring guy for the first 2 months. Like why do you even date if you don't bother knowing them a little beforehand, I would be in a much better place if this guy dumped me in the first month saying "look I don't think we're compatible, I dont like this thing you do."
fuck off. evolve.

No. 23781

Libfems, tims and moids love to demonise radfems saying that we're all "racist white women" as if 80% of the radfems I've met haven't been woc, as if I'm not a radfem woc myself. Again, you can be as misogynistic as you want the moment you add "white" before "women".

No. 23782

Are you lost? This is pink pill, not mildly tepid braindead FDS vents on those gosh darn annoying men. Literally ignore males if you're required to have visible social media handles for your job; you're presumably in a relationship with one so you clearly don't hate them that much, kek.

No. 23783

Romantic attraction is sexual and men have fakeness naturally built in theirs so they pretend without trying

No. 23786

Women project their romantic feelings for men onto men, romantic attraction is sexual so male romantic attraction works differently than women's but women think it works the same. Since it's sexual the women's is empathetic and forgiving, it forgives the moids and it's comes off as naivety and delusions but lust is just a strong drive so that's why they can't stop themselves. Men can date you for 10years and it all was cake but as long as they are sexually attracted the pretending is their natural behavior, they are just being themselves. They want to stay in their ego world and want you to be a supporter of it that stays in her place, worships male privilege esp biological and doesn't restrict him or nag him. As a woman you can only enter the male world as a whore or a servant, we have no access to the male realm where the sun shines definitely more or men are the sun themselves cause they are treated like this since always, god being called a he was never a coincidence or something invented by men. It's women's and men natural behavior. Thats why a moid being attracted to me makes me feel so horrified its like he is saying "submit and serve me". It's suffocating. People are also expected go conform to their biological gender so men only wanna be around women who are feminine and servile so they can stay in their self absorbed world. Being a woman is like making a party you're no invited to but you have to clean after also and men can't live without your service but also you are invisible at the same time. Men naturally embody power so that's why its like this. Their romantic feelings are selfish they are detached from you but you won't ever tell. All that matters is his ego world and you supporting on from your cage. Female sexuality is also naturally obscene and vulgar due to natural sadomasochistic dynamic between sexes and lack of power, it's whorish, submissive and dark so being a good at sex partner as a woman is also a subjogation
You will literally never access the male world or get male love, you can only love them and they love being loved by you then left alone. Let me bring up that meme this " one in billion man" Nigel who acts like from a romance novel(to women's projections but all he does is shit out something that seems nice and he does it after a rush of sexual attraction or thinking about how she will suck his dick and wash his socks) likes to post "what's the reason for pounding meat? Loneliness" or something like that I won't mention the negging wife memes. Moids want to be left alone but also for you to stay and serve them in the background, we live in invisibility cause of our biology. The way women romantically need men is projected onto men by women. I will always be depressed as long as sex exists.

No. 23788

Why is it so fucking hard for moids to understand that misandrists and femcels just want to be fucking left alone

No. 23799

what happened to thepinkpill . co? Did they run out of funding? I used to post there a few years ago but stopped so idk what happened in the end.

No. 23809

moids used to spam with cp constantly and the site admin had to deal with it often alone and delete everything by herself. Also, the male programmers she had hired kept sabotaging the site. At the end she grew tired and gave up.

No. 23810

what >>23809 said, I don't know anything about male programmers but I stopped going there cause it was raided daily with cp and gore constantly.

No. 23834

I knew the creator and she had a really bad tendency to overidealize certain males in the server she was on or at least diminish their presence. there was one really nasty bloke that gave her some advice about her site that she let stay around and it made me realize it was all a ticking time bomb; she couldn't find genius women to support her, and she didn't really have the endless energy/money/optimism to manage creating the strong community she wanted. the frustration created so much strain between her and the others.
might be remembering wrong but I think there was some sort of crypto mining shit going on kek

No. 23886

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men have proven time and time again to literally not view women as humans. they were making fun of a rape victim with ptsd and that shit got hundreds of thousands of likes. why should we care about "male loneliness" and "male suicide rates"? they're only doing the world a favor anyways, the most rancid of moids being lonely and killing themselves is basically natural selection.

No. 23895

That’s too bad… I’m a web dev and considered helping with the site but ultimately I really didn’t want to work with men. I just can’t stand them even in a professional setting. Maybe I should have tried to wedge myself in there somehow anyways. I really do miss the site. RIP

No. 23913

>why should we care about "male loneliness" and "male suicide rates"?
We shouldn't. Male issues only ever get brought up to undermine the discussion of female issues. If you pay attention it's never about how to actually help these poor suffering men, it's always about how unfair it is that people care about women. They don't actually care about or want to help each other, they want us to stop caring about and focusing on ourselves. Males are the biggest attention whores.

No. 23944

Men will put 0 effort in their relationships and then wonder why they feel so lonely.
"Bu-but male friendships are different, we don't vent or talk about intimate things like women do" yeah, I agree.
Always saw my grandfather helping his friends with manual work and then receiving manual work from them when needed, they also spend time doing their hobbies, like playing soccer, bocce and fishing. They love to mock women for the supposed fatherless behavior, but their fatherless behavior is even more pathetic, the neverending necessity for approval from other males; incapability of realizing how cartoonish most representations of masculinity in media are.

No. 23973

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Another instance of moids taking pleasure out of the horrific demise of a woman.

No. 23975

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Males are repulsive sex pests exhibit #9999
I wanted to generate some AI images, typed in my prompt, got the picrel "warning". Thought, what the hell, I hadn't typed anything pedophilic…
Well. I typed "brown braided hair", the word that was redlisted was "braided". So, this means that it's very likely the site (hotpot ai) got into trouble because moids were generating underage suggestive content with their bots, so they started monitoring some terms associated with pedophilic content. Another one I found was "uniform" though I'm not sure because when I typed a combination like "military uniform" it seemed to generate as usual without any warnings.

No. 23991

uniform = probably school uniform, since moids have a fetish for sexy schoolgirl outfits.

No. 24006

She describes Madonna / whore complex perfectly.

No. 24019

Looking at the photo of her makes me sick to my stomach. I can't help but think of her screams of terror at the hands of that ugly scrote. She was so beautiful and so young and it makes me genuinely sad that she was snuffed out of life in such a painful and horrific way.. all so he could take satisfaction from it. I hope he gets murdered.

No. 24028

I hate how automatically triggered men get when women talk about any oppressive experience or issue dealing with being women in a man’s world. It’s akin to someone discussing the problem of racism and slavery and some plantation owner has to take over and whine BUT MY BACK HURTS OUCH and it’s like who the fuck cares? They can’t handle not being a part of one thing, they literally want oppression so bad but can’t handle the fact that they happen to be in the oppressor class and it ruins their misunderstood sad tortured boy fantasy. Then it’s automatically to “no actually women are treated like angels” huh? By who? The men who say that want it to be true because it means they’re justified in treating us like shit to even things out. The amount of times I’ve heard some iteration of nooo everyone treats women so kindly when the literal opposite is true. They’re delusional and can’t have any insight or discussion that doesn’t revolve around coddling them.

No. 24033

I can't fucking stand listening and seeing men complain about "male loneliness" anymore. I'm done.
>"waah we men are so lonely and no one takes our mental health seriously"
>"well studies suggest that both men and women are experiencing a loneliness epidemic right now, not just men"
>"yeah but women get help and talk to their friends!! Men don't go to therapy and talk about things!! Men have it harder!"
>"Is there a reason why men aren't getting help and talking to their friends like women..?"
>"Fuck you"
These oxygen wasters seem to think that it's on women to fix male loneliness, even though it's men who have caused their loneliness themselves by building a sucky system that discourages men from being decent people who talk to eachother and deal with their issues by talking to professionals. And they seem to think that women magically get friends and a safety net from some magical friend factory instead of by using social skills that have been banged into (most) of our heads since the stone age. But the absolute worst part of all of this is that these scrotes seem to think that getting a girlfriend will fix all of their problems. As if getting pussy will magically make them healthy and happy individuals. Well, of course it probably does for THEM since they'll just use their girlfriends emotional labor by dumping all their issues on her, use her and sometimes HER FRIENDS as his only social contact and on top of that, makes her do all household labor and makes her pay 50% of the household costs, if not 100% if the scrote in question is just gonna sit on the couch and scratch his balls or uses all of his money on beer, gambling and drugs.

No. 24069

I'm pretty sure I've already complained about this before but WHY DO MEN DON'T RESPECT MINIMUM PERSONAL DISTANCE WHEN THEY ARE IN OPEN SPACES? The trail is literally 5m wide, why do you need to pass right by my fucking side when you are jogging? It's fucking rude and unnecessary. And another thing: my city is in the middle of a heatwave, I live in a very humid area and the atmospheric conditions must be making smells more noticeable. Do men never shower? I'm not talking about men doing exercise, I'm talking about men on the street wearing casual or even formal clothes and smelling like rotten corpses. It's either that or men bathed in the most asphyxiating colognes. There's this old man in my building who smells like death and he has the most unpleasant presence, he has rapist eyes I don't know how to describe it. He's an alcoholic and lives alone so of course he must never shower.

No. 24081

It’s probably because they want any excuse to touch you. Even for an evaporation of a second. Even if they fail touching you it’s a success for them anyway because their non physical aura is disturbing yours in their minds. They also get to sniff you this way. Disgusting scrotes are deserving of a very limited curfew. That would be a dream come true wouldn’t it?

No. 24098

Why is one of the most common male delusions that the older males get (up to a certain point), the more attractive to women they are?

No. 24100

It's copium. Men can make up lies no problem if it makes them feel better.

No. 24101

Because women aren’t pedophiles and tend to be attracted to men in their age range, while men always are attracted to young barely legal women their entire lives.

No. 24102

barely legal women? they’re attracted to teenage girls.

No. 24107

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Posted in the TikTok hate thread, but this moid uses his mom’s experience being mauled by a bear as a “but men are safer” at least your mom SURVIVED that bear. At least that bear didn’t rape her first. At least the bear wasn’t taking pleasure in her suffering. Jesus Christ I want to a-log

No. 24112

Comparing yourself to a wild animal is not a win kek. He may as well say that he doesn't throw shit to communicate like apes so he's better.

No. 24115

It’s funny that instead of men blaming the men who abuse, rape, and murder us, they blame us for being cautious and not ignoring the reality of danger. They get offended at being treated like the depraved predators they’ve proven themselves to be.

No. 24130

No. 24146

It truly annoys me how confident they can be in mediocre, ugly bodies, without practicing basic hygiene and while having terrible diets. They walk around smelling bad and haven't cleaned their room for months, and still think they're an amazing catch.

No. 24149

File: 1714109315158.png (1.09 MB, 1124x1451, Divorce.png)

The OP posted her court papers supporting that this is a real story, but it's been deleted due to it containing personal information.


>I understand this might sound ridiculous….

>On March 11th I gave birth to my son. I wanted to experience breastfeeding so I had a nurse help me latch. During visiting hours, my husband came to the hospital and saw the little paper that the nurses have you keep up feedings and diapers changes on where I was writing how many minutes on each side my son was latched for. He started to text me since the nurse was in the room telling me he was going to divorce me over me breastfeeding. He’s filed for the divorce now and I’m still breastfeeding but I’m started to have feelings of resentment. My son won’t take formula hardly now and only wants my breasts for the most part. I can get him to take formula maybe once a day if I latch him first, wait for him to fall asleep then slip the bottle into his mouth. I’m so depressed that a normal way of feeding your baby has ripped my family apart. What would you do in this situation? Stop breastfeeding and get your marriage back or continue breastfeeding and let your husband go? I’m sorry, I’m just lost and don’t know what to do.

You can scroll through the OP's replies to commenters on her account's page:

Almost all of her replies I found interesting:
>I didn’t know at first. He did rush our relationship though. We met in November of 2021 and we were married by January of 2022 and had our first child together by October of 2022. He wanted everything to go fast so I hardly knew him.
>I’m the original poster. During the first night in the hospital he got mad and started yelling at the nurses telling them they “suck a lot of dick” so he was kicked out.
>He thinks women are on this earth solely to pleasure men. He thinks we should all keep our mouth shut and spread our legs whenever a man wants it. He thinks we should never be allowed to say no to a man. He thinks women are nothing.
>I wanted to refrain from saying this but the second pregnancy wasn’t planned. He’s the type of man that doesn’t take no as an answer when he wants sex. I won’t say anything more than that, you can read between the lines I’m sure.
>David picked out the names, unfortunately. I liked the names but wanted them to be spelt the normal way. He chose this way of spelling and I had no say in it.
>C-section. But he did accuse me of cheating because there was a male nurse in the room that saw me naked.
>He “needed” to be married before he was deployed. He deployed right after we got married while I was pregnant with our first son. I didn’t know it then but I do now, he gets paid more if he’s married during deployment. I believe he was using me.
>When the Chris Watts situation happened, David defended Chris and put down Chris’s wife. Said it was her fault he killed her and the kids. That’s what scares me.
>He has so many opportunities for this marriage to end long ago. I asked and asked but every time he’d threaten to kill himself and/or me if I left him.
>I was told that after a certain age (David says around 2 years old) I won’t be allowed to facilitate baths or diaper changes or be in any situation where I’ll see the kids undressed. He believes that’s incest, too.
>He wants nothing to do with the baby I’m breastfeeding. But he’s withholding our oldest son from me.

No. 24153

everything but the replies from other people is deleted, you should have archived it. I don't think it sounds impossible but it's less interesting to read without any supporting evidence or the original posts from the woman

No. 24155

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It's definitely the most over the top (but not the first) man jealous of newborn breastfeeding story I've heard, and the names with the "y" spelling alone had me skeptical. I'm only inclined to believe it because of all the comments that said they saw and looked up her case number the same day this was posted telling her she needs to delete her post because of identifying information.

The post from r/breastfeedingsupport and some of her replies are archived on archive.is.

No. 24161

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Randomly scrolling Twitter and came across this. You can't convince me that being single is worse than being with a moid kek. The replies are filled with women sharing similar anecdotes about useless males who refuse to scrape food off their plates, leave dirty underwear on the ground, haven't cleaned their toilet in 11 years, etc. Absolutely bleak that this is what we're sold from birth as being the ultimate life goal. We need to start putting stocks back in town squares so moids that act out of line receive public humiliation for being dead weight leeches

No. 24162

Samefag but "I told you not to touch my laundry anymore so that's on you…" I think I would've committed a crime if I were her tbh

No. 24194

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No. 24195

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