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No. 1391941
>What is a femboy?They are he/him trannies, basically. Some are regular anorexic twinks but most inject estrogen or T-blockers in an attempt to look like women, and sometimes they will even get tranny-related surgeries.
>What makes them cow material?In recent years, part of what it means to be a member of the femboy clan is adopting Nazi politics. They are shamelessly racist, misogynistic, and homophobic of lesbians, frequently getting banned from platforms like Twitter for their hatefulness. They also tend to suffer autism and many are former incels.
Femboys created tired-out memes like Femboy Hooters and the "Doomer Boy" Wojak which they all worship and strive to be. For some reason they really like Ikea sharks.
Tell a femboy he is no different from a MTF troon and prepare for autistic screeching. They hold a sense of superiority over regular trannies because they don't call themselves women, but they still share the fetishistic (read: AGP) creepiness of the average troon.
Closeted gay and bisexual scrotes all across the web are obsessed with these freaks, frequently screaming that it's not gay to fuck a man just because he has soft skin and gynecomastia.
>What is a boymoder?A boymoder is basically the same shit as a femboy, except they are honest about the fact that their goal is to fully troon out. Boy moders have a fetish for being called women while they make zero attempt to look like one. They will dress in hoodies and jeans and have long hair and wear female underwear underneath. They take HRT and fully intend to troon out "once they pass". They get boners when being told that they can not conceal how girls and femme they are while yelling "UUGGHH YOU DUMMY! I AM A BOY!". Basically tsundere trannies.
NOTE: this thread is for [male] femboys only. If it's a girl/TIF larping as one or if you suspect a femboy might be biologically female, post about them in the fakeboi thread instead.
Feminine gay men like Jeffree Star or James Charles who don't call themselves femboys don't count
>Some examples of e-famous femboys: (now on his way to full mtf trannydom) threads:
>>1144047>>1304366 No. 1391954
File: 1639414982489.png (585.59 KB, 744x612, plushies.png)

Grown adult male (almost 30) with a collection of stuffed animals from a game made for 10 year olds.
No. 1392570
File: 1639483124402.png (30.85 KB, 744x300, cafebeef.png)

Wtf is wrong with gay moids?
No. 1393403
File: 1639580992934.jpg (130.76 KB, 720x1074, Screenshot_20211215-070606_Chr…)

No. 1393467
File: 1639585693548.png (635.59 KB, 594x904, bald.png)

>>1393403lmao what a fucking hell of a combover
No. 1393475
File: 1639586086288.png (123.65 KB, 742x850, ugh.png)

God I hate these Nazi LARPing faggots so fucking much. If there is ever a return of a fascist white supremacist regime, you gaylords are the first in line to the camps for being an utter embarrassment to white people everywhere.
No. 1393643
File: 1639600916039.png (326.42 KB, 734x934, cope.png)

Cope, seethe, prolapse anus.
No. 1393763
File: 1639611220967.png (109.44 KB, 900x1100, E-8bYKlXEAEHL15.png)

Reminder that this is unironically what they believe they look like.
No. 1393966
>>1393643>straight men>don't want womenSo they are gay men.
Enjoy self harming to appeal to these
abusive closet gays tho I guess beef.
>>1392570 No. 1394339
File: 1639665874314.png (480.47 KB, 852x644, e56ae7.png)

>>1393643he could have just put men but he added (straight) in there because unironically femboy trancels think straight men are into them and would leave women to be with a "feminine trap uwu" they can't stand the idea that who ever is somehow into them is gay and is specifically into them because they look like men in wigs.
i'm sure everyone has seen this troon meme by now
No. 1394711
File: 1639688102342.png (441.06 KB, 554x878, 63d4110.png)

femboy trannies are so delusional lol
No. 1394716
File: 1639688307279.jpg (50.75 KB, 620x420, Del24.jpg)

>>1394711British men and women need to stop hating on each other because honestly they can not expect anyone else to date them. All of this "oh it is only the british women who are ugly" bullshit won't fool anyone. Picrel is what an average british man looks like. Sorry but you gotta settle for each other.
No. 1394736
File: 1639689505658.jpg (15.13 KB, 213x237, images.jpg)

>>1394733Silence, britoid.
No. 1394761
File: 1639690767911.png (24.86 KB, 744x210, Untitled.png)

I can't even imagine trying to do this much mental gymnastics to somehow convince yourself that being a homosexual tranny who gets fucked up the ass on the reg and wears women's clothes is somehow based and christpilled. Just admit you are a degenerate leftoid who wants the right to not be beaten to a pulp on the street by people who actually read the bible.
No. 1394792
>>1394761>feminine man lol men aren't feminine they're identifiable as males because of their masculine male features, this creepy tranny really talks about femboys like they're women.
in coomer porn addict brain gay porn is often considered gross and hard to look at (which it is cuz men) while lesbian is often seen as "hot", cafebeef here is trying to imply that femboy troons are the equivalent of lesbians notice how he doesn't describe the last one the same way as the first one despite both being two men
No. 1395260
File: 1639745734558.png (21.74 KB, 742x220, Untitled.png)

Beefboy serving some more absolutely retarded takes on feminism. Apparently men troon out because they want to not be evil, not because it makes their dicks hard to wear women's clothes. Also women can not just expect men to act like human beings who don't oppress, rape and murder us without also accepting trannies into our bathrooms.
No. 1395265
File: 1639746092552.png (456.84 KB, 500x500, 1627150603021.png)

>>1395260women: Ok how about you don't rape, murder and oppress us?
men: like this?
skirt go spinnywomen: no
No. 1395299
File: 1639751452715.jpg (28.85 KB, 494x741, 5167HSrE9LL._AC_SY741_.jpg)

>>1393403Because you look like Kip in drag
No. 1395312
File: 1639753299818.png (23.82 KB, 734x218, Untitled.png)

Happy to say that those little twinges of sympathy and pity for cafebeef I had a while ago have completely went away as he is fully committed to make himself into a retarded lolcow that only gets off to posting edgy tweets like this and then wonders why nobody likes him.
>whine on twatter all day
>uwu I am mentally ill
>no therapy is only for white women
>I am so racist and edgy look at how racist and edgy I am
>bum bum fucky fucky time haha I piss on meself
>why am I so sad bros?
>why do I not have any friends bros?
No. 1395318
File: 1639754063962.png (841.4 KB, 2202x1734, piss.png)

He has been posting more and more about his piss kink too, so I have searched how often he actually talks about it and boy, does cafebeef LOVE pee and especially pissing himself. People with paraphilias usually have more than one, so it makes sense why all tranners are obsessed with shit, piss and want to rape kids or animals.
No. 1395337
>>1395327He is such a classic libtard in every way, hating on "rich white women" is just part of that. All trannies do it. For some reason it's never rich white men who are the enemy, it's always women. All tranners also think that TERFs are middle-aged white women like JKR and they are just "jealous" of young trannies cause they are "stealing all the straight men" or whatever stupid cope-shit they constantly fantasize about. Cafebeef especially seems to think all TERFs are old and ugly.
Meanwhile I'd say most people on here are between 18-30. Pretty sure most people ITT a-logging Cafebeef are younger than him (and not british so likely way more attractive), but he needs to believe otherwise to cope.
No. 1395348
>>1395260I think feminists main point of contention with trannies is that they're actively trying to erase womens rights to play a fair game of sports, go to the bathroom unbothered, talk about sex-based issues, etc. If it wasn't for that I don't think any of them would give a shit about men in dresses, plenty of very radical feminists in the past explicitly said the transvestites should be allowed to do their thing in peace (hell, even Solanas thought they were preferable to regular men).
Men don't know anything about feminism, more at 11.
>>1395312How did he get all those tranny surgeries and hormones if he's never been to therapy? Don't you at least need a psychiatric evaluation before you get them?
No. 1395461
File: 1639766924815.png (541.34 KB, 738x831, Untitled.png)

>fantasizing about a world where people in power would execute me for being a degenerate faggot makes my pp hard
Coomer trannies are so fucking retarded.
No. 1396060
File: 1639824955592.png (Spoiler Image,542.39 KB, 590x950, Untitled.png)

>small pp means I can't be a man and have to try to be a woman instead
Why are moids so fucking retarded? Every single moid with a small dick either choses to overcompensate by acting like a total gorilla or just becomes a cuck/homosexual/humiliation fetishist to cope. Men are so fragile.
No. 1396118
>>1396115They are only friends with other trannies. I think they were probably bullied in school and thats why they now have a fetish for being submissive/abused/bullied and being called faggots. Men have this weird way of turning their insecurities into a fetish. "You call me a faggot? UwU ok I am a faggot then and you calling me that only makes me HARDER!"
men are fucking weird
No. 1396663
File: 1639878781883.jpg (250.1 KB, 1242x1648, ksonqmf7w8681.jpg)

i am unsure the gender this man is attempting to be but it seemed to fit here best
No. 1396821
>>1396118I've seen it a lot, maybe the high sex drive at that age coupled with sexual frustration plus not knowing how to deal with the situation leads to them to sexualize it.
Back when I was watching this one Shounen Ai series there was a lot of bullying related themes to development of romance between the male characters.
I guess some of the "betas".. either become Incels or Femboys? Who knows.
No. 1397213
File: 1639939752295.png (15.97 KB, 728x112, Untitled.png)

>tfw you were abused as a child and now it's your entire personality
No. 1397327
File: 1639951678089.jpeg (84.44 KB, 750x995, FG2LKw-WUAEfakc.jpeg)

No. 1397699
File: 1639997741954.png (31.45 KB, 725x253, rekt.png)

No. 1397779
File: 1640015403436.png (278.27 KB, 752x756, cope.png)

Cafebeef needs…. piiiiiiittyyyyyy uwu
No. 1397783
File: 1640016012022.png (710.08 KB, 1532x2348, replies.png)

>>1397779Replies full of sycophants who encourage his delusion. This is why trannies spend all day on twitter and work hard to keep their safe spaces free of "cyberbullies" who would interrupt their little mass-delusion by telling them the truth. They need this fake world of constant getting asspats from other trannies and telling each other how they all totally pass and totally are just being silly billy brainworms dummie bunnies when they have a little self-awareness for once. Deep inside they must all know that it's all bullshit.
No. 1397817
File: 1640022019016.png (137.83 KB, 380x366, snek.png)

>>1397812What if the therapist is a… woman?
No. 1397865
File: 1640027850641.png (918.68 KB, 2248x1944, coperedditnigga.png)

Some tranner swallowed Cafebeef's bait and decided to indulge him in a public masturbation session.
>You totally look like a girl!
>NOOOO I don't!! UwU
>stop being so tranny-tsundere you brainworms dummiedumbdumb!
>nnggyyyuuu! I am maaan! I need more suwgewy for my dwumb bwig male face! ugu~~ TnT
>Noooo you don't need more surgery! You only get gendered male cause of evil TERFs!
Imagine being a dumb tranner and only posting photoshopped, very selective and super-posed pictures of yourself that make you appear a lot more passing than you are and all your autistic asskissers now think thats what you actually look like. Then at the same time you want to get pity from them about how non-passing you are. God to be so retarded. Almost as retarded as the people who gave Cafebeef money for his surgery and now have to still listen to him complain on twitter.
No. 1398099
File: 1640053599157.png (87.17 KB, 758x777, Screenshot (531).png)

No. 1398429
File: 1640084193840.png (16.25 KB, 849x562, 1640058544107.png)

Someone posted this in the other thread but it also applies to femboys (except for the dilating part).
No. 1398432
File: 1640084341427.png (43.87 KB, 742x418, uhh.png)

Is he making a joke? I honestly can't tell anymore…
No. 1398437
File: 1640084520267.png (18.77 KB, 740x148, truth.png)

Probably the most self-aware tweet yet.
No. 1398675
>>1398667Yeah. I also think it was probably CountDankula who paid for it. He simps for a lot of femboys. They also both live in England and so it might have not only been pictures they traded.
As far as I understand Cafebeef is well known on /lgbt/ ad probably has plenty of chasers who have only seen him from good angles.
No. 1398720
File: 1640113575166.jpg (107.47 KB, 499x540, 8761k2514.jpg)

>>1398675lmfao why are you incel troons like this? like you say women are whores and stuff but you will go to great lengths to prove that someone paid to see you naked or to fuck your man shitter.
£27.000? not half maybe? to make it more believable lol you are not as desirable as you think.
No. 1398762
File: 1640117268222.png (133.62 KB, 582x599, 8wd42170.png)

>>1398731either you found a way to scam the system by claiming it causes you depression or something or it didn't cost you £30.000 but much much less, seeing as you still look like the same bald man it was probably the cheapest surgery you could find.
No. 1398797
File: 1640120203757.png (Spoiler Image,1.1 MB, 875x638, prostitutes.png)

>>1398762Picrel is what your average tranny hooker looks like. Men pay to fuck this. Men will literally fuck anything and have no standards whatsoever. Yes, someone out there would even pay Cafebeef for sex, that is how disgusting scrotes are. I am sure it was a fat, greasy and sweaty old man like Dankula as well. With a mouth full of crooked british teeth. Idk if you are some kind of camgirl/hooker yourself who is insulted that your job is not prestigious and only reserved for attractive people, but it's really not.
No. 1398867
>>1398784the only one treating it like a compliment is the one saying they were paid £27.000 for nudes, tranny.
>>1398797men literally bitch about having to pay during a date and call women gold diggers and expect sex if they took you to the movies or something, men are cheap, if men are willing to fuck these things imagine how cheap they must be, men would sleep with literal aids infested crack whores as long as they only have to pay her $20 for the full package, not pay a coomer femboy troon £27.000 for nudes, learn to read.
No. 1399296
>>1395318piss-holding fetishes and loli/shota con go together a lot bc obviously kids are the age group that piss themselves most often, it's so fucking bleak
>>1398867 I don't think that any one contribution paid for the full amount, more likely beefy got a portion of the money through e-begging, selling nudes etc. and the rest was money he didn't have and he is in a lot of debt right now, which is tbh even funnier than thinking he raised the full amount selling his hole. like he whored himself out and still probably owes around 20k. As for who would pay for that, i believe he probably could get a decent amount of money for nudes and maybe other things, not in the thousands, but possibly in the hundreds. moids get obsessed with their fetishes, and will pay a good chunk of change to have them realized, even if it seems repulsive to anyone else
No. 1399463
File: 1640200073947.png (174.1 KB, 736x744, Untitled.png)

>Ugh… fucking women and their flips through cards …astrology!!!
Kek. Men always love to pretend like all women believe in that crap. Meanwhile men believe in shit like "if she doesn't lean into you in photos you're not an alpha male" and "transwomen are women" lmao.
No. 1399953
File: 1640256627588.png (43.13 KB, 752x526, Untitled.png)

Likelyhood of these motherfigures being born without wombs and ovaries but with a dick and balls instead? I'd say about 100%. Basically he is admitting that he is being actively groomed by other tranners who are trying to enforce his delusion. Is this a cry for help, Beef?
No. 1400481
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No. 1400512
>>1400479i thought he dumped kiln bc he was ashamed of dating another failson and not a masculine straight bloke? they kinda remind me of PT and contra the way kiln is clearly so much more into beef than beef is into him
>>1400481odds on beef actually having been to a gay bar, or any kind of social space in the last 3 years? i'm betting 0
No. 1400652
File: 1640325591309.png (2.39 MB, 1458x2048, chrome_screenshot_164032510864…)

No. 1400659
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No. 1400734
>>1400512The thing with PT and contra is amazing. Kiln doesn't come across as he is trying to become a skin walker of copebeef. Looking over Kilns twitter it appears he was just doing his own thing for sometime and now he has just decided to message his ex lots over Christmas. Copebeef is liking his tweets for whatever reason so he is at the very least better then PT. Kiln will likely do the same again over new years as well. It is pathetic and Somewhat creepy but it is also standard shitty ex behaviour.
My personal current Theory is Copebeef broke up with kiln. Slept around for money and is now just trying to use pity to manipulate kiln into looking after him again until he can find another guy or sleep around again for money. Copebeef keeps posting about how much he wants people to look after him and how he is just a poor little man child and he cannot do anything himself. I would not be shocked if copebeef is just trying to get free shit out of him over Christmas.
No. 1400948
File: 1640368866509.png (247.8 KB, 582x402, Untitled-1.png)

>>1400659Kek. I love how being an ugly man with long hair wearing a hoodie is somehow now a trend.
No. 1401594
File: 1640472514553.jpg (535.84 KB, 1912x2048, 1640451295990.jpg)

Merry Christmas, Cafebeef!
No. 1401855
>>1401657I don't think it's the method of masturbation as much as it is the material they consume. If you spend any time on 4chan at all you will see that trap/tranny porn usually in Amime form is pushed really really hard. Even in completely unrelated threads like on /biz/ people will post anime porn for no reason. I'm not sure if it's only from other coomers or if it's more nefarious (turning a countries population into useless soyboy coomer cattle is a pretty effective way to subdue them).
They are just exposed to it so much and slowly desensitized to more and more depraved shit. Also if you go into any discord that is run by males like ITT, they are just constantly sharing porn with each other and talking about their fantasies. Sharing porn is also how pedophiles groom child
victims and is extremely effective on males. Their dicks are very easy to manipulate into getting hard at the weirdest shit, then they jerk off to it and release dopamine from their brains and BAM a new fetish to add to the list of degenerate fetishes.
I think all hardcore coomers eventually start to identify with the submissive person, the "bottom" at some point. A lot of autogynephiles are straight men or at least start out as straight men, but they consume so much porn that it gets boring to imagine yourself as the dude (the dude is usually unattractive, just a disembodied penis, no focus on him), so they start to think "what if I was the woman?" And from there on spiral into tranny-dom. A lot of them are also humiliation fetishists and to males the most humiliating thing they can imagine is being a woman.
No. 1401859
File: 1640513600785.png (22.67 KB, 738x330, christmas.png)

tfw you spend Christmas on 4chan.
No. 1401916
>>1401855>Even in completely unrelated threads like on /biz/ people will post anime porn for no reasonYou cannot browse a single board or even a single thread without coomer incels spamming their fap material and woman-hate. Visiting there after a while is a total shock.
I don't know if it always was this bad. Are moids just getting deeper in the hole collectively? I remember browsing /ic/ years ago (like 2012) and it was all wannabe painters, and posting any anime/cartoons was heavily discouraged. Now, it's almost all anime porn. It's like that with all boards.
Internet raised zoomers and millennials are being exposed to and perpetuating this shit non-stop, it fries their tiny moid brains. No wonder trooning is becoming such an epidemic.
No. 1402014
File: 1640542724698.png (425.47 KB, 600x600, tin_foil_cat_cat_1.png)

>>1401916Tinfoil time but I think it is actually a coordinated effort to shit up the site as much as possible and make it unusable for anything other than a community spankbank. I think that there are a shit ton of Feds on 4chan after so many terror attacks were planned and announced there and they are literally trying to keep them subdued by keeping them busy jerking their dicks and trooning them out instead of turning into domestic terrorists cause they can't get no pussy.
Or maybe scrotes just are getting worse, idk.
No. 1402016
File: 1640543202016.png (204.29 KB, 776x1844, Untitled.png)

Almost didn't post this cause it's such obvious bait, but then I saw someone absolutely humiliating Cafebeef in the replies. Kek.
No. 1402535
File: 1640615254861.png (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 850x1112, 1640562290940.png)

not sure if this was posted before but some weirdo posted this pedo coomer shit and it definitely fits here, the typical sexualized anime little girl design for the self-insert femboy troons, their expectations are never something realistic or normal or i don't know an adult? but i guess that's what happens when your brain is porn fried.
No. 1402635
>>1402606Yes because white men treat have always treated women with respect and dignity and always ensured their rights as women. Nope it's only my sexually competitive rival tribe- ahem I mean brown people.
How are white men so fucking stupid to say this shit? You hate women just as much, you're just too cowardly to rape since you're afraid of the social/legal repercussions. Being a "nice guy" isn't a virtue. Waiting for your chance to abuse women when the opportunity arises is not preferable behavior. White men will rape and murder women when they know they can get away with it, and they certainly have.
We don't even need to reflect on all of the atrocities white males have enacted throughout history to know they are disgusting filth. If I go on any white male dominated space, they are all equally as misogynistic as any other male, and think of women as subhuman objects that exist to serve them.
Aside from all that, if you really believed white men were virtuous then why are they allowing these evil brown men to have their way with women? Why not protect what's "yours"? No matter how you look at it, white moids are cowards. Doing absolutely nothing except passively consuming porn, sometimes getting so addicted you larp as anime children to get harder boners. They sit around waiting for the day where some dream girl comes to rescue them from their self-inflicted catatonia. Absolutely pathetic. You deserve every awful thing that happens to you and more.
No. 1402679
File: 1640629875047.jpg (119.25 KB, 1181x1748, tumblr_pmec61PDVQ1wwsgjb_1280.…)

>>1402535This is a winner for the most cringe shit I have seen ITT so far. Definitely threadpic potential. I mean, picrel is literally what boymoders think they look like, all these moids think they look like little anime girls, it is just so delusional and embarrassing.
No. 1403284
File: 1640698302603.png (26.98 KB, 738x358, Untitled.png)

Cafebeef trying to cope with the fact that he is still and forever will be a reddit soyboy.
Seriously, show me the difference between Cafebeef and your average reddit tranny except for the fact that he is openly racist (which is understandable as he lives in London and probably gets spit on by blacks every day).
>obsessed with hobby for kids (Pokemon)
>spends all his money on toys, plushies and playing cards
>low-T and high estrogen
>hates women
>tries to "AKSHUALLY!!!" people about shit he has no more than a surface level knowledge of
>coomer and porn addict
>his pp goes hard when he wears girl panties
Sounds like every other redditor leftie soycuck to me.
No. 1403286
File: 1640698577005.png (71.56 KB, 748x600, manifesto.png)

It's really not complicated enough to require a manifesto. Men are weak willed and weak minded and can be memed into anything with enough exposure to porn.
No. 1404425
File: 1640810712541.png (33.21 KB, 740x414, dumb.png)

"A person who is averse to change and holds traditional values."
>traditional values
You literally can not be a tranny faggot and be conservative. Apparently there are many retards like Cafebeef out there.
No. 1405073
File: 1640890649171.png (31.83 KB, 740x340, Untitled.png)

I'm just PRETENDING to be retarded you guys! I am just creating a large internet archive of dumb shit I have said associated with my real face for the epic lulz and making my pp hard.
Kek. I am sure this will work out about as well for you as it did for every other lolcow.
No. 1405080
File: 1640891183455.png (166.21 KB, 746x1368, Untitled.png)

Just a bunch of fun gay pedo-roleplay.
No. 1405082
File: 1640891341541.png (442.03 KB, 768x1656, Untitled.png)

No. 1405111
File: 1640893472421.jpg (9.49 KB, 275x178, 1609537173575.jpg)

>>1405082>Annoying pedobait anime reaction pic>Poor little Eva can't help herself! uwuSage for non contribution
No. 1405144
File: 1640896009622.png (77.52 KB, 738x654, Untitled.png)

If being a fag who hates women wasn't enough proof of his mommy-issues this sure seals the deal.
No. 1405150
File: 1640896505656.png (1.75 MB, 2248x1436, Untitled.png)

Checked out this dudes twitter and holy eeewww. He is a total coomer tranny obsessed with hentai and making weird coomer comments to all his other twitter tranny friends. These are the kind of people Cafebeef hangs out with.
No. 1405157
File: 1640896764958.png (407.94 KB, 768x614, Untitled.png)

And this is what he looks like. A fat man with moob-implants and greasy dark roots. Damn, just like an anime girl!
No. 1405622
File: 1640953060603.png (458.56 KB, 740x622, Untitled.png)

You guys think one day he will realize that there is no difference between him and "those guys"?
>I'm not a soycuck! It's not truuuueee! I am racist so I can't be a soycuck!
Kek. Drink more soylent and take more HRT while you complain that other people should pay for your tranny surgeries SoyBeef.
No. 1405937
File: 1640993392317.jpg (688.01 KB, 2208x2944, f8q6hkxxqio71.jpg)

No. 1406142
File: 1641024872007.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.06 KB, 651x680, FF3lUUOVQAQ58QN.jpg)

>>1391941it/its femboi flexing his moob
imagine being an adult and thinking your gynecomastia cone nips are it
No. 1406402
File: 1641067772050.png (43.18 KB, 736x458, Untitled.png)

Imagine living in London, lmao. Although as a gay man he should be used to seeing other people's feces by now? Well.. give it some time.
No. 1406403
File: 1641067893216.png (32.42 KB, 738x298, Untitled.png)

Hmmm damn, wonder why femboys are so obsessed with youth? Could it be because they are all fucking pedophiles?
No. 1406481
File: 1641075048719.png (36.9 KB, 744x338, Untitled.png)

Cafebeef with another self-own.
No. 1406868
File: 1641124979968.png (155.52 KB, 742x1448, Untitled.png)

Rare good take from Cafebeef, met with nothing but distain from the other tranners.
No. 1407491
File: 1641185646410.jpg (281.96 KB, 828x453, sure jan.jpg)

No. 1407581
>>1407547>"B-But they're embarrassed!"And yet, they still post misogynistic and Nazi LARP garbage and pollute every space they go to. Male mentality in action: Hate yourself, openly be a deranged incel, but it's all okay and no one should express disgust because you hate yourself. Will you ever stop playing the
No. 1407594
>>1407593Mm.. speaking of misogyny lol. It's disturbing that you think female hormones hamper cognition.
Anyhow, it's just some Chinese robber fallacy stuff. You can take absolutely any group and find people from it who misbehave in a particular way. That's not evidence that the members of this group are any more likely to be like that. There's no logical connection to be made between being bigoted and transitioning in secret.
No. 1407598
>>1407594Men can't experience misogyny, including mentally ill ones kek
Keep "not all men are like that"-ing and seething, we'll keep being disgusted by the ones who are like that, cheers
No. 1407600
>>1407598>Men can't experience misogyny, including mentally ill ones kekAccepting the premise, you were being misogynistic against women in general, not against me in specific.
>Keep "not all men are like that"-ing and seething, we'll keep being disgusted by the ones who are like that, cheersIt's a weird thing to do, you know? Like looking for criminals that belong to racial minorities and insisting that this proves said minorities are evil. By all means, look down on criminals, but idk maybe don't join the KKK.
No. 1407605
File: 1641203258862.png (110.08 KB, 492x720, kv.png)

Why do trannies always do the "I'm basically black because I hate my body and make it everyone else's problem, serve me now femoid" thing when they're literally racist (especially to Asian and black women)? Is it white male narcissism? Do they assume it's only white women who notice how they are and just assume that excuse will work? An anon did mention a survey that said white American men unironically think they're the most oppressed group, I guess it never goes away
Anyway, here's CafeBeef pulling a "Not letting me say the n-word is racist" like every spoiled white 12 year old boy, and then actually being racist kek
No. 1407634
>>1407594These moids were retarded long before they started taking titty skittles (nobody who isn't retarded would do that). Although I am sure you realize that female hormones on a mans body have different effects than on a woman's body. I noticed a lot of trannies follow this line of argument
>misconstrue your post to mean something else>thinking it is a total gotcha>repeating it over and over againFuck off moid. You will never be a woman. You will never be feminine. You will never get a straight man to fuck you. You will forever hate yourself and feel the need to numb your pain with Anime and porn. Until you kill yourself.
No. 1407751
File: 1641228929677.jpg (128.99 KB, 600x856, 20211230_142425.jpg)

>>1393475>>1393467>>1393403LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOO BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SHIT FOR SO LONG. Do I have my own thread or just part of Evas?
>>1393462It was actually a random female but it was from behind so I guess it isn't super impressive. I was just confused about the whole clearly male dress attire
(male) No. 1407755
File: 1641229756368.jpg (154.26 KB, 1080x1685, Screenshot_20220103-110720_Sam…)

You guys should go after this weirdo she is schizo and the easiest target
No. 1407765
>>1407755Not your personal army, scrote.
>SheI'd tell you to integrate but you're both moids so gtfo. This is the femboy thread; there is a separate thread for MTFs. Do you need a new prescription or are those glasses just for the aesthetic? You can answer on twitter, no one actually wants you here
No. 1407878
File: 1641240926890.png (3.89 MB, 1256x1688, LMFAO.png)

>>1407807tbf he has the most ridiculous comb-over of the bunch. But that's as far as it goes with the milk on this dude. Also holy shit this body is tragic. Literally 0 chance of ever passing lmfao.
No. 1408437
File: 1641306253949.jpg (Spoiler Image,108.85 KB, 738x880, ew.jpg)

How do you even recover from being this pornsick?
No. 1409449
File: 1641412323052.png (28.04 KB, 740x328, lol.png)

Praying that we will never have to see Beef stuffing his Cave. Vom.
No. 1409490
File: 1641416474554.png (81.68 KB, 2066x830, yike.png)

All femboy/troon lurkers should read this and recognize themselves. You're just pornsick.
No. 1409498
File: 1641417318443.jpg (48.16 KB, 900x900, Cluniac, Isaac, formerly Vanit…)

What do we think about him now that he has detransitioned and seems to be in the process of reforming himself?
No. 1409561
>>1409550He's a former tranny that's going postal on troons at the moment was mentioned in a previous thread
No. 1412139
File: 1641674028756.png (451.01 KB, 726x664, Untitled.png)

Cafebeef suddenly disgusted when realizing what kind of people he purposefully aligns himself with.
No. 1413007
>>1412142>This is the tranny that tried to slip Null from Kiwifarms his "girldick" in DMs and then threw a huge shitfit when he refused and got his twitter nuked. He's a schizo and detransitioning is just his newest grift.lmfao no way
got the milk?
No. 1413018
>>1412671You posted this lukewarm unsaged take for what exactly?
>>1412139He posts pol shit all day and acts surprised when he's approached like this, lmao. What about this
triggered him, is it because it's an explicitly racist group and calls itself that? Or is he virtue signalling?
No. 1413181
>>1413088thats some shizo shit
do you have atleast source to that?
No. 1413319
Maybe I was wrong about him and he's just a schizo
(sage your shit) No. 1413683
File: 1641811668481.png (81.87 KB, 732x702, cringe.png)

Cafebeef fantasizes about being experimented on by Nazis (they performed experimental castrations on homosexuals). He's so lucky hes a faggot tranny on twitter and untouchable. Imagine if anyone else said shit like that.
No. 1413684
File: 1641811964926.png (25.59 KB, 742x182, hair.png)

Cafebeef also thinks that all women regularly go to the hairdresser and since trannies don't they have bad hair. Idk about you nonnas but I have been coloring and cutting my own hair since I was about 16. It's really not that hard. Trannies hair looks like shit cause they refuse to learn basic haircare, don't bathe regularly and are balding due to being men. They want to be women but even putting in the least amount of effort like buying a conditioner and a leave-in mask instead of using 3in1 shampoo from the gas station is too hard. Women aren't born knowing how to care for our hair either, but you can literally watch a 5 minute youtube video and figure that shit out.
No. 1413754
File: 1641823617795.png (44.04 KB, 610x645, Copebeef21.png)

>>1413683Copebeef and this husband dude talking and flirting a lot. Do you think he found a new UwU shit pusher femboy who will ram their deformed HRT sissy sausage down his decimated craphole
No. 1414509
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No. 1414510
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No. 1414516
File: 1641914524619.png (708.95 KB, 772x1230, Untitled.png)

>>1414510It's definitely a guy, he probably doesn't consider himself trans cause he's a "femboy". Checked his twitter for older pics and found this. 100% a man.
No. 1414608
File: 1641922343814.png (58.97 KB, 744x560, Untitled.png)

Probably the most delusional thing he has ever posted. You can literally just be like that, it's your choice to make your fetish a lifestyle. You can just stop.
>b-but I am true trans! I have a girlbrain for real
No, that doesn't exist
>b-but I wish I was born a girl, not just for sexual reasons!
That's just cause you're an incel who thinks women have it easier, you can just improve your life as a man
>b-but I will be so much happier when I pass as a girl!
No you won't, plus never going to happen.
No. 1415040
>>1414516The shit on his mirror is giving me the dry heaves
>>1414608They're all constantly cannibalizing each other it's hilarious. Although I don't blame him for hating being associated with agp's.
No. 1415231
File: 1641989176718.jpeg (206.45 KB, 741x381, 1638552024341.jpeg)

>>1413139Found this in an old thread. Cluniac (used to go by Vanity) getting Null's twitter banned. Just to add some proof to the story.
On KF they are actually eating this piece of shit moid's "detransition" story up and feeling sad for him because he has fake a suicide attempt recently. It's so transparent.
No. 1416107
File: 1642080796884.png (26.69 KB, 736x262, Untitled.png)

Man this conservative LARP is so fucking cringe. Bro you are british. You've probably never even been in the same room as a gun. Your transbian boyfriends bb guns don't count.
What the fuck is up with limp-wristed faggots like Cafebeef and Nick Fuentes deluding themselves into thinking they are conservatives or right wing? It's almost as if they are deliberately trying to make conservatives look bad by swinging nazi flags and getting fucked in the ass. I bet actual conservatives hate these people.
It must just be 4chan exposure. So many incels do a white-nationalist LARP just because they literally got nothing going for them other than "at least I am white". But their degenerate, permanently online, porn-addicted, bum-buggering lifestyle is about as far removed from the conservative ideal of a nuclear family and strong traditional male who provides for his wife and kids as you could possible get. It's just such a joke. I don't get how nobody is pointing out how utterly embarrassing this is.
No. 1416177
>>1416120He should just call himself a libertarian like every other degenerate does. Being a homo and calling yourself conservative is like being a Jew and calling yourself a Nazi. It just doesn't make sense.
But honestly I think none of these dudes hold any political believes, they just have a fetish for being dommed by conservative men and imagining themselves as stay-at-home NEET-husbands who do nothing but watch porn all day while another man works. So trad UwU. Leave it to moids and their pornsick brains to center their entire life and ideology around what makes their PP hard. Literally everything they believe in is fake and based on a fetish, lmao.
No. 1416216
File: 1642092177745.png (312.36 KB, 2048x1036, chrome_screenshot_164209212583…)

No. 1416459
>>1416216Unironically what trans identified males do. Attempt to be a woman because they think it's easier to, detrans and live as a mutilated mentally ill man.
He's quite self aware.
No. 1416551
Stinkyanimegirl who used to go by the more popular handle and identity of Vanser definitely fits under this thread
httpe:// of his images are spoiler worthy so I had to pick a neutral one. Just be warned to have a sick bucket if you scroll through his tweets but he is every bit the stereotype of this thread and has a history of being nasty.
No. 1416552
File: 1642116502163.jpg (59.92 KB, 600x739, DvwY6X3W0AAaJOx.jpg)

>>1416551Forgot to attach the image sorry anonitas
No. 1416688
File: 1642126357801.jpeg (162.7 KB, 828x1792, D0640550-EF9D-4831-8420-1ECDE1…)

so i was looking through my photos and found these screenshots
No. 1416786
>>1416551Seems suspicious that you even found this person, and I don't see anything misogynistic in his posts, just hentai and nudes and shit
Theory: Either vendettapost from a fellow femboy, or a selfpost as some form of emotional self-harm/because you wanted to jerk off to women being mean to you, begone
No. 1416986
File: 1642165635074.png (66.42 KB, 746x582, cafe.png)

He also used to have sex with women. He is literally the archetype of an AGP, a normal man who broke his brain with so much porn that he now wants to take dick and dress like a woman. You can meme men into anything by showing them enough porn and if a soyboy like Cafebeef browses enough 4chan (where trap-porn and tranny-porn is pushed so fucking hard that you'd think it was purposefully malicious propaganda) you can even meme them into becoming gay transexuals.
He's literally just a weak beta-male who thought becoming a woman and getting fucked was an easier life than being a normal man. You see it happen to weak men all the time. He thinks he is not your average AGP hon because he transitioned before he is 40 with a chad-jaw, but his motives for transitioning are the same.
>tfw no gf
>tfw completely failed as a man
>discover 4chan and discord
>they told me I can just become a woman instead!
>memed into taking HRT
>get compliments for the first time ever by chasers
>fucked in the ass for the first time
>gay femboy is created
No. 1418040
File: 1642269911474.png (20.16 KB, 730x180, desperate.png)

Oof, desperate. Pretty sure Null would rather throw himself off his commie block balcony that spend any amount of time interacting with a britoid tranny.
No. 1418107
File: 1642274246477.png (44.74 KB, 724x302, cringe.png)

>>1418040It's pretty funny how Cafebeef and his friends will pretend they are better than transbians cause at least they aren't creeping on lesbians, meanwhile they do the exact same shit to straight men. HSTS want to force straight men into fucking their boypucci just like transbians want to force lesbians to suck the girldick. Two sides to the same sexpest coin.
No. 1418123
>>1418107Yeah it's almost like a strong man pressuring lesbian women is worse than a pathetic feminine gay guy trying to fuck straight guys… Hmm
Both are bad but don't pretend those terminally online gay guys can molest men like transbians can women.
No. 1418468
>>1416107They're racist SJWs, they want an all white degenerate dystopia. A place where one is free to be a necrophiliac tranny pedophile furry as long as you're white. Beef is likely just racist because the Muslims in England bully him every time he leaves his house, can't blame them tbh. It is pretty funny seeing a balding anorexic crossdresser.
>>1416986I think these straight moids are trooning because they've broken their dicks from cooming too much. The only way for them to get off now is by shoving shit up their assholes. They either troon or become nofap and wait for a 14 year old Catholic virgin girl to marry them and squirt out 10 deformed moidlings.
No. 1418678
File: 1642332541294.png (40.23 KB, 740x332, cafe.png)

How do you explain to trannies that they are not right-wing and that they are cutting their dicks off because that's what progressives tell them to do?
No. 1418681
File: 1642333033325.png (242.02 KB, 1476x990, deluded.png)

Idk where this tranny delusion comes from that they think starting HRT young will prevent them from aging like a man. I haven't seen a single tranny that did not grow up to look like a man, even if they passed well as a young boy and started hormones early. Look at Hunter Schafer and Kim Petras. Both started transitioning super young and looked pretty passable, but because they looked like young boys with long hair and didn't have strong male features yet. They have had all the surgeries, all the hormones and they are still aging like men. Starting HRT young can not prevent this at all and it's just so delusional to think that you won't look like a man by the time you are 30-40. HRT is not magic, sorry.
No. 1418962
File: 1642360398151.png (1.17 MB, 1513x2048, chrome_screenshot_164236004144…)

No. 1419013
>>1418678kek the absolute lack of self awareness anti-establishment
troons have will never not be funny, even just the idea of it is a punchline
No. 1420597
File: 1642530394478.png (814.26 KB, 581x1216, Untitled.png)

Hand feminization surgery when?
No. 1422318
File: 1642679859022.png (47.05 KB, 730x366, cafe.png)

One thing I don't understand about the weird homosexual trans people is like, if their goal is to get men… why go for straight men when it's so much easier to just be a twink and get gay men?
No. 1422754
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No. 1423062
File: 1642766444549.png (20.44 KB, 744x208, old.png)

Wait.. I thought HRT is magic and makes you forever young?
No. 1423063
File: 1642766466205.jpg (134.24 KB, 683x1024, old_femboy.jpg)

The twink death cometh for all.
No. 1423613
File: 1642817738512.jpg (48.95 KB, 1080x292, Screenshot_20220122-031420_Dis…)

>>1423333thats the last what i heard from him
No. 1423885
>>1423653Copebeef appears to currently be dating a different "femboy" who goes by handsome husband on twitter
>>1413754 so I am extremely doubtful that captain overbite's disappearance would effect him at all or if copebeef is aware of his ex-boyfriends existence anymore given how self centred he is. In all honesty copebeef's love life is absolutely fascinating. He really wants to come across as better then other tranny/women in general as he pretends he can get the alpha gigachad far right man of his dreams at the same time as he gets passed around by ugly tranny and femboys. Not even counting the rumors of copebeef having sex with people for money all the while dating one or more femboys.
>>1423870One. I am not the toothy shit pusher you halfwit retard.
Two. I am not the discord screenshot poster
So contribute to the thread and post milk on copebeef and anyone who is copebeef adjacent or fuck off.
>>1423613Was this message in DM's or in a server and are/was you friends with this ugly fucker?
No. 1423942
File: 1642863693709.png (1.05 MB, 1358x2048, chrome_screenshot_164286353952…)

What's with the scars?
No. 1424419
File: 1642907241966.jpeg (225 KB, 826x1202, B5D0FF97-B179-4D86-9848-2BD0BD…)

if i speak, i am in big trouble
No. 1425469
File: 1643044950665.png (54.33 KB, 744x520, lie.png)

Does anyone believe this lie? lol
Dude you browse /lgbt/ every day, almost every threadpic on there is some sort of porn, every thread has nudes and porn in it, you are looking at porn every day copebeef. What a dumb lie to tell. I guess he means he doesn't go on pornhub to watch twink-gets-dominated-compilation.mp4 but he is still viewing porn for several hours every day on 4chan and twitter.
No. 1425906
File: 1643071532285.jpg (634.77 KB, 1080x1707, Screenshot_20220124-160923_Twi…)

No. 1426227
File: 1643109870799.png (44 KB, 742x352, Untitled.png)

Basic concepts of biology are mean to men!! Women should be forced to procreate with unhealthy mentally ill males to make offspring that can't survive on their own!! Otherwise they are feminazis!
No. 1426256
>>1426239They want to fuck men, most men are straight, straight men want to bang women not feminine men, ergo they hate the fact that women have what they want - the attention of men, whether or not they realise women aren't always pleased about this as men are entitled and rapey when prioritising desire to coom. Straight incel moids hate women for similar reasons, they desire sex and are therefore easy, women are not (less testosterone + casual sex less beneficial for women with pregnancy, left to do majority of childcare, and social stigma greater for women, society says men with many partners = desirable, women with many partners = whore) in comparison to the average moid when not mentally ill from abuse (coping from being assaulted/pedoshit through hyper sexualisation), so they hate women for withholding what they desire, their prioritised coom.
No. 1426284
>>1426239In their minds it affects them because the straight dudes they want to bang reject them and go after women instead. Cafebeef especially outed himself as a straight-chaser. His hard-on for Null from Kiwifarms is probably largely because Null hates trannies and has expressed the desire for a traditional family with wife and kids. He is pretty much impossible for Cafebeef to attain, which makes him even more attractive in his eyes. Their dream is to take a straight man and turn him gay because they are so much "better" than women in their mind and OMG THEY DO ANAL ANYTIME!!! And women have cooties so why do you want women?!
Deep down of course they know that any man who fucks them is gay and sees them as a man. Their ideal partner can literally not exist and it makes them seethe. They then misdirect that hatred they really have for themselves towards women.
No. 1426687
>>1426233literally no femboy online is actually homosexual, every single one is a coping bihet jailhouse gay incel. literally no normal gay man spends all his time obsessing over women, reproduction and who they choose to date. femboys, just like sjw
valid transwomyn trancels, are not gay and im tired of pretending they are. they're just two different types of pseudobisexual, similar to straight "political lesbian" radfems.
No. 1427678
>>1426687Based. I've never thought troons and femboys were gay. Wouldn't it make more sense to "transition" into looking like a young boy than to be a balding freak with moobs, if you're a fag? Many OG trannies and even "gay" drag queens have admitted to fucking women. They're all coombrained and socially awkward straight males.
>>1426366Like how many serial killers were abused by their fathers, but only murder women. I've never understood women's obsession with effeminate fags. A lot of them are only women's friends to learn our mannerisms and socialization for their inevitable trooning.
No. 1428143
File: 1643278013332.png (522.74 KB, 736x744, yike.png)

Just like an anime girl
No. 1428144
File: 1643278219896.png (345.6 KB, 754x672, yike.png)

>>1428143Can you tell the difference nonnas?
No. 1428182
File: 1643283292418.png (44.14 KB, 746x408, lol.png)

No. 1428239
File: 1643291969270.jpg (303.91 KB, 1200x1800, Batman_v_Superman_-_Jesse_Eise…)

>>1428222nta, but this dude. Except for the jew-fro I can kinda see it. It's the jawline/neck area and the deep-set lifeless eyes.
No. 1430933
File: 1643575097431.png (351.48 KB, 746x794, fat.png)

Haven't checked in on Hyper_kyuun in a while. He now has pink hair and is fatter than ever.
No. 1430935
File: 1643575271036.png (393.36 KB, 738x550, fat.png)

I have to say, the fat does help troons pass better. He looks a lot like Amberlynn Reid with his fat moon face!
No. 1430941
File: 1643575443387.png (350.91 KB, 734x482, sex.png)

He is still a coomer who talks about the gross tranny sex he is having with his gay boyfriend every day, nothing has changed.
No. 1430953
File: 1643576694174.png (279.79 KB, 728x784, cringe.png)

>>1430947Probably in a previous thread.
No. 1431341
File: 1643625499878.png (32.03 KB, 262x200, fags.png)

YouTube scrotes, anyone?
No. 1433741
File: 1643904920386.png (948.11 KB, 1319x815, cringe.png) one is gaining serious traction among depraved moids and I feel like I am totally hallucinating. What is remotely androgynous or even youthful about him?
He's built like a brick shithouse. He types like a nerdy moid. He never shows his face to hide how much of a hon he is. All his videos consist of him wearing a skirt and doing idiotic anime girl poses in front of his brother. This is just a cult of AGP anime-watching incels putting on skirts and imagining themselves as "gynoids" or children to fuck each other
>>1398797 is right
No. 1434508
File: 1643992288887.gif (15.85 KB, 160x160, download.gif)

>>1433906Funny, he always reminded me of Toad from X-Men.
No. 1434521
File: 1643993818952.png (64.24 KB, 736x613, Untitled.png)

Smollbean Cafebeef uwupdate: he has been MIA from the internet because he spends every waking minute playing Pokemon, like the redditor soyboy he is. He's also going to start wearing corsets, which will surely somehow help widen his pelvis and shrinking his manshoulders. I guess.
No. 1435883
>>1391983why does he sound so wet, like he’s actively drooling
No. 1437118
File: 1644259884960.png (402.8 KB, 738x632, Untitled.png)

>never leaves his house
>never interacts with women
>only socializes on 4chan and twitter
>only sees female characters in anime
Tell me again how you are an expert on how women act.
No. 1437779
File: 1644320252831.png (32.43 KB, 736x334, Untitled.png)

>continues to post 1.000.000 tweets creepily obsessing over straight men
Complete lack of self-awareness.
No. 1437781
File: 1644320368270.png (452.17 KB, 736x778, Untitled.png)

This picture gives off very 70s child-molester vibes. The uncle diddler glasses and the mullet might not be the best combination.
No. 1440967
File: 1644618110273.jpg (52.23 KB, 720x406, dissapoint.jpg)

>february 2022
>cafemoid still hasn't 41%
No. 1441627
File: 1644687259774.png (231 KB, 742x727, ewww.png)

Probably the nastiest thing Cafebeef has posted yet, even worse than the piss fetish. Imagine walking around outside all day on dirty streets covered in homeless piss and then wearing those shoes INSIDE YOUR HOME. I want to vomit.
No. 1441630
File: 1644687332327.png (167.36 KB, 756x480, Untitled.png)

… and yet.
No. 1441698
>>1441630kek holy lack of self awareness
which social media is this?
No. 1441819
>>1441698I think he is aware, just unwilling to stop the quest for coom. Either that or deeply internalized homophobia (all his 'gf's' are men), or both lol. I don't feel bad for him either way since he's so intensely misogynistic
>>1441736Fuck that's nasty, I was assuming he was in NYC for whatever reason and had a similar reaction. Imagine tracking subway piss onto your rug and not caring, it costs zero dollars and ten seconds to take your shoes off at the door. And in response to the article, imagine being smug about it! I hate this country
No. 1442260
File: 1644774259404.png (89.96 KB, 758x574, Untitled.png)

twink death is creeping, cafebeef is weeping
No. 1442811
File: 1644850221726.png (25.41 KB, 727x170, twink_death.png)

You see, most people don't particularly enjoy getting older. Especially women are often self-conscious about getting wrinkles. But by the time this happens, most people already have a partner who loves them unconditionally, children to take care of, a family to provide for, a house to take care of, bills to pay, a job to do, etc. If you have a family that loves you and a partner to grow old together with then you are not nearly as worried about getting older. If you have kids to take care of you have other shit to be worried about than superficial looks. Your life is fulfilled even as a wrinkly old person because other things have become more important than looking hot and fuckable and if you chose a good man/woman to be by your side they will find you beautiful no matter your age.
It's really sad that people like Cafebeef will never experience this. Most gay men probably will never experience this. They are forever chasing the coom, chasing dick and living lives completely devoid of meaning and fulfillment. No wonder you are miserable, dude.
No. 1442869
When I read
nonnie say "most women have husband's and kids by then so they don't feel bad about getting old and wrinkly" I could almost feel the moid / pick me logic like radiation poisoning kek
No. 1443278
File: 1644884258460.jpg (74.02 KB, 574x769, scvz.jpg)

Scrotes are utterly mentally ill. There are way more GAMPs/AGPs among scrotes than people believe
No. 1443290
File: 1644885700574.png (303.81 KB, 570x677, 5on8lbpcfox31.png)

>>1442811Its more that aging or not, Copebeef knows women have multiple resources to pull from, which he as some bizarre cryptid and brief novelty for GAMP scrotes (i.e. actually worthless outside of his youth) doesn't have. He can't even be a homosexual, because homosexuals are attracted to adult men (I dont believe his bullshit about null for 1 second) while he is attracted to creepy femboys and troons (his entire dating history) who are themselves wholly repulsed by non-youthful traits, non-femininity and ""the wall"". Women find him repulsive on every level. Therefore he has nothing.
Pretty much all scrote reeee-ing about women being useless after """hitting the wall""" is resentment. To scrotes dismay, being female was no real barrier to professional success, even the most elderly women get tons of matches on Tinder, its often easier for women to apply for government assistance (depending on where you are), things like sperm banks are an option, so on and so forth. So being calculating, Copebeef is weighing his options and considering whether he will become a regular AGP lunatic (a troon) to attempt to 'gain' some of these privileges.
>>1442260Also, though scrotes love using this as some kind of pathetic threat (note to scrotes: you and the children I can produce are two different entities), having children is NO GUARANTEE you won't end up alone and in a home. In the homes, the majority of women I knew had large families.
No. 1443425
>>1443290Lol the resentment is biological because men a) age worse than women and b) normally cope via projection onto women. Look it up. I am eternally floored by how the notion of men "aging better" is universally taken at face value despite the common knowledge that men have shorter lifespans regardless of healthy habits (and DESPITE better medical care). An organism that's designed to live fast and die younger cannot be aging better BY DEFINITION. The fact that they're so obsessed with age seemingly out of the blue and chimp out about it unprompted is a tell tale sign of projection.
"The wall" may seem like something that's pulled out of thin air, but it's not. Most males see it in the mirror in their late 20s as their hair begins falling out. Look at your dad's young pics and tell me he resembles them in any capacity - the same male in his early 20s and early 30s are two different people, whereas women are generally recognizable as their past selves until they're like 60.
Males are supposed to fight each other to death, are actually not designed to survive past 30 and historically they didn't. In many ways it rescued them from the trauma of becoming barren, bald husks of their former selves. Sage for OT.
No. 1443439
File: 1644899206453.png (456.86 KB, 672x904, 929.png)

>>1442841Do you not know who made this thread and why kek? It's a faggot moid - likely "recovered", probably twink dead discord male-to-fail who went through some incel version of finding Jesus. The reason why this redundant tranny thread exists is because reading the MTF thread
triggers him too much. He occasionally posts some variation of "w-why can't we just hate trannies without hating men FUCK" there. You can be certain of this characterization as he also loves defending coomers as
victims of anti-huwite conspiracy.
If this creature is in any way female (x doubt), it's probably a seething 7th year fiance of whatever I just described.
No. 1443783
>>1443439The first thread was made by a selfposting femboy, but the other two were made by farmers and Cafebeef is the main lolcow in this thread. He doesn't belong into the MtF thread because he's a tranny in denial who still calls himself a man and consistently ponders detransitioning. Femboys deserve their own thread and if nobody found them interesting we wouldn't be on #3 already.
Idk why some people on here constantly gotta post their weird fucking tinfoils as if they know who posted what on a fucking anonymous imageboard. You look insane.
No. 1443864
File: 1644941459416.jpg (652.64 KB, 1080x1816, Screenshot_20220215-110242_Fir…)

>>1443784Try the first thread. Better yet, try the previous tradthot thread, and the one before it, and many others. Just ctrl+f any of the keywords below.
There's always this one ballistic poster who is obsessed with molestation, radfems, lesbians, cats, femcels and whatnot, bringing them up out of the blue as he sees them as some sort of an affront to mvh traditional family. He is completely incapable of making a post about femboys without shoehorning some sort of nofap/tradcel moral lesson in it, though I can tell he's been trying (unsuccessfully). It's interesting that he's not on r/kiwicels, since they would be a much better fit for him, but he also likes to insist he's a woman so it might have something to do with it.
No. 1445019
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No. 1445609
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>>1443864>Random example from a totally different threadTinfoil on a little tight, maybe?
No. 1446628
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No. 1446923
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Must be nice being a tranny on twitter and being able to say whatever dumb bullshit goes through your head without ever getting banned. True privilege.
No. 1447088
File: 1645292919442.png (20.56 KB, 740x164, Untitled.png)

>>1447068Imagine if someone said the word "troon" on twitter and how fast they would get banned for hatespeech. But Cafebeef can be a raging misogynist and racist all day long just fine, cause he's protected by being a tranny.
No. 1447153
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No. 1447946
File: 1645381511535.png (861.08 KB, 770x698, Untitled.png)

Looks like he'd fit right in with his pokemon obsession and piss fetish? What's the issue pal? You're constantly tweeting about your fetishes for being beaten up by white supremacists, you think these dudes are more degenerate than you? Lmfao.
>hate women
>hate trannies
>hate gay men
Damn, looks like only straight men are left for you to hang out with, too bad they are repulsed by tranny faggots. You really did it to yourself, Cafebeef. You will never be happy.
No. 1447950
File: 1645381897470.png (439.43 KB, 916x1476, Untitled.png)

He's been pissing and moaning on twitter all day about the same old shit, so I just screenshotted my favorites. When's the neck-feminization surgery?
No. 1450050
File: 1645606919282.png (496.77 KB, 701x883, 458456.png) astonishing how quickly the femboy garbage, created by depraved pornscrotes like Zilv Gudel and adopted by chan or discord pedoscrotes with 'strict' standards about whatever underage catamite they're grooming, got taken over by blind AGPs.
When I looked into this subculture a few years ago it was full of gay twinks and flamers ambivalent about the term hoist upon them by 'zaddy' (who would dump them at the old age of 21). Now it is full of Aliexpress wearing cromagnons, uwu plaid skirt flaunters and flutterers, crusted-up thigh-high socks cummers and anime girl-posing maskscrotes.
AGPs are addicted to any aspect of habituating, skinning, co opting and hijacking whatever tptb formulate as 'feminine and child-like'.
No. 1450060
File: 1645607896003.png (118.48 KB, 768x722, Untitled.png)

Imagine being 28 and still attention-whoring like this on the internet. I would also be depressed and stressed if I had not accomplished anything at all in my life at that age either and had no prospects to ever be happy, healthy or in a loving relationship. I assume he will neck once he turns 30 and realizes that he wasted his entire youth and all of his money on reaching a goal that he can never reach, lol.
No. 1453206
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No. 1454057
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No. 1454340
>>1454077If they don't have to be spoilered on a 4chan blue board then why here, dumbass?
>>1454079Every gay man and tranny seems to have a story about being molested or raped, so probably explains the autopedophilia, why they try to supress masculinity and hate anyone over 30.
No. 1455286
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No. 1455362
>>1453206This dude recently trooned out and keeps the femboy in his name bc he's a pedo groomer. He follows a lot of underage boys and is constantly liking their pics.
>>1455286I don't feel bad for him. All that shit he was talking about women and now he's a botched freak who is somehow uglier than he was before. Early trooning would've made him just as hideous, idk why they believe it'll do anything. You can't get rid of a male skeleton.
No. 1455594
File: 1646218976028.png (33.43 KB, 599x356, CopeBF.png)

Seeing these two flirting constantly between copebeef's shitty tweets about how much he hates woman and is not like other trans "women" is truly nauseating beyond belief.
No. 1459410
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No. 1461702
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No. 1462083
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No. 1462483
>>1462151Agreed, and he ain't special
>>1462226This is why the thread isn't active kek, it's crawling with selfposters and scrotes
No. 1462611
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No. 1466177
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No. 1466181
File: 1647177432424.png (103.32 KB, 740x712, Untitled.png)

REEEEEEEEE women don't affirm my fetishes!!! Why is there now way for me to live my fetish of wearing girl clothes that women will affirm?! What word do I need to call myself so women will finally accept my degenerate fetish as a real identity?!!!
They really think we can't tell the difference between a little boy who wants to wear his sisters dress because he doesn't understand gender roles and an adult man in a schoolgirl skirt who gets an erection from crossdressing for his sexual fetish.
No. 1478721
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he could just check out the she/hers in his followers list
No. 1480922
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No. 1480927
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No. 1481977
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>>1480922He's an absolute unit of a manlet. Sad as fuck seeing how he thinks this is what a woman looks like.
No. 1494004
>>1453206His gross cuck father tolerates his bullshit because he is AGP
Same reason no scrote kicked Stefonknee's or Yaniv's shit in, they sympathize lmao
No. 1494931
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No. 1495043
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>>1481489Late af reply but apparently there was a lot more
No. 1498030
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No. 1498037
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No. 1498038
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No. 1503577
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No. 1503581
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No. 1510830
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No. 1546278
>>1511520lol true
and the gay ones are especially dismayed over this b/c 100% of their self esteem is derived from being sexually desired by other bipedo-tier shits.they'll often have a crisis towards the ends of their thirties and have surgery or become orthorexic and addicted to exercise.
these kinds of gays are usually the most misogynistic for obvious reasons. i hope the nasty fuckers suffer.
No. 1549605
File: 1654398570261.jpg (Spoiler Image,263.27 KB, 1078x2018, 124642t7iu5.jpg)

jfc, i was looking for new underwear and this is a review right at the top complete with photo. sage, and posting here because it read more femboy than full troon.
No. 1552030
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No. 1552770
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No. 1552851
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You guys bullied him into lifting
No. 1554892
File: 1654804763668.jpg (33.32 KB, 854x480, THKbBpP.jpg)

Dimitri got named in the recent flamenco drama. Pedos of a feather
No. 1554955
He will probably live a healthier life that way.
No. 1555658
>>1555036Love yourself
nonnie… He looks like that girl who photoshops a dick on her crotch and pretends to be a femboy (but somehow uglier)
No. 1560685
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>>1554909Expectation vs. Reality
No. 1567742
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No. 1567743
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No. 1568740
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>>1567742this pic of cafebeef looks scarily similar to me should I be scared
No. 1570310
>>1567743This is a good thing but tbh he's probably just trying to become the next detroon pet to gender critical women. Even if that's the case, oh well. Hopefully this encourages other femboys/boymoders to stop embarrassing themselves.
>>1552851Another win, hopefully he stays this way. Dude looked insane when he was posting his thot pictures for his 5 stans in here lmao
No. 1570678
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No. 1571424
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No. 1571425
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No. 1571427
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No. 1573841
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No. 1574345
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No. 1574892
>>1571424How tall is café moid? Kids clothes wouldn't be tall enough for an adult
>>1571148That is the funniest chin and mouth situation I've ever seen
No. 1575398
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An IRL "catboy".
No. 1578859
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someone take grandpa back to bed
No. 1581526
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>>1394730The guys who are into crossdressers are GAMPs.
They're a weird tier of male bisexuality that gets off to the idea of feminizing another man, because stealing another dude's maleness by assfucking him and coercing him to wear skirts allegedly makes you more masculine.
It's creepy as hell.
That or they're closeted tranny chasers who will troon out and 41% themselves in a few years.
Regardless, regular gay men aren't into this shit.
No. 1581527
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>>1573926>>1575408Makes it even cringier.
No. 1583317
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Key word here is "publicly"…
No. 1583321
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>>1583317This useless sack of shit and drain on resources is so fucking ugly as both moid and LARPer, there’s no hope
No. 1586849
>>1586313troons unironically believe it makes you shorter, makes your grow hips, makes your hair softer, makes you have less body hair, makes your shoulders narrower bla bla
in reality i think the most a perfect HRT regimen would do is give them A cups and less oily skin and slightly stunt height growth, that is if they started during puberty and consistently maintained female levels of estrogen and testosterone
No. 1586866
>>1586313a man at my work started estrogen last year and it just made him fatter. he already had man tiddies and they got a little bigger, but they still just look like gynecomastia.
and now any time he’s hungry or bitchy, he blames it on HRT.
No. 1586875
>>1583347It's just about coom and hierarchy. Low vibrational moids cannot operate outside of the paradigms of coom and the barrage of other moids opinions of their place in the 'pecking order'. He either has to be weird moustache man or little girl
This is the same brain damage Limpida the ex-tumblr troon suffers from. Individuality means other scrotes will be mean to them and they can't handle it (ironically the shit they project onto women)
No. 1586913
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No. 1586914
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No. 1586918
>>1586313It basically makes them reach the "andropause" quicker and harder, when they take the horse piss pills they experience
>Feelings of sadness, moodiness, irritability>Difficulty enjoying life in general>An increasing lack of energy and enthusiasm>Weight gain and fat redistribution, most notably around the midsection and/or breast tissue>Loss of muscle, stamina and strength>Decreased desire for sex or intimacy>Diminished sperm volume>“Brain fog,” or an inability to focus and think clearly>Waning performance at work>Some hair loss, or less growth in body and facial hair>Trouble sleeping, feeling constantly tired>Reduced ability in playing sports, exercising>Increasing withdrawal from family, hobbies, going out and so onAccording to this site I found actually recommends men over 30 (or post-male-wall) to take testosterone because the lack of testosterone actually can increase the risk of:
>Diabetes>Cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke>Respiratory disease>Osteoporosis, or the thinning of bone density, making you more prone to injury>Depression>Erectile dysfunction (ED)Which is what they experience once they take their horse piss piles for too long.
So you could say that they're killing themselves slowly while getting applauded for doing so while huffing so much copium that it makes them think they're becoming anime girls.
No. 1586976
>>1586956I would happily subsidize it for them if it means desexing them and eventually pushing them to 41%
unfortunately this means they’ll also troon out literal children and force their ways into our spaces, so.
No. 1587220
>>1586918With all these self-imposed risks, watch insurance companies have merciful sympathy on the condition of male entitlement and actually cover all their crotchrot needs and accessories.
Actual females. Naw, they're good on their own - always have been and always will.
No. 1607959
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>>1607956(replying to males)
No. 1608046
File: 1659710936090.png (486.83 KB, 850x898, 1573354668096.png)

What in the schizo namefaggery scroteposting is this?
No. 1771708
File: 1676809402608.webm (695.84 KB, 320x568, mXIB3miSz_ww9r0m.webm)
WTF happened to F1NN5TER? it was somewhat funny when he was doing this when he was still clearly male but now it appears he's either taking hormones or doing something with his face to go out of his way to be sexualized
No. 1782534
File: 1677954279323.png (645.13 KB, 583x1005, CAPTURE.png)

F1NN5TER released an onlyfans, he's made something like 40'000 in less then a week
Honestly he’s not even that attractive either then other femboys, he just looks underage
No. 1782940
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>>1782534we live in a strange timeline, there was a chinese streamer who also pretended to be a "femboy" and lost half her subs when her real gender was revealed, there's also this recent case of a regular of a woman claiming to be a "futanari" and she's getting troons mad, which is based but still fucking weird that's in happening in the first place
No. 1783492
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>>1782940And moids have the audacity to imply women are jealous of them KEK I hope big name OF women jump on them just to piss them off more.
No. 1876884
File: 1691284171687.png (Spoiler Image,66.08 KB, 585x803, 1691218655666988.png)

Necroing to post about femboy pornstar Jean/Ella Hollywood. He's a pedophile with an "early porn indoctrination" fetish.
On August 1st, Twitter user Gigglygoonclown was doxxed and outed as a groomer and disseminator of CP. After Giggly's discord server was archived, screencaps that he had posted of his interactions with Jean were found. These interactions included Jean
>getting off to giggly's grooming
>getting off to the thought of kids looking at his porn
>getting off to pedophilic "Bad Belle" gooner captions
>making a hypno video that encourages the viewer to consume real CP, though loli images are used
The @toonsoda alt was swiftly deleted after this emerged.
No. 1900957
File: 1695154301514.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 1440x1800,…)

I know this thread is pretty much dead but I thought I could maybe add something here. forgive me for this, but this is a small compilation of "femboy memes" and unsurprisingly they're all porn brainrot. they really are just TiMs with a different name. 99% of them are just submissive bottom gay sex jokes or wearing shitty dollar store egirl attire. I hope to God this femboy trend dies out. it makes me lose hope that there are any normal dudes out there who're feminine without turning it into a fetish.
No. 1901454
>>1901236It's interesting you say this anon because I knew of the term "femboy" and just thought it was supposed to be the male-equivalent of "tomboy". But when I looked into "femboys", I noticed how it seems to be totally sexually driven. I had to try to adjust myself to seeing how weird it was seeing men dressing like e-girls but I tried to be open minded because at the very least, they weren't claiming to be women like troons do.
But there's not denying that most of what I saw with these "femboys" was totally perverse. Like the only reason they're wearing those short skirts paired with fishnets is because they're getting some sexual thrill from it and that to me is just unsettling.
>>1901238I feel you anon, if you're involved in the nerd/anime/gaming culture, "femboys" are everywhere when it comes to the online social world and after checking out what these femboys are about only to find that a good many of them are just kinksters like the troons, it's soured me. I mean surely there are some genuine GNC men out there who aren't that way just for fetish right…?
No. 1901644
File: 1695259181425.jpg (181.86 KB, 717x957, we get it already.jpg)

>>1901454the only gnc guys I maybe trust are the ones who don't self describe themselves as femboys, crossdressers, etc. if it's just a fashion thing they like and it's not like their entire personality. still on thin fucking ice thou. on a related note, our good ol boy Jude is still riding on his "I'm so manly and masculine even though I look like a girl UwU" gimmick. I knew shit hit the fan the moment he annouced opening an onlyfans and it only got worst knowing how many depends and troons he associates and befriends with. I can't wait till twink death hits him and he'll have to find an actual personality
No. 1901793
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>>1901644>the only gnc guys I maybe trush are the ones who don't self describe themselves as femboys, crossdressers, etc.That seems like a good measure to go with. I totally remembered Mana-Sama from the visual kei band Malice Mizer and he doesn't give me a kinkster fetishist vibes at all even though he dresses to the nines in Gothic Lolita fashion. Even when he wore the shorter skirts, I didn't really get creep factors from it.
I also have never actually sat and watched this Jude guy, I've only seen a few clips and he rubbed me the wrong way. Thanks for the description anon because he sounds obnoxious with that bullshit. And if this guy is befriending troons, it's only a matter of time before he troons out as well/
>>1901666>>1901690>lolicon pedofreaksWhat the fuck is wrong with these people. See, this doesn't illicit any positive first impressions with this crap.
No. 1901824
File: 1695301643070.jpg (612.79 KB, 1820x2800, 20230921_074455.jpg)

>>1901793another Vkei/Jrock nona, nice. Mana Sama my beloved, and you're right. I never got fetishy vibes from him either. he just genuinely loves the fashion. another bandman that comes to my mind as a good example is takuma tani. married 46 year old with a wife and kids, and loves to model lolita fashion.
it's the way they view femininity that makes me dislike femboys. their sense of femininity is just for the coom and shitty memes.
No. 1905671
>>1901796AYRT and I'm sorry but "repressor"? How do you mean? Sorry I never really looked into Mana's private life. Is he gay?
>>1901824Virtual high five anon. I was all about Vkei/J-Rock when I was in high school and I sometimes miss those days, it was a lot of fun and best of all, the guys in these bands had effeminate looks but they didn't give me gross creep factor like todays "femboys" do. I also never heard of Takuma Tani so I looked him up and I see what you mean, just goes all in with the look and does it in a respectable way, we love to see it.
>it's the way they view femininity that makes me dislike femboys. their sense of femininity is just for the coom and shitty memesAgreed and it's very easy to tell when they're doing it for the coom. Wearing short skirts with thigh high socks and having a lot of snapped photos of them wearing that (bonus if they're doing suggestive poses) or super skimpy outfits. It's just obvious that it's about getting off and they usually have no style of cohesion.
No. 1975932
File: 1710368882097.mp4 (3.62 MB, 640x360, op_0rgIt7rDCxarQ.mp4)

there was a small group of femboys in a Mardi Gras parade in Australia parade and they really never beating the Amazon basics and coomer wear allegations I fear
No. 1976129
File: 1710420340271.png (1008.42 KB, 2063x2228, 1sthalf.png)

Stumbled upon this subreddit while lurking on, they were attempting to raid it (and failed). Epstein particles are strong with this one. I don't know what else to say, you can see it all in the screenshots. I feel disgusting even posting these. This is the first, somewhat tame half of the compilation I made. I'll post the rest spoilered so you don't get flashbanged.
No. 1976132
File: 1710420758828.png (Spoiler Image,1.85 MB, 2063x2704, 2ndhalf.png)

>>1976129The rest. I don't understand how this groomer pedo central is still up. I'm not familliar with reddit, is this how they always deal with such things? Detrans subreddit got nuked but not this? Tried sending some reports and got one automated denied responce so far. I feel so bad for these kids
No. 1976142
>>1976132What the fuck
>>1976137You realize that the moids grooming teen “femboys” are gay, right? All this does is perpetuate a cycle of pedophilia in the gay community. Not sure how breeding more misogynistic pedo defenders helps teen girls in any way
No. 1976325
>>1976129why the fuck is this even allowed on Reddit in a "SFW" format? Femboys
at best are some specific aesthetic based sexual subculture, like leather daddies or I guess twinks? Gay teenage boys may have unique experiences and need a place where they can feel free to express themselves (will also guaranteed be filled to the brim with groomers tho) but femboys are just gay guys dressed in girly clothes. Anything they have to talk about with each other is the same as any other gay teenager, so why the separation? It is literally just faggy guys in skirts, age shouldn't matter unless you're a groomer.
No. 1993962
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i was going to put this in mtf but cafebeef's been in this thread a lot
No. 1993994
>>1993962>telling people to go outside is classistKEKKK
going on a walk is free you faggot
No. 1995249
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>>1395265It’s mostly gynophilic: straight men and lesbians have the same criminality patterns while gay males are even less violence prone than women you should act like an adult: don’t beg or ask for safety, if you’re being attacked mace eyes, if it’s a serious attack shoot them. Problem solved.
>>1402635>white men should save usDon’t infantilize yourself. Take initiative for your own safety and you’ll see things get better.
(Unsaged reply to 2-year-old posts with bait) No. 1995257
>>1995255I mean the studies cited here says that’s similar between them and men too.>poorMaybe growing up in harsh conditions makes them act like men? Who knows but maybe they’re on to something since they’re not as commonly
victims since they’ll use force/agression against an attack.
No. 1995416
>>1995264>extremely online TBF this thread is mostly seething about a weird group of feminine men who say they’re not women and will never be women, but still provoked walls of text worth of mad. It’s a bit too late to worry about being extremely online.
>>1995268I mean the study is from a huge national survey. also isn’t saying there isn’t a huge sex crimes gap, just that when you break down into orientation that’s a more reliable marker than sex.
>crossdressingPretty sure that’s a dying trait, even with femboys. People trying to pink pill them made it die as a backlash.
>gay community is riddled with rapeYeah, but it’s mostly from straight guys who secretly have sex with men and have anger issues. Also straight drug addicts who make exceptions and from criminals who think faggots are easier targets since the police don’t care about them.
Again, this is why the take charge of your self defense suggestion is genuine. You can’t trust others. Get a good OC spray, get good at shooting pocket pistols and make sure you never become a
victim. You can’t be hurt if you’re dangerous.
(derailing) No. 1996144
File: 1716207636335.png (1.14 MB, 2560x1444, 1.png)

BREAKING NEWS: Hell broke out on X (formerly Twitter), when a 16 y.o. lesbian kpop stan dared to call femboys ugly: 56 dead, 72 injured, 32 missing.
No. 1996146
File: 1716208075438.png (921.51 KB, 1235x2650, fagtears.png)

>>1996144Fags and faghags are bravely fighting back with lesbophobia, slurs, misogyny (it's socially acceptable as long as you pretend to hate white women only) and accusations of fatherlessness (because that's totally not men's fault).
No. 1996155
File: 1716208967462.png (1.63 MB, 2853x1470, jumpscare.png)

i'm sorry i can't keep doing this news reporter gimmick i'm fucking dying laughinf
No. 1996159
File: 1716209408857.mp4 (2.48 MB, 720x854, seethe.mp4)

was just about to post this too
No. 1996160
>>1996144I love how their reaction to the most milquetoast of criticism is to prove the based K-pop lesbian right kek
>>1996146> "You couldn't get a man so you had to be a lesbian"It's giving "w-well we didn't want to fuck you anyway you ugly bitch >:-("
No. 1996163
File: 1716210790701.png (1.04 MB, 1620x835, gorgeous feminine cuties.png)

>>1996161yeah it's horrible. she's absolutely destroying them though, never apologised and pinned that tweet instead. what a queen
she's going on a vacation with her friends soon and I wish her the best, hope she has a good time while these crusty unwashed hikkineet moids stay inside sorting through their 40 terabytes loli futa hentai folder
No. 1996170
>>1996163>whitest gamer moid phenotype face complete with the thinnest lips imaginable >Fat moobs and huge schnoz>lazy eyeWow well I’m intimidated by these very
feminine femboys
No. 1996364
File: 1716264045546.png (309.01 KB, 2222x2222, uglyfatsausagefingers.png)

>>1996146Something I noticed about these faggots is that they act like hundreds of grown moids sending pedophilic lesbophobic rape threats to a teenager is on the same level of some twitter user calling someone ugly. You know what non insecure people do when they're called ugly online? they either block or ignore. However, these fags cant handle a light swing towards their huge egos so it comes crashing down on everyone in their area. It's so pathetic. They're incredibly smug about it too, they sit there tapping on their little keyboards as their smegma builds up. Literally all of the moids faghags and other moids are defending have some sort of lolishit on their page. It's the NAMBLA thing all over again
No. 1996399
File: 1716272258865.jpg (256.93 KB, 1077x1725, 1000006107.jpg)

>>1996163unfortunately she herself is a handmaiden. she even grouped tifs in when she made her original post saying men are ugly
No. 1996413
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>>1996328It’s the same with trannies too. Maybe because they were all bullied in school? Or trying to regain some control in their life KEK
No. 1999111
File: 1717102625269.jpg (30.34 KB, 400x400, P9c3n_Qh_400x400.jpg)

Bursted out laughing when I saw his hairline. This one is polish. Why are so many of them polish? Is there something in the water over there? Can polish nonnies confirm? This sounds like a joke but I'm genuinely curious. I see polish femboys too often for it to be just a coincidence.
No. 1999163
File: 1717116816271.png (278.1 KB, 441x700, IMG_2842.png)

>>1999111They watched hetalia and thought they could be him
No. 1999341
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>>1999111polish men have delicate features in youth, which to pig-like westerners appear feminine. similar to the thai ladyboy phenomenon. heavily online polish males grow up getting attention from groomers. it is also a meme, and people like memes. most of these males cosplaying femboys online do it as a "joke".
large cities are full of anime-loving trash like this.
the life cycle of a polish man is such, that in his late 20s he hits twink death, shaves his head and becomes a roidpig, just as a beautiful slavic mail order tradwife eventually turns into an axe chucking babushka.
t. pole
No. 1999401
>>1999163>>1999341>>1999364Polish women must be considering suicide daily.
>>1999111I would kill myself if I had to interact with a moid like this one on a daily basis.
No. 1999476
>>1999341Do they become reactionaries before or after losing their hair?
Also, what influence Catholicism does (or doesn't) have in this phenomenon?
No. 1999485
File: 1717197052164.jpg (Spoiler Image,428.97 KB, 1080x1456, Screenshot_20240531_160709_Sam…)

>>1999341Lol meanwhile, the first pic to pop up on google images when you type "polish man" is this, spoilered beacause ugly moids.
(I realize these are AI generated but its just funny that its the first result)
No. 1999493
>>1999490Ayrt. Lmfao the man in the middle is my favorite. Honestly thats how i see most men so i think google ai images did a great job.
The good thing about the invention of ai generated images, we can all rest assured that this existence is not a simulation because the matrix would be a literal hot mess.
No. 1999497
File: 1717198931905.jpg (666.65 KB, 1080x917, 1000025352.jpg)

>>1999341>polish men have delicate features in youth, which to pig-like westerners appear feminineDelusional anon, have you never been to Poland because picrel is accurate. "Delicate features" kek.
No. 1999500
>>1999497Slav moids of every breed look like progeroid pigs in the face by the time they're 13.
The only difference I can note is body development. Westoid males are 6 ft tall and look like 25 year old linebackers by puberty because of hormone treated dairy and meat overconsumption that's constantly jerking off their growth pathways. They may think slavoids are "feminine" simply because they're shorter and thinner, not because they have more human looking faces.
No. 1999517
>>1999497Are those really teens? They look 35 minimum
What's is in the Polish waters? Kek
Slavic women look gorgeous and moids always look they come out of SCP foundation
No. 1999611
>>1999497>>1999517that looks like podlasie, nonnies. they are another breed.
jokes aside, styling does a lot. short-cropped hair and unfashionable practical clothing is the go-to for most, because it is no-nonsense, and that is what masculinity is. any guy who cares about his appearance gets called a faggot. and voila, they embrace being called a faggot, even if they're straight, and they put on these long socks and eyeliner to prove to the ladies that they are "sensitive" and that "they are not like those boorish manly men".
this is my unironic statement as to femboys in poland.
No. 2019227
File: 1722038848005.png (549.17 KB, 994x718, teenfemboy.png)

exhibit A
No. 2019228
File: 1722038890857.png (10.02 MB, 2268x3024, jumpscare.png)

>>2019227exhibit B
(context?) No. 2056165
File: 1731537972296.jpg (477.58 KB, 1080x1187, Screenshot_20241114_003920_Chr…)

ctrl+c ctrl+v
No. 2057184
File: 1731765121401.jpg (285.18 KB, 1075x1611, efe57a37-60ed-4fdd-8aac-9a2581…)

>>1996144Look at how much one mere little word, "ugly", unleashed their tard rage. Not even %1 of the degradation women and girls experience almost daily since the day we're born, but moid's still can't handle it because even handmaiden's empty praise makes them seethe. If a handmaiden spergs about how beautiful and ladylike they are, they'll seethe because they're not autistic enough to not recognize they don't mean it. So when a teen lesbian, the thing they desperately wish they could be, calls them ugly with her full chest they KNOW she's telling the truth, and that truth is what all women are actually thinking when they see them.
Also, any milk on F1NN5TER? I remember some nonna talking about how a rich pedo fag has been paying him since he was a teen to larp as a femboy and do some pedo roleplays in another thread. God, he's so ugly. Papercut lips, big schnoz, frizzy tangled hair, those shitty broomstick lashes in a poor attempt to trick moids into thinking he looks girly.
No. 2057216
File: 1731771292439.jpeg (470.15 KB, 1320x2346, ti7624apwwwd1.jpeg)

>>2057184there's plenty of milk on him available on the other farms and i don't see the point of reposting it all but here's a quick summary:
>kiwifarms found his paypig/groomer's (Tenmuses) identity. >troon boyfriend started doing porn with a woman (actual female woman) in F1NN5STER's apartment>broke up with him shortly after>jude announced he'll be taking a break from "working hard" (whatever that means)>hired people to manage his onlyfans>OF subscribers are upset because they thought they were chatting with F1NN5STER when it was actually his employees>tried to do a locktober challenge for OF by locking his dick in a cage for the whole month of november. paywalled thd content produced from it behind an additional $200 subscription. broke the cage not even two weeks in No. 2077617
File: 1736817588333.jpg (457.03 KB, 750x1042, Abomination..jpg)

Stumbled across this specimen.
No. 2077624
File: 1736817857635.jpg (433.88 KB, 750x1016, boo.jpg)

His bio says fashion model
No. 2077625
File: 1736817891394.jpg (366.47 KB, 750x916, how.jpg)

How is he doing this
No. 2077626
File: 1736817916900.jpg (664.62 KB, 750x1037, gangly.jpg)

Okay that's all, thank you.